#(except i actually do love robb)
dirtytransmasc · 10 months
how I think Theon would rank his siblings
Rickon - they're besties. he doesn't know how they became besties or why rickon likes him so much, but they're bff's and nothing will break that bond. is lovingly mean and teases him a lot like the good big brother he is. (there was like a 6 mi the streak where rickon would *not* sleep in his own bed and would only sleep in theon's, again, why this is, he has no clue. he didn't mind after a while. they normally watched a movie until rickon fell asleep and then Theon went about doing shit on his Xbox/computer till he fell asleep)
Arya - sassy little shit. has kicked him in the ribs. also tried to fight one of his shitty ex friends for being a dick. he respects her.
Asha - doesn't see her often. tough love. kinda mean. she's blood though and he loves her and she loves him more than she ever lets on.
Bran - kinda creepy and really stoic, but he likes to be run around in his wheel chair which is fun, and he's fun to watch movies with cause he's really quiet and won't talk like all of their siblings tend to do.
Sansa - air head, brat, mean, likes dumb girl things. (he loves her so dearly and has and would continue to maim anyone who even thinks of touching her. they just have that classic brother/sister dynamic where they "hate each other's guts" for simply existing)
Grey wind - his Bf's dog. best cuddler.
Shaggy dog - second best cuddler. likes to go on hikes on the beach with him (and rickon who runs the whole way through and then needs to be carried back to the car)
Ghost - 10x better than his owner. the goodest boy.
Lady - very polite. the goodest girl. only ranked this low because he 'hates' Sansa.
Summer - chewed one of his shoes once as a puppy. he never forgave that. does let her cuddle up with him when they're watching movies with Bran.
Nymeria - mean to him, except when she wants belly rubs.
dead brother #1
dead brother #2
All of rickon's friends
All of Bran's weird friends
Jon Snow - he's the worst of the worst. the devil himself. he could go die. (he's the closest thing Theon has to an actual friend his age and they claim to hate are constantly doing things together "for convenience" or because they "couldn't find anyone else to go with" or "Robb forced them to get along". they hate smoke and play Xbox together. they've had a shared Minecraft world since they were 8. they've fought to the blood on multiple occasions)
not featured on this list:
Robb - his boyfriend, he's not getting ranked with their siblings that's weird. if he were though he'd take second place, rickon comes first)
Edit: I made this while so sick, tired, and tripped up on cough meds that I have theon 3 dead brothers and it took me a while to realize... oops.
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dipperscavern · 13 days
stop dippy im blushing
can i do potion brewing: enemies to lovers with Robb? feel free to throw in some smut
congrats again💕💕
hi my love, absolutely!! i apologize so dearly for the length omg
so, let’s say you’re a lannister. cersei’s daughter, and traveling with jamie to (eventually) make your way to kingslanding. except you both get captured by robb & his army
even if robb has a lot of distaste for your house, or you specifically, he would not tolerate any mistreatment of you whatsoever. sure, he wasn’t as gentle with jamie as he could’ve been, but jamie wasn’t thoroughly mistreated. and neither shall you be.
robb would find himself visiting you more often then not, and be quite frustrated with himself, because he doesn’t just grow to tolerate your company — but enjoy it.
would have an internal pull, and would go a few days without visiting you sometimes. he’s fighting with his head and his heart, as he feels like he’s betraying his house
you find you enjoy not just robb’s company, but catelyns as well. the more you realize what house stark stands for, the more you start doubting your loyalty to your own last name.
if you’re the open-minded type, you and robb would have some really interesting conversations. hearing his side of the war, and how it actually started (compared to what your mother told you), and i think that’s when your loyalty switches (whether you know it or not)
you don’t sleep much that night, mind keeping you awake. you have some sense of faded loyalty to your house, but will it be blind? will you choose what you’ve been told to, or what is right?
when morning comes, you swear allegiance to house stark.
it would take a while for you to actually gain the trust of anyone. and you would stick by catelyn (and brienne) virtually all the time.
you would give advice to catelyn when you think it might help, keep your head down, and do any task assigned to you in a test of trust.
you’re kept very far away from jamie, and any request to see him is denied.
robb distances himself from you for a while, things with your loyalty too fresh to be seen “catering” to you.
but, eventually, fate decides to bring you back together. sneaking to the kitchens of the castle hosting robb and his army, and catching robb up late at night. he’s reminded how easy you are to speak to.
you’re trusted more as time goes on, and you and robb strike a sort of understanding. you both are desperate for someone that will listen to you, and your gazes keep finding the others lips — but none of it will ever be said aloud.
you’re by him & catelyns side as they find out about bran and rickon, and slowly, they begin to put their trust into you.
as their political situation worsens, talk of a betrothal begins to reach your ears.
you and robb have a conversation. he says he wished to marry for love, and you laugh. you tell him the only ones that marry for love are the lucky and the lowborn. but you also tell him that love can be developed over time, and he nods. you both have an understanding.
you’re given more responsibilities and they show their (almost) full trust in you as you and robb become betrothed (officially). you decide to be fully devoted to him, and one day visit your uncle, still bound in his chains.
you tell him the truth. about your shared house, about your mother, your grandsire, even jamie himself. and you tell him you’re wiping the lion-maned stain off your name. you tell him of the love once held for him and your mother, and you tell him goodbye.
he calls out for you, but not by name. “traitor,” he says — and you turn your back on him. he may rot.
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slexenskee · 1 year
I'm just curious. Can I ask more about JJK/GOT? It’s just that as soon as I saw the Satoru/Robb couple I immediately became interested 😅
Sure haha I have a few plot points I could use feedback on
The backstory is where I'm??
Idk if I want Satoru to be reborn as Viserys and start his life just vibing as a pampered prince kinda ambivalent about his life / couldn't care less about the rebellion or his batshit father until he gets shipped off to Dragonstone and eventually Essos. Then he kinda realizes A) his little sister is literally relying on him to exist and they're situation is pretty rough and B) he has no more fucks to give and now he can really do whatever tf he wants. Kinda goes a bit wild, takes over one of the free cities (casually), gets worshipped by the Dothraki as a god (accidentally), ends up creating something of an empire in the Disputed Lands/takes over the Stepstones and now all the pirates and traders pay him for safe passing like sailors paying tribute to the altars of gods. Mostly he's just bemused by it, and doesn't care what they do so long as they don't bother him or his sister, who's raising her dragons (a gift from Illyrio) and just living a nice happy life.
OR he's not Viserys at all, he legit transmigrates adult body (and powers) and all and becomes a wandering god around Essos just sort of feeling his way through this random new world - definitely goes to Valyria just because he can, makes a fortune selling all the random junk he picks up there and becomes something of a master on the topic just bc he ends up learning so much about it as someone who regularly hangs out there, and one way or another ends up the accidental god of the Stepstones like he is the first scenario. Except this time he's cajoled to Pentos at the behest of Illyrio Mopatis, who wants to know more about the Valyrian freehold, and while he's there he meets Dany and Viserys. Immediately clocks Viserys as a nutjob and Dany as abused but honestly doesn't really care about either of them until he sees the dragon eggs + his Six Eyes see Dany has magic and it's reacting with the eggs. He pays Illyrio/Viserys a veritable king's treasure in exchange for Dany as his 'bride' and gets the eggs as her bridal gift... which he does not bc he wants a bride but bc dragons are, in his opinion, the only cool thing in this world and he wants to have one as a pet and Dany is his ticket to that.
EITHER way he's the god of the Stepstones and Westeros tries to push their weight around and fails regularly. Gojo eradicates probably like 3 Redwyne and Lannister fleets and lets them wash up to Dorne in pieces before Westeros finally gets the picture to leave him the hell alone. Robert Baratheon comes personally a few times mainly because he has a total hard-on for Gojo and frankly just loves the fighting (his adoration is not returned), Oberyn becomes one of his favorite drinking buddies. They probably fuck multiple times, let's be real.
He's not interested in taking over the world or anything - honestly if it wasn't for Dany he'd have like zero purpose for existing so he's lowkey happy to have her in his life, but it's definitely a brother and sister relationship no matter which way I go with his backstory. It's all very wholesome.
By the time we get to S1 Gojo is an undisputed world power that's also something of an eccentric recluse.
He doesn't get involved in the plot until one way or another he's notified of Shit Happening™ in the far north. Idk how yet - maybe he senses it himself, or one of the Red priests/priestesses tells him?
He goes to the wall, meets Jon Snow, learns some of the Northern history, feels bad for the Night's Watch - who are actually doing the lord's work up in this damn place, what is wrong with westeros, smh - and sends men and plenty of food/supplies as he can see the magic in the Wall and knows it's not just there to look pretty. Especially not when his Six Eyes can see that the Land of Always Winter has more magic and is more active than old Valyria. He jokingly propositions Jon Snow, who to his surprise is not actually gay, and then afterwards when he's summarily rejected casually propositions his 'sister' for him instead- who's going through a romance phase and wants a handsome man and Gojo, being a good brother and also a fucking troll, decides to help out. Whether Gojo is actually Viserys or not, at this point everyone assumes he's Valyrian and also related to Dany no matter what he says, so he just rolls with it. Jon still declines, because he's still all up in his duty and honor phase. (He notices Jon has magic, like Dany, but assumes that's just because of the Northern magic)
He becomes fast friends with Maester Aemon, deeply interested in his stories of the Far North. He's actually interested in the North, in general, bc its one of the few parts of the world he hasn't yet gone to, and also has a history that's almost as old as Valyria. The Free Folk are downright unfriendly to him, so he decides to try his luck with Winterfell.
Idk what the route is but basically from the Wall he ends up in The North and finally meets Robb smack in the middle of the War of the 5 Kings. Maybe he goes to Winterfell with a letter from Jon, and then from Winterfell to Robb? Or from Jon straight to Robb? Basically no matter which way he ends up going, he gets a warm intro from one of Robb's siblings (or both). He also gets tasked, by one or both of them, to look for the Stark sisters. Gojo's all like, 'LOL look for them? Bruh I could blast down the Red Keep and drag them out within the next hour, but sure ok I'll 'look' for them). It's especially easy because he realizes all the Starks have more magic than most, so his Six Eyes can pick them out easily.
So Robb and Gojo kind of have immediate chemistry. Robb has obviously heard a lot about him, most of it mysterious, all of it dangerous, so he's shocked when this stupidly good looking guy comes out of literally nowhere (teleports) and has some messages for him, and is also going to go fetch his sisters as a personal favor. That last one he's a bit cautious about, because he's heard plenty about this Valyrian god or devil or both, and he doesn't believe for a second such a powerful being would offer such a boon for free.
Gojo's only response is 'I've got a little sister too ya know, I understand how it feels to be an older brother that wants to see them safe and sound' and Robb's all like, blushy and flustered, but plays the hard line and sort of just dismisses him and denies his help. And Gojo's all like, 'damn this guy's hot' also 'if my gaydar isn't wrong, which it usually isn't, he'd totally be into me' and also 'he'd be even more into me if I really did rescue his sisters'. Which he was going to do anyway.
He obviously finds both of them. Arya gets a free assassination teacher that doesn't come with the price tag of her soul, Sansa doesn't have a tragic few years ahead of her.
Idk haven't figured much else out after that. Robb pines but refuses to act on his feelings, but Gojo is swapped in for Talisa so we all know how this ends. There'll be plenty of consequences for that though, but no Starks are going to be injured (aside from Bran lo siento) in the making of this fic.
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This escalated a lot, (which was a good distraction from everything so I'm taking that as a good thing), so now I have to give:
Warnings: Discussions and mentions of all the horrible things we warn for in Theon's Plotline, particularly the ones about depersonhood, sexual violence, casual violence, classism, and so on and so on + a few suicide jokes and links to artistic depictions of the aftermath of rape.
I moved a few weeks ago and haven't been able to unpack because I got injured during the moving and my other arm is also fucked up because of something else that happened this year and today I finally got to clean around and actually do stuff and arrange my room and I started with my book shelf, which obviously means I didn't actually do much because I just started rereading whatever book I hadn't seen in a while got to my hands. And after realising that I certainly have a type for narratives and characters I started thinking about Hannah from Until Dawn and how amazing it was to have a dead female character with little to no characterisation that subverted the "haunt the narrative" thing we see in many of the asoiaf girls from the dead ladies club and yeah I am thinking about Kyra again and that is not a good mentality.
Elia and Lyanna are given a personality and a face through those who loved them, they feel real because the pain of those who mourn them feels real. Even Joanna Lannister gets some of that through what little we find out of her.
Kyra is a dead lady but she’s not a member of the Dead Ladies Club™. She doesn’t get that privilege. The only person who thinks of her is Theon and it is not done lovingly.
Kyra has a personality we are not privy too. She is a satellite character that is mentioned exclusively in relation to Theon, even in the exception of Bran's POV. Her existence is conditioned to Theon.
Jeyne Poole, although often called one, isn't a satellite character. From the very beginning of the story she is already a presence in multiple POV character's lives, even if her role in the story and her characterisation is weak; She is Sansa's friend, Arya's bully, even Catelyn mentions her and in relation to Robb, but we don't ever see her interacting with her father and none of those characters seems very concerned of her well-being. I don't even know if Ned was planning on sending her with Arya & Sansa or if she was supposed to stay with her father. She later ascends a bit by becoming a secondary but fundamental character in Theon's POV and the Northern plot.
Kyra however is a blank page with a name. This isn't meant as something derogatory. I still have flashbacks of my 2016 experience in this fandom and the way the only kyra stan I ever met would wage a war on jeyne p fans. This isn't my intention.
With exception of Theon there are four other characters that are mentioned to have interacted with her.
Bessa, another serving wench who is implied to have participated on a threesome with her and Theon some time before Bran V, AGOT (Oooh she and Theon were bi4bi!)
Wex Pyke, is mentioned to have slept at the foot of Theon's bed, a bed on which Kyra slept as well. (Oooh Dog imagery and the implied possible witnessing of rape!)
Ramsay Snow...not going to write that. We all know what happened.
Ben Bones, "[...] Even if we do escape, Lord Ramsay will hunt us down, him and Ben Bones and the girls." generalised statement by Theon during his escape with Jeyne. Ben Bones isn't mentioned in relation to Kyra and him being caught during their failed escape.
These aren't even brief versions of her connections, I'm reaching out with many of them.
What else do we know about her?
Ok. She is a serving wench and probably works at the Smoking Log (Source: Bran)
She blushes easily and seems to be embarrassed by public talks of her sex life (Source: Theon)
She seems like an eager lover and seemed to be excited when Theon first took her to Winterfell (Source: Theon)
She had never been at the castle before (Source: Theon)
She acted as the big spoon as they slept together (Source: Theon)
She still refers to Theon as "M'lord" during early ACOK, even if the aforementioned positioning of the two would have us believe there might be more emotional intimacy or closeness between the two (Source: Theon)
Theon raped her (Source: Theon)
Ramsay possibly raped her (Source: Ramsay saying he wanted to bed her)
She was taken prisoner with the other women and children who were at Winterfell after Ramsay sacked the castle. (Source: Theon)
At some point she managed to set herself free, stole the keys to Theon's cell, liberated him, asked him to help her back to Winterfell and failed (Source: Theon)
She threw a rock at Ramsay when he caught her and Theon again, and missed by a foot (Source: Theon)
She was mauled to death by hounds (Source: Theon)
Ramsay named a hound meant to kill other women during future hunts after her (Source: Theon)
He had run before. Years ago, it seemed, when he still had some strength in him, when he had still been defiant. That time it had been Kyra with the keys. She told him she had stolen them, that she knew a postern gate that was never guarded. "Take me back to Winterfell, m'lord," she begged, pale-faced and trembling. "I don't know the way. I can't escape alone. Come with me, please." And so he had. The gaoler was dead drunk in a puddle of wine, with his breeches down around his ankles. The dungeon door was open and the postern gate had been unguarded, just as she had said. They waited for the moon to go behind a cloud, then slipped from the castle and splashed across the Weeping Water, stumbling over stones, half-frozen by the icy stream. On the far side, he had kissed her. "You've saved us," he said. Fool. Fool. It had all been a trap, a game, a jape. Lord Ramsay loved the chase and preferred to hunt two-legged prey. All night they ran through the darkling wood, but as the sun came up the sound of a distant horn came faintly through the trees, and they heard the baying of a pack of hounds. "We should split up," he told Kyra as the dogs drew closer. "They cannot track us both." The girl was crazed with fear, though, and refused to leave his side, even when he swore that he would raise a host of ironborn and come back for her if she should be the one they followed. Within the hour, they were taken. One dog knocked him to the ground, and a second bit Kyra on the leg as she scrambled up a hillside. The rest surrounded them, baying and snarling, snapping at them every time they moved, holding them there until Ramsay Snow rode up with his huntsmen. He was still a bastard then, not yet a Bolton. "There you are," he said, smiling down at them from the saddle. "You wound me, wandering off like this. Have you grown tired of my hospitality so soon?" That was when Kyra seized a stone and threw it at his head. It missed by a good foot, and Ramsay smiled. "You must be punished." Reek remembered the desperate, frightened look in Kyra's eyes. She had never looked so young as she did in that moment, still half a girl, but there was nothing he could do. She brought them down on us, he thought. If we had separated as I wanted, one of us might have gotten away. - Reek I, ADWD
A few things:
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2) Kyra's own involvement
I've often seen people take Theon's inner thoughts as a fact. Most of us are convinced that this was all something Ramsay planned all along, that any possible escape was frustrated from the very beginning. I have often even seen fan works in which Kyra knows and tells Theon that Ramsay is planning to hunt them, but when looking closer to the text I find it difficult to believe that everything was a set up. In Theon's memories he mentions how the gaoler was drunk and had his breeches down, which I think implies that maybe it was Kyra who deliberately planned this. That maybe it was her who orchestrated him getting frunk and eventually also had sex with him, perhaps to get closer and take the keys. "She knew a poster gate that was never guarded" also implies that she wasn't held prisoner in the same way Theon was, but maybe was set up to become a slave/servant like Arya at Harrenhall and spent enough time roaming "free" to notice such things. If this was the case and it was her plan instead of Ramsay (who might or might not have maybe set up her environment and conditioned her thoughts of escape) then I think we can maybe add some other traits to her characterisation; we can assume she is observant, resilient and very brave.
3) I wanted to name this section "The Kiss" but then Klimt came to mind so we are naming it Frame 00:09:31 and Frame 00:09:38 of Belladonna of Sadness (tw the links for artistic depictions of the aftermath of rape)
There is often speculation going on whether the lack of something textual in these books can be seen as proof for something else. Canon romantic Jon/Sansa and the idea that Dany considers the Dothraki subhuman are often backed up by this sort of thought process (I admittedly don't believe in any of the aforementioned examples) but I don’t think we’ve ever seen it used in cases like that of Kyra, where I personally find it more fitting. Particularly when it comes to that scene and how Theon doesn't describe her response. I have always seen people take this as something reciprocal and sometimes even beautiful, and Theon internally chastising himself as he thinks of it is often attributed to thinking there was a chance of escape, when it could as well be him chastising himself because he kissed her without really considering how frightening the entire situation must have been for her. Her reasoning for setting him free is that he knows how to go back, not that she loves him or has forgive him. She is said to tremble as she pleads for help, her face is pale, and I can't help but wonder if part of her fear also came from having to beg her rapist to accompany her in her escape.
Based on her throwing a stone at Ramsay, who probably raped her in the past, I like to believe that when he kissed her she screamed, bit Theon and pushed him away.
4) The Girl
There are a few things in that text about Theon & Kyra that in hindsight remind me of Theon & Jeyne.
Some of it is relatively obvious and I have mentioned it in the past, such as the
"You've saved us," he said. - Reek I, ADWD
"You saved me," Jeyne had whispered, - Theon I, TWOW
"We should split up," he told Kyra as the dogs drew closer. "They cannot track us both." The girl was crazed with fear, though, and refused to leave his side, [...] If we had separated as I wanted, one of us might have gotten away. - Reek I, ADWD
"Stay close to me," Jeyne said. "Don't leave me." "I will be right beside you," Theon promised - Theon I, ADWD
but also
"Take me back to Winterfell, m'lord," she begged, pale-faced and trembling. "I don't know the way. I can't escape alone. Come with me, please." - Reek I, ADWD
He put a finger to her lips. "We can talk about that later. You need to be quiet now. Come with us. With me. We will take you away from here. Away from him." - Theon I, ADWD
Reek remembered the desperate, frightened look in Kyra's eyes. She had never looked so young as she did in that moment, still half a girl, but there was nothing he could do. - Reek I, ADWD
The eyes of the bride were brown. Big and brown and full of fear. It was not right that she should look to him for rescue.  - The Prince of Winterfell, ADWD
Overall my perception of things tells me that there was a drastic change in Theon's character after her death. It is him who this time has comed up with a plan and has to beg/repeatedly ask for someone else to accompany him. Something I find peculiar is how he describes fear being visible through their eyes and the sight of it makes him feel guilt over his lack of agency.
When comparing his behaviour during the failed escape and the flight we see that he no longer plans on leaving Jeyne in order to escape by himself (and we see him prove that during TWOW when he comments on how her ribs broke so HE CARRIED HER jdsfskdjfnsdkjf aren't you supposed to be emaciated???). And while I find that a very noble development, as I consider salvation to be symbiotic, it leads me to wonder:
5) The AU
So many fanworks often depict Theon holding her hand and going ahead as they run, it's a beautiful image but it doesn't follow into what the canon is telling us.
Kyra being the active one in this event, her having to be the one who not only approaches Theon with thoughts of escape but also begs for his help, implying he might have been hesitant at first, she being the one who refuses to leave him although he is set off on their(/his?) chances of a successful escape being higher if they part ways, all this points to him probably not wanting to hold her hand through it, much less lead her through his same path.
And then I think of Theon's promise
The girl was crazed with fear, though, and refused to leave his side, even when he swore that he would raise a host of ironborn and come back for her if she should be the one they followed. - Reek I, ADWD
Would he? Would he have returned with a host if ironborn to get her? I don't think he would have. I don't think he was consciously lying to her or that he would just forget of her and leave with no remorse and never think of her again. I think it would have become inconvenient to return and he would have told himself it is impossible and she would haunt him nonetheless, but what consolation is that for her?
If he had miraculously managed to get to his sister or to Dagmer Cleftjaw, had miraculously managed to rapidly heal and regain his strength, would he have been able to get himself a host of loyal ironborn that would follow him far far far into the land, away from the realms of he who dwells beneath the waves, just to save some random girl he used to bed? Ad given how emotionally constipated is, how introverted, how he rarely displays vulnerability, what could he have said in order to change their mind?
Even her physical appearance, something that Theon, a somewhat libidinous young man, might have remarked on, is omitted. She doesn't have thick auburn hair, which could have made some readers use her as "proof" for him being "psychosexually" (another word most people in here don't know how to define but will use regardless) attracted to Robb/Sansa/Cat. The eyes of the girl aren't "big and brown" for me and a few other delusional people to claim as "foreshadowing" for a future romance. There aren't any mentions of her having a sharp nose that could have made us think of her as a semblance of his own family back at the Islands. There is nothing. She is nothing.
Sometimes we readers attempt to give closure to Kyra through fan work; I have seen art depicting her as a ghost "forgiving" Theon, there are fics in which Theon takes care of the hound that was named after her or (I am guilty of this too) him taking care of Jeyne is somehow seen by the narrative as atonement for his past mistreatment of Kyra. None of these works are inherently bad or disrespectful and I can appreciate what they do and I enjoy many of them (@/ghostlyturncloaks has a very beautiful fic involving Theon and Kyra, the hound), but none of them will give Kyra, the actual Kyra who used to breath and was then killed by hounds, closure because that is simply impossible to do given how she is not a real character compared to those who surround her. When people in this fandom talk about "stanning the girls who suffer/are victims" it is often done either in a holier-than-thou light or in a derogative manner but it never refers to Kyra because Kyra isn't allowed to be a person in the text.
Taking care of Jeyne or the hound won't make things right for her and there are no reasons for her to forgive Theon when Theon refuses to even think of the act with indisputable textual remorse. We can read between the lines and realise that Theon feels guilt, the fact she "and her keys" haunt him is already proof of that, but does he feel guilt for her terrible death, for him raping her, for how little he valued her as a person or for all of these together?
And I don't think that Theon is inherently a bad person for not valuing her and not being interested in her as a person, I think such situations are cruelly casual and rarely intentional. I think most people across their life will come to realise that they should have valued someone more. Our feelings aren't reciprocal and that isn't necessarily a sign of vileness. And, to my shame, I admit that part of my obsession with my unlucky trio of Jeyne, Falia and Kyra is somewhat motivated by my own feelings of depersonalisation and overall worthlessness and irrelevance.
It is difficult to explain, at most I can maybe compare it to the way Dany has managed to appeal to so many woc through her journey. Cersei, Dany, Arya and Sansa are all well written, interesting and profound characters that will go down in history both in and out of universe as such. Kyra won’t, neither will Falia, the Jeynes might have but they weren’t enough and were quickly replaced without many mourning that change in the way we mourn Daenerys' popularised end game as a mad queen or Arya's popularised endgame as a badass assassin without any nuisance. And I can understand why! This anger is purely mine!
With Kyra there is a world to explore, but only as long as Theon is no longer there. We can't give her a respectful characterisation if our only source and voice is that of Theon, if we were to that it would probably be highly ooc. But then again we can't even interact with her without Theon being in the picture. What happened to Bessa? Was she killed during the Winterfell sack? Were they friends? I imagine they were close if the two worked together and also had a threesome. Did she feel fear and maybe a pang of jealousy when she saw her being summoned to the castle to never come back to their inn? Did Kyra have a family? Maybe they were working the fields in the late summer/early autumn and were hoping to see her in winter again. I will be arrogant by referring to the images meme I recently made for her but yeah, Nathaniel Russel's fake fliers you will go down in my memory:
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Even something as benign and well meaning as giving her a face, be it by a film/show/comic-adaptation or fan art, is somewhat counterproductive to what I think might have been aimed by the writer through her being a faceless pain. A face can make someone become sympathetic or interesting, meanwhile Kyra is pain unbridled and without any mentioned outer or inner beauty to get us to be invested in her. I might have my headcanons for her, with and without Theon, but I am not meant to have them.
The most common Tumblr tag for the sharing of Kyra related posts is "#kyra and her keys" and although this will be perceived by may as a holier than thou attitude I think it speaks on itself that we readers, the few readers who care enough about Kyra to dedicate a post to her, have decided to refer to her with a concept Theon chose for her. We define her through Theon without any real consideration for her own feelings. "#kyra asoiaf" has about three posts last I checked.
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patrocles · 3 months
16, 20, 26, 35, 38!!!! <3
16. Favorite sibling dynamic
All of them make me want to k word myself but Jon and Robb's relationship itches my BRAIN. They are such foils to one another and the way Jon navigates his complicated relationship with how he feels about Robb— his jealousy at how Robb had everything Jon wanted, but also how much he loves his brother— just makes me NUTS. And also the fact that they're both oath breakers, they're both the big brothers that fail a little sister. The moment Jon thought his brother rode to the wall to save him only for his brother to have DIED.... insane actually. And despite everything, Jon is who Robb wanted to succeed him and I hope Jon knows how much his brother believed in him
20. Theory you pray never comes true
Ignoring a lot of the iceberg theories that are obviously not true, Tyrion being a Targaryen (and tbh all the secret Targ theories besides Varys) is just the woooooooorst. It doesn't really do anything for his character nor his relationship with Tywin, if anything I think it really underwhelms the depth of their dynamic. Tyrion IS Tywin's son, and that's excuse enough for Tywin to hate him. Because despite how much Tywin aspires for perfection, he cannot escape that Tyrion is a part of him. Giving Tywin a ~secret~ reason
26. Favorite "problematic" ship
There was a time during covid I fell down a weird rabbit hole of dead dove-esque Stannis/Theon fics.. ??
35. A character you just don't get the hype of
Will I get jumped if I say Shiera Seastar cus.... literally what IS the hype... I'm sure if we get any more details besides pretty and maybe does magic?
38. Is there a house you you would fit in with based off your own looks? A house you would fit in with based off your personality/ideals/vibes etc?
Off looks, probably none except maybe some Dornish offshoot. Shock and surprise to no one, the Stark rigid pragmatism and adherence to honor and loyalty speak to my spirit. When Ned was getting an attitude with everyone because the humidity was beating his ass, and also he was not good at playing Political Games, I said yeah that's my dad.
ASOIAF Themed Asks
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
Lady and the Scoundrel - Chapter 6 - A New Hero
Beginning || Previous || Next
            “C’mon, Chloe. You can do it. You can do it!” Barkk cheered on.
            “I’d get it better if you explained it again.”
            “I don’t know how to make it any clearer than I already have.”
            “Maybe if you just gave me the-.”
            “No! Not gonna happen. C’mon! You can do this! You can do this!”
            Chloe groaned and struggled with her homework. She paused when she heard Cheri’s name called. She glanced up as Aden, Jake, and Shannon approached Cheri. She looked away as bitterness ate away at her mixed with jealousy and envy. She went back to her homework when Barkk shoved a phone in her face.
            Chloe pursed her lips and held back a snappy remark as she looked at the screen. She raised a brow when she saw a video of her as Queen Spaniel from the night before. She watched it and realized it was when she helped the random person from a mugging. She flinched when the mugger pulled out a gun and fired, even knowing it just bounced off her. She scrolled up from the video at the comments that were a mix of debates if this was real and praise for the mysterious dog hero.
            “Isn’t this cool? There’s a superhero out there. Do you think she’ll stop that cat villain?” Aden asked.
            “Of course, she will. Did you see how swiftly she came to that man’s rescue? She’ll likely catch that kitten and put his villainy to an end before it even begins,” Jake boasted.
            Chloe furrowed her brow and opened her mouth when Jake took his phone back from her. They continued their conversation with Cheri, but excluded Chloe. She pouted while she listened to them sing their praises of Queen Spaniel while ignoring her. Her annoyance and rage built until she stood and slammed her hands on the table.
            “What’s the big deal? All she did was stop a mugging. Anyone could do that!” Chloe roared.
            Aden, Jake, and Shannon all stared at Chloe in bewilderment. Chloe’s face flushed as she felt a myriad of eyes burn into her. She felt herself freeze up and stare back with wide, deer-in-the-headlights eyes. She gulped and ran out of the study hall towards her dorm. She made it back as Barkk caught up with her.
            “Chloe, what’s wrong? What happened?”
            “What happened? What happened! What didn’t happen? They’re all sitting there praising this new hero when she didn’t even do anything special. She just did what any normal person could do. So, why is she so special?”
            Barkk’s eyes widened. She ushered Chloe into their dorm and locked the door. She sat Chloe on the bed before she sat beside her.
            “I don’t understand what makes Queen Spaniel so special. She didn’t even stop the real villain, yet everyone is falling at her feet over it.”
            “And it makes you think of Zoe, doesn’t it?” Barkk asked.
            Chloe took a sharp breath as tears gushed from her eyes. “N-no! Not at all! What would give you such an idea?”
            “Because it happened the same way back then, didn’t it? Zoe didn’t do anything special except be kind and won everyone over. Even after being akumatized, everyone still loved her.”
            Chloe snorted and looked away.
            “I can see the parallels, but Queen Spaniel isn’t the same case of Zoe.”
            “Yeah right. How so then?”
            “Queen Spaniel is a newfound symbol of hope. In her, people can be assured that this supervillain can be stopped. She is the promise that they don’t have to live in fear.”
            “Please. All he did was rob a bank. What could they have to fear from that?”
            “There is more to it, Chloe,” Barkk whispered.
            “What… what do you mean?”
            “I went snooping around and learned there were casualties. Twenty wounded, five killed. Hundreds of thousands of pounds lost to the heist. And the fact that the cat wasn’t alone but guarding the actual robbers.”
            “They have not been identified, but it was a small group of people under the cat’s protection. Their motive is still unknown, but the damage is there.”
            “I… I hadn’t realized that.”
            “It’s ok. That’s why I’m telling you. Your kind will only be better through learning. Not knowing would only hurt you and Queen Spaniel.”
            Chloe sighed and looked away as guilt gnawed at her. “Do I… do I need to apologize to those people for snapping off?”
            Barkk hummed. “Up to you. Personally, I wouldn’t care so much. They were ignoring you and forcing me into their conversation.”
            Chloe fumed. “If you knew they were ignoring me, why didn’t you do something?”
            “Because if you want to make those connections, you need to take that first step. If I do it all, it won’t mean as much. You need to put in a small amount of effort. So, if they ignore you again, say something. Go off.”
            “But… but I don’t want them to hate me.”
            “Well, what’s worse? Being hated, or being ignored?”
            Chloe considered. “Being ignored. I can tolerate being hated, but being ignored was so much worse.”
            “There you go. And don’t forget something important. You can’t please everyone. So, instead of focusing on making everyone happy, focus on what makes you happy.”
            “But what if no one likes what makes me happy?”
            “There will always be at least one person that does. You just need to find them. It’ll be hard, but I know you can do it. Maybe that Felix guy is a good start?”
            Chloe scoffed. “Please. He’s just as annoying as ever.”
            “There! You have a history. Maybe you can take that first step and attempt to mend whatever is between you two. It would be good practice, especially since you’re comfortable with him already.”
            “I’ll consider it.”
            “Atta girl. Now! We have work to finish before patrol.”
            Chloe grumbled but didn’t say anything.
            “And, Chloe?”
            “You’re doing great. I’m proud of you.”
            Chloe’s eyes lit up as she smiled. “Thank you. I love you, Barkk.”
            “I love you too, Chloe.”
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bananacorn-limeade · 11 months
1961's The WORLD of ICE and FIRE
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I'm going to do it. I'm going to self-indulge!
The Roger Corman ASOIAF production post is mostly just a novelty, but since I'm me, I have a lot of FEELINGS and OPINIONS about this cast. Naturally.
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Anyway. Here's how well I think the actors in my post would play their roles, from worst to best.
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#19, Worst: John Ashley as Robb Stark
You know how Ben Affleck has a face that knows about emails? John Ashley has a face that knows about sock hops. Woefully miscast.
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#18: Tor Johnson as Gregor Clegane
God love the big guy, but I've only ever seen him make this face. Also, despite his repertoire of roles suggesting otherwise on paper, he just doesn't seem like a mean guy.
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#17: John Agar as Jaime Lannister
Another terrible choice. The only reason he's not ranked as worst is because his soulless performance would make viewers interpret Jaime as an absolutely irredeemable sociopath, which at least would be... uh, interesting, I guess.
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#16 Robert Reed as Renly Baratheon
Renly, but only if he was the most boring Baratheon. Go ahead, try to picture Reed eating a peach. You can't.
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#15 Dawn Bender as Arya Stark
Aw, she'd try. But I feel like her attempts at Arya's fire would mostly come off as petulance.
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#14 Richard Carlson as Ned Stark
Sorry, what? I fell asleep for a minute there.
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#13 June Kenney as Daenerys Targaryen
Kenney would try her level best, but you know Corman would do a terrible job incorporating her storyline with the main plot, so she wouldn't have much to do except lounge around on mildly offensive orientalist sets and talk to her force-perspective dragon puppets. (Stop-motion you say? What, you think American International is made of money?)
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#12 Dolores Faith as Sansa Stark
Again, no knock to Faith, but as with Daenerys, I think a 1961 production would flatten Sansa's character away to nothing. She'd get to pine and wear some nice dresses.
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#11 Anthony Dexter as Petyr Baelish
This guy can play oily like nobody's business (check him out in 1962's Married Too Young), but 5D-chess-level deviousness might be beyond him.
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#10 Michael Dunn as Tyrion Lannister
Full disclosure: I'm plopping him in the middle because I've never seen him in anything! The only little person I've personally seen in Corman's movies is Billy Barty (playing an actual, literal imp), and Dunn was someone I found who was said to play much meatier roles. In general, I think the depth of Tyrion's character would seriously challenge 1960s casting directors who were used to casting little people in jokey roles or as something less than human. One of many problems they'd have with the source material, no doubt.
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#9 Lon Cheney Jr. as Sandor Clegane
Here's another actor who would do the best with what he was given - which would be an essentially empty role. This Sandor would be a beast used only for jump scares, with too much rubber over his face to ever show an emotion.
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#8 Glen Langan as Stannis Baratheon
Langan would be serious, but dull, with lots of droning sermonizing. In other words, perfect. Still boring though.
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#7 Basil Rathbone as Tywin Lannister
Who better to play a role totally owned by Charles Dance than an actor who's even Charles Dancier? The only reason I'm not ranking this legend higher is because I do think he'd kind of sleepwalk through this role, especially at this stage in his career.
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#6 Raymond Burr as Robert Baratheon
The future Mr. Perry Mason was damn good at playing hard-drinking, prowly, "beastly" men. See him in this fabulous trailer for 1951's Bride of the Gorilla (spoiler: Burr is the gorilla). Of course, for this production, he'd be about 10 years on from that virile role, but that's perfectly on brand for Bobby B.
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#5 Michael Landon as Jon Snow
Landon's tortured James Dean era would be a great fit for angsty goth teen Jon, though he might have trouble keeping his feelings as hidden as Jon does.
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#4 Allison Hayes as Melisandre
Should she be ranked this high? Eh, maybe not, but this woman is a goddamn B-movie bombshell goddess. Her Red Woman would be a little less mysterious, sure, but her perfectly arched eyebrows and bullet bra would do R'hllor proud all the same.
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#3 Marie Windsor as Catelyn Stark
They didn't call her Queen of the B's for nothing. Windsor always did great with roles that call for strength and verve. She'd be a fantastic Cat, and - dare I dream it - an even better Lady Stoneheart.
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#2 Jack Nicholson as Theon Greyjoy
Now this would be fun. If baby Jack Nicholson had half the presence and charisma he would show in later movies, his Theon would be legendary.
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#1 Coleen Gray as Cersei Lannister
If I can get Tumblr to understand one thing, it's how much Coleen Gray would absolutely eat in the role of Cersei. She's beautiful. She's a schemer. She's a helpless victim. She's back for revenge. I challenge anyone to watch her insane, murderous, fierce, gorgeous, duplicitous performance in 1960's otherwise pretty terrible The Leech Woman and not come to the same conclusion. I'm serious. There would be no survivors. 👑
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Hi! Do you think we'll have Sara Snow on the show? I don't know, a lot of people don't like the character and ship Jace and Baela. Well anyway, I hope they don't transfer the hate on the character to the actress. But if we have her on the show, how do you think her relationship with Jace will be? And how do you think she is? I picture her as a redhead but it would be cool if she was like Lyanna.
If you put down the shipping goggles and take a glance at the source material, it's kind of obvious that the Sara Snow thing is potentially the only interesting thing that Jace as a character has going for him. The only thing that contains real conflict that isn't just an extension of his mother.
It represents conflict with Rhaenyra - specifically by doing what she herself has done - flaunt the rules for her own benefit and comfort - and by doing what she herself could not do - which is live the very first little dream she had beneath the heart tree with her sweet friend Alicent.
What's more of a mother-son parallel than an escapist fantasy in the godswood with an "unspecial" version of himself: A bastard who actually lives the reality of being a bastard, unlike Jace himself, who is a bastard posing as a prince. Like his mother Rhaenyra, who is a woman with a kind of freedom and power no other woman is allowed to have, based solely on her status as the dragonriding Targaryen princess and heir to the throne. An exception. Sara is the Alicent to Jace's Rhaenyra.
Sara confronting Jace with his own duplicity, his hypocritical position - escaping the confines of his birth by virtue of a lie, not changing the rules, simply circumventing them - Sara could represent a real emotional challenge to him and his self-image. He's a Targaryen - but is that really all that matters? What does Jace want that isn't tied to this lie of his parentage? I expect his identity crisis there to carry a parallel to Robb and Talisa/Jeyne in it. Escapist, reckless, honorable - and fleeting.
As for shipping Baela and Jace - the Strong bastards boys are literally stealing her birthright. It's not my cup of tea, honestly. Ship and let ship, but we shouldn't pretend that some kind of great love story is being sacrificed here, as opposed to Baela deserving better than that guy, who may gallantly dance with Helaena where it costs him nothing, but doesn't have the guts to question actual injustice when it comes to his own betrothed.
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Are Jon and Sansa both "idealists" on AGOT that have their dreams being crushed?
(this is the second part of a meta inspired by a conversation I had with @docpiplup. You can read part one here)
I can see why would someone make the case for Sansa's agot arc to be expectations vs reality. Because it's only at the end of book one that she realises that her prince (and King's Landing in general) is far from the beautiful ideal picture she had painted in her head
It's not the same for Jon, though. He realises that the Night's Watch isn't an order of honorable people even before he arrives at the Wall (during his journey towards it). So the argument that those two go through a parallel arc in book one falls flat bc Jon has already realised that there is something rotten in the kingdom of Denmark the Night's Watch on the first third of the book.
Moving on, another thing these siblings don't have in common is how each of them reacts when they witness their "dream" being crushed.
In Jon's case, as I've already mentioned, he finds out while he's on his way to the Night's Watch. When Tyrion Lannister first points out the true nature of the Night's Watch, Jon angrily tries to debunk him but this has more to do with him being irritated by Tyrion's teasing attitude and less with actually believing it. Tyrion even says so:
"Well, no doubt the Starks have been terribly good to you. Lady Stark treats you as if you were one of her own. And your brother Robb, he's always been kind, and why not? He gets Winterfell and you get the Wall. And your father...he must have good reasons for packing you off to the Night's Watch"
"Stop it," Jon Snow said, his face dark with anger."The Night's Watch is a noble call!"
Tyrion laughed " You are too smart to believe that.[...]"
After he makes peace with Tyrion, Jon simply accepts the awful truth. No more sugarcoating.
"It's true, isn't it?" he said when he was done. "What you said about the Night's Watch."
Tyrion nodded.
Jon Snow set his mouth a grim line. " If that's what it is, that's what it is".
Which prompts to Tyrion to say this statement about Jon:
"That's good, bastard. Most men would rather deny a hard truth, than face it"
The same statement could never be said about Sansa. Because denying hard truth is her copying mechanism when she's dealing with unpleasant events.
First time Sansa witness Joffrey's cruelty is during the Trident incident. Despite the fact that she was present when Joffrey hurt Mycah and also attempted to harm her sister (and we witness the scene through her own pov chapter), she later fabricates a different version of the story and even believes it.
Here is what she says about the incident during one of the fights between her and Arya:
"It's not the same" Sansa said. " The Hound is Joffrey's sworn shield. Your butcher's boy attacked the prince".
On the passage below we witness how she convinces herself that Joffrey is not to be blamed so her idealistic dream can remain intact.
At first she thought she hated him for what they'd done to Lady, but after Sansa had wept her eyes dry, she told herself it had not been Joffrey's doing, not really. The queen had done it; she was the one to hate, her and Arya. Nothing bad would have happened except for Arya.
See? Totally different reaction to her "dream being crushed in front of her eyes" than Jon's.
I understand that people love to draw parallels between characters (I'm guilty of that, too)and I see nothing wrong with that. However, not all characters or all situations can be paralleled. Jon and Sansa have very different personalities and experiences decpite being siblings and growing on the same castle so it makes sense that their perspectives and the way they deal with things are different,too.
Making a plethora of characters who react different on various situations is one of the author's strong points. That's why I love reading all these POVs. Because each of them offers a different perspective.
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esther-dot · 1 year
Hiii! Do you ever see GoT writers, actors or even D&D confessing their plan of Jonsa or the reason Jonsa parallel Ned&Cat and even Jaime&Cersei? Something in the line of: okay, this was the plan but we changed our minds because X. That would give me soooo much peace. The foreshadowing and parallels were so obvious it makes me anxious when I remember the real ending.... even if they never get together. But what happens in between.
I would love an explanation too! I sometimes try to put myself in D&D's shoes and imagine what their platonic explanation could be for all the parallels/contrasts they created for Jonsa, and I actually think that the Cersei and Jaime connections would be the easiest to rationalize, but the fact that they also paralleled them with Braime is what makes it seem like it wasn't just a healthy sibling duo in contrast to Cersei/Jaime, it wasn't just about showing us the difference between Cersei and Sansa as leaders, it felt romantic! Especially as that convo carried through to the ending, Jon and Jaime were being paralleled and juxtaposed, both choosing their sisters over someone else, but Jaime choosing his "evil queen," Jon rejecting his, which means, you can't say it was accidental, they were intentionally doing that in s7-8.
Obviously, in the books the NedCat 2.0 idea will be a thing, we've already gotten comments about Jon and Sansa individually looking like the og, so D&D inserting that with the redux of NedCat scenes, ok, not necessarily romantic, maybe just a nod to the books, maybe they overdid it, but their motives were pure. Except, they included the choking LF scene. Jealously, rage, desire to kill. Sure, of course, LF deserved it, but then they also had Sansa be angry and jealous in s8, and again, there are platonic explanations for some of it, but it crosses the line, particularly in the feast scene. At that point it feels like it's more, something else.
(And let's not even talk about the parallels with Robb and Talisa, Sam x Gilly, or Gendrya.)
But will they ever tell us anything? Well, let's say TWOW comes out in a year or two and Jonsa is a thing in the books. We absolutely would have the entire fanbase revisiting Jonsa's odd chemistry in the show and rethinking things, and I bet, yeah, we'd finally get a reporter who would ask a useful question regarding the Jonsa scenes. Or, say Kit goes for it in Jon's spin-off, we'd definitely get some new insight into the acting choices he made in s6-8.
Absent of that, I can't imagine getting confirmation? Mainly because, it's not just an unpopular ship, it's hated. Dany stans, Targ stans, Jon stans, I saw all of them taking comfort in the midst of their rage and grief that at least Jonsa didn't happen. Any hint that show Jonsa in some form was real is probably the only thing that would make people hate the last season/finale more. Considering how disgusting our fandom is (they harassed child actors because they hated the characters they played, they ship the actors with other actors, bully them off social media, stalk them...) I don't see the upside of bringing it up and there is a big downside.
If they had the cover of Martin's books or a new show, D&D could say they didn't do it because it was weird but here's how they hinted at it or Kit could say it grossed him out but he tried to subtly include it. Presented that way, people could be sympathetic to them, not blame them, so I could see that. But if they just announced, "Yep, Jon had Targy feelings for Sansa," I don’t think people would take it well!
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alleyskywalker · 6 months
🐅 and 🦄 for your faves Theon and/or Sansa and/or Jaime!
Thank you, bb! I'm sorry these will probably be disappointing and lackluster :(
🐅 - Characterization: character habits, personality, etc - No, in a modern AU/setting Theon would not be a college drop out or whatever working retail/food service. Like, I'm sorry, not trying to be a snob but this boy is way too ambitious. And yea he might not like school for its own sake, but he's intelligent and willing to work hard to achieve his goals. He's probably a business admin major or going into law or something.
🦄 - Characters' physical appearance - Frankly don't know if I have a particularly unpopular opinion here hmm. I guess, I always see his hair as long-ish, whereas short is more popular with people, I think?
🐅 - Characterization: character habits, personality, etc - I feel like...idk what counts as a unpopular opinion on Sansa because she's so polarizing that no matter what, any opinion is going to popular in one part of the fandom or the other... But let's just say that I think if Sansa got to meet Edmure, she would love him and they would connect immediately on the ideals of lordship as responsibility of protecting your people and if she ever had the chance, she would lovingly but firmly tell her mother that she was being unfair toward Edmure. (And would scold Robb too, in the most polite and ladylike fashion of course.) Does this blatant wish fulfillment count here? idk.
🦄 - Characters' physical appearance - Sophie is so tall, and I think it's actually pretty popular to keep her as a book!Sansa FC and for the most part I do as well. Except for the height. Sansa is a short queen to me ❤
🐅 - Characterization: character habits, personality, etc - Ahhh I have not, sadly, thought about Jaime enough lately or from a fandom-y perspective to have developed Hot Takes lol. I guess...I like the idea that if given the chance/right circumstances, he'd enjoy being a mentor to a "younger version of himself" so to speak. Maybe not Loras specifically, but maybe yes Loras once he gets over the shock of it/if Loras was willing. I'd like to think that if he was ever in a mentor-style position with a young Theon they'd get on. But that's prob more fanfic and wishful thinking that legit headcanon lmao.
🦄 - Characters' physical appearance - My toxic trait is that I have a hard time picturing book!Jaime not at least in large part just like his show self.
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If word gets around....
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Summary: Aegon parties hard with other ladies while waiting for his moment to strike on your unassuming self.
Word Count: 1,263 words
TW: profanity, innuendo, Aegon being a slut
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Aegon lazily went through his day and classes even if he was making the new pledges' day hell, pacing around in his room as he listened to Robb and his no matter how much he said he wasn't the co-president his own brother Aemond talk about him like he himself wasn't even there. Speaking out loud to them both “She wants me, I know it! So, do we think that she’ll take the bait tonight?” He knew what everyone thought about him trying to get with you, but all that did was intensify his need for it.  
Rolling his eyes listening to mixed reactions from the boys but shrugged it off as he started to get ready once he had noticed how late it was getting, making it seem causal and as if he didn't care only he very much did especially if it meant you'd see him and actually compliment him which even he knew was a long shot. It was getting late when he arrived at the party, wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt that was open to his midriff, revealing his toned abdominal muscles. He was also wearing jeans and some nice sneakers.
He had been drinking a lot of alcohol throughout the night, and it had gotten him pretty drunk. He was dancing around and flirting with a few girls, most of whom were in the sororities. The party was in full swing, with everyone having a great time. People were dancing, drinking, talking, and having fun. He was no exception; he was dancing with two sorority sisters. But deep down, he was looking for somebody, somebody who was more important to me. He drank more of his drink, dancing a bit by himself, but he was still keeping his eyes out, looking for you.
I was a man with a mission, and I wouldn’t give up until I had gotten what I wanted from you – revenge. He then took a moment to catch his breath before searching the crowd for you.
But then his eyes landed on the President of the sorority again, who was now dancing and laughing with your sorority sisters. He watched you from across the room, smiling smugly. You thought you could beat him… you thought you could beat the king, especially for playing around with others and their feelings. He smirked as he walked up to you and then said, “I see that you’ve dressed up for me, huh?” He raised his eyebrow, mischievously, and then looked you up and down suggestively.
Looking up at him as you took a sip from your drink of whatever heavy alcohol was in your cup, slowly nodding your head at his words before looking him over with a small grin "could say the same to you but I don't think you need the ego bigger than it is", he was offended, so he gave a quick confident smirk, and then chuckled, while he took a sip of his beer.
He looked you over and said, “Oh, and I’m not even trying!”He winked, then took another sip, knowing that he was in for a fight, but he didn’t really care. You were just too irresistible for him not to try and go for you again. He was very confident in himself, and he knew that he was a really good catch for most women even if it was just simply sleeping with them, he could tell his flirting was making you a bit more tense, and he loved that. He shrugged and gave a mischievous grin. Then, he said with a smirk “Just asking by the way.”
Looking around the party, he continued to scan for Cregan’s face (he was feeling secretly glad that he wasn’t actually here), because he wanted to catch any sight of you two together with a guy who wasn’t him and ruin that for whatever it was.
"That Stark guy around?” He asked as he motioned to the area around us. He raised an eyebrow and gave you a confident grin as if thinking that he couldn’t be more in his element right now. He could sense a lot of people at the party were staring at him, and he loved every minute of it.
Rolling your eyes at his words before pausing to look up at him with a raised eyebrow as you tilted your head to the side, "Now why would you be curious about Cregan?". Knowing most guys would kill to be in Cregan's place of "being with" you but wanted to hear his own reasoning even if he did lie to you about it. He gave a smug smile and said, “Oh, no reason…” he gave a little laugh and then said, “I’ll just be over here…”, he gave a smile and another little wave, as he walked away, deciding to have a drink and flirt with one of the girls he had been flirting with earlier.
Aegon then looked around the room for his frat bros. There was no doubt they would want to come to see the fireworks between him and his rival. Instead, Aegon noticed you and Cregan dancing and couldn’t help but go up to you both. He walked up to Cregan and said, “Are you dating or...?" nodding over as to motion to you, He put on a small, arrogant smirk, and then said, “Because, if not, I thought I would warn you. They have a history of using guys like us…” He glanced at you and smirked mischievously, and then he walked away, but not without giving an evil glare towards you.
Feeling your jaw drop at his accusation about yourself and glared as he walked away before speaking regardless if he heard you or not "Get fucked Aegon". Feeling Cregan pull you closer before leading you upstairs away from the party with a promise that you would feel better alone with him, especially after what Aegon had said about you.
Aegon was in his typical party animal mode, so he simply laughed at your words. As you left with Cregan upstairs, he couldn’t help but say something to himself, he was a bit too drunk to really care what you had said in response, but he heard you, and he chuckled, and said to himself, “Oh, that’s just perfect, wow I sure know how to piss them off". With that, he headed back to the main area of the party, knowing he had planted a little seed of doubt in Cregan's mind.
It was later, and the party was starting to get crazy. It was getting very loud and very crowded, and the lights were flickering. Aegon was in the middle of the dance floor, doing a very provocative dance with three girls when he saw Cregan and you dancing nearby, you having wrapped your arms around Cregan, and the two of them, looking into each other’s eyes, and looking very romantically involved. He then raised my eyes and looked around, hoping that one of my frat brothers was there to see this before watching you both head upstairs doing your best to go unnoticed. He watched Cregan and you in disgust, as he felt my blood boil.
What business did he have with you?! He felt he was the better man, and you knew it. But he let out a frustrated sigh as he continued to watch from the sidelines he still had a little over an hour left in himself before giving up and heading back to his dorm with someone who resembled you instead of the real thing.
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cashmere-caveman · 17 days
maybe thats just a side effect of spending a significant part of my teenage years in the dc fandom but whenever i see a story about a family w several kids i automatically assume that at least one mind somewhere had the idea of an au where the age of all the siblings is swapped and the youngest are the oldest and vice versa and when i got into asoiaf i was like oh this is Such a ripe playing ground for this kind of exploration of family dynamics via au bc there are SO many incredible opportunities and then i checked ao3 and Boom. nothing
but like. hear me out. here are so many great concepts here let me pitch this to u except under the cut bc it got long
starklings age reversal is basically a carte blanche bc like who tf knows what rickon would be like? can we really extrapolate any kind of characterisation from the semi abandoned feral cannibal toddler canon gives us? not really. But! this has an absolutely incredible butterfly effect if we assume jon is also counted as a starkling here and the baby of the bunch bc this means all the stark kids minus robb and jon are already born by the time of the rebellion which changes the game drastically. if we still want cat/ned to happen, what happened to brandon? did aerys just kill him for funsies? did he marry ashara dayne after getting her pregnant and him and ned did a little fiancee swap? did he join the nights watch did he choke on some porridge like what Happened here??? also assuming the general timeline stays otherwise intact this means that king in the north rickon is older than renly during the war of the five kings which is frankly hilarious. If jon is Not counted in the age reversal and keeps his age does that mean cat heard abt neds "affair" and named her first two kids after neds father and dead older brother respectively to really drive home the guilt? how would jon and rickon get along? how is arya dealing w being an imperfect older sister to precious little darling sansa? are arya and jon even closer here or does arya listen to cat more bc she has Oldest daughter syndrome this time around? how do the betrothals change? etc etc..... good food!!!!
would anything in roberts rebellion have gone differently if the previous generation of starklings got age swapped and calm benjen instead of headstrong brandon was the oldest? would they have made it out with more survivors or would they be driven to ruin regardless?
speaking of roberts rebellion, what if the baratheon bros got reversed and renly was the oldest? would he have made friends with ned and tried to save lyanna even if he wasnt in love with her like robert? or would he have bent the knee and the north would have attempted to rebel alone? would westeros still have a targaryen king if good old bobby b wasnt the eldest brother?
what if joffrey was the younger brother instead of tommen? even if robert still got murdered, ned would probably survive and be allowed to take the black (jon and ned at the wall, anyone???? hello??) and the tyrells would most likely never orchestrate the purple wedding and instead be warring with cersei over who gets to puppet tommen on the throne
my personal favourite: lannister age swap!!! for this to work, joanna lannister has to survive tyrions birth and i am going to be generous and let her survive the twins too simply bc i want her to. unfridge that woman!!! what would the lannister dynamic be like w a surviving mother who birthed an "unfit" heir? how would tywin treat her, how would he treat tyrion? how would SHE treat tyrion? (dead parents doesnt always mean they were good people just bc we cant see them fuck their kids up live on camera!!) do they actually acknowledge tyrion as a son or does tywin pretend it was a stillbirth and this random disabled kid thats coincidentally the same age his son wouldve been that idk. works in the kitchen or sth bc some servant didnt have the heart to murder the kid hid him has no idea he should be the lannister heir? tyrion cinderella arc here we gooooo!!! or maybe tywin would be forced to acknowledge tyrion for lack of other options for the six years or so until the twins birth? (unlikely w his ableist ass mindset but hey. aus exist for a reason. maybe there IS a way to get him to see tyrion for who he is?) also, since hed be even more absurdly too young for a post like that than he already was, what would change if jaime never joined the kingsguard? who would cersei get betrothed to? (cersei x littlefinger would be soo delicious except theres no way tywin would waste his daughter on someone whos barely better than a landed knight in his eyes but once hes master of coin..... maybe theres a chance.... much to think about!)
not getting into the targaryens here bc frankly it is 1am rn and i am losing steam but like. the epic higs of crown princess dany my beloved <333 and the epic lows of the horrors if viserys was oldest son. can u imagine. however same as w the baratheon bros would this be an opportunity for a scenario where due to rhaegar being the baby of the bunch no rebellion happened and the targaryens still rule? or would aerys have blown up kings landing leading to either civil war or something equally atrocious? would there still be a throne of the seven kingdoms or would there be Seven Kingdoms?
also skipping the martells here bc my phone is at 7% battery and if i think abt them for too long i'll cry so i will leave u w this: theon greyjoy firstborn child to balon greyjoy. would that be fucked up or what. baby boy is Not going to survive his daddys rebellion i can tell u that much but asha Is going to make an even finer heir than she already does
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ladycatofwinterfell · 9 months
Jeyne W meets Ned and Cat for the first time! Also lighthearted modern au <3 I might continue this just because it was fun to write
“Your parents are so scary” Jeyne whispered.
Mr. and Mrs. Stark were standing not far away from the entrance, looking out over all the people. Mr. Stark had a way of keeping his face completely neutral while his eyes were cold as ice that was unnerving, to say the least. Not that he wasn’t nice, Jeyne had heard he was always perfectly polite and kind, even, but that somehow made him even scarier. What was he actually thinking? Mrs. Stark didn’t look as cold but there was a sharpness to her that was impossible to not notice, as if she was searching for weakness. While it was a lot easier to tell what she was thinking that worked the other way around for her. One could tell she was annoyed or upset. Jeyne had observed them from afar all night.
They rarely looked at each other as they spoke, never so much as a glance. Still they seemed to be in perfect sync.
“You don’t have to be afraid of them” Robb said with a smile. “They can be sharks sometimes, but not to family. Except their siblings sometimes, but that’s different.”
“They’ll circle around their prey, closing them in, before attacking. It usually ends in a bloodbath.”
He really wasn’t making it any easier for her. And though it was obvious that he was joking it didn’t make her any less nervous.
“And what does that mean?” she questioned.
“That they both grew up in insane corporate environments and were taught to be cutthroat before they could spell cutthroat in order to do good business. But they’re really nice in private and I know they’ll love you. Mom has been asking to meet you for so long.”
That wasn’t necessarily a good thing. Maybe Mrs. Stark wanted to meet her to see if she was as bad as she thought. Maybe Mrs. Stark would hate her. Maybe Mrs. Stark already hated her.
Jeyne felt like she was going to suffocate, it must have been noticeable on her face.
“Really, Jeyne, you don’t have to worry” Robb said and then pointed towards Mr. Stark. “His nails are pink because my little cousin wanted to paint them, he’s soft. And Mom is… well, Mom.”
It was hard to tell if what Robb said was true from that distance. If Mr. Stark’s nails were truly painted pink it had to be a very light pink.
“Theon says your mother is super scary.”
All she had heard from Theon were things about how scared he had been of Mrs. Stark when he was little.
“Don’t listen to a fucking word Theon says about my mother.”
“I haven’t heard him say–“
The shiver that ran down her spine made her unable to keep talking. She was quite sure of that hawks didn’t have blue eyes, still that was what she was most reminded of when Mrs. Stark’s eyes met hers.
Jeyne was unable to look away, stared as Mrs. Stark said a few words to her husband. Then he also looked towards Jeyne. He considered for a moment before answering his wife.
“Have I upset them?” Jeyne whispered.
Robb threw a quick glance at his parents.
“Not at all, they just look like that.”
Then Robb waved at them and Jeyne wanted to sink through the floor as they began walking towards her and Robb. Still she tried to smile.
Robb’s parents were not any less terrifying up close. On the contrary they seemed to grow scarier with every step they took towards her. Though they seemed happy. At least Mrs. Stark seemed happy.
“You must be Jeyne!” Mrs. Stark said with a smile as soon as they were within hearing.
She was tall. As tall as her husband. A head taller than Jeyne.
“It’s lovely to finally meet you!” she continued before Jeyne could confirm that she was indeed Jeyne.
“You too!” Jeyne said, hoping they couldn’t hear how nervous she was.
“You’ve probably figured that out by now, but we’re Robb’s parents” Mr. Stark said.
He extended a hand towards her. Jeyne suppressed the urge to dry her hand on her skirt and then shook it. Mr. Stark’s handshake was as firm as she had expected it to be. And his nails were pink, just as Robb had said.
“I like your nails” she said.
She hoped it would land, that he wouldn’t in some way be offended by it.
There was a hint of a smile on his face as he raised a hand to look at his pink nails.
“Catelyn’s niece has recently discovered nail polish and I’ve always had trouble telling the little ones no.”
“He spoiled our girls rotten when they were little” Mrs. Stark told her. “I expect he’ll do the same to yours once you have them.”
“Mom!” Robb exclaimed. “Don’t say that!”
Mrs. Stark grimaced at that.
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winterreigned · 23 days
@krakened 𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗢𝗟𝗙 " i can't do this anymore " - au of our modern au they hook up at thanksgiving and sansa is ready to dump the guy she brought with her as long as theon can prove he's serious. theon realizes the guy she brought is actually good for her and decides to call it off for her own sake. but he doesn't tell her why he's calling it off.
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𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗳𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 , a loud thunderous thing. her ears are ringing from the impact , body shaky from rage and hurt. how long does it take to break a heart? sansa just learned. approximately four seconds. the time it takes theon to utter those words , then the time for her brain to process what had just been said. understand the gravity of the words , feel the weight of them crush her , mold her into some sort of pile of pity , embarrassment , and resentment. each lingering second she stares at him in shock only makes matters worse , but she cannot compute her next moves.
a bitter laugh leaves her , a haunting sound that bounces off her bedroom walls. though she's not laughing at him. no , what's worse is she's laughing at herself. sansa was a clever girl , she knew people , and worst of all she knew theon greyjoy. sansa knew he didn't do relationships , didn't do whatever this was. yet , the longer this entanglement went on , the more she began to believe she was different. some stupid exception to his rule. how foolish to believe she was special , when in reality she was ever the idiot. just like every other girl that had stumbled into his bed and fell for his charming words and good looks. sansa was the girls she would mock to him months prior.
her hands curl in balls , nails piercing the palm of her hand to try to ground her. maintain some sort of autonomy over her body as it reacts , betraying her innermost feelings. blue eyes are prickling with tears , burning terribly as she fights like a soldier on the front lines to prevent a single tear from shedding. finally , she turns away. sansa a madwoman , frantic through her suitcase from school. theon's shirts , sweatshirts , relics she had stolen ( or he reluctantly handed over ) aplenty in her hands. the stupid , naive , fool she was had thought she'd miss him over the holiday break. the love struck moron brought all of it with her , desperate for his scent , to have him in her bed with her on some level. standing , tears now kissing her skin , she shoves them to his chest. forceful , angry , a blazing mess of tears and red hair sticking to cheeks.
❝ i should've known better. ❞ she snaps , tone cold and wicked. everything she felt for him only minutes ago drowning beneath the pool of betrayal that has her treading so helplessly. it doesn't occur to her that he's trying to be selfless , that his feelings could possibly match her own. none of that is even a possibility. there are no rational thoughts left to her in this moment. ❝ i know you , theon greyjoy , perhaps better than you know yourself. this was the realest thing in your life , and you run away like a scared coward. that's what you are , a frightened boy who can never embrace love. ❞ sansa walks past him , unable to look at him. her mother always told her that she was an expert of masking her feelings until there was no more room to pretend. it seems she has surpassed this mark , now an explosive mess.
there's a knock on the door , a muffled voice. dickon. how she had been so consumed by the rollercoaster of a night that she had forgotten about the man she came with. the one who pleased her mother , had shaken her father's hand with a firm grip. the man who joked with bran and rickon , verbally sparred with arya , had even earned a respectful nod from jon and robb. the one who could be absolutely everything she needed , though the very same guy she was on her way to crush for theon. the gods were surely laughing at her somewhere. it angers her how she could've given up the ideal man for the one behind her. the one who took her heart as if it were his plaything , a glass structure dropped to the floor , shards shattered upon their feet. the only thing that keeps sansa certain this wasn't the case is that she can feel her heart sinking deep within her stomach. yet , if he asked her again , she'd still make dickon leave to be theon's. it infuriates her more than she can comprehend how easily she would fall back into him.
❝ shit.. ❞ she whispers , uncharacteristically. eyes glance to the mirror on her vanity , makeup running down her face , everything blotchy and pink. sansa begins to wipe furiously at herself , clearing her throat to try to find the voice of a girl who wasn't completely dying beneath the surface. ❝ come in! ❞ she calls , and watches as he comes in the room , confused on what he's walked in on. it probably was obvious , but she's good at spinning webs. if anything , months of sneaking around with theon has helped her with this. ❝ we were just finishing up. i had borrowed some of theon's stuff last summer when we were all camping. silly me , i forgot my bag at home and had to use his stuff. continuing with the trend , i forgot to bring it to school with me in the fall. i was just returning it. ❞ there's an awkward pause as dickon regards theon , but sansa cuts in once more before anything else could be said or figured out. ❝ anyway , he's got his stuff back and was just leaving. there's nothing here left for him anymore. ❞
there's a double meaning behind these words , but sansa stands in the doorway , holding the door open for theon. as he leaves , she leans in close , loud enough for dickon to hear. her eyes portray every inner feeling of spite and anger , she knows theon will see beneath the act. somehow , he always did. ❝ be a dear and don't tell my parents the door is closed , will you? ❞ how badly she wants to smirk , gloat at a victory of not caring , but her eyes water once more as she slams the door in his face. dickon is confused when all sansa does is go lay in her bed , but there's no energy in her left to even feign interest.
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princesssszzzz · 2 years
I don’t have a problem with Daemon being a bad father (it’s consistent with his selfish behavior) just that Baela and Rhaena have their scenes cut because of it. Rhaena smiling and nodding is the bizarre part and having character development taken away. She marries a Hightower in the future and her being at odds with her father while also being “on his team” is great set up for an intricate family dynamic. She’s gentle/sympathetic, they can have Daemons actions (i.e blood and cheese) be an even bigger reason for their poor relationship. For Baela to be outspoken, if they go the entire war without her disagreeing with someone from team black openly that’s crazy and OOC. I’m sure greens will have scenes with internal conflict and writers should know that’s interesting to fans. Conflict should extend past Daemon and his wife. Even Cat and Robb got to have disagreements and it made for great scenes. No one complained about “but they’re supposed to love each other”. Forcing them to always act like a happy loving family when they aren’t makes the girls look like hostages at gunpoint and NOT like an affectionate blended household. Showing them react to his willingness to do for others except them and their response going forward is actually compelling and a great parallel to Aegon and Aemond who were also neglected by their father. People are calling for them to start off S2 showing him as a doting father like his behavior in S1 never happened but that’s worse. I have 5% hope that the writers took out his “girldad” scenes because of the direction they want to take the twins and it was last minute after filming ended? It makes sense for him to be training baela in swordfighting now he sees her as useful and not Rhaena. Maybe a scene where he tries to pressure her to claim Vermithor because he’s desperate for a dragonrider but she wants a hatchling. This keeps his motivations and behavior consistent while still giving them screen time and development. The twins are morally good and the fans wanting them to be devoted to a character that’s not supposed to be seen as good in universe is just outlandish and unrealistic to me. It’s also not fair to the actresses playing them for others to be playing complicated and unique characters and they get none of that acting chops if they just exist as mindless cheerleaders with no motivation of their own. I feel like fans would get this more if they thought less about Daemon being seen in a certain light and more about Baela and Rhaena. It’s a better storyline and having characters that aren’t simple and straightforward is what people loved GOT for. That should be extended to HOTD and I haven’t even touched on how they would realistically feel about other characters.
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