#(he's just arrogant enough to believe he can make her sign on with him with the same loyalty
warping-realities · 20 days
Bed and Breakfast (Repost)
"I can't believe you're gonna make me stay in a dump like that," said the gorgeous woman with an arrogant tone towards her boyfriend, not realizing the owner of the cozy little beach inn was eavesdropping.
"Babe, chill out, the place is actually pretty dope and seems super comfy. Plus, it’s got killer reviews on travel sites. We’ll be lucky if there’s even a spot for us here."
"We wouldn’t have to deal with this crap if you had booked a hotel ahead of time."
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"Laura, sweetheart, you picked a trendy spot last minute during peak season; there’s no way we’d find a room, and yet you insisted on coming."
"Of course, all the big shots are here. What do you think my followers would say if I didn't show up? An influencer’s gotta stay on top of all the trends, Jeremy, and this is the hot spot right now—God only knows why," Laura shot back, making her boyfriend sigh before being interrupted by a cheerful and upbeat voice.
"Good evening! I’m Cintia, the owner of Cozy Cabin. Welcome! How can I help you?"
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"Good evening, ma’am. I’m Jeremy Grant, and this is my fiancée, Laura. We’re looking for a place to crash."
"Oh no! I’m sorry, but we’re all booked up. Reservations have been closed for over two months; we’ve become super popular lately." The woman, who seemed to be of an age that was hard to pin down, responded. Though she showed signs of age, she had a vibe of joy and youth around her, at that moment tainted by genuine sadness at not being able to help. That turned into indignation and anger when the pretty blonde in front of her let out a dismissive giggle followed by a sharp jab at her fiancé. But before Cintia could say anything, Jeremy quickly jumped in.
"Isn’t there even the slightest chance, Cintia? It would just be for one night so Laura can snap some pics and post them; she’s a digital influencer."
"Really? I’ve never heard of you, darling," Cintia said, taking the moment to get back at the rude young woman, who couldn’t help but fire back.
"I work with a younger crowd; it's understandable if someone your age doesn’t know me," Laura replied, making Jeremy cringe and a dangerous glint appear in Cintia’s eyes.
"Ah, trust me, I know how to spot a real influencer with clout. Right now, we’ve got Miguel Ramos, the famous fitness influencer, crashing here; it’s his fifth year visiting us during this time. Which gives me an awesome idea to help you out. If you’ll excuse me for a sec, I’ll be back with some info."
"Stupid hag," Laura muttered bitterly as soon as Cintia left the room.
"Baby, you kinda poked the bear..."
"Don’t you dare take her side, Jeremy. How could she compare me to that fairy Miguel Ramos?"
"Laura, watch your mouth. I’ve heard a lot about Miguel Ramos; he was a respected personal trainer before he blew up as a fitness influencer and has a solid follower base."
That was a huge understatement, and they both knew it. While Laura’s follower count hadn’t even hit the hundreds of thousands mark, Miguel’s had already smashed through the million barrier. And obviously, the vain woman didn’t like being reminded of that and soon found a reason to roast her fiancé.
"Jeremy, that scruff of yours looks awful! How many times have I told you to keep your face smooth? My followers prefer you to match my look!"
Jeremy didn’t know if that was true; Laura’s followers really did hype up how well they matched in appearance. But he couldn’t help but wonder if the fact that Laura dressed him in similar styles to hers, combined with her nagging to keep his face smooth and his blond hair styled in neat curls, made them look so much alike that some people thought they were siblings instead of a couple. It was proof enough of a totally narcissistic nature, as the class bullies loved to shout. But every time those thoughts popped up, Jeremy quickly shoved them aside; he had long accepted that he’d be nobody without his girlfriend, to the point of giving up his career as a gym teacher to follow her, making sure all her wishes were met and canceling himself out in every way. Because he was dead sure he wasn’t worthy of her love and that no one in the world could love him like she did. It was exactly because he thought all this that when he saw Cintia return with a satisfied look on her face, he replied calmly.
"Yeah, babe, that’s the first thing I’ll do once we hit the room."
"My dears, I found a solution; it’s not perfect, but it should help for today," Cintia started with a playful grin and that spark in her eyes. "We have a few rooms with extra beds that aren’t being used, and two of our guests have kindly offered those beds to you for a couple of nights. In two days, Mrs. Goldschmitt will be heading home, and her room will be free if you want to extend your stay."
"You mean you want us to crash in separate rooms?" Laura asked, indignantly.
"It was the best I could do, dear. Of course, if that doesn’t work for you, feel free to scram and find somewhere else," Cintia replied with a frosty smile.
"No, no, that’s cool; we’ll take it!" Jeremy quickly interrupted, wanting to avoid more drama and losing the only place they found.
"Great! Follow me, then; I’ll have one of the staff take your bags to your respective rooms," Cintia said, looking genuinely pleased as she led them down a hallway and a flight of stairs to the first room. She knocked on the door, which was promptly opened by a handsome Latino man in his thirties, with muscles that popped under a fitted white t-shirt and a friendly smile on his rugged, bearded face.
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"Goodnight," he said simply, his voice oozing masculinity.
"Miguel, darling! These are Jeremy and Lau..."
"You don’t need to introduce me; I’m sure Miguel knows who I am," Laura interrupted while Miguel stared at her like she was some exotic creature that had just landed in front of him.
"Laura... apparently she’s a digital influencer," Cintia continued as if she hadn’t been rudely interrupted. "Jeremy and Laura, this is Miguel Ramos, the guy we talked about earlier, who kindly agreed to give Jeremy the extra bed in his room."
"Thanks for the lovely intro, Cintia; it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Laura, and you too, Jer..." Miguel started, only to be cut off by Laura.
"I think our followers would love a collab from us."
"Um, sure, we can chat about that tomorrow, Laura. I believe you both are wiped out now, and Cintia still needs to take you to your room."
"Yeah, yeah, you’re right; we’ll sort everything out tomorrow. Shall we bounce then?" Laura wrapped up, talking to Cintia without even saying goodbye to Jeremy, who then stepped up to his girlfriend and kissed her on the cheek.
"Good night, love; sleep tight!" he said before entering the room and watching his fiancée being led away by Cintia.
"Welcome, Jeremy; unfortunately, you’ll have to take the single bed."
"Thanks, Miguel; you didn’t have to do that or pretend to know Laura."
"Ahh, I’m sorry about that, but I thought it was better; I know how sensitive some influencers can be about not being recognized. I’ve never really cared about that, but I’ve seen some awkward situations, to say the least. And about the bed, it’s just a bed; I’m not really using it, and Cintia asked me for a favor; she’s a good friend and helped me out a lot when... anyway, you’re welcome here."
"Still, you didn’t have to do any of that; thanks a ton," Jeremy replied as he prepped to crash, thinking about what Miguel had left unsaid. It was no secret that his breakup with his long-time boyfriend, a big-time film actor, had been a massive bummer, so much so that he had stayed out of the spotlight for months until he was spotted on the beach close to where they were, which is why the interest in the place had exploded. The only news was that he wouldn’t be staying in some fancy hotel but in Cintia’s cozy little inn. Laura should be stoked, Jeremy thought before dozing off; she went looking for copper and apparently struck gold.
Already lying in the single bed, Jeremy found the guts to say something else.
"Miguel, seriously, thanks a bunch; I really appreciate your kindness... but... well... I apologize in advance if Laura throws a fit about the sleeping arrangements... she’s used to getting her way, and... well... there might be some jealousy or something..."
"She doesn’t need to worry, Jeremy; I’m not into guys skinnier, smaller, and younger than me," Miguel joked, but it made Jeremy flinch.
"I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to offend you."
"You didn’t offend me, Jeremy; I was just messing around. You can relax in the room; as far as I’m concerned, it’s as much yours as mine. Have a good night."
The morning sun streamed into the inn's bedroom, causing Jeremy to roll over in bed and wake up, rubbing his eyes, treated to a stunning sight: Miguel in just white underwear, his sculpted body on display, staring intently at the bedroom wall like he was lost in thought. At that moment, Jeremy felt something he never thought he would feel upon seeing another dude: a pang of desire, mixed with a familiar sensation in his dick that he only associated with seeing Laura’s naked beauty. His surprise was so intense that he moved abruptly, waking Miguel from his daydream.
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"Good morning; sorry if I woke you; I forgot to close the curtains last night."
"No problem," Jeremy replied, hiding his erection with a pillow.
"Anyway, I’m already heading out for my morning run before breakfast."
"Oh man, I miss doing that!" Jeremy commented.
"Do you do this too?"
"Yeah, I was a physical educator just like you, but since I started following Laura... she’s not a morning person and gets all cranky when I wake her up early... anyway, I’ve been running on the treadmill while she shoots her videos at the gym."
"If you want to train with me..."
"Nah, man, thanks, but no. I’ll catch some more Z’s," Jeremy replied, still trying to hide his erection.
"Then I’ll see you later. Sweet dreams," said a fully dressed Miguel as he left the room, leaving Jeremy alone with his confusing thoughts.
To say the trip had been a letdown for Laura would be a massive understatement. First, Jeremy couldn’t even make a simple reservation and had the nerve to blame her when he should’ve seen this coming. Then there was the beach itself; she had never liked the sun and sea, and just thinking about sand made her skin crawl. But unfortunately, thanks to Miguel Ramos’ star-studded divorce and his apparent bad taste, that little beach was the hot spot for the summer. Ending up in the same inn as him could be a golden opportunity, but for that, she had to deal with the arrogant old bat who owned the place, the fact that her fiancé was sleeping in the same room as that gay dude, and the annoying roommate she was sure had been chosen by the old hag just to irritate her. And it was with a look reflecting her inner bitterness that she waited for her fiancé to show up for breakfast, which only made her angrier, since she wasn’t used to waiting and stubbornly refused to call him. After all, he should know his place and duties!
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It was with that sour expression that Miguel found her after taking a shower and getting dressed as quietly as possible to avoid waking the still-snoozing Jeremy. Seeing that expression made him seriously consider making a run for it from the breakfast room without being seen, especially since he hadn’t had a great first impression of Laura, which was confirmed when he checked out the kind of content she produced, with Jeremy looking more like an accessory to her outfit than an actual boyfriend, raising the suspicion that maybe the other guy was stuck in an abusive relationship like he himself had experienced until recently. But before he had time to bolt, their eyes locked, and a practiced smile crept onto her face, not quite reaching her predatory eyes. Knowing that game all too well, Miguel plastered on a smile just as fake as hers and approached her table.
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"Good morning, Miguel; I hope Jeremy’s snoring wasn’t too much of a bother," Laura said, kicking off the conversation in the worst way possible and making Miguel’s smile fade.
"On the contrary, it didn’t bother me at all; Noah snored way worse," he replied, a look of irritation briefly crossing Laura’s face due to the comparison with her ex-husband. Wasn’t it enough that her boyfriend was sleeping in the same room as him?
"You’re too kind, but it’s my fiancé you’re talking about; no one knows him like I do."
"Of course, and if you’ll let me say, checking out your posts on social media it’s clear to see all your influence on him," Miguel replied, barely hiding the sarcasm in his voice.
"Thanks. It was hard work," Laura shot back without realizing the dig hidden in his comment. "Speaking of work, when are we gonna do our collab?" she concluded.
"We’ll definitely figure something out," he replied in turn, knowing that as far as he was concerned, that was never gonna happen. "If you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment now. Maybe you should check on Jeremy; when I left the room, he was out cold. It seemed to me like he hadn’t slept that well in ages." He finished with a bright, genuine smile before exiting the room, leaving a fuming Laura behind.
Although Miguel’s statement was meant to poke at Laura, it wasn’t too far from the truth. Jeremy had slept like a baby and didn’t even stir when Miguel returned to the room and got ready for breakfast. If he had woken up, he would’ve been mortified, because he ended up ripping off his pajama shirt in his sleep, and without realizing it, he reached for his erection that had returned with Miguel’s presence in the room, while his mind filled with one of the most different and vivid dreams he’d ever had. In the dream, he found himself lying completely naked on a beach not too different from the one the inn was on, and with the sun bathing his body, a beautiful blonde woman approached and began kissing his naked body. He couldn’t tell if it was Laura or not, because each kiss in the dream sent him into an ecstasy so intense that it overshadowed any sense other than pleasure, so much so that he only realized the figure in his dream had shifted to a muscular, bearded man with his dark body glistening with sweat in the morning sun, just seconds before he was jolted awake by the indignant voice of his fiancée.
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"Jeremy, so this is what you were doing instead of meeting me for breakfast? Jerkin’ off in that queer’s room? How disgusting!" Laura barked, her face twisted in outrage as she found her boyfriend in that compromising position. Jeremy, caught off guard, shot back without thinking.
"Never use that kind of word in my presence again, Laura; if there’s anything disgusting, it’s those expressions!"
"Jeremy, how dare you correct me! Disgusting, yes, and even more disgusting are the habits of these faggots, but apparently, you’re already pretty used to it, huh? Jerk off in one of their bedrooms? And you didn’t even shave that gross beard. As if you just cut your hair without talking to me, I’m at my limit!" she fired back, causing all the layers of inhibition to come crashing down on a now more awake Jeremy.
"I’m sorry, babe; I shouldn’t have talked to you like that. Give me a few minutes to get ready, and we can have breakfast together," he said, falling back into his servile habits as he struggled to understand what she meant about his beard and hair.
"Well, you can have your breakfast alone. And you don’t even need to come with me to the beach; I’ll take Kayla to help me. Make the most of your day without my presence!" she replied angrily, storming out of the room and leaving a confused and still groggy Jeremy behind.
He, in turn, stood up and stretched, losing his balance a bit as he felt the strange sensation that he seemed to be a good few inches taller, which he knew was nonsense, since no one grows overnight other than the fact that he had been this height since the start of his adult life, which had helped him in many volleyball and basketball games when he was younger. Other activities he missed but couldn’t find time in his day to practice. He had never resented Laura for these things, but deep down, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of irritation for having given up pretty much all his interests for hers. Shaking his head in an attempt to shove those intrusive thoughts aside, he headed to the bathroom and took a long shower, knowing it was pointless to look for his girlfriend while she was in that mood; poor Kayla, whoever she was, would have to put up with Laura that morning, he thought with uncharacteristic sarcasm as he soaped the six-pack abs on his torso, this time without trying to shake that thought away. After stepping out of the shower, he looked at himself in the mirror; for someone who could no longer stick to a strict workout routine, he looked pretty damn good; he was lean but built, and his short beard accentuated the angles of his face, framed by his golden curls.
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Maybe it was time for Laura to learn to appreciate the boyfriend she had better, he thought, leaving the bathroom without shaving, before changing and getting ready to enjoy a morning of sun and sea without Laura’s constant complaints and orders, which without a doubt was the best thing that could have happened, said a new invasive thought that once again did not go away.
Jeremy wandered along the seawall for several minutes, feeling the sand beneath his feet, the scent of the sea breeze filling his lungs, and the sun’s rays bathing his fair skin, even though he knew he risked getting burned; it felt too good to let go. After wandering for a long time, he sat down on the beach and simply let himself be engulfed by it all, a wave of peace and completeness washing over him. Without realizing that the longer he stayed there, the less white his skin became, turning to a golden summer tone, while his muscles expanded slightly, giving him the look of someone who worked out regularly and carefully. Lost in his own mind he found himself searching for Miguel Ramos' name on social media, and getting lost in the other man's posts.
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And there he would have stayed without noticing the changes if he hadn’t been interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Hey, roomie, watch out for a burn on your skin!"
Looking up he came face to face with the target of his interested scrutiny in all his glory with a beautiful smile plastered on his face.
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"I may not have your Latin genes, Miguel, but it’s been a hot minute since I’ve burned!" he replied, smiling, as that strange feeling invaded him again.
"Still, the sun around here is way stronger than what you’re used to. Let me help you," Miguel replied, approaching with a tube of sunscreen in his hands. "That is, if you don’t mind."
Jeremy did care, not because of any prejudice but because of the fear of what that closeness would make him feel, not to mention the erection that threatened to return. But at the same time, he couldn’t resist that offer.
"No problem; I think you’re exaggerating, but Laura will be a total nightmare if I burn; she already hates my skin being so tanned."
"What nonsense; your skin is gorgeous; that tan pops real nice against your blonde hair; it gives you a healthy vibe, especially with those defined muscles."
"Thanks, dude; it’s nice to hear a compliment from... hummm," he groaned when he felt the other guy’s strong hands massaging his back.
"Something wrong?" Miguel asked.
"No... no... it’s just that the sunscreen was cold."
"Ah, I’m done. Just a little more down here," Miguel said, his hands moving toward Jeremy’s buttocks, making him tense up.
"Okay, do you want me to apply it on your front?"
"No, you don’t need to; I’ll handle that myself," Jeremy quickly responded, taking the sunscreen from Miguel’s hand without even thinking about those manly hands being so close to his cock.
"And where’s Laura? I thought you were helping with her content."
Thinking about his girlfriend brought an unexpected wave of irritation to Jeremy, like a cloud blocking out the morning sun.
"We had a blowout earlier... she did what she always does, said what she wanted, and bailed on me; I guess hoping I’d chase after her... but not this time... she can fend for herself with her new BFFO," he replied with a touch of bitterness that didn’t go unnoticed by Miguel.
"Relationships can be a real pain sometimes."
"Ours isn’t, but I’m starting to think it’s just because I’m used to canceling myself out for her."
Miguel, who had already picked up on that, chose not to comment.
"Anyway, we should catch up later and sort this out; I still love her, of course, but some things are gonna have to change in our relationship."
"So how about we hit that run now, a little return to your old self?"
"Are you sure you’ll keep up with me, with all this extra size and already running before..."
"Boy, show some respect; I’m not one of the most well-known personal trainers in the world for nothing."
"Then we’ll see!" Jeremy shot back, getting up and taking off running.
Laura trudged through the beach sand with disgust. Her morning, like the rest of the trip, had been a total drag. Kayla was pleasant company, sharing the same interests as her, though she was in a lower tier with only a few tens of thousands of followers. Still, she expected Laura to return the favors she did by asking her to take pictures and film videos of her. Simply unbearable. And it was all Jeremy’s fault, obviously. She still couldn’t believe her useless boyfriend hadn’t come looking for her, and even worse, it was her forced to hunt him down again in that damned sand for the second time that day.
With that feeling, she watched two muscular dudes running from the beach edge towards the sea while laughing loudly and then diving in. A ridiculous and childish behavior in her book. So what was her surprise when she saw that one of those guys, the tanned blonde with a pompadour and a faded side cut, sporting a full beard just as blonde, smile and approach her with his muscular, sun-kissed body still glistening from the seawater.
"Hey babe, how was the morning?"
"Jeremy, how dare you leave me hanging like that! And that beard, you said you were gonna trim it! And your hair??? What the hell is this?"
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"No hell, Laura. They look the way I like!"
"But not how my followers and I expected! You’re almost bald! That tan and those bulging muscles just don’t cut it!"
"Don’t blow it out of proportion, Laura; if I decide to shave all my hair, I will. Your followers have nothing to do with how I choose to style my hair or beard."
"Of course, it has everything to do with it; you’re my boyfriend; you affect how people see me!"
"Apparently, that’s the only thing I’m good for, how I make others perceive you."
"And how would it be any different? I make a living off this; I’m an influencer, and my boyfriend needs to be on brand with me."
"I’m not your accessory, Laura."
"Well, babe, in the end, it’s like you are!"
"So I don’t know if I even wanna keep this relationship going," he replied, turning his back on a furious Laura.
"Jeremy! Don’t you dare! Jeremyyyy....!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, but he didn’t look back and walked aimlessly toward the other side of the beach, under the watchful eye of Miguel Ramos.
Jeremy wandered the beach for several minutes, trying to calm the influx of thoughts. He was torn between the despair of losing the woman he thought he loved and the growing contempt for that same woman. How could he have canceled himself out for so long? How could he not see who she was? And at the same time, she had been his life for the past few years; how could he live without her? There’s no way he could do that! Deciding to run back after her and humble himself for her forgiveness, he started sprinting. He only stopped when he heard the voice that made him start to associate with that strange feeling, a mix of desire and discomfort.
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"Hey, Big Guy, what’s the rush?" asked a grinning Miguel, sitting on a bench at a beach bar.
"Sorry, Miguel; I need to find Laura!"
"And what’s the point in talking to her with your head all hot? Wait for you two to cool off."
"You don’t get it!"
"Ah, I get it. I get it so much that I’m gonna offer you the two things you need most right now: company and a few shots of tequila!"
"I don’t know, man..."
"Relax, dude, and follow me," Miguel said, grabbing Jeremy by the arms and leading him to a table at the bar.
"I shouldn’t get in the middle of your relationship with your girlfriend. But I recently went through a messy divorce. And honestly, it took me a long time to realize I was in an abusive relationship," Miguel said to a downcast Jeremy.
"I’m not in a relationship like that; I love Laura," Jeremy replied, but with way less conviction than he wanted to show.
"And does she return that love? Does she love you the same way you love her?"
"Of course..."
"Really? Be honest with yourself if you don’t wanna be honest with someone you barely know."
"I want to believe that, but..."
"But you have doubts. Let me propose a game: I’m gonna ask you some questions about relationships, and for every positive answer from you and me, we’ll down a shot of tequila; I bet we’ll polish off a bottle in no time."
"First question: Have you ever felt like you were putting way more into this relationship than your partner?"
Both took a shot, and though neither noticed, Jeremy’s tan deepened, reaching a caramel shade very close to Miguel’s.
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"Second question: Have you ever felt belittled by your partner?"
Another shot for both. And now Jeremy had shot up a few inches taller than Miguel.
"Third question: Have you ever felt like you’re nothing more than an accessory to your partner, that they don’t even see you as a person but as an object?"
Another shot. Another change. Jeremy’s muscles swelled, surpassing Miguel’s size and reaching the proportions of an amateur bodybuilder. The bottle was already half empty, but both men, who weren’t small, were already pretty tipsy, as that level of drinking wasn’t part of either of their habits.
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"One more... one more..." a drunken Miguel said, looking extremely distorted in Jeremy’s vision. "Have you ever felt like you’re in this relationship out of fear... scared that you’re not good enough... that you can’t be loved by someone else... and that your partner takes advantage of that to keep you stuck with them?"
Another shot, and Jeremy’s already blurry vision began to swirl as a wave of anxiety took hold of him for finally admitting those truths, even while drunk. Miguel was spinning in front of him, and he felt an immense urge to get up and bolt, but when he did, he fell to the ground.
"Jeremy, Jeremy..." he heard the voice in the distance, that voice which stirred so many feelings within him. "Jeremy..." a voice that made him realize he could still desire and be desired... "Jer...." the voice that made him tingle just hearing it. "Jav..." the voice of the man he was in love with but couldn’t admit.
"Javier, get up; is everything cool?"
And Javier stood up amidst laughter.
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"It’s all good, Miguel; it takes way more than a shot of tequila to take down a man my size," he replied with a grin, sitting back down at the table. At the same time, he ran his hands through his shiny black beard.
"Let me ask the question now," Javier said, beaming wider. "Do you think you’re ready to ditch this relationship and move on to better things?"
One more shot for both.
Javier lay back on a couch of the exclusive rooftop bar Miguel that Miguel reserved just for the two of them, feeling his head spinning. While his roommate spent some not-so-productive time feeling the same way sitting on the toilet. As he tried hard not to toss his cookies, he felt his phone buzz. When he looked at the screen, he noticed there were tons of messages and calls from an unknown number. Choosing to deal with it when he was in better shape, he closed his eyes and thus didn’t see each of those messages and calls vanish from his records.
With his head still spinning, he slipped into a restless sleep filled with rapidly changing dreams, until again he dreamed of that slim, stunning blonde. In the dream, she lay down on him again and started kissing his naked body, but without provoking any reaction in him, nothing, no excitement, no pleasure, until once again the smooth woman’s skin gave way to the rough sensation of a beard brushing against his body, and it was Miguel who kissed him, reigniting the flame of desire within him. While he slept, he moaned with excitement, a powerful erection between his legs, until he finally woke up feeling Miguel’s real mouth wrapped around his swollen cock. Trapped in that feeling of pleasure, he pulled the other man closer to him, being overtaken by the now familiar sensation of raw desire.
After hours of wild sex, Javier sat on the edge of the couch. with the strange feeling that he had forgotten something, as usual when this happened he found himself mentally going over his posing routine for his next competition.
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Every fiber of his body had been honed with the utmost dedication and commitment, and soon he would be on stage to put all that work to the test. He ran his hand through his raven hair and finished the motion with his soft trimmed beard. He knew he’d have to shave it before the performance, but he was reluctant because Miguel liked him that way. Speak of the devil, Miguel at that moment repositioned himself on the couch and smiled.
"A penny for your thoughts," said the smaller and younger man, but who had still earned the position of his coach and Javier’s heart.
"It’s no biggie, Mig; I was just checking myself out and thinking it’s a shame to shave; you like it so much..."
"Javi, I want you with or without a beard; I don’t care how you look; I care about being with you."
"So you mean if I were smaller and skinnier, you’d still be with me?"
"Maybe you wouldn’t have caught my eye right off the bat, but like I said, I care about the person you are; the man I fell for, and if he gains or loses weight, that’s not gonna change."
"Thanks, babe; that’s really nice to hear," Javier replied.
"You know what else is nice? Your posing routine, show it to me babe."
"You've seen it a hundred times, babe."
"What can I do if I can't get enough of watching my hot fiancé flex his muscles for me?" Miguel said with a mischievous smile, making a big smile spread across Javiers face, who even tried to pose seriously, crossing the covered area of ​​the lounge towards the balcony, but failing miserably and loving every second of it as he heard the whistles and flirtations of the passionate man he had chosen to have by his side.
The afternoon sun shone brighter than ever, but even that didn’t seem to brighten a sunburned Laura’s mood as she gossiped with Kayla at the beach bar while they discreetly watched Miguel and Javier talking.
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"Is this a good time? They seem to be having a spat," Kayla asked her friend.
"Just because they’re serious doesn’t mean they’re fighting. If we consider their social media, they’re living the dream," Laura replied.
"You know as well as I do how misleading social media can be."
"Still, this is our chance to collab with them; it’s not every day we get to work with two of the biggest fitness influencers in the game."
"Smile; they’re looking this way!" said Kayla, making both of them flash identical fake smiles, returned by a nod from the fitness couple of the year, who then got up and headed toward the beach.
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"There goes our shot," Laura grumbled.
"Don’t sweat it, girl; people like you always get what’s coming to them," said a smiling Cintia, who was passing by before positioning herself at the bar counter and grinning.
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A grin that widened when she saw Miguel and Javier together on the beach sharing a passionate kiss. If there was something she took pride in, it was a job well done, and at her inn, that meant way more than just a bed and breakfast.
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acewritesfics · 2 months
My Hero | Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Y/N
Request: No
Warnings: assault, swearing, rumours, established relationship.
Word Count: 950
Stranger Things Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Y/N is beyond enraged as she storms down the corridors of Hawkins High in search of the target of her rage. She has tunnel vision as soon as she finds him by his locker surround by his basketball teammates. Everyone else fade aways as he marches up to him. Jerking him around to face her as she pulls back her fist and rams it into the boy's face, her hand meeting his nose with a sickening crunch. 
"What the hell, Y/N?" Jason shouts while holding his bloody and broken nose. The students around him are shocked. Y/N isn't the type to lash out and Jason being the 'perfect role model and King of Hawkins High, anything he did was usually overshadowed by how much everyone adores him. Y/N has always believed that Jason Carver has the potential to become a cult leader. 
"Remember that the next time you want to start a vulgar rumor about me, Jason," she snaps at him. 
Jason growls at her and grits his teeth in pain, "You deserved that." 
"Excuse me?" She gives him a surprised look. "Just because I'm not going to sleep with your buddy over there," she says, glaring at one of Jason's teammates. "Or conform to your pretentious, arrogant, and egotistical ways. I t does not give you the right to tell the school that I have fucked the all of the seniors on the basketball team." 
One of Jason's friends pipes in, as if to defend him, "Maybe you shouldn't be such a prude." 
The senior's remark baffles her, and she looks at him as if he were the most stupid boy she has ever met. Before she has a chance to respond, Patrick decides to speak up.   
"She isn't a total prude. She does let the freak between her legs." 
She goes to lunge at him, but an arm grabs her waist and pulls her back, preventing her from lashing out at the teenager. 
"Not here, sweetheart," Eddie's calming voice murmurs in her ear, helping her to calm down enough to refrain from hurting Patrick. 
"Control your girlfriend, Freak," Jason spits out as Eddie grabs her hand and leads her away from the basketball jocks, before the principal arrives. Eddie flips him off as they walk back down the corridor. 
"What was all that about?"  they approach the edge of the woods that surrounds the school's sports field.  
"Haven't you heard?" She asks, still feeling mad. "I've been fucking the seniors on the basketball team behind your back." 
"It all makes sense now," he frowns mumbling more to himself now thinking about all the looks he's been getting and the snickering and teasing he was hearing. It wasn't like the stares of irritation, fear, and disgust he usually receives. He understands why she's angry as he feels his anger building up. He's annoyed that she didn't come to him first but his anger is directed at Jason and his idiot followers. "Why didn't you come to me? I would have taken care of it." 
"And give the idiot principal an excuse to expel you just as you're about to finally graduate?" She asks him rhetorically. "No way, baby. You know the asshole and everyone else is itching to see you fail again and I'm not going to let you compromise your graduation because of me." 
As they near the small clearing in the woods, he catches up to her and turns her to face him, saying, "I would get expelled a thousand times over for defending my woman. I love you that much and more." 
Eddie and Y/N have been dating for almost a year. When they first officially met, she was starting her senior year and he was starting his third senior year. Given that Y/N is one of the top students in the school, their teachers arranged for her to tutor him since she hadn't signed up for any extracurricular activities this school year. The teachers thought Y/N was the ideal choice to help Eddie in passing his classes so he can graduate this year because of her educational excellence, which rivaled Nancy Wheeler's. 
Despite being an academic nerd, Y/N didn't dress like one, favoring band t-shirts, jeans, and her beloved leather jacket instead. She enjoys horror films a lot and frequently wore headphones with loud metal music blasting through the speakers. He was initially drawn to her because of her appreciation for metal music. When she first sat down across from him in the school library for their first tutoring session, she was listening to Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden and was sporting a Metallica shirt. He brought it up to start a casual conversation with her in hopes to get to know her a little more. She hadn't gotten any tutoring done that day. 
She responds as she slides into his arms, "I love you too. 
"As much as I enjoy the image of you knocking Jason on his ass and might be a little turned on by it, come and find me next time," he says, his hands traveling to her ass to pull her into him before taking her hand that she used to punch Jason into his hand making sure it wasn't injured. "Does it hurt?" 
"Just a little. Jason has got a hard skull," She claims trying to lighten the mood with a joke. "Do you want to kiss it better?" 
Eddie lifts her hand to his lips, and gives her knuckles a gentle kiss. "Better?" 
She smiles and pulls him into a kiss, "Thank you, my hero." 
"Wanna get out of here?" he asks smiling against her lips as he kisses back. 
This time she gropes his ass, "Take me home, big boy."  
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Arrogant Son of a Bitch
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summary: your father has been searching for suitors for you, and you finally come across an infamous prince, known for all the wrongs amongst the youngs.
warning: slight angst? bit of foul language, bad father figure.
word count: 1222
minors DNI
part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7 part8 part9
You were hiding behind the curtains listening in on the conversation next door, how your father was signing your life away, gifting you to someone like you were a possession. Tears were running down your cheeks as you held your breath, waiting for your guests to make their decision, to accept you or to not. 
You were aware that any choice they made would be disastrous for you; if they said yes, you would be sent with them to some place you don't know, and if they said no, your father would make mockery of you and condemn your life because you were the last daughter and had no luck finding a suitor.
You were aware that you were not the most beautiful princess out there and that you were frequently overshadowed by your sisters and later by other princesses. For you, hiding was easy. Yes, you have had your fair share of crushes, but none of them actually lasted long enough to develop further, and most of them would be snatched away from you by others before they could blossom.
When your name was called as you were beginning to get lost in your own thoughts, you immediately wiped the tears from your cheeks, smiled a couple times, and walked in. You enter the room with manners and grace, keeping your head down and not glancing up at the guests as you stand in front of your father.
When he says, "This is her," you turn to your right and lift your head, and what you see is something from a dream. Shiny brown curls, forest green eyes that seem to encompass the entire wilderness, his bow shaped lips that were the most exquisite shade of pink you had ever seen, he was clad in black, his suit jacket that had a golden pattern, and he stood prim and proper as you were walking in. Taking in his features, you looked at his face as whole, he had an expression on his face, you couldn't name the emotion, but it definitely wasn't one of happiness.
He was not delighted to see you.
And that is what brought you back down to earth from your high.
A more senior man stood next to him; you could tell by the way he looked that they were father and son. This man had a gentler, more forgiving appearance, you bow before them both.
"It is a joy to meet you, darling." The older man said, you tried giving him a smile, but you did not give him a sincere one. It went unnoticed by everyone, except the man in black. He looked at you with a sharp gaze, and something seemed to change in the way he was looking at you. He looked amused now.
you wanted to scoff.
What a twat!
“Y/n, this King Styles of Holmes Chapel, and this is his son Prince Harry.” your father introduced them. This was Prince Harry, who was infamous among the princesses for being a flirt, the kind of man who would make you believe you have something just to spend the night because, from what you heard, he liked having that kind of power over people.
“Y/f/n, if you don't mind, we can send the kids to talk, so they can get to know each other.” said King Styles.
"Of course!  Y/n, show Prince Harry the gardens." There was nothing you could do but follow his instructions. Without saying a word, you signaled to the younger man to follow you and were relieved when he appeared to comprehend. During your entire stroll to the gardens, neither of you spoke a word, and you barely even exchanged glances besides when you needed to give directions.
You sat down on the bench in front of the large fountain in the gardens when you had finally arrived there, and he joined you. you Consider saying something because the stillness was becoming too loud. "Look, I understand that you do not want this, and quite frankly, neither do I." He interrupted your thoughts. You may not have wanted this, but you knew you needed it to get away from your father. He had to agree, and when he admitted he didn't, it clearly showed on your face that you weren't exactly happy. He immediately responded, "I have someone else that I..uh that i have my eyes on, and it's not like.. Look, I just-" "Prince Harry, you are one of the final proposals i will ever get, and i realize that i am not the most gorgeous princess out there, so you do not have to say yes to me, i know all about you, and what all you do,” He clenched his jaw at your oblique charge, “but i really need to get married.” He laughs this off, "Bloody Hell, you are so desperate! For what purpose? Huh? getting dick? That is it?” You were furious at him for using such outrageous language as you gasped at it. "I will have you know, Prince Harry, that I do not intend to do that. I simply desire such a thing because I need to leave this place. I have been forced into courtships for as long as I can remember. You have no idea what it is like for a princess to always be rejected!” “And whose fault is that, then?” He mumbles, you gaze at him in shock, and as his words sink in, your eyes begin to tear up. You turn away from him so he will not see you crying. Harry did not appear to care if he heard you struggle to control the sob that was escaping from your throat despite your best efforts to remain composed.
Until a servant arrived and informed you that your presence was wanted by your father, the quiet between you felt as though it had lasted for eons. Without waiting for Harry, you get up and leave. You could hear his footsteps following you, but you remained reluctant to turn around and look. As you got closer to the door, you slowed down and cleaned your face before waiting for Harry to stand next to you outside. 
He keeps his hands behind his back as you lift your hand to knock on the door, but you can sense his anxiety. What does he have to be worried about? you wanted to yell at him. He is the one who was outrageous and cruel, and he is the one who will return to whatever princess he was pursuing regardless, while you will have to endure yet another encounter with yet another prince.
When you hear your father granting you permission to enter, you attempt to unlock the door once more, but this time he stops you and does it himself; what a prince! He caught you looking at him and noticed the sarcasm seeping from your face, but like everything else, he decided to ignore this as well, moving aside to let you in. Your hand was touching his front, which was too close for you. You looked at him as if to urge him to get away, but he gave you a contemptuous response. When your gazing contest was over, you looked ahead and saw something you had thought you would never see.
@remuslupinwifee @strwbrrydaydreams
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itsabouttimex2 · 9 months
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Descendant of the Lady Bone Demon: Part Two
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
Maybe they should’ve seen this coming. Maybe there were a few warning signs they didn’t pick up on. Looking back on it now, it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? All those little things should’ve added up a long time ago.
The way the room grew silent and tense when you walked in, no matter how how exuberant it had been prior. How you manage to sneak up on everyone without even trying, as though you had no presence. The wide berth that strangers give you, even though they can’t explain why. That last one had been particularly strange for your friends. They hadn’t understood why people would treat you so coldly, not back then.
They understand now.
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MK has already had so much placed on his shoulders, and all of it was without his asking. The fate of his friends. The fate of the city. The fate of the world. Time after time, countless lives are placed into his hands, and he does his very best to bring them safely through the danger posed by ancient threats and lurking demons.
Once, living out the dream of being a hero had been fun. Back then, all he had to do was master a new power or bust down another bad guy, and then everyone laughed and went on with their peaceful lives. Back when every adventure ended before the day was over and he was back home just in time for Pigsy to start scolding him for being reckless.
But as he grows stronger, so too does his vast array of enemies. As he trains his body and masters his skills, all those who seek to oppose him are doing the same.
Which means higher stakes. More danger. More destruction. More lives on the line day by day. It means that every last friend and companion of his will end up finding themselves in danger just on account of being associated with him. His enemies are rarely noble, most of them willing to target his friends in an attempt to devastate his heart and mind, hoping to leave him mourning and unsettled. He thwarts these attempts one after another, always saving the day in the end.
His greatest fear is that a day will come where he falls short of such an accomplishment.
A fear that the Lady Bone Demon brings to the forefront of his mind. She brings this hidden terror to light, and exacerbates it.
“Foolish child. Do you really think that one person can save everyone from pain and suffering? Or are you truly arrogant enough to believe that your strength alone can forge a better tomorrow?”
She makes him want to be stronger. Smarter. Better. Good enough to protect anyone who’d ever be put in danger. Especially you.
“Y/N! Let’s hang out today! Come on, I’ve got my room set up for a Monkey Cop marathon!” He takes you by the hand, dragging you along after him with a big smile that he struggles to maintain. When he’s sad or upset, he turns to you. In turn, he makes it clear that you can always rely on him to protect you.
If he were a bit more mature, a little more confident and self-assured, he’d make for a wonderful older brother figure. He’s spontaneous, energetic, supportive… and entirely terrified that he might lose you.
That fear drives him to train harder, to work harder… to be someone you are truly and honestly proud of. To be someone you can rely on and turn to in any time of need. He tackles his training with a renewed vigor, all in preparation for the moment that you might need his protecting.
And now that said moment has come, he’s more scared than ever before. The person he fears most bears down on him as he stands in front of the person he fears losing most, and all he can do is hold strong.
“You will not stand between me and my destiny!” The Lady Bone Demon’s voice is furious, her eyes crackling with arcane energy.
The very same eyes that you have. MK doesn’t know exactly what started his suspicions, but your eyes are what confirmed his little hunch. The two of you are related in some way, he’s sure of it.
And with how insistent she is with getting her hands on you, it’s only a further nail into the coffin. There’s no denying that you and the Lady Bone Demon have some sort of connection. But what? Are you her descendant? Did she plant a seed of her essence into your forefathers long ago to ensure that some part of her would go on, and only now is returning to reclaim it? Are you simply powerful enough for her to see use in you? Does she think she could sway you to her side?
There’s a dozen explanations that could be true. However, he has no way to prove which one of them it is, because the Lady Bone Demon is staying tight lipped on why exactly she wants you, perhaps as to not give MK a chance to counter her plans.
It doesn’t matter, MK reminds himself. What she wants with you doesn’t matter. What matters is that she wants you, full stop. And if he can stop her and her well-intentioned plans, then he can save you and everybody else too. All he has to do is push a little harder.
And then?
Maybe he can just… forget about it all. Forget about the Lady. Forget about your nebulous ties to her. And everything can go back to the way it was, when he didn’t jump every time you spoke to him, when he could look into your eyes without feeling like someone had dumped ice down his shirt, when he could fall asleep next to you without waking up in a cold sweat.
He’ll forget all about it, burying it deep inside his brain.
And then things will go back to normal, with you safely under his protection.
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He knows right from the start. I sincerely believe that if someone was the Lady Bone Demon’s descendant, Wukong would be aware the very moment he met them.
A dread chill races down his spine the moment he see you, freezing him for just a second as he contemplates one of his worst fears coming true. The Lady Bone Demon is back.
Except… no, not really. That’s not her at all, is it? You’re just… some kid. With the exact same crushing spiritual pressure that she personally exerted. And the same eyes that she had.
Yeah, this isn’t a coincidence. There’s just no way. He goes off to do some digging, but not before subtly tasking MK with keeping an eye out for you while he searches for anything that could prove your ties to one of his greatest enemies.
And this is Sun Wukong we’re talking about, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. It doesn’t take him very long, whether through cleverness and trickery or sheer brute force.
Maybe the monkey demon twists a few heavenly arms to get the information he wants. Maybe he utilizes the 72 Transformations to eavesdrop on a keeper of records. Maybe he’s just got a sacred book of lineage hidden away in some pile of junk somewhere.
However he does it, he gets the job done well, with just the conclusion he’s looking for- you are indeed, of the Lady Bone Demon’s blood.
But Sun Wukong has come far from his days before Five Phases mountain. He’s not some vicious demon who bullies those around him, nor does he jump to outright murder as a solution for every last problem.
He’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, just so you can maybe prove yourself to him.
It starts with him crashing at your house without an excuse, he himself writing it off with a very unconvincing “bout of motion sickness” that would supposedly leave him incapable of comfortably riding his cloud back to Flower Fruit Mountain.
His true intention is to see what you’ll do while he’s “asleep”, laid across your couch with his head rested on a cushy pillow, tantalizingly propped-up for one who might wish to try and crush his skull or slice his throat.
Instead, you usher him to a cozy guest room, asking him to call you if he needs anything. He makes use of this several times, asking for food and water to see if you’ll poison it.
But you don’t. There’s no hand-made poison sourced from the Underworld slipped into his peach tea. No sacred knife hidden inside your sleeve. No Heaven-forged needles baked into the slice of pie you bring when he mentions being hungry.
You aren’t a scheming demon, he realizes. You’re just a good kid.
You remind kind to him, even as he intentionally tries to fray your nerves. You don’t snap or argue or whine, instead tending to his false needs with a smile on your face.
He drifts comfortably to sleep in the guest room, stomach satiated and his brain whirling. Before he passes out, he realizes with a pang of sympathy that he’s clearly the first person to have ever slept here. Stocked and furnished comfortably for anyone who might stop by and spend time with you… it’s instead been rotting without occupancy, left unused for what may well have been years.
You aren’t a bad person. You really, really aren’t. You’re just a good kid who clearly needs someone to quell the stomach-turning loneliness that finds you down each path you take.
At first, he decides to be that person out of pity. He stops by sometimes, ducking in to snag a bite from your fridge, engaging in a short but friendly conversation, watching sympathetically as the mere exchange of several sentences boosts your mood to healthy levels.
You start to anticipate his visits, making sure you have food and drink he’ll enjoy on hand. Lots of peach-filled pastries, to nobody’s surprise. Pies, tarts, cookies… it turns out that Sun Wukong has a pretty unabashed sweet tooth. He’s actually somewhat touched that you out in the effort just to make sure that he’ll have something nice to eat when he stops by.
Just as pity went to warmth, slowly that warmth comes to a peak, igniting.
Eventually, he starts taking you back to Flower Fruit Mountain to spend time with you there, trying to acclimate you to an eventual residency there with him to repay every kindness you’ve done for him.
There’s not a single pivotal moment where he realizes that he wants to keep you beside him, just a slow, day by day fall into platonic obsession. He gets attached, hard.
From your point of view, your kindness and determination to forge bonds with those around you has finally earned you a friend.
From his point of view, you’re a lonely, wayward child who needs someone nearby to protect and shelter you.
This is far from the truth, but his delusions grow by the day, in part an innocuous desire to repay your kindness, in part an unhealthy attachment to someone who has no hope of escaping from his grasp.
Really, though… if he did spirit you away, would you complain or argue? Fight or run?
Even if you did, there’s no way you’d get away from him. Just sit back, and let him take care of you, just the way you took care of him.
That’s what family does, after all.
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You’re another one of his weird kids. That’s where it starts and ends for Pigsy. You fit snugly between Mei and MK, forming a neat little trio that he wants to both throttle and hug. Just as often as you three make him feel like he’s heading to an aneurysm-induced early grave, you make him feel fulfilled and content. His noodle shop, his two best friends, his three high-energy goofy kids.
Pigsy is happy with the life he has. He’s happy with the life he’s provided for MK. He’s happy to see Mei overcome her insecurities with her family and gain their approval. He’s happy that Sandy has found peace and improved himself. He’s even happy when Tang comes to visit, though he’ll gripe about the man “freeloading” whenever he stops by.
It’s a strange, stressful life that he’s built for himself, but he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
A world he wishes was just a little kinder.
It has served him kindly enough, though. Success, family, friends, some degree of fame. Most things a person can want, Pigsy has in decent abundance.
His problem is the way it treats you.
You’re a good kid. You really are. You’ve been visiting since you were a child, and he’s watched you grow up. If it weren’t for Tang, you’d be his most frequent customer. (Because you actually pay for your food, he calls you his favorite customer, to Tang’s dismay) And because you’ve spent so much time here with him and his family, he has a pretty good feeling he understands you.
Is isn’t just the renowned food you’re coming back for. It’s the company, too.
You always come in alone and drag out your visits to last as long as possible. You make conversation whenever and wherever you get the chance, stretching out these moments of companionship for as long as you can.
You’re lonely. Not for a lack of trying, of course. You try to strike up conversations, try to reach out to others wherever you can. People seem consistently unsettled and unnerved in your presence, immediately looking for an out when you come around. No matter how kind you are or how often you try to make connection, you get left in the dust.
If you aren’t at Pigsy’s Noodles, then you’re alone. So you keep coming back, again and again. Not just for the incredible food, but for them.
For him.
It’s sad, but it warms his heart a little at the same time. You rely on him. Maybe he could go as far as to say that you need him. Who would he be, if he didn’t welcome you with open arms?
Pigsy wants you to be happy. He wants to keep you safe. And eventually, those feelings grind slowly towards wanting to keep you close.
And close he keeps you, there and then, and then, here and now.
Pigsy does not let go of you. Even as the manic wide-eyed man he only knows as “the Mayor” demands your unconscious body from him, talking about “bloodlines” and “destiny” and “the power she requires”, the chef refuses to be parted from you.
Since he can’t run, he has no chance but to stand and fight, wielding a nine-toothed rake with one hand and keeping you slung safely over his shoulder with the other. He’s never been good at fighting, so it isn’t truly an even match. He’s instead trying to block and dodge the Lady Bone Demon’s sycophantic servant, barely warding him off after each blow.
His efforts to hold out eventually do pay out, with MK stepping shortly in to knock the “Mayor” away from you both, punting him across the landscape and then into the ground from there.
Leaving Pigsy to weigh the options left before him. However, it’s not much as much of a struggle as one might assume. You’re a kid, he thinks to himself, holding you close as he examines your bruises and scrapes. You don’t need to know. What would it accomplish? Do you need to know why people fear you? Why they think of you as unapproachable? Why they run away from the kindness and warmth you offer?
Would it help you, to know the reason? No, Pigsy decides. It could only lead to trouble and heartbreak. What if you ran away from both yourself and your friends, and never came back for fear of hurting them? What if you lost the ability to trust yourself? What if you hurt yourself?
He can’t run the risk of losing you. From now on, he’s going to take a much more personal role in your life, very potentially bringing you to live in the restaurant with him and MK.
“You don’t have to worry about those two freaks, kid. Just let me look out for ya, from now on.”
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jarofstyles · 1 year
FICTOBER DAY 3- Don't You Trust Me?
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If you guys like this we can do another part for this.. hehe
FICTOBER Promts and masterlist
warnings- mention of abuse, werewolves, asshole!harry, mention of blood and injury, mention of death/killing
Y/N was silent as she looked up at the man who had the power to ruin her life standing over her. Her arms were crossed, body sat in the corner as his wolfish smile sent a shudder through her body. 
God, he was scary. The alpha of a rival pack greeting you personally in a holding cell was absolutely not what the ideal scenario would be for anyone, but especially not when it was this alpha. He wasn’t known for his kindness, his pack staying to themselves and remaining self sufficient. When her own pack had tried to come in and take over years ago when she herself was just a pup, they’d lost hundreds. The true scale and viciousness of the pack had been extremely underestimated by an arrogant alpha with no sense of fear. Surely he died with one though, at the hands of the one in front of her.
“There, there, pet. Why are you trembling?” The croon was sickening, the eyes dark as he slowly approached her cowering body. “Hm? You’ve got to understand why we had to take you in. Sniffing around our land is… unfavorable. Not a wise move.” His shoes clicked on the cement of the holding cell, the cold floor itself freezing her core. He was pawing at her, playing with his food. “Do you know who I am?” 
Y/N didn’t find her voice yet, nodding as an answer. That wasn’t good enough for him, though, and she felt it when his voice dropped and he stopped right in front of her. “You’re a big girl. Use your words. Do you know who I am.. Where you are?” 
“Yes.” She squeaked, swallowing thickly as she kept her eyes averted. “I know who you are and I know where I am.” 
“So tell me why you thought it was a good idea to turn up here?” He asked, the toe of his brown leather boot nudging her knee. “Hm? Give me your eyes when you’re speaking.” His voice tensed. “Don’t be disrespectful.” 
Y/N was terrified. This was a man who was known for devious things when provoked and the last thing she wanted to do was provoke her, but her body was frozen. “I’m s-sorry, I’m just afraid. I didn’t mean to come on to your land. I got lost.” The excuse was laughed off, the bark of laughter making her clench her fists. Why would he laugh at that? 
“Lost? You avoided all the signs?” His arms crossed over his broad chest making her sink deeper into the wall. His gaze cut like a knife into her own. “I find it hard to believe that. But let’s say I do. Why should I let you go? I see… quite an interesting pack mark on your arm.” His smile was rueful, eyes narrowed as he stared at the mark with clear detestment. “How do I know you aren’t a spy, hm?” He growled. “How do I know that the weak land you come from hasn’t gained another delusional leader, since it seems to run in your stream water, thinking they can overtake my own land?”
“I swear, that isn’t it, I don’t agree with what they’ve done in the past and I-” The interruption was another growl that made her cower back, internally hating herself for it. If she had proper food and water in her, perhaps the snark could come back where it usually sat at the tip of her tongue, but she was too tired and frightened to argue. “I was trying to escape them. I was, I was trying to throw them off my trail and making different lines for them to follow. I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t even know until I was tackled and brought up here.” Rudely, she may add. Tossed into the cell with no answer of why and no chance to explain herself. Until now. 
“Escaping?” Harry quirked a brow, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip as he observed her. There was no telling if he believed her or not, but she was wishing on every star she had that he could spare her. “Why would you try and escape them? They try to advertise being a luxurious and exclusive pack…” His eyes ran over her. “It would make sense for them to think little of me. Send their prettiest pack member over with a sob story, try and break into my strategies and secrets. There are always whispers.” 
“I-I swear to the moon, that isn’t the case. I’m leaving because- because my father promised me to the alpha’s son. He’s dangerous. I’ve been hurt so many times before just in the courting process and they won’t let me back out of this deal.” She swallowed her sob that had been crawling up her throat, terrified of her fate. “I know it sounds fake but I swear it, Alpha. I promise. They’ll put out a howl for me soon, report me missing and stolen but If I was to return, they’d kill me.” She stressed, eyes widening up at the bigger man. “Oh god, I’m going to die either way. You’re going to kill me too.”   
“Perhaps.” The werewolf Alpha replied. “If you’re lying, I’ll cut your throat myself. I’ll make an example out of you and send your arm back to your pack, with that disgusting mark branded over with our own.” It was terrifying, the way he spoke with such little care for her life- as if it would please him to make a point to the pack she was running from. “But, if you aren’t lying.. I think it would be such a beautiful turn of events if I take you in. Rub some salt in the wounds I know are still gaping open back in those artificial crystal encrusted gates.” He sneered in obvious distaste, the true hatred of her birth pack showing with his eyes. Y/N couldn’t help that tiny sliver of hope at his words, though. If he took her in?
“I promise, I swear it, I’m not lying. If you- if you can promise me safety from them, I’ll stay and work for you, I’ll do anything... You won’t regret it.” She pleaded, giving him her most honest look. She was exhausted, filthy, her ankle throbbed and her head was still bleeding from where the guard had wacked it on the tree when she flailed. All she wanted was a warm bed, a wash, some food and safety from the people she knew were hunting her. 
The strong creature gazed down at her with a silent promise. If she messed this up, she was dead. If she was out in the forest, she probably would suffer the same fate. 
“Anything?” That wolfish smirk rose on his lips, a sparkle like glint in his eyes. Y/N knew that wasn’t a good thing, but she had no choice but to nod. “Unwise to promise that, little pet. But i suppose I can let you stay.” Harry couldn’t resist the temptation to win yet another battle from her pathetic excuse of a pack. Having their most attractive member run to him for shelter? That would be the icing on the bloody cake.  “You’ll be put on probation. I need you to be watched and I will be listening in to every rumor and whisper in the wind to assure you aren’t leaking anything back.” Taking a step forward, he extended his large hand, Y/N’s swallow audible as she  was slow to place her smaller, dirt and blood stained palm into his own. 
“Lets move a bit faster, pet. Don’t you trust me?” 
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
I Got You, Little Wolf (Reader x Tywin)
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Look man I did my best for this so please cut me some slack, I really do hope you guys like it cause I went through a writers block while trying to do it.
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“You are a stark, that’s all that matters to me”
“Father said you were also a soldier, the only woman he is afraid of when she is around sharp objects”
“Good, your father needs to be afraid of something”
“You always speak of the north yet you never say why you came here”
“I was a prisoner sweet boy, I was brought in front of you father by a guard who dragged me in the castle”
“Allow me to explain my little wolf”
“Let me go you bastard”
The hound ignored the girls empty threats as he held on to her upper arm with an iron grip before he left her to crumble at the floor in front of the king and queen mother. (Y/n) lifted herself up to get on her feet, her hands were tied with a rope already bruising her wrists, still (y/n)s eyes burned with anger as she viewed the young boy that sat on the throne in an arrogant manner.
“There she is, the young wolf, (y/n) stark the twin of robb”
“Did you drag me here to show you know my family history line or are you just surprised you can remember stuff?”
“How dare you speak to your king like that”
“The north knows no king expect the king of the north, my family that you slaughtered”
She spat back, she herself was even surprised they brought her here before they execute her like they did her father, she had made peace with dying when she saw her twin brother lay dead at his own wedding, however she would not go down without giving them a piece of her mind.
“Your treacherous family betrayed my father and you were stupid enough to think you could go against us”
“Were you dropped on your head as a child? Cause certainly there is no way you actually believe that you are so invisible because your fat ass sits on a big chair, useless little boy”
“You will pay for this you bitch”
Joffrey marched at the girl to strike her in his mind he wanted to teach her a lesson for her insults, he had not gotten far when he got interrupted by the doors agape revealing his grandfather, the hand of the king.
Tywin took a few steps and investigated the scene, it seemed like the stark had already caused a stir, her dress was tarnished and she was in much need of a proper bath, mud or smoke staining her skin, what he also noticed was that the stark showed no signs of fear, she held eye contact with the old lion with her back straight in perfect line.
The moment that Tywin came close her face scowled with hatred, Tywin could not remember the last time someone showed their true feelings towards him, it was almost refreshing to see.
“The young wolf in chains, what a glorious sight”
“I am glad you find this entertaining old man”
“Careful now, that is not a way to speak to your future lord husband”
Joffrey and (y/n) said in unison. Tywin remained stoic as usual, foolishly and arrogantly Tywin moved his hand up to touch her chin only for him to quickly retreat it to protect his finger from (y/n)s teeth, the wretched Stark tried to bite him. The room roared with Tywins laughter, Joffrey shared a look of worry with his mother, neither Cersei or Joffrey had seen him laugh like this.
“You don’t only bark but you also bite, such a clever girl, you will make a wonderful lady of the rock”
“I would rather pull out my own womb and eat it than marry a Lannister”
“I am afraid you have no choice, marry or die along with your sisters, you may not care about your life but do you really want your sisters to come with you?”
Like most tales start, the princess was locked in a tower, sadly the Prince Charming was nowhere near and the monster -in this case the lion- would be taking his place. The fury in her burned her chest, she had tried everything, restrain from eating, threatening to jump off the tower, attack the guards, Tywin was always one step ahead.
Although the lord hand was smart, he was not a woman, to be a woman meant you had the natural skill of landing jabs under the belt, jabs that a man would never consider still they were the ones that hurt the most.
(Y/n) was seen smiling bright at their wedding ceremony, guzzling wine and dancing with every lord that had thrown themselves to dance with the young she-wolf, the dress was an excellent choice and in combination with her hair she looked like the embodiment of a fairytale.
Tywin could not believe his eyes, the girl had offered her time and smiled to every lord except her, he was ready to drag her out of here in front of everyone when the insufferable littlefinger lifted her up in the air by the waist, the bride wooed at the gesture, she was even seen blushing.
Luckily for Tywin, Cersei had stepped up to the Stark girl, interrupting her dance to talk to her new stepmother, a word Cersei would rather cut her tongue herself than say.
“Lady (y/n), welcome to our family, as a stark I would like to know what it is like to be married to a lion?”
“Unnecessary and oddly boring, wolves prefer to stick with their own”
She replied without even sparing a peep at Cersei which infuriated the queen mother, how dare she face the queen mother with such dismissive demeanour
It was bad enough that her father allowed the bitch to live now she took her late mothers place, her new step mother could be her daughter, Cersei always admired her father still she could not wrap her head around the motive behind it.
“I believe it is time for us to go”
“You may go, I wish to stay”
Tywin had allowed her temper to somewhat unleash when it came to Joffrey or Cersei, anyone but him, now his lady wife was dangerously stretching the rope, to play with a lion was as safe as jumping over a fire, he had already extended his kindness by just seeking her out to the dance floor after countless hours and numerous lords being able to touch her, he would not turn a blind eye when she disrespected him further.
(Y/n) yelped when Tywin latched his hand around her bicep as discreetly as possible to force her into walking out by herself, give her the option of keeping her dignity instead of acting the way he truly wanted, she stumbled at first firstly because she was distracted and the other reason was that she had gotten drunk by downing all the goblets of wine she could find since she started getting dressed.
The moment (Y/n) was safely tucked away from the prude eyes of Westeros she protested only to be met by Tywin throwing her over his shoulder, she whined at the impact of her stomach landing on the man’s shoulder with enough force to cause some bruises, quickly the pain was replaced with embarrassment, her face turned as red as roses when she saw servants scurry away while giggling.
“Put me down you old bastard”
She was only met with a smack across her bottom to silence her, instead it caused her irritation to grow, her solution was to start banging the mans back as hard as she possibly could.
Tywin basically threw her across his bed, what he did not expect was for (y/n) to be so quick on her feet and slap him across the face, she was strong enough to make his head turn from the impact, not strong enough to cause more than a decent sting.
(Y/n) rose up to attack Tywin once more, unfortunately for her Tywin was a skilled warrior, he caught her arms and forced her to lay on the bed by putting half of his weight on her.
“I should cut your tongue for that”
(Y/n)s response was to spit on the man’ face, for a split second he considered throwing her to the lions, he resorted with grabbing her by the waist with his one arm and a fistful of hair with the other with her back to his chest.
“Why the hostility little wolf? I offer you a slice of heaven and you throw it back in my face”
“What part of this resembles heaven to you?”
“Our children will rule winterfell, you are the heir of the north, if you kill me war will ensue but if you lean on me and I swear together we’ll prevail”
Winterfell, home. The words made circles in her head as her legs gave up, Tywin slowly let her touch the ground as his hand was still around and the once forceful grip on her hair had gone to a gentle caress of her locks, he had heard of the young wolfs beauty along with her bravery, at the time he had dismissed it, once he heard her bark at Joffrey an act that no one seemed to have the balls to do.
He was mesmerised, such a pretty little thing, the courage she held within her could burn all the seven kingdoms, anyone that had her by her side would be considered lucky, it was at that time that he thought of a wedding with her.
“I got you little wolf”
Call it stupidity or an urge to find home within strangers or just an act of drunkness. (Y/n) peered at the man that held her with such softness, the anger disappeared and tiredness of fighting, of surviving took its place in her heart, she needed to rest, to feel protected.
It had been the first time in years that Tywin was caught off guard by somebody, when (y/n) landed her lips on him he felt like he was thrown into a cold river from the shock, he quickly recovered to respond to her hesitant kiss while he laid her on the ground, Tywin was not known for his patience so it was only natural from him to take out his dagger and rip the gown right in the middle, leaving (y/n)s body exposed.
Tywin caressed her breasts with his fingertips, astonished at how perfect she was, any man would dream of laying with a woman like her, viewing her biting her lip when her hand found his shirt to pull him to her almost felt like he was just dreaming.
They laid on the floor all night, the stark was truly was a starving wolf in all her glory, her thirst and stamina were endless, he had thought she would want to take things at a slow pace, he had been corrected, her temper slowly creeped in as she became rough by the minute.
Tywin relished her when she took the upper hand, she was a delight to watch, listening to her cries of desires aroused him even more, she devoured the man until he had to physically force her to stop, he was certain anyone within the castle would listen to the girls groans and moans of pleasure.
“Oh there she is the beautiful lady of the rock”
A young girl approached (y/n) when she sat at the table for breakfast near the garden, to step foot outside your doorstep in the north meant you would have to wear layers of fur, here she could at least enjoy the rays of sunshine with only a light dress.
“It is an honour to meet you lady (y/n), I am margaery tyrell”
“I have heard of you lady margaery, the lady of the roses, it is nice to see another woman close to my age here in the castle”
(Y/n) had waited for the moment she could throw her young age in Cerseis face, her new step daughter was a few steps behind Margaery, the Lannister responded with a tight lipped smile with internal curses directed to (y/n), she was the wife of her father and as powerful as she thought of herself the stark was under the only person Cersei feared, her father.
“Would you mind if I joined you for breakfast?”
“I could use the company, please have a seat, both of you”
The Tyrell girl moved her chair so she can find a seat right next to the new Lannister lady, Margaery expected her to be cheerful especially after the whispers of the couples antics were the servants found the bed covers on the floor, ripped clothing and a dagger laying near by, along with some splashes of blood on the carpet instead of the mattress.
(Y/n) wanted to smash her head against the wall, the wine sounded like a good choice at the time, now her mind was pulsating from sleeping just for a couple of hours, Cersei took the time that (y/n) rubbed her temples with her fingers to examine her.
(Y/n) looked exhausted, she had shrunk in her seat and had even brought her legs up to her chest to shrivel up some more, Cersei never thought she would see the day were another woman made her uncomfortable, the adventurous of her fathers consummated marriage had reached her ears the minute she had gotten out of her bed, she had to hold herself from throwing up at the thought of her father bedding another woman, let alone a Stark.
“Such delicious treats you have here my lady, oh I am parched”
“Not this one”
(Y/n) was suffering from overindulging, thankfully she had managed to master enough strength to act instantly when Margaery went for the small pot of tea (y/n) had specifically requested. Margaery gave a look of confusion to the lady Lannister as Cersei leaned in, what was it that made (y/n) so territorial.
“I’m sorry lady Margaery it is a tea one of house from the north brought for me as a gift, unfortunately the amount was not as grand as it should be, I am savouring it”
“That is alright lady (y/n) it is perfectly normal to be homesick, especially after arriving under such cruel circumstances, I never got the chance to say my condolences”
“Why you honour me my lady, do not beat yourself up over the matter, you are the first and most likely the only one to do so”
Margaerys lips stiffened at the words (y/n) had spoken, instinctively the ginger haired beauty reached to hold the Starks hand, a small sign of alliance and mutual respect, (y/n) was a honourable woman and a defiant character, Margaery had an eye for beauty and a nose for talent, if it was anyone she needed by her side it would be (y/n).
“It is too beautiful of a day to dwell over past events”
“My apologies queen mother, I did not realise my grief over my entire family line would ruin your moment of soaking up the sun”
You would have to be blind and deaf to not understand that the angry man that was turning over the corner was like a simmer pot overflowing with anger. He had the attention of the three ladies ever since he made his presence known, as he came to the table his first move was to reach over for (y/n)s teapot, (y/n) was the only one that did not move a muscle when the man smashed the pot on the ground, making the liquid spill and stain Cerseis gown.
“Moontea!? You stupid girl, you thought you could ask the servants to smuggle such a herb without me knowing?”
“Leave us”
(Y/n) dismissed the girls and servants, Cersei and Margaery gave them some privacy, leaving the couple right when Tywin walked on her side of the table, with a clean swipe of his arm most of the plates had smashed on the ground and replaced by (y/n), she did not have time to protest when Tywin spread her legs to stand between them, forcefully he gripped her by the chin, their eyes burning holes into one another
“I did what was best for me”
“Is that so? Was that the best choice for your sisters? How long has it been since you saw them last? I suppose the executioner stand could be a nice place for a reunion”
“I will not bring an heir until I am certain you meant what you said last night”
“About winterfell?”
(Y/n) nodded instead of speaking. Tywin sighed while he shook his head in disbelief, Tywin was lord of things but he wasn’t a liar, if she gave him an heir and binds his blood with hers he would stop at nothing for his family, she deserved the seven kingdoms not just winterfell, he did not spare her life just to have her on his bed he could have bought a whore for that, no she was the only person Tywin saw (y/n) as a genuine equal to his intellect.
“My dear wife, you are by far the most annoying person I’ve crossed paths with and ever since you stepped foot in this castle you have been nothing but a pain as you strut with your insufferable attitude and sharp tongue no matter who you talk to you tick them off in a mere seconds… that is what I love about you”
“Everyone has a villain they look up to I suppose”
“I broke my rules for you little wolf, I saw something in those eyes of yours, not only do you have the guts to play this game you might also have what it takes to win it”
“So you resort to filling me up with your seed so we will be tied through our children”
Tywin held his though for a moment, he released her from his grasp as his hand ever so softly caressed the skin of her neck down to gracing over her chest, finally he snaked his arm around her waist that earned him a slight squeal that escaped from the young wolf.
(Y/n) kept her gaze into his eyes, he was a man that was not particularly charming, he was intriguing, something about him slowly lured you in, he was a man so distinguished and with such confidence in himself that you could never forget him nor what he made you feel while being around you.
Tywin thought she was made for him, such elegance with just the right amount of danger, her gaze was full of self reliance to the point that with just one glance she could make you second guess yourself, his new wife was a riddle that made his head spin, she could burn you with her passion while she offered you an unforgettable night or kill you in your sleep, a risk only a man like Tywin was willing to take.
“I will feel you up with my seed for two reasons, in hopes that we won’t only have a son but a daughter that has your thick head so you can understand what it is like when someone is trying to knock some sense into it and second because last night was a glimpse of your many hidden talents I yearn to discover”
Requests are open!
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spywhitney · 3 months
Why I'm Not Buying New Tickets for the Sydcarmy Train (For Now Anyway)
So yesterday I re-watched S3 (aside from EP10. I didn't feel like watching Sydney having a panic attack again) so I can write this with a fresher perspective.
For a little context, S3 dropped at 2am Thursday for where I was and I couldn't get to sleep because A) I was so excited to watch it and B) It was more hot than usual so that kept me awake so I watched it all immediately.
My main stance is not that I don't necessarily doubt sydcarmy will happen, but rather I don't like the idea of it as much as I did before S3. Now, to my points:
Season 4 May Be the Last Season I believe it will be, or if we're lucky (???), an extra season. With how the story has gone thus far, and how the actors are being catapulted into the spotlight, I doubt there will be time for a satisfying sydcarmy ending.
Carmen Is No Longer Attractive as a Male Lead
The bear is a show of flawed characters that we can all connect, sympathise and root for in one way or another.
I had a hard time finding the Carmy from the previous seasons, or enough of the good traits that made him sympathetic enough for me to overlook his unsavoury ones. The yelling, ignoring, the disrespect, the arrogance, the abandonment, the neglect (and whatever else I haven't said) directed at Sydney (and everyone else, but she gets the worst of him the most often) doesn't make me want to see them kiss.
The first word that came to mind is gross. Could you imagine if a friend explained what Sydney has went through with Carmen then revealed they're getting into a romantic relationship with him? There's a certain ick factor that can't be undone completely by longing stares, chemistry and hundreds of analysis posts for me.
If being around your "soulmate" is leading to deteriorating health, it's not worth it. Smells too much like struggle love to me, and I'm not fond of the implications of that.
Dwindling Faith in the Execution of Sydney’s Character I held an expectation that S3 will be heavily focused on Sydney, but she was side-lined once again, and not for characters or arcs that I and a lot of viewers wanted to see. (Not to mention how this season was in general).
This season was mostly rising action and conflict, and with that we've seen Sydney at her lowest and have to wait to see if she will be victorious before the end (the word victory was first said by Sydney and one other person so far in the show, so I hope that's a good sign).
I don't want to sit through watching a black woman be a workhorse/emotional support/"work wife" to a white guy, or just anyone really. There was microscopic if non-existent reciprocity or at the bare minimum acknowledgement of what Sydney has done for everyone and the restaurant (and not just from Carmen).
Carmen Has to Change More Than Sydney Does His flaws far out weigh the severity of Sydney's. With S3, him not being okay is making Sydney not be okay, this is something I was concerned about in S2 with all the parallels, while some are sweet/romantic, others like the throwing up, the ticket machine and now the panic attacks, are too largely negative to be overlooked.
Saying that Sydney is becoming Carmen is not a stance I agree with (or want to believe), but for the show so far he's been giving her more problems, more stress and not enough care, respect, love to make up for it. Sydney has a flaw of not being vulnerable and expressing herself. It affects herself and her relationships with others, but not to the point where they're worse of. Carmen's flaws are negatively affecting Sydney's health, while despite her flaws, Sydney's strengths positively affect Carmen without fail. See where the problem is? Sydney has nothing to gain (and so far, has gained nothing substantial) from being around Carmen in any capacity, while Carmen has continued to benefit from her presence.
Again, it's kind of hard to root for them when romance involves people who compliment each other, make each other better. "You make me better at this." This is certainly true for Carmen, but Sydney? I don't see how this has been illustrated, or at most to a significant extend to where the negative aspects of their dynamic are out trumped. (Sidenote: At least Claire was getting lovingly touched and getting fucked by Carmen while Sydney was building up their dream restaurant alone. That's some nasty work.)
Sydney Deserves a Changed Carmen, Not a Struggling One Or a different love interest altogether. (Luca, where are you at? My condolences to the sydmarcus crowd, they really burned your ship in S2 then let it sink in S3.)
This connects to my very first point, but I don't think there will be enough time for Carmen to improve to be the man Sydney deserves. He also has yet to suffer the consequences for how he's treating Sydney. So far he has suffered at his own mind and trauma, but that's not enough for me. He has yet to pay his dues when it comes to Sydney, so the the idea that she will stay with him and The Bear and wait around for him to be and do better when she's been doing that three seasons straight doesn't sit right with me.
Like Sydney's gone through all that she's gone through (mostly due to Carmen) only for Carmen to be what she gets at the end? Eh, no thanks. (Especially if Sydney doesn't get loved up and taken care of by someone deserving, succeed professionally and win in general.)
Subtext, Glorious Subtext Last one. Whoop whoop! Being a sydcarmy has made watching this show so much better.
However, I can't be the only one who at times is getting tired of hyperfixating on subtext only for it to amount to nothing.
But, I have a few observations myself. I don't want Sydney to stay with Carmen/at the bear, I want her to leave. I have a feeling she won't but:
-In S3 EP5, when Sydney asked Carmen if he knew if Ever was special when he was there and I think he said he didn't, but Sydney said it was good he got to experience it.
-The only noteworthy Claire scene where she talks about the girl who fell into a glass table and laughed after the surgery, and Claire said she thinks the wounds didn't hurt yet. (And the scar on Carmen's hand. Is that from the pilot S1 episode when he grabbed the pan?)
-When it's revealed Terry is closing Ever, Richie presumes the reason is because she's depressed, but it's revealed she just didn't want to do it any more.
-The ever chef told Sydney if it wasn't for Terry closing he'd probably be there forever.
With these moments I like to think Sydney's arc is learning to move on, to not make "everything the thing". Carmen is the one who needs to stay at the bear, in one place and work on becoming himself with where he's at.
I may add onto this later, if you've read this far thank you, and I hope it was interesting. Links below are my rants on S3 and sydcarmy. Pretty sure you could decode the five stages of grief in them- I'm so dramatic lol.
This This And this
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floralifetime · 1 year
Toruk Makto's Sister
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Warning: Very bad writing, some grammatical error (English is not my first language, so please be kind), mentions of racism, mentions of death, mentions of abandonment.
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⚠️⚠️Phrase and image are not mine, all credits to the owners.⚠️⚠️
Orange means Na'vi language.
Chapter n.6 The Tsahik
A king bows only to his queen.
Another Na'vi, decidedly more adult and important than those who had surrounded my brother, was the owner of the voice. She looked annoyed, her tail wagged quickly as she walked, I don't know if she was mad at us or the others given the reaction they had towards Jakey and mine. I lost myself in watching her for a couple of minutes, just as she made her way towards my brother and me. As that woman joined us, I lost myself in observing her around me too, more carefully than I ever did before. Neytiri didn't look concerned, like what seemed to be usual about her. However I noticed in them a hint of…Pain, perhaps? Is that what keeps them from getting the best idea of our race? What have we done?
“And who is this supposed to be?” my brother asks, whispering while I sigh again and look at him with a look that couldn't be more tired than his big mouth. “You told me to be still, not quiet!” he tries to be ironic and I can't help but agree with him. “Yeah, then please don't say anything stupid, okay? For the rest, stay still, is that clear?” I hiss at him, even though I've just realized that I've dug my own grave anyway having given him permission to speak anyway. “That is my mother, the one who interprets Eywa's will.” Neytiri introduces her, always with her composure but also with a hint of curiosity, I don't understand towards what or who. I nod and, clearly, my brother immediately had to make me regret my kind concession. “Who is Eywa?” he whispers, because he somehow understood that he will get less “punishments” if he only talks to me. I sigh heavily and look at him sideways, slowly turning my head towards him, still holding a calm and deep breath, otherwise I would have gotten angry with him again and I didn't have much strength to do it, I also lacked the desire, I wanted to keep my rage to “protect” both in case the Na'vi decide to attack. “Ok, I got it. Shut up, Jakey.” I hissed and he immediately understood that it was better not to mess with me.
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Meanwhile the lady had joined us, she went around my brother, examining the tail, the queue, and the body in general. She seemed very rude towards him and I wondered if she would use the same bullying with me once she was done with Jakey. I can bear it, I've been through worse, but I wonder if little ones can do it and what he will think of me, an Avatar who carries little ones of clear Na'vi origin on her shoulders. What if she doesn't believe my story? They don't trust us, we must have done something really bad to get that much suspicion from them, so even my brother's word might not help our situation much…The only one who could calm things down in such circumstances would be Neytiri who didn't show the slightest sign of disturbance when I mentioned the children earlier, perhaps she had already seen me taking care of them then, or she had imagined that I would not hurt them. I don't know, but guessing is currently useless, I just have to take what comes and react accordingly, hoping that my words and my story are convincing enough for her. I also hope she doesn't ask me to deprive myself of the little ones, I already love them, I don't want to be separated from them, at least it's not the best thing for them but I know that I will suffer a lot in case.
“What's your names?” she asked suspiciously. “I'm Jake Sully.” my brother replied as he looked at her with a look too arrogant for my liking, a nudge from me got him to fix this, but it was disrespectful that he didn't bow his head when the Tsahik presented herself in front of him, which I had done. The woman nodded, she didn't seem to be offended or want to make a tragedy of the fact that Jakey didn't properly show the respect an important figure like hers deserves, I sighed relieved because we are in enough trouble even without her joining us too. The woman's cautious and suspicious eyes moved to me, she hadn't examined me yet, but I think she won't be long in doing so. “And what about you?” she asked me, with a slightly softer voice than the one used for my brother and a more good-natured look than the previous one. Perhaps she appreciates my showing respect in a way that she deems appropriate for her culture. Here we are in their home, showing respect and behaving as their culture wants is the minimum. I raised my arm slowly, bringing two fingers to my forehead and bending down, greeting the Tsahik as any other Na'vi would, no difference in manner or fluidity of movement. Sometimes I amaze myself how natural it is for me to behave like them. “Oel ngati kameie, Tsahik. My name is Y/N Sully. May I ask what your name is?” Tsahik smiled briefly, I don't know if she has ever smiled at a Dreamwalker, but from the astonished and incredulous reactions of the other Clan members, I can surmise that it never happened. “Mo'at, child. My name is Mo'at. Oel ngati kameie.” I bowed my head again. “That's a wonderful name, Tsahik. Your daughter has a beautiful name too.” I didn't fail to notice the smile briefly appearing on both of their faces, even though Neytiri isn't very close, I can still see her quite clearly. Mo'at pricked my brother with a sharp bone, then ran a finger over the wound and brought it to her lips. It's their way, they taste some of your blood so they can get a deeper opinion about you and whether they should trust you or not. From what I know it is something that only the Tsahik has the power to do, but I would not exclude that this method can also be taught to those who follow the training to become such, perhaps the best.
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After checking my brother carefully, Mo'at approached me. She walked around me, carefully examining my hair, my tail, the queue at the end of my braid but she was much more delicate with me than my brother, probably in homage to the respect I showed her, also because she would have had no other reason to be so kind. “Can I see your wrist, kind and respectful girl?” she asked in a soft tone, more conciliatory and warm than the cold and slightly nervous one used towards my brother. The difference in treatment between my brother and me cannot be more accentuated than this. I just nod as I offer her my wrist, the wounded one. She doesn't sting me, she loosens the leaf slightly, takes a drop of blood with her finger and brings it to her lips. Not even a second later she opens her eyes wide in an expression mixed between admiration and amazement, quite the opposite as I look at her confused and worried, not so much for her opinion as for her health. “Are you okay, Tsahik?” I ask alarmed, the last thing I want is to cause suffering to any of them, despite being a member of the army, hurting is not something that drives me crazy, quite the contrary. Mo'at took a deep breath and then turned to her daughter. “Neytiri!” Her name was called with such urgency that I became more concerned for Tsahik's health. Her daughter was beside us in a hurry, looking at her mother knowingly, as if she expected to be called for the reason she thought, meanwhile I'm not understanding much. “Proceed too.” her mother invited her, Neytiri did the same thing Mo'at had done before her, her look when she tasted my blood showed more awareness than amazement.
“What do you feel?” her mother asked her, in a tone I couldn't describe and a look I couldn't decipher. “Brave heart, noble spirit, kind soul.” she make a list and I couldn't help but look down with a purple hue spreading across my cheeks, even reaching down to my ears and the base of my neck given how embarrassed I was. I don't know how long I remained in that position, but at a certain point I felt an elbow hit that forced me to raise my eyes, meeting the much more benevolent gaze of both Na'vi women. “She must be special…” Mo'at murmured. “I knew she would be up to it.” began, still calmly, Neytiri. “How did you know? You spoke of signals from the Great Mother, tell me one.” replies her mother, I don't dare interrupt and, thanks to the Great Mother, not even Jakey dares to say anything. “Utral Tirea interacted with her, the Atokirinas seemed attracted to this particular girl. Now do you all understand why I couldn't kill her and had to bring her here?” It seemed that every single Na'vi of the Clan had released as much air as their lungs could hold in a single instant. I looked around to check on the other Clan members, see if I could figure out what was going on. Disbelief was the feeling that was the most popular, but a touch of distrust and denial continued to be in the depths of their looks. Jakey always says that I'm good at reading other people's emotions, but I don't think it's true, even if I admit that I'm someone who observes a lot, there's no doubt about it. “Utral Tirea, that's not possible.” I turned to where the voice was coming from and noticed that it was Tsu'tey who had spoken, Neytiri stared at him as if she had interpreted his denial as a challenge. “And yet it happened. I saw it with my own eyes, even the Atokirinas are a sign of the Great Mother, clearer than these could not happen.” Neytiri replied firmly. “Atokirina? Utral Tirea react like this with a demon? One of those who have caused us so much suffering?! It is not possible! They are too pure for this scum!” Tsu'tey replied more and more furious, with the corner of my eye I noticed that my brother was quivering with anger towards this Na'vi, for the words he had addressed to me. “Why are you sacred and pure? But do me the favor! If you were, you wouldn't have talked to Y/N like that without even know her!” my brother retorted aloud, anticipating whatever Neytiri might want to say. Tsu'tey turned to him and hissed at him showing his fangs, Jakey reciprocated but, before the irreparable could happen, a voice was heard screaming. “SILENCE!”
It was Eytukan's voice, he had slipped between my brother and Tsu'tey, although it was clear that he didn't want to be in that place. “Your Tsahik hasn't finished examining the female demon yet! And if my daughter is telling the truth, the signs have been clear! Let your Tsahik finish the job she is doing and only then will we take a decision!” Mo'at wore a disappointed look as she stared at the man who, earlier, had led some kind of cavalry against me, Jakey, and the little ones. After a brief moment of silence where tension you could cut with a knife, what I had been waiting for happened. Both children, evidently exhausted by the amount of tension and psychological distress I was dealing with, burst into desperate tears. Hearing their cries all the Na'vi were alarmed, Mo'at moved my hair and immediately noticed the little ones crying. “I knew it would happen sooner or later. They have been too good at remaining silent and still until now.” I spoke through clenched teeth, turning to my brother who was already staring at me for directions, ears pulled back to try and escape the confusion caused by the children. “Come and give me a hand.” I wanted to smile but I was exhausted and couldn't. My brother approached me cautiously, while Mo'at and Neytiri watched him suspiciously, I don't know what they think he might do, but he would never harm children that small. “Check them and then pass them both to me, okay?” My brother nods and, after I hiss at him twice at his lack of delicacy, he carefully pulls out both male and female, and he passes them to me.
“Shhh…I know my loves, screams are bad.” I whispered while I cradled them both in my arms, the two little ones looked around frightened, they seemed to be looking for someone, they stopped looking around only when they saw me, guided by the purr I made to reassure them. "It's all right my little ones, you're safe." I said softly as I gently pressed them to me. The little girl, while she was looking at me, snuggled against my chest clutching my shirt and, listening to my purrs and feeling me kissing her forehead, she soon calmed down by herself, coming to emit only a few sporadic sounds, much calmer. Luckily for me the little girl seems to have a basic quiet disposition, so calming her crying doesn't seem to be difficult, which cannot be said of the little boy, who kept crying. I wanted to join in the cry too since the little one had wrapped her little tail around my injured wrist and held it tight. Having calmed the girl, I diverted my attention to the boy. “Awww, what about you baby? Why are you crying, are you scared?” A few strands of my hair fell forward and, swinging, enchanted the little one. “Do you like my hair, my little one?” The baby moved his little hands and arms, grabbing my locks and starting to play with it, my laughter helped calm the little one who also ran his little hands over my nose. “Everything is fine, my little ones. I'm here with you, it's all right.” I reassured them both, because even if I'm looking at the boy, I have to make the girl feel my attention too. The little one gave me a toothless, rubbery smile, laughing as I kissed his nose and wrapped his little tail around my wrist, squeezing it like he was worth his life. The girl draws my attention complaining about her, so I slowly turned towards her, also because the boy didn't want to leave my locks. “It's all right my baby.” I whispered to her tenderly. “Do you want a kiss too?” I asked her about her as I heard her moan, I smiled and lifted her slightly towards me, then kissed her face a couple of times, making her smile and giggle again.
Finally having calmed both babies I was able to lift my head to meet suspicious gaze but with a hint of tenderness of Mo'at, I looked at Neytiri and saw her staring at me with a much more tender and convinced look of my good intentions than the mother's . “I didn't kidnap them, if that's what you think.” I anticipated as I cuddled both babies. “Then where did you get them?” she asked me, looking at the little ones, probably she was trying to find any possible wounds or marks. “I found them in the forest, their crying led me to them. As you can see they are all painted.” I started by showing the boy who didn't moan if I moved him slightly for Tsahik to see, as opposed to the girl who moaned and cried if I tried to pull her slightly away from my chest. Mo'at looked at him carefully and her golden eyes widened at the sight of the paint that still smudges him, I hadn't had time to wash them and I didn't even think about it to be honest. “Even the girl has the same colors and shapes painted on her.” I explained as Mo'at moved closer to the baby to better observe him. “Can I hold him?” My eyes widened, I never expected her to ask permission, I thought she just took it. “Sure, here.” I smiled and handed her the little one who didn't seem very happy with the change, he moved confusedly and looked around disoriented, whimpering. Contrary to what I expected Mo'at smiled and waved me over. I did it and as soon as the little one saw me he smiled and calmed down and stretched out his little hand to touch me, I smiled, I stretched out my free hand and let him take my fingers, I sighed moved by his toothless smile.
While the little one was distracted by my fingers and playing with it, Mo'at examined him carefully for a couple of minutes. “Can you confirm that the marks on the boy are the same as those on the girl?” she asked me. “Sure, they're the same, I have a feeling they don't mean anything right, it's that true?” Mo'at looked at me for a couple of seconds, then exchanged glances with her daughter and spoke again. “Do you care and take care of two children who are not even of your species?” I looked at her strange. “Of course I do, why shouldn't I?” I asked her without quite understanding what she was getting at, I don't know if she's being serious or if she's bluffing to test my intentions but I don't really want to think about it. “What should I have done, in your opinion? Leave them both where I found them and walk away ignoring that they needed someone to take care of them?” I insist. “We both know that if I had turned my back on them they would never have survived, both from predators and from the temperature of the forest at night. They are too young to stand a whole night in the forest.” Tsahik moved her ear slightly, letting me know that she was listening to me much more attentively than I expected. “Why should these innocent children die, who have done nothing wrong? It doesn't matter what species they are or I am, anyone would have done it in my shoes, even you. And you know very well that it is.” I conclude, I don't reveal what I really feel, that is slightly offended that Mo'at even thought about the possibility of abandonment, I would never do it. Despite this, I can't help wondering the reason behind this insinuation of hers. “And if I told you that these children have a family here and that it is better that they grow up with them, what would you tell me?” I swallow hard, trying everything not to cry. The eventuality I feared had presented itself, the little ones have another family and I would have to give them back, I don't want to do it but the doubt eats me up. Would I really be able to raise them? What's best for them? Is what's best for them the same as what's best for me? If they really have family, why didn't I see anyone when I found them?
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I feel a hand on my shoulder that makes me turn, making me see my brother who smiles at me. “If they really had a family they would have already recognized and claimed them, don't you think? I think she's lying to test you.” my brother whispers. I look at the little girl who is still curled up against my chest and I can't think of giving up on her, I look at the little boy who is still playing with my fingers and I can't think of giving up on him either, but what would be the right thing for them to do? “If their family is willing to take good care of them I can consider leaving the babies to them, but what about their lack of attention in the forest? If they were a family worthy of the name, they would have rescued the little ones.” I start. “They may not have heard them.” she replies. “Don't lie to me, we both know how loud babies are capable of crying, at least if they were here I don't see why they shouldn't have heard them.” I answer back. “If it was really the best for them, I might as well do it. But I have to be sure, aware that they will take care of the little ones in the best way. Let me express my doubts given how they behaved and how they left them in the forest.” I don't leave her time to speak. “Because there's no way I'm leaving the little ones in the hands of whoever left them there, since we both know that the little ones didn't come alone in the middle of the forest. Someone brought them there, and who could it be but a family member? They are so small, there are still purple parts near their fingers.” I say, pointing to the purple halos present near the little one's fingers. “That said, I have no intention of leaving them in danger. They drew an archery target on their chests, I don't think it's a mistake, it was done on purpose.” I sighed. “I'll keep them with me, at least I won't abandon them in the forest. Please let me take care of them, I love them already.” I conclude. Mo'at smiled and allowed me to pick up the boy again. Having done this, she moved away from me slightly and began to speak in a serious and peremptory tone, addressing the entire Clan, while Neytiri approached me, I don't know why.
“These children were abandoned by their parents, they would have died of cold and hunger if it hadn't been for the kindness and courage of this Dreamwalker! Observe and learn because here among us there is someone who dared to commit the worst sin against their children, of the gifts that the Great Mother has entrusted to these two parents. Learn from her, who didn't leave them in the forest to die of starvation, despite the fact that they are children that don't belong to her and are of totally different species from hers, for her this difference doesn't matter because she loves these children as if they belonged to her! She proved herself better than theirs parents and better than us who didn't realize the tragedy that was about to unfold under our noses!” she turned to me, who was kissing the boy's cheeks, holding the girl close to me, and beckoned me to approach her. Unsure, I looked around as Neytiri waved me over to her mother. Still uncertain, I approached Mo'at, not knowing what she had in mind and what to do. “Children deserve to grow up with those who love them and it is clear that you love them, the little ones will stay with you!” I smiled moved. “Irayo, I don't know what else to say except…Irayo.” I hugged the little ones to me, happy that they would remain under my care. “Don't thank me, I didn't do anything relevant. You did everything, you and the love you feel for your little ones.” I bowed my head respectfully and walked back to my brother who was smiling contentedly, I noticed Neytiri was smiling too. “Jakey, did you see? They will stay with me!” I cheer happily as he widens his smile further and kisses my forehead. “Yes, these little guys are lucky, nobody loves them more than you.” I nod and look around, noticing Neytiri staring at me as if she wants to get closer but she can't, I don't know why she hesitated so much, I don't understand why she's undecided, she has shown that she isn't afraid to say or do what comes to her mind.
“Neytiri!” I called her and her ears moved, she heard me and she was listening. “Come here, come and see them.” I invited her, she looked around for a second and then approached me cautiously, as if she didn't want to scare the children. I took a couple of steps towards her, so we met halfway. I moved my arm slightly where I was holding the boy, he moved his ears constantly to listen to all the noises around us, while the female didn't seem at all interested in anything that surrounded us, it seemed as if it was enough for her to be safe among the my arms, as if she wanted nothing else. “This here is the boy.” I said to her as I saw her bend down a bit to have a better look at him. The little one, for his part, smiled and cooed happily. “He's already a talkative one.” I smiled as Neytiri stroked his face, letting him grab her finger. “And also very strong. He could make an excellent warrior or an extraordinary hunter.” she said looking at me. “You have nothing against it?” she asked me. “No, he can become whatever he wants, I'm sure Eywa will have chosen the most suitable path for him.” I smiled kissing the baby's forehead. “I trust her.” I say and see her smile, she seems to be happy with what I said. “And this is the girl.” I told her, showing her the little girl who had moved her ear slightly, showing that she had heard us. “She seems to be more calm and reserved than her little brother.” I smiled as Neytiri gently ran a finger over the little girl's black tufts, they both smiled as the little girl turned her little head to look for me. “She look for her mom, the one who gives her unconditional love.” Neytiri smiled while I couldn't hold back a happy, relieved smile.
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“Fixed this problem, tell us why you came here.” Mo'at's voice interrupts mine and my brother's celebreations and the happy moment shared with her daughter. We turn around and Jakey seems to have forgotten the warning I gave him earlier. “Oh, we are here to learn.” my brother replies. “We already tried to teach some human beings, it didn't go well. It's hard to fill a cup that's already full.” she affirmed with a hint of disappointment and resignation in her tone and look. “Trust me, my cup is totally empty.” my brother jokes and I just can't help but giggle. “It's true, yours is filled only with air.” I smiled as he looked at me in mock offense. “Why are you looking at me so badly, it's true!” I say laughing. “In addition to being full of air, it is also hard!” I finish as Jakey tugs at my hair, giggling too. “Lucky for us yours isn't like that!” he says. “You're joking I hope! If my cup was like yours, we'd all be dead by now!” we both laughed and not even Mo'at or Neytiri could keep from smiling or snorting lightly. “Maybe her cup isn't quite empty.” smiled my brother pointing to me. I looked at him as if he was crazy. “What? It is not true!” I immediately denied, I'm far from having the “cup full” as they say. “But yes, it's you who can speak their language, you proved it. It is you who know how to behave towards their most important figures, you have proved it. In any case, you know how to deal with them, their traditions, their rites, you know these things.” he began to say. “It's not true and anyway, even if it was, I'm far from knowing everything as she means and as you think.” I explain. “It wouldn't hurt to learn a little more and enrich my mind. Fill my cup further.” I conclude, looking at him with what should be a raised eyebrow, in the human body it would be. “Would you be willing?” Tsahik's voice interrupted both of us. “What?" I asked her, confused, not so much about what she said as about what she meant. “He is right.” she begins, pointing to my brother who was looking at me triumphantly, he loves to be right. “You have shown that you know much more than he does. Would you be willing to increase your knowledge? If any of us taught you, would you be willing to learn?” she asks me. “Sure, I would really like to be honest.” I smile as Mo'at nodded and turned to my brother.
“What are you?” she asked looking at Jakey. “We are all warriors, of Clan Jarhead.” I turned to him, obviously he had to say his nonsense, otherwise he's not happy. I was afraid this statement from him might cause him trouble, so I approached him. "Warrior? Ah! I can kill him easily!” Indeed, exactly the result I expected. I recognized the voice, it was Tsu'tey's, who hadn't spoken yet since Neytiri described what had prompted her to bring Jakey and me here. I took self-defense courses, both at due to the will of of my older brother and because I felt safer knowing some tricks to defend myself in unpleasant situations, which I happened to find myself in several times. I quickly place myself between Tsu'tey and my brother, knocking the Na'vi warrior to the ground by sweeping both of his legs off. I was quick enough to surprise him, as he fell on his back like a sack of potatoes, yellow eyes wide and an incredulous expression on his face, I had to use all my strength not to laugh, embarrassing him more. “I rarely pull such drastic maneuvers, so I don't think you'll see any more for a while, but I can't let you threaten Jakey. Have I been clear?” I spoke using a firm but at the same time sweet tone, like that of a mother who scolds her son for a not too serious problem. He remained silent, while I leaned towards the little girl to kiss her cheek, hearing her giggle. Everyone around me seemed to move in slow motion, with bated breath, I don't know who he is, if he had led the warriors when I arrived he must have some importance within the Clan, however I don't care. As with Eytukan, if you don't deserve my respect you won't get it. I'm kind not stupid.
“If you stay silence we don't get along my friend.” I smiled as he scrambled to his feet, not expecting to be knocked down by a Dreamwalker, that's for sure. “I'm not your friend!” he yelled in my face. “Hey, take it easy! You are nobody to threaten Jakey, I don't care who you are! Respect and you will have respect back!” Before Tsu'tey could answer, another voice caught our attention. “Stop!” it was Eytukan, and I haven't heard him speak for quite a while. “They are the first Dreamwalkers of their…Kind, that we know, we need more information.” I smiled and walked towards my brother who smiled. “Maybe I should have warned you before she did it, but there's no point in provoking her.” Tsu'tey answered him by hissing at him. “Fine, the decision is made.” this is the voice of Mo'at, taking a step towards her daughter. “My daughter, you will teach the boy. You will teach him how to walk and talk like us.” Neytiri was not happy with this part of the decision. “But why me? It's not right!” she moaned. “You brought them here, you will help educate them.” her mother replied, firm. “I would have preferred to take care of the girl.” she continued to moan. “Tsu'tey will take care of her.” her mother froze her, and Tsu'tey and I also froze in place. “Me?! And why should I teach something that can't be learned to someone who can't learn!?” he protested vehemently. “I said the decision is made!” Mo'at raised her voice slightly as I rocked the children so they wouldn't get scared. “You, my daughter, will teach Jakesully, while you, my brother, will teach Y/Nsully. Neytiri you will also teach to walk and talk like us, Tsu'tey, you can do without teaching our language, she seems to already be able to speak it. Learns well, Jakesully and maybe your insanity can be cured.” her eyes sought mine. “I can already tell that you will do well, Y/N.” she smiles kindly. “Thank you very much, Tsahik.” I nod. “As for you, Tsu'tey.” her gaze returns to the warrior, and she approaches and whispers something to him that I can not hear.
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After helping me put the babies back in their carriers, Neytiri and Tsu'tey accompanied us and guided us to a healing tent. “Well, who comes in to help her? You or me?” she asks once we reach the tent entrance. “It's up to you, I can't bear to start being with her so soon.” spits Tsu'tey, with much poison ill-concealed in his words, a snake is less poisonous than him. “Okay, but you're not doing well.” Neytiri retorts, Tsu'tey rolls his eyes as Neytiri escorts me inside the tent. “Behave yourself, Jakey!” I tell him as I enter. Once inside, she and I remained alone in comfortable silence while she treated my wounds, at least comfortable silence until I asked her questions about the herbs she used and the method of use, already showing my boundless curiosity and desire to learn. I wonder why Mo'at assigned me to Tsu'tey and not Neytiri who seems more enthusiastic about me than my brother.
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Once out we went back to Jakey and Tsu'tey, the former was happy to see us the second not much, on the contrary, he probably would have preferred to see only Neytiri. To be honest I'm sorry he feel that way about us but I can't tolerate my brother being so openly threatened I couldn't do anything for Tommy, for Jakey I must be able to do something or else what kind of sister am I? I hope that the conception of me will improve over time, after all I'm not here to be despised, but to learn a culture that I think is fascinating and capable of teaching a lot to those who are willing and courageous to question themselves and learn it. “Now we take you to another tent where you can change into more suitable clothes.” Neytiri communicated as Jakey placed the last kiss on my head. "Alright. Irayo.” I smiled, I noticed a strange look in Tsu'tey, as if he was about to make fun of me but was interrupted right on the best by something done too correctly to be resumed.
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The walk was very silent on my part at least, not so much on Jakey's part since I had to call him constantly, he stopped often and willingly, or embarrassed both me and himself, I would have preferred to know him in silence. “Here we are, decide who enters first. If you need a hand with the little ones, I can come in with you.” once again it is Neytiri who gives us a minimum of indications. “Doesn't it bother you to help me?” I ask, she shrugs. “No, it must be complicated with two such young children.” I nod. “Yes, I would like.” I smile even if I hear Tsu'tey snort. “What is it Tsu'tey? Do you want to keep the little ones?” he widened his eyes and looked at the smiley faces on my shoulders, you could tell he didn't know where to start. “Obviously.” I conclude as both me and Neytiri, who was smiling, enter the tent. I took off the carrier and set it down on the floor, kneeling in front of my babies, smiling and playing with both of them as Neytiri gathered a couple of dresses to give me. “Here, these are for you.” she said handing me some simple but very nice clothes, with some light decorations superbly drawn on the fabric of both the thong and the top. “They don't belong to anyone?” I asked, just to be completely sure I wasn't stealing anything. “No.” she just answered. “The decors are very nice, I didn't think there would be.” I think out loud and her eyes widen. “Do you already know that the most decorated clothes are worn by the most important members?” she asks me, amazed. “Yes, I thought being an apprentice would not give me access to the beautiful clothes you wear.” I nod as I take the clothes from her hands and look at them more closely. “You are a peculiar apprentice, the Great Mother seems to have taken a liking to you, so I thought you might wear a couple of decorations.” she explains while I nod and look at them without quite understanding how to wear them. “Uhm…Would you give me a hand?” I ask her embarrassed, she smiles and approaches. She helps me take off my human clothes and put on the typical Na'vi clothes. “Irayo, I didn't think I could hope for such kindness.” I smile as I let the children look at their mother's new clothes. “Huh? Neytiri did a great job, what do you think?” I asked as I lifted them one by one, making them both laugh. “Come on, Tsu'tey and your brother are waiting for us. And Tsu'tey doesn't have much patience.” she smiles, I put the carrier on my shoulders and we go out. Again Jakey fills me with affection and compliments when he sees me with the new clothes, then it's his turn and his loincloth has no decoration like mine, Tsu'tey must have respected the custom to the letter, in fact he glared at Neytiri when he noticed that my clothes were decorated, albeit slightly. “Everyone must be having dinner by now, let's go.” Tsu'tey cuts short, and we set off.
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Once we arrived we realized that Tsu'tey was right and everyone was eating in more or less large groups, all seated in a circular manner. Tsu'tey starts off without saying anything while Neytiri motions us to follow her and sit down with them. Jakey, as we walk, has to apologize several times because he steps on almost every tail he comes across. Finally we can sit down and thank goodness I am provided with two baby bottles made of leaves to be able to feed the little ones so I can sit quietly and feed them while my brother tries to talk to Neytiri without her being very happy with the interaction.
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“Excuse me?” I hear myself called and I turn towards the direction from which the little voice is coming, finding myself in front of a little girl but still bigger than my two little ones. I smile at her softly “Hi baby, can I help you?” I ask inviting her to sit next to me. The girl accepts and sits down. “Yes, well…I wanted to know…” she looks doubtful and embarrassed, I smile at her hoping to encourage her. “Don't be afraid, honey.” I encourage her. “Here, I wanted to know if you and him.” points to my brother. “Are mates. And if they are your children.” My eyes widen, the children evidently not being allowed to attend the huge assembly that was called upon our arrival, and Jakey turns around with a shocked face. “Um…No, darling, we're not mates.” I smile and reach out to stroke her cheek, the little one leans into my touch. “He and I are brother and sister. He is a year older than me, while the little ones here I found alone in the forest and I took them with me because I couldn't leave them there.” she nods in concentration and my brother has to say something of his. “I love her, but not like this.” I snort smiling and my expression makes the little girl laugh. “Irayo!” she says out of nowhere and I look at her confused. “Why irayo, honey?” she looks at me with a toothy smile. “Because everyone say Dreamwalkers aren't nice, but you are!” she nods convinced and I smile at her innocence. “Sure honey, but I'll tell you a secret. There are Dreamwalkers who are kind and good. We are not all the same.” I say tenderly tapping a finger on her nose, she giggles cheerfully covering it. “Are you rare?” she asked me in the tone of someone who has discovered a beautiful treasure. I reflect, I don't know what to answer. If I told her a lie, I could expose her to dangers, if I told her the truth…Well, I don't want to disturb her innocence as a child, all little ones need to believe in the magic and goodness of the world, it's reassuring. It is for this reason that explaining evil and its existence to them is not easy at all. I'm in the military, safety first. “Yes, little one. Unfortunately we are quite rare.” I nod. “But you know what? This makes you even luckier, because you know not just one good Dreamwalker, but two! Me and my brother.” the little girl smiles and, before she can say anything else, she is called back by a little boy, I think he is her older brother. “Thank you for answering me. Have a nice dinner and have a good rest!” I greet her in their own way and she happily reciprocates and then runs to join her older brother. I smile gently as I watch her walk away, she's a lovely little girl.
“You were kind.” I hear someone talking next to me, I turn to notice that Tsu'tey was looking at me with a twinkle in his eyes that I can't decipher, as I kiss the forehead of the little boy in my arms. “It's not my habit to be aggressive.” I nod as he looks at me with a gleam of amusement behind that hard, angry gaze. “Except when you knocked me down.” he reminds me and I can't help but giggle. “Well, you threatened my brother.” I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world, and to me it is. He nods and the conversation ends there for him, I don't want to push him, he's already talked to me for a long time, before returning his attention to my little ones, I look at him briefly and he seems immersed in distant thoughts, in distant memories.
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After dinner Neytiri and Tsu'tey took us to the area where we would sleep, the same one where they all sleep. After that brief interaction during dinner Tsu'tey stopped speaking and returned to being aggressive as he had done before. “Should we climb up there?” asks my scandalized brother. “Sure, and we should wake up early. Na'vi's life generally begins early, and more so if the Na'vi in question are warriors or hunters." my brother looks at me shocked. “Need a hand with the kids?” Neytiri asks me, I look briefly at Tsu'tey and see that he doesn't roll his eyes or sigh heavily. “Is everything all right, Tsu'tey?” I ask him worried. “No, I'm fine.” cut him short. “I don't believe you, but I don't insist.” I smile and then turn my gaze towards Neytiri who was waiting for her answer. “Sorry, no irayo. I can do it." I smile at her, she nods but, just to be safe, she waits for me to settle down. After I've taken the babies out of the carrier and tied it to the end of the bed, I lay down on my side, holding both little one close to me. “Good night brother.” I greet him as I hear him settling into his bed, not far from mine. "Good night little sister.” he reciprocates and I kiss the babies foreheads, humming a lullaby to them, before drifting off into dreamland, ready to return to my actual body.
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Well, this is the end of the sixth chapter✨…I know, it's as long as few, but I couldn't narrow it down more than that if I wanted to insert all my ideas into it, sorry😅. In any case, thanks for reading in case you did and, if you want, we'll see you in the next chapter, number 7👋.
©️Floralifetime May 10-2023, please do not republish, repost, steal, modify, translate or claim my work as your own. All rights reserved.
Taglist: @avatarbyamara, @sweetirilly, @0eye0, @elegantkidfansoul.
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alicehattera03 · 6 months
Okay, I am in love with your yandere!Penelope headcanons. It’s so easy to imagine both OG!Penny and Siyeon!Penelope in that scenario, they feel so in character, which can be super tricky to do so all the kudos and love to you! But that mention of Callisto got me wondering what sort of yandere he might be? Especially since Siyeon told him that she doesn’t like blood/death/violence in canon, so while he is yandere, he’s definitely toning it down for her. What would he be like if Penelope was also yandere? Have a great rest of your week!
Oh AWWWWWW thank you sm for loving my yandere! headcanons for her!! <333 And especially so for saying that they were in character instead of OOC I was kinda scared they might be ngl lololol And oooohhh, I suppose since we know he's yandere in canon I didn't think to make headcanons for him since he shows all the signs...but that's a very hot imagine...
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Callisto's eyes were narrowed at the sight of Penelope fending off an overly eager suitor, his hands ached to wrap themselves around the man's throat.
How he wished he could just stride over without a care in the world, just as he used to in the past, and break the man's neck right in front of her- just to show her, he can.
But Penelope wasn't one for blood, nor violence, having used her gun to fight off the monsters but retched over the side of the boat after seeing an arm flying over the side, bone still showing from where it was hacked off.
Oddly enough, he sees Penelope side step the man's next attempt at touching her, making eye contact with him as he raises his eyebrows at her sudden sneer.
Why was she-
His lips curled up into a deadly smile as he gave listless remarks to the gaggle of women that had surrounded him while he had been staring at Penelope in the corner.
For he could hear her heels clacking on the marble floor as she made her way over to him, could hear the snap of her fan opening and he finally makes eye contact with her again once more as the women visibly tremble before her arrogant glare.
"Excuse me, I must speak with his highness."
One of the less nervous ladies, a recent debutante, pipes up, "His highness is busy!" ignoring how Penelope was positively radiating death from her beautiful lacy red dress.
Callisto wanted nothing more than to claim her right then and there, to press his lips against her pale neck, to leave an etching of his teeth so everyone could see that she was taken, that she was his.
Penelope gives her a snide look before snapping her fan shut, smoothly stepping around the lady as the rest part before her like water. She's beside him now, proudly standing her ground, and she slips her hand into the crook of his arm that was already waiting for her move.
"I believe his highness is now preoccupied with me." Now buzz off- before I make mincemeat of you- is what she doesn't say aloud.
Ah, Callisto smothered his grin into his glove, leading her away and into the gardens before he presses her up against a pillar.
Her hands around his neck, her sweet moans in his ears as he hikes her leg up around his waist, pressing kisses up her chest and onto her lips, "Mine, mine, mine- all mine, Penelope."
And she returns his love in full, her eyes darken, locking onto a peeping lady in the bushes as she presses against him harder, her nails digging into his back as she licks up his ear. "Only ever yours... Callisto."
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secrets-of-everwich · 4 months
06-2 Back at the Manor
[Electronic hum underlies recording]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt. I’m safe, don’t worry. I have to say, looking back, that wasn’t my best idea. Stay out late in a graveyard after dark. I’m safe, and I’m not hurt, don’t worry. This is approximately fifteen minutes later, which is how long it took me to run out of the graveyard and run back home. I’m in my bedroom again.
I don’t think that was the Everwich Ghost. I didn’t get a photo, but I think I remember it. The figure was tall, and the Everwich Ghost is a child – it’s Charles. It also had really dirty hair, and, well, ghosts are generally incorporeal. I say that like I’ve had experience with other ghosts, I haven’t, but… General media says that. And the eyes. White eyes, not yellow. Every single report of the Everwich Ghost says it has yellow eyes. That’s like- It’s distinguishing feature. So, while I may not have been safe, chances are I wasn’t about to be murdered by a ghost. I hope.
Anyway, I found the letter from Cassia to her mother, it’s one of the letters on display. It never got sent.
‘It has been too long since we last confided in one another. It has, equally, been too long since I last saw Henry. Moving into his old house has been an adventure to say the least. I dread to think how he treated the servants for none of them to stick around the house.
‘We arrived; the house was empty. Save for some taps left running, and the trapdoor to the basement open, there was no sign of anyone having lived there for a while. The servants were nowhere to be found, and Bartholemew was concerned the servants had been treated poorly. This meant we had to buy our own servants. But the fortune left by Henry was big enough that it barely put a dent in our money.
‘Oh, mother, I am afraid. This house is making me uneasy. I do fear the spirits of my brother, and his family, haunt us for our arrogance, taking his home from his dead body. I do believe I hear footsteps at night, and I will awake to find doors open we did not leave open. I do not believe it is the servants – they have been specifically asked not to bother us at night, or go close to our rooms.
‘William is afraid as well, him even more so than I am. He keeps telling me he wishes to go home. I would have thought he was enjoying his new room – much larger than his old one. He says there is a mean spirit within the room that wants him gone. Bartholemew is often locked away in his study, he will not listen to our pleas. William says that the ghost of his cousin haunts his old room. Edward too says he can hear footsteps.
‘Oh mother, I wish to go home. But alas, Everwich Manor is our home now.
‘I do wish you are well, and I cannot wait until I can see you again.
‘Yours faithfully, Cassia.’
It’s definitely easy to see the grief that Cassia must have been feeling. And it makes it seem like William was in Charles’ old room – which, as I may have mentioned before – is the room that I’m currently in. It’s these sorts of letters, diaries and other personal statements that helps me create my theories about Everwich.
I wonder what happened to the servants. There’s no records of the servants leaving, or being told to go. They just disappeared. I hope they didn’t befall the same fate as the Florences and the Greenes. The servants for the Greenes left when the first murder of one of their family happened – Bartholemew. Then it was William. Then Mary, then Edward and Cassia.
Anyway, I think that’s all for this Secret of Everwich, thanks for listening!
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sisterspooky1013 · 1 year
Parallel, Chapter 1/6
Rated X | Read it here on AO3
She’s been watching him all morning, studying the way his long legs dance back and forth across the office as he articulates with his hands. He’s a beautiful creature, limber and primed like a bird ready to take flight, but somehow concurrently staid and steady as a mighty oak.
She’s watching him because she’s grown tired of listening, and watching the twist of his hips as he paces to and fro gives the appearance that she’s engaged, especially when punctuated by the occasional nod or skeptical squint. Not that she couldn’t muster interest in…whatever it is that he’s talking about if she wanted to, it’s all just feeling a bit pointless lately. A bit directionless. A bit like they’ve been circling the same city block for seven years and Mulder hasn’t seemed to notice that they’re only making left turns.
There’s also the fact that she’s no longer capable of suppressing her attraction to him. It used to be a persistent buzz, like some kind of sexual tinnitus that she learned to ignore. Lately, she has to carefully monitor herself to avoid staring at his mouth for prolonged periods of time while her mind wanders to decidedly un-partnerlike places.
He’s done just enough to make clear to her that if she opened that door, he’d happily walk through it. If this were a rom-com, they’d share their first kiss on a rain-soaked sidewalk after confessing their true feelings and the credits would roll. But he only felt brave enough to kiss her under the cover of a New Year’s tradition, and their rain soaked sidewalk was a sour-smelling emergency room. As with other aspects of their relationship, it was just a bit off the mark. Add up all those bits, and it feels like it’s simply not meant to be.
There’s something to be said for the bond that’s formed between two people who have shared unique and sometimes traumatizing experiences. Who else but Mulder understands the shock of fear she feels when exposed to sudden bright lights, or the thoughts that run through her head when he doesn’t answer the phone? Who else can relate to the unrooted sensation of lost time, or the way it changes your brain chemistry to evade death with more frequency than a feral cat?
But that bond, however strong, is rooted in self-preservation, not compatibility. If they’d somehow crossed paths in another way, in another circumstance where they had no common enemy to overthrow and didn’t rely on one another for survival, she’s fairly certain that it would have gone nowhere fast. She would have found him attractive but arrogant. He would have enjoyed pushing her buttons, but never even considered her as a possible romantic interest. Strip away all the flashing lights and gunpowder, and they are two people who don’t have much in common beyond their proclivity towards spirited debate and their expansive vocabularies. What kind of foundation is that for a romantic relationship?
“You don’t believe in it, I presume?”
She lifts her eyes to his face, scrambling to recall the last thing he said.
“You do?” she asks, volleying the question.
Mulder sighs and sits on the corner of the desk. He’s wearing his charcoal suit today, which happens to be one of her favorites.
“I think it’s possible. Given the unfathomable vastness of the universe, assuming that this is the only planet among billions with the ability to sustain life seems a bit egomaniacal, doesn’t it?”
“I suppose it does, yes,” she agrees hesitantly.
“And given that we’ve only been able to study the physical and chemical bounds of this universe, and furthermore acknowledging that we still have so much more to discover that we aren’t yet aware of, discounting the possibility of a parallel dimension on implausibility alone is a shortsighted conclusion.”
She blinks at him, and after a beat he springs up again, walking determinedly towards the annex.
“A parallel dimension,” she repeats, her mind turning it over like a river stone, examining it for signs of a hidden fossil. “Are you a basketball star in one of these parallel dimensions, Mulder?”
Though she can only see the back of his head as he rifles through a drawer, she can tell that he’s smiling.
“Am I not a basketball star in this one?” he asks rhetorically, and she fights off a smirk.
He returns with a clear plastic sheet and a handful of pens, dragging a cart behind him on which a weathered overhead projector sits. She watches him with amusement as he sets it up, adjusting the reflected image on the wall until he’s satisfied with the focus.
“Theoretical physicist Albert Homnell posits that we exist in one of countless parallel dimensions, each triggered by a significant change in the trajectory of human history,” he begins, drawing a small blue circle in the middle of the sheet. “Let’s say that this is our dimension. Perhaps this dimension is the one in which we won World War Two.”
Just beside the circle he draws two tiny stick figures, adding a shock of black hair to the top of one’s head and a swoop of red to the other. Scully smiles wryly and sighs. At least this is entertaining.
“However, there’s a parallel dimension,” he continues, drawing a small green circle to the right of the blue one. “In this dimension, Hilter succeeded in becoming a world power, and this changed the course of history so significantly that we broke off into two dimensions, completely separate timelines. In this dimension, my mother’s family was executed by the Third Reich, and I was never born.”
Beside the green circle he draws another stick figure Scully with an exaggerated frown on her face.
“It’s an interesting theory,” she says, uncrossing and re-crossing her legs. “Albeit a disturbing one.”
“Think about it,” he charges on. “There would be a dimension where the Bubonic Plague never occurred, another where the Titanic never sank, another where the Industrial Revolution happened a hundred years later than it did.”
He’s covering the sheet in multicolored circles, connecting them with lines that branch off into a spider’s web-like network.
“It would be like the butterfly effect on steroids,” she says, and he looks up and grins at her.
“Exactly,” he says, abandoning the projector and plopping down in the seat beside her, the sides of his hands smudged with ink.
“You really believe in this theory, Mulder?” she asks with an arched eyebrow. “It’s a bit out there, even for you.”
He pushes out his bottom lip and shrugs.
“I don’t know that I believe it, per se, but it does make Mr. Sawyer’s claims a bit more intriguing.”
“The guy who thinks he’s being visited by his own ghost?” Scully asks, incredulous.
Mulder quirks a smile.
“Homnell also believes that there are thin spots between dimensions, access points through which they can interact with one another. Sedation is one of them, but so is sleep. More specifically, the REM cycle.”
“Dreams,” she says, and he nods. “So you think the ghost that’s visiting Mr. Sawyer is a dream, but the dream is actually a glimpse into another dimension?”
Her tone comes off a bit more derisive than she intentend, and she doesn’t miss the millisecond flash of a wounded cringe on his face before the facade of aloofness is back up.
“I wouldn’t say I think that so much as I’m willing to entertain the possibility,” he corrects her, leaning forward with his elbows braced on his knees.
He looks up at her from beneath his eyelashes and she feels herself flush.
“Alright,” she says reluctantly. “Entertain away.”
He pulls a goofy, surprised smile and cocks his neck back.
“Is it my birthday or something?” he asks, looking over his shoulder at the calendar on his desk.
“You act as though I don’t give an audience to your crackpot theories forty hours a week,” she snarks back, and he pretends to be offended.
“It’s almost five, what say we blow this popsicle stand and discuss my crackpot theory over dinner?” he suggests, already halfway to the coat rack.
“I have to assume that means you’re buying,” she tells him, and he holds out her coat for her to slip her arms through.
“Crackpot always foots the bill, Scully. House rules.”
“What would be the point?” she asks, spearing the pearl onion in the bottom of her martini with a swizzle stick.
Mulder makes a face and shrugs.
“What’s the point of any of this?” he asks, gesturing to the room around them.
It’s not a nice place, but it’s not not a nice place. The decidedly after-work crowd are all in various stages of undress, some having shed their jackets, others their ties. Mulder’s suit jacket is draped over the back of his chair, his sleeves unbuttoned and rolled up to his elbows. His tie hangs loosely around his neck, and he’s wagging the toothpick perched between his teeth back and forth with his tongue, much to her distraction. Scully has removed her suit jacket as well, which leaves her in a sleeveless white blouse.
“Okay, so assuming that you or I was somehow able to access one of these thin spots and communicate with an alternate dimension,” she says in her very best I-am-only-having-this-conversation-to-humor-you voice, “what would the motivation be to establish that communication? This isn’t time travel, correct? We couldn’t change the outcome of some pivotal event and prevent disaster from occurring. If one entire dimension is predicated on the fact that Hitler won the war, there’s nothing we can do to change that. So what’s the point?”
Mulder sits back in his chair and considers her for a moment, and she takes a nervous sip from her drink. She both loves and hates it when he looks at her like that, like he’s really trying to see her.
“I’m not sure it’s voluntary,” he offers. “Or Homnell isn’t, anyway. The person being perceived may have no idea that they’re starring in someone else’s dream. So in that sense, it doesn’t have a point any more than dreams themselves have a point.”
“I thought you said dreams are the answer to a question we haven’t figured out how to ask,” she gently chides him, and he smiles warmly.
“You do listen when I talk,” he says, his voice thick and rough.
It hangs there for a moment, their playful banter and his long glance with mossy bedroom eyes. She wonders if he’ll ever kiss her again. She wonders if he knows she wants him to. When she can’t take it anymore, when it feels like she might burst into flame if he looks at her one second longer, she averts her eyes to the table.
“The prevailing theory is that dreams help you consolidate and analyze memories,” she says, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
“So what does it mean if I have a recurring dream that A.D. Skinner spanks me with a wooden spoon?” he asks, and she snaps her head up to find him grinning.
“I think you’re confusing dreams with fantasies, Mulder,” she quips, and he shakes his head at her affectionately.
“C’mon, let’s get you home. It’s a school night.”
She once had a horribly vivid nightmare that she was seeing her father off to sea, standing on the shore waving as his ship slowly moved away from the dock. He was perched on the bow, his arm held high over his head and the white of his smiling teeth visible even from a great distance. Something happened that caused the ship to lurch, and she watched helplessly as he tumbled over the railing and was sucked into the rudders. In her dream, the fact that the rudders are located at the stern didn’t matter. It felt so devastatingly real that she woke up screaming, and had to call her parents in the middle of the night to be sure Ahab was okay before she could go back to sleep.
She thinks about this as she lies in bed staring at the ceiling. Under Mulder’s alternate dimension theory, she could have been bearing witness to actual events that happened to another version of herself in another dimension. Would that then mean that a different Dana Scully once dreamt that her sister was shot dead in her doorway? Or that she was abducted from her apartment? Her life would be fodder for some seriously disturbing nightmares.
Recently, she dreamt that she was on Mulder’s couch and he was on top of her. They both appeared to be fully clothed, but in the dream she was certain they were having intercourse. What would that mean for an alternate Dana Scully? Perhaps in her universe, they don’t remove their clothes before sex.
She laughs to herself at the absolute ridiculousness of it all. Are there other universes where people regularly experience all their teeth falling out at once, or stand up to give a presentation only to realize they forgot to put pants on? Nonetheless, she enjoyed her evening with Mulder. Enjoyed it a bit too much, perhaps, because she now has an ache in her chest where she typically stuffs down her feelings for him, and a matching one between her legs.
She reaches for her bedside drawer in search of a little something to help her fall asleep. She can only hope that her dreams are sweet ones.
Tagging @today-in-fic
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mari-lair · 2 years
What’s ur opinion on the whole Teru and kou fight ? Do u think any of them where in the wrong ? ^^
I love it, it’s one of my all time favorite chapters! I will die for the Minamoto bros!
And I think both boys are justified but in the wrong.
Before I get into their fight, is good to remember that their conflict is a follow up to the young exorcist mini arc. The arc that actually had a “proper” resolution, ending with Kou promising to take responsibility and interfere if Hanako proved to be dangerous.
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A lot happened after this promise: We got Nene's lifespan reveal, Kou’s promise to always be on her side, his feelings of failure after Mitsuba’s death, which only increased after Hanako called him out for “talking big but having no solutions to offer”, his promise with the second Mitsuba, and much more.
Kou got overwhelmed by it all. So much so, he stopped giving his promise to Teru any thought, something we are explicitly shown in chap 65, where Teru wasn’t even an option when he started thinking about his “top priorities.”
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And even more happened after the study camp, so it wasn’t surprising that he decided to side with Yashiro.
But Teru doesn’t know any of that, in his mind, this promise is just as important to him as it is to Kou. He is so confident Kou will keep his word and stop Hanako if he shows signs of being dangerous, that he gives Kou full liberty: He let Kou hang out with Hanako and other ghosts, he even teams him up with Nene when they are searching for a way to the far shore because he believed nothing would make Kou go against him.
Now, Teru is a smart person, but he is also arrogant, so when he comes to a conclusion he always assumes he is right.
He never asks Kou anything because he assumes Kou understands Hanako crossed the line by destroying the yorishiros, which caused enough damage for the need of a severance and led Aoi to her death, and he will take responsibility for it.
He clearly trusts Kou to keep his word, and the interesting thing about Teru is that as guarded and prideful as he is, when he trusts someone with something, he trusts them blindly. He is genuinely surprised when Kou breaks his promise and points his weapon at him.
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Teru is hurt but he remains calm, he acts tired and unamused, almost testing Kou at first. Not taking him serious.
He ignores Kou to run after Hanako. He blocks and dodge but refuses to give Kou a fight. Even when there is no denial Kou is there to stop him, Teru doesn’t raise his voice, looking disappointed and tired. Annoyed at most. 
He acts as if Kou messed up big time, but it's not personal.
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He only loses his cool when Kou proudly declares he is on Nene’s side.
Not Teru’s side. Nene’s side.
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This is when Teru snaps. Kou may not have thought much about his decision, but this hit Teru hard: There are few people Teru genuinely cares about, and even fewer that he trusts. 
Watching the unshakable truth that his family will always be by his side be proven wrong messes with both Teru’s feelings and his ego.
Teru have every right to be angry here. Kou didn’t take Teru’s feelings into consideration at all when decided to side with Nene, so it can easily feel like he doesn’t need Teru anymore. That he doesn’t care. 
But Kou also have every right to get angry.
Teru didn’t bring up their deal, and didn’t mention how this hurt, he stayed on the "high ground" to feel like he have control, so for Kou, his aggression came out of nowhere.
Kou is genuinely surprised by Teru’s change in attitude. It feels like his brother is being cruel for no reason, bringing up his chores and demoting his determination as playing hero just to make him feel bad.
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It’s not normal of him, so Kou's first instinct is to blame it on supernaturals. He doesn’t think at any point that he hurt Teru, and he doesn’t assume Teru wants to hurt him either since he knows Teru cares about him, he is just rationalizing as best he can. And the one thing he can’t understand at all is Teru’s attitude with supernaturals.
His unease only turn into anger when Teru snaps that Kou doesn’t understand him, as if Kou should be able to.
But Kou can’t, because Teru never tells him anything. Kou is rightfully angry to be blamed for something Teru brought on himself.
Teru can’t expect to get understanding, sympathy, or anything to help handle his pain when he is the one that doesn’t allow himself to be vulnerable and honest with Kou.
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Teru dug his own grave and dragged Kou in it too, even if Teru doesn’t realize it.
Teru built this image of someone ‘unbeatable and reliable’ since Kou was extremely young, he is almost untouchable, someone Kou can’t imagine helping outside domestic tasks. While it doesn’t make Kou’s action any less careless and insensitive, I can understand why he would prioritize those that he had failed before and ‘needs his help’, over Teru’s feelings.
Teru had good intentions when trying to protect Kou but he only fucked up Kou's self-esteem and give him a whole different batch of issues.
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Kou hates being pushed away. He doesn’t want to play hero, he doesn’t want to be seen as a useless kid, he never asked Teru to keep him in the dark and protect him. It hurt, to not be trusted with anything meaningful.
He knows taking care of the house is important but he doesn’t want to replace their mom. He wants to be by Teru's side, he wants to be dependable and respected too, which in the Minamoto household heavily connects with being a ‘good exorcist’.
He envies Teru for being a good exorcist.
Why wouldn’t he? Teru is praised and respected, Teru always smiles to not worry Kou, he paints his night patrols as fighting evil monsters, like the heroes on tv, and never vents about his rough nights.
Kou isn't stupid he must know from Teru's fucked up schedule and bruises that being an exorcist isn't easy. But since he isn't shown how it permanently beats people down, he only assumes Teru finds it 'too hard for him', which translated to 'Kou can't take it'.
Teru harsh words also hit were it hurt. It goes straight to Kou’s insecurities.
Teru can be cold but he takes his role as a big brother very seriously, so he understands his decisions had a negative effect on Kou. He is sad about it but he still doesn’t think he was wrong to keep Kou in the dark. So he doesn’t apologize, he tries to share his point of view, no sugar coating so the message sink in.
The problem is that Teru is horrible at words so instead of telling Kou his feelings and worries, try to make his line of thought something easy to follow, he shows it through actions. It feels needlessly aggressive to knock Kou’s staff off his hand and slam him on the train, but it is the way Teru knows how to express himself. It doesn’t make his behaviour any less bad, one of the worst ways to show his point of view on the matter, but is understandable from the way he grew up that this is his first instinct when he want to 'send a message'.
Calling Kou weak isn’t a payback moment or a power play, it’s what Teru genuinely believes in, is something he knows will hurt Kou and he is not happy about it. It’s why he never said it before, is why we can see his distress and frustration from how his mouth was drawn and his eyes are covered.
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His attempt to ‘protect’ Kou stunted Kou’s growth as an exorcist and made him weaker than he would have been if he was trained properly.
It was wrong of Teru to make this call, he was insensitive and careless too, he didn’t consider Kou’s feelings at all.
But is understandable. Being weak doesn’t have the same meaning to Teru as it does to Kou.
Teru envies Kou's weakness.
Kou also hid his feelings of inferiority and helplessness from Teru, greeting him with a bright smile, so of course Teru mostly sees the good side of being left behind on patrol: weakness is a lack of shackles, a lack of sleepless nights, and bloody family history.
Being a prodigy ruined Teru’s life. He can be a very efficient exorcist but he doesn’t know how to be a functional human being. A lot of what he did to protect Kou is him projecting, giving Kou what Teru wished he had.
Teru may be proud of his skills, arrogant even, but he knows his deep connection to exorcism made him colder and harder to deal with, alienating him from his peers in a way he didn’t want Kou to experience. He truly believes he is doing the right thing by leaving him in the dark.
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He never wanted to hurt Kou. Just like Kou didn’t want to hurt him.
But they did, they both fucked up.
In short: They have a huge communication problem, but they care a lot about each other, and I really need them to have another talk.
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verona2314 · 4 months
Judgment of the Damned (translation) PART XV
Link part XIV
In the realm of Limbo, where souls deemed too good for Hell but not virtuous enough for Heaven reside, Victoria finds herself thrust into an unprecedented mission. When a notorious sinner, Sir Pentious, achieves redemption and ascends to Heaven, it sends shockwaves through all realms. Tasked with unraveling this mystery, Victoria, a minor judge of souls, is sent to the infamous Hazbin Hotel in Hell. For the first time, an emissary from Limbo steps foot into the fiery depths, tasked with observing and judging the denizens of Hell for their potential for redemption. As Victoria navigates this unfamiliar territory, she captures the unrequired attention of the enigmatic Radio Demon, Alastor. Amidst the chaos of demonic antics and the pursuit of understanding redemption, Victoria must confront her own beliefs and judgments. As she delves deeper into the secrets of the Hazbin Hotel, Victoria uncovers hidden truths about sinners, redemption, and the ultimate fate of souls caught between damnation and salvation. With each soul she encounters, Victoria's journey becomes not only a quest for answers but a personal voyage of self-discovery in the heart of darkness.
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Chapter 15: Revelations
What's this? Two chapters in one day? That's right! One of our beloved readers is celebrating their birthday. Happy birthday Ann2314! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. What has been your favorite chapter, scene, or dialogue?"
I had never considered sharing my thoughts on paper. Paper is part of our daily lives. It can contain beautiful drawings and phrases, it can create beautiful shapes like boats and hats, it can decorate tables and walls, it can cut a finger and cause a wound, and it can contain sentences that condemn eternally, causing unmatched damage. Paper can be a source of joy or tragedy, just like the decisions we make.
As Supreme Judges of Limbo, it is our duty to make difficult decisions to safeguard order and balance, but seeing the right hand of God brought before us by his peers, with golden chains around his neck and wrists, was much harder than any decision we have ever made. It is an image that I will never be able to erase from my memory. Before us was not a kneeling arrogant and troublesome being, but a downtrodden and extinguished angel. Someone whose eyes showed no sign of that spark that characterized him so much. Heaven wanted a trial for Lucifer, but they had already made their own verdict, turning him into a pariah.
Since the creation of Limbo, shortly after heaven, Lucifer has always seemed to me a dreamer, of noble spirit and very creative. Sometimes his dreamy head made him forget responsibilities and he didn't usually think before acting. We don't often interact with heaven. Generally, heaven doesn't get into trouble. But the times I saw Lucifer, I couldn't help but feel identified, as both of us find it difficult to fit in. Of the 7 judges, I was always the weakest due to my compassionate and empathetic nature. I was always criticized for believing that everyone had goodness inside, even the most rebellious angels. Seilmon, with his light and playful personality, downplays my sensitivities by saying that my personality and presence are as important as the other judges' and that I shouldn't change. However, Dagmar, my twin sister, is the one who tries the most to toughen my character. I can't help but believe that my twin was deliberately created as my opposite. Dagmar is one of those who first distrusts, doubts, and then asks. She has the talent to see the worst in people, and her opinions tend towards merciless punishment. While I tend towards forgiveness
With Lucifer, it was no different. Dagmar simply judged the archangel with the same severity as the other angels. For them, Lucifer and Lilith had created a monstrosity, scattered evil, and tarnished the perfect work. It didn't surprise me that my twin wanted to lock them away in a dark cell for the rest of eternity.
Myram, despite her dry way of speaking, proved to be the fairest among us. For her, there was no doubt about the responsibility of the first woman and the right hand of God, but she pointed out that both had not acted with malice, but that their naivety, especially Lucifer's, was nothing more than negligence that could not go unpunished.
Otoniel reproached heaven for the conditions under which they had brought Lucifer, as he had already been subdued by Michael after their confrontation. Then, he demanded Lilith's presence, as she also deserved a fair trial, despite being mortal. And with those words, the first woman was brought before us by the angels, her hands bound. Her eyes showed pain for the harm her decision had caused, but there was no shame in her walk. She acknowledged her mistake but accepted her responsibility without hiding her face, bearing her burden. To me, she was strength. Her mere presence was enough for Lucifer to react, and a gentle smile formed on his face filled with... love? Yes, that was love, and I couldn't help but feel a lot of happiness for them. I had never been able to see love, and now that I could witness it, I can only say that it is beautiful, and I long with all my being to experience it someday. But this desire is an absurd illusion. I am a Supreme Judge, and we cannot love.
Ehud, as always, spoke of philosophical concepts about error, passion, and lack of prudence with that drowsy voice that made my mind wander to any place.
Who surprised me the most was Deborah. I saw her whispering to one of the heavenly celestials, Zerachiel. And within minutes, the Archangel directed attention to the new abyss that had been created, Hell, suggesting its complete destruction. Why do something so extreme? Didn't they deserve to exist only because they didn't match heaven's order? How did he come up with that idea? And unintentionally, my eyes went to the kind and compassionate Deborah. Had she suggested it? What had she whispered to Zerachiel? For me, that moment was a revelation. Deborah had a sharp side.
As for me, all I did was emphasize that Lucifer and Lilith did not act with malice, that they sought to do good. I questioned the inflexible rules of heaven that prevented innovation and exploring ideas. I suggested that perhaps this lack had led Lucifer to act behind their backs because he had never been listened to or supported. I only received Dagmar's reproach and Otoniel's mockery. I could tell that many angels looked at me with disdain, belittling me. I tried to rely on Michael, but he seemed just as distraught as Lucifer and simply agreed with Myram. It was very frustrating. And at that moment, Seilmon proposed the punishment. Lucifer had to take responsibility for what his actions had created. Hell could not be left unattended, so instead of being sent to a dark cell, his prison would be that abyss, with the chance of, perhaps, achieving something positive from it. Lilith, on the other hand, was to remain alone outside of Eden.
I could understand that for Seilmon, Lilith had less responsibility as she did not have the knowledge of a celestial like Lucifer, but I could feel that the woman was brilliant and fully aware of her actions, that she was just as responsible as Lucifer. But beyond that, I could not bear the idea of them being separated. No. The love between them is real. And that's why I decided to do everything possible to have them sent together to that abyss because I know that in that way, they will have each other. It worked.
Unfortunately, no one understands my thoughts and emotions. Loneliness consumes me even though I am surrounded by my peers. Lucifer's trial deeply affected me. I am filled with feelings, doubts, and fears that I cannot share with anyone. This feeling of suffocation is what led me to turn to paper, to this diary. These pages will become the refuge of sentimental Aody, the weakest of the seven Supreme Judges.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she finished reading the first entry of the old diary she had received from Victoria. Her father had never spoken to her about his exile to Hell and how harsh they had been with him. Learning the details caused her heart great pain, and she could better understand the fear in his eyes when he asked for an audience with Heaven. Anything related to them surely awakened a trauma buried deep within his being.
"This feeling of suffocation is what led me to turn to paper, to this diary. These pages will become the refuge of sentimental Aody, the weakest of the seven Supreme Judges," she read aloud to herself. Charlie couldn't help but feel somewhat identified with Aody, the diary's author, as she understood all too well the feeling of being seen as naive for always seeking the good in others. But if it weren't for the compassion shown by that Supreme Judge, her parents would have ended up separated forever. Her eyes returned to the last paragraph. Aody spoke of doubts and fears. Doubts about what? What was he afraid of? Would these pages reveal more secrets? Unfortunately, reading the diary was slow and exhausting as it was in very bad condition, with faded ink letters. Added to that, the handwriting was very archaic, full of curves, embellishments, and loops that strained her eyes. "It wouldn't be a bad idea to try to transcribe it," she murmured, hiding the diary behind a painting. It was essential to keep it hidden from light and any curious eyes. She wiped her tears and then let out a sigh before regaining her usual cheerful aura. While the diary was important, she couldn't neglect the hotel. It had already been a week since Alastor's interview with the judge, and things had changed a bit.
In the first few days after the broadcast, demand at the hotel had skyrocketed. Unfortunately, several sinners had entered believing that redemption was as simple as getting a sentence from the judge, and upon realizing their mistake, they didn't hesitate to leave. Others at least attempted to engage in their activities, but finding them childish and ridiculous, they decided to leave. For various reasons, the large number of guests dwindled. It wasn't so surprising because she still couldn't reveal that redemption was a proven fact, but it was still disheartening. The silver lining was that a few had stayed. She wasn't sure if they were simply taking advantage of the hotel's facilities or if there was a genuine interest, but Charlie was determined to try. After all, they were already there, right? Perhaps a little nudge was all they needed. 
She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice the judge walking briskly in her direction with her nose buried in some files. Her honor lightly collided with the shoulder of the princess of Hell, causing Charlie to lose her balance slightly. "Oh, Charlie, forgive me," Victoria hurriedly apologized without releasing the papers.
"Don't worry, we were both distracted," she responded casually, noticing the judge's haste. "Are you heading out again?"
"Yes. Today I'm meeting some sinners to play golf. But I have a feeling it's going to have a... macabre twist," the judge replied with an uncomfortable smile.
"I see you're starting to understand Hell. You've been very busy this week with all these meetings. You're hardly seen at the hotel. Not that it's a complaint," the princess hurriedly added. "I'm glad your work is progressing and you're getting to know all these great sinners. It's just that..." Charlie paused for a moment. Perhaps it wasn't appropriate to mention this to Victoria now considering she was in a hurry.
"Yes? What's on your mind?" her honor asked kindly, directing all her attention to her. This gesture was enough for Charlie to make up her mind.
"I started reading the diary and there are some doubts that arose. There are many things I would like to discuss with you at some point. But for now, I would like you to answer a question before you leave," the judge nodded, indicating to Charlie that she could continue. "The diary talks about seven Supreme Judges. I understood there were only five."
"Yes," the judge replied with a noticeable grimace of pain on her face. "As far as I know, there have been five Supreme Judges. There have always been rumors that originally there were seven."
"The author of the diary... Aody, is one of the five judges?" Charlie asked hopefully, but when Victoria bit her lip and slowly shook her head, all hope vanished. "What happened to him, judge?"
"I hope I'm wrong, but..." Victoria replied in a low voice, leaning closer to her. "but if my theory is correct, Aody is dead."
That day, he didn't feel like getting out of bed much. His body felt heavy, and he had barely been able to sleep. His lack of appetite only fueled the longing to lose himself in the sheets and keep on dreaming. It was tempting, but he knew it wasn't a good idea, that he would regret not doing something productive all day. With a slight groan, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. It was early, but his mind refused to give him respite. He immediately remembered all the commotion caused by the judge's appearance on the radio and that now his beloved daughter was surrounded by sinners living in her hotel. It was what Charlie had always wanted, but he couldn't help but worry. The idea of something happening to his princess terrified him, but he also didn't want to intervene directly because that would make her think he didn't trust her. He wanted to support her and take care of her, but he didn't know how. Maybe he could make some rubber ducks for her to put as decoration in the bathrooms. No, that idea was ridiculous. Sinners taking a bath with rubber ducks? Nonsense.
For now, it was better to focus on getting up, having breakfast, and... trying to be the ruler everyone expected him to be? How could he take the reins if he couldn't even be a good father to Charlie? His phone vibrated on the bedside table. The king of Hell checked the screen to see who was calling him so early. He barely saw the name and left the device on the bed.
"Ugh, that guy again," he grumbled. He got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Taking a shower to shake off some of the tiredness wasn't a bad idea. He dropped the robe to the floor and couldn't help but see his reflection in the mirror. His white, smooth skin contrasted with his tired expression and disheveled hair. His toned body hid the fragility of his soul and his internal struggle. This was him, the king of Hell, the fallen angel. His exterior hadn't changed; it didn't represent the fatigue weighing on his shoulders. This was the body Lilith had embraced, kissed, caressed, and comforted. He really missed her a lot.
After bathing and getting dressed, he decided to look for something to eat. He was about to enter the dining room when one of his servants called him from behind.
"Sir, a member of the nobility is looking for you."
"Yes, I know," he interrupted irritably, opening the dining room door. "Tell anyone who isn't my daughter that I'm not here. Better if you tell them I went to visit another circle or whatever. I'm not in the mood to deal with any of those fancy feathers."
"Well, but you've been avoiding dealing with those fancy feathers for all these years, Your Majesty," a voice responded from inside the dining room.
Lucifer immediately directed his gaze to the visitor, coming face to face with two pairs of red eyes staring back at him. The subject in question was tall, slim, with bluish-grayish plumage. He was sitting in one of the chairs with his legs crossed and an impeccable posture. He was one of Paimon's offspring.
"Stolas! What a great surprise to see you here," Lucifer greeted nervously. "I didn't expect this visit."
"Really?" responded the Ars Goetia with a hint of suspicion and sarcasm. "I thought Your Majesty would assume I'd come to visit you after ignoring all the messages and calls I made to you all week."
"Ignore? Me? Of course not, Stolas!" replied the king of Hell with a nervous laugh, refraining from taking a seat. "I've just been very busy doing king things. You know. How is your son? Oscar? Octavio?"
"Octavia, Your Majesty," corrected Stolas with a slight expression of weariness.
"Oh! Girly name.Great!! Its cute," pointed out the king of Hell, growing increasingly uncomfortable. Why did he have to act so socially awkward sometimes?
"Yes, because my daughtER is a girl," Stolas emphasized, bringing a hand to his temple. "Majesty, I'm not here to reproach you for your lack of knowledge about current noble families or your long absence as a ruler or your insistence on hiding in the shadows of solitude. I know my predecessors tried to pull you out of your... melancholic state without success. I don't like to waste my time. However, Majesty, I fear it is of utmost urgency that you take the reins. There is chaos among the nobility."
"If it's about your fling with the imp, I'm not judging, eh. But I can't change the nobles' opinion."
"What? No! It's not that!" exclaimed Stolas, blushing.
Seeing the noble's consternation, Lucifer couldn't help but smile. Clearly, the owl was very fond of his imp. Perhaps he himself had that silly expression when he thought of Lilith. The king of Hell finally relaxed and sat down at the table. "Ah, young love. I can see you hold him dear."
"It's... complicated," replied the Ars Goetia, lowering his gaze. He seemed depressed. Lucifer wondered if he had put his foot in his mouth again.
"Ahem, well," said the king of Hell, clearing his throat. "You said you weren't here for that. What's causing such a stir among the nobles this time? An illegitimate child? Did one of them get born with a pig's tail?"
"Your Majesty, I wouldn't have come to bother you with trivialities like those," clarified Stolas. "It's because of the presence of the Limbo in Hell and the close relationship that said emissary has with your daughter."
"The judge? Charlie? Yes, they get along well, and she's staying at my daughter's hotel. But I wouldn't say they're close because of that," he pointed out as he received a cup of coffee.
"The mere fact that she is associated with the princess of Hell already makes the nobles think you're monopolizing the influences and forces of Limbo for the sole benefit of your daughter. They're much more agitated after learning about Adam's death, and many show some ambition now that they know angels aren't indestructible. I wouldn't be surprised if extremists with disastrous ideas about invading heaven started to emerge, Your Majesty."
"I will never allow that," he responded with a serious and threatening voice. "I won't bring destruction to my daughter's realm or death to those she sees as her subjects and wants to care for."
"I know, Your Majesty," replied Stolas with a certain relief in his voice. "But you can't allow the nobility to continue this spiral of chaos and speculations. Just imagine how disastrous it would be if they thought you were altering contracts thanks to the judge or manipulating nobles with a mandate. Rumors are as sharp as a sword."
"And what do you suggest I do?" he grumbled, crossing his arms. "I don't have Lilith's social skills. Much less her patience to deal with the presumptuous nobles. No offense, Stolas, but I don't dislike you."
"What a relief," replied the Ars Goetia, rolling his eyes. "Well, Your Majesty. The solution is simple. Entertainment!"
"Do I look like a clown to you?" questioned Lucifer, narrowing his eyes.
"I'd rather not answer that, Your Majesty," replied Stolas with a nervous laugh. "I don't mean you should put on a show."
"Then?" said Lucifer, tilting his head with curiosity. What could the owl be plotting?
"A ball!" exclaimed the noble enthusiastically, clasping his hands together.
Lucifer studied Stolas's excitement, not understanding why a fancy party would excite him so much. Besides, how could a simple ball solve the problem? "I'm not enthusiastic about the idea."
"Your Majesty, that way the nobles can interact with you and dispel any rumors. You'll demonstrate your power, authority, and good taste, affirming your position as a great king and leader. Plus, it's the perfect opportunity for the judge of Limbo to meet the nobles and no longer believe you're monopolizing her in favor of the princess, who definitely must be involved in the celebration. Furthermore, the ball should take place at her hotel. Good food and alcohol have always served to appease the nobles. I promise you that after that, everything will return to normal."
"Fine, but with one condition," he pointed out confidently. He didn't want to occupy his mind with the logistics of such a big event, but Stolas's arguments seemed reasonable. There was only one solution. "You take care of all the organization."
"Excuse me?" replied Stolas, perplexed.
"You want a fancy party so badly?" he responded, leaning back in his chair. "Well, I'll give it to you."
The past week has been fun, exhausting, and chaotic. Initially, the mass arrival of guests had been well received. Like a colorful and exciting carnival. However, not all that glitters is gold, and bad attitudes and vices had soon tarnished the party. Angel felt constantly on alert. Yes, flirting and chatting at the hotel bar was fun, but there was always a sinner who tried to overstep boundaries with him just because he was a famous porn star. Being famous, talented, and handsome had its disadvantages. In fact, on more than one occasion, he had been followed to his door room. Husk, his heroic savior, had been a great support those first few days. Not only did he scare off the most unsettling guests, but he also helped him sneak away a couple of times. In summary, the first days were like a spring cleaning, having to kick out the most problematic sinners from the hotel who were only there to cause more harm. With no real interest in redemption. They hadn't even bothered to pretend.
Surprisingly, the most enthusiastic about this task was Alastor, who not only enjoyed taking care of those sinners but also did so with a somewhat exaggerated sadism that made him question who the real villain was. On the other hand, he had also noticed that the radio host's patience in recent days seemed nonexistent. Angel assumed that the radio demon's irritability was due to the high frequency of people and therefore, the increased workload. However, as the days passed and the number of guests decreased, Mr. Smiles' mood didn't improve, he would even dare to say it had worsened.
"At this rate, there won't be anyone left in the hotel," he whispered to himself as he flipped through a magazine while lounging on the couch next to Charlie. The princess seemed a bit pensive. Perhaps the departure of the guests affected her more than she wanted to admit. He was thinking of how to cheer her up when his eyes landed on an article talking about the judge. "Hey! Look at this, Charlie. Our dear judge is mentioned in the top 100 hottest women in the city. Isn't that funny?"
"What? Really?" the princess responded enthusiastically.
"I guess her professional attitude mixed with charisma and a strong sense of justice can be considered sexy."
"Huh?" Charlie looked at him without fully understanding.
"I mean, many people find authority figures sexy," he explained, showing the magazine. "That's where a lot of fetishes come from. Surely our dear judge has unintentionally sparked many fantasies." He had barely finished speaking when the magazine in his hand began to burn with green flames. Standing next to them was Alastor. "Hey!" Angel exclaimed. "I was reading that."
Alastor simply smiled macabrely as he raised an eyebrow. In a honeyed voice, the radio announcer replied, "Were you not taught not to speak of such... mundane topics? Especially in the presence of a lady," he finished, looking at Charlie.
"Oh, Alastor, it's not that serious," the princess replied, waving her hand lightly. "Besides, it's not nice to be burning other people's magazines."
"Ah, but my dear, we shall prevent the minds of our colleagues and guests from being corrupted by such absurd trivialities," Alastor pointed out with a tone of amusement and threat.
"I hadn't finished reading it," the porn star said, crossing his arms visibly annoyed. "We were just joking. Plus, what do you care? Are you jealous because you're not on the list?" he said with malice.
"Jealous of not being on the list?" The radio demon replied, letting out a laugh that echoed throughout the room. "What a funny idea. No. No, I simply prefer that we maintain a more... elevated standard in our conversations."
"You'll have to pay me for that magazine. It was an exclusive!" he complained again as he stood up to face Alastor.
"Why don't we all relax a bit instead?" Charlie interrupted, standing between them. "It's been a stressful week for everyone. Let's take a breath and remember that we care for each other… A LOT."
"Stressed?" Angel replied, not averting his gaze from Alastor's. "Some more than others, I'd say. What's up, Smiles? Anything you want to talk about?"
"Oh, come now, as I said, I just want to keep the hotel atmosphere... professional. I doubt you'd understand with your limited perception of things," the radio announcer countered.
"Please, both of you, stop," the princess intervened again.
"It's just not fair that Mr. Smiles takes it out on me for something so ridiculous," Angel could feel there was something more to the radio announcer's reaction and his bad mood. What was he hiding? "I'm just saying he's acting weirder than usual. And that's saying a lot," he added, crossing a pair of arms and resting another pair on his hips.
"I'm sure, as I mentioned before, it's because we've had a tough week. Anyway, Alastor, I'm going to ask you to refrain from setting other people's belongings on fire," Charlie looked at them lovingly, using a sweet and conciliatory voice. "Together, we are a great team and we will overcome any challenge. That's why just…let's stop arguing." "I can try, dear," Alastor replied, narrowing his eyes.
"All right, sweetheart," Angel said, calming down a bit. He didn't want to cause more trouble for Charlie. "I can always vent to Husk or Victoria."
At that moment, Angel thought he saw Alastor gripping his cane more firmly. Realization hit him like a thunderbolt, and he gave the radio announcer a mischievous look. "Oh, I see. This is better than any magazine."
"What are you talking about, Angel?" Charlie said, looking at him without understanding.
"I know why our dear Mr. Fancy Talk Creepy Voice is in such a bad mood. I would recommend he go for a walk in the cannibal district to... clear his mind," Angel said, still looking at the radio host with a mocking smile.
"Oh! That would be amazing," the princess of hell intervened without understanding Angel's insinuation. "It would help me a lot if you went, Alastor. I wanted to deliver this thank-you card to Rosie, but I've been very busy with the hotel. Could you deliver it for me?" she asked, taking an envelope from the inner pocket of her suit.
Angel raised an eyebrow, observing the radio announcer with a smirk. The radio demon narrowed his eyes with noticeable irritation before returning to his theatrical character.
"No problem, dear Charlotte! I'll gladly carry out this errand. After all, it's about time I paid a visit to my dear friend," Alastor replied, taking the card and then leaving.
"Well, I hope that solves the problem," the porn star said, taking out a copy of the magazine he had hidden under a sofa cushion. He was used to having a replacement for his things since Valentino tended to destroy them in his fits of rage. "Well, Charlie. Do you want me to keep gossiping, or are you going to tell me why you're feeling so down?"
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
Hey it’s El again! Can I have an aemond one shot for the apprentice stories where Aemond wants a sword to near match his uncles (cause aemond is such a fanboy) and he meets reader whose an apprentice blacksmith. He doubts she can do a good enough job and asks for the head blacksmith but she’s now determined to prove him wrong. Better yet the head blacksmith come out and says he believes she can do a really good work. She makes the sword and aemond loves it. She then says how about a test run with the sword? And so they battle with the sword she made for him and her own. It’s a near battle but she beats him to his surprise and just becomes utterly enamoured with her. The two Bond for a period of time before confessing love and him now wanting to marry her, obsessed with the idea only she could bear having his children.
Alright babe this one is shorter than the last one, and not my best tbh, vv sorry about that!!! Also, I'm not good at writing fighting scenes, so I didn't spend too much time on it. I hope you enjoy it anyways though!!!!!
The Blacksmith's Apprentice
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You’re used to people underestimating you. In fact, you’re pleasantly surprised someone doesn’t underestimate you. Judging by the look on the prince’s face, though, you knew you would not be surprised.
“I wish to speak to a blacksmith.” He said, looking around the smithy.
“And you are, my prince.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
He raised an elegant eyebrow. “You? You are a woman, I do not doubt you have the mind for it, but you obviously lack the strength.”
“How about you give me your request and I decide if I am strong enough to handle it?”
He nodded begrudgingly and handed you a sketch.
“Is this Darksister?” You asked, recognizing the telltale signs of Valyrian steel anywhere.
“No, it is to be like Darksister, but better.” He said.
Now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow. “You do realize that is one of the finest swords in the realm.”
“Is this your way of saying you are not up to the challenge?” He asked, a smirk tugging at his lips.
You shook your head. “I can do it.”
You stood across from Aemond, sword in hand and an easy smile on your face. “You wished to test the sword, my prince, now is the time.”
He shifted his stance, grip tight on the thing of beauty you created. He nodded and the duel began.
Steel clashed against steel, ringing out through the empty yard, huffs and grunts of exertion joined, taunts were thrown back and forth by you both, and you hissed when he nicked your arm.
“Give up y/n, I am the better swordsman.” He said, ducking under your swing.
“Say I’m the finest blacksmith you’ve ever seen, and I will.” You taunted, returning his nick with one of your own.
He laughed. “Your arrogance will be your undoing.”
“Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you.” You kicked out your leg, catching him behind his knees and knocking him to the ground.
You rested the tip of your sword against his throat. “Say it. Say I’m the finest blacksmith in the realm.”
He looked up at you, a mix of heated emotions swirling in his eye. “You are the finest blacksmith in the realm.” He said, through a clenched jaw.
You sheathed your sword and helped him up. “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
He brushed off his leather tunic, “you should return to the smithy.” Then he turned and entered the Keep.
Aemond held his head in his hands, moons had gone by, and he could not banish you from his mind. Your smile, your laughter, your skills with a sword, your beauty, it plagued him day and night. He had taken to visiting you on a weekly basis, building a friendship and spending much more than he meant to on weapons he already had.
He could not stomach the thought of someone else’s hands wrapped around your work. You put so much of yourself into your creations, how could he allow anyone but him to possess even that small part of you?
He had to have you; no other woman would do. How could he bear children with anyone but you? Only you were strong enough, graceful enough, and had enough fire to raise his heirs. He groaned at the image of you beneath him begging him to seed you, of you rounded with child, a glow to your skin. You would be an excellent mother, and your children would be the greatest warriors the realm had ever seen.
A knee bumped against his and he raised his head.
“Are you feeling ill?” You asked, head tilted in concern.
“I love you.” He blurted out, cheeks flaring bright red.
Your eyes widened and you sat frozen in shock.
“I am sorry to tell you in such an undignified way, but it is true. You plague my thoughts, you bring me joy, and I—I wish to marry you.”
You blinked, coming unfrozen. “Aemond…”
He stood, obviously embarrassed and taking your hesitance as a rejection. “I am so sorry—”
You cut him off by kissing him. “I love you too, and I would love to marry you.”
A rare smile broke across his face, and he bent down, kissing you urgently, pushing all his longing and passion into his actions. He would have his wife, his skilled, capable, and ferocious wife.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010
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cakepoppresent · 5 months
Making a List and Checking It Twice 2
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Gideon is going down his list and making sure everyone is getting what they deserve. Second on his list, his weak ass father
Gideon: I'm going to keep this brief. Mom is tired and she wants a divorce. I'm here on her behalf and to let you know
Emerson: Gideon, are you insane? You're my son how can you allow this?
Gideon: I didn't allow anything. Your lack of care and love towards Mom was what caused this
Emerson: Gideon! First, you sold the company and now you're ruining my marriage? How did I raise an ungrateful son like you!
Gideon: Once again I didn't ruin anything. Be grateful Mom isn't asking for anything she just wants you to sign the papers. That should be easy enough for you
Emerson: I cannot believe you turned out like this...where did I go wrong?
Gideon: Please get over yourself and let Mom go. I'll take care of he
Emerson: Where is she?! I want to talk to her!
Gideon: No. You've done her enough harm for a lifetime
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Gideon not wanting to spend another minute with his father gets up and leaves Emerson with one last statement "I'll have my lawyers send over the papers. Please sign them promptly. I would hate to have to use force"
Emerson: Gideon you really don't care about us?
Gideon: No.
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Sitting quietly on the couch Gideon heard the door open and watches Su walk calmly into his room "I heard you're off to Sulani?" Su jumps in fright at the sudden sound of a stranger in his room "Gideon wtf. You're a sick freak you know that"
Gideon: Am I? Apologies for the scare
Su: I'm leaving with Grayson. Shouldn't be an issue since you're broken up now
Gideon doesn't respond as expected instead, he gives off a small laugh "You're funny. How much do you know about Grayson?
Su: Enough to know he left you. Now I can take care of him
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Gideon: Oh? Is that right?
Gideon makes himself comfortable on Su's couch and laughs again "You can isolate Grayson for the summer all you want. Doesn't change that fact you mean absolutely nothing to Grayson" Su bristles in anger and moves to stand above Gideon "Sounding jealous"
Gideon: To be jealous means I would have to be worried and I'm not. What's the plan? Do you think our friends are going to accept you? What about his family? Who wants their child to date someone who is emotionally manipulative?
Su remains silent and stares at the floor in thought "I'm a very charming person I can win over anyone. I won over Grayson didn't I?" Su cocks an eyebrow in arrogance
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Gideon: Did you? Seems you've taken your delusion seriously
Su: Seems you're just talking shit
Gideon: Grayson has never been told no. He grew up with everything and anything. Completely spoiled so the first time he's faced with adversity he crumbled. You just happened to be there. You mean nothing. Whatever bullshit you're spewing in his ear will clear up and he'll see you're a lying piece of shit and I'll be there to pick him up."
With that, Gideon gets himself together and leaves Su's home
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It's hard to ignore the thought that Grayson doesn't think of Su as a romantic partner. What if Gideon is right and Grayson is just using him as a way to not think about his hardships. Grayson isn't like that...right? They definitely have something together. Spending time Sulani will prove it
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fang-and-feather · 8 months
👻, 👪, 🌙, ❇️, ☄️ and 💓 for Carina, Linet and Yara because I wanna know them better!! Thank youuu!!
You're welcome!! 😁
Some of these may be added to in the future, but that's all I got for them for now:
👻 do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
Carina and Yara believe in ghosts. Carina is more discreet about it, but Yara tells anyone about an adventure to the old, abandoned lighthouse when she was a child (Carina was there too, but they pretend she wasn't), and of the bright thing that chased her out making strange sounds. Linet doesn't believe in ghosts, has gone investigating anyway and never saw anything
👪 what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Carina: She has two siblings, a brother and a sister, both older than her. Her relationship to her siblings and her parents is complicated. As a family, they love each other, but as a royal family, Carina is not good enough of a princess, with her dreams of love and adventure, which makes her relationship with them somewhat distant, especially with her father
Linet: The closes Linet has of family is her godfather, which whom she exchanges letters quite frequently. They have a good relationship but he doesn't aprove of her job choices
Yara: Lives with her mother and younger sister. They are a realy close and supportive family
🌙 what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Carina: Love. She wants to actually marry someone she loves. She'll challenge her family and get herself in some degree of trouble for that, as long as this trouble doesn't affect the kingdom. Her recent trip might be her last attempt at avoiding an unwanted engagement. She values her freedom and won't give it up until she has no choice. Also to find her missing brother
Linet: Have a simple, peaceful life in the future. She doesn't like fighting. but she took a job as a guard for a reason. It seems silly with how much more peaceful than others the kingdom seems, but things aren't always what they seem. She also wishes to find a place for herself because she always felt a little lost. She is not willing to let innocent people get hurt because of it if possible
Yara: She wants to make something she will be remembered for. Currently it is proving the existence of ghosts, but she is always trying something new. She also wishes for her sister's happiness and safety. She's not willing to kill or betray
❇️ what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
Carina: A small gem found on an adventure as a child, it represents the freedom she had back then and is also a memory of her missing brother
Linet: Her mother's necklace, as a symbol of somewhere she belonged to once, and the sword her godfather gave her when she moved, despite him not wanting her to go, she takes that as a sign he trusts her despite everything
Yara: A similar gem to Carina's, given by the princess herself and a book given by her sister
☄️ what do people assume about them? are they right?
Carina: People easily assume that she, as a princess, is spoiled, arrogant and weak. She can be just a little spoiled, in the sense she can struggle a little without her usual level of comfort, and she can get just a little arrogant when it comes to her knowledge of certain subjects, but neither are in the ways or to the extreme people assume, and she is far from weak, despite not being a fighter
Linet: When they met her in work mode, they believe she is cold and ruthless, and they're wrong. When they know her a little, they assume she is unstable and, as such, not trustworthy, and again they're wrong. People who met her in more casual settings assume she is carefree and has an easy life. Neither are true either.
Yara: People assume that, as a maid, she's stupid, and that she has it easy for working at the castle. Neither are true. People assume her friendship with Carina is not real and she wants something from it, but it's also not true
💓 what gets their heart racing?
(probably stupid question but is this about love? hope so, that's what I'm choosing to go with)
Carina: Small caring gestures and spontaneous stimulating moments, both mental and emotional
Linet: Any loving gesture and shows of kindness
Yara: Supportive gestures and encouragement
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