#(in all honesty i dont really care what things you are into as long as long as you're not hurting anyone)
duncedoodles · 2 months
apologies if this comes off as rude or judgemental or anything like that but the more i find out about you guys on here the more i wish i didnt
you guys are still my friends though :3
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mythical-illusions · 9 months
During the writers and actors strikes going on rn it's been making me think of Newsies (fucking love the musical, 100/10) and I just wanna know one thing. It's a VERY popular musical that Disney has produced TWICE (movie music, 1990s I believe, Broadway recording, 2016 ish). So I believe I can safely assume that at least some of the higher ups in some of these companies have seen it, or at least know the plot.
and here's the fun bit, it's based on a true story. So if some poor kids were tired of getting taken advantage of in the late 1800s and got the big old rich guys to listen to them. What makes you even PONDER that these writers and actors (some of which were PART of productions of these kinds of stories) are going to give up and continue to be taken advantage of? Get a fucking grip AND PAY YOUR FUCKING WRITERS AND ACTORS
You guys would be NOTHING without them. Disney wouldn't have made it these last 100 years without everyone working their damn hardest to make a movie everyone can love. Netflix, Hulu, Prime, and everyone else would be distant memories without the hard fucking work people put into their jobs. SO PAY YOUR FUCKING WORKERS
Those workers add HUMANITY and emotion and care into everything they do and that's not something you can replace with a fucking robot either
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Found this while going through my fanfic files, and i absolutely had to share.
Danny: i want in
Red robin: …what?
Danny: your bat family. I want in.
Red robin, blinking in surprise: i dont know what you think you know about my associates, but we're not-
Danny: dont be obtuse. I know youre the smart one. And i also know that your all one big relatively happy family. I want in.
Red robin: …why?
Danny: because you guys are the first people ive found that are wealthy, intelligent and powerful enough to take on my fruitloop godfather and win AND are decent enough human beings that i can be assured that when all is said and done, my well-being will remain a top priority.
Orphan, appearing out of nowhere: new brother!
Danny: *stares in shock*
Danny: *sudden uncanny grin* well that's one convinced. How do i win over the rest?
Orphan: no need. New brother!
Red robin: *pointed glance of betrayal* fine. Who is your godfather?
Danny: vlad masters. He's a fruitloop.
Red robin: for real? B's been investigating him for years! Tell me everything! *genuinely excited for a new lead*
Danny: well, he's tried to murder my dad and marry my mom, gained his wealth illegally, committed voting fraud to become the mayor of my hometown, has a secret underground lab where he does unethical experiments, and he's abducted me more than a dozen times even before my parents disowned me to make me his evil apprentice or whatever. Now that im homeless, he's literally out to get me. Oh! And he's cloned me too! She's cool though, we're buddies now.
Batman, who just arrived but heard everything over comms: hn. (Translation: who are you?)
Danny: my name is Danny. No last name anymore, but im hoping itll soon be Wayne! *winking suggestively*
Batman: hn? (how much do you know?)
Danny: enough to know that youre a much better alternative to vlad.
Batman: …hn (i dont know anything about you. What if youre a spy for vlad?)
Danny, giving his salesman pitch: i was a teen vigilante in amity park before i had to run away from home for my own safety. Vlad is one of my rogues. I know how to fight and defend myself, how to minimize collateral damage in a fight, and ive gotten really good and escaping kidnapping attempts. Ive also managed to reform and/or make allies out of approximately half of my rogues and can talk down about 30% of all rogue confrontations before they turn into a messy fight. The other things i can bring to the table are: one, i can teach all of you guys proper liminality self care; two, i can probably minimize and possibly cure red hood's anger issues; three, i can get along with stabby robin because i consider fighting a friendly social interaction - he can even stab me and i wont be injured by it; four, i can be your go-to guy for supernatural cases so you no longer have to deal with that sad trenchcoat man; five-
Red robin: *blurting* youre hired.
Batman: hn (i am deeply concerned)
Danny: if youre concerned now, wait until i tell you about the anti ecto control act
Nightwing, who showed up in the middle of the sales pitch: ive never seen anyone crack B's grunt language so quickly
Danny: grunt language? He's just using ghost speak - which will be covered by the liminality self care lessons
Robin, who arrived with batman: what is a liminal?
Danny: all of you, of course! Otherwise you wouldnt need to learn about it, obviously
Robin: and why would we trust you?
Danny: did i mention i have a pet ghost dog?
Robin: …you drive a hard bargain
Danny, fist pumping: yes! That's three!
Nightwing: four, you got me when you could understand B's grunting
Red Hood, arrived with nightwing: five, assuming you arent lying about the pit rage
Danny, hand to his chest: i would never!
Orphan: honesty. Earnest. New brother.
Oracle, over comms: six. The anti ecto acts are legit and im terrified for his safety, assuming he's phantom, who is the vigilante of amity park
Spoiler, arrived with orphan: seven, as long as youre down for a few pranks
Batman: hn (ive been outvoted)
Batman: hnn (i dont wanna hear any jokes about adoption habits when you all forced my hand)
Batman: hn (that said)
Batman: welcome to the family
Duke, the next day: man, i miss out on everything exciting.
Duke, blinded by danny: and who the fuck told bruce he could adopt the fucking sun?!
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luvriablack · 11 months
I can't resist you
(I can't resist u)
Pov: U and Patrick have an argument but it seems that u both love each other no matter what u two say...
Warnings: cursing? Mentions of killing. Enjoy 😉
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It was a day that I and Patrick were arguing. It was morning and we were in the kitchen. " U are a psycho nothing else! U don't even care about me. I am trying to be nice to you and all u do is humiliate me !" I say
Patrick looks at you with a cold expression.
"You dare to insult me?" He says, raising his voice. "Who is talking? The pathetic girl that does nothing except cook and clean for me?" He asks.
"You know what you are to me? Nothing more than a plaything, and the fact that you keep trying to be friends with me disgusts me. Stop trying so hard. I'm going to work." He says and he starts to walk out of the kitchen.
His words hurt me a lot " fuck u" I simply say and go to our room to pack my things
Patrick hears you and he stops. He has a hard time processing your words.
Did you really say that to him? He looks surprised. He then smiles "Oh, come on, my love. You said a bad word, but we can't just break up over that." He says.
"Look, I'm sorry for anything I said. I didn't mean it. It's just that...it's hard for me to be with one person for a long time." He says and he approaches you and takes you by the shoulders.
I freaked out. Was he cheating on me or something? Why would he say that? Maybe he was just angry at that moment I think "WHAT DO U MEAN BY THAT? IF U DONT WANT TO BE WITH ME JUST SAY IT" I yell at him
Patrick looks at you again, he's not smiling this time.
"Oh right, I guess I have to tell you." He says and he sighs. He takes your hands in his.
"Yeah, you're right. I can't be with one person forever. But what if I told you that I'm trying to change? I want to be a better man for you. I want to be someone you deserve." He says.
I glare at him" I saw a notebook of yours. U wrote " I wanna have sex with her and maybe I could just kill her with me inside her" " I say and continue glaring" Are u trying to kill me?"
He was disgusting. I can't believe I was in love with a killer
Patrick stares at you in a surprised way.
The notebook was never supposed to be found, it was supposed to be a hidden part of his deepest thoughts.
"No, my love. I'm not trying to kill you." He says.
"Oh, who am I kidding." He says and he shakes his head. "I don't know what to say, okay? Yes, I wrote it. Yes, those words are my deepest thoughts." He says and he puts his hand on his head. I glare at him" Thoughts or plans???" I ask
Patrick is silent for a few seconds and then he sighs.
"No, they aren't just thoughts." He says. "These thoughts are just a part of me."
He looks away for a moment and then he glances at you again.
"I...I can't help it...but sometimes I have fantasies...fantasies of killing the people I love." He says.
Patrick pauses, he strangely stares at you, he's smiling but there's something else in his eyes. "Do you understand, my love?" He asks." I am your girlfriend!!" I slap his face
Patrick doesn't respond to your slap, he just grabs you by the arm, he gently puts his hand on your face and he caresses your cheek.
"Yes, you're my girlfriend. And I would never want to hurt your precious face. I've been trying to push those thoughts of mine away for months, my love. But they're always there."
"I've always wanted to be the person you deserve...I've tried, my dear. But I just can't change." Patrick says, in a solemn way.
" U want to kill me!" I gasp while saying it
Patrick sighs. "In all honesty, I had thoughts about it. But they're just thoughts. Why would I want to kill the girl I love? You're everything to me, my dear."
He looks you in the eyes in a tender way.
"My love, I promise you that you're completely safe with me. I only had thoughts, like everyone does. I swear, my love. I'll never, ever hurt you. I can't hurt you. You're my world." He says, in a loving way.
Timeskip: You ended up calming down but at night u wouldn't want to sleep with him
"Let's stop talking about killing. I love you and I know you love me, my dear." He says and he caresses your face again. "Can we just forget this for tonight or the conversation we'll just end up fighting?" He asks.
Patrick says as he cames back from the bathroom that he was in before
" fine but...I won't sleep with u. I will be on the couch sleeping. So I can know that u won't hurt me" I say
Patrick chuckles.
"I love how innocent you are, my dear. Come on, my love. Don't you trust me enough to sleep in the same bed?" He asks.
"What if I promise to not hurt you? What if I promise to not even make a move on you tonight? Will you come to bed with me?" He asks, in a sweet way.
I can't resist him so I eventually agree
Patrick smiles.
"You're such a good girl, my love. Thank you for your trust." He takes your hand and he starts to walk towards his room.
"I'll make you breakfast tomorrow, okay?" He says, in a loving voice.
I sigh" okay but...don't touch me!" I take my hand away from his
Patrick's face shows a disappointed expression.
He takes a deep breath and he walks towards his bedroom. He opens the door and he walks inside.
You follow and you enter what seems to be a luxurious bedroom. A huge bed with silk covers, a huge dresser with suits, ties and cologne. A giant mirror in the back and two lamps on the tables. There are two windows that show a nice view of the city.
Patrick waits at the side of the bed. "Are you coming to bed, my love?" He asks.
Patrick takes off his suit and puts it in the huge dresser.
His body is completely muscular, there isn't an ounce of fat on his body. He's tall, and his six pack is perfectly sculpted due to his consistent exercise routine. He is the epitome of perfection.
He walks towards you, his feet making no sounds as he is only wearing his underwear.
He lays next to you in the bed. "Are you comfortable, my love?" He asks you.
I nod and turn my back on him as I close my eyes
Patrick stares at you for a few seconds.
From your back you look so delicate. He wants to touch you.
But, you told him not to. So he respects your wishes. However, he can't just stay there. So Patrick grabs your waist and he moves you a little towards him.His body is touching yours, and there's nothing you can do to prevent that.
I don't take his hand away. He is warm. I hold his hand and go closer to him
Patrick smiles and he caresses your hair.
"Don't worry, my love. I won't bite." He says, in a playful way.
He starts to kiss your neck. At first, it's sweet and tender, yet, he keeps going until he reaches your ear and he bites it with his teeth. He then lets go of your waist and with your hair in his hand, he kisses you softly. It's an entirely different feeling than before, this kiss felt real. It felt like Patrick loves you.
I close my eyes. Everything is going according to plan I say to myself and sleep
Do u want a part 2?
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hyunnows · 8 months
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“a rude and arrogant patient with no identification wakes up from a year-long coma and develops temporary amnesia. Assigned to you, a volunteer who’s not going to put up with his attitude, you’re both in for a rough ride.”
PAIRING(s) | Hyunjin x reader, ft Minho x reader
THEMES | fluff, angst, a slight love triangle, amnesia!Hyunjin, Doctor!Chan, Rude!Hyunjin, car accident, trauma, guns
WORD COUNT | 3.8k+
RATING | pg13
NOTE | and so, it finally ends. after two very long years, i have finally completed the work i have put the most of myself into. so many days, nights, minutes, hours, everything have gone into this and, in all honesty, it feels crazy to believe its over. i don't think i'll ever write another fic that i am as close with as this one, or at least, i dont think another will take me so long to finish and have over 30k words. really, i hope you have all enjoyed the ride, and enjoy finally reading the end of this story. thank you all, and have a great day/night <3
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“Okay Hyunjin, I’m going to give you a mental evaluation to prove that you are sane and stable enough to take care of yourself. As long as you pass, your parents should have just about no power over you, but just to be sure, we’re going to move you and [Y/N] to a different province since the police here seem to be under your parents’ influence,” Chan explains, sitting down in front of the blond with a clipboard and pen in hand. “If it really comes down to it, we can open something in court, okay?”
Hyunjin gulps, then nods, hoping it never comes to that. What if he’s not stable enough? What if there is something wrong with him and he’s deemed incapable of caring for himself? What would happen to him–and more importantly–all of you?
You nervously tap your foot as you wait in the lobby of the hospital. You’re sure Hyunjin will pass–he has to. Plus, other than the panic attacks and flashbacks (which have severely decreased), he doesn’t seem to have any behavior that would be considered too worrisome. You sigh, deciding that you’re overreacting, and turn to your right to face Minho. “I shouldn’t be worried, right?”
“I don’t think so. Sure, he’s been through a lot, but I don’t think there’s anything that would prevent this from working out. And if anything, Chan can probably fudge his scores a bit,” he jokes with a slight smile. You shake your head at him, since saying something like that at the hospital Chan works at doesn’t really seem like a good idea. “What? I’m kidding.”
A moment of silence washes over you both when Minho clears his throat to catch your attention. “So, we haven’t really gotten the chance to talk much about you and Hyunjin’s feelings about one another,” he leans towards you, wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing manner, “How are things?”
With a tinge of pink on your cheeks, you shrug, avoiding eye contact. “Oh uh, everything’s cool.”
With an amused smirk, the boy can’t help but push further–even if a part of him didn’t want to know. “Cool, huh? What kind of answer is that [Y/N]?” 
Again, you shrug, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “I don’t know… we’re good but like, we’re awkward too now. Since we didn’t get much time with each other after confessing, and it's been so long since then, we haven’t really picked up where we left off, y’know?”
He nods in understanding, “Have you talked about it?”
“About what?”
“The kiss-es, your feelings, everything?”
“No,” You shake your head, “It doesn’t feel like a good time.”
“You’re talking about your feelings–it's never going to feel like the right time [Y/N],” you frown at him, “Plus, if anything goes wrong, wouldn’t you feel better knowing you said everything you wanted to say?”
There’s a pause, and you groan. “I hate it when you’re right, you know that right?”
“Everyone hates when I’m right.”
“So am I sane?”
“Well people are going to think you aren’t if you go around asking questions like that,” Chan chuckles, before looking at Hyunjin with a friendly fondness. “I have to get a second opinion, so someone else will have to come in and test you in a minute but… I think you’re good to go Hyunjin.”
It feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, and Hyunjin smiles in relief. There was no reason to really be worried, but Hyunjin being Hyunjin (the drama king), he had his concerns. As Chan walks out of the room, he pulls out the phone Minho had given him upon his return, and texts the group chat Chan says he thinks we’re in the clear.
His phone dings as the rest of the boys and yourself give him congratulations and thumbs ups at the news, and he can’t help but feel… hopeful. Maybe he’ll be able to get away from him family, leave his old life behind, and start something new.
… hopefully start something new with you too.
Within a few minutes, another individual wearing a white cloak waltz through the door Chan had exited from, ready to evaluate Hyunjin. Since this is his second evaluation, he’s breezing through the questions. In almost no time, Chan is walking back into the room, you and Minho following close behind.
“He’s sane guys,” Chan jokes, making the four of you laugh gently. “Alright, I’m going to call off and call that friend of mine I told could help with moving you guys, I already have everything set up, we just needed this to make sure they can’t claim some sort of guardian rights over Hyunjin.”
“Well, time to pack up I guess,” you sigh, thinking of all the furniture and other possessions you have to pick.
All of which seem to be far less than you anticipated as Changbin places the last cardboard box into a moving trailer. You could have sworn your apartment had far more within it–but then again, there’s been a lot of broken frames, vases, and other things that have slowly disappeared from your home. 
You almost can’t believe it all–this past year with Hyunjin. From being your patient you read to every day, to a complete asshole you had to care for, and now the man you’re in love with–so much has happened. First his memories were gone, then a few resurfaced, and now you’re about to leave the only apartment you’ve ever lived in independently to escape from his crazy parents. It almost feels like a dream with all the twists and turns you’ve been through in such little time. 
“Okay, I got everything settled with the house,” Minho informs you as he climbs into the backseat, typing something on his phone. “Being rich with not-so-crazy parents has its perks.” Hyunjin sends him a playful glare, to which the younger boy grins at. “Not my fault yours are psycho.”
“Yeah yeah,” Hyunjin rolls his eyes, buckling into the seat beside you, sandwiching himself between you and Minho. 
Chan climbs into your front seat, Changbin crawling into the passenger’s. He gives everyone a once-over before starting to drive. “My friend is working on getting you a new license plate and everything, so they can’t target your vehicle anymore [Y/N].”
“Thanks Chan,” he nods back at you, eyes locked on the road. 
Hyunjin moves awkwardly in his spot, staring at his hands with an unknown look in his eyes.
He knows you’re happy to move with him, to run from his family in order to stay safe… but he can’t help but think of all the trouble he’s caused you by being with you. It's not even just you, but the hassles he’s putting Minho, Chan, and everyone else through as well just because you all know him. Changbin is thinking of moving somewhere he can’t be easily found, and Jeongin and Han are planning on leaving their homes too. Felix has already begun considering going back home to Australia–he can only imagine Chan has something similar in mind. 
More and more, it becomes apparent that Hyunjin is a burden to you, and everyone else in his life. But like always, he’s powerless to do anything about it. 
You pick up on his mood–its impossible not to–but choose to ignore it for the time being. Instead, you opt for getting some sleep you so desperately need. 
— —
A few hours later and everybody rolls out for a pit stop at a gas station. You make a beeline for the bathroom, Changbin and Chan splitting up to get gas and snacks while Hyunjin and Minho decide to stretch their legs for a bit. Your car wasn’t the smallest thing known to man, but it wasn’t built for anyone taller than Changbin either. 
“You never really talk about your parents, how is your relationship with them?”
Minho’s head pops up at the blond’s question, before refocusing on the rock he had been kicking. “Its as good as you can imagine considering, well, I’m me. They weren’t happy when they found out I used to get them in trouble with your parents, or when I helped you run away the first time. If they realize I’m a part of your disappearance this time… I might have to get a job,” the shorter male laughs, knowing his account was more than loaded because of his grandparents anyway. “I don’t really talk to them anymore, but they haven’t cut me off their money yet.”
“Why don’t you talk to them anymore?” Hyunjin inquires, eyes filled with concern.
“Cus they care more about their money than me anyway. All I am to them is a failsafe if they ever need to marry me off. Which they can’t–since I would rather go to prison than fuel their money hungry bank accounts. Plus they’re too lazy to deal with me, their ‘delinquent son’, anyway.”
The younger boy nods. Minho may not show it much, but Hyunjin can feel the pain through his words. Something about the way he utters them, like they hurt to say, makes Hyunjin feel the weight of Minho’s concealed emotions. 
“I don’t really have much to offer… but I’ll always be here for whatever you need. You’ve given me everything, Minho,” Hyunjin pushes out awkwardly, and he can almost see the older male’s eyes glaze over. 
Stoic as ever, Minho nods, patting the blond on the back. “When did you grow up so much? It feels like yesterday you were just a little kid following me around my house, and now you’re becoming a man.”
Hyunjin smiles at that, his face a bit flushed at the compliment, before the two make their way back to the car where Chan is waiting for you and Changbin. 
As everyone piles back into your car, Hyunjin stays focused on Minho’s words. You’re becoming a man.
Maybe, just maybe…
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It's close to midnight when you finally arrive at Minho’s country house. Somehow Chan still seems wide awake, immediately hopping out of the car and scouting out the area. Sluggishly, you all pry yourselves from the artificial leather your skin has practically fused to. Dragging his feet, Minho makes his way to the house to unlock it, swinging the door open.
A man of muscle, Changbin is bringing stacks of boxes into the house, while Chan and Minho work on moving the mattresses indoors. You work on cleaning up the place–Minho hasn’t been here in years it seems. 
Hyunjin, however, takes to the bedroom on the left of the house. Something about it is familiar–almost calling to him. The doorknob is messed up, but somehow, he knows just how he’s supposed to turn it to get it open.
It's then, when he steps into the room, he knows why it's so familiar.
Paintings upon paintings, photographs upon photographs. Memories of his flash in his head, visions of him, Minho, and Areum hanging out, splashing paint on each other and hanging polaroids of themselves around the room take over his mind. They only continue as he traces his fingers along the walls, grazing them along the paint splatters he remembers so vividly.
His heart stops when he comes face to face with a specific polaroid. Golden lighting, sparkly eyes, bright smile, it all looks too real and tangible. He can remember snapping the photo of Areum, the way they had been giggling together, carefree.
I couldn’t protect her.
It's all my fault she’s gone.
I was too weak.
Frantic words of fear, regret, and anguish run through his head as he falls to his knees, eyes pricking with tears.
“Hey Hyunjin, when we run away together, do you think your parents will find us?”
Yes. “They won’t.” They will.
“You promise?” No, I can’t promise.
“I promise,” No, you don’t. “We’ll be safe.” No, we won’t.
His chest heaves with each sob, his tears wetting the photo. 
Areum is smiling by his side, hands intertwined as he drives along the road. 
“How far are we going?” 
Not far. “Far enough,” Hyunjin laughs, bringing her hand up to his lips and placing a chaste kiss on it. 
Areum giggles, before suddenly stiffening up. “Hyunjin?”
“What’s up baby? Is something wrong?” Something is very wrong.
“I think that car is following us.” It is.
“You sure?” Yes.
“It's been trailing behind us since before we left the main road…” she sounds so scared. 
Hyunjin releases her hand to get a better grip on the wheel. “We can’t shake him until we get off the road. For now just act like we haven’t noticed.”
No, no, no. You’re not getting off the road.
“Why is he sticking his hand out the window-”
He has a gun.
He’s shooting the tires.
I’m going to lose control of the car.
And within seconds, the rear right side of the car dips, and the front left flies into the air.
His tears come to a startling halt as he hears your voice pierce his ears. Jumping to his feet, he’s suddenly aware of the shuffling feet throughout the house.
He can hear you struggling to say something, your words muffled, when you finally manage to yell, “Run!”
“Shut her up,” a rough, all too familiar voice grunts out, before your mouth is covered by a gloved hand. “Hyunjin, I know you’re here. Come out and all your friends live through tonight.”
You struggle against the masked guard restraining you, doing your best to tell Hyunjin to run, despite the muffled way they leave your lips. Your eyes dance around the room in an attempt to find some way out of this situation–maybe one of the boys can help you. However, as you drag your eyes along each of their frames, you realize they're all restrained as well. Each of them are being held down by at least two guards–Changbin having a third guard. It would make you laugh if it weren’t for the dire circumstances. 
Hyunjin’s father makes his way to each of you, giving you and Minho special attention. With a purse of his lips, he glares at you two. “You know, I never would have introduced you to Hyunjin if I knew how much trouble you would bring me in the future…” His cold gaze shifts to you, a chilling smile along his lips, “And you… I should have killed you the last time we met.”
After a moment, he straightens up. “Actually, I should kill you now. Keep you out of my way,” a gravelly, cold laugh echoing from his throat. “If you’re not down here in the next minute, Hyunjin, I’m going to blow her brains out without letting you say goodbye. 60, 59, 58…”
A cold barrel presses against your nape, the metal slides up your neck to the back of your head. You hear the click behind you, letting you know everything could end for you in a split second if Hyunjin doesn’t show up within “48-”
“Wait!” Hyunjin yelps as he slides down the hallway, panting from running down the stairs. “Let them go. I-I’ll leave without a fight just please” his honey brown eyes lock with yours, “let her go.”
With the gun still pressed against you, you stand there, eyes wide and frozen, and powerless to stop him.
“I’m sorry [Y/N], I really do want to have a life with you,” he pauses, “but I have to be a man and deal with my problems. Just let me say goodbye and leave them alone.”
Your vision blurs as you realize he’s serious, and there’s nothing any of you can do about it. The closer he gets, the more your chest aches, and it's just like at Hyunjin’s house. You’re losing him all over, except this time, as his arms wrap around your neck in an embrace, it all feels too real. Too painful.
Too… tight.
Your eyes open, confusion swirling through your tear-filled eyes as you watch his father approach you both. “All right, that's enough. Let's get going before I change my mind.”
You feel something cold sliding along your neck, something that felt almost identical to the barrel that was pressed against your head seconds ago. As Hyunjin’s arms loosen, you catch a glimpse of light reflecting off something in his hand as he turns around.
“Okay… just one more thing,” Hyunjin sighs, before whipping around, pistol in hand and aimed square at his father, “I’m not going with you.”
“If you’re not down here in the next minute, Hyunjin, I’m going to blow her brains out without letting you say goodbye. 60, 59, 58…”
Hyunjin doesn’t breathe before he darts out that door, rushing down the carpeted stairs. The only thing that stops him, is the slights wobble in one of the stairs that sends his mind spiraling. Everything, his entire life, flashes before his eyes. From the moment he became conscious, up until right now, he remembers it all.
Including Minho’s gun that just so happens to be right under his foot.
Mr. Hwang flinches ever so slightly, displeasure all over his face. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m doing what I said, being a man. You’re going to walk out that door right now, or I’m going to put a bullet through your skull. So get out and leave us all alone, forever,” the blond snarls, pushing the gun closer to his father’s face. “If you’re dead, your business is going to crap, I’m going to jail, and everything illegal you’ve done will come to light during your death’s investigation. And if I die, it’ll all be the same.”
It's a standoff, guns pointed in all directions, everyone’s stiff, and it's so silent you can hear everyone’s individual breaths.
It feels like it's been an eternity when you hear the evil old man’s voice growl, “Lets go. Now.”
It's surreal watching Hynjin’s father’s men leave the house, Hyunjin’s father just behind the last one when Hyunjin grabs his shoulder. “If you ever think of coming for any of us, I’ll bring you down with me,” his voice lower than you would have ever imagined it could be as he shoves him out the door. 
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“Yuna!” The blond grins, embracing the girl. He gestures towards you as he pulls back, “This is [Y/N].”
You two greet each other with smiles, “I know, we met briefly at the party when she rescued you.”
His jaw drops slightly, before he recomposes himself. “Oh. Well, uh, how are you and 
Jay? Will we be hearing wedding bells soon?”
With a flushed smile, Yuna shakes her head. “I asked him, but he said no. He wants us to get married because we’re ready to, not because I’m trying to escape an arranged marriage. And thanks to you, I’m free to be with him again. Since you’re out of the picture, I signed a contract with your family to merge our businesses without marriage, as long as I am free to be with who I want.”
Hyunjin gives her a warm smile, “I’m glad, Yuna. I just wanted to come by before heading home for the day with [Y/N].”
The girl nods, walking you both out the mansion with a smile. “I’m happy you two are together again, and that you’re free Hyunjin. Stay safe you two.”
“You too Yuna.”
The car ride is calm, the two of you talking here and there about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other’s company on the way home. Hyunjin’s out first when the car stops, hopping around the side to open your door for you. Then he takes your hand, guiding you to the door of your apartment building where you two spent so many days and nights together.
“What’s up with you today? You seem to be more of a gentleman than usual,” you giggle, eyebrow raised in suspicion.
Hyunjin looks back at you, offense clear on his face as he unlocks the door for you, gently pulling you to walk in first. “I am always gentlemanly, excuse me.”
“And there’s the sassy Hyunjin I know.”
He scoffs, guiding you to the dining table where two still-warm boxes of Chinese takeout sit waiting for you, and a note with some familiar handwriting addressed to Hyunjin. He mutters a hardly audible “Minho,” with slight annoyance laced into his voice. 
“What’s all this?” 
“Its, uh, its dinner,” he stammers slightly, cheeks slightly flushed. “For us. I wanted today to be kind of special for you–us,”
A slight smile makes its way onto your lips, your eyes trained on him as he pulls out a chair for you which you happily sat in. He takes the seat beside you, handing you your chopsticks and a napkin as you both dig in. Swallowing your mouthful, you turn to him slightly, “So why is tonight special, hm, Jin?”
He looks at you, doe eyes, and the ghost of a smile dancing on his lips. “Because I want to tell you how I feel about you.”
“Please just listen,” he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment, “Before you took me in, I was a scared, weak, frail kid who needed protection from everyone around him. But you brought me to live with you, despite the fact that I was a jerk who didn’t know a single thing about anything at all. My world was so empty, blank, but you showed me that there’s more to life. You brought light into my world. I was like a puzzle, waiting to be solved, and you didn’t just put my pieces together, but you were the last one.”
“[Y/N], I didn’t know who I was before you. Even with all my memories, they don’t feel like me. I have these memories but…”
“I don’t remember me before you.”
“I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me Hyunjin,” you whisper, your eyes locked with each others’. 
Bringing his face closer to yours, he breathes. “[Y/N], you’re the best thing that's ever happened to me. You made me into a man who can protect, rather than someone who needs to be protected. I love you, [Y/N].”
“I love you too,” and within seconds your lips meet, dancing in perfect synchronization with each other. Your heartbeats are one and you're completely entangled with each other. It feels like hours later when you finally break apart, breathing heavily, smiles spread across your faces. “I just have one question.”
“What's that?”
“How did you hide the gun?”
Hyunjin pulls back a bit in surprise, eyebrows raised. “What? That’s your question?” You nod, eager to know the answer. “I tucked it in my shirt and hid it with my hair.”
“I knew it,” you beam, making him roll his eyes. 
“Can we go back to kissing now?”
“Yes we can.”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 8 months
Hi ☺️ id like to request a vampire!eddie who is friends with reader but they both want more. But maybe vampire!eddie is afraid to hurt reader so he tries to remain friends. Reader finally gives up and tells eddie they can be friends but she needs to move on. She ends up on a date that ends terribly, when she gets home eddie is waiting for her and confesses he cant just be friends and they happily get together bc neither deserve anymore angst lol.
Warnings: Angst to fluff 💕
Dont copy, reuse or repost my work
Request by @swansonron
Many people have fun stories about how they've met their best friend.
For you and Eddie its no different except for one thing.
Your best friend is a vampire. Yes, exactly like Dracula, Anna Rice's Interview with a Vampire, Angel and Spike from Buffy...
Oh, and he doesn't sparkle in the sun just FYI.
Eddie may be a vampire but he's the sweetest, kindest man you've ever met. He's never hurt a human and you know he'd never hurt you.
You've fallen for him, hard but despite how close you both are, how it's obvious both you want to take your friendship to the next level Eddie holds back.
He's terrified of hurting you, even though you know he won't but he's got the idea in his head that his enhanced strength will end up with you hurt in some way.
Honesty, he's the most gentle man you've ever known and you know accidents can happen, but what they didn't?
You wish deep in your heart that Eddie would give you and him a chance but it looked increasingly unlikely and the more it broke your heart.
After much deliberation, constantly unsure of what to do and many sleepless nights you had come to a decision.
If Eddie would never accept the idea of you and him together then you had to move on. For both your sake.
You loved his frienship and never wanted to ruin it so maybe moving on would be best for everyone.
Even if you doubted that you could find someone as incredible as Eddie, you had to try didn't you?
Telling Eddie was the hardest part as your heart still longed for him.
"I have to move on Eddie. I want to be with you so much but it's clear you don't feel the same." your heart clenches painfully and you take a second before speaking again.
"We can be friends obviously but I can't keep hoping and waiting for you when this isn't what you want"
Saying all of this is hurting your heart but it needs to be said. You need to move on and stop living in a dream world.
Eddie is quiet as he takes this in and gives a tiny nod of his head.
"I understand princess" There's a hint of pain in his voice and you desperately want to soothe him, take the pain away.
By the time you move forward just an inch to go and comfort him, it's like he puts a mask up, his brown eyes darken and he steps back.
Tears prick your eyes but you swallow them down. Maybe he really doesn't care... He's just your friend and that's it.
"I have a date on Friday. It's with a guy called Jason" he nods and turns away.
"Right, well I hope it goes well sweetheart. I'll see you tommorow" he pauses and then turns back to you and gently kisses your cheek.
The soft brush of his lips on yours, the way his brown eyes meet your gaze for a minute makes your heart race.
When you open your eyes, he's gone and all that's left is a hollow feeling in your chest.
Shit, could this night get any worse?
Jason was one of those washed up jocks who sat relieving his glory days as a high school heartthrob and football captain.
He barely asked anything about you and when he did it didn't last long.
Long story short? You wish you were with Eddie instead.
Jason gulps down his wine and grows increasingly more and more drunk, conversation is stilted and no matter how many times you pick it up, it doesn't help.
The two of you have nothing in common, in fact he could be the greatest guy in the world and your heart would still belong to Eddie.
This frustrates you. Ugh, so much for trying to get over him. You needed to accept he didn't want to be with you. In some ways you had but your heart was different.
Your heart longed for a happy ending but its obvious you wouldn't find it here.
Eddie was waiting for you when you got home, he has a determined look on his face.
"Hi, what are you doing here Ed's?" you ask him curiously. Your traitor heart skips a beat as you eye him.
"I wanted to make sure you got home okay. How was your date?" you groan and slump on the sofa.
"Awful, truly awful" he growls and his eyes flash red briefly. Shit he's pissed.
"Do I need to have words with this douchebag" his protectiveness is sweet but you can handle a tipsy idiot.
"No, you'd scare him to death Eddie, I'm okay"
He kneels down beside you and takes your hand.
"What if I just frighten him a little bit? Turn into my bat form and scare the shit out of the dumb fuck?" this makes you giggle at the thought but you shake your head.
"No, remember what happened last time" Poor Miss Dawson is still on edge about bats.
He nods smirking then turns serious, his eyes lock with yours.
"When you were on the date it was driving me crazy. I can't just be friends with you sweetheart, I want more"
After a shitty night hearing this is like a dream.
"You mean it Eddie?" he nods, his thumb circling over your fingers. Sparks and tension comes off the both of you in waves.
Fuck, you so badly want to kiss him.
"I've never wanted anything more sweetheart, I adore you. I've falling for you, hard"
Eddie kisses you. You've been waiting for so long for this to happen and now that it is you can't believe it.
You kiss him back with equal fervour and he smiles against your lips.
"I'm gonna love you forever sweetheart"
Maybe happy endings weren't just for fairtytales after all.
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simp41ida · 1 year
hi :D. could u write (if possible pls dont feel pressured aha) iida and a reader who really loves the library. like the reader goes there randomly without telling iida and he looses his mind thinking reader has disappeared so he goes to look for them and when he gets back all worried and stuff about them but the reader is just sat there reading a library book. basically Iida is very much mother hen to them afterwards :)
notes: sorry this took so long!! this one kind of sucks so I'm super sorry about that. it was a great request, but I think it has something to do with the execution of it
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you and iida would always go to the library together
that's why he would've had no clue where you'd gone
because you go with him :(
but you like the library so much that you could go twice in a day without getting bored (honestly same)
either way, he'll get all panicky and tries to ask everyone else if they've seen you around, and they say no and brush it off
while they're busy not caring, he starts a one-man search party with himself
he texts you almost a hundred times, but you didn't answer it because your phone was silenced so you wouldn't disturb anyone in the library
he checks your location on Snapchat, which he normally doesn't do because he feels like it's an invasion of privacy
that was how he found you and he was so happy about it that he almost forgot the library rules were to not talk
so he was all like "Y/N!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT RUNNING AWAY WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING!" and then he'd get quiet and apologize for yelling
he isn't really mad in all honesty
he's just super happy that he was able to find you and that you were okay
after this, he'll be checking where you are if you aren't with him
he loves having the security that you'll still be there when he wants to see you again (and that for any reason, you were not in any physical pain whatsoever)
he also just loves you in general
he'll say "tell me where you're going before you go somewhere so I know you're safe" right to your face even if it would be embarrassing for others to say so unbashfully.
he says a lot of things like that because he doesn't see the point in covering up the fact that he cares about you
everything aside, he just loves you so much that he will call the police if he doesn't know where you are (before remembers that he is an aspiring hero and he should probably be looking for you on his own.)
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actuallymarzzz · 1 year
My theory on the orange side: HE'S NOT LOGAN'S OPPOSITE?
so basically I was watching through sanders sides the other day (as you do) and I was making a couple of theories on the orange side, yk average TSS enjoyer activities, WHEN SUDDENLY I WAS STRUCK WITH SOMETHING GLORIOUS
This is the first hints we see about the orange side (see from the cover screen showing a 7th side and the famous 01134 on the street fighter game sequence) BUT HAVE WE EVER STOPPED TO CONSIDER WHAT ELSE IS IN THIS EPISODE?
At 40:06 of the SVS redux, there is a MUSIC CHANGE (to a track that in my personal opinion sound WAY too funky to be "just for instrumental") and furthermore, Roman says at 40:12, "how long must we act selfishly until Thomas is ready to start putting more... good into the world?". Janus then responds, "A good question, for another time."
Now one might take that as Janus avoiding the question, but I think its strange that it is ONLY IN THIS PART OF THE VIDEO THAT THIS MUSIC PLAYS, when they are talking about being TOO selfish, to the embodiment of LIES. So what does it mean? I believe it symbolises Thomas lying to himself about the existence of the orange side.
SO THE QUESTION YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR THE ANSWER TO - WHO THE FRICKLE FRACK IS THE ORANGE SIDE? In my opinion, I believe it is Narcisissm. Or at least, that's what Thomas VIEWS it to be.
The first time orange appears in the series is in the episode about SELFISHNESS, and how it shouldn't be mistaken for self care. This is extremely similar to how society treats self-love as a narcisisstic, hence why Thomas would believe this is what the orange side represents.
Now let's look at my favourite thing: COLOURS. WHAT DO THEY MEAN? • Red - This colour mainly represents Passion and Courage (like Roman, the passion is for creativity and the courage is the whole "ill always be your hero" thing) • Yellow - Many people respond to this colour in different ways, some find it cheery, others find it grating (Much like many people have different views on lying and Deceit) • Green - it is sometimes associated with sickness, and too much of it can evoke isolation (much like how intrusive thoughts make people feel sick and that they are alone with these thoughts) • Blue - light shades of blue often represent confidence, peace, honesty and reliability (literally aligning with Patton's existence in a whole) • Indigo - This colour can be seen as knowledgeable, representing integrity and intuition (Do I even have to say anymore, it literally is knowledge, aka Logan) • Purple - Shades of this colour have been used in the care of mental of nervous disorders (Maybe this is why Virgil started wearing purple, to symbolise thomas's better management of his anxiety?)
And now, what about orange? One of the negative connotations of this colour is self-indulgence, which is characterized by doing or tending to do exactly what one wants (much like BEING SELFISH). This would explain the appearance of the orange side in the SVS redux.
"But what about the colour wheel? WHAT IS ORANGE THE OPPOSITE OF?" Before I continue, I'm leaving virgil out of this because thats a whole other can of worms I DONT WANT TO DIVE INTO TODAY, BUT LEMME EXPLAIN
Red and Green are opposites, much like Remus and Roman. They represent both sides of Thomas' creativity - dark and light - so it makes sense.
Heres where things get tricky. LEAVING VIRGIL OUT OF THIS (bcus he's more of a... neutral side I guess? I feel like he doesn't really have a clear opposite anyways) The colour closest to this is actually yellow. This kinda makes sense, as Logan is based on truths while Janus is based on lies.
You might be thinking, "BUT WORKING THROUGH INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS !!! LOGAN WAS ORANGE !!! HOW DOES THAT WORK????" That's because Logan had a selfish goal behind Thomas's schedule, which was being listened to for once. Many people who have narcisisstic tendancies tend to crave attention, much like logan. This part where the "orange side took over" wasn't the orange side himself, it was a representation of Logan's need to be listened to.
Am I saying Thomas Sanders is a narcisisst? No, not in the slightest. Earlier I said that this is how Thomas percieves the orange side, because they're HIS SIDES. He views his self love and desire to be listened to as narcisissm because that's what he's been brought up to believe. It can even be reflected through Patton's behaviour in the SVS redux.
Again, this is JUST A THEORY. I'm not saying any of this is fact. Also special note for these guys:
Colour theory experts (I can't art so my colour wheel analogy is probably so off
People who have NPD/actually know more about it (I want to clarify that this is how I think Thomas PERCIEVES the orange side, not what it is. I'm not diagnosing)
PEOPLE WHO KNOW THE SERIES BETTER THAN ME (Yes I know that the line seperating "opposite sides" is a little blurry)
Thank you and goodnight (you should totally repost this)
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
Love your blog! 🥹 Can you write some general Gun and Goo headcannons? They’re such a fun duo I can’t- 🤠
Thank you for being so sweet anon and again sorry for the looong delay. Take this complete and utter word vom. I.. I don't really know what this is apart from a ramble presented in bullet points.
Gun Park + Goo Kim: Duo headcanons
Fuck, I love these two.
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Let's start from the top.
Gun and Goo might not always get on, often behaving more like a bickering old married couple one step away from throttling each other, but they absolutely respect one another.
Begrudgingly so. Meeting someone that can go toe to toe with them does not happen every day.
Being secret friends or successor though, is completely out of the question. They never even considered it in the first place despite Gun ticking most of Goo's criteria and vice versa.
Both completely unhinged and chaotic in very different, often clashing, ways. Finding each other grating, fighting skills complementing each other due to circumstance rather than naturally.
Gun thinks of Goo as a disloyal, flighty and greedy maniac. Whereas Goo sees Gun as a dull stick-in-the-mud who only cares about fighting.
They're both right.
Gun doesn't care much for material goods. He will still buy the best of the best, because why the hell not. However, he does not form any sentimental attachment to it.
Goo is surprisingly similar. Often preferring shopping sprees as a form of a power trip and to show off how rich he is. There is a fleeting thrill of buying something he wants, but ultimately it gets discarded.
Stealing Gun's things, on the other hand, much more rewarding for Goo.
The first time he laid eyes on Gun wearing the striped yellow shirt and scarf combo, Goo knew he had to have it. Besides, it would look much nicer on him, dont you think? What the hell is Gun Park doing wearing such bright colours anyway.
In all honesty, Gun doesn't waste enough energy on clothing to say anything when he saw Goo in his outfit. Although he did roll his eyes and take an extra long drag of his cigarette.
(A/N: I love the idea of Goo stealing Gun's clothes. But I tend to flip flop between how private Gun is, keeping his work and personal life completely separate. )
If the outfit isn't stolen, then it would mean Goo went out and bought the exact same thing... Which is funnier if you think about it.
Because the sheer amount of effort that that takes, finding the same top, same scarf - because why the fuck would Gun tell him where he got it even if Goo did ask.
The fact that Goo takes a significant time out of his day just to fuck with Gun. Truly, what an idiot. Does he have nothing better to do?
Spending so much time together, they pick up naturally on each other's likes and dislikes. Well, Gun does anyway. Goo does most of the talking, and the few times Gun does talk - Goo doesn't even bother to listen.
Unfortunately, that means if someone asked Gun what happened on the latest episode of an anime series, he would be able to recite exactly what Goo has told him, and then afterwards beat them up for asking in the first place.
There's a closeness there that disgusts them both equally with how well they know each other. Music preferences, how they take their coffee. Knowing each other's mood like their own. Ugh.
Life carries on though and there's still shit to do. WIth most of their waking moments spent together, they weave in their own errands between jobs and missions.
At least Goo does. Gun's life is much more orderly instead of a whirlwind of chaos. He is proactive and reactive whereas it appears to him that Goo will just fulfil his own whims as they come up.
Either way, Goo is the one driving and it's his car so Gun has no choice but to go with.
Well. Gun can stay in the car like some sort of pitiful dog awaiting their master's return or join in with Goo.
He usually opts for the latter, and also regrets it too. For example, getting cookies together for fuck's sake. Grabbing ice cream. Ring shopping!
Really, don't let anyone tell you that Gun is impatient. He puts up with far too much from his blonde partner. He can be extremely level headed, often choosing to walk away from things not worth his time rather than waste his energy. There's a lot of hill where he would prefer not to die on where Goo Kim is concerned.
If you asked Goo what was the one thing he hated most about Gun, the ensuing silence would be the longest he has ever been quiet for. Because there really is so much he hates about that fucking guy.
Just one? Then Goo would likely say the smoking. Not only does it stink, but the smell seeps into the car interior and lingers on everything. Goo often likes to pretend he's choking when Gun lights up. Putting on a coughing fit and spraying spittle everywhere until Gun walks away in disgust.
If you asked Gun what he hated most about Goo Kim? Completely deadpan and straight faced, he would say 'everything'.
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w0w0zella · 9 months
um hello!!! im gonna be making a. bugbo murderstuck au Masterpost of sorts! I guess! ill format it like a q&a but im making up some of these questions myself. So lets get into it :3
this is a really long post! b careful :3
"what is murderstuck?" murderstuck is a Bugbo AU that made/am making (complicated wip status lol)! its a story that takes place a month and a bit after the events of familiar foe. Very long story short, gerbo ends up getting killed (on accident), joe then kills bugbo (On purpose) and joe seeks out thomas flyswatter for help. i have a post here that goes more into the story if you'd like to see it! vvv https://www.tumblr.com/w0w0zella/728157783124574208/ill-post-these-together-awawy-from-the-rest-of-the?source=share 
currently it is a well defined plot line that i and a couple other people have made art for,, and a work in progress fanfiction!
"why is it called "murderstuck"?"
murderstuck is actually (Believe it or not lol) a Homestuck thing! murderstuck is a specific part in act 5 act 2 of homestuck where one character kills someone and then someone else kills THEM, so i was like  Fuck yeah that makes total sense for this au. In all honesty, i just called it that cuz i needed a name to jump back to in discord for easy finding and it. Stuck i guess GIGGLES lol.
i am currently.  Semi looking for new name suggestions! so if anyone has any ideas !!!   Tell me !! Please !! I have No idea!! ((by the way, because murderstuck is already technically a thing, you need to tag murderstuck posts with #bugbo murderstuck or #bugbo murderstuck au or else it will be drowned out by all the homestuck art :3
(question by geluga on discord) "where did joe get his cleaver ? is it the same way he just happened to have an axe in episode 2 or is it from something else?"
yeah no i didnt really think out him having a meat cleaver lol. lets say thaat. umm. He got it becuase he was preparing bugbo a Yummy Meal (Steak is his Favourite or some  shit idk) !!!
i do NOT rmember why i gave him a meat cleaver aswell. If you want a Good answer, the reason i gave him a meat cleaver and not his Trusty Axe is because his axe would have been far too dull and bulky to slit bugbos throat. if you want the TRUE answer Its because i forgot he had an axe at all and thought the meat cleaver would look cool
(question by onyx on discord) "did gj feel bad after The thing or did he feel like totally justified"
AMAZING QUESTION !!!! Gradient Joe feels EXTREME remorse. of course when he looks back on it he knows why he did it, but if we're being completely honest; bugbo was immobilized. he did not need to kill bugbo. if he had killed him while bugbo was choking him, that would be a different story. but he killed him while he was backed up into a tree, immobilized and begging for his life.
he feels extremely bad ! Very extremely bad!
(question from ANON in my ASK BOX) "DUDE I LOVE YOUR AU SM RAUGHHHHH also question uhh where is hoppo in the au? we havent really heard about her"
So. During the events of this au. she is. away. like she usually is. Dont really know where! Shopping at grocery market. back at war. lost at sea. you decide. (More info on hoppo in the next question
(question by kets on discord) "uuhhmmmm what is the absolute WORST ending this au could have realistically?????????? like if it didn't end whene thomas was ocmforting joe idk :3333333"
OKAY i coudl see this one of a couple ways. First way is, bugbo wins. bugbo succeeds in choking joe to death, And now he is alone (til hoppo gets back) i said this one first cuz its probably not the worst possible thing, but i think it would be pretty terrible!
second worst would be if Joe waited for hoppo to come back instead of going to thomas for help. In my humble opinion, i think that hoppo is very stubborn and VERY loyal. so. (to me at least) it stands to reason that if hoppo came back, she would side with bugbo VERY hard. she would probably fucking hate joes guts, and that would be the worst  thing for him after everything he already went through. Maybe they would Fight too idk…
Very first worst would be if joe just straight up killed himself after killing bugbo. I could see this as a thing he contemplated, but if he actually went through with it?  Oh my god Fucking imagine. all of there corpses there for hoppo to find when she comes back. Thomas rotting away in his lair without anyone to talk to (and without knowledge of bugbos death) for years? Devastating.
other notable endings include Joe OR bugbo Killing themselves directly after gerbos death, hoppo ending up killing joe out of anger when she comes back, Or (In a silly alternate universe that We made on Disc Ord…) bugbo comes BACK to life and DRAGS himself to go kill joe HIMSELF!!!!!!
(question by DEMO on DISCORD) "is gradient joe book smart or money smart" i am going to kill myself and its your fault i think. never speak to me again (Joke)
as stated before, you need to tag murderstuck posts with #bugbo murderstuck or #bugbo murderstuck au or else it will be drowned out by Homestuck stuff !! i want to see all of your art and things!! Thank you!!
you are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT WELCOMED AND ENCOURAGED to make stuff surrounding this au! Please Please Show It To Me!!!
if you are drawing During Fight or. During Murdering bugbo or joe, here are some things to note! - bugbo attempts to choke joe to death during a part in the fight, and he almost succeds! This causes Permanent scarring on gradient joes neck, and scratch marks all over bugbos arms from joe clawing at them!!!
- joe ends the fight with his shirt partially open and his tie missing!
- joe breaks bugbos right leg! there is a noticable gash on his inner right knee!
- joe kills bugbo by slitting his throat with a meat cleaver!- after joe is done, he drags bugbos body over to where gerbo died! (he was crushed by the fallen Stone Structure!)
thank you all so much for the love and support with this au It means so much to me. thank you from the botom of my hart.  IF YOU HAVE ANY COOL IDEAS, MORE QUESTIONS, OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANNA SHOW/TELL ME, MY MESSAGES AND ASK BOX ARE ALWAYS OPEN!!!!!!
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abbacchiosbelt · 10 months
you asked for diluc asks and i couldnt help myself, but indulge in it as well.
ive been thinking about an arranged marriage au with diluc, where both of you are kinda like, yeah it is what it is. yall dont like each other romantically, but its tolerable enough. it feels like a surface level friendship between the two of you, so thats something. until one day, everyone around you starts talking about when are you and diluc going to have a baby, because you know, thats kinda a pertinent part in this entire marriage. i mean, you guys didnt get married willy nilly because of some deep passionate love shared between you and diluc. you barely knew him when you had to marry him the moment you were of age. rather, because both your families thought that through your marriage, a child conceived out of it will surely further both family legacies. why else did they get you two together? both families are rich and influential, so you gotta respect family honor somehow.
so, wheres the baby?
tbh, both of you are really not on board with that idea. and so far, have managed to ignore the idea of it for the first few years together. but as you and diluc continue to live together as a married couple, it starts to get a little hard to push this aside. it seems to be your main duty as a couple and you feel the pressure burdening you. you can only ignore it for so long, until you see how your "husband" begins to look at you less with coldness but... with something deeper. with all this baby talk, diluc cant help himself but grow to almost like--no, open to the idea of it. especially with you...maybe it isnt too bad? if you were to become a parent, you'd make a good one, he thinks, because youre nice and caring...youre always eager to help others around you...you always seem happy too, with a pretty smile...and you smell nice...and you have soft skin...have you always looked this beautiful?
you cant help but shiver at the dark glint reflected in his eyes.
but in all honesty, i just kinda wanna see diluc slowly go feral after putting up with all this baby talk </3 one moment hes like, not into it at all. diluc never thought of having kids, ever, in the first place. but then the next moment, hes raising an eyebrow and going: "did this unlock something in me?"
[this could divulge into dark/yan content tbh. bc imagine diluc goes from being fine with sleeping in separate rooms and even letting this marriage be an open relationship, to suddenly forcing you to sleep next to him and demanding that both of you should start acting like a "proper" couple. you ought to listen to him more and to never stray too far from home.]
anon 👀👀👀 this is so tasty!! i am a sucker for arranged marriages gone yandere, but i do like the idea of a regular diluc just getting baby fever from being with you.
and yandere diluc in this scenario... hhh. his possessive side rears its ugly head FAST. he's not forceful about things - he'd never want to hurt you - but he makes it clear that his requests aren't something you can ignore. you'll understand, diluc thinks, when you see how he's going to properly romance you. you're going to treat him like a proper husband now, and that means fulfilling your duties as his spouse...
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marabarl-and-marlbara · 5 months
yo, mara i really like your "i dont want to be friends" response to the "can we be…." asks i always picture a cool girl that makes other girls go "カッコイイ( ̄ω ̄)" when you say this, its so awesome in its honesty+raw
hi anonymous;
honestly: i hate saying that, and things like that; there:s an important ideal underneath my personal feelings, there, that makes it feel important to say, in-kind;
in-part of bacterial will i need be shut-off from people and establishing relationships (i still fail here, and make plenty of excuses here to have them, though: still can:t perfectly adhere to ideals);
in-part because it seems more painful if i don:t be the deranged-moron in the conversation willing to be upfront about unsaid things; as i don:t think most of the people who express liking me, or wanting to have closeness with me, or converse with me, actually like me whatsoever and in-stead craftsome persona or paragraph that appeals to "the idea of what i:d like" & engaging with it seems like (for me) leading them on to some connection i don:t want to provide, and slightly more isolating than if i:d just been ignored completely (put misanthropically: "another conversation that is nothing but empties"); further: there:s grossness in seeming like i:d deny the aforementioned issues and try to connect despite that, as a manipulation where i:d be rewarded from playing-along and furthering-along like treating a persons feelings as part of a business model to create a Strong Fan with great impressions of having interacted me; instead: i just act like a deranged deadbeat moron who follows some programming (like a harmful bug) to say "I will not be your friend; I will not give you advice; etcetera";
i wanted to consider making a group discord for people who support me on substack, both because 1) i want to provide some community to supporters because i do (sincerely) value them, 2) i want to reinforce the connection there from substack and not let it wither in the way being aloof-deranged-deadbeat-moron isolate causes connection to wither, 3) i want to spread the faith where i can and need people warm to me to inherit or adopt those beliefs -- again, being isolate hurts this; the Shadow of all these things is the hidden [4th] cause of bacterial will that suggests caring whatsoever about the prior three is being drawn in-to the connective mist and light of server and the invisible things within that light: of course, becoming enraptured in connection and relationship and be drawn-in deep with rewards and love and good-feeling and incentive; and the [4th] issue staunches (poorly) the desire and opening up to community can:t be, and won:t be; adhere without thinking to programming and the bacterial will will flourish inside a hermetically-sealed type of faith; and it all sets unwell inside me; and i feel a longing i have to ignore, and a sense of dedication allthesame like blindness being passed on-to me by a hand of Lord God as-though it were Acts as-though i were of the goat separated from herd as-though it were St Michael (is that right?);
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sermon notes from today, take care, anonymous; bad number of paragraphs in this message but it aligns with the subject matter.
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marvelita85 · 1 year
Avy jorrāelan
Aemond Targaryen x Velaryion reader oc
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you were stanting before him, your grandfather already made his wish of his second son and you his favourite grandaughter the one who looked so much like his late mother with your eyes one green one lilac to be united in matrimony, and you couldnt believe Aemond accepted just like that, you were sure your mother and Alicent had something to say about the kings desition and you thought you had to speak with Aemond if you wanted to be free of that engagment before it was too late
I've heard you were looking for me
I just wanted to talk, we cant keep with this engagment Aemond...
it is the king´s desition
and you are alright with it? because the last time we saw eachother you didnt hold any good sentiments towards me or my brothers
dont get them in this, please, you were always my friend growing up...
yes we were, but we havent seen eachother in 6 years, you stoped writing to me and in all honesty I dont think you care, why condemning ourselfs to a marriage that wont make us happy
are you that discusted with this betrothal, I'm willing to perform my duty
this goes beyond that Aemond and you know it, at the end of the day you will remain loyal to your mother, and I to mine, there is no way we will bend to the will of the other, and we will always be on other side of the family- aparently he didnt have anything to say about that knowing you were right - we have to stop this before is too late, we have to speak with grandsire
I cant do that...our union is for the best for the family, thats how my father see it, and his point of view is valid, we together as you say we are from 2 different branch of the family and getting together we will prevent many things that are about to come when the king is no more on this earth
a war you mean, your mother and grandfather will tried to name Aegon king without the right to do so
is Aegon´s right as first born son
the king had 20 years to named him heir and he didnt, everyone knows he is not suited to be king, and if that really happend war will break whatever we are married or not, that is treason and I wont be a prisioner in my oun hause
no one will make you feel a prisoner here
still I feel out of place in Kings Landing, is not my home
you didnt even give it a chance, your idea might change if
if I married you...I wish things were different, between us, between my brothers, becasue you like it or not they are my brothers and I love them, what wouldnt make me happy to marry my best friend than someone that I dont know
,Aemond growing up you meant the world to me and everything was different after Driffmark
you were too... and I stoped writing because I though you didnt want me to anymore...
it hurted at first then i learned to live with it
you forgot about me...
no, but you werent a constant anymore and I learn to live my life like that without you in it
we have the chance to change that, to learn to live together again, to stay together
there wasnt a way out of that marriage and you know it, everyone saying it was a good match and Aemond trying his best to be everyday by your side and do your favourite things, from reading together in the library to fly in dragon back with Vaghar and Shadow, your dragon didnt like vaghar much but Shadow didnt care as long you were with him and calm
you couldnt say you didnt enjoy his atention and your time together it was like before when you were kids and you defended him from your brothers and his, and the builing he suffered, you got all the resentment he felt now he was an adult but you couldnt be completly at ease
time passed your brothers and mother return to dragonstone and your grandsire asked you if you wanted to stay and Aemond was hopefull you say yes
you decided to stay and spend more time with your bethroded and your grandsire, after all they were your family too, and if you wished to go, the dragon pit was a short walked from the keep
what is this?
well your wedding preparations princess...
no there not, this is the faight of the seven... Im not marrying into that faight
it is your future husband´s faight my lady - you didnt say no more and you stomed out looking for Aemond and demand an explanation
how is that preparations are made ot marry us in the faight of the seven...
exuse us my lord...- Aemond dismissed Lord Lanister who looked at you funny your eyes shut the man out and he retired the room
it is my mother´s doing Im not involved in the preparations as you can see
not of course you prefer to spend your days training with Sir Criston or fly with Vaghar or read in the library but to know your own wedding preparations in your mothers hand knowing to well my thoughs about it
what are your thoughts about it then?
that I marry you under old Valarya tradition or not at all - Aemond froze on his spot - and you can tell that to your mother... when you make a desition send a raven to dragonstone
you´re leaving?
I miss the freedom I had there and here lack, everywhere I go there is one of your mother´s spies to see what the princess is doing, so yes I am going to spend my last few days of freedom beside my family
Alicent wasnt happy at all about the changed Aemond made her do about the weeding, she wanted her son to marry under her faight , Rhaenyra´s children werent raised under that faight at all
it is my desire mother, to marry under old valarya tradition just like y/n
I had hopes she didnt changed you my son, but you are turning in the same boy who was so inlove with her growing up
she was always kind to me, and I...
I know you love her my son just hope she does aswell as much
your spirits were lifted going back to Dragonstone and spend a few weeks away form the Keep you missed your grandsire but being with your family was what you needed
Rhaenyra and all the family traveled back to Kings Landing for the wedding of the princess and prince Aemond, he was waiting to recived the family along with his mother at the gate of the Keep, and you smile when he aproached kissing your hand, your brothers made a face but they didnt coment anything about them, after all Luke and Jace loved you and you them very much, you were very united
dinner with all the family was peculiar as the tensing calm even Rhaenyra and Alicent finally reunited and started to talk the last details of their children´s wedding Aemond coudlnt stop looking at his future bride, you unbodered by the stares talked with your cousins and your brothers
your grandsire the king was happy to bare witness of your wedding with Aemond, it wasnt completly old Valarya style, as it was inside the dragon pit, many smallfolk atended, the King couldnt conduct the ceremony but he was the one sitting in the throne made there, you both were so inmersed in the tradition of cuting lips and drink from the cup and say the words, Valaryan words that flow so natural from both of you, Aemond genualy seem happy and you did too
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you kiss and seal your future forever - Avy jorrāelan...- Aemond wispered for you only to hear and you were in shock because those words were true and even you couldnt say them back not just yet you knew you felt them in your heart he was yours, you were his forever
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lacktastrophe · 3 months
I read BCB recently, but Augustus and Daisy's relationship always struck me as strange. I don't think anyone ever told Daisy that Augustus was just trying to kiss her and nothing more. But it still doesn't seem to be treated that heavily, and Daisy seems to (mostly) move past the manipulation and the forced aspect of after the carnival weirdly well and fast, without any signs of trauma. Do you think there's a reason for this?
The kids do treat it seriously as we've seen in a few pages, but there hasn't really been a need to bring it up as often out of respect for Daisy, because in all honesty it was an awful and miscalculated mistake that she shouldn't be ridiculed over. But I'd assume the main ones were because Daisy rebounded with Abbey and has been largely happy during that period, Augustus had not been seen again until chapters like Pillow Talk and Total Recall, and many of the other kids had been distracted with their own issues. Despite this, it's on their mind as soon as they see Augustus as we've seen from pages like High Expectations and It's All In The Mind and so on.
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I'd be pretty sure this news wouldn't have transferred beyond their circle either as we haven't really seen any of the other kids need to talk about it or whatever. None of the other kids would've tried to paint it differently, no one outside of Abbey, Daisy and Tess had interactions with Augustus, so why would they try to suggest Abbey's account was different? Everyone seems to recognise it for what it was; abuse.
Even Lucy, who becomes Augustus' friend much later and possibly knows more about the dealings of that evening doesn't shy away from the seriousness of the situation and cannot find the means to try and explain or defend his actions. The ends dont' justify the means. It was an extremely shitty thing for him to do and he owns it.
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There hasn't been a real need to bring up this elephant as Augustus is mostly a no-show for a long period after the chapter that started it all. We revisit that night two times at most, when Lucy needs to talk to Daisy when she finds Augustus trying to talk to her in Pillow Talk and she needs to discern motive, and again in Total recall, ironically on the anniversary of that evening where through Lucy's absence, a lonely Augustus re-enters the picture.
The closest person who would try to paint it as just a kiss was likely Augustus before he realises the jig is up, when Daisy needs a moment before telling him "That IS far", and referring loudly to the more silent parts of the thing Augustus tried to navigate around; the psychological manipulation that preceeded it. But thankfully Augustus realises the jig is up and admits to fucking it all up.
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I'm not an expert in emotional trauma — but I'd feel that Daisy might have found a way to navigate around her situation in a way that she can explain the reason for that night so it doesn't bother her as much as back in Pillow Talk; particularly with how Augustus had managed to confide and spill much about his situation to her before hand, she might've found a way to navigate through the experience as it not being him, as we've seen in Pillow Talk. But that isn't to say that there isn't some sort of post-traumatic stress trigger from the evening, as him just appearing does form some unease in her, as in Total Recall. She recognises she's liable to let her feelings allow her to be manipulated. She's got the same desire to care for something Like Lucy, but she can't lower her guard around him because of that fear, which is why she tells him he needs help, but it can't be from her. Whether there are other triggers, we just don't know at this stage, Daisy's been playing it safe.
I think the only chapter which might mitigate the seriousness of the whole situtation involving that night is Witch Hunt if you read it on the surface. But you can find people being initially demotivated from hanging around Lucy and Augustus because the latter was the deterrent, and the negative associations that came with him. You can be sure they sure as hell don't forgive him, but they're willing to tolerate him so long as they can hang out with Lucy.
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underratedandoverit · 9 months
love you long time, sweetest clementine
~2k words orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
takes place after the title match at all out. so warnings for mentions of blood, physicality related to that, kip says fuck once. i think thats it
i dont really know where this was going and i dont know if this is worth anything tbh, theres a couple of lines in there that i like so i guess its worth just throwing up. i slammed this out in like two hours, i skimmed through it but no real proofreading or editing was done, i dont care. i just needed to get it this out of my brain so here you go. for what its worth. pretty much just your every day hurt/comfort and angst. a happy ending i guess you could call it
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate @ss-trashboat
on ao3
His heart raced. All sound was just white noise in his ears, eyes fixated on the closest screen he could find to watch the last moments play through the replay on the screen again.
How Moxley dropped Cassidy so easily with the Death Rider after the last-ditch effort of Cassidy trying to play the mind games with the other man by flipping him off. How Bryce slid into position, counting down to three, so easily it was almost insulting.
How Orange Cassidy just remained still on the mat, staring up at the bright lights with a bloodied face, his vision barely there as Wild Thing blasted across the arena, combined together with the mixed reaction of the fans that had stood up from their seats to mostly applaud the competitors after such an incredibly fierce battle.
Kip could feel his throat tightening as he watched the rest of Blackpool Combat Club make their way out to the ringside to celebrate Moxley and his title victory.
He didn’t remember much after that. Having to watch Cassidy endure the match took almost as much out of him as it did the now former champion, if Kip was being honest. Of course, these two things didn’t really compare, at least to the people who didn’t know about the thoughts desperately rolling around in the Brit’s head.
How this was all his fault.
Best Friends and Kris had walked Cassidy from the ring, escorting him to the medical officers to get patched up. Kip didn’t want to accompany them, Cassidy was out of it enough already without him butting in there to show extra amounts of concern as well. Kip couldn’t face him right now, as they had helped Cassidy backstage and past him in the waiting area, he had it barely in him to look at his boyfriend.
Nobody questioned it. But everyone could probably sense that something wasn’t right.
Maybe they knew this was his fault.
Kip couldn’t look Cassidy in the eyes when he was helped in their rental car, Cassidy barely sitting upright on the passenger seat. Kip was handed a bag of bandages and such, made sure that they would get changed first thing in the morning, if not sooner. He didn’t remember who told him that, but Kip assured them it would be done. In all honesty he wasn’t sure if he could hold such a promise, but it felt so good to lie right there and then.
Cassidy’s hand almost blindly searched for his, Kip hesitating a little to allow the touch but the blond’s distress was more important to calm down than his own dislike to be touched under the circumstances. Kip was just hoping Cassidy didn’t notice it, how icky the goosebumps his fingertips running along Kip’s skin made were. He tried to not think about it, just focusing on driving them back to the hotel. Cassidy needed rest. That was his one and only priority tonight.
The way Kip watched Cassidy fall down to the hotel bed as soon as he was inside the room made his heart ache. The heavy breathing, the eyes that were usually so bright at this time of the day barely remained open. He was so tired, beaten, bruised, battered. Been through hell and back and Kip couldn’t do anything to help him.
In all the potential ways, he was convinced that he only made it worse.
Without a word Kip excused himself to the bathroom, uncharacteristically locking the door after himself. Not that it mattered, chances that Cassidy would walk in were incredibly low, but he needed a guaranteed moment of peace, as stupid as that probably sounded. Avoiding eye contact with himself in the mirror, Kip walked up to the sink, turning the water on as cold as possible as he washed his face a few times.
Maybe he was just being a bit overly sensitive after witnessing all of that. All the blood, the screams, the hurt look on Cassidy’s face that was going to haunt his dreams for a good few weeks to come. Thinking about the pain the blond had to go through during all of that, even if no weapons were used, he was still in this kind of a state, both physically and mentally completely out of it.
If only Kip had managed to do something to prevent all of that.
With shaky hands he turned the water off, watching the little pool of it disappear from the sink slowly, Kip didn’t dare to face himself in the mirror. Blindly he reached for a nearby towel, drying his face. The soft fabric against his face, blocking out the lights was the first comforting thing he had felt for what felt like hours. Usually darkness came with its own demons he had to endure, but tonight it felt like the place to be.
Kip slowly let the towel drop from his face, leaving it at the edge of the sink as he exited the bedroom. Maybe it was obvious from his face how disappointed he was that Cassidy was still awake as he re-entered into the hotel room, watching the blond barely hold himself up in a sitting position at the edge of the bed, as he got slightly furrowed brows back from him.
Without replying Kip turned on his heels, walking back into the bathroom. He grabbed the towel back into his hands, turning the water on, running the towel underneath it a little. Turning everything off again he returned to the room, walking up to Cassidy, taking a seat on the edge of the bed next to him, carefully turning the blond to face him. Kip winced a little at the soft whine Cassidy let out against the touch, but pushed forward as he tried to be as gentle as possible while pressing the wet towel against his face, carefully trying to wipe away the remaining traces of blood that the medical crew hadn’t bothered to clean up.
“…Are you okay?”
Kip stopped for a brief moment, pondering over the question, but ultimately remained silent as he continued his cleanup work. Cassidy didn’t stop him, but his quiet voice was clearly very heavy in the almost suffocatingly small hotel room, the walls trapping him as Kip tried to pay them no mind, just focused on trying to clean the traces of dried blood from the blond’s brow line.
“Talk to me.”
It was obvious at this point that Kip was avoiding eye contact with him, no matter how much Cassidy tried to establish that connection. Kip cleaned him up to the best of his ability, refused to say a word, every word that left Cassidy’s mouth after that sounding more and more desperate in their pleas.
Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong. Are you okay. Did I do something. Are you mad at me.
Kip did want to answer to a few of those, but the longer he remained silent the easier it became to resist the urge. He wasn’t okay. Cassidy didn’t do anything. Kip could never be mad at him.
“Is it…” Cassidy turned away, forcing Kip’s hands off of his face, making him almost flinch to a halt with the towel in his hands. “Is it because I lost?”
Kip looked at him, the sad side of his face as Cassidy’s blue eyes scanned the rest of the room, trying to find something to hang onto while he waited for some sort of a response from the Brit. Biting his lip, Kip finally forced a soft cough out of himself, clearing his voice a little.
“No. It’s not your fault.”
Cassidy nodded, turning back towards him, for the first time managing to establish eye contact with Kip, making him immediately regret it as Kip could see the pain and hurt in him even more clearly than at any point before that night immediately.
“Then tell me. Why are you like this?”
As much as he wanted to, Kip couldn’t look away now that he was trapped in those mesmerizing, hauntingly sad blue eyes of his.
“I’m supposed to be the one in pain here.”
He was right, and Kip knew that much. He lowered the towel from his hands, handing it over to Cassidy who barely took a hold of it, watching Kip struggling to find the words to continue. He wasn’t sure how to put his thoughts into words so instead Kip reached his hand for his pocket, Cassidy watching in growing confusion as Kip pulled out his phone, starting to search for something.
After some agonizing seconds Kip handed it over to him, Cassidy’s eyes slowly tracking down to the device, watching as Kip swiped through some screenshots.
“Every single time you’ve had an important title defense,” he stated, watching as Cassidy nodded as he was slowly reading through the screenshots of a few tweets that Kip had been making over the past couple of months, “I rooted for you. Publicly, out in the open, on social media. This… This time, tonight, I…”
“You didn’t.”
Kip nodded slowly, pulling the phone back into his possession, clicking the screen shut. “I didn’t. And I know it’s just stupid superstition, but I can’t help but to feel a little bit responsible about what happened out there tonight because I… I didn’t do this one fucking thing.”
Biting his lip Kip hung his head, not daring to look at Cassidy at the moment. It was all so stupid, but at the same time it was something he found himself genuinely believing in. It had happened too many times to be a mere coincidence, and the one that it would have mattered, Kip hadn’t made sure to do it. Superstition or not, he couldn’t help but to feel a little bit responsible over what happened; not only the loss, but the pain, the suffering, the tears that were left in that ring tonight.
Because he had been a fool. There was no other way someone like Orange Cassidy would have lost such an important title match otherwise.
Cassidy hummed quietly, the soft sound breaking Kip’s thought process. He didn’t look up, but he felt a hand sneaking its way into his lap, fitting itself together with one of his hands with ease. Cassidy was clearly still very out of it, there barely being any power behind the squeeze his hand gave to Kip’s, but the effort was obviously there. Kip didn’t dare to squeeze his hand back in acknowledgment of his efforts, in fear that he might break something more than he had already done.
“I don’t care.”
Kip’s eyes narrowed a little, him stealing a look towards Cassidy under his brows. The blond wasn’t looking back at him, instead his eyes were looking around the hotel room again. But Kip was able to see the soft little smile tucking the corner of his lips.
“I don’t care that you didn’t do it. I don’t care if you believe it. The better man won tonight and there’s nothing a silly little tweet could change about that.”
Somewhere in the back of his head Kip felt like he should be insulted by those words, but the rational part of him knew Cassidy was right. He could feel another little squeeze of his hand, this time Kip responding back to it by running his thumb over the dried blood on his knuckles.
“All I care is that you’re here now, no matter what happened.”
Cassidy finally turned back towards him, watching as Kip lifted his head up before leaning closer, pressing a soft, still slightly hesitating kiss against Cassidy’s lips, Kip trying his best to ignore the slight taste of iron he was catching from the blond’s lips.
“I love you,” Kip whispered, feeling the smile from Cassidy as he stole a slow, lazy kiss from Kip’s lips.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
About A School of Good and Evil
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I watched this movie yesterday and despite not really being ‘gray story’, it still caught me and make me continue because of dear protagonists of the movie. The relationship between Sophie and Agatha is one of the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen.
*Be carefull for the spoilers for movie and book*
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(When i heard those names, first thing came to my mind was Sophie and Agatha from Witch Hat Ateiler, lol and both series is about witches so it was weird but anyway.)
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Ok, i do know that this movie is adaptation of its book (Btw, i really like the drawing and painting of book) and they changed a lot. Such as Sophie and Agatha is twins sisters, Sophie is actually ‘meaner’ in book etc etc. But i honestly dont care about the book because i think movie is kinda better, not everything but some part of it.
For example;
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There is this consisting writing in many stories that ‘if a girl acts fake, which means they are evil.’ meanwhile ‘tsundere, rude girl is actually honest and sincere so they are good’. I mean, i get the point here but thats is not that simple. We are living in a society where we are supposed to act like ‘certain normal way’, we all pretend at some point. Not because we are evil but because we are scared of being rejected or judged by other people, sometimes, it is for survival. I am not saying that its heathy behavour, it is unhealthy but still, it definitely doesnt make people bad and people who just say whatever they think in their mind with the name of ‘honesty’, they are far more awfull than person showing ‘fake kindness’ to not be disliked. Because one of them act fake because they are scared, other one is simply just doesnt care about what other people thinks. Of course, this is not always the case but most of the time, this is the case. Because people are people. This is why i kinda dislike this type of writing. This is why i like movie version better than book version.
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I dont really have problem with book Agatha, it seems similar anyway (kinda like book Agatha apperance better cause she looks more like witch but while movie Sophia’s apperance fits better to story, i thnk) but well, i like Movie Sophie far better. She is literally my favorite character cause of the way she was written and i think it fits better to plot cause people are just people. Apperantly, in book, those girls are written as beatifull girl with ugly heart and ugly girl with beatifull heart but in movie, they BOTH were good girls with opposite personalities and apperances.
Sophie is girly girl who care about her apperance, she has manners, she is in love with fairy tale stories and she wants to be like one so that she can be ‘special’, just like her dead mother told her. She wants to be rich, special and i think there is nothing wrong with that. She has just immature way of looking world which is understandable since she doesnt like her current life. Even later her realizing that she is already special without ever needing to have ‘fairy tale story’ life, that she learns to be okay with normal life.
Meanwhile, Agatha is more like tough girl. She has more realistic and mature world view. She is rude and couldnt care less about what others think about her. She is fine as long as she has her mother and her dear friend. She doesnt have much expectations from world, she just goes with it. She also has her own taste (ghost stories etc).
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Even the way they met with each others is so sweet.They both are outcasts, despite being so different. Because they are both ‘weirdos’ for others. Sophie cause she lives in dreamworls and Agatha cause she looks like a witch. But they have each others.
Honestly, this writing far better than its book so i would like to see this one as original.
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And i personally didnt like the ‘romance’ in movie. Not saying that straight relationship shouldnt happen but i just didnt like the relationship between Tedros and Agatha. Not the ‘you are not like the other girls’ talk, ooof. If Sophie was gonna be together, it should’ve been with someone who loves him (not the evil x evil bullsht cause i think she is good). And if Agatha was gonna be with someone, i wish it was Gregor because they fit better. He could be her prince but they made mr charming as main male protagonist cause well, it is. (Dont get me wrong, i think Tedros is fine guy, he might be really good guy, i just didnt like their so called romance).
And another thing i dont like about both movie and book is that all that ‘nothing is black and white or good and evil’ conversation only to end up with ‘well they are evil and we are good so’ which is condracts with itself. It could’ve written a lot better.
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I could literally watch whole show about Sophie and Agatha’s adventures, movie felt short, well, it has book for a reason but since i didnt like the way book continue and handled its story, i just like the movie.
And romantic or not, i dont care, Sophie x Agatha forever, they should be together. They are each other’s true love no matter what.
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