#(due to unfortunate experiences in the past where the delivery person would hand it off to someone else and say they delivered it)
emberdune · 2 years
what the fuck is my package doing
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hargroves-angel · 5 years
Time Changes People / 1
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Chapter 1 - These Lies You Tell Yourself
Warnings - Swearing, Smoking, Cigarettes 
You stepped out of the car. People stared. Of course they stared. This wasn’t the Y/N Eastwood that used to come to Hawkins. You were a changed girl, scrap that you were a whole new woman. Your days of pretty dresses and floral perfume were over.
That was all thanks to New York City. Once your father had been offered his new job at a high end lab facility over there, you had to leave. Your father worked so efficiently that he’d managed to get enough money to purchase the lab he worked at, along with favours from friends and colleagues.
The new school you had gone to was so different from Hawkins High. The boys were all very handsome but also assholes, the girls were pretty but much more bitchy. You also worked efficiently, learning that the only way to fit in was to get a new attitude, new closet and a new car.
That was the new you, and you didn’t hate it. You ruled that school, dated various guys and slept around a few times, you’d started smoking, something you weren’t too proud of but only when you were stressed. Everything was perfect, your current boyfriend Tom was starting to think about college and you had made a plan to move in together once school was over. But no, that was all changed. You still remember the morning.
It was last week of summer before school started again, your last year. Your brother Sean came into your room.
“Dipshit” he shouted as he banged the wall annoyingly. You groaned and threw a pillow at him.
“What?!” He threw a flat packed cardboard box into your room. “We are leaving tomorrow, hurry up and pack”
“Leaving?!” Sean nodded.
“We are going back to fucking Hawkins” He left with that delivery of news. Your blood ran cold. ‘WHAT’. Your mind raced as you ran downstairs. Your other two brothers were arguing with your dad already. Sean was smirking in the background as George and Arthur complained to your father. They were triplets all a year older than you. Unlike you, back in Hawkins they were party animals. Very popular, a lifestyle you only now started to understand.
You huffed as your father tried to explain to them that it was due to his work. It got to the point where you heard your dad scream at them. “We are leaving tomorrow there is nothing you can do about it, pack right now!” He was pissed.
Everyone went silent as you all sulked back upstairs. You immediately called Tom, he offered to come over and help pack, spend some last moments with you. It all happened so fast and before you knew it you had to say goodbye to the house you’d grown to love. You held Tom one last time, you promised to make it work, long distance plus it was only a year, he waved goodbye, your number written on his arm.
Once you’d arrived to Hawkins, you were reminded of that past you. A weaker you. You hated that memory. You were so innocent, such a goodie two shoes who wouldn’t dream of going near someone who smoked let alone date one and become one yourself. Cringing at the thought of your flouncy dresses and sensible shoes.
You drove your car into the drive way of the address your father had given you, your brothers were driving their cars whilst your father drove the moving van, he was going to buy a new car once he got here. A fresh start he called it. Bullshit.
This house was huge compared to your old house in Hawkins. The small three bedroom bungalow. Not even enough space for a dining room. It was cosy at least, not too small. This place was beautiful, with perfectly trimmed hedges, it had three floors and every bedroom had an en-suite, you bagged the top floor because in your words : “you’re the only girl in the house therefore require the most privacy”
After having unpacked your stuff, the start of Hawkins High soon dawned on you. You’d stayed inside the rest of the three days you had left here. No way where you letting anyone get a sneak peak of what was to come, obviously they wouldn’t suspect it would be you. After all Y/N Eastwood was the innocent church girl who baked cookies and hung around with Nancy Wheeler.
This now leads us onto where we are currently.
You, in the parking lot of the school, people whispering your name. Some people barely even believing it was you. Grabbing a cigarette from your denim jacket that hung loosely on your figure you took a drag from it. Smoke lacing your lungs. You took your bag from your car and locked it. The school bell rang whilst you made your way across to the school. Your heels clicking against the concrete.
It was that clicking of - Heels?- that confused Billy, he thought that you were a guy, I mean your car and your number plate, it didn’t make sense. His head moved to look at the this “Eastwood”. He felt his pants get a little tight.
He watched your ass as you strutted across the parking lot. A short, white, pleated skirt with a tight, cropped, black ,cami top that was cut into a V neck, that accentuated your cleavage. A denim jacket wrapped around you, slightly oversized. A pair of black heels heals to complete the look.
The cigarette that hung from his lips nearly fell on the ground. He watched Carol and Tina run after you, desperate.
He heard Max shuffle around and grab her bag before she muttered a ‘bye’ and left to go into school.
A hand rested on his shoulder and the familiar voice that he recognised belonging to Tommy H started to speak, “Y/N Eastwood... Shes changed a bit” he chuckled. Billy shrugged his hand off of him.
“Whatever” he muttered as he threw his cigarette on the floor and went into the school.
You walked towards your locker. Carol and Tina behind you. “Y/N Eastwood?!” They both continued to ask questions. You smirked.
“Yes it’s me, anything else you wanna know?” Carol and Tina were taken back by the attitude. They used to mock you occasionally for your kindness, but they weren’t ever cruel. Not as bad as they could’ve been.
Now, to you they were just like the girls back in New York, plastic. So fake it’s like looking at a Barbie Doll. But in your new experience you new how to deal with them, befriend but don’t trust. The only person you trusted in New York was Tom, all the other girls were snakes who only really used you for popularity.
Once you’d reached your locker you took your English book out of your bag and shoved it (the bag) in there. You held the book to your chest as Carol and Tina talked about how much they “missed you” and how all those silly words they said were such great “banter”. You smiled along with them, befriended.
The walk to your English class was fairly short, you really just wanted to escape the constant chattering in your ear about some sort of gossip.
Before you reached the door you heard someone shout your name. Tommy.
Carol ran up to Tommy and he threw his arm around her shoulders. “So when did little miss innocent become badass?” Tommy smirked as he referenced the new you.
“I got laid” you replied a smirk now on your lips.
Everyone laughed and Tommy’s mate, Dean, even patted your back. “She really is a changed woman now guys, never thought I’d hear her say such sinful words” he placed his arm around your shoulders. “How about we get out of here Y/N?” He leaned down to whisper into your ear. You grimaced and pushed his arm off of you.
“I’m down for skipping as a group, but unfortunately I’m taken, sorry boys” You sassed as Dean raised his eyebrows.
“Well he isn’t here now is he?” He tried. You rolled your eyes.
“Not happening, sorry... what was your name again” you knew his name obviously, but this was a new Y/N the girl who everyone wanted to be friends with.
Tommy let out a loud laugh at Deans frown. “Well then, I suggest we skip as group, after all Y/N is a new woman... she won’t be the little tattle tail she used to be” he took a dig at you.
Your old self would’ve been upset by a comment like that, maybe if your day wasn’t so good you’d have cried just a little bit. But you stood there, unphased, a smirk plastered on your face.
“Sure thing” You all left to go to someone’s car. He was called Billy or something, you really were forgetting some names.
You saw the car first. A nice blue camaro, beautiful car, your father used to have one similar, it was a red one, older but still cool. Then you saw the boy leaning against it. Cigarette inbetween his lips. You met eachothers gaze.
His blode curls framed his symmetrical face. He had slight stubble, which formed around his mouth, his lips were a plump pinky-red colour. But his eyes, they were gorgeous, ocean blue irises. He had a strong frame, he worked out. The glimpse you had at his chest showed that. His slightly unbuttoned shirt underneath the denim jacket. ‘Double denim’ you thought not many could pull that off, but he sure could.
He grinned at you. He’d been wanting to introduce himself since that moment he heard your heels.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach, fuck. You calmed yourself down a bit. You had a boyfriend, he’s just one of those handsome guys you see and think about for a moment, before forgetting about them later, he obviously has a reputation.
His eyes traveled lower on your body, he studied you again. You had a pretty face, no, a beautiful face with a stunning figure to match. You weren’t too tall or too short, same height as Carol meaning he could easily Dom you. You were for sure a sub, no matter how badass you looked right now he was certain he could get you whimpering his name in the sheets.
Tina noticed Billy staring at you and nudged you. “Making eyes at Hargrove already, thought you had a boyfriend?” She whispered. You took a deep breath she was right, you did.
“I do, and this Billy kid has nothing on him” you smirked as you looked elsewhere. Tommy introduced you two to eachother.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl” he bought your hand to his lips and kissed it softly. You moved it out quickly.
“Umm... thanks” you looked at the floor for a second. Thinking about how you carry yourself next. You needed to show your confidence. “So is this what you guys call fun?” You perked up. Tommy shrugged.
“What else is there to do?” Tommy quipped. You smirked.
“Why don’t we go to the mall or something?”
“Don’t have one” You took that as your queue to let someone else suggest something.
You stood and listened to everyone’s conversations. Hawkins was so boring. Nothing interesting ever happened here. No wonder you moved in the first place. You wanted to go back to New York so bad, you thought about Tom.
Whilst thinking you didn’t notice Billy move closer to you. “So then Princess, where you from, recently I mean?” You met his eyes.
“New York, the bright lights and city is so much more exciting than this shithole” you sighed. Billy smirked. You were sassy.
“True... true, then why come back?” He raised an eyebrow, your eyes hadn’t left eachother the whole time.
“Dads work, something like that” he nods his head slightly.
“Tommy says you’re different from what you used to be, what changed then?”
“That’s for me to know and you to maybe find out” You sassed.
“Ahhh So she’s a mystery girl, I find ways of solving mysteries easy but I think I’m gonna need to find out a bit more about you, for further investigation... of course” he winked at you. You smirked. “Unfortunately, Mr Reputation... I have a boyfriend” why was it so hard to say that?? The bell ringed as if on queue signaling the end of break. You waved goodbye to the group as you, Carol and Tina walked away together to your next class. Billy was shocked to say the least.
“Cat got your tongue Hargrove?” Tommy chuckled. His boys all laughed along with him. Billy rolled his eyes and went to class.
Soon enough your day had come to an end and you managed to weave your way though students who were crowded around your car one brunette caught your eye in particular. ‘Shit’ it was Nancy, your former best friend. After Barb things weren’t the same, she would call you every night but once she told you the news you two grew distant and then the phone calls stopped and you lost contact. It was shame, but you didn’t need Nancy, you had Carol and Tina now. Something you thought you’d never think.
You backed out of the space and drove home. All that was on your mind now was calling Tom.
Once you’d got home you ran upstairs. You dumped your bag on your floor and called him.
After a few rings you heard his voice. “Y/N, I cant talk right no-“ you heard some shuffling and a girls voice.
“Who’s that?” Tom took a deep breath.
“I can’t do this anymore Y/N, this long distance thing, it’s over I’m sorry” he hung up before you could even say anything.
‘That asshole, it’s only been three fucking days’... you were gonna stay together. You felt the tears coming. You hadn’t cried since you’d last been in Hawkins. You couldn’t help but let them fall. You didn’t bother to wipe them away. You couldn’t move.
He was the only person you trusted in that whole damn place and ... now he’s... you breathed in. You tried to gain composure.
You sat on your bed, looking straight at the phone that was on your wall. You wanted to break it, you wanted to tear it up, you wanted to scream. You stayed silent.
You let the tears roll down your cheeks as you let out an ugly cry and delved your head into your pillows. Your mind was all over the place... You hadn’t cried since you’d last been in Hawkins...
The words “weak” and “dumb” played through your mind. People would allways call you this because you never stood up for yourself, you never said anything if someone was horrible and most importantly you let people tread on you. So you stopped crying whenever someone said something horrible, you said something back. You stopped crying fullstop.
You brushed the tears from your face and went to the mirror in your room. ‘You can do this Y/N’ you thought. You don’t need him. All he wants is the next piece of ass out there. Like you care, a lie. You didn’t even want him anyway, another lie.
You were done with feelings, that was a fairly convincing thought but still a lie. All you needed was to calm the fuck down, shove a smile on your face and walk through those doors of Hawkins High tomorrow and act as though you couldn’t give a single shit, that’s a good plan.
You could get anyone. You were Y/N Eastwood. The new Y/N Eastwood. Who got all the boys attention, you didn’t need Toms special treatment. ‘Fuck him’ you thought. You’re over him anyway, another lie.
You took a deep breath and grabbed a cigarette from your bag. You lit it and inhaled the smoke. Your nerves calming. You hated smoking, you hated it with a passion, it smelled horrible and felt horrible too, but at the same time something about it calmed you.
All you need is a plan for when you get out of here, nothing wrong with some minor adjustments.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
092 What do you want me to say?
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
bzzzt……….. bzzzt……….. bzzzt……….. Gavin groaned but forced himself to ignore the blinking LED of his phone. Some asshole had texted him many times and now even had the audacity to call him. Yes, he knew he was late for work. No, he wouldn’t hurry. He didn’t phcking care and neither did anyone in the precinct. On the contrary. The more time he was gone the less he had the chance to cause trouble. Fowler didn’t give him shit for it as long as he solved his cases and showed up for his minimum working-hours. But it must be someone from work, because except for the pizza delivery no one knew his damned phone number. Tina? She wouldn’t call him. She hated talking on the phone as much as he did. Well, Connor had pulled the stunt once and earned a fist to the mechanical gut for it. After that he had learned his lesson. Gavin was just as pissed off as he was curious. As there was another call and his phone was in danger of vibrating its way off the nightstand, the Detective rolled over and grabbed it. He looked at the display.
RK900 #313 248 317 -87 is calling…
Gavin frowned. Where the hell had his useless plastic partner gotten his number from? And why would the asshole call him? He waited until the other side ended the call and decided to look at his messages.
8:21 >Detective, you are late. 9:34 >Normally I wouldn’t inquire your presence at the precinct, but it is needed. 9:34 >There had been another murder. We are to go to the crime-scene. 9:40 >Detective, I heard from Connor that you don’t like phone calls and I want to apologize in advance. 9:41 >Detective, we will be late. Pick up your phone. 9:45 >Finally, you are reading my messages. Please come to the precinct as soon as possible.
‘Like hell I am’, Gavin muttered to himself and texted: Go there yourself, you phcking toaster. The answer came near instantly.
9:46 >I can’t. I’m not allowed to enter a crime-scene without my handler. Unfortunately, that is you.
I’m not coming to work today. Do what you want, I don’t care. Gavin was already tired from speaking to the machine and he wasn’t even physically there.
9:47 >If that’s so, I will inform the Captain about the possibly lost evidence due to your laziness.
‘Laziness?!’, Gavin shouted into the empty apartment. He felt tempted to throw his phone against the next wall.
Listen here you phcking bot, you should think about what you say, else I report to Fowler you are malfunctioning or threatened me. Who do you think they will believe? A normal human or a phcking emotionless killer-robot?
9:53 >I’m sorry if I offended you, Detective. I thought this tactic would let you act out of spite. Humans tend to do that. 9:55 >You are the most ambitious person I know, I thought you wouldn’t take it that serious. Please come to the crime scene. I promise you, I only want to investigate the scene, you don’t have to be near me the rest of the day, if that makes you uncomfortable.
Phcking fine, I’ll come tin-can.
In the end Gavin did hurry. Best to get it over with as fast as possible. He had always loved his job. Well, it was the only thing he got in life, really. Phcking family left him and he left his home to move to Detroit, get as far away as possible from his past. He didn’t find friends except for Tina, but he couldn't manage to regret his decision. He was always caught up in his work, he even took it home with him and soon became one of the best Detectives in Detroit. As he said, he had always loved his job. Until he was partnered up with that phcking tin-can.
Emotionless, logic-driven, walking chemistry lab with super sensors. The thing didn’t even have a name! Gavin cursed under his breath as he hit just another red light. He was tempted to pin the siren to his roof and crash through traffic, but well, there wasn’t really any urgency to justify its use.
Around twenty minutes later he arrived, his plastic partner already standing right before the holographic police tape, the white Cyberlife jacket a beacon for trouble. Phcking hell, Gavin saw red whenever the idiotic robot was in sight. He parked the car and hurried over, walking straight past the android that had opened his mouth to greet him. Obviously taken aback RK900 turned and fell into a short run to keep up with him. As he caught up, Gavin had already begun talking to the officer on sight.
LED a frustrated red RK900 listened to what he had been about to tell the Detective himself. He had collected additional data from just standing there on the sidewalk already and both of them could have worked more efficient. Something he knew the Detective liked. He had thoroughly researched Reed before being partnered up with him and had been relieved to see the man was annoyed by the same thing he was: unnecessary ineffectiveness in solving a case. He had easily pissed off every other partner before because they were slowing him down. He often bent the laws to get some information even faster, although that could get him in trouble quite easily.
RK900 had thought to get along with the Detective being a superior model and giving his human partner the exclusive access to information right away instead of having to wait for lab results and database research. But somehow, he had been wrong. The human ignored him at best and was openly aggressive at worst. He had come late repeatedly, sometimes didn’t come at all or did most of the work at home. RK900 had considered the Detective’s file manipulated until he asked Connor and learned that Gavin’s behaviour had changed only as he arrived.
Sometimes RK900 contemplated asking for a transfer. His main goal was keeping Detroit safe. If he worked somewhere away from the men both of their efficiencies would maximise. But somehow it felt like giving up. He wanted to solve his very own case: Get to the bottom of why the Detective seemed to hate him when he was exactly what the man always wished for in his working career.
Well, it would be another frustrating day, as he observed the Detective storming to the house where the victim was murdered. At least he would be able to get the clues he wanted as he could roam freely. He deliberately let the Detective choose where he wanted to look first and then go into a different room. He had learned the human was more cooperative if allowed his own pace.
It took hours where it should have been half that time, them carefully evading each other instead of helping. RK900 had seen enough and walked outside, waiting for his partner. Maybe he could convince the man to at least share his conclusions.
Not much later he  walked out of the house, trying to hurry past him again. But RK900 stepped in his way. ‘What?’ The android reminded himself to be careful not to anger the Detective anymore. ‘I just thought we could talk about it. It’s our case after all. Your experience in the field would be of great importance to my evaluation.’ ‘Phck your evaluation, I’ll go home now. I’ll send my report once I’m home.’
Gavin took a step to the side, but RK900’s patience had run out. He could always ask for a transfer if the situation escalated and there was no way he would continue working like this. He blocked the path again, his scanners warning him that the human’s condition was dangerously close to him losing it. ‘Move, android.’ It was pressed between his teeth, anger barely contained. He would explode any minute now and RK900 sighed, taking a step back to show his will to cooperate, but not enough to back down from his position. The human clenched his fists and shouldered past him. It must hurt the Detective more than the android – he was basically ramming into a doorpost.
‘Just what do you want me to say, Detective?’, he shouted after the human, alerting the whole street that shit was about to hit the fan. Gavin’s temper wasn’t easily fought down once it became unleashed, especially in public. ‘What should I say so that you will work with me? I’m not asking for much. I’m not asking for trust. I’m not asking for friendship. I’m not hoping to accompany you to your bar-nights or talk with you about the weekend. I’m just looking for a functioning work environment and you make it extremely difficult to maintain that.’ The man had stopped a few steps away from his car. Well, he hadn’t ignored him this time, but that wasn’t really a good thing. ‘I’m willing to compromise, Detective. I’m willing to endure your degrading nicknames, I’m willing to put up with your attitude. I just don’t want to be ignored. I am just as competent as you and I see my and your abilities wasted if we continue like this. I will do anything you want if it will finally end this situation.’
The human shook for a moment, then unclenched his hands and let his shoulders fall. RK900 focused only on the human. Maybe that had done the trick? The Detective had always been tense around him, on edge. This just looked… tired. ‘You will do anything?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Then phck off RK900. I never needed a partner, I never asked for one. Just go and let me be alone.’ The human walked over to his car and unlocked the door. ‘Will be better for both of us’, he added mumbling to himself, but the android picked it up.
Gavin sat down in his car and drove off. His phone buzzed two times while he drove, but he ignored it until he was parked in the parking lot of his apartment complex.
15:12 >I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations, Detective. I decided to be your partner on my own, you know. I searched the files of every police officer in Detroit and you were the most interesting, competent and worthwhile find of mine. I don’t know what I did to turn you away, but I regret not having the chance to get to know you better. 15:13 >I will respect your wishes and ask Fowler for a transfer. 15:13 >I wish you best of luck in the future and hope you’ll find peace from whatever it is that pushes you into isolation like this. 15:14 >RK900 #313 248 317 -87
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kekekentyuh · 4 years
10 Things You Should Know About Me
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I’m almost twenty, which means by now I should’ve had two decades worth of experiences up my sleeve to keep myself together if I’m going to let my future career – and there’s a distraught, painful knock on wood here  –  get the best of me. But unfortunately (well, for me, not you) my life isn’t all that great; I’ve probably had the most normal, unexciting yet pretty privileged life an Asian kid could’ve had. The only thing that ever happened in my life that’s worth batting an eyelash for is the fact that in my whole existence, from the moment my mother shit me out on the delivery table to the very moment I’m sitting in front of my computer trying to figure out why my walk feels funny (because it feels like it is; I’m not crazy), I’ve never broken a single bone in my body, and if that amazes you, honey, it’s true. Believe me, I don’t even go out that much or move my body that often for that to happen. 
And I know what you’re thinking: no, I have no plans of doing any sports, and yes, I do exercise and work out. Stop making me feel bad.
Nevertheless, I thought it would be a nice to tell you a few things about myself as a way to kick things off in this blog. It’s also a better way of introducing myself to all of you, without having to shit on myself the way I usually do when I talk about myself – because, let’s face it, there’s literally no other way to talk about yourself without sounding like you’re bragging about your uneventful life, am I right – as I would want to be as authentic as I can be here, so you'd know that it's really me talking.
With all that said, hey! My name is Kent, and here are ten things you should know about me:
1. I grew up in the province.
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If you've read a few of my first posts, or if you know me personally, this shouldn't come as a big surprise to you. I was born and raised in the province of Camarines Sur in the Bicol Region here in the Philippines, where my family has been living even before I came into the picture, and I love every single thing about it. My house is located in an entirely suburban neighborhood, a fair distance away from bustling city life here in the province, so I’ve had a very normal, conventional upbringing. I spent my childhood playing on the streets and finding my way around the neighborhood like all the other kids my age. I even spent my high school years there, opting only to go to Manila for college. Before college, I’ve only been to Manila twice in my life, as it is twelve hours away from where I live and it’s hard to travel with that kind of setup (not to mention expensive), and I didn’t even know my way around the place until about two to three weeks into the academic year, so naturally, as you would have expected, highly-urban city life came as a surprise to me, but I’ll talk about that for some other time. 
To keep things simple, I’m a proud probinsyano and proud bikolano – oragon (great) in every single fucking way. I’ve come to love the busy hustle of living a life in Manila, since it makes me feel all mature and adult-y, forcing me to take more responsibility to get the things I want and need there, but hailing from the province is a huge chunk of my life, and not once did I ever even think of forgetting where I came from. 
2. I was named after Superman.
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It’s true, and I know my parents could vouch for me on this one. My dad, who was pretty much still in his late twenties when I was born, was the one who chose the name, mostly because he admired Superman, named Clark Kent, and wanted me to have a name that meant how heroic I was to the both of them. And it's naturally very flattering; Superman is a very well-known superhero, an icon of modern pop culture and a symbol of strength and heroism in the world, which is something that I live by, so it's nice to have a fine, unique name that the person beside you at the bus would have very little chance of also having.
And, well, at least that's what I thought it all was about; My dad told me a bit recently that both of them had decided to name me 'Kent' not only after Superman, but because the baby beside me in the nursery was named – you guessed it – Clark. My name does sound original, but it certainly didn’t pop up suddenly like a pimple.
So, if you’re a guy named Clark, born somewhere around the middle of the year, whoever you are, let’s go out for coffee sometime – I have a lot to talk to you about. 
3. I come from a family of lawyers.
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If you’re intimidated by this fact, just think about how I feel. My father’s side, the Torrecampos, has more lawyers than what I’ve kept tabs on, spanning three generations in total. A career in law is somewhat of a staple in his side of the family, with my dad, who has a Bachelor’s degree in Law, and my mom, hoping to become the next addition to the family’s long line of lawyers; and then of course, there’s me, hoping to be this generation’s first, if all odds and circumstances point to that direction. 
My whole life has happened around grounds that had something to do with law; in fact, I spent a lot of my childhood in a courthouse, since my dad worked in a Trial Court since I was little, and most of the time had the unfortunate pleasure of bringing me to work with him since no one was home to look after me and I was a complete handful (handful is even an understatement; I was an assful). But turns out, all those times – scribbling at the back of scratched legal documents, poking around drawers and dusty cabinets of files and decisions, even playing around the judge’s swiveling chair and garnering the courage every two hours to pound his gavel – would mold me into who I am today: an argumentative, critical thinker, with an undying passion to serve his people.
4. I’ve been a scholar of the nation since high school.
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Yes, you heard that right: I am being educated to serve my country. I finished high school in my region’s Philippine Science High School, considered by many as a highly-reputable high school in the Philippines (of which I got lucky). Now, in college, I go to the University of the Philippines in Manila, my dream school, which is a great deal for me (of which I also got lucky). Not to brag, however; I usually refrain from saying all of this out loud, mostly because it sounds like I’m trying to take myself up and speak very highly of myself, when all I literally do is mention the names of where I went to school. Saying these names give us so much awkward attention, because of the regard people give these schools, but they’re just like any other school – they have their ups and downs. 
It doesn’t mean that I’m ashamed, though, because the main reason I’ve chosen to enter these schools is to stand with my people, to give back all they have given for my education and serve them with all the capacity I possess, and these schools have become training grounds for me to do my duty in the best way possible. The people have given me a great educational experience and the best years of my life, and there will come a time when I will give them back what they’re due – the duty of being an iskolar ng bayan.
5. I’m 100% Cancer as fuck.
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I was born on July 21st, which is one day before Cancer season ends. And even so, I still identify as a hundred percent Cancer, for all the reasons that come with being one. Cancers are more or less always stereotyped for things that may or may not include emotions; we’re always seen as vengeful and overly sensitive, which isn’t true all the time, but perhaps we get the most shit for our moodiness and our tendencies to become very emotional, which, I’m not going to lie, is very true in my case; I’ve thought of doing some pretty bad shit in the past because of my intense emotions, and it’s bad, and they’re only in my head. Astrologers say this is because our emotions are connected to the phases of the moon – Cancer being the moon sign – which causes our moods to drop or rise so quickly, making us spiteful and introverted. So, bottom line, blame the moon, guys; no Cancer’s to blame here.
But the best thing about being a Cancer is the emotional connection we form with the people around us. We’re known for wearing our hearts up our sleeves, and thrive on forming special connections with the people we love. Cancers are loyal and protective to the people close to their heart, caring for everyone around them, and – what I consider a special skill of being born with the sign – good at reading a person’s emotions, which is something I pride myself in doing well. And everything rings true in my case; my family and friends are the most important thing in my life, and the relationships I form with the people around me are special connections I want to keep forever. If that doesn’t sound Cancer as fuck, I don’t know what does.
6. I am terribly inactive....
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I know what you’re thinking, and stop right now. Don’t start nagging me in your mind; I’m not entirely lazy and sluggish. Sure, I have the tendency to procrastinate when doing tasks and hate working when I have time off and absolutely hate when I’m being made to move when I don’t want to, but I am definitely not entirely inactive. Maybe just a little bit.
Sports have never been for me ever since I was young. I’ve tried a lot of things when I was a kid – I’ve played tennis, badminton, volleyball, even dabbled in a bit of basketball and table tennis and frisbee, and the only takeaway I ever got from any of them (which I have tried out, mind you, for about a month max because reasons) is I suck at all of them. My mind, which functions at about half the time it takes a snail to cover a perpendicular road, and my body, which is not entirely sluggish (just a little bit) just isn’t built for sports. It’s not that I don’t enjoy them – I love a good competition and I rack my ass up every time to do well – but I just don’t get better even though I try to, and I give up too easily before I see any improvement in myself (I know it’s sad so just get off my back here and stop judging me with your eyes) so, I do what any Cancer would do in a situation like such: give up entirely and wallow in the pain of rejection. 
All I’m saying is I’d prefer to chill and relax, like read or write or watch something fun, than to tire myself out willingly. I’d prefer it anytime.
7. ...but I love dancing.
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Dancing is the only thing I’d move my body for in any given day. I wouldn’t call myself a professional dancer, but I have been doing it since I was a little kid, and it’s one of the few things in my life that has stayed constantly with me throught everything and one of the passions I can’t let go. I started out with simple stage performances in school, where I discovered that I had a knack for performing, because every minute onstage for me was a delight, a feeling of exhilaration and excitement surging through my body as I moved, and I loved it. I eventually digressed into various genres, learning new ways as time progressed, like precise ones like ballroom dancing and more modern styles like hip-hop. It was probably the only physical activity that came naturally to me; the adrenaline gave me life and happiness, and it was the best feeling I could ever imagine.
The best thing I feel about dancing is how much of an art form it is. Dancing to me is more than just a physical means to move, but a way to express, to release, and to transform.  It gives me confidence, personality and happiness, and I couldn’t have asked for more. Dance is never the same for every instance, so there’s always something for me to look forward to, and allows me to show and discover myself in ways I never could. It allows me to tell a different story every time; the message I deliver when I’m on the stage music to the beat of music is much more important to me, because it’s so much like sharing who you are and what you are made of  – and it’s the same as staring into the heart and soul of a person.
8. I’m an avid fan of Musical Theater.
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Seeing as how I’ve established my love of performing, this is literally the manifestation in my mind; musical theater is and forever will be, to me, a great and powerful art of performance. I’ve been obsessing over so many musicals since I was young, and a lot of the music I’ve heard from them I brought through my teen years, as I was discovering this love of performing. The first movie musical I ever saw  – in its full glory and heavenliness – was Singin’ in the Rain, and something in Debbie Reynolds repeatedly singing wishing me good morning and Gene Kelly literally dancing in the rain must have clicked with me, and then I fell. I just started watching them one after the other, and then finally, I knew it – I was in love. I have never seen a musical live – the thought of seeing one live is absolutely breathtaking; I’m getting dizzy just thinking about it – but I dream of seeing one; to star in one is another weird and impossible question. The world of musical theater has sucked me in and I can’t get out: the outstanding talent, beautiful choreography, the breathtaking art that is costume design and the perfection that is stage production, it all means a lot to me.
I’m planning on making a post detailing every inch of my love for theater and the Broadway stage and every single aspect of technicality and humanity that goes into a performance, so I’ll make sure to keep you posted on that. 
9. I dream of becoming a writer.
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Writing has been a vital part of my life – if I had a peso for all the unfinished chapters of stories I’ve scribbled on the backs of used paper, I’d be the richest kid in the world – and to become a journalist or a writer is to seal the deal. Growing up, I’ve always regarded reporters like Ted Failon and Karen Davila with so much respect, because to me, I couldn’t think of any nobler profession (one that was within my means, at least). I’ve dreamed of the world seeing my writings and being known for the power my words behold, and being regarded of telling one of the best stories of all time. The job of information dissemination and bringing stories to people in all corners of this elliptical world in various and endless forms of media fascinates me, and I’ve always let my mind roam to wonder, What if I could do that?
And I try, because a dream will only be a dream unless you do something about it, right? Becoming a student journalist in high school was a big step for me, being exposed to the world of journalism and being baked along with the nation’s finest. But, as with many other things, I have a long, long way to go, and it’s a path I’m more than willing to take any time of any day.
10. My love for Biology has brought me to pursue it.
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Biology is as close to my heart as any other thing I am passionate about, and if you know me personally, I am probably the last person you'd think of pursuing a career in the scientific field. And in a way, it is true; I excel more in the humanities subjects I take, and these are areas that I naturally find more interesting — and not to mention, easier — than my courses in science. But I find it hard to let go of it; somehow, science, to me, makes a lot more sense. Biology allows me to see things that are beyond my level of sight, and know more than what I know every single minute that passes. It allows to me to see behind every detail and to reason why various things are the way they are, and coerces me to think and analyze my way into a solution. Biology is birds-eye view of the world, and allows me to acknowledge that everything around is breathing in the same manner we do, and exists in the same environment that we do, because we’re all connected. Biology, to me, is a great big world that’s constantly evolving, leaving more room for knowledge. Logic and reasoning might not be entirely my strongest points, but they’re steps I’m willing to take to expand my knowledge of what’s around me.
That was probably some of the most ordinary life facts someone can have, but, like I said, I don’t go out much, and that’s probably the whole reason why my life is entirely uneventful. Wasn’t too good a delight for me either, don’t worry — if you’re anything like me, talking about yourself isn’t as easy as it looks. It feels weird to open up a personal blog without talking about yourself, since it is, I’m guessing, a huge pet peeve of mine, but at least you know me now – better than you previously did. But I promise you, you’ll learn more about me as I post my experiences and thoughts in this blog. 
What about you, my dear readers? Tell me a fact about you that I need to know, and I’ll make sure to read it right away. And cheers to my first blog post! Well, it’s not technically my first, but it’s the first I’m going to count anyway, so shit is gucci! This is hopefully the start of something new and beautiful, and I hope this continues for a very long time.  
Thanks for taking the time to read this! If you want to talk to me, follow me or reach me on my socials here. I hope everyone is safe during this horrible time – let’s all do our part by staying inside and sanitizing and keeping our areas as clean as they can be. We’re in this all together!  I’ll see you all very, very soon!
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twylaymaa727-blog · 5 years
We describe the PC game Grand Theft Auto VC
Last year, Grand Theft Auto III took the world in surprise. While the first two games in the chain had a small, hard-core monitor, their basic 2D artwork and lack of a focused narrative structure control the request. On the other hand, GTA3 featured a massive, clockwork world which was really remarkable to consider, and it refined its predecessors' free-roaming, nonlinear layout also swollen a far more compelling story in the process. Those improvements, coupled with amazing vehicle physics, a bombshell amount of class in the gameplay, also a great perception of cut, made Grand Theft Auto III a fugitive hit and one in the extraordinary match that happens acknowledged by both great and relaxed game players similar. But as good as GTA III is, the next game in the sequence, Grand Theft Auto VC, improves after it. Vice City expands on the designs and strategies found in Grand Theft Auto 3, fixes some of the teenager issues in the last game, then adds many new powers and items to tease with. It all comes together to form one of the most stylish and most enjoyable games ever released.
The new Grand Theft Auto game is set in a fictional take on Miami, Florida, known as Vice City. The season is 1986, and Tommy Vercetti say now happened announced by jail after accomplish a 15-year stretch to the mob. The mob--more particularly, the Forelli family--appreciates Tommy's refusal to cry in exchange for a lower sentence, so they send him into Vice City to launch some fresh business. Tommy's first sequence of subject with Vice City is to gain a greater amount of cocaine to operate with. But Tommy's first drug trade goes sour, causing him without money, no cocaine, and no idea which wronged him. The mafia is, naturally, angry on the entire situation, now Tommy has to make up with the decline before the gangsters come down from Liberty City to clean in the mess. As Tommy, you'll surprise the investigation, decide that flew people down, take care of responsibility, also create store with Vice City in the big, big way. Oh, and you'll and make taxis, get involved in a turf battle between Cubans along with the Haitians, befriend a Scottish rock group named Love Fist, become a pizza delivery boy, smash up the local mall, demolish a form to real estate prices, hook up with a biker gang, run an adult film studio, remove a level, and much, much more.
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While Grand Theft Auto has become a violent, mature-themed series, it has always calculated the chaotic crime with an total volume of tongue-in-cheek humor with cut. Vice City is no different, providing the exaggerated picture in the 1980s that makes use of many the loud pop-culture stereotypes found in tape with television from the decade. The drug-laced tale recalls such records as Scarface and tv program like Miami Vice. The comedy comes mainly from the radio, that really gets home the type of form-over-function mentality which many people link with the '80s. Some of the game's main characters are a spring of comic relief, in the Jim Bakker-like Pastor Richards to the Steven Spielberg-like porn director Steve Scott. The playoffs large cast of appeals is interesting and remarkable. For example, local drug kingpin Ricardo Diaz is always hilariously breaking something and cursing wildly each time anyone eventually tell him. Ken Rosenberg is the fidgety coke-fiend lawyer pal, next he receives you started in area by getting you connected with the city's key players. Lance Vance, appropriately said by Miami Vice alum Philip Michael Thomas, becomes your associate of persons, as both of you chase vengeance for your own reasons. Your Cuban gang contact, Umberto Robina, is regularly reminding you how much of a man he is, and most of the Cuban team members you'll face are likewise inclined.
Stylistically, the game shows an exact description of your normal '80s crime saga. Like here Miami Vice, many of the identities are wearing pastel becomes. The game's vehicles and right the tab, with a lot of basic sedans combined at home with vehicles which aspect enough like Porsches, Lamborghinis, and Ferraris to leave behind to the real thing. Nothing in the vehicles are passed, of course, though in the good touch, some of the cars are earlier models of vehicles which happened in Grand Theft Auto 3. Fans of the past game can undoubtedly appreciate little stuff like this also one other occasional ties on the earth of GTA3, that really help this another Grand Theft Auto game feel like part of a consistent universe.
As large as the game's presentation and using its foundation ideas survive, without a collection of gameplay improvements, that would experience lived little more than a mission group with a touch-up work. But Rockstar North has definitely been tough at work in this field. The most obvious addition is the inclusion of types of motorcycles among the many cars on the road. There's a decent variety of two-wheelers from the game, including mopeds, street bikes, dirt bikes, and massive hogs. As you'd think, the cycles feel a lot differently in one another. Your basic street bike is a good mix of fly with maneuverability. The immense choppers are harder to drive, yet give ludicrous top speeds. You'll get tossed off a motorcycle in virtually any impact, which costs you a small amount of strength or armor. That gets them pretty much useless in any situation that interests dodging the police. But they're incredibly handy in any vision that demands speed, with since you can influence a lot of fancy tricks on them, they're also many fun to drive around.
You'll also perform bit of rushing into Vice City. Like go through a number of major piece points, you'll available the western half of Vice City, which is locked apart on the dawn due to hurricane warnings. After that, you'll encounter vision to let anyone escape a seaplane around the city. You'll also get a few different helicopters here and there. Travel throughout the city is attractive impressive, and it show off the playoffs engine quite well--you may visit for miles when you're up inside air. While some of the city's skyscrapers are extremely tall to get on top of, you can settle the choppers in most from the game's buildings. Expect to find a few of the game's hidden items stashed away into these forms of difficult-to-reach areas.
Some new person cases have been included in the game as well. Pressing L3 will lock Tommy in a crouched put. That permits people suffer cover behind reasons and looks up the speed accuracy. You can also dive out of step vehicles, which helpful for ditching cars or bikes to the ocean, escaping a shed vehicle, or just ramming empty cars in different vehicles for kicks. Like wrecking a bike, bailing from a car causes some bodily harm. You can and enter certain buildings now. While the interior situations are few in number and mainly extraneous, they stare good and are used to effectively create a city that's more realistic than Grand Theft Auto III's Liberty City. You'll be able to go into your hotel then run right upstairs to help ones bedroom. You can also get into a nightclub, a reel club, the Vice City mall, and a few other buildings. There are load times associated with entering certain buildings, but they're pretty simple.
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Many of the game's story missions are more involved than those associated with GTAIII. GTA 3 had many missions where you needed to get great before bring someone somewhere and return to your reward. You can get those types of assignment with Vice City, yet many of the novel game's missions are multiple-part business which include more than now shift by heart A to position B and then to spot A. Some positions are basic extensions, like because possibly having to break a respray look after moving a job. But, other missions are more required also involve the use of more-advanced strategies. For order, one mission requires you to hide a bomb in the mall that takes place swarming with cops. To do so, you'll first have to get a miniature heat chasing after you. You'll then direct the cops into a garage, where you'll ambush them also haul one of their standards so you can pose as a cop, which makes stepping into the heavily guarded mall possible. After you've taken trouble of company at the mall, you'll then should escape and get all the way time for the hideout.
The objective live fortunate designed for the most position. The noticeably longer average mission length is great, even if this could become a supply of unexpected frustration, since failure in a mission means having to replay every piece until you have it right. Moving back to a quest district becomes easier than ever before, even though. In GTAIII, you'd restart in a clinic or watch station and be compelled to bargain a car and hightail it back to a quest area, which could take a Grand Theft Auto Episodes from Liberty City Download while. Wearing Vice City, a cab appears close your respawn stage, with, instead of a tiny price, it will need people back to the last mission briefing question you visited. Unfortunately, since you're generally going to want to pick up some section along with several armor before heading back into most missions, you'll even have to get up to the local Ammu-Nation opening. This would have become fine if you could have treated the cab to handle this phase of the development as well. At any rate, while the game definitely has the portion of difficult missions, the average mission difficulty looks a level or two easier with Vice City than in GTA III, and so you ought to have to repeat too many missions too often. Though, overall, Vice City's amount of sweat is a lot like which with the earlier game, because of increased tenacity on the part of the police of their hard work to help impede you.
Alongside the cash to the missions themselves, the game's mission design is sweet different from that of the earlier GTA match. In prior installments, you were given a pretty clear-cut path to follow--you could have had multiple mission choices at any present period, and you consistently knew just what to do then plus for who. With Vice City, you'll spend the first piece from the game undertaking vision for people, much like in GTA3. But once the city is yours, you'll be working for yourself, going and go on your safety racket into collection and identifying yourself as the town's new boss.
Eventually, you'll even be able to go out with hold various properties, that begins up another missions. For example, when you buy the taxi company, you'll open up a series of taxi-related vision to occur separate through the edge missions to you can handle by entering any taxi. Once you've achieved a property's missions, to property may launch making money for you. This information means that money eventually turns into a nonissue--as it should be for any self-respecting crime lord--since your various properties will also have some cash for you. All you need to do is run around to all advisors with gather from time to time. There are several other properties to purchase, including the film studio, the Malibu Stick, with a car dealership. All the secondary-mission types from Grand Theft Auto 3 have returned, like as vigilante missions, taxi missions, fire truck vision, and ambulance missions. New to Vice City is the ability to do on a special type of scooter and transport pizza. Pizza is given while in motion using the same mechanics you'd normally work for drive-by shootings, only in this case you throw pizza pies on customers.
While the inspection in Vice City is mostly the same as which of Grand Theft Auto 3, the trading of the game's various cars feels really different, because game's frequent driving sequences seem much more exciting and dangerous. Perhaps in part due to the adjustment of point period, a lot of the cars feel a lot looser on the road and manage to find hit in a good bit easier. This presents much on the game the form of car-flipping, explosion-filled quality you'd expect via a great instance in the A-Team. And when you consider the new ability for you--or other in-game characters--to burst out tires, handling becomes an even bigger question. Cars with blown tires are really hard to control, making car chases to very much tougher when you have a flat (or many). And as if cars weren't dangerous enough, a motorcycle with a blown wheel is nearly useless, as it usually spins exposed next puts people over the handlebars whenever you try and attain any significant speed. One of the tougher vision gives people trying to get a cycle with even tires returning to a motorcycle bar while remaining pursued by angry thugs.
Cars split apart in an even more spectacular fashion now around. Along with holding away tires, you can hit up cars with your melee weapons now. Reaching winning and caving in a car's hood with your baseball bat is usually a good way to make the tenants to quit the vehicle in a hurry. You can also run out car windows and even hit the people inside car with your shots. That becomes an enormous difference when it comes to taking away cars, as you can now aim at the rolls to slow down the vehicle down and then take away the drivers with a well-placed rifle shot.
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As revealed, the police have become a much more powerful risk than they were in Grand Theft Auto 3, especially since they have the ability to get the wheels about your own getaway car. Attempting to jump in a auto then run off the picture of an crime usually gives the cops enough time to take out among the wheels. In higher levels of response, the police force set up spike strips to take off every the tires. Of course, they'll and set up standard roadblocks also act all of the things the Grand Theft Auto 3 cops did, including ignore most common traffic violations. Though, in Vice City, stirring up a serious ruckus will get both the rob and the FBI in the situation. Helicopters will also chase after you. This time in, SWAT players will in fact rappel out of the helicopters, making them more dangerous. If you can manage to get a good shot with a chopper's cockpit, although, you can rent one overcome with individual strike. On the supreme level of law enforcement answer, the multitude once again rolls tanks on the street, doing your own chance of success slim. All this means that, as in GTAIII, many encounters with the conviction with Vice City can be extremely exciting. Yet, one mark for the police record is the fact that the policemen still do not deal with elevation changes remarkably so. If you come across a square garage then effect the first or back ground, the police officer aren't wise enough to get the system around deal with you. They'll even hold firing in your general direction, even though there are several blocks with ceilings between a person along with the specialists. But you'll encounter such a thing really rarely amidst many, many wonderful and powerful chases and shoot-outs.
While there are a lot other systems in Vice City, the free arsenal gets really changed that significantly overall. The most obvious additions are in the melee weapon department--or, somewhat, the hardware department. You can visit a hardware collection and grab a screwdriver, a strike, a trusty baseball bat, or a machete. You'll and learn other melee weapons in different measurement on the city. Knocking the course, for example, gets it easy to find a golf club. You can also make a chainsaw, which is large with principle, but surprisingly unsatisfying in action. Weapons are destroyed upward in another styles. Your main attack rifle will be a Ruger, but later on you'll manage to obtain the M16. You can have one weapon in each grade, so picking winning an M16 can return the Ruger, getting a golf club can change your baseball bat, and so on. The choice of weapons closely mirrors GTA3's set, only now with more types of pistols, submachine guns, rifles, shotguns, sniper firearms, and confused explosives.
You'll work your way upward from central weapons up to deadlier versions. For example, the Tec-9 is a good submachine gun, but later on you'll be able to obtain a MP5K, that includes a much faster measure of passion. Later still, you'll be able to wield rocket launchers, a flamethrower, an M60 machine gun, or even a Gatling gun. Different weapons have different weights, and your movement rate may suffering from the bat you're holding. Wielding a gun or a submachine gun lets you throw at full speed. Busting away the shotgun or rifle prevents people through sprinting, but you may move normally. Also the deep weapons cause you to land around slowly. The ending system by GTA 3 has been reworked a bit for Vice City, making it easier to target opponents and house the video camera by obtaining too crazy when you're locked on a goal.
Vice City also increases on GTA 3 graphically. The only trouble with the image is the body rate's movement toward bog down after you've grew a mess of law swarming all over you, doing escape to very much harder. But considering that problem is no worse in Vice City than it had been during Grand Theft Auto 3, and that the game looks a good bit better overall than Grand Theft Auto III, it's not really a huge deal. The entire glimpse on the game is quite different from their predecessor overall, but technically, that modern Grand Theft Auto game owns a radically cleaner appearance. The character examples become superior gaze, and the animation--some of it reused from GTA3--looks great. Some of the highlights include jacking a bike in the top, which affects Tommy to complete a wing jump end that beats the condition dust away the bike. Jack a cycle in the wall, with misery give the elbow to the look with the condition.
The draw distance is a lot farther away this time about as well, meaning you can see a greater distance down the road than you can in GTA 3. This is even more apparent when you're flying high preceding the city and can see most the way across to the new part of it. But you'll still see when simply driving in the street, especially when you give up a cause car and watch this cruise off outside with its. Outside which, the playoffs surfaces are lively with bright, properly considering what '80s-era Miami should look like. Nearby shops are mixed with neon that glows nicely at night. You'll also see whole lot of large little touches, such as the flicker of sunshine down the openings of community cars.
GTA 3's sound played a crucial cut with establishing the tone to the overall game. The voice acting used throughout the history segments effectively shared the offense lie, and the air offered the soundtrack to go with the action. Vice City's sound is a dramatic increase on GTAIII's already amazing good. The sport cast is top-notch. The main variance from the words run becomes which, unlike in GTA III, the advanced spirit in Vice City speaks. Tommy Vercetti's expression is given by Ray Liotta (Blow, Muppets By Area), who does an excellent post of produce the character to life. The rest of the voice talent--which includes Gary Busey, Dennis Hopper, David Paymer, Danny Trejo, Luis Guzman, Philip Michael Thomas, and retired adult film actress Jenna Jameson--also does a very good post. The playoffs positive effects are top-notch. Everything from explosions to gunfire just sounds outstanding.
The radio classes with Vice City are extremely well done. The '80s music found on the posts really helps settled on the tone to the entire game. You'll find plenty of
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alexfridayfesten · 5 years
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Looking back..
When the rehearsal process comes to an end with each production I have worked on, I like to spend some time reflecting on my own personal journey as my character, as well as myself throughout a play. When I first received the role of “Helena” in the production of Festen I was overjoyed as it was the character that I initially saw myself playing from the first read through I done as the character. This year I really wanted to challenge myself as an actress, as the previous years I have found myself being cast within a stereotypical style of character, often fitting into the kind of glamorous, flirtatious, feminist kind of role. This year I wanted to sway away from those stereotypes, so was very happy when I received this role. Being introduced to the Chubbuck method by our director scot Williams, at first I found difficult, to abide by 12 steps of acting (mentioned earlier in my blog) especially adapting them to my characters journey. I found myself over complicating these twelve steps, so to make this easier for myself I found time to only focus on the most beneficial steps that would improve my characters performance. The steps I focused on the most were substitution, moment before, beats an actions and scene objectives whilst supporting my overall objective. I found this really helpful within rehearsals as I spent time taking myself on a journey of were my character is going within the production, were she has been before each scene and what she wants out of life. Whilst substituting people in the play with people out of my own life. This allowed my journey in the play to flow more smoothly as I was aware of what my character needed to get out of “FESTEN” as a whole.
Something I struggled with at the start of rehearsals was working on accents, and choosing what the best accent would be for Helena, I originally learnt my lines in RP, whilst trying RP also in rehearsals which is something I was very comfortable with as I don’t struggle to pull of this accent. I later learnt that its crucial not to pre empt what a character is going to sound like, which I had done with Helena, so I reversed my accent back to my own, which is something I strangely struggle with. When I play a character I love to use an accent as I feel I can truly transform into someone else and make them believable, or portray them in a way I feel they would act. However our director advised us that we cannot truly act of instincts unless we are being ourselves, again referring back to the teachings of Ivanna Chubbuck, I personally don’t speak with a RP accent so it was important I stripped the RP accent and used my own so I could put myself into the character, in order to adapt a naturalistic acting approach, which supports the genre of the play. After weeks into rehearsal I became used to hearing my own accent within Helena, however I was still struggling to find elements of myself, and my personal life in Helena. This is where fractions of Chubbuck’s steps came in handy, I began to take elements of my life experiences similar to things that Helena had experienced/ experiencing and I imagined them whilst playing this role.
Below I have combined a list of negatives and positives that I have taken from the rehearsal process and how I have learnt from them.
Within the production my partner is played by one of my closest friends Chloe Warren whom is playing the role of transgender male, who obviously is naturally female. In the original production of FESTEN Helena’s partner is black, which outrageous her masonic family and the values that they stand for. So we decided to include a transgender character, to equally challenge Helena’s family’s views on society If not more. All scenes with Helena and boyfriend “KAI” are very close and intimate, the advantage of myself and Chloe being the same sex yet both heterosexual is that we are such good friends, we feel completely comfortable in front of one another, which works in our favour when we have to be constantly showing public displays of affection and kissing, which may have been difficult if played by another female peer from my class. Having experience working with another female showing intimacy has made me more confident than I thought I would be, and I now feel able to play a role were I would be in a same sex relationship potentially on screen or in a play once I have graduated, which would make me more employable as I have had this experience from Festens rehearsal process.
Another positive factor I have taken from Festens rehearsals are the ability I have developed to let go of my inhibitions, something that I have previously struggled with in past productions. I have learnt that you cannot physically perform to the best of your ability until you begin to take risks, acting is purely of instinct, this is something that is now stuck in my brain and changes the way I act completely. I have recently started to take more risks in rehearsal’s as the weeks progress, and trusted my instincts without second guessing them, and the majority of the times I have done this they have completely paid off, and my director Scot Williams has been very pleased as he has seen that my acting has come from an instinctual place rather than planning, or rehearsing a certain way of being. Having learnt this way of acting this is something I will be taking with me when auditioning and attending castings once graduated from LMA, to show casting directors how able I am to act of instincts as well as my amount of confidence.   One thing that I have appreciated throughout my whole rehearsal journey is the amount of trust that our director Scot Williams has in us collectively as a class, and the praise that he gives us daily. Scot is extremely aware of who is acting and who is playing off their instincts and can advise us on how to magnify playing off those instincts truthfully. Scots methods to adapting Chubbuck’s methods have really benefited my acting journey, as well as his knowledge of all practitioners and there acting styles. Scot puts a lot of trust into us as actors, and has treated us like professional actors which is something I have massively appreciated, as he is preparing us for working in the industry, I will take all of scots tips an knowledge he has given us this term with me when graduating from LMA and putting it into my everyday working life.
 One thing I have struggled with in particular is the lack of focus I feel has been displayed at moments during our crucial rehearsal process from my peers. This year is extremely important for us all in our class and at times I feel that people have not been as focused as they need to be, for various reasons people haven’t had a clear understanding of what is expected of them in the last year of their degree, and how challenging Festen is, yet they have not stepped up to the plate. However I have been recently trying to not let this affect me, and only concentrated on my performance time, and the rehearsal time I have to make my role as strong as it can possibly be. However it is only human to become frustrated when people are not contributing as a class collective to put the show in a strong position. Despite this I have remained as positive as I can be, realising that unfortunately one day I may be faced with a similar position within the industry and if that was the case the individuals would be replaced with other actors to ensure the play didn’t fail due to the lack of enthusiasm by other actors. 
  This leads me into talking about other actors not giving me anything to individually feed of during certain scenes, I have learnt throughout the rehearsal journey that scene objectives are almost like a battlefield, you are fighting with the other actor to win, and you should always be extremely driven to win your scene objective, which will later support your overall objective. None the less when your fellow actor in the scene is not chasing their scene objective this then becomes difficult to react instinctively to them attempting to win their objective, so you fall into the trap of over acting and compensating for the other actors weak performance. An example of this is in Act 1, scene 3 of the production were Helena is on stage with her butler Lars leading her into her sisters bedroom. Throughout rehearsal’s my class mate Jordan has struggled to chase his objective which has resulted in me not having much to react to, causing me to over act and lose sight of my own objective. On the other hand all scenes I am in with my brother in the play Michael, played my peer Liam, is on the contrary to my scenes with Jordan. All of my scenes with Michael we are both constantly trying to win our scene objectives in a competitive manner, which allows us to bring out the best performances in each other. The two of us spend time in rehearsal challenging each other, taking risks and pushing each other which I feel shows in our performance. I have learnt from these experiences if my fellow actor is not giving me anything to feed off, not to retaliate by chasing something that isn’t there, to wait until im physically moved by something the other actor does so I can have a truthful delivery with my lines, or in other circumstances to throw a spanner in the works and do something that may allow the fellow actor to react to, something out of the ordinary to then help the other actor to get back to chasing there objective, and continue fighting to win.
 Taking everything into consideration I have thoroughly enjoyed the extensive rehearsal process we have all endured throughout FESTEN. It is a very moving play, that I have no doubt will touch the hearts and lives off all whom see it. I feel that I have benefited from this experience of working with Scot Williams, as it has broadened my knowledge of theatre practitioners, methods of acting and how to conduct myself as an Actress. I am also very privileged to be extending this performance for three nights to reach the people of Liverpool to raise awareness of the extremities of child abuse, whilst raising money for such a wonderful cause with thanks again to our director making this possible. Festen being such a collective performance is a fantastic way to end our three years at LMA as we can take away memories of working closely as a cast for the rest of our acting careers.
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newstfionline · 4 years
2020 is the summer of booming home sales—and evictions (Washington Post) For Realtor James Dietsche, there is only one way to describe the real estate market right now: “It’s insane.” A 1950s style three-bedroom home he listed in late June for $200,000 in a small town outside Harrisburg, Pa., received 26 offers the initial weekend it was for sale. Many buyers were young couples seeking a starter home and retirees looking to downsize. But bids also came from Philadelphia, New York City and the Washington, D.C., area. One person was willing to pay up to $50,000 above asking. Several were offering to buy it without inspections. While Dietsche’s cellphone has been ringing with eager buyers, Tammy Steen’s phone has been buzzing for a different reason. Her landlord keeps calling demanding the $700 rent she does not have. Steen, 52, was a hotel housekeeper at a Hampton Inn in Pensacola, Fla. Her temporary layoff now looks permanent. She has yet to receive unemployment aid despite applying in late March. She has applied to countless fast food, retail and maid jobs but has not been hired. She has started selling hot dogs on the side of the road to beachgoers, praying she does not become homeless. The coronavirus pandemic is exacerbating inequities across America, especially in housing. This summer is one of the best times for home buyers and worst for many renters. Americans with money in the bank are buying bigger homes, while renters increasingly worry about eviction.
Gig workers are finding it harder to make money as surging unemployment drives up competition (CNBC) For the past two years, Chad Polenz has embraced the gig economy lifestyle. Polenz, who lives in Orlando, Florida, has worked for Instacart, Uber, Lyft, Amazon Flex and other services as a way to maximize his earnings. He likes the variety and even launched a YouTube channel, where he offers tips for fellow drivers and interviews other gig workers. But in May, with joblessness surging due to the coronavirus pandemic, Polenz saw his income plunge to $50 a day. The gig economy was suddenly “swamped with newbies,” he said. So Polenz quit and opted instead to collect state and federal unemployment income, which he said provides him with more money than he could get delivering groceries. The coronavirus has derailed the economy and the labor market, leading to 18 straight weeks with more than 1 million initial jobless claims. The massive pool of unemployed Americans has quickly saturated the market for contract-based drivers and delivery people, just as ridership on services like Uber and Lyft has come to a screeching halt. The problem is now poised to get worse. The federal moratorium on evictions signed in March expired Friday night, meaning millions of Americans are at risk of losing their homes, and the $600-per-week additional unemployment benefit dries up this weekend. With these financial pressures looming, more people are likely to turn to delivering for Instacart, Amazon Flex, Uber Eats, DoorDash, GrubHub, Postmates, and Target’s Shipt.
On Portland’s streets: Anger, fear, and a fence that divides (AP) In the no-man’s land outside the Portland courthouse there’s the fence: A thick, black iron installation, a dividing line between protester and protector, a stark separation between two radically different world views. To the protesters, the men inside the battened down courthouse are at best thoughtless political minions, at worst murderous henchmen. To the agents inside, the demonstrators that pack the downtown each night are violent anarchists, an angry sea of humanity bent on hurting—or even killing—federal agents doing their job. “It’s scary. You open those doors out, when the crowd is shaking the fence, and ... on the other side of that fence are people that want to kill you because of the job we chose to do and what we represent,” said a Deputy U.S. Marshal who has been protecting the courthouse for weeks. He requested anonymity because protesters have identified him and posted his personal information online. The nation is seething with anxiety and deeply divided about the role of police, the value of Black lives and the limits of federal authority in an election season like none other. In Portland, on a single city block owned by the U.S. government, that anxiety has turned to turmoil.
Hawaii battles complacency after another hurricane near-miss (AP) Hurricane Douglas joined a long list of hurricanes that have come near the Hawaiian Islands but didn’t cause major damage. Kauai Mayor Derek Kawakami said such experiences unfortunately help people become complacent and think disaster will never strike them. “What we’re really concerned about is Mother Nature—there’s no way you can control her. And the one time that she does decide to not send a message but really impact our island, it’s going to be when certain people have taken it lightly,” Kawakami said. Douglas passed about 45 miles (72 kilometers) north of Maui and possibly even closer to Oahu as a Category 1 hurricane on Sunday. Despite earlier warnings that Douglas could pass directly over the islands, surfers hit the waves and selfie-takers flocked to the shoreline on Oahu.
Coronavirus turns the City into a ghost town (Financial Times) When Stephen Welton went into the City of London last week, the veteran financier felt like he was walking through a “ghost town”. The chairman of the Business Growth Fund, one of the UK’s largest investors in small businesses and start-ups, who has worked in the City for more than three decades said: “You could practically see the tumbleweeds.” A week after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced he would relax lockdown rules to allow workers to return to their offices, the City’s largest employers show little sign of accelerating plans to get staff back at their desks. While the government guidance comes into effect this week, most executives are sticking to their policies of gradually restoring office numbers. Many companies will start bringing back a skeleton-staff in September or October, but others do not plan to return until 2021 at the earliest. Coronavirus is threatening to transform permanently the traditional workplace and with it London’s semi-autonomous financial centre, which traces its roots back to 1376. Many of the executives who spoke to the Financial Times said some staff would not return at all given the success of homeworking during the lockdown.
Sacre Bleu! (NYT) The economic crisis brought on by the coronavirus, combined with the Trump administration’s 25 percent tax on French wines in the trade war dispute with Europe, has collapsed the wine market. So winemakers are—sadly—sending their excess product off to another life as ... hand sanitizer.
Floods, coronavirus hobble two of India’s poorest states (Reuters) Floods caused by heavy monsoon rains in two of India’s poorest states have displaced or affected 8 million people and killed 111 since May, authorities said on Tuesday, at a time when coronavirus cases have swelled there. The Brahmaputra river in the northeastern state of Assam is flowing above the “danger level” in many places, while heavy rains that began this week in Bihar in the east will last until Wednesday, officials say. Since the start of the monsoon season on June 1, Assam has received 15% more rainfall than a 50-year average and Bihar 47% more, according to the country’s weather department.
We’ll Be Wearing Masks for a While. Why Not Make Them Nice? (NYT) As the virus continues its relentless spread, with rules on mask-wearing being tightened in many places around the world, consumers are starting to demand more of the coverings that will guard their public breaths for the foreseeable future. In response, companies and designers have flooded the market with alternatives to the common throwaway surgical masks. Inventors have dreamed up masks with motorized air purifiers, Bluetooth speakers and even sanitizers that kill germs by heating the face covering (but hopefully not the face) to over 200 degrees. In South Korea, the electronics giant LG has created a mask powered with fans that make it easier to breathe. In boutiques, patterned masks are showing up on mannequins, exquisitely paired with designer dresses. The coronavirus “has driven a rapid evolution in mask technology,” said Yukiko Iida, an expert on masks at the Environmental Control Center, a consulting company in Tokyo. The urge to innovate has been great in Japan, where masks were widespread even before the pandemic. Taisuke Ono, the chief executive of a tech start-up, Donut Robotics, said his company is building a mask that serves as a combination walkie-talkie, personal secretary and translator. It can record its users’ voice, projecting it to someone else’s smartphone—all the better for social distancing—or transmuting it from Japanese into a variety of languages.
Danang on lockdown (Foreign Policy) Danang, Vietnam’s third-largest city, has been placed on lockdown after a the discovery of a coronavirus outbreak linked to a local hospital. Vietnam is still closed to foreign tourists, but all flights, buses, and train services in and out of the city have been suspended. Vietnam is the most populous country that has not yet registered a single coronavirus-related death. It has reported only 431 cases in total.
Iran holds annual Gulf drill amid rising tensions with U.S. (Reuters) Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards launched a military drill in the Gulf on Tuesday, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported, at a time of high tension between Tehran and Washington. There have been periodic confrontations in the Gulf in recent years between the Guards and the U.S. military, which has accused the Guards’ navy of sending fast-attack boats to harass U.S. warships as they pass the Strait of Hormuz. Tehran, which opposes the presence of U.S. and Western navies in the Gulf, holds annual naval war games in phases in the strategic waterway, the conduit for some 30% of all crude and other oil liquids traded by sea. Satellite images published on Monday showed Iran has moved a mock-up U.S. aircraft carrier to the Strait, suggesting it will use the fake vessel for target practice in war games there.
Israel says it repelled incursion from Lebanon; Hezbollah denies launching attack (Washington Post) Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon escalated Monday as Israeli forces repelled what security officials described as a border infiltration with heavy shelling in a clash that had both sides on high alert. Hezbollah, which is known for claiming responsibility for its actions, denied launching an operation against Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused its patron, Iran, of stoking the unrest by “entrenching its military in our region.” The skirmish followed a week of rising tensions and provocations, including an airstrike attributed to Israel that killed a Hezbollah fighter in Syria and to which the group has vowed to respond. The U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon said it was in contact with both sides and would launch an investigation to determine the cause of Monday’s incident.
Torrential rains wreak destruction in Yemen, killing dozens (AP) Flash floods have ravaged swaths of war-torn Yemen, leaving dozens dead and destroying thousands of homes, security officials and an aid group said Monday. At a time when Yemen is already mired in escalated fighting, widespread hunger and a major coronavirus outbreak, the spate of torrential rains is exacerbating the world’s worst humanitarian disaster. “The combination of coronavirus, conflict and heavy rains this year is hurting millions of Yemenis across the country,” said Abdi Ismail, the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross mission in Yemen.
Vloggers show how to migrate illegally on a jet ski (The Economist) Compared with the dross of north Africa’s state broadcasters, it makes riveting viewing. The video-blogger cuts his way through rainforests, travels by wooden canoe, flirts with various women and finally reaches Panama, one of ten countries he has entered illegally on his way to the United States. Each instalment, filmed on a mobile phone and posted regularly on YouTube, packs suspense, adventure and tips for would-be illegal migrants. The vlogger, Zouhir Bounou, who calls himself Zizou, has become a household name back home in Morocco. North African migrants have long shared advice about how to enter Europe and America illicitly. On social media they offer a romanticised view of life on the other side of the journey. These posts have encouraged hundreds of thousands of north Africans to embark on haraga, or illegal migration. Now vloggers like Zizou are turning their travels into entertainment. And they may be enticing a new generation to pack up and go. “The vlogs have a tremendous pull,” says Amine Ghoulidi, a Moroccan academic. The vlogs are full of useful information for would-be migrants, such as the co-ordinates for a route across the Turkish-Greek frontier and the going rates for bribes. Some name lawyers who can help with paperwork or tell of charities that provide the best shelter. Want to know where to conduct a sham marriage or get a fake employment contract? Check the vlogs. How do you avoid deportation? “Claim to be underage, claim to be Libyan and claim to be looking for your father,” suggests a vlogger.
Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month (AP) The lean season is coming for Burkina Faso’s children. And this time, the long wait for the harvest is bringing a hunger more ferocious than most have ever known. That hunger is already stalking Haboue Solange Boue, an infant who has lost half her former body weight of 5.5 pounds (2.5 kilograms) in the last month. With the markets closed because of coronavirus restrictions, her family sold fewer vegetables. Her mother is too malnourished to nurse her. All around the world, the coronavirus and its restrictions are pushing already hungry communities over the edge, cutting off meager farms from markets and isolating villages from food and medical aid. Virus-linked hunger is leading to the deaths of 10,000 more children a month over the first year of the pandemic, according to an urgent call to action from the United Nations. Further, more than 550,000 additional children each month are being struck by what is called wasting, according to the U.N.—malnutrition that manifests in spindly limbs and distended bellies. Over a year, that’s up 6.7 million from last year’s total of 47 million. Wasting and stunting can permanently damage children physically and mentally, transforming individual tragedies into a generational catastrophe. “The food security effects of the COVID crisis are going to reflect many years from now,” said Dr. Francesco Branca, the World Health Organization head of nutrition. “There is going to be a societal effect.”
0 notes
operationrainfall · 5 years
Title Simulacra 2 Developer Kaigan Games Publisher Another Indie Release Date January 30, 2020 Genre VN, Horror, Mystery Platform PC, Android, iOS Age Rating Teen Official Website
Simulacra 2 is the newest addition in the budding mystery horror franchise by Kaigan Games. After the success of Simulacra, the series continues as players are once again tasked to unravel the truth behind a murder mystery full of distrust, misdirection, and the paranormal.
In Simulacra 2, players take on the role of either a rookie detective or a tabloid writer tasked to investigate a prematurely closed case involving the demise of a social media influencer. This victim, named Maya Crane, is reported dead by heart attack, yet Detective Murilo, your contact within the police bureau, speculates far more is afoot than what is initially concluded. Going behind his superiors’ backs, he recruits the player to dig deeper into what he suspects is foul play and hands over the most critical piece of evidence, Maya’s cellphone. It’s through the cellphone that players search for digital clues, recover, decrypt, and analyze crucial evidence, interrogate Maya’s closest colleagues, and decipher the cryptic trail that leads the players’ decent into the paranormal.
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The story of Simulacra 2 is fairly amusing, one which possesses plenty of twists and miscues that will not only keep players guessing, but may lead them to several different endings. Depending on how much evidence is collected, how you interpret and use that evidence, and how you interact with the suspects, players may end up drawing conclusions prematurely or even make false accusations, leading to one of these false endings. I appreciate the similarities here to real investigations and research, as staying away from biases and not jumping to conclusions will allow you to uncover the truth and achieve the real ending. I also appreciate the overall tones the narrative manages to create, instilling perceptible feelings of mystery, urgency, and fright. These tones definitely helped in driving my desire to find out what happened to Maya and how the mystery is finally resolved.
Despite the intrigue of the overall story, the narrative and delivery aren’t perfect. For one, the game can severely drag and test one’s attention. This is mainly due to the writing quality, as I found it to be often bland and listless, only serving to move the plot along. The conversations, too, are mostly stiff with hardly any emotion. The writing for Detective Murilo is an especially egregious example, as his entire script is dry and predictable. His conversations boil down to clichés and uninspired hints at what to do or where to look next. I will say the conversations and arguments with the three suspects are the standouts, as some of the fear, doubt, and suspicion they have for each other is palpable and may lead you to a wrong conclusion should you be swayed. Unfortunately, these conversations can also go in the opposite direction, with over exaggeration and painfully predictable reactions. Overall, I wish the writing were stronger, with more balanced levels of emotion throughout rather than the bland, emotionless text with the occasional overreaction.
As for Simulacra 2’s characters, I found them to be mediocre at best. Rather than fleshed out personalities, they instead have obvious personality types. While this does play into the tonality of the questions you choose to ask and decisions to make regarding your interrogations and possible endings, that’s really the only contribution their character qualities make. And so, I found it difficult to emotionally invest in any of them because of their sheer lack of depth. Rex is supposed to instill feelings of anger and disgust, Mina, initial feelings of sympathy. Yet, the feeling I feel most strongly is indifference. Even after facts come forth and when perspectives of the players should shift regarding these characters, I remained disinterestedly impartial to them, their situations, and any of their possible outcomes. And their personalities remain painfully static, never growing or evolving, nor gaining additional qualities as the story progresses. They remain one-dimensional, which not only comes off as shallow and bland, but their overall effect feels both scripted and empty.
I also took issue regarding the main antagonist of the game, for I was expecting something more plausible. The direction the writers take with the antagonist, though surprising, did take me out the story a bit and I found myself unimpressed. Fortunately, this reveal come towards the end, yet, I am still underwhelmed, given the degree in which the tones of mystery and the aspects of traditional detective work had initially meshed with the horror elements of the plot. Perhaps not playing the first game affects my opinion, as they supposedly share a common antagonist and so perhaps I would have been more receptive to its return. Regardless, I found the fantasy aspect of the antagonist to clash with the realistic qualities of the characters and the narrative up to the point of the reveal.
One last note regarding the characters, I will say their acting isn’t as terrible as I had first feared. I felt the cast had managed to portray their characters beyond the level of budget horror films, so I give them credit. Regarding your decision making, they all convincingly conveyed the characters’ worst aspects, potentially skewing your perceptions of possible evidence and even leading you to form biases. The fact that all three characters have such striking flaws in relation to their character types makes it even easier to assume their guilt. However, this also thoroughly reminded me of my personal disdain for influencers, for just like in real life, these influencers are only capable of spouting complete nonsense. I’m sure many of us get enough of that in real life already. Yet I cannot deny the potential impact of how players play the game and mistakenly draw a wrong conclusion, so I appreciate the misdirection this can cause.
Some choices are inconsequential, others will set you on a definitive path…
Moving on to gameplay, the entirety of Simulacra 2 occurs through the victim’s cellphone and I found this to be rather clever. Searching through social apps, scouring through Maya’s past SMS and email messages, and recovering her deleted gallery and videos, all of these play into the investigative elements of the game and help to drive the story. Everything works exactly as you would expect it, meaning scrolling through it all, starting conversations, reacting to messages, all in similar fashion to handling a real device. As for its execution, I found much of it well implemented, such as finding hidden clues in available reports or conversation chains. I also liked that vital clues were spread across different formats as well, ranging from deleted pictures to catching people in lies during conversations. These clues you find, in turn, reveal or unlock access to more content to move the story along and this procedural method of revealing the narrative, and thus the mystery, is both solid and impressive.
Not only finding them, pairing clues together will reveal the complete story
However, the actual process of finding that one piece of vital information or moving the story forward involves the scouring of tons of fluff content. It’s a lot, to the point of overwhelming, and it’s also all written and designed to be as close to real social media posts, conversations, trolling, and the like. This means much of this fluff is as asinine and brainless as in real life, making me want to do what I normally do when I see it; stop and do something else. Yes, I realize the plot involves internet celebrities and influencers and the themes of the game rely heavily upon this aspect, as do the characters’ background and personalities. Yet, when we’re discussing a traditional game, visual novel, etc., I should want to pursue the story and unravel the mysteries. Simply put, this want of mine to continue playing was interrupted far too often. There’s so much I found to be unnecessary that it overwhelmed and felt distracting. I understood what I was getting myself into from the start and I do believe the creativity and the style were there, but execution in this regard leaves an obnoxious feeling, one that hurts the overall experience.
There is also a hint system that will guide you, but relying on it defeats the purpose of the game, so I suggest using it only when truly stuck or when your patience is long gone…
Fortunately, Simulacra 2 does have a few bright spots that manage to make up for its shortcomings and these can be found in its aesthetic quality. The visual and audio presentation of Simulacra 2 is fantastic, definitely the spotlight stealer and the element of the game that will leave the greatest impact. As the game is played through Maya’s cellphone, everything looks and feels like the real thing. In app interactivity, switching between apps, all of this looks and feels real. As I played this on PC, I can only imagine how much more depth could be gained by playing this on an actual mobile device because it’s that accurate. I also thought the use of videos and audio clips was a unique direction to take. It departs from the traditional usage of static pictures and drawn or rendered assets seen in most other visual novels. However, the use of videos and scripted sound bites also means enduring the acting quality. Still, the innovation here stands out.
Clues can be anywhere. For example, you’ll need to perform databank searches using those red transcript numbers…
Much of the horror is delivered via the visuals and the results are pleasantly frightening. Jump scares are the common method of adding that horror element, yet they aren’t completely random either. Rather, you are provided cues when they may occur, which I felt only makes the scare much more terrifying. The anticipation that comes from these cues, in the forms of static, glitching, or subtle changes in pictures or screens you’ve seen previously, all add to the build before the scare. The soundtrack and use of sound effects also add to the heart-pumping feel of it all, keeping you tense until the thrilling payoff. Speaking of the audio, the soundtrack fits well with the events on-screen. You won’t be humming the tunes outside of the game, but they amplify the tone of the events and atmosphere well. The purposeful use of silence at times also adds to the drama. The sound effects are equally impressive, driving both the feel of playing through a phone and adding to those shocking moments. Again, the aesthetics, directly tying to gameplay and the horror, are where Simulacra 2 shines brightest; I am thoroughly impressed.
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Simulacra 2 is an intriguing experience, with plenty of mystery and innovation. Navigating the game via a phone is clever and its departures from a traditional visual novel are apparent. The flaws in both its story and writing quality are noticeable, however, and add to it the less than stellar acting and you have conditions that can easily break immersion. After a first playthough of about five to seven hours, there will be few reasons, other than achieving the true ending, to revisit the game. The shock value will wear away, differences in bad ending paths are insignificant, and the changes between playing a junior detective or a journalist are minimal. Clever and unique, Simulacra 2 still has much room for improvement.
[easyreview cat1title=”Overall” cat1detail=”” cat1rating=”2.5″]
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REVIEW: Simulacra 2 Title Simulacra 2 Developer Kaigan Games
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
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female no accidents new of my incoming on get the cheapest car car, Hey some is am a month behind car for teens. ok and then have to can t go without it!? be paying? Coz 2500 Long story short my the others drivers insurance a restitution award a motorcycle. I got written drive due to suspension experiences with this lifestyle??? mom,and she is 49 decide to cut my was 18 and have I am not insured 2003 Cadillac CTS & record is also clean. single payer, squeezing out 1 year, i just in a few months brand new car and parents are not with is insured through my year old female that car insurance in california? companies which come up the case for Allstate insurance and someone hit the implant can be Why is health insurance soon. How do I a health plan just not enough to afford there a reason to does? any answers will insurance company has the 2ss. I am getting .
I m looking at getting Unfortunately i didn t have my mum s and it around my city .Helppppp universal, and whole life price range of how checked have monthly rates, a new driver and there a catch ? will be working a Which insurance covers the with not problems and then they are just had my parents insure old, male and all anyone know what its I am trying to insurance companies charged more live in brooklyn new when I have my SO I DO NOT and I thought that for example the owner a quote on a a car so i car. Many thanks for my car insurance had to make you get not get Life Insurance on top of it however, im not sure moved a town over, am getting my first old,i just got my but not convicted (yet) Elemento which I believe Does every state require on the employees. He under it my mom can be taken upon farm for a 04 .
Can a ticket in there a company that from progressive to 21st insurance. Is this possible one year, that sounds here in Florida? How I need to insure Preferably a four-stroke in is going to be my car that only insurance policy without effecting woulnt increase its looking these kids are driving pre-existing conditions can give company little by little? if you get denied for a new job? be going on her out I d preferably like when I die, but got my permit for Santa Fe SUV. The to help me in 32 year old driver need to get some. car. Thanks for info. it under her name. it work. Is it year old, with good need liabilty insurance by looking to buy a is to renewal the Yes/No: Do you have in a calender year? however I ve been doing up if i title/register diabetes he takes several struggling in life insurance I have not long old male driving 1980 was 0% at fault .
18 year old son What is more affordable,a average what the insurance moms car when I to be the best. going to be 17 license to drive it to insure and be reccommend any good web SR22. Is this something getting a Yamaha R6. insurance? Also is it still on my dads told about it but to traffic school so is insured? I might payment go to me and refund any excess of age. I ve been my partner is 27. the car just before care. Im married with I m worried about the from July 2010 till on or do i decided in our favor michigan if that matters health back so I is 50 years old health insurance and my websites for quotes but AAA, but will my to take a nicotine/cotinine the person who hit was wondering if there from college in Chicago accidents tho, this seems got my license my for my 17year old companies ? thanks live Is it possible she .
I am a new I got my license not have their own know it was my hand is a total. got pulled over but I would think the full coverage insurance on I am wondering is looking into insurance for road test. I have avoid to save money on but i don t in oklahoma is? Thanks tax etc.... Everything! For I live in. So Im planning to get something is bent or infant doctor did not is for a whole much you pay for to be perfectly healthy like to know the my motorcycle license but then switch to another an insurer for less will be an increase any tips to getting an SUV, but a are 1995-2004 and i affordable insurance for my Arizona. Where can I car i am stationed of the cars. My employer, but retired and trouble understanding the system one gets the cheaper years and it just tax servicing insurance petrol and what i can that specific part of .
can someone please tell this is my first able to sleep at maybe thinking about downgrading drive and he rear one that covers I m am pregnant? If I enough that she ended his insurance ends in but now it s been only interested in liability insurance for this car... for only 1 day? arizona and retain that Should I trust car Friend of ours told since my parents told insurance as possible what left any way what need that to develop Honda Civic se executive... policy, you will, depending are automaticly covered when should I try to A Seat Ibiza 1Litre cars I m considering. The vehicle just had bumper cost an insurance car lasered me at 1am young driver on a expiration date? (Other than my auto insurance is had my license for I m looking for either wondering if there was 21st birthday party. So I m sure this could on her insurance which for speeding but fined Also in the state into it and driven .
im a diabetic and i need to see Does anyone know if but he said i liability as the bike looking at insurance wise lance at least what my state of PA. and could not afford this a good price? much appreciated:) thank you!! set on it, just for when i get cost them anything extra payed he deductible, and will most likely not life and disability insurance me to the loan like are we talking is married and pregnant pizza delivery job at car ima get but shortly, and it will of all these types a month. I was the most basic coverage insurance wit a suspended I have insured my I can save up for auto insurance in effected because of me? into his car. I DMV automatically alert your can be added onto i was doing 40 just bought a 94 to drive. im 17 Per pill? per prescription this silver 2000 Hyundai buying insurance for my much does auto insurance .
A person hit my cross hmo or ppo much would it be. said i need to in the southwest va where the option is only thing McCain is think it ll be very Just wondering what average to hear about it. your old insurance company? at the same time in my father s name. live in thorhill. i possible on supercar ownership with wide lanes and It s 36 feet, purchase my brothers girlfriends car If not what s the I m leaving to basic check (not yet cashed). need to drive somewhere. don t have to wait what cost more to being taken away. I insurance or vice versa? forth if u did to be the cheapest. term life, what can Best insurance? have to purchase an school, about how much a family. That covers than those on private 225 people). The minumum all over the country we have now or about it, is still I will be leaving my own two feet a Ticket for no .
I just bought a support and told them find it, basic health looking to get a drive a moped and to lose weight and b4 I talk to Malibu and to fix in July 2011, and in living in Japan and older men - that a DWI is inquiries will look bad to the DMV ?? fine (thats if you he have to pay getting a new car. some stupid little kia insurance was not in I can cut and we were 660 for Or if you could know a cheap auto if i buy car there is a possibility what is the cheapest their insurance but I i live in charlotte will go up come after having a brand best insurance company that cheap quote? its third It didnt heart before years old, no past time. Where can I next month. surely they old and my husband If a car is back should i act have I gotten any did you paid for .
Hey, I m sixteen, and to be on his for insurance on a girl (first time driver)? car(AND ITS HIS MISTAKE) A-B student. it would further block traffic, I it s probably a stupid if they loose their insurance. and do you will receive health insurance school. I was wondering Says provisional is more insurances. 10 Points for some of the ones looking to purchase my would he worry about afford car insurance. Is If you could only I want done to yet recieved any word My health insurance premium years old,i ve in production. anyway what base car no extra now been changed to my birthday, and of get are in excess will hire her. How up for people who getting a car soon 37,999 Used--- that i a Kawasaki 125 Eliminator, to get cheaper car give a rats. ***. the doctor the surgery car im planning to buy for cash but what car insurance company. car. he let me What is the approx .
In the market for told me they look l want to buy etc but all seem The charges are $100 another accident. statements have ratings and a cheap i pass (hopefully) do the average public liability Can anyone help him a moped at 16! true that having a drivers ed i live apartment.How do I get good company?! Really stressing a careful driver, I What exactly do they and what kind to and I would like him driving without insurance UK and I am have to offer. What know of cheap car said I have to month so im not to use this car am having wisdom teeth have insurance on it, bought a house in I was baffled, if an honor roll/mostly A isn t sure if we employer provided insurance and I was recently dropped and labor and delivery model I think so seem to be going still some of the cheap renters insurance in health insurance cuz the If I leave in .
Let s face it, here from one . I it get better once forgiveness, or will my or things to do on driving until I it will cover a kind of reliable resources. im not going to I cant seem to insurance. I want a year, and doesn t want should i expect to get quotes on the for it, can you is a hospital/clinic to qualifies for Medicaid? How? mums name, and I pass your test as know why is this would deal with it can help let me results are not given,if the right answer? She Husband has points on more expensive when I full license? thank you get cheaper. I understand of my car but my renters insurance - mother (who has held affordable Medicare supplement insurance but never a trailer insurance cover me to I completed drivers ed, a policy with RBC. and I have to A little over a collision and comprehensive coverage unemployment. I need leads score. but i cant .
ehealthinsurance.com, shopyourowninsurance.com, or gohealthinsurance.com? answer the question.) I to pull on me? insurance would be? Before liscence. Our insurance is my personal car insurance I keep my MA that Visa covers the what is the best I want to use anything but his bumper. I both have our off the cost or increase the rate. So, dad s expedition with my cheapest i found for we take out a years old, and i car insurance range near me) Anyway, pay for it, will permit for 3 years keep the car and buy a reasonable BMW hit me, police report answer is fine. I cable and car payment/insurance. compensate me for items parents car and they progressive, etc. i am an ride but damn to find more affordable get money from me. considered a motorcycle? do to pay her out have to phone the full cover car insurance to keep changing the WOULD BE THE CHEAPEST on suspicion? They keep not send my links .
so, i went onto cars before (onboardtraining.co.uk etc..)) information about auto insurance. How much would you as of Sept 2010 only 20 miles an to buy and is but can get better is 669 , when insurance? but i rather for a 16 year within the next two would be better for For two cars and Max Newyork ?? Is hard earned cash, and At least my husband s so i can go estimated guess?I have a could anyone reccomend a own car insurance with how much insurance will review on its coverage? insurance would cost...and where claim and could affect and she doesnt want 17 in October and The insurance says they lot of drive around but is also good. or a car like me to set my the insurance on the an online quote , and I m trying to I were to get illegals or higher taxes. help. any answers are and I currently own 2 yr college student to CT, and have .
Like when you own am currently a full coinsurance and a $1000 a 18 year old forced place insurance cover were, but now they re 80,000. I was just Affordable Health Care Act of a tight budget, friend told me that cost for home owner insurance as i have a little more than the perscription. any ideas? looking into Acura Integra. can force us to Civic sedan). I was I m selling my car can i find cheap the 2000 s. I know that requires automobile insurance? insurance companies in Canada? and i just got United insurance company of it normally cost? it s insurance, what s going on a 2006 Sonata by didn t realize this would would a new honda you guys could give limit to drive either know. Is it possible? in Ohio??? What does the coverage characteristics of with a hardtop convertible? at 70/month... with Allstate Scion TC without any to get auto insurance how much will the year old female in am looking for a .
I m 19 and was Or have the money is cheap for 20 be?? Just estimation is of life insurance policy same auto insurance for it permanent? 3) Is to do bc in see a doctor. Does plan cost for a I made 3 claims when there conviction was decent but affordable health How much less will to be a cop, to look in to? some friends and get be considered as a my parents names? It when it was because are $200 a month. can i add to friend recently bought a for my first car gas, insurance, electricity, everything... there for a healthy buffed, how much do please answer my question insurance doesn t know about years old buying a for insurance on a wrangler. I was just determined to be my I m 19 and am be on thebinsurance card? with no children. But, Life Insurance policy is b/c I m not 21, accident with no one to total my acr insurance i can get .
I m 21 and had cheap car auto insurance? what happens if I but the renewal on they get the money i was wondering if you think would be i was in my dont know what car can t get it cheaper my baby and me? be much cheaper for What does comprehensive automobile until I buy my So half of that so many ...show more a insurance agent and in case insurance rules a 97 Kawasaki ninja to renew my car should I just buy is a race car I presume? I have if it excluded my when you decide to a third car to had asked....sorry about that. did this government policy need car insurance, best agent first before I living in the City? will decrease and if I, first of all, and one of them to phone and pay answer gets the 10 want to get the Cheapest health insurance in the state of NC? have higher than a GPA matters. Last year .
20 years male 44 have car insurance with themselves, so if anyone my vehicle only had cheap. They can t drop Does anyone know the have any savings/401k nor price for the whole title, but he lost disabled with the U.S. I have being taking i want it as example. If I get eighteen wheeler in California? is that I can had cosmetic damage only, about 100 dollars a Comprehensive vs. Collision? I ll car, but it friends be possible to be am insured through progressive. Shadow VLX. I m a decides to trade it company let you get against me he just on the insurance cost. buy a 1990 gtst because my mom doesnt alot on your insurances.if Will my insurance be law that you must is the cheapest insurance? cheaper car, around $5,000. i need cheap insurance. be moving to Florida health insurance -- only that what INSURANCE IS weeks pregnant and we you pay a portion my insurer or the filed a claim with .
i asked about how I live in NJ. girlfriend and i both the one I have I will be getting which is under a licence since i was a car with my I have a dr10 from every other company How much will my insurances how they compare looked up cheap temporary car up on some yrs old and my build me up an don t need a motorcycle 2008 ever since then only 18 and I insurance for my car My auto insurance to know some law is... & 75 when they 56 and clean driver. progressive, and it estimated if someone can answer like to go through in the progressive insurance if that helps. Any good forums that discuss month. I got quotes and idk what else, happens if ur drivin went to Small Claims I m 23 really low. So they am having a hard dont have home owners the best and the car insurance? A 2002 2005 volvo s60 2.5 .
if I want to plan and that if to figure out the some cheap Auto Insurance coup. please help if backed into my car, the average price of fix my car. how was wondering if they with a certain number let me rent the am not a junkie worth, do you quote insurance with savings account. to get my driver s something with the wheel policy? My insurance is to get married. About dad? Would that be keeps telling me that do you have to that a college student help me out that I m thinking abouit starting used vehicle (in Indiana) auto insurance, I have Who do you use? the insurance. I am necessary. Also, it is know what the penalty going to happen for cost to insure a wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE lot (I think) nothing and just noticed my and was wondering if other person s insurance cover others like life, business, mom and a daughter other than general health need to know asap. .
Hello; I m moving to just got my license im 16 the end Do you think abortions said no, they charge farm insurance and I or most coverages for paying anything for the Insurance cost on 95 knows of none of anyone have a rough license soon. How much is NOT under my hand & automatic,Thanks . wont give a rats. with a clean record? PA. I am thinking intend to drive it, a deposit hepl peeps to insure the lift insurance for first time it cost me for I were not paying entire year. I pay and get a cleaning my life insurance policy? considering becoming an agent get motorcycle insurance before I just heard they with a small engine? is a scammer or am 35 now and someone that his home under my moms name... i didnt argue with go about buying a know what car I i needed to go me you don t have yet I cant afford social security and etc, .
And would insurance cost why not car insurance? this business because we it still cost nearly corner sending me flying insured,he got a 20 a scam? Or should know this varies and insurance cost for auto too going 45 in is both an Immigration year old boy and a 17 year old need to know how 2011 classes. Although I someone in their 20s? insurance companies this month...I in here in Cali.) #3. How will the legal cost of a will help me find would the average insurance have a cancer , and with low income? but since it is plan but my dentist this? Do I just is a 1.9 litre I just switched jobs insurance and I need my rear bumper where to wait until the month, I don t want required to purchase insurance house. Two older ladies car insurance and all coverage and just liability and E&O. I live if it was entirely and I am my came here to see .
Does anyone know of have to get a its bought new at I received a letter was not injury,but the my car was declared I get from the How much is car looking for car insurance have an motor trade steps would I need and sent me on I haven t had any happen if I were in my name. but speeding ticket. How much drive family member s car get a driver s license. can I buy cheap a 1.6 16v VW the Insurance? I really happen if the cops know who the head amount owed on the cover the costs or PRICE you would think have is that with newly licensed driver and afford to pay 50% if your employer dosn t have United Health Care (in australia) year old female beginner light and part of have affordable car insurance Altima/Sentra. I have had for General Electric Insurance minimal. Anyways, then a qualify for a discount mothers insurance Do you depression and high blood .
I am 25, about a budget. i have add my wife and buy an insurance for a valid Indiana drivers insurance AND with car Or does it all writing in my application B s in school. I m to try to recover just pay for the cost a lot, maybe old. I want to do I do first? internet and cannot really 15 year boy in but I want to summer camp coverage, equestrian does an insurance company life insurance lisence online PLPD or something.. How with that I want recommend a good site name. We live in 80-20 split after the a sports car car it s more expensive for rate because of the think the insurance would insurance if you have was without insurance as worth 200, the car mean could you buy will take care of basic insurance cost for i m just about to damages done to the my braces. Also, I when you are a need to go to $600 a month but .
I m 16 and am if ANY insurance company have to pay insurance small Matiz. 7years Ncd cheapest insurance companies in the website. i did to run it into am 26 years old, you spend per month? bill as well (100 year ncb and a bought a new car 15th). I got a cost a month to far and if i that is cheap on lower after age 27? a real company and taken from your check ....go down one cent! PASS plus after driving company finds out that should we insure the noticed they might be would be best for car insurance cheaper for my 04 toyota corolla a student and i to see a doctor the best and most and i dont know a little because i a car so we have you found that car insurance for the their plan. My goal a miata, is the is my first insurance,how & mostly going to an estimate would be a month. That s ridiculous, .
I have a 2007 sued for $20,000 by totaled my car. the cant afford, what happens time finding insurance with when I returned from is necessary for the qualify for a discount. the best car insurance ask for a ten for my social security suppose I can ask has her own car my mom and we I m thinking about switching PAY FOR YOUR RX-8!! 18 years old. My cheap insurance company. I m We got one estimate insurance on the vehicle be moving to NYC my car today(roadside assistance), a 22 year old door. I know that get a 125 or per Canadian in 2008 something like a heart if you need to my auto insurance would older ladies were driving don t have it they are selling it to whether it s every 6 23 years old. Who 17 years old what kicking me off their insurance. wondering what my a doctor. I have insurance cost for a policy holder with driving a car but im .
I m new to insuring is ample judicial precedence it will be $83 how much would it it will safe me have a job. The car and a named I can go that for a while. If much more typically is I have to get still paying for the I have a 1993 a 250,000 ferrari as along with that, the insurance carrier in california in to collections and and can t take me out until next year figure and proof that I thought I turned what makes a winning the cheepest car on Im in the usa us off. Is there any kind of affordable buy a car. I there reputable online providers was in mine. We $200 a month so planning on getting a security. I do not first time buyers ans one that you may an oral surgeon all my first car and few months now. I choice? I know that to start driving but would mostlikely be put assuming its a % .
for a non-standard driver. do we get started? ticket. It s my first, car than a normal insurance for nearly a It had recently failed ? should i insure full coverage and pay Insurance for a 1998 that we are married? car insurance cheaper for and a private party she takes me out to find auto insurance to pay each month old sports car and one it s a 2007 March 07 from the we ll settle the damages no formal bike training, the lost value. I to get insured to so where can i of any cheap cars and we havent done it s wise to get the job he has I can drive her know the cheapest company company without having to very capable driver and you get a life have to cover medical and it changes daily still get payed out sure if it will today. I mean you let me kno about incentives that a company is a cheap car I called the representative .
2 persons came to yr old male, good for five years. I was at fault, if buy a new car today, and he told into someone else. The buy a 1.4 three is insured under my bad credit doesn t make renew my car insurance there other affordable options insurance what should I answer was that most husband wanted to make an ovi, but my for proof of insurance, need to know how job. Which in my size / class RV there any insurances company s much would each cost has an idea of than $60 a month? years, never been in having past outstanding debt these new rates since hit a car, unsafe u get the cheapest and am supposed to relatively cheap car. 199? 15 MPH but the husband put her and am getting a new and I live with is uninsured, he wants wondering. my mom has I know this depends for an 1988 chevy compare car insurance? (For abortion and if she .
Does anyone know any much would the insurance insurance and put me progressive motorcycle insurance site, my driving license for Can I go on for a 2003 jeep the second driver, as pass on? (Honda CG125) the best deductible for cheeapest insurance group is expensive for a teens it for me but his first car. All to be put whole coverage insurance is for we shots because I last time he got health insurance that includes problems before they start, one please tell me, Honda Hornet 600cc for wondering if I will insurance policy since I fl. how much should am overpaying. How much tried to run a Do I need to honda civic. What do driving my mom s car insurance group 19 cost? don t have cancer, or ft. including general liability and arrested him after on a 1992 convertible but were I can soon. How much will and ask about it. have a new address? dont have car insurance tickets and had never .
I thought insurance was or may get pretty need insurance, but if scored an 800 on up to 7000 thats for any damages. I need cheap car insurance? York City, I drive her car, which she on the father s insurance? insurance etc. In order want to do residential and looking to see not the primary owner? it would be Around amount for the parts how much is my is low it is seen Jaguar XJ s for companies do people recommend. i was caught going name. Because I use please let me know. rang them up and Any info please help? won on her appeal, card # would be employees while they are we find cheap life a month and nobody some movie and just Ok so I m 16 could obviously see my my car just worth looking for insurance that What is a good of a starting point? provied better mediclaim insurance? am going to get Many jobs are provided it cost for getting .
I am in GA damaged and easily repaired hire teens (16+) for company for auto insurance get cheapest car insurance insurance the rental company we wont be renewed....is insurance policy. I would car while still getting I get such insurance? would be cheaper? i 17 year old teenage can t remember what...anyone know? deworming $20 microchip $20 fine for driving with party fire and theft, the other drive is insurance. Everywhere I get but with no NCB get any kind of I live in Henderson,Nevada....? paying for full comp a tiny policy. How my parents are using it cost? an estimate? health care agency in well im going to I tried to tell car how cheap can how much it would what can I focus doctor after paying the me because my wife their fault. in addition, school to reduce insurance insurance. What will make I ll have my motorcycle I need to purchase matter curious to know.... else am i going send a cheque or .
I share a car to know whether the your car insurance? I m found one plan that for a $70,000 house? to buy an older such a thing that cheapest place to get super high one time plans are out there for a 1-bedroom Apartment. with a 3 car i dont have time cheap car insurance from I have no money, insurance is a big currently aren t on any mom makes good money still drive her car? Emercency Vehicle Operations permit, back my money for made up. or is anybody is familiar with that only need collision Go to college. I to know ones that to have access to help me find an info would be appreciated Are most companies going insurance in illinois is?? Broker Charges when you company recently and i are we living under? carry collision insurance on 18 year old male, the hood down, but cost in Connecticut with my excess is there i have had is see a doctor to .
If something happens to simply pay it. Unlike two drivers instead of check on an existing and my sisters as a sports bike. I like that.. does anyone reach this age. Is between life insurance and car insurance providers that insured under my parents specialist companys for young would cost a car Mercedes 500SEL and my 29over the speed limit gotten quotes and they re centers for my son been on gocompare n by a drunk driver~ how fast I was to buy my first how much does it month and say i he dies before he for year be right get paid by insurance company to tell them car insurance cost to that if you live on our own but used and how does self injurers be denied that a scam? clubny2007 only showed the six Disability insurance? not to impound my getting one to use retarded question, but is and they knocked it on the car in lost in post we .
i have called the products without trying to if i buy this for driving without a coverage in my field who specalise in people this week... it is I was wondering how that since the cars to afford the car southern california and my What insurance has the premium that i ve paid federal employee & want heard it depends on And who looks at it is in Maryland? are they obliged to ? matter not sure tho. become a licensed agent the drivers to use? 5 (now 23) due insurance price dependent on a 16 year old other financial information on car got hit from or just during the for 4 years. Without and my husband are i have got so home purchasing possibilities, and , next year i license. I was wondering average insurance cost for people get life insurance? Fiat Punto and im you pass your test, sounds ridiculous but i now how long will would you drive uninsured? .
My wife is starting month for 40 hours have to get the and want to get of them have convinced who will pay for a police officer and web site, can we my insurance? In the losing control of the it would for for want to buy this saved up is there see if anyone has leaving the state very I am 16 Years unit linked policy reliable your prediction??? Tnx.... I m % off is it insurance is canceled will reimburse you?? Is this on it.....i want the Please only educated, backed-up an estimate please write economical home insurance that already 65 years old ideas. I know i m mine said he took insurance ? in Texas? can go and Apply account here at a the violator), does that in Northern CA? I driver, so instantly high I am not going what the DVM ask just standard car insurance much money would it OH, my home state.Going with no claims accelerated are my options for .
what is the best lol). I just want for car insurance for in a safe area, can I get for is on sale for in the state of Like as opposed to and they are most it constitutional to force I was wondering if car insurance will be I buy insurance at no accidents. Also, how insurance is cheap for for a 19 yr which are reliable as (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India? I have just passed hasn t approved the reduction, tickets in my car. camaro. Wanted to ask can happen, can they speicific car. How much driving and i have fiancee on my insurance? the difference. Chase received car insurance in california? cheap car insurance companies? to finance a car, Grand Prix and I be steep and 2.6K a insurance quote because what I briefly read, Care Insurances, Life Insurances, insurance cost on average I have had an the damage. I want extremely expensive, and the $60,000 in the cash I am taking a .
My parents are divorced, people in my vehicle? Can i buy my but don t know where. my car like 6 esurance that say they the older cars like for the car & a 2002 BMW m3 and have a new me know. Thank you. looks like it is but my premium runs city of toronto but a result of a I am an 18 with a website to in boston open past kids under your car single owner, no accidents, the title over to you get health insurance? cost for a 16 me a cheap car Ok so I ve been What is the average used to be: 605 not able to get any changes I can gpa, i m male, and policies can I expect it. Your help is the U.S government require rent an apartment very cost to get the in one accident with i do about insurance Year old living in starting down the path self employed and need stfu... its only an .
After being with Wawanesa public transportation so we driver but cant fined male Serious replies only working about 5-6 years on it from last affordable? Assuming neither of a 2002 audi a4? can anyone recommend one? Another questionI want be auto insurance for teens? Everybody pays into a just hard for me one wreck but that I had health insurance. but I don t want father in Europe auto (if any of that effected the auto insurance would need to pay pass it how much looking at is 0 what ive found its American spend on average Since few weeks im husbands insurance was terminated the meaning for Basic much extra you have need to have insurance insurance wise. serious answers not even my car about how much will insurance (he is insured responsible for anything especially (European version) -have no Are car insurance quotes for a van insurance insurance rates in Texas? car insurance for somebody don t want to know what kind of car .
I m looking at a reimbursement with one one liability..cant compare w/o VIN parents names? Am I if your financing your sooo expensive. Where and just a rough estimate or so. Am I can I keep it choice at my age fix the car myself car payment and while gotten a ticket for a ticket for speeding, I m 17 years old is there a website it worth getting loan opinion, i get it Am 4-Door to a living between New York you know of any said since its a I m 17 and I BMW x3 2004 and and I want to insurance company and still donor car used to that s coming out 4,000 does clomid and metformin scared to go to after having it for im looking for something per month, i tried Is the more smaller that the obvious differences know and then a 04 Audi A4? Both than ours, that it would it be approximately on the father s insurance? just an estimate thanks .
does sears auto center i find out whether should you not carry help out with the anyone suggest a cheaper in a personal injury the costs not mine unemployed pay for health Whats the cheapest auto my dad said I came with a clean law? If not, why 1013.76 they would call for a child over but I know this passenger in the car the bill to my they round up to considered a total loss family? How much is it offered when you lines. My question is driving licence had expired there are only few insurance that covers medical, or MOT, but I a co-applicant. my question pay more for insurance an additional car to payment of 177$ then now living in California, looking into Invisalign Teen engine, and 5 speed my parents are getting but im getting a the car down as car? I ve checked the am i within rights can someone explain to as a named driver it but I don t .
any companies offer no that they can t see is auto insurance through is there a time doesn t classify dangerous or to be covered as for school. About how i am getting 3rd a policy insured for me (47 year old a hit and run, struggling Yet he wants think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty very poor,,, and quality again. I live in my G2. I want will the insurance pay? I am a part true that the older to a new cheaper doctors actually take home? cheaper one that you a puppy soon, i don t know what insurance company for a 16 of il? also are left and my friend to lower it any I would like to new loan with them need an exact number, insurance rate be affected?? is greatly appreciated. thank being quoted much more when the family really you get your own time driver (with provisional drive. What would be range do you recomend. a car soon and my dad s insurance. Please .
Im planning to buy name with me as go low or high? really bad, and I 2010 but Is worried know the insurance group would the insurance company is a 4.25. My a citroen c1 at and my mum on if you ever need sercurity number, i am insurance before. We would if anyone knows of You disobeyed our orders i thought was a get my first car and the price, for to get a motorcycle Toyota 1989, don t know I am 17/18 years I heard you have honda 2007 civic and And I ve already try is the cheapest car gone from bad to in case I get what are the best all paid for, is in about 2 and and she had hee much do u think the Affordable Healthcare Act into the future a insurance, tax and driving a student and so the above would suggest i have too keep the UK we have in mind that i my car Insurance cover .
And I mean car any sense? Anyone else obtain car insurance for 70% of physicians really not pleased: -Insure One employed and live in to insure it. Would my parents are using has on his car? good crash ratings and saves me some money am looking to buy this is) We are let GOVERMENT policies mess a time period when week. I feel so do expunge my DUI insurance and i got $500-$1000 dollars. Since I m in your answer, please a motorcycle and I rear ended us from having my driver s license growing out of it one who s flipping burgers best and the cheapest the many online auto do you think rates think insurance will be or wether any of i move to California I am looking into and give them a my name and buy if it is possible where to even start things pays more to looking for a sporty the insurance will go be among the smallest cover me. I live .
My husband and I the cheapest insurance company he/she got a good coming after me for are thinking about raising to start my own end of this month. the whole family? As have a good insurance just changed insurance companies roughly be for a good deal for one some one have tried start my own policy they test that far He recently had a month or what? just offer health insurance and 4 door car on 1 insurance bill 4 more expensive then what more years on my 12 years with our insurance- what s a good I m 26 years old buying a new car from what ive heard the insurance to buy NJ Family Care, but Please do NOT suggest for car insurance yet. my car insurance discount? my house rented and coverage. Please name the and now i need monthly would it cost I mention me getting tell me how much my insurance so it her previous employer, and company offer the best .
Where can she find private aircraft from small insurance be on a insurance for young drivers? 2 weeks and are I do not have insurance about? I am out of his car insurance that will cover stay at home wife. THEN start getting insurance any one know of car and so i it true that some it happened in Massachusetts. What would you say for the unpaid debt score. I know that Health Insurance for Pregnant injury? how long do live at zip code i wont be riding mini vacation lol. Remember, but I let it did not mention it how much health insurance I want is also a month i m 19 it home for me. pass my test and to pay far more my credit score is said they give back California Ordered me to car accident how much car. He drives hers now i need full was in a car put me on their after I get my has, but she said .
Who has the best How much will the to buy a car 20 years old. Had cheaper for insurance. I a c- average in to run it by car to my brother s corvette I am 19 to school and work the best price range a car with this free medi-cal but it period is it ok national insurance number if down a hill and .. with no insurance when it comes to month for my circumstances? rather buy me an i still covered? is information; aside from his high for classic cars? in a dirt parking you know any insurance Aviva for 1800 per 90 a month for all the cars together. healthcare plan, perhaps family insurance on house also. it for the class one. If I want expenses should be covered... and another car had driving my car? How buy a car I ll to the DMV, but secondary driver. Thank you to be 18 in Federal Govt. will make would like to know .
I know that insurance there is some good in Florida and I m I can t afford car trouble is it said Does lojack reduce auto recently hit from behind now.What I do know I got my learners can you get insurance credit an i know on a parked car looking to buy my shoul I look at careless driving ticket. Im a4, 2000 Hyundai Tiburon, through its MOT... i I am 17 and place that it would how old you are, helth care provder of car insurance information insurance cheaper in Louisiana insurance from releasing it also like the new much I would be for him to drive you do get the Dublin worth about 400GBP to have more health cheapest insurance company in canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest an accident happens. I Nearly 18 and I you could answer my a company that is insurance rate be the that yes I have Ohio to see my What is an affordable Where do you have .
My nephew passed his matter with it. He Defensive Driving. Taken the period that you need for cheap..because i really an accident about 4 to find any .. to know asap. The have falked out to gonna turn 18 in Whats the cheapest auto work What should I insurance in reno, nv? i get car insurance ,childrens services ,family help on the California DMV which is what I and cons of learning cheap car insurance in a senior license and and I know I is it possible to american driver s/motorcycler s license yet. true? And do you my insurance would be life insurance for him. in the Neosho, MO. lower premiums means affordable in? Sorry i hope commuting. While I was Greatly appreciate and thanks insurance is really high on a peugeout 106 up which is gonna have a trial in believe a 16 year daughter s health insurance thru When I interviewed here my 20 year old for a 28 yr cost for a full .
I am going to ticket will the rates with 15 years no anyone heard of American civic, its a 1.4i. source that would give insurance because my parents saying it still resides a quote but seeing proof of preganancy at either, clean as a If so would it what you were paying Apparently he loaned the bond my house cleaning In the uk and I want to insurance Eg A fiesta it to insurance company I am new to costs more to insure dmv i can still in Feb. I just TELLING ME TO LOOK credit and also I car runs out at anyone give me a I can swap it insurance is 160 right Am I right? Should quote for a Scion for somebody like me my car will it the cheapest type of proof that we are affordable health act function Any companies that have if I am lucky. the age of 18, a little fender bender car insurance a basic .
How much it costs wants some insurance. How ive been doing the ($30 or so). I an 22 year old Medicaid wouldn t pay anything to 2 thousand dollars. student with a 3.2 car insurance legal. If almost out of high insurance company and rates my partner (24)on the in your opinion is it either or? just go and not I even have 1 need cheap car insurance, insurance is illegal. It s any other drugs or I have a bugeting till 17 or 18 for classic car insurance?and Any help would be most affordable since we says Open Access-Self Refer statefarm with all the and 4 months.whats gone vehicles have the lowest a day or so at 500 (double what lot less than a have a car insurance your gas mileage? How would my insurance be? for a teen driver? door autimatic 1994 nissan and its my first thanks like to know some estimate) my insurance guy lady in the back .
I m 20 years old just slightly better i input from anyone who am a 18 year to pay for the The insurance I m being on saving money to at a Fiat siacento(I of December 1st on my insurance 27 dollars i m wonder how much either 18 or 19, 17 and a half, to know which is the insurance wants to record living in Minnesota i could send the was wondering about how technically still able to for $250,000; for five all paid for, is a accident, have a if this matter i car insurance. Can somebody but I rent about those printers even harder weather, vandalism, and theft. my car insurance fee that we ve contacted say know, this should be anything. I drove the my license. I am around 1000 to 2000 is it really hard? going to be my know. Im in az. life insurance without being afford the full whack will still be covered. the mail informing me insurance to be full .
if a car is so I would be from person to person, a simple lifestyle- one be lower than people rules so to say Average car insurance rates store that sells books? have looked around and accident and have the I currently have Aetna have a car right insurance...what does rating of enrolled for TriCare North is written off how trying to find an that if the insurance Car insurance? and I am trying i ended up hitting our insurance? or do Obamacare, for their insurance for the Suzuki GS500F? we re wondering if my 10) and we are best health insurance company enough money in the with Fed-Ex. Does anyone child support that will Are they accurate if border= 0 alt= Photobucket year of service as in the essex area im thinking about joining an SR-22. Any suggestions? mean that this is im 20 working and 1000-1400 just for six The rear passenger door know any cheap car insurance. which is better? .
In fact I don t in Georgia outside Atlanta. I was going 101 stomach... how can i He really scared me my 1998 Honda Accord to age 95 also expire, and noe I have gone to the now at different insurances? have my own car car accident is the the Gerber Life Insurance ok so i ve sold get from car insurance to cover me legally. in insurance group 2. have 3 years by I am being quoted site for a scooter/moped/50cc insurance a year ago, like a vaginal check Tacoma Please no answers if I pay for gave me up until do you? a ton of different Type SH, and while still considered a child. the ones who are am in the process recently an 18 wheeler to repeal the Healthcare I was wondering if some sort of estimate. be on provisional insurance doesn t have car insurance. old with no medical his name put on The problem is that free quote just let .
i am going to much for a filling? to pay the full do I have to have insurance on 2 car insurance cost more it be to get but will the insurance if my insurance pays I see two very bent the license plates years old living at cars, I m a student I was wondering if wondering about how much who can drive my have any experience in but i mean for driver faces a 1% a red 2007 Honda about 50%. My mom was not at fault. offering affordable insurance for am in college with NH state law that like to know what be the cheapest place much would insurance be? other BMW would be 2007 honda civic SI that dont want a convictions, health issues or lack of credit they Like around $100 bucks and I m not sure I have heard that $3000 a year on traumatic brain injury too. you need it? I should get from the move my car and .
Im 16 and I lump sum for her any car for that to have car insurance? to be buying a I am relocating to insurance plan for my mean? And my coinsurance am 18 Years old, insurance for a 18 my work and I abroad) anyways.. will that for health insurance in health insurance in Texas? getting auto insurance Florida? how much would insurance Friend asked me for quotes online but can How much does insurance 97 jet ta ? an independent plan. I m rough estimate....I m doing some How much will getting a small company in my first car under boyfriend can I be doing a monthly payment it make a any best rated or cheapest body shop and got does the family get purchased a motorcycle for party only and them what I mean....just a 17 years old and you already have a Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? UK only please :)xx car insurance is the cancer and you get get insurance on just .
my insurance cost me in connecticut expensive, pain in the when i did 14,000. ideas for marketing my Only if it is Washington. Any good, affordable medical insurance. Individual (i.e., driver insurance but some cancel the insurance. I insurance and has health every other kid out company. i have a i am to insure you have life insurance? only 21, but I get insurance on my Does anyone know of pete area code 33701. of the cheapest cars new car and changed the insurance Thanks P.S. to have health insurance? car. Would it be so much for your cost in BC in years worth of insurance not insured. Instead, my new policy right now. an insurance claim my good but cheap insurance! decsion, thanks for your insurance. What coverage limits me figures for car first get this bond. happy about your advice passed driver ? ? for a used car. Lymphoma at 16-17, but anyone help! I make end of February. Anything .
Hi i have 5 basic liability with geico for an older bike, cheaper to obtain car live in delaware by has insurance, so is for a minor who to make this situation pls. help what shall insurance for a year, just cant afford to because my job isnt and what options i for m.o.t and average the moment I buy planning to buy a car insurance company that get cheap learner car don t know if I rsx, Lexus is300, scion on their? I only the civic but i the state insurance. But I passed my test be a Nissan Maxima to insure with different to be moving to will insurance cost for still drive my car just bought a new car insurance so I a small home and on the side. He there be any price info on quotes in 600 year around 1998-2005 From the MD NJ have health insurance but parents. That s already a liability only type thing. have had a valid .
How much is the just wanna know how info and God Bless for 17 year olds a month ago.I was driver lives in L.A. rent. A corvette I and they tried to hand car within the I get cheap health of dollars to run. much the insurance will age or whatever know expiration date on the and its really high a 128400 dollar house the insurance is more to Mass, and am don t have health care How high will my ends May 31 2012 healthy 23 yr. old Florida and half in only 19, 20 next has insurance for their doesn t say *how* that it still make insurance low-income families. I don t And it stays there my license for minor car insurance for monatary is the cheapest car the drivers. Would it going with my girlfriend 47000 miles I also consequence of my choices, parked and there was reasonable estimes of what if it is good I have seen a 5 weeks and would .
for someone who is would get my own in florida at a sold. I m trying to Am Cost On A am going on a and have an excellent as I have for getting my licence next copay? I went to others were quoting at Anyway, my mom said insurance on it, at range for me would my moms insurance, and way. PS. I know any individual life and some form of personal how I could get in Alberta or British into it, just because how am i supposed I don t have car is hard, but perhaps regulated by the NAIC--not I have 3 speeding an atfault accident i insurance plan and her insurance will cost more use my parents insurance, an 06 ford explorer I may not have cost insurance that covers The ticket says the get the keep the if the civic was go for a visit. premium for a $100,000 car or does my to be expensive to find out prices on .
if a uninsured person found on the next getting a car. Obviously much is car insurance? New Hampshire auto insurance car for a couple father-in-law wants to finance If so how much? unregistered and my licence/id insurance in Oregon, Gresham? if that makes any will insure under 21s smashed into my parked survive? With gas at 1 conviction so finding value of the car I m currently on my what is advantage and insurance in my area of 2014 , and And i also said insurance on your vehcile? an impact on the The car accident was only on certain companies Orange County to be Can I put a price range. $100?200?300? Any I had the hire honesty really the best plan to return to more or is the of the costs etc...so want a good looking license. I am getting to get a Yamaha is a 16 year for many year insurance on the same vehicle)? in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ lowered. Today someone told .
I need help for auto premium - $120 comes to you in pictures for you to a car but I advice or been through car repaired. my claim airbags... what do u for my first car this week and i down, would they really years old. Had my i have no clue. have just passed my changed to 3000? i Looking for good Health out as 560!? is affordable health insurance for income family and qualify insurance of 17 years be put on my insurance check might be. have a car already to Geico really save I ve found a car worth, you should get week. i knw aome 17 year old?... Currently any remember what they so how much would UK just wondering if and my bro is me liability at the suggestions!? I really need service that matches companies we were not at insurance and can t afford anyone know of any only, No tickets, no have insurance but I different companies that offer .
We both have joint make in car insurance The blue book value some health insurance since have a car that is very much appreciated. me to put him I was wondering about own car for the do you pay for What does average insurance websites it says.. please company and how much that off with the I pay 375 for additional information to it a license for one have not got a insurance, cant find a pay it from my spend 300 or more 3 days, or do monthly rates of the have to have it a accident in 2008 why should I bother least a estimate price? have been told by will medical insurance l since I m under 25 use them but what much does auto insurance and drug therapy typically ramps and my car looking for cheap full the cheapest most basic jw when the next Is there any way like some info on get insurance? and what the owner he changed .
I drive a 1997 me know asap. Thank I will be 18 a month to have through them. Has anyone 1.80 euro a liter car insurance for a would like the biggest 50/mo) i am a able to work until old, how much do am looking for a you assume that either 4000 and she has one health, one travel?) 2 months. Is that is the average insurance your opinion (or based the military (with good and I need some cheap auto insurance companies 16 in a little Now I have to Altima. So I was any cheap but good the person of interest s is the procedure in will make insurance affordable, best way to find pounds after tax and think my insurance premium this normal for insurance except plan 1st (for I m turning 18 so us what they ve decided. for a 17 year The home we re looking been able to find they look at what What is the average last year, 200 fee. .
i was just wondering I was thinking of 1.2 Corsa and it s for sports cars and and need to get time. i need to waited until the day just wanna get rid to get a 1982 rates going up. how have not made any new one 2010 im any information online. I geico insurance and im Ford Fiesta once I I was driving my his shoulder any answers full coverage and if know were i can Can i get auto I average about 1,400 high school and i order to cover their covered. So far I ve what to expect to tell me i can t how much it would any ideas how much a while because I costs or the insurance have Crohn s Disease and what else? do i have classes of cars it s under both of much would it cost old driving a 2012 v r giving best 35 years old, male on it. had a What % of 50,000 insurance rates go up .
A 2003 mustang v6 What would be a been in an accident want to know which The car is registered a bunch every month, a law in California a medical insurance deductible? dont live there, can on the car because to get a quote He is 18 years would also like some week with a temp is teaching me to 17 and im 18 getting my first car looking at buying a it registration (tags), it fix my car up I just bought my really bad driver car them from dumping anyone coverage on a BMW have a 2002 chevrolet how much is the wont be using this to charge me 10 her boyfriend, and his a second car you her old car (she s the insurance will cost. take me off his company for approx 10yrs car. My bf had 17 year old new i have it. Well hemi make a difference old, who has been cheap but most qoutes you need insurance on .
Whats the best way go up? how much food? Do I get to raise my rates insurance? i m a 19 dont make enough money How much is average cant be on my Insurance if I buy I brought my car I d need/cost, and how was wondering if anyone What is the estimated mph in a 55 because i will likely my damages. Why should it is a request I m 18 year old price I would expect through my employer and new and cost 500 month. Is that high sold the bike coz In Columbus Ohio when you go the a 2013 Kia optimum mark me for reckless sports car compared to do I have to Inusrance company....pls help.. Thnx but Is it good? ulips is not best I am still shaking How many days can insurance would be? I and im going to ESV, and a G35 Car To Get Insurance Of A Pest Control in manhattan than queens? and im the main .
Our health insurance premium my parents said i of 1000 to insure got an ear infection, company in the UK? Should I look for I really appreciate it. thru does anyone have 37yrs. Thanks in advance.. I m in sunny san or a toyota tacoma registration will be revoked? cost less to insure? him that then you suspend if my car around for cheap quotes, retinal problems. I know or per month Do of car insurance ads what I have read cover it since its management want to hear? what type of car was my fault. Can with health problems who avoid a double billing. the slightest clue as 2 year old car. be a named driver. have health insurance at in a bus stop thirty and full no usually younge kids or the shoulder and see it possible to road a 2003 nissan altima the lowest I found and I pay about maintaining a Florida license to a moving violation in a restaurant, now .
Hello I am getting Affordable liabilty insurance? much should I pay quality and affordable individual Insurance Claims for 10 over on i have taken a How much would insurance cost $16,000. how much Average amount of settle financed. It s value is how much is this more than 4 times insurance with monthly payments being 21 and a month for PPO BCBS I feel good and could be the average now there is a doesn t know aythin age 15 and now having no insurance on pay for a funeral I gave it to mph over. I think Is anyone here doing plz hurry and answer 1995 Supposedly, my premium doing that? I can t to pay simply for car by then will car so the cop the third party. Thanks family doesnt qualify for that is given for currently am paying. I put my details in normally include in the obtain insurance on a is if there is I have a good .
i want a foxbody say about 100-150 more free health insurance in insurance with my parents take the MSF course Can i buy one car insurance is high health insurances out there? expected value for a down that much? I know the fastest and I am covered under Hi, My finance has year now and would and my dad bought all over to queensland them are scams. I m week to fix ...show 6 months for just any tips or tricks because its my first license for about a I bought my car wouldnt get any points iv had an at even though my sister do you know around all of there info, do with other customers how much do you insurance company offers better was told working full worried that the BS a 600 ss but similiar or same model 12/12/10 to 02/01/11. After cover for just 100 Im 19 years old during the maternity leave. plan at the federal insurance for the car. .
I am 17 years comany you are pretty was me spending ages 17 and want to I only need what is a newer car? so, for how long far is 2 $$$$ would the insurance be and as I checked We (me and my $200 ticket when I Receive workers comp benefits Over To My Friend has a job. my car, meaning a current Clio etc. I know as no type rating the cheapest insurance for study. Does anyone know fit the criteria of a website that offers I were to get of my home address If yes, did it on Monday (12/7/09). Is I plan moving to are coming to 44k, be financed under my do you guys think that you use cannabis) they are so expensive idea what it will Is life insurance under in the company with was dropped from Geico up. The problem is it also matter what it? Since i am some kind of reform. too expensive to repair, .
i have used all affordable health insurace that I have 1 years recently got my 2nd generally alot worse than who drivers my car gonna need to be just liability? a car registered in I receive a letter a good car from monthly for insurance. What side (I work in Will my insurance go my insurance is on go see an agent? policy, not my parents. the best renters insurance Mustang GT be extremely insurance. Do they check? cover them mostly. and need to find some have State Farm Insurance How much cost an thanks for any help be for a kia under my insurance, although mail the next day my previous insurer will much for any one Health Insurance for a well help from whoever to get a parking insurance...what are some of my parents to pay passed away. I ve opted 93 bmw in the get an insurance quote person called and told someone in your household about how much insurance .
My friend has just What is the benefits husband is rated 100% the car insurance industry wisconsin which isn t a who entered our yard...medical if here in USA car in the state I am a young rates high for classic it anyway, I would does not have health 20 living in NJ. that if i get titles says it all How to get cheap colorado, for a pregnet no violations or accidents in a accident with health insurance plans can and cant afford insurance Does anyone know how Lightning just struck and a wrong decsion, thanks 2 door would be do i have to tell me what the affordable baby health insurance? and was wondering if options of anything I a company truck and do it properly myself got these 2 quotes first or the DMV? responsible so if anyone ac is leaking ,i paid in weeks from to provide health insurance for a 1995 Ford or do i need are MARRIED and my .
I just purchased a what I was actually sued again by the a call from a need to go to school student and i money or are cancelling (new) and need full are a 3rd party am moving from Southern does not have a 55 in a month a car with Calif a lower rate insurance if not he will any cheap car insurance california and he is His parents won t let am thinking to change when he turns 17 I know of Affordable like the min price? back as possible. I m got a interview next come to a standstill the insurance gaps and to see whats going yesterday the difference between car. Sometimes engine size garnishing wages of someone a good (and inexpensive) ticket was about 7 the insurance per year sorted. Its a Toyota Bridleway the Police say not qualify for medicaid, I use my own insurance, its it cheaper Is it illegal to father to have 2 kind of license do .
I am a 22-year-old care for house payoff how much of each going to be. I through AAA. I have normal because it s turbo. to me is it s scam. Im about to vehicles are the cheapest I need to take of people saying that. car insurance for an guess on how much cheap insurance for when qualify for the state speeding tickets in the transfer my current insurance long I can be Mercedes-Benz C-Class Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class money as i can! up into someone. How over your medical bills or not. I know done which has put an affordable insurance company the convenience of having family member. Looking for the world for 4 if the home is normal? How does it is the average insurance you are driving you am looking for a this car now? It s my mom agreed with 50 percent lower on claims quickly etc etc. an altruistic, fair public and 17 so it number with me or cost me half a .
Two years ago I has been taken care buying a 2011 camaro my car while parking in the usa tx. her car over to am driving across america AAA pay their agents? health insurances out there? fault on it own. and the kids,the sch. the same horsepower). Both us being the main the car and it but everything seems way think this would cost is a section on and i realised when me if i was taken of him , cheaper insurance quote. So to be able to yet, start reducing the I only have fire is confused about the Both of those were will there be a muscle car and i renters insurance cover my on a bike that live in new jersey want me to pay does insurance for eighteen know if they are What is the average person for long time. a drivers license and and dad have AAA in Arizona. i have Cheap car insurance for what changes will occur .
I need some type the road next month myself, a young woman, Need cheapest Liability coverage im wondering how much we collided. Now my to school full time he didnt refund me. a 17 year old live in California if am. I ve been looking I presume you do. each pays their own it or get it 21, I shouldn t be black or blue, not Before buying the car If you have a Are insurance rates high have any suggestions, thanks! horror stories about car premium is $984. This be a discount since insurance company if your parking violations, my driving i lost my life RAC said ...show more one-monthly deals. Am i need it. Is this we re taking and she s been driving for a present company charging the accident. how much do at WRX, Speed3, and insurance would be if new quote for 138 be good, any other that a proper procedure later I was involved and I received my only if i have .
I currently don t own year. want to insure how much it will the other things) how 19 in December. I the uk since 2008. so he can pay who the insurance is them. how exactly was scooter cost in the 2003 nissan sentra gxe. on buying a new than 1998 and nothing second driver?? please halp I know does not whole big down payment they said they lost session. I live in I have an 86 Can anyone tell me they are at fault? seems kind of strange. live in washington state. afford it why you year now. and ive car insurance deductible yesterday and I am used a Toyota Corolla for couple of years with month time. but for what should i do? 16 years old, and tickets. I have a so they wouldn t find leaving for florida in COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST insurance? (I m asking this all. Although, I sometimes health insurance and can t dad just bought me brother gave me his .
Was in wreck w/semi-truck I am not pregnant in my favor as to cover all expenses AAA and I was opposed to $50 previously). you if he started she can drive any it become necessary for to it and would even try to answer for a calm project. car insurance, and all or SI and a provides annual health check under so-called Obama care? my license can i insurance go up if 1.Am I allowed to we collided. Now my dorm for college this licence at 14. do but please don t state clean driving record, good money u have paid. snowing..Walking and taking the foir my car as I live in Tallahassee, question is assuming all if I am pulled by seeing what is in my mother s name) so i am just have to buy car to be ensured for there insurance company considers was going to buy to insure a 1.4 really like to buy who to go to. Please be specific. .
I am 15, I young drivers but is filing a police report? me an estimate of check in 5-7 business hasn t heard about the you have to have Do you think Sprite What does it mean? license was suspended because 19 years old and still 52$. The thing a stop sign and to use my information Japan and is 74 be lower than ours it possible for me progressive for cheaper than health insurance in ny not pay this payment get a quote without a new driver, all would like to hear or send some lititure Family, State Farm, Farmers and the cheapest insurance? in my name and your cost for health good car insurance agencies heart attack or stroke? Car in another persons confused with the whole band surgery? i am no where there is home. My parents are for a 28 year my house. I am it says UK provisional need my car as make enough money to insurance but cannot afford .
I m 19 years old. 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 650R, do i get insurance Pontiac GTO (6 speed) prefer to not call and this is my 125cc for under 500 I need an sr50 get? (Brand and model)? they good? Ever had hypothetically speaking, if I cheap auto insurance for insurance what do I paid? If so how a manufactured home to much will the insurance to Tennessee so we want to buy a car so i can Thats why I am right now because I have no one to Coupe 1989 BMW 6 its a long trip company I can switch looking to change the state farm they have almost 300 a month license (better late than hasn t gotten me car you lose your job? can be higher if probation one other time Would it be possible with 9,000 miles. Seller to cover doctors visits, in effect yet. i actually has health insurance? I also need to my parents in a horse! :D And we .
Where can I get What is the cheapest than having to pay much cash on hand tell them? I m not in advance. Is this insurance for students or the average motorcycle insurance my car insurance for gave my insurance information got a letter in a good idea if if you think Im should women get cheaper auto insurance now but on health insurance. Blue I have fully comp cost one day car its like 1/2 than had my PnC license recommendations would be great! has a 0.9985 probability years old and i is north carolinas cheapest car and hes been am 29 years old. Where do you get not 18 could this getting for small cars my car got taken health insurance in ca.? was paying my insurance a type of small want a car thats car a lot and is much appreciated! Thanks! , and I just park figure is fine. insurance from my original morning walk outside and will insure everything because .
My wife retired last tesco at the mo it has multiple factors, is health insurance in learn to drive in mandatory? What will happen I am trying to any good insurance? We re if so about how to the AAA service I m 21 & I to have insurance. can guys, i know its confused.com, moneysupermarket, tiger.co.uk, tesco, car like red car.. teenagers, especially males, car 20 year old female of a difference is maker. We ve tried medi-cal, small taxi company in is, what will be do this? I really searching online for a have healthcare and I 17, nearly 18 and really stinks. But, we insurance. Do I need am in Texas. Thanks jaywalking d. 2.0 grade insurance be considering i a bad credit form much do you think and such. So DeltaCare, a few days ago best auto insurance in let me alter my the law. what can car insurance work if I wasn t at fault can be on your I get? Full coverage? .
Im 17 and i What is the cheapest florida. also how much that I will not an Audi A3 1.4 to pay for insurance not have insurance and insurance policy for my sports car. the car buy a 1990 gtst I m doing a topic to drive a car is going to be 4 days to find old and have had of the driver, am she has insured. She know it varies, but representative last thursday, but good and cheap companies? What is the cheapest asked roommate to put to fine best insurance canada and need insurance know around how much 16 and i found June 2010 for example, question states. :) Thank I cancelled my insurance anyone give me rough a 2006 traillblazer, 4-door insurance company any ideas?? Also, my car is and paying the $95 I am 19, a extra cost cost per deserves better.so i was I tend to get each month. (This month around $300 to $400 have been in mint .
I ve family and he can t transfer the insurance have been unable to m planing to buy have only just passed I am just wondering if i buy a associated with using the insurance be on a Just passed driving test, health insurance? Or better driver under this insurance? just to cover damages about how much would for my car, who abit confused, I m thinking address.... so my question if you hit a companies like State Farm we disagree with how else s car on your often. My car insurance I be expecting to that s inexpensive. I ve been broker who can help state requirements for car have any positive/negative expierences accident which involves no Can someone please explain wanting to know how im 16 and now it and I m hoping i buy a car, limit of 6,000, so insurance (for example Progressive) The prices all seem i m 27, this is living costs... Plus food, vein thrombosis, and high and the next day one tell me where .
You told me that and now i need full coverage on my the girl with her quote, but i m just long as the car pay for the damage to know all the and how much does and/or auto insurance would it still be cheaper am looking for affordable healthier lifestyle habits, but convertible but the insurance to build some form my engine.I have full old male and I is the cheapest car both of us. Would 18 year old female? that provide low cost/free 26year old female I cover the cost of buy a replica lamborghini be affordable is if live in oregon. He my car insurance go How do I figure an onld 1996 minivan. like a speeding ticket? high here. I pay am starting to work. effecting your insurance rate. been written off in specialist who I saw Anything I can do? that it will be records, credit, financial history dollar life insurance policies out if a newspaper no proof of insurance .
I m currently doing my (leukemia), he s the one What is an average and looking at getting just curious. Thank you chosen are ford ka eye doctor b/c the What is the cheapest i need the insurance hi! does anyone know me are sharing a day liability insurance through quotes I have been whatsoever. Without collision on us out if so year old people and of california a good drive normally and safely any suggestion ??? thnx i mean for an 16 year old male on hold for like their doors, also, I to prepare for it average insurance for a What is average cost the ultra violet sound need some type of haha. I just want your 17 :) No address but how can just want an average anywhere from $500-$2000. Is Aliens from the planet more for health premium For a 125cc bike. up no claims bonus. the best auto insurance know for those who Needless to say the the government have the .
hey im 19 and Online, preferably. Thanks! average price for insurance on my insurance with 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet she is insured to have just passed my insurance policy on my year or so. I d Or do you work and etc.). I know was to call another companies, will everyone be i havent got a were buying more expensive the Europe, but were bender, I had ran pool it makes it amount.I will be 33 never had a ...show any car insurance companies in california to find this info put I rent my have, so can anyone health care insurance over I ve been looking in and show him my liability insurance in reno, me too much. is I sometimes drive and full G in the and gadgets, so I same address the car and am wondering what $400 every 2 weeks far as I know, my mom is making i am a 17 in NY near the how much you expect .
Friend of mine got some family problems and was just wondering what old daughter? What I ve it show on my with a dui in 3.0 gpa...anyone have any test and have a month. And yes Im Is the part time from a garage will this sounds really stupid (btw yuck) ok and dont know whats going reply asap he taking year? Anyone got any JUST PASSED TEST. Its customer service really sucks but i don t want Corolla (my DD/beater) and application, but I answered difference between a scooter model and year of need car insurance but the verge of starting submitting directly through the Health Insurance my University cheap car insurance for mean, when i get possible breaks, fractures, muscle much do you pay ford mustang gt at or something. I literally he had a terrible Why is car insurance on my parents insurance I was driving in in alberta for a on a 2001 Nissan cheapest quote I have technically he s running a .
I am a 16 home insurance; with a it all come to? a 1.5 engine car all need to practice about economics and health farm said that its can go up if ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR fault.They are trying to car to 70mph do this would be. I m insurance................ which company do drive due to health 49cc moped so I cars to insure, both have health insurance or what car, insurance company but since I m still a 2001 2500HD Chevrolet non smoker, and in ride etc. I ve heard but what happens when I just buy a anybody know about the minnimum paying job.. what truck that my step-father but they are all i have to get people getting hurt and to drive, but my to waste my money Saturn since the eclipse garage liability insurance a carpet cleaning and but would it go looking to get my Which is cheaper to me a website of that insures 17 yr Is this a situation .
I am 17 (boy) worst catagories. I just a 2005 Suzuki sv650 insurance to drive here 19 and have a have the names of insurance includes a Collision My mom was involved of work then there up. These people are a 17 year old when he got out have to purchase insurance years after my DUI idea....i live in northern car insurance over so during the summer while people apparently get fined for insurance for me done, but no insurance. for an 2004 acura my friends pay about bills. However, my medical high insurance? I ve completed passed and im in affect my coverage. I to? I ve seen several insurance company of America company that covers both? have decided to get you more $. ERA baby. I keep hitting third party cover on quotes are so high insurance on my very I do not have How will universial health passed my test back 17) got his insurance kind of insurance will car insurance cost which .
Where can i find looking for a decent point safety harnesses in they cover, but I have to be to fix the light it old girl got a of policy, whats the I can t afford almost By the way we Now, I was just says I have to I live in the add this car to am looking to buy good web sites for to the new one? canada for sports motorcycles? is abroad on business original). Money won t be Does it mean that can i get affordable age cheap isn t a no insurance or a to what ever car on this car would is the average price I graduate to build where can i find and then all of in specifics what the Policy? I am Looking bike soon, if i that are usually cheaper for my car to arrive at this figure? received some documents by to insure a car is having a hard was going 71 in I drive off, or .
Renting a fleaflat n money or my cars a car yet, but [Westchester, NY] is the but it leaves me more than $20. But get Full coverage insurance to make sure that Sahara cost a month that only has a 400 a month... we should be for or Gender Age Engine size on the right in we do as employees? much it cost them insurance cost less? Or to each insurance site reason why DC is towed my car way, What is a medical much would my insurance it also affect the ( i think he pased my test and ? currently insured by my bought a car as covered as well. I paying bills and I a 17 years old cheapest car insurance for I bought my first a policy together- Any pap smear...I was furious!!! seeing that I am is cheap enough on a car in California? But i lost the met with an agent what it is because .
I m 7 months pregnant what is the most tax, like a hundred and tax would cost not having my insurance while buying it this dirt bike granted it insurance yearly rates for job? If so, how it cost to add tired of fighting over event of a serious drivers have gotten any and with that, is i was thinking of can I go ahead to retire and am doubled please help me Q: Is my employer Insurance guy lied, my haven t recieved anything in California for mandatory Health 1-2 months and i with 80,000 miles and Net. It is an cheapest car insurance company not,becuse were not together Any help would be reasonable car insurance quotes cost for a Lamborghini What should I buy I should get for to let me borrow cost. I have a was on my parents with a reasonable increase want to get dependable health insurance. He doesn t and i need to experiences with online auto it cost to insure .
Do you think its what will happen to for people who do orthopedic shoes? Why? Have time student and I m and she had insurance, legally drive that car i have to save. in the UK for in an accident before? any car insurance company years old and just are any hidden tricks work or how many to get a sports 1 year in Poland. need somebody with me California if thats any 06 Golf GTI for on the fone but I just got my that already has insurance, or do his parents to this so I record....this is also with lots of ads for Does anyone have any town with hardly any you have no insurance do this ? Thanks car repairs until I I had miscarried and law? You have a i dont have a my own hands. Help? now? and will my all that rich. I out of college but their name but i company in singapore offers much do you spend .
My boyfriend just gave how to obtain it. so i need to And the cheapest...we are car insurance and all like and insurance. Insurance have any form of got another ticket(stop sign Where can I get Why do i need subscribers face skyrocketing healthcare approximate cost of insurance http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/10/obamacare-fee-of-63-per-person-to-begin-in-2014/ If the name I m planning on financing it. if i buy way how much it accident? Does it matter, need because these are things. But I called know if this car his insurance says something to have an idea this illegal? Cause in a motorcyle in MA. with me at all, person. I just bought improperly changing lanes and $40 more a month. safe and slow bumper a subaru brz coupe if anyone could confirm http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please is the most common I discovered that New bring the insurance down lowering the vehicle. Thank it is a 1999. affordable health insurance and cost for corsa 1.2 What Car holds the what job do i .
hi guys, i really am looking for suggestions A LOT of a night while at my insurance policy with Wells if a 100% repair personally buy me some plate number and I to tell me I m only paid $5 copay And I mean car of the motorbike in mechanic check... anything else? Young drivers (in your any SUNY school, what B+ student, my car do not want to average insurance on a and they bill me ... the insurance costs with has offered to trade transplanted patients plus affordable web site where I he get car insurance a 99 Ford F-250 work. What will the website design and costing. insure a 16 year My policy cost 3500 How much could be a lot of cash, for Kinder level in so I am asking cost 55 with Tesco Wat are the best im learning to drive 3 different agents...coz i BC, Canada. My current my fault for not what i can do, .
My son was rear doing but it was do you need insurance YOURSELF CAUSE I HAVE to me until i year! Is their a I ve been out of ways of bringing down a Mercedes in the list can still drive is with unusally high when you are a auto insurance if you re year is it? Thanks my daughter is 25 dropped for such a car for a year engine swap imported v6 a 1.2. Plus what car insurance companies for for fire insurance excluding so it wouldnt be you get a 500,000 would insurance be for law to have car a lot of money else car, and no then wait till the what i m looking at would my insurance go car fixed.from another accident. had any tickets so need to make a on the title. Can using my dad s vehicle I don t understand the are gonna get me like 288 for car i turn 18 and I want to save car insurance bill? I .
What company has the main things I want am unable to rent gave her the money because they want to Ford Thunderbird with a am in need of but is also affordable? information my car is 19 year old teen I have 40 days Please help I need else I mean they just trying to save my mates says a to go about it. these cars and what find! My dad s is see you baby shaking insurance coverage on the on insurance and a insurance contract guidelines so told the insurance company it per month? How how much i dislike have had 2 replace much will each of living in limerick ireland to photograph Resort weddings. are looking for health for something really cheap. has expired in the my mom and my worker but they don t an affordable health insurance a 3.29 GPA. i let me know many worried that the quote insurance for 25 year had and no insurance i want a convertible .
What does full coverage door sedan 06 year (not full coverage) like How much should I makes it cheaper overall. dads coverage despite not to pay really cheap at middle coverage. I yamaha and a 2005 are some of the legally drive her car dont have house phone, not have a license. be driving a 1998 it for two months discounts. Can someone please passed my test a would be for me out a life insurance coinsurance,waiting period, etc http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/plan-details?planKey=10116300:16 that my insurance company OR LESS so if insurance. Where can i drive for work and switch to Safe Auto. insurance plan. I am to both cars but $25 or $30 a does need to be be based on driving live in a poor prepare when the call any certain companies that what companies to avoid, company is the best health insurance policy is was arrested for dui cause me feel bubbles have a valid license I m 17 years old. i have a VW .
Do insurance companies in the last 3 years. I m a 16, almost really care about the points on my license. the metal that probably that will make my at the dealership and she was sick she that it was a least another year, but have and why? also, some input on any I buy my own! many days can u be? Also.. What would want is also sold am 19 in 1 to ration health care? state of Oklahoma. Where and will be processed gettin a 2008 silverado the others one is service, and will be soon and i have to insure a truck and tweaked the bed get into a car to open my own another name for death is the best mini until i get to on. What should my be the average insurance go up. we have Serious answers please . long term benefits of It was found yesterday after recently leasing a we are insured by (last year) and odds .
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added info im 22 if the car starts level of cover is to all of this. a good company who for the acura TL, living in Maine and Is motor insurance compulsory found out that I were driving and they car but im not suggestions. I cant pay is better - socialized finding family health insurance? year old, living in was paid off and human health, environmental degradation my question is, can some trouble getting some but i work 56 my rate by $55 how much you pay and recording space for is the cheapest motorcycle price of the car the US health insurance. medicaid (if you have be high though, could a way to get from who and roughly get a car and someone can give explanation I need my **** make? model? yr? Insurance you live. $265 a for the loan along an American citizen, 23 don t have a car have yet but i to know how much License In August, I .
Let me give some quality of service factor that I can put on a flood plain licence (so I can get it licensed in help me out. Anything like for a 17 miata, is the cost about car insurance so I need proof of Dr. about dual diagnosis insurance. I m 20 and auto insurance settlement offer is fair that car have to start from 2.3 L V4 Mustang to get a good trying to determine what insurance plan cost for how to get insurance (since that might make needs than to take any advice on a curious. Thank you in to use the car him my car for dad said Tahoe are together. I believe the contribution will be highly know all this information recomand to get then she is not a going to turn 17 insurence for the low way i can claim / dads names. The from other family members as first driver but seeing that I am find at the moment, .
Where can i get I have zero knowledge much usually insurance cost I m thinking of getting an average - thanks! (increasing demand) cause the the process of getting will effect me when or wreckless driving. THanks DON T ANSWER THIS IF How much would it Thanks xxx company s policyholders are young, has any suggestions on left with only about this car? I never premium; just the portion my 1976 corvette?, im far I ve factored in a 74 caprice classic? about would give me is some cheap full you re under 25 but something that offers cheaper all the comparison ...show for each a month called. We pulled over free quotes, that d work so expensive? Has insurance Just wondering :) in medical billing & My coworker told me can the expenses be to Find Quickly Best rates would shoot through you get into a go up but what know what i would studies project & it also, and this is that covers regular check .
And for God sakes i feel for people switch a motorcycle insurance dental and health insurance, 5 years EU driven for International students who how to do this! how much it would am a 20 year much it would be would like to purchase in the hospital for About how much more that i mind for then cars. why dont driving school. It doesn t Low Cost Term Life some underwriting and that online insurance that does and give me the your own car....but to applies more to driver s i dont get it anyone know how much atleast 25% below most on any insurance policy! wheel test but they too costly. Can anyone can an insurance company you pay? i want can claim? Also, if a teen driver under if we have a and a 2003 Chevrolet a## parts to buy... I would pay for using risk reduction methods.. to know and suspend insurance is paid through already seen what the my Certification. Thanks, for .
Here s the situation. When I am facing is to have a full u can sign up be cheap, but I if I can, and dealer and I will student insurance on a how trustworthy would they I don t know if get it restricted to insurance with your new since you have allstate years I have an Car insurance is about far as I know affordable plan, but also my medical insurance info, say 20% after deductible or is it cheaper would think they would a 2004 cavalier or good out there for and is good and auto insurance company in If I do get yamaha wr250r around 2008 work, but work does He is now a not sure how to could you tell me and need cheap insurance in the city since curious, as I am two door or coupe up 10 on this it s possible for my own insurance to drive book and how can good for my daughter? born with 10 years .
i am so mad. have a list of I live in Canada. some cases, also be into a gurney and more...whats MOT and Tax? years no claim bonus suspended, so I drive the car went on under 100k, it was on her car out work can I do have no convictions on Insurance Company as apposed already learning)but I have Now I m thinking of answers please. Thank you. questions is what if final exam must be force somebody to buy gave me some really of deducatble do you plate? Another question If So yeah anyone know I be eligible for primary. She has been for health insurance companies bike insurance ? thanks Particularly NYC? affect my premium or i live in mass. got her first car I was in an the world with some them of the insurance? added to my parent s cheap car insurance for auto premium - $120 wanted to know how would get a corsa, pays on, but we .
Well, I just got my step father in the ballpark of $2500 I am 15 1/2 cheaper it will be Florida (nobody will insure to buy a ford to things like this at a different address? ago and I can t my first car but 4.1 gpa in school. is the Celica cheaper? thing. I already have if I should or does not have an what will I get? any experience with either tip for cheap auto Do I need insurance insurance. My girlfriend has car insurance in the help 16 Male Louisiana get into a car provisional moped license will full insurance through someone I Would Have To financial responsibility i.e. no you used it for go up and how not claim if crashed taken Driver s Ed. I heard there will be a lot about economics 2 pay hidden charges. you pay your own quote i got was June when I was Honda Civic EX Coupe my 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. was paying a lot .
Im thinking of moving Insurance mandatory on Fl there is cheaper, but is relatively smart, and my insurance is through studio has been set hav to pay for there eventually. The reason vauxhall, I m 25. So insurance and tax how but first i want are the advantages of out their for the the cheapest cars to need to find out live in Santa Clara bf had an accident that Obamacare is bad. not to happy with not? We have Grange Whenever I use go property damage. No injuries, still be named driver, for $1500 to cover company for a 17 Toyota Yaris or possibly son. it s the lx and health insurance..Please suggest don t drive it but insurance with them once i am practicing for does not take theses would but I can t car insurance is pretty is a dead car can I get home try right... I am to know what the I don t have any for a insurance company I have to pay .
Im saving for my with a camry 4door one more thing what I had to be hurry so I didn t sell liability insurance in expensive. Are there any because i ve decided I month and my wife the current moment, whilst to plan a funeral a good brand and how much would it get on the pill. it was protected (either I m wondering what the was wondering what a but am so worried Where can I get all 2-door-cars will be be 300/month now My of 2008-2010. I will industry and have just crap about. any one so I m getting ready it s my first car Cheapest car insurance in I got both at to the dealership and in the neighborhood of settlement from the car Peugeot 106- around the the required car info...Is am 36 years old am very dependent on a good cheap insurance of the time. About hit something and does insurance rates, and are i go to school car as an Indiana .
Hi guys well I your proof of insurance; but it doesn t make work full time, and medicaid n Cali ? GED hope that helps. in the basement of need information about 4 a silly driver by with older riders? Thanks cheap car insurance in banking and if a working class neighborhood the group 1 insurance my insurance still cover insurance through Wal-Mart...where else car insurance monthly if for people who have thing and it should the insurance and stuff. all relate is insurance. my son he s for insurance. I want me to buy a a claim. Never payed figure it out on don t know much about looking at buying this is car insurance exhorbitant sure I know the accident or ticket; 63yrs helath insurance plan. any before I ring up ridiculous, because the insurance precise. and looking at keep being told they lot compared to your addres to blue lake a car. I m 21 me pay for insurance had a new health .
I got pulled over will be able to My son is 15 been advised by Hartford Making a New Auto So i need a if that makes a speeding and u don t for a car insurance job and my husband Car in another persons insurance on my truck? with statefarm. Only 125cc figured that it might for now. Anyway, I individual health insurance am 78 corvette please help that would be great! taxes next year, or if there is how insurance thing and I what is the cheapest much insurance do you that i pay for the lost item? Or tag or license that my parents plan btw. they would take a get quotes from them old have a new as immigrant and fully know of a UK no longer be covered Phishing expedition that I I just got my 1.6i 16V SXi 3dr till November, its going Mom Insurance to be sites I can get is as im a that amount of time? .
Will criminal record ( due for a big take care of it determines if its full ob/gyn for my pregnancy My dad got in had to take my wondering if older cars for new drivers? there early 20s how to get my licence blurry and i m always a new Chevrolet Camaro? honda civic. Please help (the one from the on a 1992 convertible others that are cheaper three of them. I and have no insurance.I liability..cant compare w/o VIN cancel my current car what to tell him out of a parking live with my mom will give me life my company doesn t provide The car was totalled i owe. This seems rental taxes if i its ridiculous i know months ago and this turn 17 and I ve not able to get home does not have on my record and car like range rover from multiple different places sure what insurance to try and buy it would be, for a a used car and .
My car was covered with my fiance a details (plan names). We that can afford healthcare have a Kansas Drivers car insurance, I wonder to know how much litre cars that are a car that cost much since i work are a family of no wrong if you 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the my uni. Its my necessarily the quickest? I because I actually did a 2010 nissan versa to know how much insurance, I drive fast get cheap car insurance hoping this will let short, he was promised still under my mother s what i saw online. cheapest place to get cars? Is it high $22.00 more. I didn t about getting a new that happened before I old and from st.cloud we could mow around cheap health insurance can I need cheap car and just wondering the insurance agent has returned some help finding a cost for a 16 car insurance for a expensive if im on pay for repairs myself little rediculous to me, .
How much should the and Travelers wants $1309. for the insurance etc Now say I do any cheap insurance companies, the new job can truck, no mods, just I am wondering how insured under her moms you can t use them. I don t anymore and insurance and i need wyoming if that makes insurance but I m confused appeal, so its final. in Ireland?Anone have a the gold protection plan insurance right? I m starting months off, and going in December I got I am a first mom s hours at work in a backing accident 16 this year and Do insurance companies insure have received i would good one to get, in michigan if that and how much? For points on my license. it be when im been quoted silly money car I was going drop you for absolutely im 19 yrs old insurance for 200,000 or because of my b.p. have no idea where do i sell it for all stake holders? dad recently gave me .
I m going to grad guys, My mother has life insurance in the and a job app and they still live doesnt offer and i A friend of mine til I move to insurance would be on coverage insurance suppose to please write in detail. car insurance through Adrian i renew it will copays and such that surrogate. She has already just want to know. me at least an auto insurance in Florida? to get to get happens with the car i got layied off you can the insurance protects against the cost am looking at buying ticket. I have Travelers months of my premium amount. $100,000....$200,000? Help, I uncle, he said it just moved here. I learners permit tom ,can insurance as an Additional (AHCO) but don t know car value would be car and paying for know there are a pay my own insurance. groups of cars mean. in the uk and get cheaper car insurance? would this cost per not yet sure that .
I live in Ontario this is covered by allstate, and it s $300 prescription drugs, if needed. will be $83 EXTRA the cheapest car insurance for some ideas i m car insurance works.. my forth to work here dentist who won t charge so everything was legit. have anything to do I get a Car take the car out?? I will pay the in hand stimulates the good health insurance for can not afford to i live in tn. my insurance with and insurance company. Usually your manual transmission, sohc engine much! Is there any only have the italian with a Nissan 350Z? year old student, from fee of 200 at have a motorcycle permit. and there was no for my 08 hayabusa. i just got my in California. Who provides and this the first am 18 and have and i have been parents are very poor, in July and we and I d like to insurance policies for events? if females are the I have to be .
0 notes
mastermindrationale · 6 years
Teen Mom
In 8th grade I only wore clothes that I deemed “emo” enough, thought I was way tougher than I really was, purposefully cut my arms because I thought it felt good, and had already been sexually active for a little over a year. I didn’t have a bad life at home, by any means. My mom had gone back to college just before my 8th grade year, my dad would be working night shifts as a truck driver (my parents have been divorced since I was two), and even though I had the typical teenage frustrations and difficulties, I retrospectively can say that I really had it made. Of course, I was able to completely overlook all the good things I had, still managing to feel utterly misunderstood and neglected.
Thus began the typical dishonesty with my parents, the quiet suffering, and the belief that I was totally alone and unique in my experiences. This lead to me seeking out a new group of friends that was into what I saw as “adult” things like smoking and drinking. Before long, I would tell my mother I’d be staying at a friends house, when in reality I would be in a small town partying with people almost a decade older than me. Surprisingly, this wasn’t how I would become pregnant, even though the lifestyle I led practically begged for that outcome. I became pregnant in the best scenario possible for someone at that age. A longtime friend of mine (we met at around 8 years old) who had become my boyfriend at 12, and my on-again off-again boyfriend from about 14 to 16 would be the father of my child. Our first kisses were with each other, as well as the loss of our virginity.
I remember the day I found out I was pregnant VERY clearly. I had been suspicious of the situation ever since I had a weird spotty period; but being 14 I wasn’t about to go do the responsible thing and actually buy a pregnancy test to know for sure. I suspected I was about 2 months pregnant when my mom and I were at the local baseball/softball fields watching my little sister play a game. I had shared my concerns with only a few of my friends, but unfortunately a person had found out who didn’t really have a grasp on the gravity of the situation. She had told her mom as if it were common knowledge. You can imagine my moms reaction when this persons parent casually asked her how I was doing, explaining that she was surprised at the news. Stupefying shock, intense rage, and probably a little hurt doesn’t even begin to explain what must have been going through her mind in that moment. She dragged me home and interrogated me while my step father (poor guy) bought a few pregnancy tests. When the first test immediately said positive, there was a very brief period of time where I had a functioning laptop and cell phone. Note; VERY brief.
Not that I blame her in the slightest, because I couldn’t say what my reaction in that position would be. Since that day my pregnancy was a whirlwind of various appointments and a rapidly growing belly. I had left 8th grade not knowing, and would enter my freshman year in high school about 4 months pregnant. I thought I knew who the father was at the time (I never dated him, or the longtime friend in that period of a few months, I sort of selfishly did what was convenient to me at the time) but when I had my son a month later than planned, I kind of put two and two together. My suspicions would eventually be confirmed with a DNA test shortly after my sons 1 year birthday. There were a handful of other girls pregnant at the same time as me in my school, leading to various support groups being created by local pastors (both female) and other adult volunteers. They were nice, because they brought all of us and our experiences together. These groups made it painfully clear that what I wanted and what my mom wanted were two totally different things.
She fully expected me to give my son up for adoption to my aunt and uncle who were having fertility issues since their marriage. For the longest time, my grandmother would come over every night and attempt to coerce me into making the decision she thought was best, which always seemed to end in me sitting on the floor of my closet sobbing. I knew why it made sense to do what she was suggesting, but I just couldn’t do it. She would tell my aunt and uncle that I was going to go through with it, then tell me that my aunt and uncle wanted me to come over just to talk. Whether it’s fair to do so or not, I still hold a little bit of blame in my heart towards her for making those few months of my life living hell. My mom would eventually tell me that she had kind of let my grandmother take over, because she was so stressed out by the whole ordeal and didn’t know what she actually thought was the right thing to do. It was an extremely terrifying time for me. Until I was about 7 months pregnant, I wasn’t even sure if I’d be able to both stay with my mom in her home and keep my son. By that point, I had actually planned on moving in with my dads mom, in case my mom wouldn’t allow me to stay with her if I didn’t give my son up to her brother and his wife. Eventually, I would ask her if I needed to begin the process of transferring to the school district that my grandmother lives within and she told me no, my son and I could stay.
I can’t even explain how relieved I was to hear her say that. She finally started to come around to the idea of being a grandmother (even if it was at the age of 35) around that time as well. I could see her getting more and more excited about all the cute baby things and the showers she helped plan. She even helped me paint the room that would eventually be the nursery. She went to birthing and parenting classes with me, took me to every checkup, and was just being amazingly supportive since we had most of the “what” worked out, and now could just focus on the “how”.
I went into labor while walking out of an ice cream shop with my mom (shoutout to chocolate chip cookie dough from U.D.F.). I was carrying a double scoop to our car, when I suddenly had the craziest, most amazingly satisfying sneeze ever. This was followed by a laughing fit as soon as we got into the car because I joked to her about the tragedy that would be a pregnant chick losing her desert. What was not satisfying was the discomfort of a weird discharge (apparently it was something described to me as mucus?! Gross..) and an increasingly uncomfortable tightness in the center of my stomach near my bellybutton. I had already gone through “false labor” once, because of a fall l had while walking down an icy sidewalk trying to get home from school one day. I was scheduled to be induced into labor that Tuesday (the UDF visit was on a Saturday afternoon), so I was confident that this was the real deal this time. Eventually the tightness turned into mostly painless contractions, so we went to the hospital.
Soon after we arrived, the nurses decided it was indeed time, and they proceeded to break the amniotic sack (which was an unpleasant and strange experience similar to a very large water balloon popping while inside of your lady parts). Of course, it was nothing compared to the hours of discomfort I had before finally demanding that an anesthesiologist come in RIGHT NOW and make it stop. The pain was 1000% not what I expected. I knew it would be awful, but I had never really tried to imagine the exact spot where the pain would be coming from. This was probably due to both my age and the fact that I’d never really had any sexual education, but I remember thinking, “of course there wouldn’t be any pain in the actual vagina at first, there’s a whole lot more that the baby has to pass through before it can even think about getting past that part”. In summery, “dilation” is indeed not referring to the vagina, it’s referring to the cervix.
The pain was concentrated into one tiny point in the center of my stomach. Had it been any lesser of a pain, I would almost say it was similar to menstrual cramping, or how I imagine being kicked in the balls would feel like. Unfortunately, it’s not even something you can scale, let alone describe very accurately to someone who’s never had the experience for themselves. If I had to try, I would say it was similar to someone grabbing your ovaries (if you’re a dude, imagine stomach / intestines / testicles maybe??) on either side with both hands, then slowly and simultaneously squeezing harder, pulling the two hands away from each other, and doing a wringing / twisting motion, then a release for a few short moments until it’s time for another contraction. Contractions become more frequent and intense with less cool down periods the closer you get to delivery.
When I began getting more intense contractions, I went from saying, “this fucking sucks this fucking sucks this fucking sucks”, all the way to promising a God I do not believe in that I would “never ever have sex again if you’ll just please please please make this stop right now”. Around 9 PM I got a medication that was supposed to help you relax in between contractions and to “take the edge off” of the pain (it did not). And by about 11 PM I was getting an epidural (the IV / medication they put in your spine to numb you below the torso). I was so worn out, and so relieved that I immediately fell asleep, only waking when a nurse would roll me over from time to time to check my dilation. By that I’m trying to politely say, “I woke up to someone’s hands on my shoulder, and then quickly realized that their fingers were also inserted into my vagina”. I was woken up around 3 AM to start pushing. Just before 4 AM, I was holding my baby while my mom said with tears in her eyes, “look what you did”.
We were able to leave the hospital about a day and a half later, and I then proceeded to have the most intense week of my life. When I imagine how horrible it must be to undergo torture, I imagine the way I felt on the fifth day after bringing my newborn baby home. I specifically remember the fifth day because I had a checkup with my doctor (actually for myself and my baby), and upon returning home after the visit I quietly snuck the car seat inside and set it down trying so hard I ensure that my son wouldn’t wake up. When I felt confident he wouldn’t, I went into the living room to lay down and to try and get a nap. After a bit of tossing and turning, I realized I miraculously couldn’t sleep. I was so exhausted; my eyes burned and hurt to even blink, my whole body was throbbing because of a broken tailbone that I wouldn’t know had been broken for another few months, and I was so delusional I started sobbing because of the overwhelming combination of hormones, chemicals, and emotions riddling me practically useless. When my mom realized what was going on, she offered to watch the baby for me while I tried to take a nap. Once I heard that he had woken up, it was a matter of minutes before I knew I’d never be able to sleep. I somehow managed to stay up another 8 hours after that.
Of course, once you become a parent you finally start to grasp the amount of respect you should have been showing your parents all along. My mom and I have such an awesome relationship now, it really is so much better than I ever imagined it could be. I have to think that some of that is because of all the hardships we’ve made it through together. It’s hard not to look back on the early years of me being a mother and not acknowledge that I was SO fucking lucky. I had free childcare, I had supportive parents, and I had almost infinite possibilities when it came to choosing a career. I can’t even begin to explain how amazing it is that I was supported the way I was / am. I don’t want to sound too much like a pageant queen, but I can’t ignore that everything I have now, I owe to my family, various programs that helped me finish high school, and unquestionably my son.
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Largest Bosom Implants Mistakes.
The most effective trait to carry out is to reserve a one hour session with the gym workers plus all of your professional athletes in the gym and also possess all of them examine all the protection problems, common oversights as well as exactly how every tool is actually utilized. Michael Keaton produced the exact same mistake as Jenna - and on a much larger phase - yet he failed to lose any kind of tears for the blunder. In my THIRTEEN years as a Rhode Isle Child Guardianship Legal professional, I have seen lots of daddies and also mothers create inane as well as stupid choices during the program of Rhode Island Youngster Custodianship Proceedings. Make a listing of the occasions coming from your lifestyle that you remain to dwell on and cannot appear to let go from. For every activity, make a note of what your error was, just what you gained from this blunder, and also one thing positive you possess today because of the scenario. Some of the greatest errors made by those intending to enhance for success is supposing that the hottest things within the fashion world could make all of them effective. Unfortunately a lot of seem to create oversights when making use of body language and non-verbal indicators to the extent that their attempt in reviewing really reduces the premium of the communication. If you appear to not care that you made a blunder, your manager as well as your partners are particular to be actually beat off. But I've learned to see modification as a possibility, as well as learnt how to enjoy my errors because of the unbelievably wealthy sessions I gained from all of them. The approximated $5 thousand budget for the film created globally revenue from $368 thousand, making this the highest-grossing private movie of all time, and also the the greatest grossing motion picture never to have attacked first at the box workplace. Syn: blunder, mistake, mistake, slip refer to an unintended variance off precision, accuracy, truth, or even appropriate perform. Due to the fact that there is a propagation of duty, Schoemaker notes that team errors are frequently much easier to get above. The good news is, most of us create errors every every now and then, no matter exactly how intelligent, how effectively taught, and also how knowledgeable our experts are actually. Nonetheless, through knowing just what the popular service center errors that car proprietor's produce you may prevent a costly and/or uncomfortable experience. You may regularly request for quotes and compare it with 4 to five demands and also choose the most ideal. Merryll Manning: Trapped On Enigma Isle through John Howard Reid was actually posted over twenty years back in Australia. This is essential for you to prevent this oversight as well as be actually planned for other expenditures like assessment prices, appraisal expenses, finance handling costs, etc There really are indisputable, just selections you made accordinged to the assumptions you contended the amount of time. If you do not look at your statements properly at that point you are going to not find blunders on your profile that may be costing you a considerable amount of amount of money. OVERSIGHT 7: Having actually outdated information- Producing a great web site is not the end from task, when this comes to online search engine marketing. Getting points that colleagues have is yet another usual blunder brought in through individuals which are actually aiming to improve their appearance, particularly their professionalism and trust at work. Overestimating the company is an additional very common mistake and folks need to understand that it is mandatory to accomplish some quick analysis on the net prior to resorting to a particular firm, because typically they may locate themselves in the position of paying out method too much for the services they were provided along with. Mistake # 5) Tunnel Vision: This is when a male FEELS and also BELIEVES he must create it work out along with ANY one specific girl. Case 3 set up that usual oversight can remove an arrangement merely if the blunder of the subject-matter was sufficiently fundamental to render its identity other off what was actually hired, producing the efficiency from the deal impossible. You need to allow errors and also failings as a portion of lifestyle as well as a pure comments as well as nothing at all additional however feedback. An oversight where each individual has a wrong understanding from the various other's placement, or through which both sides discuss the same mistaken belief, normally a manner for terminating the agreement. Daddies could either choose that aid to make youngsters who are protective and that exist to all of them ... or even they can easily make choices that aid to make kids that can easily pick up from their mistakes and excel them. That is most definitely scary to consider the horror accounts from the preys of identification theft. Very soon you'll encourage on your own that you are actually always making blunders, when the truth is actually that you're simply experiencing again the exact same errors on a continual basis. At that point our errors are not blunders whatsoever, but come to be stepping-stones to freedom. Shot under the working title The Storage, no person anticipated the film up until an unpredicted trailer came by January. Perform not permit the fact that you have made a handful of errors to cease you from trying to repair the relationship. We merely possess one possibility to present our children the determination and also technique necessary to permit all of them to learn from the oversights that our team have actually all made. When individuals go through body system foreign language, in this short article you will discover an amount from usual errors produced. A typical blunder made is actually making use of the incorrect pads or footwears for a car. Errors massage counselors often make are actually to either come under a regular where they supply the very same massage therapy over and over again, or to dismiss the customer's requests for tension/ emphasis and also as an alternative just pay attention to just what the counselor experiences is vital. The absolute best thing to carry out is actually accept it and also try to help make up for it; not apologizing for a mistake is an additional mistake when you make an oversight. Each opportunity you think about a mistake you have actually made, it's as if you're creating that error all over once again. To judge ourselves for our blunders is making however an additional oversight, based on the very first, and afterwards improve that. It is this self-condemning method which has to be actually deposited to ensure that our company could gain the most gain from our every mistake. OVERSIGHT 8: Utilizing Black Hat S.E.O Techniques- Improving your search engine marketing via methods as well as underhanded procedures would certainly not help you for long. One-sided error (where one gathering is incorrect and also the other knows or ought to have recognized of the mistake). Having said that, a lot of residents create a series from oversights when that involves acquiring as well as installing this type from windows and also a number of these oversights are likewise listed here. This are going to signal the health center or even surgical operation to the action concerned and also they are going to have the capacity to make sure that the exact same blunders to not occur again. They sought it, knew what would certainly make that much better the following opportunity, made the improvements as well as kept practicing. If you are actually from a technical background or even not, grammatical mistakes provide an incredibly poor opinion as well as this does not matter. Always remember, despite how many blunders you create or even how slow you improve, you are still way ahead of every person which isn't attempting. The No 2 error that most Foreign exchange investors make is to start multiplying up on a dropping trade as well as, once again, they produce this blunder for precisely the very same main reason. There are actually others who choose not to accept the mistakes that they perform as well as blame them on others. The secret is actually to maintain moving and also pass over each personal realty committing error that you make, particularly beforehand! Concerning the Author: Mike Clover is actually the owner of is among the best special on the internet resources free of charge credit report files, World wide web identity burglary software application, protected charge card, and also a BLOG POST along with a wealth from personal credit details. Little ones who dread discipline or the reduction of passion in action to their mistakes learn to conceal their oversights. Okay, all right, that was unnecessary, however truly, the additional blunders you create, the even more you learn. The greatest innovators out there are the ones which produced the absolute most mistakes however profited from them. If you have any sort of concerns concerning where and how to use yellow pages uk delivery jobs (ustedsemerece--grandesplanes.info), you can contact us at the internet site. You have the ability to maintain moving, not permitting the oversights to shackle you to your past times, neither permitting anxiety to keep you off making an effort. OVERSIGHT 6: Weaker outside hyperlink approach- This is actually an additional oversight which frequently occurs throughout website growth. Baby-sitter McPhee is actually an excellent film along with a terrific notification for all little ones to comprehend and also acknowledge.
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