#((especially Laito)
gagad · 6 months
HBD triplets
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Who would 😍 believed that these three angels would be worse than Hitler when they grew up?🤡
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starshapedpetals · 1 year
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GOD DAMN. GENUINELY EVERYONE LOOKS SO HOT RN??? & ALL OF THE SAKAMAKI’S RN ESPECIALLY??? SO PRETTY. & i love black & pink so 😩 rejet pls let me look at everyone in hd i’m dying over here 😭😭😭😭 seriously does anyone have a good quality pic of this i’m losing it 😭
my only complaint is that ruki’s pose looks so weird with what he’s sitting on being invisible 😭
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Might have been to Sanrio Puro Land today-
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faeiapalette · 1 year
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I never noticed this before (most of the time i just focused on what i heard from the audio tab and what i see on the transcript but today i went to watch the whole game play.) but in Laito’s brute ending, i’ve always thought that they were staying in the living area of the church, turns out they were in the Sakamaki mansion -> after she lost conscious, he brought her to the church?? 🤔
What’s the meaning of this action, i wonder….
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sutcliffe-v · 2 years
; [ Virek & Diaboys on twt. (part 4/?) | virek spots ryuuto!!! ]
okay ik i JUST SAID that i wasnt gonna spam these but @fruit-of-infidelity gave me the go ahead to use ryuuto in tweets. so. 🏃💨
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sadistic-sakamaki · 2 years
Anonymous has said:
Ayato, who is your favorite bro?
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Favorite and brother are two words that should never be associated with each other. He deals with his brothers because he has to. They are quite the hassle. And, surely, you find it hard to disagree with his opinion, no? After all... Let us recall the vampires at hand. You have got...
1. Shu. A guy who sleeps away all day, is boring, and only listens to women moaning through his earbuds. What happened to the classical music he liked to listen to? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Also, he is a hazard. He falls asleep in random places. The last time they saw each other, Shu was sleeping on the floor and almost made Ayato trip and fall! Overall, a danger to society.
2. Reiji. A guy who is always giving out free sermons even though no one asked. And probably has more wrinkles than Ayato can count, given how he is always frowning all the time. Also, has a teapot fetish...? Weirdo.
3. Kanato. A guy who will scream at you in the highest pitch possible and throw a tantrum if you do not give him candy. Or if you steal his teddy bear. Or do anything he doesn’t like. Like breathing the wrong way or something.
4. Laito. Some pervert that honestly does not seem to know how to do anything else besides harassing people. And stealing the people you were already harassing in the first place from you. And always come begging you to kill bugs because he is too scared of them.
5. Subaru. You can’t even breathe or say a word without him breaking something. There is not a week where some repairs do not have to be done. Seriously, do you even know what it is like to have rain pouring all over your head in the middle of a meal because freaking Subaru teared up the ceiling!?
«None! This freaking house is cursed. The day when everyone isn’t either fighting, screaming, or destroying the place is the day I rejoice!!!» It’s Laito, by the way. It will always be Laito. Regardless of how complicated their relationship is...
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bubblespalace · 8 months
Headcannon: If The Sakamaki Brothers actually fell in love with you.
^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^ Includes: Shu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, Subaru, and all of them together (Because I love all of them and can't choose). ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^
Shu Sakamaki 💛:
∆💛: Like all the brothers, he would hate he fall for someone who wasn't a vampire. He would try to deter himself from you, but he would fail.
∆💛 Converse-shoe would still be super lazy, but he would perk up a bit if you walked in.
∆💛 Would mock you even more. Calling you names and roasting you a lot, he would love your reaction.
∆💛 He would show off his violin skills and possibly play for you. He would try to make himself seem impressive.
∆💛 Shu would have a slight fear Reiji might attempt to take you from him since his younger brother has always wanted what he had. So he would be possessive around Reiji especially.
∆💛 He would sneak into your room and snake himself underneath you, so you were laying on top of him.
🎧You jolted up in shock when you realized the blonde vampire was underneath you. "Ahh! Shu-kun! What are you doing in here?!"
Shu smirked, his eyes still closed, and pulled you back down on top of him with one arm. "Shh... be quiet... you like this anyway... you lewd woman."🎧
Reiji Sakamaki 💙:
∆💙 Reiji would first try to tell himself it wasn't a crush, he would stay away from you. Whenever you visit his lab or study, he would turn you away. Until he came to terms he was in love with you.
∆💙 He would start giving you tasks, which you somehow completed perfectly, exactly the way he wanted. He would start being softer with you and less strict.
∆💙 He would take time to teach you about things, and he would be more patient with your trial and error. He finds it very admiring that you won't give up so easily when you don't get the information.
∆💙 You would become almost like his assistant, helping him with notes, and labeling formulas and mixtures.
∆💙 Rei-Rei would keep you away from Shu as much as possible, in fear that you would fall for him instead.
∆💙 Even when you make a mistake, he remains calm and very early goes off on you. It surprises you, since with anyone else he scolds until they start crying.
🧪The glass hit the ground with a shatter, you froze in fear. "Oh god, Reiji-kun... I'm so sorry, please don't be ma-"
"It's no problem." He said almost calmly. "Just clean it up. We shall get back to what we were doing after."🧪
Ayato Sakamaki ❤:
∆❤: This man would know right away he was falling for you, but he would be meaner to you to hide it.
∆❤: Eventually, he would try to impress you more. He would still be super mean, but he would do everything he could to make you notice him.
∆❤: He would invite you to his basketball games a lot, and he would hang out with you afterward. Which made the other girls give you an evil eye.
∆❤: However, he wouldn't lay up on you. Christmas Eve is the type to keep treatment the same. He'd still call you out by your breast-size, and drink your blood. (All the brothers might still drink your blood, but eh)
∆❤: Keeps you away from his brothers, particularly Kanato and Laito because he knows they can be the most dangerous. Only he's allowed to hurt you.
∆❤: If you were to ever do something nice for him without him having to ask, he would be stunned. You might even catch him blushing a bit.
🏀You walked up to Ayato with a kind smile on your face. "Hey, I made you some Takoyaki."
He paused for a good moment, almost in happy disbelief, before he regained his normal stature. "Good, Ore-sama was getting hungry anyway."🏀
Kanato Sakamaki: 💜
∆💜: He would be angry you made him fall for you, but after a few hours of angry screaming in his room, he calmed down and talked to Teddy about it.
∆💜: He would get you gifts, like dresses, babydoll shoes, and hair accessories. You would become his only, non-wax doll.
∆💜: In fact, Kana-na would never feel the want to turn you into a wax doll. You aren't like his past victims, he wants to watch you squirm forever.
∆💜: You would get princess treatment, except when he's angry. He would yell and scream at you, but he would very rarely hurt you when mad. He would hurt you more when he's happy, and he would praise you after for being so strong about it.
∆💜: He wouldn't just keep you away from his brothers, that's for sure, this man would keep you away from absolutely everyone. If someone so much as looked at you, he would slit their throat. You're his after all.
∆💜: The amount of tea parties you had in his room would be uncountable. Sometimes you talked, other times it was just comfortable silence.
🧸Kanato smiled at you, not the creepy off-kilter smile that made you feel hunted, but an actual, genuine smile. "What is it?" You asked sweetly.
Kanato kept staring at you. "It's nothing, my doll. Don't worry about it. You don't ever have to worry about anything."🧸
Laito Sakamaki 💚:
∆💚: He would have no idea what was happening to him. You weren't like the other girls he had been with, and it confused him. His heart rate quickened around you, heat rushed to his normally cold cheeks and he felt almost... nervous.
∆💚: Lai-Lai would probably end up asking Reiji what you were doing to him. Reiji would deadpan and explain.
∆💚: Laito was first in denial, because that's not what he thought love was, but Reiji carefully told him everything. After that, Laito made it his mission to get you to fall for him.
∆💚: He became the most romantic man on earth. Laito gifted you roses, chocolates, and anything else he could think of that you loved. Yet he was still shy around you sometimes and you caught him stuttering over his words a few times.
∆💚: Almost all sexual thoughts left his mind, (He still had a few, come on, this is Laito) all he was focused on was wooing you, and it stayed this way for a very long time.
∆💚: You would be very surprised by this change in him, and he would try to convince you nothing changed.
🎩Laito had snuck up behind you and put his arms over your shoulders. In his hands, was a beautifully arranged bouquet of roses. "Hi Bitch-chan." He purred with his Cheshire cat smile.
You giggled and took the bouquet from him, admiring the flowers. "What has gotten into you lately? What have you done with Laito, stranger?"🎩
Subaru Sakamaki 🤍:
∆🤍: He would break everything in his room in terror. He didn't want to fall in love, especially not with you. Subaru couldn't stand the thought of hurting you severely.
∆🤍: Toyota would avoid you like the plague, hoping he would fall out of love with you. Somehow you always found your way into his mind again...
∆🤍: He was crazy over you, he started admiring you from a distance, watching you as you did your homework in the living room. He was scared he would hurt you if he actually approached you. Soon, you noticed and confronted him.
∆🤍: After that, he spoke to you a little more often, but still kept his distance. Subaru also turned up his tsundere level from 100, to 10,000.
∆🤍: Would be secretly leaving white roses in your locker, and also doing little things to make you smile without you knowing it was him.
∆🤍: Tsunbaru might never confess to you, you might be the one to make the first move. He would be way too nervous to talk to you.
🗡Carefully you glanced at Subaru, making sure there was nothing he could mistake for anger or upset in your voice. "Subaru, did you leave this-"
His red eyes flashed to you in what you thought was disgust. "W-why would I leave you a rose?! Leave me alone, foolish mortal!"🗡
The Sakamaki's 💛💙❤💜💚🤍:
∆💛💙❤💜💚🤍: If they all fell for you, I wish you luck my friend. They will be competitive AF.
∆💛💙❤💜💚🤍: Expect their normal behaviors to either become more intense, or softer. It could go either way.
∆💛💙❤💜💚🤍: Reiji and Shu might try to battle it out for you since they will be each other's biggest threats. Ayato and Subaru might just fight too, since they don't get along well.
∆💛💙❤💜💚🤍: Kanato would end up dragging you into his doll room in the middle of the night. I can see him trying to brand you, burning his name onto your skin.
∆💛💙❤💜💚🤍: Laito would be relentless and would never leave you alone. You would have to fend him off 25 hours a day.
∆💛💙❤💜💚🤍: They all might just start fighting like little children, pulling you toward them like a rope in tug-a-war.
🎧🧪🏀🧸🎩🗡"Boys! I'm not a rag doll! Stop or you're gonna break my arms!" You shouted over Kanato's hysterical screams and Reiji and Shu's accusations toward each other.
Laito yanked you away, which released you from Reiji's and Shu's harsh grip on your wrists. "She's right, Bitch-Chan will choose me anyways, so why is it we must make a big fuss over this?"
"God, will you stop being such a pervert for one moment?!" Subaru yelled, looking as though he was about to punch something.
Sadly, your wrists only got that break before Reiji grasped onto the wrist Shu was holding onto and bit down into the sensitive flesh, making eye contact with him as his fangs made contact. "You fucking bastard," Shu growled and bit into the wrist Reiji had grasped before, possessively biting down hard enough for it to leave a mark that would last a long time. Soon, you had all the boys' fangs buried in your skin, gnawing on you like you were prey.
"I'm the best, right dolly?"
"Tch, don't be stupid, Y/N."
"You're smart, Y/N. You'll choose me."
"You lewd woman, choose the best choice."
"Ore-sama, obviously."
"Or your Laito-kun, Bitch-Chan."🎧🧪🏀🧸🎩🗡
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liannelara-dracula · 2 months
Hiiii adminnnnnn! Can i please get headcanons of the diaboys when they are turned on by their s/o in the middle of a dinner with important people?
Hi Love,
YES! I am sorry about the wait but this is a great ask! omg I can just picture this. They literally deserve it. I tried to use pics/gifs where they look like pervs lmao. but I couldn't find it for some of them.
The Diaboys Turned On During a Formal Dinner (Hcs)
Requests are open
Warning: nsfw
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Okay, he never opens his eyes--until today, or at least, this moment.
You got him right where you wanted him.
He had been acting like an ass all day and you figured it was time for some payback.
Getting him hard when he couldn't actually do anything.
The best revenge.
It started with your hand on his thigh and he kept his eyes closed, even if you tugged at his belt.
He only opened one eye because he wondered where this was going.
You officially had his attention once you grabbed him tho.
He opened his eyes, not in shock, of course, he couldn't give himself away but he was definitely not his relaxed self.
And Reiji took notice of this considering he knew how his brother would typically behave. Overall, Reiji knew something was up.
Shu needed a plan to get laid, and soon.
He wasn't ashamed though, he was amused at your action and wondered if he'd get caught by one of his other brothers.
His voice doesn't give it away either.
Acts exactly the way he always does.
At some point, he'd become relaxed if you continued your fun, but would definitely make you pay for it later.
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Oh my lil rei.
Was not expecting you to be playful at a time like this.
However, Reiji was forgetting that you both apparently ended your passionate kissing to go to this event.
So naturally his lover wanted to finish, he promised they would resume but it had already been over an hour that you had been at this event.
You also found it fun to tease especially when he is making conversation or making an announcement. Just hearing him with a sudden pause or change of tone makes you smirk.
At first, your hands rested on his knee but then traveled up.
"Stop this." He'd mutter close to your ear.
You'd smile playfully, "Stop what?" playing innocently before he grabbed your hand to remove it from his crotch.
Reiji would give you a stern look even though he was aroused. "We have guests, dear. We shall resume this later."
Hearing this you'd keep your hands to yourself to make him think nothing would happen and only have your hand on top of his which rested on his thigh. You kept it like this for a while, even as he explained. Until you found another opportunity.
As Reiji was speaking to a nobleman across the table from him, you glided your hand up his thigh and then up to his belt.
Despite the fact he could sense this he wouldn't stop you because he didn't want anyone to know what was happening.
Depending on how much you bother him he might be able to contain himself until the dinner is over, but if it's a full moon he would find a way to get you both out of there because he can't take it.
He'd scold you on the way to the room but as soon as he closes the door, his hands and mouth are all over your body and his belt has never come off faster.
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Ohhh this is not the first time he’s been turned on here.
But you turning him on that was different usually you didn’t have to do anything for him to be aroused.
But you wanted to have the fun in surprising him this time.
Was trying so hard not to scream in the middle of the dining room.
His face would flush but not cause he’s embarrassed he just feels that good 😂.
He’d be conversing while your leg continued to brush his from across the table.
This made him somewhat distracted yet he was able to remain calm . . . for a while.
Once you made the excuse of dropping your fork and looking for it, you found the opportunity in playing with Laito a bit more.
To which he stifled a moan while drinking some wine.
He didn’t expect your hands to be all over him and unzipping him.
Of course, you decided to have his pleasure end when you came back up to retrieve your fork.
For the rest of the time you gave him little to no attention except for your leg rubbing against his or your sensual eye contact.
Sometimes your heel even pressed onto his crotch just to remind him that this wasn't over.
He was very much unable to contain himself as he practically tried to grind against your heel.
His brothers may point out he’s flustered to which he’d just say, “Is it getting hot in here?” 😂
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He knows his partner is one for surprises but not in public.
That’s what particularly caught his interest this time. Now surely he had to be aroused, I mean it was unexpected and down right amusing to say the least.
He had no idea of this desire of yours and surely he’d use it to his advantage in some way.
Kanato wasn’t alarmed he was just amused that he was getting action while his brothers weren’t.
He’d enjoy your hand stroking him a few times but wanted you to have more access so he’d just unzip his pants and guide you to him.
Despite your hesitation he urged you on with a look and lean in and whispered in your ear, "Finish it."
You'd whisper softly, "I can’t . . . Kanato, people are watching."
He'd reply, "Pretend you dropped something." His hand swiftly removing your clip from your hair and under the table before anyone noticed. This allows you to make an excuse.
I could also see it that if you start something like this, he won't hesitate to touch you either. Especially if you are too shy to continue.
Now while he knows he has composure with guests he knows you don't.
You'd try your hardest to not relax yourself and rest the back of your head on the seat like you're about to moan. He knows it won't be long till you will excuse yourself and he will follow to finish what you started.
Once he is in a room with you he will tease you to no end.
“I wouldn’t have even guessed you’d be so good with your hands.” He’d smirk, leaving kisses on your neck.
You’d blush, “Stop it.”
“Let alone that you have such desires, but I can give my princess more than what she’s asking.” He’d grin, lifting your chin, kissing you passionately.
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Bro was turned on because of your dress showing off your boobs.
And he wasn’t ready for you to look that gorgeous
Like he just wasn’t ready
He legit was staring at your boobs the entire dinner time.
He would verbally tell you that you’re hot tho.
To which Reiji will tell him to have that conversation with you later.
You couldn’t help and be amused and felt the need to tease Ayato.
You’d literally be sitting across from him and put your arms closer together just for your boobs to be squish together, getting him to be aroused.
He’d literally mouthed to you from across the table to knock it off.
But why would you? This boy needs to be put in place.
You of course continued to tease by leaning over to pass the salt and so much more.
Through the middle of dinner he almost couldn’t take it. Until he grabbed you by the arm and took you to his room.
“Do you not realize how hot you are?” He’d say to you.
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You felt the need to embarrass him.
I mean it’s always fun to see that on him since he tries so hard not to blush.
But you are his weakness
You looked really pretty in the dress that you were wearing and that was practically all he could say.
Aside from the constant stares he gave you when you’d pass the salt to someone, drink something, or even eat.
He’d stare at your lips constantly and just get so lost looking at you.
You’d notice this and put a hand on his back which made him surprised.
This led you to smile a bit. Of course, you couldn’t stop here.
You rubbed circles into his back in a taunting way causing his face to flush.
And surely enough one of his brothers, that being Laito, needed to point this out.
“Oh brother you look flustered.”
“Shut up, I’m not!”
To make matters worse you moved your hand away and placed it on his thigh.
“You can deny all you want brother but your face won’t. You must be thinking about your girl too much.”
“I said shut up, you perv!”
Reiji would have them calm down and dinner would resume.
But you’d still be playing with him, by constantly rubbing his thigh.
If you touch his crotch he’s done for.
He’d groan and look at you upset only to grab your hand and head out of the dining room.
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Oh, this boy can't contain himself for long.
It started with the fact that he told you that you looked hot and you decided to get him.
He kept eyeing your chest and put his hand on your shoulder if he could.
With all of this, you decided to have your fun with Kino and take teasing to the next level.
At first, you taunted him by glancing at him and having your leg constantly play with his. And at any time he tried to ask you about it, you'd play dumb.
Or all the times your hands brushed against him.
He was trying his best to act calm during the dinner. But gradually he couldn't help himself.
He's better than Ayato when it comes to containing his feelings.
But as soon as your hand was on his crotch he was completely done for.
Tried to cover up his moans and grunts by clearing his throat or cough which seemed to convince most.
He whispers to you to cut it out.
"Y/n, I swear. This isn't the time, we can do this later."
"Kino, it's just a game, relax. You did it to me last time."
It then dawned on him that this was payback.
And it was at this moment he knew . . . he fucked up. xDD
He'd try to stay throughout the whole dinner, occasionally moving your hand. But the minute you played with his zipper he lost it.
He shot up in his seat and pulled you by the hand to leave from the table, saying that you and him needed to head out.
Afterwards, he wasn't going to let you live it down.
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Didn't say a word the entire time.
No matter what you did he acted no different. You honestly thought that you had no effect on him.
Still you were determined to get some reaction out of him.
You kept eye contact frequently with him throughout dinner but he pretended like nothing was going on. He kept a straight face the entire time.
At first your hand was intertwined with his but then you got the idea to tease him and placed your hand on his thigh but it didn't seem to phase him.
You moved your hand up further to tease him, even down to putting your hand directly on his crotch and tease him. Rather than pushing you away he just stood there. turned on of course, and let you do whatever. You almost lost interest seeing he was giving you no attention.
Usually, he'd say something by now or give you a look but he just kept acting like you were behaving properly at the dinner table.
Seeing that your advances didn't seem to phase, although deep down he was highly amused and intrigued, you gave up and intertwined your hands with his again acting as if nothing happened since Ruki left you to be bored. He talked with others during dinner so normally, and ignored all your actions.
When the dinner was over and everyone said their goodbyes you headed upstairs with him to get changed. You look at yourself in the vanity mirror, taking the pins out of your hair and removing your necklace as you heard Ruki lock the door.
You paid no attention to him and started to unzip your dress causally. "Did you really think I'd let you get away with tonight?" He'd say, startling you.
"Huh? Ahh!" You'd yelp as you felt a pair of hands grab a hold of your hips harshly feeling his erection graze your bottom before forcing you down to have you bent over the vanity.
"It's my turn now." He'd smirk, slipping your dress off your body to have it touch the floor.
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Wasn't expecting to be turned on.
But he's not opposed to it at all.
He's just a little upset at your timing because he couldn't find an excuse to just get up and leave. I mean his brothers might question what's going on.
At first he that you were just being clingy and handsy and didn't pay much attention to it.
He was used to you having your hand on his thigh and all that.
But your hands started to wonder near his crotch so that led him to adjust himself in seat a couple times. To which got him to be turned on even though he was trying to not make it a big deal.
Then it finally got to the point where you were really teasing him by openlying place your hand there when he was hard. He smiled and bit his lip since he didn't want to disappoint but put your hand down to say, "Kitten, I know you wanna have fun but we're kinda busy. I promise I'm all yours later." He'd wink.
Which rest assured he did keep his promise later.
However, if he was feeling really needy he would make an excuse to use the bathroom. And later on you made the same excuse so that you two could be alone together.
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You both had been arguing about something before you too came to dinner. He was mad at you and you were really mad at him.
He was trying to place his hand on your thigh to get your attention and you kept moving his hand away. It resulted with you swatting his hand a few times under the table because you were so annoyed. In fact you were trying to grab a hold of his hand to stop him.
Even tho your hand is so much smaller
"Quit it, Yuma I--" Through trying to grab his hand but without looking at him you ended up grabbing something else. This quickly got his mood to change and be a teasing shit as he knew you didn't mean for that to happen. Your face changed to an expression of shock as you retracted your hand instantly leading him to smirk.
"Thought you were mad?" He'd taunt
"I am." You'd say annoyed, still not looking at him.
"Don't seem like it." He'd tease, eyeing you down.
"Shut up." You'd huff only for him to leave you be.
You were really mad still and then thought about leaving him sexually frusterated at this dinner party. So, once he had gotten comfortable you placed your hand on his thigh giving it a harsh squeeze before you worked your magic stroking his crotch till he was hard. He hid his grunts pretty well and knew not to make a scene since he was in front of others. However, once you noticed that he seemed to be wanting more, you pulled away. "You don't deserve the rest." You'd say glaring at him but he just acted cool and waited till you got home.
You were going to head to the bathroom to shower but he pulled you back by your waist, “So, I don’t deserve it but you still grabbed me.” He’d smirk, making you roll your eyes as you said, “I did that so you’d be sexually frustrated.”
“Oh my god, you’re still mad about me getting mud on you?!” He’d argue to which you’d answer “You were mad at me too!”
“Yeah, you let the birds eat the fruit!” Yuma would point out.
“They were hungry, they deserve to eat!” You’d responded.
"Yeah, and I'm hard, I gotta eat too." He'd smirk, clutching your ass.
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The calmest one of them all.
Azusa has a harder time registering what was going on at first.
He wouldn’t even mind giving everyone a show.
Like once he gets caught up in him there is like no stopping him.
It was a very boring dinner and Azusa was pretty quiet, and he was dressed rather nice.
Now what really made you want to tease him was because he said that you were pretty and smelled really nice.
You knew it had been a little while since you two had some fun and you figured it would be the time.
Plus, seeing how sneeky Azusa is you two would be able to get away with this.
It didn't take much to start him, he was a little surprised that your hand was on his crotch but at first he thought you had no idea. That is until you start to stroke him there, rather than looking uneasy he was just smiling.
"We shouldn't . . . do it here . . . let's go upstairs."
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Carla hadn't been paying much attention to you lately, mostly because he was busy being King of the Founders and new errands just kept popping up.
And because of his neglect, you figured the best way to get his attention was through a gathering.
And tonight would be the night where you could very much get his attention since you knew Carla was weak when it came to unexpected attention.
He'd sit at the dinner table casually, Shin being a few seats away from him, along with other nobles whilst you sat next to Carla.
He was acting pretty quiet among the nobles that continued to chit-chat and rather relaxed considering he was sitting down and partaking.
But, this quickly ended when he felt your hand on his thigh, causing him to flinch slightly since it was so unexpected.
Knowing you were getting a kick out of his reaction, he'd remind, "Not here."
But you persisted, your hand going from his thigh to his crotch this time, causing him to jolt in his seat, practically catching the attention of everyone at the table.
It was so bad that even Shin noticed.
"Brother, you seem tense."
"What? The king? Tense? Nonsense."
As much as he wanted to leave, he couldn't because he was the king--it would be beyond informal and rude to do so, and your teasing was only getting worse--it getting to the point that he practically couldn't hold back a groan.
So, since he couldn't leave casually, he instead used his powers to make something on the table catch on fire so guests would leave, Shin included.
You were startled by the fire yourself and tried to get up, but his hand took hold of your wrist, forcing you to sit back down next to him, a single gesture of his hand closing all the doors of the dining room and locking them, leaving only the two of you inside as he extinguished the fire on the table.
Not understanding what he was doing, you questioned, "Carla, what are you-,"
"Now that you've had your fun, I can have mine." He'd say, slamming you against the table's surface, lifting up your dress and undoing his belt all too quickly.
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Luckily no one could tell what you were up to see the dining room armchairs and the proximity of the table to your body gave you plenty of privacy. Although Carla sensed you two were up to something.
Unlike his brother he is not ashamed he's really amused. And he's pretty good at keeping it under wraps and would only want you to go further. Wouldn't give a damn if anyone saw either.
Your hand was on his knee before dragging it further to rest on his belt. Seeing he gave no reaction, you played with the buckle, tugging at it with your fingers and pretending to unlatch it, while studying his actions. He was turned on but you didn't stop there, you moved your hand down to feel his growing erection. Shin bit his lip at this, now he was surely going to get you back especially since you kept going.
Out of nowhere, you felt his hand slide under your dress and trailing up your thigh.
"I think it's only fair I return the favor, love." He'd whisper, playing with your clothed crotch. You came at a halt at pleasuring him as this was becoming too much. He was amused at your attempt to remain calm while your legs were trembling. Not wanting to get caught, you tried to pry his hand off while adjusting in your seat. Seeing how sensitive you were he took the opportunity to humiliate you even more by slipping a finger inside you. This made you jolt in your seat and have your knee hit the table by accident.
You felt so embarrassed while Shin had the biggest smirk on his face ever. Carla, then stepped in, "Brother, Y/n, seems unwell. You should take her home to have her rest." Carla would say leading you to have an excuse to leave. He's gonna kill him later.
Once you two were home, he'd chuckle thinking of how you reacted. "This isn't funny." You'd glare, feeling so humiliated as you walking upstairs to your room.
"Oh c'mon, love, relax. It's not like they knew the reason."
"I'm sure they can imagine, thanks to you."
"Yes, well you are quiet sensitve." He'd grin before bursting into laughter as you tried to hit him but he grabbed a hold of your wrist.
He grinned before pinning you down on the bed and crawling on top of you, “Now I’d like to see you get even more sensitive.”
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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The sakamaki finds their self staring at their S/O baby/kids photos or maybe vice Vera, pick you’re favourite!
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I'm picking both because I'm an indecisive lil'bitch, so this is part 1 with the Sakamakis seeing you as children. This took way longer than expected but I got bad writers block with Kanato, Laito, and Ayato in particular.
Part 2
TW: Some mildly degrading language, it comes with the DL terrotory, Laito calls reader a whore once.
Shu Sakamaki
Perhaps if you were less tired you would have heard the door creak open or felt the hallway's light hitting your eyes as he entered your room. While not requiring heat, it was a luxury Shu enjoyed indulging in it and you tended to give the best reactions to his cold fingers waking you.
This time though you looked exhausted, a long exam season having drained you more than he would have thought. Besides, it would be funniest if you had the energy to react well. So for now he was intent on joining you in dreamland. That was until his eyes strayed to your vanity where a book lay half open. A clearer look showed a small child grinning up at him, and the note "Sweet Pea's first contest" was scrawled on a slip of paper attached to the bottom left corner.
You were sat beside an older girl both in tutus your hair adorned with with a delicate tiara complimenting your light pink, glittery costume. It looked like you were matching the older girl who was dressed in the more traditional sugar plum fairy outfit. Flicking through the book it looked like you must still be a ballerina, he especially loved your first point shoe photo, you were beaming at yourself in a mirror while standing holding the bar.
The last photo was dated as being almost a year ago, you were stunning. On stage front and center leg held high being supported by your partner as you stared dainty upwards to the side, ironically you were also a sugar plum fairy. Except there was something much more ethereal compared to the first picture he saw, you must have been some prodigy to look this way. The spotlight had all of you glowing, the layers of tulle and jewels only accentuating your glow rather than causing it.
You also had a photo with a young girl after the show, a change in generations perhaps? But, you didn't look as happy. There was the arm of a man in the frame slightly, wearing some robe similar to Yui's dad. Flicking between the first and last photo there was a clear difference between your smile reaching your eyes. You looked so hollow compared to your younger self.
The noise of you stirring slightly and turning over is what brings him back to reality, looking at you now it would be a lie to say he ever saw you smile the way you do in these photos, a beaming toothy grin in an expression he could only call personified sunshine. Now, none of that was visible. What little joy was left in that photo of you and the child had been eradicated. You were paler, and more gaunt due to constant blood draining. You had bags heavy under your eyes and knots in your hair. Punctures littered your neck, painful angry marks unhealed and just left there to further your pain.
He never asked about your hobbies or life before the manor, he knew very little about your past what he had seen while at your least intruding to try minimize the harm his brother, no he was causing. He didn't like this feeling, a rolling unsettling feeling in his stomach. He couldn't look at you as he slunk away.
Reiji Sakamaki
"Seriously, must you be so rude to delay all of our journey home."
Pushing open the doors to the school library he met the sight of your head against a book out cold. Walking closer it was clear you had been studying for some time, a mixture of notes and books laid around you. Tutting, Reiji brushed some pencil shavings away noticing the golden chain wrapped around your fingers a small heart nestled in your palm.
Turning it over it fell open to reveal two halves, one empty the other revealing a young girl in the lap of two people, their heads were out of the frame. Picking up the locket to more closely examine it, the girl was holding a teddy bear with a big red bow matching the red dress she was in.
"They took that picture before they sent me off to the church"
Turning his head back to face her, she had sat up and wiped her eyes. Resting her head in her hand and looking at his hand with some far away look in her eyes.
"The church that supplies your sacrifices, cults are always going to exist but yours is less popular than you know. So they trick people or offer to buy their children flat out. Some of the girls had seen their parents trying to get them back, tricked into believing the church was a boarding school. I'm not sure what mine believed, I never saw them again. I don't have any other pictures of them."
"You don't believe in the Church? Yui seems rather devoted still, I know how you humans work and-"
"Yui was raised in the Church by a leading priest who at least pretended to love her, I was shipped off and locked in a building raised to be killed. If you want to view the world as one dimensional, I'd like to remind you that it goes both ways. So I know you vampires are so incapable of managing yourselves you lose all decorum when blood is involved and have seemingly failed to learn how to wipe your mouth." She was sneering, evidently it was harder to hold her tongue freshly woken up. All he could focus on was the swirling pain in your eyes, it was the closest he'd ever seen her get to tears, it took him aback.
The silence seemed to only further solidify your upset, shaking your head and grabbing the locket and your bag before walking out of the library. Reiji hung back for a moment, almost reflective before turning back to the table. The notes were insightful, she had interacted with the material rather than the girls in the school that begged him for help. He had to wonder if perhaps he was using a less than adequate sample population...
Walking out to return to the limo he had to begin considering appropriate response to this outburst.
Ayato Sakamaki
"Yo, you better hurry up Ore-sama waits for no-one!"
"I'm showering, you're the one that came into my room." Scowling the red head dropped down onto your bed only to feel something poking him. Lifting the mattress revealed a flat tin box you had hidden suspiciously. Nosey as he is, he immediately opened the box to be faced with a collection of different photos. Some were of you in some school uniform with some friends, you look around 13 in some of them. Other, newer, photos have you in some brick building with those other girls, as well as some of the previous brides, some wore crosses similar to Yui's but you weren't. You were sat on a window ledge a small cupcake in your lap with those other brides living here, your eyes had that same hollow look you get when he insults you. The worse one though was a picture of you as a toddler, sat on a woman's lap with a tiny paper hat on your head. You were grinning in front of a cake lit up with 3 candles.
How dare you. Being so happy and hiding these expressions from him but showing them to other people. As this is crossing his mind he hears the door creaking open as you enter still drying your hair before freezing.
"How did you get that." You were trembling, eyes fixed on the box still in his lap.
"How dare you hide things for Ore-sama! You are mine nobody else's you have to give me everything. And this," He held up the box, shaking it to punctuate his words. "This is proof you are hiding things from yours truly!"
Tossing the box into the fire in a fit of rage, watching you cry as you try to save some of the photos. He eventually pulled you away, drinking you near faint and watching as you stumble trying to run away when he let you go. Watching as the flames slowly cause the photos to curl in on your small round face while you wait to blow out your candles. As well as listening as you sobbed just outside the door.
Kanato Sakamaki
Kanato had demanded to see what was in your suitcase the moment you had passed the doors into this hellhole. Thankfully Reiji had insisted that it was improper and due to his short attention span the purple haired menace had mostly forgotten. As weeks passed it had completely slipped your mind as you were far too preoccupied trying not to die. While walking through the halls of the manor back to your room after school your mind drifted to Kanato's bizarre behavior.
Kanato, for some reason, followed you around more than the other girls here, you were unsure how to feel about him all in all. He had moments where he was incredibly sweet and nice only to change in an instance with no predictability into screaming, violent rages. He was bad news, with no motivation or willingness to try change or improve you had to live in constant tension over what mood he'd be in. No better example came to mind that what you faced upon opening your door.
Kanato sat at the foot of your bed, your suitcase open and a scattered collection of pictures of you around them. Your heart was in your throat, unable to see his face to know how to act or run. Your hands were clammy, those photos were important to you and while you wouldn't mind showing people Kanato was ultimately a risk, he could rip them up or hurt you for having them.
"Hey, you were a cute child strawberry." Kanato was half facing you now, focusing on the picture in his hand you in a princess bouncy castle at your cousin's 5th birthday. You loved that one, you had dressed up as Rapunzel, you had a lilac tea dress on and your mother had bought fake hair to braid in with yours to extend its length. Gently stepping closer you explained this to Kanato, and about her being your favorite as a child.
"You can sit closer, I want you to tell me more." He didn't sound angry, rare for when he made demands. and you want it to stay that way. Sitting closer he also shifts to have his right knee brushing your leg as he sat crossed legged. He had his arm holding himself up behind you. Sitting in that pose, if it weren't for the clothes, he looks like a normal teenager.
He kept you there for over an hour it felt good to get to talk about your life before being a sacrifice. It was the longest you had ever seen him lucid. You eventually nod off, vaguely comprehending fingers slowly running through your hair and a blanket being draped around you.
Laito Sakamaki
Laito strikes a balance between crazy and insane that while still very much not sane, he's better at hiding it. For the past few months while here you've seen him slowly tailor his behavior to somewhat better suit you. While still a complete perv, once he realized his attempts at flirting didn't work he changed tactics, a few times, until there was this uneasy understanding between you both. You weren't friends or anything but his worst behaviors were saved for when he was hungry for the most part, other than that he was mostly just an annoyance. An annoyance currently not letting you take your time with the Sunday crossword. "8 across is isthmi, strip of land connecting two large areas separated by a body of water."
"I knew that."
"Is that why you took so long to write it down?" I could only glare as he sat there one hand holding up his head on the opposite end of the sofa. Chewing my cheek to stop a sly remark I twirled my pen before filling in the answer. It's been a few days since he's drank, too many smart remarks could have bad results.
Between answering hints that I was taking too long to figure out, Laito was playing with the other pages of the newspaper, folding them into aeroplanes to send across the room. Fiddling with one of his most recent planes absentmindedly, he began to speak.
"The real question is why do you do these crosswords when you're so bad at them." He was grinning as he looked up to see my reaction. However, unlike my normal remarks my face must've fallen because he looked incredibly confused.
"Oh? Strike a nerve little whore?~" He was all but purring, reveling in getting under my skin so effectively. All I could do in response is shake my head turning back to try focus on the crossword. About a minute of silence passed of pretending to focus on the page. Suddenly feeling breath near the back of my ear I flinch turning to see him hovering above me, arm on the headrest behind me and his other on the armrest caging me in. Panicking my breathing picked up as I tried to ensure as much distance between me and him as possible.
"Pictures," he mumbled. "The answer is pictures 4 down, you're not that bad...what are you thinking." He was staring straight at me, seeing straight through me. He reached back to his pocket before placing a familiar photo in front of me, the old crease down the center where I folded it in half to fit in my old uniform. It was a photo from the dormitories, I was 5 working on a crossword page torn from the paper while the older girls in the room were reading the paper and the younger ones played.
"I found it when going through your stuff to see what could be returned to you, can't have cellphones or anything useful for escape. Only to find this, some of those other girls are in the photo and just like every Sunday you ripped out the crossword page. Why?"
I didn't like this Laito, when he was just as sharp as his older brother's and not as easy to placate as the other two triplets. This Laito, who has now left me to share things I would've much rather keep private.
"Nowadays, the Church operates as a boarding school to draw in brides. You get there and you are cut off from the outside world, they tell us the girls run away when they're sent here. They wouldn't give us any real information, too many heretics in the world." Picking at the frayed edges of my hoodie's arm, I took a deep breath before continuing on. "I told the matron I liked crosswords, she did the weekly Sudoku, so since I was young I knew she thought I wouldn't break any rules. I would tear out the crossword page to do while the older girls read the paper to collect any news on disappearances and just on the greater world in general. I would return the paper and say I tore out the crossword to keep to see how my timing improved. Now it's just a habit that paper will never say anything about us or anything that can help right."
I saw him sit back out of the corner of my eye. Readying myself to be bitten or mocked I kept looking down.
"You still stick your tongue out when you focus, its cute."
Before I could even look up he was gone.
Subaru Sakamaki
Out of all the Sakamaki brothers, Subaru was by far the safest. His anger was predictable and mostly posed a risk to furniture over you, even his bites were gentle and so long as he didn't rush off he would seal the wound with what you had dubbed 'nasty healing spit'. So when he unofficial began acting as your bodyguard you didn't complain, or even acknowledge it out of fear he would stop and leave you to the bats.
The new routine was by far the most peaceful you had experienced in some time. You ate your breakfast on your balcony watching the sunset before the white haired shadow took his place brooding nearby. This 'morning' was no different, you set eating your breakfast as you looked through a small pile of photos that the computer club had salvaged from the remnants of your phone. As the sky faded from orange, to purple, to the dark blue of summer nights and stars began to appear in the sky you sat back, eying the door waiting for his appearance.
Your door opened, his figure being somewhat visible through the sheer curtains as he yawned. Once he pulled the curtain back to step outside he scowled seeing you waiting, but when did he not? He silently placed himself leaning against the door frame while you remained seated.
"You can sit closer you know. I don't bite, promise!" Grinning up at Subaru while his scowl worsened.
"You aren't going to last long if you have that attitude stupid."
"I thought we had an agreement, most liars don't call themselves liars."
"I'm a vampire, you shouldn't be so careless if you value your life."
Sighing and turning back to your pictures, you both continued to sit in silence. It took 5 minutes for Subaru to give in and move closer. You were still going through the photos not acknowledging his movement. If there's anything you've learnt it's that if you ever point out Subaru's behavior he runs away, ironic for such a fearsome creature. After he had some time to work up the courage he pointed to one in your hand.
"Who's that?"
The photo was of you wearing some roller skates at a roller disco party, you were 7 or 8. Your wrists covered in sparkly wrist bands and plasters covering your knees and palms from how much you had slipped practicing to avoid embarrassment.
"It's me at one of my friend's birthday party, About a year after this I first got sent to this boarding school linked to the Church. After a few years I was cut off from everyone and sent here. That was the last time I saw her actually, she moved away."
The albino nodded in understanding before once again entering into a lapse of silence. He kept looking back to that photo while you organized the rest of the pile, wrapping the photos in a piece of paper to prevent any sun or dust damage. Standing back up and collecting your belongings you looked to him expectantly. However, he just continued to stare off into the distance.
Weighing up your options and how much you currently valued your life, you leaned down to tap his shoulder. Aside from a minor jolt he seemed more receptive to you. Passing over the photo you were smiling.
"I don't want to look at this it makes me sad, but it seemed to catch your attention to here."
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shuusocks · 2 months
NSFW headcanons: Ayato, Kanato and Subaru (Sakamaki ver.) (pt. 2)
Content warning: 18+ themes, explicit mentions of sexual activity 🤺
Ayato Sakamaki:
➤ "Ayato is definitely a one possessive and jealous prick, especially when it comes to you. The thought of sharing you with someone else never really crossed his mind until now.
As Ayato sat on the coach, in your shared room, watching Laito ruthlessly take you on your bed, he couldn’t help but let out a few strangled moans while slowly touching himself. Never taking his eyes off of you. The sound of your soft moans, your aching body begging to be touched by Laito. The view made Ayato furious but his body was completely betraying him. Tiny beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his chest raising and falling back down unrhythmically. How dare someone else make you feel this good."
Physical touch.
➤ "Ayato is a really touchy person. He absolutely loves feeling up your body, kissing you, just being around you in general. Everytime you two get intimate he can’t keep his hands off of you. Grabbing your waist, fondling your butt, attacking your neck with kisses which leave dark hickeys after. 
Pda is afraid of this dude. He will show you off in public like you’re a trophy. Your hands will always be intertwined or one of his hands will be wrapped around your waist, securing you in place next to him and marking you as taken."
Public teasing.
➤ "This ties up with the whole pda thing. Ayato will not only be affectionate with you in public, he will tease the hell out of you. To the point you're so bothered you’ll be begging him to take you home and make it up for the state he put you in.
If you're wearing a revealing outfit, he’ll randomly start touching your knees, slowly making his way up to your thighs, gently caressing them, while his other hand firmly holds onto your waist keeping you in place. Ayato will get up close to your neck and breathlessly whisper all the things he’s planning on doing to you. 
Of course he’ll make sure at least one random person sees this little show of his."
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Kanato Sakamaki:
Food kink.
➤ "Kanato definitely has a food kink. Mainly sweets. He loves squirting soft whipped cream all over your body, letting it drip down your skin as he slowly licks it off. Getting dirty isn’t something Kanato is afraid of. The more embarrassed and messy you become the more turned on he gets. 
The sight of you squirming, whining all because he’s making you feel so good while you’re uncomfortably covered in sticky chocolate - caramel syrup is all Kanato needs to finish instantly."
Gags and chains.
➤ "I absolutely believe he would be in some kind of BDSM aspect. Maybe not as extreme as Reiji is but Kanato definitely has his share. I think he would mostly be into gags and chains. 
He’d restrain you to the bed and put a choker gag in your mouth so you’d be a salivating mess while you try to plead for his forgiveness. (He probably caught you with one of his brothers and the jealousy got the better of him.) It would be like torture but in the best way possible. Kanato would edge you for hours. Your restrained, frail body burning with desire it can’t quite reach… until you suddenly finish without his permission."
➤ "Diving deeper into his sadistic tendencies can definitely bring out a lot of things. And one of them for sure being a degradation kink. This boy looooves throwing out insults, embarrassing, degrading nicknames at you. 
He’ll do anything to make you feel like a vulnerable little pet that he can easily control. Seeing your cute expression filled with a mix of pain and pleasure while he's mercilessly pounding into you, sends him completely over the edge.
But of course even Kanato knows where your limits lie. After you two are done, he’ll kiss your tear stained, swollen face, caress your delicate skin and cuddle you until you’re asleep."
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Subaru Sakamaki:
➤ "Subaru is a shy boy. He hates being put in the spotlight or getting attention from literally anyone except you.
But in the bedroom his personality completely shifts. His demeanor, his movements are rough. He can’t stand being on the bottom, it makes him feel powerless. Sure he’ll let you tease him by being on top, but it usually doesn't last long. When things get too heated Subaru flips you two back to the original position, leaving you beneath him again as he grabs your waist, gently yet firmly pressing you up against the mattress while you both hastily make out, leaving each other's necks, collar bones bruised beyond belief."
➤ "Since you and Subaru were both innocent when you started dating, your intimate life wasn't too crazy either. The smallest things made you both crave for each other.
Simple praises that left you soft lips made Subaru go insane. Whispering how good of a job he’s doing right into his ear while in the middle of sex was everything he wanted to hear. Your words made him feel validated, they made him feel like he’s the only one who can make your body feel this good. Your hazy, desperate pleas for him to give you more, your body arching in his hands, completely filled with desire was the end of him.
You were the end of him."
Temperature play.
➤ "Subaru, unlike his siblings, isn't really into the hardcore stuff, but he does quite enjoy temperature play.
A significant part of your foreplay includes messing around with different temperatures. Whether it be ice cubes, being slid around your hardened buds, sending full body shivers down your back, or maybe hot candle wax dripping on your stomach, your thighs. The excitement, the curiosity waiting for your reaction always gets Subarus blood going. Waiting for the facial expressions that are going to appear on your face, how your body twitches with every little thing touching your skin, how your thighs instinctively clench from all the different sensations."
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Also thank you for your suggestions! I will take each and every one into consideration :)
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koralinewrites · 2 months
Thinking about the Triplets makes me physically ill. Especially in Laito’s Dark Fate route.
Like…. Imagine being Ayato and Kanato during that. Seeing your brother, the one who’s never really serious about anything, just completely break down like that…. He’s not even trying to hide his emotions anymore, as there’s so much of it he doesn’t know what to do…
AND THEN, to make it even worse, imagine you have to make the choice to either stay in a burning castle with him and potentially die or leave him (and the person he’s in love with who, at this point in the games, you probably consider them more than food- at least a friend) to save yourself.
I would put money on the fact that if Kanato wasn’t there, Ayato would’ve stayed in that castle with Laito. He would’ve either forcibly dragged him out or died along with him.
And that doesn’t mean that Kanato didn’t care- he definitely did. He just realized that they couldn’t do anything to convince Laito to leave. Only Yui could.
Having to leave that building, NOT KNOWING if your brother and his lover would get out would be terrifying.
These boys…. I can’t.
On a side note, if you haven’t watched a playthrough of Laito’s DF route, you NEED TO. Reading it does not do justice to the amazing performance his VA did. I personally watched @diabolikpersonals playthrough of it, and when I tell you I CRIED during his Brute ending…
But yeah. The triplets make me want to cry and scream and beat the shit out of Karlheinz.
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 7 months
Would the diaboys and Yui take your last name?
Yes. While he has shown some care and loyalty to his brothers, the family name Sakamaki itself he has no loyalty to or care for, especially since he hates his dad. He also doesn't strike me as someone who cares about enforcing traditions.
No. In most routes Reiji is the only Sakamaki brother that doesn't hate his father, and therefore has actual loyalty to his family name. He's also a very traditional man. He would not take your last name.
Also no. He hates Karlheinz and isn't traditional, but he's extremely possessive, so he wants you to take his last name. He wouldn't want to choose a new surname either because it's not possessive if you both changed your last names. He wants you to take his.
It's somewhat likely but I think he's more likely to want hyphenation or just choosing a new surname for the both of you.
Pretty much exact same as Ayato. You are his possession and you will take his last name to show that.
Subaru's possessive and hates his father so he has no real loyalty to his surname. He doesn't strike me as the traditional type but I think the idea of you taking his last name would appeal to him. You might be able to convince him to hyphenate or take your last name but I think ultimately his preference would be for you to take the surname Sakamaki after marriage.
You will take his last name, he will not take yours. Not only is he traditional, he's also possessive and he's your master, so you must take his last name. And unlike the Sakamaki brothers, the Mukami brothers all have love and loyalty for their surname because it's what makes them brothers and family.
I think he's one of the more open-minded diaboys regarding this, but I feel like he'd want you take his last name because of the love, loyalty, and family associated with it. He'd probably be open to hyphenate, but I don't think he'd want to take yours. He won't take your last name because he wants to stay with Mukami.
For some reason I headcanon him as really open-minded with this but at the same time canonically he's super possessive and he has that love and loyalty with his surname. I still stand by that open-minded headcanon and I think he might outright suggest hyphenation.
Azusa would do anything to please his s/o but I think he's so attached to his last name that this is really the one thing he's unwilling to change. He'd be apologetic but he'd suggest hyphenation. He gets very attached to things with meaning so I can't see him being fully willing to give that up.
You're taking his last name. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Same with Carla. He will absolutely not be changing his last name to yours. He might consider hyphenation but at the end of the day he'd demand you take his.
Kino is very proud of his whole prince and son of Karlheinz status, so I doubt he'd be willing to take your last name. I have the feeling he wouldn't be willing to hyphenate either.
Yes. In fact, she'd be surprised and unsure about hyphenation or you taking hers. She's very traditional in that regard.
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ineedjesusverymuch · 23 days
Diabolik lovers headcanons pt. 3 (even more stuff)
Hi, it's been a while, no? Even though I feel a bit like I'm screaming into an empty void, I do enjoy writing my thoughts down.
The Diabolik Lovers fandom gets smaller and smaller and since just a few blogs are active, I wanted to post more! I know that without Rejet producing more content (that is canon and not "just" new merchlines, even though I deeply love the art), the dl fandom is bound to shrink. But: now, there are a lot of very respectful blogs, which I do enjoy! The toxicity just shrinks a lot on smaller fandoms. And I really love that no slander of Yui is happening!
Now, lets get into the headcanons after my short ramble.
I won't write anything nsfw this time, just a quick psa.
⚠ I'll try to mark anything that could be triggering with this: ❗trigger warning ❗
⚠This post will briefly discuss topics like: parental trauma and childhood trauma.⚠
The topics in this post will be mostly happy or cute (?), asks are always appreciated!
As always, I'll try to be at least a bit true to canon. But... Well.
this time I did not just ramble about Kanato, I think I talked about Laito quite a bit though...
Headcanons under the cut ⬇
First of all: Shu.
Genuinely loves dogs (remember the scene with Yuma? The little puppy? Yes.)
All fluffy dogs are loved, just as all other dogs.
Loveslovesloves Golden retrievers and sheperd dogs. Likes big dogs a bit more than small dogs, more to hug.
Deeply hates toads. Not frogs, toads. He thinks they're quite ugly and hates how big they can get
Shu is Not dumb but being a little fuck by not-obeying-karlheinz's-orders-like-being-good-in-school
Has only socks with terrible obnoxious patterns, like the weirdest psychedelic shit? I'm talking about rainbow colored mushrooms on sunyellow backdrop and comical faces. (Ngl, it's a vibe)
Huuuuge crush on Yuma. He likes his long hair and the fact that Yuma doesn't try to lie to him. Shu likes honest people and Yuma with his blunt approach is amazing for him. Also, he is convinced that Yuma is very simple to understand, nit at all complicated like some other people.
Next in Line is Reiji! What a surprise.
Has a huge collection of Hand cream and lotion. He has those long, slim fingers and his nails are manicured so impeccable that they don't even look real anymore.
Wears only black socks. Its a hassle to sort them since some of them have different lengths or fabrics
Has pet rats. Definitely pet rats.
They're cute and all but he's named ever single one outrageous names like Berthold and Brunhilde, the typical old german names you'd read in very old books.
Reiji Is able to speak not only german, japanese and the demon language but can also speak latin (even though shu is on a much higher level), a bit of French and russian.
Would be the type to do things simply out of sprite. Shu once mentioned not liking blue curtains and now all curtains are blue.
Has an academic rivalry with Ruki. All the other students (including Ruki) think they're flirting, only Reiji is oblivious.
Next: our boy Ayato!
Hates bees with a passion.
Kanato once "gifted" him a box of bees out of spite (the little shit put the whole bee hive in that box), ever since then Ayato runs as soon as humming from a bee can be heard in a ten mile ratio. (Being outside is very exhausting for everyone, himself included)
Very much enjoys shows like Brigderton and say yes to the dress. Loves the drama and the intrigue.
Ayato actually? Doesn't hate his brothers??? He likes to bicker with them, especially his other triplets, but genuinely cares about them. He's just a bit too emotionally stunted on that front (thank you cordelia).
Likes not only takoyaki but also any type of japanese festival food. I'm talking about mochi, dango and tayaki, etc.
the type to have lactose intolerance and ignore it completely to seem "cool"
went on an ice cream date with Yui once and spent the entire night in the bathroom because he was too proud to say no
Actually wears makeup? I'm not talking about full-on glam but a bit concealer and eyeliner. Ayato has red mascara and omfg he looks so good with it???
Laito and he enjoy playing those multiplayer games for nintendo
He has an entire village on animal crossing that is managed by him and Laito together
Next in line: Kanato!
I have made quite long posts about him in the past so I wont elaborate on some things that I already wrote down.
Very skilled at makeup. Like top-level skill. Wears eyeliner, liptint or gloss and glitter under and on his eyes. Light blush is a must-have!
Can crochet and knit but is often too impatient to make bigger projects
Will hyperfocus on things like historical fashion and garments for weeks at a time.
Once was so focused on the black plague that he didn't drink blood for like five weeks and passed out until he was fed some blood
Has a friendship with Yuma? They plant plants together and since Kanato (canonically) likes apples, Yuma will bring him some after plucking.
Kanato enjoys tea time with Reiji
Kanato also likes to gossip with Laito. Or more like: Laito gossips and Kanato sits next to him and munches on some sweets.
Huge crush on Azusa. (I went into more detail on that in earlier posts but I'll answer any questions on that matter! Feel free to send me asks or prompts!)
He and Ayato have both the same interest for old fairy tales and will read them together on those nights were everything just comes up again
❗Laito will comfort him when Kanato has nightmares and Kanato will be there for Laito, since they went through a bit if the same things even though Laito's was much more intense
Cuddle time with Shu
Quiet time with Subaru
Now Laito!
Can speak a fuckton of languages.
I don't care if its canon but Laito is like B2 Level of French. Is able to discuss theological matters is perfect french.
Can also speak italian like all the triplets but he's also able to speak a bit german, polish and romanian
Friends with Kou! ❗They're really good ffriends and can understand what the other went though. Laito stays often over night at Kou's and they spend the night watching funny movies (Deadpool is Laitos current favourite)
Laito enjoys comics. He likes Marvel and DC a lot!
We know that Laito likes crossword puzzles but like. He's so good at them it's almost frightening. Is able to not only do japanese ones but also french.
So intelligent???
Not only booksmart but also "people smart". He notices the smallest things on people around him, constantly analizes everyone. Knows a lot about medicine and psychology.
Loves learning new things.
Has immense knowledge about the universe, is able to name every single star sign on the sky.
in the games we often see Laito wear casual clothing. My headcanon is that he likes the sort of style skaters usually wear.
Really likes cargo pants since everything fits in all of the pockets
Wears oversized hoodies and shirts
Has those two piercings on his left earlobe but also has a lip piercing on the right lower lip and a septum that he got when he was bored
As soon as he's alone, he let's the perverted fassade fall down. He doesn't smile a lot actually, more along the lines of a serious face most of the time.
It took a bit for him to be able to drop that fake face of his in front of Kou and his other triplets but after some time he got used to not fake being friendly and perverted.
Dropped the infamous "bitch-chan" after some time, now uses Yui's actual name. The -chan stayed though.
Last but not least: Subaru!
has very soft plushies in his coffin
Loves those tiny fluffy bunnies. Lionheads especially!
Very gentle with animals.
Animals love him (#disneyprincesssubaru)
once tried to color his hair, it went horrible and his hair was a patchy muddy color for eight weeks
Wears eyeliner. The black, brush-tip ones
Long eyelashes. They genuinely look fake.
So pretty
Is naturally more fair and frail-looking than some other vampires so he tries to roughen himself up
❗Bruises his knuckles and bites his lips to look more dangerous. Even though the scowl he usually wears is more than enough to ward off anyone who wants to pick a fight...
Also friends with Kou (Kou really collects Sakamakis like pokemons)
Wears black nail polish but it chips off pretty fast due to the gardening Subaru does
Bonding time with Kanato is applying nail polish together
Enjoys playing pool and darts with Shu when his older brother has enough motivation
Knows he is fucked up from all the stuff with his mother and wouldn't be opposed to therapy (at least after some sweet talk from Yui... And a whole lot of promises for new seeds for his garden and a new set of black clothes)
Has a motor bike and it's his entire pride
Polishes it every week and has a lot of clothes for biking
Takes trips to somewhere when he's bored and/or annoyed by his other brothers
does not realize that Kou flirts with him every time they do something together (obliviousness lies in the family)
So! That's it? I guess? Sometime in the future I'll write about the Mukamis too, I promise!
If there's anything you'd like me to write about, just send me an ask.
And to whoever reads this: I appreciate the time you took to read my post and I hope you have an amazing day/night !
you are truly appreciated!
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fangsforiris · 2 months
So I was laying in bed debating life. When I thought How would the sakaboys react to having an s/o whose family treats them like family? Like, very warm and friendly and just very nice and accepting!! Even told them to call them mom/dad if they want to accepting!!
My parents wouldn't roll like this at all- but hey, girl can dream
S Boys React to S/O’s Accepting Family
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“I appreciate the offer, it’s nice of you. …Just bear with me since this isn’t something I’m exposed to. But… I appreciate it. This may be more troublesome if we were to split up, however…”
• He wouldn’t react much to this, but it would come off as weird since, sure he was doted on as a child, but it wasn’t in the sense of true parental care, mainly for his usage and ability.
• Shū would find it nice to have something akin to true family or at least a found family situation, as his actual family is dysfunctional at best.
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“Hm, I am grateful for the acknowledgment. I will do my best not to mistake your generosity and kindness.”
• Considering Reiji’s childhood and his absence of motherly and fatherly love, he wouldn’t want to admit he yearned for it.
• This would make him feel uncomfortable as he’s been deprived of it for years— if not centuries.
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“Heh, you’ll have to work up to a title like that! But it’s nice! We don’t really see any of this at home, back at my place, so it’s new… I can get used to this!”
• I think he’d be the most optimistic about it, in terms of new beginnings and experiencing what he may have lacked all these years.
• Ayato may have a lingering doubt that this isn’t real, and in turn, is just a whole ploy at him. He gets the uneasiness by the direct comparison of his actual home life and his S/O’s, it’s as if it’s too good to be true.
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“Does that mean you’ll make me sweets then…? I won’t call you mother or father, but I’ll tolerate it for my Dolly.”
• He wouldn’t call his S/O’s parents ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ period.
• He may hate his parents, or at least hold some disdain, but he still subconsciously has a direct hold of acknowledging them as his creator and parental unit, despite failing at it.
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“Why, thank you. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind, I suppose. It’s quite the culture shock around here, fufu.”
• Honestly, same as Kanato, he wouldn’t feel comfortable with engaging in any parental figure and addressing them as the sort. He’s been let down by his father and mother countless times, to the point where he barely finds any meaning in the titles.
• He will find it slightly endearing, and apart of him would wonder if he was truly deserving of this treatment, especially after all the horrible things he’s done in the past. How did it all total up to him getting a ‘good’ ending?
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“I… Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind, I guess. Not really used to that treatment, kinda feels a bit off.”
• He’d be the most awkward about this.
• If anything, he’d try his best to be very respectful after their commodity, since he wouldn’t want to intrude so much.
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sutcliffe-v · 2 years
laito & virek
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say it again. . . “hm?” that name. . .
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you gave me a name. . . so say it again.
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enj4s · 7 months
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ PAIRINGS; subaru sakamaki, 𖥻SUBARU x fem! reader 。˚ ⋆
─── ˚୨୧⋆ 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎; smut. swearing. fem!dom! reader. reader is mean, again. pegging. (lil) hair pulling. hickies. crying. toxic relationship. both are fucked in the head.
★ Author note 😆😆!!: Whoever requested ts excuse my dramatic ass, I LOVE drama as you can see. (sorry btw) enjoy 🤤‼️ yallyal request I got nun to do other than rot in my bed 💔
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It was one of those days-
You were a patient and laid-back person, or so you and some people thought. But your anger issues have gone up the roof since you met the seven diabolic, unhinged brothers.
Their mothers and Karlheinz were just as bad, if not even worse. The Mukamis could not redeem themselves but they were bearable, especially Azusa who was just less annoying and irritating, or atleast didn't make you wanna dig your nails in your skin and clutch hard till it bleeds, like the others. You had an exception between the seven Sakamaki siblings as well, whom was Subaru.
Subaru was one helluva person to deal with. If not for Karlheinz introducing you to his past, you would've kept your first impression of him, which was he had rabies.
That boy was as layered and complicated as an onion, and trying to navigate through his mind and emotions was gonna drive you mad. One moment he's calling you a dense ass for dropping a pencil or getting bitten, and the other he's glancing at you all soft like a high school girl in love would.
You swore you have spent and used more brain cells on trying to see through him than you had on maths. He could be downright cruel at times, and even dismissed you so harshly that you favored the men-whore final boss (Laito) over him for some while, which didn't last long when he forced you so adorably in a 'relationship' with him or is what you thought, since he ordered you to resist if any of his brothers try to bite you. What else did it mean?
He would become absolutely feral when he got jealous. It was pretty easy to make him reach that point, but dangerous. He would start yelling at you and destroying everything around him in blind rage when he saw you talk to a male teacher or student or his brother's, going as far as attempting drain you of plasma. It was all too tiring and frustrating, you wanted nothing but quietness, to be left alone and ignored.
His delusion of you being his was so utterly nonsensical, but you went along with it for your safety and sanity, it was wise to sometimes give up and give in to his delusions, which he used as a control and power element. Resisting only meant to get bit to near death, where you'd start to see stars and lights that you thought only existed in cartoons, or, like these times, when he'd strangle you.
-where you'd snap.
"Shut the FUCK UP!" You'd yell at the top of your lungs, couldn't you even be strangled to death silently? His yammering of you being a betrayer was so damn irritating. Subaru jolted and flinched away form the volume of your voice, that look on your eyes, he backed up slightly, his grip on your throat weakened. In a swift movement, you dug your nails deep into his unhealthily pale wrists, shoving him away with every ounce of strength you had left.
Subaru stumbled backwards, catching himself quickly, his white boots stepping on a broken shard of glass from a vase that you bet was supposed to be cherished. You felt guilty for using one of his traumas against him to make him halt, stop. Yes, but did it save you from getting choked? Yes.
The anger was incredibly contagious, you bite your lip to hold back all the insults and traumas you could bring up, knowing that it would just bring you brutal death and a quick burial in dirt in the next hour, you shut your mouth, trying to find saliva to relieve your sore throat that was deeply in dire need of moisture.
The grip he had on your throat just now had been so tight you could've sworn he had actually meant to kill you for a second. Your breathing became labored. Your heartbeat was stubborn and didn't wanna settle down. Your eyes stared back at Subaru's with a mixture of tears and fury, you blink. Trying to help your eyes get used to the light again.
Both of you had your flaws and toxic traits, you suddenly found yourself on top of Subaru, a hard grip on his hair that matched his on your throat earlier, you wipe salty tears away, everything was a blur. You swore you couldn't remember a thing. You'd insult other people for not controlling their actions, yet you couldn't keep yours in check either.
"Sorry," You murmured against his pale skin, kissing alongside the hickies and bite marks you left on his neck. They looked painful. He was a vampire, so you didn't worry too much. They'd heal in an hour or two. You were still between his thighs, cum dripped down his hips and legs.
"You just piss me off sometimes...It's so childish when you start yammering and yelling, creating scenes when I talk to anyone," You watched his wine red eyes trail down in something like shame. His mouth was sewed shut, he was already embarrassed from moaning as loud as he yells. He was cuter when he was quiet, you note, and grin silently, propping yourself on your knees to thrust inside him again without warning, tearing a shriek from the albino beneath you, he drops his head down on the pillows, you were making him feel way too good, as rough as it was.
It almost seemed like you were still taking your anger out on him as you pounded inside him harshly. Subaru felt his stomach coil and he tightens, when you'd lean down to whisper sweet nothings in his ear that didn't match your humping.
“C-ca- ah! Can’t! Hah..” Subaru whined shakily, a sound he'd drop dead before making if he was in his right state of his mind. He hiccups and whimpers as he covered his face with his hands. “So full..hic- too much," His legs dangle like a rag doll's from your shoulders as you plundge inside him deeper and deeper with each delicious thrust.
You lean down with a sigh, catching Subaru's lips in a kiss, and grab at his long bangs, tugging hard to tilt his head upward, and swallow down the loud wail that was about to wrack from his body as he came, vibrating slightly and hips thrusting up pathetically in the air. His fangs poked at your lip a bit painfully as he tried to bite down his noises, now chasing after your lips and the little blood that threatened to spill.
Getting strangled or beat again later from a flustered Subaru wouldn't be surprising after wracking his shit, but it was worth it. You could only laugh as he emptily threatened to break your arm after this, complaining that he couldn't feel his legs and that you're a perv.
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ @enj4s ♡ @un0rin ♡
don't repost or copy I know where u live 👁
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