#(and touching him in more normal ways did get rid of it some)
castielafflicted · 10 months
things I have not gotten done yet today: any fic writing things I have gotten done today: a 54 line poem about a guy i haven't seen since 2015
things I wanted to get done today: lots of fic writing things I did not want to get done today: poetry that makes me have memories
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charmercharm3r · 9 months
Hihi! I really like your writings. 💕
I would like to make a request. One for ot8.
I would like to know the boys' reaction when you moan their name in your sleep. Like, you're best friends with so and so member and your sleeping over and you're having a wet dream and you moan their name out loud. What would their reaction be? What would they do? Would they say something to you or keep it to themselves? Would they make a move?
If you do this request, thank you so much! 💕
And if not, no worries and thank you nonetheless. 💕
i kept this in the vault for TOO LONG im sorry
chan is a slut for you. S. L. U. T. even if you don’t know it. everyone knows this man is a night owl, so to get in your channie-time, you stay up with him a couple nights a week. one of those days happens to be in his bedroom. while he’s on a roll with this melody that’s stuck in his head, he’s humming into the microphone and has his big ass headphones on, so he doesn’t see you start to drift off. but when he finally returns to the outside world, he hears you mumbling in your sleep. you look so cute wrapped up in his bed, blanket tucked under your chin and taking up the entire single pillow he has. then you do it again, more intelligible this time. is that… his name?? he doesn’t do anything to stop you or wake you up. hard as a fucking rock, excuses himself to take a cold shower and get rid of the filthy thoughts swimming in his head. little does he realize that his mic is still recording. only later the next day when he’s going over the project does he catch the small moans in the background. those get put in an extra secret, extra secure folder on his phone. just for him, his hand, and the late, late night.
minho is the most straight forward out of all of them. he warned you, he didn’t want you to fall asleep in the first place because he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep fighting off the stupid warm bubbling in his belly cus you’re so damn cute. you always thought he was being his normal teasing self whenever he’d tell you, “stop falling asleep around me, i’ll fall in love with you, i swear.” no way did he have a crush on you, too. refusing to admit it, you fall asleep in his bed one night anyways. doesn’t get hard cus he’s in shock and almost bursts into laughter at you moaning his name in your sleep. not because he thinks you’re funny, but because he can’t believe you’re actually doing it. of your own free will— well, as much free will as you have when you’re unconscious. wakes you up immediately by tapping the pillow you lay on. his face is right in front of yours with the most serious look on his face. you don’t remember the dream, but still, he won’t let you sleep until you admit what you did >:(
changbin would wake you up immediately. what the fuck do you mean, you moan his name in your sleep?! this whole time?! he’s not gentle about it, his cute aggression a lot stronger now that he knows you feel the same. it was the first time you’d fallen asleep in front of him, and this happens?! he would’ve made you stay over more often if it would’ve led to this. cus he kisses you as soon as you confess that yes, you’re incredibly into him and care for him more than a friend. things get steamy, but you’re still half asleep! it is the a.m., after all. don’t worry, he doesn’t wanna move too fast. you’re the needy one (his words), so he’ll do all the work for now. some nice, desperately in love head for the first of many mind numbing orgasms, it practically rocks you back to sleep. this time, with him cuddled up beside you.
hyunjin knew it from the beginning. he’s intuitive when it comes to other people’s feelings and emotions, is also very emotionally mature. it helps that he knows you so well. falling asleep in his bed, you can’t help the wet dreams when he’s a dream personified. light touches of his fingertips over the outline of your body from your head to your ankles, not wanting to disturb you but also not being subtle. you mumbling his name in your sleep solidifies that you want him just as bad, he can’t pass up the opportunity! brushing your hair with his fingers softly, that wakes you up but only enough to know that it’s him touching you. he’d come in close to press a kiss to your cheek and you think that it’s just a sweet gesture, until he comes in closer and closer to your lips. oops, now you’re making out— and you don’t wanna stop. he’ll stick his hand down your sleep shorts, let you use him however you’d like, but that’s as far as he’ll go until you’re more of a sound mind. would love if he could kiss you until he fell asleep, too.
jisung is another one where you think he’s kidding every time he tells you he’s in love with you. he says it to everyone! he pretends to kiss all of his friends! except he only started doing it to mask how much he liked you. a movie night with him turned into a slumber party, you on the couch and him on the floor in front of you. when you fall asleep on your belly, one hand hanging off the edge and it whacks him in the face, then he hears the slightly incoherent murmurs of you saying his name. ohhh he’s hit the jackpot now, and bricked up like no fucking other. would kiss the inside of your palm to softly wake you up, except you’re deep in this dream and need a bit more than that to come back to reality. slips a hand under the back of your shirt to feel your warm skin and he almost melts cus you say his name louder, consciously. at least, semi. would— and will— rut against the side of the couch when you lead his hand down the back of your shorts to feel how much you want him. rips the fucking fabric off you immediately and goes to town just like that. does not care whatsoever if it’s an unconventional position for a first intimate moment together, he wants you. and later intends to make it clear that he will not try to kiss his friends anymore if you say you’ll date him.
felix is so timid when it comes to romantic relationships, so his mouth is like a vault locked and sealed away when he hears you moan his name in your sleep. however, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t pitch a tent in his pants, cus holy hell is he fucking hard. he isn’t shy when it comes to anything sexual, though. you two are close! so close that he feels comfortable enough to roll onto his back and pull his dick out of his underwear and dry fist himself to the sounds of your pretty whimpers for him. does he feel guilty? a little. would he do it again? absolutely. cums hard when your hips start to twitch slightly as though you’re reaching your own peak within the dream. will he be confessing after this? maybe, maybe not. who knows if he can even look you in the eyes again.
seungmin would also wake you up as soon as you say his name even just once. he’s not sweet about it, but he doesn’t make you feel like shit. kinda teases you and goads you into annoyedly confessing that yes, you have a massive fucking crush on him and yes, you were having a wonderful wet dream until he decided to ruin it. raises his eyebrows and smirks, “a wet dream about me,” as if you didn’t already fucking know that. asshole. kisses you to make you stay and forgive him for waking you up, but won’t outwardly admit he likes you back. intends on showing you that the feelings are reciprocated by making you cum on his fingers and in his mouth, “isn’t the real thing better? should’ve been having wet dreams about me this whole time.” “i have been.” “good to know. now, think you can handle more? one for each dream you’re gonna tell me about. who knows? maybe i’ll be nice enough to make it come true.”
jeongin is more flustered than you are when he accidentally falls off the bed and wakes you during his attempt at escaping. he’s only embarrassed because he’s hard as fuck and should not be thinking about his best friend like that— even if you’re thinking the same about him. it’s wrong! it’s immoral! and that’s why it turns him on so much. when you jolt awake to see him on the floor clutching his dick, he gets red in the face and ultimately admits that he was listening to you whimper his name in your sleep. it’s you who makes the first move and invites him back to bed, making him lay beside you while reassuring him that it’s okay to feel this way. he’s not doing anything wrong when you feel exactly the same. uh oh, you’re leaning in, does he kiss you? he wants to so bad. you’re so warm and smell so good. shivers covers his body when you trail your hand towards his waistband and simultaneously guide one of his towards your aching center. who would’ve thought a routine sleep over would’ve ended in the two of you hand fucking each other until you were kissed breathless and eventually fell back asleep in one another’s arms? he definitely didn’t.
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catscidr · 3 months
okay so. hybrids am i right? (people clap). but wait. crow hybrid dottore (people clap and cheer). yeah. so anyways ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º) time to ramble teehee cw: dottore x afab reader, im rambling, established relationship, light descriptions of gore and mentions of amputation. nsfw!! minors dni!!! (what did u expect from a post about an animal hybrid), possessiveness, mentions of breeding and eggs, aftercare
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crow hybrid dottore who has black forearms along with sharp black nails at the end of his slender fingertips, nails that make it almost impossible for him to wear gloves because they’ll just stab through the material (everytime he files them down they come right back somehow).
some small, duvet-like feathers line the black skin of his arm, usually hidden by his coat— though they peek out from underneath the end of his sleeves sometimes. every once in a while you'll find tiny black feathers scattered around his lab when you come visit. he also has some plumage protruding from his face- more specifically the skin of his cheekbones.
crow hybrid dottore who only has one wing (replacing the fluffy mantle he normally has on his left shoulder when wearing his uniform). one wing because, when he got banished from his hometown with torches and pitchforks, his right wing got badly injured.
the trauma on the bones and his back made it so that it could never be restored to its normal shape, the wing looking like a mangled mess at all times. he'd pick out scabs and dried blood constantly, the dull pain driving him crazy- so he eventually just amputated it off himself. moving on
crow hybrid dottore who, whenever you're sitting next to him, tilts his head to the opposite side of you. you'll be keeping him company at his desk while he files reports for the mora he used for his experiments and he'll just... absentmindedly tilt his head away.
the first time it happened you didn't even notice. the second time, you thought it was just a quirky habit of his. the third time you stared at his bare neck as your fingers felt as if they were drawn to the pale skin. a thin, stray lock of hair cascaded down his neck, and you used it as an excuse to touch him. as you brushed away his hair behind his ear, a throaty noise (almost like a purr) reached your ears.
you pulled your hand back with the same speed you would have if you'd just touched a hot stove. dottore, unbothered by your panic, simply tilts his head to expose more of his skin as he absentmindedly scoots closer to you, his thigh brushing along yours. the moment he realized what he was doing he kicked you out of his office out of pure embarrassment
crow hybrid dottore who sings hums to you occasionally; usually happens when you convince him to take a walk outside to get some fresh air. its more likely to happen when its warm and sunny, and even more likely when you're eating together. it'll be just the two of you sharing lunch on your patio, sunbathing, and your ears will pick up on a soft, quiet tune he's humming. just don't tell him when he's doing it- his feathers will ruffle and he'll storm off in a huff and finish eating his food inside.
crow hybrid dottore who seems to be magnetized to the crook of your neck whenever you wake up next to him. always peppering your skin in soft kisses (and sometimes bites), he'll nuzzle into you until you wriggle your way out of his grasp. it's unlikely that you successfully get rid of him though- he rarely shows you affection during the day (unless tolerating your presence counts), so more often than not you'll let him indulge in you.
your neck and shoulders always ends up smothered in hickeys and, though they fade quite quickly since he didn't put much force in his bites, he'll gladly give you more if you want him to.
crow hybrid dottore who sometimes tosses his clothes in the corner of his bed (that he barely even uses) after he's spent time with you. he'd also throw in random things like a spare mask and some of your belongings that he snagged from you without you noticing. he says its because he doesn't want to bother himself with cleaning up, but in reality he's just... building a nest. he hates that he does this in the first place
crow hybrid dottore who loves when you reciprocate his affection. he adores it when you let him brush away the hair on your nape, when you hum just like he does, when you place gentle kisses on the junction where his neck meets his shoulder.
crow hybrid dottore who doesn't waste a single second when you're alone together after that. he'll give you more hickeys on top of your old ones, but this time he'll make sure they last. sharp teeth drawing blood at times when he gets too excited, cock straining against his pants as he ruts against your thigh.
you'll hear him coo sweet nothings in your ear while he manhandles you at his will. usually you end up on your back, legs thrown over his shoulders as he keeps a tight grip on the back of your thighs to keep you from crawling away from his cock.
"fuck, you taste so sweet. i'm going to stuff you full of seed, my clutch- nonono, don't you run away now. i know you want this."
crow hybrid dottore who almost loses his composure the first time he buries himself to the hilt inside of your snug pussy. it feels so tight, so warm around him that he almost doesn't want to pull out. almost.
he'll roll his hips against you, grinding his heavy cock in your gummy walls to get you used to his size. he knows he's a lot to handle- but this is the only semblance of mercy you'll be granted before he sees your body relaxing under him. as soon as he notices your brows lose the tension they held when he first slid inside, he'll jackhammer his cock into you and his full, heavy balls will slap against your ass relentlessly while he rambles about how he'll fill you up. again, again and again.
"take it, take my fucking cock. gods i'll never tire of your moans and whimpers. that's it, let it all out, let me hear how good i'm fucking you."
crow hybrid dottore who drinks in the noises that leave your body because they stroke his ego. he bites your shoulder when he finally cums inside to muffle his own noises, the embarrassing whimpers that threaten to leave his lips. he can't help it, you just feel so good. his hands will leave your thighs and he’ll bring his forearms to cage the sides of your head and his wing will ruffle and twitch behind him, covering your bodies in a display of possessiveness as he empties himself inside your cunt.
he'll keep his cock inside, plugging you full of his warm, sticky cum- refusing to let a single drop go to waste. if you somehow have any energy left and try to get him off of you, he'll glare and thrust into you sharply to briefly knock the wind out of you so you'll stay. he's petty like that
crow hybrid dottore who eventually relents to your whines because you're his number one weakness, and picks you up to go freshen up. he'll put your underwear back on and wipe away the sweat clinging to your skin with a damp rag. he'll soothe the bite marks and small puncture wounds his nails left in your skin with uncharacteristic gentleness, keeping his wing curled around your body to keep you as close as possible.
crow hybrid dottore who brings you back to his messy bed, to his nest, and clings onto you as you fall asleep. he'll brush your hair away from your face and nuzzle into your neck, holding your body close to his as he keeps your body warm while you keep his cum warm inside of you. it's only during the afterglow of a rough session that you get to see the stern harbinger soften up, because deep down all he wants is to keep you safe in his nest to take care of you even if he vehemently denies it
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euseokz · 4 months
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@ eunseok — the forbidden fruit is always better, right ? the only rule is that you have to keep it a secret when you do get a taste of it ;) . cws : semi-public sex (car sex) . unprotected sex . fingering . degradation . use of nicknames (slut) . choking . wc : 1.5k+ . genre : smut - [pt.2]
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OLDER BROTHER’S BEST FRIEND! EUNSEOK who has always been just so interesting to you.
he had always come off as so serious, so unbothered, it made you wonder what you’d have to do to rile him up. obviously you never got close enough to actually try it, sungchan somehow always making sure his little sister never got too intimate with his best friend, oblivious to the fact that him doing that only made you ever so more inclined to want to get to know eunseok better.
it was wrong, and it wasn’t that you didn’t know it, you simply didn’t care enough, because what would sungchan do if he found out, give you a scolding? look at you a bit differently? who cared, it wasn’t like you did at least, so as soon as you got the chance to finally get alone with eunseok, you jumped on it.
sungchan and eunseok had been locked upstairs in your brother’s room all day doing god knows what, all while you sat on the living room couch, eyes constantly drifting towards the stairs or the kitchen, hoping to catch a glimpse of eunseok. you never did, at least not for a while, until you heard footsteps down the stairs, immediately getting up to check, seeing eunseok get his shoes back on by your front door, seemingly ready to leave — so you did what any normal person would do and asked him if that was what he was doing, which was innocent enough you assumed. he denied, saying that he was actually just gonna run out to buy some snacks and come back, so as if you had suddenly been hit with a new found purpose, you asked if you could tag along, also needing to buy some… stuff, and because eunseok wasn’t dumb and he knew the way you looked at him, he agreed, curious as to what your real intentions were — which, all things combined, was what led you to be in his car minutes later, the vehicle parked in a remote parking lot near the grocery store you had supposedly been headed to, while you sat on his lap, with him still on the driver’s seat and your lips pressed against his in a fervent kiss.
it was desperate, more desperate than you expected it to be at least, because you had never even assumed eunseok would be able to retribute your affection. he did though, kissing you just as eagerly, his hands roaming under your shirt and touching against your bare skin, wanting to feel you close to him, pressing you down against his crotch, all so you could feel his growing erection, making you moan softly into his lips. the realization that eunseok might have wanted you just like you wanted him hit you hard, so you got impatient, pulling at his clothes, desperate to get rid of them, eliciting him to separate the kiss and chuckle, reminding you that you were still in public, and that there wasn’t much more you could do.
“no one’s around” you whined, fingers still wrapped in the material of his shirt “if we’re quick no one will know” and how could eunseok say no to that? he did a fast job of unbuttoning his pants and pulling his hardening cock out, being grateful that you didn’t change outfits when you went out and still wore the comfy shorts you had on back home, that making the job of him pushing the soft material to the side to press two fingers up your pussy much easier. eunseok rubbed circles over your clit while stroking his cock, eventually bringing them up and tapping their pads against your bottom lip so you could suck on them, leaving them wet for him to finally push them both into your hole, stretching you out with small, slow thrusts, his eyes fixated on yours, wanting to see the way your expression changed, needing to see the moment your eyes turned glossy with arousal.
eunseok kept going, eventually picking up his pace and starting to bend his fingers to press against that spongy spot inside you. it felt so good, you couldn't help but whine displeased when he pulled out, giving him a pouty look mixed with furrowed brows — which only made him laugh again, telling you to be patient, finally starting to press the tip of his dick against your clit, and then your entrance.
he started lowering you down on him at a languid pace, taking his time until he had finally bottomed out. you both let out a satisfied sigh when eunseok was finally pressed all the way into your pussy, feeling how his dick twitched ever so slightly against your wavering walls, both of you taking a moment to get used to it before starting to move. you planted your hands on his shoulders, your fingers digging into his flesh through his shirt as you looked for some sort of support, flexing your thighs and going up and down, eunseok doing his best to move his hips and match your movements, going up and as you went down and vice versa. it felt so good, the way his cock dragged in and out of you at just the perfect angle, pressing into the right spots inside you, and making you moan eunseok’s name, asking for more shamelessly.
“aren’t you ashamed? acting like a little slut for your brother’s best friend… i wonder what he’d think of you if he knew you were riding my dick right now” he hissed, his tone low, teasing, his eyes fixated on yours, and when you tried to look away mid-sentence, feeling your cheeks heat up at his remarks, eunseok wrapped one hand around your neck, his touch light enough to not hurt but hard enough to slightly cut off your airway, forcing you to stay focused on him.
“i can keep a secret, but can you? dumb little sluts usually can’t keep their mouths shut for too long” he kept going, his free hand gripping your hips and moving you faster against him, your moans growing in volume and your eyes rolling back in pleasure — both because of the absolute filth he was spewing, but also because everything just felt too good.
you could feel your orgasm start to build, the way eunseok forced you down harder on his dick was too intense, and the fact that he kept his hand wrapped around your throat didn’t help in the slightest in making you feel any less lightheaded. when you finally reached your orgasm you screamed louder than you ever had before during sex, so loud eunseok had to let go of your hip and cover your mouth, still choking you and still continuing to fuck you, grinning pleased as he watched you still continue to fuck yourself in his cock even as you struggled, starting to lose your pace as you leveled down again, his movements also coming to a halt.
“so, can you keep a secret or not?” he asked, and you, in your dazed state, simply nodded, watching as he readjusted your shorts just to then pull them down by the front, revealing the inside bit of your panties for him, your pussy sticking to the material with thick strings of your arousal. while one of eunseok’s hand held your bottoms down, the other wrapped around his dick that was still incredibly hard, bulging veins drawing up it’s sides and fat beads of pre sticking to his flushed tip. he started to stroke himself, moving fast, obviously only focused on seeking his own release until he was finally cumming, spilling his seed onto the material of your panties, letting out low groans as he watched himself dirty the fabric even more with his milky cum, watching as it mixed with your arousal when he pressed his tip against your folds, leaving a complete mess on your underwear.
“you better be able to, or sungchan will fuck both of us up” he said through heavy breaths, keeping his promise and going back to your house as if nothing happened, walking in and immediately going into the kitchen to have a normal conversation with your older brother, truly as if he had nothing to hide, as if he hadn’t just fucked you in his car minutes prior. he handed sungchan the snacks like he normally would, nothing about his behaviour suspicious, all while you were still dumb with arousal. your eyes were still glossy and your movements were a bit languid as you plopped down on the couch with a pleased sigh and turned on the tv, even if your brain was miles away from whatever you were supposedly watching — the way your panties were beyond soaked and completely sticking to your pussy a friendly reminder of eunseok’s last words to you before you went into the house, his voice no louder than a whisper when he said “if you can keep it to yourself, i might pay a visit to your bedroom tonight”
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quin-ns · 2 months
The blue (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Series summary: JJ has a secret, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold onto it. He discovers his breaking point when his best friend starts to show interest in you, his step sister, who he’s already fallen hard for
Series tags: step brother!jj, dual pov, jealousy, one sided john b x reader, drinking, inappropriate relationship, public sex, oral sex (f receiving)
A/N: first series I’ve finished and I could not be more excited to share! please read the tags and if the subject matter is uncomfortable to you, you do not have to read. this one is a wild ride guys, I can’t wait for you to see what I have in store 🫶
Series masterlist + OBX masterlist
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JJ didn’t really understand how this happened, but it did. When he tried to trace it all back, there wasn’t really one big moment. Just a bunch of small individual moments that amounted to… this. This feeling. This thing that kept him up at night that he couldn’t seem to get rid of.
He’d never been in love before, so it took JJ awhile to realize that’s what he felt for you.
Or maybe it was the denial. The moral part of his brain telling him it wasn’t normal. Your mom was married to his dad, so according to everyone else’s rules that made you his step sister—even if he didn’t think about you in that context anymore.
He used to, when you both were younger, before your mom got arrested. A large part of why JJ was so happy when you came into his life was because his dad eased up on him, finding some semblance of happiness with your mom.
But she wasn’t exactly perfect. To be with his dad, JJ always wondered what was wrong. As it would turn out, she had serious issues, but what they got her for was being a tax cheat. It added up how they could’ve met after that.
It was getting to be around… what, a little over a year since that happened? JJ couldn’t really keep track of the months, and you never liked to talk about it.
As much as JJ loved his father, he knew he wasn’t a good guy, even if he wanted him to be. So it surprised him when his dad still let you stay with them, but you’d been around since you were both about thirteen, so even if his dad didn’t think of himself as responsible for you (or even JJ), he at least cared enough to not throw you to the street.
That was about the same JJ got from him, and recognizing that is what brought you closer to him.
Sure, you’d been sort of close growing up, but not really. You mostly spent time with your mom and your own friends. Then, when everything went down, you lost your mom and your friends followed not long after. He saw the puffiness in your eyes when you’d come home and go to your room for the whole night. No one to hang out with after school and nowhere to go on a Saturday night. They had ditched you, apparently deciding that mocking you was more important than being there for you. It made his stomach hurt to see you in such a state. You didn’t smile for days.
So JJ, being the good step brother that he was, stepped in. He took you under his wing and brought your smile back.
You fit in well with his friends, easily becoming a part of the group. They liked having you around, and JJ felt like he got to know you in a way he hadn’t ever before.
It was selfish, but you made being at home easier. You kept him company when he stayed up too late and made sure to wake him up in the morning so he wouldn’t be late to work whatever odd job he had at the time.
Whenever his dad hit him, which started again not long after your mom was locked up, you were there to take care of him.
You were so sweet with him, eyes full of care and touches gentle as you cleaned his cuts or iced his bruises. It made it hurt less.
After one night, when his dad hit him, leaving a cut from one of his rings on JJ’s face, you came to his aid as you frequently did. His dad stormed out, so it was just the two of you as you cleaned his face. You had him sit on the couch and stood over him, one hand holding his face while the other held a cloth to make sure the cut was clean.
As JJ stared up at you, your frustrated words about his father falling on deaf ears, one jarring thought crossed his mind.
You should kiss her.
He’d immediately stood up, snapping himself out of whatever daze he was in, and went to his room. You’d tried to talk to him, but he brushed you off and said he was tired. When he asked to be left alone, which was rare, you did.
He didn’t sleep most of the night, staring up at his ceiling wondering where that thought had even come from. He’d never had it before, but from that moment on, JJ started to become much more aware of everything you did—everything you did for him.
Of course his friends loved him and cared about him, and he did the same for them, but with you, something about it just felt different. You were by his side nearly every moment of the day. You saw things they didn’t, and you were there when they couldn’t be.
You became everything to JJ. There was no other way to put it.
That was a couple months ago, and since then, his realization had morphed into something far more.
JJ was deeply, madly in love with you, which was not something a guy should be with his step sister, but he was. He didn’t really deal with it, just shoved it down and tried to ignore it. It was hard, especially when he was around you every single day, but JJ had done his best.
JJ would catch himself staring at you more than he’d admit, but no one seemed to notice. No one would suspect what he was thinking anyway. He made excuses to touch you, like a hand on your back when moving past you to get something or draping his arm over your shoulder and leaning on you jokingly. The latter made you laugh, and he’d join you, but he’d still feel a loss when you playfully nudged him away and told him you weren’t an armrest.
Sometimes, when he didn’t care how pathetic it was, he’d let himself drink too much, just so he could lean on you when you’d help him inside. When he pulled that stunt, sometimes he’d get lucky and you’d even stay by his side to make sure he went to sleep comfortably. And of course, whenever his dad struck, fists full of misplaced rage, you were there, easing the pain.
JJ resolved to take what he could get, and eventually he’d move on.
At least, he hoped that’s how it would go. Maybe he’d get lucky and—
“Hello?” You waved a hand in front of JJ’s face. “I’m talking to you.”
JJ blinked. He looked at you, zoning back in. In an instant, he remembered what was going on. You and him, along with his three best friends, were all on the beach. The others were in the water, while you had been sunbathing on shore and JJ… well, he’d just been sitting by you, wanting to be in your proximity (and sometimes steal glances when he couldn’t help himself).
But now you were on your feet, leaning down as you dropped your hand. JJ’s eyes fell from your face to your chest, and he swallowed when he caught a glimpse down your bikini top.
His eyes flicked back to your face. Was that too obvious? He hoped not.
“Sorry, what?”
You gave him a confused look, but laughed and straightened up.
“Do you wanna get in?”
He knew you meant the water, and in the distance he saw his friends waving for the two of you to join them.
JJ shook his head, and the action felt as if it were in slow motion. Kind of like when he was high, but much less carefree.
“Um, maybe in a bit.”
If he got too distracted he’d probably drown in the ocean—if the guilt of keeping his secret from you didn’t do it first.
You shrugged, not able to read him the way you usually could.
“If you’re scared, there might be some floaties somewhere,” you teased as you turned your back, heading for the water.
JJ couldn’t formulate a comeback, too focused on the swing on your hips as you walked away from him.
He squeezed his eyes shut and swallowed again, questioning his own self what was wrong with him. He’s never experienced such a desperate feeling before. What were you doing to him?
When he opened his eyes, you were in the water, and he had no answers.
He tried to focus on the sand, the water, the sky—anything but you. He even tried to look at Kiara just to see if it would work, but his eyes always drifted back to you, the ache in his chest growing with each passing minute.
JJ didn’t think much of it when he saw Kiara suddenly haul herself up onto Pope’s shoulders, but he felt like he got kicked in the stomach when you climbed onto John B’s.
John B’s arms locked around your legs, the two of you laughing loudly as you steadied yourself. JJ could hear it from shore—you weren’t that far out. JJ knew he was focusing far more than necessary because he saw the way your hands brushed John B’s hair out of his face as he tilted his head back to look up at you.
Even from where he was, JJ could see how you smiled down at John B. It was innocent and friendly, and it made him incredibly jealous.
You and Kiara started to go at it, trying to knock the other into the water.
JJ didn’t think anyone noticed when he stood and walked down to the edge of the sand.
“You’re going down!” Kiara shouted, her hands interlocked with and pushing against yours as you both refused to budge.
You laughed loudly. It was like music.
It took one exchanged look from you and John B to formulate a plan. It was the kind of silent communication that JJ thought you reserved for him.
You let Kiara lean a lot of weight on you, and that’s where your advantage was. In an instant, you relaxed your grip and John B stepped to the side. The other girl, and Pope beneath her, wobbled. It was over in a second. The two shouted right before they crashed down into the water.
“Ha!” you exclaimed, raising your hands in the air while John B whooped and hollered in celebration.
Kiara and Pope emerged, both rolling their eyes. It was their turn to share a look, and as JJ waded into the water, he figured out their plan.
With the two of them jumping at John B, it was easy to knock him off his feet. JJ’s eyes went a little wide when you fell into the water with a crash.
“Did you see that?” Kiara yelled with a grin when she spotted JJ.
“Kinda hard to miss,” he responded, looking around the water. It had been a few seconds and you had yet to reappear.
“They’re just messing with us,” Pope commented on your and John B’s absence, but his words started to sound less sure by the end.
Another long beat of silence passed. The waves grew still.
“This isn’t funny anymore!” Kie shouted.
JJ felt a twinge of panic, awful scenarios flashing through his head. It didn’t matter how unlikely they were.
Suddenly, water erupted. John B arose with a splash, with you clinging to his back. He roared dramatically while shoving water towards Kie and Pope. They screamed as the waves hit them, trying and failing to shield themselves.
“Revenge!” you yelled in a maniacal manner, chin on John B’s shoulder.
“Truce! Truce!” Kie and Pope both yelled, spitting out saltwater.
John B paused, and JJ noticed how close his face was to yours when he turned his head.
“Should we forgive them?” John B deferred to you.
You hummed thoughtfully. “I think they learned their lesson,” you decided. Your gaze, which had been focused on John B, shifted past him. “Hey, look who made it!”
JJ realized you were talking to him. He forced a smile, smothering the jealousy he felt at seeing you and John B in the position you were in. It seemed weirdly close for you two. You and John B weren’t usually touchy-feely-piggyback-ride friends.
John B seemed to pick up on JJ’s shift in demeanor, because his smile was a little more contained as he said, “Hey, man.”
JJ figured his friend didn’t get that he was jealous, which was for the best. Everyone knew JJ was protective over you, and John B probably thought JJ was questioning his intentions as your brother. Why would it be anything else?
“Nice victory,” JJ replied, having nothing better to say. He didn’t even grit his teeth, so he counted that as a win for himself.
Tension eased as you all decided to just chat and relax in the water until the sun set.
Although, JJ kept an eye on John B, noticing how his friend kept an eye on you.
When it got dark and you all began to head back to the shore, JJ found himself at your side. Your steps fell in line with his as you looked up.
“You feeling okay?” you asked lightly. You must’ve sensed his attitude shift, even if it was subtle. “You’ve been quieter than usual.”
JJ couldn’t help the urge to smile at how well you knew him.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he lied, not wanting to concern you. He liked when you worried about him, but this was the one time when he didn’t want you pressing for him to open up. “Are you?”
JJ reached to ruffle your damp hair. You swatted his hand away before he could do any real damage.
“Very funny,” you grumbled. Your expression shifted to a smile, then softened. There was something careful about it. “If something was up, you’d tell me, right?”
JJ swallowed, trying to avoid the way your eyes searched his. He had to look forward before he could answer.
“Yeah, of course,” he assured.
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JJ didn’t remember falling asleep on the couch, but he remembered everyone sitting around the living room.
Wait, no. That wasn’t right.
The porch. Everyone has been sitting on the porch, drinking and laughing together. He recalled cramming himself into a chair next to you, playing it off like a joke. Everyone had laughed, and he got to be close to you, so it worked out.
He also remembered following Kiara and Pope inside, expecting you to be behind him.
Everything clicked.
You and John B had elected to stay outside, and JJ had been sitting on the couch, watching through the window, trying to make out what you were saying through the small opening where the window was cracked for the nighttime breeze.
He must’ve dozed off while waiting for you. That didn’t sound like him—he would’ve been focused on watching you, making sure you made it in. Maybe he had been worn out or you stayed up way too late, or both.
JJ blinked a few times. He was just concerned for your safety, like always. Fenced in porches with lights and his best friend keeping you company could be dangerous…
Yeah, he didn’t even buy that.
It was easier back when JJ believed his own lies and self justifications.
Sitting up, JJ peered out the window. It was the early hours of the morning, right around when it was still dark but you could just tell the sun was about to begin rising. His heart sped up when he found you missing from your chair. You weren’t in any of the other chairs in his view, either.
He stood up, feeling more awake than ever, and went right for the door. He didn’t care about waking anyone inside up.
“Jeez, man,” John B said suddenly, sounding surprised as he looked at him. JJ had just barged out onto the porch out of nowhere. “You good?”
JJ took a second to observe his friend. He half-sitting and half-laying back on the couch against the wall, which made sense because he’d been sitting there before. From inside, JJ couldn’t see him, but he didn’t even think about John B’s whereabouts until he stepped out.
Maybe he was a bad friend for that.
He didn’t feel that guilty, though, because he saw where you were; sleeping on John B with your head on his thigh. You were curled up on your side, facing away from his body, and JJ could see how steadily you were breathing.
JJ looked back at his friend, ready to lash out, but the word ‘irrational’ popped up in his mind and resisted. Just from the scene in front of him, it’s not like he had anything to be mad about.
Jealous, maybe, but not mad. But he couldn’t act on that feeling either. If he acted jealous, that would invite too many questions that JJ didn’t have a good answer for.
“Fine just…” He ran a hand through his hair and then shook his head. “You guys good?”
John B furrowed his brows a little, but chuckled.
“Yeah, we’re fine. We were just talking and she started to fall asleep and I just let her. She seemed tired and it wasn’t a big deal so...”
“What were you guys talking about?”
“I don’t know, stuff?”
JJ leaned back in the doorway. “Like what, though?”
John B tilted his head a little, shaking it ever so slightly.
“Just… life and stuff. Does it matter?”
“I guess not,” JJ replied, giving the appropriate answer. He looked down at you, noticing you hadn’t stirred. You looked comfortable, and that was very conflicting. All of this was. It made his head hurt. “Has she been asleep long?”
John B met JJ’s eyes when he looked back up from you.
“You sure you’re okay?” John B asked, sounding almost concerned. Or at least confused. Maybe both.
But the answer was no. No he wasn’t.
“Yeah, man,” JJ answered with a shrug. “She probably won’t wake up if you wanna get up and go get some sleep.”
John B looked down at you, then at JJ.
He slowly started to move, being extra careful with your head, making sure to put a cushion beneath you before standing up straight.
John B gave a light, awkward smile to JJ as he neared him. He brushed past to go through the door, turning to face JJ.
“You coming?”
“Actually, I think I’m gonna sleep out here,” JJ answered, fighting the urge to look at you. He gave a shrug instead and said, “It’s nice out and I can’t get comfortable on the couch anyway. You can have it—plus I think Kie’s in your bed, so…”
“Right…” John B agreed slowly, glancing at you on the couch again. “You know nothing happened, right?” He looked back at JJ. “We were just talking.”
JJ wasn’t expecting something so direct. “It’s cool man, I know,” he found himself replying. “We’re good.”
John B nodded, albeit slowly. He entered the dark house, and JJ shut the door behind him. As a courtesy.
He then turned, spotted the comfiest chair, and resolved to sleep in that for the night. You had stretched out on the couch and looked too peaceful to disturb, even if he did want to take John B’s place from before.
It worked out perfectly, because it gave him a clear view of you as he decided to let himself go back to sleep.
As his eyes closed, he wondered if John B would peek through the window just as he had.
If he did, he’d see the content smile on JJ’s face as he drifted off to sleep. For yet another night, JJ got you all to himself. He didn’t want it any other way. He wasn’t sure what he would do.
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sanakiras · 6 months
PAIRING — lee chan x fem!reader
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SYNOPSIS — your boyfriend of five months has been treating you like hell, and one of your closest friends, lee chan, refuses to let it go on any longer, taking matters into his own hands.
TAGS — college au, best friends to lovers, cheating, explicit sexual content, mutual pining, mentions of reader struggling with low self-esteem, cheesy stuff, yes i did come up with this after accidentally listening to treat you better by shawn mendes, this didn’t turn out as good i hoped it would but oh well!
NOTE — first fic here. he looks so good in the wait m/v so i wanted to write something for him :D my beloved
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the slam of the door behind you rings through your ears. you try to wipe your cheeks dry, hoping you don’t look like the tearful mess you are.
your voice feels raw from yelling for the past hour or so. it’s been going like this for the past two months at least twice a week, and you’re exhausted because of it.
as the rain pours, you notice the familiar car driving towards you, bright lights feeling heavy on your eyes. you open the door without hesitation to let yourself sink into the passenger’s seat, taking a few deep breaths, all without looking at the driver.
but the quiet sobs escaping you are enough to give it away.
chan has his one arm leaning on top of the steering wheel, the other gently touching your shoulder to make you look at him, but you refuse.
“i’m fine,” you stutter out, sniffing from the cold, “really.”
of course you’re not fine. both of you are more than aware of the toxicity of the situation. you getting into arguments with your boyfriend several times a week, resulting in you calling chan and staying over at his apartment for a night, only to hear you make it up to the guy the next day when you weren’t even in the wrong to begin with.
“we have a different definition of that, then.”
“it was just an argument. we’ll work it out in a couple hours.”
“it’s not normal.” he says, trying to get it through your thick skull without raising his voice. “it’s not normal, baby.”
you sniff, trying to somehow get rid of the pain beating against your forehead. “he can be so mean, and then… then he’s so sweet again.”
chan wants to rip his hair out of his head. five fucking months of this have passed at this point, and he doesn’t know how much more of it he can take. he’s not sure how to handle the situation the right way, either.
he’s been in love with you for years. years. since sophomore year in high school. it was never his intention to fall in love with you, nor did he think he would, but he did, and god did he fall hard. embarrassingly hard.
nevertheless, he was always too afraid to make a move. too afraid that you’d reject him and he’d be out of your life forever like he was never there in the first place.
but he’s grown up now. third year of university, twenty-two years old, longer hair, a leather jacket and a solid bunch of experiences. some great, some he’d rather forget.
and so five months ago, he’d finally mustered the courage. he was finally going to own up to his feelings and tell you the truth.
only for you to excitedly come up to him, telling him you’re seeing this guy. and it made his heart sink in his chest, but he pushed his feelings to the side for your happiness.
or so he tried.
your boyfriend treats you like shit. he was sweet in the beginning — they always are.
then the cracks in the façade started to show.
it’s not that you don’t see it. you do — but it’s difficult to leave when someone knows just how to keep you where they want you. every time you tell yourself you’re gonna break up with him, he sweet-talks you and says things can be fixed, and that going through a rough patch is normal.
but chan knows better.
he just needs you to know better as well.
it breaks his heart to see his favorite person let herself get hurt like this. he becomes a little more torn with every sob leaving your body, every tear spilling from your eyes.
he gently puts the buds of his fingertips on your chin and jaw, slowly turning your face to him so he can look you in the eye.
the tears are still quietly running down your cheeks, your face numb, now devoid of any emotion, ashamed to have him see you in this state.
“you’re killing yourself like this.” he whispers, voice laced with concern. “he’ll never make you happy.”
you sniff from your breakdown. “maybe it’s me. maybe i just need to stop giving him such a hard time—”
“don’t even think about finishing that sentence.”
“please, chan, just… just go and get me somewhere else. all i need is some breathing space — please.” you beg him.
he wants to scream, wants to tell you to break up with him for good, wants to walk into that damn house and do it himself — but he can’t.
instead, he obliges, driving you to his place.
his cozy one-person apartment feels like the best place in the world to you — the one place where you can get away from everything else.
you watch chan as he locks the door behind him, then leaning against it for a moment as he watches you sit on the armrest of the soft chair. “you okay? want some tea?”
the corners of your lips curl up at the suggestion. he knows you awfully well. “that’d be great.”
his lashes flutter before he nods, kicking his shoes off by the door.
once he’s busy in the kitchen, you bite your lip as you recall the way he softly talked to you in the car, eyes trailing past the curves of his arms and the sharpness of his jawline.
he’s dated more than you have. not much in high school, but definitely during the past three years he’s spent at college. though it doesn’t surprise you. he has such warmth to him, with the beautifully infectious sound of his laughter, that big smile and some of the prettiest eyes you’ve ever seen.
it wasn’t until recently you began to see him in a different light. whenever you saw him with a new girl, arm around her waist or over her shoulders, you secretly imagined yourself next to him more than once. you can’t believe you didn’t take notice of how handsome he was before.
but you’re too much of a coward to tread over that line of friendship, too much of a coward to see if maybe, just maybe, your feelings are requited.
“wanna stay here for a while?” he asks, hoping you’ll at least spend the night here before you go back to your boyfriend, as you’ve done countless times before.
“yeah. don’t feel like going back yet.” you smile, trying to somewhat make light of the situation.
“then don’t.”
you sigh at his response. “it’s not that easy.”
“why not?”
“because i don’t wanna throw something away the second things get hard.”
“there’s a difference between hard and unbearable. your case is the latter.”
feeling backed into a corner, even though he hardly means to do so, you turn the topic on him. “you’ve had some rough experiences with past girlfriends too and you stuck around.”
god. if only you knew he ended up leaving them because he never enjoyed being with them as much as he enjoyed being with you. “you’d be surprised.” he mutters under his breath, pouring two cups of tea, making yours exactly as he knows you like.
when you stay quiet, he tries to think of a way to get it through your head that you need to break up with your resident ass of a boyfriend.
“can i ask you something?”
“what’s it going to take for you to leave him?”
the question makes you look up before using a tone that almost sounds like you’re scolding him. “chan.”
“i’m serious. he’s treating you like shit. you call me crying every week.”
“it’s just—”
“no, it’s not ‘just a tough time’. you know it isn’t.” he interrupts, jaw clenched tight but voice controlled. he will not yell at you like that piece of trash does. “he’s a controlling, manipulative asshole. it’s not gonna get better. if anything, he’ll just treat you worse in the future.”
“yeah, well, not all of us have people lined up.”
the words have left your mouth before you can comprehend it, leaving you to lower your head in regret. not that it’s any less true. to you, anyway.
“what, and i do?”
“don’t you?”
he’s not sure what baffles him more — you thinking that he’s got girls lined up to date him or you thinking that you don’t have anyone else out there that would be willing to date you.
“what’s this really about?” he sits down on the empty coffee table, facing you directly. “what does my dating life have to do with yours?”
“nothing — it doesn’t. i never said it did.”
“then why the comment about me having people lined up? which i don’t, by the way.”
the answer sits at the tip of your tongue, but you can’t bring yourself to say it without looking away from him. “maybe not. but at least you won’t end up alone. i can’t say the same for myself.”
and there it is. the sole reason you’re still with the guy. your crippling fear of ending up alone, your heavy insecurity that makes you believe no one could possibly want you.
the last thing he wants is for you to get hurt — but he’d rather have you suffer through your first heartbreak than end up with someone who walks all over you like a doormat.
“please don’t take this the wrong way, sweetheart, but if you think that low of yourself, you’re a little stupid.”
the comment makes you snort. “well, it’s certainly fitting.”
he wipes some of your half-dried tears away, his one hand remaining to cup your cheek, an alarmingly intimate gesture.
“aside from the fact that there’s nothing wrong or shameful about ending up alone... i need you to know that you’re worth it. you’re gorgeous and intelligent and—” he halts for a moment, in a way confessing his love for you, not caring how cheesy it sounds, “—you deserve everything you want. ‘cause you’re one in a million.”
fuck, has he always looked at you that lovingly?
his words catch you off-guard for a moment before you press your lips together. “as much as i think it’s sweet of you to say those things, you’re only saying them ‘cause you’re my friend.” you interrupt him, having made up your mind.
after which chan shakes his head, gently twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. “i’m saying it because it’s true. any guy would be lucky to have you in his life.”
“i don’t think ‘lucky’ is the term my boyfriend would use.”
“yeah, ‘cause he’s a fucking dick.” he immediately comments, adding the next part with a softer tone. “if you were with me, i sure as shit wouldn’t be acting like that.”
that last sentence catches your attention, and chan realizes what he just said, suddenly very aware he’s treading on thin ice now.
but it had to come out one way or another.
though you seem to be going along with his words, not showing any signs of being uncomfortable with it. “and who’s to say you wouldn’t break my heart?”
he sees the intrigue on your face and decides to lean in closer. “if i broke your heart, i’d be breaking mine as well.”
“i’m not convinced.” you murmur, just loud enough for him to hear, and chan feels his heartbeat quicken.
every rational thought going through his mind is thrown out of the window the moment he catches you staring at his lips. it’s enough for him to put his hand on your lower cheek and smash his lips against yours.
he kisses you like he always imagined he would. perhaps a little too enthusiastically, but he’s waited too long for this moment to care.
and you’re kissing him back.
you both get hot from adrenaline and arousal. his hands roam down your hips, but when you start pulling on the collar of his jacket, he finally has it in him to break the kiss.
“are you sure you want this? i don’t want you to feel pressured—”
“i’ve wanted this for so long, chan. take it off, please.”
maybe he should pinch himself to make sure he’s not dreaming. you’re underneath him, lips swollen, gazing at him like he’s your whole world and more.
he leans down again to pick you up, ensuring you’ve got your legs wrapped around his waist so he can carry you to his bedroom.
once he lays you down on the soft bed, you watch him take off his jacket and throw his shirt over his head, leaving him with his chest bare, elastic waistband of his underwear visible.
he’s a dancer in his spare time, but you know he’s been hitting the gym recently as well, and it’s paying off, noticing his bigger biceps and toned abs.
then he chuckles from the way you’re observing him, and that smile — that beautifully big smile is what you fell in love with.
one of many things, really.
you remove your basic long-sleeved shirt, exposing your skin before him, enjoying the way he’s looking at the black bra you’re wearing underneath.
you’re seated at the edge of the bed, at eye-level with his chest, which you kiss softly.
he follows your actions like a hawk, unable to keep his eyes off you. he proceeds to move your hair behind your shoulder, his right hand finding your jaw when he kisses you again, lips trailing down to your neck and collarbone.
his touches are slow and sensual. at the end of the day, it’s your first time together, and you both notice the pressure and tension that comes with it.
you’re both aching to touch each other more already, but it feels so much better like this.
he gently pushes you to lay on your back, hovering over you to kiss down your chest and stomach, smoothly pulling down your skirt before his fingers hook onto the fabric of your lace underwear.
“what’d you want me to do, pretty girl?” he asks while getting rid of your panties, looking you in the eye as he does it.
the nickname makes you shiver. “you can do anything you wanna do.”
“wanna eat you out. bet i’m better at it than that motherfucker.”
“not hard to beat when he never does it at all.” you mumble to yourself, but he hears it.
“are you kidding? has he ever even made you cum?”
you just give him a deadpan stare that has a hint of embarrassment to it, which is enough for him to know the answer.
just being aware of how bad that fucker treats you makes him want to prove to you that he can make you feel so, so much better. and that’s exactly what he’s gonna do.
he wastes no time, spreading your legs so his tongue can get to work. you shiver at the feeling of his mouth on you, biting your lower lip to not squeal already from sensitivity.
“no. none of that. i wanna be able to hear every sound you make.” he says after taking your hand away from your mouth. “you can pull on my hair if you like.”
“do you like that?”
“yeah, i enjoy a bit of pain.”
that makes you giggle a bit. “you masochist.”
to which he responds with a gentle pinch to your skin. “keep it in mind for next time, baby.”
fuck — you definitely will.
your hands run through his soft black hair. you’ve locked your legs behind his head, hips bucking up a little every time he hits a spot that feels good, his warm breath and wetness of his mouth on your pussy turning you on like crazy.
chan is pretty sure he’s descending into heaven when he hears you moan his name for the first time. he doesn’t know how many times he’s fucked his fist imagining that sound.
so he adds a finger to the warm and wet mess between your legs, sliding in easily, biting his own lip as he watches your reaction to it. you’ve got your head thrown back, one hand fisting the sheets, the other still holding his locks.
then he moves to a second, and not much later he’s got three of his fingers pumping in and out of you, arching them a little to find the right spot, rubbing and sucking on your clit.
“does that feel good?” he asks, just a bit out of breath, which is nothing compared to the writhing mess that’s you. he keeps messing with the pace, edging you a little every time, making you go crazy.
“please, channie, please let me cum—”
“i will if you answer me, baby.”
you whine, nodding at him desperately. “feels s’good, so fucking good.”
“want me to go faster?”
“please. god—need you inside me so bad.”
even he can resist so much. you’re so good for him, so he increases the pace of his fingers, relishing in the way you start squirming underneath him, trying to push him away and pull him closer all the same.
then you pull on his hair almost violently, making him moan against your pussy as you hit your first climax in a long time.
and he doesn’t stop yet — only once he sees you’ve regained focus does he pull his fingers out of you, sucking on them to savor the taste right before kissing you again, your trembling body aching for him.
he only breaks the kiss to reach for the drawer in his nightstand, grabbing a condom out of it, getting off of you to push off the last pieces of clothing still on him. the realization of the fact that your best friend is about to fuck you after god knows how long finally begins to dawn on you, and it makes your heart beat that much harder.
once he’s slipped the condom on, you move your hands to his neck and shoulders, biting your lip when you feel him push your legs behind his waist.
you gasp when he bottoms out of you for the first time. his head is buried in the crook of your neck as he finds his rhythm, sucking at your sensitive skin, not giving a damn whether he leaves marks on someone that’s technically not even his.
“do you remember that time we went to senior prom together?” he asks breathily, not slowing down even a little bit. “you were wearing that pretty blue dress. god, i wanted to take you home that night more than anything.”
you remember that. it was just before you two graduated high school together — he looked so dashing in his suit. you’d even imagined kissing him underneath the basketball bleachers like some cliche rom-com.
“so why didn’t you?”
“was too much of a pussy to do it.”
you bring yourself to chuckle inbetween your moans. “that’s a shame. i would’ve let you.”
just knowing that his feelings are reciprocated turns him on. he lifts his head up a little, kissing the front of your neck, your jaw, your cheeks — everything, only halting for a moment when he fucks you just a little faster, watching the way your eyes roll back from pleasure.
your hands run over his strong back as he pushes in and out of you at a steady pace, your lip nearly bleeding from how hard you’re biting it.
he hisses and relishes in the burning feeling of your nails digging into his shoulder blades.
“chan—god, harder, please—”
“i know, baby, i know, i got you.” he breathes out, changing up the position by hooking your legs over his shoulders.
it hits the exact right spot when he fucks you again, harder and deeper this time, your hands desperately clinging onto his skin, teeth sinking into your lower lip until they're nearly drawing blood.
beads of sweat roll down his muscular back. he feels you’re getting closer to hitting that release, so he moves one hand down to rub your clit again, aching to see you fall apart underneath him.
“fuck, ’s too much, channie—” you whine, throwing your head back in the pillow for a moment.
but he shakes his head, continuing, knowing you’re close. “you can do it, pretty girl. cum for me again. i wanna feel it.”
and he discovers that begging you works wonders, because it’s enough for you to come undone, clamping on his dick, making it feel so tight that he spills his own release into the condom mere seconds after.
with a layer of sweat on your foreheads, he feels how sensitive you are when he pulls out. he throws the condom in the trashcan, turning his face back to yours and kisses your lips more softly this time.
“how do you feel?”
“a little worn out.” you sigh, proceeding to show a smile. “but better.”
“good. how do you feel about taking a bath?”
“sounds nice.”
chan can’t help himself and leans in to kiss you again. he’s already getting awfully used to this, but one issue remains. “i wanna be with you. i meant everything i said tonight.”
the sentiment warms your heart. he’s always had that effect on you. “i know. i wanna be with you, too.”
he nods, happy with your words. “you go on ahead to the bathroom. i’ll clean things up here.”
“okay.” you tell him, pressing another kiss to his cheek before leaving the bedroom, feeling utterly lovesick.
he shares your feelings — it’s like he’s reliving that exciting feeling of seeing you the first few days after he realized he was in love with you.
there’s something that pulls him out of it, though. a certain vibrating sound. what is that? he thinks to himself.
and after looking around the room, he discovers it’s a phone receiving a call. your phone, to be exact, sitting in the back pocket of the jeans you discarded earlier.
the screen of your cellphone lights up, and he picks up the device, about to let you know someone’s calling — but his voice gets caught in his throat when he notices it’s the asshole who made you cry in the first place.
scoffing to himself, he taps the red button and declines the call.
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thank you for reading. let me know if u enjoyed it x
® SANAKIRAS — do not repost, remake or copy my work in any way whatsoever. translations are not allowed.
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virtualreader · 1 year
birthday present
summary: you weren't expecting anyone to remember that today was your birthday, and definitely did not expect a certain cowboy to give you not one, but two birthday presents.
word count: 1,2k.
genre: smut (and a little bit of fluff)
warnings: p in v (unprotected), fingering, sensory deprivation, praising.
a/n: this is my first time writing smut, I know I have a lot of scope for improvement, so feedback is certainly appreciated.
+18 content below, minors dni, nsfw, please do not read it if you're uncomfortable with this topic!
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"C’mon, take it. I got it for ya," Rick insisted, handing you the small box. The messily wrapped newspaper sheet was held in place by a delicate blue ribbon, which attempted to form a bow on top of it.
You were always living in a daze, with no sense of time. However, Rick was surprisingly able to keep track of the days and make sure to surprise you every year with a small gift. Some years, it would be a bouquet of flowers, and other years it would be a small trinket that he had picked up on one of his runs. Regardless of what it was, it always brought a smile to your face and made you feel loved.
You couldn't help but wonder how he managed to keep track of the calendar when you could barely remember what day of the week it was. But that was just another one of the many little mysteries that made him such a special person to you.
You carefully untied the ribbon and unwrapped the newspaper to reveal a small, silver necklace. The pendant on the necklace was in the shape of a cowboy hat, a nod to Rick's own hat that he always wore and which now belonged to Carl. You smiled, touched by the thoughtfulness of the gift.
"Thank you, Rick. This is beautiful," you said, putting on the necklace and admiring the way it caught the light. Rick grinned, pleased with your reaction.
"Well, I couldn't let your birthday go by without getting you something," he replied. "But that's not all. I've got one more surprise for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a blindfold.
He covered your eyes with the cloth, tying it loosely behind your head. Normally the darkness would be something scary, not knowing what’s around you or what could happen next, but you had to admit that in these circumstances it pretty much turned you on.
You felt Rick’s hand on your arm, guiding you through the house. He closed the door of what you supposed was your bedroom behind him. And before you could even ask what was going on he put your hand on his throbbing budge.
You gasped in surprise, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Rick, what…?" you started to say, but he interrupted you.
"Happy birthday, darlin'," he whispered, his voice low and husky. "I wanted to give you something special this year."
You felt his lips on yours, and you couldn't help but lose yourself in the moment. The blindfold made everything feel more intense and intimate, and you were grateful for the darkness that allowed you to focus solely on the sensations coursing through your body.
As he pushed you down onto the bed, you could feel the intensity of his passion emanating from his movements. Rick's desire was palpable as he moved frantically on top of you, his body consumed by lust.
Briefly pulling away, he hiked up his shirt, revealing his taut, muscular abdomen. With your hands pinned up against the bedhead, you felt a shiver run down your spine as Rick's mouth found the sensitive skin of your neck. His tongue teased and tantalized your skin, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body.
“We’re going to have to work on keeping you still, baby.” he rasped against your neck as you wiggle under him.
The grip on your hand tightened, and the old bed squeaked along with your motion, creating a melody you completed with your purring.
His hands traveled to your pants, muddy from the gardening labors you were in charge of, and got rid of them, and continued to undress you until your body was completely exposed to his feverish gaze.
He took a moment to contemplate your body after he had relieved himself of his own clothing, damn, you looked so pretty subdued to his control. His tongue danced over your nipples, and the moan that escaped your mouth in response made Rick smile boastfully.
As you were about to complain, he interrupted you with a stern grunt and ordered you to open your mouth. Caught off guard by his sudden demand, you hesitated. He then slid his fingers into your mouth and used your saliva to lubricate them.
He spread your legs and pushed the two fingers inside you, causing you to gasp in pleasure. He moved them slowly at first, but gradually picked up the pace, his thumb rubbing circles over your clit. You moaned in ecstasy, your body writhing beneath him as he continued to pleasure you with his fingers.
Each movement was deliberate and calculated, designed to bring you to the brink of orgasm and keep you there. You pulled your head back, your mouth open as you groaned, your legs stiffening.
As he looked at you, he couldn't help but think about how deliciously wet you was. Your body was practically begging him to do something, and he couldn't resist any longer.
He leaned in close and whispered in your ear, "God, I want you so badly right now." you shivered at his words, feeling a wave of desire wash over you. He continued to tease you, slowly running his fingers up and down your arm, sending chills down your spine.
The blindfold heightened the intensity of the pleasure, making it more satisfying and enjoyable. The lack of visual stimulation allowed the other senses to become more acute, leading to a more immersive experience. The anticipation of not knowing what would happen next added an element of excitement and mystery to the encounter. It added a new dimension to the experience.
“Rick…” you hoarsely begged.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” his deliberate teasing causing you to soak his fingers even more. “Tell me.”
“You,” his fingers leaved your hole. “I want you inside me.”
Next thing you knew, his tip was tentatively brushing your entrance. His barely perceptible touch tingled you, your whole body quivering in anticipation. He slid his hands to your hips, a firm hold on your sides, yet not hurting you. With your leg resting on his bare, broad shoulders he thrusted his cock against your walls, both fitting as key and lock.
Your spasms squeezed his warm rod, bringing him closer to climax. "Such a good girl." he praised you, the sound of your panting filling Rick's ears with satisfaction. His heady scent, more intense than ever, got you higher than drugs.
Finally, when you could take no more, Rick released you, allowing you to come down from the dizzying heights of pleasure. You were left panting and sweating, your body spent from the passionate experience.
You gasped for air, your body trembling from the intensity of the orgasm that had just wracked through your body. You couldn't believe how incredible it had felt, how Rick had managed to bring you such an incredible amount of pleasure. You were completely spent, your body still humming with the aftershocks of the orgasm. Rick lay next to you, his arm draped over your waist felt comforting and safe.
“Just so you know, I turn forty next month”
How could you possibly refuse to gift the man whose smile mesmerized you?
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jellyfishrnice · 19 days
Yandere! Rich Suitor
(part 2!)
When you arrived at the remote island your parents had sent you off to you expected nothing out of the ordinary.
You and Andrew would spend a month or two there at some expensive resort or already owned house of either of your parents, you'd squabble with him from whatever topic came up in your conversations, and then you'd part ways at the end of the trip with no differing thoughts of each other. Same as always.
Oh how wrong you were.
"Y'know, you have pretty eyes."
You stared at Andrews light eyelashes with his hazel, almost green eyes. You never looked too hard but the purple ambient light of the bar you two were in only added to his features.
You were both drunk out of your minds and the bar was only 15 minutes to close, around 3 am if you had to guess.
"I could say the same to you," Andrew slurred while holding an empty glass of whatever liquor he had just finished off. He rested his head on the wooden bar and stared at the empty glass, then back to your face that was propped on your hand.
You didn't even notice your face planting onto the counter, the sound didn't even faze Andrew who stared at your hair.
He reached out to touch it.
Surprisingly, you didn't flinch. Normally when you both were sober, maybe it was the liquor that stopped you from slapping his hand away but touching each other was deemed one of the most horrible acts to commit, but right now all he wished was to be closer to you.
He played with the loose strand of hair and you turned your head to face him.
With how close your faces were to each other, you were surprised how long you two had gone without arguing with each other.
"Can we go home," you mumbled while staring into Andrews glazed over eyes.
He nodded and slowly sat up straight, letting go of the small strand of hair.
You both stumbled out of the bar, with him fishing for a cellphone in your purse while you leaned on him for any type of support.
You managed to pick your head up and look at his flushed face. The neon glow of the bar lights illuminated his blond hair and the way his pretty eyes starred off into nothing was way more enticing than it should be. You stared long and hard for what seemed like forever.
Then you did something you never ever thought possible.
"Yes?" Andrew replied while looking down at your (for once) soft gaze.
You grabbed his face with both your hands and planted your lips onto his. His lips were soft but slightly chapped, and he tasted like vodka and something else you couldn't put your finger on.
You still don't know why you did it, but all you remember after that was blacking out and waking up in the resorts bed the next morning, with a pounding headache and a sore neck.
"You're not leaving."
You had never been scared of Andrew per say. Yeah you've been angered by him, very annoyed recently and at worst wanting to rid him of this Earth.
But never scared, it made sense to not be scared in your childhood and early teenage years, and maybe it was pushing it when he started to put in muscle and grow taller; but you never had a reason to fear him.
Until now at least.
'Stay calm stay calm stay calm'
You repeated the phrase in your mind until you could find the words to hopefully get Andrew to stop acting insane.
"Andrew, look, I know what happened between us last night was weird but I'm sorry I wasn't trying to lead you on, but please just stop."
"Just stay here for a while, I know I haven't been exactly pleasant towards you, but please give me a chance," he muttered into your shoulder while softly playing with a strand of your hair.
You took in a deep breath to try and stop yourself from clawing his face off.
That would only make things worse considering he could easily overpower you, you shuddered at the thought of him going even further than he already had.
"Okay, I'll stay-just- please back away for a minute," you exhaled and let your hand leave the door knob despite every part of your body wanting to yank on it until it broke off or the door opened. Andrew seemed to relax a tiny bit at your words before slowly letting his arms unwrap themselves around you and instead back away. You didn't know if you could outrun him, but it wasn't worth a shot considering the nearest sign of civilization was about a 30-minute drive.
You exhaled a small sigh and dropped your bag from your shoulder onto the floor, and you turned around to face Andrew who was still relatively close but now you at least had a couple inches of personal space. He looked almost as much of a hungover mess as you, with his blonde hair hanging messily over his shoulders and face and slight bags under his eyes that you had previously never seen him with. But he had an odd look in his eyes that made you even more uneasy than you already were.
"Listen, Andrew, I'm sorry that I kissed you last night, I was drunk and I was stupid- I'm just- can we please forget about this?" You pleaded while brushing a hand through your hair. Andrew stood there for a moment, seemingly trying to figure out how to put together the words he wanted to say.
"Did you know, " he started, pausing to swallow the saliva that had been building up in his mouth, "I have never kissed someone before last night?"
Your eyes widened while trying to figure out how Andrew of all people hadn't even kissed someone! He was handsome, rich, and unfairly charismatic when he wanted to be. Before you could say something, Andrew held up his hand to signal to wait.
"I just never saw the appeal I guess, until last night that is," he said while trying not to hold eye contact with you for too long or he fears he might explode from shear embarrassment.
"But with you, it's as though," he paused again to gather his words and look down at his hands, "you awoke something in me that I didn't even know was there." His shy demeanor, despite his intimidating size, reminded you of a schoolboy confessing his long time crush to the girl he liked. It would have been cute if he hadn't practically forced you to stay in the beach house.
"I- and now that I felt whatever that was, I want to feel that again." He looked back up at your face, your pretty eyes and soft lips,he didn't know how he missed your beauty after all these years of being around you; but now he so desperately wanted to cradle it in his hands and-
"What?!" You shouted, interrupting his train of thought. Your fear from earlier seemed to have disappeared or at least been overcome by pure annoyance.
"So you're telling me," you took a breath to try and calm yourself, "that just 'cause I kissed you one time, that automatically your entire life of hating me just- poofed it's way out of existence?!"
"I-" Andrew tried to speak, but you quickly cut him off, you were borderline shouting but were trying your best not to completely explode from anger.
"So your entire reason for not hating me anymore is because I got your dick hard?!"
"No that's not it at all-"
"Go find someone else for you to explore your newfound 'feelings' with, I'm not gonna be your experiment just 'cause you've never gotten your dick wet before!"
You sighed and let go of the large breath you were holding and rubbed your eyes to try and figure out what to do with Andrew. Maybe you could set him up with one of your other friends who longed for a hot sugar daddy or something.
Walking past Andrew and back into the kitchen to hopefully find some aspirin or something to cure your now worse headache.
Andrew stared at the floor in front of him, in alm his life he had only cried once. When his dad stained his new tie that he had gotten as a gift from his grandma, other than that it had never happened; it was pretty much not even an option for him. But now he feels the unfamiliar feeling of his throat tightening and his eyes welling up with tears.
You saw him just standing there, and for a moment, you felt bad for him. Then you remembered how he had pinned you to the door, and it quickly disappeared. Swallowing the pills with a glass of leftover orange juice, you walked back to him where he was standing in the middle of the living room and awkwardly patted hid back.
"Look Andrew, I know it's hard when you discover romance or whatever," you sighed while rolling your eyes, " but the only reason you think you like me is because you've never given anyone else a shot, I can set you up with one of my friends even." You tried to lighten up the mood. Some of your friends might be into the whole toxic, pinning someone to a door thing.
Andrew was quiet for a moment before looking at you with red eyes and sighing. You were relieved that he had finally come to his senses, soon enough you two could put this whole thing behind yall and continue hating and at best tolerating each other.
"Have you... been with others?" Andrew asked quietly while tucking a stray hair behind his ear. You hesitated before replying.
"I mean- yeah; most people our age have had sex-" before you can even finish your sentence Andrew quickly traps your fave between his large hands and smashes his lips onto your.
Your eyes widened and you imminently tried to get him off of you, but your shoves against his broad chest didn't even register in his mind.
His inexperience shined through as his teeth cracked against yours and how he tried to immidelty shove his tongue in your mouth, but it didn't seem to bother him at all with how he let out small whimpers, trying to push his body as close to yours as possible.
He lowered his hands from your face and around your waist to haul you off the floor and onto the nearby couch, hovering over you but still putting enough weight to stop you from moving.
When he finally pulled away, you tried to scream something to try and get through to him, but one of his large hands covered your mouth, and he looked at you with pure want in his eyes.
"I can -" he tried to catch his breath, his second kiss with you leaving him breathless and red in the face. He gulped before speaking, "if you did it with others, you can do it with me," he let out a shaky breath before quickly shedding his shirt.
"A-andrew- listen- please- " he shut you up with another kiss, if you could even call the rough mouth full of tongue that, and slowly grinding against your thigh.
Your heart was beating so fast and you didn't notice the very noticeable bulge in his sweatpants. You thrashed and tried to get away from his grip but it only spurred him on more. He let out a patheic moan at the way you gripped the back of his hair and pulled hard, him pawing at your shirt, trying to get a taste of your soft, sweet-
He cried out when you bit his tongue, the taste of iron filling both of your mouths. He pulled away for a second, his hair sticking to his forward from the light sheen of sweat, his cheeks red and his eyes full of wonder from the pure pleasure of only humping against your soft thigh.
"You've known me your whole life, if you can have sex with someone you've only known for a few hours, you can definitely do it with me," he panted while humping your soft leg and referring to your many hook ups over the years. You felt like tearing his face off with the way he talked, like a teenage incel whose never even seen pussy. He sped up with his thrusts and laid his forehead in the crook of your neck, licking the sweat that had come from the heat.
Before you could speak, he interruptedyou with a loud breathy moan, his sweatpants now having stain and his cock growing softer against you.
For once, you couldn't say anything.
But soon you felt his cock hardening again and you knew it would be a while till you could escape, so you grit your teeth and just waited till he hopefully had his fill.
Hey yall sorry it took so long, I've been so busy with finals and stuff but here it is!! It's not proof read but I probably go back on it. Hope you enjoyed 🫶
Tag list! : @surprisemodafakas @kyoko-neko @kaeriustehe @kleoneli @purple-obsidian @strawberrie-me @lem-hhn
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haoboutyou · 1 month
fever dream | boo seungkwan
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fluff | 894 words | food mention: soup
an: chanting rite of passage rite of passage nsnsjsjwjz here’s a sick fic
there are three things that come into seungkwan’s mind the moment he opens his eyes:
everything is too loud and piercing at the same time.
he must be dying because an angel is sitting right next to him.
the warm damp cloth on his forehead needs to be yeeted off immediately.
“good morning!”
contrary to your calming angelic presence, your cheery voice causes him to wince, way too bright for his current state. he moans, grunts escaping him as he tries to sit up. your hands rush to support him, pulling him up and adjusting his pillows to make him more comfortable. 
it takes a while for him to remember his current predicament– he’s hot and he’s cold (god, he wishes he’s yes and he’s no), and his skin feels sticky all over. it doesn’t help that the pounding on his head seemed to worsen the longer he looked straight too. 
seungkwan rubs his temple, attempting to soothe the headache. “ugh…what time is it?”
“it’s a little past 2pm.” you’re in his swivel chair, laptop sitting abandoned on the study table by the bed. removing the damp cloth, you give him a little pat on the head. his eyebrow shoots up, as if to question how you got into his room in the first place.
“jeonghan called me saying you’re sick. are you feeling any better now?”
ah, so it was the devil in disguise that sent an angel from heaven. seungkwan starts to nod, only to immediately wince when the throbbing got worse. you shoot him a look of pity, standing up from your seat.
“you haven’t eaten yet, right?” you’re walking closer to him, replacing the cloth on his forehead with the back of your hand. a frown appears when you realise his fever hasn’t gone down one bit. 
“gosh, you’re so hot!”
“only for you, baby.” his poor attempt at a wink is met with a deadpan face of your own, as you scrunch your nose at his reply.
“let’s get some food in you, yeah? then you can get some medicine.”
he watches as you disappear out of the room. seungkwan slumps back into his plush pillows, feeling only slightly better than he was this morning. 
it’s not that he wasn’t grateful for your presence. he just wasn’t expecting it. you had only been dating for a month, after all– he just wasn’t used to having you at his weakest.
nonetheless, he’s never been more thankful for your presence when you return, bowls carefully balanced on a tray. his stomach chooses this exact moment it let out a grumble; seungkwan flushes a slightly fever-induced red while you giggle. 
“soup,” you declare, setting his bowl down in front of him. you place yours on the study table, and he murmur a quick thanks before eating. you watch seungkwan for a moment, content with watching him eat before you touch your own. 
it’s a little odd for you to experience a subdued seungkwan completely unlike his normal boisterous self. however, that doesn’t stop the light conversation that fills the table as you both eat your dinner. 
his still-emerging fever fogs up his brain, so he opts to just listen to you ramble about your day instead. you laugh when he tells you how the soup warms his chest, getting rid of whatever chills he still had clinging on. seungkwan sighs in relief as the soup soothes his unexpectedly sore throat, prompting another chuckle. you push the box of tissues closer to him when you hear seungkwan start sniffling again.
he’s done with his bowl before you are, and you make sure he downs all of the medicine.
(he’s a little surprised at the assortment of medicine you present him with.
“wha- since when did we have all these?” 
“i dropped by the pharmacy first just in case! but kwan, you should really stock up on your medicine cabinet.” your frown of disapproval could not get any cuter.)
no really, seungkwan thinks he’s been blessed by an angel. he’s settled back in bed by the time you return from putting away the dishes, re-opening your laptop. he watches you work for a moment, letting the clicking sound of your keyboard lull him back to sleep. 
“thanks for coming, y/n.”
you pause, looking away from your screen. seungkwan has a dopey smile gracing his high cheeks, and you can see him physically fight the urge to succumb to the drowsy medicine.
your hand reaches out to comb through his hair. his fever’s gotten down slightly, you note. pushing his bangs up, you lean in to press a faint kiss on his forehead. 
“go to sleep, kwan. i’ll be here until your roommate gets back, alright?” gosh, how did he get so lucky? 
the gentle rhythm of your touch slowly pushes him back into a dreamless sleep. 
he thinks he might love you.
his sickness-ridden brain doesn’t realise that he’s said that out loud. your hand falters slightly at his words, but only barely. 
it doesn’t take long for seungkwan to fall back asleep, the slow rise and fall of his chest and his soft snores a clear indicator. you can’t pull your hand back– his hand somehow found itself tightly intertwined with yours. 
it’s a little bit harder to do your work now, but that’s okay. you think you might love him too.
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yashirix · 3 months
•ESCAPISM: Yandere Satoru Gojo x Fem Reader
Synopsis: Filled with curses and betrayal, Satoru Gojo realizes he is far from sane. Linking his six eyes on a young sorcerer who captivated him, the ‘chosen’ one makes foolish decisions. She's petrified.
Slow burn?
Warnings: Age Gap, Power imbalance, Satoru Gojo is his own warning, Manipulation, Top Satoru, Gore, Delusional sorcerer, Explicit content?, Comedy, Bad humor, Reader is a little too strong, we love a badass female character. Characters might be written a little ooc.
Part 1/Introduction of Escapism.
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Satoru Gojo was far from sane; the sorcerer knew so himself. It felt rather isolated due to the absence of his best friend. His one and only at that.
A fragment of his facade vanished when Geto tagged along, for Gojo found solace in being able to express himself and his weird interests to someone who wasn't as strong as him. Yet, Geto always acknowledged him as human. Their friendship of Yin and Yang once so unbreakable, was no more. It's no longer present; it doesn't exist because his best friend's deceased. It crushed him into a state of despair.
No longer would it be the same anymore. There was no one in the world that could ever replace their friendship and experiences altogether. Especially since there was no one around to help him stay mentally sane. After all, the world of Jujutsu is both a lie and a curse, it sucks the living daylight out of your soul, like a repulsive leech waiting for its next course of meal. It leaves once it's satisfied from hunger- and filled with vital fluid. When will the strongest ever feel protected?
Silly question! Satoru Gojo should know better than to have hope in a world full of fucking misery.
Becoming a teacher was no different. He was now 20- as handsome as 'ever'  stated by his fangirls who came up to him during the days he went out to buy kikufuku in his casual attire. It felt suffocating at times when being complimented for your appearance only- yet it only built his ego farther than a normal being. He wasn't really necessarily human after all. If anything, it felt eccentric.
The sorcerer never had a girlfriend even after putting thought into it. He was also still a virgin. Of course, he did look at sexual magazines once in a while, but it felt sickening to touch someone who could never understand him as his best friend did. He wanted to feel genuine love in a way- it was pitiful. The least he could was get complimented by women who easily latched themselves onto him.
However, Gojo was insecure. He felt unloved and unworthy of finding someone compatible for him. Maybe he should try one night stands? maybe that'll knock some sense into him. Was sex good? ew probably not. He mentally grabbed those thoughts and walked towards the trash can where he flung them. The sorcerer needed to get a hold of himself.
He'll stay a virgin as long as it takes.
Or NOT. Satoru Gojo finally caved into his intrusive thoughts at the age of 21 and did one night stands like it was some sort of hobby. The females were and felt like nothing to him, but the sensation of release felt like euphoria for at least a couple of seconds. He could go for various rounds- but his fuck buddies would pass out not so long after the second round. He needed a far better release. Of course, he'd lie about feeling satisfied afterwards and let them stay at the hotel for a couple of days payed straight out from his pocket- as he strolled back to Jujutsu High.
The second way of Gojo's reliefs was to cry himself to sleep. His tears felt pathetic- for there was no one in the world who would take their time to cradle him and ask if he was doing alright. He was tired of living like some sort of puppet- entity whose position was to only rid the world of curses every damn hour and moment of his existence. Killing the higher ups might've miraculously appeared on the bucket list.
YOU paved your way around the supermarket and the cashier aisle. It felt euphoric being able to stroll around the area; grasping both vegetables and items that would relish in your cooking skills of perfect seasoning. Well, not really... in reality the food you made was edible but somehow you ended up burning eggs in a matter of seconds no matter how much you watched YouTube tutorials. Cooking was a hobby- yet you managed to either add a lot of salt or so little.
One time, you cried out of frustration and threw  a tomato across the wall, but it bounced back and somehow managed to knock you down with a thud. You loathed tomatoes after that. It wasn't your fault- it was the intimate objects for being... well intimate!
You were stupid sometimes. Being 16 was not a pain in the bootiehole, because you wanted to stay young for as long as it takes. Having to pay taxes sucked and you wanted no part of it. Instead, you found solace in being able to enjoy yourself with some free time by killing curses. Yes, you still had your parents, but they were on a brink of divorce. Your mother lost love for your father after he cheated 8 years ago and finally broke down once she couldn't bear it anymore. She wanted nothing to do with your father even after he remade himself for the better. You loved him for that.
Nevertheless, it hurt. It hurt seeing them like this because there was nothing your meekly hands were able to do. You couldn't cook a divorce- well obviously not! that was impossible. Consequently, you spent some afternoons looking for curses and exterminated them with a slap to the face. It felt sort of peculiar being able to only see them yourself, but you were convinced your mother could see them as well. There were times where you saw her bat an eye directly to a curse, for she raised her finger and with perfect aim and-
The curse would instantly disintegrate into ashes. You admired her from afar, and wanted to shout at just how wonderful she is, but you couldn't. You were hiding under the dining table at the time. Well, at least you had evidence that she's also powerful!  talk about beauty and strength.
The way you exterminated curses was concerning. You felt pitiful for having to slap them, but throwing a punch would be more harsh, so out of respect, you slapped them and placed a flower where they once stood. However, one curse was quite literally more vicious than the other and attacked you from behind, but you placed force on your leg muscles and flew upwards doing a backflip and gently kicked the curse onto the busy road. It was enough to kill them, for you were glad you somehow had a special case of "pinkie" senses. However, you still felt guilty. There were also times where you started flying midair and felt a sense of 'divine' energy flowing through you. It was natural, only until you tried flying like Superman doing the pose but instantly fell face flat to pavement. Ouch.
So many unwanted circumstances led to a higher curiosity of wanting to understand just what was going on with you and your family. Keeping it a secret is simple, but one of these days you'll unexpectedly start floating midair when eating- in a perspective that would make you look like you got possessed by Annabelle. 'Hilarious' you'd think.
Sometimes you'd wish curses would look like a  handsome demigod sent from the Greek heathens above. Sculpted magnificently scrumptious where you'd go on your knees and beg for mercy. When in reality, you'd ask to touch their waffle chiseled abs and then open your arms where you'd find peace in being mutilated by a hot male. You needed serious help, but it's not your fault- it's the hormones! anyone would be fathomed and down horrendous below the trenches.
You made friends throughout the years, especially after accidentally bumping against a male by the name of Yuji Itadori. He was very handsome, for you speculated for him to be around your age. It was the start of your friendship with one another. He was just as sweet as the taste of Ferrero Rocher, as you exchanged phone numbers with one another. It has been only a week after meeting- as you hopelessly developed a crush on him rather quickly. The way he messaged you concerned on what you've delt with throughout the years- and the way he gave you a hug when hanging out brought a sense of appreciation and admiration for the salmon haired boy.
He was someone you could quickly confide in and have a picnic with. It felt safe when he held you close, for he too felt rather close to you. You hoped you stayed friends and grew old together- and just maybe you'd be able to open up to him and explain how you can easily exterminate things you'd call "curses." Surely enough, you were convinced that the start of your friendship would end in marriage- where you'd own 3 hamsters, 6 dogs, 4 cats, and a turtle named Jeffrey. Itadori agreed on the animals but not marriage- because you wouldn't tell him. Not yet! you guys just met and your 16, you both were too young.
You hope nothing would get in the way of your friendship. Yuji was a sweet boy, and he secretly adorned you as well.
A/N: Whew. That took a little long to write, but it was enjoyable! I hope the first chapter is to at least one persons liking. I wrote this on my feels as my grammar isn't good since I don't really proofread. It's my first time publishing a story LMAO. I apologize, the reader is a little stupid because I based her off myself at some moments. But she has her cool moments don't worry. The first chapter is just an introduction, so there will be dialogue. If there is confusion Gojo is 21 and Y/N is 16. This is purely fiction so Gojo is a delusional creep as the story progresses. That dude has some attachment issues even I’m scared.
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strawbeerossi · 8 months
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Description: You and Spencer miss each other whenever he is on a week long case. A phone call should help fix that.
Content/Warnings: Mutual masturbation, phone sex, course language. Let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 1.3K
Kinktober Day Fifteen: Telephonicophilia
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Dating a man who could be gone for weeks at a time could be frustrating. Especially on nights like tonight where you were desperate.
You’d decided on picking up a new erotic novel later on that evening after work, a glass of wine beside you on your nightstand while your eyes relished in the smut in your hands. Normally, things like this wouldn’t affect you.. However, Spencer had been gone for a week already, so you had been reduced to a state of touch deprived that you know Spencer would have fun dealing with.
Now a week isn’t a long time to go without sex for some people but you and Spencer have been a different breed lately, sex happening a lot more frequently than you’d care to admit. The girls at work teased you, saying you came in every shift with a post sex glow. The sad part was, you couldn’t even argue.
This week was tough, the stress of your life weighing heavy on you while you were struggling to keep yourself afloat. Talking to Spencer helped, it did. However the normal stress reliever you turned to was out of your reach.
As you’d kept your attention on the text in your hand, you could feel arousal pooling at a particular scene you were stuck on. You missed Spencer.. 
Unbeknownst to you, he missed you just as much. The impending stress on the case was suffocating him, the unsub knowing what he was doing and able to cover his tracks easily. A week of overanalyzing to the point his big, beautiful brain hurt, he needed a break. “Emily, I just got a message from my mom’s facility, I need to give them a call. Do you mind if I step out?” It was easy for Spencer to lie through his teeth, the unit chief looking at him with a face of concern. “That’s fine, that’s fine. Keep me updated.” She instructed, which made the brunette nod before he was heading out of the conference room. “Is there an open room that I can use? Urgent phone call.” He was holding up his phone to the police chief, who nodded as he led the male to an empty office. 
As soon as the door was shut, Spencer was locking it and tugging down the blinds of the window looking in the office before scrolling through his contacts. As soon as he got to you, he took in a breath as he was calling, heading over to sit on the edge of the desk. 
“Spencer!” Your voice cheered from the other side, causing a smile to spread across his face. “Hey! I just needed to hear your voice. There’s no sign of this case ending anytime soon..” He frowned, even if you couldn’t see him. “You guys will catch this guy. You always do.” You cooed softly while letting your hand lift the wine glass to sip from it. “I’m glad you called, honestly.. I miss you.”
“I miss you too.. What are you wearing tonight, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
Your lip was tucked between your teeth while sitting up a bit straighter. “I’m wearing your Cal-Tech sweater and underwear. You know I steal your clothes to sleep.” It was a given on what attire you were adorned to sleep in.
“I love when you wear my clothes.. God, I miss you. What are you doing? Reading that book, I bet.” He spoke while chuckling softly. “Mind taking a break from your reading? I need you right now.”
The way his voice dropped to a low tone had your pussy clenching around nothing. He needed you so bad he was calling while in the middle of a case. “I don’t mind.”
“Good. Leave the sweatshirt on but get rid of your panties.” He spoke, leaning back against the desk as he could feel his cock hardening at the visual playing through his mind. Thank god for eidetic memory. It was like he could see you right now.
“I’m so wet that it’s uncomfortable.” You whined, finger running through your slit to collect your slick on the digit while brushing against your clit with a shaky breath. 
“I bet.. My poor girl.” He sighed, already working on his belt to get it yanked from his pant loops before tossing it beside him on the desk, hand already pulling his throbbing cock from his pants. “I wish I could be there right now, have you squirming underneath me.” He spoke while letting out a low groan as his hand was wrapping around his hard cock, slowly tugging at his dick.
The idea of being between her legs right now was heaven, however his job just had to get in the way. “Why don’t you toy with that pretty little clit of yours, hmm? Wanna hear you moan for me. Show me how much you miss me.”
Your finger swiped over your throbbing clit, the nub sending electricity through your bones as you let your head tilt back with a moan. “It doesn’t feel as good when I have to do it.” You said softly, soft breaths leaving your lips as you massage the bundle of nerves between your legs.
“I know. You’d be pushing back on my fingers by now, crying and desperate for more.” He smirked, his hand speeding up along his cock. Due to the precum bubbling over his swollen tip, he had plenty of lube to easily glide his hand along his shaft. 
“Go ahead and push a finger into that sweet, leaking pussy. I bet you’re soaked just from hearing my voice.” His words were like honey, you drinking it up as you complied with the demand, sinking your pointer finger into your tight cunt. The squelching sound of your greedy pussy sucking in as much of your finger as it could get had you tossing your head back as you let out a moan, your other hand holding the phone clutching the electronic tightly. 
“You sound so beautiful. God, I can’t wait to get home,” Spencer was whimpering out, the boyish sounds making him sound more innocent than he truly was. “My hand doesn’t even compare to that tight cunt. I bet she is desperate for me,” He grunted as his pace sped up.
“Add another finger, I know that you’re desperate for more.” His words were husky as he let his head tilt back while a few needy whines fell from his lips.
This phone call was what both of you desperately needed, hearing each other to fuel the fantasies flooding both of your brains. This was a time when you wished you could stomach working at the FBI just to always be close to Spencer. 
“I’m gonna cum.” You warned, fingers curling and brushing barely against the spongy button inside of you that you just couldn’t reach by yourself. “Fuck. Cum on those fingers, baby. Wanna hear you.” He panted, feeling a bead of sweat running down the back of his neck as his hand moved quickly, his cock twitching in his grasp. Hearing you cry his name in orgasmic bliss was what pushed Spencer over the edge, his cum glazing over his knuckles as he let out a whimper of your name. 
There was a brief silence shared between you both as you two caught your breath. 
“Please come home soon..” You finally whispered, pushing yourself to sit up in your shared bed so you could stand and go wash your hands in the bathroom. 
“I’m gonna catch this guy today, trust me. I love and miss you.” His voice was soft, the both of you sharing your goodbyes, you were both hanging up. 
Distance was hard.
The way Spencer fucked you whenever he did end up getting home later the next night was harder.
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
18 + MDNI
dabi x fem!reader; quirkless!au. reader is younger than him but still of age. be aware.
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roommate!dabi who wasn’t really fond of the idea of having a roommate, especially girl, because he liked to have his privacy and having to live with a girl was taking that away from him, even more when he wants to go around the house shirtless yet he can’t. but you’re his best friend’s little sister, so he has to suck it up, bear with it and adjust to it.
roommate!dabi who starts slowly to accept you in his (daily) life because of how friendly, understanding and compliant you are with him and his way of living. he actually starts to have more fun around you than your brother, he has even started to tease you and get comfortable enough around you to start roam around the house shirtless.
roommate!dabi who starts to enjoy the evenings where you spend time going through tv series that has him cringe and judge the characters while you laugh your ass off, not noticing the tender gaze he gives your way, or where you just start playing games out of bored that he lets you win only to see your smile and listen at you cheering excited, clueless about how you being this happy around him makes his heart flutter.
roommate!dabi who has started to find grocery shopping funny ever since he started to tag along with you. the way your eyes always sparkle whenever they see something tasty that you would like to try make him smile, without even noticing, endeared by how carefree and honest you are about everything that comes across your path. shit, he’s getting into a dangerous place right there...
roommate!dabi who now feels his fingertips itching from the want, the need, to touch you. so he uses the most little of the excuses to touch you like whenever your hair fall across your face, he takes the chance without a second thought and brushes it away getting a thankful smile from you and a small shy “thank you” that has him melting. he’s just taking care of you as his best friend’s little sister and a dear friend, this is what he keeps saying himself. he has to be careful there before stepping where there’s no way back.
roommate!dabi who now finds happiness in the smallest things like you giving him the good morning with that radiant smile of yours, washing the dishes together, walking together to collage, spending time together at his friend’s bar, going to visit your brother and his wife or when you ask him to taste some of the dinner you’re preparing so he can tell you what needs to be add or taken out. he just overall feel alive again thank to your presence in his life.
roommate!dabi who has now entered the stage of denial of his feelings for you, dismissing them for family affection and trying to ignore the pang in his chest whenever he sees you talk with other guys, because it reminds him about how someday you will be leaving your house and that breaks his heart despite himself. which is why he now has even started to try shut his feelings for you, he had to, before they became too deep he had to get rid of them, for the sake of everyone.
roommate!dabi who nearly has an heart attack when he once came back home and was off to the bathroom but walked in on you wearing only your underwears, getting ready for a bath, and the blush that formed across your pretty face was illegal, doing things to him just like that. he had froze for a couple of seconds before gulping and adverting his eyes he apologised getting out closing the door behind him. he heard you mutter a timid “it’s okay...” and no, it was so not okay.
roommate!dabi who is trying hard to pretend that accident didn’t happen, but it did! and it was haunting his dreams in the worst way possible, because he has now started to dream of you and fuck it wasn’t a normal one. you were in those lace underwears you had on when he walked in, laying on his bed all flushed on your face, legs spreading, arms stretched out toward him, begging him to make love to you and he does. when he wakes up he’s sweating, a painful and throbbing boner inside his boxers that makes him let out a frustrated “tch...” before he’s pulling his dick out and starts to run quickly his hand long his shaft while thinking about you naked, taking him deep inside of you, moaning his name. he’s screwed.
roommate!dabi who has now come to accept the fact that he has fallen for you horrendously, to the point it makes him want to vomit, and there’s no way of changing that. not when you’re living under the same roof, seeing each others everyday.
roommate!dabi who’s pissed, to say the least, by how calm you are. acting like nothing happened, while he’s all bothered and having wet dreams about you every night, fucking his fist because of them. so he choosed that he was done being only the brother’s best friend and actually wants to make you fall for him as bad as he has fallen for you, mentally apologising to his best friend for how annoying he’s about to become.
roommate!dabi who has started to be subtly more touchy with you so to make his presence linger on you and make you long for his touch. running his fingers delicately through your hair to compliment an hairstyle; resting his arm long the back of the couch and leaving his hand drop over your shoulder caressing faintly the side of your neck with the back of his fingers; pressing against you with an hand resting on your waist whenever you’re reaching out for things that are put on high shelfs; offering massages to “ease up your tensed up muscles” where he squeezes gently your thighs, strokes slowly and sensually your hips before pushing down on your lower back smirking wolfishly when you unconsciously let out a satisfied whimper or when he brushes away crumbs of food from the corner of your mouth and licks or sucks them off his thumb afterwards.
roommate!dabi who has noticed how you’ve started to be more conscious of him after he has hold you close to him by the waist that time your foot slipped on the stair and had you nearly break your neck. the way your lips where an inch away from each others and he was staring intensely down at you with a cocky grin on, because he had told you to watch your steps, while you were looking at him surprised by his quick reflexes and blushing from the proximity of your faces, a shiver making your whole body tremble and dabi smirked. he indeed noticed.
roommate!dabi who is now amused over how jumpy and on the edge you’ve become around him. at the slightest contact you would jolt, blush and move away from him hurriedly, voice turning high pitched as you try to seem unbothered but failing because you’re trying to suppress whatever you were feeling right now, just like he was at the beginning. he had you exactly where he wanted you to be: going crazy over him.
roommate!dabi who has noticed how you oggle at him whenever he’s shirtless after a shower, go in daze whenever he speaks, demand more for his attention, get excited and happy over his genuine praises towards you or how you now sit closer to him to be as close as possible to his body. in response he just demonstrates his love and adoration towards you with every little touch, word, look, gesture and just completely dotes on you to win your heart over after making you overly conscious of his presence.
roommate!dabi who casually asks you if there’s anyone you’re interested in and smiles tenderly when he sees the adorable blush that takes over your face up to your ears. he just can’t, you’re way too good and he’s so fucking in love with you it burns his whole being from the inside. he rests his arms long the headrest of the couch, right behind you, and leans closer to your hear: “as for me, the one i love is you...” and he kisses your ear making you curl up while your heart is about to jump out from your ribcage, when you turn to look at the older his adoring expression melts you and the second later he has leaned in kissing you on the lips softly before licking your bottom one slightly to taste the waters. when you reciprocate his kiss he’s euphoric, his hand goes to your nape as he angles his face to the side accommodating your lips before putting his tongue in and messing your brain completely with a single kiss. when the two of you parted staring into each others eyes, he smiled excited at seeing your answer plastered all over your face. now you were screwed in two.
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marypaol · 4 months
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Tension in Potion-Making
Draco x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Insecurity, jealously, possessive personality, that’s all :)
Summary: Reader and Draco have been friends since early childhood, and something stirs between them when asked to make Amortentia.
Note: For the wonderful
I don’t know why I struggled writing this, I deleted so much with the ending and re-wrote a bunch of options. I didn’t know how you wanted angst involved and I’m sorry I didn’t put as much as probably desired. I hope you enjoy it anyways and thank you so much for requesting!
The girl couldn’t remember her life before Draco, like he was a person that was meant to enter her life and guide her towards the right direction. Or he just happened to join her life story and happened to impact it so much.
Whatever the reason may be he was always there, either lingering in the back of her mind or by her side to make snarky remarks or complaints. She was used to it by now, however, having dealt with his attitude for years on end that nothing was new to her. If only she could replay their life together like a movie film she would then take the time to recognize what she truly had. She was beyond grateful for the boy, he kept her sane and whenever someone dared to bother her they would quickly realize who they were messing with.
Their friendship was a linger in memory ever since then but it didn’t ever die, nor did it go back to the way it was. They were kids, little mindless kids that didn’t know that being friends who goofed around and shoved chocolate frogs in their mouths would have such an impact on their lives.
She wouldn’t change one thing about it though, oh Merlin no, because it wouldn’t prove the development they’ve had over the years. Development meaning lingering touches and long glances but nothing strong enough to confront each other about.
That was the way she felt until one day in which she thought would be normal. She didn’t expect not only to be sharing Potions with the Gryffindors, but to be making the most powerful love Potion in existence.
“This is ridiculous.” Draco muttered when Snape informed them.
“I don’t see the purpose of this stupid Potion anyway; it’s not like I’m going to smell anything.” He snarled. “Like how does the House Cup have a scent?”
She kept in her laugh, shaking her head. “No, Draco. It’s about love and your deepest attraction… showing your deepest desire for an unknown person…I wonder who I’m going to smell.” She said, not being able to help but think of the possibilities.
Draco scoffed at the dream-like tone she was using, looking over at her from his cutting board.
“You? Smelling anyone? Oh please, I doubt someone would even smell you.”
A normal person talking to Draco would be hurt, but she was used to the teasing and banter that practically flooded from his mouth like water so instead she slapped him on the arm and watched in satisfaction when he rubbed the spot.
“I’m serious; I bet you’re curious about who you’ll smell.” She said back.
Malfoy scoffed like it was the most ridiculous thing he ever heard, but what she didn’t know was that he was more curious than ever. Did all his wants, besides wanting to prove to his father that he’s worthy, come to the idea of someone understanding and loving him? Was there someone already out there and he was about to find out who? Just by leaning in and taking a soft sniff of this bubbling liquid that the cauldron beheld? Yet the smallest sniff would give the strongest scent, revealing who he desired most.
Draco scoffed again to get rid of the thoughts and to prove his point further on how silly it was.
“Me, a Malfoy, wondering who I smell. Stupid and absurd, really, I tell you.” He mumbled under his breath. “I’ll stick my nose in there and smell the copper of the House Cup, that’s for sure.”
He watched as she nudged some ingredients towards him so he could cut them, rolling her eyes at his behavior.
“Really? Your deepest attraction is a cup made of copper?” She tested, scooping something into the Potion, watching as it bubbled and smoked from the addition to the mix.
Draco seemed to be scoffing a lot that day, because that’s what he did just then.
“No, take a joke. Obviously I’ll be smelling my own scent because everyone’s desire for me will be so strong this whole room will be able to smell it.”
She couldn’t help but laugh a little. Draco scowled.
“You think it’s funny do you? The facts are funny now; every girl is drooling over me and it’s absolutely hilarious to think about.”
She shook off the laugh coming up her throat, composing herself.
“What if I don’t smell you?” She tested, watching for his reaction.
His eyes stopped on hers, looking at her face with such intensity that it made her sink into her feet a little. He eyed her up and down, silver orbs seeming to absorb her appearance.
“You better.” He said simply, but it sounded like a threat, vanishing the playful banter in the air that was previously present, replacing it with think fog and tension that surrounded itself between them.
“And why should I smell you?” She bravely asked, staring right back into his eyes. He made a chop with his knife that was harder compared to the others, staring at her harder than before.
“You’re mine, that’s why.”
Hope you liked it! 🫶🏻
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guillotinebypierre · 8 months
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Ryujin POV
If I was to try and describe what I was feeling, what I have been feeling every since this little affair started, this is what I'd choose. It is as if I had these cartoony angel and devil figures on my shoulders, criticising my every move and trying to sway me into rethinking my every step. On one side I knew what I wanted, I knew I wanted to stay loyal to my childhood sweetheart, leave all this idol bullshit behind and live somewhere quiet, have a nice and relaxed life but I knew it wasn't what I needed. I needed to be an idol, I needed to live this larger than life lifestyle, touring the world, singing and dancing and performing to my hearts desire day in day out. I knew I wanted [redacted] but I needed Y/n.
Nobody touched me like this. He was like a drug coursing through my veins, an unhealthy obsession, he was a constant high in my life, the personification of dopamine. He was the human equivalent of what I felt whenever I performed, he was my own private idol lifestyle, he was someone so unapologetically removed from anything related to the industry that it made me mad. He was an anchor, a way of ridding my stress, the build up of multiple weeks of training until I literally couldn't, the person who took care of me when I needed it.
He wasn't what I wanted, at least not originally, or maybe he was and I'm just delusional and trying to convince nobody but myself, but he is what I need.
This night started as they always do, with a simple phone call. Phone calls at two in the morning, normally not something anyone would want, but for us it was different. The past few months were getting to me, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't. But then again, after all these years of dealing with toxic bosses, annoying netizens who sit in their room the whole day and think they have the right to comment on anything and everything, I've learned how to push these things down and ignore them until I couldn't. The last two comebacks didn't go as planned. They still did well on the market, but internationally, people said some pretty messed up things. We also have a tour coming up, which meant that training was pushed to a max, no matter if we could handle it or not.
Y/n told me once that pressure was a privilege, or at least that's the thing I could make out after he fucked my brains out, rendering most of my senses useless for the rest of the night. He was incredibly understanding, I knew he had to have made some harsh experiences in his past, but I never pushed further. Even though I'd love to know more about him, about how he thinks, what he thinks, I couldn't. And that was a good thing. He took care of my needs, I took care of his, there was no need for feelings. Or thats what I keep telling myself. I know I don't- no I shouldn't want him. But I needed him.
Thats the second reason I called him tonight. Tonight my sleep was particularly bad. My mind clouded with the past failures and bad decisions I made, the promise I made to my childhood crush, that we'd stay in touch and eventually date, in my mind as I cursed myself to hell and back for falling for someone else. My bed felt empty, my heart felt empty. But my mind was crowded, full of his ridiculously handsome face. That smug grin that I could only get rid of by sitting on it, his stupidly perfect teeth that he used to tease my nipples, his incredibly muscular body that I stared at a bit too long, leading to his annoying teasing. His strong arms that held me close at all times, offering me comfort I never really got with anyone else.
I tried replacing him, I really tried, but it was like anyone and everyone was a lesser version of him, a cheap replacement, it was like going back down to economy after flying first class for the first time. They weren't what I needed, they were cheap replacements, I wanted to stop thinking about him, relying on him, but those attempts were futile in the end. I needed him.
My phone was completely charged and absent of any notifications. It was two in the morning, after all. My schedules for tomorrow were moved to another day, leaving me with a day of relaxing, but I knew I couldn't, not until I quenched this undying thirst for that stupid son of a bitch and his magical touch. It was like whenever I saw him I lost all motor function, like he had done a spell on me. If he wanted to, I'd be on the floor for him, doing things I'd never do for anyone else. And what makes it worse is that he knew what effect he had on me. What made it worse was that I've seen the way my members look at him, the way other idols look at him.
He works at a popular restaurant among the rich and famous of Seoul, a very luxurious one at that, even for rich people standards. One that offered plenty of privacy for all kinds of famous people. I've seen the way my fellow idols tipped him, the way they'd touch him and make advances. It irked me, especially because he went along with it every time, accepting the small pieces of paper with their numbers they'd slip him. God knows how many of my colleagues he has fucked by now.
I find myself questioning if Karina was able to make him cum like I did. If my unnies from Twice were able to take him as well as I did. If those aunties from Girl's Generation were even able to keep up with him. Like seriously, Taeyeon was over a decade older than him, theres no way he could go all out with her. I felt sick to my stomach thinking about how these whores would be moaning my man's name, but then I realised, he wasn't my man. And that's on me, I suppose. After all a relationship is what he wanted, but it wasn't what I needed. Or at least that's what I thought back then when he asked me. I proposed the idea of staying as fuck buddies, the casual booty call, but seeing how he interacted with women, most of which I'd fuck myself in a heartbeat, made the devil on my shoulder grow rigid and put some bad ideas in my mind.
He spoke to the phone, calling my name, leading me to question whether he had just picked up or if I had left him to talk to himself for god knows how long.
"Noona it's two in the morning, what do you want?", he asked in a raspy, deep voice that made my legs quiver.
"I want you.", I replied as I moved my fingers into my slightly wet panties subconsciously.
"Noona didn't we just fuck yesterday-"
"I don't care I just want you in me."
"But what about your members? Last time Yuna and Yeji almost broke your door in while complaining about the noise."
"We don't have any schedule tomorrow and they're heavy sleepers, they only woke up last time because we started before they fell asleep"
"Fine I'll see you in ten minutes"
"You'll be here in five or I won't give you any pussy for the rest of the year."
"I'll see you in five minutes."
He arrived quicker then he promised, probably due to the lack of cars, and thereby lack of traffic, outside at this time. We sneakily made our way into my room, trying to not alert anyone, before closing the door behind us and starting immediately. I smashed my lips against his as the familiar taste of his coconut flavoured lip balm made its way into my mouth, his minty fresh breath following soon as his hands roamed around my body. His lips moved in sync with mine, as if he was trying to take the friction from them. His large hands palmed my ass as he tried to finger my asshole, only to be stopped by a wall of an pink, crystal shaped buttplug.
"I've been wanting to try something new", I shyly said as his penetrating gaze landed on my face, looking me into my eyes.
"I can tell", he replied before smirking and capturing my lips again.
We moved backwards towards my bed as I fell back and layed there. My body sprawled out as he took in every bit of skin that I was showing. I felt a bit judged by his look, my body heating up and cheeks forming a small blush as I looked everywhere but his face. My mind, however, went numb as soon as I felt the all too familiar feeling of his hot tongue pressing against my center. His wet muscle expertly moved around, licking and slurping my juiced while his thumb circled around my clit and his fingers curled inside of my pussy. My eyes rolled back as I felt the first of presumably many orgasms approach me. Nobody knew how to touch me like this. I looked down at him, his gaze meeting mine as he stared into my eyes while eating me out, his intense look intensifying the pleasure, pushing me over the edge as my hands grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and pressed his mouth harder against my body. I squirted onto his face, the warm and sticky liquid drenching his entire upper body as he simply opened his mouth and trues catching as much of my juices in his mouth as possible.
Breathing became hard, my vision became blurry as I felt the devil on my shoulder overpowering the angel, putting bad thoughts into my head, telling me to tell my childhood friend to fuck off and let me live my life. Y/n wasn't like anyone else. Everyone was a 'want' but he was a need. And he continued proving that to me every single time we spent time together.
I looked at Ryujin, her flushed face being lit so beautifully by the moonlight. A cool breeze ran through her room, subconsciously making me shudder as the thought of a possible relationship with her shook me to my core. I was hurt by being turned down, hell who wouldn't be hurt by that, but I guess I wasn't what she wanted.
My life had been a rollercoaster of experiences. When I finished studying culinary arts I didn't expect myself to be working for celebrities all the time, nor did I expect to work in South Korea in the first place. The job was good, though. It paid well, the tips I received were more than friendly and the company was nice. I never thought that I'd become some kind of player but after Ryujin turned me down I sought love in other places, in other people. Deep down I knew there was no place for Ryujin in my heart, at least not anymore. That place belonged to Jimin, or Momo and Mina, or Taeyeon depending on the night, but I just couldn't see myself in a scenario where Ryujin wasn't close by.
The idea of telling her that I didn't want to be 'just' her booty call and borderline sex toy anymore crossed my mind every so often, but that thought was thrown out the window again every time I saw her like this, naked, heavy breathing, flustered and soft under my touch.
When I was woken up from that call I knew it was a bad idea. I knew I should've just ignored it and continued sleeping, coming up with literally any excuse as to why I didn't pick up. But my heart didn't allow that. Much like staying away from sweets during a diet, like quitting smoking or drinking after doing it for so long, I wasn't able to. I craved for her sweetness, I desired the dopamine that was synthesised every single time I saw her smile, stroked her hair while she laid on my chest and vented about the stress she had to suffer from. I was an addict and Ryujin was my drug.
I slowly stood up from my kneeling position, the corners of my mouth dripping with her cum as I licked it clean as well as I could. I ditched my shirt, throwing it somewhere in the corner of Ryujin's room, where it would probably would stay as she was keen to steal my stuff. The light wind, courtesy of the open windows passed by my back, making the hairs on my arm stand up. Although the distant noises of the city could be heard, the room was quiet. Heavy breathing was the only thing anyone could register as Ryujin tried calming herself from her high. In moments like these the devil on my shoulder whispered in my ear, telling me that I should try seducing Ryujin into a relationship, but I knew better, I knew not to hurt myself with ridiculous expectations and delusional ideas.
My brain tried figuring out whether or not any of her members heard her scream just now, as the sudden sounds of metal clashing against each other ripped me out of my train of thought. I looked down and saw a dazed Ryujin fighting my belt for access into my underwear, her senses still a bit cloudy from her high just mere moments ago. A few seconds later, she managed to unbuckle it and in one swift motion threw my pants and boxers onto the ground, my large member smacking her in the face as I kicked both pieces of clothing left on my body away.
According to her, I was the largest she had ever seen. Ryujin never told me, but I knew she had other partners. It was obvious that we both knew that we weren't meant for each other, we both knew falling for each other would be a mistake, but something pulled us together. I always cursed at god for making me feel these one sided, unreciprocated feelings for her, as I thought this was a cruel, sick prank pulled by the one above us as a way of punishing me for not going to church that often anymore but whether I liked it or not, it didn't change anything.
Ryujin, once again took me out of my mental dilemma as she started stroking my dick, her fingers brushing against the tip, spreading my precum around the member, using it as lubricant. She looked up at me, a small blush still on her cheeks while her mouth curved into a smirk, followed by a lip bite. Her left hand soon joined in pleasuring me as she started fondling my balls before, finally, taking my cock into her mouth.
Her throat felt tight, wet and hot. Her tongue brushed across my base, stopping only to lick the tip as she played with the slit on my head. Her throat muscles worked around my shaft as her head continued going down inch by inch, desperate to throat everything and reach the base. I grabbed her hair, making a makeshift pony tail as to keep the hair out of her face. The formerly silent room was now filled with wet slurping noises and gagging sounds as she impaled her face on my crotch.
I closed my eyes in pleasure as my hips started moving on their own, fucking into Ryujin's throat, reaching as deep as she could take, before I slowly backed up and allowed her to breathe. Ryujin gasped for air, her saliva connecting her lips with my dick in a long string of spit. Her chin was soaked, spit and precum dripping down it and onto her sheets. Ryujin practically pulled me into her as she formed a tight vacuum around my dick, blowing bubbles at the tip before going back down and deep throating as much as she could fit.
The oral pleasure continued for a while, my climax nowhere near close but making itself known before I pulled myself out of her and told her to lay down with her legs spread. Ryujin looked me in the eyes hungrily, for the first time this night without blushing at the mere sight of me, indicating that she had reached the 'zone', a state in which one is focused on nothing but the task at hand. Her body was godly, something straight out of a painting, often making me question whether or not she was real, a feeling I felt every time I saw an idol up close.
Her pussy was soaked, a small bush visible, wet from a mixture of her arousal and my own saliva from before. Her nipples were erect, her chest rising and falling as she looked at me in anticipation. Her hair clung to her forehead as sweat glistened on her body.
"Are you going to stare at me the whole time or will you start fucking me soon?", she asked annoyed.
I rolled my eyes at her antics. I knew she didn't mean that. She had told me before that she appreciated it greatly how obviously I thought she was gorgeous. Ryujin had a hard time in the beginning of her career due to the ridiculous beauty standards in that field and the entitled and obnoxious netizens. She had always looked great, and I admired her ever since she debuted and we got to know each other, but she still got harassed online because of her looks. I remember last year, in the night of their 'Loco' release, she called me crying, in fear of what people would say about her. To me, that night will always stay close to my heart. We didn't have sex that night. I didn't want to. It felt wrong, like I was abusing her vulnerability. I think that that night changed everything about us.
I leaned down, kissing her as I knew this was the only way of shutting her up. My hands rubbed her inner thighs, kneading the soft flesh before aligning my cock and pushing inside her. Her pussy stretched around my member, her eyes rolling back as her body became even more flushed than it was before. Her chest started rising and falling faster as she adapted to the new feeling. Ryujin wrapped her legs around my torso and her hands around my neck as I felt her lips kissing and sucking my neck and collarbone. I thrusted into her, reaching as deep as I could inside her pussy as her moans grew louder and louder, to the point where, no matter how heavy of a sleeper her members were, I'm sure they'd wake up.
The sounds of cars honking and drunk adults shouting was now entirely blended out as Ryujin's room filled with mewls and groans of our names, the former being much louder than the ladder. Skin slapped against each other, wet squelching noises being produced as my dick slid in and out of her soaked womanhood, her nails digging into my back as she searched for anything to hold on to. Ryujin threw her head back into the pillows to the point where it looked like she was trying to disappear inside them. Her legs shook before becoming jelly as her mouth hung open and her screams grew louder. She tightened her grip around me as her walls contracted around my cock, milking me dry another orgasm hit her.
With one last cry she pushed my head into her shoulder and moaned my name into my ear as her juices sprayed all over my torso and the sheets of her bed. My hips never stopped moving as I felt my own high coming soon. I burrier myself deep as I felt her tap my shoulder, indicating that I should pull out. My thrusts grew sloppy and less consistent as the thought of leaving this comforting warmth broke through my mind like a sledgehammer, before I ultimately pulled out and stroked myself for the last few seconds, erupting in a sea of semen, coating Ryujin's toned stomach, her breasts and nipples and her face.
I fell back onto my ass as I tried catching my breath, sweat dripping down my forehead as I felt a pair of eyes on my frame.
3rd Person POV
Ryujin slowly stood up, her legs having little to no energy left in them as she scooped up the cum from her body and put it into her mouth. Her breathing was still heavy, uncontrolled, but as was her lust. Her needs weren't satisfied, her frustration with the situation she had put herself in wasn't gone and as weren't her feelings. Ryujin looked at Y/n, like a predator would look at its prey, even though their dynamic was more like predator and weaker predator, and slowly crawled towards him.
"You can still go, right?"
"You did say you wanted to try something new", he responded as his arms wrapped around her body, playing with her the outside of the diamond shaped plug inside her asshole.
He slowly pulled at it, before pushing it back in, teasing her and making her anticipation rise. Every time she felt him pulling at her plug her breath hitched, yet he never fully committed to it until finally, with a satisfying *pop* she felt her puckered hole feel a lot less full.
She looked at Y/n as he examined the pink diamond shaped object in his hand before throwing it to the side and kissing Ryujin again, this time with much more vigor.
The pair fell back onto the bed, their hands exploring each others bodies for what felt like the fiftieth time this night. Y/n's lips traveled across her body, leaving marks in every area he knew she would hide on stage as Ryujin's breathy voice called out to him.
"Y-Y/n. There's a- mHm bottle of lube in the fIRST drawer AHH"
Y/n's left arm roamed around the drawer until finding the small bottle of neutral scented lube.
"Turn around", he told her, completely neglecting any kind of honorific towards his elder.
Ryunjin did as told without opening her mouth, pushing her head into her pillows, arching her back and putting her ass up, swaying it lightly as if she was teasing Y/n.
Y/n took in the view in front of him, her glistening pussy, dripping in arousal, the cum from before still on her lower stomach, her asshole clenching as if it was trying to suck him in. He leaned down, sticking his tongue out as he licked around her asshole making the hairs on Ryujin's body stand up from the new sensation. His hands spread her ass cheeks apart as he dove in, eating her out and lubricating with his saliva.
Ryujin's moans grew loader as the new sensation befell her, Y/n's tongue doing wonders on her as she pushed her head deeper into the pillow and her ass harder against Y/n's awaiting tongue.
After a few minutes of oral pleasure he stopped, the warm feeling of his wet tongue being replaced by cold lube which he spread around her asshole before taking two fingers and sliding them in, spreading it and stretching Ryujin's unused hole even more. He took a generous amount of the same lube and put it on his hard member, spreading it by giving it a few strokes before aligning it between her ass cheeks and slowly inserting himself.
The feeling was different to her other two holes. It was tighter, rougher and warmer. It was almost suffocating, as if it was quite literally sucking him in and keeping him there. Ryujin shuddered as she felt herself stuffed to a degree unknown to her up to that point. She bit the pillowcases as to not scream in pleasure, her knuckles turning white as she held onto the sheets tightly.
They stayed in that position for a while, Y/n giving his lover enough time to get adjusted to the feeling before slowly thrusting in and out of her. He threw his head back in pleasure as Ryujin's tight hole sucked him dry, using any kind of self control he had to not cum inside her immediately.
Y/n, not wanting to reach his climax first, decided to play unfairly. He grabbed Ryujin's hair, making her look up at him as he thrusted into her. He kissed her, her eyes being shut closely as pleasure overtook her. His other hand slapped her ass cheeks, altering between the two, leaving both of them red with his hand print on them. He soon switched tactics, letting Ryujin's head fall into her pillow and instead using one hand to stimulate her pussy. His fingers trailed around her labia, teasing her, before sticking them in, penetrating her from two ends at the same time. In the meantime, his thumb circled around her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body.
All of this stimulation soon culminated into her high, the biggest one for the night, as she screamed in a volume that surely had woken up at least one person, her pussy spraying what had to be the equivalent of a small waterfall of cum onto the now completely soaked through sheets under them. Her body collapsed and fell down onto the bed as her legs trembled and her eyes kept shut.
Y/n continued thrusting into her, now in a prone bone position. He was satisfied with his work and now allowed himself to cum. He continued thrusting, deep and hard, his member pulsating with each passing second before finally exploding in a wave of long, thick, hot and sticky spurts of sperm, painting and coating the entirety of Ryujin's insides white.
He held himself above her for a few seconds, unloading everything he had, before his arms gave up and he fell down next to her, his cock slick due to a mixture of their cum and the lube.
He was a mess, his hair completely all over the place, his body sticky with residue of Ryujin's cum and his sweat, his back full of marks caused by Ryujin's nails and his neck and chest full of hickeys.
Ryujin herself was even more of a mess. A pool of thick cum seeping out of her asshole and onto her thighs, her pussy and asscheeks red and beaten up, her body equally as sticky and sweaty and her chest full of hickeys.
The pair caught their breath as Ryujin used whatever strength was left inside her and made her way onto her lover's chest. The two stayed in that position for a while, not saying anything, just listening to each other's heartbeats.
It was as if time had stopped. I looked at her sleeping figure and smiled to myself. It was a bittersweet feeling. My heart longed for something more than whatever we were having, but I knew it wasn't possible. I sighed as I stood up, quietly as to not wake her up. I put my clothes on in silence, going to her drawer and taking out a small piece of paper. I wrote a note on it, explaining where I'd gone to, and kissed her on her forehead, leaving afterwards. It was probably better that way.
Dear Ryujin,
I apologise for not staying the night, noona, but I have work in the morning and I'm sure you'd rather rest in an empty bed than one where I'd take up most of the space. I put as much as I could into the washing machine but you still need to change the sheets. I've been thinking about our situationship for a long time and I now know that I can't do this anymore. I can't just stay friends with benefits. It's not what I need, nor is it what I want. I apologise again for doing it this way, but I think it's the easiest and least painful way to do it. I will always hold you close to my heart and I will always be glad to cater to your and your group's needs, but I can't stand the idea of having you and still not having you, if you know what I mean.
Love always,
I sighed as I exited the room, closing the door slowly behind me.
"You know the two of you really need how to learn to be quiet.", a voice called out to me.
"Jesus, Yeji noona, you scared the shit out of me"
"YOU woke me up like three times. Seriously there's no way your dick is that good."
"If not for Ryujin stealing you I'd have tried for myself but-"
"Yeji, me and Ryujin will not be seeing each other anymore.", I interrupted her.
"I should get going. Sorry for waking you up, I hope you have a good night, though."
As I opened the door I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body. My heart dropped as I thought this was Ryujin but my nose told me it was someone else.
"If you want to talk about it, I'm always here to listen to you, Y/n", Yeji said in a small voice.
"Thank you noona, I really appreciate it."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not right now, thank you."
"Thats fine. Just remember, whenever you need someone, I'll always be here, with open arms and open legs-"
"Love you too, noona. Stay safe and have a good night. I'll see you sometime at the restaurant.", I said while going out the door.
I made my way to my car, walking across the parking lot quickly. It was a cool night, a light breeze but nothing too serious. I opened the door and just sat there, starring into space and thinking about nothing in particular. I felt something drop on my lap and realised that I had been crying. Silent tears rolled down my face as I realised my biggest fear had come true.
My relationship with Ryujin was no more.
A small buzz from my pocket took me out of my frozen state as I went to check the notification. It was just Yeji texting me once again that she felt sorry for whatever happened and that she'd be there to listen to me.
I replied to her and just as I was about to close my phone, another message popped up.
>hey Y/nn~ I don't know if you're still up, I don't even know why I'm up myself but the preparations for my concert have just finished and I was thinking about you before going to sleep ;)
>are you free this weekend? I'd love to have you at my concert, I could get you backstage if you wanted to.
>there will be a lot of my old colleagues and other idols but I still feel like I'll perform better with your support.
>I can also give you a private show afterwards if you want, you know as a thank you for all the tasty meals you've given me in your restaurant and my bedroom ;)
>let me know if you have time, I'd love to have you there~
'hey noona, i'm still awake, can't sleep tonight haha.i'd love to be there and i actually don't have anything planned for this weekend. it'd be an honour to be backstage and support you from up close, you know how much i love you and your music. i was actually thinking about meeting up tomorrow, do you have time or is your schedule still busy from preparations and last minute rehearsals?'<
>I'm a bit busy tomorrow but you know I can always make time for you, handsome~
>just swing by the SM building tomorrow around 7ish and I'll have my manager pick you up and drive you to my place.
>see you tomorrow~
This woman will be the death of me.
to be continued
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AITA for breaking up with my boyfriend after uncovering his web of lies?
Ok. I’m going to try keep this as short as possible, and there’s some things I’ll keep out because I don’t want to accidentally reveal our identities. I (31, m) just broke up with my partner (35,m) of 3 years. We met on an app during Covid, and lived together for 2 and a half years of that. I truly loved him, he was a challenging person which sometimes led to fiery arguments that I hadn’t experienced in past relationships, but he also pushed me to feel more comfortable with confrontation and conflict which I needed. He was also really ambitious and supported my ambitions; I’ve had 3 promotions since we got together and I wouldn’t have dared to go for them if it hadn’t been for his encouragement. Basically, on the surface it all seemed really great.
That is until I discovered he had lied about his entire past - and some of his present. It all started when I stumbled across pics of “his home” online and discovered they were a museum (he claimed to be from a wealthy background). I asked him and he said it was to protect his family’s identity and swore there were no more lies.
I have never met his family, nor talked to them on the phone - they are in another country and he claimed they were old fashioned and wanted to meet in person, but Covid was in the way at first, and then his mum was unwell. After discovering the pictures were a lie, I started to really think about other stories he’d told me and what evidence I really had for them. The more I thought, the more I realised things didn’t add up.
A few examples: his mum and dad both apparently had high profile jobs but I couldn’t find anything about them online; he claimed to be from money but wouldn’t buy himself a car and borrowed mine; he claimed to have a brother my age but I couldn’t find any social media of his.
There was a lot more, but that was enough to make me question whether there were more lies. I asked him a few weeks later why I couldn’t find anything about his parents online, and asked to be introduced to his brother on social media. I told him that this felt like the most normal thing that would happen in relationships - I was very clear that I didn’t want to test him, I just wanted some contact with someone who knew him before I did. He said it wasn’t possible because he was more distant from his family than he’d led me to believe, due to childhood abuse that his parents had refused to acknowledge. I’m also a survivor of childhood abuse so this touched a nerve and the conversation shifted to me wanting to support him and make him know I believed him.
Anyway. Fast forward another two months and nothing has changed. Tonight, it came to a head in a discussion where he wanted to get rid of my favourite chair in order to make room for a new TV. I told him I wasn’t comfortable with this because I felt insecure in the relationship as nothing had been resolved. I went over my concerns again and suddenly his whole tone shifted. He asked if I was “ready for the truth” and asked me not to share it with anyone.
The truth turned out to be very different from everything he’d said over the past 3 years. Whether it is the truth, I don’t know, but he claimed that his mum was actually a drug addict and he hadn’t known his dad until he was 18, he was removed by child services at 14 and the character he created as his mum to me was based on the woman he lived with during that time. He never studied abroad as he had first claimed, and a whole load of other lies. The worst lie was that his mum had cancer - the reason why we couldn’t visit because she didn’t want him to see her while she was weak (this made sense with the strong character her created for her). It turns out apparently the woman who took him in died from cancer when he was 18 and he based it on that. Now, I don’t even know how much of this is true, but it feels closer to the truth than the original stories. The thing is, he’s cried on me about his mums cancer, and he’s told my mum about it (a cancer survivor), and regularly talks about it in detail. In fact, all his stories have had incredible detail - which is what made us all believe them.
Now, here’s where I may be the arsehole. After he confessed all of this, I said I can’t be in a relationship with him because I can’t trust him. But he took a big step in admitting it all to me and he’s clearly very unwell if he is lying on this scale. He clearly has had a traumatic past and he told me that his lies were because any time he opens up to people about his past he loses them. I worry that by breaking up with him, I’m reinforcing this cycle where he feels he has to lie to be loved. The thing is - none of what he told me in any of this was the reason why I love him. I didn’t care where he came from, or his claims of wealth, etc. I just liked who he was as a person. I really feel torn because on the one hand he is clearly in need of help, stability and love in order to heal himself so that he doesn’t feel the need to lie. On the other hand, I can’t foresee being able to trust him in the near future. So, AITA for breaking up with someone who is so desperately in need of love and support?
What are these acronyms?
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spicyllewyn · 8 months
Kinktober 5. - Pregnant / lactation.
Will Dempsey x F!Reader.
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Tags & warnings. Pregnancy + lactation. (+18)
As you all know I hate Will for no real reason, this is my peace offering to a fictional character, lol.
Word count. 2K
Summary. You love babying him.
Kinktober masterlist.
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Pregnancy was becoming unbearable at times; you felt heavy, your feet ached even after just a few steps around the house, and sleeping at night was turning into a daily battle. Fortunately, there was no doubt in your mind that you had chosen the right life partner.
The only thing keeping you sane right now was Will and how he went out of his way to make you happy and make this whole thing more bearable.
You always joked with him, saying that anyway, all of this was his fault, so the least he could do for you was to fulfill your cravings and massage your shoulders until you fell asleep.
Oh, and that pillow with a hole in the center that allowed you to lie face down.
"I miss my pillow," you murmured in a low tone as you remembered it. You closed the door behind you slowly.
Will's room was just as he had left it several years ago when he left home for college, where he met you. Nonetheless, you wandered around with curiosity, looking at his movie posters that perhaps only he had seen, and the occasional Lego figure that you doubted he would let his future child touch someday.
"I told you we could come up with some excuse."
"Every time you suggest we make up an excuse, it has to do with pretending that one of us died," you rolled your eyes. "Your parents are not believing it for more than two times in a row." When you had 4 walls around you for privacy, your hands went to the hem of your shirt, getting rid of it, clearly tired of wearing any type of clothing.
Will watched you from the bed, as if you were giving him a personal show. His eyes roaming over your bare skin, always lingering a few extra seconds on your breasts before looking up again and pretending that the lack of sex wasn't killing him.
You were both too introverted to simply ask at gynecologist appointments, “Hey, is it wise to have uncontrolled sex against some furniture at this point in pregnancy?” so you just assumed the answer was no.
“Did you do something to your hair?”
You frowned at his question.
“I'm serious, I notice something different about you.”
One of his pillows landed right in his face, making him laugh. You already knew that joke too well.
“Yes, idiot, I'm pregnant.” The mattress squeaked as you lay down, only wearing your loose pants and the sports bra that had become your best friend a few days ago because it turns out that your normal bras decided they didn't want to close anymore eventually.
That was the only piece of fabric that kept your tits in place, tight and comfortable. It was also a headache for Will.
The changes that pregnancy had made in your body never ceased to amaze him even though he had analyzed each one for hours as the months passed. There was the obvious, that completely new sparkle in your eyes, your cheeks flushed 24/7 and your skin seemed to be glowing more than ever.
But on the other hand there were the things that made him fantasize about the nights he stayed on the couch fucking his own hand to try to control the impulses that attacked him more times than he would like lately. Your hips became wider, your thighs were softer but oh, his favorite part was definitely your breasts.
Round, full, hard, delicious.
You were complaining about pain recently and he didn't know if that was a sign that he should help you in some way or just not touch you and wait patiently for the pain to go away in a few weeks when the baby was born.
“Did you know…” He murmured, taking his eyes off his phone for a few seconds to look at you. You did the same.
Lying together to chat or just watch stupid videos on your phones had become routine when the pain in your back kept you from sleeping or when you took too many naps throughout the day and all your energy was reserved for the night.
Yes, Will stayed up with you each and every one of those times.
"Did I know what?"
“Did you know that there are freaks who like milk?”
You frowned.
“I like milk, what's so strange about it?”
He rolled his eyes with a small smile.
“Breast milk, I mean.”
“Oh…” Needless to say, you already knew that the father of your future baby was… peculiar. He had perfectly mastered the act of bringing up the strangest topics of conversation lately. You shrugged. “It doesn't seem that strange to me.”
"No?" If your gaze hadn't returned to your phone you would have noticed the mischievous glint on his eyes.
You had taken the bait.
“No, I mean.” There you went, to reason with the madman, always engrossed in his midnight talks. “You used to suck on my boobs all the time, do you mean you wouldn't do it anymore if there was milk involved? Not to mention that you are addicted to eating me out, it wouldn't be the first time you drink some liquid from my body.”
“Mhm.” He pretended to consider your response before nodding slowly, agreeing with you. The truth is that Will had considered the possibility since he had noticed the circular stains that suddenly began to appear on your shirts. “You have a point.”
"See?" You felt triumphant to think that you had changed his way of thinking. Your gaze returned to your phone and you took the topic for granted.
“Though I don't understand how anyone could be sexually attracted to that.”
You looked up again.
“Are you kidding?”
“Of course not, don't you think it's strange?”
You rolled your eyes, finally lowering your phone and placing it on the cabinet next to you so you could face him.
"Do you want to try?"
"What?" He played dumb and you fell into his trap again.
"Do you want to try? I will show you that there is nothing strange about it.”
He again pretended to consider your proposal and with his lower lip trapped between his teeth he nodded slowly.
"Good." He also put his phone aside, sitting up in bed as if considering which position was best to settle into. His pupils dilated when he saw you take off your top.
He had been trying for a long time not to stare at your completely naked breasts or else we wasn't going to be able to control himself anymore. Your nipples were always hard, occasionally with a drop or two of milk running through them, so sensitive and delicious.
You looked at him, clearing your throat to get his attention.
"Take off your shirt." Your voice sounded like an order.
He obediently did so. His tanned skin making your mouth water and making your cheeks blush even more than usual. You were a hormonal mess a long time ago.
“How should I…?”
“Just lay your head here.” You pointed to the hill where your pregnant belly began, just below your breasts.
“But, I don't want to hurt-”
“You're not going to hurt me, Will.” Your voice came out in frustration as you gave two small taps to the area you had pointed out before. He hesitated a little before taking his place there, the weight of his head and part of his body was not uncomfortable, on the contrary, his body heat felt stupidly good.
Skin to skin contact was something you wouldn't trade for a million dollars.
“You look so pretty like this.” You whispered in a low, loving voice. A dopey smile on your face when you had the chance to see him from a completely new angle.
His huge eyes were fixed on you, he had to look up so he could fix his gaze on you while you looked down. Your fingers gently ran through his hair, a while ago you had noticed that his curls became more noticeable when his hair was a little longer than usual.
“Go on.” You cooed while he licked his lips.
You didn't have to ask twice, Will settled into his spot and took part of your breast into his mouth, pressing his tongue against your hard, sensitive nipple.
A shiver ran down your spine, resulting in a wave of pleasure directly between your legs. A delicious heat pooling on your lower abdomen.
He for his part moaned against your skin. You tasted so sweet.
“T-That's it.” You encouraged him with blushing cheeks. “Just like that, baby.”
It didn't take him long to pick up the pace he wanted, you could hear him gulp and suck, over and over again while your trembling hands ran through his hair slowly, comforting him.
You knew how much he was enjoying it when you saw him close his eyes. A couple of drops running down the edge of his lips.
“You taste so fucking good.” It was the only thing he stammered before going back to his job. He rested the weight of his body on you a little more and you didn't complain, you missed having him on you so much, caging you against any surface that he found and his body.
He raised a hand, his fingers squeezing your breast as if he wanted to squeeze out every last drop. His cock twitched under his baggy pants and you at the same time squeezed your legs together, your slick already making your underwear wet and sticky.
“Do you like it, baby?” Your voice was breathy.
It was incredible how your bodies began to react as if you were a pair of desperate teenagers, seeking relief in any friction you might have with each other.
“Help me with t-the other one, yeah? Please?" You begged when you could finally feel some kind of relief on your tit, it was no longer hard and swollen. All this time you had only needed this? If you had known before.
He looked up with dilated pupils, licking his lips with heavy breathing.
"Please." You whispered once more, your fingers giving his hair a light tug that snapped him out of the spell you seemed to have placed on him with just a few gulps of warm milk.
You gave him a push with your hand and he obeyed, tracing exactly four circles around your right nipple before leaning down again and taking it into his mouth. Now that he was almost face down to reach the other side his hips began a slow rocking motion against the bed.
You, meanwhile, squeezed your legs together, your soft thighs giving you a bit of relief that made you whimper.
“Such a good boy.” You closed your eyes, your chest rising and falling rapidly, finding it impossible to calm the rhythm of your breathing. Eventually you understood that it wasn't just the sensitivity of your body, it was the situation.
Your sweet voice praising him, listening to the way he swallowed and the way he whimpered desperately just from the pleasure that sucking on your tit gave him.
You were no longer hiding the clumsy movements of your hips, nor was he the way he pretended to be fucking the mattress. His sensitive cock throbing every time he rubbed against his favorite blanket.
The friction was giving delicious warmth to his needy erection and your milk was doing the same to his entire body. Warm and delicious running through his throat.
Your thrusts were making the mattress creak under your bodies although you didn't last more than a couple of seconds longer. Abstinence was your best excuse to explain why something like this had led you to have one of the most delicious orgasms of your entire relationship.
It was definitely not what you had done per se, right?
When he pushed himself up so he could kiss you you could taste the milk and his saliva combined. You understood well why the taste had driven him crazy.
“See?” You whispered against his lips. “Not weird at all.”
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Tag list. @ninebluehearts @shousha133 @unear7hly @onefinnedwonder-fm @automnepoet @lokisremainingsanity @uncle-eggy @just-a-nightdreamer @spktrgantenk @chinglewingledingledong @queerponcho @faretheeoscar @spideyman-peter
Remember to comment if you want to be on the kinktober tag list!! <3
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