#(dance fever gets a pass—even if they were going to print one for it I doubt it would be out yet)
moryera · 1 year
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Entirely too amused by this tempo marking.
Do I look moderate to you??
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wannabepapa · 5 months
thinking about working in this little shop, maybe a bakery or small diner, where part of your contract to work there is to go through a full term magical pregnancy. but they aren't going paying you when you're outside of work, so for reasons to do with labor laws or whatever, your pregnancy gets paused. you only grow when you're clocked in for work, meaning that a full nine months of pregnancy takes over two years to complete even when you're working full time (and most of the employees are only part-time). imagine coming right up on the end of a pregnancy, maybe overdue, and ready to be done, and you get a few weeks off for the holidays. Last year maybe you were at the end of the second trimester, big but not massive. Just a little inconvenient. this year you have to get all the way to the New Year with this cumbersome belly, stretched and exhausted, just waiting to go back to work and throw that little apron on so you can be unburdened.
The bakery is definitely the strangest place I have ever worked for. The pay was fantastic—more than I could have ever imagined getting in my entire lifetime! Really, there shouldn't be a reason why I was overcompensated for such an easy job. That was until I had finished with my training and officially hired.
The owner was a wizard—very old, very powerful being—that had only one condition for me to even be considered as a worker. They had a fruitful side hustle as surrogacy business (the place was merely a façade to keep the magickal government off their tail) and in order to be brought into the fold you would need to fulfill pregnancy contracts for the customers. Not only had the background check been meticulous in its contents but my medical history had been gone over with a fine toothed comb. If I were honest hearing that I was still being considered with my medical problems it blew my mind. Raising that concern the owner explained magical remedies that would heal any ailments that would otherwise cause pregnancy complications, meaning I would be the perfect surrogate for the babies. I didn't hesitate a moment while white knuckling the pen to sign the dotted lines.
I should have read the fine print.
There clearly was nothing standard about this operation. To quell any magickal suspicions these pregnancies were enhanced in very special ways. The fetuses were perfectly healthy and safe, the pregnancies were as normal as possible given one big circumstance. The pregnancies were elongated and you only progressed while you were on the clock.
As terrible as it sounds to an outsiders prospective, this is easier to handle. With the slow growth I was able to go about life normally for much longer without worrying that my secret would be revealed. Though the nausea and overall discomfort were murderous in the beginning my first trimester took six and a half months—I barely looked any different! Every scan I had showed a perfectly healthy pregnancy which meant more money being added onto my already cushy check. It all felt like a fever dream.
As the weeks turned into months of growth I had begun to realize I was enjoying this. As much as I had felt anxiety over passing nine months I was able to get into the groove of this magickal pregnancy. It was easier with my coworkers in the same predicament in so many different stages for us to all bond together. Though taking the mandatory holidays for Thanksgiving and Christmas were difficult—there was no extra growing and it felt like my skin was burning with power that was ready to burst forward. Stepping back into the bakery I swore up and down that I grew about four inches around the middle from this surge of pregnancy magick.
Now that I'm nearing the end of this pregnancy a whole two years later, I am more than ready to pop. The babe is very happy in here having parties every day of the week and even midnight (let's be honest here it's more like three am) dance battles to show off their moves. As much as this little nugget has brought happiness, excitement, and joy into these long years carrying I clearly need a break. My skin is stretched tightly across my womb with no trace of skin unmarred by red stretchmarks. I'm not angry about it since most were there before I got pregnant. What I will miss is having someone this close to me when I needed them and experience the craziness of pregnancy over an extended period of time.
What I really truly hate is that I'm stuck at home now until the fifth of January. It wouldn't be terrible if I wasn't on the cusp of labor with false contractions for the last three weeks or the equivalent of a bowling ball sitting heavily on my pelvis. The baby shows no signs of being ready to leave their warm home but I'm very certain that there will be a visit to the birthing center in the coming days after I start work again. I don't think I'll be the only one either. My one coworker has twins and he is very ready for those buns to be delivered as soon as possible.
Even with this bump in the road I can see myself doing this all over again. Possibly requesting to go part time for that pregnancy—to really relish in my slow growth and see how different it feels
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filterjeons · 4 years
private show | jjk
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✦ pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
✦ summary: throughout your relationship, you never thought jungkook would ask a certain type of action from you. however, you take it into consideration...without the intention of him nearly catching you
✦ rating: M, not suitable for minors
✦ genre: smut
✦ word count: 7.4k
✦ warnings: dom!jungkook, sub!reader, tsundere!reader, rough & unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it!!), dirty talk, degradation bc im a whore for that, masterbation, voyeurism, oral (f receiving), fingering, orgasm denial
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Honestly, you didn’t know what you did in your past life to earn a man like Jungkook but you weren’t complaining one bit anyways. By just one look at you, people assumed you weren’t the type to have a boyfriend and you would spend the rest of your life alone. Luckily, you managed to prove them all wrong by being with someone who loved you for the way you were instead of your money. 
It was a blessing and a curse to be born into a rich family of doctors who expected you to be the heir of the family hospital. Despite having your future already planned for you, you fell in love with playing the violin after being introduced to it when you were young. The feeling of holding the violin against your jaw as the bow ran across the strings to produce a classical melody that you’ve familiarized yourself with throughout the years. 
You would much rather be at a violin recital in a beautiful dress playing one of Bach’s sonatas than being cooped up in your room studying biology. However, your parents didn’t feel the same way. 
When you were about 6, you ranked second at a competition against tons of kids who were in their later-preteens but that wasn’t enough to prove to your parents how much you loved music. They took it as a sign of failure because “it’s not being first” and always used that argument against you to emphasize on how you have to be at the top of your class. 
“Mommy! Guess what, I got second place! Second out of a bunch of bigger kids! I didn’t expect-” you squealed, kicking the back of the limo’s glass partition. Instead of candy, you were buzzing with excitement due to how well you placed in your county’s music recital. But what you didn’t know was that even a place close to first was never enough. “Why didn’t you get first?” 
As those words ran through your ears, you felt your blood run cold and the eyes that were dancing of excitement and joy started to dull. You clutched your certificate tightly, tears starting to swell up. 
“That’s because there was a sixth grader who was better than me and she was really good, she can play the piano-” “You see, if you can’t get first then you shouldn’t pursue a career in music. It’s too hard and competitive for you anyways. How about you focus on your studies, especially since you’re going to take over the hospital when you’re older.” 
Up until last year which was your freshman year of college, you obeyed them by devoting your time to studying and only treating music as just a hobby while you hide your feelings along the way. Now that you think about it, you barely had friends during high school since every break period, you were always alone in the music room and you were too stubborn to go up to people. The only reason why you would talk to someone is to work on a group project but it ended up being that you would do all of the work while they slack off. 
Everyday felt dull and uninteresting, especially since you’re being put in a fate that you don’t even want. But like some stupid cliche, it all changed ever since you met him. 
You didn’t even intend to meet him, hell you barely knew he existed. But the night of your chemistry midterm, the apartment next to you decided to have a party which most of the school is invited to and blast loud music that could be heard from the next town over. 
It couldn’t get any worse as you were already stressed from college and your parent’s crazy expectations and you were definitely not failing otherwise you’re dead meat. Normally, you would just try to sleep it out with earplugs but since you barely ate anything but coffee and granola bars and you were tired from the 24 hour studying, that was your last straw. So you did the thing a person would do in your situation: marching over to the party in your purple star-printed nightgown to give them a piece of your mind. 
Already at the door, you could feel people’s stares burn into you, due to why you came to the party when you didn’t bother interacting with people and why you were in your pajamas. Maybe people were going to talk about you on Instagram but you didn’t care, you just wanted to ensure that you have enough sleep so you could at least pass. 
Unfortunately for you, you must’ve looked extremely stupid because you were wandering around the same area like a drunk man. Random people did offer to get you a drink but you declined; after all it was a school night. Eventually you gave up trying to even bother talking after seeing the host, local frat boy Jackson Wang, surrounded by the rest of the partygoers in a beer pong game. 
Frustrated and exhausted, you hauled yourself up to a seemingly empty room and collapsed onto the bed. Not only did you enter a college party in your pajamas but you wasted precious time studying over something idiotic like this. With all of these negative emotions inside of you, screaming inside a pillow was the first thing that came into your mind. And unfortunately, someone had to be the witness of your near mental breakdown. 
“Woah, is everything okay?” a velvety voice chuckled, patting your back slightly. Well, another reason why your night is absolute shit. You turned your face up to chew off the mysterious person but for some reason, your voice was all caught up in your throat. 
He was different, different from all of the boys that ever interacted with you. Despite you being a complete loner, the guys in your high school tried to hook up with you but you were never interested. They stunk of axe and the only reason why they’re “popular” is because they were on a sports team. Besides, you were too busy in your academics to even think about dating. 
You couldn’t really see him but the guy who’s in the room with you looks better than every single guy in your high school combined: his long dark hair in a mini-ponytail contrasting with his cute bunny-like face. 
“Wh-who are you?” “Jeon Jungkook. I’m a member of the boxing team and my family owns a records shop downtown. What about you?” 
“I-i-” “Aren’t you Y/N, the smart girl who doesn’t talk to anybody and spends her time either studying or in the music room with her violin?” Thank god the room is dark because your face was burning up badly. Barely anyone knew you and if they did, they had bad things to say about you because you were so quiet and boring. However, what he said was a fact and you shouldn’t blame him for having an impression on you due to what other people said. It hurted nonetheless though, especially since he was a part of a sports team. 
“Yeah, that’s me. What do you want? If it’s homework answers, then fine!” you snapped, immediately standing up and walking away. You were absolutely done with this night, all you wanted to do is sleep so you have some sanity tomorrow. 
“You sure are feisty. It’s cute,” he said with a cocky grin stuck on his face. Oh, how you wanted to slap it off. 
“If you’re asking me out, I’m not interested!” you fought back. Although you were one step out of the door, something about him made you want to stay. Like you wanted to talk to him. 
“I didn’t say anything about that but if you want it that way-”
“No! I-I’m sorry for acting all rude, I’m just having a really bad night and I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone,” you mumbled, turning on the light. Oh how it was a bad idea..
Now that you could really see his face clearly, your heart felt like it was about to explode. He was dressed in a simple all-black T-shirt and jeans with combat boots to match. What really captivated you were the tattoos on his hand and up to his elbow, each symbol and design etched out beautifully which must’ve taken hours. 
Although you were at least wearing clothes, you felt exposed due to the stupid pajamas you have on. He somehow sensed your embarrassment and gave you a small smirk which made it ten times worse. 
“Well, do you want to explain why you were screaming in a pillow earlier?” Normal you definitely wouldn’t spill her feelings to a hot guy she just met five minutes ago but with him, you felt safe. Like for one night, all your worries and feelings are immediately gone and it’s just you and him. 
Was this the stupid shit they call “love at first sight”? 
“My midterm is tomorrow and I can’t sleep from all of the noise so I came here to yell at the host of the party. Jackson Wang, fuck you and your decision to host a party today,” you sighed, settling yourself next to him. You would expect him to immediately laugh and make fun of you since it was something a lot of people did to you whenever you cared about your grades. Instead, he looked at you with understandment and listened to what you had to say. 
“Honestly, I don’t even know why I went to this stupid party in the first place,” he replied, making you snort out a laugh. As you were trying to collect yourself from his statement, Jungkook’s mouth turned up into a small smile. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that. Anyways, I guess I should get going since I have a big day ahead of me,” you smiled, feeling a small weight being lifted off of your shoulders. As you trudge out the door, Jungkook’s arm stops yours for a second. 
“Do you think I can have your phone number? Not for dating but you sound like a really cool person to be around and no offense but you seem lonely.” “Thanks for the compliment. But here you go,” you said sarcastically, scribbling down your phone number on a random piece of stationary in the drawer next to the bed. Maybe this is all a fever dream, maybe you’re hallucinating due to how little sleep you’ve gotten during midterm week. 
“I’ll see you soon…” he waved you goodbye as you gave a final look at the door. He was interesting but now isn’t the time to be distracted! You’re pretty sure that if you pinch yourself, you’ll be back in your dorm since this is just a dream? “Also, d-don’t take it the wrong way! It’s not like I like you or anything! I just wrote down my number because you asked nicely! We’re never going to date!” Not only did you pass your midterm but your last line to Jungkook in the stuffy college party would become your famous last words. 
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It’s been years since you and Jungkook met at that party and a lot has changed then. You started to grow feelings and date him a few weeks after your midterm, eventually making the relationship official in a month. After a few months into dating, he introduced his parents to you first. They were a sweet family with amazing home cooked meals which you were dying to recreate and luckily, they accepted you with open arms. 
However, him meeting your parents wasn’t that smooth. Now that you look back on that day, not only were you permanently deciding to be with the one that you love but it also felt like you were breaking free out of the shell that your parents trapped you in because you didn’t want to go down the path they set for you. 
You shook your head to yourself, not wanting to be reminded of the painful past. Now, you were a violinist playing in recitals and companies and Jungkook was running his parent’s record shop. You were happy and you didn’t care about what your stupid parents think. They can simply ask someone else to run the hospital and it’ll still be fine. 
As soon as the practice track ended, you turned off the metronome and packed your violin away. The apartment that you and Jungkook shared was average-sized, a notable difference from the mansion you used to live in but it was better. You were with the person you love and that’s all you could ever need. It may sound corny but a simple life with him was all you ever wanted. 
After you pack away your violin, you impatiently wait alongside the door for Jungkook to get home. Right now, he has boxing practice for a match next week and he wanted to stay with his teammate Taehyung to be the best that he can but he’s stopping by for a day. You’re not into boxing but like the good girlfriend you were, you attend most of his matches (some conflicted with your performances) and cheer him on. 
Although you miss having him by your side, you’re also aware of how much boxing means to him as it was a break from the hectic life of owning a music store. Another positive in your new life was the amount of music there was, a good break from the science and math that filled your childhood. 
You heard some jiggling among the door locks and surely enough, Jungkook’s handsome face was in your view. He was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and some blue jeans, a very simple outfit after spending most of his time at the boxing gym. 
“Hey baby,” he cooed, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
“Hi. I’m so happy you’re back, I was starting to worry that you forgot about me,” you joked, carrying his boxing bag to your shared bedroom with him tagging behind. 
“You know I would never forget about you,” he muttered, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the back of your neck. Instead of wriggling away like you normally do, you allow yourself to relish in his affection since he wasn’t a person who did it often. 
“I missed you..” you mumbled, turning around and kissing him. He returned the kiss more passionately, slipping his tongue inside your mouth. The sudden action made you forget about everything, focusing only on him. Unfortunately, with your senses locked on him, it caused you to fall onto the bed, your head nearly hanging off of the edge. Jungkook used your weakness to have more control over the kiss and you, carefully grabbing the back of your head to deepen the kiss. Even though he always controls kissing you, his lips are also full of love and longing due to him being gone for too long. 
“God I missed this,” he mumbled, breaking away to remove the buttons of your blouse and kissing the side of your neck. You whined from his touch, feeling a bit embarrassed due to how much time it’s been since the two of you were together. 
“What is it baby girl, are you nervous? Come on, we’ve known each other for years and I know you can take anything I give you.” It was true of course but for some reason, it felt like the first time you had sex with him. 
After your shirt has been taken off, you unconsciously cover your chest with your arms. You didn’t know why you’re acting so self-conscious, especially since you’ve been a challenger to him in bed. 
“Hey, are you okay? We can stop if you don’t want to-” Jungkook asked softly, reaching over to take your hand. 
What’s there to be nervous about? It’s just Jungkook and like he said, you’ve known him for too long. Besides, don’t you have too much pride to act this way? You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked back at him with a seductive smile. 
“You were taking too long to take off my shirt. How boring,” you said coyly, tapping his nose playfully. He returned your gaze, his eyes darkened with lust and desire. 
“Well then baby girl, how about you take off the rest of your clothes since you seem like you want to do it,” he muttered, sitting up with his attention completely on your chest. One thing you were infamous in your relationship for is being a brat, a mix of you being submissive but not backing down completely. Even though you liked being a good girl sometimes, the rest is just you on the receiving end. After all, you won’t back down to a challenge, nonetheless if your challenger’s your significant other. 
If a person only based off of what they saw, they would think that you were the one taking absolute control due to the aura you give off and your harsh personality. However, at least between you and him since you were one to keep your private life a secret, he is the one with the reins and you were completely fine with it. 
You unclipped your bra, throwing it at some random place in the room and revealed your exposed breasts. He ogled at your body up and down, his familiar lustful gaze running through his eyes. 
“Hey, what are you staring at?” you barked, slowly starting to feel awkward. Unlike you, Jungkook had no shame when it came to your bedroom activities and there were times when he would just stare at you while you’re completely bare. How embarrassing...but it’s no big deal. 
“Watch your mouth you little brat. Do I have to punish you on my day back?” he said darkly, his tone immediately making the back of your hairs stand up. Your face softened, heat forming in your cheeks as you twirled a random piece of your hair, a random habit that you’ve done since elementary school.
“I-I’m sorry.” “Sorry what, baby girl? You’re smarter than that.” “Sorry..sir.” After that word was uttered in your soft and obedient tone, Jungkook could feel his dick growing harder by the second. Hearing you give up all of your confidence and letting him control you never failed to turn him on. 
“Now take off the rest of your clothes, sweetie. Or are you going to continue being a dumb little girl and keep playing with me,” he growled softly, leaning back on the bed frame. You felt like acting up some more but he truly was scary when he’s upset and you didn’t want to make his visit back bad because of your behavior so you simply did what he said. Even though you wouldn’t admit it to the world, you also love obeying Jungkook. 
You quickly unzippered your jeans, pulling them off along with your panties and kicking them out of the bed. The warmth from the clothes were immediately replaced by the chilly air from the air conditioner, your nipples standing up and goosebumps filling your body. It was humiliating, especially since Jungkook can see you so clearly. 
“My precious sweetheart,” he cooed, leaning over you and you could feel his hardened member alongside the roughness of his jeans as he slowly grinded into you. 
“Ahh…” You didn’t know what to say, except you knew you wanted more. Jungkook’s mouth was latched onto your nipples, sucking them harshly while his other hand was massaging and flicking on them repeatedly. You felt your eyes roll back to your head and your pussy dampening, even though he wasn’t doing anything yet. 
“You like this baby?” he asked gruffly, tugging on your nipple teasingly as it sends sparks of pleasure inside you. You only let out a whine in response as he broke apart from your chest and slowly made his way down your body. 
All of a sudden, he inserted one of his long fingers inside of your core, sending vibrations throughout your body. You squealed from the intrusion as your body tried to familiarize itself with his finger, your walls clenching around his digit. 
“Damn, have you gotten tighter since last time?” He started to thrust his finger in and out of you at a moderate pace, trying to get you used to the feeling. As if one isn’t enough for you, he suddenly inserted a second one to stretch you out. 
Your mind was a haze, not paying attention to anything that was happening around you and focusing on the pleasure that Jungkook was giving you. His fingers attempted to reach the spongy section of your g-spot, the place that absolutely had you in hysterics. Surely enough, his fingertips grazed over it and you could nearly come undone at any second. 
While he added an additional finger and completely filled you up, you could feel his smooth tongue on your clit, flicking and sucking on it feverishly. High-pitched moans and mewls were coming out of your mouth embarrassingly as you tugged on Jungkook’s long locks in order to steady yourself of the pleasure. 
You could feel him curl his fingers and touch your g-spot, sending sparks within you. At this point, you were barely in a stable mindset due to how good he was making you feel. You felt a knot building up in your stomach, your orgasm coming close to you. 
“Are you gonna cum now baby girl? Do you want to cum for Sir? Yeah, I know you do, I could feel it coming,” he said tauntingly, his fingers and tongue abusing your cunt and the vibrations among it made the sensation feel even better. 
“Y-yeah, I’m gonna-” you whimpered pathetically but to your dismay, he completely stopped by sliding his fingers out and removing his face. With your release dismissed like it was nothing, you felt annoyance build up on you as your body shook from the denial. 
“What the hell? Why did you stop?” you groaned, your eyes shooting sharp daggers at Jungkook. If looks could kill, he would surely be dead within two seconds. But all that’s on his face were your liquids and a cocky smirk that you want to wipe off instantly. 
“Because I want you to cum on my dick first. It’s been so long since I’ve been inside you, y’know?” he said casually, pulling off his shirt like it was nothing and revealing his impressive 6-pack. One thing that you were always in awe of was his figure. Jungkook was a really athletic person, always finding time out of his day to work out and maintain his muscular body. You didn’t mind if he didn’t have abs but it neutralized his cute face that could easily kill anyone. 
“It’s been a while, yeah? You ready kitten?” Jungkook kicked off his jeans and his boxer that covers his massive bulge was immediately in your vision. You could feel your thighs rubbing together as you were craving him inside you. 
“You’re calling me kitten now?” you mumbled shyly as he sat on the edge of the bed, palming his hardened member. 
“Yeah because you’re my cute kitty, aren’t you? Do you want to take off my boxers for me?” he smirked, knowing how excited you are to see him like this again. Like there was no tomorrow, you yanked it off impatiently and his dick sprang out, hitting his abs before standing up instantly. 
“You’re excited, aren’t you? Don’t deny it,” Jungkook teased, stroking his member teasingly before setting you down on your back and hovering above you. 
“I want it,” you mumbled impatiently, getting excited with the thought of him fucking you until you can’t walk again. He chuckled at your reaction, slowly slipping himself inside you. You shrieked from the sudden movement and tried to make yourself comfortable even though this wasn’t new to you. 
“Alright baby, let’s go,” he said gruffly, slowly pulling out and slamming it back inside within the next five seconds. You let out a scream as he picked up the pace into the all-too familiar rough and fast one. 
“Damn, you’ve gotten way tighter since the last time I’ve fucked your brains out. Feels so good for Sir,” he groaned, his dick completely filling you warm and deep to the point where it could nearly reach your guts. “Does my baby like that? Like getting dicked down where I can feel her in your stomach?” “Ahh, oh my god!” You could only moan and whine in response, pathetic noises coming out of your mouth as Jungkook’s dick hit every surface of your pussy. His veins already made it even more pleasurable and you could feel the tip grazing upon your g-spot, making you even more sensitive. 
It hasn’t been long but embarrassingly, you could feel your orgasm arrive once again due to how good his dick was thrusting into you. As he continued to drill your abused cunt, you could feel your legs tremble at the sensitive feeling and the impending sensation of your orgasm starting to grow in your core. 
“S-sir, oh my god-” you mewled as Jungkook used his force to flip you on your stomach, your face covered in the pillows. You couldn’t feel him inside you for a second but suddenly, he slammed inside you with no remorse and continued fucking you at that fast pace. 
Your cunt throbs as you prepare yourself to cum all over his dick. Jungkook could sense it too by the way your walls started to tighten around him, making it even more pleasurable than the last time you two had sex due to how tight you were. You were praying that he doesn’t deny your orgasm again but there were times where he was that cruel. But you’ve behaved enough to not warrant that type of treatment. 
“Is my baby gonna cum now? Go on, come for me, I want to see you come undone on my dick,” he chanted lowly, his pace fastening due to his orgasm coming in soon. Like his words set off a reaction inside you, you screamed out his name and squirted on his dick and stomach. Using that as fuel to keep going, Jungkook thrusts even faster than before to catch his own high as you try to calm yourself down from your own orgasm. 
“Ahh, Jungkook-” you whined from the sensitivity but you kept holding on so he could cum too. The way his sweat dripped off of his forehead and complimenting with his dark locks nearly made you want to cum again. 
“Fuck, I’m cumming, oh shit,” he moaned out, his thrusts slowing down and surely enough, you could feel his dick spurt out his seed inside you. He started to pull out and stroke himself, spurts of his cum filling up your pussy to not waste a drop. 
You and him started to breathe heavily from the intense fuck as you gingerly pulled up the sheets to cover your body. It’s not like you were embarrassed of him seeing your body, it was a habit you did after you have sex with him.
“Did you miss me?” he smiled, lying down next to you and covering an arm around your waist. You nodded, snuggling up next to him on the neck of his crook. There weren't any words spoken from the both of you for a while, instead you were just enjoying the presence of him next to you because after today, he’ll be gone again. 
If you had it your way, you didn’t want him to go but he really wanted to participate in his boxing match and what kind of girlfriend were you if you didn’t support him? Still, you loved every moment with him and he was the one thing you absolutely loved in your life. 
After a moment of silence, Jungkook broke the silence by facing towards you with seriousness in his eyes. You were worried that something may have happened, so you braced yourself with the worst that could happen. But surprisingly, his words were a bigger shock than any other disaster you could think of. 
“Y/N, do you mind if I ask something of you? I hope you don’t find it uncomfortable or invasive.” “Sure, what is it?” You should’ve known from the cheeky smirk he gave you that he was going to request this type of stuff. 
“I want to see you touch yourself. I think you’ll look so hot fucking yourself with your fingers while all I’m doing is just watching you.” “What the hell?!” 
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You were lying if you said you didn’t think about it a lot, especially since Jungkook left the house today this afternoon. Now that he wasn’t there, the apartment felt lonely again and you automatically missed him. 
However, the thought of him also brings you back to the conversation you had after you two had sex after a while. 
“You’ve never touched yourself? I figured that something like that would come easy to you!” “Well- you know I have dignity right! It’s already embarrassing enough that I’m your submissive!” 
“You’re right, it’s already hot seeing you act all whiny and needy for my touch.” “Shut up! Stop making fun of me!”
You shook your head, trying to get rid of Jungkook’s words. With the intent to clean your room to take some stuff out of your mind, you walked to the shared bedroom and started to rearrange random knick-knacks that were placed in peculiar locations. 
While you were wandering around, your eye caught sight of a black duffel bag that was in a hidden corner of your bed. With curiosity, you approached it to check to see what was inside. It was heavy and filled with boxing gloves and other equipment, meaning that it was Jungkook’s. 
He must’ve forgotten it when he left today, you mused, holding the glove to your chest. A normal person would immediately contact him and give it back but it was like a living piece of him, having its name and scent. You can’t believe you already miss him that much to hold onto his boxing gloves for some comfort. How pathetic. 
The smell of him already reminded you of yesterday, when he touched you and made you feel so good. You groaned to yourself as you feel your panties dampening just from the thought of Jungkook giving you pleasure. 
“Y’know what, it wouldn’t hurt to try, right? Alright Jungkook, I’ll do it,” you muttered to yourself as you slowly grazed your fingers to your lower region. You could already feel the slick coming out of your panties, signalling how wet you were. 
You were a smart person but frankly, you were confused on how to touch yourself especially since this was your first time. Memories of the way Jungkook inserted and thrusted his fingers inside you flashed through your mind, giving you an idea on how to start. 
You slide your panties off to your ankles and slowly insert your index finger inside of your core, letting yourself get familiar to your own fingers inside of you. It sure felt different than when Jungkook did it, it wasn’t enough to completely make you feel undone. You pumped another finger inside, giving you something inside at least but it was no better than Jungkook’s touch.
“Ahh, Jungkook,” you moaned softly, flicking your own clit with your fingers which makes the pleasure at least a bit better. You would rather have him with you but it was enough to fill up a small part of his absence. Remembering every time he fucked you harshly was enough to quicken your pace with your fingers, your walls clenching around them and your orgasm closely approaching. 
Your other hand groped your breasts, flicking your nipple and massaging them while the other was thrusting in and out of your needy cunt. You were completely in your own euphoria, the world completely fading away from you. Unfortunately for you, that euphoria is only short-lived. 
An annoying sound ran throughout your room, the culprit being your cell phone. You groaned with disappointment as you attempted to pry your fingers out of your pussy and your orgasm fading away with every time the ringtone chimed. 
With your slick-covered hands, you read the text and your blood started to run cold from the words that were displayed on the screen. 
[Jungkook ♡]
- Hi babe, I’m coming home bc I forgot my boxing bag.
- Sorry that this was sudden
- Actually, I’m outside the apartment rn
You’re fucked. Absolutely fucked. But lucky, you still had a minute to spare to make it seem like you weren’t doing anything. You put his boxing glove back in the bag and wobbled downstairs to the front door. The door locks started to jingle and you immediately opened them just for him to take his bag and go. You love him with all of your heart but now’s not the time to chat with him. 
“Hey Y/N, do you have my bag?” he asked across from you, looking as good as ever. You forced a smile and shoved his bag in front of your face.
“Yeah, it’s this one right? So, here it is so you can get going now! Goodbye!” you grinned, sweat dripping down your face. 
Jungkook looked puzzled on why you were acting that way but decided to go along with it. “O-okay, thanks.” 
“Of course! Now, you should get going now! Your boxing rehearsal isn’t going to wait forever, is it?” you chuckled, trying to push him out of the door but he didn’t budge. After taking a quick glance at you (more specifically your legs and the amount of slick dripping down), he decided to stay. 
“Woah, woah, there’s something going on. Let me in,” he said stubbornly, pushing against you to get inside the apartment.  
“What are you talking about? There’s literally nothing going on! You should go back to the boxing place!” you argued but he wouldn’t listen. Jungkook grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs into the bedroom and set you down, looking straight into your eyes. You immediately blushed as his eyes held such confusion and hunger inside. 
“Don’t lie to me, only bad girls lie. So tell me baby, what exactly is going on?”
Surely he didn’t know right? You still have some time to lie because there’s no way he knows. 
“I was taking a nap before you texted me.” 
“Without your panties on and a shit ton of slick dripping down your thighs?” he asked with confusion, pulling up your skirt and revealing your soaking pussy, throbbing due to the atmosphere. At this point, you were absolutely stuck in a corner as Jungkook stared at the way you’re completely aroused. 
“Ahh, um..” “Are you cheating on me, Y/N?” His eyes were now full of sadness and hurt and you could immediately feel your heart start to break. 
“N-no! Of course not! I would never cheat on you, you’re the one who I love! It’s just because..” you tried to get the idea out of his head, holding his hands tightly. Jungkook’s face brightened up a bit before being replaced with suspicion.
“So, what’s up? What were you doing while I left?” There was absolutely no talking yourself out of this because Jungkook would find out either way at this point. But at least it’s better than making up a stupid lie, right? “I..um..remember how you said you wanted to see me touch myself yesterday?” “Of course.” “Well...I was doing that..” you mumbled with embarrassment, avoiding his eye contact. Jungkook’s ears picked up what you said and his face lit up with excitement and desire. 
“Say that again for me?” he smirked, loving how soft and shy you were now.   
“I..was touching myself while I was thinking of you,” you said a bit loudly but it was still so embarrassing. You had no idea why he was all so happy right now but it made you happy nonetheless.
“Do you think you can show me?” he grinned, staring up into your eyes. 
“What?! N-no! It’s private right? You see, it’s private for a reason! Now you got your bag and figured out why I was acting weird so you can go now!” you snapped, heat automatically filling up your body. 
“It’s okay, I can skip practice today. This is important, why didn’t you tell me?” “It’s not something I should tell you.” “Anyways, you’ve been a bad girl today. Touching yourself while thinking of me, you’re so naughty. So your punishment is to reenact what you did before I came back and I’m not leaving until I see you touch yourself. But don’t worry, if you need help then I’m always here,” Jungkook purred, his dominant persona on. You gulped down a lump down your throat but you weren’t ready to back down to him yet. 
“No I’m not! I’m not giving up my dignity just yet!” “Come on, little girl. I know you were fucking yourself like a little whore while you were gone. Did your tiny little fingers fill you up completely, better than my cock? I know you didn’t because even though you’re a whore, you’re still such a slut for my dick.” His dirty words made you even more turned on than normal with even more slick running down your thighs. You knew it was better to obey, especially since he’s talking like this. With that being said, you scooted yourself with the back of your head hitting the bed frame. After a minute of hesitation, you lifted up your skirt which revealed your whole pussy to him. Jungkook stared intently, noticing every little twitch that it made as it’s longing for something to be inside it and how wet it has become. His lips were curled into a smirk as your fingers started to graze over your folds. 
Taking a deep breath, you inserted two of your fingers to aid the throbbing in your core. It felt  different than when you did it before, maybe due to Jungkook staring at every little movement you made.
Despite your initial refusal, having him watch over you turned you on even more and the throbbing only continued to get worse after you slowly started to move your fingers. You didn’t know how much it turned you and him on, judging from his erection in his pants. 
“Ahh, oh my god,” you moaned, adding an additional finger and groping your boobs with your other hand.
Jungkook’s mouth was in shock, shocked at how you can look so sexy touching yourself even though it was your first time. His dick was begging to be released in his now tight sweatpants but just watching you like this was more than enough.
He’s never admitted it directly to you but surprisingly, he’s such a voyeur and seeing you wrecked with only your fingers or even a toy could make him cum as hard as him actually fucking you.
“J-Jungkook, please…” you mewled, rocking your hips against your small hands in an attempt to hit your g-spot, where only your boyfriend knows. 
By now, you’ve inserted your whole hand inside of your core and it still wasn’t as satisfying as Jungkook’s long fingers inside you. You should’ve been embarrassed that his vision was at you masterbating but frankly, you didn’t care anymore.
“Shit baby girl, just like that, fucking ruin yourself,” he grunted, slightly stroking his hardened member through his sweatpants. 
“I want your mouth on me,” you cried, slowly starting to feel the same ecstatic feeling of your release. The way his eyes were set on you alone brings you closer to your high as you’re practically grinding on your hand. 
Luckily, Jungkook heard your wish and immediately brought his face down to your core, taking your fingers out and licking your clit like there was no tomorrow. His face was completely buried with the goal of eating you out and getting your cum out of you. It wasn’t a thought that ever crossed your mind but you never realized how much better Jungkook made you feel and how the throbbing seemed to go away after he was with you. His face was absolutely covered in your juices and adding to his warm mouth were his long fingers. 
“You like that don’t you, you slutty little girl?” he hummed, the vibrations of his mouth making you even more closer to the edge. You gripped onto his arm tightly, your fingernails dragging along his muscles due to how much he was giving you. 
You felt his fingers curl against you, hitting your g-spot and bringing you closer to your climax. It felt too good and you were craving to be ruined by him. Jungkook stared at the way you were shoving his hand amongst your tight little cunt, grinding on it as you try to reach your high and the squelching sounds it made. 
Within seconds, you were close to your orgasm and you were trying to chase after it feverishly. His tongue and his fingers were too much for you, even though you received them last night. They made you feel so satisfied and full, always filling you up to the edge and the way he was hitting every spot nearly made you cream all over his fingers. 
Unfortunately for you, he immediately pulled his fingers and mouth away, completely denying you of releasing. The hot feeling and intensity disappeared instantly and was replaced by the familiar throbbing as you let out a groan of disappointment. This was the second time you’ve lost your orgasm and you just wanted to release on him once more. 
“Why did you stop? I was going to-” you growled, your face heating up due to the increased temperature inside. 
“You’re not going to cum when I’m away. Is that a rule you can follow?” he said sharply, licking every remain of your juices off his face and wiping the excess with a tissue. 
“W-why?” “Instead, I want you to send me a video touching yourself but not cumming until my match. Is that an order my little girl can do?” 
You absolutely hated the fact that you won’t be releasing for a while but you didn’t want to get him mad. All you can do is just accept your fate and nod. 
“There you go, don’t worry, I’m going to make you feel so good once I win,” he grinned, kissing you passionately. You could immediately taste yourself on his lips and felt his hardened member upon you. There were more things that the two of you would’ve done but he wouldn’t allow that to happen. 
“Well then, I’ll be off. You’ll behave, right?” he parted cheerily, grabbing his bag and leaving the apartment like he didn’t just completely ate you out and denied your orgasm for the second time. As you heard the door lock, you’re left with your skirt drenched from your juices and the aching feeling between your legs. 
Oh the things that Jungkook does to you. But what would happen if you gave him a little surprise during his boxing match. Surely, you weren’t that submissive and besides, it would be fun to tease him..
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“You did great man!” Taehyung cheered, high-fiving Jungkook as soon as his match ended. He shared the same with a bunny-like smile and went inside the locker room to clean up to see you. Not only did he win but he’s going to be staying with you for a while now. 
With a bright spirit, he unlocked his locker and opened his phone to a text message from you. There was an attachment with a seemingly innocent message but once he opened the video, it only fueled his desire. 
[Y/N ♡]
- I miss you so much 
Inside of the video was you fucking yourself with your fingers, high-pitched and incoherent whimpers coming out of you and from the looks of it, it was like you’re about to reach your climax. 
Within the last few seconds, it cuts to you creaming all over the bed and licking your juices off of your fingers seductively with a cute wink at the end. All of that just to rile and tease him. 
Shit, the things that this girl does to me, Jungkook sighs, feeling his member starting to grow inside of his pants again. They were simple instructions yet you can’t obey properly. Maybe it was due to you being a brat and wanting to be put in your place again. 
Well, if there’s one thing that you and Jungkook know, is that you’ll certainly not walk the next day.
a/n: honestly, i’m not too proud of this but i hope you liked it regardless! let me know what you think and have a great day <3
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hogarthwrites · 3 years
the misadventures of nathan and samuel morgan
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pairing: none
genre(?): flashback, siblings, coming of age
warnings: none that i can think of
words: 6,244
"If this whole treasure-hunting thing doesn't work out, maybe we should join the circus." "Not when they have clowns." "Wow. Still not over that?" "No one is."
this is a short story of the drake brothers' time in the orphanage because i think about it a lot. nate was 10, sam was 15.
“It'll be fun,” Sam had said. “I promise there'll be magicians too.”
Nathan Morgan clutched his magician’s hat that Father Duffy gave him in his little hands. He'd just turned ten and he was obsessed with all things magic. The other kids were outside for recess but he'd asked his older brother, Sam, to spectate the new magic tricks he'd learned from a book – another one of Father Duffy’s birthday-slash-Christmas-slash-New Years gifts to him.
Sam was supposed to be in detention, but had snuck out when the elderly nun watching over him had fallen asleep. For once he thanked God for the chance to escape because his hand was starting to cramp from writing “I will not smoke in the chapel” (which was false, he had tried to reason with Sister Catherine--he was smoking behind the chapel) on the blackboard over and over again. At fifteen, he was tall and lanky, a trait he'd inherited from his father. He hated the orphanage and did everything he could to get kicked out somehow.
A week before Nathan’s birthday, Sam found a flyer for a circus coming into town that month. The last time he went to one was before their mother died, but he remembered how fun it was and he knew he just had to take Nathan.
“I don't know,” the younger Morgan brother stared down at the hole in his sock, where his big toe peeked out. He didn't have a magician's cape so he wore his blanket around his shoulders, making him look smaller than he actually was. “Won't you get in trouble for sneaking out again?”
“Who says I'll get in trouble?” Sam shrugged. “They won't know.”
Nathan was still hesitant until Sam sighed and pulled out the tickets from his pocket. The little boy’s eyes lit up at the bright red and blue tickets, wiping his pudgy hands on his pajamas before taking the tickets from Sam. He read the print on it:
Come one! Come all!
Barns and Barney Circus
January 7, 1986
4:00 p.m.
“I told them you were nine so the other ticket could be free,” Sam grinned.
That was how young Nathan found himself clinging onto Sam’s denim jacket as they stood in line to get into the large blue and white tent, lights illuminating the field it was on. He had told one of the nuns he was feeling sick and faked a fever and a coughing fit so they'd feel sorry for him. They let him stay in bed all day so as soon as he was alone and all the other kids were downstairs saying grace before supper, he stuffed his pillows under his blanket to give the impression he was still in bed, grabbed his magician’s hat and snuck out the window. Sam on the other hand gave no excuses.
“Wow, that's a cool hat you've got there, sport,” the man collecting tickets winked at Nathan. He wore a velveteen suit and had a swirly mustache that reminded Nathan of the villains in the comics he'd read. He shyly hid behind Sam.
“It's his first circus,” Sam handed the man their tickets and took Nathan’s hand to lead them to their seats. “Relax, Nathan. Circuses are so fun.”
Nathan sat next to Sam, looking around as people began to fill up the tent. The lights suddenly dimmed and a spotlight illuminated the middle of the ring. With a poof and lots of smoke, the man in the velveteen suit from earlier appeared. Nathan leaned forward in his seat in awe.
“Is he a magician?” He whispered to Sam.
“Of sorts,” Sam whispered back. “He's the ringleader.”
“Oh,” Nathan turned his attention back to the man.
“Good evening, ladies and gents!” The man’s voice boomed throughout the tent. “Welcome to the Barns and Barney circus here in wonderful Boston to start the new year with a bang!”
Entry of the Gladiators started playing on the speakers as performers came out onto the ring one by one; acrobats, tightrope walkers, dancers, jugglers on unicycles, magicians, a man with a chimpanzee on his shoulder, and many, many clowns.
Nathan was suddenly nervous as he watched the clowns in their colourful wigs and various mismatched outfits entertained the guests. He couldn't understand why, but they unsettled him. He glanced up at Sam, who looked excited at all the acts, but otherwise unphased by the clowns.
The trapeze acts started the show, with spectators ooh-ing and ah-ing at acrobats flying across the room. Then came the jugglers performing comedic acts that made everyone laugh, especially Sam. The show kept going on, and Nathan began to let himself enjoy it, eyes bright at all the acts.
Then came the clowns.
“What was that?” The ringleader leaned towards one of the clowns dressed in a bright blue costume and a large red wig sporting his head. “You want a volunteer?”
Nathan shrunk in his seat as other people raised their hands, yelling “Me! Choose me!” No way did he want to be near any of the clowns.
“You there!” The ringleader pointed in their direction.
Sam pointed at himself in confusion and the ringleader shook his head.
“The little magician sitting in the third row!”
Nathan’s heart began to pound quickly, his hands shaking.
“Go! Go!” Sam egged him on.
His legs felt like jelly as he stood up and hesitantly walked towards the ring, one of the pretty acrobats leading him there. He began to sweat as he was suddenly surrounded by clowns laughing and fooling around.
“And what is your name, young magician?” One of the clowns asked.
“N-Nate,” he stuttered a little too quietly. “N-Nate the Great.”
“Nate the Great!” The clown bellowed, receiving a few giggles from the audience. Nathan wanted to disappear at the very moment.
Suddenly he was surrounded by clowns laughing and dancing, their bright clothes, wigs, and makeup making him uneasy with every passing moment. He looked around for Sam in the audience and saw him giving a reassuring thumbs up, but it didn't help. The world felt like it was spinning around Nathan and the next thing he knew, he felt his jeans get wet.
There were gasps in the crowd, then laughter. Nathan looked down and to his horror, he had wet himself right there. In front of maybe a hundred people. He closed his eyes tightly.
Wake up, wake up, Nate! He wished and prayed it was just a bad nightmare, even muttering the prayers Sister Catherine made him memorise.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
But when Nathan opened his eyes, he was still surrounded by clowns, but they curiously looked at him, no longer laughing.
He closed his eyes again. Reciting the prayer over and over.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
“Nathan! Nathan!” He felt someone tug at his arm and before he knew it, Sam was dragging him out of the tent.
Nathan felt like he couldn't breathe as he sat on the grass, tears streaming down his face. Sam quietly sat next to him on the grass with a grunt.
“You okay?” Sam nudged him.
“No,” Nathan sniffled. “I don't wanna go to another circus ever again.”
“Okay,” Sam shrugged off his jacket and handed it to Nathan. “Here, wrap this around your waist.”
They quietly sat together as Nathan tried to calm himself down. It felt like no matter how much he tried, he couldn't breathe at all. Sam worriedly watched his little brother, a little guilty for letting him go through whatever happened with the clowns. He made a mental note to watch for cues of whenever Nathan felt uneasy about something.
“Uh, excuse me?” A man approached him. He wore the same blue clown costume from earlier, except he didn't have a wig on and no makeup.
“What?” Sam snapped.
“I just wanted to apologise for what happened… In there.”
Nathan kept his head between his knees, too afraid to look up.
“Here,” the man handed Sam a pair of sweatpants. “It might be a little baggy, but it's better than a wet pair of pants.”
Sam hesitantly took the pants from the man before he bid them farewell.
“Is he gone?” Nathan mumbled.
“Yeah, he's gone.”
Nathan looked up and was relieved to see just Sam, holding a pair of sweatpants.
“I can't wear that! That's clown clothes!” He protested.
“You'd rather walk around covered in piss?”
Nathan frowned, looking down at his soiled jeans. It did feel very uncomfortable and it wasn't helping that the wetness made him feel colder.
“Fine,” he grumbled, taking the sweatpants from Sam and stomped behind a tree. “Don't look.”
“Ew, no way in hell,” Sam rolled his eyes, turning away to watch the pretty acrobat who stood outside the tent, smoking a cigarette. He considered going up to her to ask for a cigarette, and if he was lucky, her number.
“It's baggy,” Nathan emerged from behind the tree, holding the sweatpants up.
“Just roll the top until it kinda fits.”
Nathan sighed, quietly mocking Sam. “Roll the top until it fits.”
“I look stupid.”
Sam turned back to look at Nathan awkwardly standing by the tree, the sweatpants were baggy and rolled up at his waist and ankles. He suppressed a laugh, instead he awkwardly stood and bit at his nails.
“No, you look fine,” he nodded. “Come on, let's get some ice cream then head back.”
They walked to an old fashioned drug store and ordered two ice cream sodas. The only other people there were the elderly man at the cashier reading a newspaper and a guy probably in his early 20’s who served the ice cream and sodas.
Nathan was still bummed out as he picked at a maraschino cherry. His magician’s hat was on the counter next to him and he pushed it away.
“My career is ruined.”
Sam chuckled. “Come on, no one in there is going to remember that.”
“I'll remember it,” Nathan sighed. “No more Nate the Great.”
“Don't be so dramatic,” Sam picked up the hat. “No one else in the orphanage can pull Mr. Wiggles out of a hat, right?”
Nathan nodded. Mr. Wiggles was a stuffed bunny that one of the younger boys, Ralph, owned. A lot of the younger ones always enjoyed Nathan’s tricks before bed.
“Can't let Ralph down, can we?” Sam nudged him before stuffing a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. He immediately regretted the instant brain freeze.
Nathan took the hat from Sam who was still recovering from the brain freeze and he took a deep breath before hesitantly placing it on his head. The laughter, the wetness, and especially the clowns all came back to him and he tossed the hat on the ground with a yelp.
“Seriously, Nathan?” Sam sighed as he picked up the hat.
“I can't, Sam.”
Sam simply gave him a pat on the back. “No more circuses.”
“No more clowns.”
“No more clowns.”
Nathan crawled into his bed in a fresh pair of pajamas but he couldn't drift off to sleep. He knew he was a lot safer inside the orphanage, surrounded by the other boys who he shared the room with, yet the image of the clowns and the audience laughing was stuck in his mind. He tossed and turned in his bed, wishing Sam wasn't assigned to a different room so he'd have someone to talk to.
Over the next few days, Sam tried to avoid bringing up the circus around Nathan, but he still felt a bit bad about it. Nathan stopped wearing his magician’s hat and cape, opting to sit alone in the library reading comic books instead of performing tricks in front of the other kids. Of course, Father Duffy noticed.
“Samuel, I need to talk to you,” Father Duffy approached Sam as he sat on the bleachers.
Sam instantly put his cigarette out, crushing it under his sneaker and sheepishly turning back to the Father.
“Heyy, Father Duffy, I was just trying out that cigarette that Edward gave me, by the way,” Sam sheepishly said. “It was disgusting. People should never smoke. Did I mention Edward gave it to me?”
“Samuel,” Father Duffy sighed as he sat next to him on the bench. “I wanted to ask about Nate.”
“My brother? What'd he do now?”
“Well, it's what he hasn't been doing that's got me worried. He seems… Quieter than usual?”
Sam stayed silent. He shrugged, feigning innocence.
“Have you noticed it?”
“Well,” Sam stood up and paced. “He hasn't… Been playing with those magic thingies…”
“I'm just worried he might be depressed about something, Sam.” Father Duffy was always worried about either of the brothers getting too depressed after learning about how their mother passed. He reached into his pocket and gave him a ten dollar bill. “Can I trust you to go out and get him a nice magician’s coat?”
“Yeah,” Sam gingerly took the bill and stuffed it in his pocket.
“I'll get Sister Maureen to take you to the market tomorrow morning,” Father Duffy said. “And for the love of God, stop smoking. It's terrible for your lungs.”
“Thank you, Father Duffy,” Sam muttered as he walked away, lighting up another cigarette as soon as the priest was out of sight.
Sister Maureen was a stout Irish woman in her forties who always looked cross, but Sam felt like he got along just fine with her. For one thing, she had Fight For Your Right by the Beastie Boys loudly playing on the radio as she drove him to downtown Boston. This pleased Sam. He liked the Beastie Boys.
“Now don't you be taking your sweet time in there or I'll throw you in detention,” she said in a monotone voice as she parked the car. “Be back in half an hour. I'll be at the store.”
“You got it, Sister,” Sam winked before he got out of the car.
He still had the Beastie Boys song in his head and despite being in his uniform that consisted of a white button down shirt, a pair of black slacks, and a blue vest that had “St. Francis Academy” on the left chest, he felt cool. He felt the bill in his pocket as he made his way to the closest department store.
“Cool,” Sam smiled into the mirror as he tried on a pair of aviators. He looked at the price. Five dollars. If he was going to get Nathan a nice gift he could use for magic, he wouldn't have enough. He considered his choices; he could do the right thing and just buy what Father Duffy asked, or he could treat himself to a nice pair of sunglasses and still find Nathan a nice gift.
He was about to make up his mind to do the right thing when he looked out the window and saw an open-air market across the street. Maybe he could find something there. There was the usual local produce as Sam strolled around, hoping there would be the odd stall with weird antiquities. Instead, he came across an elderly woman with rabbits in a cage. This gave Sam an idea.
“Hey, lady, how much for a bunny?” He asked her.
“Just four dollars, dear,” she sweetly smiled.
“Sold!” Sam pointed at a fat white bunny munching on a carrot. “I'll take that one.”
“For feck’s sake,” Sister Maureen simply gave Sam a weird look as he climbed back into the car with a little cage in his arms and a shiny new pair of sunglasses. “Did you get what you needed?”
“Oh yeah,” Sam nodded. “Let's roll, Sister Maureen.”
He felt even cooler when No Sleep Till Brooklyn played loudly as the nun drove back.
Nathan was lying on the ground, focusing on his drawing of Indiana Jones. He'd finally got to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark when they showed it at the movie night a couple days ago, and he was intrigued. He began imagining himself as a swashbuckling explorer again.
Sam poked his head into the room, scanning the room for his little brother.
“I have something for you,” he walked over to Nathan. “A late present.”
He pushed his sunglasses up and plopped down on the floor and placed the little cage in front of Nathan.
“No way,” Nathan gasped, pushing his sketches away to hold the bunny in his hands. “Is this allowed?”
“Father Duffy paid for it,” Sam gave a nonchalant shrug.
“I'm gonna name him Doc.”
“What's up, Doc?” Sam laughed as Nathan left the bunny to him so he could grab his magician’s hat and wrapped his blanket around his shoulders. A crowd of three to four little boys ranging from ages five to nine who were loitering around the room had gathered around, curiously looking at the brothers and whispering to each other.
“And now,” Nathan addressed the crowd. “The return of Nate the Great!”
He gestured for Sam to stand up.
“I shall now introduce the bunny, Doc, who I shall pull out of my hat!”
Sam stood behind Nathan after secretly giving him the bunny and he put the sunglasses on again.
“Abra cadabra!” Nathan quickly popped open the top of the hat and slid Doc inside.
“You don't have a bunny!” One of the smaller boys called out as he picked his nose.
“Then what do you call…” Nathan stuffed his hand into the bottom of the hat and gently pulled Doc out by the ears. “This!”
Laughter filled the room as Nathan went through his routine of magic tricks, now improved with an even better assistant, Doc.
“Now, I like the sound laugh–” Father Duffy stood at the doorway and froze when he saw the bunny in Nathan’s hand. “What is that?”
“A bunny!” Sam grinned. “Isn't it just the best present?”
Father Duffy slumped against the doorway and sighed. Oh, Samuel.
“That's very nice,” he muttered. “Sam–can I speak to you in the hall for a second?”
“Sure thing, Father,” Sam followed the priest out into the hall and closed the door to the room where Nathan was showing the boys some card tricks.
“A live animal, Samuel?” Father Duffy crossed his arms. “I asked you to get him a cape .”
“ Oh ,” Sam hummed. “I swear I don't remember you saying anything specific, so I chose the gift I thought would be best for him.”
“You do know you boys aren't allowed to keep pets.”
“Come on, Father Duffy. Don't sweat it. We'll keep Doc out in that old cage near the garden.”
“Samuel, I don't trust you with an animal like that.”
“That's a low blow,” Sam looked up at Father Duffy through his shades. “But fine, it's Nathan’s pet now. He’ll take care of it.”
“Is anything the matter?” Nathan peeped out the door, the bunny still in his hand. “Is Sam in trouble again?”
“I was just telling your brother how it's a lot of hard work to take care of rabbits,” Father Duffy turned his attention to the younger Morgan brother.
“I'm sure there's books on rabbit care in the library,” Nathan held up the bunny. “I named him Doc.”
“That's nice,” Father Duffy sighed. “Fine. As long as you promise to clean up after him and to feed him yourself. Okay?”
“See, that's why you're my favourite priest,” Sam gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. “Was that a sin?”
“Shades, Samuel.”
Nathan loved Doc. He's never had a pet before so he made it his mission to prove to himself and to Father Duffy and Sister Catherine that he was responsible enough to take care of the bunny. Apart from Sam, Nathan didn't really have any other friends, and he wouldn't really call Ralph-- who was just six -- a friend.  Sam was in the highschool section of the orphanage so when Nathan had no one else to talk to, he'd sneak off to Doc’s cage to talk to the rabbit and to draw. He must've drawn Doc a thousand times that first month. His drawing studies of the rabbit eventually evolved into Super Doc, a series of comics about a superhero rabbit fighting off villains that all looked like clowns.
“Whatcha drawing there, dingbat?” Edward, one of the older boys approached Nathan. He was large and had his black hair slicked back, making him look like a cockroach. He was in the highschool section too and was just a year younger than Sam. Two other boys, Jay and Danny, were close behind, giving Nathan menacing grins.
“Shouldn't you be in algebra? Or did you flunk that again?” Nathan quickly shut his notebook, but Edward grabbed it from him.
“Super Doc?” Edward laughed. “More like Super Dork, am I right?”
“You're just like your brother,” Jay, who was smaller and leaner, poked Nathan’s shoulder. “A friendless loser.”
“At least we aren't stupid,” Nathan tried to reach for his notebook. “Give it back, Edward!”
Edward tossed it to Danny, who stood six-foot-two at the age of fourteen. The taller boy laughed and pushed Nathan away. “Loser.”
Blinded by rage, Nathan kicked Danny in the shin, causing him to drop the notebook as he doubled over. Nathan picked it up and stuffed it into his backpack before landing a punch on Edward’s cheek.
“Scrawny little punk,” Edward pushed him on the ground, making Nathan fall with a grunt. “You're gonna regret this.”
Jay and Danny pinned Nathan down as Edward grabbed a fistful of sand. Nathan kicked and yelled, knocking off Jay’s glasses in the process. He closed his eyes as Edward’s fist neared his face. It happened enough for him to anticipate, and he wasn't looking forward to eating a sand and knuckle sandwich.
He heard Edward grunt and the sound of someone falling on the sand.
“You get away from him, you assholes!” Sam yelled. Nathan opened his eyes and saw Sam throwing punches at Edward and Danny.
Nathan turned to Jay and punched him square on the jaw. The older boy held his jaw in pain.
“What the fuck?”
“That's right, Nathan!” Sam yelled as he dodged a blow from Danny. He almost looked like he was having fun. “Jab, jab, hook!”
Jab, jab, hook . Nathan repeated it in his mind over and over again. He mimicked Sam in his movements, anticipating Jay’s every move. Jab, jab, hook.
“Oof!” Nathan flew back as Jay hit him in the eye.
“Stupid kid,” Jay pushed him and he bumped into Sam, who frowned.
“Come on, Nathan. Fight’s not over.”
When Sam was distracted, Edward threw another punch at Sam’s cheek and threw him down on the ground. Sam groaned as he tried to get up again.
“No one wants either of you,” he kicked sand at them and the other boys followed. “One day you’re going to get kicked out, Morgan, and no one's gonna remember you and no one's gonna want you, you insignificant little freak.”
Nathan’s blood boiled. He wanted to stand up and fight Edward again, but his eye was throbbing.
“This isn't over, Gilbertson,” Sam gritted his teeth. “I'm gonna kick your ass.”
“Loser,” Edward kicked sand at them again before walking off.
Sam sighed as he laid back on the dirt floor and put his shades that were hanging on his vest on. He lit up a cigarette and puffed a few angry smokes.
“Thanks,” Nathan mumbled.
“Yeah. Don't mention it.”
“I hate it here, Sam.”
“Me too.”
Nathan buried his face between his knees and Sam worriedly looked up.
“Hey, none of what he said is true, alright?” Sam said. “That bozo doesn't know what he's talking about.”
The younger Morgan brother said nothing.
“That was badass, though. Did you see Jay?” Sam suddenly laughed. “When have you ever seen a ten year old beat up a thirteen year old?”
“Maybe if the magician thing doesn't fly, I'll try out boxing,” Nathan said.
“Yeah!” Sam grinned as he sat up. “I'll be your boxing coach.”
“I'll beat Edward and all those clowns up myself then.”
“Attaboy, Nathan!”
They laughed and watched the clouds roll by until they fell asleep from exhaustion. Nathan dreamt of Doc saving him from a pack of bully clowns.
Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. Doc was nowhere to be found. It was late in the evening and Nathan had been practicing some tricks in the activity room when the rabbit disappeared. He immediately went to Sam (who was, for some reason, asleep on the bleachers outside still in his uniform) for help.
“Well where did you leave him?” Sam stood in the middle of the room with his hands on his hips while Nathan rummaged through the pillows on the sofa.
“Here!” The young boy pointed at the sofa. “At least he was here before I went to pee. I didn't think he'd leave.”
“He's a chunky rabbit. He wouldn't have gone too far,” Sam walked towards a bulletin board filled with artworks from the other fifth graders in Nathan’s class. He chuckled at a blob with green eyes. “What the hell did Bobby draw?”
“You could be helping me, you know,” Nathan threw a throw pillow at him.
“Oh no, he's your pet.”
Nathan rolled his eyes as he crawled around looking under the couches.
It was then that a loud yell came from across the hall.
Father Duffy barged into the activity room in his pajamas, holding Doc in his arms.
There were little rabbit droppings on the priest’s bedsheets, to Nathan’s horror and to Sam’s amusement. Sam tried to suppress a laugh, but he ran out guffawing.
“Oh crap,” Nathan gulped. “I'll clean it up. I promise, Father Duffy.”
“This is the last straw,” Father Duffy was exasperated. “Nate, you promised you'd keep the rabbit outside in its cage.”
“I just took him in to practice for the talent show tomorrow.”
“One more talent show, Nate,” Father Duffy sighed. “Then the rabbit has to go.”
“What?” Nathan ran after him as he left the room to get a cup of tea. “But he's my rabbit.”
“I know, but it's getting out of hand. Oh, Sister Catherine!” Father Duffy called to the nun who just came out of one of the offices.
“Yes, Father?” Her eyebrows knitted.
“Please help Nathan get new sheets. His pet left a little surprise on my bed. I need some chamomile tea.”
Sister Catherine worriedly looked at the rabbit in Nathan’s arms. “A… Pet?”
“He's nice,” Nathan said quietly.
“Then make sure Nathan and Sam are in their respective rooms after,” Father Duffy yawned and made his way to the pantry. “You’ll know where I'll be.”
The boys had the tip of their ears pinched as Sister Catherine led them to the laundry room and handed them fresh sheets. She stood by the door as she watched them clean the rabbit droppings off with a tiny hand broom.
“Father Duffy wants to get rid of Doc,” Nathan whispered as he tugged the other side of the bedsheet.
“He's just saying that,” Sam scoffed.
“No, I think he's serious.”
“Well, what am I supposed to do about it?”
“Can we hide him or maybe set him free?”
“Nathan,” Sam gave him an exasperated look. “He's a rabbit. He's prey to almost everything. He's as good as dead out there.”
“I can't just let him take Doc away.”
“Okay, fine. Let's clean this mess up then I'll think of something.”
Sister Catherine made sure Nathan had put Doc back in his cage before making them go back to their rooms. Sam had said nothing else regarding the rabbit, and it made Nathan anxious. He almost forgot about the talent show.
The next morning, Nathan threw on his uniform and stuffed his makeshift magician's costume in his backpack and ran to Doc’s cage before his first class. The rabbit was still there, munching on vegetables that Mr. O’Reilly, the gardener, probably fed him earlier.
“Big day, Doc,” Nathan took him out of the cage to clean out the droppings and the leakings. He couldn't help but give him a quick kiss on the head, ignoring the strong smell of rabbit. “This is the performance of our lives and hopefully not the last one too.”
He reached into his pocket to grab a handful of pellets and sprinkled it into Doc’s food bowl. “Eat up, big guy. I'll see you in a few.”
Sam trudged to his pre-calculus class, lazily copying down last night’s homework from one of his roommates. He barely slept and all he wanted was to crawl back into bed and sleep the day away. He kept thinking about what he was going to do with the damn rabbit. Sam wouldn't admit, but he was fond of it. He wasn't always around for his little brother and he still felt bad about the whole clown fiasco, but at least the rabbit gave Nathan some comfort.
He thought about giving the rabbit away to a pet store, but what pet store would want a large rabbit like that? He shuddered to think of Doc ending up as rabbit stew somehow. Then he remembered the old woman he bought Doc from at the Haymarket market. He prayed she'd be there after the talent show that evening. He didn't have a Plan B.
“Abra cadabra!” Nathan repeated over and over, trying to decide which one sounded better. Ralph was on stage doing some kind of yodel and he was just waiting to finally be called up on stage.
“Alright, Nathan, here's the plan,” Sam appeared from around the auditorium. “After your performance, you meet me at the roof with the door that'll lead us out the West Gate. We're gonna catch the T to Haymarket and pray to god the old lady selling the rabbits is still at the market. Understand?”
Nathan sadly nodded. He didn't want to think about how he had to part with Doc soon.
Sam put a hand on his shoulder. “This is the best thing for Doc.”
“I guess so.”
“It'll be fine,” Sam gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. “See you later, little brother.”
“Sure,” Nathan sighed as Sam ran off. He kneeled in front of Doc, whose beady red eyes wandered around, his wet nose in the air as he sniffed around. For a second, a wave of sadness hit Nathan and he let himself shed a few tears for his best friend.
“Now for our next performer…” Father Duffy stood on stage, looking at the little faces in the audience. Some were bored, some looked excited to see more performances. “The very magical Nate the Great!”
Nathan took a deep breath before stepping out into the limelight, squinting at the bright, hot light. Ignoring the expecting gazes, he set his table up, making sure Doc was secure near the little trap door he could pull him out of (he spent a few weeks making that table in home improvement class).
For a second, he felt his heart race as he remembered the clowns and the audience at the circus laughing at him. He glanced down at his trousers. Not wet. Good start.
“Go Nathan!” A single voice yelled. It sounded like Sam, but as Nathan peered out into the audience, he couldn't see him.
“Welcome, my fellow schoolmates! My name is Nate the Great and I'm here to amaze you with magic!”
He began his routine: starting off with a floating card trick and bending a spoon. The audience which he now realised was mostly other boys in the grade school, ooh-ed and aah-ed with every trick. Nathan asked Ralph to come up and volunteer to have a coin vanish from his palm and reappear from his ear. The six year old laughed throughout it.
As he went on, Nathan’s confidence went up, and finally it was Doc’s turn to help him amaze the crowd.
“For my last trick I'm going to pull out a very special friend of mine,” Nathan took his hat off and showed the inside of it to the audience. “As you can see, there is nothing in my hat.”
Nathan gave a cheeky grin as he strategically placed the hat on the table, opening the secret door quickly. “Abra cadabra!”
He gently pulled the now rather large Doc out of the hat and held him up for the audience to see. The little boys laughed and cheered at the appearance of a live animal. They were reminded of a trip to the petting zoo just a month ago, where they plenty of bunnies like Doc.
“Thank you!” Nathan grinned as he held Doc to his chest, bowing down a few times until Father Duffy ushered him off the stage.
He was still thrilled as he left the auditorium, smiling at himself and the recent memory.
“We did it, Doc,” he whispered at the rabbit, giving it a kiss between its fuzzy ears. He took out a few baby carrots and gave them to him. As much as he tried not to, tears still dripped down his cheeks.
Sam leaned by the door on top of the roof of their rendezvous point. He was getting antsy and Nathan was taking too long to get there. It wasn't Nathan’s intention to get there too slow, though; it was hard to climb the usual route with a fragile creature in his backpack.
“What took you so long?” Sam rolled his eyes as Nathan climbed over the railing.
“Why are you in such a hurry? They're busy with the dumb talent show.”
“Whatever,” Sam opened the door. “Let's go.”
It was quarter past 6 PM when they got to Hanover Street, briskly walking to the open-air market. Most of the vendors have already packed up and some were cleaning up, happy to be done with the day.
Sam was suddenly nervous. The T ran slower than he remembered (the last time he rode the subway was before their father left them in the orphanage), instantly hating all the station transfers and the waiting. At this point, he was praying the old woman would still be there.
Nathan tried to keep up with Sam, but he couldn't keep up. Sam had told him to keep his eyes peeled for an old woman with rabbits, but all he saw were empty stalls and boxes of fresh produce.
“A bunny!” A girl just a few years younger than Nathan ran up to him. She had blonde hair tied up in pigtails and soft brown eyes. “What's his name?”
“Doc,” Nathan smiled.
“He's so cute!” She squealed. “Will he bite?”
“Not at all.” He took out a piece of cabbage from his pocket. “Here, you can feed him.”
The girl giggled in delight as Doc ate from her hand.
“There you are!” An older woman who Nathan assumed was the little girl’s mother ran up to them. “Let's go, I got the strawberries we can snack on tonight.”
“Look, Mom, it's a cute rabbit,” the little girl said.
“That's nice sweetie, but we have to go,” the woman took her hand.
Just then, Sam walked back to Nathan with an annoyed look on her face. “She's gone. Saw her drive away.”
“He needs a home, you know,” Nathan told the woman and the girl. “He's talented and he'll keep you safe and happy.”
The little girl’s eyes went wide. “Mom, please, please, please, please !”
“We already have Peaches, honey.”
“Peaches is a fish . I can't kiss a fish.”
“Lady, this rabbit is one of a kind,” Sam stepped in. “He's magic .”
“Oh, brother,” the woman groaned.
“I swear ever since we got him, good things have just been happening,” Sam shrugged. “If we weren't stuck in an orphanage, we could've kept him.”
“You're orphans?” The lady looked at them, finally noticing their clean cut uniforms.
The brothers gave her their best puppy dog eyes, knowing how well it always worked.
“I promise I'll take care of him!” The little girl tugged at the woman’s coat.
She sighed, a sign the boys knew all too well meant she'd fallen for it.
“Okay, we'll take the rabbit,” she said wearily and the little girl squealed loudly.
Nathan held up Doc and smiled at the rabbit, blinking back tears. He thought of all the times they spent together and cherished this last moment.
“Thank you,” he whispered before gently placing him in the little girl’s arms.
“And here,” the woman handed him coupons. “You can use this at any food store at Quincy Market.”
“Thanks,” Nathan smiled. “Please take care of Doc.”
“We will,” she nodded.
He stood, watching mother and daughter leave with his best friend. He sniffled, finally letting his tears roll down his cheeks. Sam gave him a comforting pat on the back.
“He's found a great home, Nathan.”
“He had a home with me.”
“Well now he has a home where he can just be a happy little rabbit and not worry about getting kicked out at the smallest of sins.”
Nathan nodded. “He'll be okay right, Sam?”
“Sure he will.”
“What's next for us?”
Sam tapped his chin in thought, then the coupons in Nathan’s hand caught his eye.
“We can get coconut macaroons.”
15 notes · View notes
arch-venus25 · 3 years
The Head and the Heart, Part 1
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Hello everyone,
I am submitting this for @just-the-hiddles‘s The Damnit Jim, I’m A Vampire, Not A Landlord Fic Frenzy. I chose prompt “1....You can pay your rent in money or in blood.” I was inspired by all the prompts and will probably use them throughout the series. Basically I use the prompts as guide-lines.
This is the first time I have written and shared a fic online-- or ever really! It’s also the first time I’ve written anything modern so please let me know what you think! I hope I’m posting this correctly--I created the title art--LOL I’ve never done this before. I’m aiming to update the series each Tuesday. So here we go... 
Series Masterlist: The Head and The Heart
Summary: The twins are taking a night off from their graduate studies-- or at least Tessa is; her twin sister, Antha, is just trying to keep her out of trouble. What starts as a night of good old-fashioned fun and flirting quickly changes as they find themselves at the doorstep of the Hollow House Bed and Breakfast.
Characters: OFCs Antha and Tessa King, original characters/vampires
WARNINGS: 18+ for suggestive themes and violence, cursing, implied drug use, implied rape, stressful/scary situations, vampires, and characters with incredible hair-- you’ve been warned. Read at your own discretion.
Word Count: 2770
Part One: Faced with Foolishness
         “Well, you know Tessa, she’s being Tessa,” Antha murmured into her phone as she watched her twin sister cozy up to her flavor of the month; Tessa flipped her box braids off her shoulder, the beaded ends flirtatiously tinkling against every surface they met. As if watching a photo negative version of herself, Antha mourned her nonexistent reputation. Had she not spent years hiding in her books she may have been able to rival her uninhibited doppelganger in white hot-pants.
        “Why do you let her do this to you? It never goes as planned, and next thing you know I’ll be cleaning you two up and feeding you McDonald’s at two thirty in the morning!” She didn’t need facetime to picture Doug wincing through the phone, pushing his Buddy Holly styled Ray-Bans up the bridge of his nose.
        “So what you’re saying is how could I let Tessa do this to you?” She laughed, rolling her Havana twists through her fingers to fight off the June humidity. Talking to her best friend helped her forget just how long she had been holding it in line to the bathroom.
         “Ant, look I don’t like that bar—you want me to come get you?”
         “And leave her? I can’t do that—listen, if we don’t call you for a ride home by midnight just come get us. I’m exhausted and I don’t think she will party that long. Besides, you-know-who just showed up.” She watched as Franco the Flake appeared, wasting no time to linger over her sister—Tessa’s flavor of the month, forgotten within an instant. Antha’s eyes rolled like marbles as she turned away to better hear her friend on the phone; some fraternity boys nearby began fist-pumping into the air as the bartender served up a line of shots for them.
         “Ugh, the Flake… well I can hear things are getting started on your end—I’ll keep my phone on me, just don’t drive. Leave her car and I’ll get you two—there’s maniacs out there especially on Friday night.” He warned.
        “I owe you,” she groaned and hung up. Antha finally arrived in the ladies’ room, only two women away from her sweet release. She watched as the women cornered the mirror like crazed wanton things, bending and zhuzhing, adjusting their “girls” to their perkiest potential through scantily low apparel.
        “Heeeyy…” She quietly greeted the woman that exited the nearest stall. The stranger gave her a haughty elevator eye from head to toe making her feel severely underdressed for a Friday night out. When she threw on a sun dress today, she never anticipated her sister would abduct her after class and have them gallivanting across town. Tessa’s exact words were “Godamnit Ant, tonight we’re gonna have fun if it kills us!” A Cheshire Cat grin spread across her face as she floored the accelerator of her Neon, then cranked up the bass as the radio station started their basement remixes. Fun if it kills us.
        Antha stared at her white sandals, her nail polish was chipped and at least three weeks old. Then she looked to her messenger bag hanging on the back of the door. It was covered in Community College film badges and club stickers, per her friend’s preferences. Antha liked her graffitied messenger bag. Like a billboard, it made her appear she had a life outside of her graduate studies.
        She should have been at home, text books spread on her lap, feet up. She could hear Doug’s old Buick coughing its way up Momma’s drive, then fumbling outside the door, trying to knock with a third of Popov, case of Dogfish Head, and pizza in his arms. Then he would throw everything on the coffee table and announce “I brought Casablanca!” to which she would say “Oh, more white people movies?” and unphased, he would reply “Good god woman, it’s not Birth of a Nation!” Antha smiled, thinking of their weekly ritual of pretending to do research while gossiping long into the night until Zoey and Tessa would drunkenly Uber home. The distinct shamble, like the walking dead, would scrape up the gravel drive signaling their arrival.
        “Hey, you almost done in there?” An annoyed voice yelled over the door, cutting through her reminiscing. Antha could see the reds of the stranger’s eyes between the door crack.
         Instead of lounging on the couch surrounded by good beer and even better friends, Antha found herself being hustled by some Fireball-turned-up twat—all under the guise of having fun. “Yeah, sorry about that.” She replied and flushed. She tightened the belt holding in the billowy fabric of her flowy, mid-thigh, sunflower-printed sundress. It was passed down from her grandmother to her mother and so on. Looking like she walked off the set of a 90’s music video, she admitted that at least she was cooler than the other girls sweating in their skin-tight jeans and heels.
        Some pretty young thing burst through the door past the line and vomited into the trash bin next to Antha while she washed her hands. It was only nine o’clock. That was a bad omen. When she caught her reflection in the mirror, she realized she pouted just like Momma in those sorts of situations. She dampened a paper towel for the poor thing and could hear her mother’s words repeating in her head: “When you’re faced with foolishness—you take care of it.” Her mantra: Take care of it. Antha’s mantra: Do what Momma says. Tessa’s mantra: If it ain’t fun don’t do it.
        Antha applied her vanilla lip gloss as she thought on her mother. She made a promise as Momma was lowered in the ground that they would graduate. It was her dying wish that the twins became modern women with college degrees and to have options; to escape the laboring of farming and perhaps even the rinse and repeat of corporate Delaware. That’s all there was in their state: Farming or banking.
        She tucked her shoulder-length braids behind her ears; she truly missed her dreadlocks, but ever since the time Tessa’s boyfriend mistook her for his girlfriend, she cut them off. She was always the one to compromise. Not tonight she decided. Tonight was going to go her way. They would wrap up this foolishness by midnight.
        Antha sighed and knew it was time to face the havoc of the bar when a chatty patron pawed at her sundress asking if it was “vintage”. She replied, “Well it’s old as hell if that’s what you mean,” and hurried out the ladies’ room into the sweltering cacophony of nightlife.
        Fighting across sticky tile and sweaty rednecks she made a beeline for the bartender. “Mar, can I get two?” She bounced on her tip-toes to cut through the crowd huddled around the length of the tacky wooden bar. Maria motioned to the other side because she couldn’t reach through. Antha continued to fight her way through the herd. She could barely hear over the din of the 2016 campaign commercials and sportscasting when Maria slid two cocktails toward her. The southern comfort and coke cocktails reeked with vanilla syrup, Tessa’s favorite. Antha stared into the melting rail drinks and realized she didn’t know what to order herself because she was always the water-boy for her twin.
        “Hey, did you see what’s-his-face is in town?” Maria interrupted her thoughts.
        “Sure did.” She groused and tilted her head in the general direction of where she saw Tessa and Franco last. Through the bodies, for a moment, the crowd parted and the two stared.
        Stepping back from her esteemed role as the older sister, by barely two minutes, Antha admitted to herself that Tessa always looked good. Her off-the-shoulder top exposed a flawless ebony collarbone, shoulder blades, and arms. As if she was the Queen of Sheba incarnate, her tiny wrists were decorated with gold bangles. Her earrings matched the beads in her hair, reflecting light in her hazel eyes. A waterfall of thick box braids fell down her back and over her shoulders, past the tops of her thighs. Her years of dance complimented the country-chic white cut-offs that revealed just a hint of under cheek when she bent across the billiard table.
        “If I were a man, I’d pray for her to bite my head off quick and painless.” Maria laughed, her ponytail frizzing from the heat of her work; her hands rapidly dipping then shining high ball glasses.
        “But that’s not her style.” Antha replied wryly.
        “You’re both good girls. Now you keep her out of as much trouble as you can—I’ll send Kyle ‘round to your table with beers, just let me catch up here!”
        Maria was right: they were good girls. All of Tessa’s shenanigans aside, she never forgot cake for a birthday and with everyone’s break-ups she always had a bottle of Jack stashed with a shoulder to cry on. Tessa was the one that painted Antha’s nails and always lent her the best outfits when the event called for it. On occasion she was even known to deliver soup when her sister ran a fever.
        Tessa was the heart of the operation and Antha couldn’t begrudge her just because she was the head.
        For better or worse, they were sisters.
        Antha reluctantly clutched the chilled drinks and felt a pang of relief in the sweltering bar. She couldn’t see her sister at the billiard table with the onslaught of shuffling patrons, so she decided to move toward her booth. She narrowly missed being covered in appletini as the DJ scratched in one more summer top ten into his rotation. Before she could move forward a voice pinned her in place.
        “Your sister’s the worst, you know that?” A nice-looking guy glared at her. His teeth gleamed pink in the red bar lights. Antha bet he had a handsome smile on account of those white teeth, but he was not smiling now. She squinted through the hazy dance floor and recognized him as the guy Tessa arrived with before Franco appeared.
         “Hey John, don’t fret, Tessa’s just catching up with an old friend—he comes into town every so often, don’t get upset.” She yelled back at his face as kindly as she could manage over the blare of the oncoming band tuning their instruments. For some reason he didn’t seem to believe her and his chest instinctively puffed up.
        “John? I’m José!” He replied. Antha felt embarrassed for both her sister and herself. She grimaced unintentionally, realizing she had said it all with very few words.
        She tried to defend their position with a weak excuse. “José, I’m bad with names and faces—” but he stormed off before she could piecemeal a string of bullshit. There goes another Mr. Last Month.
        This was having fun. Antha doing damage control on last month’s flame, while Tessa stoked a new one. All of the nice memories of her sister evaporated in the heat of the interaction. She grumbled to herself, as she had grown tired of babysitting, not just Tessa but the men-children she dated. When she finally confirmed her party’s booth, she parted the shadowy sea of basic bitches.
        Tessa was giggling like a school girl when her sister dropped the sweaty glasses onto the ratty old table. Franco at her neck like a leech. I hate this guy, Antha thought to herself. He turned his hot gaze on her, “Hi Antha, didn’t see you there.” His drawl was thick like humidity. She thought about giving her drink to Tessa’s date, but now that she could see he was it, she plopped down and selfishly sipped one of the nasty cocktails without offering the second.
        “Oh hey Brian,” she said playfully, “where’s your camera?”
        “Ant, now you know this is Franco, stop playin’!” Tessa tore her eyes away from him for a split second, but after she threw her daggers she was back ogling him like a dog does a bone.
        “Sorry, it’s hard to keep all these blue-eyed, blond, gentlemen straight.” Antha marginally resisted saying yokel under her breath.
        Tessa had a type. Beyond all logic, light eyes were the buckle in her knee, the hitch in her breath; and Franco was at the top of her list. Antha assumed he was the Porsche in her garage amongst a long list of Ford’s, but she honestly didn’t know the whole story. All she knew was that Franco showed his face sparingly and only after dark. He would disappear for weeks at a time, which earned him the endearment The Flake.
        Now, Antha hadn’t dated enough men in her young life to sort them by color and size, but Tessa had. To her credit, her tastes were diverse, she did her research and knew what she liked. No one blamed her either. With that hair and those legs, Tessa could have anyone she wanted. The great appeal of Franco didn’t add up to Antha though. She found him suspicious. She thought his truck was too loud, his jeans too torn, and his eyes much too heavy.
        Franco made idle conversation, inquiring after the twins’ classes as if he cared. His blond, three-quarter parted hair was glossy under the dim lights. When he pulled his tooth pick from the back of his ear and chewed on it, it made him look like an old-fashioned mobster—well until that Delmar twang spilled out of his hillbilly mouth. There was an allure about him; all of his parts matched, but his smile unglued those pieces. A smile that never quite reached his eyes.
        Antha found herself sizing him up, drinking the disgusting cocktail faster than she wanted. I bet he has plastic zip ties and rope in his truck bed, she thought. She didn’t truly know why the image popped into her mind, it was just a feeling she got when his eyes were on her; made her feel like a snack, as if he would eat her alive right where she sat. No more Unsolved Mysteries for me this week, she insisted to herself.
        “Mmmm-hmmm.” Was the best response she could offer when he spoke to her directly. Tessa continued chatted about her business management courses as he deeply stared at her. Antha figured there was no real room for her in the conversation so she took out her world cultures text and flipped to her last page. She liked hanging out, however her final thesis was demanding all of her energy. The page fell open to vampires in the section of Egyptian mythology. She thought how ironic as her eyes shot up at the man sitting across from her.
        “So, there’s this bonfire by Slaughter Bay, I thought you ladies could come with.” Franco suggested lazily like it was too exclusive to be excited about. “You can shotgun babe and we can put Antha and her friends in back.” He eyed the textbooks growing damp on the table. Antha finished the first SoCo and started the second just to cope with him. “You could call up the girls.”
        “Zoey… Zoey... Zoey!” Tessa dramatically said into her drink and then laughed. Antha couldn’t help but smirk as Tessa explained to him her girlfriend was like Candyman and could be summoned via a pint of beer. The joke was partially lost on Franco.
        Before Tessa could agree to go Antha piped up, a little less shy now that her liquid courage had kicked in. “Sounds awfully romantic, but we can’t.” Before she could continue she was interrupted.
        “Hey girl haaayyyy!” Zoey appeared as if out of thin air and snatched one of the beers sent over by the bartender. “You goin’ nowhere without me—not after I Ubered across town!” Her two rando friends hollering and sloshing their drinks.
        “How the hell do you do that?” Antha insisted, amazed that their friend appeared.
        “Uhhhh, never you mind—we can make bonfire plans later—its ten o’clock, I’m here and Bieber is playing! GET UP!” Zoey declared, the glitter from her eyes dusting every surface.
        “Keep an eye on my friends.” Antha told Franco as she abandoned her books to be dragged to the floor. This was the moment she decided she was getting them all out of there; she didn’t like the sound of a bonfire with him and she certainly wasn’t allowing Tessa to go on her own either. She sent a pre-written text message to Doug: “Get here.” Which was their code for its really going down, I need back up.
Twinning Taglist: If you want to be added or removed just let me know; please share with anyone that might be interested. I would love any and all feedback so I can learn and become a better writer. Thank you!  I tagged some people that I thought would be interested in this. @myoxisbroken @just-the-hiddles @vodka-and-some-sass @nildespirandum @yespolkadotkitty @latent-thoughts @emeraldrosequartz @villainousshakespeare @hopelessromanticspoonie @caffiend-queen @poetic-fiasco @lokimostly @dianamolloy @marvelgirlonamarvelworld @brightsunanddarkmidnight2-0 @cateyes315 @mooncat163 @nuggsmum @plastic-heart @myraiswack @wolfpawn​
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Jercy-fluff : 9th and 14th?
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask i lovvveeeeddd it! i decided to do a third and final part to the bakery AU
Part I, Part II
Prompt 9: Are we on a date right now?
Prompt 14: They’re so cute when they sleep.
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Percy was looking forward to the afternoon and the delights it would bring. He had taken the afternoon off work, much to his assistant’s surprise. It was a rare day when he escaped work for himself. Rachel had gone so far as to check his temperature in case he had a fever and upon discovering he was fine muttered something about hell freezing over. He had stuck his tongue out at her and disappeared into his office. Now he sat at his desk unfocused on the many tasks in front of him, daydreaming about a certain blonde-haired blue-eyed baker he’d be seeing later. Three weeks after the Gala Percy had finally managed to get some time free to take Jason up on his offer to teach Estelle how to bake… something? When they discussed it over the phone a few days ago he had gotten momentarily distracted by the rasp in Jason’s voice and missed a good chunk of their conversation. It would have concerned him if he wasn’t so excited to just be in the blonde’s presence again.
“Percy,” Rachel knocked at the door, pulling him out of his daydreams.
“Did you sign the docs I need for the lawyers?”
“Uh, when did you give those to me?” He shuffled the various files littering his desk, before looking up at her with a pink-cheeked shrug.
“I don’t even know why you bothered to come in today if you’re just gonna sit here and live in your imagination.” She shook her head, green eyes dancing with mirth.
“Shut up,” He grumbled, “I’m totally working. See.” He handed her the file he finally found, “All done.”
“Mhmm,” She raised a brow before going back to her office.
The morning passed by in much the same manner, him with his feet on the desk and a dazed look in his eyes and his assistant popping in every now and then to get something. Finally, at one pm she knocked on his door,
“Hey loverboy you can go.”
He jolted out of his chair grabbing his things with careless haste and hugged his red-headed friend before bolting out the building. He could hear her laugh all the way down to the parking bay. The drive to Estelle’s school was spent in restless excitement, foot tapping against the carpet and head bobbing to whatever was playing on the radio.
“Hello Percy!” His little sister squealed, clamboring into the back seat.
“Hello Seashell,” He turned around to give her a high-five, “How was school?”
“Today Miss Beauregard taught us about birthstones and she brought in little copies of everyone’s and we got to compare them. It was so cool!”
“Oh,” He smiled at his rearview mirror, where she was bouncing in her seat, “And what is your birthsone?”
Her smile was bright and unrestrained, “Aquamarine!”
“Oh wow,” He couldn’t help but grin at her excitement, “That sounds like the most beautiful stone in the world. I’m not surprised it’s all yours.”
“It’s not all mine loser,” She scrunched her nose, “Everyone born in March has that birthstone.”
“But you were the best person born in March so it must be yours.”
She frowned, and then shook her head, “I want to share it with everyone.”
“Then everyone’s it shall be,” He laughed, continually amazed at her compassion.
“Percy,” She looked at him, “Do you want to know your birthstone?”
Of course Seashell, hit me with it.”
“Yours is peri–“ Her face pulled into one of concentration as she stumbled over the word, “Peri– pe-ri-dot.”
“And what colour is that?”
“Green! Like your eyes.”
“I like it!” He beamed, and made a mental note to see if he could get matching bracelets for them with their birthstones in. His sister would love that.
“Where are we going?” Her pigtailed head smashed against the window as she attempted to gauge their surroundings.
“I have a surprise,”
“What? What is it?” She gasped.
“How do you feel about going to Ambrosia Bakery to learn how to bake something?”
“Mr Jason’s bakery?” Her blue eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.
“Yes ma’am.”
Her shriek was enough to make him slam the brakes on the car but when he saw the glowing delight on her face he couldn’t even be mad about his poor brake pads.
“So you’re happy to go then?”
“YES!” She grinned, and the front tooth she was missing made him laugh.
The arrived minutes later upon which Estelle dragged him by the hand into the bakery, her excitement bubbling out of her.
“Hey!” A husky voice called, “There’s my favourite customers.”
“Mr Jason!” She giggled, slamming into the man’s legs.
“Hello little one,” He picked her up effortlessly, “Are you ready for today?”
She nodded vigorously, “What are we making?”
“How about those pastry twists I sent you a couple weeks ago?”
With a gasp the little girl flung her arms around his neck and squeezed.
“Why don’t you go in the kitchen and ask Hazel to help wash your hands.” He put her down, pointing to a door behind the counter, “And tell her what flavours you want in the pastry so she can take it out of the fridge.”
With bright eyes she raced across the room and disappeared.
“Hello,” Percy said.
“Hey,” Jason hummed, “She’s certainly got some energy.”
“It’s all the baked goods you give her,” He teased, “She’s on a permanent sugar high.”
“I’m willing to take the responsibility,” He laughed, “Are you staying?”
Percy’s eyes softened as he took in the man before him: flour prints on his cheeks and a bright blue apron tied around his waist.
“I think you’ll have a hard time getting rid of me.”
Jason’s blue eyes sparked as he took in the double meaning, “Shall we?”
Right on time a little head popped over the counter, “I’m ready Mr Jason.”
“Alright,” He smiled his perfect white teeth at her.
Moments later decked in various brightly coloured apron’s and hands thoroughly washed all three of them stood in front of a silver counter with an array of things before them. Hazel had gone to man the register and the gods only know where Piper and Leo were, probably on a lunch break.
“Okay,” Jason looked between them, “First we have to roll the pastry out, so here’s a rolling pin for you, and you,” Estelle giggled at her little one, mumbling a thank you as she stared in fascination.
“Now, you’re just going to do a firm but not hard back and forth motion over the dough, just like this.”
They started slowly, Jason adjusting their hands every few minutes. Percy didn’t miss the lingering holds and unsubtle brushes as they worked. His sister on the other-hand was enraptured with her task and bubbled endlessly about things as she rolled.
“What flavours did you go for Little One?”
“Blueberry, strawberry and mango because that’s my favourite fruit in the whole world!”
The blonde gave an exaggerated gasp and whispered, “Mine too.”
“Percy,” Estelle whipped her to look at him, “Why haven’t you brought me to this bakery before this. I could have been eating mangoes with Mr Jason instead of watching you be grumpy at me for messing in your car.”
He could see Jason fighting off a laugh, “Yea Percy why haven’t you brought her before this?”
“Uh…” He scratched the back of his neck looking between the two blue-eyed cuties looking at him questioningly.
He was saved from further scrutiny by the microwave timer indicating the jam-fillings were done.
“Alright Little One, if we can get some jam into all the pastries you can lick the remainder how does that sound?”
Percy groaned at the same time Estelle squealed, “YES PLEASE!”
The baker laughed and proceeded to guide her in filling the strips of pastry. Percy watched as Jason gently spooned the jam onto the dough and mumbled something to his sister which made her giggle. They had formed some sort of kinship and it was heart-warming to see. Any person who can get along with her is already a favourite on his list. And it the blonde was fast reaching the top without that boost. A little blueberry jam spilled onto the counter and Estelle laughed as Jason scooped it up and swiped it over her nose. She tried to get him back, but he dodged out of the way with a triumphant grin.
Finally the twists were done and ready for the oven and Estelle happily took her bowls fill of jam and the spoon she was offered and dug right in.
“She’s going to get a sugar high you know, that right?”
His smile was cheeky, “But I won’t be the one dealing with it when she does.”
Percy frowned, “Oh you are a rascal! I can’t believe you set me up. See if I ever go on another date with you.”
“Are we on a date right now? As far as I know this is my date with you sister.”
“Well that’s the only sibling you’re getting a date with because I am mostly certainly going to die trying to get her to calm down.”
The laugh that answered him was beautiful and sweet.
“Take your amusement BakerMan because soon it will be me laughing,”
“What do you mean?”
He merely winked and then lifted his hand and pressed it against a golden cheek.
“There’s flour on that hand isn’t there?”
“Yep,” He beamed, “Whatcha gonna do about it Grace?”
The blonde hummed, pretending to think when suddenly there was a loud crack on his black curls and the gooey coldness fell down his face. Percy blinked, blinked again.
“Did you just smash an egg on my head?”
He was greeted to a dazzling smile.
“Oh it’s on BakerMan!”
“Bring it OceanBoy!”
And then all manner of baking ingredients were being thrown around. Estelle, who was just coming into her sugar rush burst into peals of laughter and started chucking globs of jam at them. It was sticky and messy and tasted delicious. The three of them raced around the kitchen; eggs, flour and colourful goo flying across the room. It was a culinary chaos and the grin’s on their faces and twinkle in their eyes made it all worth it.
When all the ingredients they could possibly use were on the floor, against the walls and all over the counter they all collapsed on the crates in one corner.
“Wow,” Percy tried to get his breath back, “Who knew food fights could be so tiring.”
“I’m not tired Percy,” Estelle giggled, ‘I have so much energy. All those jams were so good and I had so much of it and I can feel the sugaaaarrrrrrrrr!”
They looked on in amusement as the little girl proceeded to skip around the messy room, do so many twirls she got dizzy and then collapse on the floor. The rush ended as quickly as it began.
“Gods I’m sure I was a hundred times worse when I was younger,” Jason winced.
“Me too,” Percy groaned, “My mom spent hours trying tp get me out of the bath because I’d be a pirate taking over the seas and I couldn’t be disturbed until my mission was complete.”
“That,” The blonde snorted, “Is absolutely adorable.”
A yawn escaped Percy before he could cover it up, “And now it takes about point three seconds for me to shower and get into bed,”
“Here, here,” Jason hummed tiredly.
Before they knew it, their eyes were drifting shut and they were following Estelle into dreamland,
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep.” Someone very far away whispered.
Percy grumbled blinking awake, hissing at the harsh lights above him. “What’s going on?”
He tried to move but a hand draped over his torso held him firmly in place.
“Seems you two had a little nap,” That voice was still too far away.
“What do you mean?” He mumbled, wiping drool off his chin.
The person finally came into focus. Brown eyes and browner curls hovered over him.
“Good afternoon sleepyhead.”
“What happened?”
“Seems you and the boss destroyed the kitchen and then fell asleep.”
“Oh,” Was his eloquent reply.
Jason jerked awake, falling off the crate they were perched on.
“Fuck.” He rasped.
“Good one Boss. Maybe you should put a bed in here for future naps?”
“Shut up Valdez. Did you take thr pastries out of the oven?”
“Pastries? In the oven?” Leo’s eyes widened almost comically.
With another string of curse words the blonde scrambled up and dived for the ovens, pulling them open with enough force to rattle the door.
“Son of a–“
“Nah uh Boss we have a child in the room.”
“Why are you like this Leo?”
Percy who couldn’t help but laugh, high-fived the mischievous man.
“Both of you are fired.” Jason slumped against the empty, and now cold oven.
“Sure Boss,” A cheeky grin.
“I don’t even work for you.”
“Well if you did you’d be fired.’
“Duly noted.” He snorted, “So I’ll pick you up tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow?” Those blue eyes crackled with confusion.
“For our date?”
“We have a date?”
“Well if I can’t be your employee I figured I’d at least try to be your boyfriend?”
Leo burst out laughing and escaped the kitchen.
Jason went bright red but nodded.
So Percy picked up his still sleeping sister off the floor, thanked the baker for the day and the lesson and made his way home.
And have no doubt, a few dates later his application for boyfriend got accepted.
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m00nlitknight · 4 years
bonfire pt. 1
fandom: IT (2017) pairing:  patrick hockstetter  /  reader word count:   1.4k+ warnings:  none are very present in this chapter,  but mentions of underage frick fracking  ( nothing explicit and not involving the reader ) and drinking, partying, patrick being patrick. summary:   Henry Bowers and his gang had a tendency to throw legendary bonfires - and like a moth to flame, you went.  extra:  read part two here!
archive of our own link.
Deep within the woods crackled a fire, around it bustled teenage life. A usual gathering, conjured by the whispers of teenage rowdiness under the noses of authority. Brought to life by the hands of personified danger, a group of boys who brought so much terror, even an eyeful was too much for them to bear without having a round in the ring with the poor soul. Sure, they may have power and control written all over them, the town in their palm, but that didn’t mean they were unable to get the word out of a social gathering if they were feeling a bit of social isolation or cabin fever.
The fire cackled with life, a multitude of chairs sitting around it as though it were the main entertainment of the evening. Some were empty, some strewn into different areas all together. Few an individual found themselves sitting alone, lest they had managed to pass out from overdoing it with some substance or pure exhaustion. Even then, most of those who were in that situation were males, faces drawn on with any kind of utensil or material appropriate enough to draw with for inappropriate symbols and phrases.
Many of the boys who managed to stay awake were testing their strength by wrestling, fist fighting, or shotgunning as many beers as their poor, poor stomachs would allow. Others sat in the aforementioned askew chairs, sipping on their respective drink of choice - most likely some cheap beer that’d found itself in abundance for the evening. They watched their friends, cheering them on with borderline feral vigor and glee or rambled about whatever came to mind in a sloppy dance shared between intoxicated friends.
Few a couple had managed to scamper off from the dim light of the fire to the darkness of the surrounding woods. One so innocent could think them to be stargazing, lying upon a blanket and partaking in cinematic tenderness. Though, with ears attuned, one would know that there was a more heinous act taking place.
That left you, quietly staring at the fire. Distanced just far enough to be socially comfortable from the group of girls to your right, you sat with a stick topped with a marshmallow in your hand. You couldn’t remember if the marshmallows were provided, but you managed to scrape together two graham crackers and a reasonable amount of chocolate. It was a bonfire, sure, but that didn’t mean any of the organizers truly knew how to really ... organize appropriately.
To your right, the girls giggled endlessly, whispering in tones hushed enough for you to be unable to hear. From time to time, they would glance at the party you presumed they were talking about, sometimes their curious glances landing on you.
The tender spring breeze nipped at your skin, but the bonfire near you kept it at a nearly comfortable equilibrium. Some, mostly the girls, had managed to think enough ahead to bring blankets. Some had left them draped on random objects or people, prints ranging from dull plaid to bright, animated characters. You had one on the seat, padding it enough to keep you cozy.
A sudden scream from the woods had many a head snap toward the woods, brows drawn high and curiosity higher. Next, a howl of laughter roared through the woods, followed by a stream of fire revealing the couple and their voyeur.
“Don’t get so comfortable you fuck in the woods, kiddies! Watch your backs, always!” Patrick cackled, the pair - some poor Sophomores who appeared less than thrilled to be outed. You recognized them, Nathan something and Brandy Duffy. You couldn’t stifle a momentary laugh through your nose as you watched the pair, likely embarrassed beyond belief, quickly get up and make their way out of sight; much to Patrick’s delight.
“Dude, Patty, c’mon!” A person yells, the voice most likely belonging to Belch, from the sound of it. “You’re ruinin’ everyone’s fun, give people a lil’ privacy, please!”
“Now where’s the fun in that?” The culprit said, now shrouded in darkness, though given away from his booted stomps through the brush back to his friends.
It seemed Belch didn’t have an answer to that, evident by him beginning with a “Well,” then going silent and followed by a chorus of wolfish laughter from his friends.
“You can jus’ say you want a lil’ action yourself, Belch,” another said, likely the voice of Henry.
You looked back to a marshmallow-less stick, opting for an eye roll and throwing the stick into the fire to nimble on the chocolate and graham cracker you’d found. The girls near you giggled, revitalized by the action of Patrick’s antics alone. From a subtle side-glance you sized them up, finding it to be Greta Bowie and her friends. It made sense to you, then, that they’d be giggling at just about anyone and anything - not that it was really any of your business, anyway.
Shifting back to the fire, you leaned back and simply decided to soak in the moment. An early spring night in the woods with a trademark Bowers’ bonfire. You pondered if there would be anyone awake to do the annual jumping of its ashes. Last time, Victor and Patrick managed to collide and fall into the ashes. The former groaned at the thought of sullying his carefully curated outfit and feeling of dying embers on his skin, whereas the latter only cackled with energy so unlike the early-morning it sent a chill down your spine. Good, good teenage times.
The girls near to you shrieked, pulling you from your reverie, the countenance of Patrick’s home-made flamethrower grazing near them enough to shake reality back into you all too quickly. Their shrieks died down into overly-bubbly giggles, showering him in supersaturated, sickly-sweet praise and unbearable, overzealous actions. It was too much to bear, a grimace suddenly setting onto your features as you turned back to the orange flame.
“Oh, does a little moth grow bored of the commonalities of a typical bonfire?” Flamethrower dormant, he found himself meandering to you, granted it only took a few mere steps.
“Commonalities? Isn’t it a bit late for words that big?” You hummed, lazily turning your head to his direction and taking a sip from what was left in your bottle.
“Hm, maybe the princess is a peasant,” the cheek-splitting, blood curdling grin apparent on his features translated into his voice, despite the stoic expression remaining on your - likely exhausted - face.
“And maybe the god is but a worm,” the quip leaves your mouth before you can think and his face goes stony.
“I wonder if peasants are deserving of eyebrows,” his voice grew deathly cold, earning a snort from you for the sheer turnaround in his disposition. His lighter flicked open, and the can of aerosol suddenly spraying into your vicinity. It burst into light, far too close to comfort, yet you didn’t find yourself flinching in the slightest. Instead, you stared back at him through the flame, mirroring his deadpan.
Truth be told, you didn’t find him scary in the slightest. Even throughout elementary, when he’d be smacking the life from flies and showing them to his classmates. Even throughout middle school, when his antics picked up into undoubtedly more sinister things; Derry is a small town, word travels quickly even if you don’t know it. Definitely not throughout high school, after he’d found the Bower’s Gang and likely transformed them into more sadistic kids then they already were. Though, that’s all that stood in front of you and you knew it; a kid. And kids weren’t exactly on the top of things that made you shake in your boots.
“Patrick!!” Overheard from your inner turmoil, and likely from the disappointed vocal chords from Belch, caused a flinch in his stone-like features.
“Please stop torturing the party-goers,” a loud groan was overheard, though this time from a new person, probably Victor. It snapped Patrick from whatever kept him rooted in place and the fire going in your face. He pointed a bony finger in front of your nose.
“This isn’t over,” he snarled, stepping away to likely scuffle with his friends.
“N’aw, it was just gettin’ good!” Barked as he stepped from you, the gravel-like timbre signaling itself as Bowers himself.
Whatever this was, you weren’t particularly enthralled with the continuation. Not that you didn’t have tricks up your own sleeve, you just didn’t want to deal with Patrick fucking Hockstetter anymore then you already had to.
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iloveannabeth · 5 years
The beginning of something beautiful
Anne held on to the rails of the ferry bringing her back to Charlottetown, feeling happier than she had in weeks. Finally, after overcoming many a painful journey, Anne found what she was looking for. Right before losing all hope, she went to the hospital as a last resort, looking for old patient files. By some miracle the morgue had an extensive system, keeping track of every file dating back 20 years. It took hours of searching but she, along with the incredibly kind worker, found two files. Walter Shirley and Bertha Shirley, both passing of scarlet fever. Held in the palm of her hand was a note inscribed to ‘our darling daughter’. Apparently, it was meant to find Anne at the orphanage but there was an influx of patients at the hospital and they were simply too busy to remember the note.
Anne summoned every ounce of courage she had, forcing the dark thoughts about the possible contents into the back of her mind, and opened the letter. It was quite possibly the best decision she had made over the 16 years of her life. Everything she had ever dreamed of knowing was in that letter. It explained it all; how Anne meant more to them than anything else in the world but there was simply nothing to be done. They didn’t have much time left but they knew that the only thing they wanted was for their child to find love and family and live a long, healthy life.
Anne couldn’t hold back her tears. The only other time she’d felt relief this strong was when she was told she could stay with the Cuthberts. She felt whole again and could now focus on the present. Who is Anne with an e? A daughter who was loved, even if only for a short time. An adopted daughter who will be loved for the rest of her life. An Incredible friend and kindred spirit; the best anyone could hope for. A futur teacher who would guide the next generation with grace and wisdom. Possibly the subject of a tragical romance as well. Only time would tell that tale.
Now, Anne simply couldn’t wait to tell everyone in Avonlea her good news. She would tell Mathew and Marilla as soon as she arrived home. She would tell Diana and Ruby first thing Monday morning. She would tell Jerry next time she saw the little rascal. She would tell Gilbert...well she would tell him as soon and she reached Dr. Wards office. Something inside of her chest fluttered and a thrill went up her spine at the thought of recounting her emotional story to Gilbert. That seemed to happen far too often whenever he was involved recently. How inconvenient. Pushing that aside, Anne closed her eyes, feeling the wind on her face and her heart opening up.
Anne took a deep breath. Fixing her hair, which was flowing down her back due to the wind, she opened the door to the small medical practice.
“Hello there! May I help you?” A beautiful, blonde haired woman asked when she reached the front desk.
“Hi, yes actually, I’m looking for Gilbert Blythe. I have something ever so important to tell him,” Anne responded with a delighted smile.
“Oh, um, of course. I’ll go let him know.” For some reason the young woman seemed very interested in Anne’s words. With a confused but grateful smile, Anne sat on the bench and waited for Gilbert.
“Anne? What brings you here? Is everything alright?” Blythe inquired less than a minute later with concern decorating his face. Anne had never come to see him at the office.
“Indeed. More than ok. Positively exquisite to be exact,” Anne’s smile lit up her whole being, making everything in the room shine.
Gilbert couldn’t help but smile back even without knowing the cause of Anne’s excitement. Her passion was contagious. “Well, do tell. Does it have to do with your parents?” The two teenagers had long since cleared the air that was sullied after an unfortunate train ride. Once back to being kindred spirits, Anne told him everything and Gilbert vowed to help her in any way possible.
“Yes. I found something. Something better than even I could have ever imagined.”
“That’s incredible. I can’t wait to hear about it. I only have a couple things left to finish up and then you can tell me on the way to the train.”
“Perfect. I’ll meet you outside,” Anne and Gilbert stared at each other for a few more second, their shared joy showing in their warm smiles and shining eyes.
Finally ending their mini staring contest, Anne looked down and made her way outside.
Gilbert watched after her for a little while longer, feeling genuine happiness at Anne’s success. She deserved this.
“I’m a little confused.”
Gilbert was startled out of his trance by Ms. Rose’s voice.
“You said you’d never been on a date before but that girl is clearly more than a friend.”
“Winifred, I can explain—“
“No need,” she interrupted. “I hadn’t exactly imagined us getting married and living a life together after one lunch date. So, who is she?”
Gilbert let out a deep breath when he saw nothing but friendly mirth in her eyes. “Alright well, she is actually just a friend if I’m to be honest. I mean, I think.”
“Ah, so just a friend but with the potential of something more? Seems complicated.”
“You have no idea.”
“Well then don’t let me hold you up. Go with your Anne.”
Gilbert smiled a little goofily at the words ‘your Anne.’ No matter how much he may try to repress it, there would never be anyone for him but her.
He thanked Winifred with a polite smile, collected his things and made his way out the door.
“Anne that’s marvellous! I’m so happy for you,” The Blythe boy exclaimed jovially. Anne had just finished telling him everything.
“Thank you Gil. I can finally breathe easy now.” Anne’s eyes went a little wide as she noticed what she had just said.
“Gil?” He asked, grinning like the cat that got the canary. “That’s new”
“Um, yeah sorry, it just slipped out,” Anne’s cheeks were developing a lovely shade of pink. She couldn’t believe she called Gilbert Blythe, her former arch nemesis, ‘Gil.’
“Don’t apologize, I like it.” Gilbert reached up to scratch the back of his head; a nervous tick Anne had picked up on over the years.
“Alright. I am not sorry and will continue to call you Gil.”
Gilbert chuckled. “Deal. Now I need a nickname for you.”
“Oh no.”
“How about...”
“Gilbert Blythe, don’t you dare.”
“Carrots?” He smiled mischievously, laughter dancing in his eyes.
“Are you looking for another whack to the face. I’m quite certain I brought my slate.” Despite her words, Anne was also smiling. Even though she’d never admit it, spending time with Gilbert was one of her favourite things to do.
“Oh yeah? Well, carrots, I’m calling your bluff.”
The two adolescents has a silent face off, neither one looking away this time. “...Fine. You win.” It seemed Anne wasn’t as opposed to the nickname as she had been years prior. Especially not when Gilbert uttered that word with such fondness instead of malice.
They moved on from that topic, discussing anything and everything. School, the new printing press, how much they were rooting for Diana and Jerry, dancing lessons. Simply enjoying each other’s company without arguing for once.
The train ride was over before they knew it and soon they were both making their way back to Green Gables. Anne said she didn’t need him to walk her home but, of course, Gilbert insisted and Anne relented this time around.
“Thank you for accompanying me. You know Marilla wouldn’t let me do anything otherwise,” Anne grumbled outside her front door, hating the way she was babied.
“It’s all out of love. She adores you and she just couldn’t imagine anything bad happening. I think you should cut her some slack.”
“I suppose you’re right. It shouldn’t matter now anyways, considering I have accomplished my quest. I couldn’t have done it without you and I have yet to thank you for that so, thank you. It means a lot.”
Gilbert’s whole face softened, getting lost in the way Anne was looking at him. Had she looked at him that way before? He smiled shyly and nodded in understanding.
They kept looking at one another, both taking a step forward, neither one sure of what was about to happen.
Gilbert’s hand lifted on its own accord but before it could reach its destination on Anne’s freckled cheek, the door swung open, revealing Marilla calling Anne inside for supper.
The two bright students jumped apart, looking very startled.
Gilbert coughed. “Um it’s about time I should be getting back. I’m glad you found what you were looking for Anne. I’ll see you on Monday”.
“Goodbye Gil.”
“Bye carrots.”
Gilbert took a couple steps backwards, not turning around. He gave her a final smile and looked away, a bounce in his step as he made the short trek home.
Anne sighed, heart fluttering wildly in her chest. She had no idea what just happened but she knew something changed today.
She went inside, telling Mathew and Marilla about her adventure with vivid detail, only leaving out the parts with Gilbert. She wanted those all for herself.
As she lay in bed that night, going over all that had happened, the last thing she thought of before drifting off was Gilbert’s smile.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you have a taste in your mouth right now? What of? Just the faint taste of coffee since I have a cup at the moment but haven’t drunk from it in the last few minutes. Which is your least favourite day of the week? I’ve lost the concept of the days of the week for a few months now, man. Back when we used to do things, though, I hated Sundays as I felt loneliest on that day. It was always an automatic thing too so I had little control over it. If told to clean the house, would you be more inclined to clean one room really well or clean all of the rooms with hardly any effort? Clean all rooms with maximum effort. I’d be really bugged if I didn’t strive to be perfect with the whole place lol. Do you put glue on the object you're sticking down or on the paper? Object, so that the amount of glue I’m putting would be accurate. What was your last dream about? I don’t remember the details anymore but at the very least, I know it was very vivid since I remembered it throughout the morning. I’ve been having very detailed dreams lately – it’s the depression for sure. 
What is your favourite part of the last movie you watched? Haven’t seen a movie in a while but the last thing I watched in full was The Crown; Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret really shone through in the last episode I saw. Have you stuck any stickers to the computer you're using? I put all my stickers onto my laptop case but not the laptop itself. I haven’t had the case on for a while now though, since I’m always just at home now. Do you ever write or talk to yourself in your head when you're bored? Yes or when I’m feeling upset, as long as I’m alone. I’ve found that talking to myself is a healthy way to address and deal with my emotions. What interests you the most about other people? What I find interesting always varies. I have friends who I find interesting for their music tastes; some others for their knowledge of random trivia; some for their jobs, etc. It’s always different. Do you ever take random pictures out of boredom? What of? Not really. If I take photos it’s because I want to remember a moment or because I find something cute or funny. Basically anything that elicits a strong emotion out of me, I’m bound to take a picture of. Do you prefer listening to things through headphones or speakers? Headphones. How many siblings do you have? Do you get on with them? I have two siblings. I only get along with my sister; I have not talked to my brother since last year and have no desire to again. Would you rather live in a log cabin or a brick house? Mmm I’d take the brick house. Log cabin would be nice for a quick getaway, but I wouldn’t want it to be my permanent home. There’s a psychological factor in there and I just think that staying in a log cabin would make me feel suffocated eventually, haha. Do you have a calendar up for this year? I have a ‘Job Applications’ calendar that I’m currently monitoring, and it tracks the applications I’ve sent out to different companies and how long I’ve been waiting for a response from each of them. Really needing some positive vibes and energy since I actually just got my first rejection notice today. Other than that this year has been pretty fucking boring and there’s been little need to keep an active calendar. What was the very first CD you bought? The first CD I remember asking my parents to buy for me was like the High School Musical official soundtrack. I was big on Disney as a kid and wasn’t a big fan of any solo acts or bands up until I was around 10. Do you keep things like old train tickets, etc? Yessssssss. Do you like your smile? Why (not)? I like it; I find my smile friendly and warm. I just hate smiling with my teeth at the present since one of my front teeth protrudes. Can’t wait to get braces again. Would you rather be able to sing or dance? Why? Dance. Dancers are super hot, lmao. What was your favourite colour when you were a kid? Do you still like it? It was purple/violet and it was mostly influenced by my great-grandma who lovedddd the color and had it everywhere in her home. When she passed away, my love for the color slowly faded away and I don’t think too much of it now. Have you ever said 'lol' in real life? Haha yeah sometimes. I pronounce it as ‘lohl’ and never ‘el oh el’ though. Do you like your friend's parents? I like most of their parents, though I’m aware that some have abusive tendencies. Most of the parents are super nice, though. JM’s mom cooked a big lunch for us once and his dad buys like four party-sized boxes of pizza every time we come over, Angela’s parents treat me like their own kid, Gab’s mom constantly tells me she loves me...it’s in the little things. How many times have you moved? I can remember just the two times, but I know that we moved several times more when I was an infant. Have you ever refused to try a certain food? Which? Most stuff with fruits, hah. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, like when a sushi roll has mango or if I’m having banoffee pie, but I almost always refuse a meal with some kind of fruit in it. What's your favourite type of soup? Not really big on soup. I just like miso. Very occasionally I’ll have mushroom soup too. What is your favourite candle scent? I don’t buy candles nor do I know people who regularly get them, so I’m not very familiar with the different scents. Does the sight of blood make you feel ill? In real life, it would. I always have to look away whenever Gabie gets a nosebleed ha. But I have no problem watching bloody wrestling matches and I actually enjoy the bloodier ones. Super weird quirk of mine. What do you call it when you're sick anyways? (Sick, ill, not well, etc) If I’m referring to a fever I call it sick/ill/not feeling well. If I feel like throwing up I say I’m getting dizzy/need to vomit. I’ve never referred to puking as ‘getting sick,’ and it took me a very long time to realize that it was a common American saying, haha. Did you ever really believe in the tooth fairy? I did, and I felt super betrayed when I put my tooth under my pillow only to see it again the next morning. If you had to appear in a movie, which genre would you choose? Coming of age. What do you do with unwanted gifts? I keep them, since I still appreciate the effort of the gift-giver. Are there any clothes you haven't worn in ages, that you've suddenly started wearing again? HAHA yes. There will be rare instances where I get to go out and I always take the time to look stylish as all fuck, even though I’m only running an errand and wearing flashier pieces would be so unnecessary. I just miss dressing up and looking cute, man. Do any keys on your keyboard stick? Like, if they’re sticky? No. Would you rather own a laptop or a computer? Laptop. Love it when things are portable. Do you think you'll look at old photos of yourself and be embarrassed? My teenage years are definitely bad especially with regard to my fashion choices lol, but so are everyone else’s so I’m not super embarrassed. I cringe at the photos but I wouldn’t mind if my friends poked fun at them because chances are I’d join in too. What was the worst hairstyle you ever had? I always hated it whenever my mom took me to the salon to have my hair rebonded. That kind of look has never worked with my face shape and so I usually did everything for my hair to start curling up quicker and go back to its original form. Do you like t-shirts with sayings on them? Why (not)? Not really. It’s just not a personal preference. I like plain or slightly printed pieces. Do you click on the adverts at the side of the screen? No. Have you ever coughed and sneezed at the same time? I’m sure it’s happened before. Are you embarrassed to show people your ID photo? Nah. Whatever dude. Have / would you ever become a cheerleader? I haven’t, but I would have loved to. We don’t have a cheerleading club or varsity in my old school though so I was never able to hone my skills, if ever. What's the longest you've gone without eating? Maybe a little more than 24 hours. What is one of your biggest irrational fears? Commercials airing at night. I find jingles and graphic effects unsettling by a certain hour lol. What comes up when you press Ctrl + V? “I reeeeally miss seeing you and your purple things and seeing you give glares to people who deserve it. what a lodi <333” omg aw. It’s Jane’s birthday today and I copied that bit of my greeting to move it to another paragraph so that my message would flow better. Out of the bands you listen to, were most of them around before or after you were born? After. When did you last jump out of fright? I don’t remember. Are you currently waiting on something? What? For a company to take me in. Does time pass slowly or quickly when you're on the internet? Usually it’s quickly, but now that I feel more and more useless around the house, time’s been more slow and for the first time the distractions of the internet haven’t been working. What about when you're at school / work? Depended on the amount of stuff I had to do and whether I’m enthusiastic about them or not. Does the thought of being pregnant gross you out? The thought of giving birth does, but not pregnancy. What was the last thing you made with your hands? I mean I made myself a cup of coffee tonight, but the coffee mix itself was already pre-packaged. I just mixed it with hot water. Are you good at making shadow puppets? I’d say no. Are you more hungry or thirsty right now? Neither. I’ve been so anxious and depressed these days I’m actually skipping every single meal except dinner, and even then I eat very little. I don’t even do it on purpose; my anxiety has simply stopped me from feeling hungry. No idea what the weighing scale’s gonna tell me the next time I check, sigh. Someone hire me plz. God it really sucks being a fresh grad in this current state of the world. Are you prone to headaches? No. They only come out during hectic schedules and stressful weeks. Do you forget things easily? The little and everyday things, like forgetting my school ID at home or where I placed my keys. But I don’t forget things that are more bigger-picture, like birthdays or faces or memories. Do you enjoy going out to dinner? I enjoy it and I terribly miss being able to do it. Would you ever go on a cruise ship holiday? I would and I have. Lots of fun. Would do again and again. What's your favourite sea animal? Dolphins and whales. Do you get coughs or colds more? Coughs.
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maxparkhurst · 4 years
As the Sun Sets
“All Forces occur in pairs,
For every action there is an equal, opposite reaction.
To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
That is Alchemy’s First Law.”
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The night played in clear image on the backs of Augustine’s eyelids anytime he dared close his eyes. His memory was astonishing, or so people told him. A sharp mind and a great memory makes for an intelligent man, but an all too melancholy boy. He wished the memory to dull, to dilute itself into the monochrome ambiguity of the forgotten; wished it to fade in color, fade in detail, fade away. But wishes, Auggie learned, were for nothing but fishes. Now, when he laid his head to rest, the night’s events manifested themselves in a near perfect rendition.
Max hadn’t come home for supper. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence as of recent due to her job couriering. Concern rooted in his chest, though,  when the street lamps had been snuffed of their flame and there was still no sign of his sister. Augustine had accompanied Max on her couriering route once, and while sometimes it dragged on well into dusk it never ran for quite this long. She’d have been home by now. On whim, and without either Auntie or Uncle knowing, he slipped from their home and ventured out into the night to find her.
A cool, crisp breeze sent a chill down his spine, kicking up a billow of autumn leaves around his ankles. He hugged himself, pulling the collar of his oversized coat above his chin- as if he could hide from the dangers which lurked in the dark. But his sister roamed these streets, too, alone and maybe even lost. He screwed his eyes shut and vigorously shook the cloud of angst from his head. They’d go home together, he’d make sure of it.
He marched forward, forcing his feet to take every step, until he saw loose pieces of parchment strewn across the pavement. He knelt down and picked up one he thought he recognized. The toy soldier and the fox smiled back at him; this was one of Max’s drawings. Feverently he scrambled down the street and gathered as many of them as he could stuff into his coat. They were all pages from Max’s satchel; alchemy notes, sketches, and a few unfinished letters. At the end of their trail he found her satchel, thrown up and abandoned at an alley’s entry. Just as he bent over to tuck the papers back inside, his eye caught shifting shadows. He bit back a gasp and ducked around the corner. He clutched her satchel to his chest as he listened to the voices drifting from them.
“Why ya’ in such a hurry? We’re having fun.”
“I said get off of me!”
Augustine’s heart leapt into his throat. It was Max. His knuckles turned white as his grip tightened on the bag, the boy steeling his nerves. Tentatively he peeked around the corner, catching a glimpse of the duo in the dim light.
The Ashvane crest pressed into Max as the guard leaned heavily in. A crimson flush dusted his cherub cheeks, words spilling from his lips with globs of spit attached. Max shrunk away from him, her nose wrinkling- probably from his alcohol saturated breath- and curled into herself against the wall. He kept a hand pressed to the brick, pinning her back, while the other stroked her hair. The sloppy smile spreading across his lips made Auggie shiver.
“You’re hot when you’re angry,” he breathed, drawing close to Max so his lips brushed against her ear.
She bristled. An fiery anger danced in her eye, her lip curling in a snarl as she winded a hand back, snapping it across the guard’s face. Augustine clamped down on his lower lip, suppressing a startled squeak.
The guard’s head flung with the momentum, neck craned to the side. His gaze crawled back to Max, his eyes open wide enough to see the whites. “You wench!” he spat.
In an instant his hands were on Max, the two struggling for a moment before he pinned her arms over her head. Her expression darkened in one Auggie had never seen; something malicious was in it. She cocked her head and smashed it into the guard’s face. Augustine turned away at the spray of blood squirting from the man’s bust lips.
Augustine heard crashing and shouts as the two fought, his heart pounding in his throat. Their struggle ended just as quickly as it started, the sounds of conflict replaced with an eerie quiet. He counted his breath between beats of silence and turned to look around the corner. He froze at the sight. His heart fluttered, an anxiety seizing it and stealing his breath. His legs, paralyzed by fear, went rigid and locked at the knees. Panic dripped hot from his chest and settled thick in his churning stomach.
The guard’s hands were wrapped around his sister’s neck, squeezing the color from her face. She clawed at his fingers as she fought for a breath. All the bravado vanished from her face and was replaced by desperation. The guard twisted his grip and tightened his hold. An airless squeak escaped her lips and her hands fell to her side.
A cord snapped in Augustine.
All he remembered of those following moments was the weight of a discarded board making his knuckles pop. Everything else was replaced by the abysmal feel of adrenaline, his vision laced with red.
When the lust dissipated, Augustine stood doubled over and wheezed to catch his breath. His vision cleared gradually, like a developing photo. The board was abandoned at his feet. His sister sputtered for breath, hand shielding the prints left on her neck. And the guard laid face down, a noticeable dent in his helmet. Everything pieced itself together and realization struck Augustine cold.
Words caught in the back of his throat. All he managed was a breathless gasp, his hands flying over his mouth. His stomach churned and threatened to throw up his supper.
Footsteps echoed from down the street and heralded the boisterous laughter of a patrol. Before Augustine could think anything of it, Max sprung to her feet and yanked him by the arm. They bolted from the alley and ignored the shouts trailing after them. Auggie stumbled over his feet, trying to keep up with Max, as they skirted around corners and greeted passing street lamps with their shoulders. Even long after the sounds of pursuit faded, they kept running. It wasn’t until their home was in sight that Max slowed to a walk.
Auguastine’s lungs burned as he worked to catch his breath. He cradled a cramp pinching his side and watched Max pull the spare key from under the mat and unlock the door. She shot him a stern look over her shoulder and pressed a finger to her lips. He nodded and mimicked the gesture- quiet.
Walking on the tips of their toes, Max and Auggie stole away to the attic. When the door closed behind them, Max went to the desk and pulled the matchbook from the drawer. She lit the candle and brought it over to the bed where Auggie collapsed and curled into a ball. The adrenaline leaked out of him in the form of hot tears, his own bravado melting into anxiety. Feeling her fingers run through his hair, coaxing it back and out of his eyes, was the only thing to cull an encroaching wave of panic.
“Did I kill him?” Augustine muttered in the sheets.
“No. You didn’t kill him.”
A modicum of relief touched him and he released a held breath in an exasperated sigh. He fell into a momentary silence before pushing himself up to look Max in the face. His brows dropped and his lip quivered. “They’re going to take me away, aren’t they? I’m going to go to prison.”
There wasn’t a chance for her to respond. He threw his arms around her neck and buried his face in her shoulder. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it! Honestly!”
The words felt thick in his mouth as he choked them out between sobs. His fingers curled around her shirt, clinging as if it were the end times. “I didn’t mean it! He was hurting you! I’m so sorry! Max, I’m-”
She peeled him from her shirt. Her hand lifted his chin and a finger touched his lips, cutting off his stammering. “Stop.”
She pressed her finger harder against his lips, her brows drawing together in a deep furrow. “Stop,” she reiterated.
He hiccuped back another sob and nodded.
She stared long and hard at him, her face unreadable. An uncomfortable moment passed between the two of them until her eye glistened with a knowing light and a sigh spilled from her lips.
Max’s expression softened as her hand fell away. “Good. Now listen to me, Augustine. This is serious.”
Her arm wrapped around his shoulder and drew him close. Pressed against her chest, he could hear the drumming of her heart. It sounded like it would burst from her chest at any moment. She was scared too…
“Under the bed is a box. Inside is a savings for when we eventually leave this place.”
The tone in her voice was unsettling; somber and wavering, spoken on the back of a single breath like it was the only one she had.
She shifted underneath him, an arm reaching across to a pouch on the desk. Her free hand worked the draw string open, the other stroking his hair. He watched her out the corner of his eye, lips pressed in a thin line.
“I want you,” she started, “To keep it safe. Use it when you need it, save it when you don’t. Okay?”
He tried to pull himself away, “Why? Are you going somewhere?”
The muscles in her arm flexed as she held him firm. “No,” she breathed, “I’m not. And neither are you.” She punctuated the statement with a boop to his nose. “I’m going to fix this, but you’ll have to trust me. Do you trust me?”
Augustine paused. He trusted his sister with his life, but the way she spoke to him didn’t sit right. She spoke as if this was going to be the last time they saw each other.
“Yes…” he said, hesitant and unsure.
“Then look up at me and promise. Promise me you won’t cry anymore. Promise you’ll be a big boy and stay strong even when it’s hard.”
“Max, why are you-”
“Promise.” She left no room in the statement for arguing.
Augustine pushed himself up right and looked up at his sister, a hand raised as he crossed his chest. “I promise.”
Relief washed over Max’s face.
“Good,” she breathed, unfurling the hand which dug through the pouch.  
A tiny mound of white sat in the palm and glistened in the shaft of moonlight entering through the window. She leveled her hand out to his face, the other still stroking his hair. Slow realization struck Augustine. He tried to protest but she took a deep breath and blew the dust in his face before he could say a word. The heels of his palms wiped at his eyes, desperate to dig the sleeping powder from them. He didn’t want to go to sleep. Not now when things were so unsure and she spoke so quietly; he wanted to spend whatever time they could together.
Black fringed his dimming vision and his limbs grew heavy, a succulent pinch pricking his joints and eyelids. His body swayed and he fell back into Max, head lolled onto her shoulder. He felt her arms wrap around him as she squeezed him tight. He fought with his drooping eyelids, willing them to stay open. Inevitably he let them fall.
“I love you, Augustine…”
Her voice drifted in through the encroaching darkness, the last thing he clung onto as his consciousness faded.
“I’m doing this because I love you…
Don’t ever doubt that… Everything I do is out of love.”
Augustine woke with a start. He wiped the sleep from his face and looked out the window. Her voice still haunted him years after, her last words lingering in his ear. Augustine reached over to the desk and grabbed his glasses. They were a recent addition and he abhorred wearing the compersome things. He stared long and hard at them before sliding them on and tossing himself out of bed.
While most of Max’s things had been packed away and hidden from the sight, the attic surprisingly still felt cramped. Augustine filled the empty space where her things once sat with stacks upon stacks of books. They were his only source of company these days.
He grabbed the one he’d been reading the night before along with two others from a stack and tucked them in a satchel. The satchel was one of the few things Augustine kept of Max’s, having found it in place of his sister.
It sat on the table in front of Auntie. She had a far-off look in her eyes as she stared at it. A moment passed before she took note of Augustine’s presence, the boy standing in the doorway. Her lips curled together in a disappointed frown as she tossed the satchel at his feet.
“She’s gone,” Auntie said, watching Augustine from the corner of her eye. “They came and collected her early this morning.”
His heart fell. He gripped his wrist, willing his hands to stop trembling as he reached for her bag.
“Who…?” He spoke barely above a whisper.
He already knew the answer to the question. While he didn’t want it said out loud, a part of him needed to hear it. A part of him needed to be reassured that the previous evening hadn’t all been a terrible fever dream.
“The guard. Do you know what she did, Augustine?”
Augustine shook his head.
‘A lie!’ a voice screamed inside of him. ‘That’s a lie!’
“Augustine, look at me.”
He obliged, dragging his gaze from the floor and up to his Aunt. She looked down her nose at him with a cold stare. “Actions have consequences, child. Your sister did something unacceptable and now she has to pay a price for it. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Auntie.”
“You won’t be like that, will you, Augustine? You’ll be a good boy.”
“Yes, Auntie.”
“Maxinora was nothing but trouble. You’ll do well to never contact her again.”
Augustine dropped his gaze. “Yes, Auntie.”
Another lie.
Augustine blinked out his stupor, shaking away the memory. He tightened the satchel’s strap and turned to leave when he paused in the doorway. His eye caught the enclosed letter sitting on the table. He clicked his tongue, scolding himself for almost forgetting.
The letter was tucked away in the satchel’s folds as he slipped out of the attic and down the stairs. He was greeted with the sight of Auntie and Joseph breakfasting at the table. Joseph tossed him a cursory glance and a half-hearted wave. Auntie stopped him in his tracks, though, and held him with her scrutinous stare.
“Where are you going, Augustine?”
The smile came easily to Augustine as he tucked a hand in either pocket. Lying wasn’t so hard when you had a few years of practice. “The library to return some books.”
Auntie huffed and dismissed him with a wave. “Fine. But don’t expect breakfast to be waiting for you when you return.”
Auggie brightened his smile before ducking out the door. He walked at a brisk pace, relishing the crisp breeze passing through the trees. He felt he’d done well to keep his promise to Max these last three years. Things weren’t as peachy as he’d like-the other boys still teased him, Uncle Cowen still insisted he toughen up, and the melancholy in his heart still lingered- but instead of tears, he faced every obstacle with a smile. He figured Max would’ve liked it that way.
For the most part he kept himself out of trouble. He respected the word of his Aunt and Uncle, yielded to the patrolling guardsman, arrived at all his lessons on time, and never went out past curfew. There were just some things that Auntie needn't know.
Augustine arrived at the tavern’s entrance. Its sign read: “Snug Harbor Inn.” He had no intention of going inside and instead slipped the letter from his satchel. The envelope crinkled as he turned it between his fingers, looking lovingly at the name written across.
The first genuine smile in weeks touched his lips as he tucked the letter inside the inn’s post box. He waited three years already, there still being another two before her release, and found he no longer harbored any anger towards his sister. Her last words to him rang his ear as he turned down the lane that led Reynold’s shop.
I love you Augustine…
Everything I do is out of love.
Augustine looked up, a hand shielding his eyes from the rays of sun peaking through an overcast sky. He wished he’d gotten a chance to say it back…
In some way, though, she probably already knew.
Previous Chapter: Alembic- Part Two
Next Chapter: Eclipse
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
The Letter
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Answer to Eliza’s challenge
Prompt: The Ludlows
No warnings 
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The rain pelted against the storefront windows, blown sideways by the heavy wind. Being late afternoon in the middle of the week, there were only a few people in your little Brooklyn shop. A college kid who came in a couple times a week looked for another edition of the old seventies pulp scifi he liked for some reason. An older woman sat at one of the little tables, drinking a pot of tea and filling out the handmade cards she’d purchased. Your favorite regular sat in the old leather wingback chair in the corner. He took his coffee black and read for hours.  
You poured yourself a cup of coffee, preparing to dig through the boxes you’d bought at an estate auction upstate the day before. Only a little remained in the pot so you took it over Mr. Blue Eyes. His longish dark hair fell over his face as his slumped in the chair with a beat-up copy of Gaiman’s Stardust. He glanced up when you approached.
“Refill? I want to start a new pot.”
“Yeah, thanks.” He held out his cup. Even though it was plenty warm in the book shop, he always kept on his coat or sweatshirt. He always wore well used, but expensive looking leather gloves. You did ask why.  
“What do you think?”  
In the last year you discovered his taste ran the gambit from non-fiction history to modern scifi and everything in between. He’d come in today needing a new read. When you asked what he was in the mood for, he’d said something light and fun, with some adventure. Something to make him feel better. You knew he didn’t shy away from a romantic tale, so you pulled Stardust off the shelf.
“It’s good.” He smiled. His face lit up when he smiled. “Your recommendations are always good.”
“Not bad considering I don’t even know your name.” You teased as you turned back to the counter. He always changed the subject when you asked, so you gave up ages ago.  
You got about three steps when he called your name. Looking back, he granted you with a soft smile. “It’s Bucky.”
Smiling you returned to the counter, hoping you weren’t blushing. Your face felt warm, so you probably were. It was so simple, but it felt sweet and satisfying. There were plenty of long term customers you didn’t know by name. Somehow, though, this made you happy.  
As you sat down on the stool and sipped your own coffee, you caught Bucky watching you over the top of his book for moment more before he began to read again. Content with the little step, you pulled one of the giant boxes of books closer.
The boxes were auctioned as a lot. You did not get to look through them. Still, the house had been grand and the library large, so it was a good gamble. The only thing you knew of the owner was she was in her nineties and died without any family.  
Several old medical books were on top. A beautiful leather bound edition of Kipling’s poetry lay below.  You flipped through the pages, just the smell of old print hitting your nose. No musty mildew or foul odor meant they were likely well tended.  
Towards the bottom of the first box lay a book with loose pages sticking out. It was A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. Unlike the expensive leather-bound and hard cover books in the collection, this faded old paperback was held together with ties of ribbon.  
Laying it carefully on the counter, you untied the buddle. An old photo of a woman in wool pants and a military jacket smiled at the camera as she leaned against an old WWII era jeep. Letters lay nestled between the pages. “Wow,” you breathed quietly as you opened the first one. The creases cut through the paper deep, as if some read the letter again and again.  
14 August, 1943
Dear Rose,
I ship out with Steve in the morning and I don’t know if I will have the chance to give you a proper farewell.  
This last week has been heaven. My body may have been beaten. I may have been starving and sick. But, having your beautiful face smiling down at me every day was like the sun shining after the storm. It made me feel washed clean and eager to grow under such a shining light.
I can’t thank you enough for the way you would read to me after the nightmares had me screaming and sweating like a kid. You never let me feel embarrassed or looked at me like I was weak. You just calmed me down with your lovely voice until I could rest again.  
You listened to all the horrors without flinching. You just held my hand and touched my face, like cool balm, bringing me more relief than the breaking of my fever. Your care did more to heal me than anything the doctors tried.
Every day I just wanted to make you laugh because it chased away all darkness. I know I wasn’t all the funny, but you laughed anyway. Thank you for humoring me.
I wish the situation was different. I wish we weren’t stuck in a ratty tent hospital close enough to the front to have the artillery keep us up at night. I wish we could get spiffed up and I’d take you on the town. I wish I could take you dancing just for the chance to hold you close for a bit.
If you don’t get this until after I go, just know that you will forever be my special Rose. I’m certain there’s a lot of fellas you take care of that fall hard for your kindness and beauty. Still, for a little while I got to have you at my side. I got to have you smiling at me.  
All my love,
“You okay?” A rich deep voice pulled your attention from your musings over the letter. When you looked up into Bucky’s face, you realized your eyes were wet.  
“Um, yeah.” You smiled. “I just found this old letter in the lot off books I got from this lady’s estate.” You passed it over. “Looks like she was a war nurse. Look I think this is her.”
Bucky’s hand covered his mouth. You watched his eyes grow wide and glassy. The paper quivered in his hand. He seemed to be reading the letter again and again.  
“Lovely, isn’t it?” You smiled.  
“How much do you want for it?” His voice was thick.
“Can I buy it? I don’t care how much.” His eyes never left the page or the picture. You could see the intensity in his eyes, like it reminded him of something important or triggered an old memory.
“You know what.” You smiled. “You just keep it.”
“Really?” Bucky’s breathed, looking up at you in total surprise. When you nodded, a bright smile crossed his face. He gingerly folded the letter and tucked into his book with the picture. They all went into the inner pocket of his jacket. His hand covered the place where they rested. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“Sure. See you later?” He nodded and left. That confirmed it. You knew Bucky was a romantic.  
 @rainbowkisses31​ / @dsakita / @geeksareunique / @lbouvet / @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ / @theneuropsychwriter / @vanillabunn21 / @sammghgecko / @beautifullungs / @badassbaker / @the-omni-princess / @sebbysstangirl / @jesseswartzwelder / @unadulteratedwizardlove / @the-reading-octopus / @bangtan-serendipity / @kiki5283 / @mindtravelsx / @josie605 / @ladifreakingda / @dawnlaufeyson / @wildmoonflower / @rynabarnesrogers / @notyourtypicalrose / @sllooney / @wwe-fanfiction-queen /@wwe-fanfiction-queen / @thorfanficwriter / @scarlettsoldier / @morganhoran1671 / @michelehansel / @sexyvixen7 / @readermia
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glitterslag · 5 years
One Of These Nights (Roger Taylor x Reader) | one-shot |
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omg I LOVED this request! I’d never even heard that song before but you’re right, it’s perfect for rog! Also can I just say, @ people who send in specific and/or detailed prompts: i McFreakin love you
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I hope you don’t mind that I changed it a little bit - i couldn’t imagine Roger disco-ing, so I thought it would be fun to set it at Deaky’s kid’s roller disco birthday party instead. 
Word Count: 2k Warnings: language, implied smut, Roger’s dodgy sense of humour   A/N: I imagined Ben!Roger for this one but do you girl
Also here’s a link to the kind of dancing style I was imagining (without the opera music obviously)
enjoy :)
It’s a Saturday afternoon, and you’ve been called into work last minute to cover a kids birthday party after Sarah phoned in “sick”. 
“Interesting.” You smirk into the receiver when your manager calls you to the break the news. “She seemed perfectly fine when she was downing those Sambuca shots in the pub last night -”
“I’ll pay you over-time.” He cuts in. 
You grin and slam the handset down. 
It’s just a temporary job - evenings and weekends, until you finish getting your MSc. And it isn’t even bad. You were a bartender during your third year and it had been hell. The hours here are better, the wages higher even without tips. And you don’t get nearly as many lecherous old men. 
Anyway, you don’t mind working over-time if it’s for this. A kid’s party - teeny tiny kiddies, like ages 5 and 6. They’re everyone’s favourite kinds of shifts. You burn your throat gulping down your coffee and pull on your roller skates. You’ll be late if you don’t skate there. 
You roll in and immediately head to the rink, slinging your bag down onto the reception desk where your manager, shooting you a grateful look as you pass, takes it through to the back for you. 
“I’ll sign you in!” He half yells after you, and you wave him off and speed down to the rink to join a harassed looking Louise. 
“Oh thank God you’re here.”
She’s got a line of tots jostling at her counter, grabbing for skates in the right size. 
“Did you hear what Sarah’s told Tommy?” You wonder as you eye the long line of excited kids snaking up to the kiosk, some chattering in groups, some clinging onto their parents hands. 
Louise raises an eyebrow in question. 
“Flu.” You smirk. 
“Flu?!” She says in disbelief, disappearing under her counter momentarily to tuck a pair of pink sparkly Lelli Kelly’s away underneath. 
“Flu my arse! Wouldn’t have believed her if he’d seen - there you go sweetie, size 13 - seen the way she was dancing on those tables last night!”  
You chortle with glee. 
“That’s what I said!”
You skate out into the middle of the floor and the first thing you notice are a pair of young men hanging over the side of the rink. There are, of course, a few parents supervising, but these two only look a year or two older than you, and it isn’t clear whether they are accompanying a child. Plus, one of them - a blond - looks to be swigging from a can of beer. 
You decide to skate over and just make sure. 
“Hi there,” You approach the blond with your best polite customer service tone, not wanting to cause any problems. 
He looks up at you with a smirk. 
“I’m sorry sir but you’ll have to drink that outside,” You explain apologetically.” “This is a children’s function, and we don’t allow alcohol on the premises.” 
His gaze is fixed on you, and you shrink a little in it despite being raised up a head taller than him in the ring, bumped up by the height of your wheels. He tips the can into his mouth and slowly finishes it, before crunching it up and putting it into his pocket. 
“Sorry ‘bout that.” He says. His voice is oddly soft. 
You nod, and your gaze switches between him and his friend. He doesn’t look 25. 
“Are you here with a child?” You ask, trying to keep your voice neutral. 
“Nah.” The blonde cuts in casually and your head snaps back to him once more. “M’just tagging along to check out the hot talent.” 
He leers at you and grins, and it’s enough to make your eyebrows shoot up into your hairline. “Excuse m-”
“He’s with me” His friend cuts in loudly before you can shout, clearly exasperated. “I’m John, that’s my wife Veronica.” 
He nods toward a wooden spectator bench a little way away and your eyes fall onto a young women, sat handing out cartons of juice to a sea of grabby children, one of whom had on a little paper hat, and a birthday boy badge. 
“It’s my son’s sixth birthday party.”
“Sorry,” You say, smiling at John quickly. “You just looked young to have a child.” 
He nods and gives you a slightly strained smile. 
“Yes, well. We were very young when we had Robert.”
You take that as your cue to leave them to it.
“You not getting your skates on?” You ask as you loop backwards past the man - whose name you’ve learnt is Roger - for the hundredth time that hour. 
“Disco’s not really my thing.” He retorts, and you roll your eyes. 
You hadn’t imagined that it would be. Even standing there at a kids party, his can of beer now replaced by a carton of Ribena, the man looks the epitome of edge. Cigarette placed behind his ear, poking out from his messy, bleach blonde waves. Red leather jacket and a loud, zebra print shirt, with so many buttons undone it barely covers his naval.
“Oh, come on!” You say with a grin, looking backwards at him over your shoulder as you skate away.
“Stop flirting.” Louise has had to remind you more than once, because you’ve been so distracted laughing at him you’ve nearly tripped over a child.
You just smile bashfully at her and shrug as he calls out after you, “Maybe you can show me later!”
“Lucky bitch.” You sniff as you watch Louise stow her skates away in her locker and grab her things. Sarah’s shift happens to be the close, meaning you’re stuck there until the last customer leaves the complex, and then you’ll have to clean up and lock up.
She just grins at you wickedly as she waves goodbye, and exits the building. The Deacon’s are also heading towards the exit, after having ensured that every child has been collected, and you shoot them a quick smile and a little wave to Robert as his mum drags him away from his party.
John has reluctantly left Roger with you, who has offered to stay and help you “clean up”, in return for you teaching him how to skate.
Big feet, you muse to yourself as you spray his size 11s with the antiseptic, before handing them over. As you watch him struggling to pull the skates on in his tight leather trousers,  you can’t help but speculate at what else might be big.
You have to hold his hands at first (big and rough with calluses - you wonder briefly what he does for a living) but by the time you come back with the brush and mop he’s holding his own, wobbling around the ring in a slow but steady circle.
“That’s it!” You praise, and he grins to himself. 
You sweep up while he messes around, your skates and Tommy’s long-handled platform broom allowing you to have the place clean in record time. Roger gets in your path a few times and you use the bristles to swat at him playfully. You finish up, and skate over to the decks and put some music on. You’re flicking through the tracks absently, until you come across one that sparks an idea.
You glance around the rink until your eyes land on little plastic chairs they leave out for the parents to sit on. Roger watches you quizzically as you drag one over to the middle of the floor, setting it down and then motioning him to skate over.
“Are you gonna give me a lap dance or something?” He says cheekily as you push him down into the chair, but you only shush him and whiz back over to the disco decks. He waits patiently for you, a little bemused. 
You press play on your competition song and skate over to stand in front of him, grinning at the confused expression on his face as you get into your starting position, waiting for the intro to count you in.
One of these nights, one of these crazy old nights We're gonna find out, pretty mama, what turns on your lights
Roger’s face breaks into a wide smirk as you start to dance around his chair, realising what you were doing. You were performing your competition piece for him.
The full moon is calling, the fever is high And the wicked wind whispers and moans You got your demons, you got your desires Well, I got a few of my own
The lyrics make blood rush to your cheeks, aware of his hawk-like gaze upon you at all times. He leans back against the back of the chair, legs spread out wide and his arms coming up to fold across his chest. He bites his lip and grins, and you cast your eyes down to the floor with a smirk of your own, too shy to look him in the eye.
Oh, someone to be kind to in between the dark and the light Oh, coming right behind you, swear I'm gonna find you, one of these nights
Your focus, instead of on Roger, is on the wall behind him, spotting so as not to get dizzy as you execute your turns. You don’t, therefore, notice how tight his leather jeans are becoming, nor what’s straining against them.
One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, now We're gonna find one, mm, one that really screams I've been searching for the daughter of the devil himself I've been searching for an angel in white I've been waiting for a woman who's a little of both And I can feel her but she's nowhere in sight
You’ve turned to perform the section where you have your back to the audience, and the music is so loud you don’t even realise he’s skated right up behind you until you feel him bumping into your back.  
Oh, loneliness will blind you in between the wrong and the right Oh, coming right behind you, swear I'm gonna find you, one of these nights
You jump and let out a little gasp, and his hands shoot out to grasp onto your hips to steady himself. The two of you jostle back and forward slightly on your wheels. You stop dancing.
Coming right behind you, swear I'm gonna find you Get you, baby, one of these nights One of these nights I can feel it, I can feel it
You feel something pressing into the small of your back, and Roger’s need becomes apparent. You place your hands on top of his, tight on your hips. His lips come down to ghost over your bare shoulder.
“Y’know, my cars parked round the back.” He whispers into your ear. You feel the tickle of his breath on your neck, and swallow.
“I’ll lock up.”
You step out into the night. He’s sat in the driver’s seat, warming the car up. Rubbing his hands together in the cold and blowing into them. You grin and get in. 
“Cor, it’s freezing in here!” You giggle, and you’re barely sat down in the passenger’s seat before he’s making a grab for you. 
“C’mere.” He says, pulling you forcefully across the gear stick and into his lap, and it’s half-muffled by an eager kiss before it’s even out of his mouth.
“Well.” You say a little awkwardly as you plop back down in the passenger seat, hastily pulling your clothes back on. “You should probably take me home.” 
You’re still panting. That had been quite something. 
He’s bare-chested, using his top to clean all the fog you’d made off his windscreen. 
“Come for a drink first?” He says easily, and you fight a smile. 
“It’s kiinda the wrong way around, but… okay.”
He grins victoriously and starts the car, smiling to himself as he puts it in reverse and backs out of the parking space, arm thrown over the back of the passenger seat. You can’t help but grin back, excitement bubbling up in your tummy. 
He turns on the radio as he gets onto the main road, just as some cheesy disco song is finishing. Roger’s fingers, still resting behind your head, tap out the rhythm absentmindedly. He looks sexy, driving with one hand like that. 
The presenter chatters away at a frequency you can’t quite hear, so you miss him introducing the next song. Roger doesn’t, though. 
He looks at you out of the corner of his eye with a shit-eating smile on his face, waiting for the light to go on in your head. He watches the look of familiarity wash over your face as the symbols kick in. 
You whip your head around to look at him just in time. 
“One of these nights -”
Roger’s bent double over the steering wheel in peals of laughter almost the entire way to the bar.  
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pinupac87 · 5 years
Mami...long word. For the word drabble thing. Alistair x Amell, Dragon Age AU, grocery store.
Ooh, I used to work at a grocery store. So I can draw from some person experiences. So here it goes! 
Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move.
             The deli was unbearably hot. Between the rotisserie, fryers, and the ovens in the back made for an excruciating shift. Even worse, the HVAC guy wasn’t coming in until next week. Joline Amell manned the slicers while Sten and Alistair frantically built up catering orders in the back. They were horribly understaffed; the new part-timer decided to walk out on their break and not return. The lunch rush was in full swing and their manager Duncan told them to go into the freezer to cool off when the store managers weren’t looking.
           “Sten, do we still have that block of Finlandia? I’m cutting short on this one.” Joline called out over the sound of the slicers then to the customer, “You wanted a half pound, right?”
           “I wanted an eighth of a pound.” The customer said.
           Sten shouted back, “Check the freezer! I’ve got my hands full with the grease trap.”
           “Okay. On it.” Joline yelled out over the nose of the fryer timer going off.
           “Got it!” Alistair moved towards the fryer, careful of the food particles and oil on the floor that had yet to be cleaned.
           “Why the hell did the new guy have to quit on us?” Joline complained to herself. The last of the swiss cheese that she was working through was done and she weighed the eighth that the customer asked for. She bagged it and printed out the price tag.            “Here you go! Have a good day, Serr! Next up!”
Once the rush was finished, they took turns standing in the freezer and playing lookout in case the store manager was walking about. Joline’s knees and feet were in complete agony; everything creaked and popped when she bent and stretched. The heat radiating all around the deli did nothing to help alleviate how lightheaded she was. Her water bottle, as well as the others, stayed in the freezer to remain cool. She sat down on a milk crate that served as a makeshift chair and let the cool air hit her skin, steam forming from her overheated forehead.
The stress from manning the counter alone with Alistair and Sten only able to come out to support when the line was too much was mounting on her. The heat and lack of a break left her feeling faint.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door open. Looking up, she saw Alistair come in. He was as red as she was; sweat pouring down his face and neck. She had noticed a bead of sweat move from the side of his mouth down his neck when he took a swig from his bottle of water.
“Is there another rush?” She asked.
Alistair wiped his lips with the back of his hand.
“I hope not. Gregor won’t let us leave until the counter is clean.” He said.
“Sten leave?” Joline ran a hand through her hair before putting her hat back on.
“Mhmm. I don’t know how he can take this heat so well. But since there’s still a lull, we can take care of the fryers and the counter.” He said.
“Thank the Maker.” She said.
Their shift was quiet after the last rush. It was free of trouble since Sten managed to not only do the catering orders but take care of the grease trap and mop the floors when Joline was in the freezer. They punched out and said their good nights to the night crew.
Or, at least that was what Joline remembered before her vision went black. When she woke up, Alistair was hovering over her with a worried look on his face. There was a circle of people around her when she looked around. Paramedics were asking her co-workers questions as they checked her vitals.
“Joline, don’t worry. I got you. You’re going to be okay.” Alistair’s voice trembled.
“What-” Joline did her best to get a grip on the situation. “What happened?”
“You passed out, Ma’am. Have you been eating or drinking water today?” An EMT asked.
“Not really, but I’m fine now.-”
Alistair cut in. “But you passed out, Jo!”
Joline shook her head.
“I don’t have insurance yet. I don’t have the money to go to the hospital. I’m fine now. Please, I’m fine.” She insisted, getting up and assuring the paramedics that she was fine to drive home.
At their shared apartment, Alistair helped her to the couch and went to the fridge to get her a water and aspirin. The room was still spinning for Joline and was getting worse than she thought.
Alistair walked over to her with a bottle of water and the aspirin, concern written over his face. She knew that he wanted her to go to the hospital, or to the urgent care at the very least.
“Sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” He asked.
Joline nodded.
“I can’t afford the bill. My card hasn’t come in yet, so it’ll have to wait. And I have a shift tomorrow-
“I called Duncan. He said to rest up. Oghren will cover for you. You need rest.” He interjected.
He handed her the bottle of water and reached to touch her forehead. The feel of the cold hands was like a beacon in the fog and heat that clouded her mind. It took her a second to see the expression on his face; worry and something else that she was too scared to decipher. His hand moved to cup the side of her face; his thumb swiping her cheek bone as he leaned in close.
Alistair held her like that for an eternity, it seemed. Both of them not moving closer or away. They shared so much; apartment, jobs, love of cheese, and many trials. He helped her when her previous job cut her loose and she had no place to stay. It felt…right being around him. They knew each other for so long and had each other’s back when things were tough.
She knew that this feeling she had for him was not new. They were dancing around whatever this was for a year. And she knew for the longest time that he was in love with her. He showed it in the coffee he made for her with extra marshmallows that he would keep stashed. He would comfort her when stress and anxiety attacks flared up when she was too overwhelmed. The looks he gave when he thought she wasn’t looking during their movie nights together. The same look he was giving her right now.
His eyes flicked down to her lips then back up to meet her eyes. She knew. She knew what they wanted to do. Joline wanted to tell him so badly. Wanted to taste his lips on hers, take him to bed and not leave there until they were sated. Wanted to tell him how much she cared about him. Tell him it was okay to kiss her. She wanted, by Maker she wanted. Wanted to tell him to close the distance and tell him how much she loved him. She wanted to never let go. And she knew that he wanted the same just as badly.
And that scared her more than any anxiety attack or black out she ever had.
Telling him would ruin their friendship. Make things awkward at work and at home. She could lose her job. And where could she be then?
“Joline, I-”
Oh, Maker. Please give me strength.
They stayed frozen on that couch for a moment before Alistair heard his phone go off. The moment broken, he withdrew and walked over to the small kitchen counter to answer his phone.
The room spun for Joline, but this time it wasn’t the fever that she felt was coming on. Her heart was beating frantically. Could she have been able to tell him?
Tomorrow, she thought. Tomorrow when she was not feeling like the room was spinning, she would talk with him.
She fell asleep as she heard Alistair talk to whoever it was on the phone.
This ended up more than a drabble. But I got carried away once again. Especially since I found a RomCom playlist on Spotify. So blame that. 
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COTW - 13 full draft
Christmas had come and gone leaving Eren feeling like a beached whale. His stomach has popped after his dance wind up, looking as if it had doubled in size between then and Levi's fortieth birthday. The growing pains over the last few weeks sucked, as had the spotting of blood. He'd just been feeling flat and yuck since, all he wanted to do was sleep all the time. Something not happening with a three year old toddler that seemed to be a constant sugar high. It was the only way he could explain how Viren had so much energy... even Titan seemed to have more energy. With Hanji, Erwin, Mike and Levi all working Christmas Day, they'd had a party for the kids on the 23rd, during which he'd fallen asleep. Then he and Levi had celebrated his alpha's birthday on the night of the 24th, and early hours of the 25th. They'd eaten cake in bed because of his fatigue, while watching movies on Levi's laptop until Levi had to go. Working an extended shift, his mate had left the house at a little after 4am, working right through to Boxing Day. It'd really fucking sucked. He loved December 25th. Still, even if Levi couldn't be home, he hadn't been alone. He'd had another small party with the kids on the Christmas Day, eating way too much as they watched Christmas movies, cuddled up on the sofa with the two children. Anna was completely fascinated by the swell of his stomach. The little girl couldn't believe he had two pups growing in there. Viren on the other hand didn't seem too impressed, even smacking him in the stomach when he couldn't get comfortable thanks to curve of his swell. His son did not want a sister. At all. Where as Anna wanted them both to be girls. Marco and Jean were leaving the second week of January, leaving Anna without her two little friends. It wasn't fair to her that it was right before her birthday party, but Anna was a tough kid. The little miss finally actually turning 4, instead of just having her age rounded up because of how smart she was. * Cuddled up under the beautiful blanket Levi had gifted him, Eren felt revolting. He really loved the blanket, it was so soft, and sparkly, and the colours of the sea were everything he could want. His sneaky alpha had snuck it on their bed while he'd slept, waking later on Christmas Day to find it there. Slightly enthused, he'd yelled into the phone as he rushed to thank Levi for it. That seemed like months ago, rather than days. Outside the door of his old bedroom, he could hear Viren playing with Titan, but felt too weak to even move, running hot and cold simultaneously, while his between his legs ached. He knew he had to get up, but he was so tired... "Mum! Mummy! Muuuuuuuum!" Pulling his blanket over his head, Eren whimpered at the sound of his son's voice. Managing to get the door handle undone, Viren came bounding onto his bed, jumping up and down right next to him... this was not going to end well... "Viren, stop" "Wake up, mum!" The rocking wasn't appreciated by his stomach, miserably, he only just managed to get his head free from the covers before throwing up down the side of the bed, Viren still jumping on the bed as he did, though not quite as enthusiastic "Mummy?" Falling to his knees, Viren landed on his hip. Eren whimpering from the unneeded pressure on his stomach and the sudden shock "Baby, can you get mummy's phone for him?" "Mum?" "Baby, please. Mummy is ok. Just get my phone for me" His phone was all the way back in the living room, not the safest of places, but he was only supposed to be taking a nap while Viren did. Now there was no way he could get out of bed. "Mummy!" Dropping his phone in his face, Eren was jolted back to consciousness. The light of the device blinding as he clumsily unlocked the device. He didn't need Hanji's mothering... and he didn't want to worry Levi. This time of year was awful for him. Finding Mike's name, he barely hit call before his phone slipped from his hold "Mummy?!" "I'm... sorry baby..." He couldn't hear Mike repeating his name, Viren throwing his arms around him. He hadn't felt like this when Levi had left. He'd been exhausted, but over the last few days, it'd gotten worse. Now, two days short of the New Years, he felt like death had come for him. "Eren?" Tapping his face, Eren whimpered away from Mike. He didn't remember passing out, but he must have if the alpha was now there "M-Mike... something's wrong" Mike was blurry as he swam in and out of focus. With his hands against Eren's face, Eren could smell the man's worry "You're going to be ok. Can you move?" "No..." "Alright. Up we go" Lifting him, Eren shivered as if his body had been plunged into an ice bath "Why didn't you call Levi?" "He's... stressed" Was Mike always this loud? Shivering, he was moved from his bed to the sofa, the light coming through the windows blinding. Flinching as he tried to open his eyes, he quick gave up "Headache?" Nodding only made him more nauseous "Vomiting and Fever? Abdominal pain?" Humming hurt but worked "How far along are you?" Shouldn't Mike just know this shit? This was why he wanted him instead of Hanji, because Mike didn't usually ask him a trillion questions. Couldn't he see how tired he was? "Eren, keep talking to me. How far along are you?" "18 weeks" Letting his head loll back, his eyes slid closed. Mike tapping his face "Fuck off... hurts" "If you can swear at me, you can stay awake for me" "Sleepy" "Sorry, Eren, but you need to stay awake" Mike has zero chance of that happening. * Called by Mike, Levi was confused as he headed through the main doors of Shinganshima hospital. Mike hadn't told him what was going on, only asking him to come meet him. Erwin had said Mike wasn't working, and the fact he wasn't meeting him in the emergency department had lead him to believe it may be related to Mike's health, and whatever was causing the rift between him and Erwin. Mike looked grim as Levi approached, the man sitting at one of the small tables near the hospital's auxiliary shops "Levi" "Mike" "Are you going to tell me what you're doing here?" "Come with me, I need to have a talk with you" That didn't sound ominous... "Mike, is everything alright?" "We should have a talk" Lead through the hospital, Mike was prepared. Entering a small consulting office, Mike took a seat in the rolling chair, gesturing to the narrow visitors chair beside the desk "Mike, this better be good" "I had a call from Eren today" Ok... That was unusual, but not completely out of the normal... There was no need for his heart to start racing. Opening the Manila folder on the desk, Mike passed him over a series of ultrasound prints "What am I looking at?" "Sacrococcygeal teratoma. Type one from the looks of it" "And..." "Eren has developed an infection in his right breast, he called me this morning disoriented and vomiting. He'd also had a small bleed, so I sent him for an ultrasound. The growth you see is four weeks, as you can see, there's been a rapid increase in mass" Wait. What. He hadn't even looked at the name in the corner of the prints, blindsided by his own deduction that this was about Mike. His brain kicking into overdrive "What?" "I'm sorry Levi, we'll monitor this carefully, but if the rate of growth continues like this, the pup will need to be aborted. As you can see, the foetus is significantly smaller than the other" "Hang on. Just. Why the fuck didn't you call me?" "My first priority was getting Eren emergency care. His fever was dangerously high, and the bleed had stained his sweat pants. He was in and out of consciousness. He's stabilised now, and resting" "He's been tired lately, but he wasn't feverish, or vomiting. He was fine when I left this morning" This couldn't be happening. Not after the loss of the pup... And Eren really had been fine. He'd been tired, but Levi assumed that was more to do with the fact it was the end of the year, and the rainy weather... and... "Does he know?" "No. He said something was wrong, but he was too out of it to know what. I'm so sorry, Levi" "You're talking as if they're already dead!" He didn't mean to snap, unable to take his eyes off the scan. SCT's weren't uncommon, but they did pose a risk of growing rapidly between the 18th and 26th week. The pup to the left seemed happy and healthy, but their twin... Eren was going to fall apart over it... "Where is he?" "He's on the ward. Viren's with him" "So he's awake?" "He's in and out, his fever is being managed. He didn't know he had an infection. He understands he's in hospital again" "I bet he's loving that" "He's told me to "fuck off", more than once" A cranky pouty Eren could be quite cute, as he usually apologised immediately, then sought cuddles. Provided he wasn't the one who'd upset him... and now he had to tell his mate there was something wrong with one of their pups "Levi?" "How the fuck... why the fuck? Eren hasn't done anything wrong. He doesn't... Why?" "His body has been through trauma after trauma. You both deserve a break" "A break?" They deserved a whole lot more than a break "I'm fucking done, Mike" "With Eren?" "No. Not with Eren. With everything but Eren. I'm sick of it. We've worked years to get to where we are. I'm sick of leaving him at home. Of missing time with Viren, and time Eren. All I want is quality time with my family before..." "Levi. You could live your whole life without that bullet shifting" "With our fucking luck, that's a gamble I'm not sure I want to take. Eren told me to think through what I want, and I'm done. He's going to be devastated. This pregnancy has hardly been smooth sailing. Eren's depression. Coming off his mediation, thinking I wanted to leave him. He was going to abort them because that's what he thought I wanted. The only good news was that they both seemed ok... and now... I'm done, Mike" Running his fingers through his hair with his right hand, Levi shook his head "This is going break him. He already thinks he's a bad mother, and that's when he's doing absolutely everything for Viren" "Levi, have you talked to someone about all of this?" "Yeah. We had a couples counselling appointment with Krista, and we've talked about it a fair bit. He hates it. You know he hates feeling weak. Since coming off his medication, his PTS has... It's hard to leave him. He's scared that he's going to hurt Viren, or have a panic attack so bad he passes out and Viren is hurt. I'm done with him feeling like that. Especially after all he went through with his first pregnancy and that piece of shit father of his" "And Eren will be ok with you quitting?" "He'll be worried. He'll be more worried about those attending call outs that involve omegas, but he said he'd support me" "He's the one who's going to need a lot of support over the next months. But I really would recommend talking your options over with Eren. If the growth slows, the recommendation would be an emergency caesarean..." "Provided it does" "Yeah. Pretty much. I'm not his attending, but he'll be in good hands, and I thought I should be the one to tell you" "I appreciate that Mike. I really do. Thank you for being there for him today" "You should thank Viren too. Eren passed out just after he called me, Viren picked his phone up. Told me "mummy wasn't waking up". He's a strong kid" "He and Eren have been getting so much closer..." "He did good" "He's a good kid. I never thought I'd be a father to begin with, but I would do anything for him and Eren" A small flicker of pain crossed Mike's face, before disappearing like it was never there "I'll take you through to Eren. Do you need to call work?" He'd forgotten all about work... "I will after I see Eren" Eren had a nasal cannula in place, Viren sleeping against his side as he snored loudly. A saline IV running into his right arm "We've given him a dose of antibiotics. He was dehydrated from his fever. His blood work was all over the place, everything he had, has been going to the pups" "He's been keeping up with the vitamin shakes and pills..." Eren's blood work shouldn't have been that bad. He ate. He was eating... "They're going to keep him in for the few days, at least" "He's going to love that" "I have a few calls to make. I'll check in with you both later" "Thanks, Mike" Walking over to Eren, he sank down on the side of the bed to kiss Eren's forehead. Sighing at him, Eren wriggled beneath him, all happening within the space of a broken snore. Pursing his lips, Levi kissed him "We have to stop meeting like this" "I thought you were sleeping" "Who says I'm not?" "You dream about me?" "You are the dream. An upset Viren is the reality. He was awake..." It must have been a while ago given how out of it the pair of them had been "You look upset, what's wrong?" He couldn't just tell Eren, not after he woke up "You're in hospital again" "Oh. Right... I suppose there is that... they gave me drugs" Eren gave him a smile, before explaining "Had a headache" "How do you feel now?" "Just sleepy" "Why didn't you call me?" "Thought it was just fatigue. I didn't think I'd end up here. You're supposed to be working" "I wanted to check in with you" "I'm ok... I think... I don't know. I'm sleepy" "Then get some sleep" "Can you take Viren?" "I'll organise it" "And I threw up at home" "Don't worry, I'll take care of it all" "'love you, Lee" "I love you too" Levi didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse that Eren didn't ask about the pups. His fiancée soon falling back to sleep, leaving him to sigh to himself. He was actually going to quit. After a decade and bit, he was actually going to give up the life he'd known... Fuck. Now he wished Eren had been alert enough to have that conversation. He didn't know how to be anyone but himself, and he'd been doing a pretty piss poor of that as he'd staggered through life. He'd believed he'd be doing his job until the day he died... and now, because of Eren, his job was coming to an end and what did that make him? They'd talked about finding a new job, but at his age, he didn't know what he wanted to do. Seeing pointless crash after crash, and death after death, he was tired of it. But when he did quit, that meant saying goodbye to everyone around him. No more calls through the radio from Petra. No more glares from Olou, or chats with Nanaba. No more complaining about shifts with Eld and Gunther. No more being stuck with Erwin and his overbearing concerns. No more running into Mike and Hanji in the Emergency Department. He'd be leaving all of them behind. And then what? They drifted? Because strangers on the streets? People always promise to keep in touch, but how often did that really happen? What was he without them? An alpha. A father. A piss poor fiancée, with omega so heartbroken he won't even let him try to plan their wedding? It was... a lot. No more waking up to crap shifts. No more cleaning ambulances because the shitty idiots before them couldn't do their shitty jobs. No more being screamed at abused for doing his job. No more being called out to mass fatalities and accidents... What was he supposed to do? What could he even do? He wasn't built for customer service. He didn't have the patience for pretty much anyone other than Viren or Anna. He didn't have a whole lot of skills other than cleaning, and he wasn't about to waste his time on people who didn't appreciate it. He'd just turned 40. He'd never planned to... well, live this long or fall in love. In his pocket, his phone began to vibrate. Sliding off Eren's bed, he pulled the device out to find it was his boss. What was he supposed to tell her? I know I've left you in the lurch before, but now I'm going to quit. He had obligations... but he had even bigger ones to his mate. Could he even be the alpha that Eren needed to get him through this? Eren had told him about his need for space, but his chronic fatigue had left his omega quite docile and cuddly... once they got him back on his feet, Would Eren feel smothered again? He was far too independent for his own dependant good. What if being home all the time lead to them fighting again? What if Eren actually wanted to walk on him when he realised there really wasn't that much substance to him. The buzzing of his phone stopped, only to start again immediately. Levi's voice trembling as he raised the device to his ear and stuttered out "hello". Despite her usual understanding attitude, the end of year stress had gotten to all of them. The woman not happy that he'd run off without telling anyone where he was going on or why... especially when he was supposed to be working. He didn't want to leave Eren. He didn't want to have some nurse scaring the fuck out of him by telling him what was going on with their pup, without explaining everything thoroughly. Yet. Back to work he was forced. He had to call Mike to ask him to take Viren. Hanji was working, and he assumed that maybe Anna was with Marco? He'd asked her not to drop the little girl off to Eren, because he knew Eren was tired... Tired. Not sick. He'd personally had a good feel of Eren's breasts, yet hadn't felt anything there... How the fuck was he supposed to take care of his omega if he missed something like that? It was as if every concern of the last 5 years of knowing Eren, swept in and swamped him all at once. His age. His job. His relationship. His relationships around him. He didn't have clear answers for any of it. He was supposed to know. Yet he didn't have a single clue. He needed Eren to wake up and tell him what the hell he was supposed to do. Eren was his hope. The reason everything around him had changed so drastically. The omega had rounded off his rough edges, and smoothed out the parts of his lacking personality. He'd taught him that the way he saw the world, wasn't the only way to see it. And that the world was so much bigger than he'd ever thought it could be... Maybe things could be ok, if Eren was there... and Viren... Eren would mad if he didn't mention Titan in their family. To a lot of people, that would be a pathetic reason to give up everything, but for those tw-three he'd... Yeah. It was time. Despite his desires to get back to Eren, Levi forced himself to seek out his boss. Erwin had huffed when he'd explained Mike had taken Eren to hospital, and Levi was done with him on the spot. The remainder of his shift spent exchanging the bear minimum to get things done, he didn't even bother to clean the ambulance through once they were done restocking. Finding the woman in her office, he tried to hold his temper back. She had a job to do, and it wasn't her fault that she needed things to run as they should. With an apology that was lacking, yet had all the actual words there and all the feelings he could muster for it, he finally told her he was resigning permanently. Initially she didn't want to take no, until he was forced to bring up Eren and the complication with their pup. She couldn't process the resignation immediately, due to the fact they both had obligations and she had a replacement to find, but promised that by the end of January everything would be settled, and that if he wished to return, there would always be a space open for him. Walking from the depot, there was definitely a bounce in his step that hadn't been there for a long time. A month was a fucking eternity when you had a sick omega that may need to abort a pup, and life that didn't seem to want to settle, but at least his leaving this time wouldn't be the same mess it was the last time he'd quit. Eren had told him to talk it through with everyone around them, yet for the first time in a long time, he felt free of their unwanted, even if well meant, advice. He'd chosen for himself, and at his age, it shouldn't have left him feeling quite as giddy as it did. He hadn't even left for good, and he felt a weight off his shoulders that pushed away his earlier spiralling maelstrom of thoughts. Now to get back to Eren. * Sitting on his bed, Eren had both hands on his stomach as he stared blankly towards the window. They'd had to give him some kind of sedative, which had left him feeling empty. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream or do something. Instead, he was disconnected from his emotions and his omega. He could feel it nudging at the back of his mind, trying to reconnect with no success. Having dozed off and on, he hadn't been sure that Levi had really been there until he'd woken that evening, realising that Viren was no longer by his side. The pain in his head and stomach had eased, as had the nausea. His skin still felt revolting from how much he'd sweated with fever, he'd asked one of the nurses if it was possible to shower, the man replying that "his doctor didn't want him out of bed just yet. Not until they'd assess the growth on the pup". Demanding to know what that had meant, the man hadn't appreciated his snarl, which lead to being sedated as no one wanted to tell him what hell was going on with his own children. The looks of pity shot in his direction sent his stomach rolling, as he realised everyone was acting skittish and secretive around him. He didn't even jump at the light knock on his doorway. Turning toward his alpha with blank eyes. Finally. Finally something close to a tear welled in his eye. Whining softly for his mate, Levi strode to his side, gathering him up against him "Eren" Buried in his lover's scent, he rasped out "Is this my fault?" Levi stiffened against him, before moving to sit on the edge of the bed beside him "No. No, it's not. No one quite knows what causes it" "They... let it slip that there was a growth. Is this because I was on medication? Or because I couldn't eat? Or because there's something wrong with me?" Levi knew. Levi knew what was going on. It was him that didn't. He was the one they didn't trust with the truth "Did they tell you anything?" "Mike did. You were too exhausted to talk earlier. How do you feel now?" "I'm not allowed to get out of bed to shower. I feel gross... Levi, why did this have to happen?" "I've been asking myself the same thing since Mike showed me" "Can you tell me? No one will tell me. They dosed me instead" Levi let out a small growl, causing Eren to whimper. His alpha turning angry in a fraction of second, leaving his soothing scent turning bitter and flooding his mixed up senses with fear "I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you. I wanted to be the one to tell you, so I could explain it all properly. Has Mike been in?" "I don't know. I've been sleeping then drugged" "Alright, here, lay back down and I'll take my boots and jacket off" He didn't want to lay back down, he'd been stuck there all damn day. The blankets felt wrong against his skin. Too itchy and like they were trying to rub his skin off. When he'd thrown up on them, he was brought more of the same. He wanted his blankets. His bed. Stupid Mike "The bed feels gross. I sweated a lot" "Let me pull the sheets back. Let some air in their to help dry things out" "I'm not allowed out of bed" "They probably mean they don't want you walking around. Wait here" Yes. Because he fully intended on doing a runner. The moment Levi release his hold, he felt just as lost and disconnected as he had before his mate had arrived. Levi stripped his bed back, before finding a chair for them to use. Sitting on his alpha's lap, Levi was content with having his arms wrapped around him "Sacrococcygeal teratoma. That's what it's called. Essentially it's a tumour at the base of the spine that causes "abnormal" growth. They don't know what exactly causes it, but it's thought it's from when we were evolving from monkeys. There's a few different types, Mike hazarded a guess that it was type one, which is probably the best type to have..." "But" "SCT's are known to go through a period of rapid growth between the 18th and 26th weeks. Mike showed me the scans. They're not great..." "But it... I didn't see anything on the last one. He didn't see anything on the last one" "I know. And I know Mike feels bad" "He said everything was ok!" "Shhh... shhh, I know" "What... what happens now?" "Mike is going to make some calls" "And then what?" Levi paused, he didn't like the pause "Levi? What happens next? What happens with our pups?!" "Shhh, calm down for me. I know you're freaking out. Our pups are fraternal. Two seperate little lives growing together" "I know that" "Well, it means that... if things don't improve, that... the pup will have to be aborted" Aborted. That word had been in his life way too often in the past months. If he'd just gone ahead and aborted, they never would known it was three pups, and their little pup wouldn't be hurting like this... "I..." "Don't even say it. Ok. No. I'm happy you're pregnant. I'm happy it's twins and we'll work this out" "How?" "The same way you should be doing everything, and that's together" "It's just... it's not fair... Hanji's first round of IVF didn't take... and I had three pups... and..." "No. Don't go there. Ok. This dirty old alpha loves you" Levi was trying to make him feel better, even though he knew how much this was hurting his alpha. Fuck. He had to stop crying in front of him. Levi was just as precious as Viren. He didn't want them seeing him like this anymore. He was too miserable and tired for jokes, still, we weakly forced out the words "You forgot "Perverted"" "There's that. You feel cold. Why didn't you tell me you were feeling so sick?" "I was tired. I didn't even know about the infection until... after I was brought in... Fuck. I need to apologise to Mike" "Eren, you don't have to change the topic" "I... I don't want to cry right now. Do you have your phone?" "Why?" "I want to look it up... I hate the way they look at me Levi. They all know and I don't" "I don't know if that's a good idea" "It's my pup too!" Yelling at his mate, he regretted it immediately. Sliding from Levi's lap, he moved to crawl back on to his unmade bed "Eren" "No. It's fine. I'm a dumb omega after all. Why would they tell me anything?" "Don't be like that" "They all think I'm too stupid to make my own choices or understand. I mean, why else wouldn't they tell me anything" "Because you're sick. You have an infection that neither of us picked up. You've been in and out of consciousness. You had a fever. You've been vomiting and dehydrated. You even had a bleed. I can think of a hundred reasons why they would have wanted to control you fever and stabilise you before talking about it!" Biting his lip, Eren knew he deserved it "I need to see because I can't understand. I need to know what is happening to the pup. To your pup" "Our pup. Eren, I'm really..." "So you don't want me to know either" "I didn't say that" "You didn't have to! I get it! Keep the stupid incubator out of the loop!" "You know that's not it at all. This is why I wanted to tell you, myself. If you hadn't snapped at me, what I was going to say was I'm not sure you want to sit up there. It's still drying" "Oh..." "Are you going to come back down here?" "If you're here, can I go to the bathroom?" "You need the bathroom?" Yelling wasn't great for his bladder, neither had been moving" "Yeah... then can you show me, what's happening to the pup?" "I'll have to call a nurse to disconnect your IV" "Can't you? I don't want to see anyone..." "Eren..." "Please. I'll be good?" "You haven't been bad to begin with..." "And maybe I can shower" "You can pee" "I smell" "I'll talk to them about letting you shower, and if you can, I'll help you shower. For now, just stay still" Levi swore at the IV colourfully, as he disconnected and capped it, and his cannula. Eren was sooo close to being able to walk... it was like 2 metres, it wasn't going to do any harm. But noooo... Levi carried him into the bathroom, sitting him down on the toilet, before staring down at him "I'm not peeing with you watching" "Seriously?" "I'm not you. I don't randomly walk in while someone's showering to pee" "We've both seen every inch of each other's body. We've both exchanged every bodily fluid possible" "And I don't want to pee in front of you" Levi rolled his eyes "Lee, please just let me pee alone. You can even flush the toilet if you have to" "I just don't want you walking around" "I am peeing. Not walking" "Fine. I'll be right outside" Peeing was a beautiful thing, his bladder appreciative. He couldn't stomach looking at his stomach. He couldn't bare the guilt. He hadn't known anything was wrong with his pups... he'd thought things were fine... he'd thought his growing pains and spotting were fine... he'd had them with Viren... Things had been looking up. Especially after his dance wind up. Levi was possessive, but understanding. He'd finally understood why dancing the way he had, and why it'd been important to him all along... He'd thought his fatigue was just because of two little lives growing. Even Levi had thought it was normal... neither of them had thought anything wrong with his swelling breasts, both were tender... Mike must have found the small lump... Hanji's shift must have started after he'd already been transferred up to the ward... He really hated that people were touching his body without his permission while he was unconscious. Carried back out to the visitors chair, he was hooked back up to the stupid IV. He was ready for bed all over again, but had to know what was happening "I know you don't like it" "You're right. Can you show me?" "I looked it up at work..." "Show me" "Alright. Just know, we don't know for sure it's going to be as bad as what's in the photos" "You're terrible at hiding your feelings" Levi moved behind him, resting his head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around him. His mate had already loaded the google images, while Eren's lip quivered. He hated to think of the pups suffering. Pups that hadn't done anything wrong... and even worse, pups that hadn't survived... He'd seen this before, he just hadn't know what it was called. His father had had so many books and files... He probably had to be ready for anything... "L-Lee..." "I know. We won't know anything more until more tests are run" "They... they killed a pup and mum" "What do you mean?" "G-Grisha had... a child like this. I mean... delivered. The mum died during birth" Levi locked his phone, throwing it on their bed, to hold him properly "No. Eren. No. This isn't anything like that place. You're here, in hospital. You're in better hands than his. You're not alone through this, and there a things that can be done" "Yeah. An abortion" "We don't know it'll get that far..." "Levi, if Mike's saying it, then he thinks it will. What the fuck is wrong with me?" "Nothing. Nothing at all, Eren. We should get the nurses in to change your bed for you. You're feeling warm again" Levi wanted to go. Of course he did. He'd been working and Eren had taken up his time. He probably just wanted to go home to Viren. The one child he'd gotten right... "Y-you should go home" "I'm not going home" "You have work, and Viren. Where is he?" "With Mike. I waited all day to see you again" "I don't want to mess with your shifts" He was giving Levi an out, that he could take and not feel guilty over... So why wasn't he taking it "I'm staying with you. Let me get those nurses" Something for his infection and returning fever was run through his IV line, while Levi laid next to him. It was nice to know it wasn't just him who thought the hospital blankets were awful, but he was filled with dread when Levi promised to bring his blankets in tomorrow. Levi wouldn't be bringing in blankets if he wasn't going to be trapped here for a while. He probably would have been able to get more out of Levi, if he hadn't kept dozing off. He didn't even know he did, not until he woke to find Hanji forcing food on Levi. It stunk. Spicy Thai still wasn't his most favourite food in the world, and had way too memories associated to it "Eren! Why didn't you tell me you were here? I have food, can you eat? Are you allowed to eat? Where's your chart?" Pinching his nose, the awful cannula had been shoved back up it. Groaning, he wanted them both to fuck off "You're upsetting him" "Your face is upsetting him. You should have called me, I would have come right over" "He called Mike. Probably so he didn't have to see your shitty face" "Levi, you wound me" Now Hanji knew what was going on... She had to if she was here. She knew... Couldn't he just have time to process this? Closing his eyes, he tried to ignore the bickering pair "Eren, you ok?" "I'm hoping you're both going to be gone when I open my eyes" Levi laughed, while Hanji gasped "I bring food and this is all the love I get! I'm hurt!" "You had it coming" Maybe if he kept his eyes closed, they really would disappear "I really should go find your chart..." He didn't want that "Hanji. He has an infection. He's going to be fine. They're only keeping him in because he's pregnant" "You two are hiding something from me" "Hanji..." So she didn't know? She just knew he was here... Levi's voice was gentle growl "What? I'm worried about my boy and my two little pups. Infections can cause all kinds of complications, and this pregnancy had a rough start" "Hanji, drop it" "I knew there was something going on. Talk to me. I am a doctor after all" "Hanji, he's had a long day. Let him rest" "I'll just have to..." "Leave it alone" "I want to help" "He needs rest" "He can rest, while you tell me" "Look, just let him rest. He just woke up" "Why won't you tell me?" "Mike has things under control" The joking had faded, Hanji sounded slightly hurt and offended. Levi still trying to defend him, but Eren was too tired for this shit. Everyone seemed to think he couldn't process and cope, or understand things. He didn't understand and he wasn't coping, but he and Levi deserved some kind of privacy... or not "Seriously? What is going on with you two? Why did you call Mike? Eren, you know I would have come right away... You know you can talk to me about things" Levi sighed, his alpha taking a deep breath "Because..." "Because?" Parroting Levi's start of whatever his reply was going to be, Hanji got on his last nerve. Eren snapped "Because I need to have a fucking abortion. Ok. I'm stupid and I have to have an abortion!... I have to have an abortion, and I stupidly thought that we could have some privacy, but I guess I'm too stupid for that. Now. Can you please go? I want to be alone, in a room that doesn't stink" "An abortion?" "Hanji, this isn't a good time" "Why didn't you tell me sooner? What's going on? I'm sure..." Grabbing his pillow from under his head, he threw it as hard as possible "Go away!" Levi's wonderfully cool palm came to his forehead, he wanted to nuzzle up against it. He wanted his alpha's touch... but right now, it was too much "Eren. I told you..." "Levi. You said that I could ask for space" "I don't think you should be alone right now" "I want to be alone" To sleep. With no smelly food that reminded him of Zeke and no guilt over Levi being stuck here "Eren" "Please Lee, just go... I want to sleep" Kissing his lips, Levi sighed softly "I love you. I'll be in tomorrow. I know it's scary, but we'll get through this" "I..." He couldn't bring himself to tell Levi he loved him back. He didn't want to tie his mate down "I know you love me. I'll bring your phone in before work tomorrow. You can text me anything. Any questions and you can tell me what's going on. I love you" I love you. But he said nothing about the pups inside of him... Did this mean Levi didn't want them anymore? He didn't understand anything. Leaving, Levi took Hanji with him. Despite how exhausted he was, sleep was slow coming in its return as he chewed his lip bloody with guilt.
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yoongi-sugaglider · 6 years
Somebody Save Me
This case might just be the death of a young detective. Sleepless nights and stress filled days haunt the young detective Kim Taehyung but he’s determined to find her. Even if it’s the last thing he may do…Warnings:angst, mentions of torture, mentions of murder, strong language, detective au 
 Word Count:1643
A/N:Little bit of a flow issue with this chapter. But honestly that’s okay. Writers go through that sometimes. While it’s not perfect I am happy with it. Thank you to @btsstan4life for keeping me motivated while working on this and to @namjoonsbaybay for continuing to act as inspiration for a sassy Namjoon wife lol. Always remember I appreciate the two of you. Hope you all enjoy this one and remember! If you liked it please don’t hesitate to drop a like or reblog or even a comment!I appreciate them all as they provide the motivation to keep writing~ 
  <<Part Five ---Part Seven>>
Chapter Six:The Light and Darkness of Hope
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Taehyung sighed, tossing another useless file onto the ever-growing pile beside him. Jimin and Jin had the sofa to themselves, two large stacks of files separating them as they leafed through their respective boxes. Bri and Namjoon sorted through files as well, on occasion discussing among themselves something one or the other had found. But for the most part, the room was silent.
Taehyung groaned, breaking the silence as he flopped over onto the floor and rolled onto his side in an attempt to stretch the tense muscles in his lower back.
"I don't think we're going to get anywhere with these." he muttered to the room. He frowned as he sat up, his eyes meeting Jimin's who looked sympathetic and tired with a half looked through file clasped in his hands.
"We won't know unless we go through them all Tae." Jin grumbled, pushing his round glasses up the bridge of his nose and adding another useless file to the pile. "We both know paperwork is the hardest part of any investigation. And if there's any chance that you'll find a link between the warehouses and Mr. y/ln's company it's got to be in these files."
"Not really." Bri cut in abruptly. The other's turned to look at her and she shrugged as she placed the file she'd been holding in her lap. "If these warehouses were bought under the table I highly doubt he's gonna have left a paper trail at his work. If anything it'd be buried deep in his personal computer or locked up in some secret bank vault."
Taehyung scoffed, sitting up quickly to glare at her. "So then what's the point of all this?" He said, angrily motioning to the subject of his frustration. "We've been looking through these things for hours. And you're only just now bringing that up?"
Bri returned Taehyung's glare, her irritation rising at the idea that he'd dare challenge her. "Alright first off don't you dare raise your voice at me in my own home young man. We're just trying to help. And had I thought of it before I would have mentioned it."
Jin and Jimin's eyes widened, not having ever seen Bri this upset in the years they'd known her. "H..hey now guys. It's alright."Jimin tried to defuse the situation but Bri just shot him a glare before turning back to Taehyung who now looked as if he were ready to fight.
"You came here looking for our help. At least act like you appreciate it." She said. The fight seemed to drain out of Taehyung as he slumped forward, crossing his legs before him and leaning his elbows on his knees, his fingertips pressing into his eyes as he tried to rub away the frustration.
"Sorry, Noona..." He mumbled, knowing he'd spoken out of turn and deserved the tongue-lashing he'd just gotten.
Namjoon placed a gentle arm around Bri, pulling her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her to calm her. "It hasn't been pointless Taehyung. If there isn't any evidence of them in all these files then it just proves it was all under the table. Which makes the warehouses' existence all the more suspicious." Bri relaxed into his arms as Jin and Taehyung perked up in interest at his words.
"Whoever made those calls obviously knows something about this case. And they had to have wanted us to investigate those buildings." The others nodded in agreement with Namjoon's words.
Suddenly Jimin squeaked, his eyes wide as he bounced to his feet. He waved a small sticky note in his hand, a grin so wide on his face his eyes seemed to disappear into crescents. "Guys I think I found something!" he yelled, passing the piece of paper over to Taehyung.
The younger man frowned down at the faded script printed on the yellow note. "Wungshi...pass...y/n's birthday?" Taehyung glanced up at Jimin who just grinned down at him. "Is this what I think it is?"
"The possible access code to the hidden files on the old man's computer!" Jimin plopped back onto the sofa, disturbing some of the files beside him and causing them to slide to the floor and scatter.
"What makes you think that Jiminie?" Jin asked, tossing the file he'd been looking through into the box at his feet.
Jimin held up the file he'd been looking through, his triumphant grin spreading to his eyes. "I found it in this file. It's got paperwork on all property privately owned by employees. The sticky note was stuck to a paper with the name...uh.." He opened the file and flipped quickly through the papers, pausing on one before looking up to meet Taehyung's eyes. "Does Jeon Jungkook ring a bell?"
Taehyung and Namjoon shared a knowing glance, wearing matching frowns of displeasure.
"Yea...we interviewed him earlier today and he swore up and down he didn't own any property. Said he couldn't afford it..." Namjoon leaned back in his chair, shifting the leg that Bri sat on so that she sat more comfortably.
"Well, I mean according to the paperwork he doesn't own anything. The paper's just got his name, none of the other information is filled in."Jimin said as he pushed the paper back into its file. "I still don't get why you all would think the information is on his personal computer. Wouldn't the police have looked into it already?" Jimin grabbed his drink from the floor beside him as he asked this, taking a sip as he watched the others begin repacking the files into their respective boxes.
"It's a murder investigation. They'll have only searched for emails and correspondences with suspicious people." Bri answered as she stood and stretched her arms above her head."But I bet the info you two are looking for is going to be buried down a lot deeper than the cop's tech guys are willing or even able to dig."
The others sighed in frustration, each looking dejected in their own way as they began repacking the boxes of files. Bri meanwhile had left the room, coming back after a moment or two with her purse in hand. She made her way back to Namjoon, sitting on the floor just beside his legs as she began emptying out her purse one item at a time.
"What are you up to baby girl?" Namjoon asked when he realized what she was doing.
She didn't answer for a moment, continuing to look until she finally came across a well used looking address book. Her lips pursed as she began rifling through the pages and Namjoon looked on, seemingly enthralled by the quick motions of her fingers. "Ah! Here it is!" She said as she stopped on the page she was looking for, handing the book over to Namjoon who stared down at the page.
"Sunshine boy?" He asked questioningly, an eyebrow raised in doubt as he glanced back over at her again.
She laughed, tapping the page. "That's the answer to your computer problem. The greatest hacker this side of Seoul. Jung Hoseok. Dance teacher by day, master of zeros and ones by night. I can guarantee his work is flawless."
Taehyung frowned, his skepticism rising. But despite this, a small flare of hope glistened within his chest. "Well...alright if you trust him. Can you give him a call for us tomorrow? I'll text you the address of y/n's house. Have him meet us there."
Bri smiled over at him, reaching across to pat him on the leg. "Don't worry Tae Tae. We'll find her. Don't give up hope yet. Alright?"
I'm giving up hope...
The things that...I can’t even call her human...that… thing… did to me? Made me do?
I’m sitting in my cell, knees curled into my chest as I massage the aching muscles in my calves. They made me kneel...for hours in front of that man. He’d sat on a throne. A literal throne of all things.
That woman had fawned over him. Feeding him food by hand and telling him just how great he was. What a joke. They’re not human. They’re less than human.
Every time my body would sway..or I’d look like I wasn’t paying attention I’d be punished. She’d beat me with some whip-like thing. The color of purple crystals flashing through the air as they lashed into the skin on my arms and back. Just the thought of it causes me to flinch and whimper in pain, even now.
I know nothing but pain. Nothing but the fear of hearing those footsteps and knowing they could be coming for me again.
I tremble. Partially in fear and partially in agony as the steps echo down the hall outside and stop before my door. But this time it’s only a food delivery. The light from the slot shines brightly and causes me to cover my eyes.
Once it’s gone I stay in my spot, listening as the echoes fade to nothing.
Should I eat?
Is it worth it?
Wouldn’t it be better to die than continue living in this hell?
But no. My hunger is my weakness. And so I crawl my way over to the tray, dragging myself across the floor on forearms already torn and bruised. I know I’m leaving a trail of blood with each inch of the floor I gain… but it doesn’t matter. My legs don’t work right now anyway.
There’s meat and bread. A cup of water. And salve and a bowl of water.
So they want me to tend to my wounds? What’s the point if they’re just going to cause more?
I sigh and pull myself up into a sitting position, leaning my back against the door and resting my head against the cold and unforgiving steel.
My wounds burn. I can feel a fever coming on. One or more of them is probably infected…
I sigh. Leaning forward I grab the bowl. And begin cleaning and treating my injuries.
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shytiff · 3 years
 August 2021
1 - morning walk with ness mendel to palm hills. my dumb ass decided to do a bit of run. my heart was screaming by the time we hiked lol. continued with some youtube dance work out at mess. had kanayam as always. the fish and chicken somehow tasted even better than usual. afternoon nap. had muesli and simba again. 
2 - a hectic BP slash usila slash mtbs day with dr arief. Tried sop bebek h syafei and sate bandeng. Worked out w renata to a 20 mins pilates vid and 2 madfit songs and one 5 min stretch. Dinner was tofu soun seaweed and egg soup courtesy of renata. And baked banana with ovomaltine lolll im so grateful friends give me food.
3 - in usila today but turns out theres still one more day of vaccine in kantor kecamatan, so nessa and i went. We screened together w dr arief. Finished at about 2 pm. Can finaly eat at like 3ish after getting to the mess. Felt a bit of headache and my nose starts to go runny. So i slept. But my nose was so blocked. So i asked renata for her boiled noodle. Felt a bit better. Cleared my nose. Slept.
4 - it did feel better, finally. The soreness i felt in my abs yesterday gets worse today lmao. BP w nessa. orientation w dr harnis. talked ngalor ngidul about love life et cetera at our room lol
5 - fasted today. sahur was rice, crispy mushroom and abon since i felt sick of eating egg. it seems that love life talk continued today    at BP w dr anggi. printed stuff at kubang wates. bought kepak bandeng at RM tajuk and some snacks in indomaret. turns out Prof gave me one more ppt to do, for PIT. and the manuscript deadline is on the 8th :) immediately started doing something about it since now i know ppt and word making rly takes time
6 - muesli and pizza from alfia for bfast. vaccine today w dr lutfi. talked with kang ade and turns out he lived in kalideres before lol. bought don’s burger for dinner and ate it with fried egg. 
7 - MTBS today. got a lot of free food. read stranger than friends. went to transmart w nessa to buy stuff. did the word for Prof’s PIT topic acompanied with lofi study on the tv accompanied with nescafe latte. taste kinda.. weird. 
8 - ran a bit today, alone. bought nasi uduk for 5000 and i added scrambled egg. continued the word and finished it at like 11 am. sent it. relaxed for a bit. read black mirror. lunch was from labbaik but things went shit and i ended up paying 72k lol. printed document stuff w nessa and went to palm hills in the golden hour. ate together w the gals. played scrabble and talked a bit with fianti until almost 11 pm.
9 - had left over chicken and pizza for bfast. usila today and the patients came back to back. bought kanayam while waiting for 2 pm. slept. did (so little) work of ECMOCARD SAP. im so research dumb. 
10 - had steak and rice and renata’s veggie soup for bfast. vaccine today at vivo near intermedia with teh dian. waited for a mother with 9cm dilatation in ugd with nessa, but it took so long so i went back first. met up with atikah at o seven lmao. she arrived at like 12 and waited at palm wates. tried carbonara sphagetti (yum! but not fulfilling enough) and fried tofu. slept early and i probably passed out at like 930 pm. atikah was talking w ratnaa and we’re talking about the day’s randomness of atikah’s customer that somehow lives in cilegon
11 - woke up late. drove motorbike around palmhills to sightsee a bit. bfast at nasi uduk place around the corner. did some ngambi-together in green wates, accompanied by atikah’s 2 songs, repeated many times. went to mess. ate seafood in merak (a place near billiard cafe). got fish and shrimp. went to pulau kecil with pak asep’s help. walked around the tiny island. saw a monkey. the waters surprisingly clear. and then after maghrib Prof asked me about the ppt lol. so i hurriedly made it and emailed it, with zoom sesh 2mrw
12 - muesli for bfast. a hectic day today at bp x usila with dr lutfi (she went up for a bit for promkes). leftover kangkung and fish for lunch. hurriedly added some stuff to Prof’s ppt before the zoom sesh at 3. did 1 pamela reif vid and “attempted” her 10 min ab workout. dinner was soun and egg and renata’s veggie. 
13 - vaccine day for ODGJ and special needs children ft. dr Arief. finished at like 10:15. bought discounted wingstop (86k for 20 piece). was about to send Prof’s ppt but turns out there’s a ppt from the sponsor. in english. so i had to mold the 2 ppt and do some translation. finally sent it, and the literature. the sponsor used a lot of old literature lol. 
14 - wingstop and rice for bfast. mtbs today. no patient lmao. bu ningrum gave me cimol again! and a snack called selondok. waited out 2 pm with nessa. there’s a mom that came with upper abdominal pain. it did not improve after ranitidine, so she was referred. mom dad etc came to cilegon. i vacuumed. bujing lia had itches within like 15 mins of entering my room :(( lol. since the bed was put out, renata and i slept in yoga mat lol. nessa went to damkar. but i dreamed of something that night.
15 - mom’s spaghetti for bfast. off to pulau besar at 7 am. walked around the island a bit. swam in pulau kecil. ate at saung bonang (<50k per person!). tidied up the hydrovacuumed bed. a 20 ish minute ab and glutes workout with renata. love life talk. accidentally turned on live video in cld lmao. talked with aisyah due to said live vid. gave some brownies and spaghetti to mendel lol. dinner was mom’s chicken, kentang balado and capcay. 
16 - usila today. lots of patients with dizziness. ate mom’s chicken and spicy potato for lunch. 
17 - free day today. picked up my towel from sodaqo laundry. nasi uduk for breakfast. lazed. washed my undies. lunch was meat soup made by renata. watched run bts while eating indomie. watched extreme job (quite hilarious). filled my logbook. slept at like 12 am
18 - spaghetti for bfast. no patient at kia. promkes about hypertension. some patients at igd today. my mistake today was not realizing the pneumonia on a 8months patient with severely dehydrated diarrhea :( there’s also a 4 yo child whose fever did not improve after like 3 hrs and pct and compress. i have to be better :(. lunch was kanayam. bought chatime together with ness tri. tried lychee milk tea and the taste did not combine well at all. imagined better productivity with nessa even though its less likely to happen lmaooo
19 - fasted and had nongshim carbonara dry ramen for sahur. BP today. Almost bought martabak but its just keBMan on my part.
20 - vaccine day today. Filled logbook. went to mess and went back again to cibeber through the rain when i was called by the teteh. Helped the delivery (the mcroberts, to be exact), and got some hecting. The midwives were rly kind :) ness ren were sleeping so i got some silence for myself. It was nice. Tidied some stuff and slept
21 - mtbs. Whatsapp class for pregnant woman abt c19 vaccine. Bought martabak hokky medium (50k,green tea, chocolate, ceres and cheese). Turns out alfia also bought martabak assen. Fried mom's chicken and ate it with renata's porridge. Movie night, watched under the gods 1 along with popcorn
22 - woke up kinda late if i wanted to run, but the weather was cloudy and nice, so i went out at 7:15ish. ran a bit towards KS complex behind mess. walked through a jogging track, empty houses, krakatau bike park. played badminton with tri. washed undies. ate mom’s food for bfast slash lunch. napped a bit. off to o seven, bringing mom’s brownies. ordered green tea latte (25k), it tasted sweet and i had to remind myself that its not matcha lol. did some logbook and literature search for prof’s ppt. ate renata’s broccoli. folded clothes. tried nessa’s scarlett scrub. put on some lotion. mask. turned on fianti’s candle (smells rly nice and calming!). vcall with fi, scrabble and some talks. and suddenly its 11pm
23 - usila today. quite a lot of patients, so much that i was thirsty. dr yanti called since she needs some preskas docx. lol so sudden. bought mizone and dimsum kuy (10.5k with gofood pickup promo). the dimsum was good and fulfilling. didnt do anything else much in the mess. read a painter behind the curtain. it was rly rly good. all the characters made sense and had great insight. some are assholes (im looking at u, Raymond). ate the keripik mom bought from sidimpuan. first time actually trying it. its actually not that spicy lmao i used to think its the spiciest thing in the world. banana, brownies and protein shake for din din.
24 - empty KIA today. no promkes. or UGD patients. some mentoring on preeclampsia by dr Arif. went to BNI but turns out our card havent been activated yet.  cooked mom’s sphagetti sauce (thats not enough amount) along with egg and cheese. yum. had banana brownies and protein for dinner. started trial to blinkist
25 - BP today. reasonable amount of patients, accompanied by blinkist. tried ngikan by gofood pickup (17.5k). i still prefer kanayam’s fish and nasi liwet. a pregnant woman came to UGD. so i went back at like 7 pm, but turns out the mom went back home lmao. mas apit said i shouldve contacted him. point taken. so a nicely lit cafe along the way to pkm called Serada, so i tried it. It has industrial vibes. Got latte (25k). did some logbook. Read some blinks in bed
26 - vaccine today. Both screening and getting moderna lol. My arm hurts. So far no fever. bought roti O croissant and the usual coffee bread for 12k using gofood. Watched weathering with you. Turned on the candle. Read blinks
27 - arm hurts. but thankfully its mtbs. slept while waiting until 2. kanayam sambal matah for lunchie. finally took PCT that solved my headache and incoming fever and arm pain bcs i dont want to stumble while on the motorbike. watched harry potter #1. washed clothes and filled some logbook, powered by left over serada latte. need to sleep so i wont wake up late 2mrw
28 - mass vaccination in SMP RJ with mendel kak esa. 800ish patients. Lots of food and snacks and coffee. Picked up by mom and dad. Slept on the way. And like magic, when i open my eyes im at the airport. Basking in the silence of my room
29 - relaxed. Moms nasgor for bfast. Met up with atikah puy in kopi sedjenak. Tried their croffle with nutella. Went to racheels since its her online grad day. There were also sil and dev. Lotsss of food was eaten that day. Doughnuts, moms brownies, fruits, phd bigbox. Atikah and puy also came along to racils. Had lots of fun talk.
30 - sahur. Off to cilegon. A bit of road fixture was going on. Stopped in the rest area since i wanted to pee. KIA/ugd today. There was a patient who had an accident with a truck. Her nails were falling off. I panicked when Prof asked for his ppt so i hurriedly finished it. Had moms chicken for iftar. Fell asleep after maghrib
31 - usila. Renata fried bakwan and tofu and fish and chicken. Lotsss of fries yum. We played with makeup and ness set up her ling light. I imitated jks tattoo using eyeliner lol. Did the word for Prof. Jk went live for his bday!! I listened until i fell asleep (lol hes still going)
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