#(also again sorry to announce this but i really don’t like TH’s spidey or the mcu version gahhh)
bunisher · 5 months
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rewatched nwh and currently having frankpeter brainrot
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #10
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I will post a new fanfic here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read and save it on A03 here 
{peter stark and a no good very bad day}
Ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers & Peter Stark
Warnings: swearing, fluff otherwise :)
Wc: 3,984
Today, everything had gone wrong. He stayed up way past his bedtime the previous night and had gotten barely three hours of sleep by the time he arrived at school. He forgot his Spanish homework in the lab and that was the one grade he needed to pull from an A- to an A. He chugged a couple shots of espresso, and his usual store on the walk to school was closed. Meaning he had no redbull to sustain him through his classes.
Also, guess which class was straight bangout first, Spanish. So he hadn't done the homework and had no time to do it. Great. Fortunately, he made it through first period Spanish, only getting slightly scolded for not handing in the assignment. Then he had a break, and the kid desperately needed a pick me up coffee and muffin. He went to the closest cafe, one he’d come to love, only to find the whole football team there. Which would have been fine, if he wasn’t so goddamn awkward. He stood there for a solid five minutes before he asked the jock in his way to move so he could order.
Then, when the kid did get to ordering they ran out of fuckin chocolate muffins. What kinda cafe runs out of chocolate muffins at ten am? This one apparently. So coffee and blueberry muffin in hand, he headed back to the student lounge to get some work done.
The next portion of his day went as planned, a welcomed change of pace. Well Flash was a bitch, but what was new there. And his senses were through the roof. But other than that. That was all until the last period. To start, he got a text from his boyfriend, explaining that he’d no longer be arriving this Friday, but instead the following Saturday. Peter wanted to cry. He missed his boy. Leaving Harley on read, he tried to focus on chemistry, but he’d done the stuff they were going over about 100 times with Dr. Banner. He zoned out the entire class.
Finally, the bell rang and put him out of his misery. He quickly texted Ned asking if he was coming in the following day. He had been sick that day. He went to leave, but the class was stopped by the announcement of a test and more homework. For fuck sake.
He did get out, though. And he got straight in the car, barely pausing to say hello to Happy. Noticing the boy's unusual quiet, he didn’t press for more details about Peter’s day. Happy, though he’d never say it, enjoyed hearing about the kids day. He had come to really care for Peter, and his accomplishments made the older man happy. Ironic, he knew.
They had arrived at the tower in almost record time, and Peter was glad to have avoided extra time in the car. What he really craved was a couple hugs from his dads, a chat with his boyfriend, and to get through the stack of busy work that weighed him down.
Happy went round to the private entrance, wished the kid a good day, and headed off to some other errand. Peter exited, scanning his pass at security and being recognized and let through by Friday. So, he’d finally made it upstairs and there the sofa was, filled with a few avengers. Luckily his parents were among them. The two were sitting close to each other, as normal.
Peter simply put his head in his pops lap, and he laid his feet on his dad. Neither Steve nor Tony said anything, but they gave each other the look. Steve ran his hands through his son’s hair lovingly. “Pete?” Tony asked, “What happened kid?” “Nothin’” Peter replied, still buried in his Pop’s lap. “You sure about that?” Steve pressed. “Just a bad day,” Peter mumbled. “What happened паук?” Nat spoke up. She is very protective of Peter. “What didn’t happen?” he sighed dramatically. “Well you mope for as long as you like, Pete,” Tony joked. “Thanks dad,” he said, closing his eyes again in search of sleep. “Teenagers I tell you,” Clint said, rolling his eyes. “Fuck you Barton,” Peter mumbled before falling asleep properly. “He really is your child, Tones,” Clint laughed. “Hey Peter just said a bad language word,” Nat remarked. “God I hate all of you,” his Pops groaned. Then Peter fell into peaceful, safe sleep.
“Pete?” his Pops said, entering his room. He moved around, noticing he’d been moved from the sofa to his own room. He groaned. “Hello to you too.” “Yes, Hi, father, Captain America, Leader of the Avengers, Man of Strengt-” “Ok relax,” Cap rolled his eyes. Peter sat up, smirking. “Wanna tell me what actually happened today?” “J-just everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong.” “Did that start with you staying in the lab way past a normal sleeping time?” “Perhaps. How did you kn-” “You are aware that your dad designed that whole lab situation, right?” “Fair enough.” “Do we have to initiate Insomnia protocol again?” “God no, it was one night.” “Promise.” “Swear. Just an awful day. Spidey senses all acting up, being annoying, no chocolate muffins. Speaking of which, can I have the day off tomorrow? I have basically no classes.” (he wasn’t sure why, but all but one of his classes were cancelled.) Steve thought for a moment. He knew the kid had been through a lot always, and a day off never hurt anyone. Also, he was far too smart to be there anyway. “Yeah. Let me just double check with Dad, okay?” “Thanks.” “We’re eating dinner now so get cleaned up?” “Yep. Coming.”
The next day
Peter awoke at 10 with a smile on his face. He’d peacefully regained energy. He’d finished his school work the previous night, and he was happy to just relax for a day. He pulled on some SI sweatpants and a hoodie he’d stolen from Harley awhile back.
“Hey parentals,” he greeted, still holding his smile. “Morning,” his Pops said as he cooked breakfast. “Morning? Is it already?” I bet you can guess who that came from. “Tones,” Steve said, voice full of its normal concern. Peter just laughed, taking a stool at the bar. “What? I’m fine. I’m having fun.” “You promised you’d at least take a nap.” “Oops,” he smiled, heading back in the direction of the lab. “You’re a great role model to our son!” “You really are dad!” Peter added. “Love you both dearly.” Steve rolled his eyes and Peter chuckled. “Where’s the rest of the team?” Peter inquired. He’d come to realize that saying team was easier than naming all the residents of the tower. “Nat, Clint, Wanda, and Pietro are training. Thor and Loki went back to Asgard last night, and Bruce is in his lab.” “Oh, Loki didn’t tell me he was going back.” “Some emergency. Sorry kid.” “Yeah, i-it’s fine.” “He told me to assure you they’d be back soon.” “Good.” “Keaner getting here soon?” “Nah coming tomorrow now. Something about something, I don’t really know.” “Ok. Made grilled cheeses and tomato soups. It's almost done,” Steve offered. “Thanks,” Peter said. “What’s with Loki leaving that's got you so down?” “I just miss him a lot.” Steve knew that his Kid and loki had come to get on surprisingly well. They were as close as he and Nat. Not even Clint had managed to get that close.
Peter practically inhaled a couple of sandwiches. “I’m going to go work with Dad.” “Have fun!” “I will.” “Love you.” “Love you, too.” He sped down to the lab, where he could hear his Dad’s ACDC blasting as usual. “Heyo, what you working on?” “The suit nanotech. Wanna give your old man a hand?” “Always. Bring up the blueprints. What adjustments have you made so far? “Just the molecule distance and expansion weight. Trying to help stabilize the structure.” “What about the build construction stacking?” So they dove into work, Peter easily keeping up with the genius.
“Nicely done, getting too smart for me. What are you even doing in high school?” “Being bored and failing my humanities classes.” “You're not actually failing your classes are you? Grades are not everything bu-” “Relax father, I’m doing well in all my classes.” “I should probably know that. In fact I’ll actually show up to your next parent teacher conference.” “Please don’t,” Peter smiled. His father was generally very embarrassing. “Friday, make sure I’m at the kid’s next conference?” “Reminder set.” “Thanks, Fri.” “Anytime boss.” “God Fri please remind me to not show up for my next conference.” “Heyyyy,” Tony said, faking offence. “Dad, you can be very overbearing.” “I know, but-” “No.” “Fine, guess I’m not coming. Trying to be a good father and parenthood isn’t for me.” “I beg to differ,” Steve said, coming in to check on us, “realise you're no match for Peter’s intelligence yet?” “No fucking way. I’m a genius. Many PHDs. Kid hasn’t even finished high school, plus he has an A- in Spanish,” Tony laughed. “How did you-,” Peter rolled his eyes. “Friday just sent them to me.” “You’re awful.” “Hey watch it, MIT is still your dream school?” “I fucking hate you so much,” Peter really did loved this kind of banter with his father. “Maybe I do agree that parenthood isn’t for you, love.” “Capsical, you are a traitor. You’re supposed to always be on my side.” Steve kissed Tony’s cheek and ruffled Peter’s hair before saying, “Pepper needs you. Something about important business.” “Really important?” “She says if you don’t come she’ll lock you out of the company.” “That important then. Fri, tell Pepper that I’m coming.” “She has been notified, sir.” “Thank you. Bye then, Peter don’t fuck anything up.” “The same to you Mr. Stark.” Tony left the lab with a chuckle. “You two will be the death of me.” “Almost certainly.” “You staying in here?” “Nah, I have some projects in my lab waiting for me.” “You know your dad was joking about the grades right? Because grades really don’t mean anything, and they don’t define you. Nor does your intelligence. You are so much more than all that. And all these suits and mechanicy genius things-” “Pops. I’m fine. I know,” he smiled at his dad. “I just read in this parenting book that something smart or gifted kids can feel like th-” “Pops, you and dad are the best parents a kid could ask for. Stop worrying too much or you’ll turn grey like dad.” Captain America just smiled at his kid because he was the best. “Right. Good. Have fun.” “Will do.”
He messed with the design for the 100th millionth time but he couldn't get the vibrainim to synthesize with the web fluid. “Fri, get me another cup of coffee, please.” “For fuck sake, why isn’t this working,” he said to himself. He began to mess with the 3d hologram again. He typed in Mock 32 for the design and started trying again. “Pepper Potts is requesting access to the lab.” “Access granted,” he said to Fri. “Hey Pete, how’s it going?” “Badly, but it's fine. IS THAT COFFEE?” “White mocha latte, triple shot espresso,” She said, placing it down on the desk. “Ok..back up. What do you need?” “What, I can’t just bring my favorite stark a coffee?” “Aren’t you busy?” he asked skeptically. “Yes. Incredibly. So it is a peace offering. I allowed a tour access to this lab to look around, and see what a higher ups lab looks like in action. Fri will hide all of the classified things, and I thought you’d be at school. Tony just told me you weren’t so, here we are.” “He actually showed up to your meeting?” “Yes, and it wasn’t my meeting. He just needed to be there, and I didn't.” “I take your peace offering. It’s fine, I don’t care. So long as they don’t touch my shit.” “Good. Greet them, let them look around. Smile your cute smile. They’ll be up in five.” “FIVE MINUTES?” “Yep. Sorry, Hun, got to run. Thanks.” “You owe me one!”
As promised, the class showed up in five minutes. He was fine with the concept of a class showing up, he was not, however, good with his class showing up. “Is that Penis Parker?” He heard Flash. “Holy hell that is Park?” “IS THAT PETER?” “Did Peter break in?” “How is Peter here?” He couldn’t exactly kick them out. So, embracing his inner Tony Stark charm and Steve Rogers kindness, he opened the lab door, stepping into the corridor.
“EVERYONE PLEASE BACK UP AND BE QUIET!” The tour guild, Aliah, yelled. They were a kind person who Peter knew a bit. The classes quieted down.
“Hello, Aliah.” “Hi Peter,” they greeted, “Sorry, I hadn’t realized you’d be in today. I’ll just take them to our next stop.” “No, no it's fine. If it’s alright, I’ll give them a little tour sorta thing. I don’t mind, plus I kinda promised Pepper.” “That’d be really cool. Thanks.” “Yeah. Call ‘em over.” “Yeah. We’re just waiting on their teacher, he’s in the restroom.” “Course.”
Mr. Harrington showed up, questioning Aliah about the next stop. Then, he saw Peter. “Mr. Parker!” he exclaimed angrily, “How dare you show up here without a permission slip and claiming to be sick. What is this? We will be speaking with the principal and your parents about this! I am so sorry Aliah. Peter shot Aliah the “I got this” look. “Hi Mr. Harrington, I was unwell this morning, but I felt better so I came into work. Yes, I do have an internship here,” he said, loud enough for the class to hear. “The next stop on your tour,” they said, “is to Peter’s lab. He’s been so kind to give us a run-down.” Peter simply point at the door which read “Lab #55: Peter Parker.” “Right, uh, um, sorry Mr. Parker, please let us continue.” Peter smiled through his nerves. “Right, hello there class! I will be giving you a tour of my lab. I do some pretty important work, so I’m going to ask Friday to activate the ‘Guest Protocol’ to hide the classified stuff. It’s also very dangerous, so please do not touch anything.” There were nods from the class. “Right, Fri complete guest protocol and allow tour of Aliah to enter.” “Yes miniboss.” He re-entered his lab. “So, most of the time I work here,” he said, pointing to the biggest holograph table, “I work on designs, changes, and any mockups that need to happen. I then make them a reality. I can also run simulations on any formulas to see if they would be successful.” “Fri, please pull up the WFV project I was just working on for Spiderman.” “Right away mini-boss.” “So as you can see I’m trying to get the vibranium intertwine itself with Spiderman’s web fluid. This would allow the webs to be almost 47 times stronger, and also would allow them to conduct electricity, which has many uses. Anyone have any questions?” Ava raised her hand and Peter nodded at her, “Hey, so how did you learn all this? Like, it seems really complicated and you're in my chem class, so.” “I’ve worked a lot with both Mr. Stark and Bruce Banner, who’ve taught me most of what I know throughout the years. I also took a few online courses to solidify some subject matters I didn’t quite understand,” Peter, satisfied with his answer, asked if anyone else had inquired. “How did you get an internship here?” “Mr. Stark found me on the internet and took a liking to my projects. He met me and decided I’d fit right in here,” Peter explained simply. It was a lie of course, but it functioned as their cover story. “Anyone else? No. Cool, so moving onto some other sections in the lab. Over in that corner are the testing rooms. I have some more equipment scattered around for certain projects or just overall help on making things. Feel free to look around for 5-7 minutes and ask any questions you may have.” Some kid, Peter wasn’t sure of their name, raised his hand. “Why do you have cars in here? Are they yours?” “Some of the cars are mine, courtesy of Mr. Stark, who claims no lab is complete without some collection of cars. I can’t even drive them, to your point, but I guess I will when I’m eighteen. Some of the cars are Mr. Harley Keener’s, who I occasionally share my lab with. He doesn't do Avengers related projects, but he does love to tinker here and there. ‘Specially on the cars. See that red one, yeah he bought it for 5k and fixed it up. It’s actually an electric car, he just likes the old timers look. Guess that’s on him and da-Mr. Stark.”
No one seemed to have any other question, so he allowed them to look around. MJ nor Ned seemed to be in this class. He guessed they were in another group that wasn’t coming up here, or they went to a different location.
The tour went smoothly, and Flash seemed too shocked to say anything. “Peter! Peter!” Bucky came in yelling. Peter ran over to him. “Please keep it down uncle Buck.” “Oh shit your class is here!” “Yes now please don’t embarrass me.” “Won’t do! Just wanted to ask where Loki went.” “Asgard official business,” I said with a frown. “Really? He didn’t say a thing!” “I know.” “That little shit.” Peter laughed alongside Bucky. “Did you need anything else?” “Yeah, my arm's a little fucked up. Need a hand.” “Happy to give it a look. Dad in a meeting?” “To all our shock, yes.” “Ha. Give me a sec to get my class outta here.” Bucky nodded. “Right everyone, thanks for visiting. Please head towards the exit. The lovely Aliah will take you to your next location. They are awesome!” A murmur of “thanks Peter” and “is that the winter soldier” spread through the room. “See ya round,” Aliah said to him personally, “And thanks for this.” “Anytime. Bye!” They smiled a warm smile before leading the class out.
“What’s not working so well?” Peter asked. “Just some tightness in the finger motion. “Alright, okay. Fri, get me an update of the schematics, please.” “Yes, sir.” They appeared on the holographic table Peter was working at. “Right, can I please get a current scan of Uncle Bucky’s arm?” “Yes. Shall I place them next to the schematics?” “Yep. And highlight all differences.” “Yes miniboss.” “You gotta stop with that Fri.” “Name unable to be changed under the authority of Tony Stank, Badass Boss, God of Mischief, and Fiance.” “Glad the whole team is against me living a good life,” Peter remarked with an eye roll. “You drama queen.” “Thanks,” Peter smiled. “You know what’s wrong yet?” Peter opened up the schematics, looking at the highlighted section of the 3d arm model. He didn’t speak for a moment. “So I reckon, you fucked up the wiring and section T4’s minigears. None of the important tech is messed up, it’ll be fine. Maybe a half an hour fix. Max.” “Good, good. Thanks kid,” Bucky said with an appreciative smile. He nodded, disconnecting the arm carefully. He placed it onto his table next to the holographic model. He gave a skeptical look. “Something bad?” “No, no, I was just thinking. Thinking, hmn.” “Care to share with the class?” Buck said with a sense of humor lingering in his voice. “Well, you’re not on mission all that often, and this is quite a bulky arm. Ever think about getting one that’s your skin colour, lighter weight, more, I don’t know, arm like. Less hydra murdery vibes. Help get rid of that, that time.” “I have…” “So can I make it?” Peter said excitedly. “You mean it?” “Of course Uncle Buck! No clue why dad hasn’t offered before!” “Guess he never thought of it. Maybe thought I liked the scary metal thing,” he suggested weakly. “Well that’s stupid,” Peter said casually. Bucky never understood how the kid could be so compassionate so easily. “Thanks. Really.” “No worries. I’ve been looking for a new project to throw myself into. It'll be fun. And as much as I hate to admit it, I need to work on my smaller scale mechanical work.” All Bucky could do was smile his beaming smile. “Bucky!” the voice of the Black Widow shouted. “Hey Nat,” Buck replied. “Wanna train?” she asked. “As much as I want to,” he said, pointing towards the area his arm would have been. “Oh, what happened this time?” “Nothing to major, some gears and wires,” Peter filled it, “Give me twenty minutes I’ll be done.” He’d already opened the arm and gotten to the section where the wires were screwed up. “DAN-E get me the soldering kit, please,” he asked the robot, “Oh and some new T6YU wires. Red and purple.” The robot gave a vaguely human nod. “Right, I'll be waiting. Test the adjustments out on me?” She suggested. “Alright,” Buck said. “Oh and I’m in charge of ordering food. What do you want?” “Burgers?” “You boring, bland little boy,” Nat scolded. “Thai?” Buck requested. They looked over to Peter, “Sure, yeah.” Nat headed out, greeting Tony with a “Hey Stank” on the stairs out of his lab. “Yours is so much smarter than mine, why is yours so much smarter than mine,” Tony fake (real) whined. “I’m the superior mechanic, father, deal with it.” DAN-E, almosting proving his point, dropped the materials on his desk, and he continued to work. “I’m donating DUM-E,” Tony glared at him, “What happened to the arm Buck?” “Stiff fingers isall.” “Oh, ok. Pete, need a hand?” “Nah, I’m good. Not much to do. Some wires got fucked up, just replacing them now. Going to look at the minigears in the palm too, just to make sure the oil regulation and gear’s aren't broken. I think one of the gears is, but it's one of them that's easy to replace,” Peter replied, not looking up from his work. “Right, sounds good. Your pops and I are going out for the night. Be back around 12 let’s say.” “Cool. Can I borrow some vibranium from your lab?” “Sure thing kiddo. Call us if you need anything. Fri, give Peter access to vault B3 in my lab.” “Thanks,” Peter smiled. “Anytime. Good luck with ya know.” “Shouldn’t he ask you what you're going to do with a substance that costs 10,000$ a gram?” “Something about trusting me.” “Parents trust their kids with going out later or or doing their homework not fucking multimillions of dollars.” “Uncle Bucky, my parents are Iron Man and Captain America. There was never a shot at normal.” “Fair enough.”
Peter finished up the adjustment on the arm by changing a gear. “Thanks a lot kid.” “Of course. I’m going to work on your new arm now.” “Alrighty, I’ll get out of your way.” “Oh could you ask Auntie Nat what time she’s ordering dinner for? So I know when to head up, just get Fri to tell me.” “Will do.” “Thanks.”
So Peter was left to making some blueprints and drinking many red bulls. The red bull mini-fridge was actually a gift from Shuri, and his fathers had many words with him about it. He managed to convince them that he should keep it, god knows how. Well, he used the whole Princess of Wakanda and making peace and Stark Industries relationship with Wakandan products and companies as well as international relations and blah blah. It worked, who cares.
After a few hours he was called up for dinner, and he sat there and enjoyed the absolute chaos of his family.
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New Amsterdam Chapter 18
[I have to point out, once again, how very strange it is that he is not running from us, not making an excuse to leave us, and feels safer with us than with the unarmed, clearly sane man.]
{Shut up! Petey-Pie is amazing!}
[I didn’t say I don’t like him, I said he’s strange.]
Wade hummed as Peter put groceries in his cart. When the boy had asked him to go shopping with him, he didn’t think it would be for groceries.
[And medical supplies. He could support an ambulance with what he’s got in there.]
{What does he need those for? Is working for Stark that dangerous?}
“Peter,” said Wade slowly, “I notice that you’ve got a lot of fruit.”
“Ah, well,” said Peter as he pushed up his glasses (he’d put them on before going into the store saying he had eyestrain), “fruit is good. It has vitamins and nutrients, and most fruits also have juice.”
[That’s—oddly specific.]
Wade watched as Peter put some crackers in the cart. “Do you ever—cook food, Petey?” he asked.
“I can,” Peter said defensively. “I just—don’t have a lot of time,” he admitted. Peter slouched over, as if ashamed of himself.
{You FIEND!  Fix it! Fix it NOW!!!}
“All righty Petey-Pie,” said Wade decisively as he started grabbing stuff on his own. “Tonight, I’ll cook.”
An adorable flush crossed Peter’s cheeks. “I can’t ask you to do that,” he protested.
[Buy it with our money Wade. Author knows we have more than enough.]
“True. You’re not asking,” Wade assured Peter. “I’m telling. And I’m a good cook.”
{Remember that chef that taught us how to cook in exchange for not killing him?}
[We still killed him though.]
{Only because he tried to poison us.}
The flush deepened. “Th—thanks Wade,” he said.
Wade looked at him, reached and towards his face, and “Boop!” bopped his nose with a gloved finger. The nose, predictably, twitched in response.
“Stop that,’ protested Peter with no heat from the words.
“You are just too cute. I can’t wait to see you melt over dinner.”
“That sounded wrong,” Peter complained as he followed Wade to the next aisle.
“No, no!” protested Wade as he turned Peter around. “you’re going to be surprised!”
[We’re not. It’s tacos again, isn’t it?]
{Tacos have all the food groups because tomatoes are a fruit!}
“Hey, are the food groups still a pyramid, or did they change again?” asked Wade as he picked ingredients.
{Hate to break it to ya buddy, but rice doesn’t go in tacos.}
“I don’t know. I don’t really keep up with that stuff.” Wade turned to see that Peter was still looking away. He couldn't help but grin under the mask; the boy really did believe in the concept of fair play.
“Kay. Hmm. I’ll Google it later. Oh—fun fact!” Wade announced as they continued to shop. “Did you know the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel died after slipping on an orange peel?”
“Did you mention that because I have oranges in the cart?” asked Peter trailing after Wade, still not looking. Wade reached out and gently grabbed his elbow to prevent him from running into a display.
“Nah. It just popped into my head. I think the author was reading Fun Facts of the Day again.”
“Not important, Baby Boy,” said Wade with a dismissive wave of his hand. He looked at the contents of the cart and a thought took hold.
{I saw that! Do it! Do it!}
[An actual good idea. The second one so far.]
Wade hummed. “Okay Pete,” he said with a grin hidden (mostly, partly, okay—not at all since his mask was so emotive) behind his mask. “This next bit’s the secret to a perfect dinner, so I want you to close your eyes.”
“Close my eyes?”
Peter didn’t sound thrilled at the idea. “Don’t worry,” Wade said as reassuring as possible. “I’ll keep a hand on you and make sure you don’t run into anything.”
[Are you insane? Like he’s really going to trust a sword-wielding—he’s doing it. I can’t believe he’s doing it.]
{I want to keep him! Hold him tight and never let go!}
Peter had closed his eyes and was trustingly holding out a hand to Wade. A hand that Wade gently, reverently took. It wasn’t often anyone gave him trust.
[Or ever.]
{Spidey trusts us!}
[And how are you going to manage this next part, genius?]
Wade kept up a stream of babble that was just loud enough to cover the beeping at the checkout. He had no idea what the clerk thought—
[Probably that he doesn’t get paid enough to care.]
—but the young man didn’t say anything to ruin the deception until he gave the total. Peter’s eyes snapped open and his mouth dropped as Wade quickly paid for the food. All of the food. And the first aid supplies.
{Seriously; what does he need those for?}
“Wade!” spluttered Peter, face flushed, and staring in shock.
“Aw,” crooned Wade. “Boop.” He gently bopped Peter’s nose and, like always, it twitched like a little rabbit.
“Wade, this is serious!”
“What was that? I can’t hear you!” Wade quickly gathered the bags on and in his arms.
“CAN’T HEAR YOU!” The mercenary danced out of the door.
Peter quickly caught up. “Wait—at least let me carry some of them!”
“Well—since I’m cooking,” admitted Wade. He paused and let Peter shift about half the weight of the bags to himself.
[Did you notice he took the heavy half?]
“I can carry it all,” Wade said.
“No,” said Peter firmly. His glasses began to slide down his nose. He used his forearm to push them back up again. “You paid for the groceries. You said you’d be cooking dinner. The least I can do is carry them.”
{Aw! He’s such a sweetie}
[I’m taking this moment to point out that he’s not even breathing hard.]
Wade ignored the voices in his head for the moment. “Well,” he said salaciously, “you are just going to—”
“Peter!” The two of them turned to see two beautiful redheads, one male and one female, coming up to them.
Peter’s face lit up. “Harry! MJ!” he called back as the two approached them. Wade watched them warily, not sure how to respond to the two new people. Especially not two people that Peter actually seemed happy to see.
[Doesn’t it strike you odd? All day long he’s only been happy to see three people, and we’re one of them.]
“Peter,” the young man said warily as he regarded Wade. “Who’s this?”
“Oh!” said Peter. “I’m sorry. Wade, this is Harry,” the male nodded, “and MJ,” the female waved. “They’ve been my best friends since—well, almost forever. Harry, MJ,  this is Wade. He’s—um, a friend.”
“Oh.” The girl’s vibrant green eyes looked the costumed man up and down. “An ‘um friend.’ When did you get one of those? Huh?” she nudged Peter in the side with an elbow while wearing a smirk.
Peter squirmed. “MJ!” he protested.
The guy simply grinned and stuck his hands in his pockets. “So, Wade, was it? Has Peter shown you his scrapbooks yet?”
Wade hadn’t thought it was possible for Peter to get any redder. He’d been wrong. “Harry!” protested Peter in a voice that was half yelp, half yell.
MJ simply giggled before absconding with half the bags in Peter’s arms. “Let’s get your groceries put up Peter,” she said. “It’s been forever.”
[Why aren’t they screaming, running away, or telling us to leave?]
{Who cares?}
“You know,” said Harry, “I can help with—”
Both MJ and Peter whirled, identical expressions of anger on their faces. “NO!” they said firmly, in unison.
“Wow,” said Wade looking at Harry. “They agree! It must be important.”
“They’re just overprotective,” said Harry fondly. “On another note; you should really look at Peter’s scrapbooks. There’s at least one picture I know you’ll be thrilled with.” He smirked.
Wade wanted to punch him in the nose. He wasn’t sure why. “Peter doesn’t seem okay with it,” he said slowly.
Harry frowned. “That’s Dad’s fault,” he said viciously. “And the world doesn’t bow to Dad, no matter what the bastard thinks.”
{That’s a lot of anger.}
“There’s nothing wrong with scrapbooking.”
“Nothing at all,” agreed Wade. He wasn’t sure why, except that seeing Harry upset might upset Peter and he didn’t want to upset Peter.
“And Peter took all the pictures himself,” Harry added. There was an odd note of pride in his voice.
“I’ve seen his pictures in the Bugle,” Wade admitted.
[You mean, you’ve cut out pictures he’s taken of Spiderman and glued them to the wall of the bathroom.]
As the four of them made their way to Peter’s apartment, Wade noticed something. There was always someone touching Peter—MJ his arm, Harry his shoulder, or Wade just leaning against him randomly as they walked. Peter took it all in stride.
[Maybe it’s not so strange that he likes us. Maybe he’s just one of those people that needs to be touched.]
{In that case—we’re perfect for each other!}
[We are not, you idiot.]
Once they’re in the apartment all four of them help put up groceries. To Wade’s slight surprise, the redheads know where everything is supposed to go. When they were done MJ slung an arm around Peter’s shoulder. “Come on, Tiger,” she told him. “Time to get the scrapbook.”
“But—” Peter didn’t have a chance as MJ towed him towards a room.
“So,” said Harry amiably as the two of them waited on the couch. “You and Peter, huh? How did that happen?”
“I launched a sword into the alarm in his lab and his only comment was to ask if he could borrow the blade to finish cutting something.”
Harry chuckled. “Sounds like Peter,” he said fondly.
[He should sound more worried.]
“You don’t sound surprised,” Wade admitted.
Harry looked at Wade with a half smile and a raised eyebrow. “When we were five a guy in a dirty white van came up to the school. He said he’d hit a puppy and begged us to get the teacher for help.”
Sounded like a stranger danger scenario, the kind used to frighten small children. “What happened?” he asked.
“Peter climbed into the van. Turns out, there really was an injured puppy in the thing. The man had been telling the truth.” Harry was silent for a moment. “I asked Peter how he knew and he said he just did. So, if Peter feels comfortable around you, that means you’re a good person for him.”
Wade scoffed. “I’m not a good person,” he argued.
“Good,” said Harry, sounding satisfied.
Before Wade could interrogate Harry on that odd comment, MJ came out with a frantic Peter trailing behind her. “Got it,” said MJ smugly.
Peter was flushed, and looked a little panicked. “It—it’s not that great,” he said hurriedly as MJ smugly handed Wade a three-ring binder.
Wade looked at Peter. “I won’t open if it you’re not okay with that.” He noticed MJ and Harry exchange smiles, but kept his eyes on Peter.
Who slumped, defeated. “You can look,” he said. “They’re just—just not that great,” he continued lamely.
{He looks sad. We need to hug him!}
[We need to find out why this is so important.]
Wade opened the book and stared. It wasn’t a scrapbook so much as it was a photo album—and the photos were amazing. They were nothing the Bugle, borderline tabloid that it was, would ever print, but amazing nonetheless. They showed the city of New Amsterdam, and its heroes, in a way that Wade had never seen before. There was a picture of Captain America, clearly helping a cat down out of a tree, getting scratched in the face by said cat. There was a picture of a blue balloon among the pink petals of the cherry trees in the park. A group of girls in prom dresses eating pizza and laughing while one of them tried to scoop the pizza off her dress.
The one that made his breath catch, though, was the picture of him. Standing at the edge of a rooftop, katanas in each hand, a light shining on him highlighting features of the costume even as the rising sun behind him outlined the mercenary in view.
{We look amazing! That should be a poster!}
[There’s something odd about that picture…]
“These are wonderful,” said Wade in awe as he turned the page. He looked up at Peter. “Did you take all these?”
Peter flushed and shuffled his feet. “Well, yes,” he admitted.
“You should share them,” Wade said. They were way too good to be condemned to life merely in a notebook.
“No one wants them,” muttered Peter.
“Have you tried putting them up on Instagram?” asked Wade. “You know, showing people what you have?”
“I—I never really thought about it much,” admitted Peter as he pushed his glasses back into place with the heel of his hand.
“We’ll have to do that. After dinner. Or while it’s cooking.” He turned to MJ and Harry. “You want to join us?” he asked, politely. “I’m making a lot of food.”
MJ just chuckled. “The two of you are made for each other—he can eat a lot of food.”
Harry pushed himself up off the couch. “You two have fun,” he said gently. “We’ve got to go.” He walked up to Peter and tousled the smaller man’s hair. “Don’t let Dad run you ragged,” he advised.
Peter instantly looked troubled. “Harry—” he said worriedly.
“After all,” continued Harry, “he won’t always be in control.”
The worried look vanished and Peter grinned. “That’s right!” he said happily.
[What’s that about?]
{Eh, he’ll tell us when he’s ready.}
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stellar-alley · 4 years
Spider Spaghetti
•Chapter 3•
<<Previous Chapter 
(Summary: The day of the Homecoming dance has finally arrived.)
Shout out to my Beta, go find her on Tumblr @scoobydoo-ghoulschool and on ao3 @ theblacklagoon  
Also, don’t forget to check out my Instagram Stellar.Cosplays if you want to see more of me and what goes on in my life!
Richie Tozier was normal. That’s it. Literally. No Tricks or plot twists. Richard Went Tozier was as normal as they came. Well aside from his Trashmouth.
So after everything that happened the night before with Spiderman, he realized that he was in over his head. He had no clue what to do about this, or if he could even help.
The wind blew through his dark curls from his spot on the roof of his apartment building. This was the place he went whenever he needed to clear his mind or catch his breath. Sure he loved his room and his parents, they’re great, but everyone needs time for themselves. And that’s exactly what he was getting, up until he heard the soft thump of something behind him.
“Spiderman” Richie said without removing his eyes from the cityview before him.
He could hear the hero stuttering behind him in confusion. “How did you-” Richie turned around to see Spiderman with his head tilted like a lost puppy.
“Who else would just drop out of the sky?” The corner of Richie ‘s lip curved up.
“Uh I don’t know, Superman?” Spiderman shrugged almost sarcastically. Then the hero shook his head, trying to get back on track with what he was saying. “You can’t go to homecoming” He announced.
The mood immediately changed, from a kinda fun banter to serious and confused.
“W-What?” Richie tensed up, confused about what he was being told to do.
“Ri-” Eddie stopped mid-word, to stop himself from saying Richie’s name again. “Dude some serious shit is going to go happen at the dance. So. You. Cannot. Go” Eddie pronounced each word carefully. “You’ll be in immediate danger” Spiderman said, determined.
Richie arched a brow, “what kind of immediate danger?” he questioned.
Spiderman let out an annoyed sigh, “The kind that would end up with you dead!” He exclaimed as he chopped the air with his hand.
“Ahh” He nodded his head as if he suddenly understood what Eddie was talking about, “That kind of immediate danger”. He took a minute, contemplated the idea before he shrugged and said “Nope, no can do Spidey. I’ve got myself a hot date and I literally cannot miss this, unless I wanna get my head chopped off”.
Eddie rolled his eyes from beneath his mask yet he could still feel his cheeks burning. I so would not cut his head off, Eddie wanted to mumble but didn’t.
“Please uh- what's your name?” Eddie tried to play dumb as if he hadn't already called him by his real name twice now.
“Richie” He smirked, almost as if he knew that spiderman already knew that.
“Okay, Richie. Please, do not go to the homecoming dance” Spiderman begged.
Maybe it was the fact that spiderman used his real name, but Richie complied, “Fine” he sighed as he held his hands up in defeat, “I won't go to the dance”.
“Promise?” Spiderman asked.
“Promise” Richie nodded in agreement.
“Lying sack of shit” Eddie grumbled as he watched Richie step out of Maggie Tozier’s blue jeep. His suit was black and sharp, Eddie wanted nothing more than to slow dance with him under the light of the disco ball, but he was still pissed he showed up after promising Spiderman to stay home.
Bill shot him a glance, obviously confused by the comment. Eddie quickly pulled his phone out and waved it, “Sorry, texting someone” he lied. Bill nodded, but if he didn't believe Eddie then he didn't mention it.
The day had finally arrived, the one everyone was waiting for, Homecoming.
Everyone looked good, all the Losers threw on their best attire and had congregated at the front door before they went in together. Eddie thought he had convinced Richie not to come, but he was wrong. Sure he would’ve preferred if it was just him without the other Losers to ensure their safety but he knew that out of all of them, Richie would be the most prone to follow him if/when he left to go kick Carter’s ass. Looks like I’m gonna have to use fucking ninja stealth, whatever, let’s just have fun for now. We are just kids after all.
Instead of questioning why Richie had come, he simply walked up to him with the rest of the Losers.
“Ms Marsh is that a Beverly exclusive that you’re wearing?” Richie asked as if it was a big scandalous act. To the Losers it was a big deal, Beverly had started designing clothes about 2 years ago and only Ben has been given the slightest glance at what she’s been creating. So seeing her now, displaying an entire dress, was a pretty big fucking deal.
The dress was beautiful, it was long and flowy, the fabric was a light pink with puffy sleeves and a V neck line that perfectly displayed her breasts without showing too much cleavage. But that wasn't even the best part, the dress was decorated with little red strawberries. Which Ben had actually matched perfectly to his pink, strawberry type, which Beverly also made.
She stepped back, away from the group and gave them a twirl, displaying her dress in all of its strawberry glory.
“It’s amazing” Ben said in aw.
“Your best one yet!” Richie hollered and whooped as she returned to them.
“You haven’t even seen my other pieces dumbass” She looked away as if it would hide her rosy cheeks. Before any of the other Losers could praise her anymore she wrapped her arms around the boys, 3 on each side, “My boys… Let’s go party like it’s 1999” She smirked as the boys cheered with excitement.
Eddie surveyed the gym where the dance was being held. He scoped out the big room for all the exits and anything that could be a threat, also ya know, the drug lord Mr Carter, who was suspiciously nowhere to be seen. But as he did so he noticed how fancy the gym looked. Streamers hung from the ceiling, making a cool kinda wall that surrounded the dance floor. Of course there was a big disco ball that hung above the dance floor and lights of all colours. The DJ was up on the stage with her obviously big headphones, bopping her head to the song as she spun a record.
“Nice, right?” Richie broke Eddie out from his thoughts.
The hero looked up to his date, “Yeah, they really went all out” he nodded.
“So th-this is where all of the ye-yearbook’s money guh-goes to” Bill rolled his eyes as he fixed the cuff on his suit’s arm. Once his arm was down by his side again, Mike swapped in and linked his arm with Bill’s.
He smiled his iconic Mike Hanlon smile and asked, “Would you like to accompany me on the dance floor?”.
Bill’s ears turned red, his eyes drifted up to meet Mike’s which only made his face hotter, “I-I’d love to” and with that, Mike swept him off to dance.
“Do I have to be that formal or can we just-“ Richie pointed towards the dance floor.
Eddie shook his head with a smile, “Come on trashmouth” He intertwined their fingers and then they were off.
“Well looks like I’m going to go find Patty” Stan nodded then proceeded to go find his girlfriend.
Ben was immediately nervous. Shit now I have to ask Beverly Marsh, to dance with me. But before he could worry any more, his date stepped in front of him, her dress flowing beautifully behind her as she turned and bowed slightly with her arm out.
“May I have this dance, New Kid?” The old nickname brought a smile to both of their faces.
Ben was so busy mentally fangirling about how in love he was with her that he almost forgot to answer. “I’ll always want to dance with you, Beverly” he said, reaching his hand out to meet hers.
The first song was more upbeat, the Losers stayed with their respective partners as they danced together, moving to the beat. The next song though, was more of a party song, more specifically LMFAO’S Party Rock Anthem.
Eddie watched with delight as Richie’s face lit up like a christmas tree. “I LOVE THIS SONG!” He exclaimed. Even though LMFAO hadn't put out a song in over 5 years, the ones they did release were timeless bops.
Fate worked in weird ways, like how the song came on just as all the Losers had subconsciously drifted towards each other on the dance floor. None of them questioned it though, they simply smiled even brighter in the company of their real family. Together they belted out the lyrics, jumped to the beat and danced like no one was watching.
After that song they were all pretty parched, “Wanna get something to drink?” Mike offered, they all agreed and walked over to the table that had snacks and a bowl that was usually filled with punch.
Bev caught the attention of the teacher running the table and asked “No punch this time? thought that was kinda like a staple”.
“Oh yes deery it is. Mr Carter said he would take care of it, you know the science teachers and how good they are at getting the ratios correct when mixing drinks” She explained. Instead the Losers grabbed the water bottles that lined the table and drank from those.
Once all of the Losers were sipping their drinks and chatting, Eddie stepped up towards the table once again, “Sorry but do you know where I could find Mr Carter? I said I would help him with the punch” Eddie lied.
“Oh, sure, he’s just in his classroom, do you need the number?” She inquired.
Eddie politely declined then thanked her before rejoining the Losers. “Guys I’m gonna go use the washroom” he announced, they all gave some sort of simple reply before he slipped out from the noisy gym and into the hallway where the loud music was muffled and he had more space to walk.
Of course he would be the one in charge of the fucking punch- Bev literally said it best, it’s a staple for these kinds of things and everyone has it, even if it tasts like shit. When teens are thirsty they’ll drink literally anything (Literally anything). The punch is a perfect way for him to drug all these students and turn him into whatever super powered army he was trying so hard to create.
Eddie stopped by his locker, got his backpack then stopped in the washroom across from Carter’s room where he slid out of his suit. He carefully folded it and placed it in his bag, hoping he would still use it after he caught this guy. He had worn his Spiderman outfit under his suit which saved him time, all he had to do was put his mask on. Before he left he tossed his bag up, shot off a web and stuck it to the ceiling in hopes of no one finding it.
He was ready and standing in front of Carter's door, he let his spider senses kick in and tried to detect anythin- rapidly Eddie leaped up, off the floor and stuck to the ceiling, just in time to miss the door blowing off of its hinges. He stayed quiet as a being stepped out of the classroom, they looked down the hallway. That’s when Spiderman relaxed his body and fell down onto the figure. He wrapped his legs around their neck in hopes of knocking them out but this guy was quick, and strong.
He raised his arms, reached back, grabbed a fistfull of Spiderman’s hero suit and not only pulled spiderman off of his back but he flung him into the classroom. Eddie groaned when he landed on his back in the science classroom. He looked up to the ceiling he was used to seeing when he was daydreaming in class, but now the usual ceiling tiles were interrupted by someone looking down on the hero.
“See, Spiderman, all this time I had been trying to give my subject new abilities” Carter smirked, towering over the hero. “But turns out I should’ve been enhancing the abilities we already have. That's why your friend Bryce here might be a little bit stronger than you remember” He said with a wink before Eddie’s head snapped up just in time to see Bryce, who was significantly more muscly, grab his ankles and yank him towards him.
“You won’t win” Eddie groaned, looking back at Carter who watched as Bryce’s hands grabbed onto Eddie’s hips and hoisted him into the air.
Spiderman kicked and punched but Bryce was not flinching. He shot off a couple webs but they seemed to simply slip off of his skin.
“Oh I don’t know about that Spiderman” Carter hummed.
Eddie barely had any time to register what was going on as Bryce began to move forward and before he knew it, the hero was being thrown forward, towards the window. The glass broke on impact and spiderman went plummeting towards the cement below.
Just before he hit the ground, he shot off a web, it connected with one of the fire escapes above. He stopped just a foot before he hit the ground. Eddie let out a shaky sigh of relief. His feet dangled back, finding their place on the ground and steadying himself as he stood up. Immediately he scoped out the alley he was in, recognising it as one of the passages behind the school that was almost always empty.
It looked like any other alleyway, dark red bricks, garbage cans, with fire escapes lining the walls.
Spiderman felt the ground shake as something landed behind him. He spun around to see Bryce’s hulking figure as Carterr stepped out from behind him.
Eddie shot another web up onto one of the fire escapes and jumped up into the air. He was halfway up to the fire escape when he felt a hand grab his ankle and yank him back down. His web snapped as he landed flat on his back, again. Bryce stepped over him, one foot on either side of his body.
This is gonna hurt in the morning, Eddie thought as the pain of the impact ripped through his body.
“W-Why are you doing this?” Eddie stuttered, he tried to keep the pain out of his voice but that was hard to do since everything ached.
Mr Carter began to speak as Bryce raised two meaty fists into the air, preparing to smash the spider beneath him.
“Well I always found it unfair that some people got powers, like you. And others didn’t, like me and my parents”.
Just as the fists were about to make contact, the hero shot a web in the space between Bryce’s legs. His 2 fingers pressed into his palm and shot off a web which pulled him out from under Bryce and flung him into the air. He went flying. He was rapidly approaching the fire escape and prepared for landing. Thankfully for his sticky feet, he was able to land safely, giving him a moment to catch his breath.
“So of course I grew up in a household where we praised heroes” Carter continued, unphased by the fight going on before him.
Bryce leaped into the air, determined to catch Spiderman but the spider hopped from the fire escape to the one beside it.
“But what happened when an armed robber broke into our house? Did the heroes we praise come to rescue us? Oh no, no…” his voice drifted off, but he didn’t sound sad. “They let my parents die. Now heroes think they’re these big deals. But what would happen if everyone got powers?”.
Eddie shot a web off towards Carter in hopes of pinning him down. But just as he was about to shoot, the floor fell from beneath him. His hand jerked and the web shot off, hitting some window with a *splat*.
Bryce had gotten onto the fire escape beneath Spiderman and ripped the floor from beneath Eddie’s feet. Eddie shot off a web and hopped he would be able to swing away but Bryce, once again, jumped and grabbed his fucking foot. But this time when he landed, the weight of two supers was too heavy for the poor fire escape. The floor gave out from beneath them and they both went tumbling down to the ground, right in front of Mr Carter.
But Carter barely blinked as the two came tumbling down at his feet. Instead he leaned down, reached out and grabbed a fistfull of Eddie’s super suit and pulled him closer. “If everyone was super, then no one will be ' He whispered to the hero's face. His eyes were filled with ambition and his voice was tainted with determination. Just as quickly as he grabbed the hero, he dropped him. Eddie’s head bounced on the concerte as Carter stood up, dusted off his pants, and began walking away. He had taken a couple steps away when he stopped, turned his head just enough to glance back at Bryce, “Kill him or else I’ll take it all back” He demanded before he continued towards the school. “I have a gym full of students to drug”.
A loud ZAP sound echoed through the alleyway and Carter’s body dropped like a sack of potatoes. Eddie didn’t know what he expected to see in front of Carter, but what he certainly didn’t expect to see was Richie Tozier in his formal suit, with an outstretched hand, holding a tazer.
“Holly shit” the human teen sounded shocked as he let the taser fall from his grasp. It clanked against the ground and sent another little jolt into Mr Carter who hemorrhaged a little.
Spiderman didn’t even have time to celebrate because he was distracted by the heavy breaths of the villain behind him. Bryce now towered over Eddie, his face beaten and his eyes were furious. He looked like a lion about to charge its prey. Eddie was prepared to leap out of the way, to protect Richie, to do anything. But instead his attention was drawn to the woosh sound of a gun firing. Once again the villain fell lifeless at Spiderman’s feet.
This time instead of Richie standing behind the villain, it was a female. She wore a long black trench coat and held out some sort of gun which she quickly slid into the hosliter on her thigh. She had brown hair that fell to her shoulders in bouncy curls.
“Spiderman, happy to finally meet you” She said, her tone wasn’t serious but nor was it as happy as she claimed to be, it was neutral. Eddie could tell she meant business. Before he could respond she stepped over Bryce and towards Richie, “Rich, thanks for calling me” She nodded at him.
“No problem…” Richie said, still semi dazed. He finally started taking careful steps towards the mysterious women. “Anytime auntie” he shook his head, eyes finally focusing again.
“wait- Auntie?” Eddie asaked, confusion laced his voice.
“Yeah kid, I’m Maggie’s sister. Richie’s aunt, I am also the head and leader of a little organization, The Threat Assessment, Reconnaissance and Operations Taskforce, Tarot for short. And I am Alley Red” Her poker face shifted into a small yet proud smile.
“Wait- holy shit you’re the leader of T.A.R.O.T?” Eddie’s eyes go wide beneath his mask as he marvels at the aunt and nephew.
“Yes yes now keep your voice down before you attack unnecessary attention” She waves her hand at Eddie as she surveys the alleyway for spying eyes.
“Yeah shut is Spaghetti” Richie cackled.
Eddie was taken aback by the familiar nickname, “W-What?” he stuttered.
Now it was Richie’s turn to look stunned, “Oh yeah” his shock turned smug, “I know it’s you in there Eds”.
Eddi- Spiderman froze, his entire body went stiff as he stared at the smirking teen.
“Sorry you’ve got the wrong guy-” Eddie began to lie but Richie shook his head.
“The bridge? Spider man mysteriously knowing my name at Liberty? Then him asking me to not go instead of trying to convince the school to cancel the dance? Eddie you, are a terrible liar” Richie smiled proudly at his detective work.
“How’d you know about this?” Spiderman asked, disregarding the fact that his secret identity had just been revealed. Instead he focused on how Richie knew he’d be out here with Carter.
“Well see this was the one thing I didn’t know about. But after you left, I was taking a leak in the upstairs bathroom and somebody’s spidey webs shot the window, so I looked out and saw you getting your ass handed to you and called my favourite aunt-”
“I was not getting my ass handed to me” Eddie crossed his arms and pouted.
Before Eddie could get anything else in, Richie’s aunt spoke up. “Well boys I better be on my way. Can’t just leave a drug lord out here on the street. Eddie, we’ll be in contact alright? T. A. R. O. T. Could use someone like you” She gave Spiderman a nod. With the click of her bracelet a team of people in equally dark trench coats emerged from the dark corners of the alleyway and took the two villains away.
Then the two teens were left alone together.
“So can I see the babe under the mask?” Richie asked curiously.
Eddie hesitated, no one knew about his secret identity. But it was Richie… My best friend and biggest crush. Before the hero could overthink the situation too much he moved his hand up and slid his mask off.
Richie watched as the famous Spider Man took his mask off, revealing Eddie Kaspbrak. Richie’s heart fluttered at the other’s face, his big doe eyes staring back at him through his lashes. “Hey Eds” The taller boy’s voice was warm and his face went soft.
Eddie’s face heated up a little, realizing how close they were. He tried to hold back his smile but failed, “Hey Rich”.
Richie raised his hands up to sit on Eddie’s hips. The hero’s skin tingled at the touch.
Eddie didn’t know what to say, he had just taken down a villain and his identity had been revealed. He felt very exposed, especially under the touch of his best friend and crush. “We should probably go back to the dance before they begin to worry” Eddie decided to break the moment before he could mess anything up.
Richie looked visibly taken aback at the mention of leaving. He was so in the moment that when Eddie stepped away from him, his face was left with a small, disappointed frown. “Oh- yeah, okay” He tried to sound supportive. Dropping his hands from Eddie’s waist, now he felt as if he was trespassing for some reason.
“Well I should uh- go” Eddie took a step back and raised his hand that held his mask.
“Yeah of course” Richie nodded.
Without another word, Eddie slid his mask back on. He turned around and with his hand extended out towards one of the fire escapes above him he shot off a web. He leaped up and landed safely on the metal of the escape.
Richie was still in awe to see Eddie put the mask on, as if that made everything real. Eddie is Spiderman, he thought as he watched Eddie leap up and away. But before he could shoot off another web Riche stepped forward and shouted, “Eddie! Wait!”.
Spiderman stopped where he stood on the railing of the fire escape and looked down at the curly haired teen that was waving up at him. With his sticky feet he simply walked down the railing and stood upside down on the underside of the fire escape. He shot off a web, connecting it to the floor he was hanging on. From there his knees bent and his hands held the web. He hung upside down as he slowly made his way to meet Richie. When he stopped they were perfectly face to face, even if Eddie was hanging upside down.
“Everything alright citizen?” Eddie put on his ‘responsible superhero’ voice, which got a chuckle from Richie.
Richie shrugged, slowly he stepped towards the hero, “Nah, all is good. Just forgot to do something” he said as he carefully placed his hands on either side of Eddie’s face. From there he delicately slid Spiderman’s mask down, exposing only the hero’s lips.
Too late to back out now, Richie thought as he angled his head and leaned in to kiss the superhero. Eddie’s lips were soft and he could feel the breath hitch in his mouth as Eddie waited a moment before he kissed back.
Eddie thought that his powers made him feel something, but the way he was feeling right here, right now, kissing Richie? That made him feel like he could do anything. Sparks and fireworks exploded within both of their chests alongside their racing hearts.
Sometimes fate works in mysterious ways. For example, right at that moment, two things began. First it started lightly drizzling over New york, even when the weatherman said it was supposed to be a clear and mild night. And second of all, just after it started raining, the dance’s DJ randomly started playing Africa By Toto at that very moment.
Richie and Eddie had not stopped kissing, not after they separated to breath, not when it started raining either. But when they heard the muffled (but still audible) tune of Africa’s iconic intro started echoing through the dark alleyway, Eddie could physically feel Richie gasp against his lips. It sent a shiver down Eddie’s spine. He felt Richie’s lips heat up as he blushed against Eddie. Then, only then, did the two break away, the night air filled their lungs and cooled their skin.
“Wanna slow dance with me?” Richie asked, his voice filled with optimism and excitement.
“To Africa by Toto?” Eddie asked, realizing he was still hanging upside down outside of his school’s homecoming dance.
“Why of course! What song would be better for our first slow dance?” Richie arched his eyebrows in a charming manner.
“Oh trashmouth” Eddie sighs happily, he quickly let go of the web he’d been holding onto and flipped backwards, landing on his feet, facing Richie. “You have such a way with words” The hero ripped his mask off, tossed it to the side and smashed his lips up against the other’s.
After a moment their lips separated, instead the two opted to lean their foreheads against each other. Richie’s hands found Eddie’s hips again (something Eddie was liking more every time it happened), holding him close as they slowly swayed back and forth. Eddie's hands drifted up to Richie’s upper half, one hand dangled comfortably off of Richie’s shoulder while the other slid into his forest of dark curls. Even with his suit covering his fingers, he was still able to feel every inch of Richie with his Spidey Senses.
So that’s how it ended, with Richie slow dancing with Spiderman, Eddie, in the alleyway behind his school on the night of the Homecoming dance, in the rain, to Africa by Toto.
The End
Word Count: 4522
Final Word Count: 18598
Bing, Bang, Done! Three chapters, kinda short but I didn’t plan for this fic to be too big, I also know there’s some other Spider Eddie fics out there so I wanted to keep it short and sweet, which I think I achieved. 
Overall I’m pretty happy with how this turned out! I’ve always had trouble explaining fighting scenes and such, so this was good practice. I also just adored watching as Richie and Eddie’s relationship evolved and aw, it was so sweet!
As this is the final chapter I’ve gotta remind you guys to go check out my other social medias, Instagram (Stellar.Cosplays), Tumblr, (stellar-cosplays), even my youtube (Alley’s World). Also don’t forget to check out my other fan fictions! Here’s my master list, or go check out my account and you’ll find them all there.
Thank you all for the support this fic has received! I really enjoyed writing this piece and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. 
Well looks like the time has come, that’s all from me guys, catch you on the flip side. 
So Long and Goodnight
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