#(it’s coffee and chocolate :3)
happyheidi · 2 years
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meganechan05 · 1 month
Tea vs Coffee
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(I'm a Coffee Fiend)
Also have a cute one shot where a certain judge is a barista at a family restaurant
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whosname · 3 months
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I once told Seb, sometimes you gotta make your own merch. Well, it's very clear to me that I wont get the chance to go to a Gintama cafe ever so I present you my Sadaharu Chocolate Cake.
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koheekyat · 5 months
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Mamabison's favorite spot is on kuro's chest + mamabison doodles
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noelledeltarune · 2 months
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pushing500 · 5 months
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Mechi has come to the very intelligent conclusion that the best course of action he could take right now is to make the Void angrier so it sends more scary things to attack us.
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Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), he got the plague before he could do anything stupid. Looks like he'll spend a few days curled up in bed living off coffee. Hopefully, that's the only bad thing in store for him in the near future–
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Randy is so very cruel...
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ok but how funny would it be if i put a lil Shenanigan in the Lights Out au where a couple of teenagers break into the ~spooky abandoned studio~ and throw Eddie in the water. like. they just find him and toss his little 4ft body in the Lake™️for shits and gigs
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elderwisp · 7 months
38 poses... all because i had to make a hyper specific scene... i'm-
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happyheidi · 2 years
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deklo · 3 months
slept in<3
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months
I'm back with another question. I hope you doing well.
In your opinion what kind of cake is the best kind of cake? And why? You can show pictures for reference if you want.
this one specific cake a friend gifted me several birthdays ago. it had this fluffy, spongy, angelfoodesque body, but with mini chocolate chips baked in. i do not know how she did it and have not had one before or since.
also--any bundt cake with a boozy glaze. chocolate kahlua cake. glazed double rum cake. amaretto almond cake. god damn, when the sugared-up liquor soaks into the cake and makes this dense, frosty shell on the outside… glazed cakes are the fucking bomb dude.
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koffeinum · 10 months
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Small white chocolate latte with cinnamon (3€)
Rating: 3/5
Sweet and tasty, however more than half the cup is whipped cream. But then again, that’s a latte for you, eh?
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plushie-adventures · 7 months
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xichen hard at work baking and some more photos of his celebration under the cut!!
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making the mixture!
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waiting for the cake to come out of the oven.....
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meanwhile a-yao rests cosy in bed for once :)
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finished!! lxc proud of his art!!!
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presenting a-yao with his present!! he gets to eat cake in bed 😌
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sleepy after eating cake!! time to nap on zewu-jun's lap
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heikeee · 6 months
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my beautiful summer child of a husband who never smoked a day in his life burned himself with the lighter so i had to teach him how to hold it... look at my beautiful cake and his son
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smol-and-trashy · 2 years
Just a Sip, Darling (Obey Me! vore fic)
A/N: Writing in 2nd person is extremely jarring tbh. I kinda wrote MC more insufferable and spicier than intended...oops. Warning: foodplay and semi-unwilling vore. Enjoy!
Your eyes flash open, and you find yourself in a sea of liquid. It’s dark, tepid, and a burst of chocolate overwhelms your senses. Normally, you aren’t one to complain about an abundance of chocolate, but this was almost too much; it was as if someone kept a perfume sampler strip, topped with chocolate, under your nose and refused to move it. 
You aimlessly wade through the liquid. It isn’t very deep, but it’s still mildly uncomfortable to be constantly gasping, trying not to let yourself be pulled to the bottom by the thick chocolate.
You scramble atop the only thing floating in this sea of warm chocolate--you’re grateful it isn’t scalding, but you can’t understand why anyone would get lukewarm hot chocolate. Hot chocolate is in the very name; it should at least be above room temperature. Still, you make it on top of your makeshift raft, and once you look down, your stomach sinks. 
You’re on a cat. 
Not a real cat, of course. But the impact still hits the same. It’s a cute hot cocoa topping; the liquid isn’t hot enough to completely melt it, so the marshmallow kitty still has most of its form intact. You can’t help but feel a rush of embarrassment about the fact that you’re forced to result to using a marshmallow to stay afloat. 
Suddenly, the door opens and the vibrations send waves of cocoa toward you. Bracing yourself, you cling with all you have to the slippery marshmallow fluff as a shadow looms over your hot chocolate lake. 
The ripples finally settle, and you look up to find Satan peering down at you, quizzically. 
The demon was already tall when you weren’t bug sized, but now he’s reached impossible magnitudes. Only his face fills your vision, while the rest of his body isn’t even visible past your limited line of view. 
“Is that you, MC?” His voice booms over you, and you resist the urge to cover your ears--not wanting to lose your grip and slip back into the liquid. 
“Y’know me, just taking a bath, normal human behavior and all. After all, hot chocolate happens to be great for the skin.” Considering the circumstances, the words slip out of your mouth with surprising ease.
 He blinks and you sigh, your quip wasn’t exactly lost on him, but he was likely one of the last demon brothers to play along with your terrible jokes. 
“No, Satan, I’m not okay. I’m literally the size of your thumb. What part of that is normal?”
 Satan quirks a brow. “So, you’re in there because...” He trails off, expecting some sort of explanation out of you, but unfortunately, you find yourself fresh out of those. Instead, you gesture with one hand to your edible raft for the demon to fill in the gaps himself. 
He doesn’t. 
You roll your eyes and push yourself a little further up on the marshmallow, so half your body isn’t sinking into the cocoa. It’s going to be a pain to get these stains out. You halfheartedly think to yourself as you look back up at Satan, who is still waiting for your explanation. 
“You know, just wanted to try a new experience and all.” 
He doesn’t laugh. His face isn’t completely stoic, though. Thoughts tinker behind those green-blue eyes, unwilling to spare even a glimpse. You sigh, figuring Beel or Mammon would have quite the opposite reaction if they found you instead.
A small grin paints his lips. “You are quite cute like this, MC, but how did you get so small? The only instances I’ve read about humans shifting sizes have unfortunately been constrained to the realm of fiction.” You can sense the underlying concern dripping off his words, and you sigh; your answer will only make him more concerned. 
“Don’t remember.”  
“Yeah. One moment, I was studying up on Devildom history and the next, floating in a sea of hot chocolate.” 
He frowns a bit. “I see,” is all he mumbles, but the faint pink dusting his cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed by you. 
You open your mouth, trying to coax him to at least lift you out of your mug prison, but a strangled chortle escapes instead. You couldn’t help it! But the moment his eyes flash back down at you, regret seeps in. 
“Uh, am I going to be stuck like this?” 
“Maybe,” Satan sighs, hands draping over his eyes and he looks back at you. “If this is a shrinking curse, I’ll gather the proper ingredients to reverse it, but if it isn’t... I guess you’ll just have to be patient for now, until we figure out what to do.” He shakes his head.
You groan loudly, sinking further into your mug prison. 
“Hmph. I should’ve gotten Lucifer’s help. If only he were here to help me out instead of the ever-so-helpful Satan --- here to save the day with zero ideas and no clue; really played my gacha odds here.” You murmur under your breath, but it sounds loud enough to Satan’s sensitive ears. 
“Really now?” Satan leans closer to the cup. “Well, if you think so, then maybe I should make life harder for a certain someone if he can’t find you for a little while.” Satan hums, and your stomach drops. He isn’t going to do what you think he is. He wouldn’t! 
Satan plants himself on the chair, and your heart sinks to your stomach; He totally would. 
He picks up the cup and raises it to his lips. You feel a shiver of dread run down your spine as he stares down at you with a smug look. 
Oh hell no--Frantically, you try swimming away, against the current, from the lip of the mug, but it’s no use. 
Satan laughs, “Don’t worry, I would never let anything happen to you, MC.” 
Though, you’d like to beg to differ, with his green-blue eyes shining with obvious mirth. The giant blond was getting a kick out of this. “But might as well teach you a lesson about that mouth of yours, darling.” 
Before you retort, he takes a sip of the cocoa, swallowing half of it, and you, in one gulp. 
You’re pulled deeper into his throat, and it's tight and hot. You can feel the warmth of the hot chocolate as it washes around you. You struggle for a moment, trying to give him a taste of his own medicine before the thick humid heat hits you immediately as you squeeze through the sphincter and free-fall down, with the remainder of the cocoa, into his belly. 
You take a moment to grasp your surroundings. It’s not as disgusting as you would have thought. Sure, it’s sweltering and stinks to the high heavens like old spit, but noxious food odors or the acrid bite of acids are surprisingly nonexistent. Chalking it down to Satan not exactly being human, you try exploring your surroundings, but you don’t get very far.
It’s tight and dark. After a few unstable steps, you manage to reach another wall, though, in the darkness, you aren’t sure which direction you are facing in the first place.
You slump against the curved wall, and idly, your fingers trace the soft surface lined with a mucous-like substance. You find yourself strangely comfortable, soothed by the rhythmic churning of the Avatar of Wrath’s insides and the warmth of his body. An odd combination of annoyance and contentment washes over you as the darkness slowly lulls you to sleep. 
Outside, Satan flips the page of his book while a hand rests on his middle. He sighs, still experiencing nothing short of utter bliss. It was impossible not to notice MC’s subtle movements and even as they rest, their weight serves as a constant reminder of just how close they are. His eyes feel heavy and he yawns, marking his place in the book and setting his glasses down on the bedside table. 
“Rest well, MC~” He purrs, content as he flickers off the light. 
He’ll let them out in the morning, but right now, he wants to savor this moment with his little darling. 
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rot4life · 7 days
Gasp what do you think i smell/taste like :0
U would taste like a coffee cake and smell like the vampires blood perfume from bath and body works also YES U CAN RANT TO ME!!
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