#(and my man has fleetwood mac on!!!!)
olivegardenmenu · 6 months
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Silver Springs, Fleetwood Mac // Everything Looks Better (In Hindsight), The Wild Reeds
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russellius · 6 months
@.georgerussell63: Chasing sunsets 🌅🏔️
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yeyinde · 1 year
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bettyfrommars · 5 months
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Dirty Metal Summer
a Dirty Dancing au
Part 1: Big Girls Don't Cry
Eddie x fem!Reader
It's 1987, the same year the movie Dirty Dancing was originally released. 21-year-old reader is spending the summer with her dad and aunt at an all-inclusive resort in Indiana while she figures out what she wants to do with her life. After that summer, nothing will never be the same. Eddie is in his late 20’s and works as maintenance staff, he is also the frontman for the house band, begrudgingly delivering top 40 hits for the guests, and a secret third thing. When work is over, there is a completely different scene happening at a place the employees call The Hideout. Wayne is the head maintenance man, Chrissy is a metalhead, and a few other surprises. Bonus: Steve as a sexy, tattooed musician because I can't help myself.
my blog is always 18+only, MDNI please. The only warnings for the first chapter have to do with mention of a death of a parent, mention of grief, allusions to depression, a tiny bit of aggression, and alcohol consumption. But please read chapter warnings as the story progresses, because there will be angst, hurt/comfort, violence (fighting), and smut. Reader is called Bird as a nickname.
A/N: this is a rewrite of an OC fic I wrote over a year ago, and damn, I really needed to change a lot because my writing has evolved so much. I know I posted a snippet last week, but it's all been changed. Thank you to those who have been excited about this, I know Dirty Dancing is a cherished film, so I am treating this retelling with reverence, while adding some creative spins, and I truly hope you enjoy. The ST characters in this fic do not know each other in the same way they did in the show. For instance, Eddie, Steve, and Chrissy all grew up together, but I do my best to stick with their original character traits. This first part lines up very close with the film, but after that, it diverges and becomes a bit different. Same story line, but also not.
Part 1: Big Girls Don't Cry
word count: 6.3k
The soft murmur of a talk radio station hummed in the cement gray Mercedes-Benz 560, with your dad behind the wheel and his sister, your aunt Kim, in the passenger seat.  From the backseat, you stared out the window with your headphones on, wishing for rain.  The scenery was what you would expect from a place on earth that everyone considered idyllic, but you’d been exposed to so much lush greenery with that bright blue, theater backdrop of a sky for the last hour that you were starting to get a headache. 
You pushed your wayfarer sunglasses up to rub the bridge of  your nose, and then flipped the tape over in your Walkman before clicking it shut to press play.  You were listening to a mixtape you’d made especially for the trip, the spine even said “road trip from hell”, but the first one on side b was Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac, and you closed your eyes for the next several songs.  You were doing your best not to think about how you’d be trapped in BFE Indiana for a whole month.
You were also doing your best not to think about how your mother would not be home when you got back, or worse yet, the fact that you would never see her again.  Never feel her generous hugs in those Laura Ashley dresses, smelling of Shalimar; never hear her voice at the other end of the line reminding you to eat something.  
Your aunt said your name and your eyes snapped open.  It was perfect timing because tears were beginning to form at your lash line. She had turned around in her seat and was trying to get your attention.
You pulled your headphones down around your neck.  “Sorry?”
“The lake,” the expression on her face harbored more excitement than you’d ever felt in your entire life.  “Isn’t it gorgeous? We’re going to get pedicures at the spa tomorrow, I already booked it.”
You glanced at your father’s stoic profile and then back to Kim. You felt bad for your aunt, getting stuck on a trip with two sad, mopey fucks who were too depressed to get excited about the things that thrilled normal people.  You were the walking wounded.
“Pedicures, great,” your smile did not reach your eyes, but she didn’t seem to notice, as her enthusiasm doggedly refused to wane.  
It had been almost four months since you lost her, and the world was still too…bright.  Everyone was so talkative and alive and you couldn’t relate. 
You looked out over the smooth expanse of lake that was nestled perfectly in the trees like you were in some type of miniature scale model rebuild of a town.  Your aunt asked your dad, Owen, if he was still listening to the news, and when he shook his head, she changed the radio station to a golden oldies station and was satisfied with the tune Big Girls Don’t Cry by Frankie Vallie.
“You’ll love this cabin, Bird,” your dad said to you as the Mercedes crested the hill and began to maneuver down to your destination on a narrow, two-lane highway flanked with towering trees.  A big green and white sign welcomed them to Hawkins Landing.  “There’s a whole top floor where you can set up for your lessons.”
You turned away, back to the window, hiding the way your nose wrinkled.  You thought maybe a perk of this getaway would be to have a break from practicing the cello you’d been tied to for over a decade, but no luck.  He’d been forced to give up his dream of being a musician, and now you were expected to carry the torch for him.  
You tried to come up with one thing you did in life that was not to please someone else, or boost some idea they had about you, and couldn’t come up with squat.
Besides reading.  And taking long walks with music to clear your head.  Those two were yours, and they could only be taken from your cold, dead, hands.
From the Hawkins Landing brochure your aunt had given you, it was clear that the property was enormous.  Some 30 or 40 guest cabins scattered around, a main house that functioned as a hotel but also housed two different restaurants.  A golf course, boat rentals, tennis courts, an outdoor theater, and a third restaurant situated on the water.  Along with the full service spa, there were indoor and outdoor swimming pools, plus any class you could imagine wanting to take, from salsa dancing and water skiing, to chess and crochet. 
Hawkins Landing was like a camp for adults who enjoyed alcoholic beverages.
There was a security checkpoint at the main entrance with two guards inside.  The taller one with the neatly trimmed red beard recognized your father from the jacket cover on one of his many books.  Thrillers mostly, horror if you squint.  He nervously asked for an autograph, but Owen was very polite, adjusting his tortoise shell glass as he took the black marker that the guard was offering him.  
After the checkpoint, it wasn’t long before the road opened into an expansive rose garden with a large fountain dead center, and the big main house with its wrap-around porch just to the right.  You pushed your sunglasses up to get a look at the people mingling around, getting the idea that the median age there was 45, and it was mostly families.  
The guards had given your dad a foldout map of the property and told him to check in at the main house to get the keys to the cabin they were staying in. The car moved at a crawl at the roundabout, and then came to park where a sign announced new guest check-ins.  
Your dad told you to sit tight while he went in to grab the keys, and your attention trailed off to a black golf cart with a white awning that wheeled in like a racecar and took position in front of the Mercedes.  It sat there close to the curb, idling.  You could see there was a woman behind the wheel, and she was looking straight ahead, giving you her profile.  Chin length, dark gold hair, just long enough for a ponytail, and the words “Hawkins Landing Staff” written in yellow cursive on the back of her navy blue jacket.  Where her sleeve was pushed up at her elbow, you noticed some type of tattooed lettering there, and her fingernails were painted black.  
Up ahead, you caught sight of someone strolling down the sidewalk toward the car with a hand in his pocket. It was a guy with honey tipped chocolate hair styled in a pompadour with a curl that bounced at his forehead, wearing tan chinos and a maroon, button down short sleeve with the square bulge of a pack of smokes in his front pocket. A tattoo peeked out from the V of his shirt, and there was another design on his bicep. He wore a pinky ring on one hand and rolled a toothpick around in his mouth as he sidled up to the golf cart to say something to the woman driving it.  They bumped knuckles and talked for a bit like they were very familiar, him with one foot up on the running board of the cart.
“Steve, there you are,” from the open window, your attention bounced to a short, dark haired woman who’d just come out of the building and stood alongside your dad on the sidewalk.  A closer look told you that her name tag said Joyce.  
The guy with the toothpick in his mouth straightened, smoothing the front of his shirt with his hand.  “Hey Joyce, I was just—”
Apparently uninterested in what he was about to say, she took him by the crook of the arm.  She introduced you all by your family name, and let him know that you were “her special guests”, and you assumed that had to do with your dad being a famous author, or maybe she said that about every new family.  While you chose to not do much else than offer a small wave from the back seat like you had no autonomy, Kim got out to greet them properly.
“This is Steve,” Joyce gestured to him with a Vanna White hand. “If you ever want to take guitar lessons this summer, he’s one of our best.”
“Or, if you just want to have some fun,” Steve’s eyes seemed to be searching Kim’s face, and then he shrugged. “I mean, I run the boats on the dock too, so if you want to ski or—”
Kim got flustered and tried to find her words, fussing with the lapel of her corduroy jacket in a way you’d never witnessed before. “I’m…I mean, sure, who wouldn’t want to be on the lake at a place like this?”
Kim hated boats and got seasick very easily, so you found her new interest amusing.   
Joyce politely waved Steve off and he went, albeit reluctantly, backing up with slow steps to wave farewell.  The smile stretching across his face grew wider the longer Kim couldn’t take her eyes off of him. When he was finally jogging up the sidewalk to get to where he needed to be, Joyce continued to try and sell Kim and your dad on the resort, even though you were already booked for the month. 
“Sunday night is Bingo night. There’s karaoke in The Antler Room on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and you need to check out our house band if you can.  They’re playing tonight on the back patio, and the rhythm guitar is sensational.  She used to perform with Vixen and Lita Ford,” she handed over the necessary keys and pointed the way to get to the cabin on the map.  
“Just follow us,” Joyce said, hopping into the golf cart next to the girl with the forearm tattoo.  
They led the way down a long, winding stretch with lush lawn and manicured hedges on either side, littered with people coming up from the pool in their bathing suits.  There appeared to be a Tai Chi lesson happening on the lawn near the rose garden, and some type of painting class going on just above them on a balcony.  
Made you wonder why summer people always had to stay so busy.
The cabin you’d be staying in was down a side road, tucked at the end of a private driveway with a view of the lake. It had five bedrooms, which was more than enough, but one of them would immediately turn into Owen’s writing room so that he could work on his latest novel.  
You were careful to tuck your Walkman into your bag as the Mercedes coasted into its parking spot.  Squinting up at the place, you were somewhat distracted by how much you liked the creepy, old feel of the whitewashed cabin, and you underestimated how far from the curb you were when you stepped out, stumbling to the side.  
The girl with the forearm tattoo caught you in both arms, preventing you from putting all of your weight on your twisted ankle.
“Whoa,” she moved her supportive grip from your waist to your elbow as you righted yourself.  “You okay?”
Your heart shot into your throat, and then you coughed a laugh, covering your face. “What a way to start the summer.”
She said her name was Robin, and there was a polite handshake exchange. She tripped over her words a bit.  “It’s not every day that someone falls for me.”
“Well, I’m pretty clumsy, you might need to stay close,” and the two of you shared a self-conscious laugh as you led the way to the trunk full of baggage.  
When you reached in to grab your suitcase, Robin teased, “hey, that’s my job,” before leaning further in to take the oddly shaped black hard case, the satin of her jacket skimming your arm. She struggled with it at first, but then held it up by the handle and gave you a sideways look.
“This yours?” She asked, cocking one eyebrow up. “You’re a musician?”
“No, well, yes I am but no I, I play the cello,” you stammered, not sure why it was hard to get the words out. “But here, I can carry that. It’s big and heavy and—”
Robin winked.  “I got it,” and then she snatched another suitcase with the other hand and shuffled by you to make her way up to the porch.  
Once you were all settled inside and Joyce had explained all of the amenities, you and Kim pushed back the curtains and watched the two go from the living room window. Just before they took off in the cart, Robin sent you a wave.
“She looks like a nice girl,” Kim had her arms folded over her chest. “Maybe the two of you could—”
“I know you’re worried about me, okay, but I don’t need to make any friends this summer,” you were holding the case for your cello in front of you with both hands, using it as a metaphorical barrier. “I like being alone.”
By the time you put your stuff away in the bedroom you’d be staying in, your dad was already typing away in his writing room, you could hear the keys of his Selectric click-clacking.  
“I’ll be back in a bit,” you called across the rustic but spacious cabin living room.  “I’m going to look around the main house.”
Kim barely caught your words as she was struggling with her glasses to read an ingredient label as she put some dry goods away in the kitchen.  “Mhmm sounds good, have fun. Be back in time for dinner, we have reservations at…whatever that place is called. Your dad knows.”
You tapped the Swatch on your wrist and gave an absent wave over your shoulder.
With your headphones on, you made your way down to the main sidewalk that split off in two directions, bordering either side of the swimming pool and tennis courts.  You found the bike path that wound down along the lake to the boat dock, and then up into a lush pocket of dense forest.  Two teenage girls on rollerblades almost crashed into you as they bolted around the bend, giggling.  Trying to decide if you wanted to go toward the water or into the woods, you watched a staff member veer off onto an uneven stone pathway and your curiosity was piqued.
Creeping along in their wake, you marched up a hill for what felt like forever, with Bring on the Dancing Horses by Echo and the Bunnymen playing in your ears, until you realized with a start that you’d already arrived at the main building.  It loomed up ahead like a mansion from some old gothic romance novel. 
You continued to plod your way along the trunks of trees, until you spotted a group having a chat on the wide porch, and took a few steps back.
They were all leaning against the railing in a semicircle, facing each other,  so that you could see the Hawkins Landing Staff on the back of a few of their navy jackets.  
One of them was Steve from earlier, next to him was a girl with a blonde ponytail, and then two others.  
“I met that author guy today,” Steve took a drag and then blew the smoke up in the air, away from everyone’s face.  “The one who wrote Darkness on the Hill, that one they made into a movie.”
You realized that it was your dad he was talking about. 
Not looking where you were stepping, you caught your toe on a tree root and your arms windmilled before you were able to find your balance, floundering to duck behind another tree.  Your mouth opened in a silent scream, trying not to gasp at the pain in your foot.  Grimacing, you turned the volume down on the headphones that were around your neck to better hear what they were saying.
“That actor from that one show about law and order is staying in cabin 8,” the girl with the ponytail said.  “Housekeeping says he finishes a bottle of whiskey a night.”
But then, there was another voice. “Now that sounds like a great fucking vacation to me,” followed by the heavy footfalls of boots on wood as a new person approached the group.
The sight of the new arrival made you feel like your brain was wiped clean—-the whole world came to a screeching halt.
Swallowing hard, all of your attention tunneled on him; his long dark hair with bangs that crowded his eyes, a thin but muscular build, tattoos scattered over his exposed arms, and a leather jacket hooked over his shoulder with one finger. He combed a hand through his hair as he walked, chunky metal rings catching the light, and headed over to the blonde girl.  You took note of every movement as she passed him her half-smoked cig and he gave her a quick kiss on the temple.  
Was that his girlfriend?
He stepped back to introduce the younger guy he had with him.  “This Jamie, my new maintenance trainee,” he used the hand holding his smoke to point to each one on the balcony individually.  You really didn’t pay attention until he got to the blonde one.  “...that one there is the lovely Chrissy, and the moody one with the hairy chest is Steve.  They’re the other musicians I told you about.”
Jamie had short black, curly hair and a hoop piercing in one ear.  He lit his own smoke while the metalhead started in with a story about a pump exploding at the pool house, complete with wild hand gestures.  
“Hey, there the fuck you are.  I’ve been looking everywhere for you losers.”
Another voice, another person making their way down the long stretch of squeaky wood planks from the front of the building.  You stepped closer, snapping a twig under your foot, eliciting a worried lip bite.
Everyone stayed right where they were, but for Eddie who moved in front of Jamie in a protective way.  The guy approaching at a stroll had very nondescript good looks with his wheat blonde hair in a tight cut that looked freshly trimmed.  While the others were dressed more casually, this one wore a white dress shirt and tie with black trousers, as if he had some fancy place to be.
“You talking to me?” The metalhead flicked his cigarette ash and stepped forward to meet the new guy before he could come any closer to the group. “Cause, if so, you might want to change your tone, precious.”
“Eddie, don’t,” Chrissy said, and then she stood up, addressing the guy in the suit.  “Jason, what the fuck do you want?”
Eddie, you moved your lips, whispering the name to yourself.  His name was Eddie.  
Jason put his hands up in mock surrender.  “Why so hostile?” He turned to Eddie. “Joyce has been trying to find you for an hour.  There’s a toilet backed up in one of the cabins, and trash that needs to go to the dump. Sounds to me like you’re having a hard time doing your job, Munson.”
You scuttled like a crab, moving to a spot where you could see their faces instead of the backs of their heads.
So that you could see Eddie’s face. 
Steve checked his watch and pushed off of the railing to snub his cig out on the bottom of his shoe.  “I gotta run.  See you bastards at the show tonight,” he said in passing, shoving both hands into his trouser pockets.  He walked right into Jason, shoulder checking him, before casually going on his way.  Jason shot him an evil look.
“Well,” Eddie took a deep breath. “Tell Joyce I got the message,” and then he motioned for Jamie to follow him.
“Too bad we can’t take you out with the rest of the trash, freak,” Jason mumbled, loud enough for you to hear every word, and a tension crackled in the air.
The metalhead stopped dead in his tracks and drew his shoulders back.  
When he finally turned on his heel, he wore a satisfied smirk, inclining his head, as if he’d been waiting for Jason to say something all along. 
Chrissy moved as if she were about to go over and break up whatever was about to happen, but one of the others put a handout and stopped her.  
“Just keep sending your laundry home to mommy, baby boy, and leave the real work to me,” Eddie said, and then he flicked the butt of his cigarette at Jason’s face. 
Jason moved his head just in time so that the hot cherry missed his cheek by a hair and bounced off the wall behind him, spraying sparks.  Chrissy and the others snickered at how beet red Jason’s face got, but he didn’t say another word, he just waited for Eddie and Jamie to be far enough away before he went back around to the front entrance.
When the coast was clear, you stood and made your way to the path again.  With a curse you realized you were going to be late for that dinner reservation, and picked up speed to a slow, sad jog. 
You found yourself thinking that maybe being trapped at Hawkins Landing for the summer wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
Your aunt Kim gave you an exasperated look when you all finally sat down for dinner, being that you’d made everyone 20 minutes late for the reservation.  There didn’t appear to be a single open table when you arrived, but Joyce had made sure to keep the one by the window facing the gardens open for your party.  She came around to introduce the guy who was to be your waiter, and you sat up a little straighter in your seat when you realized it was Jason from earlier.  The way he’d been dressed out on the porch made sense now, as his uniform was the same as all of the other waitstaff.  
Near the end of the meal, Joyce returned to the table in her black pencil skirt and fitted jacket, but this time, she was with a guy who you could tell wanted to look like Don Johnson in Miami Vice, but it came off more as Gary from Weird Science.  
“I'd like you to meet Troy, he’s the son of Mr. Brenner, the owner of the resort,” there was a reluctance about her, as if she’d been forced at gunpoint to introduce him.  
Troy stared at you with an uncomfortable intensity, making your attention fall to your plate.  
“I’m in charge when my father isn’t around,” Troy said with a smug grin, putting his hands in his white trouser pockets, and you spotted some type of metal retainer on his teeth.  
Joyce cleared her throat, annoyed that his statement was far from true.  But she recognized that it was part of her job to indulge the little shit.  
“I just graduated with a business degree from Georgetown,” he gloated, giving you a wink.  “This place will all be mine one day.”
Your father exchanged a look with your aunt over his chocolate mousse.  
“Well, it’s nice to know someone else your age here, isn’t it, Bird? Maybe you two kids should go have some fun tonight,” Kim chirped.  
If your aunt wasn’t so far away, you would’ve kicked her under the table. 
Troy bent at the waist so that his face wasn’t far from yours.  “I’d love to show you around after dinner, if you’re interested in a tour?”
Before you could issue a vague excuse like, “sorry I can’t, I have a headache,” Kim spoke for you again.
“I think that’s a great idea,” she even clapped her hands, applauding it. 
In the end, you went with him to make Kim happy, to get her off your back, hopefully for the rest of the trip.  
An hour or two with a pretentious prick wouldn’t hurt you.
Troy wasn’t bad company, but he was quite full of himself.  He had interesting stories about his extensive travels, but then he also told awkward stories that were possibly fibs about how many models he’d dated, and expanded on how he wanted to be married with two kids by the time he was 30.   
You, on the other hand, couldn’t imagine thinking that far ahead, and he wouldn’t let you get a word in edgewise.  
You followed close behind through the huge, busy kitchen of the restaurant you’d just dined in, and he tried to hold your hand when he introduced you to the head chef, but you were sly, and pulled it away to cross your arms over your chest.  He gave you a tour of the ballroom and took a stroll through the other restaurant on the opposite end of the building that had a much more relaxed feel, low lighting, red carpet, and a bar at the center.  
You went down to the boat docks and walked along the pier. The stars were breathtaking, but Troy didn’t notice, he was too busy trying to convince you to go out on his boat with him.  You declined, taking a page from Kim’s book to mention a freshly born curse of violent seasickness.  
You had your elbows on the railing at the pier, enjoying the velvet reflection of the crescent moon in the lake, and you could feel your jaw grow tense under the weight of Troy’s stare. 
On the verge of telling him you were ready to head back to your cabin, the sound of music drifted down from somewhere on the property. 
Yes, no mistaking, it was Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money, but it was being executed with someone else’s voice, and whoever that person was had some serious pipes.
And then there was the distinct sound of a feminine voice chiming in with the parts from the song Be My Baby Now by the Ronettes in the chorus.
"Is that a live band?" You turned away from him to try and find the source of the music.  It wasn’t coming from the restaurant on the water or any of the cabins to your right.  
"There's a cover band every Friday out behind the main house. You want to check it out?" He held the crook of his arm out to you and hesitated before you took it.  His ego sufficiently stroked now that you wanted to spend more time with him.
Around the side of the building, overlooking the golf course, was a huge, fenced in back patio garden area with a private hot tub and pool for hotel guests.  Troy led you through a white arbor wound with ivy to find that there were plenty of people mingling, drinking, and dancing.  The area was mostly manicured lawn, with stone pathways meandering around from a concrete floor that was right in front of the small riser that was meant to be a stage. You imagined that a million weddings had taken place there. 
At the door was a bar, and Troy got you a flute of champagne, which you downed with abandon and asked for another.  While he was getting your second glass, you made your way along under several boughs of white string lights to get a view of the stage and who was performing the top tier Eddie Money cover.
Just as you stepped into the crowd of people shuffling to the beat, you stopped dead in your tracks.
There he was at the mic: Eddie the metalhead.
Guitar slug low at his hips, wearing a tuxedo with light blue cummerbund and bow tie, his hair neatly combed back and fixed into a knot at the back of his head so that you could really see the curves of his face. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was performing the song against his will.
The rest of the band were dressed similarly, and you instantly knew the one strumming the bass guitar as Steve, and the woman on backup vocals rocking on the rhythm was Chrissy, who wore a conservative skirt and flats. There was also a keyboardist and a drummer, both of whom you did not recognize.
“What’s your major?” Troy asked, breaking your reverie to pass you the glass of champagne. “In college?”
You were confused for a second but then, “oh, I took the year off to…figure some things out.” The full truth of it was that you had dropped out completely and had no intention of going back.  
“I spent a summer in Greece my freshman year,” he offered, unprovoked. “The women there are, wow, so smoking hot.”
The song finished and Eddie took his tuxedo jacket off, rolling up his shirt sleeves to his elbows, exposing the scattered tattoos you’d noticed earlier.  He leaned over to whisper something to Chrissy, motioned at the drummer, and then stepped back into place, brushing a loose wisp of hair off his cheek.
“Find someone special for this next one,” he told the crowd, and was answered with a rush of murmurs.
The first notes to In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel, a slow song, lit up the space, and your stomach tightened, fearing that Troy would ask you to dance. As he escorted you to the floor, you tried to keep your head down and stay to the back of the crowd, but Troy kept maneuvering you closer to the stage. 
I get so lost, sometimes
Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
When I want to run away
I drive off in my car
But whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are
You watched the performance from over Troy’s shoulder and followed his lead, shifting from foot to foot.  You were mesmerized by the muscles in Eddie’s hands as he played each note, and the way Chrissy came in like an angel on the chorus.  
He’d captured the attention of everyone in the garden at that moment, and there was a group of women watching him from the sidelines, whispering to each other, possibly about how they wanted to eat him alive.
They were all thinking the same thing you were: Eddie was magic.  
He liked to close his eyes when he sang, so you weren’t expecting him to be staring right at you when he opened them again.  
All my instincts, they return
And the grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside
He wouldn’t break eye contact, so you eventually had to; the intensity of it was giving you butterflies.
Troy stepped back and tried to get your attention.  “Did you hear anything I just said?”
You nodded, but your gaze only drifted back to Eddie.  Troy followed your line of sight and then dropped both of his hands with a frustrated cluck of his tongue.
"What the hell is he doing up there?" He hissed to himself when it dawned on him that Eddie had been behind the mic that whole time. "That's our goddamn maintenance guy. He shouldn't be up there."
In a huff, Troy pushed through the crowd and headed over to one of the other staff members against the fence. Bird could see him shouting and pointing over at the stage. Whatever the staff guy said did not seem to cheer him up a bit, and he came back to your side, shrugging his shoulders.
"I guess our normal front man Drew has the flu," he reported back. "It's just so hard to find reliable help these days."
Eddie was making the song his own, and that was what you liked about it.
“Let’s get out of here,” Troy put his hand on your lower back to escort you out. “The music sucks.”
It was 9:30 when you made it back to the main foyer, standing in the middle of the lobby next to an obnoxious floral arrangement, when Troy tried to get you to go back to his cabin and watch a movie, only to get respectfully declined.
“Don’t worry about your parents,” Troy said, brushing his finger over your chin. “They know you’re with me, so they’re probably the happiest parents at Hawkins Landing.”
The guy had quite an ego on him, you had to give him that. It was unsurpassed by most. 
In the end, you got away, and as soon as your Mary Jane’s hit the cobblestones outside the front door, you could feel yourself trotting at a quicker pace, eager to put some distance between you and Troy and everyone else, for that matter.  You didn’t stop until you were far enough away from the main hotel to be able to check over your shoulder and not see it through the trees.
It was then that you realized that you had a free chunk of time, and you could do with it whatever you wished.  Your dad would think you were still with Troy, and as long as you made it back to the cabin before midnight, they wouldn’t worry.  
As much as it was the dead of summer, Indiana by the water had very cool nights, and you buttoned up the jean jacket you were wearing just as you noticed a yellow sign on a lamppost to the right that said: Staff Quarters, No Guests Allowed Beyond This Point
And that made you want to venture in even more.
You checked around to make sure there was no one there to notice that you blatantly ignored the sign, and just kept going.  The path at your feet changed from stone to a well-worn dirt path through the grass, and it wasn’t long before you could hear the sound of music erupting in the distance.  
You passed by staff quarters, a few weathered red cabins with white trim, lined close together, and there were some people hanging out on their porches who gave you curious looks, but didn’t seem too concerned with your presence. 
Following the source of the music, you descended down into unknown, poorly lit territory that no longer looked like it was part of the Hawkins Landing property.  
(song playing in the distance is Dangerous Meeting by Mercyful Fate)
It was then that you noticed a pale yellow light coming from the windows of a building up ahead.  Just as the dirt path turned to gravel, you identified the music you were hearing as heavy metal, and it was bolstered by distinct shouts and cheers, even a high-pitched scream or two.  
“Hey,” a voice startled you from out of the dark and you jumped. “What are you going out here?”
Heart racing, you spun around to find out it was Robin.  
She was struggling to carry several things in her arms as she walked and you rushed over to her.
“Where did you come from?” You asked, grinning ear to ear at how glad you were to see someone familiar.
“My cabin is right over there,” she bucked her chin in a direction behind you.
She had a crossbody bag over her shoulder, an amp in one hand, and she was juggling two guitar cases, one of which she fumbled, and you managed to catch it before it hit the ground.  You wrapped your arms around the hard case with the Scorpions sticker on it, silently offering to carry it the rest of the way.
“You don’t have to—” Robin started, adjusting the bag over her shoulder.
“I want to,” you looked back up at the house where the music was coming from, assuming that was where she was headed.  “I carry that big cello around all the time, remember? I’m used to it.”
Robin moved her jaw from side to side and she looked conflicted.  “You’re not supposed to be here.”
Your eyes were still locked on the house hidden in the trees.  “What is that place?”
“Listen,” she gave you an imploring look. “I will get in so much trouble if they find out you came out here. Your dad won’t want you here, trust me.”
Her warning did nothing to squelch your curiosity. “I’m a big girl, I go wherever I want. Plus, I won’t tell anyone.”
“Besides,” she gave you a knowing look, raising her eyebrow. “If your boyfriend Troy finds out you were here, Brenner will fire all of us.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you snapped.  But then, softer, you added, “I barely just met him tonight.”
Robin wasn’t in the mood to try and rip the guitar out of your hands, and so, with a heavy sigh, she caved.
“Fine,” she sighed. “But stay close to me, okay? You’re not at the resort anymore, sweetheart.”
You nodded, waiting for her to lead the way.
She took a step forward and then stopped and turned on her heel to point at the instrument in your arms. 
“Be extra careful with that, it’s Eddie’s baby. He’ll grow horns if anything happens to it.”
Hi! If you are familiar with the movie Dirty Dancing, you have an idea about what scene is coming up next. I've really enjoyed lining up certain events with the movie, but things will obviously be different in this because I want it to have some surprises in store for you.
Every chapter from here on out will start with a list of the songs, ones that will give hints for what to expect. I wanted to make music a big part of this fic, because it was a huge deal in the movie, and the original soundtrack is still dear to me.
as always, thank you so much for reading and interacting with this story! Comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated. or send me an ask and let me know what you think ❤️
taglist: @tlclick73 @micheledawn1975 @kurdtbean @katethetank @elvendria @spookysqaush86 @somethingvicked @stylesxmunson @laurenlokirby @sapphire4082
424 notes · View notes
sanguineterrain · 1 month
your most recent jason fic has me in a bit of a chokehold and its bc you do so well with the dialogue and the banter!!
HONEYLOVE???#?*×& i need to be physically restrained (i appreciate your fics respectfully)
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anyways, the fic has me thinking: imagine it's the same reader, but they know Jason's alive and they're back to being friends again (skipping over the drama of "YOU'RE ALIVE?!?" "yea lmao sorry ily tho") but there's this tension now. and since Jason's not working with a mask anymore (and he's slightly more vulnerable with r), it's him who gets flustered and it's r who does the flirting playful banter. maybe it ends with a kiss (˘ ³˘) ?
i'm such a sucker for a flustered Jason and there's something that tells me he gets really weak in the knees for someone he adores >:) anyways, you can always choose to write this or not but a very big, fat thank you if you do
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the reaction pics are SO FUNNY i'm glad you enjoy this au <3
jason todd x gn!nocturne!reader. pt 3 of vigilante reader. this is basically reader just being feral over jason :> they speak for all of us, really. love confessions, tension, somewhat flustered jason, more sparring lols.
pt 1 / pt 2
Jason Todd is alive. Jason Todd is sitting two feet away, talking about a case.
You can't quite believe it. You went home two days ago and expected to wake up to the whole thing being a dream or the result of a Poison Ivy hallucinogen.
You can't stop staring at him. It's weird. You're being weird. But you can't help it.
Every time you see Jason, you want to look at him for as long as possible. You don't want to forget his face. This new face. Scarred and hardened, but still good. Still loved.
And, well. It's not like Jason's bad looking. Sure, you thought he was cute when you were teenagers. Resurrection makes the heart grow fonder, et cetera.
But now? Now, Jason makes your heart stupid. You can barely contain your desire. It's been two weeks since he revealed himself, and every time you see him, you have to dig your nails into your palms to keep yourself from showing him what he does to you.
Sometimes you think he sees right through you, but if he does, he never acts on it.
"—listening. Yo. Ground control to Major Tom. Are you with me?"
Jason waves a hand in front of you. You blink.
He's unmasked and in a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt and dark jeans—the most comfortable you've seen him, actually. His hair is still wet from his shower.
"Sorry," you say, suddenly zeroed in on the three droplets of water sliding down his neck. "I'm listening. Just looking at you."
"'Cause I'm so pretty?" Jason asks, batting his lashes.
You reach over without thinking. He freezes when you wipe the water off of his neck. Then you tuck a curl behind his ear.
"You should let me blow-dry your hair," you say, taking your time in dropping your hand. "It'll take ages to dry in this humidity."
Jason's eyes have gone wide. Pink splotches bloom on the apples of his cheeks.
"Uh." He swallows. You watch his throat bob. "Thanks. Maybe... next time."
"I'll steal Dick's. He's got the fancy sixteen setting one."
That makes Jason smile. "Hm. Some things never change."
His eyes crinkle at the corners. Fondness swells swiftly in your chest.
You stay like that for a moment, caught in each other's orbit.
Jason breaks it first, leaning away. "Right. You should probably get back to the Manor. Br–the others'll probably think I kidnapped ya."
You shrug. "I quit."
"Bruce was getting on my last nerve. I can't work with someone like that."
Jason snorts. "Join the club. Look, I can't say I'm not thrilled that you're stickin' it to the old man. But if this is 'cause of me... I wouldn't be mad if you kept workin' with him. Honest. If that's what you wanna do, don't let me stop you."
"Jason." You rest your hand atop his. "I joined this life because of you. To honor you. You taught me how to help people, not Bruce. You taught me what it meant to be kind, to be a part of something bigger than myself."
To love, you don't say.
"I..." He shakes his head. "You became Nocturne for me?"
You close your eyes, then open them. You've cried so many times. You don't want to stay in your grief any longer. Not when he's right in front of you.
"When you died, I..." You take a deep breath. "Nocturne was something to ground me. I think Bruce recognized that. I think he knew how much you meant to me. He didn't have to take a chance on me, and I appreciate that he did. But I've realized that he doesn't know everything. Can't see what's right in front of him sometimes."
You squeeze Jason's wrist. He sighs.
"God, I'm sorry," he says.
"What're you sorry for, Jay? You came back. That's all I ever wanted."
Jason chews his cheek for a moment. Then he stands, chair scraping the floor.
"C'mon," he says.
You follow him to the living room. He moves the armchair, the couch, and rolls up the rug. He disappears down the hall and returns with two thick mats. He tosses them onto the floor.
"Uh..." you say. "What're you—"
"'M gonna show you what y'did wrong that night on the roof."
"Wow. Can't believe you're still single. Being reminded of my shitty combat skills gets me so hot."
Jason rolls his eyes. "Alright, smartass. Just 'cause you quit the Bats doesn't mean you won't go out there and keep helping people. I know you. The least I can do is pick up where Dickface left off in your training."
"The least you can do, huh? I think you just wanna pin me against the floor again," you say, smirking.
He clears his throat. "That—no."
"No?" You step closer and look at him through your lashes. You're so close, you're touching his chest. "What happened to tying me up 'cause I was out when I shouldn't have been? Isn't that another educational technique?"
Jason's throat bobs. "That wasn't—I was just saying things."
"Hm. That's too bad."
You skip right past him, onto the mat, and hold out your arms.
"Okay. Put the moves on me, J.P."
It takes Jason a moment to craft his usual poker face. When he does, he groans. "'M not an evil Gilded Age financier. Still don't like 'J.P.'"
"But you like me-ee," you sing-song.
He shrugs. "Sometimes. Until you give me a heart attack and run into a burning building."
"Wish I could've seen your face for that one," you say as you steel your shoulders and secure your feet.
"Better you didn't. I'm sure there was a vein or two popping outta my forehead." Jason cracks his neck. "Ready?"
"Lay it on me, big guy."
"You first. Attack me like you normally would."
So you do. You step forward and throw a punch similar to the one from your rooftop spar. Jason catches it, of course. But this time, he locks you in a hold. One leg is between yours, and your arms are twisted behind your back with one hand. Humiliating.
"Dude!" You wiggle. Jason doesn't yield. "Jay, come on. No petty criminal is gonna know how to do all that."
"I know. The point of this is for you to know how to use someone's size against them."
Jason presses his cheek against yours. You tamp down your shiver. You can hear his heartbeat.
"Take a breath," he murmurs.
You close your eyes and breathe. Jason's grip doesn't hurt, but you're frustrated by how predictable you are. How he knows your body. A part of you is missing in not knowing him the way he knows you.
"Alright," he says. "Think. What part of me is exposed?"
"Not the important parts, I hope."
You can feel his eyeroll.
"You're hilarious. C'mon, focus. What can you attack?"
"Um... your legs. You trapped my arms, but my and your legs are free."
"Good." The praise warms you. Being this close to Jason will never get old. "What else?"
"What else? Do you have a tail I don't know about?"
"Sucha wiseass," he says, mouth close to your ear. "Your head. You're still able to move your head, and you're close to my face."
"Yeah, I'm not headbutting you. Out of the kindness of my heart."
"I appreciate that, sweets. Sweep my leg."
So you do. Jason goes down easier than he normally would for your benefit.
"'Kay," he says, once again underneath you. Now you have his hands pinned. "Good. Remember what went wrong last time?"
"You bucked me off like a Clydesdale."
He smiles. "Yeah, okay. So what'll you do different?"
"I'm not in my suit," you say. "I don't have extra weight in my boots."
"No, but you don't need it if you keep my legs apart."
"So that was your plan all along, huh? Perv."
Jason coughs. "Ah-hum... I—c'mon, lock my legs."
You grin and spread Jason's legs, using your knees to keep him immobile.
And then you just stare. This time, it's not because you're thinking about the miracle of resurrection (though what a miracle it is). No, you're just thinking, once again, about how your best friend got really, stupidly pretty.
And how you really, stupidly wanna kiss him.
Jason still looks young, but his jaw is now defined. He's got a five o'clock shadow coming on. His lips are full and pink. Freckles dot his cheeks and nose. The nose that still has a bump from when he broke it during a fight with Riddler.
You remember how he played it off for weeks. Bruce said that didn't even cry. But when you asked if it hurt, Jason had said yes.
You wonder when the last time Jason cried was. You wonder how much pain he's suffered since.
You wonder if he knows he's got your heart in the palm of his hand.
"Hey," Jason says. His voice is soft. Shy. "I lose ya again?"
You shake your head. "No. Never."
"There somethin' on my face?"
"You're a lot to look at," you say. "Pretty, pretty boy."
That gets an undeniable reaction. Jason Todd has never been able to take a compliment. You've been exploiting that all day.
Perhaps you know him better than you thought.
He exhales sharply, like you've sucker-punched him. His eyes dart to you. Waiting.
"Your eyes are green," you say. "Like, mixed. Blue and green."
Jason nods. "I—yeah. The Pit. Changed 'em. Changed me."
You lean in. His gaze flicks to your mouth. You watch his Adam's apple bob in a hard swallow.
"They're still pretty," you say. "Always had pretty eyes, Jaybird."
"Heh, right. Even with this shit?" He points to the scar that crosses over his right eye, stopping at his lip.
You let go of his wrists—not that you were holding them that tightly anyway. If this were a real fight, you would've lost ten times over already. Considering how much of you is touching Jason, you happen to be winning hard.
You trace the puckered white flesh with your thumb. Jason flinches but doesn't pull away.
"Your face could never turn me away," you say. "Never."
He closes his eyes and shudders. "Y'too nice to me. Always so nice t'me. Even when we were fighting. Why're ya so good?"
Your lips are a hair from his now. "I don't know how to make it more obvious, Jaybird. I'm absolutely insane about you."
Jason's eyes fly open. He sees your mouth and his breathing increases. You smile.
"Yeah, want you bad. No place I wouldn't follow you. Do anything for you."
Jason makes a strangled noise in his throat. You grin.
"C'mon, big guy. I'm right here. Come have me, Jay. I'm yours."
Jason soars up and kisses you. Swallows you, really. His hands hold your waist for dear life. You wrap one leg around his.
You nip his lip. Jason whines softly. Delicious.
You grab his face, fingers tangling in his curls. Jason sits up, slotting you against him. One hand supports you on your back, the other on your side.
"God—" He breaks away, just barely. "You're way too good for me. Had sucha... sucha crush on ya when we were kids. Y'so sweet."
You blindly find his throat and bite, hard enough to leave a mark. Jason makes a guh sound. You lick the bite to soothe it.
"Missed you," you say into his skin. "Missed you so goddamn bad, Jason."
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah," he babbles, clinging to you as you kiss up his neck. "Yeah, missed you too."
"Not letting you go," you say, almost snarling. You're angry with want, angry at the world for keeping this from you for so many years. "It's you and me now, Jay, mkay? Gonna be mine?"
"Always been yours," he says, panting. Jason finds your lips again. The kiss is messy, uncoordinated. Full of love. "No one but you."
You haven't fallen behind. You're starting anew.
"Never been anybody but you."
228 notes · View notes
Yes votes / Artist - Song title / Poll number / Showdown votes / * Showdown Winner
95% A-ha - Take On Me #91 - 45.2% *
94,8% Boney M. - Rasputin #37 - 49,3% *
94,6% Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 #223 - 16,5%
94,3% Dolly Parton - Jolene #110 - 43,1% *
94,1% Britney Spears - Toxic #04 - 51,9% *
92,8% The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black #236 - 20% *
92% Fleetwood Mac - The Chain #116 - 44,4% *
90,3% Michael Sembello - Maniac #227 - 6,2%
90,2% Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) #163 - 30,8% *
89,1% Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son #171 - 51% *
87,8% The Weeknd - Blinding Lights #233 - 14,4%
86,8% Gnarls Barkley - Crazy #206 - 17,3%
86,6% Amy Winehouse - Back to Black #190 - 32,9 *
86,3% Chumbawamba - Tubthumping #82 - 24,9%
86% Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode #53 - 18,6%
85,6% Santana featuring Rob Thomas - Smooth #205 - 19,1%
85,5% Dido - Thank You #120 - 5,6%
85,3% Ricky Martin - La Bomba #132 - 8,3% 85,3% Billy Idol - Rebel Yell #197 - 23,9%
85,2% Queen - The Show Must Go On #142 - 20,9%
85% Green Day - Basket Case #47 - 27,6% *
84,9% Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop #41 - 15,8%
84,7% The Cardigans - Lovefool #135 - 24,2% *
84,5% Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling in Love #136 - 18,8%
84,4% Daryl Hall & John Oates - Out of Touch #67 - 31,4% *
84,3% Blur - Song 2 #222 - 18,6%
84,2% The Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz #226 - 15,8%
82,7% Nightwish - The Phantom of the Opera #144 - 8,6%
82,6% Junior Senior - Move Your Feet #76 - 6,5%
82,5% Blackstreet featuring Dr. Dre and Queen Pen - No Diggity #249 - 37,8% *
82,4% Myrkur - Tor i Helheim #54 - 7% 82,4% Tracy Chapman - Fast Car #145 - 32,5% *
82% Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way #105 - 19,2%
81,9% Blue Swede - Hooked on a Feeling #152 - 17,1% * 81,9% 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite #167 - 15,1%
81,7% Daft Punk - Around the World #231 - 18,2%
81,6% N Sync - Bye Bye Bye #52 - 26,9% *
81,5% Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over the Rainbow #42 - 16,7%
81,1% Metallica - Enter Sandman #200 - 32,5% *
80,7% Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity #72 - 17,9%
80,6% Fatboy Slim - Praise You #237 - 6,5%
80,5% Pixies - Where Is My Mind? #148 - 13,5% 80,5% Roxette - The Look #225 - 5,7%
80,2% Oasis - Wonderwall #157 - 16%
80,1% Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun #119 - 14,9%
79,8% Christina Aguilera - Candyman #228 - 5,9%
79,6% Fats Waller - Ain't Misbehavin' #179 - 7,1% 79,6% Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water #238 - 7,2%
79,4% Falco - Rock Me Amadeus #185 - 23,2%
79,3% Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up - #Bonus Poll
78,8% Shakira - Ojos Así #75 - 7,5%
78,7% The Jacksons - Blame It on the Boogie #220 - 15,8%
78,5% Kaoma - Lambada #57 - 4,2%
78,4% Danny Elfman - This Is Halloween #05 - 13,9%
78,2% Panic at the Disco - The Ballad of Mona Lisa #78 - 18,5% *
78% Panjabi MC - Mundian To Bach Ke #64 - 5,3%
77,7% Tenacious D - Tribute #201 - 23,6% *
77,6% Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower #95 - 13.1% 77,6% Nirvana - The Man Who Sold the World #118 - 10,7%
77% Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road #22 - 29,4% * 77% Kesha - Blow #38 - 12,1%
76,4% Salt-N-Pepa with En Vogue - Whatta Man #134 - 15,1% 76,4% George Michael - Freedom! #219 - 17,2%
76,3% Johnny Cash - Hurt #81 - 35,6% * 76,3% Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside #92 - 8.2% 76,3% The Offspring - Gone Away #143 - 5,9% 76,3% The Longest Johns - Hoist Up The Thing #169 - 7,8%
76% Foo Fighters - The Pretender #111 - 14,2%
75,9% Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows #87 - 12,9%
75,7% Nothing but Thieves - Is Everybody Going Crazy? #113 - 3,7% 75,7% Warren G featuring Nate Dogg - Regulate #244 - 9,2%
75,5% Tarkan - Şımarık #94 - 3.1% 75,5% Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way #246 - 24,6%
75,4% Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire #188 - 8,8%
75,2% Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee) #147 - 14,2%
75,1% Kent - Kärleken Väntar #202 - 4,3%
74,9% Måneskin - Off My Face #151 - 7,9%
74,8% Måneskin - Zitti e Buoni #16 - 33% *
74,6% Nat King Cole - Nature Boy #09 - 7,2% 74,6% Within Temptation - Stand My Ground #165 - 6,4% 74,6% Pink - Who Knew #166 - 8,4%
74,4% Go_A - Shum #177 - 18,7%
74,3% Arash - Tike Tike Kardi #137 - 2,6%
73,6% Paula Abdul - Straight Up #156 - 6,2%
73,5% Tina Turner - GoldenEye #195 - 10,1%
73,3% Beck - Loser #124 - 16,4% 73,3% Massive Attack - Teardrop #187 - 17,4%
73,2% The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist #232 - 8,2%
72,7% Iggy Pop - Lust for Life #199 - 7,6% 72,7% Whitney Houston - I Have Nothing #218 - 11,9%
72,6% Evanescence - Imaginary #44 - 13,5%
72% Robbie Williams - The Road to Mandalay #129 - 3,9%
71,8% Billie Piper - Day & Night #173 - 5,6%
71,7% Lil Green - Why Don't You Do Right? #34 - 1,8%
71,6% Bad Lip Reading - Seagulls! (Stop It Now) #209 - 18,5%
71,1% Cab Calloway - Minnie the Moocher #130 - 14,4%
71% Udit Narayan - Bholi Si Surat #141 - 1,5%
70,9% Nine Inch Nails - Closer #93 - 22%
70,7% Ryan Gosling - I'm Just Ken #159 - 12,4%
70,6% The Lightning Seeds - You Showed Me #59 - 2,7% 70,6% Savage Garden - To the Moon and Back #83 - 7%
70,5% Queen - Mustapha #29 - 11,4%
70,4% Soggy Bottom Boys - I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow #26 - 22,3% 70,4% Metallica - Wherever I May Roam #77 - 8,6%
69,9% MUCC - Ryuusei #19 - 7,4%
69,5% Spooks - Things I've Seen #104 - 0,8%
69,2% Flo Rida feat Kesha - Right Round #02 - 6,2%
68,9% Era - Ameno (Remix) #24 - 4,8% 68,9% M.I.A. - Paper Planes #229 - 19% *
68,8% Nat King Cole - When I Fall in Love #215 - 9,4% 68,8% Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder #216 - 8,5%
68,5% Linkin Park - Bleed It Out #63 - 23,9% 68,5% Snow - Informer #139 - 4,7%
68,3% Run-DMC featuring Aerosmith - Walk This Way #127 - 10,9%
68,2% Limahl - The NeverEnding Story #60 - 9,8% 68,2% Nelly Furtado - Maneater #160 - 17,1% * 68,2% Abhijeet - Ole Ole #193 - 1,7%
68,1% Stromae - L'enfer #89 - 9,8%
67,9% Urban Symphony - Rändajad #90 - 2,2%
67,8% Muse - Endlessly #107 - 9,4%
67,6% My Chemical Romance - Sing #80 - 17,3%
67,3% “Weird Al” Yankovic - White & Nerdy #43 - 16%
67% Avicii - Hey Brother #164 - 13,9%
66,7% The Hives - Two-Timing Touch and Broken Bones #58 - 2,7%
66,6% Antique - Opa Opa #213 - 2,5%
66,3% System of a Down - B.Y.O.B. #128 - 26,2% *
66% Texas - Summer Son #154 - 2,6%
65,8% Cliff Edwards - When You Wish Upon a Star #85 - 2,2%
65,7% Modern Talking - Brother Louie #50 - 4% 65,7% Ivan Campo - Dice Man #181 - 1,2%
65,4% Harry McClintock - The Big Rock Candy Mountains #131 - 6,7% 65,4% Jessica Folcker - Tell Me What You Like #247 - 2,1%
65,2% Eimear Quinn - The Voice #32 - 2,5% 65,2% 2Pac featuring Dr. Dre and Roger Troutman - California Love #121 - 8,3% 65,2% Radio Company - Drowning #172 - 2,2% 65,2% Sabrina Carpenter - Espresso #208 - 7,1% 65,2% Kiltro - All The Time In The World #224 - 2,4%
65,1% Samantha Mumba - Gotta Tell You #242 - 4,1%
64,7% Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch #162 - 9%
64,6% Gorillaz - Stylo #61 - 15,8% 64,6% Duran Duran - The Chauffeur #133 - 7,1%
64,4% Alice Cooper - Poison #01 - 10,5% 64,4% Depeche Mode - It's No Good #101 - 9,1%
64,2% Ace of Base - Happy Nation #192 - 3,8%
64,1% Destiny’s Child - Jumpin’, Jumpin’ #51 - 12,7%
64% 2 Unlimited - No Limit #182 - 3,2% 64% 30 Seconds to Mars - Battle of One #183 - 3,9%
63,8% Kongos - Come With Me Now #17 - 15,9% 63,8% A. R. Rahman - Jai Ho #40 - 4,6%
63,7% Eminem featuring Nate Dogg - 'Till I Collapse #239 - 2,1%
63,6% Björk - Army of Me #214 - 19,7% * 63,6% Aaliyah - Try Again #217 - 7,6%
63,3% Dua Lipa - New Rules #126 - 10,6%
63,1% Olly Murs - Heart Skips A Beat #106 - 2,2% 63,1% David Bowie - Life on Mars? #235 - 16,9%
63% Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? #123 - 3,8%
62,4% 30 Seconds to Mars - Fallen #30 - 5,5% 62,4% Beastie Boys - Intergalactic #153 - 16% 62,4% The Castells - Some Enchanted Evening #207 - 1,3%
62,3% Childish Gambino - This Is America #71 - 18,2% 62,3% the Chemical Brothers - Galvanize #191 - 7%
62% Billie Eilish - No Time to Die #168 - 5%
61,7% Korn - Did My Time #194 - 6%
61,4% The Prodigy - Breathe #112 - 4,5%
61,3% Blue Stahli - One Last Breath #99 - 1.8%
61,1% Wham! - Everything She Wants #108 - 6,5%
61% Skunk Anansie - Weak #196 - 4,3%
60,6% Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah #70 - 9,9% 60,6% Kwoon featuring Babet - King Of Sea #115 . 0,5%
60,2% Toni Braxton - You're Makin' Me High #155 - 1,4%
58,9% AC/DC - Hail Caesar #158 - 3,2%
58,7% Duran Duran - The Wild Boys #21 - 9,6%
58,5% Nova Twins - Antagonist #68 - 4,5%
58,1% Madonna - Live to Tell #184 - 3%
57,6% Coldplay - Hymn for the Weekend #234 - 4,4%
56,8% Mendez - Adrenaline #23 - 1,2% 56,8% Sash! - Ecuador #73 - 1,7% 56,8% Anouk - Nobody's Wife #176 - 2,2%
56,7% George Michael and Mary J. Blige - As #62 - 3,2% 56,7% Kelis - Trick Me #175 - 4,2%
56,6% Nikka Costa - Like A Feather #48 - 0,6% 56,6% Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds & Kylie Minogue - Where the Wild Roses Grow #103 - 5,7%
56,1% Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love #117 - 0,8%
55,9% Blur - Coffee & TV #56 - 9,7%
55,7% Big Brovaz - Nu Flow #65 - 0,9% 55,7% K’s Choice - Everything For Free #79 - 1,2% 55,7% AISHA and Jamison Boaz - Love the Subhuman Self #211 - 4,2%
55,4% Moby - Natural Blues #07 - 2,5% 55,4% Janet Jackson featuring Q-Tip and Joni Mitchell - Got 'til It's Gone #146 - 2,2%
55,2% Rammstein - Engel #35 - 7,3%
55,1% Maximum the Hormone - What's Up, People?! #138 - 10,6%
54,6% John Lennon - Imagine #203 - 5,3%
54,5% Billie Myers - Tell Me #86 - 0,9% 54,5% Lana Del Rey - High by the Beach #186 - 4,4%
54% Aqua - Turn Back Time #28 - 8,2%
53,9% Ardis - No Man's Land #88 - 0,9%
53,5% Kylie Minogue - Confide In Me #13 - 5,2%
53,4% Apashe - Lord & Master #170 - 1,5%
53% LL Cool J featuring Boyz II Men #243 - 3,4% 53% Maxim featuring Skin - Carmen Queasy #245 - 3,2%
52,8% Madonna - Who's That Girl #18 - 9,8%
52,7% Aerosmith - Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees) #84 - 3,5% 52,7% MUCC - Daikirai #161 - 2,1%
52,2% Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song #49 - 2,1%
52,1% DJ Shadow - Six Days #180 - 2%
51,6% Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler #14 - 6%
51,5% Foals - Tron #210 - 1,6%
51,3% Mariah Carey - The Roof (Back in Time) #46 - 1,4% 51,3% Mori Calliope & Reol - 虚像のCarousel #55 - 5,6%
49,9% Basement Jaxx - Where's Your Head At #31 - 6,9%
49,8% Shaggy - Hey Sexy Lady #122 - 4,1%
49,7% Warren G & Sissel - Prince Igor #20 - 2,2%
49% Billie Eilish - NDA #10 - 2,6%
47,7% Massive Attack - Angel #39 - 5,9%
47,5% Adam Tensta - My Cool #11 - 1%
47,4% Slipknot - The Blister Exists #100 - 2,6%
47,3% The Lonely Island featuring Michael Bolton - Jack Sparrow #221 - 9,1% 47,3% Burna Boy featuring 21 Savage - Sittin' on Top of the World #248 - 1,9%
47% Seether - Fuck It #74 - 2,6%
46,9% Rhiannon Giddens - Way Over Yonder #102 - 1,2%
46,8% Spiritbox - Rotoscope #66 - 2,6%
46,6% Sabrina Carpenter - Feather #25 - 4,6%
46% Prince - The Greatest Romance Ever Sold #69 - 2,6%
45,6% Jimmy Cliff feat Lebo M - Hakuna Matata #06 - 2%
45,3% Youssou N'Dour and Neneh Cherry - 7 Seconds #212 - 3,3%
44,3% 3T and Michael Jackson - Why #114 - 0,7%
44,2% Tones and I - Dance Monkey #178 - 6,1%
44,1% Scooter - Friends #230 - 0,8%
43,9% The Prodigy - No Good (Start the Dance) #08 - 2,6% 43,9% David Bowie - I'm Afraid of Americans #33 - 8,5% 43,9% Faithless - Insomnia #109 - 2,9%
43,8% Jonas Brothers - Only Human #204 - 2%
42,7% Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice #12 - 16,3%
42,6% Eminem - Rabbit Run #27 - 2,9%
41,5% Destiny's Child - With Me #198 - 3,2%
41,2% Diana Ross - If We Hold On Together #241 - 10,8%
40,6% Michael Jackson - Will You Be There #45 - 2,3%
39,8% Alanis Morissette - I Was Hoping #96 - 1.6%
38,8% Wyclef Jean - Gone Till November #36 - 1,1%
38,5% Bright Light Bright Light featuring Mark Gatiss - Next To You #174 - 0,8%
37,9% Ariana Grande - Yes, And? #140 - 1,8%
37,6% Babylon Zoo - Spaceman #189 - 2%
36,5% Jedward - Luminous #125 - 1,4% 36,5% Elton John - I Want Love #240 - 2,1%
35,3% Noporn - Geleia de Morango #150 - 0,3%
34,6% Ena Mori - Fall Inlove! #149 - 0,4%
33,3% Ryan Gosling - Put Me in the Car #15 - 3,2%
30% Darren Hayes - Spin #03 - 0,6%
29,1% Addis Black Widow - Goes Around Comes Around #250 - 3%
29% Dreamcrusher - In Due Time #98 - 0.7%
28,2% BTS - Life Goes On #97 - 1.8%
676 notes · View notes
libraryofloveletters · 2 months
Bound By Fate
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Jenson Button x Fem!Teammate Reader
series summery: the strings of life connect two people; teammates, friends, perhaps lovers. Even when you think you’ve gotten rid of him, the strings of life pull you back in. some things are just meant to be. 
author's note: this was prompted by god knows what but this is my new passion project. jenson girlies, this one is for you. shoutout to @mev33 for losing her mind over this with me <333
bound by fate taglist!
chapter one: united front
attached at the hip, jenson button and y/n l/n are the unstoppable duo. the same soul in two bodies. all but 4 points separating them. // “where you go, I go. What you see, I see. I know I’d never be me without the security of your loving arms, keeping me from harm. Put your hand in my hand and we’ll stand.” - Skyfall by Adele
chapter two: time cast a spell on you
spending nine months with someone is a long time, especially when you’re forced to be with them. feelings grow, both good and bad.  - “Time cast a spell on you but you won’t forget me. I know I could have I loved you but you would not let me. I’ll follow you down ‘till the sound of my voice can haunt you. Oh give it just a chance. You’ll never get away from the sound of a woman that loves you.” - Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac  
chapter three: the blame is on you
two mclarens spin out, drivers at each other’s throat but only one’s to blame. what’s said on track doesn’t always stay there. - “It’s my own design, it’s my own remorse. Help me to decide, help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever. Everybody wants to rule the world.” - Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tear For Fear 
chapter four: no grace
jenson can’t take it anymore; the back stabbing, the betrayal. he did what he thought was best and left. on what was supposed to be the happiest night of y/n’s life, she’s heartbroken and upset. — “I didn’t have it in myself to go with grace, so the battleships will sink beneath the waves. You had to kill me, but it kills you just the same. Cursing my name, wishing I stayed. You turned into your worst fears and you’re tossing out blame, drunk on this pain. Crossing out the good years and you’re cursing my name, wishing I stayed.” -  My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift 
chapter five: the final tango
y/n and jenson find themselves front and centre, smiling for the cameras in their sunday bests, yet their hearts are in different places. - “it hurts to be something, it’s worse to be nothing with you. I’ve done the math, there’s no solution. We’ll never last. Why can’t I let go of this?” -  Promise by Laufey 
chapter six: secrets of us
when all is said and done, it’s never really over, is it? jenson spills far too much in a tell-all interview that back fires on both he and y/n. - “And you don’t seem to understand, a shame you seemed an honest man. And the fears you hold so dear will turn to whisper in your ear. And you know what they say might hurt you and you know that it means so much, and you don’t even feel a thing.” -  Duvet by Bôa
chapter seven: a chapter of me
four long years have passed, both y/n and jenson are in different places of life but they find themselves at Silverstone, together once again. jenson’s a commentator and y/n’s still a racer. seems the dust has settled. - “Just wanna let this story die, and i’ll be alright. We can’t be friends, but I’d like to just pretend. You cling to your papers and pens, wait until you like me again.” -  We Can’t Be Friends by Ariana Grande 
chapter eight: a glimpse into the past
people come and go, life moves on; that has always been your view. you can’t move on when your past comes back to haunt you. -  “So I ask myself, do I let you go or do I keep you in the frame of my mind? Now I’m growing wise to your sugar coated lies, nothing’s sweet about my misery. Yeah, I finally found what went wrong, i finally found the wrong in you.” - On My Mind by Jorja Smith
chapter nine: twelve steps forward, one step back
the final race of your life, mixed emotions truly. your career was one out of a movie, you’re waiting for the final shoe to drop and when it does, it hits you hard. - “Isn’t it strange? I am still me, you are still you, in the same place. Isn’t it strange how people can change from strangers to friends, friends into lovers, and strangers again?” - Strange by Celeste
epilogue - chapter ten: the last bow
life post retirement is a funny thing, you thought you’d be having fun but you’re bored out of your mind. a solo trip results in seeing a ghost from your past.  -  “I'm sure we're taller in other dimension, you say we’re small and not worth a mention. You’re tired of movin’, your body’s achin’. We could vacay, there’s places to go. Clearly this isn’t all that there is, can’t take what’s been given. But we’re so okay here, we’re doing fine.” - White Ferrari by Frank Ocean 
201 notes · View notes
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adjective ‘very upset’
in which, your trying to live a normal life as much as you can, but when you bump into the handsome doctor again, and realise he’s got questions, questions that you can’t answer and thats when you realise just how much your longing for that perfect fairy tale ending.
word count - 5.6k
authors note - ahhh!! i’m so sorry that the wait for this chapter has been so long, but i’ve got over my writers block now and am so excited to get back to writing for your guys, before we start i would just like to thank the beautiful @missbearforfun for helping me with this story, i honestly would not have been able to do this without them, so mwah!!
warnings - mentions of domestic abuse, hospitals, some mild swearing, corey, and nightmares. (if i’ve missed anything please don’t refrain from letting me know!!)
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August 30th, 2022.
As you jogged around the local park, the rhythmic thud of your footsteps echoed against the pavement, accompanied by the familiar melodies of Fleetwood Mac streaming through your headphones. With your water bottle in hand, you embraced the solitude of the early morning, relishing in the peaceful ambiance of the park.
Lost in the music and the rhythm of your steps, you rounded a bend in the path and nearly collided with someone coming from the opposite direction. Startled, you stumbled backward, the sudden interruption jolting you out of your reverie. As your headphones slipped slightly, the sound of the stranger's voice broke through the silence.
"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The voice was accompanied by a concerned expression, and as you looked up, you found yourself gazing into the eyes of a man, who looked just that little bit older to you.
His concern was genuine, and there was a warmth in his gaze that immediately put you at ease.
Brushing off the near collision with a sheepish grin, you assured him that you were fine. He lingered for a moment, his easy smile infectious, and before you knew it, you were engaged in conversation.
"Sorry about that, I should've been paying more attention," The man spoke with a chuckle, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.
"It's okay, no harm done," you replied, returning his smile.
"I'm Corey."
"Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)," you replied, returning his smile.
As the conversation continued, Corey's easygoing charm put you at ease.
"So, do you come here often?" he asked, his tone playful.
"Yeah, I try to jog here a few times a week. It's a great way to clear my head," you explained, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence.
Corey nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I totally get that. There's something about being outdoors that's really refreshing."
Before parting ways, Corey hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Hey, I know this is perhaps a bit forward, but would you be interested in going for a jog together sometime?"
A smile spread across your face at the invitation.
"I'd like that."
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February 4th, 2024.
Standing behind the counter at the cafe where you work, you felt a dull ache resonate through your body with every breath you took in. Corey's words from a few days ago echoed in your mind, urging you to discharge yourself from the hospital, convinced that you were wasting the doctors' time.
Now, as you struggled through the pain, you couldn't help but wonder if he was right.
He usually was.
Your hair was tied up in a high ponytail, a practical choice to keep it out of the way as you worked. The familiar routine of wiping down the coffee machine provided a small distraction from the discomfort that gnawed at you.
Despite the bustling atmosphere of the cafe, you felt isolated in your pain. Corey's presence loomed large in your mind, his words echoing like a relentless refrain. The memory of what he had done last night weighed heavily on your heart, casting a shadow over even the simplest of tasks.
"There’s no reason for you to be here," Corey insisted, his voice dripping with irritation. "The doctors have better things to do than waste their time on someone who doesn't need to be here."
You winced as his fingers dug into your shoulders, his nails leaving angry red marks that threatened to break the skin. The pain in your ribs intensified with each shallow breath, a relentless reminder of the trauma you endured.
But Corey's words cut deeper than any physical wound, adding a layer of guilt and self-doubt to your already overwhelming emotions.
"B-but I'm in pain," you protested weakly, your voice barely above a whisper, your stutter more pronounced in the face of his anger.
Corey's impatience only seemed to grow as he dismissed your concerns with a wave of his hand. "You're fine. It's probably just a bruise or something. You don't need to be taking up a hospital bed for that."
As he spoke, you felt a familiar sense of unease settle over you. It wasn't the first time Corey had minimized your pain and dismissed your need for medical attention. With each passing moment, the weight of his words bore down on you, chipping away at your already fragile sense of self-worth.
Despite the doubts that gnawed at you, a part of you couldn't help but wonder if Corey was right. Maybe you were overreacting. Maybe you were wasting the doctors' time. But deep down, beneath the layers of doubt and fear, you knew that your pain was real, and that you deserved to be heard.
"Please, Corey," you pleaded, your voice shaking with emotion. "I-I need to stay here. I-I need help."
But Corey's patience had worn thin, his frustration boiling over into anger.
"You're being ridiculous," he snapped, his grip on your shoulders tightening. "Get up and leave. Now."
As tears welled up in your eyes, you felt a sense of helplessness wash over you. Trapped between the pain in your body and the cruelty of Corey's words, you struggled to find the strength to stand up for yourself.
Just over a year ago, you were looking for a way to get some money into your bank account, and there was this little cafe on a road called Canal Street, that you had noticed was hiring.
Your heart fluttered with nervous excitement as you hesitated at the threshold, unsure if you had the courage to step inside. Pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose, you took a deep breath and entered, the chime of the bell announcing your arrival.
Inside, you were greeted by the sight of a cozy interior, filled with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft murmur of conversation. Your nerves danced beneath the surface as you approached the counter, where a kind, elderly couple stood, their faces etched with warmth and hospitality.
With hesitant steps, you inquired about the vacant position, your voice barely above a whisper. The woman behind the counter noticed your trembling hands and the uncertainty in your eyes. With a gentle smile, she ushered you to sit down at one of the empty tables, her soft touch calming the jitters that threatened to consume you.
As she reached across to still your shaking hands, her touch was like a soothing balm to your frayed nerves.
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February 6th, 2024.
On this rare sunny day in Manchester, Dr. Styles, known as Harry to his family, strolled leisurely around the duck pond with his six-year-old nephew, Noah.
It was a tradition for Harry to spend Tuesday afternoonswith Noah, (he always picked him up after school and they always did something to tire the young boy out) his designated day off during the week, cherishing these moments of familial connection amidst his demanding schedule.
Thursdays marked his other day of respite, but it was Tuesdays that held a special place in their hearts.
As they ambled along the winding path, Harry watched with fondness as Noah skipped ahead, his youthful exuberance a stark contrast to the calm demeanor of his uncle. The vibrant hues of the surrounding greenery were accentuated by the gentle rays of sunlight filtering through the branches, casting dappled patterns on the ground below.
The tranquil atmosphere of the duck pond enveloped them, the rhythmic quacking of the ducks providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation. Noah's animated chatter filled the air as he regaled Harry with tales of his adventures at school, his innocent enthusiasm infectious.
Harry listened attentively, his heart swelling with pride at the boundless imagination and curiosity of his nephew. Despite the demands of his profession, moments like these served as a reminder of the simple joys in life, grounding him in the present and offering solace amidst the chaos of the world.
As they strolled around the duck pond, Noah's eyes sparkled with excitement as he spotted the ducks gliding gracefully across the water.
"Uncle H, can we feed the ducks?" he asked eagerly, his voice filled with anticipation.
Harry's heart sank as he realized he had forgotten to bring bread for the ducks. With a sigh, he crouched down to Noah's eye level and explained, "M’sorry, buddy, but I forgot to bring bread today. We can't feed the ducks without any bread."
Noah's face fell, disappointment evident in his expression.
"But I really wanted to feed the ducks," he lamented, his lower lip trembling slightly.
Just as Harry was about to offer consolation, Noah's gaze shifted to an elderly couple sitting on a nearby bench, feeding the ducks slices of bread from a small bag.
"Look, Uncle H, they have bread! Can we ask them for a slice?" Noah exclaimed, his excitement returning at the prospect of feeding the ducks.
Harry hesitated, his brow furrowing in uncertainty.
"Noah, buddy, we can't just ask people f’their bread," he began, but before he could finish, Noah was already darting towards the elderly couple, his enthusiasm undeterred.
"Excuse me, can we have some bread to feed the ducks, please? My uncle H forgot!" Noah asked earnestly, his eyes wide with hope as he approached the couple.
The elderly woman smiled kindly at Noah, her eyes twinkling with warmth.
"Of course, dear. Here, take a slice," she said, offering him a piece of bread from the bag.
And just like that Noah was running off towards the water, as Harry kept a watchful eye on the young boy he cared so deeply for.
As Noah happily fed the ducks with the bread he had received from the kind elderly couple, Harry approached them with a grateful smile.
"Thank y’so much f’letting him have some bread. M’sorry about him, he's not shy to ask for anything from anyone," Harry apologized, his tone apologetic yet amused.
The women smiled warmly at Harry's words.
"Oh, it's no trouble at all. We're happy to share," she replied kindly, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she watched Noah's delight.
The man who was accompanying her chuckled, his deep voice carrying a sense of camaraderie.
"That's the spirit. Kids have a way of reminding us to embrace life's simple pleasures," he remarked, nodding towards Noah.
Harry found himself drawn into conversation with the couple, their easygoing demeanor putting him at ease.
"M’name's Harry, by the way," he introduced himself, extending a hand in greeting.
"Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Mary, and this is my husband, Barney," Mary replied, shaking Harry's hand with a firm grip. "We've been coming to this duck pond every Tuesday for as long as I can remember."
Barney nodded in agreement.
"It's become a bit of a tradition for us. We find it's the perfect way to spend our day off together," he explained, a fond smile playing on his lips.
As they chatted, Harry learned more about Mary and Barney's life together – their love of nature, their shared interests, and the joy they found in the simple pleasures of everyday life. He found himself opening up to them, sharing stories of his own experiences and adventures with Noah.
"There's something special about being out in nature, isn't there? It's good for the soul," Mary remarked, her gaze wandering across the tranquil expanse of the duck pond.
Harry nodded in agreement, a sense of peace settling over him.
"Absolutely. S’moments like these that make life truly meaningful," he agreed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Talking to the two of them seemed to stop time, and before he knew it, the sun was already starting to set in the background.
As Harry glanced down at the Apple Watch on his wrist, he realized the time had flown by faster than he had anticipated.
He clapped his hands together, a smile tugging at his lips, and said, "Well, I best get going. Noah's got to have his dinner soon."
Mary and Barney nodded understandingly, their faces reflecting the warmth of their earlier conversation.
Just as Harry began to turn away, Mary's voice stopped him in his tracks.
"Before you go, young man, I wanted to mention something," Mary said, her tone gentle yet earnest. "Barney and I actually own a café on the corner of Canal Street called Timeless Brews. If you ever find yourself in the area, you're more than welcome to pop by. We'd love to see you."
Harry's eyes widened in surprise, a genuine smile spreading across his face.
"Thank you, Mary. That's incredibly kind of you," he replied gratefully. "I'll definitely make sure to stop by sometime."
Barney chimed in with a hearty chuckle.
"Consider it an open invitation, Harry. We'd be delighted to have you as our guest," he said warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
As Harry bid farewell to Mary and Barney, a sense of gratitude filled his heart.
In just a short time, he had forged a connection with this kindhearted couple, and he couldn't help but feel touched by their generosity. With a final wave, he turned to Noah, who was already bounding ahead, eager to continue their adventure.
As they walked away from the duck pond, Harry couldn't shake the feeling of warmth and camaraderie that lingered in the air. He knew that he had made two new friends today, and he looked forward to the possibility of visiting Timeless Brews and sharing more conversations with Mary and Barney in the future.
From a young age, Harry's fascination with the world of medicine was sparked by a pivotal moment in his childhood. At the tender age of ten, he found himself in the confines of a hospital room, his ankle throbbing with pain after a clumsy fall. As he lay in the hospital bed, surrounded by the reassuring presence of doctors and nurses,
Harry knew with unwavering certainty that he wanted to dedicate his life to helping others in the same way they had helped him.
Driven by this newfound sense of purpose, Harry immersed himself in his studies, excelling academically and setting his sights on a future in medicine. At the age of eighteen, his hard work and dedication paid off when he received the news of his acceptance into Oxford University's prestigious Doctor of Medicine program.
With a heart full of ambition and determination, Harry embarked on this new chapter of his life with unwavering resolve.
Over the course of six intense years, Harry immersed himself in the rigors of medical education, delving deep into the intricacies of the human body and honing his skills as a healer.
With each passing year, he grew more confident in his abilities and more passionate about his chosen field, fueled by a relentless desire to make a difference in the lives of others.
Upon graduating from Oxford at the age of twenty-four, Harry's journey had only just begun. Armed with knowledge, experience, and an unyielding commitment to his calling, he eagerly embraced the opportunity to put his skills to the test in the real world.
Eight months later, he found himself walking the halls of The Manchester Royal Infirmary, a newly minted doctor ready to embark on the next phase of his career.
Now, at the age of twenty-six, Harry finds himself living his dream. He's found fulfillment and purpose in his work, relishing the challenges and rewards that come with each day in the hospital.
Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of his professional life, there lingers a quiet longing for something more – the perfect partner to share his journey with.
And then, you walked into the hospital – an ethereal presence that captivated Harry from the moment he laid eyes on you. Though he knows he must maintain a professional demeanor, there's an undeniable pull, a spark of connection that ignites within him at the sight of you.
As he goes about his duties, his thoughts drift to you, everything about you, wondering if fate will bring them together once more.
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10th February, 2024.
As Harry's shift at the hospital came to an end, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. The late shift, starting at 10:45 pm and ending at 9 am, had been a challenging one.
He had encountered a variety of cases, from a patient with a shard of glass lodged near a femoral artery to a young man suffering from alcohol intoxication who had vomited uncontrollably.
Despite the intensity of these emergencies, Harry had remained calm and composed, providing expert care and ensuring the safety of his patients.
Now, as he made his way out of the hospital, Harry couldn't help but feel a twinge of exhaustion creeping in. The long hours had taken their toll, but he knew that his dedication to his profession was unwavering. He looked forward to the weekend ahead, eager to recharge and spend time with loved ones.
As he walked through the hospital corridors, Harry's thoughts turned to his aspirations for advancement within the medical field. He had been diligently working towards a promotion to become the Clinical Lead, a position currently held by Marcus, who was set to retire soon.
Harry knew that achieving this goal would require dedication and perseverance, but he was determined to rise to the challenge.
As Harry made his way towards the exit, he detoured towards the doctor's desk where his colleague Miranda was stationed.
"Hey, M," he greeted her with a tired but friendly smile. "Just wanted t’give y’a heads up about the patient in cubicle five. They're allergic to morphine, but it wasn't in their notes, so be sure to double-check before administering any medication. Oh, and they're booked in for a CT scan at eleven o'clock."
Miranda nodded, her expression attentive as she took note of Harry's instructions.
"Got it, thanks for letting me know, Haz. I'll make sure to handle it," she assured him, her voice calm and confident.
Just as Harry was about to head out, another colleague approached him. It was Mitch, with his signature man bun and glasses perched on the edge of his nose.
Mitch was most definitely one of his best friends, they shared a dorm at Oxford and were lucky enough to both get a job at the same hospital. Mitch was specialised in paediatrics so they hardly saw each other when working but when they did they always had a good time.
They sometimes ate together on there lunch breaks.
"Hey, bud," Mitch greeted him with a grin. "What shifts are you doing tomorrow?"
Harry glanced at his watch before replying,
"I'm on an early. I'll be in f’seven," he answered, his tone weary but determined.
Mitch nodded in understanding, his expression sympathetic.
"Early shift, huh? Well, try to get some rest, mate. You've earned it," he said, patting Harry on the back in a gesture of camaraderie.
"Thanks, man. I'll do m’best," Harry replied with a grateful smile, appreciating the support from his colleague.
As Harry stepped out of the hospital's exit, the cool morning breeze greeted him, stirring a newfound hunger in his stomach. It had been nearly five hours since his last meal, and the thought of a hearty breakfast was tantalizing. Toast sounded particularly appealing at the moment, simple yet satisfying.
Recalling the conversation he had with the couple at the park the other day, Harry remembered their mention of a cafe they owned nearby. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he considered the possibility of finding a cozy spot to enjoy a meal. The idea of supporting a local business while indulging in some much-needed nourishment appealed to him greatly.
With determination in his stride, Harry made his way to his black Range Rover parked nearby. Slipping behind the wheel, he navigated the bustling streets of Canal Street, the anticipation of discovering a new culinary gem fueling his excitement. Despite the morning rush, he remained focused on his mission, determined to satisfy his hunger with a delicious meal.
After a brief ten-minute drive, Harry finally found a parking space outside the cafe. With a sense of satisfaction, he turned off the engine and stepped out of his car, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. With each step towards the entrance, Harry's anticipation grew, eager to experience what the cafe had to offer.
As Harry entered the cafe, a small bell above the door tinkled lightly, announcing his arrival. He scanned the cozy interior, his eyes immediately landing on an inviting empty table by the window. Making his way over, he settled into the chair, already relishing the prospect of a hot cup of coffee and some toast.
Before he could even glance at the menu, the elderly woman from the park approached his table with a warm smile.
"Well, look who it is! I'm so glad you decided to stop by," she greeted him cheerfully.
Harry returned her smile, feeling a sense of familiarity and warmth in her presence.
"I couldn't resist," he admitted.
The woman beamed with delight.
"Oh, I'm thrilled to hear that! Someone will be with you shortly to take your order. In the meantime, make yourself at home," she said warmly before bustling off to attend to another customer.
Harry leaned back in his chair, feeling a sense of comfort settle over him in the quaint surroundings of the cafe.
As you stand behind the counter, wiping down the coffee machine, Mary, approaches you with a gentle smile.
"Table nine needs to have his order taken," she informs you kindly.
You nod in acknowledgment, trying to ignore the pain throbbing in your ribs and your lower leg.
Retrieving your notepad and pen from under the counter, you attempt to conceal your limp as you make your way over to table nine.
Approaching the table, you and Harry seem to recognize each other simultaneously.
Both of your eyes widen.
Both your mouths go dry.
You blink a few times, getting yourself out of the daze you seem to be captured in as you muster up a fake smile and ask him what he'd like to order.
Before you can finish your question, Harry interrupts you, his voice filled with concern.
"I wondered what had happened t’you," he admits, his gaze searching yours.
You tilt your head to the side, feigning innocence, though you know exactly what he's referring to.
"Oh, it was nothing serious," you reply casually, hoping to brush off the topic.
But it was.
Harry sighs, his expression filled with sincerity.
"Y’discharged yourself before your X-ray," he points out, his tone gentle yet firm. "You wouldn't have done that. You know doctors are there to help people."
You let out a resigned sigh, knowing he's right but unwilling to admit it.
"I didn't want to waste the doctor's time," you murmur, avoiding his gaze as you fiddle with your pen.
Harry's brow furrows in concern.
"Every patient is important, Y/N," he says softly, his voice filled with compassion.
He remembers your name?
"Y’shouldn't have discharged yourself. What happened to you?"
You muster up a fake laugh, hoping to deflect his concern.
"Oh, it was nothing much," you reply nonchalantly, though the memories of the past week weigh heavily on your mind. "Just a few bumps and bruises. I'm fine now."
Harry sighs, his expression troubled.
"I was there to help you," he says earnestly, his eyes searching yours. "And I'll always be here to help you. Y’don’t have to go through these things alone.”
Harry's gaze remains fixed on you, his concern evident as he waits for your response.
You shift uncomfortably under his scrutiny, the weight of his words weighing heavily on your shoulders.
"I appreciate your concern, Harry," you say, your voice tinged with reluctance. "But really, there's nothing to worry about. I'm fine."
Harry's brow furrows further, his concern deepening.
"Y/N, I can see that you're in pain," he observes, his tone gentle yet insistent.
You bite your lip, torn between the urge to confide in him and the instinct to keep your struggles hidden.
"It's just... life, you know?" you reply evasively, hoping to deflect his questions. "Nothing I can't handle."
Harry's gaze softens, his empathy shining through as he reaches out a hand towards yours.
"You don't have to handle everything on y’own, Y/N," he says softly. "Sometimes s’okay to lean on others for support."
You pull away slightly, the walls around your heart growing stronger as you push him away.
"I appreciate your concern, Harry," you repeat, your voice firmer this time. "But I'm fine. Really."
Harry's expression falls, a flicker of hurt passing through his eyes before he nods in reluctant acceptance.
"Okay," he says quietly, though the disappointment lingers in his voice. "If y’ever need someone to talk to, m’here."
But where would you ever find him?
You shift your focus to the menu in front of you, grateful for the temporary distraction it provides.
"And what can I get for you today?" you ask, forcing a polite smile as you glance up at Harry.
His gaze flickers down to the menu briefly before returning to meet yours.
"Just a black coffee with a tuna panini, please," he replies, his voice calm and composed.
You nod, scribbling down his order on your notepad as you fight to maintain your composure.
"Sure thing," you say, your voice steady despite the ache in your ribs.
With a tight smile, you turn away, doing your best to conceal the slight limp in your step as you make your way back to the counter.
You walk over to the coffee machine, the familiar hum of its machinery offering a momentary reprieve from the turmoil swirling within you. With practiced efficiency, you begin the process of brewing Harry's black coffee, the rich aroma filling the air as the dark liquid flows into the waiting cup.
As the coffee finishes brewing, you carefully pour it into a ceramic cup, the warmth seeping through the porcelain and into your hands. Despite the ache in your ribs and the lingering pain in your leg, you focus on the task at hand, determined to see it through with unwavering precision.
You carefully balance the tray in one hand, holding Harry's black coffee securely as you navigate your way back to his table.
Despite your best efforts to conceal it, the persistent ache in your ribs and the throbbing pain in your leg threaten to betray you with every step.
As you approach Harry's table, your foot catches on an uneven tile, sending you stumbling forward. Your heart races as you fight to regain your balance, but it's too late.
With a sharp crack, the glass mug slips from your grasp, shattering into pieces on the floor in front of you.
A gasp escapes your lips as you watch the coffee spill across the tiles, the warm liquid mingling with the shards of broken glass. Heat rises to your cheeks as embarrassment floods through you, your pulse pounding in your ears as you struggle to compose yourself.
Harry's concerned voice cuts through the chaos, his words a blur as he rushes to your side.
"Are you okay?" he asks, his brow furrowed with worry as he rushes to your side.
You freeze at the sound of his voice, your heart pounding in your chest as a surge of panic threatens to overwhelm you.
Memories of Corey's anger and violence flood your mind, leaving you trembling in fear.
Harry's hand reaches out to touch your shoulder, but you flinch away instinctively, your body tensing with apprehension.
"Easy, easy," he murmurs softly, his voice gentle as he takes a step closer. "I just want to make sure y’alright."
The sincerity in Harry's words sends a jolt of conflicting emotions coursing through you. Part of you longs to believe him, to surrender to the warmth of his concern and let him chase away the shadows that haunt you.
But another part, hardened by years of trauma, recoils from his touch, wary of the vulnerability that comes with trust.
Struggling to find your voice amidst the turmoil raging within you, you take a shaky step back, your gaze darting nervously around the room.
"I'm... I'm fine," you manage to choke out, though the words taste like ash on your tongue.
Harry's expression softens, his eyes filled with genuine concern as he takes in your trembling form.
"Y’don't look fine," he says gently, his voice barely above a whisper. "Please, let me help you."
The sincerity in Harry's voice is like a lifeline in the darkness, offering you a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. But the walls you've built around your heart remain steadfast, the fear of vulnerability too great to overcome.
With a heavy heart, Harry watches as you push yourself to your feet and bolt towards the back of the cafe, disappearing from sight before he can reach out to stop you.
Left standing amidst the wreckage, he can't help but feel a pang of regret, knowing that he's let you slip through his fingers once again. But deep down, he knows that he won't give up on you, not when there's still a chance to break through the walls that surround your wounded heart.
He flickers his eyes up, and catches the eyes of Barney, but the elderly man just casts his eyes back down to the floor.
As you reach the relative safety of the back room, you lean against the wall, gasping for breath as tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
The sound of your own heartbeat echoes in your ears, a relentless reminder of the darkness that lurks within you, threatening to swallow you whole.
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Corey storms into the room, his footsteps heavy with anger.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you shrink back against the headboard, clutching your book tightly to your chest.
"Why isn't there any food on the table?" Corey's voice cuts through the silence like a knife, his tone sharp with frustration.
You stutter out a feeble excuse, explaining that you only just got home from work and haven't had time to cook anything.
"But... I was thinking... maybe we could order takeout?" you offer tentatively, your voice trembling with apprehension.
The suggestion only seems to fuel his rage further.
"You know I don't like eating fast food," he snaps, his voice laced with contempt as he strides towards you.
Without warning, he grabs your hair, wrenching your head back to meet his furious gaze.
Panic courses through you as you struggle to find your voice, your mind racing with fear and confusion.
"There's... there's not much food in the house," you stammer, your words barely audible above the pounding of your heart.
You hadn’t had time to go shopping today.
Corey's grip tightens, his fingers digging into your scalp as he leans in close, his breath hot against your skin.
"You're so useless," he sneers, his words dripping with venom.
"Fat, lazy, good-for-nothing..."
The room spins as Corey's tirade continues, his insults cutting deeper with each passing moment.
Desperate to escape, you try to push him away, but his grip only tightens, trapping you in a nightmare from which there seems to be no escape.
Suddenly, with a violent outburst, Corey grabs the lamp from the bedside table and hurls it against the wall, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the room.
Tears blur your vision as you shrink back against the bed, utterly petrified by the display of his rage.
As Corey advances towards you with a fiery rage burning in his eyes, you scramble to your feet, desperately trying to evade his grasp.
With a surge of adrenaline, you manage to slip past him, your heart pounding in your chest as you bolt towards the stairs.
But just as you reach the top step, Corey's hand snags your arm, wrenching you around with a brutal force that sends you reeling.
"How dare you run away from me?" he hisses, his breath hot against your face as flecks of spit land on your skin. "You should never turn your back on your boyfriend."
Terror courses through you as you try to reason with him, your voice trembling with fear.
"Corey, please... You're hurting me," you manage to stammer, but your words fall on deaf ears.
Corey's laughter cuts through the air like a knife, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic amusement.
"Hurting you?" he mocks, his voice dripping with disdain.
"This isn't hurting you, sweetheart. This is."
And with a sudden shove, he sends you tumbling down the stairs, your body crashing against the unforgiving steps with a sickening thud.
Agony radiates through every fiber of your being as you lie at the bottom of the staircase, your ribs screaming in protest with each labored breath.
Tears blur your vision as you curl into a ball, the weight of Corey's betrayal crushing down upon you like a suffocating weight.
With a gasp, you jolt awake from the nightmare, your heart pounding in your chest as if trying to escape the confines of your ribcage.
The events that caused you to head to the hospital in the first place continuously running through your head leading to sleepless night after sleepless night.
Beads of sweat cling to your forehead, your hair damp and tangled against your skin, as the remnants of the horrifying dream linger in your mind like a haunting specter.
As you turn to your left, the empty space beside you serves as a stark reminder of Corey's absence. The sinking realization settles in that he's likely out drinking again, his drunken antics and volatile behavior a constant source of fear and uncertainty in your life.
Gazing out of the window, you're met with the sight of a full moon casting an eerie glow over the world below. Its ethereal light illuminates the darkness, casting long shadows that seem to dance with malevolent intent.
A heavy sigh escapes your lips as you ponder the endless cycle of fear and despair that has become your reality.
How much longer will you have to endure this nightmare?
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tag list: @fictionalmensblog @hermionelove @angel32112233 @moneybaby07 @hannah9921 @definegirlfriendsx
202 notes · View notes
gucciwins · 1 year
something new
wembley brings love and celebration 
Word count: 5190
A/N: posting something for the first time in months (since april) and I am very excited for you to read.  please let me know what you think. I enjoyed writing and promise I'm already working on the next thing 💜 asks
Wembley Stadium.
It’s a place you had heard many stories about and even attended a show in 2019 as a gift for your father to watch his favorite band, Fleetwood Mac. This entire week has been remarkable, but tonight is the final night. You are here supporting your boyfriend, Harry, and because it’s the last night, there will be a celebration after with the attendance of everyone who knows Harry from family, friends, and workers.
When you first met Harry, you didn’t know he was Harry Styles. Many people would ask how you could not recognize the Harry Styles, but when you met him, he had a full beard and hair full of messy curls. He was dressed in mini running shorts wearing a black jumper and bright running shoes. The reason you spoke to him was his shoes. This brand is known for its style of color combination and lightness in weight, making it the running shoe. You had been debating buying a pair, and his looked well-loved. It wouldn’t hurt to hear an opinion from someone who wasn’t an online user.
“Excuse me,” you called out softly behind him.
He jumps and moves away from the counter. “Sorry, was I in your way?”
You do your best not to melt hearing his deep voice; it was comforting for some odd reason. You smile and shake your head. “No, uh, actually. I’m sorry to bother you. This is actually such a silly question now.” You pause, debating walking away while you can, but he encourages you to continue. “It’s about your shoes. Are the Hoka’s worth it? The online reviews have not been able to convince me, and I’ve read too many articles at this point. Yours look like they’ve seen a few miles,” you point out.
Harry looks down at his shoes and laughs, “so they do.” He meets your eye, stepping closer and away from the counter. “I’m on my fourth pair,” he confesses sheepishly.
You wince, knowing the price for these shoes is not cheap. “Are you constantly running? Are they easily worn out?”
His face reddens, and he fiddles with his necklace. “No, uh…I like having more options to match my outfits.”
You laugh, “that makes sense.” You pause. “Does that mean picking my first pair will be harder? I saved for one pair, and my pocket will hurt if I decide to bite the bullet.”
“I debated a few choices at my computer and ultimately bought two pairs. They were orange and yellow. Bondi are a good first choice.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You notice the barista, Lily sliding a coffee on the counter and gesturing it’s his, meaning it’s time for you to go. “Sorry for bothering you, but this was very helpful. Sorry, I never got your name. I’m Y/N.”
“Harry. It was no bother.”
You doubt that.
“Bye, Harry.” You collect your bag and walk out, knowing you were going to overthink buying these shoes, and Harry would never leave your mind.
To no surprise, you’re back at your favorite coffee shop the following day, but this time dressed in your favorite jeans and a cardigan your grandma helped you knit over the summer last year. It’s pastel pink with flowers placed randomly all over. You didn’t dress cute for a guy. You dressed cute for yourself. At least, that’s what you kept telling yourself. Lily is a good friend, and after walking your iced latte to your table, she sat down for a moment.
“Nice conversation yesterday?” She ponders.
“Mhm…nice fellow.”
“Was surprised you bothered him?”
You look at her, confused. “Was it rude of me?”
“Some would say so.”
“I’m confused. We talked about shoes. What did I do wrong?”
Lily stares at you, trying to see if you’re joking. “Y/N, be serious.”
“I am.”
She looks around, leaning closer. “You spoke to Harry Styles. Popstar sensation. Most loved man on the earth.” Lily sees you processing her words, and before you can make rebuttals, she pulls her phone out and shows you a photo of Harry, the guy you met, under a Harry Styles update page.
“Well, shit!”
“Yeah, he at least looks interested in your conversation.”
You roll your eyes, “geeze, Lily, thanks for making it seem like it’s awful to talk with me.”
“Not what I meant,” she apologizes.
“It’s fine. The beard threw me off.”
“He’s a regular here. Comes every other day.” Lily excuses herself needing to get back to work, and with that reassurance, he wouldn’t be coming in; you enjoy your coffee.
You took out your laptop and began to work while keeping an eye on the door. Pretty soon, you got deep into your research and didn’t even notice when the door chimed, signaling someone knew had entered.
“You look really focused. Are you working?” Harry had walked up to your table, startling you.
The truth was you were not working, although you should have been; it was a Wednesday morning. You feel your cheeks warm up, knowing you’ve been caught. “Won’t lie to you, Harry. I’m looking at shoes.” You turn your screen to let him see you have a page pulled up for running shoes with multiple open tabs.
Harry laughs in surprise and gestures to the empty seat to join you. You move your bag, and he happily slides in. You move your laptop closer to him, giving him a better view.
“Those are cute.” You had been looking at a lilac pair.
“Right! But look at these.”
Harry frowns when you switch the screen to display a cherry-pink design. “Now, that’s a tough choice.”
“Ugh…I know. I’ve been alternating back and forth.”
“Okay, close your eyes,” he orders.
You look at him skeptically but do as he says.
“It’s a sunny day which is just a miracle here in London,” you laugh, and he continues. “You’re out on a walk deciding where to go for the day when a stranger points out your shoe is untied. You bend down to tie it. Now what color are your shoes?”
“Purple,” you answer without thinking.
“Well, there you go.”
“That was helpful, Harry. Thank you. Are you a therapist or something?”
“In another life, I would be.”
“Well, what do you do now?” You ask, genuinely interested.
Harry looks at you, confused as if you’re really asking the question. “I sing for a living. Uh…” he feels embarrassed sharing this for some reason. “I go on stage and perform.”
You frown, looking at him closer. “From my eye level, you look like a rugged Harry Styles.”
Harry looks amused. “Rugged. Huh, I thought the beard was good.”
“It is,” you quickly agree. “Sorry, I’m used to seeing videos of him—well, you clean-shaven.”
“I’m on a break. It’s a nice way to let go.”
You were at a crossroads now because you liked Harry. He was friendly and easy to speak with, but would this new information change everything for you?
“Maybe we can go on a run when your shoes arrive?” Harry suggested.
Your eyes lit up, “really?”
“Mhmm…I like running around the park.”
“Oh, I love finding new trails,” you gushed. “I bet you have found the best-hidden roads.”
Harry shrugs, “we’ll have to see.”
“Uh… I’m sorry for not recognizing you. I don’t know if that was weird or not.” You decide to apologize.
“You’re fine, Y/N. When you came up to me, I thought you wanted a photo, but clearly, my shoes were more interesting,” he teased. “It was nice being just Harry.”
You smile sheepishly at him, “you’re still Harry to me. Feel like you’ll turn into Harry Styles when you’re clean-shaven on stage.”
“Not for a few weeks, then. I have shows in Los Angeles at the end of January,” he tells you because he wants to bask in being just Harry for a few weeks more.
“Oh, fun,” you wiggle your eyebrows at him.
“Mhmm…” Harry waits for you to ask more, but instead, you turn the conversation to his workout routine.
From then on, conversation flows easily. You tell Harry you’re the oldest of three. Two younger brothers who live to embarrass you whenever they get the chance but love when you drive them around. You tell him about your job in publishing and that you worked your way up to being an editor. It’s a job you love dearly. Harry lets you ramble on, asking questions and wanting to learn more. He learns you’re allergic to mushrooms. Your first tattoo was a cherry you got at eighteen on an impulsive night out. That you’re the only family member in generations to be born left-handed.
Harry shares that he loves to travel because it gives him a place to miss and come home. He loves his sister and calls her his best friend. That he’s too competitive and loves a long game of Scrabble. He dreams of having a pet dog but does not want to commit when his life is on the road. You mention your family dog, Woodstock, named after the iconic yellow bird from the Peanuts comics. A yellow Labrador who runs up to strangers, always asking for belly rubs. You promise to take him to visit.
Your friendship with Harry grew from there. You would meet most mornings outside the coffee shop for a run and then for a coffee that turned into hours of conversation. You liked Harry and reckoned you liked him more than a friend, but there was no way you would change that dynamic and instead settle to be his friend. When Harry showed up one day clean-shaven, you were taken aback because it made him look younger, and it was as if you were seeing him for the first time.
“Don’t recognize me anymore,” he teases.
“I could spot those green eyes in a sea of people,” you promise him.
Come April, a shift in your dynamic happened. Harry wanted you to work out with him and his trainer. You thought he was crazy, but really Harry was dying for you to meet his friends. They couldn’t stop teasing him that you were made up.
You both turned and found a man in a white shirt and shorts, similar to Harry, approaching you. Harry welcomed him in a hug before going to stand next to you. “This is Y/N. Y/N, Brad.”
Brad shot you a smile, “pleasure to meet you.”
“You as well.”
“It’s nice to put a face to a name. He can’t shut up about you,” Brad confesses.
“Oi! Stop that.” Harry frowns, but you can tell he doesn’t mind.
You end up having the worst workout of your life. Brad, not taking a moment of pity for you until he finally called it quits an hour later. You threw yourself on the grass, closed your eyes, and took slow breaths. You heard Harry laughing above you but did not acknowledge him.
“Come on, petal. I’ll buy you a coffee,” Harry offered.
You peeked one eye open, “and a scone?”
“I’ll get you all the goods you want,” Brad chimes in. “You were a trooper out there.”
“Fuck, I never want to work out with you again,” you huff.
“Don’t think we will if he has a say,” Brad points to Harry. “Never seen him so angry.”
“She’s my friend. Didn’t want to explain her death to her parents.”
After that, it seemed you only saw more of each other until one night at your home, Harry made a move you didn’t see coming. After the film finished, Harry turned serious.
“Harry, what is it?” You ask, concerned.
“I like you.”
You sigh in relief, “gosh, you scared me. I like you too, silly. You’re my best friend.”
Harry shakes his head. “You’re not listening to me.”
“Heard you loud and clear.”
He sighs, frustrated. “These last few months as your friend have been amazing. I feel so lucky you approached me to talk about shoes. While I enjoy being your friend every time we get together, these feelings I have continue to grow, and I can no longer keep them to myself. I like you, and I want to see where this goes.”
You sit there shocked because you never expected Harry to reciprocate your feelings, but he is pouring his heart out for you. “Harry,” you breathed out. “I-I-I like you too. I have for some time, but I didn’t want to lose you.”
“Me either, but Brad said a person as amazing as you would not wait around for me.”
You laugh, “tell him I’m a fool because I think I would have waited a lifetime for you.”
“I know it’s too soon to ask you to be my girlfriend seeing as we haven’t been on a date, but—”
You interrupt him. “Why can’t we say this is our first date? If we think about it, every time we have spent together could be considered a date.”
“Do you end a first date with a kiss?” He asks sheepishly.
“Only if it’s you,” you promise him.
When your wine-stained lips meet his, you feel a wave of peace surround you knowing that it might be soon, but the universe sent Harry to you. He was your other half. He made you better. You pulled him closer, loving the closeness this kiss brought you. Harry sighed, ending the kiss. You went in for a second kiss needing more of him for a little longer.
“Petal, baby. I’m here,” he spoke against your lips.
You giggled out of breath. “Sorry, I think I like you a little too much.”
Harry leaned his forehead against you. “I feel the same.”
“Good, let’s kiss some more and then have a sleepover.”
“Don’t you think it’s too soon, petal?” Harry asked.
You frowned, “you slept here two nights ago.”
Harry sighed, “you’re right.”
It wasn’t until a week later you made it official. Life was perfect, and you were happy. Harry knew starting a relationship as he began touring wasn’t the smartest option, but he was close to home and promised to check in at every chance. In each city he visited, he picked up a souvenir for you as a reminder he was thinking of you. It was cheesy, but he wrote you postcards from each city because even though they wouldn’t arrive quickly, they would remind you of him when you did receive them. It only made you like him more and knew you were falling in love quickly. There was no stopping it.
While you joined him at his special show at Slane Castle, you didn’t have the chance to meet many of his family, mainly only the band. They welcomed you with open arms, and how Harry never stops talking about you. It made you nervous. You hoped to live up to his words because these people and his band members meant the world to Harry.
Now being here to celebrate four sold-out nights at Wembley, it felt overwhelming knowing Harry’s entire family and friends from his childhood would be here. You’ve known Harry for months but loved him like he’s always been yours. It was a joyous day, but even that wouldn’t take away your nerves for the final night of seeing Harry shine on stage.
“No one is going to believe I didn’t recognize you when we first met,”  you tell him as the driver drove down a road that arrives at the back of Wembley, away from the crowd.
“Course they will.”
You give him a deadpan look, “you’re basically the face of the UK. A prince, some would say.” You sit up and clear your throat. “Oh, how’d we meet. Well, I met him at a coffee shop and asked him about his shoes.” You rolled your eyes, “sounds fake to me.”
“Good thing it’s the truth. Plus, I thought you were cute. Would have never worked up the courage to walk up to you, though.”
“Stop. You’re only saying that.”
“Nope, I mean it. Brad and the band like you.”
“I hope they do,” you muttered. “Only people I’ve met now. I’m meeting everyone.”
“You met Mum and Gem,” Harry reminds you. “Spent time with them for three nights.”
You sigh because, for a moment, you feel Harry doesn’t understand how overwhelming this is. Everyone here knows Harry. They know Harry from Holmes Chapel, and they know the amazing person he is. You feel happy to know and love him, but they’ve got a lifetime of Harry, and you’ve got months. It differs for everyone because you would move mountains to ensure he was happy. Except, everyone doesn’t know that. They don’t know you.
“Y/N, petal will you look at me,” he begs softly.
You take a deep breath and allow yourself to meet his emerald eyes. Harry takes in the worry shining bright, and smiles. “Petal, I love you. I know you love me. You remind me every moment we’re together and when I’m away. I don’t doubt it. My family knows you, maybe not your physical form, but they have heard stories and seen endless pictures. They will love you because I love you. If you get overwhelmed, you can always sit back and watch, they’ll understand. Most importantly, I will understand. I wish I could hold you as Mum introduces you to everyone. I told her to hold off, but she’s excited. Brad will be on the floor, and I know you enjoy that. You’re in safe hands.”
“I love you. Thank you. I know it’s your day, and I’m making it all about me.”
Harry shushes you, “hey, hey. We’re a team. Your feelings are just as important as mine. Now give me a kiss.”
You loved him, simple as that. He was the missing piece in your life.
The show was like no other. Harry, from the moment he got on stage, radiated happiness. The fans were the loudest they had been all week, filling you with so much joy. Anne told you to join her at the family box, but you decided to be on the floor as close to Harry as possible by the Jonny pod; you noticed Harry favored the side more, knowing his dear friend was in the audience tonight. From surprise songs to dancing and Mitch receiving his Grammy, you knew it would be a night you would never forget. As Harry began his encore with “Sign of the Times,” the rain started falling, and so did your tears. The fact that over 90 thousand people were here for Harry said enough. They chose to spend their evening with him, and he delivered to make it memorable.
You didn’t even notice that Brad captured a photo of you staring at Harry on stage with a giant smile and hands over your heart you would only see later when Harry made it his lock screen. Harry thanks the crowd for a magical night stating over and over again that he’s never been happier.
Brad wraps an arm around you and walks you towards Harry, who’s sharing long hugs and meaningful words with his bandmates. This is the man you love, and there’s nothing you’d change about it. You followed Harry to the dressing room, wanting a moment alone before the madness. Harry bounces around quickly to change, removing the overalls and shimming them down his waist. He slips on shorts, throws on a random shirt, and puts on his new Adidas Love on Tour sweater with his initials.
You lean against the door admiring him in all his glory. He didn’t bother for a shower, too eager to see everyone.
“I’m proud of you,” you whisper. “I know it might not mean much, but I am.”
Harry pauses, finishes tying his shoe, and walks over to you. He stops before you, his hands finding a home on your cheeks. “It means the world. Don’t ever think it doesn’t. We might only have been together for two months, but my heart has loved you my entire life. You being here is enough. I could feel your love from the stage.”
He connects your lips together, and you melt against him. Harry breathes life into you, and you never want him to stop. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, Harry. So much.”
“Good. Let’s go mingle.” You move away from the door and make your way outside when he tugs you back in. “Forgot one last thing.”
He hurries over to his bag, pulls out an identical sweater, and hands it to you. You accept it moving and look it over. Your eyes quickly find your initials on the right side, similar to his.
“Harry—this isn’t necessary.”
Harry shrugs, “it was your idea.”
You don’t fight him as he slips off your red leather jacket and helps you slip on the thin material. He fixes the collar making sure none of your hair is tucked under. Harry decides you look good, giving you a pat on the butt. “Now we can go.”
Harry held your hand as you walked over to the area Jeff had set up for the celebration. He mentioned there would be another location later in the night, but it would be good to let the crowds outside die out. On your walk over, Harry told you about outfits and signs he saw in the crowd. How overwhelmed he came when the rain came down. He felt at home.
You expressed how much fun you had, told Harry how Jeff and Tommy taught you the boot scoot during “Treat People,” and assured him many videos of your failed attempt were taken. Harry paused outside the door where you could hear the loud chatter, and you knew what was waiting for you behind those doors. Harry shoots you a look, and you give him a reassuring smile letting him know it’s okay to go in.
The cheers are loud when the man of the hour walks in. Everyone was quick to gather around him. You try to sneak away, but his grip on your hand stays tight. Every person who thanks him, he makes sure to introduce you.
“Love, go celebrate. It’s alright. I’ll be fine,” you tell him in a low voice.
Harry shakes his head, instead kissing you and pulling you along to meet and chat with new people. You felt a bit overwhelmed, but everyone has been so sweet. They asked where you were from? Scotland. What was your job? An editor. How did you meet? Coffee Shop. How proud were you? Immensely.
You kept trying to hang back, but Harry seemed to notice when you drifted away. He would kiss you and ask for your input in the conversation. You told him you were getting a drink and would be back momentarily, except you got a vodka cranberry and hid in a corner. Harry found you when your drink was half gone.
“Babyyy,” he called out. “Missed you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up as he wrapped himself around you. He moved you away from the wall, making you face the crowd, his hands around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“I love you,” he whispered.
You lean against him, happy to be wrapped in his arms, feeling safe. “I love you, bub.”
Harry takes a sip of your drink and hums at the bitterness of the cranberry. He knows you’re a social drinker because it allows you to relax and not be as anxious. You and Harry get lost in your world as you let him talk your ear off. He tells you about people around the room, who they are, and how they’ve helped them. Surprisingly, Harry can name everyone in the room, though it shouldn’t shock you much. It’s just the type of person he is.
Your boyfriend is an affectionate person. He loves having a hand on the small of your back or your hand in his. He wants to be close because he says he wants makeup when he’s away. Some would say it makes him look clingy, but lucky for you, you love his touch; it’s comforting. You could feel his smile against your skin as he planted kisses on your face.
Even while in your corner, people come up to you. When they see Harry begin to kiss your shoulder or whisper in your ear, they excuse themselves. You can’t help but feel you are keeping Harry from celebrating with everyone, not realizing he’s happy to celebrate with you in his arms.
“Harry! Sue!” Is yelled from across the room. You see a short, dirty-haired blonde yell and wave for him, but Harry is too busy peppering kisses all over your neck to realize.
“Bubby, love. They’re calling for you.”
He hums against your neck. “I’m perfect here.”
You sigh because the yelling continues, and you’re starting to feel overwhelmed because he’s not celebrating. Instead, Harry is ensuring you’re not nervous, which seems like the most boring job in the world. He should be taking shots with friends and telling stories about the last four nights.
“Go on, I’ll be right behind you,” you promise him.
Harry tightens his hold on you, “baby, you sure?”
“Yes, no go. I’ll even bring you a drink.”
“Tequila neat,” you tease. “I know you.”
Harry pecks your lips once, twice, and a third time before making his way across the room, but not before looking over his shoulder one last time at you. You shoot him a wink and exaggerate, looking at his bum and making him laugh. He moves his hips a little extra just for you. As Harry easily falls into the conversation, you use this moment as an opportunity for a breather.
You were alone for around five minutes when you heard footsteps coming your way. You were in a corridor that led you out to the stage if you continued walking down but stopped halfway, knowing no one would come this way. You were wrong.
Harry is who you expected to see, but to your surprise, it’s Gemma, his older sister.
“Hi,” you greet softly. The conversations with Gemma have been short, but from what you can tell, she’s wise beyond her years and always ready to listen.
“You okay?” She asks, straight to the point.
“A bit loud,” you gesture towards the hallway where the music can still be heard.
She nods, “I get that.” Gemma looks around before moving to stand next to you shoulder to shoulder. “Are you okay?” She asks again.
You sigh, “I—i-i.”
“A bit much for a family gathering.”
“A bit,” you exhale, knowing Gemma understands what you might be feeling.
“It’s the perfect opportunity, I feel. I did forget how overwhelming it was. I don’t even remember my boyfriend’s first family gathering.”
“Are you saying I won’t remember this in a few years?”
“Oh, you’re never forgetting tonight.” She smirks, “unless you keep drinking.”
You scrunch your nose at the thought. “Better not.”
The two of you stand in silence, and you know it’s because Gemma is giving you a minute to gather your thoughts.
“I just—I love Harry. I do. I hope you don’t doubt that, but I don’t know how to celebrate when you’ve all been here for him every step of the way. Year after year.”
Gemma deflates, “oh, Y/N.”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have—” Gemma cuts you off.
“It’s okay,” she assures you. “It’s difficult because of his job, not because of who he is. But trust me when I say he loves you.” Gemma’s words are firm, and you believe her. As an older sister, you would do anything to protect your siblings but never lie to someone important.
“Harry talks about you every chance he gets. Did you know Y/N ran a marathon? She’s swam with sharks in a reservation center. Y/N’s CPR certified. She edited and helped publish five number-one books this year,” Gemma rambles off. “We all know so much because he’s proud and wants to share it with those close to him.”
“I-I didn’t know.” You let all of this process, but it’s a shock because some of the things Gemma listed mean nothing, but clearly, to him, mean everything.
“Everyone in that room,” Gemma points over her shoulder, “knows who you are and what you mean to him.”
“Everyone?” You whisper. It doesn’t feel real. You’d never been so loved, and it might be why you’re feeling overwhelmed because he wants to bask in your love. It’s not a show; it’s simply his way of showing he loves you in front of everyone he cares about.
“Celebrate how you want but know all we want is to see him happy. It’s clear as day that you make him happy. This is the happiest I’ve seen him, and it’s because of you. Maybe even happier than selling out Wembley.”
“Thank you, Gemma.” She hugs you tight, and it’s so familiar yet different from Harry’s. His is light and full of love, while Gemma’s is tight and warm. “He wrote you a beautiful song.” You’re referring to “Sweet Creature,” which he dedicated to her tonight.
“It’s a special one. Don’t worry. I hear you’ll be getting yours soon enough,” she teases. “I’ll see you inside.”
A few seconds later, someone else joins you. It’s as if your body knows who it is without seeing them because you feel the familiar flutter in your stomach as his smell wraps around you.
“Baby, where did you go?” Harry whines. Baby is a term of endearment that comes out a lot when he’s had more than one to drink. It’s your favorite during these times.
“I’m here,” you open your arms, and he happily falls in your embrace. “I’m proud of you, love.” You run a hand through the back of his head, keeping him close.
“Thank you, baby.”
“Like really proud. You’re so loved. What you do is incredible. I feel so lucky to be able to love you.”
Harry pulls back, and you see his beautiful eyes glistening with tears threatening to fall soon. “I love you.”
You press your lips against his and put all your love into the kiss. You wish you could spend the rest of the night kissing him, but there is more celebrating to do. Harry doesn’t let you pull away, instead deepening the kiss. You melt against him, forgetting your worries and enjoying this moment with him. A moment only for the two of you to remember.
“Let’s keep celebrating, my love,” you whisper against his lips.
“Still nervous?” He checks.
“Only a smidge.”
Harry smiles, “that’s okay. I’ll hold your hand.”
“You won’t let go?”
“Never,” he promises.
As you return to the party holding tight to his hand, he asks an important question. “Can I keep kissing you?”
Your laugh rings loud, echoing through Harry’s heart. You bring your hand up to rest at the back of his neck and pull him down for a kiss. “As much as you like.”
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why4anne · 4 months
Part: 7/?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Category: Social Media au
Summary: Follow the love story of a global pop icon and a monegasque F1 driver
Face claim: Taylor Swift (Singing) + others
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liked by yourusername, ellenpompeo and 645 943 others
Musical guest and award presenter Y/N L/N is in the building. She's wearing a stunning Versace gown and a killer cat eye.
view comments:
yourusername: 🫶🫶
y/nenjoyer: she looks STUNNING!!
girlypopy/n: Dare I say... Revenge dress?
vintagel/n: Oh, definitely!
holyleclerc: It's giving Princess Diana
lonely4lifer: Charles, look at what you lost
havemyleclerc: She is the one who fumbled
summery/n: Y/N lost a second tier F1 driver, Charles lost global pop icon, highest streamed female artist, the woman, the myth, the legend Y/N L/N
leclerctingzz: He's not a second tier F1 driver, he's the future of Ferrari
ubery/n: How many WDC?
childofdivorce: Auntie Blake pick me up I'm scared
lewishamilton: @/donatella_versace you outdid yourself with this dress
donatella_versace: Donatella VERSACE💜
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liked by lewishamilton, simonebiles and 426 392 others
It's a star-studded event here tonight. Multiple athletes have now made their way onto the red carpet including:
Formula 1 drivers Charles Leclerc, Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton, Footballers Neymar and Alex Morgan, Gymnast Simone Biles, Figure-skater Tessa Virtue and NFL Quarterback Joe Burrow
Keep your eyes open for your favorite athlete to arrive!
view comments:
joeyb_9: Such a well organized event!
lewishamilton: Blessed to be here🙏
charles_leclerc: Happy to be included❤️
alexmorgan13: This will be so much fun
moreleclerc: Putting Neymar and Charles beside each other is CRAZY
lilttley/n: Okay but can we talk about how both Lewis Hamilton AND Joe Burrow interacted on the post about Y/N earlier??
gemmal/n: Y/N now has the chance to do the funniest thing ever and get with Max Verstappen
home4l/n: STOP- that would be too iconic
justleclerc: The world is not ready for that sort of chaos
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liked by yourusername, badgalriri and 742 674 others
Miss Y/N L/N what a performance!🙌👏
view comments:
heavenlyy/n: Mother did not come to play tonight!
realy/nfan: fr! She saw that both of her exes were in attendance and said "hold my wine glass"
unifiedy/n: Singing ATW and you're loosing me back to back while STARING at table number 12 (Charles and Neymar's table) is absolutely FOUL!
justl/nthingz: She's so cunty, I love it!
l/ny/nfavorite: Okay but why is no one talking about how she literally sang silver springs by Fleetwood Mac and in true Stevie Nicks fashion was glaring daggers into Charles while doing so!!!!!???
bluey/n: next level balls frfr!
bobbiey/n: Okay but that outfit??? Mother ATE!🔥
holyl/n: Ass out and everything for Charles to see🤭
justy/nfans: I just know that that man will go home and cry himself to sleep tonight
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Liked by 202 392 people
After receiving an anonymous tip from a reliable source, it seems as if Y/N L/N left the athletes gala after party with one of the guests of the night. Who it was is still unclear but stay tuned on celebritynews for more information!
view comments:
summery/n: This girl is a wag at heart
flowersbyl/n: That's so true! She does love her athletes😭
y/nleftpinkynail: Honestly she's so real for that😍
l/nbyy/n: Just like me fr!
chad.larsen: She's such a slut!🙄
leclerc_l/n: Bro GTFO with your musty ass comments!!🤢
brianyoung: Watch out whoever it is. She's gonna write a song about you😵‍💫
littley/n: It's almost like THAT'S HER FUCKING JOB???🤯
greenflowers: misogyny☕️
l/nhouse: Okay but who was it???!!!!
justagirl: I think it was Joe Burrow, did you see how he was looking at her while she was performing??😍
godlyy/n: I hope with my entire being that it's Max Verstappen💀
slayvettel: That would be too iconic!!
icemanfan: Y'all tripping, it's gotta be Lewis!
heavenlyy/n: HOLD UP! What if it was Neymar??
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liked by blakelively, nicorosberg and 6 582 194 others
cellphone on silent📱❌
comments are disabled:
Tag-list: @mindflay3r @karmabyfernando @lightdragonrayne @ilove-tswizzle @sadg3 @sassyheroneckgiant @c-losur3 @spideybv28 @boiohboii @charizznorizz @amel1ee @loloekie @sunny44 @janeholt3 @berrnuu
399 notes · View notes
gg-pedro · 5 months
can you hear the music (ch. 3) - joel miller x reader
summary: everyone in jackson is trying to distract themselves from something. you teach ellie piano and find yourself trying to help more than one miller settle into their new world.
chapter 3: today, it would be sarah's 34th birthday. but today, tomorrow, and every other day, joel needs you.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, jackson!era, joel x reader, AFAB!reader, platonic!ellie x reader, implied age gap, smoochin', gropin', mentions of death, joel grieves, joel sings, arguing/fighting (kinda), mental health discussions, lewdness, angst, heavy feelings (and there's more where that come from!)
words: 3.4k
a/n: man. can u tell I rewatched episode 1? i’m proud of this one. also, I hope this reaches my fleetwood mac lovers.
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Joel, while in the middle of hauling a bag of horse feed over his good shoulder (and ‘good’ was being generous), realized he was getting old. This was the tenth revelation of the day, give or take. From when he forced himself out of bed onto aching joints, to when he hadn’t heard Ellie come up behind him in the kitchen, and most notably, to when he realized Sarah’s 34th birthday would’ve been today. 
It didn’t sting anymore. Not after this long, not after 20 years. It didn’t even hurt. 
It just ached. 
He sloughed the feed into the trough, stepping back to catch his breath. He glided his hand over the pretty little mare that he usually took out. She seemed too small to not be a pony, but hey, equine standards had flown out the window 20 years ago along with everything else. 
Tommy knew, too. He never forgot. Maybe that's why he patted Joel on the back at breakfast that morning and told him to go ‘take a ride’. Clear his head. They still had work to do today. The Earth never stopped spinning. Joel thought that by now, it should’ve.
To be fair, the date could’ve been a little off, but the air was that same lukewarm cold and the sun shone blinding in a clear blue sky the same way it did on the day Sarah was born. Winter was melting into a tepid spring in Wyoming, and Joel was still here to fucking see it.
For a second he wondered if his vision was going, too, having to do a double-take when he noticed you leaning against the wooden beam of the stall entrance.
“Jesus,” he mumbled. “Y’ever heard of knocking?”
You rolled your eyes. “Must’ve missed the door.”
“How’d you find me?” He asked, finally turning to really look at you. Irritatingly beautiful.
“Ellie,” you answered. “Said you were going for a joy ride.”
He sighed, coming over to wrap his arms just below the dip of your spine. “Kid couldn’t keep a secret if her fuckin’ life depended on it,” he grumbled, pausing afterwards to give you a slow kiss.
“I like the honesty. She’s got nothing to hide, especially if it has anything to do with you.” You grinned and fell right into his little ploy. 
“Mmh. Lucky me.”
He had you backed against the wooden railing in an instant, his hand creeping up below your shirt and onto the soft skin of your waist. The touch raised goosebumps all over your body. You placed two hands on either side of his neck, gently, enjoying the way he was feeling you up with his lips glued to yours.
“Now? Right here?” You asked once you had the chance to break away from his mouth. “A little risky, Miller. Don’t forget, I’m still your worst kept secret,” you chided.
“No, not right here. And fuck you.” He pulled away until all but one hand was still stroking your side through your shirt.
And Joel loved you. Maybe not in the same way he loved Tommy or Ellie or Sarah, but still, he did. He loved your smart mouth, the way you blazed like a fire in bed with him, your natural talent, the way you made it all ache less. 
And you did– make it ache less. That was reason enough. 
He gestured to the horse that was a few feet away, still eating its breakfast. “You wanna join?”
“Can’t say no,” you said. “What’s the occasion? I thought they were strict about leaving for non-essential reasons.”
Joel was looking at you until he wasn’t, his gaze going right through you. He could tell you. He knew he could. You knew about his daughter and you still never brought it up. You’d lost people too, he knew that. He could tell you and you would bring him into your arms and say something like, I’m so sorry, Joel. I’m here. I’m here if you need me. 
He would tell you. But not today.
He shrugged and pressed a kiss into your hairline. “Just another day. I want you to come.”
“Alright, then.” You nodded towards the guitar sitting in the corner of the stall. Dark stained wood around the edges fading into a lighter mahogany. It was beautiful. “Bringing that, too?”
“Yeah, why not. Here, let me help.” He grabbed it and lifted it over your head, situating it so that the body of the guitar was resting against your back. “You ever played?”
You shook your head. “No. Good thing you do.”
He brought the horse out into the open, making sure he still had everything important– a gun in his pocket and a broken watch on his wrist. He helped you up onto the saddle, sitting behind him and flush with his back. 
Outside the walls, It was a beautiful day. The sun had melted away the heavy snow on the peaks of the rolling hills, the first kiss of spring. New life, grass that had started to green. You had your arms wrapped tightly around Joel’s middle, face pressed against the back of his shoulder. The fields seemed boundless. You hadn’t realized just how infinitesimally small your world had grown since being in Jackson. 
“Are there usually infected around here?” You asked. 
“Not really. The valley helps. We’ll stay out in the open, don’t worry, baby.”
You didn’t even have to ask. The little tour he was giving you around the east end of the fields was mostly an effort to case the surrounding area, his senses on high alert for anything dangerous. The truth was, this place was secure. Still, Joel would move mountains to keep you safe. Would do anything. He’d made mistakes in the past that he wouldn’t let happen again. Couldn’t.
After a loop around the outer wall, riding with a mixture of the horse's friendly canter and Joel intentionally speeding her up to scare the shit out of you and make you hold on tighter to him, he settled on a plateau at the top of a hill, a few steps away from the thick evergreen forest.
After helping you off the mare and spreading out the woven blanket he had rolled up on the back of the saddle, Joel sat down with a heavy sigh. You tied the lead to a low tree branch where the horse seemed content to roam. After, you pulled the guitar over your head and handed it to him.
It was still early in the day, and the sun was barely cresting over the hilltops from this view. 10:42 AM. That’s when his daughter was born. He looked down at the broken face of his watch out of habit, even though the thing had been broken for years at this point. 
You dropped down next to him and your head immediately connected with his shoulder. Looking over at him, his eyes were far away and glassy. “What’re you thinking about?”
Joel shook his head and pressed a slow kiss into your forehead. “Nothin’. Just wondering what I should play.” He brought the guitar into his lap and strummed it a little, pausing to tune the top string down half a step. “Feel like I gotta impress you.”
You huffed a laugh and shook your head. “You don’t have to. Who’d you used to listen to?”
“Oh, Jesus…” he had sort of let go of the fond memories he had of old music. With you, though, he was starting to miss it. “Some Zeppelin, some Billy Joel, Pearl Jam… Nirvana was just gettin’ good, too. Lots of Chet Atkins when I was younger.”
You just smiled, moving your hand to stroke his knee. “None of that surprises me.”
“You like Fleetwood Mac?” he asked after a while. “Stevie Nicks, always one of my favorites. My daughter’s, too.”
Your heart hurt a little at that. Joel had never brought up the daughter he’d lost with you. You kissed his shoulder as he started picking the strings to the tune of Landslide, that gentle back and forth that you hadn’t heard in more than 20 years. 
“That's a good one, baby.”
You still remembered the lyrics. He did, too. 
I took my love, I took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills,
‘Til the landslide brought me down
Joel’s playing wasn’t perfect. He’d picked the guitar up again a few times in the last couple weeks, but before that, it had been a lifetime ago. On that radio station in Austin, The Best Of The ‘70’s, this one would come on all the time. Sarah would grin and sing her best rendition, as loudly as possible, always egging Joel on to join in too. Sometimes he would, but not always. He regretted that. 
He thought your voice was beautiful. Clear and bright. His voice was probably an octave below yours, gravelly and out of practice. The two of you mixed together like honey into whiskey. 
Oh, mirror in the sky,
What is love?
Can the child in my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin’ ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
He would’ve liked to scoff at that. There's nothing to do but handle it. Push forward and deal. He didn’t die on September 26th, 2003, despite his best efforts and no matter how much he wanted to. He was here with you. Singing with you, laughing through the verses, watching the sun light up your eyes. And for that? A part of him had to consider himself a lucky son of a bitch.
He couldn’t stop himself from wanting to make a life with you. The extent to which he could see that to fruition, he wasn’t sure. Everything was uncertain. He didn’t even deserve it. Nothing he had done over the past 20 years was worthy of you. But fuck, he could be good. If he tried, maybe, he could be good for you. And trying? It’d be worth it. 
Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
‘Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I’m getting older, too
Joel had to stop singing. Tears were swelling in his dark brown eyes and one wrong move would break the entire dam of emotions. He kept playing, though, into the second chorus, happy to listen to you.
Well, I’ve been afraid of–
You turned away from the landscape to look at his face. Tears were streaking his cheeks, his eyes staring straight ahead of him. You didn’t say anything– you took the guitar out of his arms and brought him into yours instead. You rubbed slow circles into his flannel-clad back, holding him tight as his shoulders sagged and shuddered with every shaky inhalation. 
“I’m sorry, baby, I’m sorry," he managed to say.
“It’s okay, Joel. You’re okay. It’s just me, you know I don’t mind. I got you, come on, just get it out.”
You had your own guesses as to what was getting to him so bad. You told yourself a long time ago that you wouldn’t pry. He wouldn’t tell you like that, anyway. He had to do it himself. 
After a few pregnant moments passed with the two of you like that, his breathing finally evened out enough for him to speak clearly. He pulled away from you, taking your face into his hands so you couldn’t look away. His eyes were reddened and puffy, his cheeks wet.
“I ain’t gonna let nothin’ happen to you. D’you understand that? Nothin’. I’m gonna take care of you. Keep you safe. Keep you happy.” He tucked your hair behind your ears before gliding his thumbs over the skin just below your eye. “I will. You just gotta let me.”
You gently pried his hands away from your face, taking them into your own and pressing a kiss into his knuckles. “Okay, baby. I’ll let you. I’ll let you,” you repeated. “I’m safe with you, I know.”
He pulled you in suddenly, practically squeezing all of the air out of your lungs with the grip he had on you. “I promise you. I promise.”
He promised you, and you believed him. 
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills,
Well, the landslide bring it down
Oh, the landslide bring it down
At your lesson with Ellie, she seemed more motivated than you did. Sooner or later, she was going to exhaust the entire Star Wars: A Beginner’s Score sheet music book that you had found a few years back. 
After successfully sight reading the first few bars of The Imperial March and promptly declaring that she had had enough ‘piano-ing’ for the day, Ellie gave you a look.
You furrowed your brows. “What?”
“Nothin’,” she said flippantly, looking away from you. “Just– are you and Joel, like, together?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
Ellie turned, looking exasperated. “Pft. You know exactly what I mean.”
You rolled your eyes and jokingly shoved her away from you by the forehead. “We’re getting married next week, actually,” you said, laughing. “Mhm, we’re running away with each other. Gonna buy a big white house with a big picket fence down south– you know, to keep you out.”
“Oh, fuck you, dude.” She giggled too, punching your shoulder in return hard enough to push you down the piano bench. “I have a right to know! And besides, I don’t have anyone to tell. I can keep a secret.”
“I disagree, but– if you memorize your F# minor scale by Tuesday, I’ll tell you all about it. Has to be perfect, though,” you qualified.
“Fine,” she said with stubborn resolve. “And… there's one more thing.” Her eyes cast downwards and her shoulders drooped a little as she gave a long exhale.
“What is it?”
She looked back up at you through her dark lashes. “Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda?”
“The– the who?”
With a completely straight face, she said, “Yeah. He’s lucky it was a soft drink.”
Ellie’s laughter could barely be heard over your exaggerated groaning. You had your head dropped into your hands and Ellie in tears when Joel walked in through the front door.
Ellie, sighing and wiping her eyes, said: “I told her the ol’ soda-can-to-the-head one. Pretty good, right?”
“Jesus…” you heard Joel mutter.
Shiny-eyed and smiling, you pointed to the door. “Out of my house. Both of you. And don’t bother coming back.”
Ellie grabbed her coat and was out the door before Joel could even open his mouth. “See you Tuesday!”
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!”
Later that day, in the hot and unusually busy Tipsy Bison, Joel was too drunk.
It was the perfect conclusion to the most bittersweet day he’d had in a while. Had the morning with you, finished up a roofing project just after dinner, and against his better judgment, asked if you wanted drinks. You arrived as a pair, undoubtedly eliciting new whisperings from your fellow Jackson residents, but Joel was starting not to care.
You’d mentioned going out together in passing to him after he had told you about the bar scene when he was younger, commenting on how you wished you’d gotten to experience that. And yeah, maybe this felt more like playing pretend to him than anything, but he wanted to give you good days. Good memories. A real life, where you could experience things with him and not have to worry about how long the happiness would last.
Tonight, it backfired. A year ago today, he would’ve been mixing whiskey and oxycodone to forget it was Sarah’s birthday. But now, he was too drunk with Tommy, and you were watching all of it, and he wished he still had a handful of pills to knock him out. 
“She your girlfriend now, brother?” Tommy slurred, clapping him on the shoulder. 
Joel grabbed you roughly by the waist from his seat at the bar, tucking you in close to him. “Yeah, she’s my girl,” he cooed. “Ain’t that right, pretty baby?”
Tommy chuckled, slamming his glass down onto the counter. “Same way Tessa was your girl? Or different this time?”
Joel wanted to be sick. “The fuck’s wrong with you, asshole?”
You, a little tipsy yourself by this point, smoothed a hand over Joel’s curls in an effort to de-escalate this conversation. “Joel, hey. He’s your brother. Don’t start a fight.”
Tommy shook his head and patted you on the arm. “It’s okay, baby, let him speak.”
Drunkenly, Joel stood up, pointing an accusatory finger at his brother. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be saddled with all this shit,” he started. “Always chasin’ your sorry ass. Halfway across the fuckin’ country this time. If it weren’t for you, Tess’d be here.”
This was an old argument, but they were drunk, and it seemed like the perfect time to rehash it. 
Tommy stood up to meet his eyes. “Oh yeah? Really? If it weren’t for me, Joel, you’da had a bullet in your head by now. Oh, y’haven't told her? Your girl? Go on, tell her. Tell her all about Sarah. Happy fuckin’ birthday to her.”
“Keep her name out your motherfuckin’ mouth, you– bastard–”
You had your arm interlinked with Joel’s, but he flung you off of him in an instant. He swung at Tommy, but his aim was a little diluted from the gin and Tommy ducked anyway. He only got one attempt in before five different people were pulling them away from each other to opposite ends of the bar.
You followed Joel, thanking the two men who were restraining him as he shouted strings of profanities and nobody, assuring them that you could take it from here. 
“Joel, you gotta calm down. Hey. Hey, Miller, I’m fucking talking to you.” You grabbed his face in your hands and forced him to look at you. “Take a breath. Just take a breath.”
He did as he was told, but his eyes were still darting rapidly around the room. “Tommy…” he breathed out. “Fuck. I didn’t mean to, I swear. Did I hurt him? I hurt him, didn’t I?”
“No, baby. You– uh, you missed.”
“Ah,  fuck.”
Maybe narcotics wouldn’t have fixed this, either.
Joel let you drag him back to your place without putting up much of a fight. Sarah. She would’ve been ashamed of him. There was a mounting list of things that Sarah would’ve hated him for, and this was just the icing on the cake.
Back on your couch, lying on his back, he wanted today to be over. 
“I was s’pposed to be doin’ good for you,” he said quietly. “Bein’ better for you.”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, your voice straining with the force it took to tug off his left boot.
“I’m no good for you.”
“I ain’t, babydoll. I ain’t. Not for you, not for Ellie, not for Tommy, not for Tessa, and not for Sarah,” he mumbled. “It’s her birthday.”
“I know.”
“I miss her,” he swallowed. “Real bad.”
“I know, Joel.”
There was a lump in his throat and a tightness in his chest. Landslide was still stuck in his head.
… saw my reflection… snow covered hills …
He shut his eyes. “Is Ellie alright?”
“Mhm. She’s asleep down the street,” you said, tracing lazy shapes into his stomach.
“She’s a good kid,” he mumbled. “Tough kid.”
“She is,” you agreed. “She relies on you– cares about you. Lots of people care about you.”
… time makes y’bolder, children get… older …
Joel hummed in response. “I still need you.”
… I’m gettin’ older, too … 
You bit your lip. You should really get back up, make sure Joel had a glass of water and painkillers near him for when he woke up. Maybe even a bowl from the kitchen. But your body felt like it was being weighed down by lead, and the infrequency at which you actually drank alcohol was making you unfathomably tired.
You laid down on top of him, head pressed against his chest. His breathing was slow and even and his heart rate was calm. 
“I need you, too.”
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
MCYT ; songs that they associate with you
includes tommyinnit, tubbo, freddie badlinu, ranboo, quackity
warnings ; horrible music taste. Did a few for each of them lmaooo. also let's act like dmca doesn't exist on twitch or whatever. if schlatt can play Fleetwood Mac on stream then who cares yk
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Kiss From A Rose ; Seal
You guys watched Batman Forever together and this song came on during credits. Life changing experience.
You had the DVD version with the music video bonus, that was being replayed for like twenty minutes
He has it on almost every playlist he has
He seems like the type of person to make a private, bad quality edit/music video of you two to it
Goosebumps ; Sorana
Dude this song perfectly reflected how he felt before you guys got together 🙏🙏
Plays this on stream when you're streaming with him for background noise.
Before you get together, he still plays it, just makes sure to not let you know that he feels that exact way about you.
Little inside joke between you two, it's kinda your song in a way
Editors love editing you guys to this song omg. They're always cute as hell too
FaceTime with my Mom (Tonight) ; Bo Burnham
You guys karaoke-d the shit out of this song on stream with Jack and Freddie.
It became a core memory for him. You were only friends at the time but it kinda made him realize that he wanted to be more than just your friend.
He actually FaceTimed his mom afterwards and she said hello to chat and everything
Little funny moment that he loves to think about
Someday (Remastered) ; Sugar Ray
He found this song on your older music playlist
He plays it a lot and thinks about you
Like daydreams that you're on a warm beach with all your friends and stuff
The song has like a warm, summery vibe to it so all summer he makes sure this comes up on your queue when streaming or in the car or whatever.
You guys probably dance around the living room to this song idk
Where The Lines Overlap ; Paramore
"No one is as lucky as us" REAL.
He cherishes you in his own special way yk?
He thinks he's so lucky to have you when you're surprised you could even pull someone, let alone him
Before you guys started dating, he saw an edit of you two to this song and he religiously watched it LMAO
You're both Paramore fans so this worked out perfectly.
Orange Show Speedway ; Lizzy McAlpine
the guitar sounds exactly how you feel to him if that makes sense
the happy nostalgia/dopamine rush kind of feel makes him all smiley and makes him think of you
he literally fell in love at a car speedway show that you two went to together for a little "first date" vlog so 🙏🙏🙏
it's just perfect idk man
Already Over ; Mike Shinoda
this song reminds me a lot of genloss so yk I had to include it here
but yeah, genloss vibes
reminds them a lot of yours and his genloss characters and their relationships and whatnot
when on set for s2 they listen to this on repeat bc your dynamic is so cool
although the viewers r desperately trying to kill you bc you're kind of at fault for genloss! rans trauma/predicament
they'll figure out that's not totally true tho
White Noise ; James Marriott
"I'd quite like to go home now" mother fucker you are his home :(
you're the "What's the point of having a friend when you're on your own in the end" outlook and they're the "I'll make an attempt knowing that I'll fuck it up" in a /pos outlook
you two go perfectly together
like two puzzle pieces, straight the fuck up
the cutest of dynamics
Le Jardin ; La Femme
you guys watched Fresh together (10/10 btw)
this song came on halfway through and you soundsearched it and quickly dove into the la femme rabbit hole
he thought it was adorable cause you kind of understood the music but he understood completely
honestly got you into learning Spanish more
he literally only sees you listening to la femme to the point where he's a little concerned
you're just addicted to the paradigmes album you're fine
but he does play this on stream a lot just for you
editors go crazy after figuring out its always being played for you omg
Don't Want It ; Lil Nas X
holy shit this song goes hard
anyways yall always play this to get hyped up
he found an edit of you guys to this song and he thinks about it 24/7
literally the "people in my life should know I am not the old me" and the "wanted happiness, wanted forgiveness" duo
I can't explain it it's just vibes
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ermesskiss · 4 months
what music I think jjk adults would listen to
✧ ft: satoru, suguru, nanami, shoko, choso, higuruma, toji, sukuna, and kenjaku ✧ a/n: been thinking about this for a minute, and I decided to write out my opinions/hcs
jjk student version here + jjk character playlist works here
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✦ gojo
➥ Gojo is a very laid-back and fun guy, so I think he would listen to music that has that same energy
➥ He kinda reminds me of those moms who listen to the overplayed songs on the radio and always sing them, I don’t know to explain it, but that's him
➥ I think that he gets his song recs from his students in a attempt to bond with them
♪ Heaven To Me: Tyler, The Creator ♪ Chanel: Frank Ocean ♪ Died and Came Back: Lil Uzi Vert ♪ Pop Style: Drake ♪ Wake Up in the Sky: Gucci Mane ft. Bruno Mars
✦ geto
➥ I think Geto listens to a little bit of everything, alternative, rock, rap, R&B,  and hip-hop. I can’t really picture him strictly listening to rock and alt. It doesn’t feel right
➥ As Geto got older, I think his music taste changed. He still likes everything, but he leaned towards one genre rather than several
➥ When Mimi and Nana show Geto their favorite music, he adds the one he likes to his own playlist, and vice versa
♪ Sextape: Deftones ♪ Passion Fruit: Drake ♪ Rental: Brockhampton ♪ 3005: Childish Gambino ♪ Even Flow: Pearl Jam
✦ shoko
➥ I think the music that she listens to is very mellow and relaxing but might have some sad undertone to it from time to time
➥ She gives me older music vibes from the 70s to the 90s. Like Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, and Sade. I can’t see her listening to newer music
➥ I think she listens to more female artists than men; it’s not intentional. She does enjoy songs from men, but it’s a pattern. I also think that Shoko is a big fan of The Cranberries; I am a soul believer in this
♪ Sunday: The Cranberries ♪ Bette Davis Eyes: Kim Carnes ♪ Fade Into You: Mazzy Star ♪ Landslide: Fleetwood Mac ♪ So Far Away: Carole King
✦ nanami
➥ Student Nanami was emo, so he definitely listened to My Chemical Romance
➥ He started listening to more rock when he grew out of his emo phase. He prefers light rock rather than heavy
➥ When he gets sick of music, he puts on a podcast about business/the economy, or world events OR OR audiobooks
♪ Helena: My Chemical Romance ♪ I Miss You: blink-182 ♪ Dust in the Wind: Kansas ♪ Dancing In the Dark: Bruce Springsteen ♪ Rocket Man: Elton John
✦ choso
➥ He’s giving off rock and metal vibes, also like sub-genres of those
➥ His go-to music is rock, but I definitely think he listens to other music, something like R&B and hip-hop
➥ Like the great sibling, he is, he always gives Yuji the aux and listens to his song recs
♪ Granite: Sleep Token ♪ Generation Dead: Five Finger Death Punch ♪ Enter Sandman: Metallica ♪ Chop Suey!: System Of A Down ♪ War Inside My Head: Suicidal Tendencies
✦ higuruma
➥ Similar to Shoko, I think he also listens to older music rather than newer stuff, but it’s not because he doesn’t enjoy new music; he is just too busy and stressed to figure out what artist he likes and just stays to what he knows
➥ He’s a big Radiohead fan, and maybe The Smiths, too? Music that's kind of sad and angst, yk?
➥ Genre-wise, I think he would like a little of everything if he could sit down and enjoy music.
♪ Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now: The Smiths ♪ Karama Police: Radiohead ♪ Wild Sex (In The Working Class): Oingo Boingo ♪ Eyes Without A Face: Billy Idol ♪ What’s Up?: 4 Non Blondes
✦ toji
➥ Definitely listens to divorce dad music
➥ Drinks a nice cold beer while listening to Nickelback
➥ I think because Toji doesn't think highly of himself, I can see him listening to self-loathing music and music that relates to anger or internal turmoil
♪ How You Remind Me: Nickelback ♪ Pancake Land: Element Eighty ♪ The Man Who Sold the World: Nirvana ♪ It’s Been Awhile: Stained ♪ Crawling: Linkin Park
✦ sukuna
➥ So, at first, I was sure he would listen to heavy metal and rock because he has such an aggressive personality, but after I gave it some more thought canon, Sukuna would hate it. Music or noise that loud and obnoxious would annoy him.
➥ Acknowledging the fact that he was born in the Heian era and during that time, they listened to Gagaku (court music), which is either instrumental or vocal. It’s calming and relaxing in contrast to his persona
➥ Or he hates music altogether, idk; he's a grumpy old man. Everything pisses him off
♪ Menace: Five Finger Death Punch ♪ Monster: Skillet ♪ Bullet With Butterfly Wings: The Smashing Pumpkins ♪ Push: Matchbox Twenty ♪ Geisha: Anthony Davilio
✦ kenjaku
➥ Since he's over a thousand years old, imma say he has a very diverse taste of music and probably listens to a little bit of everything. If I were to choose what genre he likes most, I would say rock, both light and heavy
➥ Kenjaku enjoys listening to Marilyn Mason and Oingo Bingo. Marilyn Mason because he’s Marilyn Mason (derogatory) and Oingo Bingo because of their surrealist music, which I think Kenjaku would find them entertaining
➥ Listens to music that feeds into his delusions, motivating him to continue with his vision of the world he wants
♪ Weird science: Oingo Boingo ♪ Aerials: System Of A Down ♪ Break My Stride: Matthew Wilder ♪ The Beautiful People: Marilyn Mason ♪ Everybody Wants To Rule The World: Tears For Fears
✧ I currently have over 1.9k liked songs, so hopefully, there is enough diversity in songs and artists. i was going to do yuki, but it was stressing me out. Maybe in the future, I'll add hers. There is definitely more I wanted to add but my mind can only contain so many thoughts, unfortunately. ✧ Anyway, I want to hear other people's opinions and/or if people agree or disagree!!
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moeitsu · 2 months
Song Lyrics That Remind Me of Arthur Morgan
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Nobody asked for this, but I listen to A LOT of music, and this boah is constantly on my mind 24/7. So I thought I'd share some lyrics that remind me of him and his relationships <3
Hard Believer - First Aid Kit
"So you ask for my opinion. Well, what is there to say? To be honest and just foolish, won't make you wanna stay. You've got to go on and get moving. And I can't do that for you. Got so many plans and so much you wanna do. Love is tough, time is rough on me."
To a Poet - First Aid Kit (Mary & Arthur)
"You said, 'Don't give me nothing you don't wanna lose.' I said, 'Darlin' I'll give you everything I got, if you want them to choose.' Though unwillingly I left and it was so, so hard to do. Now I miss you more than I can take and I will surely break. And every morning that I wake, God, it is the same."
Afraid of Heights - Boygenius (Dutch & Arthur)
"I know I fucked up when I told you I'm afraid of heights. It made you wanna test my courage. You made me climb a cliff at night. You wanted me to jump and I declined. You called me a coward, I replied, I don't wanna live forever, but I don't wanna die tonight."
My Silver Lining - First Aid Kit
"I don't know if I'm scared of dyin', but I'm scared of living too fast, too slow. Regret, remorse, hold on. Oh no I've gotta go. There's no starting over, no new beginnings, time races on. You've just gotta keep on keeping on."
Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel Cain
"If they strike once, then you hit 'em twice as hard. But in the end, if I bend under the weight that they gave me, Then this heart would break and fall twice as far. We all know how it goes, the more it hurts, the less it shows. But I still feel like they all know, and that's why I could never go back home."
Saviour - George Ezra (Mary & Arthur)
"Time was young and you were mine. Take me back to that midnight moon. Cradle me, at that midnight moon. All of me is all for you, and what I got to give is not enough. It's a dark night. Being your own savior, is it saving you?"
Cowboy, Gangster, Politician - Goldie Boutilier (Mary & Arthur)
"We said goodbye, but it never ends. 'Cause you can't get away from a woman who loves you. 'Cause you can't run away from feelings that haunt you. No, you can't separate a fire from a flame that already burns. Every saints a sinner, we all have our past. Forever is a fiction, nothing lasts."
Let Him Fly - Patty Griffin (Mary Gillis-Linton)
"Ain't no talking to this man, ain't no pretty other side. Ain't no way to understand, the stupid words of pride. It would take an acrobat, and I already tried all that so, I'm gonna let him fly. You know the light has left his face, but you can't recall just where or why. So there was really nothing to it, I said I'm gonna let him fly."
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac (Dutch & Arthur)
"And if you don't love me now, You will never love me again. I can still hear you saying, we would never break the chain. Run in the shadows. Damn your love, damn your lies."
Devil's Resting Place - Laura Marling
"I've been with the devil in the devil's resting place. Water won't clean you, you only hold yourself to the things you do. Come up here to speak to me and hold your face to mine. Any man can hold my gaze has done his job just fine. You sold your life away to be with me tonight. Hold your head against my chest, I think you'll be just fine."
Through the Valley - Shawn James
"I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. And I fear no evil because I'm blind to it all, and my mind and my gun they comfort me. Because I know I'll kill my enemies when they come. Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell on this earth forevermore. Well, I came upon a man at the top of a hill. Called himself the savior of the human race. Said he'd come to save the world from destruction and pain, but I said, how can you save the world from itself?"
Youngest Daughter - Superheaven
"It's useless, I tried, but to no avail. To tell you how much I know, how much I care. Breathe until your lungs fail, you can sing 'til you go deaf. I am sick, I am horrified at everything I hear. Everyday repeats itself again, the cycle of our misery, It drives us all insane."
The Fall - Gregory Alan Isakov (John & Arthur)
"You heard blood was thick, brothers and sisters. But ya don't know where anybody's at. Time was a bust, you thought you'd better be tough. Nobody gets past the trembling wire. All eyes on you now, on you. We're all holding our breath."
Second Chances - Gregory Alan Isakov (John & Arthur)
"I'm running from nothing, no thoughts in my mind. Oh my heart was all black but I saw something shine. Thought that part was yours, but it might just be mine. I could share it with you, if you gave me the time. I'm all bloody knuckles, longing for home. If it weren't for second chances, we'd all be alone."
My Mind - Paris Paloma (Dutch & Arthur)
"What did I do wrong? Will you tell me what I did wrong, what did I? Was it a first offense? How long had you been harboring that vemon? You could have used your words then, you wanted them to hurt and so I let them. Never would I beseech you, to endure what you put me through."
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gudrunbrangwen · 2 months
So I’m very autistic about music and I loved how succession made Kendall’s music taste have so much character and be so accurate to who he is and who he thinks he is, which made me start thinking about the other siblings listening to music. I just cannot imagine it. I can’t imagine Roman putting on his little AirPod and opening up a Spotify playlist or putting on posters in his room for a certain thing. The idea of shiv being into drill and grime is extremely funny to me. I think connor tells Alexa to put on slow old Spanish ballads blasting (at an appropriate volume) through every floor of his desert house and Willa wears noise cancelling headphones constantly. I just can’t decide if Roman has an obscenely normal man music taste (like what plays in gyms) or if he actually cares about music. And then I listened to horse foreplay again and I need to make a playlist for it so basically: what do you think Roman would listen to?
incredible message. oh man. for one, connor genuinely seems like a music lover because that’s in line with his situation being the only sibling to genuinely enjoy the spoils of wealth and just stuff generally. he also has that fleetwood mac line at tom’s bachelor party, and famously karaokes a fucking leonard cohen song. love him.
kendall’s music taste is central to his character, we all know what ken’s taste is (or at least i think we do, i have seen some very funny “ken listens to this” mixes. they should resemble the intern-curated obama end-of-year picks LOL). shiv i have no idea about, but i wouldn’t be surprised if she had some appreciation for whatever dad liked if dad ever bothered to point something out. i don’t think she listens to florence + the machine though be serious you guys just see a girl with red hair…………….
my personal read on roman’s whole Deal is that he has the least “life of his own” of the siblings. even his reputation / the rumors about him (that he’s a playboy who loves coke) are the least accurate to his actual behavior and preferences (esp when contrasted with ken’s public takedowns which hurt his feelings precisely Because they’re often true). it’s difficult for me to imagine roman having strong personal taste in….. pretty much anything, even when he sees his choices symbolically (“i want steak” speech in america decides). in the end, roman is most interested in cultivating an image of himself that is going to be the most protective of his true desire for authenticity and connection, but we know that he has no idea what to do with himself when he is confronted with an opportunity to actually “express himself”.
all this to say, it is very difficult for me to imagine roman sincerely enjoying music/art without a level of detachment, irony, or jokey judgement. if he likes certain sounds, i couldn’t see him singing along like kendall in the backseat. maybe a handful of songs are nostalgic for him, maybe some post-hardcore (…. fugazi….. honestly……) or even MAYBE some britpop or eurodance from the european half of his childhood. he wouldn’t allow himself true sentimentality with it though. he certainly knows all of the lyrics to a few songs bc he’s very In the World, esp culturally impactful songs, but he just seems like a guy who fucking hates bohemian raphsody. he knows who the pinball wizard is but i can viscerally feel his frown at hearing the baba o’reilly opener in a shop. he simply would never admit to loving a band, let alone buy a t-shirt! (i think i get a little annoyed generally with assumptions about roman that cast him as even a little bit twee just because he’s silly. look at how he actually dresses. this man would not paint his nails or have a charm on his phone. you’re thinking of kieran culkin!)
anyway this is my fav horse foreplay fanmix by @gotouda just bc it’s bursting with songs that are simply About Romtom. full of stuff me a young millennial gay person listens to so i play it a lot lol. there’s also an unsettled/upsetting undercurrent to some of these choices that matches the tone of the fic PRECISELY!!!! i have no idea how someone would go about building a mix based on romtom AND character taste just bc it is nigh impossible for me to picture roman roy listening to a song BECAUSE it reminds him of tom.
tom on the other hand…………….. that’s elton john, that’s ABBA, that’s broadway original cast recording, that’s george michael, that’s adele. ok
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Linger On- Chapter Twelve
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Series Masterlist | Series Playlist | Main Masterlist | Joel Masterlist
Summary: After you and Joel spend the night together, you come home to a surprise.
Rating: E MDNI 18+
Warnings: angst, infidelity, nothing spicy this chapter
Immersability: reader is able-bodied. can have/has had a child.
Word Count: 2.5k
Author's Note: We're BAAAAACCCCCKKKK!!!!! I am SO sorry to have been away from this story for so long! i had serious writer's block where this story was concerned. I've already written part of the next chapter so it won't be three months until the next update! Also, we are coming up to the end of this story. Just one more chapter and an epilogue, I think! thank you to everyone who stuck it out and stayed with me! i love y'all more than you know!
Today is my birthday so I thought I would give you all this chapter as a treat!
You wake up wrapped in Joel’s arms. Once again, your senses are invaded by him.  You can feel his chest rising against your back and his breath on your neck. The smell of sex and dried sweat sticks to you both. You try to remain as still as possible, not wanting to break the spell. Right now, you have everything you’ve ever wanted. The thought of ever letting this slip away again fills you with a sense of dread. You inch closer to Joel, his arms drawing you closer, your bodies entwined, and you drift back into the world of dreams, content to live in this beautiful illusion a bit longer.
When you wake for the second time, you immediately notice that you are alone. The sheets are cold when you reach over to feel them. Your chest gets tight at the thought that Joel might have changed his mind. That he might regret getting involved with you again. Maybe he didn’t mean everything he had said to you yesterday. What man would agree to limiting himself to whatever time you can sneak away from your husband, your real life , that he could get? Especially one who loves you as much as Joel claims to. As you shake off your sleep, your anxiety subsides. Joel wouldn’t do that to you, to himself. If all he wanted was a fuck, he could get that anywhere. From someone he doesn’t have such a complicated history with. The smell of coffee brewing catches your attention. Idiot , you think to yourself. Why would Joel leave you here? This is his house. You rifle through his duffel bag on the floor for a shirt. You brought your own but you like his clothes best. You pull his t-shirt over your head and make your way to the kitchen. The sight of Joel and Tommy standing in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking quietly makes your heart ache. You wish you could wake up to this every morning. Jamie and Sarah would be sitting at the table, chattering away, waiting for Dad to pile their plates high with pancakes, and Uncle Tommy to pour way too much syrup on them while Joel’s back is turned. What am I waiting for? You think as tears sting your eyes. 
The Miller men notice you then. “Good mornin’, sunshine.” Tommy says and Joel turns to see you standing there in nothing but his Fleetwood Mac shirt. He chokes down the lump that has appeared in his throat.
“Good mornin’, baby.” He says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you in close.
“Good morning boys.” You hum. Joel plants a kiss on your temple and Tommy hands you a cup of coffee.
“You hungry, baby?” Joel asks, willing to do just about anything to keep you here for as long as possible.
“Starving.” You tell him. He moves to the stove to start making you a plate. “Really worked up an appetite last night.” You say with a playful swat to his ass.
“Really?” Joel says with a mock glare. A look that gets more serious when Tommy starts laughing. You give Tommy a wink and Joel looks between the two of you. “I definitely didn’t miss you two gangin’ up on me.” He grumbles and hands you your plate. “Feel free to serve yourself, traitor .” He tells his brother and takes his seat at the head of the table. 
“So, what are you two up to today?” Tommy asks when he joins you and Joel. You look at the clock on the kitchen wall, the one that you had bought from the thrift store years ago in the hopes that Tommy would actually start being on time, and realize that you have to pick Jamie up in an hour.
“I have to get Jamie and then I think I’m gonna go do a bit of shopping for my studio.” You beam a smile at Joel. “What about you?” You ask him.
“I’m gonna go see the lawyer this mornin’ and then I’m gonna go see Sarah.” Joel says. You don’t miss the sadness in his eyes.
“I’m headin’ up to sleep.” Tommy says. “Had a late night myself.” He winks. Joel rolls his eyes and you hide a smile behind your hands. The three of you finish your breakfast and Tommy heads up to take a shower and presumably sleep the day away. You and Joel eventually make your way back up to his room, the both of you moving slower than you normally would. Neither one of you are ready to leave this little bubble of peace and love and solitude you have found yourselves in. Once again, you find yourself wondering why you are holding back from the life you want, from the life you deserve, the life Joel desperately wants to give you. Joel watches you dress, unwilling to take his eyes off of you for even a moment, knowing that each look he gets at you might be his last. You both linger at the front door, the strap of your overnight bag slung over Joel’s shoulder. He’ll walk you to your car, but you’ll say your goodbyes here, lest the neighbors get any ideas in their heads.
“Call me tonight?” he asks.
“I will, I promise.” you say, giving him one last kiss. 
You decide to stop by your house on the way to pick up Jamie, feeling the need for a shower. You are so lost in your thoughts, your daydreams of what could be, that you don’t even notice Steve’s car in the driveway when you pull in. You pull your bag out of the backseat and close the car door. When you turn to walk into the house, Steve is standing on the porch. He’s leaned up against the railing and his arms are crossed over his chest. You don’t even bother to hide the surprise in your voice when you ask “What are you doing here?” He uncrosses his arms and places his hands on his hips.
“I live here.” he scoffs. The nerve of him to take that tone with you.
“Could have fooled me.” you retort. You are in no mood for his shit, willing him to stop talking. You can already feel the glow from your night with Joel fading from you, drifting from your grasp. He’s standing right in front of you now.
“Where the hell have been?” he demands.
“We stayed at my parents house last night. Jamie is still there.” Steve lets out a mirthless chuckle and shakes his head.
“Jamie’s in the house right now, having a snack.” Your jaw slackens at his words, at the realization that he knows you lied. 
“Your mom’s house was the first place I went when I arrived home and found my lovely wife and son weren’t here. The night nurse told me that the boys had a sleepover. That she hadn’t seen or heard from you since you dropped Jamie off yesterday afternoon.” Steve actually has the audacity to look at you with disgust. “Who were you with?” he asks.
“Who have you been with all this time?” you counter.
“What are you talking about?” he questions, feigning innocence.
“Oh, I know all about you and Natalie.” you tell him. He tries to hide his shock, but he isn’t quick enough.
“Natalie? My assistant? You’ve really lost it if you think there’s anything going on between me and her.” but you can see the gears spinning inside his head. He’s trying to come up with something better than that.
“Save it, Steve.” you tell him. “You were seen together.” you inform him. 
His eyes light up with recognition. “He told you, didn’t he?” he asks, indignantly. “Is that who you were with last night? Our fucking contractor?” when you don’t say anything he narrows his eyes. “You were, weren’t you? Have you been fucking him this whole time? Isn’t he married?” you hike the strap of your bag higher up on your shoulder and move to walk around Steve. He holds his arm in front of you and stops you. “Tell me!” he screams, not caring if the neighbors hear you fighting in the yard.
“Yes.” you say quietly, looking down at the ground.
“Yes, what?” he shouts again.
“Yes, he told me! Yes, I was with him last night!” you aren’t sure why he even gives a fuck. He has his twenty two year old girlfriend to be concerned with, after all. You push past his arm and run into the house. You drop your bag on the floor of the entryway and head into the kitchen. Jamie is sitting at the island, eating his grapes and coloring in a coloring book. 
“Hi, buddy!” you call out to him, holding your tears back as best you can.
“Mommy!” he exclaims. “Did you see? Daddy’s home.” you pull him into your arms and hug him tightly. The joy on his face breaks your heart. Because you know that Steve is leaving again, sooner rather than later. You also know that this time, when he does, he won’t be coming back. While Jamie is telling you about his sleepover, Steve comes in from outside. He doesn’t even look at you before he goes upstairs and slams the door to his office. Even though you know he was the first to be unfaithful, you can’t help but feel guilty. He’s right, you think, about almost everything. You decide that as much as you deserve the whole truth, so does he. 
Steve only leaves his office to say goodnight to Jamie, only after you’ve left the room. You ready yourself for bed and climb under the sheets. And then you lie there and stare at the ceiling. You won’t be able to sleep tonight. When Joel called earlier you whispered into the phone that you’d have to call him back. After you assured him that everything was okay. You didn’t need him getting worried and showing up here, not now. After what feels like hours of tossing and turning, you finally get out of bed and walk quietly across the hall. You place your ear against the door, you don’t hear anything. You tap lightly on the door a few times and hold your breath and wait. Steve opens the door a crack.
“What do you want?” he groans. He’s still dressed in his slacks and buttons down from earlier. His tie has been loosened and the top button of his shirt is undone.
“Can we talk?” you ask softly. He steps backwards and opens the door wider. You step through and he closes the door behind you. 
You take a seat on the couch and he remains standing, with his arms crossed over his chest. “Well?” he stares you down, trying to be intimidating. You don’t let him. Spending time with Joel and Tommy, being back here in Austin, has reminded you of who you used to be. You steel your nerves and straighten your spine. “
I think I deserve the truth.” you tell him firmly. He opens his mouth but you continue before he gets a word out. “I think you deserve the truth, too.” he closes his mouth and his expression softens. “I knew Joel, before I moved to Chicago. Actually, he was supposed to move with me.” you begin. Steve’s eyes widen in surprise.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks in an accusing tone.
“Because, he broke my heart. He found out that he had gotten someone pregnant before we met, and decided to marry her.” You start at the beginning, from the night you met the Miller brothers. Eventually, Steve comes to sit next to you on the couch. When you start to cry, he places a comforting arm around your shoulder. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” he asks, sounding more sympathetic than he has in a long time.
“I was scared.” you explain. “I didn’t want to hurt you.” Steve inhales deeply, and seems to choose his words very carefully.
“Do you- are you in love with him?” he asks. You wipe tears away with the back of your hand and nod your head.
“I never stopped loving him.” you croak, your throat is raw from crying.
“I think I always knew deep down that you didn’t love me, not that way.” he offers. A fresh round of tears spring to your eyes and you try to explain. Steve shakes his head and offers you a soft pat on the shoulder. “It’s okay. I guess we both have been holding back and hiding stuff. I think that tells us all we need to know about the future of this marriage.” You nod again and stand from the couch.
“I guess we have some things we need to figure out. But we can do that tomorrow.” you say good night to each other and you return to your bed. You feel a sense of relief, like a weight has been lifted off your chest. You take a deep breath and close your eyes. Finally, you are able to sleep. 
You don’t speak to Joel again until Monday. He shows up right on time, with coffee in hand. “Good mornin’, darlin’.” You reach for the coffee but he jerks his arm backward. “Think you oughta pay for this coffee before you drink it.” he jokes with a smile, and leans his face close to yours. You lace your fingers together behind his neck and slot your lips between his. “Good morning.” you reply. You lead him into the kitchen to finish cleaning up. You direct his attention to a foil wrapped plate on the island. “You made me breakfast?” he asks.
“Just returning the favor.” you tell him. His dimple appears as he beams at you and unwraps the plate. 
“Did you mean what you said, Joel?” you ask him. When he doesn’t respond, you continue. “That you’d take whatever you could get? That you’d wait for me as long as you have to?” he finishes chewing a slice of bacon and swallows.
“‘Course I meant it. I just wanna be with you, baby. I don’t really care what the rest looks like. Why you askin’ me this?” You take a long swig of your coffee, made just the way you like it, and set it down on the counter.
“Steve moved out yesterday, for real.” Joel sets his fork down on his plate and swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.
“What do you mean?” You walk closer to him and you can see his eyes already shining with tears.
“He’s calling the lawyer this morning. To start divorce proceedings.” Joel closes the distance between you.
“What does this mean? For us?” he asks.
“Well, it means, if you want to, that we can do this for real. No more sneaking around. No more hiding.” You yelp in surprise when Joel picks you up.
“If I want to? Darlin’, there ain’t nothing I want more than to be able to call you mine again.” he spins you around and a giggle bubbles out of you. Joel sets you back down and kisses you deeply. “My girl.” he says, stroking your cheek with his thumb. You can’t remember the last time you felt this light, this happy. 
Then, the phone rings. 
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