bonefall · 2 years
Warrior Bites: Dried Minnows
Requested by @troutfur!
A series for those who would like their Warriors to have some more advanced culinary abilities.
The art here was provided by my partner!! (thank you for engaging in my research journeys boo <;3)
Dried Minnows
Clan of Origin: RiverClan Occasion: Travel ration, food storage
"StarClan forbid a RiverClan cat go 2 hours without eating," says the other, very jealous Clans.
One of the most common meals prepared by RiverClan warriors, dried minnows are easy to prepare, can be stored for weeks, and are easily kept in bunches with a small string of peeled willowbark.
One minnow on its own won't feed more than a small kit; but they’re easily captured in whole schools and processed in bulk to make lots of food. Marinated in rosemary for taste and valerian for a boost of energy, these are usually carried around as travel rations.
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[Image ID: Three common minnows strung together through the gills with willowbark twine. They are lightly dusted with spice.]
There's two ways RiverClan cats would dry fish; a Greenleaf method, and a Leafbare method.
In Greenleaf, when it's hot and humid, the fish will be sun-dried. Starting on a clear morning, the fish will be laid out on a rock and left sitting in direct sunlight. This method requires a watchcat, else foxes may steal the food.
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[Image ID: Grasswhisker, a brown tabby RiverClan warrior cat, crouches in a ‘loaf’ position on a large rock. She is watching minnows dry.]
In Leafbare, the fish will be strung together and threaded through the gills with willowbark strips, the same as they were being carried. They’re brought to a high branch and left there, the wind drying them out naturally over a few hours.
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[Image ID: Two batches of minnows are hanging up in a tree that has a single leaf in the middle of winter. The landscape is snowy and the lake in the distance appears frozen. The meeting island is visible in the corner.]
Because of the easy nature of dried minnows, they’re faaar from considered a delicacy. Apprentices going through their first leafbare are tempted to complain about eating these night after night, only for their elders to launch off into long-winded lectures about the nutritional value of minnows, appreciation of the food StarClan gives them, and how there’s starving kits in ShadowClan who would kill for a good meal right now.
Is there any truth to that last part? Well, the valerian spices ARE quite tempting, to be fair. It has a similar effect to dried catnip.
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claypigeonpottery · 1 year
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this enormous fish platter was made for my aunt and uncle. they run a fishing camp in northern saskatchewan and I’ve made a lot of fish related pottery for them
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ajitated · 9 months
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A bunch of fish sketches from back in October!
I think I like the goldfish, sturgeon, and chili rasboras best
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antiqueanimals · 1 year
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Louisiana Conservationist, September-October, 1974.
Internet Archive
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fish-fact-friday · 3 months
Fish Fact Friday! 6-28-24
White Cloud Mountain minnows (scientific name Tanichthys albonubes) although popular pets, were thought to be extinct in the wild for about 20 years, until small wild populations were later discovered far away from White Cloud Mountain.
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julianplum · 1 year
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🐸 🐟 🐠 // frog, fish, fish, fish // sketchbook experiments in brush pen
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great-and-small · 2 years
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When I was a kid I used to see these cute little black and white fish in the creek and we always called them salt and pepper minnows. The true name of this species is the Eastern Mosquitofish, and this handsome fellow in the center image is a melanistic male, with two wild type males to the left. Melanism is a sex linked trait in this species that is found only in males. There has been a decent amount of study to explore why this mutation persists. In Florida, female mosquitofish seem to show significant preference for melanistic males when selecting mates, though this preference doesn’t seem to exists in other populations. There is also some research to suggest that melanistic males might even be less targeted by predators!
Genetic color mutations like this are often seen as something that reduces an individual’s fitness, but perhaps that’s not the case for these little speckled minnows. Whatever the reason, I’m glad this interesting mutation exists in the creeks and streams near me. It’s always fun to spot one of these pretty speckled males.
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Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
Minnows are most commonly known for their small size, but there are some that defy the stereotype. The Colorado pikeminnow is one of the largest minnow species in the world; once this species grew to nearly 2 m (6 ft) long and weighed up to 45 kg (100 lbs). Unfortunately, habitat degradation and overfishing have reduced the size of these fish, but they still easily outclass their smaller cousins.
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(Image: A colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) being examined by a biologist, by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources)
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
Next Top Model
One member of the minnow family (Cyprinidae) zebrafish (Danio rerio) are often found in research labs across the world. Thanks to their transparent embryos and genetic similarities to humans, these fish offer unique opportunities for researchers to watch how a body is built. But they're only transparent up to a point making later steps in development inaccessible to see. Now a ‘new fish in town’ could be the next top model organism. It’s another type of minnow called Danionella cerebrum that remains transparent until adulthood allowing researchers to use advanced imaging techniques to study development, and even ageing, for longer. Researchers successfully adapted imaging techniques which allowed them to track changes in immune cells (green) and blood vessels (magenta) deep within D.cerebrum’s brain for several days (pictured), resulting in an exciting new tool for researchers to learn more about adult-onset diseases in organs deeper in the body than before.
Written by Sophie Arthur
Video by Pui-Ying Lam
Neuroscience Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Disease Models & Mechanisms, December 2022
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acommonloon · 1 year
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When my son was visiting he decided we needed to smoke a brisket, something called armadillo eggs, and a macaroni. As my SIL's pellet smoker was here in temporary residence, why not?
All these things came out fantastically well but to my surprise the macaroni was the thing I was most impressed by. He created an incredible cheese sauce from...well too many cheeses and other things to mention but we ended up with a full pound of this Cabot "Seriously Sharp" cheese left over.
We've been trying eat up these leftovers for two weeks but tbh this cheddar is so bold, it doesn't play well with other flavors. Then I was reminded of the cheese cubes served at De Garre in Bruges. This cheese is a bit creamier than I remember that one but it still beautifully stands up to the rich, fruity, 10%'er that I so adore. I've so few bottles left!
About a week after my son returned to Europe, we received a package from Amazon. As this is a near daily occurrence, I didn't event wonder what it might be. When D said Wtf is this and it's addressed only to Shane, I took notice.
It was a 3 pack of curry sauce mix. I'd no clue! To be clear, I'd learned to like curry by eating it in English pubs back in the 90s which, I've since learned, isn't representative of curry as it's more widely know. So.
I was confounded but had more pressing issues so I put the package in a snack cart by the counter and forgot about it. A few days ago we found out it was sent to us by our friend Gary, a man from Yorkshire. We know him because he lives with one of our daughter's childhood friends. He and I had touched on the subject of food in England while we were out pub crawling in Louisville with my son. He sent it to me.
So, for lunch yesterday I decided to try out this magic powder with some fries and frankfurters. So good!
Today D and I were coming back from an early appointment and breakfast in Louisville when she expressed her surprise we were so compatible. We've been married 40 years without either resorting to shackles, blackmail, or witchcraft....as far as I know.
She went on to say if she could survive by eating a pill a day, she'd be fine with that. She didn't really care much about eating. As a self avowed foodie I can only say, I'm crazy lucky she likes me.
The creek was full of shiners! If you don't know what that is, bless your heart.
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rjalker · 2 years
I'm now going through the observations for eastern mosquitofish adding the melanistic ones to the Amazing Aberants project
here's the link for the melanistic eastern mosquitofish. check back in a few minutes, more should have been added, I've added over 30 so far :)
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aardwolfpack · 27 days
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Minnows on a flooded sidewalk.
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thecrystalcrux · 2 months
Aquariums My New Hobby
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Illustrated Sketches of Natural History: Consisting of Descriptions and Engravings of Animals. Second Series. 1864.
Internet Archive
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unjustlyunread · 3 months
some slippery fishes:
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foolsocracy · 4 months
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identity reveals are always fun
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