#(starts with r and ends with ism)
based-and-rinpilled · 5 months
how have some of you on this site not heard of Kendrick or Drake. Like I get not listening to their music but not even knowing who they are?? Cmon.
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timoswerner · 1 year
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this has pissed me off beyond belief. firstly how is THAT what you take away from that match? secondly… this is just so insulting to sonny? i could understand the argument to make madders captain is sonny wasn’t there - a new head (who has won a club trophy in recent years lol) with new ideas, he’s the kind of the player to push his team over the line, and he’s very clearly stepped up (almost seems like he matured overnight) since being here. but sonny is here. and was clearly the natural choice to be captain. who cares if sonny isn’t ‘shouty’ enough, it’s not the 90s anymore where you captain has to be a shouty hard man à la roy keane. you really think sonny won’t speak up when needed? sonny has done so much for us, has always been a great example to every other player on and off the pitch, and bar a patchy first season with us and last season where we had a manager who drained the life out of every single player bar one, has always stepped up for us when we’ve needed him. the players all love him and would run through a brick wall for him. he is a perfect representative for our club and he deserve more respect from the fans.
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loquarocoeur · 24 days
PLEASE make a list. For research purposes ofc🫶 (to further my obsession with yoursverse lestappen)
Sighs dreamily
Just off the top of my head this morning, I'll say some Max-isms that Charles finds cute are:
• Smacking/kicking/elbowing Charles every two minutes when Charles says something stupid, but it's so gentle it wouldn't hurt a fly
• Him saying 'Charles' at the end of every second sentence for no reason other than just to say it
• His lying voice
• His 'I'm so done with Charles' voice
• His embarrassed voice
• His voice in general
• The way he says his S's and T's and R's
• How much of a typical boy Max is
• Him being obsessed with video games
• Him checking out his own biceps in mirrors when he thinks Charles can't see him
• Him not knowing how to decorate/interior design to save his life
• Him not being able to put together a decent outfit that isn't red bull shirt and jeans to save his life
• Him not knowing what SPF is and not believing in skin care and hair routines even though he lets Charles do it for him and hasn't bought 2 in 1 again
• His wrinkly forehead when he's confused
• The crinkles at the corners of his eyes!!!
• His beauty spots, especially the top lip one
• His tendency to speak before he thinks, so even if his face wasn't expressive enough to be an open book Charles hardly ever has to wonder what he's feeling
• His tendency to hide his face in his hands when he's laughing
• Also his tendency to hide his face in whatever part of Charles he can reach when he's embarrassed
• Or how he sometimes just smacks his forehead into Charles' shoulder when he's done with Charles' antics, but he'll let them happen anyway
• Max's talent for finding things in life to be mad about
• How much Max laughs and smiles without even noticing
• How much Max is obsessed with kinder chocolates, tomato soup and carpaccio, like he will eat anything, but it's like his eyes are magnetically locked onto tomato soup and carpaccio on the menu at literally every restaurant, you can physically see when Max found it as an option and there's no hope of him eating anything else
• His love/need for forehead kisses
• The override button he has for being embarrassed to talk about his feelings whenever Charles is even the tiniest bit upset
• All the ways he tries to coax the cats into giving him attention when they just want to live their lives
• His insistence that Leo is Charles' dog and Charles' responsibility, but he keeps finding Max cuddling him where he thought Charles wouldn't catch him or teaching him new tricks which isn't working because Charles is feeding all the pets too many treats for them to still work as a reward system
• His panic response when Charles starts crying for literally any reason including sad movies, honestly even happy ending movies, any kind of tears just give him a panic oh god how do i fix it response
• Max always feeling the need to explain to Charles again that he does hate the crying, but he also doesn't want Charles not to cry because he's allowed to have all his feelings
• T-Rex typing
• His innocent look when he's trying to pretend he has no idea what Charles is talking about when he wants to start a conversation Max won't like
• The thin layer of fat Max never loses over his stomach. He likes it especially in the off season when Max gets to eat lots of chocolates and things
Idk, there are probably loads more, maybe I'll keep a list in my notes app
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bellamer · 11 months
Question, why do Ghostbusters fans act like Winston doesn’t exist ? I feel like I know the answer.
He’s such a good guy and he and Ray are so cute together. Like he’s so great and I’m sad that he’s mostly forgotten in fanart and fanfics. I’d mostly blame it on the movies giving him only a little dialogue but I feel like there’s another reason that starts with r and ends with ism
This prompted because my job was selling lottery tickets that were Ghostbusters themed and the tickets had Ray, Peter, Egon and even fucking Slimer but no Winston.
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nonnieapple · 8 months
⛈ ☂️ Peach Pit, 5- Long Season Through☂️ ⛈
• (Akura-ou x g/n reader x Tomoe)   • r a t i n g: m a t u r e • 1 5 2 3 w o r d s  •  p o s t e d 21.01.2024    🌧  navigation 🍑 previous chapter 🍑 next chapter • s u m m a r y: you're a peaceful farmer in the mountains during the sengoku period. someone starts stealing your peaches, and the thief turns out to be a chaotic oni, and the events that ensue flip your life upside down. • c h a p t e r s u m m a r y: an opportunity presents itself in annoying hues. TW: fire mention, (a copious amount of) alcohol(ism) (being ingested). .
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The sound of a shovel hurling through the air and hitting a mound of mud made the birds in a three-hundred and sixty-shaku radius take off flying in a petrified haze. 
  Your mood was a rotten peach decaying in the mud. The amount of negativity surrounding you could summon a miasma. 
  You sat on the grass, hanging your head low. Last week had been tough. You didn't feel the same after what happened in the town. He stopped it, but he was so close to not. If not for your tears, everyone would've... 
  You pressed your hands into your temples. You focused on your breathing. Even writing hadn't gone well today, your strokes were lax and the words wouldn't flow. Neither did cooking go well. You ended up eating a ridiculous amount of bread and pickled plums. 
  You wouldn't need to eat for another century. And when you tried reading, your eyes and mind wandered far from the page. 
  A shadow obscured the dim sun. 
  You looked up. 
  A bold red shadow against the blue sky stood above you. Great. The last person you wanted to see. 
  "What do you want, oni?" You asked with a small voice, cracking throughout. 
  "Come with me, crazy human." He reached out a claw to you. It was framed by black, chrome feathers.
  You took it, and he lifted you easily. A soft reminder of his power. His hand was hot. 
  "Cool." You stood, waiting patiently for him to do some magic. 
  He rose a brow.
  "You're not going to argue with me?" 
  You shook your head. 
  "Take me away from this wretched place. I'm done." 
  After a delay, he smirked, flashing his razor-sharp shark teeth. 
  Instead of fog, everything swirled with black wind, like a thick smog that prompted you to cough. 
  You stood in a worn down castle, once abandoned but now lived in again, taken by force, made evident by the damage and odd decor. It was incohesive, cobbled together, the most expensive treasures and baubles someone had stuffed in corners and stuck on walls. 
  Akura kept walking. You tapped your foot in place. 
  "Huh? Aren't you coming?" 
  "Nah. I've decided to stay and rot here 'til I die." You smiled. 
  "I decide who rots and when in this castle. Move," He ordered.
  You didn't budge as he softly pressed on your back. Your sandals shuffled. 
  "Tomoe has your dagger. He's here. You could, you know, get it back." His hair ghosted over your neck. 
  Your eyes lit up, and you felt determination coming back to you. 
  "Really?" You began walking, his hand still on your back. 
  "Really. But don't think it'll be easy." He laughed behind closed teeth. You felt a chill run up your spine as his claws brushed your skin. 
  The castle was far from empty. It was filled with servants and goons of Akura-ou. You assumed that's what they were. Or maybe they were Tomoe's? 
  Your destination had been a large room with a few floor-to-ceiling windows and various tables. At one with three chairs, in the middle chair, sat Tomoe. Portuguese chairs, carved intricately. Such luxury. 
  Next to him on the table were several flasks of sake, sake cups, brushes, and... ink... and paper. How peculiar. 
  A sparkle. Your dagger was lying in his lap. His tail swung quickly. 
  "You're back quick." 
  The door closed loudly. It shook the walls. The room smelled of incense- standing in the other corner of the room- and... alcohol. And pine, and a subtle cherry smell. So much was going on, and your brain had trouble processing it, including the unusual spirits on either side of you. 
  "I don't like dragging things out."
  You plopped down in one of the other chairs, Akura-ou in the one opposite of you. 
  You inspected the table, glancing up at Akura and Tomoe with owlish eyes. 
  "You get your dagger if you win," Akura said, nodding over to Tomoe. His ears perked up. 
  "You and Akura-ou will drink undiluted sake until you're as drunk as can be. Then, you both will attempt to write [the kanji for] "melancholy rose". The one who manages to do so- will keep the dagger," Explained Tomoe. 
  Your joy faded as quickly as it came. 
  "Drinking with a yokai?! That's damn impossible!" You tangled your hands in your hair. Tomoe smiled. 
  "We'll see." Tomoe glanced to Akura, and their eyes met, smiles matched in mischieviousness, one face demonic, and one ethereal. 
  You inhaled. 
  You smiled smugly. 
  "Fine. I take your deal." 
  The first drink was a puppy. 
  The tenth was a hellhound biting off your head. 
  Some time after that you had stopped counting. 
  You groaned, hot face held in your shaky hands. The alcohol burned in your stomach all the way back up your throat. Your mouth had started to numb. You could see well enough, but your body was loose, and each movement seemed so much more broad and intense. You laid your head on the table. You kept feeling the fabric of your clothing with your fingertips. 
  Akura had a lightly flushed face and kept needlessly fixing his hair. You had an... uncontrollable urge to go for a run. And to knit. You never knitted. Or went for runs. 
  "How drunk are you?" Asked Tomoe, watching you with disinterest. Akura-ou flipped his hair, and it hung from his horns. He attempted to fix it, only managing to tangle another piece of hair on his golden disc earrings. He growled. 
  You tried to lift yourself. Your body was heavy. You huffed, clinging to your chair. 
  You gasped. 
  "Drunk... enough..." You sighed, folding over. Your hair obscured your vision. Akura-ou's eyes were glassy and squinting at a corner in the room. 
  You stared at him through your hair. 
  "How are you drunk? When you drank at the festival... you downed what seemed like bottle after bottle with no issue-" You forced out between breaths and nonsensical hums. 
  "I drank only.... a glass.... or two. The rest was... juice." He tried to lean back, almost falling and catching himself by gripping the table. 
  A screen was placed between you two. His horns still peeked out from behind. 
  You were given a brush, ink, and a piece of paper. You inhaled, trying to focus and pull yourself together. You only made yourself dizzier. 
  The melancholy rose kanji... the shapes were vaguely in your mind. One was like a chicken coup with a skewer on top. The other was like a wise old man squinting... or something like that. 
  You were thankful you had eaten a lot that day, as it seemed you were faster to sober up. Akura... by his shadow, it seemed like he wasn't writing at all, only swaying back and forth like a maple sapling in the wind. 
  You made your best guess with the parts of the kanji you remembered. You cringed. And empty page- a writer's worst nightmare. Shapes swirled before you and your world spun as you felt nausea rise in your throat. Your body felt weightless and you felt yourself floating away into a reverie. 
  You closed your eyes. A while ago you wrote something with those exact words. You audibly hummed as you thought and your face scrunched in frustration. You wished you could shove your hand into the deepest parts of your brain and retrieve the memory and slap it on the page. You bit your lip. 
  You opened your eyes. The page stared back expectantly. 
  "Don't look at me like that." 
  It didn't reply. You huffed, tapping your brush. 
  Your hand trembled as you dipped the brush into the ink, and set it down on the paper. If you never tried, you'd never win. And you couldn't miss the opportunity. So you steeled your nerves and wrote like you weren't drunk and being scrutinized by sly purple eyes. 
  You placed the final stroke, checking the writing. It was as close as you were going to get. You chewed on the inside of your cheek as sobriety came creeping up to you. 
  The screen was removed. 
  Akura was in the middle of falling asleep over what was... well, it could've been an abstract painting, it could've been an ink spill, it could've been a hallucination; it was many things- but it wasn't "melancholy rose". 
  You looked down at your paper. You hadn't fared too badly. 
  Tomoe's eyes widened. He banged on the table. 
  "Akura! That's abhorrent!" He pointed a grey claw at the paper. Akura ou hummed incomprehensibly in response. Tomoe stared at him with disappointment. They switched places. Akura was shoved out of his chair and into Tomoe's. He didn't seem to mind. He was in a place far away now. Rest in piss. 
  Tomoe sat down. He placed the dagger on the table. Your hand reached towards it. He spawned fire in his hand. You slapped it away. The fire faded. Tomoe looked surprised. 
  "I... HATE... fire," You mumbled angrily. You glared at him. 
  He tapped the table. 
  "I request a rematch, with me." 
  Tomoe poured another cup of sake. 
  Things were never as simple as you wanted them to be, huh? 
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shakes-writes · 1 year
Random things that may or may not be important for context:
While I inspired initially by the lives of Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier (and in fact, reading a bio about them last year made me do some initially scribbling around this time last year) there are only a few superficial similarities with the main couple of this story, at least now. 
Started thinking/writing for real this time in late February early March when I realized the guy that picks up Rose on the lifeboat at the end of Titanic looks like my guy and I freaked out. (and lowkey to me anyway he looks like Laurence so it fits.) how many times have I watched and rewatched this movie and I just noticed this year LOL 
(Though as bestie said, things happen because they are supposed to.) 
Started writing what would become this in 2012 when I was a high school senior. Wanted to write an old Hollywood epic in the same vein as The Thorn Birds 
flashes back to post WW2, though the “present day” story takes place in the late 60s. 
Second chance romance 
O (my lady) is obsessed with R. (her man.) I LOVE deconstructing and studying the figure of the *muse* in fiction (I’m sure if you’ve read IWD or anything else you know) and in this story she makes more a muse out of him versus him making one of her which has always been present in this specific idea I’ve carried around for years.
About actors and writers and theatre artist 
a production of Antony and Cleopatra is the catalyst of the plot
I have literally written every day. This is impressive to me because since getting my teaching job I’ve hardly written 
I haven’t written original work really since my one act play in college eight years ago or so
probs going to need one of my friends from England to read this at some point and give the okay/critque on British-isms in the story. 
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⚜⚘ A B O U T ⚘⚜
⚜Welcome to my messy blog! ⚜My name is Fox Pearl Wilder. He/him. ⚜Main blog (replies, likes from it)- @foxpearlwilder. @foxpearlwilder2 personal/goblincore. @vaporpearl vaporwave. ⚜ Ukrainian, disabled, ASD, ADHD, more; intersex, artist writer. ⚜A billion years old. ⚜Tone tags for jokes are preferred. ⚜Occasional skipping of words. ⚜Languages- English, Ukrainian, French. ⚜This blog is for reblogging fandom/interest-related posts, posting fandom/wip art, shitposting.
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⚜TAGS: I try to tag tw's but forget sometimes. I have a set of tags for different things. Some are custom, some basic. I tag fandom stuff with the shortened ver of the name, unless it's one word, or a character's name. Toh- the owl house, at- adventure time, tawog- the amazing world of gumball, etc. ⚜Others: classic leg pulling - shitposts original post - a post created by me reblog -a post reblogged from someone else's blog shenanagans - stuff that happens to me rainbow skeletons in my closet - queer stuff the earthly horrors - mental, asd stuff wooden legs and shodden pecs - disability/chro illness stuff safe for work fingering - guitar stuff art- art. my art - self explanatory worms in my head- fandom stuff dream beam - my dreams *Not all are in full use. Sometimes I tag things after posting/reblogging. ⚜*Accessibility, Image Descriptions, Video Descriptions, Captions are included in my posts. I try to make my posts clear. Reblogged posts might not have those included. If I forget to add an ID or VD or CC, comment and I'll fix. If you don't understand something, please ask, I will explain! :]
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marinedecoder · 2 months
well with Smyths adding the watercolour and create RH dolls to their site, i'm noticing an unfortunate trend in with of the colour and create style dolls aren't making it to the uk.
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let me know if you can spot the trend in the missing girlies. i'll give you a hint, the reason they're missing likely starts with R and ends with Ism :/
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The promo has now been released lol - I'm back xD
It was part of the reason I put this off lol but also it was a show week so even there had been one I wouldn't have done it xD but this was extra motivation to wait
Anyway though it is currently Sunday and I'd seen tiny bits of the tiny trailer, I have now seen it! So,
B R I D G E C O L L A P S E??!?!!!?
Hey now where's Buck
Like hi to you too Athena but 😭😭😭😭💔💔😬😬😳
Anyway AAAAAHHHHHHHHH in short I'm stressed :'))
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I looved this episode!!! It was really great :D. I loved all the different storylines 🥰. Although PLEASE EDDIE you have BUCK!! XDD Anyway! By the way "looved" is supposed to have two o's, three just didn't quite fit right. But it is not a typo lol. Also, as of the start of this sentence, it's Tuesday. I had to sing at a graduation on Monday so I still haven't seen the next episode, but I need to do this before I can watch lol. So since it's been a week and I don't have too much time, this may be short. Anyway! Buck's storyline was hilarious, and honestly I'm glad that girl's gone xD. She kinda like immediately dipped and honestly no offense to her but. . . Buddie xD. Anyway, AAAHHHHH MADNEY IS/ARE ENGAGED!! YAYYY :'DDDD!! I'm so happy for them :))). And the calls were great today! Even though most of them were really sad 😭 xd. Well, the first one wasn't really sad I guess, I just felt bad for the guy xd. Like, yeah, she shouldn't have to say yes, but oof xd. And you're leading him on too! Anyhoo xD, the one with Athena was just 😭😭😭😭💔💔. I couldn't with that one <333. But the wedding one was super sweet :')) :D. I loved all of them 🥰.
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Ravi! As always, he slayed :D. We didn't see him too much, but he was great for what we did see :). I love him 🥰. And he was great at his job! Also, we didn't see him in the promo but I hope he's okay!
Athena and Bobby! They were great this episode :'D. AAHHH I can't believe they've been married for four years!!! That's so crazy :')). And the fact that they both got each other flowers :'D 🥰🥰❤️. I love them so much :)) <33 🥰. The call Athena responded to was super sad though 😭. I felt so bad for that poor woman :'((. And for it to be a reminder for Athena? Oof, honey :((. But she was great at her job <3. And Bobby was great at his job :D. Also try BETTER be okay next episode xdd. Bobby especially, since he looks to be in more danger. Anyway, I just loved that scene of them at the end :')).
Hen! She was great this episode :)). I'm glad she made herself clear to Maddie as well, not just talking with Chimney. And that they kind of made up from that :). Also that after that they just immediately went to trying to figure out what to do xD. I love them so much :)). Chim and Karen underrated bestie-ism and Hen and Maddie underrated bestie-ism. Lol xD Anyway! I live in FEAR for the next episode, she better be okay xdd 😭. All of them better be xd. But yeah! Hen was great at her job this episode :)). I love her 🥰.
Eddie! Get RID of her!! Anyway xD. He was great this episode :). I loved his montage at the beginning, it was hilarious xD. I saw someone put like a medication commercial over it and it was GOLD lol I died. Accidentally spelled golf there but that works still so xD. Anyway lol, this idiot man <33. But honestly guys xdd, Buddie, please. As in please give it to us lol. Also, his scenes with Chris were so cute :DD. Your honor I love them so much 🥰🥰. Also, as with everyone else, MY MAN BETTER BE OKAY!! So scared of next episode lol xdd. Anyway, Eddie was great at his job this week :D. I love him 🥰❤️.
Buck! YESS girl DROP HIMM!! I think I was gonna be telling Buck to drop her even though he didn't really, but this is what my brain wanted to say so eh whatever xD. Anyway! He was great this episode :D. Poor man was going through it in the exes department though xDD. Honestly I found it SO hilarious LOL XD. Especially Taylor's xD. Like they were just there at every turn XD. Poor Buck lol <33. What's-his-face's wide (who's name I also can't remember) showing up was interesting though 👀. I don't think Buck would get with her, but just in case right now I'm telling him no xD. I do hope her and the friend work it out though :)). Anyway, we didn't see Buck in the promo o.o. He BETTER be alright xdd. I will say I saw a picture (and saw a bit of somebody theorizing a bit) and like a tiny bit of a clip where it seems like he'll be doing the rescuing maybe? Idk, I just hope he's okay 😭. Anyway, he was great at his job this episode :)). I love him 🥰🥰.
Maddie and Chimney! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY'RE ENGAGED!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR THEM :'DDD. Speaking of, CHIMNEY BETTER BE OKAY 😭😭!!! I mean Maddie too but I think she'll be fine lol. Talking about next episode xD. Anyway, I'm glad Maddie got to talk to hen herself :) - she deserved a chance to defend herself 🥰. And I'm glad they made up (kinda? It's not quite what happened but you know) :)). Also poor Chimney looking at signs the whole episode 😭❤️. His call with what's-her-face from the insurance company was HILARIOUS though lol xDD. I love her <33. She's my favorite character now :)). Anyway, THE PROPOSAL!!! AAAHHHH!!!!!! I'm still not okay over that :')). It was just so beautiful :'D, and I feel like it really makes sense to have Maddie do it. Like, that's not again anything about Chim, but just the fact that she's choosing it, you know? Choosing then, choosing hm :')). After everything she went through, she gets to choose :'D. Not that I would've minded Chim proposing, I would love it either way, but this is just really nice :')).And Jee being included too 😭😭❤️?? Y'all how am I supposed to take this <33. Oh also I loved seeing Maddie panic over the ring xD. And then panic over getting it off LOL. It was nice to see her just as nervous as Chim though :')). And going back to the proposal, AAHHH it's so cute that she just held it up :'DD. But, yeah, I just- they deserve it <33. There's really nothing else to say :')). I mean there is but you know xDD. Anyway, Maddie was great at her job this episode :). I believe we did see it lol, but even if she didn't, I'm sure she did :)). And Chimney did great at his job too 🥰. I just- aGH!! I love them so much :'DDD 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great :)). The calls were amazing, and I loved all the different storylines :D. Even if I'm still hoping for Buddie xDD. Relating to Eddie's plot, but also Buck's lol. And I'm so happy everything worked out :')). Mostly with the proposal, but for everything else too I guess :)). Though Buck's didn't really xDD - for him at least. For me, no too bad lol. But seriously, I loved the storylines and the theme was super cute :')). I am terrified for next episode though :). Just so you know :). Seriously xD, I just hope everyone's stuff 😭😭. Anyway, yeah, I thought this episode fit together really well :)). It had a bunch of great moments 🥰🥰.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. I'm scared for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 17: Love Is in the Air
It was really great! I'm super excited for the next episode, but I'm also very nervous. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 18: Pay It Forward
See you next week!
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stoneantler · 2 years
tw: rape, t///e///r///f///ism
Obviously the big problem with t//e///r///f///s is the transphobia, but it’s worth mentioning how awful they are about rape victims too.
One thing I’ve noticed in the past few months of checking in on these people and religiously blocking them, is that they’re the only group on tumblr that openly talks about rape anymore. There used to be a few blogs dedicated to providing support to survivors. Those have largely collapsed under the stress the work they were doing and no one ever really stepped up to take their place. That’s not an indictment of those blogs; I’m incredibly grateful for the support they provided at the time.
But that’s left t///e///r///f///s as the only ones openly talking about rape and abuse, which I think reels in a lot of young survivors looking for spaces where they can talk about their trauma. Or maybe it’s the other way around, young survivors on here are talking about their trauma and the t///e///r//f///s find them and start supporting them.
But the rhetoric they use around rape is really ugly and frightening. A lot of the posts about sexual violence, as you might expect, are wishing death and torture on rapists. This is pretty standard fair though it’s also always wrapped up language like “see this is just how men are, they can’t be stopped, they can’t change, they need to be prevented from committing violence with violence,” which is not a helpful rape prevention strategy. Though I don’t think t///e///r///f///s are actually interested in ending rape or rape culture. They’re interested in taking refugees from mainstream culture and radicalizing them.
There’s also a lot of strong messaging about how rape ruins women. I’ve seen posts saying that rape is worse than murder and how it’s literally impossible to recover from being raped. The t////e///r///f message from rape victims is that you’ve been irrevocably damaged and your suffering is eternal. How is that any different than, I don’t know, someone’s grandpa who thinks that a woman who’s been raped can’t get married anymore because she’s damaged goods?
But how does this hook any survivor looking for support, you may wonder? The message is deeply depressing and hopeless. But I think they’re reaching out to victims who are invalidated by the culture around them. As a survivor, you receive all this messaging that what happened to you wasn’t so bad, that you’re exaggerating, that you’re being dramatic, etc. Being constantly invalidated makes the trauma of what happened cut deeper and deeper, and gives survivors a keener sense that something is wrong with them. T///e///r///f///s come in and say, “there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just that you’ve been destroyed by someone evil. It’s natural and expected to be damaged goods forever after that.” And I’ll admit, it feels like that sometimes it really does. But that feeling isn’t forever.
The answer to rape victims being invalidated is not to tell them that they are ruined, but to tell them that they are seen and heard. That whatever happened was bad enough for them to feel ruined and hopeless, but to remind them that they are not ruined and the world is not hopeless. It’s so fucking evil to me that t///e///r///f///s are looking at hopeless frightened hurting survivors and refusing to give them hope. And the thought that survivors are being indoctrinated into t///e///r///f//ism through the abuse they’ve experienced makes me ill to my stomach. And I don’t want to take away the agency of people who have been indoctrinated via this route. They made a choice. But also, their vulnerability was taken advantage of in a culture that has very little room for survivors.
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uboat53 · 2 years
Who's in the mood for some history?  We all know that the Republican Party, led by Trump and those who've come after him, has gone around the bend, but how in the world did it get to that point?
Well, the history of that goes longer than I've been alive, so settle in for a LONG RANT (TM) that may or may not be entertaining and educational.
Before I start, a quick word on why this matters.  The Trump craziness can sometimes feel like it sprung up out of nowhere which makes it a particularly frightening phenomenon.  What I'm hoping to do is show that it didn't come out of nowhere, the heart of this movement has long roots both in American history and in the Republican Party as a whole.
In doing so, I hope to show not only how we got to where we are now but also expose the ways in which people who are not themselves a part of an extremist group enable and support it in order to better equip people to prevent any similar issue from happening in the future with their own group.
The Republican Party as we know it emerged from the ashes of the Great Depression and World War 2.  You see, during the Roosevelt years, the Republican Party was decimated.  In 1936 Republicans held just over 16% of the Senate (1), just over 20% of the House (2), and wouldn't win the Presidency again for 16 years.  It wasn't until 1952 that they would win a majority in either house again (along with the Presidency) and both of those majorities were short-lived.
During this wilderness period, two visions of the Republican Party emerged.  One of them, represented largely by Dwight D. Eisenhower, was internationalist and largely pro-free market for the time while the other one, represented by Robert A. Taft, represented a much more aggressive pro-business, anti-government, isolationist, and nationalist vision.  It wasn't quite Trump-ism, but it definitely bears a familial resemblance.
The two competed in 1952 for the Republican nomination for President which was won by Eisenhower, but it's important to note that this did not reflect the result of the actual primary contests.  In the 13 states that had contests, Taft won with a plurality or majority in 6 of them and led Eisenhower by over 10% in the popular vote.  In other words, Eisenhower won at the convention, but the primary showed strong support for Taft and his ideas within the party. (3)
This is the Republican Party that emerged from its time in the wilderness during the Great Depression and the Second World War.
The Republican Party held the Presidency during Eisenhower's two terms and then lost an extremely close contest in 1960 when Eisenhower's Vice-President, Richard Nixon, lost to John F. Kennedy.  This defeat weakened the Eisenhower/Nixon faction within the party and, by the time the next primary came around in 1964, the Republican Party nominated Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) for President.
Goldwater's campaign, though he lost by a landslide to President Lyndon B. Johnson, sparked a massive shift within the Republican Party, bringing the Taft wing of the party again to the fore.  More importantly, he created grassroots organizations that helped his wing of the party maintain control and influence even after his loss.  By 1968, even with Nixon again as the nominee, the Republican Party represented more of the ideas of Taft and Goldwater and less of Eisenhower.
Another major shift was the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  After pushing for its passage, President Johnson, a Texan/Southerner himself, is alleged to have remarked to an aide, "We have lost the South for a generation" (4).  You can see evidence of this in presidential results, the core confederate states (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas) had voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidates since the end of Reconstruction but, beginning 1964, began to swing toward Republicans with the exception of Carter and Clinton's elections. (5)
Part of this was antipathy toward the Democrat's position on civil rights, but some of it was also a deliberate shift in strategy by Republicans.  Starting with Goldwater the Republican party began to deliberately drop its appeals to black voters in the north (this was the Party of Lincoln after all) and work on messages to better appeal to white voters in the South.  This was known as the "Southern Strategy" (6).
By the time we get to 1980 and the Reagan Revolution the Goldwater/Taft movement is now a dominant movement within the Republican party and Reagan's outreach to religious conservatives, particularly represented by the Moral Majority (7), expanded on the gains that the Southern Strategy had made with conservative whites in the South and expanded into the Plains and Mountain states.
The change was slow as many former "blue dog" Democrats in the South ("I'll vote for a dog as long as it's blue") continued to vote for their historical Democratic representatives at the local level even as they shifted to Republican at the higher levels.  Over time, though, these voters died out and the legacy Democrats they had voted for retired.  This shift eventually culminated in the 1994 election when Republicans took control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1952 while also capturing many southern governorships that had been Democratic until then (8).
Over time we've seen overtly racist candidates like David Duke and more subtly racist candidates like Pat Buchanan gain substantial support within the party and even as more "establishment" candidates like the Bushes, Romney, or McCain have defeated them, it has always been their ideas that have gained more and more of a foothold as the establishment is forced to co-opt some of them in order to fend off the challenge.
These changes have largely created the party we see today; a party strong in the South and the rural Plains and Mountain states, largely pro-big business and anti-government, with a growing faction hostile to immigration, free trade, and internationalism, and in line with a very conservative interpretation of Christianity on social issues.
When the party shifted the base of voters it was trying to appeal to, it empowered a different group of candidates and elected officials.  Moderate Republicans had a hard time winning without the base of moderate voters they used to have while staunchly conservative Republicans won more often with the new conservative voter base.  Over time this has led to a shift in the identity of the party and their overall positions on various issues.
It is important to note that this isn't just about individual Republicans changing their minds about ideas or just about old people dying and young people replacing them, though that did happen too, this is about a group of people who used to largely be Democrats, independents, or even disconnected from politics entirely switching their identification to Republican and bringing with them the same ideas they always believed while Republicans with the ideas of the Eisenhower or other factions have been slowly leaving the party.  If one were to be glib about it, one could describe it as a factual version of the racist "replacement theory".
Along with the political change, the Reagan and post-Reagan era has seen a realignment of information.  With the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine (9) talk radio proliferated.  In 1996, FOX News, the first explicitly partisan cable news network, debuted, and we've seen an explosion of conservative TV channels and web sites since then.
This collection of media forms what is known as an echo-chamber (10).  If a person hears a story from one source, they may wonder about its validity, but if they hear the same thing from multiple sources they become more sure of it.  In conservative media one can observe this in action as numerous sources report the same information; this makes it seem as if that information has multiple sources even though there is only truly one source that all of the others are referencing.
What this does is reinforce ideas and make it seem as if those ideas are universal.  Increasingly it is difficult to convince people who consume information in this way that any of their ideas may not  be true or actually enjoy majority support.
At this point I think I've given a decent explanation of how the Republican Party got to the points of view that it has, but there's one more piece that explains how it got the point of outright dysfunction and conspiracy theories.
It has to do with that shift toward nativism and the deliberate courting of racist southern (and other racist) voters.  You see, what those voters want isn't possible.  At this point, even if we completely closed off immigration, white voters would no longer be a majority of the American electorate within the next few decades.  The only way to maintain the power of the conservative, white, Christian voters who used to compose a reasonable majority of the electorate would be to end democracy, something that is completely unpalatable to the vast majority of voters, even white voters.
(I should note that many in this movement claim that they are not trying to end democracy but to "prevent fraud" as they believe that their movement is genuinely more popular and would win in a fair election.  They are incorrect in this belief as there is no evidence either of fraud or of the widespread popularity of their beliefs.  Though they do not believe they are trying to end democracy, they are operating under false information and that is the end result their demands will have if allowed to be put into action.)
When a party's voters demand something that isn't possible, there are two ways that it can go.  In a functional party the leaders will recognize that it is impossible and communicate that to the voters.  Either they will convince them to give up on that demand or they will guide them to a compromise position that is possible.
If a party is not functional, if the link of trust between the voters and the party leaders has been broken as it has in the Republican Party where leaders for decades have pandered to an extremist faction without following through on their demands once in office, then a demagogue can convince the voters that they have been betrayed by their leaders and that the demand is, in fact, possible.
If those demagogues achieve power in this way, they will need to demonstrate to those voters that they are fighting for that demand.  However, since the demand is not one that's possible to meet, they will be forced to go to increasingly destructive lengths in order to show that they are trying to achieve that demand.
I think at this point it's worth saying a word about the Republicans who weren't a part of this but who, through their pursuit of their own goals, enabled and benefited it.  As I think I've shown, this part of the party has existed since long before most of us have been alive and has increasingly gained power and influence over that period.  Those who strategized the Republican Party's way to victory by taking advantage of the fervor of this wing of the party are complicit in its rise even if that rise was not their intent.
At every step of the way, more mainstream or establishment Republicans were well aware of the extremism of this group and chose to appeal to it or use it in order to advance their own goals regardless.  There is no one of these choices that led us to the current moment, but a slow build-up of individual choices to do and to not do any number of things that may have reduced the influence of this movement or prevented it from gaining more.
It's also worth pointing out that many Republican leaders pandered to this movement by promising things that were not possible and then not following through on those promises while in office or validating parts of the worldview while acting in a completely different manner.  What this has done is create a massive gap in trust between Republican elected officials/leaders and their own voters such that it is easy to convince those voters that even their own leaders are lying to them as Trump did.
In other words, there are a lot of Republicans or people who were at one point Republicans who did not believe in the Taft descended vision of the party or the country and yet who were willing to grant that movement power and influence in order to achieve their own goals; power and influence that it eventually used to take over the party in its entirety.  As much as some of us may respect or agree with the ideas or goals of such people, we have to acknowledge that they played a significant part in bringing the Republican Party to where it is now.
So there it is, the current condition of the Republican Party is not necessarily a new thing, but something that has been building slowly since at least the immediate post-war (WWII) period as part of a struggle of ideas within the party and those ideas are ones that have been present to varying degrees through pretty much all of American history.
If there's one thing that I would like people to take from this it's that extremism flourishes when it is humored.  There were a lot of people who gave this movement power and influence in exchange for advancing their own interests, firm in the belief that it could not gain enough power and influence to take over.  Until it did.
I hope you found this useful or at least interesting.
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)
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adoradeservesbetter · 2 years
It’s really insidious how anti catradora stans keep labeling catra as an dangerous animal who will never be good enough for pure adora…
Note how they always make glimmer more angelic..
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shima-draws · 6 years
Don’t be like me and save your studying for last minute. I am extremely good at cramming and then acing the test the next day but god does it stress me out
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niborssideblog · 2 years
It took me we'll into my 20's to realise I was trans. Tumblr has made that journey both easier and so, so much harder.
As a child I don't think I really knew gender was a thing. I felt more comfortable playing with the boys and a slight disconnect with the girls but thought nothing of it, I wanted a beard when I grew up, lot's of undiagnosed adhd moments, the girls thought I was weird, I got bullied, eventually the boys followed suit
As a young teen I felt uncomfortable and like there was something wrong with me (other than the adhd) but I couldn't quite figure out what, got bullied some more.
As a slightly older teen I learned about internalised misogyny and thought that was the problem (and some of it was tbh)
I decided I didn't want to be that person anymore so I made an effort to get over it:
I got over my extreme hatred for the colour pink.
Stopped forcing myself to watch horror movies that gave me nightmares just so I could look tougher.
Stopped forcing myself to participate in activities I hated but did anyway because I wanted to be as "ungirly" as possible.
Tried out some traditionally "girly" activities, found a couple I enjoyed, accepted that I still disliked others and that was OK
Realised that trans women exist and decided to support them (idk how I didn't realise trans men were also a thing back then)
Became more supportive of others
Made an active effort to be less judgemental.
Followed more feminism centric blogs here on tumblr
Accidentally started following some r*dfem blogs.
Didn't really buy into the whole "all men are evil" thing at first but everyone was reblogging it and the common notion was that disagreeing made someone a bad person so I went along with it.
Started to belive it eventually.
Became less supportive and more judgemental again.
I was scared of every guy I met.
I was scared of my male relatives.
Internalised quite a lot of it.
I knew it was wrong and I felt like a bad person for it.
My depression and anxiety got worse.
I eventually started to expect the worst of *everyone* I met.
In my early twenties and I was tired of it, I was depressed, unhappy and hated myself to a point where suicide started to look like an valid option, I'd even had it all planned out and the materials for it ready in my bedside drawer just in case I ever worked up the nerve to actually do it.
I knew that was kinda fucked up though, so I started reading self help books, got into new hobbies and most importantly:
I spent less time on tumblr and more time interacting with my friends, family and colleagues.
I slowly stopped seeing the men in my life as a threat, and started seeing them as human again.
My mental health improved - I still had depressive episodes but not to the point of wanting to die so I packed up my "maybe I'll kill myself kit" into a box and moved it into my assigned storage room in the basement of my apartment building.
That's also around the time I started to question my own gender, and I felt so fucking guilty about it.
I felt like an idiot.
Like a traitor.
Like even thinking about not being a woman anymore, about *maybe* being a man made me some unforgivable horrible person.
I tried to blame it on the internalised misogyny again but deep down I knew that wasn't it, I didn't know internalised misandry was a thing back then.
I started harming myself and the "mikms kit" moved back into my bedroom.
Then Covid-19 happened and I had so much anxiety about it but I with all the quarantine and working in shifts and homeoffice I suddenly had a lot of time to myself, to really and truly contemplate life, the world and my own existence.
Sometimes I felt better about it, sometimes worse, almost made one serious attempt at ending everything.
Got back on tumblr, unfollowed and blocked a lot of blogs that parrots the same kind of fake woke-isms that had made me feel suicidal in the first place.
I actively searched for people like me online, followed trans positive blogs, threw out all the feminine clothes that made me feel worse, kept a couple that didn't, started collecting poloshirts and hawaiian print shirts and came ot to my friends.
I met other trans people, tried out some different names and pronouns, bought a binder, some packing gear and new glasses.
I signed myself up for therapy so I can eventually start hrt and learned how to use makeup to look more masculin.
I feel so freaking euphoric whenever someone uses the name I'm trying out (and may even keep), or when random strangers gender me correctly.
I rejoice at the pure happiness and glee I feel every time I look in the mirror and see how far I've already come.
Sure, there are still bad days, sometimes even really bad ones, but all in all my life truly has changed for the better:
I haven't harmed myself in almost 2 years.
I've finally thrown away the "mikms kit".
I'm (a little) less anxious.
I'm still not sure about my sexuality but now I finally feel like I've got a whole life to figure it out.
I'm no longer embarrassed about "traditionally gender hobbies"
I have more confidence, both in myself and in others.
I'm more sociable than I've ever been.
I've gotten better at setting boundaries.
I'm more comfortable with my body.
I'm in my late 20's now and making real longterm plans for the first time in my life.
I may still have a long way to go until I've reached my personal transitioning goals but I'm confident that I'll make it.
I'm a proud queer dude, and I'm the happiest I've been since probably kindergarten.
It DOES get better.
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janiedean · 3 years
Antis are in the r*dfem cult too and it's sad how almost half of an entire generation of young queer people got recruited into that
I mean... the problem is that they infiltrated a lot of spaces when they should have been shut off since the beginning and I really just hope people wake up to how toxic and generally shit they are at some point never mind that they're nowhere near progressive, but the fact that it happened is bad and the thing is that... basically anti-ism and terfism have an entire list of shit in common starting with wanting people to conform to whatever they think is the correct way of thinking, being antikink, being anti sexwork, othering anyone who tells them they're wrong, discouraging critical thinking and mostly wanting to police what people are allowed to like or not, and like that's why all those dumbass posts that were around ages ago like 'ah op was a terf so I'm cp-ing from them so that they don't get traffic' were like the most fucking stupid thing in existence
because like sorry if I go into a rant here but point is: you can't steal stuff from a terf and presume to repost it as an opinion you share because guess what you're still sharing a rdfem opinion which is most likely not harmless - what is going to cp posts from terfs saying all men are a scum of the earth going to accomplish? it's a shit rdfem opinion that you should criticize because it comes from that side of the fence, and it's not like you can say 'ah I disagree with rdfems about trans women/trans people/being gender critical but they're right on everything else' because just that means that automatically they're cutting out of the list of ppl they care of everyone that's not a rich cis(het) mostly white woman and I put (het) in the brackets because then they preach political lesbianism and go around saying wanting to be with men is being brainwashed by the patriarchy and like... that's not a thing you can pick and choose. it's shit thinking. it's like that time I argued with one who said that going back to separate gender schools would be super feminist bc apparently girls performed better in a same gender environment and boys performed worse so it would bridge the gap in society and like
that just shows you don't know how a sexist society works bc if society is sexist it doesn't matter if a woman is more competent than a man I mean didn't the 2016 us election teach ppl anything
separated genders schools means that you don't interact with ppl of the opposite gender your age regularly every day until you're 18 and like... not to be that person but if you don't have friends of the opposite gender then how are you gonna interact with the opposite gender when you're in university? like... all these people say men should be more understanding of women but how can they if they don't talk to any that are not related to them?
where do you send trans ppl in this scenario?
what about lgbt people in general surrounded by possibly homophobic/transphobic classmates?
also those schools tend to be private in general so what if someone can't afford it?
like basically such a thing only favors (in theory) girls who are well-off, not lgbt and I dare say not non-good looking bc I can swear an all-girls school if you don't conform to whatever's the ideal is not the place you wanna spend thirteen years of your life, but hey that's feminist! because we said so! and it sounded good! yeah no, it's not feminist it's like dumbass 50s rhetoric dressed to sound feminist and it's the same for all terf crap - like you can scream that you don't like surrogacy how much you want and it's a thing that should be discussed/regulated, but someone telling me surrogacy is a travesty bc 'motherhood is a fundamental part of femininity' which is what terfs say about it means implying that if you're not a mother you're not a full woman and that if you want to be a surrogate you shouldn't which in one go negates body autonomy (bc surrogacy is also that if someone chooses to do it out of their own free will) and says that any woman who can't have children or doesn't want to isn't a whole woman, which... they might think it's a clever way to say trans women aren't women, except it cuts off each single cis woman who's sterile, every single cis woman who like doesn't want to have kids and on top of that sounds like victorian age bullshit bc what the fuck we spend the entire 20th century making the point that having children was a choice and a woman wasn't useless if she didn't have any and in 2021 we're sprouting this? like fuck that, and let's not even go into the antikink stuff because saying that if you like something in bed then the patriarchy influenced you OR it means you're not okay or whatever then it turns into whatever crap antis say about ppl being sick in the head for writing kink which is like not anything that makes any sense whatsoever and guess what you get sucked in like that and then you turn into the kind of idiot who agrees with trump/the american right wingers that you should have guards at public bathrooms to make sure trans ppl don't access the one of their gender and like.... sure, as a woman I feel so much more threatened by a trans woman using the stall next to me than by idk a guard feeling me up to make sure I'm a cis woman before I can use the bathroom, suuureeee /sarcasm
tldr: terfism is backwards right wing ideology dressed up as feminism and that people fell for it like this is a disgrace but I'm nowhere near suprised that terfs ended up recruiting antis or that antis ended up being terfs, bc it's the same kind of bullshit thinking and if you don't wonder why you're sharing the ideas of someone whose ideas you technically loathe then good luck not getting sucked in into cults like that :/
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The fantasy version of medieval Europe devoid of people of color isn't realism. It's a different word that starts with R- and ends in -ism.
Saladin Ahmed
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