#(I get it. Paul’s deflecting. But to be constantly asked these questions when you know you’ve not properly addressed your grief. Well…)
reflectismo · 2 years
But Lennon and McCartney are forever linked, like Rodgers and Hammerstein or the Gershwin’s. Even after 20 years of lawsuits, the image that remains is, indeed, the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. Paul says, “I’ve never been the kind to go down to the pub with my buddies. John was really my only male friend, if only because of proximity.”
Is there a record he likes to put on just to hear John’s voice? I ask Paul the next day. He looks startled. He fumbles. “Oh, uh. There’s so much of it. I hear it on the car radio when I’m driving.”
No, that’s not what I mean, I persist. Isn’t there a time when you just wish you could talk to John, when you’d like to hear his voice again? For some reason, he instead responds to the original question. “Oh sure,” he says a looks a little taken aback. “‘Beautiful Boy,’” he says. It is a song about Lennon’s younger son from his final album. There’s a dreamy line in it that goes, “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” It is very un-McCartney. Maybe that’s the whole point.
— Paul McCartney profile for FAME Magazine (March 1990)
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
turning page
After TK saves a patient’s life on a call, Tommy has a proposal for him.
i saw the promo photos for 2.06 and the summary for 2.07 and uhhh this happened? thanks to @immortalstrand and @laelipoo for poking me to do this and to @221tardisimpala for looking it over for me!
ao3 | 1.6k | season 2 speculation
“You handled yourself well out there today.”
TK jumps and swears, the new voice breaking him from his focus on his chores. He turns around, scowling, only for his eyes to blow wide as he spots Captain Vega watching him, her mouth twitching in amusement.
“Captain Vega,” he stammers. “Sorry, I didn’t realise it was you.”
She smiles and waves him off. “No, it was my fault for not giving you any warning. Though, as far as heart attacks go, it’s not a bad place to have one.”
He laughs awkwardly, and they trail off into an uncomfortable silence. TK scuffs the floor with his boot, not wanting to offend her by going back to work, but also not quite sure if the conversation is over. Fortunately, she quickly takes pity on him.
“I just wanted to say, thanks for stepping in earlier,” she says. “You did well.”
TK shrugs, tamping down the pride he feels at her words. “I was just doing my job.”
“I’d say you were doing a fair bit more than ‘just your job’.” Her eyebrows are raised and she takes a sip of her coffee, looking at him appraisingly. “Look, it’s no secret that I’ve had my...misgivings about Pearce. And after what happened today… Well, let’s just say that young woman is lucky you were there to help.”
“Anyone would have done the same,” TK deflects, though he’s not entirely sure why. “Marjan, or Paul, or…”
He trails off, flushing under her gaze. Captain Vega isn’t particularly intimidating, but there’s a distinct weight to this conversation that extends beyond simple praise. Not that the praise isn’t nice, but TK can tell it’s not what she came here to say, not truly. 
He clears his throat. “I’m sure Pearce will get there,” he offers. “But he’s only on trial, right? You’ll be able to find someone good if he, you know. Doesn’t.”
She levels him with a pointed gaze. “I think I already have.”
“Oh.” TK nods slowly. He’s got no idea why she’s telling him any of this; it seems more like a conversation for his dad, or literally anyone else that isn’t him. He tells her as much, surprised when she laughs and shakes her head. “What am I missing?”
She moves closer, TK inexplicably feeling more and more nervous with each passing second.
“You, TK,” she says, and his eyes widen. “I’m asking if you’d like to take the post.”
“Oh,” he repeats. “I, um. I -”
“You don’t have to give me an answer right away,” she interrupts. “I’d prefer it if you didn’t, actually. Take your time; you know where to find me.”
With a nod and an encouraging smile, Captain Vega turns to walk away. She gets as far as the staircase when TK calls after her, the question burning in his chest.
“Can I ask you something?” 
At her nod, TK hesitates a moment, biting his lip. “Why me?”
The question seems to surprise her. “Why not you?”
“I’m not the only one with medic training,” he points out. “And I’m sure you’ve had plenty of other applicants.”
“That’s all true,” Captain Vega accedes, walking back over to him. “But you are the best field medic we’ve got. You’re already integrated with the team; it’ll be a much easier adjustment than bringing someone entirely new in. And…” She hesitates, then places a hand on his arm. “I hope I’m not overstepping the line here, but I have to ask. Being a firefighter - who are you doing it for?”
TK shifts uncomfortably, his eyes flicking up to his dad’s office. It’s not an unfamiliar question - even though he decided to stay after the shooting, it’s been sitting at the back of his mind ever since, constantly niggling at him - but he hadn’t expected it, especially not from Captain Vega. She pats his arm sympathetically, then steps away, smiling gently.
“I’ll leave you to think about it,” she says. “I think you could do some really great work with us, TK, but if you truly don’t want the position, I won’t push. Let me know, okay?”
“I will.”
When she walks away this time, TK lets her go, staring after her retreating back long after she’s out of sight. He replays the conversation in his head, mind reeling at the implications of becoming a paramedic. It’s not an option he’s considered before, always too set on being a firefighter to think about anything else. And yet… Now that Captain Vega’s laid it out for him, it makes a frightening amount of sense. He could do it; he knows he could. 
Does he want to, though?
He doesn’t get time to think on it further as, for the second time in fifteen minutes, someone tries to give him a heart attack.
“What did Captain Vega want?” Marjan asks from behind him. 
Once he’s got his racing heart back under control, TK turns, shrugging. “Nothing. She was just thanking me for that call earlier.”
“Uh huh,” she says. “And that’s got you looking so constipated?”
“Shut up.” He scowls; Marjan grins. “Haven’t you got chores to do?”
“Haven’t you?” But she’s moving past him, playfully punching his shoulder as she goes. “Let us know if you ever feel like talking about what’s really eating you.”
TK chews on his nail, his other hand tapping an erratic rhythm on Carlos’s counter. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about Captain Vega’s proposal, and the more he does so, the more he wonders about actually taking her up on it. 
From the sink, Carlos clears his throat. TK looks up, confused by the pointed look on his face.
Carlos huffs a laugh. “First the pacing, now this. What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing,” he says on reflex. Then, at Carlos’s raised eyebrows, “Okay, it’s something.”
Carlos abandons the cooking, coming over to lean on the counter opposite TK. “Wanna talk about it?”
“We had a call today,” he starts. “There was a pretty serious medical situation, and the new paramedic we’ve got on trial - Pearce - was supposed to be helping Captain Vega. He choked. I had to step in and get the patient stabilised so she could be transported to hospital.”
“Good job you were there, then,” Carlos puts in, a small smile on his face.
TK returns it. “That’s what Captain Vega said,” he continues. “She came up to me near the end of shift, thanked me, and… She offered me the position, Carlos.”
“As paramedic?”
At TK’s nod, Carlos’s face breaks out into a huge grin. “That’s amazing!” His smile falters when TK meets his eyes, doubt written all over his face. “Unless… You don’t want it?”
TK shrugs hopelessly. “I have no idea. I think maybe I do? I just… Being a firefighter is all I’ve ever known. It’s not that taking this would mean I couldn’t do it anymore, I’m pretty sure I could work both sides, and I’d still be with the same team. Pretty much nothing would change, but right now, it feels like everything would. Do you know what I mean?”
He looks at Carlos desperately, grateful for the understanding he sees in his face. Carlos reaches across the counter and takes his hands.
“I do,” he says quietly. “But it also sounds like you have your answer.”
TK hesitates, then nods slowly, a small smile on his lips. Carlos is right - he knows exactly what he wants.
A few days later, he’s standing outside his dad’s office, nerves roiling in his stomach. His dad looks up before he can knock, looking startled at the sight of TK at the door.
He smiles awkwardly. “You got a minute, Cap?”
His dad looks up sharply, clearly noting the use of his title, but nods, gesturing to the seat opposite. “What’s up?” he asks when TK’s seated.
He purses his lips, twisting his hands in his lap. “Captain Vega spoke to me the other day,” he says. “I don’t know if she mentioned anything to you?”
His dad shakes his head, and TK nods. He focuses his gaze on the desk, not quite able to meet his dad’s eyes. “It was about the paramedic position.”
A silence falls between them, dragging out long enough for TK to dare to look up. He’s just in time to see the understanding dawn on his dad’s face.
“I see,” he says, voice carefully measured. “And what did you tell her?”
“Nothing yet,” TK replies. “But…”
“You want to say yes.”
“It’s not that I don’t love being a firefighter,” he says hurriedly. “I just. I think this could be good for me, you know? And I wouldn’t be going anywhere, and -”
“TK,” his dad cuts in. TK flushes and clears his throat, swallowing reflexively. His dad smiles encouragingly. “I told you before - whatever you choose, I’ll stand by you. Is this what you want?”
He nods. “Yeah.”
His dad sits back in his chair, holding his hands up. “Then what are you still doing talking to me?”
TK’s mouth drops open in surprise - he’s not sure why, but he’d expected more of a fight. A relieved laugh bubbles up in his chest, but he pushes it down as both he and his dad rise from their seats. They hug, TK briefly closing his eyes.
“Thanks, Dad,” he murmurs. His dad claps him on the back, eyes shining with pride when they separate. 
“Go on,” he says. “Tommy’s in her office.”
TK spares one glance backward as he leaves, feeling a hundred pounds lighter. He can hear the rest of the team chatting and laughing in the kitchen, and there’s a slight pang in his chest at the thought of breaking the news to them. 
But, as Captain Vega welcomes him into her office with a smile, TK knows that he’s making the right decision.
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Howdy! I saw someone ask another author for tips on writing each of the boys and I was wondering what your take on it was? What kind of advice would you give someone trying to write for the fandom that's new to writing the boys?
Okay, so for writing tips, I think you just gotta keep in mind the little things. Like I write the boys the way I do based on literally just watching the movie over and over and watching each character in each scene. I'm just gonna write some things I keep in mind for/how I view each boy when writing!!
David: is constantly calm and in control. Even when he had a baton to the neck, and even when he and Michael were fighting, he was calm (he never raises his voice until Markos death) and acted like he was in control. Also, he's very strategic. He separated Sam and Michael in the final fight (knowing that Sam was responsible for two of his brothers deaths), and delivered a few blows to make him antsy and unfocused. While it may just have been because David is mean, his tricks in the cave also lead to Michael brushing off Star when she said the wine was blood. David understands the people around him and is scarily accurate at predicting their next moves. Is sadistic and dramatic and enjoys messing with others
Paul: does not shut up. Once. Every scene he is in, he is talking. You cannot go wrong with Paul if you just give him some dialogue. Is also the friendliest and one of the kindest. He openly welcomes Michael after he drinks from the bottle, immediately accepting him. He can also be seen helping Laddie into the cave. He also never stops moving. Is constantly walking, making hand gestures, or eating. He is also the most playful, as he pushes Marko just to get a reaction out of him and teases Michael on the bridge. He makes it clear from his tone and from his expression that he is only joking and is not trying to actually instigate a deeper argument. He is also one of the more affectionate boys, and gives people nicknames. He calls Marko "bud" and immediately dubs Michael as "Mikey". Is a stoner and can be seen sparking up and offering David a joint. Also, the flirtiest of the boys. In the first two scenes of the boys, he is seen flirting with a girl in both. Very big puppy energy.
Marko: is a wild card. In every scene that he's in, he's either seen smiling like he knows something others don't or is seen to be observing either people or his surroundings (he looks around the carousel and is the only one of the boys that looks Michael over besides David). Has a habit of biting his thumb nail. Is willing to fight and is the most aggressive/has the shortest fuse of the boys (he pushes Paul back, has to be held back by Paul, pushes Michael in the cave, and scalps someone during the feeding scene). Very short, very angry. He's teasing and is the most physically affectionate of the boys. Is one of the "quieter" boys, but is loud and teasing when he does talk. When he jumps off the bridge, he yells "bombs away" and that's kinda how I see Marko. Like a ticking time bomb. Quiet and unassuming at times, but always ready to pop off.
Dwayne: is the quietest and the kindest of the four. He is the one that specifically takes care of Laddie. Laddie rides with him, giving the impression that he's the "safest" of the four. Also, even once they're back at the cave, Laddie sticks by him, making it seem that he doesn't entirely mind being the safe one. But!! He's still one of the boys!! He laughs along with their teasing and enjoys it just as much as the others. However, even though he does tease Michael, he's a bit kinder about it. He doesn't deflect his question or ignore his existence. Instead, he brings attention to it and acknowledges Michael. Also, based on his fighting style, I would say that he's the most direct and least likely to play games. He doesn't play cat and mouse or threaten like the other boys do. He crashes in and immediately attacks.
Feel free to do with those what you will, but overall the only advice I have is to just watch the movie as much as you can. Really, thats the best way we can figure out their personalities. You can also read a lot of the fanfiction that's floating around, and use fanon to help with your writing.
Thank you for asking and have a nice day!!! xx
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ccorneliast · 6 years
clouds in my coffee: chapter 2 - a carrison fanfiction
Rating: T Summary: Carrie Fisher is a published author who just got out of a toxic, long relatioship. Harrison Ford is a divorced father of two who owns a little coffee shop on 53rd street in New York.What will happen when they meet? Full of coffee, books and cuteness. Disclaimer: this is a real person fan fiction, so it all definitely came from our imagination and we’re not trying to offend anyone (you know the drill). The quotes in the fic are from “Surrender The Pink” by Carrie Fisher, so we don’t claim them. A/N:  here is the second chapter (finally!) that angie ( @soreidy27​ ) and i co-wrote! 
On AO3
I hope you like it and don’t forget to tell me your thoughts on it!
Hearing the now familiar sound of the tiny bell as she opened the door, Carrie let her lungs fill with the delicious and warm scent of freshly roasted coffee and pastries. In less than a week, this little, family oriented coffee shop had become a sort of safe place for her. The creative process was always spectacular when she sat on the corner table, her laptop and a mug of coffee on the ready.
Something unexpected began to happen, though. Every day, like clockwork, the  handsome, yet not so talkative, owner of the cafe would catch her eye, unknowingly becoming somewhat of a muse for her work. Who would’ve thought?
“Hiya doll, the usual?” Charlotte greets, in a sweet, southern drawl. Carrie offers her a soft smile as she nods, making her way to the usual table.
Then, out of the blue, an overwhelming need to run back to Paul blindsids her. It feels like… like LA with him. The coffee shop where they used to meet and pass their day, content (as content as she believed herself to be before she realized the truth of that relationship: a one sided, emotionally exhausting ordeal). Stop, don’t open that door.
The brunette chastises herself as she pulls her laptop from her purse and begins writing: the most effective distraction to her dead and buried love life.
“There was a tap at the window. Ingrid nudged Dinah, shifting into Drive, who looked up and saw Rudy Gendler through the fine, twinkling snow. “Do you remember me?” he called through the glass.
Something in Rudy’s face, in his presence, infused Dinah with feelings of longing and a sort of hope. His certainly shone through the snow.”
Carrie looks up from her laptop and takes a long sip of her just-brewed coffee. She just means to take a small break, one or two seconds. However, the shop’s owner catches her attention. No, not catches , that would be an understatement. The masculinity his flannel shirt and disheveled hair give him clashes with the swift, seamless way he runs the place, rushing orders around and brewing that unbelievable pot of coffee, ripping her attention away from her, dragging it on the floor of the coffee shop, all the way until she’s naked, vulnerable, bare.
She fixates on him, almost as though she’s studying him for science class, planning on writing a detailed report on all his mannerisms and facial features, complete with bullet points and a list of sources. A creature of solitude, huh?
“ Maybe no man is an island, but some sure look like them. All safe and dry and looming on her horizon. As she rolled down the window, she thought, if only she could be that certain, that safe, that dry, that apart. He became not, in that instant, so much her ideal mate, as her ideal. She wanted to become this person. If only she might cast her lot in with his and one day find their two lots inextricably confused. Dinah Kaufman is Rudy Gendler.”
“ You planning on taking a break anytime soon?” Carrie hears the gruff voice she hadn't been able to rid her thoughts of. With a subtle smile playing on her lips, she turns her head and feasts her eyes on the broad man before her. Dressing in a simple gray t-shirt and, for the first time since she met him, foregoing the apron, is Harrison Ford.
“How long have you been checking me out for?” Carrie asks, amused, and offers Harrison a sly smile, her brown eyes shining with mirth at the implication of her catching his attention. She still finds herself fascinated by the grumpy coffee shop owner: the way he seems unfazed by the people constantly around him, his aura of authority yet uncaring of what others did. It’s undeniably interesting to observe him, thrilling like watching your favorite movie for the first time. The mere thought that the object of her thorough observations would take a few seconds of his time spent looking at her enough to comment on her behavior is surprisingly flattering.
“What makes you so sure I was checking you out?” She can hear the amusement underlining his air of nonchalance. It almost causes a chuckle to escape out of her pursed lips. Almost .
“I - umm, want a refill?” Harrison asks her, clearly deflecting her question, embarrassed? Carrie gives him a small, secretive smile before turning back to her laptop, reading over the last few words she’s written, deciding that it was indeed time for a break.
“Sure,” she replies, pushing her mug towards her very own barista. He fills it up until he reaches the brim. “You know, coffee is like oxygen to me.” She muses, trying to strike up some twisted version of a conversation. “Without it I’d probably stop talking or walking or doing this thing I do with words, ya know?”
He chuckles lightheartedly at her silly attempt at small talk: “Writing, you mean?”
Seriously, Carrie? “Doing this thing I do with words”? “Yeah, the putting-words-into-sentences thing.” Yes, an extreme improvement.
He stares at her for a brief second, just hovering there in the moment, before he turns around: “I’ll leave you to it, then.” and walks away.
Carrie shakes her head at her sudden lack of wit and takes a big gulp of her black coffee. The refill is rather strong.
“He asked Dinah for her number and she wrote it on an old receipt with an eyebrow pencil of Ingrid’s and passed it to him. The snowflakes were falling slower now, larger. Rudy slipped the number into his pant pocket, nodded to Ingrid and to Dinah, the strolled off through the swirling snow. An explorer in this metropolitan wilderness. It had taken a blizzard to bring Rudy back into Dinah’s life; Lord knew what it would take to pry him out.”
“Hey darlin’, you want a bite to eat?” Charlotte startles Carrie straight out of her writing trance.
“Huh?” she questions, battling a migraine that hours of looking at the screen of her computer earned her.
“Food, dear. It’s eight o’clock.” She explains, pointing at the big, brown, wooden clock on the wall of Dorothy’s.
“Is it really that late?” Carrie asks rhetorically. “I must’ve got distracted with the time.” She smiles apologetically. “Sorry for hogging the table all day long.”
Charlotte smiles back and responds: “Oh dear, it’s fine by me. Good to have some female company here regularly, actually.” Carrie frowns so imperceptibly that the lady doesn’t even notice. “It’s Mr. Ford you should probably apologize to.” She says it in a sing-song voice, obviously a joke. It makes Carrie wonder though. A regular female company? Huh, I really have been coming here every day for the past week.
“I should get home, then.” she smiles, slightly embarrassed.
“Mr. Ford can fix ya a sandwich if you’d like!” Charlotte presses, a little too obviously so.
“No, it’s alright.” Carrie shoves her laptop in her purse and swings it on her shoulder.
Then, out of kitchen emerges Harrison, holding a paper cup of steaming coffee. “Bundle up, it’s cold outside.” he extends the beverage to her with a fleeting smile. Ah, caught it!
She looks at it quizzically though. ”For the drive home.” he explains, turning back around, resuming the closing-up process.
“Walk,” Carrie corrects as she takes a sip of her cup.
“What?” he mumbles, half paying attention.
“I walk home. It’s not far from here, actually.”
“Oh,” he breathes out, not really sure how to keep a conversation going with her.
“Anyway, how much do I owe you?” she asks, reaching for her wallet.
“Nothing,” he states, matter-of-factly. “A thanks for picking us.”
“Okay then.” she replies, pleased with his answer. “Thank you.” she smiles, wrapping her scarf around her exposed neck. Drawing his attention there, Harrison notices a small pendant hanging lonely around her neck. An initial, maybe? Some sort of symbol?
He doesn’t question her about it, though.
As she’s opening the door to leave, a cool breeze slips into the coffee shop. The little bell rings. Harrison turns around, finally, and fixes his gaze on her as she turns to the right and starts walking away.
“You should’ve asked her to stay. You should’ve asked her to eat dinner.” Charlotte says, focused on cleaning up the remaining tables. “It’s cold outside.”
“Come on, Charlotte.” He drags.
“Your momma would’ve liked her, ya know?” she insists.
“Relentless woman.” he laughs, closing up the blinds.
She’ll be alright. It’s not that cold anyway.
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Charmed Again: Season 3 (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 1 - Charmed by Cole (Premiere)
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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“So, what do you think of all the changes around here?” Raven Turner asked Paul as he walked into his office at the former Stevens and Summers law firm to see Raven sat behind her desk. “Summers and Turner law just has a better fit to it don’t you think?”
“No offense meant by this Raven but why are you in my office?” Paul wondered as Raven stood up from his desk and walked over to him. “Also, Turner is a bit of a sore point for me right now.”
“I think that’s because he doesn’t like me sister.” Cole said to Raven as he shimmered into the office. “Does he know about all the changes?”
“What’s all the changes?” Paul asked Raven, ignoring Cole.
“Well my brother got in touch with me over this law firm knowing they’d go broke if someone didn’t intervene and I wanted to be my own boss but…” Raven began to tell Paul.
“I helped finance all this so it’s technically Summers, Turner and Turner except the third Turner is silent.” Cole butted in knowing Paul would be furious by this news.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Paul snapped at them both before turning his attention to Cole. “It’s bad enough you’re never out of my house because of your frankly strange friendship with my son and now you’re never going to be away from my work.”
“Paul I can promise I will be making sure my brother is well and truly silent.” Raven promised Paul.
“Save it,” Paul replied to her. “I should’ve known not to trust Cole Turner’s sister.”
“It’s not Summers and Turner,” Raven responded by rolling her eyes. “It’s Halliwell and Turner.”
“I bought out both partners so you two could run this place although I’m starting to think I should’ve have been so kind.” Cole told a shocked Paul.
“Wait what? You mean I’m a senior partner at my own law firm?” Paul questioned Cole, not quite believing what he heard. “Why would you do that for me?”
“It’s more for Drake you’re the main source of income in the Halliwell Manor with his strip career going bust and him now being a full-time father and although P3 is a long running family establishment it’s not exactly making you guys millionaires.” Cole explained to the eldest Halliwell.
“See that should make me feel warm towards you and everything but now I’m more worried than ever.” Paul admitted to Cole before turning his attention to Raven. “Come on their friendship is weird right?”
“We were born and raised in the Underworld we don’t know the meaning of weird.” Raven laughed.
“Oh my god I’m literally running a law firm with two demons.” Paul said in shock.
Drake is sat on the chair within the nursery in the Halliwell Manor holding his daughter in his arms playing with her and her toys as the two laughed and smiled away at each other until Lacey orbed into the nursery instantly making baby Lilah giggle at the display of magic.
“I don’t know if she laughs because she’s excited to see me or if she’s excited to see me doing magic either way I’m touched.” Lacey said to Drake. “Not be the barer of bad news or anything but we have a situation downstairs that needs your attendance.”
“Demon related or family related?” Drake asked his best friend as he stood up from his chair continuing to hold his daughter in his arms. “Because I really don’t like leaving Lilah unless it’s an emergency.”
“Look at you daddy Drake,” Lacey lightly mocked him. “Paul knows Cole’s a silent partner in the law firm, so I think that classes as demon and family related drama.”
“Oh god does that mean he also knows about…” Drake began to say as he handed Lilah over to Lacey.
“The night out we all have planned with Raven who’s now his number two enemy Cole still being his number one still of course.” Lacey said finishing her friend’s sentence.
“Yeah see that’s just another reason for me to stay in tonight and spend some quality daddy daughter time with Lilah.” Drake argued with her.
“No! Even if Paul has a hissy fit and says he won’t babysit me, and Pan will give up our night out just to get your out this house.” Lacey told him. “You haven’t been out this house since you came back from the dead and frankly it’s making you kind of boring.”
“Hey, I have been out plenty!” Drake said in defense of himself.
“Charmed related duties don’t count face it, Drake, you’ve become all about your baby and the book of shadows.” Lacey taunted him.
“You know you’re so much meaner since you died!” Drake replied to her. “Aren’t angels supposed to be nice?”
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Pan walked into P3 eager for her appointment with socialite extraordinaire Trinity Banks only to find her already sat at the bar sipping a cocktail and being served by one of Pan’s bar staff.
“I was beginning to think you were never going to arrive for this meeting you begged me to have with you.” Trinity complained as Pan walked over towards her.
“You’re earlier than expected.” Pan told her.
“You should always be early for appointments early is on time and on time is always considered late.” Trinity told Pan as Pan sat down next to her.
“I’ll try remember that in future.” Pan replied with a forced smile on her face.
“My time is very precious, and I can’t be wasting it for just anybody.” Trinity made herself clear while looking around the club with a dissatisfied look on her face. “Clearly you should start investing more of your own time into your business.”
“Mrs Banks P3 could really benefit from being featured on your online magazine The Look the kind of publicity it would bring to this place would be phenomenal and frankly this place needs some promotion pretty badly.” Pan pleaded with Trinity.
“I am currently looking at three other clubs within this city,” Trinity told Pan as she finished her drink and stood up from her stool. “And unlike you they were on time and their clubs had a far better look for the look why on earth would I feature your club over there’s?”
“Those other clubs are fads that will probably be some hip coffee café within the year whereas P3 has been here for decades this place is one of  the oldest running clubs within San Francisco and it’s a family run business and has been since it’s establishment.” Pan said as she stood up from her stool, fighting for her club. “This is more than just another club in the city it’s a home it’s the one place that’s never changing in a constantly changing world.”
“Hmm I do like the pull on the heartstrings my readers do tend to love retro and mushy stories about family and such even if it’s totally cliche.” Trinity admitted as she began seriously considering P3. “Plus, my readers are always saying The Look is always so cold this could inject some heart and warmth into my site fooling people into thinking Mrs Trinity Banks does have a heart after all.”
“Does this mean I’ve got the feature?” Pan asked her, hoping for the best.
“You can have the feature under one condition and this condition is non-negotiable.” Trinity revealed to Pan making the Halliwell witch cheer for a moment.
“What’s the condition?” Pan wondered.
“Anyone with any real social standing within the city knows all about the Halliwell family and their double lives.” Trinity explained to a shocked Pan. “Don’t worry this isn’t me extorting you for a spell or something tacky like that I’m simply just needing your specialties to get rid of a ghost who has decided to haunt my home.”
“Okay I’m going to pass right through the fact our family secret is clearly becoming anything but a secret and go straight to why would a ghost be haunting your home?” Pan asked Trinity. “I mean it’s a pretty new build and I’m sure I would’ve read somewhere if it was built on some ancient burial ground.”
“My husband died a few months ago and his spirit has become completely intolerable to have around my home which isn’t exactly surprising considering he wasn’t that tolerable when he was alive.” Trinity admitted to her. “So basically, I need you to banish, exorcise or whatever you do and get him the hell out of my life once and for all.”
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Drake walked into the dining room of his family home to find Paul sat at the table drinking a glass of whisky and looking miserable as he reluctantly decided to sit down next to his father and try and reason with him.
“Don’t you think it’s just a little bit early to be hitting the bottle dad?” Drake asked him only for Paul to respond by rolling his eyes and finishing his drink in one go. “Okay so maybe I should’ve told you that you were going into business with Cole and his sister Raven, but I didn’t want you to shoot yourself in the foot and ruin a great opportunity.”
“You don’t say.” Paul replied with a heavy among of sarcasm.
“Okay while you’ve got this whole attitude now is the time to remind you how when we first met you convinced me you were my brother then proceeded to wipe my memory.” Drake told him.
“Really?” Paul laughed at his son. “Well played son, I can never win an argument in this house.”
“I just want you to make a go of this law firm be your own boss and who knows if you wind up getting along with Raven and Cole then that’s just a bonus.” Drake hinted at his father.
“What is with this friendship you have going with that man?” Paul asked him.
“Hey when you’re in demonic hell with a guy you bond with them and besides Raven is such a sweetheart, I’m beginning to think she’s the angel and Lacey’s the demon.” Drake joked.
“You know you can tell me if you have feelings for him.” Paul told his son. “I mean I will heavily judge you but at least it means you’re moving on after Quinn.”
“Please dad,” Drake cackled, attempting to deflect. “I’m not crushing on my great-aunt’s ex husband that would be weird even for this family.”
“If you say so.” Paul replied, making clear he wasn’t convinced.
Pan walked into the sun-room within her family home which had been converted into a playroom for Lilah as she found Lacey sat in the ball pit with Lilah.
“It’s weird having a baby in here again after all this time.” Pan admitted as she walked over to Lacey and Lilah. “It’s an amazing kind of weird.”
“Yeah I know what you mean.” Lacey said while smiling adoringly at little Lilah. “Everything seems kind of perfect right now not to jinx it or anything.”
“Yeah we’re still charmed so nothings too perfect which brings me to having to cancel on tonight because I’m off ghost hunting for Mrs Trinity Banks just so I can get a feature in her online magazine.” Pan revealed to her girlfriend.
“Hold up you’re ghost hunting in some socialite’s fancy mansion?” Lacey asked as she stood up and picked Lilah up into her arms. “That sounds way more fun that a night out you can consider me in.”
“Yeah there’s nothing exciting about some socialite knowing way too much about my family’s worst kept secret and god knows who else knows if she does this could be troublesome for us all.” Pan worried.
“I get you I’ll check with the elders about who knows what and what we can do about it but in the meantime, you should definitely deal with this woman’s ghost.” Lacey advised her girlfriend.
“Yeah I figured there was no way of getting out of this I’ll take Paul with me he’s in a mood already so why not add some more moans to his day.” Pan replied to her white lighter.
“I’ll take Lilah up there with me give her some quality time with Aunt Paige and that way we can still force Drake to go on a night out.” Lacey told Pan.
“Yeah I’m all for Drake getting his groove back after becoming a dad and moving on from Quinn but I’m not sure letting him go on his first night out with two demons is a good idea.” Pan suggested.
“Drake’s part demon too it’s good for him to have friends who are also part demon besides I thought you liked Raven?” Lacey wondered.
“Raven I like Cole however has a complicated history with this family and I’d prefer my nephew to not be alone with him until I know for sure he can be trusted.” Pan explained to Lacey.
“You just need to trust a little more.” Lacy implied before kissing Pan on the lips. “Or for now just focus on socialite style ghost hunting.”
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“I really hope you’re not here to tell me you already want to dissolve this partnership because I believe that would be a great mistake.” Raven said to Paul as he walked into her office at Halliwell and Turner law as she sat behind her desk.
“I thought about it over and over again and although I’m not amused that I now run a law firm without being notified whatsoever but at the same time I’d be stupid to throw it all away.” Paul replied as he walked over towards Raven and sat down in front of her desk.
“Yeah I suppose the way we all went about this partnership in the wrong way, but we all thought your prejudice towards demons would get in your way of making a good business deal.” Raven told him honestly.
“I’m not prejudice my son is half demon and I wouldn’t change him for the world.” Paul denied Raven’s claims.
“Just because you’re a father of a demon doesn’t mean you don’t have any prejudices; I mean you are automatically distrustful of me and my brother just because we’re demons and that prejudice.” Raven explained to the eldest Halliwell. “You’re view of demons versus mortals it’s a rather narrow one and if you don’t fix that then it’s going to cause problems with your son and granddaughter in the future.”
“Wow,” Paul said as he realized there was some truth in Raven’s words. “I’ve been a Halliwell all my life but I’ve only been a father for half of it and I do love my son and granddaughter more than anything I guess I need to realize to be more open towards demons who claim to be good because my son’s part demon and he truly is amazing.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself it’s the status quo for us to instantly hate each other just because of who we are but I’ve never been one to stick to the status quo and I genuinely believe together we can complicate the world’s view in a good way.” Raven told Paul, trying to reassure him not to feel so guilty about himself.
“I still don’t trust Cole but I’m beginning to trust you.” Paul admitted to his new partner.
“I get that he has history with the Halliwell’s, but I think him, and Drake are really good for each other. Drake convinced him to reach out to any family he could find and that’s how we got reacquainted and whether you want to hear it or not Drake had a lot of self-loathing for his demonic side until he met Cole, Cole’s helping him realize being part demon doesn’t mean he’s part evil.” Raven revealed to him.
“It’s good that Drake has someone he can turn to about his demon side.” Paul accepted, realizing his son needed that. “Things were so much easier when the only guy around my son was a freaking angel.”
“I suppose that would be a lot to live up to,” Raven laughed. “Listen how would you like to go for dinner tonight? I’m supposed to be going on that night out, but Lacey and Pan’s already bailed, and I don’t feel like playing third wheel to Cole and Drake’s bromance.”
“You want to go for dinner with me?” Paul asked in shock, clearly having been a while since somebody asked him out for dinner.
“Yeah if you don’t mind slumming it with a demon.” Raven joked with him.
“I can’t believe that I can’t get a hold of Paul that literally never happens.” Pan moaned as she and Lacey walked up the driveway towards Trinity Banks’ luxurious mansion. “It’s highly rude of him to suddenly find a life.”
“Well lucky for me your aunt Paige was more than happy to have some one on one time with Lilah so I could tag along just a shame she didn’t have any information on socialites of San Francisco being in the know.” Lacey replied as they continued walking up the driveway.”
“Did you see Quinn while you were up there?” Pan wondered. “Just curious how many times do you see him when you go up there?”
“Yeah I did Quinn and Paige have become quite the dynamic duo up there and their both making a lot of good changes together Paige seems thrilled to have someone constantly fighting in her corner and Quinn seems really happy fulfilling his destiny.” Lacey revealed to Pan as the two of them walked closer towards Trinity’s front door.
“That’s good but I’d kill for a visit every now and then Quinn became like family and it’s weird never seeing him anymore.” Pan admitted to her.
“Yeah I get that.” Lacey said as they reached the doorstep before knocking on the front door of Trinity’s home. “I’m sure everything will work out though and he’ll visit when he’s ready.”
“You can’t stay here I don’t know whether she knows about white lighters or not and god knows she doesn’t need to know anymore about us.” Pan said, changing the subject.
“Very well I’ll see you at home.” Lacey replied before kissing Pan and then orbing away.
“I guess somebody wasn’t paying any attention in our earlier conversation regarding time keeping.” Trinity complained upon opening her door to find Pan stood on her doorstep.
“I’m ten minutes early and early is on time.” Pan replied to her.
“If you say so Miss Halliwell.” Trinity said as she welcomed Pan into the foyer of her lavish mansion.
“You have a beautiful place Mrs Banks.” Pan told her as she looked around the lavish home.
“It will be far more improved once you cleanse this house of my dreadful husband do you know how much having a ghost in your home ruins your sex life?” Trinity moaned to the Halliwell witch.
“So, is your husband an evil spirit because I only banish evil spirits however if he’s good I can try talking him into moving on?” Pan asked the socialite beginning to fear Trinity was eviler than her husband’s ghost.
“He’s truly atrocious I can promise you that do you know the stubborn old fool left half of what was rightfully mine to his god-awful children.” Trinity complained some more. “I mean after all I had to put up with and he has the audacity to leave half of his money to his incredibly boring and frankly not pretty children.”
“Okay Mrs Banks I’m a charmed one as you know which means I protect the innocent and take down evil and right now it’s sounding like you’re the evil one haunting this home not your dead husband.” Pan snapped at her, having had enough of the socialite’s self-entitlement.
“How dare you come into my home and speak to me like that!” Trinity condoned the charmed club owner.
“I’m not banishing a spirit just so I can get my club a feature in The Look unless quite frankly I have some proof he’s a bad spirit and I’m 100% convinced he’s the tortured one here not you.” Pan told her honestly.
“I forgot do goodies always come with the annoying self-righteousness.” Trinity said with a reluctant sigh. “Okay, so he’s not an evil spirit but at the very least you could convince him to move the hell on so I can get on with my life and if you do, you’ll still get your feature.”
“Sure, but I’m going to try to help him find peace not for you or this feature.” Pan replied.
“Thank you,” Trinity said with a sarcastic tone.
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“I’m trying really hard not to take it personal that the both of us got ditched tonight.” Cole joked with Drake as the two of them sat down within the family booth at a busy P3 while the artist Lil Nas X performed his song old town road.
“In Pan’s defense she’s busy ghost hunting in order to keep this place alive.” Drake replied.
“True,” Cole said while looking around the club. “It’s strange being back here after all these years and seeing how much has changed and how much hasn’t.”
“Yeah maybe taking you to a club you probably spent a lot of time in with your ex-wife is probably not the best way to spend a night.” Drake admitted. “Next time only people in attendance get to pick where we go.”
“I’m perfectly fine being here it’s you I’m worried about.” Cole teased his friend. “I mean your out the house with no baby and no demon in sight other than us, you must already be itching to go home.”
“Why is everyone so convinced I’m that guy now?” Drake asked before Cole gave him a knowing look. “Okay I admit I’ve been preoccupied as of lately but adjusting to being back it’s weird even though I feel like I was only gone a few days I’ve come back and feel like everything’s changed I have no job and the only thing I feel like I can do right is being a dad and a charmed one.”
“I get it I’ve been gone from this world for decades and trust me it’s been an adjustment for me to but having you and Raven around kind of makes it all easier.” Cole revealed to Drake before laughing. “I never thought I’d ever be the guy to have a friend never mind be working alongside my sister.”
“Change can be a good thing though I suppose I mean last time around you tried adjusting up here instead of the Underworld out of love and that must’ve put a lot of weight on your relationship.” Drake explained to his demonic best-friend. “Now your doing it for you and you only and as cheesy as it sounds you have a support system where nobody is expecting anything from you.”
“You’re right that was incredibly cheesy.” Cole said before standing up and pulling Drake up on to his feet. “How about we do something that you do consider to be a thrill?”
“What are you talking about?” Drake asked while blushing nervously.
“I’m saying instead of happy hour let’s go happy hunting.” Cole replied with a smile.
“I never had a problem going into business with you,” Paul told Raven as the two of them sat on opposite ends of a table within the restaurant Quake, both drinking from glasses of wine. “It’s Cole I have the problem with especially considering he’s suddenly formed this friendship with my son.”
“I can understand you being cautious towards my brother considering his history with your family but he’s not the same person he was all those years ago.” Raven replied, defending her brother. “He’s trying really hard to balance his human side and his other side it’s never going to be easy but all we can ask from anyone is to try.”
“Trust me I’m not the kind of person to restrict anyone’s road to redemption but at the same time I’m not the kind of person who’s thrilled when their son strikes up a friendship with their great-aunt’s ex-husband who just so happened to be the source of all evil.” Paul explained as he took another drink from his wine. “I mean Drake even has him babysitting my granddaughter, Drake never trusts anyone straight away let alone somebody with a checkered past to put politely.”
“Have you ever stopped to think that after everything your son has been through with his mother turning out to be the source of all evil, his grandfather a member of the triad and his father being a charmed one that maybe just maybe that’s exactly why he needs this friendship right now?” Raven asked Paul, making a lot of sense to the Halliwell witch. “I genuinely believe their friendship is good for the both of them.”
“You make a lot of sense,” Paul reluctantly admitted as he finished his glass of wine. “It’s just Drake and I have only just starting getting close and I don’t want him getting hurt again it was only a couple of months ago I was still grieving for my son and now he’s back alive and I need this time around to be perfect for him and Lilah.”
“Drake’s in a better place now than he’s been in a long time and I know that serves to make you happy and afraid so I get you doubling down on the protective dad routine but you can’t keep him in a bubble for the rest of his life.” Raven told him as she finished her glass of wine. “There’s a lot of good in this world but there’s also a lot of bad you just got to appreciate the good when it’s happening.”
“He is pretty happy right, now isn’t he?” Paul asked his demonic drink companion with a smile on his face.
“Yeah he is so you can allow yourself to be happy now.” Raven responded with a sincere and loving smile.
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“You’re here to get rid of me, aren’t you?” Mr Banks asked Pan as his non-corporeal spirit appeared in front of her while she was walking down one of the many hallways within the Banks mansion forcing her to come to a halt. “I had a feeling she’d send somebody sooner or later.”
“I’m not here to help her to be quite frankly I don’t like your wife one bit I’m here to help your crossover and find some peace because staying here will just twist your soul more and more until you’re no longer yourself.” Pan replied to Mr Banks’ ghost. “I have family in the afterlife and after you adjust it seems like a lovely place.”
“I can’t rest until I make that wretched woman pay for murdering me.” Mr Banks revealed to a shocked Pan. “She killed me after I found out about her multiple affairs knowing if I divorced her, she wouldn’t get a penny from me. I’m dead because she loved my fortune more than she ever loved me.”
“I had a feeling this was a case of a rich bitch wanting to be even richer I’m so sorry for what happened to you Mr Banks what she did is unforgivable and I’m going to make sure she pays for that in the right way.” Pan promised him. “I just need to get myself a detective first.”
“Well we did that,” Cole laughed with Drake as a demon exploded in front of their eyes while the two stood in an alleyway within the streets of San Francisco. “What do you recommend we do next?”
“Well there’s one thing I have in mind…” Drake said as he walked towards Cole and surprised his demonic best friend by kissing him on the lips.
“I’m sorry Drake but this isn’t that,” Cole replied as he moved himself away from Drake making Drake instantly embarrassed by his actions. “I thought we were friends and I want to keep it like that I mean you’re the only friend I’ve had in my life and I’ve been around for a long time.”
“Oh of course and I wouldn’t want to complicate our friendship either,” Drake blushed, truly uncomfortable after kissing his friend wondering what came over him. “I’m sorry I just got carried away and clearly mixed up my feelings.”
“It’s okay Drake it happens to us all from time to time it’s just I’m not the dating kind anymore and I’ve really began to value our friendship I mean you helped me reconnect with my sister and readjust to being amongst the live again.” Cole explained himself. “Can we just chalk this up to a blunder and go back to being us without the kissing?”
“Yeah sure,” Drake said with a forced laugh.
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Pan stormed into Trinity’s living room instantly exploding the glass of champagne the socialite was holding in her hand causing the hostess to become quickly alarmed by Pan’s clear rage.
“There is nothing worse than a waste of good champagne.” Trinity moaned at the Halliwell witch.
“You killed your own husband just to get your hands on his money!” Pan shouted at her.
“I was hoping he nor you wouldn’t put that puzzle together but very well I guess I’ll just have to make you a much more substantial offer.” Trinity replied as she walked towards her.
“Here’s my counter offer I’m going to help your husband cross over and you’re going to hand yourself over to the police.” Pan demanded only to be met by Trinity laughing at her.
“Okay darling for a Halliwell legend you’re not exactly the brightest apple on the family tree.” Trinity taunted the witch. “I know you’re secret and if you so far as dare to step anywhere near a police officer I will expose you and your family to all kinds of media circus’ even your family couldn’t cast your way out of.”
“Okay first of all the real idiot is the woman who threatens a witch.” Pan told Trinity as she lifted her hands to freeze the socialite before shouting. “Lacey!”
“I got the memory dust and even wrote down a reworked version of the truth spell to work on just her.” Lacey revealed upon orbing into the living room before looking around the room. “Wow this house is to die for.”
“Yeah try telling that to Mr Banks.” Pan told her white lighter with a sarcastic smirk on her face.
“You can be good company when you allow yourself to be.” Raven told Paul as the two of them walked into the foyer of the Halliwell Manor. “I’d like to hang out again outside of work.”
“I’d like that too.” Paul replied with a smile. “You’re truly unlike anyone I’ve met before!”
“I must admit I get that a lot,” Raven joked before walking towards Paul. “I never return the compliment however…until now.”
Paul pulled Raven’s body in towards him as he kissed his demonic business partner on the lips before she returned the favour and the pair began passionately as Raven pushed Paul up against a nearby wall and ripped his shirt open only for him to flip her around so she was then up against the wall as he pulled off Raven’s top and began passionately kissing her neck and making his way down her body.
“Are you sure we’re okay?” Cole asked Drake as the two of them walked into the foyer of the Halliwell Manor not long after Paul and Raven’s arrival.
“We’re fine look I kiss people all the time admittedly not my friends but hey we all kiss a friend at some stage.” Drake replied before noticing his dad’s shirt on the floor, picking it up and placing it on a nearby table. “Not like dad to be a slob that’s more aunt Pan’s thing or mine.”
“It’s okay to have found yourself crushing on me I mean I do have quite the charm.” Cole joked with Drake.
“Please people are always crushing on me right left in center I had a white lighter turned elder madly in love with me, my demonic boss/baby mama couldn’t get enough of all this at one stage and did I mention the time a demon tried to make me his bride of hell?” Drake snapped. “If anyone should be crushing on anyone you should be crushing on me and I should check if you’re okay.”
“I never realized you had quite the ego before.” Cole laughed at the Halliwell hybrid.
“Yeah well you’re not exactly modest yourself Mr Charming!” Drake retorted, clearly unimpressed with Cole laughing at him.
“Look it’s not personal Drake I just…” Cole began to say.
“Of course, it’s not personal don’t think just because I kissed you meant it was personal, I’m forever kissing people.” Drake butted in before he wound up laughing at himself. “Okay I can hear myself I’m being ridiculous and sounding slightly slutty.”
“It’s okay people like us are just not used to rejection.” Cole smirked. “Social situations are that much more awkward when your demonic.”
“Oh, I don’t know I’ve been a total car crash long before I even knew anything about demons.” Drake laughed. “You’re right though I value our friendship too it’s helped me through a lot lately and I don’t want to jeopardize that.”
“Good,” Cole smiled. “Listen I better get a move on, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah sure,” Drake responded with a smile of his own. “See you tomorrow.”
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Raven shimmered into her office within the Halliwell and Turner law firm early hours the next morning only to be left shocked to find Cole sat behind her desk waiting for his sister to show up.
“I guess things went really well with Paul Halliwell then?” Cole asked with a smirk on his face as he stood up from the chair he was sitting on.
“Maybe a little too well I’m not sure I can continue with this charade brother.” Raven admitted to him.
“I understand my friendship with Drake’s getting complicated, but we must remember why we’re doing this.” Cole told his sister.
“Cole…I think I really like him.” Raven revealed to her brother. “Maybe we should just try being honest with them I mean their charmed ones their bound to understand?”
“No if Drake realizes; I’ve lied to him this long he’ll never trust me again and nor will Paul ever trust you.” Cole warned her.
“Well maybe I could help out a couple of demons and perhaps get something in return myself.” Morgana suggested as she appeared into the office within a gust of wind. “What I propose will be far less betraying of your newfound friendships yet still benefiting you both the same with a benefit or two for myself too of course.
A handcuffed Trinity dress in the ever-unflattering prison orange jumpsuit was escorted from her prison cell to the prison phones with a prison guard accompanying her.
“Can’t you give a woman a little bit of privacy?” Trinity asked the guard while rolling her eyes as she picked up the phone. “Please I promise to make it very beneficial for you and nobody would even have to know. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”
The prison guard turned away from the scheming socialite and began walking away from her as she dialed a number into the prison phone and waited for her call to be picked up.
“It’s Trinity Banks.” Trinity said down the phone. “I believe it’s time to move along with our plan.”
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theauthorfiles-blog · 6 years
Getting to Know Brandon Phillips from Choices by Sheila Bliss
I’m waiting at the coffee shop in Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. I’m super nervous. Laurel warned me he’d be intense and his face might make my insides spontaneously combust. She suggested we meet for our interview here at this particular coffee shop because well it holds special memories of a fierce collision her and Brandon shared right here at the back of the store to be precise. In the men’s room to be even more accurate. But I’m not asking him about that. She thought the location might soften him up, make him more malleable to the experience of sharing details about himself. Brandon’s quite tight-lipped unless it’s about his Reds, then you can’t shut him up. 
The bell rings above his dark brown waves, and all eyes flip to his. Laurel wasn’t kidding when she said he’d be intense. Everything about him is dark and mysterious even though he’s wearing a simple white t-shirt and torn jeans. And those pale-blue eyes? They ice you out and pull you in at the same time. My mouth is dry, and I almost forget why I’m here. I only want to stare and stare and…
Brandon: “Hey, you must be from The Author Files.” 
I know he’s said something because those gorgeous perfectly sculpted lips moved. I just can’t remember what he said.
Brandon: “I’m going to sit here.”
Again, I only stare like a moron. He raises a finger for the waitress to come over. She does, and it seems he has the same effect on her. She can only stare too.
Brandon: “I’ll have iced tea. I don’t like coffee. Unsweetened. Please.” He looks at me. Immediately, everything goes numb. “Would you like something?”
TAF: “Uh…” Finally, synapses in my brain re-fire and I am confident I can formulate sentences again, but I’m not sure for how long so I better act fast. “No, thank you. I’ll stick to water.” The less caffeine, the better, I think. Time to get to work. People want to know everything they can about Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome sitting across from me. “Tell me about your childhood,  Brandon.”
Brandon: His face tightens. “I figured Reds told you everything you needed to know.”
TAF: “She did. I thought you could offer some more detail. What was it like to live with what you have?”
Brandon: “It was hard. Enough said.”
TAF: “Okay.” He shut that down pretty quick. “I understand you recently learned something tragic about your parents. Want to share your story?”
Brandon: “You wanna tell me something tragic about your parents?”
Laurel wasn’t kidding when she said he was tight-lipped so maybe I should talk about her. “Where did the nickname Reds come from?”
Brandon: “Have you seen the color of her hair?”
Good point. This interview isn’t going well. “I have, but why give Laurel a nickname at all? Seems childish.”
Brandon: “Are you calling me a boy?” He leans forward giving me a more unobstructed view of those blue eyes; blue eyes now laser focused and hot. “I know how old I am. Laurel had a problem with that too in the beginning. And I will tell you what I told her. There are three things you need to know about me. One—don’t tell me what to think. Two—don’t tell me how I should feel. And three—don’t ever call me a boy. I had to set Reds straight on all that too.” He softens and settles back. Must be my trembling lip. “She has crazy sexy hair. It drives me wild. And I wanted a name for her that belonged to only me.”
TAF: “Why?”
Brandon: “Because I am the only man in her life that matters—that genuinely loves her. A woman like her should be treasured. Not neglected.”
TAF: “Ah, Paul, right?”
He nods.
TAF: “Where is he now?”
He takes a sip of his iced tea and eyes me over the rim of his glass. “Next question.”
I gulp and switch gears. “How’s the farmhouse? You know, after everything that happened there…”
Brandon: “I know.” He stiffens. “It’s beautiful and turned out even more amazing than I ever imagined it could be. But that’s because of Reds.”
TAF: “You truly love her, don’t you?”
His eyes drift to the back of the coffeehouse. “What I feel for Reds is fathomless.” He refocuses on me. “She brought me back to life then she nearly killed me with her lies.”
TAF: “That doesn’t sound good.”
Taking another sip, he winces. I don’t know if it’s because the ice cubes hit a nerve or he remembers something. “It wasn’t. It hurt like hell, but I understood why Reds did what she did. It only made me love her harder.”
TAF: Whew, he is intense, and I need some air. “I’ve taken up enough of your time, Brandon. Thanks for talking with  me.”
He stands, my eyes following every long, lean inch of him. I fight the urge to beg him to stay. He fishes out a few bills and tosses them on the table. “Always happy to talk about my girl.” A sly, wolfish grin spreads his lips up. “Just don’t tell her I said that she’d put my ass in a sling.”
He winks and walks away, and I still can’t stop staring.
Be sure to read more about Brandon and Reds' love affair in Choices.
The angsty tone of my youngest’s voice reverberates through my body, summoning my inner momma bear. He’s whining about the difficulty of making a choice. He doesn’t want to do it. Most people don’t.
At his age, the hard choices involve ice cream. But for grown-ups, it’s a little more involved than picking ice cream flavors. Adult choices involve the ones capable of shredding your heart, ripping your soul open ─ even if those choices protect a serendipitous love. What child understands the concept of making that type of choice? Can an adult? 
Ignorance is bliss.  
In reality, people slather on avoidance and denial like sunscreen, deflecting the truth so it isn’t absorbed into their pores. If it isn’t a part of them then they’re off the hook. 
My sweet, little boy can’t understand why he can’t have all the flavors of ice cream listed. He wants to know why he has to choose just one. 
Why, indeed.
I explain to him the importance of picking the one he just can’t live without, the one flavor he dreams of constantly, the one capable of changing his entire day for the better. Watching his eyes relax in peace and understanding I know his choice is made. I only wish mine came as peacefully.
                                                                 Chapter One
There are things I know about myself. I’m careful, not impulsive and I have a giving heart. I sigh inwardly as I think of these attributes while Kristy prattles on at the party. It’s a heart I don’t save for myself. It’s one I give away too freely, too readily because I want to love so badly and in equal measure, to be loved back just as fiercely. 
I scan the expanse, the perfectly-clipped yard in southeastern Pennsylvania highlighted by a glorious late afternoon summer sun looking for him. The boy—I shake my head slightly—the man, the honoree of the party I’m attending, is searching for me too. I know this because his traveling gaze stops and locks with mine. He raises his thick tumbler. Heat seeps into my cheeks and I know I’m blushing. I glance into my glass of Chardonnay.
“Ooh, I haven’t seen that particular look in a while. Wait. I take that back—more than a while,” Kristy says, her eyes penetrating the top thin layer of the skin of my face.
“Shut up. Drink your wine before I dump it over your head,” I warn her.
She giggles and drowns further comments into her glass. 
But, I know what’s coming next. Laurel, it’s time. It’s not like you haven’t tried…
“Laurel,” she starts, “it’s been six months.”
Sure enough, the words come fast and a bit harsh. I know my best friend Kristy superbly well as I sigh out loud this time. “Again?”  But I find myself nodding my agreement. “I know.”
“You sure about that?” Kristy’s tall, so she ducks to reach my eye level. She drops her glass to her waist and lays a hand on my shoulder. “Look at me.”
I cringe and crinkle my nose but do what she says.
“He’s not going to change. Not unless he wants to. Not unless it’s his decision. You’ve kicked him out and he still hasn’t changed. And we are old enough to know no matter how hard we love, we can’t change someone unless they choose to.” 
I rub the arm holding my glass, knowing she’s right. It still sucks to hear it. 
“It does feel good again to have a glass of wine without fear of setting him off,” I explain. 
The background noise of the party doesn’t seem to penetrate our discussion. It’s always been this way with Kristy, my first true love. And I mean that without any sexual connotations. I love her. We have been through everything together. Come to think of it, I probably should have married her instead of Paul. No doubt, I’d have been happier except there’s something about a six-foot-three broad shouldered, smartly dressed man that curls my toes. Silently cursing myself as my gaze roams the softly lit back yard looking for him, yet again, I chuckle. 
“And that’s funny how?”  she asks. 
I look at her confused, instantly forgetting what she said and more interested in chasing what I’m feeling. “What?” 
Snapping her fingers in my line of vision, she orders, “Stay with me.” Kristy takes my glass. “I know how you get when you’re in the sun drinking.”
I lift my eyes to the sky. “No need to worry. It’s dusk,” I say, snatching back my glass and taking a long swallow. The crisp apple and smooth butter taste luxuriates along my tongue, and I can’t help searching for the guest of honor—again—as those simple tastes linger in my mouth. I roll my eyes in disgust. I should be ashamed of myself. He’s years younger than me. Years. The arrogance of my thoughts and desires blooms a deeper burning heat spreading across my cheeks, my neck, and my rapidly growing sensitive breasts. I press my cool glass against the throbbing pulse on the side of my neck. 
“Not half as funny watching you struggle with all those self-doubts stampeding through your head,” Kristy points out matter-of-factly. 
“I thought I told you to shut up.”
“What are friends for if not to point out the finer things said friend hates about herself and tell her she’s being ridiculous?” 
I let the sentiment hang in the air between us taking up space like another guest in our little bubble. And I know she understands the look in my eyes as evident in the strength of her grip on my forearm. “I love you, too, Laurel.” Her head shoots up, and I startle. Kristy’s chocolate browns anchor above and over my shoulder. “But not as much as I’m going to love watching this.” She lifts her glass and tilts her chin. “Brandon, hello.” 
“Hello.” Warm and rich, the tenor of his voice washes over me. 
I freeze taking stock of the blush simmering deep and turning into a fire, giving a new meaning to the biblical burning bush.  
 “Well—” she starts, and I am preparing myself to strike out and smack the smirk off her face. She’s going to ditch me. “I’m going to find my Mitch.” She lifts an eyebrow. “Laurel, come find me when you’re ready to go home. Or if you need to tell me you’re not coming home. Either way is fine.”  She smiles a knowing smile at Brandon then spins on her heels in a flurry of gray chiffon waves. 
Wait. Kristy, I can’t do this. I’m not ready. Sure the skin on my face and chest will spontaneously combust, I lift my glass to my lips and gulp down a large swallow of wine. 
“I promise I won’t bite.” He lifts his glass to his thick smooth lips. My gaze travels up to a pair of pale blue eyes reminding me of the first streaks of blue across a morning sky. So pale, so blue they don’t seem real. As if my eyes have a mind of their own, they travel further to investigate the thick mass of messy dark coffee colored waves atop his head. 
My fingers twitch, fighting the urge to reach out and run them through the thick locks. Stop that! “That would be embarrassing if you did that here anyway.” Oh good Lord. Please don’t even try to flirt. I never did it well even on a good day in my twenties. 
“Here? Maybe. Somewhere private though? I don’t know if I could keep that promise,” he offers with a smirk and a twinkle highlighted by the paleness of his irises. 
Shit. No, don’t say it. “It’s beautiful this evening. Lovely party.” Lame. Lame. Lame. But at least my heart stops trying to break my ribcage, and I am able to redirect his attention. 
“Only made lovelier by that hair and pale skin.” Maybe not. His body shifts a touch closer, and his laser focus drops on my face, drinking it in. The sincerity laced in the tone of his voice calms my frazzled thoughts and slowly fraying nerves. 
I’m not going to lie. I like the attention. I miss it. It flips my stomach inside out. It also makes me want to run into the car and lock all the damn doors where I can hide—protected—as I watch him from the safety of the locked car. 
Awkward silence squeezes my gut and pushes small amounts of burning acid up my throat. Yet, he isn’t even mildly affected. Cool. Calm. Collected. Not a bead of sweat on that manly brow. 
“You didn’t answer my question,” he demands. And now that I’m paying more attention, as I imagine myself sitting in my safe, locked car, I notice everything about him demands attention: his wide stance, straight confident posture and those heat seeking missile-like eyes. I stifle a groan. For every drop of coolness he exudes equals every drop of sweat coursing down my emerald green silk halter top. 
“There was a question,” I gasp, wanting to kick myself for being such a nerd and gasping in the first place. I stroke my throat, soothing the panic rising in it.
“Nervous habit?” Cool fingers reach out and stroke the path my warm sticky fingers did as he adjusts the misbehaving snap of my halter top resting in between my breasts. 
“Um…” My murmur stumbles out brusquely, and I can’t stop looking at those eyes, those thick lips. I marvel at how his cool touch makes me shiver but only intensifies the burning bush. 
He withdraws his fingers, raises his whiskey glass again, and I allow my gaze to linger on his sinewy strong hand. The bulging, blue veins contrast spectacularly against his tan skin. Taking a small swallow, I watch the liquid work its way down his throat, and I hate what it does to my insides. I have no business thinking about my insides affected by him. When he lowers his hand, his lips are wet, glossy, and I can’t help thinking…
“I wanted to know if biting you here…” He points to the sharply cut grass. “…would actually be appropriate. I think yes. It is my party, after all.” He smiles, revealing perfectly lined white teeth and my skin flushes faster, hotter, deeper. “Because it would really work for me…” A finger reaches out and strokes my pounding heartbeat in my neck. “…to bite you right here where your blood races, but I’m sensing a mixed hesitation on your part.” 
The guest of honor lifts his brow and works a killer, arrogant smile as he raises his glass to his lips making me ache in my lower belly while his gaze, his touch, scares the ever living shit out of me. This level of flirting hurts. I’m way out of my league here. Frankly, my name and a league don’t even belong in the same sentence. Technically, I’m still married according to paper and the law, but in the dark of night, when that little voice echoes through me, shines light into the empty black spaces of my heart, I realize I haven’t been married for a very long time. I can only admit that in the dark though. Six months separated does not give me license to flirt, even if I did it badly. 
“I have to go,” I blurt. Trying to be graceful as I turn, my heel from the sandals Kristy insisted I wear catches in the hem of my long, white wrap-around maxi skirt. 
Strong hands grip my elbows. The contact is soothing, electrifying, and frightening. I can’t breathe. I want to cry I’m so uncomfortable. 
“Whoa. Hold on. Not so fast. Don’t run from me yet.” He turns me around and steadies me on my feet, then drops his hands. The absence of his strength strangely disappoints, and I don’t want to examine why. 
“Brandon, I─” I begin. 
“My fault. I made you uncomfortable,” he interrupts and touches his glass to his chest, and I’m treated to the sight of those strong hands and even stronger fingers. “You never know what’s going to work for a woman.” He smiles broadly. “And I like to go after what I want even more so with women who don’t seem to know the value of their worth. Well, one in particular.” 
Wide and open with nothing to hide, his charm, albeit arrogant, rushes a feverish need to uncover what’s constricting my heart and making my blood pound through my veins. “But I should have trusted my gut.” He takes another sip. “I don’t know why I didn’t.”
Inhaling a much needed breath still didn’t stop the words from pouring out, “What did your gut tell you to do?”
“I think I’m a little impatient with you.” His eyes flare, his face grows serious, and the bottom of my stomach drops into my sandals. “But to answer your question, I told myself she doesn’t know how beautiful she is. Go slowly.” Brandon shifts closer to me and looks down into my glass. “Interested in a little more liquid courage? You look like you could use some right about now.” Smirking, he takes my glass. “Don’t go anywhere.” Leaning in, he whispers in my ear, “I’m only going to bite if you say yes. You’re the one in control.” He pulls back, his gaze roaming my face. “I just thought you needed to know that.” Clasping my hand, he raises it, placing a feather light kiss to my knuckles. “You look a little hot, Reds. Maybe you should get out of the sun?”
Watching him make his way to the bar, I rub my ear. Now warm and slightly moist, I realize how much I hate the word slow. The sun? Bastard.
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