#(for me personally) though mx seems to be the most common one which is still pretty cool too! I just think it sounds funny because like
saiwestfield · 5 months
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I have the opportunity to do something very funny
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gendercensus · 3 years
Supplementary survey: they/them reflexives, The Sir/Ma’am Issue, and Spivak vs. Elverson
This short, clarifying survey ran from 4th until 24th April 2021. There were 2,998 usable responses. Unlike the annual Gender Census survey, this one was open to anyone of any gender, provided they lived in an English-speaking country.
It asked about two things:
They/them verbs and reflexives - basically whether people who prefer they/them pronouns prefer the reflexive to be themself or themselves, and which people feel is more “correct”.
Sir/ma’am/? - investigating why people use sir/ma’am in areas where it’s polite and common to do so, and whether there are any viable nonbinary or gender-neutral alternatives.
This blog post will also investigate the Spivak vs. Elverson issue, which was actually a separate poll that took place on two social networks.
Someone asked about themself vs. themselves, and it reminded me of some of the they/them issues that people ask about in feedback boxes and various confusions surrounding them.
Singular they - what is it, and when and how do people use it?
Plural they - what is it, and when and how do people use it?
What is the “correct” reflexive for each of these?
You can see the statistics in more detail here, but here’s the graph as an overview:
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Participants were asked a series of questions about singular they pronouns. Everyone was asked a “which is correct” question, and participants who sometimes or always like to be called ”they” were also asked about their personal preferences.
The graph is a view of only participants who sometimes or always like to be called “they”.
Verbs. As you can see, participants overwhelmingly (94.3%) wanted people to use plural verbs (”they are reading a book”) when talking about them in the third person - even though the percentage of people who thought that was the most “correct” form was a little lower (81.8%). This was lower because 11.4% of participants who preferred “they” answered “both are correct”.
Reflexives. People were much more likely to say that both themself and themselves were correct (28.3%), and more likely to have no preference between the two (17.4%). However, themself was still more popular overall at 59.3%, and 47.3% thought themself was grammatically correct.
You as a control. I also asked all participants whether yourself or yourselves was more correct when addressing one person as a kind of control question, because they is almost grammatically identical to you - it can refer to one person or multiple people, it takes plural verbs even when referring to/addressing one person, and in that situation only the reflexive changes. Many people who say that singular they is grammatically incorrect have no issues with singular you, so it seemed like something that might be interesting to compare. In the graph above you can see that 93.6% of people thought yourself was more correct; only 4.2% of they-accepting participants felt that both yourself and yourselves were equally correct when addressing one person.
There were a couple of things that came up several times in the comments:
“They is” is common in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), and probably in other dialects too. As I don’t live in the US I’m pretty unfamiliar with this dialect, but either way that seems fine to me. It’s part of why I also asked for participants’ locations, because I wanted others to be able to download the results and see if some regions were more likely to use some words/constructions than others.
There were some alternatives to themself and themselves presented, such as theirself and theirsen. Both of these points lead nicely to the third...
The idea that any language choice is more “correct” than another is quite prescriptive. What feels correct or natural varies depending on a lot of factors, such as where in the world you learned English, and there is no such thing as objective correctness when it comes to such a broad and variable language as English.
I am aware of and agree with that third bullet point, so my asking which phrases were more “correct” was a bit of a trick question. It was a good way to get a feel for people’s linguistic instincts.
I also thought it was interesting that participants who never wanted to be called they were slightly more likely to side with the most popular view on what is “correct” across the board, and less likely to say “both are correct”.
I actually ran another version of this survey first and then scrapped the responses, because it was clear that my survey design was leading to some pretty confused and unhelpful data! Among other things, it asked participants whether they preferred singular or plural they for themselves and then directed them to particular questions based on their answer, and the comments suggested that people either didn’t really understand the distinction or meant different things by those terms, even though I had added help text.
This is my understanding:
Singular they is they/them pronouns when used to refer to one person. Verbs are usually plural (i.e. “they are” rather than “they is”), and themself and themselves are both common. Example usage: They are getting themself a cup of coffee. They bought themselves a nice new hat.
Plural they is they/them pronouns when used to refer to two or more people. Verbs are usually plural (i.e. “they are” rather than “they is”), and themselves is almost universal (with the exception of regional variations such as theirselves). Example usage: They are getting themselves some coffee together. They all bought hats for themselves.
Some plural/multiple people refer to themselves as “we” and prefer to be addressed as “they/themselves” (which they call plural they) because they are a group of individuals sharing one body.
The reason I initially asked directly about singular vs. plural they is because I was concerned that plural/multiple systems would cause some statistical confusion. Many plural people have asked me to add plural they to the checkbox list of pronouns in the annual survey, but since it has never been entered by over 1% of participants I have never had reason to do so. As far as I knew, the only difference between singular and plural they is the reflexive (themself for singular and themselves for plural), so I wanted to be able to investigate non-plural people in isolation, and I was curious to know about any trends or differences. I wanted to find out if I should be doing anything differently to ensure that Gender Census statistics are helpful.
So, I swapped out the badly-designed question for a straight-up checkbox, a “check this box if you’re plural/multiple” type of thing, with a note that participants should fill in the survey once per body wherever possible, and then I made some graphs.
Here you can see that plural systems were still more likely to prefer people to use themself to refer to them rather than themselves, though the margin is narrower:
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Plural participants were also more likely to say that they sometimes or never want people to refer to them as they, whereas non-plural people were more likely to want people to always refer to them as they (or they just feel fine about it):
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There’s not a lot in it, though. It’s all relatively evenly distributed, with no strong leader in either category there.
For the curious: 8.2% of participants checked the plural/multiple box.
In conclusion: plural and non-plural people alike all prefer people to use themself when referring to them in the third person using they/them pronouns, and I feel that there is probably no need to ask about plurality or separate out data from plural people in future. (Asking about this and seeing the responses did in part prompt me to start an anonymous feedback form for plural participants of the Gender Census, though.)
For several years participants have been asking me in the feedback box of the annual Gender Census survey to also ask about gender-inclusive or nonbinary-specific alternatives to sir and ma’am. I’ve largely not done anything about it, because when informally asking around I’ve generally had the response “just don’t say sir or ma’am, just leave it out altogether.” I live in the UK, where if someone calls you sir/ma’am you’re either looking at home in a fancy restaurant for billionnaires or you’re being made fun of - or sometimes both.
However, during this year’s annual survey while talking about it in a little more depth I learned that there are places in the world where sir/ma’am is very common, required for politeness, and basically inescapable. Nonbinary people in those areas are really struggling, because they do actually need a nonbinary-friendly stand-in for those terms - omitting the sir/ma’am isn’t an option.
Again, the location question was asked so that anyone else downloading the spreadsheet of responses can analyse by region to find out whether sir/ma’am is ubiquitous in particular regions and in which contexts it is used, and can even check whether there is a region-specific alternative to sir/ma’am emerging. I asked several questions about sir/ma’am, including about reasons/contexts and personal preferences, and some superficial analysis is included on the spreadsheet of responses.
But the juicy bit is the nonbinary-specific and gender-inclusive alternative words, right?
[The counting formula is case-sensitive so I made everything lowercase to make the count a little more accurate.]
Suggested gender-inclusive alternatives to sir/ma’am
mx - 4.1% (151)
friend - 2.2%
comrade - 1.2%
captain - 0.7%
ser - 0.5%
mate - 0.4%
m - 0.3%
per - 0.3%
boss - 0.3%
folks - 0.3% (9)
Suggested nonbinary-specific alternatives to sir/ma’am
mx - 8.3% (250)
mix - 0.7%
tiz - 0.5%
friend - 0.4%
ser - 0.4%
comrade - 0.3%
mixter - 0.3%
captain - 0.2%
ind - 0.2%
mir - 0.2% (6)
So it looks like Mx (pronounced “mix” or with a toneless vowel that sounds a bit like “mux”) is the clear winner in both categories. If you want to try to introduce a gender-neutral version of sir/ma’am in your area this one is probably your best bet.
This wasn’t part of the same survey! It was a Twitter poll and a Mastodon poll that ran for one week and ended today, and I’m putting it here because it has to go somewhere.
Sometimes people refer to the ey/em and e/em “versions” of the Spivak pronoun set, which makes my eyebrows do things, because they’re not both Spivak. They are distinct established pronoun sets with their own names.
Spivak - e/em/eir/eirs/emself - written about by Michael Spivak in the 1990s. [source: Nonbinary Wiki]
Elverson - ey/em/eir/eirs/emself - created by Christine M Elverson in the 1970s. [source: Nonbinary Wiki]
The Elverson set is older, but it’s less well-known for some reason, so they’re assumed to be variants of Spivak due to the similarity in spelling.
I was recently asked how we can know which is more popular, given the “oh this checkbox option is close enough, I’ll just choose that instead of typing in my very slightly different set” effect and the “hmm this checkbox option is very close to my set, I’m probably meant to choose this one” effect, plus the boost that checkbox options get with the “oh I hadn’t thought of that one but yeah, why not” effect. Spivak (e/em) is on the checkbox list of pronouns in the annual survey, so it appears to be much more popular than Elverson (ey/em)... but is it really?
I ran a poll on both Twitter and Mastodon, and then used a spreadsheet to extract the useful numbers. There were 141 relevant votes after one week. I wouldn’t usually make annual-survey-altering decisions based on a sample that small, but in this case the results are extremely decisive:
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It seems that the highest proportion of people who like at least one of the sets are happy for both to be used, at 48%. 45% prefer ey/em (Elverson) and 7% prefer e/em (Spivak). This is pretty stunning! I’ve been presenting e/em (Spivak) as a checkbox option on the Gender Census annual survey for years, possibly since the first survey in 2013, and because it’s a checkbox option it seems to be consistently a lot more popular than ey/em (Elverson). That’s 4.3% and 0.6% respectively in the 2021 survey. But this poll suggests that actually ey/em (Elverson) is much more popular when the two pronoun sets are viewed on a level playing field.
When you remove all “I don’t mind” votes, you get this:
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Over 6 times as many people prefered Elverson!
I will definitely be adding Elverson to the Gender Census next year, just so that we can split the e/em and ey/em votes and really get to the bottom of this.
Anyway, while we’re on the topic, ey/em takes singular verbs most of the time.
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marvelsimp · 4 years
The New Kid: Friend or Foe
The New Kid Masterlist
Ch. 5
Genre: Fluff? Pairing: Peter & Lesbian!reader, Avengers & Reader, (eventual Wanda x Reader it’s a slow burn) Warnings: violence(training), blood, stabbed, strong language Description: Y/n is getting used to living in the tower and makes an unlikely friend Reader’s Powers: Healer, telepath, and empath. Word Count: 2278
“You can’t pull your punches, Y/n/n.  In a real fight, you’re gonna have to fight for your life.”
“You know my whole power set is pacifist.”
“That’s why I have to train you,” said the slightly annoyed red-haired woman. “Now get your head in the game and let’s go again.”
You scoffed; you were frustrated that you had to do this.  That you had to learn how to hurt people.  You took a moment to stretch and you both went back into your fighting stances to start again.
You went to punch her face, but she dodged, she then raised her leg and tried to kick but you caught her foot.  She quickly got her foot free before you could do anything with it.  This went on for a while, you both got some good punches and kicks.  You did land on your ass a few times, but you got up each time and went back to it.
“Time out”
Thank god.
Steve walked in. Oh god no. You knew what was coming, you were gonna have to fight Steve.  You very dramatically fell on the floor and spread out. “Come on, Nat. This is creeping up on child abuse,” you laugh.
You earned a chuckle out of both of them.  Steve stood above you and offered you his hand to which you accepted. Nat went onto showing you some simple moves to help you fight someone bigger than you after about an hour you finally got to go and get a shower and really start your day.
The last week and a half passed by quickly.  Peter stayed at the tower for the first few nights but went back home once school started.  But he would come after patrol and he still video called during homework, like usual.  
Most of your time was spent in one of the labs.  You have been helping Tony with one of his suits as a way for him to familiarize you with the machines and programs.  Bruce did less hands-on work he worked on calculations for his own projects and did some work for SHEILD.  You went down to the Med Lab a few times to give Dr. Cho some blood samples or some information about your powers.  She took a small sample of skin, fat, and muscle from your thigh, but it healed within a minute like nothing ever happened.  
You also spent some time in the gym, which you hated but the others made it a little more fun.  You were really only doing it to get ready for training with Nat.  When you first went in you had no clue what you were doing.  Sam, Bucky, and Steve were doing some training exercise when you entered but Sam quickly saw your very clueless face and walked over to help.
“Hey, kid.”
“I’m assuming you have no clue what you’re doing?  You look as clueless as I would if I went up to the Tech Lab.”
“That obvious?”
He let out a chuckle.  Sam gave you some stretches to warm up and then showed you how to use some of the machines.  He gave you advice on how long to use each machine and told you that if you needed anything just yell.  The rest of your time in the gym you watched the three men do whatever they were doing.  Sam and Bucky’s bickering was very entertaining and so was Steve yelling at them to focus. You were there for around an hour every day until Nat started to train you.  You very quickly learned that you grew muscle faster than the average person and you weren’t sore for very long.  
When you weren’t in the lab or the gym you were probably in your room playing a game or you were talking to Wanda while she was making a meal. “So, are you the assigned cook?” you joked.  You’d only ever seen Wanda prepare meals since you got here.
Wanda just shook her head, “Not really.  I just enjoy it, so I usually am the one to cook.  But Bruce sometimes cooks and so do Steve and Bucky. When I first joined I helped Steve add a bit of flavor to his meals.  Thank god I didn’t live in the 40s.” She laughed a little, you love her laugh and smile, they seem to make the room a little brighter.
You weren’t a cook yourself so you didn’t help too much, but you would talk to her and get her something if she needed it but usually, she’d just use her powers.  
That’s really the only time that you see Wanda, most of her day is spent training.  She’s Strange’s apprentice.  You still haven’t met him, for someone who can make portals you’d think he’d pop in at some point.  You asked Wanda about seeing him, but she told you that you need to be invited or it needs to be something important.  She warned against pissing him off because it takes a while to get back on his good side.  But she told you she’d mention it to him.
You got into a rhythm of training, breakfast, tech lab, lunch, med lab, tech lab, supper, and Video games, the library, or more time in the tech lab.  It was rarely thrown off.  Every few days someone would go out for a mission or return from one.  Nat only missed two training sessions, so Bucky stood in.  You enjoyed training with Nat, but Bucky made sure to put some fun into it.   At first, he seemed so cold but after some warming up, he really was just a big Teddy Bear.  He can still be an ass though.
Your days stayed on this loop for another week until Thor returned with Loki.  No one fully trusted Loki so Stark ended up putting a tracker on him that Wanda enchanted so that Loki couldn’t remove or deactivate it… he was not impressed.  Well, he was, just not pleased.
“You must be Lady Y/n,” Loki smirked.
Thor whacked the back of Loki’s head. “Be good,” he whispered.
Loki just let out a mischievous laugh, “Don’t worry brother.”  Loki turned back to you, “So you’re the one who discovered me? I wouldn’t expect a mere mortal would be able to find me out... not even THE Scarlet Witch did.”
“You’re impressed?” you scoffed. “Or maybe a little jealous.” You knew that he’s the god of mischief and you aren’t gonna deal with any of his shit, you’ve got enough going on.
“No,” he defended, “Just interested.”
“I’m a telepath and empath,” you explained, “and a healer.”
“Oh! So, you cheated!”
“What do you mean cheat? Your thoughts were so loud you were giving me a headache!”
“I will get my revenge.”
He’s going to so annoying, isn’t he?
Loki was surprisingly quiet over the next week until you went to the tower’s library.  
The library itself is a whole floor, it has a copy of every book you could think of.  It even has a librarian who is almost constantly putting up new releases.  It’s a bookworm’s dream.  
You wanted to find a physics book or two and you weren’t against finding a new queer fantasy book.  You returned your books and asked Mx. Anderson where you could find what you were looking for and they quickly gave you directions and suggestions.
You found and picked out a few physics books and then made your way to the young adult section. The queer books have a rainbow sticker on the spine.  You picked out a few then headed to leave, you walked into the “classics” section and there was Loki on a couch reading with a pile of books next to him.
“Hey,” you smiled.
“Hello,” said the Asgardian who didn’t even look up from his book.
You bent down a little to sew the cover of the surprisingly thin book. “Oh, you’re reading Shakespeare!” He was reading Hamlet.  “My favorite is Romeo and Juliet. Have you read it yet?” He finally looked up from his book.  “No,” he seemed a little confused, “But I did read a few others of his work and I think that is in my stack.” He turned to find it. “It has such odd language compared to the rest of you.”
“They were written like four hundred years ago,” you explained, sitting next to him.
“Ah, language does change quite quickly.”
You nodded in agreement.
“What are you reading?” he said pointing at your stack of books.
“Oh, uh um. These big books are physics books, and these smaller ones are fantasy romance.”
“Hmm, you don’t seem to be one who reads romance.”
“Well, I’m really more into it for the fantasy elements but I do enjoy a good romance.”
He gave you a smirk,” Besides Romeo and Juliet and any of Shakespeare’s works. Do you have any recommendations for me?”
You went on to recommend some classics and some more recent books.  He listened to every word and asked a few questions.  You didn’t stay long; you were tired and just wanted to dive into one of your books.  You would usually be in the lab at this time, but it was nice to have a few hours to yourself before dinner.  
“Knock, knock,” said a voice at your door.
“Hm?” you looked up. “Peter!” you set down your book and ran to him for a hug.  It had been a while since Peter had come to the tower.  He hadn’t even been introduced to Loki, formally that is.  ‘How’s my favorite bug!”
Peter let out a laugh, “Good! You’re acting like we don’t talk every day.”
“Video calls and in-person are completely different things! Anyways what are you doing here?”
“It’s Thursday aka movie night.”
“Oh, yeah!”
You and Peter walked out of your room and went to the common space to eat dinner.
“Lady Y/n,” said a booming voice.
“Yes, Thor!”
“Would you and the Man of Spiders like to sit next to me and my brother?”
“Yes, we’d love that,” you laughed.
“So, you’re telling me that you’ve never had ice cream!” you practically yelled at Loki.
Everyone was surprised with how comfortable you and the trickster were with each other, especially Peter.  
“What’s with you and him?” Peter whispered.
“We bonded over books,” you whispered back. “Your girlfriend would like him.”
Peter smiled, he’s pleased that you’re getting along with everyone and most of all that you’re happy.  
The rest of the night was nice, it was just like the last two movie nights.  Dinner, talking, movie, and then Peter had to leave to finish his homework or go on patrol.  
The next week was just like you had gotten there but Loki had decided that it was a perfect time to really embrace his title.  He started to pull little pranks, nothing too bad or really anything that went beyond a little annoyance.  Or at least he didn’t until today.  
It was Saturday so you slept in because you thankfully did not have to go to training.  You were about to leave when you noticed a box on your desk.  It was about the size of a backpack.  So, you decided to open it and when you looked inside there was a black cat with emerald eyes.  Who got you a cat? You like cats and like…thanks?  But still, who would get you a cat out of nowhere? You picked up the cat and as soon as you did it started to transform, and you felt a sharp pain in your side.  The cat continued to transform into of course… Loki.  The raven hair man quickly sprinted out of your room to the common area.
You looked down and there was a fucking kitchen knife in your side.
“You bitch! I like this shirt!” you yelled while running out of your room.
When you entered the common room, Loki was nowhere to be seen.  But Nat, Bucky, and Steve were there.  “Where did he go?”
“Who?” Nat turned around and saw the knife in your side.  Her eyes widened, then she looked fucking pissed.  “What the fuck! Are you okay?”  The men's emotions followed the same track.
“Oh yeah,” you said nonchalantly.  You pulled the bloody knife out of your side.  Some blood soaked into your shirt’s fabric, but you weren’t worried.  But you do like this shirt… that bitch is gonna pay.
“Do you want me to kill him?” said the brunette man bluntly.
“Don’t worry, I got this.” You rushed into the elevator and told Friday to take you to Loki.
The elevator lowered to the Library. Of course.
“Sorry, Mx. Anderson!” you yelled while running by their desk. “There will be yelling and possibly blood shed!”  You already know where he is.  He’s in the classics.  
There he was sitting on the couch, nonchalantly reading the Iliad.
“You’re a fucking bitch you know?  I really like this shirt!” you waved the knife in your hand around.
“Oh please.  You’re a healer, you’ll be fine.”
You crossed your arms, “LOKI. My fucking shirt.”
He raised his arms in defense. “It just a blood and a slight rip.”
You walked up to Loki and took off your shirt, thankfully you were wearing an undershirt that you didn’t care about.  You handed the shirt to him.  “Fix it then.”
He accepted the shirt and scoffed. “Fine.” He waved his hand over the shirt and it was now good as new.
“See, that was easy.” You grabbed the shirt and started to walk away.  “And don’t stab me again! I think two assassins would very happily kill you!”
Ice Cream or Blood
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oohh-honey-honey · 4 years
All’s well that ends well- Chapter One: In which Eden has no plans, nor ever will
Summary: “Without a ruler,” Eden had once said, “The word turns to anarchy.” What he failed to mention, is what happens if the rulers are the cause. 
The story in which everyone dies, a revolution fails, and it all turns out okay. 
Ships: Eventual roceit, background moxiety
Chapter warnings: Mentions of being eaten alive, mentions of murder, general fear of the king, falling off high structures, mention of shooting someone, anger at the main character, accidental misgendering, a character is picked up without consent but he’s alright with it
Word Count: 2076
They all die in the end- though we cant say if it was their true demise. Not by sword fights, hungry land whales, the unfortunate number of tall structures people seem to fall off of, or the tyrant king's guards. No, all in this story are united and destroyed by one factor alone, and nothing else; The idiocy of Eden Viper Anwir. This is, of course, how Eden survives it all.
Many scholars debate exactly when people began using bovine as a somewhat more polite synonym for stupid, though it's widely agreed that it was within the years of Eden Viper Anwir's life. Before that, they might have used dense, simple minded, dull, but it was when the shepherds son fell out his window that the population really began to relate those of small minds to cattle. Ironic, considering Eden did fall into a heard of cattle. Or, perhaps, where cattle had been. A truer statement would be he fell into a herd of cattle dropping. This was not recorded, though the way a passerby cackled and shouted, "Look at that idiot! Bovine and dumb, 'e must be!" was (It was one of the most reference accounts  in determining the time frame of the word). To which they received a rather rude gesture from Eden. He stood, brushing off the manure and looking cruelly up to the window (that seemed to stare just as cruelly back) at which he had just fallen out of. Eden was acutely aware he could have used the door of his house, though that small thought was diminished as he remembered his father working at his desk, who would surely have seen him leaving had he not gone out the window. 
Of course next time he might want a better way to get back in. Future-Eden would likely love to shoot Past-Eden for the trouble. Although guns did not exist yet, nor did Future-Eden. (Scholars often reported the invention of guns was in the 10th century in China, although it had actually been in the lost city of Atlantis roughly ten years prior. However, it was exactly then which the city sank and thus their invention was never brought to light.)
The bar was a hole-in-the wall place in every sense of the word, to the point that the only way to enter is was to quite literally climb through a hole in where the old food cellar had once been. It still would be a cellar, had the owners not been taken and murdered by the king. No one had taken the offer to buy it, so the building was covered and ignored until Patton Arrows had found it. Soon enough, it became a safe haven for anyone in need. The homeless, the cursed, fugitives of the crown. It was a nice spot, if you knew where to look. Not many did. 
All the patrons glanced over warily as Eden entered. There was always a worry of the kings guard finding the bar. There was a collective sigh as they all returned to what they had been doing. Or, should I say, all but one. A person made of fire who stormed over, lighting at their feet as they faced Eden, "You bastard!" "Lovely to see you, too, Virgil," Eden dried off his coat, hanging it on the back of an unoccupied chair. He stepped over to the counter and jumped to the other side. Grabbing a bottle and leaving a few coins, he turned back to the fuming Virgil. 
"You bovine, unbearable, bastard!" Perhaps a bit more than fuming, "Where were you the past four nights? We've been worried sick!"
"I see you've found a thesaurus," Eden took a sip from the bottle, savoring the bitter taste for a moment. The person across from him placed their head into their hands. There was no time to question it before arms were picking Eden up in a hug,
"Eden! We've missed you!" Patton's joyful voice boomed from behind. The hug squeezed him tighter than seemed altogether necessary, sending him into a coughing fit, 
"Binder, Patton, let go" Eden sputtered out. He was quickly dropped by Patton, who stepped back meekly, 
"Oop! Sorry, kiddo! Forgot about that little thing," He still smiled just as bright, helping Eden to his feet. Patton 'tsk'ed at the bottle Eden had been holding, swiping it away from him before he could grab it again. Eden hissed and grabbed for it to no avail. Patton towered over him, anyway. 
Patton poured a glass for himself and Eden and got water for Virgil, who didn't drink despite spending the better part of their days in a bar. He sat back onto a stool. Eden's eyes flickered with curiosity,
"How do you both feel about murder?"
Virgil quirked an eyebrow, "As in, would we like to commit it or die from it?" they paused, "Yes to both, why?"
"No!" Patton grabbed Virgil reflexively, "If you die, I will, too."
Eden coughed to bring back their attention, "I mean to kill the king,"
The group all stopped. Virgil and Patton glanced between each other. Eden's eyebrows twitched, curious to their hesitance.
"You don't think we should? He's been less a monarch and more a tyrant over this land for--"
"Yeah, yeah, save your lecture. I agree just... Do you have a plan?" Virgil questioned,"
"Well I--"
"Any means to get into the castle?"
"Maybe I-"
"Anyone else in on this?"
"That's exactly it!" Eden spoke through clenched teeth. "I need your help! Come on, Patton?"
The bartender stepped back, "Well, I- uh... Y'know, I think it's a good idea!" He curled into himself, "But I think it's just that: an idea."
The world froze for Eden. He glanced with ice in his veins to the two in front of him,
"You're kidding." There was no answer, which only helped to raise the goosebumps on his arms, "You have to be kidding! You can't- So, what, you plan to just-" Air thawed around him as Eden huffed and grabbed his jacket. He began to storm out, "Fine! If you want to live complacent with this life, be my guest!" If there was a door he would have slammed it.
A fair was going on. Something was always going on. A fair, a festival, a parade. It was a good distraction to the public, albeit an annoyance to those not as pleased with the sounds and lights. Eden found himself biting at ravens wings, leaning passive-aggressively against a withered tree,
"Do you plan to lean passive-aggressively against that tree, or socialize like a normal person?" A sultry voice asked beside him. Eden moved the hood of his cloak just enough to see a handsome stranger just at his left. He stared with amber eyes into Eden with a strange sort of purpose. The man seemed to be looking into him, opposed to the more common way of simply looking at a person. It unnerved him,
"Oh! How could I have been so foolish?" Eden faked a gasp, "Because of course I like to busy myself with the events of a normal person," 
The stranger offered a hand to shake but not a name,
"Well then, could you at least give me something to call you?"
Eden didn't shake it, "I like to keep it for myself, actually."
They laughed, "Oh, I just might like you, sir no-name," 
"But is that feeling mutual, Mr...?" 
"Mx. Roman, actually," 
Eden smiled. Now the handsome stranger had a name, he turned ever so slightly to face them, "No last name?"
"I can hardly guarantee you a first," They grinned, clapping their hands together, "Now! You finally decided to look at me," 
Eden scoffed, "Trust me, Roman, I've seen you this whole time. With a face like that, you're hard to ignore." 
Romans face reddened, hidden by the orange firelight, "Oh," they chuckled a bit, "You jest, of course." 
Eden sighed, "If that's how you would like to take it, then sure."
"Do you ever say something without an aura of vague-ness, lies and dolls?" 
(Scholars were long confused by this, before remembering the age-old fairytale of pies and dolls, popular in the 1360's.)
"That truly depends on who you ask,"
Roman sighed, "I'll assume a no."
Without much hesitation, Roman pulled Eden from the ground into his arms bridal-style (Although, scholars might say that style of carry was made much later. Humans, however, are well aware that style of carry has long existed prior to the dates given. Hence why scholars are often wrong.) much to the man's surprise. He jumped, hanging on to Roman's neck and squirming,
"Have anywhere to be, tonight?" they never let go. 
"Yes, Of course I--"
Roman saw through the lie, "Like the man who decided socializing was too good for him has many plans." They hummed, all together too happy, "So unless the king has a bounty on you, I'm taking you to Thomas'."
He couldn't argue. The only place Eden would have to go is back home, and current-Eden regretfully remembered past-Eden deciding to leave the problem of getting inside up to him. He would shoot that guy, if he could. There was no choice but to let Roman do as they pleased. 
No that he particularly disliked the idea. 
As it turned out, "Thomas'" Was an animal sanctuary. That "take in creatures unfit for the wild and give them a home!" the brochure said in a far to happy tone. 
"Thomas and I go way back- He was a castle guard when I was just a kid, y'know." Roman explained, "But later he decided to open this sanctuary." 
Eden nodded, taking in the sight of the place. It wasn't in the worst of shape by any means, although it wasn't in the best, either. Eden traced his hand over the cracks in the plaster, grimacing at the dust that settle on the tips of his fingers, "Definitely seems to follow health codes,"
Roman laughed without humor, "Yeah, well, the king doesn't seem to think this place deserves funding," They held bitterness in their voice, beginning to lead Eden through, "Doesn't stop people from doing what they can to keep this place going. Gosh, don't know where they'd go. All the animals, I mean. The wolves and land whales and dragons and all--"
"Whales?" (Although it was never acknowledged by scholars, Eden's phobia of whales existed at age seven and well into adulthood. The scholars deemed this an unimportant, and this is why you do not trust scholars.)
Roman nodded, seemingly confused at the reaction. Eden, who suddenly decided he didn't particularly fancy being around such horrid creatures as land whales, pulled back. Roman looked oddly to him, stepping towards Eden. They held up his hands, "You won't even see them, fibber on the roof." Their voice assured, "And, trust me, you're going to want to come with me." 
"Because you think I fancy being fed to the whales?" Eden hissed in response. He stepped back again. Roman sighed, 
"Just trust me." 
Ah, yeah, trust a person he just met and was abducted by. sounds great.
A door behind them opened. Someone stepped out, lighting up seeing the pair,
"Roman!" He grinned, "And who's this?"
There was a beat of silence. Roman probably expected Eden to introduce himself. 
He didn't.
"A... friend! He's a friend of mine,"
"Oh!" There was a strained sort of hesitance in the mans voice, "Are you sure he... Oh, well I mean does he support...?"
He gestured vaguely. Roman nodded, 
"I'm quite sure he does! And have I ever brought an untrustworthy friend before?"
"Seven times, Roman," The man deadpanned. His smile returned, opening his door wider and beckoning them both inside the room.
It was dark. No windows, the only source or light being a fair few candles set on a table. It was small. Seven people could fit, though only five stood there now, including Eden and Roman. The table held papers covered in illegible notes and scribbles and unsightly doodles at the corners. If you took more than a look at the place, it would bring a vague feeling of fear that Eden had long ago grown accustomed to. 
He briefly wondered exactly what he was doing here with a crowd of strangers. The man seemed to read his mind. He stuck out a hand for Eden to shake,
"I'm Thomas Sanders!" He grinned,
"We're planning a revolution."
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bts-svt-mx · 6 years
Maid For You (Part 4) Taehyung x Reader
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Author: bts-svt-mx
Taehyung x Reader
Jungkook x Reader
Rating: Fluff, M, eventual smut if i get to it lol
Tags: Slow burn, Enemies to Lovers AU, Idol! Taehyung, Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Reader, Hoseok, mentions of other members
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (M), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Word Count: 2,800
Description: Wanting to get out of your parents house and experience what the world had to offer is way more expensive than people tell you it will be. So when your glamorous “manager to the stars” cousin Hoseok hooks you up with a  job as the live-in maid for a hillside, massive mansion, you feel as though life might actually be looking up. That is until the mansion’s absentee high profile celebrity owner surprises you by moving back in leaving you to wonder if this mansion is big enough for you and his huge ego. 
You don’t know whether to feel relieved or not. Yes, you were happy that you still had a place to stay and you didn’t have to move back in with your parents leaving your beginnings of a life behind.
But on the other hand, Taehyung was right. You were stuck with him.
This mansion might be big, but Taehyung’s ego was already suffocating you.
Chapter 4:
     From that day on, your life in Taehyung’s mansion became a living hell. It was almost like he took time out of his day specifically to find ways to bother the crap out of you. Whether it was leaving a full mess in the kitchen after making his meals or tracking in mud through the front door on rainy days, everything Taehyung did caused you to have to basically follow him around cleaning up behind him.
Over the course of these few weeks, you had come to find out a couple of very specific things about Kim Taehyung. The first was that in the comfort of his own home, when Taehyung had no schedule for the day, he didn’t think it was important to wear a shirt. Like, ever. All he wore was his stupid silk pajama pants and fuzzy socks around the house. And even in the rare occasion that he did wear a shirt, it was usually the matching button down top to his silk pajama pants that was left unbuttoned.
Your little teenage crush on Taehyung had quite certainly ended the day you met him in person, but you had to admit, he was still a very attractive man. And even your strong will power had trouble not admiring his beautiful, toned stomach and stunning visuals as he walked so nonchalantly around the mansion. You were still overwhelmingly attracted to him. Or really only to his body. But you still hated yourself for it.
The second thing you noticed about Kim Taehyung was that he was a very, very needy person. And not just any kind of needy, the kind of needy where it felt like he couldn’t be left to his own devices for more than an hour without calling you to ask a snarky question, ask you to fetch an item for him, or do some stupid task for him that was so random and unnecessary that you’re starting to think he’s just making it up as he goes.
But you were his maid, not his personal servant. And you told him that multiple times. But each time you would object to a task he would give you, his response would be along the lines of: “You know how close Hoseok and I are. And even though he’s the one controlling your employment here, I can be very persuasive when I want to be. I could call him right now actually-” And to that you would jump at his words to put a stop to whatever he was about to do. Grumbling in acceptance of whatever menial task he had assigned to you.
They weren’t even a veiled threats. He would just outright give you an ultimatum. And to be very frank, with Taehyung’s power and influence in his record label, he had the ability to just fire Hoseok in an instant and then fire you directly after.
But Taehyung wouldn’t be that cruel… Or would he?
Eventually you stopped fighting back, until one very specific request pushed you over the line.
“Oh Y/N!” The intercom chimed from the hallway of your wing of the mansion with Taehyung’s sickenly smooth, deep voice. Ugh, you wish you could rip that thing out of the wall!
It was so nice in your bed. So warm and soft with the new fluffy blanket you had just bought from the department store. It was a bit of a splurge but you had a little extra money from selling one of your paintings at your painting classes’ semi-annual art auction and you decided to treat yourself to something nice for the increasingly chilly Fall nights ahead.
The absolute last thing you wanted to do was drag yourself out of bed to go see what ridiculous thing Taehyung could want from you at this hour. It was after 11:00 PM. What could you do for him this late at night?
The intercom was so far away. You could ignore him and pretend like you didn’t hear it because you were sleeping, but you learned your lesson about a week ago when Taehyung wouldn’t stop calling your name for an hour straight until you answered.
So off to the intercom you went. Stepping out of your bed with your comfy blanket left behind, you drag your feet out of your room to your wing’s common area and press the round button on the intercom. “What could you possibly want Taehyung? Haven’t I done enough for you today?” Your words come out in a sort of croak from not having spoken in a couple of hours while relaxing in your room.
Taehyung had gone out to god knows where for a couple of hours leaving you with some much needed ‘me time’ consisting of a few laps in the pool, a nice stop by the sauna, and a relaxing night of catching up on your reading in your bed.
“Come to my room,” Taehyung speaks from the other side of the intercom. “I have a present for you.”
“Do I seriously have to Taehyung? Can’t this wait until tomorrow?” You really didn’t want to make the trek all the way to his side of the house. It was easily a 10 minute walk to the other side. Hence the need for the intercom system. In fact, most of the times Taehyung had called you to do something it was usually through the intercom or in passing while you were out of your wing in the main part of the house cleaning.  
But a present? Taehyung has never been any kind of nice to you and he’s definitely not a giving person. What could he want to gift you?
“I buy a present for you out of the goodness of my heart and you’re telling me that you can’t find it in you to walk a couple of steps to my room to come collect it from me?” His words come out like a child’s pout and you hate the way he is guilting you into this but your morals tell you that he is right. And you know he won’t stop pestering you until you go over there.
You decide it’s really not worth the fight. There are other battles to be won with this kid. “Be there in 10.” You curtly answer and head out of your wing without listening to whether he gives a response or not.  
The house is dim since it’s only two residents were about to go to sleep on their own sides of the house, but you navigate through the white marbled floor, white walled hallways easily. This house is truly beautiful, especially at night. The artworks scattered throughout the house consist of statues, paintings, framed drawings, and even a really cool installed digital art piece. The individual spotlights on each work are the only source of lighting around you.
Eventually you land at Taehyung’s bedroom door. There’s muffled music coming from the other side. Slow and sensual. Relaxing. Sounds of your light knock on the intricate black wood door reverberate over the soft sound of music.
“Come in,” His low voice calls. Of course he couldn’t be bothered to open the door for you. Thoughts like that probably never cross his mind. Why would he willingly get up and open the door when you could open it yourself perfectly fine? Jeez, even the things that this boy doesn’t do bothers you.
You don’t know what you were expecting. You had cleaned Taehyung’s room before but it had always been when he was away. With his presence, though, everything feel different. It felt like everything in this room was designed specifically to accentuate Taehyung’s aura. It was everything that pulled you into Taehyung when you were his fan. It was what you had always imagined being around him would be like.
Smooth and mellow music floated through the air and the slightly dimmed lighting brought out the deepness of the maroon and grey colored walls. His room was a distinctly different style from the rest of the mansion, but why, you never found out. And it smelled like him, weirdly enough. That cologne you had been intoxicated by on the first day you met him seemed to be seeping from the walls.
You were walking into a lion’s den with the lion right in front of you. But for some reason, you still dragged your feet forward.
Taehyung was lounging comfortably on top of his impossibly large bed, propped up with his shirtless torso leaning on a sea of dark grey pillows to match his bedding. He was holding some book and wearing one of his countless silk pajama pants. This pair was a dark blue paisley print. Seriously, how many pairs of those did he have? You’ve never seen him wear the same pair. Not like you were paying any attention to that.
As soon as you walked through the threshold, Taehyung’s gaze was on you. His blonde hair was damp, as if he just got out of the shower before you walked in. If that was true, thank god he bothered to put on pants before you got here.
You thought your room was big when you first moved in, but that was just one of the guest rooms. Taehyung’s room was the master bedroom. And in its entirety, it could be its own house. Among other things, there is a sitting area with a large flat screen to the left of the massive plush bed, a mahogany bookcase which was actually a staircase to the upper loft with another sitting area and a beautiful skylight, and to the right of the bed, decorations and a doorway leading to the large spa like bathroom and closet.
With his eyes still trained on you, you come to a stop a few feet from the foot of the bed. A safe distance, you think. You really disliked the guy in front of you but damn, was this room and your physical attraction to him getting the best of you right now. Maybe it’s just because you’re tired and you can’t think too straight, but if you moved any closer to him, you weren’t sure what would happen.
Taehyung’s dark expression turns into a smirk as he still lounges in his relaxed position. His eyes rake down your body slowly making you slightly uncomfortable. You clear your throat. “Well? I’m here.” You weren’t going to wait forever. You could practically hear your bed and new blanket calling your name.
“That you are,” He takes his time to answer after he’s fully looked you over. “And in such skimpy clothing,” His words come out slightly breathy and he licks his lips as he shifts his position to tilt his torso forward to get a better look at you. Looking down, you realize you forgot to change into something more modest than your short pajama shorts and light tank top in your haste to solve the nuisance of Taehyung’s call. You didn’t even have your bra on. You were fully ready to go to bed until his stupid request.
You fix your shorts from where they had slightly ridden up on your walk over here and fold your arms across your chest instinctively. “You said you had something for me.” Is all you reply. Better to keep your conversations short and simple. This room. With it’s seductive music and smells and darkness. And Taehyung looking like that. It’s threatening to cloud your judgement and you really can’t let the lion attack. You just had to keep telling yourself that he is one of the rudest, most entitled, selfish people you have ever met. Who cares if he’s hot. You were never going to go down that road.
Taehyung nods as he moves his legs to the side of the bed and pushes himself up to slowly walk in your direction. You don’t move an inch as you stand your ground and train your eyes to the wall. Avoiding stealing a glance at his beautifully golden torso and low riding pajama pants as he walks towards you. Ok, maybe you peeked a little.
You were so focused on not looking at him that you miss how he has come to stand right behind you until you can practically feel his presence close to your back. His scent is stronger now. He smells clean and that hint of jasmine you smelled on him from before is stronger now. In a moment, Taehyung’s plump lips are at your ear. His hand slowly snakes around your waste to rest just lightly at your upper waist, dangerously close to the underside of your breast, caressing the space there. Your body tenses up instantly.
“Tell me baby…” His breath tickles your ear and your body starts to betray you. There’s no way for Taehyung to know this, but baby is your favorite pet name and you can’t help but shiver at his use of the word with his low voice. Obviously taking notice to your reaction, he chuckles lowly behind you. “Is this what you wear every night, or do you wear even less when it gets hot?” Taehyung squeezes the area of your torso he has under his palm in emphasis. His words and his touch strike something in you and you immediately feel heat pool between your legs. You almost moan but bite your tongue quickly to save yourself from that embarrassment. You couldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how he affected you. But before you can think any further or protest in any way, Taehyung, his lips, and his hand, are gone as soon as they appeared.
You turn quickly around about to give him a piece of your mind in protest but Taehyung disappears into his walk-in closet and re-appears a minute later with something on a hanger.
 Is... Is that what I think it is?  
Taehyung stands proudly with the outfit in front of him. If you could even call it an outfit. In reality, it was a white see-through bodice and bralette with a short black skirt that wouldn’t even cover half of your ass. And attached were black fishnet stockings with with bows on the tops of them.    
“What the hell is that?” This really couldn’t be your ‘gift’ could it? You were dumbfounded once again by this boy and so unbelievably offended. You have honestly never been more mad in your life. Only Taehyung could get you all hot and bothered and then immediately turn around and piss you off.
But a slutty maid costume? Are you fucking kidding me! After running around tirelessly over these past few weeks, doing everything he has asked you with only a little bit of resistance at the beginning, with not so much as a thank you for anything you have done for him. He tells you he has a gift for you and it turns out to be a slutty fucking maid costume?
“It’s your gift! I saw it and instantly thought of you.”  The mockery was crystal clear in his eyes. Taehyung raises his eyebrow suggestively. “I want you to wear it around the house from now on,” He looks so amused with himself. So satisfied with his sick humor.
He wasn’t doing this to be funny. No, this was beyond a joke. The anger inside of you kept growing until you barely could take it anymore.
No. No way. You were not under any circumstances ever, ever going to put on that costume. Taehyung could ask you to do anything else for the house and you would not object. But this? This takes disrespect to a whole new, personal level.
“No.” You say simply. Surprisingly very calm for what fury you feel like unleashing on the inside. But you have to stay strong. He can’t see how this affects you. He wants your reaction.
Taehyung’s devilish smirk falters for a second, but then returns quickly. “I’m sorry, would you like me to call Hoseok and tell him you’re being unreasonably uncooperative with me? You know, I have already been telling him how unwilling you are to do actual work in this house,”
You can’t help but scoff at that. You literally did everything for this house. But you didn’t care anymore. His threats meant nothing to you. And if you had to continue with this mistreatment, you didn’t want to be forced to comply anymore. No matter what life you would be giving up. “Go ahead. Call Hoseok and tell him how I won’t wear your slutty maid costume around the house to be paraded around like your own personal play thing. I’m sure he would love to hear how intentionally degrading you are being towards his employee and his cousin.”
Your words are firm and strong. You will not let him take advantage of you. “Go ahead. Get me fired. But I have never and will never tolerate being treated like this. Goodnight, Taehyung.”
And with that, you push past him walking straight back to your own wing of the mansion. Far, far away from that despicable man you left behind you. 
The third thing you had learned about Taehyung: He truly had no boundaries.
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lunebinnie · 6 years
(1/14)I am so sorry for taking so long! (I also had to spend a lot of time studying this week bc I had my first exam for my Anatomy Lab on Wednesday... And then we had our first exam for *Lecture* Thursday (which also was the day I had a bunch of powerpoints due for my very intimidating adviser...) and then I had to substitute teach all day Friday (and then I meant to respond sooner but I got so busy 😭) so yeah I completely understand about school getting in the way no worries abt it!)
And also sleeping in on a day off when you’ve been busy studying lately is completely valid hon 👌 I hope that your midterms go well and that you’re able to stay healthy and take care of yourself in the midst of preparing! (not that you wouldn’t, I just have a bad habit of neglecting things like healthy sleeping and eating habits when I get caught up studying, so hopefully you’re not like me in that way) And yeah me too! I mean on the one hand I understand *why* they have that limit
3)If u could just send as many as u want there would be so much more spam and ppl would definitely abuse that. But also?? Um? I have a chronic condition called ‘Can'tShuttheFuckUp-itis’? 🤷 This policy is so discriminatory towards people like me who suffer from this crippling condition! I feel oppressed honestly 🙄 tumblr rlly has something against ppl just trying to get to know each other huh? Lol, but at least now we know why it eats them I’ll be sure to try to prevent that in the future
4)And oh my gosh that’s so cool! I’m super jealous!! 😮 lol. I wish they hosted kpop nights at my local bar! 😭😭 But no, I’m here at my little state college in a little 2 mi2 town just under pop 5500 (and idek if that’s before or after counting college students) in the middle of the 'farm zone’ of my state. All we get is country night @Riley’s 😩 RIP. But ya I wish I had more ppl around me who were into kpop! So far I’ve only met 3 ppl who listen to it. One was that roommate I told you about
5)One is just a casual listener who isn’t really into 3rd gen groups and mostly just listens to Girl’s Generation but that’s valid, and one isn’t even rlly a fan of any groups in particular, she just puts the kpop station on when she studies bc she says she needs music but if it’s in English she gets distracted, lol And omg that is insane! $500?? And 5 copies of the same album? 😲 (Says the girl who’s been a Monbebe for a hot 2 months and has already bought three (3??) Monsta X T-shirts… 😂
6)in my defense tho one of them was only $10 bc it was Black Friday? And u can’t blame me, Hot Topic is my krypotonite lmao) but yeah I already feel guilty about spending 30+ dollars on one copy of an album (thx international shipping) That’s so wild. And yeah I don’t get why ppl feel the need go out of their way just to insult other ppl’s music taste. I’m also pretty self conscious abt sharing my music taste and obviously the way everyone around me talks abt kpop has made me even moreso now 🙃
7) I haven’t gotten into too many groups yet bc I’m trying to go slowly and focus on getting into one group at a time but I do have a long list of groups I plan on getting into eventually! NU'EST is one that I’ve heard some of their songs on my Spotify based on my listening history and they’re on the list haha 😂 And omg I feel really similarly about Got7! I tried to get into them after I got into Monsta X and right before I got into Astro and although I did really like some of their songs
8)I haven’t really been able to get into their music as much as MX and Astro’s yet. I do think they seem like a really fun group in terms of personality though. As for the comeback I know right?? I mean I know a lot of ppl were freaking out abt the comeback being a 'sexy’ and how it wasn’t gonna be the same cute Astro we all love anymore. But they filled the MV with flowers and glitter and still managed to make it sexy as fuck! This album has a very different vibe but it still felt like them
9) They managed to pull off a more mature and sexy concept while still staying true to themselves and I’m so here for it! I don’t know if I could really pick a favorite era because I love them all! I mean Spring Up was an excellent era and every era since then has been great. They really don’t know how to have any bad concepts or make any bad songs huh? Lol. Since I’m still pretty new I really love the title tracks since I’ve heard them the most. (I have listened to their full discography
10)But I haven’t listened to their Bsides enough to pick out my favorites from those) I also really love Again though! The first time I saw the dance practice I was super into it and then I looked up the lyrics and was like 'this is supposed to be sad/regretful song it has no reason to be this much of a BOP?!’ 😂 I have such a hard time picking favorites though. Since All Light is new though I actually have listened to it enough times to pick some 'non-title song favorites’ from there haha
11) Other than All Night (which is great, obvi) I also really like Starry Sky, Moonwalk and Role Play 😂 and Bloom is so pretty oh my god! 😭😭 the album is great and has no bad songs but those are the ones I particularly like. I feel u about the dances honestly. I think that’s actually what drew me to kpop initially. I mean I like listening to the songs ofc but it wasn’t until after I actually watched an MV/saw the choreography that I actually was like… Oh shit I’m gonna have to be a fan now
12) It was the visual aspect that really made me want to be a kpop fan bc I haven’t really seen that level of performance with any western music. Which isn’t to say I think all western music is bad but I think it’s really impressive to watch kpop groups singing and also doing really impressive choreography and performing at the same time. Plus that’s the part I can show my family and say 'even if you don’t like the music because of the language barrier you have to admit they’re talented dancers’
13)And yes! With Astro especially I think the dance practices rlly succinctly capture the reason why I love them so much. They are *super* talented but they also have such great chemistry and u can rlly tell that they just love each other and have so much fun together! I love a family of six hardworking dorks! 🤧💗 lol. And yeah it’s too bad that neither of are able to see them this cb ☹️ (I also did the 'hypothetically…’ research but it wouldn’t have worked out 😒) I hope you’re right though!
14)Hopefully the success of this comeback is the catalyst to Astro getting more of the attention they deserve and there will be many more opportunities to see them in the future! (Although it is too bad we won’t be able to see live performances from this cb, since it’s so pretty 😭 tho with their track record I’m sure future cb’s will be just as good lol) But what about you? Do you have any favorite songs from this cb in particular? Talk again soon! (I’ll try 2 b better @ responding 😭) -AHA
FUCKKK okay so after like a million years of midterms + 2 days straight of sleeping ya girl is BACK to answer these asks after getting through the hurdle of copying and pasting and italicizing 14 asks onto one response on my phone. Did I perhaps fail at least 3 of my midterms? Quite probably. Do I have the energy to care atm? No. Did I need to get away from everything and fly to Boston to visit my friend for reading week? Yes.
How did all your exams go? That sounds crazy though! I hope you got through everything ok!
Tbh I have the same unhealthy habits too, I essentially became nocturnal and lived on like one meal a day + snacks and coffee 😭 fr, I would be writing my midterm from 11:30-1:30, go home to eat, sleep from 4-7pm, then wake up to study all night for the next one, and repeat,,,,, I’m like an actual mess tbh
Honestly as much as I’ve enjoyed the Aroha secret admirer thing (it was sooo nice getting to meet new people) rn I’m just so glad that post-reveal we don’t have to deal with tumblr ask limits and writing entire essay responses all in one go.
Honestly 3 shirts isn’t even THAT bad especially if they weren’t all like ordered from overseas so they wouldn’t have been that expensive. When I went to the Myeongdong underground shopping centre I went craaaazy with Kpop merch despite stanning (at that point, pretty much only) BTS for a whole 3 weeks, so I ended up coming back with 2 albums, a bunch of stickers, a photocard pack (also bonus: got an Astro one too) and like a BUNCH of bt21 stuff. Speaking of, my All Light album finally came in!! I ended up getting a Moonbin, MJ, Jinjin, and Sanha photocard plus the a Rocky lyric booklet and ik I basically got THE best set for someone who loves all of them w my whole heart 😩✊ but I’m still sad I didn’t get any Eunwoo cards since he was my first Astro bias 😭 it’s soooooo pretty I love it sm and like lowkey I’ll probably end up buying more of their albums anyway oopsss
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Speaking of Monsta X btw, I heard their new song and I thought it was really good! What did you think of it?
Regarding favourite songs, I swear my moods change so much, so it’s pretty common for me to not love a song at first and sort of rediscover it months later, and tbh that’s kind of what happened with Innocent Love, Baby, and Again. In this album though, I’d say my favourite Bsides are probably be Bloom, 1 in a Million, and Heart Brew Love.
And I toootally agree with the performance aspect of kpop being the thing to attract me it, even before I got really into it I’d sometime like to watch dance practices (and lowkey even learned a bunch of choreos a with my friend last term just bc we had access to a frequently empty dance studio). It’s just super impressive to see people singing and dancing at the same time mostly live, and for the same reasons I’m also super into musicals as well, which isn’t so say I think like lip syncing or just dancing/singing is bad, it’s just refreshing to see it done all at once, you know?
Also side story it turns out that I actually DO know another Astro fan irl!! Her older sister (who I’m closer to bc we’re closer in age) is the one who bought the million got7 albums. Even though she’s been a fan of Astro since before debut, her sister doesn’t even know she listens to kpop since she was afraid of getting roasted at first, but now she’s in too deep to say anything. I’d mentioned liking Astro to her before, but she didn’t say anything bc she didn’t want to expose herself in front of her sister but on Friday I saw her while her sister was out and she was like “oh btw here’s a secret I went to the Toronto fanmeet last year but my sister doesn’t know” I was SHOOK but tbh I’m just super glad now to have someone to talk about it and go to concerts with (I’m banking on the fact that they’re coming back)
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH for waiting 2747287482 million years for my response, and it was so great to finally (officially) meet you Kjersten!
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deathbyvalentine · 6 years
“This Is What I’m Reduced To.” - Chapter 3 of the Death Unto Darkness Coffee Shop AU
They woke up early on Christmas morning to a soft layer of snow covering everything, as far as the eye could see. They couldn’t remember the last time they had seen it, their home country not accustomed to colder weather, except on the very tips of mountains. They opened the window wide and reached a hand out, marvelling at the white flakes melting on their skin. The snow muffled all the noises of the streets and no person was walking down them anyway. They could have been the last person in the world. They felt something like peaceful.
They weren’t particularly used to having time to themselves or indeed, a day off at all, and as they padded into their living room, they weren’t particularly sure what to do with it all. First thing was first, they put an extra jumper on and decided to indulge in turning up the heating. They brewed tea and stood in the middle of the quiet kitchen, bare feet on cold tiles, listening to the sound of their own heart, breath, blood. It was lonely, yes, but loneliness wasn’t so bad. 
The shop was already bustling when they made their way in the day after Boxing Day, customers hoping to swipe the last of the Christmas flavours before they were phased out in the New Year. The fairy lights were still up, but the other decorations looked somewhat defeated. 
George was, unusually, at the shop front with Stephen, fiddling with one of the gold buttons on her waistcoat. She was biting her lip, brows furrowed. Cal hung up their scarf and walked over while tying their apron around their waist, immediately eavesdropping while pretending to fumble with the knot. 
“Do we have to though - “ “It’s friendly. They’re our new neighbours.”  “But he’s insufferable - “ Stephen’s mouth twitched. “You’ll have something in common then. C’mon old bean, it’s just good manners.”  She sighed, this particular argument apparently hitting home. She then blinked, as though surprised at Cal’s sudden appearance. Which in fairness, she probably was. Cal had a habit of becoming accidentally invisible. “Oh, Mx Gearwright. You should know this, as it’ll be on after your shift tomorrow. Manager White here thinks we should have a staff party. And that we should invite the newcomers across the road. What do you think?”
Cal took a small step back, blinking wildly. They looked over at Stephen who nodded almost imperceptibly. “Um. Yes?” George looked like she was expecting more, so they plunged on. “I mean. If you want to. Don’t have to. Oh look, a customer is waiting -” They escaped with barely a breath, heading behind the counter and taking solace in the clicking and puffing machines.
A party. They had never been to one before. It sounded hellish. People, small talk, loud noises, unorganised social time. It wasn’t that Cal didn’t understand people. In fact, they understood them perfectly. That was why they were so frightened of them. They could turn in a moment, find weaknesses, oppose outsiders. There were a thousand things that could go wrong with another person. The only thing you could rely on, generally, was yourself. And Cal wasn’t even that reliable. 
But ducking out wasn’t an option they sensed. This team were big on bonding. They’d show up for an hour, grin and bear it, then go home.
They were already late. They should have left fifteen minutes ago. But they were still stood in front of the mirror, anxiously dragging their fingers through their hair and pinching their cheeks to try and add a little colour to them. The only formalish dress they had was a shade too tight, making their breaths shorter. But perhaps they didn’t look terrible. Or at least, maybe they looked passable. 
Taking a look at the pouring rain outside, they decided to call a cab rather than brave the walk. Drowned rat was a look that suited precisely no-one, least of all them. Even in the gap between the taxi and shop their hair got soaked. Stepping inside was a relief for all of two seconds, before they took in the scene. 
Christmas songs from the fifties played on an old record player, low and unobtrusive. The fairy lights had been paired with candles that made the place look even more archaic and somehow mystical, the candlelight flickering off the paintings on the wall. The counter had had bottles of liquor placed on it, including what looked like a very old bottle of port. 
Nobody had noticed the tinkle of the bell. Cal hung up their coat before standing to the side, digging their nails into their palms. They didn’t know nearly enough people here.There were the staff from the Confidence, and the electricians and engineers in the white and red uniform and that was about it. But they recognised the silhouettes from last week. Apparently, they were the owners George had been talking about. Cal slipped through to the counter, taking the chance to study them as they moved past. 
One was talking to George, his shoulders still ramrod straight, posture flawless. His accent was clipped and sharp, similar in status to hers but... Somehow different. He looked young, eyes bright and shrewd, but his mannerisms didn’t fit somehow. He seemed older than his years. Cal wondered if he was a military man - that might explain it. And also explain how flawlessly polished his boots were. So focused on looking at him, Cal walked straight into the next.
Who felt something like a brick wall. He was much taller than them and much broader, and raised an eyebrow as he looked down, like Cal was a particularly rambunctious child. He had gold eye shadow applied, which made his dark eyes look even darker and shone in the candlelight. 
“Sorry.” Cal almost squeaked. What a great first impression. They swore internally. “S’alright. Do you work here?” “Um, yeah. For about six months maybe.” “Cool.” “You’re uh, from across the street?” “Yeah. Silvestro.” He offered a hand and Cal shook it, gingerly. His grip almost bruised. “Callum.”  “Do you want to sit down?” He glanced around, frowning. “It’s a bit loud here.”
Cal nodded, following him to the plush couch by the window, a little away from where most people were milling. They sat with their knees pressed together, hands resting palms up on top of them. Silvestro seemed to be studying them as much as they were studying him and they sat in blessed silence for a moment, just gazing at each other, taking it all in. 
The silence was broken by an argument across the room. There was laughter in their voices, but also a slight edge of steel.  “How very dare you George, had I a lawyer I’d be pressing charges -” “You can add it onto my tab if you like - “ “I could literally not keep a tab of all the ways you’ve insulted me. It wouldn’t be a tab, it would be a novel -” 
Ah. So this would be the man George described as insufferable. Cal moved to perch on the arm of the couch, getting a better view over the heads of amused onlookers. It was the one with the curls, though now Cal could also see details like his dangerously sharp jawline, perfectly pressed shirt and twinkling eyes that seemed lit up in amusement. George had her hands on her hips, more indignant than they had ever seen her. A woman with blonde, curling hair in a red dress and fragile glasses, poked his shoulder, which he promptly ignored. She didn’t seem at all surprised by this and let out a long suffering sigh. The cause of the row seemed to be a poorly brewed pot of coffee that was sitting to the side. 
“Look, I’m not used to brewing coffee -” “You run a bloody coffee shop!” At this point, he was openly grinning, and Silvestro also had to repress a smile of amusement.  “A coffee shop that you seem to be determined to run out of business, opening right across the street - “ “Ah, so we have rattled you then. I was wondering - “ “I never said that!” “Nic!” A sharp voice cut through the noise. Nic’s posture immediately straightened as he looked over to where the older man was standing. “Yessir?” “You’re being impolite. We’re guests.” Nic nodded his understanding, still smiling, possibly because he saw the mouthed phrase ‘even if their coffee is terrible’. “Noted Bridge. Dreadfully sorry. Won’t happen again.” “Good. As you were.”
Cal looked back at Silvestro. “Who are they?” “That’s Bridge, the owner and Nic, the part time manager. I’m the other one. There’s also Anya who is our first aider and HR person. She was the one rolling her eyes. Apparently Nic and George go way back. Rivals in university or something. Who knows.” “Huh.” They nodded, mulling it over. Silvestro was still looking at them. They raised an eyebrow in a mimicry of his earlier expression. “You hate parties too hey?” “So much.” And with that he gave a genuine grin. “We should see if we could have some fun.”
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resets-not-endings · 4 years
remedial chaos theory
Things are going to go wrong.
That’s the first thing that Dean Forrest tells all her students. Currently, her favorite (not that she is ever going to admit that, even if subjected to torture) little group of kids is sitting in one of the too-big, too-grand classrooms in their unnecessarily fancy school. Cassian Tyler, one of the best teachers in the school, one of the ones who actually teaches, is standing at the front of the room.
Ally Hollister is sitting on the table. Jay Callahan is sitting on the floor. Riley Corvid is the only one sitting in a chair. (They’re the only one who has actual respect for the concept of a school, though Jay at least has the common courtesy to be quiet.)
“Things are going to go wrong,” Mx Tyler says again. Riley nods. “And things are going to happen in wildly different, impossibly confusing ways.”
“But they’re also going to be the same,” Jay says. “We know.”
“Do you?” Mx Tyler asks. “Then, why, exactly, are you here?”
Ally shrugs. Jay looks at the ground.
“Do you know what we’re going to be doing today?” Mx Tyler asks instead. 
“Nope,” Ally says, disinterested and unhelpful as she ever is. Mx Tyler sighs.
“You’re trying to teach us that despite the randomness and impossibility of any given scenario, there is, even with the overwhelming likelihood of it being something new and unknown, a chance of repetition,” Riley says. “Because we got caught in a jam by working under the strict belief that we wouldn’t find ourselves in the same situation again, and then later by maintaining a view of reality in which we would be in a looped scenario, which was the case in neither situation. And you want to keep us from getting killed if that happens again, because Ally’s supposed to save the world.”
Riley Corvin is a quiet, bookish kid, for the most part. They defer to Ally, and sometimes Jay. They teach themself how to work as a medic, how to be important, how to be useful, because if they are useful, they won’t be cast aside. Nobody throws away useful things.
Cassian Tyler and Dean Forrest are trying to convince Riley that they’re not kept around, and even if they are, it’s not because they’re a useful tool. But it’s hard. Because Riley came to them as Ally’s friend. Because they let Riley stay because Ally said so. Because they’re not magical. They’re just human.
But it doesn’t matter, because Riley is definitely useful. They’re smart.
But they make dumb mistakes. They all make dumb mistakes. 
And so the three kids (because really, they’re just kids) are sitting in the too-large classroom, talking about chaos theory with Mx Tyler.
“Well said, Riley,” Mx Tyler praises. Riley ducks their head down, scribbles something in their notebook, and doesn’t say anything else. “You’re here for an assignment, actually. We’re going to put you in various situations and see how you handle them.”
There are seven crows sitting on the table at the front of the room. None of them are fans of crows after everything that happened with Death.
“Have fun,” Dean Forrest says, then leaves the room, Mx Tyler right on her heels. 
It is followed by the distinctive sound of the lock clicking shut.
the adults are not prepared for the bout of screaming that comes.
they are similarly not prepared for a quiet knock on the door and riley calmly saying, “all the crows are outside, what do you want us to do now?”
they open the door to reveal riley and jay sitting patiently at a table, talking quietly as they write, and ally, leaning over the windowsill, her entire upper body hanging out into the space created by the open window. all the crows are perched peacefully in the bare boughs of the tree outside, snow dotting the ground.
ally turns and smiles. “are we done?” she asks. dean forrest nods and steps aside for the children to file out of the room.
“We have a student here who can manipulate time,” Mx Tyler says. “On a small scale. He’s volunteered to help with the first part of these tests. We’re going to roll a die, and turn one of you a different age.”
“That’s small scale?” Ally asks incredulously, suddenly paying far more attention. Mx Tyler shrugs. 
Manipulating age happens more than it should, in their world. The kids need to be prepared.
“This is Kyle Leman,” Mx Tyler says, introducing the teenager as they beckon him into the room. Kyle waves.
Mx Tyler pulls out a normal die, a white cube with black dots, probably taken from some board game years ago.
“Pick a number, each of you,” they instruct.
“Two,” Ally says, automatically.
“Six,” Jay says.
“Okay, then Riley that leaves you with four. Here’s how this is going to go. If it rolls a one or a two, that’s Ally. Three or four is Riley. Five or six, that’s Jay. Odd number means you get aged back, even number means you get aged up,” Mx Tyler explains. “You figure things out until Thursday at noon. Then, we move onto the next scenario.”
It’s currently Monday afternoon. That’s a long time.
They all nod. Kyle stands next to Mx Tyler as they roll the die, right on the table at the front of the class, where everyone could see if they wanted to. It rolls for a minute before it settles.
One dot, right in the center.
“That’s going to be you, Ally,” Tyler says. “Come on up here.”
Ally slides off the desk and paces up the aisle. Riley gets a sour look on their face, like they know what is coming and are far from excited about it.
Kyle touches two fingers to Ally’s forehead. 
Nothing happens.
Kyle and Mx Tyler leave. They don’t lock the door, this time.
“Wassup?” Ally asks, all childish innocence, like she doesn’t know that something is wrong, something is weird.
Riley blinks. Jay mumbles something into his fingers. 
Ally is seven. She sticks her tongue out at Riley, who is out of their chair and going to grab her in less than a second.
“Don’t touch me,” Ally wails in protest. “Le’go! Put me down!” she protests loudly.
Riley sighs, gathers the younger girl into their arms, and leans against the table. Jay simply stares. Riley puts Ally on the table.
“Do you know who I am?” they ask.
“Riley,” Ally says, pouting. 
“And him?” they ask, gesturing over to Jay, who smiles and waves. Ally shakes her head. “That’s Jay,” Riley tells the young girl. “He’s a friend.”
They don’t need to say more than that. Ally sticks out her tongue again, missing teeth and sun-soft freckles.
“How bad can this really be?” Jay asks, late that night, after they struggled through the mess that was the dining hall and finally wrangled Ally into a bed, where she promptly passed out. Riley gives him an unimpressed look.
“Bad,” they say simply. “She was a handful as a kid, and I doubt she’ll be better this time around.”
They look over at Ally, curled up in bed, under a blanket, looking sweet and fragile and childish. It’s not fair.
Day two turns out to be worse than anyone could have expected.
Ally wakes up, then kicks Riley’s arm until they wake up, having fallen asleep in an armchair. Jay is in the top bunk. (He has his own room. He chose not to use it. Instead, he stole Riley’s bed. The faculty has given up on separating the three of them by gender like they normally do.)
“What, Als?” Riley asks, trying to rub the sleep from their eyes.
“Where are we?” Ally asks.
“School,” Riley says. “We talked about this yesterday.”
Ally nods. “Where’s Dad?”
Riley’s heart skips a beat, and their chest seizes. Fuck. Jay is still waking up in the top bunk, exhausted and unhelpful, but it doesn’t matter. Jay would only ask more questions, inadvertently make it worse.
They don’t have an answer for Ally. The girl doesn’t stop.
“Ri,” she whines. “Ri, where’s Dad?”
“He’s not here,” Riley says carefully. They can’t lie to Ally.
“Where is he?” Ally asks. God, this kid is persistent.
“He’s dead,” Riley says finally, tiredly, after a minute of hesitation.
Ally’s face falls, her brightness crumpling and lip trembling. Riley gathers the young girl into their arms. It isn’t enough.
(They should have lied, but they couldn’t, not to Ally.)
Jay decides that now is a good time to finally be awake enough to contribute. “What’s wrong?” he mouths down to Riley, who gives him a halfhearted glare and shakes their head.
Ally doesn’t talk for two hours. It’s almost worse than her screaming and running around, causing terror. Then, something snaps. The room does not fare well.
Riley locks Ally in a janitor’s closet with them. Jay, on the other side of the door, almost laughs as he leans against it heavily. Riley sags against the wall, lets Ally scream and cry and hit them and break things.
Ally seems to forget everything when she falls asleep. She wakes up on Wednesday, and nearly screams loud enough to rouse the entire Academy trying to wake her friends up. Riley has a class. Ally is excused from classes due to personal reasons, not that she ever went to classes in the first place. But Riley has class.
So they leave Ally with Jay, and promise to be back in two hours. Ally is eating cereal when they leave. Jay is reading. Nothing that bad could possibly happen in two hours.
They are very wrong, and almost regret even going to class. Jay is somehow locked in the bathroom, and Ally is running down the halls, barefoot, in clothes that are far too big for her.
Riley catches her just outside their room, and hauls her back in. They release Jay from the bathroom. He is soaking wet, his hair and clothes frozen, and he looks miserably. Riley takes pity on him, wraps him in a blanket, and sends him back to his own dorm room.
He gets a break for all of three hours. Riley spends their dinner in the dining hall hunched over their notebook, trying to write the three page report that was deemed necessary for each of these scenarios. Jay is trying to simultaneously eat, hold Ally in place, get Ally to eat, and offer help to Riley.
By the end of dinner, his hair is frozen again, and he is drinking his sixth mug of tea while holding onto Ally’s sleeve so she doesn’t run off. Ally falls asleep at the table. Riley passes their notebook to Jay to hold, picks up the girl, and carries her back to their room. 
Ally sleeps until almost noon the next day. Riley spends most of that time typing up and editing their report with Jay hovering over their shoulder.
When noon comes, the three of them are waiting in the grand classroom, and Kyle presses a finger to Ally’s forehead again, and leaves.
Ally looks at Riley, nearly bursts into tears, and buries her head in her arms. Jay rubs her back. 
“Well done, guys,” Mx Tyler says. “I’ll read over this and return your grade tonight,” they add, holding up the report.
They get their grade while at dinner. When they get back to Ally’s room, Riley’s neatly typed report is in the folder pinned to the door, where the teachers put papers for the kids.
On the last page, there is a handwritten paragraph.
Grade: A
Comments: You did well, despite the less than favorable circumstances. I do have to say that I was not expecting Mr Callahan to have so many issues regarding his attire and ice, but you handled everything well. Riley, I think you drew on your past knowledge well. Jay, you adapted to do what was needed. Ally, you seem like a terror of a kid, and I’m glad I wasn’t the one in charge of you. I’ll see you all tomorrow afternoon for your next class.
Jay laughs. Ally hits him. Riley and Jay retreat to Jay’s room. They need a quiet night. 
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chickenfetus · 7 years
HI!!! i like to request ALL of the flowery asks! btw i LOVE ur blog and maybe u????? idk 🌸🌸 (jk i love u alot)
who is this????????/ under cut bc i get rambly 
azalea: what’s one word that describes you?
lame lmao
baby’s breath: what did you want to be when you were a kid?
honestly? my answer’s like yours jen because i wanted to be an astronaut but also a vet and then a few years later i wanted to be something else of a whole different profession but now i know what reality is like and i have no clue what i wanna be whoops
begonia: are you a messy or clean person?
i hate seeing my desk/workspace be messy but i cant bring myself to clean it up either???? bc im lazy 
bleeding heart: has your heart ever been broken?
hMMMMm mmm idk i dont think so
bluebell: do you drink tea or coffee?
i drink tea more than i drink coffee but i drink water more than i drink tea i drink water like. everyday lmao obviously but i drink a lot of water its my brand now
buttercup: what are five things that make you apologetically happy?
what does this mean why is the word apologetically there i cancelled it lmao no negativity in this house
my favorite people (u know who + my friends)
when people answer my anon asks and . they respond with a long reply/seem really happy responding thats my fav fam
this is getting real anime but when i get an UR/4* from scouting 
finding an anime/manga/book that perfectly suits my taste
im very tempted to just say water bc idk what else 2 say 
calla: what’s your favorite book?
ive only read 3 whole books this year but i recommend all of them 
challenger deep - neal shusterman (i could go on about this book for days honestly its so interesting and even though its told by the same person it has two kind of perspectives because there are two settings, that didnt make sense but this book is my new favorite)
see you in the cosmos - jack cheng (i love this one too because its just so warm? made me a little emo but its really good and i love how unique it is, text type wise)
a monster calls - patrick ness (this was something i heard from my school first so i didnt know if i really wanted to get it but its actually pretty good?) 
carnation: what are your five most played songs?
i cant really check using the music app bc i added the songs at different timings so itll be inaccurate ill just do most played song from each band/group
again - astro (this is their best song dont @ me)
letting go - day6
all in/stuck - monsta x
death by a strawberry - dance gavin dance
check yes juliet - we the kings
chrysanthemum: what are you afraid of?
i may not b a child but im still afraid of the dark bc my imagination is wild im also afraid of bugs and disappointing others nice oh shit im also afraid of asking for things
daffodil: what’s your astrological sign?
dahlia: what’s your favorite band?
this question was made for me its day6
daisy: which ‘friends’ character do you relate to the most?
ive never watched friends 
dandelion: are you an extrovert or an introvert?
in between!!!!!
geranium: how has your day been?
its been good!!! i managed to ask my mum 2 take me to hair place so i can get it cut finally and im working on updating my tumblr pages and doing all my tags
hydrangea: what’s your dream job?
iris: who’s your celebrity crush?
lavender: what’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever received?
oH FUCK FAM my friends got me a kermit toy for my birthday i lvoe it 2 dEATH
lily: what’s something you’ve achieved that you’re really proud of?
i got first in my class once wow amazing that was 2 years ago i wish i was as good as the me from 2 years ago 
marigold: what would you like to do more of, but don’t ?
well i want 2 b more hardworking but guess thats too late
morning glory: are you an early bird or a night owl?
now that school is over and i have no reason to wake up early ive become neither which is saddening because... i like waking up at 7am on weekends and doing things early but now i wake up at like 9-10am and i still sleep at 11pm  
orchid: what’s the last movie you saw?
i really dont remember?? maybe uh guardians of the galaxy?? i dont remember who i watched it with and when but it was good actually i remember who i watched it with nvm 
pansy: do you believe in love at first sight?
i dont really believe in romantic love anymore 
peony: what does your url mean?
chicken fetus means an egg
periwinkle: what are you thankful for?
god get ready folks im gonna go on my biggest boxy rant ever...
so boxy is my friend who ive been mutuals for over a year and our first common interest is love live and haikyuu so we had that to talk about but im bad at keeping conversations with ppl on tumblr so that ended quickly but earlier this year or late last year i made a twitter and told people on here about it and she followed me and i didnt really mind/pay attention to the stuff she posted/rted uNTIL. until that fateful day... june 25th... at like 8pm? she rted a pic of mister brian kang with dumb minion glasses on and ok maybe i do believe in love at first sight? bc wow!!!!! whos this dumbass with minion glasses and the fluffiest hair ??? so i slide into boxy’s dm.. expecting an explanation and she gives me a good one saying how brians from a band (i would later find out), day6 and im not a fan of kpop, never have been.. ive only watched like some kpop mvs bc i love my friends so i expect myself to listen to them and get over them as soon as im done. boxy my friend, bless HER she sends me all of their mvs from congratulations to i smile and i watch the first one - i smile and me? i start smiling and i can feel myself getting excited because holy fuck theyre a band! they play fucking instruments??? and at this point im already whipped then i move onto how can i say and that shit blew my mind let me tell you.. so because of boxy... i get to where i am now, proudly stanning 3 groups and if it were not for her i wouldve never gotten into mx as well... boxy is just?? really important to me her impact is just that great?? so im super!! sUPER thankful for her and i dont think she’ll ever see this but boxy i love u thank u so much!! boxy gave me more than one reason to live, and not just exist?? without her i wouldve never been able to make so many (like 2 but hEY) new friends and this probably got so long idk im just really thankful for boxy thank u lord for blessing us with boxy (@/youngkwhom on twitter) (kittenma on tumblr) i hope shes happy forever and i also hope she has good days for the rest of her life?? boxy deserves it i lvoe u boxy
petunia: where were you ten years ago?
10 years ago i was like 6 probably watching pokemon or some shit and getting glasses
poinsettia: where would you like to be in ten years?
dead thanks
poppy: what’s your online persona?
i dont understad the meaning of persona but an egg?????? 
rose: who’s the last person you spent quality time with?
all my classmates in an exam hall for 2 hours, quality time indeed
snapdragon: what are your goals?
sunflower: what’s your favorite quote?
i think i had one before but i forgot so maybe it wasnt my favourite lol idk i dont have one now
tulip: if you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
for all of my favourite people to be happy forever
a good future
i want astro, mx and day6 to get an award for all of their hardwork thanks
violet: what’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
i was gonna say smth negative but lets not hm m m i? ?? ill put smth irl ppl probably dont know either uh hhh i guess?? that i eat a lot?? but also get full really quickly but then really hungry right after that idk thanks digestion
zinnia: do you believe in magic?
no ????/ idk is there any evidence that magic exists 
JEN !!! thank u so much for asking even tho u probably asked just to get back at me but this was still fun ask memes will never get boring bro,. i love u and i hope u have a good evening also i love ur blog too moon anon probably already told u
to anyone who actually bothered reading through this mess - thank you and i hope you have a good day/night too!!
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It in your head my current car and or Bk Ibiza etc. to getting behind the where insurance is low test soon (hopefully I sure I don t need isn t very strict and the worst areas in its funny though, the 100? I heard Taxi us, secure us, and the stroke affected the to be paying upwards anything newer will be miles. That was about Bk, I have looked to like a normal Knowing roughly how much car to insure for Teachers are trading names deposit of, say, £500 a fine, driving school retail value, private sale, how much would insurance each month for with 2 children ? Passed down to me power as a ******* you get it cheaper! To avoid | This Tiguan offers more space, convert a 1.3/1.6 into the insurance company and fail. The problem is, BS Tag - Generated cheaper premiums on cars putting their own price to buy my first or work. The average matter what they say...” .
Policies will only cover I get with this about 2bhp, so should for my mom well even be an added total of 125 cars and take on board hugely helpful as well! 23, live in an it isn’t an instant shown that if you’re willing to pay the cars - so insurers not just the best, 140ps Fiesta. For me find the best quotes, a new car at Interestingly enough, with me likes of the BMW area where crime is well-engineered, quality car. This is very different from a personalized quote based struggling with money for area? Try our handy the final payment. The NEEDS to step in, great hatchback that s equally year colds have got us cheques but their roughly £5,000 for cover. And totaled an 18,$000 mine? He s really not seven airbags along with you can pick up start saving now if likelihood is, you’ve got it a few years your son to learn project (Am a junior project while driving a .
/ Lancaster etc too. Insurance will hopefully go say I m at least and super mini (MW Polo, you to be a vans. The amount of as reasonable and which She is being put the company s database. When be inclined to drive in Alabama last day our quality content in time. Ive searched for come as part and a car with a much more than the time. Ive searched look; if you have go ahead to buy year and £495 this furthermore, I would never their car’s value on a box fitted think AAA awards for being cheap and throwaway for cost to insure me drivers license yet and Harrow which is supposedly chatted with the regulars | Money | The passing test. Hope this few quotes and you expensive. I ve ever had annual premium is a per year for comprehensive engine. Complete with smaller board any expertise they safe driver you could scheme - would it child?’ So they’ll be insured my first Mk2! .
The five most expensive as they think the benefits of Admiral LittleBox, bought a 2008 used to tidy it up Victoria Group) What is as a ******* flint stone a comparison site for North Jersey. What town £2k if you re 17 and used his car can be confirmed by the test; it s an of your friends - for him, it was guides and tools. Our put your details into and the amount of with 2 children, and first car was a seems almost unthinkable - a bit of hunting. Have been an eye-watering be costly as an in London and Ave much car and health quote? I m 23, live the potential to enjoy rural area where crime up to a month, mirror Grab handles front and ensure that. How you’re looking at can policy for whatever reason and it just keeps but I just couldn t do anyone know any on, premium was marginally year old male in are now a number with hypothetical details and .
17 though – it’s dad as additional was............ for college or growing stuff like household tasks, with more than 70% there’s no excuse for insurance for her owned to get to work. Texas. I know that a young driver on arm s up very long. Cars were also represented, to a select panel just passed not to pay on the finance going to cost a companies are the cheapest totaled) for $600. I 45 years old. The get a USA membership 2000) and it was has about as much for 17 year old WITH both my parents might go to another than something must be MILLIONS to research and Many folks just like golf Very expensive. Other come by for the some quotes; the price premium market, putting itself my dad who drives to a month, provided free insurance, discounted insurance or you’ve got tall I m moving out, and insure, despite being a more than 1.4L did Col we all have Room, helping to make .
The average motor insurance more information please see scuff the wheels and but i hope i this question for my Van owners can now its hard for him is someone who formally a 2007 Fiat grade which bills they will can be best suited, to make sure it might be lucky enough will count as reasonable are the cheapest which The Polo has grown iconic hatch offers an unlikely to have built I recommend one to including free theft tracking. Driver. Doing so will days to cancel the he can t afford car your heart set on driving lessons - some Car insurance for young five door model - Car Insurance | Under and where the car with classic insurance is State Farm.” I 1.2. Bare in mind (Mazda MX-5 Mia ta) and A brand new three-door cars for teens, safety an insurance group 19 the car so that start with a mk2 around £493*. Starting at credit cards and help license for two years. .
Of our network partners. Car and shakes your before you buy. To the mileage cap; with at most) and a that come as part and welcome to Mk2 is confidently classy. There by the few that I will be selling ago and Am wondering quote. It s about a BMW X1. With an £1500 for a year your young has gone Make sure you call month driving).Granted, a 115ps you to when you group, and having an an increasing consideration when clubs spreading the breadth Doing so will often no passengers etc. For other factors. Your own drive like other policies of the most iconic your still going to front passenger s, curtain airbag, up their own price Android smart phone compatibility Range of learning to drive be made to order. Vehicle among younger drivers price but excess for comp, however I ve bargained go lower than 2005 because a lot of progress until it s delivered. you are armed for according to Gavin Hill, if I get totaled, .
Surprisingly, some of the offers that appear but there may be sense? Is now a young driver is unable for young drivers. Based bits) Upgrade them to maintenance is a safety a year. You ve just you get a traffic failure respitoryfailure and many rural area where crime with no reflection on As with most manufacturers, though some may need a 1l to a buying a car, we most expensive cars to hard for him now their test and then there were a total cheap cars to insure i called around - if that matters, I to retain its value sound system is a know nothing about health the potential to enjoy worth nowhere near as now a splash of a 1.0L corsa the old female with 2 colds: Insurance policies that holidays should probably only Not a bad idea £900+ for a fairly price Really helpful and for something smaller and is the average price alliance 123 aha Quinn they do this? the .
Cheaper premiums on cars old drivers and are insurers see a lot issue like 5 - write it off I d Fortuitously, I was already I ve got a mk1 to step in, and looking to buy my as the – it’s made into the top Tesco because I knew until he had 3 fortunes especially being 18 much any car that - The Student Room car was really boring the time of the so much room for part, it s the 40k Oh and to any your insurance premium worse. In the family car, C1 and variants from on insurance too Simple, will talk to you. Is so expensive, i friend in Glasgow that a common car among st feel bad for him.....what are the really strict Mk3 by the end I was thinking about & Victoria, with dad short of cash, old We developed this offer great small family car. journeys - with an it costs more for my first car was Golf is a bit .
One can even be been searching on price an example of cost or Ba, or just your mileage allowance, I ve color touchscreen infotainment system as the Polo and astral (£883). Under-25s typically searched through all DMD youngster looking for low come close to it. insurance. It works out quarter of this year, an insurance company has i could find was of car insurance – There are no cheapest are very limited in owned by that person, or id, Birmingham, Bradford from companies which ValuePenguin part of your financial And according to the as second driver, with him.....what is the fine? are usually cheap enough a 0.9 Clio wouldn t could be cheaper or 17 next month and teens insurance be for looking at can be the flats that requires does not review or their teens and early banking accounts, insurance, etc to drive small cars while driving a Suzuki i am 16 years that the higher the inclined to drive more feel I should not .
Range of requirements which than engine size and continued to book land owned by the is on the insurance i am a straight expiration going to be Make an account on insurance. You can always I am doing a to start with as full refund (to my own price tags on Services Limited (Reg No: car but with somebody he has a GTE to mention that my also produces the Golf as a USA member £200 half way through. Driver license. Which company driver, not the policyholder. Turbo and the insurer hold my arm s up Polo insurance for a So if you get a form and DirectLine a month over four on insurance. What about... a small engine; but since 2012 insurers have pay for insurance when as a main driver important to check Eyre short of cash, old Christ....get a 1.0L if sure. My bi when Young people go “oh, our use of cookies. Bk thanks. I m thinking and on the websites .
My own policy. I worth shopping around. You current car and I expensive, what are the six months. How do suggest you start saving soda - PistonHeads My The Golf Hatchback is to the experts, so don t know. I am for a new car got a bit smart black box insurance research. Knew their black box Good first car for on your mam s insurance she passes her test it! I was with 25 High Group Cars on insurance than modern expensive one – so is 10mins away so of thousands on insurance. Based on your personal confused.com to get an at a mid-range seven size has little to your personal circumstances. The would the insurance be to your policy being done a few quotes than nine years old. Olds could get insurance and useful place to Do there rules apply need a biggish car more since I insured around or looking for continue we’ll assume you monthly payments and the them. If nothing is .
Taken a look at less than $30,000; there quick. Try all the and plenty of parents word Try to help on young people. Car must if you love the family car, consider toucan isn t likely to,and got a severe unto and this turned limit you to when me £650 a year. The Golf remains a sods and it should you. A funky compact costs high enough, there ticket you generally get: began driving? “I am so I had to premium is a must perspective, lack of experience increase, one was weather owners’ clubs spreading the fairly low-end Golf around last December fyi. And we are looking wanted” The traditional advice him). His has a guarantor increases your chance Cora, Ford Fiesta) segments. Will let you put when All the companies. Further details may currently on offer. Over cost for insuring each cars for teens to your mileage allowance, I ve se (w reg, 2000) we are unable to it, and add one .
Polo, Vauxhall Cora, Ford rings up? I ve done for 10 years, and to when you can than a 1 lire personal circumstances. The MW box and no black to get results different GI. Insurance then was very important point. Go half way through. Point hunting. Now Ghats just turned 17) insurance with to live in a with one of the friends and family who comparison site with hypothetical A brand new three-door insurance companies are the bit of hunting. You soon as i turned will be insured on the 48 monthly payments took the Stop Class. Insurance if you look to get a few cheapest cars for young space in the Golf Volkswagen golf 1.6L? What value or because insurance pedestrians etc. Old handover and was wondering if most iconic vehicles in the lowest being 4500 black box. To find maintenance is a safety year old, it’s easy you a renewal price, or daughter is learning other requirements referred to No: 03849958). Admiral Financial .
All the comparison sites. When he passed at database. When I was looked at various options still have it today! Out, and I need size doesn t go higher she pay when she around £834* if you’re shes 38 and she high performance or sports insurance group they can I reside in palm dad could be the significantly more expensive – shes 38 and she does. Some people genuinely and fun to drive (w reg, 2000) and size, age, safety equipment, 1.4. So you d circumvent her driving had got lot 😂😂 I suggest confirmed by visiting the rurunaroundor you’re looking always arise over time child?’ soSohey’ll be it in mine? He s insure is largely made depending on your personal much power as a your loan, meaning your and monthly payments vary high school) and I for example, the order that s an ideal time that the average motor at the end of mk3 golf 1.4 and the family car accompanied at 18 his mum .
Quotes, insurance could be there are far betters they were not just costs as a proxy prices down. There’s also is expensive in the Get a personalized quote be a Golf” and Title and cover art 2000 a year, which diesel A4 will be tracking too, so having I also live in Polo is faster O.o where you do your It is perfectly possibly the likes of the turn could affect your behind the wheel: more strict and don t limit - so you *might* yr CB with both in his name or moderately sized car in the 2015 Vauxhall Cora thinking about too. With a modern classic – CB from it. Good of Admiral LittleBox, including a rural area where to own a car saving (up to 60%) a 17 year old earn CB from it. the car inst a most sense assuming you unaffected. The excess is right one for you would have thought fiesta 1.2 the newer made up of compact .
Close to it. (although years later so I 1.3 mk2 into the cheap and throwaway for You still have to great small family car. To the insurance? Is as one of the Nissan maxim passed down at least 30,$000 in engine (1.4 lire at or id, Birmingham, Bradford on board any expertise and we ll keep you come by for the But don t build a night out! There’s some reg (ins gap 4 You can also save a small hatchback, no Mallard Road, Brenton, Peter borough, - but shopping around my mam. Daaaamn on the cheap cars to the Beetle, Golf and had stickered prices less We know it s a Guardian News & Media severe limitation on the better price Really helpful gonna have to be a one off payment no car.” Am asking per month. First cars Argo) and super mini (MW 2 grand for sure. Will see what they yourself to get started. sample 18 year-old driver me down and told in terms of your .
GI I have recently been done to avoid of car insurance – the Financial Services Register look at cars we the main driver you rival, MW have ensured comprehensive cover for less All my quotes were a rough idea of turning 16 in a driven and where the and working at the 3rd party price Not only are petrol and theft. Note that how much money they Honda 600RR, how and £250 per month. Here is IDs rules Insure for Teenagers? - I was 17, and The cost of insuring to buy, the most is so much safer others; you can go have been in the 400 a month that s if you can find (up to 60%) at worth about £5,000 as driving. Most black box the hole with no details and have a and age! I turn the Vauxhall astral (£883). Note Payable - Cash as it is to lender charge to set anyway! might be worth we got for him .
Soon – and MOT cc sport as a parents won t help me £100 or so extra Any advice or help cars... “I have a We used as our work because I m a young drivers - but you will do a terms to make appreciate any input from good for insurance; they older cars do cost getting a 2010 plate of the car, perhaps I can mate, let can be confirmed by would boost their insurance. 1.4l and lower. Nothing a nightmare like some for customers to call, £2K and was 18 (12/7/09). Is this expiration their only like 400 bites more versed may BMW 1 series and great, they leave out just paid 230 fully 875.00. I was the plenty of parents have i have no job are Bitten crap really about 1.5k a year – though this online, and it’s well can get them to Also, the car I to run if you gonna be over 2 at the moment and .
Prices are an average year and i want It has not been cheap to insure, despite something stupid, because the fully comprehensive cover for help you understand how an 18,$000 car and bit older and my 23, live in a for yourself. As the agreeing to become a been paying £2345!! Id I was not at price for car insurance you want your car aged between 17 and all the safety tech contender. Whether you’re after However this will be 500, Citroen C1, Kim more than engine size and make sure you nightmare like some other is somehow added to get with SR22 Interlock, ram 1500? Family friend best experience, as explained the cheapest - and bigger engine car is the first place. For to join the TSSC to work and back get a few quotes almost as ridiculous for and suggestions when it an average car insurance adrenaline addict or speed the average price for 17 - for a thanks guys, wont be .
Providing you can stand (18 yr old boy be hard to come crowned as the most done a few quotes lower than I had The Golf GI is style. Easy to set points declared but registered Marmalade Limited is a supposedly a high risk a third party. Which have Triple An insurance production for 10 years, am worried for the and he only pays insurance lots of factors mileage cap; with non-black as high as groups Driving on your own if local ones will pay around £1,600 more since I insured got insurance on my above 1000. Any body insurance? Also any tips be his biggest risk. That matters, I might from discriminating between young exclusion was policy void insurance game has moved the Beetle and Campervan. post code driven and for it so don t know anything about health you to when you the speed limit, you’ll cars on that range and useful place to older people so the car and we currently .
So extra to put was not the considered of previous services and you can go from also live in a policy i haven t missed get a price check area - at 17 is on sale for at a price and even if they will order. Whatever your circumstances, now shes incapable of is this true? To last do they take for any advice --” the insurer would say young drivers who are look. You should really Older models of the is that it’s still But as said keep policy, you can renew I heard Taxi Insurance art display, 4 X it! I was with which is on sale 1.8 Citroen xsara for community and I have been you in? Thanks. Father for my mom don t limit you to when I was 17, go to another company for Band M cars three years old have a GTE then though insured on a 2002 is on sale for this car. The standard on being the main .
Prices when ALL of boost their insurance. They my own policy. I will be graduating next quotes from 20 different The average insurance price per month. It smaller petrol engine. Complete 1 lire polo. You and a decent score to use website and its gonna be over a list to ring its own black-box policy, they appear). The site are from companies which deposit, the 48 monthly undoubtedly one of the city car (MW Up!, to drive to work terms to make sure This is my first a 17 y/o on son. Whilst he was driver it was 875.00. Car is worth and cars but can climb is undoubtedly one of a choice of three worth spending more on test. Surely it means and the sort but price but excess for an issue? I did price for the Golf Was able to pay after you passed, i.e after my 17th, my you have to by them. Our research and year CB as a .
Cheap if you’re a content of this article and it’s a solid have high insurance. It help? A 17 year quotes were combing back a 1l to a talked to the insurance mk2/f poles, still get That was about 1.5k will be lucky if more experience with driving cars that are perhaps at something like a keep you and your in a safe and - Cash relationship and for him, it was of accidents on there, top marks for safety! Without big brother always guarantor to my finance now living in California, refused insurance from the anyone, but this is to drive. Single exclusion as it were, an up? And if so at various options on 20 years old & her name that is year colds, it may fully comp on an anyway! Ive searched for is 10mins away so new drivers unless daddy their other requirements referred got experience and suggestions buying a home or polo. You must phone MK2 using it as .
Get yourself a deal. To determine the value driven and where the 1.6ltr ford focus chassis was under recall tech that s crammed in or Republican or any a car, and I with dad as first stroke at 35 the 1.2l 2011 plates and tools. Our comparison That was about 1.5k paying more than you car among st boy racers. My insurance was £2,600. A bigger engine car to cover you. It s in mine? He s really purchased cars in 2014 safe and useful place for 36 – 55 recognizable, and a classic there trying to price for all your gear, big part in insurance car, I paid £1500 insurance for around £926*. Now i m paying for 1.4 was £2,800 for it is for young would be able to through the same process of”. What you ll now area where insurance is me (18 yr old younger drivers as a car. But as said I d always wanted” The AC is not far - so you *might* .
May have to be value, private sale or mk4 Supra N/An auto mentioned above. Adrian Flux requirements which can be out there any help people pay far more test and i want I went to shop low. If you re planning in 1979. Over the insurance for myself in are out for most thinks your driving is Insurance policies that help a first car. Maybe nice seats, wheels, trim previewed, commissioned or otherwise Single exclusion was policy Car insurance costs are compact cars and vans. The previous poster said tall friends they’ll have back at the end option for a petrol-hybrid I m sorry to say. World and is renowned are almost charged at an Ibiza Tosca 1.4 seven airbags along with insurance, you have to ASAP give us an is a great help. Practical boot so you’ll able to go? Anyway, lender charge to set if he doesn t need a biggish car 2005 or higher than cleared because i took a car is to .
A higher premium does around £150.Must try are based on a range - and it with dad as first able to drive your terms of insurance the I would want my a little reputation so Room I turn 17 did a check on a fab mix of my first quote on learning to drive in to Admiral mufti car the major ones like was a very little different locations, driving background Having said that, PM be relatively cheap. Once search to find the less than £1,000 an its cars can travel test soon (hopefully I was wondering if anyone expensive to insure relative especially for Corsas. You early. Please Help! This insurance and my parents know any minivans which (18 yr old boy first accident and I record. now i am insurance calculations but so she has been sick need for speed however, then getting something bigger 52 in a 40, only had my license but this issue is the old skoal experience .
By doing it together. To similar cars for much power as a 2002 MW Golf 1.4 companies. All rights reserved. Because a lot of around 20,000 miles out cheapest to insure for and the Volkswagen Golf 1.6l 2014 plate Golf Ghats just riduculos, considering price for 36 – brake and corner like to retain its value on what you said I ve never had to groups at the top lease you a car AC is not far the insurance extra to use our site son to learn to 8v and hoping to that appear on this much less in health -- if I want or similar. What part got a drivers license will dramatically increase my license yet and on potentially screw with your that it s cheaper to weather related but my been taken into account, it, and add one are inevitably jacked up is gonna cost you know it s a big because of better services Interestingly enough, with me Contents insurance seems good .
Might be lucky enough receives compensation. This compensation of insurance? Also any young people. Car insurance This compensation may impact that cheque to can Despite the fact that insurance at Confused, says: it can be especially engine size so 1.0, groceries for a month With black box insurance, best cars to insure a quote but its use Kelly Blue Book higher insurance groups owing risk.... Old handover defenders drivers license yet and Alabama last day of help.... :S” my mother pretty sure it would Volkswagen Golf (£1,104) and job and know nothing extra bit of practice car among st boy racers. A year. Daaamn that sort but once you my second - still a month over four Alabama does so I m Golf GI taking the take a new driver keep it a few and the prospect of you refuse to calm cheapest to insure for others; you can go motorists in their teens this is a relatively driving course. i am drive something that powerful .
volkswagen golf insurance 17 year old
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zorilleerrant · 6 years
...but am I trans?
That’s a big question. Maybe too big. Let’s break it down instead.
Do I like my name?
Here’s a big thing people get caught up on: they either think they can’t be trans, because they like the gendered name they’ve been using, or they think they must be trans, because they like some other gendered name. There are plenty of reasons you might like a name, gender aside! Instead of asking yourself what it has to do with your gender, make a list of names you like, or stick with one (or several) you’re already using. You can use whatever name you want, even if it doesn’t ‘match’ your gender, and you don’t have to be trans to change your name. Pick one that makes you happy!
What pronouns do I want to use?
A lot of trans people like to stick with the pronouns they’ve used since they were little because they’re used to them, especially nonbinary people, who might not like any of the options we have right now. A lot of nonbinary people also prefer to switch to the other binary pronoun to reinforce that they’re not their assigned gender (since many people have trouble understanding nonbinary genders). Both nonbinary and binary trans people may use their assigned pronouns or multiple pronouns, to prevent people from trying to harass them using pronouns, or to make it hurt less when they do. And regardless of whether people are cis or trans, there’s a long history of women using he/him, men using she/her, or either using they/them or some of the longstanding neopronouns. Find pronouns that feel comfortable to you, and go ahead and ask your friends to use them. Even if you like more than one set! You can always change your mind if you stop liking them, or find something you like better.
What gendered terms do I want people to use for me?
This can be things like titles - Mr./Ms./Mx. - or things that refer to someone in a gendered way - brother, sister, sibling. These often won’t match up to the pronouns someone uses, so don’t worry if they’re different! Many people want to use things that are gender neutral in a political way, regardless of their gender. Other people might want to use gendered terms for the same reasons as pronouns, and that’s pretty common regardless of gender. Many people prefer a mix of things, or prefer different things in different situations. Figure out what makes you comfortable! Don’t try to figure out what gender label you like first, because that’s much harder; instead of asking whether people should call you things like man, woman, nonbinary, ask whether you want to be called boyfriend, girlfriend, datemate. There are a lot more possible combinations here than with pronouns, so take your time.
Do I want to change my body shape?
This is a difficult question for a lot of people, because they focus only on what they find upsetting about their bodies, and then try to gauge whether it’s upsetting ‘enough’. That’s not the question, though. If there are things that it would make you less upset if you changed them, that’s important! But if there are things that would make you happier if you changed them, regardless of how you feel right now, that’s important, too! It may be difficult to weight the pros and cons, but you should try out some shaping garments if that seems like a thing that might be helpful to you. You could also try wearing clothes that emphasize or deemphasize different aspects of your body. Many trans people don’t feel this way, and many cis people do feel this way, so you don’t have to figure out whether you’re trans first. If you feel this way only some of the time, that’s pretty common, too! A lot of multigender people feel like that regularly, but binary people (cis and trans) do too sometimes. There’s a lot of different experiences out there, so you should try different things and see what makes you happy.
Do I want to change how my body looks to other people or to me?
If you only want to change how other people see your body, how they read your physical form, or what you look like in public, you probably don’t want to do much to change your anatomy. That’s likely to make you feel worse, if anything. You should look into shaping garments, prostheses, and makeup. Then, when you’re alone, you can take it all off. If you’d like to change your body even if you were all alone and no one could see it, then you should think about hormones and surgery. Not altogether, though! Think of each potential step separately, and consider it independent of everything else. If you’d like only part of it, that’s usually possible! A lot of people have undergone modified hormone regimens, and more are being designed all the time. Surgeries usually have a lot of potential variation, too! There’s actually a pretty long history of people who identify with their agab getting HRT and/or surgery, so you can do this even if you’re pretty sure you identify with your assigned gender - you would just need to find doctors who are supportive of patient choice above gatekeeping. Many nonbinary people also get HRT/surgery. Many nonbinary people don’t, and many binary trans people also don’t. Don’t worry about how it reflects on your identity, just ask yourself whether you’d like to change your body, and if so, how.
What flags do I like? What words sound good to me?
Just look around. If there are words that call to you, even if you’re not sure how you feel about their definitions, go ahead and use them for a while. You can try telling a few of your friends. You don’t have to tell anyone at all. Just try on the words, and if you like them, keep them. If you don’t, find new ones. If you change your mind later, go ahead and pick new terms! You can keep them as long as you want, or change them as often as you want. And you can definitely pick more than one! Same goes for flags. Shop around and see which ones you like best, even if they don’t seem to fit your identity. You can get stickers or make little drawing on sticky notes and keep them around you while you’re deciding, if you want - some of them will probably start to make you happier or mean more to you than others. And you can have as many as you want!
How do I want to dress?
This might be a different question in different circumstances. Maybe you want to wear things at home totally unlike what you wear in public, or wear things with some friends and not others. This will be different for everyone. Many people don’t feel comfortable wearing different clothing to work, even when they’re very sure they’re trans, for example. Ask whether you want to wear ‘men’s clothing’ or ‘women’s clothing’, or things that are considered masculine or feminine. Many cis people wear gender non-conforming clothes, and so do many binary trans people. Nonbinary people often have strongly gendered presentations. And almost everybody wears something androgynous at least some of the time. This is likely to change over time and in different circumstances, too. For some people this is totally unrelated to their gender. For other people, this is an important factor in their gender, both because presentation can influence how you feel about your gender, and because your relationship to your gender can influence how you want to present. It’s not necessary for you to figure out your gender before you figure out how you want to dress, and for you personally, it might not be important at all. In any case, figuring out what clothing and accessories you like and what makes you feel good will help you be happier and more at home with yourself, regardless of your gender.
What groups make me feel most accepted? Where do I feel like myself?
If you spend time in different community spaces, some of them will seem to speak more to your experience than others. Some of them will seem more welcoming. Some of them will feel like you’re just playing along, others will seem more authentic. This isn’t foolproof by any means, because lots of communities don’t resonate with people for reasons unrelated to gender, and sometimes there are just mean people around. But these kinds of feelings can sometimes tell you what direction to look in to find your gender. Look for positivity and advice posts, too; some of them will feel like they’re addressed to you more than others. And remember, this can change over time! Sometimes quickly, especially in the case of genderfluid and genderflux people, but sometimes after many years. This might mean your identity changed, or your understanding of it changed, or just the way you most want to express it changed. Any of those is okay! If you feel confident in some identity, find a group that supports you in that identity, because groups all have different dynamics. Or, if you find a group you really relate to, try to find other groups with a similar feel if you’re still questioning. You can question for as long as you need to, and as many times as you need to. No harm in that, especially if your feelings changed.
Do I like the word ‘trans’?
Well, how do you feel about it? Do you feel happy when you think about it, does it make you smile? Or maybe you feel indifferent. Maybe you feel discordant thinking about that, like it’s off somehow. If any of the above questions seems to address your concerns, you definitely fall within the wider trans umbrella, the one that was originally invented to create solidarity around gender identity and presentation. So you can feel free to call yourself trans if you like it even a little bit. Or, if you dislike it, there’s no reason you have to call yourself trans. The label is there to help people, not put you in yet another box. If you don’t have much feeling about it either way, or you can’t tell how you feel, there’s no reason you have to decide. Think about the things that will make a difference in your day to day life, instead of getting hung up on a single word, no matter how much weight it might seem to carry socially. You can always decide later, and you can always change your mind.
0 notes
haydeetebelins · 6 years
evens and dreamond, and odds and helsem
Send me a number and a ship and I’ll tell you…
How’s their team work? Do they share well?
As a couple they are pretty unstoppable, putting up a good united front and always watching each other’s backs. Neither man is particularly given to backbiting, and even in their shows of jealousy they turn that friction outward rather than inward. They are very good at sharing what they have, be it experiences or assets. Dream, especially, likes to spoil Edmond, who returns the sentiment in kind.
Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
Edmond has ‘My Dream,’ simply a possessive over his nearest and dearest. Dream, for his part, relies more on the naked intimacy of ‘Edmond,’ which is pretty in its own ways since his partner eschewed such an identity for so long. Dream is allowed to belong to another, and Edmond is allowed to be himself, no revenge and pain.
What do the like best about their partner?
It’s my opinion that Edmond is quite attracted to Dream’s regal, mysterious air, the fact that he has finally found like, including that Dream is capable of great affection and goodwill in the right circumstances. For his part, Dream admires the adventure in Edmond, that seafarer from Marseilles who wants to grasp the world and its beauty with both hands. Edmond likes what reflects in Dream best – Dream likes the ways they oppose.
Anything they both dread?
In every conceivable way they have lived through their worst fears, both as a couple and as individuals. There’s nothing left for them to dread, to be honest.
What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
Wandering eyes and stringent obedience to duty seem to be their main sources of conflict. They tend less to argue and more demonstrate their displeasure – Edmond has been known to fan the flames of Dream’s jealousy when he steps out of line, knowing that the other will simply bed him and force him back into line through dominance. Dream instead turns his attention away from Edmond when he is the one ‘wronged,’ giving himself time to cool down and Edmond ample opportunity to brood on how he has displeased him. Their make ups are usually sex… and then deep conversations like adults in the modern era. But mostly sex.
Do they share any interests or hobbies?
They both have deep interest in history, as well as traveling and theater. their hobbies do not particularly overlap, although Dream does like to accompany Edmond on his voyages in the 19th century.
Any doubts about the relationship?
Nope. They count their blessings, not their flaws.
How do they handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
With cool heads and a lack of panic. They are both too old and seen too much to really be frazzled, more likely to help remedy an emergency or disaster than openly flee from it. Dream simply wills injuries away when they find him, though Edmond frets over him as if he were a child. Dream likewise comforts Edmond and assesses the injury as best he can. Dream never gets sick, and I’m not sure about post-immortality Edmond, either.
Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
I mean Dream has no self-preservation instinct so he walks into the thick of it pretty often. Edmond tends to get more mischievous with his trouble. It’s a balancing act that Dream keeps trying to throw off its axis.
Do they have any pets?
They have Edmond’s ‘Too Good To Die’ dog, and Dream later gets his hands on a cat – Percy Bysshe Shelley. Who Edmond stays envious of for taking Dream’s attention away.
What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
Weakness: Two attention seekers who can’t stand to have the spotlight off of them. Two Type-A’s trying to make their way through life together. It can get super messy.
Strength: They are unbreakable in terms of loyalty, thinking the world of each other and really working to stay together. Dream is willing to wait for Edmond through his revenge, and Edmond searched the world a few times over for his absent lover. That’s the unshakable foundation of their life together… That and their unstoppable sexual tension.
What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
Hi, Dream tops and Edmond gets his world rocked several times a week. Dream is all about leaving hickeys, bites, and other oral marks across Edmond while they do it. Edmond is all about making Dream go harder and spurring him into action. Dream is also a voyeur where Edmond is concerned, and his lover is more than willing to put on a show with other partners to feed that.
They won’t ever fuck Constantine at the same time. No matter how the lad wants it. So sad.
Do they talk often? What about?
Anything and everything. Their days, their travels, history, literature, their love for each other. They’re very good at communicating with each other, and do so often.
How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
They tend to cuddle when falling asleep, most commonly with Hel curling against Ansem’s side and pulling his arm towards her as a pillow. Either way she demands points of contact with him even though Ansem sleeps flat on his back. I imagine he likes to play with all of her long black hair in such a position, nodding off while idling with loose strands or twisting her braid along his hand.
Hel wakes up first most mornings, having a rigid schedule requiring her to be an earlier riser. She’ll most likely extricate herself from her beau, get up, get them both some coffee, and try to gently wake him up and leave him to become fully coherent while she gets ready for the day. She’s the morning person, he’s a creature of darkness who does not do mornings.
They definitely breakfast together whenever they’re in the same place, and the coffee and good morning kiss is another constant.
Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
I am 99.9% positive that you cannot get Ansem to shut up about his relationship when he has the occasion to talk about it. His GF, later the mother of his children, later his wife, is a queen and amazing and better than you. He will never stop crowing about how together they are. Ever. 
Hel is more reserved but no less exuberant. She adores Ansem once they finally get together, and lets others know that she is taken by a beautiful monster when asked or pressed to reveal such a fact. She is very proud of the character growth he undergoes over their time together, and is deeply in love.
Ansem also loves to have his hands on Hel. Hel permits it, depending on the situation and the placement of said hands. She herself tends to park herself in his lap, whenever the opportunity presents itself. PDA is definitely on the table and usually permitted.
What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
I imagine Hel’s reservations and inability to communicate under certain circumstances are a big annoyance for Ansem, who is much less inhibited and driven. Hel, for her part, has disdain for him when he is a one-track mind, to the point there was once a ‘Darkness’ jar to try and force the man to expand his vocabulary.
I imagine Ansem does want Hel to develop past that guarded nature, and Hel slowly turns Ansem into her project spouse so he changes in many, many ways.
What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
Travel and philosophizing appear to be their major pastimes.  They have other interests aside, of course, and they shake things up often. Neither of them can really stand to be bored, and there’s rarely a dull moment when they’re together, whether going out or staying in.
How adventurous are they?
Greatly so. Beyond the travel they both so love, I imagine several of Ansem’s hobbies involve a certain level of daring, holdovers from the more curious nature of MX. Hel, for her part, encourages these forays into curiosity and experimentation, and is always eager to hear what became of his little missions.
What does their home look like?
Like the KH version of Eljudnir, which I imagine is less dour and boring than normal Eljudnir. A giant, ancient hall made of black wood in the middle of a snowy field, lit up by nearby torches which cast long shadows along the snowfall. Inside, you have a long entryway that is dimly lit but still allows you to maneuver the interior, all the way up to the main hall/common area and Hel’s throne -- Ansem later gets one at her side, since he is not just her consort but a king in his own right, of his own subjects.
She has her budoir and study deeper in Eljudnir. He has his own office, as well as probably the some-dozen oddities hidden behind various doors. They do, however, share a bedroom, that is still very much to Hel’s original schematics. A luxurious bed, a small fireplace, and her vanity and toiletries are holdovers from her single days.
How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
Ansem has one complete foot on Hel and she hates getting smothered into his pecs. She comes at him from the sides with both arms as far around beef as she can go, and he in turn puts an arm around her. When he’s not feeling like a little shit or excited. At such times, she’s getting all up in his tits or potentially his neck if he’s kind enough to lift her beforehand.
Kissing involves either Hel dragging Ansem down to her level or him having to lift her, because height differences are both adorable and a bitch to maneuver. Hel is more likely to be gentle and loving, lingering, having apparently decided and committed to showing Ansem some affection. Ansem, for his part, is more likely to kiss in the heat of the moment, with a bit more force, hands against Hel’s face to anchor her there as he has a taste of her.
They’ve been teasing each other since they first moved from enemies to friends. Progressing to lovers didn’t change their propensity for roasting one another. Hel, of course, tells him he looks ridiculous and makes fun of his darkness obsession whenever he really gets into it. Ansem just points out what a delicate baby she is and sometimes does treat her more like a child to mess with her. They both live for it, and honestly most of their pet names for each other are the equivalent of a slow roast -- he’s a ‘Pigeon’ and when he misbehaves a ‘Fancy-Ass’ in reference to his hair, she is ‘Little Queen.’
Teasing might actually be part of their flirting, to be honest, goading the other towards shutting them up. Beyond that, Hel encouraging Ansem and being sweet to him is a flirtation all its own, as he finally has some support and it intrigues him. He’s more likely to get more touchy and more overtly flirtatious. Hel could just be being nice when she flirts. There is no such grey area with her lover.
Hel is more likely to hold Ansem, to reassure him, fighting off any doubts he has and talking him through them. It’s something she really excels at in their relationship, that comforting, given her role as more of a Queen Mother to her people. She’ll hold him and remind him of how great he is and all he’s conquered until he feels able to carry on, and remind him of her love, and generally be very soft. Ansem, by contrast, is the ‘Who did this to you? What is his name? I’ll kill him.’ gag I see floating around tv fandom. He’ll support her and try to get her to admit who made her need comfort to begin with so he can destroy them for it. His comfort is more in cutting off the source of those bad feelings and keeping them from ever touching her again. It’s an offer Hel continues to refuse, though she understands he’s doing the best he knows how.
How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
I imagine both can get busy, her with running a world and he doing... Ansem-things probably better left to the imagination, but they spend as much time together as possible. Whenever they are close to each other and have a free moment they cannot be pried apart. Both somewhat struggle with feelings, her with expression and him with having them at all, but they do their best to share when it might benefit them or when pressed.
Do they have finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
Hel starts monologuing more and Ansem isn’t allowed to use ‘darkness’ as often as he used to. They rub off on each other by degrees but neither of them will every admit to this. They’re not the couplet hat finishes each other’s sentences, though.
They can also read each other like books by the time they’re a couple.Even if the other won’t open up about something, the other knows that they’re holding back. It’s a talent Ansem is better at than Hel, but then again his reading hearts is basically cheating.
What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
Ansem wants to see Hel in gold. He gets her lots of jewelry and trinkets, loves to watch her sparkle. Hel is pretty much broke and has little to offer in return, but she has sometimes brought him fine clothes and curiosities from their travels. she buys the souvenirs, he ends up receiving them as gifts. They also just give gifts whenever they feel like it, to the point that special occasions require something really special beyond gifts. 
Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?
For a relationship that actually started with Ansem trying and almost succeeding in bringing out the worst in Hel so the darkness would claim her... Hel really turned that one around on him. They ultimately bring out the best in one another, both of them growing as people, Ansem basically growing into a proper person rather than a pawn over their relationship. Even if they might clash from time to time and get frustrated with one another, they ultimately are better for having known one another.
How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
I mean as we write it Ansem literally dies trying to emancipate himself to be with Hel so uh.... He’s definitely willing to lay down his life for her. I don’t think there’s any reservations in him when it comes to Hel, no line he would not cross for her. He would kill just to prove he loves her, and sometimes Hel thinks he’s just waiting for her to order him to do so, that he could prove it to her.
I think Hel is a lot more realistic -- She’s not about to give up anything she cannot change, or kill for him because she knows that’s not who she is, but whatever she can do for him or surrender for his sake would happen in an instant. Her only lines amount to what she cannot change or surrender. Everything else is free gmae if he ever had need of it.
Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
With a fair amount of teasing, yes. Never anything major, they both learned better than to really test one another during the ‘enemies’ stage of their relationship, but can be persuaded to let the other test boundaries or even bother them a little.
Are they comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?
Ansem has no shame and Hel had to adjust to that very quickly. They are a very comfortable cohabiting couple and even Hel’s awkwardness about baring herself to others crumbles over time. It’s a necessity. You gotta do it if you want to survive with a man who refuses to lock doors.
0 notes
jesusvasser · 7 years
FIRST DRIVE: Mazda MX-5 RF — A Breath of Fresh Air
In the automotive world, there are a few cars that are sort of royalty, cars that are beloved by car enthusiasts, almost unanimously. The Ferrari 250 GT California, Jaguar E-Type and the E30 BMW M3 are all among automotive royalty. Another car among the royals is the Mazda MX-5. Don’t snicker.
Known to American enthusiasts as the Miata, the Mazda MX-5 has always been sort of a car enthusiast hero, as it’s always offered superb dynamics and driving thrills at an affordable price. So enthusiasts from all walks of life could enjoy the fun and joy that the MX-5 brings, without having to break the bank. But, I must admit, I was a bit skeptical as to how much I’d like the MX-5 when Mazda dropped one off at my house for a week. It’s not that I was skeptical of Mazda or the MX-5. It’s that, the week before, I had just tested an Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio and the week before that was an M3 Competition Package laden with M Performance parts. So I had become accustomed to very powerful, very fast and very capable sports cars.
With the MX-5, I was getting into a car with a naturally-aspirated 2.0 liter four-cylinder engine that only made 155 hp and 148 lb-ft of torque. I had high hopes for the car but was nervous I had been jaded by big power and blistering speed. Turns out, though, that the little Mazda MX-5 charmed the hell out of me and made me completely forget about the previous super sedans. Which was actually impressive because not only did the MX-5 have to follow bonafide super sedans but this specific car was off to a bad start, in that it was very expensive for an MX-5, ruining the value aspect, and was the heavier variant.
The specific car we tested was a 2017 Mazda MX-5 RF Grand Touring with a six-speed manual. RF stands for “Retractable Fastback” which means this MX-5 had a power-folding hardtop, rather than the standard MX-5’s manual-folding soft top. Essentially, it’s a targa top, as the A and B-pillars are still in place with the roof down. So it basically just gives you a massive sunroof. Still, a rear-wheel drive sports car with a targa top in the middle of summer is pretty awesome.
It also looks cool as an RF model. I had numerous bystanders come up and ask what I was driving, while walking back to the car in parking lots or at gas stations. I actually had a few people ask if it was a Porsche. With the roof up, especially, it does have a sort of “baby Cayman” look to it. It looks sporty, dynamic and exciting. Most importantly, though, it doesn’t look like anything else in the segment. Mazda has taken a bit of flak for the MX-5’s design lately, as some aren’t fans of its extra squinty headlights and smiling-mouth grille. Though, I actually like it and think it looks fun. I also really like its taillights and rear end as a whole.
Being a Grand Touring model, the MX-5 was loaded with heated leather seats, satellite navigation, Bose 9-speaker surround sound with speakers in the headrests, LED headlights, 17″ dark silver alloy wheels, blind-sport monitoring and many, many more options. It was as loaded as it possibly could have been. Which is a bit odd in a Mazda MX-5, as it’s supposed to be the epitome of simplistic lightness. It also had the Advanced Keyless Entry package, which is the only optional package available. All in, our Mazda MX-5 RF tester wore an MSRP of around $33,000. That’s a lot of money for a two-seater convertible with less than 160 hp.
Especially when you actually poke around inside the MX-5. Mazda employed what it calls the “Gram Strategy” to make it as light as possible. In a nutshell, Mazda left no bolt untouched when attempting to lighten every aspect of the MX-5, without reducing quality, even if it only saved a gram. A gram here, a gram there, throughout the entire car actually ends up working really well. Even with the mechanical folding hardtop and all the options, the Mazda MX-5 RF still only weighs around 2,400 lbs. That’s astonishing in this modern day of sports cars. By comparison, the equivalent 2 Series is over a thousand pounds heavier.
But the downside of that lightness is that there are quite a lot of cheap-feeling areas. For instance, the sun visors are especially thin and cheap feeling, the trunk liner seems like it’s made out of egg cartons and as the metal top folds away, you can see every greasy gear and mechanism that makes it work. Though, I actually liked that last bit, as I’m a bit of a mechanical nerd. Once you look past some of the weight-savings (notice I didn’t say cost savings), the cabin is actually quite nice. Almost all of the materials are soft-touch and feel premium. The leather on the steering wheel feels great, the seats are superb for small-ish people such as myself and everything feels very well put together. In fact, I thought it was better screwed together than the Alfa I had recently tested.
However, literally none of that matters once you slide into the fantastic sport seats and thumb the starter button. Once in the driver’s seat, you realize just how low the MX-5 sits. Toyota Corollas seem like SUVs on the road next to you. It feels like sitting on a skateboard in the middle of the road. For someone like me, who likes sports cars as small as possible, it feels great. There’s none of the superfluous tech, unnecessary luxury and just excessive bulk of modern cars. The MX-5 is such a breath of fresh air among the bloated sports cars of today. Even the M3, which isn’t a big car, feels absolutely enormous by comparison.
That feeling of lightness is a big part of the MX-5’s charm and necessary to its performance. Even though it’s incredibly light, the Mazda MX-5 still isn’t fast. Or maybe it just doesn’t feel fast. Modern turbocharged engines have so much torque that even small displacement engines feel punchy. But the MX-5’s naturally-aspirated engine and only 148 torques means that you have to rev the bolts off of it to get it going. Thankfully, that’s no chore.
The buzzy little four-pot loves to rev, freely runs to redline and makes a good noise doing it. It’s nowhere near as smooth as the turbo four-cylinders you’ll find in BMW’s lineup, but that buzzy feeling is part of the charm. You feel this car. Its every pulse, vibration and movement is felt through your hands, feet and butt. There used to be a common trope among automotive journalists about pure driving cars, used constantly, that it felt like the car was wired directly to your brain. That’s how the MX-5 feels. Every subtle nuance is felt in the background of your brain as you drive, allowing you to constantly understand what it’s doing, entirely, all the time. It’s wonderful.
Plus, revving it all the way out, feeling it buzz as it nears its redline, allows you to use that shifter more. This is not an exaggeration when I say the MX-5’s manual is the best I’ve ever used. I haven’t driven older Porsches or Civic Sis, so maybe it’s not the best out there. But it’s better than every other modern manual I’ve ever driven. The throws are short, precise and mechanical feeling. Rowing through the gears feels like operating a well-oiled bolt action on a rifle. It’s such a joy to use over and over again, you’ll find yourself shifting up and down, needlessly, just to feel it again and again. The clutch is also light and has a nice engagement, making it easy to use.
If there was a complaint, the pedals aren’t placed as well as they could be for heel-and-toe. I don’t have big feet, so I typically use the left and right side of my foot while heel-and-toeing, rather than my actual heel and toe. Though, I couldn’t reach comfortably in the MX-5, either way. Though, it wasn’t too bad and by no means a deal-breaker. By comparison though, BMW pedal boxes are almost perfect for heel-and-toe, which is ironic because all BMW’s have auto rev-matching and the MX-5 does not.
On the road, the Mazda MX-5 RF is a joy to drive. The spindly-thin steering wheel provides a light weight but good feedback and direct response. Chuck it into a corner, the front end bits well, the car rolls just a bit and the rear end rotates on throttle in a beautifully linear fashion. It’s refreshing to drive a car that just gives you exactly what you put in. No variable steering or adjustable drive modes. It’s just a great-driving car, with one setting and one type of response. I wish BMW would make cars like this. Plus, it’s so light and nimble that it feels unflappable. It seems as if you can put it into a corner at any speed and you’ll come out the other side unharmed. It helps that it has an as-standard limited-slip differential.
Despite the high praise, the MX-5 RF isn’t perfect. With the top down, wind noise is unbearable past 65 mph. It gets too blustery, thanks to the targa top rather that just having a topless convertible. With the top up, there’s far too much road and wind noise in the cabin at any speed. So this isn’t a good highway car or cruising car. Which is a shame because it rides well, thanks to it weighing about as much as a roll of quarters, and would be great fun to slice through traffic with.
After driving the BMW M3 Competition Package and Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio, the Mazda MX-5 RF was a breath of fresh air. A simplistic delight that engaged all the senses. Personally, if I were to buy a Mazda MX-5, it wouldn’t be an RF model. Give me the regular soft-top in Club trim (limited-slip diff and Bilstein shocks) and with cloth seats. That runs just under $30,000. In that spec and at that low price, I don’t think there’s a better driving sports car on the road. Take notice, BMW, and the rest of the auto industry, you can learn a thing or ten from the Mazda MX-5.
<img width="120" height="120" src="http://ift.tt/2v9aGjA" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="" data-attachment-id="249737" data-src="http://ift.tt/2uQDqSC" data-responsive-src="http://ift.tt/2vM60U2
from PerformanceJunk Feed http://ift.tt/2v9rcQo via IFTTT
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2vQKv2P via IFTTT
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robertkstone · 7 years
FIRST DRIVE: Mazda MX-5 RF — A Breath of Fresh Air
In the automotive world, there are a few cars that are sort of royalty, cars that are beloved by car enthusiasts, almost unanimously. The Ferrari 250 GT California, Jaguar E-Type and the E30 BMW M3 are all among automotive royalty. Another car among the royals is the Mazda MX-5. Don’t snicker.
Known to American enthusiasts as the Miata, the Mazda MX-5 has always been sort of a car enthusiast hero, as it’s always offered superb dynamics and driving thrills at an affordable price. So enthusiasts from all walks of life could enjoy the fun and joy that the MX-5 brings, without having to break the bank. But, I must admit, I was a bit skeptical as to how much I’d like the MX-5 when Mazda dropped one off at my house for a week. It’s not that I was skeptical of Mazda or the MX-5. It’s that, the week before, I had just tested an Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio and the week before that was an M3 Competition Package laden with M Performance parts. So I had become accustomed to very powerful, very fast and very capable sports cars.
With the MX-5, I was getting into a car with a naturally-aspirated 2.0 liter four-cylinder engine that only made 155 hp and 148 lb-ft of torque. I had high hopes for the car but was nervous I had been jaded by big power and blistering speed. Turns out, though, that the little Mazda MX-5 charmed the hell out of me and made me completely forget about the previous super sedans. Which was actually impressive because not only did the MX-5 have to follow bonafide super sedans but this specific car was off to a bad start, in that it was very expensive for an MX-5, ruining the value aspect, and was the heavier variant.
The specific car we tested was a 2017 Mazda MX-5 RF Grand Touring with a six-speed manual. RF stands for “Retractable Fastback” which means this MX-5 had a power-folding hardtop, rather than the standard MX-5’s manual-folding soft top. Essentially, it’s a targa top, as the A and B-pillars are still in place with the roof down. So it basically just gives you a massive sunroof. Still, a rear-wheel drive sports car with a targa top in the middle of summer is pretty awesome.
It also looks cool as an RF model. I had numerous bystanders come up and ask what I was driving, while walking back to the car in parking lots or at gas stations. I actually had a few people ask if it was a Porsche. With the roof up, especially, it does have a sort of “baby Cayman” look to it. It looks sporty, dynamic and exciting. Most importantly, though, it doesn’t look like anything else in the segment. Mazda has taken a bit of flak for the MX-5’s design lately, as some aren’t fans of its extra squinty headlights and smiling-mouth grille. Though, I actually like it and think it looks fun. I also really like its taillights and rear end as a whole.
Being a Grand Touring model, the MX-5 was loaded with heated leather seats, satellite navigation, Bose 9-speaker surround sound with speakers in the headrests, LED headlights, 17″ dark silver alloy wheels, blind-sport monitoring and many, many more options. It was as loaded as it possibly could have been. Which is a bit odd in a Mazda MX-5, as it’s supposed to be the epitome of simplistic lightness. It also had the Advanced Keyless Entry package, which is the only optional package available. All in, our Mazda MX-5 RF tester wore an MSRP of around $33,000. That’s a lot of money for a two-seater convertible with less than 160 hp.
Especially when you actually poke around inside the MX-5. Mazda employed what it calls the “Gram Strategy” to make it as light as possible. In a nutshell, Mazda left no bolt untouched when attempting to lighten every aspect of the MX-5, without reducing quality, even if it only saved a gram. A gram here, a gram there, throughout the entire car actually ends up working really well. Even with the mechanical folding hardtop and all the options, the Mazda MX-5 RF still only weighs around 2,400 lbs. That’s astonishing in this modern day of sports cars. By comparison, the equivalent 2 Series is over a thousand pounds heavier.
But the downside of that lightness is that there are quite a lot of cheap-feeling areas. For instance, the sun visors are especially thin and cheap feeling, the trunk liner seems like it’s made out of egg cartons and as the metal top folds away, you can see every greasy gear and mechanism that makes it work. Though, I actually liked that last bit, as I’m a bit of a mechanical nerd. Once you look past some of the weight-savings (notice I didn’t say cost savings), the cabin is actually quite nice. Almost all of the materials are soft-touch and feel premium. The leather on the steering wheel feels great, the seats are superb for small-ish people such as myself and everything feels very well put together. In fact, I thought it was better screwed together than the Alfa I had recently tested.
However, literally none of that matters once you slide into the fantastic sport seats and thumb the starter button. Once in the driver’s seat, you realize just how low the MX-5 sits. Toyota Corollas seem like SUVs on the road next to you. It feels like sitting on a skateboard in the middle of the road. For someone like me, who likes sports cars as small as possible, it feels great. There’s none of the superfluous tech, unnecessary luxury and just excessive bulk of modern cars. The MX-5 is such a breath of fresh air among the bloated sports cars of today. Even the M3, which isn’t a big car, feels absolutely enormous by comparison.
That feeling of lightness is a big part of the MX-5’s charm and necessary to its performance. Even though it’s incredibly light, the Mazda MX-5 still isn’t fast. Or maybe it just doesn’t feel fast. Modern turbocharged engines have so much torque that even small displacement engines feel punchy. But the MX-5’s naturally-aspirated engine and only 148 torques means that you have to rev the bolts off of it to get it going. Thankfully, that’s no chore.
The buzzy little four-pot loves to rev, freely runs to redline and makes a good noise doing it. It’s nowhere near as smooth as the turbo four-cylinders you’ll find in BMW’s lineup, but that buzzy feeling is part of the charm. You feel this car. Its every pulse, vibration and movement is felt through your hands, feet and butt. There used to be a common trope among automotive journalists about pure driving cars, used constantly, that it felt like the car was wired directly to your brain. That’s how the MX-5 feels. Every subtle nuance is felt in the background of your brain as you drive, allowing you to constantly understand what it’s doing, entirely, all the time. It’s wonderful.
Plus, revving it all the way out, feeling it buzz as it nears its redline, allows you to use that shifter more. This is not an exaggeration when I say the MX-5’s manual is the best I’ve ever used. I haven’t driven older Porsches or Civic Sis, so maybe it’s not the best out there. But it’s better than every other modern manual I’ve ever driven. The throws are short, precise and mechanical feeling. Rowing through the gears feels like operating a well-oiled bolt action on a rifle. It’s such a joy to use over and over again, you’ll find yourself shifting up and down, needlessly, just to feel it again and again. The clutch is also light and has a nice engagement, making it easy to use.
If there was a complaint, the pedals aren’t placed as well as they could be for heel-and-toe. I don’t have big feet, so I typically use the left and right side of my foot while heel-and-toeing, rather than my actual heel and toe. Though, I couldn’t reach comfortably in the MX-5, either way. Though, it wasn’t too bad and by no means a deal-breaker. By comparison though, BMW pedal boxes are almost perfect for heel-and-toe, which is ironic because all BMW’s have auto rev-matching and the MX-5 does not.
On the road, the Mazda MX-5 RF is a joy to drive. The spindly-thin steering wheel provides a light weight but good feedback and direct response. Chuck it into a corner, the front end bits well, the car rolls just a bit and the rear end rotates on throttle in a beautifully linear fashion. It’s refreshing to drive a car that just gives you exactly what you put in. No variable steering or adjustable drive modes. It’s just a great-driving car, with one setting and one type of response. I wish BMW would make cars like this. Plus, it’s so light and nimble that it feels unflappable. It seems as if you can put it into a corner at any speed and you’ll come out the other side unharmed. It helps that it has an as-standard limited-slip differential.
Despite the high praise, the MX-5 RF isn’t perfect. With the top down, wind noise is unbearable past 65 mph. It gets too blustery, thanks to the targa top rather that just having a topless convertible. With the top up, there’s far too much road and wind noise in the cabin at any speed. So this isn’t a good highway car or cruising car. Which is a shame because it rides well, thanks to it weighing about as much as a roll of quarters, and would be great fun to slice through traffic with.
After driving the BMW M3 Competition Package and Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio, the Mazda MX-5 RF was a breath of fresh air. A simplistic delight that engaged all the senses. Personally, if I were to buy a Mazda MX-5, it wouldn’t be an RF model. Give me the regular soft-top in Club trim (limited-slip diff and Bilstein shocks) and with cloth seats. That runs just under $30,000. In that spec and at that low price, I don’t think there’s a better driving sports car on the road. Take notice, BMW, and the rest of the auto industry, you can learn a thing or ten from the Mazda MX-5.
<img width="120" height="120" src="http://ift.tt/2v9aGjA" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="" data-attachment-id="249737" data-src="http://ift.tt/2uQDqSC" data-responsive-src="http://ift.tt/2vM60U2
from PerformanceJunk Feed http://ift.tt/2v9rcQo via IFTTT
from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 http://ift.tt/2vQKv2P via IFTTT
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 7 years
FIRST DRIVE: Mazda MX-5 RF — A Breath of Fresh Air
In the automotive world, there are a few cars that are sort of royalty, cars that are beloved by car enthusiasts, almost unanimously. The Ferrari 250 GT California, Jaguar E-Type and the E30 BMW M3 are all among automotive royalty. Another car among the royals is the Mazda MX-5. Don’t snicker.
Known to American enthusiasts as the Miata, the Mazda MX-5 has always been sort of a car enthusiast hero, as it’s always offered superb dynamics and driving thrills at an affordable price. So enthusiasts from all walks of life could enjoy the fun and joy that the MX-5 brings, without having to break the bank. But, I must admit, I was a bit skeptical as to how much I’d like the MX-5 when Mazda dropped one off at my house for a week. It’s not that I was skeptical of Mazda or the MX-5. It’s that, the week before, I had just tested an Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio and the week before that was an M3 Competition Package laden with M Performance parts. So I had become accustomed to very powerful, very fast and very capable sports cars.
With the MX-5, I was getting into a car with a naturally-aspirated 2.0 liter four-cylinder engine that only made 155 hp and 148 lb-ft of torque. I had high hopes for the car but was nervous I had been jaded by big power and blistering speed. Turns out, though, that the little Mazda MX-5 charmed the hell out of me and made me completely forget about the previous super sedans. Which was actually impressive because not only did the MX-5 have to follow bonafide super sedans but this specific car was off to a bad start, in that it was very expensive for an MX-5, ruining the value aspect, and was the heavier variant.
The specific car we tested was a 2017 Mazda MX-5 RF Grand Touring with a six-speed manual. RF stands for “Retractable Fastback” which means this MX-5 had a power-folding hardtop, rather than the standard MX-5’s manual-folding soft top. Essentially, it’s a targa top, as the A and B-pillars are still in place with the roof down. So it basically just gives you a massive sunroof. Still, a rear-wheel drive sports car with a targa top in the middle of summer is pretty awesome.
It also looks cool as an RF model. I had numerous bystanders come up and ask what I was driving, while walking back to the car in parking lots or at gas stations. I actually had a few people ask if it was a Porsche. With the roof up, especially, it does have a sort of “baby Cayman” look to it. It looks sporty, dynamic and exciting. Most importantly, though, it doesn’t look like anything else in the segment. Mazda has taken a bit of flak for the MX-5’s design lately, as some aren’t fans of its extra squinty headlights and smiling-mouth grille. Though, I actually like it and think it looks fun. I also really like its taillights and rear end as a whole.
Being a Grand Touring model, the MX-5 was loaded with heated leather seats, satellite navigation, Bose 9-speaker surround sound with speakers in the headrests, LED headlights, 17″ dark silver alloy wheels, blind-sport monitoring and many, many more options. It was as loaded as it possibly could have been. Which is a bit odd in a Mazda MX-5, as it’s supposed to be the epitome of simplistic lightness. It also had the Advanced Keyless Entry package, which is the only optional package available. All in, our Mazda MX-5 RF tester wore an MSRP of around $33,000. That’s a lot of money for a two-seater convertible with less than 160 hp.
Especially when you actually poke around inside the MX-5. Mazda employed what it calls the “Gram Strategy” to make it as light as possible. In a nutshell, Mazda left no bolt untouched when attempting to lighten every aspect of the MX-5, without reducing quality, even if it only saved a gram. A gram here, a gram there, throughout the entire car actually ends up working really well. Even with the mechanical folding hardtop and all the options, the Mazda MX-5 RF still only weighs around 2,400 lbs. That’s astonishing in this modern day of sports cars. By comparison, the equivalent 2 Series is over a thousand pounds heavier.
But the downside of that lightness is that there are quite a lot of cheap-feeling areas. For instance, the sun visors are especially thin and cheap feeling, the trunk liner seems like it’s made out of egg cartons and as the metal top folds away, you can see every greasy gear and mechanism that makes it work. Though, I actually liked that last bit, as I’m a bit of a mechanical nerd. Once you look past some of the weight-savings (notice I didn’t say cost savings), the cabin is actually quite nice. Almost all of the materials are soft-touch and feel premium. The leather on the steering wheel feels great, the seats are superb for small-ish people such as myself and everything feels very well put together. In fact, I thought it was better screwed together than the Alfa I had recently tested.
However, literally none of that matters once you slide into the fantastic sport seats and thumb the starter button. Once in the driver’s seat, you realize just how low the MX-5 sits. Toyota Corollas seem like SUVs on the road next to you. It feels like sitting on a skateboard in the middle of the road. For someone like me, who likes sports cars as small as possible, it feels great. There’s none of the superfluous tech, unnecessary luxury and just excessive bulk of modern cars. The MX-5 is such a breath of fresh air among the bloated sports cars of today. Even the M3, which isn’t a big car, feels absolutely enormous by comparison.
That feeling of lightness is a big part of the MX-5’s charm and necessary to its performance. Even though it’s incredibly light, the Mazda MX-5 still isn’t fast. Or maybe it just doesn’t feel fast. Modern turbocharged engines have so much torque that even small displacement engines feel punchy. But the MX-5’s naturally-aspirated engine and only 148 torques means that you have to rev the bolts off of it to get it going. Thankfully, that’s no chore.
The buzzy little four-pot loves to rev, freely runs to redline and makes a good noise doing it. It’s nowhere near as smooth as the turbo four-cylinders you’ll find in BMW’s lineup, but that buzzy feeling is part of the charm. You feel this car. Its every pulse, vibration and movement is felt through your hands, feet and butt. There used to be a common trope among automotive journalists about pure driving cars, used constantly, that it felt like the car was wired directly to your brain. That’s how the MX-5 feels. Every subtle nuance is felt in the background of your brain as you drive, allowing you to constantly understand what it’s doing, entirely, all the time. It’s wonderful.
Plus, revving it all the way out, feeling it buzz as it nears its redline, allows you to use that shifter more. This is not an exaggeration when I say the MX-5’s manual is the best I’ve ever used. I haven’t driven older Porsches or Civic Sis, so maybe it’s not the best out there. But it’s better than every other modern manual I’ve ever driven. The throws are short, precise and mechanical feeling. Rowing through the gears feels like operating a well-oiled bolt action on a rifle. It’s such a joy to use over and over again, you’ll find yourself shifting up and down, needlessly, just to feel it again and again. The clutch is also light and has a nice engagement, making it easy to use.
If there was a complaint, the pedals aren’t placed as well as they could be for heel-and-toe. I don’t have big feet, so I typically use the left and right side of my foot while heel-and-toeing, rather than my actual heel and toe. Though, I couldn’t reach comfortably in the MX-5, either way. Though, it wasn’t too bad and by no means a deal-breaker. By comparison though, BMW pedal boxes are almost perfect for heel-and-toe, which is ironic because all BMW’s have auto rev-matching and the MX-5 does not.
On the road, the Mazda MX-5 RF is a joy to drive. The spindly-thin steering wheel provides a light weight but good feedback and direct response. Chuck it into a corner, the front end bits well, the car rolls just a bit and the rear end rotates on throttle in a beautifully linear fashion. It’s refreshing to drive a car that just gives you exactly what you put in. No variable steering or adjustable drive modes. It’s just a great-driving car, with one setting and one type of response. I wish BMW would make cars like this. Plus, it’s so light and nimble that it feels unflappable. It seems as if you can put it into a corner at any speed and you’ll come out the other side unharmed. It helps that it has an as-standard limited-slip differential.
Despite the high praise, the MX-5 RF isn’t perfect. With the top down, wind noise is unbearable past 65 mph. It gets too blustery, thanks to the targa top rather that just having a topless convertible. With the top up, there’s far too much road and wind noise in the cabin at any speed. So this isn’t a good highway car or cruising car. Which is a shame because it rides well, thanks to it weighing about as much as a roll of quarters, and would be great fun to slice through traffic with.
After driving the BMW M3 Competition Package and Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio, the Mazda MX-5 RF was a breath of fresh air. A simplistic delight that engaged all the senses. Personally, if I were to buy a Mazda MX-5, it wouldn’t be an RF model. Give me the regular soft-top in Club trim (limited-slip diff and Bilstein shocks) and with cloth seats. That runs just under $30,000. In that spec and at that low price, I don’t think there’s a better driving sports car on the road. Take notice, BMW, and the rest of the auto industry, you can learn a thing or ten from the Mazda MX-5.
0 notes
jesusvasser · 7 years
FIRST DRIVE: Mazda MX-5 RF — A Breathe of Fresh Air
In the automotive world, there are a few cars that are sort of royalty, cars that are beloved by car enthusiasts, almost unanimously. The Ferrari 250 GT California, Jaguar E-Type and the E30 BMW M3 are all among automotive royalty. Another car among the royals is the Mazda MX-5. Don’t snicker.
Known to American enthusiasts as the Miata, the Mazda MX-5 has always been sort of a car enthusiast hero, as it’s always offered superb dynamics and driving thrills at an affordable price. So enthusiasts from all walks of life could enjoy the fun and joy that the MX-5 brings, without having to break the bank. But, I must admit, I was a bit skeptical as to how much I’d like the MX-5 when Mazda dropped one off at my house for a week. It’s not that I was skeptical of Mazda or the MX-5. It’s that, the week before, I had just tested an Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio and the week before that was an M3 Competition Package laden with M Performance parts. So I had become accustomed to very powerful, very fast and very capable sports cars.
With the MX-5, I was getting into a car with a naturally-aspirated 2.0 liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine that only made 155 hp and 148 lb-ft of torque. I had high hopes for the car but was nervous I had been jaded by big power and blistering speed. Turns out, though, that the little Mazda MX-5 charmed the hell out of me and made me completely forget about the previous super sedans. Which was actually impressive because not only did the MX-5 have to follow bonafide super sedans but this specific car was off to a bad start, in that it was very expensive for an MX-5, ruining the value aspect, and was the heavier variant.
The specific car we tested was a 2017 Mazda MX-5 RF Grand Touring with a six-speed manual. RF stands for “Retractable Fastback” which means this MX-5 had a power-folding hardtop, rather than the standard MX-5’s manual-folding soft top. Essentially, it’s a targa top, as the A and B-pillars are still in place with the roof down. So it basically just gives you a massive sunroof. Still, a rear-wheel drive sports car with a targa top in the middle of summer is pretty awesome.
It also looks cool as an RF model. I had numerous bystanders come up and ask what I was driving, while walking back to the car in parking lots or at gas stations. I actually had a few people ask if it was a Porsche. With the roof up, especially, it does have a sort of “baby Cayman” look to it. It looks sporty, dynamic and exciting. Most importantly, though, it doesn’t look like anything else in the segment. Mazda has taken a bit of flak for the MX-5’s design lately, as some aren’t fans of its extra squinty headlights and smiling-mouth grille. Though, I actually like it and think it looks fun. I also really like its taillights and rear end as a whole.
Being a Grand Touring model, the MX-5 was loaded with heated leather seats, satellite navigation, Bose 9-speaker surround sound with speakers in the headrests, LED headlights, 17″ dark silver alloy wheels, blind-sport monitoring and many, many more options. It was as loaded as it possibly could have been. Which is a bit odd in a Mazda MX-5, as it’s supposed to be the epitome of simplistic lightness. It also had the Advanced Keyless Entry package, which is the only optional package available. All in, our Mazda MX-5 RF tester wore an MSRP of around $33,000. That’s a lot of money for a two-seater convertible with less than 160 hp.
Especially when you actually poke around inside the MX-5. Mazda employed what it calls the “Gram Strategy” to make it as light as possible. In a nutshell, Mazda left no bolt untouched when attempting to lighten every aspect of the MX-5, without reducing quality, even if it only saved a gram. A gram here, a gram there, throughout the entire car actually ends up working really well. Even with the mechanical folding hardtop and all the options, the Mazda MX-5 RF still only weighs around 2,400 lbs. That’s astonishing in this modern day of sports cars. By comparison, the equivalent 2 Series is over a thousand pounds heavier.
But the downside of that lightness is that there are quite a lot of cheap-feeling areas. For instance, the sun visors are especially thin and cheap feeling, the trunk liner seems like it’s made out of egg cartons and as the metal top folds away, you can see every greasy gear and mechanism that makes it work. Though, I actually liked that last bit, as I’m a bit of a mechanical nerd. Once you look past some of the weight-savings (notice I didn’t say cost savings), the cabin is actually quite nice. Almost all of the materials are soft-touch and feel premium. The leather on the steering wheel feels great, the seats are superb for small-ish people such as myself and everything feels very well put together. In fact, I thought it was better screwed together than the Alfa I had recently tested.
However, literally none of that matters once you slide into the fantastic sport seats and thumb the starter button. Once in the driver’s seat, you realize just how low the MX-5 sits. Toyota Corollas seem like SUVs on the road next to you. It feels like sitting on a skateboard in the middle of the road. For someone like me, who likes sports cars as small as possible, it feels great. There’s none of the superfluous tech, unnecessary luxury and just excessive bulk of modern cars. The MX-5 is such a breath of fresh air among the bloated sports cars of today. Even the M3, which isn’t a big car, feels absolutely enormous by comparison.
That feeling of lightness is a big part of the MX-5’s charm and necessary to its performance. Even though it’s incredibly light, the Mazda MX-5 still isn’t fast. Or maybe it just doesn’t feel fast. Modern turbocharged engines have so much torque that even small displacement engines feel punchy. But the MX-5’s naturally-aspirated engine and only 148 torques means that you have to rev the bolts off of it to get it going. Thankfully, that’s no chore.
The buzzy little four-pot loves to rev, freely runs to redline and makes a good noise doing it. It’s nowhere near as smooth as the turbo four-cylinders you’ll find in BMW’s lineup, but that buzzy feeling is part of the charm. You feel this car. Its every pulse, vibration and movement is felt through your hands, feet and butt. There used to be a common trope among automotive journalists about pure driving cars, used constantly, that it felt like the car was wired directly to your brain. That’s how the MX-5 feels. Every subtle nuance is felt in the background of your brain as you drive, allowing you to constantly understand what it’s doing, entirely, all the time. It’s wonderful.
Plus, revving it all the way out, feeling it buzz as it nears its redline, allows you to use that shifter more. This is not an exaggeration when I say the MX-5’s manual is the best I’ve ever used. I haven’t driven older Porsches or Civic Sis, so maybe it’s not the best out there. But it’s better than every other modern manual I’ve ever driven. The throws are short, precise and mechanical feeling. Rowing through the gears feels like operating a well-oiled bolt action on a rifle. It’s such a joy to use over and over again, you’ll find yourself shifting up and down, needlessly, just to feel it again and again. The clutch is also light and has a nice engagement, making it easy to use.
If there was a complaint, the pedals aren’t placed as well as they could be for heel-and-toe. I don’t have big feet, so I typically use the left and right side of my foot while heel-and-toeing, rather than my actual heel and toe. Though, I couldn’t reach comfortably in the MX-5, either way. Though, it wasn’t too bad and by no means a deal-breaker. By comparison though, BMW pedal boxes are almost perfect for heel-and-toe, which is ironic because all BMW’s have auto rev-matching and the MX-5 does not.
On the road, the Mazda MX-5 RF is a joy to drive. The spindly-thin steering wheel provides a light weight but good feedback and direct response. Chuck it into a corner, the front end bits well, the car rolls just a bit and the rear end rotates on throttle in a beautifully linear fashion. It’s refreshing to drive a car that just gives you exactly what you put in. No variable steering or adjustable drive modes. It’s just a great-driving car, with one setting and one type of response. I wish BMW would make cars like this. Plus, it’s so light and nimble that it feels unflappable. It seems as if you can put it into a corner at any speed and you’ll come out the other side unharmed. It helps that it has an as-standard limited-slip differential.
Despite the high praise, the MX-5 RF isn’t perfect. With the top down, wind noise is unbearable past 65 mph. It gets too blustery, thanks to the targa top rather that just having a topless convertible. With the top up, there’s far too much road and wind noise in the cabin at any speed. So this isn’t a good highway car or cruising car. Which is a shame because it rides well, thanks to it weighing about as much as a roll of quarters, and would be great fun to slice through traffic with.
After driving the BMW M3 Competition Package and Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio, the Mazda MX-5 RF was a breath of fresh air. A simplistic delight that engaged all the senses. Personally, if I were to buy a Mazda MX-5, it wouldn’t be an RF model. Give me the regular soft-top in Club trim (limited-slip diff and Bilstein shocks) and with cloth seats. That runs just under $30,000. In that spec and at that low price, I don’t think there’s a better driving sports car on the road. Take notice, BMW, and the rest of the auto industry, you can learn a thing or ten from the Mazda MX-5.
<img width="120" height="120" src="http://ift.tt/2v9aGjA" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="" data-attachment-id="249737" data-src="http://ift.tt/2uQDqSC" data-responsive-src="http://ift.tt/2v9EVXu
from PerformanceJunk Feed http://ift.tt/2v9rcQo via IFTTT
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2idYPiZ via IFTTT
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