#((if you’ve reached this point hEY c: I love you. you r awesome))
simply-m-a-d · 2 years
i need to graduate just so I can draw my silly fav ships and my silly lil oc’s without the feeling of impending doom over my shoulders pLS
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theshopislocal · 4 years
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corinth rains
New and improved Heaven may well be the Happiest Place (not) on Earth. But Dean, it turns out, is still Dean.
(also on AO3)
chapter eight
Funnily enough, the wings in Heaven aren’t anything to write home about. 
Dean glances down at his half-eaten lunch, licking Buffalo sauce off the side of his thumb. He’s pretty sure the plate - with its lopsided tower of wings, side of celery, and little cup of chunky bleu cheese - is meant to replicate one he’d had at a greasy spoon sixty odd years ago. To the naked eye, the place had looked like a shithole - just another offramp dive in B.F.E., Nebraska. But the wings - damn, the wings - had been out of this world; crunchy and greasy, sour and salty, and drenched in sauce hot enough to make his eyes water. 
Dean sucks his teeth and grimaces. He’s not sure what it is, but Heaven missed the mark on this one. He’s sure it’s the same recipe as the roadside joint, but there’s something not quite right. It certainly doesn’t help that his pint glass keeps automagically refilling with Stella Artois instead of El Sol. He grumbles with every sip and pretends like the mild flavor isn’t growing on him. No way in hell is he letting Charlie turn him onto her trendy lesbian beer.
Dean’s head snaps up, shoulders going tense. They loosen a bit as Sam slides into the other side of the booth. He’s wearing a denim button-down that Dean’s pretty sure was one of his, and his stupid hair is extra floppy. He slides his dorky messenger bag off his shoulder, settling it at his side. 
Dean knocks back the rest of his beer in a thick swallow and sets his little cardboard coaster on the rim. “Heya.”
Sam gives him a smile, all white teeth and deep dimples. Dean tries to give him one back, but it feels more like a grimace on his face. 
Sam notices, of course. “You alright?” he asks, dipping his head to meet Dean’s lowered eyes. 
Dean shakes his head, then corrects it to a nod. “Yeah,” he grunts and nods toward his plate. “Ate too many wings.”
Sam’s eyebrows climb his forehead, smile going crooked. “Didn’t think that was possible for you.”
Dean splays his hands in a shrug. “I contain multitudes.”
His stomach chooses that moment to grumble ominously, and Dean hunches forward, pressing his forearm across his belly. 
Sam, the little shit, smirks wide. “I’m sure.”
Dean rolls his eyes and reaches for his glass. He tips the little coaster off and watches as the glass refills itself. It’s a darker orange-ish color now, rather than light blonde. He takes an experimental sniff: El Sol, this time. He feigns relief in case anyone’s looking (no one is), and peers back up at Sam. 
He’s holding the little laminated sample menu, eying over it while his fingers drum a beat against the tabletop. He chews his lips, eyes a little wide, and Dean recognizes the expression in an instant: Sam is Up To Something.
Dean sighs and sets his beer down with a thunk. “What.”
Sam’s head pops up like a frickin’ meerkat, all innocence and feigned confusion. “What what?”
Dean arches an eyebrow in a glare. “You’ve got excited puppy face,” he grumbles and ignores Sam’s snort. “What is it.”
Sam huffs a fake laugh and shakes his head. “I don’t...” he starts, then cuts a considering look at Dean. Dean stares back, blank-faced and expectant, and Sam blows out a sigh, eyes downcast. “Yeah, okay. Look, I was—” he cuts himself off, pulling his lip through his teeth. “... I was thinking about Cas.”
Dean probably should have seen that coming. 
Sam had been rather circumspect in those few months between Cas’ death and Dean’s own; no offhand utterances of his name, no needling questions about how exactly Cas had summoned the Empty, no mention whatsoever of the bedroom door he’d often found Dean stood in front of - unable to open, unable to turn away. 
Sam had been kind in his silence. 
But if Dean knows Sam at all - and he certainly does - the silence wouldn’t have lasted forever. Kid’s too smart, too curious, too empathetic by half; sooner or later, he would’ve broached the subject - for Dean’s sake, if not his own. 
And if Dean’s being entirely honest with himself - which, frankly, isn’t really his game - he can acknowledge the inherent unfairness of it. For all Dean prefers to bottle things up until they ferment in his belly, Sam is (somehow) a well-adjusted adult with proportionate emotional intelligence to boot. Sam had deserved to mourn Cas - whether or not Dean had allowed himself to do the same - and Dean hadn’t let him. 
So, of course Sam is thinking about Cas. After all, he’d loved him nearly as much as—
Dean winces hard, eyes squeezing shut for half a second. “Yeah?” he asks. His eyes flick back open, and he stares down at his plate. The wings have gone cold, the celery warm and floppy. 
Sam nods. “Yeah. I mean,” he gestures vaguely with the little menu, “Eileen says he does a lot of work for the Arch, but...” He trails off for a short moment then shrugs. “We’ve been here for a while. I sorta figured he would’ve... dropped in by now?”
I’ve been busy. 
I have responsibilities. 
I’m needed elsewhere. 
I’m sor—
Dean hunches forward, and his stomach grumbles again. “Yeah,” he murmurs, and he feels nauseated, hollow. Too many wings, indeed. 
Sam tilts his head in a crooked nod. “Yeah, it’s kinda weird that he hasn’t, right?” He doesn’t wait for a response, and Dean doesn’t interject. “So,” he goes on, leaning forward across the table, “I did a little digging.”
Dean’s head pops up, and he finally meets Sam’s eye. Sam’s brow is raised, the puppy expression back at full volume. Dean frowns, wary. “Digging?”
Sam nods excitedly and turns to his bag. He unzips it, sticking in a freakishly large hand to rummage about, and pulls out a thick book. 
A beige leather book. With gold insignia on the spine.
“I checked this out,” he says and sets the book on the table with a soft thunk, “from the Library.”
Wait. What? “You- the Library?” Is Charlie making magic plutonium bombs for everyone now? “How’d you get in?”
Sam gives him a funny look, squinty-eyed and confused. “I made an appointment.”
Of course he did. “Right,” Dean grunts, folding his arms on the edge of the table. 
Sam leans closer, and he smiles almost comically wide. “Dean, the Library? It’s awesome,” he gushes, and Dean chews on a smile. “They’ve got everything ever written ever,” Sam crows. “Literally every single—”
“Kevin sign you up for a library card?” Dean interjects with a crooked smile. 
Sam’s face freezes, eyes darting away in mild embarrassment, and Dean snorts a startled laugh. “You’re shittin’ me.”
Sam rolls his eyes around a tiny smile. “Shut up.”
Dean gives a bark of laughter. “Man, you’re a nerd.”
“Anyway,” Sam says and gives Dean a mild glare. “This,” he begins, smoothing a palm over the front of the book, “is the history of Heaven. Since Jack remade it.”
Dean cranes his neck to read the upside down lettering, and Sam turns the book toward him.
Recens Historia Caelorum Vol. I.
Dean frowns and gives a little shrug. “Okay.”
Sam nods and sucks in a breath, one hand coming up to tuck his hair behind his ear. Dean’s eyes soften at the gesture; for all he’d wanted to be a lawyer, or a hunter, or a freakin’ superhero, Sam had always been a Man of Letters at heart. 
Sam plants his hands flat on the table - the final step of his pre-lore ritual - and Dean suppresses a smile. “Okay, so,” Sam starts, and Dean settles in. “Basically, Jack arrives in heaven with the seraph Castiel.” Seraph? “Presumably, he—”
“Pulled him out of the Empty,” Dean offers. 
“And restored his Grace,” Sam nods. “So. They get here and start fixin’ the place up. Opening up all the personal heavens, getting rid of the whole greatest hits shtick, right?” Dean nods along; Bobby had told him this much. “Then, get this,” Sam continues, leaning ever further forward, “Jack leaves.”
Dean frowns, and his eyes flick up from where they’d been staring sightlessly at the book cover. He shakes his head, lips pursing. “He leaves?”
Sam quirks a brow and tips his chin down in a nod. “Yeah. Apparently he decided he wanted to rebuild all the universes Chuck destroyed. Not just ours.”
Dean’s eyebrows pop up, and he feels a sort of mild, obligatory guilt uncurl in his stomach. Frankly, he’d all but forgotten about the infinite other universes that Chuck - in his epic, cosmic bitch fit - had dusted just for kicks. 
Dean shakes his head. “Shit.”
Sam huffs a laugh. “Yeah. But,” he says and raises a forefinger, “Heaven’s not finished.” He makes a vague gesture towards the nearby window overlooking the forest. “Still isn’t.” 
And Dean’s noticed that, too. Spending hours (or minutes, or maybe decades) on the highway, Dean’s come across some odd spots: places where the grass is un-trampled and a little too green, the ground too flat, the trees too young. Whenever he passes one, he gets a strange feeling, like he’s watching a silent movie, or staring at a blank canvas. He feels it at his little bunker out in the greyscale marsh, and he felt it at the tiny forest in the endless yellow field. Like a song without a refrain, something is missing - unfinished. 
“So,” Sam goes on, and Dean glances back up at him, shaking off the odd sensation, “Jack’s gotta leave someone in charge of the place, right?” Sam pauses for a moment, brow raised, and Dean nods belatedly. “Right,” he continues. “But it’s gotta be someone who knows Heaven’s ins and outs. Someone who can defend its weak points. Someone who actually—” Sam tilts his head with a dry smile, “—cares about its inhabitants.” He gives Dean an expectant look, brow raised and lips sucked in. 
Dean frowns. Someone who understands Heaven and knows how to protect it; an angel, certainly - maybe a strategist or a soldier. But someone compassionate, too - someone devoted the people here, these wandering wayward souls. 
Because you cared, I cared. 
Dean blinks hard - once, twice - and something rattles in his chest. “Cas,” he whispers. 
Sam gives a slow nod. “Right,” he murmurs back, face going oddly soft. Dean frowns up at him, and Sam schools his expression back into business mode. “Right,” he repeats and licks his lip. “Problem is, Cas is just a seraph. He doesn’t have the juice to run this place. So, Jack—” He reaches across the table for the book and turns it towards himself, flipping it open to a page bookmarked with a gold ribbon. He smoothes his pointer finger over a line of text and reads, “—imbued the grace of Castiel with His divinity, in excess.”
Jack imbued... what?
Dean shakes his head. “The hell does that mean?”
Sam tilts his head in a crooked nod and flips to the next page. “I was confused too,” he offers, “until I read this.” He flips the book toward Dean and taps two fingers over a block of text near the top of the page. 
Dean frowns and looks down, squinting at the small font. The top left corner reads Chapter XV, the text near Sam’s finger marked with a tiny superscript, 21.
Dean hunches forward, eyes tracing over the words in the dim light. 
And the Lord God summoned into His hands four blades, twisted and golden, hilted in black. He cast His holy gaze upon them, and they were dissolved. Let all instruments return to dust, as all mortal flesh keeps silent.
Dean rereads the words, and rereads them again. Something is growing in the back of his mind, spreading against the inside of his skull like feathered shadows—
“Four knives with twisted gold blades,” Sam posits, leaning forward. “Sound familiar?”
I’m not just powerful now, Lucifer had said, beating Dean bloody, suspended in the air. I am power. And I don’t need a blade to end you, pal. 
Dean had clung to the last vestiges of consciousness, had felt his destiny - Chuck’s shitty Joseph Campbell knockoff - rising to meet him. Sam had called his name, all fear and desperation, and Dean had extended a bruise-knuckled hand to catch—
“The Archangel blade,” Dean whispers. 
Sam gives a solemn nod and taps his finger on the page. “Jack destroyed them - all of them - the same day he—” Sam angles the book towards himself and turns back a page, neck craning around, “—imbued Cas’ Grace.”
Dean feels his spine go stiff, brow furrowing low. 
“Dean,” Sam murmurs, “I don’t think Cas is a Seraph any more.” 
Jack has put a great deal of faith in me. Cas’ voice echoes through Dean’s head, and his jaw clenches tight, throat constricting. 
Sam continues, voice pitched low. “And I don’t think he just... works for the Arch.”
I have responsibilities, Cas had said, just before his wings had painted stark shadows on the walls. Massive and fluttering, they’d shifted Cas’ posture, like he wasn’t quite used to them, their heft a foreign weight at his back. 
Dean had known in that moment that something was different, had felt it in the buzzing electricity of Cas’ presence, the way the little hairs on Dean’s arms had stood up. 
Dean swallows, hard and dry, and says simply, “He is the Arch.”
Sam raises his eyebrows and hums. “Mm. The Arch...” he shrugs with bemused smile, “...angel.”
Dean blinks several times in succession, eyes falling back to the bookmarked page. Let all instruments return to dust, as all mortal flesh keeps silent. 
Cas is an archangel - the Archangel - immortal and adamantine, now that God himself has destroyed his only weakness. And Dean is an eternal soul, freed from the bonds of his mortal body - limitless and enduring in the endless expanse of Heaven. They’re stood now on evener ground than they’ve ever been before. 
Dean glances towards the window, casting his eyes out to the distant mountain - jutting up from the ground, imposing and unscalable like a border wall.
Sam huffs a short laugh. “Explains why he hasn’t stopped by for a beer.”
Dean turns back toward his brother, but Sam’s eyes are fixed on the little plastic menu. 
Dean harrumphs - sharper than intended from the tightness in his throat - and reaches for his beer. His stomach grumbles as he takes a gulping pull. It’s skunky and flat, bitter and watery, and he doesn’t taste anything at all.
chapter seven | chapter nine
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
Nikki Sixx (Douglas Booth Version) : ABC Fluffy Headcanons
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Fluffy Alphabet (Shoutout to my lovely friend, Traenon! She literally saved these for me months ago from something she read and sent it to me through messenger.  So credit to OP for the prompts!)
Nikki Sixx (Douglas Booth version) Headcanons Nikki Sixx x PS Reader X Reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
You adore his eyes and his passion.  
He'd sin for your lips....and the sass passes through them.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
Secretly?  Yes. But he's terrified of turning into his parents. He's an awesome father though and you know this in your heart.   So whether you become actual parents or pet parents- your babies (fur or otherwise) are the luckiest in all the land.
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
At first....NOT. He's just not used to it.  He was denied a lot of that kind of thing but eventually his touch starvation gets the best of him. Now he's on you like white on rice.
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
Usually, he's so fucking nervous he can barely speak. Still. Even after many years you still make him blush and fumble with his words. Poor Nikki- you just make him speechless.
E = Everything: “you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…)
My best addiction. And it fucking terrifies him sometimes how much he's addicted to you.
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
His mother showed up one day.  You handled it and honestly he didn't even know she was there until about a month later.  
He confronted you about it and asked why you didn't tell him.  
You just told him that she didn't deserve his time and that if he ever wanted to talk to her again- you knew he could find her.   But that it was his decision...not hers.  
Ya boy fell hard right then and there.
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
He's so soft. Honestly, he's amazed that you're with him. Sometimes he just reaches out and runs the back of his knuckles down your spine in wonder.   It's like he's checking to make sure you're really there and he's not dreaming. Because for the life of him- he can't figure out why/how he ended up so lucky.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
Constantly. At first he was really weird about it.  Now, it's so constant you forget he's even got a hold of you.  You've yanked him out of his chair before not thinking about the fact that ya'll were still attatched, lol.
I = Impression: first impression/s
He was a dick but you'd seen worse. He was also completely shit faced. You held his hair while he puked his guts out and rolled him over when he passed out so he wouldn't choke on his own vomit.   You made him tea in the morning and watched as he tried to apologize.  
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
Too much sometimes.   He learned his lesson and your breaking point. He fucked with something you cared about and you straight up left for a few days. It's not like you left him but you just had to step away from the situation before you did something you regretted. He was wrecked when you got home and swore he'd never do that again.  
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
Like I said- at first he was weird about it.  Now, he's always sucking your face.
L = Love: who says I love you first?
You did. Well, actually he did it in his sleep all the time. But like for real- you did. He was shocked...and he cried.  He'll deny that but he fucking did.
M = Memory: their favourite moment together
You dragging his ass to a roller skate rink.  He busted his ass constantly but you were giggling and beautiful and he wouldn't trade it for the world.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
He loves to give you flowers.  Whether they're weeds or roses- you light up and he loves it so much.
O = Orange: what color reminds them of their other half?
Blue.  It's sweet and peaceful.  But like the sky- it can turn dark and stormy in a moment.  You're not to be fucked with...and he fucking loves you for it.
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
Baby.   He's always been that way with you. Sometimes Babydoll if he's trying to get his way. And he fucking adores when you call him Honey or Honeybun.   You'll never get him to admit that but he FUCKING DOES.
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
You leave him notes in his leather jacket and he melts every time he reaches in for his cigarettes and pulls out the little piece of paper with your hand writing.
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
He writes and insists that you suffer the creative process with him.
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up.
The most fucking stupid faces. He takes polaroids and tapes them everywhere.  He put a ludicrous one in your underwear drawer one day and you laughed so hard you fell down the stairs.
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
Anything and everything. Recently, he's been obsessed with Ann Rice novels. Of course, his ass would be be.  Fucking Lestat.  You're so damn sick of hearing about that damn vampire, lol.
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
He actually likes fishing.  He also doesn't mind the view if you go with him and lay over there half naked on a towel.  Just saying.
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Pft. How quickly he can steal your attention away from anything and everything.
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
He thinks about it but he's too scared to ask. He will eventually.  He'll basically be hyperventilating but you don't rush it. You know he's gonna ask and you know he's gotta do it.  So you patiently wait and the second he gets it out you answer with an immediate, 'YES!' Then you tackle him.
X = Xylophone: What’s their song?
"I'd Love You To Want Me" by Lobo. Because of fucking course.
Y = You’re the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
"Pills to my booze." "Nikki, shut the fuck up!" "Baby, come on!" "I will cut you!" And that mother fucker just fucking laughs.
Z = ZZZZ: How do they sleep?
Not often.   But with you? He's fucking OUT.
Hello darlings! Hope you enjoyed this little piece and have a wonderfully awesome day!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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frozenartscapes · 5 years
Do you have any Frozen Superhero AU ideas? I don't think I've seen any on your blog but you seem good at AUs and I was curious what you might have.
I actually started a Superhero AU like, years ago but I hit a dead end with it. Looking back, it’s kinda your typical cliche superhero origin story. I don’t think I’ll ever finish it.
But what I did enjoy about it was that Elsa, the one who becomes a superhero, didn’t start with her powers. She was normal, working as an environmental scientist, who comes in contact with a supernatural comet made completely out of ice that doesn’t melt. She studies it for a few years, and then one day it just kinda...explodes. And very much like what happened to Captain Marvel, Elsa absorbs all that energy and gains her icy powers.
It starts with her feeling progressively colder, like she’s stuck in a freezer she can’t get out of. Then she changes. Appearance-wise. I had her originally with her non-magic look with brown hair, hazel eyes, etc. But then as the powers slowly settle in, they start to change her appearance to the Elsa we all know and love with that near-white blonde hair and blue eyes. And needless to say, she kinda freaks out about it. Anna also doesn’t really help the situation, largely because she’s too much of a nerd freaking out about getting a superhero for a sister.
I’d be happy to share that scene. I still don’t think I’ll ever post the full story but honestly this scene was why I started writing it in the first place. So here it is, under the cut:
When Elsa reached her bedroom, she wasted no time changing into more comfortable clothes before flopping face-first onto her bed. She had suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion, and the bed felt so nice and soft underneath her that she began to drift off right away.
Then she shivered. It was a little cold in her room, seeing as Anna liked to blast the A/C in the summer months. With a small groan, she shifted so that she was partially covered by her sheets and comforter.
Just as she was about to fall asleep again, another much more violent shiver tore through her body. This time she buried herself in her bed, but she still felt uncomfortably cold. She reluctantly got up and staggered over to her closet, where there were a few spare blankets. She chose a thin knitted one, believing it would be enough seeing as it was summer and being cold now of all times was a bit ridiculous.
The blanket was not enough, and with an annoyed grumble she got up again and grabbed another blanket. This ritual continued for about twenty minutes. At one point she paused to throw on a thick wool sweater and socks, along with her warmest sweatpants. She curled up in a tight ball under a mountain of soft, warm fabric but still found herself shivering as if she was trapped outside in a blizzard.
Eventually, she rolled out of bed, temporarily giving up on sleep, and decided to go in search of the thermostat. She selected the softest, biggest and thickest blanket she owned and wrapped it around herself before heading out the door.
Downstairs, Gerda was busy making dinner for the girls while Anna was watching television. She left during commercials and walked into the kitchen to grab a soda from the fridge. “So she really wants to go back to work so soon after that incident?” Gerda wondered.
“Yeah, she’s kind of nuts,” Anna sighed with a shrug, “She has a terrible fear of ice because of one stupid accident that happened years ago, but she nearly gets herself blown up and it doesn’t even faze her. Go figure.”
They then heard someone coming down the stairs, and since Kai was in another room on the main floor, they knew who it was. Anna, still with her head in the fridge, could hear her sister coming, so she greeted, “Hey, Sleeping Beauty! How was your–”
She straightened up and closed the fridge door, revealing a very cold looking Elsa. “…nap? Um, you ok?” she asked uncertainly.
Elsa glared at her. “It’s f…freezing in here,” she stated coolly.
Anna quickly glanced down at what she was wearing herself: shorts and a tank top. She felt perfectly comfortable in it, too. “I think that’s a problem only you seem to be having, Els,” she told her shivering sister.
“Great,” Elsa said sarcastically. She then shuffled into the family room and flicked on the gas fireplace before plunking down in the chair closest to it. Anna and Gerda both watched in confusion as she wrapped herself up even more in her blanket and continued shivering.
“I’ll make her some tea,” Gerda suggested in a whisper. She then quickly went on to her task.
Anna slowly made her way back to her spot on the couch, and sat down. She no longer focused on the T.V., but instead stared at her sister. Elsa did not seem to notice, and if she had, she did not care. She was too busy trying to get warm again.
Anna was in deep thought. Her eyes then flicked down at one of her notebooks resting on the table, and suddenly an idea came to her. She discreetly reached for it and a pencil, and flipped it open to a page where she had drawn a rather complex flowchart.
“Hey, Elsa?” she asked carefully, “I was just wondering if, you know, you ever thought about superheroes?”
“Wh…what kind of qu…question is that?” Elsa shot back through chattering teeth.
“Well, I don’t know…” Anna said slowly, wincing slightly as she put forth the possibility, “Maybe because you’re about to become one?”
At this, Elsa cast her a look. “Anna, s…superheroes and superp…powers, don’t exist,” she stated dryly, “You w…watch too many m…movies.”
“Yeah, I do, and I read a lot of comic books, and here’s the thing: I made a flowchart a while back that is basically the formula, like, every superhero story uses as an origin for their heroes. And I hate to break it to you, but you’ve pretty much struck every nail on the head so far.”
“Oh r…really?” Elsa questioned with an eyebrow raised.
“Yep. Here, I’ll prove it,” Anna said confidently before looking down at her book, “Let’s see… You weren’t born with your power, which means you had to gain it. And so out of the different ways you could have gained it… Ah, here we go: lab accident.”
“Anna, just because I–”
“Ah! No interrupting! Now, in the lab, were you working with any of the following: something from space? Yes. Something radioactive? Yes. Something with strange properties that don’t normally exist in the physical world? Yes. See my point so far?”
“Superpowers aren’t real,” Elsa repeated in annoyance.
Anna continued, choosing to ignore that comment. “And when the accident happened, it did so in a way that left people wondering how you were even able to survive in the first place… Interesting, isn’t it, sis?”
Elsa rolled her eyes. “I’m not getting superpowers, Anna,” she stated firmly, “If anything, I’ve probably got some sort of radiation poisoning…” She paused for a moment before the full weight of that statement struck her. “Oh God, I probably have some sort of radiation poisoning!”
“Relax, Elsa, this is just the stage when your powers begin to manifest. Every superhero goes through this. You’ll be fine,” Anna said nonchalantly.
“Fine?�� Elsa demanded, “I’m not going to be fine! Look at me! I’m freezing in the middle of June! This has to have something to do with being exposed to the energy that comet released when it exploded!”
“Well, duh! That’s part of the chart, too! ‘Are the powers related to whatever it was one was working with in the lab?’ You were working with weird space ice, and now you’re suddenly really cold. Coincidence, I think not!”
“Anna, this isn’t a game!”
“Of course it’s not, this is awesome! Now, are you experiencing any physical changes to appearance?” Anna studied her increasingly worried-looking sister. “You’re paler than normal.”
“Wh– Of course I am!” Elsa sputtered, “I’m about to have a panic attack here and you keep going on about superheroes? Besides, my complexion should be the least of my worries!”
Anna’s eyes suddenly widened. “Uh, yeah, you’re right,” she said blankly, “Worry about your hair instead.”
Elsa gave her another confused and annoyed glare. “I don’t really care so much about how I look at this moment, Anna!”
“Oh, I think you should.”
With an eye roll, Elsa reached for her long braid and brought it over her shoulder to see what her sister was going on about. Her eyes suddenly bulged and her jaw dropped open in shock as she stared at what should be pure, dark brown hair, which was now dark brown with white-blonde streaks running through it. She even had the luck of watching another chunk of hair suddenly turn white – from root to tip as if the platinum was a dye flowing out of her head.
“What?” she gasped.
“Um, I hate to alarm you, but your eyes are doing it, too,” Anna said nervously.
“What?” Elsa exclaimed. She leapt out of the chair and raced to the nearest bathroom. She got there just in time to watch the last of the brown be consumed by the off-white colour. Then her hazel eyes, which suddenly seemed more green than amber, changed hues completely and became a striking, sapphire blue.
“Anna!” she called in a strangled voice, “G…get in the car, now! We…we have to go to the hospital.”
“Whoa, Elsa! Look at you!” Anna gasped when she spotted her sister, “You look good as a blonde.”
“Just stop talking,” Elsa commanded as she staggered out of the bathroom and headed for the front foyer.
“Just what are you two going on about?” Gerda sighed as she came into view, “Oh my word… Elsa, what…happened, dear?”
Elsa wrapped her arms around herself. “I…I don’t know, but I think I should go to Emerge…now.”
“Alright, dear, alright,” the maid said as calmly as she could, “I’ll get Kai to take you. Kai!” The butler appeared and gasped when he saw his young charge’s new appearance. “We need to take Elsa to the hospital,” Gerda ordered.
He nodded, but before he could head off, Anna said loudly, “Would everyone calm down! There’s no need to take her to the hospital! Besides, comic book history sort of shows that doctors are normally worse than useless when it comes to superpowers.”
“Enough, Anna…” Elsa muttered as a warning as she made her way to the door.
“What on earth are you talking about?” Gerda demanded Anna.
Anna took a deep breath, and explained as quickly as she could, “Elsa doesn’t believe me, but I’m convinced that she’s getting superpowers because she meets all the requirements to do so. She just had a lab accident with something weird and radioactive from outer space, she survived something that would normally kill a person, she has been developing weird symptoms all relating back to the thing she was studying in the lab–”
Elsa, at this point, was done hearing Anna’s ramblings about nonsense. She was scared, and annoyed, and cold, and feeling something really weird swirling around in her head, heart and gut. “I said enough!” she yelled angrily. She whipped around and swung one arm out in a finalizing action, hoping that it would shut her sister up.
It did much more than that. She barely registered what was happening when something flew out of her hand when she swung it in front of her. There were audible gasps from Gerda, Kai, and Anna, along with a sound that reminded her of ice crackling and glass breaking. And suddenly she was staring at a strange, very sharp-looking formation of glowing ice just feet in front of her.
The silence that followed was broken by Anna: “…And that. She can also do that.”
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sparklebitch · 6 years
A Happily Ever After
Summary: Keith and Lance are getting married! Wedding shenanigans are sure to follow as they prepare for the ceremony.
A/N: This is a fic for one of my patrons!  This took me a long time to write because I wanted it to be p e r f e c t but I'm super proud of it! If you support me on patreon https://www.patreon.com/prince_yoongi you can gain access to all my patron-only fics and many other cool perks such as a personalized fic!
Trigger warnings: none
“You are stressing me out” Lance cried, tugging on his hair. He knew it was a mess. He was a mess. “Keith, do we even have time to change all of that? The wedding is tomorrow” Keith scratched the back of his neck as he considered Lance’s words.
“I just… It would be really cool if Kolivan could do the ceremony. He said that members of the Blade of Marmora have special bonding ceremonies that are kind of like weddings” Keith explained. He leaned into Lance’s side. They were curled up on the couch of their temporary apartment. They had been back on Earth for almost a year, now that the war was over. They had successfully defeated the Galra and freed all their prisoners. It had taken a while for all of them to readjust to civilian life back on Earth, but everything seemed to be working out alright. The five of them stuck close together on Earth, Allura and Coran returned to space shortly after the war ended, wanting to spend time finding the rest of the lost Alteans.
“What is the ‘bonding ceremony?’” Lance asked. “That sounds dangerously close to something sexual. I’m not doing tha—” Keith elbowed Lance in the said.
“Get your mind out of the gutter” he grumbled. “Kolivan will do the speaking, talking about how big of a decision this is and how lovely it is that we choose to be bound to each other for the rest of our lives” Keith explained, curling further into Lance’s side. “I’ve heard it’s really beautiful. After he’s done we exchange blades and—”
“But I don’t have a blade” Lance pointed out. “Most families don’t just have like… pretty knives like you” Lance pointed out. Keith nodded quickly.
“I know that!” he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. “So… I talked to Kolivan and he created one for you” Lance lifted his eyebrows. “I- I know that I hadn’t asked you yet but… I was pretty sure you would say yes…” he said in embarrassment. Lance opened his mouth to say something, but Keith cut him off. “I have the knife here, so you can see it!” He rushed across the room and reached into his bag by the front door. Keith pulled out a small knife, around the size of his own, with a gleaming silver blade. He placed it carefully in Lance’s hands. The dark gray twisted metal weaved in and out as it wrapped around the hilt. Buried in the base of the handle there was a dark blue gem.
“Keith…” Lance said in awe as he stared at the beautiful object in his hands. Keith settled back onto the couch.
“I know… I know this is super last minute. I know the wedding is tomorrow, but it would mean a lot to me if we could do this” Keith said vulnerably. “But… I completely understand if you say no. I mean, it is last minute and—”
“Keith” Lance said again, resting his hand on Keith’s arm. “Babe, I love it” Keith lifted his eyes to meet Lance’s.
“Really?” he asked cautiously. Lance laughed quietly and nodded.
“Yeah. I think it would be awesome if Kolivan does the ceremony. And I can tell it’s really important to you—”
“It really is” Keith said, a smile spreading across his face. He curled into Lance’s side, Lance snaked his arm around Keith’s waist instinctively.
“Then I think we should do it” Lance said. “Besides, it sounds fun. And then we can say that we were the first people on Earth to have an alien wedding” Keith smiled fondly at Lance.
“I love you” he said. Lance laughed.
“Well I should hope so. We are getting married tomorrow”
 ~   ~
 Lance opened his eyes the next morning to an empty bed. He pouted and reached around for Keith. Lance rolled over onto his chest into the empty space where Keith should be. “Keeeeith?” Lance mumbled sleepily. “Get back in bed” There was no response, so Lance lifted his head and peek his eyes open. The room was empty. Lance frowned. He rolled back over and grabbed his phone off the bedside table and saw that he had a message from Keith.
‘Hey, sorry for leaving before you got up. I’m meeting up wth Shiro for breakfast and we’re going to check the wedding venue to make sure it’s ready for today. I’ll probably be busy all day and won’t see you until the wedding. (Besides, you’re not supposed to see the bride before the wedding, so I couldn’t let you see me lol) I love you <3 Xoxo’
Lance read the text over a few times and smiled to himself. He shot a text back immediately.
‘1st of all how dare u assume ur the bride,, its very obviously me and 2nd of all ily 2 ;*’
Lance laughed to himself as he curled back up on the bed. It wasn’t until a few moments later that he realized it. He bolted upright, his eyes widening.
“I’m getting married today”
Lance got out of bed and took a shower and then began getting ready. He had just put on a fresh facemask when someone knocked on the door. He knew that it was Hunk and Pidge, they had texted him a few minutes before and said they were coming over to help him get ready.
Lance ignored their knocking and braced his hands against the sink, staring at himself in the mirror. He looked ridiculous, he knew that, standing there in his blue bathrobe with a green facemask on. He wasn’t sure how long he had been standing there, staring at his reflection. It was starting to hit him what was happening that day. He was getting married. Married. It was huge. Lance didn’t want to admit it to anyone, but he was freaking out.
Pidge and Hunk stood outside the bathroom door, waiting for Lance to emerge. “He’s freaking out” Pidge stated as they stood near the door.
“I am not!” Lance protested loudly.
‘He is’ Hunk mouthed to Pidge. Pidge nodded. “You love him, remember that” Hunk said out-loud. “But if you decide to call it off I will one-hundred percent support your decision” Lance blinked in shock.
“Break off the- Hunk, I’m not going to break off the wedding. I love him!”
“I know that!” Hunk said, pressing closer to the door. “We all love him. You two are amazing together. I’m just saying that if for some reason you decide that you can’t go through with it, or even if you just can’t do it today, we’ll understand. But I, for one, think that this is the smartest decision you’ve ever made” Lance cracked a small, nervous, smile.
“I really love him” Pidge and Hunk gave each other a knowing look.
“We know” they said simultaneously.
“I just want this day to be perfect” Lance continued. He rolled up the sleeves and bent down to wash the goo off his face.
“Don’t worry, everything will be perfect” Hunk said confidently. “Shiro texted me a few minutes ago. He said the venue is gorgeous. Everything’s all set for the wedding, aside from a few odds and ends. The reception hall is decorated, and the food is being cooked as we speak”
“You double checked the menu, right?” Lance asked, water dripping from his face.
“Of course!” Hunks said indignantly. “The chef is the best of the best, and I picked out foods that you and Keith will both love, and that are appropriate for a wedding”
“So, no—”
“No! There will not be waffles at your wedding, Lance. We’ve been over this” Lance huffed as he dried off his face.
“I’m just… I’m worried that something’s going to go wrong. Everything’s got to go perfect because if it doesn’t, I’m afraid that Keith might not want to marry me” his words were met with silence. “Guys?” he said after a few moments.
“Lance, come out here” Pidge said. Lance readjusted the towel on his head and cracked open the bathroom door, peaking his head out. Pidge and Hunk stared back at him with blank expressions.
“Keith is not going to dump you if the wedding goes bad” Hunk said gently.
“And besides, everything’s going to be fine” Pidge assured Lance. “Nothing is going to go wrong. So, just go finish getting ready, and don’t worry about a thing” Lance nodded his head, the towel swaying on his head precariously.
“Right, thanks” Lance said as he ducked his head back into the bathroom and closed the door.
“We have a problem” Pidge said the moment the door was closed. Hunk frowned.
“What problem?” Pidge looked around and then grabbed Hunk’s arm and dragged him into the next room.
“I may have… lost their rings?” She said, phrasing it like a question. Hunk stared at her dumbly.
“You what?” he said, squinting his eyes. Pidge flashed a nervous grin.
“Keith gave them to me yesterday because he was afraid that he would lose them in all the chaos today. And then in all the chaos today I… lost them” It took Hunk a few seconds to fully process what she was saying. She had lost the rings.
“Please… tell me you’re joking” Hunk said, slumping his shoulders. He knew she wasn’t. “Pidge! How did you lose the rings!” Pidge shrugged and made an I-don’t-know sound.
“They’re just… gone” Hunk tugged on his hair.
“What are we going to do!? We can’t tell Lance about it, and the wedding is in a few hours!” Pidge frowned and pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Do you think we can find them?” Hunk asked.
“No, I’ve looked everywhere. But I think I have an idea…”
 ~   ~
 “So, how did he take the news?” Shiro asked as he and Keith strolled through the isles of the wedding venue, making sure everything was in place.
“He was all for it, obviously. He said that as long as I was happy, he was happy” Shiro smiled.
“I told you” he said. “He loves you so much, I’m pretty sure he would marry you in a dumpster”
“Are you comparing our Blades ceremony to being married in a dumpster?” Keith asked, quirking his eyebrow. Shiro began sputtering.
“Wha- I- No! I wouldn’t- I mean, I didn’t mean to- That’s not what I—” Keith snorted and shook his head.
“I’m kidding” he said. Shiro scratched the back of his neck and laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah, I knew that” Shiro was silent for a few moments as Keith bent down and straightened up the bouquet of flowers that was at the end of the row of chairs. “So, how was the blushing bride this morning?” he asked. Keith smiled briefly.
“Uh, I left before he woke up” Keith said, rubbing his arm nervously. Shiro noticed.
“Are you feeling alright?” he asked. Keith flashed a weak smile.
“Ah, yeah, of course” he lied. “Just… pre-wedding jitters or whatever” Shiro wasn’t convinced.
“Really?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“It’s just… What if he gets tired of me?” Keith said in a small voice. He sat down on one of the decorated chairs as he spoke. Shiro sat down next to him. “Like, I know he loves me right now, but what about in a few years? What if he gets tired of me? What if the only reason he fell in love with me was because I was his only option in space? And now that we’re back on Earth and he’s not limited to just me… he changes his mind” Keith hunched over and put his head in his hands. Shiro could see by the look in Keith’s eyes that this was something that had been bothering him for a while.
“Keith, I can tell you right now that that’s not going to happen” he said confidently. “Lance loves you, that’s never going to change”
“You don’t know that” Keith argued.
“I do. Did you know that Lance came to me a month after we arrived in space and told me that he had a huge crush on you? He said it had formed at the garrison, but now that you were always around it had gotten worse” Keith peeked up at Shiro with a frown. He hadn’t known that. “He told me how much he looked up to you, and how you made him want to be a better person. He’s been in love with you longer than you know” Shiro said. “And it’s not going to go away just because you’re not trapped on a ship together anymore” Keith dropped his hands.
“Do you really think so?” he asked. Shiro smiled and put his hand on Keith’s shoulder.
“I really do” he said. Keith let out a breath. He had been worrying over that for far too long. He knew that the thought wasn’t gone forever, but for now, he felt better.
Now he had to finish preparing for the wedding.
 ~   ~
 “Are you ready?” The words sent a chill down his spine. A good chill, but a chill nonetheless. He was beyond nervous, and beyond ready. He couldn’t stand another minute not being married to Keith.
“I was fucking born—”
“—I swear to god if you say ‘I was born ready’—”
“—Ready” Pidge groaned. “I take everything I’ve ever said about you back. You don’t deserve Keith” Lance elbowed Pidge in the side and laughed shortly.
“Not helpful right now” he said hoarsely. “Pidge, I’m freakin’ out man” Lance said, nervously adjusting his tie for the eighth time.
“We’ve been over this, Keith is not going to leave you if the ceremony isn’t perfe—”
“No, I know that” Lance said, running his hands down the front of his suit jacket. “I’m just… fuck. This is it, man. I’m getting married. Keith’s going to be my husband” Lance gnawed on his lip as he thought about it.
“Yeah, that is… that is how weddings generally work” Pidge stated, not knowing what else to say.
“I feel like I’m forgetting something” Lance said as he nervously tapped his foot against the ground. “Like I’m going to get to the end of the aisle and realize that I forgot to put on pants or something” Pidge looked down and then back up at Lance’s face.
“You have pants on” she stated.
“Not that exactly! Just, something like that” Pidge put her hands on Lance’s cheeks and pulled his face down so that he was at eyelevel with her.
“Listen, Lance” she said. “We don’t have time for you to freak out now. Everyone in there is waiting for you. Keith Is waiting for you. Everything is perfect. The hall is decorated, the food is ready, you have all your clothes on, and I found you some new rings. So ,get your shit together and get your ass down that aisle” Pidge ended her pep talk by smacking Lance lightly on the face and then letting go. Lance straightened up and cleared his throat.
“Right” he nodded. “Thanks” He turned toward the door and waited for his cue to start walking. “Wait… what did you say about the rings!?” Lance said, his eyes widening. Pidge opened her mouth to respond, but at that exact moment the music began playing, signaling that it was time for Lance to walk down the aisle. Pidge shook her head.
“No time to explain” she whipped open the doors and strode down the aisle to her spot by Keith’s side.
The minute the doors opened in front of Lance, all his thoughts disappeared. He was no longer fretting over how the ceremony was going to do or worrying about whether or not Keith was going to have second thoughts about the wedding. All Lance was focused on was the man standing at the end of the aisle. He was Lance’s future.
All Lance’s worried disappeared, even if just for a moment.
As Lance proceeded down the aisle after Pidge, everything seemed to fade away. The people, the music. All he could focus on was Keith. Keith was wearing an ordinary black suit, but he looked far from ordinary. Lance’s eyes never left Keith’s, even after he arrived at the front of the room and was now face to face with his husband-to-be. Keith’s eyes darted from Lance’s face as he checked out Lance’s tux. They hadn’t seen each other’s outfits before the wedding, relying on Allura to reassure them that they would look good together. Lance was wearing a light pink suit with a white button up shirt. He knew it was flashy, but he didn’t care.
“Damn” Keith breathed quietly, so only Lance could hear. “You look good” Lance blushed. Kolivan, who was standing behind them, began the ceremony. Pidge and Hunk stood to their sides, both dressed in matching suits.
Lance didn’t hear a single word that Kolivan said. He knew he should be listening, but he couldn’t. All he could do was stare into Keith’s eyes. They were filled with so much love, Lance was sure his were as well.
It wasn’t until Pidge tapped Lance on the shoulder, that Lance snapped back into reality. Pidge shoved the ring into Lance’s hand. Lance repeated a few standard words after Kolivan, and then slipped the ring onto Keith’s finger. It wasn’t until Keith was putting a ring on Lance’s that Lance realized that it was not the gold bands that he and Keith had picked out. They were red and blue crystal rings, the red on Lance’s finger, and the blue on Keith’s. They were breathtaking.
“Now,” Kolivan said. “We are at the part of the ceremony where these two will be bonded according to Blade of Marmora traditions” Kolivan announced. He turned and took the two blades, both Keith’s and Lance’s and held them in his hands. He handed the respective blades to their owners and then began to recite the bonding ceremony to them. “By exchanging these blades, you are committing to one another. This is a promise, a promise to stay be each other’s sides. To always be there for one another. And to always, always love each other” Keith and Lance exchanged the blades. “I now pronounce you, husband and husband” he announced. A grin spread across Lance’s face. It hurt, but Lance didn’t care in the slightest. “You may now kiss” Lance didn’t even hesitate to pull Keith toward him, crushing their lips together. Keith grabbed the back of Lance’s head and pulled him closer. Cheers erupted from their friends and family all around them.
After they finally broke apart, they descended the steps and began to head to the back of the room. “What’s with the rings?” Keith whispered into Lance’s ear as they headed down the aisle. Lance shrugged. He didn’t know. And he didn’t care. All that mattered was that he was married to his best friend. His first love. His soulmate.
“Don’t care” he replied, his eyes shining brightly. Keith grinned broadly at him. Keith looped his arm with Lance’s as they walked through the arch way at the end of the aisle. Lance didn’t care about the small stuff anymore. He had fought in an intergalactic space war, and won, nothing less than space terrorism was going to bother him any longer.
Now, all he was going to worry about was his happily ever after.
~   ~   ~
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maggins · 8 years
well it’s been a few days so i guess it’s alright to post this so here’s some of my thoughts on the live action BatB
tl;dr: I liked some of the new things, but I’m..... salty about others.
SPOILERS under the cut! mobile users please scroll through this! (sORRY it’s pretty long, I didn’t mean for it to get so long wOOPS;;; )
okay so I have been pretty excited about this movie since that teaser trailer came out bc wow the aesthetic possibilities that arose were pretty intriguing, and hey, it’s a Beauty and the Beast story, and I’m a goddamn sucker for those sO YAY
and...... I dunno, I went into this movie wanting to love it, and I think I came out just.... liking it. in terms of my opinion on Disney making live action remakes of their animated films, I’m kinda neutral; so far I don’t love them, but I also don’t mind them either. I thought Maleficent and Cinderella were okay, I didn’t think there was anything particularly extraordinary about them, but they weren’t all that bad either. Jungle Book was a pleasant surprise; I never really blogged much about it, but basically, I didn’t really know what to expect out of it but it ended up being my favorite out of those three in terms of giving a new twist to a familiar story (tbh it could also have to do with my personal experience with the original movies; I had never seen Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty as a kid, and only watched them much later on in my life and I guess I never truly appreciated them that much bc both films seem very much like products of their time; but I did own and watch a VHS of Jungle Book many times, so the nostalgia factor might be accountable as well)
Beauty and the Beast, however, is another matter. I have also never seen/owned this movie during my childhood (tragic, I know; the only times I remember seeing clips from it was in the trailers of my other Disney VHS’s). I believe the first time I saw it I was in my preteens or something, but boy did I ADORE this movie, even if it took me a while to get to see it. The music and characters and story and aesthetics.... mAN I loved it all
so since this live action adaptation was based on a more recent film that I quite adored, I got pretty excited for it! Like, sure, there wouldn’t be any way it would surpass the original, but at least I could get some new concepts and backstories to characters I loved! (the thing with the prince’s family they were hinting at in the teaser trailer got me sO EXCITED)
AAaaand I guess that’s pretty much what I got?? But still, there was something about the new movie that wouldn’t quite let me connect emotionally with the characters, and I’ve been feeling super salty about that??
I’ll be honest, I thought I’d cry when I would watch this movie and... I didn’t. I just... had so many nitpicks and I couldn’t stop thinking about them throughout the film, and I think that really damaged my enjoyment of it???
my major nitpicks:
I have a SERIOUS issue with the pacing/timing in this film. I think in the original, scenes would flow very neatly into each other, and it never left me with the sense of “wait, what??”. In the live action, I felt like some scenes were cut SO abruptly and some things were happening so fast it barely left me any room to let the emotions sink in; for example, I very SPECIALLY felt this on the scene were the Beast lets Belle go; like sure, I understand she has some urgency in going to her father, but in this version I barely felt anything from either of them, whereas in the original they at least take some time to convey that that scene was a goodbye, in the way that the Beast looks over the rose and weighs his options before saying he’s letting her free, and in the way that Belle reaches out to him in thanks before leaving
some acting?? I dunno, but at times I felt like they were just reciting a script and not acting it out... and it was seriously lacking in some gesticulation at times (I think this because I keep going back to the animated version and I feel that it is SO much more expressive than what they accomplished in the live action. Just compare both versions of Belle’s reprise scene; in the original Belle is just gesticulating and twirling around and looking the distance and wow that’s powerful stuff and it sticks with you; in the remake it felt more bland, like she runs up the hill and twirls once and then just.... stands there........ sigh idk)
the end scene?? it was supposed to be the emotional climax of the film?? and I think I ended feeling a LOT more for the servants turning inanimate than for Beast fricking dying in Belle’s arms??? like, I felt like there was supposed to be a “oh my god you’re here you’re actually here I’m so glad to see you again” moment between Belle and the Beast when he jumped to be next to her on the balcony, but they just stood there almost at arm’s length and I just wanted them to fucking hug or give each other some sort of physical reassurance?? after that I felt like Belle and Beast’s small dialogue before he dies was so rushed, it all just..... it felt bland to me; I dunno if it was really just me or something, but...... siGH
One thing I expected going into the movie was more layers/backstory to the main characters and on that account I wasn’t disappointed, like we DID get more on Belle and the Beast’s stories, but.... I left wanting even mORE?? remember me mentioning I was super pumped about the portrait of the Beast’s parents in the teaser trailer because holy shit I was so here for that!!!........ and then all we got was a few lines from Mrs. Potts and the first verse in the Days in the Sun song. that. was. it??!?
about the Dress Discourse™: I’ve seen the posts about it, and on that I say: it’s not an ugly dress per se, but I felt like it was the wrong dress for this movie. I think it failed to evoke the dress from the original movie, and it failed to evoke the time period. tbh I think that dress only looks nice when it’s actually moving, so I didn’t mind it too much during the actual dance scene. However in that little scene before that, when she’s just standing there at the top of the stairs, it..... doesn’t look iconic at all. OH, and that scene with the little gold details falling down from the ceiling/whatever to settle down on the dress....... yeah, I didn’t buy that. It felt superfluous, and I think what they were trying to do there was something along the lines of the dress scene in the Cinderella remake. But hey, it actually MADE sense to have a pretty/sparkly dress transformation scene in Cinderella because hey, it’s part of her actual story to have her rags turn into a beautiful dress. In this movie, however.... it made no sense for that scene to be there other than for the *・゚✧sparkly✧・゚* factor??? it was unnecessary, and tbh i think it robbed screentime from more important stuff 
I know I keep comparing both the original and the live action, and one might come at me like “you should treat each of them as their own thing!”; well, I honestly don’t know if I can at this point when a lot the live action is a shot-by-shot remake, and just... at least for me, in the shot-by-shot recreated scenes, there failed to be an emotional connection as strong as in the original movie, you know what I mean?.... A scene that’s coming to my mind is when Belle is making her way to the West Wing. In the original, she felt inquisitive, but also very cautious all the way there, with her walking slowly, and her slight hesitations in posture and gestures. In the remake.... I felt like she just speed-walked all the way up to the West Wing, the whole time I was like “girl, you’re in a completely new environment and you have no idea of what’s coming, there’s no way you’d feel that confident”
I dunno, I suppose I knew the remake wasn’t going to be as good as the original overall, but... it lacked the original’s charm, it didn’t suck me all the way through into the story and characters, and that’s been bothering me so much, man; I really wanted to love this movie and I was a bit disappointed :(
Now, were there things that I actually liked? yeah!
M A U R I C E. good gOD, he was fantastic, and I’m a much bigger fan of his live action version than the animated one. I loved that he was an artisan/artist, I love his and Belle’s relationship and how much they genuinely loved and supported each other. He was awesome, 1000/10, Dad of the Year™, would recommend (his fucking reaction to Chip was priCELESS friCK)
I feel that Belle and Beast had more moments together and I loved their bickering and bonding over books it was v nice~
I enjoyed ALL the musicals numbers sO MUCH; I loved hearing the old ones with a new twist and bOY they were such a delight to hear, I was grinning the whole time; and the new ones were wonderful too!! as you’ve noticed, I mcfreaking loved Evermore, Days in the Sun was a nice little tune that gave light to many characters’ feelings/backstories and I quite enjoyed that; and How Does a Moment Last Forever, however short it might have been between Maurice’s and Belle’s versions, was so wonderful and I loved that music box quality it had to it
Belle wanting to teach young girls to read? Being a tinkerer/inventor? fuCK YEAH I LOVED THAT??!?
aesthetically, the movie’s fricking GORGEOUS; that castle was incredible and I wanna go there
I kinda liked how they tried to cover up some plot holes from the animated movie? Like how they don’t mention how many years this curse has been going on, but it’s very clear that it was set when the prince was already an adult (unlike the he-was-supposedly-cursed-at-11-but-somehow-there-are-paintings-of-him-as-a-young-man thing from the original), and the curse also affecting the memories of the villagers, that kind of stuff was neat and I’m glad they thought of that
each time a petal falls the castle keeps falling apart and the servants turn more and more into the objets they were cursed into?? that was nEAT (and ultimately led to a pretty frickin tragic scene at the end yOU kNow THe oNE)
I loved Garderobe and Cadenza?? they were like an eccentric couple of travelling artists and bc of the curse they were separated in different parts of the castle bc they couldn’t move around too much and mAN I felt for them I loved them
I liked this new Beast; but in the point that I’m very much aware that he’s very different from the animated one, and I’m okay with that, you know, something a little different but that is still recognisable isn’t bad, and I love both versions of him. Good job, Dan, you did gr10
stuff I’m still pondering if I like or not??
I’m.... not sure how to feel about Agathe/the Enchantress?? like, woah okay it’s actually cool that she stuck around the area and didn’t just vanish after casting the curse, but... what was her agenda, exactly?? like, sure, teach the prince a lesson about inner beauty and yada yada; but I never got, and still don’t get why she ever felt the need to do what she did, both in the original film and in the remake. Also I have mixed feelings about her being there when Belle was crying over the Beast; like, I GET why she was there, technically they had run out of time and the Beast was fricking dead; but it also felt to me like she was intruding on a sensitive moment that was very much supposed to be Belle and Beast’s (one could argue the same thing kinda happened with Cogsworth/Lumière/Mrs. Potts being there in the original movie, but idk I didn’t feel their presence there as much as I felt Agathe’s in the remake)
AbOUT BELLe and tHE BeasT...... I’m reeeally conflicted about this, like I felt that there WERE more moments between them than in the original,  and I’m so here for that, but at times it also felt like they weren’t quite... connecting?? Again, I think the physical reassurance factor wasn’t quite as developed here as it was in the original, and I was quite disappointed by that idk
also about the thing with Belle’s mother and their magic-travel to Paris.... I know it was supposed to be a bit of a bonding moment between Belle and the Beast, but it also kept nagging at me that this moment should probably be hers and hers alone, and the Beast was just.... standing there?? I have a serious issue with some characters just standing there and doing nothing in certain moments in this film Like, if you’re going to have him there, at least have him comfort her in some way??? (again, pHYsiCAL reAssurAnCE iS imPorTAnt GuyS)
That’s.... all I can think of at the moment. At least, these were the major things that stuck out to me; I’ll be blogging more about this as time goes on in tag form, I guess. It’s weird, I’ve been feeling so salty because I wanted it to be so much more, and it just ended up being okay.
All in all, there were concepts introduced that I was really into, but as a whole it didn’t work all the way through for me. I’ll have the original film for that, I suppose
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saviormysticmeme · 8 years
Hey, can I request RFA+V+Saeran reacting to a SuicideGirl!MC? The idea just pop up in my head lolol. I loooooove your blog hehe stay awesome
RFA+V+Saeran react to SuicideGirl!MC
Ok so I had to look up what ‘Suicide Girl’ meant and what Urban Dictionary told me is that it’s an alternative style that’s somewhere between emo/goth and pin up. My type of girl and it was also noted that they’re pretty sexual and kind of known for their style of erotic pics and sometimes porn. 
If this isn’t what you meant and you actually meant then let me know but I think I got this one 
So let’s go!
He’s a stuttering mess
He never knew he was into this style until he met you
He didn’t know what a Suicide Girl was but you explained it to him and he constantly blushes “Wait so…so you’re a p-porn star??”
You blush a little “Well I wouldn’t say star…”
He has a fucking nosebleed. He has nosebleeds everyday when you’re trying on new outfits because you change right in front of him and oh mah gawwww 
Your tattoos. Your piercings. The way you move. Everything. And you always send him coy little glances knowing damn well you’re giving this boy the most raging boners.
Sometimes you ask him if he can help you take pictures ;*
Sometimes you send him pictures. Your photo shoots are anywhere between PG and Rated R for Rad as Fuck  or Raging Boner. Whatever.
He always tries to make sure he’s not near anyone when he opens them, but one time he accidentally opened one of your pics up when he’s with his friends
It was Rated R
On the fluffier side of things
You guys dye each others hair and exchange hair clips
You constantly rave about how much you love his eyes and it makes him blush. Sometimes you wear purple contacts and the two of you take a fuck ton of selfies.
Speaking of the selfies
They’re always so cute
You look so fierce and poised and Yoosung usually has a shocked look on his face cause “MC, you’re a model I look like-”
“You look cute Yoosung now come on”
And you start snapping away. About 20 selfies in he gets a little more confident, so he starts getting a big dopey grin on his face
It’s so cute. You look like Edgelord McGee and he’s just this little Vanilla Cone with a swirl of Awkward 
10/10 for opposites attract
At first it was a total ‘Whoa what’ moment, but she loves and accepts you as her girlbestfriend :)
She loves how confident you seem in all your pictures. It’s clear you’re doing something that makes you happy and that makes her happy.
The tongue piercing also makes her happy
She has seen all your photo shoots, she even has some physical copies of her favorite shots
The kicker is she doesn’t have them just because they’re hot
She genuinely enjoys some of your photo shoots, talking about how they’re very tasteful statement pieces
She flatters you constantly without meaning to just by going on about how good you are with keeping your style consistent but making variations to fit the social setting
You think she’s talking about how even at RFA parties you’re elegant, but your dark pinup taste is evident with your V cut black dress with the leg slit accompanied by the stilettos and choker. 
 But who really knows. 
You’ve totally tried dressing her up before
Remember in her route how she asked about dark lipstick?
It works for her. 
Works reaallllllly well. 
But she’s pretty awkward about it all 
“I don’t know, MC, I don’t think I’m bold enough for this style”
You give a small pout as you undress her, but that frown is quickly turned upside down because
Hey you’re undressing Baehee B)
He’s so down
You were worried because he always talks about you being his ‘Princess’ and being a Suicide Girl wasn’t very…. ‘Princessy’
He agrees. It isn’t.
It’s very…. ‘Queeny’
It totally reminds him of his motorcycle gang days
When you two go out he loves to wear his leather jackets and dark sunglasses, but his favorite accessory is his hand wrapped around your waist.
You two are constantly serving L o o k s
Some of his fans rag on you for your promiscuous activities, but Zen shuts that shit down real quick.
Some really skeevy Paparazzos will try getting a rise out of him
“Hey Zen, how do you feel about anyone and everyone seeing your girlfriend naked?”
Zen whips around, staring daggers into this man, half of him fighting the urge to FUCKIN BRAWL
You tighten your grip on his arm and whisper in his ear “They can see me, but you’re the only one who gets to touch baby”
His scowl quickly turns into a grin as he looks at you.
He ignores the paparazzi and rushes you to the car so you two can rush the fuck home and get
That’s the way to describe the sex between you two because he can’t control himself whatsoever when you’ve got those tattoos, those piercings, that hair. The attitude.
And fuck, half the comments on your photos are just guys telling you what the want to do with you in a bedroom so you know how to please Zen.
Sometimes he gets jealous and a little pissy about all the people commenting on your videos and photos 
But he remembers you’re just in the performance game, same as him. 
And when you promise that you’re all his
He’s so conflicted
This is not an image he can be associated with, not as the future CEO of C&R. And his father is quick to remind him of that, constantly breathing down Jumin’s neck about how he can’t be seen with you.
But Jumin loves you…and honestly the style is a bit of a guilty pleasure
He likes the leather, the chains, the tattoos and piercings. 
They were things he never saw women wearing when he grew up
It made it very easy for his subconscious to latch onto you because you were nothing like any woman his father ever brought home. You were nothing like the women who had tried using Jumin for his money
You were something new and he liked it. A lot.
So even he was a little heartbroken to hear you say you’d change your style so you two could be seen in public together. You’d quit your job. You’d be whatever he needed because you loved him and didn’t want to hinder his life. He came home one day to find you dressed head to toe in casual clothes, your piercings taken out, your hair dyed all black instead of the plethora of colors it had been before.
Fuck that
He picked up his phone and started making a series of calls. First to the hair dresser, then to a stylist, then to 707.
“Jumin what are you doing??” You asked, confused as to why he wasn’t happy with your new appearance.
“You’re not changing for me.” He grunted in between calls. “I want you to be happy when you’re with me, not playing dress up and acting like something you’re not.”
You guys reached an agreement
707 would wipe any traceable history of your videos and more racy pictures so no one could connect you to the more sexual part of your career. You’d get your hair done however you wanted, and you chose to get it done a nice, dark navy color, something still fun but a little more subdued. You put most of your piercings back in, leaving a few out, and a stylist would pick out nothing but the best clothes that matched your style while maintaining a very elegant look.
One day Jumin tells you to turn on a TV to a local fashion network
You do and suddenly you see a stream of pictures pouring across the screen featuring key points of SuicideGirl style and the host going ‘Is the American ‘SuicideGirl’ style coming to Korea? While previously receiving a lot of scrutiny, we’re seeing a new shift in this trend that makes it look very … classy. Especially if you look at M.C., girlfriend of C&Rs very own Jumin Han’ 
A picture of you and Jumin walking down the street together is shown, both of you freshly dressed to death looking good as hell. Jumin is looking right at the paparazzi’s camera…like he knew it was there
“Jumin…did you convince a fashion network that I’m a classy alternative fashion icon?”
“It’s amazing what money can do. Now…I can enjoy you for you” He purred the last part as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a kiss
He loves it. 
You’re the perfect mix of pinup and alternative. The red lipstick and tattoos combo really turns him on.
He took your professional photos and made them his background on everything
His 7 computes
His tablet
His ipod
He hacked all his gaming systems so you’re the background/opening screen
The only place he doesn’t have one of your pro pics is his phone
That’s reserved for silly pictures of you two
He loves just tracing your tattoos with his fingers, talking about them, planning your next ones with you
Planning out all your outfits with you
He tries helping you dye your hair but that never works well for anyone.
He kisses every single one of your facial piercings all the time and the other ones
He occasionally buys fake tattoo sleeves and magnet piercings and dresses up like you
He uploads his photos to the same sites you’re on and sometimes this motherfucker gets more views 
He always reads through the comments left on your videos and photos. If someones messing with you or get a little too raunchy, bet your ass their computer is fucked.
“Seven people are complaining their computers crash when they comment on my stuff”
“Huh, weird”
He’s a little uncomfortable with the video career. Just because he knows there are so many people being so…crude towards you because of it. You assure him it’s nothing, but he just hates the idea of anyone saying anything sexual or rude to you
He makes a proposal: You model for him instead. Photos of you to be put in galleries instead of online posts for sexual deviants to get their kicks off of
And you two can record your own private videos
I’ll let you decide if you take him up on it or not
You probably saw this one coming but
So. Many. Photos.
He’s never had a subject like you and he’s eating it up
His photos always had a calm, peaceful, serene tone to them
The photos he takes of you? Passionate, daring, sexual. 
You pose for days and you two could go for hours.
He’s never been bothered by nude models, but when you start stripping your clothes he gets a little flustered
“MC, we don’t have to do nude if you’d rather not. I know we have a relationship so if you’d rather save yourself…”
You grin at him, unclip your bra, and drop it all while maintaining eye contact
His eyes widen, his mouth drops, and his camera flash goes off. 
Even if he gets his eyes fixed, his time being blind made him reliant on his other senses, especially touch.
Sometimes when you two are spooning, you take his hand and have him trace all your tattoos. Every time you hit a piercing he gently circles it with his index finger, and traces the shapes of the ones you have that aren’t typical rounds. 
Everyone admits they never imagined you two getting together, but you foil each other nicely. 
Sometimes you slip edgier pieces into his wardrobe
“MC, I don’t remember having black pants that were this…tight”
“Try them on. Trust me.” You grin when he can’t deny you the satisfaction of trying them on.
Need I say it?
You two are the Edgelords of the century
You take pictures with him all the time and post him, constantly sending your followers into fits over the fact you guys are ‘#Goals’ or how ‘Oh my god they’re both so hot’
You get a few comments that are “Do a video together!”
Saeran doesn’t get it. What do they mean about a video together.
When he finds out
He gets so flustered and uppity. He’s pissed at your followers. “Tell them to fuck off”
But he never says he opposed to doing a video just for the two of you
You guys take each other’s shit constantly. You’re constantly wrapped up in his hoodies, he’s always swiping your hats and belts.
Dye each other’s hair of course
Tattoo dates. Matching ones? Sure. But even when it’s just one of you getting one the other comes along and they make a day out of it
He follows you to work all the time
Someones taking racy pictures of you? If they’re a dirtbag about it I’m breaking their jaw.
You and some of your Suicide Girl friends are going out in public together? Saeran follows, never far behind.
Any douchebags on the street give you problems? He breaks their jaw. 
He goes through the comments on your videos
And they piss him off so much, but then you remind him that you’re all his
Alllll hisss
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