#(but in both situations they're trying to protect themselves emotionally)
mangosaurus · 4 months
wait a second. yasmina isolating herself on an island as a trauma response and sammy struggling to bridge the physical and emotional distance between them as a result? NOW WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS SONG BEFORE ...
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followerofmercy · 5 months
I think Freminet has some of the most interesting dissonance in his self perception of any Genshin character.
Like, of the Hearthlings we know, he's one of the most emotionally mature and intelligent. Lynette might still have him beat, but after playing her hangout... I dunno. I think they're tied. Lyney is Crumbling, Alrecchino is. Well. Arlecchino. Everyone else is a deeply traumatized child or adult and Freminet seems to pretty regularly be people's emotional support. His character stories talk about getting his vision by saving a bunch of other kids on a dive that went bad. The Selkie event literally had him being a therapist for a grownass woman, citing his past experiences with all the other Hearthlings that have died or killed themselves. And he handled that situation WELL. Yeah, he seems to live in a fantasy, but goddamn he's alive and a lot of people in his position aren't so clearly something is working.
Either his or Lyney's character story talks about the time Freminet had reached out to Lyney to try to ease his burdens, which resulted in Lyney blowing up at him. That probably contributed to Freminet thinking he's not good at it, but I think the reason Lyney reacted so badly was BECAUSE Freminet is actually a good support. He can't allow himself that from the little brother he's supposed to protect.
Freminet seems to both cry and dissociate often, but like... Kiddo you are in fact the only person in this family actually processing your emotions. Lynette dissociates 24/7. Arlecchino. Lyney lies and tells everyone he's fine and would literally rather die than admit otherwise. In comparison, Freminet is doing FANTASTIC
Freminet also gets a lot out of helping people! Like anyone, he needs to feel useful and needed. He seems to be an excellent mentor to the younger Hearthlings and perfectly competent on his own, but when you put him in a room with Lyney and Lynette who baby him and insist that THEY take care of HIM, he withdraws into himself.
Like, Freminet by himself feels like a young man and Freminet with the magician twins feels like a teenager. I have no idea how old he actually is. Logically, he would be OLDER than them! He's been with the House much, much longer and his experience shows. I think it's fascinating that they love him SO MUCH and yet, they just Cannot let him help them. Which is hurting him.
(Lynette is much better about not babying him and that is probably why their relationship is so much better than Freminet and Lyney's. Also why she keeps having to mediate between them. Because Lyney charges off trying to Fix Everything and that just makes Freminet feel useless and he doesn't want to get in the way and- you get the point)
Idk. It's hard to tell what things the previous director said to him vs what Arlecchino has said to him. I'm inclined to think our Arlecchino was the one that said he cries too much, but in a "crying in front of your enemies will get you killed" way and she herself is too fucked up to realize how "you cry too much" could be damaging.
Also I try not to consider gameplay stuff when it comes to story, but Freminet also has some of the most BRUTAL animations. He SMASHES HIS EMOTIONAL SUPPORT METAL PENGUIN INTO HIS ENEMY'S FACE. He doesn't think he's the most amazing fighter, and by Fatui standards he probably isn't, but he is winning fights against most grown men.
Tldr Freminet thinks he cries too much and is a burden and isn't good at helping people when he's actually the most mentally stable Hearthling send tweet
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I did decide to post the original art of these guys in the end; these are all from 2022, so definitely a little old. I have posted these to my Artfight account in case anyone is particularly interested in them!
Their extensive lore below (tw for discussion of mental health issues, abuse, trauma, drugs/alcohol, and self harm)
Button Bunny, Poppy Puppy, and Dreamy Deer are escaped lab experiments made from giving plushies real meat and blood inside. After enduring countless painful experiments, Button and his fellow test subjects killed all of the scientists and escaped into the real world, where they're free to do as they please.
Each of the plushies embodies a different "coping" style or set of trauma responses; this isn't supposed to be extremely deep or anything, just an idea, but to explain each one a bit further:
Button represents the "fight" response to danger, as well as cutting, self harm, and vengeful or violent thoughts/actions against one's abuser. He's fixated on blood and gore, both as a means of expressing his internal pain, and as a means of inflicting it on those who hurt him and his friends. He has the biggest thirst for blood and revenge out of the three, and is the most likely to pick a fight with a stranger. He carries a box cutter full of fresh, sharp razor blades right over his heart, signifying damage both taken and dealt. As a result, Button is "angrier" than the other two, but also more protective.
Poppy represents the "fawn" response to danger, as well as self-medication through drugs, alcohol, sex, and food. Poppy never denies herself the finer pleasures and in fact indulges in them more when she's upset. She's always likely to try to win someone over or "people please" her way out of situations and can become very upset if she genuinely thinks someone is mad at her. She smokes weed out of a heart-shaped bong, calls everyone "bestie," and sobs her eyes out into a bottle of cotton candy vodka if anything goes wrong. While she is the most outwardly emotional, she's also emotionally intelligent and glues the group together with her sharp eye for social cues.
Dreamy represents the "freeze" and "flight" responses to danger, as well as dissociation, nightmares, and severe phobias. While Button and Poppy may go on the offensive with someone they deem "bad," Dreamy will always behave passively and will never stir conflict if they can help it. Indeed, Dreamy will freeze like a deer in headlights if they're put in a stressful enough situation, and if they manage to unfreeze themselves, will run away from it as quickly as possible. Because of their fearful nature, Dreamy can only protect themselves through their experimental psychic ability to transfer their own nightmares to another person, which isn't even fully voluntary for them. Most of the time, Dreamy will defer to one of the others in a pinch.
All three of them have had their eyes swapped with one another, symbolizing the unity of the three very different trauma responses under the same trauma.
There are also two more Cursed Plushies, two wolves (one black and one white) named Yin and Yang, created by the sole surviving scientist to track down and kill Button, Poppy, and Dreamy, but I've yet to draw them even once, so they're much less fleshed out and generally less symbolic than the other three. I'll return to them someday, though.
Thanks for reading all that!
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an-inspired-eternity · 6 months
breaks into your inbox
hi, please, sell me on akirui, tell me all about them please. ive been thinking about them after the devil’s manner april fools thing and i just need to hear someone go insane about it i think
uh, yeah!! :]
first of all the "like oil and water" trust rank title (that ensekai butchered but what doesnt ensekai butcher involving queer ppl lbr)
okay first of all i just think the premise of where their dynamic starts is so funny bc they r so >:3 >:| core and i love that for them.
BUT. goes under the cut bc i have thoughts and feelings
the thing i LOOOVE tapping into with akirui (and akikasa/akiruikasa) as well is that for all akito bitches and moans hes more like rui (and tsukasa) then he insists he isnt.
i made another post before about akito and tsukasa both push themselves beyond their health limits for their dreams (and as well in my fic 'the balsam, fallen silent' it comes up that tsukasa's stunt in phoenix pissed akito off BECAUSE of how much it reminded him of himself with what happened in sbd)
with rui you have to read between the lines a bit more but there's a big deal made of how they're both very passionate about what they create and making what they create the best they can be
similarly to the phoenix/sbd stuff, rui does also push himself in a different but similar way, as seen in darkfes, where akito chastises him for downplaying his injury and to let people help him for the sake of putting on the best show possible.
you could argue there's a point of comparison to be made about how much they mask. akito with his polite front he uses around people he doesn't know, and rui reigning himself in at best or acting completely detached from what hurts him at worst. there's an excerpt from a fic i really like that summarizes rui's state well i think:
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(taken from 'summer heat' by cepheide, a very good, 10/10 recommended akirui read from me)
and also as well as of the most recent event, we have rui asking akito who does and doesn't know about the latter's fear of dogs because he's trying to be delicate and careful regarding discussion of what is described to be trauma for akito, and akito is shown to be surprised and very touched by this act.
i don't think akito ever truly fully hated tsukasa or rui, but in the case of rui you can really see how much akito grows to tolerate and enjoy his company, to the point he can enjoy himself in rui's presence so long as rui doesn't try to treat him like tsukasa (ie: the situations)
also if i can ever finish the wip i have w/ them. the topic does come of shinei being a shithead, and i don't think we talk enough about how of the times we've seen rui genuinely pissed off and ready to throwdown it was about someone harming (emotionally or otherwise) a person he cares about. rui would hear about shinei and experience a rage unlike anything he's experienced since the scuffles with shosuke emus brothers. ive said this before but if akitoya is "lets run away together and we can escape everything and everyone thats ever hurt us", akirui is "you can run to me, i'll protect you. i won't let anyone hurt you ever again"
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botanicalsword · 1 year
Shadow side - Astro combo observations
☽☾ Each astrological placement has both advantageous and disadvantageous qualities. It can be valuable to examine the less desirable aspects of these placements to achieve personal growth and self-awareness.
Photo credit : @le.sinex
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Fire + Water ♡
Fear of judgement / rejection
They may be sensitive, in tune with their emotions and others', and guard their personal information to protect themselves. When they trust someone, they may share more. They may hesitate to disclose information that doesn't benefit them or could harm them. Respect their boundaries and don't pressure them to share more than they're comfortable with. Trust takes time to build, so give them space to feel comfortable.
Air + Water ♡
They like to introduce friends to their friends but if their friends are getting alone more than them, they will be sensitive and jealous - almost paranoid about your conversations about them
Some people enjoy introducing their friends to each other, but may become insecure and jealous if they feel left out. This can cause them to overreact to conversations their friends have about them.
They may worry about friends preferring each other, leading to feelings of isolation or exclusion.
Water dominant ♡
They tend to overthink social situations, especially when it comes to interpersonal interactions. They are very aware of how their words and actions can affect others and may be hesitant to express themselves too directly for fear of causing offense.
They value positive relationships but fear conflict. They may worry that being too direct or forceful will damage the relationship.
That's why many people tend to ghost a relationship or avoid confronting their partner.
Struggle to balance our concern for others with honesty and authenticity in our interactions.
Many of them suffer from mental issues, frustration, and resentment.
Earth + Air ♡
They may have a set of personal standards or values that they use to guide their behavior and decision-making. However, these standards may be difficult for others to understand or interpret, as they may be vague or unclear.
They have a strong competitive streak and enjoy engaging in debates and arguments. They may be driven by a desire to win and to prove their point, and may become energized by the challenge of competing with others.
They sometimes may have difficulty respecting privacy and confidentiality. Although they may be good listeners and supportive, they may also share information or gossip without permission. They may have a tendency to express one opinion to someone's face, while speaking negatively about that person behind their back.
Air + Fixed sign/ Earth ♡
People who show this behavior wait until the last minute to respond to social invitations and may not want to let others know if they're coming. This may be because they want to keep control of their own schedule instead of feeling like they have are obliged to be always available to others.
They prefer to keep their options open and avoid committing to plans too far in advance.
They tend to be secretive or uncommunicative.
Fire + Air ♡
They may strongly express their own opinions and beliefs, but struggle with their emotions, vulnerability, and acknowledging weakness.
The belief that vulnerability is a sign of weakness can cause this person not to be authentically open up in their relationships. They may find it hard to express their true feelings or connect with others emotionally, which can lead to isolation and loneliness deep down.
Air + Mutable sign ♡
They enjoy the thrill of flirting with others, sending signals that may be interpreted as romantic or sexual interest but may not be prepared to handle the potential emotional impact on others when the other person develops feelings in return.
Although they may enjoy flirting and the validation it brings, they may be hesitant to take things further or commit to a relationship.
They may try to downplay the situation or act as though they are not interested, in order to avoid any further emotional entanglements.
This behavior can be hurtful and confusing for the other person, who may feel led on or rejected.
☀︎☼ When we recognize and address our shadow traits, we gain a better understanding of ourselves and our connections with others. This helps us handle life's difficulties with more resilience and composure.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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nico-esoterica · 9 days
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The Synastry Between Min Heejin x NewJeans (Controversial) ⚠️
Someone asked me to analyze the Min Heejin situation w/ NewJeans and I've been out of the kpop loop for a bit but I was looking into it and my mind's already going..
All of this is biased btw. But some of it is also 1-1 astro logic mixed in. This is Min Heejin's chart. And this is NJ's group chart.
What's immediately evident is that Heejin's moon potentially opposes NJ's moon-mars-uranus configuration in their first. There's a clear and deeply ingrained power dynamic there. Objectively speaking, a pair with this synastry is going to be very emotionally influenced by each other. And her Virgo-mars influenced Scorpio moon makes her much shrewder and calculated than the average person. And her mars-jupiter only exacerbates that.
The woman's incredibly intelligent. With all of her mutable energy and that Virgo/Scorpio, she loves being able to take something a part and put it together. She sees people and their potential as moving parts she can analyze and qualify their value. This is a person who's naturally very drawn to the psychology of things. Because this is informed by an early degree (8 of wands coded) Sag mercury which squares those Virgo points, she's incredibly sure of herself to the point of not minding confrontation and most likely gets a rise out of opposition.
But on the surface with that Sun-Neptune in Sag she has, she's going to fly under the radar..deliberately.. and play the role of a demure but shrewd woman who the men in a corporate world don't see as a threat on the surface. But she's strategizing to systematically pick them off one by one. Especially since she has a Sun-Saturn square on top of it. Her points are operating in South Korea's 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. She's playing their game on the surface but she's annihilating everyone in her path. The woman's a predator, but she's a genius. It means you will never see this woman coming.
As for NJ, I'm already biased and I'm gonna say that imo, as young girls, them being a Cancer with a Cancer Mercury w/ 'made to grow up before I was ready' 1H stressed lunar issues while the woman has a Scorpio moon in their 7th house of relationships..is just explaining, imo, why they're fiercely protecting her. They potentially see her as a sisterly/motherly figure/mentor who believed in them that they want to see the good in. The reality is that we don't 100% know how that dynamic went. They may have benefited from her guidance but if we're doing a 1-1 astrology read, a lunar dynamic like that where the girls' group chart already has internal emotional issues is going to be susceptible to finding refuge in women who 'seemingly know better' but who may have ulterior motives.
If there wasn't anything dangerous going on, I'd still be wary about it. I'd be like..is it safe..objectively for this person to have THAT much emotional control of a group like that? Without a bias, a lot of their synastry suggests that both parties are incredibly influential on one another. Even if Heejin was using them, she most likely encountered a lot of deep issues she personally has going on bc that lunar dynamic is going to eventually bring that up, even in her. Because what Heejin's chart gives, imo, is that she has issues with not thinking she's personally good enough that she may project into the groups she handles.
Because when I saw their Sun-Venus opposition in synastry, it made me wonder if NJ ever thought they could live up to her expectations about artistry and aesthetics. All of that, imo, has to do with how she sees herself. She has a Venus-Saturn trine paired with a Venus-Pluto square, which says that she never feels as if her expectations are met with what she loves, and it translates to how her Venus-Pluto square with NJ plays out in synastry. In synastry, it can create this toxic cycle of someone trying to 'prove' themselves and the other person being the victim or perpetuator of that.
If we dissect it further, Heejin's retrograde taurus chiron demonstrates all of this. Earth is material and taurus as a venus ruled sign in chiron's home is going to have an issue over not having enough or being enough. That falls right on top of NJ's Moon-Mars configuration. THIS was the group that really brought all of her personal issues out, I'm telling you. She poured all of her personal drama and issues into making sure they were as 'perfect' as possible bc they were living embodiments of what she wishes she always was. It's very childhood wound coded, which is chiron. Interestingly enough, NJ's retrograde chiron in aries in their 12th, imo, represents their need for autonomy.
Aries is the child and they were essentially made to sacrifice their childhoods. Their Leo mercury squaring their 1H taurus points spells that out because it says that they don't feel listened to or heard. They're seen and very visible but they may feel like chess pieces on a board. My guess, imo, is that Heejin made them feel as if..if they followed her rule book that they would gain some kind of autonomy or feel empowered. But since it forms harsh aspects to ber Venus-Pluto square, you're getting a dysfunctional relationship where the power dynamic is unhealthy and unstable. There's this feeling of never feeling good enough for her..which creates a toxic cycle of 'proving' themselves..that she benefits from emotionally. And it just sets them up to become reliant on that dynamic from others in the long run. Bc while their Venus trines in their chart suggest their likability, it comes at a cost where their Venus-Jupiter square will never feel like it's enough and they'll over extend themselves to ensure the person 'stays.'
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
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You know, you're good at a lot of things. Lying isn't one of them. You think I'm good at things? Can I get that in writing?
The symbolism of Tim and Lucy being separated by a wall is extremely fitting… and poetic. She spent their first six months together seeing through the façade he put on, getting through him like no one else… So ending the season with a physical barrier between them seems apt : one more obstacle before their relationship entirely shifts. And while Tim only slammed the door on Lucy to protect her from being infected as well, she still sticked by his side, refusing to leave him alone… he still allowed himself to be emotionally vulnerable with her… And that summarises their early dynamic wonderfully : him trying to push her away with her staying and getting him to open up to her...
Even separated, there's still this connection, this feeling of togetherness that shines through the scene. Their little heart-to-heart on each side of the door is so touching. Both of them sitting on the floor, mirroring each other… Although Lucy's body is slightly more inclined towards Tim at first. Which makes sense : she's usually more open while he's more guarded. But his head turns towards her before long, as if he's instinctively looking for comfort, drawing support from her on the other side. She's doing her best to cheer him up and reassure him… But she's anxious nonetheless : it's a small detail but she rubs her collarbone while checking in with him, a gesture she often does when she's getting nervous or on the edge of panicking… only nowadays it's her side that she touches, where her DOD tattoo is.
Despite the tension and the bleakness of the situation, they still manage to make the other smile. Tim telling her she's good at a lot of things, except lying, and Lucy teasing him about needing him to write down his compliment feel like their classic banter. She's trying to take his mind off what's happening and judging by his little smile, it works. It is some much-needed levity… if only for a minute. There's still a crack in his voice though. They're both trying to remain strong for the other but it's getting harder to mask. She can hear the fear in his voice and he knows it. He can hear the worry in hers. The choice of having the camera move from Lucy to Tim in one shot, at that precise moment, is perfect : physical touch is something they use to ground themselves. But not only were they not quite at that stage of their relationship, they physically couldn't. This shot brilliantly - and metaphorically - emphasises how close they are, and yet how far they still are… This is also a bit of a role reversal from Redwood, with Lucy being the one trying to keep his mind out of the worst case scenario and making him talk. The quivering lips, shaking voice… Tim is so terrified - for good reasons. He's not the only one. Lucy is just as scared for him, her tears falling when he admits he'll take his own life first if it comes to that. But the fact that he is hidden by a door also allows Tim to break down, to be extremely vulnerable - in some ways even more so than with everything that happened with Isabel. There's something completely primal in his fear here. They're both so powerless and this isn't something they're good at. All this display of vulnerability and honesty showcase how close they already are, how much Tim already trusts Lucy with his emotions. The way they keep glancing at each other once the door opens… She needs the reassurance that he's alright and he needs the eye contact - she was his lifeline behind the wall after all. He needs her comforting presence for a little bit longer, still reeling and feeling raw.
Something shifted between them at the quarantine house, and despite Tim's best efforts to rebuild some walls, they are both passed that… The bets, the bantering, the flirting of early season 02 : this moment made all of that possible. This was such a pivotal moment in their relationship… with the wall / door imagery starting to be an ongoing motif in their journey as well.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Yandere in Velaryons for yandere mother Alicent's daughter Princess. Maybe Cristonda is developing tendencies for the Princess. Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, and Daeron don't want to share their big sister with the boys in the green team. Can you write more for this? The Princess that everyone is obsessed with. I would love to read more about the princess' relationships with others. Maybe the dragon dance is for the Princess, not the throne.
Yes I can, I'm happy to write more about it! 😉
Let's go, starting with the fact that everyone in the reader's family is possessive and yanderes is a fact that she will never really be alone, she may even think she is, but there will always be someone snooping around. Most likely it will be Aegon because well, it is Aegon.
They are all suffocating and obsessed in their own way, each wrapped up in their own illusion about you. They all yearn for the princess in a different and intense way.
I like to imagine that Criston is as much Alicent's sworn shield as yours, like, your mother knows how good he is at defending and insists he must protect you too. Criston has no reservations about that, he saw you grow up and he likes you a lot, but his obsession would only grow after spending more time with you. When that happens, he won't be protecting you just because he has to, but because he wants to, and no one will hurt you as long as Criston is alive. He can even become a romantic yandere depending on the reader's age and the situation, but I imagine he will hide these feelings when he realizes how problematic this can become because of your family. For now, he will just be content to protect you and yearn for you from afar.
The Velaryons will be more subtle as they approach the reader, hiding their obsession with just one another as much as possible. Corlys and Rhaenys will be quite wary around you, they've realized all too well how much the Greens are very involved in their obsession with you and they're trying to avoid further conflict with them, but soon they find themselves just as attached as the others. Corlys will be more demanding for you, he wants to spend more time with you and he can only do that if you visit more King's Landing, since your mother doesn't want you to leave there, so the little time he gets with you he enjoys at the same time. maximum, listening to you talk and telling stories of your sea voyages and inviting you to visit him at Driftmark. Rhaenys is more calm and passive with her obsession, she knows how to control herself and enjoys all the time she has with you in any way she can, but more often you hear her ramble or she hears you chattering about your day to day. Laena and Laenor adore you and will make more of a habit of going to King's Landing just to see you. When they are there, your attention is only focused on them and that doesn't please your family members.
You are right, anon. Your younger sibilings don't like the idea of ​​sharing you with others, especially Aegon and Aemond. Helaena doesn't like the idea of ​​you being with anyone else besides her, since you're her only company, but she'll accept it as long as you don't leave her to others. Aegon will be the meanest at this, he will complain and try to emotionally blackmail you ti his side, complaining that you are his older sister and therefore should pay more attention to him. Aemond will be the most upset to have your attention on someone else, he won't say anything to you but will threaten whoever is trying to steal his sister from him. Daeron spends the least amount of time with you, so he doesn't have much to do, but he might hear about your neglect of his family through letters and he'll write to you about it, a little upset about being away. from you.
The Dance of the Dragons can happen because of the princess. If it gets to the point where both sides become obsessed with you, the situation is not going to be good. You are expected to support your younger brother Aegon to become king, but what if you don't? And if you support Rhaenyra? Or, better yet, what if you decided that you should become Queen over her brothers? In any case, the Iron Throne will not be the only final objective of this war.
Maybe you want to end it all and decide to run away somewhere else. Who knows, maybe you decide not to support either side? The pressure is simply too great, Y/N. What do you choose to do?
~ Lady L
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chutkiandchotte · 10 months
IPKKND Enneagram: Arnav Singh Raizada
Enneagram Type: 8 (The Challenger)
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The Powerful, Dominating Type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Willful, and Confrontational
Arnav is strongly influenced by his basic type, with minimal wing influences from 7 and 9. Hence, I classify him as a pure Type 8, also called The Challenger or The Protector.
All gifs in this post are NOT by me, they're made by the these amazing people - @loveubarunsobti @phati-sari @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @arziaisfrench (also individually credited below each gif)
(if any of the folks above wish to have their gifs taken off this post, pls let me know, I'll do that!)
Here are some fun facts about type 8s. Tell me if it sounds familiar.
Basic Fear: Being controlled or harmed by others
Basic Desire: To protect themselves (to be in control of their own destiny)
At their best: Self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others' lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring. Caring, generous, and highly competent.
At their worst: Vengeful, ruthless, dictatorial, destructive, emotionally shut off. Use any means, including blackmail or violence, to get obedience from those around them, and recklessly over extend themselves in pursuit of their goals.
(Sidenote: I didn't paraphrase any of this...its taken verbatim from various sites...did the IPK makers refer to Enneagram type 8 when writing Arnav??? lol)
Understanding Arnav's Core Personality as an 8
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As their name suggests, 8s love challenges. This is where they shine, this is what they enjoy. Arnav completely embodies this - he thrives when he is fighting to prove himself, loves setting challenges for others, and admires those who manage to compete at his level. I mean, this is basically the entirety of Arshi's courtship lmao.
Another one of Arnav's most 8-esque qualities is that he is a tremendously charismatic leader with a natural tendency towards taking charge and the innate ability to inspire people to follow him. 8s act quickly and decisively in stressful situations, seeking out logical, practical solutions, and taking charge of dealing with troubles. Hence, they often become the rock to cling on to in tough times. They are willing to take the heat for unpopular decisions that they judge to be right. Full of natural confidence, resourceful thinking and common sense, they strive to use their abilities to take care of everyone dependent on them. If they are the head of a family, fairly looking after everyone's needs is important to them. All of this is why he is the Raizada HBIC when he has like 5 elders in line before him. It's not just about the fact that he is AR Designs CEO/billionaire. The Raizadas implicitly trust him to take the right decisions for them because he has proved to be a worthy leader in crisis periods.
At the same time, a source of great annoyance for his family is another of his classic type 8 qualities - 8s do not fear public opinions and can easily defy disapproval if necessary. They will refuse to give in to social conventions that do not suit them, with zero shame or fear of consequences, which can seem inspiring, intimidating, or even infuriating, depending on where you stand lol.
Also like a typical 8, he is extremely ambitious and has impressive willpower which drives him to set, and usually achieve, big goals for himself. Be it his professional ambitions (successful) or his idiotic commitment to fighting his feelings for Khushi (vv unsuccesful; try again next time).
Arnav's shares both of the core fears of an 8. First, he fears being harmed by others. This doesn't imply Arnav is a coward who runs from a physical fight...the opposite. In fact, 8s have tremendous physical endurance, to the point where they are often harmfully negligent of their own health. Arnav has shown this trait repeatedly - the hot tea incident, the multiple times he fainted due to neglect etc etc. So Arnav's fear of harm is not about physical blows but more to do with emotional harm, specifically betrayal or abandonment. 8s absolutely hate the idea of being emotionally dependent on any one and often construct strong emotional armours to push people away and hide their paradoxical inner emotional vulnerability. Ummm...yeah. The turning his head away to hide his face any time a conversation with Anjali (or later Khushi) enters remotely emotional territory. How he makes it a point of pride that Arnav Singh Raizada NEVER says "sorry" or "happy birthday". And of course, the MANY times the extent of his passion towards Khushi freaks him out and he responds by pushing her away by any means possible.
Their second fear is that 8s are terrified of giving any one any power over them - be it social, psychological, sexual or physical. No matter what their sphere of life, retaining and increasing their power is extremely important to them. And Arnav is absolutely obsessed with power and control especially in the romantic/sexual/emotional realm. The most obvious example of this, of course, is how he seeks out romantic relationships that allow him to be minimally emotionally engaged, and where he has much of the control. After the first break up with Lavanya, his indifferent reaction may seem cold and almost cruel to us (and Khushi lol) but from his perspective, that's exactly his ideal relationship - where he remains totally unaffected by being dumped and his heart isn't involved at all. And then OF COURSE his entire relationship with Khushi is defined by this fear. So many of his actions in the show are motivated by a deep fear of the sheer intensity of what Khushi, the girl he is supposed to look down on/ignore/hate, makes him feel.
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He is triggered as all hell whenever Khushi proves her totally unconscious power over him (physical or emotional). Such as Diwali when the feelings he has for her almost made him cheat, an action that is abhorrent to him and he is staggered, HORRIFIED by this fact. How does he react? By doing his DAMNDEST to re-exert a measure of control over the situation. The tremendous anger he feels there comes from a place of absolute fear at his loss of control because of the Khushi feelings. Her questions about the poolside moment and the payal highlight to him just how much power she has over him and how close she is to discovering it. And he launches his campaign of trying to "win" over those feelings, trying to erase them and revert to a position of absolute indifference to her and control over himself and his surroundings. Trying to double down on his commitment to the "safe" relationship with Lavanya, one that doesn't threaten his emotional safety one bit, that keeps his heart safe and sound locked away in a dungeon somewhere. Its an absolutely classic type 8 move to pursue a course of action that is not only harmful to others, but also to your own self and in opposition to your other priorities, just so you can prove a point to yourself about control control control. He does NOT believe in marriage or want to be married, certainly not to Lavanya; he doesn't want to be rude to and hurt Khushi and doing so hurts him also; he feels pain when she thinks badly of him or cries due to him - YET - he commits to this very course. He chooses to prioritize his ego, his need for control, over all other considerations, including his own happiness and peace of mind. While on this trip, the utmost need in his mind is to prove that those feelings for Khushi DO NOT control him, even if that means he keeps making choices that are deeply emotionally painful for him and everyone around him.
And if he can't erase or control the feelings, well, at the very least, NO ONE, least of all Khushi, the dangerous wielder of that scary power, should know any thing about them. That's why he does everything to push her away, down to hurling at her that IT DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING. The gentleman doth protest too much.
This reading can be applied to so many of Arnav's actions, especially some of the cruellest ways he lashes out at Khushi when she has done nothing (at that moment) to really earn it. Like during the contract marriage, he is tortured by the fact that no matter how hard he tries, how much he intellectually loathes her, emotionally, he still feels concern for her. She betrayed him! The worst happened - his worst fear came true - he gave someone power over him and they used it to hurt him emotionally - and he can't even escape the cycle of pain, he has to live in it, every day he has to content with the fact that he harbours intense feelings that keep growing against his will for this traitorous person. It is a nightmare situation for an 8.
The more she starts affecting his mental, emotional and physical reactions in ways that shock him, the more triggered he gets and the more he either pushes her away or pulls her into toxic power games. This is his classic pattern from early on in their whatever-ship, from the increasingly unhinged office challenges post the red sari scene, to the farak padta hai games, to forcing her to marry him, to the entirety of the contract marriage.
It's also because of these core fears that 8s dislike any type of manipulative or lying behaviour. They do not appreciate being made a fool of or being emotionally blackmailed and will immediately be extremely suspicious of any outsider who attempts such things with them. The reason is that they ARE very vulnerable to emotional manipulation from loved ones - so they want to ensure they don't let people in who would take advantage of this weakness.
Arnav as a Stressed/Unhealthy 8
After the first Lavanya break up, Khushi hits a little too close to the truth when she asks Arnav "did you ever even love her at all? are you that heartless?" and Arnav's responds (in essence) "yes, I am heartless, and everything that has happened proved me right. love is a stupid illision and causes nothing but pain, we're better off without it". This is a CLASSIC unhealthy 8 that is totally blocked in his ability to love. Because love requires vulnerability and giving the other person power over you, which contradicts their basic drive for emotional autonomy. An unhealthy 8 is dominated by their core fears and that stops them from experiencing or expressing love in a healthy way.
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An 8's hard working and ambitious nature, combined with their emotionally distant tendencies makes them prone to being workaholics and emotionally negligent. This can lead to dissatisfaction and complaints of neglect amongst loved ones. We saw Anjali complain about this multiple times, but it really hits home with Khushi post the kidnapping. After calling her the biggest mistake of his life, all he had to do was say sorry, I love you, I want to stay married to you forever, and Khushi would have forgiven and forgotten everything in an instant. His silence on the matter combined with his emotionally distant/volatile actions fans her insecurities to the point that she first attempts to, and then leaves. This breach is eventually healed only when they are able to have an honest, emotionally vulnerable communication about the nature of his feelings for her and their marriage (this is what the pearl necklace scene is supposed to be - there wasn't much verbal conversation but you know what I mean lol).
The funny thing is, underneath all that emotional coldness, 8s have a potent fear of rejection and abandonment. Subsequently, they are sensitive to any such indicators of dissatisfaction in loved ones. They hate to feel that a loved one is dissatisfied with them or misunderstanding them. This kicks in their fear that they have lost control of the situation - they may be about to be rejected and can do nothing about it. When in an unhealthy space, where they are still ruled by their core fears, they often react by resorting to bullying behaviours to assert their dominance and control over the situation. Even once Arnav, to a degree, accepts his feelings for Khushi, he still choses to woo her through "challenges" (the 24 hour track), blackmail (Buaji's house rent) and threats (I'll pick you up and take you with me if needed Khushi!). It's still extremely difficult for him to be emotionally vulnerable and communicative and leave himself open to being rejected. He prefers power games and challenges. He wants all the cards to always be in his hands.
Stressed 8s often become secretive, fearful, and guarded in their behaviours. The most terrifying thing an 8 can imagine is not merely to be cheated in love - it's to be cheated in love and then have that loved one mockingly laugh at their "victory" over them. I think Arnav does fear confronting Khushi about Shyam because, among other reasons, he can't face it if she also does a turn face like Shyam and starts a villain monologue laughing at him. He definitely knows they had some kind of flirtationship during the Payash wedding and he now believes that was her manipulating him in order to distract him - and it would be torturous to hear this confirmed from her mouth.
It's not just in the love/romance arena that Arnav's unhealthy 8 traits manifest. The Arnav we see in the beginning might be tremendously successful but he isn't exactly a mature, evolved professional. His extreme egoistic behaviour is proof of this. 8s often build up their ego as a defence against the world, becoming extremely sensitive to "slights" to their authority or self-respect. Combative and intimidating to anyone they perceive as a threat, they can become increasingly hard-hearted and cruel in a quest to retain power and "win" against threats. This is ASR at his worst.
Arnav's Journey to a Healthy 8
Khushi's love for him AND his love for her, plays a huge role in Arnav's journey to healing. 8s feel most content and secure when a loved one knows them, and accepts them unconditionally, as they are, no qualification or complaints; they are happiest with a partner, and a family, that has an instinctive understanding of their actions, their feelings, their motivations, without them having to say any of it out loud.
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This is why Khushi's words "I know (that you love me) (you don't have to say it)" - both after he apologizes and before they consummate their relationship - hold so much meaning, and affect him so deeply. This is the assurance that he craves, someone who innately just gets him.
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Arnav's decision making process on his second wedding day truly embody the moves of a healing 8. Healthy 8s who have overcome their deepest fears, can recognize their paranoia for what it is. They move towards devaluing the importance of "power" and "control" especially in their personal life and make a conscious choice to prioritize real needs (their own and others) over their ego or their fears. Arnav choses love over hatred, hope over fear, and that's an 8 stepping into their best self.
Evolved 8s are open-hearted and caring; they channel the best of their abilities to become passionate yet generous, resourceful yet empathetic, and authoritative yet honourable; a true leader worth following.
Wings - 7 or 9?
Like I said earlier, I classify Arnav as a purer type 8 with minimal influence of his wings. However, between the two, I would say he has a greater influence of his "9" wing than "7" wing.
The 7 wing adds a taste for experiencing life to the fullest and a gregarious, extroverted, risk-taking side to an 8s personality. I considered 8w7 for Arnav because I do think he has a taste for the finer things in life, he has a powerful charismatic aura, and is comfortable with taking risks; but ultimately I discounted it because I don't think any one in their right mind could call him "extroverted" or "gregarious" in the slightest. I also don't think he is experience-oriented like a 8w7 would be, his ambitions are more concerned with his own business, his family, and his power, not with "living life to the fullest".
The 9 wing too does not appear to be a great fit at first glance - 9s are pretty much the opposite of 8s, being peaceful, conflict-avoidant and complacent. These aren't words I associate with ASR lol. Yet, this is what I chose ultimately. The 9 wing supposedly adds a soothing, family-oriented effect to the dominating and wilful 8 personality. Arnav is definitely very family-oriented. Additionally unhealthy 8w9s often exhibit an almost scary duality - a calm, gentle nature with loved ones and then an aggressive mode when faced with threats, at work, etc. ASR/Chotte/Arnavji. Rakshas/Rajkumar. And remember Khushi's comically shocked face when she saw ASR-at-home avatar for the first time?
Early days office Arnav reminds me a lot of 8w9s. 8w9s often combine indifference with aggression, often employing cold, depersonalized violence to exert control over others. Behind their calm and seemingly emotionless demeanour hides an explosive and unpredictable temper. Check and check.
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Consider the name of the 8w9: The Bear. Aggressive and scary to outsiders, cuddly with their loved ones. Firm and decisive, but also measured and cooperative. Isn't that Arnav? Especially the Arnav we are left with at the end of the show? I believe Arnav started out a strong 8 with a slight 9 wing influence, but as he matured over time, his natural tendency for the 9 wing also developed in a healthy manner, and he became calmer, more accommodating, more openly loving.
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kozuki-hiyori · 8 months
The One About Law and Zoro
LawZo, ZoLaw,,, there's so just much to say about them
Okay, so I've talked about Zoro (saying WAY to much oops) and Law (I swear to god, I hope those links work)
These two seemingly cool and smart and put-together swordsmen, who in reality are just complete dumbasses of the slightly petty variety (Law) and the you-must-have-guardian-angel-watching-you-because-seriously-how-are-you-not-dead-yet variety (Zoro... actually, both of them, technically, but Zoro in the dummy sort of way, like damn, stop putting yourself in such situations. Or do, I guess, whatever, character and all that, plus I'm having fun hehe >:) anyway)...
Honestly, they drive me insane... every time they're together, I just...
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Okay, sorry, sorry.
Anyway, the world's quickest summary of the first two posts:
Zoro -> requires trust, protective instinct (to protect himself (emotionally) and others)
Law -> fueled by spite, protective of others
Now right off the bat there's a lovely little parallel here and that is Zoro and Law both being very protective of those they love. Neither one is going to protect themselves, but each other... >:)
(Like legitimately, if they were together, talk about "to the ends of the earth" hehe)
The one issue to this little coin of familiarity I've placed them on is in how they differ. Zoro has an absolute need for trust, because he needs people to rely on him. He needs to be able to protect the people he loves and needs those people to know that he can protect them. He needs absolute transparency and trust, and when he doesn't get it, he pushes them away (at least verbally, he tries to tell himself he doesn't care) in a bid to protect himself.
And Law (the dummy /affectionate) in comparison pushes away those he loves in the hopes of protecting them instead of letting them in on what is happening.
Basically, those two would be so insanely dedicated to each other... and by god would a fall out be insane (now that's an idea) (also not that either of then would show that dedication, they're both quite reserved/stoic, haha)
(Sorry, but it's just so interesting, like, if they were together, and Law did one of those self-sacrificial going off on my own things, like how would Zoro react to that?? Zoro dedicates himself so wholly to people, would he try to shut himself out, just "accepting" it?? Would he forgive in the aftermath? (I feel like yes, given his track record, for all that he holds on to goals, he doesn't seem to really hold grudges at least against those he loves?) To what extent? What would the relationship look like in the aftermath of that... okay I'm like two seconds away from closing this and writing a fic, I need to stop)
Anyway, anyway, they just fit so well together. The same (surface) laid-back attitude (and absolutely insane underneath), the same protective drive, Zoro and his loyalty (fitting just perfectly with how loyal the Heart Pirates are...), if Law is surprisingly bloodthirsty, actually and I don't think it really needs to be explained that Zoro is as well
(Cursed swords, swordsmen, earrings, the fact that Law calls Zoro, Zoro-ya, like fuck off seriously, my poor heart)
They really do complement each other so well T-T
(No, actually, who approved the Zoro-ya, who, please, why, why, are you trying to kill me 😭🫠)
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ghostat7am · 5 months
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"Care for a bug?"
Trying to get more comfortable showing my other Crygors since I actually have eight of them but Diverged is the most beloved. So introducing the Crygor I'm the most self conscious of DKJJGN
Meet Dr. Kilrait and his critters Selene and Mauve! They're actually much bigger and tower over Kilrait, just wanted to draw them little and small
(you can see the decrease in quality as I became more and more self conscious about them SGKGH)
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This au everyone is assigned a creature that people deem as scary or undesirable. Crygor (named Kilrait) is a snake, Orbulon (named Selene) is a mosquito and Mike (named Mauve) is a tarantula. It doesn't really have a story, it's mainly a series of bizarre and horror-inspired scenarios. But there is some backstory
(Character descriptions + basic backstories. CW for near death mentions & mistreatment/implied ab*se for Selene)
Dr. Kilrait (he/him - name pending) is this world's Crygor, based off a Malayan Krait, he's a happy go lucky and affectionate doctor who specialises in surgery and entomology. He cares for his patients amazingly and has extraordinary talents, he aims to change the future of humanity and make the world a better place.
However, he's hiding something underneath- he was born with the inability to feel pain or fear, attempting to change his own biology to the point of obsession. In attempt to gain these feelings, he has begun experiments where he puts healthy and consenting participants into near death situations to monitor and try to mimic their reactions. He truly has no ill intent and makes sure these patients are completely safe during & after these tests, paying for treatment for any mental trauma they may recieve from such tests- he just feels incomplete and wrong without feeling these "truly human" emotions and he'll do anything to change it, even if it means tearing his life to shreds to achieve it.
Mauve (he/him) is Dr. Kilrait's mechanical Metallic Blue Tarantula son and this world's Mike, created to ease the ever-growing internal isolation and loneliness his creator suffers from. Typically very cynical and a skeptic, but aids his father without question. Trusts his dad's every word with no further thought or hesitation since he is Mauve's only window to human society. He may seem cold, but truly he's also quite loving like his father- however he's far less doting, Kilrait is extremely doting towards anyone he goes attached to but especially Mauve. He's all Kilrait has...
A few years ago, Mauve offered himself as a test subject to ensure the equipment for Kilrait's fear tests were safe for human. Everything was going well until something malfunctioned and almost ended the robot, this was the closest Kilrait has felt true terror as he cradled his son's injured body. He is physically okay, but it has left a mental scar on them both - causing Kilrait to only become more protective.
Selene (they/them) is Mauve's spouse and this world's Orbulon, based off a mosquito, they are very snide and vindictive. Suffering from extreme trust issues due to past mistreatment and pain, taught to be a vampire and drain others of their life (literally and emotionally/mentally) - but their cruel nature encases a gentle and affectionate soul, Mauve is slowly cracking away at their shell so they can finally be themselves again without paranoia.
After being left to rot by one they considered to be their true love, Selene decided to close themselves off to never suffer like that again, turning to tormenting others to ease their unpleasant feelings and began working in shady business in disguises. One night, Selene encountered Mauve while attempting to dig dirt up on Kilrait for a paying client, attempting to scare information out of the spider- they were only met with lighthearted amusement and friendly gestures, catching Selene completely off guard. It turned into a pleasant conversation between them and Selene decided to not ruin Kilrait's life for Mauve's sake. Afterwards, they kept meeting up and eventually fell in love as Mauve gently lowered their walls.
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thedancingclowns · 6 months
hello, and welcome back to:
Things my brain keeps screaming at me! pt. 2
My brain was especially scream-y and aggressively off track today so some of these might be all over the place, but...
HenPat edition
(for all my fellow HenPat friends)
TV watching is a very common occurrence in their dates (they typically watch at Patrick's place)
They both enjoy watching horror movies, and love seeing each other get a little startled because it means they get to cuddle closer to each other (also gives them an excuse to either comfort or tease each other). This is also a preferred activity because it helps them distance themselves from any possibly shitty things happening that day.
(action, dystopian and some romantic comedy movies are also on the menu, and their dates are complete with a side order of sitcoms)
Patrick is very possessive/protective of Henry
I don't mean in the "stalker" way, he can get that way, but he will be like a "guard-dog" around Henry. Essentially trying to keep people from messing with him, due to (in the sense of my Henry having internalized homophobia hc) I also think Patrick would have a similar situation (but Patrick would be less affected by it, essentially being like "no, f you, I'm not going to conform") So, when he and Henry become more public about their relationship, he began worrying about Henry not feeling confident enough to actually be himself. Which caused him to become very wary about Henry going places by himself (not wanting him to sort of go back in the closet because of people showing hatred towards him again).
Henry is big on cuddling (little spoon)
He will never admit it but he likes the physical and emotional stability it gives him. He will go out of his way to cuddle up against Patrick when they're alone, and over time gets more comfortable doing so when they're in public. Patrick eventually catches onto this and will jokingly begin saying that he's Henry's "chair" and will playfully refuse to let Henry sit anywhere but his lap. Patrick is also very fond of cuddling, and appreciates when Henry lets him do it.
They like to 'mark' each other
These are often in the form of hickeys or marker "tattoos"
Patrick: The hickeys are always hidden so Henry doesn't have the possibility of getting in trouble at home, but the marker tattoos are not. Those are out on his arms by Patrick so that if he is not around to 'protect' Henry, people know that Henry in a sense 'belongs' to Patrick and trying to hurt him emotionally or physically will incur Patrick's wrath and possible retaliation. While it is for 'protection', Patrick prefers the hickies.
This is often to a less extreme extent, and only begins later in the relationship
Henry marks him because he is to an extent afraid of losing Patrick, this is because he's Henry's first genuine relationship, so as they get closer and closer he gets more (I don't wanna say clingy, cause it's not 'clingy' it's more of "nope, you're mine now, bitch") focused on making sure people know Patrick is his. So he starts putting his own marker tattoos on Patrick and giving him hickeys. While it is out of relationship anxiety, Henry prefers the marker tattooing.
Inside them, there are two wolves...
On the first hand, they're absolute MENACES to the town in general because.. well, it's Henry and Patrick. But on the other hand, they're such godfathers to all the little egg(boy)s of Derry. They're the closest thing the other queer men/boys of Derry have to community role models, and... oh boy.
They both somehow "wear the pants"
Both Henry and Patrick are oddly dominant, and refuse to fully submit to each other so they're stuck in a weird cycle of "I'm in charge" "bitch, no you're not" and it is both funny and incredibly annoying to them (and anyone in their general vicinity).
Messy Drama Bitch x Conservative Drama Bitch
Patrick is all about being in people's faces while Henry is a bit more reserved about it, not going out of his way to talk about his relationship. Patrick is very focused on trying to force people to realize that their kind of relationship is just as normal as any other, while Henry focuses on his personal enjoyment and safety (but can still be a drama bitch if someone gets in his way).
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Enneagram Defense Mechanisms - The Head Triad
Defense mechanisms part 2 - part 1 on the gut triad is linked here.
E5: Isolation
Isolation is a defense mechanism in which one cuts themselves off from others for periods of time. Isolation can be separated into 3 categories; physical, mental, and emotional. Physical isolation is the easiest to recognize, and is simply being alone. Mental isolation presents itself as zoning out, like their mind is elsewhere. They're physically present, but mentally occupied. Emotional isolation can be likened to emotional detachment; one will cut themself off from emotions and will refuse to get involved with others emotionally. The 5's use of isolation stem from their (often unconscious) need to avoid feeling drained. As a part of the head triad, the 5 desires security, and they feel they must be very careful with how they use what little energy they have so that they don't run out. Being present - physically, mentally, or emotionally can often feel exhausting, so they avoid it altogether. Ridding themself of "unnecessary" strain on their energy reserves leaves them free to use direct their energy towards security; though often knowing they have extra energy should they need it is also a form of security the E5 desires, which is another reason they isolate.
E6: Projection
Projection is a defense mechanism in which one will attribute emotions, motivations, attributes, or behaviors of their own that they (unconsciously) feel are unacceptable onto another entity - be it a person or a group. These may not necessarily be negative; they may be neutral, or even positive. The E6's use of projection stems from the unconscious desire to allay their internal fears and anxieties and avoid rejection. Through projecting, the 6 avoids situations they would prefer not to engage in and protects themselves from rejection. For example, they might say that they don't think the other person is ready to talk about something when in reality, they themselves are not ready to talk about it; in this instance, they fear they will be abandoned (as is the 6's basic fear) if they confront the situation, so they ascribe the hesitance to address the situation that they are feeling onto the other, which ensures they both do not have to have an unwanted conversation and are not risking being abandoned. The 6 also uses projection to justify internal fears and anxieties. They might be anxious people will betray them, so they project that anxiety onto someone in order to legitimize their fear. In this manner, they almost preempt rejection in (unconscious) hope of ensuring that they will not be as hurt by it.
E7: Rationalization
Rationalization is a defense mechanism in which one attempts to avoid the true reasons for their behavior or emotions by explaining it in a seemingly logical manner. The 7 (unconsciously) uses rationalization to avoid painful emotions. They attempt to reframe the situation positively and explain away or justify things in order to distance themself from painful feelings. This can look like minimizing the issue ("I didn't want it that badly anyways, it's no big deal") or making excuses ("it was going to end well anyways"), to name two examples. Rationalization does not necessarily have to be about one's own emotions or behavior; it can also come in the form of making excuses or trying to reframe another's actions. As a part of the head triad, the 7 desires security. They are always on the go, flitting from one thing to the next in hopes of gaining that security, using rationalization to avoid painful emotions that might bring them down.
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Juice Ortiz SFW Alphabet
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
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Affection - How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
He's a very tactile man, a hand on your back or arm, the side of his body pressed into yours. He likes to just be with you so expect him to want to hang out without doing much. If you listen to him for ten minutes, he will give you his ear for the whole day.
Best friend - What would they be like as a best friend?
The best, call him at one in the morning? He's there. Need him to help you hide a body? He's there. Want some really werid fruit that you can't find anywhere? He'll show up at your door with a whole crate and a boyish smile. All he asks in return is your company.
Cuddles - Would they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?
All the time! He likes to make you feel safe and feel safe in return so lots of spooning and burying one's face into the others person's chest.
Domestic - Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
He's a domestic Goddess, he will cook you a three course meal then leave the kitchen clear enough that you could eat off the floor.
Ever After - What would their wedding look like?
Something somewhere cold, he would only want his friends and loved ones there and only enough people so he could thank everyone for coming. It would be a small, quiet affair that would focus on how much you loved each other.
Fiance(e) - How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
Once he loves and trusts you and knows you're not going anywhere, pretty soon. If he hasn't put a ring on it in two years, he's probably not going to.
Gentle - How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
Softer than the fallen snow, he won't raise his voice at you, let alone his fists.
Hugs - Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
He will overwhelm you with hugs, good long ones that make you feel safe, his arms are the perfect place to bo no matter the situation.
I love you - How fast do they say the L-word?
He knows almost right away but he won't say it until he knows you're staying for good.
Jealousy - How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?
More insecure than jealous but once he knows you're not going anywhere, he's possessive.
Kisses - What are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?
Soft and yielding, he likes to lead but not rush, it's going to be a journey with him. Everywhere but mainly on the face and hands. His tattoos and scars, his face, his chest.
Little ones - How are they around children?
Soft and quiet, he's the gentle adult that sits are reads with a kid or teaches them how to do something simple like sewing.
Morning - How are mornings spent with them?
Coffee, a joint and cuddles.
Open - When would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
It takes a while but once the door opens it pours out.
Patience - How easily angered are they?
He has the patience of a saint, it takes so so much to anger him that you sometimes think he's a monk.
Quizzes - How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
All the things, he knows what you like and what you need because he listens to everything you say.
Remember - What is their favourite moment in your relationship?
The first time you told him you loved him and he believed it.
Security - How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
Very protective, he will go from teddy bear to real bear if something happens to you. He won't say it but he loves it when you stand up from him.
Try - How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
So much, he will make everything feel special in the best way possible. In everyday, he would take the time to make sure it's to his standard.
Unusual - What's a little quirk of theirs?
He has to have a snack with him anytime he smokes or eats an edible, he has one sweet and one savoury so he can satisfy any little craves until you can get him something.
Virtuous - What morals with they refuse to break?
He's not hurting women, animals or children no matter what.
Whole - Would they feel incomplete without you?
Yep, his world becomes nothing but you once he knows his heart is safe with you.
Xtra - What's something small they do for you?
He makes sure to get extra pumps of your favourite flavour syrup in your coffee.
Yearning - What's something they need from a person?
Reassurance, he needs to hear how much you love him and that you're never going to leave.
Zzz - What is a sleep habit of theirs?
He sleeps best with you there and when he's taken weed, sometimes he has trouble falling asleep and nightmares but he tries his best because he starts to struggle without enough sleep.
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raayllum · 2 years
Hi Rayllum. Hope you are doing well.
I was very curious about something. I'm not sure if you've been asked this before, but are their any parents in TDP that you would say, so far from what we've seen, have been either good or worst parents in the show, such as Harrow/Sarai/Runaan/Ethari/Tialain/Viren. If so, I'd like to know your thoughts on this.
Thank you for your time. Keep being awesome.
Thank you! I hope you are doing well too!
I feel like I've talked a decent amount about Harrow, Runaan, Viren and Ethari. I do also have a specific tag just for Rayla and Runaan's dynamic here (although I do not always remember to include it so a few posts may have fallen through the cracks). I also talk a lot about Viren as a parent in my Viren adopts Rayla AU, which may be of interest to you.
I've talked significantly less about Sarai, Lain, and Tiadrin, due to a lack of screentime / their dynamics being more cut and dry, but I do think they were all good parents - if flawed, just like anyone else, including Harrow, Runaan, and Ethari. The three latter fathers in particular are very much products of growing up in worlds at war (Harrow's awkwardness with Callum was absolutely exacerbated at his feeling responsible for Sarai's death; general Moonshadow society / cultural things and like, Runaan is also not a healthy person either with how he views himself, ofc that got passed down to Rayla - you have to be aware of a cycle in order to break it).
That said I think what sets all of them apart even with their flawed choices (did Harrai and Laindrin make the right choice of both devoting themselves to their missions that made it so neither entirely came home, after all?) from Viren, is that Viren struggles a lot with treating his children, or any children really, like they're children. This isn't even necessarily so much about him gaslighting or being willing to throw Soren under the bus in particular (although that too) so much as what he preaches at his kids: "Everything I do, everything I ask for you, is for the future of humanity. We must be willing to sacrifice, even the things [children/people] we love."
To him, youth is a weakness to be exploited (Aanya, Ezran) if not carefully pruned off the tree of power (removing Ezran and Callum as heirs by any means necessary).
Runaan removes Rayla from the mission the second his "We have the advantage of surprise - if we act quickly we can accomplish our goals without sacrifice" even at the behest of "Five won't be enough, we need all six". Ethari, although he at first gives into his rage and his grief, sacrifices it to reconcile with Rayla (15 minutes? 30 minutes?) later in the episode before she leaves, and his main reminder of Runaan along with it (the pendant). Lain and Tiadrin clearly deeply loved Rayla and truly believed what they were doing would protect her (and Xadia) longterm. Harrow does everything he can (in a similar manner of trying to send the boys away) to keep them safe so they won't pay the price for his own choices/mistakes.
Viren doesn't treat children fully as people, nevermind his own children. He may not want to, and he may regret it now in S4, but he still weaponized each of them with full understanding of what he was doing, still sent them on a mission he knew would be emotionally taxing to them of their own record and ordered them not to lean on each other, told Soren to kill boys he'd known since young childhood (and Ezran from the day the prince was born) and like... Viren is not a wholly unloving father. I don't think he was a bad father growing up either. But where I think Runaan and Ethari have plenty of room where they can reconcile wholly with Rayla and move onto healthier patterns, better than they were before, I think that ship has firmly sailed for Viren with either of his children. The best we can hope for is more remorse for what he's done and giving them room to live their own lives, regardless of his plans, in a more no-contact situation I think.
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
Pedro's Special Birthday Reading #3 2023
Hiya! I am late, I know, but I am back with part 3. This time, I have a horsehoe spread (another one I had never used here) for you and I asked about the Empress figure that shows up in his cards, how it is going in this next year of his life.
The horseshoe method is one of 7 cards, spread like a horseshoe. The ones I pulled for this reading were: King of Teacups, 3 of Flowers, The Star, 7 of Hedgehogs, 9 of Hedgehogs, 4 of Hedgehogs and Temptation.
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Well, the King of Teacups represents them in the past, and it could be a mutual admiration, a mutual care. The 3 of Flowers is their present moment, and they seem to be vibing, their connection is developing, but there is also some longing there. Nothing is happening yet, they would need to take action for it to happen. The Star is their immediate future. It's technically a good card as it's about hope and optimism, like some positive energies flowing their way and getting them closer. However, things start getting complicated.
The 7 of Hedgehogs is the obstacle, the conflict, what's standing in the way. What this card brings is the feeling that they still have a long way to go. They will still have to wait for a considerably long time to get what they want, or to get together, in this context. There's a process to go through, there is a road to take and actually walk that road, it's a long term thing, a slow-burn situation, and right now patience will be required because nothing will be immediate. 9 of Hedgehogs represents the thoughts, feelings and actions of the people around them and what they might think of the situation. This card points to them seeing it as both of them being quite comfortable and satisfied around each other, but something is still missing. Depending on the context, it can represent a lover without commitment, or one that is too carefree to settle down or who is better off as a friend. I mean, they are enjoying comfort, security, abundance together but the people around them possibly don't see them taking it to a next level.
The 4 of Hedgehogs is the way to overcome the obstacles that are preventing them from having what they can have. You see, given their context, it looks like this card is telling us they are too afraid (or at least Pedro is) of losing what they have, they're like keeping their cards close to their chest and they're playing it safe and they're trying to protect themselves and to save themselves, but this is also keeping them from fully living what they can live. Sometimes we just need to let go and let things happen. The outcome, though, is Temptation, or The Devil. In all honesty I see this as an unhealthy outcome. In this context, they possibly have an insane chemistry and the sexual desire for each other will be off the charts. But this card also points to an unhealthy connection, or emotionally unhealthy decisions. This card could go many ways, including giving up on each other because they (or one of them) can't face their own demons, their own insecurities, to let things happen.
This Temptation card is striking me as kind of mysterious, as there are different possible meanings to it, but let's see how their readings evolve in the future.
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