#(boy who cried wolf)
16woodsequ · 4 months
I don't usually write original works but I got this idea for a kid's picture book I can't stop thinking about.
A Boy Who Cried Wolf retelling that teaches children about trauma and not being believed. There is a wolf, but he wears sheep's clothing, and he hurts the boy when no one is looking, but appears innocent when they are there. No one believes the boy when he says there's a wolf, and they label him a liar. But he refuses to stop speaking his truth
Eventually someone moves into town and is told the boy is a liar but they can see the scratches, and they sneak into the field and see the wolf.
They stand up for the boy and towns folk run the wolf off. Conclusion where people apologize and the boy expresses the feelings of hurt and the broken trust they will have to gain back for not believing him.
A metaphor for abuse that can lead to discussions about how abusers hide, but also encourages children to continue to speak up until they are believed because they don't deserve to be hurt. Something like that.
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kabishkat19 · 1 year
Grimm Fairytale Extra Characters✨
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Hansel (Hansel and Gretel/Gambling Hansel), Geppetto (Pinocchio), Cinderella and Huntsman (Snow white).
Snow White, Pinocchio, Goldilocks and Boyd (Boy who cried wolf).
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Pinocchio as puppet and Pinocchio as Human.
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sspacegodd · 2 months
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"Just remember: what you’re seeing and what you're reading is not what’s happening. Fake news."
I never know when to believe him.
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lost-art-1930 · 1 year
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Girl in red hood, Boy who cried wolves.
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beginnerblueglass · 1 year
My cat has a particular meow he makes when he’s about to throw up, and he has learned that this meow makes us pay attention to him, so now whenever he’s feeling neglected, he meows like he’s about to throw up.
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Wolf witch?
Lobo, the Witch of Wolves
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Lobo, the wolf witch/witch of wolves with an outcrying nature. A fearsome wolf witch that sometimes attack a barrier home to a colorful patchwork village. It is vicious, with strong zipper teeth, sharp claws, and a powerful breath attack. The weak point is the belly, where you must rip open to free all of the Norman that have been eaten. Norman, the familiar of Lobo. Their duty is to average. Living the same daily lives over and over. The life of a Norman is pretty menial, at least they're look cute. They're helpless as well though, not able to fight against Lobo when it comes around, until a certain brave Norman comes around saves the day, they celebrate the savior Norman for their kind actions and uniqueness. In actuality Lobo and the brave Norman are one in the same, the brave Norman wears Lobo as a suit causing chaos, acting as a false threat to the village. It hates how they perform the same things everyday and how every single Norman is pretty much the same, so it became big, something unique, and something that breaks the cycle of menial work. Amidst the destruction, the brave Norman sneaks out of Lobo and slays the beast for another day, repeating a identical cycle that despite the brave Norman was trying to break free from.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
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Clock got stuffed with dynamite and turned to dust, no need to reset it anymore.
wasn't doing any good anyhow
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noah-luck-easterly · 2 years
When an account asks you to set up answers to security questions by no means should you answer the questions truthfully.
The risk of them misusing that information is very low, but the risk of a dedicated social engineer using the true answers to access your account is not insignificant.
So lie. But don’t forget the lesson from the boy who cried wolf:
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Well secured sites never actually store your password, just the result of feeding your password into a mathematical expression. This keeps anyone who gets access to that data from being able to use that password to impersonate you elsewhere.
Your security question replies have no such security. They’re one data breach away from being a salable commodity.
So a single lie is not sufficient. You need to use different lies for every service that asks you security questions.
Just like you should use different passwords for every account.
The solution to keeping track of all those lies is the same: use a password tracker. Security question answers are really just another password, so treat them as such:
don’t use the same one twice
use long randomly generated phrases
keep track of them in a secure password store
I like Selznick’s PasswordWallet because it’s encrypted, 100% offline, and I can sync it between my phone and laptop.
But there’s plenty of others out there, and probably one that fits your devices.
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vintagenews · 2 years
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The "Boy Who Cried Wolf" usually gets all the press, but there was also the boy who captured a wolf. 
Source and details.
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classicaltiterature · 2 years
When Twitter provides, we incorporate. Three Stories About Hubris (The Emperor's New Clothes, The Wicked Prince, and The Boy Who Cried Wolf) is live on my YouTube Channel now.
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zaneaquaman · 2 years
The Child Who Cried Wolf - Posted!
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On my Patreon and Ko-fi, I have a tier that costs only $1/month to get access to exclusive poems and writings based on the topic of mental health. More importantly, though, I offer one-on-one communication with you to offer support, advice, or just someone to listen to whatever is going on in your life. My goal is to create a safe space where people can discuss mental illnesses and connect with one another. You are not alone in your struggles. I'm here to listen any time.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 5 months
You's predecessors had set up watchtowers so that if the Rong attacked, drums and fires could warn the many lords, who would rush to the rescue with their retinues. Sima Qian says,
King You lit the beacons and beat the great drums. As the beacons were to be lit only when intruders drew near, the many lords all came. Upon their arrival, there were no intruders, thus Lady Bao Si laughed out loud. The king was pleased, so he lit the beacons several times. Afterwards, since this was not reliable, the many lords became more reluctant to come.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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sleepyleftistdemon · 7 months
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(via Cartoon: The boy who cried ...)
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Sometimes I wonder how Usopp would react if the story of Pinocchio existed in the One Piece universe. Or the Boy Who Cried Wolf.
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Would he be the same, or would the stories change his behaviour somehow. Would he even notice?
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aviewfromthemiddle · 2 years
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
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nanamis-username · 23 days
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my piece for @drfairytalezine ✨🖤 (from 2021)
i did byakuya + the boy who cried wolf - with the twist of byakuya being both the boy and the wolf, based on his actions surrounding the second murder 😋😼🥶🥶🤭
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