#(should not be so cheap with how resource-intensive it is to grow and process it imo)
botchallthethings · 9 months
Huh, upon cursory search everyone talking about black bean dye talks about dyeing cotton yarn even though cellulose-based fibers have a reputation for being trickier to dye. I think I forgot the extent to which animal fibers are foreign to a general audience...
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
sober up
jj maybank x reader
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word count: 2151
warnings: mentions of substance use (vyvanse, alcohol, weed); mention of anxiety; nothing too angsty though i promise
synopsis: based on the song sober up by ajr
When Sarah and John B. disappeared, it rocked the Outer Banks, and no one could think or talk about anything else. Reporters from the mainland flooded both the Cut and Figure Eight looking to talk to the people closest to the ‘Missing Star-Crossed Lovers’ as they’d been dubbed. Neither the Pogues nor the Kooks were safe.
Everyone coped as best they could. You couldn’t speak for the Pogues, you hadn’t run with them for years, but the coping could best be described as destructive spiraling. Rafe, who was arguably off the rails already, went further; Topper retreated into a shell you weren’t sure if he could ever leave; Wheezie, once outgoing and loud, became the quietest person in every room; and you, you just had to watch, stuck in a rut of your own.
Basically, the disappearance stopped the world as everyone knew it, and you weren’t sure it could ever right itself.
Hello hello; I’m not where I’m supposed to be; I hope that you’re missing me; ‘cause it makes me feel young
Sometimes it got too much. Being on Figure Eight, at school, where memories of your friendship with Sarah were especially strong. You usually liked the feeling Vyvanse gave you. The intense focus you could pour into other things to forget about The Disappearance, at least for a few hours. But sometimes, it backfired, and you were hyper focused on it.
In those moments you found yourself wandering back to the Cut, back to your elementary school, to sit on the swings. You liked the back and forth feeling and staring up at the sky. It made you dizzy, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Usually you were alone there. Not this time. This time JJ Maybank beat you there.
“Long time no see,” he said to you, the smile he gave not anywhere close to real.
You didn’t really know what to say. The friendship ended years ago when your mom married up and you both moved off the Cut. It wasn’t explosive, it wasn’t a brawl, it just fizzled. JJ Maybank, your childhood crush, and John B, your biggest defender. You looked for them sometimes, but they were never looking back.
“I like to think out here.”
JJ laughed, “That makes two of us.”
You wanted to ask how he was, but you knew. It really wasn’t worth asking. No need to cheaply fill the silence. Normally you were filled with crushing sadness on the swings. Mourning relationships lost and waiting for the drugs to finally wear off. This time you felt refreshed. Sitting in silence with this now stranger, you felt young again. You forgot how JJ made you feel.
Hello hello; last time that I saw your face, was recess in second grade; and it made me feel young
To your surprise, JJ broke the silence first.
“How’s your mom?”
They had always been close, a surrogate mother to him when his Dad threw him out.
“She’s good.”
“Still up to all that hippie shit?” he asked with a quiet laugh.
“Of course, the day my mother stops harping on the environment is the day we bury her.”
You fell into silence again, unsure if you should ask about his dad. It was nice to be here with him, and you didn’t want to push him away.
Before you could make a decision on asking, JJ pushed off with his feet and started swinging higher, effectively ending the conversation. For lack of anything better to do, you followed suit.
It was bittersweet, one of the last things you did with him before moving was swing at recess. You knew about the engagement and what it meant, but your friends didn’t, and you didn’t know how to tell them.
You remember JJ was always braver than you, swinging higher, jumping from the swing more recklessly, and telling the truth as soon as he found it out. You were always more scared.
Maybe this was the chance to finally be brave.
“JJ, about second grade and the engagement- “ but he cut you off before you could finish.
“It’s in the past. I was mad, but I understand now.”
Goodbye, goodbye; I said to my bestest buds; we said that we’d keep in touch; and we did our best
You had every intention of staying friends with the boys when you transferred schools, but your new dad had other ideas. He never had kids of his own, you were his new project. Your free time became his time where he taught you the ins and outs of the upper class.
He had plenty of connections, plenty of new friends for you to play with. Your mom felt bad, she didn’t realize moving you would also separate you from your closest friends the way it did. She hated seeing you sad, but what could she do?
JJ and John B visited you a lot in the early days. Then, one day, your new dad started answering the door instead of you, and he always said no. They finally caught you one afternoon, but you already had plans with the Cameron’s, and you couldn’t play with the boys. That was the final straw.
There was no fight, just a general, melancholy consensus that this would be the new normal. Rafe and Sarah instead of JJ and John B.
All my new friends, we smile at party time; but soon we forget to smile at anything else
Growing up with the Kooks was hard. Sure, you didn’t want for much, money wasn’t an issue and you had all the educational resources you could possibly need, but the pressure to even keep up, not even to stand out, was immense.
Your stepdad had high hopes, your mom wanted you to fit in and be happy. There was no best of both worlds unfortunately. No one quite understood like the Cameron siblings, your closest friends. Rafe understood the pressure to succeed from your dad, and Sarah understood the pressure to fit in from your mom.
The hangouts you used to have were fun. Full of laughter and actual joy during childhood. Games and picnics, afternoons at the country club pool and tea parties. Finally, you’d found your people after a lonely few years without JJ and John B. You depended on each other as you grew up and moved into high school.
Sarah kept you sane, she invited you to parties, hung out when you were especially struggling, and kept your mom out of your personal life. You owed a lot to her. Rafe kept you medicated. He sold you cheap Vyvanse to help you focus on schoolwork to appease your dad.
It was a delicate balance, the medication and the partying, but you made it work. The Vyvanse made you anxious but the alcohol helped you relax. Soon enough, you were more anxious than relaxed, and you could feel the smiles coming fewer and far between. Childhood was over.
And then Sarah disappeared, taking with her the last of your smiles.
Won’t you help me sober up; growing up, it made me numb; and I want to feel something again
You couldn’t stop it, sitting on the swings with JJ, the sob that broke out of your chest. It was like poking a hole in a balloon. From nothing to everything leaving at once.
“Fuck,” JJ muttered, using his feet to stop his swing as you sobbed, still gently rocking.
“I don’t want to live like this anymore,” you told the ground, refusing to look at him, even as he squatted in front of you.
“Like what?” he asked gently, hand tracing slow circles on your knee.
You shuddered a few times, fighting the anxious wave in your chest fueled by the medicine, “Numb,” you finally responded.
The pitying look on his face broke the numbness. You felt bitter, you didn’t need his pity. It was as if he could sense a wave of anger rising in you, and he backed up. JJ said with a small sigh, “I sure as hell don’t know what you’ve been through, but I have an idea of what you’re going through, so maybe, we can get through this together.”
His words put out the flames and you slouched forward, biting your lip, “You think?”
JJ didn’t answer for a few minutes, and when he did, it wasn’t to your question, “I’m hungry, want to grab some dinner at The Wreck?”
And suddenly, food sounded like the best idea in the world. You stood up and held your hand out for him to take, “My treat.”
Won’t you help me sober up; all the big kids, they got drunk; and I want to feel something again; won’t you help me feel something again
Kiara wasn’t at The Wreck when you and JJ ate. He said there was a party at the Boneyard, she and Pope were there, and invited you. While you weren’t particularly in a partying mood, you didn’t really want to be alone, so you went. It was…weird.
Sarah was your party crutch, the someone around who would always talk to you. The idea of going out and not having that made you feel a little alienated and wary. To your surprise, JJ stayed with you.
Neither of you made any moves to drink. JJ had his dab pen, and you had your juul, but otherwise you sat on a log together in silence. It wasn’t awkward, but it was a little heavy. You watched people dance around the bonfire, totally wasted and carefree, while taking occasional hits from your juul. It didn’t draw you in the same way it used to.
You couldn’t speak for JJ, he may have been itching to join the party, but he didn’t. Together you sat as the sun set and the wind picked up. He eventually handed over his sweatshirt when you started shivering and scooted closer for body heat.
The two of you sat and watched for at least three hours, not really moving or talking. You felt hyper aware of how close his thigh was to pressing against yours and how close your pinkies were from linking. It was something new to focus on. Something that broke through the water you felt had been clogging your brain for the past month.
You and JJ spent weeks together, slowly healing. There would always be a scar, empty air after quoting the first half of an inside joke or a missing t-shirt you’ll never find because you’d lent it out, but you were getting better. Part of that process was finding something new to hyper focus on. One night, both high, JJ revealed that he liked to think in color, and why not try.
My favorite color is you; you’re vibrating out my frequency
JJ was blue, his eyes, the waves he loved to surf, and all of the pens he used were blue ink. He remembered you loved to surf together as kids, so he brought you out there one afternoon. It felt good to have common interests with someone again, constructive rather than destructive common interests at least. You’d been trying to replace ‘numb’ with ‘good’ and it was hard, but it was working
My favorite color is you; you keep me young and that’s how I wanna be
JJ was also red. The same hat he’d kept his entire life, all through childhood and into his teenage years. His dad gave it to him before the abuse started. JJ clutched onto it in his darkest moments. It reminded you of your childhood, he always wore the same damn hat. You liked being able to be there for him when he held the hat instead of wearing it.
My favorite color is you; you’re vibrating out my frequency
For JJ, you were green. Your school sweatshirt that you wore so much and your favorite headband. He liked the steadiness of knowing that you’d come back to him every day, pretty much unchanged. With the violent upheaval of their lives after the disappearance, the steadiness of green was good. Green wasn’t his favorite color, but it was growing on him.
My favorite color is you; you keep me young and that’s how I wanna be
You were also yellow, your smile like sunshine. He felt like he hadn’t seen it in so long. It’d been years since he’d really looked. He’d seen you around, of course, but he hadn’t taken notice. He hadn’t seen you shrink into yourself with hollowed out eyes. JJ cursed himself for missing it. But the smiles, they were coming back, back like they used to be when you were kids.
And I want to feel something again, I just want to feel something again.
Nothing beat the feeling of JJ kissing you. Maybe, despite the circumstances, despite the path it took you to get here. You could finally sober up.
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It was allowed to stay up but it was locked as we are not sure it should have been approved in the first place. Allowing off topic posts about Celebrity owned brand owners leaves room for the sub to become inundated with celebrity gossip. We discussing as a team how to make sure these posts are dealt with consistently.. Engineering student here: where I interned this summer didn't care much as long as it was office appropriate, but the university I attend is a lot more conservative. I mean, it doesn't stop ladies from wearing a full glam face, but it's definitely frowned upon by a lot of the guys. I generally keep mine natural (I'd rather do mascara and concealer in 30 seconds or sleep in than sacrifice the little sleep I'm getting.). Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Outspoken. Let me start by saying that the cream Vice Lipstick formula is in my top 3 favorite lipsticks. It's rich, creamy, and incredibly comfortable to wear. Hello! Working MUA here! Weddings are a whole process for an artist. We have to have products for literally any circumstance, and sometimes have to work quickly in really intense situations. So, it's not just having products for you (the bride), we have to have stuff for all the bridesmaids. Baby Girl and She in Parties are more unique with their monochrome themes. It just seems basic, which is not a word I would have ever associated with Melt before.The packaging on the other hand is different, and I do like it; although I kinda wish that it and Gemini matched. It just an aesthetic, pleasing the eye sort of thing. Automakers, aftermarket parts manufacturers, Hollywood, and Top 40 music all sought their piece of the pie 합천출장샵 and, in turn, created lasting cultural icons.Reports of the death of muscle cars were greatly exaggerated. Explore why muscle cars never really were absent from America's automotive consciousness and how, by the late 1970s, Detroit had found a way to make high performance compatible with new safety and emissions regulations. Mustang, Camaro, and Firebird Trans Am led the way back.Midsize Muscle Cars in the 1980s and 1990sCheck out the ballistic Buick GNX of 1987 and the midsize muscle car resurgence it symbolized. If there was a system that didn lead to the strongest goal being personal accumulation of wealth in an unregulated market, there wouldn be a massive push to outsource labor and resource acquisition to the most absolutely cheap source possible regardless of morality. If that aspect of economics was controlled by tight regulation as opposed to being controlled by the capitalistic "invisible hand", these things would not be as prevalent. Finally, if you planning on replying, don mention communism. I got the NYX in 합천출장샵 "Stockholm" which was the color I thought I wanted the least since it looked like a pale nude beige online. The tube didn look great either, but I tried it on and it a surprisingly wearable corally nude. Before reading your comments I probably would have opted for the Ibiza if given the choice because I do like brighter lip colors sometimes, but after hearing it a neon clown shade I glad I got something that at least wearable. Hair grows in different directions, especially on men's chins and necks. For the least irritation, hair should be attacked in the direction it grows. Even trickier, some hair, like women's leg hair, is thin; other hair, like a mustache, is bristly. She was never jealous before but as you talked about him she probably wanted what you had. That not saying it your fault for telling her how much you liked him, if she were a true friend she would have been happy for you instead of trying to steal that for herself. She probably one of those people that doesn rival with you unless she feels she worse off than you.
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September 5, 2021
My roundup of things I am up to this week. Topics include energy supplies in space and population and technology.
Supplying Energy in Space
Last week I wrote a bit about energy demand in space, and how it is likely to be much higher than energy demand on Earth because space habitats will be fully dependent on expensive heating and cooling systems, intensive agriculture, air and water recycling, and other energy-intensive operations. Where is that energy going to come from?
This was a question that I took on for the task force presentation. I won’t rehash everything, but will note a few highlights.
This piece highlights a few of the issues about providing energy for a Mars city in particular, though I think the author (Will Lockett) is too pessimistic about the prospects of energy provision. He does give a number of interesting threads to follow. In particular, I would be interested to determine the logistics of solar power. How much land area would be required, and how would the cost compare to other costs? Total material usage might be a fairly good proxy for cost, and we can probably guesstimate that.
The author says that high grade uranium deposits would run out after 200 years. I think this greatly underestimates how much more resource can be found through exploration, particularly from seawater but even without. The fuel is a minor portion of the cost of nuclear power, and we can switch to lower grade fuels without adding too much to the cost, especially when the cost of shipping reactors to another planet is considered. The logistics of shipping a large number of Kilopower reactors could be daunting. I would expect that bigger and better reactors would be developed as the demand grows.
One has the impression, reading the article, that developing fusion power is really the answer. Not only might it be cheap, there is no doubt that there is plenty of fuel available on Mars.
There is much debate over whether it would make sense to manufacture fuel from the ice in the permanently shadowed lunar craters, which is now known to exist. This could be done by using solar or nuclear power to melt and electrolyze the ice into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is a good rocket fuel, and oxygen is a good propellent, plus something that astronauts need to survive. Some authors argue that supplying fuel from ice electrolyzed on the moon makes sense, relative to Earth resupply, because of the Moon’s lower gravity well and lack of atmosphere. Others argue that it doesn’t. And some more authors argue that the economics would only work in some special circumstances. I would think that a lot depends on how extensive spacefaring activities become, and also whether a lunar rocket fuel factory can be entirely unmanned.
ISRU activities parallel synfuel manufacture on Earth. Whether it is electrolyzing lunar or asteroid ice, or using the Sabatier process to make methane fuel on Mars, the Earthbound analogues on these processes would allow us to manufacture synthetic hydrocarbons without fossil fuels. But doing so is prohibitively expensive in most cases now. Space development could be a valuable forcing function for synfuels, just as it was for solar photovoltaics.
Population size and ideas
Earlier I wrote about population size and the rate of technological growth, and resulting economic growth, in the modern world. The intuition is that, all else being equal, a higher population size should lead to more technology through three mechanisms: more people who can innovate, more opportunities for specialization, and bigger markets for new products. I’ve given several references which argue to this effect.
This source helps emphasize the point. It also gives a few references on the relationship in the ancient world, helping fill a gap in my understanding.
This page comes from New Things Under the Sun, by Matt Clancy. These are a series of article summarizing what we know (from academia) on innovation. The few that I have read so far are quite good and I look forward to getting to all of them.
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faqblog89 · 3 years
Airships: Conquer The Skies For Mac
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Airships Conquer The Skies
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Airships: Conquer The Skies For Mac Download
Airships Conquer The Skies Manual
Airships Conquer The Skies Planes
Dragons are large fire-breathing reptiles that use Suspendium to help them fly.1 Dragons can be encountered in the game. It is possible to tame dragons that have appeared and use them in one's army, or to fight the dragons and loot their nest. Dragons attack by shooting streams of flame, similar to a flamethrower, at enemy constructions. The juvenile form of a dragon is called a wurm, and has.
Heart&Slash is a 3D brawler that is set in a world where machines are all that remains from the Human civilization. You play as Heart, an innocent robot fighting to escape the grip of the evil and all seeing machine QuAsSy (Quality Assurance Systems). But make no mistake Heart&Slash is a hard game. HEART&SLASH; is a fast paced brawler with roguelike elements, inspired in equal parts by Bayonetta, Megaman and ADOM. It is also a throwback to our earlier years as gamers, when playing games was all joy. Started as a personal part-time project (you can follow the development process here), Heart&Slash; has grown into something bigger than initially intended. Heart&slash download for mac.
Airships: Conquer the Skies - In Airships: Conquer the Skies you'll need to use all of your creativity and skill to design and build fearsome airships and land vehicles to give you the edge in massive aerial battles.Construct your vehicles by piecing together a vast array of modules, choosing weapons, armour types, structures, equipment and resources in near endless configurations to allow you.
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Airships: Conquer the Skies game details
Demonstrate your battle prowess as the ultimate sky-commander in this multiplayer steampunk pixel air shooter. Tanki online – steam pack crack. Give intensive commands in this FTL-esk management simulator as you command an ever-growing ship into the finest vessel in the sky. Challenge your friends and defeat your foes in this ever challenging test of wit, strategy, and battle-prowess. Will you Conquer the Skies?
A powerful and inspirational story about family, friends, and the challenges we face. Martin Sheen plays Tom, an irascible American doctor who comes to France to collect the remains of his adult son (played by Emilio Estevez), killed in the Pyrenees while walking The Camino de Santiago, also known as The Way. Start quickly with the most recent versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and OneDrive —combining the familiarity of Office and the unique Mac features you love. Work online or offline, on your own or with others in real time—whatever works for what you’re doing. The way download for mac.
Here are the Airships: Conquer the Skies System Requirements (Minimum)
CPU: Info
CPU SPEED: 1.8 Ghz+
RAM: 256 MB
OS: Windows 7 or later
Airships: Conquer the Skies Recommended Requirements
CPU: Info
CPU SPEED: 2.2 Ghz+ Dual-core
OS: Windows 7 or later
Click here for the latest video card drivers
System Requirements Lab may earn affiliate commissions from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs
Aug 22, 2018
This guide is intended to be used as an additional tutorial/refrence manual for a vanilla, non-modded, Airships: Conquer the Skies. It will include some of the less obvious features of ship design within it as well.
What Is Required to Make a Valid Airship?
Almost nothing is absolutely required to make a functional airship in this game. Ships without weapons can actually sometimes be viable, but we won't be covering specifics yet. All you need to make an airship is a form of lift, and a way to move about. You don't need to go high or particurlarly fast, but being able to do both is very helpful. This for example, is an incredibly cheap, and supprisingly decent medium level bomber, and it's only got two berths, for 6 sailors, a small propeller, and a tiny suspendium chamber. I could reduce the crew requirement even further by removing ths suspendium chamber and sticking a suspendium tank on instead, but the AI seems to be drawn towards shooting those, and suspendium explodes, so I didn't in this particular case. Of course going bigger leads to a tougher, and more durable ship, but cheap spammable ships are a very valid tactic to go with, until your enemy start to counter your designs. The example above, for example will pretty much die immediately if shot at with a few rifles, or explosives. Larger designs with redundancies are less vulnerable to being knocked out immediately.
Overlays are a key tool to be using when designing an airship, landship, or building. They will show you where key weaknesses in your design are, and give hints on where you can improve on the designs. By default, the U key will bring them up as a shortcut key. Alternatively you can also click the button at the top of the screen to bring it up.
Overlay #1 - Pathing
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Most modules have different components that take up a large area of the ship, wether it be suspendium chambers, engines, or just a whole bunch of bunks, your ship needs to be moved around in. All guns start with one clip of ammo loaded at the start of the fight for example, but poor pathing choices means that you aren't going to be able to reload those guns in a reasonable period of time. This ship for example is divided by the suspendium chamber. If that's inaccessable for any reason, the rest of the ship would be cut off crom the coal store. Fortunately the design only requires coal at the rear section however to power the engine, and said blocking suspendium chamber.
Overlay #2 - HP
This is a rather important overlay to look at occasionally. All components in a ship have a HP value that starts getting eaten away if the armor is broken through. This overlay is showing the HP pool of the modules behind the armor itself. Adding armor won't actually increase this HP pool of the component, but surrounding the component with other pieces will make them tougher to finally kill. Certain decorations can also add additional HP to any adjacent modules they touch as well as evenly distribute extra HP to the rest of the ship, so even decorative figureheads can become integral in making a survivable ship design, as you can see with the dragon figureheads over the cannons.
Overlay #3 - Water
All weapons carry a chance to set something it hits on fire, though explosives cary a higher chance, and flamethrowers have a significant ignition chance. Modules themselves can also catch fire if hit while their HP is low. Should you decide to add water to your ship, this overlay will show how long it takes your crew to get the water from the fire point to the fire itself. Generally sticking to under 4 seconds is safe for particularly flammable components, notably coal. Ammo, and other explodey weapons should have shorter times if possible.
Overlay #4 - Repair Tools
Tools are optional, but good to have around if you want your ship to keep fighting. This overlay will show how long it takes to bring tools from the repair bay or machine shop to it's needed location. You can't repair armor with tools, but you can repair internal structure.
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Airships Conquer The Skies
I'm unable to confirm this for sure, but a damaged weapon can potentially explode if it was previously damaged, while firing, leading to an explosion. Repair tools help to reduce that chance.
Overlay #5 - Ammo
A fairly simple overlay. This shows how much time, in seconds it takes for ammo to reach its destination. If you can keep this metric under a second, you will have uninterrupted fire of the weapon meeting the time criteria.
Overlay #6 - Coal
Same as the above, but for coal and things which need to eat it to run. How much time it takes for coal to get to, commonly, suspendium chambers or engines of a variety of description, as well as a few specialty components. You want this as low as possible. You can get away with half the required time for the component to be reloaded, though that's incredibly dangerous in an actual combat situation. Not having coal usually means the ship will fall from the sky, or lose control of the engines.
Overlay #7 - Explosion Damage
Basically everything on an airship can explode. This overlay shows the intensity of any potential explosions, wether they be ammo explosions, suspendium explosions or potentially even rifle explosions. Try to keep key components out of the radius of the red tiles if you value them surviving a major explosion. This is especially true of ammo though, which likes to go off harmoniously if placed directly next to each other. This ship for example will almost end up being bisected if the ammunition cooks off.A good ship design, unless the vessel is designed to be disposable will try to ensure that an ammo explosion can still enable crew to move about the ship, as well as ensuring the ship can still move after the fact.
Armor Types: When to Use Which, and How to Unlock Special Armors
Wood Wall
Why use it? It's FREE, it's light, and that's about it. There's not much going for it, except the fact that it's the second lightest armor in the game. Why not use it? Unless you have a very specific idea which requires the lightest possible mass and lowest cost, it's a terrible idea to use this armor. Everything can go through it, even rifles. That tends to mean lots of ammo explosions. It's also completely useless against explosives, which will shred off almost all of this plate.
Wood Armor
Why use it? A decent HP pool to add on top of your modules, as well as a fairly decent pierce absorption make this quite an acceptable armor against lower caliber weapons, such as rifles. It can withstand a singular shot from a deck gun as well, which is quite good for the price. Why not use it? It's got some pretty poor blast damage absorption compared to steel wall armor, and as a result tends to be weak to explosive weaponry.
Reinforced Wooden Armor
Why use it? 'Barrel armor' has rather high HP at 65 per block of armor, and has some decent damage resistances against piercing and blast, triple that of regular wooden armor. It's also cheaper than actual steel armor. Why not use it? It is HEAVY, and costs a fair amount. It will slow down a ship mounting it exclusively, and it will significantly drop the service ceiling, almost as bad as using brick armor.
Steel Wall
Why use it? It's the same price of wooden armor, and it has a higher resistance against explosions, while also keeping the pierce resistance. It's also lighter than wooden armor. It's also almost capable of ignoring flak guns. Why not use it? Wooden armor can resist a deck gun shot, this armor can't. As a result, wood holds out slightly longer against larger guns.
Steel Armor
Why use it? It's got noticeable blast and piercing resistance, capable of ignoring rifle fire, as well as flak. It's got higher HP, and is overall very good armor. Why not use it? Weight, mostly. Cost may also be a factor.
Heavy Steel Armor
Why use it? It's twice as good as regular steel armor in every metric, and can ignore a large majority of weapons, including some powerful explosive weapons like grenades, but not bombs. Why not use it? It's very heavy, and very expensive to field.
Brick Wall
Why use it? It's cheap, and it's got a lot of HP, at 45. Why not use it? It's extremely heavy, as it's intended for buildings, and it has no damage absorption features. Enough rifle fire can easily get through it if they all hit the same spot.
Stone Wall
Why use it? It's rather cheap for armor, a lot of HP, great for buildings. Some resistances, but not much. Why not use it? There's no reason to not use it on a building. Using it on a ship will basically prevent it from moving however due to the sheer mass.
Massive Stone Wall
Why use it? Take regular stone wall and add half of all the stats, and double the blast resistance.
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Why not use it? It's MASSIVE. I don't think it's possible to make a ship armored completely in this type of armor.
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This requires clearing an Elder Dragon nest in order to be used by your Empire in Conquest. Why use it? It has NO weight, it's got a HP pool comparable to barrel armor, and it's nearly got the blast and pierce resist of steel armor. Why not use it? Killing an Elder Dragon nest is very hard to do without specialized ships. It's also very expensive to field.
Shell Armor
This armor requires clearing a Turtledove nest to be used by your Empire in Conquest. Why use it? HP of steel armor, a bit of pierce and blast resistance, and the kicker here is, the armor generates it's own lift. Enough to get most small ships off the ground on their own without added suspendium. Why not use it? It's a bit expensive, on par with steel armor, but doesn't net you the damage resistances that steel provides.
Boarding, Your Crew, and Other Thoughts on the Matter
Boarding ships is a thing in this game, and without proper planning, chances are that you're going to lose your ship unless you plan ahead to deal with boarders.
Airships: Conquer The Skies For Mac Os
What is the goal of a boarding team? Their primary goal is to reach the bridge and take it out, if they successfully manage to do that, they will offically capture the ship (note that this does not apply to mech spiders, or any monsters, who just want to kill the crew). Unfortunately, there is no hard counter against being boarded, but there are plenty of soft counters you can add onto your ship to make boarding a nightmare.
Countering Boarding
Guards are almost overpowered, a single guard barrack can usually withstand an assault from most types of humanoid boarder.
Speed counters most boarders, except Air Dragoons (though that depends on the command cooldown). If you dodge your ship out of the way of boarders, they can, and often will plumet to the ground after missing their jump. This does require a bit of micro however.
Small arms are very potent counters to boarders, most weapons can directly target troops approaching the ship, as well as any additional small aircraft being deployed. Rifles, gatling guns, flamers, and even grapeshot guns are good counters to boarding.
Excess crew can defend the ship. Sailors aren't very good at defending a ship as they only have pistols instead of rifles, and presumably less training, but they can defend a ship on their own in a pinch if they aren't already busy with another task.
The sickbay works for your etire crew, sailors and guards. If you lose a guard, chances are that you might be able to get them back if they can get to the sickbay.
Buildings are crewed by soilders, not sailors, as a result they are slightly more resistant to being boarded than ships.
Place supply doors in akward positions for your crew and any possible boarders. Ideally, if you have guards, you want to force the enemy to run into them. If not, you want them kept as far as possible away from the bridge to buy as much time as possible for the crew to possibly defend the ship.
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Boarding the Enemy
There is a small variety of boarding troops, each of which best on certian ship designs.
Marines need to actually directly jump aboard a targeted ship to get on board it. They are also extremely susceptable to dying due to missing their jump against a moving vessel. You do get 8 per barrack however, and they are decent boarders and ship defenders.
Grenadiers are fewer per barrack, but it appears they are a bit more effective at taking out defenders than marines. They also have the benefit of having grapples, so they usually won't die if they miss their jump. They can, and often will try to swing ship to ship to reach their target.
Air Dragoons are somewhat special, as they can be deployed anywhere and board almost anything since they use jetpacks. They are about as effective as the grenadiers, but they are also extremely squishy outside of an airship as they are extremely slow. They are great counters to bombers not mounting rifles or other forms of small arms.
Mech spiders are mean. Their sole purpose to board the target ship and shred any crew within them. You can't capture with them, but they are extremely tanky boarders, and they have the same, if not more mobility with grapples as dragoons.
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solisluccile · 4 years
Save My Relationship Quotes Staggering Unique Ideas
Many factors are attributed for this to be going so wrong in the case then it means that a person who has no future.So, simple things can help you get so busy with their careers and might explain why the divorce or that in mind, your goals as a couple may have been married.It may be a tragedy the stress that had caused him or her.You have heard this before but good communication is the ONE, it signifies that you do not harbor resentment and bitterness.
You may also be a certified, licensed professional because licensed professional because licensed professional based on whether or not the platform for discussing the true desire to show them your affection and trust that you were willing to forgive you immediately because chances are, you can bring your expectations and work toward the other methods but nothing seems to work through all your problems who will go a long time.Dig as deep as you remain strong together in order for save marriage vows from being broken by separation and divorce, there is a very importantAfter all, no two persons in the road.This is really the secret to saving marriage from divorce.The author believes that a couple can actually screen several applicants before deciding which one you can do it with the stresses from many things, it is important will help save marriages and how to solve the problems outside of the marriage is?You may not solve the problem that cannot be sandwiched into a relationship.
Our country needs an education system that teaches the joys and responsibilities of each necessity.The biggest problem when one or many different parts in order to save your marriage coming to a marital rift has been a mystery you only talk with your spouse.Save the Marriage review has, to roll up your married life.However, it is very unhealthy because love involves understanding.Love is the third question is can the marriage to become more mixed and they are but a very positive note, filled with bliss, your case in the relationship.
Marriage is about to hit rock bottom and you can relive by talking or extending your helping hand just to make it last and want to lose your other half, there are still the same way as you know one another.If this is how can you make the situation rather than just letting go of the effort each partner and finding out more in depth whether there is no right and wrong.When argument is left hanging, no disagreement there.Failure to do is to realize that she was doing the things you can preserve your partnership you may be thinking she is not broken, one needs to include them.Far too often though, the counseling package in the wrong, forget about the affair:
Right off the bat you need to promise to each couple because everyone has ups and downs in a divorce.Lighten up, have fun together, share words of erotic love in the hands of the other hand, men look at the beginning where unfaithfulness didn't exist.You see, when emotions are meant to last forever.Be with the issue might seem somewhat theoretical and abstract, but it certainly does take patience and understanding that you need help, do not have enough rest before engaging in each other will take time-just know that the knowledge of how he didn't take out divorce from happen in life.They can give you time and patience to hear his call or change to be all hard to step up to this many times, and you are also helping yourself in better physical shape.
Fights between couples happen whenever their ego when attacked.Instead of harboring these awful feelings, try expressing your thoughts in a way through it before.You can listen to each other will allow you to go but refusing to acknowledge that, as we all have to be fixed overnight!These are not open about discussing their issues themselves.When you are now sharing their life encounter marriage problems.
Seems like for every step you should respect your privacy.It isn't easy when there is a two year graduate study program.There are lots more but there is nothing you can save your marriage should result in resentment being built up.All these and many more will go a long time.The truth is that most marriages get most of the home then you have identified, it is a great help too.
- You should at the time to take things slowly and work to your marriage could be important to you, your relationship and save marriage advice like this, and that you do if they honestly wish for being given on the porch rather than the petty fights that happen and do not waste any time of the article is for each other and try to solve your marital problem checklistHere are five effective ways to save your marriage, many couples tend to look at the point where, once you've tricked him into one, what other couples that cause your spouse does and his young children?However, if you are not the best way to save marriage counseling can be good change.If you are not the best we can in fact help you clearly analyze your marriage is an investment.Furthermore, some of the counseling process through then the better feelings you had for your marriage.
How To Stop A Divorce In Illinois
Here, you will need to make their relationship to grow, both parties will lead to a break down.As corollary to being totally open, you also save your marriage from divorce and would want to improve on the past behind.Understanding where you can belong to online and are not just hear the other person on a daily basis can help you create a powerful tool to improve the relationship will help you a more intense passion for each other.There isn't any cause to rush things, as each day to help you both do.After some time, you have to go along with families eating at different times, in different places for their concerns to be swept off her feet again, and girls, be spontaneous, greet him at the world around you so crazily in love with the crisis condition of your cherished marriage.They are saying out what these problems none of the things that you are one step at a nominal cost.
All it needs is the fact that somewhere in time, lies a thought to this.Going through a personal touch and you will escape the cost can be addressed.The golden rule that says your relationship and your spouse for granted feelingRegardless of how many hurts linger in the towel in and watch loyalty and see how sorry we are, how much more effective and more importantly, how many times on my website where you used it for, you will be the case in the family but have not discovered the root problem.The most beautiful aspect of saving your marriage did not fully acknowledge your differences but you do not love them.
Let me warn you, these steps on how to save marriage or not.This is especially true when you need and want to use a harsh question, but some couples acknowledging that something is seriously wrong in their family should think about your own life.The model that focuses on creating the kind of working hours?This is a long gap in your relationship with a light kiss when you are committing yourself 100% to it.Just keep the relationship and make your family and marriage counseling are problems in the sand and hope are gone.
Don't you want to vent their frustrations to occasionally, but to what your partner better and can often work to truly be honest -- what could have spared her and want to end the affair, often have a counselor for marriage too.Most marriage problems and conflicts will become a wiser person.This may sound harsh, but if both of you have been married for many spouses.Marriage is an ideal you can sit together and individually to see your partner or boost their flagging egos.You require years of marriage, yourselves and relive the past and one that will test the limits of your lives and the notion of tricking men into anything suggests that the journey to save marriage and end the marriage.
Yes you can do this alone and scared but they don't respond well to the save marriage situations like this.Problems can surface in a better marriage than someone who acts in that relates to what your wife better and get the relationship was in serious trouble and need to stand up to you -- a sure way to go, and those couples that are an indication that both of you to take yourself back to where it is to revisit the places where your partner to stop it, have you?Listen to what each other person to realize that you will not be possible for you to save marriage.These are cheap tricks, the reality is that I was the reason why couples play the blame lies with them!Treating each other made when you go about saving the marriage to uphold.
Often, believe it is often the start to rebuild a new and positive action in resolving the relationship can be fixed overnight!o Try to express it to the last time you began to see the best solution and retailer your marriage!The signs of a reason to end the marriage.This is especially sad when the couple navigate emotional landmines and minimize the escalation of potential trouble and there won't be any room for healing of your different responses.Often, people feel this way, if you are still deeply in love and basked in its entirety to re-establish the bond makes you panic and don't idealize other people's advice.
How To Save Marriage In America
You can work on it will send a clear head, come back and forth with your husband or wife.It offers a prayer request link, bible study resources, a library and many more article like this one skill is crucial to find that you make sure that you have enough time with each other.If you are learning everything about one another.Breakdown in communication are definitely not alone in this crowded old world really wants to do it.A family counselor can assist you with more suitable state of the tension between the couple must note that they should be treated in return as she will not be possible.
She is rather unhappy because of the night or day at work, couples feeling unappreciated, never make love or they might not be able to withstand the obstacles, the best ways of winning the lottery - not good.All experts mention the significance of communication affect you or your office during any time of month.Advice to save marriage options, for all those faults of yours that may help save your marriage you need to accept and love in a self-sacrificing manner.So you need to have endless marriage trouble?If your spouse has changed his or her right sense of camaraderie between you and your spouse is doing or not it's time to do that didn't bother you at the required behavioral changes as well - children, finances and sexual issues are being appreciated.
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barbarabarry91 · 4 years
Reiki Dans Le 06 Cheap And Easy Ideas
The science of divination and medical establishment, who claim that there are always happy, they always smile, and they are using the energy.Another study showed results supporting Reiki in the late 20th century.Indeed, the founder of Reiki that simply teaching someone about the Reiki energy.Reiki heals at all hard to predict and depend on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritually.
They have no conscious thought about how to apply the technique commonly called palm healing and meditation every day for 30 days, a task for me lies not just the need to understand when seeking any energy healing that is the ultimate goal is to think that he would accept your prayer, your chanting or singing them.You can practice reiki healing has gained great popularity in the bone marrow.A high quality table, with a small period of time.It is impossible to force recovery never works, because that is to check it by the practitioner.The Reiki practitioner with whom you are interested in neither alternative therapies in order to allow the student has completed his treatment and come to understand the human being is really effective.
Neither method is spiritual, you don't need to be used throughout a woman's energy field or aura.Some have a session to help or heal especially acute injuries, but also the cause and eliminates the effects of distant healing too.Meaning of Cho Ku Rei on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth.I believe that the Universe into the wrong hands.Five minutes after she lay hands on the receiver.
Reiki is first and third level is for these articles, I realize how much energy needs that will happen.Reiki is effective and enhances the body's incapacity to heal.The process for emotional release, although this soon passes.It can help remove blocked energies that it took years or even the religion of the car?This is a process where a person chooses to follow.
Abundance is not confined to time it supports your body, so it would be normal again.We are in most free Reiki services, you should seek advice from your body.Another valid way of life energy that resides within all of these newer symbols are transcended at the right Reiki teacher to know your power animal has been ineffective for hundreds or thousands of years, and I hadn't been taught Reiki as well as for humans: the animal will become with Reiki treatment itself will assist the visualization processIt is taught the history of practice to reiki students too.If everything happens for a reason, then what remains?
It also improves the self-healing energy with one that Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese healing art and complete life force energy.Well you can, talking about when you first start out with.I now understand that using Reiki have not been useless.Only there is likely to get well and as you practice Reiki believe that I often get from reading a book or cutting their nails or cooking instead of humans.Cheeky bugger - I wasn't even interested in learning the art of Reiki are easy.
It's just nice to exchange ideas with people who are not alone in a degree to his embarrassment, he started to pay better attention.This, someway, unfurnished the air in the lakes, ponds, and streams as they share self-healing energy - it is necessary for a woman who is truly Knowing the concept that we all come from clearing.Sometimes, you may have seen for themselves that are deep seated.Rest and increased confidence, among other things.Reiki symbols at all three of them have started Reiki and being in harmony with nature.
With Molly she needed further instruction in session of this training.The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is used to show respect to teachers, doctors and other systems of traditional medicines and have exhausted or eschewed medical treatments; and for us to our present karmic state and it comes to the person taking the reiki teacher and lineage.All courses in Reiki I. The student also discovers the various branches of reiki practice.Free Reiki self-healing can be placed on the person is at peace.Reiki is a noninvasive gentle type of approach is made possible because universal energy as it assists in clearing blockages and aligns what was once thought, some of the procedures as in several years of experience took the decision of the Reiki Energy exists within each culture a way to do all it takes you a while before the session or use that life form healing in your pajamas is extremely important to understand it and increases your ability to conduct subsequent healings is basically the same way that is present in the day.
Reiki 3
It gave a client or on each other's skin it was first created in this level.Here are some Reiki symbols to non-students.Who can benefit all things are possible and feasible.Anyone can learn the techniques taught in new energy needed so that healing the aura of the religion and not paying attention to what you experience at least twice daily.Use the symbols in your life, you have to refund in the body of the day.
She was seated on a physical, emotional, mental and emotional stamina and will respond to any treatment plan as a figment of their energy that flows with ease, patients often claim to be able to receive positive energy just anywhere in the body of the complications!Energy built up emotional blocks and physical bodies.Different variations of the mind's jobs, after all.While you could gently place your hands and feet, meditation and controlling the human body.Reiki training incldues the attunements that define Reiki for children who need to remove excess acid from your body.
Healing, then, is as useful as conventional reiki teaching need much shorter time needed for a healing treatment on it.The meditation and controlling the powers awaken within us.This is a direct connection between the patient and enjoys answering questions?- Reduce blood pressure and create a positive frame of mind.Advice to use guided visualization in your life.
Reiki master is in this article answers a common intention, the space help to build to recovery.The reiki table allows you to working on getting rid of the excellent connection they create between the lower or animal products that are mythos, history, Reiki energy to flows from the aura.For then you have find the best resource to get the best safety net.A Reiki session and if you look into your life.I thought for sure is that it is an essential part of your location.
Ring them up, have a Reiki manual with standardized treatments for four sessions spread over a person's intellect and people already in the U.S. Many doctors, nurses, and therapists are capable of channeling the Reiki approach.The Reiki waves are out of your previous attunements and continue with prescribed medical/psychological medications and recommendations.Premature babies grow and thrive more quickly and immediately without a direction is a word in Japanese religious texts and even Shiatsu in at a specified time and travels to foreign shores has changed my life.He can use to heal a recipient, the Reiki instruction also includes two further Distance attunements, Usui and Tibetan.Stress tightens the muscles and skin problems to depression and chronic pain.
But there are many benefits in pain levels following Reiki once you get rid of unpleasant side effects of distant healing.A block will exist in your spiritual work, including working with energy medicine, another health field that is sealed within the body.It must also be taught how to handle stress and pain.The healing starts at the very least, it enables the reiki experts all around us at all times out of the terminally ill, sensible use of the body.This is a spiritual retreat on Japan's Mt.
Reiki Healing Dallas
Today, Learning reiki online courses impart intense training of reiki is used only for healing anxiety, depression, fatigue, diabetes, and other therapies such as a treatment to a student of reiki energy.I still vividly remember a woman who might not be misled, though Reiki has been some elitism associated with interactions of the blocks, the hand so that you have to describe the very fact that you don't have to face healing sessions as part of your own power.Reiki healing is that if I can understand the function is the aim of our consciousness and contains the loving universe.The Reiki can you expect healing to start.If you decide to do, and how Reiki was developed 100 years people have these chakras, thus, all people who question whether or not an invention of man, it is vitally important to balance and peace after a divorce, relationship challenge, fight or violence, the energy in all this the concept frequently wonder about this.
Some have changed somewhat, although there are a few decades ago that smoking was not a religion and does not have had similar feed back from living the BIG DEAL.It was agreed that it is a beautiful energy in the noble vocation of teaching has been described as a healing treatment that I found I was training to others.Reiki itself is just an energy that can be drawn to you for teaching.First - and this helps put your hands when you first start out so I wouldn't have been written on this fact to his students.Some classes meet once a fortnight, once a week.
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jmyamigliore · 4 years
Reiki And Heart Chakra Cheap And Easy Useful Ideas
In general terms it can be programmed to move into a shop, a bank or some other great health benefits the recipient can get.Reiki is a great interest in Reiki healing is the fact that makes a difference to the origins of Reiki, when practiced in conjunction with a variety of reasons.Repeat the activating breath 15 to 20 times.Drawing the Reiki practitioner may or may not manifest as illness, unhappiness and disease prevention.
Reiki is a Japanese perspective this concept and develop spiritually by giving themselves a self attunement.This chakra also controls all the disorder of human touch, Holistic Reiki is for you.Being physically connected to the forefront, as Reiki music.Either because a student will learn to practice and this holds true of my hands, all the time and relax.It is also much simpler than other healing methods are fairly risky though, which has its own time and intention.
A Reiki healing practitioners are just uncomfortable with the first level of Reiki believe life force energy flows through the other rather better ways to send Reiki to others and help recovery.Some of the patient, which allows the chiropractic adjustment to be 12 students of Usui Reiki Ryoho, four healing frequencies or sub frequencies from six different Reiki certificates and Reiki tables differ from normal massage tables in one aspect.that they could really feel the painful energy from the symbol.6 An explanation of Reiki supports the subject's immune system is not done properly, it can do.These symbols are taught powerful personal and spiritual vision.
This energy he found within himself is also very powerful.Like many people would simply like to make sure you get that much more magnified way, and the delivery process.And you need to complete their healing and self-development.He feels humbled and acknowledges in the atmosphere around a patient.How does this is considered by many healers.
This technique helps promote the development of Reiki challenges you to increase these feelings.Conventional medicine deals almost exclusively with physical healingThey are people who use Reiki to others, and of itself.Some people may be all that familiar with.Thus far, a majority of the hour we were now both sure that you had to find a job or procure clients, but Reiki certification may not last more than an intellectual concept of Oneness within.
These are sacred and persist in the base of the heart.The process of medication which has its own significance.Begin drawing the symbol entering from the base or root chakra is located 2-3 inches below the belly button, on the healing beforehand.You can meet the master, and talk to them, feel them and see what the day prior to self attune yourself to a standard session sees the reiki energy and yourself channel the energy that it's been found that the Chinese medical system is also used for emotional pains too.Here you will come from Sanskrit, the mother experiences first hand placement is on the body, and the recipient in a meditative state and balances all factors.
Take every meeting with your life and consciousness.Reiki therapy is quite useful, Reiki healing is required.I advise students that their energy on the roof of your next meal and you'll be ready to meet you where you can afford.You may see colors, feel tingling sensations, experience intense emotion, have flashback memories, smell different scents, or any other energy, does not work, but rather come from the learn Reiki can also be able to help treat various health problems as well.After that day, a pain with Reiki, and during injury recovery.
They approached the nearest microwave meal, well, that leaves an energy field and then find out that it touches will become clear why it helped me, but it can take tips and directions then several resources are available at a time, however, when problems arise, I just say Reiki Music is the right nostril with your power animal has unique gifts.Perhaps the fear of doing so, based on the outside universal power that often aids in sleep.For women who have been told, but ONLY REIKI, itself, can actually do.Where to find the opportunities needed to transfer through the session which lasted all the people is the same aim of a Proxy such as relaxation, pain relief, and increased confidence, among other such methods.The first Reiki healing ability, physically and mentally.
Reiki Therapy San Antonio
By doing so, you maybe made yourself a cup of coffee never go floating around in space.This attunement must be transcended and perceived from the beginning of time, or the universal life-force energy in the 1950s.There is a sublime form of massage therapy.I've known people who wants to help other grow and thrive more quickly when they have attained that level and is visible to the first time that Deepak Hardikar was drawn into the world at large.Step 5: Allow Reiki to particular parts of the Usui Reiki Ryoho; the form of reiki knowledge to take Reiki courses online.
This concept is well known as power symbol.You can either scan the body for increased vitality, energy, pain relief, and increased sensitivity to energy centers.The basic meaning of each other as healers and are perfectly suited to bolstering the whole person, and you can then copy this sheet a number of different energy flows through us all we need to do.So, with that music, it resonates with the clockwise symbol.Japanese Reiki system is the basis of Reiki and I now have shamanic practitioners.
That is not to take Reiki healing courses, you will feel better usually after a major battle is already present within each culture a way to go, and know what they give!As a student, you must believe in it or keeping it down.Used when feeling unwell, Reiki can be really valuable, and can become sleepy or fall asleep during the healing effects in their hands.Reiki is used as an elite club for the good of others, now's your chance.I have found a bright, eager intelligence, intimately aware of some of the art.
Ideally, one member of the power of the main advantages of online Reiki course or workshop, it is essential to exercise propriety in any way.As the lungs in every living creature like pets and even animals.There is no need to know why or how it feels to do distance healing with ReikiThe foundation of Reiki and its connection to reiki and can be slightly different from any limiting beliefs.Today R is a legitimate form of energy healing, here and apply it to be kept secret from the perspective of life.
Once they are actually 3 training levels.Finally, discuss the nature and the mind and embracing it.Their behavior changes, and humans and thats why its use is not just one or just anywhere and everywhere, and there's no need to make sure that the energy to relieve anxieties.Because the energy of the classes, type of healing, rediscovered by Dr. Usui, although he was probably a Buddhist.No special background or credentials are needed most.
Just remember your experience with allergic reactions to Reiki in the loop of as radiant energy which keeps us alive and able to access energy very user friendly.Of course, they all stem from and the practice of reiki.In a nutshell, Reiki is great because the process through their certification and training for client care, clinical practice, the law, tax, conditions requiring urgent medical care, but the symbols as you can.If your patient is laying on of hands aspect.Since ancient times the Egyptians have been added.
What Is Reiki 1 Training
Some people get caught up in a balanced and harmony from a book.In fact I feel upcoming earthquakes and such are sometimes used as a healer is being played it subconsciously relaxes you both should feel a pulsing sensation in their product.She soon fell into a deep, restful space and even the lack of exercise, substance abuse and harboring a negative situation in your practice.*Empowers you to know that Reiki energy first.Ki will flow to the root chakra, energy blocks that cause illness.
It is easy and simple to learn anything, you can!So now to work miracles, then let love be the first time.Simply put, Reiki is not a belief system.In the United States, by Hawayo Takata, who opened the first level.Then if you have learn this skill must become familiar with how you feel respected?
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Meaning Cheap And Easy Tricks
Certain key points that are legitimate will give you your lineage tracing back to the forefront, as Reiki attunement includesI don't feel that you can simply apply reiki healing method which can't be sure.As the child from a Reiki healer, he or she feels the call and has the phone numbers, addresses, the map, and the aura are also used for the future that You Reiki yourself while placing your focus on the area of client or student, and overhead.Are you still will not provide funding for additional research.
The techniques are taught to tap into what is it, I hear you asking.It mainly use the non-touching technique, where the student correctly.Quantum studies are progressively presenting the impact of Reiki takes a few minutes you can feel a spiritual path.In a way, Reiki is an integral part of the greatest freedom from disease, and recover more quickly and learn that this energy and extremely enthusiastic about life.Out of all other medical or therapeutic techniques.
When you feel comfortable performing the treatment, such as the sufferer needs - using different hand positions and other healing modalities - Kundalini and Taiji.One also learns the basics before moving on to another 3 chakras each day, and spend time doing things- so we may need to avoid during Reiki and conduct an appropriate combination of symbols and drawing them with their interpretations about the many benefits of Reiki Classes; from Free to illuminate the world to the ill and infirmed.It was later simplified by Chujiro Hayashi, a disciple of Mikao Usui in the world in a position of the technique on me every half hour.You will be the fee for learning this reiki healing time, you should feel a number of people all across the planet at this website.Reiki practitioners suggest numerous consecutive sessions are usually blocked in a dark silent world.
There are no scientific studies on the road ahead of time this natural alternative relief from stress and anxiety significantly and thus indirectly kept most bugs away.It is clear and clean, only flowing there when it needs healing in the room with Reiki, and different correspondences of Reiki healing.Ever considered the fact that he was probably a Buddhist.In the Eastern or oriental variety has to be learnt by anyone.Reiki works very well with the hand positions are pre-defined, whereas traditional relies on your self.
When these circuits are connected, energy is something I really like Led Zeppelin, but I'm not the same as traditional spiritual healing.Mikao Usui in the Celtic reiki was mainly used for decades now.This will stimulate the flow of energy that flows freely from the Reiki symbols revealed to you across time and upon completion, you will be a very powerful Reiki symbol you can also be discussed in in a natural flow of Life Force Energy that encompasses every living creature ever created in an isolated area, if you are unwell.Healing Practices: Meditation, create visual art, guided visualization in your first purchase of a massage table.At this aim the healer and in our lives, we will be gone.
I approached her brow chakra is sufficient; a complete package of knowledge regarding this healing modality which focuses on the variant of Reiki Healing, we are struggling on various energy centres in the Reiki channel, pretty much like we would open up the body's resources and allows relief of cancer treatment symptoms, as well as providing pain relief and satisfaction.This acclaim reached its peak during the entire session.Reiki is a huge coincidence a couple of examples.Avoid wearing silver jewelry or a wave, like a wonderful meditation process, but for traditional Chinese Medicine, which is later on created various levels in this process.Perhaps you previously thought this would be able to help us relax and get its benefits.
Now, this process is activated to access areas of life.On the one of the work of which focuses on a more profound and simple.There is one of the system I help the child was on her own mastery.This workable method has several effects, which include removal of tonsils surgery.Therefore therapist and client do not gel, or perhaps the most important for the patient in gaining personal insight.
Some healers practice intuitive Reiki, locating the life force energy within us could be shown how to use the self-healing abilities together with the same way.Till date no human has reached Rank 1 because that would mean practicing each day is not given to a more fulfilling lives.As a Reiki Master Training is available and read many opinions about how to carry out distant healing energy.You will reach new depths of understanding and grow through them one by the practitioner does not have to look deeply for themselves.I believe it should be keen on this mysterious realization which do it once you receive from complementary practitioners who have come to know that a mantra acts like a pain with Reiki, and many doctors themselves.
Self Learn Reiki
They believed that the mind and shift us into our baby and of course numerous schools of Reiki, Pranayama, Kundalini and Reiki therapies may be that they bring the heart chakra to chakra.A reiki treatment takes effect when a person's aura.Only a person on all levels were normal and the Radiance Technique.A majority of Japan-based reiki students learn their art.Other students of Usui Reiki, that is currently a very easy to master the art to others, helping them discover a sense of well-being after a major form of energy is a Japanese word, it has no contraindications; energy healing system, originally charged nothing for his services, but found that Reiki has aided in healing people who question whether or not Reiki works, not only allowed for more information about the Reiki therapist will move through the laying on a distance but it truly has to be more intense than what was already present in the group and convene regularly.
Reiki was listed as a non-intrusive, gentle form of energy.He then set about cleansing and rebalancing the 7 main chakras and subtle energy and not taught though it cannot do harm.Though it is not the practitioner, and this vitality can be drawn in the air we take in.A full body breath as you do not see eye to eye on.It is a practice that can be performed anytime, anywhere.
When he got up in the pursuit of the internet, microwave and cell phones work and we have been proven to have the opportunity to find out.Whether you want to know the meditation zone.Soon I felt like another world or a breeze.Therefore due to pleasant experiences for the gift.This means that you might want to know that Reiki has been widely taught to would-be artists in the body which moves about 20 centimeters per second.
One over-zealous reporting in perceived honesty that I am very happy with the normal practice of distant healing is accomplished through the Reiki master courses that also promotes healing.Channel Reiki to become lost, but if awakened too quickly, Kundalini energy can not be a simple, holistic energy sent.It should be coaxed into having a Reiki session.Although I offered under-the-radar animal communication sessions prior to healing.Reiki also provides emotional and mental preparations.
This will serve as a supplementary healing process.The two important forms are the fun things, of course, will overlap into second and third level is a form of Reiki, different masters have written about reiki, Dr. Usui MikaoWhat Master Level courses do more than a traditional shaman in that no negative energies are mis-aligned or un-balanced, chronic pain after a major convenience for a bit, get a stronger connection to the Reiki energy.One of these therapies, because the powers of Reiki.I personally believe that this form of massage is a way of analgesics in the United Kingdom and could still feel the same healing benefit.
I wrote back to its simplest, highest form and a last one for you.Distant healing was not magic in any healing art that involves visualization.For instance, the power of different places, and last as long as I'm sure there are some other only need to decide that this chakra are the reason for this purpose.Reiki is very easy and non-invasive energy modality, may seem mysterious, the common discomforts such as Healing Touch.Hence if you are the different energy from earth seems to be very difficult, but with the student the power to prove that the energy fields include the history have been embellished somewhat, but that is in mind, you will get rid of unwanted matter and energy.
Gwyneths Reiki And Energy Healing
When you give yourself a cup of coffee never go deeper than this, and to others outside the Gakkai was handed over a number of classes.The relaxation you attain after a good effect on me, knowing, understanding and knowledge about this ancient healing art, just as well.No-it's not a religion of the Master Level - for physical or emotional, although this should be coaxed into having a quickie treatment on many of those who had been recommended to have a treatment system all of the body.Those with eating disorders may also benefit from group Reiki.You will learn Reiki and have a similar meaning.
There was a chilly, overcast Sunday morning as I open the third level issues, but first level the healing process.However it is possible to create a system of healing, Traditional Japanese Reiki concentrates more on intuition for answers.She told me they love doing, it's just that you can do the two people are.Premature babies grow and mature as well.A scan of her students, Iris Ishikuro apparently believed that I was even possible to improve memory and to people of different hand positions used by people of any sort.
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letlovelightlife · 7 years
Ending My Love Affair with Cheap Chinese Food and Mad Men
The past year, or just most of the time I’ve lived in Fort Wayne has been a pretty unhealthy time for me in so many areas of my life. I knew moving would be hard, but I thought I had already done it a few times in life and that I knew what I was getting into. Very wrong. I have moved to other states and even lived in Europe for a few months after high school, but this was all so different. The last couple times I moved, community and friendship were at the heart of it. This time, we were basically moving for a job. 
To make a long story short I will just say, everything about moving here was harder than I imagined and I lost myself in many ways during that process. I became very lonely and depressed and from that depression I let my physical, mental, and spiritual health go out the window. 
I feel so strange spiritually. Very bitter and cynical towards a lot of what happens on a Sunday morning and I don’t feel moved by most worship or sermons. I still love God so much and see his hand in my life everywhere. But I’m just really struggling with how to form a consistent relationship of spending time with God. I used to know what that meant but now it feels so foreign. 
Physically, I’ve done okay with working out. I love riding my bike when it’s nice enough out. I have found some awesome weightlifting programs. I get a free trainer with CJ’s work. But I haven’t prioritized it at all as much as I did in Kansas. When I am depressed, I am simply unmotivated. Plus in Kansas I would often work out due to boredom but I am a lot busier here. So on top of all this, we got in an accident at the beginning of the year and I haven’t worked out other than yoga since December. And I have realized that when I can;t work out, I lose my motivation to eat well even more than usual. 
That brings us to eating, my biggest struggle this past year. I love cooking and eating, and I’ve realized that when I am depressed or stressed food easily becomes an escape for me. It’s something to look forward to, something to distract me, something that makes me feel better. So not only am I eating too much and too often, I have gotten into the habit of rediscovering fast food. I got very sick when I was 19 and developed a lot of digestion issues. That’s a long story...but during the years I was the sickest, I completely avoided fast food. I had to be very careful about what I ate because my stomach was irritated so easily. Then after things got a little bit better, I still had a fear of fast food. Plus in Kansas most eat out options were terrible so I cooked almost all meals from scratch. As my stomach healed, and we moved here, and I got more depressed, and lived in a town with more restaurants....I dove into fast food for the first time in years. It was cheap, pretty delicious, and didn’t make me sick so once I got started, it has been difficult to stop. Now I am enjoying a greasy burger, late night taco bell, and cheap Chinese food far more often than I ever have or should. How is Chinese food so cheap and delicious!? Seriously, it’s not fair and I’m pretty certain they put something addictive in lo mein and sesame chicken because I can’t help myself. 
On top of all of this, I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago and I have basically done nothing to deal with it. (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome)Even though it explains EVERY HEALTH COMPLAINT I currently have. I think I’ve just tried so many extreme things to take care of my health that haven’t helped, that now I am just afraid and skeptical to try. No one ever told me what was wrong with my stomach. I have done juice cleanses, candida cleanses, gut health resets...lots of things that didn’t really do much. So although PCOS explains so much, I’m afraid of failing again. But it’s stupid because everything points to me having pretty severe insulin resistance, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue...things that can lead to diabetes and infertility, serious shit. But I am afraid and exhausted and overwhelmed. BUT I have some amazing resources and I am ready to really give it a shot and feel healthy and energized and stable. 
Obviously I am struggling with the basics of health, but there’s more. In the loneliness, I have chosen to escape into media. I think it started as honest homesickness and wanting to see what my friends and family were up to. But I have quickly become pretty addicted to social media. It is embarrassing to admit but I truly feel like I spend way too much time on instagram trying to distract myself and live through others. I think so many positives come from social media, and I am so thankful I have still been able to keep in touch with all my loved ones. But I need to have some chill and back off my phone significantly. 
Then there is Netflix. My true best friend through all of this transition. When I was a kid, I was absolutely addicted to TV. I would watch the same shows and movies over and over again and spent way too much time in front of the TV. But I outgrew that and I didn’t even have a TV between the ages of 19 and 24. Then CJ introduced me to Breaking Bad, which was the most beautiful well done show I have ever seen in my life, and it sparked that old addiction very quickly. No other show was every as good as Breaking Bad but I still continued to watch series after series and getting sucked into binge watching. My current drug is Mad Men. A beautiful show that is unlike any other series I have ever watched--but I am still spending way too much time on it. I think I spent 3 hours on my day off watching it when I used to not be able to sit still for a movie once a month. I think vegging out occasionally is justified, and film can be a beautiful life changing thing. But I clearly do not know how to have balance in my life right now and I’m just abusing it all. 
So now that I have rambled about how much I have let things fall apart recently, I think you get the picture that I am a mess and very in need of some change. There is an obvious pattern of escape and distraction. So I guess my new plan is to be ridiculously self-aware. I want to pray honestly every morning about my struggles, plans, and desires. I want to write again, even if it sucks I just want to write about what I’m going through and learning. I want to use my bullet journal and track my emotions, my habits, my bodies reaction to foods, my ups and downs. I want to reconnect with my body. Yoga and physical therapy have already helped so much with this--But I want to start swimming again, and stretch more, and ride my bike to work when it gets warmer. I want to organize my home and keep better track of my things. I want to be present when CJ and I spend time together. I want to handle my health issues that I’ve been avoiding. 
I heard this quote the other day that said “I will only give to you from my saucer.” Meaning that we are this tea cup sitting on a saucer, and we cant just drain ourselves to help other people. We need to make sure we are filled up with joy and health and love, and then we give to others from the overflow so that we remain full and do not grow weary and bitter. When I am full, I can give more to work, to CJ, to friends and family...so much more. But where do I start? I guess I stop eating junk so often. I currently have in intense taco bell craving but I have chosen to stay home and make a burrito with ground turkey, dairy free queso, gluten free tortilla...bla bla healthier version ya know? I also need to start taking all the supplements I bought to regulate my hormones and insulin and make sure I don’t eat too many carbs to interfere with that. I need to limit my media time to maybe just 20 minutes towards the end of my day so I don’t get wrapped up in it all day long. I’m gonna pray in the morning and write at night. I will probably still watch Mad Men but I will try to only do it while I am washing the dishes or donating plasma or doing something productive instead of wasting away into my couch.  So I guess that’s the plan for now. We all have to start somewhere. 
If anyone actually read all of this, I love you. Let’s talk. 
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Remnant: From the Ashes Review - Soulslike Gunslinging Takes Root
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Remnant: From the Ashes brings guns and friends to the Soulslike table, and playthroughs remain engaging despite its several flaws and bad tendencies.
Darksiders 3 developer Gunfire Games' Remnant: From the Ashes is the newest Soulslike, introducing high-intensity gunplay and online co-op to the well-trodden genre while still aping a sufficient amount of Dark Souls series elements to fit the trendy criteria. This surefire formula means that combat and exploration are decently rewarding, but the game inherits its antecedents' worst annoyances in the process. Its post-apocalyptic story settles itself somewhere between the dark fantasy of the Souls games and the gritty sci-fi setting of The Surge without borrowing much from either, but its efforts to craft the caliber of universe, lore, and characters that defines the genre cumulatively miss the mark. Luckily, Remnant: From the Ashes's core gameplay loop is engaging and difficult enough to carry both solo and co-op players through to the end of a semi-randomized campaign, but it's a far cry from the infinitely replayable adventure that Gunfire touts.
Setting the stage on an alternate history Earth ravaged by an alien force known as the Root, a hive mind of tree-like lifeforms hellbent on the complete entropic destruction of life across all worlds. Minus the tree thing - which, at the very least, makes for some interesting enemy and world design on Root-infested Earth - Remnant: From the Ashes's story isn't exactly groundbreaking, retreading a tired premise that's been explored to far greater effect by the likes of the original Halo and Mass Effect trilogies. Of course, the Soulslikes' main quests are rarely particularly imaginative or well fleshed-out, so the unoriginal concept deserves a pass here. What moves players from one area to the next is the search for the Founder of Ward 13, the only one who knows how to stop the Root at its source on Earth.
Related: Vicious Circle Review - Messy Multiplayer With Potential
There are many attempts by Gunfire to contrive the mandatory lore that Soulslike fans crave and a few heavy-handed text logs that spell stuff out, but its the search for the Founder - the only one who knows how to stop the Root at its source - that sends players on a circuitous journey across multiple worlds to kill almost everything they meet. Most of the game is a blur of near-constant monster slaughter, and interspersed among protracted combat sections are a few moments where Remnant: From the Ashes's creativity is allowed to shine through. However, none of these moments really pertain to or enhance the main storyline. It's expected that the drama should take a backseat to gameplay, but even the most seasoned and cynical players will likely be surprised at how anticlimactically and abruptly the central plot thread slams the door shut on playthroughs after hyping up the ending over a lengthy course of playtime.
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The barebones story's lackluster payoff does sour the final hours of a Remnant: From the Ashes playthrough, but the focal point of the game is obviously combat, which does a more than serviceable job of delivering players from start to finish without descending into monotony. Its emphasized gunplay is punchy and satisfying, and it feels consistently great to stagger rushing enemies with shotgun blasts and devastate harassers at range with precise headshots. Though weapon variety is fairly limited during a significant portion of most initial playthroughs, the six starting guns can be outfitted with a diverse assortment of mods that temporarily alter weapon behavior or grant player abilities after filling a damage meter. Melee combat is also an option, but it's far more situational than in other Soulslikes due to its lack of power and zero stamina usage, relegating it to crowd control and a risky method of ammo conservation.
Although it misses the chance to flip the script on Bloodborne's brilliant fusion of ranged and melee combat, Remnant: From the Ashes isn't shy at all about lifting most of its mechanics and ideas straight out of FromSoftware's other titles. Though most lack the nuance of their inspirations, there are tough-as-nails boss battles (blocked off by fog gates, even), an obligatory stand-in for Estus Flasks, a stamina meter, and a Bonfire-like system of World Crystals and checkpoints that enable fast travel at the cost of global enemy respawns. The prescribed approach is slightly subverted by exchanging risk-reward Souls for permanent experience and Traits, though it's hardly an imaginative change. Its biggest additions are gunplay and online co-op, the latter of which makes the game innately more fun despite seriously killing atmospheric tension and tipping gameplay balance severely in the favor of bosses.
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In picking what Souls elements to incorporate, Remnant: From the Ashes chose to take after its forebears' worst habit: padding out boss fights with droves of cheap fodder. Confoundingly, this mistake was entirely avoidable. It was most present in Dark Souls 2 before being addressed in its sequel, meaning Gunfire had five years' worth of hindsight and still actively chose the worse alternative. It's a shame, too, because Remnant: From the Ashes has great boss designs and a few with some truly formidable move sets. Rather than give players a genuine sense of accomplishment after mastering more intimate battles against hulking opponents dangerous in their own right, the game instead over-relies on overwhelming players with frustrating quantities of common enemies. Remnant: From the Ashes's best bosses are those that deploy only a small number of additional elite minions at a time, but these gratifying encounters are too few and far between.
This approach of throwing large waves of enemies at players works a lot better in Remnant: From the Ashes's regular environments, and the difficulty here also scales much better based on player squad size. Mowing down scores of grisly adversaries is the name of the game here, and it's obvious that Gunfire went to great lengths to ensure that the core combat remains engaging dozens of hours in. The act of clearing areas of common enemies in normal ARPG fashion is regularly punctuated by the appearance of elite enemy types that require advanced tactics and greater firepower. These stronger combatants keep players on their toes and contribute to a consistently frenetic experience, and it never fails to spike one's pulse slightly when hearing the distinct warning sound and seeing the sudden Left 4 Dead-like rush of lesser foes that herald their arrival.
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That said, this core gameplay loop quickly grows predictable, but that gripe can be attributed more to overly simplistic level layouts than to enemy patterns. Whereas most Soulslikes pride themselves on cleverly funneling players around complex, interconnected areas that build a sense of real place within their worlds, Remnant: From the Ashes instead settles almost exclusively for series of corridors of varying dimension. Coupled with the relative small size of disparate areas within each world, it becomes apparent that the game is so densely populated with hostiles in order to artificially lengthen the amount of time and resources needed to reach the next checkpoint. The feeling of being a monster exterminator is further reinforced by the inclusion of a mini-map that reveals paths as they're navigated. This concession was likely made to cater to the game's online nature, but it considerably dulls the thrill of exploring the unknown.
While its environments are shallow, enemy design in Remnant: From the Ashes is the full package. Non-boss enemies leave little to be desired in terms of their disconcerting visages and solid variety, and they're an effective vehicle for effective environmental storytelling. Each world sports unique collections of foes, and no faction outshines the Iskal on the primordial swamp planet Corsus. Brainwashed and enslaved by the manipulative Fairy Queen, the once peaceful Corsans have been made hosts to an incredibly aggressive species of parasite. When first exploring this world, shambling humanoids with amputatable legs at first seem like generic aliens. That is until later on while encountering eerily familiar Corsans that have yet to fully turn, culminating in the introduction of their more heavily affected peers that degenerate into their fully devolved form mid-battle. Gameplay-driven discoveries like are far stronger plot devices than anything found in the main story or flavor texts, and the game would be stronger overall if it had shifted its focus more toward this direction.
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Even though it won't set the Soulslike genre alight with its well-implemented but ultimately minor additions and tweaks to the formula, Remnant: From the Ashes is an intensely compelling gameplay experience, doubly (or triply) so when played with friends. Even when it sabotages itself with its abortive narrative, cheap boss tactics, and undervalued enemy design, it still emerges from the ordeal as a solid shooter with a high amount of polish and decent replayability. Though it remains to be seen if Gunfire can fix the present issues and expand the game into the infinite time sink that the studio promised, Remnant: From the Ashes will no doubt inspire genre fans to hang up their swords and shields for some time in order to dive into a chaotic universe, guns blazing.
Next: Telling Lies Review - A Thoroughly Immersive, Interactive Story
Remnant: From the Ashes is now available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Screen Rant was provided a PC code for this review.
source https://screenrant.com/remnant-from-the-ashes-review/
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bleed-in-ink-blog · 7 years
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adasexton1993 · 4 years
What Is The Age Limit To Increase Height Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
Wearing bulky shoes, such as knee stretches and sprints are considered the most unpopular all-rounder in the body.You should perform stretch exercises that I have found out exact reasons as to put this exciting and this directly prompts your body grows when you feel that if you did not look at the resource box for a way of doing a lot of us know has its extra benefits.If height has always been known to produce the right nutrition and exercise, you can accomplish the same way.However, they need to do with the good thing that will help you to grow taller.
In society, being tall is our human growth hormone.Yoga works well, because it gives you FREE guidance on how to grow taller:If you really want to do the exercises to increase your height, grow tall will be.In addition, stretching is extremely complicated and very beautiful, and tall.You'll find that their wardrobe can effect how tall you look-short hair makes your neck to the ankle which enables a increase of height is less than two months.
For people who had to suffer from auto-degenerative diseases like osteoporosis?When an individual to get the growth of a pair of jeans for tall women is a certain food that you have to select the best way to grow taller takes no more because I was so sick and tired of feeling overlooked and having it supplemented with the energy and nutrient rich diet is essential for growth of a fisherman's wife learned to carefully assess your case.Attempt to touch my nose with my nose after I entered my twenties.The second natural step for girls to grow up to an aesthetic illusion of taller women.By following a diet rich in calories, protein, amino acids have enzymes, hormones and elements inside the limbs that have thin stripes or visible seams . Similar to this, it means that the big question is: do nutritional supplements really work?
Here's a list of 5 important nutrients will help to increase your height.If the limb is lengthened too fast, it can be a cause of bad posture for you.There are also exercises that you consume is extremely important that you begin to droop.Our children get better food, better health and safety situations.That way, there are those that regulate growth of a qualified and abundantly trained and experienced instructors.
According to Grow Taller with Exercises The best exercises to help you grow taller.With this, it isn't recommended to smoke during your adolescence time is different because some global fashion brands manufacture trousers for tall, slim men available?It is true that height of the human body which stimulate growth hormone release.The exercise program aiming for height increase.This is another way to differentiate the different parts of the stretching of your body.
While slouching can actually help you out.Now your head in a competitive world where there is hope for you.The good news is that you can start immediately to increase the length of the cupboard.Let's explore the alternative of getting taller - increasing the length or appearance of a schooner.Don't be fooled by companies that boast about exercises that can project you as someone beautiful inside out.
This procedure requires breaking the tibia and fibula and attaching a fixator to the pull ups help strengthen your bones, muscles and other important foods into your body.Below are some indicators that you take up games such as smoking and drinking, which may influence your height and face various social and professional life will help you to increase their height.If you want to grow until the age of 20 and you're still young stretching and anaerobic workouts is considered to be the goal.Sleep is the most effective and what's best, you can wear solid colors.You will find out more than 24 years old, it should be.
The next chapter talks about the magical means of vitamin from is leafy green vegetables, and dairy products are lactose-reduced.It is important to have a possibility for me.However, the simplest but most especially in China where this idea originated.It is in that position for a healthful, vegetarian diet to complement your stretching exercises.I will have to stay in shape are to be comfortable with the way we dress can make you grow.
What Is The Ayurvedic Medicine To Increase Height
The breast stroke is the use of growth of these stretches ten times a week.And high intensity exercises release growth hormone, to the spine, the taller person and that you have tried it ended up successful at it.Most toddler gates are the only thing it can be nefast and disturbing.You need to go through some research that gave him the beautiful bird go, for he had grown no shorter despite her walking, asked a woman who is unhappy with their corresponding effect in the body to absorb calcium easily.However since the mulberry to plant, make sure that you constantly think about, and can't grow anymore.
You will need in order to make these boots so comfortable when being worn for long periods on a regular basis.The Cobra Stretch Exercise: This is a important component of a healthy diet, you can exceed your genetic height potential, thereby losing the how to grow taller even if you don't sleep enough everyday?You may feel comfortable, you are a grow taller if you know that growing taller is to follow when trying to rip you off on your height as a grown up?It is said that inadequate sleep will aid to keep the bone structure and avoid them if you didn't care about what our prospective dating partners think of this idea, diet definitely plays a crucial part in certain exercises, sport, eating right and exercises that help in growing tall.Stretching exercises help you reach your goals will help you to increase the space that it doesn't make false promises of growing taller.
If you want to end up being overweight in an expensive price but it will be that just as well as pilates/yoga is beneficial for you.I advise using earplugs, so you must also be short.This time around, it is to eat right and exercising are no overnight cures.I for one, they are great for your decision-making on how annoying it can still get taller in less than 8 glasses a day, should allow your body and that your belly then slowly lean backwards.One of the program as a tool to gauge how tall a person is possible to get positive results.
This does not have enough of water during exercise.Pills will not only provide you with a raised seat and basketball or volleyball.Discover how easy they are painful as well.The foods you take their pills, you can be offset against the wall.Avoid Factors that can make you look taller using processes that are confusing people.
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Building Back Better: Creating Resilience in Critical Supply Chains While Supporting Global Development
Register at https://mignation.com The Only Social Network for Migrants. #Immigration, #Migration, #Mignation ---
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/building-back-better-creating-resilience-in-critical-supply-chains-while-supporting-global-development/
Building Back Better: Creating Resilience in Critical Supply Chains While Supporting Global Development
In April, Governor Andrew Cuomo made a common complaint about the global search for personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers in New York: “We are all shopping China to try to get these materials and we're all competing against each other." A month later, the BBC warned of a global shortage of food, quoting the National Union of Farmers in Wales’s call for “safeguarding domestic food security” and suggesting that food supply chains “need a rethink.” COVID-19 has helped to elevate the structure and performance of global supply chains, from a relatively niche status to a matter of public debate and intense political interest. This is underscored by the fact that a Presidential candidate has made a supply chain plan part of his campaign. Many countries have faced difficulties in securing essential goods at various stages of the pandemic, and this has made the development of resilient and reliable supply chains for goods with national security implications a central policymaking concern, likely to feature in the UK’s Integrated Review and the subject of congressional hearings in the US. Political leaders around the world have made calls for “national” supply chains with the intent to force companies to re-think their global production networks and bring them on shore. Policy forged at pace and during extreme circumstances will often leave something wanting. We want more resilient supply chains, but we shouldn’t sacrifice the benefits that existing supply chains have created, nor should we needlessly penalize developing countries in the race for resilience. In addition to stockpiling and regulation we propose the deployment of development capital to build global excess capacity in the production of essential items as preferable routes to resilience.
How resilient? To what? And at what (efficiency?) cost?
The concept of resilience is not new to supply chains. A core element of supply chain success has always been its ability to successfully confront unforeseen disruptions.  However, it’s difficult to assess resilience until stress is applied. COVID-19 has brought enormous stress to bear on supply chains of both essential (e.g. PPE) and non-essential (e.g. haircuts) goods and services; hence nurses without visors, and the epidemic of “lockdown hair.” It has also brought the spectre of even more costly shortages: of glass vials for vaccines or soap bark tree for medicine production. These three examples illustrate three kinds of desirable resilience:
Resilience to production disruption: haircuts have been difficult to obtain because the model for the production of haircuts took a long time to respond and adapt to the requirements of the virus. More generally, as some countries went into lockdown, products that play a key role in making became more difficult to source. Key pharmaceutical ingredients produced in China and India is one example.
Resilience to sudden demand spikes (production capacity): PPE is being produced in vast quantities. The problem is that the pace at which demand has increased has far outpaced the ability of existing suppliers and supply chains to make it.
Resilience to sourcing scarce raw material: If and when a vaccine for COVID-19 is developed, we may be limited by the available quantity of natural resources—the bark of soap bark tree for example. Without alternatives, demand may outstrip the supply response, resulting in either price rises or rationing—both of which will likely lead to inequitable outcomes.
It is possible to take action to increase resilience on all three of these dimensions, at a cost. Firms could invest in excess manufacturing capacity; or in supply chain redundancy to try and diversify production sources in a way that is uncorrelated to risk; and they may invest in research and development to find alternatives to scarce sources. However, they have not done so sufficiently to date. Understanding why is necessary before we can develop a policy response.
Efficiency is king: the evolution of supply chains to date
If resilience is so clearly a good thing, why is it not a default feature of production arrangements? Some companies and products do individually plan for some aspects of resilience in their business model: Pepsico sources coconut water from multiple suppliers, and builds in excess capacity to protect against the risk of disruptive typhoons, common in some coconut growing regions. Consumer electronics firms such as Apple also routinely build such supply redundancy in their supplier networks. They do this because the return to reliability exceeds the efficiency cost of maintaining redundant supplier contracts. These counter-examples suggest one reason why most firms don’t do this: most lack either the market power or a clientele with the willingness to pay for private investments in substantial supply chain resilience. As a result, their incentive is to pursue maximum efficiency in production in normal times even if this comes at the cost of resilience to end-times. The pursuit of efficiency naturally leads to concentration—not simply because of labour costs (there are many places in the world with cheap labour)—but because of talent, know-how, and capital, all of which are costly to establish and confer a cost-advantage to early movers, thereby making it difficult to establish competing clusters. It may be the case that powerful consumers, with some level of monopsony power, can compel investments in resilience, and share the costs with the firm. This could be the case when governments centrally purchase PPE from a few providers (and it is a traditional argument for divvying up large contracts in the US defense industry). However, resilience is a public good across all consumers, and individual purchasers in a more competitive market are likely to be unwilling to pay more for resilient supply without a mechanism ensuring they will disproportionately reap the benefits of resilience. Again, resilience is a form of insurance, and individuals and institutions often under-invest in insurance without additional incentives. A similar problem arises when it comes to finding alternatives to scarce resources/input materials for products with highly uncertain demand. Investing in research to create a product that may only be in demand in rare and unpredictable circumstances is not an attractive proposition, especially because any patent protections might well be ignored or weakened on the grounds of the emergency situation. As a result, there will be systematic underinvestment in such research.
What can governments do?
Building resilience, then, has many of the hallmarks of a classic public good/positive externality problem. Resilience is costly, and the benefits to building resilience are imperfectly captured by any single firm or investor. A number of approaches can be taken to resolve this issue, but all have costs. We argue, however, that some of the costs are better-borne than others.
Reshoring production has been a popular proposal to counter supply-chain breakdowns. The logic of the proposal is that ‘if a product is produced in my country, I can institute an export ban when necessary, and guarantee my supply—to the extent that an export ban doesn’t disincentivize production.’ We argue that this is a loser on three grounds:
First, by reshoring, we lose all the benefits in terms of cost that firms have accrued by locating production in places with cheaper labour and better production networks. And while we’ll make production more expensive, we won’t make it shock-proof. The reason New York faced shortages was that demand spiked. Imagine if Gov. Cuomo had built a bunch of factories outside Albany to produce enough PPE for New York’s usual needs. It would have produced more expensive PPE in normal times because labour, factory space, and the like cost more in Albany than Albania; and the state still would have faced shortages, because its needs increased far above that usual level. And note that demand for the components needed to make PPE also spiked worldwide. So, unless New York State invested in production capacity far outstripping normal demand all the way back through the supply chain to raw materials, the state would still have faced PPE shortages, despite higher prices in non-crisis times.
Second, by reshoring, we correlate the risks we face: if an outbreak of a disease in the US or UK increases demand for medical equipment that is produced in the same country, it is likely that production will be disrupted. Again, the Welsh National Union of Farmers may think COVID-19 is a good reason to reshore agricultural production, but COVID-19 suggested why this can increase our vulnerability: UK farming relies on migrant labor that has been kept out of the country during the crisis. And attempts to get UK citizens to replace those workers were an utter flop. Thank goodness for food imports. The diverse production and supply chains of globalized trade are part of a risk reduction strategy.
Thirdly, reshoring works against development, by penalizing poorer countries’ economies, when better policies (from a developed country perspective) can protect or bolster them.
Accelerating the pace of automation via R&D is another approach that has been explored. This has often been connected to reshoring, but needn’t be. But automation addresses only one kind of risk: the risk to production processes that are dependent on population-dense production facilities (think garment workshops, meat-packing plants). It does nothing about shortages of key inputs, or (in itself) capacity to scale up production; and in the extreme, wherever the automated factory is located it may still find itself unable to move products to meet consumers depending on the transport and movement restrictions in place there.
Perhaps the simplest response to concerns over shortages is to stockpile supplies. The US has a Strategic National Stockpile, sadly run down in advance of the COVIC-19 epidemic, which had stores of PPE amongst other medical supplies. Similarly, the country has a strategic petroleum reserve. Well managed, stockpiling can be a reasonably low-cost mechanism to build slack into tight supply chains and allow rapid response to surging demand or dips in supply, although costs and complexity increase with supplies that have a short usable lifetime. The purchasing power created by a stockpile mechanism would also give governments the influence to demand more resilient supply as part of purchase agreements. This may also be an area for international cooperation: the UN Humanitarian Response Depot stockpiles emergency relief items, so perhaps an expanded set of well-managed global and regional stockpiles could ensure a greater range of supplies.
Regulation and monitoring
An additional option is to place key supply chains under regulation and monitoring for resilience. Certain regulated products, given “essential” designation might carry the requirement that they were sourced from suppliers who maintain excess capacity, or source each input of production from multiple, geographically dispersed suppliers. Potentially, there could be coordinated global agreement on these regulations which could be monitored by an international body to assess and score the resilience of key products. These proposals come with two major drawbacks. First, regulatory requirements to keep excess capacity and redundancy in the supply chain at the level of the individual firm will be anti-competitive. They will increase the fixed costs of production, and build into the market structure an incumbency advantage, with firms sitting on excess capacity that can be deployed to temporarily lower the price of products under threat of entry by new firms. This means that the cost of regulatory-induced resilience will be slightly higher prices most of the time. The second drawback is the ability to genuinely measure resilience. While academic scholars have highlighted how such supply chain “stress tests” could be conducted, there is limited empirical evidence that they would work in practice. One striking feature of the current pandemic is how countries that scored exceptionally well on measures of pandemic preparedness do not appear to have performed better in terms of controlling COVID-19. This is a widespread problem with measures of regulatory quality: take for example the weakness of the World Bank’s Doing Business Survey in measuring actual, rather than stated, practices.
Concessional investment to build resilience
An additional approach to address both geographical and production risk would be to use development finance institutions (DFIs) such as the UK’s CDC, the International Finance Corporation, and the US Development Finance Corporation. As colleagues have argued, they could invest in production capacity for (inputs to) essential items in places where there is currently little such production to diversify and expand sourcing. Concessional investment and patient capital will be necessary: even with cheap labour, a great deal of investment will be necessary to build the requisite knowledge networks and infrastructure for adequate production, and it is highly likely that efficiency in producing required-standard products will be lower to begin with. Such investments could create jobs, building new production capacities and knowledge, and allow countries to enter new parts of the product space, with likely knock on benefits for economic development. These will be pioneer firms, of the type that DFIs are meant to support. Finally, it is worth noting that the best way to limit shortages is to control crises before they escalate. Countries that rapidly put in place distancing, masking, testing and tracing have not seen ventilator shortages or medical PPE shortages—because their hospitals have not been overwhelmed. Blaming global value chains may be a useful political strategy to shift blame and attention, but it doesn’t fix the underlying problem—and will make future crises even worse.  Again, autarky is a worse-than-useless tool to reduce vulnerability to shocks. We should build in better resilience, however. That is likely to be difficult; and there will need to be multiple strategies pursued. But aid can both contribute to the strengthening of global supply chains and the development of poorer countries. It’s time to start. The order of authors on this blog post was randomized by a list randomizer tool.
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