#(because I don’t take Ls)
dailyterukane · 9 months
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if we get a pov switch next chapter i’m actually genuinely going to lose it
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akkivee · 1 year
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still just like!!!!!!! bummed they didn’t get to play in a band together lol!!!!!!!
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livvyofthelake · 11 months
i take back what i said earlier. that annoying kids mom is about to be timmy’s love interest isn’t she. i recall reading something like this on the wikipedia page all those moons ago. well. this one’s gonna be rough. we will persevere though as always.
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bloodandfleshautism · 2 years
cried most of today, currently wallowing
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jinuaei · 3 months
Dude, you could make a drunken alastor with the reader, what would it be like? And what would happen?
(( I saw a short on YouTube of an animation, I thought it was so funny... I wanted to see a fanfic about it...
If you're curious: https://youtube.com/shorts/ZN2PBs-RsVM?si=12BtCleXiCO7BWkU ))
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So I basically mixed both of these asks into one fic, sorry if its not what you wanted its 3 am and I don't know what im doing kk love yall byeeee. been a while since I wrote so please be kind
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Warning: Kind of yandere? tagging just in case, BAD ACCENT WRITING, kissing!, Drunk alastor
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Alastor is a heavyweight when it comes to drinking, but still, his tolerance to strong alcohol is no match to the king of hell himself. The bottles that surround the both of them shine under the lights of the hotel, empty as the red eyes staring at the wall behind Husk. Which is rather concerning as the owner of said eyes is the loser of the impromptu drinking game, started by the loser himself.
Alastor has been taking big Ls tonight huh. Not only did he lose his own game with the king of hell, he’s also getting clowned on by his enemy. Speaking of, Lucifer is now gloating in front of Alastor about how ‘he’s better’ and ‘you thought you could defeat THE KING OF HELL???’, while the recipient is still mindlessly staring at the display bottles of the bar.
Concerned, you walk up to him with hesitation, not wanting to trigger the hunting instincts he has displayed every time you are around. He has always pursued you not in a romantic sense, at least you think so, but more of a predatory sense. Everytime you walk into the room, his head always snaps to your direction, the smile on his face spreading wider and the horns growing the closer you get. At first you would just ignore the ever growing static emitting from him, the fear of getting mauled and eaten by him increasing with the volume of the radio waves. 
The intimidating display of his horns always amp up too whenever the other men of the hotel try to talk to you, or just even approaching your general vicinity. The headaches that you leave with always render you unable to do anything for the rest of the day. But with how constantly he’s been threatening the whole room with his power and presence, it’s no wonder you’ve been trying to avoid him everytime you just even feel the shift of static in the air. You’d rather not be MIA just because Alastor’s radio waves make you ill.
However, when you’re with the girls, his presence becomes pleasant, the sharp noise turning into a sweet jazz song that calms your nerves. During those times, you find yourself appreciating his presence. When you talk to Charlie or Nifty, he likes to cozy up right next to you, butting into the conversation, and when either of them ask for help, he tries to include you into the task, even when you are not needed. For Vaggie though, he still does stand next to you but you guess that his face is not as pleasant as when you talk to the other girls as Vaggie always glares at him when tries to speak. Nonetheless, the girls are always treated better than the boys.
Onto the current task, you wave a hand in front of him, still hesitant as Lucifer is still trying to provoke the Radio Demon. Thankfully Charlie managed to drag him away from the bar, talking about how his father is also drunk. With the unsuccessful attempt of catching his attention, you instead call out his name. In response, his head snaps to you with a painful noise that sounds like his neck breaking.
“Are you good Alastor…?,” his stare is still there but it looks more focused compared to the past 20 minutes.
You wait for him to respond, or at least for his brain to work again. Alastor blinks slowly, his smile growing bigger as his eyes finally focus on yours. The empty gaze turns soft and sitting before you is Alastor not as the Radio Demon, but his truest most pure self. And now that you think about it, you don’t hear the faint hum of the radio coming out from him, it was pure silence. That is until he finally speaks to you.
“Hello sha…”
Your breath hitches. 
You did not expect the cajun accent that came out of his mouth, and by God was it hot. It took you longer than you wanted to respond, the sheer change of his usual accent surprising you.  And the surprise must be obvious on your face as Alastor chuckles at your bafflement. 
“Why, what’s wrong dear…?”
He speaks slowly, slurring some of his words, but the accent is still thick on his tongue.
“Nothing, it’s just… how are you? You’ve been staring at the wall ever since you lost to Lucifer.”
“Hm… Nothin’, just thinkin’.”
“Thinking about what?”
He purrs, the half lidded stare directed at you burns your body hot. It was nearly impossible to look away from him, but luckily he moved first, perching his head onto his crossed arms, looking adorably tired.
“So uh.. You drink whiskey huh?,” you fumbled, pointing to the various bottles that surrounded him.
He nods, still burrowed in his arms. The others are starting to retreat to their rooms, waving a goodnight to the people left in the lobby, which was you, Alastor and Husk, who is now starting to clean up the bar.
“You know, I haven’t tried whiskey yet.”
Alastor raises his head to look at you, mouth slightly opened as if to display his disbelief to your lack of taste. 
“Well, surely you have to try at least once!”
Husk was only minding his business, cleaning up the bottles on the table when Alastor yanks his arm and pulls him to demand a bottle of whiskey. The cat demon's face scrunched up, and he looks at you with a ‘are you fucking for real’ face, you can only smile sheepishly back. Being given no choice, he complies to Alastors demand, grumbling about wanting to sleep but needing to still clean up after you both. Feeling pity, you volunteer to do his work and let him go to bed, he eagerly agrees and practically books it upstairs. 
The demon left with you shows off the bottle he acquired, popping off the cap with a flourish. You try to find a glass to drink out of but Alastor had another idea. He drinks out from the bottle and before you can ask him to stop, he grips the back of your head and kisses you.
Your eyes widen, freezing in your seat in shock and awe. His hand moves under your chin and his thumb trails up to hook it through your lips and pulls open your mouth. The whiskey from his mouth transfers to yours, burning as you gulp it down your throat. He finally pulled away when there was no more whiskey left to transfer.
“Well, what do you think? Do you like it?”
The dopey smile on his face is impossible to ignore, he looks so pleased yet still so hungry, but the ever so gentleman still waits for your reaction.
Honestly, you don’t know if you liked the whiskey but you really, really, really liked the kiss.
“Yeah! Yeah, I liked it.”
“That's good! I’m glad my deer also likes the stuff that I like. Haha! Here, have some more!”
He nudges the bottles to you, but since it's midnight and you’d rather not have a hangover by the morning. So you refused, and he full on pouted, pouted! And he looked so sad too, his ears flattened and everything! 
You couldn’t bear to see him that sad, even though it’s actually terrifying seeing the Radio Demon, acting like a dejected puppy. So you came up with a solution to both of your problems.
Gingerly holding his cheek, your hands carefully pull his face to yours, his gaze curious but willing. You bit your lip before kissing him lightly, unsure of whether it’s okay or not to do this to the predator that has been haunting your days. The same predator who's now reduced to putty in your hands, eagerly kissing you back with vigour. He tastes of whiskey, which was what you were finding for, and slightly of blood, maybe his meal from earlier that night.
You pull away from him when you start to lose air from the kiss, he complies, his face dazed and the blush from the kiss spreads across his face. Catching your breath, you see Alastor move closer to you, he moves his face to your neck, sniffing it deeply.
“What are you doing…?”
“I’ve been waitin’ for you to accept me for so long...You don’t understand how long I’ve longed for you sha… To become mine,” he starts to ramble, the cajun accent still thick, and only getting thicker the lower his voice gets. His hands start to roam around your body, gripping your waist tight as he pulls you close to him, he would have pulled you onto his lap if you haven’t stood your ground.
“Oh… how I wanted to rip those damned men that try to take you away from me, ‘specially that cursed sorry excuse of a father, Charlie would be soooo much better taken care of by you n’ me. Nifty already thinks of you as her parent, to which of course I wholly agree with. You’d make a perfect parent sha.”
You stay silent as his whole body is now fully leaned against you. 
“I like helpin’ you out n’ Nifty, makes me feel like a proud father n’ a good husband… Ohhhh, i’d love to be your husband.”
“Sometimes, I like to follow you around to protect you from those disgustin’ dogs tryin’ to steal you away from me.”
What the fuck is happening? You thought this man hated your guts and only wanted to fuck with you for fun, but not like this. Yeah the kiss wasn’t good either but you only wanted to do it for bragging rights, like who could say they kissed the Radio Demon?? Oooh, Vox would have your head if he knew about this, that tv head of his and his weird obsession with Alastor. 
“Would you like to be mine sha?,” his voice snaps you out of your thoughts, his face now planted on your chest as his face nuzzles on it, you can see movement under his coat but you ignore it in favour of looking at him.
“Well… uh…”
“Please…? Please be mine…”
He moves his face close to you again, his breath tickling your lips, tempting you to kiss him again. Your response gets stuck on the tip of your tongue, but luckily, you don’t have to respond as his body flops onto yours, his weight fully on top of you. You can hear his leveled breathing as he dozed off, cradled against your neck, a sign of him now being asleep.
Well shit. You’d have to drag this 7 foot deer up his room, and you pray that he doesn’t remember anything from tonight.
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ginax0916 · 8 months
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✮‧₊˚✩ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 ✩‧₊˚✮
Little Sister (8yrs old) x triplets
Genre - Sorta Angst & Fluff
Synopsis - When the triplets little sister has been staying with them for a month but she suddenly feels home sick but also guilty.
Matt pov:
Our little sister y/n has been staying with us for a month since our parents wanted to go on vacation. We don’t mind it at all, it’s been pretty fun lately. It just gets hard when we have to film videos or go to meetings that she can’t be in.
“Y/n you ready to go?” Chris called out.
“Yes I’m so excited” She yelled as she ran down the hallway jumping into Chris’s arms.
He laughed and carried out to the car where Nick already was.
“Took y’all long enough” He grumpily said looking at me.
“Hey don’t look at me! It’s y/n who took so long” I lifted my hands in defense.
“Matt! No I didn’t I was very quick!” She protested slurring her words a little as she talked.
“Yes you did sis don’t listen to them” Chris took her side as her buckled her into her car seat and kissed her cheek.
It’s clear that Chris has a favorite sibling.
LS Pov:
My brothers were taking me to Canes for lunch. It’s not much, but to me it’s the best food in the world. A lot of my friends seem to not like it but I don’t understand how! It’s too good.
I remember how mom would take me to this other restaurant in Boston that also had chicken tenders and we would order a big plate and share. I miss her.
Or when dad would take me to the dinner back in town to eat waffles for breakfast every Saturday. I miss him too.
But I’m with my brothers I shouldn’t be missing my parents right?
“Ok we’re here!” Matt yells.
I’m only 8 which means I still have to sit in a car seat. It’s so stupid I’m sure I could be a big girl and seat on the actual seat. I can’t even get out of the car without the help of my brothers because for some reason I can’t get the seatbelt to unlock.
“You exited?” Matt says as he helps me out of the car.
“Yes very” I reply as I take his hand.
“Awwww look how cute they look! She looks so small compared to Matt!” I hear Nick say behind us and a camera click.
We get a table and we order our food. But as we wait a woman that I could’ve sworn was mom walked in.
“Is that mommy?” I ask my brothers. They all turn their head to look at the woman.
“No y/n it’s not. Moms in Hawaii with dad remember?” Nick laughs.
“Oh yea sorry” I say now embarrassed.
“Hey it’s ok I thought it was her too at first” Matt comforts me. I smile at him and rest my head on his arm since he was sat next to me.
I start to feel sleepy since I haven’t taken my daily nap yet. I do everything to keep my eyes open but nothing works. They fall shut and I start to loose consciousness.
“Hey baby wake foods here” Matt rubs my back waking me up.
“Yay” I say in a tired voice as I sit up from Matt. My hair all messed up and my eyes still closed.
“Good nap?” They all laugh and I do too.
As we eat our food I see a little girl walk in with her mom. They’re holding hands and they’re laughing together. She’s holding a shopping bag so it looks like they went to the mall together. It reminds me of me and mom. Is it bad that I really miss her? I shouldn’t miss her I’m with my brothers that I only see once in a while since they live in L.A.
“You ok?” Chris asks.
“Mhm” I nod.
We were just waiting on the check when I see a man walk in. He walks over to the table where the girl and her mom are. He’s the dad. They all sit together and the girl is laughing with her dad and the mom seems to be taking pictures of them. I miss my dad too. I miss being home and going out to eat with my parents. I feel so guilty about missing home because my brothers are doing so much to take care of me. I shouldn’t feel this way.
I feel tears well up in my eyes but I quickly blink them away before my brothers realize.
“Can we go now?” I quietly ask.
“Uh yea come on” Matt says confused at my sudden change of emotion.
As we walk out I feel two pairs of arms launch me up in the air. I start giggling and screeching like crazy and I’m thrown in the air and back down.
“You want ice cream?” Chris says as he holds me instead of launching me.
“No not really” I reply as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.
“What you always want ice cream” He says stunned.
“I’m full I don’t really want any” I lie. Truth is I do want ice cream I just don’t wanna see more families there that will remind me of home.
“Ok so what ice cream place do we go to?” Nick asks looking at Chris who’s carrying me.
“Uhh she said she doesn’t want ice cream so just go back home I guess” Chris replies.
“What? But y/n you always want ice cream” Matt questions.
“That’s what I said” Chris chuckles.
“I just don’t want it ok!” I say with a ruder tone.
“Ok ok Sorry we’ll go back home” Matt replies looking at Chris and Nick confused.
Once we get home I run into the room where I have been staying and jump onto the bed quickly getting a hold of the stuffed animal my parents gave me. It’s a little frog which is my favorite animal. My dad had sprayed his cologne on it so it would smell like him. And my mom had put one of her bracelets as a necklace on it. So I just laid there on my bed hugging my little frog while looking at a picture of my parents and I. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I miss home.
Nick pov:
I have been editing videos since we got back from lunch. I usually hear y/n laughing or screaming with either Matt or Chris as they play a game or watch a movie. But today it was silent. More silent than it’s ever been. I also don’t hear her little footsteps running around the house which is odd. She had started to act weird after the comment she made about the woman at Canes. And she didn’t want ice cream, which she always wants. I start going downstairs to ask Matt and Chris about it. I see them both sitting on the couch watching Sam and Colby on the t.v.
“Fuck you scared me” Chris yells.
“That’s what you get for watching paranormal videos at 9 pm dumbass” I laugh.
“Ok but on serious note have you guys noticed how down y/n looks today?” I ask them while sitting down at the end of the couch.
“I did yea she seemed upset after lunch” Matt adds on.
“She hasn’t come out of her room since we got back from lunch” Chris comments.
“I think we need to go check on her c’mon” I say standing up heading to her room.
Chris Pov:
I open the door to her room to find y/n asleep hugging her frog stuffed animal with one hand, and hugging a picture with her, mom and dad on it.
“Oh baby” I hear Matt say as he sits next to her on the bed. Nick and I following after him.
“Hmm?” Y/n hums as she starts to wake up.
“You ok?” I ask.
“You guys promise you won’t get mad at me for it?” Y/n sniffles as her eyes start to get glossy.
“We promise” Nick says.
“I- I just really miss mommy and daddy” She starts to cry. Matt quickly wraps his arms around her.
“Hey hey it’s ok” Matt quietly whispers to her as her soft cries are muffled by his sweatshirt.
“Why would we ever get mad at you for missing mom and dad?” I ask her as I pick her up her tiny hand and she wraps her small fingers around mine.
“Because I feel guilty that I really miss home when I’m with you guys” Y/n softly says as she snuggles into me.
“Oh sweetheart you don’t have to feel guilty. It’s ok to miss home. You’re still a kid and you’ve never been away from mom and dad for so long. We’re not mad at all cuz we feel like that sometimes too” Matt says while running his fingers through her hair, something that always calms her down since she was a baby.
“So you’re not mad?” Y/n asks.
“Of course we not y/n. We can FaceTime them together later” Nick chuckles and joins the hug.
“We love you always” I say and kiss her forehead.
“I love you always too” Y/n giggles.
✫・ 。.・゜✭・.・
Opinions on this??
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ieatstarsforaliving · 3 months
The Masc Behind the Mask (4)
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Summary: Hazel gets into a fight at the bank. And of course, you just have to save her.
Pairing: Spider-Woman!Hazel Callahan x Classmate!Reader
Warnings: Mature language, use of (Y/N), violence, mentions of bruises, cuts, and blood, threats of death, fainting, just Spider-Woman stuff
Word Count: 5019
Note: I got really annoyed at writing action because uhm it ls hard so the fight scenes are really lame. I also added a special character in here who you might recognize from Spiderverse teehee - Bia <3
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Hazel hid in an obstructed alley, quickly scanning her surroundings before kicking off her shoes, sending them tumbling towards the nearby garbage can. She reached into her backpack to retrieve her suit while wrestling her jeans off, hopping on one foot, causing her to tumble into a heap of discarded cardboard boxes– before she managed to put on her suit in place. She shot her backpack to the dumpster with some webs to keep it in place, then leaped onto the roof. 
Perched on a ledge high above the street, Hazel looked down at the neighborhood and took a deep breath.
"Okay, this is fine. You’re fine! You basically left (Y/N) all alone in your room without a proper explanation and she probably thinks you’re robbing a bank! But this is fine," Hazel mumbled to herself, adjusting the web-shooters on her wrists before jumping down. 
She swung through the neighborhood, listening intensely to the sound of police sirens. As she descended upon the robbery at the bank, she surveyed the area, calculating her approach. The bank’s door seemed to have been blasted open by some form of intense firearm, but other than that, it was hard to see exactly what was going on inside. 3 police cars flashing red and blue circled the scene of the crime, yet the officers seemed to hesitate to interact with the building.
Hazel silently swung closer, landing behind a familiar officer. 
“Officer Morales,” Hazel said, startling the officer. Morales swiftly turned to the voice, a hostile glare etched across her face when she saw the outrageous Spider-Woman standing before her. 
“We’re handling it,” Officer Morales scoffed, tossing her braid. “We don’t need help from unidentified vigilantes in spandex suits.” 
Hazel laughed, giving a slap on the officer’s back. “Come on, Rio. Are we going to do this every time?” 
Rio glared at Spiderwoman, sighing before reluctantly pulling out her notepad. 
“Three suspects inside the building. They’ve got high-tech gear– dangerous stuff I’ve never seen before. The bank’s closed, so no civilians are in there, but we’ve lost a few officers already.” She glanced at Spider-Woman. “It’s risky going in.” 
Hazel gave a nod. “That’s why I’m here. Soon as I send out the officers, take them to a safe distance.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do…” The officer grumbled, but nonetheless, waved her fellow police over to update them on Spider-Woman’s appearance. 
Squaring her shoulders, Hazel strode towards the bank’s entrance. Her priority was clear– evacuate the officers, contain the threat, and get back to you and clear up the misunderstanding of her being an ex-convict/bank robber. 
You know, if you haven't left and called the cops already. 
As Hazel entered the bank, her eyes darted from corner to corner– rubble and cash were scattered all around on the ground, with the chairs and ATM machines smashed to pieces. It seemed like the robbers had already emptied out the ATMs, and had moved onto the teller drawers and vaults. As Hazel moved deeper into the bank, her senses heightened– sounds of shuffling footsteps, obnoxious laughter, and some form of– technology?
With a swift, controlled motion, she jumped onto the wall then to the ceiling, climbing the walls upside down towards the noise. She first saw a group of officers pinned to the ground by something invisible, placed by a robber holding a dark trumpet-shaped device. The second robber was holding a massive firearm, with a series of circular indentations giving off an odd blue glow. Hazel deduced that was what blasted the door off. The last robber seemed to be wearing a backpack that extended 2 long metal arms and talons that was grabbing as much cash as it could from the vault, stuffing it into a bag. Each of them wore a black mask, with only their eyes and mouths carved out.    
“Trumpet Man, Blaster, and… Noodle Arms,” Hazel mumbled to herself, giving each of her targets nicknames so that the author doesn’t have to write ‘robber’ a bunch of times.
Hazel slowly descended down, hanging from a web upside down until she hovered in the middle of the distracted robbers. The trio didn’t notice her until she cleared her throat. 
“Hey, guys! Can I make a withdrawal real quick?” 
In a swift, calculated motion, Hazel webbed Blaster and Noodle Arm’s eyes as soon as they turned around. Their shouts of surprise were muffled as she leapt towards Trumpet Man, where the hostages were pinned down. Trumpet Man tried to hit Spider-Woman with his weapon still pointed at the officers— and Hazel easily dodged the pathetic attempts, giving a good punch to his face. The device fell to the ground, and the officers were free. 
“Get out of here!” Hazel yelled to the officers. They obeyed as Trumpet Man tried to reach for the device on the floor. Hazel used her webs to grab it first, then attempted to rip it apart. 
“God, what is this made of?” Hazel mumbled at the complicated design of the weapon. After a few hits, a crack echoed through the room as the weapon gave away. She was surprised at the energy core— a small orb, the size of a marble, which radiated blue. It was unlike anything she had seen before. Hazel pocked the orb and threw the rest of the machinery pieces towards Trumpet Man as she felt her body snatched by two forceful hands— Noodle Arms had lunged, catching her off guard. 
“Looks like Spider-Girl’s come to play,” Noodle Arms sang, pulling Hazel’s body forward then smashing her to the ground. As her body made contact with the concrete, she grabbed onto a fallen chair and threw it towards Noodle Arms, causing him to fall back and lose grip on Hazel. 
She twisted her body and broke free, somersaulting backward and landing in a crouched position. “Nice try, but I’ve already dealt with a guy with 6 extra arms. 2 arms? That’s child’s play.”
She moved closer towards Blaster, who had been completely disinterested in whatever Hazel and the other robbers had been doing. As Hazel stomped closer, his attention shifted from the money bag to Spider-Woman, his eyes completely apathetic. 
“Alright, let’s finish this up,” Hazel said. 
Blaster cackled. He pointed the weapon towards Hazel, its entire shape pulsing with a blue electric glow. Electricity crackled around its barrel, as an unsteady vibration filled the air. 
“Yeah, I don’t think so, sweetheart.” 
And he pulled the trigger. 
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Your breaths came in shallow gasps as you approached the bank. You had run for what felt like a good 20 minutes, which was enough to get you winded. Which was lowkey embarrassing, but you had no time to dwell on your lack of stamina. You latched onto the nearby policeman, heart beating out of your chest. 
“Officer, please, my friend is in there–”
The officer gently pulled you away, attempting to hold you steady. “-There shouldn’t be any civilians in there, kid. Calm down.” 
You shook your head. “No, You don’t understand— my friend, she was in juvie, and I think she’s being blackmailed into helping the robbery or something, and you need to help her–” 
“-Juvie?” The officer cocked his head, then leaned in closer, serious. “Okay, I’m going to have to write this down. So you’re saying one of the robbers is a teen?”
“She’s not a robber— At least I don’t think— I—” You fumbled, not wanting to get Hazel arrested. She didn’t exactly say what she was doing, and you didn’t want to get her into deeper trouble than she already was in. But what could you say to the officers without handing Hazel over to them as if she was a criminal? 
Before you could continue your words, a loud BANG exploded from the bank. 
Without thinking, you ran into the building. You could hear the officer trying to stop you but you ignored them, sprinting towards the door– or rather, the lack of one— and you immediately began screaming. 
“Hazel! Hazel!” You screamed, running into the building. You ignored the mess of broken concrete on the floor, eyes scanning for any signs of your friend. “Hazel!”
You could hear coughing from the deeper part of the bank, and you ran up to the sound, waving off the dust that settled all around you. Your eyes caught sight of the far away wall which had completely smashed down, creating a gaping hole identical to the one of the bank’s door. The air hung heavy, making every breath a struggle. Amidst the confusion, you spotted the friendly neighborhood Spider-Woman sprawled on the ground, her body heaving with coughs as she struggled to regain her breath. Around her was a chaotic scene– remnants of a recent explosion littering the area. 
You suddenly felt an immense amount of panic seeing Spider-Woman, the literal hero of this entire place in such a shaky state. You slowly backed away, your body reacting and telling you to fuck everything and run out of the door– but you stepped on a particular chunk of wall, making a very loud CRUNCH. 
Hazel immediately turned towards the sound, her heart dropping when she saw you. 
“Don’t come any closer!” Hazel screamed, scampering to her feet. “Turn around and run!” 
You tried to do as you were told– you really did. But your body froze up in a state of fright, your eyes focusing on the three robbers that slowly emerged from the wall’s hole. You pointed towards them and Hazel turned, groaning before running up to you. 
“What are you–” -Hazel deepened her voice. “-I mean, what are you doing here, uh, miss?” 
“I-I’m looking for my friend,” You choked out, suddenly realizing what a stupid idea this was. Spider-Woman was here, which meant this situation was a Spider-Woman level threat. You could be in real danger. But so was Hazel. “Her name is Hazel and she- she’s in here. She has blue eyes and– and dark, really messy sort of hair.”
“It’s not that messy,” Hazel mumbled, grimacing at the word ‘friend.’ She then grabbed you and pushed you out of the way as a concrete chunk from the wall was thrown towards the two of you. “Watch out!” 
You tumbled to the floor, and Hazel quickly grabbed you and got low behind the mess, whispering to you. 
“Listen to me. You’re going to do as I say.”
“But my friend–” 
“-She’s fine. She’s not here. She’s waiting for you outside, okay?” Hazel argued. “I’m going to distract the robbers, and as I’m doing that, I need you to run towards the door. Just run, don’t look back, and I’ll handle everything, okay?” 
You hesitated. 
“Answer me!” Hazel yelled. “Okay?” 
“Okay!” You yelled back, letting Spider-Woman give you a pat on the head before swinging towards the robbers.  
You scrambled to your feet, the only thing in your ears the rushing sound of your own heartbeat. Spider-Woman’s familiar voice echoed in your mind; Just run, don’t look back. But as the floor rumbled and walls cracked, you couldn’t stop yourself from turning around, your eyes following Spider-Woman as she confronted robbers. 
Hazel, not knowing you were stubbornly still in the building, intensely fought against the robbers. She moved with austere agility, using her webs to swing between the men, landing kicks and punches through the bits of rubble they threw at her. 
Trumpet man, without his weapon, pretty much rendered useless hits before Hazel managed to web him by the wall. Noodle Arms lashed out, trying to capture her, but Hazel was always a step ahead, dodging and weaving through the attacks. 
While she was distracted, Blaster adjusted the dials on his weapon, his fingers moving over the controls with an angry precision. Recovering the weapon’s blue glow, he aimed it at Spider-Woman. 
Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw you, amidst the wreckage and dust— face pale with fear as you stared at Spider-woman’s movements. 
“Oh, fuck,” you muttered, realizing you have been noticed by a robber. You had to move. You had to move. But your legs felt like twigs, about to break if you tried to take another step. 
An amused grin spread across Blaster’s face, as he redirected his aim towards you. 
Hazel’s spider-senses instantly flared, a tingling sensation shooting through her body. Her head turned towards the warning, just in time to take in the sight of a weapon aimed directly at you, its blue glow intensifying. 
Without a second thought, she pushed off the ground with all her remaining strength, launching herself through the air.
The weapon fired, a blinding burst of blue energy hurtling towards you. 
Your body recoiled as a reaction, eyes shutting tightly expecting the blow. 
A sudden, violent crash echoed through the bank, followed by a strangled cry. 
You braced yourself, waiting for the inevitable.
But seconds passed, and the expected pain didn’t come. 
You braced yourself, eyes tightly shut, waiting for the inevitable. But seconds passed, and the expected pain didn’t come.
Slowly, your eyes fluttered open, looking through the haze of smoke and debris. Spider-Woman was on the ground, her body shaking from the attack. She had flown into the path of the blast, twisting mid-air to take the full force of the hit meant for you– sending a shockwave through the room and throwing her back against the floor, which had spiraling cracks showing the brutality of the hit.
The impact of the blast had knocked the wind out of Hazel, her every breath a struggle against the pain radiating from her chest and back. She blinked away the dust that clouded her vision, trying to push herself back up on her feet. But each movement sent sharp jolts of pain through her body, making her fall back down with her every effort. 
Noodle Arms, encouraged by the hero’s weakened state, closed in on her. His mechanical limbs headed straight for Spider-Woman’s body, as she forced herself back up. Swaying, she attempted to fight off the strikes, protectively staying in front of you.
 “You’re done, Spider-Girl,” Noodle Arms sneered, his metallic hands heading for her face. In a quick defense, Hazel pulled her face back, letting the claws snag just a bit of the fabric of her mask. With a yank, the fabric tore free. 
A split-second of disbelief froze Hazel in place. The rush of adrenaline that had sustained her through the battle ebbed away, leaving her momentarily defenseless— letting a blow directly in her stomach. 
Hazel fell back, landing right by your feet as you flinched back. She immediately tried to cover her face with her hands— but you had already seen her, your eyes widening at the sight of the familiar face.
Hazel’s heart stopped.
Not like this. 
Not like this.
I didn’t want her to find out like this. 
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Not like this. 
You stared at the familiar face with a stunned expression, your mouth agape.  
Your body went rigid, realizing that the hero you thought could withstand anything, save anyone— was your Hazel Callahan. 
And she was bleeding out in front of you.
Your shock gave just enough time for Noodle Arms to grab you. Before Hazel could scream your name, she felt a cruel blow to her head. She toppled to the floor, body completely limp. 
Noodle Arms laughed, grabbing Hazel’s body and tossing her over his shoulder. You struggled against the strong grip on you, eyes tearing up in utter panic.
The man then nodded towards you with a hungry expression. “What about her?” 
The man with the glowing weapon walked closer to you, examining your fearful face and then back at the unconscious Spider-Woman, as if to deduct the relationship between the two of you.
Then he grinned. 
“Bring her with us.”
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“She’s slept enough.”  A voice rang. “Wake her up.” 
Blaster raised his leg, delivering a merciless kick to Hazel’s head. You gasped as she crumpled to the ground, pain searing through her head as her consciousness started to return. 
“You hear me?” The man sneered. He grabbed her by her head and pulled her up to his face. “Get up.” 
“Hhng,” Hazel groaned. Her vision started to return– and within her blurry sight she could see you, sobbing on the concrete ground. You weren’t even tied up, just far too scared to move even an inch from your submissive position. Hazel instinctively tried to reach you, but realized that she was chained– her arms tied up behind her with some metal cuffs. Hazel pathetically struggled against the restraints. “Don’t— not her…”
“Keep your eyes on me,” said Blaster, gripping Hazel’s head tighter. “If you want to keep her alive, look at me.” 
Hazel gave you a weak look of reassurance before glaring at the man in front of her. Trumpet Man and Noodle Arms sneered behind him. 
“Yeah, alright, you got me,” Hazel taunted, head spinning from the brutality of the hold. “How does it feel to win against a teenage girl?” 
The man grinned in amusement, scoffing at Hazel’s unwavering humor– before throwing an intense punch to Hazel’s stomach. Before she could properly process the blow, the fingers tangled in her hair forcefully jerked her head with a savage force. Her head snapped backward, setting her up for another brutal hit aimed at her jaw. The impact sent her body to the ground, slamming her onto the cold floor.
“Hazel!” You shrieked, quickly shuffling to her side. Her chest barely moved up and down as you panicked, pulling her to her knees and caressing her face. “Hazel, Hazel…” 
“You okay…?” Hazel whispered. You tearfully nodded. 
Good. Hazel sighed, leaning into your hand against her cheek.
“Teenagers these days…” Blaster grumbled, frowning at the two girls on the floor. “Why did you have to show up to our little robbery, huh? Now everything is complicated.” 
“It’s not that complicated, really,” Hazel wheezed. “You’re bad guys. You do bad things. I’m a good guy. I make sure bad things don’t happen.” 
She earned a cackle from the men, as Blaster crouched down in front of Hazel. 
“A good guy, huh? You think what you’re doing is good? And what we do is bad?”
“Oh, here we go with the villain origin story,” Hazel mumbled. “It doesn’t matter what your motivation is– you were hurting people. You were hurting officers.” 
“And what do they think about you?” Blaster scoffed, his eyes narrowing as he paced around the floor. “Spider-Woman, a vigilante who ignores the righteous law and pursues evil… even the cops hate you. You think you're so righteous, but you're just as much a problem as we are."
You watched Hazel clench her jaw. He had hit a nerve— Spider-Woman did not entirely have a positive image in the eyes of the law. 
Angry, you spoke up. “That doesn't justify what you're doing here. You chose this path. You chose to hurt people.”
Blaster nodded, as if to reminisce about his decision. "Choices, huh? We all make choices. Some of us choose survival. Some of us choose power. And some of us," he glanced pointedly at Hazel, "choose to play hero, even when no one asked them to."
He knelt down beside Hazel, his voice low and dangerously calm. "You think you're better than us? That you're untouchable because you wear a mask and swing from buildings? You're just as much a criminal in their eyes."
Hazel glared right back at him, but her mind was trying to figure out exactly where she was. It was definitely not the bank— based on the interior, it seemed to be an abandoned apartment somewhere, probably a hideout of sorts. There were two doors in the room.
Blaster stood back up, the blue glow from the weapon in his hands casting light on his hardened features. He saw you eye the color suspiciously and grinned.  
"You want to know about this stuff?" He fiddled with the machine, pressing a couple buttons and taking out a blue orb. "It's not just some fancy power source. This blue glow is the key to everything we've been planning.
"Years ago, I was a nobody. Scrapping for something, anything, in the mines for money. Until one day, I hit a vein. Not just any ore—a new material for a source of power. Unstable, unpredictable, but damn powerful if you know how to capture it and handle it."
“And you chose to build weapons with it?” 
Blaster straightened up, his gaze piercing through the orb in his fingers. “Smart girl. With weapons like these, the higher ups would want in. They can finally change the game. No more petty crimes. No more wars. I want recognition, respect—the kind that comes when governments realize what I can offer. This bank heist? It's not just about money. It's about making a statement. Showing them what we're capable of— what we can sell."
The man placed the orb back in his weapon, firing the machine on. You watched Hazel gulp as the machine whirred back to power. 
“Okay, well, that’s great for you, but my arm is falling asleep,” Hazel rasped, in a sort of pleading way. “Can we go?” 
“Oh, sure.” Blaster grinned again, with the same sadistic hunger as before. “But, before you go, I think there should be a lesson of what happens when a little girl acts like a hero and messes with the big bad guys.” 
Hazel’s breath hitched as the men behind him stepped forward. 
Blaster gave a nod towards you.
 “Kill her.” 
“No,” Hazel spluttered. “No!” 
“No, please, no,” You tried, stumbling away from the man who walked towards you with malice in his eyes. 
Hazel thrashed against her chains, causing her to fall to the floor again. “Stop! I’ve learned my lesson! I’VE LEARNED MY LESSON!” 
“Bet you have, doll.” Blaster chuckled. “But I gotta make sure we don’t see your ass swinging through my neighborhood ever again.” 
Hazel's heart raced as desperation hit her body, fighting against the chains that bound her. The cold metal cut into her wrists, sending sharp pains up her arms with each futile tug. Her eyes met with yours— she had never seen you so scared. 
“Please…” Hazel begged. 
Blaster's expression softened, but it was gone as it had arrived. Unmoved by her pleas, he nodded once again, ordering the arms to creepily stretch towards you. The metallic talons grabbed your throat. You tried to fight the pressure, clawing at the machine. But you had no chance, feeling your airway close as Hazel’s voice began to fade.
Before he could snap your neck, a sudden commotion erupted from the entrance of the room. Shouts and footsteps echoed through the apartment, startling everyone in the room. Noodle Arms spun around, his arms losing grip, momentarily distracted by the unexpected intrusion.
“It’s the cops!” Trumpet Man yelled. “How did they know we were here?!”
“It’s your fault! I told you we gotta get farther from the crime scene than this.” 
“Shut up,” Blaster grumbled, looking outside the window hastily. “Alright, this is our chance to leave another mark. Let’s blast through them. ”
As the men started to gather the bags of money from the floor while bickering, you quickly crawled back to Hazel. 
“Hazel— Hazel, we gotta go.”
“Yeah, just— help me up, please?” 
You helped her up, eyeing the door behind you. That was the door you came through— the door to the stairs. You supported Hazel’s body, your arm bracing her shoulders. She winced in pain as you practically dragged her to the stairs, giving a quick look back at the robbers. 
Blaster stared right at you, then at your reddened neck, as if to give a final warning.
You hastily turned back, hurrying Hazel to the stairs. 
Every step felt like eternity, Hazel’s weight heavy against you. Hearing her breath so uneven and haggard made your body run cold— you couldn't help but worry— what if she died here? The cuffs on her wrists weren’t helping either, clinking with each motion. 
You could feel Hazel leaning more and more heavily on you, her feet faltering as she struggled to keep pace. You had to admit your own fatigue— the stairs were too steep, too long. Your legs trembled as you heard footsteps above you— was it the police? The robbers?
“Come on, Hazel,” you whispered urgently, coaxing her down another step. Hazel attempted to put her foot down but she stumbled, gripping you tighter. 
“I’m sorry,” she gasped out, holding you so, so close. You could feel her entire body temperature dropping. The tears she did so well to hold now were dripping down her cheeks. “I can’t. I can’t do it, I can’t.” 
Her broken voice shattered your heart. You placed her gently down the stairs, helping her sit down. 
“Hey, hey— it’s okay. We’ll take a break. Just for a moment, okay? You’re doing so good.” You wiped her tears from her face, moving the strands of her hair out from her vision.
“I’m sorry-” Hazel continued. “This is all my fault I’m so sorry-”
“-No, it’s not your fault,” Hazel coughed. “It’s not your fault. You saved me.”
You stared at Hazel’s appearance— her usually shy and vibrant features were now marred by blood and streaks of dirt. Her dark hair was tousled and matted against her blue and purple face— she was a mess. So were you. You two had to get out of here.
“Hazel, we gotta get down,” You said. “We have to get back home.”
“No– not home. Not to my mom,” Hazel tensed. “Not my mom. She doesn’t know. No– no one can know.” 
“So where do we go?” 
Instead of answering, hazel’s eyelids drooped. She leaned her head against your shoulder as a weak groan escaped her lips.
"No, no, no, Hazel, stay with me," you sniffed, struggling to keep her upright. You adjusted your hold, keeping her steady as panic settled in your stomach again. 
You found yourself sobbing, clutching onto Hazel’s body as it slowly lost warmth. You couldn’t possibly bring Hazel down all on your own— and even then, you were sure where you were and how to get back home. 
“Hazel, I don't know what to do,” You begged, looking around the dark, empty stairwell. “I don’t know what to do…” 
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed from behind. You turned around as a bright flashlight shined into your face. You flinched at the light cutting through the darkness, hugging Hazel tighter. 
“Police! Don’t move!”
It was an officer with dark brown hair braided in a ponytail. She lowered her gun as she saw you crying, her eyes landing on Hazel’s spider-suit. Her stern expression morphed into shock, walking closer to you. 
You held onto Hazel, protecting her from the stranger. 
“It’s okay. You’re okay.” The officer insisted, her eyes traveling to the cuffs on Hazel’s wrists. She stared in silence for a moment before turning to you.
“What’s your name?” 
The officer sighed and looked around the stairwell. Her walkie talkie buzzed, asking for a response. Your anxiety spiked— if people found out Hazel was Spider-Woman, wouldn’t that put her in danger? 
Sensing your terror, the officer put a hand over your mouth before answering the walkie talkie.
"Stairwell is clear. No sign of the suspects. Proceeding to the next floor. Over."
You stared at her with glistening eyes as she let Hazel fall into her arms, carrying her bridal style. 
“Can you walk?” She asked, to which you quietly nodded. 
The officer began descending through the darkness. You followed her, tears still streaming down your face as the officer silently guided you down the stairs.
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You never thought you would ever be in the backseat of a police car, but here you were, in the middle of the night, with an unconscious Hazel leaned against your lap. The officer had managed to break the cuffs, letting you see the cuts and bruises on Hazel’s wrist. It matched your neck.
You looked outside a window. Rain had begun to fall, each sound of raindrops hitting the roof of the car. It was almost calming, if you weren’t thinking about the fact that Hazel Callahan was Spider-Woman and that both of you almost died today. 
“How old is she?” 
The officer’s voice interrupted your thoughts, making you jump. You turned your head to the front of the car. You realized she was talking about Hazel.
The answer seemed to hurt the officer, as she muttered a curse word under her breath.
“...I have a kid her age,” she said. “I’d do anything to keep him safe.”
You immediately understood what she meant.  
‘I’m not risking my son’s life by bringing you to my home.’ 
Instead, you gave her your address. You couldn’t bring her to a hospital, at least, not with what she was wearing. You just had to somehow sneak the two of you to your room.
The officer continued. “You begged me not to take you to a hospital tonight, but I want you two to get checked tomorrow, alright? My husband works as a nurse. Tell him I sent you and he won’t ask questions.”
“Thank you, Officer…” you searched for her name. 
“Morales. Don’t thank me.” She stared at you from her rearview mirror, a stern look in her eyes. “And kid?” 
You stared back. 
“I don’t ever want to see you again.” 
Her words were sharp, but once again, you understood the soft meaning behind them. 
“Yes, ma’am…”
Officer Morales gave a slight nod, her eyes briefly softening in the mirror before focusing back on the road.
You looked down at Hazel, watching the passing street lights illuminating her battered face. So fragile, yet so strong. You reached down to hold Hazel’s hand, hoping the heat from your skin will warm her. You leaned your head back, closing your eyes for a moment, listening to the rhythmic sound of the rain and the hum of the engine. 
The city continued to blur outside the window. And you too, felt yourself blur. 
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Previous Chapter: The Set-Up for Chapter 4
Next Chapter: That One Patch-Up Scene in Films
@hardbeingcasual @koryianders @lottiematthewsceo @sourgummywormsss @1-danid @awenthealchemist @butterflymagic415 @samoozi @kyleeservopoulos @treehuggerfrvr @yokurts @hikaru97 @randomhoex @damnkehlani14 @byhuenii @ship-enthusiast @lamolaine @lovepityparties @cinematicdifls @sndixz
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xoxoxkisses · 1 month
HELLOOO! How are you! , well l hope you are doing just great!☺️ and l was hoping lf you could do a request for me? lts a random one , lts where the reader ls Douma’s child , and she turned out exactly like him but she doesn’t want to be shown as a demon child so she ran away and trained to be a hashira until one day at a mission with one of the hashiras (prob muichiro since l want lt to be a muichiro x reader) , Shinobu realized that the reader has the same rainbow eyes as douma and she let the master know and they confronted her , afterwards the reader disappeared and went to stay with douma after so much time and Muichiro misses his lover , this was after Muichiro and her got together.😅 btw l love all your content 🤩
one of a kind
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Muichiro x reader
warnings: not proofread
I always knew I was different from the others. My father was a demon, and my mother..well I don’t know anything about her. My father however, was a weird demon, he was always unusually happy and bubbly. He had multi colored eyes which most demons didn’t have. I had them. I also had his personality. When I realized I was becoming just like him, I ran away. I didn’t want to be known as the demon child, or especially his child.
That’s why I became a member of the demon slayer corps. No one knew I was half a demon. I could go out into the sun, and I didn’t have fangs. The one thing was my eyes.
I was a Hashira, the highest rank you could be. I had amazing friends, and an amazing boyfriend, Muichiro. We had been dating for 2 years. Everything in my life was perfect, absolutely perfect.
Well that was until one day.
Muichiro and I had been assigned together for a mission. It went pretty good, there were no injuries reported and everyone was safe. One of the demons had accidentally flicked something into my eye during battle and it was swollen, so I had to stop at the butterfly mansion to get it looked at.
I told Muichiro to go on without me and that I would meet with him soon. I went inside and asked Aoi for Shinobu. It didn’t take long for her to wave me into her office.
“What’s wrong Y/n?” “During my mission, a demon flicked something into my eye. I just need it looked at.” She nodded at me as she went to her desk and opened a drawer and pulled out a small light. She walked back over and asked me to open my eye, I did, and she held the light up. I saw her breath catch in her throat as she looked at it. “Is everything ok?” I could sense her nervousness. “Yes! Everything is perfectly fine, just looks like there is just some dirt. Here, take these eye drops.” She handed me a bottle of them and sent me on my way. ————————————————————————
Master called us to a meeting the next day. Everyone was confused because there was nothing to meet about.
“Good afternoon children. I suppose you’re all confused on why you’re all here, correct?” Everyone answered with ‘Yes master.’ He smiled softly as he began to speak again. “I have been informed a demon has been fighting amongst us.” Everyone gasps, including me, but my heart also sinks. “Y/n, come here please.” Everyone’s eyes went to me, I looked at my boyfriend who looked at me worriedly. i walked up to the master and stood beside him. “Children, Y/n here is half of a demon. Ms Kocho has informed me that her father is uppermoon 2.” I gasped. That’s why she was nervous yesterday.
Everyone stared at me. They were voting on what to do with me. Finally they suggested to execute me. This scared me. I broke free from the masters grip and ran off. ————————————————————————
I went back to live with my father. No one has seen me in years, and i wanted it to stay that way. However, I missed Muichiro. I wished he was there for me, but he wasn’t. Little did you know, he missed you and looked for you everyday.
I went out for a walk one day to get out away from my father. Today was one of his eating days and you hated them. As I was walking through the forest, I felt a familiar presence. I decided to check it out, so I went further into the woods and found a small clearing. There sat my boyfriend. My Muichiro. I wanted to cry. He looked so different now. Unfortunately for me, he looked over and saw me, his eyes went wide. I ran off, he was also running after me. He had gotten a lot quicker, and i had gotten slower. He caught up to me.
“Y/n! I can’t believe it!” He spun me around, admiring Me. “Hey Muich-“ He pulled me into a kiss. I had missed this, a lot. “Y/n, please, come back, or take me with you.” I shook my head. “I can’t. It’s too dangerous for us both.” “Then let’s run away together. I want to be with you Y/n.” I took his idea into consideration, but agreed. I would run away with the love of my life. ————————————————————————
We ended up running to a far away village. We made a home there. No one had heard from the two of us in years. My life may not be perfect now, but at least I have the one thing I always wanted: Muichiro
a/n: this is rushed I’m sorry. I’m surviving off of 3 hours of sleep and I’ve had workouts so I’m tired. I’ve also had 0 motivation.
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panda-writes-kpop · 9 months
OMG YOUR NAYEON FLIFF ALPHABET WAS ADORABLE I WANTED TO CRY do you think we could get a mina one????
also university is also killing me rn, all of my final exams are next week (I have 4 exams 😭) and ngl I'm pretty sure I'm not going to pass the course ls unless i score like 100% on the final exams 😭😭
Mina ~ Fluff Alphabet (Requested!)
a/n: thank you for the request, anon!!! mina is my top twice bias so of course I can do this for you. i know i'm super late to this but i hope exams went well! quick reminder to everyone that grades don't define you or your intelligence 🫶 but i was mentally wishing the best for you when I first read this request because I understand the struggle. 🥲 You're gonna do great next semester, anon, I know it 🥰
tw: none!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Affection (How do they show their affection? What love language(s) do they use?)
Mina loves spending quality time with you, even if you’re not actively talking or doing something together. Being in the same room as you while you’re both doing different activities is good enough for her - you could be working on one of your hobbies while she’s gaming, for example. Just being there for her makes her so happy.
Beauty (What do they admire about their S/O? What makes their S/O beautiful?)
She admires your resilience and, if you’re more extroverted, your extroversion and friendliness towards other people. You’re stronger than you know, and you always get back on your feet after a bad day, and she respects it. 
Comfort (How would they help their S/O if they were having a rough day?)
A simple Come home when you’re ready. text awaits you on your phone, and when you head home, you’re pleasantly surprised to see her holding a bag of your favorite fast food/takeout in one hand and a video game controller in the other. She doesn’t mind if you want to just eat and watch her game, or if you want to play together, but Mina wants to get your mind off of your struggles, even if it means watching her struggle in a virtual world.
Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)
Mina likes being where you are, and if that means that you want to stay in your apartment for the rest of your life, then she’ll stay with you there. Her idealistic future is to be with you, no matter where, when, or how.
Equal (Do they tend to be more dominant or passive in the relationship?)
She’s more passive, but that doesn’t mean that she’s not assertive at times. If there’s something that she thinks that the two of you need to talk about, then Mina will gently bring it up. You may be the one planning most of the dates, but she likes to occasionally surprise you with a date night or two, especially if you’ve been busy or had a rough go at things.
Fight (Would they easily forgive their S/O after a fight? How would a typical fight go?)
Call me biased, but I don’t really see the two of you getting into fights? Mina is a mellow, calmer person, so she tends to get along with most people. It would take a lot for her to raise her voice at you, let alone get into an argument. Not saying that the two of you don’t have disagreements, which are normal and healthy. You simply talk through them with her so you both can understand where the other is coming from.
Gratitude (How grateful are they for everything that their S/O does for them?)
Mina doesn’t often say her gratitude, but it’s often evident in her actions. A hand on the small of your back when you make her breakfast on a busy morning, clean dishes after you come home late from work, and a small note left on your nightstand, thanking you for driving her home last night (even though you do it all of the time).
Honesty (Do they tend to keep secrets from their S/O, or do they share everything?)
Mina can seem secretive to people outside of her relationship, but she isn’t secretive to you. She might not tell you everything immediately, but if it casually comes up in conversation, then she’ll bring it up.
Inspiration (Did their S/O change them, or was it the other way around?)
Mina is inspired by your constant kindness towards her and other people. When she has a bad day, she wants to close herself in a bubble and disappear from the world. When you have a bad day, you take it with grace and try to keep everything moving along while finding reasons to smile and laugh. Safe to say, you inspire her a lot.
Jealousy  (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Mina gets silently jealous, which means that she internally broods a lot while someone is being a bit friendlier than she would like. Her scrunched eyebrows and thin smile, when you glance at her, is a sign to quickly end the conversation and comfort her. She tries to reassure you that she’s not jealous, but you both know she’s lying when she sighs as you wrap your arm around her.
Kiss (How often do they kiss you? Where do they like to kiss you?)
Mina often goes for quick pecks, especially on your cheeks. It’s an easy greeting and goodbye for the two of you. When you’re alone, however, she doesn’t mind kissing you on the lips with more passion. They’re longer kisses, and once she gets her hands on you, she won’t let go until she’s satisfied.
Lazy Day (How do they like to spend days off with their S/O?)
Mina likes to spend her days off at home, but she doesn’t mind running errands or going shopping with you if you like to do those things on the days you’re off. She does tend to spoil you a bit (if you’ll let her pay), but dinner is on you this time, you swear.
Marriage (Do they want to get married? How often do they think about marrying their S/O?)
It would be one of those moments of domestic bliss where Mina looks up at you and wishes that every day would be like this. Next, it comes up casually in conversations at a more frequent pace, and before you know it, the two of you are looking at matching rings together.
Nicknames (What do they call their S/O?)
Babe, baby, darling, dear
A mix of older/newer nicknames - depending on the mood she’s in. A teasing Mina likes to call you old-fashioned names, as they fluster you, but in day-to-day life, babe and baby work just fine for her.
On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it extremely obvious to others?)
Not a lot of people would be able to notice that Mina’s in love, at least at a first glance. It’s the subtle things, like the way her eyes light up when you next her or the big smile she wears when she tells her friends that the two of you have plans this weekend. Her inner circle of friends would know, but everyone else would be clueless.
PDA (Are they very upfront with their relationship, or do they prefer to keep things quiet?)
Mina isn’t huge on over-the-top PDA, but she doesn’t mind holding your hand or giving you a quick hug in public. Kisses aren’t off the table either - a small peck to your lips or cheek will do for her.
Quirk (Some random personality trait that makes them an excellent partner.)
She’s a fantastic listener due to her quiet and caring nature. She just… knows when you need to vent and she’s ready to listen to you. If you want, Mina will give you advice, but if not, she’s more than happy to just listen to you talk all night.
Romance (Are they a born romantic ready to woo their S/O at any moment, or do they struggle to spark romantic moments with their S/O?)
Mina isn’t a born romantic, but she has her moments (that come out of nowhere, you swear) that sweep you off your feet. A teasing comment, the sweetest compliment ever, or an extra bit of affection can send your heart into overdrive as she pretends to have no idea of the effect that she has on you.
Support (How do they help support their S/O to reach their goals?)
Mina loves being there for you, whenever you need her. If you’ve got a big event coming up, she’ll be one of the first ones in her seat. If it’s not something that she can be there for, she’ll text you a supportive message or find a way to contact you so you know that she’s there for you, for the good and the bad.
Thrill (Do they like trying out new things to spice up their relationship, or do they prefer to stick to a routine?)
Mina is a woman of routine, and she likes exactly the way you two have your relationship set up. She doesn’t mind the occasional off-the-cuff date night, but it’s nice to just cuddle under some blankets and watch a movie together for a few nights in a row.
Understanding (How well do they know their partner?)
Mina has a silent understanding of you from simply observing your behavior. The two of you like to go places together, so she naturally picks up on your favorite drinks, food, style of clothing, etc., and you’ll find yourself receiving gifts from her during the holidays or on your birthday that you absolutely love but have no idea how she’d know about that. It’s not like she’d tell you, either.
Value (How important is the relationship to the person versus other relationships and things in their life?)
Mina tries to express to you that you’re one of her priorities. She takes you to meet other people who she deems to be just as important as you - her family and close friends, for example - so you know how much she values you and your relationship.
Wild Card (A random fluffy headcanon that you have about the relationship?)
I love Gamer!Mina, as a gamer myself, so she’d be ecstatic if you had the same hobby as her. Even if you like different genres of video games, you find yourself playing together or against each other. She won’t go easy on you, just because you’re dating, so you better bring your best to the table (even if you’re both playing MarioKart and flying off the edge on every turn on Rainbow Road).
XOXO (Do they like to kiss, hug, and cuddle you? How often do they do so?)
She does, but it’s often in private. When it’s just the two of you, Mina is very clingy. She always likes to be near you, and when she’s near you, an arm is around you or her lips are on you. She does like when you initiate first, and she’s more affectionate when you do so.
Yearning (How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?)
Mina simply indulges herself in her hobbies and work more. You’ll be back soon enough, and it’s not like the two of you are running out of moments to spend together. She does call you every night, just to check in on you (it helps her sleep at night, but she’ll never admit that to your face).
Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
You and Mina believe that every big step should be taken together, as a couple. It’s a constant battle of take-and-give between the two of you, where you both are trying to be the givers instead of the takers. Sometimes, however, you need to take so you can give, so you don’t mind going the extra mile for each other when you need to.
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marieracingteam · 3 months
If you do request. I have a idea of lance stroll stepping up to be a father of Esteban kid. Esteban doesn't know he has a kid. After reading Lance stepping up to be a father.
Lancey and the word mine – ls.18
stepdad!Lance Stroll | series
word count: 1630
summary: Being away from home is hard for Lance. Esteban, however, is determined to do everything he can to distract his friend from thinking about how much he misses his girlfriend and his little girl, luckily for him, his plan also benefits him a lot.
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Lance thought he was still dreaming when he woke up to the cries of a baby. 
Lily rarely cried anymore. She had been through a rough patch when her baby teeth started to fall out and it was common for her to wake them up crying when she couldn't sleep in fear of waking up without teeth. However, the little girl had grown out of that fear and now, luckily, it had been a long time since Lance had last heard the little girl cry.
In any case, that cry wasn't Lily's. Lance could recognise his girl's cry in a million and that, without a doubt, was the cry of another baby, one much smaller than Lily was anyway.
Still disoriented from sleep, Lance sat up in bed trying to find where the crying was coming from. That floor of the hotel was filled with his crew and none of them had hidden a baby in the room, as far as he knew. So where was that noise coming from?
Luckily, Lance didn't have to wonder for long before someone knocked on his door.
On the other side, the driver found his friend Esteban. And the culprit of his crying? The baby in his arms.
“What…?” before Lance could ask anything, Esteban was barging in his hotel room and closing the door behind him.
That baby’s wails becoming even louder in the close space.
“He is sick! I guess? I don’t know what is wrong with him!” Esteban exclaimed handing the baby to his friend.
“Who is this?” asked Lance grabbing the baby.
He couldn't have been more than three years old, despite being tall. Lance hadn't met Lily at that age, but he had memorized enough of all the photos her mother had to recognize the details.
The boy's cheeks were very red and wet from the tears that kept falling. Lance didn't even have to touch his forehead to know that the boy probably had a fever.
“Is that your...?” he tried to confirm.
“I don't know! I guess. His mother left him with me last week, she says he's my son and that I have to take care of him. I'm on the verge of losing my mind, man.” Esteban was pacing the room while covering his ears with his hands.
Lance knew that feeling of desperation when the cries of a child entered your eardrum after a few hours of non-stop wails.
“Ok, don’t panic. He just has a fever. Did he had a runny nose or complained about his ears?” Lance asked checking the baby, who continued his cries.
“I don’t know! I don’t know mate! His mother was at my door after the last Grand Prix, she said she'd come back for him when she was ready. I don't know what to do. I haven’t told anyone else. But I need your help, Lance. He's been eating mashed potatoes, vegetables, or fruit for a week now. And he's got teeth! And now he is sick! Is it because of the flight? They said he is not too young to fly!” Esteban continued rambling for some time.
In the meanwhile, Lance sat down to rock the boy, gently speaking to him in a calming voice. His ear was red and he kept grabbing it, so Lance guessed there was the problem.
Lily also had an ear infection recently after summer vacation. She had been inconsolable and writhing in pain until the children's medicine kicked in. Lance didn't want to even think about the pain the boy had to be going through without treatment.
“Just an ear infection, Esteban. It's okay. Let me get dressed and we'll take him to the ER. He'll be fine soon when he takes something for the pain,” Lance said. And maybe he lied a little when he assured him that everything would pass quickly, but he knew that was what his friend needed to hear. “But you need to call his mother and yours. Probably your lawyer too” he interjected.
“This is too much, man. Too much. I'm not ready to be a father.” Esteban cried. “And what I am going to say to the doctor? I just know is name is Bruno!”
“Ok, relax. Why don’t we call your team’s doctor? They can help you. And you need to tell them anyway. Or what are you going to do with him tomorrow during press? Or while in the car?” Lance questioned while getting dress, the boy still in his arms.
“They are going to fire me!”
“They are goint to fire you anyway if you crash with Pierre one more time! Who cares? Right now you need to think about your son!” Lance exclaimed, making the boy cry harder.
“I don’t even know if he is my son!” Esteban shouted.
“Well, maybe you should start there! Esteban, I know you are terrified right now but you need to put him first while you decide what you are going to do! You need to call your team, first the doctor and next the lawyer.” 
While they waited for the team to arrive at Lance’s room, he couldn’t help but think about how he himself became a father. Unlinke Esteban, he couldn’t point the exact moment he realise he had someone under his care. He had not found Lily one day at his door, instead, Lily had found him one night at her door.
He had never had to make that decision to love and protect her. He had never had to wonder if she was his or not. That had never mattered to him. But he understood why it did matter to Esteban. He understood why he felt the world shif under him and how scary that could be. Lance had been ready for that change but he could blame Esteban if he wasn’t. 
“That was his mother…” Esteban said after he left the room to take a call “She is coming for him”
“What did she said?”
“I texter her to tell her he was sick. She said… She said that he is mine… although she freaked out when I told her I was going to do a paternity test. She probably thought that I would get sick of him and not ask any questions as long as she took him back... in exchange for a good sum of money, obviously. She's on her way and won't bother me again if I don't call the authorities.”
“That's fucked up, man. What kind of mother abandons her son for money without knowing if he's okay? He's just a kid and she's only known you a few nights before he was even bron…” Lance whispered, careful not to wake the little boy that had finally fallen asleep.
“Well yes, but it's not my problem,” Esteban answered, plopping down on the couch in the hotel room. Suddenly much more relaxed and rejuvenated.
“He may not be your son, but it's not right!” 
"So what do you want me to do, Lance? I don’t it is fucked up but it is what it is. I know this all may seem easy for you, man, but you just help raise your girl’s baby, that’s not the same of having a baby or raising one on your own”
Lance knew Esteban was on edge, he knew. Lance knew Esteban was stress and scared, he knew he need to be gentle and understanding with him… but how could Lance be fair when he was the one being questioned about his parenting?
“Why not? Why it is not the same?” 
“Because she is not yours! I know you love her, you know I like her too! But it's not the same as her being your responsibility” Esteban tried to explain.
And Lance did his best not to scream in his face. Esteban was his friend, a good one. He was just stressed and going through some deep issues. But those words were so untrue that it made him see red.
Since when was he entitled to speak about being a father? He had certainly not wanted to be one half an hour ago! Why did no one seem to understand that Lance wanted to be a father to a child who might not be of his own blood, but was so understanding when another man put his lifestyle before raising a child that was his!?
“Lily is mine, Esteban” he said and he realized in that moment that there wasn’t an inch of doubt in him. “She is my baby girl, my responsibility, my duty and my pleasure to care for. When you have a kid for real you would understand. Blood doesn't mean shit when you look at their face and you just know”.
At that, Esteban just nodded even if he didn't quite understand. But it was fine, Lance accepted while caressing Bruno's back when he whimpered. One day Esteban would tell him he was right. Lance himself wouldn't have understood it either before meeting his girls. Life is just crazy like that, taking you to where you belong without expecting it.
And Lance couldn’t be happier with where life had taken him. He just couldn't wait to go back home. To his girls. And he just hoped maybe some day Esteban found something like that too. Bruno too.
Because if there was one thing he would never have doubted, it was that Lily deserved to be loved unconditionally by all the people in her life, her parents above all. Her father hadn't been up to the task, but he would be. Bruno also deserved a family that loved him that way and Lance was not going to let that child go with someone who was not willing to do everything possible to deserve him.
I went a little different with this one, hope you like it!
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mcytblrsexymen · 2 years
So Who WERE The Mods Backing (and a glimpse of how many people it takes to run something like this)
Alright, we have had a lot of people in the ask box asking who the mods wanted to win, so I went around the group chat and asked everybody who their most favoured blorbos were. This was the result.
I'm Second @theminecraftbee! obviously, Joe Hills. also, ZombieCleo, Technoblade, Scar, Quackity, MumboJumbo, Cubfan, jojosolos, and somehow VikingPilot despite the fact I don't watch Dominion (I have been given a playlist I will watch soon).
Medusa @antimony-medusa. My guys were Martyn, Ren, Pixlriffs, Technoblade, Oli Orionsound, Philza, Ethoslab, ZombieCleo, Bekyamon, Sneegsnag. I took a lot of Ls. I was also won over for propoganda for Quackity, ClownPierce, Wilbur, VikingPilot, Joe Hills, Cubfan, and RTGame. I’ve seen so much good art.
hi i'm roxy @thanotaphobia and i backed technoblade, quackity, joe hills, and #saintsweep !!!!!!!!! my blorbos did so well
Katy, @blueeyedjoy Techno, Quackity, RTGame, VikingPilot despite not having watched him before (am planning on watching through his videos soon), Schlatt (gone too soon), and Joe Hills
Sorrel @magicalmanhattanproject Obviously, Joe Hills. Also, Pixlriffs, Technoblade, Quackity, VikingPilot (despite not watching DominionSMP yet), Eddie the Rabbit, HBomb94, RTGame, Cubfan135, Martyn Inthelittlewood, GeminiTay
Jewels, @juliana677 Technoblade, Scar, Joe, Cleo, Philza, Mumbo, Scott
Sabira @floweroflaurelin: Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs—
Emmy @astronomeridian was going for whoever I thought was less likely to win up until the final round or two, which meant voting mostly for dsmp names even though I’m a hermit main, but I always voted for Joe and Cleo and wanted Charlie Slimecicle to go all the way. also Grumbot just cause I spent the time finding screenshots and making them look pretty.
Foxx, @missvulpix212 Voted for Technoblade, Puffy, Phil, Ranboo, Wilbur, Niki, Pearl, Etho, and Joe at the end.
Peachy, @peachytaiga on tumblr. I backed Techno, Philza, Quackity, Daddy Pix, RTGame, Wilbur and Joe. Very much was hoping Techno would beat Scar somehow 
Luna, @moonlitedelight on tumblr Here's the list of folks I voted for at least twice in total, in no particular order (bc I love too many ccs ): Zedaph, Beef, Technoblade, Sneeg, Finnster, TFC, RTGame, Eddie the Rabbit , Lizzie, Scar, Jimmy, Mumbo, Pixelriffs, Joe Hills, Tango, Niki, Quackity, Doc, Smajor, Oli, and Cleo
No Tumblr/Don’t want to be Perceived
H - Captain Puffy, Techno, and Quackity
C - Uhhhhhh RT Wilbur slimecicle quackity Techno Joe
TD - my guys were: Sapnap (bodied by a rabbit), Dream, Puffy, Technoblade, Scar, Joe Hills, ZombieCleo, Wilbur Soot, QUACKITY, and Etho because of the alliance
O - backed joe, RTGame, QUACKITY, charlie slimecicle (I committed so much fraud for quackity) M - god this list is all over the place. anyway, i was rooting for techno, f1nn5ster, mumbo, connoreatspants, wilbur, and finally joined the joe hills team at the end. :YesYes:
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tarothouselattier · 1 year
I’m doing good, I’m on some new shit Been saying «YES» instead of «NO» - - the 1 by Taylor Swift
What you need to say "YES" to,
instead of the usual "NO"
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all the images are from pinterest
This reading turned out to be not what I was expecting, but I feel like this is even better. There are some heartfelt moving messages and also some harsh necessary truths that will ultimately benefit you. I just hope you enjoy this one, like I did!
PLS feel free to share your thoughts and impressions with me in my ask box or message me. There is nothing I value more in this blog than human connection!!
If you're not sure how to choose a pile, what I like to do is observe image, close my eyes and while taking a few deep breaths I repeat the question in my mind and ask spirit to guide me to my pile. After I open my eyes observe the piles again and one or more usually stands out to me. It just buzzes with energy. | just can't tear my gaze away.
No matter what, I come back to that pile.
If this is not your way of doing things, I asked my spirit guides to help me choose a photo that correlates specifically with you and your energy. Even the text "Pile" I chose for you based on your energy. So, feel free to just choose what you like.
PILE 1 🫸🫷
SAY “YES” to:
choosing yourself as you are rn and crowning yourself as a Queen
moving yourself and your world forward
taking the sword in your own hands
you are my lady in waiting. Which is weird because you’re actually the Queen of swords, all of the Queens in tarot are bad bitches and they’re the leaders of their own life, but it’s like you are waiting for someone to give you your sword. You need to realise that that sword is your life and all your life energy it comes from you not out. You just really remind me of the Timothée Chalamet quote “you need to realise that the life comes from you and not at/to you” yeah, something similar he said.
honestly pile 1 am flabbergasted with you. Can you imagine, IMAGINE the Queen of swords. LITERAL Queen of swords, like an actual real-life figure and she’s waiting for someone to give her a sword. Is she really THE Queen of swords if she’s waiting for someone to give her her own sword.
YOU NEED TO MOVE. It’s like if your leg was cranking up and making you uncomfortable you still wouldn’t move it. Nobody’s gonna do it for you.
You need to say YES to yourself, to your potential, to your actuality, to your abundance, to the money that you want and you know I don’t know why but like fame and recognition are coming through strongly. Create your own World. Collect all your Ls and be like okay, okay goodbye I’m taking this and I’m going away. And at least, AT LEAST .I’m moving .
Yeah, you may be down, really really down but you still got you you still can move, and that’s truly all you need to say yes to. MOVING. Because it’s like you you’re making it seem like you were stuck, I don’t even know, up with ivy and you’re just cornered into a wall and you were glued.
Obstacles and your past are not the things that are stopping you from your abundance and you living your best life and being the most incredible version of you. Yeah you may have made mistakes but your mistakes aren’t holding you back, you are holding onto your own mistakes. You are stuck in the labyrinth of your own mind. You need to move. forget about the past I just need to move. You thoughts don’t make your life. YOU make your life. It’s OK to grow and change. What is not OK is thinking you can’t!
Pile 2 ☀️ You are my sweetie honey-pumpkin pie. Here's a hug and a celebratory hurray for what's ahead of you!
you need to say YES to:
start getting dressed more fancy, the way you like.
say yes to your graceful elegant side.
Also you need to say yes to being more gentle with yourself. It’s okay to not rush with your feelings if you still feel hurt and shocked.
"Start looking forward and stop looking back" - What's the use of feeling Blue? Song from Steven Universe. My personal favourite quote for situations llike this. (You won't believe it but I once channeled it from Jinx oddly enough. She gave me great advice)
getting excited about your own life!
It’s like you feel that you missed your chance on something, or something in your life did not turn out the way it was supposed to it’s over and you just can’t accept that it’s over.
I can't make this shit up. The card that flew out next was the 2 of cups.
Did you go through a breakup recently?
If so, then I am with you. To be honest, I’ve noticed that people are literally collectively going through breakups right now. Doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship that lasted for years or several months. EVERYONE is breaking up right now. I swear to you. Me included. I’m with you, honey🥹❤️❤️
Okay, I fully understand now what I need to say to you.
I know how much it hurts. Trust me, I’ve gone through the same thing a week ago. It was a 4 year relationship. But it was dying. There is no saving the wilted flowers. They blessed your life with their beaty, served their time and left space for the next amazing thing to come in their place. Say yes to letting it go! Say "yes"! Understand, this was for the best! And you need to start thinking about yourself. What is over is already over and done with. You cannot get it back, you cannot change it. You need to understand, this break up, this thing, it happened. "There is happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you" I PROMISE YOU you need to get excited honestly say yes to getting excited. This is a new chapter in your life and let me tell you, I feel like you’re gonna be, man.. if I like you were in the dark, this whole whole freaking time and you’re kind of amazed how it’s over, but somehow there’s a glimmer of hope and you might actually feel better than you thought you would. And I keep hearing "bedazzled". You need to be out there at the frontlines of your life. You need to let your spark shine, don’t feel guilty. Feel sad, but also understand that the person may not have been your future but they did turn out to be your past instead. And they were there and it’s amazing, and now is the start of your next chapter and let me tell you, it’s gonna be exciting!! You need to like, you need to get excited about this, truly. Move don’t be pushed around by the paast that you own. Don’t stay stuck in the same place. Don’t let these thoughts and whatever there is overcome you. There is no need, you’re the Queen! The boss of your own life! Think about the fancy stuff that you want to buy for yourself, the concert tickets that you want.. I might be projecting, but truly this is a collective thing right now so I feel like I’m speaking to you as a friend, but also this is literally what the cards are saying. Your life will literally glimmer and shine as the Sun and the stars. Take control of your life. Be the leader of change. All of the things that you want to do. It’s time! it’s time to make plans and make them come to life because this is the going forward. It's the only thing that will make you feel better, not dwelling on the past. It’s over. It’s okay to relax into your bright future. HELL, into your bright present. Notice how you feel lighter. It's like you finally cleaned out your old closet. Like you felt heavy and stressed all this time without knowing why. And when you broke up you realised that the person that you so loved was the last thing holding you back. And you finally feel fresh. Finally feel like you have your whole life ahead of you. Breath and breathe out. The only one you need to love you is YOU!
But still, I love you! ❤️❤️☀️
Songs you might enjoy at this particular time(besides:
Bejeweled - Taylor Swift
Happiness- Taylor Swift
Midnight shy - Miley Cyrus
Truth hurts - Lizzo
Break free - Ariana Grande
Clean - Taylor Swift
Thank u, next - Ariana Grande
Honestly, the Renaissance album is the vibe rn, but skip the love songs, if you’re still uncomfy.
Additional picture-messages for you that I channeled
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Pile 3 My dragons🐲
I strongly feel you were given a precious gift in this life, a divine gift, truly.
When I was channeling your pile:
What I meant to say: “my caterpillars, turning into butterflies”.
What I actually said: “ah, my butterflies, turning into caterpillars”. 💀
Crying rn.
Believe in yourself, no matter your doubts. You’re actually turning into a butterfly. You not believing in yourself is the only thing stopping you from seeing it. Believe and speed up the transformation.
I then heard “my dragons” ssoooo.
It’s you. You are my dragons.
I feel so strongly for you pile 3!!!!!! DON'T YOU DARE be careless with your gift, whatever it may be. Weather it refers to your inner power, or maybe an idea that you want to bring to life. Don’t you dare miss this opportunity because of your fears or your disbelief in yourself. You are this powerful for a reason don’t you dare give it up!!!!!!!! Don’t you dare be careless.
This is as much of a warning as it is advice and I advise you, I demand of you strongly! Don’t you dare pass up this opportunitybecause you think you are incompetent or not good enough, any of that crap. You doubt yourself for literally no reason, don’t let it cloud your judgement or stop you from taking action. You might believe what you believe but still do it anyway. You have a brain, you have hands. You may not think the best of yourself rn, but at least rage and be like: "like hell I'm about to let it go with the wind!!! NEVER." Because I feel like you’re extremely gifted psychically, or you have something to offer that only you and no one else can. it’s like you have a spark in you, it’s amazing. YOU are the one who is meant to bring it to life. I am just, wow. This is so incredible that I am kind of speechless and all I can do is be like "don’t you dare be careless with that, don’t you dare be lazy, don’t you dare doubt yourself"
You need to be worried about giving up, so don’t you dare give up!!! See it through whatever idea that you have. I don’t care, no matter what, put your blood sweat and tears into it and all of your burning passion and desire and your life force and see it through. BRING THIS SHIT TO COMPLETION. You will receive something MAJOR. the divine is on your side. Don’t you dare lose this halfway. Don’t lose yourself. This is crucial right now.
I keep hearing this part of a song, and the words “like I believe in you” . I was thinking whether it’s like a Disney song but I believe this is a Steven universe song and I love my animation, It's an incredible song. the song is called "Who we are". it goes "and I believe in them, and I believe in yOuuuuu". The whole song is a bomb that you need rn. Listen to the song or catch these hands.
like oh my God say yes yes say yes all "t baby can you bring me all the way" from a Beyonce song on the Renaissance album. Now it is not time to give up. Now it’s not time to suddenly be like "oh well, guess I’m not good enough, guess it’s not bringing me anything" SAY NO TO BETRAYING YOUR VALUES. SAY NO TO BETRAYING YOUR OWN SELF". I know this reading is supposed to be about what you should say YES to, but in order to lit a fire under your ass I need to be counterproductive like you seem to be right now. Don’t give up cause you fucking doubt yourself, okay!? I’m mad right now because I believe in you so passionately and whloeheartedly. I would literally, I don’t know, fight you and shake you by the shoulders with how much I believe in you and how much I want to see you shine it’s crazy. I swear like DM me or put an ask in my ask box and tell me what it is that you want to do in this world because oh my God, oh my God, I’ll be your listener, your viewer...not your buyer at this moment because I don’t have money right now, but I will definitely be your supporter!!!! I want you to win, baby, so win!
The universe wants you to win, most of all you are the 1. You have to be the one who wants you to win the most!!! There’s nobody stronger than you. Forget even "higher power" Only pay attantion to yourself. You are the force!!!! so bring it on!!! Also, by the way, I’m a pile three girly as well, like strongly. You are my spirit friend, spiritual siblings, so I also have some dreams. So if you like, feel free to message me or put an ask in my box.
I love you and I am moved by your extremely powerful energy. I was like welling up with inspiration and drive. I feel like Nicki Minaj right now with this particular quote: “barbz, don’t you dare be lazy. Stay in school”
Additional picture-messages for you that I channeled
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according2thelore · 1 month
I’ve been devouring your ES/LS verse tags, and you know what i can’t stop thinking about? How purely ESdean loved ESsam. Like. My baby bother can do nothing wrong. You killed that guy? Guy must’ve done soemthing it’s ok. And how that was absolutley ripped away from Sam by season 4, and he never actually got it back. Not from his POV. In Sam’s mind I’m pretty sure he knows Dean loves him- but it’s part obligation, part history and pattern, and part *in spite of* all the shit. Not the same kind of absolute devotion he grew up with until Dean died (of course it is, but not to Sam). It can’t be. Not after he didn’t save Dean from hell, the demon blood, the voicemail, Lucifer, the amulet, soulless Sam, purgatory, etc etc.
And now. Now. He’s gone esDean right THERE. A Dean that still loves his Sammy the way lsSam thinks he’s lost forever. And lsSam didn’t even know how much it hurt to lose that until he’s looking at it. Like he’s been bleeeding out for decade about it and n it even really noticing. A brother who loves him- absolutley- is back. Is right there. Is looking at him the way he used to. Before Sam ruined everything.
Holy shit how bad does that fuck up lsSam. I don’t see how he wouldn’t become obsessed with esDean. And I mean obsessed. Wanted to be around him all the time. Just soaking up what he thinks he doesn’t have anymore and can only have fire little while as a reprieve. I cannot emphasize the obsession.
To the point where lsDean notices. Like. Really notices. Because he never actually stopped being devoted to his brother, and Dean? He’s never experienced Sam being obsessed with someone else. Not ever. He thought he had- Stanford or ruby- but that wasn’t the same. That wasn’t this. That wasn’t Sammy staring at someone with all the love he has for Dean and soemhow even more stars in his eyes. It has to drive lsDean insane. Insane insane. He grew up to be a mean sob, and this is pushing every Sam button.
I caaaaaaant. An insanely depressed and fucked up laSam being based with the younger Dean, while lsdean froths at the Mouth.
Chefs kiss.
GAHH!!!!!! this is beautiful!!!! everyone stop what you're doing and read this!!!!!! i love the way you phrased this @bickbickbarnes, and i am frothing at the mouth reading it over and over again!!!!
i wrote just a little thing about this--i hope that's alright!! your (totally on point) description of their dynamic really captured why i love LS!Sam/ES!Dean sm!!
AN: i fucking lied this thing is 1.3k words...i hope you like, lol!
"woah!" dean shouts, and sam jumps a little. he whirls around, and younger dean is running up to him, eyes wide. his arms are thrown open, machete dangling casually from his grip. he punches sam in the arm when he finally catches up to him. the smile on his face is blinding. "sammy what was that, man?"
sam drops his own machete to the side. he's still heaving for breath, having just decapitated a vampire that ran at him. older dean and sam are standing off to the side, and sammy notices his younger self gawking at older dean with something...heavy, something hot, in his eyes as dean hauls one decapitated body over his shoulder to start the pyre.
"what?" sam asks, looking back down at young dean. he looks down at the body and nudges it a little. did dean think he didn't cut all the way through the neck? the body jiggles.
"that was so fucking cool." dean crows, and sam turns back around to look at him, taken aback. dean is grinning so wide that it closes his eyes. he shakes sam's shoulder. "grandpa!" dean calls, and older dean looks over with a scowl. "that's how you do it."
"oh." sam's chest feels tight, and he feels hot creep across his cheeks, up his neck. "thanks."
dean is still patting him on the back, and sam hasn't been praised like this for taking out a vampire since they first found out they still existed. sam jostles under dean's arm.
"'thanks'--" dean repeats, scoffing, and raises an eyebrow at younger sam, who's scowling. "humble, too."
"whatever." sam spits, and stalks off. sammy doesn't take dean's arm off of him, expecting him to move it, but he doesn't. not for a minute.
"i knew you could do it!" dean snatches the book out of sammy's hands, and sam's chest feels weird--tight--as dean beams down at the page. they'd been researching werewolves all afternoon, and sam finally found a passage in urdu that mentions the strange scales they've been finding at the murder sites. dean squints at the words like he can read it at all, and nods. "my geeky little brother never loses."
dean states, dismissive, a sarcastic grin on his face like he's mocking him.
"uh--" sam starts, trying to find the footing in this conversation. the praise is casual--purposefully degrading--but it's praise. older dean hasn't blinked at sam finding a clue--in any language--for...god, years probably. they've just gotten that good.
dean peeks a look up at him, and sam is stopped by the strange look in his eyes.
"tried to strangle the inner nerd with those things--" dean gestures at sammy's arms with a casual hand and a raised eyebrow. "--but you couldn't." dean looks up, and his smile is quiet and softer. his tone is admiring. "man."
dean shakes his head and looks back down at his own book--written in english--with a bottom lip cushioned around a pencil.
sam folds his arms, conscious of them again. that's been one of the biggest sticking points for younger dean: sam's size. strangely, sam suddenly wishes he was smaller. small enough that dean--this dean--could do...something. sam can't put his finger on it.
it had been a long time since being with dean felt like this, since the tension was full and heavy and warm. it feels like long drives and quiet silences and shitty whisky passed back and forth under the table.
sam's breath catches when he realizes...it feels like home.
being with dean always feels like home, but this feels like sitting back down in the childhood bedroom that sam never had and letting the mom he never knew pet through his hair and tell him it was always going to be okay.
the world is so strange and terrifying and smaller than sam had any right to know, but dean--this dean--nudges his foot under the table without thinking about it.
he loves him in the way that children love things--without equivocation, without years of betrayal and revenge and torture and nightmares.
it's dean.
sam nudges his foot back, and greedily drinks in the pinkness on the top of dean's ears.
older dean wipes blood off of his jaw, and sammy helps younger sam off of the floor. the kid is fine, but younger dean immediately takes the burden of him, sliding under his arm like he's always been there.
sammy notes that older dean's eyes track the kid, too, and sammy rolls his eyes. he's fine.
the cave they're in is dark, and sam can feel the damp like a cool sweat on his skin.
dean clears his throat, "okay we need to split up, i say--"
"i'll take dean," everyone--including sammy--is surprised, when he speaks up first.
sam shifts his arm over dean's shoulder, and pushes sweaty bangs off of his forehead.
"don't you think we should split experience levels--" he starts, but sammy cuts him off with a finger.
a finger pointing at the man under his arm.
"i meant dean," sammy says, and sam straightens, shocked out of the performance of needing dean to stand.
"yeah," younger dean says, straightening too. his eyes are bright, and his smile is so satisfied that sammy finds himself smirking, too. "he meant dean," dean says, glaring at older dean. sammy pats him on the shoulder, hard, and dean obediently follows after him as they split up.
"don't worry, i'll protect you." dean says, after a while, young voice echoing over the cavern walls and reverberating in sam's skull. sam wishes his internal voice sounded like this, instead of...sam shakes his head to clear the thoughts.
he looks down at dean, whose chest is puffed up. it's all play-acting, and they both know it. dean looks up at him, and gives him a slow once over that makes sammy have to swallow, hard. "don't think i could human shield you, but...i'll do my best." dean smirks.
sam punches him in the shoulder, and then has to kneel on the ground as the hit takes dean to the floor, apologizing profusely.
"shit, man," dean hisses, and squats down so he can press a rag to sam's head. sam freezes, shocked by how close he is.
sam is forty. this kid is twenty-seven, but he pats at sam's cut and coos sympathetically like he's tending to a child. sam knows his head wound must gush again, because all the blood in his body rushes to his face.
sam had been cut by a piece of glass but it was shallow, and the slice had been clean.
"that was nasty. are you okay?" dean asks. sam stares at him.
dean's eyes are green, and his freckles stick out on his skin. fuck, he's gorgeous. he's so fucking gorgeous.
his lips are plump and pink, and his eyes are soft and round. it's disney princess shit. sam blinks up at him, and feels like he's fourteen again, and this boy could fix every single thing that's wrong.
his mouth is dry.
"who was the centerfold model in the '89 playboy i kept in my bag?" dean asks.
"reneé tenison" sam mutters automatically, dazed, and dean's face splits in a shit eating grin.
"i always knew you read it after me." dean crows. but he still pats sam's cut like he's porcelain. "dirty bastard."
sam nods. fuck. he'll be anything.
"let me help you up." dean sits back on his heels, and sam obediently raises his arms, palms up. he's being babied. he's being babied.
"dean--" sam leans back, book open in his lap, and older dean looks up. his gaze softens when he catches sam's eye, having been glaring and muttering down at his record player for the last hour and a half. he's gutted it on the table, and is fiddling with wires because he's not going to pay some some man-bun yuppie $700 to tell me what i already know.
"yeah?" he asks, clearly relieved for the reprieve.
sam winces.
"no, sorry, dean--" he points at younger dean, slumped over the couch in the library, flipping through the hunger games with a rapt expression.
he snaps to attention, dropping the book on the floor and denting the cover. "oh! yeah?"
sam holds up the book in his lap--a catalogue of the weapons storage room.
"i found it." he grins.
dean scrambles off of the couch, almost sliding up to sam like someone slides into home plate.
"DUDE!" he snatches the book out of sam's hands and reads it rapidly. he looks down at sam, beaming. "your brain scares me." he gives sam the book back, and tries not to look interested as he asks, slowly. "do you think we could--"
sam looks down at the open page. the kitsune death sword. it was said it could peel the skin off of people that looked at the gem on the hilt.
dean's excitement is contagious, though, and sam can feel his own grin spreading. he looks back up at him.
"it's on the fourth floor."
dean is already running out of the room, and sam scrambles up to follow him, the distant "fuck yeah!" of dean making sam sputter with laughter.
he doesn't notice the expression on older dean's face when he leaves.
"GAH!" dean almost drops the ladle into the pot of mystery soup on the stove. sam leans in the doorway of the kitchen, having been observing his quiet puttering for a few minutes. "jesus. sorry. you're big. i mean--" dean holds out his hands, dropping soup on the floor due to the ladle still clenched in his fist. "you're here. WHICH IS GREAT. sorry, you're big."
his cheeks are bright red, and sammy tries to arrange his facial features into sobriety.
"yeah, i am." sam says, somber. "big and great."
dean sucks on his teeth, pink up to his ears, and leans back over his soup, muttering.
"brat." he admonishes, and sam snorts. he walks the few steps into the kitchen to lean against the counter next to him.
"what're you doing?" he asks. the soup smells okay, but sam can see cut hot dogs swirling in it. his stomach churns.
'i found a recipe book from the 40s and they have something called a 'triple meat sundae.'" dean says, holding up the card for sam's perusal. sam takes it from him, and reads the truly terrifying recipe list.
"that is...horrific." sam replies. marshmallow creme and barbeque sauce??
"figures you're still a snob." dean rolls his eyes.
"a snob with functional arteries." sam reminds him, putting the recipe card back by his elbow.
dean is silent for a long second, looking at him with warm eyes.
"bitch." dean says, tentative. hopeful. it almost sounds like a question. fuck. sam hasn't heard that in a while. in a long time. not since dean wore that necklace everyday like it was the best thing to ever happen to him.
sammy's eyes fall to it now, the mark of ownership clear to him in a way it had never been before.
"yeah." sam says, chest full of loveyesmine. dean's face falls, slightly, and he's quick to correct. "oh--sorry--jerk."
dean nods, hiding his grin behind the ladle of his radioactive soup.
"you didn't come to bed last night."
sam sits up, and sees dean--older dean, sammy's dean--looking down at him. there's a cup of coffee in his hand, and he puts it down next to sam's elbow. sam takes it gratefully.
he's been sitting at the war table all morning, and realizes his shoulders ache.
"hm?" he takes a sip of his coffee, and tries to un-kink his spine. dean is wearing just a henley today, and sammy admires the way it pulls across his chest as he crosses his arms.
"you didn't come to bed." dean says again. it takes sam's brain a second to process it.
he had been sneaking into dean's room--their room, really--for the past week, as sleeping alone had become irritating and exhausting. his own room had become dusty and felt barren in dean's absence.
they'd been trying to sleep separately for the sake of their younger selves, but agreed that what they didn't know didn't hurt them, as long as they didn't do it every night.
"oh. yeah. sorry--dean wanted to watch the sopranos finale. we couldn't find you or sam so we watched it in the dean cave." sam snorts, remembering the look on his face. "you should've seen him, he--"
"i know." dean cuts him off abruptly. "we watched that finale together in 2008. remember?"
sam looks at him again, brought up short. dean looks...
"oh. yeah. sorry." sam mutters, leaning into dean's leg because the sudden emotional distance has him on uneven ground.
"sam and i were in the archives. like you asked us to." dean says, lowly, and it has a bit of rasp from clenched teeth. sam sits up straight. oh fuck. he had asked them to find the file on that norse battle axe, hadn't he?
"oh, shit." he puts the mug down, and wraps a hand around the back of dean's knee. he rubs a hand over his own face. "sorry, it's been...a lot."
there's a hand in sam's hair, and sam leans into it shamelessly, relieved that he's been forgiven for this, at least.
"yeah." dean says, but his voice is still tense. "i know."
the door is closed. and both sams are in the library. so no one is there to see it. or hear it.
but if someone was walking past the door to storage room 14C, this is what they'd hear:
"--back off." the voice is tense. low.
"back off? you sound like the old man." a scoff.
"i'm only telling you once. we can't fix this shit yet, but you gotta stop hanging around him all the damn time. he's not your sam."
"why? you feelin' threatened?" a taunt. "your dick not workin in your old age? sammy want--"
a slam. a crash. something gets pushed to the floor, and things scatter across tile.
"i'm telling you. to back. the fuck. off."
"you can't hurt me." the words are choked.
"i can't kill you. there's a difference." rubber soles on a concrete wall, like someone is kicking at it. fabric rustling as a body is pushed up a wall. "it's a biiigggg line. huge." the voice is a growl, but the threat of violence is gleeful. excited.
something drops to the ground. heavier this time, and someone gasps for breath. footsteps walk to the door and almost exit, when--
"i can tell you i'll stay away all i want. can't stop him from coming to me."
older sam takes great care to ice younger dean's knee that night, and coos over his black eye. younger dean won't tell him what happened, but leans out of sammy's gentle touch when older dean walks by and asks what happened.
older dean fucks sammy through the mattress that night, so deep sam feels like he's going to choke on it. and sam wears the bruises for days.
he loves it.
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nqueso-emergency · 9 days
Buddie seems to think we have a problem to them shipping or rooting or believing for their ship. But it’s not, have as many couch and color theory as you want. Hell, everyone has different approach and conclusion to the character and/or their relationship from watching the show, I get that. Fandom is for having theories discussing them, making head canon and creating works around them.
What people have problem is them being the absolute vile human being to the real life people be it a fan, crews, and even the actors themselves. We have problem with them because their counterproductive has always been at the expense of others. One of which treating their own fanon or ideas as canon and/or true fact. I discovered 911 universe thru LS first. And from the beginning they’ve always say that Tarlos was the replacement for Buddie. That Tim was going to green lit them before he left but the exces was not having it. When asked the buddies never provided actual interview or press and as long if seen they just replied with tweet that comes from another buddies with different variation of wording. And listen I don’t have a problem if they believe that, but they keep running it as a fact, then dismissing Tarlos as a legit relationship because they started too soon (which I seem to remember the most paying ship from that show doing this too, but I guess if it’s a queer relationship it has to have the fanfiction plot 🤷🏾‍♂️) or they started from hookup instead of years of slow burn (which surprise most relationship goes from casual then taking the leap of faith to pursue it seriously or not). Then the other day they come again saying that the Rafael or Ronen have beef with each other. Which I don’t care about the RL actors but also what a fucking weirdo you have to be to micro-analyze two actors especially from the show you say you didn’t like. Oh they definitely had been bothering the LS actors too asking about their opinion on Buddie (bc of course that’s just regular behavior for them) and being mad when the actors answered in neutral and the other answered he only has eyes for his own show and relationship, because I guess even they knew how obsessive these fans can get
Before 2024, the buddies weren’t this massive and “openly” hateful and it was mostly Tarlos because from their own mind that they choose to believe as real factual information, Tarlos was the one thing preventing Buddie to “happen”. Now while I don’t closely join the 911, due to algorithm I have witnessed how nasty they have been to the idea of BuckTommy/ just Tommy in general. Because now this new guy is also the one preventing my two preferred men to kiss.
I think wishing you guys well and for Buddies to enjoy their ship without bothering others seems like a big imagination because it’s either being mad at the exces for making other couples instead of their preferred one or being mad at themselves for getting too worked and baited up by their own theories that was made by their own mind and choose to believe it as canon. I guess that’s why a lot of them seem to be mad if they’re not going to have buddies this season. Because what a waste of 7 years being baited by your own brain 🤣
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Trevor Zegras (Part Nineteen)
previous: eighteen
next: twenty
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liked by trevorzegras, frank_vatrano, and 11,453 others
yourusername hello laid-eez! my name is y/n wannabe zegras, and i am your host to the trevor zegras postgame penalty box update show!
just like thursday’s game, z is now at the same amount of games since his last penalty as the number of goals scored by the ducks tonight— three!
i really digged your game day suit today, babe! and good job playing on your cute lil (big) ass! i love you, always <3
p.s. congratulations on your first nhl goal, nesty! here’s to many more! @_nester_8
p.s.s super congrata to frank the tank and his beautiful wife for welcoming their baby girl, ophelia, into the world today! we can’t wait to meet her! @frank_vatrano
p.s.s st. lewis blues gave me the blues tonight :(
(aren’t i funny? pls tell me i’m funny)
tagged trevorzegras
view all 348 comments
trevorzegras i love you, forever (ur not funny)
yourusername QUUIIIIINNNN @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes i legally have to say she’s funny
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes blink twice for help
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras there’s no blinking emoji
user1 four Ls in a row… what a time to be a ducks fan
jamie.drysdale so if he keeps this up…
yourusername knock on wood
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras give me your head i need to knock on it
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale you do that and i’ll knock on your wood
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras this is a family show!
yourusername *in harry styles’ voice* or is it?
user2 i think you’re funny y/n!!
trevorzegras don’t encourage her
yourusername encourage me!!
user3 “digged”
frank_vatrano thank you, y/n! we can’t wait for everybody to meet her!
yourusername me first though right?
frank_vatrano of course
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras do you know how to play hockey?
yourusername quintin, what did we talk about?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras you must be a hockey god if you can play on your ass
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes they don’t say i’m magic for nothing
yourusername @/trevorzegras heeeellll yeah you are, baby!!
user4 rude of the blues to win on nesterenko’s first goal day
colecaufield @/trevorzegras i see we’re both suffering losses today
trevorzegras your team won 8-2?
colecaufield i’m suffering your loss because we’re soulmates
trevorzegras @/yourusername @/jackhughes look guys i have a soulmate, too!
jamie.drysdale excuse me?
jackhughes @/trevorzegras @/colecaufield nothing compares to what me and y/n have
yourusername i’m not getting involved in this one sorry babies
_nester_8 thank you, y/n! and i think you’re funny!
yourusername you’re officially my second favorite duck congratulations!
trevorzegras @/yourusername who’s your favorite? and even though you are lying to my girlfriend, congrats nester!
yourusername @/trevorzegras take a guess
trevorzegras @/yourusername troy?
yourusername @/trevorzegras ding ding ding! we have a winner! love my dad
user5 are we not gonna talk about troy in the eighth slide??? i wanna talk about troy
_alexturcotte all hail the king
yourusername does that make me the queen?
jackhughes @/yourusername technically it would make you the queen consort
_alexturcotte @/jackhughes why do you know that?
jackhughes @_alexturcotte y/n decided to learn all the kings and queens of england from henry the eighth to now while drunk in vegas
trevorzegras @/yourusername you gorgeous dork, i am so in love with you
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras sap
yourusername @_quinnhughes that’s my line you whore
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername what did we talk about name calling?
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale if quintin can’t control me, you certainly can’t
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale i’m working on it
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