#(my comfort zone for art is my ocs getting hurt lol)
whump-captain · 2 years
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He's wondering if he can pull it off if that one scars as well
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milf-harrington · 3 years
for the ask meme- what are you thinking about rn? and also do you have more fic recs 👀 i want to read taob eventually but it feels like such an undertaking lol i might wait until its done
what are you thinking about right now?
im trying to figure out how to explain the design for my oc's apartment in the story im writing. cause it's, like, an industrial loft with brick walls and those really pretty big windows and there's a second floor that's balcony-styled where his bedroom is and right underneath is the kitchen. and it's tricky trying to figure out how to fit that into the paragraph i've written without just sounding like im listing stuff. not to mention all the stuff that makes it his apartment, like the massive bookshelves and the plants and the decorations and stuff.
writing is hard.
fic recs
oh man, i always have so many but the second someone asks my brain just turns into a ghost town lmao.
i had to go through my ao3 recs for this one lmao, most are probably gonna be sterek bc they're really good and that's what i've been reading lately ajkdfj sorry
Like a Paperback Novel, the Kind the Drugstore Sells - i love the way it's written, and the way the split pov brings in a bit of accidental comedy (they view eachother v differently) and also the relationship between siblings is very realistic and it was easy to imagine me and my sister being in the same scenarios.
sterek, 22K words, 1 chapter, actor!stiles + writer!derek
Five Times Derek Walked in on Stiles in the Shower and the One Time He was Invited - despite the title, this is a very soft no porn story. it's really funny and well written, and i love that the walking-in-on-stiles-showering is always out of a place of concern and never just to be creepy. i also really loved the way that not every time was funny, there's a pretty gentle and sad one mixed in which is,, not nice but nice yknow?? also there's so much casual pining, derek literally zones out bc he's thinking about how pretty stiles is
sterek, 25K words, 1 chapter
do you know how to do take-aways? - god this one is so fucking cute, it absolutely melted me and i couldn't stop smiling and laughing the whole time i was reading. it's basically a little girl calling the sheriff's station bc she needs help with her homework and the adults in her life always told her to call 911 when she needed help and stiles just does it bc he's a sweetheart and then they become friends and it's just very sweet and fluffy
sterek, 2K words, 1 chapter, human AU w deputy!stiles
The Real You - this one was actually on the list to put on as my favourite fanfic, before i remembered taob. i love the way it's written, along with the relationships between all the characters and the endless amusement i get from peter + boyd being disappointed in how stiles treats his car. also jackson and stiles being brothers is not something i thought i'd love as much as i did. dereks a bit of an ass at first but he comes around.
sterek, 34K words, 1 chapter, mechanic au but they're still werewolves
Better Fortunes - the note on the bookmark for this fic says "this changed me as a person" so do what you want with that. i don't really know how to describe the plot without giving a lot of the juicy stuff away so just know: stiles is really cool at magic, lydia is the goddess she always is, derek said "is anyone else going to keep this half-dead man i just found on the side of the road in the rain?" and then didn't wait for an answer ft. magic overload that's really sexy and sad
sterek, 39K words, 1 chapter
please don't leave me with a love that burns - i drew art for this fic actually!! it's a really nice mix of fluff and angst, and i really gelled with sokka bc i too clean and seek the comfort of my sister when im stressed or anxious. it's really well written, and there's some very soft and tender scenes towards the end that made my heart hurt in the best way and just aaa it's v good!
zukka, 8K words, 1 chapter, modern au w firefighter!zuko
Spark Rocks - the bookmark note for this is just: "*muffled screaming* zuko and toph being adopted siblings is something that can be so personal" and i feel like that says everything that needs to be said.
toph & zuko, 7K words, 1 chapter
Boiling Point - i love summer fics so much and this is definitely one of my favourites, it's basically just zuko + toph + sokka chilling in a blow up kiddie pool ft. soup jokes, zuko running in thongs (flip flops to non-australians) and sokka pretending he's not in love with zuko
zuko & toph & sokka, 3K words, 1 chapter
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Seeking long term RP!
Heya! I’m Nico, a twenty-six year old femme enby looking for new RP partners. I come from the old lit, para+ era of roleplayers and prefer to RP with those who fit the same niche. My replies vary from 3-4 paragraphs on the low end to upwards of 10 if I’m really feeling it (I tend to go most ham on intros and scene changes). I am in the PDT time zone and currently work from home given the nature of the world. I prefer to write m// and f// and have really been craving a plot that takes place in a sort of cyberpunk/sci-fi future. If neon lights and cybernetic limbs are your shtick, I’m your not-guy. In regards to themes, I enjoy more mature/darker themes. Violence, drug addiction, hurt/comfort are all things I seek out in writing. Out of a partner, I expect someone over the age of 18. I’d really prefer over 21, but am willing to compromise. Please, no minors. I enjoy a healthy smut ratio in my threads and would request that everyone, including all played characters, are over the age of 18. As far as plots go, I can list a few that tickle my fancy. That being said, if you have something you’re itching to play, I’m all ears! Augmented Soldier x Augmented Soldier Augmented Soldier x Civilian Gang Member x Rival Gang Member Gang Member x Civilian Cyborg x Scientist Bounty Hunter x Bounty Experiment x Scientist ...or any variety, really! While I’m craving some sci-fi RP, I did get my start and have most experience in medieval-based high fantasy. If you have a plot you’re dying to try that fits that, lemme know! In regards to characters, I use a mix of face claims, art, and voice claims to give my partner the idea, but writing is my bread and butter when it comes to setting the scene. Finally, if I seem like a chill dude but you’re more into fandom RP, here is a brief list of fandoms I’m into: ff7r, FE/Smash Bros, LoZ, LoL, Marvel, AtLA OC-verse, and FFXIV. If you’re interested in writing with me, please don’t hesitate to send me a message at niico.greyy at gmail. I’m down for RP over discord, email, and google docs. Thanks for reading!
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glados-kisser · 5 years
Tag meme
I was tagged by @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond ! tysm ;;
Nickname: Nova most commonly!
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5′5.5 because middle of the road is how it be
Time: 19:58 as of now! I think the zone is “ UTC -5:00 / -4:00″? It’s eastern US ^^;
Favorite band/artist: OOOOooooh hmm.... I really like a lot of artists, but I’ve been on a bit of a sleeping at last kick lately?? Ofc I also really like all the popular / common alt rock artists (like imagine dragons, fob, etc etc!)
Song stuck in my head: Oh none rn actually! partially bc I’m listening to music rn gbdfhdfhfd  but most recently I’ve had a few songs cycling through my head? Cups by Anna Kendrick, Stronger by The Score, and andy you’re a star by uhhhh....the killers maybe??
Last movie I saw: Captain Marvel! I loved it sm...
Last thing I googled: Oh no...this is a little shameful- “what is my timezone“. I KNOW MY TIMEZONE I SWEAR I JUST WASNT SURE IF THERE WAS A DIFFERENT NAME FOR IT
Other blogs:  oh uhhhh yea, a couple! @oceanic-year was a blog i made to document my trip through the carribbean, but i ended up abandoning it- i havent deleted it because :( memories... @clipped-warboy was my mad max blog for awhile! i had a character and everything - a friend of mine used to RP with me :> @wardgrave is my oc blog for my undead priest on wow! i still adore him tbh @coal-and-claws was an oc blog i was making for a worgen character on wow, but I never ended up doing anything with him ;; @thordude which ALSO doesnt have any content! i made that one bc i wanted the url becos thor is my...brother.....my best boy.... @mayal-ama-legacy is my swtor blog! @corvus-dnd is my Top Secret DM Inspiration Blog that I reblog art / stuff to that I want to look at later for inspiration for any campaigns I’m running! Do I get asks:   Not usually! Sometimes I’ll get the “send this to ten people you like seeing on your dash” asks, and those are lovely to see! 
Why did I choose this username:  So for YEARS I’d been rainbowbuttocks, but that was the url I chose when I was 14 and a young bastard, so I actually just recently changed it! I’ve been playing around in latin with a friend for RP purposes, and I ADORE crows! I chose sanctus bc....aesthetic but it’s holy-crow which is also a pun on holy-cow!
Following:  oh gosh, uhhhh 1,120 ! I like seeing Frequent Content
Average amount of sleep: I’ve been trying to get at least 8 hours! If I’m gonna be unemployed i might as well soak all the sleep i want from it
Lucky number: hmm....26 was always one i went for when i was 13? but that was because it was my age doubled, so now I suppose that’d be 38 :p
What I am wearing:  a dishonored t shirt (a fancy one with the heart n stuff on it!) and a pair of shorts that are missing their button lol
Dream job:  tv show writer!! but im a bastard who doesnt know how to do anything so!
Dream trip:   I’d love to go to bolivia to see salar de uyuni, but idk about that so i suppose i’d love to go back to the carribbean someday??
Favorite food:  salad rolls (or spring rolls?? the rice wrapper ones that arent fried) and pad thai are both BIG comfort foods <3
Instruments you play: I used to play the piano a little, but I don’t anymore :’)
Eye color:  Grey-green !
Hair color:  bbbbbrown babeyyyyyy! growing it out again though and might go for that sweet sweet red :o
Describe your aesthetics: Overgrown ruins, untouched by civilization for untold years and left to be reclaimed. Also, bones!  
Languages you speak: just english because im bad :( I know a TINY AMOUNT of german and EVEN LESS spanish. I’d love to learn arabic someday though!
Most iconic song: Okay, it took me a moment, but Sober Up by AJR is my THEME!  I moved to the East Coast with my sister recently, and I left...I left everyone behind. I’ve been in a rut, because I haven’t known how to make new friends- or how to connect with my old ones.  “Goodbye, goodbye, I said to my bestest buds. We said that we’d keep in touch, and we did our best.” Idk, it’s Big Mood for me and makes my chest hurt a little- but in a good way I think.
Random fact:  ah, hmm.. I’ve got a pet tarantula named Chimera! She’s a chilean rose hair and is aboutttttt 7 years old at this point ! I also have a plant in my windowsill named Daud, and he’s doing...ok. I’m a little worried that I’ve fucked up with him somehow, and don’t know how to help him get better ;;
Tagging: @mizushimo @kanine @didi-is-a-lamer @floofytrainnerd ! I...am Sure that there are other folks I’d like to tag & just forgot, so if you see this and think “wait, I would like to do this!” absolutely feel free to be tagged by me fgdngfdg also @ the guys I tagged there’s no pressure to do this if you arent comfy ! anyway!
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franeridart · 7 years
Where you going for a shark girl and lava boy mirror for the kids
Nope, they were based on Bakugou and Kirishima themselves. Now the real question is, has Horikoshi based Kirishima and Bakugou on shark boy and lava girl? That’s a question I got no answer to, though.
Anon said:That smiling Sero... my heart... can’t take it. You contribute so much to the BNHA fandom... I appreciate you, I appreciate you so much. Thank you, it’s great, all of it is so good
I wouldn’t say I contribute much at all, honestly lol just doodles, but I’m glad you like them! :D
Anon said:Jeez-la-wheeze
Anon said:The comic strip of Baku exposing Kiri's black roots made my day. I now use it too cheer me up.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glad people are still somehow finding that one hahaha 
Anon said:I'm. So. That comic w the kids was so lovely it's one of my fave things EVER I love how u portrayed them it was so so perfect but. I ran out of tags for the first time bc I was rambling about it so much. That's. how much I love it bless u for my life jfghjghfj
;O; thank you so so much!!!!!! I’m super glad you liked it that much!!! ;A;
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D glad to hear that!!!
Anon said:I feel like That one meme comic would fit the Baku and Kiri fam well the one where someone would swear and the other person with cover the ears of the innocent with a >:O face then the innocent would swear and >:O would beat he crap out of the peep who taught them
Lmao but to be fair considering how Mitsuki is and how Bakugou turned out, I would find it hard to believe if at least one of the kids didn’t end up swearing haha
Anon said:Hi!!! I love your art so much and I just want to wish you happy holidays!!!!
Thank you!!!!! I hope you’ll have great holidays too!!!
Anon said:I really like the kid characters you created they are really cool! (In your opinion which kid is closer to kiri and Baku? I have a mini head cannon about it but I would like to know your thoughts!!) I would love to see more of them when ever you feel in the mood to draw them!! :) love all of you work you are consistent and talented and I really enjoy checking your page to see all the new art you post!!
Thank you for liking them!!!! And hmmmmmmmmmmm let’s say that Mako’s closer to Kiri and Tai to Baku, but not by much - a bit because Mako’s a high energy type of kid and Kiri has energy to spare always, a bit because Tai is the quiet type and Baku’s good at keeping him busy and entertained with things in his comfort zone, but also because back when they adopted Mako Bakugou was... really scared he would fuck it up so Mako ended up growing closer to Kiri first, and because when they adopted Tai Baku was the only one he for sure wasn’t gonna accidentally hurt with his quirk so he grew closer to Baku first. Bakugou’s also better at keeping calm and working out what’s the problem when the kids cry (surprisingly) (Kirishima more often than not ends up crying with them) so since Tai gets easily overwhelmed he seeks him out often - ah well, in general they’re all really close, but, yeah. This is how it is.
Anon said:Were those Kirishimas scars???
They were! I came up with the design after he got hurt but before Hori implied he got no permanent damage, so Rappa’s fight influenced it!
Anon said:I did ask how the kids were doing!! Yay I love seeing them! They're great!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glad to know I didn’t imagine that ask then hahaha
Anon said:I just noticed that Bakugou is playing with Kirishima's foot in that one photo where he's just talking to help keep Kiri's mind off Bad Shit, and omg it's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen? Just how adorably comfortable and casual they are together and gahhhhh I love them so much
;O; glad you caught and liked that!!!
Anon said:not to be controversal but uhh do you like mp100 or are you full bnha :0
lmao I’m the furthest thing from full bnha you’re gonna find anon, I’m in way too many fandoms honestly, I just happen to always end up drawing bnha lately lol I did post a couple of mp100 things before, tho they’re p old by now :O
Anon said:Consider - minamomojirou
I still don’t understand minamomo tho :O
Anon said:Dude I'm like...legit in love with your art style it's so GOOD it makes me wanna stare at any of your drawings for like. My whole life
*sobs* thank you so much???? ;;;;;
Anon said:The sad paramores make me sad. ;-;
I’m sorry ;-; (.......... that was sort of they purpose tho :0)
Anon said:Idk if this is weird or not, but I love how you draw feet. Like they looks so nice? And I just??? Is it odd to think someone draws feet nice?
I don’t think it’s odd at all! Thank you!!! :D
Anon said:i have a hc that kirishima is from a foster home and at some point fatgum finds this out and is like 'this child is mine now ' and adopts him. he even gets permission to come to the dorms and ask kiri for permission only to watch the mofo cartwheel down the hallway and crash into a wall yelling 'IVE GOT A DAD' happy hugs ensue
That a good headcanon!!!! A pure one!!!! A warm one!!!!! We do know he’s at least got a mom, tho :0
Anon said:Your art always puts a little smile on my face and brightens my day up! Thank you for sharing it with us :)
!!! Thank you for liking it!!!!
Anon said:Hello! I'm not sure if you remember, but a couple weeks ago I asked you about your process making comics! I finally had time to sit down and draw following a similar procedure you described, deciding to start drawing my ideas out on a huge canvas like you do, and I'm AMAZED at how much easier it is to draw on a huge canvas rather than trying to figure out how to lay out panels on individual smaller pages. Thank you so much for explaining your procedure, it helped me out a lot and I-- (1/2)
-- ended up making a comic that I'm actually pleased with for once! (2/2)
OHHHHHHHHHH you’re most welcome!!!!! I’m so glad to hear that actually helped you out!!!!!! :D !!!!!!!
Anon said:The way you seem to have so much fun drawing has inspired me to start drawing, too! I'm pretty shit at it atm but I keep thinking about this thing you said one tine about how it's awesome how one creates something out of nothing when one draws (no matter what the drawing looks like), and that helps me go on! So!! Thanks!!!!!
IT’S TRUE!!!! IT’S AMAZING!!!! YOU’RE AMAZING!!!!!!! I hope you’re having as much fun with your art as you can manage, anon!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Your bakusquad doodles give me life, who do you consider to be the Squad Mom out of the lot?
.....................it’s Bakugou, isn’t it (and thank you so much!!)
Anon said:Ah! I love all your art (even the fandoms I'm not a part of and all your OCs!) I also really like your headcanons and opinions so I have a quick question: Do you have any specific or persisting (as I'm sure it could change a lot) headcanons on what the BNHA kiddos will look like as pros?
I don’t, actually! :O I do hope Aoyama will do something about the lack of redirectors for his laser to his hands, and I ALSO would love for Kaminari to get some close-range weapon (anything metal would work for him, really, but I’ve been thinking tonfas lately 👀), but aside from that I’m all up in Horikoshi’s hands! I hope he’ll make me see cool updates to Bakugou’s costume with this new arc, actually :O didn’t get to see him fighting all that much, during the license exam!
Anon said:Hiya! I really like your art and all, and since I'm on mobile, I normally save it in my phone. Is that okay? I don't repost it anywhere at all! I just like keeping it so I can enjoy your art. I really hope you don't mind because I never claim anything against of or use it for unnecessary stuff. Thanks!! 💞💞 also I really love your art like yes
That’s fine by me!!! Thank you for liking my stuff enough to give up archiviation space in your phone for it hahaha
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reversewerewolf · 6 years
Answer character creation questions for your D&D boys!
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
Appearance and personality…? I wanted a sassy gay elf lol
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
No, I didn’t really know the setting or the other characters when I was doing character creation.
3. How did you choose their name?
My best friend/DM for the campaign I use Naveen in actually named him. I had a name for him and it didn’t fit, and I was struggling before the start of the first session. She asked me a bunch of questions about him and named him at the table literally five minutes before we started the first session of the campaign. It fits him better than any name I could’ve chosen for him.
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
Not applicable… I hashed out a very basic backstory for him before our first session, but didn’t know anything about the world until later.
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color?
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
I relate to Naveen a lot. He tends to feel very alone and even though he doesn’t want to burden others with his problems he relies on other people very heavily… he wants to be a better person, and he wants to be more confident in himself and his ability to love other people. He wants to lift other people up and make the people he cares about happy.
He’s also fat and trans, lol.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
No. As he grows as a person, I find he has traits I’d like to see in myself, though, lol.
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
Assuming this means love interest?? He has crushes on like… three to four people. Maybe more… No part of him was made to be compatible with any of them, and he’s not compatible with any of them.
Maybe with Reginald…
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
I mean… I went into creating him like “bitchy gay elf haha” but like, the finer details of it, not really? He likes people regardless of gender. I also thought he was asexual at first which has turned out not to be true in the least.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
When I created him I wanted to draw him, obviously, but I hadn’t tried to draw seriously in at least two years. I had a set idea of what I wanted him to look like and didn’t have the skills to do that which is why the initial drawings I have of him are so different from how he looks now - I went outside my comfort zone to try and teach myself how to draw different hair and body types, for example. I’ve gotten better, but that was really hard.
I also try to write poems as him to get a better feel for his character, which has been helpful, but was difficult as I hadn’t tried to write a poem in over a decade.
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
We haven’t finished the canon yet!
I just want his story to end happily.
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
1. He’s going to do stuff I don’t want him to.2. I should lean into that a little bit from time to time.
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
He’s very easy to pick on, which tends to make for funny situations.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
He’s a fucking idiot who doesn’t know how to relate to other people and he constantly puts his foot in his mouth and it’s so frustrating.
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Uhh… I regret his whole existence sometimes.
I didn’t want him to be horny but he is and I hate that.
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
He likes kids, which is sort of surprising? Like, they’ve found themselves around a bunch of goblin kids and a little vampire girl and he was kind of overwhelmed at first because he hasn’t spent a lot of time around kids, but he really loved them. He was amused by their antics and wants to take care of them.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
The two strands of hair that frame his face are coiled just a little bit tighter than the rest of his hair because he twirls them around his fingers when he’s nervous!
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
I just wanted a beastmaster ranger. (Naveen was initially going to be one but another player claimed that class first!!) Dro’gul has actually been through a lot of iterations. He was initially a female half-elf and has gone through a lot of revamps until he became something I was happy with.
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
Sort of. I wanted a character whose personality would mesh better with this particular campaign’s chaotic team than my straight-laced, goody-two-shoes drow wizard.
3. How did you choose their name?
I liked the shorter name “Gul” for a while because it frequently came up on the Orc name generator I used, lol. I found out during that time that it also means “rose” in Persian, which I thought was sweet. I just added “Dro” to make it longer.
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
Honestly? None at first… In fact his backstory really makes very little sense for the time period this particular campaign is set in (1920′s, but we all keep forgetting and picture it as medieval fantasy…).
My friend was also wanting to switch their character to someone more fitting for the vibe of the campaign, so our DM asked if our characters could know each other. We linked their backstories (”he broke her out of jail and they’ve been together since!”) and it quickly went downhill into shipping them, lol. That’s been more influential. But it’s fun and it’s solidified who he is as a character very significantly.
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color?
To match his wolf!
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
Wanted… big boi
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
I relate a lot to Dro’gul as a survivor of family abuse who struggles with PTSD. He’s been through more and worse than I’ve been through but I relate to the feelings of despair and guilt and panic that he feels. He’s done bad things and he thinks he’s a bad person though he tries to combat that line of thinking. He wants to do good to make up for the bad he’s done. He wants to raise other people up.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
No, though we share the self-deprecation and (usually unintentional) self-sacrifice.
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
He’s dating my friend’s tiefling sorcerer, Nowhere. They were created separately from each other, and he wasn’t tailored to be compatible with her, but they work well together incidentally. I love them together very much but with that said his devotion to her is pretty decidedly unhealthy. If she felt like taking advantage of his good nature it would be easy for her to do so. (She doesn’t want to, luckily!)
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
Not in the least. When I created him I wasn’t really thinking about his romantic or sexual preferences. I kind of assumed he was straight for a bit but I was incorrect. I also thought he was cis, but he’s nonbinary - he’s comfortable being identified as male but he doesn’t really care about differences in gender one way or another and thinks the idea that there are masculine traits and feminine traits are ridiculous.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
I… can’t draw muscles or strong jawlines or body hair or tusks or curly hair, but he has all of those things.
I’m still learning.
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
I’ve talked about his plans with Nowhere with Nowhere’s player, but for now those will remains secret! We haven’t finished the campaign and therefore the canon yet so it’s up in the air either way.
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
1. He’s an idiot2. He’s going to die because he’s an idiot
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
His lack of intelligence makes for funny moments - for example, someone described coffee to him and he became convinced coffee was drugs. He also thought their very short party member was an actual child. Both of these are things he believed for some time.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
He’s got too good of a heart and he’s going to get hurt because of it.
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
I wish his conversation confessing to Nowhere had been more romantic. But, it was really awkward and genuine, which makes more sense narratively, so I’m okay with it.
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
He’s got a lot more anxiety than I thought he did, lol.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
He fidgets a lot when he’s nervous - runs his hands through his hair, rubs the tips of his tusks against his upper lip, rubs his cheek. He cute.
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miranwolf · 7 years
y there guys! As always I wanna open up by giving my sincere thanks and gratitude for all of you whom are with me and have been with me over the many years. Between fans and friends, Im still breathing and a big portion is thanks to you guys. First major thing I wanna post as an update, I moved! Me and the family found an amazing house in a neat little town in Wisconsin (Sorry Vikings fans) and have been settled in for a week or two now. It put a bit of a slowed and stressed pace on me on the weeks leading up and the week or so afterwards but I got through it. Im working hard with out a job, to spend as much time as I can on my artwork and my entertainment skills. Major thing about that? MORE STREAMS! Between being settled and now having a stable internet (Thank you Spectrum) I can now get back into the field that I feel I really flourished in and that was art streaming. Thanks to Picarto's change in policy a long ways back, I can add gaming to that and there are a hand full of games I plan to play and Rage Quit to. So stay tuned to that. Second big thing, the ugly F word of finances. My prices will be experiencing a shift and an increase soon, I want this to be a FAIR and UPFRONT notice so no one goes, BY GAWD. Ive started getting the calls on my bills from debt collectors and that's no ones fault but my own. I dont ask for free money on principle even in hardest times, so that means that even though my prices will go up, my commission slots and quality of work will increase as well. Instead of doing my best to give the best quality I can, Im gonna push above and beyond that. Ive broken my artistic comfort zones before and dammit I intend to do so again! Another big announcement is that once I can get back on my feet, I have a pet project I will be going into as well called OGPW (Omniversal Grand Prix Wrestling) which will be a comic I plan to make in a format and style i have been privately tinkering with here and there and I think Im ready to start working on a pilot edition. That being said and what it means for you guys; A. I will be approaching some of you to request permission to enlist your OC in the roster, and B. I will be holding auditions for folks that want to try out for the OGPW League. There will be more information once I get that going and get back on my financial two feet, so stay tuned. Finally, a bit of comedy. For those of you that have seen me IRL or pics of me IRL, well now pics will make me look like a Hockey Player or Chris Benoit. During the move I was carrying some heavy metal frames for beds and such, and when I went to set them down, I thought "SURELY! This spot on our floor, propped against the wall will be enough to hold them steady!" Boy was I wrong as one of the bed frame sections slid, and the little smooth foot/leg of it used to keep the bed off the floor, swung down and caught me in the mouth lol. While I am 100% fine, A tooth of mine has departed into the great beyond as it was knocked from my face. Didnt hurt, more just shocked me a bit but hey! We roll with the punches. Thats all for now folks, you all take care.
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