#(I'm not kidding)
demetera-kaziaik · 6 months
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Just Married ❤️
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spiderden-webber · 2 months
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webber :3
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joanna-lannister · 1 year
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MYRCELLA BARATHEON 5.10 | “Mother's Mercy”
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ainnur · 24 days
Be Nice to Me [PuppetPeach]
Little something I wrote for @halfdeadhalfpaniced Stunt Guy au [PuppetPeach timeline].
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Wukong maybe an asshole all the time you know. But he still can have a bad day. Mayor just there for their night
A/N: Again this base on @halfdeadhalfpaniced au. It's also ooc since this just an au. I'm no writer. And my English kinda shitty. This also inspired by Revenge Together
Be Nice To Me [PuppetPeach]
Sun Wukong is a lot of things. He is hansome, smart, a great actor , cocky asshole, a brat, selfish liar and a lot of other things. His life is internasional, he both hated and loved.
But again he also living being with feeling. Under all that masks he nothing more than what he is. Even with all that complex part of him still fragile. The part that have him wanted to tear himself apart.
If you know where to poke he can shatter. So what he do? He put on layers with his loud personality, his annoying voice, his sarcam and his smug face. Wukong bury that side of him in place that deeper than any soul could reach. But sometimes he get trap there and unable to reach the surface. Who want to see it anyway? Not even himself.
Wukong sit on edge of his bed looking tired. He stare his window little longer than other day. He sigh. He know today just his bad day. Everything just have to be wrong for him.
Earlier Wukong woke up with headache and he run out of his favorite energy drink. He go to work tired at some point. But tired of what? Wukong would say everything in his life now day. Sometimes he wonder what could happened if he wasn't so him about everything. Will he be with Macaque?
Macaque....for first time in a moment he forget about Macaque. Maybe he just tired. But for some reason he get feel cold breze on his skin. That make him feel creppy. He brush the feeling off and try to focus. Everything today just feel like a blur to Wukong.
There is one tiny problem that make Wukong want to jump off building. Wukong can't act. That make him mad. They tried to record this one scane for over hours now. He keep messing up and he know everyone just done with him at this point. He keep mess up the line, forget his cue , take a wrong step and simply foget how to act as the character he suppose to be! What happend to him?! He clenched his fists, digging his nails into his own palm until he could feel the blood trickle down a little. He hissed at the pain but part of him was satisfied.
"Seriusly Sun Wukong?! How long you gonna do this!?" Wukong turn his head to owner of the voice. He kinda foget her name at the time but that doesn't matter to him. Wukong just stare at her with blank eyes. "You make all the noises of how good you are at acting but here you fucking-" "Enough! Everyone tired okay? Let's just go home, relax ourself and shine tommorow"
Wukong don't know what happend but sudenly everyone just go home. Wukong wanted that and thanks to whoever bless his pray.
Wukong let out another sigh of what happennig today. How can he fuck with acting?! He can mess up with anything in his life. Anything. Like really He fuck his relationship with his mothers and brother, his friend, his fans and Macaque......BUT he CAN'T mess up acting. He just CAN'T. That what he good at and what make him feel like 'himself"
Wukong want to pull his hair hard. But he didn't, he just let down his beautiful wavy ginger hair down. It's messy but Wukong didn't find motivasion the moment to brush it after shower. He stare at wall of long time scratching the skin at his collar bone until it draw bit of blood but he still keep going. Wukong doesn't know what to feel. He feel a lot of emotional and nothing at the same time.
Wukong feeling like he wanted to cry. But he didn't have tears for it. He just simply want shut the world down. He look away to his phone on his pillow. He been avoid a lot of massege from MK lately. Maybe because MK's best friend Mei seem to dislike him for some reason and want him away from MK. But he don't know why and don't want to think about it. Wouldn't be a first time someone hates him. He know MK didn't hate him...well atleast he think MK didn't. And that's enough. He thinks.
Then he hear a knook at his door and he have feeling he know who that person.
Mayor would call himself a gentleman. Maybe a little mess up and bit creepy. But other than that he is a gentle person who use brain before anything. He also loyal. Loyal to his partner, Macaque.
Than come Sun Wukong. Some punk asshole who try to steal Macaque away from him. One interesting thing about Wukong is that he can bring the worst out of Mayor. Even Mayor himself doesn't know. Maybe it's just Wukong curse.
Wukong bring the side he never knew he have. He never be a violent person not until Wukong making him feel satisfied for punching someone at their face until it bleed. He never be a verbal person not until Wukong making him want curse the living shit of this world at one person. He was never a bitter person toward anyone not until Wukong making him pissed with his annoying voice. Wukong is homewrecker asshole who try to ruin everything of other people life. Funny enough Wukong is not the one ruin Macaque for him tho. It's was Macaque himself who break things off with with him. Yet he didn't understand why. He try to reach Macaque but Macaque didn't let him.
Maybe this just a test. Meeting by cruel fate Mayor and Wukong somehow always end up sharing bed. Swearing it's one time thing doesn't do anything as Mayor keep end up at Wukong's. He leave Wukong in the morning. Nothing worth to wait there anyway.
Mayor have to admit that Wukong have his own aura. Something like a shadow who try to cover the sun. He is layers and Mayor kinda drawn to that and wanting to see more as speend more time with him. He discover a lot of things of the monkey he call asshole. Something that maybe no one ever know because they could get close enough to Wukong to see it themself.
He notice a lot of tiny things about Wukong. How Wukong dislike hot food because of some trauma he never tell. How Wukong is sweet tooth and enjoy baking. He also collab a few time with famous internet star Chang'e herself. They are like friend or something Mayor think. He got lucky to taste Wukong baking and crave for more. Not like he would say that to Wukong. That would just make his ego more bigger than the sun itself.
Other than acting, Wukong also good at other art form. He good at making a lot of craft. Ceramics art, clay art , diy art and more you could list. Wukong house is like his personal galery of him. A lot of painting, vases, plates and decoration are made by him himself. Mayor is impress. He also know origami has special place in Wukong heart. He notice would always folding the coner of every paper if he have it in his hand. Doesn't matter is the paper is important or not he will play with it. He find it cute. Wait....cute? Wukong? HAH! Don't make him laugh.
More of Wukong, he notice how Wukong would play with his hair when bored or feeling nervous. How Wukong wave his hand around when talking to his brother with happy face. How sometimes Wukong mindlessly chew his tail. How Wukong like to distant himself from crowd place. How Wukong so gentle with any animals. How Wukong take his sweet time feeding stray animals near the his studio. The more Mayor watch, the more he know and more he want to know.
Mayor is not suprise that he end up at Wukong's place again. It's like normal thing now and Wukong doesn't seem to say anything about it. But what suprise him how Wukong is. One thing about them is they always fight. It's start for Macaque then they just keep going. When they fight they fight dirty it's poisoning, loud, dirty, nasty, rude and painful. They fight over stupid things and end up fucking with hate.
But tonight Wukong wasn't even trying. He just look tired. Wukong doesn't know why he let Mayor inside anyway but here he is.
Mayor don't know what to say but he want to. This Wukong is different and he wanna know why. "..Why you.." He usually have no problems comforting someone. Someone like his ex-lover Macaque. He always know what to do and what Macaque need. But Wukong isn't Macaque doesn't he? He doesn't know what Wukong need. He doesn't know Wukong. Wait- why he care anyway? It's Wukong after all. He will be back to his asshole self anyway. Mayor just give burden to himself worrying over someone like Wukong. Wukong doesn't deserve his worry. He could just turn his heel and comeback tommorow or next week. He doesn't need to stay. He want to...
He doesn't want to see Wukong like this. The doesn't like it. Not even a bit. He want to reach Wukong and put a smile back on his stupid pretty face. He want to swipe that sad face away so they can being them back.
Wukong look at him with tired eyes. Then he just simply look away. "Shitty day I think. I just feeling like shit". Mayor come closer to him and listen. "I mess up a lot today and I know you know about that. Did you have a good laugh with that?"
Mayor shake his head wanting Wukong to keep going. Wukong sigh at that "It's just a shitty day. I don't know what wrong with me" Wukong softly whisper
"Nothing wrong with you Wukong " Mayor voice was gentle as he make his way go Wukong. He wrap his arms around Wukong pulling him into a hug. They never done that. Mayor wait for Wukong to push him away but Wukong didn't. In fact Wukong hold on to him tighter. Mayor didn't say anything after that. But that's okay, maybe this what Wukong need.
Wukong let himself drown for a moment. How long it's have been since him being hug? Wukong don't remember. Maybe when MK and him was little younger. Wukong forget how good that feel to have someone touch you without hurting at some way. Wukong don't want to let go.
They somehow end up on Wukong bed with their clothes on floor. Mayor slowly make his way to Wukong neck...
Night with Wukong is interesting to say the least. Going on with their 'rival with benefits ' Mayor realize he doesn't want to things like this with any other. With Wukong anything could happened. It can be fast, it can hard , it can rough or it could be painful. All he have to do is just do it and Wukong let him. He never deny anything any just go with what's on table. Wukong also never ask for anything.
"Can you be nice to me tonight?"
That make Mayor stop a bit "What..." He need to make sure he hear Wukong correctly. "Can you..... be nice to me?" Wukong repeat. Nice huh. Nice is boring people say. 'nice' is said when you have nothing else to say. Nice just low meaning of good and great.
Mayor get it. Under everything that said about Wukong he still living being with feeling. Sometimes he need to be care for and sometimes he he need to be love. In the end of day that facts doesn't change.
Words didn't come out of Mayor lips. He would yes. Yes that he would be nice Wukong. Yes he would do anything for Wukong at moment. Anything.
"I got you"
Wukong always wake up alone. Even when he with Macaque he just do. But today is different. When he wake up he feel two strong arms wrap around him like a protection. Wukong doesn't know how to feel about that. But he just let himself enjoy it. He know he will regret letting this happened but he still do it. He just being selfish to think this mean Mayor care about him. Oh well he a selfish asshole after all right?
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cuddlyreader · 5 months
I'm just putting this out into the universe (aka: @ Tim Minear). Other than the beautiful found family, one of the reasons I watch and love 911 is because all of my beloveds can be brought within an inch of their lives (or brought back after 3 minutes and 17 seconds) and still live to tell the horrifying tale at the 118 family lunches. I don't care if everything that happens is completely ludicrous. I want...No, I need them alive at the end (this now includes Tommy btw). The absurd survival rate is the exact reason why this is my comfort show. Please, I beg of you. Do not take this away from me.
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gatheredfates · 6 months
This is not spurred from any one thing, I just want to say:
If you are someone who is coming from XIV Twitter and have no idea who to follow or how to get into the community, please just make a looking for people to follow post and tag me. I will add it to my boosting tag.
But also tag me, because the community is so much better here - you can free yourself from toxic social media so fast, I really mean it. I literally only go on Twitter these days to keep up with bands. I can't stand the drama.
Come to tumblr because you get
Better, long-form content (you cannot tell me the image hosting on twitter is good, you liar).
Limited to no drama. People are chill and won't lash out unless you hit first.
More authentic interactions.
Far less 'social climbing'.
Limited to no drama I am being so serious. Unless you follow someone who posts drama, there's no algorithm to outrage you!
Me. I'm cute. End debate.
Twitter/X is an absolute cesspool and I promise you'll have a far nicer and more authentic experience here. Build yourself a dash, follow people you like; you will literally not run out of content this way.
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theheirofthesharingan · 3 months
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Look at him. Showing his skin like that. Where's modesty? Naruto's harem jutsu kinda worked on Kaguya. Guess what else they should have done? Show a shirtless Itachi to Kaguya. The woman would faint cuz how else are you supposed to react when he stands before you? She'd go weak in her knees and the battle would be won without all the hassle that followed Madara's defeat.
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dear god why is Crowley such a Shepard, why is it like this, even in the book but especially in s2 its so highlighted, he's such a caretaker, a gatherer, a watcher, a guide, one of the most sacred symbols in theology, the tragic internal struggle between being gentle and vicious that is so sorely compulsory to being a Shepard and sister is DOING IT better than anyone out here, like he was born to do it and yet it ruins him.
animals, humans, children, his angel, like god my heart is melting and it aches.
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kentuckyfriedmegumi · 28 days
i analyzed the songs that gege akutami assigned to the first year trio and i how i think they relate to their characters
for the record, we are talking about the songs that gege had said he thinks would be the theme songs for each member of the trio (like island in the sun for megumi)
this was a 20 page document in word, hope you enjoy more of my ramblings...
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I think what really makes Yuji’s song so beautiful is the way that it highlights two people trying to heal and overcome some sort of trauma. They are wondering if they will be able to fight through and it keep fighting while finding comfort in each other.
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The narrator is addressing someone in pain who makes a lot of self-destructive decisions. This is inherently interesting because we know that Megumi has a tendency to look down on himself and not see the value in his life. This is especially true in the manga and specifically in the chapter where Yuji tries to communicate with Megumi, but Megumi tells him that he gives up.
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But the narrator is in just as much pain. They are HURTING and they cannot bear it alone. THIS IS SUPER INTERESTING BECAUSE OF CHAPTER 266 WHERE YUJI TELLS MEGUMI “It’s lonely without you, Fushiguro”!!!! Mind you, this was chosen as his song be Gege a longgg time ago.
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In this part of the song, we see that the narrator and the person they are speaking to have found a comfort in each other, but it also leaves them feeling a bit empty. Neither of them have fully healed yet and they are far from that path in the light that they are trying so desperately to get to. But the narrator still cannot stand being alone. While this isn’t necessarily related to Yuji or Megumi, it still parallels Yuji’s desire for companionship after everything that has happened and what he has gone through.
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This is the end of the song, and it’s especially interesting because we’re seeing repeat themes with the “don’t turn to ashes” and themes of burning and fire. Fire in media can represent a lot of things, but in this song I think it’s meant to represent purging. The narrator is begging this person to please keep going, please keep standing by their side, don’t let your trauma consume you.
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And then there’s this last line, a question of whether or not the narrator and the unknown person will be able to find love and comfort in each other, or will their pain consume them and burn them from the inside out. We know that JJK touches a lot on themes of love, romantic and platonic arguments being set aside right now. This last line ties in directly with that theme while also calling back to the pain that these two people are feeling.
I actually had first discovered the wrong song with the same name and realized that the song that’s meant to be Yuji’s is like 13 minutes long. I will not include the lyrics, but I will highlight and quote the ones that I find tie in with Yuji’s character. This song also switches from first to third POV. In this analysis, I am only addressing the first person POV.
This song overall seems to be a sort of conversation that the narrator is having with an unknown person. There is mentions of belief, love, and a desire for a simple, mundane life. There is also a lot of counting in this song, having to do with time and time running out or time flying by.  
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Wow this is going to be very hard, I am struggling with Google Translate here. From what I am picking up, it seems that the narrator wishes for love, but isn’t sure what that looks like, all the while they feel that time is running out. I think with Yuji, this could relate to his character in that he wants to surround himself with good people, people that he loves and people who love him, but he feels like he doesn’t have time. This is most likely in part due to his execution.
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In this part, it seems that the narrator is putting a lot of pressure on themselves, as they struggle to do their best. Yuji is constantly in a state of growth ever since the beginning of the series where he says that he wants to get stronger, especially after the detention center. “I met someone who was doing it” may even be hinting at Megumi or someone else that Yuji heavily admires. Skipping over the third POV stuff, these lyrics also hint that the narrator just wants to live a mundane life, maybe even with someone as the “I’m thinking of you, you dream of me” lyric.
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The narrator is alone at night and we see a lot of references to time and its passage. “Am I moving forward?” The narrator feels stuck, lost in their thoughts and the only thing that grounds them is the thought of seeing someone soon and every single day after that. While this isn’t exactly related to Yuji, I think it’s interesting to note their worry about time running out and the only thing that is keeping them from spiraling is companionship.
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In this song, the narrator not only speaks about wanting to save someone, but also battling with their own internal struggles as they try to navigate their trauma. This is really cool because it can be applied to Megumi’s relationship with Yuji and his relationship with Tsumiki—both being people that Megumi has compared time and time again.
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These lyrics immediately make me think of Megumi’s relationship with Tsumiki. We see him admire the goodness in her throughout the series and he’s often remembering her with a smile. Not to mention “there’s always an exit somewhere” which reminds me of his revealed desire to create a life away from jujutsu sorcerer where Tsumiki isn’t threatened by the dangers of his word. Or, comparatively, this could also apply to Yuji and their first time saving each other. Megumi decides that he is worth saving and is willing to go against his rules and morals to do so.
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Here we see the narrator’s internal struggles and their own discomfort with themselves. This is related to Megumi as we see that he struggles with his self-worth and seeing the value in his life.
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These lyrics first made me think that the narrator was giving up and giving into hopelessness, but upon reading it further, I think that this is actually where we start to see a push back. There’s a fight that’s coming through and leading up to the rest of the song, which we can see with “you are no longer inside me.” In my mind, this is being said to Sukuna by Megumi.
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The finale of this song is a final banishment and an honest “screw you” to the darkness that is plaguing the narrator. This was first touched on in the second and third paragraphs (stanzas?) and we see now that the narrator has finally overcome it and does not want anything more to do with it. This could be directly related Megumi’s internal struggles with his own value that he’s placed upon himself or with Sukuna. You decide.
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This one is probably the most analyzed that I’ve seen since it’s in English and is a somewhat well-known song. This song is about a narrator and their desire to run away with someone and live a peaceful life, away from their troubles so they will “never feel bad anymore.” I think once again, this is so applicable to both Tsumiki and with Yuji, ESPECIALLY after 266.
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The narrator’s desire to better understand the person they’re addressing, along with their thoughts and feelings, is really interesting to me because we see that Megumi doesn’t quite understand his sister or Yuji. He respects and admires them and appreciates their ability to see the goodness in the world, but he has such contrasting views that he just doesn’t get it. We see him even refer to Yuji’s ideas as naïve. But there’s a desire to learn and understand.
Then there’s the obvious chorus bit with a desire to live a peaceful life, one where they are together and that’s the only happiness Megumi could ask for. I will not be including the chorus after this point, since it’s pretty repetitive.
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In this section of the song, we see the narrator pointing out how the person they’re referring to has little wants or needs. They have a desire to just be, as if all they need is a place to belong. This section here is what makes me think of Yuji the most.
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Going back to my overall analysis, this song really is just a desire for a normal, peaceful, and happy life. One where the narrator (Megumi) and the person (Tsumiki or Yuji [or both]) they’re talking to are just able to live their life. We see in 266 that all Megumi wanted for his sister was for her to just be able to live. We also see that Yuji is the only person that he thinks truly deserves to stand alongside them.
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The first song for Nobara’s selection reminds me heavily of her flashbacks with her friend in her hometown. This song is all about the desire to catch up with an old friend (maybe a lover? But we’ll say friend because as far as we know, Nobara’s relationship with her friend was strictly platonic), reminiscent of a connection that they used to have.
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In this initial set up, we see how this person is feeling lonely and heartbroken. Immediately followed by “What about you? Are you doing well?”, we see that the narrator is going about their day and desires to know about this unnamed person. There’s a feeling there that they haven’t spoken in a while. There’s a desire to know what they’re up to now, what is life like for you, what funny stories do you know?
Similarly, we know that Nobara never got a chance to see Saori again after leaving for Tokyo. We know that she looks back on that time fondly, and even from Saori’s POV, we see that Nobara only cried twice in front of her—once when Fumi moved away and again later when Nobara moved away.
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There’s a sense of hopelessness that you sense from the lyrics here as it seems like the narrator is only able to speculate about the person because they feel they may never meet again. There’s this desire to know how they are doing, but they are in a situation where they won’t get to know, hence “there’s nothing I can do about it.”
We know that Nobara never really wanted to go home, but she did extend an olive branch to Saori by telling her that they should all meet up in Tokyo one day. But we know with how the events of the story took place, them meeting again is unlikely.
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However, there’s still a sense of hope within the narrator as they think about what their conversation would be like should they ever meet again. This is interesting since we know that Nobara thought of Saori in her last moments and we see that imagery with Saori sitting in the chair across from her.
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This song is about the desire to return to simpler time in one’s childhood as they go through the struggles in adult life. There are several references to things that you experience first as child, as well as just the simplicity of youth. This song is really tragic for Nobara because we know that she always wanted to just grow up and leave her hometown when she was younger, but she also never got to be a kid by the time she became a sorcerer.
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The first part of this song is calling back to a place the narrative used to frequent as a kid, and how they would look to the top of the building and never knew what resided up there. It wasn’t until they were older when they finally learned that it was a beer and coffee shop, whereas before they only knew it to be a store and a place to get soft serve ice cream.
We then learn that now, years later, that building will be gone and the narrator finally learns the nature of the rooftop shop. However, they dismiss the “bitter taste of adulthood” and instead turn back to ice cream, like they did in their childhood.
I think making this song Nobara’s theme song is what makes her death in the series a lot more tragic. We know that she is a kid, and maybe she has childlike qualities, but at the end of the day she is a jujutsu sorcerer who must be able to fight and face death. But there’s this desire for more mundane things. We know that she became a sorcerer because she wanted to live in Tokyo. We know that she loves trending things, shopping, and even trying trendy foods.
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This part is about returning to your roots, despite your experiences as you grow and change. This makes me think about how Nobara last thought of her friendship with Saori and her childhood, and that no matter what, there would always be that part of them within her, even if she moved away and never saw her again.
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However, in the end we know that they are still living separate lives away from that department store and their childhood memories. This song leaves with a bit of a sad ending, highlighting that store will no longer be there anymore. So, no matter how much the narrator wishes to go back and relive those memories, they will never be able to because that building will be gone.
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lelio · 6 months
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He takes my breath away. He's the one of the prettiest man I've ever seen.
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hungiehipo · 5 months
"you can always go to a03 if youve finished the show and want more"
And what if I've read through every macdennis fic available. What then.
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youchangedmedestiel · 5 months
How I see the world since I watched Supernatural:
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phrandallanton · 1 month
Hiii!!! I luv ur recent randal art! Could i ask tho what the ageswap au is about?? :< it's very cool but idk what its lore is!
Asking the wrong person here lol. Okay well I kinda know most of it but I'm not sure if there's any deeper lore in the AU other then that it's just a universe where Randal and Luther switch roles. Same goes for Sebastian and the catmen. So basically who ever is old is now young and who ever was young is old, very classic AU trope, ah~ it never gets old. It was (probably) created because CaptainHowdie drew and image of Randal and Luther switching roles. I can't find the image now but when I do I'll be sure to link it here cause I think it's absolutely hilarious. I've noticed Sebastian in this outfit rather the one we usually see him in.
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He's also acts notably different then how he usually does. Which makes since cause in this AU he's owned by Randal like how the catmen are owned by Luther. That's all I know of. I'm not sure if one person made this AU specifically or if it just build up over time by the fanbase as it is a very basic AU trope that a lot of media has lol. Also this is like...the only Ranfren AU I ever see. Specifically in the English side of the fanbase. I've seen some art in the JP fanbase where the catmen are either attending school or working at the school. Please, can we bring that to the English side of the fanbase?? You don't understand, PE Coach Nyen and School Nurse Nyon goes harder then you think.
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loveisinthebat · 1 year
Beholden to No Continents
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plushiepup-princess · 10 months
That's mine. Keep your fucking hands off.
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