#chocolate coffee or maybe cinnamon flavored
koheekyat · 4 months
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Mamabison's favorite spot is on kuro's chest + mamabison doodles
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syrips · 2 months
Do you think all blood tastes the same or maybe Strahd and/or other Ravenloft vampires have preferences?
ooh I LOVE this question! in my opinion and from some sources i love to pull from, i can super excitedly say all blood taste varies!
strahd can taste alcohol, drugs, or stuff that can influence the blood
strahd can taste the flavor/texture/quality of it, which he can use to make educated guesses on their condition/illness/state of health
strahd can gain more/less sustenance from a creature based on their alignment
good alignment creatures (even religious ones) give more sustenance, and more likely to be an addictively delicious flavor
corrupt/dark/undead creatures give less/no sustenance, and may taste like anything from dull to addictive
creatures with high faith/religious influence may have a stronger/'negative' flavor
blood is/can be allergenic
emotion (of the creature and of the drinker) affects the flavor
both creatures have an intimate experience related to the process of it, this intimacy is based on vulnerability, and a sensation of an internally woven connection of your veins/blood/heart to theirs
the deeper the intimacy/willingness of both sides are, the more intense/dangerous/vulnerable it feels for both sides
blood can be stored/saved, but loses its 'freshness'/sustenance due to not inhabiting the creature/'soul' it belonged to
speaking of flavors! its my head canon that...
willing blood tastes sweet with bittersweet/savory undertones (like a nicely prepped filling/satisfactory meal)
unwilling or resistant blood tastes more sweet/savory, more potent (like how we feel for 'junk food')
fear and disgust have 'negative' flavors, such as sour, spicy, bitter flavors (like dirt, black coffee, dark chocolate, spicy food, citric, acidic)
blood from creatures with faith/religious affect can have a 'negative' flavor or undertone, can cause physical burning, numbness, nonlethal but negative physical reactions (spice/peppers, cinnamon powder, bitter medicine)
healthy creatures taste balanced with a blend of flavors (muscled creatures have a hearty, rich flavor; frail creatures have a more simple/less 'seasoned' flavor; creatures' consumption intake influences the taste of their blood)
adrenaline (regardless if excitement or fear) heats up the blood, making it taste more fresh (like microwaving your meal)
the type of creature/species affects the blood, but mostly due to their culture/adaption/diet/consumption accessibility, as well as how their genes/body work with their blood (like a lightweight alcoholic vs a heavyweight alcoholic will taste different, because the heavyweight has genes/evolution that give them higher alcohol tolerance, so more fermented blood)
oh i 100% believe the ravenloft characters definitely do have preferences, based on the people/creatures/personalities they pursue!
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gunnrblze · 2 months
Gonna ask this from YOU!🫵
If we took a bite of the Ghosts (+Strike), what texture/flavor would we be chewin on?
This was interesting to think about lol
Hesh- I think he’d be chewy and definitely something very savory/decadent, beef jerky perchance? the kinda food where you think ‘I need something sweet now’ after eating lol
Logan- something spicy and smooth. pepper/chili, cinnamon, ginger, wasabi.
Elias- crunchy! he’s like a pretzel/veggie, salty and dense and filling
Merrick- something bitter and smooth, like black coffee with no sugar or really dark chocolate
Keegan- similar to Merrick, but in a cranberries/green tea/red wine bitter&smooth kind of way. something that could easily be sweeter
Kick- something very chewy and maybe a little sweet. bagel, candy, fruit snack, etc. sticks to your teeth
Rorke- acidic asf. citrus and sour. the most bitter lime you’ve ever had, that really tongue puckering sour candy you’d eat as a a kid
Strike- something either neutral flavored like a cracker or the polar opposite, spicy like hot sauce. crunchy in the way Elias would be lol
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
Howdy! Uhm.. barista anon here! So uh it always depends on how much sugary you want your latte to be but, if you have a really intensed flavored coffee, you could make it so its only 3 oz of coffee and the rest of milk. I recommend you to put first the ice, then the milk and lastly the coffee (as if you put the coffee at once, it wont mix properly)
By the way, adding little stuff to it might also be a good idea! Like, if you have a bit of vanilla and cinnamon, putting 2 oz of vanilla and 1 oz of cinnamon is a good combination ^^ if you have powdered chocolate, you can make a small portion of it (like with 2oz of water and 30 grams of chocolate) and add it to the coffee (only the chocolate tho, the vanilla and cinnamon are another suggestion)
By the way, the quantity of vanilla, cinnamon and chocolate grams depends on how big is your cup .w. I am saying these recipies for a 9oz cup .w. if you have a bigger one, I can send another ask ^^
Uhm, for the sugar. When making ice latte its really hard to mix the sugar with the rest as its cold and sugar doesnt dissolve properly but a good idea might be mixing the sugar with the coffee before mixing it all together (I say this with the thought in mind that you're using hot coffee, if you're not.. Im not sure what to say .w.) of course, the quantity varies in your taste, but maybe about.. 25-30 grams if you like sugary things
Sorry for uhm the unrequested advice (?) I just love my job, making coffee is my passion
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dailyreverie · 10 months
But first, coffee
A/N: I like to think Steve moves away from Hawkins at some point, he moves to the city and has a desk job. This is about his morning routine. Also, coffee shop AU, I guess. The title is cringe but I PROMISE it relates to the story 😂
Holiday prompts ⛄ 3. Peppermint
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Word count: 971
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The coffee aroma around the corner had been dragging Steve for his usual latte every day for the past few months. It’s his last stop before work, and yours is the last friendly face he sees before facing the nightmare that is his tiny office cubicle. That’s why he always makes sure to get there early, with enough time to sit by the bar and keep you company, talking about nothing as the first hours of the morning go by.
Your creations fascinated him, always in awe of how easily you created new flavors and brews; Beyond his usual, comforting regular latte, every cup always held a surprise – lavender-infused milk, a hint of cocoa powder, or a touch of vanilla. You loved surprising him as much as he loved discovering it over a shared muffin, in the quiet calm before each of you delved into the chaos of your daily lives. That’s why Steve always got there early, to sit by the bar and share the tranquility of the morning with you. 
His visits had become an unspoken morning ritual, “your boyfriend’s visits”, as your co-workers usually said, followed by blush denials that covered the hope that maybe, just maybe, he could one day become something more.
As the air outside got colder the coffee shop got cozier. It smelled of warm pastries and cinnamon, fairy lights danced across the wall behind you lighting up the menu. As usual, Steve was your first customer, swinging the door open and letting the cold air inside. “Holy shit it’s freezing today!” He exclaimed to no one in particular, dusting off the snow away from his jacket, but ignoring the one on his puffy hair.
“Good morning to you too.” you giggled, finding his disheveled appearance endearing, his red cheeks and nose making him irresistibly adorable. “I did something for you.” You lighted up with excitement. “A drink just for you.”
“For me?” His curiosity took over as he watched you steam some milk, crushing candy on top of it, and topping it off with chocolate powder. “Is this supposed to wake me up or give me a diabetic coma?”
You warned him with a look. “Just try it. It took a while to perfect it, I need to know if it’s good.”
As Steve took the first sip, the air between you thickened with anticipation, and the coffee shop seemed to hold its breath. The moment the warm liquid reached his lips his eyes grew bigger, he pulled the mug aside to look at it, as if it were hiding a secret. “This is amazing.” Simple, straight, and exactly what you were hoping for.
“Are you serious?” All your nervousness went away when he went in for another taste.
“Of course I am! It is Christmas-y, and so warm, and that flavor!”
“Peppermint?” You confirmed.
“That!” His excitement only made you laugh and blush like a teenager. “You have to put this on the menu right this second, everyone needs to try this.”
“Oh- that’s not- it’s not going on the menu.” You rushed through the last part, busying yourself with the milk steamer. Still, you felt Steve’s eyes focused on you. “It is for you. Not for everyone in Indianapolis, not made for anyone’s taste, but for you.”
He placed the mug down gently, his expression a mix of gratitude and wonder. “For me?”
You nodded, a shy smile playing on your lips. “For you, Steve.”
Steve was speechless. No one had ever paid enough attention to him to create something so perfectly him. The realization settled in, and his gaze softened as he met your eyes. There, in the cozy peppermint haze you had made just for him, it hit him right in the face - the reason why his mornings are better is not because of the coffee, or because of your cozy shop, it is all because of you. You saw him like no one else had ever did, 
He reached across the counter, his fingers gently tracing the curve of your hand. “No one’s ever done something like this for me before. It's...” He paused, searching for the right words. “It's special.” As Steve savored his drinkn, a warmth lingered not just in the cup but in the air around you both. “I have to go, but I-” He spoke suddenly as he came back to real life.
“Yeah, it’s okay, don’t worry.” You ushered him, sliding your hand away from his. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“No!” His rushed exclamation made your work friends turn to look at you both with surprised eyes when his hand reached again for yours. “No,” Steve repeated much calmer. “Tonight.”
“If you want, I would love to see you tonight.”
“Took you long enough,” you teased, a smile playing on your lips, mirroring the warmth in your eyes. "Tonight sounds perfect."
The excitement in Steve's gaze matched yours, and he quickly reached out for a napkin for you to write your address. “I’ll pick you up at 7.” 
The realization of what was happening made your cheeks flush, and you nodded in agreement. "I'll see you then.”
As Steve made his way to the door, an accomplished smile all over his face, your co-workers exchanged knowing glances, their teasing smiles saying more than words ever could. The promise of a romantic evening hung in the air, and as the door closed behind Steve, the festive magic of the season seemed to have woven its spell around both of you.
It’s no surprise to anyone when, after that very first date, he’s now there when the store opens and closes, after every shift, and during every one of his breaks; Steve is there, in the very same spot where you both fell for each other, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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catboyidia · 9 months
what “holiday” cafe drinks/desserts i think asgzc would get:
angeal: he feels like a peppermint hot chocolate kind of dude, but add a shit load of espresso because the poor guy absolutely needs gallons of espresso to be able to put up with zack, genesis, and sephiroth on a daily basis (someone help that poor man)
genesis: IN THEORY he would absolutely be an apple cinnamon EVERYTHING kind of guy BUT not from any kind of cafe because he believes none of them can do it right! so he has to make it himself and he has been forbidden by the others to ever be allowed to order it again because it’s never good enough for him and it pisses him off, and every time they go to a new cafe and he orders an apple cinnamon anything he always spends the rest of the day critiquing every single little thing off about it, much to the rest of the guys annoyance because none of them want to hear genesis rant about a decently flavored cafe item just because it wasn’t up to his weird apple freak standards… so instead he is 100% one of THOSE pumpkin spice bitches! like the at the cafe the moment they release it kind of pumpkin spice bitch (but even though he likes it he still doesn’t think it’s as good as it should be and he can absolutely make it better but he doesn’t complain AS much)
sephiroth: every time he goes with the others he just lets them take turns ordering for him because he’s never had most of it before, but he never ends up with any strong opinions on any of the holiday items, and he never particularly loves any of them but he never complains about it or shows any distaste in any of it either, the only indication on how he feels about whatever has been ordered for him is that if it’s something he likes his pupils will dilate like a cats, although some of the more colorful treats tend to catch his eye, and if he had to rank the others orders on which he liked best it would probably go cloud (he likes the less sweet desserts), angeal (he likes the mint cocoa, but he prefers spearmint), genesis (he actually quite like the apple cinnamon but isnt fond of pumpkin spice), and zack (he doesn’t dislike it, but he prefers the others)
zack: he feels like he would get every overly sweet treat they sell and is probably an ultra sweet smores coffee drinker, except angeal has to go behind his back and tell the barista to make it decaf, not wanting to deal with a zack hopped up on tons of sugar AND caffeine, but then genesis goes behind angeal’s back and tells the barista to make it as highly caffeinated as possible
cloud: he would probably mainly just get a few of the less sweet holiday pastries and maybe a gingerbread hot cocoa/coffee if he had to get a drink, but he also lets the others order for him when he goes out with them just because he doesn’t want to cause too much trouble
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ragecndybars · 1 year
What do you think SEES favorite cake flavors would be ? Sorry I've been baking like crazy lately and im a little obsessed with cake
ooh okay okay hehehehe
minato: i think minato's the type who will pretty much eat anything, but secretly has a very very VERY selective group of foods that he actually Prefers. to him most cakes are meh, he'll eat them i guess. but i think he likes pistachio cake above all else.
kotone: this is a bit of a cop out answer but i can't not say strawberry. either a strawberry flavored batter or a shortcake/vanilla cake with strawberries on top. i think she would love either of them equally. maybe i am just brainwashed by the pink aesthetic but strawberry cake kotone all the way.
yukari: red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. but it's a sometimes food for her bc its super rich and decadent so she only lets herself have a slice
junpei: pound cake enjoyer. i think he prefers candy to cakes when it comes to sweets/desserts, but if you offer up a slice of pound cake he will hop right on that shit.
akihiko: we know he likes pancakes, but those aren't really cakes in a traditional sense, so i think i'll say a cinnamon or maple flavored coffee cake. pancake-like taste, not super thick or rich, and more crumbly than spongey, so i think he'd prefer them to other cakes.
mitsuru: i am only SLIGHTLY saying this because its just a bougie sounding cake, but... black forest cake. augh. i think she loves chocolate and she loves cherry and if you mix those things together you get her right in the weak spot fr.
fuuka: hmmm i think the obvious option is a "fruit cake" (as in, a vanilla cake with fruit toppings) like the one she makes in her social link, but she strikes me more as a lemon poppy seed cake fan. maybe carrot cake as well.
aigis: poor babygirl is a robot but if not i think she'd like angel food cake :)
ken: says he doesn't like cakes because sweets are for little kids, secretly a huge fan of them. i think he likes plain chocolate cake with vanilla or chocolate icing
shinjiro: says he doesn't like cakes because sweets are for little kids, but if you leave a piece of tiramisu unattended in his line of sight it will be gone the next time you look and he will be licking the plate
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ravencromwell · 4 months
For the last half year, I've watched @pinkcupboardwitch periodically wax rhapsodic here on the delights of chai tea. Having finally taken the plunge I can report apparently I shall be learning the intricacies of brewing chai because I'm thoroughly hooked. I had a chai latte, rather than the straight tea, but some cursory googling informs me milk is the best complement to the flavors, so fortune smiled in that regard.
Two things surprised me most: what a full sensory experience it was, and just. how well flavors my very American self wouldn't put together naturally gel. The spice aroma almost scared me off: it was strong and I'm not used to teasing out cinnamon and cardamom etc. When my nose smells "strong" I instinctively default to pepper and oh, hell it's going to be _hot rather than flavorful. But once I took that first tiny sip--think kid inching their toe into water and you'll have a good idea--and the flavor burst, not exactly sweet but bright and rich across my tongue, I started prolonging the experience. Inhaling the spice became aslow prelude, sweetening the anticipation of the flavors bursting across my pallet again.
I like wine, but I'll be honest. About all I can smell when I try to "discern its bouquet" is sharp and acid, to the point I have to work actively not to inhale because I know I'll enjoy the flavor once it's on my tongue if the aroma doesn't put me off entirely first. But this was strong, bracing and made me want to go sniff cardamom and ginger etc. to se if I can untangle the individual notes.
And erm. ginger is actually quite good in certain combinations, apparently? My (again very American. very southern.) take on ginger was too sharp, too _bitter in all the dishes I'd had it in except gingerbread but well. we Southern folks put so much sugar in gingerbread, I figured it could cover up *anything*. I couldn't imagine how vanilla would clash with what I expected to be a bitter ginger note. So I was delighted to learn that ginger, in small quantities, actually seems to contribute to the brighter notes, cutting through some of the sweet richness of the milk and (maybe) cardamom and vanilla along with the cinnamon.
When I've had coffee, I'm the kind of person who has to spice it up: yeah, I'm drinking coffee, I'll say as I drink something decadent with peppermint and white chocolate and a coffee base--it's less about the coffee than the frills, downplaying coffee's strength rather than complementing it. (My subsequent google made me cackle, because apparently a lot of coffee people actually really love black tea, and I couldn't find them more different. Mom was a coffee person, so I tried a fair bit of it and without an infusion of something, it was always so _bitter to me. But the dregs of the cup--which I figure come closest to the original tea flavor just tasted a little nutty, but so _fresh. Just such a different flavor profile, at least for me.)
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shmowder · 3 months
I have some more dessert headcanons 🍰 I doubt I can explain but it's just a feeling I have. Daniil would like Turkish Delight. Lara and Artemy both like fruit pies, best is blueberry for Lara and rhubarb (it's a vegetable but whatever) for Artemy (oh god I'm stereotyping based on colors again). Candy corn for Clara. Candy corn is divisive but I actually like it. I think Grief would like candy in general, maybe those little chocolates with liquor inside, and cinnamon flavored things. Big Vlad - mincemeat pie. Rubin - bread. Just bread. Red velvet cake for Katerina, meringues for Eva. For Aspity, those dirt pies made out of oreo crumbs, pudding, and gummy worms lol. I think Grace, Notkin, Sticky, and Murky would like those too :o)
There's probably some obscure dialogue that contradicts something there but oh well~
What do you think of Victor's animal being a tiger? I keep thinking Basset Hound and yes that's almost entirely because they both have a high likelihood of being found sitting on the floor by the clock. He's some kind of scent hound to me - more calm and deliberate than sighthounds, and once they have their mind set on something, focusing on it to the extent that it's nearly impossible to pull them away. But at the same time, I can sort of see the cat thing.
🐿️ anon
Your brain is big and wrinkly all of those fit perfectly omfg. "Rubin = bread" I LOVE IT.
Here's what I think their preference in sweets would be in addition to yours.
Turkish delight, Honey soaked rose baklava, kanafeh with sweer syrups. The intensely sweet desserts are her favourite, think heavy caramel chocolate cakes. She'd sample a lot of desserts from different cultures but those would be her comfort ones.
Victor Kain
The dishes he eats are an acquired taste that wouldn't appeal to most people. Think blue cheese and something along those lines. think bitter chocolate, coffee, and pistachio flavours. Traditional creme burlee and dark chocolate mousse.
I like to think that Khan abhors these flavours and desserts out of rebellion and only demands the most sprinkle filled bubblegum bonbon cupcakes for his birthday.
Maria, however, goes for flavour-rich desserts that explode in the mouth, something with a heavy taste and an aftermath of wine.
Cheesecake, lemon tarts. Subtle sweetness with the spin of something different sate her appetit the most. French Vanilla chiffon cake for special occasions, a blueberry muffin with her morning light cream cappuccino.
He's absolutely not a dessert person, so when the craving strikes, he would rather go for a baked good. Almond bread, rosemary-walnut brow butter cookies and biscuits, English muffins too.
Fairy bread cookies, strawberry shortcake, and orange puddings. Fruit based desserts with cream are her favourite. Peach pie and cherry jello. Sadly, most of these would only be found in the Capital, and exporting them into the town wouldn't come easily. The kin might adjust their recipies to accommodate her sweet tooth and include more fresh fruits.
For Victor's animal, I was surprised to learn it's the same one as Rubin! They both have tiger in their descriptions. Especially when Khan's animal is an adorable hedgehog. Oh my god, so cute. But it fits. He really does go hide in that spiky polyhedron whenever life gets too troubling. He also has the Kains and Capella ready to protect him.
It's because of Victor's animal being a tiger that I add the "predatory" lines in the story. The sharp claws hidden in his clapsed hands.
He's a tiger in the aspect of the danger rather than the ferality. His mind is as sharp as a tiger's tooth and his focus and patience when hunting a prey or a goal is unmatched. You never expect him or hear him, how he'll as stealthy as a tiger when it comes to mind games.
For Rubin, however, I do see the symbolism centring on the ferality instead. He's like a caged tiger, one with filed down claws and broken teeth. He used to be so sharp and had so much potential. He's truly a force to be reckon with, but the cruelty of life stole away his prime. He's overcome with grief and appears as a docile, tired predetor because of it, like a circus tiger not caring anymore and just jumping through the fire hoops of whoever orders him to. Which is why he is so quick to join the army, he needs a purpose, a mentor, an end goal, a firey ring to make him feel useful because nothing is more terrifying to an imprisoned animal than absolute freedom.
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onbearfeet · 5 months
Teawolf By Night
I want to make some fandom tea blends like it's 2012, mostly because I'm allergic to coffee and I live on tea. Fanart labels, all that good stuff. Definitely do the WBN characters and maybe add Bucky and Alpine to make it a Monster Mash collection. Here's what I've got for flavor notes:
Ted: Green tea base with Meyer lemon and rose flavors. Herbal. Floral. Bright. Tastes like a sunny meadow.
Elsa: Black tea base with red berries (I'm thinking tart cherry and currant) and rose. The base flavor should punch you in the head with caffeine and dark and RED.
Jack: Now it gets hard. I had too many ideas for him. Currently I'm thinking a tiger eye (black tea with notes of chocolate and caramel) base with chestnut and either cinnamon or a cinnamon-heavy chai blend. Warmth, sweetness, and spice.
The Wolf: I decided to split my tea ideas about Jack in two. This guy gets SPICE, some kind of chai base heavy in ginger and cinnamon with maybe some dark chocolate in there too. I considered adding peppercorns, but I don't like them.
Bucky: There are two Bucky teas I already love--one is chocolate hazelnut and one is kind of apricot-y. To make mine different and because I don't think enough people go there, I'm thinking blueberry black tea as a base. Still working on the rest. Maybe lavender. I do like blueberry and lavender together in ice cream, and, well, he IS purple (urf-urf-urf...)
Alpine: Her majesty currently has a lemon and maybe vanilla rooibos base with strawberry tisane mixed in. Her blend is herbal because I'm pretty sure caffeine is bad for cats. The lemon/vanilla makes me think of a fluffy cloud, which she is, and then I needed something to signify blood.
Feel free to play in the notes.
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theahole · 7 months
How I make chocolate oatmeal
This recipe makes enough oatmeal to keep me going until lunch, or two smaller servings if you don't have my appetite. It can also be halved (half a tablespoon is 1 and 1/2 teaspoons).
What you need:
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2 quart saucepan (this stuff bubbles up high and fast, and you don't want it on your stove OR your skin) stirring spoon or spoonula 1 cup dry measuring cup 1 wet measuring cup measuring spoons bowl eating spoon butter knife stove top burner
You can use a metal or silicon or wood spoon to stir this. I use this spoon/spatula I stole when I moved because I was the only person using it anyway. Do NOT use one of those cheap plastic mixing spoons they sell in bags of 4 at Dollar Tree, because this is what will happen:
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1 tablespoon brown sugar, no need to pack it--I use light and dark interchangeably, whatever you got 1 cup cold water 1 cup quick oats 1 tablespoon cocoa powder scant 1/4 teaspoon salt (I forgot to put it in the shot, but it's hiding behind the coffee pot) 1 pat butter (not shown) toppings (optional, up to you)
You are going to want to remember the salt, the oatmeal will be bland without it.
Pour the water into your pot and put the pot on the burner you'll use. Once you get this down to a science, you can start the water boiling and get everything ready before it does, but on a first try you'd better measure everything first and then wait the two or so minutes it takes a cup of water to boil.
I always measure the brown sugar into the bottom of the bowl I will be eating out of first, because I'd rather get sugar in the cocoa than cocoa in the sugar. But do what you want.
Measure 1 cup of oats (I used to scoop and sweep this, but it's easier to just dip the cup in the oats, and accuracy is not a big deal here), and add 1 tablespoon of cocoa. You can mix these in a separate bowl if you want, but I always do this:
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Dump the cocoa on top of the oats in the measuring cup.
Which can get messy if you're not careful, but is, once again, easy and fast. The less time I spend on my feet, the better.
Start the water boiling on high, and when it starts to boil, add the salt. Once the boil really gets going, reduce the heat (in my experience it's the 4 or 3 on an electric stove and the lowest setting you can fucking get on a gas stove), and pour in the oats and cocoa. Start stirring IMMEDIATELY! You need to stir constantly so that the mixture all gets wet, cooks evenly, and doesn't stick or burn to the bottom of the pan. Once the mixture thickens, which takes about a minute, maybe less, take the pan off the heat and remember to turn off the burner.
Scoop the oatmeal into your bowl or bowls. If a chunk falls on the counter or over the rim of the pan, you may get an urge to put it in your mouth. Do not. At this point, unsweetened, the oatmeal will only taste bitter and salty.
You have to let the oatmeal sit for about a minute to finish cooking. I like to wash the utensils and such and leave the pot to soak while this goes on. If you want just plain chocolate oatmeal, add your butter and there you go. I like to add toppings, though. My favorites are a big spoonful of peanut butter from a large jar of processed store brand and a handful of chocolate chips. Mini chips melt better, but you get 2 ounces less per bag. You can add whatever you want--flavored peanut butter, other nut butters, flavored baking chips.. though I have tried cinnamon chips and would rather just add cinnamon, and the only mint ones I could find are Andes and they are VERY strong. Just be sure not to add anything cold to the oatmeal until after it's sat for the whole minute.
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Stir vigorously (did you remember the sugar?) and enjoy.
This is over-explained and probably posted at the very worst time, but I hope it's useful too.
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bokettochild · 6 months
if you were a bunny I'd hold u really gently and give u a lil hat
i would just make u a whole house out of cardboard filled with the best stuff
idk if this is weird but I just have affectionate emotions sometimes and I don't know how else to express them and I cant keep telling u to get urself a lil treat and u being like "I'm gonna have coffee!" for the end of enternity (not that I mind)
also just to catch u up I've been having the strongest hyper fixation for an au I've ever had in my life and im gonna start posting about it soon
its like a fs DND au and I have art and everything lol
also whatve u been up to?
im just waiting till the end of Ramadan so I can stuff my face with sweets
have u ever had bakhlawa because its crazy good
what type of coffee do u like btw, personally I don't drink coffee but I do like herbal mint and green teas, I love good quality juices tho
whats ur favorite food or a great comfort food for urs, for me my comfort food is either fajita or fettuccine with air fried carrots and zucchini
i honestly just like cheese and carbs with some savory
finally do u prefercold or warm sweets? My preference is generally cold sweets like ice cream or cheese cake but I also have a very soft spot for traditional sweets that have honey/semolina/flower water/date paste in them
this has been my check in and blabbing, I hope ur doing well kottie
I think being a bunny would fix me
If it helps at all, my little treat for today is chocolate raisins (my beloved) and I got two bags so I can have plenty this week!
I have been straight up existing recently. Just....chilling (resisting the urge, again, to start posting my new multi-chap before it's ready). I did get my yearly cold that will last for the next month most likely, but my urge to write is back! So I'll take that trade off!
I have not had it, but I think my dad said he's had some, made by hand! He said it was delectable :)
I like mochas, although there's a cinnamon flavored drink at the cat themed coffee shop I go to called the "Cinn Kitty" which is pretty good too! I have no clue what kind of coffee it is, just that it's hot and cinnamon-y.
I think a comfort food for me is potato soup, with a bit of cheese sprinkled on top and maybe some ham? Maybe. And you're right, cheese is the best thing ever :) (my favorite cheese is smoked cheddar)
I like warm sweets. Like, it's cold up here most of the time, so it helps me stay comfy (I run cold) but in the summer I love sweet fruity things because they're usually cooler
I hope you're doing well too!
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nine-of-words · 1 year
Something Borrowed (Part Three)
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M Gargoyle x M Reader
Wordcount: 3815
Content Warnings: Discussion of a Breakup/Divorce
Are you the type of person that wants to read several hundred words worth of descriptions of various baked goods? If so, you are in luck! Also, I promise not every story I post to this website will revolve around divorce.
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Kirby had told you that you couldn’t stop living because you were cursed. You had told them that you would keep it in mind.
While you do keep that in mind, you certainly don't act on it during any of the encounters you have with Carlyle over the next few weeks.
Maybe if you weren't still so devastated from your breakup and the threat of your curse ruining any attempt, you'd have the courage to ask him out yourself. But as for now, you stay rooted in the comfortable little routine you've built.
Your next attempt is still something that is a perfect pairing for coffee, but slightly more involved. You prepare a tender batch of coffee cake, with a hearty ribbon of cinnamon swirled through the middle of the loaf, and crumbles of cinnamon streusel on top to to match, forgoing any glaze or drizzle that might have otherwise ended up finding its way onto the cake.
Still too sweet. Way too heavy, too dense of a crumb. But cinnamon is clearly a welcome flavor. Maybe something more elegant?
The week after that, you tried a ginger-pear gateau, hoping that the sweetness of the honey would be more permissible than normal sugar, with the heat from the ginger to balance out what sweetness there was. You painstakingly arranged the thin slices, the whole thing baked to perfection and kissed with citrus zest.
He didn’t like that either; but he does seem to like the burn of ginger, commenting on the underlying warmth.
And he may or may not be the type of guy that eats with his eyes first, given how impressed he was with the admittedly beautiful layering of fruit slices.
The next thing you tried was an opera cake. An almond sponge soaked with coffee, which you already know he’s quite fond of. Layers of cream and dark chocolate ganache diligently stacked and cut neatly serve to pleasantly enhance that already present espresso flavor.
You had even piped two Ss, elegantly connected with an ampersand, for Sugar & Spice- the current name of your shop, as of moving locations- in immaculate script across the top. If most of these are going to go into the case, you might as well make them on brand.
He seemed to like this one the most so far, taking a lot longer than ever before to decide its fate.
But he doesn’t like any sort of application of buttercream, it turns out. You should’ve known better already, you suppose- he doesn’t like frosting- he doesn’t even take cream in his coffee, why would he like cream layers in a coffee flavored cake, either? 
It wasn’t a complete loss, however, because he seemed to really enjoy the addition of cardamom that you had used to compliment the flavor of the espresso, at least enough for him to point it out. 
And honestly, the praise he heaped onto you for your careful penmanship and attention to tidy little details takes any hint of sting from the failure away instantaneously.
You’ve already figured out he likes citrus- specifically oranges- and almonds. He prefers a fluffier crumb to a denser one. No heavy glazes or frostings or cream layers.
With the culmination of your last few attempts, you've put together another critical detail: he likes spiced things.
Cinnamon. Ginger. Cardamom. Clove. Nutmeg…
Those flavors seem to be the one big unifying element of what he’s liked of your baking.
Mixed spice.
You’re making some progress, finally.
But what to make him that can test your theory? Cinnamon buns? Too sweet, surely. Gingerbread? Too dense, no go. You could always make a simple spice cake, but it would probably seem sad and bare without frosting, which you’ve already confirmed that he despises in all forms. 
Not to mention that any of these options will make your shop smell like a Yuletide market, or a candle store… And it's the height of summer…
“Wowie, don’t think too hard over there!!” You snap back to attention upon hearing Kirby’s lively voice through your mental fog. You realize you’ve been silently ruminating for quite a while. “You’re frowning so hard your face might break! What’s on your mind?”
“Trying to figure out what to make Carlyle for Tuesday.” You tap the end of the pen you’re holding onto the notepad in front of you. “Can’t think of anything.”
“Hehe, can’t you just bake this man a nice loaf of crusty bread and call it a day already? Everybody loves good bread.”
“Hah, no. It has to be a sweet baked good, I’m afraid. No need to worry though, I’m just a bit stumped at the moment. I’ll figure it out.”
“Oooo, I can help you decide on something!! I’m awful at cooking anything but I’m pretty good at the whole deduction thing, hehe~”
“Oh, no- I couldn’t ask you to help me with something so frivolous. You’re doing actual detective work.”
“A little distraction now and then can be good! Especially when you’re as stuck as I am right now with these leads…” Kirby looks almost forlorn for a moment before any lack of cheer is immediately erased from their expression. “Sometimes thinking about something else entirely can help get you the breakthrough you need!”
“Well, is there anything you’d like me to make?”
“Ooo! Ooooh!! I would ask for baklava but that’s probably way too sweet for your man.”
“Hah, well, maybe I can make you some baklava too, if this goes over well.”
Kirby grins wide, their ears flicking back and forth in excitement.
“Yes!! What’s this guy like again? Gimme something to work with.”
You quickly summarize your previous findings.
“Hmmm… You know what that sounds a lot like? My Oma used to make these little Yuletide cookies that sound a lot like that, with the spices and the orange peel.”
“Huh. Those do sound familiar.”
“I dunno, I forget…”
After a cursory scroll through your respective devices, Kirby manages to find the name.
“These, these! Pfeffernuse!” They exclaim in excitement and shove their device towards you, pointing to the screen with their other hand.
“Ah- I can whip these up for sure...” You reply, scrolling down to skim through the ingredients list.
The cookies come together relatively quickly- you could knead dough in your sleep after growing up in your parents’ bakery. And, as expected, they make your shop smell like a Yuletide candle stall, which it seems every customer you have over the course of the afternoon seems to feel compelled to comment on- It doesn’t get old at all.
“Here they are.” You present the serving dish filled with pfeffernusse to Kirby, then take one of the small, shiny cookies for yourself.
By general standards, they’re quite good. Very flavorful.
But for your specific purposes; the shiny glaze is too sweet; and the cookie itself is too heavy and too dense. There’s no way that Carlyle is going to like these…
“Oh, wow!!” Kirby says your name in a shrill tone, almost a squeal around a mouthful of cookie. “Amazing!! Divine!! These are absolutely perfect, just like she used to make!! If he doesn’t like these, his tastebuds are broken!!!”
“Hahah- I’m glad you like them.” You feel the smile spreading out onto your face.
“You’re the beeeest-”
Honestly, seeing your new friend’s reaction makes it worth it to have made them anyway, even knowing from the start that they weren’t going to bag you a win. Luckily, you manage to reserve some for Carlyle to at least try later, before the ecstatic faun manages to devour the whole batch.
Later that day, the dwindling overcast daylight from the encroaching evening creates a lonely, gloomy atmosphere in your empty shop. The uneasy feeling that always seems to reappear when you’re alone starts to creep back in, and you can’t help but worry that Carlyle’s not coming today. Perhaps the on-and-off rain is keeping him from stopping by. You’ve only seen him show up on foot, and even if he drove there’s not any ample parking on this street.
Or maybe he’s not coming back, period. Maybe he’s gotten bored of whatever this little thing between you is? You couldn’t blame him.
After all, you don’t know each other all that well at all. You’ve only seen each other a total of five times now, basically in passing. You wouldn’t even know he was a lawyer if he hadn’t specifically used the word ‘case’ when referring to his job and mentioned the courthouse before.
And the curse… Well. You know what the letter said by heart now. Withering before blooming, and all of that.
It’s nearly to the point of you giving up and just going about your normal closing procedures when the familiar jingle plays. And while the notification sound and the name on the order is familiar, the order itself is not at all.
Usually, as you’ve learned, you see an order for half a dozen cupcakes- always a variety, except for whomever always orders your lemon meringue flavor without fail.
But this evening, he’s ordered… a disposable cutlery kit.
No cake, no cupcakes, no other items at all. Just that.
You tilt your head at the screen, wondering what it could possibly mean.
After a bit of deliberation, you take a single cutlery kit from the open box and set it on the counter top. 
Moments pass as you stare at the lonely item on the counter, contemplating the situation with only the ubiquitous smooth jazz playing on the overhead speakers to keep you sane.
…Should you brew coffee?
But the minutes tick by, with still no sign of Carlyle.
You decide not to, not wanting to waste it if he's not coming. You fight the urge to either break into uncontrollable laughter or equally uncontrollable tears.
The rain has picked up enough that you can hear it audibly pattering against the panes of your shop windows.
Time marches on.
You sigh. You drum your fingertips on the counter top. You glance at the clock. 
It's two minutes past close.
You’ve finally moved to turn the neon sign declaring your shop as open off for the evening, and just as you’re standing there pressing down the switch you see Carlyle a few paces down the sidewalk, walking towards the shop underneath the protection of a clear umbrella.
He stops in his tracks, looking at the darkened sign and then back down at you on the other side of the glass, seeming at a loss for how to proceed.
After a second of stalemate, you push open the still unlocked door.
He finishes the rest of the walk as quickly as he can without splashing through the accumulating puddles in his leather shoes.
“Hey. Sorry I'm late."
“Hi! I’m- I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure what you meant by a cutlery set.”
“I planned on going home early today, so no cupcake order from the ladies this evening. I wanted to let you know I was still coming, but I realized I had no way of knowing what you’d make to order it for myself, so.” He smirks faintly and shrugs beneath the umbrella, the shoulder pads on his suit lifting up slightly with the motion. “That was the solution I chose. You eat with cutlery, so: I'm still coming to eat.”
“It's okay. That’s actually pretty clever." You beam. You don’t care in the slightest that you’re already closed- you’re just happy he showed up. You motion with your hand for him to enter. "Come in, come in. You’re going to get soggy.”
He obliges, closes his umbrella, then shakes it off before he steps completely inside.
"I suppose the weather held you up?"
"Yes, the train was delayed. There was a large rain spirit blocking off the tunnel, it was an entire ordeal.”
“Well, that would certainly explain the sudden rain. It wasn’t on the forecast this morning.” You chuckle nervously.
“I don’t want to intrude, since it took me long enough to get here that you’re closed now.” He motions to the sign. He’s always been courteous enough to punctually depart when you’ve turned the sign off, cutting off your conversation far earlier than you’d like at times. “We don’t have to do this today if it would be a hassle.”
“Oh, no, it’s no bother- it’s pouring out now, you can’t walk back to the station in that- even with an umbrella. At least stay until it passes.” You reach out and gently touch his forearm for effect. Then, you recoil like you’ve touched a hot stovetop, realizing you’re probably being a bit too comfortable with him when you don’t even know how he feels about physical touch from a relative stranger. You move the culprit to stroke the back of your own head for comfort instead. “Er, if you wanted to, of course. We could sit at one of the tables for a while and have a chat…”
"That sounds like exactly what I need right now." He gives you one of his characteristic bright smiles, and you're so close you can see the outline of his wide, slightly protruding canines. He places his contained umbrella in the bottom of the coat rack.
"Why don't you sit down? I'll go make you some coffee."
You do just that, returning with coffee for you both; his in his claimed mug, and yours in one from the regular marbled set. You can’t help but laugh at the stark difference between the color of your respective drinks, perhaps being on the very far end of the spectrum in shade, seeing as he likes his with no additions and you with as much cream and sugar you can reasonably put into yours.
When you return, he’s sitting at one of the tables, looking out the window. He’s removed his suit jacket and draped it across the back of the chair. You nearly drop the mugs as you’re coming down the stairs as you miss the last step on the flight, because you’re too focused on the how aesthetically pleasing you find the sight- emotionally evocative, like you’ve taken a wrong turn in your own shop and walked into some sort of sad, tragically beautiful painting.
After delivering the (thankfully unspilled) coffee, you turn back to the counter to grab the plate of pfeffernusse. You set the cutlery set down, as well.
“I don’t think you’ll need this for the cookies, but… you did already pay for it.” You say with as straight a face as you can manage.
Carlyle laughs a deep, rich laugh- somehow gravelly and smooth at the same time. He takes the cutlery kit and slides it into the breast pocket of his jacket where it’s hanging on the chair behind him with a pointed smirk, before turning his attention to the cookies on the table in front of him.
You take a seat across from him, hoping you don’t look as obviously captivated as you feel.
You’re used to having a countertop between you, so this is a new experience. It certainly feels more intimate, like you’re having a coffee break with a friend rather than a customer you’ve developed a bizarre crush on. You’re close enough now that you can’t help but notice all the subtle details of the stone texture of his face- the small divots and minor cracks, and the faint lines of erosion where water must have chosen its path down his face countless times.
“These look a bit familiar somehow.” Carlyle selects one of the cookies and rotates it between his fingers in observation, watching the overhead light glint off the shiny coating.
“I don’t think you’re going to like them.” You say, watching him inspect the small treat through an inquisitive look on his face. “But I made them for a friend earlier, so I thought I’d have you try them anyway.”
He’s quiet for an uncommonly long amount of time as he eats the cookie- but not in the good, stunned-into-silence way you’ve been dreaming about seeing. He looks tired. He looks wistful. He looks sad.
It goes on so long that you wonder if you should say something, until you finally do.
“Hahah… Sorry, spaced out a bit there. I’m sort of a mess today.”
“Is everything alright? You seem unhappy.” You may not be very familiar with him yet, but you’re not so dense as to have not noticed he’s acting much more muted than normally. “I hope the pfeffernusse weren’t that bad…” You laugh quietly to try to lighten the mood. 
“Oh, no- Not at all. Nothing you’ve made has been anywhere close to bad in quality.” He smiles, and you try desperately not to reel from the compliment. “It’s just too sweet for me. Too heavy. The flavor is great, though. Smells like Yuletide morning as a kid.”
“Did you also have a grandmother who made these?” You laugh. “It seems like everyone who’s come into my shop today has had one.”
“Ah, no. My Mom made something kind of like them, but they were rolled in powdered sugar instead.” Then a realization clearly lights up his brown eyes. “So actually yes, I suppose I technically did have a Grandma who made them. But I didn’t know her before she was a statue.”
“Oh- Did you hate sweets as a wee little stone man as well?” You can’t help but laugh, covering your mouth picturing an overly formal gargoyle child. “I bet you did.”
Your laughter is infectious, and you can see his beige spaded tail swishing around the chair legs animatedly.
“I did! Mom always left some out of the sugar for me.”
“Damn, that’s smart. I should’ve thought of that.…” You ponder, tapping your lip with your fingertips and avoiding his eyes.
“No reason to, honestly. They were still a little too sweet, even when she didn’t. I’m sure your friend enjoyed them though, so they fulfilled their main purpose.”
“They did… So, if it’s not my baking, what’s got you so down, then?” You ask, then hastily add: “If you don’t mind me prying.”
“Work.” He says simply. “Work has been difficult for me lately.”
“Understandable. I imagine being a lawyer must be quite stressful.”
“Not only that- I’m a divorce attorney.” He sighs, rubbing his fingers restlessly along the mug’s handle. “I see people when they’re going through what’s likely the worst time of their lives, every single day. And because of the nature of the job, I can't even offer much in terms of support. I’m not a therapist. Ultimately, all I can really do is make sure my client isn’t being shafted.”
“Oh, that does sound draining.” You look down into your ridiculously milky coffee to try to hide the wince. You can’t help but wonder if you would’ve needed a divorce attorney if the curse had destroyed your relationship later than it did. You can’t help but feel perversely relieved- at least you didn’t have to go to court over your heartbreak. “What made you choose that field?”
“I didn’t, really. I used to do criminal defense. I was moved to civil cases a few years ago. I do enjoy my job, for the most part. Most of the time, it’s easy enough to separate myself. …It’s when something is hitting a little too close to home- that’s when it’s hard.”
“Close to home?”
“Yes. My parents were married for thirty-five years- owned their house, fully grown kids, perfect example of a good relationship and they decided to just- get divorced a few months ago, out of nowhere. I mean clearly it wasn’t out of nowhere to them, logically, but it was a shock to me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. That must be hard to come to terms with, even as an adult. Especially when it’s a surprise.”
“The irony isn’t lost on me, believe me.” He swirls his half-full coffee in the mug, a grim smile on his face as he takes another long sip. “Sometimes I feel like I’m cursed.”
“Cursed?” You say, barely louder than a whisper. You haven’t told him about your own curse- so you know he must not know the weight of using that word with you, but it slices into your chest all the same.
“Yes, not literally of course, but as if working with geasa all this time has rubbed off on me- like the magic itself has backfired on me somehow.” He takes a deep breath of air and shakes his head. “I know I’m just being dramatic. I would know if my magic was off. I was fine when they told me months ago, then- It just didn’t feel real until I went to help them pack up my childhood home this past weekend. I’ve felt down ever since.”
“I know how that feels…” You quickly course-correct. “I mean, how hard that is- packing up a place you loved like that. It’s like having to physically detach from part of yourself.” 
“From such a heartfelt description, I assume you’ve had to as well?”
“Yeah. My fiance broke up with me last autumn. Lived together for years, and I was the one that moved out- That’s how I ended up opening shop here.”
“I’m so sorry.” Carlyle says, genuine concern in his voice. ”That must have been incredibly hard for you.”
“It was… But it’s in the past.” You lie with a sad smile. Maybe sometime soon, you’ll manage to convince yourself…
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I’d rather not.” It’s bad enough feeling like that loss will swallow you whole at any moment. It’s only even more mortifying to be reopening the wound once again in front of the handsome regular you’re crushing on.
Carlyle nods, clearly intrigued but not pushing you for any more information. There is a short, surprisingly comfortable stretch of you both sitting in relative silence apart from the rain pattering on the shop window and the low background music of the shop. 
Carlyle finally clears his throat.
“At least there’s always coffee,” He sighs in catharsis. 
“True. In your favorite mug, at that.” You chuckle, eyes resting on the familiar lettering. Strangely, seeing it in Carlyle’s hands, it doesn’t fill you with nearly the same heart wrenching sadness as it used to.
“I hope you don’t find it tasteless that I’ve claimed it, given what sounds like the painful context.”
“Ah, no, not at all- If anything, it’s making me feel a lot better about the whole thing.”
“I’m just saying- he can’t change his mind and come back for it now.” Carlyle smiles at you from behind the cup. “I’ve become very attached.”
You somehow manage to speak through your flustered laughter and your heart trying to race out of your chest.
“Haha- I don’t think you have to worry much about that…”
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randonauticrap · 11 months
Halloween with Leon (Part 1)
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Pairing ~ Leon Dompteur x Reader
Word Count ~ 1k
Warnings ~ None, except for the fact that Leon only appears in flashback in this fic, since it's just Part 1. But there's a BIG warning for some adorable Licht and Yves content ahead!
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It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a Halloween party with the princes of Rhodolite. You wished you could claim credit for the brilliant idea, but in reality, it was Yves. He conjured up the thought one brisk afternoon in the garden. You had relaxed into the sofa, where a table of autumn-themed treats sat before you. Yves had truly outdone himself this time. There were leaf-shaped cinnamon cookies, pumpkin spice cupcakes with adorable sugar leaves and icing pumpkins decorating the tops, a caramel cheesecake, pumpkin pecan pudding, caramel apple tarts, and a beautifully decorated chocolate peanut butter cake.
Yves handed you a cup of warm, caramel flavored coffee, and you took it with a grateful smile. Licht had already grabbed a cookie from the pumpkin shaped serving dish and was quietly munching on it when Yves finally sat down across from you. “So, you and Leon went to the pumpkin patch a few days ago?” Yves smiled over his cup of tea, his clear blue eyes pinning you with questions unasked. In response, your cheeks flushed ever so slightly and you stole a glance into your mug.
“Mhm,” you hummed, knowing you had yet to hear the end of it. 
“Well, how was it? Don’t think you can get away with not telling me. I’ll either find out from you or I’ll go to Leon myself. Now which do you want it to be?”
“Okay, okay! I’ll tell you, have mercy!” you surrendered, giggling.
“That’s more like it!” Yves set his cup down and clapped his hands together. “Ready for this, Licht? This is when we both find out if my lessons paid off!” Licht nodded and they both turned their full attention to you.
“Well, we went to the pumpkin patch, and there were quite a few people who recognized Leon and wanted to talk to him.” 
Yves rolled his eyes. “Didn’t they see that they were interrupting a very important date?!” 
“Yves!” you chided him as the color in your cheeks deepened.
“Well it’s true!” Yves countered. “If they had known how long-awaited this outing was, maybe they would have had the decency to give you two some privacy!”
“Leon is well liked everywhere, Yves.” Lict replied calmly.
“Licht is right.” you said. “No matter when we went or where we went, people would want to talk to him, and he would oblige them. It’s part of who he is.” You paused, wondering if you should let the next bit slip, but you figured it was no use trying to hide it from the 5th and 6th princes anymore. “It’s part of what I love about him.” you muttered, and the irritation in Yves’s eyes disappeared almost instantaneously, replaced by a mischievous gleam.
“Oh, yes?” He quirked an intrigued eyebrow at you. “What else do you love about Leon?”
“Yveeeeees,” you drawled in exhasperation. 
“Alright, so what happened next?” 
“Well, once we got our pumpkins, we decided to get some food.-”
“Oh! Did you use the method I taught you?!” Yves cried and you chuckled.
“I tried to, yeah.”
“How did it work?” He leaned forward, an expectant smile on his lips.
“Leon saw through it right away and just laughed.” you shrugged, and Yves’s shoulders fell.
“Ugh.” Yves swiped a hand over his face in defeat, while your smile widened. He looked up and met your gaze after several seconds, and his expression shifted from disappointment into suspicion. “Why are you smiling like that?”
“Because while he may have seen through my act, he knew what I was trying to do, so he picked me up and carried me to where they were selling food.” You covered your eyes with your sweater sleeves as you thought back to being hauled up against the 4th prince’s warm, solid body in front of all those people.
“I knew it!” Yves screeched in triumph. “I knew it would work!” 
You laughed loudly and reached for a tarte, stealing a glance at Licht, who had already gone through a few more sweets during the conversation. Even he was smiling, if only barely, the sight uncharacteristic to his usually solemn countenance. You couldn’t be more thankful for these princes - your friends. “I guess my favorite season is lucky for me.” You chuckled as you lifted the tarte to your lips. 
“Wait a second…” Yves gave pause, then erupted. “That’s it!”
“What’s it?” You echoed, your tarte still hovering in front of your mouth.
“Your favorite season, your favorite holiday! We can capitalize on this!” 
“Yves, what are you talking about?” 
“You want Leon to take the next step in your relationship, right?”
“...yes.” you murmured, your face suddenly feeling hot again. Yves didn’t realize just how much he was insinuating, but you guessed that Licht did, what with how he turned his face away from you with slightly reddened ears as if to say, “I don’t want to hear this!”
“Then we need to make him jealous!” Yves rattled on, unaware. “We’ll host a party for us and the nobles - that includes you, of course. It can be a masquerade ball for Halloween!” 
“This sounds like an amazing idea, Yves!” You piped up. “But, tell me how a masquerade ball will make Leon jealous.” 
“He won’t get the chance to ask you to be his partner.” Yves grinned wickedly. 
“Who will be my partner then?” you asked, still uncertain about where this was going.
“Me or Licht, of course!” he beamed, but Licht’s frown deepened. Thankfully, before you could say the words yourself, Licht was already saying them.
“Leon knows that neither of us are romantically interested in her. He also knows we would never have unsavory intentions with her. That won’t make him jealous at all.” 
“Hmph.” Yves dropped his chin into his hand, seeing the truth in Licht’s words, but not a way around them. 
“Uhm.” you cleared your throat and their eyes were on you again.
“I know someone who might be willing…”
~ To Be Continued ~
Tags for the Lovelies: @rhodolitesroseforclavis @aquagirl1978 @ikehoe @queengiuliettafirstlady @maries-gallery @veervers @nightghoul381 @judejazza @xbalayage @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @alvieeru @aria-chikage @tele86
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guroperv · 21 days
Wow so I can send anons but if I send an ask unanon it doesn't work, fix your damn spaghetti code tumblr -BB
Hwa wonders, what's your favorite kind of coffee drinks and whether you prefer them hot or cold.
LOL yeah i think it's just an issue with tumblr. it's ran by retarded apes anyways.
i like my coffee hot, with lots of chocolate and maybe a little peppermint in it and cinnamon too <3 so yummy, though i do love a good iced coffee too as you all know lolol
shi prefers his coffee black with only a little sugar added to perfectly balanced the flavor, and also takes it hot though doesn't mind iced.
stein prefers straight hot black coffee of the dark roast variety, extra bitter.
aaaannd......the other one also likes his coffee black, but not dark roast at least.
this is my bf btw, everyone. he's pretty neat, wish it would let him use his blog to send me stuff.
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cheesecakemermaid1048 · 11 months
the concept cookie's translated description(With edits from me in attempt to make sense of them because google sucks)(part 2)
Nymphaea Cookie
Cookie Quote:What history can we discover today?
Archaeologist Excavation + Egyptian Training
This cookie, which had lost its vibrant green flowers, was miraculously created by mixing water lily petals from an oasis with soft cheese dough from the desert. seen from above. It is said that thanks to the mysterious power of the blue water lily, a tiny oasis is created where Nymphia Cookie dug the ground….
they might somehow be related to the god of healing, which is popular among cheese ball birds.
A bag that has become dry and crispy after a long trip to the desert.
Blue water lilies represent regenerative healing.
coin choco cookie
Archaeologist's Sponsor Coin Choco
If Chi is the flashy, pure rich(?) type, this is the old miserable type. He is a friend of a cookie made for an assignment a long time ago. Maybe he can become the archaeologist's sponsor for the troublesome season?
(Artist note?)I remembered what you said and brought it as an NPC.
The coin bug disguises itself as a coin sticks to the ground and bites when a hand approaches
(beetles)Golden Chocolate Scarab Mulberry…
Creme brulee cookie
Cookie Quote:"I'll dig into it all!"
Creme Brûlée/Spoon/Archaeologist
Overly motivated
Creme: What do you think you'll find if you dig further?
Cookie from the top: Come back!!!
Creme:Ever since I was young, I have been interested in relics of the past (like the Ivory Dragon's palace).
Creme,nerding out:Oh~ The story of the other world’s Noble Phantasm that has been passed down from the Kingdom of Gold Cheese. The poetry is a phrase. (description)Me (later rapid-fire explanation)
(third image) Creme:I am farsighted, so I only wear glasses when reading books.
Lemon Kadayif Cookie
(sketch with them & camembert)" I found a suspicious fox cookie that was persistently chasing me."
(Reference image)It is made by baking Taipei(?) dough wrapped in cloves and cinnamon until crisp and topped with sweet lemon syrup. Sprinkle chopped walnuts or pistachios on the hot kataipi, pour in lemon syrup, and roll it up.
(sketch with a bird on their head)Sometimes cheeseball birds mistook it for a back and sat on their heads. I tend to dislike people who aren't my best friends.
(their hair down sketch)The ends of the hair become long and stranded. They say you can cut it down and make a nest for your honey skein friends…
(lemon hair clip sketch(Maybe the secret to the hair is Lemon herself? I don't know what's sealed
(sketch of smaller mummies)It is possible to communicate with honey skein mummies and hawks.
I guess he's a colleague because he follows along well.
(underneath the large image of them) The ends of the uncut hair gradually ripen in the desert heat and turn brown.
Ghost cheese cookie
"I'm not dead, I'm reborn!"
Mac and Cheese/Ghost/Melting Cheese cookie
A macaroni-flavored cookie that was researching the Gold Cheese Kingdom a long time ago falls down a deep, deep vein of cheese. While wandering aimlessly under the mineral vein, she was discovered by Cheese the Mole, who lived there and was transformed into her current form, Ghost Cheese (Mac and Cheese).
Are they being reborn as cheese, turning into a dead body, and existing only in the underworld (metaverse)? Even though she is dead, she seems to have no regrets. Rather, she might be happy to know the secret of the Gold Cheese Kingdom (I'm sure you won't)While researching about eternal life, macaroni-flavored cookie before becoming ghost cheese, discovered the Gold Cheese Kingdom, and discovered the secret to eternal wealth.
They're archaeologist with a passionate personality who doesn't give up.
(Side description on a small version of her)No legs visible
(Underneath the larger version)What if it was a ghost but its entire body was light golden?
(Reference image?)“Wow! / Oh my god, you’re a ghost.”
Coffee Cheese cookie
(Reference image of cheese)Espresso coffee bean powder
The outside, covered with coffee bean powder, has a bitter and rough taste. The cheese inside is creamy and rich in flavor. Once a cookie gets caught up in it, they won't be able to get out. A petty thief who uses their gift of words to lure away cookies and rip them off.
(talking about their paw)palm tattoo
(First image with coffee cheese and Kopi Luwak)The troublesome shoplifting duo of the Kingdom of Golden Cheese
(Second image of Coffee glaring at Burnt cheese)They want to rob the treasure trove, but they fail every time because Basque cheese(Burnt cheese) is on guard. It would be nice to have a cat<->dog gimmick.
Finger food cookie
Cookie who loves beauty and dance in the luxurious city of the Metaverse. She was one of the guardians who guided the souls, but she got caught up in the world of music and now only spends her time playing, eating, and dancing. Cookies that interfere with this guardian's pastimes may see her fearsome side.
(Reference image) Finger Food Concept(party food)
(Hathor reference) goddess of love and beauty reference Hathor (loves dance and music)
(Finger food on stage sketch)Finger food: Until we all die~
(Same sketch)Have a lot of fans
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When she starts playing, cookies are forced to dance for a certain period of time and no other actions are possible.
Kopi Luwak Cookie
Here and there wander around town
When using an attack skill, they raise their hair and tail
How do you find picking out the pockets of Gold Cheese's Village's petty thief cat, Chili Flavored Cookie(Chili pepper Cookie)? Cats leave footprints wherever they pass by.
A lump of grass rolling around in the desert? Like 20 burns(I am not sure what this means…)
Sphinx cookie
Cookie quote:" Can just a cookie solve the riddle of the Sphinx?" Sphinx Cookie, which existed in Cheese Valley for a long time, fell asleep as a stone statue for thousands of years but woke up after the creation of the Gold Cheese Kingdom.
(Concept idea) What if Gold Cheese was the first to solve your riddle?
Somewhere in the deserted Cheddar Cheese Mountain, he is sleeping in a state of parmesan at the top of Gold Cheese Kingdom (it looks like a statue)
(concept image)Parmesan cheese lion tail ver.
(reference images) Parmigiano Reggiano & Sphinx
Sphinx in their stone stage, thinking: Walking on four legs in the morning, two during the day, and three at night…I'm thinking about a riddle
Sphinx Cookie exchanges riddles with Gouda(probably talking about a high priest bird), who is said to be the smartest of the birds.
When it becomes a stone statue, sometimes cheese ball birds come up to rest or peck at it even though it is hard. (Remember it and scold them later)
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