#or like him saying something and he stops because he knows that Ahsoka would say something like that
A long list of Clone Wars headcanons just cause
Sometimes Ahsoka will get the zoomies and how she handles that energy is roughhousing with Anakin who's more than willing to participate 
It becomes a show for the 501 because seeing the small togruta tackle the lanky ass nightmare that is Anakin Skywalker to the floor is hilarious 
They are both guilty of not knowing their strength so some people (cough cough Obi-Wan cough cough) caution them against it they don’t really listen tho which has resulted in some pretty hilarious injuries 
One of those injuries happened when they were playing around and Ahsoka shouldered Anakin so abruptly that he fell back on him tailbone and got the wind knocked out of him she sat by his side laughing her ass off
It took her an unreasonable amount of time to realize he was in pain and when she did she started apologizing like crazy she still gets embarrassed when people bring it up and still apologizes years later
There was another time when Ahsoka turned her back to Anakin when they were roughhousing and he pushed her so hard that she almost fell off of the landing platform they were standing on
He snatched her up by the stomach while muttering “I’m so sorry” and then he started frantically checking to make sure he didn’t seriously hurt her while Ahsoka laughed so hard she swears to this day that she pulled something 
Unfortunately when the laughter stopped she did realize she managed to sprain her wrist and when Anakin found he helped her wrap it
You’d think that they’d learn from these incidents but nope they still play fight like two big dogs 
Even tho Anakin and Ahsoka’s place is pretty clean it’s never really quiet there’s always gotta be some kinda noise 
Sometimes it’s Ahsoka’s music playing loudly in her room, sometimes it’s a holomovie in the living room, and sometimes it’s just them bickering in the kitchen
It doesn’t matter what it is it’s never truly quiet even at night there’s a small amount of noise from Anakin’s snoring (which he denies) and Ahsoka’s purring thing (which she also denies) 
As crazy as it sounds the people closest to them will admit that their noise is strangely comforting  
Anakin and Ahsoka are so freaking similar that it turns heads sometimes they’ll say something the other said but they’ve never heard like “This is where the fun begins” 
It’s stopped Obi-Wan in his tracks before it kinda freaks him out and worries him a little bit but it also puts a small smile on his face when the duo says the same thing at the same time
They’re also able to predict how the other will react once Ahsoka was teaching the clones tricks with her saber and they broke it they felt terrible but they were also terrified about Anakin’s reaction 
Ahsoka was the only calm one in the room and explained to the group that Anakin would pretend to be pissed for about an hour but then he’d “calm down” and ask for the parted to fix it and by that time rolled around she’d already have his favorite holo prepped and food from Dex’s
They listened to her with a healthy amount of skepticism and were happily surprised to find out the next day that she was right  
There was another time when Anakin and Obi-Wan decided to buy Ahsoka her favorite boba to soften the blow that she wasn’t gonna go on a mission Anakin told Obi-Wan that she’d be happy for a minute before asking what happened and he was right 
When Ahsoka got closer to Anakin the clones and everyone else she showed her secret passion for acting like she doesn’t know them in public when they piss her off
It worked a couple of times and one of those times Rex almost got arrested because the officer didn’t believe that they were the commander and captain of the 501st Rex didn’t blame the dude because he couldn’t prove it without Ahsoka’s help and she refused to back him up
Ahsoka finally dropped the act when the cuffs came out but she was still kinda reluctant
She did agree to take a break from that prank and she stopped doing it entirely when Obi-Wan had to bail Anakin out of jail (she bought a lot of boba for a very long time to make up for that one)
They will reference the prank occasionally by asking each other at random points in the day “Do I know you?” 
Like sometimes they’ll be out and Anakin will ask “Have we met before?” most of the time Ahsoka will answer “No actually we haven’t” (this girl is wearing his cloak he’s wearing one of her headwraps and his arm is resting on her head) 
Sometimes Padme will make a big deal of taking Anakin and Ahsoka out to do something just the three of them
Whenever Padme and Anakin show the smallest form of affection towards each other Ahsoka makes a big deal about gagging Anakin makes a bigger deal of “evening it out” 
Like if he kisses Padme and Ahsoka gags he’ll grab her and give her a big smooch on the forehead and then like the little shit that he is he’ll whip his lips calling her greasy
She gets him back by whipping the spit off her forehead with his robes (and also backhanding him which Padme kindly ignores)
Padme will sometimes tease her too like if she grabs Anakin’s hand then she’ll link arms with Ahsoka and make a small comment like “There now you’re even”
Sometimes Ahsoka will get them both back in the moments when they check on each other first she’ll make a big deal about saying “Well kriff me I guess” even if she doesn’t have a scratch on her 
Both Anakin and Padme will make a big deal about checking her for injuries with a couple of comments like “Oh my poor little padawan you have a scratch from training last night how did you cope”
I said in my first post that Ahsoka and Anakin have a playlist and I love the idea that they have different titles for them like “Obi-Wan’s least favorite playlist” “get ready to kick seppie’s ass” “the council pissed me off again” and stuff like that 
It’s all in good fun but they’ll never let anyone else see those titles because they know it’ll get a good scolding from Obi-Wan
The moment Obi-Wan knew Anakin had formed an “unnecessary attachment” wasn’t some big life-or-death moment on the battlefield 
In hindsight it was a pretty funny moment that was caused by Anakin’s stupidity cause he had broken a glass earlier that day and he thought he got all the pieces so he didn’t feel it was necessary to tell Ahsoka
Next thing he knows the poor togruta is gasping in pain and when he goes to check on her she’s sitting on the kitchen floor while the mother of all glass shards is sticking out of her foot 
Now you might be asking “How did Anakin miss a glass shard the size of his hand?” he honestly couldn’t give you an answer but he could tell you was in that moment he realized that he forgot to restock the med kit even though Ahsoka had reminded him about it earlier that day
All Obi-Wan got to see of this was a blur of Anakin holding his profusely bleeding padawan while yelling at the top of his lungs “Move she’s bleeding out!”
No one can really blame the man for dropping everything he was doing to chase after his former padawan and they also can’t blame him for assuming the worst like her being stabbed or shot
He didn’t know what he was expecting when he walked into the halls of healing but it wasn’t an embarrassed Anakin standing over a cackling Ahsoka as the healers scolded him for causing a scene
He makes a silent note to give Anakin a small lecture about keeping his emotions under control before checking on his giggly grand padawan
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fellthemarvelous · 12 days
Jedi and attachment
The Jedi Order was around 25,000 years old when it fell at the end of the Clone Wars.
And I've seen people say "the Jedi don't teach emotional regulation" I guess because there are some Jedi who fell, but like, the number of Jedi who didn't fall far outweighs the number of Jedi who did fall.
And that's not to say that Jedi never made mistakes, but none of them gave into their anger and fear and hatred. Mistakes are normal, even for Jedi. Failure is the greatest teacher. They were apparently able to regulate their emotions well enough to actually learn from their mistakes and grow.
I'm not sure which part of "the life of a Jedi is not easy" isn't exactly translating well for some people.
What do people think Qui-Gon meant when he told Anakin being a Jedi would be challenging?
As Yoda said, it is a lifelong struggle not to allow fear to bend into anger. Fear leads to anger leads to hate leads to suffering. The Jedi never stop learning.
The reason they avoid attachments is because attachments distract them from the bigger picture, from their purpose. They are protectors and defenders of life, and they cannot be picky about who they choose to help, regardless of personal feelings.
As Obi-Wan has said, Jedi do not hold grudges. They cannot. They can be upset, yes, but they are given the tools to handle their emotions and often utilize them.
Anakin damned an entire galaxy when he fell to the dark side. The Jedi are not to blame for Anakin's fall. Anakin made his choice, and while he spent thirteen years being groomed by Palpatine, he made the choice to follow Darth Sidious.
He is the one who slaughtered Jedi younglings. He's the one who slaughtered the Separatist leaders, and even though they were the enemy, they were defenseless and trapped in a room with the most powerful being in the galaxy after being sent there by Sidious and Grievous.
The reason the Jedi were so hesitant to accept him into the Jedi Order was because of his age. He was attached to his mother and his anger over her death is what caused him to slaughter an entire colony of Tusken Raiders. He didn't do it out of love. He did it out of hatred, and revenge is not the Jedi way.
It is not the fault of the Jedi that Anakin could not properly regulate his own emotions. He lied to the Jedi for three years. He hid his relationship with Padme, so how was Yoda supposed to know how to help him properly when he didn't have the full context? Of course his advice seemed bad because Anakin was not being forthcoming about the nature of his relationship with Padme. Yoda did not have a complete picture of Anakin's anxieties at the time, and while you can teach someone how to do something, you cannot control how they put the teachings into practice. You can only hope and trust that they are doing the right thing.
And the thing is, the Jedi would have helped Anakin and Padme. Yoda and Obi-Wan loved Anakin. We saw several instances of just how much Yoda cared about Anakin, especially so at the end of season six of the Clone Wars.
Anakin betrayed the entire Jedi Order because he allowed his fears to consume him. He participated in the genocide of the order he had been part of for thirteen years just to save the life of ONE PERSON who ended up dying anyway BECAUSE of him.
No one has ever said the Jedi Order is perfect because there is no such thing as perfect, but they were not ever the villains. They were never the bad guys. They were pulled into a war orchestrated by Darth Sidious who weaponized the compassion of the Jedi as a way to destroy the order.
When you look at the handful of Jedi who fell and claim that the Jedi "don't teach emotional regulation" you're just erasing all personal accountability from the fallen Jedi WHO MADE THEIR CHOICES.
There is only ONE Jedi (that I am aware of) who fell to the dark side involuntarily, and that was Ahsoka Tano. She was corrupted against her will and then killed. Anakin was able to resurrect her, and while he did a good thing, it only made his fear of losing her again even worse.
Maul murdered Satine and forced Obi-Wan to watch, but Obi-Wan managed to control his emotions and not go on a killing spree. He actually held a dying Maul in his arms. Ahsoka was failed by the Jedi Order, but she didn't fall to the dark side. Yoda lived for 900 years and never once fell to the dark side.
There are a variety of factors that went into Anakin's fall, but he is the one who made the choice to do the monstrous things he did. He was not being mind controlled. He had Jedi training, but he threw all of that away for one person. He gambled the fate of the galaxy on the belief that Palpatine would help him save Padme from dying, knowing that Palpatine was a Sith Lord and knowing that he was the one who was actually responsible for the war. He made a selfish choice at the expense of everyone else in the galaxy and the only person who won in the end was Darth Sidious. It was the biggest lesson that Anakin ever learned.
This is not a failure of "teaching emotional regulation". This is the failure of someone who allowed his personal feelings to overshadow his Jedi training, and he is responsible for the consequences of his own actions.
End note: This is not an Anakin Skywalker bashing post. I love Anakin Skywalker, but he absolutely is to blame for his fall to the dark side. He's a fascinating character. I could write a whole ass separate post on why I love him so much. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader is an icon.
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We Come Back Every Time - Anakin Skywalker
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A/N: I haven’t even watched Ahsoka, but all the clips of Anakin live rent free in my mind. Not gonna lie, this went in a completely different direction than I first imagined, but I’m not mad about it.
TS Prompt #4: Style
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Reader Word Count: 2.1k Synopsis: No matter how many times they say it's the last, Anakin and the reader always find each other coming back for more. (Warning: smut)
“And I should just tell you to leave, cause I know exactly where it leads, but I watch us go round and round each time.”
Midnight - the rain is pouring in Coruscant. The planet is weather controlled, and Anakin curses himself for not thinking to check it beforehand. But this far into the city, as far as he has come, he doesn't care.
His cloak is drenched by the time he arrives at your door. He knocks once. When the door opens, you are wearing pink pajamas and a scowl on your face.
"What are you doing here, Anakin?" you ask, tilting your head up to look at him, slowly, as if he is barely worth your time. The thought aggravates him in the special way that only you can.
"I know what we said last time," he says, his voice low.
"We said it was the last time," you say. Anakin laughs gently.
"And how many times have we done that?" he asks. You let out another annoyed sigh, but he sees the slight smile on your face. "Are you going to invite me in? I am dripping all over your hallway."
"You can come in but you can't stay," you say, swinging the door open. Anakin walks in, barely waiting for you to open it, because he already knows you will let him in.
"Oh, do you have other plans tonight?" he asks.
"It doesn't matter what my plans are," you say, walking into the living room after him. "We can't keep doing this, Anakin."
"Why?" he asks. He takes a step towards you, a smug smile on his face, but you turn away quickly.
"You took an oath, when you joined the Jedi. Each time we do this, you risk your place among the Order."
"Maybe I don't care about all that," he says, again moving closer to you, placing a hand at your waist. You look up at him with a disbelieving frown.
"Maybe I do," you say, and push him off gently. "I have my own future to worry about, too. My firm just took on another senator. If we got caught, it would be a scandal, and I could lose my job."
"We won't get caught. We haven't so far."
"It only takes once," you say with a sigh. He looks at you for a moment, then nods. He knows you're right. He's had this same conversation with himself each time he comes to your apartment.
"I'm sorry," he says.
"Don't be sorry," you say. And after a pause, "You look like you've had a long day."
"You could say that."
"Want to talk about it?" you ask, already moving to your bar cart to make him a drink. It's another rule violation, and he sees you pause for just a moment, but continue to make the drink.
"I had another activity in mind," he says. You let out a tut of laughter.
"Please don't sit on my couch," you say, stopping him in the motion. "You're wet."
"I noticed. If you want I can take this all off," he says, returning that smirk from earlier. You roll your eyes and swallow your own drink.
"How about just the cloak?"
"Sure," he says, slipping it off gracefully. Your eyes are on him, on the clothes that cling to his body. "Y/N?" he asks, and your eyes shoot up to his, caught.
"See something you like?"
"You are so full of yourself," you say, rolling your eyes again.
"You think so?"
"I know so," you bite. Anakin smiles when he realizes you've moved closer to him.
"But you like it."
"I don't."
"You do."
"I don--"
"Just come here," he says lazily. You are breathing heavier, your chest rising and falling, and Anakin knows he's staring, too.
"You think you can just play these same games and I'll fall for it every time?"
"It's worked so far," he says. He's tired of waiting and takes a step towards you. You back up instinctually, and if he had any sense that you weren't completely into this he would walk away right now. But he knows that this is part of it, part of the dance the two of you do.
"You think you know me, but you--"
"Enough about what I think," Anakin says, moving so he's now directly in front of you. "What are you thinking right now?"
"I think you're incredibly cocky," you say, and he can see the hate flash over your face because it comes out in a breath. Anakin smiles, smiles because he knows, smiles in the way that makes you weak in the knees.
"I think for good reason," he says, his voice low. He takes a step and suddenly he's in front of you, towering over you. He looks down at you as your back hits the wall, and he can see the moment you no longer care about what's right and what's wrong. With a soft whine, you tilt your head and lock your lips with his.
Anakin devours you. His lips, tongue, teeth, all fight for dominance of your mouth as you squirm against him. The moans you make are fuel to him, fuel to keep going, to keep utterly destroying you.
There is a glass in your hand, and his Jedi instincts catch it before it shatters to the ground, your hands already pawing at his drenched shirt. He sets the glass on the bar cart and yanks open his shirt with a fist.
You pull away for air and look at his slick chest. There is hot desire in your eyes, and Anakin is of no mind to keep you waiting.
"If I take this all off, can we get on the bed?" he asks in a pant.
"Yes, fine," you say, kissing whatever part of him you can reach as he strips.
In a moment, he has you lifted in the air, your legs wrapped around him as he guides you towards the bedroom. He throws you down on the bed, and looks down at you in a surveying glance.
Your hair is spread out around you, your skin flushed. The pink pajamas you wear are wrinkled and half undone already, your warm skin peaking through the buttons.
"Isn't this so much better than arguing?" he asks lowly. You rise up on your elbows and look at him, disinterested.
"Are we doing this or not?" you ask.
"Oh, absolutely, I just needed to take you in first. Now that you've given in to what you want."
"Please shut up," you say. He laughs to himself as he crawls onto the bed, settling just above you, eye to eye.
"You seem angrier than usual," he says, his voice low. "I don't usually have to work this hard to convince you." As he speaks, his hand travels down your stomach, and slips into the waist of your pants. You breathe heavily when a finger of his slips beneath your underwear.
"It's nothing," you say, your voice heavy as his fingers works against you.
"That's what I said."
"I can stop, you know?" he teases, slowing his movements, but not removing his hand from you.
"You wouldn't."
"Tell me what's got you all worked up."
"You," you gasp.
"What about me?"
"Fuck, Anakin," you whine, writhing against him, "I don't want to talk."
"But it's so cute when you do, watching you struggle to keep your breathing even."
"You are an asshole, you know that?"
"I do. Tell me what's bothering you."
"I heard," you say, nearly crying as his forefinger circles the bud at the apex of your thighs. "That you've been seeing other girls."
"Seeing other girls?" he asks, a breath of a laugh. "I didn't peg you as the jealous type."
"More like I felt sorry for them."
"That's not what you felt."
"You don't know what I feel."
"I know what you're feeling right now," he says. His lips find the sensitive skin beneath your ear and your hips buck as he places a searing kiss. "Admit it."
"Admit what?" you pant. He has picked up his rhythm, and he knows you are close.
"That you're jealous."
"I'm not."
"Tell me or I won't let you come."
"I hate you," you groan, lifting your hips to try and increase pressure.
"Tell me." His voice is a whisper against your skin. He sees the gooseflesh appear and knows he'll get his way. He always does when he has you like this.
"Fine! I was jealous! Happy?"
"Very," he says, removing his hand and in the same motion, dropping down to replace it with his mouth. You cry out as his lips close around you and within moments, you are coming around him.
He watches you come down. The heave of your breaths, the muscles finally loosening. How could you ever stop doing this? There are so few joys in the Jedi order, and absolutely none of them come as close to this. To watching you come undone.
When you sit up, the frustration in your eyes has dimmed. Anakin thinks it will take at least two more orgasms to diminish it completely.
"There aren't any other girls," he says, scooting closer to you.
"I don't really care if there are," you say, looking up at him. He takes your chin in his hand and smiles gently.
"You do care."
"It doesn't matter if I do," you say, "Because this is the last time."
"How often do we say that, and how often do we come back every time?"
"This time will be different," you say, running your hand through his soaked hair, slicking it back.
"I don't believe that for a moment."
"And why's that?" you ask, your voice softening.
"Because this is too good. And because, I know, like you do, that we'll just keep going round and round in this dance, rather than leave each other forever." Your eyes search him for a long moment.
"I don't know that."
"You do. It's our style,” he says. You groan in annoyance.
"I don't want to talk any more."
"What do you want to do?" he asks, his hand trailing down to your hip.
"I want you to fuck me."
"I'll need more specifics," he says, his voice a tease. You roll your eyes again.
"I want you to fuck me from behind," you say, looking at him with that disinterested look again.
"Anything else?"
"As hard as you can."
He flips you over before you can even finish the sentence. Your pajama pants had been hiked around your knees, but he tears them off and onto the floor in a quick motion.
“This what you had in mind?” he asks as he aligns himself to your entrance. He waits until you are saying “yes” before he thrusts inside you. Your answer transforms into a moan as you take him in.
“Ready for me?” he asks. You grind against him, sighing contentedly.
His thrusts into you are rough, just like you requested. His hands grip your hips, almost certainly leaving bruises. With every push into you, the only sound filling the room is the slap of your bodies and the moans you both make.
"Is this how you imagined it?" Anakin asks, his own breathing heavy.
"Yes, just like this," you pant.
“Do you think about it often?”
"I can't stop thinking about it. I can’t stop thinking about you," you admit. Anakin smiles. It is only in these moments, when he has taken you so fully, filled your body and your mind with only thoughts of him, that you finally let your true feelings show.
"Me too," he says. He again picks up his rhythm. His mechanical hand reaches around your waist and finds the sensitive flesh between your legs. He knows his touch is cold by the way your back arches.
In a few well placed strokes, you are coming around him again. Your walls tighten around him, and it is his turn to come, too. He moans your name and together you both collapse onto the bed.
He spares a glance over at you after he has calmed down some, and your eyes meet. You both let out breathless laughs.
"Why do we do this?" you ask.
"Because it feels good."
"No, why do we have to do the dance beforehand? And don't say it's our style," you deadpan.
"Maybe because if we admit that we like this, it would change completely," he says. You nod and look up at the ceiling. You are silent for a long time.
"Change it for the worse?"
"Maybe. Or maybe it'd be paradise."
"Paradise," you muse. "Sounds a little overrated." He laughs. “I guess I don’t mind our routine,” you say slowly.
“I don’t either,” he says, wrapping a strong arm around your waist and tucking you into his chest.
“But this is absolutely the last time,” you say, a devilish glint in your eyes.
“Oh absolutely,” he says, bringing your lips to his in a claiming kiss. “The very last.”
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weixuldo · 9 months
Tinder and Tequila
Linecook/Roommate! Anakin x F!Reader
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a/n: ngl this really has nothing to do with linecook ani- it’s more just tinder shenanigans lol- there’s more abt the context of the universe in the notes at the end- also to the anon who asked abt not putting padme in fics…. don’t read this one lol (i have nothing against padme, she’s one of my fav characters) this one’s v long
NSFW mdni!
After a night out with some friends, you decide to swipe on tinder…what happens when you see your very attractive roommate pop up on the screen?
Warnings: gn!reader, cursing, banter, past relationships mentioned, female anatomy, hand job, oral sex (f!receiving), blow job
You turned the knob on your shared apartment open and thrusted the wooden door open. Good thing Anakin was staying at a friend’s because you were completely wasted from a night out with your friends. One too many shots of a particularly strong tequila. 
You giggled at yourself as you stumbled your way through the living room. You flopped onto the couch before pulling out your beloved phone so you could mindlessly scroll. 
Before long your inebriated brain started to wander.
It was definitely good that Anakin was gone, because if he were here… You may not have been able to contain yourself. 
You licked your plump lips as you eyed his door… What if he were home though?
You hoisted yourself up and creeped towards his shut door. He had a woven piece of decor on his door; he told you his mom had made it for him before she passed unexpectedly in his last year of school. 
Nosily, you knocked before prying the white door open. 
You exhaled a shaky breath, it would have been so embarrassing if he caught you sneaking. Though, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed that he wasn’t here to keep you company.
You headed back to your spot on the couch and pulled out your phone again. Time to play your favorite game- Tinder. 
You knew it was a toxic mentality to have a stream of people constantly at your fingertips; judging them off only a glimpse of who they were. But it was so amusing to quietly scroll through people who potentially wanted to take you out. 
The first few people were average; bad angles, boring bios, and conflicting views. 
Soon you were getting bored with the whole thing and were about to log off when your heart stopped. 
Anakin, 24
9 miles away
Hobbies: cars, cooking, movies, nature, travel
His initial photo was an amazing pic of him at a rooftop bar in NYC from the trip you guys took with some friends. His black shirt was unbuttoned enough to see his strong chest and the sleeves were rolled to his elbows to show off his muscular arms. 
He knew he was fine. 
Your eye twitched- his hair fell perfectly in front of his angular face and his smile was simply radiant. 
God really had his favorites, huh?
You swiped through his pictures with laser focus; gym pic, him on the couch, him shirtless…. him with his damn backwards cap on, and finally one that you took of him sitting in your shop.
You were really conflicted, you wanted to swipe right, obviously- but what if he didn’t reciprocate? What if he thought it was weird?
And he's on tinder! He probably just wants a hook up.
You sighed and prepared to swipe left when another thought popped into your hazy mind. 
Maybe he “played'' tinder like you did? He’d never brought anyone back to the apartment… and his bio does suggest he would cook for you (something he would rather do in his own kitchen). 
Ya know what? If he asked- you could just say you thought it would be funny! Yea, sounded like a great idea to your stupid drunk brain. 
With a deep breath you swiped right. 
A subconscious part of your mind was praying for the screen to pause and “match” to light up your phone- but sadly that didn't happen… oh well, maybe he just hadn’t seen it yet? 
You sighed and headed off to shower and go to bed. 
Anakin sat on his friend Ahsoka's couch with a chilled beer in hand. It had been awhile since his whole friend group had had time for a night and he was excited to catch up with them all. 
The living room was lit up with a neon LED strip that Ahoska had gotten back in her party days. The den had one large sofa, a few bean bags, some fluffy chairs, and her flatscreen that was currently showcasing the ROKU city with her music playing in the background. 
On the couch sat Anakin, his closest friend Obi-Wan (or “Ben” for short), and his girlfriend Satine. Ahsoka sat on the beanbags with Cody as they shared his new bong. And on the chairs sat Rex and their other friend Padme. 
“So when are you gonna get cuffed Skyguy?” Ahsoka asked with a smile after taking a rip from the blue tinted device. 
Anakin took a swig from the bud light he had in his hand and sighed, “Ya’ know? I’m not quite sure myself, Snipps” he lamented. 
Obviously he knew he wanted to- and he knew with who. But how to get there was a puzzle he hadn't quite solved yet. 
Padme’s eyes darted towards Anakin as he spoke. Throughout highschool Padme and Anakin had been flirty but nothing much happened between the two- nothing serious at least.
A few make-outs here and there at house parties, that one time after senior prom, and a couple late night hook ups when she was back in town from school, but nothing really since she graduated.
Anakin knew she wasn’t for him but she didn’t seem to get the hint. 
There was absolutely nothing wrong with Padme, she was a lively woman but Anakin just wanted something else- Maybe it was because she always made him feel inadequate, dumb even.
He knew it wasn’t her fault, but she had gone to law school and he always felt lesser when she would talk to him. Everything about her spoke class and refinery and he was… well, he was him. 
He spent his younger years wondering what a relationship with her would be like but as he got older he realized he only fantasized about her status- not really her. And that was fucked up. 
Another factor that got her off of his mind was when you started coming into his restaurant- The first time you ordered your wild combo he just had to sneak out of the kitchen to see what kind of person ordered cinnamon instead of butter on their mashed potatoes. He never in a million years guessed such a beautiful person would be sitting at booth 5. 
And when he found out you were his new roommate- he completely stopped flirting with Padme, how could he when you were right there?
He remembered when you first started living with him, Padme had called drunkenly to come over; of course Anakin usually would have said yes but tonight you had invited him to watch your favorite movie with him and he couldn’t pass up an opportunity with you. 
“Well everyone seems to have someone, we need to get you cuffed!” Ahsoka laughed. 
“Yea, get my bro a partner” Cody joined in. 
“Doesn’t seem like Anakin’s really into anyone- maybe he wants it that way” Padme chimed in, playing with a strand of her brown hair. 
“I never said that,” Anakin responded quickly. 
“Well- do tell then Ani” Padme’s voice lilted with passive aggression. 
He absolutely hated when she used that tone. 
“Well honestly it’s none of your business M’lady” Anakin shot back using a nickname she hated. 
“You’re such a child Anakin” she rolled her eyes before taking a swig of her martini. 
“Nothing you haven’t said before,” he remarked under his breath. 
She was about to fire back when Ben spoke up, “Guys, let's take a step back- Anakin, how’s the new roommate? Well, I guess she isn’t that new anymore-how long has it been?”.
Padme leaned back and crossed her arms as Anakin began to answer. 
“Oh, um it’s been a little over three months?” he said, even though he knew exactly how long it had been- three months and eighteen days. 
“And how is it? Will we meet her sometime?” Satine chimed in with a smile.
Anakin felt his mood lighten once he got the chance to talk about you, “Oh, it’s been really nice- She works in the cafe near my restaurant so we always have good food around” he smiled, playing with the rim of his bottle. 
“Well now you really have to have us over,” Rex laughed. 
“Soon guys, just gotta clean up a bit”.
“But you guys get along?” Ahsoka asked, “because you're not the easiest guy to deal with in a small space” she laughed. 
“We get along just fine- She happens to enjoy my company” he boasted. 
“Sure” Padme scoffed.
Anakin tried to ignore her but she spoke up again.
“Well if she can deal with you, why don’t you try to date her?” Padme said, trying to provoke him. 
“Maybe I will” he snapped back, making Padme’s face go white. 
“Good luck- once she finds out what an immature asshole you are, she’l leave just like everyone else does” she huffed before excusing herself to the bathroom. 
She definitely had one too many drinks- she was getting emotional. 
Anakin was annoyed at Padme’s outburst, but he also felt bad- he knew she fell for him back in the day and she never really let go of it. But life changed and so did he- he hadn’t flirted with her in over a year so it wasn’t his fault if she was still hung up, he hadn’t led her on in the slightest. 
“I’m gonna go check on her- I’ll be right back” Satine said, excusing herself to tend to her very drunk friend. 
Anakin sighed.
It was around two in the morning and everyone except Ahsoka, Ben, and Anakin had gone home. Ben offered to go home with Satine but she insisted she took Padme back to her apartment alone. 
Ahsoka had fallen asleep on her bean bags, Ben retired to the guest room and Anakin was lying on the couch; he was drowsy but not quite ready for bed.
With a belly full of warm alcohol he decided scrolling on Tinder might be fun. 
He tapped on the flame icon that was buried in the deepest depths of his phone and waited for the app to open. Anakin wasn’t a big fan of dating apps or social media in general, but every once in a while he logged on. Some people crave cigarettes when they drink- he liked to swipe on tinder. 
Most of the girls on there were people he’d never actually go out with or were bots. He yawned after he had swiped for a few minutes and got ready to log off for the night when he saw a familiar face…. You. 
There you were, in all your glory; a radiant smile plastered on your face as you ran a hand through your hair. 
He physically sat up and brought the device closer to his face; he scanned every detail of your profile as if he had a test on it in the morning. 
He slowly tapped through your photos, lingering on each one longer than the last. Maker, how were you real?!
His heart raced as he analyzed a photo you took in your shared living room. What he wouldn’t give to be able to get pics like these directly from you. 
He saw your profile said “short-term fun, open to long-term”. Damn. 
But then the thought… you never brought anyone home and you rarely went out… so, you wouldn’t have time to see other people.
Maybe this was his chance. 
With a shaky finger he swiped right and held his phone close to his chest to conceal the screen (like a stupid lovesick teenager). 
He shut his eyes and slowly peeked them open to see the bright pink lettering flash across the screen “Match”.
No fucking way. 
He stared at the chat box and thought about what to say for what seemed like hours; he didn’t want to come on too strong but also didn’t want to be forgettable (he could never be forgettable). 
He decided to go with a sarcastic but teasing line. 
“Hey sweetheart, don’t see me enough at home? I know I’m irresistible, but if you wanted me that bad, you could've just asked”. 
And send. 
Anakin snapped off his phone quicker than he ever had and slumped back onto the couch- now he definitely wouldn’t be able to sleep. 
You woke up with a big yawn accompanied by a long stretch. Last night was fun, but you did have things to do today. After a few minutes of lying around you finally hauled your ass up to start preppring for your closing shift. 
It probably wasn’t the best idea for you to have drank so much, since you had a terrible headache now… but at least you had fun last night.
After showering, getting dressed, and eating a light breakfast, it was already quarter after one and you were suposed to be at work by two. You threw on your jacket and rushed out the door. 
As you hurried to work you mentally checked off everything.
Brushed teeth? Check. 
Showered? Check.
Cleaned dishes in the sink? Check.
Turned off the toaster oven? Check.
Grabbed employee card for the bakery? Check. 
Seemed like everything was in line! 
But there was something you hadn’t checked, something sitting snugly in your back pocket, something in a little app with a red flame. 
A new message from Anakin. 
To be fair, you never took tinder seriously and never had notifications on so you wouldn’t have seen it. But also you were pretty drunk last night so there was a big possibility that you didn’t even remember seeing him. 
Either way, you would receive a pleasant surprise when you finally did open your app. 
Anakin’s heart raced as he reached your shared apartment- you never responded to his message. 
Was this going to be awkward now? Were you going to have an uncomfortable boundary talk with him? How would you react to seeing him? Had you even seen the message? What if you were making fun of him with your friends?!
He legitimately could not turn his brain off.
But regardless of his restless mind, he opened the door. 
Anakin leaned against the doorframe and sighed when he realized that you had work today. Good. He got to avoid you for a few more hours as he sat around overthinking everything-wonderful. 
Being the hyperfixating overthinker he was, Anakin couldn’t help but check your status on tinder every so often
His stomach dropped when he saw you were active five minutes ago…
You hadn’t responded to his message, not even a “like”.
Anakin had never felt so embarrassed in his whole life; should he just delete the message?
On the other side of town you were closing the shop when you pulled out your phone to check the time just to see your phone was already unlocked and on the tinder home screen.
No way your ass was scrolling through matches. 
You closed the app with a laugh; it didn’t really matter who you matched with you never really did anything serious on tinder. 
You finished your tasks and finally headed to your car. Once you got in you pulled out your phone again to see what matches your butt chose. 
Once you opened the app you could tell it had been open in your pocket for a while with the amount of people you wouldn’t have chosen yourself.
You scrolled and deleted profiles you weren’t interested in when you came across…Anakin?
Holy shit, you did see him last night. 
Anakin: [New Message]
A tiny rectangle holding only his circular profile picture and his name indicated he had swiped right on you too… and sent a message. 
You audibly gasped as you scanned the notif- was this real?? 
“Hey sweetheart, don’t see me enough at home? I know I’m irresistible, but if you wanted me that bad, you could've just asked”.
Electricity coarse through your veins; you secretly loved when he would refer to your shared apartment as home, it implied the two of you shared the space in a more intimate way than it really was.
His text was purely Anakin, every word just carried his personality. You were still stunned you were even in this position; never would you have thought he was actually interested in you.
The message was sent early this morning- you had left him on delivered for hours… 
Before you could think of the implications you jumped to respond; you wanted him to know you were very interested. 
“Road goes both ways Skywalker, obviously u like what u see too haha- yk I’m just one wall away ;)”
And send. 
After you sent it your stomach dropped again once you realized… you just sent your crush (and roommate?!) basically an open invite to come into your room whenever. 
You sat in the parking lot behind your bakery for a good 15 more minutes before finally heading home. 
Anakin usually didn’t have tinder notifs on, but he put them on today just in case you replied. So when his phone dinged while he was in the middle of making spaghetti for dinner he dropped the noodles into the pot and ran to the small device. 
It was you.
“Road goes both ways Skywalker, obviously u like what u see too haha- yk I’m just one wall away ;)”
A large smile plastered itself on his face- he was worrying for nothing!
He laughed and set the phone back down; just wait til he told the guys at work tomorrow morning!
Sooner than he anticipated, he heard the familiar sound of your keys jingling to open the door- he debated opening the door for you to save the hassle, but he stopped himself because he was worried he’d come off too desperate if he did so (you woulda been just fine if he did). 
You opened the door and were met with the savory aroma of marinara sauce and boiling noodles. After breathing in the scent you sighed, “someone’s been busy today, huh?” you smiled. 
“Well when you leave me home all alone…” Anakin trailed off with a stupid grin. 
Maker, you loved that look.
“Someone has to be the breadwinner in this house” you joked before setting your bags down. 
“And speaking of bread… I brought this back today- guess great minds think alike” you winked holding up a baguette from the bakery. 
Anakin’s face lit up and he eagerly received the bread, “Great! I was actually going to have to disappoint you since we’re out of garlic bread, but now we can just make it”. 
You nodded and went back to your room to change. It was pretty hard not to squeal at every little thing Anakin said, but you thought you were holding your own pretty well too.
Unintentionally, you changed into a rather enticing outfit- it was just a white tank with a lace trim and some flannel shorts (well, they were rather short). 
Anakin’s eyes observed your figure as you pranced out of your room and into the kitchen. 
“Why so fancy Ani?” you teased, batting your lashes. 
Both of you knew there was an obvious elephant in the room but neither of you wanted to address it. 
“Just ‘cause I wanted to, don’t get too excited princess” he laughed making you roll your eyes. 
“I’d never get excited over you” 
He arched an inquisitive brow and turned towards you, “oh really? Then why’d you swipe on me?”. 
There it was. 
You felt your face heating up quickly. Fuck. 
“Why’d you swipe on me?” you retorted back. 
“Uh Uh” he scolded, shaking his head while slowly walking towards you. 
“We both know you swiped first” he said, closing the space between you quickly. 
“I-I thought-” you stuttered, trying to come up with a witty response. 
He shook his head with a smile, “No sense trying to come up with a lie, pretty girl- you can tell me”. 
His tone was playful yet commanding- you felt compelled to confess everything to him right then and there. The burn of his striking blue eyes seemed to cut through all of your defenses. 
“Because I wanted to,” you admitted. 
A smile spread across his face as he leaned in, impossibly closer to you. 
“atta girl”
His confidence gave you goosebumps and you felt yourself leaning in to graze his lips with yours when he backed away abruptly to stir his pot of noodles- right. 
This was Anakin Skywalker we were talking about- the annoyingly charming linecook who could get anyone he set his sights on.
Maybe your intuition was right, he was just a playboy- how could you have been so stupid to think he actually wanted you?
With shame, you retreated to the couch as he strained his noodles and finished dinner. 
Unbeknownst to you, Anakin actually chickened out. He cursed himself as he stirred his famous spaghetti sauce; he was so close… and he blew it. 
Your sweet perfume flooded his senses and suddenly all of his charm just vanished. He felt like the awkward teenager Ben had to introduce to people because he was too shy to speak for himself. 
So in his moment of panic he went back to something he was comfortable with- cooking. 
Once he was finished he made two plates: one for him and one for you. Gingerly, he walked towards the couch with the plates in hand. 
“Here ya go princess” he attempted to sound normal. 
You didn’t meet his gaze as you took the plate and mumbled a “thank you”. 
He couldn’t blame you; from your perspective it probably seemed like he had just been leading you on- that’s not how he wanted to make you feel…at all. 
He set his food on the coffee table next to yours and sat beside you with a heavy thud, making the cushions deposit you next to his side. You were about to move away when he lightly grabbed your upper arm. 
You met his gaze in surprise, “Anakin, what-”.
You were silenced by his lips crashing into yours; your hand quickly found its way into his sandy hair just as he gently held the side of your face. 
Synapses were firing and you felt warm. With an unspoken agreement, he laid you down on the couch and continued to passionately kiss up and down your neck. 
“Anakin-” you said breathlessly, “What has gotten into you?”
“Nothing that hasn’t already been there for weeks” he responded through sloppy kisses. 
His touch was somehow better than what you’d imagined all those lonely nights in your room. How was this real?
You sat up and placed a hand on his chest; he sat on his heels with a worried expression, “What’s wrong?” he asked (did he do something wrong?).
“Weeks?” you parroted back to him. 
He huffed out a laugh and relaxed his tense posture before tenderly holding your face in his strong hands. 
“Yes, weeks. Don’t you know you drive me absolutely insane?” he asked in a playful tone. 
You shook your head in confusion. A lopsided smile settled on his beautiful face before he drew you closer for a soft kiss. 
“I thought- I thought you swiped on me as a joke… I had no idea” you admitted. 
His blue eyes scanned your face before shaking his head lightly, “No, no I’ve wanted to do this since the day I met you ''. 
Your confused expression slowly turned into a full blown grin before you pushed him into a seated position and straddled his lap. 
“Good to know, ‘cause so have I”. 
He let out a soft groan before resting his large hands around the bottom of your waist, his fingers gripping onto your flesh. His eyes were completely focused on you- they were hungry.
As you straddled him you felt his hardening member against your aching core. You wanted nothing more than to rip off his pants.
Just as you had wrestled his tight shirt off, his phone began to buzz. He rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed “fuck” when he saw it was his work. 
“I’m sorry, I gotta answer this” he said picking up the phone. 
“No worries” you said with a mischievous smile. 
What were you up to?
He ignored your tone and answered the call; just as he pressed the device to his ear you unzipped his pants. His eyes widened once he realized what you were so smug about. 
You were looking up at him through batted lashes as you freed his aching cock from the constrains of his boxers.
He was big- bigger than you expected; you licked your lips in anticipation, hypnotizing him with your ambition. 
You there Skywalker?
Anakin blinked himself back into reality, “Y-yes sir, I’m here”. 
Sorry to have to ask, but two of the other cooks just called in sick and we have abunch of parties booked tonight…would there be any possible way you could come in tonight
Anakin groaned loudly as you took his large member into your mouth, he had to cover his mouth with his free hand as you skillfully bobbed up and down on his dick. 
Now, I know it’s your day off, but I can offer you double time if you can just cover this one shift
His employer had no idea his head cook was getting the best head of his life on the other side of the line. 
He stifled a moan as you applied pressure with your tounge, thankfully he was able to disguise it as him thinking. 
“I-I guess I could swing it if there’s overtime-”
You’re a lifesaver! That’s why you’re my favorite linecook, when could you be in?
Anakin shuddered as you worked his tip. 
“I-It’ll have to be a lit-” 
He was cut off by the feeling of your moans sending vibrations up his shaft. 
“Have to be a little later, I’m a bit caught up at the moment”
No problem, how late we talking though?
“Just an hour, maybe hour twenty”
Done, see you then! And thanks again Skywalker. 
He hung up the phone as fast as he could and threw it against the recliner beside him. You laughed once he met your gaze again. 
“You’re wrong for that” he huffed out breathlessly. 
“For what?” you played dumb. 
He laughed bafore grabbing a handfull of you hair. 
“You know exactly what- now, I have work in an hour and I think you should finish what you started” he said with a playful yet demanding tone. 
“Yes chef” you said before taking him in your mouth once more. 
“FFuck” he groaned as your throat squeezed around his weeping cock. 
Without thinking he began to move his hips back and fourth to chase his high. You gagged around his length and clawed at his thighs. 
“Fuck baby, this what you wanted? You wanted me to fuck your throat raw? Better hope you don’t have to work the register tomorrow” he said with a smirk as he thrusted in and out of your mouth. 
You moaned around him and your tears began to spill over. This is exactly what you wanted- you wanted him. 
“God- You feel so damn good, I’m close” he said in a strained voice. 
In a moment of boldness, you removed yourself completely from his cock and began to vigorously pump his length, making his legs shake. 
“Ah- I’m gonna- I’m cumming! F-fuck I’m cumming” he babbled as his abs twitched with every rope that spurt out of his red, swollen tip. 
Once he finally settled down and caught his breath he sat up and wiped his mess off of his chest with the tissues from the end table. 
You wiped your mouth and smiled before nodding to the spaghetti, “You should probably eat, you’ve got work in a few”.
It was his turn to lick his lips, “Yea, I should eat”.
His eyes traveled down your body, “But I don’t think I’m really feeling spaghetti right now”. 
“Oh?” you said with a curious grin, before he pulled you into his lap. 
You kissed him passionately once more before asking “how hungry are you, Ani?”
Maker, you already had a nickname for him- you were perfect. 
“Absolutely ravenous” he responded before laying you on the couch. 
“Show me”.
He smiled and quickly slipped off your shorts and panties in one swift motion. You could already tell this was going to be a top three experience. 
Before you could register the feeling, he was already buried in your pussy. He lapped up your arousal and all you could do was toss your head back in bliss. 
“Oh Anakin” you moaned as he kneaded his large hands at the fat of your ass and your thighs. 
“Fuck, you taste so good- you’re so wet for me” he panted through licks. 
Once his tongue swiped over your swollen clit your back began to arch. You clenched your thighs around his head and tangled your fingers into his hair; this was heaven. 
His mouth worked on your pussy as his hands roamed your body, he seemed to just know what would drive you absolutely insane. 
“Maker- Oh my god Ani!” your breath hitched as his long fingers skillfully pushed into your aching core. 
The combination of his tongue and fingers alone, made you see stars (imagine what his dick would do). 
Embarrassingly, you felt your high coming; usually you lasted longer, but damn did Anakin know how to use his talents. 
“Wanna cum for me sweetheart?” He asked through hooded lashes. 
You nodded vigorously and with another curl of his fingers, you were coming undone in his grasp. 
Anakin threw on one of his work shirts and zipped up his pants; once you came, he gave you the most aftercare he could until he knew he had to leave (Luckily the two of you had time to get cleaned up). 
“Fuck, ‘m so sorry I gotta go, I’ll be back though” he said as he rushed around looking for his keys. 
“I’d imagine so, you live here” you laughed as you stretched on the couch. 
He sighed and walked up to you again, “You know what I mean, I don’t want you to think this was a one time thing- we will be discussing this later”. 
You nodded with a small smile before he leaned down and ran his fingers through your hair; he drew you in for a soft kiss, “I really don’t wanna leave you right now, I look like an asshole”. 
“Don’t you always?” you joked, nipping at his lower lip.
“I’m serious, I don’t want you to think that is all I want from you…”
“I don't” you assured him.
“Alright” he smiled before kissing your forehead once more before leaving. 
“Someone’s in a good mood, what’s got you so happy, playboy?” one of the cooks asked after Anakin didn’t immediately get annoyed when one of the servers rang in an order wrong. 
Anakin smirked and shook his head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m always in a good mood-”.
“Bullshit! You were just skulking around the kitchen the other day ‘casue you saw someone flirting with your little roommate” another butted in. 
“Yea, are you ever gonna ask her out? You’re supposed to be a player, ain’t ‘cha?”
“Nah, man- I’m retired, i’ve been retired for awhile” Anakin said, cringing at his past flings. 
“What made you change?”
Anakin smiled and turned towards his co-workers, “this”.
He pulled out his phone and on the lockscreen were a few texts from you, the top one saying, “Can’t wait til you get back home ;)”.
The chef’s eyes all widened before the kitchen became loud with their excitement. 
“Skywalker’s actually tied down?!”
“Ya finally asked her out!?!”
“When are you bringing her ‘round here?” 
“We wanna meet this little roommate”
Anakin slipped his phone back into his pocket with a smile, “hold on, hold on- we’re not official yet, but i’m pretty sure by tonight we will be- I really like her”.
“No shit, Skywalker! We could all tell you had a crush ever since you moved in with her” one of them laughed to which the rest agreed. 
Anakin smirked before going back to work, “Whatever guys” he said, rolling his eyes, but he couldn't shake the warm blush that was climbing up his cheeks.
a/n: so this is taking a point from the linecook headcannons (matching on tinder) but it’s in the universe of pancakes and pastries (roommates- cook ani and bakery reader). i’m not acc sure if i’ll end up writing anything with server reader and cook ani that work in the same restaurant- but we’ll see haha
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kanansdume · 1 year
Look, I love Kanan Jarrus, I literally named this blog after him. I loved his relationship with Ezra and I AM glad that there was significant mention of Kanan from Ezra.
I hate that Ezra's new lightsaber ended up just... a copy of Kanan's, both in its emitter and its color.
It's lazy. And it's so insulting to just... let Ezra make himself a new one and he just COPIES Kanan's rather than being able to make a saber that was uniquely his and spoke to the person he has become after everything he's been through, from losing Kanan to having to sacrifice himself to surviving Thrawn to spending so long on his own.
Ezra could have had a purple lightsaber, the first live action Jedi since Mace Windu to be given one, which allows him to stand out against Sabine and emphasizes that connection to his lineage through Kanan without being an exact copy of someone else's.
Or Ezra could've had white. This could've been an interesting and meaningful way of actually explaining the white sabers in mainstream Star Wars. Most casual viewers are going to have NO IDEA that the white sabers are "healed" crystals from red sabers. That lore is lost on people who aren't deep in this fandom. Ahsoka just wanders around with white sabers because... it's unique and it makes her look cool. No one's stopped in any of the shows she's been in so far to explain what they are or why she has them. (Yes, I know it came from the book but again, not EVERYONE has read the damn book and if they're going to use that particular piece of worldbuilding in the shows, I feel like they could go to the effort of explaining it on the shows, too.)
Ezra could've found a crystal somewhere on Peridea that had been corrupted by the dark forces of the Nightsisters that permeate the planet (which would also add to the lore of the planet just a little and actually connect it to the Nightsisters better given that it's apparently THEIR homeworld). Maybe he could feel just how broken it was and he could see that it was either red or a really sickly witchy green color and even though the darkness in it repulsed him, the crystal also called to him, so he took it and has been fiddling around with it ever since, for years. Over time, it started to lose its sickly red or green color and became a pure white, but he'd never been able to acquire the right parts to actually make a new saber, so he'd just been carrying around the crystal for a while.
Or Ezra could've used some cool Force powers to yoink away Shin's saber from her during the fight with the bandits and when either Sabine or Ahsoka suggests he keep it since he refuses to take his old one back from Sabine, he says that it just feels... wrong. Something about it feels dark and full of pain and anger. And Ahsoka can explain how she was able to heal the crystals in her own saber so that Ezra is able to do something similar.
Literally anything OTHER than just giving Ezra Kanan's saber recreated would've been more interesting and said something new about Ezra's character and how he's grown and changed.
But nope. They couldn't be bothered to come up with a new design, so he just gets Kanan's saber now. How inspired.
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somestorythoughts · 1 year
Protective Rage Obi-Wan Fic
So. @fanfic-obsessed has this cool Protective Rage Obi-Wan story idea that yall should check out because it's really good and they've got a ton of cool AU ideas. And I had an idea about an apology scene for it and then the plot bunny that makes you do things like overcomplicate worldbuilding said "you know you could do a whole fic" and now I have 4000 words. I was thinking of splitting it up into parts cause that's a long post but frankly I'm tired and should've been in bed like 90min ago cause I have work tomorrow and mornings suck so it's staying a one shot with the paragraphs spaces cause I am NOT reformatting that now. Enjoy.
            Usually, when Quinlan’s pushing himself to finish a mission through this much pain, he’s running on determination, maybe some spite. This time it’s desperation.
            He’s not sure if the shouting starts before or after he hits the door panel – or maybe it’s been going on the whole time – but he can see Obi-Wan through the spots in his eyes and that’s good, that’s good, he can’t finish this and maybe his friend can –
            It’s like leaning on stone, Obi-Wan’s mind wonderfully shielded under the worry in his voice and Quinlan holds up a datachip for the hands around his arms. “Coded. Please.”
            “I’ll take care of it. I promise.”
            He’s staring up at the ceiling now but that’s alright. Obi-Wan has the data. Quinlan can break now.*
Ahsoka isn’t panicking, but only because she’s had a lot of practice keeping her head and she’s not friends with Master Vos. She’s met him though, and knows Obi-Wan and he are close, and she’s scared for him.
            “That’s an order Marrow!” Obi-Wan snaps and the medic someone called hisses in frustration from where Ahsoka’s holding him back. She isn’t sure why Obi-Wan’s so adamant that no one get closer to them, but she knows it’s serious. For all Obi-Wan hates the medbay he’ll work with the medics, let them see him elsewhere, and he knows better than to keep serious injuries from them.
            “General his leg is gangrenous if he doesn’t get immediate treatment he could lose it! As the head medic-”
            “Quin has to be seen by a Temple healer anyone else will make it worse. I don’t like it anymore than you do Marrow.” He’s resting a hand on Master Vos’ head and is holding his hand with the other, trying to sooth his mumbling friend.
            “Can you explain why while we wait for Healer Eerin?” She asked.
            Obi-Wan frowns, the look he gets when he’s trying to figure out how to explain something Force-related in English. “Marrow. The troopers who have trouble with excessive sound. If they were injured would you treat them in a noisy medbay?”
            Marrow scowls, but he stops splitting his attention between Master Vos’ leg and how best to get around Ahsoka and says, “Of course not. Not if there was any way to avoid it.”
            “Quin’s psychometric. It’s a useful skill, but sometimes it’s like Force hypersensitivity.”
            Cody interrupts as Anakin enters. “Healer Eerin just arrived. She’s being escorted here.”
            “Any idea what happened?” Anakin says. He’s waiting by Ahsoka, whether because he already knows approaching is a bad idea or because he got the gist from the way the medics haven’t gotten closer is anyone’s guess.
            “Have to keep them safe.” Master Vos mutters and Obi-Wan’s face tightens, though his shields are still rock-solid.
            “Who Quin? Who do you need to keep safe?”
            But Master Vos never stopped talking, only just loud enough to be heard. He’s shivering too, voice breaking with groans. Whatever he was doing to walk on that leg – Ahsoka is very determinedly not looking at the swelling or the white that might be bone – he clearly can’t keep it up anymore. “Gotta keep them safe from the people and the senators and the Chancellor gotta do something useful with my unnatural powers what good are we if we can’t keep them safe apparently nothing I hoped I hoped I wasn’t gonna get my heart broken again I Obi they deserve better than this-”
            His words are cut off by the sound of the door opening as Healer Eerin and a Padawan healer sweep into the room in unfamiliar robes and go instantly to the downed Jedi. Marrow scowls heavy as thunder at not being able to treat a patient on his ship as they do, Healer Eerin passing something to Obi-Wan as she takes his place by Master Vos’ head. Obi-Wan squeezes his hand and stands, moving in line with the troopers around them so that he can slide the chip into the device and examine whatever Master Vos was so desperate to bring him.
            “Pop quiz Padawan Lele. Why do we use special gear for Master Vos?”
            Padawan Lele didn’t stop what they were doing as they replied: “Because his psychometry is super strong and the pain has seriously damaged his shields. Without the robes or equally strong shields he’ll feel too much of our minds and memories as well. This could delay his healing or damage his mind.”
            Marrow goes stiff and Ahsoka thinks that’s the first time she’s seen him look sheepish.
            For a few minutes, the room is a quiet tension, little sound aside from the Healers working or Master Vos’ delirious mumbling, fading in and out of hearing. Cody’s giving him the same worried look Ahsoka is, Master Vos sounds like his heart is as broken as his leg and she knows enough about how people work to think that the amount of self-deprecation she can hear isn’t a new thing.
            The rage, when it comes, is sudden as a lightning bolt and just as sharp. It’s gone just as quickly too – almost before Ahsoka and the other Padawan finish whipping around to stare at Obi-Wan who looks perfectly calm. Cody’s looking at him too, narrow-eyed in suspicion.
“Excuse me.” He says, still perfectly calm, and Ahsoka thinks of the weight of a sky prepared to burst and wonders if she should follow him, but the door is closed before she can decide.
“Been a while since I saw Obi-Wan get that angry.” Healer Eerin remarks.
“Huh?” Several of the troopers say. Anakin does too and the day has not been nearly overwhelming enough for Ahsoka not to role her eyes at how her oblivious master can lift a tank but not read anger when it’s shoved in his face.
“A little after Anakin first came to the Temple one of the teachers decided he was a poor fit for the Order and was trying to sabotage his work along with bullying him in class. Obi-Wan found out, asked Quin to watch Anakin for an evening, and went after the teacher. The man landed in the Halls of Healing with several broken bones and left as soon as he was cleared to move left for the furthest jedi outpost he could find. If he ever taught again I will be very surprised. Commander he’s safe to move but it would help if we had a clear path to the door.”
“You’re gonna catch flies Skyguy.” Ahsoka says faintly as Cody taps his comm to pass on the message. When he’s finished they all hear the trooper on the other end say, “By the way sir General Kenobi just left for Coruscant’s surface, said he had some business to attend to at the Senate.”
Cody nods, wearing the expression of concern and exasperation he gets whenever anyone he feels remotely responsible for does something dangerous without explaining why. “Check and see if there’s a way to find out what they’re doing.” He orders Crys as the Healers begin to maneuver Master Vos through the door.
“It’s one of the sessions journalists are reporting live sir.” Crys answers, pulling up the feed without needing to be asked, and they all group together to watch it.
Obi-Wan is, to put it bluntly, really fucking pissed. The anger in him pools like water, building and building, and he wills himself to keep calm control as he strides through the Senate building. If he gets too angry to think, things will go wrong.
Quinlan came to him because the things that had already gone wrong were even worse than any of them had been allowed to see, and he couldn’t fix it himself. He came to Obi-Wan for help putting things right.
Obi-Wan will be damned thrice over if he fails that mission.
He’s already sent the information on the datachip to the Council (though he doesn’t know when they’ll be able to see it), to all of the Commanders he has the contact information for (he’s not sure which of them made those particular lines of contact so secure but he trusts Cody’s view of them), and Madame Nu. They can’t afford to let this stay between the two of them, they need the backup. He knows the Council cares, is struggling as much as he is under the weight of the war, and the Commanders deserve to know and can keep their secrets. He includes Madame Nu because he doubts anyone would expect it, and the few interactions he’d seen between her and her single squad of troopers made him certain she adores them.
Plus, she studies Sith Temples. She’s gotta be more dangerous than she looks.
He walks into the rotunda where the Senate are debating the (very reasonable he’s read this one) Clone Rights bill, sees Palpatine, and allows his rage to fuel his leap for the podium.
“Tell me,” He says, cool as can be, as he smashes Palpatine’s face into the stand and kicks Amedda away when the asshole tries to interfere, “what the fuck the jedi did to you that you want our children murdered in their cribs?”
Order 66. Kill all the jedi. All of them.
“Who the fuck gave you the right to have an army bred and implant them all with control chips so that they couldn’t disobey, couldn’t be allowed to even think?”
Control chips that would wipe out the troopers’ minds, take away every thought and feeling and every piece of self that they’d fought to keep, chips that would turn the troopers his friends into the flesh droids senators liked to claim they were.
Palpatine snarled and shot off lightning. Obi-Wan deflected it and continued to ignore the screaming as he mused that perhaps Palpatine had decided there was no point in hiding when Obi-Wan was broadcasting these secrets to the Senate. Then he punched Palpatine below his sternum and then his ribs.
Ah, red lightsaber. There it is. He ducked and broke Palpatine’s arm.
“And while we’re at it, who the fuck allowed you to use those chips to control the Coruscant Guard and make them do your dirty work? Or withhold rations and bacta?”
It’s entirely possible he shouldn’t have included the information about the blackout missions and the extent of Palpatine’s control over the clones. That might have been the kind of thing they’d want to share themselves. Unless they couldn’t say anything?
“Even for the Sith you’re an exceptionally twisted shitstain.” He ducks the other lightsaber and wonders why this asshole had to learn to fight with two.
“You forced my family at blaster point to lead a war you orchestrate from both sides, forced our friends into slavery and now you want to take away everything our friends are when you use them to kill us and frankly Palpatine, I think the fuck not!”
The red lightsaber screams in his hand as he slices Palpatine’s head clean off.
Obi-Wan frowns as he takes in the scene. Huh, Amedda’s still here and oh that’s Master Windu and Master Yoda in the audience. He supposes some Jedi witnesses are a good idea. He grabs Amedda by the front of his robes and uses the Force to help him hold the heavy asshole over the edge of the podium with one hand, just to make sure he gets the point.
“Now you may have gathered that I’m very concerned about the clone troopers’ lack of rights. What about you?”
It turns out that Amedda is also very concerned about the clone troopers’ lack of rights. Good. “Full Republic citizenship and Senate representation that they elect instead of someone who make money off their bodies would be good too.” Obi-Wan adds, looking the Senator from Kamino dead in the eye. He’s pretty sure she’s calculating the distance between him and her pod when she nods.
If Obi-Wan had known all it would take to get his friends their rights was the public murder of one of his least favorite people, he’d have done that at the beginning of this thrice-damned war. The bill is passed very quickly and unanimously, and a couple Senators add a bit about backpay they’d had in the works as well and make some noise about allowing the clones to settle a moon or planet once they have the time to look the uninhabited ones over. That gets less enthusiasm but it’s not being shouted down and they can work with that, so Obi-Wan grins with all his teeth on display and says “I’m glad I only had to kill one politician today.”
The fear that ripples through the Force is unmistakable.
He puts Amedda down and heads to the Senate floor where the Coruscant Guard are waiting. Their shields aren’t bad but there’s awe shinning through them like sunshine in the dessert, bright and warm and painful with the twisting of old griefs and pains and shocked relief, and Obi-Wan says “I assume I’m going to be arrested?”
One of the men, who wears the rank of a Commander, takes of his helmet and asks, “Permission to speak freely sir?”
“Granted, forever and always.”
The man beams, and answers; “Then with all due respect sir, there is no way we’re going to arrest you.”
“Are you sure? I did just beat the Chancellor of the Republic to death.”
“Abso-fucking-lutely. Everyone on the Guard wants him dead within their first week here.”
“Thorn put your helmet back on, we’re not safe unless that law’s enforced.” Someone snaps and a different Commander approaches, leading Master Windu and Master Yoda. His shields are beskar-strong, but judging by his voice Obi-Wan would bet he’s glaring at Thorn.
“I’m feeling a bit spiteful.” Thorn grins and Fox gives that familiar huff that usually means the trooper in question is rolling their eyes underneath their helmet.
“Don’t look at us like that we’re not locking you up either.” Mace says dryly when Obi-Wan looks at him. “I will however, make sure your Padawan gets mindhealing sessions if I have to drag him there kicking and screaming myself. He’s overdue anyway.”
Obi-Wan winces but agrees. Quin hadn’t found solid proof of Palpatine grooming Anakin to be his Sith apprentice, but the information he had found made him suspicious. And once he read that, Obi-Wan can see a lot of things that support it.
Windu pulls him into a hug, startling Obi-Wan. The other Master doesn’t often want a lot of physical contact, and for him to initiate hugs is unusual. He sinks into it.
“Do you know how Quinlan is? Bant had to take him to the Halls.”
Windu shook his head. “I’ll ask.”
“To the Temple we will go after, inform everyone, and let you see your friend.” Yoda adds.
Obi-Wan blinks at the stern commander. His shields are still thick but every single one of the other Guards are radiating concern and Obi-Wan wonders if Quinlan started this investigation because it was the Guard he wanted to protect.
“He found the information on Palpatine and brought it to me. He was seriously injured and delirious when I left him with the Healers.” The Commander twitches, just barely visible, and Obi-Wan asks, “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name?”
“Commander Fox.”
“Vos looked out for us.” Commander Thorn adds when it’s clear Fox isn’t going to continue. “He did his best to keep civilians off our backs, brought us bacta, snacks, and sweets when he could, tried to make us laugh. He’s our jedi even if it wasn’t official. But we haven’t seen him in weeks.”
Obi-Wan nods in understanding, then turns as Mace looks up.
“He’s in a coma. I can tell you more on the way, I trust the Guard but I don’t want to say this in the open.”
“I’m coming.” Commander Fox states and Commander Thorn nods.
“And perhaps a couple of the men. So we know how he’s doing?”
“I was going to ask one of you if you wanted to come. One would probably be best for now, I don’t know if the Healers are allowing visitors.”
“Just Fox then. I’ll watch out for our vode.” Thorn knocks his forehead gently against Fox’s, murmurs something none of them can hear, and leads the rest of the Guards away. The Jedi and single Commander push through the crowds and pile into a transport.
“Details Mace.”
It’s a sign of how serious it is that Mace doesn’t respond to the tone with a raised brow or eyeroll. “The gangrene is too serious; they have to amputate his leg at the knee. They aren’t sure how far he fell to break it that badly, but they know it’s been untreated for days. Best guess is he was running from someone and couldn’t find a place or the time to take care of it. He’s got some bruising and infected cuts on top of that which makes things worse, but they’re pretty sure they can deal with those. However. He’s not responding well to the healing. It’s not physical, it’s something mental. They aren’t sure what happened.”
Obi-Wan takes a deep breath and exhales shakily. Mace grips his shoulder till he stops quivering and asks slowly, “Do you have any idea what exactly happened the past few days?”
“He was almost completely out of it when he got to me.” Obi-Wan murmurs. “He, he said a lot of bad things about himself and a few things that reminded me about how some people talk about the Force. You know, when people call us or our skills unnatural. He wanted to protect someone, I’m not sure if it was the Jedi or the Coruscant Guard or someone else.”
The rest of the ride is quiet and tense.
Cody meets his general and general Windu at the hanger and finds himself, once again, relieved he’s wearing his armor. He’s not sure he’d survive his general finding out about the highly inappropriate reaction he had to the sight of his General beating up the Chancellor of the Republic on behalf of the troopers. His only consolation is the fact that he’s absolutely sure all the vode that aren’t asexual had the same reaction.
He is surprised to see Fox there, he hasn’t spoken to him in too long, and when he had Fox had been exhausted and tense. He’s been getting worried. He falls into step beside Fox as Obi-Wan updates him on the situation and waits till there’s no one near their group and murmurs, “You can take off the helmet if you want Fox. I promise they’re safe.”
Fox pauses, then yanks off his helmet almost violently. There’s more grey in his hair than there was last time, and a pair of scabbed-over cuts on his cheekbone. He looks like he was tired to the bone last week and hadn’t gotten any sleep this week.
“Shut up.” Fox snaps, almost quiet enough to be missed by the generals, and Cody hesitates but thinks of Fox coming here to check on a severely injured jedi and decides to wait.
The Healer tells them that they can see Vos, but that they must be quiet and keep calm. The handful of Cody’s men that followed him wait so it’s Cody, Fox, Obi-Wan, and Windu that follow the healer into the room, Cody to offer moral support to his general as needed.
“Commander!” The healer yelps in alarm as Fox pushes past her, stripping off his glove and reach for the General’s limp hand, and Cody thinks of Obi-Wan using a rare order to keep Marrow at a distance and wonders what the hell Fox is thinking before Vos twitches, bare fingers curving towards where Fox has his fingers laid gently on his palm.
The healer scowled and examined the machines Vos was hooked up to. “The rest of you, no touching. Keep calm. You,” she pointed at Fox, who ignores her, heartbreak plain as day on his face “don’t move.”
Cody stays near the door, watching. Obi-Wan’s eyes have flicked towards Fox a couple times, but mostly he’s focused on General Vos. Windu is the opposite. The healer finishes examining the machines and holds her hand above Vos’ forehead, before making quiet excuses and leaving.
She comes back with Healer Eerin who preforms the same examination. “Anything wrong?” Obi-Wan asks.
“I don’t think so but I’m staying for the next 20 minutes to watch.”
It’s twenty minutes later that Healer Eerin kicks all of them out to eat except for Fox, who she brings a chair for. “I don’t know why, but your presence if helping him heal. I’m sure you have things to do but if it’s possible for you to stay a little-”
“I’m not leaving him.” Fow states, and Cody thinks of General Vos’s words on the bridge and heartbreak that hasn’t left his face and thinks oh.
They leave the door open when they go just for a bit, and Cody can tell Obi-Wan had the same idea as him because there’s concern and something that could become anger on his face. General Windu’s as inscrutable as always but Cody’s heard enough from Ponds to know the man takes threats to the jedi seriously. He shushes his troopers outside and waits.
“I’m sorry.”
It’s enough time that Cody had wondered if Fox was gonna stay silent and the shaking in his voice alarms him almost as much as the words. “I didn’t mean it I promise Quinlan. It was just a bad day and I snapped I’m sorry. You force-damned idiot it must have been days to find that and get so injured you know the Guard would’ve done anything they could for you even if I was being an asshole, you think Thorn didn’t smack me around the head when I told him? You’re our jedi Quinlan and we need you to wake up, I need you to wake up I can’t apologize properly if you’re sleeping, please, the Guard’s lost too many people please don’t let us loose our crazy jedi too.”
Fox is crying by the end of that, shaky sobs that scratch his throat, and Cody hits the panel to shut the door and turns to the two jedi.
“Well that answers that question.” Windo states. “I think the Commander will be there a while.”
“If it helps Quinlan heal I can’t speak against it.” Obi-Wan muttered. He slumps into a chair, exhausted. “It’s been a day. Who wants to eat?”
“I do.” Cody says. “And then I want to head to the barracks and make Thorn tell me what’s been going on with Fox, because I feel like I’m missing something important.”
Things get better after that, some slowly, some quickly. The Separatists decide it’s in their best interests to surrender to General Kenobi, and the war wraps up quickly with some planets staying separate and many arrests in the leadership (interestingly, a lot of crime groups that deal with jedi more than they would like to also decide to go clean after that footage. Who’d’ve thought?). The troopers learn about their new home with glee and throw themselves into learning how to be things other than soldiers with a mix of joy and apprehension. It takes time for the Coruscant Guard to be fully comfortable with their other brothers, but it’s something that the rest of the troopers work on furiously when they learn how hellish Coruscant had been for them. Anakin gets so much therapy (as do many other people) and the Jedi use time they have now that the war’s over to start distancing themselves a bit from the Senate, trying to ensure that they can’t be forced to lead an army again.
Fox is there when Quinlan wakes up, asleep and holding Quinlan’s hand and there are tears and apologies and promises. The Guard cheers when they get their general back because they love their crazy jedi as much as the other battalions. And the clones and jedi start to heal together.
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marvelstars · 1 year
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Other than Ahsoka and Anakin, Rex is another character I enjoy a lot in his relationship with Anakin, because they make such a good team because of their mutual care and trust between each other and "A distant echo" shows this in a beautiful way, here Anakin is talking to Padmé about Rex having too much feelings over the possibility of Echo being alive, to which Padmé answers he definitely learned that from Anakin but that everytime Anakin has taken dangerous steps Rex has been right beside him always and now it´s his turn to trust Rex instincts just like he has done with Anakin, he doesn´t deny it but states that he just trying to look out for him. Anakin doesn´t want Rex to believe Echo could be rescued only to be dissapointed.
Here we enter a very interesting circunstance in which for the first time Rex is in a possition to rescue one of his brothers, which doesn´t oppose his mission and he´s ready to do this come what may because this happens right after fives death and Rex is not going to let Echo die if he can do something about it.
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This deep wish to rescue his brother leads him to fight the members of the Bad Batch who believe Rex is just too compromised by his feelings for Echo, he is leading them towards a trap because Rex thought Echo died back on the citadel and that he´s just another "regular clone" so it isn´t worth the trouble , which makes Rex answer angrily, Anakin supports Rex and stops the fight but then consults with him directly about what´s happening. Anakin tells Rex that he hopes Echo is alive but that he needs to be preprated for the possibility this is all a trap from the separatists.
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This is so important, because he have seen during most of the story that Rex always has been right beside the Republic, he is used to see his brothers die constantly and the only thing he is asking now to Anakin is to trust him when he says that Echo is alive and for once give the priority of rescue to one of his brothers, just this once, let that be a priority, Rex knows Anakin will understand because he knows he cares for them and because Rex has done the same for Anakin and Ahsoka countless of times. So for the rest of the mission Anakin supports Rex and they manage to rescue Echo.
They always had such a great relationship as General and Captain but this chapter in particular showed Anakin also was ready to give Rex the support he needed in his decisions, just like he used to do for Ahsoka, because Rex isn´t just a subordinate to him, he is his friend and what Anakin would do for Ahsoka, Obi-Wan or Padme, he would do for Rex as well.
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queenie-official · 10 months
Chapter Seven: ‘Something New’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
a/n: i’m back 🤭 this is a lot of fluff y’all so i hope you eat it up 💪💪 it’s bit long because i sort of combined chapter 7 and chapter 8 since it made more sense for it to be in this one compared to what i have planned out. anyways that’s all i’ve got say love you all 💋💋
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seven days, that’s how long you had with Anakin before the responsibilities of the world would catch up with you two. seven days then your honeymoon would be over. thankfully even though the first day was a little bit of a rough start it was what you needed to begin truly getting to know each other. and that’s exactly what you’d been doing, over the last four days you’d learned a lot about him- like his favorite color was light blue. and he wasn’t the youngest but in fact had a little sister making him the middle child, which honestly explained a lot.
you were currently taking a stroll with him in the royal garden, conversing and listening to him explain his family dynamic a bit more thoroughly. Anakin had told you how he’d purposely mess with his older brother to keep him on his toes since in his words ‘he’d be to stuck up and a complete stick in the mud’ if he wasn’t there. which prompted you to then ask what would he be now since he was here.
“that’s what my little sister is for, she looks up to me. practically a mini me but smarter” you snort a laugh at that and he smiles brighter. he truly had a pretty smile. “you sound like you adore her” you say with a soft smile and he chuckles “i do but never tell her i said that.” you quirk a brow “why not?” you ask curiously. “because she’d never let me live it down” he states a bit dramatically but completely serious and you can’t help the smile that never leaves your face only growing with each interaction.
“so Obi-Wan can never escape you then” you voice the thought out loud and Anakin laughs, everything about him you’ve been finding incredibly charming. “oh yea he’s never going to have it easy- Ahsoka is like my apprentice of mischief. star pupil” he said with a mischievous smile leaning in towards you as he speaks making you blush slightly. “only pupil” you point out and he rolls his eyes “for now.” your brows knit together in confusion “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“time will tell” he says with a shrug, you scoff and think about pressing more but decide to drop it. you’re both quiet for a moment, silently enjoying one another’s company as you continue the walk in the garden. the warm sun and floral smell from all the flowers creating the perfect bubble. it was your idea, coming on this walk- in fact you insisted he’d join you so you could show him your favorite spot. he seemed reluctant at first but you quickly realized that was just him messing with you and not how he truly felt. you felt your mind wonder back to his sister “it sounds like she cares about you as much as you do her, so how come she wasn’t at the wedding?”
“my mother was afraid she’d cause a scene- which to be fair i wouldn’t put it past her, she can be a bit….snippy and she’s not afraid to speak her mind it was just not the right time or place for that.” you let his answer hang in the air for a bit, in all honesty she sounded like a good person. a free spirit for sure but still a good person “she sounds like she’d make a good leader” you offer as a response. “i suppose” he says with a wrinkled nose, clearly not agreeing with the thought. “i personally can’t see her as much more than a bratty teen.”
“i’m sure that’s how Obi-Wan feels about you” you counter and he can’t help but laugh “well then i guess i got a taste of my own medicine” you giggle at the thought and begin to lead Anakin across the bridge. you where close to the spot you wanted to show him now, just a bit more of a walk but Anakin had stopped. when you turned to see why his footsteps ceased you where met with him looking over the bridge out across the water admiring the view of the fish swimming up the stream and the way the sun reflected across it. you take a moment to admire him first before walking back over and standing beside him to look over the stream yourself.
“i wish i could meet her, i feel like id love her” it came out soft, almost like you hadn’t fully meant to say it out loud. you could feel his eyes on you now, and then a sudden warmth on your back. his hand was pressed against the small of it, you had to fight back the way your cheeks burned at the action. “if she warmed up to you i think she’d like you as well” he says and you finally force yourself to meet his gaze. “as of right now i’m guessing she’s not to keen on me” you ask with a tilt to your head and he bites back a smile. “very much so” not surprising you did technically take away her brother.
“she’s the main reason i agreed” you blink a few times trying to process what he meant. “huh?” he pulled his hand from you and you had to fight a frown at the loss of contact as you watched him lean an elbow on the bridge railing “well i wasn’t really given a choice- but the reason i was so compliant in the matter, and i know this is selfish. was for her not my kingdom.” you mimic his actions leaning onto the bridge railing yourself as you listened to him speak carefully.
“the kingdom of Tatooine is falling, already on its last leg. i knew if i went along and everything went well then we would get the support we need from Alderaan, which would mean my sister would not have to bare witness to what would happen if we hadn’t gotten the proposal and that was the only reason i was remotely okay with everything.” you felt your heart tug at the confession, that familiar feeling of guilt resurfacing. “you’re a good brother Anakin” he smiled at the sentiment. a small silence filled the air before he spoke again.
“could you tell Obi-Wan that, he seems insistent on the fact i’m nothing but a bad influence” clearly the conversation had gotten a bit to emotional for his liking judging by how quick he was to play it off. you smile at that and pull off from the railing “well i never said you weren’t a bad influence.” you retort as you begin to walk off the bridge and continue the original intention of this walk. “ouch, you wound me” he places his hand over his heart in mock offense “honestly me a bad influence? doesn’t even begin to sound true.” he was smiling as he said it unable to take himself seriously with that statement and you can’t help but laugh “you are full of yourself.” he shrugs “i think i have every right to be” he says smugly and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“so what does Tatooine need most?” you ask, promptly changing the question as you both round a corner, now in a much smaller section of the garden. the flowers where much more overgrown here the only clear pathway was leading to the center of some pillars. you turn to him with a smile, this was what you wanted to show him. it was your favorite place to hide when you where younger and upset. you’d stumbled across it on accident but it quickly became your favorite place.
he raised a brow but smiled regardless, taking the time to look around before following you up the path. the center of the pillars was clear just a bunch of grass. you plopped down on the ground opting to lay rather then sit after all your dress wasn’t exactly the sitting kind. he stood over you for a moment looking down and contemplating something, you weren’t sure what but you decided to just brush it off once he followed suit and laid down beside you. “what do you mean” he finally asks in response to your question. “i know our coronation isn’t for another few days but we could begin preparations now, and then once we are officially crowned we can take immediate action. so what in your opinion does Tatooine need most?” you explain, turning your head to the side to face him. tracing over his jaw with your eyes and trying to memorize each detail of his face from this angle as he thinks. it was strange how quickly you found yourself falling for him, but he made it easy and you honestly weren’t mad about it.
“the route of our problems is lack of funds. we have a high crime rate, not for lack of laws but lack of ways to in-force them.” he begins and you move your gaze back upwards, staring out at the passing clouds. “go on” this time he turned to look at you “the only jail we have is the palace dungeons, outside of that there’s nothing. and there chalk full already. we’ve thought of building more but all of the money rightfully goes towards feeding the people” he continues and you nod, turning back so you both where facing each other now. “so funds and military support would be most welcome?” you ask carefully wanting to make sure you got what he was implying.
“yes, of course food and supplies would also be a good help but with money they’d be able to buy their own” you hum a brief response before giving him an affirming nod “understood, then we have our priorities” he raises a brow, a small half smile appearing on his face “just like that?” you smile back “well we are to be king and queen, our word is law.” not entirely true, you both did have your own set of rules and regulations to follow. but overall you two where at the top, the people look to you not parliament. “i guess being a king isn’t as bad as i thought” he joked.
a comfortable silence fell once more, only this time you where staring at each other when it happened. you hadn’t realized just how close he’d laid next to you until now, his entire body pressed against your side. faces only inches apart, if you moved any closer you’d kiss. the thought made your stomach erupt with butterflies, it wouldn’t be your first kiss since technically that happened on your wedding day. however it was different then than now. now it was you wanting to kiss him and not a requirement, you felt uneasy. not use to this type of thing, you force yourself to break the eye contact looking back up to the sky before starting a conversation for a distraction.
“tell me more about Tatooine- the good parts what’s it like there?” you ask him and he laughs.“Tatooine has very few good things in my opinion- for starters we’re a desert kingdom, which means there’s sand for days.” he says annoyed and you turn your attention back to him with a raised brow “not a fan of sand?” you ask and bite back a laugh. “i hate it. it’s course and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.” you couldn’t hold the laughter in anymore especially with how serious he meant it, brows furrowed like he was cursing the sand in his mind. “well remind me to never take you to a beach” you say in between giggles, it was his turn to roll his eyes at you as you kept laughing. “there is one thing that i love about Tatooine- aside from my family” his sentence pulls you back and you force yourself to calm down. “what’s that?” he relaxes more once you ask and smiles as he speaks “the races.”
“races?” he nods and begins to explain “we have horse races, i was a rider- against my mother and fathers wishes but they never exactly stopped me either. it’s not like i took place in the gambling side of things, i just like the adrenaline of it.” you watched as he spoke with the enthusiasm of a small child. it was cute and his eyes sparkled “have you ever won?” you wonder out loud. “oh yea just about every time i’ve raced, ill miss it” he says rather solemnly and that made your heart ache.
“what if we introduced the races to Alderaan? it seems like a harmless enough tradition” you spoke before really thinking and he snapped straight up like you’d just told him the best news in the world before he quickly shut himself down not sure if you where being serious. “honestly?” he presses needing confirmation before he allowed himself to be to excited. “why not, it could be fun a way to unite our kingdoms- people from Tatooine can come here to compete and vice versa.”
he’d kissed you then. it was gentle but passionate, a smile on his face the whole time. it made your head spin, face burn but you liked that and when he pulled away you did your best to act unaffected not quite ready to express yourself.
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The next two days with Anakin where just as sweet, you both where getting along great. opening up about any thought that came to mind. it was wonderful and then something changed.
you weren’t sure what caused it but he was acting different today. more shut off and distant, it hurt. this was the last day of your honeymoon and somehow you’d messed it up without even realizing. all day he’d been brushing you off and keeping as much physical distance as possible, your head was spinning trying to find where you’d gone wrong. each conversation you’ve had with him running on repeat looking for even the smallest inkling that you’d crossed a boundary of sorts but you kept coming up empty. you tried asking him what was wrong as well wanting to just rip off the bandaid but he simply said nothing was wrong.
talk about emotional whiplash, if nothing was wrong why was he acting this way. why would he not even let you get near him. you’d let him be alone for about an hour before you couldn’t take the pit of anxiety anymore and decided to face him once more. This time you weren’t going to stop asking him until you got an answer, so you made quick work to hunt him down. which was surprisingly easy compared to the last time he’d disappeared. you found him struggling to walk up the stairs, you where quick to rush up to him not even giving him a chance to process it was you who now stood beside him. “Anakin what happened?” you ask concerned reaching out to help him but he moves away from your touch. “i’m fine” he says curtly and you’re taken aback briefly but recover “are you confident in that fact because-“
“i said i’m fine!” he shouts and you go silent letting your arms fall to your side as you begin to pull back, feeling yourself mentally shutting down. you see a look of regret on his face when he finally looks at you, as well as a sheen of sweat on his forehead. actually now that you got a better look at him he was pale, sickly so. he took a deep bated breath before proceeding up the stairs.
“i mean it i’m fine.” you scoff at him before following behind, he was heading in the direction of his room and you where going to make sure he got there safely. “could you just leave me be” you roll your eyes and cross your arms “i’m not going anywhere Anakin so would you just let me help yo-” you watch as he began to fall backwards, in a panic you do your best to catch him only to realize just how heavy he was the second his weight hit your arms and you fall down with him.
he was out cold, you on the other hand where now stuck underneath him. at least you’d broken his fall.
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you wring out a wet cloth before placing it on his head that rested in your lap. you had gotten the attention of your guards and made them carry him to his room as you got a hold of the royal physician. that was two hours ago, now he was resting much more peacefully after he’d been woken up to take some medicine to help fight a fever. The Flu was what the physician said it was, and he’d insisted you not be in the room with Anakin in fear you might get it as well. as if that would stop you, he was sick and you wanted- needed to make sure he was okay. if you got sick in the process then oh well.
you watch over him carefully, running your fingers through his damp sweaty curls. what irked you about all of this was that he said nothing, suffered in silence instead of asking for your help. you thought you guys where finally getting somewhere. finally trusting one another- liking one another, learning to love one another and then he does this. ignores you, pushes you away when he needs you most. you see his eyes twitch and your mind goes blank, waiting patiently to see if he’d finally fully wake up. at least enough to have a conscious conversation.
soon enough his eyes do flutter open, looking around himself briefly to process his surrondings before looking at you. “you said you where fine” was the first thing out of your mouth a frown gracing your features and he had the audacity to smirk. “i was” he huffed, and you had to fight the urge to flick his head. “i’d believe you if you hadn’t passed out right after you said it” he remained silent after that statement and so did you. upset with his actions and not wanting to make a scene while he was sick you figured it best to just quit speaking entirely.
“why are you doing this” you raise a brow and he sighs knowing what you where going to ask “caring for me i mean” you feel your nose scrunch up, what a stupid question in your opinion. “I am your wife, it is my job” he closed his eyes at that “i didn’t think that applied to us” he said simply. “what?” your brows knit together “the duties of a married couple” he adds. it triggered you a bit, why would he think you wouldn’t want to help him. “you’re sick, was i just supposed to stand to the side and watch you suffer?” he opens his eyes and shrugs. “the vows i said may have been empty when i made them but i still made them nonetheless and i for one keep my promises.”
“so you’re only doing this out of obligation?” he asks and you frown “no-” he shifts slightly so that his head is more propped up on your thigh, closing his eyes and letting out a soft groan like it physically pained him to move. “then why? because you like me?” he smiles as he asks- unbelievable he could not possibly have the energy to be teasing you right now. “i’m doing this as your wife and nothing more” you say but it’s clear you aren’t being entirely truthful with that statement and you can tell by the look he gives you he’s not buying it.
“i think you just don’t want to confess you like me” he chuckles but quickly regrets it, closing his eyes again in pain. “if i did i would tell you” you say and begin to run your fingers through his hair again and watch as he relaxes. “well make sure you shout it” he mumbles. “i’m sorry?” he opens his eyes again, scanning over your face before answering “when you tell me you like me, shout it so i can hear you and know you mean it.”
“you’re delusional” you huff but can’t hide your smile and he’s quick to mirror you. “that’s probably the fever” he says with a shrug before allowing himself to doze back off to sleep in your lap.
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part 8
Tag List: @luvvfromme @gatekeepingirlboss @bimbo-baggins86 @iluvanakinskywalker @bby-imasociopath @curlycarley @burnthecheshirewitch @misscaller06
AHHH OKAY HERES CHAPTER SEVEN LOVES💋💋 side note i could not resist the urge to include Anakin’s hatred for sand- it was too good of an opportunity 😭 not to mention idk about you guys but i am completely with him on that ☝️as someone with sensory issues sand is one of my worst nightmares💀 anyway i hope you huns enjoyed Xx<3
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motionlessonigiri · 11 months
Hi Sabezra community.
Am I an English speaker? No. That's why I apologize in advance for the crimes against the English language that I'm going to commit next. But I still hope you can understand me. I'm not even sure anyone will see this.
It's been a while since I came here to find people who love the same things as me. Like a refuge from the outside world. I planned to post something only when I had something interesting to share with you all, like a video edit or fanart. Things so we could have fun together.  The current circumstances didn't allow me to do anything for now, so I was just following things as a spectator.
Seeing all this ship war going on, made me feel like I wanted to get away from all social media, so I wouldn't see these things anymore.  I also felt scared to express my love for this ship too. I'm scared to post this now.
Even my mother noticed that something was bothering me.  She asked me several times what I had.  I didn't want to tell her, because she's also a Star Wars fan and I don't want her to know everything that's going on. I want her to continue watching our favorite shows without thinking about negative things.
I want to get the hell away from it all, but for once, I would like to post this to all the Sabezra shippers who are receiving free hate. I think you guys need some love after suffering so much hate and I need to get out how I'm feeling. Because that's all I can do for now.
This whole time, I saw your fanart, I saw your video edits and I read many of the beautiful fanfics you wrote (I confess that I haven't read them all yet, it's due to lack of time, but I loved everything I read).
I see everyone putting so much love into what they do. And I can't ask you to continue, because I myself don't know if I'll ever be able to post anything in the future. But to be honest, I don't want you to stop.  Am I being cowardly and selfish? Perhaps, but it's the truth.
But I'm here to remind you that not all Sabezra shippers are so active on social media, but we exist.
I've been a Star Wars fan for a few years and only watched Rebels during the pandemic. I started shipping Sabezra since then.
I was so happy that the Ahsoka series exists. And now I couldn't even watch Ahsoka or Rebels (I tend to rewatch the things I like many times). Because every time I try to watch it I'm reminded of this whole ship war that's going on.
So I decided to talk to a friend. He is also a Star Wars fan (and a fan of Rebels, which I recommended to him), but he doesn't follow things that happen on social media. We always talk about Star Wars, but we never talked about ships.  But today I asked him what he thought of Ezra and Sabine.
He is my childhood friend and we practically grew up together, so I thought: "If he sees Sabine and Ezra as just friends/siblings, just like he and I are, maybe I'm seeing too much in the interactions between Sabine and Ezra and and I should just stop shipping them." 
But to my surprise he also ships Sabezra. He said that you can see in the exchange of looks between them that there is something (In fact, my friend and I never look at each other the same way Sabine and Ezra look at each other). And he thinks Sabine is in love with Ezra.
The same case happens with my mother, who also loves Rebels and watches everything from SW since when she was young, but without following all the discussions that happen on the internet.  When we watched Ahsoka, she said she thought Sabine liked Ezra since Rebels.  She said this without me saying anything about shipping them.  And when I asked her if she thought it was wrong to ship them, she said no and said she thinks they will be together someday.  (I know, this may never happen, but hearing this from my mom warmed my little heart)
Even a friend of mine who isn't a fan, just watches casually, asked me if Sabine had a crush on Ezra.
Talking to these people from outside made me feel better, because this may not have been the intention of Dave and the others, but you can see that, based on common sense, no one can blame us for shipping them, it seems natural to many people. And not all Sabezra Shippers can be seen expressing this around.
I have nothing against anyone who ships wolfwren.  But I won't lie and say I wasn't sad that the cast supported it so openly, while we are accepting crumbs. I confess that at first I felt betrayed. I haven't shipped Sabezra for as long as many of you, but I feel like I have. But thinking clearly, I understand them. Besides thinking that they can to ship whatever they want, just like us, I see it as a way for them to show support for the LGBT community. It is to be expected that they will do this. And it's okay.
Needless to say, I'm just posting this to express what I was feeling, I have no intention of hurting anyone.  I am completely against any type of hate.
I don't regret watching Ahsoka, nor do I regret that the series existed.  But I'm sorry to have seen so much fighting and hatred for something that was made to make us all happy. I wish I had followed everything in ignorance, as well as my friend and my mother. I think I'll start seeing things that way from now on.
I had a lot more to say, but I still don't know how to express them in words and this was turning into a mile long post.  My first post and this was huge.  I'm sorry for this. I needed to get these things out because I want to sleep and focus on the more important things I have to do.
And I want to be able to enjoy watching Ahsoka and Rebels again without feeling sick out remembering all the discussion surrounding it.
For now, I want you to know that I've been loving all the Sabezra content you've been posting. What I want to say is that I'm here and that I will continue to ship Sabezra until the end. Even if you don't see me interacting here.
Maybe later I'll regret posting this. 
Maybe I'll delete it right away. 
Maybe I'll never come around here again. 
I don't know.
Too late. But everything is fine. 
At least now you know I'm here.
I love you all.
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rhioth · 9 months
no because anakin was never dealt with a winning anything, my dude spent years as a slave’s kid working in the junk shop building droids as a form of fun.
i always enjoy the whole “Anakin just expected Obi-wan and Padmé to trust and listen to him?? Asshole” discourse because like… yeah??
not trying to self insert here but as a mentally I’ll individual 🫡 who in a fit of mania sometimes believes they are absolutely, 100% right and has the irrational thinking of; “im right, and you love me, you’re the person I love most, you should get it” & is totally irrationally emotional when they DONT, yeah… I GET THAT SIR!!
Even if it’s completely understandable, deep down I know they’re not at fault for not getting my own emotions, I’m in control of those — not others. I know this. Still, when my partner says something that goes against me it’s like nails against chalkboards sometimes
Again, when looking at Anakin he had nothing. He was a slave all his life, just to a different master each time. on Tatooine, to the Jedi/code, Palpatine and even to the Darth vader suit, he is never of his own free will. It was Qui-gon’s choice to win Anakin, to take him from his mother and home to what he thought would be a better life. granted it is, but he also finds himself isolated from what is imo what is supposed to be his “placeholder family”
MORE IMPORTANTLY Padmé is the love of his life, telling him that what he thinks they need, what he’s done for her and their family etc to be at peace/alive was actually WRONG!! BAD!! All meanwhile he doesn’t have any of his support at his side; Rex is off with ahsoka, obi-wan is fighting grievous on utpau meanwhile Palpatine has puppy Anakin at his every whim and call ((lets not forget that Palpatine had to have been grooming Anakin from a relatively young age)) They don’t get it, they didn’t see Padmé die before their very eyes, they don’t know what’s waiting them. Anakin is trying to save his family. Obi-Wan going against him is salt in the wound, even if Anakin himself knows it’s wrong and against the code and just completely evil.
I mean, Padmé FORGAVE him for the whole tusken massacre smh is it such a stretch to believe she would stand by his side as he waged war against the galaxy? i mean… isn’t that what love is…..? selfish, passionate, narcissistic, messy? she herself is a politician who often prioritized Anakin over her own duties I bet my man expected some “if you have a body in your trunk I’ll bring the shovel” type beat which also, i reiterate, WHY WOULDN’T HE when his wife forgave him for mass genocide, children included?,
he is emotionally/mentally fragile, he just recently slew younglings and killed Mace — you think this mf is thinking logically? Stop giving him the benefit of the doubt; he was a mess throughout the series, not once did he ever have his feet on the ground. He isn’t suddenly going to make the “right” decision, especially if it means sacrificing his loved ones. He’s an extremely flawed character, stop expecting him to make the right call.
The blocks of Anakin’s character have been set up to fall, Obi-Wan and Padmé are two of his most beloved relationships aside from his MOTHER that are completely dogging on his only hope of SAVING THEM. Anakin was never simply, “you have to do what I say or else I’ll get upset!” that’s a disrespect to his character — he can think logically. He isn’t a child. He is strategic, effective, in tcw he is the most efficient victorious warrior making Palpatine’s efforts look even better as leader of the republic. He builds droids from the time he is a young child all throughout his formative - adult years to the extent where knows how to understand their bleep bloops.
Anakin is flawed deeply, he was doomed from the get-go, never had a chance. His feelings are complex and deep and he questions the faith he swore to follow/protect. His character is so interesting to me and I have such a difficult time depicting the raw duality of man he wears on his shoulders everyday. Our desire to do good, yet to be evil; our desire to be unselfish, yet we are selfish.
This beautiful, scarred, monstrous mosaic of a man who from the very beginning, had a huge amount of pressure on him was meant to be so horribly dismantled. What other choice did he have? He is the chosen one, how could he be wrong? How could his idea of saving his family be any less honourable than the Jedi of the Galaxy?
He isn’t simply angry at them for not agreeing with him/falling with him, he feels betrayed. Personally. Obi-Wan and Padmé are pieces of Anakin, people that he loved so fiercely he labeled them as his enemies once they hurt him, he is too far gone to give them any semblance of second chances
anyways yep happy Thursday guys
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grapenehifics · 11 months
I’m very curious to know if you have a headcanon about whether Anakin wears a sleep shirt? He’s shirtless in both AOTC and ROTS. Is this because he overheats at night? What does Obi-Wan think about this?
Tits out, guns out.
Longer (real?) answer below the cut...
First of all, thank you for this ask; this kept my brain very pleasantly occupied on my commute to work today.
In An Uncivil War, I put Anakin in clone-issue under-armor to sleep in - which involved a whole separate headcanon, about what they wear, which is more likely probably both black leggings and a black turtleneck but I added a sleeveless black undershirt to that combo so that Anakin could wear a black tank top because this is my fic and I want to see some arms damnit - mostly to get him into something black and obviously non-Jedi issue but also because he and Obi-Wan are sharing a room with Ahsoka for all of that fic so while I think he'd be perfectly happy to go shirtless around Obi-Wan he also recognizes that they're in a war and anything could happen and he would not have the luxury of being able to get up slowly and put a robe on or anything before needing to hurry to the bridge to deal with an explosion or a Separatist attack, so during the war he might forgo the whole sleeping-naked thing at least while on duty.
I think of Obi-Wan - at least pre-war Obi-Wan - as a pajamas person, like the whole nine-yards matching-set sort of deal, and so little Anakin would think that is normal/Jedi appropriate/wants to emulate his Master, so when Obi-Wan gets him child pajamas he wears them. But I also see Anakin as deeply texture sensitive - and prone to nightmares, which make him sweaty, and unused to regulating his body temperature in a way that makes sense for non-desert planets - so he'd actually really struggle with wearing all that baggy fabric and blankets to bed, and the fabric gets bunched up underneath him, and now he's lying on top of wrinkles, and if he gets sweaty then the whole thing is damp and soggy and uncomfortable...so he takes at least the top off, and that feels better, but Obi-Wan never does, so Anakin gets yet another (subtle, unspoken) impression that he's doing 'being a Jedi' wrong.
(And honestly so long as Anakin's not completely naked, I don't think Obi-Wan actually cares if he's only wearing pants, especially in his own room; this is not something Obi-Wan actually chastised Anakin for; it's all in Anakin's head that he's being judged.)
In the AotC deleted scene, we see Anakin sleeping in his clothes:
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so either Obi-Wan didn't pack any pajamas for him (potential future headcanon discussion: how old is Anakin before Obi-Wan finally stops packing his suitcase for him) or Anakin took the whole 'travel as refugees' thing to heart and decided that refugees don't get pajamas, and really he's just staying in character. The next time we see him asleep, he's at the Naberrie family vacation villa:
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There's our topless boy! Is he wearing pajama pants under there? Difficult to say for sure but I'm leaning toward yes, both because of his generally awkward nature and the fact that he's trained to jump into action at any moment in case of danger.
By the time he's gone outside to meditate he's put a shirt on, unfortunately:
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Is this a pajama top, or just his regular tunic? If it is his regular tunic, why is it XXL? That is not where shoulder seams generally go. Does Obi-Wan think he's still growing and is tired of replacing his shirts every six months so he's still doing the, 'it's too big now but you'll grow into it' thing?
In any case, why are Jedi so into beige; I know we (rightly) make fun of teen Ahsoka's tube top but at least the girl has an appreciation for color.
So far, though, I'm going with, Anakin will sleep in pants, at least while at other peoples' houses, but prefers not to wear a shirt. I would imagine this would probably hold while he's with the 501st, too, that he needs to be ready to spring into action at any moment but who cares if his troops see his bare chest (and, again, maybe this is just me, but this is where I see him slowly adapting to wearing more of what the clones wear, just because there's so much of it, and yes they're shorter than he is so the leggings only come up to his calves but this is would not be a dealbreaker for him).
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In RotS, I have to assume that we're meant to assume Anakin is buck-ass naked under the covers here and the only reason he's wearing pajama pants here:
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is because this is a PG-13 movie. I mean, he's off-duty and in bed with his wife. Yes I know she has her hair done and is wearing a silk nightgown with pearl sleeves (??) but, again, kids movie. Why on earth would Anakin be sleeping in pants otherwise.
Around Obi-Wan, though, before they get together: pants on, shirt off. (He's trying to flirt with the man, after all.) After they get together: clothes just get in the way. Anakin expects this of Obi-Wan, too, and looks so hurt the first time Obi-Wan tries to put his pajamas back on after sex that Obi-Wan course-corrects and gets into bed naked. "If you're cold, I'll warm you up, Master," and Obi-Wan doesn't have the heart to say no (also, Anakin is very warm). They have pajamas, but they're for, like, morning and evening lounge wear (and Anakin's still does not involve a shirt).
Obi-Wan does, however (eventually, slowly) manage to teach Anakin the fun of taking your partner's clothes off slowly, piece-by-piece, as opposed to popping buttons and ripping them off as fast as he can. This is both fun and has the added benefit of extending the life of Obi-Wan's wardrobe and keeping him from needing to break out his sewing kit quite so often (Anakin still leaves them piled on the floor though).
Throwing it back to you, @underacalicosky and anyone else who wants to play :) Agree? Disagree?
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Clone wars headcanons about everything and nothing
Ahsoka has a decent amount of allergies but only a handful are actually life-threatening and no matter how much she tells Anakin that it never stops him from treating them all the same
And by treating them all the same I mean he’s slapped some snacks out of her hands because he knew she was slightly allergic to it
In his defense the clones are really bad at keeping track of her allergies and because of that they have fed her a couple of things that were lethal to her and ever since then Anakin’s never really trusted them with food
Also in his defense Ahsoka once ate something she was highly allergic to on a dare (the poor clone didn’t know she was allergic) and all she did to remedy the situation was hand said poor clone her EpiPen before passing out
Unfortunately the clone didn’t know how to use the EpiPen so Ahsoka ended up passing out and Anakin and Rex had to rush her off to the med bay because they didn’t know how to use the EpiPen either 
Because of this incident the clones weren’t allowed to give Ahsoka food and there were a couple of signs that said “blue to the sky orange to the thigh” around the ship
I feel like everyone in Clone Wars is simultaneously touch-starved and tactile which is a very fun mix especially when I think about Ahsoka and everyone else because I like to think whenever Ahsoka asks for a hug 9.5/10 she gets one 
Master Plo is the most used to this cause Ahsoka’s been like this since she was a child and he’ll admit he’s spoiled her with hugs 
If you were to ask her what his hugs feel like she would say they feel like childhood or that feeling you get when you smell something that you could only find in your home when you were a kid
Obi-Wan is an interesting can of worms because he’s as tactile and touch-starved as the rest of them but he’s also incredibly touch-adverse which results in him declining hugs 5/10 because he just can't fathom touching someone in that moment
But when he does give Ahsoka a hug she’ll say there’s nothing like it and she would often describe it as a breath of fresh air and very soothing on stressful days 
Rex is most likely it give Ahsoka a hug bro is simply the hugger™ and she would describe his hugs as comforting if not a little awkward but grounding none the less kind of like hugging a weighted blanket just out of the drier 
She doesn’t get to see Padme nearly as often as she would like which means she tries to get a hug whenever she can and Padme will never decline her hugs if anything she initiates most of them
Ahsoka doesn’t remember her mom or her hugs well but if she had to give an example of what a hug from her mom felt like she would say Padme’s 
Anakin honestly isn’t comfortable with touching people he doesn’t know well but when he does feel comfortable with someone he’s clingy 
Ahsoka will never admit this half cause it’s embarrassing and half because she fears it would hurt the other’s feelings but Anakin’s hugs are easily her favorite something about the all-encompassing hug makes her feel safe and secure like nothing else 
But the funny thing is that sometimes he doesn’t really have the energy to hug Ahsoka so he’ll just put all of his dead weight on her which usually results in one of two reactions from her 
one. Is usually her saying “Hug me like you love me” or something along those lines to which he will squeeze the everloving force out of her or two. “Hug me like a normal person” which usually gets the smartass response of “Who said I was a normal person”
So it’s pretty obvious that Anakin and Ahsoka have their bigger competitions but they’ve also got little ones like who can make the funnier face when Obi-Wan is trying to do his work which normally ends with the duo hunched over laughing and Obi-Wan finding another place to work 
The: “Who can accurately make the noises Obi-Wan makes while stretching” challenge which just usually results in the clones worriedly checking in on them cause it sounds like they’re in pain
The: “Who can eat more ice cream” challenge always ends with Anakin regretting his life choices and Ahsoka doing the dishes because she feels bad 
Long story short they’ve got a lot of challenges cause they’re competitive little weirdos but the funniest part is they rarely keep score of who the winner is so they’re in an endless cycle of useless competitions 
Obi-Wan has slowly collected mugs for everyone he’s close with and they have a nice little home in his otherwise empty mug cupboard 
Anakin and Padme have matching from Naboo because Obi-Wan took them shopping when they were pretty young 
Padme can’t drink tea with them as often as she would like but when she can schedule a small tea break Anakin makes sure to smuggle all their mugs out of Obi-Wan’s kitchen
Ahsoka’s mug is possibly one of Obi-Wan's favorites it’s a good size and practical but’s also got nice intricate color-changing details because they both thought it looked cool
Cody and Obi-Wan’s mugs are pretty similar but their main difference is the childlike handwriting on the bottom of one that says “to: Obi from: Ani”
Rex doesn’t get a mug until later and it’s the most unconventional and inconvenient mug in all of creation the poor dude has to hold it from the sides because his hands don’t fit in the handle
And its design pisses Obi-Wan off every time he sees it the only thing that’s stopping him from smashing it into hundreds of little pieces is that Rex picked it so in the cupboard it stays 
Sometimes the group forgets that Ahsoka isn’t human which leads to very funny circumstances 
Like Rex losing a decent amount of credits trying to call Ahsoka’s “bluff” of being able to bench twice his weight 
Or at the fact that Obi-Wan was once hiding from Ahsoka and Anakin because he didn’t want the duo to see the extent of his injuries from a solo mission 
But he forgot that Ahsoka could smell and hear better than the average being so she was able to track him down pretty fast (she was also freaked out cause she could hear his erratic heartbeat and smell the blood so that wasn’t a pleasant experience for her) 
Or the number of times when she’s eaten an unholy amount of food just for Anakin to wake up at 3 am to find her scavenging for more cause she’s still hungry 
And let me tell you seeing some small hunched-over little creature with reflective eyes at that time of night would make even the chosen one screech like a banshee
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Parts Of The Truth
Chapter Five
Warnings: discussion of fertility issues, maybe some spelling errors, a child, foul language.
Five chapters already? Insane, I love writing so much and idk but my motivation has returned after so long. PREPARE TO BE SICK OF ME.
"Padme" you stare at her with an awkward, anxious smile on your face. You're so fucked you think.
She smiles at you, no hint of hostility or faux politeness, a genuine smile, but her eyes seem sad. "Uh, I'm sorry to just pop in like this but I got your address from Ahsoka. Do you mind if I come in." You hesitate for a moment but you let her in.
She steps into the house, following your lead as you walk back to the living room, where Darcy was laying on the couch, eyes glued to the TV, still in her pjs.
"Sorry for the mess, this is what the house looks like when you spend an entire weekend with a three year old."
Padme chuckles, "It's okay, no judgement here. Hi sweetie" she waves at Darcy, you pray she doesn't see any resemblance. Darcy waves at her.
"Are you my mama's friend?" Darcy sits up immediately curious. You scoop her into your arms, kissing her head before placing her on the floor.
"How about you save the questions and go take a bath, let mama and her...friend talk okay?" Darcy pouts. "But-"
"Now" it comes out more firm than intended but it worked, she ran up the stairs to her bedroom.
Padme sits on the couch as you try to put away all of Darcy's scattered toys. "Sorry to just drop in. I just...I didn't know who else to go to, I figured since you work in the office you're the best person to come to about this sort of thing" she sighs. Your brows furrow.
"What is it?" You ask curiously.
She hesitates, kissing her teeth. "I think that my husband is cheating on me."
You're at a loss, opening your mouth but no words form, you sit next to her. "...Wow uhm, why...why would you think that" you try to sound as clueless and convincing as possible.
"I'm sorry to just dump on you. i just figured that if...is he seeing anyone in the office. Is anything weird happening that i should know of" she asks, it sounds like she's scared to hear the answer. you swallow the lump in your throat, pushing down your guilt, your body suddenly hot like you were about to combust.
"I'm sorry Padme, there's nothing I can think of." You sigh, going to the kitchen to get water, she follows behind you sitting on the stool at the counter. "He loves you very much, I don't think he would do that" you lie straight through your teeth, offering her a glass of water which she politely accepts.
"I know he does, it's just- Okay, about three years ago, we found out that i can't get pregnant, and we both really wanted a baby. So he put thousands of dollars into fertility treatments and different doctors and medications but every time we tried...none held up" She opens up to you. You feel sick to your stomach, guilt consuming you.
"Padme, I'm so sorry"
She looks at you, her eyes glossed over with tears. "He was patient and kind about it you know. He said that we'd keep trying and if it didn't work then we could adopt but then suddenly, he says that he's 'over it' that he was happy and that he didn't care anymore. I've been trying to push him to adopt but he's fighting me on it something about how he doesn't raise someone else's baby and it'd be better just us."
Your eyes gloss over listening to her, you knew why he stopped; because of Darcy, because you gave him what Padme couldn't, your stomach twists into knots.
Padme continues, "I figured that, maybe it was nothing but then he started coming home later, sometimes he wouldn't come home at all and he'd say that it was a late night at the office or that he was running over proposals so I let it slide you know. But I just can't shake the feeling that he's hiding something" she places her hand over your own. "Please, if you know something, just tell me"
You bit down on your lip, contemplating. What kind of a person were you? Sleeping with a married man, having his baby when his wife was struggling to do so. You defended your actions in your mind; to be fair; you didn't know. "I don't know anything that can help Padme, I'm sorry."
She sighs, "it's fine" she runs a hand over her face. "It's just nice to talk about it finally to someone, i felt like it would drive me crazy just holding it in"
You nod, completely understanding that feeling.
"I hope we can be friends." she smiles, you return the smile, nodding. Darcy runs down the stairs, in a fresh onesie, her hair brush and teddy in her arms, she climbed up on the stool handing you the brush to comb her hair. Padme smiles at her. "That's a cute bunny"
Darcy nods. "Yeah, his name is whiskers, my daddy gave him to me, my daddy always buys me stuffies." Padme smiles.
"Yeah? Your daddy sounds pretty cool"
"Mhm, he works a lot but my mama says it's so he could buy me all the teddies in the whole big world." She holds the bunny out to Padme.
Padme takes the bunny, playing with her, you feel nervous like Darcy may something and explode your life, you finish braiding her hair and she runs into the living room, back to watching Paw Patrol. Padme watches her tiny form, smiling. "She's bold"
You chuckle, "A handful too." You smile, talking about your baby, for a moment the guilt fades only to return again.
"Are you and her dad...together?" She asks. "Sorry i don't mean to pry"
"it's fine and no well, it's complicated" You take a deep breath. Padme chuckles.
"Ugh men, so annoying."
You laugh, "You can say that again. Hey, are you in the mood for wine?" You know it's an absolutely horrible idea to befriend the wife but you aren't exactly the best at decision making. Clearly.
"Day drinking? I love your style." Padme raises her brows.
You spent the afternoon, finishing a bottle of wine with Padme, while Darcy melted her brain with cartoons. You talked and laughed, trading stories and giving advice which you of all people shouldn't be doing. You had almost forgotten that you were responsible for ripping this woman's dream away from her, forgetting that this new friendship will inevitably take a horrible turn.
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just-prime · 1 year
8 : Oh so boring
The horrifying MCU-ification of the Star Wars universe is in horrific display as 8 episodes lead nowhere but setup.
Before I get to everything else, I do want to say, Ray Stevenson's passing is a true tragedy, and I appreciate the love and care he clearly put into his character. He was the only compelling one, and I shudder to think of how Disney will probably heartlessly recast.
Now, on to the episode
Well, all the leaks that said it was zombies were right, to the surprise of no one. This is the MCU now, we need something more than just a fuck ton of stormtroopers to blow through, we need an undead CGI army.
First off : The Jedi, The Witch, and The Warlord...FUCK OFF FILONI. YOU ARE NOT CUTE.
The show opens with the attempt to lull Legends fans back into a Sion reference for no reason. Also, Thrawn's super baggy pants seem unnecessary, especially since the design in Rebels always has him in perfectly tailored clothes. Nothing during his decade abroad that would have cause the pants to change that drastically, so it just feels like an unnecessary change that is not an attractive look :(
Morgan's power ups make no sense, and as soon as she got them she was going to die. Her eyes had me making a half dozen Supernatural jokes for obvious reasons. The whole "Blade of Talzin" thing is also very dumb given the fact that I assume Mother Talzin would have used every weapon in her arsenal to stop Grievous, and I would think a lightsaber proof sword is on that list.
The entire "Ezra makes himself a new lightsaber" scene filled me rage for a few reasons.
A) Ezra literally just turned down Sabine's offer of the lightsaber for the martial arts force powers which we never see him use again.
B) Huyang knowing about Caleb and Kanan being the same person feels kinda weird to me to be perfectly honest.
C) Ezra's new lightsaber is boring. Full stop. This is the kid who built a gun into his first one, it makes no sense that he'd make one that looks this mediocre.
D) All of Sabine's family dying horrible deaths on Mandalore has always struck me as a cop out. It's just lazy writing to isolate Sabine.
The Stakes
Spoiler alert : THERE ARE NONE
We knew this was going to end in a cliffhanger for a while now, which means none of the main cast was going to die. Morgan has always been a means to an end for Thrawn, not that her loyalty was ever explain...But none of our heroes were gonna bite it (regardless of how I hoped for Huyang to explode) so there were no stakes. Thrawn had to escape, despite the fact that he is weirdly shaken, so he does. Ezra had to get home, so he does. Sabine and Ahsoka are now trapped on some stupid Mortis world??? Okay, pause, I'm getting ahead of myself here...because before that...
Sabine has the Force now
My deepest condolences to anyone who is finding this out from me, but Sabine is offically confirmed and shown to be Force sensitive. Yes it is dumb. Yes it makes no sense. Yes this is something we all saw being foreshadowed from day one, unfortunately. Especially with the playing down of her Mandalorian-ness (she's constantly losing her helmet, her gun accuracy has utterly gone, she barely uses her gauntlets, etc etc) it was obvious that Filoni wanted to do with her, what he was too cowardly to do with Grogu.
Other miscellaneous shit
It turns out that Ahsoka's shuttle is Jedi era...which makes no fucking sense.
The nightsisters being totally on board with the Empire feels like their ability to tell what's going on in the main universe might be a bit sketchy do to the fact that they missed that the guy in charge of the Empire is the one who ordered Dathomir razzed.
100% of the problems that the gang run into would have been solved if Sabine had a fucking jetpack
They pull the "Thrawn knew Anakin" card out of nowhere in the dumbest possible way, which really just goes to show how much FIloni hates the new canon Thrawn books.
Chopper recognizes Ezra (which was rather cute) before Hera does, because he decides to show up on a New Republic cruiser in full Thrawn stormtrooper garb. Also we don't even get a hug between Hera and Ezra.
Shin (because she exists, remember?) who is also stranded now, goes and appears to be taking over the bandit camp we saw earlier. Have no idea where they are taking that...but honestly, good for Shin doing something for her, this seems like a selfcare move.
Now, the ending...Fucking Mortis
So, the final shot we get of Baylan, he is standing on a giant statue of The Father (there is a statue of The Son, and a destroyed statue of The Daughter) pointing out towards something on the horizon.
Back at the hermit crab people camp, Ahsoka and Sabine (and fucking Anakin's ghost, because that's right people, instead of hanging out with his son, Anakin has been just hovering over Ahsoka this whole time apparently) here this chirping, and it's a fucking creepy hyper realistic CGI Morai.
So yeah, that's clearly how all of the trapped characters are going to get off this planet...the World between Worlds. Now, this brings up a fuck ton more questions...Chief of all being how did Ezra not use this to escape years ago???
And I get that Mortis is not everybody's favorite Clone Wars arc. Which is fair. I don't hate it, but I never loved it, and Filoni dragging in the dumbest piece of Force lore that he created is infuriating. ESPECIALLY with this being so obviously aimed at those who've not watched Clone Wars or Rebels. I'm curious to see how much he immediately recons about it, given that it's been his go-to move since before even Mando s3...
I fear they're going to do something like "Bayan is The Father, Ahsoka is The Daughter, and Shin and Sabine have to fight over being The Son" or some stupid bullshit like that.
I'm glad this is the last Filoni property we're getting for a while, since I'm pretty sure he's not involved with Skeleton Crew at all writing-wise.
I am just so happy it's over!
In the meantime, if you are as annoyed at Filoni as I am, spite him by reading the new canon Thrawn books!!! They are really fantastic and give Thrawn a lot of facinating depth, along with having an incredible cast of side characters.
For those of you who are new or just finding me because of my Ahsoka rants, please stick around!!! I'm sure I will be having other annoyed Ahsoka thoughts in the weeks to come as I think back about the full series and about just everything that it's fucked up. Feel free to pop into my ask box if you're curious about my other Star Wars related opinions, I'm more than happy to answer, though know that for the majority of the recent shows, I do not look fondly.
But if you are looking for some vindication on not enjoying recent Star Wars things, then this is the blog for you!!!
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lilredghost · 6 months
Sometimes I think about writing an Anisoka fic where they get together very furtively and very unexpectedly and they're trying to keep it hush hush, on the DL, even as they're in a bit of a honeymoon phase, because Force knows what would happen if anyone found out about them.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan is very miffed because Anakin and Ahsoka are suddenly very busy all the time. He asks Anakin if he'd like to spar in the evening and Anakin says he's got plans already. So he reaches out to Ahsoka who says sorry but she's got an exam to study for.
But then one of them messes up and lets slip that they were together when they told Obi-Wan that they were each individually doing other stuff. And Obi-Wan doesn't say anything but internally he's very much like "Why the lies...? If they just want more Master-Padawan time that's okay. I won't push them"
But then he has a crisis because Anakin and Ahsoka are his only lineage and it seems like they don't really want anything to do with him anymore. So he slowly drifts further and further away. He stops asking them to spend time together because he's tired of hearing weird excuses and rejections
(Eventually Anakin and Ahsoka get their heads out of their asses and everyone makes up though. Anakin has to hand off Ahsoka's training to another Master and they panic about it briefly until Obi-Wan is like "I'm sorry did you think I meant someone else? I meant me??" and they all get to spend time together and Anakin still gets to be involved but he doesn't have to be the authority figure. Obi-Wan implements a "no kissing in my quarters" rule and his stupid padawans follow that about 90% of the time but every once in a while he has to throw something at them to get them to stop)
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 7 months
You know something that bothers me in Time Travel Aus and some fics Obikin centered? Obi-Wan's reactions. Like I only really ship Obikin via their dynamic in Rots and CW while fully acknowledging the etnics involved considering everything Anakin did when going Vader (or falling into it), and yet... The fact that people make Obi-Wan have certain attractions to him while he was underage unsettles me. Because when I saw Aotc, Obi-Wan seemed to view him mostly in the lenses of a exasperated father (or coworker), with some moments of reassurance and fondness. Only when he stops being his padawan does that shift to be more equals (dunno how that was portrayed in the OWK show, haven't seen it).
And while I'm aware that wasn't the intention, whenever I see Obi-Wan time travelling to when Anakin was a kid or teen, it feels weirdly similar to grooming, where Anakin simply shifts his obsession with Padmé to Obi. Dunno if it's just a peev of mine, but wanted your opinion.
I must admit I am eyeing this ask a little warily, all things considered. But! assuming this is in good faith…
You may have noticed that when I go on my periodic obikin spirals I tend more to vaderwan; it's the version I was drawn to first and still find most compelling for me. So I'm not the best person to ask for a breakdown of the dynamics you mentioned, but I'm not without insights I guess.
I would say that Obi Wan being attracted to teenage padawan Anakin-or more importantly acting on it- is a darker take on his character… this is an angle someone might find it interesting to mess around with. (and sometimes being unsettled can be the point)
For example Obi Wan -> padakin may be appealing for Obi Wan's character by making him less than respectable, with desires and passions that he has very carefully squirreled away, but that Anakin pushes against and through the boundaries of..
Or your scenario with the time travel- I think I have read something along those lines, but it was fairly self-aware about it. This would be post- rots for Obi Wan, so the stakes are different. And you could play with him getting manipulative.
It sounds like it's not for you though!
Vaderwan is also dark, but in a different way. The OWK show doesn't exactly bring sex into it, it just depicts them as completely undone by each other, their souls consumed by each other, eaten away with grief and guilt and rage for ten entire years……………………………………………………………………
*shrug* This is playing with dolls to me. I have a mental closet with dozens of little Obi Wans and Anakins and Padmes and Ahsokas and Codys in various outfits (the outfits mostly being different takes on them etc). I'll toy with just about any ship involving my blorbos, but I'm not going to necessarily be drawn to every permutation either.
idk idk.
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