#(not really but it's based on a vtm clan so)
I’m not sure how many (if any) of my followers are familiar with Vampire the Masquerade, but there’s a subset of vampires in that game called the Tzimisce that have the ability to mold flesh, both their own and that of others, and I could not get over the sheer whumpy potential of those abilities. Just imagine
Whumper has no need to gag Whumpee when they want them to shut up, they can simply seal their mouth shut and listen to their panicked whimpers from behind the curtain of skin.
Whumper turning their hands into unnaturally long claws and tearing Whumpee to shreds.
Whumpee's own body being used as a tool for their torture, lying helpless on the floor as Whumper twists them into a shambling heap of flesh.
Caretaker finding Whumpee after months of this torment and no longer being able to recognize the warped, dessicated husk they've become.
Whumper altering Whumpee's appearance every time they leave the house to keep them from being recognized by anyone who might've known them prior to their capture.
Whumper turning themself into horrifying monstrosities on a regular basis, leaving Whumpee uncertain whether the thing about to walk through their cell door will look even vaguely human.
Or worse, Whumper turning themself into Caretaker, leading Whumpee to believe they'll be rescued before ripping that hope away, leaving them questioning how Whumper figured out what Caretaker looked like and absolutely terrified of what they might do now that they know Whumpee was expecting them to come and help.
Whumper tearing old wounds open again with a flick of their fingers, rending the scar tissue asunder with barely a glance.
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crownedinmarigolds · 18 days
My birthday is in July so I was already kind of thinking of doing another big drawing collab with all of our VTM ocs! (Don't really feel like having the Kindred celebrate 4th of July, so the next best July-based holiday, right? Haha) Since it'll be my birthday month I was thinking of just making a poll out of my fave clans and people can vote on which sounds more fun! :D
Sorry can't abstain from voting you must give me your opinion. <3 I love all of these (yes your OC is part of my favorite VTM clan sorry I don't make the rules) so it's all good who wins! :D For those not in the know, these are the results of the previous collabs:
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I hope more people get to participate! I'm thinking this coming collab will be in July - PLENTY of time I hope for people to plan if they want to do it!
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ghost-bard · 7 months
based on the info we got so far on the suckening what clans u think each character is from n why
Emizel (Condi):
I think the most likely clans for him are Brujah and Gangrel.
Based of the official character design we've received for him, along with the audio teasers we can tell that he's a bit rough around the edges, and overall probably not the nicest of guys, and the clans that are most stereotypically like that are Brujah and Gangrel (im coping),
He seems like he doesn't care about whats in his way as long as he can get rid of them, and tripping someone just because they looked at him (aka having a bit of a temper) is another point to Brujah.
For Gangrel I'm really just hoping tbh. Its the copium speaking LMAO.
Shilo (Bizly):
Toreador, Lasombra, Malkavian
Shilo, based off his art, is a very extravagant person, wearing very elaborate clothing, and I think older Toreador and Ventrue (tho ive completely ruled out venture bc he sounds so pathetic lmao) are the most likely to have a personal servant of some sort, which in the audio teaser we can tell that Shilo does.
Lasombra is based off something Bizly said on twt, that "[Shilo's] eye's became inky blackness/shadows" or something similar, which is something that can be a side affect of an ability that Lasombra use, but it's something that happens to them when they use an ability, not what happens to someone else when they use it, and Lasombra themselves are very tied to the shadows.
Malkavian is simply bc I think Bizly could pull off playing one I'm gonna be honest, I have no real proof or reason I just think he could pull it off.
??? (Grizzly):
Nosferatu, Tremere, Lasombra, Gangrel (pure copium), Ventrue
Here's the thing. We don't know shit about Grizzly's character other than the fact that he wants them to be a complete mystery, so I don't have a lot to work off of lmao.
My thoughts would be he's either playing a clan that no one would think he'd play (Nos, Gangrel), a clan not available in the base ver of VtM 5e (Lasombra) or a clan that is mysterious (Tremere).
I didn't mention Ventrue in there bc my reasoning for why his character is Ventrue is simply bc his character was in the middle of the group, similar to that of a leader, in the Suckening trailer.
Also if he is playing a Nosferatu i'll be so happy ESPECIALLY since I really don't think anyone would expect that of him given that he plays these like. Beautiful and/or ethereal character's. So playing a character that by default can't be that would be really interesting.
That reasoning is also why I don't think he'd play a Toreador bc it would be so like. Obvious. LMAO. Toreador I think fits exactly what he usually plays almost too well, so I think he'd play something out of left field or something that is similar to what he'd go for without being too obvious yknow.
Edit: ALSO id like to point out that we can assume that theyre Anarchs (one of the 2 main factions in vtm, the other is the Camarilla) bc of the anarchy symbol in the trailer <3
also point to gangrel (im coping) grizzlys pc has a cat so. i can hope.
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mystickingstuff · 8 days
If I were to allude to the Laibon and the Kuei-Jin in my vtm chronicle, should I homebrew them as "kindred from other parts of the world with unknown antediluvians and different views on vampirism" or use already established lore? I know they're... well, complicated, but there's a certain value in making the base kindred know they're not the only bloodsuckers out there. (My table already went nuts by finding out some fae drinking people at a club, so).
For the Kuei-Jin I'd just call them Hungry Dead and use a bit of hecata lore by making them the type of kindred that actually dies and then comes back from the shroud and inhabit their undead bodies...
And for the Laibon I'd just say they're sort of but not really ""the same"" as the main clans but with completely different culture since they're from another part of the world.
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themarginalthinker · 8 months
@enquiringangel @kentuckycaverats
So, there are a couple of groups that I'm gonna detail! Some will only appear briefly in the main stories of YCCM and its aside Flight Feathers, and others will play a larger role.
Also, @roseate-lagomorph I have considered turning these into vtm ocs! We shall see. :>
Group 1: The Santa Carla Scroungers
This group is based off of the scrapped idea that the kids Lucy tells Sam to give money to in the opening of the movie are vampires too, as well as that one shot of the girl...licking? kissing?? the rat. I've combined the two into the Scroungers.
Andy (Andrea), and Zeke. Andy is the girl with the large army jacket, and Zeke is the rat she's holding. Andy's main ability is the gift of being a daywalker - a very rare boon that allows her to be in direct sunlight (though usually only for an hour or so, before she needs to get out of it.) Zeke's power is animal transformation, and his shape is a rat.
The pair end up in Santa Carla due to some pretty unfortunate circumstances. They're missing the third member of their pack, killed by a hunter group in San Jose when another, larger pack rolled into town and were idiots, attracting attention, and their little three-man-band was simply caught in the crossfire.
Group 2: The Band Nomads
This is a pack The Boys will encounter on their trek across the Rockies and back into David's home territory of the northern great plains. While deciding to pick some people off during a music festival, they run into another pack who had the same idea, and in fact, have been following the tour of some of the groups playing like hunters following the herds of prey.
Martin, Delilah, and their sire Maya. I have not decided what their abilities and banes are, mostly because the Boys don't really interact with them enough to see much of them, but an interesting detail I have decided is that Martin is blind. It goes along with the headcanon that becoming a vampire can heal some things, but not congenital issues.
The Boys end up sharing a hunt with them, and exchange information, possibly getting intel on what the situation is like where they're headed, and giving the Band nomads info on what they can expect further west. It's also a chance to expand the worldbuilding of different kinds of vampire lifestyles.
Group 3: The Sarahs
Ironically, I'm not going to say too much about them, as there are things I want to keep for the actual story ;)
The Sarahs are a coven, rather than a pack or clan. Another group of three vamps, all of them named..well. A form of 'Sarah.'
Elder Sarah is over three hundred years old, Mother Sara being about as old as David (150-ish) and Weird or Silent Serra. being the youngest. She also doesn't speak, using her boon of telepathic communication to speak to people (which is. very disconcerting).
There's a lot more too them, but they interact the most with the Boys in the story, so unfortunately, I can't say much more for them.
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moonmonnu · 5 months
I adore your Lynnmanda vampire art, do you have any headcanons about their dynamic? I'm really interested to hear!
So before I write anything about this au: I'm basing it on the tabletop RPG Vampire: The Masquerade. The Vampires in the vtm universe are separated into 13 clans that set characteristics between its members.
The reason I'm telling you all of that is because Amanda's clan is actually important in their dynamics as she is a Malkavian. Malkavians have the insight of the future but are cursed with madness.
So, to the headcanons:
Lynn is the only one who can understand Amanda's charades about her visions and helps her when everything in her mind doesn't make sense anymore.
Amanda, as a Malkavian, loves to prank everyone she knows including Lynn. Lynn hates it most of the time but indulges Mandy as the pranks she sets for her are the lightest.
Amanda is the most humane of the pair in this au as Lynn is way older and desensitized in terms of empathy and all that.
But they are both unhinged as they are still vampires.
They are part of a group led by John against the Camarilla (Vampire government) and Amanda is way more loyal to their cause than Lynn is. Lynn is only loyal to Amanda and focuses on their safety alone.
Lynn loves to be in control and Amanda loves being a brat.
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phen-akism · 8 months
Hi! I’m Phen!
My current projects include:
Island of strangers- a vtm setting based in the Hebridean islands and west coast of Scotland. It features the kindred underbelly of a rural community with a rich, combative history. The struggles of the kindred there are a dark mirror to the class and land strife that have shaped the land there for over 800 years.
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Wulver- wulver takes placed in a land plagued by ghosts and hauntings. The monarchy led cities claim to be the only shelter from the restless spirits that roam the land, and paint the peoples that live outside their walls as tainted. After the death of her twin brother forces Saorise to the very outskirts of her city she discovers the truth.
There she meets Mòr, the exiled wulver, whose people are one of the three shapechanging clans that roam the world outside the walls as exorcists. Together they go on a journey across the land and through Saorise’s greif.
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North (working title) - when the spirit north is attacked by a band of hunters and the sacred deer they’re charged to protect are set stampeding across the land, the hunt chasing after, they enlist the help of the dark water spirit, the kelpie.
Using a golden bridle to control the horse spirit they set off on a journey to catch up with their herd, but along the way see for the first time the world outside the deer trails they follow and form a deep bond with the kelpie that carries them through it.
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The End Justifies - this follows the story of Dahlia, Elias and Colton as they attempt to carve out a life for themselves. Not an easy task as fugitive vampires escaping their tyrant sires and others who would hunt them. It follows them as they have to secure blood for themselves, but struggle to do so in a moral and stable way. Really what can they do but struggle, when they cannot even agree what is moral anymore and whether their end goal of survival justifies the means?
They ask if it’s even possible to do so, or is their only choice to become a roving band of hungry killers, creating more monsters to work as a swarm under their control to stay safe like their sires before them? Can they really forge a new path for themselves and those of their kind that may also chase that dream?
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Each project should be tagged with the title, other obviously appropriate tags (my ocs, vtm, …) and all are under “my writing”
All of my art can be found under “my art”
I also currently have coms open! Please dm if interested and refer to the sheet below
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neonjess · 8 months
Hello! I hope I'm not bothering you 👉👈 I love your blog and I hoped you could help me with a vtm playlist. I'm choosing a song for each clan (camarilla), do you have any suggestions?
Hey, thank you so much! You’re not bothering at all! I love to talk about vtm. And I love Music From Succubus Club, an album where they did a pretty cool playlist based on clans. Do you know that album? Really love the lasombra one specially. For your playlist I think I’ll say a couple of songs for you to select your favorite, ok?  You want it darker - Leonard Cohen (Lasombra)
I’m gonna break into your heart - Iggy Pop (Toreador)
Pretty dead dead boy - Lord of the Lost (Nosferatu)
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blanketempress · 9 months
Yayyy OC asks!!! I request A, B, D, & E for Antoine, Arzel, & Lorenzo because I can't choose :'3 Thankie!
thank youuu <33
A) Why are you excited about this character? 
He's pretty fun to play, he's trying very hard but also acts without thinking which is great bc it means I get to do some stupid things I want to do every now and then.
He's mortified about his fucking ups but I'm not, he's my chew toy and my punching bag, I want to make his life worse 💖
B) What inspired you to create them?
I was interested in clan Malkavian and the Madness Network + found out about the archetypes of the 6 main mathuselahs we hear about ; the Dionysian whose name is self explanatory, Addemar the hermit/scientist, Tryphosa the Sybil/advisor, Brude the scholar/historian, the Black Hag witch/prophet
All six of these archetypes were pretty interesting but I picked Brude for a bloodline, then I read more about kindred historians, found out about the Mnemosyne cult, and I tossed the Church of Caine in the mix bc it made sense for a scholar to be involved with it
For his wet cat personality, I just thought it was funny to play a vampire w no backbone, and malkavians make great depressed sad wet cats. It transformed over time into him being deadly afraid of the Beast. He’s not (always) afraid of people or situations per say, he’s afraid of losing control, which is very fun to me personally
 D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? 
He’s a recycled version of an older OC, so I already had the big lines, he just looks more fucked up and a little older, I didn’t have to change much over time
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
I think we'd get along at first, then he'd infuriate me so much, then we'd get along super well forever as we go through different stages of friendship
He gets along with everyone who isn't actively trying to kill him
A) Why are you excited about this character? 
He's pretty fun to play, I like playing characters with high strength or high charisma and he has both
He fits more than well into the vtm victorian world and he's pretty nosy which means I can go and be as nosy as I, the player, want to be
B) What inspired you to create them? 
He's a recycled version of another OC of mine, who was built to be ruthless but still charming
I was invited to play VTM V5 but I didn’t know ANYTHING about the setting like, aside from the fact that it was about vampires. I read a lot of lore and I thought the 'warlord' side of the Ventrue clan was under-exploited and it's a shame. I also liked the idea of a Ventrue with humble origins but enough ambition and leadership to grab every opportunity to climb the ladder
Still hesitated between clan Brujah and clan Ventrue but in the end he kind of made a stereotypical Brujah and a more interesting Ventrue
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? 
He always had roughly the same looks, I already had a solid base with Ombe, I didn't have to tweak it much once I had decided on the general vibe 
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? 
I think we'd get along but in a polite colleagues way 
We wouldn't be friends but I'd be happy to work w him and have a chat from time to time and I think he'd be in the same state of mind
A) Why are you excited about this character? 
he’s a little freak who does crimes
I can't wait for the consequences of his actions to come bite him in the ass
B) What inspired you to create them? 
Spite, mostly. And I think necromancy is always fun to play with
In the VTMB game one of the reasons someone might not be embraced was bc he's gay, so I decided to make a gay trans Giovanni, that was literally my main motivation
Then I read the Giovanni handbook, which has all the trigger warnings in the world bc they really, REALLY wanted to make the most edgy and gross clan soooo bad, and I knew I just had to make that character out of spite
Then I had the brilliant idea to go "but wait. they're italians, they're all related, and spanning multiple generations. the petty personal drama must be INSANE" and it went downhill from there
I also thought the "you're bored out of your mind" archetype was an interesting base
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? 
We don’t talk about my very first draft where he looked like a 12 years old with greasy long hair
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? 
I think if we were stuck at a party we can’t leave we’d have a decent conversation then never cross paths again
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byanyan · 11 months
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ㅤthis verse is based in vtm lore but is flexible enough to work with any sort of modern fantasy/supernatural/etc. type of verse. it's also worth noting that all of my vtm lore knowledge comes from the wiki so i'm not terribly knowledgeable and will probably make some mistakes, but i'm hooked and slowly learning more.
ㅤfurther reading:ㅤ001, 002.
ㅤembraced at the age of eighteen as the result of a vampire's frenzy and perhaps a following regret for draining what might as well be a child, byan remembers very little of the event and even less of the one who sired them. left abandoned to figure everything out for themself, they've been struggling to find their footing ever since.
ㅤas a vampire of a higher generation, they are thin-blooded — their vitae is highly diluted, making them overall weaker than most vampires but also somewhat less impacted by the curse. this is something byan is unaware of and in fact has no concept of, knowing little to nothing of clans or vampiric culture as a whole. thus, they are also unaware of the danger this status puts them in.
ㅤfor the first couple months after their embrace, byan continued to live in the group home for kids in the foster care system that they'd been in and out of for years — a dangerous game, considering it surrounded them with mortals and provided no real safe place to avoid sunlight, but they had nowhere else to go. they took to sleeping in closets during the day for lack of any other options.
ㅤover time, however, their complete abandonment of school, penchant for being found passed out in closets, and being out all night even more often than ever before began to raise questions. as caretakers and case workers started to take notice of these behavioral shifts and began to suspect it had something to do with drugs, byan found themself under more and more pressure, faced with more and more questions. the final straw was one of the home's caretakers trying to forcibly remove them from a closet in the middle of the day, which resulted in byan injuring him severely in their fear and anger. that night they packed up all of their belongings that they could carry and left the home without a word.
ㅤsince then, they've been moving from abandoned building to abandoned building, never staying in one place for too long for fear of being discovered. every time they decide to take up a new residence, you'll see them hauling around a huge pink backpack in the middle of the night.
ㅤfeeding is something byan is still adjusting to. they haven't really sorted out the best method for hunting down prey yet and have a tendency to simply grab the first person they can in a more or less empty area. this causes issues fairly regularly, often resulting in them either not achieving a meal or nearly getting caught in the act. both of these pose dangers, most significantly in that going hungry puts them more readily at risk of going into a frenzy.
ㅤas a thin-blood, they are able to actually eat, digest, and find some amount of sustenance in regular food, but it takes so much effort that they find it often isn't worth it. ...not that this stops them from stubbornly trying every now and then.
ㅤmost nights, if they're not out looking for food, you'll find them picking fights with (mortal) men twice their size (and winning), or committing various crimes. they're not about to give up on their hobbies just because they're undead!
ㅤhonestly, while they felt quite empowered and even somewhat excited about their new life in the beginning, those feelings have started to wane as they've come to realize just how little they know about this new world they've been thrust into. it's painfully similar to the way they felt in their childhood: lost, left behind to fend for themself and learn the harsh realities of life (or, in this case, undeath) on their own, with no guidance whatsoever from those who should be providing it. it's something they grow a little bit angrier over every single day.
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blood-bound · 1 year
aaa thanks!! What about your VtM OC? I'd like to hear about them, if that's okay! I'm especially intrigued about the whole Blood Bound thing,,,
IT IS ALWAYS OK TO ASK ABOUT MARK!!!!! I'm obsessed. I am so sorry it took so long to answer this. i wanted to do it properly.
If you want like, a Lot of info, here are posts I've already made about him.
General/pic: https://www.tumblr.com/quoww/702626718060560384/quoww-i-posted-this-awhile-ago-but-never?source=share
Sire info, this also mostly is about the blood bond!: https://www.tumblr.com/quoww/705312672352272384/whats-marks-relationship-with-his-sire-like?
Recent history: https://www.tumblr.com/quoww/705293137062543360/whats-mark-vela-up-to-in-more-recent-nights?
BUT i'll talk a lil more now
Mark Vela. What a guy. Before being turned, closeted introverted gay. Lucky enough to find a bf. Roman history professor, desperately trying to get tenure.
He unknowingly caught the eye of a powerful Tremere Julius who was looking for an unassuming kindred to be a spy for him in the area. Mark's writings on Roman History and Roman Occultism had attracted the attention of another vampire clan, the ventrue, who used his work to introduce members of their clan to Roman history (as they considered it their history).
Julius got another kindred (he's too important to do shit like this himself) to ghoul mark's bf and force him to spy on mark, preparing him to be turned.
Mark caught on though because the kindred got lazy/careless and had to be turned prematurely.
The Tremere, before 2007, always were blood bound to their sire, and then to the 7 (the heads of the clan). Our ST has more variation in blood bonds than in the base game. But for Mark, he basically has an artificial adoration for Julius and literally cannot disobey many of his commands.
It was so strong that he couldn't even by bothered by it much, but Julius has been happy with his work lately and recently lowered it SLIGHTLY.
Mark also has experience with bonds because he accidentelly blood bond his ghoul/ex named Sampson. They Hate It. It is almost worn off, but for a time Sampson had to do what Mark said and Mark had to be careful not to give accidental commands. On the bright side it helped Sampson overcome a drug addiction i guess?
but it made things weird between them.
Anyway Mark does a lot of things for his sire and has to send him weekly reports, but Julius helps him out a lot so thats Fine Right :)
Older/powerful kindred in the area know about his sire, who is a really powerful and important Tremere, Lord of several states, so Mark gets away with some stuff others don't, but also inherited a lot of enemies. Such as the tremere primogen in the area. Whoopsie.
Personality wise Mark is pretty classic professor. He's a lil awkward. He's not the worst at lying but not good at it either. He likes to say "Very Funny" sarcastically and "be that as it may" and "regardless". He still wears glasses even though he doesn't need to. He's bothered that other kindred don't call him Dr. Vela (last name) anymore cause they don't respect his doctorate, and one day will work to change that. He loves Sampson but isn't sure in what way and worries Sampson will resent him. He's Just Some Guy. He thinks if he never lets himself get too hungry again Everything Will be Fine and he won't ever Accidentally Murder a Random Homeless Person again (THAT WAS A BAD NIGHT). He still thinks about his first BF. He was a street racer in high school (that's the most cool thing about him). GOD. I could go on.
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dirtywratsimz · 2 years
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Previous Post....
So guys, I've done it. I made a facsimile of my old VTM tabletop character, Isaac "Mark" Markovic. Don't call him Isaac...
It's one of those rare nights where I have some time to myself, so naturally I spent it drinking Jack Daniels + Dr. Pepper and playing the sims. I knew I was overdue to add this invaluable character to my current story...
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It's either Mark or Markovic (or Markymoo). Never Isaac.
Of all the OCs that I've ever created in my life, Mark has always been the most difficult to capture. I've tried to make him in every single game I've ever played, and he never looks how I picture him in my head. But it's fine; the general essence of him is captured here, I think.
He's an asshole; he likes being offensive, and he loves pissing people off and making people uncomfortable. But, he's a lot of fun to be around. His idea of making friends is wearing you down with insults and pushing all of your buttons until you have a mental breakdown and then laughing at you for being irrational, and then building you back up by being incredibly kind to you and listening to all of your problems afterwards.
I absolutely love him and he's been very close to my heart since I first created him so many years ago. I created him for a very specific VTM session with some peeps I'm no longer in contact with, but I have not been able to let him go. He is clan Nosferatu, obviously, and is Sabbat aligned. He's horrible with computers, so rather he relies on physical attributes and whatever charisma he is able to muster up. I don't have a height slider in my game, but he's 6'4, for reference.
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The first thing I had to do, naturally, was go to Tiff's place and introduce ourselves...
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(I have WW installed.)
Markovic's first impression. Idk how he can tell based off of what Tiff is wearing atm...
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As is the tradition in this household, Tiff's guest has to rudely introduce themselves to Captain. I love playing mean sims.
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My boy Captain never did nothing wrong....
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This shot sums up Tiff and Mark's dynamic pretty well.
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Tiff's just like, "Who the fuck even is this guy?"
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"Dude, can you please leave?"
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Tiff went upstairs to wash her hands because I sold her entire kitchen, so Mark took the opportunity to snipe the pack of smokes off of Tiffany's desk, like a real scumbag.
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No time like the present to start flirting with an unflirty sim.
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She's not feeling it. I wonder why...
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He doesn't look exactly how I want him to, but I have to admit that he is kind of a cutie pie. I fucking hate that butt chin, tho. I might go in and change him later on.
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I forgot I put the mouse hole in Tiff's house. Markovic was scared of it, despite looking like a rat himself.
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Time for a friendly duel, which is just what vampires do, I assume. I honestly wanted to see if Tiff winning against Vlad the last time was just because I was controlling her or if she really is that aggressive...
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Poor Captain never asked to be apart of any of this.
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But nah, she won, to the surprise of absolutely no one, myself included. I just want to say, I love how Captain seems to always follow Tiff around. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or if it has something to do with the game, but it's cute how no matter where Tiff is at, Captain always seems to be close by.
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We're all good, though. I can tell this is the start of a beautiful love-hate relationship...
Btw you know you're a badass when you come out victorious from a vampiric spar and you still got the lighter sitting behind your ear.
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After that scuffle, Tiff seems a lot more accepting of Markovic's interactions...
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...err, nevermind.
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I don't blame you for doing that...
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ghost-bard · 1 year
Whenever any of the jrwi guys mention vtm i start dissecting what they say because i want to figure out what clans theyll be
My initial guesses were
Bizly: gangrel or brujah
Grizzly: toreador or tremere
Condi: nosferatu or tremere
And tbh i think these are pretty fair guesses based on what theyve played before and on how they themselves act, however!
Based on a tweet bizly put out moments before my writing of this i think he may be playing a lasombra (not included in the base 5e vtm book but in the midroll of riptide ep 94 charlie said he bought some extra source books for a ttrpg hes been wanted to try out, vtm has a LOT on the different clans and lore related stuff although not required to actually play the game yes im def reading into this too much)
Anyway, his tweet said “its real bro my vampire dressed up all cute n shit got the eye shadow on its no going back now” and the lasombra are very connected to well. The shadows. Its like their whole thing (not really just on a base lvl)
Lasombra have the discipline Obtenebration, and as a result of using said discipline may have physical changes happen to them, such as their eyes becoming pools of darkness.
Anyway gamers im normal and im def not reading into the very little info thats been alluded to 🧍‍♂️
And if any vtm infor presented isnt up to date in 5e feel free to tell me!!! Ik that theres def a chance of my being wrong so like. Yknow.
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handern · 2 years
So VTM is kinda like D&D right? How did you come up with each of your VTM dudes? Like their personalities and stuff? :)
it is a ttrpg yes! it's a lot more intrigued and politics based than DnD, w less combats (the combat mechanics are fucked and so unbalanced)
you have to survive as a vampire in a world where vampires are a secret, where there's an Inquisition trying to get you, and all other vampires might try to eat you alive, it's pretty fun, it's horror and it's camp, the dosage of both camp and horror depend on the storyteller
we started playing a victorian London campaign two years ago back when I didn't know anything about VTM, I was presented w the rough ideas of each clans and I took a few personality tests for the character I had in mind
he landed on Brujah in half of his tests and on Ventrue on the other half of his tests. To caricature the two clans, Brujahs are pretty keen on physical violence and freedom, Ventrue are pretty keen on politics and schemes, so that was fun
I picked Ventrue in the end bc it was more fun for me to play a nice and proper looking lad who could suddenly cave someone's skull in, than a tough looking guy doing politics as a hobby
and thus Arzel was born
the slutty part wasn't planned it just kind of happened in game
for Anton I just recycled an old OC I've had for years and never did anything with (you starky, might remember my half assed try at making a webcomic about witches and ghosts)
I picked clan Malkavian bc I thought they were interesting witht he whole web connecting all of them, then I promptly made it so that Anton was really shitty at connecting to that web of consciousness, just, a total loser with anxiety
for Lorenzo I created him right after I played the video game and found out about clan Giovanni which uh, I kind of went "my city now" and "what if they actually acted like european relatives" and "since they're homophobic and probably transphobic, what if I made a trans gay vampire"
for the rest he sprung fully formed in my brain like most of my OCs do
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hyperionswrath-a · 2 years
What is the oddest muse you’ve picked up that you didn’t think you would?
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» Munday Stuff! → .accepting I really had to sit down for a second and think about this because I am one of those people that have an extreme affinity for things they find aesthetically pleasing so I honestly for the life of me can’t come up with a muse that would be odd in terms of looks (I mean aside from my still lingering urge to pick up Hojo as a muse but you already saw that he won’t be odd looking hahah). As for oddity in general - I figure that people that aren’t super into vampire / supernatural beings - stuff might find a whole bunch of my OCs odd... or straight up weird lmao. I created an OC years ago (back when roleplaying angels as an origin story wasn’t like... overused)  that was basically a towering, kinda skinny guy completely clad in latex and leather that also covered half his face in a mask attached to straps on his head (think straight jacket but kinky LOL), because his voice would pretty much tear humans apart / burn them from the inside out if he so much as raised it - and he had a mighty temper let me tell you, so screaming happened often :D But he also in time did a lot of talking in whispered tones, it was fun exploring communicating with him (which is, I think, why I took to Fujin so easily). I also had a vampire based on Vampire the Masquerade, origining in the Gangrel (Beast) clan, who was kind of a legend among vampires only knowns as “The Hyena” because he would feed on anything, including other vampires respectably. Loved him, he didn’t just have two fangs but all his teeth were fangs basically. And let’s not forget my Malkavian who was so out of it he would usually reply to questions two or so sentences after he was asked (needless to say you needed a mun that was up for that headfuckery). God I miss my Vampire muses, I wish the VtM fandom was still alive around tumblr.
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jaffre · 2 months
i went back to check my boxes of old drawings, even scanned a few that i'll share later, but rn i just came across an old folder (the thing itself is falling apart) with all of my original vtm character sheets and related drawings lmao!!!!!
there's empty sheets, character ideas, more drawings of honzo, sally and elvis as kids, more of sally and elvis together (didn't mention elvis earlier cause he wasnt relevant but he and sally had a thing), several pages documenting sally's backstory and how it ties in with honzo's, and of course, my original character sheet for sally!!!
there's also a double copy full of a prophecy our dm at the time wrote for our game that i had to write down, really cool
a glimpse of my other vtm characters from when i was 15 - cocktail sullivan, a ravnos who i had dubbed "the master of disguise" and who has a tattoo thats exactly the same as mégane from the thieves cause it seems i only have 1 tattoo idea ever. there's also a few pages of quick comics i drew of events from the games she was in - jérémiah novembre, a malkavian that i stacked so much handicaps against and dont remember ever playing but it seemed i did since he acquired an artefact
and on the list of character concepts i wrote down and definitely never played: - helena rosanjin, a ventrue who owned a bar bc i was very original with a ventrue, altho there are some floorplans of what i thought the bar could look like - robin jacob, a skateboarding lasombra who was sired as a kid and i have a whole list of like, kids that were part of his gang across several decades?? - rafaël passilina, a blind toreador who can sense auras and is absolutely a self-insert considering how he's dressed super fancy like how i used to draw myself lmao - an unnamed nosferatu who wears a mask who seems to be some tortured angtsy edgelord, unsurprisingly
and my most cringe inducing creation: a kuroda vampire clan with cat based powers
and even with that i didnt get any actual info on honzo's grandpa and what the fuck were my original plans about the kuroda family
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