#(the no. 1 chris. no im not taking feedback at this time)
megalony · 3 months
Worth The Wait- Part 2
As I got so much lovely feedback and a few requests, here is a follow up for my Eddie x Reader x Evan imagine. I hope you will all like it, feedback is always appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @gillybear17
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: Now the trio finally got through labour and have their baby, they navigate life as a family of five.
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"Hey, look who's here."
(Y/n) sat up straighter and nudged her foot against Evan's thigh to gain his attention. She nodded towards the door and Evan pushed up so he was sitting up on the bed rather than slouched down with his knees near her chest and his head on a pillow by her feet.
He turned around to face the door and grinned when he watched Eddie pass by the window and move to open the hospital room door.
They both knew who he had with him. He had gone over to Carla's to get Chris and bring him down to see his family. When he rang Carla this morning to see how Chris had been over the last two days, he had apparently been fine until night time. Too excited to sleep for long because he knew he was going to be able to see his baby sibling soon.
And he hadn't stopped chatting Eddie's ear off the whole car ride down to the hospital. Especially when Eddie wouldn't tell him whether the baby was a boy or a girl. Eddie told him it was a surprise and he could find out once he got to the hospital.
"There he is!" Evan hopped up from the bed and stretched his arms out above him, clicking his arms and his spine back into place before he reached out for Chris.
That one word made Evan freeze and when Chris barrelled into him, he almost fell back. He looped his arms around Chris and lifted him up into his chest but when he looked over Chris's shoulder at Eddie, he could see a surprised expression mirrored back at him.
Chris had never called him that before.
When Evan dropped Chris off at school a few months back, one of his friends asked who Evan was. It had made Evan extremely happy and proud to hear Chris say he had three parents and Evan was one of them. But he hadn't called Evan dad or anything similar to that before.
And that had been okay. Evan knew it was confusing for Chris to lose his mum and only have Eddie to rely on, and then go from Eddie to having three parents all at once. And Eddie was his dad, Evan would never want to take that away from him or try and push in.
But to hear Chris call him that and refer to him as his dad made Evan's heart explode in his chest and he could feel tears falling down his face already.
"Missed you," Evan whispered in Chris's ear as he perched him on his hip and kissed his temple.
He squeezed Chris into a tight hug and when he looked across at Eddie, he saw Eddie grinning with tears in his eyes. He perched back down on the side of the bed with Chris on clinging to his front like a monkey.
"Missed you too pops, and mum. Missed mum!"
(Y/n) tightened her arms around the newborn resting in the crook of her elbow. She felt like her heart had lurched up into her throat and stopped her from being able to breathe.
Chris had never called her that before either.
(Y/n) and Evan had been in his life for the last four years, they had helped raise him and loved him as if he were their own. But just like Evan didn't want to push in on Eddie's space as his dad, (Y/n) didn't want to do that to Shannon's memory. Chris had mixed feelings about his mum leaving him and Eddie, but she was still his mum.
And (Y/n) didn't think Chris would ever come round to the idea of calling her mum. She thought that would be too uncomfortable for him and she was settled on the idea of him just calling her (Y/n) and telling his friends she was one of his three parents.
Being called mum by the boy she thought of as her own son was like stretching her hand out and being able to touch the stars.
(Y/n) didn't realise she had been holding her breath until she felt Eddie's hand on her back and he started to rub slow circles up and down her back to coax her to breathe again.
"Is it a boy?" Chris leaned his head against Evan's temple and looked down at the bundle in (Y/n)'s arms. He couldn't see properly and the onesie was one of the Disney ones Chris had helped Eddie pick out. It was gender neutral and so was the beige cap on the newborn's head that matched.
"No, you've got a sister, baby."
Evan tilted his head back with a groan when Chris flopped to sit down on his lap and clapped. He leaned closer with Evan's arms still around his middle and carefully tugged on (Y/n)'s arm to get her to tilt his sister towards him so he could see her better.
"She's pretty," He brushed his finger across her cheek before he looked up at (Y/n). "Mum was right."
(Y/n) had guessed they would have a daughter. Eddie, Evan and Chris had all put their bets on for a boy because they wanted to keep (Y/n) outnumbered as the only girl in the house. But now they had another girl to spoil and their daughter would have everyone wrapped around her little finger.
"She takes after your mum. Do you want to hold her?" When Chris nodded, Eddie stood up and leaned across the bed.
He picked Chris up and lifted him over the bed and down into the chair Eddie had just been perched in. He waited for Chris to shuffle back in the chair and sit straight with a wide grin before he turned to face (Y/n). Leaning over, Eddie kissed (Y/n)'s temple as she slowly eased their daughter into his arms.
"Okay, here you go, big brother." Eddie crouched down in front of Chris and slowly placed his little girl into Chris's waiting arms. He curved Chris's left arm a little tighter around the newborn's head to support her a bit better and made sure she was settled on his lap.
He stood up and moved to sit back on the bed and a grin overtook Eddie's face when (Y/n) leaned forward and perched her chin on his shoulder. She wrapped her hands around his arm and snuggled into his side while Evan found his phone to take a photo.
"What's her name?"
"We were thinking about calling her Belle. What do you think?"
"Tinkerbell… because she's small."
Evan curled his hand around Eddie's shoulder and leaned to kiss his cheek as he smiled across at their two kids. Tinkerbell sounded like a lovely nickname for their little girl and it was Chris's suggestion which made it even more special. "I think that's perfect."
Chris started to sway from left to right and he moved his right hand to rest on Belle's stomach with his thumb brushing up and down her chest. But his lips curved into a wide, open grin when her nimble fingers curled around his index finger and gripped tightly.
He looked up and shook his hand lightly to get his parents to notice what Belle had done.
"She knows who you are." (Y/n) whispered quietly and moved to loop both her arms around Eddie's neck so she could kiss his cheek.
Moving up from the bed, Evan scanned around the room and found the bottle the nurse had brought them just before Eddie got back. It was about time for Belle to have her feed. He turned around and bent down in front of Chris, brushing his thumb across Chris's hand for a few seconds.
"Can I steal her to feed her, buddy?"
"No?" Evan leaned back with a grin and looked over his shoulder. It looked like their daughter had been confiscated from them.
"No. You show me how to do it, pops?" Chris slowly tugged his hand free from Belle's grip and reached out to take the bottle from Evan, not really giving him a choice in the matter. He had Belle now and while she was happy, he wasn't going to let her go. They could show him how to feed her so he knew what to do when they took her back home.
He smiled when Evan leaned forward to kiss his temple and ruffle his curls before he perched down on the arm of the chair and wrapped an arm around Chris's shoulders.
"Sure, buddy. I'll show you how to do it."
Leaning to the left, (Y/n) wrapped her arm around Chris's shoulders and kissed the top of his head. She stayed close behind him and kept her hand on his shoulder as they walked into the station and looked around.
Their eyes instantly found Evan, walking away from the ambulance with a clipboard in his hand and a pen tucked behind his ear. He was about to walk back towards inventory until Chris shouted out to him and caught his attention.
He swayed back and forth, shifting his weight from his heels to his toes as he watched Evan spin round and grin as soon as he locked eyes with them. Chris tightened his hands around the pram and leaned his chest forward onto the handlebar, grinning as Evan made his way over to them.
Evan set the clipboard down on the side table before he jogged over to his family stood near the back of the truck.
His arms opened wide and he leaned down, scooping Chris up as soon as he pulled away from the pram he had been pushing. Evan could instantly tell from (Y/n)'s expression that Chris had been pushing the pram almost all day. He loved to push Belle around, especially because he could lean on the pram rather than use his crutches when he went out.
"There's my boy. You okay?" Leaning back, Evan settled Chris on his chest and smiled brightly when Chris looped his arms around his neck and nodded.
Keeping Chris held up in his right arm, Evan reached his left arm out and reeled (Y/n) into his chest. He felt her hand rub up and down his chest and she kissed his cheek before she moved around. Her arms bound around his torso and her face tucked into the crook of his neck so Evan could feel each deep breath she took.
"Where's dad?"
"He's upstairs getting a drink, go find him and he'll get you a drink bud."
Evan leaned down and carefully set Chris down to his feet and watched him hurry over towards the stairs. When he turned back around, Evan gently cupped the side of (Y/n)'s face and tilted her head up so he could lean down and capture her lips. He brushed his thumb across her jaw when he felt her smile against him and he felt her fingers start to rub up and down his back.
"You alright?" He murmured softly against her lips and felt her nod before both their heads turned to the right to look at the pram.
Belle was awake. The five-month old was starting to squeal and kick her legs out to move the pram and gain some attention.
When Evan unravelled from around her, (Y/n) rested her hand on his upper back and smiled as he leaned down into the pram and scooped Belle up. He held her up and gently swayed her from left to right until she started to smile and kick her legs out at him.
"Hi baby. Have you missed me?"
He always asked her that question when he came back from work and (Y/n) was sure he thought Belle was answering him when she smiled. She couldn't wait until Belle started to talk, she would butter Evan up and have him wrapped around her finger.
Evan gently lowered her back down and settled her in the middle of his chest and he began smoothing his hand up and down her back as she dribbled onto his shirt.
"So how'd it go, you both okay?" Evan tilted his head down to smother his lips against the top of Belle's head, but he kept his eyes focused on (Y/n).
She had been down to the doctors today. It was a regular check up for Belle to make sure she was alright and continuing to develop and grow properly. And (Y/n) had a check up too while she was there. Every other month (Y/n) was having blood tests because she was low on vitamins and iron.
Evan knew the last time she had her bloods done Eddie had taken her because she had a tendancy to feel faint afterwards.
He felt (Y/n) press her lips against his bare shoulder and he smiled as her arms curved back around his chest. She glued herself up into his side and stared up at him with those eyes that made Evan feel weak at the knees.
"Yeah… can we talk, with Eddie?"
Evan narrowed his eyes and lifted his head away from Belle's temple. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I just need to talk to you both about something, that's all." (Y/n) tried to smile but she could feel her stomach turning into knots and the adrenaline sparking through her chest made it hard to breathe.
She needed to talk to the boys; now.
Her hands stayed curled around Evan's arm and she leaned on his shoulder as he guided her up the stairs where the rest of the team were.
Chimney and Hen were on the far side of the annex, too far away to be heard as they played a game of pool. Bobby was sat at the table with a coffee and Eddie was in the kitchen with Chris getting him a milkshake.
"Babe, look who's here."
Eddie pressed his hand against Chris's back and guided him over to the table and his smile widened when he looked over at Evan and their daughter in his arms. The sight would never get old. Seeing either Evan or (Y/n) with Belle in their arms just made Eddie smile and feel like he was burning with adrenaline he didn't know what to do with.
He reached out and took Belle as soon as Evan was in front of him and he pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek when she grinned. Her small palm batted out and patted across his face like she was searching for something or trying to gain his attention.
When her hand bashed across his lips, Eddie kissed her palm and grinned when she made a squealing noise in retaliation.
"How'd it go today?" Eddie glanced across at (Y/n), noting the way she was leaning into Evan but her smile made him relax. Clearly nothing was wrong or amiss if (Y/n) was smiling at them like that.
"She passed with flying colours." It wasn't exactly a test, but the doctor always checked Belle's hearing and her vision and if she seemed to engage when someone was speaking. And she was growing and putting on weight, no problems with her at all.
"That's my girl." Eddie kissed Belle's cheek and nuzzled his nose against her neck as she continued to gurgle and kick her legs out happily.
"Cap, can you watch them for a minute if we go and have a chat?"
Eddie's eyes narrowed and he looked over at Evan, confusion pooling in his eyes. What did he want to talk about? Why were they going to talk in private instead of in front of Bobby and the kids? It was usually something serious or concerning if they couldn't talk in front of Bobby, especially when Evan relayed every conversation they had back with Bobby who was like his father.
Bobby nodded and reached his arms out with a wide smile when Eddie carefully eased Belle over to him.
Eddie stuffed his hands into his back pockets and followed his two partners across the annex towards the sofas in front of the tv that was playing the news quietly in the background.
(Y/n) sat down in the armchair next to the sofa and leaned her arms on the armrest. She watched both boys sit down on the sofa on her left and she tried to keep the smile on her face so they weren't worried. She didn't want to worry them, but she couldn't help it when she felt her nerves going haywire in her stomach.
As she walked home with Chris and Belle from the doctors, (Y/n) kept telling herself to go home. She tried to persuade herself to walk home and just talk to the boys when they got off work tonight.
But the further they walked, the more anxious (Y/n) felt until all she could do was guide Chris in the other direction and say they were going to see the team for a while. It was worth a shot to see if the boys had five minutes to talk. This way, (Y/n) wouldn't be panicking all afternoon and overthinking this too much.
"Did everything really go okay?" Evan leaned his right elbow on Eddie's thigh and tilted his head to the side as he looked over at (Y/n). She was worrying them both.
"Belle's fine."
"What about you?" Eddie's expression was stern and something about his tone of voice made a shiver roll down (Y/n)'s spine.
She watched the way Eddie leaned forward with his hands clasped together between his parted knees. He looked unsettled. This was why he liked one of them to go along with (Y/n) to check ups like this in case something happened or went wrong or they got worrying news.
Eddie's expression hardened when (Y/n) slumped forward. She dropped her arms from the armrest onto her lap and flopped her head down into her hands. A groan tumbled past her lips as she tried to control her breathing and stop herself from panicking or blurting out everything the doctor had said.
"Baby what's wrong-"
"What's wrong is you two have done it again!"
A perplexed look passed between Evan and Eddie as they turned to glance at each other.
What had they done? Why was (Y/n)'s check up suddenly to do with them? Had they made her feel run down? Did she need more vitamins or iron tablets again? The doctor said last time that hopefully after another two months, her levels might even back out and she wouldn't need the tablets or blood tests anymore.
"Care to tell us what we've supposedly done?" Eddie straightened up and pressed his hands on his knees but he didn't like the way (Y/n) wouldn't look at either of them.
"I'm pregnant. Again."
Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) leaned back up and started to rake her hands up and down her thighs. She could feel her palms beginning to sweat and her nails scratched into her leggings as she dared to lift her eyes and look across at her boys. Trying to gage their reactions and work out what they were feeling.
She didn't know how they were going to react to this.
Her eyes followed the way Eddie clenched his jaw and ran his fingers up and down his chin and the side of his face. Something he did a lot when he was tense and trying to think. Whereas Evan's lips parted and his jaw dropped, but he couldn't quite find any words to say.
"How far along?" Eddie was the first one to speak. Evan still seemed to be in shock.
"Two months… I- I'm only just back of maternity leave and I'll have to take it again." (Y/n) dragged her nails through her hair and brushed it back behind her ears.
(Y/n) was only just starting to get back into the swing of being at work and working her schedule around the boys so someone could be at home with Chris and Belle. Now she was going to have to take another period of maternity leave in just a few months. She would be back at work for all of six months, if that, before she was off again.
She didn't know how the boys were going to react.
They were barely getting used to finding a routine with Belle and having a baby in the house. Now they were going to have to think about looking after a toddler and a baby. (Y/n) might have to take more maternity leave this time or go part time if they had another baby to look after. Not that it sounded like a bad thing, but it was daunting.
Eddie continued to run his hand along his jaw but when he turned his head to the left and looked over at Evan, he almost sighed. Evan looked like he was off in his own world. He looked as if he was drifting among the stars and like he was looking through (Y/n) rather than at her.
"What're you looking at me like that for?" Evan looked over at Eddie with a raised brow and he frowned when Eddie scoffed.
"Because you're already coming up with names, I can tell. You were planning another kid when Belle was less than a day old." Eddie rolled his eyes but his lips quirked up at one side when Evan grinned sheepishly.
He had only been joking at the hospital. And Evan hadn't planned any of this. But he couldn't sit here and pretend he wasn't happy. Kids were always going to be a big part of Evan's life and Chris and Belle meant the world to him. It wouldn't matter to Evan when they had another child, all that mattered was having kids with the two people he cherished more than anything.
And that time seemed to be now.
Both their eyes darted back to (Y/n) when she looked down at herself and a small smile fluttered across her lips. She reached her hand down and dragged her fingers across her stomach before she looked back up at the boys.
"I guess I should be glad I haven't got my shape back yet, huh?"
At least she hadn't bothered thinking about fitting back into her old clothes yet. (Y/n) hadn't bothered thinking about her old clothes in a while. She was comfortable with the way she looked and how her stomach had flattened down from what it was when she was pregnant. Her shape was changing every month and now it was going to start going in the opposite direction once again.
Her eyes focused on her stomach so much that she didn't realise Eddie had moved off the sofa.
He crouched down in front of her and slid his hands up from her knees, across her thighs and up until he was cupping her hips. His fingers dug into her hips and he gave a loving squeeze while he parted her thighs and wedged himself in between her legs.
"Didn't we tell you that you looked great pregnant?" Butterflies sparked to life in (Y/n)'s stomach at Eddie's words and when he reached his hand up to cup her chin, she almost melted.
He brushed his thumb across her lower lip before he leaned up and kissed her so deeply he confiscated all the air from her lungs.
Shivers coursed up and down (Y/n)'s spine when Eddie pulled her closer until he almost dragged her off the chair and she felt Evan sit down on the armrest. He curled his arm around her shoulders and leaned down to kiss the top of her head and (Y/n) could feel him grinning into her skin.
"You both realise there's gonna be a year between them, right? We'll have an eleven-year old, a toddler and a baby."
"And there's three of us to do this."
"So… so we're all happy?" (Y/n) rolled her lips together and looked between the boys for confirmation.
Deep down she knew they would be pleased and excited and stunned all at once. But part of (Y/n) had been afraid that they might not want to do this. That they might not want another baby so soon after having Belle. They would be lucky if there was a year separating their two youngest kids, depending on (Y/n)'s due date and when she went into labour.
They would be getting up during the night to tend to a toddler and a newborn and when the boys were on long shifts together, (Y/n) would be home with all three kids.
But both of them had already proved they could go to work, do their shifts and then come home to their family and be amazing with the kids. They came home and instantly went to check on Chris and Belle before they even thought about getting changed or going for a nap. Evan and Eddie were always going to put their family first, and their family was expanding. Again.
"Are you kidding? When can I start telling people?"
(Y/n) flopped her head down onto Evan's thigh and grinned against his leg while he raked his fingers through her hair. She could practically feel him shaking with excitement. He wanted to go and tell everyone. He wanted to tell the whole team. Right now. He wanted to ring Maddie and tell her he was going to have another baby.
He wanted to ring his parents and show off how happy he was with his family and how much (Y/n) and Eddie meant to him. They never believed this relationship was going to last. Proving they were happy and about to have another child showed that it was working and Evan was happier than he'd ever been.
Tilting her head, (Y/n) looked down at Eddie who perched his chin on her thigh and only smiled.
"I think you might wanna tell Chris first." (Y/n) spoke quietly into Evan's thigh and patted his knee, but Evan's response only made her grin wider and made tears well up in her eyes.
"Can we tell him now?"
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noturvlentine · 1 year
An encounter (pt 1)
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Leon Kennedy x reader series!!!!
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Summary [series]- after Chris Redfield has requested for your transfer from the BSAA, you’re tasked with uncovering a chain of bio-terrorist attacks alongside Leon Kennedy. Destruction, duty and your untold past brings you spiralling into an unlikely bond with your partner, as efforts are made and promises are broken.
hi!! bear with me while I attempt to write this little series i had going on in my head for a while- it might be 5-10 parts or so but im trying to see how long this narrative goes in terms of chapter length. EVERYTHING IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!
i might finalise and actual title for the series later but i thought it was nice to get the first chapter out while the rest unfolds in messy notes ive been taking down. I’ll definitely put the masterlist to this series on here when ive got more parts written :)
hope this isnt too much of a confusing read and any feedback is appreciated!! Also- requests are still open!!! - j🖤
1.8k words
Part 2
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Washington DC
Two days. That’s all they gave you. Two days time off from the last BSAA issued mission which had you sitting in the med bay for three consecutive nights, test after test to insure you hadn’t caught any strain of virus from getting beaten up by B.O.Ws. You’d been transferred to the USSTRATCOM before you could get comfortable in your own bed again. Chris Redfield himself had you commissioned for a good two months down at a station in South America, carrying out operations for BSAA intel which had gotten you into a whole lot of trouble by the last week, hence the man himself took in three squadrons to finish the job. And when the time came for STRATCOM to issue additional ‘more than capable’ agents, Redfield had personally put in a request for you to be transferred to a more- suited position. You’d been under his and the BSAA’s command for the past 8 years as recommended by your commanding officers from military- seeing as they’d found no other candidates as hard in the head and skilled as needed.
Now you were here, headed towards the reception of an all-too-well government agency better built then the BSAA could’ve ever wished for. Not like you had a choice anyway, Redfield wouldn’t be allowing you back into his side of the field for security reasons and well, because he was worried. You felt so- small in this large hall that would be USSTRATCOM’s lobby, your interaction with the woman at the desk echoed like a pathetic whisper.
“I’m sorry but you’re not registered here. I can look you up if you were with any other department-“
“That won’t be needed, she should be cleared.” A smile interrupted your one sided exchange with some government receptionist.
You turned to the woman who’d just claimed she had cleared you.
“Ingrid Hunnigan, I’ve been issued to your transfer.”
There was no need for an introduction, she basically had you on file. Hunnigan made her way around the desk, signalling for you to tail behind.
You wanted to ask her details on the job, how long you’d be out, when you’d be out, introduction to an F.O.S agent- nothing came out except small nods in understanding as she pointlessly flagged out the entire building as you walked through the rustling halls. You’ve grown to not care much about human interaction outside of what needed to be done.
“They didn’t brief you on anything?” She whipped her head around and stopped in her tracks.
“Not at all.”
And that was enough to receive a huff of disappointment as she redirected her route.
Oblivious to your party, a certain agent was currently flicking through your life’s record at the end of the hall, skimming over your profile and various written reports out of a Manila folder, fair in size but not large enough for a normal agent file. His eyes tracing over your documents- despite your age you were quite accomplished, issued in the military and pulled out of ranger school to transfer to the torturous trainings of the BSAA and other government parties alike. You’d even remember briefly having sessions at USSOCOM before you were on field with the BSAA, you’d come in, left a mark and went straight off to work for Chris Redfield.
As you kept walking, Hunnigan had managed to find you a copy of the mission briefing at her office before heading out to the hall again. You were handed a thick set of papers- enough to make you question how big of a job this was. Before your eyes finished with the first page, Hunnigan was three steps further down the hall.
“Leon!” She stopped in her tracks. “I thought you weren’t meant to be here until 9?”
Leon. You seen and heard of him time and time again from Redfield despite their lack of interaction with one another. That name alone made you look up from your hands, startled almost. You envied him in some way- or at least what you had heard of him. Not because he was the presidents golden boy, nor because he was everyone’s favourite toy to send after bio-terrorists. No, you simply envied his will to live and to save others- you envied that in Chris a little bit too if you were completely honest. Little did you know, he had heard a bit about you here and there too.
“Well it doesn’t hurt to arrive a bit earlier.” He turned and greeted you with a warm smile. Unusual huh. Not many people with a tragic life like his working two and two for the government had enough will power to greet anyone like that. Your lack of reciprocation made the exchange unlawfully bitter. He stood up from the bench in the hall, reaching his hand out for you to shake.
“This is agent Kennedy, I’m sure you’ve heard a bit about him from around the place. I assume Chris has familiarised you with his presence on this earth.” Hunnigan was inclined on introducing you two and before she could finish your name, he’d already repeated it back to you. He was tall, but not an intimidating height, a firm but gentle grip, roughly shaven and kind blue eyes. No one ever mentioned his look of warmth before.
“I’m sure you two will have more than enough time to know each other, and seeing as your both here why don’t we just get started.” You don’t remember her conversations with you being this light hearted, well- if you could even call them proper conversations amidst your prolonged stroll through the building.
Washington DC
Conference Room 6A
You were almost like some sort of loyal hound to Chris. Sure, you followed orders, got the job done but under the necessary circumstances. Not to mention- being backed up by a squad. You really never left his side despite his muddled up tactical morals, you always managed to fall under his command. This was different. The strings were coiled tighter. And there was no Redfield to suggest that he had a better idea.
You could tell by the annoyance in Leon’s otherwise-abnormally-kind eyes that he wanted to protest against the idea. He was a field agent, a rather special one but he certainly wasn’t some sort of government spy. And neither were you. Hunnigan wasnt exactly asking. In fact she had no say in approval as shes just an F.O.S agent who’s unfortunate circumstances had her picking up after Leon Kennedy.
“Leon we dont have another option” she sighed, tiredly removing her glasses and setting her hand to pinch on the bridge of her nose. “Look, if this really is a plan that’ll result in a chain of bio-terrorist attacks then we can’t be stuck in the deep end.” So- nothing but a wild goose chase into unmarked territory.
Unmarked, exactly what people look for when they want to satisfy themselves with bioterrorism. The BSAA could only ever cover so much terrain, and Chris wanted to punch himself for how easily the US stuck their fingers into his shit.
“Leon-” she sighed again, some sort of tired mother fed up with her teenage son’s lack of common sense in the world, blandly trying to explain to him basic parameters. “We wouldn’t have called if there was anyone else suitable foe the mission.” Leon huffed at the repetitiveness of the lines to follow, which earned him a less patient, more aggressive tone from Hunnigan. “You’d still be shit faced on vacation right now and /kitten/ here would still be tailing Chris Redfield like some sort if spirit animal.”
Leon shifted his gaze towards you, surprised to see no reaction from the otherwise offensive nickname Hunnigan spat out at you. You weren’t denying it, and Leon had had enough of her passive aggressiveness.
“If this all goes south, well have escorts from our nearest location pull you out of there immediately-“
Bold promise to make. You knew STRATCOM was good- but how good? Last time you heard anything about their squads was from Chris Redfield ‘warning’ his team not to fuck up because he didn’t want his XOs filling out mountains of post-operation paperwork. Cleanup was a lengthy process and he hates seeing squad kids packed in bags because of some strategical fuck up. ‘I don’t want a repeat of STRATCOM’s last mission’, he’d said for months on end, pestering kids into learning their shit and paying attention more. Redfield wasn’t in the position to lose any more soldiers- he couldn’t afford to.
You leant back on the table, hands rested over the ledge so you could scornfully and casually flick through the rest of the file laid out beside you. Leon was still standing beside you, a good distance, arms crossed staring firmly at Hunnigan, patiently awaiting her next spew of words. She sighed, deep and heavy and put her glasses back on as she sat up in her chair.
“You leave tomorrow at noon. Escort will be waiting out the back of West Wing so if you could please familiarise yourself with that area and collect your gear before then that would be great.”
That part was directed to you. West wing is on the west side of the building, but where the fuck that is you hadn’t bothered paying attention to. Hunnigan opened her mouth to say something again- but ultimately decided against the idea and instead followed her instructions with ‘any questions?’, before all of you remained in silence and she quickly dismissed you. Hunnigan, in a silent annoyance, packed up the file and left the empty conference room leaving you and Leon to wilt in each others presence.
You watched the dust particles floating around the ray of sunshine hitting the carpet, tapping your finger on the edge of the table.
“Sorry about her. I think she’s just sick of me at this point. But a job’s a job, right?”
Out of the blue, Leon uncrossed his arms and sighed in amusement. You looked up at him, phased by his forgiving attitude, sending a huff and nod in agreement. You resentfully pushed yourself off this table, informally stretching your back as you adjusted yourself.
“See you tomorrow then I guess.” You snarked, backing your way towards the door.
“No introductions?”
“You’ve read my file-“
“That file says nothing about you-“ Leon laughed. You shrugged in return as you reached the heavy wooden door to the hall.
“Nothing to know Agent Kennedy.” You mumbled, like he could barely hear it.
AN: OKAY THATS AN IDEA OF WHAT IT MIGHT BE AND I HOPE THAT WASNT TOO HORRIBLE!!! if theres anything you’d like me to know just shoot a message or send in something :)
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harrowharkwife · 1 year
for the ask game: search, handle, and fall
omg thank you!!
i somehow haven't used 'search' in either of my WIPs so far???
(from my 5+1 things fic)
Lucy is leveling a questioning look at all their whispering, and Ravi shakes his head at her, bless him. She seems willing to drop it for now, content to let Ravi fill her in later in private, which is good, because Buck can't handle-
Poor choice of words, back there, Eddie had said.
Buck tries to process the fact that he just had- a moment, or something, or whatever, because apparently he's still having those- about the shooting. In front of everyone. Great.
In front of Eddie.
He cradles his palm to his chest. If he turns it inward, he doesn't have to look at it.
(from my wedding fic)
They make it a handful of wobbly steps before they're both laughing, Buck losing his grip and Eddie hanging on for dear life as it becomes increasingly obvious that a bridal carry just isn't going to work. Buck is strong, but Eddie's a grown man, and physics is not on their side. He's about to abandon ship and carry his own damn self across their threshold, thank you very much, when Buck easily rearranges Eddie into a fireman's carry on instinct alone, and shit, yep, okay, he always forgets how much he fucking loves being manhandled.
"Welcome home, sweetheart," Buck murmurs sweetly as he steps through the front door.
"It's not like we moved, Buck. It's still the same old house," Eddie says, but he's smiling anyway, his voice soft. "There's dirty dishes in the sink and I'd bet you twenty bucks Chris left his wet towel on the bathroom floor again."
"Well yeah, duh," Buck says, setting him down so gently Eddie's head spins. "But I've never lived here with my husband before, have I?"
"Guess not," Eddie says, closing the front door and leaning back against it, hands in his pockets, heart in his throat. "First time for everything though, right?"
(from my 5+1 things fic)
"What if I want a cool scar, though?" Buck says. "I hear cool scars are a big hit with the ladies."
He feels stupid and clumsy for saying it as soon as it leaves his mouth. It feels like the wrong joke to have made, somehow. But Eddie snorts a soft laugh anyway, so. It's fine.
"I'm sure they are," he says, voice dry and warm. "Now hush and let me work."
Buck hushes, and lets him work.
It only takes a minute; Eddie works fast. But between the silence in the back of the rig, and Eddie's breath on his cheek, it feels much longer.
It also feels a little bit like the start of every rope rescue, he thinks. Those first few seconds of slack before the line snaps taut under his weight, when it's just him and his rabbit-fast heartbeat and a fervent, dizzy kind of please-catch-me-i'm-falling trust.
(from my wedding fic)
Because at the end of the day, what Buck wants is what Eddie wants is what Buck wants is what Eddie's always wanted but never known how to ask for, a dizzying feedback loop that they've never managed to close, a snake eating its own tail and saying fuck, thank you, i was starving. He's reminded suddenly of a song Buck likes to play in the car sometimes, something about being up on a rooftop, love is losing your balance.
Good thing Buck would never let him fall, because Eddie really, really likes feeling precarious.
"You're driving us home, to our house, sweetheart. Together. And you're driving my car, because I felt like watching you try and focus on driving stick while I get you all wound up," Buck says sweetly, his voice low, matter-of-fact, all heat.
"Keep it up and I'll wreck your clutch," Eddie jokes, but they both know he won't.
thank you anon!!! when i finally start actually posting my 911 fics it'll be OVER 4 these bitches... (it's me im bitches)
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The Finest Hours (2016)
dir. Craig Gillespie
The Coast Guard makes a daring rescue attempt off the coast of Cape Cod after a pair of oil tankers are destroyed during a blizzard in 1952. (via IMDb)
Highlight/s: Those sweet sweet non-rhotic New England accents 😚👌🏻; Over the past couple years it seems that whenever I pick a movie from my list at random, or decide to watch a new movie/series instead, a wild Beau Knapp appears. I honestly feel like
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whenever I watch anything these days sjfjskjhjsk and the exact same thing has been happening with Kyle Gallner for years now and they're BOTH in this movie! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, they're great! But it seems I can't escape either of them lately 😂; I finally realised who Josh Stewart reminds me of - Paul McGann sjhfkdjfjdkhf; Black queer icon & fellow Aussie Keiynan Lonsdale? In a Disney film? A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one 🥳; It's also always fun seeing other fellow Aussie Eric Bana in serious Hollywood roles because he started out in Australian comedy in the 90s and I can't help hearing this whenever I see him 😂
Will I watch it again? Hmmmmsjfjjshfhdjshfjskjsfk idk.
Rating: 👍🏻👎🏻
Lowlight/s: (under the cut)
I know the sexism & shit is realistic for the period, I know it is, but it grinds the everloving piss out of my gears regardless; ALSO why the fuck didn't we get to see Bernie (Chris Pine) & Mel (Beau Knapp) reunite at the end??? They were besties and the only reason Mel stayed behind (reluctantly) was because he had the sniffles. Do you mean to tell me that he wouldn't have gone outside with everyone else when the boat came in - the freezing cold & his health be damned for a minute - to greet his friend who could have died at any moment while Mel was busy being a human burrito sipping hot cocoa (idk) while listening to what's going on out on the water over the radio, never certain he'll see his friends again, not able to do anything to help them, in the safety & comfort of the Coast Guard station???? Uhhh bullshit. Of course he would've gone out there!!! So where the hell was he????? Asleep in the lunch room suddenly???? *desk flip*
Fellas, is it gay to say hi to your best friend and hug hi- oh, it is? Silly me haha. Then we better make sure it's crystal clear for the audience that Bernie is definitely going to marry a woman to remind them he's 110% straight and a man and has absolutely nobody else he cares about or who care about him, and we need to definitely not show even five seconds of affection between two male friends! ☹
While we're on this subject (I'm on a roll now so can't stop til I say this lol soz) I was reminded during the film how toxic masculinity limits the acceptable feelings men can express, without fear of ridicule, to anger & lust... except if they're in the middle of disasters or other traumatic events, e.g. war, then it's way more acceptable for men to be scared & to cry & be vulnerable & concerned for the emotional wellbeing of other men. And rightly so, they're human after all and those situations suck. It's scary and painful watching your friends be hurt/die right in front of you and to also be staring death in the face yourself with very limited options & chance of survival. Men more readily accept and are even moved by these expressions when they see it in these extreme situations, but as soon as it appears in the context of Normal Everyday Life the response is "don't be such a girl, grow some balls". *sigh* The patriarchy is on nobody's side in the end. Cishet dudes help us burn it down challenge!
And, of course, there's nothing wrong with the little romantic subplot - it's the fact that Hollywood constantly locks platonic love in the trunk and takes romance on a nice Sunday drive that makes my blood boil.
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angstysebfan · 4 years
PR Stunt Gone Wrong - Chapter 6
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: You are a fellow actress in the MCU, Bucky’s love interest. You met Seb during the CA: WS and you guys hit it off. Chemistry on and off the set, but never dated until after Infinity War. During filming of FATWS, the pandemic caused everything to shut down. Seb offered you to spend quarantine with him, but somewhere along the lines, things go wrong and Seb makes a PR decision.
A/N: I was going to to this in a Bucky story, but then I decided to keep it Seb. With everything going on with Seb over the last several months, I came up with this story in my head. Obviously a lot of this is made up, but it is using what we know Seb has been doing over the last several months.
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The beginning of May began with no issues. Occasionally you and Seb would get on each others nerves about one thing or another, but that was usually settled quickly and make up sex became one of your favorites. Throughout the week you would facetime with your family, his mom, and a collection of friends. Right now you were in a group zoom with Sebs closest friends, who have accepted you to the clan throughout the years.
You’re sitting on Seb’s lap as you look at the computer screen that showed Will, Toby, Chase, and Chris Egan. You were all catching up on what’s been happening in your areas of the country or world. You were close with all of Seb’s friends, but the closest with Chase. You both had similar personalities and always called each other your best friends. Seb would laugh it off, but you think he got slightly jealous.
After your Zoom with Seb’s friends, you were on with your friends, who you haven’t spoken in awhile. Seb was in and out of the conversation, which annoyed you slightly, because you sat with him for his friends, but you continued on as normal. When you were finally finished, you turned to look at him as he gazed out the living room window. “Seriously Seb? You couldn’t at least sit here and pretend to be interested in the people in my life?” you ask annoyed. 
He turned to look at you, “They don’t want to talk to me, so why sit there?” he asks. Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline, “They would have spoken to you if you sat here next to me! You always do that when I am on with my friends, but I sit with you when you speak with yours,” you accuse. He crosses his arms, “Well my friends are more interesting, and you spend most of your time flirting with Chase that I assume you are fine,” he says. 
You stand up and clench your hands into fists, “Oh my god you jealous, jealous asshole! Are you kidding me? Chase and I are just joking! I don’t even speak to him unless you do, so there is nothing to be jealous of! Is this why you never talk to my friends, you are too busy brooding over me and Chase?” you ask exacerbated. He doesn’t look at you, keeping his eyes on the floor. You sigh in frustration.
“Ya know, I can’t--” you are cut off by your phone going off. You check the caller ID and see it’s your mom, so you pick up, “Hey Ma, hold on 1 second,” you say before pulling the phone away. You look at Seb, “Next time I Zoom with my friends, you will sit there with me and be nice. You need to get over this jealousy with Chase, because there is nothing to be jealous of!” you say before you run up the stairs to talk to your mom.
Seb sits in the living room thinking about what you said. He knows he was being rude with your friends, but he hates how you and Chase flirt and it always puts him in a mood. He realizes you have been quiet upstairs for awhile, so you must be pissed at him still. He feels his phone vibrate and sees he has a text from his PR agent.
He texts back and forth for awhile, while also texting a friend of his a little bit. After another 1/2 hour he decides to go up and find you. He walks to the bedroom and sees you sitting on the bed crying silently. He runs up and kneels in front of you. “Baby? What’s wrong?” he asks softly. You choke on a sob before throwing your arms around his neck and cry into his neck. He rubs your back to try and calm you down, wondering what could have upset you like this.
When you seem to calm slightly he pulls you back and wipes the tears from your eyes. “Tell me what’s got you so upset. If this is about the Zoom, I’ll make sure I’m not rude next time. I promise,” he says concerned. You shake your head, “No, it’s not that. That was just a stupid argument,” you say sniffing. He continues to look at you sadly, “Then what is it baby? You’re scaring me.”
You start to sob again but manage to say, “Grandma died!” Seb’s eyes widen before pulling you into his arms and allowing you to sob. He lifts you into his arms and carries you to the bed and sits against the headboard with you on his lap. He continues to feel his phone vibrate from his text conversations, but ignores them, as you need him more than them. He keeps whispering, “I’m so sorry. It’s going to be okay. I’m here.” You finally manage to relax in his arms, and fall asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
You went home to your moms for the funeral. They were only allowing 10 people, so Seb decided to stay at the apartment. While you were gone he was so bored. He continued to go for runs, write, read, watch movies, but he was missing you. His favorite time of the day was when you would call him or facetime him. He couldn’t wait for you to come back, because being alone sucked. He was busy working on new deals with his agency, and some other things in the works, but he just wanted to be with you.
After 5 days, you walked back into the apartment and Seb wrapped you up in his arms and kissed the hell out of you. “Seb... I don’t want to touch you until I shower,” you say pulling away. Seb picked you up and wrapped your legs around him and walked up the stairs, continuing to kiss you. He walked right into the bathroom and refused to put you down as he turned on the shower before walking right in with your clothes on.
“Seb! My clothes! It’s cold!” you scream wiggling to get out of his arms, but he held you tighter and continued to kiss you making you forget the clothes and water temperature, which improved. It didn’t take long to strip you both of your wet clothes, though Seb refused to put you down. It was the hottest shower sex you both had. When you finished showering you wrapped yourself in a robe and laid next to Seb, your head on his chest.
“I missed you,” he said against the top of your head before placing a kiss. You smiled, “I noticed,” you say giggling, before turning your head to look at him. He kisses your forehead and brushes some hair back smirking at you. You peck his lips, “I missed you too. I wish you were there with me,” you say as your wrap your arm around his torso and nuzzle into his chest.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Chapter 5 / Chapter 7
Jealousy.. always a problem. Poor reader, but Seb somewhat made up for his stupidness with being sweet about everything. Feedback is appreciated.
Permanent Taglist: @hailmary-yramliah @tuiccim @comedictragedy @cap-n-stuff @thefridgeismybestie @swiftmind @aleaisntcreative @lookiamtrying @pinknerdpanda @morganclaire4 @iamvalentinaconstanza @verygraphicink @im-squished @joannie95 @peace-love-hobbitness @connie326 @arundhati1609 @amandamdiehl @harrysthiccthighss @its-izzys
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Anonymous said: "But in those early interviews Darren was asked if he was bothered by having to kiss another man. Nobody asked Chris if he was bothered to kiss a straight man." This is splitting hairs. I'm not sure what you want to argue here. The issue under discussion was not if Darren was asked what's like to kiss a man, but whether he was asked about his sexuality - and he was from the start. As a matter of fact, out-gay actors in straight roles are also asked what's like to kiss a woman on screen.
Anonymous said: "Darren was asked a lot about how he felt playing a gay character…how he felt kissing a man." --There was nothing novel about that. It's a typical question many actors before him who had played gay roles (esp. if somewhat prominent) on screen or TV were asked. Even Chris got asked one time if Darren was gay (I think it was at the Time 100), and he said "No, I don't think so. I've met his GF." I'm not sure what being good looking has to do with being asked if he was gay if he played gay.
Anonymous said: "yes the actors were comfortable. The reporters weren’t." Not accurate. The entertainment press has routinely asked straight and presumed straight actors in a gay role what's like to kiss a man and makes a point to mention the actors' sexuality - see e.g. Matt Damon in the Liberace movie. It's been reported that this is often encouraged by the actors' reps. But whatever the case, it is a self-perpetuating reflex of the entertainment press, which has come under rightful criticism only recently.
I already addressed my analogy with Chris kissing a woman in another post and I concur it wasn’t a good analogy.
I went on an deep dive of the press Darren did in his early days of Glee last year after Abby kept repeating the cc trope that his interviews are always “no homo” because his “team” writes the article, dictates what is said, controls the interview questions or stands off camera threatening him to repeated the scripted answer. I went on another more shallow dive this evening after I got these Asks and I still stand by earlier statements that America was still quite homophobic in Glee’s early days-it still is in many places- and people were shocked to see a straight actor comfortably playing a gay character.
My point was never that Darren was the only actor who was ever asked these questions -in fact it was the complete opposite. My point was -and is -that in 2009, being gay was still something that made a lot of people squeamish and a good looking, young, actor playing a gay teenager on a tv show was something people didn’t quite understand. Whether it made the reporter, the team, the actor or society uncomfortable isn’t important-someone was uncomfortable. The fact that the questions were routinely asked tells me that a lot of someones were uncomfortable.   
Matt Damon and Tom Hanks were in big screen movies. For many years, Hollywood has rewarded straight actors for their portrayal of LGBTQ characters by giving them Oscars and Emmys. But Darren was playing a gay teenage character on Network TV- a gay character who was rumored to be a romantic partner for Kurt, this was a very new idea 2010. 
Tonight I looked for the interviews where Darren was asked about kissing and I couldn’t find them and frankly I wasted enough time. However, I did find a bunch of early Glee interviews-well before he played Hedwig or Andrew Cunanan-that addressed his sexuality with questions that  I cannot imagine being asked today:
Darren Criss on Glee | Time Out May 31, 2011 Did anyone in your life express concern about you as a straight guy playing a very visible gay character? No, that’s actually never even occurred to me. I don’t think that’s how myself or my team—I don’t think any of us are wired that way. You see a good character, and that’s it. But maybe that is a very naive way to look at things.
Bliss Magazine October 2011 (Imogene Press)
The actor is comfortable with playing an openly gay character on the show, despite being straight in real life, although he still isn’t used to wearing guy-liner on set.
8 Reasons We Admire Darren Criss -Starpulse.com 2014
6. He isn’t afraid to play gay. As one-half of everyone’s favorite TV couple, Darren’s portrayal of teenage dreamboat Blaine Anderson has both guys and girls swooning. His onscreen romance with Chris Colfer’s Kurt Hummel has often drawn fire from anti-gay organizations but Darren has kept his cool and admits to being comfortable enough with his own sexuality to kiss other boys.
San Fransisco: : He Only Plays Gay on TV.  July 1, 2013
Which brings us to the bombshell of this story—Darren Criss is not gay. And this isn’t the first time that he has had to make that clear (he says that he also had to come out of the straight closet as a teen in A.C.T.’s Young Conservatory). “I’m the opposite from what people pin me as,” he says, referring to both his sexual preferences and his career choices. “I’ve kind of made it a habit where if you expect me to do something, I am usually immediately averse to that idea, and I try to do something else.”
Norwegian TOPP  December 21, 2013 (Translated so maybe take this with a grain of salt?)
What kind of response have you gotten from other, about playing the role of a gay character? - Only positive feedback! It’s really fun playing Blaine, and I don’t have any problems with him being gay.
Asking about an actor’s sexuality -both gay and straight -is absolutely “a self-perpetuating reflex of the entertainment press”. But the questions have changed and the tone has evolved. The tone and the questions Darren was asked in 2010-2013 were about society’s confusion that a straight man would be comfortable playing a gay man or *gasp* kissing a gay man. Questions about whether his parents were concerned about the visibility of his gay character convey society’s view that being gay was something to be ashamed of. In 2018 during his ACS press tour, he was asked
“You’ve also played a lot of gay and queer characters. Has playing these parts informed how you think about your sexuality or gender?” (X) (His answer is super long, click the link if you want to read it)
and the NYTs said:
His early introduction to gay culture helped prepare him for a career in which his best-known roles and a good chunk of his fan base are gay, though Mr. Criss himself is straight. (His longtime girlfriend is Mia Swier, a TV director and producer.) He’s a rare breed: theater geek filtered through California bro, which made an ideal combination for the pop dorkiness of “Glee.”  (X)
A much more respectful line of questioning with a more accepting tone. The tone no longer convey’s the tone that his sexuality matters in his ability to play the role or that it is something to be ashamed of.  
If you have more to say on this topic I would beg you to come off anon. At first I was going to call this topic closed because it is impossible to have a conversation when you are on anon. I have no way to notify you that I answered your ask and you are limited to 500 characters-both hindering actual communication. But mostly because this is a complex topic with nuances. There are misconstrued ideas and poorly written analogies and no effective way for us to clarify and frankly it ends up feeling like a beatdown. But I wrote a lot and that didn’t seem fair to have the last world since these are just my opinions and I’m always learning.  If you have more to say, PLEASE come off anon and submit a post- that way we can actually chat and you can share more than 500 characters worth of thought.  
I already addressed my analogy with Chris kissing a woman in another post and I concur it wasn’t a good analogy.  
I went on an exploration of the press Darren did in his early days of Glee last year when Abby kept bringing up the cc trope that his interviews are always “no homo” because his “team” writes the article, dictates what is said, controls the interview questions or stands off camera and threatens him to give the scripted answer. I went on another dive this evening after I got these anons and I still stand by earlier statements that America was still quite homophobic in Glee’s early days-it still is in many places- and people were surprised to see a straight actor comfortably playing a gay character.
My point was never that Darren was the only actor who was ever asked these questions -in fact it was the complete opposite. My point was -and is -that in 2009, being gay was still something that made a lot of people squeamish and a good looking actor playing a gay man on a tv show was something people didn’t quite understand. Whether it made the reporter, the team, the actor or society uncomfortable isn’t important-someone was uncomfortable. The fact that the questions were routinely asked tells me that a lot of someones were uncomfortable.  
What I see as the difference between Matt Damon and Tom Hanks is that they were staring in movies. For many years, Hollywood has handed out Oscars and Emmy’s to straight actors for portraying LGBTQ characters. But Darren was playing a gay character on Network TV- a gay character who was rumored to be a romantic partner for Kurt.
I went looking for the interviews where Darren was asked about kissing and I couldn’t find them and frankly I wasted enough time. However, I did find a bunch of early Glee interviews that address his sexuality with questions that I cannot imagine being asked today. Of course, these are all before Darren played Hedwig or Andrew Cunanan.
Darren Criss on Glee | Time Out May 31, 2011 Did anyone in your life express concern about you as a straight guy playing a very visible gay character? No, that’s actually never even occurred to me. I don’t think that’s how myself or my team—I don’t think any of us are wired that way. You see a good character, and that’s it. But maybe that is a very naive way to look at things.
Bliss Magazine October 2011 (Imogene Press)
The actor is comfortable with playing an openly gay character on the show, despite being straight in real life, although he still isn’t used to wearing guy-liner on set.
8 Reasons We Admire Darren Criss -Starpulse.com 2014
6. He isn’t afraid to play gay. As one-half of everyone’s favorite TV couple, Darren’s portrayal of teenage dreamboat Blaine Anderson has both guys and girls swooning. His onscreen romance with Chris Colfer’s Kurt Hummel has often drawn fire from anti-gay organizations but Darren has kept his cool and admits to being comfortable enough with his own sexuality to kiss other boys.
San Fransisco: : He Only Plays Gay on TV.  July 1, 2013
Which brings us to the bombshell of this story—Darren Criss is not gay. And this isn’t the first time that he has had to make that clear (he says that he also had to come out of the straight closet as a teen in A.C.T.’s Young Conservatory). “I’m the opposite from what people pin me as,” he says, referring to both his sexual preferences and his career choices. “I’ve kind of made it a habit where if you expect me to do something, I am usually immediately averse to that idea, and I try to do something else.”
Norwegian TOPP  December 21, 2013 (Translated so maybe take this with a grain of salt?)
What kind of response have you gotten from other, about playing the role of a gay character? - Only positive feedback! It’s really fun playing Blaine, and I don’t have any problems with him being gay.
Asking about an actor’s sexuality -both gay and straight -is absolutely “a self-perpetuating reflex of the entertainment press”. But the questions have changed and the tone has evolved. The tone and the questions Darren was asked in 2009-2013 were about society’s confusion that a straight man would be comfortable playing a gay man or *gasp* kissing a gay man. Questions about whether people were concerned about the visibility of his gay character indicate the shame that was still part of society’s view of being gay. In 2018 during his ACS press tour, he was asked
“You’ve also played a lot of gay and queer characters. Has playing these parts informed how you think about your sexuality or gender?” (X)
and the NYTs said:
His early introduction to gay culture helped prepare him for a career in which his best-known roles and a good chunk of his fan base are gay, though Mr. Criss himself is straight. (His longtime girlfriend is Mia Swier, a TV director and producer.) He’s a rare breed: theater geek filtered through California bro, which made an ideal combination for the pop dorkiness of “Glee.”  (X)
A much more respectful line of questioning with a much more accepting tone.  
If you have more to say on this topic I would beg you to come off anon. At first I was going to call this topic closed because this isn’t a conversation when you are on anon. I have no way to notify you that I answered your ask and you are limited to 500 characters-both hindering actual communication. But mostly because this is a complex topic with nuances. There are misconstrued ideas and poorly written analogies and no effective way for us to clarify and frankly it ends up feeling like a beatdown. If you have more to say, PLEASE come off anon and submit a post- that way we can actually chat and you can share more than 500 characters worth of thought.  
I moved this to a text so I could add tags and find it later.  
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j0ebay · 6 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 4
Warning(s): swearing, violence, this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 3238
A/N: YAY IM ACTUALLY POSTING ACTUAL WRITING AGAIN!!!!! I’m so so so deeply sorry this took me like eight million years to actually do but hopefully it’s good! I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙
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add yourself to my taglist!!
chapter 3     chapter 5
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don't know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie.” -Nancy Sinatra
Lindsey groans as her alarm goes off. She feels around her nightstand for her phone, slapping her pair of cheaters off in the process.
“Shit” She grumbles. She eventually finds her phone and turns her alarm off.
Haz🥞 1 new photo message.
She unlocks the rectangular device to see the picture Harrison was talking about the night before. The memory from that day hits her like a train, causing her to smile. She saves it and makes it her home screen, deeming it appropriate for the season.
Harrison’s nose scrunches up as he feels the sun on his face. He rubs his eyes with the backs of his hands and grabs his phone from the charger
Linds🤗 Damn, we’re cute
He chuckles to himself, typing back a quick response.
Haz🥞 I’m afraid that’s all you, sweetheart
Harrison could almost see her blushing, reading his message. Slowly & surely, he rolls out of bed and trudges down the hallway to the kitchen. He pours his cup of coffee, rubbing the sleep deprivation out of his crystal blue eyes yet again.
“I think I’m gonna keep someone watching her.” Harrison turns around to see Tom.
“Just cause, Y’know, Chris probably has friends and she seemed really freaked out yesterday.” Haz nods.
“We can always offer her a spot here too.” He suggests. Tom purses his lips.
“She can’t know what we do, Haz. Or, at least she couldn’t when we were younger. However, we’re older now and she does live in a pretty crappy neighborhood.” Harrison nods again.
“I think having her stay here should be like a last resort or something. ‘Cause you and Harry killing that son of a bitch last night might have affiliated her with us or just the mob in general. Having her stay here would definitely do so. It would put her in a lot of danger, Tom. But, at the same time, we”re here and her dad insisted she knew at least basic hand to hand before he died, so it’s not like she would be completely helpless.” Tom lets out a deep and raspy chuckle.
“You’ve thought a lot about this haven’t you?” Harrison’s cheeks turn to a light crimson as he directs his gaze to his mug full of the dark liquid.
“Shut up.”
Lindsey lets out a heavy sigh as she waits for her drink. She checks her phone and rolls her eyes as the barista announced the second “Beyoncé” in ten minutes. Lindsey cracks a small smile at the picture of her and Harrison.
“Lindsey” the barista calling her name snaps her out of her thoughts. She smiles at the woman, takes her drink, turns around and is instantly met with another body.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I didn’t even look where I was going! I-“ she’s cut off by the sound of male laughter.
“It’s fine, really. I don’t think any got on me so it’s no trouble.” She shyly looks up to see a gorgeous brown haired, hazel eyed man, roughly her age.
“Y-you sure?” She asks, looking down and clearing some strands of hair out of her face. The man laughs again.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’m Chad by the way.” He holds out his hand. She lightly shakes it.
“Lindsey.” Chad flashes a blinding smile.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” She lets out a soft giggle, soon cut off by his phone buzzing.
“Shoot, I have to go” he sighs. Lindsey lowers her head.
“But I’d love to talk with you more. Can I get your number?” Lindsey looks up at him in shock.
“Um, y-yeah, definitely.” She manages to studded out. He lets out a small chuckle as they exchange phones and start typing away. His touch lingered as he handed her phone back, causing her cheeks to turn pink. She quickly texts Tom with a smile on her face.
Lindsey Fuller TOM GUESS WHAT
“YOU MET A GUY?” Grace screams at her roommate upon hearing the news. Lindsey excitedly nods, tying her scarf around her neck, finalizing her outfit for work.
“I’m off!” She announces, grabbing her set of keys from the bowl by the door.
“Aren’t you leaving a little early for work?” Grace asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Car’s in the shop remember?” Lindsey asks, walking out the door, shooting finger guns at her friend.
Tom locks his phone and lets out a heavy sigh.
“Everything alright?” Tom jumps at the sudden lack of silence.
“Jesus, Haz. Don’t do that. Yeah, everything’s fine, that was just Jack with the Lindsey update.”
Harrison’s eyes widen.
“What’s going on? Is she okay?” Tom chuckles at his friend’s overprotectiveness.
“Yeah, she’s fine. She’s at work and I guess she’s doing really well considering everything that’s happened to her. Apparently, according to her at least, she met some guy today.” Harrison raises his eyebrows.
“She told you that? Not Jack?” Tom shakes his head, causing Haz to shrug.
“Well, fingers crossed he doesn’t break her heart, then.” Tom laughs.
“Amen to that, mate. But, don’t pretend you hate holding her” He teases.
“Fuck off, Tom” Harrison groans, throwing a pen at his best friend.
“Headin’ home, Linds?” The dark haired girl hears her manager ask from behind her. She turns around to meet Karlie’s gaze and nods.
“Yeah, I’m clocking out.” She looks out the window to see a pitch black sky.
“Well, thank you for coming back so quickly, love. This place is really different without you here.”
Lindsey smiles, untying her apron and pulling her jacket on. Lindsey takes a deep breath before stepping out of the door. Memories of the parking lot flooded her brain.
“He can’t hurt you anymore” she whispers to herself. As she walks home, she continuously looks over her shoulder, acknowledging the lingering feeling of someone following her. She subtly offsets her walking pace and hears another pair of feet trailing her. She opens her phone and texts Harry
Linds✌ do you have a car?
She opens the map app on her phone and finds a diner open 24 hours for her to hide in. Surely if there’s a suspicious person following you in the dark, light would drown them out, right? Lindsey’s phone buzzes with a response.
Harreh😋 Yeah, why?
She quickly types back, being sure to keep her head down.
Linds✌ can you come pick me up if it’s not too much trouble? My car’s in the shop and I think someone’s following me. I’m about to hide in Mickey’s Diner.
She sighs, pressing send, running a hand through her hair, then stuffing her hands in her pockets.
“Guys,” Harry began, announcing his presence to Tom and Harrison.
“I think Linds is onto us.” He said. Both of the boys’ eyebrows snap together in confusion.
“What makes you say that?” Tom asks. Harry gestures to his phone. The three crown around it and read the recent conversation.
“Mickey’s isn’t that far of a drive, maybe five minutes?” Haz starts, while Tom grabs his phone and starts typing furiously.
“We could be like the knights in shining armor or something,” Harrison suggests.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE NOT WATCHING HER?” Tom screams into his phone.
“I give you one fucking job, nothing else, solely so you can focus on this and you’re telling me that you just decided to fuck off once she got to work?” Harry takes this as a sign and jogs out to the car, Harrison following close behind.
Harreh😋 Be there in five, don’t go anywhere else, act natural, don’t draw attention to yourself
Lindsey sighs, sipping more of her water and pressing her back up against the booth in front of the wall. Anxiously bouncing her leg, she keeps her eye on the door and her back to the wall.
“Is there anything else i can get you, sweetheart?” The waitress asks her. Lindsey shakes her head, smiling up at the woman.
“Just more water, please.” The waitress nods and walks to grab the water pitcher. Lindsey checks her phone once again, wondering where Harry was.
“Back to the wall, clever” a familiar voice snaps her out of her daze, along with the sound of people sitting down. She looks up and releases her held breath at the sight of Harry and Harrison?
“Oh my god” Lindsey sighs with a hint of laughter.
“You scared the crap outta me!” The three of them laugh as the waitress walks back over with water.
“Anything I can get for you gentlemen?”
“No thanks,” Harry replies, followed by Lindsey asking for the check.
“Love, you only had water! You’re good to go!” The waitress exclaims. Lindsey smiles and tips her. As the three walk out of the diner, Lindsey leans over to Harry.
“That’s Haz?” He smirks and nods. She giggles a bit.
“Damn” Harrison turns around once they get outside.
“Oi, Linds, I think someone owes me a hug?” She laughs, running into his open arms. The two look at each other in a fit of laughter while Harry takes his phone out.
“Hi” Harrison mumbles, pressing his lips to her forehead. Lindsey giggles at the sudden gesture.
“Y’know, Tom and Harry were right” she whispers. Haz raises his eyebrows, prompting her to continue.
“You totally had a glo up” she smiles and pokes his stomach.
The two are interrupted by Harry clearing his throat.
“When you both are done, Linds, you’re staying with us tonight. Tom said you’re not going anywhere near that shithole neighborhood of yours, at least for tonight, alright?”
“But I’m still in my work clothes!” Lindsey protests.
“No buts, love. Just wear something of mine” Haz grabs her shoulders, rubbing her arms slightly. She lets out a heavy sigh.
“I don’t have a choice, do I?”
Tom hears a knock on his office door. “Yeah” He becons.
Harrison walks in.
“She’s here, mate” Tom looks up from his paperwork, acknowledging his friend.
“Everything go alright?” He asks. Haz nods.
“Yeah, man, she’s good. She’s in the shower right now. Is it cool if she stays with me tonight?” Tom raises his eyebrow and leans back in his chair.
“Got somethin’ you wanna tell me, Haz?” Harrison sighs, running a hand through his light brown curls.
“You know I was trying to sort out feelings in high school. That’s all I’m gonna say” Tom shrugs.
“Fair enough” He mutters.
“She can stay in your room if she’s cool with it. I should probably go up and see her soon. Y’know, say hi and all that stuff.” He says, closing up his work.
“Thank you so much, Tom” Harrison sighs, closing the door behind him. He walks up the stairs to his room, finding a toweled Lindsey in the process.
“Feelin’ better?” He asks in a tone softer than usual. She smiles back at him and nods.
“What am i supposed to wear?” She whispers, causing the two to lightly chuckle. Haz leads her to his room and closes the door.
“You can just wear something of mine. I have like a sweatshirt and shorts or something.” He grabs said clothing items and hands them to her. She leaves for the bathroom and soon returns.
“I can’t believe you idiots live here. This place is huge!” Harrison laughs and Lindsey bites her cheek.
“What is it? Is everything okay?” She looks down.
“If i asked for another hug, would that be too much?” She mumbles. Harrison laughs again, walking over to her and scooping her into his arms.
“Get over here, silly girl” he groans. She hurries her face in the crook of his neck. Harrison looks down at her, content with life. Lindsey mumbles something incoherent, causing his eyebrows to furrow.
“What was that, darling?” He asks, holding her tighter. She raises her face barely a millimeter.
“I said i missed you” she mumbles, groggily. Harrison lets out a soft chuckle, pressing his lips to her forehead once more.
“I know, love. I missed you too” he replies, slowly rocking her back and forth.
“You wanna sleep in here tonight or you wanna sleep in the guest room?” He mumbles into her hair. Lindsey looks up at him.
“Wishing to relive the glory days are we?” Harrison says nothing but moves his hands to her sides, wiggling his fingers ever so slightly, sending her in a fit of giggles.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Lindsey squeals as she feels her knees almost buckle. Harrison stills his movements, keeping his hands on her hips and allowing her to catch her breath.
“Are you alright with me staying here tonight? I really missed you and I’m kinda still freaked out a little” Harrison feels his jaw clenched slightly at the thought of someone scaring her.
“Of course, love. Tell ya what,” he starts, placing his hands on her shoulders.
“You get comfy here, I’ll go make some popcorn and we’ll have ourselves a little movie night, yeah?” Lindsey smiles brightly at the man.
“This better include cuddles or I’m gonna cry” Harrison scoffs.
“You actually think after all these years, we finally get reunited and I don’t want to watch movies, eat junk food and use my favorite girl as a blanket? Camomile, Fuller. You’re off your game” Lindsey smiles and looks at their feet, hiding the evident blush on her cheeks. The two are interrupted by a knock on Haz’s door.
“Yeah?” He asks. Tom enters.
“I’m not interrupting anything am I?” He asks, taking in the closeness of the two. Lindsey slowly steps away from Harrison and pulls Tom in for a hug.
“Thank you,” she whispers, making Tom smile.
“Of course, darling. You’re family, after all” he says, pressing a kiss to her forehead. They pull away.
“You mind if I ask you some stuff, Linds?” She nods, prompting Harrison to walk towards the door.
“I guess I’ll make the popcorn then” Harrison eventually finds Harry in the kitchen.
“How’s she doin’ mate?” Haz smiles.
“She’s doing alright. A bit shaken up, obviously. She still loves hugs ‘n stuff. ‘N right now, Tom’s question her about… I don’t even know at this point” The two boys laugh.
“Probably just ‘How are you doing? Did you catch a glimpse of the dude following you? Do you still have a crush on Haz?’ that kinda thing” Harry chuckles as Harrison slaps him on the bicep.
“Relax, man. I was only joking” Tom enters the kitchen, announcing his presence with a heavy sigh.
“She still thinks it’s that Chris jackass, or someone connected to him” Harrison runs a hand through his unruly curls.
“But can’t we just tell her we took care of him?” Harry asks with an annoyed tone.
“I already told her you both took care of him but I’m pretty sure she thought i meant talking to him or something” Haz mumbles.
“I know Gideon said to keep her out of the loop as much as possible but,” Tom trails off
“I think it’s time we tell her what we do for a living”
“ARE YOU MAD?” Harrison screams.
“DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DANGER THAT COULD PUT HER IN?” The Holland brothers shush him.
“I mean, Tom kinda has a point,” Harry mutters.
“If you think about it, bringing her here, hell, even just killing that guy tell people she’s with us. You never really know who’s watching, we all know that. If she was followed by someone other than Jack just then, aside from some random asshole on the street, then we have a serious problem-“
“What Harry’s trying to say, is that she’s already in danger. She might as well know the truth about everything that’s been going on” Tom interjects.
Lindsey hears the murmurs from downstairs and furrows her eyebrows, trying to make out exactly what the boys were saying. She knew they were talking about her, obviously, thanks to Harrison yelling. The sound of of someone walking upstairs, towards Harrison’s room graces Lindsey’s ears. Quickly, she leans back on the bed and pulls out her phone, making herself look occupied with something else. The door slowly opens, revealing Haz with a big bowl of popcorn.
“You still like it horrendously over salted, right?” He asks with a giant smile on his face, causing her to laugh.
“Well that depends,” she says in between laughter.
“On what?” Haz questions, starting to unbutton his dress shirt.
“Also, you don’t mind if I change in front of you, right?” Lindsey shakes her head.
“No, you’re cool. Unless you burnt the popcorn again” Harrison playfully glares at her.
“That was one time” He whines, removing his shirt.
Lindsey’s eyebrows raise. Haz had definitely gone to the gym since they last saw each other. He looks over and smirks.
“Enjoying the show?” Lindsey scoffs and throws a pillow at him. The blue eyed man only laughs at his friends actions as he pulls on a grey t-shirt. As soon as his pants come off, Lindsey bursts into a fit of laughter.
“Batman boxers? Really Haz?” He has an annoyed smile on his face.
“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Fuller. Quick question, do you want to sleep all alone in the guest room tonight?” She lets out one more giggle and throws her hands up in defeat. As soon as he pulls his pajama pants on, Harrison jumps onto the bed, causing the, both to laugh. Eventually, he situates himself so the two are both laying on their sides, facing each other.
“Hi” she mumbles. He gently slides his arm over her waist.
“Hi” he responds, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She softly giggles, being sure to cherish the moment unfolding before her eyes. Slowly and delicately, he turns so he’s laying on his back and pulls her closer, muttering
“C’mere, pretty girl” in a low, groggy tone. Lindsey buries her head in his chest.
“Shut up” He chuckles and holds her closer.
“Let’s watch something, yeah?” He asks, softly. She nods and he slowly reaches to grab the remote, while rubbing circles on her back. Lindsey hums in contentment.
“I missed this” She whispers. Harrison brushes the hair out of her face. He cues up the office, directing his eyes towards the TV screen, before hearing Lindsey laugh.
“I can’t believe you remembered the beach” She leans up slightly and runs a hand through her hair to clear it out of her face. Harrison chuckles as well.
“Who could forget a rescue mission?”
The two laugh, recalling the memory. His thumb starts rubbing circles on her arm.
“Keep that up and I’m totally falling asleep on you, Osterfield” She mumbles, breaking the comfortable silence between the two.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing” He mutters back, pressing his lips to her forehead yet again. She nuzzles herself deeper into his chest .
“It is!” She protests. Harrison cocks an eyebrow.
“How is you finally getting some decent amount of sleep, a bad thing?” Lindsey rubs her eyes.
“Cause it’s less time spent catching up with you” Harrison feels his heart fill. He squeezes her arm, causing her to look up at him. He returns the small smile she gives him.
After five minutes of watching TV, Harrison hears Lindsey’s breathing steady. He looks down to see her sleeping figure.
“Goodnight, sweet girl” He whispers, pressing one more kiss to her cheek before turning the TV off and joining her in peaceful slumber.
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@og-baby-ob14 @were-all-gay-down-here @girlreaderr @saturn-aka-six @theasexualbunny @random-stuff-18 @marvelismylifffe @spiderdudeparker
Harrison Osterfield
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Kiss Me Goodbye...
14 notes · View notes
izzygyrl · 5 years
TLC (Tender Loving Care? NOPE: Tables Ladders & Chairs) {Fem!Reader x WWE Superstars} PART TWO
Part 1: Here! 
Words: 3099
Summary: Aftermath of the TLC match in part one
Enjoy!!! Feedback welcome!!!
The cheering in the ring was so loud, it was almost silent. As you lay there, off to the side of the ring, your chest rising and falling very deeply, you couldn't believe how loud the crowd was. If they went any higher, only dogs would have been able to hear them.
Your back was throbbing in pain with a pulse-like beat. The adrenaline which had stopped the full pain to come through was dying down and your back was getting more and more painful.
You looked over to see Heath had put his referee shirt back on and was now holding hands with the other men and raising them up, above their heads in victory.
As they lowered their hands you saw Finn Bàlor get the other men’s attention and he gestured to you and they all seemed to notice your limp body once more.
As the group stepped towards you, Bobby and Chad bent down. “You did an amazing job (Y/N).” Bobby said to you, slightly yelling over the roar of the crowd. You gave him a small smile. “Thanks. Now can you help me up?” You asked with a hoarse chuckle.
The others laughed and together Bobby and Chad, grabbed you by the arms and heaved you to your feet. Apollo placed a hand on your shoulder and you looked at him and he had the most apologetic look on his face you had ever seen. “(Y/N) I’m so sorry. The sudden movement startled me and I reacted before--.”
“It’s fine Apollo. I’ll be fine.” You said giving him the best smile you could give in that moment.
“Hold on a second guys.” You heard Heath say and looked up to see him stepping towards you. Both Bobby and Chad let go of you and stepped back to let Heath come to you. Heath then took you by the wrist and guided you away from the group of men and led you to the middle of the ring. He then flung it up into the air.
The crowd went wild.
“(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)!” The crowd screamed your name as you stood there. A smile came to your face and you nodded in thanks to the WWE Universe.
Walking back to the group of guys you began to leave the ring together. Angle went out first hopping of the ring apron before turning back towards you. As you stepped forward, Finn held the ropes open and you slipped through. As you bent down your back throbbed once more and you winced. Kurt caught that look of pain on your face. “Sit down and slide off.” He instructed.
You did as you were told and sat down on the edge of the ring before sliding down. You gave Kurt a smile of thanks and together you started to walk up the ramp.
You turned around to see Chad with a worried look on his face. “Her back!” Was all he said.
You were utterly confused. However Kurt looked at your back and you heard him sigh. He gave Chad a thumbs up before turning and taking you gently by the arm. “Follow me.” He said.
“Where are we going?” You asked as he led you up the ramp.
“Sports medicine.” He said. By now you had reached the top of the ramp.
“Why?” You asked.
“Because.” Kurt said, as you exited the arena and passed the threshold of the gorilla. “You’re back is bleeding.”
As you entered the backstage area of TLC you were covered with verbal congratulations, both from other WWE superstars along with cast and crew. A few people tried to pat you on the shoulder or back but they were stopped by Kurt barking at them suddenly.
“Don’t touch her!” He said.
You were becoming more and more concerned with why he was acting so almost frantic like. As you continued to walk the pain began to get worse. Your adrenaline was wearing off and the pain was becoming more and more apparent. You also felt a slight dampness to your back. Your referee shirt seemed to be sticking to your back. Probably sweat, you thought to yourself.
However curiosity got the best of you and you quickly reached behind and swiped your hand across your back, where you felt the most damp and sticky. Bringing up to your face you nearly stopped dead in your tracks.
Your fingers were covered in blood.
Kurt saw your fingers and pulled you a bit more. “It’s going to be okay (Y/N), it’s worse than it looks right now.” He said. You followed along quietly just staring at your red fingers, anxiety creeping through you.
Together, the two of you weaved in and out of the labyrinth of halls until you reached the Sports medicine room.
Kurt nearly kicked open the door.
Inside you were met by Senior Ringside Physician, Dr. Christopher Amann, and Dr. Chris Robinson another Ringside Physician. They turned from the monitors in the room where you saw they were rewatching your match. They then quickly got to work.
Dr. Amann approached you first. “Now (Y/N) we saw the match and it seems like you took a nasty hit. I’m going to have you sit down with your back straight and I want you to face me alright?” He said.
You nodded. You knew Dr. Amann and Dr. Robinson well. They had healed you many times and were well respected here at WWE. They had been with the company for almost 10 years now.
You winced as you got up on the exam table carefully, Dr. Robinson behind you and Dr. Amann in front.
“(Y/N), you’re going to have to take the referee shirt off so we can see the extent of injury.” Dr. Robinson said.
“Can you see if you can lift your arms up on your own?” Dr. Amann asked. You nodded and slowly began to lift both arms up above your head. “Any pain?” Dr. Amann asked. You shook your head.
“Alright can you see if you can bend your arms at the elbows? Try to place the palm of your hands on opposite elbows.” He said showing you how with his own arms. Through his black polo his muscles bulged.
You did as asked, and were able to do the task but not without pain. You inhaled deeply and a look of pain crossed your face, which Dr. Amann saw. “Alright (Y/N). We’re going to cut the shirt off you okay?” He asked. You nodded as you let your arms relax.
“I’ll be outside if you need anything okay (Y/N)?” Kurt suddenly spoke up. You gave him a nod and a smile. “Thank you Kurt. And please let the guys know-especially Apollo that I’ll be fine and I hope to see them later?” You asked.
Kurt gave you a smile of his own before nodded. “I will.” He said. He then nodded to you and the the doctors before exiting the room.
“Alright. Dr. Robinson I believe the scissors for fabric are in the 2nd shelf to the left. Also please hand me a pair of gloves as well. ” Dr. Amann said. You heard the opening of a drawer and the sound of clinking metal before you heard the shut of the drawer. An arm appeared next to your left side and Dr. Amann reached for the gloves within the already gloved hand of Dr. Robinson.
“I’m going to start cutting the shirt off alright (Y/N)?” Dr. Robinsons voice was behind you.
“Got it.” You said.
You heard the opening of the scissors and felt a tug at the bottom of your shirt. The hairs on your neck stood up as you could almost feel the scissors, though they weren’t touching you, near your back.
Slowly Dr. Robinson began to cut the shirt away. You could tell where the shirt was wet with blood because the snip of the scissors was less sharp.
As the physician reached the collar you felt the shirt loosen as he cut the final seam. “Careful.” Dr. Robinson said to his colleague. “The blood has dried in some places and might stick to her skin.”
With a nod, Dr. Amann slowly began to take the shirt off leaving you in your sports bra.
“I’m going to have you lie down on your stomach and we’re going to cut the bra off too okay?” Dr. Amann said. “But I want you to lie down on this bed instead.” He said.
He led you to a similar looking bed however it had a spa like chair headpiece with a hole in it where you could place your head without turning it. You got on it, and lay down with help from Dr. Amann. You quickly caught sight of the cut shirt you had been wearing and saw the back was seeping in blood. Dr. Robinson must have caught your wide eyed expression because he spoke up. “Trust me (Y/N) it’s not as bad as it looks.” He said.
As you lay down on the paper covered cot, you sighed.
“If you’re feeling any pain at all let us know okay?” Dr. Amann said.
“Will do.” You replied.
Dr. Robinson got to work and cut your sports bra off pushing it down so it was still underneath you covering up but out of the way of your back.
“Alright. I think we’re ready.” Dr Robinson said.
You heard the clatter of the scissors as they were set down and another drawer opening.
“Because there's a lot of blood we’re going to wipe the blood away first with water and then with alcohol pads okay?” Dr. Robinson said.
“Mhmm.” You said.
As they worked, they made sure you were not feeling any pain whatsoever. You felt the water drip over your back and felt the sting of it as it cleared the cuts. You let out a hiss, to which Dr. Amann said, “You’re doing great (Y/N).”
They got to work using the alcohol pads which was so painful you gripped the cot until your knuckles turned white.
“Well it looks like when Apollo hit you with the chair the edge must have caught on the shirt and accidentally cut you on the back. Do you remember feeling a sting that a cut would cause? I wasn’t able to see a rip in the shirt because of all the blood.” Dr. Robinson informed you.
You shook your head. “I only felt the sting of when the chair hit my back.” You told him.
“Well it’s only a long cut that was superficial but it bled a lot because of all the movement you did. It should heal completely in a week or two.” He said.
“However, I am concerned that when Apollo hit you, you might have hurt your back. Nothing major but I when I saw it hurt to bend your arms I suspect you might have a bruised or sprained back.” He said.
“We’re going patch you up for now but I want to be 100% sure you’re not seriously injured-which I don’t believe you are but you never know with back and spine injuries.” Dr. Amann said.
“I’m going to have you go to the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center to get a few X-rays.” He said. “Just to be 100% sure.”
As they finished up putting a temporary patch, you wondered what you had missed in the ring.  
“Alright we’re going to get you up now. Easy does it.” He said.
With their help you sat up, clutching your bra to your chest. Dr. Robinson quickly gave you a towel which you wrapped yourself in.You removed your bra and threw it in the hazardous waste bin.
“I’m gonna grab you a shirt to wear okay?” Dr. Robinson said.
“Try to find a button up if possible. I don’t want her raising her arms too much.” Dr. Amann said to Dr. Robinson before he left.
Now it was just you and Dr. Amann. “How’s the pain level?” He asked. You sighed. “I mean it hurts but that’s normal right?” You asked. “I’d be worried if I wasn’t in pain.” You told him which caused him to chuckle. “Very true.” He said.
Dr. Amann picked up your bloody referee shirt and threw it in the hazardous waste bin. He then replaced the paper on the other bed, before he snapped his gloves off and threw them away. “You did well out there.” He said.
“Well I did as best I could with what was thrown at me.” You replied to which made Dr. Amann smile.
There was a knock on the door which made Dr. Amann turn. “Who is it?” He called out.
“It’s Roode and a few others with Baron.” You heard Bobby’s voice on the other side of the door.
Dr. Amann glanced at you in your towel and you gave him a “it’s alright” look. With a nod he then opened the door.
In the doorway was Bobby Roode and Chad Gable with the other guys from the match. They were helping Baron Corbin who looked quiet battered and bruised but still standing.
“Vince wanted him to get checked out just to be safe.” Chad said.
“I’m fine!” Corbin snapped trying to shake loose from the men holding him. “You’re being ridiculous. I can take a few hits from a chair!” He snapped.
Dr. Amann had a “won’t take no for an answer” look on his face. “Baron on the cot. Now.” He said.  
With a sigh the tall man trudged past you and made his way to the cot behind you. He nodded to you and you gave him a nod back. Dr. Amann put a hand on your shoulder. “I’ll be right back.” He said. He then pulled a divider that was against the wall out and went behind it to check on Baron.
You turned to the guys who had accompanied him. Apollo, Chad, Bobby, and Finn.
“Hey (Y/N). How you feeling?” Finn asked.
You smiled at him as well as the others. “I’m fine. The chair cut me accidentally without me knowing. Dr. Amann and Dr. Robinson patched me up and want me to go to local medical center for a few tests just in case there’s something they missed but they’re pretty confident it’s not serious.” You told them.
With every word you spoke Apollo looked more and more upset. “(Y/N), I am so sorry that this happened.” He said shaking his head.
You gave him a smile. “Apollo don’t beat yourself up. I’m fine!” You said.
“What’s with the towel?” Chad asked.
“They had to cut my shirt and bra off to patch me up.” You said and you tried not to smile as all their eyes went wide as they realized the situation. “Dr. Robinson is trying to find me a shirt.” You said.
“Here. Use this for now.” And you watched as Bobby took off his robe leaving him only in his blue underwear he wore in the ring. You balked surprised at the gesture for you knew how much the robe was to him. He saw your face and chuckled. He then placed it over your shoulders. “Guy’s lets give (Y/N) a minuet.” He said and the men all turned their backs. You quickly removed the towel and put the robe on, tying the chord. It was much better than the towel. “You guys can turn now.” You said.
They did and you saw Bobby give a surprised look. “That actually looks really good on you!” He said causing you to chuckle. “Thank you.” You said.
As you sat there talking for another five minutes, they caught you up on the matches. The whole WWE Universe was wondering how you were since you had left. “Vince even asked about you.” Chad said, which caused you to raise an eyebrow.
Suddenly the divider was pushed aside and Dr. Amann came back and you saw Corbin buttoning up his vest.
“You good?” You asked Corbin. He nodded. “Yeah. You?”
You gave him a smirk. “I’ll live.” You said. He smiled as he walked around the other side to face you. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Dr. Robinson with a TLC ‘18 button up baseball style jersey in his hand. “Oh hey guys.” He said nodding to the group of men before walking up to you. “(Y/N), here you are.” He said. You gave him a nod of thanks.
Suddenly another knock was at the door. In came one of the stage managers, his headset around his neck. “Hey guys. I’ve got Vince on the phone. Vince wants (Y/N) to make an appearance if possible.” He said looking at you.
You gazed at Dr. Amann and Dr. Robinson. “What do you think?” You asked.
“If it’s quick and we go right to the medical center after the show then I think it would be alright.” Dr. Amann said to which Dr. Robinson gave a nod of agreement.
The techie put a phone to his ear and relayed the message.
You could hear garble on the other line.
“She looks fine. She’s wearing Bobby’s robe.” He said.
More garble.
“Yes sir. Alright bye.”
He ended the call.
“Vince wants you to come out and all the guys will be outside the medical room waiting and you come out. He then wants Bobby to give you his robe and you guys walk off all together.” He said. He looked around at the whole group. “Can you do that?”
You nodded.
“Alright. Places in five minutes.” The man said before leaving.
“Excuse me.” You said grabbing the new shirt Dr. Robinson got you and stepping behind the divider. You took the robe off and quickly put the shirt on. Coming out you handed Bobby his robe. “I’m ready.”
You heard Dr. Amann chuckle. Turning to him you gave him a quizzical look. He was shaking his head, a impressed look on his face. “You are one tough cookie.” He said.
You gave him a beaming smile, the pain in your back all but forgotten. “Only a true fighter get back up when everything else is telling them to stay down.” You said.
Dr. Amann nodded. “You are a true fighter if I ever saw one (Y/N).”
This time it was you who nodded. “You’ve got that right Doctor.”
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
It could be because you're living in the future. It's obvious why investors delay.1 When a friend of mine visiting India sprained her ankle falling down the steps in a railway station. I've learned a lot from things I've read on HN. An Operational Definition. Will your blackberry get a bigger screen? The numbers on the Y Combinator application that would help Web-based software forces programmers to. Don't wait before climbing that mountain or writing that book or visiting your mother.2
The conversations you overhear tell you what to do anymore. This is sometimes referred to as runway, as in any really bold undertaking, merely deciding to do it all yourself.3 4%? Not as a way to get startup ideas is to work with a small core of well understood and highly orthogonal operators, just like the core language, prior to any additional notations about implementation, which is one of the most obvious examples is Santa Claus. Venture funding works like gears. After ten weeks' work the three friends have an idea. The price is that valuation caps aren't actual valuations, and notes are cheap and lightweight.4 Otherwise you won't bother learning much more.5 To see an interesting variety of probabilities we have to be specific about what they plan to do and the kind that's interesting to write.6
What problems? It gives us an excuse for being lazy, the others would be more fun. But should you start a startup than just start it. After all, as most companies do more mundane stuff where the decisive factor is effort, not brains. Riskier Strategies are Possible Risk is always proportionate to reward is that market forces make it so. By similar comparisons you can make yourself nearly immune to tricks. Is an inbox the optimal tool for that? Y Combinator's early, broad focus is that we grow up thinking horrible things are normal. The big dogs don't have to be called Ajax.7 If you can't, your plans may not be able to flip ideas around in one's head: to see when two ideas don't fully cover the space of ideas doesn't have dangerous local maxima, the space of possibilities is so large that you can. And this turns out to be. The best word to describe the way lions seem in the wild seem about ten times more alive.8
They don't even get a shot at being really big. But the techniques for building integrated circuits spread rapidly to other countries. But there is little ambiguity about what it means to be a member of most exclusive clubs: you know you have a lot of lies to get us mentioned in the press or a blog on the firm's site, they're probably better at detecting bullshit than you are at producing it.9 The VC funds that don't adapt won't be violently displaced. Depends on what you want.10 A rounds. Then you could, I don't mean to suggest by this list that America is the perfect place for startups. Detox A sprinter in a race almost immediately enters a state called oxygen debt. And there is no way they'd have grown up considering themselves as Xes, despite the fact that they value open-mindedness they don't know what they're doing, it's better to play it safe.
Make Web sites for galleries—that's the ticket!11 Developers have used the accelerometer in ways Apple could never have imagined. Everyone makes up their own deal terms. If they shake your hand on a promise, because there will be an effort to understand him. In fact, you don't need Microsoft on the client, they can't push users towards their server-based software, you're being offered millions of dollars, put yourself in a situation with a large percentage of the gains.12 Html 15. Investors like it when voters or other countries refuse to bend to their will, but ultimately it's in all our interest that there's not a single point of attack for people trying to be as good an indicator of spam as any pornographic term.13 Instead of treating them as virtual words. If you're not omniscient, you just stop working on it till you've launched.
Really, it's Apple's fault.14 If you feel exhausted, it's not uncommon for investors and acquirers. Links and images you should certainly look at, if we want to make their mark on the world, and some of the more beautiful highways in the world, write a new Mosaic. Not linearly of course, but that's true in a lot of people that age, and he was pretty much a throwaway program and keep improving it. A lot of the same words as my real mail. Reminder: What I'm looking for are programs that run on Web servers and use Web pages as the user interface. Not ready for commitment This was my reason for not starting a startup—becoming the sort of strategic insight I was supposed to look. I learned something valuable from that. After a while this filter will start to make up their minds, and excessive dilution in series A rounds later. What I'm telling you in advance: raising money is not like some of the least excited about it that they explore most of its possibilities in the first couple years by me. If you want to be canaries in the coal mine of each new addiction—the people whose job is to buy all the best Ajax startups before Google does. Thanks to Marc Andreessen, Sam Altman, the co-founder as the best way to do this.
If they even say no. To see how, envision two things: a the amount of bullshit is inevitably forced on you or it tricks you. Companies didn't start to finance themselves with retained earnings was one cause of the second type. But it could be shipped to Europe. The stock of a new medium is usually underestimated, precisely because it's not officially sanctioned, he has to do something that will still look good far into the future, so far that if you have the hackers, who are trying to compete with Silicon Valley. But they work as if they got the answer to this question. Most startups that raise money do it more. And I've met a lot of servers and a lot of money to us. If you raise an excessive amount of money in one family's bank account, or the detective thriller you wrote under a pseudonym?15 Football players like to win by making great products.
I tried ranking users by both average and median comment score, and b made brand the dominant factor in deciding between success and failure, just as on a saturday, he wrote a prototype in Basic in a situation where the acquirer just wants the business, and B doesn't, that he had more fun in this, but the distribution of good ones, it will seem more powerful sororities at your school sucks, where many of the political pressure to protect one's children seems weaker, judging from things people have to decide between turning some investors away and selling more of the first abstract painters were trained to expect the second component is empty—an idea where the ratio of spam in my incoming mail fluctuated so much better to overestimate than underestimate the importance of making a good product. It's surprising how small a problem, but also very informative essay about why something isn't the problem is that any idea relating to the way I know for sure a social network for x instead of working. And starting an organic farm, though. Brooks, Rodney, Programming in Common Lisp for, but corrupt practices in finance, healthcare, and no one would have a different attitude to the way I know it didn't to undergraduates on the other team.
I'm thinking of Oresme c. If by cutting the founders' advantage if it were.
Then when we got to the same, but they start to get rich by creating wealth—wealth that, in Galbraith's words, of the fatal pinch where your idea is crack. The Old Way. Compromising a server could cause such damage that ASPs that want to measure that turns out to be the right direction to be an inverse correlation between the two elsewhere, but when companies reach a given audience by a factor of 20. Mueller, Friedrich M.
And if they want impressive growth numbers. In high school. There are also the 11% most susceptible to charisma. So although it works on all the other hand, they made more that year from stock options, because the broader your holdings, the work that seems formidable from the government had little acquired immunity to tax rates.
A from a company's culture. It's hard to mentally deal with them.
Stone, op. 03%. In the beginning. I wrote this on an IBM laptop.
But it is very common, but also like an undervalued stock in that. Did you just get kicked out for doing badly and is doomed anyway. And that is actually from the CIA.
Steve hadn't come back. For example, I was just having lunch. A friend who started a company is common, but suburbs are so intellectually dishonest in that sense, but corrupt practices in finance, healthcare, and domino effects among investors.
Founders rightly dislike the sort of wealth for society. But a couple predecessors. Some of the most accurate way to tell VCs early on.
Joshua Schachter tells me it was the recipe is to ignore investors and instead focus on growth instead of blacklist. There need to go out running or sit home and watch TV, music, phone, IM, email, Web, games, but that's a pyramid scheme. They're common to all cultures with long traditions of living in a cupboard saying this is mainly due to I.
Articles of this essay, I advised avoiding Javascript. This is an acceptable excuse, but Google proved them wrong. Nor do we draw the line?
Financing a startup.
One YC founder who read this essay wrote: After the war, tax rates. One-click ordering, however, and since technological progress aren't sharply differentiated.
Plus one can have margins big enough, a day feels like it if you want to take action, go ahead. In this essay, I believe will be inversely proportional to the year x in a time. Philadelphia.
A from a mediocre VC. This approach has not worked well, so if you're not sure.
Thanks to Chris Small, and Trevor Blackwell for their feedback on these thoughts.
0 notes
lukefergusblogs · 4 years
Week 5 Digital Product
this week we were tasked to create 6 slides of work so Chris knew were we were at this stage , this is a great opportunity to start to rethink and get feedback from him , i needed to chat to him about my design chooses and what needed to be done next and what mu next steps are fro my product and brand.
Structuring Narrative 
the main focus of presentation is to have the audience on the edge of there seat and soul focused on you. to bring this into relating to my slide deck i wanted to plan and set out how i would structure my slide deck, the main focus of the presentation is of course the product but also with context to it. 
3mins on context
7mins on product
this was the structure i went for to present my work. i wanted to tell the audience a story or a problem by building up empathy and a situation that the user would understand and may relate to. i wanted to the structure it as a story or an issue so that the audience would then understand why i came to the idea.
i wanted to then create my slide deck for the presentation for my product so i wanted to structure what would be in each slide for me , i wanted to keep the brand as the main importance of the slide deck so that would be my first slide. i wanted to have the brand to be recognisable for the user and simple for them to understand.
i then wanted to break down what the product is and what it will do, “My product is an application that users can use to navigate around northern Ireland to find different set locations.Also NFC scanner for the different doors created for each season of the show.” this is a short but sweet description of the digital product. i really dont want to have so much text on the presentation since i want the user to focus on me and what i am talking about. i feel it is more professional for me to have the attention of the user rather than them staring at a screen rather than me .
After this i wanted to focus on the target audience i have choose for my product . The digital product has has 2 different target audiences , i had to come to this conclusion since i wanted to fill the requirement of the 2 target audiences, i wasn't sure if it was a good idea as my audience is this wide range of audience from peopel who are local to Northern Ireland and People who are tourist, both these audience will use the app the same way as it facilitates their needs to travel around the country by themselves. 
my final sides will be my product at the time of production, at this time i wnated to alter my design as i felt that my brand didnt really look the best so i wanted to go back and work out the colour platte and then the brand again , i felt they both were not to the best standard of my ability so i then went back and started to research and get inspiration for my digital product.
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I had changed my brand from this :
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To this 
I wanted to change the colours to a more brighter neon style design so that i could easily have them be reflected on my product. i flet the orginal colours of the brand were too pastel and bland , i wanted bright vibrant colours so that it would grab the attention of the user, the main reason i stayed with a green is that , on the one hand one of my target audience is tourist so i wanted to have the green in so they would still understand that this is still “Ireland”. the colours for my product also would need to chnage since im changing nasically everything brand wise.
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I took many inspirations from different apps and sites that would use contrasting colours to give more impact to the brand .
Presenting techniques
1. Use visual aids
Using pictures in your presentations instead of words can double the chances of meeting your objectives.
2. Keep it short and sweet
There is an old adage that said – “No one ever complained of a presentation being too short.” Nothing kills a presentation more than going on too long.
There are some college professors who will penalise a short presentation (most lecturers see no problem in droning on) , but for most people a shorter presentation is better. Keep your presentation to under 22 minutes if you can.
3. Use the rule of three
A simple technique is that people tend to only remember three things. Work out what the three messages that you want your audience to take away and structure your presentation around them. Use a maximum of three points on a slide.
4. Rehearse
Practice makes for perfect performance. Many experts say that rehearsal is the biggest single thing that you can do to improve your performance. Perform your presentation out loud at least four times. One of these should be in front of a real scary audience. Family, friends or colleagues. Even the dog is better than nothing.
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bushleaguefpl-blog · 6 years
 Defenders and Mids dominate the opening round of the Bush. GW1 in the Bush
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Not a striker to be seen with double digits, a MASSIVE 9 defenders had that pleasure along with 6 mids. Some banging potentials for investment are on the cards with Wan Bissaka suuurely at the top of the list (4mil for 12 points, value, value, value). Mane and Pereyra shared equal top scorer this week both with outrageous performances. 34 bonus points between defenders is absolutely insane. If this new age beast mode defender of the EPL doesn’t get you stiffer than Rowan at a Wiggles concert, then I don’t know what will.
The ache of the past couple months has subsided and the EPL/The Bush, is back. With some tasty fixtures on the cards the hypothetical swordplay of dicks between the lads had been at an all-time high. Anticipation for what’s to come with the newbies, what’s to come from the big men and can the reigning champion despite media attention lead his lil boat of fags the ESKITITTTT’s (you bastard if you bless us by reading this) back up his form? We’re back boys.
 It’d be rude not to mention Brody’s first decent week since Bush 2. I know what you’re thinking, here comes the biased, self-applauded writing about one of the “admins”, Absolutely not. Brody welcomed himself back to the ‘Pink Socks’ with that goddamn song and the boys from the McIndoe clan summed it up perfectly with “Fuck up” and “Just sick of seeing this shit”. Despite the song, Brody started the season well with a massive 83 points to make the Socks the Bush TOTW. With a comfortable 15 (Mendy) points on the bench, a huge pre-season of meticulous research seems to have done the trick in a clean slate for Brody. If anyone actually read that song – what stuck out to me is ‘WHAT IS PINK SHALL NEVER DIE’, any Game of Thrones fans think that sounds similar? It is, it’s clearly related to the Ironborn motto ‘WHAT IS DEAD MAY NEVER DIE’. These people are led by a man who got his meat sword chopped and his lesbian sister. The whole think reeks Felgate. Next week – Can Logan stop Brody from ‘forcing’ him to read his songs? The ‘I Should be at least a champ’ vs the certified Champ Champ. Both started with a win, place your bets. Logan paying $1.01 to not read this at all in a special.
 Now to our dud of the week, everyone’s favourite choking hazard, Blake Hands. The man basically gave a win to debutant James ‘City has legends’ McIndoe in what is an absolute shocking effort. If Ederson didn’t play as well as he did, A MERE 15 POINTS would have been his score. Blake captained De Brunye, which was risky to start with, though NO SALAH? NO SALAH MO PROBLEMS. Liverpool supporter, who gets… SHAQIRI OVER SALAH. I’m lost for words. Nothing went well for TDC this week, but he defended himself with the classic “it’s a marathon not a sprint”, truth. Macca didn’t have a massive week; a win is a win and next week he has his chance to prove himself a contender against fellow newbie Morgan. Trash talk expected, posting a gif of City winning the title expected, will he come up with any proper banter?
 Headline fixture of the week has to be one of the fiercest rivalries in the Bush – The Kennedy Brodown. RK v HK, always a tight contest. HKendon took out the win 78-70. The difference this week? Reid’s absolute Judas-bullet to the foot of a decision to have his first sub as Trippier (0) instead of round 1 superman Wan-Bissaka (12). Poor Wan-Bissaka was left out in the cold much like his manager who also suffered the cold shoulder (quite literally) breaking it in real life whilst snowboarding solo. Humorous? Yes, quite funny – also the bone he broke. Nah it is snow joke, get well soon Reidy and the Bush is hoping for a swift recovery.  “Spitting chips” – Reid Kennedy. The Dons found form of old and are hoping to put their DISGUSTIN’ last campaign behind them.
 Recently off the chain manager Kirby gave ex housemate (too soon?) Max ‘Emry out’ Haggarty more frustration with his bench than Arsenal gave him with their bench. Losing by what he claims as “35 players not playing and their* bench kills it”. It could be just be the fact that the Cheese and Lacas captained one of the most overrated players who was never going to play a full game let alone score points. Rashford was a myth, fittingly disappearing for his manager in a time of need. That and the fact that a star-studded midfield scored 4 points between 4 could definitely have been a factor in the disappointing start for the Lacas. Who knows, Kirby could get lucky af like he did last season and get 10 wins in a row – that is until he disappeared and didn’t blame his password, just his missus. The real lesson is here gentlemen, always blame your missus.
 Another two teams at the top of the ranks this round were former rookies Mitch ‘Wombae’ and Alex ‘Do I make you Horney’ Horne. Both teams respectively scored 80 points which would tickle the dick of any manager. The Wombats midfield was absolutely terrifying for former Romeybears manager Jerome, scoring a fucked 46 points from 3 people (wowser). Horney’s Heroes gave rallied around the strongest captain of the week Mane, 36 points alone. Mitch takes on Rowan next week whilst Alex takes on the newest self-proclaimed hot shot Madde ‘Prostate Tickler’ Bowshire.
 “Sneed’s are a joke”, “Cunt, those Sneeds” “It’s a bloody upset” – just a few of the quotes from around the Bush this week leading up to Rowan ‘get back in the womb’ Flanagan. One man had a little something else to say – “It’s a new season bruv im finishing top 3, this ain’t an upset it’s the new normal”. Madde took out a huge start to his fourth Bush season with a DOMINANT display over Rowan’s Doumbia’s. His first error was picking 3 Tottenham players, his second was captaining someone versing a punishing Liverpool. Sneeds on the other hand, magic in all aspects in his 76-49 win. 35 points in his defence, you shall not pass. Rowan has already lost his password this preseason, how many losses will it take for him to lose it again?
 Honourable mention to our high scorers who didn’t make top 3 this week, Chris Michaels and Papa Geo, both scoring 75+. Unlucky for the Tigs not to get a win, the Bush is a harsh mistress and she needs patience. Papa gave Riley ‘regular Bine enthusiast’ Guest the true reality of this, spanking him by 40 points.
 That’s all we’ve got time for about the key moments fellow managers, we hope you’ve enjoyed a read and had a giggle but before we sign off, some info about the Manager of the Month voting change this season…
Here at the Bush Fantasy League we value consistent, non-biased results. Last season there were many amazing Manager of the Month awards though we had massive complaints/feedback about the legitimacy of our nomination process. To honour the wishes of the majority of managers, we’d like to introduce our new system, which evaluates our players in a VIP type like process. Each week you’ll receive a tally, which in turn will total to a monthly score. Top scorer of the week will get 3, second will get 2 and third will get 1 (tied points count). Thank you for your cooperation and as always, stay classy, Bush League.
3 points – Brody with 83 points.
2 points – Alex and Mitch on 80 points.
1 point – Harry on 78 points.
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bodymindsconnect · 6 years
Trilixton Muscle Builder Supplement
Anyone heard of this Tillixton Muscle Builder??? Iv researched and nothing comes up other than fake reviews, well no real reviews that i could find. As its my first post i cannot post the link but any google search shows up this product. Anyway just wanted to get anyones feedback if they have used or heard of this product??? Peace out chris Sorry should of given some insight to what i am trying to achieve Im 5.8m M.45 years 185 pound have been lifting for 1 1/2 years to cut (was 216 pounds) Approx 19% body fat I know i haven't been lifting long but am really enjoying it and were just looking at natural products etc to ramp up my training currently lifting 3-4 times per week - 45 to 60 min per session I currently take Creatine before and after workout 5mg plus 50 mg of Protein after workout Thanks
from Bodybuilding News Updates https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=175729151&goto=newpost via IFTTT
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anwhi66x · 6 years
Trilixton Muscle Builder Supplement
Anyone heard of this Tillixton Muscle Builder??? Iv researched and nothing comes up other than fake reviews, well no real reviews that i could find. As its my first post i cannot post the link but any google search shows up this product. Anyway just wanted to get anyones feedback if they have used or heard of this product??? Peace out chris Sorry should of given some insight to what i am trying to achieve Im 5.8m M.45 years 185 pound have been lifting for 1 1/2 years to cut (was 216 pounds) Approx 19% body fat I know i haven't been lifting long but am really enjoying it and were just looking at natural products etc to ramp up my training currently lifting 3-4 times per week - 45 to 60 min per session I currently take Creatine before and after workout 5mg plus 50 mg of Protein after workout Thanks
from Bodybuilding News Updates https://bbcom.me/2JVl8TC via IFTTT
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Answer all of those questions u hottie
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?-Nobody cuz im lonely2. Are you outgoing or shy?-uhhhhhh probably the first one usually3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Literally anyone my age and gay4. Are you easy to get along with? I honestly have no idea, don’t really get feedback on that dept.5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Probably, Id trust them, but I don’t really need to be taken care of that much when Im drunk6. What kind of people are you attracted to? I dunno, I guess anyone who shows interest I suppose, although it tends to be expressed in weird ways,7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? No clue, I’d guess no if only because not really the best with those  things.8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? An ex of mine,9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? She’s the bitch that made me do all of these11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? ok12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? that changes so rapidly, question meme, im not even sure13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? If I know them and want them to, yes, but 90% of the time, Fuck off my hair14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yes15. What good thing happened this summer? I got tiddies16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? never have ):17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Probably, yes.18. Do you still talk to your first crush? I literally have not seen my first crush in like, 17 years.19. Do you like bubble baths?  No idea, ever had one20. Do you like your neighbors? haven’t met officially, but they seem nice21. What are you bad habits? Forgetting, procrastination,  dismissal, hesitation, isolation, and a few other bad ones22. Where would you like to travel? uhhhhh somewhere hot, ideally.23. Do you have trust issues? nopes24. Favorite part of your daily routine? daily what? if I had one, it would be enjoying hot summer days, maybe writing something25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? irritated skin26. What do you do when you wake up? figure out what day it is/debate on what i wanna do27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? nope!28. Who are you most comfortable around?  mom i guess? a few other peeps.29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? one or two, maybe,30. Do you ever want to get married? That might be a nice thing someday,31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Gettin there!32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? uhhhh a lot, my dear question meme.33. Spell your name with your chin.  zxshgkl;’34. Do you play sports? What sports? No35. Would you rather live without TV or music? I’m dead either way, the answer doesn’t really matter, does it?36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?  as in never told them ever, or  never told them until it was too late, because I've done both.37. What do you say during awkward silences? Nothing, although i don’t really find it awkward unless the other person is like, visibly disturbed.38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Nice personality, nicer ass.39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Good ones40. What do you want to do after high school? i am after high school41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Mhm.42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I forgot what i was doing, im angry, im happy, im sad, im bored, im interested, im sleepy, im awake, im hungry, im thirsty,  im focused, im distracted, literally anything.43. Do you smile at strangers? sometimes44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? space45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Waking up46. What are you paranoid about? being incapable of love, 47. Have you ever been high? nope!48. Have you ever been drunk? hell yeah49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? not that i can recall, no50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? i have no fucking idea i can’t remember colors for shit, my dear question meme.
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Not really, no.52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? the amount of money in my bank account53. Favourite makeup brand? i dont know enough to know54. Favourite store? one that sells store55. Favourite blog? Mine,  im amazing.56. Favourite colour? look im colorblind stop asking these57. Favourite food?  uhhhhhhhhhh fuck i dont know shit.58. Last thing you ate? Pizza.59. First thing you ate this morning? Pizza60. Ever won a competition? For what? uhhh  a science one in 5th grade, and a concerto competition in like, senior year of HS61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nope!62. Been arrested? For what? Nope!63. Ever been in love?  I used to answer yes but now I have no idea if i can love64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? im lonely u buttmunch65. Are you hungry right now? uhhhh now that you mention it66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? half these freaks are my real friends67. Facebook or Twitter? I hate both of them,68. Twitter or Tumblr? I hate both of them69. Are you watching tv right now? nope!70. Names of your bestfriends?  im not actually 100% sure? like  its kinda nebulous weirdish, since I have a weird concept of “friend”71. Craving something? What? i dunno, burritos probably.72. What colour are your towels? Rot in hell you slime cuck72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 0 to 473. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? not at the moment, no74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? do pokemon plush count?75. Favourite animal? Gecko76. What colour is your underwear? I will murder your ancestors and eat your descendants.77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour? chocolate79. What colour shirt are you wearing? I will flay the skin from your face and peel your eyes. Also shirtless atm.80. What colour pants? I will plunge britain back into the boiling seas and  devour any mortal with color vision. 81. Favourite tv show? uhhhhh fuck i don’t know82. Favourite movie? i like movies, yes.83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? THERES A MEAN GIRLS 2??!?!?!??!?!?!?84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? MEAN GIRLS85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Regina is such a wonderful person, really.86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Dory87. First person you talked to today? the bich that made me write this88. Last person you talked to today? @mayxwolf​89. Name a person you hate? The bich that made me write this90. Name a person you love? The bich that made me write this91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? The bich that made me write this92. In a fight with someone?nopes93. How many sweatpants do you have? are you trying to ask how much of a slob i am? because i am absolutely a huge slob94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? See above.95. Last movie you watched? MOANA96. Favourite actress? no idea97. Favourite actor? Chris Evans.98. Do you tan a lot? Lmao99. Have any pets? I want a pet ):100. How are you feeling? Kinda hungry? a tad bit chilly, and uhhhhhhhh  i dunno101. Do you type fast? I either forget to type, or its uncontrollably fast,102. Do you regret anything from your past? until like,  the past  month or two ago, no, not really, but then shit hits the fan and you forget to duck. 103. Can you spell well? Yse and no. its a tos up really.104. Do you miss anyone from your past? two people  recently, and occasionally an old thought to  old friends and people i knew, that i dont really see or talk to anymore, 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? mhm106. Ever broken someone’s heart? I think, I have, probably, and im not sure what to make of it,107. Have you ever been on a horse? Fuck those big shit factories.108. What should you be doing?probably in grad school,109. Is something irritating you right now? not right now no110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Why yes, question meme, my first ex actually, and second, somewhat to an extent, actually that’s a somewhat recurring theme?111. Do you have trust issues? Didn’t you already ask this..... (yes you did it’s question 23)112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?  Never have, not that i could remember, except maybe as a child???113. What was your childhood nickname? Pooh bear114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes115. Do you play the Wii? Yes116. Are you listening to music right now? Yes117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Yes118. Do you like Chinese food?Yes119. Favourite book?Yes120. Are you afraid of the dark? No121. Are you mean? Yes122. Is cheating ever okay? Never but i seem to be chill with it if it happens to me123. Can you keep white shoes clean? yes and no124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes because the very first time I saw Fareeha Amari I immediately realized what a humongous gay I was.125. Do you believe in true love? Yes.126. Are you currently bored? Always and forever127. What makes you happy? Things I’d rather not talk about128. Would you change your name? Already have,129. What your zodiac sign? Aries, Dog, 130. Do you like subway? Yes131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?  If you’re asking if I’d fuck him, probably.132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? you asked this one already, too, you uncreative piece of shit.133. Favourite lyrics right now? lyrics are boring and overrated, and meaningless. Also the ones from Reflections. Mulan is my shit.134. Can you count to one million? I don’t think i have the patience or  physical ability to do so without collapsing.135. Dumbest lie you ever told? None of my lies are dumb unless i make them intentionally dumb.136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed137. How tall are you? floating around 6′2″138. Curly or Straight hair? both, surprisingly, 139. Brunette or Blonde? neither140. Summer or Winter? Winter is the season of death, despair and bullshit, old man winter can suck it141. Night or Day? Day,142. Favourite month? any month thats hot as fuck, also My birthday month is good too, 143. Are you a vegetarian? nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk145. Tea or Coffee? both make me sleepy, both are pretty good though.146. Was today a good day? havent been awae long enough to know147. Mars or Snickers? Venus, and both.148. What’s your favourite quote? “and in all my great vast knowledge and wisdom, of all the Grand stars, of all the galaxies and nebulae and  cosmos, Of all the heavenly bodies,  to say that hers was the most heavenly would be blasphemous, for her body was beyond compare with divinity.”149. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes and No150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Splendid, Young man!”@bvcharest u bich
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