#obi-wan: oh I thought Luke would share it
tennessoui · 1 year
I seriously loved the one-shot! Especially because I woke up with the notification from ao3 and it made work pass quickly today ^^
(Also it distracted me from the drunken, yelling groups of men roaming the city today 🙃)
And I am so intrigued how it continues!! What will Obi-Wan do?? Will he leave the order??? Is there any other option?
Aaannnd I’m curious as to why Anakin wore the veil in the senate…
Haha lots of questions, sorry ^^’
I hope you are well and your days are bright 💜
ahh glad you enjoyed it!!! 🥰
as for your questions, in my mind obi-wan is going to leave the order and no one is going to be particularly surprised. The Order has probably spent the last several months fielding questions from reporters about Jedi Knight Kenobi’s close relationship with Senator Skywalker, as well as making photos of rather intimate moments between them (just walking around the senate gardens but it’s heavy chemistry ok) disappear
he gets to live his best life as like nanny instructor for two babies who adore him:
Anakin doesn’t trust anyone more with his kids. He bullies obi-wan into teaching them how to use the Force and control themselves, and he also bullies Obi-Wan into teaching him the same thing
(Obi-Wan also makes a blanket for Leia. He’d thought they would just share the original blanket, but when he says this, Anakin laughs himself silly)
(Anakin also wants a blanket for himself. This takes much longer to complete.)
As for the reasons anakin wears the veil, it’s honestly completely and totally just plot reasons so the plot can happen. I guess an argument could be made for him feeling the need to keep his identity secret in case of attack, or because he likes the ceremony of it all, idk mostly just a character quirk for the sake of the paper-thin plot, like Padmé and her handmaidens when she’s queen
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kingdomhate · 5 months
You're On Your Period Scenarios!
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Anakin Skywalker: It was sudden, not something you were expecting at all. You both were laying on the bed, cuddling while watching a cheesy romantic comedy, Anakin occasionally littering the top of your head with kisses and making snide comments about the predictable plot and select characters. While he said something particularly funny and you laughed, a warm sensation spread across the bundle of blankets and sheets you were sitting on.
"Hold on, pause it. I have to go to the bathroom." You told him, jumping off the mountain of comfy warmth and waddling over to the bathroom, closing the door behind you. Just as you got done, you felt a wave of painful cramps crash over you like waves hitting the shore, except it wasn't comforting or soothing, it hurt, like hell. Standing up, you can see the clear red in the toilet behind you, and the realization hit you. You're on your period. However, this epiphany had also reached Anakin. "Hey, sweetness, what's with the bloodbath on the bed?" He calls, although he knows the answer.
With a grumble, you flush the toilet and grab a pad under the sink and put it on, heading out of the bathroom. "Sorry, Ani. I didn't realize it was time." Anakin laughs, his hand dismissively waving away your apology as if it were a nosy fly. "No need, baby. C'mon, let's cuddle. I'll make you some ramen." He says before taking off the stained blankets and sheets, changing them for another assortment, spraying them with a stain remover and hoarding them into the washer, turning it on. "Get comfy." He instructs with a grin as he goes out to make the ramen he promised.
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Obi Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan and you were talking, it was after one of his numerous meetings with his fellow Jedi masters and Anakin, so he was determined to spend the rest of the time with you. He invited you into his ship and was telling you about his recent missions, recent concernings with the Jedi Order, Senate, etc. while he gently and absentmindedly caressed your hair.
"And that is, stressfully, what today has had in store for me. I hope the Council will understand to make notice of these concerns." He said with a heavy sigh, withdrawing his hand from your hair and rubbing his forehead exhaustedly. "It's okay, Obi. Let's just go home, yeah?" You suggest, knowing from his bustling day, he surely had been tired and his previous action made you aware of that. So, you offered to drive.
"Oh, princess. What would I do without you?" You heard him murmur as his head rested against his hand, gazing at Coruscant. Once you both arrived back at your shared home, you and Obi-Wan silently agreed to fall asleep together. So, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms securely around your lower half and kissed your neck a few times. "Goodnight, my love." Before falling asleep. As did you. But, as you woke up hours later, in the early hours of the AM, you found that your stomach was hurting exponentially. So you carried yourself to the bathroom.
Both in the toilet on the bottom side of your robes, you found the unmistakable sight of red blood and you huffed a sigh of annoyance. Your period had come, and with a vengeance. You scowled as you ripped the pad open and placed it on your underwear and flushed the toilet, pulling up your robes, upset that you had to deal with a week of progressively worse hell. You hurriedly went to the kitchen, fixing yourself a hot snack to help ease the cramps for a bit. Then, you climb into bed beside a peacefully sleeping Obi-Wan. Or so you thought. You feel a hand go to your shoulder and a groggy voice. "What is it, lovely? Has something happened?"
You shake your head. "Nope. Just my period." At this, Obi-Wan let out a soft sigh and his hand trailed down to your stomach, rubbing soothing circles, knowing how bad your cramps and mood swings can get. "Alright, let's go back to sleep. It'll ease them a bit, I'm sure. Tell me if you need anything okay? I love you." He said, stroking your hair until you fell asleep.
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Luke Skywalker: It had been the same as always, a scorching day on the rock and desert planet of Tatooine. However, what made it remarkably better was the company of your boyfriend, Luke. His little playful teases and giggles made the day more bearable. Just a few days ago, you had started your period, and Luke, as always, had been sweet to you and attentive, making sure to check in on you before, during and after his farming or little ventures.
He had gotten you a few little souvenirs from his journeys and little trinkets, helping ease your cramps with cuddles and mouth-watering and warm snacks. It was as if he had never complained, no matter what you had asked. It was something you deeply appreciated. "Hey, babe! Guess what? Uncle Owen gave me the rest of the day off!" He announced happily, practically flinging himself into the bed beside you, his arms automatically wrapping around your frame and assaulting your face with sweet, open-mouthed and sloppy kisses.
You giggled and welcomed the affection, telling him how much you loved these moments of happiness with him and he paused for a second. "I love you to death, you know?" He spoke softly, in a voice identical to a whisper like the wind. "Of course I know. I love you too." You told him, cupping his cheek gently. "I'd do anything for you." He whispered again, his lips coming ever so close to yours without touching them. "I would die for you, Y\N." Your heart ached at his words, hoping it would never come to that, ever. "I know, Luke. I'd risk my life to save you, you would never have to die for me." Luke paused, his lips coming in contact with yours, capturing them and your heart in a tender, sweet and devoting kiss.
Requested by: @m00n-lxght
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dontbelasagnax · 1 year
Art Preview for @codywanreversebang
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So excited to share a sneak peek of the artwork I've made for this year's Codywan Reverse Bang. @shortcuts-make-long-delays (ao3 here), @inkformyblood (ao3 here), and historical_allusions have been the most lovely writers to work with <3
Fic Previews under the cut!
1. from historical_allusions
“Let me know if you have any food allergies and I can probably recommend something,” Cody offers. “Nothing too sweet. Wouldn’t want to shock your system.”
“No allergies. Next time I’m here, I’ll let you do your worst,” Obi-Wan says, raising his newly filled mug of tea to Cody in a small toast.
Cody can feel a blush starting to rise on his cheeks and hopes he has enough melanin in his skin it’s not obvious. Is Obi-Wan flirting? And is Cody flirting back? Or is that just how people drink tea now, with all that direct eye contact. This is exactly why Cody doesn’t work the counter.
He's about to make a tactical retreat when someone burst through the doors--
2. from QuickSilverFox3
The response is a crash, the shock of porcelain against tiles, and an effluent set of swearing all muddled together. Cody is already moving, undoing the latch and making his way to the kitchen where he had just been able to make out the shape of a person through the makeshift wall of shelves. It’s an action without thought, without a reason except that he couldn’t not. It would kill him one day, he knows.
“Hello, sorry, two seconds— Oh.”
Cody stops, blinks, and does the only thing he can think of. “Sorry. I— Yeah, sorry.”
The man pushes himself back to his feet, his tan trousers dark at the knees due to the water he had knelt in, smoothes his hands over his sides and leaves a secondary set of dark fingerprints before he offers a hand to Cody. “Obi-Wan Kenobi. I would offer you a cup of tea and to come in, but I seem to be having bother with half of that intention today.”
Cody bites his tongue, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and shakes Obi-Wan’s hand. There are calluses on the sides of his fingers, a ridge across the base of them and, curiously enough, ink stains splattered over his skin like he has been playing a losing game of dot to dot with the constellation of freckles he possesses. “I’m Cody, I used to live here and I am truly sorry about barging in. I heard the crash and wanted to help.”
His urge to help might just kill him now out of sheer secondhand embarassment.
3. from Shortcuts-make-long-delays
“You wouldn’t, perhaps, be able to help me pick out a breadloaf, would you?”
Cody clicked his mouth shut and nodded, barely remembering to put his Sudoku book down before walking over to the shelves with the bread. “Anything in particular today?” he asked, preemptively grabbing a bag and trying to recover any semblance of professionalism.
“Well, see,” the man started, fidgeting again, “that’s just the thing. I’m not entirely sure. You see, I’m on my way to my brother’s and I said I would pick something up to go with dinner, but there are so many options here, that I, well-” he tapered off with a shrug.
“A little overwhelmed?” Cody offered.
“Just so,” the man nodded. “The twins, my niece and nephew, that is, they are just reaching the stage where they are extremely picky about what they eat. Well, Leia is. I’m sure Luke is too, actually, I think he is just less vocal about it. He’s really been avoidant of textures with seeds lately, but anyway, I’m getting terribly off subject,” the man sighed. Cody found the rambling cute.
Taking a breath, the man continued, “The point is, french bread has been declared an enemy of the palate according to the princess, and I need to find a substitute that will pair well with a pasta dish and according to my sister-in-law simply throwing Wonder Bread in the toaster is not an acceptable option.”
He finished his monologue with a huff and a pout and Cody couldn’t quite stifle the laugh in time. Gorgeous and adorable, Cody noted. And good with kids, a voice that sounded too much like Fox for his liking, also noted.
Now isn't that amazing!! Just a taste of the fics my collaborators have whipped up!
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unmaskthewriter · 2 years
Haven’t I Given Enough? {Anakin Skywalker x GN! Reader}
A/N: Welcome back dearest readers! I apologize for the unannounced hiatus. I needed time to focus on my health and I finally feel like I have a moment to breathe and work through a lot of the writers block I had.
I do not give permission for any of my work to be copied, published and/or translated on any platform including Tumblr.
Summary: You say goodbye to a friend you once knew, and hello to a new threat. Inspired by Gilded Lily (Sped Up) by Cults
With that said, please enjoy this sequel to Ocean Eyes. If you have not read it, please read Ocean Eyes {Anakin Skywalker x GN! Reader} here!
Word count: 1310
Warnings: violence, angst
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Now it’s been long enough to talk about it
You were stationed on Jabiim, escorting civilians through the Path when you felt his presence. An old friend, someone who was very dear to you in the past during your time serving as a Jedi on Coruscant. You turned away from a family resting in the corner to face him.
“Master Kenobi?” You call out, approaching quickly.
“Master {Y/L/N},” He let out a breath he wasn’t aware of and enveloped you in his arms. You felt comfort in his presence. You pull away slowly, your hands resting on his shoulders, “I am quite relieved to see you are alright. Where have you been all these years?”
“Just outside of Mos Espa. Occasionally Tala asks for my help with the Path. She told me she needed me for some high priority passengers… I suppose that means you.”
“Yes, and someone else,” Obi Wan Kenobi ushers forward a small girl, “Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.” He introduces her.
“It’s nice to meet you. Are you a Jedi too?” She asks, looking up to you. You take her hand with a smile. Obi-Wan can sense the overwhelming thoughts racing through your mind.
I’ve started not to doubt it, just wrap my head around it
“Why, yes I am. It is so nice to meet you.” You stand straight and look to Obi-Wan who nods.
“Tala, do you mind watching her? I must discuss something with {Y/N} here.” He explains to which Tala nods. You and Obi-wan walk off, waiting until Leia is out of earshot of the conversation.
“So, how did you of all people get involved in a rescue mission for the Princess of Alderaan?” You question with a mild smirk playing on your lips.
“{Y/N}, I never wanted you to find out this way… I understand you and Anakin shared a closeness that under normal circumstances would have had you both removed from the Jedi Order..” obi-Wan begins as you stop in your tracks. He turns to face you.
“She is Anakin’s child, isn’t she..?” You speak softly, looking down at the ground as you process this information.
“Well, yes, but… there is another as well. A young boy on Tatooine by the name of Luke. He is under the care of his aunt Beru and uncle Owen.” Obi-Wan explains gently, walking over and placing a hand on your arm, squeezing gently to comfort you.
“O-oh… Lars? The moisture farmer?” You question further, pressing your lips together for a moment.
“Yes, but Anakin is unaware of this and so it shall remain. Their safety is my highest priority.” Obi-Wan explained to you. You pause for a moment before nodding in understanding. Had you misunderstood his affections? Perhaps he was just being a friend and you mistook it for more than just friends. You had to put your feelings aside, and recognize that the past is the past.
“I will do what I must to protect them, just as you do, Obi-Wan. Thank you for bringing forward this information.” You force a small smile, taking his hand. He squeezes yours softly.
“Hey! You’re gonna want to see this.” Tala rushes over, beckoning for the two of you. As you followed, you realized the doors to the hangar had been sealed shut by an outside force.
“They are here… I can feel it.” You whisper, turning to Obi-Wan, “You must do everything to help these doors get open. I will make time.” You mention, pulling the hood of your cloak over your head and walking to the blast doors.
“W-wait, you can’t just give yourself up for us!” Obi-Wan argued, rushing after you.
“Vader thinks I am dead, Obi-Wan. He won’t see me coming. Force knows you would be doing the same.” You argue, pulling your arm back from his grasp. You navigate the tunnels to the blast doors.
“I wish to speak to someone on the other side.” You state.
“If this is your attempt at buying time, you have failed miserably. Anakin Skywalker isn’t here.” A female’s voice spits at you.
“How do you know his true name? Only.. you were there the night of Order 66. You saw him.” You begin putting the pieces together, your mind running frantic.
“Stop. Stop it!” She demands, breathing shakily as the stranger falls back into the memories of that night. The doors open and you are escorted to the outside.
You feel him, although it feels as though he is hidden deep down somewhere, and masked by someone else. You hear the clinking of his uniform as he approaches, stopping a mere ten or so feet before you.
“I had not wished to meet you under such circumstances.” You begin, remaining calm and poised as you stand before the Sith Lord.
“Yet, here you are, alive and breathing. The final piece to a mystery.” He responds, taking a few steps closer. You can feel him trying to probe your mind for information, something he never found himself capable of before.
“What's it supposed to mean?”
“He’s not the only Jedi I seek.” He states simply. Obi-Wan.
“I will not fight you, Anakin. I will not allow you to follow this anger and hatred in your heart. It is not the Jedi way-“
“Such blind faith in the Jedi who couldn’t protect you!” He raises his voice and for a moment, you can feel Anakin breaking through the surface, if only for a moment. You took a deep breath, your mind wandering for a moment.
You were standing alongside Tutso Mara, a fellow Jedi knight, supervising the work being done in the hangar.
“With a munitions expert such as Jackar, we will be properly-“ You began. Before you were able to finish your sentence, an explosion erupted just a few feet from you. The ground beneath you rumbled, as shrapnel from the nearby ship went flying in every direction like great balls of fire. Many were thrown back from the blast, including yourself. You felt your eyes burning from the small pieces of fiery shrapnel that had blasted in your direction. You cried out for help.
“Somebody, please..” you cough, trying to push yourself up, “I can’t see.”
“I do not blame the Jedi for that day.” You claim, remaining calm and steady with your emotions.
“I do.”
“So it’s our fault you turned to this? The Sith are elusive, you cannot tell me you found what you first sought after with them.” You argue, taking a step closer.
“It is no one’s fault but mine, {Y/N}…” Anakin draws his saber from his waist. “The time of the Jedi has come to an end. If you do not join me, you will die a blind and foolish person.”
I remember when you told me it’s an everyday decision
“It is not I who is truly blind, Darth.” You drew your lightsaber, the hum of its power almost bringing comfort to you. You waited for him to strike but he never did. You grounded yourself, feeling the Earth beneath your feet for his presence. You could feel his hesitance, his questioning. Just as you thought it was over, you heard the doors overhead open and the ship engines power up. You slowly turn back to face Darth, gripping your saber tightly.
But with my double vision, how was I supposed to see the way?
Darth sheathed his saber as the woman from earlier gave the command for the storm troopers to begin firing. You fought to the end, giving the ship just enough time to escape the Empire’s clutches for another day before falling to the ground, defeated.
“I won’t make the same mistake twice.” You hear Darth say before your world turns black and you feel all breath escape your body.
Haven’t I given enough, given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart
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grapenehifics · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
This is from Let's Get Together, the Obikin Parent Trap AU I've been working on. I got stuck for a while trying to make the 'one of them is getting remarried' plotline work, until I eventually decided to just cut that subplot entirely. So, Anakin and Leia (and now Obi-Wan and Luke, because this is in the switching-the-kids-back part of the story) are attending Owen and Beru's vow renewal.
“Is there ever going to be any, y’know, rehearsing, at this rehearsal dinner?” Anakin muttered under his breath.
“I think that’s just the name they give it,” Obi-Wan replied.
Anakin scowled. “Then why make a big deal about Leia needing to be here? I thought we were going to talk about, like…what time to arrive, or something.”
Obi-Wan arched his eyebrow. “You don’t know what time to arrive to the ceremony?”
“It was on the invitation, but I thought maybe it’d be different for flower girls.”
“So we’ll get there a little early.”
“Oh, yeah, because that’s historically been my best thing.”
“You were on time to work this morning.”
“Only because you drove me.”
“I will also drive you to the vow renewal. Problem solved.”
“Hey, so, speaking of which, I’m going to need you to drive me to work tomorrow, too. If you want the car all day, which I’m assuming you do.”
“That would be” -
“Where did you go for your first date?” Leia suddenly interrupted to ask.
Obi-Wan and Anakin both turned to look at her. “Whose first date? My first date?” Anakin asked.
Leia shook her head. “Yours. Like…both of you.”
“Can Obi-Wan even remember back that far?” Anakin smirked over Leia’s head.
“Ha, ha, very funny.”
“What were you, probably fourteen? Fifteen?” Anakin started playing with the straw in his water glass, bending and straightening it between his fingers.
“I believe she means when we started dating each other,” Obi-Wan clarified, and Leia nodded.
“Yeah! That.”
“Oh.” Anakin quickly sobered up. “Well, actually, sweetie, Obi-Wan and I…we didn’t really…”
“We had already been living together for a year before we started…dating,” Obi-Wan said, rolling the word around in his mouth.
“And you and Luke were just babies, so it was kind of hard for us to” –
Obi-Wan knew Anakin was trying to catch his gaze and purposefully avoided giving in, because he had to assume Anakin was thinking the exact same thing he was, which was, they had never really dated at all. They had been living together, and then had fallen into bed together, and the next morning they rearranged their bedroom distributions and moved Leia and Luke in together in one room so that Obi-Wan and Anakin could share the other. They didn’t date. They barely even talked about it. It just…was.
Honestly, besides the sex, it wasn’t even all that different from what they’d been doing before. Luke and Leia certainly never noticed the difference – at least not until two years later, when Obi-Wan had packed up his things and moved him and Luke halfway across the world.
And now Leia wanted to know where they’d gone on their first date. Was it wrong to tell a ten-year-old that your first date with her father had happened entirely inside your own bedroom? Probably.
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jebiknights · 2 years
What are your top five "they either would or should put 'It's Complicated' as their relationship status" ships for Star Wars?
iofjgdfijs OH GOD I feel like a lot of my ships would do that but hmm my top??
(in no specific order tho)
Quinlan/Obi-Wan: this one may seem weird as an "it's complicated" but I think that Quinlan and Obi-Wan probably live in this weird in between world of "we are madly in love with each other" and "we are platonic soulmates/heterosexual life partners" (like the trope not that either of them are straight lol). They're exclusive and they're open. They keep falling in love with pretty girls who could murder them. They have semi-successfully co-parented two children together into knighthood.
Rex/Ventress: oh man I have been thinking about this ship in the back of my mind since you first starting sharing those "romance protag" videos dfijssiths. they are mortal enemies they are allies of circumstance they are both being held back by their lives even when they are feeling like they are doing the right thing they are also probably making out in the middle of a hostage situation when ventress is supposed to be interrogating rex and they are both angry about it afterwards.
Mandocule: (mainly thinking of Boba/Din/Fennec/Luke/sometimes Cobb but others too) I think polycules always make things a little complicated (I say as a polyam person) but especially when you have like... several bounty hunters, two of which turned community leaders, a former son of a "smuggler"/rebel turned Jedi, and a former slave turned sheriff, and it just gets... so chaotic. Especially when you consider the amount of trauma, daddy issues, mommy issues, and more this group has collectively, and they are all trying to co-parent a baby jedi who is older than the majority of them. All of them are probably wanted criminals on at least one planet.
Cody/Anakin: while I do think that they could have an actual "we talked it out" relationship, I think what is almost more likely for them specifically is that... lmao they wouldn't. They are both kinda sleeping with a superior/subordinate. They are butting heads all the time but kind of obsessed with each other. They would kill for each other but also might team up to kill Obi-Wan because he is driving them nuts. They both have extreme little brother energy and have both been usurped by a babier sibling that they are suddenly in charge of (Rex and Ahsoka). They both are a lot deeper than they give the other credit for, and they probably only really figure this out after they've already started fucking.
Padme/Sabe: I wasn't going to put this one on the list originally but the more I thought about it the more I realized it is up there even though I don't talk about it often. It's got so much good potential for juicy undefined tropes. Sabe is literally Padme's bodyguard/knight to her Queen, even moreso than Anakin is. She is hopelessly devoted to her and would do anything for her, and Padme is the same back but is also the one actually in a position of power and is extremely important to society. They're in love and have probably been in love since they were kids, even if Padme marries Anakin. And Duty would hold them back in a way it wouldn't for a lot of other ships in star wars. Their love is always there in the background!
this took me way too long to do but it was so much fun thank u nixy
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The Bond Between Us ~ 58
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,600ish
Summary: Obi-Wan brings Luke, R2D2, and C3PO back to your house.
Notes: We’re really in A New Hope now! Please share your reactions!!! Reminder, Obi-Wan will continue to look like Ewan McGregor’s version.
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After Obi-Wan made sure to kiss you goodbye, he headed out and down into the canyon. He had told you that he sensed that someone needed help, what he hadn’t told you was that it would be Luke. One part of him was keeping it a secret for your sanity and the other part was to see if you could sense it as well. Unfortunately, you did not sense it so it would be up to him to explain it later.
Obi-Wan followed the Force as he walked along the canyon, a dark Jedi robe over his clothes with his hood over his face. As the Force willed him along, he eventually could see Sandpeople inspecting a speeder in the distance. Coming closer, Obi-Wan howled and moved wildly around effectively scaring off the Sandpeople. He walked up to the scene to see Luke laying unconscious on the ground.  Kneeling beside the young man, Obi-Wan gripped Luke’s wrist to check for a pulse before putting his hand on Luke’s forehead to big to wake him with the Force. Obi-Wan could hear nervous beeping nearby. He took off his hood and looked over to see R2 hiding in the rock.
“Hello there,” Obi-Wan greeted. R2 beeped as the droid seemed to be making sure the man before it was who it thought it was. “Come here, old friend. Don’t be afraid.” R2 came over, beeping happily before turning attention to Luke. “Oh, don’t worry. He’ll be alright.” Obi-Wan looked down to see Luke begin to move, waking up. He placed a hand on the young man’s shoulder, helping him sit up. “Rest easy, son. You’ve had a busy day. You’re fortunate to be all in one piece.”
Gaining some more sense, Luke looked up. “Ben?” He questioned. “Ben Kenobi? Boy, am I glad to see you.”
“The Jundland Wastes are not to be traveled lightly.” Obi-Wan stood up, before helping Luke up and then guiding him to sit on a rock. “Tell me, young Luke, what brings you out this far?”
“This little droid.” Luke motioned to R2. Obi-Wan glared at the droid as it beeped, knowing from much previous experience that R2 did what he wanted to. “I think he’s searching for his former master, but I’ve never seen such devotion in a droid before.” Obi-Wan placed himself on the taller rock beside Luke. He kept in the sassy comment he wanted to make about how R2 was not like normal droids. “He claims to be the property of an Obi-Wan Kenobi.” The older Jedi threw another glare the droid’s way. “Is he a relative of yours? Do you know who he’s talking about? I think my uncle knows him. He said he was dead.”
“Oh, he’s not dead. Not yet.”
“You know him?”
“Well, of course, I know him.” He tapped himself in the chest. “He’s me.”
“Well, then the droid does belong to you.”
Obi-Wan’s next words to directed to R2. “I don’t seem to remember ever owning a droid.” Especially one with such a mind of its own. “Very interesting.” Growling and howling from nearby Sandpeople echoed through the canyon. “I think we better get indoors.” Obi-Wan stood up. “The Sandpeople are easily startled, but they’ll soon be back, and in greater numbers.”
R2 beeped again, urgently. Luke turned around and realized that he was missing another droid.
“3PO,” Luke muttered.
Luke rushed over to where he saw light reflecting from the droid's arm. The arm had been ripped off the droid. Luke picked it up as C3PO sat himself up. Obi-Wan came to help Luke with the golden droid.
“Where am I?” C3PO asked. “I must have taken a bad step.”
“Can you stand?” Luke questioned. “We’ve got to get out of here before the Sandpeople return.”
“I don’t think I can make it. You go on, Master Luke. There’s no sense in you risking yourself on my account. I’m done for.”
“No, you’re not. What kind of talk is that?”
“Quickly,” Obi-Wan advised, beginning to pick up the old droid, “they’re on the move.”
Obi-Wan hated how nervous he felt as he brought Luke, R2, and 3PO back to the house. He knew your reaction wouldn’t be the greatest, as this would be a complete shock. Bringing Luke home was one thing, but having R2 and 3PO with him was another. He entered the house first, seeing you come into the room from the kitchen and freeze upon seeing the rest of the crew. R2 beeped excitedly as he hurried toward you.
“Well, he seems to like you,” Luke commented.
Obi-Wan sent his signature over to you as he felt your uneasiness. “Luke, this is my wife, Y/N,” he carefully introduced. “Y/N, this is Luke Skywalker.”
“Hello,” Luke set 3PO against the wall and came over and offered his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Your hand trembled as you took his. “Nice to meet you, too,” you said, the words barely coming out of your mouth.
“Y/N and I will go fetch some tools for you to fix your droid with,” Obi-Wan said. He came over to your side and placed a hand on your lower back, guiding you into the bedroom.
“What are those two doing with him, Obi?” That was all you were able to say. You were facing away from your husband and he was kindly giving you some space.
“I have no idea.” He shook his head. “R2 remembers everything, but I remember Bail saying something about C3PO getting his memory wiped.”
You spun around. “Did Bail send them here? Was he trying to blow up the whole plan?”
“I don’t know, darling. All I know is that they are here and they’re with Luke.”
“They’re in our house.”
Obi-Wan nodded as he carefully reached about and gently grabbed your wrists. Slowly, he pulled you into him. “R2 was looking for me… I sense that something has gone wrong.”
You closed your eyes. “Something always goes wrong.”
He pressed a kiss to your head before cradling your head close to his chest. “We will deal with whatever is going on here. Together.”
The two of you let the comfort of each other envelop you for a few moments. You both knew that this was the change you had been feeling, that nothing would be the same after this.
“I must go out to Luke,” Obi-Wan whispered, pulling back slightly. “Stay in here as long as you feel like you need.” He leaned in and kissed your lips softly. “I love you, my little star.”
After giving you another short kiss, Obi-Wan let you go. He grabbed a toolbox and the wooden box that held Anakin’s lightsaber. He looked back at you before slipping out the door. You stood there, not knowing how to handle the situation. Luke being here meant confronting your past and that it was time to train him. But were you ready for any of that?
Honestly, no. But you were determined to figure out how to get through it. All you needed was Obi-Wan at your side.
When you finally left the room, the first thing you saw was Luke working on C3PO. You almost completely lost it right there. Tears filled your eyes as you remembered a young Anakin doing the same. Obi-Wan was sitting nearby, hand in his beard.
“No, my father didn’t fight in the wars,” Luke argued. “He was a navigator on a spice freighter.”
“That’s what your uncle told you,” Obi-Wan retorted. “He didn’t hold with your father’s ideals. Thought he should have stayed here and not gotten involved.”
“You fought in the Clone Wars?”
“Yes, my wife and I both did. We were once Jedi Knights, the same as your father.” Memories of time long past flicked through your and Obi-Wan’s minds.
Luke’s shoulders aged as he looked down, sadly. “I wish I’d known him.”
“He was the best star pilot in the galaxy,” a small smirk of fondness crossed over Obi-Wan’s lips, “and a cunning warrior. I understand you’ve become quite a good pilot yourself.” Luke smiled sheepishly. Obi-Wan looked over at you. “And he was a good friend.”
“He was more than a friend,” you added softly, making Luke realize you were back. “He was family.” R2 rushed over to your side. You placed a hand on the top of the droid, smiling down at it.
“Right. Which reminds me,” Obi-Wan stood up and grabbed the wooden box he had taken from your bedroom, “I have something here for you.” He opened the box. "Your father wanted you o have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it.” He took out the lightsaber and you grabbed the box from him. “He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn-fool idealistic crusade like your father did.”
“Sir,” C3PO spoke up, turning to Luke,” if you’ll not be needing me, I’ll close down for a while.”
“Sure, go ahead,” Luke responded, the droid quickly shutting down. Obi-Wan walked over to Luke, carefully holding the lightsaber. “What is it?”
“It’s your father’s lightsaber,” Obi-Wan explained, handing it over to the young man. “This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster.” Luke ignited it, blue light filling the space. “An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.” Obi-Wan sat down as Luke moved the weapon around. “For over a thousand generations, Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and rustic in the old Republic, before the dark times, before the Empire.”
Luke deactivated the saber and sat down beside Obi-Wan. “How did my father die?”
Obi-Wan met your eye as you teased. “It’s alright, little star,” your husband tried to calm you by speaking in your thoughts. “He needs to know as much truth as he is ready for.” 
You nodded. “I know,” you responded back through the Force. “It is me who is not ready.”
Turning his attention back to Luke, Obi-Wan explained, “A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights.” The scar on your thigh burned with the memory of the fight you and Anakin had at the Temple. “He betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct. Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force.”
“The Force?” Luke repeated.
“The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together.”
Luke went back to working on 3PO as R2 beeped and began wiggling. You could tell the droid had grown impatient and wanted to do what it came here to do. You bent down in front of the old droid.
“Let’s see if we can figure out what you are doing here, old friend,” you muttered as you pushed some buttons on the front of R2. You moved to allow a hologram to begin to appear.
“I saw part of a message—“
“I seem to have found it,” you cut off Luke.
You gasped as you realized it was Leia. You went over to Obi-Wan, who quickly took your hand in reassurance.
“General Kenobi, years ago you and your wife served my father in the Clone Wars,” Leia started. She looked so much like Padme, you wanted to cry again. “Now he begs you both to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my father’s request to you in person. But my ship has fallen under attack,” you held onto your husband’s hand tighter, “and I am afraid my mission to bring either of you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.”
The hologram disappeared and since filled the room. Now it was clear that was time to train Luke and try to bring balance once again. But the more you thought, the more you grew concerned for Leia’s safety. She was smart in not revealing that she knew you and Obi-Wan, but there was still a chance something could slip depending on who attacked her ship. Obi-Wan gave your hand a light squeeze before letting it go and turning his attention to Luke.
“You must learn the ways of the Force if you’re to come with me to Alderaan,” Obi-Wan said.
“Alderaan?” Luke repeated. He chuckled, breathily. “I’m not going to Alderaan. I’ve got to get home.” He stood up to put the tools away. “I’m in for it as it is.”
“I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. I’m getting too old for this sort of thing.” You rolled your eyes.
Luke debated for a second, eyes flicking between where Leia once stood and Obi-Wan. “I can’t get involved. I’ve got work to do. It’s not that I like the Empire. I hate it, but there’s nothing I can do about it right now. It’s all such a long way from here.”
“That’s your uncle talking.”
“Oh, boy. My uncle.” Luke walked over to R2. “How am I ever gonna explain this?”
“Learn about the Force, Luke.”
“Look, I can take you both as far as Anchored. You can get a transport there to Mis Eisley or wherever you’re going.”
“You must do what you feel is right, of course.” Obi-Wan stood up and took your hand again. “We will go pack.”
Obi-Wan guided you back to the bedroom. Once the door was closed, he let go of your hand and went to grab a bag. You looked around at the room, the walls. The house made out of love.
“We’re never coming back here, are we?” You questioned softly. 
You didn’t care to stop the tears from trickling out of your eyes. The sad look you received from Obi-Wan was enough of an answer. You walked over and placed a hand on one of the walls, feeling the roughness from the plaster.
“Leia’s in danger,” you whispered, more to yourself than to Obi-Wan. He heard it all the same. “Bail would not have sent her on her way to us if that wasn’t the case.” 
“That is why we must go,” Obi-Wan said.
You turned around. “And what of, Luke? We can’t just leave him here.”
Obi-Wan sighed. “We cannot force him to go either. He will make the right choice.”
You nodded, looking away from Obi-Wan. Once he had finished backing the bag, he went over and picked up your lightsaber from where it was placed on the small bedside table. Obi-Wan then went over to you and slipped it onto your belt. 
“I’m not ready for this,” you breathed out. “I’m not ready to fight again.” 
Obi-Wan’s hands came up to gently hold your face, guiding it to face you. “I know,” he responded. “Trust in the Force, my little star. Trust in me. Everything will work out.”
next chapter >
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
post Order 66 - part 10
Time moves ever on, and it’s been a year since the crew of the Starsinger grew by one additional person. It’s been a relatively stress free year. But, as happens, things change.
So. First of all, angst warning. Sorry, not sorry. Secondly, this feels a bit shorter than the other ones to me. So sorry about that as well.
tagging: @starrrgazingbunny and @thestarwarslesbian
Fox woke to the sound of shouting.
“Give it BACK!” Cal shouted, there was a thump, and then another one.
“It’s NOT YOURS!” Marral shouted back, there were a couple more thumps, and Fox sighed. He carefully untangled himself from Kanna, and silently padded to the door, allowing it to slide open, and he poked his head into the hall.
“Oi!” He snapped, “If the two of you are going to kill each other this early in the morning, at least move to the cargo bay!”
There was silence, before the bedroom door for the room that Cal and Marral shared slid open, and two sheepish faces peered out, “Sorry Ba’vodu Fox,” Cal said.
“We didn’t mean to get so loud,” Marral agreed, his pale face flushing pink.
Another door slid open, and Cody stepped into the hallway, pulling on his shirt, “Do we need to separate the two of you, ad?” He asked, with an arched brow at Cal, who flushed red.
“Um. No, buir. We’ll work it out.” He paused, “Quietly.”
Fox seriously considered going back to bed for a moment. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that Kanna was already sitting up in bed, and that Wolffe had already sprawled himself across Kanna’s lap, and Fox’s side of the bed. The bastard.
Kanna shot him an amused look, meaning he probably projected that thought. Oh well, his twin wasn’t force sensitive, and Kanna wouldn’t tell on him. Wolffe shifted and mumbled something, as he wrapped his arms firmly around Kanna’s waist, falling into an even deeper sleep.
Fox watched as Kanna started tracing soothing shapes across Wolffe’s back, and he sighed. He padded back across the room and grabbed a clean shirt, before he left the room, 
He snagged both Cal and Marral by the collars of their shirts. “Since the both of you have so much energy this morning, you can help me with the kids morning exercise.”
“Yessss,” Fox teased, as he lightly ruffled Cal’s hair, “Go get Luke and Rhawl, please Cal. Mar, you get to wake up Yin.” The two teenagers shot him nearly identical sullen looks, but they did as he asked.
It was fair punishment, after all.
Cody walked over to him and pressed a mug of caf into his hand, “Luke and Rhawl are going to run them ragged.”
Fox smirked, “That’s the plan, vod.”
“Wolffe still asleep?”
“Yeah, apparently his bounty gave him some trouble. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kanna is encouraging it. He at least let her heal his bruises before collapsing last night.” Fox admitted.
Cody grimaced at the thought, “I wish he wouldn’t work alone. But-”
That but was the big thing. Neither Fox nor Cody had the desire to become bounty hunters, preferring to remain on the ship with Obi-Wan and Kanna to protect the kids. Dusk was a bounty hunter, but he and Wolffe didn’t work so well together. And there was only so many credits that the Organas could funnel their way before people started getting suspicious.
Fox shook his head, shaking away the anxious thoughts as he heard the sound of the children waking up. He instinctively ducked down as a bundle of blonde hair barreled into him, “Buir!”
“Morning, Lukey.” Fox greeted with a small smile, as he settled his son on his hip. “Ready for your exercise?”
“Wanna climb! I’m gonna be faster than Rhawl this time!” Luke said loudly.
“Well, we can certainly test that.” Fox teased, he kissed Luke’s forehead, and then set him back on the floor, “Go on, now. You know where we’re going. Quietly now, Papa Wolffe is still sleeping.”
“I can be quiet!” Luke said in a loud whisper, which was more like a shout, but...well, he was working on it.
Cody and Fox watched as Cal and Marral attempted to heard the kids to the lift that would bring them to the cargo bay. Attempted, because herding children was like herding loth cats. Eventually Cal gave up and just lifted them all with the force, pulling excited giggling from the children.
“...he’s gonna regret that.” Cody said, with a vicious grin.
“He’s only 15, vod. He’ll learn.” Fox lightly rapped his knuckles against Cody’s shoulder, “Come on, better get started.”
Several hours later, the family was gathered in the sitting room. Well, the adults were, the kids were elsewhere on the ship, having their lessons for the day. Kanna was lounging on the couch, with her back pressed against Fox’s side, and her feet propped up on Wolffe’s lap. Obi-Wan was sitting on the floor, in front of Cody. Cody was braiding his hair.
Dusk, however, was absently flipping through various news channels, looking for one that was the least biased. 
“Oh my god, just pick one!” Kanna finally blurted.
Dusk scowled at her, “I’m trying to find one that not biased!”
“They’re all biased, vod’ika,” Wolffe said tiredly, “Because, you know, democracy or something.”
“Fine,” Dusk huffed, flipping back to one of the ones that he hated the least.
The listened, intently, for any interesting news. Slow news days were the best, because it meant that there were no fires for them to put out immediately. As per usual, the news was focused on the Emperor’s statue, which was being built on Naboo, and the continued retrofitting of the Jedi Temple.
Obi-Wan and Kanna both scowled at that news. “Hope they’re being haunted,” Kanna muttered bitterly. Obi-Wan snorted in laughter.
“I’m just glad that Cal and Marral aren’t here to see this.” Obi-Wan admitted, “This would kill them.” He made a face, “That was our home.” His voice sounded deeply pained, and Cody reached around to offer him a hug. 
They...didn’t talk about the temple much. The few times it was mentioned in passing, the Jedi who remembered the temple, Obi-Wan, Kanna, Cal, Marral, radiated such despair that it was difficult to remember that there were only four of them and they couldn’t, actually, win a war with only four people.
Dusk lifted his hand to turn off the holo. No need to depress Kanna and Obi-Wan more than necessary. But his hand paused when the screen shifted. 
“Breaking news,” The woman on the holo said, “We have just recieved word that Queen Breha Organa, Prince Consort Bail Organa, and their daughter, 3 year old Princess Leia Organa, were killed when their ship was destroyed by pirates-”
The reporter continued, but Dusk didn’t hear them. He didn’t hear much of anything aside from the sudden rushing in his ears, and a strangled noise that he suddenly realized was coming from him. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t-
Cool hands pressed against his face, and the sensation of peace slammed over him. And the soft, so gentle, voice of Kanna echoed through his mind, “Sleep, Dusk. I have you.”
He willingly, and grateful, accepted the unfeeling darkness that she offered him.
It was never good, when a breaking news bulletin came across the holo. Generally it meant that the Inquisitors had found another Jedi, or that a Rebellion cell had been wiped out.
But this...this was so much worse.
Kanna was on her feet and at Dusk’s side as soon as he knees hit the ground. She had never seen Dusk like this.
Just. Shattered.
He crumpled in on her, like a puppet who’s strings had been cut. The noise that he was making-
She released a shaky breath, and she threaded her force signature though his hurt. She couldn’t fix this. There was no fixing this. But she could make it hurt a little less for the moment.
As soon as he was asleep- and oh, he was crying in his sleep- she instructed Fox and Wolffe to bring him to the med-bay. And then she focused her attention on Cody and Obi-Wan, “We need to go. Someplace else.”
“Home,” Cody said, his voice strangled, “We’ll go home.” He moved towards the cockpit without a second thought.
Obi-Wan was shaking, “I-I’ll help you.”
Kanna watched him for a moment, before deciding to allow Cody to handle Obi-Wan’s breakdown. Dusk needed her specific brand of help much, much more. She spun on her heel and hurried down to the med-bay, her mind already whirling on all of the things that she would need to help keep Dusk calm...and stable.
Wolffe stepped out of the med-bay as she approached, “Fox is staying with him, what can I do?”
“The kids. Can you distract them? Maybe tell Marral and Cal what happened, they’re old enough, but-”
Wolffe nodded, once, “The smaller ones don’t need to see Dusk like this. Agreed.” He paused, and made a face, “And things were going so well, too. Where are we going?”
“Home.” Kanna replied, she lightly touched his arm, “Thank you, Wolffe.”
“No need for that, cyare.” He countered lightly, “Go do your thing. I’ll handle the kids.”
Kanna smiled at him, and slipped into the med-bay. Someday, she knew, they would have to discuss the thing between her and Wolffe, and her and Fox. But not today. Today Dusk needed her a lot more than anyone else.
The little outpost that had once been home to Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor had grown a lot over the prior year.
Turned out, when the Purge happened, it didn’t account for the people in the Agricorps. Or any of the other Jedi corps, for that matter. So, when Ahsoka went out to find other jedi, she found a lot of them.
And they all traveled to this little no name planet to set up homes there. Which was good, because Rex was very good at his job, and there was now enough clones living on the planet to make a whole Battalion. With more arriving every day.
Still, when the Starsinger landed on the recently built landing pad, only days after the announcement of the deaths of the Alderaanian Royal Family, no one was surprised. Least of all Rex.
He ran up to the ship, and wasn’t the least bit surprised when Cody was the first one off. “Where’s Dusk?”
“Med-bay,” Cody replied, not bothering to be bothered by his brother’s lack of greeting, “Fox is with him, as it Kanna.” He grimaced, “He’s...managaing?” That was a lie. Dusk hadn’t said a work to anyone since he woke up. Not even his own children.
Wolffe had been forced to sit down with the younger kids and explain what happened, why Dusk wasn’t acting like himself, and now the kids were all but attached to his side.
“There’s a room available for him, but-” 
“...I don’t think we’ll get him out of the med-bay without a fight,” Cody admitted, “The kids will be easier.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Rex replied, “Get the kids out from underfoot, and give Kanna and Fox the chance to piece Dusk back together.”
It hurt.
It’s been three weeks, and still everything hurt. 
Kanna told him that it was normal. That it would take time. That he could take as long as he needed.
He wasn’t sure that was true. He had children. He was supposed to-
His breath caught in his throat.
Rhawl was only a few months older than Leia. Leia who was now space dust. Leia who never had the chance-
“Stop, Vod. You need to stop.” Wolffe’s hand was firm on his shoulder. He wasn’t sure why Wolffe, of all people, had been assigned to watch him, but Dusk found that he was grateful for it.
Wolffe was a very no-nonsense man. He was steady and solid, and Dusk found that when he was drowning in grief, Wolffe was the best person to pull him back to himself.
“Sorry,” Dusk rasped out.
“You don’t have to apologize.” Wolffe replied, “Your grief is real and valid. But I’m not going to stand here and let you beat yourself up.”
“I know.” Dusk released a shuddering breath, “We were going to watch the kids training.” He said.
“We were.” Wolffe turned to watch him seriously, “You don’t have to if, you’re not ready. The kids will understand.”
“If I don’t force myself, I’ll never get out of bed again.”
“That’s the grief talking, Dusk.” Wolffe said patiently.
“...yeah. Maybe.” He curled his arms around himself, “I think I’m just going to go and lay down. I’m not so sure I can handle two dozen kids.”
Wolffe nodded, “I’ll explain it to the kids. Just call, if you need someone there.”
“Yeah. I will.” He turned on his heel and retreated to the rooms that Rex had prepared for him and his crew. He opened the door, stepped in, shut the door, walked across the room to the bed.
He didn’t make it to his bed.
He just crumpled to the floor next to the bed, a choked noise that might have been a sob escaping him as he curled in on himself. Even now, three weeks later, he couldn’t believe that they were gone.
Eventually he managed to shift so that he was sitting against his bed, rather than curled up on the floor in a ball of misery. He wasn’t sure how long he had laid there, not having the strength, or the will, to get to his feet.
He was vaguely aware of someone yelling in the hall.
If he wasn’t mistaken, it was Fox who was yelling. He would recognize that particular brand of yelling anywhere. Stars knew that he heard it enough. His head fell back against the bed, he tried to work up the will to be amused that someone else was being yelled at, but there was nothing.
He lifted his head slightly when his bedroom door cracked open, only big enough for a small child to slip through. Still, when Rhawl or Luke didn’t attach themselves to him, which they had taken to doing, he allowed his head to fall back again.
And then-
Small hands lightly touched his face, “Buir is...sad. So sad.” A small voice. A small female voice.
Dusk’s head snapped up, and he stared, stunned, into the tear filled brown eyes of Leia Organa. “Leia?” That was...impossible. Leia was dead. Like Bail. Like Breha.
But on the off chance that she was here-
Dusk opened his arms, and the three year old instantly crawled into his arms, “Buir,” She murmured, as she buried her face into Dusk’s chest. He curled his arms tightly around her.
His door opened again, and two more people stepped into the room. A slender woman with her hair coiled into a braid, grief written clear on her face. And a taller man, who was nursing a black eye.
“Oh. Oh, Dusk,” Breha Organa crossed the room faster than any woman without the force had any right to do, and she smoothly dropped to her knees next to him, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t...understand?” Dusk was feeling numb, but Leia was warm and Breha’s hands were somehow warmer.
“We...the Emperor started looking too closely at us. At Leia,” Bail said as he sat close enough to Dusk that their knees bumped, “We had to disappear.”
“You...I thought you were dead. Why didn’t you message?” Dusk said, the numbness slowly turning into rage, “You let me think you were dead!”
“I know. I know and I’m so sorry,” Bail said, sounding so, very, guilty. “Your brothers made sure that we were very aware that that was the wrong decision,” He said, lightly touching the bruise around his eye.
Breha sniffled, “I told him we needed to warn you,” She said, using the sleeve of her dress to wipe tears off her cheeks, “but he was so scared-” She sniffled again, “Oh, Dusk. Can you ever forgive us?”
Dusk tightened his arms around the child in his arms, “I need time.” He said, his voice hoarse, “You can’t...you can’t just...”
“No, no. Of course. You’re right.” Bail said, “but. We’re staying here. All three of us. So, so you can talk to us whenever you’re ready.” He glanced at Leia, and then back at Dusk, “You can keep Leia, until she’s ready to come back to us, too.”
Dusk blinked, “...what.”
“She found out that we didn’t tell you,” Bail explained, “She’s so angry at us.”
Dusk let out a watery laugh and buried his nose in Leia’s hair, “Little Imp,” He murmured fondly.
“Buir,” Leia replied, “My Buir.” She added with an accusatory glare at her parents.
Dusk shuddered, “I’d like you both to leave, please.”
“Of course. Whatever you need.” Breha said, as she pulled her shaking hands away from Dusk, and got to her feet. And then she pinned her husband with an unhappy look.
Bail grimaced, but also got to his feet, and silently left the room. He had a lot of making up to do. To a lot of people. His face fell when he stepped into the hallway and came face to face with an irate Captain Rex.
Dusk lifted his head once he was sure that he and Leia were alone, “You alright, Imp?”
“They hurt you.” Leia sounded angry, “Hate them.”
“No you don’t, baby. You’re just hurt too.” He bumped his forehead against hers, “But, we can stay here and be hurt together, until we’re ready to not be hurt anymore, yeah?”
Leia stared at him with eyes that were far too old, and then she nodded, “Kay.”
They would be alright. Dusk wouldn’t allow his sharp edges hurt this little girl, but he had a lot of experience in softening his edges so that they’re safe for children. Kanna was going to need to talk to Leia about her feelings, but that could come later.
For now they would just exist, and hurt, together. 
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hannibalzero · 11 months
Hi. What brought you to Obikin? What made you think : "Ok. I ship it."? (I ask with all the curiosity and respect).
I don’t mind sharing! It’s kinda a complicated answer. Sooooo way back in 2005 I went to see Revenge of the sith. I was 13 years old and just discovered deviant art. I know I’m old haha. So I saw the movie and thought that Obi-wan was acting more like Padme should of been, confronting Anakin trying to make him see what he’s doing is wrong. Padme did a little of it, shame they cut the knife scene. Okay we we are at the point where Obiwan yells “I loved you.” And Anakin yelled “I hate you.” Not meaning it. He never meant it, he just wanted to hurt obiwan. At 13 it hit me that, oh ohhhh they really loved eachother. More than the brother, master or anything. They where soulmates. This was wayyyyy before the force dyad was introduced. Anakin needed Obiwan and Obiwan needed Anakin.
Then I saw a tv special where George Lucas talked about who Obiwan and Vader are two sides of the same coin. They are Luke and Leia’s father.
Okay so back to 13 and being a budding yaoi fan girl. This was before it was cringe. There was this picture of a mpreg Obiwan and a protective Anakin Skywalker. The image stuck in my mind for a while. I moved on to different ships and yeah I still liked Star Wars but anime boys were life!
So moving forward I was 27 and just finished up watching the new starwars stuff. Yeah I had fun but eh? Kylux is a great ship btw. I missed the old stuff and rewatched the movies 1-6. Yeah it was cheesy but knowing it was written for children, Lucas little boys apparently. I saw them through a new light. I remembered that old mpreg obikin picture and thought I would see what the Obikin fanfiction looked like now a days. I read a few back in the day but nothing great.
I was blown away by the new fanfics and writers on ao3. I was very impressed and then inspired, maybe I could write something? There isn’t any more fics I can read! I’ve roleplayed for years I could write a bit. So I did, just to see if I could write alone. Honestly I was expecting to be ripped a new butthole for bad writing. At 18 I tried writing fanfiction for yugiyo and yikes…yikes man. But the Obikin community was loving and encouraging. I kept going. My writing improved, they loved my crazy random ideas and silly world building.
I love Obikin, the relationship between Obi-wan and Anakin. The fun cannon of Star Wars that can easily fit anything. They’re complicated relationships between Quigonjin, Dooku, Padme and yoda. The amazing fan-artist, how Ewan Megreger is handsome. ( one of my first crushes) along with Hayden Christensen. (That photo of him giving a lightsaber to his daughter?! 🥺)) being a romantic I wanted to give these characters a happy ending.
But the community, is what made this my favorite ship.
I know that was a lotta text, but you deserved a full explanation.
All my love
Hannibella .
I think this is the artist. Geez 2005…that’s a looong time ago!
Side note? I miss iPods :(
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kingdomhate · 7 months
Getting Them Pets (Part two)
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Luke Skywalker: You both had agreed you wanted something to take care of, and given your guys' history with other animals: stray dogs, cats, birds, fish and a few bunnies, it was no problem. The only problem was: what to get? Luke wants a couple hamsters, and you? You wanted a rabbit. Now, as you and Luke speak to store-owners and even random traders, you cannot seem to find neither.
Sighing, Luke thanks the store owner and walks out with you. "I don't think today's our day." He frowns, crossing his arms to his chest. "What? Have a little faith, Luke." You urge, determined to get a pet. "You're right." He sighs a bit, regaining his normal smile. As you both walk down the road, you see a pen, filled with a group of pigs, chickens and two cows. In the big group of mud covered pigs, you can make out a tiny little figure, it was sniffing the mud and eating some scraps. "Oh!" You gasp, eyes lighting up with a radiant fire. "Luke, let's go here!" You practically scream with excitement and hope. "Huh? Why? What is it, Y\N?" He tilts his head, but you grab his arm and scramble over to the store. "Can I help you?" The owner asks, his voice bored and uninterested. "Yes! I'd like the baby pig that you have in the back." The store owner nods. "Sure. $230." He demands, and Luke's face contorts in disbelief, but seeing that your mood resembled determination and fierceness, he paid. The owner gave you the piglet, which was actually a girl. That night, you both had a fun time giving the piglet a bath, staying up discussing name ideas and just having fun getting to know the new addition to your family.
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Anakin Skywalker: It was the first time you guys discussed anything of the sort. Ani asked you multiple questions regarding what kind of pet, what would it be, look like, etc. Of course, you had no idea what you wanted, so you did a LOT of research on what could be suitable for a couple. Ultimately, you decided a bunny would be good, coming to Anakin with the idea wasn't going to be difficult.
And it wasn't. Quickly, you both travelled to the planet in which the bunny was likely to be in, picked one (and had fun petting, feeding and playing with the others) and then bought it. Along with the crate, food, collective toys and a few treats and a cozy little interior. The bunny was a fluffy white girl, in which the naming seemed perfect, you wanted to settle for Leah, or Amy. Again, the idea with Ani was settled as soon as he heard the names. In the end, Leah was picked. The three of you eager to start a new chapter of your lives.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Immediately, he was open to the idea. Knowing it was something like a new chapter, and you seemed very adamant and enthusiastic about the idea of a pet. Even better, you had a plan for which one and damn, did you have a great convincing plan. However, Obi-Wan being the kind, open-minded man, he did not need convincing (or at least too much, seeing as though looking at you convinced him in the first place.)
So, you both started your journey for a Belgian Malinois, a stubborn, alert and protective dog breed. The thought of having something as intimate as a shared pet to strengthen your bond was something that sparked excitement and determination in your heart. As you met the breeder of the herding dog, Obi-Wan started speaking of how it was your and his first pet and you had been very set on a Belgian Shepherd. The breeder nodded in understanding, indulging Obi-Wan in a short conversation about the breed, as you went to observe the dogs and puppies. The gorgeous amber eyes, black muzzles and a combination of amber and black in the two layers of coat, made you swoon even more. Eventually, the breeder and Obi-Wan disengaged and went over to pick one, and yet again, you found the perfect one: a boy, and about a year old so not impossible to teach. You plead with your boyfriend for the dog and he caves in easily, the breeder offers a reasonable amount of money and you two bring the dog back home. At first, he was weary, but he came to after a few months, now as loving and compassionate as you dreamed.
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Hi again!! May I please request a fluffy romantic Han Solo x Jewish!fem!Reader in which they are tattooed soulmates (their soulmark is ‎חֶסֶד [the Hebrew word Chesed which means “lovingkindness”]) and Reader is the sweet-hearted princess of her planet and Han is surprised to find himself in love/soulmates with a kind/sweet woman (Han Solo deserves good things, too)?
The handsome smuggler and kind princess
Pairing: Han Solo x fem reader
Description: Through tattoos connecting you to your soulmate you and a handsome smuggler fall in love
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You had gotten your tattoo for for your soulmate at 17 you ended up with the word chesed in beautiful writing on your forearm which is Hebrew for lovingkindness. You were jewish and took honor of it despite all the judgement you got for it but you never let it pull you down and helped others of different races and species to be proud of who you are by just being and loving yourself against prejudice always showing support for your culture and the culture of others, you met han after you joined Obi wan and Luke to find someone to take the three of you to Alderaan in order to deliver R2 back to the princess as well as going to get her from the empire which you didn't know how you would but you would no matter what not knowing how all your lives would change from that moment on and after for years to come. You and han get to know each other from him teaching you how to use a blaster and opening up to you about his past while you tell him of your Jewish culture making and teaching him to cook meals of jewish ancestry and opening up about your past and yourself as a person slowly leading to the two of you falling in love despite not knowing whether he had a tattoo of a soulmate on him or if he knew who his soulmate was, you had finished making juicy brisket when han came in wiping oil off his hands going and washing them while you put one plate beside you and eat your plate smiling at him when he came and sat beside you eating the homemade meal until you noticed a mark peeking from his shirt on his shoulder "Han? What is that?" he looks to where you're staring and realizes "Oh that's my mark for my soulmate I just...don't know what it means it's in a different language" he pulls his shirt down a bit to show you and your heart stops as soon as you get close to see what it is. You stare at it in awe and shock slowly raising your arm putting your forearm next to his shoulder and you know now that your thoughts were correct "Han...it's the same as mine...It's lovingkindness in hebrew also known as chesed" you both smile at each other until he leans in and kisses you and you pull him back as he begins to pull away in complete joy and happiness that the man you fell in love with was your long awaited and you forever soulmate and that the two of you would always be with the other for the rest of your lives from here on out you both laugh in the kiss and hold each other going back to his room until you fell asleep in each other's arms under the covers then sharing the big news with your friends later that night.
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dolcid · 2 years
Comforting Them | Star Wars
Request: Can I make a request? Comforting the Star Wars boys pls - @cool--chicken
A/N: my first request!!!! 😃 also, Luke has two because I feel he would react differently? Lol
Anakin Skywalker
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Comforting Anakin would take a lot of patience and lots of reassurance, Anakin has loads of self insecurity when it comes down to it, so you'd have to be very gentle while addressing him.
"Anakin? What's wrong love? Did something happen?" You'd ask him slowly, watching as he jumps slightly at your intrusion.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, I was just worried about you." Hearing this would swell Anakin's breaking heart, his tears slowing.
"It's alright my love. I'm just irritated with the council, they don't think I deserve to be a jedi master." He would explain to you, holding himself. This action makes you frown, and you're quick to grab his hands and wrap them around you.
"You know you don't have to go through this alone, right? I'm always here when you need me Ani," you'd reassure him, feeling his grip tighten around your waist.
"Thank you, my love."
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Comforting Obi-Wan would be a rare occurrence. As he usually would either deal with it on his own or busy himself with work to distract his true emotions. The first time you comforted him was after Qui-Gonn died, the second was when he had to battle Anakin. After assuring Anakin's children were safe, he came to you, no emotions held back.
"Obi-Wan? What's happened? I got your holo," you would say, watching as he broke down in tears in front of you.
"Oh honey.." you would whisper, gently lulling his head into your chest.
"I'm here when you're ready to talk." You would assure him, rubbing slow circles onto his head, patiently waiting for him to calm down.
"Thank you, Darling. I don't know what I'd do without you,"
"You're strong, Obi-Wan. I know without a doubt you'll get through this."
Darth Maul
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Comforting Maul would take a lot of patience and kind words, after losing the battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi, he would definitely have a damaged ego.
"Maul? Oh my love, what has happened to you?" You'd ask gently, taking in his new appearance. Savage told you of his battle with Kenobi and you were furious, how could anyone labeling themselves as a jedi attempt to kill someone? You were just thankful he was still alive.
"Darling? Oh my sweet, I have missed you" Maul would say, you both running into each others arms.
"I'm so glad you're okay," you'd whisper, rubbing gentle circles onto his temple.
"And you, my lady. I have been in need of you."
ANH!Luke Skywalker
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Comforting Luke would consist of cuddling, smooches, and blankets. After losing Ben, Luke's mood was dampened. Something you hated to see, he was a ray of sunshine, he didn't deserve to be sad.
"Hey hon, how are you doing?" You'd ask, laying a soft blanket over his shoulders. He would smile sadly and shrug, thanking you for the blanket.
"I just can't believe he's gone," he'd say sadly. You frowned and sighed, wrapping your arms around him. He would accept the hug immediately, tucking his head into your neck.
"Oh honey...it'll be okay, alright? I'm here for you," you'd assure him, gently scratching his scalp and kissing his head.
ROTJ!Luke Skywalker
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Comforting Luke after he becomes a jedi master would be difficult. He liked to deal with his emotions on his own now. So convincing him to share would take a lot of coaxing.
"Luke? I know something's wrong, you can't fool me," you'd say to him as he attempted to walk away from you. Everything he's been through really changed him.
"I told you I'm alright." He'd tell you again. You'd sigh and feel hurt, he used to be so open with you. Although after sensing your thoughts, he'd stop and turn to you.
"Look, I know you're a jedi master now but that doesn't mean you have to shut me out, I love you and will always be here for you." You'd tell him, not expecting for him to reply.
"Sweetheart, I-I'm sorry. I'm just dealing with the death of my father rather harshly....thank you, I love you too."
Han Solo
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Comforting Han was a very rare occurrence. This man isn't known for being emotional, he would definitely deny being sad or needing comfort. You being you would just pull him into a hug. Han would most likely accept it.
"Han, quit being such a hard ass, everyone has feelings, even you!" You'd say to him, watching as he rolled his eyes. You knew he was faking, just being a tough guy for everyone. You'd sigh and yank him by his collar into a hug, Han nearly yelping.
"See? This isn't so bad, hm?" You'd say to him quietly, Han groaning in reply.
"Yeah yeah, its alright I suppose."
Darth Vader
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Comforting Vader would be difficult. He's still stubborn Ani underneath so he'd probably attempt to deal with it on his own, or force choke someone daring to address him. Unless it was you, you're his weakness after all.
"Vader? What's wrong?" You'd ask him, gently placing your hand on his back. Vader would turn to you in silence, placing his hand along your cheek before answering.
"I'm quite alright, my love. Simply dealing with an issue." He'd say. You would sigh and nod, frowning at his stubbornness.
"You know I'm here for you, right? I always will be, you never have to deal with anything on your own." You'd assure him, feeling him gaze into your eyes.
"I know my love. Thank you."
Din Djarin
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Comforting Din would be a process. He's stubborn like most of these guys are and would probably feel ashamed to need comfort. But due to you and Grogu, he'd feel bad for not sharing, so he'd eventually go to you.
"Cyar'ika?" He'd ask, his voice deep.
"What's wrong?" Of course you'd know, he's not very good at hiding his emotions from you.
"Nothing, I just..." he'd sigh, you immediately running into his arms to hold him.
"I'm here Din, always." He thanks the stars every night that he has you and Grogu.
Poe Dameron
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Comforting Poe would probably be rather easy. When he's truly in need of comfort he wastes no time in finding you, that is if you don't find him first. Your wife senses go off when he's in need.
"Poe? Honey, I'm here." You'd say running up to him, cupping his cheeks in your palms.
"Oh baby...thank the force I have you," he'd breathe, securing his arms around your waist.
"Shh, c'mere hon," you'd whisper, gently pulling him into your neck, playing with his hair that rested on the nape of his neck.
"I love you, so much."
Kylo Ren
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Comforting Kylo would be much like comforting Vader. Both are stubborn to no end and insist they are okay or can deal with it on their own. But unlike Vader he wouldn't be able to resist you as long, he ultimately gives in and accepts your comfort.
"Kylo, is everything okay?" You'd ask, resting your hand on his upper arm. He would stay silent, barely moving.
"Kylo, you know I'm here for you my love, no matter the problem," you'd assure him, watching as he broke and gave in, quickly pulling you into a hug. You'd accept immediately, and rub small circles onto his back.
"I love you."
Reblogs Appreciated!
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imaginedisish · 2 years
Liability (Din Djarin/Mandalorian x reader)
A/N: Hey guys! So here is my first Mando fic. It’s extremely fluffy. I felt the need to give into the “there’s only one bed and it’s absolutely freezing” trope. It seemed fun. Totally open to writing a part 2 to this, btws. This is partially inspired by Liability by Lorde (hence the title), Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift, and Emotional Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers. Also, I’ve gotten some requests so I’ll be writing those soon! P.s, I do write smut, so feel free to request it, that’s why I added a smut tag! For now, enjoy! Feel free to request some more. Thanks!
Summary: After being cast out of Jedi training by Luke, you’re sent to work for Mando. Nothing goes as Luke planned, and one extremely cold night with only one bed to share changes everything for you and the Mandalorian. 
Warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF. This is the fluffiest thing I’ve written in a while it’s almost embarrassing. Some brief cursing, maybe a little violence, I think that’s it? OH! I almost forgot, mean!Luke...he deserves his own warning. 
Word Count: 2,418
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You gaze out at the vast, empty black that engulfs you. The faint glow of the two moons overhead barely illuminates your immediate surroundings. Your eyelids flutter open and closed as you fight the exhaustion that was slowly overtaking you. A shiver rolls down your spine as the desert wind brushes across the wide open expanses of sand. The tent behind you catches the wind and touches your back, instantly reminding you of what — or who rather — was on the other side. 
You had been running with the Mandalorian for a few months now. It was hard work, but it was exhilarating compared to your past life. You were orphaned by your parents at an incredibly young age. You were sent to live with your “Uncle” Ben Kenobi, who kept you in the dark about not only his real name, but the truth behind who you are. He didn’t tell you until you angrily force pushed a barrel of water across the sands of Tatooine while arguing with him. The second he knew you were force sensitive, your training began. 
Naturally, it came to a sudden halt when Luke arrived. Obi Wan had told you he would be gone for a week, maybe two. You hugged and he said goodbye. That would be the last time you would ever see him. He was the only father figure you had ever known, and you were once again parentless at just 16.
And so, Luke swore to complete your training. He was determined to lead you down the path of the Jedi. The only caveat was the fact that no one had ever seemed to ask you what you wanted, or how you felt about any of the Jedi stuff. You were too attached to people, too fearful, too emotional to be a Jedi. Luke was never afraid to remind you of that. He saw it as your biggest weakness. 
One day, after bottling your emotions for far too long, you exploded. It was all because you couldn’t get a certain lightsaber sequence down. 
“Feel the force around you,” Luke said. You cringed hard at the sound of his words. You hated how he made everything look and sound so easy. It didn’t help that you associated him so heavily with Obi Wan’s death. It didn’t help that you felt as though he was at the root of all of your problems.
You shook your head, trying to let go of your hateful thoughts. “Stop making it sound that simple,” You shouted, tossing the saber to the side. 
“Breathe, feel the-,”
“NO!” You screamed, unable to mask your feelings any longer. A power you’ve never felt before suddenly coursed through your veins and out of your finger tips. You shut your eyes tightly as you felt your body begin to sting. Whatever it was, it felt electric. Just as quickly as it started, it ended. You crashed to the ground, overwhelmed by what had happened. 
There’s an awkward, yet powerful silence. 
“What have you done?” Luke questions, a tremble ever so vaguely present in his voice. 
You hear the crackling of bark, almost as though a fire was beginning to spread. You opened your eyes and watched as flames began to engulf the tree. You turned your head to face Luke. The color had escaped his face, his hands clasping into fists. 
“You need to leave,” He said stoically. And so you did. 
He sent you back to Tatooine to “work for a friend.” He had said something about forbidden powers. He had used the words “sith” and “evil,” and something about “atrocities.” But you couldn’t listen, not when you felt so defeated, so worthless. You felt like nothing. You felt like closing your eyes and never opening them again. Like bantha fodder. Like absolute shit. Luke said you could come back when you learned to control your feelings. He said his friend could help with that. He said his friend could teach you about how attachments deter training. He had said that if you could learn to accept the ways of the Jedi outside of your training, you would be accepted again with open arms. 
Everything changed when you met Mando. Occasionally saving his life when something went wrong certainly helped with your self esteem, but you didn’t understand how he was supposed to teach you anything that Luke had told you he would. Sure, Mando often seemed in control of his feelings, but his little green friend proved otherwise. Luke had explained to you that Grogu’s attachment to Mando interrupted his training, and therefore took him off of the ‘proper path’. To you, his choice didn’t seem like the terrible sin Luke had made it out to be. Grogu was safe, free, happy. His decision to end his training may have been a waste of talent, but it certainly wasn’t the waste of life that Luke had believed it was.  
What really didn’t help was the bond that was slowly forming between you and Mando. Or, more specifically, the growing crush you had on him. That’s why you had chosen to stay outside of the tent for a while. You wanted to clear your head before spending another night next to him. It was pure torture. Whatever effect Luke thought this experience would have on you, the exact opposite was going on. Despite his stoic nature, his few words, and the inability to see his face, you felt close to Mando. Maybe it was the near death experiences. Maybe it was your shared care for Grogu. Maybe it was the way he made you feel safe. Whatever it was, it was getting harder to avoid.
He must’ve known I’d get close to him, You think to yourself. This must be some stupid test. The Jedi way warned strongly against attachments, so maybe Luke felt the need to test you by creating one. 
Now that, that’s real evil.
You’re brought back to reality by another gust of wind. The desert air was becoming colder and colder. You knew you needed to go inside, but you wanted to wait until the very last second. 
“Cyar’ika?” You hear Mando’s modulated voice call out to you. He never calls you that. 
Whatever temporary peace you had found was instantly lost. You had assured him you would join him in the tent in a few minutes — a few hours ago. He probably fell asleep and only just realized you hadn’t joined him. You don’t know how to respond, so you keep your mouth shut. 
The voice you could listen to all day cuts against the silence. “I’m not going to sleep until you come in.” 
He’s been waiting for me? You think. You shake your head, remembering that you’re a liability to him. He has to care about you. He’s supposed to return you to Luke in one piece, after all. 
You stand up, brush the sand off of your thighs, and head into the tent. You try to push your thoughts to the back of your head, but seeing that stupid helmet tilt to the side as you enter brings them right back. You can’t see his face, but you can tell he’s concerned. 
He’s sitting on the mat you share as a bed. To the right is a calm, sleeping Grogu. You smile at how comfortable and snuggly he looks. You can’t help but feel more emotional than normal, and Mando can’t help but notice. 
“Is everything alright?” He asks as you sit down across from him. You simply nod and lay down. 
“G’night,” You say, turning on your side to face away from Mando. 
It feels rude to brush him off like that, but you know it’s what’s right. He has a code to follow, and so did you if you ever wanted to be accepted by Luke again. 
But did you even care what Luke thought? Staying with Mando and Grogu seemed so much more-
No, You cut the thought off immediately. That wasn’t an option. It never would be. 
You close your eyes with the hopes of instantly falling asleep, but the wind outside the tent seems to be making its way inside. You try to ignore the cold, but a strong shiver rolls down your spine. You tightly pull your arms into your chest, doing your best to fight the feeling. You consider asking Mando for a blanket, but you figure he’s asleep already. 
“You can tell me what’s going on, you know,” Mando’s modulated voice fills your ears. He was still awake. He could probably feel you shivering. The mat wasn’t very big, after all. But still, he was never incredibly open with you, so this seemed somewhat out of character. “You don’t have to, but you can.” It’s as though he knows exactly how you feel, and he’s refusing to let it go. 
You’re trembling now. You don’t know if it’s the cold, or the fact that he’s pressing you for information you’re not ready to share. “I-it’s fine. Go to sleep,” You stutter coldly. You can’t tell him what’s going on. He can’t know how you feel. 
The sound of shifting and the moving of cloth and metal next to you echoes in your ears. You’re on high alert, in tune to every sound. You can tell that Mando is sitting up now. You know he isn’t taking no for an answer. He never does.
“Tell me, kid,” He insists. Despite the helmet, there’s something human in his voice this time, something caring, something you rarely hear. 
Still, his use of the word “kid” stings in your chest. It’s not like there was a massive age difference between the two of you. Maybe a couple of years, but nothing major. It made you feel like he really did see you as a responsibility, and not as an equal, not as something worth caring about. 
A liability.
“Don’t call me kid,” You say harshly, regretting the words instantly. You press your lips together tightly, trying to find right thing to say. “I’m just cold,” You lie. 
“Cold?” He repeats back. You don’t move from your spot, you don’t even open your mouth again. You’re frozen in time.
There’s more rustling next to you, more clanging of metal. You feel a sudden radiation of heat, and then something is pressing against your back. Mando’s arm finds its way to your side, wrapping around your body. His other hand throws his cape over you. He pulls you closer to his chest. 
“Is this okay?” He asks.
You can’t get a single word out. Your head is spinning. It’s as though you’ve forgotten how to speak. You mumble the semblance of some sort of “yes,” sounding word. 
Is this even really happening? Is he not sober, or something? You think to yourself. You don’t feel worthy of the attention he’s giving you.
“You’re freezing,” He says, his fingers drawing circles on the exposed mid-drift of your stomach. He clings to you tightly. “I’ve got you.” You can’t help but feel feverish with his arms around you. 
You contemplate pushing him off of you. It’s like he’s trying to tease you, trying to push your buttons. There’s no chance he could possibly ever feel the same way.  
Or could he?
His nails dance across your stomach. With every stroke you somehow feel yourself being pushed closer and closer into his chest. You can hear Mando’s shallow breaths through his helmet. You could swear he’s just as nervous as you. You could swear he wants the same thing. 
No. This goes against everything Luke taught you. It goes against the Jedi teachings. You have to ignore your own desires for the greater good of the galaxy. 
But what if that’s the problem?
It suddenly dawns upon you that maybe, just maybe, Luke is the one who is wrong. How can you be expected to be devoid of human emotion? Does he want you to be a fucking droid? How can you be expected to care for no one, including yourself?
You can’t, and so you decide you’re going to let this happen.
“Is the cold all that’s bothering you, mesh’la?” You were shocked by his use of more Mando’a. He had defined some words for you here and there, but he had rarely used them to talk to you. It made your heart flutter in your chest. 
You take a deep breath, trying to choose your next words carefully. Except, they aren’t careful at all. They come spewing out, just like they did during your last day with Luke. 
“I don’t want to go back,” You start, your heart beating rapidly now. You swear you can feel Mando’s heart beat drum faster against your back. “I-I don’t want to complete my training, Mando.”
There’s a brief silence, and it’s deafening. 
“Why?” He finally asks, cutting through the tension. 
He has to know why. It’s the unnecessary touches. It’s his overprotective nature. It’s your need to be close to him only to be followed by your unexplained periods of being completely isolated. It’s sleeping back against back for nights in a row, despite being able to be apart. It’s the fact that you could have lied after the first two weeks and said you were ready to go back to Luke. He would’ve sent you back if you had asked. He could’ve sent you back if he really wanted you gone. 
Nows your chance, some faint distant voice mumbles. 
“I don’t want to leave you,” You whisper, the word vomit finally coming up. “I-I want to stay.” 
There’s silence again, but not an awkward, scary one. It’s comfortable and understanding. 
“Then stay,” He says. 
You smile widely, finally feeling in control of your own life. 
Mando’s ungloved hand moves up to the nape of your neck, his fingers carefully combing through your hair. You don’t know how Luke will react, but you don’t particularly care. 
“If you’re staying, you should probably know my name,” He says. “It’s Din. Din Djarin.”
Din Djarin. The words repeat over and over again in your head. You want to memorize the way he says his name. You want to memorize the way the syllables fall from his lips. Giving you his name means he trusts you. It means he wants you to have a part of him. It means he wants to feel connected to you. 
It means you’re staying.
And you’re going to stay for as long as you can.  
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❄ Of Ice -Skates and Sugar Cookies❄
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Title: Of Ice Skates and Sugar Cookies
Requested by @thescarletwitchesbiitch
Word Count: Lots
Warnings: Angst and Feels, loss of loved ones, language
Summary: Kol Mikaelson x reader || You had noticed that your flatmate had been acting moody recently - well, more so than usual - so you take it upon yourself to cheer him up. But when you receive some rather heartbreaking news, it seems as though you might find your roles reversed... || Here lies my Masterlist.
If you would like to make a request this holiday season just check out this post for details: Christmas At The Compound
"Come on, Koala. Do it!"
"No." The dark-haired British boy in front of you shook his head vigorously from side to side. "Not happening."
"You can do it; I believe in you!" 
You hadn't thought it possible for him to cling to the wall any more desperately than he already was, but apparently, you were wrong. The cackle of laughter that escaped his lips sounded downright hysterical and you found it quite humorous that your usually fearless flatmate was so obviously terrified.
"You believe in me yet you don't believe in the NASA Moon Landing?" His voice dripped with sarcasm. You idly shifted your weight against the thin blades strapped to your feet and flipped some of the loose strands of your H/C hair out of your face, tucking them back under your beanie.
"That's about right. I don't believe in Cleveland or Cincinnati either and I still haven't made up my mind yet about Toledo," You said matter-of-factly. "But I believe you can do anything you put your mind to. So, feel the freakin' Force, Luke." He glanced up and jabbed a finger at you accusingly.
"First of all, you’re not Obi-Wan Kenobi and second, I think I'm fine right here, thank you very much." The boy wobbled dangerously as one foot slid a little too far away from him and with a rather undignified noise he would never admit to having made, Kol flung the entirety of his weight at the wall surrounding the rink and held on for dear life. He looked so ridiculous but you tried your best not to laugh. 
Kol Mikaelson was arrogant, childish, and could definitely use a good kick in the ego, but that much had been clear from day one when you’d agreed to let him share your flat in Cambridge, Ontario nearly a year ago. Although, the whole ‘Oh-yeah-I’m-a-one-thousand-year-old-Original-Vampire’ part was something you caught onto later. 
You’d always thought of yourself as a warm and open person, but you had been quick to realize that the boy you shared your flat with was not. For everything he had to say about himself - which was plenty - he never told you anything significant about his life. Whenever you asked him something remotely personal, he would shut you down with a glare that sent chills down your spine. Kol claimed that just because the two of you shared a roof didn't mean you had to share a life. He was moody and temperamental. Any conversation with him was like navigating an emotional minefield. Then one night you came home early from work and there was Kol, leaning against the kitchen counter, holding some poor girl in his arms while he bit and tore at her throat with teeth of a nightmarish length and wicked sharpness. Suddenly, everything about him made a whole lot of sense.
Instead of screaming bloody murder, you chose to adopt the Boyardee principle: "Chef don't judge."
You stopped asking him about his life after that and as soon as you did, Kol started to warm up to you. After a while, the British boy started to smile more. You found that he was intelligent and witty and, granted, he was still outrageously full of himself but he was more thoughtful than you had given him credit for. He was also hotter than a blazing fireplace, though you would never say that because Kol was way out of your league. The two of you were just friends and, considering what he was, you were okay with that. You still knew next to nothing about him and vice versa but as long as you kept conversations focused on the present, things between you and Kol stayed merry and bright.
But over the course of the last few weeks, Kol simply hadn’t been himself. 
It had started when you had pulled out your Christmas decorations on December 1st. At first, he’d seemed so excited to help. There had been a spark in his eyes as he’d told you about how his family used to celebrate the season with the tradition of holiday bonfires and writing down a wish to burn for luck. But just as he’d opened his mouth to tell you what he promised was a hilarious story from his youth, Kol stopped and the laughter died in his throat. The warm light you had seen in him slowly flickered out, leaving something cold and lonely in his eyes. You could have sworn you saw him blink back tears, but by now you knew better than to ask if he was okay. A few minutes later, Kol stood up and left the flat without another word. 
You had laid in your bed for hours, staying up to wait for him. When he came back it was almost midnight. You heard the front door slowly open and shut on squeaky hinges and listened as his shuffling steps retreated straight to his room. When his door shut, you could hear the click of the lock. That was how you knew something was horribly wrong. Kol had always told you how he couldn’t stand being locked inside any room, no matter the size. His door was almost always left open and if it was shut, it was never ever locked. 
You hadn’t slept at all that night - how could you? See, the walls of your flat were really quite thin and that was the first time you’d ever heard Kol cry. The sound was quiet, each sob was stifled and choked so you wouldn’t hear it, but you did. Twice that night you heard him scream, and it sounded as if he were biting down on his fist in order to muffle the noise. But you knew better than to ask if he was okay. So you just sat on the floor with your back against the wall, knowing he could hear your heartbeat, and a few moments later you heard your friend slide down to sit with his back against the other side. Each of you was aware of the other, but neither said a word the whole night through, and even if his pride wouldn’t let him admit it - maybe that was what Kol needed from you. Maybe he just needed to know someone was there. Though you didn’t say it out loud, your actions promised him that you would be.
Things were different after that night. Kol stopped talking. His smiles became fewer and further between, and when he did send you one, there was a twinge of something awfully sad in his soft brown eyes. He left the flat early and stayed out late. Most nights he came back drunk off his ass with snow in his hair and he didn’t make it to his room, opting instead to collapse on the couch. (You didn’t mind waiting up for him, it was the least you could do. Even though you knew he didn’t technically need it, you always had a blanket ready for him.) There were a few nights when he didn’t come back at all. Now, when you looked into his eyes, you didn’t see him staring back. 
You knew your friend was hurting and you had tried giving him his space, but that emptiness in his eyes wasn’t getting any better, and truthfully, you were afraid of losing him. You hadn’t realized before how much Kol meant to you but watching him destroy himself was tearing you apart. You’d had enough. So, you’d woken up early this morning and stood guard at the door. When Kol got up from the couch and moved to leave again, you met him with a glass of water and informed him that he was coming with you to the park where you would be teaching him to ice-skate.
You hadn’t considered that he might be this bad at it. 
“A little help, darling?” He called from his awkward position.
“Oh shit.” 
Kol’s bodyweight definitely worked to his disadvantage as he collapsed onto the ice, smacking his head against his oh-so-precious wall on the way down. He pushed himself up onto his elbows and cast a wary glance at his traitorous feet before looking up and shaking his head. 
“I’m quitting, Mummy!” He said in a high-pitched voice, flashing you a sarcastic smile. 
“Bold of you to assume that I care,” You said, planting your skates on the ice. With a smirk, you held your gloved hand out to help him. The British boy took hold of it and grinned. Your eyes widened. ‘Oh jingle bells.’ You thought.
He gave your hand a sudden sharp tug and though you were quite good on ice, you weren’t that good. You tumbled forward, falling right into his lap. He smirked at you and for a moment you saw a flicker of his happier self shining through the faded exterior. 
You rolled your eyes and your cheeks grew hot from his proximity. “Hardee har har, very funny.” You tried to get up but Kol wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you from escaping. 
“I don’t recall saying you could move yet, Y/N,” He spoke, resting his cheek against your shoulder and inhaling deeply. He'd done this before and explicitly stated it was because your blood smelled like peppermint. “I think I like you just where you are.” His voice was soft and sent a shiver down your spine and you legitimately couldn't tell if he was flirting or just hungry. You tried to ignore that second possibility. He had to be teasing, right? Kol liked to flirt, he flirted with everyone. But then again, he’d never flirted with you before now, so what changed? Your cheeks burned and it definitely wasn’t from the cold. “Your heart is racing. Might you be flustered?”
‘He wouldn't hurt you. He’s your friend. He’s your very platonic friend.’ You chanted in your head. ‘Who you also happen to live with…’
You scoffed. “In your dreams, Koala.” Wow, kudos to you. That actually managed to sound somewhat convincing. You didn't catch what he mumbled next because the dark-haired boy’s lips were brushing over your jugular and that was very distracting.
“What?” Your voice sounded squeaky.
“I said, ‘Am I in yours too?’” Kol repeated, louder. Okay, well at least he wasn't thinking of killing you, but that meant he was flirting and that notion only made your cheeks flare hotter.
You hoped he didn’t hear the strain in your laughter. “Nope!”
“Want me to change that?” He pressed cheekily. That boy had some nerve. But what if he was being serious? You cursed yourself silently. He couldn’t possibly mean it. Kol had been out of sorts for days and you would be an awful friend to take advantage of him just because you were desperate and lonely. 
“No. No, I don’t think I do.” You could feel him frown but he obviously wasn’t thinking clearly. You were doing the selfless thing. He would thank you later. You tried to stand up again but Kol only tightened his grip, pulling you closer. You raised a brow at him. “You gonna let me go, or what?”
"As I said before,” His tone was colder now - needier - but not threatening. It just seemed sad and a little bit longing as his other arm snaked around you as well and he buried his face in the crook of your neck, nuzzling gently. “I like you right where you are.” 
“You can flirt all you want, but I’m not letting you out of this. Now, come on, let me help you up.”
Kol’s grip on you tightened again, setting your cheeks on fire. “I already let you drag me out here, darling. Isn't that enough?" He sighed. His hands started playing with the hem of your sweater, tugging and twisting it around his fingers.
"Nope. Get a move on, you coward." Kol sighed.
“Fine.” Then he let you go just like that and you shot up as fast as you could, not really caring if your skates slipped as long as you didn’t fall back into his lap. You clasped his hand and pulled him up, deciding to pretend as if that had never happened.
“Alrighty then,” You said, trying to force the tension from the air. You shifted your skates backward a bit to put some space between the two of you. Stupid feelings. “Now just push off the wall!”
The boy looked down at the shiny whiteness beneath his feet. "What if I don't trust it?" He pouted.
"It's frozen water, dude!" You exclaimed. "An inanimate surface cannot intentionally harm you!"
Kol made a noise that sounded like a cross between a whine and a groan and finally pushed off the wall, holding his arms out for balance. His legs wobbled beneath him as, one by one, he took the tiniest sliding steps towards you. The skates on his feet sliced across the ice, leaving two wavy scratches in their wake. 
"See? You're doing it!" You reached toward him, shifting your skates to move slowly backward. Kol looked up at you and grinned. Unfortunately, in the split second he took his eyes off his feet, his skates slipped out from under him and he was sent crashing to the ice… face first. You winced in sympathy pain but couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips because his fall looked like something straight out of a cartoon. 
"Ow." He groaned and flipped himself over. A thin trail of crimson liquid dripped from his nose which was very clearly broken. You shuddered and gagged as he pinched the bridge of his nose and wrenched the offset bone back into place with an audible grinding noise that turned your stomach. He just laid there for a bit, limbs splayed like a starfish while he glanced at you with a pouty expression. “Now that I’ve officially shed blood in your name, can we go home?”
“You’re so dramatic,” You chuckled, shaking your head. “But thy silver tongue shall do you no good in these lands, Mikaelson,” You announced dramatically, doing your best impression of his accent - and completely butchering it. He rolled his eyes.
"Your compassion is overwhelming, darling." If he kept calling you darling then you thought you might spontaneously combust. 
"Yeah, yeah - I'm a heartless wretch. I thought we’d that established by now," You joked, skating over to where Kol lay. You offered him your hand and he took it, allowing you to help him up. "After all, it was my complete lack of empathy that dragged your angst-ridden arse here for a little fun."
"Well, that angst-ridden ass is now a bruise-ridden ass. So, thank you!" Kol complained as he brushed the ice shavings from his jeans. You rolled your eyes.
"Falling is part of learning, Koala." You grasped his hand in yours and gestured for him to move with you. "I'll let you lean on me for now, but we're not leaving this stinking pond until you can ice skate."
"Alright, but if I fall again, I'm taking you with me."
"You can try."
Once he separated himself from the wall, Kol was actually a half-decent skater. You held his hand for the first little while to help him keep his balance, but before long he was gliding along on his own and you discovered just how determined he was to get you to fall. He started going for your legs in his effort to drag you to the ice and as he got better, you found it increasingly harder to stay out of his reach. That mischievous gleam returned to his eyes and you were glad he seemed to be having fun.
After about four hours straight of skating - not to mention weaving, jumping, sliding, ducking, and dodging your way out of your flatmate's assault on your balance - you were thoroughly worn out. You slid your way to the edge of the pond where a wooden bench sat waiting for you. Kol followed despite not actually being that tired. 
The two of you sat in silence. That was common in your relationship with him and you typically didn't mind it much. However, any silence with Kol was usually the comfortable kind. This one was not. So you took it upon yourself to break it. When you couldn't come up with anything decent to say, you resolved to just clear your throat instead. 
"You're welcome."
Well, that was about as smooth as spiked eggnog. Why did you have to be so bad at this? Just talk to the guy! It's not that hard!
"Hey, um, Kol?" Your voice sounded like a chipmunk's but at least you said something.
The boy glanced up, looking you in the eyes just to make things harder. "Yes?"
"Is it okay if I ask you something?" You wondered, twisting the hem of your sweater around your fingers. Kol glanced down, distracted by your nervous movement.
"I believe you just did," He pointed out. What little confidence you had was rapidly diminishing.
"Yeah, I know. But, I was asking 'cause it's something a little more serious," You said, sounding small. Kol tensed, straightening up as he pursed his lips in a tight smile. 
"Ah," He nodded stiffly and looked away from you, fixing his gaze on the pond as he let out a breathy laugh that turned to mist in the air. It sounded dry and forced. "In that case, my answer is no."
You looked down at your gloved hands, biting down on your lower lip in embarrassment. Why did he have to make things so hard? 'Come on, Y/N! You can do this. Just be assertive!' You thought. 
"Kol, I really think this is important," You said, still quiet but sounding a little stronger now. 
“Well then it's good thing I don't care what you think,” He sneered. Your mouth fell open and the breath caught in your throat. Tears stung your eyes and you bit your lip to stop it from trembling, trying your best to hold his gaze. His words clawed at your heart, and that’s when you decided that you’d had enough. You would not be taken for granted.
“Alright, Kol,” You whispered, your tone dry and sharp. “Have it your way.” You removed your skates and traded them for your boots. Then you stood.
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m going home now,” You told him, your voice harsh and dry as you tried to keep the tears at bay. “So, go ahead and leave. Burn something, kill something, get run over by a car. ‘Cause it’s not like anybody gives a crap about you, right? So you should just go and do whatever the hell it is that you want. Why don’t you go find yourself a bar and just go drink yourself to death, Kol? See if I care!”
Kol’s eyes widened with shock at your outburst and he opened his mouth to speak but you didn’t give him the chance. You simply turned on your heel and started walking. “Y/N?” You didn’t stop. “Y/N, come back, I didn’t mean it!” You kept walking. “Y/N, wait!” There were footsteps behind you and a hand caught your wrist, tugging you back. You didn’t turn around.
“Let go of me.” You demanded cooly. Kol obeyed. 
“I promise I didn’t mean it,” He breathed. "Please. Just wait?"
“No, Kol.” You said, whirling around. “No, I am done waiting. I am done waiting for you to come back to me. I'm done waiting for you to get better, I'm done waiting for you to open up, and I'm done watching you pretend like nothing’s wrong, day in and day out. I am done watching you destroy yourself! So, read my lips, roomie. I CAN'T FREAKIN' TAKE IT ANYMORE!" You shouted. 
"Just the other night, you flooded your system with so much alcohol that your heart stopped beating for six minutes and forty-three seconds. Now, you may not care about that, but I do! I care about you, you stupid selfish jerk! 
“And I get you don't want that! You just want me to hate your guts, don't you? Well, screw that. And you know what? Screw you, Kol! I’m sorry! I’m sorry I care so damn much! So, if you don’t wanna be around someone who actually gives a crap about what you’re doing to yourself, then just go!" 
"Y/N… I-I didn't…" Kol was speechless and when you looked into his eyes you saw no trace of the chilling hardness that had been there before. Just like that, your anger faded away and you gave a shuddering sigh. 
"Watching you do this to yourself is tearing my heart out. I know I can't stop you, but I don’t wanna be around to see you fall apart.” Your lips twitched up at the corners to send him a sad smile. “I hope you have a merry Christmas, Kol.” Then, wiping the tears that had begun to fall, you turned to leave.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” His voice rang out after you. You forced yourself to continue walking.
“Don’t apologize,” You called back, shaking your head as you trudged onward through the snow. “Just find my friend and tell him I want him back.” 
"He's right here." In the blink of an eye, Kol was standing in front of you. His hands fidgeted nervously but he looked you straight in the eyes with a weary expression that told you he was being sincere. "I never left you - not really."
"Yes you did."
"Alright, I did," He admitted. "But I wasn't as far as I wanted you to believe."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" You huffed. Kol lifted a finger to your chin, forcing you to look at him. His mouth opened to speak but the words didn't come out. Frowning as if focusing deeply, the boy moved his hand to stroke your cheek.
"It means I… I didn't… know," He started.
"Didn't know what?" 
Your friend shrugged. "A lot of things apparently." He sent you a wry smile and brushed his thumb over your cheek again. His smile faded. "I didn't know I was hurting you, Y/N. That was exactly what I was trying to avoid, and for once in my life I thought I was doing something right." He shook his head and sighed. "Guess I had it all wrong again, didn't I?"
You raised a brow. "What was going through your head for you to think that?"
"Well, you were right about what you said earlier. I was kind of trying to make you hate me."
"You'll have to try harder than that, Koala," You sniffed, dabbing your eyes as you cracked a smile. "Why would you want me to hate you?"
"Because for one-thousand years I have broken everything I have ever touched," He told you. He lifted his other hand to cradle your face, grinning with sadness in his eyes. "And you're such a pretty little thing - I didn't want to break you."
You leaned into his gentle touch and offered him a soft smile. "Well, you didn't break me." 
"Good," He said softly. His thumbs continued brushing over your cheeks and you knew you were blushing again but you tried to ignore that. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He wondered, raising a brow with a cheeky grin. 
You hummed, pretending to think. "Only if you tell me what blew this popsicle stand. I mean, something's been eating you alive and even though we've lived together for, like, a year I feel like I hardly know you." Kol nodded, albeit a bit reluctantly.
"I thought you'd be better off not knowing," He said. "Besides, one-thousand years worth of background information makes for one hell of a bedtime story."
"Well, how 'bout you give me the reader's digest version on the way home," You offered.
"Oh, so now we're going back?" He asked, teasingly. "Are you cold, darling?"
"If I stand out here any longer, I'm gonna lose a few fingers."
"Well, in that case-" Kol's hands left your face before proceeding to tangle his fingers with yours. You rolled your eyes and began walking, this time with him keeping step.
"So, What's Making Kol Sad 101 -" You shot him a smirk "- I'm guessing it has something to do with the family you've mentioned a grand total of three times."
Kol nodded. "Your instincts are, as ever, unimpeachable, darling." 
"I'm cool like that. My instincts also tell me that the holidays fit into this equation somewhere."
"It really is the most wonderful time of the year." He sighed. "This will be my first time spending it alone." You didn't speak, opting to send him a soft smile instead. He returned it and continued. "My siblings and I had a - let's call it a complicated relationship. But no matter what holiday we were celebrating, be it Christmas or Kwanzaa or bonfire season, we always spent it together - at least that's how we spent the ones I was awake for."
"Long story?" You guessed.
"Shorter than you'd think," He disagreed. "Silver dagger plus some magic tree dust equals one hundred years of naptime. As I said - complicated relationship."
"Sounds like it," You agreed. "How many siblings did you have?"
A small smile crept onto the brown-eyed boy's face. "There was a time when I had six." That smile fell away. "Now, I have two."
You squeezed the hand that held yours and placed your other hand on his arm in a comforting gesture. "What happened?" You asked gently.
"Doesn't matter." Kol took a shuddering breath and his grip on your hand tightened. This was hard for him, you could tell. You rubbed your thumb across the back of his hand to remind him that you weren't going anywhere. When he spoke next, he did so with difficulty. "My four brothers all died in wretched agony. Now, I'm left with only my sisters."
"So why not spend Christmas with them?" You wondered. "I'm sure they'd be overjoyed to see you."
Kol shook his head. "No, they wouldn't."
"How can you be so sure?" The brown-haired boy stopped in his tracks and turned to you. He grasped your hands gently, fixing his eyes on them as he brushed his thumbs across your knuckles. His breathing was rapid because he really was upset, but for your sake, he was trying not to be.
"I can't go home for Christmas, darling." He shrugged with a breathy laugh that was somehow more pain-stricken than tears ever could be. "I don't really have a home to go back to… Everywhere I go, I'm jus an intrusion."
So that was why he left. He thought he was nothing more to you than a burden. He thought you didn't want him around. He thought you were better off without him.
"No! No, Koala, that's not true," You insisted, shaking your head. He smiled at you with a fondness that exceeded that of a flatmate - maybe even that of a friend.
"Yes it is. Although they try their best to hide it, I can see the pain in my sister's eyes every time we're in the same room… They look at me and all they see is the brother they loved more. The one who's dead." He chuckled dryly. 
"Kol…" You didn't know what to say, but the boy waved it off like it was fine.
"Long story short, my sisters are better off without me. They've found their happiness and they don't need me around to screw it up. And I know I should be happy for them because, after one-thousand years, my siblings have finally grown up. But I got left behind and there's no place I can go where I belong. I'm here and I have no idea how to spend this month alone." Kol dropped his gaze to his feet shamefully.
Leaning down, you forced your way into his line of sight and gave him the brightest smile you could muster. "You're not alone, Kol," You said. "You're with me! And as far as I'm concerned, there's a housing contract with your signature on it, which says that's right where you belong. You're not a burden to me."
"Then what am I to you?" Kol asked softly. His breath turned to mist and washed over your face.
Icicles pinched your heart as you lied saying: "You're my best friend."
Your flatmate nodded, but he didn't smile. "Alright," He said. 
"You know, I forgot to tell you, but my parents are coming to visit for Christmas," You said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
He raised a brow at you. "Really?" 
"Yeah." You nodded. "Lucky for you, my mom counts as at least four people, so you're definitely not going to be alone for Christmas!"
"Well, that's sure to be interesting," Your flatmate said, making a face. 
"Oh! And they're bringing Dolly!" You added, excitedly.
Kol shot you a strange glance. "Who's Dolly?" His voice sounded a little overly light and his smile was a little strange.
"Only my best friend in the whole wide world!"
The boy put a hand over his heart as if deeply wounded. "I thought that was my title, darling."
You shook your head. "No, you're my best two-legged friend in the whole wide world."
"Two legged?" You watched the realization dawn on your flatmate.
You nodded. "Dolly's my dog."
Kol's smile relaxed into something you thought almost smug. "She's your dog…"
"And not just any dog!" You insisted. "The best dog in this universe or the next!"
"Is that so?"
Kol narrowed his eyes. "I don't know, darling. I have met some pretty fantastic dogs in my lifetime. You really think yours can live up to some of the canines of Europe's royalty?"
You hummed. "That I do."
"She's not one of those snively, pathetic little rat-dogs is he?" The boy teased, elbowing you playfully.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "I'll have you know that Dolly is a one-hundred and fifty-four pound thirty six inch tall Irish Wolfhound, fully capable of and trained to trample your sorry ass on my command."
Kol whistled. "That's a big doggie." 
"Yeah, but she's a sweetheart," You said, waving a hand. "Got her when I was eight. We grew up together."
"Well, if she's as amazing as you say then I can't wait to meet her." Kol smiled and winked. "Your parents may also come over if they must."
You threw your head back and laughed.
This was going to be a fantastic Christmas.
When Kol was awoken the following morning, it was not done in any way one might refer to as 'gently'. Though that was only to be expected now that his rather - shall we say - eccentric flatmate wasn't worried about him biting her head off just for sneezing. Kol had been unnecessarily rude to you when you'd first met, something that he now regretted immensely, and though he tried to make up for it, albeit in his own way, he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to undo that damage. He knew that on some level you were afraid of him, though you didn't want to admit that. You had always tip-toed around him, worried that he might explode, but after her outburst yesterday, Kol had shown you differently. You were less afraid to be yourself around him now, and though that was a good thing, maybe it wasn't such a joy when you were interrupting his sleep.
You burst into his room, switching on the lights with a smile that was much too bright for how early you were in there. "Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!" You cheered, flopping yourself onto his bed. Kol stared at you with tired, bleary eyes and an expression that said you were crazy.
"What in the bloody hell, Y/N?" The boy glanced out the window and the world was still dark. He groaned, flinging an arm over his eyes. "Darling, today is not Christmas."
You made a face. "What are you talking about? This whole frickin' month is Christmas!"
"It's really not," He said, shaking his head.
"You bet your sweet ass it is." 
"Look, I don't know what ungodly hour of the morning this is, but, I assure you, it is not a time to be up. Go back to sleep," He complained. 
"Actually, it's ten-thirty in the AM," You informed him. "There's just a blizzard going on outside so we're snowed in. Which means I don't have to work today. Hallelujah!"
"Oh, good. You can go back to sleep" 
"But I'm not tired," You whined.
"Don't care. Sleep." A slow smirk spread across his face. "You don't even have to go back to your room, you can just pass out right here. I don't mind."
You rolled your eyes. "You just had to make it weird."
"It's only weird if you want it to be." He grinned. 
You hit his shoulder playfully and rolled off the bed, making your way to the door. "Get up, loser!" You shouted from the doorway. "I made sugar cookies!"
Kol did the only rational thing to do at that moment and threw a pillow at your face which you dodged easily, sticking your tongue out at him. Then you grinned, bounding away with a bubbling laugh and Kol found it hard not to smile too. That smile of yours was dangerously contagious, it was one of the reasons he was so in love with you. 
Indeed, cliche as it was, Kol Mikaelson was head over heels in love with his flatmate. He'd been so determined not to fall for you in the beginning, but somewhere along the way, you smiled and that notion got tossed out the third-story window. You were a little strange and a little spastic at times, but you were the sort of person that just radiated warmth, the kind of genuine wholesome warmth he'd been seeking his whole life. You were his polar opposite - patient, fair, inviting, and generous beyond reason. You were so unbelievably kind to him and he had no idea why. Even while he'd been doing his best to push you away, you had stayed up every night with a blanket in your arms and patience on your face, waiting for him to stumble through the door, too drunk to see straight. And every night Kol had fallen for you further.
But he couldn't tell you that. Because you had seen what sort of monster he was and you would never be capable of caring about him the way he wanted you to. Part of him wished he could get you to stop caring about him altogether - that would make things easier for him. If Kol knew you didn't care about him one bit, then maybe he wouldn't have the desire to make out with you every damn second of the day. But no, you had to care. You had to look at him with those big tender eyes. You had to wait up for him to come home and pass out so she could give him a blanket. You had to teach him to ice skate and you had to make sugar cookies at ten in the morning. You would always care too much but never enough. The fact was, the two of you were just friends and Kol would never be able to change it.
That didn't stop him from trying, however.
He'd been flirting with you for months, and as far as he could tell, yesterday had been the first time you'd even noticed. Kol had been trying to be gentle in his advances because he didn't wanna scare you off, but it was honestly frightening how clueless you were in the romance department. 
You had no idea how badly he wanted you. Every time he saw your face he was struck by how pretty you were. You were beautiful, though he wouldn't describe you as gorgeous or stunning in the sort of sense that takes one's breath away. No, your beauty was something different.
You were pretty like Christmas lights because of how your presence had the sort of warm glow that lights up a room. Your eyes were pretty like new-fallen snow because of how they sparkled when you talked about something you loved. Your lips were pretty like Christmas presents because he never knew what to expect to come from them. You were pretty like a fireplace; strong and breathtaking but in a quiet sort of way. You were pretty like a homemade scarf because you cared with everything you had. Kol just thought you were really pretty.
But you could also be downright certifiable at times, so perhaps he should have seen this coming. It was probably best for him to go along with your shenanigans.
Kol rolled out of bed, intentionally hitting the floor with a thump just to hear a loud 'What in the-' from the quaint little pottery shop downstairs. He smirked and stood,  following the strange human out the door. 
You stood in the kitchen, humming while you decorated sugar cookies cut into Christmas shapes. You were a mystery to him. Yesterday it was ice skating, today it was sugar cookies. You looked up and Kol's smirk broadened when your cheeks glowed crimson.
"What is it, darling?" 
You shook your head. "No shirt, no shoes, no service," You said, clearly flustered by his lack of that first item.
"Does that mean pants are optional?" He asked, cheekily. 
"Pants are absolutely required," You deadpanned. Kol gave a playful groan and turned back to his room. Once he was wearing some acceptable attire, he returned to the kitchen and swiped a reindeer-shaped cookie off the counter.
"Hey!" You reached up and snatched the cookie from his hand. "No!"
"What? Why not?" He demanded, trying to grab the cookie back. 
"We have to decorate them first!" You said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Thus ensued two hours of cookie decorating. Well, you were the only predictive one seeing as Kol ate all the cookies he decorated as soon as you deemed them passable. But details. The two of you talked, listened to Christmas music, and wiped frosting on one another's faces.
Until your phone rang.
"Could you get that, Koala?" You asked, as your hands were covered in frosting. "It's just my mom." 
Kol sent you a grin. "Don't mind if I do."
Your face fell. "Oh no."
Kol picked up your phone. "Hello Mrs. Y/N's Mum!" He answered, eyeing you smugly.
"Wait… Where's my daughter? Why do you have her phone? Who are you?" The voice on the other side demanded, rather panicked.
"Relax, Miss." He said reassuringly. "Your daughter is just fine, she's standing five feet away washing her hands while she gives me the most ferocious glare I've seen in a year even though she's the one who asked me to pick up the phone. I'm her flat mate." 
"Flatmate? As in tall, dark, and hotter than Hades flatmate? That flatmate?"
Kol cast you a sidelong glance. "Oh, so is that how she refers to me?"
"No." Your eyes went wide. "No, no, no!"
"I mean, my name is Kol but I'll take tall, dark and hotter than Hades any day," Kol chuckled.
"Mom! Not another WORD!" You shouted at the phone, trying in vain to snatch the phone from Kol's hand.
"Sorry honey!"
"Please tell me more, Miss. Y/L/N," He encouraged, keeping the phone well out of your reach.
"I haven't even told her anything about you!"
"Methinks the lady doth protest too much."
"Kol, I'm sure you're a very nice boy and I would love to get to know you, but right now I need to speak to my daughter. Can you please put her on the phone?" The woman's tone made Kol stop in his tracks. It was a tone he'd heard before, the one that's calm but just barely. That was the voice of someone with the kind of news that no one wants to hear.
"Yes, ma'am." He didn't even argue. He just gave you the phone. You took the device from him with a curious look.
"Hey, mom. What's up? Is there something wrong?" You asked cautiously, moving from the room for some privacy.
Now, Kol didn't mean to eavesdrop. He really didn't, but with his enhanced hearing, he just couldn't help it. He was in the kitchen, and you were in the living room, but Kol could hear both your voice and that of your mother as if you were standing right next to him.
"Hey sweetheart. How's my little girl doing?" Kol heard it in her voice again. She sounded tired and weary.
"Mom, I'm fine. A-are you okay? What's going on?"
A deep breath. A sigh.
"I-I think you should sit down for this."
"Momma, you're kinda freaking me out. What's wrong? Is it dad?" You tended to tug on your hair when you were nervous. You were probably doing that now.
"No, sweetie. You're father and I are both fine. I'm-I'm calling about Dolly."
"What about Dolly?" You asked cautiously.
"Oh, Y/N. I don't even know how to say this."
"Say what?" Your voice was shaking. Kol shook his head. He didn't want this, not now, not for you.
"I'm so sorry, baby girl… Last night something happened. Dolly's stomach flipped a-and this morning we rushed her to the vet."
"And?" You demanded, voice rising.
"They said they were sorry, but there wasn't anything they could do."
"No." You whispered. "No, momma, please tell me you didn't-"
"We had to put her down, sweetheart."
"No!" The pain in your voice was more than efficient for Kol to imagine the pain in your heart. 
"Dolly's gone, Y/N."
"Why would you do that?!"
"We didn't want her to be in pain-"
"But you didn't even let me say goodbye!"
"Your dad and I thought it might be easier if you-"
"No! No, it's not easier! I can't believe you would do this to me!" 
"Oh, Y/N. Wait-"
Kol heard you hang up the phone and stand. You appeared in the kitchen doorway with a smile that would have been so believable if not for the tears welling in your eyes and the conversation he hadn't been supposed to hear.
"Hey, Koala. Um, why don't you finish up in here? I'm just gonna go get some fresh air." You turned before Kol could see the tears slip down your face. But he wouldn't let you get away so easily. He grabbed your arm, forcing you to stop.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" He asked as if he hadn't listened in on every word of that conversation.
"I'm fine," You said tonelessly. 
"Y/N…" He moved in front of you to find your face blank of all emotion.
Again. "I'm fine."
Kol frowned and pushed a strand of hair out of your face. "No, you're not."
"You don't need to worry about me, Koala. I just need some fresh air. I'll be fine." Tears spilled down your cheeks and the look in your eyes broke his heart. Now he knew how you must have felt watching him do the same thing.
"It's okay not to be," He spoke gently, placing a hand on your cheek and wiping away your tears. You tried to push him away.
"No, I don't wanna ruin your day. You're not supposed to worry about me," You sniffed, shaking your head.
"Why not?" Did you really not want him around?
"Because that's my job!" You huffed. "It's not your job. It's my job!"
Kol blinked. "Wait...What?" Now, how did that make any sense?
"I can't be selfish," You insisted. "I shouldn't be sad. You're grieving y-your brothers. How can I be so selfish?" You tried to push him away again but he was having none of it. "Let me go, Kol. I don't wanna make you s-sad."
"If I let you go out there in a state like this, darling, it'll be you who gets run over by a reindeer," He joked, earning the slightest smile from you. "And I think that would make me very sad. You wouldn't want that would you?"
You shook your head. "N-no! I'm s-sorry."
"Then enough of this nonsense." Kol put a finger to your lips to stop you from apologizing anymore. "Come here, darling." He wrapped his arms around your waist and you fell apart, burying your face in the soft material of his grey sweater and letting all the tears out. Kol just ran his fingers through your hair comfortingly as he'd done for Rebekah a time or two. He kept himself away from your neck as it had been a while since he'd fed and your blood really did smell like peppermint - no reason to make a bad day worse. "Would you like me to carry you?"
"Where?" You mumbled into his sweater.
"To the couch." He shrugged. He wasn't sure why he'd offered, maybe he just wanted another reason to touch you. "No use bawling your eyes out for an audience." He gestured to the window. There was no one outside, but that didn't seem to bother you.
Your grip on his sweater tightened and you nodded weakly. "Okay."
Kol couldn't help the small smile that brought to his face. His hands were scarred with hundreds of unnamable atrocities and yet you trusted him. He stooped down a little and moved his hands to the backs of your thighs, listening as your heart rate jumped. "Is this fine?" He wondered.
"Good." He squeezed your thighs gently and lifted you off the ground, walking towards the living room and the emotional stability all couches provide. "It's okay that you're not alright, Y/N," He whispered.
"But I don't wanna be a burden," You choked out.
"I'm ninety-percent sure you're not even capable of that," He chuckled, moving to put you down. You fisted his sweater and shook your head.
"Don't let me go?" Your eyes were desperate and it almost scared him because he knew he would do anything in the world if you asked like that. 
"As you wish." He sat down and pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you as you cried your sweet little heart out. His chin rested on your head and he tried humming some Christmas songs in hopes that you would calm down.
"I-I'm sorry I-I'm so pathetic," You apologized a few minutes later.
"You're not pathetic," He assured.
"Yes, I am. Your brothers are dead. Dolly was-was just my dog. I should be the one cheering you up." He noticed how you struggled with that sentence in the middle.
Kol gasped. "No! How can you even say that?"
"What?" You sniffed.
"As I recall, Dolly was the best dog in this universe or the next," He stated as a matter of fact.
You huffed a laugh. "Well, yeah. But your brothers-"
"Eh, they weren't all that great," Kol dismissed with a wave of his hand. "Dogs are better than people anyway."
"How do you figure that?" You asked, sitting up. Kol shifted his hands to your hips experimentally and almost cheered when a blush-colored your cheeks but you didn't push him away.
"Well, if I were to lock one of my brothers in a closet for a few hours, when I go to open it, chances are he'll seek revenge. Now, if I did the same to a dog, I open the door and he's just happy to see me. Bottom line, you're daft if you think I wouldn't trade Elijah for a German Shepard any day of the week."
He could tell you were trying not to laugh by the way your shoulders shook and you pursed your lips. "Well, what about-"
"Klaus?" He guessed. "Well, I dunno. See, the problem with Nikkie is he technically was already a dog unto himself. He was both werewolf and vampire so he could shift between forms at any time."
"Well, that's kinda cool."
Kol shrugged. "I suppose so. The dog jokes were better, though. In fact, Klaus actually installed a few doggie doors in our house down in New Orleans so he wouldn't have to shift just to get in and out. He thought no one knew about them." 
Kol's heart soared when his little story drew a bout of genuine laughter from your lips. You hid your face in his shoulder,  "I bet my dog could beat your dog," You giggled.
"Oh really?" He hummed. "And what makes you think that?"
"Irish Wolfhounds hunt wolves," You said with something devious in your voice.
Kol cursed under his breath.
"Did I say something wrong?" You asked carefully.
"Not at all, love," He smirked. "I'm just regretting never thinking of that myself. I mean, can you imagine the look on my brother's face at getting hunted by a pack of wolfhounds? I'd take a picture and hang it on my wall." You giggled again and Kol only pulled you closer, trying to forget the sadness that weighed in his own heart.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, just cuddling and exchanging stories. Some were happy and others were more melancholy and wistful, but neither of you wanted it to end. He was holding you so sweetly and you didn't want Kol to let go.
"I don't think I want to go home anymore," You admitted after a while.
"Why not?" Your flatmate asked, playing with your hair. 
"I don't have anybody to go home to. I mean, I've got my parents but no friends. No boyfriend. Dolly was all I really had and now-" You sighed. "Now I don't have her either."
"I refuse to believe that." The boy shook his head. "Come now, someone as wonderful and beautiful as yourself must have plenty of friends."
"No, not really. I annoy people." You shrugged.
"Well, you don't annoy me," He said. "I rather enjoy your company."
"Really?" You wondered. He was probably just saying that to spare your feelings.
"Of course."
"So you're not just being nice out of guilt or pity?"
Kol frowned, searching your eyes intently. You could feel yourself going red under his gaze. 
"Is it really so hard to believe that someone might care about you as much as you care about them?" He countered. Of course, it was. You were you. Who would want that?
"Why else would someone like you wanna stick around someone like me?" You chuckled, shaking your head.
"Because someone like me is head over heels in love with someone like you."
Kol blurted the words out without so much as a single thought to the consequences. He couldn't help it. He was tired of waiting. Consequences didn't matter. The time didn't have to be right but it needed to be said. Because he might have forever but you didn't and you deserved to know.
"What?" Your voice was small and your expression held utter disbelief.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N," He repeated as if it were the easiest thing in the world to say but it sort of was because you made it easy. "And all those days I was gone, I wasn't. I was sitting up on the roof listening to you sing Christmas songs because I couldn't trust myself near you and couldn't bear to stay away. And every night when I came back after drinking myself off the edge just for an excuse as to where I'd been all day, you were there waiting with that blanket. So if you think I'm not going to wait for you now, you're crazy. I love you."
There was no way. You had to be dreaming. It was too good to be true not to mention cliche.
You blinked in surprise. "I-I don't-"
"You don't have to say it back." Kol moved his hands to cup your cheeks. "I just thought you ought to know. Merry Christmas, darling! Your flatmate has been harboring an enormous crush on you since sometime in mid-April. But we can unpack that tomorrow."
What an idiot. There was no way he could be so oblivious. You shook your head. "No, I think now's good."
"Please, don't feel pressured. How about we watch a movie instead? A Christmas Carol perhaps? I've hear that's-"
Where on Earth you got the confidence from, you had no idea but you weren't going to complain. Without warning, you kissed him and without a moment's hesitation, he kissed you back and it wasn't like fireworks at all. His lips were cold but in a pleasant way and they moved against yours with the same intensity as the blizzard outside. The kiss wasn't needy or lustful, just sweet. Sweet like the sugar cookies the two of you had decorated that morning. One of his hands moved from your face to tangle in your hair and the other held your hip, fingers slipping beneath your shirt to caress the skin of your waist. You hadn't kissed too many people before, but Kol was clearly an expert at it and he made you feel special.
When you pulled away, purely for the human requirement of air, he rested his forehead against yours and the smile on his face was pure and warm and blissful.
"You know what, darling?" He said, pressing another kiss to your lips. Kol urged you to lay back and shifted to hover over you. He grinned. "I think Dickens can wait."
That year for Christmas, Kol gave you an Irish Wolfhound pup.
You named him Niklaus.
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
For obi wan 🎃
🎃 : A Halloween Headcanon (Obi-wan Kenobi)
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So, I did some research and apparently they do have Halloween in the Star Wars Universe? So NO ONE better come for me for answering this ask 😅
Your honour, I present exhibit A - from Star Wars Wiki: “Hallowe'en, was a festival held in certain locations in the galaxy, including the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant and the settlement of Bright Tree Village on the Forest Moon of Endor. For the Jedi, the festival entailed decorating the temple with carved pumpkins.”
"There is also record that during the Clone Wars, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant celebrated Halloween at least once" - so we know Obi and the others likely got to participate. 
... A very cute Exhibit B: 👇
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ANYWAY I feel like Obi-wan is the type to enjoy and participate in any festival or ritual. 
I think he would have loved seeing everyone dress up, especially the younglings.
He relishes a chance for normalcy, and for everyone to be happy, even if for just a minute. (My heart is aching at the thought of this man taking Luke and Leia trick-Or-treating whether in a modern au or in this universe too) 
You can’t convince me he also doesn’t enjoy being able to put on a silly mask and wind people up with a joke. 
One year he helps Ahsoka dress up as Anakin and it’s the hardest he’s laughed in years as she storms around behind her master, nailing his mannerisms and driving him nuts. 
“Ooooh, I’m Anakin. I’m so scary.” 
“Actually, I think you’ll find his voice gets higher when he gets angry.”
“WHAT? No it doesn’t-“
“Oh, thanks, Master Kenobi. You’re so right.”
*cue Anakin smashing his head into a wall*
Basically, it’s a night where people can pretend to be someone else and he’d enjoy the freedom of being able to hide in plain sight if he had a significant other to share the holiday with. 
We know this man likes a good costume or persona for a cover story and he puts it all to good use. 
He’s an anonymous being simply spending the night with someone he loves, and his costume allows you both to walk about hand in hand along the streets, without fear of being recognised. 
Emoji asks / prompt list
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The Bond Between Us ~ 61
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,915ish
Summary: You and Obi-Wan experience some deja vu.
Notes: Please share your thoughts and I hate that I have to ask you to be kind. Also, a reminder that Obi-Wan is based on Ewan McGregor.
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Obi-Wan had to quickly lay a plan out with the others for hiding as you disappeared into the back of the ship. Your whole body was trembling. You had never wanted to face Darth Vader again. There was too much history there and your heart truly still wanted to believe that your brother was deep down in there somewhere.
After discussing a plan with the others, Obi-Wan hurried to find you. His heart cracked at the sight of you standing in the center of the open room, trembling.
“Oh, little star,” Obi-Wan muttered as he hurried to you. He grabbed you gently and pulled you into him. 
“He’s on there,” you rasped. “I can feel it… and Leia’s there too. What if,” you pulled away to look at Obi-Wan’s face, “what if he finds out the truth about Leia and Luke? Everything we did to protect them would be for nothing.”
“It is not for nothing.” Obi-Wan’s hands came up to gently hold your face. “They will be safe, we will protect them.”
“And do we tell them of each other?”
“No. The more people who know the truth—including them—the more danger they will be in. Until the time is right, their relationship to each other must remain a secret. And your relationship to them as well.”
You nod, remembering a key detail. “Leia knows. The Force told her.”
“Then we must make sure that no one else knows.”
You nervously bit your lip, thinking for a few long seconds. “He will stop at nothing to kill us, Obi.”
“And I will stop at nothing to protect you.”
You hurried to hold Obi-Wan in your arms. You pressed the side of your head into Obi-Wan's chest, wanting to hear the sound of his heart. He gladly wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly to him. He kissed your head before resting his own against yours.
“We cannot let our fear control us,” Obi-Wan whispered.
“You sound like the Council there,” you replied. 
“I am not trying to be, little star. I am trying to remind us that we cannot let our fears control us… Letting fear control one’s self is how Vader became Vader.” 
“Can’t we just go back to Tatooine and hide?” You knew that what you were asking for was impossible, but you couldn’t help but ask. “I want to go back to our home.”
“Darling… you know that I what to grant you that wish, I truly do. But you would never leave Leia in danger like she is.”
“…I know. I just wish…”
“Me too, my little star.” He kissed your head. “Me too.”
Before the Falcon was completely pulled into the space station, your group hid in compartments in the floor in the ship’s main hallway. You and Obi-Wan were in one, your husband holding you tightly to him. The two of you could feel Vader outside of the ship and quickly closed off your signatures from everyone but each other. The two of you though could only hope that it would work since Vader had clearly grown in power.
Obi-Wan held you tighter as you heard stormtroopers search the ship. Your group stayed silent until the sounds of the troopers finally faded. Obi-Wan then let you go to remove the floor panel.
“Boy, it’s lucky you had these compartments,” Luke commented as he removed the floor panel of the compartment he was in.
“I use them for smuggling,” Han responded. “I never thought I’d be smuggling myself in ‘em.”
Obi-Wan grabbed your waist, picked you up, and sat you down on the floor of the ship. His hands stayed put, thumbs rubbing against your clothes.
“This is ridiculous,” continued Han. “Even if I could take off, I’d never get past the tractor beam.”
“Leave that to us,” Obi-Wan said, motioning between you and him with his head.
“Damn fool.” Han shook his head. “I knew that you were going to say that.”
“Who’s more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?”
You chuckled, shaking your head at your husband. A soft smile crossed Obi-Wan’s face to see you lighten up a little despite the seriousness of the situation. He leaned in and kissed your cheek before getting himself out of the compartment and helping you to your feet.
Han ended up tricking some stormtroopers to come back into the ship. Han and Chewie knocked the troopers out and took their armor off so that Han and Luke could disguise themselves as stormtroopers. Chewie and Han headed out first to the nearby command office, with you, Obi-Wan, and the droids following close behind. The door to the command office slid open, revealing an unsuspecting officer. Chewie let out a howl before hitting the officer to the side. The other officer in the room immediately reached for his blaster but Han shot him before the officer could. Obi-Wan pulled you into the room with the droids right behind you. Luke ran into the room, removing his helmet as the doors closed.
“You know, between his howling and your blasting everything in sight, it’s wonder the whole station doesn’t know we’re here,” Luke told Han.
“Bring them on!” Han responded, his own stormtrooper helmet off. “I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around.”
“We found the computer outlet, sir,” C3PO told Obi-Wan.
“Plug in,” you told R2. “R2 should be able to interpret the entire Imperial computer network.” 
You patted the top of the trusty droid as R2 excitedly beeped before plugging into the computer socket. It didn’t take very long for R2 to beep at something.
“He says he’s found the main computer to power the tractor beam that’s holding the ship here,” C3PO translated. “He’ll try to make the precise location appear on the monitor.” The computer monitor started to change to R2’s liking. You and Obi-Wan studied the screens. “The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. A power loss at one of the terminals will allow the ship to leave.”
“I don’t think you boys can help,” Obi-Wan said. “Y/N and I must go alone.” You furrowed your brows as you looked at your husband. There was something off in his tone.
“Whatever you say,” Han said. “I’ve done more than I bargained for on this trip already.”
“I want to go with you,” Luke quickly said, coming up in front of Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan placed a hand on Luke’s shoulder. “Be patient, Luke,” your husband advised. “Stay and watch over the droids.”
“But he can—“
“They must be delivered safely or other star systems will suffer the same fate as Alderaan. Your destiny lies along a different path than mine. The Force will be with you always.”
Before you could add anything to the conversation, Obi-Wan had a hold of you hand and pulled you out of the room. You look at him with such confusion and concern. The way he spoke to Luke, it was like it was the last Obi-Wan would ever see him. You knew that now was not the time to question anything as you and Obi-Wan snuck around the battle station, heading for one of the terminals.
“He is here,” Vader said as he paced the conference room. Governor Tarkin sat at the far end of the conference table.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi!” Tarkin exclaimed with a scoff. “What makes you think so?”
“A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master. I sense that Y/N L/N is with him.”
“Surely they both must be dead by now.”
“Don’t underestimate the power of the Force.”
“The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that’s left of their religion.”
Vader was growing frustrated that Tarkin was not believing him. He could feel both you and Obi-Wan. He knew that you both were here. Though, Vader had to admit to himself that it was strange that Obi-Wan was not. Protecting his signature better.
A quiet buzz on the comlink pulled Tarkin’s attention to it. “Yes.”
“Governor Tarkin, we have an emergency alert in detention block A A-twenty-three,” the man’s voice on the other side said.
“The princess! Put all sections on alert!”
“Obi-Wan and Y/N here,” Vader pressed. “The Force is with them.”
“If you’re right, they must not be allowed to escape.”
“Escape is not Obi-Wan’s plan. I must face him alone.”
You let Obi-Wan lead the way to the terminal so that the two of you could deactivate the tractor beam. The two of you separated and edged your ways along narrow ledges to get to the control panel. Once there, you both began making adjustments. 
“Feels like old times, doesn’t it?” You teased. 
You glanced at Obi-Wan, the look on his face was serious and saddened. You didn’t bug him about it until you were back on the thicker walkway in the center of the room.
“Obi-Wan,” you carefully called. “What’s wrong?”
“I need you to go back to the ship, little star,” he requested.
You looked into his eyes and your heart sunk. His beautiful blue eyes shone with love and his demeanor was incredibly calm. Too calm for the situation. The image of your long forgotten nightmare flashed through your vision. His calm demeanor as the darkness took him quickly had you frantic.
“Please don’t do this, Obi,” you begged, voice already breaking. “Not alone… not without me.”
You reached out and clung to the edges of his cloak, heading pressing into his chest. You couldn’t let him leave you. Not now. Not here. Not like this. You could feel deja vu, except instead of Obi-Wan begging you not to go, it was you begging him. Obi-Wan’s arms wrapped around you as he held a kiss to your head.
“I have to do this myself,” he whispered against your head. “You must make it to the ship.”
“I can’t do it,” you rasped, emotions over taking you. “I need you.”
Obi-Wan gently guided your head up so that you were looking at him. “You’ve never needed me, little star. I’ve needed you. You are the center of my galaxy, remember?” His hands moved so that he was carefully holding your face, his thumbs trying to wipe the streams of tears away. “You’re going to close your eyes and I’m going to kiss you. Then I’m going to turn you around and you’re going to walk away. You’re going to head straight for the ship. You are uncharge of Luke and Leia now. They have no one else but you.”
“I can’t,” your voice broke again as you shook your head. “Not without you… we haven’t gotten enough time.”s
He sighed. “I know… I know, darling…” He brush another kiss against your forehead. “I will meet you at the ship as soon as I can.”
“Obi-Wan smirked slightly. “I love you, my little star.”
“And I love you.”
Obi-Wan’s lips met yours with such fervent tenderness. Your tears were tasted in your kiss, giving you deja vu from when you had said goodbye to him almost nineteen years before. He pulled away ever so slightly.
“Keep your eyes closed,” he pled.
He kissed you softly again. When Obi-Wan ended the kiss, he pulled back further than before, keeping his hands on your face. Your eyes were closed as Obi-Wan studied you. Even after all these years, you were still the most beautiful thing in the entire Galaxy to him. He leaned in and kissed you again, for what he knew would be the final time. Obi-Wan poured in all his love for you into the kiss and your bond. He needed to make sure that you had no doubt of his complete devotion to you. When his lips parted yours for the last time, you both could feel the heartbreak in the Force. You kept your eyes closed as Obi-Wan had requested though you so desperately didn’t want to.
“I’m going to turn you around now,” Obi-Wan whispered. “You’re going to walk away and you—my little star, my Y/N Skywalker— are going to continue to change this Galaxy. It is all up to you now.”
You took a deep, shaky breath. “I love you, Obi-Wan Kenobi,” you whimpered.
“I love you, Y/N Kenobi.” He kissed your temple before guiding you to turn around. “Go… I’ll meet you at the ship.”
As you took your first few steps away from your husband, you kept your eyes closed and let the Force guide you. Tears spilled down your cheeks. You knew that Obi-Wan wouldn’t meet you at the ship. You knew that you were walking away from your husband for the last time. The final piece of the nightmare you had experienced oh so long ago would be complete. Obi-Wan would fall and, for at least this very moment, you would do your best to honor that.
Obi-Wan tried to keep his emotions in control as he watched you walk away from him. He hated this, he truly did. But the Force was telling him that this was to happen. That his journey was nearing its in and yours wasn’t near its end. Obi-Wan knew that this was going to be hard for you to handle, but you were stronger than him. Always had been.
After you had completely disappeared from his view, Obi-Wan turned the other way and headed that way towards the ship. Just before he reached the hanger, Darth Vader stepped into view at the end of the hallway, not ten feet away. Vader ignited his saber, with Obi-Wan following suite with his own.
“I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan,” Vader said. “We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete.” Obi-Wan moved with elegant ease into an offensive position as Darth Vader took a defensive stance. “When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the Master.”
“Only a Master of evil, Darth,” Obi-Wan responded.
The two warriors stood perfectly still for a few moments, sizing each other up and waiting for the right moment. Obi-Wan could feel your signature nearing and he would do what he could to not let you witness this fight. So, with you in mind, Obi-Wan made a sudden lunge at the huge warrior but is check by a lightning movement of the Sith in front of him. Vader then makes another move, only to be blocked by the Jedi. The two go back and forth like this as Obi-Wan moves around Darth Vader and begins backing into the hangar.
“Your powers are weak, old man,” Darth Vader taunted.
“You can’t win, Darth,” Obi-Wanr responded. “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”
Then the two began dueling once again.
The Force was clearly protecting you. You should have been caught so many times but you were going unnoticed. You ended up meeting Han, Chewie, Luke, and Leia near the hangar.
“Where’s the old man?” Han asked you, having been the first to notice you.
“He—He’s running a bit behind,” you answered. “But we got the tractor beam shut down.”
“Look!” Luke interrupted Leia. 
Luke pointed at the far side of the hanger, where Darth Vader and Obi-Wan were dueling. You were going to puke. This was not happening. It was an entirely other nightmare. Except it was all real. Hang quickly noticed that the stormtroopers were heading toward Obi-Wan and Darth Vader.
“Now’s our chance!” He said. “Go!”
Your group started for the Millennium Falcon. Obi-Wan could see, out of the corner of his eye, the stormtroopers charging toward him and you and the others heading for the ship. You suddenly stopped and made eye contact with him. Vader turned to see that you were standing in the hangar watching. The Sith quickly took advantage of Obi-Wan’s momentary distraction and brought his lightsaber down on the man. Obi-Wan managed to deflect the blow. He looked back to where you were standing, now being joined by Luke. He lifted his saber from Vader’s, a serene look on his face.
Darth Vader brought his lightsaber down, going to cut Obi-Wan in half. Obi-Wan’s cloak, lightsaber, and wedding ring fell to the floor, but Obi-Wan had disappeared. Puzzled, Vader stomps on the empty cloak.
“NO!” Luke shouted. 
“OBI-WAN!” You cried out in pain.
Darth Vader bent down and picked up the wedding ring before looking at you. Anger consumed you as you shouted out in deep sadness, tears spilling down your cheeks. You threw your hands out, the Force harshly tossing the row of stormtroopers against the wall. Your jaw clenched as you used the Force to tear Obi-Wan’s wedding ring from Darth’s hand and into yours. Then you summoned Obi-Wan’s saber from of the floor and into your hand. You glared down Darth Vader as he started for you.
“Come on!” Han called.
“Come on!” Leia added. “Luke, Y/N, it’s too late!”
“Blast the door! Kid!”
Luke fired his pistol at the door control panel. The panel exploded and the door slid shut, separating your group from Darth Vader. You stood still, breathing heavily and feeling the anger and sadness swirling inside of you.
“Y/N,” Leia said, appearing at your side. She took your arm. “We’ve got to go.”
Leia dragged you up the ship’s ramp, with Luke close behind.
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