#(I know I don't regularly list the numbers here but I do keep track)
kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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kimyoonmiauthor · 7 months
Useful free tools for writing.
More of the incidental tools that I find useful, regardless of how one usually writes that are often known in the writing community, but you might not know?
One Look dictionary
Reverse word look up. You know when you're getting stumped on a word you kinda know, but only can get the definition of, or you want to make sure your 3-word phrase can't be said more succinctly? Yeah, this resource should help. (The underline is a link)
Google Docs
I should note that after about 100K words, it starts to struggle. But it's good for editing, collab work, spreadsheets, and also keeping track of your previous drafts so if someone says, "But, but you plagiarized from me," you have a log saying you didn't, so you can say, "you likely took from me."
And so on.
Libre Office–because not everyone wants to deal with Google Docs or can afford Microsoft office. It also has a recovery function, so if it crashes, you can get your words back. (Microsoft Office often doesn't?)
Use it for formatting your manuscripts. For the editors out there, accept ODT format. This is absolutely free and sometimes it doesn't port well.
Rhyming dictionaries–yes, they exist. The slant rhyming is also useful. There are slant rhyming dictionaries too.
The almighty square bracket. []
To all of you discovery writers out there that can't afford Scrivener. This is the tool for you. You've written and dumped all this information into the text that shouldn't belong there, but you want to keep it. What do you do? You square bracket it.
If not that, there is also the curly bracket if you need a sub category. {
It's great for:
Editing notes.
Please expand this note to yourself.
Examine this phrase later because you moved on, but it doesn't sound right.
Cataloging important information you might need at a later date.
Info dumping that you want to break up.
Storing long descriptions you want to use elsewhere.
You're too lazy to catalog in your world building notes great information.
You have ADHD and some other idea has occurred to you, but it's totally off topic. Square bracket.
To avoid plagiarism 'cause you forgot you pulled a source.
If you're one of those super detailed people, you can also color code it. The reason is that both curly and square brackets almost never show up in manuscripts. <> sometimes does, but also often doesn't.
The best part is no matter your program, format, or keyboard, you have it.
Note that this doesn't work for Japanese as well, but Japanese also have access to {} which is why I noted it here.
You need to make a calendar for your planet and need the quick calculations.
You need to make a morpheme list for your mythical language.
You want to delineate gender quickly.
This usually comes with Google Spreadsheets, Microsoft Office and Libre Office. But writers often (me included) forget they exist.
But they are useful for more than number crunching. And some writers use them for plotting too.
For Fantasy/SF writers: Donjon:
The whole website, but particularly the Fantasy Calendar maker is useful.
Google Search: Quotes.
You want to fact check a quote. Or you got distracted and forgot to put in the citation information.
To be or not to be
is horrible search for. So what you do is this: "To be or not to be."
And you might get Will Shakespeare.
BTW, Goodreads is a horrible horrible source for finding out where quotes came from. Make sure you have the actual page number/place it was said with the surrounding quotes.
Equally, the -[item] is also often useful when you're searching.
You're looking up say... Kimchi, and you want search results that don't have napa in it You would type "kimchi -napa"
You are researching... I hope, I hope.
Public domain books: Project Gutenberg
You need a back issues of Gustav Freytag's Dies Techniks des dramas.
You need the quote from Anne of Green Gables.
You want to check if this Winnie the Pooh quote is in the earlier or later works because of public domain issues.
You need to read The Art of War for the tenth time.
You need to read Machiavelli's The Prince, because you are writing politics and war.
This is the place to find it. Sometimes, sometimes it is public domain, but it's not in there.
Libby (app), for example. Sign up for it. Get a library card and you'll save yourself money. Some countries don't have one, but for the ones that do, you can read print books and consume audiobooks at home.
Often self-pubbed books are on there too. If you have an amazon account then you can use the kindle app with it.
Sometimes you can also go to university libraries and though you can't check anything out, you can use their catalogs to look up things. You sometimes have to be there, but often they give links to free resources in their catalogs and might be easier to use than JSTOR. You don't have to be a student. Just be respectful of the people there, and try to put the books back where you found them. (usual library stuff).
This will save you going to Hawaii for the University of Hawaii, for example, because you know they have some awesome East Asian resources.
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rachelbethhines · 3 months
Things That I Use To Help Manage My ADHD and Executive Dysfunction
1. To Do Lists
I know, I know.
Making a list is boring. I lose the paper. I forget to make the to do list.
Believe me, I know.
I've been there, but trust me it does help once you get into the habit.
Here's some tips on how to get started
Try making your list in a digital app or a document file so you don't lose it
Sticky notes in a place you're sure to see them
An erasable board like a marker board or a chalkboard that you keep up in a specific place and never move. Like on the wall or the fridge.
Put "make 'to do' list" on the to do list so you don't forget to do it
Set aside a certain time to fill out or check off the list each day. Consistency is key.
Use calendars, alarms, and timers liberally to keep track of appointments and to manage your time so you don't hyper-focus on something to the determinant of more important things
But be flexible for things that don't have deadlines or appointments. Don't beat yourself up if something doesn't get done, just add it back onto the list for next time
2. Randomizers
Part of the problem with executive dysfunction is being overwhelmed by choice. So I keep a few randomizer websites booked marked that I use regularly
Wheel pickers
List randomizers
Random number generators
Like I keep my list of projects on a wheel picker app. And my chores that I don't have deadlines for on another. When making my to do list I'll spin the wheel to pick the project or chore that I'm going to work on that day.
I do the same when picking out albums to listen to or movies to watch so I don't go doom scrolling while wasting time deciding.
3. Meal Planning
Similar to the above, I take one day out of the week to draw up my meal plan for the next week.
Use this time to take stock of your pantry and fridge. What needs to get used up?
Anything special you want to fix over the week or weekend? Save the recipes to a document or leave a bookmark in your cookbook
Overwhelmed with choices or just don't know what to do with certain ingredients? Try a randomizer or an app like supercook to come up with ideas.
After you've taken inventory of your kitchen and figured out any special recipes you want to make, go ahead and fill out your grocery list
Set aside time on your to do list for shopping, meal prep, and cooking through out the week.
Pre-plan what days/times you are going to eat out or get takeout and work that into the meal plan/budget
Budget not only your money but also your time. How long will this recipe take to prep/cook? How much effort will it require of me? Is there any shortcuts I can take to make things easier, like buying my veggies already diced?
Try using an app to keep track of your meal plan, grocery list, and recipes so that they're all in one place
4. Mental Health Apps
I like Booster Buddy, but it's no longer supported for newer devices. I have also used Finch. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter which app you choose.
The point of having a program dedicated for mental health is to have a handy way to check in on yourself and see how you are feeling. Many apps will offer visual cues to allow you to break down your motivation and energy levels.
This will help give you a guideline for the day so you don't stretch yourself too thin.
A good app will also offer little suggestions and tips to help improve your mood or provide genteel reminders for small things that help with self care.
But most importantly it will help you spot patterns over time so you can better notice ongoing problems or see gradual changes as you get better.
5. Finding and Avoiding What Triggers My Dissociation
This is the hardest one.
I suffer from Maladaptive Daydreaming on top everything else which only makes my ADD and Executive Dysfunction even worse.
For others it maybe obsessive compulsion or a tendency to hyper-focus.
Things that I found that can be triggers are boredom, anxiety, isolation, health/dietary complications, and even the weather.
So here's some things I noticed that help
Set aside a certain time during the day to read/watch the news and then ignore it for the rest of the day. Yes be informed, but don't obsess.
Get your news from actual reputable news sources and not social media! Avoid algorithms feeding you negativity.
If you want to be more politically active schedule time for it, get involved with actual charities or political organizations, and then go about your regular business afterwards
Limit social media time. For me it's mornings before work for about 30mins, and then maybe an hour after work.
Curate your online experience. Block what you need to. Unfollow who you see fit. Social media should be fun not stressful.
Talk to other people! Make plans to hang out on weekends or call/text someone during the weekday. Try to make contact with another human being in some form everyday for at least a few mins, even if it's just online in a discord chat.
Have a book or notepad handy for when you get bored at work. Read, write, or draw during your downtime so you don't start staring off into space.
Keep a short list of fun things to do handy if you feel bored at home.
Set aside time to daydream/worry/plan/meditate/decompress. You need to mentally unwind at some point. The goal is to have that time per-planned so that it doesn't distract from other needed tasks. Getting into a routine with that time will also help.
Eating enough iron/vitamin C/protein ect. Food is energy and you need energy to focus. Meal planning will help with this.
Sometimes the weather will make you groggy, irritated, or anxious. There's not much you can do about this other than to accept it and just try your best.
You can however plan for bad weather ahead of time. Go to the National Weather site to find out about upcoming weather in your area and to figure what you need to be prepared for it. Try getting into the habit of doing this regularly.
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bitchy-peachy · 8 months
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A little bit of my room at the physical therapy oncology room I was given. I won't take more pics yet cos I don't have permission and don't wanna overstep (but if the doc says its okay Im giving a tour for those interested in seeing a physical therapy hospital for cancer patients.)
All of the therapists are oncologists too which also impressed me. Like i talked to the head doctor that convinced me to come here and they're both physical therapists and oncologists that started the special physical therapy spa for people that have been paralyzed etc from bone cancers/tumors. Im exactly where I should be.)
So far my room is HUGE that I can easily use a wheelchair and walker without knocking into anything.
Bathroom is also huge so its a lot easier for me to do everything. I'm by myself and there's like 7 other patients so I took the risk and put stuff in the bathroom to have my hygiene products more accessible (although I don't mind sharing my stuff as long as I'm asked first tbh. If I get a roomie or anything. I helped my last roomie out so it was all good)
The only downside... is the food 😭. I think it's my diet though. I have pre diabetes cos when I was on steroids I was craving very sweet things so I was eating butterfingers, chocolate covered raisens AND nuts, bonbons, lollipops, tons of cookies well... I messed myself up that I gave myself pre-diabetes (be careful, you guys. I can't believe it was THAT easy to give myself pre-diabetes. Watch your health so you won't end with a shitty diet like me 😭)
I know they're trying to stabilize my blood sugar so I won't get full on diabetes (cos it can be stabilized. My aunt and grandpa were stabilized and are back to normal again)
But a flavorless, high fiber diet is really ugh. I'll have to suffer through it cos they know what's best and they're basing my diet on my blood work (they check EVERYTHING here. Glad I went to this hospital rather than the local one in my town. The hospital in my hometown is nowhere near this attentive to every detail and plus the social worker in my town hospital sympathized with and sneakily told me to come this hospital cos of its success rate. Heck a number of the staff are survivors themselves so I know there's a high success rate (and they call regularly to check on you so they keep track of you even if you're not hospitalized)
Anyways I waxed poetic enough. I will force myself to eat the bland food cos these people literally have helped me stand up and walk again and have shrunken most of my tumors and I'm so grateful for that although I really hated the steroids, some hold ups, i was ornery. I hate being that way but now after 2 weeks of being off the steroids and stabilizing I feel like such an epic bitch cos I was complaining for stuff that couldn't be helped.
I tend to be a looooooot more patient and laid back than that moody bitch I was displaying.
I worked for years in childcare. I got paid a lot for it too and while I was college I even had a waiting list cos some of the problematic kids only got along with me (I was good dealing with unruly hyperactive ones. Some kids i couldn't handle however, *cough* my younger brother *cough* cos i wasnt an absolute miracle worker but you get the point. By the times their parents picked them up the kids would be well fed and tired cos I wouldn't let up on entertaining them in physical activities like sports etc. Best thing for these kids is exhausting them with activities they like 🤣.
I know I rambled but what I'm saying is that these kids were children others didn't want to take on cos it would take A LOT of patience to deal with their attitudes and high energy levels and I was able to handle them and not get mad (probably cos I used to be an "unruly kid" myself and I know we can change and know what we needed to simmer down)
Those steroids... I know that I bitch a lot about them... I wasnt me AT ALL with those demonic pills. This IMPATIENCE, lack of comprehension skills, like my brain and temperament switched. I mean I'm sassy by nature (to other adults) but this went BEYOND that.
So if you're taking these types of meds... and you see those changes, don't worry cos that's not you and you know it. Once you're outta it you'll realize that. I'm actually terrified now that my mind has cleared and I apologized to some people but they said they've seen it happen to most saintly of people to not be upset (which makes me feel worse 😔)
Anyways dang i talked too much ahahahaha. Wanted to give a big update about this nice new location to help me out (still impressed. Glad i let the head doctor convince me to enter the program, lol) and I'm feeling like my old self every day little by little finally.
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billiebeanhoward · 3 years
You’re mine - Sally McKenna
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gif credit: mechanicalemotions
A/N: honestly i dont even think there was any point in the plot
prompt: your sibling visits you at hotel Cortez and sally makes a scene as she sees them too close to you for her liking, hugging, joking around, she has no idea you have siblings, briefly jealous sally
requested by: @paulsonwifey​
Tag list: @stayevildarling​, @mrsdeanhoward​ @okpaulson
If you want to be added to my taglist send me a message
Tw: mention of covid, very much smut, cunnilingus, thigh riding
Word count: 1558
Being one of the few alive people that can come and go from Hotel Cortez is strange, strange in a good way, of course, meaning you can enjoy the outside world but can still go into the hotel to see Sally all the time whenever you want.
Sally is your number one priority in life and during Covid, you had been isolating in Hotel Cortez with her, not because you needed to, but because the pandemic only gave you an excuse to. Sally is your entire world and universe, but there are things you haven't told her because of her possessive side. You have an alive brother and two parents who you used to visit regularly before but because of Covid; you had the excuse, you couldn't. And Sally didn't see the point of you leaving anyway, risking yourself like that during the pandemic, so you stayed cooped up with her for the past year in the comfort of the place you call home. Recently, however, your brother has contacted you telling you how he has been vaccinated and there should be no problem with him visiting you now.
You didn't see how you could explain this to Sally at all, so you told him you were ill, not corona, but ill so you can't visit him, but him being the smartass he is, he managed to track you down and now here you are in the bar of the Cortez, watching your brother talk with the two dead Swedish girls.
"Who is he?" Liz asks as you sip at your drink, you look over at your brother, laughing a little at his ridiculous attempt at flirting
"My brother," you shrug, dipping your finger in your drink before taking it in your mouth.
"Hasn't he seen you yet?" she asks as she wipes down the bar.
"Nope," but then that changes as when he turns his head he almost screams in delight
"Y/N!" he runs up to you, grabbing you by the waist as he picks you up from the stool, spinning you around in circles. "Oh my god it's been so long,"
"You're taller than me now," you joke and he chuckles
"Why didn't you ever want to visit? We've missed you a lot"
You look behind his shoulder to spot Sally leaning against the wall, her arms crossed against her chest with a death glare on her face.
"Oh no," you mumble and your brother turns his head to see what you're looking at.
His expression becomes confused as the blonde with crimped hair comes storming over "Who’s that?" he points his finger at her ever so slightly
Sally wastes no time, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt lifting him from the ground. Your eyes widen at the strength the older woman has until you're brought back to reality when you hear her scream, "Stay away from her, got it?"
He looks so scared at her, bless him. His eyes widen as he waves his hands about defensively. "I'm her brother!"
She drops him back to the ground, pointing her finger at him angrily. "This isn't Alabama, so I suggest you keep your filthy fingers away from her -"
"Sally!" you say putting your hands on her shoulder and she turns her head towards you, "Let him go," she loosens her grip and storms off towards the elevator
"What the fuck was that about Y/N?" he asks in shock
"Stay there a minute," you say as you jog over to the elevator to catch up with her. "Sal-"
"Why didn't you tell me you have a brother?" she asks with tears in her eyes. "I thought we told each other everything! I thought you loved me!
"Sally!" you say bringing your hands to her cheeks to cup them as you gently wipe her tears away, "I do love you, I love you so much, Sally."
"Then why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know," you take your hands from her face as you begin to pace a little and bring your arms to your side as you think of what to say, "I really don't -" you're cut off when she slams you against the wall of the elevator, her breath hot and heavy on your neck. "Sally," you whimper, your hands gripping her forearm. You feel her flexing her muscles as her fingers trail up your thighs.
"Tell me," she whispers, her tongue gently trailing up your neck leaving a wet trail in its wake. "Tell me you love me,"
"Uhg," a groan leaves your lips when you feel her thigh replacing where her fingers were, pressing against your core roughly, "You know I do" you breathe. You move your hands up to grip her shoulders so you're sitting on her fishnet-clad thigh.
"Then show me," her voice low, her teeth grazing your pulse point before sucking it making you whine loudly, "Undress yourself."
"Anyone can come i-" you start, but you're cut off by her pulling your shirt down and bringing your nipple straight into her mouth before moving to the skin of your breast, sucking it roughly, making sure to mark you.
"Oh, really?" she teases, focusing her attention back to your nipples, her teeth biting down a little but not enough for it to hurt and she looks up at you, you throw your head back, "I sure hope they do," She sucks slowly, flicking her tongue over your hardening bud making you thrust yourself closer. She stops though, standing back up, her hands coming to your neck, "It's more fun that way," You wrap your arms around her waist when she places her hands on either side of your face as she kisses you again, "Now are you going to be a good girl for me and-"
You don't let her finish, you hold onto her arms and spin yourself around until her back slams against the wall instead, "That's more like it," she groans, as you lower yourself down onto your knees, lifting one of her legs onto your shoulder. She grabs a fistful of your hair, the other hand bunching her dress up above her hips before pushing you closer to her core, but you pull back making her whine as you pepper kisses up her toned thighs. "Y/N," her breath hitches when you grip her hips with one hand before using the other elsewhere. Your fingers gently spreading her open, milking in how wet she already is, you groan inwardly before dipping your tongue over her glistening cunt, gliding it up her slit wanting to get a taste.
Sally squirms above you, wiggling her hips as you're only pressing your tongue gently to her, not even close to her clit yet. "Stop teasing," she growls, her grip tightening in your hair as she pulls you forward, "Just -" You swirl your tongue around her clit rendering her speechless, the only sounds in the elevator are her heavy breathing and the wetness forming around your tongue. "Hm," You bring your chin closer so you can capture her clit in your mouth, sucking on it gently. Your fingers massage her thighs, your nails scratching, leaving red marks in their wake, only spurring the blonde further, closer to her orgasm.
Two minutes later, the unoccupied hand that isn't tightly gripped in your hair smacks onto the wall and her back slides down ever so slightly as she begins to lose her balance, her knees becoming weak. "You close?" you look up at her through hooded eyes, her face scrunches up as she growls. "So delicious." you savour every single drop that drips out her center, almost slurping it up hungrily as she reaches her peak.
"Fuck," her mouth drops, her breathing becoming heavier, her hips buck wildly on your face, sliding up and down your chin, covering you in her juices. She thrashes against your face as she reaches her high, almost growling in an animalistic way as she finishes. She pulls you up by your soaked chin to kiss you, getting a taste of herself in the process. "Hm, delicious," she chuckles lowly, biting her lip.
You waste no time in ridding yourself of your jeans and underwear, Sally grabbing you by your throat up against the wall until you return to one of your favourite seats, the muscles in her leg tensing as she pushes you down from your hips to give more friction.
Her lips come back to your neck, peppering kisses up to your earlobe before taking it in, "Grind," she's still breathless from her own orgasm, that only spurring you on further as her breath tickles your jaw.
"Sally," you slowly buck your hips and with the help of her hands, you find yourself already set at a steady pace. You can feel your wetness coating over her thigh as you grind yourself down on her. Your nails scratch up and down her back as you feel yourself already getting close.
"You're mine," she says almost sternly, her hand tightening around your throat but not enough to cut your breathing. "Only mine," it comes out more as a sob as she crashes her lips to yours again, taking in the taste of herself once more.
"I'm always yours," you breathe between kisses, your mouth not only now tasting of Sally but cigarette smoke, "Always," the tightness in your stomach about to snap now, you're rutting yourself pathetically against her thigh until you come.
Breathlessly you bring your hands from her back to her face cupping her cheeks, watching as her eyes swell up with tears. You press a gentle kiss to her lips as a tear bobbles down her cheeks, "I love you, Sally,"
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bujo-ie · 7 years
Hi!!!! Congrats on 5/6k💞 I hope you don't mind me asking what your tips are for newer Studyblrs/gaining followers?
hi anon! i’m currently answering this question under very dire circumstances-i have a nine page essay due for my harshest teacher tomorrow that i haven’t started and i’m going to bed in about twenty minutes! but it’s okay nbd lmao
this ask! it’s really not up my alley, because, as i’ve said before, i have no clue at all how i’ve reached this high of a milestone. i literally have THREE posts right now that are actually relevant to my studyblr and one that has 150+ notes for being #aesthetic. my posts with the highest notes aren’t even relevant to the studyblr community, but rather the figure skating obsession that i’m trying (see: failing) to get over. so honestly? no idea.
i will, however, tell you what you can do to gain more popularity (almost everything that i don’t do). this is under the cut because of how long this is (don’t let that deter you from reading this though ;D)
how to gain followers
post regularly, regardless of how “shitty” your posts may be (plot twist: no studyblr post is shitty ok!!)
learn how to use the schedule function. i have no clue how to use it tbh but it really keeps you on track if you have a lot of content that’s done and edited and all but you just lose track of posting time (this unfortunately, doesn’t work for me, someone who has zero content)
learn how to tag well! i know people put me in their tags (which is soooo flattering thank you so much!) but i typically don’t check it that often (for some reason my tag hasn’t been working when you search tumblr? someone halP) so i would suggest people who, of course, have a big following, check often and, most importantly, are willing to reblog posts from smaller studyblrs (sad to say not many, but i know @studyblr does)
as much as pictures are very aesthetically pleasing, i highly suggest writing masterposts or lists of tips and other stuff! i know that’s the type of content that i’m both interested in actually reading and putting on my blog, so that’s a definite reblog on my part. i will typically even save these in my drafts for future reference since i am hopeless at tags.
pictures are great, but are easy posts for insta (studygrams), and i find that tumblr is more useful than insta for the exact purpose of finding resources and tips instead of just aesthetics
langblrs: lists of vocab. think outside the box for this too; recently i reblogged a list of spanish vocabulary for the cafe. i can’t even tell you how interested i was in it, it was nice to see the words i knew being grouped differently and also have the opportunity to learn newer words
be active. don’t worry so much about how good your content is, or even how much-i think the fact that you are promoting and spreading any type of content is enough to keep the studyblr community going. often times i see a lot of studyblrs posting that their dash is dead and that they’re trying to go on a following spree. follow those posts, follow more people, and reblog more things. 
QUEUE THINGS. the queue function saves my dumb ass during the weeks where i really need to get to work and cannot afford to go on tumblr at all and also when i’m not on studyblr content. unfortunately i still find ways to procrastinate on tumblr though so whoops
get yourself involved in the community. this can be done in a number of ways:
be open to friends and new studyblrs! continuing on with the “getting involved with the community” note, it’s both an act of kindness and also a huge boost to new, small studyblrs for reblogging their introduction post. 
actually interacting with other studyblrs. i know the pain of having to interact, but i have seen the effect of my interactions with others, and it really pays off. i would say that the greatest increase in followers i had (while i was active starting christmas 2017 until now) was when i put out a post tagging over a hundred blogs to come and tALK TO ME and people did!!! and now i’m glad to say not only do i have tumblr friends, but people know that they’re always open to my ask box and are not reluctant to send me asks
doing tags and ask memes. i find this to be one of the best things of having a tumblr, i absolutely love the tags and ask memes. i actually have a bunch of ask memes saved for a time when i am not swamped with work and also my celebration requests. as for tags, it’s a way to get to present yourself to people, so why not?
reminder to always be careful with what kind of information you put on the internet though
challenges. one of the best ways, imho, to put yourself in the heart of the studyblr community. i, for one, absolutely adore looking at peoples challenges, it’s a good way to see progress in their work, expose yourself to more posts, and even motivate yourself to do challenges. although i haven’t caught on with this yet, i do hope to.
put effort in your posts. i know i’m very attracted visually, so i love posts with headers (you can use canva like me and em (@nichestudyblr) do :>)
be patient. results take some time :))
most importantly
remind yourself why you made a studyblr. in all honestly, if the answer to this is for more followers, i highly advise you to just…stop. that’s not the core motivation nor the purpose of a studyblr, and it shouldn’t be for anybody. followers are very insignificant in the long run, as popularity typically is. as much as i love all my followers, i do not-and should not-be losing sleep over whether or not you enjoy the content i post.
that’s all i have! in all honesty i would take everything you just read (if you made it down here) with a grain of salt because i am the exception to a lot of what i just said; i don’t know how i have so many followers in such a short time, but i’m very thankful and love you all! thank you for your utmost support!
back to my essay
p.s. to the anon who sent me this-send me a msg off anon and i’ll follow you! i’m also doing shout-outs for people who give me really good music recommendations so there’s that
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shouldvehadatveit · 7 years
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@fike-maist Here you go, love!
So I have two things I use on a regular basis: my planner and a notebook. My planner is for things like keeping track of specific assignments or things I need to do for classes; there’s not a ton in it rn because my day hasn’t started yet and I had two days off this week for Labor Day. I can find a more filled in week for you if you’d like later. 
Okay, SO. My planner has general day to day stuff like what I need to get done both in school and out of school. Ya girl’s got ADHD something fierce so I’m a forgetful bitch. I need to write shit down or it’ll never get done. Ever. 
My notebook is for more general things, and I sometimes end up needing to transfer things to my planner. Like to-do lists, general notes for classes or projects that are super important and I need to save. I carry this notebook literally everywhere with me, even when u don’t have my planner with me. Here, I have pages dedicated to each of my classes with info like which room(s) they're in, relevant teacher info like emails, phone numbers(college teachers have office phones you can call), office hours, ect. I also have assignment lists for certain classes so I can keep track of them all and know that I turned them in for my records, that way if something happens I can go to them and say, "Hey, I have it written down why don't you" or whatever. I've had teachers loose assignments or mark them down incorrectly in both my k-12 years and college so I like having records of my own. I also keep a file folder of all my assignments that have been returned. I also have a page that has my time scheduled out. 
I also have a section on my class pages for specific important class related notes. I also have a few blank pages available so I can take notes if need be that are important enough to keep on me regardless, but not so important that I need it on those first pages. 
Being in college, I don't usually have a set 7-3 schedule of classes Monday through Friday. I have a time table set up so I can try to be as efficient with my time as possible. I start at the same time every day, but two days I have my lecture/lab design class that’s several hours. I have math and a workshop class the other two days so my schedules match a little but not perfectly. It lets me have written in time to work on homework, rehearsals, and my teaching assisting work or whatever else I need to have done while still having time to relax so I’m not totally overwhelmed. 
Having my time mapped out for when I’m doing homework outside of class, especially since I have an online class as well. I’m someone who really thrives on a relative routine, but my ADHD makes that a little hard so having it written down where I can see it regularly really helps me. 
I hope this is helpful for you!
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noredinktech · 5 years
Drag & Drop without Draggables & Dropzones
Why is building drag & drop UIs so hard? They've been around for a while, so we would be forgiven for thinking they're a solved problem. Certainly there are high quality libraries to help us build drag & drop UIs, and these days we even have an official HTML5 drag & drop API! What's going on here?
I've come to the conclusion a big part of the problem is our choice of tools. Draggables and dropzones are often the wrong abstraction, and choosing different tools can simplify construction of our drag & drop UIs massively.
That's a pretty sweeping statement for a broad term like 'drag & drop', so let's look at three examples of drag & drop UIs built without draggables or dropzones. These examples come from real projects, but I've stripped them down to their drag & drop essentials for this post. I'll include what I believe to be the most relevant code snippets in this post, and provide links to the full source code.
Let's start with a quick refresher on draggables and dropzones before we get to the examples.
A Refresher on Draggables & Dropzones
A draggable is a UI element that follows the cursor when the user presses down on it. A dropzone is a UI element that gets an event when we release a draggable over it.
For an example lets look at the application Trello. Trello allows us to organize cards in lists. We could make the cards draggables and the lists dropzones. That way we'd get an event every time a card gets dropped on a list, which we could use to update our app's state with the new location of the card.
On closer inspection though things aren't as clear cut. For example, in the real Trello application it's not necessary to drop a card on top of a list. We can drop a card on some empty space and it will move into the list nearest to where we dropped it. That's much nicer for the user, but it's not clear how to create this behavior using draggables and dropzones.
Our first example, A Timeslot Selector
Our first example is a UI for selecting a time slot in a day. This UI represents a day as a horizontal bar, in which we can select a slot using drag & drop.
I'd like to start these examples by imagining what a draggables and dropzones implementation might look like. In this first example it's unclear what our draggables and dropzones even are. We could make the time slider the draggable, because clicking anywhere in it should start the drag operation even if we don't drag the time slider itself. The screen as a whole might serve as a dropzone, because the user should be able to release the cursor anywhere to finish the drag. Already this approach feels pretty hacky, and we haven't even written any code yet!
Let's start from scratch without assuming draggables or dropzones. As we regularly do, we'll begin building our Elm application by designing a Model. Our application needs to store a time slot which is nothing more than a start and end hour.
-- In this example a time slot always covers whole hours, -- but we could make this minutes or seconds if we wanted. type alias Model = { selectionStart : Hour, selectionEnd : Hour } type alias Hour = Int
Now we turn to implementing the drag & drop behavior, without draggables and dropzones. When the user presses down we store the hour the cursor is over as the selectionStart field of the timeslot. Then as the cursor moves we will update the selectionEnd field of the timeslot, until the user releases.
At any point we will need to know which hour the cursor is over. We can calculate this if we know the position of the cursor and the position and dimensions of the slider on the screen. Lets be optimistic and assume we just get that information on our drag events. If so we can design our Msg type like this:
type alias Msg = { event : DragEvent , cursor : Coords , sliderPosition : Rect } type DragEvent = Start -- We don't need to do anything special on a Stop event, so we can treat -- it the same as a Move event. | MoveOrStop type alias Coords = { x : Float, y : Float } type alias Rect = { x : Float, y : Float, width : Float, height : Float }
The information in this Msg is enough to calculate the hour the cursor is over.
cursorAtHour : Msg -> Hour cursorAtHour { cursor, sliderPosition } = let dx = cursor.x - sliderPosition.x atMost = min atLeast = max in (24 * (dx / sliderPosition.width)) |> floor -- Ensure we get a number between 0 and 23, even if the cursor moves to -- the left or right of the slider. |> atMost 23 |> atLeast 0
All that's left to do is use cursorAtHour in our update function. When we get a Start event we use it to update the selectionStart field in the model, and when we get a MoveOrStop event the selectionEnd field.
update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = let hour = cursorAtHour msg in case msg.event of Start -> if coordsInRect msg.cursor msg.sliderPosition then { selectionStart = hour , selectionEnd = hour } else model MoveOrStop -> { model | selectionEnd = hour } coordsInRect : Coords -> Rect -> Bool coordsInRect = Debug.todo "Implementation omitted for brevity."
And we have an app! Well almost, we've not discussed where these Msgs will be coming from. There's a bit of JavaScript responsible for that, which I'll talk more about in a bit. Those wanting to peek ahead can check out the time slider source code.
Second example, a polygon editor
Our second example is a tool for editing polygons. We want users to be able to pick up a vertex of a polygon and move it somewhere else.
See those vertices? Those sure look like draggables! But these vertices are small and easy to miss, so we'd want our draggables to be bigger. We could achieve this by making the draggables invisible div elements centered on these vertices, but that gets us in trouble when the div elements are so close they overlap. At that point a click won't select the closest vertex but the top vertex.
We're going to leave those draggables in the toolbox and see how far we can get without them. As usual we start by defining a model to store the polygon we're editing.
type alias Model = { polygon : Polygon , draggedVertex : Maybe Id } type alias Polygon = Dict Id Coords type alias Id = Int
The drag starts when the user presses down on a vertex to select it. For this we'll need to calculate the vertex closest to the cursor, which we can do if we know the positions of the cursor and all vertices. Lets create a Msg type that contains those positions. We can reuse the Coords and Rect types from the previous example.
type alias Msg = { event : DragEvent , cursor : Coords , handlers : List ( Id, Rect ) } type DragEvent = Start | Move | Stop
Perfect! Now we can calculate the rectangle closest to the cursor when the user clicks.
closestRect : Coords -> List ( id, Rect ) -> Maybe id closestRect cursor handlers = handlers |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond (distance cursor List.sortBy Tuple.second |> List.head |> Maybe.map Tuple.first center : Rect -> Coords center = Debug.todo "Implementation omitted for brevity" distance : Coords -> Coords -> Float distance = Debug.todo "Implementation omitted for brevity"
Once we have found the vertex the user picked up we have to move it to the cursor on every Move event. The resulting update function looks like this.
update : Msg -> Model -> Model update { event, cursor, handlers } model = case event of Start -> { model | draggedVertex = handlers |> List.filter (\( _, handler ) -> distance cursor (center handler) closestRect cursor } Move -> case model.draggedVertex of Just id -> { model | polygon = Dict.insert id cursor model.polygon } Nothing -> -- The user is dragging the cursor, but nothing was picked up on the -- start event. We'll sit this one out. model Stop -> { model | draggedVertex = Nothing }
And that's that! Again I skipped over the JavaScript that produces our messages and I promise we'll get to that in a moment. The full polygon editor source code is available for those interested!
Last example: an outline editor
Our final example is an outline editor. An outline is a tool for organizing our thoughts on a subject, but creating a list of concepts related to the thought, each of which have their own related thoughts, and so forth. The following image shows an example outline which can be re-arranged using drag & drop. We'll keep our scope small again by not bothering with creating and deleting nodes.
We'll start by creating a model for our outline editor. It will need to keep track of two things: the outline itself and which node we're dragging.
type alias Model = { outline : List OutlineNode , draggedNode : Maybe DraggedNode } type alias DraggedNode = -- For simplicity sake we're going to use the node's contents as an id. -- We get away with that here because we can ensure the nodes are unique: -- the user will not be able to edit them in this example. { node : String , cursorOnScreen : Coords , cursorOnDraggable : Coords } type alias OutlineNode = Tree String type Tree a = Tree { node : a , children : List (Tree a) }
Now we'll need to write behavior for the drag start, move, and end events.
The drag starts when the user pressed down on a node. We can put an onClick handler on each node to detect when this happens. We'll skip the implementation in this post, but it's part of the full outline editor source code!
Then, as the user drags a node around we need to update that node's location in the outline. This part we're going to look at in detail.
Lastly the drag stop event. We already changed the outline while the user was moving the cursor, and so all that's left to do here is change the model to its non-dragging state by setting draggedNode to Nothing.
Moving nodes in an outline
The most challenging part is to decide what the user's intention is. Are they intending to move the dragged node in front of another node, behind it, or nested beneath it?
Using dropzones we could draw invisible boxes in those positions that activate when the user moves over them, but the experience is unlikely to be great. Make the boxes too small and the user will not spend a lot of time over them, making the interface unresponsive for most of the time. Make the boxes too big and they start to overlap, causing the uppermost box to receive the dragged node even if it's not the closest. And even if we get the boxes right a future update changing page styles might move the boxes, breaking the drag & drop interaction.
Let's forget about dropzones and think about the behavior we want. There are candidate positions in the outline where we could drop a dragged node. As the user moves we'd like to display the dragged node in whichever of those positions is closest to the cursor. To figure out which position is closest we need to know where they all are. To do that we are going to put invisible elements in the DOM at each position where we can insert the dragged node. Contrary to the dropzones approach we're not going to bother giving these elements any special dimensions or positioning. We want them to just flow with the content on the page, and keep us apprised of their location. These aren't dropzones but beacons.
Apart from their coordinates in the DOM, our beacons will also need to describe their location in the outline. A beacon can define its location relative to another node in the outline.
type CandidatePosition = Before String | After String | PrependedIn String | AppendedIn String
We'll create a JSON encoder for this type so we can tag each beacon element with a data attribute containing its position in the outline. We'll then set up our JavaScript to find all elements with such a data attribute in the DOM and feed their coordinates back to us on each drag event. That will allow us to define a type for drag events containing the positions of our beacons on the screen.
type alias DragMsg = { cursor : Coords , beacons : List Beacon } type alias Beacon = ( CandidatePosition, Rect )
Remember the closestRect function from the polygon example? It's what we need to find the CandidatePosition closest to the cursor! Once we know which candidate position is closest, all we need is a function to that moves a node to its new position in an outline. It's a tricky function to write, but it doesn't have much to do with drag & drop and so I'm skipping the implementation here. I include a solution with the outline editor source code. For those interested in some thoughts on how to approach data transformations like these, I refer to an earlier post on conversion functions, which includes an example of a similar tree manipulation problem.
Necessary JavaScript
I promised I'd get back at the JavaScript required to make these examples work. All three examples use the same JavaScript code, because it turns out they have the same needs. In every example there's one or more Html elements on the page that we need to track the position and dimensions of as a drag interaction takes place. What our JavaScript code needs to do is generate events when the mouse gets pressed, moved, and released, and bundle with those events the positions of all elements we want to track. We identify those elements by giving them a data attribute with their 'beacon ID'.
There's tons of ways to write this code and I don't believe mine is particularly insightful, so I'll not reprint it here. The draggable.js source code for these examples is available though for those interested.
When we need to perform a complicated task it's natural to start by looking for a library to do the heavy lifting for us. For building drag & drop interactions libraries give us draggables and dropzones but they are often a bad fit for drag & drop UIs, of which we've seen three in this post.
Are drag & drop libraries always a bad idea? I don't think so. In particular there are libraries for specific drag & drop widgets such as re-arrangable lists, for example annaghi/dnd-list. Using those when possible could save a lot of time. There are probably UIs where draggables and dropzones are precisely the right abstraction. Please send me a note if you ran into one of those, I'd love to learn about it! Drag & drop covers an incredibly broad range of functionality though, and so often an off-the-shelf solution will not be available. For those I'd put serious thought into whether draggables and dropzones are going to help build the UI or make it harder.
I recommend using 'beacon elements' if you build your own drag & drop behavior. These are regular DOM elements marked so we can access their location on every drag event. Because beacon elements don't need to do anything any element using any positioning strategy can be a beacon. This passive nature distinguishes beacons from draggables or dropzones, both of which include behavior.
I've showed a different approach to building drag & drop UIs. In this approach we subscribe to drag & drop events telling us what's happening in the DOM, update the state of our model based on those events, and finally update the screen to reflect the new state of the model. This is nothing more than the Elm architecture. I hope the examples in this post show writing drag & drop logic does not need to be an arduous task.
Jasper Woudenberg @jasperwoudnberg Engineer at NoRedInk
Thanks to Ary, Blake, Brian and Stöffel for their reviews of drafts!
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Don't be SCAMMED this is important
Don't be SCAMMED this is important Have you ever received an email like this: "Dear Traders, Beware of . When you buy from them and send them money, you’ll never get your products and then suddenly can’t contact them anymore. Then they won't answer your emails or take your calls. Soon, you lose all your money. Please share this information with your customers." Or this: "It has been brought to our attention that there may be individuals operating in the marketplace impersonating in order to perpetuate fraud." You’d be surprised how often I get these emails. This next one is especially tricky because it could be legit, depending on your business. “The customer is willing to place a big order but needs sample units first and is not willing to pay for the samples upfront. This is going to be an issue because the sample units are going to be quite expensive.” Whatever your business and wherever you live, scam artists are out there, waiting to take advantage and siphon away your hard-earned revenue. They regularly change their alleged business names, aliases and even their scamming methods to avoid getting caught. But I’ve learned a few tricks in my years about spotting scam artists and I want to provide you with the knowledge and confidence you’ll need to remain scam-free. Below are some tools, tips and resources to help you curtail any future losses. Here are a few more common scams: You pay someone and then don’t receive anything. You buy AC adapters or batteries that turn out to be counterfeit. A product’s condition turns out to be misrepresented. For instance, you were promised Grade A or B, but what you got was junk. The deal you signed up for turns out to be significantly not-as-described. You try to remedy it with the seller but they stop answering your phone calls and responding to emails. Scammers often purchase a domain name similar to yours. They might even take your exact same name but use a .net, .org, or .us, instead of .com. A scam site might link its reviews to your site to make it seem legit. Then when customers Google your company, your reviews will come up. The customer feels comfortable even if the deals seem too good to be true, so they start placing orders on the fraudulent site. The scam site takes the order, but nothing ships out. Soon you start getting calls for order statuses you can’t locate. Read more details of the scam here. This next scam is the most popular one. You order all “Grade A,” “New,” or “Refurbished” products, but when they show up at your dock, they’re all wrong, or it’s all junk. I won’t say you should have gone out and inspected the products yourself, because I‘ve hand-tested each product in an order, then had the boxes swapped during shipping. I probably missed a few but if you come across any other scams, let me know so we can protect other traders. You might not have come across these issues yourself, but it could be worth your while to have some contacts and tools at your disposal when scoping out new customers and vendors. I also have more tricks in my E-book to help you circumvent cheating and get inspections performed on the cheap. The evolving scam Scam deals typically start with a phone call or email. Look closely at the email and the associated domains to get a sense of how serious the request is. Keep in mind, scam artists are going to be slippery. They love to use tricky domain names and fake social media accounts. They’ll even build websites to try to convince you they’re legit. When you talk on the phone with a possible scammer, it’s a good idea to jot down the number they called from. Reverse phone lookups and simple Google searches can help fill in missing information to verify a company. When determining if a buyer is safe or a scam, consider if their reviews are real or fake. Scamadviser.com is a good tool for assessing the risk of third-party websites. This tool saves you time authenticating domains. Scamadviser uses an algorithm to authenticate reviews, as well as determine if a website is legit or a front for phishing, and if a seller is peddling fake products. Two important things to consider here are 1) was the domain name registered recently? 2)how long until the domain name expires? Scammers are not going to register a domain name years in advance. Scam domains are usually registered recently. Next, look closer at the email. Does it have a signature, address, phone number, fax? Try to verify some of those details on your own. If they have Skype, WhatsApp or social media contacts, check them out and connect with them. Do those accounts look legit? When did the user last write a post? Use Google Maps to verify addresses, and zoom in using Street View to check out the building. Another verification hack I’ve found useful is calling neighboring businesses and asking about a business I’m suspicious of. How long have they been there? What type of unit are they in? Ask if trucks roll in and out of the location. You’d be surprised how much info people give out to strangers. Counterfeit products are another big problem in our industry — everything from batteries to AC adapters. Some of you probably know this a big problem and don't care because counterfeiting means cheap products. But counterfeit products can cause an end-user’s computer to fail, catch fire or worse, explode. Needless to say, this can lead to very high return rates for you and your resellers. Detecting counterfeit products or fakes can be difficult. RAM modules, hard drives, power adapters and batteries can be verified with the manufacturer, though it’s a time-consuming process. And checking with a manufacturer is really only feasible if you have a very specific need and must be 100% sure an item is legit. So here’s a quick hack to find out if your adapter or battery is legit. Get out a scale and weigh the original and the potential fake. The fake will always weigh less than the original. Here’s a video showing the obvious difference in weight. Payment time So you’re ready to pay and you’re feeling good about the deal. Now comes time to pay. I know what you’re going to say: wire transfer only. But I want to tell you that if the funds were obtained and transferred illegally, they can be reversed by your bank or the originating bank for up to one year. Wire transfers seem to be the favorite method for scammers these days. Good companies take credit cards and charge fees to do so. If a seller insists on wire-only, further investigation on your part is needed. There is too much material to go over in one blog post, but I go over ACH payments, Paypal and credit card payments scams in detail in my E-book (which I highly recommend reading because there is a lot to learn about ACH and the capabilities of reversals and chargebacks). Who can help me? Depending on the type of scam and the legalities of your county, state or country, I would contact a few agencies along with your local police. But first, I recommend consulting with your attorney to see what your options are. You must find a good attorney. If you need help finding an attorney anywhere in the globe, download my E-book. I’ll show you where to find them and how to keep them accountable as you track down buyers and sellers. Here are some other tools and processes you should put in place to avoid becoming a victim yourself. According to the Better Business Bureau’s investigative project Scam Studies, millions of people fall victim to scams each year. Take some time to check out the content there, which is very informative and should keep you updated on the latest scamming techniques. Also, check out the BBB’s Scam Tracker, where you can see all its reports. There are some methods to slow down a scam, but it will take hard work and it’s best to get ahead of the problem. So here are two tips to help make your online presence a little more bulletproof: Register all variations of your domain name — .net .org, .us, with dashes and without. Trademark your domain name. That way you can get the domain’s registrar to take down any infringing domains. I’m sure I missed a scam or two but I’ll leave you with a starting point and some additional links and search tools. Come back often because I’ll be updating this list and adding some content to make sure you’re aware of future cons. MANTA Company Lookup Hoovers Company Search California Secretary Of State Delaware State Divisions of Corporations Florida Department Of Division of Corporations Georgia Corporations Division Iowa Secretary Of State Kansas Business Center Massachusetts Michigan Corporations Division Business Entity Missouri Nebraska Secretary Of State New Hampshire Corporation Division New Jersey New York Corporation and Business Entity Database Ohio Secretary Of State Oklahoma State Corporation Entities Pennslyvania Department Of State Rhode Island Texas Secretary Of State Canadian Govt Corporate Records Search. Duedil.com: UK/Ireland Company Background Search Companies House UK Company Check UK CD Rex Check Website and Email Domain Owners Guidestar.org - US non-profit look up tool Arizona Corporation Commission Glassdoor Company Reviews (UK) North Carolina Department Of The Secretary Maryland Department Of Assessments & Taxation Virginia State Corporation Commission Illinois Secretary Of State Minnesota Secretary Of State Utah Divisions Of Corporations European Commission VAT verification Danish Business Authority Database British Columbia Registry Services Nevada Secretary Of State Charitable Organizations within Quebec Hong Kong Washington State Corporation Ministry of Corporate Affairs India Microsoft Refurbisher Directory Dun & Bradstreet State of Colorado B2B Yellow Pages Merchant Circle UK Company List kompany Tennessee Business Entity Search Hong Kong DIR Hong Kong Company List New Zealand Companies Office New Mexico Secretary of State Bizfile Kentucky Secretary of State Online Resources Bizearch Connecticut Secretary of the State FBR Pakistan ESC Corporate Services SERI Washington DC Business Verification Belgium Business Database Maine Department of the Secretary of the State e-information of Hungary Companies System for Award Management Shenzhen Credit Org Oregon Business Directory California Board of Equalization Idaho State Business Directory Mississippi Secretary of State United Arab Emirates Government of Pakistan - Federal Board of Revenue Registraire des entreprises Quebec Find the Company | A Company Research Engine Kyckr EU Business Lookup Open Corporates Netherlands Business Directory NY State Tax Vendor Lookup UAE TRN Number Verification IRS - Exempt Organizations Check Tool Texas TaxPayer Search Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions Ireland - Companies Registration Office Italian Business Register Vietnam Business Registration Portal Malaysia Registration Search Nigeria Corporate Affairs Commission Arkansas Secretary of State Germany - Unternehmensregister Bloomberg San Jose Business License Lookup Wyoming Secretary of State Kenya Revenue Authority Zoominfo Argentina - CUIT (Tax Lookup) e-Information on Hungarian Companies France - sirene.fr Social Media Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Alibaba eBay Seller Profile Google + Amazon Foursquare Pinterest Newegg Seller Profile Panjiva - Global Trade Insights Other Company Directory Listing Online Review Sites Ripoffreport.com Reseller Ratings Scambook Better Business Bureau Yelp Google Reviews Yahoo Local eBay Feedback Profile Angie''s List HomeAdvisor Environmental, Health, and Safety Compliance EPA - Enforcement & Compliance History Online US Dept. of Labor - OSHA enforcement inspections ISRI SREA Reasonable Care Compliance Program NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection CA.gov Envirostor Texas Commission on Environmental Quality SERI e-Stewards Directory   There is a lot here and if you think I missed one leave a comment below and we can add it. At Filmar.com I Buy Sell End of Life Corporate IT Assets is an expert on the secondary market of IT products. Specialties include used and off-lease refurbished computer products, laptops, computers, LED LCD TVs, digital cameras, electronics, unlocked phones, tablets and enterprise IT equipment. These are my observations and my opinions but I would love to hear more about your frustrations Read the full article
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Fat decimator system evaluation - Don't buy Fat decimator system without reviewing my honest testimonial - Fat decimator system truthful reviews
Will The Fat Decimator System Help Me?
Fat loss for womenUnlike various other weight reduction programs that are either for men or females, young or adult, this program has a universal technique. Although, everyone is different but the fundamentals of fat burning are same.
This makes sense to me since I believe weight loss doesn't need to be specific to society, age or sex.
When I initially checked out this program, I had great deals of concerns regarding it. I make sure you will have much of them as well. In this The Fat Decimator System review, I will try my finest to respond to a few of one of the most typical inquiries and undergo what program is (and what it isn't).
After reading this question if you will have any concern, then you can make use of the comment box below or send out a straight message to me through the get in touch with type, as well as I will certainly try my ideal to address it as best as I can!
What Is The Fat Decimator?
The Fat Decimator System in an all-around strategy towards fat burning that incorporates diet programs hacks, exercise plans, inspiration secrets and also much more to supply risk-free and also quick weight-loss. It developed by Kyle Cooper for people that need little added assistance to obtain healthy and balanced. Its objective is to make you lose weight quick and in a healthy means.
What Can You Anticipate?
The Fat Decimator System is the detailed program that incorporates lots of scientifically shown weight reduction techniques like cutting down carbohydrates, a excellent diet plan, healthy and balanced way of living adjustments, inspirational keys and much more strategies to supply quick and secure weight loss.
Fat Decimator SystemMany customer examines claim this program is quick acting with some of them observing adjustments in their body in just 72 hrs. Bear in mind, everybody is different, and also it might take much longer for you to see outcomes. (You have full 60 days to attempt this program without any danger).
With lots of researches and reviews done on this program, it assisted some overweight people to shed as high as 20 pounds in simply four weeks.
I understand losing 20 pounds in simply a month seem too much for some individuals, yet scientific research studies revealed shedding 20 extra pounds in a month is feasible with a good, well-balanced weight reduction plan as well as It is REALISTIC also.
One of the reasons you might keep falling short to slim down is, you do not have a specific as well as tested weight-loss strategy to adhere to. When I was attempting to reduce weight, I normally believe I am putting every little thing properly, eating healthy, doing workout on a regular basis but at the end of the day, I was not 100% certain if I am mosting likely to slim down or not.
Once I don't see cause few weeks I assume something is not correct and also start seeking one more weight reduction plan.
With The Fat Decimator System, you do not have to make your own plan, and also you don't have to go-through challenging measurements, BMI computations, calorie-counting, macro-tracking, and so on because every little thing laid inside this program. You will certainly get every little thing you want to drop weight safely as well as swiftly.
Diet plan
The diet contains 3 distinction stage that is all 1 week long. It is anticipated one will certainly a minimum of experience 10 extra pounds of fat burning. You will certainly be receiving information on just how to lose one pound of fat a day or even more just by changing the food you consume.
From the recipes provided, there was a great deal of emphasis on salt consumption, decreasing carbs and preventing specific food. I certainly discover quite a bit from here-- like exactly how certain daily food has an impact on our body.
You'll additionally find out about controlling illness with food. Diseases such as joint inflammation, thyroid inequality, diabetic issues, obesity and etc.
It additionally explains on exactly how to control your blood glucose degree as well as how insulin has an impact on the body.
The program also suggests eating regularly-- like 5-6 meals a day. The typical health and fitness method of consuming.
For those that are stunned by the number, the dishes can consist of treats or shakes. It doesn't always indicate like a full course meal.
I believe it is a good location to start to adopt a healthy and balanced diet plan.
Exercise Strategy
I know for sure that the majority of people who adhere to a typical weight loss program just can not take care of high influence exercise. That's why most programs fail because it accommodates the incorrect demographic.
I think that fat decimator system was created for a fast and simple workout that can be performed in 20 mins. In this way individuals that are older can adhere to too. It is a good idea to follow up a couple of times a week to quicken weight reduction process.
You are provided the selection to either do.
a) a gym exercise regimen.
b) residence workout regimen using body weight and one solitary piece of equipment.
Honestly, it doesn't truly matter what you choose. Go with what you  fit with. No every person suches as mosting likely to the fitness center.
The supplement record offers you an review of a few of the most preferred diet regimen supplements on the marketplace today.
This info includes evaluations of supplements that are not included in The Fat Decimator System itself. It suggested including CLA, Whey Healthy Protein, Leucine, Fat Burner and a couple of more. You absolutely don't need to get every little thing.
I personally do not advise you to obtain any until you're few months in the program. However I   would certainly make Whey Protein an exception.
If you can't eat a lot of protein, Whey Healthy protein will assist you supplement your body with ample healthy protein to fix muscle mass cells as well as recoup. It's perfectly secure for you to consume also.
This is optional, depending upon an person's objective.
Motivation & State of mind?
Without correct motivation or mindset, one can guide away from their objective. You intend to stay actually concentrate as well as hungry to pursue whatever you desire.
This is quickly one of the aspects why most individuals fail in losing weight. They just do not recognize what they want. Certainly a excellent enhancement to a weight-loss program.
Final thought
The Fat Decimator System is a attempted as well as tested system which supplies outcomes or your money back. Any individual weary and bored of consistent crash diet and weight-loss programs can be guaranteed that this is a genuine health and fitness program which has been used in the military as well as was discovered to supply extraordinary results. The net has a great deal of positive responses as well as customer evaluations of the technique, and also continuous styles seem to include exactly how very easy the system is to adhere to, and also just how fantastic the outcomes are.
So, if you are trying to find quick, remarkable results, the Fat Decimator System ought to go to the top of your listing. Kyle is a caring as well as authentic guy who is dedicated to ensuring that everybody that utilizes his method obtains the outcomes that they are searching for.
KEEP IN MIND: In my review I do not advise the Fat Decimator System. This is because it's actually a extremely extreme program that calls for a great deal of initiative. The diet regimen and also workout regimen would be tough for the majority of people to stick to for the time needed time to shed that stubborn tummy fat. If you wish to discover exactly how to lose 1lb of stubborn belly fat every 72 hours with less effort, enjoy this video clip currently. The video will instruct you about a hot new African tea diet regimen that quits you feeling hungry. Discover how to shed your unwanted stomach fat rapid and easy with this great brand-new diet plan that's obtaining raving evaluations.
If you are ready to place in serious effort, and still intend to give the Fat Decimator System a try, here is the unique price cut web link where you can get the full 131 page e-book for just $17.
All web links to the Fat Decimator System and also Lean Stubborn belly Breakthrough are associate web links. This suggests we are paid commission when you get though the affiliate links on this web page.
fat decimator system review
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juliettespencerus · 6 years
Fat decimator system testimonial - Don't buy Fat decimator system without reviewing my truthful evaluation - Fat decimator system sincere testimonials
Will The Fat Decimator System Work For Me?
Fat loss for womenUnlike various other fat burning programs that are either for men or women, young or grown-up, this program has a global approach. Although, everybody is different but the basics of weight-loss are same.
This makes good sense to me since I believe weight reduction does not need to be specific to society, age or sex.
When I first checked out this program, I had lots of concerns regarding it. I am sure you will certainly have a lot of them as well. In this The Fat Decimator System evaluation, I will certainly attempt my best to respond to several of the most common inquiries and experience what program is ( and also what it isn't).
After reading this question if you will have any inquiry, then you can utilize the remark box below or send a direct message to me with the get in touch with type, as well as I will certainly try my best to answer it as best as I can!
What Is The Fat Decimator?
The Fat Decimator System in an all-around method in the direction of weight management that integrates weight loss hacks, workout plans, inspiration keys and also a lot more to give secure and quick weight management. It created by Kyle Cooper for people who require little added assistance to get healthy and balanced. Its objective is to make you reduce weight fast and also in a healthy means.
What Can You Expect?
The Fat Decimator System is the thorough program that integrates great deals of clinically verified weight-loss methods like reducing carbs, a good diet regimen, healthy and balanced way of living modifications, inspirational keys and a lot more techniques to supply fast and also risk-free fat burning.
Fat Decimator SystemMany customer examines insurance claim this program is quick showing several of them observing adjustments in their body in just 72 hours. Keep in mind, everybody is various, and it might take much longer for you to see results. (You have complete 60 days to attempt this program without any danger).
With numerous researches as well as evaluates done on this program, it assisted some overweight individuals to lose as long as 20 pounds in simply 4 weeks.
I recognize losing 20 pounds in simply a month seem too much for some people, but scientific research studies showed losing 20 extra pounds in a month is feasible with a good, well-balanced weight reduction strategy and also It is REALISTIC as well.
Among the factors you may keep falling short to slim down is, you do not have a specific as well as tested fat burning plan to follow. When I was attempting to slim down, I normally think I am placing whatever correctly, consuming healthy and balanced, doing exercise on a regular basis yet at the end of the day, I was not 100% sure if I am going to slim down or otherwise.
Once I don't see cause couple of weeks I assume something is not appropriate as well as begin trying to find another weight management strategy.
With The Fat Decimator System, you don't have to make your very own plan, and you don't need to go-through complex dimensions, BMI computations, calorie-counting, macro-tracking, etc. since every little thing laid inside this program. You will certainly get every little thing you wish to reduce weight safely as well as quickly.
Diet regimen
The diet regimen consists of 3 distinction phase that is all 1 week long. It is expected one will certainly a minimum of experience 10 pounds of weight reduction. You will be receiving information on exactly how to shed one pound of fat a day and even a lot more just by altering the food you eat.
From the recipes provided, there was a great deal of focus on salt intake, minimizing carbs and also avoiding particular food. I certainly find out a fair bit from here-- like exactly how certain daily food has an effect on our body.
You'll likewise learn more about controlling diseases with food. Illness such as joint inflammation, thyroid inequality, diabetes mellitus, excessive weight and etc.
It additionally goes into detail on how to manage your blood glucose level and also how insulin has an result on the body.
The program additionally suggests eating regularly-- like 5-6 meals a day. The basic physical fitness way of eating.
For those that are surprised by the number, the meals can include treats or smoothie mixes. It doesn't necessarily indicate like a full course meal.
I assume it is a excellent place to begin to adopt a healthy and balanced diet.
Exercise Strategy
I understand for a fact that the majority of people who adhere to a normal weight-loss program just can't handle high impact exercise. That's why most programs fall short because it accommodates the wrong group.
I think that fat decimator system was designed for a quick and easy workout that can be done in 20 mins. In this way individuals who are older can follow too. It is recommended to follow up a couple of times a week to accelerate weight reduction procedure.
You are given the option to either do.
a) a health club exercise routine.
b) home workout regimen utilizing body weight and also one solitary tool.
Truthfully, it doesn't truly matter what you decide. Select what you  fit with. No every person suches as mosting likely to the fitness center.
The supplement record provides you an summary of some of the most preferred diet plan supplements on the marketplace today.
This info includes testimonials of supplements that are not consisted of in The Fat Decimator System itself. It recommended adding CLA, Whey Protein, Leucine, Fat Heater and also a couple of more. You definitely do not have to obtain every little thing.
I directly do not advise you to obtain any till you're couple of months in the program. However I   would certainly make Whey Healthy protein an exemption.
If you can not eat a lot of healthy protein, Whey Protein will assist you supplement your body with ample healthy protein to repair muscular tissue cells as well as recuperate. It's completely safe for you to take in too.
This is optional, depending upon an person's goal.
Motivation & Way of thinking?
Without proper inspiration or way of thinking, one can guide far from their goal. You wish to remain truly focus and starving to seek whatever you want.
This is quickly among the variables why the majority of people fail in reducing weight. They just do not know what they want. Most definitely a excellent addition to a weight reduction program.
Final thought
The Fat Decimator System is a tried and also examined system which uses results or your money back. Anybody tired and also bored of consistent fad diets and also weight management programs can be comforted that this is a real health and wellness program which has actually been used in the armed forces and also was found to offer extraordinary outcomes. The web has a great deal of positive feedback as well as client reviews of the method, and also consistent motifs appear to include just how simple the system is to adhere to, and how terrific the results are.
So, if you are trying to find quick, phenomenal results, the Fat Decimator System must go to the top of your list. Kyle is a caring and real guy who is committed to ensuring that every person that utilizes his technique obtains the results that they are trying to find.
KEEP IN MIND: In my evaluation I do not recommend the Fat Decimator System. This is due to the fact that it's really a very extreme program that calls for a great deal of initiative. The diet as well as workout program would be challenging for most individuals to stick to for the time required time to lose that persistent belly fat. If you want to learn how to lose 1lb of stubborn belly fat every 72 hours with much less initiative, view this video now. The video clip will teach you about a warm brand-new African tea diet regimen that quits you really feeling hungry. Learn exactly how to drop your unwanted stubborn belly fat fast as well as easy with this superb new diet plan that's obtaining going crazy evaluations.
If you prepare to place in old college try, and also still intend to offer the fat decimator system a try, below is the special price cut link where you can get the complete 131 page e-book for simply $17.
All web links to the Fat Decimator System and Lean Tummy Advancement are associate web links. This indicates we are paid compensation when you get though the associate links on this page.
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