#reopening wounds
warlenys · 2 years
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yeah so this is the gayest line in the script
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Whump Prompt #1110
Submitted by @usali - thanks!
It is finally time to rest. Characters A and B sit together near something (ex. Tree, bush, pole). Character A takes a nap, but is later woken up by a feeling of coldness.
B is on the verge of death, as while A slept, B suddenly reacted (nightmare/startled by something), which opened their stitched wounds. What will A do?
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whumpookies · 2 years
Yazgı 34. Bölüm
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I’m not sure how many (if any) of my followers are familiar with Vampire the Masquerade, but there’s a subset of vampires in that game called the Tzimisce that have the ability to mold flesh, both their own and that of others, and I could not get over the sheer whumpy potential of those abilities. Just imagine
Whumper has no need to gag Whumpee when they want them to shut up, they can simply seal their mouth shut and listen to their panicked whimpers from behind the curtain of skin.
Whumper turning their hands into unnaturally long claws and tearing Whumpee to shreds.
Whumpee's own body being used as a tool for their torture, lying helpless on the floor as Whumper twists them into a shambling heap of flesh.
Caretaker finding Whumpee after months of this torment and no longer being able to recognize the warped, dessicated husk they've become.
Whumper altering Whumpee's appearance every time they leave the house to keep them from being recognized by anyone who might've known them prior to their capture.
Whumper turning themself into horrifying monstrosities on a regular basis, leaving Whumpee uncertain whether the thing about to walk through their cell door will look even vaguely human.
Or worse, Whumper turning themself into Caretaker, leading Whumpee to believe they'll be rescued before ripping that hope away, leaving them questioning how Whumper figured out what Caretaker looked like and absolutely terrified of what they might do now that they know Whumpee was expecting them to come and help.
Whumper tearing old wounds open again with a flick of their fingers, rending the scar tissue asunder with barely a glance.
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kittykatninja321 · 22 days
Actually there is something so choice about how the narrative around Jason’s death pre-ressurection spends so much time reassuring Bruce (and the audience) that Bruce has no culpability and that Jason was hopeless and even at times tries to convince us that actually Jason wasn’t even really his son so Bruce didn’t fail as a father, he did the best he could really. Bruce doesn’t owe him anything. This could be seen as an attempt to distort history in order cope with Jason’s death, but this narrative is never actually challenged, we’re meant to take it as truth. And then Jason comes back and drags Bruce by the ear and goes actually no bitch you do owe me something you owe me a death. Bruce doesn’t get to wash his hands of him. Jason forces the issue, he refuses to let Bruce walk away clean. Good, he shouldn’t <3
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yo0hankim · 1 month
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it was just a bad dream. hes okay. hes okay
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destinyesque · 10 months
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stydixa · 1 year
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ganondoodle · 3 months
watching a video of someone playing an older game (not even THAT old) and constantly having to hear them go 'omg can you imagine how much more pretty and good this would be if it ran at 60+ fps with highest end graphics of the current modern games and in 4k???' over and over while also commenting on some graphics looking slightly muddy and how ugly and shitty 30 fps is
and i just cant help but get incredibly annoyed at that, cant you just appreciate the game for what it is?? the constant focus on smoother everything and graphics so detailed it looks faker than the real world is such a limited view on games- more polygons and higher res textures doesnt equal better ffs
i, and i might out myself with an unpoluar opinion here, but remakes are in my opinion often rather unecessary, just rerelease the old game, just make it avaible for people, officially, you dont have to reprogramm the entire thing!! maybe upscale it a little so it doesnt get stretched into a blurry mess if possible but even that i will work with no problem!! there are cases where its pretty much an entirely different game (FF7?) and i get seeing one of your fav old games get some new paint can be really cool, not arguing against that- what i dont like is that those remakes replace the original as that isnt made avaible, only the new version- like i wish i could play windwaker on my switch, but i cant stand the "HD" remake of it and i know if it ever were to get ported it will only be that version like the original doesnt exist anymore and my earlier point that many people consider more fps, more polygons, more resolution as automatically better
i dont need games to be running at 60+ fps, 30 is enough, sure id like it to run smoothly on that without huge drops, but when its stable 30, why would i need more? more often than not i prefer simplified graphics bc they often focus on the most important parts of what they are trying to achieve or work with an interesting style to compensate and i LOVE THAT, also id like to not have to download 100+ GB even when i would turn it on its lowest settings anyway, save me the space- and that is if i even got hardware that can run it at all, my computer struggles with slime rancher and i dont have the funds to buy the newest consoles nor computers
im not against remakes per se, but the fact that the old will more often than not disappear entirely and remain unavaible forever and that higher end graphics are automatically seen as better drives me nuts
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My Home Hero Ep 09
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do you think Cameron ever sat in a church afterwards and thought for hours about what he had done
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clandestinegardenias · 5 months
@sunlaire and I were talking about how different Fitzjames' and Crozier's interpretations of their genre are for the first half of The Terror and I boiled it down to this:
Fitzjames: this is great, i'm getting a good grade in arctic expedition captain, a thing that is both normal to want and possible to acheive,
Crozier: i think the BEAR is eating our men's SOULS
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Whump Prompt #903
Healing magic that wears off…
…putting the whumpee back in the state they originally started in.
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good-beans · 4 months
(Okay wait I saw someone else post about hallucination, can I yell about one of the songs?)
I'm just. Insane over the emotion poured into the live version of AKAA. I didn't expect this song to hit me so hard but Shun Horie really packed it with even more sadness and desperation than the original, and it was the death of me. My favorite part of the song has always been the "mama" section, and the fact that he sounds like he's crying through it??? The two held-out screams at the end????
And the visuals make me equally crazy. The fact that he committed to the blue hair and full outfit makes it really feel like Haruka is there on stage. It really got to me realizing this was his dream come true. He's the center of attention. He's under the spotlight. Finally. He has a huge crowd watching him, looking at him, cheering for him, loving him. He looks so small surrounded by all those people. He looks out to them in disbelief, in pleading.
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I don't know man. I'm emotional.
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crowtrobotx · 5 months
I don’t really know who all is still around from the early days/peak of RE8’s popularity but there was some truly unhinged and outrageous discourse that I’m glad to be mostly rid of but I will NEVER recover from or forgive that one mod that was going around for a while where they shaved Heisenberg’s beard and gave him a short frat boy haircut. Actual jumpscare. You give that man back his horrible gas station dumpster raccoon vibes right now.
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kittykatninja321 · 20 days
Thinking about how Bruce treated Jason’s legacy after his death is kinda pissing me off and the only consolation is knowing that whatever peace Bruce created for himself by warping his memory and telling himself that Jason’s death was due to his own recklessness and anger in order to cope was greatly disturbed and shaken by Jason’s return. Pain and suffering on planet earth <3
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