#(Oops there appears to be something crossed out here)
shadowsightings · 9 months
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
She'll never understand why Wes never acknowledges her.
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She'll never understand why anyone would be willingly cruel to another living being. She witnessed firsthand how tortured Shadow Pokémon seemed. She gets noticeably sympathy pains when she sees most Shadow Pokémon. They lost every shred of what made them them. All so that Cipher can eek out just that little bit more power out of them. The concept that someone is willing to be cruel to another being for pure self-interest is mind-boggling to her. And frankly, she probably doesn't even want to try to understand and empathize with those sorts of people, anyway.
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aballadforbarbatos · 4 months
diavolo makes a pact with you
well, you never know
once upon a time, he brought it up to lucifer and barbatos
they shot him down immediately
receiving a lecture is bad enough but imagine receiving one from BOTH lucifer and barbatos
he takes it like a champ tho. he’s way better than me cause i hate getting told off
years pass
the devil’s pudding event happens. diavolo almost learns his lesson that day.
like he says he has but there’s a lot of times where that memory crosses his mind and he sits there like huh. wish that could happen again
YOU learnt the lesson though, so it’ll NEVER happen again
if he brings it up on his birthday there’s a good chance you will look at him with disdain
he’s catching up on paperwork when something crosses his mind
maybe you’d be more into it if you had a pact with him?
the lecture he got from his two closest friends though was pretty awful though
what if it was in secret?
what if, and he’s just throwing out ideas here, he gave lucifer a ton of work and made barbatos go on holiday and summoned you to his castle?
you know, a will-never-happen scenario.
barbatos appears at his door soon after that.
“hey, barbatos. what did you need?”
“oh… nothing. i just got a bad feeling, that’s all.”
another year goes by and the idea pops into his head again, about the same time as he sees you cuddling up with mammon
diavolo’s situation and this isn’t even remotely the same, because you don’t need a pact to cuddle and mammon is your first so he’s on a separate level altogether, but he chooses to ignore these details
it’s barbatos’ birthday. he gets sent off. hearing complaints, diavolo threatens him with two weeks
lucifer weirdly gets hit with a ton of work randomly. damn that’s crazy huh. do your best!!!
and you are summoned to the castle. you also get a bad feeling.
he tries to convince you that having a pact with him is a good idea
(some people are normal about this; i am not and wouldn’t need convincing personally)
you refuse.
if you bring this up to lucifer if he asks about your visit he is so screwed
ah, but maybe he could make you his unwilling partner in crime…?
pulls a lucifer and forces it on you. suddenly you have a big fancy mark around your neck.
he’s pretty proud of it. you cover your face with your hands and go oh my god.
it feels like it could be exasperation but he would really prefer for it to not be that
lucifer asks what diavolo wanted you for and you weakly say it was for new clothes. new clothes that conveniently hide your collarbone
all of this is unraveled when someone (mammon) walks in on you getting dressed and screams bloody murder about the weird MARK on your neck
pacts are permanent and so is diavolo getting lectured
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wileys-russo · 6 months
like a dumb rom com (2) II kyra cooney-cross x catley!reader
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final piece of writing from me in 2023 besties! have a safe and happy new years eve x like a dumb rom com (2) II kyra cooney-cross x catley!reader
"well good morning little mrs cooney-cross." you bumped into teyah who was leaving as you arrived, passing one another in the hall as you gave her a playful shove.
"shut up!" you rolled your eyes, chatting with her for a few minutes before parting ways as she headed down to the carpark and you off toward the apartment she shared with kyra.
"waiting for me are we, bit eager?" you teased seeing your girlfriend already leaning in the open doorframe as a grin broke out on her face and she pushed her phone back in her pocket.
"nah i'm actually waiting for my thursday girlfriend. you're friday through monday, remember?" kyra smirked as you punched her shoulder and she pulled you inside, lips on yours as the door was kicked closed behind her.
"kyra lillee!" you shouted forty five minutes later, the brunette yelling back from the kitchen as she filled up your water bottles for training. "come here!" you shouted again with a huff as she appeared in the doorway of the bathroom behind you with a raised eyebrow.
"look what you did!" you moved your hair out of the way and pointed accusingly to your neck, frown deepening at the amused smile which curled onto your girlfriends lips as her eyes roamed over the hickies littering the right side of your neck.
"oops?" the younger girl smiled innocently as you mumbled under your breath. "do you have concealer?" you questioned as she shook her head and bit her bottom lip. "not in your shade babe."
"kyra!" you groaned, hands gripping the sink as your head fell forward to press against the mirror. "in my defence you didn't exactly stop me." the midfielder pressed herself into your back as you shrugged her off. "not helping!"
"we could swing past yours sometime between coffee, breakfast and training? you have concealer right?" kyra stepped past and pulled herself to sit up on the sink. "well yeah but steph will be there, and there's no chance she doesn't notice these. she notices when i've got my shinpads on the wrong feet." you sighed, letting out another groan.
"mm i could distract her? let you dart inside, just say you forgot your boots or something." your girlfriend suggested, poking you with her foot as you swatted it away.
"i'm not you ky i don't forget things." you had to let out a smile as she kicked you again. "i'm sorry baby, really. forgive me?" she jumped down and grabbed your hips, pulling your body into hers with a pout.
"only because i can't stay mad at that stupidly cute face of yours."
"so we go in, you distract her, i go to my room and cover them and we leave asap." you recounted as you pulled up outside the house, parking on the curb as to not alert her to your presence right away.
"kyra!" you smacked her when she didn't respond, pulling her head out of the clouds. "right! yes sorry, good plan babe." your girlfriend zoned back in, the two of you getting out of the car and heading up the driveway.
the first hurdle came when you were too slow grabbing your keys out, hearing someone start to unlock the door from the other side as kyra quickly yanked your hood over your head and you hurried to fix your hair.
"hi?" you gave a small sigh of relief seeing it was dean who opened the door, pushing past him and making a beeline for your room. "hey what-" you heard steph as you zoomed past her, ducking under her arm and into your room, kicking the door closed.
"i thought you left already?" you heard your sister call out, kyra making quick work to engage her in conversation as you hunted around for your concealer.
"of course when i need it i can't fucking find it." you grumbled to yourself as you fussed about in your makeup bag, finally pulling it out from the bottom. "fucking kyra." you mumbled to yourself again as you tugged your hood off.
"little leech." you huffed, hearing her laughter ring out from the living room followed by stephs annoyed groans about something she'd likely said to wind your sister up, a skill that never seemed to be out of stock for your girlfriend.
making quick time to cover them up as best as you could you nodded at the job, grabbing one of your textbooks off your desk and opening the door. "ky lets go!" you called out, the brunette detaching herself from steph.
"you're such a pest! no wonder the two of you are thick as thieves, both just as irritating as one another." steph groaned shoving the girls head to the side who grinned. "why the rush back?" your sister questioned, grabbed your arm as you tried to duck past her again.
"forgot this. need to study today!" you smiled holding up your textbook and grabbing kyra. "didn't you already have your sociology exam?" steph questioned with a frown, crossing her arms as you struggled to think of a response.
"some chapters are relevant in her next exam, crossover stuff yanno!" kyra chirped slinging an arm over your shoulder and turning the two of you toward the door.
"well well look whose rubbing off on her little best mate, you gonna hit the books too ky?" steph teased, leaning in the doorway with a smirk as the two of you headed down the driveway.
"i may just surprise you yet stephanie!" kyra yelled over her shoulder with a grin, though your sister wasn't yet to know just how surprising kyra really could be.
"come with me please." you whined as caitlin grabbed your bicep, steering you away from the change rooms as everyone else headed for the cafeteria. "cait i'm starving!" you groaned as she tugged you into one of the recovery rooms.
"so you've told steph about you and kyra then?" the older girl questioned with a raised eyebrow, crossing her arms as you gave her a strange look. "no. why do i look like i've been yelled at today?" you grinned but it quickly faded at her lack of joining in.
"well you might want to consider it because she is definitely going to notice those and have questions."
"shit!" you cursed as caitlin pointed to your neck and you grabbed out your phone camera which confirmed your worries. you'd admittedly forgotten all about the little marks from this morning and with a media session upcoming a lot of the girls had showered in between training and lunch, yourself included.
"its not funny!" you groaned as caitlin finally broke her stern facade and doubled over with a laugh. "foordy help!" you whined, wincing a little as you poked the angry marks and cursing your girlfriend under your breath.
"just put a hoodie on and sit far away from steph. then maybe say your prayers?" the older girl laughed, ruffling your hair and leaving the room as you trudged after her, darting into the change rooms again to grab a hoodie.
you let out a yell as someone grabbed you and shouted boo, the all too familiar laughter which followed having you roll your eyes and shove her away. "you're such a child." you shook your head grabbing your hoodie.
"weren't saying that this morning were we babe?" kyra grinned, glancing around before her hands settled on your cheeks and she pulled you in for a kiss, unable to stop the smile which formed as you did.
"oh well hello!" you jumped apart from each other with bright red faces, heads whipping around to meet the amused gazes of vic and alessia. "will you two be coming for lunch or just eating each others faces?" vic smirked as alessia chuckled beside her.
"don't tell steph." you warned the two older girls who waved it off, stating they'd 'known for ages' and pulling the two of you away with them, all four of you falling into conversation.
following caitlins advice you dragged your friends to sit with you as far away from your sister as you could who gratefully was too busy goofing off with jen and beth to notice you..
though that peace of course didn't last.
"stop!" you whispered, ghost of a smile on your face as kyras hand wandered up your leg, teasingly pinching and poking at your skin as instead the two of you resorted to playing footsies.
"oi!" katie scowled turning around as kyra kicked the back of her chair, pointing to you as katie smacked your leg and you glared at your girlfriend who quickly kissed your cheek and gave you a grin, your elbow nudging into her side as jonas continued to talk.
"do you wanna hang out this arvo?" kyra murmured, grabbing your hand in hers and hiding it in her lap as you smiled. "i have to study, one more exam remember?" you whispered back as she pouted and you shook your head, turning back to the screen with a smile, the two of you still tapping and kicking one another as time went by.
it was at the end of the media session where things started to go a little pear shaped, the lights turning on and kyra quickly dropping your hand, but you failed to see your sisters narrowed eyes a few rows back.
dismissed for the day everyone wasted no time collecting their stuff and heading off, most in small groups or pairs as carpooling was a popular option among the team.
"steph!" you yelped as your sister grabbed you, pulling you back into the room by your hood as everyone else headed out. "what the hell is that on your neck?" you paled at her firm glare, warning you out of anything that wasn't the truth.
"nothing! i burnt myself with the straightener." you rolled your eyes and tried to leave but she held a firm grip on you which you couldn't break. "yeah bullshit. i wasn't born yesterday those are hickies, who gave them to you?" steph asked with a glare as you struggled to pull away.
"none of your business, get off!" you huffed, wrenching yourself free and storming off. "have you got a secret girlfriend or something?" your sister scoffed, grabbing the back of your hoodie as you pushed her away.
"just leave it steph! its nothing." you rolled your eyes, her questions following you into the change rooms as you ignored her. "oi! mum and dad made me promise to look after you, you're too young to be seeing someone." steph cornered you by your cubby as you rolled your eyes and a few of the girls looked over curiously.
"i'm twenty one fucking years old steph i'm not a baby and if i want to get a hickey off someone? i'll get a hickey." you grabbed your bag and shoved past her, ignoring the ooh's from beth who fell silent at a firm look from steph.
thankfully she didn't follow after you and with kyra grabbing a lift home with teyah you wasted no time driving off and heading home, determined to get there and lock yourself away before your sister returned home to no doubt continue the argument.
sure enough you weren't even ten minutes into studying, hauled up in your room with snacks and water that you heard her footsteps thump down the hall. you didn't even have dean as a buffer given he was at his own training this afternoon.
with a roll of your eyes you slipped your headphones on, purposefully pretending you didn't notice when your door swung open and calvin bounded in as you gave him a scratch and gently pushed him off your bed.
"what?" you huffed as your sister yanked your headphones off, holding them out of your reach as you tried to take them back. "who gave them to you?" steph asked, copping a filthy glare as she stretched taller and continued to hold your headphones away.
"none of your business and the more you ask me the more pissed off you're gonna get me stephanie." you warned seriously, snatching your headphones back as she lowered them slightly. "i need to study." you spoke bluntly, pulling them back on and sitting back down at your desk with your back turned.
steph watched on warily with words in the back of her throat before she decided it wasn't worth it, and when you glanced over your shoulder a few moments later the door was closed and she was nowhere to be seen.
with your sister not reappearing for a few hours you used the time to zone in on your studies, your phone sitting on do not disturb on your bed you missed the messages from both your girlfriend and your teammates checking in.
eventually you looked up from your textbook with tired eyes and realised it had gone dark outside. dropping your highlighter and closing your laptop you stretch your back over your chair and sigh in relief as it cracks a few times.
pulling your headphones down around your neck you roll your chair back toward your bed and grab your phone, sighing at the multitude of notifications, too tired to reply to anyone bar kyra.
you noticed two missed calls from your mum and frown checking the time in melbourne realising she'd likely have headed to bed now. sending her a few messages in apology explaining you were studying and would call her first thing tomorrow you slipped your phone into the pocket of your hoodie and stood.
again stretching out your cramped limbs your eyes scan over your planner, plucking off a few different sticky notes with a satisfied nod. your final exam isn't until monday and with the match on saturday you know you at least have tomorrow and sunday free to try and cram in the rest.
though this exam was your last it also happened to be the most content heavy, and though the reward of five weeks off loomed ever closer you knew you had one final push until you hit the finish line.
"done for tonight?" you jumped not having even heard your door open, glancing over to see your sister lingering in the entrance. "yeah. i've still got tomorrow and sunday, i think if i read another word its just going to go in one ear and out the other." you sighed running your finger down what you had left to revise.
"is that how it works when you read something?" you looked up to meet stephs amused smile, but seeing the look in her eyes you know it was as close to an olive branch as you were going to get.
"yeah wouldn't expect you to understand, its hard being the smart one." you quipped back with a smile seeing steph relax a little at your response. "come on, dinners done and calvin misses you." steph spoke with a nod down the hall.
"no dean?" you asked seeing as there was only two bowls of food dished up on the kitchen counter. "out with his team. which means we can watch big brother without his running commentary!" steph grinned handing you a fork as you grabbed the bowl of curry.
"this is so scripted, there is no way someones that dumb!" you mocked his voice. "nah why is she crying? shes doing it for the cameras!" steph joined in, the two of you taking a seat on the lounge with a laugh as steph flicked on big brother.
"hey." you looked over to her a couple of hours later, the two of you now watching a premier league match as calvin slept with his head in your lap, bowls of dinner long washed up and finished. "mm?" you hummed looking back to the tv and groaning as man city scored.
"i'm really proud of you."
"for what?" you frowned at her as she rolled her eyes at your defensive response. "juggling everything. uni, football, living in another country, media commitments, sponsors. it's a lot, but somehow you seem to be managing and thats very admirable!" your sister complimented with a soft smile as you pulled a face.
"you're so weird steph." you shook your head, scratching behind calvins ears as the older girl scoffed. "i'm being nice! that was a very nice thing to say!" she defended with a scowl. "well stop being nice its weird! makes me uncomfortable." you grumbled, never having been great at taking compliments.
"say thank you and tell me you love me." your sister demanded as now you scoffed, ignoring her request and focusing on the tv. "say it!" steph demanded, kicking you as you remained quiet.
"stephanie get off!" you yelled as suddenly her body crash tackled into yours, poor calvin diving off the lounge and moving toward his bed to avoid the squabble.
"you might be bigger now but i'm still older." steph grunted as you struggled to push her off, your arms eventually pinned under her knees as she sat on top of you.
"what are you twelve? get off!" you whined, squriming beneath her and trying to buck her taller frame off without any luck. "no. say thank you and tell me you love me!" your sister ordered, fingers digging into your ribs as you squealed.
"you've very comfortable and you're only making this harder for yourself." steph sighed pressing more of her weight down on top of you as you wheezed slightly. "fine! thank you, love you." you huffed with a roll of your eyes.
"like ya mean it!" steph scoffed in offence, crossing her arms and glaring down at you as you let out a heavy exhale. "thank you for your kind words stephanie, i love you."
"sorry couldn't hear you, bit louder?" "steph!"
"i love you too peanut." your sister cooed getting off of you though not before tightly squeezing your cheeks and shaking your head side to side. "i wish i was adopted." you mumbled with a huff, both of settling back into your previous positions.
"i already told you, we can arrange that if you like?"
"ky!" you grunted as she launched herself onto your back, arms locking around your neck and subtly kissing your cheek as you shifted her, continuing about with your lap. "people are going to take videos of this." you sighed knowingly.
"when do they not?" your girlfriend challenged though she slid off of you anyway, falling into step as katie and caitlin appeared on your other side. the four of you conversing about the game you watched with an amused smile as kyra yanked caitlins hair out of its bun and sprinted off, the older girl racing after her.
"so." katies arm slipped over your shoulder and you sighed giving her a look. "you gonna tell your sister about the two of ya then?" katie asked with a smile as you groaned. "not you too! your girlfriends already onto me about it and you saw how she reacted to the hickies." you huffed defensively, turning away so no one could possibly read your lips.
"which is exactly why ya gotta tell her! the longer ya leave it the worse it'll be because you didn't tell her." katie lectured and you sighed knowing there was some truth to her words. "its not that easy! she's insanely overbearing and overprotective, she won't take it well."
"you're twenty one years old catley, whats she gonna do? ground ya?" katie teased as you shoved her playfully. "i do still live with her." you reminded as katie shrugged. "so move out then!"
"let me guess, you can't?" the irishwoman smiled knowingly as you struggled to come up with a response and you looked up as kyra called you over. "seriously though, tell her!" katie squeezed you before heading off for the change rooms as you caught up with kyra and teyah.
"you coming over for dinner? teyahs cooking!" your girlfriend grinned as your friend rolled her eyes. "you're welcome to. we're ordering in!" teyah corrected smacking kyra as the two of them pushed and shoved one another making you chuckle.
"as much as i do enjoy free front row seats to your roomie wrestling matches, i have to study." you reminded as kyra groaned going limp in teyahs arms. "i'm losing to a stack of paper, some pens and sticky notes, unbelievable!" your girlfriend complained as teyah shoved her off and wandered into the change rooms.
"come on. just for dinner? then i'll drive you home. or i can help you study?" she offered eagerly with a smile, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet as you smiled and moved a strand of hair out of her face.
"no you can't." you shook your head as kyra groaned again, slumping into the wall with a pout. "that won't work. my final exam is on monday ky and i have so much content to cover before then." you sighed apologetically, tugging her bottom lip out from her teeth.
"tomorrow?" "studying." "you can take a break! i'll take you out for breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack, just a drive, anything!" "as sweet as you are, i can't ky."
"can you hear that?" kyra questioned as you frowned, shaking your head. "thats my heart slowly cracking." your girlfriend sighed deeply tapping her chest as you punched her in the arm. "you're supposed to be supportive!" you shook your head with a laugh.
"i am! i'm supporting your health and well being by encouraging you don't burn yourself out and you take breaks in between your studies!" "mmm a likely story cooney-cross. come on!"
with that you linked arms with her and dragged her into the change rooms.
"here she is! the scholar herself!"
you laughed as you exited the building, feeling about a tonne lighter now you knew your exam was over and you had five weeks off from your studies.
you still had a whole host of commitments including international break so it was hardly 'time off' but it meant your list of things to juggle grew just that little bit shorter for the time being.
"you didn't need to do this you know?" you grinned as your sister handed you a bouquet of flowers, having requested she get the day off training to chauffeur you to your final exam which jonas was fine with.
"course we did. this is a victory for us too you know? no more sticky notes all over the house to pick up, no more stress head by the minute schedule to navigate, no more late nights helping you revise-" dean tugged you into a hug and ruffled your hair having come along in support.
"excuse me you didn't do any of that mate, that was all me!" steph scoffed punching him in the arm and pulling you into a hug as dean grabbed your flowers for you so they wouldn't be squished. "so so so proud of you peanut." you couldn't help but smile despite the nickname you detested.
"i appreciate all the support, really." you mumbled into her shoulder before you broke apart, starting the walk back to the car. "i don't know how you do it, just reading your planner gives me a headache." dean whistled as he fished out the keys.
"breathing and walking at the same time gives you a headache." you grinned, ducking behind your sister as he swung at you playfully and slipped into the drivers seat.
"oh yes!" you exhaled happily seeing the bagged up food waiting for you on the backseat as you closed your door. "all your favourites." steph chuckled as you eagerly pulled out the first box and a fork, the three of you chattering as dean drove out of camden and back toward st albans.
"does this mean we can have a celebratory bonfire and burn all your books?" dean grinned wolfishly as you parked in the driveway. "no you meat head i still have a year of study left to do after this." you laughed as steph rolled her eyes.
"and we don't burn books!" she shoved her fiance who held his hands up in defence. "and when exactly was the last time you even opened let alone read a book, stephanie?" dean challenged, sprinting off toward the front door as steph raced after him and you shook your head with a smile.
balancing your bag, flowers and leftover food in hand you made your way up after them, almost stacking it up the stairs as you caught your footing and exhaled, stepping inside.
rounding the corner you were met with an almighty cheer and this time you did fall to the floor, landing on your ass with a wince as your face burnt bright red and lia hurried to help you up.
"what the hell?" you grinned in surprise seeing nearly the entire team packed into the living room, half sitting on top of one another as streamers and balloons decorated the walls.
"we all wanted to celebrate you and your achievements." steph smiled, taking your food and flowers for you. "i haven't graduated yet!" you laughed as music switched on and you made your way around the room greeting all the girls.
"i'm just gonna chuck my stuff in my room." you notified steph who nodded and fell back into conversation with some of the others. no sooner had you shut your door did a foot kick it back open as a body slid in behind you and it closed with a soft click.
"hello lover!" the midfielder grinned wofishly and you laughed as she tackled you down onto your bed, attacking every inch of your face with soft kisses. "ky!" you managed to get out, your stomach starting to hurt from laughing as she hovered over you.
"did anyone see you come in here?" "nah i was super stealthy, im like a spy babe."
"i am also very very very proud of you, and now you're free!" your girlfriend cheered and you jolted as she pulled a party popper from her back pocket and let it off with a bang, streamers raining down on top of the pair of you.
"well for five weeks." "hey don't spoil this for me!" "oh for you? so sorry baby, how selfish of me." "exactly! horridly mean girl you are, very hot though so it balances out i guess."
"shut up and let someone else have the last word for once would you?" you smiled grabbing her shirt in your hand and tugging her mouth down to properly meet with yours.
"i missed you so much." kyra mumbled out as your hands tangled in her hair and she shifted, laying down beside you as her hands moved to the small of your back pulling your body flush into hers.
"its been three days!" you chuckled in between kisses. "i know! nearly killed me." she retorted, sending you a cheeky grin before pressing her lips back to your own, the two of you making up for lost time.
"we should really get ba-" but your words fell short as your girlfriend took your bottom lip between her teeth, dragging it down teasingly before pressing your mouths together again in a feverish kiss.
in reflection, kyra really really wished she let you finish your sentence.
"hey peanut we're ordering pizza what do you-" your door swung open as you pushed yourself away from kyra but it was much to late as stephs eyes widened and caitlin peeked over her shoulder with a grimace.
"steffy-" you started as you and kyra sat up, caitlin motioning to your shirt from behind your sisters back as your eyes glanced down and you hurriedly pulled it back down where it had ridden up, kyra doing her best to smooth out her hair from where your hands had been tangled through it.
"kyra go to the living room please." her words were deathly calm and that almost made it worse, your girlfriend looking at you then back to your sister whose eyes burned a hole in your head.
"go, its fine." you whispered, squeezing her hand as she nodded, still looking unsure as she stood. kyra hesitated as she tried to move past steph who adjusted her stance to block the doorway, looking the younger girl up and down wordlessly before moving out of the way as kyra scurried off.
"steph look i can-" you started quietly, stopping in your tracks at the look sent your direction. "hey maybe leave it for now, the whole teams here steph." caitlin stepped in, grabbing your sisters wrist who glanced between the two of you.
"you knew already, didn't you." she directed the words toward caitlin though never broke her hard stare toward you as caitlin sighed, the lack of answer the only answer steph needed.
"we'll talk about this once everyones left, get out of your room." and with that she was gone, striding off back down the hallway.
part 3?
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daisybianca · 10 months
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pairing: charles leclerc x femalereader
summary: you and charles are childhood friends since like... forever?! one day, you're reading one of those books you very much like to read and he gets curious, wondering what it is about. little does he know that you're actually reading literal porn.
warnings: mentions of sexual activities, cursing words
(a/n): i got the main idea from character.ai and @ blairetaylorsversion ! Go check her work out. She's got fluffy, spicy, and also angsty stuff to read about <3
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YOU SAT ON the warm beach sand, reading a book, while your friends swam and played in the water. You were so focused on the spicy scene you were reading that you didn't notice Charles leaning over your shoulder, trying to also get a glimpse of the action. When you finally did, you jumped slightly, caught off guard by his presence. A smirk formed on his lips as he saw your face turn slightly red from embarrassment.
"Shit, you scared me, you creep!"
Charles laughed slightly, before saying, "Oops, sorry!"
He looked back down at the book in your hands and raised his eyebrows, looking pretty intrigued.
"What are you reading there?" he asked playfully.
"None of your business." Your tone was sharp.
"Well aren't you a bit sassy today, huh?" he said with a smile.
He leaned back in the beach chair next to yours, keeping his arms crossed and looking back at the book. You could tell by his facial expression that he felt stubborn and was determined to see what you were reading.
"I'm not telling you what I'm reading about."
"Aww really? Why not? You can't make me super interested in something and then deny giving me the details..." he said with a pout.
With that, he tried to reach out and take the book from your hands. When he grabbed it, his hand brushed against yours, causing him to look up at you instantly.
"Hey, quit it, Charles!"
Charles looked up at you with a small smirk. He wasn't giving in that easily.
"I'm not gonna stop until you tell me," he said, trying to look innocent.
He refused to let go of the book and was pulling it back towards his side.
"Oh, come on. Why do you even care?!"
You started to feel a slight flutter in your stomach when he wouldn't let go of the book. He was so close to you and he was being playful, which made you feel weird.
"Well now I care even more because you're not telling me. You're making me more curious," he said, moving his body closer to yours and trying to look over your shoulder to see the book.
"It's a romance book."
Charles's eyes widened instantly. He looked intrigued and excited to find out more.
"So it's about love? Is it a romance? Is it about someone falling in love with someone else? Is it juicy?" he asked quickly, his words blending together.
"Too many questions."
"Oh, please, tell me..." Charles whined playfully.
He pulled the book back towards his side, then leaned his head closer against your shoulder, resting his head on you.
"It's um... very spicy."
Charles's eyes widened again.
"Ooh, spicy, huh? Is it about two characters being in love and doing it?" he asked excitedly, his eyebrows raised.
He pulled the book back towards his side again, putting pressure on it so it wouldn't slide away easily.
"Stop acting so childish. You know my taste in books."
A wide smirk appeared on Charles' lips. "Yes. And i daresay that they are particularly mild compared to what you can do in private."
"Shhhh!" Your eyes widened as you scanned the crowd around you. "Stop it! There are lots of people here."
"What are you scared of?" Charles asked. "The news of you and me having the most perfect sex while we're supposed to be childhood friends isn't really going to make me stop flirting with you in public."
You couldn't help but rolled your eyes. "Oh, come on, Charles! Stop talking that loud! You make me wanna hate you so bad sometimes."
"Apparently, last night wasn't one of those times, right, love?"
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
Jungkook x Reader/ Yoongi x Jimin
𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓣𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓱 [Teaser]
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Yoongi and Jimin are each proud owners of hybrids, and these days, slowly falling in love with one another. And everything could be so perfect- if it wasn't for you absolutely resenting Jungkook- for no reason?
Tags/Warnings: Human!Yoongi, Human!Jimin, Rottweiler hybrid!Jungkook, Cat hybrid!Reader, Enemies to friends to lovers, mentions of past traume, some Yoonmin here and there oops, Main story focus are MC and Kook though
Length: ~850 words
Read Here!
"But she hates me!" Jungkook complaints, as he stands in the cabin Yoongi is currently unloading the groceries in. "There's no way she'll sleep in the same room as me." He huffs, and Yoongi sighs.
"Well, she has to learn. I already talked to Jimin about it-" He says, putting everything into a box that doesn't have to be stored in the fridge. "-and he agrees that he's spoiled her quite a bit until now. She needs to learn to be a bit more independent." He explains calmly, though he's internally very well aware of your distaste for his dog hybrid. He knows exactly why- but he also respects Jimin's decision to not tell Jungkook anything about your past trauma, claiming that that's something you need to tell, no one else.
And Yoongi agrees with that- but he also feels for Jungkook, who's been really trying to make you warm up to him. He already struggles to find friends due to his intimidating hybrid side and sometimes rather chaotic personality. Seeing you so defensive against him does clearly hurt, no matter ho much Jungkook tries to play it off.
But for once, Yoongi also wants to be a little selfish. He wants to spend time with Jimin, alone time away from you both, just to properly figure out where he truly wants this to go from here on out. It's why he's organized this trip in the first place. To find out if this could truly work out.
And he fears, deep down, that it won't. Because if you and Jungkook don't get along, there's no way Yoongi can ever be happy with Jimin.
A few hours away from the Cabin Yoongi and Jungkook are already setting up, you're pouting next to Jimin in the car, slumped down and with your arms crossed. "Making that face won't make me turn around, princess." Jimin says, voice light- but inside, he's torn. This is going to be tough for you, considering that you're gonna have to stay with Jungkook during the night- and the poor dog hybrid has no idea that you don't actually hate him. You don't hate at all, in fact.
Your defense mechanism when confronted with something you fear however, is to lash out. And that is most of the time taken out of context, making you appear rude and arrogant, when in reality you're just trying not to seem weak or vulnerable.
Because in the past, that would immediately make you the perfect target. Pushed aside and scolded for everything that wasn't ever your fault in your first home, used as a punching bag for other hybrids in the shelter later on, you had to somehow make up a tough façade so you wouldn't end up in those positions ever again. You learned to keep yourself safe by being the one who bites first- and it took Jimin years to truly gain your full trust.
He fears that that's all you can do though. That he's going to forever stay the only person of comfort for you.
And that's an issue. While he himself had been a bit defensive about his treatment of you with Yoongi, he knows that the older man is right. Jimin has been wrapping you in layers of bubble wrap, has spoiled you and nursed your bad habits into what they are today simply because he always saw the scared, shaking hybrid back at the shelter.
But that's not you anymore. You technically have no reason to be scared of anything anymore- but Jimin understands now, after talking numerous times about it with Yoongi, that he's partially at fault for your lack of social skills.
Jungkook had come from a good household- had been raised well, so Yoongi had never really experienced anything like Jimin did with you, but nonetheless, his advice still counts, and is still valid.
You need to learn at some point. You have to realize that there's nothing to fear anymore- and that Jungkook isn't an enemy ready to eat you alive in your sleep.
"Come on, stop pouting now, hm?" He tries, running a hand over your head once at a red light. You just look out the window. "Is Jungkookie that scary?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"He's dumb." You deny, putting your legs up and onto the seat.
"Hey.!" He scolds gently. "Jungkook isn't dumb. He's trying hard, okay? You could be at least civil with him, sugar." He tells you, and you sigh at that, leaning against the door.
"I don't want to." You say defensively, tail angrily flopping around. "You just say that because you wanna be with Yoongi." You huff.
"Partially, I admit that." Jimin nods. "But I also agree with him that you need to be nicer. Jungkookie is really trying to be friends with you, you know?" He sighs.
"I don't care.." You mumble to yourself, angrily looking out the window. You know that Jungkook isn't a threat- but he's still scary to you. He's tall, and a lot of muscle, and he's loud, and energetic, and just.. scary. Intimidating. Potentially dangerous. And that potential alone is enough to make you feel threatened.
Jungkook and Yoongi are currently ruining your perfect life you had with Jimin. So you've got enough reason to be absolutely pissed.
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likethe-month · 3 months
Revali x Reader Oneshot
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Reader has she/her pronouns
I love Revali sm so here's something from my super intense LoZ phase from last year
Your legs swung back and forth from your spot on the flight lading, as you watched the Rito champion swoop back and forth. You could watch Revali fly for hours on end and never get bored of his daring swoops and graceful spins. You had always been curious about what it was like up there, but your fear of heights kept you confined to the ground.
Suddenly, Revali flew back down to the landing, interrupting your daydreaming.
“As much as I enjoy you watching me in complete adoration, I think it’s time that you joined me up there,” Revali said, crossing his arms haughtily after landing.
You blushed at his words. “I can’t fly, Revali.”
“Well obviously,” the Rito scoffed. “Do you have the paraglider Princess Zelda gave you?” He asked, drawing closer to you.
“I, er, yes I do,” you said, checking that you still had it with you. You didn’t quite like where this was going.
“Good, you’ll use that, then.”
What?! The highest you had ever glided was from the top of a tree!
“But it’s so high up!” You said, not daring to peer over the landing.
“Don’t be foolish. I’ll be right beside you the whole time. I’m sure you’ll fare a better chance at success with Hyrule’s best flyer with you.”
Swallowing your nervousness, you nodded. “Alright, but stay with me the whole time, okay?”
Once you were sure Revali wasn’t trying to trick you for the purpose of watching a naive hylian gliding off into the Hebra frontier, you stood beside your friend on the landing.
“Make sure to hold on tight the entire time, and keep your body steady so you can steer the glider,” Revali said, making sure you were ready.
“Okay, I think I can do it,” you said, shivering from both fear and the chilly air. Taking in a deep breath, you focused your gaze on the horizon instead of the bottomless darkness below you, you stepped off of the landing while holding onto your paraglider for dear life.
After a few seconds, you realized that it was working and you suddenly didn’t feel as scared anymore. Almost immediately, Revali appeared right beside you, steadily riding the wind. “Very good!” He praised in the most genuine way you had ever heard from him.
Ignoring your stomach doing a back flip, you smiled giddily as you continued to glide, the wind blowing in your face pleasantly. This was much more fun than you had imagined.
“Let’s get you a bit higher!” The champion said, suddenly taking a dive towards the ground.
For a minute you lost sight of him and panic began to set in. Where was that stupid bird?
Then, the soaring form of Revali shot up into the sky in front of you, creating a gust of wind that carried you upwards. You laughed with amazement as he kept you up in the sky, and he was soaring alongside you once again.
Shifting his gaze from the horizon and onto you, Revali felt the smallest smile appear on his face. You were a natural. Not that he doubted your abilities, of course, but many hylians tended to prefer their feet on the ground. You, however, looked like you belonged in the sky.
Suddenly, your voice broke him out of his stupor. “Revali? How do I land?”
Oops. The rito champion had forgotten to tell you how to land.
The moment your legs hit the snowy ground, you went rolling into the snow.
Revali gasped and swooped in to land by your side. “(Y/n)? (Y/n), are you alright?” He asked, frantically brushing snow off of you.
You, however, were laughing happily, even though you were covered in snow and slightly sore from your tumble. “That was amazing! I never knew I could do that!”
Revali’s concern washed away only to be replaced with relief and maybe a twinge of annoyance. “You had me worried, you silly girl.”
Taking the wing he offered, you lifted yourself up, still grinning excitedly. “We have to do this again,” you insisted, your cheeks and the tips of your ears flushed red from the cold and the rush of excitement you felt.
“Eager, are we? I’m rather surprised at your persistence considering you just fell into about four feet of snow,” Revali said, rolling his eyes at your determination.
“Oh. Right,” you said, brushing the last of the snow off of yourself. “We should probably head back for the village.”
“Hmm, are you sure? If we wait long enough, you might turn a rather nice shade of blue,” the rito beside you said, observing your shivering form.
You gave him a mischievous smile. “Oh really? That sure would be unfortunate.”
A few of Revali’s royal blue feathers puffed up, and he made a move to take off. “Well, if that’s how you’re going to be…”
“Wait! C’mon, Revali, I was joking around. Take me back to the village!” You near-begged to your companion, who seemed to be considering your request.
“Fine. You win, little Hylian,” Revali said, slightly stooping so you could climb on his back.
It never failed to surprise you how the proud Rito had started to let you fly on his back. When you first met him, he would always make you walk back to wherever you came from, swooping away before anyone could protest. But after a while, he would offer you rides on his back. Just you.
Though no one would ever admit it, the rito villagers would always think of what a strange duo you two made. The princess’s diplomatic assistant and the rito champion. You had been making more visits to the village, unable to curb your fascination. Many of the villagers were quite fond of you due to how much more pleasant Revali acted in your presence.
You climbed on to the champion’s back, giving him a small “ready” when you were situated.
Your first time on his back, you had been so afraid of falling off you found some of Revali’s feathers in your hand whenever you had landed. That had earned you quite the scolding. But now, you had no fear of slipping off, and you had even gotten to the point where you could sit up straight. This had caused the Rito to mutter something about “not being your horse,” but you didn’t mind.
Still cold from your fall, you leaned down closer to your companion, as he was the closest source of heat. His soft feathers provided plenty of warmth and soon you were laying down completely on his back.
You didn’t notice it but Revali had to hold back a squawk of surprise. Your hum of contentment at being so close to him shot his heart rate up to a level that only the dangers of battle could replicate. For the remainder of the journey back to the village the rito made sure to soar as smoothly as possible, even making a few circles around the village, just to spend some more time with you. Not that he would ever admit that, though.
After your departure, Revali’s thoughts were clouded by the memory of your smile, laughter, and promise to return soon. The inn you were staying at in the closest village wasn’t very far, but his heart ached strangely when he watched you leave. To his annoyance and a bit of embarrassment, some other ritos asked about you teasingly, saying that they’d never seen Revali act so gently toward a Hylian. Revali would scoff and deny anything his fellow villagers try to insinuate, but when he lay in bed that night, trying to go to sleep, he still could not fight off the image of you in his head.
As he tossed and turned, Revali found himself submitting to this new, unfamiliar feeling. Eventually, the thing that got him to sleep was the memory of your warmth against him as the two of you soared through the cold winds of Hebra.
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sereneres · 10 months
newjeans’ sunshine…z? ³
newjeans x 6th member!reader / 0.7k
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summary. — newjeans has two rays of sunshines – one of them is obviously danielle, and the other one is less obviously you.
warnings. — you do not appear / hanni makes a short appearance but goes away after being bullied
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“so what do you and yn-unnie have in common?”
danielle frowns, her arms crossed as she stared contemplatively at the table. “uh…”
“that’s the problem, hyein.” haerin said, sighing as she mindlessly shook her glass filled with juice as though it were filled with wine. “they don’t have much in common to begin with.”
“we do, though. we’ve both modeled as kids, we really like dogs…” danielle said, but upon noticing the somewhat sour look on haerin’s face, hastily added, “and animals in general. we both really like animals…”
“that’s not a lot to go off of though.” hyein said, also frowning. “maybe we could do something based on your looks? y’know, like how you and minji-unnie are ‘husseyz’ ‘cuz you both look like olivia hussey–”
“i still don’t see it.” haerin muttered.
“– and hanni-unnie and haerin-unnie are ‘kittyz’ because they both look like cats.” hyein continued, blatantly ignoring haerin’s interruption.
“that could work,” danielle murmured thoughtfully, “but–”
“they look nothing alike.” haerin said, crossing her arms with an exasperated look on her face. “and they both don’t look like anything in particular, so that obviously won’t work.”
the oldest of the three girls sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “i never thought coming up with ship names would be this hard, but here we are, struggling to come up with–”
“i’m back!” hanni called loudly, the sound of the front door shutting closed behind her echoing throughout the dorm. “man, i’m so ready to just flop into bed and never wake up…”
“where’s minji-unnie and yn-unnie?” hyein asked, turning around in her seat to face the older girl. “didn’t they go with you?”
“they went to the convenience store.” hanni responded as she kicked her shoes off her feet and into the shoe rack carelessly, causing a pair of what looked to be your black flats to fall out. “oh, oops…”
“aren’t those yn-unnie’s?” haerin asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer to her own question. “i heard those were reaallly expensive.”
“oh f–”
“don’t worry, hanni-unnie.” danielle hastily said, cutting the girl off before she could say something she would regret. “i doubt ynnie will care too much about a scratch on her shoes.”
“they do realize i know what fuck is, right?” hyein whispered to haerin, who shrugged and continued to drink her apple juice.
“either way, none of you better say anything to her.” hanni said, pointing at each one of them and looking at them in the eyes. “especially you, haerin.”
“hanni-unnie, what do you think dani-unnie and yn-unnie’s ship name should be?” the youngest of the four girls asked, frowning. “we’ve been coming up with other names pretty quickly, but when it comes to yn-unnie, we always get stuck.”
“…what about ‘sunz’?” hanni suggested after a moment of silence.
“‘sunz’?” haerin repeated, tilting her head at the older girl. “why ‘sunz’?”
“‘cuz they’re both hot.” the aussie said, winking and making finger guns at the three younger girls. “get it? ‘cuz, y’know, the sun is hot?”
“…didn’t you make that joke during that one photoshoot?” hyein asked. “are you recycling your jokes now, hanni-unnie?”
“y’know what, i’m not going to stand for this lack of appreciation. i’m going to go to my room–”
“our room.” haerin corrected, prompting hanni to roll her eyes.
“i’m going to go to my room and stay there until someone who actually appreciates my jokes comes and forces me to come out.” the aussie huffed before turning around dramatically and marching to her room.
“…moving on, ‘sunz’ isn’t that bad of an idea.” hyein said enthusiastically. “think about it. dani-unnie is like the literal sun of the group and yn-unnie always cheers us up whenever we’re down!”
“‘suuuunzzzzss’…” haerin repeated, dragging the word out to the point where she was basically hissing. “no, it doesn’t sound right.”
“and ‘catnipz’ does?”
“what about ‘sunshinez’?” danielle interrupted, stopping the argument between the two younger girls before it could even begin. “that’s cute, right?”
“‘sunshinez’…” hyein murmured before nodding. “it sounds great, unnie.”
“why do we always have to add a z at the end?” haerin asked as she frowned. “why can’t it be just like… i don’t know, ‘sunshines’ with an s?”
hyein rolls her eyes. “because that’s boring?”
“what do you mean, ‘sure’? i’m right!”
“sure, hyein. sure.”
“don’t just say ‘sure’!”
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previous. / pairz. / next.
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obriengf · 6 months
A Gracious Gift || Mitch Rapp x Reader
Summary: Mitch had almost forgotten what it was like to be shown love until you gave him a small token to change his mind. Words: 1.4k Warnings: swearing bc it's mitch... he also has trust issues okay, pretty angsty oops Notes: the first addition to my 2023 xmas fics!
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hope he's bringing me love this christmas cause i deserve you here ✩
His nose scrunched, details of exasperation etching themselves deep in the wrinkle between his brows and the frown of his lips. It was a cross between amusement and simple irritation that devoured the man as he stood resistant to the brightly coloured lights that reflected across the warm brown of his irises, arms crossed over his chest and a huff pushing past his lips. Mitch Rapp didn't do Christmas, not anymore. Neither did his ears enjoy the pretentious tunes that flooded the small living room of your safehouse or the irony they held as he stared at the decorated tree beside the small television.
"Is this a joke?" He huffed, once more, head barely turning as his voice carried to the small frame to his left. You didn't reply, his question dripping in all things rhetorical, and instead allowed a smile to curl upward into the shadow of a smirk. His pessimism is something that you're used to by now - starting beyond the tantrum he threw when you were first assigned as his partner. The Assassin grew to like you, however, after many arguments and a handful of times proving yourself. He saw honour within you and a driving force to do right by all, no matter what it took. In turn, you saw a man that hurt where his heart lay, but he used his head as a guard and determination to build up near impenetrable walls. It didn't stop you though, from trying... from showing him that there is much more to this world than Good versus Bad. And eventually, Mitch Rapp became oxygen - you breathed in his presence every single day without fault, but a part of you also desperately needed him to survive. 
"Don't be such a killjoy." You eventually said, proud that you pulled together something so makeshift in such little time allowed. You chuckled at his negative outlook, avoiding the side eye he threw your way as you tentatively reached out to drag a finger across a bright blue bauble. It was hope, a much-needed light in the midst of the cruel world that you face every day. And it just so happened to appear in the form of cheap gas station decorations and an overwhelming scent of pine needles from one of the small trees next to the cabin. You drew a breath as you turned to the man, the whisky tone of his eyes already peering down at you. He was swimming in hesitation, near drowning from it if it meant that he kept himself closed off. "I just wanted to give you a reason to be happy."
Your voice was quiet, and Mitch nearly would have missed it if he wasn't pouring so much of his focus into you. He last celebrated this stupid Holiday with Katrina - when he had a reason to smile, to have hope, to bathe in that happiness that would usually come from such a joyous time. And since then, you had made him smile and he had an inkling of hope, and he had a reason to be happy once again but the pain was still so incredibly present that it continued to devour every single cell in his body until he was just a shell. And Mitch hurt. He always hurt.
You always knew when he was starting to shut down. Mitch's emotions would turn off, like a simple flick of a switch, and the robot persona that the Central Intelligence Agency craved would soon embody the man that you've grown so accustomed to. You would lose him for hours, as if he was asleep and he needed to wake. Mitch Rapp had lost hope for so long and it killed you to see how much it affected him.
Even if it took every single second you owned, you were going to help him. To show the man the love that he deserved. To finally wake him up.
Mitch scoffed and turned away from you, his large hand dragging down his cheek. Words were mumbled against the palm of his hand, "Well, you wasted your time."
"You're never a waste of time, Mitch." You replied, remaining beside the tree as you watched his head hang low. It was expected for him to walk away, but he didn't, his back still to you but his ears listening for the soft coo of your voice. A small smile tugged eagerly at your lips, "You're a lot of things, mostly a pain in my ass, but you're not a waste of time. Especially mine. I'd do anything for you, you know that."
The man exhaled, his head shaking, "You can't fix a broken man, Y/N. Not one whose as fucked as I am."
Your chest tightened. Mitch's exhaustion was wearing him down, his walls cracking, crumbling, and not in the way you thought they would. His sadness tugged at your heart and you were already beginning to second guess if your plan was the right path to take. Gently, you reached to the base of the tree, the lights flickering against the side of your face as you grasped at a small box.
"You're not broken. You're not a waste of time. And if you're fucked up Mitch, then I must be as fucked up as you because we've come from the same place. We've had the same feelings hurt. But we're here, and we're alive and okay. And I'm never letting you go, no matter how much you push me away."
Mitch turned to catch the shimmer in your eyes. He could see the emotion building up and gathering along your waterline, and he had such an overwhelming desire to catch the tears before they fell. He moved forward with large strides before he captured your cheeks within his palms, thumbs rubbing with such tenderness under the tips of your lashes. You always managed to bring him back from the edge of despair, but seeing you with such sentiment was enough to shake some sense into him. He shushed under his breath, any evidence of an Assassin disappearing, and instead a simple man was left behind.
"Please don't cry." He hummed, not daring to look away from your eyes until he felt something hard press to his abdomen. His focus broke, an eyebrow raising in question at a small white box clutched strongly within your hands. Mitch's head tilted to the side, "What's this?"
An unwanted sniffle escaped you before your gaze followed his, the box in question now lifted toward him, "I meant it when I said I'm never letting you go. You mean a lot to me, Mitch, and this is how I was going to show you... instead of crying like a child." An incredulous chuckle ended your response as you ushered the box at Mitch, shaking the small object until he took it from you.
The man was nervous, but curious, pulling lightly at the bow that adorned the top until the fabric fluttered gently to the hardwood floors. The top of the box was removed next and he froze before he picked up the item inside. Mitch's finger ran over it delicately as he peered in disbelief.
"This is for me?" He asked, voice whispered as he held his new pocket knife so gently between you both. All you could do was nod and smile as he looked at you, his own smile perking in happiness.
"Turn it over."
He did as he was told before his lips slightly parted, irises of deep brown flicking over the engraving you left on the hilt -
Always with you.
A clang was heard as he placed the knife on the table beside him, a movement so quick that you almost didn't see it happen as you were gathered in his arms. Arms of your own slid over his shoulders as the man secured your waist, his hold tight and he savoured being so close to you. It was his kick, his wake-up call. It was what he needed to know that hope was not lost. It was his future and the piece that could fill the hole in his heart.
Mitch pressed a kiss tenderly to the crown of your head, his lips then falling to your temple before they pressed again. He was sure that you could feel the thumping in his chest, but he didn't care. Not when he had you wrapped up so perfectly against his frame.
You could feel the warmth of his breath dance against your skin, "I am always with you, too."
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a-casual-kpopfan · 1 year
Special - Wonyoung/Minju
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Written: My Ghost Writer Partner. Possible Trigger Warning: Cheating, gaslighting.
What are you doing here?
With just a quick glance, you can recognize a handful of people in this party venue. How could you not, when they are all extremely popular fashion models, kpop idols, and CEOs in their own right?
You don’t belong here.
You feel uncomfortable wearing this suit that would cost you an arm and a leg. You feel weird sipping on this wine that you see everyone drink so nonchalantly. You feel out of place even existing in the same atmosphere as them. It’s not your usual outfit, your usual vibe, your usual hang out place.
You are not special.
You are normal, just like a grain of sand among the millions of grains on the beach, that’s you. You are no one, you are nobody, you are nothing. Nothing at all.
And yet here you still stand, with people occasionally giving you a side eye glance that makes your skin shudder.
Because of her.
Jang Wonyoung.
Idol, model, fashion icon, variety queen. The center of attention of the entertainment industry as the new ‘role model’. She’s perfect in everything. Her looks? Flawless, her pair of slender, long legs is the focal point of people’s attention whenever she appears. Her personality? As gentle as a lamb, she wouldn’t hurt anyone, and would feel extremely guilty for accidentally doing so.
That’s why you’re so in love with her.
She is literally a goddess reincarnated. Though you’re a bit sadden that you haven’t seen her since you two arrived at the party. She was whisked away by her group of friends, and you’ve been left alone, standing at this corner for 2 hours now.
Then again, you can’t really blame her. Her schedule has been very tight, to the point that the both of you can barely see each other. What kind of boyfriend are you if you can let your girlfriend have fun with her friends once in a while?
While you are mulling over your thoughts, you fail to notice a certain someone standing next to you, her eyes staring over your thinking face as she waits patiently for you to snap out of your thinking.
Luckily for her, it doesn’t take you long to recognize her present, as you turn your head to her.
“Hey Minmin.” You smile softly at your friend.
“Didn’t expect to see you here, oppa.” Kim Minju, another friend of yours, flashes her gummy smile at you. “Yeah, well, Wonyoung insisted that I come, so here I am.” You shrug your shoulders, unaware that Minju’s smile falters a bit at the mention of your girlfriend.
“Then where is she? Why are you standing here alone?” Looking around, Wonyoung is still nowhere to be seen.
“I have no idea. Last I saw, she was pulled away by her friends.” Minju pouts “What friends? Eunbi unnie and the others have not seen her tonight as well.”
“You do know that she has other friends besides you guys, right?” You can’t help but chuckle as you pat Minju on her head, a habit that you have ever since your days as an I*ZONE’s manager, trying to sooth her jealousy over Wonyoung having other friends besides them.
“Oops, my bad, old habits die hard.” You immediately retract your hand upon remembering that you are no longer her manager, as I*ZONE disbanded 2 years ago, and you don’t want to have any misunderstandings between them, especially when you're with Wonyoung.
“It’s ok oppa, I don’t really mind- Ah!” Minju seems to be enjoying your pat before her eyes dart to behind you and widens in surprise. In response, you turn around to see Wonyoung, standing behind both of you with her arms crossed.
“Minju unnie.” She gives a small smile and a nod to Minju, completely ignoring you in the process, not even giving you a glance. Your joyous mood upon seeing Wonyoung seem to be dispelled almost instantly at that, you are knowing that you did something to upset her again.
“Wonyoung, oppa’s been waiting you this whole time, where have you been?” Minju seems unsatisfied with Wonyoung’s action. “He knows that I was with my friends.” She flashes her iconic smile at him, making his heart flutter, blinding him from other details that have caught Minju’s eyes.
Wonyoung’s hair is slightly disheveled, with a few strands sticking to her forehead due to the sweat that looks like it was hastily wiped off. Her dress has a few barely noticeable crinkles and creases at certain… Parts.
It doesn’t take a genius to roughly guess what she’s been up to. Minju can’t help but glance at you, being starstruck and smitten beyond relief for Wonyoung. Unfortunately, or is it fortunately?
You don’t notice all of that. You don’t notice anything weird about Wonyoung. Your Wonyoung can do no wrong, she is perfect, she is an angel, no, a goddess reincarnated. And you are nothing without her.
“I know Wonnie, I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about me.” You smile softly, relishing in the attention that Wonyoung has graced you once again, and you would do anything, anything, to not her on her bad side again.
“I know oppa.” She leans into you on her tip toe, giving you a peck on the cheek, which seems to melt you down even more. Though to Minju, you look like a dog wagging its tail upon getting a treat from its owner. Minju curses herself for seeing you like that, but she can’t help it.
“Come on unnie, I haven’t met the others for a while now.” Wonyoung then turns to Minju, grabbing her hand and pulls her away to meet ex-I*ZONE members, despite her ignoring them for a good half of the night. Minju still can’t help but look back at you, who’s waving at the both of you with a smiling face, seemingly content with just seeing Wonyoung.
Her heart pains at the sight of you, standing there alone and with no one to talk to. But what could she do? She lost her chance a long time ago.
Things went back to normal after the party.
Though, a part of you is relieved that you don’t have to attend another party with a bunch of ridiculously rich people, you are still saddened by the fact that everything turning back to normal means that you don’t get to meet Wonyoung as frequently.
Moving in with her shortly after Izone’s disbandment, you quickly found out that she’s going to re-debut with a new group, IVE.
Though you wanted to join her as a manager, with you having experience in managing I*ZONE back then. That was how you got to know her after all. Although, she still refused the notion, hoping that you would stay at home and keep ‘your home’ warm and clean for her.
It didn’t take Wonyoung much to persuade you, and while you were a bit saddened at the fact that you must leave your career behind, being a ‘house husband’ for the love of your life didn’t sound like a bad deal at all. After all, you’re head over heels for her.
And so, you basically became a stay at home ‘husband’ for Wonyoung, doing chores, cooking, cleaning, anything you can do inside the house, you will do it.
Everything for your dear Wonyoung.
Though, you realized that living with her isn’t always sunshine and rainbow. Due to how famous she was already, and the nature of the re-debut, she starts to become even more busy, with her sometimes coming home late, after you’ve fallen asleep, or even not coming home at all.
But you don’t mind. Your manager’s experience has already told you that being busy with little to no time to rest is a staple when it comes to the idol life. That is why you resolve to do more for Wonyoung. She was the first one ever to show him kindness, to accept him for the worthless being that he is. After all, your parents wouldn’t have left you if you weren’t so worthless.
However, Wonyoung still accepted you. Without her, you are worthless and insignificant, so you resolve to do everything right for Wonyoung. So, what if you can’t see her on a regular basis? She is doing everything for you, so you must repay her kindness.
The sound of the door opening interrupts your inner thought, glancing at the clock shows that it’s just past 8 PM, no one should be home besides you right now. Unless….
With your hope at an all-time high, you spring to the front door, only to be met with Wonyoung staring back at you, mid motion of taking of her shoes.
“Wonnie!” you exclaim, standing frozen in the corridor.
“You sound surprised, oppa.” She chuckles at your freeze-frame, finishes taking off her shoes.
“Didn’t you say that you’re working overtime today?” You snap out of your freeze-frame, and quickly approach to help take her jacket and bag off.
“I wanted to surprise you.~” She says teasingly, pecking your cheek, causing a huge blush to form on your face.
Wonyoung can’t help but giggle at your blushing face. “Aigo oppa, you’re so cute~” while poking your cheek.
“A-anyways, are you hungry? I can whip up something for you.” Putting down her stuff, you head over to the kitchen, before being stopped by her arms around your waist. “Can I eat you instead? ~” Her sultry tone catches you by surprise, and before you know it, she pulls you into your shared bedroom, and it doesn’t take long for moans and groans to fill the entire apartment.
A few hours later….
Both of you are lying exhausted on the bed, a mess of sweats and other fluids mingled with each other’s, as you lie on top her, your face buried between her bosoms, and her gently playing and making a mess out of your hair, like your hair isn’t already a mess with how intense their activities was just now.
“Oppa…” “Hmm?”
“You’re mine, right?” You look up at her with a confused expression. “Of course, why are you asking that?”
Wonyoung’s eyes flutter before casting downwards in a sadden expression. “You patted Minju’s head at the party….” Before her eyes gaze up at him, her big doe eyes staring at him pitifully. “I thought you only do it to me…”
“It’s not what you think Wonnie-ah!” You frantically sit up. “It was just a habit back in my manager days, I swear I didn’t mean anything else.” Your face gently cups her cheek. “I only have you.”
She leans into your palm, keeping eye contact with you. “Really?”
“Yes.” You nod instantly. “I am nothing without you, Wonnie.”
A smile finally blossoms on her face as she seems satisfied with your answer. “That’s right oppa.” She pulls you into a hug, letting your face rest on her bosoms yet again, her gentle smile turns into a mischievous smirk as she hums into your ears. “You only need me, oppa. You’re nothing without me, so stay with me forever, ok? ~”
After sharing a passionate night with Wonyoung, she is gone again the next day.
Of course, you don’t mind, not a single bit. You’re very understanding about her career, after all. So, you continue with your day by cleaning the apartment while blasting music out of a speaker. Nothing beats some music to accompany you while you’re working, or in this case, doing chores.
You’re halfway done with your chores when your music is replaced by a ringtone, interrupting the climax of the song you’re jamming to. With a groan, you walk back to where you placed your phone to check who’s calling you.
The screen on your phone says “Minmin”, and all the annoyance you have immediately disappears as you disconnect your phone from the speaker to receive the call.
“Hi oppa, I hope I’m not intruding on your work?”
You look around the mostly cleaned apartment.
“No, not really, I’m almost done anyways. What’s up?”
“Oh, uh, do you perhaps... Want hang out today? I have today’s off.”
“Wouldn’t you rather to get some sleep than to hang out with little old me?” You tease.
“You’re not that old oppa, besides, I haven’t met you in a while.”
“We did meet at the recent party though-”
“Are you coming or not?”
“I was just kidding, Minmin.” You let out a snicker. “Same place?”
“Mhmm! See you there oppa!”
With the call disconnected, you take a quick look around the apartment again before deciding that whatever left that you need to do can be done after you meet up Minju. At most they would hang out for an hour or two as she rants about many things in her life.
After a quick change of clothes, you’re now ready to head out. You’re dressed somewhat casually in jeans, a T-shirt and a jacket, but hey, you’re just leaving for a bit, you don’t need fancy clothes.
The ride from your place to the meet up is quite long, since you moved in to Wonyoung’s place, you basically sacrificed all the conveniences your old apartment offers in favor of staying with Wonyoung. But it’s ok, you love her after all.
The first thing that hits you when you enter the café is the familiar scent of coffee and pastry that fills the air of the café.
“Long time no sees.” The barista/owner greets you warmly. “Yeah, sorry I haven’t been here for a while.” You chuckle embarrassedly.
“It’s ok, life goes on, it couldn’t be helped.” The middle age barista laughs. “But I would appreciate it if you visited once in a while, I still consider you as my regular, you know.” “I’ll keep it in mind.” You answer, taking a seat at the stool next to the counter.
“The usual?” “Yes please.”
The place falls into comfortable silence as you watch the barista go about his work. Watching him single handedly handle both the café, and pastries bring back memories for you.
This used to be your usual hangout place. It is a small, yet cozy place that not many people know of. You’ve known the place ever since you moved here. It was a coincidence that you stumbled into this place, but you’ve never regretted it. The pastries are well baked, and the coffee is to die for. You let out a sigh as you lean against the counter, with your arm supporting your chin.
You miss this place. You think to yourself. Why did you stop visiting here again? The answer comes to mind as quickly as the question. Wonyoung.
You know she doesn’t like small places like this. She likes all things fancy, luxurious, someplace where she can lavishly spend her money. That’s why you never showed her to this place, and to an extent, stopped visiting it as well.
While you’re deep in your thoughts, the entrance of the café opens, and you can already hear Minju’s voice before you can turn around to see her face. “Annyeong~”
“Hey Minju, you’re coming here quite regularly, huh.” The barista waves at her with a smile.
“Ahjussi!” She beams a smile at him. “The usual?” the owner asks her. “No, please prepare the one that I told you a while before.” You are somewhat confused with their exchange. “Got it, get yourself comfortable and I’ll bring you the order.”
“Oppa!” her attention is turned to you. “Have you been here long?” She sits down next to you at the counter. “I just got here myself, no worries.”
The two of you fall into idle chatter as you wait for your order. It didn’t hit you till now that it’s been a long time since you get to go out with your friends. Ever since moving in with Wonyoung, you’ve been swarmed with helping her work, and doing chores to the point that you’re disconnected from most, if not all your friends. Speaking with Minju like this, you can’t help but feel like you’ve missed on a lot of things in your life.
A part of your mind seems to be saying ‘What if I wasn’t with Wonyoung?’ You squash that thought as soon as it appears. You love her, and she loves you, and you would sacrifice everything for her. Because you would be worthless without her.
It doesn’t take long for the owner to bring out the order for you. The usual americano with a slice of tiramisu for you, a latte and… A slice of cheesecake for Minju?
“Not the usual order?” You raise your eyebrow. She shakes her head before pushing the cheesecake slice at you. “Have a taste, oppa.” You look at her confusedly, to which she continues to nudge the cheesecake closer to you.
Reluctantly, you use your fork to eat a corner of the slice. “How is it?” She asks, “It’s really good, as expected of the owner, not too sweet, but just the right amount.” She eagerly nods with him. “I know right? It’s to die for.”
Minju then takes a small jar of something that the owner prepared for her, and she pours it on top of the slice. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out she just poured syrup onto the slice.
“Minmin, what are you doing-” Taste it, oppa.” She looks at you with a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “You just poured syrup on it; I’m not going to eat it. The syrup’s sweetness ruined the perfect balance of the cheesecake.” She, once again, nods at your word. “Exactly, oppa, something is just not meant to be together.” She then looks at you dead in the eye, full of seriousness. “Oppa, you’re not suited for Wonyoung.”
“Minju, even a joke has it limits.” Your voice turns stern as you feel anger boils over you. “I’m not joking oppa.” Even in your anger, you can’t help but soften slightly for her sadden face. “Haven’t you ever noticed how she’s usually never home?” You scoff “That’s normal, her career is taking off, of course she is too busy to come home.”
“Even if she doesn’t come home for an entire week, leaving you alone to miss her?” Her voice trembles as she grasps your hand. “S-she stays at the studio, of course.” You stutter. It’s not like you’ve never thought about it, you just don’t want to acknowledge it.
“Oppa, she dragged you to the party even while knowing you hated parties. You’ve never attended even one of them back when you were our manager….” You feel your temper going off. “I can indulge her all I want, she is my girlfriend, and I love her!” You stand up, glaring daggers into Minju.
You can see her quivering underneath your glare, yet she presses on. “Even when she left you alone at the party the entire time, pretending that you didn’t exist, showing you off like you’re just a trophy to her?”
“She has the right to do that!” You stand up from your seat, your hands ball up into fists in order to restrain yourself from doing anything you might regret. “I am worthless, and I am nothing without her, so she has just done what is best for me!” In your blinded rage, you utter out the thought that have been instilled to you, carved into your mind by Wonyoung, not even noticing the horrified look of the owner as he stares at you wide-eyed.
But what you do notice is the shattered expression on Minju’s face as she hears your words, with tears starting to stream down her face.
“No! no, no, no, no…” she mumbles, her hands reaching for your balled up fist. “Woojin-ah, you’re better than this” You freeze at the mention of your name. How long has it been since someone called him by his name? Ever since he quit his job and moved in with Wonyoung, all you have ever heard are different variations of her nicknames for him, ‘pet names’. Before long, you start to respond more to those ‘pet names’ instead. Like a real pet.
“Woojin-ah, you…you are not worthless.” Minju seems to almost be begging you. “It was you that helped raise us into what we are today.” She clutches her chest with her free hand. “If was with your help and advice that we managed to find new meanings in life after I*ZONE, whether that be continuing the idol life or retiring.” Sobbing seem to be mixed in with her voice.
“You’re our manager, our friend, our advisor, our brother, our friend.” She looks up at you with tearful eyes. “My friend, my childhood friend, my first and only crush.” That last part seems to shock you back into reality, as you find movement in your lips again.
“I love you, Woojin…” She chokes, trying to confess to you. “I’m sorry I was too coward to confess, and lost you to Wonyoung…”
Dazed, reeling, about to break, you feel the world spinning around you, you having to clutch the counter to steady yourself from the flood of information you just received. Looking at the shocked owner, and the teary-eyed Minju, your first thought is to run away.
And so you do just that, with surprising energy you sprint out of the café, back into your car and drive away to a secluded place, one you know that you won’t be bothered. And then tears start to fall out of your eyes as you begin to process all the information you just got. It doesn’t make sense to you that you cried. What it should have happen is that he would pity his friend, but he would feel nothing else because Wonyoung already has his heart.
If so, why is it that his heart feel like it’s broken into pieces? Why does it hurt so much? You don’t know that answer to that, but you still sobbed like a kid, all the pent-up frustration leaking out of you as you cry yourself to exhaustion, then ended up falling asleep in your car.
Things have never been the same ever since that day.
Despite your best efforts, Minju’s voice and teary face linger in your mind days and nights, haunting you every waking moment, not even in your dreams are you safe from her words.
Minju has stirred up something in him. The logical side in him that he buried with the love he has for Wonyoung. The skeptical, analytic side that helped him in his career and steered the girls away from potential danger. The side that brings out the absolute worst in everything, that analyze every single detail.
You tried not to do it, you really did. But once the seed of doubt was planted, there was nothing stopping it from growing. So, you desperately try to find something, anything, no matter how small, to prove that Wonyoung is still yours and yours only.
But the more you look, the more you fall into despair.
You start to notice that she never allows you to touch the handbag containing the set of hygiene products that is usually reserved for using at her studio, although you have always been the one to arrange everything at home for her. It’s ok, you can ignore it, she may have her valuables in there.
You notice that when she comes home drunk, her clothes are no longer smooth and pretty like how she looks when she leaves. But instead, her clothes have creases in all the suspicious part, some got suspicious stains on it, not to mention some have torn apart slightly at a few places. Wonyoung doesn’t have the strength to do this, maybe someone else did?
And despite your best effort to ignore it, you always smell a faint distinct smell of cologne mixed with her own seats amidst the smell of alcohol on her, as well as a familiar, salty scent.
You dread your own imagination for think of that.
You try to turn your mind away from it, but the evidence is too obvious. It is too obvious. But you don’t want to believe it.
You love her with all your heart, you believe that what she’s doing is the best for you. She said herself that she wanted you to be with her. Hell, she was the one who confessed to you!
You’re on the verge of breaking at this point, just one more step, and you’re falling.
There’s still one last thing you need to confirm.
Sometimes, Wonyoung would come home after you’ve already asleep, and you would wake up with her snuggling in your arms.
This is the final chance to get the evidence you need that she loves you. With this, you can prove Minju wrong, and that Wonyoung really, truly loves you, and you’re just paranoid.
And so, you put your plan to motion.
On the night you know that she will come home very late due to hanging out with her friends, you stay awake, lying in your bed until you hear the bedroom room creak open, that’s when you close your eyes, faking to be in a slumber with your phone inside your pants’ pocket in record mode. You never know if you’re going to need evidence, better be safe than sorry.
You can hear small footstep getting closer, and closer, and closer, until you can feel a presence standing next to the bed on your side.
“Oppa? Are you awake?” You can hear Wonyoung’s soft voice, and you try your best to not spring up to give her a hug. She calls you one more time, and one more.
“That fucker is deep asleep, as always.” You hear a deep voice next to the bed as well. You almost yelp at the sudden voice but managed to keep your body still. That voice sounds familiar though.
“I told you baby. He sleeps like a log.” Wonyoung’s voice comes out. “Now, what did you say you want to do to me again?~” Her voice turns sultry, lustful, the same voice that she uses on him every time they make love with each other.
“I want to fuck you right next to him, to show who’s the superior male here~” You can hear the deeper voice’s reply, and you take all your energy to not spring up right then and there. Although you can feel the anger and sadness mixing in your body right now, you aren’t dumb enough to mess up your cover at the last second.
You feel an impact on the bed as Wonyoung and the other guy crash down onto her side of the bed, you can hear their sloppy kisses and him ripping her dress off. With the couple in such a proximity to him, he smells a whiff of the cologne, and finally recognize who is the other party. It is the idol guy that is almost always next to her during events. Before you can even feel the anger, your heart drop to despair as you hear them making out and having sex right next to you, their action shaking the bed violently, with moans and shouts coming from them.
You slowly readjust your position so that your face is turned out of their vision, as tears start to flow out of your eyes. This is irrefutable evidence. Minju was right.
Their activities continue long into the night, with you becoming numb to it all, tuning out every word and every shake the bed has.
Not all the words though.
“Why do you keep this guy around though? When you have me?”
“Why not? He’s like a toy, playing with him is very fun~”
That is the final nail in the coffin.
You want to do something, sit up, shout, and scream at them, maybe punch the guy to half death or something. But you’re too drained emotionally to even do anything. So, you just lay there, pretending to be asleep, hoping to actually get some rest and finally get this godforsaken night to be over.
Somehow you finally found enough peace to fall into a short sleep. But as you do, you feel a pair of arms wrapping around your torso, as Wonyoung snuggles closer to you, like how she always does in a night like this. And you would wake up happy to see her snuggle with you. How foolish.
It’s been a few days ever since their argument.
And Minju isn’t faring any better than you do.
Her mind keeps repeating the words that you said on that day, and by piecing together Wonyoung’s action to you, it’s quite easy to find out what she’s been doing to you.
And it breaks her heart into million pieces, knowing it was because of her cowardice, her inability to confess to you, and gave Wonyoung the opening she needed to sink her claws into you.
She hasn’t been able to work properly since then, asking for a leave from the company, only leaving a message to calm down her fans, before she proceeds to shut herself in her apartment, or should she say, your old apartment?
You’ve been gracious enough to give her ownership of the apartment the moment you hear she had nowhere to go, and she’s been staying there ever since. Not because she doesn’t have money to move out, but because this place was your apartment, and she wants something related to you, to sooth her aching heart.
It’s quite late into the night when she hears a knock on the front door.
She hasn’t been sleeping well these days, which is why she’s still awake to hear the knock. Even a depressed, broken state, Minju still grabs something for self-defense, like how you taught her to. Though it’s proven useless the moment Minju peeks the peephole and is met with your disheveled appearance.
“Oppa?!” She exclaims, opening the door fully. She winces at his ragged appearance, with only hoodie and sweatpants. His hair messy and unkempt, his posture low and defeated. His eyes…oh god, his eyes, bloodshot, fill to the brim with tears, sullen, puffy, dead. If Minju thinks of herself as a mess, then the current you in front of her is a garbage dump.
“Can I come in?” Your voice raspy and hoarse, clear evidence of you crying for a long time. Minju quickly ushers you in before closing and locking the door. “W-what happened oppa?” She gently pushes you down at the couch. You say nothing, your eyes’ staring at the coffee table for a long period of time.
“Woojin oppa?” Minju gently touches your shoulder, feeling your body shiver at her touch.
“You…you were right, Minju-ah.”
That is all it takes for Minju to understand what happened to you.
You turn to her, your eyes teary with streams of tears staining your cheek, you try to smile at her, but your lips can’t even curl up with you wanting to just… Give up. “You were right about her. I…I was nothing to her, just, a toy.”
“Oppa…” Minju slowly, gently leans in to wrap her arms around you, enveloping into her hug, despite you being too big for her small frame. “It’s ok oppa, I’m here for you. You don’t have to be tough anymore.”
She can feel your body start to relax against hers as your face is buried into her shoulder, your arms wrapping loosely around her waist.
Soon enough, she feels her shoulder wet with his tears, his body trembling all over as he silently weeps and sob in her embrace, with her gently soothing him, her tears already flowing out of her at the sight of her broken friend.
After what seems like forever, you finally stop crying, now just be wrapped in the embrace of your friend. “Minju…” you start to sit up straight again, your hands wiping away the remaining tears. “I’m sorry for last time, I didn’t mean to shout at you.”
Shaking her head, she reasons with you. “It wasn’t your fault oppa, it was kind of rude for me to say those things to you.” “But it was necessary.” You hold her shoulder firmly, your lips finally curving up into a small smile for your dear friend. “Thank you, for snapping me out of it.”
In a way, Minju’s goal is completed, you are now snapped out of Wonyoung’s manipulation, so she should be happy. But seeing the haggard appearance of you in front of her right now, she wondered if it was the right thing to do. She doesn’t want to bring you any harm or pain, and it pains her even more to see you broken like this.
“What are you going to do now?” Minju tentatively asks “I honestly don’t know, Minju.” You let out a sigh. “Be my manager.” Minju grabs the chance instantly. “H-huh?”
“My company is still looking for a manager for me, and you would be the perfect candidate for the position.” Her gaze is fiercely locking onto you.
“I don’t know, Minju” you can’t bear the heat of her eyes, causing you to look downwards. “Who would want to hire a worthless, useless piece of shit like me-” Minju isn’t having any of this bullshit, so she stops you midway, tackling you onto the couch and mounting you.
“Whatever Wonyoung say to you, it isn’t true.” She affirms “You are not worthless, Woojin-ah.”
In order to avoid her piercing gaze, your eyes dart at anything that you can lay your eyes on. “If I’m not, why did Wonyoung abandon me?” You ask in a broken voice.
Minju chokes at the situation, not because she doesn’t know how to answer, but because the sound of your broken, defeated voice seem to kill her on the inside.
“Woojin-ah.” Minju’s voice turns soft. You’re still refusing to meet her eyes. “Look at me, please.” She cups your cheek, forcing you to face her, eventually, you have no choice but to gaze upon her.
“You’re not worthless.” She says softly. “It was you that tamed the chaos that was I*ZONE that no one else wanted to do.”
“It was you that helped us bond together and work towards our goals.”
“You, who listened to all of our whims like an older brother, yet still know when to draw the line and help stop us.”
“You, who listened to all of our deepest wishes, and chose not to reveal it, but to help each of us with our own wishes.”
“You, the one who beat up a guy just because he was disrespecting us.” Both you and Minju chuckles slightly at that one.
“It was because of you, that our memory as I*ZONE was so valuable.” She pauses for a bit. “I love you, Woojin.” Your eyes slightly widen at the second confession.
“I don’t know when it happened, but along the lines of childhood friends, to best friends, to brother figures and managers, I stopped viewing you as just a friend.” You can feel her hands trembling. “I’m sorry for not confessing to you back then. I’m sorry for letting everything gone out of hand. I’m sorry-”
Now it’s your turn to stop her in her words, but with a finger on her lips instead.
“It’s not just your fault, Minju.” You lower your voice. “It was also partly my fault, that I was ignorant of my best friend’s feelings, and only paid attention elsewhere. I’m so, so sorry for it.”
Minju is just lying there, staring at you for a long while, before she leans down for your lips, only to be stopped by you.
“I’m sorry Minju. But my heart, it isn’t ready for another relationship yet.” You look at her sadly, as you can see her feelings wavered in her eyes. “Can you wait for me?” You add to her surprise. “Can you wait until I’m ready for another relationship?”
Instead of leaning down for a kiss, she now digs her face into the crook of your neck, her arms wrapping around you tightly. “I’ll wait.” You can hear her muffled voice. “As long as it takes.” She snuggles herself deeper into you.
For the first time in these past few days, you feel relief, like a burden has been lifted off your shoulder, and that you are free, finally.
“Thank you, Minmin.” You mutter, just enough for her to hear, before you pass out for the night due to exhaustion. “No, thank you, oppa.” You don’t hear Minju’s response, but a faint smile appears on your sleeping face.
“I can’t reach him.” Wonyoung says frustratedly, walking in circles in her studio. “He’s never been this unreachable before.”
It’s been almost a month ever since that night. After her heated bout of sex with her ‘friend’ right next to your sleeping body, she woke up the next day to found you already disappeared from the apartment. Though none of your items were taken away, you seem to disappear off the grid.
She tried to find you through your friends, but none of them even had a clue as to where you might be. At the first place, you don’t really have many friend (that she knows of), and ever since you moved in with her, you met them even less. A gnawing fear at the back of her mind informs her of her greatest fear, but she drives it away.
“Oh, come on, didn’t you say he’s just your toy? Why are you so worried about him?” Her ‘friend’ scoffs. “Are you saying that you want to do the chores?” She eyes him, causing him to shut up instantly.
You are disappearing don’t really affect Wonyoung much, besides the fact that her apartment is slowly becoming a mess because you aren’t there to clean it up. She might not care about you, but she acknowledges that you are useful to her, that’s why she kept you around for so long.
“Loosen up baby~” her ‘friend’ comes up to behind her. “Instead of worrying about him, why not have some fun with me instead?” He kisses her neck roughly, leaving quite a visible mark on it. You would have never been this rough to her- Wait, why is she thinking of you right now?
Soon enough, she is enticed by the guy’s action as they are wrapped in each other’s embrace, kissing and their tongue engaged in a battle for supremacy, entirely unaware that you, the person that she’s been looking for, is leaning against the studio’s door with a blank face.
“Ahem.” Now they see you, and she quickly pushes the other guy away from her, annoying him, you don’t really care though.
“Oppa!” She beams with a smile. “Where have you been?”
“I had urgent stuffs to take care, so I couldn’t inform you in time.” Instead of your usual obedient attitude, your tone sounds monotonous, bored, even somewhat chilly.
“Hey! What’s with the attitude!” Her ‘friend’ growls at you, to which you promptly ignore. No need to pay attention to a dog in heat.
“I got something for you.” You take out a bouquet of flowers and a small box, moving towards the nearby table and place them on it. “For our anniversary.”
It dawns on Wonyoung now that today’s their anniversary, and you must have come back because you’re still in love with her.
She walks up to check out the present: a necklace with her initials on it ‘J.W.’
“You like it?” You give her a smile that don’t quite reach your eyes.
“I love it, thank you oppa~” She beams at you again with the goddamn smile that still somewhat tug at your heartstring. But no, enough is enough. You refuse to be played again.
“Good, because that is the last present from me to you.” You say with a smile, yet all Wonyoung can feel is chills down her spine. “W-what do you mean oppa?” She stutters.
“We’re done. We’re through, I’m breaking up with you.”  You look unamused. “How many times do I need to say it?”
“B-but why?! We are good with each other! I love you!” You roll your eyes at her response, before taking out your phone and tapping on it. Soon enough, sounds of sex fills the room, the perpetrators of such an act are standing in the room with you. “Any question?”
“It-it was a mistake oppa! I was drunk!” Wonyoung tries to plead for herself. But her ‘friend’ has other ideas. “Yeah, I fucked her, so what?” He looks at you smugly. “You’re just a worthless being, how can you be a match to my flawless Wonyoung.” He tries to trigger you, but to his surprise, you remain surprisingly calm. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, enough of that bullshit.” You yawn.
“I’m only here to inform you of it. If you have any other ideas for me, I will release this audio online.”
“You fucker! Don’t you dare!” her ‘friend’ immediately rushes up to you in a fit of rage. “No wait! He knows martial arts-” Wonyoung’s warning comes too late, as you’ve gotten into stance beforehand, your body rotate quickly to your right, your left leg acting as the supporting leg for your body as your right leg chamber, then release quickly in a smooth motion, shooting straight in front of you, a beautiful spinning back kick, with your feet finding purchase right on the guy’s solar plexus, knocking him out instantly from the pain, with the momentum sending him flying backwards.
“Baby!” she yells, rushing towards the guy. You feel your heart broken at the sight of her caring for him, but then again, he is broken by her, what’s left to break?
“Can’t even withstand a kick.” You let out a sigh. “Let this be our last meeting, Wonyoung-ah.” You look at her. “I won’t ever see you again, so you won’t ever have to see me again, we are strangers from now on.”
With that said, you turn around to leave, only to be stopped by her shout. “You’re nothing without me!” You’re somewhat surprised by her outburst but regain your composure soon enough. Looking back at her, you let out a small smile. “I may be worthless in your eyes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do anything.”
“I gave you everything you wanted!” She still doesn’t know how to give up.
“You were the only thing I wanted.” You reply in a somber voice. “I don’t care if we were rich or poor. I would have been happy with you, even if we run a laundromat and do taxes.” You chuckle. “I truly, genuinely, did love you, Wonyoung.” You look at her one final time, to see tears streaming down her eyes. “Let us never see each other again.” You then exit the room, leaving behind a tearful Wonyoung hugging her fainted ‘friend’, or is it boyfriend now? “Oppa…” is the only thing that she mutters in the empty room.
Walking out of the studio, you feel refreshed, reborn once again. No longer are you the ‘oppa’ that was enslaved and blinded by love. You are now Yun Woojin, free to do whatever you please.
Though this relationship has left a scar in your heart, it’s nothing that you can’t overcome.
“Woojin oppa!” A sweet, familiar voice comes up from behind you, her arms giving you a squeeze from behind, before she takes your hand in hers seamlessly.
“Minju-” “I know I know, you’re not ready yet, but it’s quite chilly today, and I forgot the bring the packets, can I hold your hand? Please~” Her large, beady eyes look at you like a puppy.
“Fine.” “Yay!”
With your best friend by your side, you know you can overcome it. After all, she was the one who snapped you out of it. Or should you say, your girlfriend?
You glance at Minju, happily humming while walking hand in hand with you.
Hmmm… You know the effect she can have on you, similarly to Wonyoung, but she treats you as an equal, and is always willing to do anything for you.
One day, you think to yourself.
One day.
Ghost: How to attempt to trigger an audience without saying you are trying to attempt to trigger your audience. Lol
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soliarus · 11 months
Fangs and Claws pt 2
-long awaited (my bad), fluff, angst, fantasy world, vampires, werewolves, elves, ect ect... some enemies to lovers 🤭🤭🤭
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: being sworn enemies really does cause some tension, could this said tension turn romantic??
Part One
words 3k
werewolf!momo x vampire!sana x gn!elf!reader
Living with both Momo and Sana has proven to be very challenging. Their species is at war, but it also appears that they are fighting a little one among themselves. Your furniture was too small for them; your sofas and chairs had them virtually squatting, and you were giggling inside every time one of them forgot to duck their heads under a doorway and hit their forehead. 
But then again, they're enemies, so... Here you are sitting in between them with your arms crossed as the two girls wedge themselves closer to the couch’s arms, glaring at one another over your head. 
“You guys can’t act like this forever,” you huff, eyeing the two, “make some conversation, get to know one another or something”. You look between them and see them look away from one another, Sana with a soft “hmph” and Momo with an annoyed scoff. You groan and leave the room, probably to go dust your room off, again. 
Sana looks over at Momo, still looking away. She fiddles with her fingers slightly before hesitantly opening her mouth, “h–” 
“don’t talk to me.”
Not to mention they make anything—literally everything a competition. 
Here, Y/N, let me get that for you.” Momo offers to move your chair back for you, before pushing it forward after you get comfortable, picking up the napkin before carefully tying it around your neck, and ruffling your hair as you whine, batting her hand away.  Momo grinned triumphantly and moved to take a seat on her side of the table. Sana huffs at the interaction, jealousy coursing through her.
“Hey Y/N, let me fill up your plate.” Sana takes your plate and begins to fill it up with mashed potatoes, with a side of coleslaw, placing a nicely sliced piece of bread next to it. You thank them both with a blush, saying that they didn’t have to and that you’re more than capable of doing it yourself. Momo, of course, glares straight at the smug vampire. 
Momo and Sana found out very early on that you loved to clean. May it be washing your sheets, dusting the house, trimming the bushes, or sweeping the path leading to your front door, you loved to keep things neat and tidy. Today was one of those ‘cleaning’ days that you’d have often, and of course the two beasts were quick to offer help. You were in your room while you asked Sana to be in charge of the living room and Momo of the kitchen. 
Sana saw Momo wiping down the cups, but she purposefully skips your favorite one, with reason of course, it was made of silver. All vampire weapons were made of silver because it was the most effective against werewolves. Sana whistles over to the kitchen as an idea arises in her mind. 
“What are you doing here?” Momo aggressively asks, glaring at Sana. 
Sana shrugs, a smirk on her face. “Am I not allowed to be in the kitchen? Just wanna see what you’re doing.” Her eyes trail to your favorite silver cup. Momo catches her eye. 
“Don’t you dare!” Momo tries to stop her, but it’s too late. 
“Oops!” And Sana bumps onto the counter, knocking the cup over the edge, and Momo leaps, her arms reaching to catch the cup. And she’s successful; the cup falls into her hands, and she bites her lips to hold back a whimper. She carefully sets the cup down on the floor and races towards the sink, placing her hands under the cold water. You come out of the room with a little maid’s apron tied around your waist and a cleaning cloth in your hand, asking about the sound, when you notice Momo holding back tears. 
“Oh Momo,” You softly call for her, walking up to her to graze your hand over the burn before pulling back after seeing her wince, an obvious pout on her lips. “What happened?” 
“Your cup fell,” Momo uttered, pointing at your cup lying on the ground with not a single scratch on it. You sigh, understanding what happened. 
“Awww, Momo, I don’t care about the cup; you didn’t have to hurt yourself for that. Come come. Let's put some ointment on it and wrap it up. Sana, would you be a dear and finish up for Momo?” You softly usher her towards your room. Momo looks at Sana, sticking her tongue out with a smug look on her face, as Sana stares in shock. But as her eyes flicker down to Momo’s hand, she feels a twinge of guilt before brushing it away and picking up a cloth to finish wiping down the cups. 
And this one time, the three of you were outside, tending to your crops, which were safely secured inside a sturdy new fence both Momo and Sana had built for you. Sana and Momo, as per your request, were shortening some of the long grass that grew alongside your walls. You found them to be too tall and wanted them to be short enough to make it seem your cottage was neat and proper on the outside just as much as it was inside. Momo still had a bandage on her hand from the events of the day before, and she was filled with resentment. 
This could be her chance to get back at Sana, and she wouldn’t dare miss it. Sana was behind your cottage; the shade casted on her to protect her from the sun. She is a vampire, after all; she wouldn’t want to burn. But Momo wanted Sana to feel the same pain she felt, so she came up with a quick game plan. 
She remembers when Sana saw a spider crawling on your bathroom wall; the screech she let out still makes her laugh internally at her enemy's misery. She looks around and notices a beetle crawling on a leaf. She smirks before picking the small creature up. “perfect”, she mumbles to herself. 
“Ohh, Sana, you won’t believe what I found.” Momo walks up to Sana with a smug look, her hands hiding behind her back. 
“What is it, mutt?” Sana scoffed, setting down her pliers and walking over. Momo took the chance to throw the beetle at Sana; her face paled as the tiny beetle landed on her shoulder. She screeched, jumping away and slapping her shoulder before tripping over the same set of pliers she’d tossed onto the ground. She fell to the ground with a thud, and a bit of her face escaped the shade and became exposed to the sun. She yelped at the burning sensation, and you quickly came running, asking what happened. 
“Oh no, Sana!” You sit her up against the shade, and Momo holds back her snickers as Sana throws her a hard glare, holding onto her head. 
“Okay, you two need to be careful; humans visit all the time, so act like one, and don’t do anything suspicious.” You talk about the market in town; every season, vendors from all over come over to sell their goods in the middle of town square, humans and elves alike, ranging from homemade fresh fruits and baked sweets to trinkets and fancy clothes from vast adventurers. 
You gave both of them cloaks. Sana was definitely allergic to the sun; the bandage on her cheek was a clear sign, and wearing her armor would definitely reveal that she is, in fact, not a human. Momo’s amber eyes were a dead give away that she was a werewolf, and her stature... no human would be able to compete. 
“By the way, town is like 5 miles from here. Any questions?” You look at the cloaked figures standing stiffly behind you. Both of them holding onto the handle of a large wooden wheelbarrow, “okay then, let’s get going!” You begin a brisk walk ahead of them as the two stumble behind you. 
The town was bustling with life, creatures other than elves and humans roamed the streets. Creatures that Momo and Sana had never seen before like fairies, gnomes, wizards, and even a cyclops. They were astonished. Following you like lost puppies, you went from one stand to another, conversing with the sellers and buying food and little trinkets you found fascinating. Many suspicious looks were thrown at the two, but you worked it out by coming up with quick distractions. 
As you make your way to one particular stand, the owner jumps for joy at the sight of you, saying, “Oh little Y/N! How have you been?” You’re brought into a hug by an elderly elf, “Never better, how have you been, Aunt Becky?” 
The lady chuckles, “Oh, the same old life with the same old husband! Frank still likes to nag at every living thing that breathes in his direction!”, the woman scoffs, but her eyes catch the two mysterious figures behind you. “who are these two?” You stiffen at the question, “Uhhh, they're some human friends, yeah! They’re a little shy” You whisper the little bit at the end, Aunt Becky nods, suspiciously eyeing the two, before moving behind her stand. 
“So I’ve got something just for you, little elf!” Your eyes light up, as you watch the older elf take out a box, “is it what I think it is?!” You practically squeal, clapping your hands in excitement. Sana and Momo tilt their heads to get a better view, wondering what it is that’s making you so excited? The box is opened, and you gasp, “oh my gosh, it’s a fully griffin feathered duster!” You pick it up and look at the duster in awe, “how much? I’ll get it now!” You run your hands through the tough feathers sighing at the feeling. Momo and Sana stand there shocked, they were expecting something else, not sure what but definitely something else. 
“It’ll be three hundred silver coins.” Your jaw drops. 
“What? No way! The-three hundred? C-c’mon Aunt Becky could you throw in a discount? I don't have that much!” The gray-haired elf shook her head, 
“Sorry Y/N, I need to make a living! Giving out discounts won’t help me pay for food. Plus these are real griffin feathers we’re talkin’ ‘bout here! Three hundred is pretty cheap if you ask me!” You frown nodding, “maybe next time then” You sound defeated as you turn away, “let’s go to the tailor’s stand guys” 
You needed the money to buy the two clothes but before you could step away Sana drops a tiny leather pouch onto the stand and Momo picks up the box. Sana takes your hand as Momo carefully sets the box into the wheelbarrow. Aunt Becky raises an eyebrow and opens the pouch and out spews coins not silver coins, but coins made of pure gold. And your jaw drops once again, “Where did you two…?” You were at a loss for words, as Sana holds your hand and walks towards the tailor’s stand that had been passed earlier, Momo scoffs as she watches you walk away with Sana, she tugs at the wheelbarrow, mumbling a quick “keep the change” before trudging forward to catch up with you two. 
You guys were loading everything onto the wheelbarrow and you were still surprised at how rich they are, “Where did you guys get the money? I mean gold coins! Gold! Coins! Those things are an elf’s dream! Like are you two actually secretly super rich? Man, gold coins are so coo-” 
“And up we go” You gasp when Momo suddenly lifts you up and sets you into the wheelbarrow right on top of one of the bigger quilts you got for them. 
“You sit there and be cute and ramble about cute stuff till we get back home” Sana ruffled your hair and gently tugs at your ear before going to the front with Momo.
“Uh- okay then!” And you continue to blabber about how cool Sana and Momo looked, and then proceeded to talk about your new one of a kind duster and how you love it so much and that you’re going to use it every single day. But the blabbering comes to a stop not even half way back to your little cottage. 
The sudden silence causes Sana to turn around to check on you, she finds you fast asleep, napping on the same quilt you were set on, hugging your griffin-feather duster. She chuckles a bit before turning her head back to the front, “asleep…” she murmurs, Momo hums.
“Should we take a break?” Momo looks over at Sana confused, she then scowls, “do you think I’m tired? Because I’m not” 
“No, no, not at all” Sana shakes her head, “Just wanted to take a break, you up for it?” 
Momo looks into Sana’s eyes, they didn’t hold any bad intention, her scowl twitches before she looks away with a huff, “...fine” 
The gentle breeze swept across her hair as Sana closed her eyes and leaned against the large boulder, a sigh leaving her lips.
“It’s peaceful here” Momo who’s sitting on top of the boulder tilts her head confused, “what I mean is…” Sana looks up at Momo with a soft smile, 
“There’s no violence here. No blood shed, no war. I’m not paranoid about turning death’s corner here every second of every day. Don’t you agree?” 
Momo clenches her fists, “I don’t want to go back… I don’t want to leave them” Her confession, although not a direct answer was enough and had Sana smiling. 
“Me too” 
“Let’s set everything up tomorrow, the sun is beginning to set'' You yawn after the three of you unload everything onto your couch—not after you wipe everything down before bringing them inside. The two find you cute as you stretch and rub at the tiredness in your eyes. 
“That’s a good idea, sweets. You look like you’re about to fall asleep any minute” Sana rests her hand on her shoulder. Momo rests her hand on your lower back, looking down at you, “we’ll set up the bed, why don’t you go shower?”
You’re confused as to why neither of them tried to rip the other’s arm off you, but you’re too tired to question it. 
The sound of running water is the only thing breaking the silence as Momo and Sana set up the normal sleeping arrangements, you sleep on the bed, only because the two feel nervous about breaking it. Both of them sleep on the floor, they layer some extra comforters and duvets you had laying around. You feel guilty always saying that their backs will ache in the morning because it’s not good for them, but they disagree. Momo finds your duvets much softer than the ones back in the barracks, and Sana can get lost in your scent after she switches pillows with you every other night before you could wash them. These nights with you have given them the best sleep of their lives, but that was after they learned not to be paranoid each night thinking the other was going to slice their throat in their sleep. 
Sana yawns once she does her signature switch of the pillows, smelling your pillow and sighing. Momo notices the tiredness in Sana’s eyes, “I’ll shower after you” Sana perks up at the offer, “wait really! That’s a first, am I growing on you puppy?” Sana teases, a soft blush forms on Momo’s cheeks as she looks away, “just hop in the shower creep, you stink” Sana chuckles walking past you, into the bathroom you just came out of. 
“Oh my Momo! Your face is red! Are you feeling okay? Are you sick? Gosh, you look misera-” 
“I- I’m fine!” 
Momo lets out a yawn before she tucks herself in. You were peacefully asleep on your bed, still hugging that expensive duster like your life depended on it. Her hair slightly damp as she adjusts her position, she turns but her breath hitches once she comes face to face with a sleeping Sana. The way the moonlight shines on her face, her pale skin almost sparkling. Her hair laid out so gracefully, her eyes trailing from Sana’s lips to her nose, her cheeks, stopping at the bandage hiding the burnt skin that existed underneath. For some reason, her heart churns, not with satisfaction but with guilt. 
She raises her hands up, her fingers gently grazing the spot. The longer she stares, the more the guilt begins to drown her. Her fingers trail with her eyes, from Sana’s bandage to her cheeks, her nose, and then to her lips. Then her hand is held by another, and Momo looks up and notices Sana’s red eyes staring right into hers, a smirk curling. It’s a blur for Momo, and she’s confused. She doesn’t know why she likes it, but she does. She likes the way Sana pushes her onto her back, how Sana straddles her, how Sana leans in, and how her breath fans against her ear. 
"Momo,” Sana teases, “have you perhaps… taken a liking to me?” She smirks down at the werewolf, trailing her hands against her neck. Momo can feel her heartbeat, swallowing nothing before mumbling, “and... if I have?” 
Sana smirks and bites her ear, Momo’s breath hitching, “then I’d know you feel the same.” Another blur, and Momo feels nibbles and kisses trail her face and down to her neck, but just as fast as they came, they disappeared. A sudden sound of something falling is heard from one side of the room—your side. Your prized duster lay on the floor as you looked at the two, gawking at what you just witnessed. 
“No way. Am I- Am I dreaming?” You mumbled, a deep red blush covered your face and ran up to your ears and down your neck. Momo and Sana look at one another, slightly surprised, before smirking. 
“Oh darling, we’ll make you feel like your dreaming, c’mere” 
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no1frogfan · 1 year
Impending, part 1
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Matsukawa Issei x afab reader
Word count: ~1.1k
Tags & warnings: a bit of drinking, eventual smut (in the next part)
Note: Oops, this was supposed to be 500 words of porn without plot but now it’s going to be a multi-part porn with feelings. I’m the only one who didn’t see that coming. Here you go mica :* @princesskazuya
part 2
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“Thought I’d find you down here. Mom and dad want you to make an appearance before grandma has to leave.”
Hiro grunts, eyes glued to the television where Princess Peach is gaining on Wario.
“Oh. Hey Issei.”
Unlike Hiro, he greets you in response, sidelong glance lingering for just a moment before returning to the tv.
You make your way down the rest of the basement stairs to flop onto the ratty old couch behind them, beer swishing at the movement. The boys lay side-by-side, splayed out on their stomachs on the carpeted floor. They’re both so tall now that they barely fit between the couch and the tv all stretched out like this. It makes it hard not to think about the last time you saw them together. They used to be the same height as you and so scrawny, bony limbs poking out of baggy t-shirts and gym shorts. You could’ve taken them both in a fight, easy — and more than once you did.
But if you thought Hiro’s grown … Somehow Issei got even taller than your brother. Bigger too.
In the lead now, Princess Peach rounds the bend for the last lap. Wario is slowly closing in after an unlucky shell shot sent him tumbling off a cliff.
You tuck one leg under the other and sip your beer. Their bottles sit forgotten on the table as they jostle for the lead. What’s happening on screen is not much different from what’s in front of you as they try to knock the controller out of the other’s hands, shit-talking and shoving each other aggressively.
By the time they’ve reached the last quarter of the track, they’re just full-on wrestling. You hurriedly pull your other leg up out of harm’s way and snatch up their beers so they don’t get knocked off the table. The other racers pass by as they grapple in earnest — Hiro’s laid out on top trying to put Issei in a headlock but Issei hunches over, arms bulging as he grabs Hiro’s thigh and flips him onto his back with a thud.
You just roll your eyes.
They’ve always been like this — rowdy and obnoxious. You’d think more boys would make things more chaotic, but their other friends somehow kept them in line when they all hung out together. When it was just the two of them, they were a way bigger pain in the ass.
“Takahiro, get up here!” A muffled yell comes from upstairs.
“Dad’s calling for you.”
When they don’t stop fighting, you kick Hiro hard in the ass. “Hey!”
“Ow! What the fuck?” Hiro kicks back, missing you by a mile.
“Dad’s calling for you,” you repeat.
“Ugh,” he grumbles and pushes himself up off the floor, still catching his breath. He grabs his half-finished beer out of your hand and flips you off before heading upstairs. “Don’t touch my game.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to win for you,” you call after him.
“I said don’t touch it!”
“No promises!”
When you turn back, Issei is already holding up Hiro’s controller, one thick eyebrow raised and a wicked grin on his face. You mirror his grin.
A whiff of something clean and citrusy tickles your nose when you lean forward. It freezes you in place for a split second before your brain kicks back into gear, trading his beer for the controller and settling back comfortably cross-legged.
“Ready to get wrecked?”
It used to be so easy to rile them up. Issei just chuckles at your taunt now. Sitting up, he pulls down the shirt that’s ridden up his stomach in the tussle, covering the churn of muscle underneath. His shoulder brushes against your knee as he leans back against the couch. His hair has gotten longer, resting in easy waves atop his head. From this angle, the light catches the sheen of sweat on the back of his neck where a few curls lay plastered against his nape. This close, you can smell the salty tang of sweat sneaking through the cologne.
“You remember how to play?” The bass of his voice rumbles through you. That’s new too.
You startle when he twists around to look up at you through hooded eyes.
It’s cool down in the basement, perfect for escaping the heat of the afternoon, but you’re out of the frying pan and into the fire it seems because he’s practically laying his sweaty torso in your lap, one elbow draped over your thigh, his heavy bicep propped on you…
“Yeah, I remember.” Your voice comes out like a purr instead of a sting and he smirks.
You straighten up, shoving his arm off you. “Just hurry up.”
His eyes dart down to your chest with a hum and he scrutinizes you one last time before turning around. Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything else before he starts the race.
Hiro clomps back downstairs just as you cross the finish line. You’d eked out a win, barely. Mostly because you got lucky with the items. Without a word, Hiro plucks the controller out of your hands and resumes his earlier position on his stomach. Issei makes no move to join him. Instead, he plants a palm on your knee to push himself up off the floor and sinks down next to you on the couch.
You keep your eyes trained on the tv, not on him, and not on his hands. Not on his long fingers or the size of his palms.
Your senses become distinctly attuned to his proximity and the itch of his leg hair against your skin with every slight shift. You swipe through your phone wondering if it’s a distraction for him too.
“Anything catch your interest?”
A breathy murmur against your neck makes you jolt. The last race has already ended and they’re waiting for the next to start. When you turn, he’s only a hair’s breadth away, expression hesitant but goading.
Hiro yawns and you’re suddenly reminded of where you are.
You push Issei off and spring to your feet.
“I’m going to grab another beer.”
Matsukawa lets out a low groan as you scurry toward the stairs.
“What?” Makki twists around to look at him, then follows Mattsun’s line of sight up the steps until his eyeline hits the back of your thighs. “Gross, dude. Stop that.”
“Fuck you.”
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sheridans-dynamos · 2 years
Time Makes You Bolder
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Summary: After defeating Vecna and getting your dad back, everything seems almost perfect in Hawkins, almost... until you realize that your newest friend, Eddie, has been acting a little strange around you.
Word count: 8.6k (oops?)
A/N: Here I am, officially on the Eddie train! I mean, I’ve loved him since the start, but I’ve finally written for him! Wasn’t expecting it to turn out this long, but that’s just where the story was taking me. I’m kinda proud of this one, not gonna lie, so I hope you guys like it!! (Special shoutout to @thedevilwearsvibranium​ for proofreading this for me, and coming up with a summary for me cause I was struggling lmao)
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"Bye, Dad!" you spoke out into the cabin with your hand on the door, ready to make a quick getaway. 
But not quick enough it seemed, for your father appeared in the door frame of his room before you even managed to turn the handle. "Woah there, kiddo. Where you headed like that?" Hopper questioned, his arms crossing over his chest. 
You groaned as you turned towards him, letting your back rest against the door as you eyed your father. 
You had been incredibly thrilled to find out he was alive, you missed him so much while he was "dead." You remembered your reunion and how you felt in that moment as if it was yesterday, even though it was actually close to five months ago now. 
You, him and your sister, Eleven, had hugged each other and cried until all the tears had left your body. And you spent the few days following never leaving each other's side, having so much to catch each other up on in all of your respective lives.
Spring Break had been rough, with Vecna and the whole Upside Down mess. It wasn't the first time you had to deal with all of that, but it still wasn't easy. 
Many times you had feared for the lives of your friends, the friends you'd had for years now, and also the ones you'd just made through this most recent brush with certain death. 
Eddie had come really close to dying that day you defeated Vecna, but thankfully he'd made it through the fight thanks to your help. 
Things were much calmer now, and it felt good to be able to just live your life like a normal person, graduate with your friends (yes, even Eddie finally got that damn piece of paper) and now enjoy your summer with everyone.
And as much as you'd missed your dad, that was something you hadn't missed. That overprotectiveness and constant questioning of your whereabouts. Even though you couldn't really blame him, considering everything that happened over the last three years, it was still exhausting.
"Just going over to Family Video to meet up with some friends, then we'll probably go hang out at the field a bit, I don't know," you answered his question, hoping that would be the end of it.
"That Harrington boy again? I still don't trust that kid," he gruffed, and you chuckled, amused that you were still at this point. Your dad had never really liked you being friends with Steve, always saying he didn't trust "boys like that" with his daughter, that they only want one thing and blah blah blah. 
"Yes. And Nancy, and Robin, and… maybe someone else. And by the way, Dad, 'That Harrington boy,' as you call him, only has eyes for Nancy, you don't have anything to worry about," you tried to reassure him once again, even though you knew it wouldn't do much to calm his ever worrying mind. 
"Hmm. Well. Have fun, then. And don't be home too late. And don't have too much fun," Hopper said as he slowly uncrossed his arms. 
You smiled at him and his grumpy demeanor, thinking once more of just how much you'd missed him. You dropped your bag on the table next to the door, making your way to him and wrapping your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He seemed surprised for a second, but quickly returned the gesture, holding you close to his chest. 
"What's this for?" he mumbled against your head. 
"I just love you, that's all," you responded as you pulled away, finally getting to exit the cabin.
Hopper smiled to himself as you closed the door and made your way to your car. "I love you, too, kiddo."
You tapped your fingers against the steering wheel of your car as you drove towards the video store, your head slightly bopping to the music you were listening to with your windows down. As much as you loved the current popular music, you couldn't let go of that one album from over ten years ago that just filled you with so many emotions. Fleetwood Mac's self titled album had seen you through so many tough times in your life, it would forever be your favorite. 
Not that people knew that. You had a deep love for music, but mostly kept it to yourself. You could discuss music related things with people, but you liked to keep the songs and artists that mattered most to you close to your chest, not willing to let people intrude upon it.
You pulled into the parking lot at Family Video, turning your car off as you stepped out and made your way towards the door. You could already hear Steve and Robin bickering about something. 
Their voices became clearer as you opened the door, making the bell ring, which would usually alert them to your presence, but they seemed too engrossed in their debate to notice now.
"Robin, she's not-" Steve was saying, but Robin quickly interrupted him.
"No, I'm telling you, she definitely has- Oh, hi Y/N! Didn't see ya there!" She abruptly stopped what she had been saying when she finally became aware of your presence, starting to fidget, which caused you to frown at her.
"Who were you talking about?" you questioned.
"Oh, you know, just… someone," Steve shrugged vaguely. 
"A- a girl Steve likes!" Robin blurted, and Steve elbowed her, but she swatted at his arm, dismissing his protest. "Yeah, totally. We were talking about this girl Steve likes, and I was just telling him that obviously she likes him, cause, ya know, he's Steve and all," she finished off with an eye roll, which made you chuckle.
"So, who's the lucky girl, then?" you asked him. You were a bit surprised to hear he was into someone, considering how you knew he felt about Nancy. But if this could help him move on and be happy, then good for him.
"Oh, you know, it's um- just some girl," he told you, pretty much only echoing his answer from earlier. You eyed him cautiously, wondering why he didn't seem to want to share any information with you about this mystery girl.
"Okayyy," you let the word stretch, still confused, your mind turning over the possibilities, but snapping back to reality as Robin clapped her hands once, loudly. 
"Alright, now that you're here, let's get going! Nancy is meeting us at the field." 
You waited for her to continue, as there was still one person unaccounted for in your little friend group, but she kept silent as she hopped over the counter to make her way to the door, forcing you to say, "What about Eddie?"
The grin on Steve's face made you narrow your eyes, wondering why your question elicited such a response from him, but not thinking too much of it. "Oh don't worry, Eddie's probably already there, waiting for us." He winked at you, and you waved your arm off, dismissing this odd behavior as typical Steve shenanigans. Who knew why that man did any of what he did.
"Okay, well, let's go then! We shouldn't keep him waiting." You gestured for Steve to join you on this side of the counter and he obliged, the grin still ever present on his face as he jogged past you, ruffling your hair on his way and making you groan in annoyance.
"Dammit, Harrington," you grunted, smoothing your hair as you followed your friends out.
You walked a little bit behind Steve and Robin, watching them with a fond smile as they kept bumping shoulders in fake little tackles. You never had many friends growing up, but one good thing the Upside Down had brought to your life was this group of people. 
You could see Nancy and Eddie sitting on a blanket a bit further down the path. You hurried along as you saw Eddie wave you over, his arm moving in nearly frantic gestures, with Nancy chuckling beside him, an amused smile on her face as she shook her head gently.
"Hi guys," you said as you let yourself plop down into a lying position on the blanket, having left Steve and Robin behind in your little run over to your hanging spot. 
You let your head fall onto Nancy's lap, and she put her hand on your face, smoothing some hair out of your face as she greeted you. "Hey, Y/N." 
You saw Eddie look at you with an odd expression on his face, but the second your eyes locked, he quickly looked away. You frowned slightly, but, deciding not to let the odd moment ruin your mood, you nudged the side of his thigh with your foot. "Hey, butthead."
"What?" he chuckled, but still avoided looking directly at you.
"You didn't say hi to me," you replied, poking his leg to make him look at you, which he finally did, albeit somewhat reluctantly. 
"Oh. Sorry. Hello, angel," he mumbled, his hand coming to rest on your foot that was still on his thigh. You looked at him carefully, trying to assess him. 
You never really understood Eddie. One minute he'd be all strange around you, barely acknowledging you, as if he didn't want to be around you, and then the next, he'd be all sweet, calling you pet names. It shouldn't affect you, and it didn't, not really, you told yourself. After all, it didn't mean anything. But you couldn't help the weird feeling you got in the pit of your stomach every time he called you something other than your name.
"Hey dinguses," Robin said as she finally made it to your spot, nudging your leg with her own. 
"Move that leg outta the way and let me sit here. Unless you're hoping Eddie'll give you a foot massage or something." She wiggled her eyebrows at you, and you scoffed, moving and coming into a sitting position to allow her to come sit down next to you, now having her between you and Eddie. You felt a mix of relief and disappointment at the lost proximity. But both feelings were a bit too much to try and process when you were supposed to be having a fun time with your friends.
Robin leaned in close to you to whisper in your ear in a conspiratorial tone. "Sorry 'bout that. Wanna switch spots?" 
You turned to her, confused by the question. Had your weird little emotional turmoil just now been that easy to read? You shook your head. No, there was no way she knew. There wasn't even anything to know, for crying out loud. Yes, sure, you were maybe a little more excited to go somewhere when you knew Eddie would be there. And he could make you laugh like no one else did, but that didn't have to mean something more than what it was, which was Eddie being a good friend, whom you'd grown to care a lot for over the last months.
"What? Why would I wanna switch spots? I'm fine here. And what are you sorry about?" you replied in the same whisper tone. She gave you a knowing look that seemed to say 'Oh, come on, you know why.' and you glared at her, dismissing her non verbal statement with your hand before turning to face Steve, who seemed to just be staring longingly at Nancy with no subtlety whatsoever from the tree he was leaning against a little bit further from the blanket everyone else was on. 
You got up and made your way to him, snapping him out of his daze when you bumped your shoulder against his arm and spoke. "Hey, loverboy."
"Hmm?" his noncommittal response made you realize he hadn't actually snapped out of it, and you went in front of him to interrupt his line of sight before someone else noticed, especially Nancy.
"Steve. You're staring. And you're not even trying to be subtle about it." You sighed, feeling bad for your friend. You knew he never fully got over Nancy, but it seemed to have gotten worse since the events of Spring Break.
"What? I wasn't staring, staring at who? Who's staring?" he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he eyed you. 
"Steve, please, you were practically drooling on the ground with your eyes glued to Nancy," you chuckled.
"Oh please, like you're one to talk," he replied.
"What are you talking about?" you questioned, having no idea what he was referring to. 
Steve brought a hand to his face, his palm effectively slamming right onto his face. "Shit," he groaned. "Nothing, I'm just um- just projecting. Deflecting. Yeah, that's the word, deflecting." He accompanied his statement with a firm nod of his head, as you eyed him curiously.
"O…kay?" you said hesitantly. "Are you alright, Steve? I know how hard it can be, I mean, I can imagine, to have feelings for someone who you have to see all the time, but can't be with." 
You put a reassuring hand on his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze in an attempt to provide some comfort.
"Who, Nancy?" he said in a voice a bit higher than his normal register. The look you gave him made him reconsider his well thought out rebuttal. "Fine, yeah. It's hard. But it's okay, I'm dealing, best as I can, I guess." 
You smiled sadly, bringing your arms around him to pull him into a hug, holding on to him for a few seconds before pulling back slightly and saying, "I'm here for you, Steve, always."
A grateful smile appeared on his face as he looked at you. "Same goes here. If you ever need to talk about anything, or anyone, I'm here." 
You nodded, taking his hand to pull him back towards the rest of your friend group. You felt eyes on you as you approached, almost burning a hole into the back of your head, but when you turned to see who it was and your eyes locked with Eddie's, he quickly looked away, once again.
You were the only two left now, the rest of your friends all having gone home for the night. 
Eddie had seemed a bit off still for a little while, but now that it was just you two, he was back to normal, joking around with you and making you practically forget about anything other than him in that moment.
He was currently going on about a new song he was learning to play on his guitar, explaining to you a particularly tricky chord change he was having some trouble with. You couldn't help the little smile that appeared on your face as you listened to him, seeing him so happy and passionate about something just couldn't do anything but make you happy as well.
You would've stayed there all night with him if you could've, just sitting together, talking about everything and nothing, just enjoying each other's company. You had spent many nights doing just that back when he was still wanted for murder and you all took turns staying with him to make sure he was alright.
But things were different now, your dad was back, and that was the greatest thing you could've ever hoped for. But it also meant no staying out all night, especially not with a guy, otherwise a search party would soon be organised to find you. 
You looked at your watch, knowing you had to head back soon if you didn't want your dad to freak out on you. 
By now you were both sitting on the ground in comfortable silence. Your shoulders almost touching, but not quite. It was often so easy being around Eddie, you weren't sure when or why things had started to feel more complicated with you two.
“I'm gonna have to get going," you said reluctantly, wishing you could enjoy this moment of normalcy with him a bit longer.
He nodded his head. "Right, right, yes," he said, nodding his head once more, as if trying to bring himself back from wherever his mind had wandered off to. "Do you need a ride home?"
You shook your head as you tried to rise, but Eddie was quicker, jumping onto his feet and extending his hand to you, which you gladly took, letting him pull you to your feet. He had tugged with a little more force than necessary, causing you to stumble into him. Your breath caught in your throat for a second, as you stayed pressed against him much longer than necessary, before you realized fully what had just happened and you pushed yourself away, chuckling awkwardly as you dusted off your pants with your hands. "Thanks," you breathed. "And thanks for the ride offer, but I actually came here with my car, it's right over there, so I'm good." You pointed at the little path where your car was parked.
"Oh, yeah, totally, right. Okay yeah, well, goodnight I guess, then," he rambled on, avoiding your eye as he backed away, probably towards where he had parked his own van. "Get home safe, yeah?" he added, finally looking up at you as he awaited your confirmation, probably also wanting to keep an eye on you as you made your way back to your car. 
"Yeah. You too, Munson. Stay safe out there." 
He seemed to cringe a bit at your words, but quickly masked the expression with a grin that didn't quite reach his eyes, giving you a little nod. "Always."
You nodded too, turning away to get to your car. Once you sat in the driver's seat, you groaned in exasperation, wondering what had gone wrong. Things had been normal again between you two, until they weren't. 
It had to be that moment when he pulled you up and you bumped into him. It wouldn't have been a big deal, if you could've just been normal about it. But no, instead you had to stay there longer than you should have and practically gawk at him, making things awkward. That must've been why he'd been so uncomfortable after that. 
You let your head fall onto the steering wheel with another groan, the loud honk of your car making you jump back as you realized your mistake, seeing Eddie turn rapidly towards you, concern evident in his eyes.
You rolled your window down to shout to him, "Sorry, it was an accident! Everything is good!" 
He seemed to hesitate for a second, but then gave a small nod and continued towards his car. 
You willed yourself to start the drive home, suddenly feeling an intense craving for your bed, burying yourself under a ton of blankets, and forgetting everything about this disastrous end to your otherwise pleasant day.
You were on your bed, listening to some music as you read a comic book, trying to relax after a long day at work. You hadn't had much time to see your friends in the last couple of days, with your job keeping you quite busy. 
You had considered going out tonight, but instead opted for a quiet night in, taking advantage of the fact that you were home alone to put your music as loud as you wanted.
But despite the volume, you still heard the faint noise of the telephone ringing in the other room. You sighed as you forced yourself to get up, leaving the comic book face down on the bed to remember what page you were on. 
"Hello?" you answered the phone, not sure who was calling, but you knew the list of possibilities wasn't all that long.
"Hey, kiddo." You heard your dad's voice on the other end of the line, and you smiled to yourself. You still weren't fully used to the fact that he was back, that your family life was back.
"Hey, Dad. What's up?" 
"Do you think you could go pick up your sister at Max's? She was supposed to sleep over there again tonight but something came up. I didn't really get what, something about that Sinclair kid I think. But anyways, I have a few things to finish up here at the station before I can get going, and I don't want her walking home by herself at night," your dad finished, and you let your back fall against the wall, groaning internally at the prospect. There went your quiet night in. But at least it gave you an excuse for a little late night drive, which also meant blasting your favorite albums in the car.
"Yeah, no problem, I'll leave right now," you told him.
You heard him sigh in relief, and you shook your head slightly at how stressed out he'd been over this simple thing. Although, to be fair to him, considering the lives you all led, it was understandable that he might be concerned. "Thanks, kiddo. I owe you one."
"Don't mention it. Alright, I'm gonna get going. Bye, Dad, love you."
"Love you, too, kiddo," your dad said before hanging up the phone. It wasn't something you'd always been able to say easily before, especially through a tumultuous father/teenage daughter relationship. But after everything you both went through, you liked to say it to each other as often as possible.
You took a few steps towards the kitchen table, where you had left your keys, and grabbed a jacket before heading out to the trailer park.
You got out of your car, looking towards Max's trailer. You started to make your way there, but out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that the door to Eddie's trailer wasn't fully closed. Concern for your friend instantly took hold of you, and you cautiously approached the trailer, wishing you had some sort of weapon on you. 
You figured your sister could stay at Max's a few minutes longer while you investigated this. Although, she could've been useful if something bad was going on, but it was probably nothing, so you didn't want to worry her for nothing. But, considering everything that happened a few months ago, you couldn't be too sure of that fact, so you had to go and make sure.
When you got to the door, you called out Eddie's name, but no answer came. You knocked on the door once, waiting for a reaction, but when you still heard nothing from him, you slowly pushed the door, making your way in as you carefully scanned the place. The lights were on in the living room, and nothing seemed to be out of place. As you got closer to Eddie's room, you started to hear the sound of guitar, which instantly brought relief to you. Everything was fine, he'd just forgotten to close his door properly, as he'd done many times before and probably would do many times again in the future, and he hadn't heard you because he was playing his guitar. Although it sounded like it was his acoustic one this time, which he didn't play all that often.
You sighed, feeling as though you'd severely overreacted, and a bit annoyed at him for having worried you like that. You were about to turn around and leave, making sure to close the door properly this time, when you heard the soft finger picking of your favorite song in the whole world. You froze in your spot, then walked to the door of his room and pushed it gently to enter. He didn't notice you at first, too engrossed in his playing to be aware of anything else. 
But standing there, you could indeed confirm that he was playing Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, which wasn't something you ever pictured Eddie Munson, the metalhead, playing alone by himself in his room at night.
"Didn't peg you as a Fleetwood Mac fan," you finally spoke up, starting to feel like a bit of a creep, just standing there and watching him play.
His head snapped to you and he jumped back on his bed, nearly throwing his guitar in your direction. He seemed to calm down a bit as he realized who was standing there, but he was still breathing rapidly as he brought a hand to his chest to steady himself. "Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N! What the hell?!" 
You raised your hands in surrender, feeling bad for having scared him like that. "Sorry, sorry! The door to your trailer wasn't closed all the way, and I was here to pick up El at Max's, so I got worried and just wanted to check on you, but then… Fleetwood Mac, really? I didn't think that was the kind of stuff you listened to," you went back to your previous statement, too curious and shocked to let that one go. It was a pleasant surprise to hear him play this kind of music, but it just didn't make sense.
Eddie chuckled a little awkwardly, going back to the edge of his bed, where he'd been sitting before when you first came in, and he laid down his guitar gently next to him. "It's not. The kind of stuff I listen to, I mean," he said, and you looked at him, waiting for him to elaborate. "I- um…" his hand came up to scratch at his ear as he avoided your gaze.
You grew more and more confused at his reaction, wondering why he was being so cagey about a song he had been playing.
"I was playin' it 'cause of you," he finally said, but his answer only made you more confused.
"Me?" you asked, the expression on your face making Eddie's own soften as he nodded slightly.
"Yeah. I- uh, you know, with the whole Vecna thing and the music, I thought it'd be a good idea to have your favorite song in my repertoire, just in case," he told you, making your eyes widen in shock.
"How did you know? I've never told anyone this is my favorite song, and we've gotten a lot closer now, but we weren't really back then, so how could you possibly have known?" you questioned. No matter how much you tried to deny any emotions that came up when it came to Eddie, you couldn't deny the complete awe that you were feeling at the fact that he had bothered to do this for you, to protect you.
"Y/N, I sat behind you in English class for a year," he laughed, but something about his demeanor felt a little closed off, like he was embarrassed. "I- well you could say that I… noticed you… And I saw you coming in nearly every day with a Fleetwood Mac cassette in your player. Sometimes Queen, sometimes Billy Joel, but it always went back to that one album. And I heard you mumble the lyrics to Landslide to yourself during boring lectures more times than I could count. So I figured that was the one. But I learned the entire album, just to be safe."
You looked at him, completely dumbfounded. The fact that he had paid attention to these little details was one thing, but that he then held on to them for so long, you had no words. 
"Eddie, I- wow," you started, going to sit next to him on the bed, his big brown eyes following your movements closely. "I don't know what to say," you breathed as you looked into his eyes. He seemed self conscious about his confession, but his eyes remained on you all the same. 
"You think I'm a creep, now, don't you?" He added a little laugh to his question, as if he was joking, but you could tell from the expression on his face that he was worried. 
"What? Oh my god, Eddie, no!" Your hand came to rest on his thigh, and his eyes widened in shock a little at the contact, as it was more intimate than your usual interactions, but you kept going. "This is literally the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. I just can't believe you paid attention to any of that, especially when we didn't even really know each other that well back then. I just-" You paused. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and never let go. But you remembered the weirdness from the other day after your prolonged contact, and hesitated. The last thing you wanted right now was to make things awkward because you read too much into this situation. 
"Did you… did you learn to play everyone else's favorite songs?" 
He looked away, his hand going through his hair to tame it back as his eyes were fixed on a particularly interesting spot on the floor. "No… no, I didn't." It came out barely above a whisper, but you still heard him. 
"Why me?" you asked, your voice as quiet as his. You couldn't help the question, needing to hear the answer from his lips.
"You're really gonna make me say it?" he groaned half heartedly, finally facing you once again. You scrunched your face up as you nodded slightly, causing him to let out a warm laugh before speaking. "Y/N, c'mon now. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. The reason I knew about your favorite song is because I spent so much time looking at you and trying to find a way I could approach you, but I always chickened out. Sitting behind you in class and just being near you was always the best part of my day. And then we became friends and the more I got to know you the harder I fell. I've wanted to tell you this for a while now, but I was scared you'd be creeped out. And I'm sorry if I've been acting weird around you lately, it's just been getting harder and harder to be close to you and stopping myself from kissing you and touching you and God now I definitely sound like a creep, I'm sorry-" 
You cut him off by pressing your lips to his, stunning him into silence, but it only took a moment before he reciprocated the kiss, his hands burying themselves into your hair as your own hand came to rest on his chest. A small moan escaped you as Eddie deepened the kiss, and you felt him groan against your mouth at the sound. 
You pulled away from him, just enough to be able to breathe, as you let your forehead rest against his own.
"Was that just for my benefit, to shut me up? Or did you mean it?" You could see the grin on his face as he said it, probably still needing the reassurance, even though your actions had spoken louder than words.
You pecked his lips once more, backing a bit further away this time so you could look at him properly. 
"I meant every second of it," you said with a smile on your face, even though you could tell he already knew that from the way he was looking at you with stars in his eyes. "I've been lying to myself for so long, now, Eddie. From the moment I met you, I've been drawn to you. And that feeling grew stronger and stronger as we started to spend time together, but I always dismissed it as friendship. I didn't want it to be more than that, cause I was scared you wouldn't feel the same way. But I'm tired of running from myself, running from you, and from my own happiness. I've been happier this summer than I have in years, and that's in great part because of you. And if being your friend makes me this happy, I can't even imagine how happy I'll be getting what I really want with you," you finished, the smile on your face growing as you went on, feeling incredible relief at finally allowing yourself to be true to your own feelings. 
Eddie's hand came to cup your face, and you leaned into his touch with a content sigh. He brought his face less than an inch from yours, mumbling against your lips before kissing you once more, "Fuck, I love you so much, darling." 
"I love you, too, Eddie," you replied as soon as you had enough space to do so, but quickly closing in the distance between you two once more.
You hadn't been able to stay nearly as long as you would've liked making out with Eddie on his bed. There had been a reason for your presence at the trailer park in the first place, and you couldn't bail on your big sister duties. So you had, reluctantly, said goodbye to Eddie, and he promised to call you in the morning as he peppered your face with kisses.
El had been suspicious of your dreamy state as you picked her up, but you didn't feel ready to tell her about you and Eddie just yet, so you'd played it off, and she didn't press you further. 
You were now back in your room, El in her own, and your dad still at work for God knew how long. You were doing your best to try to concentrate on your previously abandoned comic book, but your mind simply wasn't there. 
All you could do was remember the feeling of Eddie's hands on you, the taste of his lips against yours, the sound of his voice, calling your name…
No. That last one wasn't a memory. You really could hear Eddie calling your name right now. 
You rose from your bed, walking to your window carefully and drawing the curtains open, only to see a grinning Eddie standing out your window, looking up at you. 
"Hey, angel. I know I said I'd call you tomorrow, but I couldn't wait that long to have you in my arms again," he said to you in a dramatic way, which made you laugh quietly. It hit you in that moment that you were in for a lot of theatrics, jumping into something with this man. But you wouldn't want it any other way.
"Hold on a second!" you whispered to him before opening the door to your room, making sure El was still in her own room. You scanned the cabin quickly, saw her door closed and felt satisfied with your conclusion, and so you turned back around, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible behind you. 
You leaned over the window, extending an arm out to him, as the window wasn't all that far off the ground. "Come on, get in here, you drama queen," you told him, laughing as he grabbed on to your arm and you tried to haul him up into your room, you both struggling under the effort.
You finally managed to pull him in, but stumbled back as you did, and his arms wrapped around you protectively, causing him to join in on your fall onto your bed, him landing promptly on top of you. 
You both laughed at the situation, exhausted from the effort, as he settled himself, one arm on each side of you, propping himself up as he essentially caged you on your bed.
"Hey now, you calling me a drama queen cause I'm missing my girl?" he asked, bumping his nose against yours and you laughed once more, having no idea how this became your life so fast, but you absolutely were not complaining. 
"Your girl, huh?" you repeated, and he grinned at you, but you could see a bit of a question in his eyes, as if he was worried he was moving too fast. "I like that," you whispered before wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in close to you for a kiss.
You had no idea how long you and him got lost in each other. It could've been minutes, just like it could've been hours. Time didn't seem to matter at all when you were with Eddie. All you knew was that this could actually be heaven.
Well, it would've been heaven, had it not been for-
"Hey, I'm ho- what the fuck is this?" Eddie jumped away from you so fast the second you both heard the voice of your father resound in your room. You had no idea how you'd missed him coming in, you usually always heard the door. Eddie really was one hell of a distraction. 
Your dad had his hands into fists resting on his hips in a disapproving dad stance, and if this situation wasn't so mortifying, you'd probably be laughing about it. 
"Sir, I-" Eddie started, scrambling to get off the bed, but your dad raised a hand out and Eddie instantly shut his mouth. 
"No. Nope. You. Out," he gritted out, and you could see the utter fear on Eddie's face. You were almost worried he wouldn't want anything to do with you from now on, knowing how scary your dad could be. You saw him give you a sheepish look before he turned to the window, but your dad spoke again, "Through the door, young man." 
Eddie turned once more, giving a small nod as he made his way to the door, wincing as he had to get past your dad to leave your room. 
The second he was gone, you let yourself fall onto the bed once more, a heavy sigh escaping you. 
"Dad, seriously?" 
His hand came back into its original position, resuming his angry dad stance. Now that you thought of it, it was a stance you'd seen Steve in more times than you could count when he was interacting with the kids.
"Oh, me, seriously? I'm sorry, was I the one having sex in the room next to her sister's, with some shaggy-"
"Hey, don't bad mouth Eddie just cause you're mad," you cut him off. "He's a great guy, dad, best one I've ever met, actually. Aside from you, that is." You added that last part with a bit of hesitation, considering how mad you were at him at that moment, but you couldn't deny that it was true, so you had to say it.
"Flattery won't work on me here, kiddo," your father huffed, but you could see he'd softened a bit.
"And we weren't having sex, by the way. Just kissing. Not that I'm not planning on it in the future, cause Dad, I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm an adult now. And I love Eddie. I didn't know I did until recently, but I've realized I've loved him for a long time now. And I'm not giving that up. I know you love me and you want to protect me, but I need you to respect me enough to let me make my own decisions." You exhaled a breath after that little speech, having said more than you had expected. It was a conversation that was long overdue between you two, but it wasn't something you'd planned on getting into tonight.
"Alright, yeah, I get what you're saying," your dad admitted, albeit a little reluctantly, as he came to sit down on your bed. You rose into a sitting position to sit beside him. "But it's hard for me, seeing my little girl all grown up like that. It's gonna take me some getting used to. But I promise I'll try, alright?" He put his hand on your shoulder, and you smiled at him, wrapping your arms around him to hug him tight. 
"Thank you, Dad." Your voice sounded muffled since you spoke with your face buried in his chest, but he still heard you. 
"Why don't you invite him over for dinner sometime this week? I'd like to meet him properly, make sure he's right for you."
You hesitated. Afraid that it might freak Eddie out. Not just because it might be moving a bit too fast, but mostly due to the fact that your dad was terrifying, and known to be a bully to any potential love interest you or your sister may have. 
"Is this to grill him and make sure he never wants anything to do with me again?" you questioned, your eyes narrowing at him in suspicion.
Your dad laughed a little at your mistrust. "Hey, I just promised to you I'd try, didn't I? I'm not tricking you here, this is me trying." 
Satisfied with his answer, you nodded, going back to hugging him. "Then yeah, that'd be nice. Thanks, Dad."
"You're welcome. But no funny business alright? I understand that you can do what you want, but if you could do it someplace else, where I'll never have to walk in on it ever again, that'd be appreciated. For the sake of your poor old dad, I'm begging you."
You laughed a little at his statement, knowing that him saying that was progress enough for now, but still a very Hopper response. "Fair enough. But you know, you could also do this really cool, new thing that was invented recently, it's called knocking." 
"Oh, I did knock, kid. But I guess you were so busy sucking that guy's face off-"
"Alright, alright, I get it," you protested as he made a face, making you laugh once more. 
"I'll let you get some sleep now. Goodnight, and that boy better not come back through the window tonight, or I'll have to barricade it," he joked, a small teasing smile on his face, but you knew he wasn't kidding completely, and he'd definitely consider doing just that if he caught Eddie in your room late at night again.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the little smile that appeared on your face. "Goodnight, Dad," you said, stretching the word out to show you weren't impressed with his little joke, but he just laughed, waving his hand off in a dismissing gesture before he closed the door behind him, leaving you to yourself.
As soon as you heard your father get into his room, you ran out of your own to get the phone. Thankful for the incredibly long cord, you brought it into your room with you, instantly dialing Eddie's number. It only took two rings before he answered you.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" His voice sounded worried, and you couldn't believe he was concerned for you, after your father had all but chased him out of your room.
"Yeah, of course. Are you though? Eddie, I am so sorry about that."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. That wasn't how I expected the night to go, though. Your dad sure doesn't like me much, does he?" He chuckled nervously, and your heart broke for him a little. You could only imagine him stressing over that whole interaction, and how he probably felt like he had to win your father over now. 
"Eddie, it's okay. It's not personal. The only problem he had with you was that you were in my bed. But I talked to him, and he said he's gonna make an effort to be… less controlling about those things. He actually wants you to come over for dinner this week, to get to know you better. I know it's a bit fast, and like, with my dad being my dad, I would totally understand if you didn't wa-"
"Y/N." You heard Eddie's voice on the other line interrupt your spiraling ramble, and you closed your mouth, waiting for him to continue. "I would love to have dinner with you and your dad this week." You felt a smile form on your face at the softness in his voice. 
"Now, I'm not gonna lie," he continued. "Your dad scares me shitless. But I wanna get to know him better, so that can change. And I also want to spend as much time as humanly possible with my girl." You could hear the grin in the way he spoke, and you had to stop yourself from kicking at the ground like a little schoolgirl with a crush at his words.
"Okay, good. I'm gonna go now. See you tomorrow when we meet up with Steve and Robin? And maybe after that we can spend some time, just you and I?"
"I'd love nothing more," Eddie said, and you smiled once more. "Oh, and, Princess?" he added, voice a bit lower than it had been 5 seconds before.
You were already melting at the nickname, but managed to say, "Yes?"
"I love you," he whispered, then hung up before giving you a chance to answer. You let your head fall into your pillow, sighing deeply. 
You were truly down bad. But that wasn't such a bad thing anymore, because Eddie was yours, and you were his.
You made your way to the video store, having gotten there before Eddie. As much as you loved your friends, you couldn't wait to be alone with him again. And this time, not at your house with your dad to interrupt you.
You spotted Steve stacking movies on a shelf as soon as you walked in, making your way towards him.
"Hey, Steve. Where's Robin?" you asked as you scanned the room with your eyes, trying to find her. 
That seemed to be enough to summon her, for she appeared out of the backstore. "Y/N!" she exclaimed as she jumped over the counter to hug you. You chuckled, slightly surprised by the welcome.
"Hi," you squeaked as she squeezed you tight. "What's up with you?" you asked, but you didn't mind, bringing your arms around her to hug her back.
"Nothing," she said, shaking her head vigorously, which definitely didn't convince you. 
"Robin," you drew her name out in a scolding manner.
"Okay, okay. I've just been wanting to say something for a while now, and I've decided to fuck it and just say it now, so I'm kind of excited!"
Steve's eyes widened at that. "Robin, no! You know we can't," He shook his head at her. But if he thought this was helping, he was sorely mistaken, because now you had to know what they were both talking about.
"No, Steve, I'm sorry, but after last time, I can't keep it in anymore," Robin said, making you grow more and more confused.
Steve sighed, crossing his arms against his chest in resignation. "Ugh, alright, fine. I'm pretty tired of it, too. But if Nancy gives us shit for this, you're the one going down!" 
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. There'll be nothing to be in trouble about once this is finally taken care of," Robin said, the last part said with a dreamy look. 
"Guys, seriously, what are you talking about? Spit it out," you said, growing more worried by the second.
"Okay, here it goes," Steve started, seemingly deciding to take the lead in this after all. "We've noticed, all of us, over time. That you seem to- and he also seems to- what I'm trying to say is-"
"You're in love with Eddie, and Eddie's in love with you, and you guys need to get your shit together cause we can't deal with this dancing around each other thing anymore!" Robin blurted, tired of Steve walking on eggshells, not knowing how to phrase it.
You gaped at them. Had you really been that obvious to everyone but yourself? Well, thinking back on it now, and all your moments with Eddie, probably.
You started laughing, making them both frown at you. 
"Y/N, please, don't try to deny it, or laugh it off, you have to see it! It's impossible not to!" Robin pleaded, mistaking your amusement for something else.
"I'm sorry, I just-" you tried to get out between fits of laughter, but didn't get a chance to, as the door opened and none other than Eddie entered the store.
"Speak of the devil," Steve chuckled, and Robin slapped his arm, apparently trying to maintain some of your dignity in front of him.
"Talking about me, I see?" Eddie grinned as he walked in, coming up behind you to wrap his arms around you, placing a kiss to the side of your head. "Hello, angel," he mumbled against your skin, but loud enough for everyone present to hear.
You smiled at him, before remembering you weren't alone. Turning back to face your friends, you wished you had a camera to take a picture of this moment, with both of their mouths practically touching the floor in utter shock. 
Eddie followed your gaze, and instantly pulled back from you. "Oh shit, sorry. Should I not have done that? I want the whole world to know you're mine, but I didn't think to check if you were ready to tell everyone," he said, a concerned look on his face.
"It's okay, don't worry. I don't mind them knowing. And anyways, we wouldn't have had much of a choice in telling them, they were just grilling me about getting my shit together and admitting I have feelings for you."
"I'm sorry," Steve interjected. "When did this happen, and why are we only finding out now?"
"It happened uh… last night. So I think you're pretty much getting an exclusive here, Harrington," you told him, playfully rolling your eyes at him in mock annoyance. You were entirely too happy right now to be annoyed. 
Robin, recovering from her shock, started to jump up and down as she clapped her hands. "This is so exciting! I mean, fucking finally, am I right?" She grabbed both you and Eddie into an embrace, nearly choking the life out of you in her excitement. "Nancy forbade me and Steve from saying anything to you guys, saying that you had to get there on your own, but man, it was torture watching you both go, I'm so glad you finally figured it out, even if it took you for fucking ever."
You laughed, hugging her before pulling back, letting yourself lean on Eddie a bit as he put an arm around you. 
"Alright, well, now that that's settled, should we go?" you asked.
"Yeah, let's get outta here," Steve replied, and you all left the store, you and Eddie hand in hand.
"By the way, I've been wanting to ask, if you felt the same way I did, why did you make that face after I embarrassed myself by staying a bit too long against you when you helped me up from the ground the other day?" you whispered into his ear as you walked towards your car.
"Hmm? Oh. Darling, when you're madly in love with a girl and she calls you by your last name like a buddy, after you just saw her in a long embrace with Steve Harrington, it always kind of feels like a slap in the face. That's why I made that face. But I thought I hid it pretty well though." He frowned a bit, and you kissed him to take that frown away, your plan instantly successful.
"I notice things about you, too. And about Steve, I was just comforting him about Nancy." He nodded, knowing now that his jealousy had been misplaced, and you were the only one he wanted. You continued, "But duly noted. I'll do everything and anything to make you feel loved, pretty boy, cause that's what you deserve," you told him, squeezing his hand in yours.
He grinned at the nickname, taking his free hand to cup your face and bringing his lips to yours in a soft kiss.
"Okay, gross! Don't make me regret rooting for you guys, please!" Robin exclaimed, half hiding her face behind her hands.
You laughed lightly as Eddie pulled away, laughing himself. "I love you," he whispered in your ear.
"I love you, too," you said back to him, leaning your head on his shoulder as you resumed walking.
This was it. The way things were supposed to be. No Upside Down threat, just a normal day, you, your friends, and your love.
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deathlieteez · 9 months
yunho x reader
♡ attention series masterlist ♡ ┋chapter 1┋chapter 2.1┋chapter 2.2┋chapter 3.1┋chapter 3.2
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chapter 4: heaven and back. when you finally met yunho that Saturday night, he confess the reason why he's acting that weird, and it is not going to be a bliss to your heart. feeling more lost than ever, you let yourself be drawn into whatever the night has to offer, though it seems to end up being much more than you can control.
appears: yunho as your exboyfriend x femb!reader + choi seungcheol (seventeen) x son chaeyoung as ur bests friends + yoon jeonghan (seventeen) as ur friend + chwe hansol vernon (seventeen) as seungcheol's friend
genre: angst. college au.
warning: cursing, mean/heartbroken reader, mean/heartbroken yunho, petnames, using/abusing of drugs (don't!!!!!!!), cheating.
word count: 9.1k (oops)
intentional use of lowercase letter
english is not my mother tongue
the chapter is called heaven and back because is sighly based on the chase atlantic's song
songs i get inspired by: heaven and back - chase atlantic + you broke me first- tate mcrae + the grudge - olivia rodrigo + falling - harry styles + creepin' - the weeknd + if you want love - nf + sorry, i love you - stray kids + we go down together - dove cameron ft. khalid + remember that night? - sara keys
the one i recommed the most to read it is the loneliest by maneskin
it is not meant to be representative of jeong yunho's personality or any ateez or another groups' idols who appeared ♡
see you tonight.
yunho's absence and message made your morning into something infinite. got out of bed as if you had spent the whole night drinking, but what actually felt was a terrible emotional hangover. the memory of yunho haunted you as if he had never left, and almost had the damn sensation of his lips going all over your skin, as well as that sweet smell of his still stuck in your nostrils. his attitude was strange enough in itself to leave you thinking all day, but if you added the idea that he had been with another woman close enough to leave her scent on him, and the fucking fact that he had left you alone in bed after you let him spend the night for the first time after so many pleas, it was going to drive you crazy. was literally all you could think about all morning. it was, in fact, what you were thinking about when your doorbell rang, being so immersed in the memory of your fucking ex that the fright was such that you threw the coffee cup, which you'd been stirring for twenty minutes now while leaning against the kitchen counter, onto the floor. "shit!" you grunt for a moment before the doorbell rings again, and several times in a row "coming, i'm coming!" had absolutely no idea who it was, but it did nothing but fuck your mood even more.
you were very surprised to see that it was chaeyoung. well, an exaggeratedly angry version of chaeyoung. if thought you were in a bad mood, you were a puppy next to your best friend at that moment "i didn't come in just in case that asshole's still here. you better hide him, because i'll chew him up and spit him in the toilet, and u're next" she said pointing her index finger at you, still not crossing the threshold of the door. you sighed, stepping to the side to let her know she could come in.
"easy beast, he's not here." she snorted, entering your house in a bad temper. you couldn't blame her, but she had a lot of things to blame you. followed her into the kitchen, feeling slightly anxious. the only times you had ever seen chaeyoung like that was always when was involved with yunho, yunho's friends or the university. you had never been her target. you knew for a fact how much she loved you, in a practically sisterly way, so you understood perfectly why she practically left a trail of flames wherever she passed by. you would have appeared the same, or worse "careful, there's glass on the floor" you warn, she automatically grabbed several paper napkins and bent down to wipe the huge coffee stain on the floor. you imitated her.
"i've called tons of times, and left lots of messages." she accused, you sighed "the least you could do is call me back" looked at her with a mixture of shame and embarrassment building up in the pit of your stomach. you couldn't say anything, because she was right. not only had you blown them off the night before, but ignored them all and with no reasons. that's probably why seungcheol wasn't with chaeyoung to find out what happened after he left. he was too upset to show up at your house, and it was more than clear that he would have told chaeyoung why you didn't go to the club.
"m so sorry" you mumble, "wasn't in the mood. know that's no excuse, but…"
"but nothing. it's already awfully wrong for that guy to show up at your house at night, but to be ignoring us for him? girl, it sucks" she accuses again and you nod, as if you were being scolded by your older sister "i don't understand how you could even let him into your house, after everything that's happened".
"you know we've been seeing each other, chae" you swallowed after materializing it in words for the first time to someone other than yourself or yunho himself.
"yeah" she groaned in annoyance "but thought u guys fucked at parties or something, not that you let him get into your house?"
"we're all grown up now, chaeyoung" you sigh, picking up a few pieces of glass again, trying not to cut yourself and in the process avoiding her gaze. she stood up, throwing away a handful of soggy papers and picking up a few more to continue drying the floor.
"oh really? well doesn't look like it" she then growls "look, u can fuck whoever u want, but be consequent. u can't just disappear the whole night and leave us all worrying"
"i'm really sorry" repeated "it was a bit of a weird night" you confess once finished collecting all the crystals, cutting a small awkward silence "did u have a good time at least?" chaeyoung denied.
"cheol came in pretty upset, he told us what happened and we tried to call you several times after a while. still were going to stay, but then we saw yunho's little friends and seungcheol didn't want to continue the night. he and han went home together and i went home with jihyo" she related, making you sigh again.
"they didn't say anything to any of you, have they?" she denied, you nodded in relief.
"you know how overprotective he is with you and the whole thing with those guys" threw away the last handful of papers once the floor was finally clean, grabbing another cup from your cupboard and a capsule of coffee "at least tell me what's going on, and what happened last night".
so you did. recounted in detail everything that had happened, from the episode at the emergency exit, to yunho dumping that girl for you, and ending with the night before. you put special emphasis on one detail "he smelled like another chick!?" she practically shouted, you dropped your back on the back of the couch and nodded "he finished being with some chick and came to see u?" he snorted "i thought he couldn't, but he get even more scraggly. he must have been training"
"he's coming tonight" you confessed, causing chaeyoung's eyes to practically pop out of their holes.
"and you're even dumber, i see."
"wanna see him, chae."
"that's the first sign why you shouldn't do it. never again. fuck him. but no literally!"
you'd love to say that the conversation with your best friend did some good. that you took matters into your own hands and wrote yunho to tell him you didn't want him around, that he should stay the fuck home. but the reality was much different, much sadder and, from chaeyoung's point of view, ridiculous. your friend didn't understand what it was about this guy that kept you so interested, and you didn't exactly know either. but if there was ever a time when you really felt the need to see him, it was that night. his attitude and that message had to mean something, and it's not like you were able to ignore everything you felt while being with him.
luckily, now that you had finally been completely honest with her, chaeyoung decided she wouldn't leave you alone and tried her best to keep your mind off yunho, almost like the first time she had to deal with what he left of you when he cheated. it worked for a few hours, but as the time approached when you had to get ready to leave, it became clear how the anxiety was eating away at your confidence. you checked your cell phone every few moments, feraring a message from him, or maybe even hoping for one. chae watched you worriedly. she knew for sure that the time when you would relapse would come. yunho would be a problem again, because you two were in love and it didn't end well. one of you would come crawling back, but she hoped it wouldn't be you and that when he did, you would kick him back to his house.
"so can i borrow the black one then?" she asked with her head dipped in your closet. you laughed again, affirming with a guttural sound while trying not to go too overboard with the lip liner "great! i was looking forward to trying it on. it's so pretty!"
"just had to ask for it" you tell her once you finish filling in your lips in a gorgeous burgundy shade matching the dress you wore that night, and which didn't go unnoticed by your friend.
"how is it possible that u been looking like shit all day and now you look like you came out of a magazine?" she grunts, making you laugh again "it's cute" commented, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at your reflection in the glass of the dressing table. you were doing the same, trying to gain confidence in your image. knew you looked pretty, but didn't feel particularly well. "haven't worn it in a while, have you?" chaeyoung asked, getting your attention. you look at her a little confused "the dress" you smile faintly at her, nodding.
didn't really wanted to have to explain it to her, but the outfit you were wearing that night was a real statement of intent, because it was exactly the same one you had the night you met yunho. it was still quite nice, a little less revealing than what you've been wearing lately, but sexy enough to fit a night like that. telling chaeyoung something like that would end up driving her crazy, but the truth is that you were wearing it hoping yunho would remember the dress. as you looked at yourself wearing it in the mirror, remembered all the times he told you how beautiful you looked and how much he loved the dress. he even asked you to wear it again several times throughout the relationship, but saved it for a special occasion because it meant so much to you. didn't know why, but that night you needed the confidence that dress gave you. it was probably a mistake, but you would do it anyway.
it wasn't too long before you arrived at the same place that had already visited countless times, and where the story with your ex was awakened with a fuck at the emergency exit of the reserved area. you felt a little better when you let the lively atmosphere captivate you, letting yourself be carried away by the incredibly cheerful and energetic attitude of your best friend, who guided you to the same place as always, where your friends were already waiting.
the first thing you did was apologize to all of them, and especially to seungcheol, who didn't take more than a few seconds to fall for your charms and your puppy face to hug you and kiss your forehead, even though he made you promise not to do something like that to them again "a message is enough. just want to know you're okay". the way it had started, the night had potential. and you could have taken advantage of it; you could have drunk, danced and laughed with the amazing friends you had at your disposal. you could have even tried to meet someone new, like the guy at the bar who had left his number on a napkin he shamelessly gave you, because didn't need one and hadn't asked for, during one of the many times you visited the bar in such a ridiculously short period of time. just like went to the bathroom, to smoke with jeonghan -when you didn't even smoke- and any excuse that was plausible enough and allowed you to browse the place as many times as possible, in search of a single person. of course, your friends asked you if everything was all right, but with the help of chaeyoung, who knew what was going on and didn't want to worry them, you distracted them. it was about one in the middle of the night when you finally saw him appear in the crowd, looking particularly handsome that night. he wore a white yarn sweater, the collar quite wide, revealing his collarbone, beautifully decorated with a couple of necklaces and highlighting the width of his shoulders. his hair was apparently messy, but you knew that he had probably spent a long time in front of the mirror checking every strand, and it had certainly paid off.
you didn't even try to find an excuse to meet him that time. just jumped up and left the reserved area, not listening to any of your friends' questions. from the stairs you could see him reaching a table at the down floor, where a couple of girls were sitting that you didn't remember seeing before. noticed him greeting one of them with a kiss on the cheek, bringing that smell back to your memory, but made sure to ignore the idea that crossed your mind and faded as soon as you saw him looking for you in the reserved area himself. he approached the stairs as you went down, so you decided to wait at the end of them "finally!" you said almost without breaking, sounding a little - too - excited to see him. yunho was about to speak, but your impatience interrupted him with a soft kiss on the lips that was confused to say the least, swallowing his words, not even sure what he wanted to say to you. with a sincere smile, you pulled his wrist to a corner a little further away from his friends and yours, a little further away from the crowd, and while he was still silent, you allowed yourself to kiss him again, leaning your back against the dark wall of the room. took a few seconds for yunho to react, feeling a slight panic sweep through his body, but deciding to surrender to you again. it was much easier to be carried away by your lips, so he brought one of his hands to your waist while cradled your neck with the other to deepen the kiss. felt as if the night before had not ended, as if the truce you had happily signed yesterday had continued to stand against all odds. "took a long time, yuyu" said to him as you separated to get some oxygen. he didn't even open his eyes before kissing you again.
he pressed his body closer to yours, breathing into your lips and making you feel like you're in a damn cloud9. buried both hands in his hair, stroking him as if to calm him, "hi" mumbled over your lips. actually, you didn't even hear it, you guessed it.
"been waiting for you" you confessed, not even thinking about how your attitude let yunho look a little deeper into you. "thought you wouldn't come" he remained silent, looking into your eyes like trying to find something. in fact, he was looking for some sign of remorse, of hatred, of resentment, of anger. some trace of everything you were giving him all this time, but he found in you nothing more than a honest desire to see him. he sighed heavily and took some distance from you, though his hands never left your body, going up to your face to cradle it once more. you held his wrists and smiled sweetly, "don't have a very good face, yuyu" you stated, looking genuinely concerned, "u ok?" yunho felt his chest shrink as the sweetness colored your words.
it was like you were doing it on purpose, as if you were fighting with your last ace to keep him close. he had worked hard to get to this point, he had fought against everything he felt so that would be moderately comfortable with what was about to happen. but it would only be fine if you continued to be a fucking bitch to him, one who didn't seem to care about anything. now that you looked at him as if you really wanted to be with him, as if you cared about his well-being and kissed him so lovingly, how could he say something like that to you? how could he not grab the last burning nail that was your relationship?
"no, i'm not well" he confessed. you took a careful breath and gently changed your sweet expression to a worried one. something was really wrong.
"here, let's sit" you suggest, pointing to the high chairs a few feet away "and maybe i can help you" if he didn't know you well enough, yunho would swear that you were trying to torture him playing with his feelings to trap him in your web so he would never leave you. but in actual fact, you were genuinely concerned about him and wanted to help him. reaching the chairs, without letting go of his hands, you sit facing each other. legs are intertwined, you only have to move a little closer to kiss him again, which you did, "come on sweetie, tell me".
"why 're u treating me so well?" he asked suddenly, almost burning with the torture of having you so close again.
you pursed your lips, tilting your head with a shy smile, "don't know" confessed this time, "yesterday was a nice day, i guess" yunho sighed with the memory of your naked body hugging his all night, making him feel like the fucking worst person in the whole earth.
"i have been waiting for you to look at me like this for a long time" with a weak and deep voice, it comes out almost in a wail "it is not fair that you act like this today" you looked at him with some confusion while he avoided your eyes as much as he could. instead, he look at your body without taking a second to notice what you're wearing. a grimace of sarcasm crossed his face, and he couldn't help but think that what you were trying to do to him must be some kind of heavy joke.
"today? what's happening today?"
"i've been doing the best that i can for about, how long, maybe a year?" his voice rises slightly and you can hear some bitterness in it. by contrast, yunho never lets go of your hands, making the grip harder and focus all the attention on them laying over the dress you are wearing "i have respected your space and accepted all the times you kicked me away" he said, you parted your lips without knowing exactly what to say, feeling more confused by the moment "gave you love whenever u were around, just to make u feel wanted and wash away what i did" you blinked several times, trying to pull your hands away, but he held them firmly, "went where you wanted, when you wanted, even when i knew you were doing with other guys" he sighed heavily, sharpening his gaze and finally looking at you. "needed to see me so fucked up to empathize with me a little? or did you realize that you still love me?"
when he looked into your eyes, you didn't like what you saw. no clue if all that anger and pain had always been there or if something you are missing had happened and yunho was actually in pain. the only thing you were sure about was that your patience was too thin to keep listening to him, and the sarcasm of his words didn't help at all. or did you realize that you still love me?
you yanked hard from his hands, surprising him but managing to escape his grip. denied with a bitter smile before said "let it go, it was a mistake", you said it out loud, but those words were more for you than for him. wanted to leave it there now that you still had some will to have a good night, but suddenly yunho realized he couldn't let you go that easily. the pride he had been swallowing all this time returned all at once and he was not willing to let you be the one to decide the course of the conversation again. yunho had come to this place with a damned purpose, and he was going to fulfill it whether you wanted or not. he stopped you down impulsively, grabbed your wrist and pulled back towards him. almost crashed into his chest, but you reacted quickly and put a hand on his shirt, pushing him back "what's wrong with u?"
"with me!?" he opened his eyes as if you had told him the most savage thing he had ever heard in his life, "the problem here is you!" suddenly yunho grabbed your shoulders and pushed you back against the wall, surrounding you with both arms into a corner so he can look down on you. it felt like you were tiny, and that wasn't what you needed that night, "come to me like you need to see me, kiss me, care about me, and in that fucking dress!" you looked away from him when his breath crash into your face so aggressively, because yunho was yelling, almost out of control and too close for your comfort. caught your breath to regulate the tension in your chest, feeling slightly dizzy. you looked like a prey, trapped under your ex's harsh and unforgiving voice, full of resentment "am a joke to u? wearing this on just to hurt me, yeah?" he growled. despite the toughness of his words, yunho was far from feeling tough inside. he was pushing himself to the limit, trying to contain a huge amount of emotions that he did not know how to handle at a time like this, when he had you in front of him and the person he decided to commit to just a few steps away, waiting for him.
when he got up in the morning next to you, had a feeling that he holds the world in his hands again. he barely slept through the night and made sure to stay close to you as long as possible, watching you as you rested, with your chest rising and falling gently, your peaceful face and your body completely relaxed. no tension, no fighting and no bitterness. you were an angel - his angel -, and he told himself he was the luckiest man in the world to be able to watch such a spectacle. yunho also realized you still had some habits, such as sleeping on your right side - which made yunho get used to sleeping on his left side so he could hug you -; you still talked a bit at night, and still hadn't given up your eagerness to steal his blanket whenever you had the chance. but his favorite, which he treasured as a precious memory, and which he loved to see you kept, was your adorable need to cuddle at night. he wondered more than once if you'd gotten over it because didn't have him anymore, or if you were holding plush animals like you once told him you did before living together. now that he had you there, tied to his torso as if you never wanted him to leave, he was afraid to even breathe too hard in case you moved and let him go. it was hard for him to give in to sleep, but was overly nice to see you again when he woke up. sure, you moved and were no longer holding him, but you were holding his hand. really seemed that you needed any contact with him as much as he needed you to do it.
knowing he must go while you were still asleep, he tempted his fate and stayed for almost an hour. the thought of leaving you was killing him, and his tears were the only witness, but it was better to go for himself than to let you push him again. was certainly sure he couldn't take it after having you this way again. he worked hard to convince himself that it was best to get away from you and trust her. she was good for him, but you weren't, because you could offer him nothing but nostalgia and the ghost of the woman he fell in love with. yunho told himself that the last night you spent together was almost a mirage, a kind of truce he had signed with you, but that it expired as soon as the sun rose on the horizon. so you wouldn't want him there anymore then, not knowing you haven't forgive him yet. he needed to stop blaming himself because you didn't want him anymore, to stop punishing himself with your kisses and your fleeting caresses, no matter how sweet they were. she looked like a white promise at the end of all this agony. couldn't even believe that she was giving him a second chance after what he had done to her for you, but he told himself he wouldn't mess it up this time, that would let you go and that you wouldn't suffer because you were really just playing with him. yunho wouldn't have to see you cry and he wouldn't cry for you anymore.
what he did not expect was to see you the next day in that dress that meant so much to both of us, taking him back to the night you met, while your eyes showed him a genuine illusion to see it again. he could even see the pain in your pupils as his voice, against all odds, became much harsher. he should hate you, but he hated himself instead "yunho, enough. wanna leave".
"oh, u want to go now?" he insisted, making you swallow hard while see him shocking his head many times "please tell me what you want from me" you looked him in the eyes again, an uncertain gaze locked with his. could barely make out the colors of his face in the dim light of the room, but you could clearly see the damage in his look, "can't take it anymore" he almost sobbed, dropping his head down to the floor "i can't keep paying for what i did. need u to stop punishing me, it's not fair to either of us anymore" locked out, the air was missing and could only feel the strong fragrance that yunho wore that night clouding your senses. you tried to concentrate on his words, but they only hurt. it was as if he had hit you so hard that all you could hear was a hollow and annoying sound. yunho kept talking to you, becoming more and more impatient with your silence, and in the midst of all the dull noise, your face began to fall as his words began to sink in. you thought coldly about what he was really telling you and a sour taste grew in your throat. you'd swear you'd fall to the ground if yunho hadn't left you barely space to breathe, intoxicating you with his accusations.
"yunho" mumbled, sealing his lips so he could hear you after trying to get your attention so much "if u don't like it, just leave" your head remained a little bowed, as if the neck couldn't bear the weight, so you looked at him from below "fair, you say?" snorted in denial as you closed your eyes again "know what's not fair? your boyfriend cheating on you, and knowing about it by a pic that someone sent of him kissing that fucking chick. that's not fair" yunho was going to say something, but you cut him off "it's neither fair that you came home the next morning and covered yourself with a lie, not fair that you kissed me with the same mouth that you kissed another girl the night before. that you came home every morning of every weekend without feeling the slightest bit of guilt until i discovered you, that's not fucking fair" yunho stepped back a little, letting you breathe a bit easier "it's also not fair the fact u forced seven fucking people who were also my friends to lie to me to cover up your fucking betrayal" looked at him again "know what it was like for me to lose u and all of them at once? that. is. not. fair" you spitted bitterly, punctuating every word "i saw the person i trusted the most taking away those we considered our friends, and yet you also took away my first love, my home, and everything i felt for u" here they were again, the tears piling up and threatening to wet yunho's cheeks, while you felt like tearing out every piece of yourself, every single night you spent awake missing him. you were now throwing them out in the form of all the conclusions you came to between cries and tears "so if you think what's happening is unfair, you'd better go and leave me alone for good" you were angry, and your words were not what really was in your heart, but weren't able to control yourself in the same way that he wasn't able to. however, also failed to calculate the consequences of what you just said.
"that's exactly what 'm trying to do" he replied, now at a safe distance from you.
"how do u say?" despite the word just spitted, you were incredulous.
"'m leaving you, leaving this" his cold gaze froze your body "i am tired, tired of you" he confessed. didn't even know how you felt at that time, but yunho wasn't finished with you yet "i've met someone, and i think i like this girl, but need to be away from you to find out" that was the masterstroke. the last words he needed to end you, with everything you had built since decided to focus on yourself, everything you had risked to bring him back into your life. even though you had managed to recover from all the hits he had soothed you with his words, there was no turning back from what he had just said so easily.
words sharp as blades pierced your whole body mercilessly, straight from the same lips that kissed you so lovingly just moments ago. you clearly heard something inside breaking again. i'm tired of you. his voice echoed in your head, as if he would never stop shouting it in your ear, over and over again, like a damned mantra he'd decided to tattoo on your skin. yunho knew for real he was being cruel, he watched almost in slow motion how your pride faded away as the light in your eyes started to dim, but he couldn't help his mouth breathing away what his broken heart was crying out.
the strident music fades and instead you only hear this one sentence and a high-pitched sound drowns your eardrums, you have the feeling that they will even start to bleed if you try to say something else, but all your pride has vanished with your breath. you have nothing more to say, and even if you tried, would not be able to hear a single word, so you close your eyes and try to erase yunho from your mind, but of course, his silhouette appears in the darkness of your eyelids, smiling and laughing at you, reminding the horrible person you are. felt so out of place, so confused and lost in a feeling of incorrigible pain, even greater than the first time yunho left, that don't even know how you have returned to the side of your friends. when you figure it out, you're sitting next to them and they're talking to each other as if you weren't there. inside, everything fell apart. on the outside, your face remained blank, almost serene. you craved to scream, wanted to find yunho again and shout him that it was all his fault.
the image of your boyfriend, with whom you even shared an apartment, kissing another girl, along with the certainty that he had been hiding it for god knows when, still burning inside your eyes and were not exaggerating when you said that it was the first time you felt the pain of a betrayal, added to the pain of a broken heart and the sudden loneliness. well, if you had to be completely honest with yourself, you hadn't handled what happened right, and had to admit that you were cruel. but within the pain you felt at that moment, the idea that it was yunho who had broken you to such an extreme, that it was yunho who was wrong first, who broke you and all that you were, shone more brightly in your head.
your gaze wandered from one side to another. the floor, the ceiling, the round table in the center of your seats, filled with full and empty glasses, the distand and happy faces of your friends, seungcheol holding one of your hands and giving you a loving grimace… the neon red of the exit sign where you fell into yunho's arms again.the light soon blinded you slightly, feeling your gaze begin to unfocus as the bright red dazzled you and tears unconsciously welled up at the edge of your pupils. memories of your ex filled your blurred vision, pulling you away from reality and back to the image of his lips on yours, begging you to stay a little longer. his hands craving around your skin, trying to keep you close. now all that was gone. i think i love that girl, but i need to be away from you to know. and to think that you had stayed devoted to his arms, while he sought solace in another girl.
when you were able to refocus your gaze, found yourself looking at yunho's table in the distance. everyone seemed perfectly happy, including your ex, who was hugging who you assumed was the girl that took him away from you, who was winning his heart, the same heart had been your home " honey, is everything okay?" when you heard seungcheol's voice, suddenly realized you are already truly crying, feeling the happiness of those boys as a direct attack on you. why, if you were the victim, were the only one still suffering? "baby, look at me" seungcheol quickly located where your gaze was heading and gently picked up your chin to force you to stop hurting yourself, trying to comfort you with a warm smile and a kiss on the forehead.
"guess 'm not at my peak" you let out a chuckle far from funny and wiped away your tears.
with his thumb, seungcheol caressed your wet cheek and raised both eyebrows "we have two options. i can take you home, you'll take a shower, we'll watch anything on tv and i promise i'll play your hair until you fall asleep if it'll make you feel better" the smile grew natural on your lips, provoking a similar one on his face. he couldn't help it even if he wanted to and he wouldn't; sex or not, you were his best friend and one of the most important person in his life since you both were able to open up to each other, understand each other, support each other and care for each other. he had met many people in his life because he was someone of a social nature, but with you it was a crush in any sense you wanted to take it. he was sure that whatever you could offer him would be enough, because loved you sincerely and would prove it "or you can stay here with all of us, try to enjoy the night and not let anything or anyone else get the better of you" knew perfectly well what his words meant, because he wasn't stupid and no matter how much you had tried to hide it, he clearly saw something big going on with yunho, and confirmed it as soon as he saw you unable to take your eyes off him and that beautiful girl he wouldn't let go even for a stand second "both options are valid and in both i promise not to leave you alone at any time. it's up to you" you took a breath with lips sealed, biting them slightly at your pathetic image going home early for a fucking cheating guy, who was also happily a few meters away enjoying himself after breaking your heart for the second time.
you wondered if you were too naive, if you really didn't know him that well and those looks full of love and pleading he so often gave when you were together were nothing but pure show, a fake better than yours designed to fuck up your life even more. was yunho so cruel, so cold and manipulative? that night, you needed to believe that he was.
"think i can give this place a second chance today" you spoke unsure of your decision, but willing to at least give it a try. yunho couldn't stop you, wouldn't let him, and you knew that seungcheol was ready to help with that.
"that's my girl" he said, kissing your cheek "in that case, i have something for you" you watched as he pulled out his wallet from his denim jacket, showing you a small black baggie that brought a new smile to your face "are you in?"
"sharing is for pretty people" chaeyoung appeared at your back, holding out her hand to seungcheol, who laughed and didn't fail to leave a small white pill in the palm of her hand, but to you he put it straight into your mouth, with a greedy smirk that you were quite used to and that made you slightly fall into his game. you stuck out your tongue slowly, where he left the pearl while looking at your eyes, brushing your tongue with his fingers and listening to him saying again that's my girl but, this time, several octaves lower.
however, cheol didn't move any more cards in that direction with you afterwards, again respecting your boundaries, which you were extremely grateful for. if you had to take it out on your best friend, you didn't want to do it. it seemed like playing dirty, even though you knew for a fact that he'd be more than glad to offer himself to the cause. it wouldn't happen, but his attitude helped to immerse you in the night.
while you waited patiently - as long as you could - for the substances to take effect in your system, you tried to distract yourself with literally anything. smiled, talked to all your friends at the table, joked even with them and tried to laugh heartily when the others did, but your attempts were not enough to contain your fucking curiosity and the inertia to satiate it by looking back to yunho's table.
sometimes, he wasn't there and you could only see his friends, because she was never there if he wasn't. you'd even swear that, on a couple of occasions, yunho looked in your direction too, but couldn't say for sure because, when you got that feeling, you looked away like a fucking coward. the last time it happened, your eyes ran to the bottom of your empty glass, and the need to cover your shame with alcohol fills your patience. obviously, you asked cheol to come to get another drink, and fulfilling his promise, he took your hand and walked with you downstairs to the bar. the crowd was heavy that night, which wouldn't bother you on any other occasion, but on this one felt the anxiety fill your lungs and keep the oxygen out. to make matters worse, a guy a little shorter than cheol walked up to him. you saw them hugging and understood immediately that they hadn't seen each other for a long time "babe, give me a minute. pay for the drinks, today it's on me" he took out his wallet again and put it in your hands "you'll be fine" you nodded with a smile, knowing would be very selfish if you told him otherwise "i'll be right back" cheol kissed your hand lightly before disappearing into the crowd. the thought of running into yunho, that girl or one of his friends hit your mind immediately afterwards, and had to take a deep breath not to run upstairs, because you didn't feel confident enough to face any of them, especially not your damn ex. luckily, you were served quickly and soon had full glasses in hands, so you opened cheol's wallet to pay the bill. that's when you met up again with the little black baggie.
the idea inevitably crossed your mind. looked around to find the people and the music were thick and mingled inside you with heaviness, feeling genuinely overwhelmed and the night didn't seem to be getting any better. although you'd already had one, this time it hadn't had any effect, so maybe… a second pill wouldn't be such a bad idea, would it? before you could think clearly - and realize that it was a terrible idea - you had the pill in your teeth, putting the bag back in seungcheol's wallet, who appeared seconds later accompanied by the same guy from earlier. you sighed, honestly a little uneasy because it was the first time you'd taken two pills in one night, but were too sober to stay on your feet. had run out of any strategy to keep you distracted and your gaze kept coming back to yunho and that damn girl over and over again. you were afraid of being too obvious, starting to cry again, or that some guy in that fucking group would notice you staring at them. "vernon, meet my favourite girl" the presentations were short, but pleasant. you soon find out that he's actually american and has been living there for a while, so it was great to see cheol again, a feeling that soon rubbed off on you. he was a really strange guy, but funny and very, very nice.
after talking to vernon for a while, which really kept you distracted - wouldn't be lying if you said that meeting him was almost a promise that the night could get better - it wasn't long before you finally felt your body react chemically. no clue if it was the fact that you were a little more relaxed, or that the dose was already high enough to have an effect on someone who was already used to a single pill, but suddenly, felt energetic and some kind of adrenaline rush hit you, along with the urge to expend that shot of electricity by partying for real. pulling your new friend along towards the same destination, the rest soon followed, tired from sitting on those leather couches all night. when finally made your way through the crowd of people, the music vibrated through your body, causing you to crack a smile that felt like it would tear at the corner of your lips. you knew yunho was close, but at that moment, didn't give a shit, focusing on nothing but your breathing becoming heavy in your chest as you jumped on the track, your heart pumping so fast that couldn't count the beats even if you wanted to.
at the height of the ecstasy you were experiencing for the first time, it felt like hours had passed, but in actual fact it only took two or three songs for the situation to change radically. in one of your little hops to the music, you clearly felt your knees failing to break your fall, and if it hadn't been for vernon and seungcheol's quicker arms, you would have crashed to the floor along with your glass, which shattered into pieces. it wasn't a big deal, and if you were in your senses, would have laughed at the situation and the fact that had already broken two glasses in one day. but not right then.
right then, you felt like every single look in thet club was falling on you. the hollow sound of glass crashing on the floor deafened you for a moment, and you could only focus on all those judgmental stares on your body, as if they knew you had just fucked up. as if they knew you had been dumped for someone else, that you were high and that, in reality, you would rather have taken cheol's first offer and gone home to rest and cry all the broken feelings pouring out of your heart. your breathing, once heavy, now became scarce. you had to hold on tightly to vernon's arm, who brought both hands to your sides to give you balance "beautiful, are you okay?" cheol asked you and you looked him practically panic-stricken in the eyes. you wanted to say no, that your heart was going too fast but you had no strength in either leg. you then tried to speak, but sickness built up in the pit of your stomach, causing a gag and forcing you to cover your mouth with a hand and only deny it.
seungcheol's reaction was, thankfully, fast. he whispered something in vernon's ear that you couldn't hear and gave you a quick smile before he disappeared running, or trying to, into the crowd. so far, you had been drinking quite a lot and quite possibly too much, so he opted not to waste a second trying to help. you wanted to follow him, confused and increasingly dizzy, but vernon held you tightly and forced a hand around his waist for a better grip "he'll be back. come with me upstairs" spoke in your ear. he broke away, looking at your legs slightly bent under your own weight "can u walk?" you nodded, gripping his waist even tighter before starting to move.
right then, you felt like every single look in thet club was falling on you. the hollow sound of glass crashing on the floor deafened you for a moment, and you could only focus on all those judgmental stares on your body, as if they knew you had just fucked up. as if they knew you had been dumped for someone else, that you were high and that, in reality, you would rather have taken cheol's first offer and gone home to rest and cry all the broken feelings pouring out of your heart. your breathing, once heavy, now became scarce. you had to hold on tightly to vernon's arm, who brought both hands to your sides to give you balance "beautiful, are you okay?" cheol asked you and you looked him practically panic-stricken in the eyes. you wanted to say no, that your heart was going too fast but you had no strength in either leg. you then tried to speak, but sickness built up in the pit of your stomach, causing a gag and forcing you to cover your mouth with a hand and only deny it.
seungcheol's reaction was, thankfully, fast. he whispered something in vernon's ear that you couldn't hear and gave you a quick smile before he disappeared running, or trying to, into the crowd. so far, you had been drinking quite a lot and quite possibly too much, so he opted not to waste a second trying to help. you wanted to follow him, confused and increasingly dizzy, but vernon held you tightly and forced a hand around his waist for a better grip "he'll be back. come with me upstairs" spoke in your ear. he broke away, looking at your legs slightly bent under your own weight "can u walk?" you nodded, gripping his waist even tighter before starting to move.
you had never experienced this feeling before. your legs were not responding and could clearly feel your body getting heavier by second, along with the involuntary bouncing of your head, like you had been drinking uncontrollably all night. it got worse as you approached the stairs, each step becoming a world, "there is not much left" vernon said, trying to cheer you up. you could see how was struggling not to fall down the stairs pulling your weight up, and couldn't help but feel stupid and helpless, because your head seemed to be working quite fast, with some clarity, but no part of your body wanted to cooperate. it was only when vernon finally managed to drop you into one of the couches in the reserved area that the fear really took over. every muscle in your body was so numb that you barely felt it, "easy, stay easy, you're fine" vernon knelt down in front of you to be at the height of your face, holding your hands and trying to comfort you. then he approached your face, looking closely at your pupils, trying not to be too obvious. didn't want to think about it, he wanted to be wrong. but either fortunately or not, vernon was quite sure of what was happening to you, and even though he tried to calm you down, because he also knew that it would be much worse if you found out, he was scared, and the deep black that suffocated your iris did not help.
seungcheol finally arrived with several small bottles of water and a tiny towel he had to ask for at the bar. you listened with a certain distance as vernon explained that your body was practically dead and you swore that you could hear your friend's heart racing as he realized how bad it really was at that point. you wanted to ask what was happening, but couldn't find any voice and only had the ability to cry, which you did when you saw cheol giving you a look of panic. he sat down on a chair in front of you and took both of your hands "hey, don't cry, don't cry" he began "i've called chaeyoung, we'll be leaving soon" you nodded in tears "but first u have to be honest with me, okay?" nodded again "did u drink something u didn't buy yourself? or any of us?" you denied this time, cheol sighed in relief "so you drank a lot then?" denied again. well, you actually drank a lot, but not enough to have you that bad.
"cheol, it's not alcohol, she's high" the music still raged in your ears and your senses weren't working properly, but you could hear vernon clearly. his words hit you like a bucket of cold water, making you cry even harder.
"high? like, drugged?" cheol repeated, notoriously confused. he was dead sure he had only given you a single pill, nothing you hadn't done a thousand times before.
"did u give her anything?" vernon denied, "nothing" he spoke honestly, "but these symptoms are not from drinking too much alcohol" vernon's voice was also full of concern, but he spoke with much more confidence than seungcheol. you opened your mouth to say sorry, wanted to tell the truth and apologize for being so stupid and irresponsible, but once again a gag forced you to shut up, sobbing in your seat in defeat as you tightened the grip of cheol's hands.
"what happened!?" you immediately recognized the voice of your friend nearby, and soon the left side of the couches sank, "u okay?" she cradled your face with both hands, getting a bad surprise when she saw the paleness of your skin soaked with tears.
"think it might be an overdose," Vernon spoke, "she've taken something, hasn't she?" your friends nodded.
"but we've done it many times, nothing like this has ever happened before." chaeyoung's voice cracked as she tried to talk to vernon.
"she must have taken something else" he approached your face again, lighting you up with his phone to see that your pupils, which turned your irises practically black, barely reacted to the intense light of the flashlight "for the moment she is awake, but it might be a matter of time before she collapses"
"don't mess with me, man" cheol complained, "we have to call an ambulance"
vernon took a deep breath before he replied "if you do, remember that this is punishable in korea" his voice seemed much more loaded with anxiety "she is not going to get rid of his drug use easily."
"and what should we do? expect the worst!?" chaeyoung was crying. you heard it clearly in her voice, and you felt your heart break for the second time that night, guilt and fear paralyzing any little sense you had left in your body, hating yourself for bringing yourself to such situation.
"of course not!" you felt the other end of the couch sink way, "we need to try getting her to vomit while she still awake"
"are u sure about that?" cheol insisted, but vernon shook his head.
"i'm not, but given the sympthons and her dilated pupils, it might be."
the next event was something you wished with all your might you could wipe from your memory, but clearly it would stay with you forever, as a lesson. the three of them accompanied you, practically dragging your body, to the toilet upstairs. it was chaeyoung who helped you vomit using her own fingers, succeeding after several attempts. the bile and tears stained your face, making you feel miserable in the cheol's arms, who tried to comfort your sobbing. when they succeeded, they sighed with a sigh of relief. chaeyoung hugged you after wiping her hands, and you felt guilty again because you could still smell the stink of your vomit on her. the crying increased as they tried to comfort you, and the worst part is, as you sat on the white bathroom floor, with your head resting on cheol's chest and your other two friends trying to soothe what was obviously pain, the only person you could think of was yunho, hoping that he would somehow find out what was happening, and come to take care of you. "i'm gonna get the water from the table, try to rinse her face while" vernon spoke again.
you heard the door close, and soon after, chaeyoung closed the lock to prevent anyone from seeing you in that situation. cheol tried to lift your body, but, oddly enough, it was even heavier than before. sure you had vomited, as vernon suggested, but you didn't feel any better - the nausea was still there and all the strength in your body was just a memory. all you could do was cry "chae" he called her "chae, it's not okay" the trembling in your friend's voice finally confirming reality, was the last push before anxiety, or panic, or maybe both, took over. you began to hyperventilate, the little air that filled your lungs left and felt a horrible pressure in your chest. your legs were shaking involuntarily and although you could feel your friends holding you up, had no stability at all. you were falling. their voices were still present, calling out to you in sheer terror, lightly patting your face as the lights dimmed. until you could no longer open your eyes. it was barely a couple of minutes, seconds for you and an eternity for your friends, but your consciousness faded for a moment, and your body became completely lifeless. by the time you opened your eyes again, the white light blinded you slightly before could clearly see the face of your friends surrounding you again, swollen and drenched "fuck, she's awake!" cheol practically shouted. you quickly pulled yourself back up, taking a big breath of air before running back out to the toilet to vomit. chaeyoung followed, brushing your hair away from your face as she patted your back. you could still hear her sobbing.
"let's go home" you mumbled, relieving a little more of chae's fear, who was yet to come out of shock at how you had ended up. you, who had always been an angel, who once trembled at the thought of taking something illegal or dangerous, were now slumped over the toilet bowl, messed up and on the verge of something she would have regretted for the rest of her fucking life.
didn't have to ask twice, all of your friends without exception, even including vernon, never left leave your side for a second -genuinely scared after seeing you in such a situation-, left the place. as you dodged the crowd, you thought about what could have happened, and you couldn't even have asked for medical help without ruining your record and destroying your working future in the country. you thought about what had done to your friends, who felt helpless and lost without knowing how and when you had consumed so much as to push yourself to the limit. but most of all, being infinitely selfish, you thought about how the only person you would really want to walk you home that night, to comfort you, to hold you and not let go until the next morning, was yunho. but the only, and the last, thing you got from him after all, was a last glimpse of his arm around that other girl you had been seeing him with all night, without him even giving you a single glance as you left that fucking club.
as you walked away from his figure, blurring through the salt that irritated your eyes, realized something that clicked in your mind like the piece of a puzzle you had been trying to complete for too long, and it is that the bitter taste of failure that agonized in your head and that did not let you breathe was actually the certainty that you had lost the only thing you thought you could still keep from yunho after he betrayed you in that way, after confirmed that he did not love you by doing something like this, that he was not faithful to you, that he was not yours. you had lost the one thing you could still treasure as your greatest and darkest obsession, you had lost his attention.
and with that, you had lost him forever.
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OKAY ITS HERE!!! i struggled too much with that part because, although i had been thinking about it for a while, i had no idea how to write it to try to convey a sense of real loss and despair. i hope i succeeded at least a little bit!!! and above all that you enjoyed reading it ♡ although it is the last part, there is still the epilogue!!!!! and i am seriously thinking if it should be a good or bad one... anyway, thank you very much for reading me and giving love to my work, i am infinitely grateful ♡
all the loveeeee
☆tags☆ @yeosangsbbg @atinyluv238 @livingdeadlisa-blog @kunikku @yzaeseong @pearltinyy @txt-yaomi @tunaasan @honeyhwaaa
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kaminocasey · 7 months
25 Days of Life Day: Day 3 - Sledding with Hardcase
A/N: I've not been sledding in like ten years, so if this is awkward, oops. Also, s/o to @idledreams for inspiring me with the lap sitting. Bless <3
Warnings: Minors DNI; suggestive content, lap sitting, crude-ish jokes? 501st shenanigans.
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The snow is coming down in giant beautiful flakes, sticking to the ground, and you can’t help but smile, knowing the 501st boys are probably having the time of their lives right now. So you put on your coat, gloves, hat, and boots, pour yourself a cup of caf, and walk out the door of the medbay, heading down toward where you think the biggest slope is. 
“Hiya, chief.” Fives greets you, holding a lid of one of the long crates that holds ammunition and weapons. 
You look and see a ton of the men of the 501st are, not just Fives. They really do get creative when they want to have fun. 
“Chief.” General Skywalker nods, smiling. 
Ahsoka greets you as well. 
You nod back. “General. Commander.”
“Come to join the fun?” Ahsoka asks you, grinning.
“Came to help out if someone gets hurt.” You chuckle. 
“Smart.” Skywalker pats you on the back and walks off, Ahsoka in tow. 
“Hardcase was looking for you.” Kix’s voice comes out of nowhere and you turn to find him bundled up, arms crossed, grinning teasingly.
Hardcase had taken a fancy to you in the last few months but neither of you had said as much. Mostly just flirty banter and awkward silences were all you were capable of, apparently. You’d like to change that, though. Maybe you could let him know how you felt today. 
As if you were on the same wavelength of thought, Hardcase calls your name from the bottom of the slope, waving up at you. You wave back with a wide grin. 
“Come down!” Hardcase shouts up to you.
“Absolutely not! I’m here to make sure you don’t hurt yourselves!” You laugh. 
He shakes his head, amused, and starts running up the hill to you, his feet only sinking into the snow slightly, making the trek a little harder than he originally thought it’d be. You can’t help but smile at his ambition and just how cute a dangerous trooper could be. 
You remember the first time you met Hardcase. He had been in a minor explosion and got some pretty nasty burns. He’d just laughed it off and said “It happens”. Now, the two of you somehow always manage to gravitate together. 
“You look nice and toasty today.” Hardcase greets you when he finally approaches you.
“Oh, yeah. So warm.” You try to keep your teeth from chattering. 
You see Fives and Echo go down on two of the “sleds” yelling something about a race and you and Hardcase laugh.
“You wanna try?” Hardcase asks you, picking up one of the crate lids. 
“If I get hurt, who will help-”
“That’s what I’m here for.” Kix suddenly appears out of nowhere again. 
You give him a warning look and he smirks. 
“Give me that.” Kix takes your caf and pushes you toward Hardcase.
“Come on.” Hardcase pulls you to the edge of the hill, sitting his crate lid/sled down in the snow. 
How did you get roped into this? You probably should’ve just stayed in the medbay today. 
“Nope. Absolutely not. Sorry.” You shake your head.
“You’re not scared are you?”
“No.” Yes…
“I’ll go down with you.” Hardcase offers.
A few of the other 501st guys standing nearby start snickering at what Hardcase just said and he rolls his eyes. 
“Ignore them.” He chuckles, sitting down on the crate and patting his lap. “Come on.”
“Oh…” Your cheeks immediately start burning at the realization that he wants you to sit on his lap. “You sure you don’t wanna go on a date first? Normally lap sitting isn’t until the third date.”
He laughs and you can’t help but laugh with him. His smile has always been infectious. 
“How about just this once lap sitting can come before a first date and then I promise as soon as we get planetside, I’ll take you out. Somewhere without any of my vod around.”
Hard to say no to that, right?
Caving with a sigh, you ease yourself down onto Hardcase’s lap, trying to ignore the whistles and teases coming from his brothers.
“Atta girl.” 
You try to ignore the warm feeling that gives you as you feel him underneath you, and pressed against your back. Instinctively, you lean against him, warmth flooding your veins and his hands press against your stomach.
“This okay?” He asks you, his breath warm against your neck and you nod.
It’s honestly more than okay.
“You better not let go of me.” You murmur, breathless.
“I promise not to let go of you.” He grins.
“COME ON, CHIEF! YOU GOT THIS!” Fives yells up from the bottom of the hill, grinning wildly. 
“DO I?” You shout back, a nervous laughter bubbling up. 
“Yeah you do.” Hardcase gives you an encouraging squeeze. 
“DON’T BE A BABY!” Jesse yells up next. 
“Ugh. Okay. Do it.” You squeeze your eyes shut.
“Do you remember that night a couple weeks ago when we crash landed and you didn’t even flinch?” He asks. 
“Mmhm…” You mumble.
“Easier than that.” He promises. “By a long shot.”
You open your eyes and lean back slightly to look at him, he’s glancing at your lips and you feel every nerve ending in your body stand straight up. 
“You promise?” You look down at his lips as well and he starts to lean in but it moves the sled and all of a sudden, at full force, you’re plunging to the bottom of the hill.
A scream rips its way up your throat and you immediately grip Hardcase’s legs so hard he’s sure to bruise.
And then… it’s over almost as quick as it started. 
You’re clutching your chest, breathing heavily. 
“You’re okay! You’re alright! You did so good!” Hardcase praises. “I’m so sorry. Kry pushed us. I’m gonna go kill him.” 
You carefully get up and stand there as Hardcase runs back up the hill, making Kry take off, laughing. Echo comes over and steadies you. 
“How comfy was the sled?” Fives winks and you give him an obscene gesture before making your way back up to the medbay. 
Later that night, there’s a knock, followed by a familiar voice outside your barracks. You pace toward the door, opening it and finding Hardcase with his hand up on the doorframe so he’s leaning closely to the door.
“Hey.” You smile, softly.
“We were interrupted earlier.” He smirks. 
You barely give him time to finish his sentence before you grab him by his sweatshirt, pulling him into your quarters and crushing your lips to his. 
“Remind me to find you in the next near death experience.” He chuckles between kisses.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting  @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover @rebelsriley
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boundbyeclipse · 12 days
Hi! I loved your story, I hope it's not too soon to request another one but I was wondering if you could do a Kai x reader where reader is in a secret relationship with him, the rest is completely up to you, your doing a great job keep it up!
hi, angel! it’s never too soon or too late to request. feel free to drop something in my inbox at all times! it is my pleasure to write for you all. i will try my best to write this down, might not be my best work, probably won’t be too interesting, but i’ll do it. and thank you, it means the whole world to me to have your support ♡ ps. i got a little carried away with this one, oops 🫢
tags : female!reader, witch!reader, heretic!Kai, minor cursing, small mention of alcohol, Damon mentioned, Stefan and Elena as special appearances
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"Stop staring, it's very creepy, you know" you rolled your eyes at Kai, who stood by the doorframe, arms crossed, a smug smirk on his face.
"Well, being creepy is a part of my daily activities. In addition to that, why would I not stare? I mean, look at you, looking through the spell book, so invested in it, I doubt anyone would disagree when I say you're the prettiest girl on this earth"
"Kai! Shut up before I throw something at you" you sighed, unable to stop the smile from curving on your lips.
He uncrossed his arms and shoved them inside the pockets, pushing himself off the doorframe as he straightened his posture. A faint laugh escaped from him, his eyes looking down for a moment before looking back up at you.
"I mean, you could, it would leave the perfect impression of us fighting. We `hate` each other after all"
"Not before I do this" you looked at him, closing the book and making your way to your boyfriend, grabbing his face as you stood on your tippy toes to kiss his lips. His hands held your waist firmly, pulling you against his form, chuckling lowly.
"This is why I love you. You're not afraid to take risks"
You smirked.
"And I can very quickly make it look like we're arguing. Considering Stefan could be back any minute now, we can keep on kissing while we still have time"
Kai snickered, "Showtime", brushing a strand of hair behind your ear as he leaned in for another kiss, enjoying the moment before the both of you get interrupted by Stefan swinging the door open, a confused look on his face as he sees you standing super close to Kai. He frowns, tilting his head in question.
"Mind telling me what's going on here?"
You rolled your eyes, bumping your shoulder with Kai's as you walk away, making it look like you two just fought.
"Nothing unusual. Tell him to stop intervening with my private time, it's getting out of hand" you tell Stefan before you make your way to the kitchen to grab some bourbon.
The two males follow your figure as you leave them both to be. Kai shrugs, plopping on the couch where you just sat with the spell book in your hands. He opens it, with the intention to rile one half of the Salvatore brothers up. And it works, he hurriedly walks over to the heretic, grabbing the book and smacking his side with it.
"Ouch!" Kai winces.
"What is up with you? I thought me and Damon already warned you to not get in her way. Of course, unless you wish to have your ass kicked out to sleep on the streets"
Kai snorted, his palm flying to his forehead as it makes a slight slap sound. He sighs heavily.
"How can I not when she's under the same roof as me? It irritates me, I hear her practising spells all the time! And she never shares cupcakes with me"
Stefan grabs him by the collar, pulling him up from the couch.
"Listen, I am not putting up with this stupid behavior of yours, so you either sit your ass down and leave her alone, or I'll make sure you end up homeless. Am I clear?"
Kai nods, raising his hands up in surrender. Stefan lets go of him, his body falling back on the couch with the small push on his chest.
It was a dangerous game you were playing. Being in a secret relationship with Kai was a very big risk, especially knowing everyone around you despised him, and you had to play a part in that too just to cover up the truth. If they found out about your little secret, Kai would probably end up dead and you would have the whole novel read for you about being insane for loving the leader of a gemini coven. But you could not control your feelings. You loved him, you cared about him, you adored him. He’s the one who’s helping with learning magic, after all. When he first met you, he knew you were special. It was love at first sight for the both of you, may you believe it or not. It all led to being each other’s secret, hiding behind closed doors, running away from home from time to time just to have time for yourselves. Maybe it was tough hiding your feelings, but you somehow loved the thrill of it. It’s even a bit funny, because there have been times when you nearly got caught - like just now. The face Stefan made nearly made you laugh out loud.
But really, what would everybody do if they eventually found out about this hidden romance? You were always so curious to know, yet scared, because what if they took him from you and you never got the chance to see him ever again? They only see him as a threat, as someone who’s going to harm you by taking your magic away, but that is not who Kai is. He has always wanted affection, acceptance, and most importantly - love. And you were the only one who saw it. This boy might be different, but it wasn’t an obstacle for you.
As clock striked eight in the morning, Stefan and Damon had taken off to take care of business, leaving you, Elena and Kai at the house. Being the foodie that you are, you wanted to cook breakfast, so you made your way to the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients you needed from the fridge. Humming along with the song playing in the background, you got to work.
Unbeknownst to you, Kai stood at the doorstep, admiring your little dance moves that were adorable. He was praying Elena wouldn’t show up, because he truly wanted to enjoy the sight, without having to put on an act.
Turning around to grab a wooden spoon, you caught him staring with a smile on his face, and you flashed one back at him.
“You’re up early” you said, thoroughly mixing the mixture in the bowl.
“I heard the music so I had to check out what’s going on downstairs. What are you making?” he went over to the kitchen land and took a seat. Your cheeks began burning, you suddenly felt shy around him. Not that you usually do, but something about Kai being present while you’re cooking made you all giddy.
“Pancakes” you pressed your lips together, trying to hide your flushed cheeks as you turned away.
“Yum, will you share?”
You turned your head sideways to avoid eye contact with him, “if we won’t get caught flirting”
Kai chuckled, leaning back in the chair, hands in his lap as he fiddled his fingers. He loved seeing you like this, all carefree, happy, cooking food, shy in his presence. The butterflies were dancing in his stomach, you were way too cute.
“Right. Elena” he whispered, inhaling deeply and sighing, continuing his observation of his girlfriend who was busy flipping the pancake in the pan.
“Mmm, something smells very good” there she was, coming in the kitchen with damp hair, most likely just out of shower. She had a towel thrown over her shoulder that she used to scrunch her brown locks in order to dry them. To be honest, you trusted her the most, because she was never too judgmental about you or your choices, so if one day you had to tell somebody about you and Kai, she would be the first one to know.
“And you’re here because?..” she looked over at Kai before grabbing a blood bag from the fridge.
“I’m hungry, okay?” he answered, shuffling in his seat.
“Ah, the stubborn Kai Parker. Thought you were forbidden from speaking to her”
You looked back at her, raising an eyebrow.
“Who said we were?”
She shrugged her shoulders and took a seat next to Kai. He tensed up immediately, cursing her in his head for yet another interruption. Great. Now you two have to avoid any dialogue with each other.
“What’s up with you two? You keep fighting and avoiding any interaction. I know the Salvatores think Kai is only bugging you because he wants to steal your magic. Well, I kind of do too. But, guys, you need to at least be decent and have normal conversations. Unless, Kai actually has some bad intentions”
You huffed, “I have nothing to say to him”
Kai licked his hips, swallowing thickly as he began to nervously move his leg up and down. God, if only Damon and Stefan thought the same. At least the simplest ‘good morning’ and ‘how is it going?’ wouldn’t hurt much, would it? It would be something that could at least allow him to speak to you. And he wanted to make it come true. So. Much.
He hopped off the chair and vanished from the kitchen, frightening Elena with his sudden walk out.
“Woah, is he alright?”
“Don’t know. Don’t care” you said monotonously, placing the place with pancakes in front of her, also handing her a fork.
You two sat in silence eating breakfast, not even looking at each other in the meantime. You really wanted Kai to come back in here so he could eat, but the way he fled the scene made you wonder what’s gotten into him. Understandably, he was fed up with the whole ‘rules’ thing, he probably couldn’t bear being there with you while Elena stated some facts. She’s right. Why can’t you two at least have a few words in front of everyone? It’s not like it’s going to hurt you. Heck, why can’t you just tell everyone what’s actually happening?
Your phone buzzed and you opened the text message from Kai, telling you to meet him on the Wickery Bridge.
“Um, I have to go out for a bit. I’ll be back” you excuse yourself, leaving Elena in the kitchen as you hurried to your room to change. On your way to the location, you kept wondering why Kai wanted to meet up with you. It wasn’t a date after all, it sounded like a serious situation. And usually he doesn’t just tell you to meet him somewhere, Kai always leaves smiley emoji’s and tells you to wear a cute outfit. Is he up to something?
You found him leaning over the railing of the bridge, staring into the distance as he looked pretty rough. It worried you.
“Hey” he showed you a smile, but it didn’t look genuine. It didn’t look real. It looked forced. Fake.
“Why are we here? Did I do or say anything wrong?”
“No,” he took a deep breath. “Elena’s right. Why can’t we get along at least a tiny bit? We’re allowing them to control us, tell us how to behave, we’re not even able to look at each other at this point. And I’m tired of it. I’m sick of it. I know we agreed to keep this a secret, but for how much longer can we pretend? Eventually, it’s either they’re going to begin suspecting whatever is going on, or we’ll have to tell them before they do”
“Baby, calm down. I know how much you want us to be exclusive. I want it too. I want the whole world to know how happy you make me. But you know how dangerous it is and I am scared of the outcome. What if they kill you? I’ll be left with nothing then. You’re my everything, Kai, and I don’t want that to be taken away from me. If I see you laying down on the floor lifeless, I won’t have a purpose to live”
You choked up with tears in your eyes, taking his hand in yours, pulling it close to your chest.
“Feel my heart”
Kai’s eyes lazily blinked as they became watery, your heart beating so loud and hard that he could feel it on his skin. It was hurting him. He hated everything about this situation.
“If I have to die for you, I will”
“No, no, no, Kai. No. Absolutely not. You’re not going to leave me, you hear me?” with a shaky tone you looked in his eyes, grabbing him by the jacket, crying out loud in pain. You rested your head against his chest, your entire body aching as you fought the tears that just couldn’t stop coming out.
Kai cups your face, lifting it up so he can look at you.
“I love you. I’ll do anything for you. But I cannot do this anymore, I cannot keep listening to Stefan lecture me about staying away from you. I cannot keep letting Damon lock your bedroom door at night just so I don’t come in. What am I supposed to do? It’s not like it would be easy for me to leave you either. Tell me, what the hell should we do? I can’t lose you”
“I love you, too, Kai,” you whispered, grabbing his soft face, “you know what? Fuck this. If they kick you out, I’m going with you. If they try to kill you, I will make their skin burn with the spell you’ve taught me” a light giggle of yours reached his ears, so contagious that it made him break into a smile.
“Are you sure you want to tell them?”
“Yes. I’m sure. No one can take you away from me, okay? Our love is stronger than their hatred for you. We should not let anybody step in and tell us what’s right and what’s wrong. Let’s do this, together. No matter the outcome, I will not let them hurt you. It’s time, Malachai”
He nods, pulling you into a deep, passionate kiss, tasting your salty tears off of your lips. He hugs you, holding you close to himself as he holds the back of your head.
“Let’s do this”
You take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers together as you both walk into the distance, no more hiding. No more doubt, no more fear left behind. With the way you look at each other as you approach the house, nothing scares you anymore.
Because you know,
Love is the strongest weapon of all.
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orphicdazai · 1 year
strangers in the night | mafia!dazai x fem!reader
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❛𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦❜
mafia!dazai x fem!reader. slight angst. lots of fluff. both dazai and reader are 17 here. underage drinking. mentions of depressive thoughts. it's actually pretty long. my first time publishing something like this oop. i have a one shot book fully dedicated to dazai on wattpad! check it out!
also read this with Frank Sinatra's "strangers in the night" for a better experience!
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Dazai's existence was absolutely useless.
He never once considered his own life to have any significance or value for him being deemed worthy at any point of his life. How could he when all he experienced was suffering and trauma. He was weak. The weak fear happiness itself. They harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wounded even by happiness.
That's why he was so afraid to feel any happiness. He knew he'd get some kind of disappointment sooner or later and that short and small spark of joy will turn out irrelevant and useless.
Dazai's throat burned due to the sake which was poorly held by his bandaged hand, his baggy, red eyes narrowed and just kept looking down to the glass, his depressive thoughts consuming him as per usual. If you actually took a look into his brown eyes, you'd see nothingness itself staring right back at you. Nihilism. Emptiness. Uncertainty. Hopelessness.
His body was usually cold as well and very malnourished at times as he only drank himself to sleep and never seemed to care about his outer appearance at all. It was all irrelevant. As long as he was present at the mafia to do his work, nothing else mattered.
The mafia was the only thing that gave him some type of purpose. If he could call that.
He seemed to be motivated a year ago when he first joined but now... he wasn't sure anymore. He felt stuck.
The young boy was at his lowest point in life. As if he hadn't been through enough already. That his life was capable to go downhill even more wasn't something he ever thought was possible.
Breathing no longer felt like a common thing for him. It was a chore at this point. Everything was. Getting up in the morning especially was very disappointing. Dying while he had finally managed to sleep sounded the most pleasant and painless way to die. But he kept meeting his ceiling every morning, being able to sense and feel his futon underneath him and wrapped around his thin body. He'd smell the alcohol from the bottles scattered around him. He'd have to hear the cars and busy people slide through his ears. And he'd taste the bitterness of not caring to brush his teeth properly every day.
It was the same thing every time.
He wanted everything to stop.
He wanted nothing.
Why can't he just disappear?
Sir? Hello?
Why does he have to exist?
Dazai abruptly awoke from his small dozing off with tired eyes and saw how the bartender of his favourite bar stared at him in pity, his hands cleaning the glass that was now removed from his rough hand. He exhaled through his nose and crossed his arms to lay his head on them for a second, a groan leaving him.
His head hurt.
Inhaling very deeply he stood up and wrapped his dark coat over his shoulders and exchanged goodbyes with the other man, catching onto his body language that the bar was closing and that he should leave. The handsome boy ruffled his hair exhaustedly as he opened the door to exit the bar as the red neon light of the logo illuminated the left side of his face.
Thud, thud, thud.
Someone bumped his shoulder as he turned to his left, not being bothered at all since he felt slightly numb all over and had his head elsewhere for him to register anything.
"Oh I'm sorry."
His head turned slightly to the right, all droopy and empty.
There was you, a young student who had to run errands and just was about to return home and you always did so by walking through this alleyway where the bar was. You stopped in your tracks and locked eyes with the stranger.
You couldn't help but notice how malnourished he looked, hair all unkempt, reeking badly of alcohol. Scrunching your nose at the stench, you took in the rest of his appearance. He was young, handsome but yet so... empty. The way he stared at you with his right eye covered by a bandage - in fact his neck and hands were covered by them too - his gaze on you was brief yet delivered so many things all at once.
Nothingness. Hopelessness. Exhaustion.
He had not said a word after you had apologised and just slowly turned around, his focus on the ground as he didn't want to be a burden to some random stranger like he always was. He was a burden. A heavy rock that just wouldn't leave his close ones' lives.
Dazai ceased his steps and just stood there, his long black coat that Mori gave him swaying a bit when he halted, never turning around still.
You sighed as you began to stride over to him before you were right next to him, slowly and gently making yourself present so you wouldn't overwhelm him. Dazai's eyes moved to your face again, this time having a much better view of your soft features, his eyes unconsciously analysing you as he did with everyone. His brain was always working, even when he wasn't sober.
"What are you doing here, drinking until you can't think?" you asked suddenly, a slight frown on your brows, sensing a new found urge to check up on this random stranger's well being.
You were always like that.
A bright person, who would always make sure that people were okay, that they were happy, taking them into your precious time to give them what they deserved. It's just who you were. You were practically molded to behave this way, you just couldn't help it.
When you saw the stranger's terrible state, you couldn't help but let your empathetic nature take over you.
Dazai, who was still drunk and felt his head getting pierced repeatedly from all the alcohol, not being able to think properly, parted his lips to say something, but didn't yet. His eyes lazily and exhaustedly watched your face, blinking and raising his brows to bring himself to do literally anything.
He was able to form a thought in his so fogged and messed up mind. He thought that you were only wasting your time on him and shouldn't care about him like this. He wished you'd go away.
"'Am tired... that's why," he finally uttered with a slight raspy tone. His voice was smooth and pleasant to hear, it made you calm down immediately for some reason, like honey would calm down a sore throat. His answer was short, his breath stinking of sake to which you dipped your head back a bit, still not trying to seem rude.
It took you a moment to understand at what he meant with 'tired'. It wasn't just him wanting to sleep. No. It was something way deeper than that. He was tired of lots of things, things that may have plagued his mind and he wanted an escape.
You didn't think about it any further as you didn't want to jump to any conclusions and it was none of your business. He's a stranger after all. With a small nod, you shifted on your feet a bit, your hands at your back, standing with a straight posture - a contrast to Dazai's, who was a bit slouched, legs a bit unstable from being so intoxicated.
"I see. You seem quite unstable... do you..." you spoke carefully, the words rolling off your tongue in a gentle manner as you trailed your eyes along his tall frame, "do you want me to help you?"
The brunette didn't say anything for a while. Again, he was reacting delayed, his dark eyes focusing and refocusing while he breathed out of his mouth in a laboured way. This shitty feeling was eating him up at the moment. Yes, he wanted your help. Yes, he needed company but-
"No. I'm fine..." he answered instead, being hesitant about his reply but settled for it. He didn't want to be a burden, that's what he kept telling himself the whole time. Dazai shut his eyes as he held in an unconscious breath before releasing it and licked his dry and chapped lips, tasting the sake again on them.
"I'm... fine," he repeated, though for more to himself than to you.
A big sigh left you at that and looked down once before you stared back at him, who had his attention to the ground now. "You're clearly not,"
Dazai heaved a bit of an agitated sigh at your words, turning his head to you once more, "Look, I appreciate your help but I already told you. I'm fine. I've handled this by myself many times," he gave a sigh of his own, beginning to move his limbs so he could walk.
But before he could, you immediately gripped his arm, halting him again and caused him to look at you with an irritated expression on his face, although there was another emotion that was hidden deep under that shell of his irritation. There was a pleading glow in his eyes, it was very very subtle which you weren't able to see. He wanted to leave. Dazai didn't want to stay here with your (e/c) eyes staring at him like that.
Please leave me alone. Please- just don't look at me like that.
He begged internally but he knew the instant you had that firm grasp on his arm, you had already made up your mind. The mafioso couldn't do anything about it, you had him under your grasp - metaphorically and literally.
At his reply, you breathed out through your nose and formed a small smile, your gaze never lifting off of his face, removing your hand from his arm and stood directly in front of him, face merely a few inches away from his own. The sake breath was now much stronger as it was hitting your face while you took in his features a bit more, finding him so pretty under the moonlight.
"How about this: I will take you to my place and I'll nourish you for a bit, take you to a lovely place where I always hang out when I feel down and take care of you. Physically and mentally. Does that sound good?" you offered, having leaned back to give him more space and intertwined your own fingers behind your back, anticipating his answer, regardless if he said yes or no.
You didn't know why you were so adamant to help this young boy out, but something inside you said that it was the right thing. That he needed this badly, this plan of yours.
Dazai just stared with a slightly surprised face. He was speechless for a moment. The brunette thought he misheard you. What? Nourish him? Take him somewhere lovely? This had to be a joke. What were you thinking? Did he seem that approachable to you at the moment? What did you even like about him, in this ugly state of his?
As he didn't reply yet again, you let out a huff and became a bit impatient. "If you let me do that, I swear I'll leave you alone afterwards. I promise. Just let me take care of you," you spoke, minimal desperation lingering in your tone. You yourself didn't understand your own actions.
The boy opposite you inhaled deeply, a bitter expression on him before he shut his eyes once more and opening them again, "Fine," he breathed out, eyes and the rest of his face softening.
He couldn't help it. Not when you stared at him like that with your (e/c) eyes. He let his inner desires get the best of him, to escape this agonising loneliness for a while.
It wasn't like he was unfamiliar with women wanting to spend time with him after a few drinks at the bar Lupin. He was a well known catch for the ladies and he loved them just as much. Dazai was a natural flirt, natural smooth talker that would get any woman or girl fall to her knees for him. He had that talent in him. And he used it for his own selfish needs or other things. For information or manipulation if needed.
But what he found in your eyes wasn't something lustful. It was actual care and concern swimming in them. You genuinely wanted to treat his terrible state, you actually cared about him.
No woman or girl had ever done this before. He didn't know how to feel about it. Should he be glad? Scared? He simply didn't know.
So after he agreed, you began to head to your place which wasn't far from the bar. As mentioned earlier, you'd always take this route through the alleyway as a shortcut and you would normally take it if you ran for errands.
"What's your name, by the way?" you turned your head as you two walked slowly, since the stranger was still somewhat unstable with his footing.
He turned to you, being ripped off of his thoughts and managed to smile a bit, which you thought was absolutely beautiful.
He simply answered, no need to say anything else.
You nodded at that and smiled a bit wider as you kept staring at him. "It's nice to meet you, Dazai. I'm (Y/n)," you said politely, his arm occasionally brushing against yours the further your legs moved.
The young man gave you another faint smile of his which you just had to catch a glimpse of and then silently followed you to your home. He didn't have to say anything further as you knew he wasn't exactly in the mood to speak that well. Dazai would sometimes drag his feet forwards, his body losing balance to which you would immediately catch him and keep him up straight.
"Thanks," he'd mutter, absolutely indifferent at this point and not embarrassed since he'd been in situations such as these before. Being touched by a girl, feeling comfortable in her embrace.
"Don't mention it," you'd softly say back with a small smile, the cool air of the night subtly hitting your skins, swaying your hair gently. There weren't many people around where you lived, so you two wouldn't be bothered or interrupted by anyone as you calmly kept walking.
About ten minutes later you'd arrive at the familar neighborhood you grew up in and went up the small stairs that led to your front door and unlocked the keys. Your apartment was relatively tall and average looking to Dazai, who would wander around his eyes in much interest and absentmindedness, his hands in his pockets. The names of your neighbours and the buttons for the bell were plastered on your left side in the booth-like entrance. He'd memorise every name by skimming over them with one pointed look of his, just out of boredom.
You entered the lobby and walked over to the elevator and pressed the button which glowed red around the edges in a circle as Dazai stood next to you, having begun to look better since he took some fresh air. His brown eye wasn't so tired and unfocused anymore but he still felt the strong effects of the alcohol in his system, his head hurting a bit.
Glancing to your left side a bit, you got a short view of his side profile which consisted of a sharp jawline, a perfect nose, soft yet chapped lips and that bandage wrapped around his head to hide his right eye. He was very handsome, you realised again. His hair looked sweaty yet you wanted to run your fingers through them. His mere presence looked so inviting, which was probably the reason why you offered him all of this the first place most likely. But you genuinely wanted him to feel better. He needed it.
Upon the elevator making a 'ding' noise and opening its doors, you both entered and you chose to break the silence. "Dazai, how old are you?"
His eyes found yours again as you two settled in the elevator and then looked ahead of him, shrugging his shoulders before he answered, "Seventeen. You?" the brunette moved his head so it was focused on your direction again while you had pressed the floor number for the elevator to take you upwards.
You looked back at him and smiled timidly, "Me too,"
His face seemed to look even better under the elevator lights, making you see his red cheeks from the alcohol, the shade of his brown eye shining a bit more which made your heart skip a beat. You immediately broke your eyes away from him and fixed your attention to your feet, the mirror beside you, the digital number that went higher the higher the elevator went - anything except his eyes.
What was wrong with you? He's a stranger. Sure you'll be spending time with him but you guys just met.
Still having a rather hazy mind, Dazai's gaze lingered on you, trailing it down your shorter figure and closed his parted lips before turning his head back to his front. A small micro-expression of smugness was evident on his face in a lazy way when his tiredness took over again and his face fell back to indifference.
When you reached your floor level, you exited the elevator and went to your door, unlocking it and lead him inside as you two removed your shoes.
Immediately, Dazai would dart his eyes around your place, having noticed other used shoes - female and male - which indicated that you didn't live alone and with your parents in full picture. He seemed glad for you. Someone as sweet as you deserved that. A roof above your head, decent clothes and a family that cared about you and loved you. Then he'd take notice of your place in general. The wallpaper, the aesthetic of it all, pictures, decorations, clothes or items lying around or hung at places. Your house's scent was pleasant. It smelled like fresh coffee beans, even being able to sniff out some laundry that had been recently done. Dazai immediately felt cozy by just standing at your apartment door in those ten seconds alone.
"Welcome to my home. Make yourself comfortable," you said with a polite grin and began to head inside more, guiding him to the living room. Your eyes threw him a short glance as you ran your hand through your (h/c) locks.
"You can remove your coat, you know?" you said, having seen his black coat hanging on his shoulders the whole time, him still being in a somewhat daze.
Upon hearing your words, he blinked, words a bit stuck in his throat as he felt a bit caught off guard. He gave you a nod, slowly grabbing his coat and slid it off of him.
You suppressed a giggle at his expression, finding it a bit amusing. As he had removed his coat, you came closer to him and gently took it from his hands, moving your head up a bit because of your height difference, heart fluttering a bit at that fact as you plastered a small smile. "Let me take that. You go sit on the couch and relax,"
Dazai returned your smile and shook his head in agreement, "Alright. Thank you," he said before he went to the couch and sat down, a quiet groan leaving him at how exhausted he was and only realised how sore his muscles actually were. From stress, his mental condition and his job at the Port Mafia. He leaned against the soft couch and threw his head back, letting out a relaxed sigh with closed eyes.
You had hung his coat next to all other jackets your family owned and then returned to your room, taking a fresh towel with you from your closet and then entered the living room again. When you saw Dazai sitting on the couch that way, a small blush crept up on your cheeks as you found it very attractive. He looked super good in that white button up shirt and that black vest with a matching tie, appearing professional and sophisticated. You cleared your throat at the thought with a frown and then went to stand next to the couch.
"What's up?" Dazai suddenly spoke, his eyes never opening.
Biting your lip at his intruiging yet attractive behavior, you found the words in your mouth and began to speak. "Would you like some water? You know, to sober up a bit,"
The brunette opened his eyes again before fixing them to you, a small smile displaying his lips and straightened his head again, his arms laid on the top of the back pillows. He had a certain glint to his visible eye which you couldn't place your finger on, but it seemed to be amusement. "I'd like that,"
At his answer you nodded and went to the kitchen to get him a cold glass of water and then placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch. Dazai sat up and leaned forward to grab it before drinking down the water, letting its cold sensation slide down his throat and finally ease that throbbing pain in his head. Your mouth formed an 'o' at the sight and then quickly walked off away to bring something.
Dazai watched you leave with a quizzical look when he saw you come back with a water jug and something else in your other hand. You placed the jug next to his now empty glass and stretched your hand out to him.
"Here," you said softly and opened your palm to reveal a set of painkillers to which his eyes perked up and his lip corners turning upwards slightly.
"Thank you again," he said genuinely and took the set and popped out one pill and brought it to his mouth before filling his glass with water again and swallowed the pill down.
You then shuffled to sit on the couch opposite the one he was on and began to relax yourself as you observed his movements with a faint smile.
Dazai had drunk a few more glasses of water and felt much better and more sober and leaned back again, his eyes locking with yours. "I know I said this a few times, and I can't thank you enough, but thank you for doing this," he said, his mood improving as you had been distracting him well from his previous depressing thoughts.
A giggle escaped from you at that and beamed at him, feeling warmth spread in your chest. "It's really no big deal,"
The mafioso's smile widened even more and laid his hands on his lap as he took in your face once more, absolutely pleased at the sound you made. It was very adorable to him.
After a few seconds you let out an "oh" and turned your body so you could grab the towel you had taken with you from your room and showed it to him. "Right. Since you have quite sweaty hair, I thought you might wanna wash it? You don't have to if you don't want to, but I do recommend you to do it," your tone was gentle and calming as the smile was still sitting comfortably on your lips.
Dazai couldn't help but chuckle at your considering nature, feeling so unfamiliar to such acts towards him and just smiled. As he always tried to. Convincing others of emotions he was supposed to show, yet struggled to even understand them. He'd always worn a mask in front of everybody - except Odasaku. He was different. If Dazai wasn't sure how to act, he'd hoped if he gave a simple smile that the person would accept it and move on.
"I guess I should take up the advice of a pretty girl such as yourself," he said in a smug tone, his flirtatious side returning as usual and stood up from the couch.
A warm sensation made its way to your cheeks at his words, your heart beginning to beat faster as he came closer to you and took the towel from your hands carefully, still smiling down at you. You were stunned and couldn't form any sentence and just stared up to him.
The boy merely grinned at your reaction in delight, knowing you'd do so since he could predict the actions of girls after he chose the right words every time. He then began to move his legs and turned to you again, his hands in his pockets. "Oh right, where's your bathroom?"
Gathering your composure, you cleared your throat and uttered your reply, "Just go straight ahead, the door right next to the kitchen,"
Dazai nodded and disappeared from your vision as you could hear the bathroom door lock. You let out the breath you were holding and rested back against the couch, your heart still beating profusely.
"Why is he like that?" you pouted annoyed with a frown before turning on the TV and chose to watch any show available for the moment.
The sounds of the shower could be heard and you figured that he now began to wash his hair as you suggested. That brought a smile to you face, that he decided to listen to you. Dazai had every right not to, you were still strangers after all but he still did as you asked him to and went to properly take care of him self for once.
You wondered just how much he actually cared about himself - if he actually ever did. The thought made you sad, that someone like him, who seemed charming was actually in a dark place and suffered all by himself. Then your thoughts wandered over if he had someone who cared about him like you did. If he had someone to talk to, to vent out to, share his inner most feelings. The imagination at that not bring an option for him released such an unpleasant and upsetting feeling in you.
Poor guy.
Minutes later, the bathroom door opened and Dazai stepped out, the scent of your shampoo spreading throughout the apartment, hitting your nose which soothed you greatly. He then walked in the living room with his hair all wet and messy, looking way more refreshed than before. He might've become even more handsome.
You managed a smile and looked him up and down, content with everything at the moment.
The young handsome man stared back at you with the same smile and would dry up his brown locks with the towel you gave him, stepping closer to you. "You were right with this. I feel much better," he beamed, his brown eyes having more light in them now.
Joy spread inside you at his words and giggled softly, "I told you so," you sighed and tapped your fingers on the armrest of the couch. "I'm glad you're doing better,"
He didn't answer as he kept his gaze on you, the eye contact between the both of you longer than needed, making your face grow a bit red before you spoke up again to get rid of the awkwardness within you. "So... you wanna dry your hair, I assume?" you teased a bit.
Dazai chuckled at that, "Yeah, that'd be very much appreciated (Y/n)," he threw you an amused look.
As you had taken a closer look at him, you had noticed something. "Wait- Did you take one of our bandages for your eye?" you observed, narrowing your eyes.
He looked away from you for a second, bringing a hand behind his wet hair and shrugged with raised brows, "Maybe?" he admitted by meeting his gaze back with yours and grinning cheekily.
You shook your head at that with a soft chuckle and stood up, "Seems like you got the skills to spot and find things quickly, even in unfamiliar places, huh?" you mused, very impressed by him, even though rummaging through some stranger's stuff was a bit questionable but considering his rather reasonable nature, you knew he didn't have bad intentions or was rude.
The male shrugged once more as he looked down at you with a small smirk, holding the wet towel in his hand as his brown hair stopped dripping of droplets of water. "I suppose so,"
You then led him back to your bathroom and brought your blow dryer from your room and handed it to him. He thanked you again and you stayed at his side this time while he did his job, having crossed your arms as you watched him stand in front of the mirror.
The heat of the blow dryer would reach you from time to time, actually feeling quite nice, the hair on your body standing up at the warm feeling, the sound echoing throughout the bathroom. When Dazai was finished he unplugged the object and wrapped the wire around it before giving it back to you. You smiled in response and continued to pin your eyes to him, who adjusted his hair a bit more, staring into his reflection. His eye met yours again through the mirror and you both found yourselves smiling upon that unconsciously, a certain atmosphere hanging between you.
"Alright then," you started, taking a basket and filled it with fresh fruits your mom had bought recently with some chips, sweets of all kinds, biscuits and soft drinks as well.
Dazai quirked an eyebrow at your actions as he kept eyeing your movements, growing more and more perplexed by each second. "What are you doing?"
You turned to him next to you and began to smile widely. It was the way your face brighened up as you glanced at him, radiating that warmth he grew to like the moment you had declared to take care of him just minutes before. The sentiment of it so right, so delicate, he could drown and bask in that warmth of yours any time. And your eyes shone in a way that would send a small shiver down Dazai's spine and that smile... Oh that smile of yours.
"You'll see," you gave him a teasing giggle as excitement continued to fill you. Stuffing some more things into the basket, you asked him, "Could you give me that red and white checkerd cloth, please?"
He did as you told him, walking over to the corner of your kitchen and then gave it to you which you put in the basket as well before shutting it closed, its weight making your arm go weak. Dazai took notice and formed a small smile holding the object from underneath so it wouldn't be too heavy for you.
"Here, let me take it," he offered and slid the handle off your arm and gripped it with his right hand, the bandages wrapped around it really accenting all the curves and bones. You accidentally stared at it a bit longer than you intended and then immediately looked away, to his eyes, a faint tint of pink on your cheeks.
"Thank you."
You then led him out of your home after you two wore your coats, as it was almost 2 am in the morning, the weather much colder than before with the moon shining brighter onto you both, illuminating every inch of your path beautifully. The only sounds that could be heard were your footsteps since you were the only ones outside, complete silence except for some grasshoppers engulfing you.
Both of you loved the night.
It was the best time of the day, providing you a period of time fully to yourselves, your thoughts, your wishes. Was it the way the darkness of the night that hung above you every day resembled the one that lived inside you? Was that why you loved it? Did you find an odd sense of comfort knowing you were surrounded by that very darkness?
"So tell me... where are we headed?" Dazai questioned as his footsteps synced with yours.
His voice reached your ears after a long pause of silence, the tone gentle and full of curiosity. You could sense how much better he was doing. This made you so happy.
"Just trust me on this. I want to surprise you," you grinned at him to which he chuckled beautifully.
You took the handsome stranger to the place you'd escape to when you felt mentally drained, spending your time there as long as you wanted, being comforted by the stars themselves than your own people. It was at a meadow further away from your place but not very far that you'd grow tired. The exact spot was something like a cliff of some sorts but the area was filled with all kinds of flowers and nature. If you were to look up at the night sky, the moon would smile back at you, sitting close to you at that very spot.
Arriving at your comfort place, you faced Dazai, still wearing a big smile as he looked down at you with a soft expression, anticipation flowing in his dark eyes. "Close your eyes,"
Again, he did as you asked him to, unintentionally smiling, awaiting this surprise of yours. The beat of his heart grew stronger as he sharpened his ears to listen to anything you did, becoming impatient by each second due to excitement.
You immediately took the basket from him and took out the red and white checkered cloth and spread it on the grass ground and then put the basket on top of it. Taking the food out one by one, you made sure to make everything presentable for Dazai. You wanted this to be a memorable night for him after all. The ripping of flower stems could be heard faintly as you placed various types of flowers across the cloth and properly seated yourself among the things you set up.
Then you looked back to the young boy in front of you who was waiting patiently and had his eyes closed the entire time, looking so cute.
"You can look now."
Upon that Dazai unsealed his eyes and met with the sight of you having prepared a night time picnic for him to which his mouth hung open in utter shock, his eyes growing a bit wide. You kept surprising him every moment and he wasn't complaining. Something in your eyes was so inviting. Something your smile was so exciting. Something in his heart told him that he must join you, to not hesitate even one bit, to spend this precious night with you. He felt something so unfamiliar within himself. He just couldn't explain it. What was this feeling? The boy hadn't felt it in a while he gathered.
It was the feeling of pure joy.
Without wanting to waste any time, he sat down opposite you, his sparkling eyes marvelling at the food he saw you pack in the basket with confused ones moments before. He never expected this night to go to any of this direction when he was rotting in that bar before. Never would he have thought to have someone as enticing as you by his side when he had those agonising and life draining thoughts. Never.
"You did this... all for me?" he locked eyes with yours after taking in everything around him on the ground, absolute admiration living in those brown hues.
A blush tainted the soft skin on your face, nodding your head as you took a strawberry in your hand and smiled gently towards him, "Yeah. To make you feel better. I told you, didn't I?" your voice was so sweet, so pretty, Dazai loved the tone so much. That sincerity which would always cling onto every each word leaving your soft lips.
He'd smile greatly at you, his heart fluttered at your actions. He absolutely didn't deserve any of this. He didn't deserve you.
You brought the strawberry near his mouth and kept holding onto that softness on your face. "Eat it," you urged meekly.
His lips stayed in the same position as he leaned in and took a bite of the juicy fruit, it's sweetness spreading on his taste buds, earning a hum from him. Dazai took more bites until it reached the white part, which you then put away in an extra plastic bag for the trash and extra. The lovely flavour still lingered in the brunette's mouth, the saccharine sensation having given him a push of serotonin.
Just like her own sweetness.
"That was splendid, dearest," he commented, his eyes never leaving yours.
You let out a soft giggle, tilting your head, also not breaking eye contact. "I'm glad, Dazai,"
After that you both tried everything you had taken with you for the night picnic. You made him eat the chips, the sweets and the biscuits and each time he'd give you such an adorable reaction. He was so precious. It warmed your heart so much to the point you swore it was beginning to become dependent on his presence. Seeing him so joyful at the littlest things actually made you sad in a way. Spending time like this was the bare minimum.
Did he really never get any of that?
This caused you to nourish him even more. To help him, take care of him even more.
"What brand is this?" Dazai asked as his cheeks were stuffed with the biscuits you brought with you.
You laughed at his adorable little antics and pinched that very cheek of his. "It's (brand name). You like it?" your entire being relaxed by just looking at him.
He nodded in response, gazing back at you, "Very much,"
You hummed, a smile tugging at your lips, "You can take the whole package then if you'd like,"
"Really?" his eyes shone bright, a childlike wonder on his face.
Heart racing deeply within your chest you giggled once more, "Yes. Take it,"
Dazai couldn't describe the feeling he had when he was with you in this very moment. It was like he could be a child again, make up for all the times and experiences that were stolen from him. He wished nothing more than to just spend the rest of his time here with you, at this wonderful environment, away from blood, violence, the stench of dead bodies and that physician's cold and piercing glare.
When you two had craned your necks to look up at the sky, the time being 2.30 am, you just enjoyed each other's company while admiring the stars, which stood out in the darkness more than usual.
"That one looks like a bunny, don't you think?" you pointed towards the stars above you as you two were sitting next to each other a bit more, having decided to filter out some star constellations.
Dazai raised a brow at that with a chuckle, "A bunny? You think so? Looks like noose to me," he corrected with a casual shrug.
Your mouth hung open at that with wide eyes and a frown, "What the hell? A noose? Are you serious?" you asked in disbelief and genuine confusion.
He nodded in honesty, seeing no problem with his claim, "Yeah? Is that bad?" he had an innocent spark in his eyes which really made you question things.
Moving your head upwards again, you asked him yet again, "And that one? What do you see?" you wanted to be sure if he was joking or actually serious.
The mafioso glanced to the spot among the beautiful stars and moved his mouth, "A gun or knife of some sort... I don't know," he said with another shrug, turning back to you.
A huge sigh left you at that and made your whole body face towards him a bit more, face growing a bit concerned now. "Dazai... are you... are you okay?"
When you questioned him that, he made note of your tone, how soft and wary it was. The question made him look down to his lap, taking a breath before answering you.
"Not really."
So your suspicions were right about his mental state. You decided to ask further.
"I'm sorry to hear that... Do you want to... maybe talk about it?" your eyes scanned his now more serious face.
He was breathing calmly and then latched his eyes back to your own face. "I suppose we could... but only a few things..."
"Of course, that's totally fine," you formed a comforting smile.
Dazai instantly mirrored your expression before he told you about some of his struggles. His heavy and deep depression. His suicide attempts which made you sick to your stomach but served as an explanation for the bandages around his whole body. Your heart would sink every time he'd describe his emotions... if he could even call them that.
"What about your eye? Was that self inflicted or...?" you tried to act as carefully and respectfully as possible, not wanting him to feel at unease at all.
The brunette merely smiled at your question, grateful to your politeness, "No it isn't. My boss... who happens to be a physician, treated my eye long ago. It's still healing though," he explained, running a hand through his brown locks.
Nodding at his reply, you looked down to your lap. "I see..."
"What about you?"
You heard his voice as you had been in a small daze for a second.
"Hmm?" your focus returned to the boy beside you.
"Did you go through something too? If so, you don't have to share," he wore a warm expression, pools of tenderness in his eyes.
"Do you think life has meaning?" he added once more.
You had to think about that for a moment, gathering your thoughts and emotions, the question being a very deep one of course.
"I suppose to me it does have some meaning. But even if I described it to you, it would be kind of useless don't you think?"
He had to nod at that, pointing his lip corners downwards while he pondered for a second. "You're not wrong, however I'd still like to hear your version of the reason to live," he smiled softly.
That made you smile as well before you stared towards the sky once again, "If you say so... I think that the true meaning of life can't be found so easily. You have to search for it. It isn't presented to you on a silver platter or anything. Life is deceitful, destructive and down right unfair. But despite all of that, it has it's beautiful moments... for someone like you that might seem impossible but trust me... you should cherish even the smallest spark of positive emotion. Just keep it to yourself like how you'd want your wife to treasure the ring you gifted her. I've been through a lot too, not nearly to an extent like you did but I understand how you feel, Dazai. You're stuck in a place I'd never want to return to. I'm glad I escaped that void. And I hope you do that too,"
He listened to every word you spoke, being attentive and tried to understand everything. Dazai liked the way you talked. It was soothing and tranquil. He nodded at your reasoning, finding it somewhat logical.
"I see what you mean. Seems plausible to me," he responded with authenticity. A long and tired breath escaped his mouth as he stared upwards again. "I really do hope to leave this hell hole called mind. I feel so trapped every damn day. I'm just waiting to see the day where I can look at the world through your eyes,"
You smiled with deep emotions within you at his words, feeling the same hope accompanying you, wanting nothing more than his happiness. You didn't say anything after that, thinking your facial expressions were enough to assure him you agreed with him. Darting your eyes around you, you studied the beautiful area again that you had memorised by having come here so many times. No matter how many times you'd return to this place, it would always give you solace like nothing else in the world. Every blade of grass, every tree, every single flower, every brush of wind and every company of the moon was enough.
Your nights here were drenched in long talks with yourself about things that should've been but couldn't be.
"Yes, sweetheart?" he answered almost immediately, as if it was a reflex to him to call you sweet names.
You looked back to him with a wide grin, redness coating your cheeks.
"Wanna dance?"
At that you had taken out a CD player and put a Frank Sinatra album into it and skipped to a certain song and pressed play. The sounds of a lovely melody reached your ears, flutes, violins, the bells and drums echoing around the beautiful area, the scent of the flowers making the experience much better.
'Strangers in the night exchanging glances. Wondering in the night. What were the chances we'd be sharing love before the night was through'
Dazai made a satisfied sound at the song playing and smiled broadly. "Excellent song choice, belladonna," he moved his head to you as you two were standing now, next to the picnic set up.
"I know," you said cheekily with a giggle when you held your hand out to him. "Will you allow me to dance with you, good sir?" you joked playfully.
He chuckled, completely enthralled by your idea, giving you a short nod and placed his hand on yours, gently holding it, his slightly rough skin colliding with yours. You two came closer, having had this proximity again like before, when you had asked him to come with you. There was this tension, this feeling that was constantly clinging onto you which just never let you tear your eyes from each other. It was like time had came to a halt whenever your eyes met.
Dazai's other hand found your waist as yours did with his shoulder without any question, as if you two had done this multiple times before. You'd smile like idiots when you two got ready in a comfortable stance to dance along. And that's what you did.
You let him take the lead as the calming and nostalgic song played in the background, laughing amongst yourselves. Whenever he'd take a step, you'd follow immediately, his hold on you so careful and graceful, you felt as if you were a princess in his arms. The sound of his breathy laughter was like music to your ears. He was just too breathtaking to you.
His hand that was gripping yours moved above your head and made you spin for him, you giggling at the action before he caught you again, pressing your back against his chest. The whole time your smiles wouldn't disappear. How could they when you were having such a lovely time together. Your stomach flipped at the feeling of his body pressed to yours, never ceasing to blush at Dazai's every little movements.
Right after you turned around and took his hand again to make him spin as well, earning a pretty laugh from him yet again, his brown eye glistening under the moonlight like never before this whole time you two had been together. Your hand was practically glued to his as you didn't want to let go, since his skin was so comforting, like a pillow. Everything about him was, to he honest.
"Turned out so right, for strangers in the night."
You both sang in unison, absolute glee dancing along with you, the words somehow having latched themselves onto your brains, making you think further, to other places. The young boy's face was close to yours, close enough to feel his breath on your skin, having a great close up view of his beautiful features that you found yourself adoring each time. Impossible was it to rip your gaze away from those deep, profound and complex chocolate eyes.
The air around you changed yet again, your hands on his shoulders, his on your waist, the gap between your bodies almost non-existent, just breathing calmly. You could swear his eyes flickered down to your lips, yours doing the same automatically. But you both never went any further. The two of you had flushed faces and had your throats stuffed with unspoken words.
You inhaled deeply with a deep blush, eyes darting to your side, to the picnic before you got too lost and too comfortable in his hold, "We should..." you trailed off.
Dazai's hands relaxed on your waist, a short exhale coming from him, sliding his touch down to your hips cautiously and smiled in understanding, "Yes we should,"
As it had become 3 am already and the weather was getting colder, you both chose to pack the leftover food back into the basket, Dazai carrying it again for you while you slowly made your way back to your apartment. He had given you his coat since he could tell how you were trembling a bit, you holding it close to your body, smelling his cologne and a bit of alcohol and sweat too, but it wasn't that unpleasant. Just having spent this time together you could feel how much closer you had gotten. You were so much more comfortable in each other's presence.
The thought of each other's lips wouldn't leave your minds or your scents, and how intoxicating they were to the other. It felt like both of your presences were now actively and permanently living inside your heads, sending waves of happiness to each other.
Once you arrived back at your doorstep, you spun around to face him again, wanting to see that soft expression of his again. A bitter feeling washed over you at the thought of never seeing him again after this. Not being able to hear his laughter anymore or to just listen to him talk.
Dazai travelled his eyes down to the basket and held it higher, "Should I come with you again? To help you carry the basket upstairs?" he asked with care.
He was such a gentleman, you appreciated it so much. You shook your head slowly and stepped closer to him. "No, it's fine. I can do it myself," you reached out and took the basket from him, it being much lighter due to you two having eaten so much of the food. He was still gripping the biscuits package you let him take for himself though.
Your eyes found his again and you just kept staring in silence, his brown ones examining you once more, wanting to burn your memory into his vision and mind as much as possible. You did the same, your attention glued to his gorgeous face.
"Um... my..." Dazai pointed towards you, a small chuckle leaving him.
"Oh. Sorry, I forgot," you smiled in embarrassment and slid off his long black coat and handed it back to him, which he accepted eagerly with a giggle and draped it back onto his shoulders just like when you first met him.
The young male released a breath and scratched his hair, his eyes looking a bit gloomy. "So this is goodbye huh?"
Your whole face frowned at that, not actually ready to take the final step as your heart strings were tugging you towards him, telling you to not leave him. Pouting at his words, you nodded, your own emotions of dissatisfaction evident on the outside.
"It seems like it."
Silence had filled in again for a moment longer after that. The tension grew even more heavy, almost as sharp as a knife.
"Thank you for everything you've done for me. I really enjoyed every second together with you, (Y/n)," Dazai spoke wholeheartedly, even a bit of affection lurking in his smooth voice, his eyes and cheeks no longer red from the alcohol he had consumed. No longer tired, in pain or irritated.
A wide and beautiful smile tugged on your lips, delight and happiness welled up inside you, causing your cheeks to turn crimson. "I'm glad that I was able to make you forget things. Even if it was just for this short time at night,"
He managed a grin, growing so soft for you like for no other girl he had ever before. Man, he was really going to miss you.
"Alright then... goodbye, (Y/n). Belladonna," he said that pet name with such fondness and vulnerability it really made you melt on the inside.
"Goodbye, Dazai. Until we meet again," you spoke with a clouded mind, unlocking the door to lead to your lobby, your eyes always fixed to his.
You'd both stare for a while longer, Dazai walking backwards to keep up with your staring contest, heart pounding in his chest at this bittersweet moment.
"What about your parents though? Where are they?"
He wanted to prolong this a tiny bit more. Wanting to hear your voice.
Your head perked up at his concern, chuckling softly, "They'll return soon enough. Both have their night shifts today," you elaborated rushed in an assuring way, almost fully inside the lobby.
The brunette nodded firmly, smiling brightly only for you once more before he began to turn his body. Your (e/c) eyes watched him do that, biting your lip at the emotions you were experiencing this very moment. It kept eating you up.
Dazai's back was turned to your apartment as he slowly moved his feet to head to his own place but could hear fast footsteps approaching him and he twisted his body back. Having done so, he could see you running towards him, with your pretty (h/c) hair flowing with your movements, that look of determination and yearning in your eyes, those eyes that he would always remember now.
"(Y/n)? Wha-"
That's when he felt you wrap your arms around him tightly for an embrace and he stood still, absolutely frozen on the spot. He could feel your face nuzzled against his chest, that warmth he was so drawn to having made itself present again. Snapping out of his shock, he slowly brought his own arms to your back and pressed you against him, a huge smile making its way on his handsome features, burying it into your shoulder as he inhaled your addicting scent.
The hug lasted only for a few seconds when you pulled away to look into his eyes and examined his beauty once more before leaning in and planting a soft kiss to his cheek. When Dazai felt your tender lips on his skin, he was frozen yet again, your warmth having disappeared in a flash as you had gone inside the lobby already, the door closing behind you, any evidence of your existence having completely vanished.
The young executive was still trapped in a trance, replaying the scene in his head multiple times with a racing heart before he eventually left the area. What drove him insane was that your scent was still lingering on him, not just the shampoo he had used on his hair before but that sweet perfume of yours.
In fact your beautiful face was still swimming in front of his eyes. The heat that you radiated when you walked side by side. The food you ate together with the taste still present on his tongue. The Frank Sinatra song unconsciously playing in the back of his head and the sight of you dancing with him among a flower filled meadow, the moon gleaming onto you both.
He'd glance down to the biscuits in his hand every now and then, hearing your lovely voice saying he could take the package with him. So kind. So generous.
He wanted to feel every emotion you had brought out of him this whole time. From the moment he met you until the sweet kiss you gave him. He wanted you by his side again but his job wouldn't allow that and he certainly wouldn't want someone as precious as you to be involved with the mafia in any way. You didn't deserve him nor did he ever deserve you.
Never did Dazai ever think he'd genuinely get attached to a stranger, a girl so quickly like he did with you. And it scared him. He was so torn. Part of him wanted your angelic aura next to him, the other wanting you far away so he wouldn't get either of you hurt. He couldn't risk it.
He cared about you. He was actually concerned about your well-being. Just what kind of spell did you use on him that it was a bit agonising to leave you behind? If he had a chance to re-experience the night, he'd do it in a heartbeat. As many times possible.
Dazai Osamu ached for the way you treated him. He wasn't used to it - it was super foreign to him but he wanted to dive into that sensation again. Just once. Just a little drop of it even. Just one look into your eyes would've been enough.
All he could think about was you on his way back, your very being burned in his memory now. Forever.
He was never, ever going to forget you.
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