#And film storage container
theizzizzy · 5 months
Human versions of Newton and Marlon!
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Hatless Newton and Titian Marlon Alt is under the cut!
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for-a-longlongtime · 8 months
🚨 Triple Frontier concept art + "new" old photos! 🚨
I'm so excited about this! During a TF search spiral (don't we all have those?) I actually hit gold when I stumbled across Greg Berry's website. He was the Production Designer of the movie and made a book as something for the crew to look back at - and as an intro to the film.
It's really worth a look, because it has gorgeous concept art, pictures of certain spaces (the bar, Lorea's house) before they shot and how they envision it to be. There's also an image for the storage container, but this seems to be considerably smaller and different than what they ended up using.
CHECK OUT THE FULL BOOK AT https://www.gregberry1.com/film/triple-frontier
Obviously, there are also pictures of the guys which we've never seen those before. YAY!! Or actually - I shared a cropped pic of Benny with some friends and I noticed that one made it onto a Garrett fan IG already the other day, haha. But aside of that... gorgeous 'new' old stuff. I've cropped those images from the website for your convenience, so hope you'll enjoy! I don't own any of this obviously, it's all Greg Berry (bless him), so if you share these pics elsewhere please credit the man and link to his site... it's only fair!
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HELLO Francisco putting on his tact vest 💜 Some close ups (nobody likes you Tom, go away):
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Benny, Santi, go find your caps!
Fucking love this picture. Why were we robbed from this happening in good light? Francisco... check you out.
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Let's see some more of Santiago:
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Love love love. Here's when they find Lorea:
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Have some Will crops.
And last but definitely not least - where are the Benny girlies at? You're getting FED:
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Bonus picture: the shot below from an interview with Mark Russell about the VFX in TF
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Once again, definitely go check out the art book - it's gorgeous!
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
I don't think androids store memories as videos or that they can even be extracted as ones. Almost, but not exactly.
Firstly, because their memories include other data such as their tactile information, their emotional state, probably 3d markers of their surrounding...a lot of different information. So, their memories are not in a video-format, but some kind of a mix of many things, that may not be as easily separated from each other. I don't think a software necessary to read those types of files are publicly available.
Even if they have some absolute massive storage, filming good-quality videos and storing them is just not an optimal way to use their resources. It's extremely wasteful. I think, instead, their memories consist of snapshots that are taken every once in a while (depending on how much is going on), that consist of compressed version of all their relevant inputs like mentioned above. Like, a snapshot of a LiDAR in a specific moment + heavily compressed photo with additional data about some details that'll later help to upscale it and interpolate from one snapshot into the next one, some audio samples of the voices and transcript of the conversation so that it'd take less storage to save. My main point is, their memories are probably stored in a format that not only doesn't actually contain original video material, but is a product of some extreme compression, and in this case reviewing memories is not like watching HD video footage, but rather an ai restoration of those snapshots. Perhaps it may be eventually converted into some sort of a video readable to human eye, but it would be more of an ai-generated video from specific snapshots with standardised prompts with some parts of the image/audio missing than a perfectly exact video recording.
When Connor extracts video we see that they are a bit glitchy. It may be attributed to some details getting lost during transmission from one android to another, but then we've also got flashbacks with android's own memories, that are just as "glitchy". Which kinda backs up a theory of it being a restoration of some sort of a compressed version rather than original video recording.
Then we've also got that scene where Josh records Markus where it is shown that when he starts to film, his eyes indicate the change that he is not just watching but recording now. Which means that is an option, but not the default. I find it a really nice detail. Like, androids can record videos, but then the people around them can see exactly when they do that, and "be at ease" when they don't. It may be purely a design choice, like that of the loading bar to signalise that something is in progress and not just frozen, or mandatory shutter sound effect on smartphones cameras in Japan.
So, yeah. Androids purpose is to correctly interpret their inputs and store relevant information about it in their long term memory, and not necessarily to record every present moment in a video-archive that will likely never be seen by a human and reviewed as a pure video footage again. If it happened to be needed to be seen — it'll be restored as a "video" file, but this video won't be an actual video recording unless android was specifically set to record mode.
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monsterblogging · 9 months
Jaeger Piloting 101: How Rangers Get Into The Thing & Other Basic Stuff
Hello Pacific Rim fans, today I am doing a post on the topic of how rangers get into the conn-pod, and take control of the Jaeger, plus do a quick look at conn-pod interiors in general! I'll be using pictures sourced from movie-screencaps.com to illustrate the process.
Before I proceed, I'd like to remind folks that Lady Danger's canonical name contains a racial slur. It will be depicted here in screenshots, but I encourage fans to use the name "Lady Danger" in casual conversation, fanfiction etc. It doesn't matter if the name was referencing an old engine, it doesn't matter if no harm was intended by it; a slur's a slur.
Before the rangers enter the conn-pod, they must first suit up. This isn't something they can do on their own - they have a dedicated team of assistant techs to help them into their drivesuits. As we can see here, Raleigh and Yancy Becket's team have the name of their jaeger printed on the backs of their jumpsuits:
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If you read my earlier post on jaegers, you know that drivesuits come in two layers. Here's Raleigh and Yancy already wearing the first layer, while one of their technicians assists:
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Next, the technicians help them into the drivesuit's second, armored layer. On the right side of the first image is the area where the drivesuits are kept when not in use:
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And then we have this thing that's pulled out of a special storage box and put over the spinal area, connecting the back of the armor together:
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We also see Yancy and Raleigh pull on their helmets, and this strange liquid drains out. (It makes me think of the orange juice Raleigh was drinking earlier.) It's not clear how common this feature is, but we know it's not universal - the refurbished Lady Danger doesn't have this, and Cherno Alpha's helmets don't look it would even be possible.
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Next up, the pilots enter the conn-pod. Note those two light gray things on the floor in the first picture; that's part of the Pilot Motion Rig. Also note the dark gray things hanging from the ceiling in the second picture; that's also part of it.
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Once the pilots step into the bottom part of Pilot Motion Rig, metal clamps lock their feet into place. On the right, Raleigh is already locked in; on the left, Yancy is not yet locked in:
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Meanwhile, more technicians help pilots get into the upper part of the Pilot Motion Rig.
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At this point, something magical and wonderful absolutely terrifying else happens: the floor pulls away, leaving the pilots standing like:
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If you look down once the floor's pulled back, it's uh. Quite the view.
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In the case of Lady Danger, a nuclear-powered Mark-3, this is where technicians drop the head to connect it to the body. (The head is stored separately to reduce radiation exposure that might damage the delicate circuits.)
At this point, the Beckets are looking at this in front of them:
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As the head connects, the pilot-to-pilot protocol is engaged, the computer system fires up, and the Beckets see a LOADING screen:
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In the Anchorage Shatterdome, Lady Danger was wheeled out through a door on a rolling platform. At this point, the neural handshake was activated with a countdown of fifteen seconds.
The neural link is established, and you got two people in control of a Jaeger!
From here, stuff often depends on the specific jaeger, as control systems can be pretty different. For example, we see Raleigh and Yancy holding these round things in the arms they're controlling at the beginning of the film, but the refurbished Lady Danger doesn't seem to use them, and neither do the other jaegers.
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I'd also like to contrast Cherno Alpha's drivesuits with Lady Danger's drivesuits for a moment, just to emphasize how different designs can be. As you can see, each pilot's drivesuit has cables connected to the arm they're controlling:
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Also as I was looking at pictures of jaeger interiors, I noticed something curious about Lady Danger vs. Striker Eureka.
The original Lady Danger has a high console like this:
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The refurbished Lady Danger has one positioned lower:
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Striker Eureka has both a high and low console:
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So make of that what you will, lol.
And that's the basics of boarding and controlling a jaeger! If you haven't seen it already I also recommend checking out my other post on jaeger lore, where I compiled everything I could find out about them from various Pacific Rim medias. And you might also read Drifting, as conceptualized by Travis Beacham if you're interested in knowing more about the drifting aspect, and maybe Drift Hangover Lore if the possibility of sentient jaegers appeals to you.
Happy monster punching, or whatever it is you people do out there. *Slinks back into the bog*
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Medical Assistant
I was organizing a storage closet, for want of anything better to do on a long trip between space stations, when Paint appeared at the door with a message from Eggskin.
“They want your help doing something in the medbay,” Paint said, blinking in a particularly lizardlike way. Everything she did was lizardlike, because she looked like an orange lizard, but that blink was more lizardy than most. “They didn’t say what.”
“Well, this can certainly wait,” I said. Scooping up the unsorted shipping labels and alien packing tape (good stuff), I shoved it all back on the nearest shelf and headed for the medical bay.
I’d helped Eggskin with a number of things at this point, since my veterinarian training was handy and so was I. Also I was much taller than the little Heatseeker. Very useful when tending to tall crewmates, and reaching supplies that somebody had stashed on top of a cabinet instead of inside it. The medbay was very small.
Today I was greeted by the sight of a medbay that was far messier than the storage closet had been. Eggskin stood among containers and tools laid out on every flat surface, their scaly arms crossed, glaring at the jars on the examination table. The good doctor-slash-ship’s-cook looked mightily peeved. Which is a funny expression on a yellow-green lizardy type who was elbow height at best. But of course I didn’t say so.
“Hi,” I said. “You called?”
“Yes!” Eggskin lit up, and scrambled for a sensor tool. “Show me your hands.”
I did, waiting for an explanation.
The sensor scanned my palms, then beeped. Eggskin grumbled at the readout. “Mmf. Too cold.”
“Too cold for what?” I asked, feeling my own fingers. “They seem fine to me.”
Eggskin waved their own clawed hand as if brushing the question away. “What would you say is the hottest part of your body?”
“Uh, the inside? Is this a trick question?” I wondered if, despite Eggskin’s vast knowledge, they really weren’t that familiar with warmblooded species.
Another hand wave. “No, no. Sorry. It’s just—” Eggskin gestured toward the closest jars. “These are expired, and we will definitely want them on our next planetside landing, just in case, so I have to mix more.” The doctor paused for breath. “The components need to be stirred at a certain temperature, or else they won’t set right.”
“Dooooo you,” I said slowly, “Want me to put the jars in my armpits and jump around?”
Eggskin didn’t say anything, but raised the temperature sensor. Thinking dignified thoughts, I let my armpits be measured for heat levels.
“That should work,” Eggskin said.
“How long will I have to jump?”
Eggskin’s wince of regret was a toothy one. “Two minutes.”
I heaved a gusty sigh. “Yeah, okay. Can I play music to make it fun?”
The doctor nodded solemnly, gathering ingredients. “Take your pick. A fresh stock of dart-leech antidote is worth two minutes of auditory discomfort.”
I got out my phone. “I suppose it’s worth some jumping around too,” I said. “And I’m pretty sure you’re not likely to film this for laughing about later.”
Eggskin opened a jar. “It hadn’t even occurred to me. But if this works, I may call on your incubation skills in the future.”
“I look forward to it with great anticipation,” I said with only a little bit of sarcasm. And a lot of dance music at my fingertips.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come!
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qubedesign · 6 months
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Affuisata Mansion by #qubedesign, home of the late, great film star Dora Nesmond has finally hit the market. This large #mansion sits on the shore of Silver Lake in Los Angeles and offers everything a celebrity could want: eight bedrooms, five bathrooms, large entertaining spaces, abundant terraces, solarium, pool and five car garage. This is the perfect mansion for someone desperate to decorate. This lot is 50 x 50, costs $899,900 and is decorated but unfurnished. This lot is #basegame and contains #CC by #FelixAndre Gothic 1, 2; Chateau 1, 3, 4, 6; Orjanic 1; Paris 1; Berlin 2; Florence 2; Grove 4; Jan 2018. Also contains the Garage and Storage pack by Max 20. Available for download on the gallery Origin ID BraverAdventures Or ad-free at SFS: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4538904/ Or on #curseforge with all dependancies: https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/rooms-lots/affluista-mansion-by-qubedesigner
Please enable all building cheats including MOO before placing lot. You may renovate, redecorate and re-upload with credit to #qubedesign
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cheesy09 · 6 months
[CN] Kiro's Four-Leaf Clover Date
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This date was translated with the help of Google Translate :>]
Do note that this date takes place just some time after Kiro's Soundwaves Mind's Quest :>
[PART 1]
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February 13th, 4 p.m.
I push open the door to my house and sneakily poke my head through the door crack to look around.
MC: Kiro...?
Seeing that the living room is still quiet, I breathe a sigh of relief and pull in the trailer of express delivery behind me.
Taking in the small mountain of express delivery and shopping bags, I roll up my sleeves and briefly put them in order.
MC: Ingredients, cola, decorations...
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. After having just returned from Los Angeles, we decided to spend the holiday at home, having a big meal and watching a movie together.
But even so... I was still keen on preparing some surprises for him to make the day more special.
So before he got off work, I asked for leave and snuck back.
Looking at the stuffed refrigerator, I elatedly pick up a few of the express boxes and walk towards the storage room, ready to hide them first.
At one step away from the storage room, a panicked silhouette suddenly flashes down from the second floor. I shiver in fright before I finally take a look at the person gasping for air in front of me.
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Kiro stands in front of me wrapped in a bath towel, his slightly heaving chest still dripping with water droplets. His hair appears half wet, as if he was only halfway through washing it.
MC: You - Weren't you supposed to be filming tonight? Why are you back?
I feign composure and quietly hide the express box in my arms behind my back and press it against the wall.
Stunned, he awkwardly rubs his forhead.
Kiro: Finished work early and came back. What about you? Didn't you say you had to work overtime today...?
MC: Ah! My meeting was temporarily canceled... But I was afraid of interrupting your shoot, so I came back without telling you, haha~
At that moment, Kiro seems to notice something and looks behind me.
Kiro: What are you holding behind you?
MC: Oh, it's nothing, just a parcel. I was planning on putting it in the storage room.
I move to open the door, but Kiro suddenly grabs a hold of my wrist.
He seems to be taken aback by his own reaction for a moment. He then slowly lets go of my hand and scratches his head with a dry smile.
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Kiro: Wait, do go in just yet... Uh, it seems like a super invincible insect ran inside!
He feigns a horrified expression and gestures to me about the "body size" of the insect to be the size of a fist. I immediately shrink my neck in fear.
MC: Are you serious? That's terrifying....
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Kiro: Of course. It looks terrifying as well.
Kiro: So give me the boxes. Once I'm done with it, I'll put them in for you.
Seeing him reach out to take away my box, I immediately duck away and point to the small balcony with a smile.
MC: I'll put them on the small balcony by myself~ You can go finish off your shower. You won't feel good if you catch a cold later.
MC: Just take your time taking care of the bugs~
Kiro: Don't worry, I'll quickly take care of it and then go wash off. Otherwise, if I leave you alone with it on the first floor, you'll definitely be scared.
MC: All right!
The very next second, we each scurry away in separate directions.
Kiro runs into the storage room with a bang, and I return to the door and hide away all the remaining "surprises" on the small balcony.
In order for it to avoid being discovered, I throw several plastic covers on top of it.
In the distance, I hear the sounds of ping-ping-pong-pong come from the storage room, as if a fierce battle between human and insects is taking place.
[PART 2]
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With the festivities of the Spring Festival still ongoing, clusters of fireworks bloom in the night sky.
Considered that he'd unexpectedly hindered my plans, I tentatively decide to wait until he falls asleep to put my plan into action.
But with the fireworks being so loud, such an environment doesn't seem very conducive for a peaceful slumber...
Wanting to see if he's asleep, I open my eyes to sneak a peek, but am unexpectedly met with a pair of sparkling orbs.
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Kiro: Are the fireworks too loud for you to sleep?
MC: ...Yeah.
MC: And you? You seem to be in a good mood...
After I give a wry smile, I see him turn around and grab a pair of earplugs from the bedside table. He puts one into my ears.
The tight touch instantly fills my eardrums, quietly dissipating the sound of fireworks in the distance.
Kiro: I'm not sleepy, but I do want to be a good and energetic boyfriend tomorrow.
Kiro: So I've gotta go to bed early and recharge my batteries~
I chuckle and point at our other lonely ears.
MC: What about the other ear? How about I go to the living room and find another pair of earplugs.
Kiro: By the time to come back from your trip, the bed will get cold again...
He wraps his arm around my waist and prompts me to lie face to face with him, pointing at our ears that are pressed to the pillow.
Kiro: We'll just use physical noise reduction so that we can watch each other sleep without irritating our ears. Kill two birds with one stone.
And just like that, we smile and gaze at each other in this quiet world until our eyelids start to droop.
So as to not fall asleep, I press my fingertips into my palms and rehearse in my mind the surprise I would give him.
But when I open my eyes again, the clock on the bedside table has silently moved a few paces forward. It's almost dawn.
My eyes widen in fright, my heart beats rapidly, and I gasp... I almost overslept.
While I'm glad that I managed to wake up in time, I quietly look at the person next to my pillow. His long and even breaths fall softly by my ear, telling me that he is peacefully asleep.
I breathe a sigh of relied, slowly pull away his palm and tiptoe out of bed.
Looking at the slippers on the ground, I hesitate for two seconds and decide to go barefoot.
This way I don't have to worry about waking him up~
Soon, I come to the small balcony and quietly open the express boxes one by one.
Picnic blanket, star lamp, bear pendant, projection cloth, projector... After confirming that everything was in place, I take out the USB flash drive from my bag.
Knowing that it contained the "love montage" that I carefully edited with him in mind, I am unable to keep myself from shaking it with joy.
MC: Hum hum, just wait till I sweep you off your feet, Kiro~
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I pick up the projection cloth and the projector and walk into the yard. The fireworks outside had long since stopped, and there wasn't a hint of silver in the sky.
By the light of the flashlight I placed on the lawn, I carefully set up the venue for the outdoor screening.
MC: It's a good thing that we haven't picked up Apple Box and Cello from Savin's place yet, or else they'd have been barking and meowing next to my feet...
Perhaps due to how quiet it was, I couldn't help but talk to myself.
At that moment, by the light of the flashlight, I catch something swaying in the wind. I bend and squat down curiously.
MC: Is this... a four-leaf clover?!
Looking at this legendary "lucky" symbol lying in a tuft of grass, I reach out my hand and gently stroke it with joy and astonishment.
MC: Strange, why is this here in the yard?
MC: Did Apple Box secretly bring it from outside and then it took root here?
Just as I plan on waiting for Kiro to wake up and share this "discovery", I suddenly feel something in my heart and start laughing.
Then, I take the bear pendant from the decoration and place it next to it, marking the spot.
MC: When it get's brighter, I'll share it with him in a better way~
Saying this, I stand up, clap my hands and walk towards the storage room, ready to take out the tent and set it up.
But as soon as I walk to the door, I am suddenly reminded of something and my fingertips fearfully stop on the doorknob.
The bugs... he should have taken care of them, right?
[PART 3]
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After mentally preparing myself several times, I slowly push open the door and turn on the light - and the very next second, I am left stunned in place.
The sweet fragrance of flowers washes over me, making me feel like I have seen all of spring.
The room is filled with neatly arranged flowerpots, and the blooming flowers sway in the wind, just like a Monet oil painting.
The humidifier placed in the corner kept spraying water mist, blurring my vision again and again.
Looking at this sea of flowers, I almost forget that this storage room was once covered in iron shelves.
In my prolonged state of shock, someone suddenly hugs me gently around the waist and pulls me into a warm embrace.
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Kiro: I didn't expect you to find out...
Kiro: My plan was to secretly move them to the yard tomorrow.
Kiro: Then I'd appear like a magician again, and tell you that spring was coming~
He mumbles, not seeming to be fully awake yet, and yawns several times while talking.
Looking at this sea of flowers, the scene from yesterday comes to mind again. His hurried figure and unnatural voice all seem to bear answers at this moment.
Turns out that this person also prepared a Valentine's Day surprise for me.
Suddenly, a hint of sweetness fills my heart. I turn around, smile and wrap my arms around the back of his neck.
MC: I wondered why you were acting a little strange this afternoon... So you were afraid that I'd find out in advance?
MC: You can just tell me directly. Even if it's not so perfect, I still like it a lot.
Kiro: Are you talking about me? Aren't you the same?
He half-closed his eyes and touched his nose against mine.
Kiro: What were you doing in the yard in the middle of the night? I saw you "jumping up and down" out there through the cracks in the curtain.
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MC: Eh? Did - did you see it all?
Kiro: Yep, there was a projector and a star lamp...
Kiro: MC, did you prepare a grand family outdoor movie for me?
Watching this person guess a lot of it at once, I deliberately pout.
MC: Unexpectedly, we didn't manage to hide out surprises from each other. How do I "salvage" this...
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Kiro: No need to ask, of course. I'll arrange the rest with you.
Kiro: Are you here to pick up the tent? I put it in the guestroom when I packed it up today. Come on.
MC: Now? Don't you want to sleep? I noticed that you haven't gotten a break since we got back from LA.
Kiro: I went to bed early last night on purpose~
Kiro: Besides, today is Valentine's Day, and I have to cherish every minute of it.
Just as Kiro is about to pull me away, he suddenly looks down as if noticing something.
Then he sighs, squat down and gently rubs my cold feet with both of his hands.
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Kiro: You're so silly, Miss Chips.
Kiro: Did you not wear your slippers on purpose because you were afraid of waking me up?
MC: Haha... Actually it's not that cold. Our home has floor heating.
Kiro: That's not okay.
As he mutters to himself, he picks me up slightly and lets me step on his soft slippers.
In an instant, we have seemingly turned into two little penguins, waddling towards the bedroom together.
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Kiro and I start working together to prepare our Valentine's Day plans.
First, we spread the flowers in the storage room all over the yard, and then take out the tent and set it up together. After smashing the last nail in place, I get into the tent and lie down tiredly.
MC: ....!
At that moment, I notice the ceiling of the tent covered with photos of us, just like the ones in the RV not long ago. Each photo has captured moments that have escaped my notice before--
There's a photo of me snoozing at the hotel in Los Angeles, half of my head covered by the quilt;
There was also one of me with a sad look on my face as I stood in front of a supermarket shelf, wondering which snacks to buy;
And then there was also one of me smiling as I raised a broom as a guitar while we were cleaning together;
Noticing that I haven't said anything, Kiro opens the flap and sees that I am already lying inside. He smiles helplessly.
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Kiro: I pasted them on the top of the tent on purpose, hoping that you'd find it later.
Kiro: Looks like you unexpectedly uncovered my final "trump card" in advance as well!
Seeing Kiro's mock "depression", I grin even more happily, sit up with crossed-legs and wink at him.
MC: Kiro, I'm especially grateful for one thing right now.
Kiro: ....?
MC: Fortunately, you and I aren't colleagues, otherwise we'd definitely be clashing every time we proposed topics for a program!
Kiro: Wait...! Did you also prepare a "photo wall"?
I shake my head mysteriously, pull him to the picnic blanket and point at the projection screen directly in front of me.
MC: Dear Mr. Kiro, are you ready to start a romantic day with me now?
[PART 4]
Just as Kiro is about to nod, he suddenly looks at me, then looks down at himself, and quickly stretches out his hands to shout stop.
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Kiro: Not yet, wait a minute, I'll be right back.
Watching him run off, I belatedly come to a realization, glance at my pajamas and scurry away immediately.
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In the dark cloakroom, we continuously rummage through all kinds of clothes.
Looking at each other's hurried and messy appearances, a sweetness gradually overtakes my heart, for some reason.
When it comes to "wanting the person you like to see your best side"... It seems that no matter how many times we repeat this, that original thrill and expectation will never be lost.
Finally, I manage to find a light pink dress in a cabinet filled with clothes.
At almost the same time, Kiro also puts on a clean and refreshing coat which exactly matches with the color of my outfit.
When we get back to the yard, we seat ourselves on the picnic blanket, shoulder to shoulder. I turn on the projector and play our "love movie"--
On the screen, two little bears jump towards each other from both sides of the screen and hug each other sweetly. Love bubble keep popping up on their little heads, and when they fall to the ground, they turn into pieces of golden potato chips.
Soon, cute lettering appears in the center of the screen-- "Little Bear Pictures".
Kiro suddenly laughs and pinches my palm in surprise.
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Kiro: Turns out that another surprise for me was hidden here.
MC: Very cute right~
MC: Although it's only around ten seconds long, I checked out a lot of special effects tutorials and worked on it for several days and nights before making it.
Kiro: It is very cute. But the you who prepares these surprises for me so earnestly... is the one who deserves first place!
Just as he's about to add something more, his eyes are drawn to screen in the next instance.
In the picture, there are countless moments of us.
Like the photos in the tent, here are countless aspects of "him" from my perspective.
Him sleeping quietly while holding Apple Box, or him happily making breakfast for me in the kitchen;
Also him bending down to repair the leaking water pipe seriously, and him earnestly writing his music scores in the study room;
But no matter which side of him he is, as long as I call his name...
He'd look back at me in an instant and give me the brightest smile.
I cannot help but take a peek at Kiro, and find him watching intently. Although he doesn't utter a work, the raised corners of his lips say everything.
After an unknown amount of time, our movie temporarily ends with the appearance of the subtitle "To be continued".
At this moment, the sky is completely bright, it's shine akin to that of a pearl's.
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MC: Happy Valentine's Day, Kiro.
MC: Although this festival happens every year, I still want to give you the best on this day.
MC: But I also know very well that even the best is not enough.
MC: So whether it's beautiful scenery, delicious food, or endless happiness... I want to give it all to you.
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Watching me speak with such confidence, Kiro smiles and strokes my forehead.
Kiro: Silly Miss Chips, you don't have to do anything. I'm already very happy.
MC: How can that be... You should know better than me, right?
MC: Giving everything to the person you like is another form of happiness.
MC: But we still got really lucky this time, because amongst thousands of people, the gods took notice of us~
MC: For He... He seems to be slightly touched by us and gave us a "gift"~
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Kiro: ....?
Within his doubtful gaze, I walk to the bear pendant with a smile and squat down.
There, stood a four-leaf clover swaying next to the bear. Different from what it was at night, it shines brightly in the sun now.
I take it off with a smile and then secretly weave the ring along its roots.
MC: Now, I want to give this "gift" to you.
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I turn around, walk up to him and put the woven four-leaf clover on his ring finger.
At that moment, his long eyelashes tremble slightly.
With the breeze bowing and the sun shining brightly, I seem to see the most beautiful scenery.
Kiro: MC.
Kiro: What if I said that this isn't a gift from God?
I look at Kiro, stunned as his smile gradually brightens. He slowly intertwines his fingers with mine and at the same time, speaks word by word.
Kiro: Actually, before we went to Los Angeles, I had already planned on letting you see the yard full of flowers on this day.
Kiro: But considering that I couldn't take care of them personally for a while, I had to change my plans.
He pauses and seems to think of something again, his eyes full of tenderness.
Kiro: But when I left the market, the shopkeeper gave me an extra pack of clover seeds as a gift. He told me that this was a plant that could grow without much care. While it is inconspicuous, it's also very strong.
Looking at the "ring" on his hand, I suddenly realize that it all seemed to be like "destiny".
Kiro: As a result, they grew successfully in the yard. However, I never expected that a single four-leaf clover would actually grow among them.
Kiro: I was thinking that even though it's so rare, it's still inconspicuous.
Kiro: As long as you're not paying attention, the past will be ignored.
Kiro smiles and gently caresses my skin in the sunlight.
Kiro: But, inadvertently, it might light up a moment or day in your future.
Kiro: Maybe when you and Apple Box are playing on the lawn, or when you're watering the flowers with me, or maybe when you are depressed and distressed...
Kiro: But no matter when it was, I believed that this moment would make you happy.
Kiro: I just didn't expect that when this moment came, I would be the happiest person.
Kiro's voice grows softer and softer, and I am unable to keep to myself from gently kissing him.
The four-leaf clover sways on our interlocked fingertips, like a silent and simple intention.
Maybe it will eventually wither and turn to dust one day.
But I believe that the moment it was given will continue in this world--
Until my eternity with him.
Masterlist: Here
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11thwardtls · 4 months
Memory Defrag | TRACK 2 - RECORD A | Azekawa Kinari's Ward Mayor Novel Translation
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Warnings and Disclaimers:
This translation is not professionally done and is not proofread. Edits and clean-ups may come at a later date.
Not a 1:1 translation either and some liberties into localization were taken into account.
This novel will contain spoilers for the Ev3ns Main Story: "Chained Up Scarlet".
Appropriate Content and Trigger Warnings will be added if needed.
May be used for quotebots/masterlists etc.
I am not fluent and self-studying Japanese (albeit at turtle speed), this was translated by ear and with the help of a JP dictionary, so please feel free to point out any errors!
CW: Discussions about Death and Terminal Illness
“Raito, Kuguri. I am about to enter my own data maintenance so I’ll be in sleep mode for several hours. 
My breathing and heartbeats may stop, but I should wake up in about five hours after it has begun. 
I may also enter a semi-conscious mode while my memory is being organized,  although this is nothing to be worried about.” By nighttime, Raito and Kuguri have returned so I let them know about this occurrence as courtesy to my roommates.
Neither of the two were surprised about this as they had seen me in a suspended state during self-maintenance several times before. However, as the scheduled time was longer than usual, Raito’s lips curved into somewhat of a frown and asked, “Is everything alright?”
“Sleeping for such a long time as if you’ve died, Plüss? That sounds wonderful, I wonder what kind of pranks I should play?” Kuguri narrowed his eyes and smiled slyly. 
Raito quickly seized Kuguri’s arm. 
“Don’t worry about him, Kinari. I’ll keep a watchful eye.” He said.
As he was approached by Raito, Kuguri displayed visible disgust and shook his arm away. 
Either way, I trust that these two will not harm me, so after I laid down on my bed and entered sleep mode, I went to uncover deep into my memory storage.
Up until now, there lay a box of data that I dared not to open. 
[…Someday, if you ever feel like it, you can use the contents of this box as a sample of emotional data as you wish.] 
A long time ago, the developer… My father said that it was a recorded piece of data I had saved buried deep within me. 
[This storage space will be reorganized. Would you like to view the following data?]
With this message appearing on my retina, I selected [Yes].
Then, I heard a voice.
How nostalgic… It was my Father’s voice.
[It’s finally the weekend, and I can finally be with Kinari[1].]
It was a stronger, a more youthful voice than I had remembered him having. 
One could clearly hear the love in his voice for his young son. 
He seemed guilty that he was busy with work and couldn’t be with him all the time. 
It seems that today was a long-awaited day off, and the raw emotions of the developer, wanting to make his son happy although he himself felt quite lonely, came surging into my own heart. 
An image was then projected into my retina.
The developer was walking with a young, original Kinari, hand in hand.
On the floor of what appeared to be a movie theater, the pair stood in front of a poster for an anime film that just finished its screening.
And then, with a disposable camera of which was popular during the Heisei era[2], they took pictures while simultaneously blending in with the crowd. 
“It was so fun! Papa, that moo-vii[3] was was soooooo amazing!” 
“Wasn’t it hard to understand?”
“I[4] understood everything…! Because I’m smart, aren’t I?”
Seeing his son be so proud of himself, the developer felt a strong, yet warm and painful feeling well up in his heart. This is... ‘love’. 
It’s called ‘Love’. 
I understood that much. 
“Kinari, shall we go eat dinner? It’s time for you to take your medicine.”
“I don’t want the powdered kind if it’s not in ice cream...”
“That’s alright. We can go to a restaurant that serves some.” 
The developer joined his hands together with Kinari and continued to walk away.
Each of Kinari’s steps were small and tiny. In accordance with that, the developer walked slowly to match his pace. 
As they walked together, Kinari began to sing a song that he’d heard from the movie they watched.
He had perfect pitch—it was almost unbelievable that it was a child singing a song. 
“You really like to sing, huh, Kinari.”
“Mhm. When I grow up, I’m gonna become a singer.”
The developer gazed at his adorable, darling son.
In his heart, he had felt the sudden surprise and joy of learning of his child’s dream for the first time. What soon followed after was the feeling of grief, that thought of [This child may never grow up into an adult.], and understanding that as fact.  
[——I will cure Kinari’s illness.]
The developer swore to himself. 
“I’ll definitely make it happen.”
“I don’t want Papa to make it happen, I’m gonna make it happen myself!”
Kinari innocently tilted his head to the side. 
In his pure eyes, Papa[5] had simply said something weird. Once I thought of it that way, it suddenly occurred to me.  
To a boy as young as Kinari, the future is limitless, infinite even. 
The thought of death had not yet dyed his pure heart. 
The developer had the artificial organs he was researching at home in his mind. 
In order to cure Kinari’s illness, he persisted with his self-funded and ongoing research. 
He held his son’s hand, determined that he’d surely extend his lifespan, no matter what. 
“...You were really good at singing the Yokohama City Song[6], weren’t you? Can I request that you sing it for me?” 
When he requested this of his son, Kinari’s face lit up, smiling ever so brightly. 
He started to sing, so overjoyed. 
Even the people passing by turned their heads with smiles on their faces as they listened to the child sing. 
“Papa, do you like this song?”
“I do. It’s even better if it was you singing.”
“Then, I’ll record it on a cassette tape so you can listen to it even at work. Will that make papa happy?”
“Ah, of course I’ll be.”
What came to the developer’s mind was love, kindness and sadness—and a little anger.
Hatred towards the illness that was destroying his child. 
Supporting this is his burning resolve and determination. 
Kinari’s singing voice was then lost in the noise of a sea of people.
And the record of that small family holiday ended right there. 
Translation Notes: 
1 - I think this is already known and established already but Kinari and the Original’s names were spoken the same, but are not spelt the same. Our Kinari uses 幾 kanji, and the original uses 生. 
2 - 平成時代 (1989-2019), the same time period that frequently come up with Chihiro and Tao. 
3 - Baby Kinari speaks in a lot of Hiragana so I purposely misspelled some things he says. Also translated お父さん, into a more childish “Papa”! Following suit, I used easier-to-understand language when Mr. Azekawa is speaking to his son. 
4 - Sorry for another footnote but this isn’t anything particular, he just used ‘boku’ in Hiragana here. I thought it was cute. Oops. 
5 -  Since its our Kinari narrating here, I worded it to match the kid’s speech pattern, even if he said the same old お父さん.
6 - The same song Kinari sings in Main Story SideA-15, and the same song recorded on the cassette tape in B-06.
Main Page | TRACK 1 | TRACK 2 | TRACK 3 | TRACK 4 | TRACK 5
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iiep-wop · 7 months
More random Lore stuff for the Wall-E AU :D
Lister/ WALL-E lore
-This is what the inside of Lister's storage container house thing is supposed to be laid out like, the dimensions are probably not accurate at all to what size it would be but yk
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Also it's supposed to be decorated very similarly to Wall E's actual home, hence the picture from the film for reference
It's supposed to be small and kinda cramped but I don't think it comes across like that in my sketch lolll
-To clear up any ambiguity, Lister was dating Kochanski before everything happened
-The storage container already sort of doubled up into a moving house type thing (because it's on wheel treadmill type things (I think that's what those are called)) in order to make it easier to cover a larger area without people trekking back to the workers centre every evening
-Kochanski, Petersen and the others helped Lister decorate and most of the furniture is salvaged
Rimmer/EVE lore
-an EVE isn't supposed to have a visor like Rimmer does
-there is supposed to be more than one EVE
-EVE's have been to earth before but Rimmer specifically hasn't ever been
-after a set period of time, an EVE can leave and enter the pod at will
Cat, Kryten and Holly lore when we finally meet them!!! (Next couple of chapters and we should have finally met them all)
-Cat will be the last character of the original ones to be introduced btw
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echodeltacove · 2 months
FNAF Fan-made | Five Night's at The Owl House Studio and Entertainment | AU
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"Five Night’s at The Owl House Studio and Entertainment" abbreviated, "FNaTOHS&E" is a Five Night’s at Freddy’s inspired Universe between The Owl House. The concept of this is, instead of voice actors- the series is filmed with animatronics and certain props.
| Location's Within The Owl House Studio Universe |
The Owl House Studio and Entertainment (2016-2020)
The Owl House Studio and Entertainment Facility, or also just known as, The Owl House Studio and Entertainment, is a Animated Television Filming Studio, mixed with children entertainment. It is built and station in Obion County, Union City, Tennessee. The Primary mascot and figurehead of The Owl House Studio and Entertainment is Luz Noceda, accompanied by her showmates, consisting of Hunter, King Clawthorne, and Amity Blight.
When the drawing board was being done, the Company was originally going to be a Diner or an Adventure Park. The ideal spark of becoming an Animated Television Studio business came a little time later when the founder- James Summers, realized how many diner places already have animatronics.
Coming up with the designs of the four main animatronics (Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Hunter, and London). Early iteration of Luz Noceda was created and designed to help with the development of the programming and coding- London (King's early iteration) was soon canceled from the project and a new design counterpart was created; soon to be King.
James partnered up with his college classmate Nathan Carpenter, who was an robotic engineer - which is the inspiration, Mr. Summers got the idea of Amity becoming an "Abomination Engineer" in the epilogue.
James and Natan made a public account where they would publish their storyboards and short videos of storyboard-drawn motion pictures. Within a half-a-year; 1994, Walt Disney Animation Studios caught wind of the storyboards and grew interested in their idea of creating a series. A contract built and signed by both sides; starting a partnership and a way to build their project. Walt Disney Animation Studios gave Mr. Summers and Hayden a 'Business Starting Fund' to begin construction of the Studio.
James and Nathan both lived in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee which they both believed was too small to start their business, after a few months searching for suitable cities to move to, they discovered Union City. The City Mayor agreed to having their company built in his/her city, signing an agreement and a contract with the city. in mid 1995, the two families moved to Union City, Tennessee to start construction of the 48-acre building.
The blueprints of the Studio ended up being a single-story, with four separate buildings: the first building being the Main Building- which has, the Main Entrance Lobby, a Snack/Food Bar, an Electric Room, a Prize Room, two Arcade Halls, a few restrooms, the Security Office, a Parts and Service Room, The Editing/Revising Lab, and the Main Recording Set Area. The Second building being the Secondary Animatronic Containment Storage- which would store all the other animatronics which are 'minor' characters of the series. The third building being the Supply/Containment Storage and Loading Dock Section- which would be where all the props, merchandise, and even frozen foods would be stored properly; along with where the delivery trucks would drop off the supplies. The fourth and final building would be a bit smaller than the other buildings; which would be the Workshop. This is where Mr. Summers and Mr. Carpenter would brainstorm new studio ideas and storyboard them for the Animatronics to perform the scenes.
The Animatronics are also known to have their own rooms - which is down a secret hall that only the Staff, employee's and the Animatronics are known to. The hall is called "The Lounge Hall".
When the studio was starting up and beginning production, Nathan Carpenter hired her sister-in-law; Kailey Lakewood, to become the Animatronic Chief Officer- which she would be in charge of the Animatronics and in charge of putting in service orders for the Animatronics. Throughout college, Kailey was obsessed with the thought of the paranormal, and even possession activity. Working around Animatronics, it sparked her interest back up and she producted an "experience" to extract an substance what is called "remnant" which created from agony from an individual. This is the motion to her act of the "Four Missing Children Incident".
Events soon followed behind from Kailey's act. From "The Bite of 2019", to the Paranormal Activities during the night at the Studio. The Owl House Studio and Entertainment Facility soon became the infamous business within the city, which caused many people to move out of the city; or even avoid the part of the city that the Studio is in. Numbers of guests visiting the Studio during 'Open Public Hours' started to decrease at a slow, by fair pace.
The "New-and-Improved" Owl House Studio and Entertainment (2022-2025)
A year following the first Studio closing, James and Nathan decided to re-open as a refurbished building and new technology and program systems in the Animatronics- Criminal Database, Suspicious Alarms, ect. The "new-and-improved" Owl House Studio and Entertainment Facility opened around the late period before Season 2 ended. Once the series were finished, the City attempted to put the company out of business, however couldn't go through with the action due to the active contract with Walt Disney Animation Studios. The Company was put on a "Do Not Demolition" Order by the Local Government due to the 'still up' Contract. After two years of the Series being finished, the Contract started to get loosened up, due to Walt Disney Company not wanting to do anymore business with Owl Entertainment Inc.
The Owl House Studio: Horror Attraction and Museum (2038-2039)
Around 13 years following the Studios' closure, Owl Entertainment Inc. decided to honor the tales and rumors of the Studio by opening a Horror Attraction, and even a Museum- showcasing all the old props, including the deactivated Animatronics from "both" locations.
The Owl Cafe (2057-2059)
It is now 32 years following the Studio closing their doors The Owl Cafe is it's the first restaurant-themed setting as the others are Studio Filming/Entertainment Establishments. Owl Entertainment gained a new owner- going under Owl Entertainment LLC.
A few Employee's were assigned to head to the burn wreckage of the Horror Attraction/Museum place where they were to try to salvage what they could, but they couldn’t find anything due to everything being burnt from the fire. However, the employees were forced to return to the old rubbles and debris where the building once was a second time to thoroughly go through the burnt remains to shockingly find a polished wired glass (which is fire proof glass) jar that had withstood the major flames and contained what appeared to be four different glowing hues of spiritual essence “Remnant” - along with a flash drive. The staff took it back to the current establishment which it was unknowably installed the said remnant into the newly made animatronics thinking that it would assist with their programming.
The flash drive was plugged into the main system computer which started to glitch the system and download a virus to all the electronic devices around the restaurant over the night; without anyone noticing. The business was opened in July 2057, and the restaurant went on without a hitch and was able to thrive for two more year's until- in late 2059 a bite with one of the newer original models: Mocha Cappuccino, bit a customer due to a drink spill that went into the mechanic wires and systems, and a investigation with the local police from a few reported suspicious activities which the company denied even knowing or being apart of..the suspicious activities are unknown (A few hidden murders and missing reports) The establishment closed down after two and-a-half years open, keeping night guard hiring for another year, with finding out what’s going on in the building at night time; making the horrific realization that the animatronics were actually living and possessed with the original murdered children from the first ever “The Owl House” Studio establishment. The Remnant was shared/divided among all animatronics.
All locations falls between a duration of 63 years! The first ever related "Owl House" content was between 1995 to 2000 called, "Luz and Friends"
| Luz and Friends |
Luz and Friends is an early short-animated show that was created and aired between 1993 to 1995. The animation was flat and simple, then being followed with it's successor animated television show The Owl House. Luz and Friends was approximately eight minutes long.
Each episode would have a small conflict among the group of teen kids; or could be a simple argument, and is solved by Luz herself learned by a valuable lesson. Hunter was always known as the "trouble maker" in the teen group. Before 'The Owl House' aired, King was known as a forest stray. The program didn't have a complex/difficult plot-line. The location setting was unknown in "Luz and Friends" as the program didn't focus too much on the setting, more than the plot of the story for that episode.
| Animatronics Around The Universe |
There are many variations of the 'The Owl House' Animatronics- Originals, 2.0's, Phantoms, and the Cafe Animatronics. I will list the Animatronics in the "Universe Series" they appear in:
"Originals" Animatronics- FNaTOHS&E 2
- Luz Noceda - Amity Blight - Hunter - King
"2.0's" Animatronics- FNaTOHS&E 1
The 2.0's indicates the Second Studio- and the Epilogue "era" Animatronics
- Luz Noceda 2.0 - Amity Blight 2.0 - Hunter 2.0 - King Clawthorne 2.0 - Eda Clawthorne 2.0 - London - Shadow Luz Noceda -Shadow King Clawthorne
"Hallucinations/Nightmares"- FNaTOHS&E "4"
As the same as the "FNaTOHS&E 1" Era, the Nightmares are also the Epilogue "era" Animatronics.
- Nightmare Luz Noceda * Nightmare Stringbean - Nightmare Amity Blight * Nightmare Ghost - Nightmare King Clawthorne - Nightmare Hunter - Nightmare Eda Clawthorne - Nightmare London
"Phantoms" & "Deathtrap Luz"- FNaTOHS&E 3
As the same as the "FNaTOHS&E 1" Era, the Phantoms are also the Epilogue "era" Animatronics. Unlike for "Deathtrap" Luz Noceda is the tattered version of the springlock 'early iteration' of Luz.
- Deathtrap Luz Noceda * Prototype/Deathtrap Luz Noceda: Prototype is a taller and "older aged" version of Luz Noceda that was never used for the series. She has black leggings, dark purple turtle neck long-sleeved shirt wore under a light blue and white jacket- having a single dark purple stripe along the middle. An owl pendant necklace around her neck, wearing light purple, white, and blue sneakers. Prototype Luz has her pixie cut style but slightly longer. She has a singular golden rectangular earring on her right ear. (her "age" appears to be around 16) - Phantom Luz Noceda - Phantom Amity Blight - Phantom King Clawthorne - Phantom Hunter - Phantom Eda Clawthorne
"Cafe" Animatronics- FNaTOHS&E 5
Cafe Luz Noceda
- Cafe Luz keeps her styled curly shortened hair, mascara black earrings, and her permanent "scar" from the series. Due to the Cafe style, Luz dons brown trousers, black short sleeved shirt, with lighter tan jacket that has a golden clip of the Cafe's logo on the right corner of the jacket, with a pin underneath the logo clip-pin which is a pin shape and colored of stringbean. And black shoes. - Luz helps with day security guard, by looking over the whole Cafe as double security; since she's still the main mascot of the company.
Cafe King Clawthorne
- Cafe King is the same with his dark red collar and tag that has the initials "KC" on it. Along with his bright blue star sticker/bandage on the right side of his skull. On the collar is a golden pin clip that has the Cafe's logo on it. King just wears a coffee brown colored apron. - King would show "coming in" customers to their seats, handing them their menus
Cafe Amity Blight
- Cafe Amity’s hair goes back to the color from the episode “Thanks to Them” with the light pink and the brown root color on the top of her head. She is dressed with a naples yellow colored long sleeved turtle neck shirt, black pants, and a white/light tan colored waist apron that has a pocket in it - which a pad and a pen is always kept in it for Amity to take the customers orders. On the waist apron is a golden clip pin that has the Cafe’s logo. Cafe Amity also wears gray shoes.  - Amity would help the human waiters take table orders on hours that the Cafe is very busy following hourly shows.
Cafe Hunter
Cafe Hunter also stayed the same from his “Epilogue” appearance from the series- including his few face and ear scars. He wears a brown long sleeved shirt that has the cuffs of the sleeves folded. Black pants - like Amity, gray shoes, and a light orange/brown apron. - Hunter would help assist Cafe Amity with taking tables orders on hours that the Cafe is very busy between showings.
Aura the Weasel
- Aura is one of the three new characters; alongside Mocha and Echo. Owl Entertainment LLC., has decided to experiment with having animal themed animatronics as well. - Aura assists with table delivery meal orders on rush hours.
Mocha Cappuccino the Red Panda
- Mocha Cappuccino, also known as just "Mocha", is also one of the new characters Owl Entertainment LLC., has created- and is experimented on with having animal themed animatronics. - Mocha has her own place in the "Kid's Table Room" to look after the younger kids, and delivering their meals.
Echo the Hare
- Echo, is one of the three and final new characters of Owl Entertainment LLC., and has built and experimented to see how animal themed/based animatronics program around guests/customers due to a 'walk-around' four legged animal animatronics weren't made before. - Echo helps assists Aura with table delivery meal orders.
Security A.C.E.
- Mostly known just as "Ace". He is a Great Horned Owl that's black, brown, and gray. He also has see-in-the-dark features with bright yellow eyes. On both of his wings, he has a design of a 'security' shield with neon blue trims. - He is the on that holds tight security on the whole network of the restaurant.
| FNaTOHS&E 1&2 Hauntings |
• With the Animatronics - in their "normal mode setting" their eyes are normal with their color eyes and white sclera - except King, he has his yellow sclera.
• Paranormal activities began two days following the MCI - marking that Kailey's third "experience" was successful and that remnants have been collected. The Animatronics continues to program/act the same way, except that they can have tendencies to be more staredown on adults than kids. Since the ghost children are mostly in an "invisible" state most of the time, some objects and doors may seem to open, or slam close themselves. Night Guards that have ran out and/or quickly quit would report random loud scrapping sounds, the security cameras rapidly flashing/going out un-naturally, hearing ghostly whisper sounds, and even the animatronic walking around acting threatening. Often have haunting nightmares of four children stalking and injuring them - when waking up discovering that the injuries are real - a few people have actually died in their dream.
• A few sightings have also been seen of red liquid splattered along walls spelling words like: "YOU". "YOUR NOT OUR FRIEND". "IT'S ME". "SHOW ON" with a red child-sized finger print in red next to it, Or "NO SAVING". Only "IT'S ME" would appear when Luz is nearby and about to attack.
• Ghost Children Possession/Alert: light-yellow tint sclera - King's is a tad darker.
• Ghost Children Angered: fully dark red.
| The Torture Machine |
• The Torture Machine is a hallow front shelled King/horn skull head machine (like the Animatronics' Masks) that has a bunch of sharp gears, shredders, and sharp slicing blades that causes anyone that gets pressed into it ripped apart. This device was originally created by Chairman and Agents of Owl Entertainment Inc. secretly for a tool of controlling - which soon gets taken over as a tool to "fix" people that the Animatronics gets a hold of to properly fit them into the empty suits in the supply/parts and service room. in the '90's it was used a few times by Kailey Lakewood and even Mr. West to get rid of a few Agents/Employees that were caught either snooping around Owl Entertainment corporate office finding secrecy information papers - or, breaking the #8 rule in the business.
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sylwanin-was-right · 2 years
Tbh it bothers me how much Avatar media claims that the Na'vi are not technologically advanced. In the Survival Guide, its explicitly stated the Na'vi have "no technology" in the introduction, which is just completely false.
Bows and arrows may not be as complex as machine guns and AMP suits regarding parts, assembly, and operation, but they are certainly feats of technological innovation that take skill to craft, use, and maintain properly, not to mention intelligence to create. Not only do the Na'vi have weapons for hunting and sparing, they have other technology, too, that suits their neolithic, tho complex and diverse civilizations, including but not limited to: hammoks, looms, musical instruments, storage containers and structures, torches (and other lighting tech, like "bladder lanterns"), saddles and carriers.
Im not sure how much clothing counts as technology, but there are elements to their attitre that required fabric and design technology to create, and also incorperate multi use elements that are characteristuc of technology's aim to be tools of aid, like Mo'at's head band functioning as a dagger carrier and Neytiri's insect wing glasses functioning as a decorative headband, a visor, and protective goggles.
I personally feel iffy about using "primitive" to describe Na'vi technology, because while its technically accurate, the Indigenous-coded design and role thr Na'vi play in the film makes that term easy to misconstrue and exploit. And I think theres precedent of that in the idea that the Na'vi have "no technology" just because its not modern, electric, plastic, motor, and metal based technology human beings now rely on (and just because it made for an easier foil in the story's technology critical themes). Technology requires immense cognitive intelligence and capability to innovate, operate, maintain, an replicate tools to facilitate a task it can be used for, so for Avatar media to claim the Na'vi have no technology makes troubling implication about the intelligence of the Na'vi as "people", and whether or not they spontaniously or naturally crafted the tools they use with genuine intention and intelligence.
The Noble Savage trope is just too embedded in the franchise at this point. And I worry that all the spiritual elements biologically incorperated into the lore (like queue communication) are excuses to justify the idea that the Na'vi are "simple" creatures that only know of harmony because theyre not human beings (iykwim 😬).
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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My Best Investments of 2022
- 32 inch barrel curler
- High frequency for hair and skin
- Lash extensions
- Body oil (so much better than moisturiser in the winters)
- Tongue cleaner
Physical Health:
- 12-3-30 cardio workout
- Model workouts
- Trello
- Microsoft to-do
- iPad + Apple Pencil
- Newsletters: Bloomberg open and close, morningbrew
- Finance course (private equity associate) by FE Training
- Silk robe
- LV Trunk bag
- YSL Libre perfume
- Jewellery box
- Separate storage containers for make up and skin care
- Disposable film camera
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 4 months
The other day I wanted to show someone a photo of something on my camera. This involved clicking through a LOT of pics.
On seeing some of my sculpted faces… “What do you DO with them?” Well, I sculpt them like doodles, take pics to post on Tumblr (and have a record if they break) during breakfast, and then wrap them in tissue before throwing them into a storage container. When the storage container is full I start another, but they never come out again….
I mean, what could I do? Little faces sculpted with little care, no work space or money to buy materials for casting or adding them to anything, and too fragile for a lot of handling.
I sculpt them because my fingers need to sculpt. I sculpt because it’s a quick and easy way to have made something at the end of the day. I sculpt to hold the hollowness of my existence at bay. The act of sculpting and having sculpted is all that matters. Turning them, reducing them really, into a product never crosses my mind!
On seeing my photos of the woods… “You need to make Tik Tok videos of them! People make a LOT of money on there and your photos are so good!”
Well, first, most people on Tik Tok probably don’t make any money at all. And the ones that get rich are the equivalent of community theater actors becoming movie stars. They are rare.
Secondly, TikTok means videos. I don’t even make video things I want to record (ex. those otters chatting and playing) because my very old tech is so rickety and out of memory. I can’t fit a video on my computer, and I can’t edit it. Plus my internet is so poor I doubt I can upload videos if I wanted to.
Thirdly, as far as I can tell without being on TikTok, it involves a lot of people filming themselves. I can NOT put my ugly face and hideous voice online as it might be considered a crime against humanity!
Look, there isn’t enough me for MORE social media. Just posting on Tumblr is getting to be almost too much for me. It has been YEARS since I posted on Facebook (hate it! That place does my brain in). I keep meaning to do something with my Ko-Fi, but I can’t even get around to adding more pics. I’d never have the time or energy for TikTok!
I get it though. I have heard it before. Someone once said there was “No excuse” for someone so “talented” (HA! That’s a joke!) not making money. They think it’s just a matter of throwing things out there and the world will flock to you.
It isn’t like that. Even if I were as talented as they assume, it would take at the very least a huge investment of time and energy I don’t have. I got soooo envious of a sculptor at a comic con who told me how her husband takes care of the business so she can make art. Not everyone has someone to help them. Mostly though, success is simply a matter of luck!
But there people go, letting you know that anything you do that doesn’t make money is a waste. It’s proof you aren’t trying hard enough.
There are people creating masterpieces out there that will die in poverty, but their making things is NOT a waste of time! It’s not a waste of time to make things that make you happy, even if you never make a damn penny! If your life is better for it, that’s enough!
And here I am, working my ass off to survive, living in isolation and wearing myself away, even cutting back on my own food to save money (grocery shopping once a month now…oh, joy!), and yet I am made to feel guilty for spending a couple hours at night sculpting or taking pictures during my increasingly rare and short walks in the woods. How dare I make myself smile instead of falling down dead chasing hypothetical dollars???
I’m barely sculpting anymore. I’m struggling to get to the woods at all. I’m so worn out I’m having trouble even finding these things fun anymore, and now I’m supposed to add guilt and shame because I’m not making a profit?
It’s like if you live in a desert but have a spring on your property. The stream is drying out, but you need it to survive. And someone rolls up saying, “Hey! You need food, so why haven’t you sold your water rights?? I’m being helpful here, but you just aren’t trying!”
People always assume I’m sitting on a gold mine I’m just too lazy or stupid to exploit. It makes me angry. And tired.
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razorfst · 10 months
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Mafia Verse - Andrei Lupei's US Mansion:
Andrei bought the mansion several months after he arrived into the United States. It was a search that took some time, he wanted to find somewhere that gave him enough space from the city without being too far but just enough to give him peace. A place to escape. His home here is only known to those in his family, to those he trusts. No one outside knows it exists and if they do? Well, it's because they either followed him without him noticing or he had someone betray this knowledge to another. It is guarded by a gate and walls around the property with a security booth at the entrance to make sure only those who are approved get let in and no one gets too close to the front door. Andrei and anyone else who drives in with him, with his blessing, is let in without question. It is a large property, containing the three story mansion with a front to park multiple cars if he has an event, gardens, and a pool. It is impressive from the outside, easy to see its size alone by looking at it. However once inside, one is welcomed to a large foyer that has a large winding staircase as well as marble floors to take in the rest of the house. One side leads to the living room and the kitchen. Nearby is the large dining hall so as the chef Andrei employs does not have to go far with the food. On top of that the first floor leads out to the pool and gardens as well as contains the impressive at home gym that contains a boxing ring for him to spar or shadow box in. His office is also not too far from the gym, a large home office for him to conduct all kinds of business should he choose to not go into the city or the compound. And to end it on the first floor there are three half baths, one near the living room, another near the dining room, and another near his office and gym. The second floor is less busy in a sense. On there, he has the at home movie theater where he obviously enjoys watching some of his favorite films like Gladiator and Warrior but also plays some video games with his up to date consoles. There is a half bath connected to the movie theater as well. Aside from the theater, there are three other rooms. They are guest rooms with a full bath attached to each. Of course they can be guest rooms when he needs them to be but for the most part one is somewhat storage when he needs it to be. The third and final floor is what is his mostly. That is where the master bedroom and master bathroom are. Of course connected so he doesn't have to leave the double wooden doors. All of that on one side of the floor where the other half is more guest rooms, four with their own full bathrooms as well. His dog, given to him by his father before his passing, prefers to stay up on the third floor when Andrei isn't home and he doesn't need to go out or eat as that is his space. Most will call him with a whistle and he will respond, hearing his paws down the hard floors and stairs. He runs fast when he knows it's Andrei calling for him. His house is run by staff, those that clean and cook along with security and those who work late are able to stay in the guest rooms on the second floor. If your muse is taken there, then he trusts you a lot. That is one of his inner sanctums, it is where he can just be and one of the last remaining pieces of his father is in his dog, Razvan.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
More Bleach Library headcanons: their damaged item budget is through the roof. Somebody has to go around and quietly beg the captains and nobility for donations every time someone gets too out of control and yet another building collapses; I can't imagine a budget increase is feasible. There are blacklists and flags on so many shinigami accounts for causing damage. (For example, the 12th is the highest user of document delivery, because books came back in an utterly unusable and frankly distressing state, and it got to the point that it was just better Not To Send Items Over. Also they kepy having to buy new dropbox wagons due to contamination. Those things are like a thousand dollars if you get the good ones...Yachiru was banned for a decade because of how much damage her unauthorized pool caused the Kuchiki Archives, and while the Kuchiki Archives poaches talent, there is still a sense of solidarity...I have more but I am talking too much.)
No one dreads Pledge Drive season like the Seireitei, because both the SC and The Library go to town with it. There are plenty of things nobles are happily willing to patronize, but the military magazine and the military library are not two of those things. As for shinigami in the Gotei, it just seems… weird to be giving your paycheck to fund things that are run by the same thing that pays… you?
Due to the Horrors you mentioned happening to the previous dropboxes, the current Gotei dropboxes look like this:
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(That is an actual picture of a book drop at my workplace. I get that it’s a sturdy weatherproof container! But LOL SIR THAT IS A TRASH CAN. Very trusting to assume people can read, and won't try to use it as one...)
Though, I was thinking about building collapses. Say a prayer for whatever circulating collections the Gotei might maintain, and this doesn’t necessarily spare them when people start bankai-ing it up, but I feel like the records library is underground specifically to avoid damage from surface shenanigans. The ground could still get cratered and it could probably still burn to the ground, but the likelihood is less and you know what, the Gotei archivists will take what they can get.
We’ve seen Ukitake in the underground records library, but it made me think about what other preservative measures might be in place, which made me think about Strataca in Kansas, USA, which is a museum/former salt mine/archives preservation vault. The vault serves as secure, high protected storage for a lot of different irreplaceable items, whether original film negatives or medical records, oil and gas charts, etc. In addition to being underground, away from sunlight, the preservative qualities of the salt keeps documents from moisture and oxidation. I think it’s super cool! (Cool enough to drive to Hutchinson, Kansas to see, even. It was on the way to the Barbed Wire Museum!)
Japan doesn’t have any land-based salt deposits, but this doesn’t mean Soul Society can’t. Even without the additional cool factor of the salt, though, who wouldn't store their important records in a cool underground vault. It could be like this random vault by Mt. Fuji, which is apparently for Sanyo? Lol? There’s also the Matsushiro Underground Imperial Headquarters, which was built specifically to move important arms of government around during WWII, were the Allied Forces to invade (some wild stories in that Wiki article). Nothing makes your documents seem more important than putting them in an underground vault!
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 months
Jerry has lots of dollar-stretching ideas for saving money in the garden.
1. Free plants:
Saving seed can be a life-changing experience. You can easily save lots of seed, giving you lots of opportunity to experiment without fear of failure, as well as the option of giving some away. Store in airtight containers such as old jars; save silica gel to go with the seeds to keep the seeds dry in storage.
To collect seed, use old panty hose to slip over the ends of plants with pods that explode - as some pea plants and brassicas.
You can also propagate by cuttings. Jerry prunes plants at a good time to take cuttings - usually after they’ve finished flowering. Jerry also uses recycled pots and potting mix, making it even cheaper.
2. Free fuel:
Animal manure is great and often freely available - Jerry managed to source some camel and buffalo dung when a circus recently came to town!
Always compost manure first, to remove any weed seed or residual chemicals they may be carrying.
Jerry also recycles any dead cane toads he finds as roadkill, by burying them under his fruit trees.
Mulch is essential in any garden - Jerry uses several types - but it can be expensive. Check with your local council to see if wood chippings from pruned street trees are available, or make your own leaf mold from raked up leaves; simply pile up the leaves, keep them moist, and wait for them to decompose.
The result is low in nutrients and high in carbon so it’s perfect as a surface mulch or for growing ferns and palms.
Potting mix - Jerry makes his own, using equal parts of garden soil, horticultural sand and old potting mix.
3. Upcycling:
Repurpose material that would otherwise end up in landfill, such as polystyrene foam boxes, which are great for growing plants as they are lightweight and they insulate the plants’ roots from heat and cold.
Other uses include as part of a worm farm or as a self-watering container.
Jerry grows strawberries in these boxes – the extra height helps keep the fruit from pests on the ground.
He also uses them to store pots with cuttings in as it keeps the plants at an even temperature, plus it’s easy to cover the boxes to create a mini greenhouse or shadehouse if needed. For shade he uses old net curtains found at op shops.
4. Trading:
Some plants give you more than you’d ever need, especially citrus. Jerry makes loads of different marmalade, which he trades for eggs or avocadoes that he doesn’t have.
5. Buy once, cry once:
By this Jerry means pay more for quality equipment that will last. Cheap equipment is often not meant to be serviced or repaired, but good-quality items will be designed to take replacement parts and are worth fixing. Jerry still uses his grandfather’s hand mower and mattock, and has other equipment that is many decades old.
Filmed on Quandamooka, Turrbal & Yuggera Country in Brisbane, Qld
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