#(peace in paris)
melissa-leaf · 10 days
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mapsontheweb · 3 months
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Map of Lithuania, sent in 1919-1920. for the Paris Peace Conference
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
Love the ending (and ONLY the ending) of Dark Phoenix bc it means Charles and Erik don't just get to be old together, they get to grow old together
They get to watch the lines and the wrinkles form on each other's faces; they get to see all of the events that shape those lines, like the way Charles gets a permanent crinkle between his eyebrows from sighing at the prankster students and the way Erik learns to smile so often that he gets proper crow's feet
Charles gets to see Erik's hair go grey, and then white, and he gets to run his fingers through that white hair even when his hands are gnarled and veiny and shake a little bit
They get to play thousands of games of chess together, day in and day out, night after night, until they have difficulty remembering all the rules and they're not as good at planning strategy as they used to be
All of the mutants they help, they get to watch grow up together; they get to see those mutants get married and have children and then they get to see those children grow up as well and neither of them ever has to feel alone again because in finding each other, Erik and Charles started a community that provides them both with more family than they ever imagined having
And eventually they get to die together, within days or weeks of each other, and be buried side by side after having lived the best years of their lives that same way
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todaysdocument · 23 days
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Council of Four of the Peace Conference. Mr. Lloyd George; Signor Orlando; M. Clemenceau; President Woodrow Wilson. Hotel Crillon, Paris, France.
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal OfficerSeries: Photographs of American Military Activities
This black and white photograph shows four older men in suits standing outside before an open door in a large building.  Three wear old fashioned cutaway coats, and one, Italian Prime Minister Orlando, wears a more modern suit.  From left to right the men are, UK Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of Italy Vittorio Orlando, French President Georges Clemenceau, and American President Woodrow Wilson.
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fidjiefidjie · 5 days
Bon Soir🆕️🕊️☮️✌️💙
Slimane 🎶 Résister (What about Peace?)
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picspammer · 9 months
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Dave Gahan in One Night In Paris
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streets-in-paradise · 10 months
I will never get over how well casted they were
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They actually look like brothers
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Just look at them
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woodlandkisses · 1 month
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A rainy day in paris
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empirearchives · 3 months
Description of Napoleon, “The Picture of Bonaparte”
“As I was advantageously placed near this extraordinary man, I had a good opportunity of minutely examining his person and his features. His stature does not exceed five feet six inches, and as he stoops, even that height is much diminished. His frame is thin and delicate; his hair is of a deep chesnut, cut short, lank, and without powder, falling over a high and narrow forehead; his eyes are large, dark, quick and piercing, but as they are seldom raised, give him the appearance of an assassin; an aquiline nose, a raised chin, like that of the Apollo Belvidere, pale complexion, hollow cheeks, mouth large, and lips thin and pallid, complete the likeness. He has a sepulchral tone of voice, and answers briefly ; he is an abstemious, meditative man, but tenacious in the point which he has in view, and affects all the austerity, which characterises the head of Brutus. Though he encourages at his court all the pomp and spendour of royalty, (for the Consuls never appear in public without their body guards, nor without three footmen behind their carriage, who, with the coachmen and out-riders, are all habited in dark green liveries, richly embroidered with gold,) yet he himself indulges in no expensive pleasures. His dress, when we saw him, was strictly conformable to republican simplicity, and negligence. He wore a blue frock, with red cuffs and collar, two gold epaulets, white waistcoat and breeches, and Hessian boots; a plain, small cocked hat, which was ill shapen, covered his head, and nothing in his outward appearance bespoke the hero. This is a correct delineation of his person; but who can pourtray the various passions of his ambitious mind?”
— Edmund John Eyre, Observations Made at Paris During the Peace, published 1803, pg. 341-342
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forgive-me-peter · 11 months
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i have a whole list
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"-I am as free as the wind that is blowing out on this beach!
-Except that voice is still there."
-The late Carmen Xtravaganza (1961-2023) throwing some merciless shade in "Paris Is Burning" (1990).
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kvtnisseverdeen · 1 year
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neonfeel · 16 days
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Paris Texas (1984)
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todaysdocument · 17 hours
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Letter from Nguyen ai Quac [Ho Chi Minh] to Secretary of State Robert Lansing (with enclosure)
Record Group 256: Records of the American Commission to Negotiate PeaceSeries: General RecordsFile Unit: 851G.00
[much clearer (typewritten or stamped) text (within stamped frame): in black:]
A Son Excellence le Secrétaire d'Etat de la
République des Etats-Unis, Délégué à la Conférence de la Paix.
Nous prenons la liberté de vous remettre ci-jointe
la note des Revendications du peuple Annamite à l'occasion
de la victoire des Alliés.
Nous comptons sur votre haute bienveillance pour l'honorer de votre appui auprès de qui de droit.
Nous prions Votre Excellence de vouloir bien agréer l'hommage de notre profound respect.
Pour le Groupe des
Patriotes Annamites.
[stamp (faintly) seen below "Patriotes Annamites." and the signature, with a date within an inner rectangle within a larger rectangular "box";
text within it reads as follows:][outer:] FILE
[inner:] 20 AOUT 1919
[signature [(above a typewritten blank line):] ] Nguyên Aí Quâc
56, Rue Monsieur le Prince, 56
- Paris -
[complete document, transcription and translation at link]
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ilostyou · 1 year
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peace // paris – for @youreonyourownkid (m’s 1k parallel party)
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nautilusgays · 10 days
If I were making a mini series of 20000 Leagues Under the Sea I know how I would end it.
Aronnax is working on his book. He is feeling out of place and lonley in Paris, even though he's surrounded by people at the university, at the museum, and Conseil (and occasionally Ned) remains at his side. Even though he loves them dearly.
Pierre is walking around the museum looking dead and models of marine animals. They are nothing compared to the vibrant marine life he witnessed aboard the Nautilus.
Conseil suggests 'Monsieur should spend some time by the coast for his health?'. He knows.
Then we see Pierre working in a house with a beautiful ocean view. He is trying to finish his book but is constantly distracted and look out of the window, out at the sea - just in case..perhapse?
The final shot is him just standing knee deep, fully clothed, in the sea, staring out at the horizon. The camera just keeps zooming out and backwards across the sea. Pierre's form is getting smaller and smaller until he disappears. Now it is just the sea and the waves. The screen darkens into black, ready for the credits, but at first we are left with nothing but a dark screen and the sound of the waves.
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