#(pretty sure nhs is his courtesy name)
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[Photo ID: a Tumblr reply from kitsuneluvuh that reads: "No, JC calls him Wei Wuxian, but it's still fun." End ID]
Something something something about WWX calling JC by his birth name and JC calling WXX by his courtesy name
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llycaons · 11 months
ep49 (3/3): lwj dismembering a man and looking so so cool diverts attention away from the true man of the hour (👀👀👀)
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and he's also calling out in concern for wwx now, not just jl! man, this is great. a lot of postres meta relies on them having this horrible twisted relationship after the temple, and they ABSOLUTELY need to work on shit, but jc trusting wwx and being openly concerned for him is huge compared to their previous dynamic
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they love him!!!! his uncles!!! give him open affection and physical comfort!!!
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this panning up was done SO well god he is so fucking cool 😍
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ik wen ning isn't in control of his body but there's something a bit delicious about him stepping on the arm of the man who helped murder his entire family
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ohhh another juicy scene! jc trying to protect jl from wn, and in front of both their eyes they see 1. wwx try to stop him and 2. wn grsab a blade with his bare hands to try to stop himself. he wants so much not to hurt this boy after killing his father 🥺 I'm sure he remembered jyl giving him soup too. I'm sure he did
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lwj's eyes are so pretty...dark brown forever
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and here! lxc warns wwx off about using the STA, but lwj intervenes. convinces him to step back, then gives the green light to wwx. lwj trusts him, and supports him, and will back him up 🥺
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and here!!! jc returning chenqing! wwx's old friend and strongest weapon. it's about trust!! wwx can do what he needs to do and his closest friends and family won't turn on him for it
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pied pipering this sword over here
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uh oh. get some cleansing on ya bud
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it's so funny that ss accuses nhs of doing this to himself because he's literally right, but he looks like a maniac for it
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this is so dramatic and romantic...WAIT THIS IS HOW THE JIANG PARENTS DIED WTF!!!!!
these scene always reminded me (tonally) of the one in iasip where liam was about to fall off the roof and ryan grabbed his wrist like "i've got you, brother" and then frank comes behind him and goes 'no you don't!' and pushes him off the roof with a piece of plywood and ryan screams 'NOOOOOO', obviously it mirrors the cluff scene very closely but the absurd tone is so different I never associated them. this though. this is a kind of pathetic guy dying and his employer using his courtesy name for the first time in like. 30 episodes. a bit silly
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ooof. ough. wwx rubbing his thumb slowly over this powerful tool that saved him and cost him so much. another goodbye, to another part of his former life
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I love you sooo much nhs ♥♥♥♥♥♥
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NHS HORSE MOMENTS god I love saying that. what a great shot
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aww jc patting jl's neck
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nhs tearfully: I'm just a little guy I can't fight I'm just a little birthday boy GOD he's such a good character I love him he's so funny
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oh right significant Look At wwx time
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aw man this fucks
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THE HALF FACE SHOTS!!!!! I go crazy every time I love then so much. they've never been used wrong in this show
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oh god help that is so fucking funny. why was jgy behind them and not tied up at all anyway. also lxc immediately turning and stabbing without realizing jgy was completely motionless and no threat??? a high-level cultivator like lxc didn't even register he had no sword to parry? and why was he working with his back to jgy anyway!!! I mean ik it's all for plot and that's fine but stil. lmao
personal highlights:
all of jgy's excuses are so insane and absurd and infuriating but they contrast wwx's actions and behavior SO nicely. if there was a way to prove wwx is The Good Guy to the gathered sect leaders, this is it. not that he has many people to convince who are here
various asides about lxc's relationship with jgy
"I don't deny it'/"You can't deny it!'
the creepy wedding scene was really well done
jgy making a fake tell for jzx to pick up on is truly a masterstroke
yayyy physical affection and comfort for jl from wwx (and jc)
jgy mockingly bowing after being kicked down the steps really did fuck severely
"I've done so many bad things, yet I still hope for pity' *half face shot 'PSYCH!" *takes jin ling hostage by ripping a string out of his body* what a scene
jc calling on wwx for guidance, trusting him, seeing him protect jl, returning him chenqing. nature is healing. they'll never be exactly what they were before, but that's okay. it's a start
'clan leader, abandon me' 'sure thing lmao'
slow shot panning up from jgy's severed arm to lwj standing tall with bichen fucked SO hard god lwj looks so good esp postres they nailed him
wn stepping on jgy's arm
lwj beautiful dark brown eyes <3
jgy and su she's absurdly dramatic reaching-to-each-other deaths. yes kind of jiang parents of them
wwx bidding farewell to the STA. I love closure and acceptance
all of nhs's shenanigans including eating like a horse from lxc's hand and then the half-face shots
everyone turning around like that meme of the girls at the party but it's because lxc just STABBED jgy
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Prompt: MDZS: Fae AU (with at least some mention of NHS, because he’s one of my favorites?)
Nie Huaisang rather liked their Neighbors.
He was aware that that was widely viewed as being a little bit odd of him, but it wasn’t any more odd than his general distaste for training his saber – though combined with his passion for pretty things, fans and clothing and paintings and birds, more than one person had not-so-subtly implied that they thought Nie Huaisang might be a changeling.
(They only ever implied it once – Nie Mingjue seemed to have an extra sense for finding out when people were being cruel to his brother, and no hesitation whatsoever about beating the living daylights out of them when he did.)
Honestly, Nie Huaisang wouldn’t even mind it that much. Their Neighbors are a bit of an oddity, truth be told – one of his ancestors had had a bad case of restless feet and decided to rebel against their family rules by taking his saber and joining up as a caravan guard headed for the western lands, and when he’d reached the end of that route he’d hopped on a boat and kept going until he couldn’t go any further.
When he came back, he brought the Neighbors with him.
Normal people might have protested the idea of having inhuman creatures just like the ones they fought every time they went on a night-hunt being brought back at all, much less categorized as neighbors. Personally, Nie Huaisang suspected that the Nie Sect Leader at the time had been his brother’s previous incarnation, because the man had apparently just shrugged and told them that they were welcome as long as they obeyed the same rules as anyone else – and after that, well, it would be rude to go back on that, wouldn’t it?
Really, as long as they kept up with the usual traditions of trade, leaving out a pat of milk with some honey on the regular and making sure to have a few silver sabers forged in case a visiting guest disciple didn’t feel like picking up steel, and self-protection, like keeping unforged iron on the gate and woven into your hair as a daily tradition, the Neighbors were pretty decent company.
Tricky, yes, and often mischievous in a way that could mean death to the unwary, but – weren’t most things like that, anyway?
Maybe that was just his heritage in the Nie sect speaking. Compared the saber spirits, the Neighbors were downright friendly. Sure, they had to give up a few things – in Qinghe, given names were rarely used and never willingly shared, with nicknames for children and courtesy names bestowed as soon as the child could lift even a practice saber to avoid having any issues like that one particular family legend – but the Neighbors gave them things back, too.
Cleaning, for one. Nie Huaisang always found it rather funny how the other sects consistently underestimated the Nie sect’s size, assuming as they did that the majority of their numbers were retainers necessary for scrubbing floors and doing laundry, when in fact they were all practicing the saber most of the time – the actual housework was mostly done by some extremely efficient Neighbors that hated being noticed and despised being thanked even more.
The popular theory was that cleaning for humans was the Neighbor equivalent of family discipline, and everyone knew how rude interfering with imposed punishments was; no one had been stupid enough to try to offer them pay in years, even though the occasional guest disciple sometimes asked about it.
Assuming they even noticed. Most guest disciples were so stuck in their ways and traditions that they never bothered to think about who was doing the cleaning, and the clever ones, like Meng Yao, were mostly just confused when they were told that the Neighbors did it and not to ask too many questions.
It wasn’t really a good thing to ask too many questions – unless you were like Nie Huaisang and actually enjoyed conversations that had no yeses and no noes, where every sentence was both innuendo and veiled threat and nothing ever made sense if you applied merely human logic to it.
Yes, Nie Huaisang rather liked their Neighbors, and he sometimes flattered himself in thinking that they liked him, too.  Mushrooms appeared on his windowsill on a regular basis (he always reserved a quarter to be dressed into a nice salad and returned to them), insects never dared touch him, and really, as long as he remembered not to eat or drink anything when he visited them for a bit of late-night dancing, their strange Neighbor-style dancing that wasn’t anything like normal dancing, everything was fine.
(When he was younger, he thought going dancing with the Neighbors was being rebellious, only to grow up and realize that his brother had known all along, but allowed it to pass without comment on the basis that at least Nie Huaisang was getting exercise somehow.)
Actually, it was a little funny. The Neighbors might be friendly to Nie Huaisang, who liked them and spent time on them, but they were obsessed with his brother, who barely paid them any attention.
He never neglected them, of course; Nie Mingjue was as righteous in his contracts with the Neighbors as he was in upholding his word in any other part of his life. Ironically, that was the very thing that drove the Neighbors wild about him.
He just says what he means and means what he says, a voice identical to a rippling brook complained to a passing bit of ball lightning. As plainspoken as a fool, as unyielding as time, as vicious as we – and yet he understands all that we say. Impossible!
Nie Huaisang hid his mouth behind a fan so that they didn’t have to see him laugh. There was a reason the Neighbors had always had such good relations with the Nie sect, and it was because his ancestors were either like Nie Mingjue, painfully straightforward, or like Nie Huaisang, who found the Neighbors’ inexplicable and confusing ways rather charming.
It was a good deal for both sides, really. Especially now, during times of war – the invading Wen sect didn’t know the rules about avoiding rings and not drinking from mysterious pools, and the Neighbors took offense at that, responding as they usually did with hissing snakes and night attacks and the occasional horse-that-wasn’t-a-horse luring people off to their deaths.
They even had an agreement with them regarding offering a safe harbor for people like Nie Huaisang, who couldn’t fight, letting the disciples of the Nie sect have an available retreat to somewhere safe without having to worry about the usual year-and-a-day return clause – it only applied to Nie disciples, and in rare occasions to someone who’d agreed to a blood-bound oath of loyalty, and even then only begrudgingly, because it was the Nie disciples who came down beneath the ground every seven years to wield steel and iron as allies in the Neighbor’s regular fight over tithing.
Nie Huaisang made it a personal mission to make their presence less objectionable to the Neighbors, talking and dancing with them, and a great deal of their grumpiness was assuaged by it – they even agreed to launch a few unprovoked attacks, which Nie Huaisang framed as pranks, and said that they appreciated Nie Huaisang’s sense of humor.
(That was probably an insult, actually.)
At any rate, it certainly made for a more interesting place to stay than the Cloud Recesses, that’s for sure, even if Nie Huaisang secretly suspected the food – thistles and twigs and dirt, to his opened eyes, for all that it was shaped to look like human delicacies – would probably taste about the same.
Much more interesting, in fact, and it was rather funny the way most people rolled their eyes when he told them that his contribution to the Sunshot Campaign had been to spend most of it dancing.
Most people, anyway.
Wei Wuxian frowned at him instead.
“When you say dancing –” he started to say, then shook his head. “Never mind.”
“Indoor dancing,” Nie Huaisang said, sounding him out. “Very nice, but there was always that roof above our heads – it really could make one feel claustrophobic at times, even though they painted it a lovely shade of blue.”
Wei Wuxian twitched, noticeably, and Nie Huaisang grinned with teeth behind his fan.
“I think Wei-gongzi may have tripped a circle in the Burial Mounds,” he whispered to his brother later, who only arched his eyebrows. “Doesn’t he seem a little older than when he left, even though he was only missing for three months?”
“Three months and a day,” his brother said, and oh, that was practically confirmation itself, wasn’t it?
“Do you think the demonic cultivation…?”
“No, that’s his,” Nie Mingjue said, and for all that he never paid much attention to the Neighbors he knew a little too much about them. Sometimes, when Nie Huaisang asked, he attributed it to his saber spirit’s occasional nightly wandering, but Nie Huaisang wasn’t sure he believed him. “They just gave him more time to work on it. Three years instead of three months, I’d wager.”
When it came to the Neighbors, Nie Mingjue’s wager was as good as a solid promise of gold.
“I’ll invite him to visit,” Nie Huaisang decided.
Of course, that wasn’t to be, what with Wei Wuxian locking himself up in the Yiling Burial Mounds as an enemy of the entire cultivation world shortly thereafter, but Nie Huaisang wasn’t easily deterred.
After all, if Wei Wuxian had accidentally tripped into the Neighbor’s world under-the-mountain (under the mound? Under the hill?) in Yiling, that meant that there was a way to get out there, too.
Nie Huaisang packed up some housewarming (sect-warming?) presents, told his brother where he was going (he rolled his eyes but didn’t object), and went down into their basement to go see Wei Wuxian.
Maybe Wei Wuxian would like to join him for some dancing.
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ibijau · 4 years
more of baby nhs getting sent to Gusu very early
warning for mentions of child abuse still
It’s not a very big room, especially when Huaisang is going to share it with someone else. It’s also very sparsely decorated compared to the one he has in the Unclean Realm, but he’s starting to realise that things are just like that in the Cloud Recesses.
“Please sit,” Lan Xichen says for the third or fourth time.
And for as many times, Huaisang stays standing, looking around awkwardly. He doesn’t like it here. This whole place is too quiet, and this room is too empty, and the bed looks too hard. Huaisang doesn’t like it. He misses his da-ge, and he misses a-die too, even after what happened. He is wary of the two boys with him, Lan Xichen who smiles too much, Lan Wangji who doesn’t smile at all.
“It’s really fine for you to take my bed,” Lan Xichen insists. “It’ll be more comfortable than whatever they bring in later, and you’ll need to be comfortable. This must be so inconvenient.”
Even though it’s useless, Huaisang instinctively tries to cover his wounded arm with his other hand.
At home he has stayed fairly isolated after that incident, so he hasn’t had to bear with anyone looking at his arm except Zonghui and da-ge, who he both trust implicitly. They know the truth about what happened, and even if they didn’t, they wouldn’t think ill of him for getting hurt. But the Lan brothers don’t know. 
Huaisang was dropped with them by Lan Qiren who just said that Huaisang will stay in Lan Xichen’s room until his arm is healed, and then left to make necessary arrangements. Lan zongzhu, whom Huaisang likes far better than Lan Qiren because he is much more gentle, went his own way as soon as they entered the Cloud Recesses. So Huaisang is alone with strangers who probably think he is weak for getting hurt like that. They must think he fell and wasn’t even skilled enough in martial arts to know how to land without hurting himself. They must think he got into a fight with someone too strong for him and didn’t know when to quit.
As long as they don’t guess the truth, it doesn’t really matter what they think, Huaisang knows. Still, he has his pride too, and he doesn’t like that this is the first impression he’s making.
Lan Xichen, seeing all his efforts to be nice fail, sighs deeply and turns to his brother.
“Wangji, can you go see if tea might be brought? And something to eat as well. Nie gongzi has travelled from very far, I’m sure he’d be happy to eat something.”
Lan Wangji frowns, so slightly that Huaisang wouldn’t have noticed if he weren’t watching these two so carefully. In answer to that frown, Lan Xichen only smiles until his brother gives in and leaves the room. Huaisang watches him go, fascinated by the way those Lan people walk. It’s almost like they’re floating, nothing at all like the way people at home go about their business.
“Nie gongzi, let’s sit together,” Lan Xichen offers, coming closer and pushing Huaisang toward the bed.
Since it’s impossible to refuse anymore, Huaisang obeys. The bed, just as he feared, is very hard. At home, he has pillows and many blankets, because a-die spoils him.
Spoiled him.
Not anymore, not even if he bought that pretty fan.
Sitting on the bed, fidgeting with his sling, Huaisang looks down at his feet. He tenses when Lan Xichen sits next to him, and refuses to look at him. He smiles too much, Huaisang isn’t used to that and he’s not sure he likes it.
“This must be really hard for you to leave home like this,” Lan Xichen says. “I know I would be scared if I had to.”
Huaisang shrugs. He should be scared, sure. Mostly, he feels uneasy. He doesn’t like it here. But he wasn’t really liking it back home either, not anymore. He can’t say that, but he’s glad that he’s far away from a-die. If only da-ge were here too, safe too, then Huaisang wouldn’t mind so much.
“Since we’ll be sharing a room until you’re better, I think we should try to be friends,” Lan Xichen says. “It’ll be nicer like this, won’t it? Maybe you can tell me about your home. I’ve heard a lot about Qinghe, but I’ve never been there. Is it very nice?”
Huaisang energetically nods. Of course it’s nice. It’s his home, so it’s the best place in the world, with the best food in the world, and his sect is the greatest. It’s obvious.
It's why the Wens don't like them, he's heard some disciples say. Qinghe Nie is just too great, and Wen Ruohan can only wish he had a son as skilled as Nie Mingjue.
“I hope you’ll like it here too,” Lan Xichen remarks. He pauses, and laughs softly. “To be honest, most of the guest disciples don’t really like the Cloud Recesses, so maybe you won’t either. People say it’s too quiet, and there are too many rules… but I find other places are too noisy. Quiet places are nice too. Oh, and do you like music?”
“That’s good then, because we use music to cultivate here. Do you play any instruments?”
“Too bad. Maybe you can learn, when your arm is better,” Lan Xichen offers. “A man of good birth should play the guqin at least. Do you know the other four arts?”
“I play Go with my da-ge,” Huaisang mumbles. “I’m not very good.”
“You’re still young, it will come. Wangji isn’t very good either, but don’t tell him I said that. Sometimes I let him win, just so he doesn’t get discouraged.”
Huaisang can’t help a small smile. He suspects that his da-ge does the same, to encourage him. And so even though Lan Xichen really smiles too much, Huaisang starts thinking he might not dislike him after all.
“We can play together too,” Lan Xichen suggests. “It is always nice to play with someone new.”
“Will you let me win?” Huaisang asks, looking up at Lan Xichen’s face for the first time since they sat together.
Lan Xichen blinks a few times at the impertinent question. Huaisang almost fears getting in trouble for this, even though he should know better than to misbehave, especially toward someone who has even less reasons than a-die to put up with him. He braces himself for a scolding.
Instead Lan Xichen turns away and tries to hide laughter behind his sleeve.
“Nie gongzi, shouldn’t you try to win with your own skill first?” he teases when his laugh calms down. “Letting you win… we’ll see. I don’t think I will, not at first. I want to see if you can beat me on your own first. Isn’t that more fun?”
As long as he wins, Huaisang doesn't really care how. Winning just because someone is sad for him and lets him… that's still winning. He knows he can't say that out loud though. If Lan Xichen is like other people Huaisang knows, he'll say hard work is the only way to get anything, and he must strive to improve… And Huaisang is too tired and depressed to put up with a lecture right now.
“Then I will try hard to be worthy of a game with Lan gongzi,” he sighs. “Please be merciful if I do badly.”
“I’m sure you’ll do fine. If not, I will try to help you improve.”
Huaisang knows he should smile and give thanks and be nice. Lan Xichen doesn’t have to be this kind to him, so Huaisang should be grateful, but now it’s all starting to catch up with him. He’s in this place, he’s without his da-ge for the first time in his life, he’s going to be like that for a long time maybe, and it’s scary. 
He misses da-ge so much.
Da-ge too promised to help him play better, and sometimes Huaisang did win all on his own, thanks to da-ge's advice.
Huaisang doesn’t want to be here in this new place, with new people. He wants to be home, with his brother. He wants to go find Lan zongzhu and beg him to take him back. He’ll be quiet, he’ll be good, he’ll never bother his father again. He’ll do anything, if he can just go home.
Huaisang half feels like crying.
He keeps it in though, because he can’t embarrass himself like that in front of strangers. He’s a Nie, he should only cry with people he can trust. Right now, that means only with his da-ge, who is too far away, alone with their suddenly unpredictable father.
Huaisang really, badly wants to cry.
Thankfully, Lan Wangji returns at that moment, carrying a tray with tea and some cakes. If it was impossible to cry in front of Lan Xichen, then it is even more so in front of Lan Wangji who gives off the air of never having shed a tear in his life. So Huaisang puts on a neutral face, hops down from the bed, and goes to sit at the table where Lan Wangji put the tray.
Carefully, as if he were serving some great and important person, Lan Wangji pours tea, first for Huaisang, then for his brother and for himself. His gestures are slow and elegant in a way that Huaisang can only envy. Suddenly, it makes sense, the way disciples at home speak of Gusu Lan. If someone the same age as Huaisang can be so refined, then the adults have to be even more so.
It would be nice, to be elegant like Lan Wangji.
“Lan gongzi…”
“It’s just us here,” Lan Xichen remarks, passing him his cup of tea and a share of cake. “You don’t have to be so very formal in private. Right, Wangji?”
Lan Wangji throws his brother an unimpressed look, pinching his lips somewhat. Huaisang feels a little awkward for a moment, wondering if this is an argument that those two brothers had had before. Lan Wangji seems like the sort of person who really is too formal at all times. Didn’t he call his brother xiongzhang earlier?
“You can call me by my courtesy name,” Lan Xichen insists. “I wouldn’t mind.”
Huaisang hesitates, and shakes his head.
“Lan gongzi is older, it wouldn’t be proper to address him so casually,” he mumbles. “Already Lan gongzi is going to be troubled so much because of me, I can’t be disrespectful as well.”
This seems to sadden Lan Xichen a little, but he doesn’t push any further.
"Then call him gege," Lan Wangji encourages in a monotone voice. “From you, it’s fine.”
Huaisang could swear there's a slight smile to his eyes. Intrigued by that, he doesn't notice Lan Xichen rolling his eyes and looking mildly annoyed. 
"Can I really, Xichen-ge ?" Huaisang asks.
Lan Xichen, who had opened his mouth to say something to his brother, closes it and stares at Huaisang with a somewhat funny expression. For a moment Huaisang worries that he was tricked into saying something he shouldn't have, and that he'll get in trouble already. Quickly enough, Lan Xichen breaks into a radiant smile. 
"Yes, you can. It would be very welcome, in fact,” he says, glancing at his brother and wrinkling his nose. “Oh, but drink your tea, Huaisang. You look so tired, it will make you feel better.”
It is a little awkward to pick up the cup with only one hand, but Huaisang manages without making a mess for once.
The tea is very good, a different blend from what Huaisang is used to drinking at home. It has a touch of bitterness to it, but it’s still very pleasant and refreshing. It goes very well with the cakes that Lan Wangji brought, which have a subtle flavour. Huaisang does feel a little better after.
Maybe it won’t be so bad here.
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vroomian · 4 years
okay so i had the thought: what would my non-yrz ocs be doing in the mdzs universe? and then the idea just kinda ate my brain for a while. 
Hana - youngest child of wen ruohan, the only daughter, and the heir. she’s wrh’s pride and joy, the child everyone has to measure up to. she surpassed wen xu by age ten. wen chao wasn’t even an afterthought.  she’s as stupidly competent at cultivation as she is at everything else. ambivalent to her family and sect, doesn’t even care enough to hate them. super fucking detached, because she didn’t even have kise to ground her in this life. instead, she has i  wzl. even though she doesn’t need protection, she’s still the heir, the future of the wen. wzl is hana’s only human connection among the wens. yikes. stabs wrh to death when he starts going evil overlord. feels nothing about it -- she just thought a war would be annoying. wzl says nothing, because -- what can he say? she’s the sect leader now. almost certainly ends up with wen qing, as the only one who’s not high keyed terrified of her. low key terrified, sure! hana will take what she can get. (then time passes and -- it’s hard to be terrified when you’re furious at your stupid sect leader b/c hana is just the fucking worst patient)(hana worries wen qing. it’s like she doesn’t care if she lives or dies). Name: Wen Hui (to destroy by fire, lol subtle wrh), courtesy name Ronghua (glory and splendor, also hua is the same character for flower!)(she gets a courtesy name because she’s not a Disappointment like her brothers)
Masae - he’s Jiang (possibly younger brother of Jfm??) for five minuets before he gets bored and wanders off. hailed as a divine healer. possibly a demonic cultivator? really fucking good at talismans. Ue is a cursed blade, or a spirit parasite that attached masae and got attached emotionally  masae never bothered to like. get rid of it. possibly they still eat people? maybe a venom type situation?? anyway, i know that one day masae trips over xue yang and is charmed when nine year old xue yang threatens to stab him to death in increasingly creative ways. adorable. he basically kidnaps xue yang to be his son/disciple (does xue yang end up more well adjusted or less??? i’ll leave that up to you). also very fond of meng yao when they meet, b/c of course he is.  still marries this world version of aizen perhaps??? Name: Jiang Zhen (blessing), courtesy name Baituo (to cast off (old ideas))
Oc!Kiba - Jin!!!!! Not main line, but i feel like he’d be related to jin zixun b/c kiba  can’t catch a break tbh. adjusts slightly better to being among the snakes of koi tower than the dogs of the inuzuka. he’s an orphan. a nobody. there’s like, three people who know his name among the jin.  He’s a master of anything related to going unnoticed or information gathering. by the time he’s twelve madame jin has payed him to slip impotence drugs into jin guangshan’s cup for a year straight and he never gets caught. he hears and sees pretty much everything, because he’s so low-key. has dirt on e v e r y o n e. yes, even you. blackmail is a beautiful thing. sometime in the future, he might defect? or take over the sect via puppet master strings?? honor is for suckers. very nervous and quiet as a kid, but grows into the living version of that one song line ‘if your boyfriend says he’s got beef, tell him i’m a vegitarian and i ain’t fucking scared of him’ real quick.  it takes meng yao three full years to even notice that kiba is not what he seems. probably assassinates jqs and doesn’t feel bad about it.(you know what? yrz would kill to have kiba’s super power of invisibility. the world is so unfair) Name: Jin Wu (fog/mist/vapor), courtesy name Yinmo (to vanish gradually/ to disappear/ to fade out). (doesn’t get the zi character b/c he’s not mainline jin)
Jeong - tbh, i had a tough time with this one. I think they probably started off with Baoshan Sanren, but came down the mountain, and joined the Nie after a rough few years among the common people. the Nie creed of facing evil and protecting the innocent would appeal to them the most. They joined the sect a few years before Papa Nie qi deviated. when he did deviate, they killed him so nmj wouldn’t have too. nmj is grateful, but it also takes him years to fully forgive them. in ‘penance’ jeong became nhs’s personal guard because they had previous experience body guarding (the whole king killer thing still, uh. it happened). also it takes a burden off nmj’s shoulders to know that one of the most powerful people in the sect is watching over his little brother. (there may have been a few attempts on nhs’s life before this by the wen).  nhs is thrilled by this, b/c jeong is notoriously easy going when they’re not in training mode, and all children naturally love jeong. really fucking sturdy, even for a cultivator. might actually be immortal by this point. not quite human? might’ve known cangse sanren, depending how long they were on the mountain. Name: Chénfú (ebb and flow, or rise and fall, or sinking and floating) Sanren (b/c if wwx’s mom can use the name so can jeong).(nhs and all the nie kids call them Renren lol). 
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writingat-night · 4 years
21, 36, 53, 56 , 58
thank you sm for the ask!!
21. A Fanon You Like
mo xuanyu was the one who came up with the idea to resurrect wwx. nhs for sure helped him when he asked but i simply do Not vibe with the headcanon that he manipulated him into it. mxy deserves agency damnit!!
also i love the idea that mianmian and jiang cheng became friends after wwx’s death. she is a cool aunt to jin ling. they go night hunting. she’s the only one who’s allowed to call him by his courtesy name. she tells him stories about his father when he asks. I Care Her.
36. Character You Would Have Liked To Have More Background/Screen-Time
THE NIES. all the nies all the time. but specifically mingjue and zonghui. it’s what they deserve. also song lan and xiao xingchen. they just kind of... turn up sometimes? i think it would be cool to see more of them
53. Coolest Concept
just, in general? i’d have to say the design of lotus pier and cloud recesses. i just rlly vibe with them. they’re so pretty.
56. Who Would You Take On A Night Hunt?
my heart says da-ge but i think xichen would be the most capable all-round, at the most things. i would take the juniors for shits and giggles but we’d probably die.
58. What Would You Place In Your Secret Chamber Behind The Mirror?
any chocolate i buy, so my mum can’t steal it. this is a regular problem for me.
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razberryyum · 5 years
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The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 1 (spoilers)
(covers MDZS chaps Prologue - 5)
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
(a 🐰 is earned every time there is a WangXian scene or even when they’re just thinking of each other)
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To think, I almost stopped watching The Untamed altogether because the first scene was such a CGI disaster.  The pretty horrendous CGI reminded me a lot of my experience with watching Nirvana in Fire and Guardian, both of which I actually turned off a few minutes in the first time I tried watching them, and it was only after a lot more convincing from others that I eventually decided to give them a second chance. With CQL, luckily, I didn’t turn it off right away, mainly because my interest was almost immediately captured by Xiao Zhan. I admit it: I decided to stick with The Untamed for at least an episode or two more initially for entirely superficial reasons. I would be more embarrassed by that fact if I didn’t believe that was probably one of the BEST decisions I’ve EVER made in my life. 
This is probably the third time I’ve watched the first episode all the way through. The CGI still makes me wince a little; can’t help it, it reminds me too much of really bad B-movie stuff. Whenever I try to convince people to watch the show, I always have to warn them that the first two episodes are probably the hardest to sit through (well, until that moment near the end of the second episode which is a game-changer as far as I’m concerned…more on that when I get to the next ep) because of the horrible special and practical effects (those veiny mittens the Mo family had to wear were just as bad as the computer-generated crap at the beginning), and I still stand by that. What was happening on screen was kind of confusing unless you read the novel (and I didn’t do so until like a dozen episodes in) and there were a number of distracting technical issues (like the uneven sound mixing). 
I am ashamed to admit that I was also not sold on Wang Yibo’s Lan Zhan when I first started the show. Not because I had any preconceived notions about his character, because I couldn’t have since I was generally ignorant about MDZS, but rather I just wasn’t sure of his performance and I thought his hairstyle made his face look odd. I did think he was attractive, he just didn’t appeal to me directly. Of course now I think he’s utterly beautiful and perfect as Lan Wangji; I don’t know what the hell was wrong with me back then. I’m like completely mesmerized by him now. Obviously I must have been stupid blind at the time; I’m so glad I have since learned to see.  
Although, I must say I did love his graceful entrance at the Mos’ residence even though I’ve seen people poke fun at it. I think it was meant as an homage to how The Little Dragon Girl (小龍女) made her first public in Return of the Condor Heroes (神鵰俠侶), and as I mentioned in another post, I’m convinced the production team drew inspiration from that series when they were making the Untamed.
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From Return of the Condor Heroes 1995 (the one with Carman Lee, aka Lan Yi)
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Random bits of randomness:
The opening credits, which I think are beautiful and I love the theme so much I rarely skip them (and I never skip the ending credits), remind me a lot of the opening creds for Nirvana in Fire. I wonder if that was a purposeful homage since both stories do share some similarities (main protagonist returns from the dead under a secret identity finds out the truth behind his demise).
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From Nirvana in Fire OP Creds:
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Since I didn’t really know anything about MDZS when I first started watching The Untamed, I seriously thought Sizhui was crushing on Wei Wuxian because maybe he met Mo Xuanyu before or had some history with him that no one knew about.
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It took a second viewing for me to even pay attention to the dialogue between WWX and A-Tong because when I first watched this scene, I was too busy thinking about how pretty Xiao Zhan is to even focus on what was being said. Although, at the time, I probably didn’t even know his name yet since I’m not familiar with X-Nine; I was just thinking, “omg who is this guy he is beautiful wth”. And then Lu Zhixing-laozi’s voice performance was so good, making WWX even more adorable, that I was pretty much in love with Wei Ying from the start. 
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I hadn’t gotten a handle on all the birth names and courtesy names yet, so when Lan Zhan mentioned “Wei Ying” here, I remember thinking, who the hell is that? XD
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Questions I still have (please feel free to answer them):
- Why did that storyteller look all spooked when he turned to look at Nie Huaisang behind the curtains?
- Why did the storyteller’s building suddenly become all dark? Was that WWX’s soul passing through causing that?
- Why DID NHS pay the storyteller to tell the tale of Yiling Patriarch? Was it just for the juniors’ sake? Why?
- What kind of magic is this?
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- How would Wei Ying know what hand the Mos beat him with since he didn’t actually retain Mo Xuanyu’s memories?
- Where DID Sizhui hear Wuji from? Lan Zhan mentions later that he never played it in front of anyone…did Sizhui just happen to overhear him? Or better yet, instead of him actually hearing it at Gusu, did he actually remember the melody from hearing WWX play it at Burial Mounds when he was young? 
Overall Episode Rating: 5 Lil Apples out of 10 
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
A Chat With Stella – WWD
“We’re all in this together” — a universal mantra of the coronavirus era. Sometimes that commonality is comforting in its more superficial aspects. Last week, when uncooperative English-country cell service put the kibosh on a no-visuals conversation with Stella McCartney, her p.r. went swiftly to un-planned B: Zoom. We settled in to chat equally undone, granted, with Stella flaunting a much better top, a sweatshirt from her collaboration with “We Are the Weather” author Jonathan Safran Foer. (Full disclosure: Before joining, I switched out of my Clorox-spotted, Bronx County DA sweatshirt, an artifact of a younger brother’s stint on my couch 25 years ago.)
While some people embrace the primp-up-at-home approach to quarantine, that’s not Stella’s thing. “I put makeup on for the first time in a month last week, when I had to do something,” she offers. As with most conversations these days with someone you haven’t spoken with recently, ours starts with “How are you coping?”
“I couldn’t be luckier,” Stella says, ever self-aware. “I’ve got a little bit of help here, which is a massive blessing. I can’t complain.” Like millions of others, she is working through 24-hour household-running, juggling work, meals and homeschooling of her four kids, ages 15 to nine. Her day starts with Stella McCartney brand meetings — more frequent and of broader scope than before lockdown. While the kids are old enough that interruptions aren’t an issue, she goes into “tough-love” mode when it comes to school. Last week, English schools were still on Easter break, so she was anticipating readjustment this week. “They all go to different schools and each school has handled it in a different way. Some are more tech savvy than others,” she says.
As for cooking, Stella is top chef, but lately, she’s getting help. Because her work day starts early, she tries to think through each day’s meals the night before. But on this morning, she woke up to a surprise. “My daughter Bailey had already cooked tomato soup. I have to say, it was delicious,” she boasts. “It’s great, they’re getting into [cooking], I mean, they’re making fun of me because it’s, like, soup every day. I’m such a waste-not, want-not type, it’s at the core of everything in the brand and in my personality. Literally, I’m using everything. It’s great. That’s how I was brought up.” To our primary purpose: a check-in on Stella’s business in the age of COVID-19, and what this particular Earth Day represents to her. I learned after we spoke that even from quarantine, she’s found a way to celebrate its spirit. Stella worked with Ocean Outdoor, the digital advertising company, to host a major screen takeover at London’s Piccadilly Circus. It launched on Tuesday and runs through Sunday at midnight, rotating a series of upbeat messages including “Mother Earth has started healing” and, captioning a photo of the Earth painted on Amber Valletta’s face, “For us, every day is Earth Day.”
Amber Valletta as Mother Earth in Stella McCartney’s Earth Day screen takeover in Piccadilly Circus, on display through April 26.  Courtesy Photo
WWD: I just saw Barry Diller on “Squawk Box” [on April 16]. He was not optimistic. Stella McCartney:  Well, f–king welcome to Stella McCartney, Bridget Foley.
WWD: Thank you. How are you feeling? S.M.: I am very much split. I’m split between my personal emotions, and then obviously, I have a business to run. I’m living two lives right now. I’m the mother of four, I’m a wife. I’m cooking three meals a day and I’m loving it. I’m with my babies, and blessed to be in nature and not in the city. I’ve got my horse. So I’m fine in my solitude. Then, obviously, there is a deep sadness for all of the lives that are lost and for what people are going through. I have a huge respect for the people on the front line here in England in the NHS and all of the emergency workers. That reality, the mindfulness of what other people are going through, and that we’re all connected in all of the same thoughts, which is a really heavy realization, not to be lightly dismissed. I am very aware of that. Then, there’s the side to me that employs hundreds and hundreds of people globally. Obviously, we are affected as a business, like every other business right now. I’m always wanting the business to do well because of what we stand for as much as anything, and also because I’m a businesswoman. But right now you think, “Wow, this is the first time we are all connected in so many ways.” That’s the important thing that sits on my mind. WWD: It’s odd that that connection comes through isolation. S.M.: Yes. I have a large family network so I’m not isolated that much on my own. The first couple of weeks were really interesting for me on a working level because in our industry, we work with teams, and we feed off each other creatively. I was trying to settle into working via device and using my teams in a different way. [Now] all of us are feeling connected. I’m more connected with teams globally than usual — “let’s meet with China; let’s meet with Japan,” bigger meetings with teams. I’ve enjoyed that and I want to carry through. One of the big questions here is how does this impact our lives going forward, when things get back to whatever the new normal will be. I’m looking to my team a lot, also. Holistically, making sure my teams are OK mentally and emotionally. And that, normally, I don’t have time to do; [usually] I’m just getting involved in my day-to-day. But now I’m like OK, we need to have calls every week just to check in on everyone and see how everyone is feeling. I worry about people, just how they’re doing. My teams in Italy, they’re not allowed out, they’re allowed out to go food shopping and that’s it….I’m mindful of that, like how are you all doing emotionally and mentally because that’s hardcore, going out or not going out and looking out and seeing nothing there. That’s quite hard hitting. I’m not sure if any of us really know how that will affect us all. WWD: Nuts and bolts, I’m sure the specifics vary from region to region. S.M.: Yes. there’s one side that’s creative and there’s one side that’s very, very much responding to different regions and who is quarantined, who’s not. Obviously, we’re massively based in Italy, so it’s been a big conversation about what we can make, what we can’t make, what we can have access to. When you do work in a sustainable way, you have to work far in advance to be sustainable. I develop the majority of my fabrics far in advance, and I have such a deep commitment to my suppliers and to where we’re growing the yarn and the process and the entire circle-ness of it all. I try to remain respectful and loyal to X amount of [suppliers] because I know they’re my reliable source points. WWD: Quarantining with family is very different from quarantining alone. But it still puts stress on work. S.M.: I grew up in a creative household. And creatively, it was pretty much isolation. When The Beatles broke up we moved to a farm in Scotland, completely isolated. My mom and dad did an album; my dad did an album of McCartney, and I think it was his best work. It has been a massive impact on my life, that isolation, on how I think and how I live my life through my business, through my family, through my friendships. The majority of my friends are artists or work in the creative fields, and the majority of them work in isolation; it’s just what they do. Name-dropping, I checked in with David Hockney, and he said, “I’m painting more than ever.” The birth [of] creation is a very insular moment. And then [creatives] go into a teamwork frame, if at all. So my dad will write an album on his own. When he has that creative birth, he will then take it to the next step, engineering it, producing it, art-working it, and ultimately it goes on tour in front of hundreds of thousands of people. So it’s sort of this journey….Our industry goes very quickly away from isolation in the creative sense and goes into teamwork. It becomes a production line, if you like. WWD: It sounds as if you prefer a longer solitary creative process. S.M.: I seem to be busier than ever because I’m doing more and more calls. This is taking me away from my creative process and isolation, so I’m trying to find a balance, which is at the core of everything we do at Stella McCartney. Maybe the answer to all of this is trying to find the balance. WWD: Other designers have talked to me about the creative process being teamwork. It sounds as if your process still starts singularly. S.M.: My name is on the door of the brand, so everything that it stands for has come from me at some stage in my thinking, from my belief systems and my creativity. And then the team around me, we all feed off each other and we all create from that starting point. In our industry we all complain about not having time. So I want to be respectful of that right now and [think of] how can we find that balance between teamwork and creating with your team and bouncing off of each other and all that stuff. Even before all of this happened, I was already approaching spring like this. I was like, OK, how can we not buy new fabric for spring? How can we look at everything that we [have already]? I’ve done that for years. It’s the way that I work; it’s the way my mind works. What have we got in stock, how can we repurpose it? How can we give it a re-life or a rebirth? We did all the upcycling two seasons ago on the runway. How can we look at what’s in a warehouse somewhere? So it’s a really interesting moment for our brand.
Vegan leather — it’s not just for the Falabella bag. This coat is from fall 2020.  Giovanni Giannoni/WWD
WWD: What does your sweatshirt say? S.M.: It says We Are the Weather. It’s my Jonathan Safran Foer collaboration. We Are the Weather — it’s very apt. It feels like most of what I’ve done seems apt right now. It seems like everything I’ve done in my career seems to be quite apt right now. WWD: To that point, and going back to what you said a moment ago, do you think you’re a bit ahead of other brands fabric-wise? S.M.: My viscose comes from sustainable managed forests. It took me three years to [develop it]. So once I’ve taken that long and it’s the only source I have, I then commit to it. I [now] have had to look at all the business, which I do anyway, but it’s more magnified. Then that goes into, can we have access to
Unisex short sleeve t-shirt
$ 20.75 – $ 25.00 Select options
our e-commerce if [production] is all in Italy, and da da da. And what markets are opening up more than others, or which ones are going into isolation or coming out of isolation. We’re all doing the same thing I’m sure. WWD: What differences do you find among the various global markets? S.M.: Every single market is reacting differently. But what people are buying is what would be expected, much more home pieces, much more classics. We’re so lucky in that we have real iconic, timeless, staple pieces — the Falabella bag, for example, the Elyse shoe. It’s not dissimilar to what I’m sure a lot of brands are finding. Hopefully people will lean toward a more mindful culture now. To be a more conscious consumer more than ever, I hope, starts to have some kind of resonance with people. And I think that that’s what we represent in the industry. WWD: It surprises me that people are shopping at all for clothes or accessories. You’re finding that people are shopping? S.M.: They’re not shopping as much. I think the whole reality of this is buy less, care more. That’s the highlight for me, but it has always been the case. As I say, before when I was looking at doing spring, I was already thinking, why do we offer so much product? Waste is a big, big, big issue in our industry, and I am a massive fan of trying to reduce waste or do better with the waste that exists. I think we probably waste the least out of all the brands, we’re so mindful and careful. The challenge for me to my teams is how can we be better at our production and how can we be much more efficient. So we’re pretty on it. I think that now more than ever is the time to look at our industry and say, OK, the truck loads of fast fashion that are incinerated or buried. That’s $100 billion worth of waste a year in fibers, in resourcing. It’s crazy. There is just so much we don’t need. And I agree, I don’t think anyone needs to buy anything ever again. It’s how you repurpose. This is what I think all the time; this is not anything new for me. That’s why I’m [looking] to the classics that I’ve created, because they’re timeless. It’s how I approach the birth of design — by starting with, how can I create something that lasts somebody a lifetime, and then another lifetime after that? How can I design something that is so not relying on a trend so that it can be recycled or repurposed or resold or rented? How can I encourage all of that? I am so open-minded to all of that.
Sustainably sourced viscose is a Stella McCartney staple. This dress is from fall 2020.  Giovanni Giannoni/WWD
WWD: When you have that attitude about less is more and less is better, how do you keep on a growth path? S.M.: There’s real growth. We’re not a massive, massive brand. Look, there’s always going to be brands, there’s always going to be products, you’re always going to want a mug for your cup of tea, and when your mug breaks, you’re going to buy another one, or you’re going to get bored of that mug and you’re going to go, “I want a new mug; I deserve a new mug.” That’s OK. It’s allowed, we’re allowed to consume. What we need to do is consume in a better way. And what companies have to do for the customer is make better and source better and be better brands. We are really f–king good at that at Stella McCartney. That’s a nice mug, Bridget. You’re allowed to buy yourself a new one in a week. WWD: Thank you. From a craftsperson in Ireland. S.M.: Exactly! Look, my way of thinking has always been, it’s allowed. You’re allowed to buy s–t, right? No one is going to stop buying s–t, but people are going to, I hope, buy more locally now, they are going to buy better, they are going to buy more online. That will reduce a lot of carbon in the air. For me, I’ve always had this really difficult dilemma where it’s like, if I do things mindfully and ethically and environmentally, [does] that mean I’m not allowed to have a successful business? But I believe now more than ever that my business model should be more people’s business model. When everyone is doing things [mindfully] then fine, then we can have a non-growth conversation. But right now I need to set an example, I need to show people that you can have a healthy business, you can employ people, you can employ mills in Italy, you can work with farmers all over the world. You can create commerce in a more conscious way. WWD: During these massive global quarantines, we’re seeing cleaner air and cleaner water; it’s been measured. But it has taken a total shut down and total isolation. So does that make you optimistic or pessimistic? S.M.: I’ve been really optimistic that we’ve seen a dramatic reduction in a matter of weeks. Pollution — you could see the results really quickly. Obviously I never envisaged a shut down so dramatically. WWD: No one did. S.M.: More than ever now, we need to have these conversations, and we have to learn. [Otherwise] I think it is such a disservice to the suffering. I feel like every single person that has lost their life or lost a loved one from COVID-19, that cost and pain and suffering needs to see something good come of it. If the people in power can respect those lives lost with some kind of environmental respect and management and policymaking, then I feel like it’s not in vain. People have got to stop and ask, “What was the cost, and what can we do in a positive way [to honor] the pain that people have felt?” WWD: Yet some public health protocols seem at odds with environmental protocols. We’re all washing our hands constantly, so we’re using more water than ever. Also, the return to single-use items. In New York State, the plastic-bag ban went into effect only a while ago, and it’s now suspended. And before it closed, Starbucks stopped accepting customers’ containers, at least temporarily. S.M.: The single-use plastics — that’s where tech will come in. I’ve been looking for many, many years at things like that. We’ve been looking at a company making single-use items that are completely biodegradable. It’s now looking at single-purpose spoons and cutlery, because obviously, the world wants disposable spoons and cutlery. Look, water. We’ve done so many things over the years at Stella, just simple things like clever care such as a whole campaign around not dry-cleaning, not washing your clothes so much, turn your washing machine down, doing it less frequently. The amount of water we use just in the fashion industry — the facts are ridiculous. So outside of washing hands, there are ways to reduce water consumption, many, many ways. And that’s just everyday practice in pretty much every industry. WWD: Do you see a dichotomy between the environment and the public health issue or do you think ultimately they come together in the big picture? S.M.: Ultimately, they come together in the big picture. Ultimately, we’ve got to have some kind of respect for animals on the planet and we’ve got to stop the way in which we farm them and kill them and eat them because it’s a hotbed for disease. It’s not an industry that is healthy or pretty. I’m not isolating out a nation because I think the entire globe is guilty of how they farm and kill and manufacture animals. We have seen many diseases come of that. So, you know, it ain’t gonna go away until somebody looks at that predominantly. They are all connected. And I think it’s so interesting that it’s the conversation nobody is really having. WWD: Why not? S.M.: Because people don’t feel good about the fact that they kill billions of animals a year. There is a guilt attached to it. They don’t feel proud of it so they don’t want to talk about it. They know it’s wrong, and it’s hard to face that. We are all part of it. Well, I’m not part of it. But the majority of the planet is part of that conversation, and responsible. Again, I’ll be the glass half-full type where I say, “you don’t have to give it up completely if you can’t, but just reduce it and just buy it better.” Draw a line in how you consume. Set yourself goals, set yourself parameters that are better. Because it comes down to individuals. The individual consumption and demand will dictate what the ceo’s and the businesses invest in, what they buy into. I’ve been working on my mom’s vegetarian food [company] since she passed away 22 years ago on Friday. She started it, what, 30, 40 years ago? She started a vegetarian, alternative food brand, and it is growing year on year. And I have never seen more competitors in a most exciting way. My mom would be so happy. She probably would have closed the business, seeing how many vegetarian alternative competitors there are now. That’s not because KFC loves chickens. It’s because they see that the consumer wants a vegan KFC. The biggest burger selling at Burger King right now is the Impossible Burger. This is due to customer change. This is the reaction to hopefully the new way of life.
Sophisticated fake fur from fall 2019. “I’ve got my own little supply network,” McCartney says.  Giovanni Giannoni/WWD
WWD: Do you oversee your mother’s company? S.M.: Well, the whole family does. We create the products, we create the range, I do the packaging, we look at the marketing. It’s a family brand.. WWD: That’s amazing. How long has it been? S.M.: I don’t know the exact founding year. I need to look at it, actually; this reminds me. I want to put it on the packaging when we re-brand. [Linda McCartney Foods launched in 1991.] WWD: You have stayed faithful to your upbringing, and the tenets you were raised on. Do your kids embrace the lifestyle that you live at home? Has any of them ever questioned it? S.M.: Yes, they do. They are exactly how I was. But I think now there’s more people around [with similar views], although there’s still not a huge amount of vegetarians. Like, surprisingly, not all their friends are veggie. But it’s a much more well-versed conversation now. They are a lot less freakishly alone. But it’s very similar. I remember when I was really young, I’d say to my mom and dad, “why are we vegetarian? Why can’t I eat meat?” And they would say, “Well, you can eat meat because it’s an individual choice. But this is why we choose not to, because we don’t want to eat a dead animal.” My kids have asked me the exact same questions, and I give them the exact same answer. I’m like, “You are totally free to do what you want to do. I really respect your choice, but this is why I do it.” I see it through their eyes. Because when you’re part of a high-profile family that the world knows doesn’t eat animals, you don’t feel like you can go and sneak chicken Kiev on a weekend. But at the end of the day, my kids — I believe very much that children are so beautifully connected to nature and they’re so innocent and they’re so pure and the minute you say to them, “Look, there’s a chicken alive and there’s a chicken deep fried. Do you want to eat it?” I mean, nobody wants to eat stuff if they see how it’s made. I don’t think anyone would eat it if they really saw how it got to their plate.
A fanciful take on boho-cool, knitted from upcycled leftovers, from fall 2019.  WWD/Shutterstock
WWD: What do you think the lasting impact will be of COVID-19 on the industry? S.M.: I don’t know what the lasting impact will be, if any. My biggest fear is that things will just get back to what we consider normal, whatever that is. But I think that the immediate impact will be thinking differently, I hope. I’m always trying to push myself and my teams. They laugh at me. I’m, “OK, so what are we going to do? How are we going to do this differently?” For me, if every single day I didn’t try and figure out how to come at something differently, I feel like I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. I think that the entire industry now, and anyone in business now, has had to stop and say, “this is a moment I didn’t see coming. How am I going to be the one to think outside the box?” We are all competitive. We all want to win, and we all want to come up with great ideas. Right now people have got to push themselves and try to guess what might happen next. It’s a breaking of the norm as we have known it. I think if you are in fashion, you need to think that way every single day, regardless of the coronavirus. That’s our job. But there are obvious ways in which things will change. I think people are going to be much more cautious with their money. They’re going to invest more carefully, and they will buy in a different way, physically and emotionally. WWD: Small picture, back to spring, a little more on your thoughts right now. S.M.: We started working on spring, and then we paused. But I feel like at Stella we need to do something to [speak to] this moment and not just say, let’s just cancel everything until it’s over. For me, it feels like creatively we should be more inspired than ever to stand out. So I have been working on this little idea of individual pieces and individual gems, and being mindful of the two ends of the spectrum. I think some people will come back and go, “oh f–k it, I deserve to enjoy fashion for a second. I have been sitting in my flat in my pajamas for three months.” So I think there’s going to be [some people who want to shop]. Again, it comes back to working sustainably. I’m trying not to order new fabrics for [spring]. I’m just like, what have we got? We have fabrics that we buy in bulk because they are sustainably sourced. They are our go-to’s. We’re not like other fashion brands. WWD: No, you’re not. S.M.: I have a relationship with environmentally friendly suppliers. I have even created them in some instances. That’s the core value system of the brand, so that’s what we can go to. We’re lucky in that sense. It’s like saying I know that I can get my organic oat milk from this supplier, that’s not going to change. It’s just then left to me as to what I print on it this season or if I can embroider on it this season, which I probably can’t. I work like that anyway. My upcycled collection [fall 2019], those pieces all become limited editions. My final coat was like five seasons’ worth of prints sitting in a warehouse. So it shows that if you are sustainable as a business in fashion, you’re kind of ahead of the game when something like this happens. I’m not reliant on the same things that other people are reliant on because I am much more reliant on a sustainable source. WWD: Your ethical premise becomes pragmatic business. S.M.: Yes, and it becomes a supply chain conversation. I know there’s only two non-leather suppliers that I want to work with, with whom I’ve developed a soft non-leather or a faux fur. And so they are who I go to. I never start a season with, “let’s see 700 fabrics from Italy.” It’s not how I work. I’ve got my own little supply network. Over 60 percent of our environmental impact happens at the raw material stage, which means that this is where we have the biggest positive impact as well. If I didn’t use a fabric maybe in one season because it didn’t feel right, I don’t then sell it or chuck it away. I go, “OK, maybe I’ll use it next season.” It will sit somewhere and then I’ll reuse it.
A fluid coat crafted out of fabrics from past collections, from fall 2019.  Giovanni Giannoni/WWD
WWD: How will this crisis impact the show system? S.M.: I feel like we’ve been having that conversation for 20 years. Like, ugh. You know?  WWD: Yes. But do you think this is, finally, the essential reset button? S.M.: I think maybe more the conversation is, it’s our job to come up with newness, come up with different ways of grabbing attention and reflecting the feelings, the thoughts of other people. We represent that in what we do. So there’s always got to be a new way of doing it. We all think that fashion shows are medieval. We all question how that works and if it needs to be done that way. It’s just always hard to find an answer on that one. This will [force the issue], for sure. Exciting new ideas will come out of this, for sure. NOTE: On Monday, Stella’s p.r. Arabella Rufino sent word of the screen takeover at Piccadilly Circus. Asked why she planned the initiative at a time when there are so few people on the streets to take it in, Stella sent a thoughtful reply. “For the first time in history, we can truly measure the damage done by human activity,” she wrote. “Will we go back to the norm, or will we give Mother Earth the respect and time she deserves to continue healing — so that these city centers with their huge screens can be seen through unpolluted air? I hope we can learn from this moment of pause and that nature can reclaim its rightful focal place in our lives. My message is a gentle, loving reminder: Every day is Earth Day.”  
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/a-chat-with-stella-wwd/
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writingat-night · 4 years
nie huaisang, jiang cheng and/or wen ning for the headcanon meme?
nie huaisang
sexuality headcanon: gay, probably? i don’t have a concrete headcanon for this, but there’s no way on earth he’s straight
gender headcanon: i personally see him as amab, male presenting and using he/him, but i don’t think he would really care all that much about gender
a ship i have: SANGCHENG NATION
a brotp i have: oh boy i have so many. nhs and wei wuxian, nhs and xichen, nhs and jin zixuan, nhs and wangji (although that ones a bit more complicated imo)... he’d just get along with everyone! my favourite one has to be nhs and yanli, though. i think they’d get along very well, bonding over their shit cultivation and their idiot brothers
a notp i have: can’t believe i even have to say this but n*ecest, obviously, that shit nasty. same for s/ngyao, although i do like the idea of nhs having a small crush on jgy when he was younger. i also personally really don’t like nhs and lxc together — i don’t HATE it, i get why people like it, but i just can’t see lxc as anything but an older brother to nhs
a random headcanon: when he was young, his mother taught him zhezhi (chinese origami), and nhs would make a bunch of different things and hide them around his parents’ and brother’s rooms. he stopped after nmj died
general opinion: this may be obvious given my icon and the fact that i’m literally writing a fanfic centered around him but i LOVE HIM. BEST CHARACTER.
jiang cheng
sexuality headcanon: biromantic demisexual
gender headcanon: probably cis
a ship i have: once again, sangcheng for life. i can’t get enough of them
a brotp i have: jc and wei wuxian!! also, if wen qing had lived, they would have been the ultimate duo and we were robbed
a notp i have: once again, i hate that i have to specify, but ch*ngxian. gross. adopted family are family. not a fan of ch/ngqing — he for sure had a crush on her and i love that (he has excellent taste), but she’s too good and too lesbian for him. my feelings on xich/ng are pretty much the same as xis/ng — i see why people like it, but it’s not my cup of tea, and xichen just feels more like a big brother than anything
a random headcanon: at first, jc never called wwx “ge” or “gege”, mainly out of spite, partially because his mother would be pissed about it. when they got a bit older, he started to call wwx “ge” on very VERY rare occasions. the last time he calls him that is when he visits wwx in the burial mounds and tries to convince him to come back to lotus pier. later, when jc finds out sizhui is his nephew, he tries to make up for 16 years of lost uncle-ing in one go. he tells lsz to call him shushu, invites him to lotus pier, buys him gifts, etc, etc. lsz is bemused, jl is horrifically embarrassed. when wwx finds out, he cries. a lot. maybe jc doesn’t call him “ge” any more, but he calls lsz “zhizhi”, and maybe that’s just as good
general opinion: i relate to him probably a bit too much. get him some therapy
wen ning
sexuality headcanon: i think bi, but same as nhs, no concrete headcanon, he’s just not straight
gender headcanon: i haven’t thought about it much, but i like the idea of him being trans, and that’s the reason he has a courtesy name and wen qing doesn’t — she gave him his courtesy name when he transitioned
a ship i have: i don’t know that i really have one? i’ve seen him paired with mo xuanyu, which i think could be really interesting (in an alternate universe obvi, rip mxy), and i also quite like wangningxian, tho i don’t know if i actively ship it
a brotp i have: wen ning and sizhui! the iconic duo! wen ning and the juniors in general too, and of course wen ning and wwx
a notp i have: i don’t think i have one, tbh? i’ve seen some people ship him with jiang cheng, which i don’t really get, but i don’t hate that either
a random headcanon: this one overlaps a bit with the gender headcanon, but regardless of whether you think he’s cis or not, wen qing 100% gave him his courtesy name. this is because 1) she’s the best big sister ever (tied with yanli, of course) and 2) that’s the only reason i will accept for wen ning having a courtesy name while wen qing doesnt
general opinion: he’s baby! he’s badass! the whole package! i love him
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