#(it's a pretty lighthearted and fun story and i think you guys are gonna enjoy it)
bawdy-booster · 4 months
Trust the Process
Another story I've commissioned from Duth Olec has been released, featuring Duth's Character's Anne and Enna roping a lost Wren into helping them with a photo shoot! Check it out through the link below!
Lost in the jungle, Wren comes across Anne and Enna, who say they'll help them find their way home if they help with a photo shoot. Wren doesn't trust them, but Anne has her convincing ways. CONTENT WARNING: Non-Consensual Hypnosis, Kissing, Coils (Invasive), and Photos of taken of This and While Hypnotized
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2036sator · 5 months
hiiii :3 what r ur opinions on the characters in the cgvl and lha? Character wise, design wise, etc... (including freedom guy 🤭) I'm just really curious :3
[[ AA dude i’m gonna go so in depth w/ this !!!! this is personally from what I recently discovered from these characters so , i am kinda new to LHA and CGVL ,, not freedom guy tho lolol ]]
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[[ Let’s start with LHA ^_^ ]]
> FREEDOM GUY - design wise … absolutely cool i can’t really explain how much i enjoy doodling him no matter what design he has , always loved the old design !! Red scarf is iconic to him and made him stand out even if its a bit plain… but other than the old design, new design kitt recently has made im ssooooooo inlove with how he became so …. HE LOOKS SASSY AT ONE POINT LOOOKING AT HIM FOR HOURS . his old design with his iconic hands on his hips pose already made me think he was all shiny sassy star that everyone praises of lllolololol 7_7 character wise by personality is great overall , he’s a code yet he is so , humane that being the therapist plus saviour is tiring even for a code sobbbb ilove gushing about freedom guy if u can’t tell
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> FROST - design wise ? Love it . I would say that I love drawing Frost as well as much as I love to draw Freedom Guy :3 Character wise … very kewl…. I need to see more of frost stuff ………
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> TANGERINE - DESIGN WISE AAHHHH OHMYGOD I have something for orange sticks idk why but she looks so cool i never actually noticed she even had like scars until i went thru deep into the LHA bloggers just to noticed she has like two or three scars like WHAT !!! Character wise , If she went to my school I would wanna be her friend tbh she seems fun to be around ^_^
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> CION - Design wise is just… chefs kiss , I love drawing her marble head and drawing her in my design where she has like kind of maybe water ish? Or fire ish blob around it just bc I can’t see her with hair so instead I just made blobs that made to look like she has hair el o el ,,,overallll!! Super cool I love cloaks … Character wise is yes , just yes . Ilove the looks can be deceived like how Cion and Tangerine is the same just different fonts
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> LUCKY - hhhahah lucky block…. I made Lucky’s head more not circular bc srsly I would totally believe lucky if xe told me xe was birthed from a lucky block. So it’s more geometrical? Character wise ilove xem ilove hackers and I don’t know much of Lucky ,,,still xe’s super cool either way
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> SCRIBBLES - from what ive seen im surprised this is actually and technically the leader of cgvl and its just , a little scribble stick ( in a positive way not insulting ) , probably my favourite... ( i cant decide with scribs and rose ) ,,, character wise!!! ive seen a little bit of scribbles story and im cheering so hard scribs is so cool and with the programmer lore and everything going on is super interesting and all overall really cool character , easy to doodle when im bored in school
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> VIX - oh jeez . can we get vix neutered . / LIGHTHEARTED JOKE ... Unique creature , i love the head design even though it sometimes confuses me when i try to doodle the back of vix :9 ., character wise .. freaky .... you a freak girl!!! also!!! I LOVE cannibal characters when they're all actually attached to a person then they soemtimes can't get over the thought of eating them ( filling them with guilt ) i love when cannibals feel bad for what they are ( technically its a parasite for vix's case but still!!! )
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>ROSE - ohhhhhhhhh i almost tripped when i saw rose , pink characters save me ... shes so pretty by the design wise category .. made me jealous of her gender smhhhh.... character wise , mischievous thief and i would let her steal my whole house if she wanted to
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> GEO - i wanna squeeze geo but i cant :( character wise by what ive seen from like interactions(?) and lore , its really interesting and really cool ( reminds me of another interest i have but who cares ) still i understand how frost would baby geo
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> ENTI & BUG ( NO IMAGE NOOOOOO MY LIMIT NOOOOOO ) - big guys so cool they would absolutely obliterate me . i dont know them much but i wanna know more about them .... i need itt...
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 3 months
Inside Out 2 was decent (possible spoilers)
Okay so I don't really get hyped for Inside Out 2 as much as everyone else does, but I'm not denying that it was a cute movie, it had it's pros and cons. It's nothing special, though. I enjoyed the fist one and I love the new characters in the sequel. I'll start with the pros because there's more cons.
Okay, so I mostly love how they didn't push any romance tropes, other than Disgust hitting on that video game guy (that i noticed Anger and Fear kind of checking him out as well) and personally I think giving Disgust a love interest was out of character for her, but it worked. I mean, she's usually disgusted at everything but seeing a hot purple hair anime warrior calms her down. I actually LOVE how they had Riley crush on a video game character an not a boy at her school, I was so happy about that. Those of you who wanted Riley to be lesbian, I'm so sorry! I'm okay with that personally, even though I support LGBT, because I think it's more relatable for me the majority of girls watching that they didn't make her a lesbian. Maybe Disney will make a lesbian protagonist someday? And if not, maybe a better movie company will! Also, there's no romance between any of Riley's emotions, yay! It doesn't make sense if there was! Also, I like how they referenced to Dora the explorer in a funny, lighthearted way, instead of making fun of it in an offensive way. I hate when people make fun of innocent kids shows to be offensive, I really think they referenced to Dora just for laughs. Also, Anxiety's a decent character. I like her, personally. I like the idea of Disney not having real villains anymore, because not everything is just pure bad or good. Anxiety was just an antagonist and it's okay, she also got redemption too.
Now for the cons... and this is gonna be long. Okay, I DO NOT SUPPORT DISNEY! I mean, I don't think this movie should be the thing that brings Disney/Pixar back from their dark ages, but I'm not hating on the Inside Out 2. I do think it's overrated. My biggest complaint was the fact that THEY STOLE CHARACTER DESIGN FROM ANOTHER MOVIE and here's the pictures to prove it
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Yeah, that dark secrets character looks almost exactly like Dark from Orion and the Dark, a movie that came out BEFORE Inside Out 2! and those of you saying "but they were working on both movies at the same time" WRONG! The movies were released at least 4 months apart and Disney does often rush their recent projects like they rushed the making of Wish! Another thing, the human animations in Inside Out 2 looked a little less rendered, while the emotion animations and facial expressions were PERFECT! Also, is it just me or does Riley sound younger in this sequel than she did in the first one? Which it doesn't make sense since she went through puberty, right?
In conclusion, the story is pretty decent but I don't think it's worth spending money to see in theaters. If you really desperately want to see it in theaters, fine! I prefer watching it online and don't forget that the free websites exist. The illegal copy of the movie (you know, the hidden camera recorded version with the slot machines) is on the free websites like Actvid and Kisscartoon. Go ahead and watch it on there if you're like me and you're just watching it because of extra free time, and you don't really want to give your money to the Big D.
Anyway, I'm basically neutral on this movie, feel free to state your opinion. Again, I'm not a Disney fan and yet I'm not denying that this was an okay-ish movie. I just don't think it's worth seeing in theaters when you can watch it online for free and Disney won't be robbing you.
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wolfstarhaven · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any recs that are just mostly fun banter? something lighthearted and easy to read 😊
Hi love🌸 Sorry this took ages! I just couldn’t decide. But here you have a few that I adore:
Our Blood, Still Young, by templeg (15k)
It's nearly the last day of fifth year, and Sirius really isn't looking forward to the summer.
Get-together fic (spoiler alert, but really, what were you expecting?) set over the summer of 1976 and into the autumn.
(I’m not gonna comment each fic because there are too many… but I just need to say that this is GOLDEN! It’s hilarious and so so wonderful)
oh, we were bound to get together, by nikkiRA (7k)
For the record, it took Sirius a little over four years to understand how he felt about Remus. It took James Potter about 15 minutes.
A Short Summary of Things That Are James Potter's Fault, by xylodemon (2k)
In which the mistletoe is hexed, Remus would rather not spend the night in a broom cupboard, and several things are James Potter's fault.
Lupin’s Lethargy (and the Litter Lobbing Libertines), by SwissCheesePlant (3k)
It began, as so many of the Marauders’ misadventures did, with a heartfelt sigh and declaration of boredom from one Sirius Black.
Or, in which James is winning, Sirius has a strategy, Peter petrifies a toad, and Remus is just trying to sleep.
A Supplementary Story, by elixirsoflife (5k)
Honestly, if someone told him this morning that he’s going to be attacked by a vampire on his way back from the library, rejected half a second later because apparently he’s not delicious enough for the guy’s liking, and then have said vampire concerned about his health – well, he’d tell them to check out the local GP when they next have the chance.
Surely this isn’t normal?
The Not So Suave Coming Out of Sirius Orion Black (1977), by Keysie (4k)
The first time Sirius Black came out of the closet, it was, ironically, in a closet. Now he's finally ready to tell his friends, but there just never seems to be a right time. So, he picked the wrong time, and just rolled with it. Kinda.
Operation: Toebeans, by moonymoment (28k)
Sirius comes up with the ingenious idea to give McGonagall a Marauders-esque nickname, but potentially getting kicked off the Quidditch team for the sake of mischief is just over the "not-worth-it" line. A reluctant Remus comes up with the idea of using reverse psychology to trick her into calling him Padfoot, so it's only fair they can then call her Toebeans.
Sirius thinks it's brilliant. James is crying of laughter 90% of the time, Peter has a few rare strokes of brilliance, and Lily is pretty damn sure that's not what reverse psychology is.
Harmonicas, Hinky-punks, and Heather, by Squidgilator (23k)
Sirius and Remus get stranded in Scotland on Order business, and decide to walk to Hogwarts. Featuring the Brontës, a harmonica, a shrinking tent, and some self-discovery.
Hopeless, by OfficialStarsandGutters (3k)
You see, it is all very sudden and unexpected. When they parted ways after fifth year, Moony was just good old Moony. Soft, warm, a little tattered around the edges; smelling of old books, chocolate, and a light wolfish undertone that Sirius has only been able to pick up on since Padfoot came around. Moony with his comfy, oversized jumpers, his cardigans, of all things (really, what teenage boy wears cardigans?), his common sense, dry wit, and secret wicked humour.
But when they come back for sixth year, Moony is hot.
The Price of Looking, orphaned (2k)
Remus Lupin has always been blind, and enjoys trolling his dormmates with terrible blind jokes. But when Remus challenges him to let him see a bit more, Sirius definitely rises to it.
Passing the Time, by heart_axe (5k)
Sirius is bored and he's going to make it Remus' problem.
xx Elliot
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pyroclastic727 · 3 years
Notes from the Amphibia panel!
• Matt Braly got into animation when a Pixar guy came to his school to inspire him. Then he took figure drawing classes, went to CalArts for 4 years, worked at Dreamworks storyboarding, and started pitching shows.
• Jessica Chandra went from live action to applying for the Nickelodeon animation internship. Then she worked on Tangled before Amphibia
• Roxanne Cole did character design at first and then switched to storyboards--then Matt reached out to them
• Joe Johnston followed Matt's path, even being college roommates--but before that, he and Matt went to California Summer School for the Arts (now Interspark)--along with Alex Hirsch and others. He got Matt to work on part of SU.
• They start with a clip! It's an animatic for the Marcy Theme Song Takeover, and Haley Tju sings
• What are challenges in balancing the show's tone, after the s2 finale?
Joe: The tone kinda marches along with you as you go, esp with s1 and s2, and it's been pretty easy.
Roxanne: I came on for season 3, so my experience is watching the tone evolve from the beginning to the end, which is a lot of fun. Stuff about when are we getting into plot, into fun episodic moments (there's plenty of both). The characters are complex and flawed, albeit fun and goofy.
Jess: We had to bolster our design team and add to our schedule to make Matt's vision come true.
• Favorite episode you've directed, and more specifically, favorite scene?
Roxann: it would be from season 3...
Joe: From season 2, is Bessie and Microangelo, since it's funny and lighthearted
• How does Amphibia explore Loss?
Matt: Loss is one of the many feelings that is part of this cocktail called life. It will be something that everybody deals with. These intense things that the characters go through create realistic scenarios. The running theme of Amphibia is that the price is paid and every dream costs something. It will get heavy. Kids love to see these things explored. You want the full spectrum of the human experience in the show.
Jess: I agree. Watching this, I was like but why, Matt, why? It is part of life, and I think it's gonna be interesting to see how this is gonna affect all the characters and how they deal with it.
Joe: being 13 is tumultuous, and it's all about change and loss.
Roxann: I'm trying to be real careful because I know more about s3...Anne from s1 to s2 has become a completely different character and they [characters] are gonna change more in s3
• What do you love most about your role on the show?
Matt: It's less about what I can do and more about inspiring others... it's good to see people do their best work because they're motivated and have a rapport.
[Jess, Roxann, and Joe agreed, that the people are important.]
Roxann's first directory experience was on season 3.
• How do you decide what needs more budget? How do you balance action and comedy?
Joe: You can plan ahead a little, and roll with the punches. Jenn Strickland storyboarded everyone when they fought the robots.
[It got boring and I zoned out. They discussed distributing episodes to boarders.]
• What inspired some of the episode
Matt: Studio Ghibli, Legend of Zelda
Jess: Movies that came out recently, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, magical world genre
Matt compartmentalizes. Which is why Anne does that as well.
[They discussed their hobbies outside work. Matt has none.]
A season takes about a year to produce. They are produced stacked so that you don't have year-long gaps between airing. Episodes are done in production order usually.
Holiday episodes are out of order because of when they need to air. (Christmas special might be out of order).
• Out of all the roles, which goes underappreciated or doesn't get enough attention?
Roxann: Production gets glossed over. Artists have terrible time management and production keeps them on track
Matt: Revisionists, who "spackle" everything and go unrecognized. Basically, they clean the boards and get underpaid for it.
Jessica: The Checker! At the end of the production line, they catch ALL the errors. They're also called continuity editors. Often people will forget the right number of props, such as swords.
• What is it like, balancing episodic comedy and story art? Both dealing with heavy topics and making them approachable.
Matt: it's designed to be an episodic show, one that you can watch out of order if needed--although jumping in can make you a little lost later on. He wants self-contained AND long-form stories. (This is probably why we have lore-bomb episodes matched with plot arc episodes). He was inspired by Steven Universe's pacing, especially with the buildup "to a fever pitch"--and he hopes they can do the same.
• Is there a story you haven't told yet, that you have always wanted to tell?
Matt: Had wanted to tell a story about someone stuck in the hospital, since he was stuck in the hospital once. (Might be the inspiration behind Marcy in the tube, implying she won't get out quickly).
Jessica: Mrs. Boonchuy's childhood--coming to America, raising a child...
• What are your feelings about pitching boards?
Matt: I personally really like it. The energy in the room when you're pitching a new board.
Roxann: It's not my favorite thing. I was more involved in the animatic process, and recording scratch was the only pitching I did. (She pretended to be Hop Pop and took psychic damage at her recorded voice).
Joe: I really enjoy pitching (he's great at it, does voices and plays music)--especially when you have time to prepare.
In the chat, the top questions were about LGBTQ+ representation. All were ignored in favor of the
• They showed the s3 trailer rough, with music written by JAKE NEUTRON
It's really quiet and sad
"Making friends and enemies" showed Marcy and Sasha respectively
Lots of reused clips
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multifandomlover01 · 3 years
Fun Times With The Mortar Boys And The Radioman (Skip Muck, Donald Malarkey, Alex Penkala, and George Luz x Reader (Platonic))
2nd HBO War 21 Secret Santa gift for @how-are-those-nuts-sarge
Merry Christmas: The Sequel!
This was the second prompt:
2. Anything lighthearted with our Easy boys! Doesn't have to be shippy or anything, could include an OC or could not, just something that showcases them having a good time with each other.
You said you liked the mortar squad and Luz, and they’re a good source of lighthearted things and entertainment, so I decided to go with them.
Planned for this to be another female reader kind of based off of me, but I think it can be read as either male or gender neutral as well because I wasn’t super descriptive and didn’t ship anyone. It’s purely platonic.
Word count: ~2.8k (Wow! Look who got a lot carried away! And this was the incoherent and disjointed one!)
Warnings: playful abuse of friends (hitting people in the arm a lot)
Key: Y/N = Your Name, Y/N/N = Your Nickname
Disclaimer: I do not own Band of Brothers. I do not own any of the characters from Band of Brothers that are depicted. I do not own any scenes from Band of Brothers that are depicted (sometimes verbatim from the episode/script). I am not claiming to own any of these things. All credits go to the appropriate people such as executive producers, actors, writers, directors, script editors, etc.
P.S.: sorry if the writing seems inconsistent (lol, it’s so choppy and segmented, none of these scenes are done?) or just bad, I didn’t really plan this out (maybe I should have) and I usually write in a free flowing style where I just write whatever comes to me, and it sometimes ends up not making sense, sorry for OOC characters, as well. Also, this was supposed to span several locations and episodes, but...I kinda stalled at the end when I tried to incorporate Germany (Oklahoma) and Austria (Baseball), sorry and ended up deleting the little bit I had for Germany and jumped from Bastogne right to Austria.
Hope you enjoy!
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When there was a lull after some fighting in Carentan (idk), it was pretty boring. The officers were still trying to decide what the best next course of action was (idk). So the enlisted bided their time anyway they could. You wandered around for a bit looking for really anything to do before you stumbled upon the mortar boys. Alex spotted you first and waved at you. Skip looked at who he was waving to and enthusiastically waved you over when he saw you. You smiled and shook your head as you joined your friends. Don greeted you as you sat down.
“How ya doin’? I feel like we haven’t seen you since we got in the planes and jumped. How was your jump and landing?” Skip asked you.
You chuckled.
“How was anybody’s landing? Crappy. I’m tired, I’m sore, and I’m hungry.”
Alex handed you the cheese to try.
You eyed it suspiciously before eating a little bit of it. It wasn’t bad. But it wasn’t great.
“Whaddya think? Horrible, right?”
“It’s not that bad. It’s not great either and I will not be eating anymore of it, thank you very much.”
“Have you guys heard about Lieutenant Speirs?” Skip asked.
“Yeah? What about him?” You asked, wondering where this was going.
“Apparently he killed some German POWs a few days back. And he shot one of his own men for disobeying orders!” Alex exclaimed.
You exaggerated a gasp.
“What if he does that to us?”
Skip went wide-eyed.
“Don’t even joke about that!”
You leaned over and grabbed the cigarette behind Skip’s ear. He tried to stop you, but you just slapped his hand away.
“Relax, Skip, he’s not gonna do that to any of us. I’m sure those stories aren’t even true.”
“Oh, they’re true.”
“How do you know?”
“I just do.”
“You can’t know that they’re true.”
“But I do.”
You flicked the cigarette at him and it hit him in the face.
He tore up some grass and threw it at you. Then he did the same to Alex.
“Hey! What’d I do?”
“You were there.”
Alex scoffed, tore up some grass and threw the handful right back at Skip, who repeated the action. Soon, the two were just sitting there aggressively throwing grass at each other until there was no more.
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The pub in Aldbourne was bristling with activity. Skip had practically begged you to come. You scanned the pub before you spotted your friends. George was the first among the group to spot you as you approached and a huge smile spread across his face.
“Hey! Skip said he wouldn’t leave you alone yesterday and today until you said you’d come. Glad to see you actually decided to come and not bail.”
You punched him in the arm not only for the comment, but also to get him to move, which he did.
“Hey! You made it!” Skip beamed.
“Well, yeah, you only bothered me all day yesterday and pretty much begged me to come. I figured it’d be rude not to.”
“Well you never go anywhere. And Alex bet me I couldn’t get you to come.”
You hit Skip in the arm. He rubbed it.
“Ow! What was that for for?!”
“For being rude.”
I hit Alex in the arm as well.
“What’d I do?”
“You made the bet. You’re just as responsible as him for me being here.”
“Wait, you don’t wanna be here?” Don asked, sounding disappointed and almost personally offended. “I thought we were having a good time.”
“We weren’t!” Skip, Alex, and George all decided to say at the same time.
“Well I was, anyway.”
“Yeah, that’s cause you didn’t get hit.”
“That’s cause I’m the favorite.”
George scoffed.
“You are not,” then he thought for a second and turned to you, “is he?”
You just smirked and left to order a drink at the bar.
“Is he?!” Alex shouted after you.
You just laughed back at them as you reached the bar and ordered your drink.
Once you had received your drink, you made your way back to the group.
“Malark isn’t actually your favorite, is he?” Alex asked you.
Instead of answering him, you took a long gulp of your drink. You had downed about half of it before you stopped.
He was still looking at you expectantly.
“I’m sorry, what was your question?”
“Is Mal your favorite?!” Skip asked, exasperated.
“Maybe,” you winked as you took another drink.
“You’re gonna get drunk real quick if you keep at it like that.” George told you.
“I don’t really see how that’s any of your business, Georgie.”
“Oh no. You’re already drunk. And it is my business when I have to help you back to your billet.”
“Oh, cool it, George. I am not already drunk. I haven’t even had a full glass yet. I’m not a lightweight (A/N: lol, sorry if you are if you’re old enough to drink). But it’s nice of you to be so concerned about me.”
“Hey, what are friends for? Although I think I do that more often than Don, so I don’t know why he’s your favorite.”
You groaned.
“Oh, would you knock that off? Once. You had to take me home once. And only once. No one else here has had any other opportunity to do it.”
“Well since I did do it that one time, shouldn’t I be your favorite? All Don does is ask you for money for drinks!”
“He doesn’t do it that often, George.”
“And I’m gonna pay you back.”
“I know, Don. But you really don’t have to.”
“Why shouldn’t he?! And when are you going to, huh, Don?”
“When I have the money.”
“And when’s that gonna be?”
“When I do. Look, why are you so concerned about it? It’s none of your business!”
“I’m just trying to figure out why Y/N/N likes you so much.”
“You ever think that maybe it’s because we’re friends?”
“We are all friends, Don!”
“Well, Y/N likes me the best.”
“Does not.”
“Does too!”
“Ok, guys! You are acting like kids! Ok, cool it! I like all of you equally!”
“Why’d you imply that you liked Don best, then?”
“Oh my g-it was a joke, George! A joke! You know what a joke is, don’t you?”
“I don’t actually. Please explain.”
You hit him in the arm again lightly.
Don laughed at him.
You then hit him.
“Finally,” Skip sighed, “boy wonder gets hit!”
You groaned and downed the rest of your drink before going to order another.
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You sat next to George for the movie. Which was a huge mistake. He wouldn’t shut up. Lip and Toye kept turning around to tell him to shut up.
“Y/N, could you please tell Luz to shut the hell up?” Toye turned around asked me.
“He wouldn’t listen to you. What makes you think he’ll listen to me?”
“He likes you better than he likes me.”
George was so wrapped up in supplying commentary for the movie he’d seen 13 times that he hadn’t even heard the two of you.
Before you could say anything to George, someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around to find that it was Don.
“Here’s the 400 dollars I owe you in drinks, finally. Sorry it took so long.”
“You don’t have to pay me back, Don, I already told you that.”
“But I feel really bad. Here, take it. Please.”
“Where’d you get 400 dollars anyway?” You asked as you reluctantly took it.
“I won a crap ton of cash in a game of craps.”
“Really? How much?”
“I’m not telling you how much.”
“Why not?”
“You’ll just come for me to money, then.”
“Did you not just witness me refuse to take money from you to pay me back for the money I gave you?”
Don shrugged sheepishly.
“Where are ya gonna keep it?” you asked out of sheer curiosity.
“I’m not gonna tell you that.”
“Why not?”
“It’s confidential. What if you try to steal it?”
“You’re not stupid enough to keep it under your pillow, Don. You’re gonna keep it somewhere no one else has access to. So I couldn’t steal it even if I tried. Which I wouldn’t. Again, I tried to refuse to take money you were offering me.”
“I guess that’s true.”
George elbowed you.
“This is my favorite part.”
“I thought every part was your favorite part.”
“True. But this is really my favorite.”
“Yeah. Sure it is.”
“Got a penny?”
You scoffed.
“Why is this your favorite part?”
“It’s the way she says it. Got. A. Penny?”
Lip turned around.
“Hey, I thought you were supposed to be keeping him quiet.”
You shrugged.
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Freezing your bum off in the Ardennes wasn’t exactly what you had had in mind for Christmastime 1944...but...here you were. Here you all were. And here is where you had been for weeks. The morale getting sucked out of you faster than a vacuum sucks up a sock...or anything for that matter if it’s a really good high powered vacuum. Even the Company funnyman...I’m sorry...radioman...well...both...wasn’t at his peak of comedy in this godforsaken hellscape. And that was somewhat...concerning...to say the least to the rest of the company. You had also noticed that some other jokesters in the company (Malarkey, Muck and Penkala) had waned in their hysterics as well. You were concerned about all of them. You tried your best to joke with them, but all you could manage were weak jokes, nothing compared to any of them, and you got weak smiles and laughs in return. At last some genuine lightheartedness came in a foxhole one evening after a rather strange warning from Compton (although you all knew what had prompted it).
“I’m serious,” Buck said after you all had chuckled after he told you not to do anything stupid.
“Sure thing, Buck, nothing stupid. We got it, right?”
“We got it,” you affirmed.
“All right, George?”
“Yeah. Nothing stupid, Buck”
“"Don't do anything stupid"? Who the hell's he talking to?” Alex asked.
“Bunch of morons who volunteered to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Can you get any more stupid than that?” Skip replied.
“Probably not.” you chuckled.
“I swum across the Niagara once,” Skip stated
“I swear. On a bet.”
“What, in a barrel?” George asked
“No. I didn't go over the Falls, George. I swam across the river. Ten miles up from the Falls. I tell you, that current is damn strong. Yeah. Must have carried me two miles downstream before I got across. But, I got across. Now, personally, I didn't think it was all that stupid but...my mom, my sister, Ruth...they gave me all kinds of hell.”
“Yeah, I bet, Muck.”
“So did Faye.”
“Sweet Faye Tanner.”
You hit him in the arm.
“Shut it, George.”
“Well, they had a point. You're an idiot.”
“Oh, come on! It’s not like any of you never did anything stupid!”
George, Alex, and Don all sheepishly groaned in agreement.
“Exactly. I mean, Don, you jumped off a roof!”
“Look, I was a trendsetter, alright! I was holding a beach umbrella and I thought I’d float on down to the ground, ok?! And look at what we’re doing! We’re jumping out of planes with parachutes and…for the most part…landing safely. Which I did as well at the time, for the most part, apart from some minor injuries.”
“Alright. Alright. You’ve made your point. Hey, Y/N/N, you ever do anything stupid?”
You shrugged.
“You wanna share with the class?”
“Not really.”
“Aw, come on! We’ve all shared!”
“No, Skip, you shared yours and Don’s. Don didn’t exactly volunteer his.”
Skip merely shrugged. They all were still looking at you expectantly.
You sighed after a minute.
They all smiled gleefully.
“When I was about three, I stepped off a merry-go-round without telling the person moving it that I wanted to get off. I face planted into the ground and scratched up my face real bad.”
“Is that why it is the way it is?” George asked.
You hit him in the arm.
“That’s it?” Skip asked.
“That’s a stupid thing I’ve done that I told you about, yes.”
“But that was kind of lame.”
You scoffed.
“How so?”
“You were only three. Three-year-olds do stupid things. It’s in their nature.”
“It’s human nature to do stupid things.”
“Yeah, but when you’re three, there’s a higher chance. You don’t know any better.”
“I think I was old enough to know to tell the person to stop it before I tried stepping off of a fast moving object.”
“Maybe you thought it’d be easier,” Don suggested.
“I honestly don’t know what I was thinking at the time. It was so long ago.”
“You gotta tell us another one.”
“Why? None of you did!”
“None of us was three.”
“Don, how old were you when you jumped off of the roof.”
“I think about twelve.”
“See?! More than old enough to know that was a bad idea. That’s what makes it stupid! But a three year old doesn’t know anything. You gotta pick another one.”
You groaned.
“Ok, fine. When I was in high school, someone bet me that I couldn’t chug whatever amount of milk that it was, and it was a lot. I should’ve just blown them off and not taken the stupid bet. But I was egged on by spectators. So I chugged, I don’t even know how much milk, and I had to keep it down, that was part of the bet. And...well...I couldn’t keep it down. And I threw up all over my crush.”
“Ooh. That’s not good.”
“No. It wasn’t. They wouldn’t even look at me the rest of the year.”
“Yeah. That was stupid.”
You sighed with relief.
“Thank you.”
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Even more relaxation than Germany came when the war ended and the company was put on occupation duty in Austria. As a celebration of the one year anniversary of D-Day, you all decided to hold a friendly game of baseball. You weren’t the biggest fan of baseball and were not confident in your ability to play it, but George begged you. So, you reluctantly agreed to participate.
You weren’t very good at first. You kept striking out. And one time you managed to hit it, but it didn’t go very far and the ball easily got to first base before you.
After a string of outs, you began to become disheartened.
While in the outfield one inning, George wandered over to you.
“What’s wrong, Mopey?”
“I suck at this game. I don’t even know why I let you convince me to play. I never should have. I’m making our team lose.”
“Who cares?”
“Uh, the team?”
“No, they don’t. Do you hear anyone complaining? We’re just all having fun, Y/N/N. No one cares who wins or looses or who plays well or who doesn’t.”
“Luz! Get back to your position!” Someone from your team yelled at him.
George rolled his eyes dramatically before moving back into his designated position.
When your team got to bat again, despite George’s comforting words, you were anxious. You were worried you’d strike out again. George was behind you and noticed this. He put his on your shoulder, which startled you out of your thoughts.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. You have nothing to be afraid of, alright? You’re gonna do great!”
“Thanks, George.”
You were up next to bat.
You struck out the first two times despite your best effort. George gave you a reassuring thumbs up.
You took a deep breath and readied yourself before the third throw.
There was a loud *thack* as you swung the bat and it hit the ball. You were in disbelief for a second.
“Run, Y/N/N, run!”
So, you did. And it was a home run, too, so you kept running all the way around the bases to home. The boys on your team and the other team cheered as you did. The boys in the outfield gave you high-fives as you passed them.
George hugged you when you got back to home.
“Great job! See?! I told you you could do it!”
“Thanks, George.”
Major Winters made you gather around him at that point. He told you all that the war was over.
You finished your game of baseball and although your team didn’t win, George’s words and the fact that the war was over helped you not to care too much about that. All you cared about was that you got to spend time with your friends.
-The End-
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: May 15th Part 1
It’s been longer than usual since our last answer session, so I’m answering a ton of questions today! It’s so big I split it into two parts. Thank you for the patience on getting a response to these.
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions and kind words ^^!
Sorry if this has been asked before or isn't something you can say but is there anyway for Cove to confess in step 4? I wanted him to confess in step 3 and followed all the steps to make him do it but ended up texting my family instead of Cove at the end.
Yeah, Cove can confess in Step 4!
Hello! I heard that Cove is on the spectrum, albeit undiagnosed. As someone who is ND, this makes me UNBELIEVABLY happy. I literally was brought to tears! Thank you for that!
Out of curiosity, will Cove be diagnosed in Step 4? I have a strong feeling y’all won’t make it a HUGE deal/make it out to be negative, so I’m not worried about that whatsoever! I’m just curious just he’ll off handedly mention it? Or will it just not be touched upon at all (which is ok!)?
Either way is ok, I’m just curious!
I’m happy it made you happy! Admittedly, Cove simply being someone with autism that grew up not being diagnosed was something I included for myself. I didn’t really think anyone would notice or ask about it, aha. But players did start to have questions about his traits, so I started to talk about it outside of the game. It’s great to see it get such a positive response and now I do feel like having it be a non-topic may have been the wrong choice and bringing it up would’ve been good in terms of having positive representation for that. I don’t know if I’ll find a way to mention it in Step 4 now, with how far along the game is, but I am at least thinking about it when originally it wasn’t something I really even considered.
Hey!  Just wanted to say thank you for Our Life.  It's been a bright spot and a needed escape in what's otherwise been a crummy year.  I know you just did a Q&A post but I figured I'd ask anyway.  Was just curious about Step 4.  Will it be similar to the other Steps in that it consists of several different moments or will it just be one long sequence?
Step 4 is shorter than the prior Steps because it’s just an epilogue rather than a full arc of a story. It’ll consist of scenes that all happen in a set row one after the other. There won’t be a collection of Moments to choose from. But it’ll still be very sweet and fun.
¡hola!, you see, first I want to say that I love Our Life! (°◡°♡) and I have 2 important questions, would Cove cry watching titanic? and what is the saddest part according to him? (sorry for my english) 
Titanic would make him cry. He’d probably think the parts showing people who aren’t able to make it to the life boats/are choosing to stay and go down with the ship were the saddest.
Hello, I wanted to ask how much you earn with creating games? Like is it possible to make a living? Thank you >< <3 
How much I earn varies a lot month to month based on Steam sales, Patreon backers, and how many projects are in full production at the time. It’s also hard to say how much I make historically, since that also changes dramatically year by year. But I do earn enough to work on these games full time! I really appreciate all the support that allows me to do that.
Hey!! I was wondering for the 18+ Our Life moment, will there be an emphasis on safety/comfort for all involved? I feel like there  would be just going off of what the rest of the game is like, but I wanted to ask 
Yes! Cove is a nervous boy himself and also super cautious about doing anything the MC doesn’t like, so clear consent from both is absolutely needed for anything to happen. It’s a conversational sexy times Moment with stops/starts so the two can talk about how they’re feeling, rather than a heat of the moment just going for it kind of thing.
Hey!! I was wondering how long the wedding dlc would be? Will it be broken up into moments, or just one big event? 
It’s one long series of scenes all in a row rather than a collection of Moments to pick from. It’s the shortest and the least expensive of all the DLCs. It’s not super crucial to get and those who aren’t into big weddings can totally skip it without worry.
HELLO AMAZING DEVS 👋 i am hopelessly in love with the worst guy ever (jeremy king) and because of this i have a really stupid question: does he really hate people who are nice to him? TvT he’s too cute to be mean to istg it’s a miracle JB held the urge to be consistently nice to him bc just look at his FACE he is so cute! thank you for jeremy’s route it’s so lovely (and awful bc he’s scum 11/10) it gave me so much laughs LMAO i hope you guys have a good day!! 
Haha, thank you. He doesn’t hate them but he’s certainly not pleased with them. Jeremy is either uncomfortable with or annoyed by people being sweet on him, depending on how they approach it. He’s far more comfortable with jerkiness. It lets him relax and he can be himself without it being a problem, since he’s also a jerk. He feels a level of guilt being such a little punk to kind people, not enough to be a better person but still.
Has Cove dated or been interested in someone other than MC? 
Nope! He stays single over the course of the game if he’s not with the MC.
Is Step 4 more mature? Or it's gonna be set in similar atmosphere as Step 3? 
Step 4 is a similar atmosphere as Step 3. Though, it’s actually kind of less mature-topic heavy than Step 3 since it’s just a ‘hey, let’s check in on the gang to see what they’re up to’ style epilogue rather than a story arc with serious issues.
will there be new music for now and forever?? or will the old our life music be reused? 
It’s gonna be a brand new soundtrack. We’ll be opening up a job position for that soon.
Hi, is it okay if we use the assets in Our Life (like the sprites) for fanworks or fan content content, like edits? 
Sure! Just as long as you don’t use the assets made by those artists to make money.
Quick clarification on Step 3 choices: I hope I didn't come off rude (because I LOVE the game, really!!), I was just curious because the intro threw me off at times. For example, you could choose how you felt about Elizabeth in Step 2 (Dinner), but during the Step 3 intro, it says that you got closer to Liz and I didn't get a choice in it. 
For the example, it can’t be helped that you’re closer to Liz in Step 3 than you were in Step 2 because she’s inherently closer to the MC regardless of whether you liked her or not in Step 2. Her feelings are out of your control and the game isn’t so dramatic that you can push her affection away and not let her bond with you, haha. But ‘being closer’ can still be relative. For some people maybe that means you’re best buds now and for others it might just mean you’re not fighting all the time any more. If there’s other parts you want to mention, feel free to let us know.
Did the illustrator for Our Life change? 
We have many OL artists! The main artists who set the game’s style haven’t changed, but there’s multiple other artists who help finish assets.
So Miranda's type is confident and outgoing, huh? So...does that mean Terri's her type?? 👀 
Haha, sorry for the late reply on this. As you might’ve seen in our post yesterday- yeah that is her type.
Hey! First, I just want to say I've really enjoyed how detailed OL got with gender identity and sexuality and how respectful the topics were handled! It's been so wonderful to play since the experiences could be close to my own (I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up at parts). Second, I was wondering, would future games explore the topic of polyamory? I'd love to see more visual novels allow room for that and I saw you've explored the topic before.
Keep up the amazing work! ♡
Thank you! We do want to include polyamory in at least some of our future projects. Floret Bond, which might be what you’re referring to when mentioning how we’ve explored the topic before, is on hold unfortunately. So right now I’m not sure when something might release or what will be the first game of ours to come out with poly relationships (we might do something else before FB is done). We’ll have see how things ends up coming together.
Hey um. I feel like im not allowed to ask this on the private discord cuz people will yell at me but why is there so much focus on OL2 and not finishing OL1 stuff? I like the new people but i kind of want to finish cove's story and get derek and baxter stuff first. didn't people pay for it? 
I’m sorry, I don’t understand entirely what’s making that situation a concern. There’s a channel in the discord for critique where no one is allowed to comment back. People can voice things they’re worried about without any way for others to push back on it. And the two teams working on the OL games are different. We try to post pretty often about how we’re hiring brand new people to start on Our Life: Now & Forever. The OL1 team is all still working on OL1 like normal. There’s only more updates on the Patreon for OL2 because the expansions to the first game are mostly script-based at this point while OL2 is just starting to get all its art, which means there’s a lot more to show off as previews.
Also, there was a Kickstarter for the first Our Life, if that’s what you mean by people paying for it. But one of the stretch goals was to start Our Life 2 early, before fully completing Our Life 1, so that the new game could be out sooner. It wouldn’t make sense to stop doing OL2 work because that would be going against what backers were promised. Maybe you didn’t get the full story before and hopefully this clears it up!
Hello! I know it's up to every player but.. What is your recommendation for playing order? Did you ever had any timeline  events planned? 
I didn’t make the events with a planned timeline. The events got made simply as I had ideas for them and then I just kind of organized them from left to right on the screen in an order to space out more dramatic ones between more lighthearted ones. Any order the player wants to go with is totally valid!
Hi! It's Step 4 a paid dlc or update? And how long it's planned to be? Ps. Love the game! 
The Step 4 epilogue is free! The Cove Wedding DLC does cost money, though. Those are planned to be shorter than the usual Steps/DLCs.
Will we have options for what sort of job the MC might have by the time step 4 takes place? 
Yeah, you can. It’s not super exact or detailed, but there are options about it.
Is there a pandemic in Our Life world, or is it just in a better timeline with no pestilence? 
Our Life is pandemic-free! That didn’t exist when we began working on the project and it’s not something we’d like to feature in this story now that it has unfortunately come along, aha.
Hi, you said that you can play tic-tac-toe or hangman with Cove in Boating if you're sick/scared but I keep getting tic-tac-toe. Am I doing something wrong?
After being sick/scared you have to continue to be upset/unwell. If you calm down and decide to just chill you’ll end up playing tic-tac-toe.
Hi, GB Patch! Since Lee was initially commissioned to only appear in two Steps does this mean she won't appear in the Wedding DLC? I really like her character so it'll be a little weird to not have our cousin at our wedding, aha.
She is gonna be in Step 4/the wedding DLC after all! We’re still working with her creator to make sure it fits with what they wanted.
Is Sunset Bird based on a real place? Asking for a friend, not trying to move there or anything. 👀
It’s based on small beach towns in So-Cal, but not one specific town you could go see in real life, I’m afraid. It’d be nice if it was real, though.
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We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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interact-if · 3 years
Umm hi 👉👈 I realized that most of the asks you guys get are about games and rec lists. You guys deserve so much recognition for the work you put in this blog, so I wanted to ask if I can do a little get-to-know-the-mods thing? If that's okay!
1. Besides writing, what are your hobbies?
2. Do you have a niche interest right now?
3. Any fave songs/artists/bands?
4. Any fave movies/tv shows?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you survive in your wip's world?
You can totally ignore this if you guys want, no pressure. Anyway, much love to all the interact-if mods! You guys are incredible! ❤
We saw this ask and we went 👀 👀 👀 so we’re happy to answer! Thank you so much for the fun ask!
 We also rated our survivability in all of our collective games, since Mars isn't an author! Fun stuff! Spoilers, though: it’s really not looking so great for me (Dani) but that’s fine!!!  😌
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1. I’m a photographer as well as a graphic artist (but not like. A painter/drawer kind of artist!) and, on a general level, a maker and a tinkerer!
2. Fountain pens! I only write with ink, and only with fountain pens, and I use bottled inks/converters!
3. I’m pretty eclectic with music, but my top genres are alt rock, indie, indie pop, etc, as well as top 40s and some rap.
4. I feel like this is the hardest one for me to answer? Favorite movies/shows? Avatar: the Last Airbender has been a favorite show of mine since I was a little kid, but I have a harder time thinking of shows I would call a favorite in recent years. There are shows I’ve liked, and a lot of shows I’ve watched. But I’m picky! And demanding! It takes a lot to earn a place in Dani’s Trophy Case of Favorites. 😌 I would say I quite liked A Quite Place (movie), and I liked Us (movie). When it comes to TV shows, I have a hard time being pleased with them if they don’t end well. As a result, I have a penchant for a good limited series/miniseries (because they’re stories that have an end in mind and the plot reflects that, dagnabbit).
5. Heh. Okay.
In The Goodfellows? I think I stand I chance. I can exercise my sparkling wit and lovable personality to the best effect. I’m gonna give myself an 8/10 survivability rating. Even if I don’t have the right skills, I can go crying to the person who does and they’ll save me. Maybe.
In Creatures’ Cradle? I’m super $**!%d. 😌 1/10 survivability rating. And that 1 is me being nice to myself. The day the apocalypse breaks out I would probably be patient 0. I am self-aware. I would not do well in an apocalypse. Zombies care not for aforementioned sparkling wit and lovable personality, and I have all the muscle of a boiled spaghetti noodle. So it’s a no go.
Greater Than Gods (Cruz): Well. I’m going to be optimistic. And say that I have the wisdom not to do things I shouldn’t do and not to rock boats I shouldn’t rock. I’m going to give myself a 7/10 based on insider information, but also based on reckless optimism!
Vardir (Cruz): Cruz says this is a lighthearted game, so 10/10 LOL.
When it Hungers (Roast): I’m giving myself a nice, mediocre 5/10. I think I could put my mind to work here; I joke that I’m the village idiot, but I’m actually pretty smart! Unfortunately, I’m also curious, and maybe a little bad with authorities who won’t answer my questions. So I knocked off a lot of points due to the fact that I’d probably poke the metaphorical bear. So it’s a real coin flip as to whether I’d really make it or not.
Orthall Bay (Nines): Considering the genre is “horror” and the game intro includes the words “monster” and “maim,” I’m giving myself a whooping, enthusiastic 3/10. Yes, folks, I am that confident in myself! Once again, I can’t charm the socks off a monster (or can I?), so one of my greatest weapons is snatched from beneath my feet. Alas!
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1. Beloved I’m a college student in the middle of a pandemic... i can hardly even write LOL i do draw at times which u can see in my personal blog (nothing too good really) and i used to do karate before things went to shit <3
2. Nothing niche I believe? All I do is leave Netflix as bg noise every day n play popular videgames (genshin)
3. Porter Robinson <3 I love Bea Miller a lot as well but lately I’ve been feeling Porter a lot
4. The Good Place <3
5. My WIPs:
Greater than Gods: Highly situational, the world GtG is set in is as broad as the real world LOL so I don’t have an universal answer. But keeping it vague, and knowing my own personality, I feel like 5/10. depends on my luck.
Vardir: 10/10 no one dies in Vikgade, unless you’re a hunter but I wouldn’t be a hunter <3
Others’ WIPs
I'm gonna give myself a solid 5/10 in all other WIPs because y'all aren't writing lighthearted stories either. I feel like as long as I avoid the role of the MC I will be mostly fine. I hope. But as Dani said I'm also prone to fight the wrong person and dig my own grave so 😌
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1. Well, writing is a very, very, very, distant hobby since Words Hard, but I like to crochet and sculpt a little! Anything to do with fiddling with my hands and I’m good to go. And like, debatable but graphic design is my passion [insert clown emoji here since Tumblr said No]
2. Oh yeah a bunch! DnD yelling at people, thinking of arson, crocheting, rock climbing and simply vibing. I got into podcasts a few years ago and I’m always looking for more recs, so if you have some, hmu 😤
3. Pls,,,,my music taste is,,,so weird do not let me expose myself with lack of consistency but uhh. Current songs that are stuck in my head include; Cult of Dionysus , Achilles Come Down and The Last Shanty  
4. If you’ve ever spoken to me before, I probably yelled about Pacific Rim to you or at you. Plus I love all The Mummy films and really enjoyed Castlevania (s3 excluded, we do not perceive that) as well! 
5. Ah, mod survival simulator pt. 3
Alright, let’s go!  I don’t have a WIP because again, words hard, but like, considering how feral I am when not tryna seem professional hm... 
The Goodfellows: I wanna say a solid 7/10 because I’d hardcore vibe with the Traveler and probably instigate so much nonsense. I can also bribe with blueberry cake so maybe. 
Creature’s Cradle: maybe a 4/10 and only because of pure spite keeping me alive long enough to smack someone. I’ve prepared for hypothetical  zombie apolcapyses and I won’t hesitate to bap, but will be bapped back because I’m weak as hell. 
Greater Than Gods: a toss up between 2/10 and 7/10! I can vibe and be chill but I also have terrible impulse control so... 
Vardir: hm....I think pretty good survival rates all around? If you ask me to fight then like, okay sure, your knees are mine. So maybe a 8/10? 
When it Hungers: .......8/10 just because I’d refuse to die if I can be a cool creature. Living for the aesthetic can and will drag me outta hell. But I’m also clumsy as hell so I’d probably crash as a porcelain or hold a rooster and perish (aka, real rating is a good 3/10) 
Orthall Bay: 2/10, nope. Nope I’d be taken out in a heartbeat. Monsters can go pspsps and I’d head straight into the dark creepy forest like a fool if someone comes @ me. Half the time I’ll just assume it’s sfx makeup and vibe until it’s too late. 
god, never put me in a universe where I cannot squawk like a bird and throw pebbles from a window. Oof
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Anon, you're so sweet! I give you a forehead smoomch <333 As for your questions...
1. If I'm not writing, I'm usually watching video essays on Youtube. My go-to channels as of right now is Disrupt and Aperture! I just really like their videos. Aside from that, I recently got into podcasts. Currently going through Hello From The Hallowoods and Shelter and Warning, which are made by queer creators!
2. Oh oof, there's quite a bit so I'm just gonna put down one thing. For some reason, I really got into collecting tiny astronaut things? I recently bought this astronaut desk light, and I've got a package coming in for the miniatures I ordered. No purpose for them other than I think they're neat <3
3. I'm a bit private with my music taste (even tho I have Spotify connected on Discord lmao), but there's 5 songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I keep replaying them over and over again. Just squeezing all the serotonin I could get outta them.
4. I can't really say I have a fave TV show or movie because I can't really just pick one, but my current fave is 9-1-1 and Resident Alien. 9-1-1 because I just really love the found-family dynamics and how the show tackles sensitive topics, and Resident Alien because it's lighthearted comedy. My all-time fave movie is Flipped! I have the book too and I like rereading from time to time <3
5. You're in for a doozy, anon, because we're rating each other's games <333
The Goodfellows: 7/10
Listen. Shenanigans with the Traveler. I would get up to so many of them and that is what'll get me possibly bodied, not the actual environment itself <3
Greater than Gods: 7/10
I like to think I have enough common sense to uhhh not recklessly flip stones that should not be flipped <3 I'm a cautious and skeptic person irl so I think I'll hold up well? Then again, it's a vast environment change and while I can adapt pretty quick, I wouldn't like the lack of control in the unknown.
Vardir: 10/10
Going off what Cruz said, Vardir is lighthearted and focused on personal growth so I think I'll be okay! Self-growth here I come, babey!
Creatures' Cradle: 8/10
Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but I think I'll be able to survive in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world! Ah, but it depends on the motivation though. I like the idea of rebuilding communities and eventually societies, but the survival turmoil would be a constant battle I'd have to overcome. If we're talking survival itself though, I think I'll do well.
When it Hungers: 8/10
That's probably my wishful thinking but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Don't like the idea of being regulated by an organization so if I was a non-human creature that could pose a problem but I can roll with it <3
Orthall Bay: 6/10
Assuming I'm not playing as MC, my chances of survival uhhh changes quite drastically. Not enough to guarantee an untimely demise, but certainly enough that it would constantly keep me on my toes. I think that's the safest answer I can get without spoiling anything lmao
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Thank you so much for asking! It's super sweet of you <3
1. Too many :'D I knit, I sew, I do carpentry (well, learning), I bake, I'm hammering away at HTML and CSS, my job kind of encourages learning new things and I take that to picking up new hobbies!
2. My time is kind of consumed with school work and work work and WIP work so not a lot of time to pursue niche interests right now. I've been watching a lot of horror game playthroughs, true crime youtubers, and an adorable show on Netflix called the Repair Shop <3
3. My taste in music is "what am I vibing with atm?" I've been listening to a lot of 80's music atm (don't @ me), but also Lo Fang and Kaleo, and whatever spotify recommends me on my discover weekly which is usually complete chaos.
4. I love the Mummy even though it hasn't aged 100% well (I'm a librarian, of course it's one of my gotos LOL), Legally Blonde, Leverage, Jumanji (the original), I'm....very bad at having recent tastes... and very bad at remembering my favorites when asked.
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The Goodfellows: I'm a creature of comfort, 5/10 if I can just luxuriate in town and not actually interact with the story sfjkdbsdkf
Creature’s Cradle: I'd like to think I have a 50/50 shot XD 5/10, I want to think I'd be decent at a zombie apocalypse but ultimately would suffer an early fate.
Greater Than Gods: 10/10 if I'm just vibing, less so if I'm involved in the actual story XD
Vardir: I'd still suffer without technology but I can also knit for a living in this world so I'm down 8/10
When it Hungers: I feel like I could vibe here, there's tech if dated, hot showers, telephones are around by now... might still get bored. 7/10 though it'd be cool to be another creature....I should make a 'what creature of snv are you' quiz!
Orthall Bay: 7/10 idk I feel like after the first monster of the week I'd just skip town XDDDD I'm the worst protagonist, I see danger I just leave.
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Word of Honor - Episode 2 Part 1 - Stalking, but in like. A  sexy way
(Sorry! For some reason the “readmore” isn’t working right!)
exactly where we left them.
ZZS looks confused, offended, and slightly intrigued by the new person added into Smash Bros.
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Look at him. Tryin to be all cool. Make a good first impression.
I’m not really sure what kind of a power move it is wrapping up her whip and pulling her closer in a chastising way in front of the man you have already decided to try to seduce but it is a power move none the less.
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And it seems to be working! :o
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There’s more pouting in this show than I originally anticipated.
“A-Xiang, stop attacking random people on the street. At least wait until your martial arts don’t suck ass first.”
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And so the dance begins.
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Look at that smirk. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
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Waste not your honored thanks on me, kind gentleman. I am but a lowly drunkard lying dirty and prone on the street. The error, therefore, must have been my own!
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I got my eyes on you!!!!
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To quote a kind young lady that I met quite recently. “I don’t give a FUCK”
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Oh wait, you’re still here?
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Best boy alert is going crazy!!!
We may have just met ChenLing, but I would die for him. That also seems to be the general consensus with the other characters as well.
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“It is dangerous outside the town walls, so I cannot allow a child like you to... ...A sword? My apologies, sir. It was wrong of me to treat you like a child. “
What? That’s not what he said?
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“Are you injured or ill?”
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*looks into the camera like it’s the office*
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ZZS out here looking like a tragic renaissance painting.
“Young master can we go now? He smells D:”
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“Sure just a sec! Let me just leave him my house keys!!”
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“What??? Nooooo”
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“What was that phrase I learned today? I don’t give a fuck?”
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(On a side note I am trying to learn French atm and deadass almost wrote “fraise” instead of “phrase” even though it means “strawberry” and doesn’t have anything to do with the conversation at hand.)
I came out here to enjoy the sun and some peace and quiet and some good alcohol. The peace and quiet is gone. And so is the sun. Now this dickwad’s saying I might be bad because I dress like shit? I was the nicest dressed royal assassin ever and now that I’m a hobo I’ve never been more upstanding! I haven’t even killed a single person in like a year and a half (other than myself).
At least I still have you, alcohol.
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Meanwhile back with these two,
A-Xiang is still mad that she lost a random fight she picked with someone who looked like a pushover.
More pouting ensues
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“Get good”
Master KeXing reveals he knows more than he revealed to know previously when he was pretending not to know what he has now revealed he knows.
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A-Xiang wants to know if he’s making shit up again.
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The plot is driven forward by the playful rhyming chants of children. Honestly that’s top tier horror movie quality plot beat right there. Add a sense of foreboding to your story even though we’re still in ‘lighthearted silly time”
Good job!
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Zhou Zishu wonders, surely not for the last time, why everyone in the martial arts world can’t just calm the fuck down.
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ZZS then decides that after being accosted by random people on the street while he was snoozing and minding his own damn business that that seems like a lot of fun and decides to accost some random person on the street who was snoozing and minding their own business.
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Why doesn’t anyone ever believe that I’m fucking loaded? I’ve got like 2 years left and I’m gonna blow my life’s savings before I go muthafucka. You want 3 mace of silver for a half-mile boat ride? Done motherfucker did I stutter?
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“Hello. I’m totally not stalking you. :D”
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“You wanna ride my boat? ;)” he asks, shouting it across the river so that he could be heard. “What?” Zhou Zishu replies, not able to understand him over the babbling of the water.
“I said! Do! You! Want! To! Ride! My! Boat? Winky Face!”
“Did you just say “winky face??”
“Yeah I was worried you couldn’t see it from there!”
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Somehow today has turned out much more interesting than I had anticipatd
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“We’ll meet again if fated!”
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“Challenge accepted”
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Yes I am only keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t fuck with my plans. And that is the only reason. Yes. that’s why I’m going to follow him. Just this. Only that. No other reason.
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This place is pretty! I think this would be a great place to die!
Hun, you still have a couple years. You can always come back to die here later but like chilling in a field of flowering trees for 2 years will kinda lose its novelty if you don’t do other things too.
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You said I’ve already ridden and dashed so what’s the point in my paying you now? Toodles!
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This place is pretty but I love how people never walk anywhere. Like the trees would look prettier if you were in them you know.
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HOly fuck! Being rude as shit is so fun! How have I never tried this before? 
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Uh.. question: How did this get here? It’s clearly dry docked but it’s no where near the water. Why is it here???
Ah well. It’s free real estate
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Do I have “attack me” written on my face or something? For the love of fuck! I’m not drunk enough for this!
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“Meh? I think not good sir.”
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Would you believe that this wasn’t even rehearsed?
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For someone who does not want people to see his chest, this is certainly a lot of chest exposed???
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Not sure that’s how fans work, but hell maybe I’ve just been using ‘em wrong all this time
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Holy fuck is it heat seeking???
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Pff. Okay. Like I will ALWAYS love it when some not sharp object flies into something and sticks like it’s made of razor sharp blades. And I know TECHNICALLY it’s possible - what with a tornado being able to slam a single piece of straw through cinder block. But it will always make me smile.
(And while that is a smile at how ridiculous it is, it is with 100% legit affection and charm. I legit love it)
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Just. “Thunk”
Who is attacking me? Were they sent by the prince? Do they know who I am? Do I need to get serious?
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Oh... It’s just that random guy again.
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Well that’s okay then.
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I apologize for once again attacking you randomly and completely unprovoked in the middle of nowhere. My bad.
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“My footwork has godlike elegance huh? You shoulda seen me when I wasn’t dying.”
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I came here to check out dat ass again and I was not disappointed. ;)
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Don’t stand so- Don’t stand so- Don’t stand so close to me ♪
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“Why don’t we drink on my boat?“ “I don’t want to sleep with you!“ “Yet ;)”
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Why the fuck are you following me? Just say what you want from me already!
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Bitch you invited me
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“He’s so good at kissing ass”
Oh just you wait.
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Still gonna stalk you btw! ♥♥♥
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nautilusopus · 3 years
as someone who's only played FFXIV and looking into getting into the rest of the series, is VII a good game to start with? If not, do you have a recommendation of one that might be? I'm not sure what would be the best jumping in point to the more traditional games, though I am no stranger to RPGs.
That's actually a good question. Obviously I'm biased here but yeah, VII is definitely a solid place to start, in terms of difficulty level, tone. I would also recommend V or IX, since I'm of the opinion that V has the best gameplay in the Final Fantasy series hands down and also is a good introduction to gameplay elements that hold constant more or less across every game, and IX has a lot more "classic FF" flavour of the earlier games but updated with better game mechanics (my first FF was IV and as much as everyone likes to rag on VI and VII, if any game has aged badly it's that one).
So, brief rundown:
VII: Best writing hands down, and it should come as a surprise to no one but I'll die on that hill. Like... fuck dude. Some of the most nuanced character writing I've seen in maybe anything, so much thought put into the world and the themes and how the characters interact with them, genuinely clever plot twist with extremely subtle implementation that only gets better on a second playthrough (if you somehow haven't had it spoiled for you after following my blog for this long lol). The materia system also allows for a lot of player freedom and cool combinations enabling all sorts of different abilities, and it encourages you to get creative with what you can do by linking different kinds. Biggest downsides include the fact that it has some really unintuitive and frankly not fun minigames you briefly encounter, and that it's not especially difficult, which can be a little disappointing at times About the only boss I ever had real trouble with was the Missing Number (which will beat your ass if you don't know what you're doing), so while you CAN come up with cool materia combinations, overlevelling and mashing "attack" is also a viable strategy.
V: Best gameplay across the board. Fun battles, good pacing, doesn't make me do any goddamn motherfucking snowboarding. The job system also allows for a lot of player freedom and strategy, and was eventually lifted more or less wholesale for X-2 (only now it's SEXY~). The story isn't particularly deep, but it's not really trying to be, and what is there is genuinely heartfelt. It's definitely got a stronger emphasis on comedy and is one of the more lighthearted entries in the series. If you're looking to get seriously fucked up on some primo storytelling you'll probably be disappointed, but V isn't trying to be that, and if you just want a fun romp you'll probably really love this one.
IX: Despite the chibi art style this one also has a heavier focus on serious character moments the way VII does, and has almost this weird melancholy vibe to it sometimes that I really enjoy. Also visibly a lot of sincerity put into the plot and characters, and a lot of strong theming as well. Biggest downside of this one is that writing-wise it kinda peters out towards the end. The gameplay on this one is very solid and understandable and fun, but it's a bit more limited in what you can do due to everyone's "jobs" being fixed, and coupled with the lack of the weird Rashomon-esque thing VII had going on it doesn't have the same kind of replay value as VII or V. Still, just a really fucking excellent entry. People compare it to Wind Waker a lot and I think that's fairly apt, both because tonally and art-wise it's pretty similar, and because due to said art style people shat on it so hard when it came out, and it wasn't until much later that it was vindicated by history on account of it being good.
If you're coming in from XIV, I'd say IX is your best starting point, since it shares a lot of the same bones.
Also VI fans are gonna kill me if I don't mention VI so VI is also good and sort of a midway point tone-wise between V and VII, look I'm sorry guys I haven't played VI in years I don't remember anything aside from the fact that I vaguely remember enjoying it please don't yell at me
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eijiroukiriot · 4 years
here are my thoughts of all the filler/anime original content (filler) added to the bnha anime except i’m not looking up a list this is just everything i can remember 
iirc there wasn’t really any filler in season 1 (probably because they had the least episodes to work with and a brand new show doesn’t really want to waste viewer time on boring/unimportant content) BUT season 1 did come with the first OVA which, although it was pretty forgettable, had some genuinely fun moments i.e. iida and uraraka’s very cute interactions and that part where 13 praises bkg like “he’ll surely become a beautiful hero” and sero’s like “well, he’ll never be beautiful”. i don’t have bad feelings towards it but since all the rest of the OVAs and even though i’m complaining about training exercise plots the show had just started and it was still a good way to get new viewers acquainted with the class 
okay so this is gonna get wordy but bear with me: since anime moved away from the “popular series air year round” structure to the “popular series air in 1-2 cour chunks at a time” the definition of filler changed a lot - in like the early 2010s all you’d hear is “naruto is unwatchable because of how much time they waste on meaningless filler arcs” and i’ve never watched naruto myself but i’d imagine the fact that studios were expected to air 50 episodes a year was a huge part of why it turned out like that. but since things are different now the game is more about “how much of our original story can we fit into a short burst of episodes, and if we have extra time, what can we do to expand on it” and i think bnha proved in season 2 that they were really good at playing that game! s2 does not waste any filler time. like. that tsuyu episode is one of the most beloved episodes of the season and a GREAT example of how to use an extra episode to give a minor character some time to shine while also checking in on some other characters (i’m not gonna get into jean man thoughts right now but Bakugou Makes Kids Cry was a really good scene to expand on how horikoshi first wrote that internship and sorta. a part of why everything after it feels less credible) 
s2 also had the OVA with the zombies and tsuyu’s backstory which only took up the first few minutes BUT made it so that OVA checked off both the boxes of adding something to the story while also just being fun to watch. that scene at the end where all might offers a mummified deku cake in the hospital and he’s just like “i can’t eat this” is just so good 
obviously i’m biased about pool episode but also i think krbks are the only people who came out of that episode really happy. other than really firmly establishing their friendship (which is actually really good & important buildup to kamino) it’s a pretty clunky way to recap the characters and not even all of the flashback sequences were really handled in a way that made sense. i think the concept of a pool episode/race could’ve been done better if they had spent more time on it but what’s there is fine and it’s always nice to see the kids being kids. still don’t get why the girls didn’t get to race though 
i remember being so excited when miss saiko intelli was revealed because that was one of the first anime original GIRLS and i thought everything about the fight with her was fun! very fun watching her and her weird school friends, very fun watching momo and jirou work together while shouji held tsuyu like a baby. i enjoyed it  
i hate that mystery episode. like. not all filler really has to add anything to the story, if it was a really fun and exciting episode that would’ve been just fine but the whole episode was just deku walking around explaining a mystery that the audience had no chance of figuring out on their own. i liked the shot where all the kids poked their heads out from behind a corner in a little stack though 
i don’t remember if it was that episode or not but i do remember there also being a scene with melissa sort of promoing the movie in the anime which i didn’t mind because it was pretty quick and well integrated
i liked the first episode of season 4! camera guy’s quirk was cool, there were a lot of fun shots of the kids, and i thought the moment with him and deku at the end was really heartwarming. i don’t 100% remember what it was but it was heartwarming 
season 4 had a good amount of side arcs and the school festival arc was lighthearted and character-focused enough that i don’t think they had or needed any filler but also if i’m wrong please don’t correct me about it i like living with the mystery 
i just put this in the tags for that ask 1 second ago but season 4 ova was. boring. especially because they got 2 episodes to work with and decided to do another training episode. not much came out of it plot or character-wise other than 3 musketeers (is that what we’re calling them now .) working together and bkg accepting deku as a cane to lean on. those were good scenes but they could’ve shown them in a different scenario (like in team up mission!). idk what there really is to gain from making ovas anyway (unless they’re on a streaming service or something?) so i guess profit isn’t really the issue at hand but you gotta imagine that the people in charge know that another training exercise OVA isn’t gonna be the most exciting thing possible for fans. i’m not gonna demand that they make a fantasy au OVA or anything but if they had the resources to make 44 minutes of new animation and content it feels like a waste that they repeated what they already did without really fleshing anything new out 
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houseof-harry · 4 years
What Happens in Jersey Pt. 5 | G.D.
A/N - listen people, it’s been a rough one. I’ve rewrote and reread this thing literally for days, but she’s finally here to rock the boat. Please enjoy and lmk what you think! Read the last part here
Word Count- 5.1K
Warnings - none
You could feel the butterflies in your stomach from the smile he gave you, knowing how into music he is and how difficult he finds it to give up the aux power. You made sure to pick songs you knew everyone would love, lightening the slightly weird mood that had settled over you guys that morning. Maybe today wouldn’t be as awkward as you anticipated.
The car ride was nice, Jessie and Ethan filling up most of the time with their bantering. Grayson would look over at you at every red light to make sure you looked okay, not wanting you to feel sick from his driving. You kept your eyes focused out the window, a soft smile gracing your lips. He could tell you were up in your head, but he didn’t want to ask what was going on in front of the guys.
Once you get your train tickets and stand at the right track, Grayson decides to pick your brain a bit while Jessie and Ethan argue about which one of them is better at mini golf.
“Everything good?”
You look up at him, your arms crossed over your chest but your focus instantly falling on his face. No matter how confused or annoyed you may be, he was nice to look at. “Yeah,” you mumble, barely audible.
He rolls his eyes, his hand moving to the hip farthest from him to bring you closer to him. He raises his brows. “So you’re just not gonna tell me? Wanna help you so you can enjoy today.” His tone is soft and meaningful as it matches the concern written in the wrinkles of his forehead. He truly did want you to have a good time today.
You, however, knew that bringing up what was bothering you would totally ruin the day, so you do your best to put on a brave face. “Gray, promise it’s nothing important. Or something you can’t fix right now. We’re gonna have a really good day today.” Your smile is unconvincing as you look up at him, the wind from the train arriving causing your hair to fly all around you.
“Just know that anything that upsets you is important, and if it’s important to you then it’s important to me,��� he nearly yells, the sounds of the train almost drowning out his voice anyway.
You nod and follow behind him and Jessie onto the train, Ethan following right behind you. Jessie manages to find four seats facing one another and sits in the farthest seat. Grayson sits across from him, leaving you to pick who to sit next to.
You look between him and Jessie, biting your lip. They are both looking at you, expectant of you to sit next to them and not even realizing the situation they’ve put you in. Before you can decide for yourself, Ethan pipes up. “Sit here, facing backwards will probably make you feel sick, no?” He motions to the seat next to Grayson and you nod, deciding the logic made sense.
Jessie, however, was still disappointed. After a car ride without you, he was hoping to have the train ride to talk about your week apart. He wanted to hear about your appointment and your time with Anna. And more importantly he just wanted some time with you.
Grayson took it upon himself to wrap his arm around your back, pulling you so that your thighs were flush against one another. Your body leaned into him as you watch the world fly past you through the window. Your hand rested on his thigh, the connection between coming naturally, almost like you didn’t even have to think about it when he was there.
Jessie sat opposite you guys, watching while Ethan talked his ear off, the topic of conversation totally escaping him because his mind was clouded with thoughts of you. He regrets ever vouching for Grayson.
Jessie is convinced Grayson is glorifying this whole situation. It seems like a dream now, something he’s always wanted, until it gets old and he moves onto something new. Then, he’s back in LA and you’re alone raising your baby. Well, you wouldn’t be alone because Jessie will be there for you. He just doesn’t want you to get hurt, but he thinks it’s unavoidable. He’s even tried to voice these concerns to you. But you always shut them down before you can talk about it, admitting you worry about the same thing but don’t want to assume the worst of Grayson.
Which is the only reason you’re cuddled up to him now. Maybe he had a good reason for not spending the night with you last night. Maybe tomorrow you’d wake up and he’d stay to cuddle you until you wake up because you don’t have any plans. If he even wants to sleep in the same bed again. Oh my god what if you snore and that’s why he left? I mean he snores, that’s something you found out about him last night so he can’t even-
“Y/N?” His voice pulls you out of your thoughts, making you shake your head and squeeze your eyes shut for a second. When you open them, you look up at him and smile.
“Are you gonna tell me what’s happening up there before we get there or are you gonna be out of it all day?” His fingers rub over your side even though you can barely feel it through your coat, but he did more for his own comfort, to feel you next to him.
You press your lips together, looking over at Ethan and Jessie for a moment, catching Jessie’s gaze. You give him a sheepish smile before looking back at Grayson.
His heart sinks instantly. She loves Jessie, he thinks. He feels like he’s spiraling for a second, but manages to keep his cool on the outside. He was starting to question everything you’d done together and what it meant to you. Is that why you were acting like you were this morning? Because you saw Jessie instead of him when you woke up and remembered how you felt?
“Can we talk about it later?” You concede, knowing he won’t give up. He just nods, looking out the window again. You don’t move away from him, which he appreciates because he’s not sure how much longer you’ll let him do this.
The train ride is pretty quiet the rest of the way, Ethan speaking for all of you. Once your trained pulled into the station, you all exit and start to walk to the street.
“So, what are we even doing today?” You ask.
“I was thinking we could walk around Central Park, pick you up a pretzel or something to tide you over until dinner and hit the MnM store on the way to get you some chocolate, know you’ve been loving it lately,” Grayson lists, his hand on your lower back as you walk out onto the streets of New York City. The smell of cigarettes and subways feels familiar, the commotion all around you somewhat comforting. It was so easy to be invisible, going about your day while everyone else did the same. It didn’t matter that you were pregnant because there were so many other pregnant people, and there were definitely people who drew more attention than you and the boys. You guys could just have a normal day.
“Sounds good, a pretzel sounds really good right now.” You smile at him, the aura of the city taking over. It was hard for anything to get to you when you were here, there was always too much going on to ever focus on one thing, whether it be good or bad.
And it managed to distract you from every look you got from both Grayson and Jessie, and ignore the fact that Grayson literally bought you $75 worth of chocolate and then your pretzel (with mustard, he remembered the story you told him once about eating soft pretzels with mustard only), you even were able to act like they weren’t brooding at each other. They reminded you a bit of toads, their chests (and egos) inflating whenever they had your full attention around the other. It was weird and uncomfortable and you didn’t understand what was happening or why, but you hated it.
So you stuck with Ethan for most of the afternoon. He was funny and lighthearted and was managing to even make you laugh despite the lingering thoughts at the back of your brain reminding you of the two men fighting for your attention.
Dinner made it difficult to do so, though. You were all going to be sitting facing one another in one conversation the whole time. You also had to pick your seat again. You even tried to get yourself in the back of the line when you were being led to your table, but they were too chivalrous for that.
When you got to the table, Grayson and Jessie had situated themselves the same exact way they sat on the train; facing one another and leaving you to only pick one of them. You quickly find yourself sitting next to Grayson again, justifying it to yourself by thinking it’s because it was the farther seat, so it was the polite thing to do for Ethan.
“Excited for tonight?” Grayson asks you, his hand falling to your thigh. He’d revealed to you in the park that he got you all Rangers tickets.
“Yeah, haven’t been to a game in so long. It’ll be a lot of fun,” you smile at him before grabbing your menu. Maybe you can hide behind it until the end of dinner.
Grayson had picked an Italian restaurant because you’ve been loving tomato sauce. It was really surprising to you how much he’d remember from all your conversations when you’d say things you don’t even remember.
“Wanna share a fried calamari app, Y/N?” Jessie asks as he also skims his menu. You two would always split an appetizer you both wanted so you could enjoy it while still having room to eat your entrée.
However, the thought of any seafood was really unappealing at the moment, and it was clear by the look on your face that you were uninterested in having calamari.
“How about we split a salad instead?” Grayson pipes up, noticing your distaste for what Jessie offered. You nod, but before you can reply, Jessie is cutting in.
“Oh, you’re one of those guys. Gonna try and make her eat healthy for the baby and shit?” He chuckles, but the undertone of his comment is judgmental.
“No, bro. Salad can taste good. And I mean it doesn’t hurt to eat vegetables no matter who you are, but she’s an adult and can make her own decisions for herself.” They both turn to you, expectant of an answer.
“Salads good,” you murmur, feeling uncomfortable with the number of eyes on you waiting to hear your appetizer of choice.
Jessie rolls his eyes and Grayson has a triumphant look on his face. Suddenly, you stand, putting your menu and napkin on the table. “Gotta use the bathroom,” you excuse yourself, walking away and heading straight for the back of the restaurant. They were fighting over you and it was stupid because they were going to have to get along forever now. Hell, they’re supposed to be friends anyways.
You enter the bathroom and decide to actually go while you’re there, prolonging your stay as long as possible. You guys had an early reservation because of the game, so the restaurant and thankfully the bathroom weren’t packed. You had a moment to yourself while you stood in front of the mirror, watching yourself.
If you were to travel back in time and tell your junior year self you’d be here right now, old you would have laughed in your own face. Not only were you terrified of the fact that you were pregnant, but now some of the most important people in your life were basically fighting and it was over you. It felt lonely, like they didn’t actually care about how you felt like you were some prize they could win at the end of all this.
You decide you should probably leave the bathroom before they come looking for you thinking something is wrong, and when you step out you’re immediately slamming into someone’s chest.
“Sor-“ you stop when you see it’s Grayson, his arms coming to your biceps to brace you. “Sorry,” you manage to get out fully.
“I should be the one apologizing.” The frown is evident on his face as he doesn’t let go of you, bringing you to the side of the hallway so that people can still enter the bathroom.
“No Gray, it’s fine. I just wanna eat.” Your voice is defeated and Grayson can hear it, his heart breaking a bit knowing he played a role in it.
“It’s not fine, Y/N. Are you okay? You were in there a while.” You nod, still refusing to look him in the eye. “Please say it, gotta hear it. I was worried.”
“I’m okay, just needed a second to think,” you sigh out.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel like you had to leave the table. I could just see you didn’t want calamari but I know you love appetizers and that you’ll probably get pasta and I already was gonna get a salad but obviously I’d wanna share with you so I just wanted to offer it-“
“Grayson.” He shuts up at that, not used to hearing his full name from you after the past few days. You finally meet his eyes, your face serious. “I want the salad, we can share the salad.” This seems to relax him a bit, but his grip is still tight on you, like he doesn’t want you to walk away again. “You and Jessie need to figure out whatever weird shit is going on between you, though because you guys are friends, for starters, and you’re both going to be involved in the baby’s life and I’m not letting my baby be exposed to some stupid ego competition. I hate not being treated like a human being”
Grayson sighs, letting go of your arms just to wrap them around you. He pulls you to his chest, his arms rubbing your back. You timidly accept his embrace, unable to deny yourself of the warmth you’ve missed since last night.
“You’re right, it’s all stupid. I don’t even know what it’s about. I obviously see you as a human being and want to treat you that way. I didn’t mean to make you feel like we don’t, you’re amazing and I was being selfish. I’m sorry we made you uncomfortable, please come back and eat salad or whatever you want, because you’re the one growing a baby so you get to pick-“
“Grayson.” He bites his lip, looking down at you expectantly. “I know I can eat whatever I want. So can we go back and order because I’m fucking hungry.” You smile up at him, rubbing his back. You decide that now isn’t the time to have the discussion you know is coming, you were literally in the hallway of a restaurant. Maybe tomorrow.
He nods, letting go of you so you can both start walking. When you get back to the table, Jessie has a sheepish smile on his face.
You determine it’s best to let him sit in his discomfort for a while because he should have known better. He was your fucking best friend, and he was swinging dicks with the father of your baby. They were both acting childish, and as much as you’d like the practice before you give birth, you don’t need it from them.
The server comes to take your drink orders, and Jessie is the only one who gets a beer. You look between Ethan and Grayson, the question on your face without the words leaving your lips.
“I didn’t drink a lot before, but it feels unfair for me to drink anything when you can’t. Everything’s a team effort,” Grayson explains, and you feel your heart rate pick up. That was something he was doing for you without even discussing it, you had no idea he’d been completely sober this whole time. You look to Ethan, waiting to hear his explanation.
“He’s my twin.” He motions to Grayson with his chin. “Plus, I don’t ever want to feel like I did after New Year’s Eve.” He visibly shudders and you giggle, remembering what Grayson had told you about his brother’s state the morning after you slept together.
“That’s cute guys, you don’t have to,” you say, but you all know you’re really talking to Grayson. You’re sure if Ethan wanted to drink he would, but Grayson is the one doing it for you.
“Okay but I’m definitely doing this with you because it’s one of the few things I can do, and you’re gonna let me.” Grayson’s arm falls on the back of your chair, his eyes unwavering from your face.
Before you can respond, the server is back with your drinks and is asking what you want to eat. You let them all order while you quickly skim the menu for the first time that night. You go for a dish you know and love, not wanting to try something new the baby won’t like when you’re about to go to a hockey game.
“So how into hockey are you? Am I gonna have to hold you back if the other team wins today?” Grayson tries to keep a straight face as he asks you, but the thought of you getting so into the game makes him want to laugh. You don’t come across as an aggressive person.
“Oh, she’s pretty chill with hockey. Don’t ever take her to a Giants game though, she thinks she’s a pro football player even though she’s never played a day in her life,” Jessie chuckles.
“Shut up, I’ve watched my whole life and you know I can throw a better spiral than you. You just hate that I embarrass you at all our tailgates,” you retaliate, the smile unhidden on your face.
“Alright, alright, let me live,” Jessie holds his hands up in fake surrender before sipping his beer.
“Well now I have to bring you to a football game,” Grayson laughs, curiosity written across his face.
“I don’t get that bad, I’m just a bit competitive,” you shrug. Jessie tries to hold back his laugh but fails, his amusement pushing past his teeth that held his bottom lip.
“You’re such a liar. You scare me when you’re competitive. And when you drive,” he explains.
“I drive efficiently, not aggressively. And I like to win,” you defend yourself, your lips in a pout.
“You just wait Gray, it’s like a whole other person,” Jessie jokes, his eyes not leaving you the whole time.
“I’m excited, like a girl with passion.”
“Thank you! That’s a good way to say it, yeah. I’m just passionate, Jess,” you exclaim, flipping Jessie off before putting your hand on Grayson’s thigh. You don’t even realize you’ve done it before your hand is on the fabric of his pants. He doesn’t seem to mind, though, so you leave it there.
“There’s no denying that,” his smile is genuine and before you can say anything, your salad is placed in front of Grayson.
“Ooh, I’m starving,” you mumble, leaning over to move the bowl to be between he both of you. Grayson doesn’t move at first, his eyes still on Jessie as he thinks about what he said. What did he mean? How does Jessie know you’re passionate? Is he overthinking this? 100%. Is he gonna be able to stop himself from thinking about it? No.
“How much dressing?” You ask him, which immediately pulls him from his thoughts, the domestic nature of the question tugging at his heart. It’s just a salad, but he likes that you’re gonna eat it together.
“However much you want,” he smiles at you and watches you pour some dressing over your salad. He was happy to be the reason you were happy, even if it was just because he got you food. You a woman of simple wants.
He starts eating as well, so that you don’t get creeped out from him watching you eat. He’s keeping his cool, not overwhelming you. Maybe that’s why breakfast in bed was interrupted, it would have scared you or something.
Unfortunately, the salad doesn’t last as long as you want it to and it definitely doesn’t satiate you. Luckily for you, the entrees came out soon after and you’re able to finally have your first real meal of the day. It was good, and you all were able to get along and have a good time throughout the whole thing.
“We gotta go if we wanna be on time,” Ethan says after you all had finished eating. You nod standing and getting your jacket back on. Grayson had refused to let you pay for your food (again), so the check had already been covered. You could feel your excitement slowly building inside of you. You loved sports events like this, the energy was incredible and it made you feel like you could just have fun and put your energy into something different than normal.
They were always something you did with your family when you were younger, but they stopped bringing you as you got older. It made you sad, it was one of the few things everyone made time for, but even that became less important than whatever everyone else had going on in their lives. Grayson didn’t even know that part, in fact he knew very little about your family. You hadn’t even told your parents you were pregnant yet, and you didn’t want to explain why to him. So you do your best to talk about them as little as possible. The only thing you had told him is that you used to go a lot as a kid when he asked what teams you supported after the super bowl.
“Ready for the game?” Grayson asks as you walk into MSG, his hand on your hip. The crowd was large as everyone chatted with excitement and he was scared of losing you.
You nod eagerly, smiling at him. “Of course I am. The question is are you ready to experience watching hockey with me?”
He laughs, squeezing your hip. “Of course. Who knows, maybe this will be our thing. We can bring strawberry to games, too.” His free hand goes to your stomach and you feel like you could melt into the escalator. It’s like he always knew what to say even though you hadn’t told him what it means to be here with him now and what it would mean to come with your new family together.
“That would be really nice,” you breathe out, and the emotion is clear in your voice. His brows draw together in concern as he picks up on it immediately.
You giggle, sniffling and looking away from him. You refuse to cry right now, not when everything feels good. “Nothing. You just always manage to say the right thing. It would be really nice to do this all with our baby.”
Grayson decides before he gets all mushy to just give you a kiss on the cheek. He could feel the other two watching you and didn’t think it was appropriate to act all couply in public. Especially when he had no idea what you were.
You made that especially difficult when you were watching the game, however, because he thought it was the cutest thing ever. You were animated and excited the whole time, and Jessie had been right you got way too into it, acting like you were a literal hockey player. He couldn’t imagine what you watching football was like if this was your tame self. But he found it endearing that you could get so into something that at the end of the day was just some fun. He admired that about you, how you let yourself have fun. Most people didn’t let themselves do that anymore.
He even let himself have fun too. When you’d grab him and stand, he’d stand with you. He even went so crazy as to share a soda with you even though it wasn’t Sunday. He didn’t care though because the soda made you happy and it tasted really good.
And you really were having a good time. You were in a good section, everyone was super invested in the game and would shout with you. Ethan and Jessie would follow suit, chanting when they were supposed to and booing when the other team scored. It made you feel so much better after your afternoon with them. Maybe it was because you could finally sit next to Grayson and Jessie at the same time, and they were separated by you so they didn’t really talk, but you didn’t care. It felt normal again. Jessie was your best friend and Grayson was, well, your Grayson. Whatever that meant.
All too soon, though, the fun was over. The game ended (the Rangers won thank god, or else the journey home would have been way sadder than it needed to be), and soon you were following the flock of people out of the arena. As he had done all day, Grayson put his arm around you to keep you close. However, the crowd was more intense than it had been earlier, so you held onto Jessie’s hand as well as he held Ethan’s shoulder. Ethan was leading you all, trying to get you out as quick as possible so that you could get to the train station and get home.
Once you get outside, you feel instant relief, the air no less humid or polluted but somehow still refreshing. You’re able to slow down a bit as you let go of Jessie. Grayson keeps his grip on you, which doesn’t surprise you. Not with how he’s been acting all day since you got here.
“So you and Jessie are good again?” You ask him as you walk, making sure the other two are far enough ahead of you so that they don’t hear your conversation.
He shrugs. “I don’t know, I realized how stupid I was acting. I haven’t spoken to him about it or anything, but I never wanna do anything that would upset you like that. Even if I have to put my ego aside,” he chuckles.
“Well I appreciate it either way, I can talk to him tomorrow if you want. Sometimes I truly don’t understand men,” you shake your head, a joking smirk on your face anyways.
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him. Isn’t the first time we’ve done this whole dance.” You raise your brows, looking for more. “You know, the whole fighting over a girl thing. We unfortunately have similar taste in women.”
You nod, digesting everything he said and even more trying to understand what he meant with what he said. Not only was he implying that he would fight for you because he wanted you, but he also thought Jessie was fighting for you.
“Wait what? What do you mean?” You’d rather know what he’s thinking than assume, that’s gotten you nowhere today.
“In middle school we liked the same girl and I even was able to get her on a date first but I blew her off to make vines, so I kinda fucked that one up.” He laughs at the memory, enjoying the thoughts of his middle school life.
“You think you’re fighting over me like that?”
“What other way is there to fight over you?” He asks, genuinely curious.
“I don’t know, just for my attention. Jessie and I aren’t like that, that ship sailed before it even docked.” You look at Jessie’s back, questioning if what you said was the truth.
“Y/N,” he laughs, his body literally shaking against you. “I’m like 85% sure he’s in love with you. Eh, more like 95% sure. I was pretty sure you were in love with him too this morning.” The frown on his face was prominent as he thinks about how you brushed him off at breakfast.
“He is not, you liar. And I am definitely not in love with him. He’s like a little brother to me, sometimes even like a son when he’s really drunk. And this morning I was…” He bites his lip, waiting to hear what you have to say.  “I was just sad at you,” you huff, almost like a child. If they get to throw a fit then so do you.
“Sad at me? Why? Is that even possible, what does it mean to be sad at someone?” You can tell he’s truly trying to figure out what you were saying.
“When I woke up you weren’t there. Again. And I just thought you would be this time,” you try to sound as casual as possible so he can’t see the genuine disappointment on your face.
“Oh my god,” he giggles, gripping your hand that was right in front of him, kissing the back of it. “I was planning on bringing you breakfast in bed before Jessie came, but he got there early and you don’t even like pancakes right now and then they ate them all instead.”
Your cheeks flush as he tells his story, the reality of the situation hitting you. It makes sense with how he acted the rest of the day, back to his usual self. Now you felt bad for assuming he’d done that to you when he knew he wasn’t that person.
“What, you think I one and done-d you again?” He laughs at his own joke, but stops when he realizes you’re not laughing. “Y/N, I wouldn’t do that. Not again at least. I regretted doing it the first time before I knew you were pregnant. I stayed the whole night, and I promise to do it again tonight.”
“Oh you think you’re getting into my pants again tonight?” He’s grateful for your humor coming back, his shoulders relaxing. He didn’t want to hurt your feelings.
“No, just meant I’d cuddle you all night if you’ll let me. Not that I’d complain if there were no pants.”
Your giggles are cut off by Jessie. “Can I talk to you, Y/N?”
Read the next part here!
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy-Two
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, and angst if you squint. 
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You and Eleanor sat out on the balcony for a bit while so Harry and Louis could go hang out up in the loft and talk pictures and cameras and stuff.
“You look great, El.”
“Thanks, just wish I felt great.” She laughs. “I was hopin’ I’d be one of those pregnant women that only gain weight in the belly. Feel like everythin’ else is growin’ with it.” She sighs. “Although, I’ll say I’m startin’ to feel less gross now. At least you can tell I’m pregnant and not just fat.” You both laugh.
“You know Harry talks about wanting a baby all the time. He’s cooled it a bit now that we have Buster. I feel like he thinks the whole process is going to be a breeze.”
“Well of course he does, he’s a man. His hormones don’t get thrown out of wack, his body gets to stay the way it is, oh and after the only thing he gets to have happen to him as that he’ll be tired. I know I shouldn’t, but I’ve read so many disgusting stories about after havin’ the baby. The things they don’t really tell you. Like rippin’ all the way open to your arse, and what’s it’s like to really go to the bathroom for the first time. Your body is tryin’ to recover, meanwhile you’re expected to take of this new thing that just came outta yeh. Fuck’n terrifyin’.”
“Can I ask…I mean, was this planned, did you two have a slip up?”
“A mix of both actually. I had gotten off the pill because I knew we’d be wantin’ t’try in the next year or so and I just wanted to give my body some time to adjust. So naturally we switched to condoms.” She takes a sip of her water. “Lou, god love ‘em, didn’t notice that one of ‘em broke while we were usin’ it, I didn’t either. Next thing we knew I was throwin’ up most mornings and when we took the test sure enough it said I was pregnant. Broke his heart to move the date back for the wedding, but I refuse to either still be pregnant or have this nasty baby weight on me.”
“I don’t blame you at all. Your wedding day is supposed to be one of the best days of your life, you don’t wanna look back on the photos and be unhappy.”
“Exactly! I know I’ve been snippy with him lately, and he’s been so patient and understanding. With his ex he was the same way, probably more so, so she wouldn’t snatch Freddie away. Not that she would, but it was always in the back of his head.”
“Harry told me he talks to the baby every night.”
“Oh, he does.” She chuckles. “It’s actually really cute. He’ll help me rub some cocoa butter on, it’s to help with the stretch marks, and then he’ll hum and chat with it.”
“Are you going to wait to see what you’re having?”
“Yeah, we really wanna be surprised. No one does that anymore. Everyone’s doin’ these gender reveal parties now, and I really don’t like ‘em. You’re already determining the kid’s life and personality before it gets here.”
“I agree, they’re way over done.”
“Love?” Louis steps outside with Harry. “We should probably get goin’, wanna beat the traffic and all that.”
“Alright.” He comes over to help her up, not that she needed it. “You boys have fun lookin’ at your cameras?”
“Yup.” He smiles at her. “Thanks again for havin’ us.”
“You’ll stay with us again for the studio opening?” Harry asks. Louis freezes and looks at you.
“Um, I think Niall called dibs on us for that. Gotta take turns y’know?” He laughs.
“Oh…alright then.”
The two leave. You and Harry flop on the sofa with Buster.
“Poor thing, she’s not having an easy time.”
“Yeah, Lou was tellin’ me a bit this morning…they haven’t had sex in nearly two months.”
“Can you blame her? She feels disgusting. God, I’d probably feel the same way. Having literally no control over the way your body changes every day. Not to mention the bump getting in the way all of a sudden. I’d feel like I was crushing you.” Harry swallows hard, his anxiety returning. “Not to mention the resentment.” You laugh.
“Yeah, you know the cliché, you did this to me?” You laugh again, but his face stays solid.
“Do you really think it’s that bad the entire time?”
“No…I mean, everyone’s different. I know people who have had really easy pregnancies, but it’s not perfect one-hundred percent of the time. I’m sure things will get better, she’s just starting her second trimester, I heard that’s when things sort of level out.”
“Right…” He looks at Buster and pets him. “Glad we have this little guys for now. He’s all we need for the time being.”
“Couldn’t agree with you more.”
“Can I ask an awkward question?”
“Erica and Kyle…I mean…that was a weird thing to bring up yesterday.”
“Oh god, I know.”
“I mean, not that I expect you guys to talk about your sex lives, but they thought I was chokin’ yeh to hurt yeh…”
“Yeah, they’re idiots.” You sigh. “We also grew up in sort of a strict home…sort of conservative about certain things. We watched movies that had sex and stuff in it, but I never had like a talk with my parents about it. And anytime I wanted to talk with Erica I just felt awkward. And god know Bridget had no experience. I learned most of what I learned from reading shit on the internet. Plus, I was always nervous with boys in high school. That first kiss story? I was fourteen right? Didn’t kiss another boy until I was seventeen, about to graduate from high school. Then, the next person I kissed was the guy I first had sex with nearly two years later. Did everything for the first time all in one night.” Harry nods. “See, I feel like I was the only one that was able to really explore sex because I was the only one to go away to school. Bridget and Kyle commuted. He had a couple girlfriends, but my parents made him sleep on the couch if he wanted one of them to sleepover.”
“Ah, classic.”
“As if my brother would do anything, his room was right next to my parents’.” You laugh. “And Erica’s been with her boyfriend for nearly ten years. I mean she had a few different boyfriends in high school, but she was locked down when she went to college. And then there was me…”
“You know, you’ve never told me your number.”
“And you’ve never told me yours. It’s not something I think we need to share. The guy I first slept with was the only guys I slept with for about four months. It was just a sex thing. He, however, had a few girls on rotation.” You roll your eyes at the memory. “Things ended in a bad way, it was messy. After that I got a Tinder and I started hooking up all the time. Had a few little relationships here and there, but nothing serious. I think my siblings would be shocked if they knew about all the shit I did, who I did it with, and where it was done.” You say blushing. “I basically told Erica she just needs to mind her own business, and that was that.”
“Good, because I don’t need anyone shamin’ us. There’s worse things we could be doin’ anyways.”
“Yeah, cause you know, anal totally isn’t worse than lightly choking someone.” Harry bursts out laughing and pulls you on top of him snuggle.
“Nope, not worse at all.”
“Bug spray?”
“Sun screen?”
“Water bottle?”
“Sleeping bag?”
“Babe, I promise, I got all my toiletries.”
“You’re going to be up in New Hampshire for two nights with probably zero cell service, I need to make sure you’re alright and have everything you need.”
He cups your face in his hands and kisses you.
“You’re gonna miss me a little, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am.” You pout. “I’m just glad Buster’s staying here with me, I’ll have someone to cuddle.”
“What are you and the girls doin’?”
“Well, they’re setting up shop here, in the guest room. We’re gonna do some face masks, nails, watch a ton of movies. It’ll be fun.”
“Good.” Harry looks at his watch. “Nearly eight, I gotta get this shit in the car and head out with Niall.”
“I’ll walk down with you, Buster probably needs to pee again. C’mon baby, let’s go say bye to daddy.” You pus the leash on him and walk down. Sarah was with Niall at Harry’s car.
“You’re never on time for anythin’.” Niall laughs.
“Alright, have a safe trip and a good time. If you have service, let us know when you get there.” Sarah says to Niall. They kiss and he gets in the car.
Harry gives Buster a hug, then looks at you.
“I love you, be good.” He says. You fake gasp.
“I am always on my best behavior.”
“With those two, oh yeah, for sure.”
“Love you too.”
He wraps his arms around you and gives you a deep kiss. You bite his bottom lip before he lets you go.
“Right.” He coughs. “Uh, bye.”
He gets into the car and drives off.
“You two…are disgusting.” Sarah laughs.
“Stop, we are not.” You sigh.
“Did you tell him we’re going out tonight?”
“You know, it slipped my mind.”
“I didn’t tell Niall either.”
“Come on, I’ll make us some breakfast, Rachel will be over later this afternoon.”
Harry and Niall mostly listen to music on the drive up. They pick Louis up on the way.
“What’s El up to this weekend?” Niall asks.
“Her mum’s actually visiting this weekend, so this couldn’t have come at a better time.” He laughs. “They’re talkin’ about havin’ her stay with us for a bit once the baby’s born.” He sighs. “Wouldn’t be the end of the world, but still.”
The three have a nice ride up to the campground. All the talk is pretty lighthearted. Harry pays to park, and one of the rangers tells them where they can set up. They find a nice spot that had a fire pit and they set up their tents.
“Harry, m’bunkin’ with yeh, I didn’t have a tent.” Louis says.
“Yeah, mate, no problem.”
The boys have lunch and decide to go for a walk. They knew they’d be sitting around doing a lot of drinking later, so the least they could do was walk around and enjoy the beautiful area there were in.
Rachel came over around three in the afternoon. You all decided to make frozen margaritas and sit out on the balcony listening to music.
“So, what’s Mariah up to this weekend?” You ask.
“She’s catching up with some of her own friends.” She says taking a sip of her cool drink. “God, I can’t wait to go to Seth’s tomorrow. Nothing like day drinking on a Sunday.”
“I know! And his apartment is so cool, heated pool and everything. It’s gonna be really hot out tomorrow, I’m definitely bringing my swim suit.”
“Plus, we’re going to that indoor/outdoor place tonight. I’m super excited.” You say.
“Did either of tell Harry and Niall about Seth?”
“You know…” Sarah says sipping her drink. “It didn’t come up.”
“Harry just let go of thinking something was happening between Niall and I, no way was I going to bring up going to a guy friend’s house party. Can we please just be careful with posting pictures?”
“I thought they weren’t going to have service.”
“Well, they could, and they could always see stuff later.” Sarah says.
“How sad that the two of you are afraid of your boyfriends…”
“We’re not afraid of them.” You say.
“Sometimes it’s just easier to leave certain things out.”
A little before dusk, Harry and the boys got a fire started. The cracked open their beers and snacked on chips. Louis took a joint out of his bag.
“Pass it over.” Niall says and takes a hit. “Harry?”
“Sure.” He takes it. “Can’t remember the last time I smoked.” He smirks and takes a hit, then passes it back to Louis.
“Got plenty for the weekend. Haven’t been able to smoke since El got pregnant.”
“Can’t mention this to the girls at all.” Niall says. “I know it’s just weed, but I think Sarah would kill me.”
“Same with Y/N, I don’t think she’s kill me, but it’s just better if it stays between us.”
“What happens in New Hampshire, stays in New Hampshire.” Louis says.
Eventually all the boys themselves laying on the ground, looking up the stars, staying cozy by the fire.
“We hikin’ tomorrow?” Louis asks.
“Definitely, lotta great trails around here.” Niall says.
“Lou, are you scared to be a dad again?” Harry asks out of nowhere. Louis props himself up on his elbows so he can better look at his friend.
“What? Not really, no. It’s a little scary I suppose that I’ll be doin’ it full time. And I’m a little scared that Freddie’s gonna think I’m replacin’ him…but not scared to be a dad again.”
“Does Freddie know he’s gonna be a big brother?” Niall asks.
“Yeah, we told him a few weeks ago. He said he’s excited to have someone to play with.” He smiles. “Bri took it really well too. I think she’s happy he’ll be a big brother too.”
“It’s nice you all have gotten to a point where you all can get along.” Harry says.
“I mean, I walk on eggshells with Bri, but I’d rather do that than fight with her.” He takes a sip of his drink. “How’s havin’ a dog goin’?”
“Oh, it’s great. Think it’s just what we needed. I think it’s added a little more structure to our daily routines. Like we have to get up and take him out, stuff like that.”
“They call each other mummy and daddy.” Niall says laughing.
“A lot of people do that with their pets, don’t make fun of him. So, uh, when else does she call you daddy?” He smirks and Harry nudges him.
“She doesn’t.” He laughs.
“I still can’t believe you’ve made a life with someone. When yeh told me you were seein’ someone and already asked her to be your girlfriend, I was shocked, but really happy for you.”
“I don’t know what it was, I feel like I found my soulmate or some shit.” Harry sits up and starts sniffling. The other two sit up as well.
“Now I remember why you stopped smokin’, yeh always cry when yeh have too much.” Niall says, giving him a pat on the back.
“Shut up.” He sniffles.
“Why are you cryin’?” Louis asks, putting his hand on his knee.
“I’ve just never said that out loud to anyone before.” He wipes his eyes. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, it’s fuckin’ terrifying.”
“Do you think she feels the same way, that you’re her soulmate?” Louis asks.
“She must, right? I know she sees a life with me or she wouldn’t have agreed to gettin’ a dog. I…you know she had a pregnancy scare a couple months ago, well sort of, she just missed one of her pills. And I really didn’t think it was a big deal, like if she got pregnant we would’ve just dealt with it, but now I’m sorta glad she didn’t. The whole thing seems really stressful.”
“It’s very stressful, mate. Worth it, but it’s not a movie. She’s got a nephew right?”
“Good, enjoy just bein’ an uncle for a bit. Hell, enjoy bein’ an uncle to my kids. I know you’ve always wanted to be a dad, and you’ll be a great one when the time comes, but there’s really no rush.”
“I’m startin’ to see that…” Harry looks at Niall. “What about you, is Sarah your soulmate?”
“I don’t really believe in the soulmate thing.” He shrugs. “Do I think she’d make a great partner in life? Sure. I mean, I’m grateful every day we went out with the girls that night and we met. I enjoy spendin’ my free time with her, and we’re in love there’s no doubt about that.”
“Do you think you’ll marry her some day?”
“Too soon to tell, to be honest with yeh. You know me, I live in the present. I think once we’ve been together a year I’ll ask her to move in with me.”
“You two really are on opposite ends of the spectrum.”
“Yeah, and you’re right in the middle.” Harry jokes.
“Well, when are you poppin’ the question to Y/N, know you’ve thought about it. Surprised you don’t have the ring with yeh now.”
“It’s been purchased, and it’s in London. I plan to pick it up when I go home later in the summer. I’m waitin’ for us to be together a year before I ask. Her family’s a little conservative, so I figure if we’ve been together a year, then no one can really tell us we’re movin’ too fast. Plus it takes like another year to actually get married with all the planning.”
“God, look at us. We’re so grown up.” Louis says. “It’s fuckin’ disgustin’.” They all laugh. “I mean really, if someone told me six years ago I’d be gettin’ ready to be a father of two, you’d be gettin’ ready to move in with a serious girlfriend, and you’d be just about on your knee ready to propose, I’d of laughed in their face.” They all laugh, but Harry feels tears prick at his eyes again.
“I just don’t want this to change. No matter how much we keep growin’ up, or no matter how busy we get with our own lives, we have to make time for this.” He says through sniffles. “She may be my soulmate, but you two are like…”
The both hug Harry. Nothing else needed to be said on that. The three of them loved each other, and they knew it.
The three of you had a great time at the bar. You didn’t stay out too late because you knew you’d be out all day tomorrow. The three of you camp out in the living room, which makes Buster very happy. You all decide to watch a movie and just snuggle up with each other like old times.
“Okay, now that we’re drunk, there’s been something I’ve been dying to ask.” Rachel says just as the movie starts.
“What’s that?” You ask.
“Well, Sarah’s told me all about her butt adventures with Niall…she let him get in there you know?”
“I do know, I also know she didn’t like it very much.”
“It was just incredibly awkward and embarrassing, but it’s shut him about it so we’re good.”
“The last time we talked about it you asked me how a strap worked…” She starts giggling.
“I think…I think that’s something that should remain private.” Rachel and Sarah squeal and giggle.
“That just means you used one!” Rachel says. “How often? Did he like it?”
“Guys…I really don’t think he’d appreciate me talking about it.”
“As if they’re not talking about. That’s what guys do when they’re alone, they share sex notes.” Sarah says. “You can’t possibly think they’re out there, laying under the stars having a deep conversation.”
“No…I suppose you’re right…okay, I’ll tell you a little bit, but please, it’s so personal…”
“We won’t say anything. Everything this weekend stays between us.” Rachel says.
“We’ve…done it a few times…it’s incredible. And he actually likes it, it feels good for him.”
“Obviously, once you get a man’s prostate in the mix, there’s no going back.” Rachel says.
“I was surprised, honestly. He took it so well. I told him he could be the one to ask for it after we first did it because I didn’t want him to feel pressured. He’s so cute, one time was like,” You look down and put your two index finger tips together, “got some more lube today, love.”  They both squeal.
“God, Harry is the shyest, cutest thing sometimes.” Sarah says.
“I wish Mariah was here, she tells the best stories about Harry. He has this really tough exterior, but he’s such a good person.”
“Yeah, he’d take the shirt off his back if someone needed it.” You smile.
“Now that he’s not sitting right here will you please tell us what the fuck was up with your neck last weekend?”
“Oh for the love of god, sometimes we choke each other, lightly, when we’re doing it. He happened to do it to me the night before the party and he didn’t take his rings off so they left bruises. Clearly I didn’t cover them up correctly.”
“Hot damn.” Sarah says. “You know I let Niall choke me sometimes, it’s pretty hot. It’s like just a little bit of pressure.”
“Exactly! And I do it to Harry too sometimes.”
“You choke him, you peg him, damn, he’s a trooper.” Rachel laughs.
“He does things to me too, it’s not all me. We’re just very comfortable with each other. I wouldn’t take Niall as the choking type.”
“The same could be said for you my friend.” Sarah says and you all giggle. “So…you have this apartment, you have a dog, when do you think he’s going to pop the question?”
“I have no idea, not anytime soon. I mean, I know it’ll happen eventually, but there’s no rush. I think we’re both happy with how things are right now.”
“How often do you talk about it?” Rachel asks.
“A little here and there. Like if I say if, he’ll always correct me and say when.” You start to tear up a bit. “I never thought…I never thought I’d ever be someone that someone else would want to marry and have a life with.” You full on start sobbing and the girls hold you. “Like…he’s my everything, you know? He’s truly my person. I never thought I’d get this lucky.”
“You deserve the whole world, Y/N.” Rachel says. “And Harry wants to give it to you, I know he does.” You look at her and smile.
“Yeah! And Niall says all the time that he’s never seen Harry like this with anyone. I think you two really sparked something within each other.”
Buster starts yipping and comes over to you. He licks on of your cheeks.
“Aw, mumma’s okay Buster.” You pull him into your lap.
The three of you talk a bit more, and then settle to watch the rest of the movie.
The next morning the boys get up early to go for a hike. Harry and Louis had shared a tent, and Louis’ laughter wakes Harry up.
“What?” He grumbles.
“Let me see, your head’s in my neck, and you’ve got an arm and a leg thrown over me. Someone miss their lady last night?”
“You know I’m a cuddly sleeper, this isn’t news.” He looks up at him. “What are yeh, suddenly not manly enough to have a cuddle with me?”
Louis wraps an arm around Harry and pulls him in closer. Niall unzips their tent and crawls in with them, going to Louis’ other side.
“Really glad this is a secluded area. Someone walkin’ by would think this is an orgy.” Niall jokes.
“Someone would just be jealous they couldn’t snuggle with three fine men such as ourselves. Now, I’ll give it five more minutes and then we need to get up.”
Harry took some pictures along the trail. He wondered if you’d ever go hiking with him. It took them about two hours to get the summit. They sit there for a while just taking in the view.
“Harry?” Louis asks.
“Yeah, mate?” Harry says, just biting into a banana.
“How do you think you’ll propose to Y/N when you do it? I feel like I had the campus thing with El planned for months.”
“I don’t know yet. I want her to feel really special, but I also want it to be a complete surprise, you know? I have a song in mind I’d like to have playin’ in the background, and I’ve thought a bit about what I might say, but I haven’t really thought of where yet.”
“You should recreate your first date.” Niall suggests.
“Can’t, she did that for my birthday. Besides, she’d suspect somethin’ was up.”
“True…you could tell her there’s some fancy party you have to go to so there’s your excuse to dress up. Oh! And you could just have her meet you wherever it is, so she could walk into the scene.”
“Wait, I’ve got it. Tell her you need her help for one of your freelance gigs. Then she won’t suspect a thing.” Louis says.
“That could actually work. I’d want it to be at night, outside I think. Lights strung up in some trees.” The three of them look off into the distance imagining it. “It’d be beautiful.”
The three of you head to Seth’s around noon. Your mom came over to watch Buster for the day. He’d be fine on his own, but you felt bad leaving him either way. The three of you looked cute, as always. You were wearing a pair of high waisted jean shorts, tennis shoes and a green crop top. Sarah had a casual sundress on, and Rachel had a pair of black shorts and blue crop top on. You all packed your bathing suits and towels, and headed out.
“Hey!” He says to you as you make your way to the backyard of his apartment. “It’s been forever!” He hugs all of you. “Help yourselves to whatever you want. You should know a few people here. Pool’s open and heated.”
“Seth, I brought some veggie burgers for myself for whenever you start grilling, where should I put them?”
“Toss them in that cooler near the grill.”
The truth was, both you and Sarah had slept with Seth in college, multiple times. It wasn’t weird for the three of you. A lot of time had passed, but the little memories still lingered.
The three of you start drinking and mingling with others at the party. Seth gets the grill going and he calls you over.
“Alright, how the fuck do I make these things?” He slings an arm over your shoulders.
“Well, and here’s the amazing part, there’s directions right on the package. Did you forget how to read, Sethy?” He rolls his eyes at you playfully.
“Okay smarty pants, can you read them to me while I get the other shit on here?”
“Hey, smile you two!” You both turn around and smile at Sarah as she snaps a picture.
“Get in here too, selfie.” He says. Sarah holds up the phone and takes a selfie of the three of you.
“How are things with the two of you anyways?” He asks, throwing a veggie burger on the grill. “You both have jobs and boyfriends?”
“Yup! I’m a third grade teacher, and I’m dating one of Y/N’s best guy friends.”
“Yeah, and I work in marketing and I date my best guy friend’s guy friend.” You laugh. “What about you?”
“In between ladies at the moment, but I’ve got a good job so no complaints.” Rachel calls Sarah over for something, but you stay with Seth. “He treating you alright?”
“Yeah, his name is Harry by the way. Wanna see a picture?”
“Please, show me.” You smile and take out your phone. You show Seth some pictures of Harry and tell him all about him. “Seems like a great guy, Y/N.”
“He’s the best. I couldn’t be happier.”
“Well, I’m happy for you then. And for Sarah.” He smiles. “How about Rachel, how’s she?”
“She’s great. She’s dating Harry’s friend Mariah.”
“Wow, nice that all worked out.”
Later on, a ton of you get into the pool. Somehow you end up on Seth’s shoulders and you start playing chicken with some other friends. You were happy you wore your hair up in a bun. Sarah also took a turn on Seth’s shoulders while playing chicken. All in all it was a really great day.
You all dry off and change and hang out around the fire Seth started. One of his friends brought stuff to make s’mores. You couldn’t remember the last time you just shot the shit with your friends from college. It was nice.
Harry, Niall, and Louis found a bar to go have drinks at not too far from the campground. They were all looking to eat something a little more filling. Because they were at a restaurant, they all had wifi, so naturally they all started checking their phones.
“Who the fuck is Seth Rowan?” Harry asks.
“This guy, with his arms around Y/N and Sarah.” Harry shows Niall his phone. Another person had taken a picture of the three of you and tagged you in it.
“No idea, where’d you find that?”
“Facebook…I feel like I’ve seen his face before…” Harry goes onto your Instagram, and scrolls back deep. “Christ.” He runs his hand over his face and shows them. There was an old picture of you two kissing, on the mouth and the caption said, spin the bottle.
“Yikes…an ex-boyfriend?” Louis asks.
“No.” Niall says. “That’s an old friend from college. I actually think Sarah might’ve dated him.”
“Well, it fuckin’ looks like something happened. And they were all hanging out with him today. Did you know they were going to a party?”
“No, and clearly you didn’t either.”
“Maybe it was a last minute invite.”
“Or maybe they didn’t want us knowing they were…wait Rachel just posted on her story.”
Harry taps the video.
“You have to do it Y/N! You accepted the dare!”
“You all suck, fine!”
You get up and someone turns the music up louder. You turn around and bend over, shaking your ass. Then you pop your ass, twerking. You stand back up and take a bow as everyone cheers. You sit back down, wrapping yourself in a blanket.
“Hope you all enjoyed that. You’re next Rachel, truth or dare?”
The video ends and Harry’s left there, mouth hanging open.
“Oh…my…god.” Is all he can say.
“Oh my god!” Niall shouts. “Look! Look!” He says showing them Sarah’s story that she made so only close friends could see.
“Sarah, I dare you to kiss Rachel.” Someone says.
“Jesus, as if anyone hasn’t see that before.” She shakes her head and looks at Rachel. “It’s up to you.”
“What the hell, why not?”
The two kiss, only for a few seconds, but the crowd cheers and Rachel curtsies as she sits back down.
“I…I…who are these people?! Certainly not our girlfriends.” Niall says.
“Are you seriously complaining that you just got to watch your girlfriend kiss another girl?” Louis asks. “You both need to chill out. They’re all just havin’ fun.”
“They didn’t tell us they were-“
“Do they need your permission to go out while you’re away?”
“No, but-“
“But nothin’. You two are idiots to get mad over this.”
“I don’t appreciate seein’ my girlfriend kiss someone else, another girl that happens to be her best friend doesn’t make it okay.” Niall huffs.
“I agree.”
Louis shakes his head at the two of them.
“Stupid thing to get mad about.”
The three finish up their drinks and dinner, and head back to the campground. They start up the fire and start drinking more.
“Wish we never looked at our phones. Who knows what else they’re doin’.” Niall says.
“Don’t worry about it, mate.” Louis whines. “It’s literally not a big deal.”
“Um…guys?” Rachel says in the uber on the way to your apartment. “Harry looked at my story of Y/N earlier…”
“And Niall saw mine…” Sarah says. “What the fuck, I thought they didn’t have service.”
“Maybe they went somewhere that did. Fuck, you know, I told you guys to be careful with what you posted. Now he’s seen me popping my ass for a group of people he doesn’t even know. Bad enough someone tagged us in a picture with Seth on Facebook. He probably saw that too.” You groan. “Great, I’m sure I’ll be in for it tomorrow.”
“Me too…”
The three of you get back to your apartment. Your mom had left Buster good to go and he was very happy to see the three of you. You all decide you’re done with drinking and just curl up to watch a movie.
Once again Harry and Louis wake up cuddling. The two laugh as they get up. They clean everything up and load up the car.
“Please don’t let what they did ruin such a great weekend, lads.”
“We’re not.” Niall says. “But they’re gettin’ a stern talkin’ to.”
“Yeah, very stern.”
Harry drops Louis off, hugging goodbye of course. Rachel had left your place, but Sarah stayed behind. You both figured if you were in trouble, then maybe you could be in trouble together. Harry tells Niall to come up with him, figuring that Sarah would still be over.
“So what’s our game plan?” Sarah asks you.
“I’m…going to jump on him and hug him and kiss him.”
“Okay, okay, that’s good. Soften him up a bit.”
“Maybe he’ll just take me right to the bedroom and we’ll fuck, then talk.”
“And what does that mean for me?”
“Take Niall home and fuck him there.”
You both hear the jingle of keys and you stand up. You hear the boys talking and then stop when they see the two of you standing there.
“You’re home! How was the-“ You start waling towards him, but they both cross their arms.
“Who’s Seth Rowan?”
“Why did you think it was a good idea to post a video of you and Rachel kissing?”
You and Sarah look at each other, then back to them. You both move a little closer to them. A scent hits your nose and your face scrunches.
“Why do you both smell like weed?” You ask crossing your arms.
“Answer our questions first.” Harry says. “When I asked you what your plans for this weekend, it didn’t seem like a party was in the mix.”
“Seth is an old friend from college.” Sarah starts.
“Just a friend? Because I’m pretty sure there’s more to it than that.” You gasp.
“What did you do, creep on my Instagram?”
You and Sarah both roll your eyes.
“Friend...with benefits.” Sarah says. “To both of us at one point.”
“You both were hookin’ up with the same guy?” Niall asks and you both nod. “Why?”
“I feel like the answer to that wouldn’t really help our case.” You say. “Look, Seth usually has a Memorial Day party, he invited us and we went. Everything that happened was a long time ago, no harm done.”
“So you shakin’ your ass for a group of people is no harm done?”
“I’m going to fucking kill, Rachel.” You groan. “We were playing truth or dare, what was I supposed to do?”
“Tell the truth about sometin’.”
“I couldn’t.”
“What did they ask you?” You look at Sarah. “Don’t look at her, look at me, what did they ask you that was so bad that you decided to do a dare instead?”
“They asked me…god…they asked me if…if I ever…please Harry, don’t make me say it, just know it was really bad.” He sighs.
“Fine…you know you could have told me you were goin’ to a party.”
“No because you would’ve questioned who Seth was and-“
“Of course I would have, and you could’ve just told me he was a friend from school, come on.”
“I’m assuming they asked you a stupid question too?”
“Can yeh please just not do that again? Friend or not, I really don’t want yeh kissin’ someone else.”
“Of course! I’m so sorry!” She lunges onto him and kisses all over his face.
You look up at Harry and give him your biggest eyes and pout. He sighs and opens his arms and you jump into them. He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him.
“Love you both, but I’d like to give my man a proper hello now, so please leave.” They both giggle and head out.
“Where’s Buster?”
“Taking a little nappy.”
Harry walks you down to the bedroom.
“We’re taking a shower, you wreak. Did you smoke?” He sets you down.
“Lou brought a joint with him, it’s no bid deal.”
“Alright.” You start taking your clothes off.
“You’re letting my weekend slide, so I’m doing the same.”
“So was it fun?”
“It was great, actually. We went for a hike, got to really see the stars at night. It was nice to just catch up and talk.”
“Yeah, same for us.”
Harry strips and turns the water on in the shower. He looks at you and squints.
“Why don’t you ever dance like that for me?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’d love for you to put on a little show for me like that. Maybe a little lap dance sometime.” He grins.
“In your dreams.”
“Come on, it’ll be a new character for role play.”
“Maybe something CEO does for her assistant?”
“We’ll see.”
“Fine, then in the meantime, I’m going to fuck you into the tile.”
“Harry!” You squeal as he yanks you into the shower.
His hands are all over you and his fingers are up inside you before you know it. He nips at your neck as he pumps in and out of you.
“Fuck.” You breathe as his thumb works your clit. You reach to grab his cock and you start pumping it. “You know, this is the only cock I want.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, makes me feel so good. Want it all the time.”
He takes his fingers out of you and sucks on them. He grips one of your thighs and raises it over one of his hips. He thrusts into you. Your back arches against the cold tile. You hands sink into his shoulders as he rocks up into you.
“This is the only cunt I want.” Before you can’t bite your bottom lip, he’s already doing it for you, sucking it into his mouth. “This entire body, actually. It’s all mine, isn’t it?”
“All yours.” You smile at him and he smiles back. He pulls out and turns you around, entering from behind. Your entire front was pressed to the tile. Your head rolls back to his shoulder. “I love you, Harry, fuck!”
“I love, ngh, love you too.”
It doesn’t take either of you long to come. Harry throws his laundry right into the washer, and you both get cozy with Buster on the sofa.
“I really hope you know I didn’t intentionally try to make you upset or anything,”
“I know.” He strokes your back as you lay on him. “I don’t want you thinkin’ that I’m gonna blow up at you though.”
“I guess…because of how things were with my dad growing up, I feel like it’s easier or safer to leave pieced of information out. I know you’re not him, I wouldn’t be with you if you were anything like him, but sometimes those little things are there in the back of my head. I’d do anything to avoid a fight with him, so-“
“Babe.” You look up at him. “I know I get jealous sometimes, and that’s not always fair. But please don’t be afraid to tell me what you’re doin’. The most important thing to me is that you feel safe with me, always.” You nuzzle into his chest.
“I do feel safe with you, I promise. Some things are just hard to shake, I��m sorry.”
“I’m sorry your dad fucked you up so much.” He sighs and kisses the top of your head.
“Me too…but I can’t blame everything on him. If I did I’d be just like Bridget. I just know I have certain habits. Like, you know how I always line our shoes up so we don’t trip over them when we walk in?”
“Well I do that because of my dad. If there was a hair out place when he got home from work it was like World War three would erupt. I do certain things because I feel like he could just come in at any moment, which is stupid, I mean this is our home, not his.”
“S’not stupid…” You look up at him and kiss him.
“I am sorry though, I was wrong.”
“Yeah, you were.” He smirks. “But it’s okay. I had a really nice time with my friends this weekend, and I suppose I’m glad you did too.” You kiss again.
“What did you guys talk about?”
“Oh, you know, just guy stuff.”
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Talking about FFVII and FFVIII
I started writing this a while ago - probably around June. It’s based off of this article:
Theory: FFVIII’s Squinoa was Square Enix’s Appology to Cloud and Aerith Fans
Alright, so, I came across an article stating that FFVIII’s Squinoa was Square’s apology for Cloud and Aerith. I don’t know why, but this one brought up some anger within me that I can’t explain. Mainly because it’s ridiculous.
However, it’s also an opinion article. This means Square Enix never said this. The title of the article also says “Theory” meaning there’s nothing saying this is real. You know there is a reason I’m writing this finally - well, finishing it. 
This is also gonna be long. FFVIII was my favorite FF game up until Remake came out, so it’s still very special to me. I hate that it’s treated as some type of apology for a ship. Its a game on its own. A fun one, a lighthearted one, and one that I really enjoyed replaying as an adult. 
It just so happens that I had started to replay FFVIII when I came across this article. It was recently written. I have noticed some official source articles that are leaning heavy on the C//erith side came out after Remake, even if it was regarding old content. 
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Rinoa is Rinoa. Comparing her to Aerith or Tifa frustrates me, because you should just do that for all of the other main FF female characters, but if we want to do this, then we can say Rinoa is a mix of Tifa and Aerith. 
So with FF8, FF7 OG, and FF7R fresh in my mind, I thought it may be a good time to do this one. There are heavy spoilers for FF7, FF8, and FF
One of the lines in this article that threw me was saying that Rinoa was a manic pixie girl. I never got that impression from her. I’d say at times she was a bit forward, a bit flirty, and a bit immature, but they ALL were. They were 17 and 18. They were written like 17 and 18 year olds on purpose. I actually liked Rinoa, but didn’t like OG Aerith. So I definitely never compared the two. 
For the record: I LOVE REMAKE AERITH
FF7 had characters in their early 20s up to their 30s (and Vincent, but he went to sleep at like 27). FF7′s characters also had extremely tragic backstories and collectively enough mental trauma to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool. The world was dark and cruel. 
FF8 was a bit lighter on the whole tragic backstory. All of the main party members, minus Rinoa, grew up in an orphanage. Yes, you could say it’s sad that they were in an orphanage. It was war time, their parents were most likely killed. In Squall’s case, we know his mother died shortly after he was born and his father had just sent their “adopted daughter” back to Winhill, so both of them were sent to this orphanage. 
But honestly? Compare this to the orphans in Advent Children. They’re homeless, dirty, and sick. The orphans in FF8 were well fed, clothed, and had a loving “home” with Edea. 
Rinoa grew up as a rich girl, pretty much. She lived in a mansion, her father was high up in the military, and her mother was a famous singer. I’d say she had a pretty good life. Her mother does die when she’s younger, and her relationship with her father falls apart.
Here’s a Tifa parallel: Rinoa’s father is a highly regarded figure in the Galbadian army. Brian Lockhart is a highly regarded person in Nibelheim. Rinoa’s mother dies when she’s young, Tifa’s mother dies when she’s young. Tifa had a pretty good life until Sephiroth decided it was time to ruin everything.
She joins a rebel group (oh - hey another Tifa parallel) and honestly seems pretty good at what she has to say when you first meet her in Timber. She has a strategy, a plan, and explains this plan. 
Tifa was also in a rebel group. 
In Remake, Tifa was always the one to have a solution on what to do next when Cloud and Barret were scratching their heads. She was good at strategy, but she was modest about things.
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Rinoa is much more forward than Tifa, by far. So, you can say that’s her “Aerith quality”. However, Rinoa also has her moments of shyness. Asking Zell about Squall’s ring for example. And honestly, the interaction between Rinoa and Zell during that scene is exactly what you’d expect with teenagers. 
The biggest thing with ALL of the FF8 characters is their severe lack of worldly experience and their immaturity. Which makes sense, they’re 17. You do get to see them all grow. Rinoa and Squall, in particular, mature quite a bit as individuals throughout the game. 
Rinoa’s affections towards Squall initially are purely based on how he looks, it seems. He’s the hot guy at the party she dances with to kill time while trying to find her target (Cid) to ask him to help The Forest Owls. Obviously her feelings grow way past just “hot dude” as the game progresses. 
In fact, Rinoa and Squall fight quite a bit in the beginning. Mainly because Squall is definitely a bigger dick than Cloud, initially. You luckily get insight in to Squall’s thoughts, so some of these dick moves make some sense. Cloud, you’re left to “interpret” what he’s thinking. Hello LTD...
Then they go on to say Quistis is like Tifa. For one, Quistis and Squall DID grow up in the same orphanage until Quistis was adopted. Quistis was “bossy” and saw herself as a big sister. With Squall, she wanted to replace “Sis” after she disappeared.  
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Squall and Quistis don’t even remember each other until Irvine reminds them all. Selphie, Zell, and Seifer were all there as well. The major difference between Quistis and Tifa from a childhood friends trope perspective... Squall at no point seems to have really interacted with Quistis heavily. 
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He says that Seifer and him went to Garden at around the age of 5. There is absolutely no indicator that the two of them even really interacted much. So Quistis was around until Squall was 5 - not his entire childhood. She then ends up in Garden a few years after being adopted due to issues. So during their teen years, it was her, Seifer, and Squall.
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Cloud and Tifa, on the other hand, have quite a childhood trope story. His entire subconscious becomes a Tifa shrine. He makes a promise to her, takes this promise very seriously, and then they reunite in Midgar after a lot of really fucked up shit happens to both of them. 
In addition, it’s blatantly stated that Cloud has feelings for Tifa in the Lifestream. And they are deep. 
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Quistis herself even questions her feelings for Squall as romantic love or more big sister love. Squall is never shown to have any interest in Quistis. We know this is not true for Cloud in regards to Tifa.
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Tifa and Cloud do end up BOTH confirming their feelings for each other. Remake it making the mutual attraction very obvious early on. It’s much more slow in OG and much less obvious until you get to the Northern Crater and he starts to crack. Then it’s fully realized in the Lifestream.
If you want to say FFVIII was an apology for something, I’d say it would be for the incredibly dark plot that FFVII had in comparison. Though, I don’t think an apology was needed. I definitely don’t think there was a thought for FFVIII as apologizing for a ship. 
One thing they DID make sure to do was make the canon romance more obvious going forward. There was no more ambiguity - Squall and Rinoa, Zidan and Garnet, and Tidus and Yuna were all made obvious by the end of the game.
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Oh wait, Cloud and Tifa were too... I guess the difference is there wasn’t an illusion aspect or a major character death for the future titles. FFX is one you could say there was, but that gets wiped out in X-2 when they bring Tidus back. 
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honney-boy · 4 years
I Love You And I’m Sorry
Pairing: Pope Heyward x Reader
Warnings: swearing, fluff, best friend vibes, a bit of angst/argument(ifyou blink you'll miss it)
Summary:  Pope gets a call regarding his scholarship to Merit, and he wants to share the great news with you. Except your reaction wasn't one, he was expecting.
Request: yes
hi, i have a request! do you think you could write a pope x reader where they both have feelings for each other but don't know until pope gets his scholarship and the reader kisses him because she's so happy for him? xoxo
A/N: I got super excited to write this because I've been trying to come up with something to write for Pope because he needs love to! When writing this I kind of forgot the kiss, so hope I hope you still like it. Thank you for requesting!
For: anon From: @honney-boy​
if you want to be tagged in any of my work, send me an ask or message me! taglist is at the bottom of the fic :) request are open!
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You lay on your back in the middle of your bed, book in hand, window open ajar letting the summer breeze come in as the words of John Green flowed from the page and filtered into your mind.
You've read a lot of John Green books, and you've seen the movie adaptations of the books. You decided to reread 'Turtle All The Way Down' because it was a good read. 
You didn't know how long it had been since you started reading, but you were already almost done with it but was just to invested in the story to put it down. 
The window in your room gets pushed open even more, big enough to fit the person climbing through it. Landing on his feet, Pope wiped his hands on his jeans and closed your window halfway again.
"That book again? Isn't it like your 4th time reading that?" His voice pulled you from your trance, you jumped and scrambled to the top of your bed at the headboard.
"Jesus Pope, you scared the shit out of me!" you felt your heart pounding in your chest as you held your hand close. "Don't do that." You say with a raised voice. While you were trying to calm down, Pope couldn't help but laugh. 
"Well, pay more attention next time, then you won't get scared."
"I was reading a book," you gestured to the book still in your other hand. "You're the one who decided to climb through my window when you could have used the front door."
"Now, what's the fun in that? Maybe I was feeling a little Shakespearean today." He walked over to your bed, sat at the end, and fell back until your ceiling was in his line of vision. He tilted his head up to look at you, smiling with a big goofy grin. You rolled your eyes and sat your book down on your bedside table.
"You do know they both die in the end?"
"Just as half of his other works. Tragedy or comedy, that's how the man works."
"So, what's up? I know you usually climb through my window, but you normally heads up me first," you say, crossing your legs and looking at him. Pope rolled onto his stomach, his hand bumping your knee in the process.
"I did, when you didn't text back, I came looking for you. Saw your window open, so I figured you were home."
"I could've been somewhere else, you know."
"You only leave your window open when you're in your room. Whenever you leave the room, you shut the window." He says in a matter of fact tone.
"True," you mumbled.
"But if you did read my text, you would've seen that I have something important to tell you."
"Okay...go on, tell me," you clasp your hands together, getting excited.
Pope dropped his head, then looked back at you with a neutral expression. "So, I got a call today."
"About the scholarship?" You ask, he nods his head, confirming your statement. "Alright what did they say, did you get it?" Pope kept quiet, he looked away from you, and you knew then that it wasn't too great of news, but it had to be right? He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed sadly.
"I got the scholarship."
"Oh, Pope, I'm so sorry, bubs–wait, "you frowned, looking at him who had a sad manner, but it was cracking. "Wait! You got the scholarship?" You gasped out, bringing a hand to cover your mouth. Finally, the smile that threatened to blow his cover appeared, and he nodded. You jumped off your bed quickly, Pope following suit as you ran to him, jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. "You're fucking shiting me, Pope, you got the scholarship!" you pull back to look at him, matching his smile. You didn't realize it at first - you leaned in and kissed the boy on his cheek but almost kissed his lips - not until after. So, you pulled him close again for another hug. 
"Yeah, I got the scholarship," he says, holding you tight against him, trying to ignore the fact that you almost kissed him. You could barely control your excitement after you two pulled away. You began pacing from your bed to your window. "I got the call this morning, and I couldn't believe it."
"Well, I can! This is great, have you told the others?" You ask.
"No, just you." He shakes his head. "I was planning to tell them after telling you, maybe trick them like I did with you."
"Yeah, you're a punk for that." You say to him, your smile slowly getting smaller. It hit you suddenly, but you didn't want to ruin the moment, so you looked down to hide the frown forming in your face. But being Pope, he noticed your sudden change in mood.
"Hey, what's wrong?" 
"Nothing," you reply.
"Seems like something is wrong, you don't have to lie to me y/n."
"There's nothing wrong, so stop assuming there is." You snap at him, if you planned on hiding the fact that you were upset any longer, you blew your cover. You can tell by the way Pope is looking at you that he doesn't understand why.
All you could really do was shake your head, a soft laugh escaped you that you couldn't help. The matter wasn't a humorous one, far from it, in fact, but that's how you responded to it. 
"Y/n, what's funny? One minute you're happy with me that I got the scholarship. I've wanted to get into this school since middle school, now that I finally have it, I'd expect my best friend to be just as happy. But now you're...upset?" He slowly made his way over to you, his words struck you, leaving the both of you lost with how to feel. He was right, you were happy, you are so glad for him because he deserved it. The smartest person you know, the one with the brightest future, the boy that you…
"Yes…" you mumbled, you heard him scoff from behind you. 
"Wait, so you lied, you're not happy that I got the scholarship?" You held your face in your hands, letting out an annoyed breath. You turn to face him. You could finally see the confused and hurt expression on his face–eyebrows knitted close together, lips tugged into a frown and hurt in his brown eyes. 
Rubbing your temples, you say, "Yeah–no...I am pissed, okay," you drop your arms by your waist in defeat. "I mean, all of a sudden, you're leaving me." Tilting his head to the side, the confusion stayed, but his face softens. 
"Well, look, I'm only gonna be gone for the first semester, around Christmas I'll be back. Then I have to go back, but spring and summer, I'm right back here in Outer Banks." He takes a few steps toward you. "I'll visit as much as I can, I promise." His hands go out to reach yours, but you step away from him.
"I don't care. I don't want you to go." You shake your head lightly again, taking your eyes off him for just a second to look at your window. "I mean, you've always been, like two minutes away, 30 steps out the back door from me my entire life. What am I supposed to do without you?" You look at him again with glossy eyes. Your throat felt numb, your face warm, and you knew you were about to cry. Pope stayed quiet, lost for words as he stared at you with a sorry look.
The tears that were building up in your eyes escaped down your cheek, making you have to use your hand to wipe them away quickly.
"Look y/n–" Pope began to say. "–this is gonna be really tough for the both of us. But hey, you know what the good news is? When I come back, we're gonna spend all this time together because I'm definitely gonna need some of your famous pot pie and your hugs to make me feel right back at home." He lightly laughed, hoping his words made you feel better, less mad at him because he hated when you were upset. His lighthearted words and his ability to lighten the moment did make a soft smile appear on your face, and you shove him a bit. "Look, you know you're my best friend, and we're wasting our time arguing."
"I know, "you look down at your feet. "You're right." You said quietly, and finally closed the space between you two. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in your embrace as he wrapped his arms around you too. You close your eyes and relish the short moment before pulling back and resting your hands on his shoulders. "We should just enjoy the time we have left. Hang out with the others on the water and celebrate." Your lips pull into a grin, you sound happier as you decided not to dwell on how long until Pope leaves but instead appreciate the time you get to spend with him.
Hearing the contentment in your voice compared from before made him smile too. He pulled you back in for another hug, a longer one because he loved having you close. He wouldn't change it for the world. "I'm really lucky to have you."
"I know, "you teased, earning a laugh you loved to hear from the boy around you. "I'm lucky to have you too."
Though you were more cheery than before, you couldn't help but still feel emotional about the news. You decided to take a gap year before going off to college and help out with the family business. You had JJ and John B to have around since Kie and Pope were leaving. Even Sarah was leaving, and though she was an unannounced pogue, you still enjoyed her presence. It just wasn't going to be the same, You guys were all grown up, you weren't kids anymore. You spent most of your life surrounded by your friends–only the recent two years with Sarah–and pretty much all your life with Pope. You all had all the time in the world, but now you only have a few more weeks.
I guess time flies by when you're with someone you love.
"Can I tell you something, something else?" Pope suddenly said to you." I'm–"
"What Pope?" You begin to pull away to take a step back, but he tightened his hold your waist making sure you stay in your place. "Pope?"
"Since forever, you've seen me for who I am, and accept me for things I've done. Stupid, smart–all of it." He paused a short moment. "I'm sorry."
"Why are you so-"
"I love you. And I know I shouldn't have these feelings for one of my best friends. But gosh y/n I've been in love with you for a while." He confessed; your breath hitched, and you didn't move. You both stood in each other's arms, quieter than you two have ever been around one another. Both shocked out of your minds, but Pope was scared. He just poured his heart out to you–you, his best friend! He spilled out his feelings, and you haven't said anything. 
Gosh, he regretted it. He regrets telling you how he felt. Like why would he do that? He just basically said to you that your time together is coming to an end soon with him going to school. You two just had an argument about him leaving because you meant so much to each other. To top it off, he told you he loved you—way to go, Pope, way to top off the icing.
"Y/n I'm sorry-"
"I love you to Pope, and have for a while."
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
Fight or Flight, Rider [2]
Poe Dameron X Pilot!Reader
A/N: Come one, come all! Meet Her Droid! Find out why she’s called Rider! All in one Chapter! - Nemo
Summary: Poe and (y/n) are challenged to a fly-off - and thus the time comes to find out which one is really the better pilot. But are they better at flying, getting distracted, or telling bad jokes? 
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The time you and Poe spent talking went by fast. Very fast. 
The fact you were multitasking by talking and tinkering with your X-Wing sure didn’t help time go slower. His droid, BB-8, even came to join you, beeping very cutely as you smiled down at him. 
You wondered where your droid went, but didn’t have to for long since he came around not even a couple minutes later - beeping a little less friendly-like at Poe. 
“That’s Z2-4.” you said. “Just ignore him, he’s always grumpy.” Poe laughed.
“Like a grandpa-droid?” 
“Yes, exactly like a grandpa-droid, only with the body of a two-year-old.”
By the time the call came into the hanger that dinner was ready it felt like only a few minutes had passed, not a couple hours. 
During that time you’d shared more than a handful of stories - he about missions, fighting against the First Order and the people who’d done so alongside them. You about tricks you’d learnt, and what you wanted to do to help the Resistance. 
It was pretty obvious you and Poe meshed well together.
“So, we were talking,” Rey said, gesturing at the group of people at the table, most of them familiar faces to you, “And we had an idea to set up a course and get you both up in your ships, then -”
“- Then we can see who’s really the better pilot!” Finn finished, smiling brightly and hopefully at both you and Poe. 
“Really?” Poe said, raising an eyebrow at the two. “I don’t see why that’s necessary.” 
“Consider it some good old-fashioned entertainment then,” Snaps suggested, “Everyone here needs something nice to watch for once, you two could provide it.” 
You and Poe shared a look, you couldn’t stop the smile that started creeping onto your face, while he couldn’t stop shaking his head.
“No. No, no, no.” He said, “The only reason I’m getting into an X-Wing is if it’s for a mission, or training - not for anything like this!” 
“Don’t feel bad or anything Commander, but a number of others do have bet’s going on about which of us will win.” 
“I hate this.”
“It’s just like training Poe!”
“I still hate it.” You snickered at his stubbornness, flipping some switches in your cockpit as Z2 beeped behind you. At this point you were thinking Poe would do better flying with your droid rather than his own - they were both harbouring roughly the same amount of grumpiness - and BB was so nice, you’d never say no to having that droid backing you up.
“I’m rather enjoying myself.”
 “I can tell - you have a smug-grin on your face already, don’t you?” Poe said, and you laughed, shaking your head as the hum of your ship's engines started to reach your ears.
By the day after Rey and Finn proposed their challenge to you, some smart-ass had managed to get word all around the base - Major (l/n) and Commander Dameron were to face off in a flight-off. Poe reluctantly decided to agree, while you walked around with a skip in your step until you got to sit still in your ship. 
There was a crowd around, filtering between where the ships were kept and the command centre, trying to figure out among themselves which spot would be better to watch. You loved how excited everyone was, after everything they’d been through they all needed something nice - you were very willing to provide. 
So there you were, at dusk in your X-Wing with Poe in his at your side. 
Rey and Chewie were already in the planet’s atmosphere, keeping track of everything by sight, while Finn would look after everything else on the ground in the control room.
“You two ready?” Finn asked, patching through to your comms.
“Sure.” Poe said, moving his ship up, off the ground and into the sky above. You followed, lifting to the sky.  
“Let’s go already!” 
“So eager (y/n), do you even know the course?” Poe asked, looking at you from the gap between your ships.
“Hey, the course isn’t stone-set,” you smiled, “And I rather enjoy playing dirty.” With a wink, you shot forwards, starting the race with one fast move. Through your ear, you heard Poe suck in a breath, then let out a string on incoherent curses, before kicking his X-Wing into gear behind you. 
“You little minx, you think you can lose me that easy?” Poe called, his ship swinging around the underside of yours, before looping over to return to its original position beside yours. “‘m afraid I’m not that easily lost.” 
You smiled to yourself, shaking your head at his cocky nature - mostly because it reminded you of yourself. 
“I’ve heard that one before Dameron!” You said, then jolted your ship up, higher into the sky than before - and away from anything that could come in your way like cliffs and trees. 
Were you sick of trees. 
Up here, where the sky meets the stars - that’s where you live, where you thrive, and where you fly best. It’s higher, you can fly further, and you can fly faster. 
It’s high, yes, and a definite no to anyone that’s lighthearted, but even in the stuffy cockpit with Z2’s less-than-happy beeps, and Finn and Poe sputtering at your moves through your headset, it’s still a place that feels more like home than anywhere else.  
That’s a place and feeling you can never get tired of - it’s unbeatable. 
“Woah, (y/n), kind of unconventional of you, but I think I’m liking it.” Poe said, popping you out of your daydream. He was back to flying beside you through the place between the world below and the stars above met, having caught up just like he did before. 
“You think? Used to do this after we were grounded on Nephimm for the night - that was very unconventional!” 
Poe caught your eye from beside you, his laugh ringing in your ears.
“Quite the rebel - you do fit in here, don’t you?” 
“Enough flirting! Get back to the race!” Finn said, sounding both excited and annoyed that you were spending more time talking at that moment compared to flying. 
With a shake of your head to rid yourself of your heated cheeks, you let out a sigh and swung your X-Wing around. Sending a salute to Poe, you took off again, back around towards the base. This time you weren’t going to fly so high if Poe was so insistent on following you. 
“Let’s see how well Poe does trying to follow me through the trees.” you said, and Z2 beeped at you - it was just about the happiest you’d heard the droid all day. 
You lowered into the trees, flying between them like it was nothing. All the practice does pay off. 
The downside to flying in areas that had a lot of hazards is that you couldn’t pay as much attention to where Poe was - all you could do was make sure he wasn’t in front of you. Casting a glance out your side window you could see poe wasn’t too far away, and despite everything you were having fun. You’re sure Poe would be too, and even though you were as cocky and hot headed as he was, you figured it’d be good for morale to have him win - even if you did let him.
But no one had to know that. 
“(y/n), that was amazing!” Finn said, greeting you as you exited your X-Wing, “You were ahead of Poe for so long, but then you lost it!” he said, claping you on your shoulder.
“Hey Finn, the best skill you can have is humility and experience. Poe has a larger amount of the latter compared to me.” you said, looking over at him, a light smile on your face. 
“You’re making me sound arrogant and old.” Poe said, coming up behind you to grab you around your shoulders in some sort of a hug. “I’m not that old!” 
“I can’t believe it! Guys, you won’t believe it!” Rey came running at you, having landed the Falcon a fair few minutes after you - acting like a godsave in case you needed to actually talk to Poe while his arms were around you. “You three won’t believe what Chewie and I saw!” 
“Oh wow,” you said, laughing as you looked at Finn and Poe - the latter of which now had an arm slung around your shoulders, “I wonder if we might not believe what she’s gonna tell us.” 
“Don’t tease (y/n).” she whined, then went back to her ‘unbelievable’ story, “There were lights with you - they were unmissable!” 
You were pretty sure all three of you looked very confused. Thankfully Rey elaborated. 
“You really didn’t see them? You went so high up into the sky that lights started appearing near you! There were purple ones, and green ones, and pink ones. I’ve never seen them before. It looked - it was so - words just can’t describe it.” She said, her hands flopping to her side as she tilted her head at the three of you. “I cannot describe it, you’d have to have seen it.” 
Chewie made a noise behind her, and then she nodded. 
“Yes, that's exactly it.” She rested her hands on her hips. “You were riding the lights.” 
“Ohhh, a light Rider,” Poe said, squeezing your shoulder before letting it go and leaning on the table next to him. You’d hate to admit you missed him - even if he only moved away from you a foot. “Good thing you’re on the side with the Jedi.” he hummed, smiling smugly at Rey before sending you a wink.
“Oh jeez Poe, find some better jokes, will you?” 
“Finn they’re - Finn come back here! - They’re not that bad!” Poe said, chasing after Finn though the ships and crates and mechanics. 
Those two where the personification of ‘Boys will be Boys’. 
It was fantastic.
“I rode the lights?” you said, sliding up to Rey’s side. “Did it really look that cool?” 
“Why yes it did.” she said, messing your hair in a way only she could get away with. “You slow-flying, validation-craving, light Rider.” 
“Slow-flying?” you said, your mouth wide open, “How dare you say something so untrue!”
“Oh, trust me (y/n), you’re slower than Poe.” she said, leaning over to whisper to you with a knowing smile, “Even though, really, that is untrue. I could feel it, you know, you slowed down so Poe would win.” 
“You tell anyone that and you’ll need more than the force and a lightsaber to save you.” She laughed, wrapping her arms around you as you both made you way off to find where the boys went.
“I don’t plan on telling anyone ever. I would never tattle on my best friend like that.” 
“Rey,” you said, dramatically mocking a sob, the back of one of your hands resting on your forehead while the other covered your heart, “You think I’m your best friend?” 
“Wow,” she said slowly, “At least now I know you’re a bad actress.”
Series Taglist: @writefightandflightclub​ @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ @robindoesntloveme​ @kiaralein​ @daniellajocelyn​ 
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