#or Ahsoka looking at the scar on her foot when she was on the run or after order 66
A long list of Clone Wars headcanons just cause
Sometimes Ahsoka will get the zoomies and how she handles that energy is roughhousing with Anakin who's more than willing to participate 
It becomes a show for the 501 because seeing the small togruta tackle the lanky ass nightmare that is Anakin Skywalker to the floor is hilarious 
They are both guilty of not knowing their strength so some people (cough cough Obi-Wan cough cough) caution them against it they don’t really listen tho which has resulted in some pretty hilarious injuries 
One of those injuries happened when they were playing around and Ahsoka shouldered Anakin so abruptly that he fell back on him tailbone and got the wind knocked out of him she sat by his side laughing her ass off
It took her an unreasonable amount of time to realize he was in pain and when she did she started apologizing like crazy she still gets embarrassed when people bring it up and still apologizes years later
There was another time when Ahsoka turned her back to Anakin when they were roughhousing and he pushed her so hard that she almost fell off of the landing platform they were standing on
He snatched her up by the stomach while muttering “I’m so sorry” and then he started frantically checking to make sure he didn’t seriously hurt her while Ahsoka laughed so hard she swears to this day that she pulled something 
Unfortunately when the laughter stopped she did realize she managed to sprain her wrist and when Anakin found he helped her wrap it
You’d think that they’d learn from these incidents but nope they still play fight like two big dogs 
Even tho Anakin and Ahsoka’s place is pretty clean it’s never really quiet there’s always gotta be some kinda noise 
Sometimes it’s Ahsoka’s music playing loudly in her room, sometimes it’s a holomovie in the living room, and sometimes it’s just them bickering in the kitchen
It doesn’t matter what it is it’s never truly quiet even at night there’s a small amount of noise from Anakin’s snoring (which he denies) and Ahsoka’s purring thing (which she also denies) 
As crazy as it sounds the people closest to them will admit that their noise is strangely comforting  
Anakin and Ahsoka are so freaking similar that it turns heads sometimes they’ll say something the other said but they’ve never heard like “This is where the fun begins” 
It’s stopped Obi-Wan in his tracks before it kinda freaks him out and worries him a little bit but it also puts a small smile on his face when the duo says the same thing at the same time
They’re also able to predict how the other will react once Ahsoka was teaching the clones tricks with her saber and they broke it they felt terrible but they were also terrified about Anakin’s reaction 
Ahsoka was the only calm one in the room and explained to the group that Anakin would pretend to be pissed for about an hour but then he’d “calm down” and ask for the parted to fix it and by that time rolled around she’d already have his favorite holo prepped and food from Dex’s
They listened to her with a healthy amount of skepticism and were happily surprised to find out the next day that she was right  
There was another time when Anakin and Obi-Wan decided to buy Ahsoka her favorite boba to soften the blow that she wasn’t gonna go on a mission Anakin told Obi-Wan that she’d be happy for a minute before asking what happened and he was right 
When Ahsoka got closer to Anakin the clones and everyone else she showed her secret passion for acting like she doesn’t know them in public when they piss her off
It worked a couple of times and one of those times Rex almost got arrested because the officer didn’t believe that they were the commander and captain of the 501st Rex didn’t blame the dude because he couldn’t prove it without Ahsoka’s help and she refused to back him up
Ahsoka finally dropped the act when the cuffs came out but she was still kinda reluctant
She did agree to take a break from that prank and she stopped doing it entirely when Obi-Wan had to bail Anakin out of jail (she bought a lot of boba for a very long time to make up for that one)
They will reference the prank occasionally by asking each other at random points in the day “Do I know you?” 
Like sometimes they’ll be out and Anakin will ask “Have we met before?” most of the time Ahsoka will answer “No actually we haven’t” (this girl is wearing his cloak he’s wearing one of her headwraps and his arm is resting on her head) 
Sometimes Padme will make a big deal of taking Anakin and Ahsoka out to do something just the three of them
Whenever Padme and Anakin show the smallest form of affection towards each other Ahsoka makes a big deal about gagging Anakin makes a bigger deal of “evening it out” 
Like if he kisses Padme and Ahsoka gags he’ll grab her and give her a big smooch on the forehead and then like the little shit that he is he’ll whip his lips calling her greasy
She gets him back by whipping the spit off her forehead with his robes (and also backhanding him which Padme kindly ignores)
Padme will sometimes tease her too like if she grabs Anakin’s hand then she’ll link arms with Ahsoka and make a small comment like “There now you’re even”
Sometimes Ahsoka will get them both back in the moments when they check on each other first she’ll make a big deal about saying “Well kriff me I guess” even if she doesn’t have a scratch on her 
Both Anakin and Padme will make a big deal about checking her for injuries with a couple of comments like “Oh my poor little padawan you have a scratch from training last night how did you cope”
I said in my first post that Ahsoka and Anakin have a playlist and I love the idea that they have different titles for them like “Obi-Wan’s least favorite playlist” “get ready to kick seppie’s ass” “the council pissed me off again” and stuff like that 
It’s all in good fun but they’ll never let anyone else see those titles because they know it’ll get a good scolding from Obi-Wan
The moment Obi-Wan knew Anakin had formed an “unnecessary attachment” wasn’t some big life-or-death moment on the battlefield 
In hindsight it was a pretty funny moment that was caused by Anakin’s stupidity cause he had broken a glass earlier that day and he thought he got all the pieces so he didn’t feel it was necessary to tell Ahsoka
Next thing he knows the poor togruta is gasping in pain and when he goes to check on her she’s sitting on the kitchen floor while the mother of all glass shards is sticking out of her foot 
Now you might be asking “How did Anakin miss a glass shard the size of his hand?” he honestly couldn’t give you an answer but he could tell you was in that moment he realized that he forgot to restock the med kit even though Ahsoka had reminded him about it earlier that day
All Obi-Wan got to see of this was a blur of Anakin holding his profusely bleeding padawan while yelling at the top of his lungs “Move she’s bleeding out!”
No one can really blame the man for dropping everything he was doing to chase after his former padawan and they also can’t blame him for assuming the worst like her being stabbed or shot
He didn’t know what he was expecting when he walked into the halls of healing but it wasn’t an embarrassed Anakin standing over a cackling Ahsoka as the healers scolded him for causing a scene
He makes a silent note to give Anakin a small lecture about keeping his emotions under control before checking on his giggly grand padawan
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
Number 11 for still alive Qui Gon and the disaster lineage? Hi I'm new
Yes!! I love the entire premise of this prompt. This is exactly what I was subconsciously dreaming of when I wrote that prompt.
From this various prompts list.
Requests are currently closed.
This is the last prompt in my inbox! Thank you to everyone who requested, liked, reblogged, etc. <3 I’ll be back again with more prompts soon!
Over a decade ago on Naboo, during a galaxy-shaking crisis that would one day help propel the universe into war, a Jedi Master and his Padawan had both gone in side by side against a Sith.
They had emerged both hanging on to life by their fingertips.
Qui-Gon Jinn had taken a deep wound across his torso and hips, a wound that healed slowly and scarred deeply. He would never walk the same again, would never run, and would always be in constant, quiet pain.
Obi-Wan Kenobi had suffered a blow to the head and been deprived of oxygen for very, very, nearly too long — an attack that left him in and out of consciousness for weeks. The Healers declared that his mental capabilities were not compromised, but he was forever prone to debilitating migraines.
The Healers called each case a miracle.
The Master and Padawan didn’t care what it was. They were more preoccupied by the crashing relief that came with realizing that the other was alive, and would remain so.
When Jinn severed Kenobi’s braid, the training bond remained.
When Jinn took Anakin Skywalker as his apprentice, he assimilated Kenobi into the training as easily as breathing, and the boy had two Masters instead of one.
There wasn’t really anything to be done about it, and no one was really bothered in the first place.
Then, of course, Skywalker took on Ahsoka Tano, and sometimes it seemed that Jinn had three Padawans, or that he and Kenobi had two Padawans, or that Tano had three Masters. They were a unit.
Perhaps they struggled with attachment — particularly Anakin.
But all Jedi did at some point or another, and his Lineage was careful to try and teach him when to relax, when to let go. To remind all of them of that.
They could be together, a family, without possession coming into the mix.
And all things considered, they did very well.
Very well indeed.
Vokara Che reflected on this as she hovered just out of sight. Perhaps it was wrong of her to linger here in the shadows of the quarters that Jinn, Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano shared during their rare respites from the war, but she would stand by her reason — she came here to check on her patient, not expecting to encounter a crowd.
Last she had heard, the other three had been halfway across Coruscant guarding Senator Amidala.
Nevertheless, here they were.
There were soft sounds in the darkness, the thuds of boots being dropped lightly onto the floor, the whisper of robes, quiet breathing, a hissed hushing noise.
Vokara lingered in the doorway and watched as the three figures gathered around the bed where their fourth member lay, slumbering, beneath a single blanket.
“He must be cold,” said a low male voice. “We should get him more blankets.”
“Good idea,” said a younger male, and one of the figures shuffled across the room and began gathering up blankets and sheets.
“Should he be here?” questioned the only female member of the tribe, concern laced in her tone. “I thought he needed another few days in the Halls of Healing.”
A sigh. The deeper male voice answered, “You know he dislikes it there. I have no doubt he was released early on good behavior, with conditions.”
“Ohh,” said Ahsoka. “He’s shivering.”
Qui-Gon stooped down and ran a hand through the sleeping Obi-Wan’s hair. “Mmm. He’s in pain,” he said, and his voice carried an undercurrent of regret and worry that he did not bother to conceal from his youngest Padawan.
Anakin returned with an absolute mountain of blankets in his arms. He peered over them to look at his sleeping friend. “I don’t like the idea of just leaving him here unsupervised. You know he won’t ask for help if he needs it, he’ll just get up in the middle of the night looking for painkillers and pass out halfway across the room.”
“Will not,” mumbled a sleepy voice.
Qui-Gon chuckled warmly; Ahsoka whispered a joyful, “Master Obi-Wan!” and Anakin dropped the bundle of blankets on the foot of the bed and clambered right up next to him, stretching out casually beside the older Jedi.
“…what th’… fuck… are you doin’?” the injured Jedi yawned.
“He’s on the good stuff,” Ahsoka giggled, clapping her hands over her mouth.
“So he is,” agreed Qui-Gon. He leaned down indulgently and pressed a paternal kiss to the top of the reddish-blonde head, his tone endlessly fond.
“Ged’off,” commanded the drugged up Obi-Wan.
“No,” said Qui-Gon.
“You need blankets, Master,” Ahsoka said, picking up several and shaking them out, examining them in the dark. “You’re going to catch a chill.”
“Won’t,” Obi-Wan argued.
“Will,” she argued back. She joined Anakin on the bed and began spreading a blanket over Obi-Wan, who couldn’t do much to stop her and resorted to blinking at her owlishly over the top of his new quilt, the combination of his huge, offended eyes and his ruffled hair resulting in something borderline adorable.
“Qui,” Obi-Wan whined, and he reached out clumsily and tugged on his former Master’s sleeve like an indignant toddler. “They’re bossing me.”
“We’re all bossing you, Obi-Wan, you’re injured and you need care,” ‘Qui’ replied.
Obi-Wan harrumphed. He turned his attention the other direction and made shooing motions at the younger two. “Gedoff my bed. Go.”
“Your bed?” Anakin demanded, pulling a mock-wounded expression. “This is our bed now. Make room.” He reached over and grabbed Obi-Wan around the shoulders and dragged him a little closer, towards the right side of the bed where he lay squashed against the wall. Obi-Wan squawked indignantly, but Ahsoka was already diving into the spot he’d left behind and curling up against his other side. Without a word, Qui-Gon slipped in beside her, grabbing a spare pillow to place beneath her head.
Anakin reached down and dragged more of the blankets over all of them, and the four Jedi became one big bundle of warm blankets and slightly squashed bodies.
Vokara placed her fingers over her lips and found that she was smiling.
“Rude,” Obi-Wan huffed from under the blanket pile.
And then he rolled onto his side, draping an arm over Ahsoka’s shoulder as if to shield her from harm, and fell asleep.
The others quickly followed suit, and soon the rooms were filled with the soft sounds of deep sleep and the quiet noises of the Temple itself.
Vokara Che left as silently as she had come, assured that her patient was well taken care of.
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djarinsidebitch · 4 years
Against the Wall is the Best therapy
A/N: repost from old blog
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: oral Fand M receiving, unprotected sex, degrading words, hate sex??
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You are a Jedi general in the Grand Army of the republic, You work alongside jedi masters and knights like Obi wan Kenobi, Plo koon, Anakin Skywalker and his padawan Ahsoka Tano. You worked mostly with Obi wan kenobi and the 212th attack Battalion. But in relation works with the 501st and General Skywalker. You where at the temple when you learned about the assassination of Obi Wan Kenobi it hurt you to know someone you saw as a close friend and father figer is dead; just like that he is gone. At the funeral you stood in the stands watching as he becomes one with the force but glancing over you see Anakin the pain and anger that washed over his face was concerning to watch. But you didn't question it not knowing the pain it is to lose a master you felt compassion na dpitty to the jedi knight. Days after the funeral you tried to be there for both Anakin and Ahsoka also knowing that the young padawan was clone to the now fallen jedi master you connected easily to the togruta padawan but her master was another deal he wouldn't let you get even a single word in before finding an excuse to leave or he would completely ignore you.   “Anakin please I just want to help the pain you are holding to yourself will only get worse. You haven't talked to anyone since it happened” You pleaded once more to the Jedi knight. “I don't need your help, and would appreciate it if you would just leave me alone, you have no idea what it feels like to know you could do something about it” he says harshly leaning down to your level point an accusatory finger in your face. You sighed, losing hope in him and took a few steps back holding your hands together under the sleeves of your Jedi robe nodding “If that is what you want, but if you change your mind you know where to find me” You say softly looking towards the ground while walking away. Behind you Anakin watches you retreating form with saddened eyes. He knew he was too harsh but all he could feel was anger and the need for vengeance. Ahsoka comes into view causing Anakin's face to harden once again  “Master we found the bounty hunter that killed Master Kenobi”; That was the best thing he has heard ever since obi wan died. After Anakin and Ahsoka had caught the bounty hunter and took them to the Prison on Coruscant The two went back to the jedi temple Ahsoka was worried for her master; She could feel the anger radiating still off of him the tension was uncomfortable but she stayed silent on the ride back to the temple. The moment the speeder landed Anakin jumped out and rushed into the temple “Who knows where he is going” Ahsoka mutters.
You were meditating in your room at the Jedi temple when you felt a wave of anger hit you then pounding on your door. Before you can get to the door it is force open by the force and a very angry and frustrated Anakin Skywalker walks through being the center for the dark energy. “Anakin what are you doing-” you try to ask but are cut off by anakin grabbing you by the lapels of your jedi robes and shoving you hard against the wall of your quarters, the air gets knocked out of your lungs as you slam against the ferrocrete. You look up into his eyes they are full of anger and hate “I changed my mind” He growls her face scrunched up in anger. “I want your help-” he pauses moving one of his hands to your neck using that to hold you up while his other gloved hand moves to under your jedi tunic running down and around the tops of your breast “But in a different way” his eyes go from your chest up to your face. The realization of his words dawn on you; your eyes widening. You start sputtering fragments of words “I-... we can-t it's against the code?” you say but he growls in response “Forget the code; the council all of it” he says angrily and with a deep hsuk to it where you can feel it vibrate through the force. He adjusts the hold on you bringing your thighs to wrap around his trim waist, he steps closer pressing the rest of your body against the wall he used the force to unclip the belt around your waist that kept all your robes together once the belt hit the ground the layers of clothing that covered your form started sagging only thread and buttons kept them together and anakin quickly reaches down and rips the clothes open exposing your breast to the chill air. You almost look mortified looking down at your exposed breasts Anakin smirks his hand coming up to grasp and squeeze one, the feeling forced a squeal out of you he leans down growling into your ear “Do you like that princess” he asks continuing to knead your chest he starts playing with your nipple extracting a whimper out of you; he drops his head down wrapping his mouth around your other breast. Moans start falling from your mouth all these sensations are new and foreign to you but they felt so good. You feel  a warmness pool in your lower abdomen and a wetness between your thighs; it must have also felt good to anakin as you feel something grow between your thighs pressing against you core without thinking you start rolling your hips grinding against anakin the groans against your nipple biting down on the soft flesh sending vibrations through your body and causing you to yelp. not long after he releases your breast from his mouth and grabs hold of your hips stealing them from their movements ``I wouldn't do that if i were you princess” he says slowly.
He steps away from the wall carrying you to your small bed in your quarters. He drops you on the bed hard enough to make you bounce as he then move to take off hi belt and his tunic; you couldn't keep your eyes off of him in his abs and muscles covered in scars and wounds making you move to reach up moving to your knees running your hands up and down the expanse of his chest fingers nimbly tracing each scar and bump he has. Your fingers start tracing down the V that goes down below the line of his pants once you reach the waist band he grabs your wrist roughly “Your not in charge here princess” he says and grabs your upper arms lifting you as you were nothing and spinning around placing you on your knees in front of him he sits down on the foot of your bed and leans back motioning to the clean tent in his pants like a non verbal order. Uncertain you nimbly reach up to pull down his trousers his erection springs out slapping his stomach your eyes widen it was not what you expected it was long, and thick beads of pre cum leak from the top, softly you reach up grapsinghi member in your hand he runs a hand  through your hair and leads your head to his dick “Come on princess” he says smirking you look up at him while taking the head into your mouth, hi head drops backwards is a groan and you move your head down farther taking more of him into your mouth you suck on him and he grains louder “ Ah! just like that love just.. Like.. that” he says gripping your hair and starts moving your head up and down his length his fingers threaded through your hair. You hollow your cheeks getting the hang of what makes him moand louder, he mov es to grab hold of your face and thrusts himself faster fucking your face the tip of his head hits the back of your throat causing you to gag he doesnt let up moving faster and grunts more and more “fuck sweetheart your such a natural” he smirks looking down at you “Your taking me so.. Mmmhm fuck, so well” he groans biting his lip, his words send a new wave of wetness to your core you have probably already soaked through your underwear.your hand trails down you tour own pants dipping under thw waist band and into your underwear running a finger through your soaked folds you let out a small moan causing anakin to open his eyes and look down at you anger flashes onto his fae as he yanks you up “Did I say you can touch yourself princess” he growls with a wicked grin on his face. You don't say anything causing him to pull on your hair “I asked you a question sweet thing” he says deeply “No.” “No what?”  “No Master please”you plead out   “What do you need sweetheart? His other hand comes up to grip your neck causing you to mew in response'' I need you to touch me please master” with his head tilted back slightly he looks down on you menacingly. Anakin lets go of your hair and trails a hand down the side of your curves and between your thighs ``Do You want me to touch you here” he whispers into your ear “Your so wet already i have barely touched you; seems was both needed this'' you nod mewling in the process he picks you up switching spots with him nad laying you the you back on the edge of the bed while he kneels between your legs he reaches and grabs the waistband of your pants yanking them down once the are off you subconsciously close your legs but he stops you and pins yu knees open with the force “I didn't tell you to do that sweetheart, you don't listen well don't you” he says making eye contact with you from between your legs.
He leans in kissing your inner thighs, biting and sucking on the flesh leaving marks all along the inside leading to your core. He licks a stripe up your core and you moan out softly anakin start to eat you out licking stripes through your folds then moving to seal his lips around your clit sucking on it, a pressure starts building once again in your lower abdomen  “Anakin…” you say breathlessly hands  gripping the thin fabric you called sheets that the temple gave you. He smirks looking up at you as you fell apart, You felt the ball of tension start to almost break but anakin pulls away making you whine  “Not yet sweetheart, not yet” he says lowly and moving you farther up on the bed as he climbs up pushing you by your knees. He settles himself between your legs
He looks up at you before proceeding you nod whimpering with need. After that he smiled wickedly grippin the backs of your thighs pushing them back towards your chest and slamming into you. You moan out loudly, the pain of him entering you so quickly makes you squirm but he keeps you still holding you down then the pain fizzles into pleasure which makes you to continue to moan loudly in time with his thrusts you are cut off by one of his hands coming up gripping your neck cutting off the noise to a squeak “We don't want people to know what we are doing…. Now do we princess”leaning down to whisper in your ear as he slowly grinds into you “I asked you. A question” he grunts punctioning his words with deep thrust making you squeal once again “Yes Master” you choke out softly. He smiles and continues his brutal pace the sounds were wet and almost obscene as you also tried so hard to hold back your moans biting your lip so hard that it almost breaks skin; it felt so good but so wrong you and him were breaking one of the most important rules in the jedi order, that of attachments. Anakin's hand moves from your neck down to your hips he grips them tightly you can already tell there are going to be bruises later; he lifts you off the bed and against his chest as he spears into you you can feel him slam up inside you the ball of tension deep in your stomach it feels as if it is going to burst “you are close aren't you; i can feel you getting tighter so so tight” he grunts through clenched teeth. You can feel him throbbing with each thrust; and you were teetering on the edge and after a few deep thrust from anakin the ball snaps and your entire vision goes white with pleasure and you cant help the loud moan that escapes your mouth as you clench around anakin which caused his orgasm and he pushes himself to the hilt cumming deep inside of you he groans out in a broken moan running his hands up and down your sides and leans down kissing and sucking little bruises into your skin as both of your chest heave with sweat glistening on your bodies. “This really helped princess, maybe I need more of your guidance” he says softly pulling away from your neck; you were too far spent and just softly nods he chuckled lowly laying you down while looking around for a towel to clean you up with. He gets up disappearing into the refresher and comes out with a small simple towel and wipes you down then climbs in bed pressing his chest to your back burying his head into your neck. Using the force he pulls the blankets over the two of you and the two of you fall into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning you wake up and to your surprise a large warm body was still pressed against you with his arms draped around your middle sleeping soundly…. Until the beeping coming for month of your communications started going off, pushing yourself up you wobble as fast as your sore legs could let your grabbing the brace that held the communication and activated it “Yes what is it” You say trying not to sound like you just woke up “there has been a prison break, three inmates have escaped… including Master Obi Wan's killer; You, Young Skywalker and Padawan Tano will go after them” It was Master Mace Windu “Yes Master we will get right on it; thank you master” you discontent the transmission and turn to the sleeping jedi in your bed and crawl back into the bed and onto anakin straddling him she wakes up slowly opening his eyes “This is a sight i can wake up to princess” you rolls your eyes “Later SkyDoofus We have a mission, Raco Hardeen and two other inmates have escaped us and ahsoka have been tasked to catch him” you say and anakin's face flashes to one of anger “Of course; well let's go” he grabs your waist and picks you up while getting up the places you on the bed while he gets dressed. You watch as he pulls on his robes that were discarded the night before, you mind starts wandering to the events of last knight when a wad of clothes are thrown at your face “Something on your mind princes” he says coyly already knowing what you were thinking “Nope” you quip back and start putting on your own robes and armor before the both of you leave to meet with ahsoka you mind stuck on anakin memories of last night flashing through your mind hoping that he will need your consoling soon for both of your sake.  
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passable-talent · 4 years
So then a part 3 pretty please? I would love to see Obi-Wan and others in this story too :))
| part 1 | part 2 | 
hmm. lore is getting deeper here ladies and gents
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Shmi, as it turned out, had once called Anakin’s cavern her home. She had raised him here, and when she had gotten too old to protect it, had left the cave to Anakin for an easier life among the humans. 
She very seldom came to visit her son in the forest, as it would be seen as suspicious for an elderly woman to wander off in the direction of the dragon’s lair. But when she had heard that Council Head Palpatine was sending his army of golems, she had hurried toward the mountain with as much haste as she could. 
Councilman Gunray was long gone into the woods when you decided it was safe to turn your back on where he’d been. You picked through the crumbled golems that had fallen into the grass, reaching the stone ledge that lead into Anakin’s cave. It was a foot or so taller than you, but had plenty of footholds, so like always, you scaled it without a problem. 
Anakin was sitting up now, his skin cleaned of blood and wounds treated nicely. Shmi was sitting beside him, and both seemed anxious for your return. Both stared as you climbed up, presumably because they were worried you’d been hurt. 
“It’s alright, I’m fine,” you said, lifting the hilt of your quieted saber to place it back on your waistband, but as you did, you noticed something about your arm.
On the outside of your forearm, there was a patch of grey-ish brown scales. Your fingernails were a shade darker, hardened and lengthened into claws. You checked- and the same was true for the other arm. 
“What-” you started, breathing beginning to speed up, a slight bit of panic invading your body. “What is this?” Anakin practically jumped to his feet, and you watched him with worry in your eyes as he cupped your face, rubbing his thumbs over your cheekbones. He didn’t have his horns, nor slitted eyes, and his arms were free of scales while he rubbed his thumbs over your cheekbones. You almost pulled away from him- there was something weird about the way you felt his touch, like he was touching scar tissue, but you knew you had no scars under your eyes. 
“It’s alright,” Anakin breathed, his blue eyes full of affection. “You look beautiful.” You reached up to hold his arms, but the sight of your new claws only startled you further. 
“Anakin, I-” He interrupted you by bringing his hand down to your shoulders, flipping his dragon’s skin cloak from your shoulders. As he did, you felt a change- and looked down in bewilderment as your fingernails slowly shortened and returned to normal, the scales on your arms disappearing back into your skin.
“It’s okay,” he said, throwing the cloak around himself again. “It’s a dragon’s cloak.” Your eyes were drawn to him as he spoke, and scales emerged on his cheekbones, horns sprouted from his hair, his pupils narrowed into the slits you’d grown so used to seeing. 
The cloak- it was magic. Now, you cursed yourself for not figuring out earlier. 
“Whoever wears it gets a bit of a dragon’s look. I can’t change forms unless I’m wearing it.” 
“So I could’ve changed into a dragon?” You asked, running your fingers down the cloak, its inside smooth, exterior scaled. 
“No,” he said, “Only I can do that, since it’s mine.” He raised his hands to your face again, and let one thumb roll over your lower lip. “But you made a beautiful dragon.” You blushed, lowering your head, and only then did you remember that Shmi was still there. You trusted her, and she was Anakin’s mother after all, but that made it more embarrassing to have a blatantly romantic moment in front of her. You cleared your throat, slipping from his grip and turning toward her. 
“Coruscant- what’s it look like, now?” You asked her, and she gave you a small smile. 
“I know how you worried for us, dear,” Shmi said, her whole body just radiating kindness. “Most of the homes are untouched, especially the lower class.” Relief you hadn’t known you were waiting for flooded your body. Coruscant, even with its leaders turning their backs on you, was a town full of people like any other in the kingdom, and you had never wanted to hurt the townspeople. “The sacrificial stage is gone, as is the council’s meeting hall, and many other buildings in the middle of town, such as Palpatine’s home.” 
“His house burnt down?” You asked, letting regret flash across your face. Shmi reached out to take your hand, pulling you down to sit beside her. 
“No, don’t worry,” she said, holding your hand with both of hers. “Palpatine is a deplorable, evil man. You should know better than anyone. He deserves what he’s gotten.” You offered her a small smile, hoping to convince yourself of it, too. You’d meant to make Coruscant better, but by falling for Anakin, it seemed like you’d made everyone’s life worse. 
“Mom, I don’t think you should be going back to Coruscant,” Anakin suggested, standing at the top of the stairs to his loft. 
“I agree,” Shmi said, gathering herself to her feet. “Luckily, my dear, I believe you still have a spare bed?” Anakin looked first at Shmi, then to you, before turning a slightly surprised gaze toward his mother. 
“I do, my old room, but don’t you... where is (Y/N) going to sleep?” With the expression of a mother who knows her son too well, Shmi shook her head, giving you a knowing look before following a tunnel away from the loft and into the mountain.
Anakin turned toward you, confused, and you only smiled. Maybe he’d figure that puzzle out himself. 
“Got any more of that soup?” You asked, looking briefly toward his firepit. This morning he’d given you a rabbit soup, made with bone broth from his last few meals. “I’m starved.” 
Three days passed in peace. And yes, he had figured it out, and you slept curled up against his chest. 
You were nervous with every noise that passed the cave’s mouth, assuming that another Jedi knight had been sent to kill Anakin, or a curious passer-by was ready to expose your secret. You knew Anakin shared the same fears. It seemed only to be Shmi who was completely comfortable, happy to once again be home with her son, and you, who she had practically adopted as her own. 
On the fourth day, you were leaning against the mouth of the cave, Anakin helping his mother prepare the evening meal behind you, when you saw something that confused and terrified you. 
Appearing over the treetops was the form of a dragon.
“Uh, Anakin?” you called, realizing that this dragon was flying straight toward you, and so Anakin’s cavern. The only two dragons you knew where here with you, so- who was this?
You heard both Anakin and Shmi approach you, but you didn’t turn, your gaze still stuck with the dragon. You didn’t turn, at least, until you heard Shmi speak.
Your gaze snapped to her, and an unsettling wave of fear came over you. 
“No, Maul is-”
“Dead,” Shmi finished for you. “I know.” As the dragon grew closer, you began to recognize the red and black patterns that Maul had been described with, but you noticed a distinct lack of the deadly, yellow spikes that were said to cover the dragon’s face. 
“It can’t be-” Shmi said, and Anakin stepped in front of her. You, sensing the same danger Anakin did, found and clutched your saber, readying to ignite it. As the dragon approached, you realized that between its wings was a human girl, which puzzled you even further. 
The dragon landed just inside the treeline, far enough away that you didn’t yet feel threatened. From its neck slid the woman, and you narrowed your eyes, because you thought you might recognize her. But no, it couldn’t be. It couldn’t possibly be-
The dragon shifted into its human form, as you’d seen Anakin do, and though your heart had never stopped, in this moment, it felt like it restarted. 
“Obi-Wan!” you shouted, without a second thought jumping from the ledge. You caught yourself and stumbled forward, rolling your momentum into a run, slamming into Obi-Wan and giving him a tight hug. He’d been your mentor, once- and now, beside him, was a close friend of yours, his new apprentice, Ahsoka Tano. 
“It’s good to see you again, (Y/N),” Obi-Wan said, letting you break from his embrace to catch Ahsoka in yours. “I hear you’ve been getting yourself in quite a bit of trouble.” 
“Yeah, well,” you said with a bit of a shrug, “it seems like I learned from the best.” From his bright hair were two horns, black and red, and similar colored scales covered his cheekbones, shoulders, arms. Somehow, he’d become a dragon. 
“Kenobi?” said Shmi, and you turned toward where she and Anakin still stood at the mouth of the cave. Anakin looked scared- but in a way that only you would notice it. To anyone else, he would look furious. 
“Forgive me, milady,” Obi-Wan said to her, stepping in front of you. “I’m sure your kind must not take kindly to seeing me. If you permit me, I come in peace- and to offer an explanation.” 
“No,” Anakin said, and you lifted your gaze to him. 
“Anakin,” Shmi said, seemingly to soothe him, and she said something to him that you couldn’t quite catch. 
“Come inside,” Shmi called down, “We’ll have tea. It seems we have much to talk about.” Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were brought up to the cavern, where they sat on the floor, respectful to Shmi and Anakin’s home, the way a Jedi knight was trained to be. 
“When I killed Maul,” Obi-Wan began, and you felt Anakin bristle beside you, “I didn’t know dragons were anything more than beasts. But he became human as he died, and he asked me to take his dragon’s cloak.” Obi-Wan, who wore the red and black cloak, pulled it tighter around his shoulder. “I’ve been honoring his wishes. I didn’t realize that when he died, it took on a new master, and I’ve become a dragon myself.” Shmi brought her hand to her chin, considering. 
“I’ve heard rumors that such a thing was possible,” she said, “but I’ve never seen it myself.” 
“Now you have,” Ahsoka offered, a brightness to her snark, as always. 
“But that isn’t why we came,” Obi-Wan continued, “We believe that this family is very important to something happening in the kingdom.” 
“So this is Jedi business,” you said, almost saddened. 
“Not fully,” Obi-Wan said, “(Y/N), since you left the temple, there has been revealed a plot to kill the King. We’ve been trying to investigate who would try such a thing, and the Order has discovered no one.” He leaned forward, as though sharing a secret. “But I believe it’s Palpatine.” 
“Unsurprising,” Shmi said with a small hiss to her words. 
“Why would he do that?” Anakin asked, not truly invested into the politics of the kingdom.
“I believe that he wants the throne,” Obi-Wan answered, his voice even, and you recognized the tone. This was how Obi-Wan spoke when he was trying to break news gently. Why was he so afraid to tell this to you?
“And how would killing the king give him the throne?” You prodded, “The Senate would vote on an Interim until Princess Padme is old enough to be queen.” 
“Because Palpatine has always been a political mentor to the princess,” Ahsoka said, “So he thinks he’ll be voted as Interum.” Obi-Wan waved her silent.
“That,” Obi-Wan said, “and that he already has the support of many senators. I thought that that would be enough, but when I heard of everything that had happened in Coruscant...” Obi-Wan brought his gaze to yours, his eyes full of sorrow. 
“I wish I didn’t have to tell you this, (Y/N), but it seems he’s been using you. I believe that he allowed you to escape your execution, allowed Vader here to go free, allowed you to defeat the golems, because he wanted to build you into a bigger threat. I think he intends to wage a war against you, so that he can prove to the Senate that he is a good leader. Then he’ll kill the king, and take the throne.” 
You’d known that you had made things worse for everyone, by making the choices you had. But to find out you were an unknowing participant in a coup... 
You lowered your head, pressing your palms to your forehead.
“The thought that anyone would want to kill King Sio Bibble,” Shmi said, righteously angry, “is deplorable. He is a wise and fair ruler.” 
“Virtues mean nothing to a man who craves power, I’m afraid,” Obi-Wan said, taking a sip of his tea.
You’d thought that you were smart, that you were secretive. You’d thought that you were one of the best knights ever to leave the Jedi Temple, and yet- and yet, Sheev Palpatine, the Council Head of Coruscant, who you’d never met before in your life, could predict your decisions with enough accuracy to incite a war. 
“What to you suggest we do, master?” You asked, not lifting your head to look at Obi-Wan. 
“It is my suggestion that you leave,” Obi-Was said, “Flee to less populated land. If you prove yourself not a threat, then he will have no grounds for an attack, and the Jedi Knights’ only worries will be protecting the King and Princess.”
“I’m not leaving my home,” Anakin snapped, and you once again cursed yourself for being the source of problems not only for your master, not only for the man you loved, but for the entire kingdom.
“You’re willing to face an army to protect it?”
“Anakin,” Shmi said softly, reaching over to take his hand gently. “Obi-Wan, thank you for telling us. It seems we have much to talk about.” 
You hated everything that was going to happen- whether Anakin was forced to abandon his childhood home, or war came to the kingdom. You hated every alternative, and so searched for a single substitute, one pathway that would diverge and protect everyone, let things return to the way they used to be.
And suddenly, you had one. Not one that you were proud of, but one that you would accept, to protect the people you cared about, to protect the kingdom. 
“What if we just kill Palpatine?” you suggested, quietly, lifting your head slowly. 
“(Y/N), Jedi knights are not meant to meddle in politics,” Obi-Wan reminded you.
“No, but we are meant to serve the king.” You felt determination wiggle into your soul, more and more certain that not only would you do this, but that it would be right. “Would destroying his usurper not be considered serving him?” Obi-Wan looked sideways to Ahsoka for a moment, then back to you.
“Suppose I agreed with your reasoning,” he said, cheekily taking a sip of his tea, “What would you have in mind?” 
-🦌 Roe
| part 4 |
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greaterawarness · 3 years
"What's Owed." Brothers CH. 4
(The Domino Squad finally has a contact that could possibly help them into a Mandalorian clan. She might also help them to their graves. Fives questions everything that has happened to him so far and what it all means.)
“I haven’t seen you boys before,” The woman says with her dark helmet scanning over them. Fives felt completely paralyzed in her gaze. The Mandalorian shifts so she can bring her hand up to her chin. “What brings five strapping men before me?”
Hevy swallows before speaking.
“Ma’am,” He starts shakily. “My brothers and I… well, we were looking for someone to help us.”
“Help? What kind of help?” She purrs.
“We need help making a name for ourselves. We’re wanting to join one of the clone Mandalorian clans but… we have nothing to show so far.” Hevy goes on. The distant screams grow louder. The woman tilts her head as she thinks.
“You’re lucky,” She says while pushing herself off her desk. “I have a soft spot for clones. You could even say I have a weakness for your kind.”
She walks in slow distinctive steps around them.
“What do you have to offer me?” She asks finally. She walks back around to sit behind her desk with the blue jaig eyes watching over her.
“We don’t have much money,” Fives says after exchanging a look with his brother. “But we could offer you services.”
This makes the woman burst out laughing. Heat spreads across Fives face. She sits back in her chair deep in thought.
“I suppose you’ll have to show me what you can do then.” She says standing. She walks to the side to pull a black door open. She looks over at them. “You coming?”
They hesitantly walk after the Mandalorian. Fives can feel the uncertainty from his brothers. None of them knew what they were getting into. They walk down a dark staircase that opened to a training ground hidden in the basement. Three female Mandalorians spar in the space below. The leader whistles under her helmet making the three women stop and clear the area. She tosses her chin towards the training ground. Fives and his brothers climb down a ladder to the training ground. The three Mandalorian women who were sparing bring them blasters. Fives holds his in his hand getting used to the feel. It was lighter than the ones they practiced with on Kamino. The three Mandalorians climb up to stand next to their leader.
“Alright boys,” The leader Mandalorian says. “We’re gonna start out easy. Stand behind the yellow line and take out the targets.”
They walk to stand behind a yellow line just below the Mandalorians. They hold their blasters up waiting for the targets. Small mechanical balls hover above the ground. They move in basic predictable movements. Fives and his brothers manage to take them out easily. When the last one is down, they look to the woman.
“Good, good, now let’s make it more difficult.” She says punching in something on her wrist. This time there were only yellow lines running along the walls. They were sporadic and fast. They missed a lot more this time but seemed to still keep up. Fives fired over and over but never seemed to hit a target. He lets out an aggravated breath before closing his eyes. He could almost see it with his eyes closed. It was moving much slower in his mind. He fires. When he opens his eyes, he’s hit it. He lets out a relieved sigh. The lights disappear before the woman leaps down to the training ground.
“Alright,” she says, crossing her arms. “You aren’t complete shit with a blaster. Good. But how are you at hand-to-hand combat?”
They exchange looks with each other.
“Ma’am?” Echo says making the woman laugh.
“Oh, don’t worry, honey. You won’t hurt me. I just want to see what you boys can do. You can come all at once or one at a time. Makes no difference to me.” She says taking a few steps back before taking a fighting stance. They set their blasters on a table and spread out. None of them wanted to go first. It felt wrong. Five guys up against one woman. Of course, she did look like she could handle herself. Cutup is the first to attack. The woman easily grabs his arm pulling him off course before tumbling on the ground. Fives, Echo, Hevy, and Droidbait take this chance to attack. Fives wasn’t completely sure how he and Hevy ran straight into each other or how Droidbait got thrown into Echo but when they come to from the floor the woman is standing with her arms crossed. “Is this all you have? Oh sweethearts, are you sure you want to join a Mandalorian clan? They’re dangerous after all.”
Anger burned in Fives. He gets to his feet and swings a hit. She blocks with one hand pushing him back with the other. Her foot catches his causing him to fall flat on his back. The air knocks out of his lungs. His brothers take this chance to attack. This woman is a beast. Fives stops himself from just charging. He wipes the sweat from his brow. When Echo and Cutup get up on the other side of the room Fives signals them to try some flanking movements. It was a signal they used on Kamino. He hoped they remembered what it meant. Hevy and Droidbait catch on and keep the woman occupied. With Echo and Cutup flanking her Fives pauses before charging again. She first focuses on Echo and Cutup just long enough before Fives can surprise her planting a hit to her side. She stumbles letting Hevy take her down. Fives thinks they might have done it until Hevy lets out of cry of pain. All he saw was a black blur before pain exploded from the back of his head.
When he comes to, he and his brothers are all groaning. They sit up looking around to make sure everyone was okay. A slow clap draws their attention to the front of the room. The woman claps with a low laugh.
“I have to admit,” She says while walking forward. “I’m impressed. You might just make it after all.”
“So, you’ll help us?” Hevy asks with an arm wrapped around his gut. The woman lets out a sigh.
“I suppose. Go. Let me think on this a while longer. When it’s time I will reach out to you.” She says. they exchange a look one last time before getting to their feet. They’re escorted back to the front door. A hand lands on Cutup’s shoulder making them freeze. “And one more thing. Tell Rafa that if she ever dares to share my information again… I’ll gut her and her sister in the street.”
With that they’re shoved out of the door before it slams shut behind them. They stumble onto the street wincing at their bruises.
“Well,” Cutup says after a pause. “We have a contact.”
“Yeah, but what is she going to do to help us? And more important. What is she going to ask for in return?” Echo asks. None of them knew. They weren’t sure they wanted to know. Not now at least. So, they headed home. To tired and sore to worry about it now, they decide to shower and rest. They ordered some takeout and huddle around their holovid. They watch one of Wolffe’s boxing matches before they start flipping through the channels. Fives plops down on Echo making him squirm into Droidbait. Hevy and Cutup decide to join in until they’ve created this mangled pile of elbows and knees.
“Fuck…you…” Echo wheezes at the bottom of the pile. They ease off him so he can breathe. Fives pats his back before sitting on the remote making the image change to a familiar face. They slowly stop moving as Senator Amidala takes shape in their living room.
“… this is why the clones deserve the same rights as any one of us!” She says. The image changes to a different senator.
“These clones are violent by nature! If we look at the data taken from last year alone it proves that over half the crime in this city was by clones!” The Senator yells earning some cheers and yells in the background. Anger burns in Fives chest.
“What choice do they have! As of right now employers can deny jobs or even living wages just because they are clones! How else are they supposed to survive?” Senator Amidala goes on.
“And what of these… Mandalorian clones? More like thugs if you ask me!” Another Senator adds.
“Thugs!” Duchess Satine says coming into view. “How dare you? Mandalor gave as many clones as possible a place of refuge after the war. We did what we could to help these poor men make a life for themselves. More than the Republic has ever done!”
This starts an uproar of the Senators. Hevy reaches over and changes the channel. One of Wolffe’s fights plays but the silence between the brothers is deafening.
“If that Mandalorian doesn’t help us…, what are we going to do?” Droidbait asks at last. Fives rest his head against Echo’s shoulder feeling his stomach twist in knots.
“We always have a home with 99.” Hevy sighs quietly. It was true. No matter how bad things got here they always had 99 waiting for them with open arms. They try to lighten the mood after that. Cutup and Hevy start sparing together mimicking some of Wolffe’s movements. Droidbait goes back to try and get their stove working again. Fives and Echo crawl on Fives bed and pulls out Echo’s datapad. They surf the internet looking for funny videos. While swiping through a popular video app Fives sits up alarmed. Echo perches himself up on his elbow.
“What’s up?” Echo asks. Fives stares at the video.
“It’s her.” He says softly. Echo snatches the datapad.
“Ahsoka! The girl I told you about that I met outside of the 501st bar.” Fives says wiggling next to his brother to try and see it better.
“Scaring Rex part one!” she says with her camera pointed at her. A series of videos plays of her stepping out scaring Rex. They couldn’t believe someone so serious could be scared so easily. Some of them was just of her walking calmly out of a corner when he wasn’t expecting it. When the video ends another one pops up.
“Scaring Rex part two!” She says but this time Hardcase is in the video. Now it shows several clones popping out to scar Rex. Hevy, Droidbait, and Cutup have noticed their intrigue and all huddle around this one datapad. When they move on from that video they find more. They find one centered around Kix. He does a lot of yoga and health videos. Jesse and Hardcase apparently fix up bikes for a living and have a channel focused on their shop. They come across one video of Jesse running from a tip-yip with Hardcase and Ahsoka watching from the top of the hill with what they assumed was Kix filming.
“Help!” Jesse screams while running.
“Oh, bro I got you!” Hardcase yells before playing chasing music on his datapad before he and Ahsoka start dancing and banging their heads as Jesse continues to run away. They scroll some more before they stumble onto Wolffe’s channel. Most of his is of him working out or promoting his gym until they scroll across one where he seems to be at a club.
“Alright,” He says with another clone leaning against him. “We’re gonna play a game called guess who’s married?”
He flips the camera over and starts showing different clones.
“Monk!” He yells before a clone sees the camera and starts dancing. He turns the camera again.
“Bly?” A different clone throws up some hand signs before it turns again.
“Ahso… nah we know you aint married.” He says when the camera turns to Ahsoka. She stops mid drink before throwing something at Wolffe.
“The fuck does that mean?” she yells. The camera shuffles slightly before moving on.
“Cody!” He yells his name louder. Fives arches his brow. Could this be the same Cody? This Cody doesn’t wear any Mandalorian armor, but he is dressed slightly nicer than the others. He has a cigarette to his lips and grins when he sees the camera.
“And finally… Rex and Anakin?” He yells before they all burst out laughing when the camera pans over to Rex passed out while leaning on another man who is passed out. The camera gets shaky before the video stops. Fives sits up rewinding back to the image of Rex and the man Anakin.
“I know this guy.” He says pointing to the image of Rex and Anakin.
“Rex?” Echo asks. Fives shakes his head.
“No, this guy helped me find my way home the first night on Coruscant. I never got his name…” He trails off before standing. “Ahsoka mentioned that name before too. Anakin. I think this guy is in charge of the 501st with Rex.”
Hevy takes the datapad to look at his face.
“So, we know what he looks like but that doesn’t change much.” Hevy shrugs. Fives crosses his arms.
“Why does Wolffe hangout with the leaders of the 501st and on top of that I ran into a Mandalorian clone named Cody. And Ahsoka was there so she’s also a part of this…” Fives rubs the back of his neck.
“Maybe they all know each other. It probably doesn’t mean anything.” Droidbait says.
“I know what it means,” Cutup says with a grin. “It means if we get into the 501st then we’ll probably get to meet Wolffe!”
He and Hevy start sparing again. Fives rolls his eyes before sitting next to Echo and Droidbait.
“Well, I’ve had enough for one day.” Droidbait sighs. He pushes himself off Fives bunk so he can get into his. Echo climbs up top so Fives can lay flat on his bed. Hevy and Cutup eventually give in and get to bed too. It doesn’t take long for everyone to fall into a deep sleep, but Fives can’t help but stare at Echo’s bunk above him. Was it really just a coincidence that he ran into Anakin and a Mandalorian clone named Cody? Just for both of them to be associated with the 501st in some way? He would think long into the night before he finally succumbs to exhaustion.
They wake to a loud CLUNK against their door. Fives is the first out of bed followed by Cutup falling out of his hammock.
“Well, if our downstairs neighbors weren’t up before… they are now.” He groans from the floor. Fives cautiously walks to the front door before opening it. He’s surprised to see a bag sitting on the floor with a note taped to the top. He pulls the bag inside and opens the note.
“What’s it say?” Echo asks with his legs hanging from his bunk.
“It says… This is your chance. Go to this address and see if you have what it takes.” Fives reads. Hevy walks over and opens the bag. He freezes before pulling a blaster out. They all exchange a look.
“Let’s think this through.” Droidbait says as they get dressed. “We don’t know what we’re walking into.”
“No, but this might be our only chance to get into a Mandalorian clan.” Hevy says patting Droidbait’s shoulder. They strap on the holsters, and each take a blaster. When they’re ready they hesitate at the door. None of them knew what was going to happen when they go to this address. For all they knew none of them were going to make it back. But as they stand there in the tiny apartment the reality of just how few choices they had dawned on them. As they exit their apartment building Hevy turns facing his brothers.
“No matter what happens or what waits us we do this together.” He says. They reach out to put their arms around each other.
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countessofbiscuit · 4 years
The Captain & the Resident’s Daughter: Secret
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Rexsoka Week - Wednesday - Secret
“Let me see your face.”
. . . . . . . . 
Part the First
Part the Second
Part the Third
Part the Fourth
(This is Part the Fifth)
Part the Sixth
Part the Seventh
In which the author is very late and attempts to atone with a kiss.
N.B. this story is two-thousand words in length and contains period-typical (1800) attitudes and language.
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Dona Olga’s largely Portuguese blood beneath her lovely portly frame did not answer to the swell of the sea — nor did her mind, stomach, or complexion. Despite the surgeon’s professional opinion that she did not have one foot in the locker, she remained in a frightful way — and, he intimated in confidence to Miss Tanough, in the family way as well; it brought Ahsoka to wonder, if the woman should perish before they reached Rodrigues, whether she would be obliged to run the final stitch through her nose as Mr Bonterry had hinted, and whether her elementary needlework would answer to the solemnity such an occasion would require.
With such morose thoughts had Ahsoka been oft lying in her cot, eternally closeted round by mirth, with the gunroom below, the great cabin above, and the coaches of General Skywalker and Captain Rex abutting her quarters; for the Gloriana’s timbers and cabin-bulkheads were not so solidy oaken as to insulate her from the merrymaking of military gentlemen. To be sure, the officers (Skywalker lately included) had been all politeness, encouraging her to remain after the last remove; to delight them by playing upon Lieutenant Waxer’s Spanish guitar; or — when Colonel Kesting was of the party — to read their horoscopes. But Ahsoka had a dread of making herself unpopular by delaying their port and knew well when to excuse herself.
This state of affairs would not have been intolerable but for the impossibility of walking upon deck for the thick rains. A week had Ahsoka been staring out the stern windows, privately praying for any sign of Admiral Trénche that she might bear witness to a great thumping by Commodore Ferris (and perhaps even see action herself); she could not even fish from the stern chasers, so great was the swell that the gunports must remain closed; and there were only so many turns about the great cabin one could take before the exercise produced a dizzying sickness of its own.
One evening, unable to bear the confinement a moment longer, eager for the total ablution of body and mind offered by a monsoon storm, hardly carrying if she lived or died if she might go ten minutes without hearing Dona Olga groan, Ahsoka gathered herself in a twill pelisse and opened the cabin’s starboard door.
In the dim passage, she found another door also open: that of Captain Rex’s coach, having apparently spurned its latch and swung free in a loll. Warm lantern light spoke to its being occupied, though she had not heard the Captain’s boots beyond her door, nor his movement behind the bulkhead.
With even greater surprise did Ahsoka immediately discover Captain Rex himself within, completely bared to the waist as he engaged in his toilette, washing himself methodically with the luxury of fresh water — and, with his broad back to the door, full oblivious to his exposure.
What sensations coursed through her agitated frame to espy him thus!
To say Miss Tanough was fond of the Captain would be to understate the matter. From the first moment of their acquaintance, she had esteemed him greater than any of General Kenobey’s society. He had been all selfless kindness — had stood up with her without diffidence and then with evident pleasure; had comforted her by exposing his own fears and troubles; had shielded her from the worst of the General’s initial churlishness; had even brokered the agreement which saw Commodore Ferris share the history of his scar for her account of the tiger’s demise.
And there were other considerations which ensured her high opinion — namely, the sum of his attractive features, in which there was no deficiency; and how the whole was crowned by his kingly bearing, at once commanding yet eager to oblige.
Indeed, in that moment, Rex’s physical recommendations perhaps weighed disproportionately in her regard; for the sight of his warm flesh and well-formed back was not only pleasing to behold, but she had also a moment to admire his expansive tattoo; the dampened fabric of his thin shirt after the excitement with the shark had first betrayed its presence, if not its particulars, and Ahsoka had been wild to see it ever since.
It full engulfed his right shoulder, formed by generous, swirling spirals of alternating bare and darkly pigmented skin; it was extremely detailed without any discordant parts, but had the appearance of being somewhat stretched — of having once been more mathematically correct, though nothing about it could be called geometrical. The design would have been alien to Ahsoka but for illustrations in her father’s books, for he was an avid collector of narratives of sea exploration and histories of foreign peoples; she recognized it to be Pacific in origin, and it looked neither fresh, nor perfect, nor degraded by exposure — a matured stamp of origin preserved under Rex’s woolen Company coat, known perhaps only to a few; certainly, he was not in the habit of removing his shirt, even when he did not have Miss Tanough’s sensibilities to consider.
Since first confirming her suspicion that he was not wholly English, Rex had touched but sparingly on his personal history. But so open and established was their acquaintance, any long omission of his parentage from their conversation would have created more romantic conjecture than the plain truth could merit: his father had been carried as a boy from his native New Zealand on an English whaling vessel; of his mother, Rex knew even less — which is to say, he never knew her at all.
While Ahsoka reconsidered the Captain’s ambivalence at the prospect of reuniting with his father — who might yet be living or long since dead, for Rex had never a line from him in ten years — the impropriety of her present occupation forced itself upon her mind suddenly, as Rex’s cloth splashed into the washbasin and he reached for his towel.  
She could not tarry here — but neither did she wish to return to her melancholy cabin or socialize with any soul but him.
If Ahsoka walked on, the sentry would surely acknowledge her, or question her movements in a voice that might be overheard. Might Rex himself be drawn out, curious about her reasons for going about in a squall? These motivations would be difficult for Ahsoka to recall; for the need to be anywhere else had given way to a strong desire to remain only here, in this spot, where an encounter of the most absurd but interesting nature might occur. Might she cough? Would a ‘good evening’ be too impertinent? How conscious of self was he, truly, that he might resent her having seen him intimately?
Ahsoka might also have asked herself why the prospect of Rex’s bare chest set her heart beating so, when she had never before been missish about the male form — indeed, she had lately been surrounded by every conceivable example of it, she might have supposed her feelings to be neutral, tending even toward apathy.
For once in her life, Ahsoka was not quick-witted enough to prevent the evil which she anticipated; the tiger had not found her standing agog, but Captain Rex did when finally he turned from his washstand. He became fixed in astonishment.
To run would be cowardly; Ahsoka had simply to address him as if indifferent to the novelty of their situation. “Your door, sir — it appears the latch needs mending,” observed she, feeling foolish. But heroines did not linger in passageways under mortification when they might charge forth and obtain their prize. Ahsoka hurried into his coach — the dimensions of which seemed to decrease exponentially with the slight addition of herself — and closed the door with as much studious deliberation as if she were the carpenter’s mate.
To her relief, the mechanism did not answer; the latch had failed, not her stratagem; she said a few insipid words more on the subject, but quite lost her theme when Rex stepped forward, his brow contracted.
“You were not going above?” asked he, more concerned by her attire than the door which her body now secured.
“I could not sleep and was desperate for air.”
Rex had to advise against it — the weather was very bad, she would be soaked through, would the cabin’s windows not answer? — but Ahsoka did not attend. She was overpowered by the essence of him, which, magnified by his nearness, his recent washing, and this confined space with few draughts, crowded her senses most deliciously; and in her effort to keep her eyes at decent latitudes, Ahsoka found herself staring at a string of shark’s teeth he wore around his neck.
He twigged her distraction with a hand on his collar. “Ah — I have spoiled my surprise, Miss Tanough. I well remember your passion for fanged jewelery.” Still heedless of his half-nakedness, Rex produced a small pouch from his dressing chest, drew forth a necklace similar to his own, and, taking her hand, draped it across her palm. “This had been meant for when you crossed the line. I bespoke more than my fair share from your shark, I confess, but jack tars will barter their mother for hasheesh, so I had no need of any dubashi tricks; and when I learned the sailmaker’s mate was an artist and a reputable cove, I engaged his services directly.”
Each tooth had been cleaned and polished into pearly beauty; and on the reverse of each Ahsoka found an finely etched letter, which together formed the words, ‘Gloriana’s Empress’.
“He was careful to pierce the crudest part of the tooth, so the holes might not offend if you have them mounted in London. My own attempt at engraving would have ruined them,” — here Rex’s mode of address became less certain — his speech, already quiet, became almost hushed — “and although not my hand, I hope you understand my … — I hope the sentiment is still felt.”
Ahsoka felt too much to speak; for a moment she could only admire the smooth bones between her fingers, before smiling broadly and saying, “Indeed, I feel it so keenly, I cannot conceive parting from it for a moment, least of all to have it spoilt by ormolu or gold — no, I shall wear it exactly as it is, strung with true sail thread from my floating empire. But pray, if I am empress, where does that leave Commodore Ferris?”
“Codry remains God.”
“Let us pray not,” replied he, throwing out an arm against the door to steady himself against the mounting swell.
Situated so beneath a cavalryman whose entire being seemed to marry the brilliance of gold and the warmth of honey, it is little wonder Ahsoka began to lose much presence of mind; but still could she count, and she observed the teeth of his own necklace, equally buffed and perfected, numbered six. Her imagination, though active, was not wild or predisposed to invent self-flattery, yet Ahsoka felt emboldened to finger his own strand and ask innocently, “And what is spelt on yours?”
The dim light would not betray any flush of cheek or twinkling of eye, but the manner in which Rex dropped his head spoke to a desire to conceal — the answer could not be nothing. “That is a secret.”
“If you tell me and chase it with a kiss, it is sure to remain so.”
An embrace between two young people, unrelated and unmarried, can never be really chaste, and this couple did not even attempt to colour it so. The author will be discreet where they were not, and say only that the chief effect of their misconduct tended somewhat to the good; for if Miss Ahsoka Tanough could ever to be prevailed upon to consider marriage — outside odds still, to be sure — Captain Rex was fast becoming the only man in the world with a chance of success.
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reynesofcastamere · 4 years
Surface Breach(2/3)[β]
(A/N: Good grief but it has been a while since my last contribution to the ship. Sad to say I’ve been caught up with several irl things, including moving and settling in to the new place. Rest assured, I do have several drafts in the works for other projects and I am hoping to set up a regular writing/submission schedule. Now that that’s out of the way...Warnings for: possessive behaviour, emotional manipulation, (negotiated) bondage, blindfolding, edging, cockwarming, blood, masochism and mentions of polyamory, coitus interruptus, and non-consensual play.  Unbeta’d and NSFW.)
Ahsoka knows the second she sets foot on her ship that time is up. She could still flee, drag this game out a bit longer and drive up the level of his frustration...But what would be the point, really? It’s been months since they parted ways, and while she hasn’t avoided his calls, she’s also made a point of not meeting with him in person. A reprimand for his behaviour, and a reminder of the challenge she’d issued.  She recalls the first, trembling breath of relief she’d taken after the medical scans were complete. He has no further hold over her than this. Nothing burrowed and secreted away beneath her skin to...Do any number of things, really. Most of which she’d rather not consider right now.
Maul is of course perfectly at ease in the pilot’s seat, already turned to face her. “Lady Tano. I trust that your last assignment was successful.” He’s being neutral, bordering on pleasant, even. But the tension is there, kept in check by the slimmest thread of restraint. “And I trust that you’re not here for small talk.” Ahsoka makes certain to keep a few feet of distance between them, arms crossed. The corner of his mouth twitches, the speed of it leaving her unsure of whether he meant to smirk or grimace. “You have business on Nar Shadaa, and I have certain...interests that need tending there.” “So you decided to catch a ride. Without asking.”  “You would have refused even if I had offered compensation. This is the most expedient method of travel.” Maul’s eyes narrow, attempting to pierce through and determine her intent. “Unless you plan to run in order to spite me.” “I’m not running anywhere.” Ahsoka retorts. “But I’m also not going to spend three whole days in hyperspace...entertaining you.” “Naturally. However, when we are not occupied with tasks and other essentials, you will make good on your promise, my Lady. Now please, sit.”  She takes up residence in the navigator’s seat, given that he’s obviously not willing to move. “I told you to stop calling me that.”
“What does it matter, if you are not truly mine? Just a monster’s delusion. Unless...”
“Don’t. Start. You can use either of my names. Just not...that.” “As you wish.”
Nothing else is said for some time. Even after the ship takes off, the course is set in, and space has blurred into blue lines, there are other responsibilities that need to be taken care of. Ahsoka has to stop herself from dragging out the time. She’s not looking forward to this. The discussion she needs to have with him, not what might happen afterward.
“Look, if this is going to continue, there need to be some ground rules.”
“First off: Unless I’m badly injured or in immediate danger, you’re not allowed to just...carry me back to your lair, no matter what your reasons are.” He’s more than capable of coming up with a multitude of excuses to do so. Which is why she’s cutting him off at the knees, figuratively speaking.  “Second: This arrangement doesn’t interfere with work. Ever. Third: I decide when anything starts. You’re not allowed to grab or molest me in any way before that.” 
Maul appears mildly amused, but the small tics that betray his impatience are growing. “This seems rather excessive for a casual arrangement.”
 Ahsoka pins him in place with a look and a hint of a Force hold. “I’m not finished. Fourth: Any marks left behind have to be concealable.” She’d walk away from this ‘business trip’ with more visible punctures in her than being dropped into a giant cacti forest on Yavin 13 otherwise.  “Fifth: No matter how far along we are, if I say ‘kyber’, we stop what we’re doing. No questions, no persuasion, nothing. If you don’t have a safeword, then pick one and tell me.”
“Is ‘stop’ somehow inadequate?” The question is soft as she releases her unseen grasp on him. Even seated, something in him reminds her of a hunter in the moment before a kill; tense with anticipation and bloodthirst.   “No.” She wets her lower lip. There’s no going back from this confession, hard as it had been for her to admit it to herself. Much less him.  “When I use ‘stop’, it usually means ‘go harder’.”
Maul’s grip is practically throttling the armrest at this point. He is trying, from the shudder in his breath, to follow the rules she’s set out so far. That’s a good sign. His eyes, though? There’s a flicker in them that she used to see from the people she’d helped or rescued during the war. The ones who fully believed that the Jedi were capable of miracles and could do no wrong. A kind of...awe. Achingly soft, and in his case, almost buried beneath avarice and raw desire. She fights the urge to squirm, and it’s not entirely from discomfort. “Is that all?”
“Good, ‘scimitar’ should suffice. I have some conditions of my own.” Every word is a caress, heavy and deliberate. “You are, of course, free to object.” He produces the blindfold she’d given him from within his shirt. She remembers exactly how he’d taken her apart; bound by choice and utterly enthralled. “So long as you wear this, you will obey.” Maul purrs, heat suffusing her body as he winds and pulls the fabric taut between his fingers. “I’m not going to call you ‘Master’.” Ahsoka is certain he’d like almost nothing more. She gets far too much pleasure out of denying him, however. So he’ll have to earn it first.
“Yet.” Maul responds, overconfident ass that he is. “I have no desire for you to dull your tongue. But you will submit to my commands.” He leans in, nearly closing the gap between them, but not quite. “Such as if I tell you to get down on your knees and show me how you pleasure yourself.” He’s only saying it to provide an example, yet her thighs rub together all the same at the thought. Sightless, her cunt exposed and dripping while he watches, giving obscene praise and instructions on how to bring herself to orgasm.
“Should you want to take control, all you need do is remove it. Or ask that it be taken off.” Of course he’s not done yet. Has to finish having his say first, and bring her arousal to a fever-pitch with the only options currently allowed. “Any amount of marks you receive from other paramours, I will match in number, and I will take first priority.” There is a jealous glint, a madness in his eyes that should terrify her. “Regardless of your position and how close your mutual release is.”  Ahsoka sucks in a sharp breath. “You really expect me to just...make someone leave while they’re-”  “Yes.” Maul snarls, hushed and vicious in a way that brooks no refusal. Much as she might like to, if she does not compromise, give some inch of ground...He will lash out. Ultimately, he’s not asking for much. So far. “And should you draw a weapon on me again-” His left hand circles her jaw without actually making contact, though the intent is clear. “-be prepared to use it.” Her gaze falls to his throat, his markings almost concealing the burn scar she’d given him. But not quite. That he’d chosen to keep it at all is- “Do we have an agreement, Ahsoka Tano?”
 A small eternity seems to pass between her indrawn breath and the resulting answer. “Yes.” Ahsoka looks at him again without fear. Straight into the eyes of the monster, the murderer, the tyrant she has and will be taking into her bed for the forseeable future. “Go ahead.” The first kiss is nothing short of a conquest, taken with broken vocalizations and sharp bites. She lets him pull her in, straddling his lap in the pilot’s seat while they break for air, and offering no resistance when he ties the blindfold securely in place. “Undress. Completely.” Softer now, his lips ghosting along her jawline. It takes a bit of effort, but before long she is bared to him, nipples pebbled from arousal, the air, and the cold presence of the Dark Side. The body beneath her, the bare hands that trace and mould her form are nearly white-hot by comparison. “Perfect...Turn around, and place your hands behind my neck.” Ahsoka obeys, shuddering in pleasure as he purrs. The cuffs he attaches to her wrists are made of some kind of leather, and she instinctively tests the give of the metal chain between them. Sturdy, but nothing she can’t break out of.
The position leaves her undeniably exposed and at his mercy. She expects none, yet he grants it anyway. With each stroke, squeeze, and tug of his fingers down her body, he steadily tunes her nerves to exquisite sensitivity. He never quite touches her core, preferring to caress and grip her inner thighs and the curve of her breasts even as she pants and shifts restlessly. She can feel him against her, hard and unyielding, the cloth barrier separating them gradually being saturated with her essence. And still he makes no effort to hurry things along. “I thought you wanted to -haaaaahhhh- punish me for making you wait this long.”  “You made a game of testing my patience. It is only fitting that I return the favour. I will keep you here, on the precipice between agony and bliss...Until, in your desperation, you beg me to ‘stop’.” Maul pinches her throbbing bud and she whines an incoherent stream of vowels. “Although...Hm. Your impulsive side is endearing.”
“What are you rambling on ab-AnnnnnH!” He bites down on her shoulder while slightly twisting the bundle of nerves held captive between his digits. She’s bleeding and the pain between her legs is pure torture, but she still wants-
‘I will grant your release early. If you ask to be fucked.” “You can’t be serious.” “Three simple words are all that stand in your way.”
“Why not just order me to say it?”
“Why should I, when you so clearly want to? Despite your self-denial.”  There’s no longer anything gentle about his touch, how his nails dig in and rake across her inner thighs while her shoulders and upper back gain a rapidly-growing collection of teeth-marks. His shaft is still there, still covered and rigid, rubbing against her hot and sodden core. Ahsoka is on the verge of sobbing. Or breaking her restraints to just seize what he’s dangling in front of her. But if all it takes is a couple of words...”Please, fuck me.” She whispers, rough from repressing her whimpers.
“Again.” His lips on her throat, feeling the command rumbling against her vocal cords.
She grits her teeth and snarls. “Fuck. Me. Please. You smug, overbearing bastard.” Maul’s fingers curve over and tug her recently-abused pearl, and she is lost, sent tumbling and screaming into the abyss.
Her body is still quivering in the aftermath when he presses in. A slow invasion, one that encounters no resistance until he is fully secured within her walls. At first, she thinks he just wants her to ride him. Yet before she can start... “I will give you a choice.” Maul’s voice is low enough to feel in her bones. “If you can keep relatively still for fifteen minutes, you will be taken against the control panel. And if you are very good, Ahsoka-” Her name on his lips is electric and scandalous, her body arching as if pulled by unseen strings. “-I will get down on my knees and devour you first.” She should never have given him permission to use it in the first place. His other...’endearments’ are easy to brush off. Somehow, hearing those three syllables in this moment is more intimate than having him inside her, feeling the incremental shifts between their bodies with each breath. 
Ahsoka raises herself up, almost to the point of letting his shaft slip out, then drops back down. She can feel him hiss, how his hips jolt up on instinct once before he stops himself. “Mmmm. Think your other option is bad enough to stop me from putting this to better use?” She’s teasing now, circling and rolling her hips in a way that takes him deep, but not all the way in again. Having Maul relatively immobile is a new experience. Even when he’s not being rough, he’s hardly still. It probably won’t last, but so long as his patience holds out...Using him like a sex toy is doing a lot to rev her up right now. He seizes her head-tail and pulls, bending Ahsoka’s neck back at an uncomfortable angle, free hand grasping one of her thighs to force a stop to her movements. “Keep this up and I assure you, ja’ti mirtis{my death}, you will not enjoy sitting when I am done with you.” Maul rasps, his mouth so close to her left montral that she can feel his lips brushing against it with every word. Her core trembles, breath coming in short, sharp pants. “I wonder which would bring you more pleasure? Being bent over the edge of your cot to be mounted and used...Or disciplined until that option becomes a mercy?”  Something like insanity seizes her. It’s the only explanation for what she says next. “Both.” Ahsoka breathes. “I want-Take these off, please.” The light is harsh for the few seconds it takes her eyes to adjust, wrists slightly chafed from the cuffs as she carefully turns to face him. “I need both.” Her hands gently circle his face. “Can you do that? Get me ready with your mouth, and take me nice and slow right here?” He seems transfixed, almost unable to believe the words falling from her lips. “Think of how wet I’ll be, when you’ve finished your ‘discipline’ and I’m just aching to be ruined.” Ahsoka can taste the hunger when he captures her mouth, how similar it is to her own. Her nails claw at his shoulderblades, seeking purchase, to bury herself in him, anything. “Yes, Ahsoka.” Maul whispers, between their lips meeting in repeated, feverish collisions. “You have only to ask.” (A/N: Some of you may have noticed a slight change in the numbers up top. So yes, there will be one more chapter to this particular story. 8D Cheers, everyone!)
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The One With Enthusiasm
Clone Wars is coming back and I’m still appalled we never got an Ahsoka and Obi-wan bonding episode. Read under the cut or on AO3 
“Adversity is friendship’s truest test.”
Ahsoka dumped her pack on the ground and rummaged around for dinner—a ration bar. Again. She, Anakin, and Torrent Company had set up camp in a shallow cave system here in the northern hemisphere of Ryloth, a short respite in their push towards the city of Nabat where a bunch of clankers had hunkered down. In her head, she knew the names and the places, but it was already starting to blur with the few other ground battles she’d been in. Is this how her masters felt? Trying to keep the endless besieged worlds separate, trying to distinguish between each endless wave of droids.
“Hungry, Snips?” Anakin asked, dropping his own pack.
She bared her sharp teeth in a smile. “Starving. I think I saw a red rat on the way in, so I might go hunt one of those down.”
Anakin nodded nonchalantly—he’d eat anything, she’d seen him eat tube worms straight off a cave wall once—but a few away, a couple clones blanched and quickly went back to setting up camp. She bit off a hard chuck of ration bar and stuffed it between her teeth and cheek to soften. Mostly she was messing with them, but a little fresh meat would be a welcome break from the endless march of bland, nutrient-exact bars. Small as they were, red rat wouldn’t be hard to catch. A little patience and good timing—
“General.” Rex had his finger to his ear comm. “We’ve got Ghost Company and General Kenobi inbound. Should I have the men pack in?”
“Tight as they can, Rex. Something tells me tonight is going to be cold.”
Ahsoka dug her cloak out of her pack and dropped it about where she would be sleeping. The clones distributed a few small space heaters for later and set up the makeshift medical space for Jesse and Blackout to work. A few minutes later, Ghost Company trudged into the caves and mingled with the 501st.
Ahsoka spied Obi-wan talking to Cody. Dirt and smoke streaked his face and clung to his robes, and an ugly blaster mark scarred his right shoulder armor. Even for the mighty Master Kenobi, it seemed there were close calls.
Finally, the Jedi master left Cody and came to sit near Ahsoka. He looked even more tired up close, but he smiled at her. “It’s good to see you, Ahsoka.”
She swallowed the bite of ration and smiled back. “Good to see you too, master. We spent the whole day clearing out recon bases and sniper nests.”
“We did much the same. We’ll have to make an aerial assault on Nabat, but the guns on the ground are too thick for that yet.”
Anakin dropped down beside them and smirked. “You look terrible.”
Obi-wan just gave his friend a long-suffering look. The three of them clustered around the heater and Rex and Cody joined to discuss the day’s gains and check in with Admiral Yularen over a shaky holocall. Around them, Ghost and Torrent Company settled in for the night, swapping stories about their day, exchanging kill counts, and in one corner a makeshift barber’s set up as a few expert clones buzzed their brothers’ hair, either to touch up fussier styles or to give new scrapes and cuts room to heal. It looked interesting, having hair. She’d seen all the things Senator Amidala could do with hers, but it also looked like a hassle to maintain, especially on the battlefield. But the men reveled in it, in how it made them both distinct and united.
Then Force whispered, like a tug at the back of her mind. Quiet. Insistent. She raised her head, and Anakin and Obi-wan were already on their feet, looking to the cave entrance. A distant scream echoed down the valley, but it didn’t fade like a sentient sound of pain or fear. It dragged on and drew closer, higher, louder.
Everyone sprinted deeper into the cave. The scream rattled the stones on the floor until it rang in Ahsoka’s montrals and made her eyes water. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Obi-wan and Anakin slow and turn, and she skidded to a stop and spun around to follow them. Clones raced past, blue and gold blurs in her peripheral.
Like looking into a sun.
Then thunder and fire and death burst toward her. She threw up her hands to hold back the seething explosion that strained for her, ravenous and raging to swallow everything down. The smoke burned in her eyes and throat, and she dug her feet into the ground and pushed back.
Then another explosion shook the cave. She was hurled back into pain and blurry light until she slipped into darkness.
Someone was touching her shoulder. “Ahsoka. Ahsoka, wake up.”
Her head rang. A hundred rocks dug into her back, and everything hurt. She wanted to lie still, to wait until the throbbing and jabbing gave up and left, but someone’s voice turned into Obi-wan’s, and he wasn’t giving up. “Ahsoka, you need to wake up.”
She opened her eyes but just saw more dark.
“It doesn’t look like anything’s broken,” he said.
She put a hand to her pounding head and winced. “Are you sure?”
“Sure as I can be.” His hand found hers, and he pulled her to her feet while she groaned a little louder than necessary.
“What happened?”
He ignited his saber, and the pale light spilled across his face revealing a deep gash across his forehead that his hair stuck to. “Vulture bombers. We held the explosion back until the walker fuel tanks blew. Threw us into this side passage.”
She took a step towards him. “You’re hurt.”
He looked surprised, then touched his forehead and shrugged. “Just a scratch.”
She looked around, and her eyes had already adjusted enough for her to make out the close walls of the cave, barely a few meters apart, and the ceiling was just out of reach. The Force must have been watching over them if they made it into the tunnel instead of smashing piecemeal into a cave wall. She blinked and looked back to him. “And Anakin? The men?”
He held up his wrist. “Anakin. Anakin, come in.” Feedback whined through the cave. “Cody. Cody, do you read me?”
Ahsoka tried her own comm and got nothing but static. “All this rock must be blocking the signal.”
“Possibly.” He took a couple steps, and the light spilled onto a wall of rubble stretching up to the cave ceiling. “This doesn’t look good.”
“Can we move it?”
“I don’t think moving it is going to be possible.” He held the saber higher. “It seems to be holding up the roof at this point, and moving it may cause more rubble to fall.”
Ahoksa clenched her fists. “What about Anakin and the men? They could be hurt!”
“That’s possible, but there isn’t anything we can do for them from here. The only thing we can do is to find another way out and find our way back to them.”
Ahsoka sighed. “Then how do we get out of here?”
He pointed his lightsaber in the opposite direction, into the endless dark. “I think I feel the air moving from deeper in. This may be a tunnel system.”
She frowned. She wanted to do something, not run around in the dark hoping not to run into something big and fanged. But Obi-wan was already striding into the unknown. Ahsoka sighed and ignited her lightsaber. “Then I hope we don’t run into whatever dug these.”
He snorted. “That would be unfortunate.”
They followed the curve of the tunnel for what felt like hours, wandering further and further away from camp before Obi-wan pitched forward into the dark.
Ahsoka grabbed his arm and yanked hard. “Master!”
Somehow he got both feet back on solid ground and took a breath. “Oh, dear.” He leaned forward, holding his saber aloft.
A black ravine stretched out beneath them, maybe a meter across and too deep to see the bottom. Ahsoka leaned out and looked up, and overhead the ravine ran up to a dark sky. Barely outlined by the moon, smoke from days of fighting stained the narrow gash of night sky and blotting over the stars. On the far side of the chasm, the tunnel ran on into the dark. Goosebumps rose on her bare arms and shoulders in the open, cool night air, and she wrinkled her nose in discomfort.
Maybe being out of the tunnel would give a better signal. Ahsoka tried her comm again. “Skyguy. Skyguy, do you read me? Ankain?”
She groaned. “Useless.”
“It must have been damaged in the explosion.” Obi-wan leaned over the edge of the canyon, peered down into the dark, and pointed lower down the cliff face. “It looks like there’s a ledge big enough for both of us.”
Ahsoka turned her lightsaber off and hung it back on her belt. On her bare arms and shoulders, goosebumps rose. “Big enough for what?”
“To pass the night. We can regroup with the others in the morning.”
Her mouth fell open. “What? We can’t stay here.”
“Ryloth is dangerous enough during the day. There will be all kinds of predators and droid patrols out now, so I think it’s wisest to wait for light.”
Ahsoka scowled. “But they might need our help.”
“Ahoksa, I understand your frustration, but we came almost straight through the plateau. It will take us hours to get back on foot. We won’t be any good to Anakin or Cody if we’re caught by Separatists or falling into a gutkurr nest.”
She crossed her arms then hugged herself tighter against the cold.
He put a hand on her shoulder. “Have faith in Anakin. He’ll be there when we get back.”
She sighed. “Yes, master.”
They leapt down to the ledge and tried to settle in for a few hours of sleep. Ahsoka curled into a ball and wrapped her arms around herself. Kark, it was cold. How did a planet get so hot during the day and lose all the heat once the sun went down? What she would give for a cloak right now. It was probably ash. Obi-wan put his back to the wall and raised an arm in invitation, and Ahsoka scooted close to share his body heat. Even with his cold, dura-plastic armor, the Jedi master was warm, and she curled up with his arm around her and her face buried in his side. Thank the Force for mammalian species.
Ahsoka woke stiff and cold the next morning. Pale, pink-brown light filtered down the ravine, bright and dancing with dust particles. She licked her chapped lips and tasted blood in the cracks. Obi-wan must have felt her stirring because he inhaled and sat up, then rubbed his eyes and shook his head. “Lived to see another morning.”
Ahsoka snorted and breathed into her hands and rubbed her arms to limber them back up. “Don’t feel very alive.”
He stood with a suppressed groan and stretched. “It’ll be hot enough soon. We should get moving.”
Sliding further down the ravine, they found a path worn into the cliff face, narrow and broken, probably created by some wild animal and eroded by time. They picked their way along the cliff face, and sometimes they had to leap several meters to reach the next portion of the path. After a few hours, they worked their way out of the canyon into the open air again. The sun was high, and it was getting hot again. She turned in the direction of the camp, and over the edge of the mesa rose a black, swirling cloud.
Ahsoka gasped and dash towards it.
“Ahsoka,” Obi-wan shouted. “Wait!”
She sprinted to the smoking cave mouth. Scattered across the ground were hulking, twisted pieces of metal, melted and hardened into threatening angles. Smoke drifted off the rocks, the gutted AT-TE, the skeleton of the crashed Vulture. It must have made a suicide run to get at their camp.
Obi-wan ran up behind her and look around, saber in hand but not ignited. In the corner of her eye something glinted, and she turned to it. An unharmed comm lay on the ground, surrounded by boot prints scattered in the ash and dirt. She grabbed it and turned it on. A map of the area flickered up with a blinking beacon a few klicks beyond their current position. “Looks like a rendezvous point. Ugh. This is going to take forever.”
“Don’t give in to impatience, Ahsoka.” Obi-wan rubbed his chin. “They must have had to move out. We should do the same. There’s no telling if the Separatists will come looking for survivors.”
Ahsoka glanced back at the smoky cave then pocketed the comm and turned with Obi-wan to the rendezvous point. For the next few hours, they marched on.
The sun rose higher, and soon sweat was rolling down Ahsoka’s back, and Obi-wan’s robes darkened down the back. They wove between the towering buttes and strange rock formations until they suddenly cleared, and the duo stepped into clearing. Ahsoka stopped and looked around.
The ground was pocked with holes and stray shrapnel encrusted with dirt, probably the evidence of artillery fire. Ahoksa frowned and looked around at the faded battle zone. “Is this all from the Separatists? We’ve only been here for a few days.”
Obi-wan shook his head. “No, I’m afraid the fight on Ryloth has been raging for much longer than the Republic has been here.”
They trudged on through the battlefield, avoiding rusting droids and skirting stone cairns marked with white chalk symbols Ahsoka didn’t recognize. There were a lot of cairns, more than there should have been. “There were files on the Ryloth Resistance in the briefing. I guess I didn’t realize they had been fighting so long.”
Obi-wan surveyed the half-buried wreckage of an armored vehicle. “I think we are all going to be fighting much longer than we realize.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes, and he nudged some twisted shrapnel with his boot. “Be careful, Ahsoka. There might still be live ammunition.”
Ahsoka glanced around, then took a deep breath. The faster they got through this field, the faster they’d reach the rendezvous point. She stepped over another pothole forward and smiled back at him to try and cheer him up. “Don’t worry, master. I’m always careful.”
Then she was falling, plummeting down. She landed hard and rolled across the ground and into something hard that slammed her to a stop. Groaning, she sat up and found herself at the bottom of a pit, every bruise from the explosion screamed with new pain.
Something landed heavy beside her, and a hand touched her shoulder. “Are you all right?”
She winced and blinked until the older Jedi’s face came back into focus. “I think so.”
A low growl reverberated through the cave. Heat in her throat, Ahsoka leapt to her feet. Her right ankle buckled, and she fell to one knee. “Oh kark, that hurts.”
Another growl echoed through the cave—closer—and the Force tremored. Obi-wan looped her arm over his shoulder. “One, two—”
On three, they sprang out of the pit, and Ahsoka’s leg buckled again, throwing her forward. She stumbled a few steps before she caught herself.
“Are you all right?” the master asked.
She hissed, balanced on one foot, and carefully spun her throbbing ankle, but the movement sent pain shooting up her ankle. She hissed again and shook her head. “I’ll be fine.”
Obi-wan watched her silently as she limped a couple steps in the direction of the rendezvous point. Then he shook his head and offered his hand.
Her lips twitched with embarrassment. She looked around and pointed to a nearby rock pile, large enough to hide her from any passing Seppie air patrols. “I’ll hide out there.”
“Anakin will never let me hear the end of it if I leave you here.”
Ahsoka thought about arguing, but ten minutes later Obi-wan was piggy-backing her the last few klicks to the point. She wrapped her arms around his neck and set her chin on his shoulder, legs sticking almost straight out. Why was she so short?
“You don’t have to carry me the whole way.”
“Don’t worry.” He sounded awfully chipper for hauling someone half his size across the Ryloth badlands. “We’re almost there.”
He climbed up a short incline, and his breathing was getting a little harder, but the redheaded human showed no signs of slowing. Ahsoka smirked. “You’re pretty spry for a grandmaster.”
"Hmm. It seems Anakin is rubbing off on you in more ways than one.”
“I think he prefers to think of it as his amazing teaching skills.”
“I’m sure he does. You two are well suited.”
Reckless. That was what Anakin had called her. What a lot of people had called her, and here she was being carted across the Ryloth plains, useless because she had rushed in without looking. “Master?”
He hummed an acknowledgement.
Ahsoka ran her tongue over the points of her teeth before speaking. “Do you think I would have made it as your padawan?”
He skirted a collapsed rock formation and trudged in silence just long enough to make Ahsoka nervous. She started to speak, but he said, “I think you're doing quite well so far.”
He turned his head, and a smile wrinkled the corners of his eyes. “You will do well, padawan, wherever the Force takes you.”
She rested her forehead against his shoulder and shut her eyes. “Thanks, master.”
They reached the new camp a few hours later. Anakin smirked as they came in. “Glad you made it.”
Ahsoka scowled at him over Obi-wan’s shoulder. “If you laugh, Skyguy, I’ll punch you.”
“Wasn’t gonna say anything, Snips. Wasn’t gonna say anything.”
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artyblogs · 7 years
Launch Date ch 1 Ambrostine
Star Wars the Clone Wars, Ahsoka/Riyo
Launch Date summary: In which Ahsoka mistakes Riyo for an office secretary, Riyo is sometimes too gay to function, and R7-A7 is determined to be a trollish kark.
Chapter Summary: It’s the first chapter and Ahsoka is already gay. So gay. SO VERY GAY.
Ahsoka takes a deep breath and refrains from Force-flipping the nearest table. She’s lost in the Senate Office building. Aides, Senators, and other important people roam the halls, looking either very busy, or very smug. Outside of almost every door are guards. Some are dressed in the traditional purple armor, and others wear the military uniforms of their native systems. Ahsoka and her red Astromech droid, R7-A7, are out of place with how casual they look. R7 beeps, and Ahsoka looks down at him.
“I’m not afraid,” she says. R7 beeps again. “Fine!” Ahsoka raises a hand in order to get the attention of the nearest aide, who walks by while balancing two trays laden with coffees.
“Excuse me?”
But the aide rushes by without stopping or slowing down, leaving Ahsoka behind. Ahsoka hums and tries again with another aide, but they’re on a comlink call and they hold up a finger at Ahsoka to shush her as they pass by.
Rude, R7 beeps. Ahsoka rolls her eyes.
“You said it, R7. Come on.” Ahsoka leads the way down the hall until she’s blocked by a hover-dolly that’s parked before an open door. A Pantoran girl a little older than her steps into the hallway and picks up one of the boxes form the dolly. She’s pretty, and her light purple hair is pulled back away from her face in a ponytail.
“Hello,” she says. Her voice is a nice alto. “Can I help you?”
“I’m kind of lost,” Ahsoka says. “Where’s the nearest exit?”
“You’re close,” the girl says. She puts the box back down and points down the hallway where Ahsoka came form. “This building’s like a circle, you know how all the hallways curve? There are exits at every quarter. If you go out one door and find yourself in another hallway, then you just keep going out the door in front. You’ll get outside eventually.”
“Thanks!” Ahsoka says. When she steps back, she bumps into someone. “Oops, sorry.”
A tall, middle-aged, Pantoran man with a scar across his chin looks down at Ahsoka intently.
“Oh! I’m really sorry, Senator! I’ll just….”
The Pantoran man sets his large hands down on Ahsoka’s shoulders, freezing her in place.
“Senator Chuchi?” He asks. His deep, gravelly voice is a lot more gentle than Ahsoka expected as he addresses the Pantoran girl.
“It’s alright, Captain, thank you,” the girl says, and the man lets go of Ahsoka. When Ahsoka looks at the girl again, she smiles apologetically. “He’s not the Senator. I’m the Senator, Riyo Chuchi. Captain Magnus Sterno is in charge of my security detail.”
Ahsoka would like the floor to swallow her up. Right now. Please. R7 beeps and rocks a little like he’s dancing with glee, the little sadist.
“I’m sorry,” Ahsoka says. She can feel the stripes of her lekku darkening in embarrassment.
The Pantoran girl, Riyo, just smiles. She steps out of the way so that Magnus can pick up and carry both of the boxes into the office.
“It’s alright! A lot of people think the same way when they first meet me.” Riyo beckons Ahsoka and R7 into the office. The ceiling-to-floor windows let in copious amounts of light, and give a fantastic view of the Coruscant skyline.
Another Pantoran guard in his early-twenties walks along the walls and holds a device to any outlets and light fixtures in order to scan for bugs. When he sees Ahsoka, he pauses his sweep and gives Ahsoka a reassuring grin.
“Don’t worry about it,” he says. “You’re the third person today who’s mistaken Senator Chuchi for an aide.”
“Titon,” Magnus says in warning. The smile drops from the young guard’s face and he returns to his sweep. Satisfied, Magnus opens the box and unpacks various electronic devices into the drawers of the desk.
“Did you just get elected?” Ahsoka asks. Riyo nods.
“First day today. I was a litigator back home.”
“Corporate law?”
“Family law,” Riyo says. She looks closer at Ahsoka, as if just noticing her. Ahsoka feels like she’s just been put under a microscope and tries not the fidget. “I wasn’t aware the Jedi occupied themselves with different fields of law.”
“Well, really just Military Law.” Ahsoka straightens up. “My master says that the Jedi are allied with the Republic, so we should know how the Republic works.”
“Your master is very wise.”
“Yes, although I think he uses it as an excuse to spend more time with his close friend, who happens to be a senator.”
Riyo covers her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle. At sound of her laugh, the corners of Magnus’s mouth twitch and Titon looks over his shoulder at them, incredulous. Ahsoka can’t help but smile back.
“I must repay you for your generosity, Senator,” Ahsoka says. “Will you have lunch with me?”
“Master Jedi, are you asking me out on a date?”
“Ah uh,” Ahsoka says intelligently. “I walked into that one, didn’t I?”
“Indeed. You…oh.”
Two people, a human and a light green Rodian, stand in Riyo’s open doorway.
“My aides have arrived,” Riyo says, disappointed. “I’m sorry, Master Jedi. Perhaps another time?”
“Ahsoka Tano,” Ahsoka says. “My name is Ahsoka Tano.” She steps outside the office with R7 and once the door slides shut behind them, she sighs.
R7 beeps and whistles. How can you still be hungry after eating your foot?
“Can you not?” Ahsoka asks, the stripes on her lekku darken again from a fresh wave of humiliation. She closes her eyes and breathes in deep to center herself.
“Padawan Tano?” Magnus joins them in the hallway and closes the door behind him. “If you get food for yourself and Senator Chuchi and come back, she won’t turn you away again.”
“Will this be enough?” Magnus presses a few credits into Ahsoka’s hands. “You see, I’ve worked for the Senator while she was still on Pantora, and she has a bad habit of skipping lunch.”
Ahsoka gasps. “She doesn’t eat?”
“She forgets sometimes. Perhaps good company would be a better incentive for her to remember.”
Ahsoka looks down at the shiny credits in her hand. She looks back up at Magnus, who stares back expectantly.
“Okay,” Ahsoka says, and she goes out to get them some take-out. R7 rolls along at her side, beeping.
Maybe you’re hungry for something else?
“Shut up, it’s not like that.”
The Senate District is filled with places to eat. Some eateries are built into the main office buildings, while others are packed together into one dedicated building for convenience. Twice a week, food speeders land in one of the parks en masse and sell street food. Enough people crowd into the space between the rows of speeders that it gets hectic. It gets loud.
The street vendors that sell trinkets and other oddities set up in the other half of the park and take full advantage of the crowds. Many of them only only bother showing up when the food speeders are here.
It’s easy to spot an intern or a junior aide running errands; their clothes are smart and pressed, but they’re not as flashy as the clothes that actual politicians wear. It’s also easy to spot Jedi, and a lot of Jedi spend their time in the Federal District. Ahsoka doesn’t stick out as much out here.
“What do Pantorans eat?” Ahsoka asks. “They don’t have a set diet like Togruta do, right?”
R7 tells her that he’s a mechanic, not a protocol droid. Ahsoka rolls her eyes and gets Riyo a box of fish and chips, and gets a couple foil-wrapped Gamorrean pork sausages for herself.
Riyo puts three data pads on her desk so that her aides can see. The human is a little younger than her and is still in the Coruscant Republic Academy, so Riyo will have to replace her when summer is over and school starts again. The Rodian is in their early twenties. They’re gaining experience before they get a job in a law firm.
“This is the Pantoran data pad,” Riyo puts a hand on the blue data pad. “Any information that has to do with Pantora is on this pad, including any messages I get from Pantoran officials. This is the Senate data pad.” Here, Riyo puts a hand on the black data pad. “Any information that has to do with the Senate is on this pad. This is my personal data pad.” Riyo gestures to the last pad, which is white and palm-sized. “Neither of you have password access to any of these pads, but you must know what they look like and what they do, so that you know how important they are.
“When I’m not in my office, and you see these out, please lock them in my desk. I’ll do my best to lock them up myself when I leave, but in the event that I cannot, please do it for me.”
The door slides open, revealing Magnus. “Senator Chuchi,” he says, “Padawan Tano is back for her appointment.”
“I don’t remember an appointment,” Riyo murmurs to herself.
“She brought food for the both of you.”
“Oh!” Who is Riyo to turn down such a generous offer? “Please send her in. Thank you, Bivi, Vigo. I’ll give you your own data pads when you come back.”
The two aides pick up their bags and take their leave. Riyo sighs, takes off her suit coat, and hangs it over the armrest of her chair. She considers rolling up the sleeves of her button-up shirt, but decides not to. Ahsoka peeps in, and when Riyo beckons to her, she comes in and pulls up a chair.
“Did you finish unpacking?” Ahsoka asks as she hands Riyo her box of fish and chips.
“Thanks and yes,” Riyo says. Unfortunately, her office is still very spartan. “Most senators divide the space into two offices: one for them and the other for a secretary. Although I’ve seen an office that used the extra space as a sitting area. I might do that.”
“As long as you don’t use it for a cot,” Magnus says. “Senator Chuchi, I’ll be taking my break.”
“Yes, Captain. I’ll see you later.”
“Did you sleep in your old office too?” Ahsoka asks. Riyo blushes indigo.
“No! Maybe once or twice, when I was working on difficult cases.”
“So, yes?” Ahsoka asks. “It’s not that bad. I’m pretty used to sleeping in all sorts of places.”
“Huh? Oh, of course. The Jedi command the clone armies. You get sleep wherever you can?”
“Pretty much. I haven’t slept in the same place for a week since I became a padawan.”
Riyo hesitates. “And that’s alright with you?”
“Yeah. I’m a Jedi.” Ahsoka puffs out her chest in pride. “I’ve dedicated my life to serving others and upholding peace and justice. Right now, the best way to do that is by fighting in this war for the Republic.”
The two of them launch onto a discussion about the Clone Wars. Riyo, who has only followed the War thus far through the HoloNet News and through her connections in the Pantoran Assembly, is surprisingly well-informed, but within ten minutes of talking to Ahsoka, who has actually fought in some of the campaigns, she’s noticed a few discrepancies. The two of them rig up a small, dusty holoprojector, connect it to Riyo’s data pad, and bring up a hologram globe of the planet Christophsis.
“Christophsis mines are under the strict control of their guilds,” Riyo says. “Either that or they’re owned by private companies based on Christophsis. I can understand the Separatists opening illegal mines, but the Republic?”
Ahsoka shrugs. “When we won the battle against the Separatists, the Christophsis Senator just gave the Separatist mines to the Republic.”
“No doubt making the minerals incredibly cheap for the Republic,” Riyo says. She falls silent, staring at the hologram.
“What are you thinking?” Ahsoka asks.
“I would like to say many things, but none of them are fit for polite company.” Riyo says. “The Christophsis Senator is my coworker now, after all.”
Ahsoka smiles. “That wouldn’t stop me from saying anything.”
“Alas, Padawan Tano, not all of us have lightsabers to resort to when diplomacy fails.”
“That’s okay. A blaster does the job too.”
Riyo’s jaw drops. “Padawan Tano!”
“Do you not have one?” Ahsoka teases. “I could get one for you. Something small maybe?”
“You’re incorrigible!” Riyo turns away to hide her smile. “Thank you, but no. I have enough blasters.”
“What?” Ahsoka asks. “You have blasters?”
“This is Coruscant, of course everyone has blasters,” Riyo says. She’s cut off when the data pad connected to the holoprojector goes on screensaver. The holoprojector cycles through family pictures of Pantorans. Some of them sit in their homes, others are in the Pantoran wilderness and most of their faces are covered in frosty goggles.
“Your family?” Ahsoka asks.
“Of a sort,” Riyo says. “Past clients still send me thank you notes and pictures. I keep them on my data pad to remind me why I’m here.”
Someone knocks on Riyo’s door, and it slides open, revealing Magnus.
“Senator Chuchi,” Magnus says, “your aides are back.”
“Already? But they just left.” Riyo looks at the clock. She and Ahsoka have been talking for over an hour. She turns back to Ahsoka, who looks just as disappointed as Riyo feels.
“Thank you, Padawan Tano,” Riyo says. “You didn’t have to get me lunch. I appreciate it very much.”
“It’s no problem, Senator.” Ahsoka stands up and dumps the empty foil wrapping in the trash bin. “Thanks for having lunch with me.”
“Padawan Tano,” Riyo says, her eyes are a little unsure. “I’d like very much to do this again sometime. My door is always open to you.”
“Thank you, Senator.” Ahsoka says. “I’ll see you later.”
Ahsoka meets R7 out in the hall. Titon and the aides walk into the office and door slides shut after them. Magnus turns to Ahsoka.
“Thank you for your time,” he says. “I’ve not heard Senator Chuchi laugh like that in quite a while. Please come back soon.”
Over the next few weeks, Riyo’s office quickly fills up with small boxes of single-use data pads that senators use to look over sensitive information that can’t be transmitted over a signal, and boxes of data cards. Three holoscreens are set up in the empty space away from Riyo’s desk at a height so that she can see them while standing comfortably.
Every bill that crosses Riyo’s desk has a context that she isn’t familiar with. She knows exactly how it would effect Pantora and while she could just vote depending on that information, she must know why they’ve created a bill for the subject in the first place.
It also wouldn’t hurt to be a little more familiar with Coruscant and Republic laws.
The office door whooshes open and Bivi comes in. Her shirt-tail is untucked from her skirt, and her sleeves are rolled up to her elbows.
“Senator,” she says, “Padawan Tano’s here to see you.”
Ahsoka waves at Riyo from the doorway. In her other hand, she carries a small grocery bag. “Is this a good time?”
“Hello, Ahsoka,” Riyo says. “Come in.”
“Senator,” Bivi gestures to the stacks of boxes. “Which one?”
“The stack on the right, Bivi. Yes, that one. The data pads go to the clerk’s office, and the data cards go back to the archives.”
“Thank you, Bivi.”
Bivi’s able to carry both boxes, but she’s barely able to see over the top. She leans back so that the boxes don’t fall forward and out of her arms, and walks out of the office. The door shuts after her.
Ahsoka looks to where Bivi last disappeared. “Is she gonna be okay?”
“She’ll be fine.” Riyo sets the holoscreens on sleep and joins Ahsoka at her desk, which is surprisingly clear of any electronics save the clock and the lamp. Riyo sinks into her chair with a sigh. Bivi might have been disheveled from running around, but Riyo’s just as rumpled.
“Are you okay?” Ahsoka asks. Riyo sighs again and shakes her head.
“I met Senator Amidala today.”
“Oh yeah? How was that?”
“Terrifying. I haven’t felt so stupid since my first day of law school.”
“Oh.” Ahsoka winces. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t get me wrong, Senator Amidala is a gracious woman; she just wanted to test me. And I must have passed, because she’s asked me to write an article for the HoloNet News against the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Bill.”
“What’s that?” Ahsoka hands Riyo a sealed, large cup of hot soup.
“If passed, it would give the Chancellor the power to approve search and seizures without a search warrant. It would also give him the power to tap into private comlink transmissions.” Riyo pops the top off the cup and takes a sip. “Those who support it want to catch any Separatists and Separatist sympathizers who are living among us. They think that they’re spies or they’re going to carry out attacks against us.”
“So why go against the bill?”
“There’s no guarantee that it would actually help discern who’s a Separatist and who’s not. It would also definitely take away the rights of Republic citizens. Yes, these are dangerous times, but times will always be dangerous. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice our rights for the illusion of safety.”
Ahsoka pauses in eating her kebob. “You must’ve been a fantastic lawyer.”
“Ah, well.” Riyo’s ears turn indigo. “I helped a lot of people. I miss it, actually. On Pantora I knew what I was about. But here on Coruscant, the laws are different, the government is different, the culture is different. I’m very unprepared.”
“You didn’t want to be a senator?”
“Chairman Cho insisted I become the senator as soon as the post opened up, and no one says ‘no’ to Chairman Cho.” Riyo drinks more of her soup and her expression turns thoughtful. “I think he did it so that I would be too busy to publish essays about his policies in the Pantoran news.”
“Publish—wait a minute!” Ahsoka gasps in mock outrage. “You gave me so much grief about starting drama and here you are and you start drama too!”
“I…okay yes, you caught me!” Riyo laughs when Ahsoka crosses her arms and pouts. “Forgive me?”
“Maybe,” Ahsoka says, breaking into a smirk. “So you’re used to starting fires?”
“Yes, and Senator Amidala found out. I don’t know how she found out; that woman must know everything that goes on in the Senate. But she came to me and told me that I was the best choice to write the argument against the bill. So here I am.”
“You’ll do great!”
Riyo shakes her head. “Writing for Pantora was alright; my readers were only Pantorans and the Pantoran diaspora. And yes, those essays may have put me on lists, but I expected that. This is the first time I’ll be writing something that the entire Republic will read. That’s thousands of systems.”
Ahsoka’s gaze softens. “You’ll still do great, Riyo. Have faith.”
“Thank you, Ahsoka. If I do this right, public opinion will sway against the bill.”
“What will happen then?”
“Senators are influenced by constituents and constituents are influenced by public opinion. Worst case scenario, the bill will be postponed. Best case scenario, the Senate will vote against it.” Riyo frowns. “Worst-worst case scenario, my work is wasted and the Senate approves the bill.”
“That won’t happen.”
“You’re very confident.”
Ahsoka smiles and shrugs.
Later that week, Riyo’s essay is published in the HoloNet News. Within half a day, it’s all that’s being talked about over all the news networks and even over radio talkshows.
Riyo hasn’t watched, or listened, to any of them. She doesn’t want to know what’s being said about it. In order to further isolate herself from possible scathing commentary, she’s shut herself in her office to tackle more work.
She’s making considerable headway when her comlink beeps with an incoming call. She answers it with the push of a button.
“Hello, this is Lyrax Pentigure of HNN. May I please speak with Senator Riyo Chuchi?”
“Speaking. What can I do for you, Mr. Pentigure?”
“Your article is making quite a stir, Senator. I’m putting together a panel for my debate show tonight and I’d hoped to give you a spot.”
“Oh!” Riyo’s head spins and she sits down. A spot on one of the most popular news network debate shows? “I’m very flattered, but I’m afraid I must decline.”
“Won’t you reconsider? The debate is timed for only ten minutes.”
“My apologies, but my answer stands. Everything I’d say about the issue is already included in my essay. I’d only be repeating myself. Perhaps another time?”
“Then I’ll be in touch. Thank you for your time, Senator.”
“Goodbye, Mr. Pentigure.” Riyo ends the call and puts the comlink back on her desk.
Writing is one thing, but a broadcast? No. Maybe one day, when she isn’t still mistaken for an academy student.
The next day, Riyo’s office door whooshes open to reveal Padmé Amidala and another senator.
“Senator Amidala!” Riyo sets her holoscreens to sleep and meets Padmé with a handshake. She’s seen Padmé before, but still hasn’t reconciled all that with the fact that they’re co-workers now.
“It’s nice to see you!” Riyo says.
“It’s nice to see you too, Senator Chuchi.” Padmé gestures to the other senator. “This is my good friend, Senator Bail Organa.”
Another heavy hitter. Is Riyo to meet all of the star movers and shakers today? She numbly shakes his hand.
“Congratulations on writing such a moving piece, Senator Chuchi.” Bail says. “Thanks to you, the bill has been put on the list for today’s order of business.”
“You’re very kind, Senator.” Riyo hopes her voice keeps steady. “I’m glad to be of service.”
“Shall we go to the Senate Building?”
As they make their way to the Senate Chamber, the three of them speculate on what might happen with the bill and what they could do should the worst happen, but the bill ends up getting postponed, and Riyo stands a little bit straighter at the helm of her pod. After the Senate business is concluded, and after Riyo is finished shaking hands with other senators, she and Magnus leave and meet Ahsoka and R7 outside.
“Riyo!” Ahsoka rushes forward to envelop the older girl in a hug.
“Ahsoka?” Riyo takes a step back to keep from falling over, but returns the hug.
“I came as soon as I heard! You did it.”
“The bill is only postponed, but yes, I’ll take whatever victories I can get.”
“We should celebrate!” Ahsoka pulls back to take Riyo’s hands. “Come on!”
“Senator Chuchi,” Magnus says. “I shall take my leave.”
“What?” Ahsoka asks. “But what about guarding Riyo?”
“A Jedi will be more than enough protection for the Senator,” Magnus says.
“He’s got a good point,” Ahsoka says.
“He does,” Riyo says. “Please take the rest of the day off, Captain. Have fun!”
“Thank you, Senator. Good day, ladies.” Magnus gives them both a curt nod before leaving.
“So what did you have in mind, Ahsoka?”
“Watching the sunset.” Ahsoka jerks a thumb at one of the taller buildings in the Coruscant skyline. “From up there, with this.” She holds up a grocery bag. “You in?”
“Yes, except not even my security clearance will get us up there,” Riyo says.
“Who needs clearance when you have R7?” Ahsoka asks. R7 bleeps and whistles with glee.
When they step out of the elevator at the top the building, they find themselves in an observation deck that’s encased with glass to protect those inside against the wind. The Galactic City sprawls below them in all directions, gleaming in the setting sun like an ocean of metal. R7 rolls right to the windows and coos before falling silent, and Riyo leans against the safety railing.
“Yeah,” Ahsoka says. She takes out a dark bottle that’s sealed with wax. “Ta da!”
“How do you have that?” Riyo asks. Ahsoka grins and hands her the bottle. Riyo traces the label with her fingertips.
“Ambrostine,” Riyo reads. “I didn’t know the Jedi had such expensive taste.”
“Some people donate the strangest things to the Jedi Order,” Ahsoka says. “Whenever we get things like this, we just sell it back for the credits.”
“And they won’t notice a missing bottle?”
“You act like it’s the only bottle missing from the crate.” Ahsoka takes the bottle back and opens it with a pop. “It’s not.”
BEEP BEEP. Riyo’s comlink sounds from her pocket. She takes it out and answers it.
“Cousin Riyo!” A chipper, tenor voice comes through. “I read your article in the news!”
“Cousin Kaito,” Riyo says. Her voice and expression are schooled into a neutral monotone.
“I swear to the Gods, your cheek will get our entire family killed,” the voice drawls. “Must you keep provoking powerful men?”
“I’m only getting started. Why have you called?”
“Is this Riyo? I thought I was talking to the Blizzard God for a moment there. I’m trying to look out for you.”
“You keep telling yourself that,” Riyo says through clenched teeth. “And you’ll power through it, as you usually do.”
“Indeed. As a result of your article, people are sending tokens of their thanks and admiration for you to the house. I’m forwarding them to you, so expect a substantial care package. Unless you’d rather I throw it all out?”
“…Thank you.” Riyo looks like she would rather spit than say those words to him.
“That’s more like it.” The comlink practically oozes with smugness. “Was that so hard?”
“Ugh, you’ll do best to let go of all that anger, cousin, lest you get a stroke.”
“Goodbye, Kaito.”
Riyo ends the com and sinks bonelessly onto the nearest bench.
“What was that?” Ahsoka asks. “I’ve never heard you talk that way to anyone before.”
“That was my distant cousin, Kaito Chuchi.” Riyo accepts a cup from Ahsoka and downs the shot of Ambrostine. It burns sweet and citrusy, and Riyo exhales the heated fumes that crawl back up her throat. “The man has no sense of propriety.”
“That bad, huh?” Ahsoka sits down on the bench next to her, her own cup in hand.
“It’s…ugh, it’s complicated.” Riyo turns her cup around in her hands. “Sorry, I started without you.”
“Hah! It sounded like you needed it.” Ahsoka pours her another shot.
Riyo and Ahsoka watch the sky sour from reddish orange into soft pinks and purples. Because of the Coruscanti smog, not many of the stars come out, but they can pretend that the satellites and high-flying speeders winking in the sky are stars instead. Soon enough, the two of them lose track of the number of shots they’ve had. Riyo develops an indigo blush that reaches up to her hairline and dips down her neck. It makes her yellow facial marks stand out more. The both of them have moved to the walkway beyond the glass, and they sit at the safety railing and let their legs dangle off the edge.
“What’s it like to have a family?” Ahsoka asks. She leans her head against the metal railing. “Jedi take younglings from their parents when they’re young, so we don’t form attachments.”
Riyo gives Ahsoka another searching look, but it’s gone a heartbeat later.
“Infuriating,” Riyo says. “But also wonderful. My cousin might not be a shining example, but my mother…my mother believed that I could do anything. Be anything. She would move heaven and hell to help me if I were in trouble. From what you’ve told me, Ahsoka, my mother sounds similar to what your master is for you. And also that clone trooper captain.”
Ahsoka mulls it over. Could it really be that simple? It’s true that Anakin would never give up on her, and neither would Rex. She’d do everything she could to protect them too. Ahsoka smiles.
“Yeah. I think you’re right.”
The mess in Riyo’s office eventually clears, then builds up again. Riyo and her aide, Vigo, are knee-deep in Pantoran data cards when Ahsoka comes into the office again.
“Thank you!” Vigo throws down their data pad and hugs Ahsoka before they practically run out of the office.
“You’re welcome?” Ahsoka takes a tentative step into the office. “What did I do?”
“Vigo’s a little overwhelmed.” Riyo steps over to her desk to pick up her jacket. “We’ve been researching Pantoran laws all week.”
“What for?”
“Chairman Cho is…a demanding man,” Riyo says as she shrugs on her jacket. “And the Pantoran people are just as demanding. Pantora is a prosperous moon, but it’s still just a moon. It’s running out of space and resources and the Chairman has proposed a bill that would allow Pantora to colonize Orto Plutonia.” Riyo waves a hand over the boxes of data chips. “The bill is quite dense, and I’m been assigned to a team of lawyers who’re combing through it for any irregularities.”
“No wonder Vigo wanted out.”
“I admit I can be a little intense, but Vigo wants to be a paralegal someday, and this is a part of what paralegals do. Come on, I could use a change of scenery too.”
The two girls end up eating lunch in the plaza not far from where the food speeders park. A few other sentients are already there, hanging around an extravagant fountain depicting the ancient Coruscanti gods of justice and sitting on the benches while they eat and talk. A couple of them smoke. A few teenagers, playing hooky from school, practice hoverboard tricks against the planters.
“What have you been up to lately?” Riyo asks as they unwrap Bantha burritos. “Anything you can tell me?”
“I fought General Grievous last week, and I lost.”
“You lost?” Riyo repeats, incredulous. “We are talking about the General Grievous that leads most of the Separatist armies? The Grievous whose hobbies include killing Jedi and taking their lightsabers?”
“And you think you lost? Ahsoka, you’re alive.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you’re only what? Fifteen? You’re a padawan and you fought Grievous, and he didn’t kill you.”
“I should’ve been able to fight him,” Ahsoka says. “He isn’t even Force-sensitive.”
“Someone’s ambitious,” Riyo mutters to herself. “You’re too hard on yourself. How long are padawans padawans?”
“Years, usually.”
“So you just started. Think of it this way: Grievous has killed many Jedi. Not just padawans, but legitimate Jedi knights and masters, yes?”
“But you fought him and you didn’t die. If you do that well against him now, think about how well you’ll do against him when you get better.”
Ahsoka is silent for a moment. “You’re a blaster, you know that?”
Riyo smiles and takes a bite out of her burrito.
Whoa, you’re still here? I must be doing something right. This story can also be found on AO3 and Fanfiction.net. Please show it some love! 
Yes, the title of this story is a pun. No, I don’t regret it.
Please leave feedback. Let me know what you liked, or what you didn’t like. 
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Something Sweet {Part IV}
Author: Zoe
(A/N: Kind of forced myself to get this chapter out, but I hope you like it nonetheless!)
Head Chef! Obi-Wan x Pastry Chef! Reader
Plot Summary: When Qui-Gon hires a new pastry chef for his dessert menu, Obi-Wan feels a slight sense of competition. Who do you think you are, just waltzing into his kitchen? He's been running it for years, it doesn't need to change. But, as time progresses, he realizes the sour beginning the two of you had is starting to turn into something sweet.
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Obi-Wan sat in his office, the room illuminated by the yellowish glow of the lamp, streaming out past the glass walls and into the now dim kitchen. He looked down into the aging menu held by his hands, scarred and calloused from years of working in this kitchen.
His kitchen.
Sure, that sounded possessive and a bit crazy, but he felt a little entitled to it. He was there when the restaurant was being built. Back when only he and Qui-Gon were the only professional chefs in that kitchen. He had made a home there.
But… here you are, your stubborn nature and change beginning to start as soon as you stepped foot into the restaurant. He played it off as being prideful, but he knew the truth in his core.
He was afraid. Afraid of what he had built to start crumbling around him all because some new hotshot pastry chef began to call her own shots instead of following his.
The chef leaned back in his chair, running his fingers from his forehead, through his hair damp from the stress of another dinner rush, back to his neck, tense from the pressure of it all. One month you've been working already and he can feel the anger and the stress and the competition getting to him.
"Test this for me?" You gave Anakin and Ahsoka a chocolate scone fresh out of the oven in your kitchen.
"I think it's good!" Ahsoka smiled, taking another bite into the pastry.
"You think everything's good, you're a sommelier. Wine's the only time you criticize anything." Anakin noted, resting his elbows on the countertop.
"I'm only here because she needs to balance out all of the things Chef Kenobi says with drunk positivity." She held up her wine glass, swirling it in her hand and sipping it.
Anakin shrugged, nodding to agree with her. "Makes sense. But for proper criticism, all I've got is to add more chocolate to balance the ratio from pastry to filling."
"Thank you!" You put your hands on your hips. "If Chef Kenobi were trying it, he would get all nitpicky about it and try to undermine me."
"Because the guy is super territorial." Ahsoka interjected, holding out her glass for another drink as you poured it for her. "Took me years to get him used to me, and I don't even work in the kitchen."
Anakin stood up, grabbing a jacket and taking the tupperware of scones you had him take home for his family. "Give him some time. Who knows? Maybe by some god-given miracle, you'll actually work things out."
Ahsoka waved him goodbye, drinking her wine as the door closed behind him.
"...There's no way I'm gonna be able to drive home tonight." She joked, the both of you laughing as you went to your room.
"I've got some spare clothes."
"Oh! We can finally do the wine night we've been planning!" She excitedly shot up, grabbing the bottle and glasses and walking across the floor to the couch.
"That you've been planning." You emphasized, tossing her your extra clothes. "Come on, I need to get my mind off of things, throw on something extra chick-flicky."
"I don't understand why you have such animosity for her, Obi-Wan. Is it her pastries? We've been getting some good local press because of those, if that helps matters."
"It's not that, Qui-Gon, I understand she's been an asset to this kitchen. It's… personal." Obi-Wan crossed his arms as Qui-Gon paced around the chef's office.
"I see." He sighed, looking out the glass walls to the empty kitchen. "I know the change was sudden. She's fairly headstrong, but very intuitive."
"Yet she ignores the authority I hold." Obi-Wan clenched his jaw slightly. "I run this kitchen because I know how it works, she can't just throw a wrench in it."
"Maybe it's not a wrench. Maybe she's finding ways to run it more efficiently." Qui-Gon chuckled to himself. "You were a bit like that when we first opened."
Obi-Wan shook his head with a smile, standing up and getting ready to leave. "I'm not going to get into this. Goodnight, Qui-Gon."
"Goodnight chef."
One in the morning.
That's when Padme decided to call you to ask you to babysit the twins for a weekend while she and Anakin left for their anniversary weekend. Of course, being tipsy and mindlessly watching 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' with Ahsoka, you agreed.
You loved the twins, that you didn't deny. But it looks like you've got to childproof the apartment a bit, what with the knives and wine around your apartment.
Normal for a chef.
"So, you willing to do it? I know it's late but Obi-Wan doesn't really babysit anymore. What with his whole kitchen gig."
"Yeah, yeah, sure. I'd love to." You yawned, as Padme excitedly thanked you. You nodded, hanging up as Ahsoka handed you yet another glass of wine.
"Cheers. Let's hope Kenobi doesn't stay a jerk for too long." You chuckled, sipping and going back to the movie.
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swfanficbyjz · 7 years
SW AU - Fate of the Master Chapter 18
<- Previous Chapter
Ahsoka herded the Skywalker family onto the ship. She'd been adamant none of them were getting involved with the Death Star situation until they had figured out how to work things out amongst themselves. She and the akul were coming, she'd claimed, purely as mediators and protection. Anakin was pretty sure Bail wouldn't have let Leia leave if Ahsoka didn't go along. Obi wan had offered to come too, but Bail had begged him to stay and help get information about the Death Star. Ahsoka had assured them both she could handle any issues that came up. "If it came to it," she had said, "I'll sic the akul on them." 
            Anakin didn't know where they were going or what she had in mind. All she'd say was that she had two destinations. And that the ghost crew were on standby to lend a hand at the second one. Assuming they survived the first. 
            The first couple days of the trip passed relatively quietly. Luke and Leia spent much of it talking between themselves or playing holochess. Anakin spent a lot of time meditating to emotionally prepare himself for the scars that were going to be ripped open. And Ahsoka spent most of her time on the bridge staring out at the stars racing by or meditating herself. They would talk a little bit, but she wouldn't give any clues about where they were going. At first she'd kept encouraging him to try and talk to his kids, but after a while she gave up. 
            By the fifth day, they were all getting a little tired of being cramped on the ship and tensions were starting to rise. 
            Anakin walked in on Luke showing Leia how to use the force, and he couldn't help but smile. Although they both stopped when they saw him. He found himself aching to train them, but they'd need to trust him first. Instead of forcing his presence on them he joined Ahsoka on the bridge with a deep sigh.
            "I'm not sure this is a good idea." He said to her. She was sitting with her eyes closed. The akul near her feet. "They don't even want to be in the same room with me, not that I blame them, but how are we supposed to talk? Through the wall?"
            "Maybe that's not such a bad idea," she laughed softly.
            "You're not helping." He said with frustration.
            "What do you want me to do?" She asked opening her eyes at last and looking at him.
            "I don't know. Even when Padmé was pregnant, I never thought about what being a dad would mean. And now, after everything that has happened, coming into parenthood when they're teenagers... it's frightening. I never had a dad. And the closest role model I had was the most evil person in the galaxy."
            "Would telling you to trust your instincts help?" She asked.
            "Probably not." He replied.
            "You first started taking care of me when I was a teenager. How did you approach it?"
            "By the skin of my teeth." He said. "I spent half the time just trying to keep up with you. And the other half, trying to make sure you didn't get yourself killed."
            "Okay, maybe I'm not the best example, but you did just fine with me. You talked me through things, you let me figure things out. You showed me how to learn from my mistakes. And when I wasn't driving you crazy, you loved me."
            "I loved you even when you were me driving crazy." He said. “Probably more.”
            She smiled at that. "Well maybe... that's where you need to start."
            "By driving them crazy?"
            "No, by loving them even when they are driving you crazy." She said playfully bumping him on the arm. "Think about what you wanted when you were their age. What you wished Obi wan would do or say, and start with that."
            It was early evening when they landed on Naboo. Ahsoka admittedly enjoyed Anakin's surprise that this was where they had been headed. But she could also sense the anxiety in him. She'd chosen Naboo as their first stop because of Padmé. Where she was taking them, she hoped, would keep them from killing each other. Which, terrible as it sounded, was a real danger. 
            Leia had an attitude, and really no desire to have any kind of a relationship with Anakin. Luke wanted a relationship with him, but was scared. Add the influence from his sister and it was a more volatile mix than she liked. Anakin wanted to be a good dad, but he was afraid to give in to the emotions and he was struggling to overcome his past. So she'd figured that Padmé was the one common ground they all had and they needed to start somewhere. She sincerely hoped that with Padmé looking down on them, it would be enough to keep Anakin from letting his anger get the better of him.
            When they got to her planned destination, she turned on them. "Okay," she said, they all looked at her. "Senator Organa talked to the Queen, who was nice enough to grant us access to this place. But there are ground rules: do not destroy anything, do not kill each other, and none of you are coming out until you've worked it out." She pulled some cuffs out of her bag, "and I swear, I will put these force binders on all of you if I have to." They nodded a little scared of her. Good, now we're getting somewhere.
            "What is this place?" Luke asked.
            "You'll see." She answered vaguely.
            "You know, there were probably plenty of dark rooms on Alderaan you could've locked us in." Leia sassed.
            Ahsoka didn't satisfy her with a response. She just turned around and unlocked the padlock with the key she'd been given by the groundskeeper. The door opened but the room was so dark nobody could tell what it was. 
            "In you go." She said. She shut the door behind them and put the padlock back in place. 
            "Wait, you're not coming in?" She heard Anakin say from the other side. He sounded a little frantic. 
            "Good luck," she whispered knowing he couldn't hear her.
            "It's so dark in here! You couldn't give us a light?" She heard Leia say.
            "You'll get one soon enough," she murmured. And slunk down to the floor and rested her head back on the door. "Your turn, Padmé." She said out loud. 
            The akul was looking at her curiously. "I know," she whispered to it. "It's going to be a long night." She didn't even hope they'd be best friends by morning, but she was hoping at the very least they'd figure out how to be civil to each other. At least then they'd have a starting point. She pointed to the fields beyond the graveyard. "You might find something to snack on in that direction. Just go easy." She said patting the akul on the head. "I'd go hunt with you, but I have to make sure they live through this." It rumbled and took off in the direction she'd pointed. It stopped to look back at her once and then disappeared in the darkness of night. 
 It was pitch black in the room Ahsoka had put them in. He couldn't see either Luke or Leia even though they couldn't be that far away. It was the one thing he admittedly missed about his Vader suit; built-in night vision. 
            He tentatively tried to walk forward, running into what seemed to be a table height smooth surface. Why had Ahsoka left them in the dark? Did she think if they couldn't see each other, they wouldn't be able to kill each other? He turned to the right and took a few steps forward.
            "Ouch! That's my foot!" Came Leia's voice. Great, she already hated him, now he was stepping on her. 
            "Sorry," he murmured, backing away. He felt like he couldn't do anything right. He was tired of feeling like that. It reminded him of what Ahsoka had said on the ship, ‘remember what you'd wished Obi wan would say or do and start with that...’ the thing he remembered wishing for the most was Obi wan to stop criticizing him so much. He wasn't sure that really applied at the moment.
            He tried walking around the other side of the table thing, using it to guide his movement. His eyes were starting to adjust, but there wasn't much to see. Ahsoka would have no problem in here, she had a predator's vision. He managed to stop in time before bumping into Luke.
            He knew he should be the one to start the conversation first, but he had no idea what to say. What would they want to hear, or not want to hear? What did he even have in common with them? They both showed force sensitivity, but offering to train them right now, was probably not the best opening line considering how quickly it would lead to questions about what had led him to the dark side. 
            "So?" He started. Was it safe to talk about the weather? Or this nice room they were locked in and couldn't see? Or dive immediately into the bigger wounds? "I imagine you probably have burning questions. Who wants to start?" He tried to sound nonchalant, but neither Luke or Leia responded immediately. I'll get you for this, Ahsoka. 
            But just before he could say anything else, a bright light came on outside. Shining through a stained glass window, shedding the room in a soft bluish glow. His breath caught in his throat as he looked up at the window. It was the most beautiful representation of Padmé he'd ever seen. And that's when he realized what he thought was a table was actually a coffin. 
            "Oh," was all he could say as the emotions overwhelmed him. This was where Padmé had been buried. It was her mausoleum. He had never given much thought to it. He knelt down at the foot, tears rolling down his cheeks before he could stop them. 
            Luke glanced at him. "Is that?" He started.
            "Our mother," Leia finished for him. 
            "Padmé Neberrie Amidala," Luke read off the plaque. "Princess of Theed, Queen of Naboo, and senator of the Chommell sector and Naboo in the Grand Republic. A true servant of the people. Born 46 BBY. Died 19 BBY. Beloved daughter and sister." He finished reading. "Why doesn't it say wife and mother?" Luke asked.
            "Because of me..." Anakin spoke at last. They both turned to look at him. "I was written out of her story because so few people knew we'd been married. And they didn't mention the both of you, to protect you from me."
            "Did you love her?" Leia asked.
            "Too much." Anakin replied. 
            "So if mom was a queen, and you're a princess," Luke said to Leia. "Does that make me a prince?" 
            "I'm a princess only because I was adopted by a royal family, not because of our mother." Leia said. "I don't think it counts."
            "You both are royalty." Anakin said, standing up. "I'm the only one here that never was."
            "Was she the queen when you married her?" Luke asked.
            "No." Anakin replied. "But she was when I met her." 
            "Dad..." Leia said and then stammered embarrassed, "I mean... Senator Organa, told me some things about mom, but never anything about the two of you together."
            "You can still call him dad, if you want. We all know he deserves the title more than me." At Anakin's statement, Leia softened for the first time since he met her. "Did he tell you anything about me?"
            "No," she said, "he said he didn't know much about you."
            "Okay, then I'll start at the beginning, I guess. I was a slave on Tatooine. The Hutts sold me and my mother, your grandmother, to a Toydarian named Watto."
            "Watto?" Luke interrupted. "I know Watto. He's an old beggar in Mos Eisley. He owned you?"
            "Yes," Anakin replied.
            "Wow," Luke said. "I hated being a moisture farmer, but I can't imagine being a slave."
            "Me either." Leia said.
            "You probably had slaves." Luke said.
            "Of course not!" She replied offended. "We had people that worked for us, but we didn't OWN them. They could come and go. My dad was always against slavery. He even felt the clones were slaves."
            "I thought the clones had free will?" Luke said.
            "They did, but they were created to serve the republic. If they did not, they were considered deserters and punished." Anakin answered.
            "So they were slaves." Luke concluded.
            "Yes." Anakin said flinching. He'd never really thought about it. He'd loved each and every one he'd met as an individual in spite of their identical faces. It was easy to forget that even though they seemed to always be ready for a fight, they'd been designed and crafted that way. Designed to want to fight. Designed to follow orders. Designed to kill and be killed. All at the whim of whoever was ordering them around. He made a mental note to apologize to Rex. It suddenly bothered him that as someone who had always been so against slavery he couldn't recognize others in the same position. And that he'd let it, no...  helped it continue after becoming Vader. It made his skin crawl.
            He looked at the two faces of his beautiful children and even though their expressions had become less hostile, he felt completely undeserving of their attention and love. And maybe that was why they struggled to see eye to eye. How could he expect them to want him around or love him, when he couldn't even love himself?
            "I knew our grandmother had been a slave, but I didn't know you had been one too. What was it like?" Luke asked.
            Anakin felt his muscles tightening as his fists balled up. How do you explain that kind of hopelessness and fear? To know what it's like to be a slave, you have to live it. Which is probably why so many senators had never cared enough to put it forward as a priority issue. They could never know what it was like. But to his surprise, Leia was the one that answered.
            "You can't just ask him what it was like! It was probably dreadful!" 
            "Sorry," Luke said. 
            "So if you were a slave on Tatooine, way in the outer rim, how did you meet a queen? It doesn't seem likely that she'd take a pleasure trip there." Leia commented.
 As Anakin told them the story of how he met Padmé all those years ago, he felt lighter and lighter. It was painful too, but it made him feel better to get it off his chest. They listened to him and asked questions, and he was surprised at how much easier it was to talk to them in just a short amount of time. It helped to imagine what it must be like each raised in vastly different worlds, each with some information but plenty of missing pieces, finally getting to hear how it all came together. 
            He was watching them just as closely as they were watching him. And as the time passed, he started seeing little pieces of Padmé in them. He saw pieces of himself in them too, but thankfully not the bad stuff. Leia sometimes reminded him more of Ahsoka than Padmé, but they'd both had more than their fair share of sass. Luke was more mild mannered, and it reminded him of his mother, Shmi. 
            He'd been really terrified of what Ahsoka had planned for them, but he was finding himself more and more grateful for this opportunity to just sit down and get to know each other. Even though they were in Padmé's tomb, it kind of felt like they actually were a real family. The stained glass image of his late wife, was so realistic, she could have been standing there. He hoped that wherever she was, she was smiling at them. 
            He made a promise to himself at some point during the night, that no matter how many mistakes he'd made in his life, he would do whatever it took to make it up to them; to give them the best possible life he could. 
 Ahsoka paced back and forth outside the mausoleum, she really hoped they were getting along in there and that forcing them together like this hadn't been a fatal mistake. The akul had been gone for half the night, and returned from his hunt with something for her to eat too. It was agitated watching her pace, but she couldn't help it. She sincerely wanted to open the door and check on them, but this was something they needed to figure out without her. Especially if she ended up not sticking around. 
            The truth was though, if they were going to destroy the Death Star and the empire, and rebuild the Republic, they were going to need the Skywalkers. Even though she'd stopped letting herself be consumed by the fate and destiny talk from before, she couldn't deny the power each one of them possessed. Anakin had once told her that no one person could change the course of the galaxy. But then he'd proceeded to do exactly that. Yes, he'd been the unwitting marionette in a bunch of different people's games, but it was truly his power that tipped the scale, regardless of which side he fought for. He'd been unlike any other Jedi. And he'd been unlike any other Sith. And now he was unlike any other regular person. He would always be special even if he no longer had a role to play as the Chosen One.
            And with two children in tow, probably equal in power to him or at least off the charts... this whole family would be a force to be reckoned with. They needed each other. Luke and Leia needed to be trained by him, and he needed something to live for and fight for. Thankfully, the emperor, was dead. And no matter who might try to take his place, the Sith had been shattered too. There wasn't, she hoped, anybody still out there that could try to take advantage of their combined power. 
            Maul was the only one she could think of, but she doubted any of them, especially once they bonded, would fall for any of his lies. If they got through tonight. Their true training could begin. 
            Just before the sun rose, she unlocked the padlock and opened the door. She was surprised to find them all huddled together under the window asleep on the floor. There was hope for them yet, she smiled to herself. That went even better than she'd imagined. She almost didn't want to wake them, but one of the conditions of using this place had been to clear out before sunrise so it could open to visitors who wished to pay their respect. 
 Anakin felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. Ahsoka was standing over them. He smiled sleepily at her and tried to get up, only to realize that he was pinned down. Leia was cuddled up behind Luke and they were both resting on his chest. His back was aching, he could only guess that he'd fallen asleep in such a weird position to accommodate them.
            Ahsoka stepped back and snapped a holopic of them, "for posterity" she'd said. He just wanted to stick his tongue out at her. He hadn't thought that whatever she'd had planned would work, but once again, she had proven she knew far better than him. How did she just know how to handle all this stuff now? Or was it because of her it was actually working?
            He'd been starting to notice that she seemed to be looking for a kind of exit from his life. He really didn't want her to go. He understood what she was trying to teach him, but even if he learned it, he still wanted her there. It was admittedly weird to think that sitting in the very tomb of the person he'd once thought he could never live without. But he had a strong feeling that Padmé would understand. He knew his life shouldn't revolve around another. But was it so wrong to want to be with them? To want them close?
            He'd loved Padmé with everything he was. He'd once thought that she was his heart and his own could never beat without her there. But now as he looked up at Ahsoka, this beautiful person inside and out, who for years he'd had a very different kind of relationship with, he was starting to understand that there can be two hearts, they just beat for each other. And he loved Ahsoka, he didn't want to live without her in his life in some way. He was afraid to let her go, but it was more from a knowledge of what his life would be like without her rather than whether or not he would survive.
            He never could have imagined all those years ago, how a snippy, little kid, could become so important to him. But then he glanced down first at Leia and then Luke, and he supposed, it wasn't all that surprising. The Jedi had been right, he'd always had attachment issues. 
            "Ahsoka..." he said, needing to tell her before the kids woke up. "Without you, I am a scarred and broken person. Without you, I am a mess. But the truth is, I will still be that with you there. It's just that when you're there, it doesn't seem so bad..." he trailed off hoping she understood what he was trying to say. "That's how it's always been, I just never fully understood that."
            He reached up one of his mechanical hands to her and she took it. 
            "I don't need you to stay so that I'm okay; I want you to stay, because I like you here." He said.
            "Then here I'll stay." She replied. She leaned down and kissed the shiny metal of the hand she was holding. And even though he knew it was impossible, he was certain he'd felt it. 
            Then she gently helped him rouse his sleepy kids and they walked back to the ship, Luke and Leia yawning the whole way. 
Next Chapter ->
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banesoka · 7 years
Untitled Pirate AU Fanfic
Part One
Cad Bane leaned against the steering wheel of the ship, looking out to the calm blue sea.  The wind pulled at the brim of his hat, the taste of salt and fresh air filling his lungs.  His pirate ship, Sleight of Hand, was one of the fastest and most feared of the Caribbean seas. Two other ships in his fleet, Xanadu Blood and The Justifier, followed close by.  He took quick glances back at the two other ships, as always admiring the beautiful woodwork along the bowstrips.
Sabine Wren, one of the youngest members of his crew but had lots of potential, walked up to him.  She pulled back her hair, the ends crudely cut by her knife, lips chapped and eyes bright.
“Just finished checking the tackle, Captain.”
He nodded in reply, then pulled out his spyglass and looked out to the horizon.  Only a few moments later he pulled it back.
“Port of Kiros is in sight at last.”
“Aye sir.”  She beamed with excitement.  They had been anticipating their attack on the Port for many weeks now.  Kiros was known as one of the wealthiest nations, having profited off their numerous sugar plantations.  The Port housed their largest plantation and housed the great Duchess Shaak Ti.  Rumors had also circulated around the ports that a young princess had recently settled in to live on the island as well.  Perfect place to raid.  Plenty of loot and treasure was waiting for them and they itched to get their hands on it.
Bane handed Sabine his spyglass, much to her delight.
“Tell me what you see, Wren.”
She took it and peered through at the land not far off.
“Two cannon towers on either side of the bay.  And two…no, three…three schooners.”
“This will be easy.  We’ll wait until nightfall.  Take them by surprise.  Go tell the crew.”
“Aye sir!”
Meanwhile, at the Port Kiros plantation, Princess Ahsoka and her aunt Shaak Ti had just finished a luxurious dinner and were relaxing in the parlor.  Ahsoka was looking out the window which provided a beautiful view of the city and the sea beyond.  She could smell the salt from her and it made her think of the trip she took her from her old home, back from the old Kiros land where she had been born and raised the first sixteen years of her life.  The plantation house was grand and beautiful and had everything a princess could ever want.  In the past two weeks she had been given so much by her aunt.
But something was missing from it.  Something nagged at the back of her mind like an itch she couldn’t scratch, no matter how she felt she should be happy here.  She just could not figure out what she did not have.
A servant brought them fresh drinks on a silver tray.  Aunt Shaak Ti quietly thanked them as they sipped their drinks.
“How have your lessons been going?” she asked her niece.
“I enjoy them.  I had no idea there were so many things to read about.”  She spent a few hours a day in the library, nose deep in a book, studying whatever topic her tutor had decided to teach for the day.  She tended to enjoy studying navigation, mechanical philosophy, and astronomy the most.
“I figured you would.  When you want more books let me know and I’ll have them brought here for you.”  Shaak Ti smiled a little.
“You have already been more around than my mama and papa.”  Ahsoka looked down at her drink.  “Sorry…I shouldn't speak ill of the dead.”
“It's no problem at all, Ahsoka.  I know how lonely you must get here sometimes.  But I've arranged for your lessons in advanced fencing and swordsmanship, so that will keep you occupied.”
That made Ahsoka brighten up.  She had been training in fencing for many years now and it was her favorite activity.  Not only did it make long dull afternoons go by quickly but she loved the use of balance and coordination that came with it.  Too bad her father had never approved of her handling a sword.
“Thank you Auntie.  I have been ready for them for a while now.”
Shaak Ti began to speak as she usually did about how the sugar plantation was doing as well as politics that always seemed to drive her mad.  And Ahsoka did as she always would and looked out the window again, letting the sea carry away her imagination, wondering what was out there.  She had heard many stories spoken by the people of Port Kiros.  Stories about mermaids that sang you to sleep while dragging you to the sandy floor.  Of giant monsters that climbed down from the stormclouds.  And of course of the terrible pirates roaming the waters, some that took no prisoners and would even eat sailors if given the chance.
When Shaak Ti finally left for the evening, Ahsoka did what she did almost every night and snuck out her window upstairs.  In her big cumbersome pink princess dress, she climbed the trick and mortar to the top of the mansion. The fact that Togrutans were traditionally bare foot helped her greatly, and she had never liked shoes much anyway.  As a child she climbed every tree she could find  She climbed to her favorite spot. The highest spire with a single pole flying the Tano family crest. She let the cool night air blow between her head tails and under her skirt. She came up here every night to just think or not think and just read the stars.
After a while sitting there staring up at the stars Ahsoka thought something strange in the sea. It looked like a shadow. And it was growing closer. Growing up near the sea taught her that this meant a ship was approaching. She tried to tell herself is was just a merchant or a late night fisherman. But the ship was too big and she got a bad feeling about it.
Suddenly one of the ships shot a cannon at the tower, then another ship shit at one of the schooners.
She covered her mouth in horror and alarm.
“Pirates," she said to herself. She had read stories about them but had never seen any before. They terrified her.
She heard the bell in the tower begin clanging before another cannon took it out. She tried to climb as fast as she could back inside but moving fast caused her to loosed some of her concentration. She accidentally grabbed a loose bring and fell. But tonight she was lucky and slid against a cloth over hand and into a cart full of soft hay.
The screams of the townsfolk began to ring through the night.  A few buildings were already in flames from the explosions.  Ahsoka climbed out of the cart without a scratch on her. Her dress wasn't even ripped. She looked around as she straightened her tiara and found she was on the lower streets outside the castle walls.  That meant she would have to walk all the way around the castle to get back in. Cannons continued firing and she saw fire begin to spread across the beach over the schooners. Soldiers were being killed left and right, their screams echoing. She saw the largest pirate ship, black as the night, land at the bay and pirates began heading for the beach in swarms.
There was no time to run around the castle and her elaborate dress would only draw their attention. She could only resort to hiding.
"Find the duchess and the princess!" she heard a voice shout. The accent sounded foreign but Ahsoka guessed maybe it was Duros mixed with something else. "Don't harm either of them. Kill everyone else." The Pirates laughed and stormed into the mansion. From Ahsoka's hiding place she could see them cut down the guards. One of their swords fell and landed right next to her.
She scooped it up. She couldn't stand to see people dying especially if it was to protect her. Anger in her stirred at the pirates’ cruelty, their bloodlust of killing innocent people without a care.  And her anger drove her to pick up the sword and approach the man who had spoken.  Her small Togrutan fangs began to glisten in the moonlight.
As she crept up behind him, she could only see him as only a shadow at first.  He was leading his crew into the mansion to take all the loot they could carry and he stood at the top of the steps leading to the main entrance.  His pirates hooted and hollered as they stormed inside.  As Ahsoka got closer she could make out more of his features. A large wide brimmed hat, glowing Duros eyes, a scarred weathered face, a large leather coat, and bloodstained black boots.
She lashed at him with her sword trying to remember all her training at once.
He turned around and blocked her attack. He grinned wildly at her. "Well if it isn't the little princess."
"Leave this place and go far away!”  she meant it to sound demanding and intimidating but it came out like a kid asking her parent for a cookie.
He laughed. "Cute little thing." He sliced at her dress, tearing part of the front off.
”I am the future queen of Kiros! You will not speak to me like that!”
"You're no queen anymore. Now you're the honored guest on Sleight of Hand." He parried her blow and struck her sword, twisting it out of her hand with a devilish grin.
Despite her efforts to hide her fear, Ahsoka’s chest heaved and her eyes got big.  He was much taller than her and any second he could stab her or slice off her head.  She looked around at all the dead scattered around the front of the mansion lying in pools of blood.  Most were guards but there were also servants and their families and even a few other nobles who lived with them in the mansion.  She knew all of them by name. They were more like family than her dead parents.  With a deep breath Ahsoka looked back up at the Duros pirate.
"If I go with you…will you stop the killing?” she asked.
He didn’t move but his gaze was locked on her every move.
"I would consider it,” he finally answered.
"Fine then.”  Ahsoka turned and tried to run.  Maybe she could grab another weapon in time.
He ran after her and grabbed her by the back of her dress.
“Noble effort, little lady, but did you really think that would work?” He dragged her back to where two of his crew members stood by. "Bind her and take her to the ship, then make sure she doesn't escape.”
"Aye captain." One of them grabbed her arms and the other bound her wrists tightly.
"No!! Let me go!”  Ahsoka struggled and kicked at them. One of them took a sharp kick to the groin and doubled over in pain. The other grabbed her ankles and began tying them together. The first one snarled at her and grabbed her chin.
"Feisty little brat aren't you? Well we'll fix that." He pulled out a boot polish rag and stuffed it in her mouth, then wrapped rope around her head forming a gag.
She slowly stopped fighting them realizing there was no point.  Tears flooded her eyes as they carried her to the ship, past the burning town and the villagers who ran for safety before they were slaughtered.  When she was on board another pirate who seemed to be the first mate took one look at her before saying, “Take her to the captain's quarters.”
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sapphireskys · 7 years
-OK but AU where Ben’s abilities in the Force are dormant since birth and have yet to awaken.
-Snoke obviously still targets him, trying, although less successfully due to Ben’s raw powah not having awakened yet, tries to lure him and groom him, but young Ben can’t quite understand all of that yet, so he just sorta has a rough childhood because he just doesn’t know how to tell anyone what this is, much less block it out, so it just kinda hangs over him like a stormcloud.
-And then, one day when young Ben is around 10 years old, the voices stop.
-And suddenly, he’s free. Suddenly, the small feeling of doubt when he’s happy, all the hard to understand feelings, suddenly they’re gone. Suddenly he smiles like a child his age should, happy and carefree. And when Leia sees him, she’s happy.
-She ignores the small voice at the back of her mind.
-That was the day Rey was born.
-Ben’s relationship with his father is now pretty good, since Ben knows what it’s like to be surrounded by all these special people, and Han feels like he can understand him.
-So Han teaches Ben to pilot, they go on trips together, and eventually Ben becomes a smuggler and occasional treasure hunter (he has that drive for even greater adventure, one that he gets from his grandfather).
-Leia tries to get him into politics, but honestly Ben is more hot-headed than both his parents combined, so it… doesn’t quite work out lol.
-Eventually Ben starts to work for the Resistance, smuggling, hunting for certain artifacts they need, and being their pilot for the more shady and dangerous missions.
-He and Poe are sorta rivals, but they’re also pretty good friends who annoy the shit out of each other lmao. BB8 always sides with Ben in arguments lol.
-He always had a weird relationship with his uncle, because Luke was really nice and all, but also expected way too much from him
-But then one day, Luke goes into exile, and no one knows why.
-So now Ben’s main mission is to look for Luke.
-And so, he finds himself on Jakku, looking for a missing droid he’d heard about, one who held the map to Luke Skywalker himself.
-There, he finds BB8, and runs into Finn. And so history begins
-Finn and Ben become bros, but honestly they’re way too different and Finn can’t even stand the guy lol.
-When they find the Falcon, Finn doesn’t have time to question why Ben knows everything about it.
-Also the meeting with Han goes like “Oh hey dad” “How the hell did you even get here?” “Idk lol” all the while Finn is shocked because this dude is Han Solo’s kid? The Han Solo’s???
-And Chewie and Finn bond over their annoyance for Han and Ben respectively lol
-Meanwhile, Rey, too, was born with the raw powah, only it was active, and she could sense other people’s thoughts and feelings clearly.
-But… All she ever sensed on Jakku was despair and hopelessness.
-And it didn’t help that Snoke was always there, telling her that her parents would never return, that she’d die there unless she went to him, that she was special.
-And one night, after being denied any food for the parts she collected, it all becomes too much for her.
-She bursts. Suddenly, there is fire all around and her home, the one she had scavenged for herself, is no more.
-That day, Snoke takes her.
-She becomes.. uh… Rey of Ren?? Idk, she sorta replaces “of Jakku” with “of Ren”, because she is no longer the Rey from Jakku. No longer does she bind herself to Jakku. Now, she belongs with the Knights of Ren. With Snoke.
-She keeps her hair in its buns, because now she despises her parents for leaving her, and wants them to know it’s her when she ultimately kills them. (not true, part of her, one she desperately tries to destroy, wants to find them, wants to find belonging).
-One time, she returns to Jakku, on a mission from Snoke. This time, she willingly leaves it burning behind her, dragging along the man who has the map to the last jedi.
-Anyway things progress roughly like they do in TFA.
-Ben finds Anakin’s saber OR Vader’s lightsaber, has a series of visions that are pretty important and all, (later on Ben will purify it if Vader's (like Ahsoka did iirc))
-The abduction scene is sorta hilarious bcuz Ben is tall as hell and Rey is tiny and it’s honestly not that intimidating lol
-Queue Rey trying to bridal carry him but failing miserably cause he’s a goddamn giant.
-She ends up dragging him by his foot lmao.
-Honestly it’s hilarious, the stormtroopers will talk about this for centuries (in private of course)
-Finn goes “BEEEEEN” before stopping and going “Actually you know what screw him lol” and Han goes Excuse me that’s my son you’re talking about but tbh yeah same lol
-They’re joking of course, but it’s still hilarious lmao
-Interrogation scene is funny too because Ben refers to Rey as a “tiny creature” and Rey goes EXCUSE YOU but tbh she can’t complain he’s strapped to the interrogation chair thingy yet is still taller than her lol
-Anyway not sure how to go about the rest but I can assure you that Ben Solo is sorta a flirt and definitely jokes around when Rey says YOU NEED A TEACHERRRR and Rey goes “actually no you know what nvm”.
-Also when Rey pushes him away at the start of the fight he basically cuts his face open on some branches or something idk (I want the scar ok? For the Aesthetic™)
-And then the movie ends with Ben finding Luke and being totally casual about it like Ay yoo unca lukey lmao
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