#((with love from the mun))
the-leyline-directory · 3 months
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@starrysnowdrop I am very not good at sending messages [anxious as I be! Phobias of talking and all that!] but I doodle! And \o/ I adore these two very much and thank you for sharing them!! And your kind words! :D I am enamoured with the colors of your gposes and the themes you incorporate into them!
\o/ I hope you have a wonderful day!!
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constellationcrowned · 2 months
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misteria247 · 9 months
Loving the fact that Sky has canonically killed essentially God in his world, yet he gets winded when he goes running down a flight of stairs. Like I don't know why but that's just incredibly humorous to me personally.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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"...Just sick and tired of feeling so small." "You know what? What do they know, huh?"
Hi, I'm in love with the "Mario's always been Luigi's protector while Luigi's always been Mario's confidant" dynamic.
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azu1as · 3 months
🎭: HIIIIII so i was thinking about your fem cm x tang gunak fic earlier
AND WHAT IF instead of tang bo reluctantly accepting tang gunak as his father he goes off and looks for someone else. he's open to ANYONE becoming his father. anyone EXCEPT his actual descendant/biological father in this life
baek cheon? fine. whatever. he's good looking enough and he has a good reputation and he'd probably be too distracted to get chung myung pregnant again since he's training to become mount hua's sect leader
jo gul? he's a bit rough around the edges, but the kid seems to have a good enough heart. and if all else fails he has money and a powerful enough family to take in chung myung and tang bo if needed.
yoon jong? also a good enough kid. kind of reminds him of cheong mun honestly which may cause a bit of a problem, but he passes…
yu iseol? turned out to be as equally crazy as his noo-nim. she's deadly silent and tang bo doesn't doubt that she'd be the first to kill anyone who dares harm chung myung
i just want to see tang bo going through all of chung myung's potential suitors lmao sorry tang gunak
for those who aren't familiar, the fic being referred to is this one!
I love this so much that's so funny actually HAHSHHDSAKJD
Tang Bo literally jumping through every hoop known to man just so he could get Tang Gunak and Chung Myung to divorce. Of course, Chung Myung needs someone to support her (and him, by extension).
But that person has to be unobtrusive and trustworthy enough. Since Tang Bo's still a kid, he also needs someone who can not only protect Chung Myung, but also provide for them. He wishes he can grow older faster, but he knows how to compromise. Even if it grates at him, he'll do what he can.
Obviously, Tang Gunak—that traitorous descendant of his—doesn't deserve Chung Myung's time with how he didn't even realize she was pregnant until she was about to give birth. A terrible husband, for sure. Tang Bo refuses to recognize him as his father in this life.
So Tang Bo makes a checklist of all the potential suitors (some were suggested by Tang Soso, great descendant by the way since she helped Chung Myung give birth safely). Some characters were quickly crossed out after one meeting and hearing rumors about them like that suspicious Jang Ilso guy.
He goes through the list of Mount Hua members and the closest person he could accept to being his replacement father was Yu Iseol, but the way Tang Soso crossed out her name from their list herself threw a big wench into his plan.
He was so close to giving up, but then a bright light of hope appeared in front him. A bright light that bounced off his beautiful bald head.
Unobtrusive, calm demeanor, A CELIBATE MONK.
He runs over to Hye Yeon who looks and smiles at Chung Myung's child with absolute patience and understanding in the face of Tang Bo's manic eyes.
And then Hye Yeon's mind blanks out depsite hearing the choked coughing from Tang Gunak to the side and Chung Myung's cursing at her own son when Tang Bo tells him with complete seriousness,
"Please be my new father."
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reallyrandomtj · 1 month
Firstly, I just wanted to apologize to those who have tried to hold a conversation with me - here or on Discord - I have been a mess IRL with an incredibly low social battery over the last few days and I've hated it.
Under the read more are details I have put off sharing for the longest time that are likely going to be the main reasons for actively spikes/decreases for the next couple of weeks/likely months due to recovery times.
If you wish to avoid topics like this upon your dash ( for whatever reasons its fine. I want you to be safe/comfortable when viewing my blog ) please black list the following tags without quotations 'blog: mun health' and 'blog: mun recovery' as extra precautions should that fail I will try remember to place them under read more like I have for the below!
A week from today, will be 23rd August for me, I would have been silently ( told very few people ) fighting Grade One Endometrial Cancer - Cancer of the Uterus - for 12 months! I have been fighting it with IUDs ever since before my official diagnosis but I have had enough of that approach.
I have a pre op appointment this coming Monday ( 19th August ) in preparation for a full hysterectomy a fortnight later ( 2nd September ) that I'm terrified for but feel it to be completely necessary for my own safety and state of mind.
... You may be thinking? I wouldn't blame you if you did think this way ... 'Oh TJ you caught it early! Why go to such an extreme?' Yeah. You're not wrong! But that did little to ease my thoughts/concerns since until 26th July I had no idea if my IUD was successfully fighting off the cancer or how aggressive my cancer was... on top of finding out the cancer history of my extended family which opened my eyes to further potential cancer scares if I am not careful. Why is my family so prone to cancer so young like WTF?!
Anyway. I hope that now I've got this off my chest I can finally be productive here with drafts since I have tried to make this post for a few weeks now! I apologize if this has alarmed or spooked anyone but don't worry... I won't have this cancer for much longer!
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I absolutely love the idea of desktop buddies. Like, imagine little digital folks just hanging out with you while you're doing something on your PC.
And I love love LOVE Aster ukagaka by @logicpng (if you like ukagakas, PLEASE give this one a look). Rigel and Vega are absolutely precious guys and I love them dearly. Wish there was an option to give them a kiss and a hug, but oh well! Gonna pet them instead
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They're babies, your honor. I'm so normal about them...(not)
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ask-jiro-kirisaki · 3 days
"Apropos of nothing, Jiro," Yuri says out of the blue one day, "suppose some day in the far future we have children. What sort of name would you choose?"
It was an unusual question to ask out of the blue, but Jiro would humor him. "Names for our children, huh?" He crosses his arms, a hint of a pensive look on his face. "If it were completely up to me, I'd probably name a son after my brother. A daughter though..." A beat of silence. "Flowers come to mind. Perhaps something like Sakura or Himawari. I'd be looking for your input on our hypothetical child's name of course. They'd be just as much yours as mine." Jiro never gave the idea of having children much thought. Between the long work hours, the dangers of Darkwick missions and his own poor health, he never thought it would be possible. Then again, the pair had an entire lab at their disposal. They could probably use a tank as an artificial womb of sorts, plus they likely had the means to changes sperm cells into eggs if necessary. Perhaps one day if things changed. A quiet domestic life with Yuri seemed like a far-off dream, but given his own resurrection against impossible odds, anything seemed possible with enough determination - something Yuri had no shortage of.
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peddling-rp-memes · 2 months
Non-Human Muse Headcanons
Send me an 👽 [alien] for a headcanon about my muse's culture of origin
Send me a 😍 [heart eyes] for a headcanon about a trait my muse's species considers attractive (or not)
Send me a ❤️ [heart] for a headcanon about my muse's romantic customs
Send me a 🔞 [spicy] for a headcanon about my muse's sexual customs
Send me a 🪐 [planet] for a headcanon about my muse's home planet
Send me an 🩻 [x-ray] for a headcanon about my muse's anatomy/biology
Send me a 🥣 [bowl] for a headcanon about my muse's diet
Send me a 👤 [human] for a headcanon about my muse's relation to humans
Send me an 👾 [8-bit alien] for a headcanon about my muse's relation to other non-human species
Remember to specify for multimuses!
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novel-redacted · 1 month
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A small collection of art things for the characters in the novel \o/ (Featuring work by my wife @hlkproductions of course) - Alexander Finch, [half blind, in over his head at most times] - Molly Veska-Salvesen, [Redheaded powerhouse, Nanite Queen] - Ambrose Dietrich, [Sunglasses indoors, Actually a sense of humour] - Gabriel Angeleint [Talks to dogs, will bite back] And a few others that aren't drawn in some capacity, but we love these fools and all the things they go through.
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as-above-rp · 8 days
Alright! As of last night, I've officially halted any continuations of the #MonsterHouseParty threads.
If we started a thread that you'd REALLY like to see through to the end or reach some closure on, please like AND leave a reply on this post! It can just be an emoji or a single letter (it doesn't have to be anything grand or coherent), just to show me that you'd like to continue our thread. I'll either reply (if it's my turn), or we can discuss if you'd like to continue on tumblr or on discord.
Once more, a HUGE thank you to @/sweet-chimera for hosting the event, and a HUGE thank you to everyone who interacted with me! It was a whole lot of fun, and I'm excited to write and participate in more events with you all! ♡
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grellsaw · 7 days
I do plan to write more starters, there is a side project I would like to turn my attention briefly towards;
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epitomees · 1 month
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((I need to jot this down because it keeps circulating in my head and BOY does it make me feel sad for Aigis! This is based off the OG FES The Answer content I’ve been watching, but considering some people may not have seen it yet, and are waiting for Reload’s DLC in a few weeks, I’ll keep this under a read more.
Aigis…cannot get rid of Orpheus. She can’t fuse it away, not because it’s locked or anything but because she can’t bear the thought of losing the protag’s initial Persona. In her eyes, it’d be the same as killing the protag themselves, and failing to protect them once again. Another reminder of the fact that the protagonist is dead. So she will keep harboring Orpheus throughout The Answer’s ordeal.
And from time to time, she’ll even talk to Orpheus as if she is talking TO the protag themselves. Since it’s the protag’s Persona, she seems to find some comfort and solace in being able to communicate with it, or at least know that there’s still a part of the protag now living inside her. This, in turn, really does no good for Aigis’ mental condition. She’ll step away from the group at times just to summon Orpheus, to ask the true leader about what she should do about their situation, to vent about everything that’s happened since the protag’s death, and PROFUSELY apologize for failing to protect them. And I’d like to think that Orpheus can provide some temporary comfort to Aigis during those times.))
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kalijhomentethi · 12 days
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diabelskoga · 12 days
smth smth, drop down, hand on floor, cool leg sweep to make his opponent fall before standing up and hoping nami and robin saw
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“I don’t think I wanna be Eclipse” is EERILY SIMILAR TO “I don’t think I’m Sun” or whatever he said rhhfhfhfjj
Disintegrating rn
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