#(aka not mediating. telling them to shut up and go to their room)
ambersky0319 · 2 years
don't you just love dysfunctional families?
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cafeinthemoon · 4 years
The Senju brothers finding out their little sister is going out with Madara 💥
Lately I’ve been into family drama and such, so when anon requested this I couldn’t say no lol Btw thank you, anon, for this scandalous incredible idea 😘
In this scenario/list/idk we have the Senju brothers finding out their younger sister and Madara are seeing each other. As you might expect, the news provoke different reactions in each of them, but the main point is how she will deal with this situation.
So I’m gonna shut up now and leave you with this:
Fandom: Naruto | Senju Brothers
Warnings: none, just a heated argument and a looong list ahead
Symbols: 💙 | ◻ | ▶▶
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Being Hashirama and Tobirama’s younger sister, of course you and Madara were known to each other, but being more than just a friend to him wasn’t in your plans… until now 😳
You used to admire and respect each other, not only because of the alliance between your clans, but mostly because you both were worthy being praised. Plus Hashirama has always been talkative about his best friend’s qualities, which slowly transformed the way you saw the Uchiha leader, but you only noticed this a few weeks ago
During a meeting/party/whatever at your brother’s house, Madara and you spent more time than usual talking to each other. Turned out that you discovered many things in common beyond the fact that you two were shinobi, including your views on life, politics, etc.
If Hashi noticed something, you couldn’t tell, but it was strange that during all the time you were there together he didn’t come to join you (not that you complained about it)
You and the Uchiha saw each other a few times on the next days, and the feeling of familiarity between you only grew. You weren't sure of how to call it. You were fond of each other, but saying that you were just friends didn’t seem to be enough now
You both agreed that it was too soon to name it as a date or something, so you didn't tell anyone, not even your brothers
You wanted to be sure of your own feelings before making a statement. Were you still friends? Were you really in love? Was it just a crush, a superficial attraction? You wanted to understand what was going on
During this time, Hashirama didn’t make a comment or anything that suggested that he was aware of this situation, so you were a bit surprised when one day, he came to talk to you about it
“So you and Madara are engaging in a secret romance and you dared leaving your big brother out of this, y/n? Where did you learn such behavior?!”
“Don’t you really know?”, you smirked
“Excuse me?!”
“Am I the first person in this family to keep secrets that involve Madara, Hashi?” 😑
Hashirama was your elder brother aka the person who has been taking care of you since your parents left this world, so not only his worries were valid, but he also had the right to know, so yeah, he was a bit disappointed that you didn't tell him first
Now, I think his feelings about this were not as plain as some can imagine. In fact, he had a mixture of contradicting feelings and ended up talking about them more than demanding an explanation from you
On one hand, he was happy because he loves you both, so finding out that his little sis and his soul brother might have started a relationship was exciting 💖
On the other hand, he was worried because you were even younger than Tobirama, while Madara was not only older but more experienced than you and he knew his friend’s flaws better than anyone else
However, Hashi was an understanding person and was willing to listen, so you explained your feelings and your reasons to him, as well as part of your conversations with Madara, pointing out that making things this way was a mutual decision, for the best of you two and the people you knew
He pointed out that despite not calling your meetings a date, you two were already thinking as a couple 😏
You blushed and asked him to keep quiet, at least for a while
He promised you he would not say anything, but not before hugging you tight and crying about how his lil sis was growing up so fast saying how much he was happy for you two 💓
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Prepare yourself to get your ass smacked and burning for an entire week lmao
Okay, so as you can easily imagine, it didn’t take much effort from Tobirama to find out that something was going on between you and Madara
It wasn’t that you two were reckless, it was just that your second brother was not stupid an observing man (and tbh how hard it must be to keep a secret from a smart sensor shinobi, uh?)
Unlike Hashirama, who took some time to connect the dots, he noticed small changes in your routine and behavior since the start
Why have you been so quiet, distracted lately? What has been occupying your mind? You were spending more time alone and/or out, and (yeah, he noticed that) you weve more concerned about your looks and manners than usual. Of course you were up to something 
Besides, you’ve suddenly became too defensive towards Madara and the Uchihas in general. Anything Tobirama said that sounded slightly negative about them was promptly refuted by you. You seemed to have a deeper understanding of their ideologies now, as if you were having long conversations with their leader
So, it was with no surprise that you saw the storm coming ⚡
One day, Tobirama came to your room without warning and just by looking at him you knew he figured it out 
How did he find out? Hashirama and his big mouth, probably. Or did he follow you and saw you two together? Well, he could have simply traced your chakra and once he sensed Madara’s close to you, the riddle was solved. But did it matter now?
His first words: “What is it?”
You don't need an explanation: you little sis + Madara Uchiha problem™ + maintaining your privacy keeping secrets from him
And now you were a brat possessed with the Uchiha evil, and not just with any Uchiha evil but with MADARA’S Uchiha evil 🔥🔥🔥
There was no way for you to have a normal conversation in the current circumstances. You had a heated argument, and I’m sure you’re capable of imagining what it means to have a heated argument with Tobirama
“Tobi, listen to me, I-”
“No YOU listen to me you brat possessed with the Uchiha evil”
Your brother didn’t even let you speak. He stated that not telling anything to your elder brother was not only wrong, but some sort of betrayal, then started remembering serious sh*t from the past when you were so young that you couldn’t even carry a sword the right way and everything you’ve already heard from him countless times before
But now you were done with his incapacity of simply listen, so you just stated that your elder brother Hashirama already knew it and that it was you who asked him to keep it a secret just for a while
“Hashirama is our leader, and if he knows and approves it, that’s enough for me and that should be enough for you too!”
“Hashirama is too soft with you, and this is why you behave like this!”
“Like this how? Living my life without asking for your permission? Is that what you mean?”
“Being unnecessarily connected with a man with whom we need to be careful in our treats, that’s what I mean. Our elder brother purposely ignores the fragile spots of this alliance and you know it, so there’s no excuse for your attitude!”
“Speaking like this about our ally could be considered some sort of betrayal, Tobi. If I was you, I would be careful!”
“Why? Are you going to tell him in your next date?”
“Yes, I’m getting out and having a serious conversation with our brother about this!”
“Tobirama, the war is over! We all have to move on, whether you like it or not! So instead of wasting your time with something that’s none of your business, you should go and live your life as well!”
Yes, you lost your temper, and you only realized it when your brother fell silent and lowered his tone
“You are right, lilttle sister. But let me tell you something. My way to show that I care about you might not resemble Hashirama’s, but my feelings towards you are not less deep than his”
You were heartbroken after he left, yes, but you had to stand your ground. Tobi could be very controlling if he was given space to, so you had to learn to deal with this early in your life. In this point you were better than Hashi, who was too easygoing for his own good, so you felt like you had to be strong on your resistance for both of you, otherwise Tobirama would dominate every aspect of your life without even realizing. You loved him as well, but your decisions didn’t have to always gravitate towards him
Still, you weren’t proud of your words about the war. That was a sensitive matter for Tobi. Despite his silence about it, you sensed he was offended. You knew you went too far 💔
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The conclusion
Later, Hashirama came to mediate the conflict, and he had some words for both of you. When Tobirama and you found ourselves in the same room, you were about to start a new argument, but your eldest brother elevated his chakra and demanded you to be silent, bc now it was his time to speak
“Brother, I understand you are worried about our sister and I am sure she acknowledges your efforts to protect and guide her, but that doesn’t give you the right to interfere in her decisions regarding her own life. She’s right to remind you about our alliance with the Uchiha clan and to say that we need to move on. If moving on means starting a relationship with Madara in her case, things are what they are. It is her life, not yours. And do not think I haven’t talk to her about this. Y/n is no longer a child, Tobirama. She’s aware of the challenges of maintaining such connection with the Uchiha leader”
“Little sister, I understand that our brother’s way to express his worries uses to irritate you. It happened many times when you two were little. But that doesn’t invalidate the honesty of his intentions. He loves you and cares about you as much as I do. Besides, I’ve already talked to you about thoughtless mentions of the war. That was a though period for all of us, which includes your brother. You were not with us at the battlefield, that’s true, but you weren’t immune to the dark consequences of what happened at it. You mourned our siblings with us, but you were too young to understand everything that was involved. That was not Tobirama’s case. He doesn’t talk about it, but he has his reasons for that, and this must be respected”
Hashirama left you two hoping you would be capable of getting along again, which eventually happened, but at its own pace
The next day you found Tobirama working at his desk. He already acknowledged your presence, but that didn’t discourage you. You hugged him from behind and said you were going out to the river, and he could come with you if he wanted to fish. His first response was a groan
“Is there more people coming with us?” = “Is there any possibility of Madara showing up?”
You kissed his bristly hair
“No. Just us. I promise. And when we get back, I’ll cook fish for you”
Your brother’s next groan meant many things at once, “I agree”, “Thank you” and “I apologize” being some of them 😜
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honeybunchcalum · 4 years
College Apps- JJ Maybank
Pairing: Reader x JJ and Reader x John B (Platonic) 
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: College applications...suck. Maybe you can make them suck less for JJ, if you knew the right thing to say. AKA comforting a stubborn JJ.
Warnings: mention of abuse (a brief, vague mention, less than is in the show) + language 
A/N: I know my John B fic didn’t get too many notes, but I enjoyed writing this one, so I’m posting it :) 
Also a HUGE thank you to @alltheannie​ for your kind words and your editing to make this fic the best it can be!! 
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Stress, deadlines, wasting time, and the blind hope that everything will turn out ok. What could be a better way to describe college applications?
You only wished you could start your Common App essay with those lines, but you decided against it--this was not a teen movie. It was your dreaded application that would determine where you’d be spending the next four years. 
You wondered what you could possibly say about your life that wasn’t the same as the thousands of other essays that would pour into admissions offices. You laid on your back, seemingly enamored with the ceiling fan’s spins as your friends John B and JJ started airing their frustrations. 
“This is such a BS question-- ‘What challenge have you faced and what did you learn from it?’ my ass. What makes you think I wanna write it all out for some stuck-up admissions guy?” JJ thought out loud. 
John B added, “How the fuck am I supposed to write something about myself and make it sound good?” 
For you, it was the opposite. Living on the richer edge of the Cut, bordering Kook territory had not presented you with many challenges in your life. The problem came with reflecting on your life to find an appropriate hardship to write about. You decided that just agreeing with your best friends’ stance on the prompt would be the easiest solution, since your struggle with it made you feel a bit guilty.
You sighed, sitting up. “John B, I’ll edit yours, and JJ, I don’t know what to tell ya.” You were usually the mediator within the group, level-headed and realistic. 
John B moved closer to show you his screen with what he had written so far. 
“Thanks, Y/N,” JJ sarcastically grumbled. “UNC isn’t even gonna accept me anyway. All they’re gonna see is some poor kid from the island with a sob story about his dad.” He shut his laptop, showing defeat.  
You shot him a glare--you’d always hated when JJ talked about himself like that. He was undoubtedly more than that to you, the Pogues, and everyone who had ever met him. 
“JJ, don’t say that, you’re way more than that--and that will definitely show on paper, and even when you interview and show your Maybank charm,” you assured the blond. “Also, you’ll regret it if you don’t try, just saying.” You turned back to John B’s screen to read his essay as you leaned on his shoulder. 
“That’s also BS, and you know it. Why am I even trying? There’s thousands of other kids out there, and I’m done” JJ said, frustrated. 
“Because you worked so hard, JJ, and you can’t blow it now. Everything that has happened with your dad and stuff doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve a future, or that you shouldn’t try!” you snapped.
The stuffy bedroom fell silent. You knew as soon as it fell out of your mouth that it was too far. 
“Fuck you! Just because we kissed doesn’t mean you get to tell me shit, or psycho-analyze me, or whatever you’re trying to do to fix me, Y/N!” With that, JJ slammed the door to John B’s bedroom. There was a loud “I’m fuckin’ done,” before he rattled the screen door of the Chateau on his way out. 
“Shit! Why the hell did I say that?” You sighed, upset that you had not fully registered the weight of your words until you’d said them.
“Yeah, uh… why the hell did you say that?” John B replied from his bed. He patted the spot next to him with a reassuring “C’mere.” 
As soon as you were halfway onto the bed, he pulled you into him. He was warm and comforting, and smelled like ‘boy’ and salt water. It was probably the cedarwood from the cologne you’d gotten him for his birthday last year. It was a bit of a selfish move since it’s a smell you loved, but it comforted you in times like these (which were more often than you’d think).
You sighed and just focused on the rhythm of John B’s heart rather than yours. He rubbed circles on your back as you laid your head on his warm chest.
But soon everything just hit you. You were upset that JJ wouldn’t listen, frustrated with yourself since you’d said something without thinking, and now annoyed at the repetitive circles on your back. 
You pushed John B’s arm off your back, adjusting yourself so you were facing him. 
He started, “So you’re up to at least one kiss with JJ, three with me, and two with Pope and Kie. Very interesting information, Y/N…”
“That’s what you got from this, John B?! It’s actually more like, four, with JJ, but still! Not my point,” you groaned and flopped flat on the twin-sized bed. 
The Pogues were a rather touchy group, definitely unafraid of showing physical affection, which was sometimes in the form of less-than-sober smooches. But each with JJ was sober, and meaningful, to you at least. But John B didn’t have to know that. 
“Did you understand what I was trying to say? I know I said it wrong, but…” you trailed off, waiting for the brunette to reassure your thoughts.
“I did, but I don’t know why it bothers you so much--that’s just how JJ gets sometimes. He gets heated then leaves, he’ll get over it.” 
“I wasn’t talking about that part,” you paused, “never mind, I’m gonna go find him.”
On your way out of the room, John B’s voice made you turn around.
“I think you feel something else about JJ, but I don’t wanna get into that.” He sat in the silence that he created. 
The two of you were waiting for the other to say something. He wasn’t wrong, you did feel a little different each time you had kissed JJ. But it was nothing, just a product of you being around him all the time. Fuck, now that John B had noticed, that meant whatever you were feeling was obvious. “What gave him the idea of that? Had I slipped up somewhere?” 
“What the fuck? Are you serious?” you spoke after a few seconds, anger tinting your tone.
Your impulse got the best of you, determined to keep up your façade. In one swift movement, your lips were on John B’s. It was well-received, his lips beginning to mold to yours. You pulled away after a few seconds, out of breath of course. 
“And there’s your fourth one, you’re tied with JJ now, ok?” On your way out, you left a bewildered John B on his bed as the door slammed shut. 
Now there were two things you’d done today where you weren’t totally thinking. They just kind of happened, and you didn’t exactly understand why. 
You reached the Boneyard, and sure enough you knew the figure sitting and staring off into the water was JJ: the smoke cloud he blew confirmed it. When it wasn’t the venue for island-wide keggers, it was the place that you or any of your friends would go to when you needed to be alone, and that was understood. But you had to break that unsaid pact today, because you’d really fucked up, and only talking could fix it. 
You approached JJ and slowly sat down on the sand next to him, not saying anything for a few seconds. He let the silence settle because he knew it was killing you. Two could play at the ‘pushing-buttons’ game, so you started saying your piece. 
“I’m just tired of you rejecting every nice thing I say to you. You deserve everything, all the love that we all have for you, and every single fucking compliment I give you. And I’ll admit it--yes I was meddling and trying to analyze you and what I said was too far.”
You laid it all out, which was typical for you to do. As a writer yourself, you were a natural communicator-- straightforward and heartfelt. 
The blond turned away from you. “I’m tired of being messed with. Just stop trying to figure me out all the time. I can’t even figure some of my shit out! And don’t say anything to that, y/n,” 
“That’s really hard for me, you know?” you felt tears welling in your eyes as you let out a laugh. The love you had for this boy was overwhelming, and began to run down your face as you wiped the tears. 
“I really fucking care about you, JJ, you know?  I just appreciate you so much...It hurts that you always reject it because I know you deserve it.”
“That’s the thing, I don’t,” he said sharply. 
You leaned forward and grabbed his shoulders in an attempt to make sure your words really reached him. You looked him straight in his eyes. “You are a great person, JJ Maybank, even if you don’t believe it. And I’ll be damned if you don’t get into UNC. Your application essay is literally amazing so far.”
“Did you-”
“I read your screen over your shoulder earlier...I’m also kinda sorry about that too.”
JJ chuckled, but was still cold towards you, you could just sense it. His blue eyes had wandered as you had gripped his shoulders.
“You have so much to say, and I know you can say it right on the page, no matter how much you grumble about it. And you have charm that can win anyone over,” 
“Even you?” 
You groaned, “God, JJ! I knew you’d bring that up!” 
“How couldn’t I? I’m the only one of us you’ve kissed sober, which has to mean you feel something, right?” By this point, JJ was practically yelling. He sounded a little hurt by your hesitation, forcing you to choose your next words carefully.
“Ok, so maybe it does. Does that mean that you’ll listen to what I have to say about you, if I say that I possibly feel something like that about you?” You posed the question. “Also, did you really need to bring it up with John B in the room?”
“Look, I wasn’t thinking. And don’t get on me for that because you said some pretty messed up shit while you weren’t thinking.” JJ did have a point. “Also, yes, maybe I’d give in if you told me about said feelings,” the blond raised an eyebrow and knew he’d won. 
You sighed and looked out onto the water--practically anywhere but at JJ. 
“Fine. JJ you’re pretty cute, and also a good kisser,” you started as you felt your body heat up with a kind of nervous excitement.
“I really appreciate that, Y/N.”  He looked down with a smile. Soon the tension dissipated with JJ’s joking, “But how do you feel?” 
“Oh shut up, wasn’t that enough embarrassment from me for you to believe all the mushy stuff I say about you?” 
“Nah, I’m still feelin’ a little down, so more would definitely help,” JJ smugly said. 
You groaned. “Maybank, ya got me. I think that maybe… I like you as more than my dumb friend.”
“That’s enough for me,” his eyes lit up as his eyes flicked from yours to your lips. You could sense what he was going to do so you automatically leaned into him as your lips practically crashed into his. It felt electric, but more obviously--it felt natural. You just knew how to kiss him and he knew the same. He pulled away and you both looked down, unsure of how to react to something so pleasurable, but maybe not the most accepted considering the Pogue-on-Pogue macking rule in your friend group’s constitution. But that made it all the more enticing.
JJ broke the silence. “I actually do feel a lot better, and no, it’s not just because you’re also a  pretty good kisser. But,” he paused, “because of everything you said. God, you’re gonna love hearing this too much, but you’re right.”
You gave a smile in response. You were ecstatic that he took your words to heart (and maybe a little more since he admitted you were right). 
There was a chill in the air, so JJ instinctively gave you his hoodie and pulled you into him. He smelled like salt water and cologne. 
“So what am I up to now, 5 kisses, and John B’s at 3 drunk ones?” he teased, in line with his competitive nature. 
“Actually, John B’s at 4,” you laughed, “but he thinks he’s tied with you, so don’t tell him.” 
“Well, just to be sure that he doesn’t catch up…” he leaned down and smiled into a sweet kiss. Your smiles stuck as you and JJ spent the rest of the night at the Boneyard, half of the time figuring out how you’d keep this from the Pogues (for now) and the other half enjoying each other’s company.  
Tagging some obx mutuals and blogs: @darkrosekuwonu​ @alltheannie​ @alexandracheers​ @ptersparkers​ @singledadharrington​ @ificanthaveu​ @pogue-writings​ @poguelifesurfshop​
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balmerancrystalance · 6 years
the jock, the preppy and the nerd aka garrison matadashi hcs
matt and shiro meet for the first time when matt was getting bullied, trying to fight them in all his pre-serum steve rogers glory, when the roaring of a bike echoes loudly, following by someone yelling at the bully from behind to “pick someone of their own size”
shiro, taking off his helmet and hopping off the bike: hey, you alright?
matt, breathless by both the fight and the pretty boy now helping him stand up: yeah, you should’ve seen the other guy
this is why shiro has been a hero longer for matt than anyone else
shiro immediatelly becoming sam’s favorite after finding out what happened
they bond over comics, movies, memes and of course, s p a c e
they also become commander iverson’s headache
on his first try on the simulator shiro effortlessly beats the record
matt, whistling: would you look at that. soon you’re gonna have every girl in here drooling over you
shiro: *closeted gay silence*
shiro eventually comes out to matt as gay when watching love, simon on movie night, giving matt the confidence enough to come out as bisexual
matt starts to wear glasses and hates them because he thinks now he looks even more like a nerd
matt: it’s like i literally have a ‘break my nose’ sign tattooed on my forehead
shiro, without looking up from his paper: actually, the reason why you get beat up is because you wear heelies but go off i guess? besides, i think they look cute
matt: *blushes in bisexual*
a year later, the first day adam walks into class shiro’s brain short-circuits
caramel smooth skin, aurburn hair falling all over his face, golden eyes looking through the room, uniform fitting in just the right places and-oh shit, he’s coming this way, fuck fuck f u c k
adam, smiling: hi, excuse me, is that seat taken?
shiro, a gay mess™: *tentatively looking down at his lap* i-
matt, slamming his hands against the table: please, join us
just when shiro thought he survived his interaction of adam asking him for a pencil their teacher offers shiro to show to show the new kids around
teacher: i’m sure one of our best students here would love to walk you through the installations and help you getting settled down
shiro, internally: ♫ conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them knoooow ♫
adam, nudging his arm smirking: so, what you say golden boy?
*shiro.exe has stopped working and somehow got even gayer*
matt excusing himself of having to do something for the rest of the day, even tho he knows shiro knows he’s lying
matt, picking up his stuff as soon as the bell rings: i’d love to join you but you know how dad gets when i’m late and stuff but hey, have fun, yeah? gotta gay-go, i gotta go!
adam, hooking his glasses into his slightly open garrison jacket: seems like you’re stuck with me
shiro: *gay panic bass boosted x10000*
the three of them quickly become friends, adam becoming their new mediator whenever they bicker (”okay, but hear me out, what if shiro is actually six?” “for the last time, that’s not how it fucking works”), knowing for some reason shiro would always listen to him and that matt is slightly intimidated by him
shiro wears his garrison jacket out, adam wears it tucked in and matt is lucky if he remembers to wear it
adam beats shiro’s score on the simulator on his first try but he’s already way head over heels for him to be even bothered about it, too focused on adam’s smile as he comes out of the ship to hear the other kids mocking because ‘the new kid beat his score’
shiro, later that day: i guess some congratulations are in order
adam, releasing the breath he was holding: oh, thank god. i thought you’d be mad at me
shiro, smirking: well, maybe i am
adam: oh, really now? *getting closer to shiro* can i make it up to you?
matt, bursting into the room in nagisa 50% off’s voice: sup, sluts?
matt knows they like-like each other before even they do, maybe its a holt’s intuition, maybe its the fact they were the epitome of the mutual pining ao3 tag
shiro finally asks adam on a date??? he’s still not sure how it happened, like, one minute he was was talking about a meteor shower and the next one adam’s hand was on his thigh saying he would see him tonight
if he got lost in adam’s lips in the middle of the conversation, which had some information he could really use right now, no one needed to know
shiro, running around their living room in panic: what do i do?
matt, playing video games sitting upside down on the couch: use the bike, that did it for me
shiro, after getting his keys and slamming the door shut: right-wait, what?!
boy oh boy does adam love the bike
shiro: need a ride, star pilot?
adam, already hopping on the bike: i don’t know. i’m not supposed to get on bikes with strangers. no matter how hot they are
shiro, laughing: then thank god you’re an awful listener
adam, whispering on shiro’s ear, smiling: to the stars, golden boy
its cheesy and disgusting and if he tells matt he won’t hear the end of it but adam looks so pretty under the moonlight shiro doesn’t care, its just perfect
shiro: did you asked for a wish already?
adam: to every single one we saw so far
shiro: how many things could you possibly want
adam, getting closer to finally kiss shiro: well, right now? just one, you
shiro and adam go back to shiro’s room forgetting matt was there o o p s
adam, the next day: are we really going to pretend nothing happe-
matt and shiro, at the same time: yes
once its oficial, adam and matt switch rooms so he can be with shiro, matt agreeding immediately when he found out adam’s roomate droped out, meaning he had the whole room to himself
adam calls him “takashi” for the first time and shiro ascends to the astral plane
the three of them somehow graduate from the garrison with honors
adam and shiro decide to become teachers, commander iverson’s recommendation, and matt hangs around every now and then helping sam
everyfuckingone in the galaxy garrison knows they’re a thing™
shiro, knocking into adam’s classroom: professor, might i have a word?
students: oOOooOooooOoOoooOOOoOooOhhhh
years later they find out that not only matt, but shiro as well, could be part of the kerberos mission, adam nothing but excited and supportive of his two favorite boys
after a few requiered studies for the mission are done, shiro gets called back, returning a few hours later with papers in his trembling hands
matt, getting up from adam’s lap where he was solving his rubik's cube: oh, fucking finally. dude, what took you so long?
adam, getting up as well: i was starting to geeting worried. what they said?
shiro, looking down at the paper, whispering: i’m... dying
shiro doesn’t get to continue because suddenly adam is runing away, feeling like he’s going to be sick at any moment, matt motioning him with his head to go after him, that he’ll be fine and they’ll talk about it later
that same day matt gets home and walks into sam’s office, sam is on the phone with someone but immediately hungs up at the sight of his son, they don’t say anything, they don’t need to
sam just nods and matt rushes to cry into his arms as loud as he can maybe since the time he found out he was having a sister and thought it meant his parents wouldn’t love him anynmore
shiro constantly says he’s okay, but he’s not
shiro and adam start to fight
they both end up occasionally at matt’s bed in the middle of the night, shiro just being done with life and needing a shoulder to cry on, adam terrified of not knowing how much left he has left to live with shiro
if matt wakes up sandwiched between his best friends he doesn’t mind
adam and matt work with the garrison on a project to create a device that would estimulate shiro’s muscles, they know its not much but its enough to make him cry, so they take it as a win
shiro and adam keep fighting
one night while watching movies adam asks matt to bring him his glasses, since shiro was way too comfortable to move from his spot sprawled across his lap apparently, matt finding a box with an engagement ring by accident
tiny teeny baby keith becomes part of this dysfunctional as fuck gay family
matt, mocking: aren’t you two too young to raise a child?
adam, sipping his black coffee not looking up from the newspaper: i don’t know. i think we’ve done a pretty decent job with you
adam sees how good shiro is with keith and fuck he just wants k i d s
shiro and adam just keep on fighting
the night after showing pidge how sam and him communicate it hits him like a whiplash, running to the garrison to find adam to tell him the good news, that the three of them will be able to talk all the way from kerberos
but he eavesdrops by accident them fighting about adam being tired about shiro constantly putting himself in danger and finally breaking up, so he keeps it to himself
when adam and shiro started to date, matt, being the overprotective best friend he is, told adam to take care of shiro, the morning before leaving for kerberos, adam asks him to return the favor
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Chapter Thirteen
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader  |  Word Count: 4311 Warnings: Angst, swearing, smut NSFW 18+ end of chapter.
Song: Hoping by X Ambassadors
“This is all your fault, I refuse to believe otherwise!” Loki snapped.
“And if you don’t step back, son, I’m gonna plant my fist directly in your too smug face!” Steve snarled.
Such was your initiation back into wakefulness. The pain was your second awareness, followed by dry mouth. Sighing softly, not willing to move anything but your lungs for the moment, you listened to Loki and Steve bark at each other like feral dogs, Clint interjecting once in a while, Thor doing his best to mediate, and Bruce his utmost to keep them from tearing into each other in his lab.
Evidently, you were back at the compound, the sound of a heart monitor beeping away in the background. Finally, when you could take no more of their male posturing, you growled out, “Hey!” only to have it come out as more a squeak no one noticed. Clearing your throat, you tried a second time. “Hey! If you’re all going to stand in my room and snipe at each other, at least have the decency to turn on the damn lights!”
Silence followed your scratchy decree before feet approached your bedside and a hand touched your wrist.
“Bruce? Why the hell is it so dark in here?” you asked. “Wait? Did I do something to my eyes? Are they covered?” you reached for your face only to hiss in pain when what used to be your good arm no longer was.
“Easy, just… let me look,” Bruce murmured, pressing down on your arm. “Your right arm is broken but healing fast. Really fast. As is the bullet wound in your left shoulder. Good thing Garry was a shit shot.” He talked to keep you calm, but even his mellow voice wasn’t doing it for you.
“Bruce? What the fuck is wrong with my eyes?” Panic was seeping in far faster than you would have liked. His fingers touched your face and made you flinch.
“Hey, doll face,” Steve murmured.
A hand closed around yours just below your cast, fingers big and strong on the same side as Steve’s voice. “Steve…”
“Just hold still. Let Bruce work.”
The silence was deafening, almost as if everyone held their breath, but you could make out every heartbeat. Steve’s was slow and steady, calm, closer to you as if he’d bent or crouched down. Bruce’s was higher, more above, and a lot faster though his hands remained gentle on your face.
“Bruce?” you whispered when it kicked even higher.
“I’m going to have to run some tests,” he said, but the tone of his voice and the quickness of his heart betrayed what he already suspected.
“Bruce, don’t bullshit me.” Your breathing was coming in shallow pants. “Am I blind?” Hearts jumped all around the room.
“Don’t!” you barked, grip tightening on Steve’s hand. “Don’t sugar coat it! Am I blind?”
He sighed, and you had your answer. “Yes.”
It still hit you like a sledgehammer to the chest. “Permanently?” you gasped, fighting for every lungful of air.
“I don’t know. I’ll need to run more tests. Maybe get Helen in to check you out.”
Breathing out a shaky breath, you nodded as best you could. “Whatever you think.” A hand touched the back of yours, the one laying in a sling across your stomach, the strap pulling a little at your neck and position it was in allowing you to make the assumption.
“You should get some more rest,” he said quietly, causing people to shuffle around.
“Lillesøster,” Loki’s hand replaced Bruce’s. “I will be here when next you wake.” The cool brush of his lips on your cheek came and went.
“Ugagn, Ikke gi ham problemer,” you warned him to leave Steve alone.
“Din soldat er trygg … for nå.” Your soldier is safe… for now.
“You’re such a child,” you huffed.
“I can attest to that, bråkmaker,” Thor chuckled, taking his brother’s place, his large hand stroking over your hair. “Loki had said you’d remembered Sváfa, but I was not sure whether to believe him or not.”
“And yet you still insist on calling me a troublemaker, Thor?” you tsked at him, holding your smile by will alone.
“When I found out Clint was inclined to call you brat, I thought it most fitting.”
“Though troublemaker suits pretty damn good, too,” Clint grumbled.
The tap of a hand against your foot came from the same direction as his voice. “Don’t start, feathers.”
“Is she up?” Bucky growled from across the room, his boots stomping your direction quickly.
“Buck, now’s not a good time,” Steve said, his hand tightening on yours.
“I don’t give a shit if it is or isn’t. How the fuck could you believe that crap? Believe that I would do-” his voice ended abruptly.
“Now is not the time, Sergeant Barnes!” Thor bellowed.
You weren’t sure if Thor had forcibly closed Bucky’s mouth, or if it was simply the look which would go with the voice of the Asgardian King that had caused him to stop speaking, but you knew if everyone didn’t get the hell out of the room you were going to embarrass yourself in the next few seconds thoroughly.
“I’d like to be alone now,” you said quietly, shutting your eyes. It was hard to know they were closed as nothing changed but for the feel of upper lid meeting lower.
“You sleep, doll,” Steve murmured, the bed shifting as he leaned over it and kissed your cheek.
When the last shuffle of feet ended, when the last heartbeat faded, you finally turned to face away from the door, ignoring the way it pulled on your shoulder, and let the tears fall. Bringing your hand up, you bumped your lip with your cast as you used it to stifle your sobs.
Sváfa had said there would be a price to pay for the forced return of your memories. She hadn’t known what, but you could only guess this was it.
When the bed shifted, you jolted, gasping out in surprise for you hadn’t heard anyone return over your own pounding heart and heaving breath.
“Baby,” Steve whispered, climbing up behind you. “Don’t cry. We’ll figure this out.”
Snuffling hard, you shook your head. “It’s going to be permanent, Steve. It’s the price for what they did. They forced me to remember, and now I have to pay for it.”
“What are you talking about?” His arm wrapped around you, cradled your injured one and drew you back, so you leaned against his chest.
“Sváfa told me. She’s why I made it through the chair, why they couldn’t wipe me like Bucky. They did this to me, and now… now…” You broke down, sobbing against your fist. “What good is a blind Avenger? What kind of Valkyrie can’t see?”
He had no words to give you that would ease your pain, only ones of love, softly whispered against your ear, his lips offering comfort in gentle presses and tender kisses as you cried yourself to sleep.
“She says it will be permanent,” Steve muttered to Bruce hours later when he finally emerged from her room to flop his butt down on a hard stool.
“She can’t know that.”
“She does, and I believe her.” Sighing, Steve took the offered cup of coffee from the man across from him. “She said Sváfa told her there would be a price for what was done. This, apparently, is it.”
“Fuck,” Bruce hissed quietly. “What the hell are we going to do?”
“We’re going to figure it out,” Steve stated firmly, an idea already forming. “Tony got any suggestions?”
Bruce shook his head. “Until Helen gets here and can tell us how bad it is, we’re in limbo.”
Steve watched Bruce play with his pen, roll it back and forth across the table top. “What’s your gut telling you?”
The pen stopped as the man in the glasses slumped forward. “Zero reaction of the pupils, none, not even a flicker of movement. Add that to the change in her iris colour? I’d say she’s right.”
He’d wondered about her eyes himself. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyes so pale.” They’d become nearly white, only a ring of her natural colour remaining at the edge. While he’d always thought her eyes pretty, they’d become something more now. Something hauntingly beautiful in an ethereal way.
“You believe this whole past life thing?”
“You watched her with them, same as I did,” Steve sighed. “How can we not believe it?”
Bruce scrubbed his hands over his face and groaned. “I swear, every time I think we’re done with Asgardian bullshit, something new crops up.”
“And this time it got my girl.” He was still trying to figure out how to forgive himself for that.
“Steve, you can’t blame yourself for what happened. Garry was going to find a way to get to her one way or another. You’ve seen the files.”
He had seen them. Sam, Natasha, Clint, Maggie and Susan had come out with more information than they ever could have hoped for. Garry aka one Connor Strøm, last remaining descendant of the Norwegian king Hjörvarðr and Sigrlinn, had been groomed from birth for his role as the one called Helgi, Sváfa’s reincarnated lover.
Back in the time of Red Skull, the Hounds had found a scroll detailing every life Sváfa had lived, down through the ages as she was reunited over and over with her Helgi, her sjelevenn, her soulmate. They’d taken the recitation and turned it into a map, used the knowledge to follow the genealogies, to track her new lives through the ages, until a time would arise when technology would catch up, and they could take her for their own foul purposes.
But they hadn’t taken into account the heart, soul, and will of a Valkyrie.
Thor had scoffed at their meddling when Loki had explained, stating the Sváfa he remembered would have been disinclined to bow to their wishes. It hadn’t surprised the Asgardian King in the least when (Y/N) had walked away relatively unscathed. Too bad Thor had been wrong about the last part.
His girl was most certainly not unscathed.
The little shit Garry had been planning this from the start, in fact, had (Y/N) not been recruited to the Avengers, they had planned on taking her on a SHIELD mission weeks later. As it was, she’d ended up with them, fit like a glove, and had stayed on indefinitely, causing the Hounds to readjust their plans.
He’d been subjected to a host of enhancements to create a desirable mutant to join the Avengers training, the Hounds lucking out with the one he ended up with. The quirks and twists of fate which had brought them all together just seemed too… coincidental for Steve’s liking. It was like someone was playing a huge game of chess, a game in which he was a pawn being passed around the board over which he had no say.
Steve looked up and his eyes settled on the darkened interior of the room he’d exited not long ago, on the body of his girl appearing small, fragile, easily broken upon the bed. In no more than a heartbeat of time, he knew whatever came next, there was nowhere he’d rather be than at her side for as long as she wanted him there.
“You’re worried, aren’t you?” Bruce murmured. “You think you’re not her soulmate?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. If I am, I did a bang up job of being what she needed, and if I’m not…” Steve sighed. “I’ll have to let her go. I don’t know if I can do that, Bruce.”
Getting to his feet, Bruce set his hand on Steve’s shoulder and squeezed. “Do you love her, Steve?”
“With everything I am.”
“Then if the worst happens, if you’re not her Helgi, you let her go because you love her and want her to be happy.” Patting Steve’s shoulder, Bruce left the room.
Sitting on the stool, Steve felt the crushing weight of despair settle over him, and let the silent tears course his cheeks for he knew Bruce was right.
When next you woke it was to complete silence and total darkness. Panic momentarily set in, wondering if you’d lost your hearing as well, before the steady thump of a heart at rest registered over the pounding of yours. Breathing out a shaky breath, you inhaled deeply, pulling the scent of Steve into your nose.
It was even stronger now, the loss of your sight heightening your other senses. You could smell the sweat on him, the tang of dirt and the copper scent of old blood. It made you wonder if he’d seen a shower since they’d brought you back or if he’d been perched at your bedside all this time. You figured option two was most likely the winner.
Shifting a little, the bed uncomfortable, causing an ache in your bones which had been there for days with your previous confinement, you grunted quietly and sighed at the state you were in. Was this, now, the extent of your life? If you were permanently blind, what good were you to the rest of them? What worth did you have to your team?
Confusion filled you, the host of insecurities Garry - Connor, dipshit - had caused to swell inside you suddenly rising, causing more tears to burn your eyes and stuff up your nose. You still didn’t know what was real and what was fake.
Clearly what had happened with Bucky was all lies. The former Winter Soldier would not be that angry if it hadn’t. And the stuff with Steve was also a fabrication by the shape-changing asshole, but what about Sam? Bruce? Tony? What about Sharon?
God! Steve had told you it was you he loved, but was it the heat of the moment? Why hadn’t he answered your question from before? And now with your vision in question, did you have any right to want to stay with him, to stay with-
“Hey, baby,” he called quietly, his large hand cupping your wet cheek. “It’s okay, doll face. You’re not alone.”
“Steve,” you sobbed, reaching for him. “I need out of this bed!”
“Shhh,” he whispered as he slipped his arms beneath you. “I got you.”
Slinging your casted arm around his neck, you buried your face in his shoulder as he lifted you, blankets and sheets dragging, catching between you, finally pulling free from the bed as he took you with him. His movements were careful, slow and smooth as he returned to his chair and held you in his lap.
“We’re going to figure this out,” he murmured against your hair.
Bending your elbow, you rested the hand in the sling against his heart and let the tears fall to soak his shirt. “I screwed up so bad,” you whispered. “It’s all my fault.”
“No. No, it isn’t,” he denied, running his hand down your back, and over your thigh. “Garry played us all for fools.”
“Not you. You never did trust him. I was so stupid.”
“You tried to see the best in him, that’s not stupid. He was very good at manipulation and very good at making you think he was us, but why didn’t you tell me about Bucky?”
Cringing internally, you tucked your chin down. “He’s your friend. I didn’t want to come between you. I guess… the first time he played Bucky was likely the day we’d run Clint’s gauntlet.”
“Sounds about right. That was the first instance FRIDAY noted two Bucky’s.”
“When he came at me on the firing range, he was Bucky. I wasn’t expecting it. I thought everything was good and fine with Garry. Bucky showed up as he always does, said the same things he always said, then all of a sudden it was this garbage about how he’d missed his chance to make a move and I was so… shocked. It shook me something fierce. Then he left, and ass hat showed up, and he just compounded what Bucky had said, that all these people had these feelings for me, but I never noticed cause I was too wrapped up in… you.”
“You still could have said something.”
“What was I supposed to say, Steve? Hey, by the way, your best friend confessed to having unrequited feelings for your girl?” you snorted softly, “Yeah right. I wasn’t about to kick that hornet’s nest, and he’d said he wasn’t going to do anything about it. Then shit got weird, and I was too confused to know what to do. It was like there was two of him.” Looking back, you should have been able to make the leap right there that there were two of him and that Garry was changing faces, but it hadn’t even occurred to you. “By the time he came at me with Sharon… I was in too deep. I told him to keep his distance, and he did, but only after warning me you were going to go back to her and I… I couldn’t handle…” The hitch in your breath was so painful.
“Why would you ever believe that?” Steve asked, hurt lacing his voice.
“He’s your oldest friend. Who better but Bucky to know what you would and wouldn’t do?”
Sighing heavily, Steve stood, causing you to clutch at him as he shifted you to the chair, letting your bare feet touch the cool tile floor.
Air moved. Clothing rustled. His footfalls were silent, but the speeding of his heart wasn’t. Apparently, he was pacing.
Everything stopped. The only sound the steady thumping of his powerful heart. Then, shifting clothing again, the heat and weight of his hands on your knees, and the sound dropped down as he knelt to the floor. His hands slid back, caressed the length of your thighs in an action which should not have been so arousing in your current state of pain and distress, but his touch had always set you on fire. They closed at your hips, drew you forward, caused you to spread your knees with a quiet gasp as he wedged his broad torso between them. When his head came down on your stomach, the wetness of his tears soaked straight through your gown.
“Steve?” you asked again, flinching a little when you fought free of the sling to card your fingers through his hair. A rattle of breath shook his shoulders, and you waited, unable to comprehend what was happening.
“I am… so, so sorry,” he breathed against your belly.
“For what?” you asked, breathless.
His hands clenched into fists against your low back as he tugged you right to the edge of the seat. “For not telling you the truth when you asked about Sharon. I should have told you how much you mean to me, how much I love you. I should have said no a thousand times. I thought showing you was enough and I was wrong. All I did was play into your fears and push you away without knowing it.”
“Stevie.” Tears dripped steadily off your chin as you stroked his hair. “You did show me. It’s not your fault.”
“It is!” he cried, lurching up so he could press his face to your chest and hold you almost too tight. “And now… with what Loki said,” he gasped, shaking all over. “I can’t just get you back only to lose you again.”
Ignoring the way your shoulder twinged, you wrapped your arms around him. “What did that overgrown child tell you? Why would you lose me?” You’d never seen him like this, not that you could see him, but Steve sounded utterly desperate, voice cracking, heartbreaking, body shaking, broken.
“About… him, your sjelevenn. Helgi. You’re reborn to be with him, always. I’m just a stepping stone in your path to your soulmate.” He broke down, the sob harsh against your chest.
Your mouth fell open, shock keeping you momentarily mute before you were pulling at his hair, forcing his head back. “Steve! Steve, stop!”
His head lifted slowly from you, and you brought your fingers forward, drew them along his cheek, used them to walk the planes and angles you could now only see in your memory. Caressing the arch of his brow, the strong bridge of his nose, you wiped the wet from his cheek and tenderly cupped his chin. “Loki was right. I do return every life to find my sjelevenn, to search for Helgi. When I have my abilities as a Valkyrie, I know him on sight, but this was meant to be a quiet life, a life where I was to live and love as the mortals do, but that doesn’t mean I would be without him, without Helgi. I always wondered what twist of fate brought me to the Avengers when I was just… nothing, a normal girl. I wasn’t enhanced. I wasn’t anything special.”
“Dollface,” he sighed.
You pressed your thumb to his lips. “Hush, it’s my turn to talk.”
His lips opened, teeth nipping the pad of your thumb in a tease you refused to react to, no matter how badly you wanted to.
“But I wound up here, with everyone, with you. I remember the first time I saw you in person. You were geared up for the forthcoming mission, your suit the red, white and blue one you wear most often. You turned around when Natasha made to introduce me, and all I could think was… whoa, how are you so pretty?” His lips twitched beneath your thumb, a smile growing on his face. “When you took my hand and welcomed me to the team all soft smile and sparkling eyes, I think I fell in love with you right then. It was like I had been waiting for you for… ever.” Drawing him forward by the gentle grip on his chin, you rested your forehead against his. “How could you ever think you weren’t my sjelevenn?”
Every muscle in his body seemed to melt as he swayed into you. “I am?” he whispered, awe and hope so raw it was nearly painful to hear filled his voice.
“Why do you think I worked so hard to get your helmet off? I had to know, had to be sure. It’s you, Steve. It’s always you.” Now, you were thankful you had for, though you’d suspected it to be so, you’d confirmed it before losing your sight.
“Baby,” he sighed, right before his mouth found yours.
What started as tender and sweet, soon morphed into heated and desperate as you worked to remember the taste of him, the feel of his tongue and the texture of his lips. Everything was the same, yet somehow different as he tasted stronger. His scent was richer. The way his hands and lips moved across your flesh was more somehow. Everywhere he touched hummed with life and renewed desire as his hands delved beneath the thin hospital gown to skim the flesh of your inner thighs.
A heady moan escaped your lips when he freed them to drop his to your throat. He latched onto your pulse point, dragged his teeth over the rapidly hammering beat while his callused fingers delved between your thighs and rubbed over your quickly dampening folds.
“I missed you, darlin', so damn much. I was so scared we wouldn’t find you, wouldn’t get you back. These last two weeks have been hell,” he whispered, only to groan quietly when his fingers slipped between your folds and into your heat.
“Steve!” you gasped, unable to stop the rush of pleasure his fingers gave when they pressed up against your bundle of nerves and circled. “I don’t think… I’m cleared for…” a soft moan whimpered from you, “this kind of action!”
“Just gonna make you feel good, baby. So good. Need to show you how much I missed you, love you, need you. Let me make you feel good, then we’ll cuddle, and you can get some real sleep,” he coaxed, fingers never faltering in their actions.
“Oh god, Stevie,” you whimpered, rocking into his hand as his lips kissed down your chest, the ties on you gown suddenly coming loose. Cold air washed over your skin before his mouth closed over your nipple. Whining, high pitched and full of pleading, you moved against him, rocking and grinding into his wicked fingers. Tugging at his hair had him lifting his head only long enough to lap a trail over to your other nipple, suck and nip and tease it into a hard bud as well.
It felt like it had been eons since he’d touched you. Since desire had flown so freely through your veins. Arching back, you bit your lip to keep from crying out when the gradually tightening coil at your center finally broke, and you came on his hand like an untouched virgin in the first throes of passion.
“Fuck that was hot,” he growled, rubbing gently over your core as shudder after shudder raced through you.
Humming softly in pleasure, you rested your forearms on his shoulders, shivering when he finally pulled his hand away. He shifted you enough to tie the shoulders of your gown together, then scooped you up and settled you back into the seat in his lap.
The firm rod against your bottom made you snicker. “Seems you’re happy to see me.”
“Sweetheart, once you’re cleared for the more vigorous of activities, I’ll show you just how much.”
There was a dark promise in those words, one that set your womb clamping in anticipation. “Yes, Captain,” you yawned and snuggled into him. As you drifted into sleep, content for the moment, you wondered what had become of Garry?
Next Chapter
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okikouji · 7 years
to the place where i won’t sway
One part buddy cop movie, one part mind-numbing domestic fluff, one part redemption fic but not in that (or any) order.
ao3 link: [ ⁂ ch1] [ ✦ ch2] [ ◇ ch3] [ ✦ ch4]
Arc 2 - ✦ Bakugou Katsuki realizes some shit aka Feelings
Ch4- ✦ -  Going to wait, Far away, I'm awake    
Summary: Bakugou and Uraraka have a talk (3.7k words)
24 years old
He'll never openly admit it but Katsuki knows there are a handful of people who he's pretty incapable of saying, 'No', to. Those who in their own separate ways have earned his unspoken acknowledgement and respect. Not that he'll ever make anything easy for hem when it comes to himself, mind you, so he makes as if to walk away, but slowly enough for Uraraka to place herself in front of him to stop him. They stand there in the quiet of the night, the apartment complex where the Midoriyas have always lived next to them. He stays silent, waits for her to speak up and get whatever this is done and over with. He just wants to go home and sleep until morning comes again so he can keep his routine of the past few months going. He doesn't want to stop, cant afford to really, not yet at least. But Ueno and Yasumori have made it quite a point to remind him that maybe that's exactly what he needs; a break in routine. Uraraka lets out a breath, visible in the cold. She doesn't seem to have dressed for the weather, only wearing a thin jacket and a dark green beanie on her head. He wonders if she came here straight from her work as a side-kick. "I was a little surprised to see you there, today," she says, eyes still glued to his own. He raises a brow at her in return. She definitely seemed more than a little surprised to see him, what with the way she almost dropped the flower base she'd been carrying on her way inside the room as he was exiting. "Ok, a lot surprised," she concedes with a small shrug of her own. "No one's ever mentioned seeing you visit before-" "I'm my own boss, I pick my hours as I like," he says, a little half-truth, cutting her off. "The rest of you go in when you can, at least that's what aunt Inko says." He doesn't say, "I've been going there every day." He hopes aunt Inko didn't as well. Uraraka nods, biting onto her lip like there's more she wants to say but is thinking better of it. "What?" She opens her mouth and blurts out, "can we talk?" "We're talking right now," he points out. He wants her to leave and though he knows he could try and maker her, if only by aggravating her enough for whatever this is to not seem worth the trouble to her, part of him is curious enough to not outright deny her request (The Ueno in his head tells him to stop being a brat; the Yasumori in his head says, clear and heavy, "talk to someone, whether it's me or someone else you trust.") "Bakugou," she says, not quite glaring at him but coming pretty close. He huffs, looking away from her and towards the sky. There's not a star in sight, clouds and light pollution both keeping them hidden. They're there though, not being visible doesn't mean anything otherwise. Ignoring the problem won't make it disappear. He looks back at her. "How important is this to you?" If his question confuses her she doesn't show it. "Very." "Here", he says as he pulls the extra face mask he carries around, internally thanks Ueno for having nagged the habit into his skull, and hands it to her. She raises a brow at him but pulls it on none the less. "Do you want the papzz to recognize you?" he says before pulling his own mask on. The vultures are starving right now, even though society and heroes as a whole are still healing, they don't give much a shit, trying to find whatever little scandal they can get their hands on. He takes a second to figure out where to go from there. "Keep close, I know a place we can go to." She does, keeping silent all the way to the train station and though she doesn't say anything he catches the glance she throws his way when they take a train going the opposite direction to his place. She's never actually been to his penthouse in all the years they've known each other, only a handful of their old classmates have, but she (like the others) knows the general area from all the pictures and stories Eijirou's told over the years since Katsuki moved into it. Everyone knows the view form his balcony is a sight to behold, Eijirou's made more than sure of it. Even Deku agreed. (Katsuki still remembers the look on Deku's face when he'd stepped out onto the balcony for the first time. Katsuki has finally made sense of the feelings that ran through him that night.) Half way through the trip he wonders if he should have just taken them over to the agency, pick an empty conference room and have the talk there. He ignores the thought as soon as it comes. They'd be in his home turf (plus he knows Ueno, ever the workaholic, will be there and there's no need to get her remotely involved- which she would eventually be, also ever the busy body and over protective older-sister type she is). So even ground it'll be since it doesn't matter how many times he's been a patron at Imperium, the Boss is indifferent to him. If he can count on someone to be a mediator, if it gets to the point where one is needed, it's that tiny old man. Two minutes from Korusanto Ward he lets her know that's their stop. If she thinks anything about the fact that they're going to one of the busiest wards in the whole country she doesn't say. They leave the train station with haste. Incoming trains to Korusanto are never usually full but it's never a good idea to hesitate when exiting unless being trampled by all the people leaving the ward sounds like a fun time. He grabs her elbow when he notices the crowd push her back, lets go when they exist the station. "Where to?" she asks sticking her hands into her jacket's pockets. He takes a moment to look around. The masses walking around won't be diminishing anytime soon and not for the first time he wonders how the heroes and police force of the ward deal with the crowd disasters waiting to happen one after another. "This way,'" he says walking into the crowd. They have to get to the heart of Korusanto to reach Imperium. He keeps an eye out for her over his shoulder as they make their way through the crowd. They pass shops and restaurants, bars and clubs, Monument Plaza, Infantino Arcology, the ward's branch office of Galactica, and Red Guards' main office building. Not two blocks from there is Imperium, as inconspicuous as he remembers. As inconspicuous as it needs to be. Still, he leads Uraraka to the back entrance instead of the front. When he turns to her after pressing the intercom he finds her squinting at him, brow furrowed like she's trying to figure out what he's up to. He doesn't blame her, even he was apprehensive the first time Ueno brought him here, years back. The back door opens and Katsuki immediately scowls. "Where's Boss?" he asks, crossing over his arms. He can't stand Hashiraishi, never has been able to and never has been able to figure out why. Hashiraishi for his part ushers them inside without pause, fake smile plastered so hard on his face all four of his eyes are shut. When he closes the door after Uraraka enters they open, revealing that annoying and off putting shade of milky green irises Katsuki would rather not look at. "Boss is entertaining guests at the moment. Important people he can't put on hold, you understand," he explains with a flick of his wrist. He turns to look at Uraraka, who straightens her back at said look, before turning back to Katsuki. "Miss Ueno not with you today?" "This ain't business," Katsuki says, pulling his face mask and scarf off. Uraraka hesitates before doing the same with her face mask. "Pity, I'm sure Boss would have loved to see her. Me as well" "There a room available or not?" Katsuki cuts in, aggravated to be kept standing. Another reason to hate Hashiraishi- always goes on and on over meaningless small talk even when it's been made clear no one wants to talk back. Hashiraishi doesn't roll his eyes- it's a close thing however, Katsuki doesn't miss the aborted motion. Thankfully he keeps his mouth shut, simply motioning to them to follow him. He doesn't lead them to the usual room Katsuki's been to before when Ueno requests one. Two flights of stairs later Hashiraishi leads them to a slightly smaller room. It can still sit around 6 people from the looks of it. The interior design is different too. The walls are a warm red, there are orange cushions on the brown seats, and multiple but softer lights on the ceiling. Nothing like the simple black, white, and silver of the room he's used to occupying. Then again he did say he wasn't here for business. Hashiraishi points to the tablet atop the table and says, "I'm sure you the drill by now. Please, enjoy your say." Katsuki walks to the table, pulling his jacket off before throwing it with the scarf across the seats. He slides in easily, and in this the new room is much better as he doesn't have to kneel down to sit, taping away at the tablet before glancing at Uraraka. She's still standing by the door, deep frown in place. "You gonna stand there the whole time or what?" That brings her back into action as she stomps to the seats across from him. "I had some questions, now I've got so many where do I even start," she grumbles, glaring at him with puffed out cheeks as she takes her seat. He shrugs with one shoulder, handing her the tablet. "That's the menu for today, pick something if you're hungry. Or don't, up to you." She looks it over. "Where are the prices," she trails off. Her head snaps up. "I don't trust anything with no prices." "You're not paying for the food." "I don't want to owe you money either-" "No one pays for the food," he cuts in. "That's why the menu changes every day, it depends on what Boss has in stock." "Then how does this place make any money-" "The room." "The room?" she repeats, baffled. "I could let off the biggest explosion I can right now and at most this entire floor would shake, slightly. No one would hear it, at all. You and I would probably be dead considering the small enclosed space but the rest of the patrons would be none the wiser. Complete isolation," he explains. "W-why-" "'Secrets are profitable', that's how Ueno put it. That's why Boss put so much money into the building being this way. Top dogs, from military to economic blocks, rent out the rooms here to talk about all sorts of shit that they can't even on those fancy, wait-a-year-to-even-make-a-reservation places." He shrugs. "The patrons also know that if they're doing something obviously illegal and the cops come with a warrant he won't do squat to save their asses. The rooms have a shit ton of cameras," he continues, watches her look around. "Probably within the walls or something. No microphones so they gotta be placed with good view of the patrons faces for lip reading." "Then how much does the room cost?!" "Don't worry about it, neither one of us is paying. Ueno is the Boss' little darling, he calls her his granddaughter. When she pays it's more out of courtesy than anything, and only does so every 5 times she, myself, or Old Bones, asks for a room. It's because her old man is a regular here," he tells her, dragging his hands over his face. "Look are you gonna keep panicking over nothing, or are you gonna start talking any time soon? You're the one who wanted to talk, so talk." She opens and closes her mouth before huffing. He's pretty sure she mutters, "ass", but he doesn't bother calling her out on it. "I'm not really hungry..." she says, hesitating before finally setting the tablet aside. When she looks at him again her eyes have that same look they did when he saw her waiting outside by aunt Inko's apartment complex. "So," she starts, letting her elbows rest on the table as she leans forward. She threads her fingers together. "You were visiting Deku's hospital room today." Katsuki nods, tries to make it seem nonchalant. "Mrs. Midoriya says you've been gong there practically every day." He makes sure not to twitch but inwardly he groans and wonders if aunt Inko told her on purpose (nah, she wouldn't, Deku's her freaking kid after all; two peas from the same pod and all that). "Yes," he says simply. Uraraka looks thrown off. "Seriously- no I mean, if you've been going once a week or something that's different, she said-" Uraraka snaps her mouth shut. She's looking at him like she's seeing him for the first time, unease in every line of her face. "I don't understand." He clenching his fists, hidden from view inside his pants pockets. "It's fucking simple. I've been visiting Deku every day that I can." It feels different, saying it to Uraraka of all people when he hasn't even told Eijirou. Ueno knows by virtue of being in charge of everyones' working hours, constantly working around his requests for even a single hour off every freaking day. Yasumori knows because it's the only thing he's said during their sessions in the past months. Old Bones and the rest over at the agency know without him saying anything to them because it's his selfish requests that have them working to make up for his missing time (he's yet to thank them for it, though he knows he should already, somehow). He feels defensive, affronted about having to- to admit it.
He's not ready. He probably won't be until after Deku wakes up. "So it has been you, every day, it's been you," Uraraka says. What she doesn't say outright but her tone implies is, confirm this for me, tell me it's been you. He nods. "Even if it's just for 15 minutes to pick up aunt Inko and walk her home. Usually I can get 30 minutes to an hour to my visits-" "We're in rotation," Uraraka cuts him off suddenly. "Seven of us. Me, Tenya, Todoroki, Hatsume, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and Hitoshi. One of us for every day. One of us going to check on him during visitor hours and letting the rest know any updates through line," she says pulling out her phone, movements a bit frantic as she taps away one handed and sets the phone down in front of him. He can see the group chat, the messages Uraraka got from the others after she had sent hers today. He doesn't see her mention him anywhere. "I know Kirishima and the others have visited him too, but you've never gone with them. No one has ever mentioned seeing you." "So I need to know, and don't you dare bullshit me, I need to know how you've been visiting him every day when none of us have seen you before because Mrs. Midoriya wouldn't say," she finishes and glares at him full force. He looks at her, senses something off now that he pays attention. There's something else to this- Oh. Right. He sighs and digs through his pockets. "If you're afraid Himiko Toga's been to his room with my face you're wrong." He pulls the hospital pass out and throws it at her over the table. She grabs it, confused, looks it over with a focus that rivals his own during villain encounters. "This isn't a regular visitor's pass. This is-" "A special pass for family members, yeah. Aunt Inko's got one just like it that's how she's allowed to be in his room during all hours." "You're not family," she points out but her gaze is still on the pass, cradled on her hands like it's something precious. He keeps his mouth shut. He's not- he's not explaining that to her. He's not saying it period. As it is the fact that his agency knows is already too much. Ueno knowing is fine, there would have been no way to keep her in the dark anyway, but he knows the rest have put two and two together already and he hates it. But what he hates the most is that he doesn't have the balls to be honest with them. Not yet.
It's yet another thing he has to apologize to Deku for, when he wakes up. "This is why none of us have seen you, you don't go during actual visiting hours," she breathes out. "You don't have to worry about that bitch either," he says instead, "didn't half-n-half say she ended up totally fried by his brother-" "Why." She looks up at him, slides the pass back towards him. He remains silent. "I- I know the two of you have gotten much closer. That you're nothing like the way you used to be back in our first year, both of you. From Deku I get it, I do, your friendship- that's something I knew he wanted so much but- I can understand it from him, if your positions were switched. I wouldn't be surprised then. But I cant understand it. I don't understand why you're doing this, been doing this-" welcome to the club- "Aunt Inko figured it out before I did," he blurts out. He looks away, berates himself for it with an curse and grinds his teeth. Uraraka says nothing. Not at first. Not after a minute. And not after five. He loses count by the time she speaks up again. "You know, when I heard your shout that day, it really freaked me out," she starts, she's not whispering but the way she's talking is so soft it makes him wonder if she really trying to talk to him or if she's merely talking out loud. "I knew you for years by then. I knew you could be so loud but that day, that day you gave Present Mic a run for his money, you know," she says followed by a snort. "You know how freaked out it made me? It made me so freaked out that I almost dropped a freaking building over my own head but I didn't. You know what I did instead?" her voice wavers. He keeps his eyes down. "Bakugou." "What." "Look at me, would ya?" He takes a moment to close his eyes and breath. He should've ordered some alcohol. "Bakugou," she says again and when he finally turns back to look at her her eyes are already bright with unshed tears. "I lifted a whole building over my head and left it floating in my hurry to get to where you where, to where both of you where. I didn't know I could do that you know, keep something that heavy floating for hours, because that's what I did. Adrenaline's awesome stuff, huh? It stayed up even after I ran from under it and had Tenya's brother-in-law take me to the two of you. After we found you," here her voice waivers but doesn't break, not yet, "after the four of us took Deku to the closest safety station around. After I dragged your ass to get check out, do you even remember that?" He doesn't. He doesn't remember much besides making sure Shigaraki stayed the fuck down and then seeing Uraraka kneel beside him and Deku. Doesn't even remember four eyes' brother-in-law being there (to be fair to himself, he's not sure he even knows what said brother-in-law looks like). Only remembers the aftermath of the next day, and barely at that. Uraraka shakes her head. "Of course you don't. You were in shock you know, I had to use my quirk on you to move you because you just would not budge, damn you I had to get back out there and you just wouldn't move." She takes a breath but it's shaky. She's losing her composure and his gut keeps getting heavier and heavier as she goes on. "I thought I was seeing things back then, you know, in your eyes. It was almost like looking in a mirror. I thought, 'is that what I would've looked like had this happened during out first year in UA?'" she says, and she's looking right him but it's different than before. It feels like she's seeing all his secrets out in the open. It feels like they were only ever really secrets to himself. Fuck, who else figured this shit out before he did? What a fucking joke. If she teases him he's leaving- She laughs, a short, sad thing to listen to. "I thought he was dead," she blurts out instead, her face crumbling in grief. "I- when I saw him, I thought he was already d-dead. There was so much blood, on both of you and- you!- you were holding him up with a broken arm, you idiot! Your freaking thumb's bone was poking out to say hello and everything, I only noticed it after we handed Deku over to the doctors, that's- I ended up focusing on your stupid thumb for hours because it was so much easier than thinking about Deku and- shit," she says rubbing her hands over her eyes. "Shit, shit, shit," she mutters under her breath, stops rubbing her hands over her eyes in favor of just covering her whole face with them. Shit is right. "I thought he was dead," she repeats, once, twice, and at the third time she breaks half way through and starts sobbing. They're quiet sobs really but they shake her whole frame, make her look smaller than she is. There's a knot on his throat, swirling emotions at the pit of his stomach, and a stinging in his eyes he refuses to acknowledge. "I thought he was dead too," he admits quietly to her and her sobs go from quiet to full on wailing. It's not the first time he's said it out loud. It's only the third.
#this was actually cut in half because the rest was them getting absolutely hammered and being picked up by kirishima and iida since i felt it made the stuff before it weaker and as a stand alone its more of a pointless omake so i might just not post that part at all, or post it separately if you all want to read it anyway
Notes 2:
#I keep hinting at all these OCs and not properly introducing them to yall, i apologize
#Yasumori's name is written as 保護, or "hogo" meaning shelter, taking alt. readings to each separate kanji (保 "yasu" and 護 "mori")
#Horikoshi isn't the only star wars nerd around!! Korusanto Ward is named after Coruscant, written as 孤塁三徳 , using the kanji for isolated stronghold ("korui" 孤塁) and the 3 primary virtues aka valour, wisdom and benevolence ("santoku" 三徳)
#places named that Kacchako pass by are: Monument Plaza as a shout out to Coruscant's Monument Plaza, Infantino Arcology as a shout out to COMPNOR Arcology and Carmine Infantino famous artist and editor from the silver age of comic books, Galactica to Battlestar Galactica of which i've only seen the first season and in spanish to boot, Red Guards as a shout out to Palpatine's red guards, Imperium as a shout out to the Empire itself
#Hashiraishi's name is written out as 柱石 which would usually be read as "chuuseki" meaning pillar but takes alt. readings to each separate kanji (柱 "hashira" and 石 "ishi")
#this was actually the third piece i wrote for this verse months ago, i finally got it as good as i can get it, not having a beta sucks sometimes, if someone wouldn't mind being a beta reader lemme know
#second chapter from the 2nd arc and chronologically follow the first by a couple of months
#ch title comes from theCharmpark's Kawareru
#comments letting me know how good or bad i'm doing w/ characterization or style would be greatly appreciated
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TW: Abuse, rape, toxic houses, abelism, additction. text heavy post below the cut. Please read. Do not comment with anything that is unsupportive. x x x x x x x x x x I ususally dont have the energy or am too ashamed to tell people whats actually going on with me. It has felt very isolating and put me in a bad mental place for a long time. This time I am speaking out. It's hard for me to put this in words without being emotional. I have reached out to some folks in my community. I have direct support from members of MBAC, TWAC, NLG, SURJ. Three or four years ago, I and others started a rad community house to center marganilized folks. I have been the primary person holding down this house (as in emotional labor, physical labor, and financial labor). Awesome friends have lived here. So have alot of shitty, abusive assholes. I've been fucked over beyond anything I feel like going into. Things have deteriorated. The people I currently live with have worn me down to nothing and have turned the house into a toxic environment. They were all friends before moving in and reinforce and enable each others problematic behaviors. They are abelist and abusive. They aren't paying bills or rent. We are getting shut off notices everyday. One of my roommmates raped someone in the house and the rest have enabled this behavior thru appoligism and denial. JARED HUNSAKER BENJAMIN DONOLON AKA JOHN SMITH EMILY KAYE WARNER ZOE SNIK OR ZOE JENKINS TOXIC ENVIRONMENT Since this summer, I have consistently been woken up by rowdy partying every night from the hours of 3-9 AM. They will sleep or drink through the day. There is a culture of drug and alchohol use on a nightly and daily basis. Personally, I dont care what drugs people do as long as it does not negativly affect others in the house. That is the case here. The drugs they are using makes them highly aggressive. Often what wakes me up is barking dogs and sketchy-and-drunk, agro-white-cis dudes getting into fights or raising their voices. People and their dogs have literally stayed at the house for upwards of two months. Typically this is without discussion. Most of them have been physically violent and aggressive and verbally abusive. Most of them have been kicked out after multiple incidents of violence and agression. Most of these incidents arent communicated with other housemates. I finally find out once it's really bad that, oh, they knew this person was agro all along and had expierenced it. Many times these are people my roommates later claim to 'barely know' or just met. All are white cis dudes. I realize a lot of this behavior is deeply imbedded in their community. I have been in a constant state of exhaustion due to lack of sleep. I have chronic pain and I get exhausted everyday just from living and have explained this to them many times. It's disorienting being woken up from a deep REM sleep consistently. And I cant function/think. The last fucking noise I want to be woken up by is either a barking dog or the sound of a white cis dude who probably has dred locks. This is not a punk house. When I reached my limit and asked that we not host folks for a few weeks (especially white cis dudes) they did so anyways and lied to my face that no one was there (even when I saw them). I've also asked for specific people who have been agro not to be back at the house. This has also been ignored. When neighbors began coming to me, they finally took the noise seriously. ANON ROOMMATE - RAPE/ABUSE It is in this toxic culture that one of my roommates raped someone in the house. The entire house apparently knew/or was involved and didnt tell me, nor did they hold this person acocuntable. Why? Because they are denialists, appologists, and enablers. They shamed the survivor to their face as well as blamed them for the abuse because they both had drank. In addition, Emily screamed and violently reacted to the survivor when the survivor went to them for support. The rapist literally said things such as, "she is only saying I raped her because her feelings are hurt." They shit talked the survivor and said they were out to ruin them and not to trust them. These conversations took place in a Facebook chat which I am no longer in and copied and pasted to email form. *some screenshots included.. I reached the limit of pictures that could be posted, however, there is much more* I learned about the rape when rent was due (one month after the abuse) when the abuser didnt have money because he had to pay for part of the abortion. I immediatly reached out to the survivor and offered support. The survivor told me they reached out to everyone in the house to try to hold the abuser accountable and asked that I be told. No one in the house did that. I then sent a Facebook message to the entire house calling out the abuser and the other people's appoligist, enabling behaviors. I asked for accountability. I set up ground rules for this conversation and said I would end the conversation if they were broken (for example, no gaslighting, no survivor blaming, shaming, no aggressive personal attacks, etc). These rules were broken repeaditly as were boundaries the survivor set. They seriously triggered the survivor. I was unable to continue speaking with them because of how disguisting their comments were. I then reached out to the community for support. I arranged for a neutral mediator to meet with us in an effort to hold the abuser and others accountable. At first they were receptive. Then they never responded when the mediator reached out to them. We made more attempts and waited longer. Then said they refused to engage in mediation. I've made many efforts to hold them accountable within the house. This has failed. JARED HUNSAKER white cis male. Jared got in my face while I was in my chair, yelling when I asked him to be quiet at 4 am. He then refused to move out of my way and blocked my path and continued yelling at me until I came back out of my room to talk to him. He says that any request I have is either overreacting or petty. Usually, after I make a request to Emily (as the noise is coming from her room and I dont want to enter a room of people partying at 4 am, especially not after being attacked) for the entire group to be quiet, I will get a nasty text at 4 or 6 am from Jared saying "the whole house thinks it's time I move out" or calling me "petty." This has happened multiple times. Only two of those times are included. It's at a point where I know asking for them to respect basic boundaries or to do things around the house wont happen. I dont feel comfertable talking to them in person, so I have been talking to them over Facebook. At this point, I dont feel talking to them in any form will change anything. BENJAMIN DONLON AKA JOHN SMITH Benjamin is a poc cis male who recently moved here from Denver, Colorado. He used to organize and live at R2D2 and was briefly active in dont shoot. I found out that Benjamin basically fled Coloroado to escape accountability there. He was kicked out of his last house. Benjamin did not inform people in the house any of this information. I found out thru someone else in passing. When I asked him about this and for the name of the facilitator in Denver, he told me he was involved in a mutually abusive, co-dependant relationship where he was being mentally abused and he was physically violent. I asked him for the phone number of the facilitator of the process he went through. I asked four times. He never gave it to me. I thought it was a huge red flag that he didnt tell anyone about his past. I found the number myself. I learned that he was kicked out of a community house in Colorado for being violent towards other people and his former partner. He went through a process and was staying in the house. However, after that process, he chased his former partner into a room and she had to lock the door and trap herself in. He had punched walls before this and this time punched other folks trying to hold him back from punching the door more. It was at that time that he left Colorado. He has exibited the same behavior with me (chasing me into my room, yelling and banging the door down and trying to open it, refusing to leave). When he found out I spoke with the person in Denver, he became aggressive with me. Towering over me in my chair, yelling, blocking my path, hitting walls and counters, he accused me of "talking shit about him to people out of state" and then gaslit me, saying I never asked him for the phone number. Another time he did this to me, he ripped down a bill (in close proximity to my face and body, as I was literally in the act of putting up a shut off notice under the heat control when he ripped it down in my face). I told him to stop touching the heat unless he intended to pay, because it was about to be shut off. He then told me he would continue turning the heat on and to try to stop him (he hasn't paid bills since he moved in or paid full rent - as Emily told him this was okay). He began yelling at me and accusing me of stealing mail (???) and I quickly went into my room and held the door shut (my doors are french doors tied by a rope knot). He continued yelling and tried to break open the door. He left only when I blasted music to drown him out. Every encounter I have had with him since has been super aggressive. I later saw him and Zoe emptying the trash bins outside in apparent attempts to look for mail (?) it was gross and aggressive intimidation. He has harassed me while I was in the bathroom by yelling and threatening me (through a curtain door). He has waited outside my room in the dark for me to come out and mess with me on several occasions. EMILY WARNER: Emily works at Sam's Billiards as a cook (NE Sandy/42ndish). She's friends with people who party alot. She works most nights and parties afterwards until 9 am. Emily recently moved here from Michigan. I dont know where she meets her friends and would often later find out that she "doesn't know them" or just met them. She will also say that she doesnt know who's in her room and she isn't home when they are there. Both her and Zoe will say things are missing from their rooms all the time. Recently, Zoe has accused me of stealing from them, which is a baseless accusation; it clearly is the people they are bringing into the house. Emily has a pattern of abelism and creating conflict when asked to follow thru on basic promised responsibilities. Emily's dogs are dogs that bark at everything and destroy everything unless there are people around. They have been completly neglected. They almost never stop barking. Emily has barely been home these past few months. They may be cared for once a day if that. When she first moved in, she (like many before her) assumed that I would provide free animal care because I am disabled and at the house more than her. I told her after it was becoming apparent that I was not able to do this. She then paid others in the house to do this. My labor is always a free and exploited thing, of course. Then she stopped paying others and the dogs for months have been locked away in her room. Deficating and urinating in there and making a huge mess. They are so unhappy. Most of our conversations are about the dogs or being woken up. I have tried so many times, begging Emily to do something. The non-stop barking and wining every hour on a nightly basis is a nusance. She will say she is sorry and has done nothing to remedy this. She continues to neglect them or have the dogs in the presence of rowdy people and new dogs who rile them up. Others in the house have expressed the same sentiments. Emily generally has not followed thru on the things she has promised to do, and the same goes for most people in the house. Thus, house meetings continued to cover the same things that werent getting done until I finally told them that I refused to participate in house meetings. It was another drain on my labor to facilitate and plan the same meeting without follow through. So I did all the "to dos" and projects myself. Most of this involved physical labor, such as removing large objects, forming a gate, and cleaning the yard of large pallets and their party trash, clearing matresses, and so on. They did nothing to help. Finally, two months ago, I passed on the responsibility for paying rent and bills to Emily because I was at my breaking point. Most of the time people dont pay rent or bills. It's fucking not okay. I'm not a fucking bank. I exist on disability income while they all work/can work and spend their money on alchohol and molly. I've been dealing with this ontop of organizing and ontop of having almost zero will to exist. So Emily was taking our money and didn't pay any bills the entire time. If they took it, if they didnt have enough to cover bills, if they didn't communicate to us they need more money. I dont know and I dont care. I am facing shut off notices everyday and sadled with over $800 past due bills because of this. She continues to lie about paying them and does nothing. The bills she has said she paid are actually not paid. I have actual copies of the bills reflecting that as well as all her texts claiming that she paid them. She enabled the abuser by covering his rent and survivor-shamed by hiding the abuse from others in the house (along with other housemates). Last month, when rent was due, the money I gave her was missing. For 24 hours she wouldnt give me a straight answer as to where it was or if she had it. She strings me along saying things are paid and then I call the utilitiy the next day and find out she hasn't. This pattern has been going on for awhile and is exhausting. She will then spin elaborate stories to create conflict and to confuse the issue (not just about this, but everything). This is something all the folks in the house have been doing. They have been banding together to defend and enable an abuser and their own abusive behaviors. Sometimes I doubt my own reality. Lately I have been refusing to engage in their webs of lies. I've cut off all contact with them. ZOE SNIK- Zoe is someone I know from mutual friends in twac and also from shows. I had the most hope for them and am truelly sorry they are not seeing things clearly. They seemed somewhat supportive initially, but since I have taken action to kick Benjamin out of the house, they have been spreading actual lies about me online. They are best friends with Emily. They told me about the rape. When they did they did so, however, it was in a denialist way of shaming, dismissing, and denying the survivor's story. They and others said, "they were there" and thats not what happened. Or that the survivor was drunk at the time. After one or two initial conversations, Zoe refused to engage in further discussion about the abuse. Zoe has brought over many agro white cis dudes who have stayed for months. They continue to bring over folks who I specifically asked them not to, due to their aggressive behaviors toward me. These folks are always drunk when they are here. It makes me very uncomferable. They continued to bring groups of people over when specifically asked not to on a temporary basis because of how rowdy the house had been. I am the only one in this house who cleans or constantly picks up after the entire house and their beer cans, clearing other people's huge mattresses and yard couches. We havent had any spoons in the kitchen for many months. The past weeks, I've stopped cleaning up after them and no one did anything. During one telling incident (with past people), after we got an eviction notice, I cleaned the entire house and mowed the whole yard by myself as they sat on the porch smoking cigarettes. That literally happened. I've had to post desprate CraigsList ads. I trade my houseless friend weed in exhange for labor now. Recently Zoe dumped a moldy matreess that I specifically asked them not to dump in our yard/freepile, because I knew I'd be the one dealing with it, along with the others, right next to an actual no dumping sign that I made. After asking several times, I of course had to be the one to get rid of it. I empty the trash and do dishes. They virtually never contribute. I've explained how recylcing works a million times and im still having to sort thru our trash constantly because they don't care. With them having so many people over, I've never seen so much trash in the house. In the end, it is me dealing with it all and cleaning up after them all while being told that I'm being 'petty'. I maintain all the basics - I'm the sole person for years getting tiolet paper, soap, staple foods, ect. I have paid rent and bills and been in the constant state of being owed money. At times, two thosand dollars. It has taken me months to get repaid, only to have someone else not pay rent and me have to cover. Why is the one disabled person cleaning up after abelist messes? The air quality got so bad in here that the day has finally come. I am empyting bob myself (aka carrying up huge buckets of water from the basement upstairs). Fuck every last abelist bone in their body. Folks who support me have offered to help with this but asking someone to come do that seems like more time than it would for me to do it. This alone caused me alot of anxiety, then during this Emily felt entitled to take the dehumifier to her room. After spending days of trying to get outside help just to empty the thing, she has made it impossible. I texted her over the span of two days letting her know nicely that it needs to be returned, that it belongs to the house and I am having a real bad pain flare up because of her actions. First she didn't respond, then finally was snippy, and eventually moved it after the point where I lost my calm with her. Community members served a Restraining Order (RO) on Benjamin and are trying to find Jared. We went to great lengths to keep this within the community and not involve the police. If we did involve the police this would have been over already. Emily and Zoe will be evicted thru a community eviction. After serving an RO on Benjamin, both Zoe and Emily made posts on housing forums targetting me and attacking me for supporting survivors and making up lies about the situation. They have refused any accountability for their actions as to why they are being asked to leave. I am extremely worried about the past due bills that Emily has not paid on behalf of the house for months and making rent by April 1. I was planning on giving Zoe a second chance, despite their behaviors, because I saw hope in them working on this stuff. However, due to their lack of accountability and smear campaign against my name, that will no longer be the case.
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fakeasskpop · 8 years
AO3 Fic Rec
*** are personal favourites
The Adventures of BTS (Barely Trained Superheroes) by  blurrylines
Super Heroes Academy AU. Seven different boys each possess a unique Power, to be trained and controlled within the classrooms of the Academy. In a surprising turn of events, the unlikely group of boys must work together to overcome the greatest threat to their Academy and all they believe in.
large, extra cheese, extra sauce (extra you) by vminism
Taehyung starts everything by procrastinating. Even unhealthy crushes on the pizza delivery boy.
the engineers of a special kind of craft by peachguk
A merge of requests, but he likes ‘im anyway.
dream on you (dream on me) by jaqueenilini
In which Yoongi can't sleep and only Taehyung can help
Home (It's With You) by arabellarosebts
Bangtan gets the gift of going home for Christmas ~ Taehyung & Yoongi go back to Daegu
pick me up, buttercup by vppa
AU where your soulmate's first words to you will be tattooed on your wrist when you meet. Which freakin sucks, because Jungkook's forearm will now forever read "Hey baby, if you were a booger, I'd pick you first." What the fuck, universe.
whatta man (good man) by aeterisks
Out of all the kinds of blogs Jeon Jeongguk could have run, never in a million years Taehyung would have expected him to have a porn blog. (Or, Jeongguk runs a porn blog and Taehyung not so accidentally finds it.)
Be My Eyes by jxnghoseok
Blind au
***the moon and the stars (are nothing without you) bywowoashley
based off the prompt: "Taekook college AU! The college tour guide raved about the uni's friendly atmosphere and amicable student body, but wanted a high five from a cute student and all he got was a glare"
five fingers on it (hit it like you own it) by prkjimin
“it's nothing that bad, gukkie. i just want to be choked a little, maybe. pin me down, pull my hair, call me names. nothing too intense, but everyone's too delicate, or they just don't do it right.” taehyung complains and suddenly sitting so close feels like a bad idea to jeongguk.
Shameless by foolishbangtan
it started out as a simple gesture, a normal pat on the ass. neither of them anticipated this.
Let me Dream with the Stars by hippocrates (BlueCyanide)
Falling in love with Kim Taehyung is easy.
hide in you awhile by gentlestars
“Come on,” Jeongguk says, long fingers tangling up with Taehyung’s and he squeezes his hand. He motions with a simple nod of his head towards the bathroom door. “Come take a bath with me.”
Under The Rug by dehluxes
Taehyung didn’t know when all of it exactly started. Probably yesterday, when Jeongguk texted him about the date he attended and Taehyung knew he shouldn’t have felt envious of the fact but he still did. Or probably when he got in the basketball varsity and, the famous, Jeon Jeongguk smiled at him so genuinely while welcoming him to the team. Maybe not that, maybe it was the time when Jeongguk told him that he felt most comfortable with Taehyung than with anyone else in the team, that the bond between them was tight and healthy. If it’s not one of those three things, it could have possibly been the time when Jeongguk told him that Taehyung made him the happiest with the biggest smile on his face while looking at Taehyung so fondly.
I Missed You (Did You Miss Me Too?) by officialkth
Taehyung gets home from America, Jeongguk wonders if Taehyung is as happy to see him as he is to see Taehyung.
it was a big world (but we thought we were bigger) by  jhopeg
At the age of five, Jeongguk wanted to hate Taehyung. At the age of sixteen, Jeongguk wanted to kiss Taehyung. At the age of eighteen, Jeongguk really didn't know what he wanted. The story of two childhood friends slowly inching towards each other.
you're my favorite song by heytaetae
taehyung goes on to too many dates and jungkook can only wait
You been ridin' three-wheelers all your life (and I mean literally) by  chardonnay
Jeongguk is pretty damn sure that cycling isn't a life skill. Like what could you even do? He can probably run faster than Taehyung can ever pedal on his crackpot bike, but okay. Whatever he says.
fever chills by  cleo_withoutthepatra
"Taehyung looks down at the thermometer and feels his blood run cold and there it is - the moment you realize you've let things go on how they are for too long and now it's too late." or, alternatively: the one where jungkook works himself straight into sickness (per usual), only this time is different and the hyungs don't know what to do
***Taehyung's Currency by TaeAndKookies
The five times they kiss and the one time it means something.
before the tide by blushmark
Taehyung is full of great ideas, starting with convincing his bandmates to go on a beach vacation. Or: 5 times Taehyung doesn't act like a hyung and 1 time he does
***Hercules by GinForInk
Taehyung forgets his strength kink until Jungkook picks him up during a group project meeting.
love is a laserquest by sassyneki 
When Jeongguk's wet dreams turn into daydreams about his best friend—furniture shops, purple daisies, and all—he knows he's fucked.
Feel it Kicking in by  rix
Jeongguk and Taehyung are just riding it out together, getting high on waves and drugs and each other—platonically, of course.
hold me like i'm hope by jjks
“Uh,” he says eloquently, looking back at Taehyung. “Do you, like, want something?” “Nah, I’m just popping in,” Taehyung says, looking around the place again. Jeongguk stares at him in confusion. “Wh–” he starts to ask when he’s interrupted by Taehyung grinning at him. “Yeah, I’d like to schedule a time to get a tattoo.” “Of course he wants a fucking tattoo, dumbass, why do you think he’s here?” It’s Hoseok, and honestly that warrants another punch to the shoulder, but Jeongguk decides to play it nice. He’s a good boy. OR: let me present to you the most cliché trope of all, starring tattoo artist jeon jeongguk & florist kim taehyung.
***Laws of Attraction by whenflowersbloom 
Jin leaves to film Law of the Jungle. Yoongi shouldn’t be missing him that much, right? Right.
The Garden of Words by  miskeen 
just a lazy sunday afternoon with a pair of boyfriends
I could take you home (if you let me) by beeminie 
The issue about having a dog isn’t that it can be an absolute hell sometimes. The issue about having a dog like Jjanggu is that it’s always an absolute hell.
Yoonjin oneshots by baapsae
A collection of short yoonjin stories
***Cleaning House by itsdatrollmon
“Oh my god, that is it!” Seokjin bursts into the bathroom, where Hoseok is not-so-miserably cleaning the toilet because yeah, it’s the grossest chore in the entire dorm but if he doesn’t do it then who will (nobody, that’s who). -- In which Seokjin has had enough of being the 'mother-in-law' of the house, Yoongi has a lot of things he isn't saying, and Hoseok plays mediator.
Bed Space by troubleseason 
Sometimes comfort isn't just a place, it's a person.
I Dream in the Shape of Your Mouth by jonghyun
Seokjin spends a lot of time in the library. Now, Namjoon does too. Taemin tries to summon Satan, and Jimin is a fuckboy.
***all you need is love (and pink) by vppa
Most people only have one miniature angel or devil riding on their shoulders to serve as the physical manifestation of their conscience. Poor Namjoon has five, and they're all telling him the same thing: "fucking talk to him god dammit what the fuck is wrong with you"
Four Years by serenemelodies 
There’s slow and then there’s glacial.
***Beta Tau Sigma by bazooka
A collection of events occurring within (and without) the walls of the Beta Tau Sigma fraternity house. At Beta Tau Sigma, there are only a few rules: 1) have a declared major in the College of Music; 2) keep your GPA above a 3.4; 3) don't let Taehyung into the liquor cabinet; 4) don't fuck up with Kim Seokjin. The rest is all fine print.
Hyung, Let's Play A Game by Lindanele
Hoseok has always wanted Yoongi to look at him. Shame Yoongi is too busy looking at someone else. *Dope Era*
I'm Looking at the World in Your Eyes by infinitizeit 
Yoongi has been busy with work and Hoseok is more than patient and lovely as usual.
can you trust me? by minniemonnie 
Jungkook takes a deep breath, “ I t-think,” he curses himself for stuttering. “I think I’m gay.” Silence.
over time (i love you more) by heartbee4
Jungkook stopped signing in shock, staring at Yoongi, mouth slightly agape. Yoongi didn’t look away, refused to; he watched every expression that ran over Jungkook’s face – surprise, confusion, fondness, happiness, love. (or: Yoongi learns sign language to communicate with Jungkook).
***riding the wavelength by siderum  ONGOING
"i was asking jungkookie about how yoongi hyung and he could read each other's minds, and yoongi hyung was completely out of earshot, but when i said, 'is it dark in there?' hyung told me to shut up from the other side of the room. he wasn't even looking up from his phone" - park jimin
Window of Sin™ by yoooongi (Stellaluciano)
Yoongi expects a kid Jungkook is most certainly not a kid you can see where this is going
9 Benefits to Dating Min Yoongi by Haru207
On most days, Jungkook thinks to himself that there are definitely benefits to having Yoongi as a boyfriend. First. It means that it only took Jungkook nineteen years of living to discover that anime hair colours can actually look fashionable.
***You Stir up a McFlurry in My Heart by tau
Jungkook is completely and utterly screwed the moment he develops a crush on the voice behind the McDonald’s Drive Thru speaker.
No One But Me by Lindanele
Jungkook loved his boyfriend to death, but damn could Hoseok be oblivious. (aka Jungkook is a jealous boyfriend and Hoseok can’t take a hint)
Dancing on Quicksand by lethallergic
Who needs a functional relationship when you dig your step-sister's boyfriend? Not Taehyung.
it's your heart i wanna live (& sleep) in by knth
The first time Jimin sleeps over at Taehyung's, it's an emergency. The other times after? That's a different story.
our sinking friendships (we drown them all) by skateboardsound
Like most bad decisions, it could be traced back to cheap alcohol—the kind with a taste that clung to your tongue too long and gave you a hangover before the high was over. And like most bad decisions, it had also seemed like a great idea at the time.
for you, anything. by kadotas
in which Taehyung and Jimin navigate through married life together, realising belatedly that it’s not always smooth sailing.
***i do by skswriting
“Are you guys going on a date?” “We’re headed to the bridal show.” You and Taehyung go to a bridal show for the food and end up with more than you bargained for. In the best way possible. white lines, pretty baby by darkparadises (queenhinata)
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