#(Love my dad and I don't blame him but he did Jack Shit to help)
beeceit · 2 years
it makes me so sad how Raph sets himself on a different level from his brothers when he's having a big protective moment, even in more comedic episodes. I actually had to pause the screen and yell for a minute watching Pizza Puffs when he said "but they're just kids" bc it's like RAPH BABY BOY YOU ARE ONE YEAR OLDER YOU ARE ALSO JUST KIDS. But the worst part is that it's not really something anyone else seems to expect of him, it's something he puts on himself. Like, no one ever tells him he's supposed to fix everything. The boys look to him first because he's the leader, but that also seems to be self appointed. He's way too relatable and it breaks me. Like, I'll be watching and be like "Ah, yeah, big sibling moment. I'm like that, too" and then getting hit with the emotional equivalent of a frying pan bc he SHOULDN'T be as relatable as he is to me. I'm an actual adult and the age difference between me and my brothers are 6 years and 20 years. I just want to wrap this boy in 30 blankets and give him a day off. He makes himself responsible for way more than a teen ever should
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haunted-echo · 2 years
casually picks apart my former step-dad's gaslighting and manipulative screaming matches because i'm upset. happy Halloween
"i'm not a criminal i've done nothing wrong" bro you did crack in the garage while you were supposed to watch your 1-y/o daughter wtf do you mean you aren't a criminal. that's literally illegal. also you've been arrested twice now, once for beating the shit out of my mom (thanks for saying that she started it asshole, go to hell) so yeah you're a fucking criminal.
"idk why i'm getting treated like shit control your daughter" dude. i hate you so much. also i literally said 1 fucking word to you wtf. ALSO DON'T TALK TO MOM LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING DICK
"go back to your room you lazy bum" WHAT. i work harder than you certainly do lmao. you lost your job and you're losing your house and your kids. i go to school everyday and am in a committed relationship and have a secure living position so i'm better off than you are, and you're probably not doing anything or even looking for a job! also don't tell me what to fucking do you're not my dad, you never have been and you never will be.
[mom] "be nicer to him... i don't wanna hear it, i just got screamed at" mom. mom i love you and i know you feel awful but please don't fucking blame me. he overreacted. also i won't fucking be nice to him, he fucking hurt you and the dog and can't even take care of my sister. if he can't handle teenage girl divorce angst then he's going to be fucking awful at parenting my sister.
"she started it, i was just defending myself" dude. i was literally there. i heard you scream at her for going to the hospital with me and my sister to see her dying mother after you screamed at her because she said she wanted some actual help around the house instead of you sitting on your ass all day and doing jack shit. fuck you.
"if she was dating another man she'd get her ass beat for having that tone" okay first of all, What the actual fuck??? why would you say that to her (at the time) 14-y/o daughter. what the shit. also, why would you say that EVER??? what is wrong with you??? also, pot, meet kettle.
ugh oh my GOD. thank god he's gone now
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incarnateirony · 2 years
was john abusive, yes. was he neglectful, yes. Was he innately evil, no. But general areas you even try to discuss shit like cycles of abuse and you get branded an abuse apologist like. no!! I hate who john was by mainline spn!! but i don't hate the innocent john crawling back from vietnam that americans had initially been told was a great duty to fulfill before it all went sideways!! vets were victims of the imperialist system too!!! I don't hate the bright eyed boy in love with the Nice Girl that wanted to buy a goddamn vw bus because he wanted to have a family!! That guy!!
the man motherfucking walked into his son's nursery one day and his wife fucking exploded on the goddamn ceiling!! war vet or not that's bound to fuck anybody up!! and what therapy or help did he have!! yes mister psychologist there are demons chasing me and my sons i'm not crazy??? what venues did this guy even have!! it doesn't justify how he channeled it but humans are FUCKING MESSY even ones that started good!! yall mfers lash out over someone's unethical consumption of fucking moon pies and turn it into a 5 year long campaign aggroing someone eating twinkies and you expect me to think the majority of you would process that shit any better than john did?
the entire point of dean's journey even is about Not Becoming That. And that at times he got way too close to it, like when cas died at the end of s12 and dean basically indirectly and at times directly blamed jack!! yknow the cursed yellow eyed lucifer kid??? "dean ur acting like dad"!! barking orders being consumed by anger and loss and revenge!! that's even the plot of s15!! The Trap!! The alternate times!! but moving on and letting go not bc it doesn't hurt but so that you don't become that person!! ITS THE ENTIRE P0INT
Dean's Wife™️ exploded in black goo and at first he was passed out drunk on a whiskey bottle but Wife™️ had taught him he wasn't just that hate and anger and grief and he actually internalized it and grew and freed himself of that cycle!!! goddamnit!! it's the whole point!!!! and that doesn't mean dean was perfectly ok at the end either!! Grief doesn't go away, but life grows around it!! Dean was starting to let life grow around his loss and that's the real tragedy on his life being cut short, beyond our parasocial relationship with a fictional character we watched grow up for 15 years and just want to put in a nice coffeeshop au!!!
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arduadastra · 3 years
Another one 😉
How would the Pedro boys react to you having toxic parents?
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Hi, again friend! This is a short but sweet one (Because I'm preparing myself for the England game later ⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)- hope you still enjoy it! These boys are all soft supportive men and I stand by that.
Warnings: Brief hints at parental abuse, swearing, pregnancy, age!gap and one use of derogatory wording.
My Masterlist / Send me a prompt
Din Djarin✨
Din never gets to meet your parents but he does hear stories about them and he completely understands your decision to never see them again. In fact, it's probably for the best that he doesn't because from the sounds of it, he wouldn't last five minutes with them talking to you how they do before he put his fist through a wall.
Mandalorian culture is about togetherness, about being one with those around you so he can't fathom how a parent could exclude their child to such an extent that they end up running away (it was how you met after all) so you often ask about his parents instead. You want to hear what family should be like and after a while, he opens up and tells you what he remembers of them and it makes you smile. If only they were alive, you think you'd have loved them and Din knows they would have loved you too.
Frankie Morales🐟
Frankie didn't have a bad relationship with his parents per se, it's just after being deployed he never really made time to see them. He was also ashamed, it got to a point where it had been so long and he had done such awful things he was worried they wouldn't even answer the phone. But then you open up about yours, how they treated you as a child and how they still constantly ring you to nag about where you're going in life, why you aren't married and why you haven't had kids yet. Too often Frankie finds you teary-eyed after a particularly heated phone call and he holds you tight through it all.
Seeing you like that puts a spark in him and he realises what he has shouldn't be taken for granted, he wants you to have that support system and he can give it to you if he stops being so stubborn. So he calls and of course, they answer and gush about how much they missed him and at no point do they blame him for anything. It makes him cry. You both go see them the week after and seeing your smiling face after your mum had embraced you in a tight hug made Frankie's heart hurt - he was glad he could give you this. (He also adamantly refuses to give your parents his number, you both agree angry voicemails from Frankie is not going to make the situation any better)
Javier Peña🥃
You know this man would give them shit and there's nothing you could do about it. He would research the crap out of them after hearing how they screamed at you the last time you went home, trying to find anything he could get them on. He'd have contacts back in the states still, get his old team to go down to their house and scare some sense into them. You had no idea any of this happened until you got a shaky call from your mum, apologising after the police had come to her door and you knew who was behind it.
You were definitely angry at first, thinking Javi didn't trust you enough to handle it and considering you'd had your whole life dealing with their shit - to see him handle it so easily made your blood boil. But, he understood. You talk it out and eventually, he relents that maybe he should have told you but he just wanted to help because he loved you so much. You were only friends when all this happened but you were much more the morning after as friends certainly don't do the things you did the night he admitted that.
Agent Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels🌪
Whiskey would try going down the same path as Javier, use Kingsman intel to work out a suitable punishment but he's less stubborn and more easily persuaded to let it go. You visit them solo a few times after that and each time seems to get progressively better so you decide to introduce them to Jack and then all hell breaks loose.
Your dad ends up calling you a whore and while that doesn't even make you flinch, your mum following suit and accusing Jack of taking advantage of you due to the age gap really fucking does. You fight back, highlighting the lifetime of shitty parenting and not treating you like the adult you are and Jack stands back. He lets you get it all out, lets you take the reins and you appreciate it and it feels so fucking good. You leave feeling lighter, your words leaving them speechless as you leave with a promise to never return. Jack kisses you hard in his Bronco after that, saying he's never been prouder and you believe him.
Your parents stay out of your life once you move out at 18 and years later when you meet Ezra you still don't hear from them but somehow they find out you're pregnant and worm their way back into your life. They must have seen your announcement online because then you get a message and you shouldn't have expected anything less but you at least thought they'd be excited for you.
Ezra sees the message as you read it and you hear the sharp intake of breath at the last few lines where your mum goes headfirst into why you'd make a terrible mother and he slams the laptop shut before you can even process whats happened. He takes you under his arm, nose pressed to your hair and gives covers their darkness in your head with his light, "You're going to be the most wonderful mother. You are nothing but kind and good and our child will love you. You have nothing to fear little bird, you are strong and I couldn't be prouder of the woman you've become. Ignore them, they are ignorant people with ignorant thoughts - jealous of the life you have carved for yourself without them." You reply nine months later with a picture of the three of you, smiles big and bright with Ezra flipping them off above your head.
〜💫〜💫〜💫〜💫〜💫〜💫〜Pedro’s thirsty thots tags (let me know if you want to be added or removed)@evyiione @rattlethe-stars @asta-lily @ironbabey @woollybantha @tobealostwanderer @mamacitapascal @letterfromvienna @buttercup–bee @kenoobiwan @bastillealmighty @neganwifey25-blog @djarinsbeskar @lovesickmadsadpoet @otherthingsinhead @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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Answering Eagles questions before the season 3 finale (Part 1/2)
I've received a bunch of questions since 3x08 and 3x09 dropped, so I compiled all the questions into two posts. I had to split them up because Tumblr only allows 10 images per post. Anyway, keep reading to see my answers and enjoy! 👇
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My theory is that everybody will be gathered together for some event and then shit goes down. Sort of like the ending of 1x08.
We've seen an image of Adam, Omar, and Ludde together at a party of some sort. I can't post it here because of Tumblr only allowing ten pictures, but you can find it in Ludde's prediction post that I made prior to the season 3 premiere.
Felicia might be absent from this considering how her mental health has been recently, and instead opting to stay at home rather than attending a party.
I have my suspicions that Elias will be attending this party, though. We saw him at some concert in the season 3 trailer and they made it look like he was watching Amie singing in Stockholm. But maybe Amie will be performing at this party and Elias is watching her here instead?
It seems like Amie singing at the end of the season has become kind of a recurring theme. She performed "Follow" in 1x08 and "Second Sight" in 2x10 (on the radio, but my point still stands). I wouldn't be surprised if they followed this trend by having Amie perform a new song in the season 3 finale.
Maybe Elias approaches her after the performance to express how good she is. He hasn't really seen her do a live performance since 1x08, where she still hadn't really come out of her shell. They've also grown a lot closer this season. Perhaps Elias even has something more to tell her?
I can't help but feel like this party will end on a bad note, though. We have that whole thing with Andreas potentially buying a gun or whatever he's up to (discussed this more in another question down below).
I have a feeling this party is going to get interrupted in some way and that the season is going to end on a major cliffhanger.
I don't even know what they'll do with Ludde and Felicia. Ludde has no idea what happened to Felicia in these last two episodes, and I hope they'll have a conversation just to clear the air surrounding the whole press situation. Ludde still loves her even if he broke things off, and I would really like to see him reassure Felicia that the blame lies with Jack and not her. I don't think they will get back together and repeat what 2x10 did since the drama is still so fresh. Felicia shouldn't really get into a relationship right now, either.
I'm unsure about Klara. I feel like she's mostly done her part this season, but maybe things aren't completely finished between her and Elias. Maybe there were some things left unsaid on Klara's part when she met with Elias at the café, and Elias never really confirmed where he was at.
This talk regarding their relationship (and Eagles?) might happen in the season finale. I'm leaning towards them ending it for good since I doubt they will be getting back together. However, I'm pretty sure that it will be on good terms now after everything Klara did for Felicia.
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I somewhat agree with this, even if it was worded a little harshly. Felicia shouldn't have been so quick to share the most personal thing that had ever happened to her on her first date with a guy she had just met. And she shouldn't have done the same thing with Jack, even if it was someone she'd known for longer.
I think she should've at least waited a while to see if the person she told her secrets to was trustworthy—sort of like Ludde did when he told Felicia the truth about how Andreas landed in prison. That's a huge secret and it made more sense to have it be shared closer to the end of the first season rather in the first three episodes.
On the other hand, I can definitely understand why she was so quick to share her problems. Felicia was really lonely when she first came to Oskarshamn. Her parents were fighting all the time, and her dad was only focused on Elias' hockey career. She carried these huge traumatic events and had nobody really supporting her when she ended up at the hospital and was sent to rehab. Felicia couldn't share the secret about her dad's affair either. She really had nobody in her life that she could talk to about any of this.
So it's reasonable that when she finally met a person who she really connected with, she felt comfortable enough to finally share these burdens she had been carrying. She actually started out by saying this to Ludde in 1x03:
I don’t know why I’m telling you this. I don’t talk about it to people.
I don't think Felicia set out to tell her whole backstory to Ludde. It just happened. I'm not saying it was the right choice, but Felicia probably realized that she desperately needed someone to talk to. And she said herself that it felt really good to just get these secrets out (until it didn't when she thought Ludde had spilled the beans to Klara). Felicia even made sure to stress to Ludde that he couldn't tell anybody about her experiences in the US.
Felicia: I don’t want this to come out, that’s really important. Ludde: Of course, I’d never tell.
A similar situation arose with Jack. Felicia was more isolated than ever and she had aborted a child that nobody knew about—not even her mom. That's a huge secret to carry on your own.
Felicia had known Jack since she was a child. She trusted him and he was a family friend. Not only that, but Jack has the ability to be incredibly charming when he wants to be. If anything, it makes more sense that Felicia told her personal things to Jack rather than to Ludde. She couldn't predict that Jack would turn out to be a cheating asshole who would leak everything in the press. It's kind of sad that Felicia would have to constantly keep quiet about all the wounds she's carrying when support from the people around her is the thing she needs and craves.
I've never said that the Kroon family's reaction to them being slandered in the press wasn't valid. I actually understood their anger and frustration quite well, but they let their emotions get the better of them. Yelling at Felicia did nothing to help the situation even though it's fair that they would direct their anger at the person who was to blame in that situation.
It wasn't pretty, and ganging up on Felicia (when her personal business had also been leaked) wasn't the best way to deal with the situation. But because their privacy was violated, I understand it. I can agree with you on that part.
It just sounds like you're implying that Felicia isn't allowed to share personal stuff at all because it would be "gifting ammo to expose her family". If Jack had actually been a decent person and never ruined her family's reputation in the press, you wouldn't be as harsh on her. The situation just got blown out of proportion for everybody.
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Put these questions together since they were sort of asking the same thing regarding the last scene of 3x09. Here is the full transcript from that scene if anybody needs a reminder:
Man: Hey. Andreas: Hello. Man: Wasn’t yesterday. Welcome to the outside. Andreas: Thanks. Hey… The last time I saw you, you said you knew somebody who sells. Man: Are you thinking of a fully automatic? Andreas: Yeah, whatever. Man: There’s a guy in Stockholm. I’ll fix it. I’ll send you the number. Just tell him I sent you. Andreas: Alright, good. Got it. Man: Good. Good, see you. Andreas: See you.
It actually didn't click for me at all when I first saw this scene that Andreas could've been talking about buying a gun—my first thought was actually that he was talking about a car because I'm that stupid lmao.
Anyway, there is definitely potential for the season to end on a cliffhanger involving a gun and Andreas. I have a few theories on what the season could end like. Season 3 has been so much darker than previous seasons, so while this might feel too serious for a show like Eagles it's definitely not out of the question after the recent episodes. Anyway, here's what I think could happen.
1. The season ends with Andreas having the gun—but we don't know if he'll actually use it 2. The season ends with Andreas just about to shoot someone—but we don't know who (?) 3. The season ends with Andreas having just shot someone—but we don't know who (?)
I don't know which one of these theories I'm leaning more towards, but I really hope this won't be the outcome for Andreas. He just spent close to a year in prison for something he didn't even do. Andreas is not a criminal, and it would be disappointing if he actually ended up doing this. They could be throwing us for a loop.
I mean, personally I don't think shooting somebody because they were the reason my younger brother didn't get into his dream school is enough reason to risk ending up in prison for. Yes, Ludde got his reputation ruined, but there are other ways to solve that than to resort to crime. Andreas should know that too, considering the whole thing where he got landed in jail because he tried to protect Ludde.
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This could absolutely be the case but at the same time I'm a little unsure. Hopefully things will just go up from here since the last two episodes were so dark, but I'm unsure what that last scene in 3x09 will mean for the season finale.
I hope they will do something similar to 2x10, where the ending was more bittersweet than just sour. We had the moment with Elias finally being drafted to the US and then Felicia and Ludde finally getting back together. We saw Amie achieve her dreams as a pop star. And yet there were still sour tones with us seeing Klara's dad passing away, Ludde being brought to the police station, and Amie being entirely alone and heartbroken.
2x10 was a really good episode and the ending montage gave me goosebumps the first time I saw it. I think ending a season like that, with both positives and negatives, hits you more emotionally rather than just ending on one or the other. The 1x08 season finale was really depressing and while the cliffhanger was intriguing, it didn't hit as hard for me as 2x10.
I'm kind of curious if they'll be able to top that episode—it's definitely among my personal favorites.
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My stance is that if Elias and Amie won't happen in 3x10, they will be guaranteed to happen in season 4. There is no way they're passing that opportunity up. They have clear chemistry, are fan favorites, and it absolutely makes sense for them to get together considering where they're at in their journeys—both having realized their dreams but then coming back to Oskarshamn because it didn't turn out the way they thought it would.
I think they have a mutual understanding of each other—in season 3 more than ever—and it would definitely be a shame if their potential was wasted. So I can't see the writer(s) passing up that opportunity.
There is a possibility for Elias to make a move in the season 3 finale, but I think it's better to keep our expectations low. We just had Felicia go through something really traumatic and her whole family is dealing with the ramifications of Jack slandering them in the media. Elias's relationship with Amie might have to take a backseat because of that.
There's also the thing where we thought that Petra might forbid Amie from seeing Elias because the newspapers painted him as a sex addict. But I think Petra and Amie have reached an understanding in their relationship after the whole Michael thing, and I can see Petra taking Amie's word when saying that Elias isn't what the press makes him out to be—and that he's not like his father.
I really do want to see something happen between them in the season finale, though. I'm excited but impatient for Elias and Amie and I think there are many fans who feel the same way.
But there is a reason they've been so slow to develop their relationship. Elias and Amie have grown as people separately and they're at a point where I believe they're more compatible than they ever were previously. They've been building their character development, slowly but surely, and I like that they haven't been rushed together like Felicia and Ludde were.
If nothing happens between them in season 3, don't lose hope. I think season 4 will absolutely be Elias and Amie's season.
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I hope so. I hope Petra isn't listening to the tabloids and tries to see what's in front of her instead, which is that Elias is not Mats.
Elias is entirely his own person. I know Petra was heartbroken when Mats left her after getting drafted, but when Elias was put into this exact situation he hesitated because he didn't want to leave Klara alone.
Klara: Elias… I don’t understand why you’re even thinking about this. Of course you’re going [to the US]. You’ve always wanted this. Right? Elias: But I don’t want to leave you.
Petra doesn't know about this, but we as the audience do. Elias's actions have always been caring and supportive (and I'm not just saying this because Elias has always been my favorite character). It should only be a matter of time until Petra realizes that, if she just gave him a chance.
I think that Petra will eventually see that Amie has finally found someone special who makes her happy. That Elias isn't at all like how Mats was at his age, or like Michael who didn't even bother to support her.
Petra has been so unlucky in love and I hope she can see through her prejudices and let her daughter be happy and loved, in the way that Petra never really got to be.
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It could happen, but even if it does I don't think they will be separated for most of season 4.
Maybe Amie decides to finally take charge of her career and tells the record label that she's doing this her way or not at all. Maybe she even decides to quit to try a music career on her own terms, or with a different label that doesn't make her as successful but doesn't control her.
I never felt like the particular record label Amie ended up with was a great fit for her. Yes, she's very talented and I would love to see her become an even bigger star, but only if it's done the way Amie wants it to be done. There could be the possibility of Amie leaving the label, just like how Elias left the US.
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I definitely think Felicia has picked up on Elias overworking himself. He's been at the gym constantly, even during the school field trip to Stockholm. Elias left this huge opportunity in the US to come back to Eagles, and the overworking could be a result of him feeling like he has to prove to both himself and the people around him that this decision was the right one.
They've been super subtle about this whole thing and I hope they will be discussing it properly soon instead of just giving us small snippets. There was discussion about this being an eating disorder, but I think it's leaning more towards overworking like you said and bad eating habits (in my opinion, we would need to see something more drastic before drawing the conclusion that Elias might have an eating disorder).
There's so much that needs to be brought up in the season 3 finale—like what exactly Andreas is planning and its outcome, Felicia healing after her suicide attempt and potentially having a conversation with Ludde, and maybe some sort of triangle drama between Elias and if he'll choose Klara or Amie. There are so many possibilities here that I have my suspicions that this storyline won't be fully resolved in just one episode.
I think it will be pushed forward into season 4 because that seems to make the most sense right now. I've been wrong before though, so something else could definitely happen.
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missjackil · 6 years
My 14x15 Opinion
Peace of Mind
Wow, this 2nd half of the season is really turning out to be so good!! I have not been disappointed by any episodes since the mid-season finale! I had heard a lot of negativity before this one aired, mainly because the brothers would be separated, but I don't think the episode suffered all that much from it, I think because we got Sad!Sam Caring!Dean in the beginning, and the end. Also I had heard Hellers rejoicing before it aired because apparently it was written by Dabb��s assistant who “openly ships destiel” (I don't know this to be a fact because I don't watch Hellers on Twitter) and surely she would give that ship representation, but nope. Not even a crumb 😜 in fact, we wincesters and our sastiel friends were pretty delighted it seems😁 So without further ado, click the cut for my more in-depth analysis.  
Early on we get a worried Dean because Sam tells him he's alright, but he knows its crap. Sam walks through the war room and has nearly debilitating flashbacks of the recent blood and carnage. Nope. Sam’s not alright, and my heart breaks for him. Thankfully Dean isn't angry with him at all, he’s concerned he’s not getting any rest and wants to run out on a hunt again. Sam won't hear it, he’s out in 10. Cas volunteers to go with and nominates Dean to stay with Jack.,. For some reason, Cas thinks Dean would help him with the soullessness, but Dean disagrees. It was a good call to take him to see Donatello, he reminds me of my dad, I like him. (My dad had a soul though hehe) 
I also like that they didn't forget that Dean doesn't like snakes very much. I always like seeing Sam and Dean creeped out about normal things other people are creeped out about. It makes them so much more human and down to Earth.
Now we go off to this strange piscturesque town that appears to be stuck in the 1950s. .Sam is given a milkshake that he finds delicious, and yes, I thought the milkshake was poison, not gonna lie. and now we can watch him slowly spiral down into the happiness of the town. How cute was it though, that he was excited about pot roast?
In the morning, Cas cant find Sam, so he gets a little frantic trying to find him. Now, I dont ship sastiel, but this episode showed me why its an understandable ship. Cas has a protectiveness over Sam, similar to Deans, though not the same energy. Cas has never really been very protective over Dean. Sam has a respect for Cas,  maybe not at Angel of the Lord level, but he understands Cas much more than Dean does. 
Now we get introducted to Stepford!Sam aka Justin Smith, and I got hives right away LOL but he was actually very funny! This season has blessed us with seeing Sam in a lot of ways we don’t typically see him,and this was really an out-of-the-box persona for him, and Jared did a great job again!.
Cas aint havin none of Stepford!Sam so he’s off to figure out wtf is going on and fix it before Dean wont let him take Sam out ever again! Sam follows him and brings others to “take care” of Cas, and now Stepford!Sam is kinda psycho. HJe tackles Cas and is going to kill him with the Angel Blade, but Cas tried to talk him out of the mind control. Now, my one big complaint in this episode is that Cas tells Sam he knows what it’s like to fail as a leader. Sorry folks, Sam did NOT fail as a leader. Im sure Sam feels like he’s at fault, I mean, he blames himself for The Limburg Baby and Global Warming basically, but no way did he fail anyone. But that aside, my little canon wincest heart fluttered with the fact that Sam came to when Dean was mentioned. 😍 I did not like the mayer trying to explode Sam’s brain and making his face all melty.... stop that!! But all that at the end there, seemed to me, to be a call back to Sam and the psychic kids from back in the day, with the psychic mind control, and how the waitress did the hand thing like Sam did to take control over the mayor, so Im just gonna put that on my “things that make me go hmmmm” shelf.
Back at the bunker, Cas has told Dean about all that had happened. I must say Dean looked a little jealous about Sam having a wife, and maybe a little hurt that Sam was “happy”. Sam told Dean it was all fake but comes out with the fact he hates the Bunker right now, and has been running them ragged just to get out. I loved that he said “Its my home... its our home” and he cant run anymore, he just needs time. Dean gave him a nice supportive touch on the shoulder “ok Sam” but Deans expression, to me, looks like he doesnt really believe him, and is worried again that Sam will want to leave. This may happened. Im not convinced we’re out of Sam’s self loathing period, nor is he over the trauma. I dont think Sam would ever ever leave Dean again, but he’s not beyond needing time away to decompress. 
I have to give praise to Jared yet again for his acting in this one. So many different moods and ranges and a whole other persona that he executed flawlessly. This has been such a good season for Jared to flex his acting muscles!
Overall I really enjoyed this episode, even with the boys off doing seperate things, it was much better than I expected. Next week we have a nice brothers only MOTW and I cant wait! The real shit is gonna hit the fan soon!
So on a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon... I give this one a 7.5 more brtime would have earned it an 8 or more, but the bro time they gave us was very good.
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icybeanheadcanons · 7 years
Hihi~ I know I said I'd drop this by a while back, but I wanted to wait till your ask box was calmer so you wouldn't feel overwhelming 💖 What are your headcanons for the different Gasters, if you don't mind? (Like before, please feel free to take as long as you'd like to answer; it's always worth it!) ~
I was wondering when I'd see this ask in my box. Bless you for waiting for my ask box to calm down. It really helped.
Gaster Headcanons
 -Royal scientist as we all know
-holy fucking memes. The memes never stop it seems. Probably Alphys who introduced him to them.
-plays piano, and composed a piece of music for his boys. He taught Classy Bean how to play piano.
-The dad jokes never stop.
-bad habit of forgetting to eat when he works on his experiments
-SCIENCE. The more complex the science, the more interested he is.
-what’s sleep? He forgets to sleep. A lot.
-his sleep schedule is so out of whack oh my god. His internal clock is fucking jacked up.
-adores kids, and kids tend to adore him.
-Dotes on the people he cares for, and made sure he made time for his kids.
-Classy Bean’s love for science comes from him.
-Tale’s love of puzzles is from him.
-Puzzles are wonderful he loves them
-Coffee is his savior okay
-When he isn’t working on something he loves, he’s pretty lazy.
-made a scrapbook of sans and started on one for papyrus before he fell into the core.
-was a great dad until he fell into the core.
-Wasn’t completely erased from existence after falling into the core. Nobody dared speak of him, (it hurt too much) though many forgot him, a few never could. These people include Classy Bean, Toriel, Asgore, and Alphys.
-the void is the worst place ever, but now he’s able to watch his boys grow up and check in on them. Its the best he can to be there for them. He wishes he could do more.
-Classy Bean’s machine isn’t to other multiverses. It’s him trying to make a door to the void so he can have his dad again.
-Always hums the tune he made for Classy Bean and Tale when they go to bed, almost as if he’s singing them a lullaby. Whenever he seems to do this Classy Bean seems to be able to go to sleep that night. He hopes it’s because of him.
-6 ft. tall by default, but he goop now so he can shift to being a bit taller or being much shorter.
-loves dogs. Annoying Dog is an actual dog that fell into the underground. Some animals fall in all the time, and the dog was one of them. Gaster took the dog in as a pet which is why Annoying Dog is around Tale and Classy Bean so much. Annoying Dog though has become the town’s dog.
-Alphys was the one to get him out of the void. She had found a weak spot in the void so he could step out. It was a really dangerous operation and she was trembling with the phone when she called Classy Bean in a panic.
-Classy Bean Shortcuts him and Tale to the lab immediately. He’s still pretty goopy from the void, but Classy Bean runs to him already sobbing.
-Goop is crying too, scooping his boy into his arms. Tale hardly remembers him but he gets pulled into a hug too. Goop lives with his boys now.
 -Super fucking cautious holy shit.
-Red Boy whenever he’d go out to play had this lecture he’d have to go through, a list of everything he’d taught him.
-Ha, he was never alone though. He watched over him, stalking him through town because he was worried.
-He’s the one who installed several thousand locks on the house. The windows have puzzle locks. Ain’t no one crawling through windows.
-He was super strict with Red Boy and Soft Edge, but behind closed doors super affectionate and loving.
-He taught them to stick together. No matter what. They’re family and they are going to be the only ones to trust down in the underground. He was enforcing tight bonds as much as he fucking could.
-Taught Red Boy piano and how to sew.
-Made all of Red Boy’s and Soft Edge’s clothes by hand.
-Taught Red Boy some science along with Soft Edge. Soft Edge vaguely remembers it.
-When he went out with his boys he would pick them up and carry them. No excuses. He couldn’t let them trail behind. Sure killing children was frowned upon but it didn’t really stop monsters from doing it. The harsh punishment didn’t always get carried out when they couldn’t find the culprit unfortunately.
-Was friends with Jerkby, who was a bit older than Red Boy. Probably about three years. Jerkby didn’t have parents, they were dusted after all, and he’d allow Jerkby to stay in the shed (Jerkby refused to step inside a stranger’s house). When they grew closer where Jerkby trusted him more he let him stay in the house.
-When he disappeared into the core they were all still relatively young. Jerkby got rougher, and meaner. Red Boy is the only reason he kept any bit of kindness that he had beforehand.
-He was violent in the void. He hadn’t ever killed anyone really just beated them to near death before leaving them alone. So he’d never been outright violent. The void made him beyond angry though.
-When the barrier breaks, the void wavers enough from the pulse to let him out, and he immediately tracks down his boys.
-Red Boy almost threw a bone attack at him until he realized it was possibly his dad.
-Soft Edge doesn’t buy it, but the uncanny resemblance to his hazy memory is too much for him to deny. He is the one who demands to hear the his story.
-Red Boy quizzes him on things only he would know and he passes with flying colors. As soon as he does Red Boy is LAUNCHING HIMSELF AT HIS FATHER.
-Red Boy cries for the first time in a long time, and honestly he can’t blame him. He’s holding back tears himself.
-He’s so proud of his boys and who they’ve become. He’s proud of Red Boy for not trusting him immediately. It meant he did his job to keep him safe in the underground. He’s proud of Soft Edge for achieving his goals. So what they’re rough around the edges? They’re alive.
-They live together on the surface.
-He’s 8 ft tall. He likes to tease Red Boy for ending up short.
-The surface??? Is so different??? He’s baffled.
-There’s cute shit and edgy shit. How the fuck is he supposed to choose between these things. He’s serious.
-Very indecisive when choosing shit. Like he likes both the cute things and edgy things. Though he leans toward edgy more, it’s hard for him to deny anything cute.
-He’s all about adapting to new living situations, so he’s proactively trying to improve.
-Literally makes notes on a notepad so he doesn’t forget what’s acceptable and what isn’t.
-Watches some TV to figure out some basic interactions. Red Boy and Soft Edge also help him learn.
-he’s still a little rougher around the edges than his boys though. It’s surprisingly difficult for him to wrap his head around a peaceful environment.
-He argued with his boys on how many locks they needed for the door. They went with 3. The windows have 1 basic lock much to his irritation.
-oh my god he hates country and the pop genres. He thinks their bullshit and the grate on his nerves.
-his aura is terrifying and so he’s very difficult to approach.
-He fucking loves cats. He wants 20 of them. Soft Edge constantly tells him no. “WHY THE FUCK NOT?”
-Okay he knows he’s supposed to love the sky and the surface but could the sun shut the fuck up??? Just??? Turn down the brightness.
-He discovers quickly that he isn’t a morning person. Mornings are awful and whenever someone greets him with good morning he stares them dead in the eye looking utterly exhausted as he says, “There are no good mornings.”
-Please get him coffee. He is dying. No he’s not being dramatic get him fucking coffee. (he’s being a dramatic lil shit)
 -He’s not the riverperson. He’s still the royal scientist. But it seems as though he has more of Riverperson’s personality.
-Ya know Goop? And his dad jokes? Increase ten fold.
-Speaks in riddles it sounds like, but he’s just talking I swear.
-Look at his boys!!! His boys are good. He’s kind of,,, a weird dad. A parent figure who doesn’t know shit about raising a child let alone two.
-When Honey Bear showed interest and an advanced understanding in science and other things he instantly jumps on this chance to teach him.
-He’s a semi decent teacher. Some of the material went over Honey Bear’s head which frustrated him. He’d try to explain only making it worse. Honey Bear had random clicks of when it suddenly occurred to him what he was talking about and he’d become very angry at his past self because it was so easy.
-A chaotic neutral kind of person.
-what a fucking brat holy hell. Shit eating grins are his signature smile.
-He loves to go around and calling random things cursed for no apparent reason.
-enjoys the looks of horror and confusion from people when he does something odd again.
-When he disappeared everyone was confused. No one knew what happened to him except the King and Queen along with Honey Bear and Sassberry.
-He’d only been able to teach Sassberry some music theory, and Honey Bear sewing. He was very disappointed.
-spent his time in the void listing what he was gonna teach his sons. It kept him from going insane.
-During a reset, he was spit out of the void like a spitting bullet when they arrived to the surface. He keeps a close eye on Chara to make sure they don’t reset. Who knows what’ll happen if they did, he’s finally out and he refuses to go back to the void. Chara is semi terrified of him and making him made so they refuse to reset. Even went to the point of breaking the reset button. This makes things a million times better between the two.
-The day he disappeared he had asked Honey Bear a riddle. “How is a raven like a writing desk?”
-Honey Bear tackled him to the ground he was so happy to see him, and the first thing he says to him, “I’ve been thinking about it for what feels like 50 years of how a raven is like a writing desk and I need to know. How?” He shrugs and gives him a shit eating grin. “How would I know I’ve been in the void for 50 years.” Honey Bear is screaming.
-He lives with his sons after that still though.
-He is a mess to live with. He leaves shit everywhere and he has to ask constantly where he put something down.
-Sweet tooth. He visits Sweetby’s cafe often and has become good friends with him.
-doesn’t make puns but he thoroughly enjoys hearing Honey Bear make them.
-He’s 5’4. Taller than one son, shorter than the other. He’s fine with this.
-he’s very poor at reading a room. He says such weird shit that people generally have a hard time understanding him, but when he gets weird awkward stares is when he figures out he needs to probably shut up and pay attention to what the fuck is going on.
-He wants to teach people things.
-loves to learn and he grabs too many fucking books at once to learn something.
-Seems to oddly? Be a genius at languages and he quickly learns French, German, and Russian.
-makes random noises because he feels like it while he does things. Sometimes it’s just random humming other times it’s squawking.
-kind of has hipster tastes but just cause he likes really weird shit.
-loves spicy food that feels like you’re standing on the surface of the sun.
 -Paranoia and anxiety bean
-also the royal scientist.
-He double checks his work about a hundred times before doing anything.
-He’s the epitome of internal screaming, but is calm on the outside.
-A fondness for riddles. He doesn’t indulge them often because it pisses off a lot of monsters.
-taught his boys how to hide and keep out of trouble. He also taught them ambush attacks, and other guerilla tactics. It was in case they ever got in a fight. Hit and run tactics would keep them alive.
-Is an amazing at strategy for combat surprisingly. He learned about it because of how the underground became so vicious.
-he has a billion locks on the doors. Windows have iron bars he welded on them. They’re wide enough for hands to reach through and open the window but that’s it.
-Was a very stressed bean with his work as the royal scientist. He brought his boys to the lab constantly just so he could relax enough to work.
-Undyne worked with him closely, and ended up becoming friends with Rus. Undyne ended up being a close family friend.
-Voice of reason. Please don’t do the thing. That thing is bad. How does he know? It’s literally written on the thing.
-When they started working on the core, he started writing notes for the boys. They were full of advice, and reminding them he loved them very much. He made them in case something bad happened because of how dangerous the project was.
-He fell in during a check on the process of putting up rails.
-Undyne kept an eye on Rus and Scaryberry for him, but could only do so much since she was the new royal scientist. She kept them afloat for as long as they needed. He appreciated this deeply. He noticed she took care of them financially for as long as she could.
-he blames himself for Scaryberry’s anxiety and Rus’s extreme levels of stress. That was… his bad. He must have looked rather frantic to the kids which couldn’t have been very good for them.
-He spent a lot of time crying in the void. At least they had his letters to look to for guidance even if it didn’t cover all of their problems.
-He experimented with the void and managed to cause a reset that spit him out of the void. He doesn’t understand what happened but he accepts this bullshit.
-He finds the fallen child immediately and explains what he did, and apologizes. He begs for them to do another pacifist route, one last time. Chara wanted to live on the surface with everyone and agreed. With his help after breaking the barrier, he helped them break the reset button. It scared Chara but, he reassured them it was the right thing to do.
-7 ft tall. He’s on the taller side for monsters.
-His reunion with his boys is full of tears for everyone. Scaryberry is crying. He always wanted to know his dad and he has the chance to do that now.
-He lives with his sons because he missed too many years with them.
-He takes turns cooking with Rus, but Rus is much better than him at cooking.
-He’s okay at cleaning. He doesn’t clean up often though and will tag team a room with Scaryberry.
-He’s got insomnia, and so he struggles with sleep. He passes out on the couch often and when he wakes up he gets a bit startled before he remembers he’s on the surface and not the void.
-When the boys leave the house he’s always making sure they have everything they need. It’s important to him that they have a way to contact him.
-He listens to music a lot to relax. It helps to a degree.
-Reads to Scaryberry a lot because he didn’t get to do that a lot and Scaryberry still wants to have that sort of childhood experience.
-Scratched and clawed his way out of the Void.
-His body ended up being very torn up because of this, and he lost a limb. Specifically his arm.
-Do not ask about the Void. He’d rather not talk about it and suffers PTSD from everything he witnessed. He barely escaped with his sanity.
-His humor is morbid, and self deprecating.
-low self esteem from the void. Lets just say he wasn’t exactly… alone.
-He has a rather unsettling vibe, but so do most monsters from this AU. It’s not that he’s bad, its just that… you can feel he’s seen some shit.
-Loves his boys. He couldn’t confront them right away when he crawled out of the void because he was barely keeping himself together. Not only that he was not prepared for a brawl.
-not a fighter. I’m serious. You will kick his ass. You can be terrible and still win.
-Loves his boys! He’s so proud of them, and they’re so brave for everything they did.
-Axe was upset about him not coming to them as soon as possible until he heard about the condition he came from the void to the underground. Now he’s just happy he has dad back at all. He could’ve been eaten so easily… It scares him.
-Scared of the dark. Requires a nightlight or some form of dim light.
-He heard one superstition and then proceeded to look up others. He now treads very lightly.
-He starts to study mythology. He loves the stories and learning what Humans believed in the time they were underground. It seems they weren’t the only ones who suffered great ordeals.
-Not a goop dad. The Void was the reason for the Goop like appearance, and he was painfully and barely holding himself together.
-believes in the paranormal. He’s seen shit that he will never elude to that makes him believe. He’s not a fool. Is everything paranormal? No, why the fuck would it be?
-After some time of getting to know his boys more, they let him move in. He’s thrilled with this.
-Rate of success for cooking is debatable. Sometimes he just shrugs and says, “It’s a fire day today I guess.”
-he’s 5’6. The Void made him shrink a bit, and was originally 6’ tall.
-excitable. He’s not loud like Sugarskull, but he’s very eager to do things and talk with people.
-He understands monsters had done what they had to do to survive. He ends up learning about how some humans have been known to cannibalize without lack of food, so he likes to shoot that back at those who judge him. He also lists any other instances of cannibalism humans have shown if people continue their rants.
-He knows how to argue/debate. It’s an important skill to him. If he makes a mistake he’s reasonable and backs down.
-Actually pretty good with people. He’s generally well liked.
-Surprisingly functional, but there are days… Those days that pull him down in the void again and he can’t escape. He’s not grounded and they sneak up on him randomly.
-Nightmare every night, but he doesn’t remember. He wakes up smiling, but with a slight feeling of terror that he tends to brush off. He’s fine nothing happened as far as he’s aware.
-Constantly reminds himself he is safe. He’s with his boys. Everythings okay. They’re on the surface.
-Randomly stomps his feet on the ground to prove to himself that it is indeed real, and that he is indeed solid. He needs the reminder.
-not a fan of Undyne. He knows what she’s done, and her decisions as a queen were foolish in his opinion.
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malojey · 5 years
7th July 2019
We got in, I'd no phone. Lost paddy, me and jack fucked off seen joyner seen Sheck seen Brockhampton seen a funny looking cunt pretending he plays county but by that point I was already off my face I got a temporary tattoo on my neck that said logic and had glitter everywhere I got me and jack drinks two hours later I hear juice wrld I do 4 pumps and I remember puking my ring up outside of the Heineken with lucid dreams in the back round jack finds me I'm on my back snuggled up to someone her friend waved jack off so he tried to find paddy 5 minutes later the gards kicked us told us calm down so I got up and realised I lost jack and paddy. Alone out my nut surrounded by 40,000 people but then I heard ski mask play look at me and when I say I lost my shit I mean literally I lost my shit. AmD found me and we danced a bit she texted jack to find me an hour later they got the bus without me. I'm literally in hours drive home walking from Marley park to blessington so I thought a bump and that can in my pocket would suddenly help my journey.
Me and AmD pushed to get out and I asked for a smoke but she had rollies so I started a chant with no joke about 60 people. Any body wanna give me a moke with back ups of moke, moke. Got two smokes thrown in the middle when whe gained enough traction and lit them both at the same time and no joke everyone cheered. I swear this is a true story of my night that was one of the best moments of my life. Aoife dragged me out and we walked to Tesco gave her a hug and thought she put a leaf crown with a pink bow on my head but she said I've been wearing it for 3 hours so I decided to keep it. I tried retrace our steps and by 3 o'clock found a chipper chatted away smoked a rollie in a long skin lying back on a wooden table got told to fuck off then I got to a bus stop i remembered from where cills dad dropped me to one day to get the bus and seen some funny looking cunts in a limerick Jersey. Me Tom and fanny sat out at the bus stop smoking doobs and listening to x he told me he produced I told him send them on he got my snap I stopped some poor sober guy to take a pic and I will attach [soon, as of 00:21 4th September]
They left after that I didnt know where to go I hung back and walked what I thought was the only logical way to go but they turned down that way before me I thought I'd turn off but it's a bypass what normal guy turns on a bypass it's like ten minutes and I think they think I'm a serial killer who just got high at a bus stop so I turn left at this road and I don't know where I am. The sun rises in the east and river islands at the east carpark, so if go adjacent I'll get somewhere. The roads come back to me as I sweat out the mandy start to sober up and freeze i lost my jacket friday too i find the square but see no taxi cant stay there i work there that'll look dodgy i walk up a naked road leading to JT. The applegreens 24hrs doesn't matter if theres junkies around it I've cotten mouth only got 30 in cash now and its 35 to blesso so walk away but fucks walk faster. Called over ye mad cunt I'd say your freezing his name was philly he said he was heading up this was anyway just sold a bag asked if I wanted a bag and asked if I wanted a knee but I stared him down and he laughed it off and he pulled out a screwdriver gave me it said if I'm gonna be round here i need something to help and I said I dont want it so he threw it across the road and pulled 4 nails out of pocket asked if I wanted them then threw them at the fence. On maple wood Avenue I crossed into the grass part in the middle then he asked if he was intimidating me. I seen a taxi tried call it he jumped over shouting short of cartwheeling to wave down this taxi and I dong blame him for passing. We walked towards the square again and he asked me for a score I said no but did give him 4 euro. Got a taxi at like almost 6 and away from a situation was gonna be my last. One of those teen gets high stabbed to death kinda stories but I tried to explain I was broke. I had a 20 5 and 1 , he said we'll see how far it gets me. He was asking about the night and I think he kind of felt for me, lovely old Nigerian man. We got to blessington and it was 33. I searched the bag that I covered in blood from my nose for 3 awkward minutes and gave him 3 euro in 50s and 20s and he kept asking if I'd anymore. I pulled out the revolut card that I recieved for 6 euro 3 days earlier after a 10 euro deposit.
Thus concludes my first purchase with revolut.
Edit: 5:08 8th September 2019 found the pic gas night a the same
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gaydemiboy · 5 years
I can't sleep and I just found the need to rant
Alrighty so, I'm pretty sure I suffer from anxiety for a very long time. I mean, years. Have I tried to tell my parents? Oh yeah, multiple times. My dad's always like "Back in my day we didn't have depression and anxiety" or "It's like the school system is telling you to be depressed". Honestly, he isn't too wrong about the latter, but sometimes depression starts at home. I even told him that and he gave me this look, like, "Are you tryna blame me?" And honestly, I kinda can. I mean, whenever I told my dad and mom back in sixth grade that I had attempted suicide over 5 times in multiple ways, they shrugged it off and were like "It's a phase". Literally, I wanted to kill myself and came closer because I wanted to get a point across. Then I got my prescription for glasses, and hoooo boy, that was one hell of a ride. Now, I knew that I needed glasses for a very VERY long time. Like, my school would send letters asking my parents to let me see an optometrist of some sort. But I finally got my prescription for glasses and. My. Parents. Flipped.
Literally lost all their shit, like. They say that if I wear glasses I "don't look normal" and that "my kids are gonna have to wear glasses and they're gonna hate me for tbe rest of my life". And honestly? That fucking broke me into a million pieces, because basically my parents were calling me a freak for something I didn't have control over.
Then I try to come out to my mom ad bisexual (I used to be bi) and she was like "Oh you're just confused" and "It's a phase, it'll pass" So yeah, I just love getting my feelings rejected by my own mother. Woop woop.
Seventh grade, I got sexually harrassed by a childhood friend. When I told my mom, she was like "oh im sorry" And hugged me and was kinda awkward about it. So then she told me dad and older brother and they told me to tell the principal. I just, i just needed someone to hug me and tell me everything was gonna be okay. I needed someone else to do the talking because i didnt feel brave enough to tell me principal. So, they send me to school like any normal day as if nothing happened. Externally i looked dead and numb, while internally i was screaming in pain, betrayal, and just. Many more more bad emotions. I told my vice principal (who was my gym teacher) and she promised to help me. And she did, the boy got in school suspension. I remember the day i told her, i didnt cry. But my voice was dead and my eyes were lifeless. Mostly because i hadnt gotten a wink of sleep that night. My family moved on as if nothing happened meanwhile i was left to deal with all that emotional shit by myself because i didnt know anyone who had been through someone like that. And my parents didnt know what to do either so they were like "eh she can deal with it herself".
Then enter eighth grade. I finally told my ELA teacher (whom I love very much and I am forever thankful to) that i was suffering through depression. I had started cutting in eighth grade, i used scissors. I basically told her everything that happened up above and some other stuff. My hands started shaking and i started crying because i never realized how much that had really hurt me until i said it out loud. I will never forget the look on her face. She looked really sad and shocked. You see, im a pretty decent student. I keep my grades up, am a good athlete, im pretty smart, and i stay outta trouble. And im also known as a quiet kid since i dont speak much except to my friends. So i kinds guess thats why she was shocked. After i finished, she hugged me really tight and said, "Sh, everything's gonna be alright. I'm so glad you told me this" And i cannot express how that made me feel. It made me feel heard, it made me feel loved. And i hugged back and kept crying. She then took me to the counslers and was there with me and helped me talk to her. I haf basketball so we walked down to the girls locker room and she hugged me one last time, "im so glad you told me this Jenny" And i hugged back them went to change. It was empty with other girl's stuff because practice had began like 30 minutes ago. I remember i started crying, but not because i was sad, i was happy. I was, extremely happy. I finally told someone and they listened and they are helping me. I quickly wiped away my tears and got changed and sprinted to the gym for practice.
Time skip, i see a therapist and my parents are finally understanding a bit better. But they mostly still think it's all in my head. My dad had the audacity of telling me, "Hey the therapist isnt cheap so like. Could you try to have less anxiety?" And honestly? That felt like a slap to the face. In my head i was like "bitch what. Did i hear right??? DID HE JUST ASK ME TO HAVE LESS ANXIETY????" and externally i was like, "um, its pretty hard to have less anxiety when ive bern dealing with it for years" And he kinda gave me this glare and turned away. I felt hurt (yet again) and so i didnt say anything else. My teacher was the only one who truly understood me. Somedays, i would skip classes to go to the counslers office because i wasnt emotionally or mentally good. ELA was my last core class of the day, so one day i go back to class. That day i had skipped my first, second, and fourth period (i had gym my third period). Then when i entered class her face seemed to light up. She was walking around, tslking about the lesson of the day. She was writing something down, then when she passed my desk she left a sticky note. I discretely grabbed it and when i looked at what it said i felt like crying. She wrote on it, "I'm so glad you're here today! ❤" And drew a heart.
This gets better.
Okay, so its the end of the year and i finally had figured out i was genderfluid. I really really really wanted to tell my ELA teacher because she is basically the only adult i trust enough. So, we went to the library one day to return our books. I was known as a bookworm and i came to the library often during the week so the librarian knew me well enough. My teacher was at the desk typing some stuff in, then i came up to her with my school agenda and pencil in hand. I told her i needed to talk to her. Then i wrote down, "I'm pansexual, demisexual, and genderfluid" She read it and gave me the biggest smile, "that's amazing to hear! You're part of such a great and beautiful community." My teacher has a part time job in the weekend as photographer. She told me she was a photographer for a gay wedding (one of the groom's later came out as trans) and i felt so happy and proud. I couldnt erase my smile off my face and like, ahhhhhhhhhh.
So, moral of this rant, please dont commit suicide. Dont think that life doesnt get better, because it does. I went from suicidal everyday to being constantly and truly happy. I am forever thankful to my teacher, Mrs. Davenport, for showing me that i dont have to go through everything alone and that someone cares. I love you, Mrs. Davenport ❤
Anywho, if anyone ever needs to talk about something, im always here and ready to listen
I hope you sll have a great day/night/afternoon
Signing off,
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