#(i didnt expect the timeloop fic to be so long. so. maybe other things will also be longer than anticipated. 500k. jeez.)
short-and-ugly · 1 year
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Now for my day 11!
This fic was cross-posted on AO3 here
Memories of Lives, of A Past Not Mine
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Animal Trap | Captivity | "No one will find you"
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Words: 1,879
Warnings: semi-graphic injury descriptions, timeloops and memory shit
I did it. I made it into UA once again. As if it were possible for me not to during the timelines I chose.
I noticed something. Something very…different.
This timeline is not going to go the same.
I couldnt put my finger on it, but my quirk sensed something was different than how it was supposed to be, how I was used to it being.
I went and met my classmates for day one.
There it is. That is not normal.
Midoriya and Bakugou were talking. Regularly. As friends.
In every other timeline, that doesnt happen before UA if I’m not present in their pasts.
Something is very amiss.
----《 ¤ 》----
Telekinesis. Izuku had fucking telekinesis.
“Oh hey, uh… OV right?” he greeted me.
“Yeah. Hi.”
“Uhmm… hi! I’m-”
“Midoriya. I know. I read the thing, and your name has only been called like, a dozen times along with everyone else’s,” I joked. I couldn’t seem off.
“Yeah, I probably should’ve expected that,” he laughed nervously.
Why. Why should you have expected that.
“Anyways, what’s your quirk? Does it have to do with your mask? Mine’s telekinesis.”
That is not your damn quirk sir. “Uhm, it’s a healing ability.”
“So you made it here just off of your physical strength?” He pulled out his notebook from gods know where. At least that remains the same.
“Yeah. It was a little difficult, but you know, having a special interest in tech really helps,” I offered. This was… new. Uncomfortable. Which, considering I had been through this life-long timeloop no less than 10 thousand times, enough to have mastered every skill and trade, said a lot.
I went along with it. I’d learned long ago that shit usually tended to get weird when it came to him too, and if I actually wanted to know what was going on I had to play my cards right.
----《 ¤ 》----
Crashing, banging, noises of warfare. It was relentless. It was brutal.
I didnt have a choice. I needed to use my other abilities, my other skills. I needed to fight without holding back. I’ll think of ways to explain it later. Focus on this.
I got out my scythe, I refused to fight these people at close range and a gun would’ve been too much attention. Slashing, fighting, jumping to dodge kicks and punches, ducking when it came from behind, an endless dance of motion and blur of which I could only really ‘see’ thanks to the partial omnipotence granted by my birth quirk.
I left knocked out villains left and right.
“Uhm… OV…”
“That wasn’t them,” Deku said while panting. Faking a pant rather.
Attention turned away from me.
“I controlled their body with my quirk… And had them fight, sorry I didnt ask permission Vee,” he said sheepishly.
A lie. He was covering for me.
That means he knows something.
“It’s fine,” I said, going along with it. “Maybe give me a little more warning before you go yanking my body around like that though?” I laughed it off.
Mina started laughing too, “I was about to say, I dont remember you being able to fight like that AT ALL during training.”
“It’s cause I cant,” I stated rather obviously with a giggle.
I exchanged a look with Izuku. He seemed confused. I took a small breath of calm and went back to our situation. “Okay, anybody need some quick healing I might be able to do?”
----《 ¤ 》----
“Come on, come one, com- AGH FUCK!” I shouted and something twisted me about. I took a moment to recover from the sudden shock of it.
A snare. A simple snare. We can calm down.
It was just a snare, I’d be fine. I tried reaching for wherever the snatch point for the net was when a voice stopped me.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.”
I looked over. A villain I’d been looking into during the past few weeks because I knew they’d show up in the timeline eventually and I needed to be prepared. They’d set out traps like this for me before, in previous lives.
“What do you want.”
“That snare is razor sharp. The more you move, the more it’ll cut into you.”
Yeah, cause it did a great job at that when it trapped me.
“Now, allow me to-”
“How about you shut the fuck up?” I said, reaching up and undoing the cinchpoint of the net. I dropped to the floor and recovered instantly, ready to pick a fight.
“What, how did you-”
I stepped forward. “I know my way around traps. You cant intimidate me with things I’m more well versed in than you. Now-” I pulled out my power-blocking cuffs “-how about we discuss all the potential charges I could drop on you for a stunt like that and all the news articles I’ve thus far been able to link back to you through satellite tracking, quirk monitoring, and security cameras?”
I spent the next few minutes performing an informal arrest, putting the guy in a holding cell at a local jail and leaving an anonymous note before taking a breath of relief.
Things are on track, I am in control, I’ve got this. All will be fine.
Apparently all was not fine, because I ran into Deku while exiting the building.
“Oh, OV, I thought you’d be here,” he breathed a sigh of… relief.
“How did you know I was here.”
He paused. “Let’s just get you back to the dorms, okay? I’m glad you’re safe,” he smiled.
He never answered my question.
----《 ¤ 》----
I ran, I ran, I ran, but despite my incredible speed, I wasn’t fast enough.
Falling debris. My chest felt crushed. It was crushed. I knew it. It was all shattered and twisted and my guts could probably be seen because I had restrained myself to only regular human levels of speed and strength for the time being. I didnt want any questions otherwise.
But it wasnt enough. I should’ve been faster. I shouldnt have cared. Now I wont be getting back up for a while. I could feel how exposed part of my spine was from the clothing on my body.
Lungs unable to breathe. Heart barely beating.
I needed a bit of rest. A small time to adjust to the pain before getting back up, pushing myself off the ground. If I had to relieve myself of my human limits to finish this, then so be it.
I felt the pressure lighten but… I wasn’t doing anything. None of my quirks were active. I wasn’t moving my body. This was someone else’s doing.
“I knew you’d be here.”
Izuku’s face met my eyes when I looked towards the voice. His telekinesis had lifted the massive chunk of building that had fallen on me.
“...No one was supposed to be able to find me.”
“Yeah, well, you cant get rid of me it seems. Now come on, OV. This is your fight to finish, I know you wont let me help.” He grinned smugly at me while I pushed myself up.
“You are one weird kid.”
“I’ve been told that since I ate lime as a child for fun.” His smug grin widened.
He knew. I knew. None of this was coincidence.
He remembered the previous timelines.
“I have questions for you once I’m done with this.” I popped my spine back into place.
“We’ll see if you have the gall to ask in front of other people.”
I ran off, drawing one of my knives to go finish my fight, cause now I had bigger things to get to.
----《 ¤ 》----
He sat across from me in the common room.
“Well what? What’s going on?” Bakugou asked.
“Hm? Oh, nothing, OV just told me they had some questions.”
Katsuki sat down by Deku and passed him a snack. “Well, by all means, continue on like I’m not here.”
My exposure to future version of him acting like that was the only thing neutralizing me to the experience of Bakugou acting so calm and easy-going.
“These were actually questions that are more… private… personal… just, the conversation–”
“If I need to leave you can just say that,” he said with a quirked brow.
“I need you to leave.”
He got up and walked down towards his dorm humming. “Alright, goodnight then you two, I’ll see you tomorrow~.”
I turned my attention back to Izuku. “So.”
He seemed intrigued.
“I dont know how to start this. You know. I know. We both know each other knows.”
He nodded while smiling.
“You are one sly bastard…” I sighed. “What do you remember?”
He thought for a bit. “I remember… lots, but I’m not sure if it’s actually lots or pales in comparison to your experience. But I do remember something about you mentioning the timeloop to me. In multiple previous… lives I guess?”
“Lives, timelines, whatever. Po-tay-to ta-mah-to. I dont care. What I do care about it what you remember, like apparently the quirk chemical, the plant to mix it with for telekinesis, and the method of making it a permanent quirk.”
“That comes with memories involving us as villains, naturally,” he said.
“How the fuck did you even get your hands on that shit as a child?” I asked.
“It was not easy.”
“When did the memories start resurfacing?”
“Uhm… when I was maybe… five, or six? Early enough that I could claim simply being a latebloomer at like 6 or 7.”
“I’m assuming this is the first time you’ve run into something like this?” he asked nervously.
I sputtered. “Wh- WELL WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?” I didnt think it could be more obvious.
He laughed. “That this is really fucking weird to have a bunch of memories from lives that aren’t mine but are rather technically yours even if the memories came from the other mes…”
“I cant imagine how difficult it must have been to go through childhood with some of those.”
“Well, at least I get to compare things to death and mean it literally cause I’ve felt death before.”
“Correction-” I interrupted “-you get to say that now. I’m giving you permission to talk about the timeloop sparingly. Mostly only when funny. You will not explain anything other than ‘I’ve had a bunch of random memories from past lives since childhood’ without me present. That clear?”
“Yes ma-am!” he responded enthusiastically. He looked a little nervous. “Can we please bring Kacchan back in here? I’ve struggled keeping this secret from him for a really long time…”
I almost laughed. Of course that’s his first thought upon being given permission to talk about it. “Well, I think he already went to bed, so, maybe text him. We can catch him up tomorrow.” I smiled, but I was wearing my mask so I dont think he could see it.
“Uh, no actually… Still here,” I heard quietly from around the corner.
Katsuki slowly walked back out, just enough that I could see him. “OV, have you… actually been in a timeloop?”
Once again, hearing a teen version of him talk like should have been more strange than it was. We have bigger things to worry about for right now.
“Alright, sit, we’ve got lots to explain in that case…”
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