#(they also say the bigger reason they couldn't get anything fancy was because they had zero budget)
aq2003 · 30 days
the most personally vindicating thing about the hamlet (2009) commentary is doran pointing out the curtains behind hamlet during act 1 scene 5 and how it alludes to the story being a stage production and hints to a sense of theatricality about it all like YESSSSSS that's exactly why i became actively crazy about hamlet (particularly this adpatation) again
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chuuyrr · 8 months
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⊹ CW(s): f! reader, pining, falling in love, drunk confessions, kissing, pet names, reader is a pre-med college student
⊹ SYNOPSIS: in which he takes his chance and keeps you as his secret
inspired by: lowkey and urs by niki !
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chuuya lifts an eyebrow when he notices you sniffling from the corner of his eye as he sips the burgundy red liquid from his wine glass.
it was late at night, he had just gotten off work and wanted to have a drink or two from a neighboring local bar, but he wasn't alone.
there was also you, another customer sitting near the end of the bar stools by the counter.
he sighs to himself as he takes a sip from his glass and musters the confidence to turn to you and speak to you, as he is really worried as to why a young woman like you was crying in the bar late at night.
chuuya was a port mafia executive, a criminal from an underground organization, but in truth he was far from heartless.
"hey, miss, you okay?" he asks, tapping the wooden surface of the counter near to get your attention.
you gaze up at him, your eyes tearful and somewhat puffy red as you sniffle, and the sight of you made chuuya's throat dry for some reason.
he wasn't expecting someone as breathtaking as you. apart from your tears, the alcohol in the high ball whiskey you were drinking was also contributing to the blood pouring into your cheeks.
"m'fine," you sniffle softly, wiping at your tears which makes chuuya sighs.
"is someone giving you a bad time, doll?" he asks, concernedly blinking at you and scanning the room for any suspicious people, but there were only the two of you in the bar.
you shake your head, giggling a little at this redhead's genuine care for you. it was quite sweet of him to be honest. as you glance up at him again, you take a long breath to calm yourself and wipe away any leftover tears.
"i was just crying over.. exams." you blurt out, little embarrassed because he appeared to be an influential man involved in something bigger, like a corporation of sorts, given his fancy and expensive coat, bolo tie, and suit that were of black and gray colors.
"exams?" chuuya repeats your answer, blinking as he looks down at you, making you feel even more embarrassed because he appears to be judging you in some way for it.
"mhm," you mutter gently with a nod, rubbing your arm as you stare down at your lap, feeling glum about it, "i failed one of my exams, and it was a major subject of mine, too."
"that's it?" chuuya sighs quietly, which causes you to become quiet, but instead of something more judgmental, you perk up when you hear a chuckle rumble from his throat and escape his lips.
your cheeks get heated, as if from the whiskey you were drinking or your tears weren't making them flushed enough, and you narrow your eyes at him, "h-hey, it's not funny!" you cry out.
chuuya snickers as he shakes his head, and you wonder if it's the wine making you hazy and all, or if it's something about him—the way he sounded as he laughed and smiled.
he also appears to be genuine, despite his arrogant looking-exterior, and you could tell there was some sort of mysterious allure behind him, as if he was a part of something bigger that you couldn't quite pin down.
"sorry, doll," he sighs, still grinning at you, "you just had me worried there for a second there, you know? you cry like you're on the big screen."
"it was a major exam," you sigh, turning away from him as you finish the last of your whiskey, "and it might not mean anything to someone like you given your status and appearance, but it is a big deal to me."
"i'm failing quizzes, and now an exam, so yeah, it's all a big deal to someone like me because how else am i gonna be a doctor someday with low grades, you know?" you continue, feeling your eyes become glassy with tears again as you pinch the bridge of your nose.
"hey, now. hey, i didn't mean it like that, sweetheart," chuuya says softly as he realizes he has offended you in some manner, "i just thought you got hurt or something, and you're the one here in the bar drinking apart from me."
"well, thanks for your concern," you say softly, sniffling and fidgeting with the empty glass that was previously full with whiskey to escape his stare, "i just needed a pick me up.."
chuuya feels an unpleasant pause following the end of the conversation. he watches in silence and nibbles the inside of his cheek as you you call the bartender's attention to order another glass of whiskey.
he could still see the melancholic glint in your pretty eyes. it makes him feel bad for laughing about your circumstance. it's a big deal for you, and it was quite strange for chuuya as well.
chuuya was a port mafia executive, and considering his line of work, he shouldn't be distracted, let alone this soft, but he can't stop himself. he's growing soft for someone like you.
"her drink is on me," chuuya says, drawing the bartender's attention just as you were ready to pull out some cash from your wallet, "and i'll order some chocolate-drizzled hazelnut brittle for her."
your eyes widen as the bartender nods to chuuya and serves your beverage beside the chocolate brittle that actually complements the new glass of whiskey he's got you as well.
"why?" you murmur, blinking at him, confused.
"you said you needed a pick-me-up, didn't you? and besides, you seemed like the type to get something sweet with your whiskey." chuuya shrugs as he downs his wine, turning his face away with his gloved hand covering half of his face, just so you wouldn't see the growing blush on his cheeks.
he says in a hushed tone, "just think of it as me making it up to you for earlier, okay?"
with his kindness, you find yourself actually smiling, having forgotten about the exam and how you were crying about it.
maybe he wasn't so bad after all.
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it doesn't take long for him to know you were a regular at this bar, and how you frequently come here and drink when you're stressed out as he learns from the bartender.
chuuya isn't even aware of it, yet he's gradually becoming comfortable and used to you, and it was all because of how he just happened to see you crying that evening when you were drinking your sadness away with some whiskey.
it was a pleasant change of pace for once because he wasn't talking about work that included killing or any underground organization businesses like smuggling.
instead, chuuya was conversing with a college student who is more concerned about failing the exams or receiving a low mark from her professor than with being mugged or shot.
instead of being entranced by gunpower and blood, it was the the familiar aroma of your high ball whiskey and his red wine, and the vanilla scent of your perfume clinging on cardigan every time, and he takes solace in that in secret.
and chuuya listens to everything you say, even if he considers the medical jargons and chemistry-related things you talk about puzzling and nonsense as he didn't really quite gets them at all.
but, in fact, these nights became his favorites—something chuuya grew to look forward to like an addiction, and he misses it whenever he can't come to the bar because you're so busy with college.
he was clearly beginning to feel things for you, because why would a port mafia executive like himself have time for an mere college student that was constantly stressed-out, but he resents it in some way.
he despises how sincere and nice you were because it caused him to lose his guard. his stomach was doing flips all the time around you, which was driving him mad.
at the end of the day, or rather evening, it makes him hopeless to think about you and everything, and it's unfortunate.
you and him come from different worlds in the sense that he revels in the darkness and violence as mori's executive, and the fact that he kills makes him a bad person, and you?
you were so good—too good to be true for him, living in the light, going out with your friends and peers, and studying your love-hate pre-med course. you even aspire to be a doctor someday to help others, which contrasted with him having to kill and do such things as a member of an underground organization.
eventually, from his plethora of thoughts and wild emotions, it all comes down to him beginning to wonder what would it be like to be loved by someone like you.
would he wake up to you rushing to get ready in the morning? would he be able to accompany you while you studied and memorized terms? to comfort you and listen to you recite mnemonics he'll never understand?
would he be the one to give you a bouquet as you hold up your college degree someday?
it was all simple domestic notions invading his head now instead of work, but he had never wanted it so badly before, and it was suddenly as important to him as your college course was to you.
it really makes him sad.
still, he was a port mafia executive.
what would your family think? your college friends think? what would you think if you learned the truth about chuuya, from what he does to the kind of person he really was?
would you run away from him if you knew?
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it was another of his late evenings with you, and you were drinking whiskey again—a drink to which chuuya had grown accustomed to.
tonight, you were drinking a little too much tjan usual, but to be fair, you had just passed another round of examinations this month, and you were drinking both in joy and in dread.
while you were relieved to have it over with, you are still concerned about the outcome.
your cheeks were red from all the alcohol you had consumed, but you've also been starring at chuuya for quite some time now, blinking in a haze, not realizing you had been staring since half past two.
your gaze travels from his plush cheeks and lips to his ocean eyes. how come you're only recognizing how handsome he was in person after spending so much time with him? was it the alcohol affecting you?
hmm, or maybe it was something else? you do feel your chest warmer and fuzzier than usual.
in any case, you continue to drink your whiskey while giggling to yourself and shaking your head.
chuuya lifts a brow, finding your little giggle as you drink rather endearing, "what's so funny, doll?"
"hmm, someone's getting tipsy," he murmurs softly afterwards, extending his hand out subconsciously to cup your face. chuuya bites his lower lip, watching you lean against his palm as his thumb tenderly carresses your cheek.
"and someone's pretty right now," you giggle again, looking up at him with flushed cheeks.
"huh?" chuuya hums in confusion, though he was finding the words you were uttering quite silly.
"you're.. really pretty, you know?" you murmur softly as you place down the now empty glass on the bar table, smiling softly at him.
"don't you mean yourself, sweetheart?" chuuya chuckles and shakes his head as he finds himself booping your nose, making you smile and giggle even more. yeah, you were becoming tipsy, and he thinks it's adorable.
your [color] eyes gradually narrow as you push your body forward towards him. chuuya's eyes widen for a minute as he notices you leaning against his chest, resting your head against the crook of his shoulder from your seat.
"[name]? y-you okay, doll?" chuuya sputters out, blinking as one of his hands gently moves to your back to rub it comfortingly for you while the other remains on your cheek.
"and you smell so nice too.." you murmur softly, continuing to speak and closing your eyes, not really answering his question at this point.
chuuya takes a deep breath, burying his face in your hair, before wrapping his arms around you and pulls you to his chest, as you softly mumble more stuff at him. as his gloved fingers begin to comb through your hair, his chest rumbles a chuckle.
you two continue to sit on your cushioned seats at the bar like this, and right now, it was just you and him, together with the fragrance of whiskey and wine, and the mellow ambiance being provided by the soft and quiet jazz music playing from the bar's radio.
he eventually rises up from his seat and decides to pull you out of the bar not long after, seeing that you need some fresh air and to be taken home right away.
chuuya was a gentleman, and he wouldn't want you arriving home too drunk, let alone late in the evening.
he wraps his arm around you as he gently pulls you outside, but it sinks into his skin again. the dreadful truth.
even if chuuya really wanted to, he can't be with you like this.. at least that's what he thinks.
you open your eyes, lifting your head when you feel chuuya pull his arms away from you all of a sudden.
"chuuya?" you mutter softly, tilting your head.
"sorry, sweetheart," chuuya sighs shakily, attempting a chuckle, but his smile this time held sorrow as he glances at you and curses under his breath, closing his eyes, "it's just... fuck, i don't wanna ruin this night for you."
"huh, w-what are you talking about?" you ask, blinking in confusion and sobering up as you realize just how serious chuuya was right now.
"baby, an angel like you can't fly down hell with me," chuuya says, looking deep into your eyes before leaning in, his lips to your ear as he whispers, "i'm from the port mafia, and an executive at that too."
as he speaks, his eyes are filled with sadness and perhaps shame. it was apparent that chuuya was not as proud of his work or his life as you were. in fact, how could he compare to someone as good as you in the first place?
it was quite pathetic of him. really.
who would have guessed that someone as arrogant and influential as him would be confessing like this outside a local bar in the middle of the night?
if his friends and colleagues were to see him like this, they would probably laugh, and most importantly think he was an entirely different person.
he finds himself holding his breath, already bracing himself for your reaction with a part of him anticipating you to freak out or get angry.
chuuya watches your eyes widen as he confesses, his heart pounding in his chest. he then lowers his eyes, his head bowed in shame, but he manages a shaky response, "but really, it's okay, baby. you don't even have to love me."
chuuya, however, is surprised to just feel your head rest against his chest again instead of a furious reaction.
"doll?" chuuya asks in surprise, blinking at you.
"i don't have to love you, yes," you whisper softly, your hands reaching for his sleeves, reluctant to let him go, "but i do."
"w-what?" chuuya was in disbelief, and now his eyes were wide—the tables turned.
"i don't mind if you're a port mafia executive," you remark, looking up at him, your hands clenched so tightly around the fabric of his coat that it was bunching in your grip, "i don't wanna ever leave this, these nights we have.. chuuya.."
"fuck, c'mere," chuuya curses under his breath in a hushed tone, and before you two even knew it, his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you to the back of the bar with him, being impossibly closer to you than before.
you feel your back press against the brick wall of the place where you and you him had just left. for a brief time, his forehead brushes against yours, and you find yourself leaning in and melting into the warm skin contact.
chuuya cups your face in his hands and talks quietly, his breath and the whiff of wine hitting your face, "guess you're flying down to hell with me then, hmm?"
"then, to hell with it," you say back in hushed tone, looking into his eyes, "i'm already yours."
chuuya then slams his lips to yours.
"m-mmh," you quietly moan into the kiss. it feels so warm, and you can taste the wine on his tongue mingling with the whiskey on yours, as well as the hint of tenderness in the kiss.
the alcohol intoxicated your mind, but in a nice way that all you could think about in the heat of the moment was his lips against yours and his arms holding you so closely to him, as if you were going to run away from him.
"hush now, love," his words came out in whispered yet sweet mumbles, punctuated by every press of his lips on yours as he continued to kiss, and oh, you tasted so heavenly.
chuuya could taste the whiskey on your tongue, combined with the minty flavor of cherry gloss on your lips, and smell your ever familiar yet soothing vanilla perfume lingering on your skin and sweater, and he adores it.
it was something he could become hooked to—something he looked forward to every time.
in between kisses, you see a smile pulling on your lips, and you giggle, and he laughs as well.
you glance up at him, swaying slightly from the glasses of whiskey you've just had, and it makes him chuckle even more since he honestly feels the same way, and his hands grip you even more securely and closely as a result and to steady himself too.
"guess we're a little too fucked up to stay still from the drinks, huh?" chuuya chuckles as you rest your head against his chest, nestling it beneath his chin, his arms still encircling you.
"you know, my apartment is just nearby, and it's vacant," you say softly.
"noted, love," chuuya hums, knowing exactly where he'll be tonight, and honestly, he doesn't mind. his penthouse was just as empty and lonely even, and the thought of being with you tonight in yours was all he needed.
you giggle again, unable to stop smiling at all as you close your eyes and bury your face in the fabric of his clothes, finding comfort in the aroma of wine and cigarettes from him, as well as his cologne.
"wonder what i'll do when the cops come through and the whiskey's run out?" you murmur softly, a random thought arising from the alcohol in your system, but you continued to smile, "or worse.. when my parents find out?"
"well, that's too bad, because i'm already yours, doll," chuuya says into your hair, his nose tracing your forehead and cheek before leaning in for another kiss on your lips, closing the distance between the two of you again.
he then brushes a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and presses his forehead against yours once more, "but that's easy to answer, doll."
"then how?"
"we keep it lowkey."
"no one's gotta know, just us and the moon til' the sun starts wakin'"
you like this night. everything was just right and you couldn't care less about anything.
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⊹ A.N.: i know what you're thinking, and yes, niki writes a fic that isn't inspired by a taylor swift song for once—i had picked up on niki again while i was listening to lowkey and urs, i couldn't help but imagine chuuya !! ⊹.(⁎˃﹏˂⁎)˚. <3
⊹ P.S.: reader may or may not have been inspired by me, your stressed out biochem college girlie (except i haven't drank in months so FAHEHDJSK pls don't drink if ur underage smh)
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thoughtsforsoob · 2 months
im thinking about y/n fucking CEO yeonjun for a raise
a/n: hello anon!! thank you for the ask :) I usually wouldn’t write something like this (because I’m a strong independent woman that has tons of self respect) but for yeonjun I’d do pretty much anything 🥰 that’s my man right there. Anyways, please enjoy!!
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You had just graduated college not so long ago and you were finally out looking for a job! You managed to secure your first position at your first choice company, working as a software developer! you were so proud of yourself and you were happy to finally be able to be independent and support yourself. You had a small apartment and nice things in said apartment but sometimes, you wish you had a little more money to save and to use to go out with your friends once in a while. hence why, after about 6 months, you go in to have a netting with your boss: yeonjun.
you were nervous about this meeting for a few different reasons. Yeonjun was a really handsome individual. Like…so handsome that he border-lined sexy. How could you possibly think of your boss this way? That’s so wrong! You did your best to avoid him because everytime you spoke to him, your cheeks and ears would go bright red and he could see your shyness.
Now, you were stepping into his office after his receptionist said you could. You took a breath before opening the door and finally walked in. There he was, in his usual fancy work attire, looking sexy as always. He was wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and his usual black slacks. He never wore fancy shoes though, always opting for vans or converse that also came in black. That made him a little less intimidating but still, you were no less nervous to speak to him.
He smiled when he saw it was you and other you to take a seat. “Oh y/n, come on in. Take a seat! Would you like anything to drink?” You shake your head no and he looks at you still. “So, tell me what you’re in for today? Is everything alright around the office?” You look down at your hands and then up at him, “yeah, everything in the office is okay. I kinda needed to ask more of a personal question.” Yeonjun nods and you ask your question. “A raise? Well, you have been doing really well. You’re probably one of our best employees.” Your eyes go wide and you smile. “Really? Does that mean you’ll consider a raise? Even if it’s a small one. I kinda need it.” He looks at you and thinks for a second, “well, maybe I’ll consider if you do something for me.” You were curious as to what he wanted so you asked him and you were shocked to hear his answer. “Just have sex with me. I think you’re really beautiful. If you do it, I’ll give you a $10 raise.” Your eyes get bigger at his offer. A whole ten extra dollars an hour??? That would be plenty to save up for that new hand bag you wanted!
you usually had a little more self-respect than this but you couldn't help it. the offer was too good to pass up no matter what you had to do. thats how you find yourself bent over your bosses desk, skirt bunched up at your waist and panties pooling at your ankles. he's standing behind you, teasing you dripping slit with his erection. he's smirking and using his free hand to caress your ass. "so pretty. how did i not ask for this sooner?"
he finally decided to stop teasing and pushing himself inside of you. you whine at the sudden intrustion and he leans over, grabbing one of your hands and intertwing it with his. "its okay, sweet girl. no need to whine. it's not gonna hurt for long." he kisses your cheek and pulls back to his previous position. when you tell him it was okay to move, he finally starts to thrust. he goes gently the whole time and calls you such pretty names. "such a beautiful girl taking it so well. you like this, hmm? when a big, important man treats you nicely?"
he continues his movements until you starts whining to cum. "mm sir...please. wanna-" you were cut off by his groan. "sir? you called me sir? say it again." he sniffle from the tears falling from your eyes, "sir! please!" he groans again and leans over again, getting closer to your face. "cum for me, pretty. wanna see that gorgeous face." with his words, you were sent overthe edge and finally let go. you cry out at the euphoric feeling and yeonjun continues to thrust, pulling out when he's ready to cum. he pumps himself a few more times and cums all over your ass. he smirks when he sees his work.
when you're done, you attempt to put your clothes back on buthe stops you. "hey, what are you doing? let me take care of you." you were suprised by this and turned, "sir, are you sure? you don;t have to do that. i understand if you don't have time for me beyond this." he shakes his head and chuckles, "i don't just have sex with anyone. what if i liked you and wanted to take you on a date? what wold you say?" you look at his eyes and they were sincere. "mm fine. lets go on a date." he smiled and kissed your cheek.
once he finally cleans you up and dresses you once again, he escorts you out of his offce with a wink and his phone number now in your phone.
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Space Corp. Directive #1215225
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For some ungodly reason, you fancy the second technician, but you'd be damned if you ever admitted it.
Pairing: Arnold Rimmer x (F) Reader
Warnings: None! Apart from some flirting
Chapter Five: Last Day
“Well, it's all very sad, Lister, but what can we do?”
You looked up from the robotics manual Lister had pushed under your nose.
Rimmer was lying on his bunk, examining his fingernails despite the fact it was physically impossible for them to get dirty. He didn’t seem bothered by Kryten’s potential shut off, even though you and Lister had been feeling queasy all day at the thought.
“Sad? It's sick!”
Lister had been scouring some sort of manual for over an hour now, though you weren’t sure if it was because he truly cared about Kryten or if he was just having difficulty with the bigger words. You also weren’t sure how this was all actually supposed to help Kryten but once Lister set his mind to helping a friend, he could not be talked down.
“He’s been programmed to believe in an android heaven so that he doesn’t get stroppy when it comes to turn-off time. So he accepts a lifetime of getting the short end of the stick because he thinks there's going to be some big reward at the end.”
Rimmer scoffed.
“Well, at least he gets 24 hours notice. That's more than most of us get. All most of us get is, ‘Mind that bus!’ ‘What bus?’ Splat .”
You raised an eyebrow at him, unamused by his brevity. He could act as cool and callous as he liked, he wasn’t going to get out of helping and he certainly wasn’t going to convince you that he didn’t care about the mechanoid.
“Speaking from experience there, Rimmer?”
“I do have a particularly unique perspective on the matter, yes.”
“From what I hear, you were given quite a lot of loud, ship-wide notice that you were about to pop your army boots.”
“I’m just saying, we all have to die sometime. Androids too. And it’s nice that he can get his affairs in order first.”
“Does Kryten have any affairs?”
Rimmer shrugged and went back to his nails.
“I’m sure there’s a mop and bucket somewhere on B Deck that’ll have to wear black for a while.”
You looked back down at the manual. If it had been any other time and he wasn’t being such a twat, that probably would've made you smile.
“How's he taking it?” Rimmer asked.
Lister went back to moping.
“Just keeps on doing his stupid smeggin' duties.”
“Maybe I should talk to him.” With a grunt, Rimmer lifted his legs and rolled to his feet. “Maybe he needs a bit of counselling.”
You watched him as he sat down across the table from you. Again, you thought that if the stakes were different, if Kryten wasn’t in danger and there wasn’t a ticking countdown in all your minds, you’d be really enjoying the sight of Rimmer in his green short-sleeved roll neck, and thinking about all the fun you could have with those bloody braces.
“I used to be in the Samaritans!”
“I know! For one morning!”
Rimmer pulled a face.
“Well, I couldn't take any more.”
“I don't blame you. You spoke to five people and they all committed suicide.”
“Oh, for Io’s sake, Rimmer,” you had to laugh. “What did you say to them?”
“Probably just told them his life story.” Lister shook his head. “I wouldn't mind, but one was a wrong number! He only phoned up for the cricket scores!”
“Well, it's hardly my fault that everyone chose that particular day to throw themselves off buildings! Made the papers, you know. ‘Lemming Sunday’ they called it.”
You nudged the leg of his chair, making him jolt and have to grab for the table, which of course his hand fell right through.
The physics of his body made no sense to you, how he was able to sit and lie down, but couldn’t actually touch anything. You knew the holographic technology onboard was sophisticated enough to detect the presence of an object’s surface. He wasn’t actually sitting, but hovering ever so slightly above the chair. It was all an illusion. Still, it made your heart jump to think that Rimmer’s body had been affected by your action. It was the closest you’d ever come to touching him.
“I need you to look a touch less proud about it, Arn.”
He sneered at you across the table but Rimmer didn’t actually seem to mind it when you teased him. Perhaps because he knew you never actually meant any harm.
Lister flipped through a few more pages of his instruction manual.
“Maybe we could find his shut-off disk and turn it off somehow.”
“He's not a kit droid, Lister. He's not like that stupid thing Peterson bought on Callisto.” Rimmer shook his head. “We wouldn't know where to begin!”
“Be funny if you accidentally killed him while you were trying to save him.” You looked up to find both men staring at you. “No, you’re right, that wouldn’t be funny at all.”
“What can we do?” Rimmer went on. “He's pre-programmed to self-destruct.”
“At least we can help! At least we can make sure he goes out with a bang, give him one last big smeggin' night to remember.”
“How do we do that? He doesn't like doing anything! His idea of a good time is for us all to go up to the laundry room and fold some sheets!”
Rimmer’s mouth tugged back at the corners, forming a very Krytenesque expression as he mimicked the mech.
“Fun? Ah yes, the employment of time in a profitless and non-practical way.”
“Hey, I don't know much,” Lister rose to his feet, an idea blazing behind his eyes. “But one thing I do know is how to throw a good time!”
He ran off gleefully, leaving you and Rimmer alone.
Nerves stirred in your chest but you did your best to ignore them.
He rolled his eyes so deeply you worried they might get stuck in the back of his head, then Rimmer sighed and raised his chin at you.
“I suppose you’ll be helping him carry out this pointless caper.”
You wrinkled your nose.
Rimmer’s reluctance to do anything nice for his friends irked you no end. Sometimes it really did bewilder you, as you were sure it did Lister and the others, why on earth you were so attracted to him. He could be such a git, he never had anything nice to say, and he was a true coward, through and through.
But if you were honest with yourself, you didn’t believe that. Not really. And the small moments where he allowed himself to relax and be sweet kept your heart coming back for more.
Though he couldn’t touch you, Rimmer was always near you, always interested in what you were doing and always pestering you to join him on walks or to watch one of his mind-numbing war documentaries. And his voice was different when it was just the two of you, softer, gentler, and although he never lost his snark, he didn’t have to be on the defensive with you.
Perhaps you could admit, if only to yourself, that the small crush you’d been concealing so poorly over the last few months, had grown into affection. You’d even come to accept that, maybe, possibly, you had feelings for the idiot.
“Kryten’s just as much my friend as you are,” you said, raising an eyebrow that warned him he was being an idiot.
Rimmed huffed and crossed his arms.
“Oh, thanks. You’re lumping me in with that glorified hoover?”
“He was your friend before he was mine, aren’t you worried about him?”
“He’s not my friend,” Rimmer stated firmly. “He hates me. You remember how we found him on that old derelict? And what he said about me even when I invited him to stay with us? To share our home?”
“That was a long time ago, Arn.”
You tried to sound placating but you found it hard to repress a smile as you pictured Kryten painting an embarrassing portrait of Rimmer, then told him where he could stick it. Lister was wiping tears from his eyes as he relayed the story, but Rimmer didn’t find it quite so hilarious.
“Still,” he said, his lip curled. “He’s a smarmy know-it-all who thinks scrubbing the bogs is a recreational activity. I’m sorry if I don’t feel sorry for him.”
You sighed and closed the manual. It had been about as useless as trying to convince Rimmer to be kind when he didn’t feel like it.
“Well, I’m going to help Dave. Better than sitting around doing nothing all day.”
As you stood to leave, you dropped the book with a little more strength than you meant to. It clattered across the table, sliding so far, it almost fell into Rimmer’s lap. He stared at it, then looked up at you.
Despite his obvious social weaknesses, Rimmer must have been able to tell that he’d disappointed you. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he thought of what to say next, while you stared at the book and debated whether you should leave or let him try and make it better.
Finally, Rimmer’s eyes slowly dropped to the table.
“I’ll help,” he said. “You’re right. He’s my… Crewmate. I’ll help.”
You sighed, feeling your chest ease.
“Good,” you said. Then, “You know, you don’t have to go above and beyond. You just need to be nice.”
“Nice? Me?” Rimmer repeated incredulously, then he smiled to let you know he was attempting a joke.
It worked. You smiled too. How annoying.
“You can be lovely when you want to be,” you said, begrudgingly. “Just do this for me. Please, Arnie.”
He sighed, as if the effort was herculean, as if it would be painful to even try. But he nodded.
“Fine. For you.”
The party started at 8pm - that’s what the frantically organised invitation you received just an hour ago had told you - so you made sure to arrive at the officer’s club just before then.
The boys were already there. Lister jumped a foot in the air when he saw you come in, his eyes wide.
“Easy, man! I thought you were Kryten!”
“Oh, thanks,” You laughed. “You know, I wasn’t sure about this dress at first but that really helps, Dave.”
“Don’t be daft. You look great. Come in, come in, sit down, grab a party popper.”
You were ushered into the seat beside Rimmer. You didn’t have time to wonder if Lister had sat you there on purpose, you were immediately distracted by the man to your left.
“Oh, wow.”
You let your gaze wander up and down Rimmer’s body, drinking him in. The tux fit him perfectly, pulling in at the waist and emphasising his broad shoulders. There was a perfect red rose in the buttonhole, and his neat bow tie was just begging to be pulled.
“Where’d this little number come from?”
Rimmer seemed a little embarrassed by the attention.
“Programmed it in a few weeks back.” He shrugged. “You never know.”
“It’s very spiffy. I love the tie. Where’ve you been hiding all this style, Bond?”
“There hasn’t been an occasion for it. Ah! I almost forgot.”
Rimmer clicked his fingers, and thanks to Holly, a spangly, fur-trimmed tricorn hat appeared on top of his head.
You couldn’t stop smiling if your life depended on it.
“Sorry, is this Kryten’s surprise party or mine?”
Rimmer’s face fell.
With a lurch, you realised you’d pushed the teasing just that little bit too far. Rimmer often let you get away with things he wouldn’t usually take from the others but that didn’t mean his patience couldn’t be tested.
“Shut up, Lefty,” he muttered, twisting round in his seat so that he was facing away from you.
“No, no I mean it! I think you look great!”
“Arlight, I get it.”
You sighed.
“Arnold, you’re not listening to me.”
“I am.”
“You’re not.”
If you’d been able to, you would’ve slipped a hand around his arm and pulled him back to look at you. But you couldn’t. So you settled for leaning right over the table until you were in his eye-line again.
“I think you look really handsome,” you said, smiling.
Rimmer met your gaze. Something shifted behind his eyes, like a match had been struck. You thought perhaps it was the sign of something in him beginning to heal, or at least, of trust beginning to form.
“Oh,” he said.
His eyes moved across your face before meeting yours again. When he did, the corner of his mouth tugged back into the tiniest of smiles.
“Well… Thank you.” Rimmer’s gaze went wandering again for a moment, then he said, “You look amazing.”
You grinned so wide it made your cheeks ache. Later, you would have plenty time to berate yourself for not playing it cooler, for being so embarrassingly pleased by the compliment, but right now, you just wanted to enjoy the uncharacteristic warmth in Rimmer’s voice, and watch his gaze as it, once again, got lost somewhere around your mouth.
“Yes.” Rimmer’s smile grew just a little. “You always look…”
He stopped, his lips pressing together as if he’d said too much.
You honestly could have cried.
“Yeah?” you pressed, but then Lister reached around Rimmer and frantically slapped your arm.
“He’s coming!”
Someone, probably Holly, switched off the lights and you were plunged into darkness.
You didn’t have a chance to ask Rimmer anything else. Kryten wandered into the doorway, dressed in the tuxedo Lister had left out for him to wear.
“Hello?” he called. “Is there anybody here?”
Suddenly, the lights sprang back on.
“It’s party time!” Lister yelled, while the Cat threw streamers up in the air, his pointed teeth bared in a grin.
Rimmer clapped enthusiastically, and you followed suit, trying to hide how flustered your conversation had left you.
Kryten staggered into the room, his arms anxiously held aloft.
“But this is the officers’ club! Mechanoids aren't allowed in here!”
The Cat scoffed and ushered him into the only empty chair.
“C'mon, c'mon, sit down, sit down. Let me pour you a drink.”
You couldn’t believe the spread Lister had managed to pull together. Despite the limited resources, he’d managed to cover the table in streams and sequins, and there were plates and plates of food that could kill a human stone dead, made just for Kryten.
Every other inch of the table not taken up by dinner or decorations was filled by cans of nose-wrinkling beer, champagne, and a dangerous bottle of rum that, by the end of dinner, had left your head feeling nice and heavy.
“My goodness, I do believe I am drunk,” Kryten said, echoing precisely what you’d just been sluggishly thinking.
He shakily rose to his feet and started to flap his arms about.
“I suddenly feel the need to strut my funky stuff!”
Holly, with her sparkling tiara barely clinging to her pixelated head, slurred a warning,
“Sit down! It's the booze, you're not us-used to it.”
You frowned, feeling oddly indignant on Kryten’s behalf.
“Well, hey, if he wants to dance, let him dance!” You tried to get up but found it took several attempts to get your legs to comply. “I’ll dance with you Kryten, c’mon.”
With his grand hat now sat sideways, Rimmer was also completely out of his tree. He tried to wrap his hand around your wrist but it went straight through you.
“You dance like a drunken monkey,” he said, as you fell back into your seat.
You gasped, offended.
“I do not! I have flare, I have grace-”
“You have two left feet! That’s the real reason why we call you ‘Lefty’.”
Rimmer’s hand fell through one of your windmilling arms again, but he was so tipsy, he didn’t seem to notice. You saw it though. And you noticed something you never had before. When Rimmer’s hand passed through yours, you felt it, you felt something, you felt him. Even projected light gave off heat, and for a fraction of a second, Rimmer’s warm hand had felt oh so very real against your skin.
Feeling bold from the drink and embarrassingly needy after your time in Better Than Life, you leaned closer until your face was mere inches from Rimmer’s.
“Well, maybe,” you said, slow and certain despite the voice in the back of your head telling you to stop. “You should get up and teach me a few moves, second technician.”
Rimmer was smiling, really smiling. It pulled you in deeper; you were practically in his lap.
“Are you pulling rank, Lieutenant?”
“I absolutely am.”
There was no denying it this time. Rimmer’s heavy gaze fell to your mouth and stayed there for far too long to be accidental.
You watched, cheeks burning, as he slowly dragged his eyes back to yours. It seemed to take some effort, though whether that was because he didn’t want to or because the drink had made him sleepy, you couldn’t be sure. You had an idea, though.
“I remember the first time I got drunk,” Lister said suddenly. “School trip to Paris.”
His voice made you jump. You’d honestly forgotten the others were there. As Lister told his story, and as the night wore on, they kept looking at you and Rimmer, passing knowing looks and smiles between themselves.
You could feel Rimmer watching you too. Unashamed, you stared right back. Then you smiled, unable to help yourself.
It must’ve been a little lopsided and silly but he smiled back and appeared to move a little closer. You knew if he could, Rimmer might have slung an arm around your shoulders or your waist, maybe even rested his hand on your knee under the table.
Kryten stumbling and falling out of his chair was the signal to call it a night. You all swayed down the corridor, bumping into the walls like pinballs.
The boys headed for Lister’s quarters to keep the festivities going, but your interaction with Rimmer had left your head spinning, and that paired with the alcohol was making it hard to stand up straight. You decided to call it a night.
After kissing Kryten’s rubber cheek and telling him to have fun, you pressed your hand against the wall and carefully, slowly, staggered back to your own quarters.
“I’ve got you.”
You looked up.
Rimmer was watching you with a smile. He hadn’t gone with the others.
“I can’t help you or do anything if you do tumble, but I can run and get help if you fall into the rubbish chute.”
“Oh, ha ha.”
Rolling your eyes made you want to throw up so you settled for smiling at him.
Rimmer’s bow tie was unknotted now, and was hanging around his neck in such an enticing way, you honestly could have sobbed. You wanted to touch him so bad.
You couldn’t say any of this though. Even tipsy, the sensible part of your brain had some control. Instead, you said the first thing that popped into your head.
“I’m sorry about your uncle, Arn.” You leaned back against the wall, letting it take your weight for a minute. “That was awful.”
He looked surprised. To his credit, it had come out of nowhere, but the story he’d told the group had been rolling around in your head all night.
“It’s alright,” Rimmer said quietly.
“It’s not, Arnie.”
“It was a long time ago.”
“I didn’t laugh. I know they might think it’s- I didn’t laugh.”
“I know. I saw.”
He smiled again, small and oddly sweet. It made your chest heave. Suddenly, telling him you might be a little bit in love with him didn't feel like such a stupid idea. Then the world began to tilt.
“Woah, woah…”
Rimmer reached out for you but, of course, could do nothing to help you as you slipped down the wall. You managed to catch yourself just in time, the pair of you giggling as you clawed yourself upright again.
“Sorry, I can’t-” Rimmer laughed breathlessly. “I can’t catch you or carry you. You’re gonna have to sort yourself out, Lefty.”
“I’ve got it, I’ve got it. I appreciate the thought, though.”
Together, you carefully picked your way down the corridor until you managed, after some consternation, to find your door.
You slapped your hand against the keypad and looked over your shoulder to find Rimmer still watching you.
Was he worried about you getting home safe? That would be a turn up for the books. Rimmer didn’t care about anyone apart from himself, yet another argument for not telling him you spent most of the day daydreaming about riding him to within an inch of his not-life.
The door slid open.
“Are you coming in?” you asked before you could stop yourself.
Rimmer gaped at you.
“To..? To your quarters?”
“Yeah, if you like. Why not? There’s room. And I don’t wanna say goodnight to you yet.”
You went inside but Rimmer hesitated. He glanced down the hallway when a raucous cheer echoed down from his and Lister’s room. It would be okay if he wanted to go, but you didn’t think he did.
You heard the door swish shut. Simulated footsteps padded across the rug you’d stolen from the Captain’s office your first week onboard. You smiled to yourself.
“I don’t think I’ve been in here since you moved in,” Rimmer’s voice was faint as he looked around your quarters. “I had this room for a while.”
“Well, if you ever get bored of Lister’s snoring, you can move back in any time.”
You kicked off your shoes, getting yourself comfy. Rimmer, on the other hand, hadn’t moved further than the edge of the rug.
“Arnie?” You smiled. “I wasn’t kidding, I’d like you to stay. If you want to.”
That was a good question. You knew the answer, of course. You enjoyed being with him. You liked talking to him. Inviting him to stay the night made you feel normal, like he was just a handsome man you’d gone on a couple of dates with back home, and not a hologram who’d helped rescue you from a burning starship. When he was close, you were happier, simple as.
But you knew Rimmer wouldn’t understand that, not after the way he’d been treated his whole life, and everything that had happened after that life.
“I just…” Coward. “I just like having you around, I s’pose.”
Everything went quiet then. You watched Rimmer’s face, watched as his eyebrows sank and the bridge of his nose wrinkled. The corners of his mouth turned down as his hands balled into fists at his sides, and all you could do was watch and drunkenly wonder why he found it all so difficult.
“Why are you so nice to me?” Rimmer said suddenly.
Taken-aback, you could only blink at him stupidly.
“From the beginning, you’ve always been so nice to me. Why?”
“I…” You stammered for a second, unsure of how to answer. “I don’t know. I like you. Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Because no one likes me! No one ever likes me.”
Your heart stumbled.
“That’s not true,” you said quietly.
“And I was horrible to you when we met!” Rimmer shook his head like he was trying to read about thermodynamics in Italian. “I don’t understand you at all.”
It was getting harder and harder to stand, so you flopped down on the bed, hoping that would help keep your head from spinning.
He was right. Rimmer hardly spoke to you the first few days you were onboard. And you never had the courage to ask why. He just slowly warmed up to you, just as Lister assured you he would. Now, you couldn’t imagine letting a day go past without spending time with him, and you suspected the feeling was mutual.
“I was new,” you said, with perhaps more diplomacy than he deserved considering the way he’d treated you. “You didn’t know if you could trust me. I understood. Really, Arn, I did.”
“But I was awful to you. I didn’t want to be in the same room as you for weeks.”
“Why was that? You’ve never apologised. I didn’t expect you to but… I’d like to know why.”
“Because I…”
He stopped.
You watched him, waiting. He was swaying slightly. Or was that you? It was hard to tell. The room was still spinning.
“What Arn?”
“Because I- I was jealous!”
“Jealous?” You shook your head. “What- Why? Of what?”
“Of you!”
You hadn’t expected that. By the look on his face, Rimmer hadn’t expected to admit it either. His eyes darted around the room, looking everywhere apart from you, and finally settled down by his shoes.
“Me?” you repeated, stunned.
Rimmer sighed.
“You’re brave and you’re- You’re kind, and you’d only been here five minutes and the others already liked you more than me. And you’re smart, and you’re capable, and beautiful and you outrank me and-”
“You think I’m beautiful?”
Rimmer looked embarrassed.
“That’s not the point.”
It was a stupid thing to focus on. He’d said so many nice things about you in the space of a few seconds, picking out that one probably made you seem vacuous and superficial. But it was just so thrilling. It made your heart rise up in your chest, pushing against your ribs, like it was trying to reach him.
“Arnie…” You smiled. “Do you think I’m beautiful?”
Slowly, his face softened. Rimmer seemed to realise that you weren’t making fun of him, you really were just happily surprised. Still, the booze and the weird night had obviously left him a little disoriented, and you thought Rimmer must be having as much difficulty navigating whatever it was that fizzled between you as you were.
At last, he took a step forward.
“You’re tilted at about a 60° angle, you know,” Rimmer said quietly.
He came to a stop just in front of you, so the toes of his boots were almost touching your blue socks.
You looked up at him, just enjoying how tall and handsome he was for a moment.
“It’s been ages since I was this worse for wear. Sorry for…”
“It’s alright.”
Rimmer obviously didn’t want to talk about his feelings anymore. That was clearly enough emotion for one night. Your mind was still whirring though, and the confession you’d been rehearsing for weeks teetered dangerously on the tip of your tongue.
“Can I get you anything?” he asked.
He was starting to hover again. He kept glancing towards the door. If he wanted to go, why didn’t he just go? You weren’t stopping him.
“Can you get me anything?” you asked, feeling suddenly despondent.
“Fair point.”
Rimmer looked towards the door again.
You almost told him it was fine, you were fine, he didn’t need to stay if he didn’t want to. But before you could, he surprised you by sitting down next to you on the bed.
It was an odd sensation. You’d been close to him many times, squashed up together in Starbug when Lister’s driving got a little creative; walking side by side as you explored a floral asteroid or an empty moon; sitting next to each other in the cinema, your hands almost but never touching, the urge to rest your head on his shoulder omnipresent but impossible.
Still, it was strange. To be near a person and not be able to touch them. To be able to feel warmth coming off them, see their chest rise and fall, watch their eyelashes brush their cheeks and their hands slip self consciously up and down their thighs, and know they weren’t real. Well, Arnold was real to you. It was probably about time you told him.
“I’ve missed this. Parties. Having a laugh with your mates.”
You smiled, nodding your head towards the door just as an excited shriek that definitely came from Cat rolled down the corridor.
Rimmer merely nodded, his hands now cradled in his lap. He couldn’t seem to meet your gaze but you knew you had his attention.
“You know, usually, I’d, erm… Hah, I’d usually end the night curled up on someone’s sofa with no blanket, so I’m very grateful for you taking me to bed.”
Rimmer looked at you like he was dying to ask if that was on purpose. Instead, he shrugged.
“I’ve woken up in a few strange places in my time. Don’t worry.”
“And I would always end up doing something stupid, you know. Like kissing someone I shouldn’t.”
Rimmer actually blushed.
“Right,” he said, clearing his throat.
“It didn’t happen often.”
“Of course.”
“Exciting when it did though.”
“Yes, I- I suppose it would be.”
You waited. Either the penny hadn’t dropped, or it had and Rimmer just didn’t want to acknowledge it, because he was looking at you blankly.
With a sigh, you turned your body, hiking one leg up onto the bed and crossing it so that you could lean in closer. The man had spent his whole life belittled and bullied and humiliated. Sometimes, you just had to speak plainly.
“Arnold,” you said. “You should stay tonight.”
Rimmer didn’t react. You wondered if he’d somehow misheard you, or not heard you at all. You were still pretty tipsy, even if you could slowly feel your head beginning to clear. Rimmer was still drunk too by the looks of things. Maybe you were mumbling and he was too far gone to catch it anyway. Should you try again? God, no. This conversation was embarrassing enough as it was.
That train of thought was thankfully stopped in its tracks when Rimmer slowly shook his head.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said quietly.
Cheeks burning with embarrassment, you straightened up.
“You’re drunk, Lefty. It wouldn’t be right to-”
“I really like you,” you blurted out.
Rimmer blinked.
“Thank you?”
“No, I mean-” You huffed and closed your eyes, trying to force your spinning head to focus. “I really like you, Arnie. I think about you all the time. I-”
“Darling, it’s fine. You don’t have t-”
Darling. You were right.
“I want to kiss you so bad, it’s killing me.”
It really did go quiet then. Even the boys a few doors down had fallen silent at last.
Rimmer stared at you. He just stared and stared. You didn’t blame him. You wouldn’t know what to do with that either. But then his gaze dropped to your lips again, and your chest lurched so violently, it almost tipped you forward into him.
“I’m sorry,” You raised your hand to your mouth and shook your head. “I’m sorry, Arn. I shouldn’t have said that.”
He closed his gaping mouth with a snap. When he spoke again, Rimmer’s voice was croaky and unsteady.
“It’s alright.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to tell you like-”
Your stomach lurched again. This time, it was not good news. The hand covering your mouth clamped down.
“Oh, God,” you mumbled.
Rimmer’s expression brightened with understanding.
“Bathroom, now.”
You stumbled to the en suite, tripping over your stupid Captain’s rug on the way. Hands shaking, you gripped the cold cistern and wretched over the toilet.
As you brought up all you’d consumed over the course of the night, you were faintly aware of Rimmer standing over you, his voice soft and steady, reassuring you that everything was okay, that you were going to be alright, that you were doing brilliantly and you’d be in bed before you knew it.
Though you had no memory of it, you must have brushed your teeth after you finished. Mint stung your tongue as you fell onto your bed. Head swimming, you let out a long sigh and pawed at your duvet until it covered your body.
Rimmer was crouching by the head of your bed. You’d never seen him look concerned before. It looked so pretty on him.
“Hi,” you whispered.
Rimmer smiled faintly.
“Hi, Lefty.”
“Mm, I prefer ‘darling’.”
“Maybe on special occasions.”
He raised his hand as if to brush your hair back from your face, but ended up just ghosting it across your cheek instead.
It took some effort but you slipped your hand out from under the duvet and beckoned him closer with the last of your flagging energy.
“Please stay.”
This time, Rimmer didn’t glance towards the door. He didn’t look worried or cornered or confused. He didn’t even hesitate. He just smiled and did as you asked.
“Okay, darling. Budge up.”
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
always yours
john stones x reader
word count - 2533
request - would you fancy writing anything with John stones? maybe going on holiday or to a party
my first time writing for john, feel like it started off a bit slow but it gets better as you go along I promise haha!
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John was, as far as a lot of things go, the bigger man.
He towers over most others, standing a good few inches taller than a lot of other men that you would come into contact with. He was also generally mature in the sense that he didn't get into meaningless brawls with anyone but his teammates jokingly or any at all off of the pitch. He was hard-headed and stubborn and arguably even a little pushy at times, but he was John.
More importantly, he was your John. He was sweet, kind, loving, funny and so good to you. You were the only thing really that he couldn't be the bigger man in regards to.
Since the very moment he met you, it became one of his sole purposes in life to keep you safe. It didn't matter if that was from overly prying paparazzi, or most commonly creepy men in bars and on the streets. He's all fun and games, truly. He laughs, big puppy dog eyes like one of those breeds that doesn't realise how big they are.
Until a hand brushes up against you, or a sleazy remark flies in your direction or god forbid there's an insult directed at you after a firm rejection on your part. That's when John suddenly does recognise his size, and he makes sure that the person who thought it was okay to disrespect you knows it too.
It doesn't happen often, just John's presence is usually enough to deter people and as irritating as it is that people don't take your own words and instead prefer to hear them when your 6'2, built like a brick wall best friend speaks, it still comforts you to a great degree that he can shut people down so easily. It usually only takes a look and sometimes he'll have to raise to his feet with a challenging cross of his arms that highlights the bulge of his biceps and the flex of his muscled chest while playing on his height advantage just nicely.
Kyle joked about it relentlessly, every time you were with him. "You know he only does that because he likes you." And you write it off each and every time because you know that it makes not a morsel of sense. John was always with different women and he was clearly the furthest thing from shy when it came to those women, so Kyle's implication that he was head over heels in love with you and was just refusing to tell you because he was too scared was an absolutely senseless accusation in your opinion, but he always carried on with it nonetheless.
John's eyes don't leave your figure in the bar though, skirting through people to make your way up for another round of drinks. Kyle offered to go, but you made it drunkenly clear that it was your turn. The way you stumbled up, trying not to bump into anyone, was worrying for John for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it meant you were properly shit-faced. Secondly, he had told his girlfriend that he would be home twenty minutes ago and he was still sitting on his chair with little to no intent to get up and go anytime soon. It's not that he didn't want to, although arguably he didn't, but he also wanted to be here to keep a watchful eye on the woman he declared his closest friend. He wouldn't necessarily say that he doesn't trust the others to look out for you, but more that he only trusts himself to do it correctly.
His phone has since rang twice and been turned to silent as a message asking where he was pops up onto his screen. He doesn't even look down to read what it says as he eyes the curious looking man inching towards you at the bar with wandering hands.
"Stonsey," Kyle's voice cuts in with a hint of a low warning. John has a bit of a habit of getting in between you and potential boyfriends and drunk you don't tend to appreciate it very much. But John doesn't care, he keeps his eyes on you as he stands up, shouldering past Kyle with ease. His walk is still slow though, gauging the conversation with careful precision.
"Not interested," you chirp in a drunken slur, most of your weight leaning like a deadweight against the bar. "Not interested?" The man echo's, but it seems as though he didn't hear you because he doesn't step away and instead steps closer. "But I think you are." He hums, his hand reaching around to attempt to place it on your ass.
That's where John comes in with strong arms and large hands that catch the wandering hand before it ever gets the chance to land upon you. His eyes meet John's, darkened with anger as he glowers at him. John straightens up, giving a twist to the hand that he quickly drops before he firmly positions himself with you behind him.
"Walk away, mate." He warns. His tone is low and littered with the suggestion that he will go further if he has to. John doesn't pull any punches when it comes to the sweetheart woman he had fallen head over heels for ten years ago. He had been in love every day since he met you and he would probably continue to be for the rest of his life even if he never found the courage to tell you. "Come on," he groans, trying to look around the 6 foot 2 Manchester defender with his arms crossed firmly over his chest just like he always does. You do only as you drunk mind can think of and slot yourself as close to John as you physically can get. John takes that as a firm enough answer.
He won't repeat himself. He doesn't have enough patience for it frankly. So John wraps one arm around you and uses his other shoulder to very easily and very effectively shove the other man out of the way. That shove and John's size is enough to deter him completely. Such a light shove had been very forceful, so it wasn't a surprise that the situation was left at that.
"Thank you, my Johnny." You rumble quietly, You're the only one who ever gets to call him that. He hates anyone else to call him Johnny and he will let everybody know it if they attempt it. Most of his friends go with a variation of his surname, but you coined Johnny ten years ago and he won't have anyone else saying it. Even if he did pretend it annoyed him each time you stood up on your tiptoes to ruffle his hair drunkenly and drop the nickname. He'd never admit to bending his knee so that you could reach the fluffy brown hair atop his head that was way too far up for even you on your tiptoes.  Always your Jonny, even if he pretended to fight against it.
Your weight is supported by him as you slump tiredly and still very drunkenly against the side of his body with his arm keeping you there. He would have you this way for the rest of his life, if he could. Right there by his side, that would be so perfect for him. He has his career, he's playing some of the best football he's ever played. The only thing he really wants for is you, always.
He has since he met you.
There was just never a right time, really.
He tried first after Kyle Walker managed to talk him into it. John asked you out on a date. It was truly adorable, walking in the park with hot chocolate and Christmas lights and that was the moment he realised he was in love with you. He planned to kiss you that evening, a whole on the Ferris wheel at the top situation that played out about as well as a scratched DVD in a broken CD player.
You spotted your ex with the girl he cheated on you with, John had to comfort you during which he discovered indirectly through pricing together your words that you had picked this up as an outing as friends, to which John was mortified and was far too embarrassed to say that it was, in actual fact, meant to be a date.
He had been heart set on kissing you at new year a few months ago, you even made a pact. If you couldn't find anyone else, then you'd kiss each other. That completely backfired because you had taken it as a competition and had ended up kissing some random guy neither of you actually knew while he was left gawping, his lips finding a girl who had been flirting with him all evening while his eyes at been on you, just as a means of escaping his heartache.
Something always went wrong. Walker said John had shit luck, John said maybe it wasn't meant to be. But how come something that wasn't meant to be feel so much like it should be? You're like his home, where he leaves his heart each time he walks out the door. Leaving it in the safety of your careful hands until he gets to me home to be with you again. Except he doesn't get to come home to you, he goes home to his girlfriend of only four months who he insisted move into his flat so he could bury himself in her to forget about his long lasting and ever present love for his best friend.
"This," Kyle holds up John's phone to his face as he meets you both outside the pub, "Is why you can't keep a girlfriend, mate." John's eyes scan the phone held up to him to take in the 5 missed phone calls and seven different text messages. He groans inwardly as the phone rings again.
He manages to take the phone from his friend as he shuffles back to sit down on a bench on the street. You still slump in against his side as he keeps his arm firmly around you and his eyes trained closely on each passing individual to ensure no one is giving you any looks that he doesn't like. Then he answers the phone.
"You said you would be home over an hour ago, John!"
He wants to sigh immediately, but retains it for the sake of his relationship. "I know. I'm sorry." He admits lowly, chewing down on his lip. "Clearly not, John or you wouldn't have done it. You said you were leaving the bar, are you even nearly home yet?"
John contemplates lying for a brief moment, but he doesn't reckon it'll get him any further out of the hole he dug for himself yet he wouldn't have changed his actions today. His girlfriend is annoyed, but that is outweighed by the fact that him being there meant he knew you were safe and that he could ensure it when you weren't able to do so by yourself. "Look, I was going to leave and then there was a situation. I'll  get (y/n) home and then I'll be home as soon as I can." John explains, his brows furrowing as Kyle makes dramatic neck slicing hand movements at him to stop talking, followed by a painful grimace and a facepalm when he in fact does not stop talking. 'What?' he mouths, Kyle just shakes his head with a sigh.
"You're late because of her again?"
Oh, that's it - what Kyle was hinting at.
He probably shouldn't have mentioned you.
It tends not to help when you mention that another girl - who your girlfriend doesn't particularly like - is the reason why he wasn't home yet. Of course, to John it didn't really mean anything much. This was just his life, making sure you were alright while he hopelessly pined after you, leaving pretty much anyone else in the back of his mind for the time being that he was with you. To her though, this was new. He'd only been dating her four months, so she wasn't entirely used to how the tall brunette placed his priorities like a lot of others were.
Some girlfriends that John had been with had even claimed it was something they had gotten used to, knowing that they came categorically after you when it came to who he would go to first in an emergency. Some even claimed that John knew exactly what he was doing; having his cake and eating it too if you will.
That couldn't be further from the truth because it would imply that this is a situation that he wants. That's one that's certainly not true because why on earth would he want something that genuinely hurts him so much every single day. Why John would enjoy loving someone who evidently doesn't love him back is so far beyond him. Putting you first wasn't necessarily something he noticed that he did, it was subconscious.
"Wasn't going to leave her drunk in a bar, babe. I"m honestly really sorry, but I just wasn't doing that." He says on a sigh, her patience wearing thin for this conversation. He understands where she's coming from, but not in the respect that he should have just left you there. Even just the thought of that makes him feel sick to his stomach. "That's not the point John and you know it." She bites back, but John furrows his brows in his confusion. "What are you on about?" He huffs back, shaking his head as he drops it down to look at his shoes on top of the dirty pavement.
"It's always her, John, always. You’re literally hers, above everyone else, how can anyone compete with that?"
The soft inhale and exhale, slow and rhythmical against his side draws John's blue eyes down to the woman tucked into his side. And there you are, fast asleep against him with your face smooshed into his chest. It's the most simultaneously beautiful and adorable thing he's ever counted himself lucky enough to witness. The way your eyelids have shut softly over those hazy drunk eyes that exist in his favourite colour, your hair blowing gently over your face in the light summer breeze as he looks down at you. He can't take his eyes off of you, can't seem to think of anything but you swirling around in his mind. Every thought, every pathway infiltrated by the sight of you there. God he would give it all up to see this every night.
"Mhm," he hears through the phone that remains up at his ear, "That's what I thought. Bye, John."
He doesn't get to say anything, not even utter an apology. Although, he doubts that he has the word in his vocabulary right now to get many words across as he smoothes the hair out of your face before he cranes his neck uncomfortably so he can place a featherlight kiss onto the crown of your head.
"Yeah," he hums to himself, knowing full well you're too far into sleep to hear him, "Doesn't matter what I am...just always your Johnny."
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theravenclawlover · 3 years
Welcome to the Industry of Porn
Paring: Avengers X Female!Reader
Warnings: +18, heavy smut, drinking, slight angst in later chapters, fluff if you squint, and my English as usual.
Word Count: 3,811.
Summary: AU where the Avengers are Pornstars. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
Chapter: 3.
Chapter Title: Shall we begin?
A/N: This part is where we get to see some more cameos baby. I swear, I still do not know what made me want to write an AU about the Avengers as pornstars, like the hell? Please, I have never not even in other fandoms seen anyone thinking about this idea which made me feel like a complete idiot at first. Now, I'm just here remembering what my seventeen-year-old self thought was somewhat cool shit. Also, let's pretend the people in the gif are actually wearing fancy gala dresses and tuxedos because I couldn't find anything.
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Mr. Dickenson had made it sound like heaven when he had told you about the offers that had been offered to you, but now as you read away the contracts you thought it was hell. You thought that it was going to be easy to understand guidelines and whatnot, but honestly, it felt like it was a lawyer's job to read those contracts. But Cassie helped you read them and gave you a rundown on what it said. After understanding what all three contracts entailed, Cassie and you did a deep search on the directors to see if you liked their work. Out of the three, one of them seemed to be more professional than the others. While all of them seemed like good directors neither of you could deny that the other two lacked the originality of the Russo’s. They were brothers and they seemed to have a knack for making amateur videos feel natural rather than tacky and cringe. Granted, most of the time it was because of the actors overexaggerating things, but the director could always ask to tone it down. You had only watched the amateur videos because you didn’t want to get your hopes up if you found out they worked for bigger companies. Cassie had made a face before saying that it was a ridiculous thing to do but promised you that she wasn’t going to look more things up.
After that, it wasn’t hard to make a decision, and it had only taken you the majority of the week you had been given. Cassie had told you that she had a good feeling about the Russo’s when you had asked her if you were picking the right choice. You nodded to yourself before calling Mr. Dickenson the next morning to tell him that you had opted to work with the Russo’s. He had been glad to hear the news and had told you not to sign the contract yet as you would be doing that after the meeting on Wednesday where the Russo’s were going to be meeting you. Then he reminded you about the nudes and you had almost groaned at the thought.
It was awkward. You had reminded Cassie about it, who, for some reason, was excited about it. She had rambled on about how she loved doing those types of shoots. You had forgotten that Cassie had done a project with some of the volunteers she had managed to scout around campus where they had to pose in the nude. She had done a wonderful job, but you reminded her that for the most part, they had been covering themselves with a satin sheet while you were to be completely exposed. Her spirits didn’t lower after that, and she was a sweetheart as she tried to make you comfortable to the best of her abilities. You had to admit that no matter how awkward it’d been, you felt good about yourself afterward.
By Wednesday morning you felt ready. Cassie couldn’t help but smile at the way you seemed to have a little more confidence about the opportunity you had been given by deciding to find a job in such a challenging career choice.
“Good morning, Miss Y/l/n. I’m guessing you’re here for your meeting,” greeted the secretary, Jules, as you and Cassie walked out of the elevator.
“Yes, I know we are a little early, but traffic wasn’t that bad this morning,” you said as you walked toward the comfortable chairs.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” she said as she stood from her chair behind the counter, “come on, I’ll take you to the conference room.”
You and Cassie followed her into the room. It had a long table that could be used for a conference for more than twenty people.
“Now you wait here while I announce Mr. Dickenson of your arrival,” she said as she walked toward the door, “if you would like some light breakfast to be brought to you, just dial twenty-one and ask for the menu.”
She left after that and Cassie didn’t hesitate to grab the phone and dial the number. She ordered some fruit and waffles while you had opted to order everything that sounded good. Within ten minutes, a young man walked in with a food cart and situated it near where the coffee maker was set up. After he excused himself, you and Cassie ate in silence while you two waited for Mr. Dickenson and the Russo’s.
Five minutes after having used the restroom, the door opened to reveal Mr. Dickenson and two other men walk in.
“Good morning, ladies,” said Mr. Dickenson as he walked in. You and Cassie got up and walked toward the men as you both greeted them.
“These are Anthony and Joe Russo,” he motioned to each man as he named them. Then he motioned to you and Cassie, “and these are Y/n and her chaperone/manager, Cassie Ayers.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” both men said at the same time as one went for your hand to shake while the other one went to greet Cassie, and then vice versa.
“Likewise,” you both said.
“Come on, let us begin,” said Mr. Dickenson as he motioned to the seats. Everyone sat at one end of the table, ready to get everything in motion.
“I’m guessing you’ve read the whole contract,” you nodded at Mr. Dickenson, “which means there’s nothing much to go through unless you have any concerns and/or questions.”
“No, we’re good. It was pretty understandable,” you said as you sat the big thing in front of you and on top of your nude portfolio.
“We’ve been looking for new faces for a couple of months now, and when Jason sent us your portfolio we knew we needed to get you before someone else did. We are glad to hear you chose us,” said the man that had been introduced as Anthony.
“I don’t know if you got around to see who are some of the people we work with, but I have a feeling that you will be scouted by someone sooner rather than later while you do the small gigs we have in mind for you,” added the man named Joe as he smiled at you.
You smiled as well as you listened to them talk. Soon the conversation revolved around what you would be making as a starting point after they had gone through your photos with you. They told you which angles seemed to be the best ones for you, and while at it, Cassie got her fair share of compliments of her work. They had told you that for any M/F shoot you would get two-hundred dollars, for F/F a total of three-hundred, and for any threesomes, it would be four-hundred, while anything more than four people would go up to five-hundred. An extra hundred would be added to anything that was considered hardcore such as bondages and anything that included unconventional kinks.
After some more talking, you signed the annual contract and celebrated your official introduction to the industry of pornography.
Two Months Later
Oddly enough, you couldn’t be happier with your life choices. Soon after having signed with the Russo’s, within a month, you had managed to work up to ten different gigs. You had finally made enough money to afford going out without having to check your bank account to see you if could afford anything. Granted, you had to make a different account as your main one was under your parent’s name and they could see anything that got deposited. You were not about to tell them that you were a pornstar as well as a college dropout.
All your gigs were pretty standard, and once in a while you got to play a younger step-sister or naughty neighbor, and there’s that one time you had gotten around to play a shy secretary for a knack of dropping pens. You found it fun to play with other people, let yourself step out from your reality, and enjoy a good fuck every so often. You had gotten lucky, you knew that, as you hadn’t had the need to fake orgasms while you did your job. But there was the occasional one after already having had one where you needed to fake it.
But after every shoot, and after getting home, you would feel like crap about everything. Cassie was getting nervous as the days flew past as midterms had come around and you knew that sooner or later the holidays would come around as well, and you would have to face your parents. Your supposed graduation was only six months away and you had yet to tell your parents about your idiotic decision to waste every cent they had spent on your education. But all that guilt would go away every time you got another gig or whenever a new package arrived. The mail person probably could recognize you at random with the number of times they’ve seen you from dropping off something you bought online.
It was a peaceful Friday afternoon when Mr. Dickenson—who you now called Jason—had called you.
“Hello?” you answered as you muted your favorite show.
“Hey, could you come to my office tomorrow morning?” he said.
“Sure, everything alright?” you asked as you walked toward the kitchen to grab a quick snack.
“Yeah, nothing to worry about. The Russo’s and I need to talk to you and Cassie about an event that is coming up. Can you be here by ten? I have to pick up my mother after that, so it’s the only time it works for me,” he said in an almost sheepish voice. You smiled.
“Sure, don’t worry about it. Cassie might ask for your head on a silver platter, but I think I can calm her down with some coffee on the way there,” you said as you threw yourself on the couch again.
“Lord,” he huffed a laugh, “alright, I’ll see you both tomorrow then.”
You both said your goodbyes before he hung up.
Cassie had groaned when you told her about the meeting, the poor girl was exhausted, and she just wanted to sleep through the weekend before the next week came. You had only offered her a sheepish smile and the promise of iced coffee. She begrudgingly accepted as she went to bed early, so she wouldn’t be snappy in the morning.
“So, this supposed to be like the Oscars but with raunchy movies?” you said as you summarized the important event the men had talked about.
“To simplify it, yes, the Adult Entertainment Expo or AEE is based on the Oscars, but we are attending the after-party only, the show itself is not that entertaining,” said Jason as he sipped his hot coffee.
“The after-party is said to be better than the Golden Globes’ one, and that comes from the mouth of big celebrities that have gone to both,” said Joe as he stirred his lukewarm tea.
“That’s why not a lot of people get the invitation to it,” added Anthony as he finished his own cup of coffee.
“So, why are we talking about this? It’s not like we were invited,” said Cassie with a confused look. Her face looking less grumpy from what you had seen when she came out of her room earlier that morning.
“Well, you two might not be, but we are, and I think it would be a great opportunity for the both of you to be exposed to the people there,” said Jason as he looked at the both of you, “that’s the best place to find connections to get great opportunities, not to mention you might become close friends with a celebrity or two.”
“Y/n, I was wondering if you would like to attend as my plus one?” asked Joe with a sweet smile.
“Of course, I would love to. It sounds fun,” you said as you chuckled.
“And would you like to be my plus one, Cassie? The food is great,” said Jason as he looked over to the redhead. She smiled and rolled her eyes at that last comment.
“Sure, but if I see one of my celebrity crushes, I’m ditching you,” she said as she gave him a wink. Everyone let out a chuckle.
The meeting ended soon after as Jason had to leave for the airport to pick up his mom. Before he had left, he had told you both that Jules would help you out with the dress shopping the next day as she knew the places to look for the best dresses. He had given no room to oppose him, and like that, you and Cassie had spent all Sunday looking for a dress to wear the approaching Friday.
It had taken you most of the late morning and afternoon to find a dress that you both felt comfortable wearing. Jules had announced that morning that Jason was paying for everything either of you bought that day which had you looking at prices more than you did it when it came to your money. You had told her that he needn’t pay for anything, but Jules had been ordered to do so, which made you roll your eyes. Sure, the three of you had become quick friends while working together, but you still felt a little weird accepting the man’s willingness to pay for everything. What if you had expensive taste? His wallet would cry.
By the end of the day, you two arrived home with more bags than you could carry. Everything was set for Friday night, even the plane tickets to Las Vegas had been taken care of. Nothing could bring your or Cassie’s spirits down, not even the stupid voicemail her ex-boyfriend had left while you two were out had killed her high spirits.
The entirety of the week that followed was spent trying to find the right makeup look and hairdo. YouTube became your best friend that week, and so did that lady that was fantastic in the arts of makeup and hair. Compared to her, you were shit, even the way you applied mascara seemed heinous compared to her expert hands.
When Friday came around, and you two were in Las Vegas after taking an early flight, you and Cassie had taken the liberty of doing a small photoshoot at the hotel room while you two waited for the limousine to arrive later that night. By ten-thirty, there was a knock on your hotel room door. When you opened the door, Jason and Joe stood there with their fancy and expensive-looking tuxedos.
“Ladies, you both look devilishly good,” said Jason with a casual smirk.
“Thank you,” you both replied as you both rolled your eyes at the man’s antics.
“You two will definitely fit in with the crowd,” added Joe as he gave both of you a sweet smile.
You both proceeded to accept the helping hands they gave you both as the men led both of you toward the elevator and down to the awaiting limousine. Anthony was waiting inside with his date, the woman had introduced herself as Sandy. She also worked for the Russo’s, but you hadn’t had the chance to work with her. She was a couple of years older than you and was nice enough to reassure both of you that everything was going to be okay and that there was nothing to worry about but the flashing of the cameras that awaited by the purple carpet.
When the car stopped, you were able to hear the muffled voices of people shouting names as they asked people to look toward them so they could get better angles. That alone had your hands going absolutely cold from anxiousness, but you had no time to panic as the door opened and Jason climbed out first as he grabbed Cassie’s shaking hand. When it was your turn, you gave a deep breath before climbing out as you tried not to flinch from the flashes.
The adrenaline you felt as you smiled at the cameras as they directed them to you and Joe was something else. You were new to this world, so it was no surprise when a couple of people asked Joe about who you were as he walked you down toward the building where the booming music was coming from.
Once inside, that adrenaline was completely different. The atmosphere was like nothing else you had ever experienced at a club. The music was good, the ambiance was comfortable, and the people looked like they had come out from magazines. As you walked down toward an open sitting area, you and Cassie couldn’t help but motion with your heads whenever either of you saw a familiar face. By the time you all had made it to an empty booth, you two had seen Chris Pine, Ryan Gosling, Megan Fox, and even Britney Spears was there.
And you both got to meet even more when some of them started to come over and greet the Russo’s like old friends as well as Jason. There had been no time to dance as the chatter had been more entertaining and so was the food, but before anyone could offer a chance to dance, a loud voice called the names of Anthony and Joe as it approached them.
“Tony Stark,” said Jason as he stood to shake the man’s hand, “I was starting to wonder where you were.”
“Couldn’t come sooner, you know with people always trying to catch a contract with me,” he said as he shook the hands of Anthony and Joe as they got up as well before offering the man a seat which he took.
As he talked about how he had almost gotten pinned down into verbally hiring someone, you had stared at the man long enough to realize that he had been the same man who Captain America had called ‘Boss’ the day Jason had decided to send out your portfolio.
“I’m guessing these two gorgeous ladies are your dates?” he said as he glanced at you both, “where is little Jules? I was hoping for that slow dance I never got last time due to the fact I couldn’t even see straight after that last tequila shot.”
“She’s with her boyfriend, they are celebrating their one-year anniversary,” said Jason as he nursed his drink. “This is Cassie, my plus one for tonight.”
Tony grabbed her hand and proceeded to plant a small kiss on the back of her hand.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Cassie choked out a ‘likewise’ as she blushed three shades darker than her hair.
“And this is Y/n, my plus one, and our newest face,” added Joe as he noticed that Tony now looked at you.
He did the same thing to your hand which you had to admit was classy but because of the way he grinned, it also made the gesture naughty.
“It’s always nice to see new faces around here,” he turned to Anthony’s date, “no offense, Sandy.”
“None taken, Stark,” she said with a smirk and a roll of eyes, “did you bring someone with you or is it just you little gang of Avengers?”
“I did bring someone, actually,” he said as he turned his head back to the large crowd, “you remember my assistant, Pepper? She was talking with someone. But my ‘little gang’ as you called it is also here, but I think I lost them.”
Shortly after his response, a beautiful ginger came over to the table with a smile as she called Tony’s name.
“There you are,” she said as she grabbed Tony’s arm, “sorry for interrupting, I just needed breather from that crowd.”
“We were actually just talking about you, Pepper,” said Anthony as he offered some nuts to the woman which she happily took. But before the conversation could start back up, another voice called out the man with the oddly attractive facial hair.
“Tony!” called out a brunet man. Your eyes noticed how his left hand was covered by a leather glove. “We’ve been looking for you. This place can really be a maze when you’re trying to avoid people.”
Just as his face became clearer in the dark place, you noticed how behind him followed two other people. You and Cassie looked at one another as you both recognized the three people who had just arrived at your spacious booth.
“Looks like I was not the only one trying to avoid somebody,” said Tony with a guilty-ish grin.
“You would try to make a fast escape if those two girls from Brazzers were trying to talk your ear off about working with you,” he shivered as if he remembered something he hadn’t wanted to remember, “I’ve done my fair share of questionable acts for the camera, but last year they talked my ear long enough about things that still haunts my dreams.”
“Yikes,” said Tony as he moved to make more room for the three new individuals. “Well, guys and gals, you already know Jason, the Russo’s, and dear old Sandy, but these two beauties are Cassie and Y/n.”
The woman named Pepper introduced herself with a graceful smile while she sneakily pinched Tony’s arm due to his comment that he couldn’t help from making about how lucky Joe and Jason had gotten for the night.
“Hi, the name is James Barnes,” said the brunet man as he leaned over to shake a hand which oddly enough turned out to be a light kiss on the back of both your and Cassie’s hands, “Nice meeting you, ladies.”
“I’m Natasha,” said the woman who had arrived right after James had, “don’t let his suave nature confuse you, he’s an ass.”
The man grunted something as he ate a peanut. Natasha only gave him a side smirk before continuing.
“And this mass of muscles is Steve.” She motioned to the man that couldn’t look more out of place. He seemed to be at ease but whenever he glanced at the crowd, his eyes would widen as if he was freaking out. He gave both of you a sweet smile and he gave a nod along with a soft ‘pleasure to meet you both'.
You and Cassie tried your best to act cool and collected as you both got around answering questions about how you two found yourselves there. It seemed they weren’t used to seeing brand new faces that they saw themselves trying to actually converse with, so the night ended up being full of chatter, laughter, and creating memories.
Who knew that Jason would be right? That night in Las Vegas would bring opportunities for you and Cassie, and for the first time, the saying ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ would not apply to either of you.
If you want to be added, please let me know!
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Brackish and Briny Waters (two)
[Ralph Lamont X Female Reader]
Summary: Settling into your new house Part 1 Masterlist Part 3
Tags: +17 | 1.7k words | just really fucking domestic stuff, one (1) bad attitude, presumptuous behavior, unprotected morning sex, more remodeling.
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AN: I kind of know where I'm going with this. The conflict will be subtle at first but it's there I promise.
The first day goes by fast and for Ralph meeting every single person on staff in this prestigious school was like trying cheeses and wines in a vineyard– fun at first but you get a stomach ache because somebody forgot to tell you not to swallow and there are just so many of them each more rich than the last. By the time he crosses the threshold to his new home, he's exhausted and annoyed. 
"I told you not to unpack without me." 
You look at him from the kitchen and shrug. "I needed stuff, baby. I already wrote a list of things to work on in this 'bare bones' house you put us up in and I was bored." 
You don't care for his attitude but offer him the covered plate anyways. "I saved you some dinner." 
All at once, Ralphie's anger melted from his face. He shuffled his tired feet across the still empty living room and pulled you into his side. The plate was warm (still warm or recently warmed up, he couldn't tell) and his stomach growled. 
"M sorry," he said, "I don't mean to be an asshole." 
You smile your forgiveness. "Long day?" 
"Yes," he hisses. "I already can't wait for the weekend." 
You chuckle. "Oh come on, it can't be that bad. Give it a chance, baby!" 
"As you wish." 
After eating, Ralph is right to sleep despite his insistence you finish packing together tonight. A part of you thinks it's the climate here– fresh sea salt air and less artificial light to disrupt the body's natural sleep patterns. You took off his shoes and empty his pockets because he was just 'resting his eyes for a moment,' then slid in right next to him. He's fine without a blanket, but you pull the back of the quilt over your rear and curl into his side. Sleep comes easier tonight than last night and you dream of wallpaper and wood smoke cologne. 
The rest of the week gets easier for the both of you. You arrived on Monday and unpack the bigger furniture together by Wednesday with the help of some locals. Ralph is getting to study the lesson plan for Ms. Lewis' math class and establishing a gentle authority with his temporary students. He is still excited for the weekend, intent to help you figure out what to do with the walls of the house. 
"Has anybody come to see you at the house yet?," he asks you Thursday night. 
You pause dicing onions to think. "Besides the neighbors to the north and those Vayle boys? No." 
Ralphie raises his eyebrows and drops them, an involuntary gesture made more for himself than you. 
You put a hand on your hip. "Why?" 
Ralphie waves you off and continues mixing the meat with the spices. "Nothing. It's just everybody and their fucking moms has been asking me about you." 
"What?" This was news to you. "Why?" 
"Because they're nosy," he replies, "asking me about my whole life story and I let slip I had a wife and then they just wouldn't shut up about it." 
You swat his shoulder. "Well don't sound so depressed about it. Do you not like having a wife?" 
"No!" Ralph huffs and turns to look at you as he says, "I just hate that every single one of them bugs me about a million personal things and then I mention you and it's the only thing they can talk about now." 
Ralph turns back to stirring the pan and grumbles to himself, "might tell them to fuck off and just hoard you forever…" 
It clicks in your head at least a bit. Ralph's a born and bred city kid. In the city nobody cares who you are, what you like, or where you're from. Strangers don't want to be anything more than strangers. Their eternal social motto is 'don't waste my time' and anyone who acts differently is probably scheming something. 
You chuckle and rest your chin on his shoulder. "You're forgetting these are a different breed of people. Rich and educated socialites more over but suburban, maybe even rural. We're probably the first new thing to happen to them in decades, and communities like this don't have a 'mind your business and I'll mind mine' attitude." 
Ralphie flicks you a look but you know he knows you're right. It doesn't mean he has to like it but at least he understands it's not malicious, at least not inherently. It's out of his element, a little out of yours too, but you'll have to adapt and play by their rules if you want to stay here for a while. 
The dining room table can seat six, but your Ralphie takes a seat right next to you at a corner so he can hold your hand while you eat. Homemade tacos ease your apprehensions a bit and you go over the remodeling plans with him until midnight. Getting ready to sleep, you wear your thinnest shift and wrap around him like an octopus, your warm core brushing over his barely clothed manhood in temptation. 
Ralphie hums, tucking a stray hair back into your bonnet. "We need to get up early tomorrow." 
It's a weak protest. The two of you keep rocking into each other and sighing at the feeling of friction but eventually fall asleep despite the delightful buzz of sexual energy surrounding you. You do wake up when Ralph flips you under him and sucks a few marks into your neck.
You spread your legs to accommodate his breadth, feeling him settle deliciously and glancing at the bedside clock. It's barely 5 o' clock and the sun is rising. You gasp as you feel Ralphie's cock slide into you and he's met with little resistance. You two have sex for the first time since you moved and it's been so long that the affair is short lived. 
Ralph already has an apology on his lips but you shush him and come a moment later with your fingers brushing your clit in tandem. He peppers you with a dozen more kisses as silent promises to make it up to you. 
You shower together, barely bumping elbows as this bathroom is way bigger than your New York City apartment ever was. You chat idly about the weekend and the town and when you're ready to leave, you grab the manila folder where you store the plans for the remodel. You've even got samples from the wallpaper, only taking the ones you like and want to replace. 
"I know we probably won't find exact replicas but I want to at least find something similar." 
Ralph squeezes your thigh. "Ok, ok. We'll try." 
While this town doesn't have a McDonald's (the town over does and it's fancy for some reason), it does have a Home Depot (also pretty fancy). You know you'll need wood and screws and glass panes to finish that solar room but that's not the goal for today. 
Ralph skips right over the green paint swatch section to the creams. He's rambling about paint brand pros and cons, he did his research on the way in since you were driving and he brought the book from the school library. You follow and half listen. 
Ralph finally catches on to your soft smile. You glance around to make sure no one is in earshot because god forbid these gossipers over hear your conversation right now. 
"I guess I got you pretty excited last night, huh," you say with a sense of pride. Ralph feels the opposite about his performance this morning. 
"I just… I think it's just been a while." He occupies his hands by grabbing every single free swatch sample on the shelf and says, "I promise I will make it up to you." 
You roll your eyes in a not unkind way. "It's fine, babe, really. I uh… it feels kind of good to know I still have that kind of effect on you…" 
Ralphie sports a smile of his own and puts you under his arm. "Of course you do, sugar." 
He leans down to plant a kiss on your lips when you're interrupted by a bright voice. It's so startling that your husband bounces away from you. He stares wide eyed at the woman who interrupted you and he gets that dark look in his eye that only you can see. 
"Jesus, Julie," he tries his best not to growl her name. "This is Julie, she's a teacher at the school. Julie this… is… my wife." 
Julie makes a noise like a whistle. "Oh my god you are so much more beautiful than I imagined! Ralph doesn't have a picture of you in his office!" 
"It's on my desk," he huffs, "it's the one turned towards me." 
"And why would you do that?" 
"...so I can look at it while I work…?" 
Julie's… a little too hands on for just meeting you. You're too reserved to say something about it so you sling a loose arm around her back and hope Ralph doesn't say something for you. 
"Hi Julie, it's nice to finally meet you," you tell her. "Ralph's been slowly but surely introducing me to the concept of his coworkers." 
"I can't believe we haven't met before now! Ralph keeping you all to himself, me and the other teachers are just so curious about you," she coos. It feels almost put on, like overindulging in sweet to play up her first impression. You let it slide though, maybe it's just your city lens. 
"Well, uh, once we've got the house fixed up a bit, we can plan a housewarming party," you suggest. "But not a day before and you may quote me on that, miss!" 
Julie laughed and gave you her phone number 'in case you need anything at all.' Ralph breathed easy once she finally left and you tug his ear gently. "She's veeerry friendly." 
Ralphie shoots you a glare like you'd made a joke he didn't find funny and you go back to debating the paint to use for your walls eagerly.
@escape-your-grape @hoodoo12 @softbeej @go-commander-kim @beetlesstuff @imma-fucking-nerd​ @werwulfy​
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chenles-moonpies · 5 years
Mission, failed
• An nct mafia au, chapter 1
• 2k words
"You go to china, find the boy, bring him back. Plain and simple."
"Plain and simple my ass. Does he know how many people are here!?" Winwin cursed as he looked around the corner from a fight they were observing. Taeyong, leader of his gang NCT, had sent him and Yuta on a mission to track down someone that fancied his eye. Normally Winwin did an exceptional job at spy work, but being paired with Yuta lately has had it’s consequences. "Also why am I with you?” Winwin complained,  “You don't speak a lick of Chinese and always mess up important details." The two had been paired together recently after Yuta begged a reluctant Taeyong to do so for weeks without consulting Winwin. He agreed eventually, “Fine. but I'm not sending you in the private jet when you go to China. Just Business class.” He had told Yuta.
"I'm offended. You know the rules! No solo missions." Yuta reminded his friend, "Unless you're in-"
"What's going on over there?" Cheers, or rather yells, were piercing the air around them. Citizens flocked to the middle of the bustling shopping roads where a fight broke out. Winwin and Yuta looked at each other before racing over to see as well. 
"I think that's the one." Yuta whispered. The crowd was rather large so it was a bit difficult to see, however Taeyongs words echoed loosely in his mind. "Short hair, gets in fights, Winwin I think we're done!" Yuta smiled brightly at the taller male. His response was a bit delayed. Could it really be him? Wasn't he a bit… small? 
"You IDIOTS!" Taeyong yelled, hands banging down on his desk. "I told you exactly what he looks like and what do you do? Bring me someone not any bigger than a Dream member!?" 
The man scoffed, "I'm not that small-?"
"Look, you want us to do well? Stop sending me with him!" Winwin fought back, pointing back to his partner. Yuta's face grew rather disgusted, if not disappointed. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "You always mess around and distract me." Winwin huffed. 
"Then stop getting distracted. It's not hard!" Taeyong bellowed. The room grew quiet until the tied up boy spoke, “You guys seem tense. Maybe you should take a bath or something, some tea might help, maybe some Vodka-”
“Shut up!” Taeyong shouted, cutting him off. The four men stood in Taeyong’s office for a moment, unsure of what to do. “I’m sorry, sir. Should we bring him back to China?” Winwin spoke sheepishly, suddenly aware that he should probably just comply with his boss.
“Are you insane or did you break into the drug stash on floor 15? We can’t let him go now. Leave him with me,” Taeyong sat down onto his chair and spun to face his back to the other three men, “I’ll talk to him.” Winwin and Yuta promptly left while bickering quietly. The door shut quietly with a click. “Ok, let's get to it,” Taeyong pulled up a pen and paper, “Name, date of birth, nationality, family and blood type please.” The man shuffled out of the ties restricting him, 
“People call me Ten. I was born 27th of February 1996, I have a mother and father and sister and I don’t know my blood type.”
“Whatever, we’ll just get someone in to test you. You didn't tell me your nationality.”
“Well i’m not Chinese as you thought.” 
“I didn't ask where you aren’t from, I asked where you are fr-”
“Why do you need to know, huh?” 
Taeyong stared at Ten with sharp fury. But that was only the exterior he showed. Inside he was shocked. No one had ever interrupted him like that. 16 members prior to Ten and it hasn't happened once. And that wasn't even the ones he had to “dismiss”
“Just tell me where you're from, pretty boy.”
Ten looked around at the pointings that hung around Taeyong’s office, “Is this you? Who painted it? Their brush technique is very… unique.”
“I Think you’d better sit down and tell me where you’re from before we have a problem.” Taeyong spoke through gritted teeth
“Was that so hard?” Taeyong pulled some papers from his desk, “Sit down, Ten.”
“Fine,” he responded, “But I'm sitting because I want to. Not because you told me to.” 
Taeyong slid a thin pile of papers across his desk and into the other man’s lap. 
“I’m not reading all that.” Ten said, picking up the pile.
“Don’t worry, I'll give you the summary.” He sat back in his chair, “This is the NCT X Building. Its headquarters for the NCT gang. I prefer the term mafia but… to each their own.”
“Oh, shit ok.” Ten pulled out a pair of glasses from a pocket in his silk shirt.
“Long story short my father founded the mafia and I took over after the incident. I never liked the way he ran it so i changed a lot of things. So if you ever think I'm treating you unfairly i’ll remind you he was incomprehensibly worse.”
“So you’re recruiting me?” 
“Call it what you want, you’re lucky I didn't just kill you.”
“Fair enough.” 
“You’ll get to meet the other members soon but essentially there are two sections: 127 and Dream. 127 handles korean affairs, mainly based in Seoul. Dream…” Taeyong paused to laugh, “Honestly it's more of an experiment than anything and the only reason I'm maintaining it is because they’re good kids and you can't exactly leave this organisations unless you leave in a hearse.”
Hang on, did you say ‘kids’?” 
“Yes, they're all pretty young. The youngest is 17 though so don't worry they aren’t too young. Anyway Dream only really handles very minor affairs but they've been doing well.”
“Jesus, you’re not gonna put me with them, are you?” 
Taeyong laughed, “You should be so lucky. You’ll probably get put into 127 but for now you’re a trainee. Sign here.”
Taeyong presented ten with a black piece of paper with a light grey print and a white signature line. “That's some shady shit, man.” Ten said,
“Fine,” Taeyong took the paper away, “this is a gang, you don't actually have to sign it,” He said, signing the name ‘Ten’ in neat cursive on the white line, “It’s just so the less intelligent members get a sense of security from the legitimacy of a contract. But you seem smart, so you don’t need that.” Ten laughed quietly in response,
“Now,” Taeyong whispered, pressing a black button on his desk, triggering the large mahogany doors to open, “Would you like to meet the others?"
"You said there's sixteen others, right? Why so many?" Ten questioned, following his new leader out of the room. "I have my reasons. This way."
The hallways were long, some narrow, Ten noted. It wasn't dark like he imagined gang buildings to be either. Most rooms had a large glass window to show into it but a few were kept a secret behind locked doors. They peaked his interest for sure, so the male made a mental note to explore once he has a bit more freedom. 
"In here is the main break room on the floor. Usually you can find Johnny, Jaehyun, or maybe even Jeno in here." 
"So many J names." Ten laughed. Taeyong couldn't disagree there. "Come in." He nodded his head as he opened the door. 
"Johnny, Jaehyun, meet Ten." Taeyong said, introducing him. Johnny nodded while Jaehyun presented his hand. "You must be the new recruit!" Another voice spoke out. A head popped over the edge of the old, slightly tattered, orange couch in the corner of the room. "Who are you?" Ten asked.
"Mark Lee. I'm in all the units. Well, was."
"What do you mean, aren't there only two?"
"He was in dream but graduated. He doesn't have an official position yet."
"That's why I'm in all of them. In Hopes of finding out." Mark said, pointing his thumb and finger at Ten like he held a real gun. "Enough chat. Anyone know where Doyoung went?" Taeyong asked. Everyone shook their heads no. 
"Maybe in U-" 
"Right, later then. I'm sure someone is in the cafeteria." Taeyong blurted, interrupting Mark. The leader walked out, the heavy door slamming behind them. "Mark, you idiot. No one can know about U so soon!" Jaehyun scolded, smacking the younger boy on the shoulder.
"What's U? I don't understand." Ten asked, his mind buzzing to know what secrets Taeyong was keeping. He'll be damned if he gives up trying to find out. "Who knows Honestly. Kid is so overworked I don't think he would know where his head was if it weren't attached." 
Taeyong re-entered, brushing something off his shirt, and was immediately bombarded with Ten’s questioning "What positions were they all?" Ten asked. 
“Does this guy ever shut up? Why does he want to know everything so bad…?"  Taeyong thought. "Johnny is the muscle. I count on him to keep people in check, sometimes to do the dirty work. Jaehyun is 127s Charmer."
"Every talented mafia needs someone to swoon others to get desired information." 
"That desperate huh?"
"You won't understand. Not yet."
Ten took in his sudden surroundings as he noticed Taeyong had been leading him down a couple flights of stairs. "Elevators?" He asked. Taeyong shook his head. "Not to the floor we're going to. Doyoung likes his privacy." 
After walking for what seemed like hours, Taeyong and Ten finally got to their desired floor. “I get this dude wants his privacy but this is ridiculous.” Ten complained, pretending to be out of breath. Taeyong let out a small laugh, “You know, Ten, I hope your sense of humour helps you get around obstacles and doesn't cause you problems.” 
“Well,I'd be lying if I said they hadn’t before.” The two approached a tall, oak door with a silver “DY” on it next to an eye hole. “Kind of weird that you guys have peep holes on bedrooms.” Ten said as he got on his tiptoes to look through it, “It’s blacked out!”
“Mhm. Everyone but me is supposed to have an eyehole to make sure no one’s up to any funny business but Doyoung has a tendency to disagree with that rule.”
Taeyong knocked three times on the door before opening it, “Doyoung, you’ve got company!” He yelled. A tall, slender man with dark wet hair entered from around the corner, “Taeyong, you might be everyone’s boss but you can't just come in here unannounced. I’m your right hand man not your slave,” he looked up from tying a black robe around himself, “I don’t just do whatever you want me to like the others d-” He paused, “What does he want?” 
Taeyong laughed, “Doyoung, you’ve never been the best at making people feel welcome.”
“This looks like a Jaehyun thing.”
“Huh?” Ten looked at Doyoung, puzzled,
“Is this another ‘date in exchange for information’ thing because I'm not doing that again, that's why we have Jaehyun.” Doyoung walked back around the corner.
“No, it’s not.” Taeyong yelled over to him, “And if it was, you’re not supposed to say that to the person.”
Doyoung re-entered from around the corner now fully dressed in a white dress shirt, a silk tie, and tailored slacks. “I have to go out.”
“I don’t remember you telling me that.” Taeyong responded.
“I don’t remember me needing to.” Doyoung pushed passed the two men.
“My name’s Ten.” Ten shouted as Doyoung started up the stairs,
“Thats nice.”
“He’s going to be rooming with you for now.” Taeyong yelled.
“What?!” Doyoung came back down the stairs.
“It’s only temporary while we make up a room for him. Everyone has a roommate and they have smaller rooms. You’re alone and you have a room that could fit at least five people.”
Doyoung stared angrily at Ten, “Fine. But if this lasts more than a week, You and I,” Doyoung looked Ten up and down, “We’re gonna have a problem.”
“I’ll see you around, Doyoung.” Ten responded with a smile. Doyoung stormed off leaving a tapping sound on the marble floor echoing throughout the halls.
Taeyong and Ten looked to each other as Ten laughed, “I like him.”
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: [okay so my thought is that like maybe he's been sorting out a Cass rage because he's actually going to this festival and she's fuming about it for obvious reasons but then he comes back and Janis is thinking that Harry might show up cos had that convo with Grace so she's being weird and he's like ?] Janis: [solid plan, awks all 'round, just tryna play off you've been busy whilst he's been arguing like oh hi, definitely didn't hear any of that 'alright?'] Jimmy: [just going for a 🚬 immediately because he's obvs not alright] Janis: fair Janis: they could take a few tips, like Jimmy: gutted they don't know where I live then Jimmy: for that and loads of other reasons, like Janis: naturally Janis: such good craic, who wouldn't want them popping over for a cuppa Jimmy: hot water and 🍋 is nearer to the order they'd put in Janis: do you charge for that at CG? Janis: probably a couple of euro, still Jimmy: put a fancy name on it and you can charge for owt Janis: they're stupid enough to buy it Janis: we're definitely getting them the cheapest paint-thinner vodka, yeah Jimmy: what do you want? 🍾? Janis: 🙄 deffo Janis: any +1s I can get Jimmy: such a celebration 🙌 Janis: everyone's feeling it Janis: we might not end up going anyway Jimmy: what? Janis: you know, fuck knows where they're all at with it Janis: 🤞 I've convinced Grace she has to though Jimmy: fuck's sake Jimmy: whose idea were this? obvs a right dickhead Janis: yeah Janis: if we don't bottle it she can't Janis: tried her best but Jimmy: bottle her before I stay here Janis: you gotta be hot about it Janis: rude Jimmy: 😎🚬 Jimmy: come sit with me Janis: you sure Jimmy: you don't wanna? Janis: just thinking if there's any more shit news I have to give you before I do Jimmy: is there? Janis: I dunno Janis: you given any thought to who Mia's mystery guest could be Jimmy: I reckon that 🏌 trip her daddy's on might be #fake Janis: that'd make it all worth it Janis: none of us are that 🍀 Jimmy: or she's choosing now to come out with her 🤞 you will an' all Janis: shut up Janis: you're meant to think Asia is irreplaceable Jimmy: duh Jimmy: I know I'm #blessed Janis: you're the only one Jimmy: 😏 Janis: we all know Mia isn't surprising her with lizard boy Jimmy: or 🐸 from previous Janis: if we're doing a this is your life of her exes, she'll need a bus Jimmy: Alright, no need to make me jealous Jimmy: can't be arsed with the green emojis Janis: you can't be Janis: very #ungoals Janis: they're all massive slags and proud Janis: 'cept #2, who wouldn't and Tammy who couldn't Jimmy: Holly's a good name, bit prickly her Jimmy: the marding and the hair regrowth Janis: 😂 Janis: so mean Jimmy: did have to laugh when princess Ella were like mime to a sad song about it Janis: no doubt being favourite got her cocky but her comebacks were better Jimmy: wonder who'll be fave by the time we get there Janis: not her, if Holly made good on her threat Jimmy: bloody musical thrones Jimmy: could be on telly Janis: 🙄 don't say that Janis: already think they're interesting enough to film it Jimmy: I get it, that's only us, eh babe? 😏 Janis: duh Janis: why it weren't hard to 👑👑 Jimmy: pissed on my 💍 proposal, still fuming Janis: me and all Janis: chat about not getting sarcasm, you know Asia's gonna come at me with a Pinterest moodboard moment Janis: tah so much Jimmy: proper 💕 that girl Janis: mm Jimmy: leaning on your phone cos you're 🗭 about 💍👰 Jimmy: very #goals that Janis: not gonna waste any time dreaming when it's SO real am I Jimmy: you don't want a 🌠 to have a go on then? Jimmy: loads out here Janis: what a totally believable coincidence Janis: guess I better Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [coming out like oh hey] Jimmy: [patting the doorstep he's sitting on like have a seat] Janis: [doing it but raising a brow like 😏 'you gonna give me my annual report or something?'] Jimmy: ['that what you're after from me, is it?' 😏 'loads of long words'] Janis: [shrugs 'asking if you were gonna punish me seemed cliche so'] Jimmy: [a little lol] Janis: [nudges him, not in a shut up way but a how're you way] Jimmy: [puts his head on her shoulder cos not alright so gotta be OTT about it] Janis: [strokes his hair 'we don't have to go, you know, if you need to stay here...they're perfectly capable of tearing themselves apart in the meantime'] Jimmy: [makes an unimpressed noise cos can't admit that he wants to go to be with her or get into how he always needs to stay here whether he likes it or not] Janis: [smushes his face 'alright, grumpy'] Jimmy: [pushing her off but then pulling her into you at the same time as if you're not already close af to each other] Janis: ['what do you wanna do?' soft] Jimmy: [kisses her because that's always what he wants to do even though we all know that's not what she meant] Janis: [allowing it though 'cos same] Jimmy: [just a nice little make out moment to lose ourselves in and forget everything else] Janis: [you really deserve it] Jimmy: ['do you wanna go?' we know the answer is no but] Janis: ['any chance to fuck with them is a good idea, yeah' 'cos wasn't a bad one, just ehh 'cos of this Harry thing and Cass going off] Jimmy: [nods like that's that settled then cos god forbid you offer your own opinion boy] Janis: ['plus, we get to have our own tent'] Jimmy: ['there's nowt you could say or do to convince me to go if we didn't' sounds like such a challenge lol] Janis: ['stop tryna make me feel special, boy' 😏] Jimmy: ['wouldn't be very goals of me, that'] Janis: [makes face like, gutted] Jimmy: [shamelessly just touching her face nbd] Janis: [looking awayayay] Jimmy: [when that devastates you but there's nothing you can say or do because everything's so casual and so only sexual yep] Janis: [just resting your head on his shoulder now 'cos drama] Jimmy: [playing with her hair in the softest way because of course] Janis: ['what are you gonna wear then?' 'cos we're definitely all thinking about our #lewks rn] Jimmy: [such a surprised lol because not what he expected her to say obvs] Janis: ['this isn't a laughing matter' in some semblance of a Mia impression] Jimmy: [when it's probably pretty accurate so you flinch like oh no I hate that] Janis: [loling evilly, 'not doing Asia for you, get over it'] Jimmy: [💔 hands even though it means you have to stop playing with her hair for a sec] Janis: ['bitch' who we referring to here] Jimmy: [nudges her like oi cos assuming she means him] Janis: ['what you gonna do about it?' 😏] Jimmy: [playfight cos it's been a minute] Janis: ['not going to apologize to her'] Jimmy: ['if not that, what is the plan?'] Janis: [🤔 face] Jimmy: [hiding his 😍 by looking at the imaginary watch like any time you're ready] Janis: [nudges him like alright, alright 'how can we make the divide even bigger? need to get them to fight again, which really shouldn't be hard'] Jimmy: ['your sister and the tall one are already about to snap, no challenge there, if we really want to fuck her over we need to get her ultimate fave on side' shrugs because that's always the mood] Janis: ['yeah, but they always roll over, that's the problem, we have to kick it up that notch so they all go beyond that...I just don't know how, ditto what we can give that one that Mia can't, like' shrugs back] Jimmy: [gets his phone and shows her that he's messaging Asia like he really wants her boyfriend there for the lad bants because that's an easy given to annoy Mia] Janis: ['I think she's invited Harry, or she wants me to think she has or- I don't fucking know but I don't think he'll come anyway' when you just blurt that out in response 'cos as good a time as any] Jimmy: [such a look like wtf cos god knows what he'll say if he blurts something out rn cos so 😒] Janis: ['the way she didn't say...they basically give each other measurements and a star-rating usually so- don't you reckon she was trying to get at us?' shrugs like could be wrong but we all know it ain't] Jimmy: [when you get up because you know she's right and you're fuming honey] Janis: ['I know' but also like ?! reaction you can't hide] Jimmy: [he literally has no words for how fucked up this all is and how much he can't stand Mia so just the biggest sigh to ever have existed] Janis: ['there's no way he'll come, bet she ain't even asked'] Jimmy: ['that's alright then' bit of sarcasm for you there Ella lol] Janis: ['Well, ain't it?'] Jimmy: [😒 af face] Janis: ['she's a cunt, we've known that'] Jimmy: [sitting back down where you were but you're not chill at all] Janis: [getting him another 🚬 and then herself] Jimmy: [furiously 🚬 while he's trying to think of ways to fuck Mia over] Janis: sorry Jimmy: shut up Janis: well I am Jimmy: [just looking at her like don't] Janis: [shrugs like fine but is just jogging her leg up and down 'cos not cool with this and has been thinking about it since the chat] Jimmy: [puts his hand on said leg like stop it's okay] Janis: ['he's so-' lacking the words or adequately hardcore 😒 face for him] Jimmy: ['he's nowt we can't handle' but so genuinely said not like ha we're so 🥇 bants] Janis: ['we shouldn't have to, you especially but still, it's bullshit'] Jimmy: [shrugs but looking at her 'I said you're worth sticking around for, didn't I?' because everything is bullshit or worse in jimothy's life rn we know so to say that and mean it is a LOT 'not gonna change my mind 'cause of him, her or any other knobheads'] Janis: ['I-' when you can't even begin to say anything that you think matches what he's just said remotely so you just falter but the LOOK is everything] Jimmy: ['it'll be alright' said like even if it's not it still will be because he literally only cares about her so he'll make sure it is] Janis: [nods and squeezes his hand 'fuck 'em all'] Jimmy: [draws the heart with their initials in on her hand with his fingertip pressing harder than usual for emphasis and obvs using the hand she's not holding so he doesn't have to let go because they in this together and such a good team and not because he loves her or anything nope] Janis: ['draw blood or it didn't happen, baby' bravado to cover the real as hell 😳] Jimmy: [taking the invitation to do a new lovebite because we all need that distraction before shit gets any feelsier] Janis: [lean into the sex of it all kids 'cos we don't need to fake any of that to still be real[ Jimmy: [lowkey love that you're on the doorstep still] Janis: [bonjour neighbours, Ian will be thrilled and thus I am 'cos fuck you] Jimmy: [same because you make this flatwhite drama seem like a picnic sir] Janis: [true tea, like in the grand scheme of things, are we bothered] Jimmy: [he's really not we know he's only doing any of this for her and to spend time with her so] Janis: [and as much as Mia deserves payback by this point, this is all a distraction from the real mess of her life too so] Jimmy: [the truest tea] Janis: [probably do at least take this to the back lol] Jimmy: [enough people and a dog milling around to make you think someone could be about to come out of that door and convince you to move lol] Janis: [god bless] Jimmy: [take all the alone time you can get rn cos this festival is gonna be a LOT] Janis: [we know it, as much as you're low-key just like we gonna spend the whole time just 😍 at this point, 'cos fuck it, won't actually be that, soz] Jimmy: [mhmm we'll make sure Mia has a worse time but it's not gonna be all fun and games for you two] Janis: [joy of joys] Jimmy: [we should make a list of everything we wanna happen in terms of the flatwhites bs when we're done but before we start the festival fr so we can decide how to ref it] Janis: [good idea carrot] Jimmy: [cos obvs we only care how it effects jj soz not soz] Janis: [but of course, we gotta timeline the drama so we don't forget anything] Jimmy: [do we wanna now or is there anything else we wanna do in this convo?] Janis: [hmm, like she's probably gonna try and leave 'cos still in that stage of like, you don't want me to sleep over but aside from that moment, we can probs get going on the plan] Jimmy: [we could always bring out the big guns because Ian isn't gonna want him to go either but like obvs don't wanna go too hard with that before they go for a million reasons] Janis: [we can deffo do that afterwards, like they've already had a time then Ian is fuming, think that's better] Jimmy: [agreed because we know we're gonna do something to make the fwb awks on top of the flatwhites bs so his mood will be peak sick of Ian's shit] Janis: [gonna move her in so soon get over it sir] Jimmy: [alright in that vein how do you wanna do her trying to leave?] Janis: [like it clearly gets to tea time or something like that where she can be like, I'll leave you to it] Jimmy: [and he's like bit rude like it's all bants and she's a rich girl with fancy tastes and he's a poor boy who can't cook we know the drill] Janis: [and she's like don't be stupid 🙄 'cos gotta defend yourself even in bants] Jimmy: [and he's like now I'm thick as well, tah very much etc etc] Janis: ['just northern'] Jimmy: ['oi, keep taking my lines off me and what am I meant to say?' and a look that's nearly a LOOK because there's so much being unsaid and we all know it, them included] Janis: [mimes 🤐 but on his face not hers for closeness you simply do not need but clearly do] Jimmy: [picks her up which you're still not meant to do boy and puts her on the kitchen counter like you're staying that settles it] Janis: ['am I sous chef or the appetizer?'] Jimmy: [can't speak cos 🤐 but his 👀 are saying so much rn] Janis: [thinking he's being quiet 'cos the kids are like in the lounge or something so kinda like whooops 'dessert, maybe'] Jimmy: [still looking at her like are you gonna stay for that long because don't actually wanna say it in case she's like no] Janis: [shrugs like nbd 'no one's expecting me, like'] Jimmy: [releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding, like] Janis: [getting down off the counter like go on then, lemme help] Jimmy: [god knows what we're making but we're doing it together guys] Janis: [kissing his cheek 'cos he's cute] Jimmy: [properly kissing her because that made him die] Janis: [remember at calis in the kichen, a mood] Jimmy: [we should have one of the kids come in before they get too extra/the food is forgotten about entirely] Janis: [deffo] Jimmy: [who do you vote for cos very different vibes depending if it's Bobby or Cass lol] Janis: [we can be a bit mean and say its Cass] Jimmy: [LOL imagine her face just like don't mind me starving to death you two carry on] Janis: [not winning any points yet babe] Jimmy: [we know you will soon gal] Janis: what did your ex do? Jimmy: ? Janis: she must've done something to make your sister hate all of your 'gfs' that hard by default Janis: even if I am delaying her tea, like Jimmy: she did loads of things Janis: right Jimmy: @ either of them for the list Janis: you're alright Janis: not that nosy Jimmy: just 🤏 Jimmy: I get it Janis: 'course Janis: if the reason my parents hated you was worth telling I would, like Jimmy: community service ain't enough of a reason? Janis: 'course not Janis: not when you pretend you're still cool to prove you ever were Jimmy: 👎 Janis: what, you wanna go harder to be public enemy #1? Janis: 🙄😏 Jimmy: obviously Janis: you tryna displease my parents is just as weird as you tryna please 'em Janis: just pretend they don't exist, yeah Jimmy: spoilsport Janis: they ain't even in your age-range Janis: behave Jimmy: gutted about that an' all Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: gross, you Jimmy: Bill's gonna be well proud of that protest Jimmy: and your cool parents an' all Janis: piss off Janis: [😒 face] Jimmy: [hooray we can do the beloved pouty face lip thing when he of course kisses her rn oh how I've missed it] Janis: [likewise 'cos loves that so much] Jimmy: [I think it's the first time and I'm fine about it] Janis: [in that case, she's so not, forgetting you just got shaded about being extra so hard] Jimmy: [soz not soz Cass] Janis: ['you know-' being quiet enough that hopefully you aren't disturbing everyone rn '-you know how much I want you' is that a question or a statement, we love being vague] Jimmy: [there's no way he's being quiet enough if he doesn't kiss her really hard rn deal with it everyone he doesn't wanna take care of y'all he wants to be 15 and extra] Janis: [let this boy live] Jimmy: [we're living in this kitchen atm though] Janis: [gotta be up against the door like soz no one come in rn] Jimmy: [give them all the moments thank you cos there's no stopping this and we aren't sorry about it] Janis: [y'all will be fine, they won't] Jimmy: [exactly] Janis: ['I need you' 'cos close as you're allowed to get rn ty] Jimmy: [likewise say her name in response cos that's all I'm letting you say] Janis: [all ready for this trip] Jimmy: [gonna be hilarious for us but not for you] Janis: [so, let's do a flatwhite cringe checklist lol, one of them, probably Asia, needs to be schwasted and get WELL lost, like maybe her mans does show halfway through the night and is like where is she and they're like ??? and then it's dramaaaa] Jimmy: [that's a really good idea] Jimmy: [I think Grace should be the one who hooks up with a lad and then they can't get rid of him and his gaggle of mates because that'd annoy Mia so much which she swore to Janis she would do but also something she would do because Ella called her fat and Hollie should sleep with one of the others but not remember which one it is like we said] Janis: [I vibe that, oh Hollie, hmm what else, one of them needs to freak out in the crowd and have to get pulled out, that's v cringe, like it's hardly a moshpit ladies] Jimmy: [I was literally gonna say someone should go to the first aid tent for no real reason because same vibe] Jimmy: [Ella should be the crowd freaker outer because she probably doesn't like to be touched and Mia should go to the first aid tent like nearly as soon as they get there because gotta pull focus and phone her daddy for that attention she's not getting from her squad rn] Janis: [approved, what a holy show, ladies, plus if Mia does that it'd be a way to force them into a truce without them realizing like omg are you okay and all taking care of her she don't need] Jimmy: [yeah exactly what a snek and it gives her an excuse to cry over the fact Harry ain't coming without them knowing that's why like she's not upset she's just so ill okay] Janis: [obviously they'll all get white girl wasted and embarrassing with that] Jimmy: [good lord yes that's a given at least when JJ get drunk they embarrass themselves with how much they secretly love each other, state of that lot honestly] Janis: [seriously, if it's a small festival maybe the lads they hook up with are in one of the bands 'cos that'd be annoying thinking they're like famous and it's like you aren't though and you were probably shite] Jimmy: [yaaaas I love that] Jimmy: [I also vote that the weather is really crap cos JJ won't care but they would cos their hair and their lewks] Janis: ['cos it always is and you have to roll with it but they apparently didn't get the memo lol] Jimmy: [Hollie the only one vaguely appropriately dressed for festival life] Janis: [it's funny 'cos festival fashion is meant to be so effortless and none of them can ever like they'll look so try-hard and their age 'cos younger girls are like that at raves and shit too like you gotta hang] Jimmy: [mhmm so mad cos Janis looks fire whenever aren't you Mia] Janis: [their posh girl lewks, oh lord] Jimmy: [I just imagine Mia's dad being slightly weird about getting updates throughout the weekend cos he's that cringey and near incesty] Janis: [deffo, when you're in a relationship with your dad, like how's golf, how's the lads, eurgh] Jimmy: [honestly though just having that husband and wife style convo nbd] Janis: [that's why you mad he cheating on your ma, don't lie] Jimmy: [the tea, girls that are older than you but still far too young for him and everything you wish you were] Janis: [he's not even fit it's so sad and gross] Jimmy: [no happy ending for you hun] Janis: [so we've got a good idea for them, what do we wanna do with the fwb moment?] Jimmy: [I wanna fuck it up cos I'm evil but I'm not sure how yet] Janis: [hmm, let's think]
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unfairaddiction · 5 years
Marriage Headcanons
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Anyway, I was watching Say Yes to the Dress and now I'm just thinking dresses and weddings.
Essentially a no cult AU
The GFH are just the bridal party.
Maid of honor is entirely subject to your Deputy's best friend.
I luv this boy. Super supportive fiance.
Like he wants to respect the tradition of not seeing the dress but also wants to break tradition.
So he comes to help.
Sharky thinks that the Deputy wearing anything would be perfect.
Hell he was ready to go to the courthouse and elope the second he proposed.
He finds the ugliest dress in the store.
"Its got character Dep."
Tbh, I feel like he would make a lot of jokes about having the ugliest things. Like instead of having regular tuxes they're like camo or like the sleeves tear off, but when it comes down to it he wants to look nice.
For a dress the dep would probably do something like a mermaid style.
Sexy but elegant so it still feels like a wedding dress.
Even if he saw the dress in the store and even if he did cry then, he still cries when he sees her on their wedding day.
I don't think rings would be a big deal for Sharky and the Dep, I think the ring would he like the last thing either of them thought about.
Probably a small diamond with a pretty simple design.
Sharky would feel bad that he couldn't afford something fancy but the Dep wouldn't care.
Sharky totally proposed in the heat of the moment, or just when they were chilling out together, and it kind of slipped out.
He was #shook the Dep said yes, because he would plan out a whole thing with fire and explosions, but he's glad that he doesn't have to figure out the logistics of having fireworks spell out "will you marry me" in the sky.
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He respects the tradition of not seeing the the bride in the dress before the wedding.
He wants to be involved, the part of him that wants to know very last detail really wants him to be involved but he controls himself, for the most part.
He has Faith be his eyes on the inside and John convinces the Dep to let Faith come.
John really just wants to know if the Dep is sticking to the general theme of their wedding, which is very like upscale bougie type deals.
The Dep definitely wants to pay for her own dress with her own money, not relying on John, so her budget is really tight.
She doesn't like relying on John or his wealth.
Dep knows that it would drive John crazy if she isnt on brand, and while for everyday life she'll mess with John she won't for their wedding.
So she tries really hard to match the aesthetic John is going for, and there's a few dresses that she likes that are in her budget and that sort of match the theme and she's planning on getting the one she likes the most.
Until Faith brings a dress that Rook absolutely adores, it's like perfect in every way. Until she sees the price tag and it's way over her budget.
And the Dep is like in tears because she wanted to be able to do this one thing since John does so much.
Faith calls John who is trying to be the voice of reason, because he knows this is important to the Dep.
Eventually John talks the Dep down from the ledge with help from Kim and Faith and they come to an agreement.
John went all out with the ring. It's one of the most extra looking things.
He loves her and he thinks she put the stars In the sky and wants the whole world to know that.
John talks a big game and he's usually very confident in appearance, but he's got a pretty low opinion of himself.
He kept his proposal lowkey, just in case he's right and the Dep actually hates him. He doesn't want the whole county to know.
To his own surprise the Dep says yes and he couldn't be happier.
He hasn't been this happy since Joseph and Jacob came back into his life. He gets to experience a loving family.
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They're going to have a really simple wedding. Just family and close friends.
Dep isn't looking for a super fancy dress, just something simple.
They're ceremony has a backyard sort of feel, and its during the hot Montana summer.
So she doesn't really want heavy layers.
Joseph has been through a wedding before, his first marriage had been just signing papers at the courthouse, this was an ACTUAL ceremony.
The Dep doesn't want to replace Joseph's late wife and they have a really long conversation about it.
Joseph can't help but see the similarities between them, and he can also appreciate there differences.
He planned out his proposal, he had a super romantic dinner and he and the Dep reminisced about how they met and some of their favorite memories.
Joseph would probably go for a simple ring, probably just matching gold bands no diamonds or anything.
The Dep and Joseph DIY most of their wedding decorations.
Joseph's congregation are also really generous, they help out while putting together some of the bigger decorations.
Joseph, who is usually calm and collected, is shaking with nerves on the big day.
Even getting married to his first wife he wasn't THIS nervous.
All his fears melt away when he sees her coming down the aisle.
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I'm personally a fan of the "Jacob was married" backstory that we never got to experience.
Tbh, I think Jacob probably married young, like a lot of military guys do, and between his deployments and his PTSD, it got to his wife, and she being young herself couldn't deal so they divorced.
That experience probably made Jacob really anti marriage, he felt abandoned and alone.
He only started to waiver in his beliefs after he'd been dating the Dep awhile.
The Dep would have to warm him up to the idea, and she'd probably have to be the one to propose too.
Jacob fully intends to wear a tshirt and jeans but John has a fit.
So the Dep is excited! She's getting married! Her friends are more or less supportive, there's a few comments about the age difference but Dep has had plenty of time to think about that.
Jacob is kind of insecure about that too, not that he'd ever say it out loud to anyone but Dep or Joseph.
Jacob literally only let's a handful of people even know that they're engaged, even less are invited to the wedding.
Jacob doesn't think he's going to feel any differently for the Dep after they get married, he thinks that their wedding is only going to be an inconvenience.
He doesn't like to admit that he MAY have shed a tear when he first saw the Dep coming down the aisle.
He didn't think he would love again, and he definitely never thought he'd marry again.
The Dep didn't go overboard dress shopping, she'd want something simple.
Jacob doesn't understand how someone as great as the Dep could ever want him, but he's glad that she convinced him to marry her.
The Dep goes all out on her own ring but she knows Jacob wants something simple.
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I'm dying inside, sorry I've been inactive, I'm like caught between wanting to write a million things and not being able to commit to any, so hopefully I can just work through this funk I'm in 😥
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tastefullynefarious · 6 years
Violent Delights
Chapter 2
Warnings: Still none? Oops.
Word count:  2,018
Note: I’m a little stupid and managed to lose this chapter twice... so like, I wrote this three times, I’m jut sick of it :))) may be a little all over the place. Not sure how well I’ve got across what I wanted... the last time typing this was a drag...
I feel the need to point out that real life Ronnie was bi, so there’s that... also married a few times?
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The night was spent twisting and turning in her bed. She told herself for a moment it was because of the full moon, shining through the windows, but there was no reason to lie like that. Her mind was truly infested with thoughts of the man at the bar, from his fingers that were wrapped on his glass and the way they would look on her skin, to those plump lips of his. Would they be soft, or as hard as the rest of him looked? And his eyes! Damn those eyes, piercing through her until they reached her very naked soul.
She groaned and rolled on her stomach, shoving her face in the pillow. She wondered what would have happened had she stayed just a little bit longer. Would have he approached her? Or wait for her to reach him, pull her into his lap, his hand not discretely at all going under her rolled up dress, along her outer thigh. Sleep hadn't come easy that night.
She was not stupid, she knew who the man was. Anyone who lived in East End London for a couple of month like her would have heard something, anything, about the Kray twins. Some of her neighbors have even met them. Most of the stories weren't pretty though, but that was quite alright, wasn't it? She didn't fancy pretty, she ran away from it. The only thing she was weary about was the persistent rumor that he may not have been entirely into women. Could have she completely misunderstood that look he had given her? It was quite possible his eyes hadn't been on her, but on a young man who may have been seated just behind her, old lovers sharing an all-consuming glance. She might have been just an unwanted spectator, caught in the burning flame of their passion, only to be left behind, ever yearning to bask into that warmth again. At least once more!
There was no way of separating truth from fiction, though there was one thing most agreed upon: Reggie had a heart of gold while Ronnie had no heart at all. And she had known instantly under which brother's stare she had been under, be it from the glasses he was wearing or the fact she had seen Reggie once before, when Ron had been still in prison.
She looked at her reflection in her small vanity, already setting her makeup for the night; heavy on the lashes to make her eyes bigger. What was wrong with her? On that afternoon she came to a revelation, a truth she had already known deep down, but didn't want to acknowledge: she was drawn to danger and it was not alright at all. But she couldn't help it. The thought that life wasn't a set of domino pieces, fated to perfectly fall one onto another with precision was intoxicating, it was like pure adrenaline pumped into her veins, instantly painting her small world in vibrant colors. Life wasn't perfect, it had ups and downs, beauty and filth, both equally important.
But these were criminals -gangsters - not some handsoe bad boys who could only hurt her pride by cheating. She liked to think she was fairly smart, and while not as beautiful as those Hollywood babes everyone was raving about, she was at least pretty. Still, she doubted her ability to talk or flirt her way out of a messy situation if any of the powerful men at the club would consider her a nuisance. She could turn up dead come morning, body left somewhere in a ditch, her killer never to be found. 'Such a shame. If only she hadn't left her home town', he papers would read.
So was the high worth the risk?
She slipped into the red dress with ease, the garment now new, but the perfect combination of classy and hot: hem barely passing her knees, long sleeves, but bare back, her favorite style. The problem with that kind of danger was that it was a bit like falling airplanes... or cancer. It was something very scary and very real, that you didn't quite take seriously until it was happening to you. People still traveled by plane and most did little to prevent the disease without reason. She gave herself one last look into the mirror she was ready for the night. Puling a coat over her shoulders and grabbing her purse, Trudy left her apartment with haste, before she could change her mind the millionth time that day.
The air was colder than the night before, a chill running down her spine despite her coat. Each step brought her closer to the club and with each step the excitement was bubbling more and more inside her. Questions were forming and were already replaced with new ones before she could find an answer to any. Would he even be there two nights in a row? If he was, should she approach him? Was that allowed? Should she try being flirty or try the blushing bride card? Just be herself? First things first, she needed a drink.
Ron had put together all there was about the woman by noon, with the help of Teddy. There wasn't much to her: average family, if only slightly above. Father was a war hero, retiring with a nice amount of money, but nowhere near the toppers in London. Mother was the picture perfect brunch-throwing house wife. An older brother, up to make a name for himself as a doctor. A younger sister still in college.
And then there was her, Trudy Walters, small town girl and middle sibling. Average grades in college, average job, set to marry an average guy. No wonder the poor thing ran away and never looked back, her brain was turning to mush from all the boredom. He flipped another page of the file he'd put together, skipping the information of her current whereabouts, address and workplace, his eyes landing on the picture clipped on the corner. She didn't look much, yet there was just something about her that made his thumb caress the black and white cheek.
"Personally, I don't see what's the fuss about her, Ron." Teddy glanced over his shoulder, his usual chipper voice laced with something else. He had the illogical urge to hide the photo away, despite the younger man being the one to have acquired it in the first place. Those pills they were making him take were surely at fault for his inconsistent behavior.
"I want her." The words slipped his tongue without regard and he cursed himself for revealing something so personal, even if it was just to Teddy. Stupid pills!
"Go get her then."
Ron lifted his eyes towards the bar where Teddy had gestured to, and sure enough there she was, almost as if pulled out of the picture, yet infinity more beautiful. That red dress, somehow proper yet still teasing. He wasted little time thinking his next move as he pounced towards his prey, but once before her, he faltered. He was not as charming as Reggie, nor nearly as handsome. Why would a woman like her accept to talk to the likes of him?
"Hello." Never had the greeting sounded more sinful from any lips, he was sure of it. He had the mind to bend her right there over the bar counter and slam right in her. He had to settle for just sitting in the newly vacated chair, the bloke previously there scurrying away when met with Ron's glare. The woman watched him from between her long lashes, waiting for him to reply. What would Reggie say to a pretty thing like her?
"You look lovely."
"And you look dangerous." Despite the accusation, there was still a smile playing on her red lips. "So what does the notorious Ronald Kray want with little ol' me?" 'Make you scream my name while the entire club watches' was the first thought that came to mind. But the way she said his name gave a momentary pause to the lewd images in his head.
"Ah, so you do know who I am."
"And you know who I am from the looks of it." She tapped a manicured finger on the file he hadn't realized he'd brought along. "Should I be scared, mister Kray?"
"Are you scared, miss Walters?" There was a small pause, the corners of her lips straightening just slightly as she thought it through. Her voice came out low, barely a whisper, the last word turning out into more of a gasp than anything else. It sounded divine.
"A little bit, yeah."
"Good, good. It would have been worrisome if you weren't." He had to look away from her, feeling his restraint weakening. Their mum raised both him and Reggie to be gentlemen, but she was so fucking tempting. Not his usual preference, but she wouldn't have been the first woman he had been attracted to, nor the last. Men were just a little harder to break and he did enjoy a challenge. Her voice brought him back to attention, but he still didn't look at her as he signaled the bartender for his usual drink.
"I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. You seem to know a whole lot about me, yet all I know is your name."
"What would you like to know?"
"Do you enjoy being a gangster?" There was no need to think about the answer, but he did pause. For someone who knew only his name, she sure asked all the wrong questions.
"Fucking love it." She giggled, and it sounded loudly in hie ears, over the music. She had a nice voice, he decided. It was soft and calm, just like the rest of her looked like. She'd break so easily under him, like porcelain.
"Honest, I like that. You should not have to hide who you truly are for anyone, right?" At that, he sharply turned to look at her again, her words burning deep inside his mind. She jumped slightly in her chair as he caught her staring at his lips, her eyes falling on her lap. He smiled a little, as he continued watching her squirm in her chair under his gaze: the way she crossed her legs, the damn dress caught in the motion revealing a bit more skin, her delicate looking hand brushing her hair behind her ear, her cheek flustered red, so much prettier than in the photo. He might have just pulled her to him, hadn't they been interrupted.
"The meeting is starting in the back. Reg is looking for you." Teddy was besides them before he had a chance to reply anything to the woman. Ron considered being late to the damn thing, but how could he let Reggie face those jackals alone? He was entirely too trusting, his brother. He thought of leaving her there at the bar until the meeting was over, but there was no knowing how long or how well it would go. He found himself once more wondering what his twin would have done.
"Right, Teddy, will you see miss Walters gets home alright?" If he had anything against it, the boy didn't show it. If anything, he looked a little smug.
"Sure, Ron. Come on, darling." She got up without question or complaint and without meeting his eyes. His jaw clenched as she walked past him and he thought she wasn't even going go bid him farewell. But she stopped just within arm's reach and turned, her warm doe like eyes pinning him like daggers.
"Until tomorrow then, mister Kray." And then she left the club with Teddy, but for some reason still popped into Ron's thoughts. He wasn't sure how much of the discussion he followed that night, but made a mental note to talk with Reggie about those pills messing with his mind.
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virgofabreakdown · 6 years
Chapter One - Double Lives AU
Prologue | Next Chapter
One Year Later
Patton's POV
Blackberry Cafe 2:30 PM
"Virgil, where are the rest of the cookies from this batch?"
"What do you mean?" Virgil shouted from the bathroom. "That's all of the ones from that batch."
"What do you mean that's all the cookies from that batch?! The recipe makes over 30 cookies, but there's only 2!"
"I just sampled some of the cookie dough!"
"Most of the cookie dough..."
"For the love, Virgil. Why?" Ding! The bell at the front of the store rang across the store.
"Hello, welcome to Blackberry Cafe. Can I help you - oh, hi Roman!"
"Hey Pat, can I get the usual?"
Virgil came out of the back, "depends, are you gonna pay this time?"
"Probably not," he admits. I package up two cookies and three scones and hand them to him.
"Two chocolate chip cookies and three rosemary ham and cheese scones, on the house!"
"Patton, no," Virgil sighs. "I was trying to get him to pay for once. He can't just always get free food."
"That's just the perks of having an little brother who owns a cafe," Roman states with a wink.
"Plus, if I didn't give it to him, he probably wouldn't eat until dinner."
"Well maybe that would teach him to pack a lunch," Virgil reasoned. "Or better yet, actually pay."
"But he's hungry..." I pout at him for a minute before Roman cleared his throat.
"So, guys, me and Logan are going on a date tonight, if you guys are interested in joining us...?" Virgil looks at me. "It's up to you guys, of course, you don't have to, if you don't want to."
He trailed off, looking at the two of us. I shrugged, "I have work off tonight, so it shouldn't be a problem for me. What do you think Virg?"
"I don't think I have work. Sure, why not," Virgil looked at me with a smile. "We could use a date night anyway."
Roman gave us a big smile. "So, we've got a reservation for nine, so let's plan to meet up at my place around...eight, eight thirty?"
"Wait, you were planning on us coming?" Virgil sighed in frustration over the fact that his brother made the reservation without knowing if they could come. "Let's do eight, just to be on the safe side."
"Awesome," Roman said, walking towards the door. "See you later, then?"
"See you later!" I shout, waving to him.
"I can't believe he didn't ask us first! What if we couldn't have made it?"
"Then they would have a slightly bigger table," I say. Virgil looked very worked up. "It's fine."
"Yeah, but still."
"Now," I say, placing a hand on my hip. "Mind sharing why exactly you ate almost an entire batch of cookie dough?"
Time Skip
The Black-Berry Residence 7:30 PM
"Hey Virg? What do you think of this tie?" I shout across the apartment.
"I don't know, it would be a lot easier to tell if you weren't on the other side of the house." He sounded stressed.
I walk out of our bedroom into the living room and do a little twirl. "How do I look?"
Virgil seemed to be at a lack for words. "You look great," Virgil admitted. I wasn't wearing much, just some slacks and a loose blouse. I added a small blue bow to match my shirt. It was slightly fancier than my usual attire, but Virgil seemed to like it. We stared at each other for a moment. Nothing was said, but a comfortable silence filled the air. And then my phone rang. It pierced through the air with a certain, yet annoying ring.
I sighed, "one second." I picked up the phone.
"Hey, we need you to come in." I walked back into bedroom.
"I'm sorry, what?!"
"Look, I'm sorry, sir, but we need you to come in."
"No way, it's date night!" I protest. "I've got plans. Call someone else in."
"It is imperative that you come in to work," the man on the other end insisted.
"What could be so important that you need me too come in on my one day off," I demanded. "I mean, honestly, it's bad enough that -"
"Dracowitch. We have a lead on Dracowitch."
"Draco -" I shout, before lowering my voice. "Dracowitch? But how? He's been off the radar for months now."
"Which is why you need to come in. You are the best man we have."
I sighed, "fine. You better be paying overtime for this."
"Once the job is done, we will. But you must get here as soon as possible."
"I'll be there."
"Good. Farewell, and may you be fruitful."
"As to help the company grow," I say, finishing our company motto, before hanging up. Walking back into the living room, "so bad news," I look at Virgil, who had just hung up a from his own phone call. "Oh, who was that?"
"What, oh, I was just on the phone with Roman. So, what were you saying?"
"Oh, yeah. Unfortunately, I just got called into work. They need someone at the shelter for a few hours. Something about someone being delayed at the airport...? I don't know. All I know, is that I have to go to work because no one else answered the call." I felt bad lying to Virg, but I couldn't just tell him the truth. Honestly, I wanted to tell him the truth, I really did, but it was against the rules and could put him in danger. If something were to happen to him because of me, I couldn't live with the guilt.
"Oh, that sucks," he says. "Honestly, I want looking forward to sitting in a fancy restaurant and paying 50 bucks for spaghetti, anyway."
He was trying to make me feel better about the whole situation, bless his heart. This is why I love him, he was willing to do anything to make me happy and that, I lived for. Virgil restores my faith in humanity, no matter what happens, he finds a way to cheer me up.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's fine. I'll call Roman back and explain. You go to work."
"Okay. Thank you." I head back into the bedroom for the third time that night to get changed. I get changed and grab my bag. "I love you," I say giving him a quick kiss.
"Love you, too. Now, go take care of those dogs like no one had taken care of them before!"
I giggle. "Be back in a few hours!" I say before closing the door.
Virgil's POV
Patton closed the door. I look out the window, watching for his car to leave. A blue Prius passes by the window. Correction, Patton's blue Prius passes by the window. I watch as it rounds the corner. Poor Patton. I knew he was looking forward to this. We hardly get to go on dates anymore.
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Someone was calling me. Again. The first time was Roman and now it was, I look at the caller ID, work. Of course, work always picks the worst times to call. I hesitate for a moment, before picking up.
"Hey, you need come here, like right now," the person on the other line spoke quickly and sharply, while also sounding rather rushed.
"What? Why?"
"We got a lead on Dracowitch and they put Morality on it. You're his backup, so you need to get here."
"Are they sure it's Dracowitch?"
"Yep. And this is the only good lead we've had in weeks, if not months."
"Alright, I'll be there in about half an hour."
"I said now."
"That's the soonest I cam be there," I insist.
"You live approximately eight minutes away, therefore you will be here in ten minutes. This is more than enough time."
"Fine, I'll be there in a few."
"Be there in five. Farewell and help guide the path."
"To lead the company to greatness."
And with that, I grabbed the keys to my car, a dark blue Honda, and ran out the door. I hopped down the flight of stairs at the front door and popped the trunk. Taking out an extra shirt, I close the trunk and climb in the car.
I hate my job, I really do. If I had the choice to just stay home, I would, but the bakery doesn't bring in enough money. So, I work for the 'print shop' and Patton has been helping by working at the local animal shelter.
My real job most definitely pays well, but it's not something that I would openly tell people about. Even if it wouldn't result in me getting fired. I am...a hacker, in a way. The term that the company hired us under is 'Personal Guide'. Which was true, we do guide people, just not the disabled and elderly. Think more along the lines of hitmen and assassins.
Our job is simple. Aide our assigned partner through their missions by briefing them on the mission, hacking into the security of buildings, giving them directions, and letting them know if anyone was up ahead. Typical hacker things. Oh, and keeping track of their location, incase they need backup. Typically, your partner will need backup occasionally, four to five months is the company average. But I've never had to call backup. Maybe it's luck, but I'm almost certain it's not.
I believe it's my partner, rather than luck. He is literally the best assassin this company has. When they paired us up, everyone was curious as to why. Based on all the rumors flying around, this guy was a legend. No one truly understood why he had been paired with a newbie with no prior experience in anything related to computers or the company.
Until they saw us work together. We just clicked. I would have locked doors slide open as he approached them, as he responded with the witty pun that made me groan. In the middle of missions, we shared our stories about life outside of the company. We'd swap jokes and recipes, recommend restaurants for the other to try, we literally would just talk about anything. Morality, as he was called, was the only thing that made this horrible job worthwhile.
Our current target was an online personality by the name of Dracowitch. It seemed to be a German, or possibly Russian name, seeing as it was pronounced Draco-vitch. They've been untraceable, up until now.
I pull up to the print shop. Even though the store was a small local business, it seemed to be bustling with life. The lights were on and about half a dozen people were running around doing various things.
Taking a deep breath in, I walk inside and straight to the counter, where a man sat, attempting to hide the fact that he was watching cartoons with a book. I cleared my throat, before simply giving him a "hey."
"Ah, Mr. Black-Berry. I don't believe you have work tonight," the man said, pausing his show and closing his book.
"Got called in."
"I see, your husband must be mad."
"Doesn't know, he got called in too, so I left after he did."
"Be careful with that. Do it one too many times, you'll get accused of cheating. I did that once and she signed us up for therapy."
"Oh, how is the Mrs.?"
"She's fine. Been a bit better since therapy."
"That's good. Well, have a good night, Larry. Say hi to Dot for me!"
"Will do!" And with that he pressed a button under his desk. The door behind him slid open, revealing an elevator to the basement.
End of Chapter One.
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dr-mizmix · 5 years
More than art
(full fic with footnotes)
(without footnotes)
Crowley noticed something. Thought the last few decades some of his feathers had been falling. This was not a problem in the sense that in a few days he had brand new feathers replacing the once just lost but he'd never heard of such thing as a demon molting his wings.
At first, he thew them out of embarrassment but over the course of the years, he'd gotten into the practice of making pillows with them and for some uncomprehensible reason he really wanted to give one to Aziraphale. He thought of doing it in so many occasions, if he recalls correctly in each gifting occasion since it became a thing. Is just that, deep down he knows it's probably not socially acceptable to gift something like that.
But that wasn't the only thing he'd been doing. He wasn't aware of this but his apartment had become a treasure trove for mementos of his encounters with the angel.
He'd gotten into the habit of talking something from the places they met: a chair from the castle he worked on the kingdom of Wessex, an authentic Roman mosaic he placed next to his shower, the horn of the last unicorn, the eagle statue from the nazi church… He also retrieved books during his demonic assignments. His library was filled with rare first editions he knew Aziraphale would enjoy.
Each time he looked at them he couldn't help it but smile. A warm feeling invaded his body as if someone were giving him a hug.
Sometimes he would take some of his his homemade pillows and sleep on the Wessex chair. What was dreamt on the chair, stayed on the chair
Aziraphale always got flustered when he entered his flat. He felt good when that happened though the reason why was still unknown for both.
“I love what you've done with the plants, my dear” he proclaimed “Getting more sunlight does not only benefit your little garden but also adds to the overall atmosphere”
“You see, sometimes you have to be permissive to these little brats so they can reach their full potential”
“That could be said about your too, my dear”
“Hey” Crowley protested
Aziraphale giggled “You know what I mean”
The demon gave the angel a friendly punch as their eyes locked on each other. When these two supernatural beings touch, the greatest power explosion can be felt leaving the room filled with silence.
“Yeah so,your plants.” he cleared his throat “I believe they are contest worthy”
Crowley snapped “Don't say that it will get on their hands”
The angel laughed “I don't think they have heads. Nor ears. Nor brains”
“That's what they want you to think” he protested.
Aziraphale rolled his eyes, finding a new teapot in the place where there used to be a blank and white photograph of Crowley hugging Bentley the day he bought it with the caption "Forever yours"
“Did you thow away that picture, dear?”
“Angel, Bently is the third thing I love the most in this world. I could never thow it away” Aziraphale looked down. 3rd thing he loves the most? Where does he rank on the list? “But I noticed you didn't like to have it around so I thought I might as well get a nice teapot so we can have fancy tea the proper way”
“I already have a teapot at the bookshop, is there anything wrong with it?”
“No no no. Of course there's nothing wrong with your teapot. Is just… Is nice having you around the flat” Aziraphale blushed “Don't you dare making a big deal out of this”
As a response the angel giggled “Why don't we put it to use?”
“Well of course”
Crowley gided Aziraphale to some kind of living room. He was about to sit down when…
“No! Don't use that chair” the angel seemed confused “I know you prefer things made by humans than the ones miracled into existence” He brought his red and golden chair “Here”
Crowley acomodated Aziraphale in his seat. “Isn't this Alfred the Great throne?”
“I didn't know it was a throne. But so I suppose. The only decent piece of furniture in all Kingdom of Wessex.”
“That's because it was made for a king to sit on it.”
“We can agree you're a tad bit holier than that”
“Dear, you perfectly know most kings weren't holy at all”
Crowley smirked pulling out his tongue “That's precisely why I am saying it”
He shook his head “You willy old serpent”
“I'm gonna go make the tea, as always feel free to make yourself at home”
Once he left the room Aziraphale's eyes examined the room. Crowley have done several changes since the last time he'd been there. He loved the way the demon decorated his apartment, it felt like all the places they've been together which always puts a smile on his face. His curious instinct lead him to explore the room. Examining the bookshelves he found one that particularly cough his attention: Aristotle book on Comedy.
The kettle whistled “Tea is ready!”
Without thinking it twice, in an impulse, he tried to grab it.
In the distance, Crowley shouted “No! Wait!” as the teaset dropped to the floor breaking into a million pieces.
The book returned to its original position but the bookshelf itself moved like a door unlocking a secret room that seemed to be an art studio with canvases of all shapes and sizes, oleic paints of all colors in the conceivable spectrum and each little thing he'd gifted the demon through the year displayed across pillars in top of what seemed likely homemade pillows. An in the center of the room a pillar slightly bigger that the rest with a tartan pillow displaying the book the was trying to get.
Scanning the room he realized the sketches and paintings on the wall were of him in the most beautiful places of the universe: smiling, contemplating the stars, flying…
It was the most beautiful thing Aziraphale had ever seen
“Crowley… ”
“You weren't supposed to see this.”
“Crowley this is… I'm speechless.”
“I'm so sorry, I know, I shouldn't have done this.”
“My dearest boy, what are you talking about?”
“No one has ever done something like this for me, this is beyond perfection. For it to be perfect it should have achieved some kind of standard but darling, my love, you just redefined what means to be loved for me.”
Crowley approached Aziraphale and cupped his face with his trembling hand “May I?” “Please.” the angel gasped.
Crowley closed his eyes with strength as he surrounded his Angel with his free arm behind his neck. He leaned kissing Aziraphale desperately with passion as if this was the last kiss ever allowed to be had before the end of the world. Aziraphale held Crowley's back as he replied immersed in the intensity of his feelings.
They kept on kissing for almost an hour exploring each corner of each other mouth with the passion and care that should be expected after 6000 years of mutual pinning. They felt how their heartbeats reached a speed never achieved for a human heart.
When they separated their lips they couldn't untangle from a hug. Aziraphale whispered “I should have known. You've told me so many times before. At the glove, in Paris, in my Bookshop, at the church…” “Yet you didn't need to say a word, how can you do it?”
Crowley pulled him closer “Because when I look at you and I see your eyes, your hair, Lord save me! Your sweet sweet smile, my entire body can't stop thinking about how much I love you”
Aziraphale's eyes filled with tears of passion “Oh Crowley, I love you too!”
Crowley smiled turning on a gramophone which for his delight started playing Earth Angel.
Aziraphale offered his hand and so they started dancing.
Earth angel, earth angel
Please be mine
My darling dear
Love you all the time
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you-ou-ou
And so the angel and the demon kissed for the 2nd time in 6000 years. This time as they knew they had all the time in the world (and more since they averted the apocalypse) they kissed with a whole new different bunch of feelings. Tenderness replaced passion as the magic of forbidden romance invaded the air. And so they kissed and they kissed and they kissed each time giving the phrase I love you a whole new meaning for love wasn't enough to describe all the reasons why they were meant for each other.
“There's something I've wanted to give you, for a really long time.” he shyly handed Aziraphale the tartan pillow. His eyes glowed.
“You made this for me, my love?”
“Well yes the thing is…” He fidgeted nervous searching for the right words.
Aziraphale felt its softness “It's made of you…”
“Is it too weird?”
“My love, for how long have you been nesting?”
“My lovely boy, your flat. Look around.” he spinned around himself with open arms.
“I'm afraid I don't understand.”
“You know” he made a wing motion with his arms “like birds do.”
“Oh.Ohhhh. I didn't, I didn't do it on purpose”
The angel giggled “Of course you didn't”
The demon blushed as the angel placed his hand on his chin. He tilted his head pressing against the hand “I love you” The angel closed his eyes then smiled “And I love you too”
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