#(these collabs do not exist irl)
funshinebf · 7 months
love those days when i wake up only to immediately go "nah im going right back to sleep after i let lucy out" cause well. im fucking sleepy
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bleach-your-panties · 8 months
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Hello babies!!🖤🐦‍⬛
So, if you know a little bit about me, I am a big fan of horror stories and dark content. (Though I am a scaredy-cat in real life)
This collab idea came to me as I thought about the type of stories I like to read on Tumblr. I also enjoy reading creepy reddit threads like r/Backwoods Creepy and r/creepyencounters. Shoutout to Tallulah ( @antizenin ) for making me get back on Reddit, lol.
So! The theme of this collab is urban legends, myths, fairytales, weird irl encounters; and, fantastical stories (that may or may not be true). Think of Ripley's Believe It or Not and Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction.
How to Join:
🖤Send me a message and tell me a bit about the story that inspires your submission, your chosen fandom(s), and character(s). Joining multiple times is allowed.
🖤Keep in mind that the entire theme of this collab is dark, unsettling, weird, creepy, and horrifying. So 18+ will be required to join.
🖤If you have a real-life experience that inspires you, feel free to use it!
🖤Inspiration may be drawn from existing urban legends and myths (Candyman, Bloody Mary, Creepypasta, etc.) but do not copy them directly! I want to see you make up your own!
🖤Any fandoms are welcome, not just anime.
🖤No submission deadline. Take your time, dearies~
🖤Please tag your posts with appropriate content labels/trigger warnings, and use the 'read more'. Tag me in completed posts and tag #🐦‍⬛fantastic once you're done!
🖤I look forward to reading what you've written!
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the abhorrent tale of the scandalous semen six
character(s): seijoh 4 + kuuro tetsurou and kozume kenma
cw: murder, semen in food, kidnapping
told by: bleach-your-panties
🐦‍⬛Jujutsu Kaisen
false prophets
character(s): geto suguru
cw: incubus, religious themes, manipulation, coercion, dub-con
told by: bleach-your-panties
🐦‍⬛Tokyo Revengers
title tbd
character(s): haruchiyo sanzu
cw: tbd
told by: @ranspuppy
never be a wedding plan for the heartless
character(s): kisaki tetta
cw: mental illness, torture, murder, more tbd
told by: @ksakiswh0re-xo
My Hero Academia 🐦‍⬛
hardest to love
character(s): todoroki touya "dabi"
cw: stalking, voyeurism, self-harm, pyromania, f! masturbation, dubcon, coercion, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids!), degradation
told by: @sincerelyzee
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🐦‍⬛fantastical myths collab ©bleach-your-panties 2024.
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What I mean with she’s not like the other influencers I meant that she doesn’t commodify her life like the others, I mean there are certain influencers that literally share everything they do, including how many time they piss during the day. I’m not a fan nor a hater of her, I just noticed that she could easily share more things about her private life to gain more popularity, especially now that she’s dating Matty and she literally doesn’t. Also i think it’s safe to say that she does more things as a model than as an influencer these days? Like she has done quite a good number of campaigns and walked the runway for a good number of designers, so idk it feels a bit reductive to say that she’s simply an influencer. All that being said I know that she comes from a wealthy family and I think she knows that since she never made a mystery of her origins. I genuinely take at her face value and I only pay attention to her when people share things on twitter since I don’t even follow her on instagram (that being said, I want to specify that I understand the criticism of Matty’s love life, but at the same time I don’t because even if his choices are not ideal, I still think that I don’t him personally and I never will, so if he’s happy with Gabbriette so be it. I think it was way more hypocritical of him dating TS last year since he publicly criticised her lack of substance and her approach to music from a business point of view). Again, I mean no hate to you or any of your anons, I just think this is a interesting conversation to have since it’s very nuanced
Yeah. I get what you mean!
Okay, I think that the way that we’ve been talking maybe conflates different types of social media use so let me be more specific:
I think that being an “influencer” isn’t just type of job. A lot depends on the platform and what your “niche” is or whatever. We won’t go into the nitty gritty but suffice it to say Gabbriette is not a “day in the life” tiktok influencer who has to put out 5-8 videos a day with stuff like morning routines and evening routines. And “here’s where I went today” and “get unready with me” she’s an Instagram model. The can’t be an irl model (this is not me shitting on her btw this is just fact. She’s too short for it and stuff like that) so she had to tailor her content to that. Naturally she’s gonna post about clothes and jewelry and stuff. This is not because she understands the moral depravity of monetizing your entire existence for clicks and stuff. This is simply because she has to be brand friendly for her type of work. Brands won’t wanna work with her if she acted a certain way or posted certain types of content.
Her job hinges upon her being aspirational not relatable.
It only takes a few moments of thinking when you look at how she used to look and act during her stint in Nasty Cherry vs now. She’s just hopping on the succubus chic thing rn. Once that’s fades, she’ll hop on some other trend.
Being an IG model still depends on those qualities that I find dangerous, the foster self-centeredness, exploiting people’s parasocial relationship with her in this aspirational way of wanting to be like her so they buy her clothes off depop or buy whatever she promotes or copy her eyebrows or whatever, is extremely materialistic, and depends by and large upon being brand-friendly, being likeable (literally and figuratively, she needs people to hit like on her content), and all those gross things that make this a problematic career at best and a downright evil one at worst. Again, all which matty has come out staunchly against.
There are reasons that not all influencers are content creators and not all content creators are influencers. I’m not saying you can’t have an online presence and be a morally conscious person. You just can’t have the kind of presence that she does and be a self aware person. Most content creators who care about social economics and justice have hard lines about brand deals and what sponsorships or collabs to take and stuff like that. That’s why they can never be an influencer. Gabbriette definitely is one. She’s one that has a niche in food and fashion so she’s obviously not gonna make other types of day to day stuff. But that’s not out of the goodness of her heart that’s just how being an IG model works.
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celestiall0tus · 8 months
Update Moving into February thru March
Hello everyone! It's been a hot minute since I did one of these updates, but I figured I would share what is going on and the content that I'm working on. So, let's crack into this.
Miraculous AU and Separate Worlds remains shelved. Sorry everyone. Absolution does as well until I enter a macabre mood, so hope for a wacky lunar cycle like October 2023.
Paradise is temporarily shelved while I work on other projects as the inspiration is flowing with them.
Into the Fire and Lady and the Scoundrel will be worked on periodically. I have ideas floating around for the progression of them, it's just a matter of finding the motivation to write them. The ideas are there, just lacking in motivation.
Salvation is going to receive some love. So, after reading the existing chapters to a young gremlin that wanted to hear the story, I was absolutely appalled by the quality of writing. I literally looked at my IRL friend and told her how shit the fucking writing was and how ashamed of myself I let it see the light of day. A few grammar errors are one thing, but Salvation was a chore to read. So, expect that to be edited down again and reblogged. That must be done before I consider continuing the story. I personally apologize for letting such sloppy writing be posted. Shame on me.
Amaranthine I want to finish. I had hit a small snag in the writing as I needed to reassign kwamis to the heroes for the final mission. I had ideas floating around, but it wasn't until chatting with a pair in my discord (which shoutout to @authorambermkestner and @adventuremaker21 for helping me gather my thoughts) that I was able to assign the team kwamis for the final mission. Designs are made for the four getting new kwamis that I may get colored soon, or after I write more of Amaranthine, we'll see. Just know I am in the home stretch, I had hit a small snag, but it's resolved and will be finished soon.
Court of Miracles I'm working on periodically (having a cocreator helps with the muse, thank you anon <3). As I work on Court, I will get designs out as I write as there are a lot of designs to make and have found that this is the best for me to get the designs done.
Scions is the current that I'm working on as the newest piece. Designs for this will be done as I move through the story. I have the primary designs done (save for Marc and his is coming). A lot of the cast will either be quest givers or enemies moving forward. I have some fun ideas lined up for the "campaign."
Siren's Song is... having a small change. I know I keep saying I want to do more just casual storytelling, but I end up lying to myself and y'all. So, here I am again to say that I will be writing it out because that's just me. However, I keep to this for Siren's Song. This is meant to be something of a collab of sorts. I have a skeleton of what I'm thinking for a lot of plot and plot points. I will be open throughout the entire story to suggestions for other ideas, plot points, etc. So, to anyone that want to participate in a zany, crazy au where we just let loose and indulge in madness (like my norm). As such, expect a little bit more detail on Siren's Song come tomorrow (it's about midnight for me as typing this, so sleep soon)
Now, I know that sounds really stupid to write this way and why not just "write what you want?" One, I've written a lot of what I want, which is extremely dark, angst riddled, and borderline macabre (ignoring Absolution that is a full on horror). Make no mistake, I've got such plans with Siren's Song that involve angst for you, my dear audience that eats that shit up (and for that I love y'all <3) So, I still am, but also am having a lot of fun doing a collab writing. So, since this whole Siren's Song, Ivangami stuff started by an anon just suggesting it and liking the ship, which grew from there, I wanted to involve my audience as the initial concept came from y'all and grew from y'all. It was honestly fun making something a little more catered to what y'all wanted to see while having my own fun. Again, more details will come in the morning.
That is all for the time being. I thank y'all for the support that y'all have given me and look forward to more devilish writings in the future.
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swedebeast · 2 months
What a strange dream I had.
And going over it, I realize what a long ramble of drivel it is, so I will make sure you have to actually click to unlock it.
Started off with, you know how your dream sometimes follows a character that isn't yourself? Well, my dream follow an immortal person in some horrifying situation, starting as some female archeologist in the 20's exploring the depths of some vague Egyptian ruins. Followed by ghosts and spirits, she ventures deeper and deeper... and, well, at some point she is cursed with immortality. And cannot leave the temple. Following her slow decline living there without food and water, deteriorating and not dying, she slips into some kind of coma. Then she wakes up, and from her POV you just cannot see her physical state, but some men walk in there and are just ready to plunder and loot whatever they can get their hands on. They are surprised to see her there.
Of course, she also gained some psychic powers being down there, being rightly pissed and mad, killing a few. They are horrified, she has one hostage and demands to be let out and/or getting some food and water. Once she talks, she wants to know how long she was there. They have no idea. She got stuck in the 20's. That means nothing to them. The guys are awfully bedraggled too, looking like vagabonds and tramps. Then, in some kind of Army of Darkness ending now that I think about it, she woke up in a post-apocalypse.
But then as dream do, it changed. And it was some kind of Highlander immortality situation, and it was a vague cyberpunk situation, with mechs and hovering jets - and it was a very game-like situation with respawns and using stupid little ball-drones and mechs to shoot each other down - followed by game-like interfaces of building new mechs and collecting rare drops of them as well - with little things I remember as I am reading this over like hovercraft with stupid skins like "UFO" but it was with pink details but an absurdly good missile rack - stuff like that. Kinda neat and cool, then then somehow it changed into a vague feudal Japan situation with a bandit's den by the sea - and then it is a bit fuzzy but it ended up with some kind of observation after the fact about where the clothes are left behind after they get the head-chop and die, and a woman in that feudal Japanese kimono dress was shooting arrows with a bow from her sitting on her knees position on a padded seat. In a cinematic sort of deal, as a reveal, she is dead of course - but then it is revealed she was actually all alone. But there was a seat next to her, and somehow she had her ghost visit, look around. Sad, depressed, but then the seat *next to her* is also empty. And she smiles.
Y'know, sort of implying she wasn't alone then, and someone she was waiting for was either dead and coming with her, or someone she thought was dead actually survived. Hey ho.
BUT THEN AGAIN the dream gets weirder. Somehow I was at my old computer desk, in my old house I grew up in, and it has several levels of storage on it, and somehow the computer feature of "searching" for files or something had the folder shake and rumble or sort of moving to indicate where something was you where looking for was (yes, I know how odd it sounds after the fact) worked IRL, so I was looking for an art piece showing the last vague feudal japan Highlander situation I talked about came from or who made it. And... in the rare instances, turns out it was some manga (that I don't know exist in real life, and I don't think is even real) called "rinter rinter rinter" for some reason. And there was something also, unsure how it is connected, I was looking up an artist called "Kossackz". So odd I have actual words in a dream, but then... a little comic book was fluttering on the top of my desk. I try it again, and I find it. It was an old comic book that showed a spread of some collab (not true) with that artist... and *Frank Cho*. And I goddamn remember the artist piece that I saw when looking through it.
But it was just made by Frank Cho, and I know it. Now I am trying to find an roughly 1995-2005 piece by Frank Cho with some kind of comic book character dressed like The Shadow, holding a large wooden mallet, reclining with a goofy face looking like the guy from the cover of Mad Magazine. With or without Harley Quinn also on it.
I also woke up without just about 8 hours of sleep, so, not sure I can complain either.
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treeba-rk · 7 months
Yh i agree about people s obsession with new duos. And don t get me wrong, sometimes new and unexpected duos are great, i m talking to the treebark burner account! Ranchers were also great, and totally out of nowhere. But i think people are a bit too obsessed with 1 creating new duos and names in order to portray new narratives and theories and 2 making every close relationship romantic or familiar, as if close friendships, qprs or just good ol' rivalries did not exist 3 ignoring female ccs, even more so when it gets in the middle of a ship (this happens with women in every single piece of media btw).
Male-female friendships (or ships) are often ignored bc i feel a lot of fans feel as if these fanon relationships are somehow more "real" and not roleplay bc they are a "straight couple" (c'mon people, most of us are queer what are you doing with this mentality?), and are more likely to assume you ship the creators and not the characters, or worst, to actually assume the ccs are together irl (which was the reason some female ccs were against shipping in the 1st place). Re: this point, I will give an special mention to bee duo though, the fans really assumed they liked each other irl, which was very creepy considering they were underage at the time.
F/F ships are also often snubbed, although lately i ve seen them become a lot more popular, such as nature wives and more recently Gem & Pearl (ik the ship has a name, but i ve decided to ignore it bc we are better than that), which has been satisfactory to see. Still a long way to go though.
Hope i have explained myself correctly 👉👈 english s not my 1st language so i m kind of nervous about dping such a long post about such a complex issue. Feel free to correct me
no you're all good! thanks for the ask 🫶
also sorry to anyone who's here for tree bark only bc this acc is basically my alt now lmaoo (due to me keeping anon off on main)
you're right that ppl want to create new duos and narratives but sometimes... those ppl aren't that close. or had three interactions in a series. that isn't to say they're not friends or friends can't become close in a short amount of time. but the fandomisation and trying to come up with an incomprehensible name instead of saying their names is kinda ?? to me personally. not that's bad, it's just... i don't really get why you won't use their names. especially when it's not a long established group that frequently collabs.
you're so right about male-female friendships and especially in this fandom. i feel like m/f shipping in this sphere (outside of the obvious lizzie/joel) is seen as taboo bc it could leak into m/f irl shipping. at least that's why i was squicked out for like two years. esp bc m/f irl shipping was / is a problem (for example, i still see ppl asking in their public yt comments if stress and iskall are together. during hc2 people thought mumbo and false were dating when he was like 17 and she was in her early twenties and it's just fucking weird to truth in people's comments).
(unrelated to this discussion but i will always be salty that the antihcshippers never bring up the point of REAL AND ANNOYING M/F IRL SHIPPING IN COMMENTS and instead bully scar/grian shippers on twitter or whatever. really shows that they never cared about cc's "boundaries" or feelings and just want that fandom moral superiority. quick have you been to comment sections of eps posted by the women in like 2017. have you seen the random twitch chatters.)
the fanon side of m-f friendships/ships in hc is interesting bc pre gem and pearl, the three women had their "designated guy bestie that they always collab with" and it's quite obvious who: stress-iskall, cleo-joe, false-ren (to a lesser extent cub). former two are basically the only prominent m/f ships (iskall in particular plays into it). i had talked to ppl in dms about why false/ren isn't prominent and my main theory is what i call the yaoi shield bc ren is shipped with a lot of men LMFAO (also something something about ren/iskall and false/stress being complements to avoid the "boring" m/f shipping).
but i still wish m-f friendships get more recognition 😔 like if you're not shipping them in the character sense, there's no risk of being seen as irl shipping, so technically it's no different from same gender friendships, right? 🤡 and i do not like the instant "siblingification" to create a fanon familiar bond to avoid shipping. like sometimes it works. a lot of the time it doesn't. people can just be friends. and they all are actually friends.
ok, more of a tangent here, but dug up an old ass convo from 2021 in which there was a point like "sometimes romantic relationships can happen between ccs and it is definitely more feasible than ccs becoming family via marriage/adoption" and i said "so technically 'shipping hcs' are less weird than 'same family hcs'. hm". soooo 🤡🤡🤡 it's totally fine if you don't wanna ship, but it is also TOTALLY fine to keep them as friends instead of siblings / family hcs. i think this fandom has enough awareness now to know you mean friends when you portray them as friends.
i'm happy to see more yuri bc yuri is almost always the least popular in fandoms. but i think m/m and f/f also has the vibes of "less likely to be perceived as irl shipping so we can go wild" while m/f character shipping is still treated with caution? and people really don't want ccs to misinterpret it as irl shipping? tbh i feel like the modern day fandom has gone into "god forbid a man and a woman are friends" that m/f is seen as the "boring" "cop-out" and it goes all the way around. like yeah sometimes it's boring. but not the point of it being nonexistent lmfao like m/f could be funnnnn!!!!!! and they can be queer too!! bi4bi, t4t!!!! or they can just be hetero idk!!
anyways. as a m&f / m/f main i have Thoughts. but yeah 👍
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anotherghoul666 · 2 years
AG... What happens in March AG? What are you going to do to me now? I'm scared and concerned.
The project was teased in the discord server so it's only fair I tease it here too for yall uh? ;)
March oviposition collaboration between me and @mibo-nin !! Two fics, one theme, some joined scenes, and we each will present a different aspect of the ovi kink! One will be more about the teratophilia / monsterfucking aspects of ovi, one will be more about the gear and toys that exist to make ovi happen irl. Basically our shared goal is to fuck up the fandom again with yet another new kink people maybe weren't into or didn't know much about, and awaken some minds ;) ;) ;) Sorry not sorry! It's been in the works on and off since January.
Production should start around mid-March, release date either late March or early April depending on how the writing and collab process goes :D
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mostsanegirlever · 5 months
Hi :) 
I’m writing this as a direct response to whatever the hell went on yesterday. Before I directly offer my counterpoints I just wanna make some things clear:
1. English is not my first language and I don’t use any proper translation app for revision. I use a lot of adverbs because that’s how I express myself in my mother language. The punctuation also goes with how I use it in Portuguese.
2. I’m not offended on Chan's behalf, I’m just extremely passionate about debating (both online and irl), especially when I think others are objectively wrong.
3. I’m not only pro boycotting this single, but I also pray every night that it never sees the light of day.
I’ve been against this collab and voiced my distaste as soon as I was made aware of its existence. At first it wasn’t because of Charlie Puth’s “opinions” on the Genocide being conducted against Palestinians in their occupied mother land (I actually had no idea where he stood since I have him blocked everywhere for being annoying, ugly and untalented), but getting to know that he’s an actual Zionist was the final straw for me, and I won’t be listening to it at all. That’s where I personally stand and I’m not known for changing my mind.
As soon as the news dropped, I took this feature for what it is: a chart gambling move by Republic Records (Stray Kids’ American distributor and promoter). Releasing a soulless English single featuring a C-list American “artist” is basically a trend in K-pop nowadays, since it places the group in the charts fast enough before the actual comeback, has viral TikTok potential and extends by 2 the promotional period.
I never actually expected JYPE to follow suit with SKZ, as much as they have given other groups the tired and bland English pre-release. As I said, it was a no for me from the start because I don’t like nor do I listen to something that’s so shamelessly a marketing strategy made for an easy cash grab.
I expressed my opinion that it was a sell-out move that would taint SKZ’ original and cohesive discography. 
As soon as the credits were posted, my first thought was that it was never SKZ’ song to begin with. In my opinion, it was very clear by the credits positioning that the song was made by Charlie and the other dude (who isn’t even like just a random Zionist but a full Israeli that has undoubtedly served the IOF) and the featuring was orchestrated in a reunion with people who see music as business and artists are decided by they capacity of making profit by charting. 
Once again, I personally refuse to consume this type of slop, especially when it comes from people who openly align themselves with a genocidal ethno-state.
I’m aware that my decision to not listen to this song won’t have any impact on the decisions both companies will make for SKZ in the future, since the music industry isn’t known to take morals into consideration when it comes to easy profit.
I also keep my opinion that media consuming (or non-consuming) isn’t activism, and there’s a fine line between reasoning on why you chose to boycott and empty virtue signaling. The latter always comes with a huge deal of self-righteousness, which we’ve seen plenty of since yesterday.
My expectation was that everyone who agreed to boycott directed their indignation towards RR and JYPE, since it was obviously an administrative decision and this has no artistic value. MUCH TO MY SURPRISE! (not really, this always happens) Chan has been in the front-line for getting all the lashes.
No mention of the other members of 3RACHA, who were also “in the room with racists” and have the exact same amount of credits and creative liberty, no mention of RR who obviously was the one orchestrating the promotional single (as they did with that TXT song with Jonas Brothers, Usher feat. Jungkook and the list goes on).
Lots of people questioned this when they saw that tweet, with no concrete response by OP or the ones who backed her up on why he was solely being condemned and blamed for the collaboration.
After a while, many came to justify that directing the anger towards Chan is valid since he is “the leader”, “the oldest” and “the spokesperson” of the group. For me personally, it’s hard to understand why a group made out of fully adult cisgender able-bodied males would need a spokesperson when they’re perfectly capable of speaking up for themselves on instances like this, but it’s interesting to see him suddenly become the only one who can speak for the group considering many people were shading him for being the one who always gives the speeches earlier this week.
Although the main claim is that he has more power because of his position as leader, I don’t think anyone actually believes that. The blame falls strictly onto Chan every single time because he made the biggest mistake an artist can make: treat his fans as equal.
He established an open line of communication as he presented his own authentic self, showing his flaws and often putting himself down and accepting the blame as means of maybe alleviating the inhumane amount of hatred he’s been submitted to since he dared to share his passion with the most demonic industry with the biggest amount of brain-dead fan-girls.
This made Chris the main character of arguably the most intense parasocial relationship I’ve seen in years of fandom hopping.
The post that started the blame shift towards Chan referred to him by his full name (weird, but punctual since many seem to believe they know him personally) and goes on to say “I know that you’re reading these quotes” or something like that.
See what I mean? That struggling to fulfill obligations as an idol and cutting himself open to give the fandom unrestricted access to him for years only made them believe that that’s all he does? That he’s #oomf and they can just say anything and it’s part of his job to acknowledge it? That any problem is for him to solve individuality and every praise is meant to be shared?
This entire idea that Bang Chan is somehow different, more important and more impactful than his coworkers isn’t because of the leader title, it’s because of the close relatability due to his openness.
Chan deals with the producer role much as he did with his relationship with the fans: he’s always made it clear that 3RACHA has the same amount of power when it comes to the creative direction of the band. Changbin and Jisung always acted alike, never letting it seem that Chan is the one who calls the shots or takes on “the leader” role inside the producing unit.
This message has never seemed to reach the fandom for some reason and when it comes to highlight something negative it falls strictly on Chan to acknowledge it. His coworkers who are on the exact same level and have the exact same power are never expected to stand up for anything.
Many argue that it’s because Chan is a native speaker but it’s actually, again, because people have a parasocial relationship with him specifically, to a level the other producers never allowed.
That’s exactly the reason you can see here:
if you're like, okay yeah screw all those other people, but why are you blaming chan? niru @/the_kpopalypse on twitter wrote it very well:
"I think Chan is one part of a large team that made this happen. That being said, as a leader, as someone who has generally made it a point to communicate his views on anything that goes on in fandom or the world, and the one who has emphasized the social justice angle of skz's brand since day one...[he] is a grown man who can and should hear the truth."
The expectation doesn’t come from actually believing he’s the leader or the spokesperson, it comes from taking his openness and treating fans as equals, as exposing himself in a genuine way and continuing to attend to expectations in order to keep the crowd pleased and now it all falls on his shoulders, even though not for a minute has he claimed to have more creative freedom or power than any other member in the producer line.
The whole “because he is the leader” means nothing but “because I have higher expectations when it comes to him, because the close relatability made me think I have an open channel of communication and I can demand he attend to my expectations, because I know him on a personal level and he frustrated me”.
I don’t blame anyone for growing such a deep rooted parasocial relationship with him, Chan is indeed a charismatic leader, it’s the hypocrisy that I can’t stand. It’s clearly not his move to go on with this collaboration, and if you decide to critic him in hopes that he’ll see it somehow (as if he has nothing to do but sit around reading your demands and taking notes but once again this belief comes from this parasocial relationship where you guys are convinced he’s the one who’s always there and he’ll be a hero and make everything alright again), then Han Jisung and Seo Changbin, the other men who are credited the same amount, are just as capable of standing up for this.
The parasocial relationship this entire fandom has with Chan (that can be both for love and admiration or hatred and jealousy btw) comes with this huge amount of expectations for him but also for the infantilization of the other members.
Chan is the dad, the one who’s capable and dependable and calls the shots and the other 7 fully adult cis able-bodied millionaire males are just...there. They have no opinions, they have no responsibilities, they have no say.
They’re all 23+ in age and Chan being the oldest is hardly an excuse as to why he’s being pointed as the sole member who needs to take a stance since Minho is no more than a year younger than him.
These are grown men who have been legal voters for years already, and have been raised and socialized in a culturally conservative country. Chan being brave enough to talk about his own political and social views (not the group’s, since the text I’m replying to seemed put him in “skz” when it came to praising) should be a breath of fresh air but instead it only gave him more responsibility when it comes to “educating” the other members, somehow.
I am of the opinion that these expectations only fall on him because you think you know him on a personal level, whereas the others kept the fans at a safe distance from the beginning.
Singling someone out for being “the oldest'' doesn't fly. He speaks for himself only, not for everyone. If it’s about taking a stance, I need all of them to come forward individually and use their social status for what they believe. They aren’t alienated from the world and they have the same amount of free time Chan has, signed the same contracts and are just as grown and capable.
What happened yesterday with name dropping Chan exclusively was no more than people who cultivated a deep rooted parasocial relationship with him  (easily noticeable since skz_8283 and the people backing her up are all +18 RPF writers) and seem to think that media consuming and tweeting is activism.
The doubling down on still pointing him out as the sole precursor instead of actually demonstrating their distaste towards the people who decided that this chart gamble would be real, or even at the very least expecting the same amount of responsibility from the other members was even more upsetting.
The anger towards this project is completely justified, but as long as you keep Chan in the middle of your rage it will also be completely misplaced. Chan doesn’t have a choice in this, redirect your demands towards the people who actually call the shots: Republic Records and JYPE/DIV1.
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
hello this is unit 4402 let's do a matchup trade :D
i'm one of those people that enjoys their alone time but when i'm with someone i'm comfortable with, i'm super noisy and goofy. i like to make people laugh! and i like walking to the beat of my own drum too. it's easy for me to fixate on the things that interest me to the point that i forget to take care of myself even though i want to take care of others. i prefer to take the lead and make moves first, but i'm tsun as much as i hate to admit it lol
ty for the request! feel free to send one in and i'll do one for you 👍
-unit 4402
We Interupt your regularly scheduled program for.......A MATCHUP TRADE WITH
@brisquad-unit-4402 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx for the trade I hope you’re not disappointed. Took me a good minute to decide who to match you with i had a handful of options but I like the potential of this pairing so DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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(Srry if you wanted Sonny or Ike I know they’re your oshies but i just think this a nice balanced pairing)
I think you guys would work really well when it actually came down to it. Just a unique vibe of chaos and comfort. You and Fulgur both have a tendency to take care of others while both still being absolute chaos gremlins who know how to have fun.
You guys are like the fun aunt and uncle of the family, but you both make sure to take care of each other and not let the other get burnt out. You’re definitely the more chaotic or the two of you however Fulgur does like to indulge your goofy nature. He’s just happy that you’re happy being yourself
You guys met after he joined niji. you were part of a (non existent) earlier wave and were assigned with Ike to host the new wave debut program. You had gotten a little bit of a chance to talk to the new wave before, but only exchanged a few words. However you were pleasantly surprised to find out how completely unhinged the new guys were. You had to admit you were intrigued.
You had arranged for you to collab with one of the Noctyx members named Fulgur Ovid. Up until them he seemed kinda quiet to you, but when you guys were collabing it was like hanging out with old friends. You were making jokes and bantering like there was no tomorrow. Your fans even started shipping you guys which jump started your will they won’t they campaign.
Since then all of your interactions would be slightly flirty, suggestive, and/or teasing. You two did still get very close though, even met up irl after he moved to the states and did and off collab.
When Fulgur’s health declined a bit and he had to go take a break for a little bit you took care of him, and that’s what led him to falling for you. After that his flirting had a lot more feeling behind it, He would be genuinely flustered whenever you flirt back, and sad if you dodged his advances.
One day you were over at his house playing valorant. He thought you were so hot when you were focused he could barley focus on the game. When you guys won your last match you turned to him with a proud smile on your face and that destroyed him. You two stared at each other for awhile as the sexual tension grew until he asked if he could kiss you and you said yes (let’s just say you found out how about Fulgur’s detachable part worked) (this is how sexual tension works right?)
Since then you guys became a real thing. Going for walks with dog, playing games together, drinking together, and just chillin and hanging out.
He takes care of you when you get caught up in your fixations, but still encourages you and tries to learn more about it so you guys can share it together.
You guys aren’t super cuddly but you have your moments especially at night or watching a movie. He has a lot of movies to show you (with some help from Vox)
Speaking of which you 3 (+ Aia) play dnd together every weekend. Your party is a group of absolute murder hobos, but at least you all are having fun and try out other ttrpgs when you can.
You guys all in all are a pretty chill and playful couple, and the new parents of Nijisanji EN.
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This one is less lore connected and kinda short because I’m still not 100% sure on Fulgur’s lore so idk how to integrate it into the story so I just wrote about after he started streaming. Anyway hope you like it.
Runners Up: Luca Kaneshiro, Ren Zotto, Sonny Brisko, Kyo Kaneko
Disclaimer for anyone else reading this: all of my nijien writing and fics are fictional and don’t pertain at all to the streamers behind the model. Please respect them and others in the community thank you.
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duckapus · 9 months
Thinking about what the Grid/MRU storyline would look like to the viewers, since obviously very few people in-universe are aware of the existence of digital life. 'Cause like, in order for the Grid to operate the way they do they have to be an actual indie animation studio with their own Youtube channel like Glitch Productions, and their tech company branch in the Mushroom Kingdom has obviously been showing up in episodes, most notably Astra's introduction and major role in the Racing Arc, and some hints to them possibly being the organization that took Tari that one time. (Also I haven't actually said this in a post yet but I've been imagining that the Grid's channel has been up for a while doing their own unrelated animation content so as to be less suspicious).
So people already think the two studios are working on something together, possibly some kind of ARG, because what other logical explanation is there for the SMG4 series to be casting this random up-and-coming animation channel as some kind of greater scope villain? And well, Luke can't just come out and say he has no idea how they got into his show, because then he'd have to explain how that's even possible, which is a bad idea since it would involve revealing:
Computer programs can and often do become fully sapient living beings
The only people who know this decided to record them for entertainment purposes instead of telling anyone
The actual real life multiverse is real
We only know this because an alternate version of the show's creator's self-insert main character nearly destroyed all of reality
Time travel is also real but only digital beings can do it
Digital beings are able to enter the real world (though it's extremely hard to do intentionally and there's a very short list of people who know how). It's unclear if IRL people can enter the digital world.
Several of the digital beings known to exist are bizarre parody clones of actual real life people
The vast majority are copyrighted characters and the companies that own them probably won't be too keen on getting them legally recognized as people
It would be chaos if not handled carefully. So GP decides to just let things play out for now, and both sides end up semi-unintentionally playing into the Massive Secret Collab assumption.
And then, of course, the video showing Tears of the Kingdom's activation goes up.
And the fans
An official, canon side series, made by another animation studio on their own separate channel? That's insane! Nobody could've seen that coming! It manages to blow the AvA Sticks being plot relevant to the Goomba Arc completely out of the water, and that was pretty massive itself!
And, just like during the buildup, the Glitch team can't say anything to the contrary without revealing Everything before it's safe to do so, and the Grid knows it.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
ok wait so for behind the lens
im like confused bc scara n y/n know what each otheres voices sound like right? so if they talk irl cant they tell n be like: "hold my tea u sound familiar ayo 🤨" or do they use voice changers?
or perhaps we shall all pretend for the sake of the plot 🤭
if thats the case then this ask nvr existed 😒
lmfaoo dw ive thought about this my reasoning is they never watch each other’s streams cus they hate eachother and only collab when jean forces them too so they don’t rlly know each other’s voices too well 😭😭
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tinogiehd · 2 years
i wish dream team would make content like they promised. it's sort of disappointing to be lied to again
okay this has been sitting in my inbox since i woke up so let's talk about this.
i'm absolutely stealing this point from someone else but i think the reason that this "drought" is so hard-hitting is because we went into the meetup era with the expectation of content being throw at us left and right. the meetup and subsequent face reveal was meant to mark the end of the content slump- we had a deadline, but now we don't so it feels like we're going to continue off maybe a drodcast once a month and some drapchats forever. the reality is that the promise of milking the meetup fell through because of things outside of their control- namely, the internet in the dransion and dream's immune system- but, instead of sitting around and doing nothing, they've been making content with mr. beast and going out and living their lives like they should be able to after so much waiting. seeing dream at parties and football games and sapnap on foolish's stream can feel like Wow. so you can do that but not stream for an hour or do a thirty minute space? but the reality is that they have content planned- three christmas streams, the irl manhunt, the mr. beast collab, maybe more behind the scenes- that's just waiting to come out. it's like a package being delayed; it sucks, but it's still going to be delivered.
i do want to acknowledge the part about lying directly because i think that it does actually have some merit. i think some people feel a level of distrust because of things like dream saying he'd stream everyday and fanhunt and all the delays to lore and george's year-old video and all that. the amount of promises made is larger than the amount kept and i understand that being told that the meetup will be milked and then getting. not that much meetup content is disappointing. maybe just try and remember that these are situations out of their control, and that we have gotten a good amount of content in comparison to the last year. i'm sure that once everything is good with the internet and they've stopped traveling all the time they'll settle into a bit more of a routine with making content, and i think that it's pretty clear that things are looking up in terms of that already- like george talking about his system for editing and how he actually likes doing it when sapnap is there irl to help him and dream talking about plans that he's had to sit on for years.
they're allowed to take time off post-meetup. any of the stress we felt from the wait was even worse for them, and it will do everyone well to remember that. they're the ones who lived through it, and who now get the release of being able to exist together and if all they want to do is travel and relax for a bit, then they're allowed to do so. there isn't an expiration date on this meetup- we are going to get plenty of content.
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funkyllama · 1 year
Are you, OfficialRoyalsofPierreland and EmpireDeSimparte aligned with timeline?
I can't speak for if @officalroyalsofpierreland and @empiredesimparte are in the same timeline, but! I know that I've always been an indescript (/slight) amount of time ahead of Francesim. When Charles (Napoleon IV) died was the last time I knew the exact distance, lol- he was written off (canonically, not literally), I think, before summer of 2022, whereas I have always been a "the time/day/season it is irl is when my modern sims are currently existing" girlie. Meanwhile, I know Crown Prince Louis (Valois) is canonically born in like, the 2020s or 30s? Eloise was canonically born in 2000. So, for our own sake, we decided to forego that align the plots we have despite the numbers we decided on over 2/3 years ago, at this point. I've adopted this way of doing things for all my collabs that are post-Viviana I, it allows me to happily collab with my friends.
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Aaaa this looks super fun!! I was tagged by @whump-captain and I'm def down to pick apart my taste in stuff. c:
In returnnnnn I think I'll tag @friendlylocalwhumper @comfy-whumpee @that-one-thespian and @brinkofdiscovery!! Also like if anyone else wants to do it just go ahead, I'm not your parent, I can't ground you or anything.
1. Favorite whump trope(s)?
Okay so right now the things eating my brain alive are hypothermia, self-sacrifice, and like...the moment someone finds the whumpee, if that makes sense? I love a good Finding And Realization from a rescuer.
2. Least favorite whump trope(s)?
Reallyyyyy really not a fan of pet whump, for many reasons. I have my own story that features it, but that's because I know where I'm going with it and can avoid all the stuff I hate about it. Also betrayal? I dunno, I've been betrayed enough IRL, it just makes me too sad. :(
3. Top 3 whump scenes and why?
OKAY SO. Hear me out. I'll do my best to avoid spoilers!
The main ending of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Time/Space/Sky. They're just so sad and heart-wrenching. You've just saved the world and you know that you're about to disappear from existence and leave your very best friend behind, who thinks that all the danger is past. You accepted this mission knowing it would be your very last adventure, ever, but they have no clue. As you two are walking back to the Pokemon who will ferry you back to all your other friends and family and the life you've built together, you start to disappear. And your best friend turns around and notices. There's way more to the ending that twists that knife deeper, and that's ALL stuff you know will absolutely be happening as you choose to play that mission, but it's so well written and it's worth playing through the game to get to experience the whole thing yourself. It still hits pretty hard even if you go in knowing, I'll be honest.
In His Dark Materials, there is an arc where the two main characters go through a HORRIFICALLY scary gauntlet. I'm not going to say what that is because people I love need to watch the series with me, but at the very end, they escape. One character cuts through reality into a new dimension, and they step from this bleak hellscape into a beautiful, picturesque grassland at night. The stars are bright and plentiful, the wind is warm and soft, and both characters just collapse together in awe and exhaustion, not even able to find a suitable place to sleep because they haven't gotten any real rest since that gauntlet started. It was just very well described in the books, the prose was gorgeous, and I don't know how many times I reread that scene when I was little.
I also REALLY loved Kaworu's scene where he takes the destruction collar off of Shinji in the Evangelion Rebuild movies. I dunno, it's touching and sad, and the look of horror on Shinji's face when he sees the one person who's been so nice to him easily shoulder that burden is really good. There's just something about that sort of devotion to someone that kills me.
4. Top 3 characters to whump and why?
c:< Right now my mage and dragon duo, Mariano and Bastian, are taking up so much room in my brain, but I also love whumping my good sweet reaper Will and @that-one-thespian's and @brinkofdiscovery's characters. Collabs are just such favs!
5. Favorite fandom for whump (show, series, etc)?
Pokemon, and Arknights! Pokemon is fun to just do whatever in, because sure, send your ocs on the late adventures they never got to have as kids, it'll be a good mix of fun and whimsy and angst and pain. TONS of shit you can do in Pokemon AUs. And Arknights just has such an interesting, terrifying world to play in, and gives you an excuse to make your OCs have little animal ears and tails.
6. Do you prefer written or watchable whump?
Written! I like to reread the particularly tasty bits, it just feels right.
7. Do you also like hurt/comfort?
I'll just let my blog title do the talking here:
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But for real, it's always been my fav genre of fic, and my fav scenes in anything are USUALLY hurt/comfort!
8. What do you think the difference between hurt/comfort and whump is?
I think h/c is the more widely known term, and whump is newer, but the biggest difference that I can think of is that whump doesn't always have comfort. Sort of a "not all rectangles are squares, but every square is a rectangle" scenario.
9. How would you explain whump to someone who’s not familiar with it?
Oh I've literally said "Okay, so you know the juicy bits in a story? Where someone gets hurt, or is in danger, or something bad happens? That's whump." Gets the vibe across, doesn't over-complicate it, and doesn't sound defensive.
10. Is there any old whump you particularly enjoy? (say, pre 2000?)
I mean I DO love Pokemon, and the first season was just FULL of good child-friendly angst and whump that almost always has a happy ending. I think "Snow Way Out" was my fav (and counts, it was released in the US in December of 1999) because Ash tried so hard to keep his team warm when they were trapped in a blizzard but then THEY decided to help keep HIM warm. Super cute scene, absolutely flipped a switch in my little five-year-old brain.
11. Why do you think you like whump?
My half-joking answer: It's because I didn't get enough attention and care shown to me when I was a child, so now it's my characters' problem.
My half serious answer: I dunno, it's fun! I've always been an "intense stories" sort of person, even when my friends and I were playing with stuffed animals and Barbies, so I haven't really thought too hard about it. I like horror too. maybe I'm just drawn to that sort of controlled intensity.
12. When did you realize you liked whump?
I learned the word at 22-ish, but like I said, Pokemon definitely flipped some switch in me when I was five!
13. Favorite posts with whump (gifsets, picspams, etc)
Hmm, lately I've been really digging the prompts by @warmblanketwhump and @whumpster-dumpster! I don't really do gifsets or pics, because I like to browse in my downtime at work, but I can always appreciate more ideas. c:
14. Are you “out” to people in real life?
Oh yeah, I'm of the mindset that if I don't make it weird, it won't feel weird to the people I tell. I'm not gonna show my boss or anything, but my BF and friends know. Plus, with how I explain it, it just feels like most people would see the draw, especially with how much I openly like horror.
15. How did you find the whump community?
I was so, so bored at work, and running out of things to look at, and I remembered seeing the term "whump" somewhere before. So I slapped it in the search bar and started poking around!
16. Any unusual mediums you like for whump (plays, music, vlogs, etc)?
Ooo music definitely, if I can find a good inspiring song for a character or piece I'm writing then I'm SUCH a happy camper.
17. Any meta about whump you’ve been dying to share?
I think that personally a lot of people would feel much more secure in their love of whump if they took a page from how furries handle things. Just...be a little harmlessly, unabashedly weird. It IS a little weird to be so fixated on fictional suffering, and that's FINE. Who cares! Just accept that everyone is a little weird and enjoy it!
There are some dangerous weirdos here, sure but like, that's just the internet babes, relax, there are worse things you can do than stab your friend's OC for the 20th time so that your OC can patch them up with intense homoerotic undertones.
18. Whump fic(s) you’d love to see?
👉👈If any of my beautiful sweet wonderful friends or mutuals wants to collab with me like how I'm doing with @that-one-thespian I wouldn't say no--
19. Whump you’re looking forward to? (Maybe something teased or something you haven’t seen yet?)
I literally cannot wait to see how Arknights rips my heart out next. There's a really cool event story coming up for one of my fav factions that features my favorite dragon woman and her ex wife and I. Will lose my mind. When I can read it. I want to know EVERYTHING about this group and we've only gotten TEASERS and the EVENT WAS DELAYED DUE TO GLOBAL'S SCHEDULING--
20. Top 3 favorite whump fics?
Oh no I can't PICK why do I have to PICK??
If I HAVE to, this one just destroyed me when @that-one-thespian wrote it. I had dreams during the writing process where I'd get half awake from excitement because I dreamed that I'd gotten a notification for it. It's the second part in a little series we're collabing on, and I love seeing the team's whole dynamic in action! (Also Archer calling Mariano firecracker is just. Very cute. Very cute and powerful.)
Scott @friendlylocalwhumper is also just one of my fav writers too, and he doesn't delve into super graphic gore often BUT god I go feral when he does. This drabble is absolutely fantastic. Maxon is so scary, and Quinn is so sure of themself, and that can only lead to terrible terrible things. His prose is just nice to read! I devoured this one before bed the MOMENT it was written.
Also @brinkofdiscovery has FANTASTIC characters and imagery when he writes. It's been such a pleasure developing our lores together and seeing where we intersect and diverge with it all, but god I'm in love with how he describes his Death's domain in this piece. The red light, the salt, it's so good. Also Tyler is so fascinating as a character, I wanna study him under a microscope until he tries to kill about it.
21. Tropes you think are overdone?
I...cannot stand pet whumpees? And spineless whumpees. It's just something I can't do, I don't find them interesting and they just lose my attention really quickly. But that's why I don't really follow a lot of blogs who write those things!
22. Tropes you think we could use more of?
I want more bitey whumpees, give me whumpees who are just a little insane, a little batshit. I want them to go stupid and crazy and suffer the consequences after winning. I think that's what draws me to Mariano! He's so calm and even-keeled but also so, so willing to just throw himself into wildly dangerous scenarios and fight like he's going to die. He makes calculated risks, and is generally good at that math, but sometimes said math includes "will I need to burn myself alive to survive this?" and he just doesn't mention it.
23. Favorite sites/archives for consuming whump? (question by @dammittmarie )
Tumblr! I don't really go on other sites.
24. Have your whump preferences changed recently? If so, why? (question by @fyeahvulnerablemen​)
It honestly fluctuates with my mood! But literally everything does, so that's just normal. Lately I've just been super into environmental whump! It really brings the "in the end, he's still just a human being"-ness of Mariano out, and I love that. c:<
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
No because I think about this every so often like…Otoya you have two sisters and you act this way??? Stark difference between two boys with sisters we have Karasu and Otoya LMAOO It fr makes me wonder bc I’d imagine his older sister would knock some sense into him?? Like yes use those eldest sibling privileges….but anyways
And you’re sooo right for that!! Honestly I love it when people make jokes like “you guys act like you’re an old married couple” etc as a way to show how close two people are even when they aren’t romantically involved?? I usually just find it funny but it’s like I’ll look at the comments of a post and people take it literally (which they’re free to do! I’ve just never seen it so honestly real with that western influence idea..) It’s funny because I’ve had convos with friends before and we laugh like if we were in a show we’d definitely be shipped so hard bc of how close we are LOL
Honestly I wonder if maybe his proportions were done that way intentionally to make him more villainy in addition to maybe the changing art style of the manga?? Or maybe I’m looking into it too much and it’s eightbit being eightbit oops
Ok wait yeah I didn’t think of that a lot of designer clothes are like the most unwearable pieces I’ve ever seen like…wow…it’s like he exclusively buys the most ridiculous most expensive outfit in shop I could see him saying something like “wealth is always in fashion” LMAO
Tabieitaken keeping it real, so true!!! Honestly yeah I love how they add a bit of like slice of life realness like these are just teenage dudes LOLLL Now that you mention it it is really interesting!! Third selection ranked them as the top players in BLLK but it’s not like their life depends on soccer alone which I honestly appreciate sm too! This just reminds me of Karasu saying like “if you only ever do soccer you’re just mediocre” in the light novel and then he goes on to talk abt stocks and city building games LMAOOO
Had to look up what a Great Pyrenees is and 1) SO THATS WHAT THAT DOGS CALLED?? 2) YOURE SO RIGHT??? I retract my statement this is even more like nagi than the samoyed…I feel the fluffy bear vibes!
I interpreted the globe emojis as Rin having disproportionately giant eyes (like that hamster) oops LMAOO But that green blue = teal makes sense now too HAHA and OUU second lead Rin would actually be really interesting….im kinda curious about who you’d consider putting for main lead! I know sae is an obvious option but I feel like that’d be like ripping Rin’s heart out and stomping on it LMAO and also maybe a bit cliche…
And OOO THATS SO COOL! I can imagine jumps being stressful and possibly a bit dangerous if not done properly!! It’s amazing you get to work with horses though they’re so gorgeous and intelligent!!! I got thrown onto horsetok for a bit and just seeing all the horses they’re so cute and goofy too sometimes LOL and awww that’s too bad about your horse! :( Hope you’ve been able to make some cute memories with the ones you work with now! I can imagine it getting super hot I see all the fits and gear people wear and I’m like wow I would sweat sm in that
Pause the horse talking makes me think back to that one BLLK jockey collab..? It was just in passing so tbh I have no idea what it really was but I think it was nagi chigiri Isagi and Barou as like jockeys??? I don’t know enough about horses to do this but I wonder what horses tabieitaken and hiori would work with….like imagine instead of soccer its equestrian LOL would make for a good fanart prompt perhaps…
LMAOOO a different breed frfr You look for real men I write up mine kinda energy I love it HAHAH But you’re so real for that honestly fwtkac Karasu raising my standards like I don’t see you guys existing irl sooo come hit me up when you learn the art of hairwax and surprise dates….
IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT PART whenever I see works above 1k I clap because I LOVE reading longer works like I’m being fed too well… In Mira we trust o7
LMAOO Imagine him pulling up a stocks review podcast in the car I could NEVER but you’re so real for that…it’s either that or the most random music like a few select songs amongst the other podcast episodes about stocks finance inflation….i honestly can’t imagine him being a SUPER big music appreciator…? Like bro gets dragged to karaoke by Otoya and knows NOTHING except the super popular songs that get blasted on the streets or something….on a side note I do have some friends who are just like “I don’t listen to music” and I’m like “??? How do you survive in car rides??” But that’s besides the point LMAO
OMG YOU HAVE A RINGNECK!!! WHAT COLOR?? They’re so adorable even if they don’t talk hehe but I love seeing people post their ringnecks on social media hsjshsjsh also wait you’re onto something with the cockatiel…I think it’s the crest matching his hair too… and I LOVE conures!! I actually had a green cheeked one in the past but sadly had to give him to a family friend due to some circumstances :( they’re so cute and playful though ugh I just love birds (maybe this is why we like Karasu LMFAO)
I patiently await your next masterpiece o7 I’ve reread fwtdac like 5 times already it’s just too good!!! Take care of yourself and good luck on any upcoming dressage competitions you have!! And don’t overheat I can imagine it’s getting real hot right about now!!
-Karasu anon
EXACTLYYYY i trained my little brother STRICTLY so he knows better than to treat a girl as anything less than a queen…i wonder if maybe otoya’s older sister is like a LOT older than him so she just dgaf what he’s up to because she has like a career and whatnot already??? regardless honestly eita gives me the vibes where he’ll do his womanizing nonsense without any regret but if someone else DAREDDD to do smth even slightly off to one of his sisters/someone he cared abt he’d lowkey freak out LMAOAOAO. truly friends to lovers is the only trope that i could ever believe working out w that man…crazy how he and karasu are besties because they have like. opposite views on women 😭 karasu still remembering his first crush from like ten years ago vs otoya not even remembering who he dated last month PLSS
HE LOOKED SO DEHYDRATED both in the manga and anime!! i think it’s mostly because the art style was still being developed back then though because nagi also looks a little odd (still cutie ofc) in his first appearances during team z vs team v. but omg barou was just so skinny for some reason?? idk how to put it LMAOAO like they had my man dejuiced 😔 but he gets it back w INTEREST later on so i cannot complain too much
“wealth is always in fashion” HELP MEEEE HE WOULD SAY SMTH LIKE THAT TO ZANTETSU PROBABLY and zantetsu would be like 😲 i actually love him and zantetsu’s dynamic they’re so funny together i feel like reo’s true personality really blossoms around him!! to me they’re kinda like nagibarou but a more chill version
tabieitaken are probably the most bearable of the bllk boys irl. like i’m sorry but if i had to talk to sae “idk abt anything but soccer” itoshi i would be so bored because i am not that into soccer 😓 but tabieitaken all feel like they could hold a normal conversation and actually be entertaining to talk with regularly!! plus not only are they good at soccer, they have normal interests and lives (model yuki + stock manager (??) karasu + serial dater otoya). they’re also on the older end for bllk (yuki and karasu are both 18 already and i think otoya is abt to be 18 as well)?? so that might be a factor…meanwhile rin is in his angsty phase so he’s saying random nonsense because that’s just how puberty goes.
HAHA no it was definitely meant to be that as well!! a double representation ig you could say hehe. he’s staring at you with flashlight eyes and you feel vaguely unsettled…like did you do smth to wrong him?? is he going to beat you up?? why are his eyes so teal??
if rin was the second lead i’d probably make nagi or one of the older boys (not sae because that’s boring to me) the ml!! nagi because i love him obv but one of the older boys (tabieitaken, barou) just because i think the idea of the reader being a bit older than rin which worsens his inferiority complex has sm potential. like her treating him like a child because she thinks of him like a little brother (kinda like fwtkac y/n w hiori) vs him being madly in love with her and doing his best to get her to view him as an equal/adult (almost how he does with sae) but failing miserably every time would probably crush him and i love crushing my characters. tbh even nagi is a year or so older than him i think?? honestly anyone but chigiri/hiori could work given that setup…but nagi and tabieitaken + barou are my favs that i would also actually want to write as main love interests so it would probably be one of them!! sae shidou and isagi def not though because i think that’s been done a lot before and none of them are particular favs of mine so i couldn’t justify it
OMG I JUST LOOKED THAT ART UP HAHAH I think karasu would be a foxhunter (though he would only go on hunts where the scent is laid and no live foxes are hurt #ethicalking) because it’s very traditional and it makes him feel cool…otoya DEF just pulls up to horse shows to pick up girls (it is a very female dominated sport at the lower levels and i guarantee if a hot guy pulled up at a show he’d leave with at least five or so phone numbers) and yuki would be an eventer because imo he’d enjoy the rush of cross country. hiori i can see working with racehorses but only as a groom because he’s way too tall to be a jockey!! he’d sneak them treats whenever possible hehe
JDJDJS EXACTLY like i’m sorry but if you’re not willing to pay attention to everything i say and face your greatest fears for me then i don’t want you. my standards are too high but oh well i’m not abt to settle 🙄
i don’t think i’ve ever written anything UNDER 1k!! i’m just incapable of it i’m p sure. meanwhile i have several longfics over 100k and two of them at around 200k 😭 i think this installment (bllk vs u/20s + the two week break) is going to be even longer than fwtkac itself HAHA mostly because the cast of characters is bigger and it’s over a longer period of time so there’s lots to get down!!
PEOPLE WHO DON’T LISTEN TO MUSIC SCARE ME but fr w karasu it’s either podcasts, random obscure dad rock songs, or like super basic radio songs which pisses otoya off because he def has a super carefully curated music taste. i bet the two of them sing “my heart will go on” as a duet on karaoke nights because it’s the only song karasu reliably knows and they get SO into it to the point that everyone else is like concerned for them 😭
YES he’s the bright green kind!! very basic parrot over in india because they’re so common there. one thing abt me i WILL love a bird themed character and if none exist i will create my own (in one of my jjk stories the main character has powers based on hummingbirds). my fav animals are actually swans!! so yk i’m locked in w birds like that 🤞🏻
i was hoping to post the next part tn but based on how long it’s ending up it might be a bit more time before it’s up 😭 oh well at least there will be a LOT to read when it comes out!! rn it’s looking like it might end up at over 10k words but i don’t want to make any promises so don’t hold me to that jic 😔 and thank you sm you’re so sweet!! my mother comes to my shows and buys me peach dragonfruit slushees from 7/11 so the heat gets cancelled out and it’s all good 😪 def can’t wait for it to cool down a bit though!! fall is my fav season so i’m excited for that october chill to come around
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charlotteswebbbbb · 4 months
What's the vibe? #63
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Cannes wrapped up > next interesting festivals in August are Locarno and Venice (where I think we're getting a new Luca Guadanino film).
The Euros start next week. First England game is on the 17th June and they're up against Serbia.
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French Open still going strong til the 9th - a women quarter final to check out is Coco Gauff v Ons Jabeur today, right now.
Isamaya x FaceGym collab and cosmetic surgery tourism:
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Isamaya Ffrench has releases a gua shua metal accessory in collaboration with FaceGym. This non invasive cosmetic "procedure" if you can call it that, is an example of 1, the rise in this traditional, culture based way of approaching health and 2, related to the want for non invasive techniques.
The former - relating to maybe "decolonial" ways of living - "how did my grandma do this and is it related to today? does it work first of all?" You could also see this strand of thought going into storytelling, unfamiliar territory for some but I think that if Hollywood is obsessed with IP that already exists, that newness is risky for them. Independent wise, the base is built, the curiosity set up in adventurous watchers who love Letterboxd, so could work in that context. (Maybe this is West specific, the rest of the world is obviously going to delve into national myths.)
One of the biggest reasons in the big Korean soft power exploding alongside the fact that the music, food and general culture is big is beauty tourism. Korean skincare exploding has people looking at their "cutting edge" treatments to improve themselves on holiday. A little botox at 1, colour matching at 2.30, great dinner at 5.
Curating and individualism:
This is a funny read - as with many things about culture I never find people go deep enough about anything. I find that when people discuss trend cycles or something they've been in it for a while but now it's just...culture. It's the pouring of 300 bottles of liquor to create the glorious cocktail. They lack - I find it uninteresting
"are we killing culture?" isn't even a real idea or question. Culture will shift, mutate, regroup. I even think because of almost a year of activism, some tactics will be borrowed - it might be of the same speed/faster/underground or aggressively IRL because that's where you find
At the end of the piece, there's this link which was attached to the phrase "find our way back to reality".
IDK - even this doesn't move me - it's very stiff in terms of what to do. Like what do you enjoy? What's your perspective on things? There's consumption but people like enjoyment....which is why they consume? The most interesting writings or stuff is like maybe visiting Cafe Oto. You can observe from outside, hear the muffled sounds, enjoy a chat with a friend, go inside, experience something weird, different, go back out, write down observations, go back in and maybe read a little on stage to the audience and see how they feel about it.
I think now we've gotten near to peak curation, a lot of hidden gems are found and easily accessed - which is great for people, sometimes not great for creators, or businesses that are suddenly overwhelmed unnecessarily.
from above: "Structurally, the Internet is not getting better anytime soon; I have not hidden my pessimism about its future. But human creativity persists, even in hostile conditions. Figures like Gee, Reilly, and Shuherk make me hopeful that fun, interesting niches of activity can still survive online. There’s another word that we might apply to such people: “connoisseurs,” in the art-historical sense of passionate observers who shape a discipline through their judgments. We’ve always had connoisseurs, from the radio d.j. to the bookstore clerk, subtly but vitally informing the culture that the rest of us choose to consume. As Shuherk put it, “The person in the nineties working at Blockbuster—we’re the same person.”
I do think that the backlash to a lot of this in the next few years (or months) is just extreme gatekeeping especially for spaces for more marginalised people. Everyone wants to go to the cool thing but tourism decreases the legitimacy.
We're also in extreme tough economic times - see Black Keys, J-Lo cancelling US tour dates, Melt Festival in Germany stopping after 27 years due to changing festival landscape, (Maybe even Jamie XX doing a 10 night residency at Venue MOT). These examples to say anything smaller than the super established runs at a risk. It's hard to create culture when you can't pay rent but also hard to keep going if your audience extract the uniqueness from your creation.
from above: "An exasperated Dominic Cook, a former director at the Royal Court theatre, last month went so far as to call for renationalising the arts. His point, provocatively framed, was that the current system is broken. The model that worked when he started out in the late 1980s — when generous state funding and box office receipts combined to more or less cover costs — now requires hefty supplemental doses of private funding. "
We deeply need funding bodies to keep culture flowing - whether some new Medicis want to step in or "ethical" funding bodies or the government, we'll be happy nonetheless.
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I mean this also doesn't mean that cool things aren't happening in industries such as film. For example something like not/nowhere or other cinemas are giving people the chance to learn new skills and showcase work.
4 the dating data heads:
androgyny dressing:
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