#(it jus gets annoying when u put so many hours n so much time into something oonly for it to get like 7 notes max)
tobesolonely · 4 years
never have i ever
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summary: y/n and harry go on a camping trip, but things don’t go according to plan
a/n: thank u for reading! please reblog/leave feedback if you enjoy! its very encouraging to me :’)
warnings: smut <33 18+ please! mentions of alcohol/drinking as well
word count: ~4k
my ko-fi! thank you :)
Never in your life did you think you'd ever agree to do something as outdoorsy as camping, yet all it took was Harry asking you very sweetly one time, and you immediately agreed. You'd never been one to spend an excessive amount of time with nature. You loved a good sunrise and sunset, just like most people. Sometimes you'd even wake up early and go on a sunrise hike with Harry if he promised to make you breakfast once you were finished. Occasionally, you'd go on walks and runs with him, and spend some time down at the beach. That was the extent of the outdoor activities you'd partake in, though. However, Harry had the grand idea to go camping for the weekend as he had a bit of time off, and this was something he'd been talking about wanting to do for a while.
"Don't you wanna be one with nature? Help me pitch a tent? Get your hands a lil' dirty?" He asked you when you started having second thoughts about going with him, the idea of sleeping on the hard ground inside a small tent a major turn off.
"I mean, I can think of better ways to spend my weekend," you tell him, stirring the pot of soup you were making on the stove. It's the night before you were supposed to leave, and Harry already had the car packed, way too excited to wait any longer. "You know I always get the worst bug bites."
"That's what bug spray is for!" he tells you cheerily, snaking his arms around your waist and placing a wet kiss to your neck. "C'mon, Y/N. I promise it'll be worth it."
You sink into Harry's kisses, feeling wobbly in your knees as it was one of your most sensitive spots— and he knew that. "I suppose it'd be nice to get out of the city for a bit. Jus' me and you, yeah?" You didn't want anyone else to see how out of your element you were in the outdoors as you found it to be a little embarrassing. Harry hums, placing more open mouth kisses on your skin.
"Just me," he pauses to kiss you. "You," another kiss. "And the birds ‘n the bees." You blush, choosing to ignore his sexual innuendo.
"I guess it's too late to back out now, especially since you already took it upon yourself to pack a suitcase for me," you tell him, rolling your eyes and turning off the stove. "I'll give it a try, Harry. Besides, it's only a weekend, yeah? What could possibly go wrong?"
As it turns out, many, many things could go wrong during a weekend-long camping trip.
Harry told you that you didn't need to pull up directions because he knew where he was going, but you quickly realized that your stubborn boyfriend was hopelessly lost. "I don't think we're heading in the right direction, darling," you informed him from the passenger seat, opening up the Maps app on your phone. "You're positive you don't want me to give you directions? No shame in admitting you're lost."
Harry mutters under his breath, squinting his eyes to look at the freeway signs. He sighs, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Think I missed m'bloody exit," he tells you, clearly growing frustrated. "Can yeh tell me where 'm supposed to be, love? I think once I figure out the exit, we'll be good."
You and Harry were choosing to not venture too far out of Los Angeles, but far enough so you would be able to enjoy your time together without prying paparazzi. For this reason, he settled on a spot known to be a little more remote, about 50 miles north of downtown. Once you pull up the directions on your phone, your suspicions are confirmed. Harry was headed in the complete opposite direction, and he missed the exit nearly ten miles back. "Yeah, you're gonna need to take the next exit you see, and then we have to go back in the opposite direction. Just about ten miles too far."
"Ten miles? Lemme see tha'," he holds his hand out for your phone and pulls the car over on the freeway's side, turning on his hazards. "Huh, you're right. How'd we miss that, babe?"
"We missed it because you insisted you didn't need directions," you remind him, exasperated. "I'm from here, and I don't even know how we're supposed to get there!" Harry laughs, re-emerging onto the freeway.
"I guess I should've just let you read me the directions, huh? Don't worry, we'll be there soon. S'what? Ten miles? We'll be there in twenty minutes."
However, twenty minutes quickly turned into forty when you found yourselves stuck in the morning commute traffic. Harry fiddles with the radio as you go 5 miles per hour (on the freeway!), trying not to let the infamous Los Angeles traffic get him down. Although you were a bit behind the schedule he'd created, it was still only 7:30 am. You had the whole day ahead of you, and he couldn't wait to get you out in the wilderness and teach you how to pitch a tent and make the perfect s'more."
Eventually, you make it to the campgrounds. You had to admit that it was absolutely beautiful— tall, looming pine trees, snow-capped mountains, picnic tables, patches of even ground you figured would be perfect to set up the tent on, and even a couple outhouses. Harry gives you a smug look when he sees your awestruck face, glad that he was the first to show you something from your own city.
"It's beautiful up here, innit? So peaceful. Looks like we're here by ourselves too," he gestures towards the empty campgrounds. "Nice and private."
You nod, unbuckling your seatbelt as Harry puts the car in park. "I'm already feelin' more relaxed," you joke, opening the door and stepping out to stretch your stiff limbs. "Should we walk around and take a peek at everything before we get ourselves set up?"
"Yeah, s'good idea," he gets out of the car himself and walks around to you, grabbing your hand. "Maybe we can go hiking later? Hear there's a nice little waterfall somewhere around here. Would love to see that." You hum in agreement, walking along the dry ground, leaves crunching under your feet.
"That sounds nice. I can't believe I've never been here," you tell him incredulously, swinging your hands. "It's so gorgeous. And is it just me, or is the air here like, super crisp?" Harry chuckles, nodding in agreement.
"I don't think it's just you, poppet. We're finally away from all that L.A. smog, can take some nice, deep breaths. This will be great for m'asthma." You laugh, and a comfortable silence falls between you. Occasionally, Harry will say, "Look at tha' bird!" or "That's the biggest tree 've seen in my life!" but you walk in silence, for the most part, enjoying each other's company.
"Do you think we should turn back?" you ask your boyfriend, stopping to look back in the direction you came from. "We've been walkin' for a minute. I don't think we should venture too far from the car." You were starting to grow tired and weren't in the right shoes for walking much longer.
"Yeah, let's get back and get that tent set up. Also gettin' kind of hungry," Harry tells you, turning you back around in the direction you'd come from. "How's tea and eggs sound?"
"Harry, you've got to be fuckin' kidding me!"
"Y/N, I swear I packed it! It has to be somewhere in here!"
"We've emptied out the entire car, Harry!"
Upon returning to the campsite, your boyfriend was excited to get the tent out of the car, so you could "really get this camping trip started," as he said. Yet, when he went in the trunk of his car to retrieve the tent, it was nowhere to be found. Neither one of you panicked at first, figuring he might've squeezed it in the backseat instead, as the trunk was pretty full. It wasn't there, either. Now, your suitcases and cooler was laid out around the car, but the tent was nowhere to be found. He runs his fingers in frustration through his hair, tapping his foot while he contemplates calling one of his assistants and asking her to bring it to him.
"Harry, don't make her do that. You already told her she could have the weekend off. It's not her fault you forgot it," you scold, digging your shoe's toe into the dirt. "We can just sleep in the car."
"That's so uncomfortable," he mewls, placing your suitcases back into the car. "Maybe we should just go home. We're not off to a very good start, maybe it's a sign?"
"No way, H. I've already called off work to come here with you, we're staying," you insist, reaching back into the car to grab the electric tea kettle you've bought. "Let's get a little breakfast in our stomachs and then go see that waterfall, how's that sound?" Harry gives you a reluctant look but agrees, reaching in the cooler to grab the carton of eggs you've brought along. He grabs the small skillet, albeit your favorite one that you told him not to bring here, and grabs a small charcoal bag to light the grill.
"Have yeh got a lighter on ya?" Harry asks, walking over to the small grill beside the picnic table. You raise your eyebrows at him.
"Me? You didn't ask me to bring it! Are you telling me we can't even light the grill now?" You couldn't believe everything that could go wrong on your camping trip was going wrong, but now it seemed like you wouldn't even be able to prepare hot meals for the next two days.
"Yes, I did, Y/N," Harry argues back calmly, not wanting to raise his voice. "Remember? I bought that long one so it would be easier to use. Said, 'Babe, make sure yeh grab the lighter off the counter.'" You think for a moment and then shake your head, sure Harry did, in fact, not tell you to grab the lighter, and he was just trying to push the blame to you.
"Now what? We can't cook the meat or vegetables all because you couldn't remember to bring the lighter," you tell him sharply, feeling yourself growing more annoyed by the second. You were incredibly frustrated because you weren't keen on the idea of camping in the first place, but you came along anyway, not expecting so many things to go wrong.
Harry closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath, a thing he does every time things start getting heated between the two of you because he hates fighting. "Well, it's at home, and there's not much we can do about it, so 'm sorry for pointin' fingers at you. Did we bring anything we can snack on that doesn't require cooking?" You rummage around in the cooler and find a box of cheese, some cold cuts, a loaf of french bread, and a couple bottles of wine.
"Hows some cheese, bread, and meat sound? We can make little sandwiches," you tell him, pulling out the food. "Maybe some wine?"
Harry chuckles, walking over to you. "Y/N, it's not even 10 am."
"We're on vacation, aren't we?"
He shrugs, walking over to you to grab the bottle of wine. You grab plates, napkins, and a sheet you bought to double as a tablecloth, laying it out atop the picnic table. "'M actually starving," he calls to you from beside the car, reaching to grab two wine glasses. "Can't wait to eat this."
You cut into the loaf of french bread and cheese and add slices of salami and ham, quickly assembling mini sandwiches for you and Harry. "These look good, don't they?" you ask him, half teasing, half-serious. You hand him his sandwich, and he grins, grabbing it from you.
"Looks delicious, Y/N, thank you. Cheers," he gently taps his sandwich against yours, and you both take big bites, moaning at your first taste of food all day. "Want some wine now?" He asks, pouring you each full glasses. He slides the glass in front of you and you grab it, taking a long sip.
"S'good. Where'd you get this one from?" you question, taking another bite from your sandwich.
"Italy," he responds sheepishly, tasting it himself. "I know how to pick a bottle of wine, don't I?"
You giggle at your boyfriend's subtle bragging, continuing to eat your breakfast. You realized that there was no way you and Harry could comfortably spend the whole weekend here camping. You'd most likely have to call it quits before it got dark. However, you were still glad you'd get to spend time with your boyfriend outdoors, eating "emergency sandwiches" and sipping on a 500 dollar bottle of wine.
"Never have I ever had a one night stand," you say loudly, giggling in the process. You and Harry were both absolutely plastered, having already finished one bottle of wine and working on the second. You've decided to play a good old fashioned game of Never Have I Ever, and it was getting more raunchy the drunker the two of you became. Harry narrows his eyes at you and takes a swig out of the bottle of wine, shaking his head.
"You already know 've had one because I've told yeh about it before, yeh lil' cheater," he exclaims, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Here's one. Never have I ever shagged in the backseat of a car." You choke on your wine, widening your eyes at him.
"You actually think I've done that? How kinky do you think I am?" you smack him on his arm, laughing at his ridiculous statement. Harry doesn't say anything, running his finger along the rim of his wine glass.
"Here's a more specific one," he leans closer to you, and you can smell the wine on his warm breath. "Never have I ever shagged in the back of my car, in the middle of the woods, while on a camping trip with my girlfriend." His hand goes to rest on your thigh, and you swallow thickly.
"Thought you wanted to go see that waterfall?" you ask him, your words jumbling together slightly. Harry turns to face you, so his legs are on either side of the bench, and he pulls you closer to him by your waist.
"Don't care much for the waterfall when 've got a beautiful woman sat in front of me," he blurts, sucking on the underside of your jaw.
"What d'you want then?" you challenge, tilting your head slightly, so Harry is better positioned to place kisses to your jaw.
"Want you," he responds simply, grabbing your hand and placing it over his growing bulge. "Y'know how wine gets me goin', love." You hum in agreement, palming him through his trousers.
"I know," you respond breathlessly, pulling away from him to down the rest of your wine. "Why don't we go to the car then?" Harry gives you a surprised look, a dopey smile on his face.
"So we're really doin' this then?" He asks, standing up from the picnic table and holding his hand out for you to grab.
"No one's around, why not?" You knew that your sexual boldness came from all the wine you'd consumed, but at that moment, you didn't think there was anything you wanted more in the world than your boyfriend's cock down your throat. "Need to taste you." Harry groans, leading you hastily toward the car. You both stumble to get there in your intoxicated stupor but make it in one piece, giggling and clinging onto one another.
"After you, m' lady," he opens the backseat and curtsies, causing you to both erupt into a fit of giggles. You clamber into the backseat, scooting all the way to the other side so Harry could climb in after you. He shuts the door, and you sit in silence for a minute, catching your breaths. "Tight squeeze back here, yeah?"
"Yeah," you readjust your body, so your back is against the door, and your legs are over Harry's lap. "How are we gonna do this?"
Harry's quirks an eyebrow at you, undoing the button on his pants. "Yeh really wanna just straight into it, don't yeh, minx?" You nod, readjusting your position, so you're now on your knees, having to crane your neck slightly, so you're not hitting the car's roof.
"Let me taste you," you offer, seeing his hard cock straining to get out the confines of his tight clothing. He wordlessly nods and lifts his hips, tugging his pants down to his mid-thigh. He's not as hard as he can get, maybe due to the amount of wine he's consumed, but you know he's nearly there. You reach over to grab him, hands shaking slightly. "Can't believe we're doing this in the middle of the woods. Makes it even hotter, though."
Harry's head falls against the back seat's headrest as you flick your tongue out to capture the drop of pre-cum that was beginning to run down the side of his head. "Take me in y' mouth, Y/N. What are yeh waiting for?"
You place your hands on his thighs and lower your mouth onto his cock, taking him almost entirely in your warm mouth. Harry lets out a loud groan, not even bothering to quiet his sounds of pleasure since he knew no one was anywhere nearby. You come back up for air and lick your lips, giving him a sultry look. "You mean like that?" Harry grips the back of your head and roughly pushes you back down onto him, not in the mood for your teasing.
"Don't be cheeky now, lovie," he warns, bucking his hips up roughly to fuck your mouth. "Yeh want me to help you cum later, don't yeh?" You moan around his cock, not wanting to answer him, so you don't break the rhythm you were going at. As your sex life with Harry grew more adventurous throughout your relationship, you've only gotten better at deepthroating him, able to get him close to his orgasm in minutes. You always joked between the two of you that giving him head was one of your greatest talents, and of course, he never disagreed with that sentiment. You come up from his cock to take another breath, inhaling deeply through your nostrils. Harry immediately pushes you back down onto him without saying anything. He begins thrusting into you with even more vigor than before, and you know he's almost there. "Y/N, 'm gonna cum—"
You pull off Harry's mouth with a loud plop!, lifting up your dress and shoving your underwear to the side. "Can I ride you?" you ask sweetly, already situating yourself over him. Your boyfriend nods, completely flustered from being pushed so close to his orgasm, and then denied the opportunity to cum.
"S'course," he answers with a shaky breath. "C'mere." He grabs your waist and guides you onto his length, helping you sink down slowly. You rest your head on his shoulder, feeling him deep within you. Every ridge, every pulse, the warmth— it makes you feel completely feral. "That's a good girl, Y/N. Takin' my cock like it's nothing, aren't yeh? This is easy for you, hmm?"
You nod against his shoulder, starting to bounce around slowly on him. "So easy, H. Fit inside me so well," you moan, squeezing your eyes shut. "Feels fuckin' incredible, stretchin' me out like this." Harry squeezes onto your sides, leaving bruises in the shapes of his fingers. Harry places a kiss against his lips, slipping his tongue into your mouth.
"You like tha', Y/N? Such a dirty girl, lettin' me fuck ya in the back of my car like this. Kinky lil' thing, you are, pet," he mutters, thrusting his hips up as you slam yourself down to meet him. You nod, moving your hips in a gyrating motion.
"Love it, H. Fuckin' into me so well, fuck," you let out a particularly loud cry when Harry repositions you slightly, hitting your g-spot int he new position he has you in. "Don't stop please, keep going." You urge your boyfriend, throwing your head back. It's incredibly hot in the car, and you realize that maybe you should've cracked open a few windows before starting, but there was no way you're going to stop now to tell him that, not when you were this close.
"Y/N, I'm gonna cum," he cries out, his breathing becoming labored. "Let me have yeh in another position, please, 'm so fuckin' close."
"There's no room," you choke out, squeezing down on him. Harry moans loudly, muttering a quiet "shit" under his breath. He lifts you off of him and lays you down across the backseat, bending your knees up to your chest while he situates himself in between your legs. It's cramped and uncomfortable and hot, but you're so close, just a few thrusts away from reaching your high.
"Put your legs over my shoulders," he demands, resting on hand on the car's headrest while the other grips your breast. You nod and place your legs on either side of his shoulders, now being able to feel him in a completely different way. He re-enters you, so much deeper than before, and you swear you see stars. "Fuckin' hell, Y/N. Love your tight pussy, babe. All fo' me, yeah?"
"All for you, baby," you cry, gripping onto his broad shoulders. "'M gonna cum now, let me cum." You're a begging, writhing mess beneath him, squeezing down on his cock.
"Do tha' again," he asks, his rhythm becoming sloppy and hurried, just wanting to get the two of you off. "I'm almost there too, babe, squeeze 'round my cock again like you just did."
You clench around Harry and he lets his head hang, squeezing onto your breast even harder. "'M cummin', Y/N," he announces immediately before releasing inside you, his warm load coating your spongy walls. Your bite your lip and squeeze around him again, the coil in your abdomen becoming tighter as you quickly approach your peak shortly after he reaches his. You know Harry is exhausted, but he doesn't stop, never wanting to leave you hanging. He reaches in between your bodies and rubs quick circles on your clit with the hand that's gripping the headrest and flicks your nipples with the other hand. "Come on, love. Can feel how close you are, I know you're nearly there."
Harry spanks your clit while increasing his speed, and your eyes roll into the back of your head, your vision going hazy. You feel like you're underwater— his voice sounds muffled and a little far away, and that's how you know the orgasm was good. Your eyes are still shut, and you feel him slowly pull out, trying not to get his seed all over the backseat of his car. After coming down from your high, you open your eyes, a blissed-out smile on your face. "That was incredible." You let out a quiet chuckle, wiping the beads of sweat from your forehead. "Can you open the door? I can hardly breathe in here."
Harry laughs and slowly sits up, opening the door and inhaling the cold morning air. The car's windows were completely fogged up, and you're happy no one was walking by because if they did, they'd definitely know what the two of you had gotten into. "Guess you can't say you've never fucked in the backseat of a car before anymore."
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lifebeginsbyleaving · 5 years
Hurt me now or Save me
This story is for the sterek week prompt lyrics and quotes. There are two songs for this oneshot.
Hurt me now, by Quinn Lewis is from Stiles POV and his side of things.
 Save me, by Noah Kahan is Derek's POV/ internal feelings.
If you can I would recommend listening to them first then while reading.
Thanks! Hope you like it.
"Stiles- Stiles just STOP!"
Stiles' flurry of movement and rush of words stopped. There was a distance between them this time that felt different, insurmountable.
Derek looked like speaking pained him. "Just stop. You're too loud. I'm tired of this. Stiles we're nothing. This is nothing, it has always been nothing-"
"Der how can you sa-"
His objection only served to make Derek more determined. "You're nothing to me."
Stiles' adamancy disappeared to be slapped with a look of broken betrayal and sorrow.
Stiles' eyebrows were furrowed in pain and Derek's were wide with a look of shock, unbelieving in the hurt he inflicted.
Stiles' mouth gaped and his voice shook. "I- I- I'm nothing? In all our fights I've been annoying, inconvenient, a bastard, a shit, intolerable, an asshole, but I have never, ever, been nothing to you. But maybe that is what I am. Maybe I'm just wasting my time. Maybe I've wasted all this time confusing you not wanting to be saved for really not worth being saved. I wanted to believe it so bad. That you could love me, but you can't, can you?" He felt his stomach drop out as he went to turn away.
Derek caught his arm. "Wait. That's not- I didn't- I didn't mean it like that."
"No, no it's okay." He had a bitter smile on his face. "I know I've already hit the ground. Come on Derek, don't pull any punches. I already know. You said we should just let it go." Stiles snatched his arm back.
Derek remembered void Stiles having more emotion in his eyes than he did now.
Derek desperately grabbed for his hand, but again Stiles pulled away.
"I'm nothing." He nodded his head minutely. "Okay. Consider this me letting it go."
"Fuck Stiles don't leave. I don't know why I said that. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make things worse. Please just stop!"
Stiles didn't even flinch at him shouting as he grabbed his keys of the counter.
Tears blurred his vision as he drove. He was turning corners sharp and fast. It always ended like this when Stiles was holding out for something that would never come, but maybe it should actually end this time. A plume of smoke from the engine had him pulling over. He punched the wheel once he was stopped. "God! Why does every thing I love break down!" He dropped his head against the wheel. As he sobbed his mind forced all the memories from their fights to be replayed.
"Don't be a dumbass Stiles!"
Stiles looked around at the pack with a look of incredibility. "Me?! I'm being a dumbass?! No. No sir. That would be the stupidwolf that thinks he can run out of the blast radius in less than three seconds! I don't care if you're Barry fucking Allen you aren't getting out of there before you get blown to bits! And I will not le-"
"You won't let me what? You Stiles Stilinski what exactly won't you let me do? We aren't debating why you won't let me go, I'm asking how you think you could stop me?"
"We both know I am more than able to stop you."
Lydia's eyes shifted swiftly from one to the other with an edge of uncomfort. "Alright boys you're both special. Now can we please calm down.
Derek scoffed haughtily eyes not even leaving Stiles'. "You mean your little sparklers Deaton lets you set off time to time?"
Stiles' eyes glowed a bright purple as he snarled more wild than any wolf. His fingers twitched as he spat his words. "I'm not afraid of you anymore. Let's go sourwolf. Let's see if you've gotten any immunity to electricity." Threatening purple sparks flickered off his hands. "Oh wait, no. We both know you don't. Still why don't we try. From what you've told me it sounds like fun. She had fun with you didn't she?" Stiles took a threatening step forward.
It was like all the air got sucked out of the room. They all knew he went to far. There was no taking that back. There was no easy way to unthaw the chilling defensive look Derek gave him.
Scott jumped in between them and locked eyes with Stiles. "Enough. Calm down." Derek growled. He looked to Derek. "Both of you."
Stiles was almost always the last one out from a pack meeting except for Isaac, but it still shocked Scott as everyone trickled out how he remained.
"Hey dude do you want to come over to my place to hang out?"
"That sounds good bud. I'll meet you there later."
Scott frowned. "No I was thinking now." Scott let his eyes very obviously drift towards the kitchen where Derek was.
"No I'm cool bro. Go get everything set up. I'll be there." Stiles patted his chest.
"Stiles he might need some time. You shou-"
"I know what I should do. Do you? I'm really cool dude. Go." He spoke with only a fraction of the edge he had before, but Scott still felt the sharpness in his voice.
Scott reluctantly headed out. "Call if yo-"
"I know."
There was silence for several minutes.
"Did you just Solo Scott?" Derek spoke walking into the kitchen drying his hands on a towel.
"He deserved it."
Derek raised an eyebrow. "No he didn't." He put the towel around his neck.
"No he didn't." His eyes met Derek's pleadingly. "No he didn't. I'm sorry."
Derek shrugged. "He didn't, but I did."
Stiles looked remorseful as he shook his head. "No you didn't."
He smiled. "It's okay. Anyways come help me with dinner."
Stiles grabbed his hand and he turned back. "Hey you need to quit this habit of shutting me out. Let me in."
Stiles stared into Derek's eyes with an intense searching look.
"Derek, you didn't deserve that." Stiles grabbed one side of the towel with each hand and pulled his head down. He rested their foreheads together. "I used what I knew about your past against you, to hurt you, to torture you just like she did, and that was not okay. That was horrible of me and I'm sorry. You did not deserve that."
"Do you actually believe that? Do you actually see what I do?"
He huffed. "To be honest? I don't know. I don't know if I believe it. I don't know why you bother. Why do you try and save me when I have only made things worse for you? And sometimes I wonder 'Am I being selfish?' Because when you say things like that to me I don't care. I don't care if I'm worth it."
Stiles intertwined their hands. "Believe it. I bother because you don't always make things worse for me. You can make them so much better. You are worth it."
"Stiles you need to leave me. Go. Figure a way out I know you can."
"You bet your ass I can. I'm going to figure a way out for both of us."
"No Stiles just go. It's okay I deserve this. Remember how angry you are at me? I left with out you. I did this to myself. I keep ignoring you. I keep leaving you and the pack. I deserve this."
"What?! Derek oh my god, I'm a moron! No, that's not what I meant. You don't! I just- I was angry. I didn't mean what I said.  And I'm not leaving you so don't waste your energy."
Derek would need all of it. Attached to his legs was a weight and in the numbing water of the lake they were trapped in by a magical ice dome, they were freezing. Stiles arrived and blasted through the ice as Derek was drifting down once again. He was getting too tired from having to swim up while being pulled down. The water was so frozen it felt like icicles stabbing into his flesh. He was tired of fighting. He had just made things worse with the Asle fae.
"Stiles u-use your agic like you did to g-get in. Get o-ou go. Don't b-b-bother. Let m-me go."
"Uggh can yo-ou just shut up. I'm trying to think. I'm never going to stop saving you, so a little help would be appreci-ciated. Besides it was a one way trip. The only way I'm g-getting through that ice is if so-someone lets us out or if you break u-u-us out."
"W-what? You're so sup-pid! Why ould y-you do that?"
Stiles was sick of this fight. They've had it so many times. "Because you're pack, and that means no matter how w-worthless you think you are if you're dr-drowning in a lake I'll always reach for y-your hand dum-m-mbass."
Derek was too tired and cold to argue. "Why can't you j-just bur-rst through ag-gain?" Stiles could hear Derek's teeth clattering together, or was that the echo of his own? He couldn't tell and he was just so cold.
"Because I had heat out there. My magic n-needs balance, but it needs at least a spark of something to balance against. I can't create someth-thing out of nothing I just f-fan the flickers into flames and w-weaken the flames to flickers to even out or manipulate the balance. And I don't kn-know if you'v-ve notic-ced, but n-no heat h-h-here."
Derek passed out and in the quiet he heard the muffled roars of the Asle.
Stiles kept shaking him and clutching him close to his chest trying to wake him up. "D-d-d-der jus-st wake u-up!"
"Sti-Stiless I-I I um itz c-c-col. I'm ir-ired"
"Hey! H-hey. No. N-no, don-n't d-do this. Pleasse just hang o-on." Stiles was also shivering, but his shakey hand gripped Derek's. "We-e need to ju-ju-st hang on t-t-till the pack fi-finds us."
"Ake i-ine."
"Wh-what? D-d-d-derek! W-wake up!"
Derek woke back groggily. "T-take m-m-m-m-my he-heat. T-take M-m-ine."
Derek blacked out and then he woke up on a table at Deaton's with a gasp. "Stiles!" He looked around wildly at the concerned faces of his pack. Well, some of, Scott, Lydia, Erica, and Stiles were all missing.
Derek spoke with a broken voice. "No." Derek shook his head. "Where is he? Please." Derek looked pathetic, like he would do anything in the world to get the right answer. "Please!"
Deaton's calming voice spoke. "Derek calm down. You were out for six hours, but your body isn't still at a hundred percent. Don't stress yourself."
He shouted again. "Where is Stiles!"
The icicles that were assaulting Derek's legs earlier turned to vines of thorns reaching from the bed to twist around and shred his muscles. They were keeping him in place as much as the lake had frozen him. He felt like his heart was chilled to the core with thinking that they would've reassured him by now if Stiles was okay.
Derek looked at Isaac pleadingly. "He has to be okay. Tell me he's okay."
Isaac walked to his alpha's side. "We dealt with the Asle. We-"
Derek shouted angrily. "I don't care about that! Where is he!"
Isaac flinched from his tone.
Boyd came up behind Isaac and put one hand around his shoulders and the other on Derek's arm before speaking. "He's in the woods still."
Derek looked furious. "Bring him here now! I don't care if-if he-he's... Just bring him here! Why would you leave him?!"
Allison spoke up next. "We couldn't move him."
That sounded terrifying. "Why not?" Derek started to get up and Boyd caught his shoulder. He growled at Boyd. "I have to go see him! You aren't telling me anything. I need to know what is wrong."
Allison spoke up next, "We don't think you should, but he still had a heartbeat."
Derek frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. "Still has a heartbeat? What does that even mean. Why won't you just say Stiles is okay?!"
Deaton spoke up next, "Because we don't know if he is. Drink this." Deaton pressed a mixture to Derek's lips and no matter how much He wanted to slap it from his hands or spit it at him he knew he needed it, and he knew Deaton wouldn't continue speaking until he did. "We don't know what's happening, and we couldn't bring him here."
Derek looked murderous. "You left him there not knowing if he was okay!?"
"Yes. Scott, Lydia, and Erica are with him now. They will call with any updates. I, however had to leave to help you. You would have died."
Derek let out a choked sob as tears started flowing. "So? Who cares. You left Stiles! You heartless bastard! He's your apprentice! HE'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! AND YOU DIDN'T HELP HIM! You let him go! He's alone because of you! He's hurt becau-"
Deaton's calm patient demeanor shattered like a mirror and suddenly his words echoed heavily in Derek's mind as if they were refracted from multiple mouths. The jagged edges slicing into him mercilessly.
"No, Derek you let him go! He's alone because of you! He's hurt because of you, not me! I had to choose between helping you or figuring out what was wrong with him. I had to choose between the punk kid that's been following his best friend into my office for years and sneaking the cats extra treats- who is also yes, my apprentice- and the boy my alpha made me swear to protect the day he was born. You are both my responsibilities. I am his teacher, and your emissary. Just because you can make everybody else's lives hell by using the pain of your past and family to harm the people around you now doesn't mean I can! Did I leave him? Yes. I chose to help you because as soon as I got there he looked me in the eyes and begged me to save you. After he got done taking what little heat that remained from his body to burst through the ice, dragging your unconscious body through those glacial waves, and casting a spell to protect you from the Asle he still used his last conscious moment to plead for your life. He had that much faith that you were worth saving. My faith however is wavering."
Deaton looked at him disappointed.
"Derek do you fully understand what Stiles is? He's not just some kid, some witch, or even just an emissary. He is a spark. Most alphas would kill to have something that rare and that once in several life time special. And yet you treat him like a child that doesn't know the stove is hot. Stiles could have enough lightning under his skin to burn down entire forests and you treat him like his opinion doesn't matter because he could get hurt. In trying to save him from you, you forget to actually save him. He doesn't need to be protected from you, he needs to be protected by you."
Before anyone could react Derek bolted out the door.
When he got closer to the lake he smelt burning and saw the glow of fire in the darkness. He shifted fully to run even faster. Once he broke the tree line he transformed back to see Scott, Erica, and Lydia all surrounding a giant circle of raging fire illuminating the dark forest. Through the flames the outline of a body in the middle could barely be seen, Derek felt his knees go out, but the ground under them didn't even register.
He smelt the smoke from the day he lost everything once again. He was utterly empty. He let out a choked sob.
That caught their attention. The next moment Erica was at his side and Scott was talking to him. He couldn't hear him over Lydia's screaming. Once she appeared over Scott's shoulder with a destroyed look upon her face he realized it was him. He was screaming while letting out choked sobs.
He didn't know how much time passed till Erica moved, but it felt like decades. Without Erica supporting him he fell forward onto hands gripping the dirt. His screams fell to a steady rhythm of pouring out of tears and breaths and the pounding in his ear subsided enough to finally be able to make out words.
"En to it. Derek you need to calm down. Listen to it. Do you hear it? Derek can you hear me, can you hear it?"
The confusion calmed him enough to look up at Scott. "H- hear what?"
Scott looked relieved. "Good. Good. Just take a few breaths."
When did the pack get here? "What? Hear what?"
Scott guided him up and supported him along with Erica.
Scott started dragging him towards the fire and the tears started all over. "No! No no no! I can't. I can't. Please. Don't make me. Please."
Scott looked sympathetic. "You need to see it Derek."
Lydia put a hand out in front of them. It was burned, and Scott and Erica's skin and hair were covered in soot and the clothes they were wearing weren't theirs. He didn't know how he didn't see it before, her arms looked terrible. The alpha in him reacted to her pain. "Maybe that isn't the best idea. He needs to calm down." As she spoke Derek lifted up a hand and gently brushed it against her skin. Lydia looked down at the black veins crawling up Derek's arms after she finished speaking.
"No it's okay. I need to do this. I need to see him."
They looked at him in a strange way as they helped him along.
"Derek I don't think you understand, hell I don't fully understand."
"Well then make me!" Derek snapped, tired of being told he didn't know things without anyone telling him anything. "Tell me exactly what happened."
Scott took a breath before responding. "I got a text that Stiles thought you were going to confront them on your own, he said he'd text when he found you and I never got a text. So I called the pack and Deaton and we looked for you guys, but by the time we got to the lake it was too late. You guys were already out. The Asle were surrounding you both, but there was a giant ring of fire that kept them away. You were still closer to the lake, but Stiles was slowly dragging himself to where he threw his phone. As soon as they saw all of us they fled. Once they were gone the ring of fire closed in on Stiles and engulfed him. Then Stiles told Deaton to take care of you before passing out. I ran in to get him, but as I drug him out the circle moved so he was still in the middle. Erica ran in and got me out. Deaton tried a few spells to get him out, but they didn't work. They took you because you were dying, and we stayed with him."
Derek tried to stay focused on what Scott was saying to not think about where they were going, but now they were close enough he could feel the heat on the face he had resolutely pointed down. It couldn't be pushed from his mind.
Derek stopped and they must've thought it was close enough because they didn't urge him farther. After a few moments of steadying breaths he looked up.
His eyes widened, and how mouth dropped. "He- he looks-"
Erica interrupted. "Alive. Deaton doesn't know what's happening, but yeah. Listen Derek, really listen."
He trained his ears and for awhile all he could hear was the crackling of the fire, but then he heard it. The steady unmistakable rhythm of Stiles' heartbeat.
He bolted towards the fire.
"Derek no!"
They ran after him, but he was faster.
When he touched the edge of the fire he expected to feel the flames, but he didn't. As soon as he touched the fire it disappeared, like it was never there. All that was left was the smoke and charred remains of the ground surrounding a breathing unburned Stiles.
He ran and knelt by Stiles. He could feel the pack surround them. He picked up his head and gently cradled him. He tried to take his pain, but he couldn't. Stiles' heartbeat quickened. Derek could feel him stirring.
With the heat coming off Stiles, he felt the ice encasing his heart since the lake finally thaw. He was crying once again.
Stiles' eyes fluttered open, and the pack all held in a breath together.
"Ouch. I didn't like that fight."
Derek let out a choked laugh and gripped him tighter.
"Derek promise me we won't have to fight that fight again. Just tell me, I don't want to wait this out. I'd rather it hurt now. I need to know. I'd rather you hurt me now."
Derek shook his head. "No Stiles. Never, never again." Derek gripped him closer to his chest and whispered his words into the darkness.
"I promise."
"Oooo that boy was one doozy of a trip." He turned his snakelike eyes to where Derek was tied up. "Boy oh boy, that Kate chick really did a number on you! Tell me-"
He looked mocking yet playfully innocent.
"Sourwolf- You don't mind if I call you that do you?- have your wounds healed from your- hm let's be polite and say 'indiscretions'? Hmm, have you learned your lesson yet? Or are you going to let loverboy in and add another sentence to your record. First was Paige, then Kate, now Stiles. Though I do say New York wouldn't be far enough for your exile this time, you know, with the whole one's and incident, two's a coincidence, then, uh-oh three's a pattern! Oh wait, I didn't say that did I? No. That was loverboy. Sorry the memories do tend to get all gobbled up."
He scrunched his nose cheerfully, then his face fell to a look of despair.
"Oh wait, no. You don’t know. Not yet. You will though. You'll know when you find the used up husk that used to be your beloved. You see I sucked him drrrrry. I took every last memory. His first, his last-"
"I swear if you've hurt him-" Derek spoke with vitriol.
He waved his hand dismissively. "Relax would ya. I didn't hurt him." His eyes lit up with excitement. "It was so much worse. I took every last minute he ever lived and I sucked it out of him. Hehehe."
He showed a giddy sort of excitement.
"I did. I really reeeally did.  I took his first day of school, I took him dragging tall, dark, and dopey out into the woods, I took his idolization of the redhead, his love for his father, meeting every last member of his pack, meeting his best friend, meeting you. He knew too, he knew it all as it was happening. As I was taking every last part of himself that made him, him he knew. So as I took him watching his mother slowly forget who he was he thought- Hehehehe- sorry. Ehm got the giggly pants. He thought, 'Oh god I'm just like her. I'm going to look at the people I love most and not even know them. Know I'm hurting them.' In one of Stiles' last moments of truly being Stiles he thought about you all and how much losing himself would hurt you."
A faux sadness clouded his face, but the grin soon resurfaced.
"And you know the kicker Derek? The real kick in the pants is in his last moment, his very last, he screamed out your name, even after all that you've done to him. And you've done a lot to him, you guys shoot hateful words at each other like enemies across borders. He takes hits from you like a soldier. Pew pew pew."
The creature acted like he was shooting across the room.
"But to be fair your boy can take a hit. Still, for your name to be the one he called out after how much you hurt him is something. And you did sourwolf."
Derek growled at the use of the nickname again.
"You hurt him so bad he thought you hated him as much as you hate yourself."
He got close and whispered. "Which is a lot. You should work on that."
He skipped away again.
"Or not. It won't make any difference to him anymore. It won't even hurt him now. He won't care. Although, did he really before?"
That snapped Derek out of his head. The one thing he always knew is Stiles always cared about him, even if he didn't. He felt a surge of anger knowing what he took from Stiles.
When the pack got there the snake was still alive tied to a chair, but his mouth was bleeding like a waterfall. Derek was sitting in a corner.
"He wouldn’t shut up."
Scott spoke in a scolding tone. "Derek!"
Derek glared. "The only reason he's still alive is because he knows where Stiles is and how to fix him."
Once they found him it hurt so bad not seeing an ounce of recognition in his eyes. Before it was them all forgetting Stiles now it was the other way around, and he didn't know how Stiles didn't go mad. He wanted to just shake him till he called him sourwolf.
The snake gave him back his memories, but he wouldn't remember. Even after several threats the snake couldn't do anything further, he said Stiles had to remember on his own, even if Derek kept him chained up till he starved.
In the end, after several horrible weeks, they all took turns telling him things to get his memory back.
"Stiles please you have to remember. Remember who you were. Please. I love you. You're everything-" Derek looked shocked he had said that. "You're everything to the pack."
It was his father that got him to remember finally.
As everyone was celebrating with Stiles, Derek snuck out.
"You'd let me live... why?" The snake rubbed his wrists where the cuffs were.
"Because you're going to take the memory of our fight. And only that! Or I swear I will cut you to pieces so slowly you will wish you could take your own memories."
"Deal. But I'm still unclear why."
"He would never forgive me if he remembered what I said. I said horrible things. I could tell it was over."
The look he gave him, even if it was erased from Stiles' head, kept ringing in his. First the look of alarm, then the look of determination as he grabbed mountain ash to throw at the snake in his bedroom, next the confusion at seeing Derek too, it froze his filled hand long enough for the snake to dart to his neck. His mouth gaped open and Derek turned away from the look of utter betrayal. Finally when he looked back Stiles had the same look of peaceful sleep he had before.
"He didn't take our fight away Derek."
His eyes widened so far Stiles thought they would've popped out.
"Yeah he probably figured he could hit Mexico before you caught on, but he didn't know you put Boyd, no, Peter onto his tail. Yeah he's long dead by now. Right?" Derek stood still, barely nodded.
"He actually gave me his memory of you asking him to violate me. Even after everything I just went through. After it all you still asked him to do that to me." Stiles smiled bitterly.
"I'm so- I didn't know wha- You wouldn't ever hav-"
"I forgive you."
Derek looked even more shocked. "Wh-what? Why? I- I don't understand? Why would yo-"
"You wouldn't understand. Derek 'Why do you try to save me.' Hale. You are pack. Am I still mad? Fuck yeah. Am I going to get over it? Unfortunately. Why? Because it doesn't matter what you say to me, what you do, I see through all of your misdirections. I see who you are. I see you Derek. Before our fight I got close to territory that you aren't ready for, so you snapped. I got close so you pushed me away, and you did and said things to ensure I wouldn't want to come back. You are unforgivable because you want to be unforgivable, because you don't think to deserve forgiveness. You push people away so you can't hurt them. You shut people out, out of habit. When someone gets close to you and proves themself worthy you bare your teeth, not your neck. I'm not falling for it. You aren't going to bite me..."
Stiles scoffed.
"Not with those bunny teeth. Besides, we're finally getting somewhere. You mentioned my father's drinking being my fault in a fight after I asked you out. I think this is a step forward." Stiles chuckled.
Derek's eyes filled with tears and he rushed Stiles into a bone crushing hug. He took deep lungfuls of Stiles' scent with his nose in the crook of his neck. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I don't know why I say those things."
"Because you're scared. Everyone you've ever loved has hurt you. Some unintentional, some not, but still. Every last one of them. You have never known a love that didn't mean pain."
"It's okay. I deserve it. I hurt them too."
"You won't hurt me. I believe that. You just have to stop pushing me away."
"I thought I lost you."
"Never, sourwolf, never." Stiles tucked Derek even closer to himself.
****************************** After the flashes of angry shouts and hurt feelings stopped he knew this felt different.
He was so done, done fighting. He needed to know, and he would beat the answer out of Derek if it came to it. He got his jeep working again and turned around. The entire ride Stiles felt the lightning coursing through his veins.
Stiles flung the door open and rushed Derek.
"Stiles what are yo-"
In one swift motion Stiles grabbed his hand yanking him towards him, then used both hands to grab the sides of his face and smashed their lips together.
It wasn't aggressive, but it didn't lose any of its intense edge to fizzle into something softer. It wasn't loving, or passionate. It was by no means a sweet kiss, but it wasn't bitter or angry either. There was no decoration or expectation, just desperation.
They both pulled away out of breath.
"I think we both know the reason we fight so much. Because we both know there's something here worth fighting for."
Derek looked beaten and confused. "Stiles just let it go. Let us go. Let me go."
"No. I see who you are. We are worth fighting for. You are. So I'm not going to stop, but if you want to keep fighting me tell me now. Because if you're gonna hurt me hurt me now. I need to know." Stiles tried to betray that this was his very last chance with his pleading eyes. He let go of Derek's hand.
"I'm sick of fighting." Derek spoke like he was tired of even having to talk about fighting. He reached for Stiles' hand.
"Good good. Just let me help you. Derek, let me save you. Let me help you. Do you want me to?"
"Save me. Please. Please Stiles you're everything to me. But I don't know how to be the man you think I am. I don't deserve to be him."
Stiles remembered the empty words he's said before. He had to make sure this was the last time.
"Okay. Okay, say you do. Say you deserve all of the terrible things in the world. Say it was somehow your fault that an older woman tricked and seduced you when you were too young to know any better. Say the tragedy of your family didn't happen to you, it happened because of you. Say you are the worst person on the planet. Say you actually deserve what you think you do. Say all of that, but what about the pack? Hm? They don't deserve that. They don't deserve seeing you in so much pain. They don't deserve an alpha so focused on punishing himself for the past he forgets to make the future better for them. What- what about me? I deserve to have you. I do. After all the shit I got through, I deserve to get to be loved by you. You need to stop pretending you aren't worth it because I will never stop reaching for your hand. I- I love you Derek. You, you. The Derek that has messed up and failed and lost more fights than he's won. I always have and will, but I need you to at least like yourself. You have to let go Derek. Love them and remember them? Yes, always. But blame yourself? You need to move on if you won't do it for you do it for them. Do it for us."
Derek laid his forehead against Stiles' and closed his eyes. "I don't want to hurt you anymore. I don't want to, but I might. I'll work on it. I'll go back to therapy. I'll pray that I will change into who you think I am. I'll work with you, but I might still push you away. I might still hurt you now, but I want to be saved." Derek grabbed his other hand too.
"Then I'll save you."
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harryhighkey · 6 years
netflix cheating
hiii my very first imagine on this account (i had a 1d account a v long time ago where i posted some other writings and stuff but we don’t talk about her) hopefully u like this!!!!!!!!! idk netflix has just had so many good shows drop recently and i felt a lil inspired!
have an idea for a part 2 of this, so if u like this and want the second part let me know :~)
happy reading 
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Are you still watching?
The dreaded pop up message had appeared before your eyes on the large television mounted on the wall.
Fuck. You cursed inwardly, you had just watched more than half the season of the new Sabrina series on Netflix. Usually that would be fine, considering you didn’t have anything that important to do today, except it wasn’t fine as you and Harry had planned to watch it together.
“Holy shit.” You cursed out loud this time when you picked up your phone and looked at the time. The hours had vanished and you groaned out loud before hoisting yourself up from the ultimate slouched position you had fallen into.
Being a binge-watcher was no new concept to you. You loved your television series and every character you got to know so well. But, god, this couch-potato habit had only increased after Harry gifted you a lounge that felt like you were sitting on a literal cloud and the massive television he had spent all day setting up in your little living room.
“Harry... this is too much.” You never expected extravagant presents from him, you never wanted him to think you were with him for what he had in his bank account.
“The polite thing is to just say thank you.” He smiled over his shoulder at you and you couldn’t help but feel your lips pull into a mirroring smile.
“Thank you, baby.”
“You’re welcome.” He had that cocky expression and you shook your head with a quick laugh. Fuck, he made you so happy. “Take a seat on the couch, ‘s real comfy.”
“Don’t want me to wait for you?”
“Gotta finish putting the tele’ up.”
“Ah, so we won’t actually be sitting on the couch for a good week.”
“Hey, now. You can’t rush perfection, Y/N.”
You smiled at the memory from only over a month ago, your eyes going to the free space beside you on the massive couch and remembering the very physical and intimate way you had shown your gratitude of the new gift. Something about the way he had a screwdriver sticking out the back pocket of his black skinny jeans really turned you on. And of course, Harry making a joke about christening the couch which quickly became less of a joke as the two of you did more than just christen that couch. Multiple times.
Just as if the Greek Goddess Aphrodite was watching over you, wanting you to indulge in the pleasure you were sinking into after remembering that heated night with Harry, there was that knock on your apartment door you knew was going to be your boyfriend.
Excitement bubbled in your stomach as you dashed to open the door. “Hey.” Unintentionally, your voice was lower, slower, more sensual, there was no hiding what you were feeling. Your eyes were a little hooded and as soon as you had opened the door and spotted Harry, your teeth sunk into your bottom lip.
As soon as he noticed your very alluring mood, he knew exactly how you were feeling and instantly his own excitement began to increase. “You alright, Y/N?” His voice had that deep tone you loved hearing in your ear just as you were about to climax and fuck, did you want him right there and then.
Harry was very aware of that fact as he lifted his arm in order to simply drag just one of his fingertips down the side of your face, he could see how needy you were, and you knew he was going to drag this out. Which you both loved and hated the idea of.
When his finger paused on your neck, he then just barely cupped his hand around the base of your neck. “Didn’t hear me?” His tone was slightly dominant then and your eyes snapped open wide as you met his heavy gaze, your lips were just barely parted in thrill for what else was to come if this was how he was acting already.
“Um.. Yeah, I’m alright.” You found your voice again as you stepped back, noting that the two of you were still stood in the open door way.
As Harry entered and closed the door behind him, he did a quick scan of your living area to try and get a hint of what had put you in this mood. That is until, something else got his attention.
“What were you watching?” He questioned as he spotted the Are you still watching? Screen on your television.
This puzzled you, because you knew he had just had a complete shift in mood. The question wasn’t playful, as if he was anticipating an answer of something like Fifty Shades of Grey. He turned to look back at you and you looked away. The flip of the emotion wasn’t what you were hoping for. You were hoping he’d stroll in and fuck you against the wall right beside your front door and for a moment you thought he would. How quickly that dream crashed down. You didn’t want to answer this time, you felt guilt that you hadn’t waited for him. He was sensitive, and you knew little things like this got to him.
“Y/N?” He pressed on, and a part of you guessed he had already switched on.
“Just rewatching Queer Eye.” A quick shrug of your shoulders paired with a smile wasn’t enough for him and when you saw him take a step closer to the couch you matched his movement, reaching for the remote but his longer reach got to it first.
Your vision stayed trained on the television as you heard the remote click and the screen changed to the episode listing of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Last night, only two of the episodes had been fully watched by you and Harry. But now, seven of the episodes were watched.
“Fucking hell.” Harry muttered and you looked at him then, seeing his jaw locked tight and his face set in a frown. You figured he would’ve been annoyed but it would quickly become something the two of you could have laughed off. Now you weren’t so sure.
“I’m really sorry.” You apologised and moved an inch closer to him. You had anticipated him to sigh and turn towards you and tell you it was okay. Instead, you got the opposite.
“Sorry isn’t good enough, Y/N.” He kept his gaze locked on the television and you couldn’t help but to frown at his response.
“Harry, it’s fine. You know I love to watch things over and over, anyway. I’ll rewatch them all with you.”
“We were meant to watch them together.”
“We still can.”
“No we fucking can’t!” His voice raised as he finally met your eye sight. Both of your expressions challenging each other.
“Why are you so angry at me?! Netflix is right there, we can watch it right now.”
“I don’t want to watch it with you now.”
“Oh my god, you’re being so immature.” You verbally groaned and brought your hands up to rub over your face out of frustration. Although, upon hearing the remote being thrown against the couch followed by Harry movements, you were alert once more. “Where are you going?!” You swiftly moved to stand in front of your boyfriend, but once you were this close to his face, you realised just how angered he looked. “Hey.. what’s wrong?” An attempt to comfort him by trying to caress his cheek was cut short as he batted your hand away and glared back at you.
“You’re what’s wrong.” He snapped and you became defensive.
“Harry, I said I was sorry. It’s only a show-”
“It’s not about the fucking show, Y/N.” He admitted and with a mix of feeling guilty at the situation and not knowing what you had done to warrant this out burst, you began to feel your own anger growing in retaliation.
“You know, you’re being a fucking dick right now.”
“Coming from how much you wanted my dick when I walked in here, I’ll take that as a compliment.” He quipped back. He was stubborn, you were stubborn and when both of you were caught in this vague frustration, nothing was going to be solved.
“Fuck off.”
“Gladly.” You weren’t expecting him to head for the front door, but that’s exactly what he did.
“Why are you leaving?!” You yelled that time but it was more out of desperation than anger at this point.
He didn’t bother to turn back to you when he responded, his hand remaining on your door handle. “Jus’ sick of you letting me down all the time.”
Harry’s answer cut rigidly into your heart and you couldn’t find the proper words to respond with in time as he disappeared from out the door he had entered through before. Your mind was racing a million miles a second to try and think of what you could have possibly done - or not done.
You were drawing a blank, had you forgotten something? This couldn’t all of been over a TV show, it had to have just been the final fatal drop that was enough for Harry to crack.
Even as the hours of the night trickled on and you lay in bed wide awake, you still could not think of what else had happened. The few calls you attempted to make to Harry were left unanswered and as you signed and opened up the Netflix app on your phone to find something to watch to try and help you sleep. That fucking Sabrina show was the first title in your continue watching and suddenly, Netflix was the last thing you wanted to do.
ps, here's part two!
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kimbapcrying · 8 years
jimin is such a radio-television-film nerd
he loves broadcast so much especially during football season when he gets to run the technical board for the big screen
he even gets to go with his friend taehyung, who’s the photographer for the newspaper, to these events and it’s just all around a good time
he also just loves telling the camera people what to do (highkey lowkey he loves the power)
but even though he’s super passionate about broadcast and he loves the class he’s in and the friends that are in it, he really just wants to do film and be a cinematic bitch
it’s always been jimin’s dream to make a cool feature length film, but when he tried to sign up for the film class the scheduler messed up and put him into broadcast and his optimistic ass was like “hey u know what that’s okay”
this boy is just all smiles and happiness and everyone in the program loves him because he’s always making news packages and feature stories that look AMAZING and he is just such a kind soul yes
he also loves being on air and he’s definitely the most well known person at school because on air he’s such a cutie and everyone is like wow! that’s the broadcast guy
he’s also pretty well known bc he’s on the dance team and he’s amazing and people are like wtf ur just perfect?
he’s just always willing to learn new things and he’s open to so many options
even though he’s pretty well known, the school is pretty big and there are teachers who are like “oh, the announcements are on let’s just shut it off and use these ten minutes to do more work:)”
(bc like the broadcast runs everyday for like 10 minutes at like 10:45 am)
(just to... be clear)
and you happen to be in one of those classes
your teacher is like we have more important things to do than get information on the school :)
and you were like :/ because you didn’t want to do work, but you honestly didn’t care too much since you didn’t understand anytHING in this class so any time was good time to catch up
but one day your teacher wasn’t in class bc he was sick or something and the sub just kind of let the announcements run and you were like okay whatever i’ll just ignore this and keep doing work
but like you hear the softest and most a ngel ic voice in the world and immediately you’e enraptured
like your eyes are glued to the screen and the cutest person you’ve ever seen in your life and he’s cute with his orange hair all swept back and his smile eyes and you’re like “wow! would ya look at that”
you didn’t catch anything that he actually said though
but like you’re essentially i n  l o v e  with this boy now
but you straight up don’t know his name or shit about him
so late you’re at lunch with ur friend hoseok and you’re talking about the cute boy with orange hair on the broadcast and he’s like “OH YOU MEAN HIM?” and turns and like points to him and ur like fuck hoseok what the fuck
so like hoseok being Hoseok catches his attention obviously and he like looks over with his cute wide eyed confused face like “what who me?” and ur like god damn it he’s still cute
and he looks at hoseok pointing and you trying to shove his hand down and gives a big eye smile and you’re melting
but he just looks back at his lunch and hoseok turns back and everything is like normal except your face is burning from embarrassment
hoseok: his name is jimin
you: thanks you didn’t havE TO EMBARRASS ME TO TELL ME THAT
the next day your teacher is back and he shuts off the broadcast like normal but now you’re kinda sad that you’re missing out
like u got a taste of jimin
and once u jimin you cant jimout
you kind of give up on the idea of seeing the broadcast again and go back to doing your work but now your mood is like :(
but then you remember snapchat exists bc hoseok sends you a snap of jimin on the announcements with like 400 wink emojis all over it
and immediately you’re like “pleASE ke ep sendi ng me snaps of hi m”
and hoseok is like “okAY gosh...”
so that’s how u get ur daily dose of jimin
which is admittedly a little weird but hey listen ur school work load does not allow very much time for cute broadcast boys
so you always go to cafes to study bc like u have a lot of work that u need to get done and you need a shit ton of caffeine to stay awake and every time u go u got like bags under ur eyes and u probably look like you’re on the verge of a breakdown but this is what u get for wanting to take the hardest damn classes
and you’re sitting there trying to type ur 1000 word essay that’s definitely due at midnight and tbh you actually are about to have a breakdown
and you’re so concentrated on your essay that you don’t even notice someone set their stuff down across from you until there’s a tiny hand waving in front of your screen
you’re super annoyed like who the fuck is breaking your concentration and about to curse at this guy
but u look up and make eye contact with none other than pa rk jimin himself
and your mouth is kind of hanging open like wh at is happening am i having a fever dream i s this real have i becom e so tir ed that i am hallucinating?
and he’s like “hey, the rest of the cafe is full, is it okay if i sit with you and work? I won’t bother you” and he gives u a cute shy lil smile and you’re like ho w could i even t hink to say no
so he plops down and pulls out his laptop and starts working and you’re like flustered but you gotta keep working
so yall just sit there in silence for like two hours doing your own respective work
and you’re kinda glad jimin is there. his presence relaxes you for some reason
after u finally finish your essay and you feel good about it and submit it you like shut your laptop and start packing up and you’re super satisfied like yes i really did that 1000 words bitches take that professor
“are you leaving?” jimin is like giving u a damn cute look like his elbow is on the table and his head is leaning against his hand and he’s smilin and you’re like “...... yes?”
and he closes his laptop and packs up too and you’re like “wh at” and he’s like “let’s get food!” and you’re like “w h a t”
jimin: there’s a burger joint a few doors down let’s go
you: you don’t know me?
jimin: i wanna get to know you ;)
and you’re like wtf... is he flirting? (also that was cheesy as fuck who does he think he is)
but you end up going to get food with him anyway
and you’re like why and how is this happening?
yall order and sit down and jimin is being a damn cutie just all smiley and shit
(he’s so fucking cute i don’t think anyone would be able to handle it)
and he’s talking to you and you’re kind of responding, but you don’t really know how to handle this situation because you definitely didn’t expect your night to go like this
eventually you’re like “why are you doing this, i don’t think you even know my name?”
and he’s like “yeah i do! it’s Y/N right? hoseok told me lmao we’re buddies on the dance team”
and you’re like “oH” and also in ur mind like god fucking damn it hoseok why didn’t u tell me
and then you’re like “you’re on the dance team?”
and he lights up like yeah! i love dancing! it’s super cool and fun and i love everyone
and you kind of fall in love with the way he just lights up
and he just keeps talking about how much he loves dance and then it becomes how much he loves broadcast then he’s like talking about how he wants to become a filmmaker and a director of photography and he’s all over the place but it’s really cute and you listen to every word he has to say
and at the end of the night yall are walking back to ur cars and he’s like “waIT fu ck i wanted to get to know u and i literally just talked about myself the whole time” and he looks so sad ? and you’re like wtf ? stop being cute?
and you kinda giggle like “here lemme give u my number and we can talk more”
and he fucking lights up like a damn christmas tree again and you’re like yeah im dead for this boy
he hands u his phone and u put ur number in and ur like there :) it’s all good
and he looks so happy he like leans in and gives u a kiss on the cheek and is like awesome! i’ll catch u later and runs off
and again you’re like w hat
and once you get home u have like a ton of texts from jimin
all of them have winky faces in them
he’s like “tonight was fun ;) let’s do it again some time ;)”
after that he’s always inviting you to e v e r y t h i n g
especially his dance practices and the sites he has to film at
you: i have homework
jimin: do homework while i’m dancing! we can get food after
and you guys start spending ALL your time together
bc when you two are working both of you are so concentrated, but yall just enjoy each others presence so much it’s relaxing and easy (which u really liked bc ur literally always stressed about school)
and he never officially asks you out, but everything just kind of falls into place?
like one day yall were back in the cafe and he was editing a video and you were doing ur calc hw and he was probably like “hey babe can you grab me some napkins” and you were like “babe?” and he was like “ho ld on that jus t slipped ou t” and you were like “omg... it’s fine i mean... i can be your... exclusive babe?” and he was like “;)” and you were like “stop that”
and yall become the chillest couple in the world
yall push each other to do the best u can do like he always supports you with ur work and ur like “yeS that is my BOYFRIEND on the announcements”
and even though u don’t actually get to watch the announcements, jimin would definitely try to sneak tiny shoutouts to you, even though the teacher is like don’t do that. he’ll like type a tiny “love u” in the corner of a graphic bc he’s a cheesy motherfucker
at one point jimin invites u to one of his film contests and ur like yell heah i’ll go
you also want to go bc he never shows u his films like he’ll show u the stuff that he works on for broadcast but when it comes to cinematic stuff he’s like “it’s a secret;)” and ur like fuck u
and u didn’t really know what to expect bc like what is a film contest even like
you hadn’t even watched his film yet bc he REFUSED to show u
but at the event, they were screening all the films and u see this one that’s just like so cinematically b eau tiful and it just immediately draws u in and ur like hol y shit and jimin is like haha guess who made that
and ur like “hol y shit u did that?”
and he’s like “yeAH i did that” and ur just so proud of him
when they announce winners jimin’s film gets first
and he’s like so happy he picks u up in a hug and twirls u around and yall are like “yEEAH”
in the heat of the moment he gives u a big kiss
and you’re like !!!
and he’s also like !!! bc tbh neither of you expected him to do That
but you’re like fuck it and pull him in for another kiss
he’s all skinship after that
he loves giving u light kisses while ur working
you’re like “ur distracting” and he’s like “;)” and you’re like “stOP DOING THAT”
one day yall are just laying around and cuddling (damn cuties u two) you’re like why’d you even sit with me at the cafe that one day like what made u do that
and he’s like “well u know that one day when hoseok was being loud and pointing at me or whatever” and ur like “oh god yes don’t make me remember” and he’s like “well, i thought u were cute and i asked hoseok about it and he was like lmao they’re into u, but like i didn’t actually decide to get close to u until i saw how cute u looked concentrating on ur work in the cafe and u also looked like u were about to cry so i wanted to keep u company”
and ur like okay that’s cute stop being cute? and hes like no
and you two are just the cutest and most hardworking but lowkey couple. you guys just understand each other really well and work hard for what yall want and it’s good it’s just a good time and you guys love each other so much it’s ridiculous
yall are probably the type of couple that’ll be like laying on opposite sides of the room doing your own respective work and jimin would probably look up at u and see u workin real hard and he’ll be hit with how much he cares about u and he’ll just be like “god i love u” and ur like “i love u too” bc it’s just so natural for yall
Journalism!Taehyung (link)
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harryhighkey · 6 years
holy heck yalll!!!!!!!!!! ♡♡♡♡ thank u all SO much for all the love on netflix cheating!!!♡♡ i truly was not expecting that on my first imagine!!!!!!!!♡♡♡ yikes!!!!!!!!!!♡ i can’t even let yall know how happy it made me!!!!!!!♡♡♡♡♡ i rly thought no one would care and want a part 2 but i got so many asks for it so thank you SOSOSOSOSOSOO much omggggg♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
ugh i hope yall like this second part as much as the first!!! i personally am rly proud of it :~) :~):)~:~):~)~)::~) if u haven’t read the first part here’s a link to netflix cheating!!!!!
okay i’ll shut up now !!!! here’s part 2 happy reading ♡
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The next morning was rough.
It was long, your head was pounding, your throat was scratchy and your eyelids felt like sandpaper rubbing against your eyeballs every time you blinked. You felt worse than the mornings when you woke up with a terrible hangover after drinking cheap wine all night. You weren’t one to complain though, you knew you felt like this because you barely managed to sleep last night. Every time you did manage to nod off, you would wake back up in what felt like seconds. You were heavily distracted to the point where you didn’t even notice the intense thirst you had built up. You always drank so much water at night because if you didn’t, you’d wake up with a throat like you had this morning.
Harry had found it odd when he first met you, but that was partly because of how possessive you were over your water bottle - that always sits on your night stand - the first night he stayed over.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You snapped suddenly when Harry had reached over you to grab the water bottle. Your water bottle.
“I’m thirsty.” He responded as if your question was ridiculous, his expression bemused to match.
“So... we can go get water from the kitchen.”
“What?” He laughed and clearly did not notice how serious you were being. Once the water bottle was in his grasp you quickly snatched it back, holding it to your chest like you were a five year old with your favourite teddy bear. “Why can’t I just drink out of that?”
“This is my bedtime water.”
“Your what water?”
“Water that I don’t share.”
“We just had sex.” 
“You had sex with me, not my water bottle.”
“So I can put my mouth on your pussy but not on your water bottle?”
You laughed when he said that. But you still didn’t give up that water bottle. Instead, the two of you went to your kitchen and once you’d both had water to drink, you fucked again on the bench top.
That was such a better time and you’d thought that last night was going to create other good memories you could think of when you needed them. Times like right now, when you were still so in the dark about what had happened. Suddenly your phone started vibrating harshly right in your hand and you jumped. You’d been aimlessly scrolling through Instagram and you really hadn’t taken any notice of what posts you were liking or even what you were looking at but when you saw Harry’s name on the screen with a yellow heart beside it, your phone suddenly had your full attention.
“Oh. Hi, you answered quickly.”
“My phone was in my hand.”
“You didn’t respond to my messages.”
“Oh...” Your stomach dropped. “I didn’t get them.” Your voice was rushed, you were panicked, you didn’t want things to become even worse.
“Is your phone on do not disturb?” At his question, you took a second to take your phone away from your face and sure enough that little moon symbol was in the top right hand corner of your phone. You always forgot to take it off in the mornings.
“Sorry.” You apologised sheepishly, it was a terrible habit you had fallen into. Some days you would go hours and hours of accidentally ignoring your friends. If you hadn’t added Harry to your favourites list, his call wouldn’t have made it to you either.
“S’alright.” Silence fell between the both of you after he responded and you hated it. The two of you always had such a good repartee, it was one of the main reasons you’d both realised how much you liked each other so early on.
“Are you driving?” You’d heard his turn signal and wanted to say something to break that silence.
“Yeah, actually on my way to the studio... which is kind of the reason I messaged. Think I left a pair of headphones there that I need today.”
“Wait, I think -” You cut yourself off to look over your shoulder and you saw them sitting atop the tall white draws. “Yeah, they’re here.”
“Fucks sake.”
“Sorry.” You instantly apologised again, hearing him curse, you were feeling very on edge and considering you didn’t know what to apologise for in order to fix what happened last night, you weren’t taking chances with anything else.”
“What? No.. Don’t be. Not your fault, Y/N, jus’ annoyed ‘cause I’m already almost at the studio.”
“I could.. um, I mean if you wanted, I could bring them down. I’m not working today, so.” You were hesitant to offer at first, afraid of the potential rejection that could follow. And as a silence fell through the phone call again you held your breath. You could picture him in the car almost perfectly. One hand on his steering wheel and the other pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. “If you’re gon’ be busy though, I get it.”
“Uh.. nah I can take a little break when you get here. We should talk.”
In the hours leading up to right now, you had been fucking stressed. Everything you did while getting ready was constantly joined by a pit of anxiety that bubbled stronger with every passing minute. You’d sent a text to Harry to inform him you were in the parking lot outside, you didn’t want to intrude here on days even when you were good, this was his working space and you wanted to respect that. So being here now, with how you both had left things the last time you saw each other, you felt like you wanted to roll down your car window and vomit right out of it.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed since you had sent that message to him but when a movement from your review mirror caught your attention and when you looked into it, there was Harry and you didn’t know if you were ready for this talk.
“Hey, you alright?” He announced as he sat down into the passenger seat of your car and fuck, he looked good. Harry could wear anything and look good but seeing him dressed like he was today, that was your favourite. His more casual look, with black vans, jeans and a vintage band tee, it wasn’t something a lot of people saw of Harry but you couldn’t be happier you were one of the lucky few who got to witness this side of him in person. “Y/N?”
“What? Oh, yeah.. I brought your headphones.” You hadn’t even realised you had forgotten to respond for a second. When you did meet his gaze with a smile, yours faltered when you realised he was quick to look away.
“Thank you.. I’d just been borrowing-”
“Can we talk about last night?” You interrupted him, you really weren’t in the right mind space for small talk. Plus, you had always been a very up front person. You weren’t afraid to say how you felt, you were never afraid of confrontation, you didn’t actively go looking for it, but if something was left unresolved, you dwelled hard on it. Which is what you had been doing since Harry had left your place the previous night. And you really just couldn’t go one more second without clearing the issue.
“You didn’t let me finish what I was saying.” He looked at you then, his frown was heavy and you could tell the issue was still very much present.
“Because I really don’t care about that right now, Harry. I just want to know what the fuck happened last night.”
“That’s what happened.”
“You just said you don’t care.”
“Right now. Any other time I would listen, but shit something is bothering you and you’re not telling me.” You picked up volume with your voice, the frustration getting to you.
“I am.” His voice got a little louder too that time and his words were followed by a hard breath he puffed out from his nose.
“You’re really not. You’re so vague and shit, just speak.” You’d realised early on that the two of you were opposites when it came to this. While you wanted to face something head on, Harry was more inclined to brood. Which was seemingly what he was doing right now. He’d chosen to look out your front wind screen, his hands clasped together tightly in his lap. “Fucking hell, stop being such a wet blanket.”
“That’s it. Right there, you’re just so cold sometimes.”
“Cold?” You repeated his choice in words but it was moreso to yourself. It hurt, you couldn’t deny that and it showed plain as day on your face.
“Y/N... don’t, I didn’t mean-.” His tone was completely different, he didn’t like to hurt you, it was never his intent. You always managed to look like a tiny kitten who just got their favourite toy taken away and he wanted to give it right back to you to cheer you up.
“No, you clearly think I’m some ice queen sociopath or something.”
“Don’t be dramatic.” Maybe you were being a little over dramatic, but now it was your turn to huff and stare out your wind screen.
“I’m not. But fuck, I mean, watch out for Netflix’s next multiple part series, you know who the subject will be? Me.”
He laughed. He fucking laughed. “Why are you laughing?” You looked back to him and he was looking at you, but you couldn’t deny seeing him smile again was helping to melt away that pit of worry that built its way all up into your chest.
“’m sorry, but that was funny. You really do just say the most random shit.”
“This is no joke, they’re going to want to interview you too. You’re gonna be like, eight of the twenty parts.” You managed to crack your own smile then, the air between you was much lighter now, but you couldn’t ignore the single thought that had been eating away at you. “You said I let you down all the time.”
Things quickly became more tense, but not in an unbearable sense. When he looked at you, he didn’t seem angry this time. He was silent, but it was because he was in thought.
“I shouldn’t have said it in that way. You don’t let me down, Y/N.”
“But?” Finally you were getting the answer.
“It’s like, sometimes you just don’t give sympathy.” What he said shouldn’t have shocked you, but it did.
This wasn’t a new concept for you, you’d been told this before by different people throughout your life. Sure it wasn’t to the point where someone worried if you were incapable of having sympathy, because you could show it, but very selectively. You just didn’t have time for people who complained over little things. You knew it was one of your biggest flaws, and something you had tried to work on, but when you did try and fake sympathy it was worse. You sounded like a cliche school yard bully who would taunt their victims with sarcasm.
“I’m sorry.” You sighed, you understood now a little more of why he was feeling this way. “I don’t mean to, like, not give it. I just can’t sometimes.” You shrugged. “I grew up in a very ‘keep on going’ kind of way, you know?” He was listening intently and a nod by him willed you to continue. “Like, if I fell over it was like, ‘come on, Y/N you’re fine, hop back up’ and if I had a cold it didn’t stop me from like-” You cut yourself and if you were living in a cartoon world, a light bulb would’ve appeared above your head and turned on. “Oh my god, this is about when you had that cold, isn’t it?”
“It was definitely more of a flu.” He didn’t say yes, but that was a confirmation.
“Fuck, I really didn’t mean to make you feel like I didn’t care. But, see, that’s what I mean, if I’m sick with something, I just keep to myself and bury myself away in solitude until I’m good, you know? I really hate having attention if I’m unwell. So I just assume everyone else is the same, I guess.”
He looked so much softer now and you felt so much lighter.
“For the record, I was dropping hints I wanted you to come and give me attention.” He admitted and you smiled.
“Then don’t drop hints, Harry. Just tell me. Next time, I’ll come, okay? I can’t guarantee I’ll be the best at sympathising, but I’ll sit with you and make you laugh or something.”
“That’s all I want.”
As much as the two of you had instantly found a fondness for each other, you were still figuring one another out and coming to understand the differences between you. Today was a huge step and the way your heartbeat increased when he reached for your hand proved it more so.
“Should I come over after I’m done here? We can finish Sabrina.” Your eyes went wide for a moment, feigning that it was a huge effort with a large sigh.
“Are we really ready for that?” He laughed at your dramatics before raising your hand in his to kiss the back of it and you swore you felt your heart liquefy in your chest.
“I’ll be round ‘bout seven?” He awaited your answer and you nodded, momentarily squeezing his hand a little, too. “Good, I’ll bring dinner.”
“Make it good, we got a serious binge to do tonight, gotta make up for lost time.”
“Shut up, you. Drink some water when you get home, okay?” He was a little concerned then and you were caught off guard for a second at the undirected question. But he had caught on to the amount of times you had cleared your throat while being in the car and your voice sounded just the tiniest bit hoarse. Harry managed to put two and two together and figured you had too much on your mind last night, which he felt to blame.
“I will, and I’ll make sure I’ve got plenty of water for the both of us tonight.”
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