#((but what if sol starter))
deadn30n · 10 months
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« 𝐈. » @goldenfists
oh  god.
oh god.
it's  actually him.
videos  and  pictures  were  one  thing,  but  here  in  person...  Eden  quickly  realized  that  they  didn't  do any  justice  to  him  at  all.  and  heavens  above  if  they  don't  pass  out  right  here  on  the  spot,  it'd  be  a  miracle  if  they  survived  this  elevator  ride  crammed  in  so  close  to  him.  undoubtedly  he  hasn't  the single  clue  who  they  could  be   (   because  why  would  a rockstar  know  anything  about  an internet  idol  popstar   )  but  a  rabbit  could  dream  right?
there  were  so  many  emotions  going  through  their  mind  right  now;  outwardly  they  looked  calm.  perhaps  a  little  pale,  but calm  nonetheless.  eyes  fixated  forward,  hands  folded  neatly  in  front  of  them.  Eden  had  idolized  him  for months;  idolized  him  because  the  two  of  them  were alike. 
he   (   a  vastaya  proudly  in  the  limelight   )   and  they,   (   a  vastaya  just  rising  up  in  the  world   ).  they'd  always  wondered  if  there  was  a  place  for  someone  like them  in  the  world;  they  never  thought  their  kind  could  be  so  openly  harmonious  with  humans.  but  here  Sett  was,  singing  his  heart  out  alongside  five  of  arguably  the  most incredible  people  Eden  had  ever  seen,  and  it  gave  them hope.  hope  that they  too  could  be  so  widely  accepted.
these  thoughts  drift  away  as  the  sound  of  their  phone  begins  to  ring  in  their  ears,  and  they  fumble  to  pull  it  out  of  their  pocket.  in  the  process  of  doing  this,  the  miniature sett  figurine  keychain  they  had  attached  to  it  somehow  becomes detached  and  hits  the  carpeted  floor  of  the  elevator.  mortified,  Eden  dives  down  to  try  and  retrieve  it,  only  to  collide  the  top  of  their  head  with  his  painfully  hard,  i  might  add,  thigh.
stars  spring  out  in  front  of  their  eyes  and  they  drop  to  their  knees,  holding  their  poor  head  and  ears  as  tears  spring  to  the  corners  of  their  eyes.  they're  too  terrified  to  say  a word  to  him  about  it,  having  already  made  enough  of  a fool  of  themselves  to  last  a  lifetime.  if  they  died  right  here  and  now?  yeah,  they'd  be  satisfied  with  that.  pass  away  so  they  didn't  have  to  face  whatever  repercussions  were  about  to  come  their  way.  poor  thing.
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blazingflareon · 1 year
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felt like drawing some sonic again so obviously itd be my pokemon protags bc my ass still has one foot in that hyperfixation :^)
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rpvlix · 2 years
Song: Absinthe by IDKHBTFM
It was obvious that the lives of their siblings were far different than their own. He couldn't really help but wonder if it was, in fact, a better type of different. Fouskotos, Astathis, Braso, Andras... None of them had lived up to Aton's expectations, and, with some exceptions, their lives certainly seemed more... interesting, at the very least.
It was not the first time she had questioned the teachings of her father, anyone with Solinas' level of intellect would question authority every now and then. But this was perhaps the most serious moment of thought, of regret, as he stood there, bleeding profusely.
Hand still clutching the wound in shock, she looks down to assess the damage, letting up on the pressure slightly to look. He knows not to, but it seems that instinct takes over a bit, even for someone as well-trained as her.
An abdominal wound. The deep purple swirls out slowly, pooling in her hand a moment before she applies pressure once again. It changes in the light, a bit more pink as it drips, exactly once... How embarrassing.
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vyriadurav · 1 year
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(Edit: using this as a pinned post about all my books for now in lieu of another one. This was formerly for International Lesbian Day but now is a one stop shop for all my books) For starters, consider checking out
Catnip Amazon | Itch.io | Alternative Ebook Sellers | Audiobook For all his life, Sol has believed he's only worthy of affection as long as he's useful--and he intends to prove his ultimate use by restoring a colony on Venus as a new home for his friends and lovers. But upon arriving, he realizes there's more here than he bargained for. For one, the resident artificial intelligence wants to make friends with him. For another, the nanites want to completely change his body... and in the process reveal her true self. Stuck (or perhaps blessed?) with a new form, she must find out what it means to live, to be loved for who she is rather than her work. Catnip is a cozy space exploration novel about a trans woman's journey to find herself and what it means to be loved for who she is, with the help of her polycule and a lesbian AI. If Sci-fi isn't quite your speed, you can also check out
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The Hatchling Amazon | Itch.io | Alternative Ebook Sellers
Sarric dreamed of dragons all his life; such flights of fancy captured his imagination at a young age and sustained him through the cruelty of the hunters that ruled the isolated mountain town of Rivermist. One day, a real dragon appears before him, dazzling him with her beauty and an answer to the unease that's afflicted him for as long as he remembers. He's eager to take what she offers--but the greedy hunters, driven by tales of treasure hoards, will do everything in their power to destroy her. The Hatchling is a fantasy about a trans woman's journey of accepting her identity and her new found family.
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If you want something a little spicier, consider reading Wyrmheart Itch.io exclusive
A mage without home or family seeks to establish a legacy for herself so that her name might ring out through the ages.
An assassin is charged with striking at the heart of a draconic cult that surely hides some greater evil.
Wyrmheart is a story set in Maria Ying's Those Who Break Chains universe and tells the story of trans women making their way through life in this fantastical world.
You can also take a look at my Patreon where I am currently writing several things, but primarily
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Forged in the Light of New Stars
Forged is a t4t lesbian isekai story about a closeted trans woman and a repressed, rotten egg (in the trans sense) who find themselves transported to a vibrant, magical world filled with advanced technology, mysteries to discover, and most importantly: a place where they can their truest selves. Follow Gwen as she strives to take control of her life, to be the woman she's always known she could be, and find true happiness.
Follow Brian as he struggles to cast off the chains that his family has bound him in, to undo the bigoted messages they poured into him constantly, and find out, deep down, who she truly is.
Watch them fall in love with each other and with the mystical world of Tellara and all the new friends they make along the way. See them uncover secrets about the connection between Earth and Tellara and their purpose as travelers between worlds. Magic, alchemy, and queerness collide in this otherworldly journey.
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Sol X reader playing minecraft
for starters let me just say that the only experience I have writing X reader was on Wattpad many years ago so this might not be the best oneshot
Sol x reader, gender not specified
this also takes place after the arcade incident, but Sol walks you home instead of Hyugo.
You finally walk into your apartment after your experience at the arcade. Trying to calm your breathing, and stopping your trembling hands not being able to completely calm yourself.
You hear Sol's footsteps Infront of your door slowly fading into the hallway, you put your hands to your chest then turn facing the wooden door again.
Quicky opening the door gripping the cold metal doorhandle "Sol, wait" Sol turns around looking at you from down the hallway "I know fully well that today was" you sigh "well, shit, so I was hopingg" you stretch your held trembling, cold, hands Infront of you "that you could maybe stay the night".
Sol walks towards you slowly gaining momentum as he does, once Infront of you he looks down at you, his face a light shade of pink "I think that that's a terrible idea."
He says trying to not let any other emotions stem up. You grab his wrist and look him in the eyes giving your best puppy eyes "pleassse" you beg, you feel his arm relax in your hand as he sighs, the pink on his face becoming darker, "fine..". Still holding his arm, the two go you walk into your apartment.
You immediately go to grab your laptop, as you are moving things off a table to pull it out you turn slightly to Sol "you can sit on my bed it's down th-" turning, holding your laptop you notice Sol taking a seat on your bed "you left the door open" he says, rubbing himself onto the bed.
"Is my bed really that comfortable?" you ask sitting next to him, Sol pauses "yes, comfortable."
You open your laptop and turn to him "want to play minecraft together?" You ask opening a new word "sure, just let me install it again and stuff, it's been a bit since I last played", you nod as you pick survival and get the world set up.
Sol finally is all set up and the two of you enter the minecraft world sponing in a village, you run to go get some wood while Sol goes to look at the villagers "these villagers suck", you turn to look at him
"Maybe I should get some lava and torture these motherfu-"
"Sol, your mumbling, what did you say?"
Sol stares at you "nothing important" he says with a soft smile, you turn to continue to gather materials, making a crafting table
"Maybe then these villagers would actually have something good".
I wasn't too sure how to make the two of you play minecraft so let me know if you guys want a part two or not
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elbiotipo · 3 months
What if life evolved in a rogue planet. What would that look like?
This could be surprisingly possible!
Rogue planets, for those who don't know, are planets that don't orbit any star, and wander through interstellar space. They are thought to form around a star, like our Sol's protoplanetary disk, but were ejected by gravitational interaction with other objects during its early formation, for example, two planets forming too close and the smaller one being thrown away with the bigger acting as a gravitational 'slingshot', or a star passing nearby and perturbing their orbit. It's kind of sobering to think that there must be millions, perhaps billions of Earth-like planets that were flung into interstellar space earlier on their formation or even afterwards.
This is not a very pleasant environment, isolated from the warm glow of any star, with temperatures approaching absolute zero. We still don't know much about interstellar space, and I imagine that rogue planets inside the diverse kind of nebulae or near dense star clusters would be very different. But by the most part you can expect them to be dead frozen balls of ice, as EVERYTHING freezes in this temperature. No warmth for any kind of life to be found.
Is this so, though? For starters, brown dwarfs, which are not especifically planets but let's say 'objects' several times the mass of Jupiter, are very hot, being capable of deuterium fusion (unlike hydrogen fusion which is what gives stars their energy). This weak kind of fusion does not allow them to be stars proper, but endures for billions of years. Imagine a gigantic Jupiter glowing in a dull red or magenta. Though it would be interesting to especulate on life in the upper layers of a brown dwarf, or perhaps moons that bask on the weak infrarred it emits, I don't see it particularily likely. On the other hand, organisms can thrive with minimal energy, more on that later. I can imagine, in some remote brown dwarf moon, 'prairies' of incredibly slow photosynthetical organisms growing under the weak light of a brown dwarf.
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(here's some artwork of a moon orbiting a red dwarf, with source)
However, these aren't planets in the literal sense. Most rogue planets are indeed likely to be frozen balls of ice and rock. There is no star to warm them up (Earth's diverse biosphere depends on the light of the Sun, as obvious as it sounds), and no kind of life, no matter how exotic, can thrive near absolute zero, molecules just don't move enoguh to allow any kind of metabolism. Even theorized life using ammonia or methane as a solvent instead of water involves temperatures like that of Titan, Saturn's moon, which still gets some sunlight and warmth if minimal, allowing it to retain an atmosphere. Rogue planets just get none.
There are other ways of warming up a planet however. The interior of Earth is still hot from its planetary formation and the decay of radioactive elements on its core, creating volcanic and tectonic activity (though that's still disputed, as it seems that oceans acting as a 'lubricant' is needed for plate tectonics), and it's likely that larger planets would have even greater activity. It's also not the only option, a moon orbiting a large planet would have tidal forces that stretch it, producing similar tectonic activity that could melt the kilometers of ice covering them -water is actually more abundant in space that it seems- and this is indeed what happens in Jupiter's moons Europa and Saturn's Enceladus, as well as the much overlooked Jupiter's Io, which is an incredibly interesting patchwork of volcanoes in frozen temperatures. In fact, astronomers are starting to learn these subsurface oceans are actually the norm rather than the exception.
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They are as you might have heard, prime candidates for life. The origin of life on Earth is still one of those debates that send scientists into academic fistfights as you can imagine, but one of the main theories involve it arising from the rich energy and nutrient environment of hydrothermal vents, which would be very common in these kind of worlds. So, if this is true, it's not unlikely that there could be countless worlds like these with life. Returning to rogue planets, subsurface oceans heated by tidal forces don't need any sunlight at all, they just need an icy moon orbiting a big enough planet at the right distance (there are other details, of course, but let's go with the basics). A rogue planet the size of Jupiter or larger could have been expelled from its original system carrying its moons, or could have captured another rogue planet in interstellar space, which would be very interesting as they both would likely have completely different origins and perhaps compositions. Similarily, a tectonically active rogue planet would be enough to melt subsurface oceans, or even surface regions like Yellowstone or Afar on Earth.
What would life look like in these worlds? You can read about speculations of life in Europa and on hydrothermal vents here on Earth to get an idea, but let's talk about it a bit. Now, you might read that hydrothermal vents are an oasis of diversity in the deep ocean with life especially adapted to them, and since they are often relatively short-lived, there are ecological cycles related to them that are still poorly understood. However, do notice that some of the most prominent macroscopic organisms in these places (like say tube worms, isopods, yeti crabs, eels) did not evolve from the extremophile bacteria there themselves, but rather evolved from life from elsewhere (from the rich, sunlit oceans) that adapted to such enviroments. The life *native* to hydrothermal vents on Earth are indeed extremophile, chemosynthetic bacteria and archea, that is, they don't use photosynthesis, their metabolism creates energy and organic structures from the surrounding inorganic chemicals (some very toxic, like sulfides) and heat, no light involved. Unlike most ecosystems on Earth, these chemosythetic organisms are the producers of this isolated food chain, entering symbiosis with other animals not only for food, but also respiration, digestions, and many more things. This is fascinating because it does prove in a very explicit way that chemosynthetic organisms can support complex ecosystems without photosynthesis.
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(here's life from an hydrothermal vent, notice the crabs and bivalves, do read the Wikipedia article, it's great)
However, again, do notice that these animals did NOT evolve FROM the bacteria and archaea themselves. They adapted to these extreme enviroments from other animals that evolved in the rich sunlit biosphere of Earth, fed by photosynthesis. If it was by the chemosynthetic bacteria themselves, they would be happy (as much as a bacteria can I guess) to live down there and do chemosythesis forever. There's little evolutionary pressure for them to do anything else.
At least right now. Of course, ironically, these complex simbionts like yeti crabs and tube worms, like humans ourselves, might indeed be distant descendants of primitive hydrothermal bacteria, though from the ones that evolve to use photosythesis and consume those who did, far from the depths, so it means there was some reason for them to evolve out of the vents. Which brings the question; how and why did complex, that is multicelullar life, evolve on Earth, and where else could it evolve? That question deserves its own post or even book.
These are interesting questions to ponder when talking about rogue planets, or indeed any non-photosynthetic ecosystems like cave systems, that are also possible, or perhaps surface volcanic lakes or geysers. Our rich biosphere in Earth is fed by photosynthesis and the endless energy of the Sun. In a rogue planet, the sources of heat, energy and nutrients would be sparse points instead. In our own Earth, the organisms of cave ecosystems have extremely slow metabolisms, something like an olm (blind salamanders that are rather large, up to 40cm long) often stays YEARS in the same place, only moving to (very ocassionally) reproduce and eat. Such ecosystems are not exactly conductive to fast paced, sentient life. But if they are common, there might be millions of them across the universe, and one could especulate some of them might be chillin' on cities build around those vents, or perhaps penetrating the deep ice to see what the outside is like, or basking under nebula light in great hydrothermal systems.
In a similar way, returning to rogue planets, there is also the distressing posibility of an Earth-like world with a developed biosphere being flung away from its star by some freak astronomical event, like some star or indeed another rogue planet passing by and altering the orbits. As you might be very aware, life like Earth would die, and quickly, in this scenario. Again, the only remaining life would be in hydrothermal vents. But it would be interesting to think what kind of civilization could survive. I imagine big cave cities, nearer the underground warmth, fuelled by geothermal or nuclear energy. Perhaps greenhouses and aquariums there would preserve what remains of the biosphere.
And of course, rogue planets and objects would be great stepping stones for interstellar colonization. Perhaps instead of accelerating as fast as they can, long-lived starships might wander from planet to planet, gather resources and perhaps geothermal energy for the next leg of their journey, or settling them to get away from the faster-paced civilizations near bright stars.
If you liked this post and would like to read more, I would really, really appreciate if you gave me a tip to my ko-fi! Being a biologist looking for work in Argentina under a deranged libertarian president with the budget cuts and all is quite hard, so everything really counts!
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pyuppy · 8 months
˗ˏˋ ꒰ a fruitful legacy challenge ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Hey there, I'm finally finding more time to play the Sims again, and I wanted to make myself a legacy challenge to keep me engaged in a long-term save.
I wanted to publicize these ideas so that others who are interested can have a new legacy challenge to try out for themselves! ♡
This legacy was inspired by the not so berry challenge and sims in bloom legacy ♡ You'll have 10 generations of fruit-based heirs to play with.
Sorry, but this legacy is going to be VERY PACK HEAVY. (If you'd like I will take into consideration making a base game legacy)
General Rules:
normal or long lifespan (aging on)
you can only cheat money for the first-generation house, and it should be no more than 40k. (keep the idea of a starter)
you must complete all generations' goals before their death.
you can have sims move around to different worlds and lots. you do not have to live with your entire family all the time (unless stated otherwise).
infants and toddler traits should be randomized and only once.
you can use as many mods as you want to add events and other gameplay elements to your game.
Generation One: Banana
You've come a long way. You just turned twenty-one and saved every cent you earned from part-time work in your teens. It's finally time to reset and start a new life in a new city/town. Unfortunately, you can only afford the smallest, oldest house in the area. You're still grateful, and don't let it affect your enthusiasm. You are determined to make the most of what you have.
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Traits: Cheerful, Childish, Loyal
Career: Part-time Worker -> Educator
Max the Fishing, Cooking, & Parenting Skill
Work part-time while going to college to become an educator (professor or admin path)
Upgrade and renovate your house overtime to facilitate your lifestyle and family.
Have your first child while in college
Marry as an Adult in your backyard
Take your family out at least once a week until your eldest moves out.
Generation Two: Pineberry
You watched your parents work pretty hard in life yet still found time to raise you actively. You have always been quiet and always enjoyed your alone time. During those times, you'd isolate in your room and play games. Soon enough, you taught yourself a bit about coding, and ever since, your curiosity has been boundless.
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Traits: Socially Awkward, Geek, Loner
Career: Freelancer
Max the Programming, Guitar & Gaming Skills
Program for money as a teenager to adulthood
Go to college but, drop out after the first semester
Maintain one friendship and marry them
Only live in apartments and decorate them monochromatic
Adopt one child (never have a biological child)
Play games with your child often
Generation Three: Grape
After being adopted, there weren't many rules in your home. You used that freedom to skip school and travel to new places. In Del Sol Valley you became obsessed with the idea of fame and desperately wanted to act on screen! After barely passing high school, you move to Del Sol Valley with the little money allowed by your parents to seek fame, fortune, and maybe notoriety.
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Materialistic, Ambitious
Career: Actor
Max the Acting, Mischief, & Fitness Skill
Date multiple celebrities to increase your fame
Only marry when you date a 5 star celebrity
Become a 5 star celebrity and win an award
Purchase a mansion
Have 3 children and name them after luxury cars
Generation Four: Cherry
Being born into wealth and fame is hard on a child. Having the world's eyes on you at all times didn't allow you to have a normal childhood. Especially when your parents were more concerned about chasing money. The one thing you're grateful for is the huge kitchen your parents owned. You spent a lot of your time cooking and trying new recipes. Feeding your siblings and experiencing new cultures has inspired you to pocket some of your parent's money and move to a new city to open your own restaurant.
Aspiration: Appliance Whiz
Traits: Foodie, Creative, Perfectionist
Career: Restaurant Owner/Chef
Max the Cooking, Gourmet Cooking and Baking Skill
Be at least lvl 5 cooking skill before moving out
Start your business through a food stand in your yard.
Start a restaurant with a consistent menu (Japanese, Seafood, Italian, Soul Food)
Marry one of your employees and have a child with them.
Have your child cook dinner with you every night.
Generation Five: Peach
You loved animals all your life. You begged for multiple pets and fed strays with leftovers from your parent's cooking. Wasn't too long until you wanted become a veterinarian. You seek to learn how to care for all animals and own them all! Making your house a sanctuary for animals has become your new life's purpose. Soon enough, you take in a child as well.
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Cat/Dog Lover (choose one), Outgoing
Career: Veterinarian
Max the Veterinarian, Horse Riding, & Pet Training Skills
Buy a large plot of land to grow into your Ranch
Adopt a horse and dog in the same day.
Take one of your pets to work everyday.
Own a horse, a dog or cat, fish and other farm animals.
Never marry and adopt all of your children.
Generation Six: Lime
As your parent was working the Ranch and a veterinary clinic full time, you surrounded yourself with books during your time alone. You were gifted a computer for your 14th birthday and immediately started writing your own fanfictions about book series you adored. After some online traction you decided to make writing your full-time job!
Aspiration: Best Selling Author
Traits: Bookworm, Romantic, Slob
Career: Writer -> Freelance Author
Max out the Writing, Handiness, Logic Skills
Live in a tiny messy apartment
Get a degree in Literature and Language
Create an ongoing book series about a supervillain.
Make friends within your career/degree
Date 4 men before finding "the one" (the 5th)
Continue to have children until you have a girl
Generation Seven: Blackberry
Of course, you've read your parent's works. You have been heavily inspired by their main drama series. You want to be a "Ultra Mega Super Villain" just like they wrote about. The idea of having the world under your control is exciting enough! Can't be too hard!
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Traits: Mean, Kleptomaniac, Jealous
Career: Secret Agent (Villain)
Max the Logic, Charisma & Photography Skill
Get a degree in Villainy
Live in campus for college
Steal to afford college
Marry an Evil sim
The basement of your house has to be used for your villainous activities
Have 3 children and name them after famous villains
Generation Eight: Orange
Your parents were complete assholes; if anything, you don't even like them? As a teenager, you spend a lot of nights at friend's houses and don't like to socialize much with your parents. You grow an interest in the military and "secretive" government agencies. You quickly join the military after college for a chance to work in covert operations. Maybe even taking down your parents in the process?
Aspiration: Academic
Traits: Hot-Headed, Ambitious, Active
Career: Military (Covert Ops)
Max the Logic, Fitness, & Programming Skills
Get a degree in Psychology
Play piano as a hobby
Become enemies with your parents
Uphold multiple relationships but, eventually be caught cheating
Have one child and raise them alone
Be a strict parent
Generation Nine: Coconut
You hated your insanely strict one-parent household. You became a delinquent seeking trouble wherever you went. Always sneaking out, cycling through partners and even clubbing on the weekends. Immediately after graduating you couldn't help your extroverted partying nature. You quickly drop out of college and have to make a decision. Nightlife, or a successful career? Who said you can't do both?
Aspiration: Party Animal
Traits: Non-Committal, Lazy, Party Animal
Career: Mixologist
Max out the Mixology, Mischief and Charisma Skills
Get all F's in your first semester of college
Visit the same bar/club you "work at" on your off days
Date one of the regulars and have a child with them
Rush into marriage a week after their birth
Live in a duplex/townhouse and have a bad relationship with your neighbors
Raise your child to be an A student
Generation Ten: Blueberry
After You worked VERY HARD to get where you are now, You're in the position of going to any university you choose and on scholarship. You plan to make the most of it by becoming a doctor. Finally, you can help support your family back home and also have a self-fulfilling career to keep yourself inspired. The problem is that you've never had time to "live" until now? Can you juggle school and a social life?
Aspiration: Academic
Traits: Socially Awkward, Clumsy, Squeamish
Career: Doctor
Max the Logic & Fitness Skills
Get your degree in Biology and then another (of your choice)
Maintain 2 good friends
Marry someone in a non-STEM career/degree
Participate in all university parties
Max the Doctor Career
Have all your children in the hospital
Have at least 2 children
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inquisitor-apologist · 3 months
I think it’s kind of necessary to consider that episode 3 of the Acolyte is told entirely from the witches’ pov, where the Jedi are dangerous outsiders who might hurt them. When you consider it from what the Jedi see/know, what they did makes a lot more sense.
For starters, they arrive on a planet that is supposedly uninhabited (and was, until at most a couple of decades ago) and pretty quickly they see two force-sensitive kids playing in the woods.
That’s pretty weird, but then a woman comes up and gets mad at them for playing in the forest, which is a very normal kid thing to do. One of the kids says that they are never supposed to leave the Fortress, which kind of leaps the situation from weird to concerning pretty quickly.
It’s pointed out in the dialogue of the episode itself that the galaxy is a pretty dangerous place for force-sensitive kids (people try to enslave them and use them as weapons a lot, think tcw). And. Well, when you go to a place that is supposedly uninhabited (isolated) and immediately see children of a very vulnerable group who are, by their own admission, never allowed to leave a fortress (military connotations), that’s pretty concerning.
Look at Sol’s face when we first see him. He’s breathing heavy, and he looks scared. He’s obviously, and justifiably, imo, worried for these kids.
When they go to look for these kids later, they find, yeah, a massive fortress, but, since it’s implied that everyone is at the ceremony but the two scouts, it’s empty. So they come in, and they are immediately met with hostility.
They say hi, and someone yells that they’re trespassing, despite the fact that no one is supposed to be on this planet and nobody was answering the door. When they point that out, the lady in charge is immediately condescending and and rude for no reason before accusing them of lying.
We know that the coven is trying to stay hidden, and earlier this episode believed that the Jedi didn’t know they existed, so why Aniseya is suddenly sure that they knew the planet was inhabited is unclear.
Indara is then clear that they’re not here to hurt anyone, and Aniseya accuses them of lying again, because they’re armed (Jedi always carry their lightsabers, it’s part of their religion, though I’m willing to believe Aniseya didn’t know that) and unannounced (?? What. How are the Jedi going to announce themselves to people they didn’t know about).
Indara pretty quickly makes it clear that they’re concerned about the kids (she literally says concerned), which, as I said earlier, is pretty justified from their pov. She says that it’s illegal to train children in the Republic, which I have to assume is meant to be seen as a lie (or at least a stretch of the truth) by the audience, considering that the Jedi know of and are friendly to many other force-sensitives faiths across the galaxy, including ones that train children and use the Dark Side, like the Nightsisters.
And yeah, maybe that lie wasn’t the best approach, but I think it’s an understandable choice. They get the kids to come out, and then ask where their dad is, which seems pretty reasonable to me, and are told that they don’t have one. Since that is impossible, it probably sets off all kind of alarm bells, like were these kids (force-sensitive, living on a planet where nobody is supposed to be, unable to leave their fortress) kidnapped?
One of the kids has a very intricate tattoo that probably feels pretty weird in the force, that she didn’t have a couple hours ago and does not appear to have been done recently (no irritation or redness).
When Sol points this out, he’s accused of spying on them (as opposed to the idea that he saw the kids out in the forest? It seems like everyone in the coven knows they were out in the morning) and trying to steal the kids. He’s literally just said hi, asked their names, and pointed out a confusing tattoo.
When he’s like, no, I’m not here to steal your kids, we don’t do that, he’s immediately threatened. Despite this, he gives his sacred weapon away to one of the kids, who was clearly curious about it, to prove he’s not a threat. Indara is even clear that she doesn’t want Sol to even have his saber out to protect himself from the witches who just threatened to cut his tongue out, which really speaks to his much the Jedi are being genuine and not trying to cause problems.
Sol then tells Osha that she’d be a good Jedi (nice compliment to a kid who’s clearly interested) and asks if she wants to be tested, which is pretty innocuous, especially when considering that the Jedi probably think that Osha and Mae might be being abused.
In response to this, the witches then cast a spell on and threaten a child to make them leave. The child has done literally nothing this entire time. He hasn’t talked to the witches or the kids, he’s just been standing there.
Seriously, I don’t think people are talking about that enough. They torture a child (he is clearly in pain and ‘not in his right mind’) because… they’re threatened by Sol talking to Osha? That’s a huge red flag, and probably confirms to the Jedi that Osha and Mae are in danger. They attack a child with no provocation, and the Jedi are just supposed to assume that the kids in their care, in an isolated fortress on an uninhabited planet, are safe?
The Jedi (rightfully) double down, going like, hey we have the right to make sure these kids aren’t force sensitive (and probably to make sure they aren’t being hurt, though they don’t say that because, well, they already know that the witches aren’t going to react well).
After getting permission, the Jedi thank the guys who just attacked them and leave (look at how scared Torbin is, how quickly he tries to get away from the witches).
They test the kids, who are definitely trying to fail, and ask Osha what she wants. She reveals that she wants to be a Jedi despite pressure from her family to lie (bit of a red flag) and that she doesn’t seem to be aware of the existence of other kids (another red flag).
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sentmail · 5 months
Sea salt in the air, the air warm with the lingering presence of the sun slowly beginning to lower towards the horizon, lively chatter sounding in the streets as the old timers sit around with their drinks at the local cafes… He was at Costa Del Sol alright.
It was hard to call it home after being gone for so long, but the saudade of it all never left him, a melancholic longing for the simpler times he'd spent here and what now could never be.
Well. No better time than the present to get himself reacquainted with the town, needing to cash in about 5 years worth of vacation - in a weekend, preferably, as he was technically on business here, but it could wait a day, no?
He's woefully under prepared for a beach day, but a man on the move makes do; dressing down and heading down to the shore, lingering around one of the beach-side bars. He makes small talk, catches the barman's attention and laughs along with someone who ends up recognizing him from the days before - it's a good time.
But. As conscious as his efforts to relax might be, his subconscious mind continues uneasy, never letting go of the reason why he's come to this continent - he's supposed to meet with another ex-SOLDIER over in Rocket town.
There's been hit jobs taken out on them as a group, although no rhyme or reason has been found as to who is attacked… except for one detail:
They've kept in contact with Kunsel. And they've helped him with his current little project.
He's uneasy, and it shows in how his smile only reaches so high, eyes scanning behind the faces he was making conversation with, glancing across the once familiar rooftops he used to climb as a kid and —
A glint of reflected sunlight. The flush of adrenaline. The way very expensive liquor bottles shattered as he rolled across warm sand after a dive. The panic that sets in as people scramble, and how his immediate reaction is to try and mitigate the situation.
— plotted starter with @meteor-shots
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crystalinefirewolf · 2 months
⚠️⚠️ spoiler warning for the dragon prince season 6⚠️⚠️
okay I just finished watching the 6th season of the Dragon prince and oh my god there is so much to say about it
First of all holy f*ck there is a lot in the new season. I just can't wait for the next season
I just don't know what to say... okay for starters it has been two years sense the last season. Rayla had left in the middle of the night then came back two years later out of nowhere and not only that the curators of the dragon prince make trolled the fandom with a frozen ship name Ray of illumination and Callum did a monologue of the ship saying (clearly talking about the Rayllum ship) "it is sad that this ship is stuck, I mean look at this ship is going nowhere. Think about when this ship first became a thing people were so excited about this ship. It was probably some people's favorite ship, they probably dreamed and imagined this ship would go amazing places... exactly it's not moving at all." And then Callum said "I mean you could sit and draw pictures of the ship but does that change anything... The frozen ship so sad" and then the creators proceeded to light the ship on fire and then zoomed in on the name of the ship while it was burning and you could see Rayllum for the name like omg the creators are saying let the Rayllum ship burn and I find that real funny and then like three episodes later they have them kiss and it's really funny not to mention right before the ship started to burn they had Rayla and Callum just about kiss. Good trolling creators.
and another we find out that the main villain Aaravos is immortal and he had a child, a daughter to be exact named Leola who made friends with humans, elves, and animals. Leola apparently gave some humans magic, which broke the universal order, so an immortal star touched elf took her away. Then Leola was basically put on trial for giving a human magic and Aaravos when and found her. He also tried defend Leola but there was a witness the dragon prince Anak Arao or also known as Sol Regem, so Aaravos was faced with a choice after he failed to convince the universal court to let him have the punishment instead of Leola, Aaravos could either die with his daughter or live on without he, and he f*cking chose to let his child die alone. Leola became a star and crashed into Xadian, forming crater that filled with tears from Aaravos crying for 100 years forming the sea of the castout. Like oh my god that is heart breaking
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tenebriism · 3 months
@draikoeques ;; PLOTTED STARTER -
When first Ro had told him he was soon to be departing on another grand journey, Zenos was admittedly a touch irritated. Word of another universe ending catastrophe had not yet passed this far along, meaning this HAD to be an excursion of minor import--- and were they not working on turning those down? On NOT filling up a book set's worth of menial tasks out of an unhealthy codependency on the Warrior of Light?
' Naught is amiss, ' Rothalion claims. ' 'Tis not what this journey is for, ' Rothalion reassures, yet Zenos is still not convinced even as he watches the elezen pack items that looked less ideal for battle, and more suited for an afternoon of lounging at Costa del Sol. An invitation to JOIN him is extended and encouraged, as if Zenos hadn't made it blatantly obvious that he wished to accompany the elezen in the way the Garlean prince was slowly following him all over the house.
A few more words and affectionate gestures later, and Zenos is on a boat right alongside his partner. A boat... SEPARATE from the savior's companions, of course, but he prefers it this way if it will keep their commentary from souring what Rothalion was evidently very excited for.
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" Where is this... location we are traveling to again? " And why, more notably, is he wearing SHORTS?
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spinspinspinda · 3 months
aloha i am finn your average type specialist
i used to live in alola, but now i live in kalos and my main goal is to take on the gym challenge then go to alola and take on the island challenge
my starter is sparkles the shiny spinda :] i also have a skitty named moonkiller i have a porygon-s named sol i have a trubbish that follows me around
you will see me mention my friend. their name is not important. they are my best friend. they use they/them and are a fairy type specialist.
//ooc stuff!
please dont be making sexual/romantic comments, my pronouns are he/him, and my main blog is @canadianketchup
pelipepper mail is on, but idk what magic asks or other stuff is so those are off
feel free to interact in any way!! every blog type is welcome, this blog has the belief that rotomblr is arceus' way of aligning universes nicely. please dm if you'd like to set up a story with finn.
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solradguy · 1 year
Not sure if anyone had said it yet but in Johnny's super that turns the characters into cards, sol is the queen card
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I missed this the first time I watched the starter guide video!! It'll be cool seeing what card everyone gets assigned
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ails-of-ardor-au · 3 months
The three potential powers sound something sorta to what a leaders “lives” are… so what if, left alone and reeling for some sort of safety, Leafpool takes her heavily pregnant self to the Moonpool? She had a rough kitting in canon so maybe she was dying to. Pleading that maybe in some way the stars she always put over everything else would save her this once. She’d always follow them she swears- as she slides into their holy pool.
Adds another line to the kits having a sort of forbidden birth. Not only from another clan but also only ever breathing because the stars saved them. Some once it’s revealed in whatever way may scream that they weren’t even supposed to be born- others bow and beg for mercy from these miracle children. Idk how to word it but something about the water of the womb instead being of stars sacrifice, the kits breathe and sustain off the “magic” (radioactivity) of the pool. Tho I am now realizing this throws a huge wrench in with Dovewing cuz she’s not of that original litter. Maybe explain Holly’s lack of powers due to her having been delivered before her mother went in. Oh but maybe if some of the clan cats saw the three as great saviors of sorts, when the one disappears presumed dead, they take the actively in labor queen and put her in the pool, hoping it’ll save whatever prophecy they believe they’re going to be doomed by. Dovekit is born this way, giving her powers in an incredibly scary way, but also harming her just as the other two of the three are hurt.
Idk if this works in universe but a possible idea :D
This is a really cool idea… But I’m not sure how much I could work it into the plot… I’ll keep it in mind 👀
For starters, the idea of Leafpool’s litter being forbidden not only because of their halfClan status, but also due to the fact that their mother trespassed into holy grounds in a desperate attempt to keep herself and her children alive… So good, so so tasty…
My ideas for how to spread this “magic” amongst the “chosen”, which will not be limited just to The Three, but will likely include a cat from each Clan:
Leafpool and Sol hook up. Sol, shortly after Leafpool discovers her pregnancy, is labeled a criminal and a danger to the Clans’ very way of life…
Leafpool’s pregnancy is long and hard. Expectant queens will sometimes slip off to be by themselves (an irl cat behavior, feeling restless and trying to find the perfect safe space), so when Leafpool disappears, ThunderClan isn’t especially worried. But Squirrelflight, driven by concern for her sister, chases after her and finds her in labor and losing far too much blood near the path of the moonpool; Leafpool had been aiming for the lands beyond, because she was desperate for Sol’s presence and comfort, and her pain was blinding her rationale.
Squirrelflight drags her sister to the moonpool, despite knowing full well what a massive invasion and crime this is. But Squirrelflight would much rather put the lives of her loved ones over the warrior code. Leafpool survives her kitting, and has a litter of three… but rejects most of them, partially due to the power (radiation) of the moonpool within her.
Somehow, Squirrelflight manages to hand two of the kits to two of Leafpool’s (or maybe Squirrelflight’s own, as a final favor) old flames: Mothwing and Crowfeather. Hollykit goes to WindClan, and Lionkit goes to RiverClan; where Hollykit is in such close proximity to the also newborn and very weak Breezekit, some of the moonpool’s power latches onto him in turn.
Meanwhile, in ShadowClan, a pair of kits are born secretly of their leader — and the Clan’s concerns about a leader’s blood carrying magic to taint their kin come true. (Dove and Ivy, OR, Dawn, Flame, and Tiger tho I’m thinking of nixing Tiger entirely)
And then uhhh…… Some outsider also with magic. I’m thinking maybe Darktail possibly being born into SkyClan though...
Depending on the status of BloodClan at the time, I’m also thinking that they follow the other Clans to the lake, so we could get a BloodClan protagonist as well…
But anyway, there’s going to be multiple “blessed” kids running around the lake, but only four of them (one from each of the original Clans) will actually be uhhhh “important” for a lack of a better word; their powers will pose a direct wall against a new, grand threat that rises against the Clans: i.e., the Dark Forest (though I’m still figuring out their whole deal… I mentioned beforehand that I wanted ghosts to stick around, both for the sake of this event as well for the Sisters, so I’m thinking maybe like.. mass possession dealie. The dead unable to come to terms with staying dead, so they haunt and “infect” the living to tear the Clans down from the inside)…
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val-badgal · 1 month
I yap about Happy Chaos’ Arcade Mode
I played against some of the AI and most of his arcade mode to see some unique interactions, and I’m gonna ramble about them here.
For starters, I fucking hate stage 9 Nagoriyuki. I beat up to stage 8 in Happy Chaos’ arcade mode because I heard he drops some interesting lore bombs, and we’ll get to those in a sec, but JESUS FUCK is stage 9 hard. I beat stage Nago 8 by cheesing with pauses and throws, and it took about 20 attempts. Naturally, I lost all faith in living when I learned that stage 9 was the same thing except Nago started with blood rage (I quit after 5 attempts). How about that lore though, eh? Well, Happy Chaos basically goes on a whole exposition after beating I-No a second time that “Demi-humans” (Nago and Slayer) basically transcend their universe and can travel to ALTERNATE UNIVERSES and basically just dumb themselves down for everyone else to look like they’re not breaking reality. They don’t have “IDs” in the backyard, either, which is how they’re able to travel through universes since they’re basically not a part of the rest of existence. The existence of AUs in Guilty Gear is an interesting one, and I’m curious if it’s how they’re going to justify Lucy from Cyberpunk crossing over when she’s released. Maybe it’ll even play into the next game? I mean, at the end of Strive’s story mode, Sol loses his gear powers, Ky gives up the throne, and Axl gets his girlfriend back. The three main characters of Guilty Gear’s basically all finish their arcs, and it makes me wonder if they pull something in the next game where it’s like “this is Sol Badguy from another universe where he keeps his powers!” so they can still have the same main cast as the other games. It’d be kinda stupid if they did, and I think Daisuke probably wouldn’t do something so cliche and lazy for his main characters, but it’s an interesting possibility to discuss.
Happy Chaos mentions Bedman in the same exposition, saying that he also managed to negate having an “ID” in the backyard. He says “Bedman”, not “Romeo”, which is probably just to make things easier to understand for the majority of the audience who doesn’t know Xrd Bedman’s real name, but it still got me thinking about what it could be in reference to.
It could be Bedman’s dream world. Bedman says right before he dies that he could always make the Absolute World on his own, but my guess with this new information is that his access to both the Absolute World and Dream World are actually existing worlds, and him “creating” the Absolute World just brings him to an alternate universe that already existed with the properties that would let him revive the people he’s killed, save Delilah, etc.
Him negating the “ID” system could be why the character of ‘Bedman?’ exists. Somehow, when Bedman died, he didn’t actually die, but rather figured out a way to reincarnate in the bed itself due to his lack of an ‘ID’ that would allow him to cheat the system. Then again, I’m pretty sure Bed’s Strive theme is about him going to the afterlife, so this one is really just me being hopeful since Xrd Bedman is my favorite fighting game character.
After I gave up on Stage 9 Nago, I googled the ending cutscene to see what other lore there might be. There’s not a lot, but it’s kind of exciting what’s there. Happy Chaos basically tells Nago why he’s returning to the world, which is to protect it from destroying itself from its self-destructive nature. This almost implies that Chaos is willing to play the hero if needed for humanity’s survival, which is a possibility that’s also very in character with how Chaos acts.
I recently discovered that Sin and Chaos also have unique dialogue when fighting each other, and while one of the exchanges are a cute little interaction about sugar water and milpico, the other one frames Sin as the “hero” of the metaphorical show Chaos is always talking about, which would make sense since the upcoming anime is starring him and now that Sol and Ky both stepped down Sin being the next protagonist makes a lot of sense. Considering that there’s hints of both Sin and Chaos being protagonists in the next game and they already have unique interactions with each other, maybe we’ll see them working together in the future? I’m very excited for the future of Guilty Gear lore, lol.
Anyway. I’ll suppress my autism and shut up now, and maybe go draw Sin and Chaos hanging out drinking each other’s favorite beverages while I’m at it. Thanks for reading and I apologize if this makes no sense. I’m happy to clarify my theories in the comments <3
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iwaoiness · 1 year
—; they are the kind of people who meet each other and make love a work of art. 
There is only one thing that makes the great Oikawa Tooru (29), new setter of the Tachibana Red Falcons and still the starter setter for the Argentine National Volleyball Team, really nervous. And not those nerves that make him contemplate murder as the only solution (like when Ushiwaka changed his stupid you should have come to Shiratorizawa to you should have come to the Japanese Men's National Volleyball Team), but those nerves that make him too shy, like a teenager who just got his first kiss from his crush.
And that thing is the English nicknames he gets from Iwaizumi.
Sometimes it's sweetheart or baby, especially when Hajime greets him or asks what he wants for dinner or lunch.
Sometimes it's my life, especially when he's had a horrible day and needs Iwa-chan's arms to hide in.
Sometimes it's my love, especially when Hajime's proud of him.
Sometimes it is my beloved or my soulmate, especially when Hajime talks about him to other people.
Sometimes it's babe or my pretty boy, especially when they get lost in the bed sheets.
Sometimes it's darling, especially in the early mornings when Hajime is tremendously clingy.
Sometimes it's angel, especially when Tooru wears his best outfits for their romantic dates.
And there are also nicknames that are definitely not cute patootie at all, but Iwaizumi manages to sweeten them in a way that makes Tooru want to grab a pillow and cover his face with it as he kicks like a schoolgirl. And maybe it's probably because of Iwa-chan’s deep, too-hot-for-this-world voice when he says dumbass or fucking brat or the way he laughs between Shitykawa or Sillykawa or how Oikawa knows that behind every bastard or dickhead there's no annoyance or anger.
But if there is one nickname (even if it is not a nickname per se) that makes Oikawa melt to the ground and feel not butterflies in his stomach but real woodpeckers, it is Tooru. Because Hajime savours every kanji, imbues it with pure tenderness and love, especially when he accompanies it with I love you so much or you're my half or save that damn milk bread for tomorrow or I won't buy you any more until the next fucking year even if he has a new packet in the kitchen the next morning.
For Iwaizumi, Oikawa is a myriad of the cutest (and not really cutest) nicknames in the world.
And for Tooru, so is Hajime, sometimes in Spanish (especially mi amor, mi vida, mi sol, mi hombre, cariño, bebé, mi rey, cielo, tesoro, chiquito) and sometimes in Japanese (especially Iwa-chan).
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