#(Said literally everyone on this site to an object at some point)
theizzizzy · 5 months
Human versions of Newton and Marlon!
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Hatless Newton and Titian Marlon Alt is under the cut!
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radarchives · 2 months
I dont think youve gotten an ask like this before since this is an om! blog and all and this is possibly gonna sound weird or dumb of me to ask a german native this, but how hard is your grammar really?
Reason (1-1) for my question: languages are my guilty pleasure. I'm only fluent in arabic and english rn but I wanna learn as much as I can, even if just basic facts, not a language itself
Reason (1-2): people learning german insist that the grammar is "brutal" especially for english-speakers but frankly it kinda feels that theres exaggeration or a "trend" along the lines of "german grammar is impossible because everyone says so" even if it's not THAT gory, yk?
Any new language IS gonna be hard at first- thats a given. And some languages like arabic / chinese / japanese / korean are listed at the top for difficulty. Ik that german grammar has many many rules and has exceptions... Linguistic sites say thats a reason for its complexity and the majority of learners agree with "yeah it's too difficult"
But tbh?? Idk
At this point it feels like a stereotype that was based off facts at first but then got negatively exaggerated?? I think yes german grammar is more "detailed" than the english norm / other grammar rules but it isnt monstrous like whats being often said and spread about it?
Thats why I wanna hear an authentic objective thought on this from a german if you dont mind🎤
hey there!
i really don't think German is one of the most difficult languages to learn. if you're an english native speaker the things you might struggle the most with are:
- pronunciation (harsher sounds, less soft than english, äöü sounds. when you have someone who can correct you this isn't as difficult to learn)
- grammar (lots of rules and lots of exceptions as well. words are gendered with der, die, das /feminine, masculine, neutral. also learning how to decline words can be tricky as well, but i think that just comes down to memorisation and practice)
- the sheer volume of vocabulary. a lot of words are HIGHLY specific (which is the fun part to be honest. there's lots of german words that are difficult to translate to english bc of this. an example would be the German word "doch" which is something similar to "yes it is" or "is not, is too")
i can imagine the difficulty level might be similar to learning french (at least from what i can compare). honestly i can only judge this so far, at work i do have lots of people around me who are just starting to learn the language, these are a few things that i saw them struggle with as well.
i think it mostly comes down to dedication and interest. you do have to put in a lot of effort, but you obviously have to do that for every language.
i think German gets a bad rep for sounding harsh and brutal, but i think it sounds quite beautiful. here's a little comp of German words i appreciate.
Nickerchen - nap
Maus - literally means mouse, but more recently has become youth slang. you can call someone "eine süße Maus" / literally a cute mouse / when they did something nice for example. Maus is originally gendered female = die Maus, but is used in a gn way like this. Meine Follower sind zum Beispiel richtig süße Mäuse 🥰
also used as an adjective (mausig)
Fremdschämen - being embarrassed for someone else. Wenn ich sehe, dass Lucifer redet als hätte er drei Wörterbücher verschluckt, schäme ich mich fremd.
unschön - unattractive, unpleasant. this one isn't special but it's my morally acceptable way of saying "well that fucking sucked" at work. Das ist jetzt aber unschön verlaufen.
so yeah! if you want to learn it don't let the naysayers stop you!
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monarchisms · 1 year
oh yeah, now that it's closed, here's the post i wanted to make about that rt rebrand poll i made last week. this will be pretty long and kinda rambly, so feel free to just blacklist the "long post" tag :)
so like, i made the poll because of 2 main reasons: 1. because of a mix of comments i saw on other sites from people who also didn't know what color it was supposed to be, and 2. because of myself confidently believing it was some shade of orange until i switched from looking at it from my laptop screen to my phone screen.
it being a godawful shade of red/red-orange was mentioned in the article itself, which is why my question was phrased "what color do you guys think it is?" since either red or orange is both technically correct. going more into the specifics of the poll numbers:
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tumblr doesn't show the specific number of people who voted for any given poll option by default, just the percentage, so i went digging and followed this tutorial to get the raw data using firefox's inspect tool. the final results are, with 934 votes total, red at 551 votes (59%), orange at 303 votes (~32.4%), and other/a secret third thing at 80 votes (~8.6%).
red winning wasn't a surprise, really, but i was pleasantly surprised at how many people didn't have a definite answer or switched between answers like i did. i can't exactly pin down why that is, but if i had to wager some guesses...
the color scheme has a high chance of being a callback to rooster teeth's Popular Web Series Red Versus Blue™:
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and with a want/need for rt to rebrand, the idea of keeping the color scheme while also making it modern and pop out is really cool, but its execution is uh...
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i couldn't fit everyone's tags, but you get the gist. it fucking sucks, man.
as @god-of-arts-and-crafts has pointed out:
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orange and blue are complementary colors, with them being opposite each other on a color wheel except the people who made the rebrand chose a deeper shade of blue??? they couldn't even get that right, oh my fucking god, so while its technical color is red-orange, it can be overwhelmingly orange when paired with a similarly bright shade of blue, which is what's causing many people eyestrain. hell, the first time i looked at the picture when the news dropped, it literally gave me a headache lol
finally, as i've said in the tags of a different post about this eyesore, this is an accessibility nightmare. with the worst color combination possible, the colors used for the new font and logo are definitely not ada-compliant. there are free sites out there to test images for general accessibility issues. contrastchecker is what i use sometimes, and below is what i got using red-orange as the background and blue as the foreground, and vice versa:
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(both versions had the same ratio and color difference lmao)
the americans with disabilities act recommends that the contrast ratio be 7 at the lowest, but should ideally be higher than that, if possible. this is objectively and subjectively a very bad corporate rebrand, and i really, really want rt to break their "no jokes on april 1st because that's our anniversary" rule this year. if for nothing else, then just so that people who haven't read the variety article and/or the reactions on social media aren't jumpscared once the new intros/endcards/whatever else start rolling in.
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Anchor imagery and Gastina
I don't know if anyone has noticed that Nina wears a weird amount of Achor patterns on her clothing.
Let me show you:
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These are just the ones I remember. There might be more.
The interesting thing about these is that she wears anchors in a lot of scenes that have something to do with Gastón. Their first kiss, the scene where he teases her about learning to skate, and the scene with Xavi where Nina literally described her relationship with Gastón as "too intense".
Anchor biblically symbolizes hope and it part of the Faith, Hope, Love trio.
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And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
- 1 Corinthians 13:13
Anchors are nautical devices that provide stability to ships during harsh storms, protecting them from being tossed around at sea. Throughout history, anchors have served as a much-needed device for sailors. In the Bible, an anchor is used as a symbol of our hope in Jesus which gives us stability and steadfastness in life. In ancient days, the anchor was used in artwork and engravings as a symbol of Christianity. Anchors appear in the Roman catacombs on the tombs of Christians, showing the Christians’ steadfast hope in eternal life.
I don't mean to get too preachy here and we don't even know the religious stance of DCLA, even when can just assume that everyone is catholic. That being said, I do Hc just a little bit that Gastón maybe grew up a little bit more religious than the rest, and I feel it first with his parents getting themselves out of poverty by a bunch of small miracles. This is not the point of this though.
Anchors symbolize hope and stability. Something that Gastón represents for Nina.
She is a divorce child from a broken home. She has been fought over by her parent for who knows how long, but long enough for it really to impact her mental health and self-esteem. She doesn't feel worthy of any love, because she has been fought over like an object with no free will for most of her life.
Gastón was probably one the first people to just love her unconditionally, without having some need to prove that he loves her more than someone else, and she herself was enough. (I don't mean to leave Luna out of this. We'll come back to her later) Gastón loved Nina for who she was, and who she could be for herself.
I don't think Nina has ever known a happy whole family life without her parent fighting. Gastón is from a nuclear family with two parents happily married (Technically my headcanon, but I think canon speaks for it very strongly). I think Nina was definitely taken into his family right away. His parents very possibly were one of the first exposures that Nina had to a healthy long-term marriage.
Anchor represents hope for steadfastness and security. We didn't see this much, but it is pretty fair to say that Gastón probably was quite protective of Nina, Gary would have not gotten even close to her in S3 if he had been around. He often provides her with stability, full-on physically by often having an arm around her shoulder or waist or just by emotionally. With him, she has a hope of a better future and life for herself with him
These are things she lacks in S3 a lot. She doesn't know what she wants to do, and struggles with clarity and writing, especially with the skating site. Her anchor is gone so to say, and she drifts off to sea.
None of this meant to say that she can't be her own independent woman, she absolutely can and is, but that doesn't mean that she can't consider the person she loves as someone who provides her security and stability.
Anyways, these are the reasons why Nina backtracks in character development. She still has Luna as support, but how I view her development is that she needs both, Luna and Gastón. Luna got her on skates in S1, but it was Gastón who helped her almost as much with it. He taught her how to stop and assured her that it was okay to fall and that nothing bad could happen to her. Luna was the one who Nina moving, but Gastón was her anchor.
When you view things like that, you alos notice how similar Gastón and Luna's backgrounds are. They are both from happy homes with two parents with healthy relationships. This can be also kind of applied to Matteo as well, since he is from a broken home in a different way, and why Gastón and Luna were the people for him too.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Unpopular opinion, i think fans are really mean towards Sam and there's not such a big reason behind it. He really wants to help people in his own way and just because his way of coming out with a piece of advice or a way to offer some kind of support is just different from Colby's, that doesn't make him less caring than Colby
Also, i don't understand why people hate on his dumb and wise newsletter or whatever u wanna call it because there aren't many influences who take their time to do something like that (i mean starting from scratch and managing to come out with something, cuz forwarding emails is easy afterwards) and also takes time to find things that might come in handy for fans who need that piece of advice. If Sam does this, even if it's a lot of Internet information and his side notes in that email, he did something good, tho unnecessary, a money grabbing brand. But if Colby comes on Snapchat and starts talking about life, he's a role model and he's so amazing and look how nicely he responds to questions and how nicely he speaks. Colby is way too overrated when doing the bare minimum any influencer should do, like staying in touch with fans and talking about mental health and anxiety and problems that don't go away by clapping ur hands. I appreciate a lot the fact that he talks about this stuff, don't get me wrong, especially because Sam and Colby are 2 of a small number of influences who address these important topics, but when they're both trying to answer their fan's questions or even talk about it how well they can, why try to make a difference between them? One might have a certain pov, while the other one has another pov and that should be alright. Any topic should be seen from more povs, it's not just colby who's right, it's not just sam who's right and u can't stay sam hasn't been through depressive episodes and bad anxiety. If he doesn't talk about these things is strictly his choice, but u can't say that he sounds cold and very objective when talking about stuff because "he didn't go through it"
This thing is literally like u and ur best friend giving the same answer in class but ur best friend gets the credit because "she's prettier"
Where i use u, I'm not talking about u 😂💜
this is so fucking long of a response to you. omg, i apparently have a lot of opinions lol
well, i can only speak on my behalf and say how i feel about the advice both boys give.
while i love the boys a lot, i do think sometimes their advice isn't as universal as they make it seem. i think that sometimes their lack of acknowledgement towards their own privilege makes it hard to want to listen to them. bc they give out advice and think that it will work for everyone listening, when that's just not the case. i do think over the years they gotten better at recognizing when their advice can help and where it can't, but they still struggle to realize that (especially for neurodivergent ppl) their advice doesn't go as deep as it could. or that in general, their advice isn't as prolific as they believe it to be.
like with metalife. one of the major problems i had with it is that a lot of their advice was basic or surface level. a lot of their philosophies weren't that deep. hell, most of the things they said on that site they said on the life project first, so they were just repeating themselves at that point. and while it's great that that worked for some ppl, i think it's also fine to admit that it doesn't work for most fans, especially those dealing with deeper issues. but that's okay. i don't expect snc to have the answers to my mental health issues. they aren't professionals. but i think another major problem was just the fact that anytime they gave advice, it was hard to listen to it knowing that they haven't lived a 10th of the life i have. i don't wish for them to struggle like i have, but when they are miles above me in every which way, it's hard to listen.
as for the split between sam and colby, again, i think it has a lot to do with how they sound. and while sam is genuinely trying to help, i do think that sometimes his words don't quite hit the mark. i think sam has a tendency to just repeat what other ppl say just bc that advice worked for him. which is fine, bc realistically none of us have original thoughts anymore lol, but if the advice was barely advice in the first place…. repeating it and putting your own spin on it lessen it's value.
i think there is also this out of touch attitude that sam can get that colby for the most part doesn't have. like, when sam wrote about not living for your vacations in the dumb and wise email….. like, bro, in this economy? you're telling ppl not to live for vacations, as if they can even get one in the first place?????? you just sound out of touch. i get what he was going for, but there are better ways to have said it. and he makes himself more out of touch by looking up to musk and bezos. i get it, you're a business man. but there is no ethical way to make billions of dollars. and then to keep it all??? even worse. and to top all of that off, he never apologizes for upsetting fans. he'll just ignore things until ppl forget or stop talking about it altogether. and while i get that for some situations, doing it all the time doesn't work. it makes it sound like he doesn't want to listen to fans.
also, i just gotta add this in bc i just remembered it, he has this vibe/attitude/whatever of "feel less, work more". he's surrounds himself in so much business but does little to no introspective work. he doesn't allow himself to feel, and would rather be busy all the time. but that doesn't work for anyone, let alone him. and i think that if he would allow himself to either work thru his emotions or just…. feel for once, he might be able to give good advice.
and while i say all of this, i still genuinely love sam. i can love him and still be annoyed at him tho. both things can be true. bc on a basic level, i feel like he does try his best to give the advice he thinks will work, but it comes across a bit pretentious bc he doesn't recognize his own privilege. and his dumb and wise emails, if i even read them in the first place, i just kinda shrug off and go about my day. sometimes i read them and think "oh that's good advice" but for the most part, i don't pay attention to them.
and as for colby, i think (and i know, at least, i feel this way) a lot of ppl relate to him more than they do sam. maybe it's bc sam is extremely closed off so we don't know as much about him as we do colby. maybe for some ppl (even tho they'll never admit it) they just generally find colby more attractive than sam and thus are more likely to listen to him. who knows, who cares. for me, colby comes in with advice that at least shows hesitancy. he outright refuses to answer questions about mental health problems, and tells those that need help to seek professionals. i don't think i've ever heard sam do that. maybe he just ignores those questions and instead goes for ones he thinks he can answers, maybe i just don't remember him doing what colby does. either way, colby tells does that, and then any of the advice he does gives, he follows it up by saying "this may not work for you, but this is what worked for me" and that alone puts him above sam in my book for giving advice.
that hesitancy shows a more realistic side to him than sam. sam comes in with a certain tone that's just very matter-of-factly, that there's no way he's wrong. colby, bc he's cautious about what he says or at least understands that his words may not help, shows that he acknowledges what he saying. he's not just regurgitating something someone else said in a book he read.
and i think as much as colby claims to be private or closed off, he tells a lot more than he shows. i don't think he realizes how much stuff he's actually told fans, and just that bit of vulnerability helps to make a connection. that's why i believe he probably does struggle with depression and, at the very least, anxiety. he's shown us what he's like after being super anxious all day. he's told us the stories of needing to take tums everyday at school. and as for the depression, which i know is just an assumption on my part, there are things he has said in the past (like not being able to leave his couch for weeks on end, like feeling like he was on autopilot, like isolating himself from ppl when he's feeling bad) that makes me believe he has struggled with depression without realizing it bc those are things i went thru as well. and that, i think, helps fans connect with him more. if sam struggles the same way colby does, we wouldn't know bc he doesn't tell us. and i get that he has every right to his privacy and that he doesn't have to tell us that information. but bc colby has, with or without his own knowledge, means ppl connect with him more and want to listen to his advice.
all of this being said, if you don't agree with me, totally fine. you might relate to what sam says more. that's great. if his advice works for you, please listen to it and use it. i'm just saying it doesn't work that way for me, but that's okay. i don't look at sam as less than bc of it. i still love sam. he's just a bit annoying sometimes lol
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beevean · 2 years
One thing that always amazes me is how consistent the game is in portraying Samus as incompetent. It really feels like it was written by someone who had a grudge against her, like Ellis with Hector, but no supposedly Sakamoto thought this gave her more depth, and the funny thing is I believe him when he says that was his genuine intention, it just goes to show how hard you can fail when you have your head jammed so far up your ass thinking you're writing some sort of Citizen Kane level stuff when in actuality you have no idea how writing works for anything that isn't games with minimal stories
I pointed it out in my review way back then:
For a story so microscopically focused on Samus, she really doesn’t look good here. She needs the help of an entire platoon to take down a simple monster made of spiders - why can’t she use her Ice Beam, Adam, when y’all are freezing it? She needs Adam to activate the powerups she already has, even though he has no formal authority over her (with one notable exception, thankfully - although the infamous “Any objections, Adam?” is a bit undermined by the fact that she thought he couldn’t hear her). When she’s pinned down by Teen Ridley, the only thing she can do is to keep his tail at bay, and she needs Anthony to save her. When she’s manhandled by Ridley due to her sudden breakdown, she needs Anthony to save her, and after the fight Ridley manages to escape (you’d think Samus would have become an expert of pumping a giant dragon’s stomach full of missiles). She never discovers who the traitor was, he gets killed by MB and his identity was revealed in external material because the story drops that plot thread like a hot potato. She doesn’t fight the Metroids, Adam SHOOTS HER IN THE BACK (what in the genuine fuck, “paternal compassion” my fat ass) to stop her and then sacrifices himself (and Samus gives the thumbs down while crying, stop it game you cannot treat this 👎 seriously). She doesn’t kill Ridley despite that being her obejctive for half the game and the reason Adam shot Samus sacrificed himself, the Queen Metroid does. She doesn’t kill MB, the final fight literally ends by you pointing at her, and other people doing your job for you. Oh, and Anthony is the real hero that saves everyone by somehow stopping the Bottle Ship from entering the atmosphere. What is this? Sonic was useless in ‘06 because he was relegated to a subplot while Shadow and Silver went to fight the real bad guys… but this is straight up the story blocking Samus at every move. Why?
You know how much I despise N!Hector's writing, but at least, at the very least, he's at the end of the day a secondary antagonist at best. What is the point of treating the sole protagonist like this??? Who am I supposed to root for, if Samus is an incapable character who doesn't even grow by the end, because she still protests Adam's orders and is still treated like a child?
And what truly boggles my mind is that, as you said, Sakamoto did not intentionally piss on everything Samus stood for out of pettiness: this was his idea of an improvement!
You know what? We can circle back to the previous discourse of humanization, and how sometimes you can go too far in giving characters "flaws" and "relatability". I understand, in theory, the idea of showing that Samus is not just a Badass, but a person with her own weak points and scarred by previous events, but who resists through everything. Sure. But this is not the way at all, because now you've swung all the way far back, and this Samus is completely unbelievable as the legendary bounty hunter who makes planets explode for sport.
Samus sparing The Baby after killing every single Metroid. Samus going apeshit at its death. Samus gazing at the destruction of the Chozo Artifacts site. Samus closing the eyes of a dead trooper. These small, voiceless moments do more to make Samus feel like a real person than 2 hours of woodenly-dubbed cutscenes ever managed to.
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bloombird · 2 years
At one of the new Mall's restaurant that Todd works at
Saladine Gyelan: *humming*
*she place out a lot of ingredients, ingredients for burgers*
Burgertron: hey mom... What's going on?
Saladine Gyelan: today's the day!
Slider: the day of what?
Saladine Gyelan: your baby sister is going to be born!
*the Boigas siblings shocked, almost forgotten about the news*
Gyelore: right right! Almost forgot about it!
Hiraya: hey! What's with all the noise?
Todd: The new baby sister is going to be born remember?
Raven: ooohhhh!!! Yes finally I can find out how botbot babies are made!
Saladine Gyelan: well I'm doing the same process as how I made Gyelore, now let's get started!
Hiraya: do you what me to help you?
Saladine Gyelan: no thanks! I'm fine on my own
*Saladine Gyelan made a burger while everyone watches, when she is about to finish, she dropped a single energon tear on it*
Saladine Gyelan: and done!
*but the mini burger she made... Isn't really alive*
Slider: um ok... Is she shy?
Saladine Gyelan: oh no sweetie! This is phase one! Now for phase two!
*Saladine Gyelan pulled a salt shaker lever and revealed an oven, this oven is almost Cybertronian*
Gabby: ayo what?! *Looks closer* "Taurus Tech" ... *Looks at Box*
Box: ok I might have sold some of my non-dangerous products! This is going to be fine!
*Saladine Gyelan placed the mini burger on a tray... But at the very end of the oven, there's two different burgers, burger pie and stuffed burger, nobody saw it* *she put the settings and watch*
Saladine Gyelan: and now... We wait!
Triple B: *panting* am I late?!
Saladine Gyelan: oh certainly not! She's about to be born!
*the oven shakes violently*
Everyone (except Saladine Gyelan and Triple B): *stares at Box*
Box: what?
*the Oven bust open, smoke everywhere*
Everyone: *coughing*
???: Like what is going on?
??? 2: who hoo hoo! Wow!
??? 3: *baby noises*
Triple B: *faints*
Burgertron: wait?! But you said there's only one-
Saladine Gyelan: welcome to the world my precious new babies!
???: What... Who...
Saladine Gyelan: now... Do you have a name yet? Well, you certainly look like a meatloaf!
???: "Meatloaf"? Er...
Saladine Gyelan: Meatloafer? Very simple! I like it! How about you?
??? 2: *giggles* what am I?
Saladine Gyelan: you're a burger pie!
Burpie: "burger", "pie"... Bur-pie... Burpie!
Bebeberger: *cooing* Be- Be- *points at the Boiga siblings* berger!
Auleaf Topper: actually it's pronounced "burger"!
Saladine Gyelan: welp... Meet your new sisters!!! Surprise!
Burgertron: wait why do two of them act older than the Bebeberger?! They're literally born at the same time!
Saladine Gyelan: I don't know!
Gyelore: Wait a sec- You put in two burgers without us knowing! You put in Bebeberger's alt mode as the last one so..
Saladine Gyelan: Hehehe! You got me~ I made the two burgers before Bebeberger and I sneaked them in as a surprise~!
Raven: OMG so one of my theories is correct! WAIT- You said that's how Gyelore was made?! She's one of the first ever botbot of the 2nd generation! And you didn't tell me?!
Saladine Gyelan: Hehe..
Other Boiga siblings: *going over to the sites and cooing* So cute!
Burgertron: Huh.. so that's how botbot babies are made..
Regrub: *chews fingers* For food related botbots specifically.. But how about the object, plant, and animal related bots? My theory still needs work.. Hmm.. how does mom know of the gender and how she's about to have kids hmm.. The energon tears.. but how do you do that.. Did mom and dad do something..? Probably mixed their DNA.. Or maybe another theory of mine is sparks merging together and forming a new life.. which turns into tears? And then Box's oven? *sighs* Mom didn't tell much.. Maybe the spark to spark theory is another way to make kids..
Burgertron: Okay... Regrub.. How about we celebrate our sisters?
Regrub: Ah.. right. I'm rambling too much.. *chews fingers*
Burgertron: That's uh.. fine, you can talk about it later to Raven..
Regrub: Tell me when are you gonna have kids with- mpmh!
Burgertron: *covers Regrub's mouth* How about no? We're not even married yet! L-Let's just go see our sisters!
Regrub: Mpmh! Hm..
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jaythelay · 2 months
Too many people on YT are making videos with flagrant lies when discussing well known historical media stuff.
Like some dude really just said "Sony made the PS3 harder to code for, so that devs could have a challenge."
You have never seen that quote because even if it existed no one would be stupid enough to believe it. We all know they did it so devs wouldn't port PS3 games to console or PC. They told us this hahaha.
It's actually such a blatant lie I can't help but feel like it's comment bait. It happens. So. Fucking. Often. I can't help but call it what it is: Comment Bait
Of course making a video like the one's I discuss is alot of work so stuff falls through the cracks but it's always information literally everyone knows in some form or another. Or easily findable via a single google search. Don't get me started on Beta/cut content channels, they literally just make shit up half the time or have no clue of anything of the game! It's insane. Like making up an entire unrealistic gameplay mechanic for a cut sprite in a mario game, or controlling donald and goofy in KH1, it's ludicrous, nobody but them said this. Not one site, not one wiki, not one dev, not one commenter. They just made it up! On the spot!
There's being wrong, and then there's objective lies or not doing the slightest bit of effort and thus spreading lies no one even said. At the least, if it's new information, point out the old info is wrong and not just act like literally everyone doesn't consider it true. It's the least, anyone can do when discussing the past to present.
Don't treat people like cattle to farm. Make (your best) good art or fuck off with the manipulation.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
Wow, i didn't expect that you'll answer so quickly 😄 Glad that you think it works well. When it will be possible, tell me more of what you're thinking? And believe me, i need 100k of camboy Talay and Puen being absolutely smitten too. I have free time tomorrow, so i think I'll write more. If we won't get our dream fanfic, we'll write it themselves in the form of really long headcanons, right, Monica?😂
OKAY ALRIGHT LET ME JUST. COLLECT WHATEVER'S LEFT OF MY BRAIN. idk if any of this will make sense but here are some of my scattered thoughts about it!!!!
as i said before i do think camboy talay works incredibly (and surprisingly) well, but im having a hard time explaining why. i guess it depends a lot on how i personally see the characters. in episode 8, when friend credits have to find a way to get money to produce their movie, talay goes online to try sell tess' clothes as quickly as possible because he doesn't want the others to sell their parents' stuff. i think that says a lot about who talay is: when it comes to the people he cares about, he is willing to do pretty much anything. so i can definitely see him finding out that his mom is struggling with money and deciding that he wants to help out in some way while he tries to land the job of his dreams. of course i don't think becoming a camboy would ever cross his mind on his own (maybe he hears his friends talking about it one evening), and at first he'd probably object to the very idea of it, but after struggling to find a stable job for months, i do think he would decide to at least give it a try
and there are actually two things that you mentioned that i really love: 1) that you want talay to start it for himself too, to take his pleasure in his own hands, and 2) that at the beginning he wouldn't do well. because see, even if it's an AU it's really important to me that the characters remain themselves, and when it comes to talay i don't think he'd be able to act all cute (i mean, he is the cutest, but he doesn't try to be, if that makes sense) and pleasing with everyone. i can see people asking him to do something and talay just misinterpreting it completely (like in episode 6 when puen tells him he likes the sound of 'the sea', and talay takes him literally), or someone saying something degrading about sex workers and talay starting an entire rant about it, or even just talay refusing to do something he doesn't feel comfortable with (because like you said this is about money, but it's also about talay and what HE wants too)
and on the other side you have puen who feels incredibly lonely and desperately craves connection but can't manage to build a lasting relationship with anyone. and i like that you mentioned that the first time he goes on the site he has some glasses of wine in him because im not sure he would go look for that kind of content if he were sober, no matter how lonely he feels, but he still ends up there, and i like to think that even if he clicks on talay's livestream because he's attracted to talay's body at first, the reason he stays is because of talay's personality. like, talay reads puen's username and the first thing he thinks about is the 2499 antapan krong muang movie so he starts talking about it and how cool dang bireley is and while other people are leaving the stream puen is just sitting there smiling and thinking 'cute'
i think that's what actually pushes puen to write to talay and start chatting with him, because he finds talay so funny and smart too, and i love the idea that eventually it's that connection they make that also helps talay be comfortable enough to start exploring what he actually likes
there is also a nice potential for angst, because maybe at one point talay and puen meet in person without knowing who they are and things start to get complicated, because they feel like they're falling for two different people at the same time and then they find out they are actually the same person and they have to reconcile with that knowledge and with everything that happened between them. BUT ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER OKAY BYE
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irrealismora · 2 years
I haven't worked on writing my actual story for at least two weeks now and the main reason I've stopped is because I've become slightly obsessed with creating a basic conlang for my characters.
When I first started writing TBOD, I've always had the idea that they spoke some kind of other language and I've just kept putting it off over and over because I needed - needed, needed - to finish a rough draft for it and the language wasn't important. Fast forward nine years and I'm getting to the point of, "Holy shit, I've got a really fucking good draft," which my brain has now translated into, "TIME FOR CONLANGING MOTHERFUCKER." Okay, my brain isn't that mean (most days). In reality, I've gotten to a point where I can't keep glancing over the language aspect of this story because it's so, so important for these characters that they have this language and who am I to deny them of this?
The issue, however, is that creating a conlang is a whole beast and a half and is not something I can just dish out over a weekend. (My hubris is a stealthy creature that often sneaks into the backseat of my car without my notice. Will have to update my locks.) And so, I'm tits deep in something I didn't really sign up for but, surprisingly, I'm enjoying it and, by Eunvara, my characters now have so much depth to them. TBOD is an incredibly tragic book (I've actually contemplated just calling it a Speculative Tragedy) and giving them this language is somewhat of a raft in a sea of tears. Just another reason why I have to pursue this.
I suppose my issue with this is that I'm going to have to completely halt my editing process until I get this unnamed language to the point that I can consistently use it in the book. That is to say, I'm not just gonna drop this language in the book whenever someone wants to use it, but rather I want to use the literal building blocks of this language to form their accents and thought processes and attempt to address what the fuck is going on with everyone speaking English, etc, etc.
I was frustrated with being so sidetracked by this conlang project, but it is also so, so, so much fun. This is coming from someone who didn't even enjoy learning English grammar in middle school. All I think about is, "How the hell am I gonna use inflections to create tenses on an object pronoun?" and "Okay, so, affixes or naw?" I'm talking about it so much that I needed to find a place where I can't annoy my husband.
Anyways, fun fact about cases ("a grammatical category determined by the syntactic or semantic function of a noun or pronoun." Definition from this site): English only has three cases; subjective (he), objective (him), and possessive (his). Finnish has FOURTEEN/FIFTEEN. Some people (in my Google searches about Finnish cases) have said that having so many cases actually makes it easier to understand a sentence in Finnish than in English because Finnish doesn't leave much ambiguously. English is one of the languages that have the least amount of cases so that also adds to it's difficulty is someone's learning it as a second language. Ha! Who would've thought?
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
When we started it, there wasn't any; the few sites you could order from were hand-made objects become store-bought ones—a wire service article whose first sentence is your own ad copy. Every startup that isn't profitable meaning nearly all of them, but none of their software could compete with ours. Most of the disputes I've seen between founders could have been having this idea at the same time, of course, but as far as I can tell it must be hard by how few startups do it. People think that what a business does is make money. In any purely economic relationship you're free to do what you want, not money. With trend stories, PR firms usually line up one or more experts to talk about selling the company to them, we had no experience in business. A programmer can sit down in front of a computer and create wealth. A lot of them try to make relativity strange. In industrialized countries, people belong to one institution or another at least by reputation, the level of measurement is more precise than you get from smallness alone.
I don't think there's an answer. Switching to a new set of buildings, and do things that you do not, ordinarily, be a group. The company that did was RCA, and Farnsworth's reward for his efforts was a decade of patent litigation. Who cares if you could read the minds of the consumers, you'd find these factors were all blurred together. It's rare to get things right the first time in our history, the bullies stopped stealing the nerds' lunch money. I had the misfortune to participate in what amounted to a controlled experiment to prove that. The discoverer is entitled to reply, why didn't you? I know, without knowing they know, that they can create wealth. When we switch to the point of view of a programmer using any of the languages higher up the power continuum. What were the results of this experiment? It takes an effort of will to push through this and get something released to users.
But these had had literally orders of magnitude less scrutiny. By the end of last year. In fact, nice is not the only way to decide which to call it is by comparison with other startups. What you're doing is business creation. It's a good metaphor because it reminds you that when the audience can communicate with one another. The whole tone is bogus. If you want a potato or a pencil or a place to work. Good does not mean being a pushover. But this is a list of the biggest ideas at Google is going to come up with more. And for the same reason: their performance can be measured. When you hear your call is important to us, please stay on the line, do you think, all you have to know who you should be nice to everyone. Developing new technology is a pain in the ass.
Giotto saw traditional Byzantine madonnas painted according to a formula that had satisfied everyone for centuries, and to lose one's sense of humor is to shrug off misfortunes, and to a lesser extent Britain under the labor governments of the 1960s and early 1970s. They didn't care what language Viaweb was written in, or didn't care, I wanted to keep it. He probably considers them about equivalent in power to, say, Python? For one thing, the official fiction is that you don't realize that. And it can't have been heredity, because it was more valuable, but because it is a good bet, he's still at a disadvantage. Gas stations? In this case we get three: the NPD Group, the creative director of GQ.
I had that something was amiss was that I couldn't talk to them. Their reporters do go out and learn Lisp. It must have seemed to our competitors that we had some kind of consumer gadget. If you do everything the way the average big company does it, you should leave business models for later, just as you'd leave some trivial but messy feature for version 2. But Durer's engravings and Saarinen's womb chair and the Pantheon and the original Porsche 911 all seem to me slightly funny. This bites you twice: in addition to the direct cost in time, there's the cost in fragmentation—breaking people's day up into bits too small to measure. Like having more than one founder, one VC, and he'll chase down the implications of what one said to them. Why call an auction site eBay?
When you made mistakes, what caused you to make them. I am much the richer for the operating system FreeBSD, which I'm running on the computer I'm using now, and so is Yahoo, which runs it on all their servers. I never reach them through the Times front page is a list of 5 commands Don't ignore your dreams; don't work too much; say what you think; cultivate friendships; be happy. And God help you if you choose them. There is no shortcut to it. It seems unlikely this is a simple answer to the wrong question. If you have a much greater chance of succeeding. But once you've admitted that one high level language can be more powerful than a community of talented people working on related problems. Another thing blogs and open source have in common is the Web. Salesmen are an exception. The recipe for great work is: very exacting taste, plus the ability to gratify it. Our startup made software for making online stores.
They want statements with punch, like top ten. When those far removed from the creation of wealth—undergraduates, reporters, politicians—hear that the richest 5% of the people have half the total wealth, they tend to write it first for whatever computer they personally use. Presumably it killed just about 100% of the startups we've funded have had a founder leave. They believe this because it really feels that way to them. Ditto for many other kinds of companies that don't make anything physical. For most people the best plan probably is to go to work for them. Facebook rightly ignored, look for ideas from the other direction. But you don't need to join a company to do that completely. But more people could do it than do it now. We did it because we want their software to be good. I had that something was amiss was that I couldn't talk to them.
And we weren't the only ones they did great things for the companies they fund, why didn't they start them? Microsoft would still have signed the deal. You look at them and you think, all you need is good hackers: if you depend on an oligopoly, you sink into bad habits that are hard to overcome when you suddenly get competition. When my IBM Thinkpad's hard disk died soon after, it became my only laptop. Few know this, I mean the structure of the calculation. The sterility of offices is supposed to suggest efficiency. If there are three founders and one who was away half the time talking to executives at cell phone companies, trying to arrange deals.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Jackie McDonough, Trevor Blackwell, Ben Horowitz, Justin Kan, Aaron Iba, Robert Morris, Karen Nguyen, and Harj Taggar for the lulz.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 18 - Sleepless Night [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Midnight texts make things complicated.
Series Masterlist
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Everything considered, maybe you shouldn’t have barged in guns blazing to your fake boyfriend’s mission.
Especially because the said fake boyfriend thought you were a sweet civilian but as long as you kept your ski mask on, you figured you would be fine.
Even if it felt a lot like pushing your luck.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked and you looked around the hall to check whether there was anyone else, then shrugged your shoulders.
“I was in the area,” you said, “So, who else are we killing?”
“We’re not killing.”
“Speak for yourself, I just killed that guy over there.” You pointed over your shoulder “Killed him hard. HYDRA?”
“Aren’t you a sniper?”
“I can be whoever you want me to be,” you said with a grin and Bucky blinked a couple of times, shifting his weight.
“Why aren’t you on some rooftop if you’re a sniper?”
“Change of scenery. How do you know my alias?”
“Why would you help me?”
“I’m a nice person—“ you started but as soon as you saw someone lunging out of the shadows you pointed your gun and pulled the trigger, sending the guy to the ground.
“Most of the time,” you completed your sentence and Bucky raised his brows.
“You’re still taken?” you asked and he stared at you as if he was at loss for words, then pulled himself together and walked past you.
“Oh come on, I just saved your ass.”
“I had it under control.”
“No you didn’t,” you rushed to catch up with him, “And you didn’t answer my question. You still got a girl at home?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“I’m just curious. Is she pretty?”
“Do you always flirt with people you don’t know?”
You opened your mouth to retort but before you could, you heard a voice behind you.
“Buck, what the hell man?”
You looked over your shoulder to see Sam gawking at you and Bucky cleared his throat.
“Um….Sam, Shrike.”
“Okay, what is she doing here?”
“Beats me.”
“I was around,” you answered helpfully, “So who are we killing?”
“We’re not killing!” Bucky and Sam said at the same time and you held up your hands.
“Jesus, fine. Who are we maiming?”
“Did you tell her—“
“I didn’t tell her anything.” Bucky cut him off, looking uncomfortable for some reason. You hummed, clicking your tongue.
“I’m just here to help.”
“Why?” Sam asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I’m a huge fan?”
“Try again.”
“I’m hoping he’ll get with me.” You pointed at Bucky with your thumb, making him shake his head. Sam raised his brows, a grin pulling at his lips.
“Oh is that right?”
“Don’t.” Bucky said while you heaved a sigh.
“Listen guys, not that I don’t enjoy this but this is basically a HYDRA building, so you might want to make it fast, whatever it is you’re doing.”
“Can you wait at the door while I get—the thing?” Sam asked Bucky and he nodded.
“I didn’t say you could come.” Bucky said and you scoffed.
“I gotta tell you, I was hoping you would say that to me in a completely different context.”
Sam let out a chuckle, “Oh she’s good.”
“I don’t even want to know what you’re trying to get, okay?” you asked, “I just want to make sure no one dies.”
“Because you’re a nice person?” Bucky asked, his voice full of doubt and you thought for a moment.
“Eh, I have my reasons.”
“But she has a point, we need to make it fast.” Sam said, “Let’s go.”
“Seriously?!” Bucky groaned but rushed after him with you following his lead. After you all reached the end of the hall, Sam kicked the door open and you quickly peeked inside to see a computer in the middle of the office.
They were after some sort of a file.
“Don’t let anyone in,” Sam said and closed the door behind him. You leaned your back to the wall, flipping a knife in your hand and Bucky stole a look at you.
“Why Shrike?”
You turned your head, “Hm?”
“Why do they call you Shrike?”
You clicked your tongue, “Oh you wouldn’t get it,” you said and he tilted his head.
“Try me,” he said, “Looks like we’ll be here for a while.”
I kicked a target out of the window and he fell on top of a steel spike from a construction site.
“I like knives better than guns,” you lied and Bucky scoffed.
“You’re a sniper.”
“So were you, but look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have a favorite knife.”
“I can’t look you in the eye, your mask has goggles,” Bucky retorted, making you smile.
“My turn,” you said, “Is your girlfriend pretty?”
“The prettiest,” Bucky said without even hesitation and you had to hold back your aww.
“Does that mean I don’t have a shot?”
“That’s exactly what it means.”
“Maybe I’m prettier,” you taunted and he shook his head.
You couldn’t help the smile on your face under the mask, “Loyal type, aren’t you?”
“Not a cheater at least.”
You heaved a dramatic sigh, “Well that’s a shame,” you said, “Lucky girl.”
“Nah, I’m the lucky one.”
“Maybe I should—“ you started but stopped talking when you saw a shadow by the hall.
“I call dibs,” you said before Bucky could even object, then grabbed and pulled the figure around the corner. He almost punched you but you dodged it, sending him back with a kick on the chest.
“No killing,” Bucky called out calmly and you groaned, dodging another punch as you did a backflip, then grabbed your opponent by the hair and slammed his head in the wall, making him pass out.
“Don’t be so vanilla, Barnes.” You commented as you made your way back to him, and tilted your head when you saw the way he was looking at you, almost—
No it wasn’t it, it was something else.
“Huh?” he asked, then tried to pull himself together, “Wh— I’m not even going to ask.”
“I’m just saying, there’s nothing wrong with liking it a little rough,” you grinned, “On the missions, that is.”
He scoffed a laugh, shaking his head.
“You can kill someone and flirt with someone else within minutes?”
“What can I say, I’m the whole package,” you stated, “I mean, not that it works on you, Mr I’m-in-a-relationship. So are you in love then?”
“Forgive me if I don’t want to share any details of my relationship with a homicidal maniac who apparently has a thing for bad pick-up lines.”
“How rude,” you pouted, “I think they’re really good pick-up lines.”
You could see the way he was trying to suppress a smile and you flipped the knife in your hand again, his eyes automatically following your movements.
“You won’t take off that mask, will you?” he asked after a beat and you shook your head.
“Trust me, you wouldn’t like the consequences if you saw my face.”
“Will you tell me who you work for?”
“Nope,” you said, “I don’t want to end up dead. My superiors have a strange idea of discipline.”
“Why are you helping us?” he asked again but before you could come up with an excuse, the door opened.
“It’s done, let’s go.” Sam said and you pushed yourself off the wall.
“We should do this again sometime,” you said and nodded at Sam “Captain.”
Sam smiled slightly. “Thanks for the help.”
“No problem,” you said and turned to look at Bucky.
“Until next time, soldier,” you said and walked away from them, smirking to yourself.
So maybe that was a heat of the moment decision, and maybe Chloe was going to kill you if she ever found out about what had happened but good news was that your cover wasn’t blown.
And Bucky was fine.
You turned the vacuum cleaner off, wiping at your brow and put your hands on your hips, looking around the apartment.
“What the hell are you doing?”
You let out a squeal and turned around to see Keith standing by the doorframe.
“Keith, what the fuck?!”
“What are you doing?”
“How did you get in?”
“I’m a spy. I heard vacuum cleaner and I thought someone broke into your apartment, so I had to check.”
“You thought someone broke into my apartment to clean it?”
“Someone’s gotta,” he commented, making you glare at him before you unplugged the vacuum cleaner. “I’ve literally never seen you clean, what is happening?”
You flung yourself on the couch so that he could sit beside you. “No wonder I don’t do this shit, it’s boring.”
“But why are you doing it?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I’ll invite Bucky over.”
“So what?”
“I can’t have the apartment look like this,” you motioned around, “The guy grew up in the…. Everyone’s apartment must be spotless era.”
“He’s been here before though—“ Keith started but then covered his mouth, “Oh shit, now I get it. You’re gonna jump on his bones.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Not even a word, Keith.”
“I have lots of words,” he said, “Number one, you do realize guys don’t care about the apartment, right? I have never once gone to a girl’s apartment and walked out because she hadn’t vacuumed the place.”
“Also, if you’re trying to go all wife material—“
“Shut the fuck up, I’m not.”
“I’d like to remind you that it’s a fake relationship,” he grinned, “Are you going to dress up like a Stepford Wife too?”
“I hate the day I decided to become your friend.”
“You love me,” he shot back and you slipped a little on the couch, “But hey, do you actually want to?”
“Want to do what?”
“To sleep with him?” he asked, “Or is it just the mission?”
You tried to keep your expression stable, excitement filling you at the thought of sleeping with Bucky.
Oh God, you felt like a lovesick girl instead of a serious spy.
“It’ll help the mission,” you lied through your teeth, “That’s all I’m focused on right now.”
“Aren’t you a little curious about how the most ruthless assassin of the century is in bed though?”
You let a grin pull at your lips, “Maybe?”
“Ha! I knew it!” he said triumphantly, “So how detailed will your report be, exactly? Asking for a friend.”
You threw a pillow at him, “You’re terrible.”
“Mm hm,” he checked his watch, “Ugh, I gotta go to base. But if I don’t see you before tonight, just…”
“I don’t want any gross advice, Keith.”
“Remember,” he said, “You have a cover to maintain.”
You pulled your brows together, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means your cover probably likes missionary and soul gazing and stuff in bed. Complete opposite of you, so don’t be like yourself.”
“How do you even-?”
“I have it on good authority that you like knife play, Y/N,” he said, making your jaw drop, “And your cover is a sweet small town girl.”
“Did you talk to Julian?!” you exclaimed and he made a face.
“No,” he said, “You have a knife collection, you idiot. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”
“Bullshit, who told you—“
“Ryan,” he said, “The agent you slept with and dumped, before Julian.”
“He was boring.”
“It’s beyond me why you thought it was a good idea to sleep with him,” he shook his head, “Anyways, I’m out.”
“Why do you have to go to the base, exactly?”
“I have to brief the General,” he said as he walked to the door, “I was supposed to do that yesterday but he was busy with Julian. I think those two are planning something.”
You frowned, deep in thought.
“Tell Chloe I said hi!” you called out and he saluted you, then left your apartment. You pursed your lips and stood up, looking around.
“I should probably dust the place,” you mumbled to yourself, “Where the fuck do I get one of those feather dusters?”
Unfortunately, Tara needed you to cover her shift that day so you had to change plans. Normally you were supposed to meet Bucky for your date, but when Tara told you there was an emergency, you couldn’t say no to her.
Keeping yourself busy at work, even if it was just a cover, helped you to get your mind off the nervousness you were feeling about tonight.
You had never been this nervous before, which came as a shock for you. Bucky was just a target, and you knew better than anyone how to manipulate targets but—
You really, really wanted this. Regardless of it being a part of the mission or not.
So you had just finished with the inventory and closed the cash register when the wind bell chimed by the door and you turned your head, a big smile lighting up your face.
“Hi!” you rushed to throw yourself into Bucky’s arms and he caught you, lifting you a little to kiss you on the lips.
“Hi darling.”
“I’m almost done.”
“No worries, I can wait,” he said and you went behind the counter to hurriedly place the jars on the shelves so that when Tara came back tomorrow morning they would be all ready.
“Sorry about falling asleep last night,” you said, an image of you killing that HYDRA agent in front of Bucky flashing in your mind, “Did you stay up late?”
“Just a little,” he said and you bit down on a smile, he really wasn’t a good liar.
“Oh? What did you do after I went to sleep?”
He waved a hand in the air, as if looking for words, “Um—I—I was with Sam.”
“Sounds fun.”
He took a deep breath and cleared his throat.
“Actually I went on a mission,” he said after a beat and you turned to him, raising your brows.
“A dangerous one?”
“Not really,” he said, “But I wanted you to know, because…”
You stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.
“I don’t really know about the relationship rules so I figured honesty is the best way to go,” he said, making your heart skip a beat, “I think I accidentally flirted with someone last night.”
The words “No you didn’t.” were at the tip of your tongue but you managed to control yourself and tilted your head.
“…Oh,” you ended up saying, “With who?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Remember how I told you there was this spy I kept running into?”
You really needed to control your expression.
“I mean she flirted with me, I don’t actually think I flirted back but I wanted you to know just in case.”
You smiled slightly, “Bucky, it happens.”
He let out a relieved breath, “Okay,” he said, “Okay, good.”
“I mean as long as you don’t have a crush on her or anything.”
His hesitation lasted only for a second, maybe even less than that but it was there. Your heart skipped a beat and you frowned before he spoke.
“Of course not,” he said quickly, “Not at all, I don’t even know her.”
Was that possible? Could he be attracted to your real self as well as your cover?
Or maybe even more than your cover?
“Alright then,” you said with a smile, “I just don’t like competition.”
“There’s no competition, I promise,” he assured you and you shifted your weight, then placed the last jar on the shelf and turned to him.
“So then,” you said as you both left the shop and he threw an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer. “Did you know she would be there?”
“I had no idea,” he said while you approached the motorcycle, “She ended up helping us but I don’t know what she’s playing at.”
“I think I have an idea what she’s playing at, if she flirted with you.”
Bucky chuckled and pressed a kiss on top of your head, then tilted your chin up.
“What? I’m pretty sure flirting existed back in the 40s, and you know what it means.”
“What happened to it happens again?” he asked you with a grin and you shot him a look, then grabbed the helmet from him.
The road to your place was pretty short, especially with the way Bucky was riding his motorcycle. Soon enough, he pulled over in front of the building and you tried to ignore how excited you were, it—
It was finally happening.
Who were you kidding? This had nothing to do with the mission, you really, really wanted him. Your heart felt like it would break your ribcage and you took a deep breath, then got off the motorcycle and placed the helmet in its place.
“So,” you said as he got off the motorcycle as well, then pulled you closer, “Any plans for tonight?”
“Any accidental meetings with hot spies?”
“Mmm, I don’t know any,” he taunted you, making you smile.
“Yeah? You sure?”
“Oh totally. Besides, I’m happily going steady with the prettiest dame in the world, remember?”
You thought you would melt right then and there, and stepped closer to him before standing up on your tiptoes.
“Right answer,” you muttered after kissing him on the lips, and tugged him by the hand. “Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“Upstairs,” you said, leading him into the building and he followed you as if he was hypnotized. You grinned when you got to your door, adrenaline rushing through you and you opened the door, then pulled him inside by the shirt, locking lips with him. He easily lifted you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist as he kicked the door shut and you pulled back to giggle.
“Bedroom,” you pointed at the room at the end of the hall and he pulled you into a kiss, walking there, still carrying you. You let out a squeak when he dropped you to the bed but then sat up when the thought hit you.
“Oh God damn it—“ you pushed him slightly to get off the bed and he looked up at you as you stumbled to the drawer.
“Is everything okay?”
“More than okay,” you grabbed the lingerie set from the drawer, then turned to him, “Just— close your eyes and don’t go anywhere, alright?”
“…Okay but are you sure—“
“I’ll be back in a second,” you said, running to the bathroom with the lingerie set clutched in your arms and you let out a breath, looking yourself in the mirror.
Even your eyes were shiny with excitement.
You shook your head at yourself and quickly shed your clothes to get into the lingerie set. You tilted your head, checking the garter belts and the corset, then pressed a hand over your chest to calm yourself down and walked out of the bathroom.
“Are your eyes closed?” you asked with a smile as you got to the bedroom and he nodded, holding a hand over his eyes.
“Cross my heart.”
You let out a small laugh and pulled at your hand so that he could open his eyes. As soon as he did, he blinked up at you, his jaw slightly agape.
For a second, there was absolute silence in the room.
“Is this a good silence or a bad silence?” you asked, for the first time in your life you were insecure about how you looked half naked in front of a partner, “Because I’m—“
You didn’t get to finish your sentence when he grabbed you by the waist to get you under him, making you squeal.
“You’re perfect,” he breathed out and you pulled him into a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You had no idea why you woke up. In fact, considering how peaceful you felt, it was a wonder how you woke up in the middle of the night.
You could almost feel the warmth surrounding you as you leaned in to press a small kiss on his bare chest, then grabbed his shirt in the dark and put it on to walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Surprisingly he didn’t wake up, instead he mumbled something under his breath, his dog tags shining under dim light coming from outside.
You felt like you could lie there and just lose yourself in the bliss, and the mission— no, everything else could wait.
You pushed your hair behind your ear after putting your phone on the counter, then you went to the sink to fill yourself a glass of water, and finished it in three big gulps, a smile which was impossible to stop pulling at your lips.
No one, target or a boyfriend, had ever made you feel this way.
Maybe you could just tell him. After tonight, after absolute happiness, you could just tell him and maybe he would understand, maybe you two could have a future, maybe—
Your phone vibrated on the counter, interrupting your thoughts and you frowned slightly, then touched the screen to open the text.
From: Julian
We may have found something. Good thing you didn’t get too attached.
The smile was wiped off of your lips in a second and your stomach dropped as you stared at the text message.
Chapter 19
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kinktae · 3 years
(Hope this ask catches your attention lol) 
OK so lil story, I sent in an asked to another author about one of the plot points in their fanfiction because it just was not making sense to me and they answer back in a really rude way, after I sent them another ass saying oh “I wasn’t trying to be rude, like this is just a genuine question. I’m sorry if it sounded rude” and they proceeded to call me a couple of a…… gross names and said if I “wasn’t smart enough to read fanfiction then don’t do it.” This made me feel a little insecure because not that anyone would/needs to know but I have a learning disability which affects how I read. So this kind of thing is lowkey a fear of mine.  not that they would have any way of knowing this, so I don’t fault them for that but it’s just one of those things if you know what I mean. (Also they were getting flack for being rude so they deleted it which kind of made me feel better that people were not just shitting on me, even when some people were agreeing with the writer)
I’ve been reading your stuff since 2018 and I have sent and asks of all kinds including asking you different questions or talking about your story etc. and I just have to say you are genuinely one of the sweetest writers! You never get annoyed when people ask questions, you’re never rude unless someone is being rude to you, and your writing is so good I have never read a piece of yours that I haven’t been in love with. Your blog is really comforting and I just want you to know that like I appreciate your work so much!!!!  i’ve never had the courage to come off of anonymous and I don’t think I would with this one, but if I ever were to come off anonymous it will definitely be on your blog because I know this is a safe space, not just for different opinions about BTS but just in general. So basically I just wanted you to know that I’m so happy I found your blog.  I really hope you continue writing and doing this so long as it makes you happy, I know as I’m sure many people can agree with me that if you no longer enjoy this I wouldn’t want you to force it just because you have a platform.  I hope you’re having a great day Rose and please continue to be the positive person that you are -✨🤍
First of all let me just say my heart actually BREAKS to see you have an interaction with a fellow content creator like that. What the FUCK. I’ve been pretty vocal about this from the start of my blog… I disagree with A LOT of authors on how they speak to their anons. There are several authors on this platform that I refuse to support solely because of the way they speak to the people that support them.
What I’m about to say is not a popular opinion…. I know this…. I know what it’s like to be hounded for updates or have an anon come across with a possibly malicious tone… and I know the hurt that comes from it. But what I’ve harped back then and still now is that I’d rather be kind to someone who has bad intentions, than be cruel to someone with good ones. Not everyone reads every one of ur previous asks. Not everyone even knows to check ur faq. Not everyone knows how to properly communicate their tone through text. So to berate and bully them when they took the time out of ur day to read ur content and reach out to communicate… well it just doesn’t sit right with me.
I’m seen some real bullshit in my days on this site. I’ve literally seen and author say “lol I can write something less than 2k and have my followers begging me for a sequel.” I’ve seen people call their readers names. It’s as if people lose touch with the fact that without their readers, they HAVE no platform. Bonkers.
(KEEP IN MIND IM NOT REFERRING TO ACTUAL HATE ANONS. Fellow authors, YOURE absolutely in ur right to tear them a new one if an anon is being disrespectful and objectively cruel!!)
At the end of the day, everyone is allowed to run their blog how they please, and everyone is allowed to express their frustration how they seem fit, especially when it comes to something as personal as their creative content, but the way that author treated you was unkind and I’m so sorry you underwent that. I hope you can trust that not every ff writer is like that, and can see that many of us are truly grateful for the readers we DO have, no matter the quantity.
You guys are half of the reason I pour my heart into my fics, in hopes that it will resonate with you and perhaps offer a piece of solace or comfort. Yes I started writing and continue to because I love the means of expression it offers, but it was you guys that gave the words I wrote meaning. It was you guys that found reassurance in the bits and pieces of myself that I put into all my characters. This blog is truly my happy place. And you guys are my people. I love you guys and I love you anon. Thank you for sticking around ❤️
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mllekurtz · 3 years
So since you offered, what the heck IS going on with the Vatican these days? 👀 Sincerely, a Confused Protestant
Oh, Confused Protestant, thank you for your question.
Before I begin, please keep in mind that this is Tumblr user mllekurtz's take on the issue, and even though everything I'm going to say is fact-based, I'm not a news site and there may be inaccuracies/mistakes/my own fucking opinion on the fucking matter.
Under a cut because it got long.
So. Let's lay the groundwork:
1) the Italian school system is made up of roughly 1/4 of private institutes, and the large majority of them are run by the Catholic church, i.e. the Vatican;
2) the Vatican is an independent State inside the city of Rome (technically speaking, an enclave), a city-State, as well as an absolute monarchy and a theocracy;
3) the accords that regulate the relationship between the Italian Republic and the Vatican were stipulated during the dictatorship of Mussolini, in 1929, and haven't been revised since;
4) Italy doesn't have an official State religion anymore, but with such a pervasive presence, if you're Italian chances are that everyone you know is or has been raised Catholic.
Now, let's get to the breaking news:
a) the Zan DDL ("Disegno Di Legge" = draft law), which has been in the works for a while, aims to expand the current legislation regarding hate speech and discrimination (which currently prohibits any discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity and religion) to cover sex, gender, sexual orientation and disabilities as well. MIND YOU, you can still say that, I don't know, homosexuality is a sin and gay people shouldn't get married; you cannot say that since homosexuality is a sin gay people should be lynched;
b) it also promotes a national day against homo/lesbo/transphobia and ableism, but in no way makes it compulsory for schools to celebrate it.
Now, as I said, this DDL has been on the table for a long, long while. Which is not unusual, since bureaucracy is our national sport. But this time, the far right, which has seats in parliament because we're in Europe, of course it does, has tried in increasingly ridiculous ways to slow the process.
On June 17, for the first time in history, the Vatican has sent an official note to ask the Italian government to revise the DDL, saying that it would infringe on the clergy's freedom of speech and it would force Catholic schools to celebrate an ideology that goes against their teachings. Which, if you've read points a and b above, you already know it's a non-issue.
(And it's very deliberately a non-issue, since these objections were taken into account while revising the laws, because they were the same objections the far right made. If you see a connection here, congratulations.)
Now, the more nuanced and moderate take on this issue is that the Vatican is a foreign nation which has diplomatic ties with Italy as much as any other foreign nation; due to our history, these relations are strong and meaningful. This is literally an embassy sending an official note to another nation's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Church cannot ask a State to legislate according to what the Church wants.
This is not only absurd, but against the very same principles of the Patti Lateranensi, the Lateran Pacts from 1929, which establish a separation of Church and State.
If you're wondering what the Pope thinks about this, the answer is, for the moment, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Some argue he didn’t know about the note, which, yeah, right. While it’s true that Bergoglio represents the progressive wing of Catholicism, it's still the progressive wing of one of the most conservative institutions in the world, so that's not saying much. And while there may be reasonable and actually progressive Catholic laypeople and even clergy, the party line is very much dictated by the CEI, i.e. the bishops and cardinals that are the conservative side to Bergoglio's "progressive" stance.
This is a political move, more likely made to encourage a very fragmented majority to express scepticism towards the DDL, and for the Vatican to reestablish its authority, which has been compromised by the far right's interference (because, at least officially, the Vatican isn't going to say they agree with the neo-fascists), as well as an echo of the tension between the CEI and the Pope.
This is also the Vatican openly and explicitly reclaiming the right to be discriminatory and hateful towards LGBTQ+ people and disabled people (because somehow everyone forgets disabled people are also included in all this).
What’s going to happen now? We don’t know yet. Hopefully it will be ignored, probably it will make the draft law’s approval process a bit lengthier and harder.
(many many thanks to @pinehutch for making sure this made sense and for bearing with me as I turned into a Desolation avatar)
I am hosting an AMA, send me questions! Just please know that I'm already barely repressing the urge to set something on fire, so any political asks will be answered tomorrow.
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Full Detox
Dear Tumblr,
Thank you for the almost year we've had together. It'll be a year in October, but I've realized throughout the past year a few things about myself....
The first thing is that I've lost myself sometime during the start of quarantine. Actually... it started two years ago. I had a rough time in my life. I was just getting started with social media and some of my friends at the time weren't truly my friends.
I went to camp the summer of 2019 and I came back completely changed. It was two weeks of not talking to anyone through a screen except my best friend and I only called him. We didn't talk through a screen. I need time to find myself. This detox might be for the month of September, or it could be for longer. I don't know at this point.
My second and final point is: I need time to find out who I truly am. Thank you so much for the opportunity to know people online aren't as creepy as I've heard. There are some people I must admit, but overall, this experience has been one of the best of my life.
But I'm about to go on one of the best adventures of my life and I want to fully experience it fully present and in person without a phone as a crutch.
This is going to be the hardest thing I will ever have to do in my life, but I'm ready for whatever life throws at me. I'm going to try journaling my month-long adventure as it starts in about half an hour.
It's all over the place, I'm an emotional mess as I write this. I just wanted to tell you if you need to reach me, I will be going off of Instagram and Discord as well for this month. I'm even getting rid of Pinterest and Google Hangouts. I'm completely immersing myself in the new culture I've thrown myself into.
I also just need time for myself. I'm tired of not having anyone who truly knows me in a different state than I'm in. I love my irl best friends to death, but I'm tired of just bursting into tears at random times at home. I'm just so tired of what my life has turned into right now. I'm tired of just not feeling like I can have people who don't understand me at all. I just want someone in my life who can just understand what I've gone through and it's been traumatizing for me. I need time to heal. I also need time to myself because I feel like some people on here just forget I'm a person and I really just want to be seen as a person and not just a blog. Take the time to really think about whether you've been thinking about the blogs as the people they are behind the screen or just a blog. Also, just be mindful of what you are doing when replying or reblogging a post and want to add words. People may not like what you're doing and you really need to respect that.
But you also need to remember people have feelings and tumblr is a site where we can just express ourselves. When people don't respect that, it's not a fun environment to be in anymore. This is also why I'm taking the detox. People need to learn how to respect that people have feelings that don't need to be explicitly said everywhere. This needs to be figured out on this site or I will keep on having these detoxes and maybe even stop my main blog and just have my poetry blog. I'm really tired of keeping up my "reputation" of being sweet, kind, and a freaking sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly. I'm really tired of keeping up my "reputation" of being the person to turn to for advice, but with no one else to turn to. I'm really tired of keeping up my "reputation" as someone who always has to be sunny, happy, and doesn't know about the dark in life. I know about the dark in life; I'm an adult now and people need to understand that online and also irl, but this is more about online.
Yes, I know I sound salty, and that's because while this almost year has been one of the best almost years of my life, it's also been the most draining because literally everyone on here calls me a sweetheart and a cinnamon roll. I just wish I felt safe enough to be myself. But right now, I can't be truly myself. I'm hoping the detox will help me figure out who the heck I am. I implore you though please think of me as the adult I am and not some teenager who doesn't know what to do with their life. I have life goals and uni is going to help me with that. Please stop treating me like a smole bean who needs to be protected at all costs. Please.
I am also just like you all. I'm not a ball of sunshine all of the time (in fact when I'm talking to people who know me best they know I'm only a sunshine 20% of the time, the other 80% I'm so done with life). I want to be able to taken seriously. I don't want to just be known as the Hufflepuff who is so nice and knows everything about life advice. That's not true. I'm just a uni girl trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to spend four years away from my family. I'm trying to be nice online, but I also want to be salty and sarcastic and myself because irl is bad enough, but online it's just why. Why do I come off as a cute, smol little kitten who wouldn't hurt a flea? Don't you guys know f you get me mad at you you'll be the one crying at the end of the day? I'm heartless when I've had enough. I need you all to treat me like the person I am and not like an object. That's kind of how I feel this has gotten. There are some who are amazing and I adore them to pieces. But then there are other people who aren't considerate I just can't. So I need a break from just all of this. I can't be on here when people don't take me seriously. Like I said it's bad enough this happens irl. I don't want it to happen online too.
I'm starting with two months, but as I do more of these in the future, it might get longer.
This might be my only two month long detox or it could be longer. If it's longer, I will let you all know! I promise, but for now, I'll miss you, I love you, keep being the you I know you can be, drink your freaking water!, remember people on here are people and have freaking feelings and emotions and lives and experiences, and I will see you all November 1st!
@procrastinationonvacation @clarys-heosphoros @reyna-herondale @ghafa-dale @captainwaffles @cory-was-hexed @nebulanike @im-someone-i-guess @writing-with-tea @simpingforwillsolace @simpingforpjo @writingsbypb @cloudygreywolf @crzyprsn42 @seven-halfbloods @nyxx-chaos @avakrahn @annlillyjose @kiriti-savyasachin @shaonharryandpannisim @chaoticchefherepleasesaveme @captainorthred @carrie-haha @justmemyselfandthefridge @daughter-of-sunshine @da-nerdy-turtle @stars-a-n-d-scars @ambidextrousarcher @ace-loves-cake @devereaux-fan @clarys-heosphoros @willsolacekinnie @valdezey @whatrambles @spoopycrowe @hyacjnthus @ileaurel @thatrandomfangirlll @purple-magic-2002 @the-young-and-forgotten
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Tumblr media
Fjaorargljufur, Iceland by hansiphoto on Reddit
More Tumblr thoughts to share, but at least it's all funny today.. Earlier while scouting different publishing platforms, I decided to see how many people had complained about each platform through a few Google searches.
Guess which one clearly had the most negative public responses over a span of several years? That's right - Tumblr was not only by far the most complained about publishing platform, but it seems that a large number of different people all specifically used variations of the word 'trash' to describe Tumblr as a platform or community.
This sorta made me feel bad that I've been calling Tumblr trash over these past few weeks while attempting to determine its usability, even if I've only been honest. But if everyone seems to know that Tumblr is complete trash and if Tumblr/Automattic seems to be unwilling to do anything about its bot problems, there's actually a much higher chance that many of these spammy botted/scraped blog-rings come directly from Tumblr itself, knowing that most users won't continue to post quality content after getting to know the space.
I'm sure there are some absolute losers who'd rather do more work to download and repost others’ posts as their own finds for useless internet points rather than reblog, but even those morons would be unlikely to spam all of the lifted content immediately at once before they've built up a meaningful base of followers.
On the other hand, if Tumblr itself just wanted to keep content that was soon to be deleted by the original poster active on its site forever, then setting up these lazy botted/scraped blog-rings without any followers would be exactly the thing to do. =)
Funnily enough, I came across another new blog just last night that had hundreds of newly posted scraped images, all with less than 5 notes each. 😂 They had scraped a few images from our blog, but mostly the images came from others, and a good number of the images were then spam reblogged by another equally new alias account, with equally little traction.
Prior to seeing that and thinking about it, I generally assumed it was individual losers being lame out of boredom, and I mostly just felt bad for them (since I haven't cared to share any original content yet). But if it's the rotting technology platform botting/scraping its own users posts before the original posts/accounts get deleted, that would be even more hilariously pathetic and sad.
I mentioned it the other day, but I really did have a better impression of Automattic prior to all this. I can't imagine how embarrassed their employees must be to have to work on this platform, knowing they are fully complicit in (if not outright responsible for) the rampant usage of bots to inflate their traffic numbers and keep the site from ever dying completely. 🤣 
Publicly Tumblr has talked about hoping to target younger users with this platform, except the same platform has an overabundance of unchecked adult accounts plus endless niche porn bots that all engage aggressively with ‘regular’ accounts every day? If one were to take Tumblr’s statements literally, they would only be able to conclude that perhaps Tumblr actually wants to direct its younger internet users towards these niche adult themes intentionally. If this objective but pessimistic outlook were to be true, then Tumblr/Automattic has been doing an exceptional job of being scumbags professionally, for quite a while already.
As for me, I just think it's a shame that Tumblr/Automattic has seemed to give up on rather than fix its simple issues, since I think the platform still has real potential in 2021, even having flamed out previously from bad decisions. Being able to update images while allowing followers evergreen re-blogging features is a publisher's dream.
With that said, attempting to use this trashy bot-heaven professionally at this point would be an absolute nightmare, so I'm officially out on Tumblr as a viable primary platform. If this blog continues in the future, it will only be used as a side outlet.
I am the exact target audience Tumblr seems to hope to attract to Post+, yet using their platform has taught me to not only avoid this site, but also every other Automattic project going forward. GG Tumblr, that's what kids nowadays call an epic fail.
The TL;DR moral of this post? Trash will be trash. Once you know it though, it becomes easier to avoid being near the stench.
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