#(maybe next year)
summerwages · 2 months
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sort of peachy...
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sadghostgirl14 · 1 year
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sadfishkid · 1 year
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moshang for a friend's birthday ❄
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bigmammallama5 · 1 month
My parents bought their 4 bed 3.5 bath house 32 years ago for $145,000 (originally $200,000). This summer a similar house a block away (similar age, 4 bed 3.5 bath, slightly smaller lot) went up for $800,000. It's since been reduced to $650,000 and they put some more work into it, but it's still on the market. I know interest and investment and overall cost of living raise prices, but that just seems like highway robbery to me.
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phandillion · 6 months
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susiephone · 11 months
a ye olde 2011 meme for those of us who fell behind on Dracula Daily this year, again
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Mona Baz would like to remind you that COTTA is happening.
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Yup. That's what he's smiling about. Mystery solved.
Carry On Through the Ages is happening. November 3rd through the 9th, specifically.
(You can learn more about it through our handy-dandy FAQs.)
(Also there's a Discord server.)
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kairugah · 10 months
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lynzishell · 2 months
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🧡Pumpkin Patch Extras🧡
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fyaokaga · 2 months
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aokaga month 2024 (1st August to the 31st August) is finally here! During this time, we wish to invite all creators & fans to join us in celebrating the month by sharing your edits, graphics, gifs, AMVs, fanfictions, fanarts, meta and so on. Anything AoKagaAo related will be welcome here @fyaokaga!
So lets have fun~ 💙❤️💙
Remember to tag all creations with any or all the following tags: #aokaga, #kagaao, #fyaokaga, #aokaga month, #aokagamonth so we will be able to see it and reblog it!
☆ Any help boosting this post is appreciated! We are looking forward to seeing all of your individual creations and, most importantly, to share appreciation for our precious lights! ☆
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north-winds1 · 2 months
You've chosen to fight the wild rivulet!
40 damage dealt
(1) turn remaining, 60 hp remaining
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 (you are here),
The final turn,
This is how I'm calculating the damage/catch rate
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Rivulet has 60hp (currently) and rolling the dice will = the number x ten which is then dealt in damage. Example : 4 is rolled = 40 hp taken
The catch rate goes up in 5 percent every 10hp it is lowered
Current catch rate = 25%
(Don't worry if rivulet doesn't get caught something else will happen)
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noyoudidntbye · 1 year
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Day 2: Glitch 🟣
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wuzhere75 · 7 months
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A Feraligatr that I drew for a friend’s birthday. Sorry haven’t been posting much, recently discovered Reddit Nosleep
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chimkin-samich · 3 months
Hmm, have you thought about participating in ArtFight start next month?
We really want to 😭
But with all our comms in waiting (we’re really behind due to so many Irl things) and many Irl priorities we can’t, it looks very fun and we hope we can get to do it next year if our lives are finally organized enough to participate in them
But even then we’re very happy just to see everyone “battling” it out with their OC’s so we’ll be enjoying y’all from the sidelines with our popcorn as we toss out art, fics and comms ✨
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Nova's Notes - Dracula Daily - August 6
In which Mina is upset.....
"Another three days, and no news. This suspense is getting dreadful. If I only knew where to write to or where to go to, I should feel easier; but no one has heard a word of Jonathan since that last letter."
:(((((( it feels like she's clinging to Jonathan's last letter like a lifeline and it's not one she can even trust, since it's so different from how he normally writes. It's so sad!!
"Last night was very threatening, and the fishermen say that we are in for a storm. I must try to watch it and learn the weather signs. To-day is a grey day, and the sun as I write is hidden in thick clouds, high over Kettleness. Everything is grey—except the green grass, which seems like emerald amongst it; grey earthy rock; grey clouds, tinged with the sunburst at the far edge, hang over the grey sea, into which the sand-points stretch like grey fingers."
I highlight this for two reasons: 1) a storm usually means Dracula is not too far off and 2) while it makes sense everything would look "grey", I wonder if this is also a symbol for how the world looks to her without Jonathan: grey. It's even worse that the very creature who caused her to be without Jonathan is likely causing the change in the weather as well.
"'I have been quite touched by the change in the poor old man. When he sat down beside me, he said in a very gentle way:— "'I want to say something to you, miss.' I could see he was not at ease, so I took his poor old wrinkled hand in mine and asked him to speak fully..."
I love how compassionate Mina is for the Mr. Swales here. She immediately sees he's upset (she is very good at reading what others are thinking) and, rather than focus on her troubles, she takes his hand and lets him unburden himself to her. In turn, I commend Mr. Swales for taking the time to talk to Mina about this...
"'I'm afraid, my deary, that I must have shocked you by all the wicked things I've been sayin' about the dead, and such like, for weeks past; but I didn't mean them, and I want ye to remember that when I'm gone. We aud folks that be daffled, and with one foot abaft the krok-hooal, don't altogether like to think of it, and we don't want to feel scart of it; an' that's why I've took to makin' light of it, so that I'd cheer up my own heart a bit. But, Lord love ye, miss, I ain't afraid of dyin', not a bit; only I don't want to die if I can help it. My time must be nigh at hand now, for I be aud, and a hundred years is too much for any man to expect...'"
Mr. Swales 😭😭😭😭 this is actually such a sweet moment of introspection for him. He realizes he's using humor as a coping mechanism to get over his fear of death, but that doesn't excuse the fact he scared her in the process of doing so. It probably isn't the best apology by today's standards, but for an old curmudgeon, I think it's pretty good.
"'Some day soon the Angel of Death will sound his trumpet for me. But don't ye dooal an' greet, my deary!'—for he saw that I was crying—'if he should come this very night I'd not refuse to answer his call.'"
Nooooo Mina!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 Yeah, talking about dying isn't the best thing for her to hear right now.....not that she doesn't feel for the old man, but when you're worrying about your fiancé missing and possibly being dead, it's usually not great to hear about death from someone else....
"'There's something in that wind and in the hoast beyont that sounds, and looks, and tastes, and smells like death. It's in the air; I feel it comin'.'"
Oooo yep, definitely foreshadowing Dracula. 😬😬😬😬 I don't like that.
"After a few minutes' silence, he got up, shook hands with me, and blessed me, and said good-bye, and hobbled off. It all touched me, and upset me very much."
Awwww, someone needs to comfort Mina about Jonathan and if I could hug her, I would!
"I was glad when the coastguard came along, with his spy-glass under his arm. He stopped to talk with me, as he always does, but all the time kept looking at a strange ship."
Another person Mina has befriended!!! She's only been in Whitby for two weeks and has already talked to so many people. Love that for her!
"'I can't make her out,' he said; 'she's a Russian, by the look of her; but she's knocking about in the queerest way. She doesn't know her mind a bit; she seems to see the storm coming, but can't decide whether to run up north in the open, or to put in here. Look there again! She is steered mighty strangely, for she doesn't mind the hand on the wheel; changes about with every puff of wind. We'll hear more of her before this time tomorrow.'"
A Russian ship going to Whitby that seems confused...oh no, I think I know what ship this is...looks like by tomorrow we'll know what happened to our last friend on the Demeter (and I don't think it's a good update).
Until the next one, my friends!
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pwhl-mybeloved · 2 months
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we are so close to lesbian representation in the NHL
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