#(anyways i’m gonna go eat & think on it. should be here afterwards. sooo much love mwah mwah <3)
antihcroes · 1 year
it’s the way i would lowkey love to post a promo but i also am enjoying being all kind of hidden away in a sense & not heavily promo-ing myself … but i also missing posting promos …
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ducksisthebest · 3 years
2021 EoA Discord Ship Appreciation Week Day 7: Anything Goes | Continuing from Day 3: Childhood AU
A/N - Welp, might as well add another chapter going along with Day 3 since most -- cough EoA server cough -- loved it so much. Including myself x), little Elena and Mateo is soo cute!! Anyways... enjoy!! ;> | ~ Ducks ~
Walking back with freshly made chocolates from Princess Elena's abuela, Luisa, Mateo finally reached his house. Knocking on the door with a smile brighter than before, Rafa opened the door and smiled warmly at her son.
"Come in mijo! Want to make chicken mole with me?" Rafa requested, knowing Mateo liked to help in anyway he can.
Mateo's smile only grew, "Yes mami! And guess what!"
Rafa got out the ingredients before responding, "Yes Mateo?"
"I met Princess Elena, her grandmother Luisa, and Queen Lucia!! Also her cousin Esteban." Mateo was practically bouncing out of his seat in excitement.
"Yes! And they're very kind, I'm also Princess Elena's best friend!!" Mateo couldn't help it and jumped out of his seat, bouncing all around the kitchen.
Rafa shook her head at Mateo's never-ending energy but was glad to see him happier as ever. She knew he was having a hard time with the other kids at school from the bruises, but he'd always hid them. She managed to help heal the bruises on Mateo with some special oils and lots of hugs and kisses.
"That's great mijo! Now please sit down or you might hurt yourself" she said sternly, yet gently.
"Yes mami" Mateo said with a sheepish smile and helped Rafa make dinner.
That night, Mateo had plans after he got ouot of school, he was going to see Elena again and talk more about himself. Maybe she'll talk more about herself too. As hours past, Rafa got up early as usual to wake up Mateo and get breakfast ready. Changing out of his pajamas, he walked down the stairs to find his mami cooking, he could barely keep up with her as she multi-tasked between cooking and cleaning.
"Buenas dias mijo, eat your breakfast and off you go to school okay?" Rafa called out.
Mateo sat down and started eating, "Buenas dias mami, and okay."
Right. Time for school, Mateo thought with a small frown. He knew he might get bullied again but it won't stop him from getting good grades, and especially from him getting to Elena. After walking on school grounds for a while, he met Naomi at the school gates.
"Hey Mateo! How are you?" Naomi asked while leaning on a nearby tree.
"I'm good Naomi! How are you?"
"FIne. Now come on! We're not getting late for class." Naomi took Mateo's hand and led him over to their classroom.
Just then, he could've swore he saw something red pass the gate's entrance but when he blinked, it was gone. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he went back to paying attention to the teacher.
"Come on Mateo! Let's go before those big kids get you!" Naomi said with concern.
Mateo didn't wait a second more as he ran out through the gates with Naomi just when the big kids came out through the principle's doors with their hands in their pockets.
"That-" Mateo took a breath before continuing, "That was too close."
"Yea, so where you off to now?"
"Oh! I didn't tell you yet, I met Princess Elena and I'm her best friend!"
"Woah, didn't expect that but that's so cool! Think we can see her?" Naomi asked as she smirked a little at his over excitement for the Avaloran Princess.
Mateo took off running with Naomi not that far behind, "Yea! I was gonna meet her today after school, I left my mami a note so we should be good."
Finally reaching to the chocolate shop where they no doubt found Elena, Esteban, and baby Isabel in the shade underneath the trees. Elena sat up and stretched lazily, before opening her eyes to see Mateo.
"Hey Mateo!" Elena called out with a dazzling smile.
"Hey!" Mateo called back.
Naomi watched the spectacle and smiled knowingly.
"Who's that?" Elena asked while looking at Naomi.
"Oh! This is Naomi, she's my best friend at school."
"Hi Elena."
Elena stood up and hugged Mateo then Naomi. The two of them returned the embrace, Mateo looked towards a sleeping Esteban and little Isabel.
"So what are you guys doing here?" Elena asked.
Mateo rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as he replied, "I came to see you again so we get to know each other a bit more."
Elena felt that familiar tingly feeling and nodded, not trusting her voice at the moment.
"Are we going to sit here with you guys or go inside?" Naomi asked Elena, eyeing the tables inside the chocolate shop.
Following her gaze, Elena responded with a playful poke at Mateo's nose. "We may my friends! Esteban, I'm gonna take Isabel from you now."
Esteban groaned in acknowledgement before Elena carried her little sister up. "Follow me, I'll take you inside."
With that in mind, the three of them walked inside and sat down at the nearest table, with Mateo and Naomi on one side and Elena with Isabel just beside them.
"Anyways, what are we gonna talk about first?" Elena asked.
Mateo looked thoughtful before answering, "Maybe some questions that we have for one another?"
"Sure" Naomi and Elena said in unison.
Naomi started it off with, "Do you have a 'thing' for Elena Mateo?"
"N-No?" Mateo said with a blush to which he hid by lowering his head onto the table.
Elena looked curiously at Mateo before asking her own question, "What's your favorite thing to do Naomi?"
"I like to tease Mateo" she said teasingly before adding, "And helping my friends out."
"That's nice" Elena said, her gaze turned to Mateo's chestnut curls once again. Before she could realize what she was doing, Naomi's voice stopped her from whatever she was doing.
"What are you doing Elena?" Naomi questioned as she eyed Elena's hand going towards Mateo's hair.
"Nothing" Elena said quickly and redrew her hand back to her lap.
Naomi peered at Elena closely before dropping the subject and went back to playing with baby Isabel. Elena's face felt hot from embarrassment at being caught but calmed instantly when Mateo found her hand and squeezed it comfortingly. Elena gave his hand a squeeze in thanks.
"Uh, I'll bring Isabel to your abuela since uh, Isabel is crying." Naomi said as she tried to make Isabel stop crying with a few rocks back and forth.
"My abuela is in the kitchen, you can bring her there and come back." Elena said.
"Ok" Naomi carried Isabel up carefully and walked into the kitchen.
'Ok, now's my chance' Elena thought as she brought her free hand and laid it flat on Mateo's hair.
"Are you doing it again Elena?" Mateo said sleepily.
"Yep! I can't help it! It's sooo soft!!" Elena giggled and took her hand out of Mateo's, as much as she wanted it to stay, and placed both of her hands on Mateo's curls.
"Mmm, okay Elena" Mateo responded as he occasionally shivered when Elena's fingers brushed his forehead.
It suddenly came to a pause when Naomi came back with a knowing smirk towards her two 'best friends'.
"Ahem." Naomi cleared her throat.
Elena and Mateo flinched as both of their gazes were locked on Naomi.
"What are you doing Elena? And with Mateo's hair?" Naomi asked with her arms across her chest.
Elena blushed, "Um, playing with it? It's soo soft! You try it and see what happens."
Naomi shook her head and responded with a grin, "I don't think Mateo wants me to, I think he only wants your hands on it. Isn't that right Mateo?"
Mateo stayed silent but Elena was pretty sure he was blushing by his red ears.
"I'll take that as a yes" Naomi said as she walked out the door.
"Hey! Where are you going Naomi!?" Elena asked.
"To give you two some privacy!" Naomi shouted back.
Elena blushed in earnest this time before turning her gaze back to Mateo and her hand that happens to still be tangled in his brown chestnut curls.
"So uh, can I keep playing with your hair?" Elena asked, as if she ignored what happened just a few minutes ago.
"I don't mind Elena, your my best friend and the princess so who am I to deny the princess' request?" Mateo smiled sleepily at Elena and laid his head back on the table.
Elena's heart went off in a small gallop, only noting in mind of how close they really were. This time, instead of playing with his hair, she wrapped her arms comfortably around Mateo's waist and rested her head on his shoulder. She could feel Mateo straighten at the sudden embrace but wholeheartedly returned it. He wrapped his free arm around her shoulders and rested his head on hers. In Elena's mind, this was perfectly normal right? A normal best friend hug. But the way her heart skipped a beat every time he looks at her and touches her was one thing Elena didn't take into mind until now.
"Hey Mateo?" Elena said quietly.
"Mmm" Mateo hummed in response.
"Is this a normal best friend thing?"
Mateo thought about it, and said carefully, "Truthfully, I don't know. But I do know that I would gladly stand by you until the end and whatever you want me to be, a best friend or something more, I'll be any of them for you" Mateo paused, "And maybe the one for you to give hugs on." He teased afterwards, but the tone Mateo used was soothing. Though she should probably pay more attention to the situation rather than his voice and features.
"You mean that?" Elena asked, her heart clenching in a pleasant way.
Mateo gently brushed his fingers against her cheek as he said confidently, "Yes, every word."
Elena felt more adoration for this boy than anyone she's ever met, its like fate brought them together, or its just a turn of events that happened coincidentally. Leaning forward, she pressed a light kiss on his cheek, lingering just a bit longer before she moved back, grinning at his flushed face.
"Mmm, so that stays between us okay? And I'm talking about that kiss" Elena said lightly with a wink.
Mateo shook his head to clear his dreamy thoughts and nodded.
"So uh, what do we do now?" Mateo asked as he bumped his shoulder against hers affectionately.
Elena laughed lightly, grasping his hand in hers. "I don't know, how about a walk? Just you and I?"
"Sure!" Mateo got up and gave Elena his arm, to which she took with an extra nose boop on Mateo for an equal measure of affection.
"We're still best friends right?" Mateo asked.
Elena flashed Mateo her best smile, "Of course! Always."
'And maybe something more than just best friends' Elena thought with a light blush.
The two of them walked around the chocolate shop, talking with one another, occasionally poking each other playfully, just being the best of friends.
"Also, Elena?"
"Were you watching me while I was in class?" Mateo asked, peering closely at Elena.
Elena looked down and replied, "Uh, nooo?"
"Hmm, okay." Mateo said, pleased knowing for sure that it was her who came by.
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itsthebiiii · 4 years
A messy summary of Ikepri Yves’ route up to chapter 15
So I've reached the point in Yves' route where I could choose which ending route (? idk) to pick and lemme just say that it's been cute... up until chap 15-ish. Also I drained my wallet dry just to get the premium avatars and his povs because imma simp for Yves so RIP me I guess
Okay, so summaries mean spoilers so imma put them all under the cut for all yall who don't wanna get spoiled. I may or may not have missed some points (especially about the plot i’msosorry) and maybe I understood some things wrong so feel free to correct me (pls). This is SUPER messy so proceed with caution
So first of all.
I mean he gave me strong Jonah vibes at first, it’s still there but kinda... different?
On MC's first day at the castle, while she was strolling around, she notices Yves  watching her from behind a pillar wtf. When he's found out he was like "i-it's not like I was worried about you stfu" and afterwards he told MC that he's gonna keep an eye on her because he's not sure she’d do her job as Belle right but he says he's only doing it because he's doing his duty as a prince yea right
Later they bumped into Nokto who reminded MC about the Belle system (MC: dafuq is that???). After they explained all that Yves was like "yo you better not fall in love with me or else" and MC replied with "bruh if you ever steal my heart then I'm all yours for eternity" then Yves comes back with "if you ever steal mine then imma do the same. But i kid you not, that will NEVER happen" and they both laughed it off like it's nothing. Meanwhile Nokto's just listening from the side like "HA HA BET"
Anyway, part of Yves keeping an eye on MC means he'd spend some quality time™️ with her and him going to her room to wake her up 😂 also, he decided to show her around and tell her about the princes so she can get a grasp of them to see who is the most suitable to be the next King. So he gives her a memo pad to write their deets down on and she got to talk to everyone except Chevalier cuz that dude scary 😭 MC's feeling down because she really wanted to know what his plans are if he becomes King. Seeing this, Yves comforts her with a leFtOvEr piece of cake from dinner. MC goes on bout how being affected by this whole thing is a disgrace to her Belle title so she's determined to try again. Yves is impressed by this so he silently supports her. In the end, ye, MC got Chevalier to talk and all is well not
After all the introductions, our girl MC straight out tells Yves "Aye this is great and all, but you've never really told me about yourself fam" because ye, she got a point tho. He kept singing praises about the other princes but never really talked about himself
SO... he takes her out to town on a date the next day to show (yes, show) her, and while walking she notices that everyone they passed by whispered under their breaths about how Yves has such a doll-like face and all that. But that's not all...
They also whispered bout how they shouldn't go near Yves and his backstory is revealed: Yves has some Obsidian blood in him, and the Obsidian kingdom, let's say, have some beef that's as old as time with Rhodolite and the other kingdoms(??). Also his earring was given to him by his mother who is from Obsidian 🥺 But he doesn't hate her from what I've read so, there's that
SOOO ye. Everyone avoids him and spreads rumors bout him, he thinks everyone hates him but he doesn't give a fuck bout that. He says as long as he realizes his own self worth, all those don't matter to him. But MC notices that Yves hates himself more than anyone does. That he puts up this proud façade just to hide his real feelings. That before you can even ask him to spit it out, he's just gonna sweep all that aside with his 'idgaf' attitude. He also revealed that he plans to bring the Kloss family’s honor back if he becomes King. Oh, and he mentioned there may come a time when he’ll betray Rhodolite so... o.O
Returning from the date, MC bumps into Leon who decided to spill some tea bout why Yves actually wanted to keep an eye on her (I'm sorry but I kinda breezed through this part so this was all I could remember 🙇‍♀️). Then one day Leon and Licht (either or both of them, idk) told them Jin suddenly collapsed or smth, so they rushed to the kitchen and saw Jin looking weak as he laid on the floor. Yves was worried af, while MC just noticed how Leon and Licht were all chill bout the whole thing, so she realized they were clowning Yves lolol. Jin dramatically tells Yves how he would die if he weren't to eat some of Yves' sweets and Yves was like "??? U CLOWN you even got MC worried-- wdym you caught on??? Haaa!?" And they teased him loool. In the end, Yves bakes a cake for them, when MC notices that it looked like the leftover cake Yves gave her one time. MC asked Yves if it was and he was in full panic mode. Licht was like "leftover??? But whenever Yves bakes smth there are never leftovers 🤔" so Licht tells her that Yves might have baked it just for her, to which the latter denied lolol u tsun
Anyway, to get to know Yves more, MC spends more time with him, yada yada, all that stuff, until they go out to town again. There they notice a group of performers playing and she also notices how interested he was. She then asked him if he wanted to watch them, but Yves declined since he's worried he'll only ruin the mood (iirc he thinks of himself as a bad luck magnet of some sort?). MC manages to persuade him and after he plays, everyone is in awe and like "omg, Prince Yves is actually good :O" And for the first time, Yves felt like he actually belonged and wasn't feared by the Rhodolites.
Everything was cute and all until they get caught in the rain, yada yada, and when they get home they both get sick so Sariel tells them to rest up. Oh, and did I mention they SHARED A BED? No? Well, they did 😏
When Yves wakes up, he notices he's been hugging MC in his sleep and he's SHOOKETH. He then has a slight internal conflict bout why his heart is going doki doki with just hugging MC, then as if he's struck by lightning he's like "omg, I like MC???" When she wakes up he immediately sputters "i don't like u ok!!?!" Then he rushes out to go to the library and look up the meaning of love lololol then he finds they are all applicable to what he feels for MC. But he still denies it because of the stupid system 🙄 then he's found by Luke and gets teased 🤣
After the gathering, she runs to the kitchen and finds Yves there. He told her he spent the night preparing a whole FEAST for MC to reward her for going through all that shiz and MC immediately feels guilty so she cries. She tried to play it off like it’s nothing and the next thing she knew Yves was kissing her tears away. It was her turn to be SHOOKETH but before she could comprehend shit Yves remembered he forgot smth then zoomed out the kitchen. Once outside, he was in panic mode yet again because he didn’t mean to actually do that. He’s like “oh no I like MC I’m screwed”, but in the end, he thinks MC is the one in trouble because she’s liked by someone like him boi I can’t wait for him to see the light istg
After all that, MC is informed bout a gathering Rhodolite is to hold with Benitoite and Jade so she gets ready for that, and when the day comes she’s kinda nervous and stuff. Before going she bumps into Yves who decides to ease her nervousness by fixing her hair (ugh get you a man 💯) and they talk some more about him, how Yves put more effort into acting and looking like a prince to hide the fact that he’s actually 'defective goods’ or smth and through that he feels like he actually has some value. Then he cheers her up by returning the words she’d told him before and it works like a charm ❤ MC then learns that Yves won’t be going to the gathering because “no Obsidian peeps allowed” and since he’s half Obsidian... 🥺 She did promise to meet him at the kitchen once it’s over. Anyways, MC meets diff people, until some punk from Benitoite or Jade talks smack about Yves and comments how he should just be sent back to Obsidian. As much as this pissed her off, all she could do was be silent and wait for the convo to end.
Also, by the end of chap 15, some stuff happens that will actually get the plot moving lol
Aaaaand that’s that for chappies 1~15! I might make another one for the remaining half or when I finish an ending. If you made it this far, here's this leFtOvEr cake from Yves 🍰
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Love Rashad (2020)
To quote Love Simon “Everyone deserves a great love story”. Did I just have mine?
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For those who have seen the film Before Sunrise it is about these two people who meet up in Vienna and spend a whole day together and fall in love. Its a phenomenal film and highly recommend it.
I recently met a girl and spent two days together (kind of).
But how did this happen? Lets rewind the clock all the way back to March. Right after Covid was getting very serious and things were shutting down.
I made friend with a woman at Hertz named Ericka and we have been working next to each other for about a year and have bonded over food, places to see and we are kindred spirits. One day in March she said “Oh my God, you'd love my daughter Keiara. You guys have so much in common. You both love film and stuff. I’m gonna set you guys up”
A week later, I was put on leave due to Covid and was gone till about July. I didn’t think anything about it the entire time. a fleeting thought if you will.
When I returned in July I had completely forgot about it. But then August came around. And the thought of her daughter just came back to me randomly and I asked Ericka “Did your daughter ever come back or something?” in which she said. “She's actually driving here as we speak from Virginia” I’ll give her your number when she gets here. So I wrote my number on a post it and I left work.
I told my friend Julian that I wasn’t really expecting much because things with women does not normally go well for me cause I have been told I have
“No edge”
I’m “Too nice” or my personal favorite
“I just don’t get it”
So when it came to this I didn’t really put much hope into it. But a week passed and my phone was dry. No message, just dry, crackled and chapped. I was SICK.
But alas, the next weekend came and Ericka didn’t show up to work. So I just didn’t care. 
Monday: Chapter 1: Contact
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 *ring ring* a message came in from a number I did not recognize. 
It was her..
We began texting. We talked, movies and games and we set up a pizza date...
Tuesday: Chapter 2 Lit Pizza date
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We went to Lit Pizza and the date was cool, we ate and talked but she is a woman of few words but she is super opened minded and wiling to just go with the flow.
But I didn’t really wanna go on another date. It was nice, she was nice. Thats whats so crazy. Nothing was bad about the date,  it didn’t exactly rock my world. I realize when my energy isn’t matched It feels like I’m not connecting.
So I left. 
I called my friend Julian and filled him in on everything and told him I didn’t really wanna go out again. But he gave me the advice that I shouldn’t be so serious and just have fun. She's leaving anyway.
Then 2 hurricanes headed to Louisiana and we had really bad weather. So we couldn’t hang out again until Friday. The weather was better and I messaged her that we should have a picnic and maybe do a podcast and she was down with it.
Friday: Chapter 3: Picky eating and Second Dates
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I was tragically behind schedule because people are usually never punctual with me and she is so I had to rush and get ready but it was okay. I got dressed and called on Norma to give me a pep on how I shouldn't self sabotage this because I was definitely sprinting to that hill to back flip into an OCEAN of self sabotage. Its one of my favorite pass times✨
I met her at Walmart and got some snacks to eat in the park. We basically recorded our entire date and we talked about her military time and how different Louisiana is. She also said she's a picky eater, so I told her she needs to try pad thai because its AMAZING. Afterward we left because the park was closing and we didn’t wanna be locked in. I looked at the clock in my car and it was about 11:11 and I made a wish to go home because I was tired and had work. I dropped her off at her car and she said “Can I get a hug?” which I rolled my eyes at  (internally of course). 
This part makes me cringe because I M SO SHYY
We hugged and I said” this sucks you're going. I wish we had one more day.”
“Me too”
“Maybe we can tomorrow?”
“Yeah for sure. When I get off work?”
“I have to leave by 8 tomorrow.”
“No worries thats fine”
We agreed and hugged one more time and looked at each other. and I asked
“Can I kiss you?”
She said “F**k no*”
I’m kidding
she said yes and we kissed. It was so nice.
Saturday: Chapter 3: The Sunset Must Come
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I gave Keiara the address of where to meet at 6:00 and she didn’t respond. So I assumed it was canceled. I was upset but as soon as the clock struck 6:01, she texted and said she arrived. 
How Prompt. 
Weirdly enough Norma was going on a picnic today too with Ashley and she told me to take a pic. It was a beautiful sunset. Golden hour with some good food. It was amazing.
I got the Pad Thai and brought it. She said it was sooo good like..baby I know. After we ate we made out for like an hour or so. 
Afterwards we held hands and just laid down listening to some King Princess. 
A vibe.
It was 7:59 and i said. “Can we just have 10 more minutes. I don’t want you to go yet”
So we just laid and talked more.
8:15 came across the clock and there was an air of sadness because it was over and we had to part finally ways.
We got out the car. I had my arms around her wait. Hers around my shoulders. 
She said “We can still talk and stuff right? Maybe you'll be here when I get out the military in February.”
“For sure. I’ll see you when you I see”
A smile was exchanged and we had one final kiss and that was that.
Epilogue: And then it was gone...
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That night my phone went crazy and It wouldn’t turn on unless I did a factory reset. So there went the one photo I had of our picnic.This is all Normas fault.
Although there are no photos, the memories live in my head and on my skin.
Thats where it really matters in the end right?
If you made it to the end then...
Thanks for reading
//Sunburn// King Princess
//Lose My Way// One Brun & Dustin O’Halloran
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
twisted // colby brock - chapter five
A/N: sorry this is bit late but HOLY SHIT DO THINGS CHANGE DURING THIS CHAPTER. I kinda love this chapter because you learn a lot in it. this story is so fun to write because your girl here loves a mystery. anyway lol let me know what you think of the story. I think I might start posting this story every week instead of every other week just because I KNOW after this chapter, yall will want the next one soon. I’ll see yall later ;)
description of the story
taglist: @absolute-randomness-forever , @far-to-many-bands , @itsmoony , @mellissalox
trigger warning: just overall creepy, cursing
word count: 1803
Colby’s POV
“I can’t believe that mall was a bust.” Sam sighed, running a hang through his hair.
I nodded my head. “Yeah. I thought online people said there was no security. Maybe too many people kept breaking in.”
Sam smirked. “You mean people like us?”
“Ha ha,” I laughed sarcastically. “So, we still planning to leave tomorrow?”
“Yep. Once we get home and eat, we can pack up and be ready. Are we gonna tell Angel that we’re only going to a couple towns over to a different hotel until our plane leaves Tuesday?” He questioned, turning to me.
“I haven’t said anything to her, but I have a feeling she won’t mind. Ever since we filmed last night, I have this gut feeling something’s off about Smitty.” I shook my head, my eyes glaring at the road.
“I think you’re reading into him too much.” Sam disagreed.
“I mean think about it,” I glanced over at Sam, who’s eyes were on me still. “How did it just so happen he was able to come in just as we were hearing all the bangs? Isn’t that a little strange to you?”
“Yeah, I guess. But he’s harmless. If he was gonna do something to us, he would have done it by now.” Sam argued.
“I don’t know, Sam. Something isn’t right about him. That’s why we gotta leave and just stay somewhere else. Find another abandon place to explore and then get the fuck out of Washington on Tuesday.” I grunted.
“That’s the plan.” Sam paused, mumbling to himself as he looked out the window. “I didn’t know there was a cemetery in this town.”
I noticed. “Apparently…”
I gradually lowered the car’s speed, passing by the graveyard slowly. Most of the graves were kept up very well, the names being easy to see. Suddenly, we passed by one that made me abruptly stop the car and pull over.
“What’s wrong?” Sam yelled.
I jumped out of the car and ran over to the fence, hopping over it hastily. I could hear Sam following suit, calling out to me. I stopped at a grave, staring at it.
“Dude, what’s wrong? What are you looking at?” Sam turned his head to the headstone in front of us.
 Agatha Smith
1969 – 1991
Loving Sister, Daughter, Friend
an angel has found its wings to go home
 “Smitty had a sister?” I whispered.
“Who are you?”
We both turned around to see an old man with a shovel in his hand. He was wearing overalls and gardener gloves.
Sam cleared his throat. “Um, we’re… tourist. We’re here for the-”
“Smith Bed and Breakfast. I know, I know. There’s no other reason to come here really. What’s your names?” The man questioned, gazing at the both of us.
“I’m Sam and he’s Colby.” Sam introduced.
The man nodded. “I’m John. Who’s grave are you looking at?”
We moved to the side lightly, showing him. He stepped closer.
A smile almost came to his lips. “Aggie… she really was an angel in this here town.”
“What did she die of? Do you know?” I jumped in.
“I know everything about this town. I’ve lived here my whole life and have buried most of the people here, including her.” He hissed, stumbling slightly.
Sam and I glanced at each other. “How did she die?”
“She was killed in a car crash. Her father was in the car with her. He was the only one that survived.” John admitted, walking away from us.
“What happened to her father? Where is he?” Sam and I followed him.
“According to Smitty, a couple years after she died, he left. He couldn’t handle the grief of losing his daughter. He never returned. He would be about 86 right now, so God knows if he’s alive.” John informed.
“Can you tell us more about Smitty? And the town maybe?” I chimed in again.
John stopped abruptly. “What would you like to know?”
I needed to ask something simple. I didn’t want him getting angry and leaving us unanswered. “Why does Deb bring food to him all the time?”
“She loves him like a son. She was never able to have children of her own. And Aggie used to work at the diner when it first opened.” John chuckled, continuing. “From what I heard Aggie told Deb to watch over Smitty and make sure he was okay. Smitty doesn’t leave his property. Ever.”
“What’s Smitty’s real name?” Sam blurted out.
John paused, and then spoke. “I don’t think I know. He’s always gone by Smitty, even when he was a kid. The only person that called him by his real name was his sister. I think George would know it.”
“George?” We both asked.
“The Sheriff. He usually hangs out at the diner during his dinner break.” John motioned with his hand.
I remembered the police officer, lightly tapping Sam. “We saw him when we first came here. Why would he know it?”
“He used to date Aggie and was with her the night before she died. Afterwards, he shut himself off from the world, and never went back to that house. Didn’t even go to her funeral.” John muttered.
“Does he hate Smitty?” Sam questioned, his face full of worry.
John stared at us. No emotion on his face… almost like he was looking through us.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought Smitty was the reason for Aggie’s death.”
~ / / ~
After our conversation with John, we drove off, quickly pulling up to the looming Victorian house in the forest.
I turned off the car. “Dude. Before we go in, I need to be honest with you.”
“What is it?” Sam mumbled.
I exhaled. “I think we need to leave tonight.”
“Colby, I think you’re-” Sam started.
I cut him off. “I don’t care if I’m overreacting. All the shit John told us and you still don’t believe something’s off about Smitty?”
Sam sighed. “Maybe the reason why he’s so weird is because he lost his sister and father when he was young. That would make you act strange around people too.”
I groaned. “But think about it, Sam: John told us that Smitty never leaves the house. Where the fuck did he go last night when we filmed?”
“He said he went to the diner.” Sam uttered unsure.
“Like hell he did!” I exclaimed. “He stayed here, probably in the basement and fucked around with us. I mean, the Ouija board said the letter A was talking to us. Who do you think is that?”
“…Aggie.” He whispered.
“Exactly. Maybe we really talked to her spirit, who the fuck knows. But I don’t want to stay around to find out, that’s for fucking sure.” I hissed, my anxiety reaching its peak.
“Alright. We’ll leave tonight.” He agreed.
We exited the car and went into the house. I could hear rustling coming from the kitchen. We walked in to find Smitty heating up Deb’s stew.
“Oh, hey guys! How are you?” Smitty grinned.
“We’re good, Smitty. Um, we wanted to talk to you about us checking out. We actually have to leave tonight.” I stated.
His face dropped, a dramatic frown coming to his lips. “Oh no. Is something wrong?”
“Yeah. Uhm, family emergency back home. Sam’s girlfriend Kat broke her leg and we need to fly home tonight.” I lied.
Sam nodded his head. “Uh, yeah. She’s in a lot of pain and misses me-all of us, a lot.”
“That’s terrible. Well, I wish her a speedy recovery.” Smitty replied calmly.
“Thank you.” Sam muttered.
Smitty clapped his hands, smiling again. “Before you guys go, why don’t you have some dinner? Angel and I were gonna have some right before you came in.”
“I don’t think we should.” I spoke.
Smitty waved his hand at us, chuckling. “Oh relax. It’s gonna take an hour to get to the airport anyway, you might as well eat before you go.”
I held back my eye roll. “Alright. But we’ll have to eat fast.”
“Hey, no problems here.” Smitty shook his head.
Sam and I went and sat down. I pulled out my phone and texted Angel.
Colby: come down stairs and eat. we have a lot to tell you and we need to leave ASAP.
Smitty came out to the kitchen with two bowls and placed them in front of us. We nodded a ‘thank you’ at him.
“I’ll go upstairs and get Angel, let her know you guys are here.” He said, almost giddy.
Before I could tell him about my text, he left. I turned to Sam. “Does he seem a bit weirder than usual?”
“Yeah. He seems a little too happy. Maybe he knows something’s up.” Sam noted, his voice hushed.
I sighed, aggravated. “Fuck. Let’s just eat fast and go upstairs to pack.”
We sat there taking bites of the soup rapidly. A couple bites in, a bitter taste rose up in my mouth.
I held back a gag. “Does this taste funny to you?”
Sam shook his head. “No.”
I shrugged and ate a couple more bites. Smitty came back into the room, somehow still smiling.
“Angel said she’s just finishing up my book and she’ll be coming shortly.” He informed.
I nodded my head. Taking a couple more bites, I finally looked up at Sam. He was swaying back and forth ever so slightly, and his eyes were glazed over. He looked out of it.
Sam tried to focus his eyes on me as he talked. “I.. don’t feel sooo good. I think I’m gonn-”
Smitty caught Sam before he could fall out of his chair. “Woah there Sam. You okay? Why don’t I help you?”
“Sam? Are you alright?” I asked as Smitty pulled Sam from his chair.
“He’s fine. Just a bit…” Suddenly, Smitty let go of Sam, his body slamming onto the floor. “…tired.”
“Sam!” I jumped up, only to lose my balance. My legs felt like jello, almost completely numb. I crawled over to him. “Sam? Sam, what’s wrong?”
I stared down at Sam, turning him over with all of my strength. His eyes were shut tight. He was out cold. Everything around me started to slow down and blur, like I was plastered. I could barely keep my body upright. My energy was draining.
“Angel?! Angel…” I tried to yell out. My voice barely left my throat.
“She can’t hear you.” Smitty stated, his voice was dark.
“What the fuckk did you dooo?” I slurred up at Smitty. My eyes could barely stay open.
He smirked, turning his head to the side. He leaned down, “Don’t worry. Angel will be fine. I’ll take care of her.”
I felt my arms give out and my eyes roll back into my head, darkness overtaking me.
<< CHAPTER 4 || CHAPTER 6 >>
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pandemicthestory · 4 years
5: distanced
The next step is to find an in, and then an out. 
The morning news briefing on TV:
Kelly Sanchez, lead anchorwoman, stares gravely into the camera. It will be another day of news that no one wants to hear. 
“Good morning, Chicago. We’re here with your daily update of the coronavirus. Schools across the country have been canceled due to a significant shortage of public funding. These are funds that are currently being allocated to bail out the tanking airline industry. The President says that allowing the top corporations to suffer will result in a greater hole for the economy. We hope he’s right.
Meanwhile, bars, restaurants and shopping centers that have been re-opened early to boost the economy have not seen the dramatic rise in business that was expected. Perhaps people are too afraid to go out to dinner amongst the public, or perhaps they simply can’t afford it due to a loss of work. One thing we do know is that the most detrimental effect of these early openings is causing a further spread. As people in certain states that have not seriously social-distanced begin to cross state lines…”
Emma’s mom and dad are sitting on the couch, waiting for Kelly to tell them that things are going to get at least slightly better. But she doesn’t. It’s getting impossible to convince themselves that this will all be over soon--that everything will return to normal. It’s becoming likely that the new “normal,” if it ever comes, will be something that no one has ever seen. 
Emma’s alarm wakes her up at 8:30 AM. She facepalms herself upon remembering that school doesn’t exist anymore and therefore alarms are canceled. Dammit. 
But then, she remembers that Universe is currently downloading to her external hard drive. The excitement of this sends a shock through her system and wakes up every cell in her body. It’s that “Christmas morning” excitement, which is marginally more enjoyable than that “about to run away with a possibly bad dude” excitement. That kind is good too, just, different. She runs over to her computer. 
Shit. The size of this application is no joke. Seemingly she’ll have to wait until tonight to begin her exploration. To find Mason. 
Emma remembers the talk they had last night, and reflects on his support of her relationships with her friends. She realizes that she didn’t know many people with that quality, guys especially...it seems like they always demand her full attention and become frustrated if asked to share. Especially one guy. Well anyway, Mason. Intriguing.
Emma heads downstairs to make herself a bowl of cereal. Oh wait, there’s no milk. And no cereal either? These days, groceries are scarce and pickings are slim. Ah well, might have to be plain oatmeal. Serious orphanage vibes--which is somewhat fitting since her parents wish they could leave her at one. 
Ugh. Every time you eat oatmeal, you forget how horrible oatmeal is. Isabel sits across the table from her, scrolling through her phone with intent and drinking black coffee. Emma smirks. 
“Aren’t you kinda young to be drinking coffee? Plus what do you have to energize for, your job at the office?”
Isabel pays no attention to her. 
“Hello? Okay what is up with you.”
Isabel looks up from her phone, a faraway look in her eyes. 
“Do you have a headset?” she asks. 
“Um, what do you mean? Like headphones? What are you talking about?”
Isabel looks down again. 
“No, like a viewing headset. Like an Oculus or a Vive. Aren’t you like, a tech nerd? You don’t do anything with VR?”
Odd request. Emma isn’t much of a gamer anymore, she used to play Dota and Warcraft, but that was before she decided to cut back to become more social. Spend time with her friends. Date an asshole. Whatever. But in all her experience with gaming, she had never gotten into VR. She never saw the point...either play games or experience the real world. What was the point in trying to achieve both at the same time?
“No I don’t. And you know those are expensive as hell, right?” 
Isabel looks nervous. 
“I know. Which is why...um, I was wondering, can I borrow some money?” 
Emma bursts out laughing. 
“No Iz, you can’t borrow 800 dollars to buy a VR headset. Hey are you aware that we’re going through a global pandemic and the world may or may not be ending? I think food and toilet paper are better investments than virtual tennis, or whatever.” 
Isabel just shakes her head. What is with this girl? She’s normally the queen of smartassery--loves to spar with Emma and argue about literally everything. She’s usually so ready for a fight, but now she feels surrendered. It’s weird how you can be trapped in such close quarters with a person and still feel like they’re on a different planet. 
Emma and Isabel are two years apart. Up until Emma was 6 and Isabel was 4, they were best friends. They shared everything. Isabel didn’t want to play with a toy unless Emma played with it with her. She wouldn’t wear clothing unless it was Emma’s hand-me-down. They shared a bedroom, the walls covered with monarch butterflies. Their mom went for a theme, tacky lamp shades and all, lord knows she tried her best. Often, they would stay awake late into the night, vividly describing the dream that the other sister would have. They thought if they focused hard enough, they could carry those dreams with them into sleep. 
But as they got older, things changed. The tacky butterflies were no longer endearing. Emma moved into a room that was being used as her dad’s office. She got a Nintendo DS for Christmas. And she started locking her door. 
Isabel was left to wonder where her role model went. But after Emma made it clear that her hobbies were no longer to be shared, Isabel hardened herself to the rejection. She promised herself to become her own person in any way that she could, to never be dependent on Emma to define her personality. 
In fifth grade, Isabel met Anush. They met because they were both teacher helpers in art class, and it was their responsibility to help set up the room before class and clean it up afterwards. They were both very outgoing, emotional, and honest. Isabel always told Anush exactly what she was thinking, and vice versa. The two girls were popular among their classmates, but the good kind of popular. They were kind, and they included the other girls who wanted to be like them.
So really, it makes no sense that Isabel is being the way that she is. She’s confident, vocal, and annoyingly optimistic. On a normal day. So what’s wrong?
“Emma, someone just dropped a package off for you.” 
Their mom called from the other room. Isabel leaves the table, stressed and defeated. Emma continues to chip away at the bowl of grey sludge in front of her. It’s crazy that there are still people out there delivering the mail--how long until that stops too? 
Good morning, group chat. 
OLIVIA: GG morning check-in: I want to talk about what the hell Serena sees in Dan 
MADISON: or what dan sees in serena?? Come on he’s like an intellectual and she’s a superficial barbie princess 
ZOE: Mad you know that is MISOGYNISTIC and that you’re letting the fact that she wears expensive dresses and has blonde hair cloud your judgement!! 
MADISON: oh shut up it’s early 
OLIVIA: Remember when you were begging not to watch the show??
MADISON: quarantine does weird shit to people ok
Emma enters the chat. 
EMMA: Ok but without Serena, don’t you think Blair is so much more lame? Like it’s the best friend combo that makes the show imo
ZOE: There she is!!!
MADISON: goooood morning to our very own barbie princess! 
OLIVIA: Why are any of us even awake? SCHOOL’S OVERRR. Should we like, do something?
EMMA: Like what? Sit on our asses and text each other from afar?
MADISON: sounds chill 
Emma laughs to herself. Damn. She’s going to miss them. 
Maybe there’s a way for her to tell...part of the truth? Leave the part about Julian out? Kind of a big part... Say she’s coming back? Make up a concrete opportunity? There has to be some sort of acceptable explanation...there just has to be. And even if she can’t come up with one...there are other things she wants to tell them about. Another boy. 
EMMA: Hey do you guys wanna do a zoom chat in a few min? Just kinda feel like talking more than texting rn 
MADISON: do u mind if i go back to bed and pass on that? I love u girl but i’m tired af  
ZOE: aaand same here, but it’s only because i’m supposed to do this thing…
OLIVIA: so call Gabriel?
ZOE: Wellllll...I don’t wanna lie to y’all.
Ha. Emma knows the feeling. 
EMMA: you out too Liv?
OLIVIA: I am innnnn give me a call when you’re ready 
MADISON: kiss kiss kiss
ZOE: kiiiiissssss
EMMA: bye losers 
Well, maybe telling one person is a good place to start. Liv is super understanding...she’ll be able to think of a good way to break the news to Mad and Zoe. Emma runs up to her room and closes the door. She flops down on her unmade bed, and facetimes Olivia. 
“Hey Liv”
Lingering silence. Emma just kind of stares at the wall. Olivia breaks the silence.
“Sooo what did you wanna talk about?”
Emma doesn’t know if she can do it. Ok, form words. Try. 
“I wanna tell you something, that’s kind of a long story. And it’s connected to other stories. And basically I’ve just gone too long without talking about any of it and now there’s like this big clusterfuck of details that I need you to know but can’t figure out where to start.” 
Whew. Even the vaguest of outbursts feels cathartic. Olivia doesn’t seem to be freaked out yet.
“Emma, I’m pretty sure I know you better than anyone. And you can trust me.” 
“I know you say that now but...I don’t know if, after I say what I, well I don’t know if you’re gonna trust me. I haven’t said everything that I need to say to you. Or Zo and Mad.” 
“Ok, so, here’s your chance. I’m listening.” 
Emma takes a deep breath. Where to start?
*knock knock* 
The knocks are soft. Unlike her mom’s, whose are very prison guard-esque, and actually who is more likely to not knock at all. Emma calls out. 
Isabel’s voice comes from the other side of the door.
“I gotta tell you something.” Her voice is uncharacteristically soft.
“I’m on the phone with Liv right now, can it wait?”
Emma hears the creaking of Isabel’s footsteps down the wooden hallway, and then her beddoor shutting. Click, it locks. 
Emma turns back to the phone. 
“That was Iz, she’s been acting like a freak.” 
“What’s going on with her?”
“No idea. I feel like 14 is a weird age, plus like, she’s REALLY social and into school and shit. This quarantine is probably forcing an inversion of her personality.”
Olivia nods with sympathy. “God, that’s rough.” 
“Yeah...I feel kinda bad I guess. We just don’t really have anything to talk about.” 
“Oh come on, you’re sisters. Talk about how controlling your mom is.” 
Emma laughs. She flips onto her back and stretches her legs against the wall. Oh, physical exertion of any kind feels so unnatural. 
“Well Liv...we do have one thing in common. Which is...one of the things I haven’t told you.” 
Emma fights a smile. 
“So I saw Isabel playing this weird computer game, I mean I don’t even know if it was a game or like what the hell it was, but now, I’m downloading it…”
“Uh, ok?? Why?”
“This is going to sound insane, but hear me out…”
“I got this...message...online. From someone who I’ve never met. A guy, I think, and his name is Mason.”
“Hahah well it’s not like that, I mean I have no fucking idea WHAT it’s like, because it’s very weird, and um, he’s the reason I’m downloading this game. The one that Iz is playing. Cuz he told me to.”
“That...is really fucking weird.” 
“I know.” 
“You don’t even know how badly I wish I was coming over right now to go all detective on his ass right now with you…”
Emma laughs. “I know you would be. It’s so weird being here alone.”
“You’re not alone Em!!! I’m here. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but I’ll ALWAYS be here for you. That’s corny as hell but hey it’s true.” 
“Hah, yeah...same. I’m here.” 
How can Emma keep this incredibly annoying feeling of guilt suppressed? It’s kind of ruining the buzz of anything else. But it will be ok. Olivia will understand... 
Emma has come to expect that any message received to her ghostwriter account will be from Mason. She jumps up from her bed, still on the call with Olivia. Emma starts to get excited. 
“So this is crazy but he just messaged me, ahhhhhh…”
“Eeee tell me what he said!!”
Sure enough, the message is from Mason.
MASON: hi! did you get it yet?
Emma reads the message aloud to Olivia, who is equally confused.
“What is he talking about?
“I have no idea…”
Emma starts typing a response. 
EMMA: Good morning! Get what..?
MASON: a package!
Emma looks confused. Was it...Mason who sent the package? What the hell? How does he know where she lives?? Well at this point she’s not surprised. 
“Liv, I gotta call you back!” 
“Ok you BETTER tell me what the hell this package situation is because congratulations this is now the most interesting thing happening in my life!!!” 
Emma ends the call and runs downstairs. Her parents haven’t moved from the couch, still watching coverage of the virus’s destruction on TV.
“Hey Mom where’s that package??”
“Iz said she’d bring it up to you.”
“What? Can you not give her my mail?”
Emma’s mom turns to face her. “Attitude. Chill.” 
Emma rolls her eyes and runs upstairs. She knocks on Isabel’s door. Well, bangs, really. 
“Hi ready to talk now. What’s up??” 
No response. As Emma presses her ear against the door, she can’t hear anything. She jiggles the handle, it won’t open. 
“This is really weird. Hello.”
“Fine, we don’t have to talk. But I need my package. Now.” 
Emma grabs the little key from behind the thermostat in the hallway. Isabel will just have to forgive her for this. Emma inserts the key into the lock and…
The lock clicks, the handle turns, and the door opens. 
Emma enters the room, ready for Isabel to yell at her. 
First Emma sees the packaging. The medium-sized cardboard box on the ground, the bubble wrap, the plastic…it had clearly been torn off in a hurry...
Isabel is sitting at her computer, her back turned toward Emma.
Emma runs over and jerks the swivel chair to face her, and Isabel slouches over. She’s wearing a virtual reality headset. 
The one that was sent to Emma in that package.
Isabel’s ears are covered with oversized headphones, but even without them, she wouldn’t be able to hear Emma anyway. Her body is limp. Non-responsive. 
Emma starts panicking and checks Isabel’s pulse--steady. Her breathing, normal. What is happening here? What is going on??
Then Emma sees the computer screen. 
The map. That fucking map. 
She turns back to Isabel. She thinks of Mason. She realizes.
The right question is not “What”, but “Where.”
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amnachil · 5 years
To the Perfection Chapter 1 Part 1
And here we are ! I hope you’ll like it ! As usual, I put the story under the cut ;)
Thomas Monday December 24
This is a true disaster. The young ginger gulped. He could see a slight piece of bare skin emerging underneath Dan's tee-shirt. He could glimpse his swollen belly getting bigger with every mouthful. He could hear his friend swallow with pleasure. Pull yourself together man. Thomas made an effort to watch somewhere else.
"Oh dude ! That definitely hit the spot !" exclaimed the light-brown haired lad with an overjoyed sigh. "You're so skilled !"
"Thanks." laconically replied Thomas.
He risked an eye towards his college student friend. This one was joyfully rubbing his distended tummy. He was 1m81 (5'11"), with a hunky appearance. His deep blue eyes were shining with contentment. Since he was dating Raphaël, Dan's weight had been yo-yoing all the time. It seems like he couldn't stick on a strict diet. For now, he was kind of... average ? Neither skinny nor fat. Well, it doesn't prevent him to binge in my cooking. He always ate a lot, but he was also following a training schedule this past few weeks.
"Damn, I'm so eager for tonight diner man." laughed Dan with a sligh burp. "Christmas is my favourite of all time."
That's it. I can't resist. Thomas did his warmer smile.
"I hope this one will be beyond your expectations." he replied cheerfully.
His friend was not only a big eater. He was also so nice, so sweet. It made things so complicated. To avoid an awkward situation, the ginger teenager slipt away. He reached his bedroom and did some exercise in order to take his mind off Dan.
The afternoon went quickly. Finally, diner came faster than he wanted to. Thomas joined his family with a bit of apprehension. He glanced at Dan, who was gently helping his mother. Then, he looked at Raphaël. His brother smiled, a cold and frightening smile. Even him, who knew Raphaël since birth, was still impressed by how insensitive he could appear. At first glance, they both looked so alike. Ginger, rather short but abnormally well built, they shared an incredible good-looking physic. I don't have to deny this, we're both handsome and very hot. However, Raphaël had blue eyes, while Thomas's one were green. And their auras were complete opposite. The eldest was cold, dreadful. He was almost impossible to guess what he was thinking. He was obsessed by the society they lived in, speaking about ratio of power, domination and conforming all the time. To be honest, Thomas accepted a long time ago that his brother was smarter than him. He's a true genius. Thomas himself was more likeable. He always tried to be supportive and to feel empathy for people. Needless to say, we're as different in the inside as we're similar in the outside.
"I have something important to tell you guys." said his mother, dragging him out of his thoughts. "Sit down please."
Thomas took place next to Dan, who greedily looked at the turkey.
"Your father and I have taken a decision." she announced. "As you know, he's still working in England for two years."
They nodded. The teenager wasn't close to his father anyway. This one worked abroad most of the time, and he had been coming back only from time to time. Seems like being wealthy came with a price.
"I'll move with him in two weeks." his mother continued. "At start, we wanted to wait until Thomas finishes highschool, but we think you will manage very well without us around."
Now that's surprising. He held his comment, a bit confused by the situation. Raphaël looked at their mother.
"Do you mean he'll stay alone here ? I know our grand-parents ain't living far but still, it seems a bit rushed..."
"Well. I expected Dan to move in here instead of our flat downtown. If you don't see any problem with that ?"
The main concerned party smiled.
"Not at all. I would be glad to watch over him."
Thomas lowered his eyes and screamed internally. Now he had a real problem. Because yes, he had fallen in love a long time ago with the only person who was completely out of his range. He was in love with his brother's boyfriend.
Dan Thursday December 27
After Raphaël's mother announcement, the junior started to move his stuff in the Muller's main house. Well, he already spent a lot of time there anyway. The trust they put in him was something he felt proud of. To be fully honest, he felt more at ease with the Muller than his own family since his coming out. Plus, watching Thomas would be a piece of cake since the teenager was really mature and resourceful.
"Come here sweetie."
Dan smiled at the nickname. He laid down next to his boyfriend in their shared bed. Raphaël put his head on his chest and gently stroke his belly.
"A part of me doesn't want to leave again." he confessed. "I didn't have enough of you."
"I feel the same, but my lovely man is a national soccer player, he has duties." replied softly the brown-haired lad.
I miss him every day when he's not here. Raphaël was so handsome. No, even more than handsome, he was just beautiful. But he appeared cold for most of the people. He had an aura which was kind of scary. Nevertheless, Dan knew his boyfriend for a while now, and better than anyone. This attitude wasn't all there were to know about him. And he's sweet and loveable when he wants to.
"I entrust you with Thomas." Raphaël suddenly said. "I know he's mature enough, but I don't want him to feel abandonned by me or by our mother's decision."
"I'll do my best." the junior promised. "And I'm sure he doesn't feel that way about you. He knows you really care."
Raphaël kissed him with passion.
"I hope you're right..." he whispered.
This evening for diner, Thomas had outdid himself. He had prepared a whole feast. Well, did he forget there were only the two of us tonight ? Mrs. Muller was at a friend's diner and Raphaël was absent the whole day for a game. I should even say, only me ? After all, Thomas was kind of a picky eater, and he cooked for himself a little portion.
"I know what you think." he said. "Maybe I cooked too much."
Dan laughed softly.
"We'll see that once I'm full."
He was the kind of guy to take everything on the bright side. More food was not a problem at all. And so he ate. He began with the sausage with some thick puree. It tastes so good. Everything he cooks is always delicious. He switched for the pasta and the steak with satisfaction. Dan could feel his midsection expand. His clothes became tigher as he swallowed big mouthfuls of his plate. But he didn't slowed down until he finished.
"Burp. It was... awesome. As always, you're freakin' good."
He patted his belly, rather contented.
"I made dessert." whispered Thomas. "I mean, if you want to..."
"Bring it on ! Damn, I might explode but I just want to enjoy your food so much !"
His friend dropped an apple pie off the table. At the first bite, Dan knew he was gonna finish it. Full or not. No way he would waste such a good pie. He devoured it with gusto. An hand find his way to  his producting stomach, and rubbed it. He calmed the feeling of fullness and continued to eat. And once it remained nothing more than crumbs, he burped loudly.
"Now I call this a meal. You're the best."
This home sharing promised to be great. Well, maybe not for my waistline, but I don't care much about it anyway. Dan had been thin his whole youth, until college. There, he had hit the freshman 15, (okay 30). Afterwards, he had been fluctuating according to his mood and his appetite. But he never stopped to enjoy his food.
Later this evening, while he was digesting his plentful diner, Dan got a call from Carol, his classmate.
"Hey dude." she greeted. "Ready for our last semester ?"
"Well, kinda." he laughed. (He barely managed to pass last year, but he wasn't the kind of guy who worries for these details.). "What's up ?"
"You won't believe me : we did hiking with my parents and I met an handsome lad... Well, I kinda hope he will end up in my bed. Anyway, Bobby is organizing a party two weeks from now on friday, and the lad is gonna be there ! I could use your help on this. Are you in ?"
"Sure. Text me the location and the hours."
The new year promised to be nice. I mean, what could go wrong ?
To be continued
Sooo... To those who didn’t know :
Raphaël is one of the main character in my first story, The High School Game. He was the manipulative but most famous student of the high school, and the main antagonist for the most part. Now, he’s a professional soccer player !
Dan is Shirley’s (main character of The High School Game) brother. He came out during the story, and it led to several consequences, first being a lot of hate towards him. But now, he’s in a relationship with Raphaël.
Thomas is Raphaël’s little brother. He’s the main protag in this story so I won’t say much... Just so you know, it’s already established that he is a feeder.
We’ll meet a lot of old characters aswell as new in this story. I’ll make some clarifications along the way but the best is to read The High School Game to know everything ;)
Have fun with this new story !
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hazeleyedfloozy · 6 years
Lucky Blue Flannel Part 5.
Hellllllooooo friends! It is I! Your friendly (annoying) neighborhood fangirl that has a thousand things she should be doing but decided to write instead lmao. (Laundry?? I don’t know her.)
Anyway!!! This is a longer installment, and angsty as hell. Soooo you know the drill. 
CW’s: Drugging, abuse, therapy, anxiety, PTSD, mental health, etc. I don’t believe there’s any use of swear words; but just be cautious. I’m giving this a Mature Audiences rating, due to the mentions of drugging/ mental health and therapy. 
ALSO. The scene with Dr. Williamson is inspired by a real life experience I had with my own therapist. I in no shape or form am a psychologist or claim to be one. 
You looked bad. Your eyes puffy and full of wet, soggy tears; drenching your already-soaked tear stained cheeks. Your hair was covering your face, masking the tears. You hadn’t had a day like in forever. Days like these, you’d usually call Mark; who’d send take-away and usually end up staying late into the night, talking you out of the episode that had spiraled out of control.
You weren't always like this. There used to be another part to you. A part that was free. Someone who laughed at the small things, danced in the rain, and never minded what others thought of her. You missed her. You missed the girl you once knew.
What happened to you?
Katie Williamson, a doctor of psychology and the best damn therapist the world had to offer; had decided to take you on as a client, six months after you were first experiencing symptoms. The fatigue, the never ending nights of insomnia, panic attacks that you were positive were the end of all common and true thought. Katie had diagnosed you with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, along with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
“I didn’t always used to be like this…” The sobs spilled out of you uncontrollably.
“Do you perhaps think that something might have caused what you’re feeling, Y/N?”
“I…” You started, afraid to finish your sentence. Dr. Williamson (Katie, she always preferred to be referred to as) looked at you with trusting eyes.
“I… was… I… was…” You hiccuped.
“Take your time. It’s okay. You are safe here. You don’t have to be scared.”
“There was a teacher at the first school I worked at…. he crushed on me pretty hardcore. He’d always try to hug me in the hallways, be super friendly, ask me about my sex life.  We were close friends. And I agreed to go out with him once; and… he put something in my drink.” You croaked. The words seems to tumble out of you faster than you ever thought your tongue could manage.
“Y/N… did something… did you report him?” Katie asked softly, her eyes now deep with fury.
“I tried… but the school recommended that I find another position some place else. It’s why I have the job I do now… and I don’t regret that for a second because my kids are my reason…”
“Reason for?”
“Reason to believe that I might make it out of this alive.” You sobbed.
It had been two years since you first told Katie about your experience. You’d been going to see her weekly for the first six months, then monthly afterward. Though you hadn’t seen her in quite a bit of time. Earlier that afternoon, (pre panic attack) you'd scheduled an appointment to meet her the following Monday. It was Friday. Meaning you had three days of trying to pull yourself together enough to face the outside world. You’d promised John you’d attend the after-party for Queen’s gig this evening; but knew deep inside that you wouldn’t be able to pull it together by dinnertime.
You saw your attacker that morning. You’d started the morning off right, with a early work out at the gym. You’d forgotten to pack breakfast, so you stopped at your favorite coffee stand just three blocks away from your work.
“Do my eyes deceive me, or is it Star Girl in the flesh?” Your attacker whispered in your ear, standing eerily close to you at the coffee stand. You shuttered; almost falling to the ground in fear. Star-Girl was the nickname he’d given you when he first heard you sing. You’d become close friends, and you trusted him.
“It’s me.” You shrugged, pulling your most treasured blue flannel tighter to you. Katie had coached you through how to know what a trigger might feel like; this was definitely one of them.
“What… did our fun little outing make you SOOO upset you just had to leave the school? You know they gave me a two week suspension because of you. Little slut. I’m positive you just drank too much and regretted it after!!!” The venom in his words struck your skin as if a snake had actually sank it’s teeth into your forearm.
“You liked it…” He continued, whispering into your ear. You felt the anger rise in your belly; and suddenly, your fist made contact with his jaw. Falling to the ground in pain, he desperately tried to trip you with one hand wrapped around your ankle. The anger and frustration still searing through your body; you kicked your boot into his stomach. You continued to wail on the man; every punch a goodbye letter to all of the horrible feelings he’d drawn upon you since the incident. With every kick, you said goodbye to the man that had changed your life forever.
“Alright… alright!!! Break it up!!!” Called the barista from behind the coffee stand. You cowered in fear, knowing he was still just feet away from you.
The coffee stand made sure you made it home safely; buying you a cab to get you back to your flat.
Sarah was the only person in your personal life that knew about your experience, and guarded it tightly to her heart. You grimaced at the clock; knowing that John’s gig was about to end.
You tried to put yourself together, but it was no use. It was nonsense trying to put a happy face on, even if for the man you adored so much. You’d been going on dates, spending loads of time with John.
You were falling in love. Plain and simple. You hadn’t told John about what happened to you; and you hoped that day would never come. But here you were; puffy eyed and so shaken up. The phone rang; you lifted yourself gently from the couch to answer it.
“Hello… this is Y/N.” You whispered, knowing it would be John on the other end.
“Love… are you alright?” He asked.
“I’m… I’m…” You sobbed into the phone.
“I’m on my way. Stay where you are.” He gently spoke into the phone.
He was at your flat in what seemed like only two minutes. He was holding a box of carry out; along with a single red rose. You smiled softly at him; knowing you’d have to explain everything.
“Do you wanna tell me what’s going on? What’s wrong, love?” He whispered lovingly as you sat on the couch. His fingers traced your forearms lovingly, knowing that it was a calming mechanism of your own design.
“I saw him today.” You whispered, sobs threatening to break your now almost calm state.
“Whom, love?”
“I… here was a teacher at the first school I worked at…. he crushed on me pretty hardcore. He’d always try to hug me in the hallways, be super friendly, ask me about my sex life. And I agreed to go out with him once; and… he put something in my drink.” You slowly broke the news. His soft, gentle features turned into anger as you explained your situation.
“Where is this person?” He asked, lifting himself off the couch; grabbing his jacket.
“Why?” You asked
“I’m gonna kill him.” He whispered. His fists were clenched with anger; those beautiful eyes you were falling in love with a shade of red.
“John… stop it. I’m okay.” You whispered, running to shut the door he’d swung open. You latched the door behind the two of you; your eyes wet with new tears.
“I didn’t want to tell you… because I was scared you would…”
“I would?” He questioned.
“I didn’t want you to loose interest in me or think I was too much.” You murmured.
His eyes became red with tears; struggling to remain completely together, a sob snuck out of the bassist’ throat.
“Can I hold you, please?” He said through sobs. You nodded slowly. He took you in his arms, scooping every last inch of you into his chest. He pressed his forehead to your own; your tears intertwining. You hadn’t realized John was so in touch with emotions.
“I could never… ever think less of you. You are my sun, my moon and all of the stars in the sky.” He mused, kissing your forehead.
“Are you taking love lessons from Brian now?” You joked, kissing his cheek.
“He’s the one who should be taking lessons from me.” He nudged you. There were several moments of him holding you, you holding him; being tangled in each other’s embrace.
“I promise… I will never let anything bad happen to you, ever again.” He softly spoke, running his hands over your forearms again.
After a quiet night of watching films, eating a copious amount of take out, and finishing off the night with a batch of cookie dough. (Lets be honest, were you ever planning to bake the dang cookies anyway?) You’d decided to hit the hay. John had never stayed the night before; but you’d planned to ask him at some point.
“Y/N..” You began to talk over each other. You stopped talking, wanting to hear that precious voice of his fill the quiet flat.
“I was wondering… perhaps… I could come over for breakfast tomorrow? I just don’t want to be away from you for that long…” He smiled shyly.
“You can stay the night… you’d have to borrow one of my flannels to sleep in though.” You warned, a sly smile appearing across your face.
“I know the exact one.” He laughed.
You never knew how beautiful someone was until you saw him sleeping next to you. You’d spent the past twenty minutes admiring the lad; who’d fallen asleep quickly. “John… are you awake?” You whispered.
“Now I am…” He grumbled.
“I just… I’m really happy.” You whispered, kissing his cheek.
“I am as well, sweetheart. I love you…” John whispered, kissing your shoulders and bringing you into him. His hands slipped around your frame; almost cradling you.
“I love you, too.” You responded, squeezing his strong arms as sleep washed over the both of you.
ANYWAY HI yes I hope you all like this installment! Please be kind if you have any comments or suggestions! Don’t go breaking my heart. (Pun totally intended) anyway if anyone would like an imagine or a headcannon just send them my way!! Love you all! You are enough!
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9/8/19 8:15pm - Another Weekend Update
So! I just waited through 2 hours of queue, had some nice sush for dinner (just picked up a salmon cut from H Mart, nothing fancy lol), got ahead on my work for the night, and then the server for WoW went down so I guess it’s a sign that I should be doing an update.
I’ve had one hell of a week, actually. It’s only been 9 days but god damn do I have some story updates.  First off, my car is still beautiful. And I’m starting to sit a little pretty myself, just made it to 168.8 lbs. So I’m kinda comfortably below 170 now. :3 Finally went running for the first time since wow came out the other day so hopefully I keep that up lmao. I guess I’ve been out walking around town and dancing and shit too though.  I also got my hair dyed blonde again! I originally got it cut to look like Brad Pitt from Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, with just a little bit of highlighting, but Maya wanted me to go Full blonde again and I was about it. Checked with a bunch of people and they all said I should, and people are loving it lol.
The first night I had it done when I went to karaoke I got asked by a 40 year old woman if I was a model. As if he heard my ego inflating, this big hulking navy dudebro came up to me within 30 seconds of the compliment, got my attention, and asked “hey. I need to settle a bet. Are you a man or a woman?” Like jesus fucking christ lmao.
Anyway. Karaoke was fun, but there were a lot of birthday parties so it was kinda busy and I went off to Circa to hang out with Jacob. We hung out til like 230 talking about shit and then Jill had me over to crash and fuck. 
Hung out with Jill a bunch this week. Accidentally made her oversleep for work one night and she didn’t even care lmao. Our sex has gotten a little better, but she’s still someone I really need to work around which is frustrating.
There was one kind of cool position I wanted to remember, she was laying flat on her belly, left leg cocked off to the side splayed out at a comfortable ~right angle. Having sex with her from behind I was in like a push up position, only using my right arm so that my left could be focused on playing with her pussy. In this position you have sooo much more access to her pussy, it’s not like doggy style where you feel like you’re really kind of stretching awkwardly to get to rub her off.  Just takes a little bit more effort holding the position than doggy obviously. 
Okay so backtracking to Sunday though, holy shit lol. I spent the whole weekend playing WoW. Like I think a ton on saturday, and then I woke up early and was playing on sunday and considered not even going out to boxcar because I knew maya was out of town. But then Manu hit me up and said him, pacos, christina, and vita were going so I was like oh fuckkkk yes.  Went to boxcar, found out they were actually at a different bar, while I chugged down the full bottle of champagne I had bought I talked to this guy about smash bros, and then ran through the rain to go see them and it poured all over me lol. We drank a bit there for a bit, they tried to get a tattoo but couldn’t, we went back to boxcar, had More champagne, I ran into this girl Chelsea that dakota used to go out with at the frat parties who was kinda cute and we talked for a sec, and we’re sitting there playing some foosball when this other girl taps me from behind and says hey how are ya gives me a great big hug, we talk for a few seconds and she walks outside.
I turn to pacos and I’m like “I have no idea who the fuck that is.” So we wrap up our game and I tell him to come outside with me to investigate. Now, I had a pretty simple strategy. I went up to her and asked some basic questions like “hey, so how’ve ya been haven’t seen ya in a bit.” and then she was like “yeah I mean I’m fine haven’t really been doing anything.” and I’m like [shit that doesn’t give me anything to go off at all] so I follow up with “so where are ya living these days?” I don’t know why That’s where my immediate follow up was. Clearly I was predisposed to thinking I was just going to continue running into people from Chapel Hill all night. But she says to me “wait what? I live in Raleigh, we talked about all this like... last weekend.” and I’m like 
Because now it clicked into place that the girl standing in front of me who had gone out of her way to say hi to me was none other than MJ, the girl from the party that I was talking about. I had texted her asking her to come out to karaoke and shit but she hadn’t been able to do anything. Maybe work. Maybe not interested. But she would always respond to my texts quick and then nothing would ever work out on her end. But here she was! Staring me in the face and I didn’t even recognize her lmfao. Luckily she was like “I mean we were pretty fucked up that night, it’s fine.” but goddamn I’m an idiot. I kinda like just was facepalming too hard internally to even carry out conversation after that so we split. I tried saying hi to her later when I bummed a cig but she wasn’t very responsive. I was so frustrated with myself that I had blown it so hard that I nearly made myself sick. Or maybe that was the drinking two bottles of champagne plus beer on top without having anything to eat. Who knows, really. After hanging a while at boxcar we grabbed a hotdog and ended the night at Raleigh Times to eat a little bit before splitting. So good chilling with them. Spent some time nostalgiaing with them and telling stories to Peter who had met up with us. And had a sweet waiter who convinced me to not overeat and save my diet. Lol it was a neat day. Idk. Plus I got to go to Jill’s afterward and hook up with her, so that made up a little bit for fucking things so hard with MJ.
Honestly though, despite what the quick responses would suggest, I think she’s not really interested. I mean she definitely isn’t NOW lmfao.
Mon I was supposed to hang with Melanie but she had to flake because of her mom being in town, so I hung out and played a fuckton more wow. So I got my hair done, did karaoke, went to work, played a bunch more wow, and I’m up to lvl 30. TECHNICALLY halfway but like... effectively maybe a quarter? tops?
So this weekend was Hopscotch. Krey. AND it was the weekend that hurrican Fish$ came through. So Thursday just in case shit hit the fan work pushed all my patients to weds/fri and cancelled. Fucking sick.
 I got to see my karaoke bartender Tyrone play with his band The Black Surfers that afternoon, went to another band called Illuminati Hotties and they were super cute. Was feeling pretty beat so I went home to nap and play melee and chill for a sec. Met up with Dar to have dinner with her and her friends since they were evac’d from southport. Then for the first time I got to go to Night Rider for karaoke, which I had been recommended like a dozen times but haven’t been able to go since it’s on thursdays. 
It. Was. Incredible. Oh my god the vibe is like Emo Karaoke+. Like all the same crowd of non-normies that would go to emo karaoke and all the hype of people screaming for you, but none of the tackiness and forced playlist and overcrowdedness that comes with it. Not that I hate any of that about Emo Karaoke, I love it to death, but it’s amazing for that to happen more naturally.  I was expecting to just go and hang out alone and do a few songs, but my new buddy Matt actually recognized me from emo karaoke when I was walking in. I stopped to talk to him and his buddies steph and brie, and ended up hanging out with them the rest of the night. These two other girls Terri and Que (I think), and this guy Pharaoh also chatted with us and it was hilarious. We were talking about weird sex shit and furries and porn and all sorts of weirdness. Terri asked me and Pharaoh if we were on Fetlife, which made me amazingly happy and no longer embarrassed that I made an account on there about a year and a half ago. She told me that I really needed to try to go to this Fetish Night at Legends, which I had actually seen a post about but wasn’t sure if I’d ever do it because it happens once a month on wednesdays. But after she told me that I got her number and then shot my coworker a text to switch days so I’d work sunday and not wednesday (which is why I’m in right now).  Terri’s this beautiful short black girl with bright shiny purple hair. It’s totally gorgeous. We’ve been texting the past couple days about weird kink shit. I’m really excited to see her there on wednesday. I bought a pair of supreme cheetah print boxers to match the shirts I have, gonna cut a hole out to stick my tail out through and go in just that and ears. It should look incredible. Especially with my new hair being dirty blonde to match the cheetah print. MMMmmm i just hope everything comes in the mail on time.
Anyway, so I had a blast. They were amazed that I was 27 (most of them were 21, matt’s like 32), and I was told “I hope if I grow up to be your age I look as beautiful as you do.” mmm so kind. Actually it’s like the first time I’ve heard that and not that I was babyfaced or that i’ll look good when I’m old so I’lllll take it. Also everyone loves my hair.
AND since I was with my emo karaoke buddy and everyone was seeming like they were into a pop-punk vibe, I did some Blink182 and MCR. Finally busted out I’m Not Okay after practicing it for forever, and I fucking KILLLLLLED it. People cheered the fuck out of me afterward. I felt like I really needed to impress the gang I was with (especially Terri) so hopefully it worked lolol.
Went to Jill’s at 1am, I’m so fucking glad she’s down to chill at night after I’m done doing shit for the evening. It’s really the most low key fwb thing I’ve ever had in my life I think. So cool. Actually she made me wait to bake these brownies when I got there so I passed out lmfao. But we had sex twice on 9/6, my third favorite day of the year so nice lol. (the first being my birthday, and the second being 6/9 lol.)
Saturday I got off work, played wow at home a while, went to hopscotch at like 2. Got to see my karaoke dj Sam’s band play, he was stoked that I made it out. Hung out with brandon going around town for the day. Saturday the main event was chk chk chk, phantogram, and chvrches and I fucking died it was so good. chk chk chk was inspiring, the dude was mooooving despite being a pot bellied 46 y.o. lmao I loved him. Phantogram was gorgeous and had the best underboob I’d ever seen in my life. Chvrches played mostly new stuff and only a few of their hits, but I love them to death so it was still wonderful. And the best part was that me being me I wiggled me and brandon all the way to the front row of the show, we were dead fucking center, practically against the rails. Technically there was one person in front of me but holy shit it was fucking lit. The bass for chvrches was so loud it practically destroyed my ear drums lmao. Gotta get earplugs for next time.
and despite it being 11, that was practically just the beginning of the night lol. Brandon and I met up with Sam for this last concert, but I was pretty drunk and totally exhausted. It was in an indoor amphitheater so as soon as I got my ass in a chair I passed the fuck out for the whole show. They tell me it was incredible. Idk. The sleep was perfect.
Then we started to go to after parties. Brandon and I got a hot dog to sustain ourselves a little and walked over to this place Five somethingorothers and saw the guy from Sylvan Esso playing some club music, but decided it wasn’t our vibe. He decided to go home, and I ran off to meet up with Sam. We went to slims and I met this girl taylor, we talked about flowers or something, and then a big group of us went to this Ruby after party at a big warehouse building that they had rigged up with music equipment and had a fuckton of kegs to supply drinking for the night. I danced and drank til like 6am it was pretty righteous. Well drank til like 5, until the alcohol ran out. We also ‘broke’ into this dilapidated building to the right (it was open) and gave ourselves a little tour lmao.   And it seemed like EVERYBODY that I’ve met the past couple months out at bars and stuff were there. It was so much fun seeing everyone. Alex was there, too, and MJ even showed up at 4am! This time I actually remembered her and said hi first so that was good lmao. She gave me some tequila from a flask but we didn’t really talk much. She was mostly chatting with other guys so I guess she’sssss not really into me. Shame. But whatever so it goes. I’ll just stop hitting her up and see if we keep bumping into each other enough to do something one day, probably the best call. But what was excellent was getting to hang out with Sam and his girlfriend Taylor so much last night. It was so excellent
Now Terri and I, I hope that turns into something weird and beautiful. She just told me she’s into pegging and all sorts of lewd stuff I’m so excited.
This wednesday should be a blast. Idt I have much coming up other than Chris’s wedding in a couple weeks though.
Oh yeah I managed to buy two of my 3 supreme things! I got the jacket and the shirt, just need to get the matching hat and I think I might be done with blowing money on clothes lmfaooo. I guess I need to get khakis for the wedding, and maybe a new pair of shorts or two but that won’t be too much. It feels so nice throwing money around on cool shit and going out drinking and shows and good times lmao. Life is so fucking good right now. 
Hope everything keeps staying as interesting, I’ll keep ya posted.
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blazinbeautywrites · 8 years
Dirty Attraction
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Length: 2,046
Genre: Thirst cuz Jay is thirsty lol. But seriously I guess this is lowkey angst.
A/N: This is WAAAAAAAAAAAY overdue so enjoy. Btw this is part of a series.
Gia and Naomi have been best friends since they were out of the womb. Their mothers were best friends and raised their daughters together. After Naomi’s mom died, Gia took her on a trip to Korea since she was a huge fan of kpop and khip-hop. What was supposed to be 3 months in Korea turned into 3 years and the girls couldn’t be happier with their new lives.
“I really need to hit the gym. All I’ve done for the past 3 weeks was work, eat and sleep,” Naomi complained while flipping through a magazine in the kitchen.
“Well lucky for you I have the rest of the week off so we can go later on today and Friday. I could use a little leg work,” Gia replied.
“Okay.There’s this new gym that’s kinda lowkey and no one really goes there except a few artists when they don’t wanna be bothered by annoying fans. I’ve been there like twice,” Naomi said.
“And here you are, telling me of this secret idol gym. Obsessed much?” Gia said laughing a bit.
“Haha, look just be ready in a hour!” With that Naomi left and went into her room to get ready. Gia laughed at her ridiculous friend and hopped off of the kitchen stool she was perched on. She felt her phone vibrate and saw that Parker aka Dumbfoundead was calling her. She and Naomi have known Dumbfoundead since he was just starting out in the underground rap scene and have been friends since then.
“Hey what’s up?” Gia asked.
“Nothing much just relaxing before my set. I miss you though,” Dumbfoundead said.
“Boy you’ve only been on tour for a day, get it together boo,” Gia said laughing at him.
“You’re so damn mean. Anyways I have a surprise show in Hongdae real soon and I have some tickets and passes for you and my baby Naomi,” he said.
“Your baby? Boy you so damn sprung. Yall been crushing on each other for like 2 years and yall both still single,” Gia stated.
“That’s only cuz she play too much. She know she wants this,” he said.
“I’m gonna pretend like I didn’t hear that, but anyways when is the show?” Gia asked.
“Saturday night. I really wanna see you guys so please say you’ll come,” Parker whined. Gia loved hearing him beg so she decided to mess with him.
“Hmmm I don’t know. What’s in it for me?” Gia asked him.
“Well now that you mentioned it, I have someone I want you to meet,” He said.
“Why are you always trying to set me up? I’m good I don’t need a boyfriend,” Gia said, moving the the couch.
“Who said anything about a boyfriend? I’m trying to get you laid. I know it’s been a while so I’m just trying to help you out,” Dumbfounded retorted.
“Boy, how dare you!? I can get dick on my own ya know!” Gia said.
“Okay, okay, buuut I showed him your pic and he wants to meet you, so can you please just do this for me?” he asked.
“Fine, but if I don’t like him you have to leave me alone.” Gia said.
“Deal. So I’ll see you guys this weekend?” he asked.
“Yes we’ll come!” Gia sighed.
“Thank you so much! Oh and tell my baby wear something sexy for me,” Dumbfounded replied.
“Goodbye dumbass,” She heard him laugh as she hung up. Gia realized that she only had 30 minutes to get ready. She used 10 of them just searching for her gym clothes. She finally settled on a semi mesh sports bra and matching shorts. She put her curls up in a high ponytail and walked downstairs to pack her gym bag with her necessities. She saw Naomi already packed and ready waiting by the door.
“Well it took you long enough princess,” Naomi teased.
“Bite me!” Gia retorted.
“Bitch you wish.” Naomi said. The girls joked and shared a bit of banter as they rode to the gym.
“Where did you say this gym was again?” Jay asked Gray.
“It’s just right outside of Seoul. I heard about it from a friend of mine who owns the gym. He says it’s lowkey and some artists go there when they don’t wanna attract attention,” Gray said.
“Damn. I feel like we’re going on a road trip,” Jay said.
About 30 minutes later they arrived at the gym. Jay and Gray grabbed their bags and walked into the gym. The outside was very modest but the inside looked amazing. It was huge with marble floors and walls. Jay was amazed and when he looked around his eyes landed on another amazing sight. He watched as this girl with beautiful, glowing brown skin stretched and when she bent over he felt himself stiffen a bit. Gray watched as his friend nearly exploded and started laughing. He then walked over to the front desk to talk to his friend who owns the gym.
“Hey you see those girls over there, who are they?” Gray asked pointing. Jay walked over to his side, also wanting to know who the beautiful stranger and her friend were.
“Oh that’s Naomi and Gia. Gia is the one in the shorts and Naomi is the one in the pants. Naomi’s been here a couple times. This is Gia’s first visit,” the owner said.
“So her name is Gia? Fuck even her name is sexy.” Jay said. He kept staring at Gia, only to be met with Naomi’s eyes who smirked at him.
“Okay girl don’t look now but Jay motherfucking Park is checking you out,” Naomi whispered to Gia.
“Girl what?” Gia said slightly turning her head to look at him. When they made eye contact Jay immediately looked away and began fiddling with a pamphlet on the front desk.
“He better go somewhere. Ain’t nobody worrying about him. I came to workout that’s it. I’m not trying to make a damn love connection at the gym,” Naomi said.
“But girl he is so damn fine, Gray fine ass over there too. This is a damn dream come true. I didn’t expect this shit,” Naomi said.
“Well you can fuck them both for all I care. I on the other hand am going to workout until I can’t feel my body,” Gia said. Naomi looked at her friend and rolled her eyes, going back to her own workout. 15 minutes later Gia had finished her warm up and made her way to the treadmills. She saw that no other treadmill was open but the one next to a man, a man she realized was Jay. Gia groaned and quickly approached the treadmill and slid her headphones in her ears. Jay laughed once he realized she was avoiding him so he decided to to mess with her. He took off his shirt, draping it over the bar on the treadmill. Out of his peripherals he saw Gia glance at him and he knew that this little game of his was on.
“See something you like?” Jay asked. Glancing at him sideways, Gia removed her headphones.
“Excuse me?” She asked, tilting her head a bit.
“I asked if you saw something you like. You keep staring and shit,” Jay said. He looked at her and smiled. He held out hand for her to shake but was quickly dismissed by the wave of her hand.
“I only looked because you deliberately took off your shirt to get my attention. It was desperate as fuck. I guess it’s true what people say about you. You are a cocky fuckboy,” Gia said. Jay was a little taken aback. He’d never been spoken to like that before and it was completely throwing him off.
“Hold the fuck up, you don’t even know me to make that judgement,” Jay said. He was irritated that people continued to judge him based on his image when he was more than that.
“Well what do you expect me to think when you portray yourself the way you do? Look I don’t mean to be a bitch but come on. If you’re so butthurt over what I said, how about you stop acting like a childish womanizer and show people the real you. If you’re how Naomi describes you to be then I rather see that than what I’m looking at now,” Gia said. She cut off her treadmill and walked towards the locker room.
“Wait so you know who I am?” Jay asked.
“Not really. Naomi is a fan of you and the rest of AOMG and all I hear about is how fine and talented yall are. Personally, I don’t listen to you guys nor do I plan to. Now if you excuse me I have to go,” Gia answered. She began wiping off the little sweat that accumulated on her forehead. She made her way into the locker room where she saw Naomi washing her face at the sink.
“Sooo how was it talking to Jay Park?” Naomi asked.
“He’s a fucking asshole. Though I do feel bad about the shit I said to him. I was a bit too harsh,” Gia replied.
“Wait what did you say?” Naomi asked.
“I basically called him a fuckboy, then I maybe lowkey called him fake,” Gia said. Naomi look at her friend in disgust.
“Oh my god. Dammit Gia! Before we leave you are apologizing. God I’m never gonna fuck Gray. Why are you like this?” Naomi said.
“Bitch that’s all you care about. Ain’t shit stopping you for busting it open for Gray. Look let’s just go. I’ll fucking apologize,” Gia said. They both packed their bags and made their way back into the gym lobby. They spotted Jay doing chin ups while Gray was filming him.
“Go. Now!” Naomi said. Gia whined and made her way over to Jay. Once she was close enough she cleared her throat causing both men to look at her.
“Look I know you probably won’t care but I’m sorry about earlier. I was a bitch and at times I say shit I really shouldn’t. I had no right to insult you and make assumptions the way I did. Sooo umm yeah, sorry,” Gia quickly turned around and made a beeline for the door to amusement of Jay and Gray. She was nearly there when Jay’s voice drew her right back in.
“Ya know you really didn’t have to apologize. I don’t care much about what people say however, I do plan to prove you wrong. I mean if you let me,” Jay said. As if on cue Naomi popped up right next to Gia.
“Of course she’ll let you. You should take her out and let her get to know you, ya know the real you,” Naomi said.
“NAOMI! Shit! Well this has been great. Nice to meet you-”
“Look Jay we have this thing to go to on Saturday but it shouldn’t run that late so maybe we can all meet up afterwards and hang out,” Naomi said.
“Actually we too have a thing Saturday so how about a nice Sunday brunch or some shit?” Jay replied. Gia looked between Jay and Naomi and felt defeated.
“Fine. I’ll go out with you Sunday or whatever. Can we leave now Naomi” Gia grimaced and gave Naomi a pleading look.
“Okay okay. By guys! Naomi gave Jay and Gray one more lasting look then turned and walked out the gym with Gia. Once the girls were far enough Gray turned to Jay.
“What the hell happened? We’ve only been here for a damn hour. How the fuck did you already get into it with her?” Gray asked.
“Just a misunderstanding. It’ll all be cleared up this weekend though,” Jay said.
“Just don’t fuck her. She seems like the type to get attached. We don’t need another Bora situation,” Gray said.
“Trust me, she’s definitely not Bora. Anyways, let me finish up these last few chin ups then we can go. I’m fucking starving,” Jay said. Both men laughed and once Jay was done they said goodbye to the owner and left the gym. Jay couldn’t wait to see Gia again but he definitely wasn’t prepared for the other events that happened that weekend.
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hgfstreamchats · 5 years
All Hallows’ Eve Stream
Hello! Also I AM getting the video What a good costume Testing, testing. Everything's fine over here! No, not the pumpkin! ...Can you see ME or is kast messing up in a new(?) and wonderful way I can see you, but only on a seperate console. That's... baffling. I'll reload There we are! Oh, Kast. Okay, there it is. ...Tell me I'm not invisible again. Oh no, I see you. Ahhh, good! Now that's real horror. Eh, it's probably better for him anyway. I'm sure it'll all work out. It'll be fien. Man, that room is HUGE Solid advice. If Prime had won the war. *shudder* I'm sure it'll be fine. Also fine. Soundwave gets along fine. Really, why did they even have forks ...Well, that's going to bother me forever. Subtle! Very! Who wrote THAT book It's very specific. Ugh. ... This is worse than anything in the episode itself. Does he.  think he's going to be able to eat that Got to admire his ambition, though. I'm questioning how he got it in or out of the house at all "Earth capital" sounds like something I would have believed and could still be convinced to. Heh. I'm still hung up over those Latin puns, those were clever. Hello all! Hi!
Hm new streaming site, never heard of this one It's totally awesome and not at all buggy. Zephra human! Hi Knock Out! I finally made it to a stream! Excellent! That just raises further questions! Nice save. Very nice. Ewww. sooo has the video started now? Try reloading It, uh.  It does that 'Cause I'm not getting anything on my end, I did that, I turned off my adblock and refreshed Or try clicking the leave button (top, to the right of the settings button) and coming back in Okay I'll try that How meta. So...the multiverse? ... Nope still nothin' I'm gonna try switching browsers Kast is a wretched thing. I'm on chrome I DO remember having this problem with Rabbit too, something about my adblock/settings wasn't letting me load video WHELP apparently Kast doesn't support Firefox at ALL, soo fun times Is a non-Firefox browser an option? I've only got Chrome and Firefox Don't you love how you have to have 4 different browsers installed for different websites that have different requirements for some reason? Oh yeah LOVE it It works on chrome for me, although not always on the first try My emulator's using chrome. Oh, THIS one Okay I'm gonna try messing around with my extensions and crossing my fingers Ha! Oh nice! The first one I turned off worked! I HAVE VIDEO WOO GLORIOUS! Woo! He didn't come in through the door... He came in through the living room Way to punch that ten-year old in the face, Hibbert Like they didn't already know. Doctor of the year. Truly. top 10 anime betrayals They know about the waffle incident. what a turn! Why is Dr Fink the only character that has a tiny counterpart? I mean, you can't prove he is She's not forcing them to barter for their dead children, she's already doing a better job than Primus. AH THIS ONE HAS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE JOKES That was mine. classic The best kind of conspiracy! The biggest hitch in their plan is that Homer would ever choose rum over beer True. The fish eyes make it. Still true Hah! TWIRLING TWIRLING TWIRLING T'WARDS FREEDOM FAVE Seconded! Other favorite! WHoopsie! Well, that's what elections are for! I remember that joke going over my head as a kid Alright, onto Rifftrax! 'why is NOT voting for the evil choses throwing your vote away?' *choices Hmmm Oh I thought it was one of those where it's just the sound and you're supposed to synch it up Vincent Price! These guys are sapping the fun out of having a chat open They keep riffing when WE'RE the ones who should be riffing A little, maybe We always find a way to slip in a few. True This is the setup to a murder mystery. If Opera has taught me anything watch out for the chandelier AHAAAAAAAAAAA "Why haven't you killed them yet, it's been five WHOLE minutes" There's an established population of Vincent Price humans living in the hills to this day. She def has the 'I'm on my own fourth husband and they all died from mysterious circumstances' 'Lol first degree murder jokes, the staple of any solid marriage' One of these characters is absolutely going to kill the other. I *was* joking, but... Yyyyeah. '... And welcome to Jackass' "haha it's almost like you're trying to reenact it or something" Just leave your hand there I love how he's like 'charming' when dude's being macabre like he hasn't been nothing but unsettling since he came onscreen Ew indeed. I love how she's all 'meh' about mysterious blood dripping on her out of nowhere "See, we even kept the acit fro some reason" You never know when you might need an acid vat. Waste not, want not. Why are you entertaining this jackass girl I'm secretly expecting no ghosts at all Just murder. Exactly I'm expecting no ghosts or they're all ghosts. Wait I'm changing my guess There ARE ghosts but exactly zero of them are killing people Oh right, that's the one from Scariest Movie Moments of All Time despite being no such thing. That's right hit on the host's wife that'll win you points at this party Try not to be TOO disappointed about not getting into her pants, Lance "you're going to be the star corpse!" fcuk my nose made a WEIRD snort at that 'does she miss being scared' joke Running and screaming was probably the right call to make. Tiny little coffins Hah! Wee little coffins. Sheesh. So the idea is they all kill each other trying to get a larger prize, huh. I'm sure the police would have no questions for them afterwards. Absolutely none. Yes, yes, you want to murder one another, we get it. NOT AT ALL Better get back to the scotch Still trying ot get laid eh Lance run at her with a severed head, THAT'LL CALM HER DOWN Nice knife dude There's very little haunting going on in this house. Clearly false advertising If they're doing karaoke they have to do some Scissor Sisters 'I CAN'T DECIDE WHETHER YOU SHOULD LIVE OR DIE~' Pfff 'OH YOU'LL PROBABLY GO TO HEAVEN' 'PLEASE DON'T HANG YOUR HEAD AND CRY~' Oh NOW you're all suspicious and have questions about this bizzare situation Right? I'm half expecting they ARE actually all conected in weird roundabout ways ala The Clue Movie If the singing telegram lady doesn't show up I'm going to be bitterly disappointed. Same She's really just freaking out because it wasn't scotch Someone spilled wine in the room above. The real horror is the cleaning bill. ... the video being a butt for anybody else right now? Working okay for me mine was laggy and now it's totally frozen The sound's a little desynched but then it always is Oof I'll try refreshing if it's just me Well, that's not weird Okay looks alright now And finally, we have a ghost! if she was REALLY DEAD TO BEGIN WITH OOOOH I'm kind of leaning towards actual ghosts now, since otherwise I'm not sure how that rope trick would work maybe the same way the movie did it ...okay, fair point ...Actually I assume the movie could've done it by, like, pulling along on a thread and hiding the person pulling it via camera angles OHHHHHHHHHH DID I CALL IT You did! YYYYYYYEAH Yes let's spend as much time as possible in the acid room Never a dull moment in the acid room. okay so like why bother disposing of the body? Right? you didn't kill him, there was no direct evidence of your involvment That just raises MORE questions yes, move closer And then a skeleton popped out! Ha! BITCH IT'S A SKELETON WOULD YOU BE SCARED OF CALISTA FLOCKART? Covered in acid, though That is absolutely how those things work, I'm sure ...Hang on, what about the body the guy dumped in the pit the strings being visible actually being part of the plot is the biggest twist in this thing WHY DOES EVERYONE INSIST ON GETTING AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ACID VAULT?? To see the magical acidic secrets within! Skeleton - By Himself But is David S Pumpkins here! He will be, like scrap I'm letting this night go by without showing him. lolol Murderous animatronics? THAT'S never been done before "yeah I have some questions" Just a few. Deep lore! Well I'm certaily scared *certainly Aren't we all? How could you not be! Freddy Who? Jason whatshisname? All hasbeens compared to... Alright! Anything you'd like to see before we close out? If not, I'm content to close out on David Pumpkins. OOOOOOHHH DAVID S. PUMPKINS Any questions? I'm good, I need to do some dishes anyway Thanks for the stream, Knock Out! I gueeeess I should get dinner Thank you for coming! Always a delight to have you! Say hi to the fam for me, and happy Halloween! Thanks for hosting!  It's been... a treat. :) Of course! Happy Halloween! And to you!
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ammanujuju · 7 years
dear diary,
ps. might be some triggering words like mia shit, don’t say i didnt warn you.
today i did something i thought i was finished doing. i ate, felt guilty, and then went purging.
i think it has something to do with the fact that i sleep incredibly much these days. on wednesday, i was only awake for a total of five hours the whole day, the rest i slept. same on thursday, only i was awake for nine hours because he came to visit me. and yesterday i fell asleep 7p.m and woke up 8a.m, in other words i don’t do a lot of things expect for sleeping. anyways, i think because of that i haven’t eaten that much, and i can already see the results of it. my stomach isn’t as big, and to be quite honest it’s really satisfying to watch.
so earlier, i sat for a while and thought, should i interrupt this process and make me some noodles and broccoli, or starve? i used my common sense and rolled my eyes as i started making my food, and ate it without any problem. it wasn’t until i finished, i thought for myself, was it really worth it? i sat for a few minutes and felt so bad, was that really necessary? i mean i didn’t feel any better, the feeling of being hungry was better that the feeling of being full. 
i started making excuses like “ahh maybe the food is already digested, next time!” but then i had to look it up, and nope it wasn’t too late. i immediately ran into the bathroom and purged. i felt like shit afterwards, but hey, my stomach is thinner for the party i’m going, so it’s a good sign. 
so to more happier writings, i am going to a party later. the party i was at the weekend before was sooo much fun, and i bought this shirt a few weeks earlier which made me feel really good, so i’m going to use it again. i hope he’ll be there. it’d be so fun for him to see how good i’ll look, and i just want to see his face again. seriously, i’ve only been thinking of his defined and strong face features all day, how can someone look that good? he also makes me laugh, even if i don’t want to, and i could really use that now.
now that i am alone at home, my friends requested for me to make them mojitos. i don’t think people quite know how much confidence boost it is for me to know how much they appreciate my bartender skills? to be honest i’ve never had any skills to be proud of. not that bartender-skills is something i’ll brag about around the dinner table, but it’s something. i was always picked last when we had football in p.e, when people were sat in the same group as me i could sense their annoyance. and now, even my 25 year old cousin, who really loves making drinks and shit, complimented my mojitos. that surely made me happy. so, J, A and E are arriving later. i missed socializing actually. since monday, i’ve been all alone in this house. K, my crush, even said it sounded really depressing. can’t lie either. luckily, K has been my rescue and has been here every night. 
the other night when he was here, he decided to do a basic trick and took my phone. he literally made me run after him all around the house, not only was it super tiring, i was so afraid that he was gonna figure out my code, which is really simple, and see all the things i don’t want him to see. but when he ran into my room, i finally had it but he managed to push the both of us on the bed. K is literally the strongest person ever, so he managed to hold the phone so tight that i had to use all my strength just to have a grip on it. he even rolled on top of me, and stared into my eyes, as cliche as that sounds. that was enough for me to fall for him even more, ugh why am i so weak?
for some reason he took a pink cap and my cigarettes, like right in front of me. when i asked for them back he was like “but why do you need them if you don’t smoke?” and i thought it would be lame to start explaining that everytime i’m drunk i get these smoke cravings, so i always have them in my back pocket, so i just kept silent. i sent him a message two nights ago though and told him i needed them back, and he said that he was going to give my cap back yesterday and buy me new cigarettes today. when i told L, my best friend, about it, she shook her head and said this was only an excuse for him to be with me more. i doubt it, but it still makes me happy. at least i have an excuse for telling him to get his ass over here tonight.
i’ve always thought “why does he like me?”, like how? i’ve always thought that i am 2 while he is a 10, and i told A about my thoughts and she laughed at me and said “babe, you’re the one who is out of his league. i hate that you don’t see how gorgeous you are.” i don’t know whether to believe this or not, but it made me feel better about K and I. 
right now i am sitting in bed, just waiting for the clock to be six pm so i can go to the shower. my hair looks the best if i shower last minute, but i am afraid K will come a bit earlier and then my door is locked and im in the shower. sigh, i have to do it anyways lmao. and i also have to eat something, not much, just something so my stomach won’t make sounds and so i won’t be such a lightweight tonight.
i actually feel so much better after writing this down, makes me feel lighter. something will happen tonight, i’ll write it all tomorrow.
xoxo, s.
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