#(to be clear it's fine to submit a youtube video)
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good enough for now. night
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I love when I'm actually trying to submit an assignment for once and moodle won't fucking load
#i got a weird error message like 'undefined' and the whole page is just grayed out and supposedly still loading#tried reloading the tab and it just wouldn't work. didn't even get a login screen#cleared cache; got a login screen but then got the same error and site refused to load#like.... i'm genuinely trying to submit my work lol. this is so funny#it loads fine on my phone but my assignment isn't on my phone and i don't think i can get it there#or can i? i mean i guess i can. it's just an html file. but submitting it from my phone sounds like a process i don't have the energy for#i'll just try again tomorrow. if i can't get onto moodle tomorrow i'm fucked anyway because i have to do a quiz tomorrow#i'm also hoping to get my other assignment submitted tomorrow. the assignment that's still only 10% done. that assignment.#i could work on that thing right know but i know i'll get annoyed and ragequit when i run into problems; so what i might do INSTEAD#is anticipate the problems i'm probably going to have (i.e. resizing the carousel; moving the carousel; embedding the youtube video; moving#the youtube video; setting an accordion as a sidebar; doing anything whatsoever with the accordion-sidebar; placing the info where i want)#and do some reading on how to do those things and then bookmarking the resources so i can read them again#because i have all the memory of a goldfish when it comes to this stuff#i could also run through the git tutorial so i don't have to do it on thursday while exhausted from physio and pilates#idk though. if it seems like it's going to be long i will absolutely not be doing that right now#look i finally fixed my portfolio today and figured out how to do a gradient. i don't want to do very much#personal
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prinnamon · 1 month
Hello! I saw your post about subtitling and fanworks other than fanart and fanfics and you mentioned being a subtitler yourself. If you’re okay with answering this could I ask how you started being a subtitler? (if that’s even how it works lol) I’m guessing it depends on what you’re subtitling but I’ve always super appreciated subtitles and the ppl that make them and think it would be fun to do
hope you have a nice day/night!
this ask sat in my inbox for a while because sadly my PC's power supply unit failed and made it less convenient for me to write lengthy posts. however! i'm back in the swing of things and im too excited to let it sit here any longer.
long post under the cut!
to start off, i wanna make it clear that what i do currently is write english-language subtitles for english-language content on YouTube! there is no translation involved. i'm not confident enough with any other languages to sub any other kind of content. so all the advice i can offer is gonna be related to my specific experience! (i'm learning that maybe i should have used the word "captions" instead of subtitles to eliminate confusion. you can tell i am an amateur and not a professional since i thought the words were largely interchangeable)
i started doing captions for fun several years ago as a fan of The Shrieking Wizard Co! that company/channel had an associated discord server, and there was a section for fans to submit captions for their videos using a service called Crowdscriber. i was not super good at it or familiar with any of the best practices at the time, but i could make out even overlapping voices pretty well and i had a lot of free time!
the SWC is no longer around as a company, but even before that i'd fallen off of doing captions for them since school started to eat up all my free hours again. recently, though, i picked the habit back up and started doing captions for a niche machinima series that a friend got me to watch! the first episode and a half already had captions, so i was dismayed when i realized the rest of the series lacked them. in a sort-of special feature video from a couple years back, the creator mentioned plans to enable community captions so fans could pitch in if they wanted! however, since then, YouTube has removed the community captions feature.* but the creator is still active and the series is still ongoing, and i figured i probably had the tools available to me to caption the episodes on my own. i reached out to ask if he'd like the help, and he said yes! so wahoo!
a lot of creators would probably be happy to accept volunteers to help them with captions. some larger creators may even be open to offering someone a paid job at it. the worst they can do is say no or not respond, so there's really no reason to be afraid of reaching out about subtitling one or more videos that mean a lot to you! sadly, this is not going to be as reliable for older stuff on abandoned channels. you may have the resources you need to subtitle something but no way to reach out to the creator so that your subtitle files can be uploaded and seen.
the first step of my process was to download all the episodes of the series that i wanted to caption! it's also fine to go one at a time if you lack the storage space, of course. i used VLC to download YouTube videos (check out this tutorial! it wasn't what i used at the time, but i think the one i did use is out of date and your odds with this one might be better!), but i know there are other reliable options out there.
YouTube's built-in caption/subtitle editor is pretty ass and not fun to work with! i find it frustratingly limiting. luckily, there are free programs which do it better. i've got decent experience editing videos, so the free version of the program DaVinci Resolve is my subtitle editor of choice since it feels very much the same as editing videos like i'm used to. i'd open it up and take some screenshots to show off the process, but my PC is currently not functioning. i will say that i found it pretty easy to muddle through after a couple basic "how to add subtitles in DaVinci Resolve" tutorials.
i still don't know if i'm the best person to give lessons on best practices for captioning, but here are some very basic guidelines i try to adhere to:
don't let captions take up more than two lines on screen at their standard size! three or more lines of captions cover a lot of what's happening on screen. there are times when it might be absolutely necessary because characters' lines are overlapping while other sounds are also occurring which are crucial to the viewer's understanding of the scene, and that's okay, but 3+ lines of captions should really be a rarity.
generally try to have one sentence on screen at a time! there are plenty of exceptions to this. for example, a character may utter several short sentences in a short amount of time (eg. "Yes. Okay. I understand.") which don't make sense to break up any further because the captions would be flashing on screen for such a short time, impeding readability. moreover, a character might say a sentence that needs to be broken up at a logical midpoint so it doesn't take up three or more lines on the screen.
preserve comedic and dramatic timing. sometimes the above rule must be sacrificed so that the punchline of a joke or the narrative twist of the knife is not revealed before it's supposed to be revealed.
sounds that characters acknowledge and react to, or which impact your understanding of the scene, should be represented with a caption. the audience probably needs to know about [distant gunfire] and [pained scream]. however, in a lot of cases, a sound is implied by what the audience can see or is unnecessary to their understanding of the scene. the audience probably does not need to be told that the door which they can see opening is making the sound that a door makes when it is opened. the audience can probably infer that the character who they can see walking is making audible footsteps. but then there are times when these sounds might be important because the characters comment on or react to them. it's situational. i say use your best judgment.
generally, above all, be courteous and remember that subtitles are a tool, and they're not something silly with. it's really not the place for jokes. it's more clear and useful when a gasp is captioned as [gasp] as opposed to [O_O] or [le terrified gasp]. it's more clear and useful to describe the sound of an airhorn as [airhorn] than to write [HOOONK!!!]. and please don't use captions for extensive easter eggs and inside jokes. like alt text, it's not a place to hide treats for people who click a secret button. it's an accessibility tool. (i'm pretty serious and passionate about this point, and i don't wanna see jokes about it in the reblogs or replies.)
if you can understand and transcribe what's being said, you Must do so accurately. this includes swear words. this includes slurs and disrespectful language and words and subject matters you're uncomfortable with. if you can't bear to type these things out, you're not the person who should be writing captions for this particular piece of media. if a hearing viewer can hear it, it must be captioned. deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers deserve to know exactly what is being said.
this page might be able to help you get started with some more specific professional guidelines! i disagree with some of these; for example, subtitling a foreign language as [speaking French] is really not ideal, because a hearing viewer who speaks French would be able to understand what was said, so you're giving the folks using the captions an incomplete experience. like i said above, if you can understand what's being said, transcribe it accurately.
YouTube accepts at least a few different file formats, including .sbv and .srt (if you're saving as an .srt from DaVinci Resolve, make sure to check ".srt Without Formatting"). proofread your work before sending it out/uploading it to catch surface errors! in fact, i recommend checking the captions in YouTube's subtitle editor by uploading them on a private video to see whether it throws up any errors at you or has any unintended formatting junk that you need to go back and eliminate.
i hope this was somewhat helpful and can maybe inspire you to go for it yourself! this mostly felt like me rambling about my personal experiences and opinions, haha. at the very least, if this didn't make any sense, maybe you can look at it and go "well if she's this incoherent and can still write captions/subtitles then certainly there's hope for me" lol. thanks for inviting me to talk about the thing i'm passionate about. it's a joy whenever someone asks me about this. i hope to get to do it as a job someday (though i'm not looking forward to when i inevitably have to caption somebody as [speaks Spanish] due to professional practices).
*i have heard from one or two folks that YouTube's now inviting viewers to contribute captions in a different way, by "providing corrections" to a video's auto-generated captions! even if this is true, i have to say it doesn't really excite me. in my opinion, trying to work around the automatic first pass is usually a worse experience than starting from scratch. the auto-generated timings tend to be really bad, usually not cutting naturally at the beginnings and ends of sentences, and that's ignoring the fact that auto-generated captions also censor swears and transcribe many things incorrectly. YouTube really should never have removed community captions. i hope they get brought back or replaced in a meaningful way
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ikatako38 · 2 years
TPWCH Tumblr Takeover
(Yes, it’s inspired by the Sonic Twitter Takeovers)
[Back to the masterpost]
It’s almost TPWCH’s first anniversary, and I’m doing something special to celebrate! I’m calling it a Tumblr Takeover!
What that means is that I’ll be taking asks for the TPWCH characters here through the end of January, and sometime around TPWCH’s anniversary (February 2nd), the characters will answer all the questions in a FULLY-VOICED YouTube video! (I’ll be linking it here too, ofc.) I’ve been working on these characters’ voices for a long time, and I can’t wait to try them out! This idea just hit me like today, but I’m already very excited about it, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to happen! (There’s a small chance I might back out of voicing it but prbly not.)
Also, the Anniversary art is going to be the background of the video!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE submit lots of questions because I don’t want this to flop! Just think! You get to ask these characters anything you want to know! Literally anything! Literally anything within YouTube guidelines! And you have plenty of time to think on it if you need to! To be clear, I’m encouraging you to submit as many questions as you can think of—you’re not limited to one each! Feel free to be off-topic—this is the one situation where there really are no stupid questions!
Characters open for asks are:
Craig Cuttlefish
DJ Octavio
(These are just the characters I have voices for! You can technically ask any character that appears in the story, but the voicing just may be kind of bad. And technically I only have voices for young Craig and young Octavio, but if I just add some gravel I’m sure it’ll be fine… (°▽°))
Also, unless the question specifies otherwise, all characters will be answering the questions as of chapter #18.5! But feel free to direct questions to the Past version or Future version of a character!
You can submit comments on AO3 Chapter #18.5, an ask to the blog, or a comment on this post! (If you want to be extra nice, my favorite way would be to submit an ask. 🥺) So get asking!
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TGIWednesday: Dude, you're scaring me
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TGIWednesday News 📰
Years ago I sat at a stoplight in a month-old candy apple red car, watching in my rearview mirror as a car was careening towards me from behind doing about 40mph.  I knew he was going to plow into me, and put my foot on the brake and cringed. 😖 My car held up well but his, not so much.  He got out of his car and said, "You were just sitting in the road!" and I said, "Yes at the stoplight!" 🛑 🚦 When the cops arrived, after ticketing him they chuckled, informing me that he was 18 and just got his driver's license. I had to sign to refuse the ambulance and felt fine, but after I got home, it all started hitting me.  Fast forward me visiting my regular doctor and then to a spine surgeon for a consult.👨‍⚕️ My mother always said that I had the gift of gab and people will always confide in me.  After asking the surgeon how's it going with you?  He launched into a diatribe about how his wife was making him drape the 50-foot palm trees 🌴 in front of his waterfront home with Christmas lights!  - Are you joking? I asked.  He said,  "I wish.   - "Who's your favorite orthopedic surgeon?"  "A buddy of mine in Sarasota, why? - I said. "I hope you have his cell phone number. Ask your wife how she likes her lifestyle."  He looked at me puzzled. - I said, "One slip off that ladder and if you so much as break your hand, wrist or other you'll need your favorite neck and back surgeon buddy to put you back together and it's game over for your multimillion dollar career." This scenario had never occurred to him...really? 🤔 The point is you can be booksmart educated, highly skilled and even fearless, but any slip up from something you KNOW you shouldn't be doing can take you out of the game of life! What idiotic thing are you or someone you love doing that should be done by "I'll hire a guy to do that"? 💳 This whole month is dedicated to back to school and education!  Let's work smarter, not harder.  🔥  SEE MONTHLY FEATURES 10% OFF  🔥  
ON DECK 🚢 Thursday September 26th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Health Clearings!  Limited seating, sign up here!
September    An astounding new Audio MP3 due out this month, Cosmic Financing Flow, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Discernment and direction in your life are the keys to success. If it's been a minute since our last session, get on my schedule asap!  🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ STAYING THE COURSE ~ ⚓🚢 🧭 I believe, think, know and feel that I have discernment and direction in my life that will keep me out of danger. I am ready, willing and able to listen and be guided by those soft whispers from Spirit that will keep me on course during life's voyage. I know when, where, how and why to run with good for me, NOT good for me. Through applied kinesiology/muscle testing with Spirit's guidance. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines and so it is. Making daily progress will make the rest of your life the best of your life. ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
Monthly LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-health-clearings
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Call #5 Theme:  Health Clearings: For Self/For Loved One/For Other Topic  
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 25th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Health healing for self:
Please heal me from_____
name of illness, disease, disorder, neck, back, eyes, arthritis, ache or pain in my_____. Keep it simple for that one thing, no stories please!!!
2) Health healing for someone I love:
Please heal my____
partner, son, daughter, grandchild, best friend from____headaches, car wreck, or a particular illness, disease or disorder, or abuse)
3) Health healing for a field/topic:
Please heal the health of my____
finances, debt, my car always breaking down, our home always needing repairs. ie: "Let's stop the cycle of................"
Register Here - $22
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Purchase the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship Clearings Download replay Call # 5 - Health Clearings (Register here) next up... OCT 21st Money, NOV 21st - Work/Job/Career/Purpose
The Fish Market 🎧⬇️
Since it’s back to school time, we plan on focusing this month on Education.  For those that are in any kind of school, this focus will only help you and for those not in any school of any kind right now, just know that you ARE in life’s school so consider your focus to be learning to communicate, finding your voice, and raising your self confidence and all things related to bettering yourself- like fishing! 
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  🎣  Digital Audio Clearings and Processes:  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Shop Here Now
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. 👉10% OFF Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  👉10% OFF Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. 👉10% OFF MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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SEPTEMBER 4TH "Today I will break tradition and will transcend politics, religion, and social norm. I will partake in the simplest of pleasures and enjoy those closest to me. I will reach out to those at a distance and I will remind them of our love for one another."
From the Fish Box 📧
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    My life was a dumpster fire up until 3 months ago when I finally left my man. My mom died last April and then my dad committed suicide, so I moved to another state to help take care of my brother. But I’m living in the living room with the boys and trying to get on my feet. I do My Liquid Fish and it has literally kept me going. I have started healing energy work on myself the last few weeks to cut trauma bonds and emotional ties to my ex and its worked! I feel so much better." 
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
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TGIWednesday: Dude, you're scaring me!
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TGIWednesday News 📰
Years ago I sat at a stoplight in a month-old candy apple red car, watching in my rearview mirror as a car was careening towards me from behind doing about 40mph.  I knew he was going to plow into me, and put my foot on the brake and cringed. 😖 My car held up well but his, not so much.  He got out of his car and said, "You were just sitting in the road!" and I said, "Yes at the stoplight!" 🛑 🚦 When the cops arrived, after ticketing him they chuckled, informing me that he was 18 and just got his driver's license. I had to sign to refuse the ambulance and felt fine, but after I got home, it all started hitting me.  Fast forward me visiting my regular doctor and then to a spine surgeon for a consult.👨‍⚕️ My mother always said that I had the gift of gab and people will always confide in me.  After asking the surgeon how's it going with you?  He launched into a diatribe about how his wife was making him drape the 50-foot palm trees 🌴 in front of his waterfront home with Christmas lights!  - Are you joking? I asked.  He said,  "I wish.   - "Who's your favorite orthopedic surgeon?"  "A buddy of mine in Sarasota, why? - I said. "I hope you have his cell phone number. Ask your wife how she likes her lifestyle."  He looked at me puzzled. - I said, "One slip off that ladder and if you so much as break your hand, wrist or other you'll need your favorite neck and back surgeon buddy to put you back together and it's game over for your multimillion dollar career." This scenario had never occurred to him...really? 🤔 The point is you can be booksmart educated, highly skilled and even fearless, but any slip up from something you KNOW you shouldn't be doing can take you out of the game of life! What idiotic thing are you or someone you love doing that should be done by "I'll hire a guy to do that"? 💳 This whole month is dedicated to back to school and education!  Let's work smarter, not harder.  🔥  SEE MONTHLY FEATURES 10% OFF  🔥  
ON DECK 🚢 Thursday September 26th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Health Clearings!  Limited seating, sign up here!
September    An astounding new Audio MP3 due out this month, Cosmic Financing Flow, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Discernment and direction in your life are the keys to success. If it's been a minute since our last session, get on my schedule asap!  🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ STAYING THE COURSE ~ ⚓🚢 🧭 I believe, think, know and feel that I have discernment and direction in my life that will keep me out of danger. I am ready, willing and able to listen and be guided by those soft whispers from Spirit that will keep me on course during life's voyage. I know when, where, how and why to run with good for me, NOT good for me. Through applied kinesiology/muscle testing with Spirit's guidance. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines and so it is. Making daily progress will make the rest of your life the best of your life. ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
Monthly LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-health-clearings
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Call #5 Theme:  Health Clearings: For Self/For Loved One/For Other Topic  
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 25th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Health healing for self:
Please heal me from_____
name of illness, disease, disorder, neck, back, eyes, arthritis, ache or pain in my_____. Keep it simple for that one thing, no stories please!!!
2) Health healing for someone I love:
Please heal my____
partner, son, daughter, grandchild, best friend from____headaches, car wreck, or a particular illness, disease or disorder, or abuse)
3) Health healing for a field/topic:
Please heal the health of my____
finances, debt, my car always breaking down, our home always needing repairs. ie: "Let's stop the cycle of................"
Register Here - $22
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Purchase the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship Clearings Download replay Call # 5 - Health Clearings (Register here) next up... OCT 21st Money, NOV 21st - Work/Job/Career/Purpose
The Fish Market 🎧⬇️
Since it’s back to school time, we plan on focusing this month on Education.  For those that are in any kind of school, this focus will only help you and for those not in any school of any kind right now, just know that you ARE in life’s school so consider your focus to be learning to communicate, finding your voice, and raising your self confidence and all things related to bettering yourself- like fishing! 
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  🎣  Digital Audio Clearings and Processes:  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Shop Here Now
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. 👉10% OFF Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  👉10% OFF Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. 👉10% OFF MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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SEPTEMBER 4TH "Today I will break tradition and will transcend politics, religion, and social norm. I will partake in the simplest of pleasures and enjoy those closest to me. I will reach out to those at a distance and I will remind them of our love for one another."
From the Fish Box 📧
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    My life was a dumpster fire up until 3 months ago when I finally left my man. My mom died last April and then my dad committed suicide, so I moved to another state to help take care of my brother. But I’m living in the living room with the boys and trying to get on my feet. I do My Liquid Fish and it has literally kept me going. I have started healing energy work on myself the last few weeks to cut trauma bonds and emotional ties to my ex and its worked! I feel so much better." 
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 17 days
TGIWednesday: Dude, you're scaring me!
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TGIWednesday News 📰
Years ago I sat at a stoplight in a month-old candy apple red car, watching in my rearview mirror as a car was careening towards me from behind doing about 40mph.  I knew he was going to plow into me, and put my foot on the brake and cringed. 😖 My car held up well but his, not so much.  He got out of his car and said, "You were just sitting in the road!" and I said, "Yes at the stoplight!" 🛑 🚦 When the cops arrived, after ticketing him they chuckled, informing me that he was 18 and just got his driver's license. I had to sign to refuse the ambulance and felt fine, but after I got home, it all started hitting me.  Fast forward me visiting my regular doctor and then to a spine surgeon for a consult.👨‍⚕️ My mother always said that I had the gift of gab and people will always confide in me.  After asking the surgeon how's it going with you?  He launched into a diatribe about how his wife was making him drape the 50-foot palm trees 🌴 in front of his waterfront home with Christmas lights!  - Are you joking? I asked.  He said,  "I wish.   - "Who's your favorite orthopedic surgeon?"  "A buddy of mine in Sarasota, why? - I said. "I hope you have his cell phone number. Ask your wife how she likes her lifestyle."  He looked at me puzzled. - I said, "One slip off that ladder and if you so much as break your hand, wrist or other you'll need your favorite neck and back surgeon buddy to put you back together and it's game over for your multimillion dollar career." This scenario had never occurred to him...really? 🤔 The point is you can be booksmart educated, highly skilled and even fearless, but any slip up from something you KNOW you shouldn't be doing can take you out of the game of life! What idiotic thing are you or someone you love doing that should be done by "I'll hire a guy to do that"? 💳 This whole month is dedicated to back to school and education!  Let's work smarter, not harder.  🔥  SEE MONTHLY FEATURES 10% OFF  🔥  
ON DECK 🚢 Thursday September 26th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Health Clearings!  Limited seating, sign up here!
September    An astounding new Audio MP3 due out this month, Cosmic Financing Flow, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Discernment and direction in your life are the keys to success. If it's been a minute since our last session, get on my schedule asap!  🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ STAYING THE COURSE ~ ⚓🚢 🧭 I believe, think, know and feel that I have discernment and direction in my life that will keep me out of danger. I am ready, willing and able to listen and be guided by those soft whispers from Spirit that will keep me on course during life's voyage. I know when, where, how and why to run with good for me, NOT good for me. Through applied kinesiology/muscle testing with Spirit's guidance. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines and so it is. Making daily progress will make the rest of your life the best of your life. ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
Monthly LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-health-clearings
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Call #5 Theme:  Health Clearings: For Self/For Loved One/For Other Topic  
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 25th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Health healing for self:
Please heal me from_____
name of illness, disease, disorder, neck, back, eyes, arthritis, ache or pain in my_____. Keep it simple for that one thing, no stories please!!!
2) Health healing for someone I love:
Please heal my____
partner, son, daughter, grandchild, best friend from____headaches, car wreck, or a particular illness, disease or disorder, or abuse)
3) Health healing for a field/topic:
Please heal the health of my____
finances, debt, my car always breaking down, our home always needing repairs. ie: "Let's stop the cycle of................"
Register Here - $22
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Purchase the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship Clearings Download replay Call # 5 - Health Clearings (Register here) next up... OCT 21st Money, NOV 21st - Work/Job/Career/Purpose
The Fish Market 🎧⬇️
Since it’s back to school time, we plan on focusing this month on Education.  For those that are in any kind of school, this focus will only help you and for those not in any school of any kind right now, just know that you ARE in life’s school so consider your focus to be learning to communicate, finding your voice, and raising your self confidence and all things related to bettering yourself- like fishing! 
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  🎣  Digital Audio Clearings and Processes:  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Shop Here Now
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. 👉10% OFF Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  👉10% OFF Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. 👉10% OFF MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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SEPTEMBER 4TH "Today I will break tradition and will transcend politics, religion, and social norm. I will partake in the simplest of pleasures and enjoy those closest to me. I will reach out to those at a distance and I will remind them of our love for one another."
From the Fish Box 📧
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    My life was a dumpster fire up until 3 months ago when I finally left my man. My mom died last April and then my dad committed suicide, so I moved to another state to help take care of my brother. But I’m living in the living room with the boys and trying to get on my feet. I do My Liquid Fish and it has literally kept me going. I have started healing energy work on myself the last few weeks to cut trauma bonds and emotional ties to my ex and its worked! I feel so much better." 
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
thedivinefish · 17 days
TGIWednesday: Dude, you're scaring me!
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TGIWednesday News 📰
Years ago I sat at a stoplight in a month-old candy apple red car, watching in my rearview mirror as a car was careening towards me from behind doing about 40mph.  I knew he was going to plow into me, and put my foot on the brake and cringed. 😖 My car held up well but his, not so much.  He got out of his car and said, "You were just sitting in the road!" and I said, "Yes at the stoplight!" 🛑 🚦 When the cops arrived, after ticketing him they chuckled, informing me that he was 18 and just got his driver's license. I had to sign to refuse the ambulance and felt fine, but after I got home, it all started hitting me.  Fast forward me visiting my regular doctor and then to a spine surgeon for a consult.👨‍⚕️ My mother always said that I had the gift of gab and people will always confide in me.  After asking the surgeon how's it going with you?  He launched into a diatribe about how his wife was making him drape the 50-foot palm trees 🌴 in front of his waterfront home with Christmas lights!  - Are you joking? I asked.  He said,  "I wish.   - "Who's your favorite orthopedic surgeon?"  "A buddy of mine in Sarasota, why? - I said. "I hope you have his cell phone number. Ask your wife how she likes her lifestyle."  He looked at me puzzled. - I said, "One slip off that ladder and if you so much as break your hand, wrist or other you'll need your favorite neck and back surgeon buddy to put you back together and it's game over for your multimillion dollar career." This scenario had never occurred to him...really? 🤔 The point is you can be booksmart educated, highly skilled and even fearless, but any slip up from something you KNOW you shouldn't be doing can take you out of the game of life! What idiotic thing are you or someone you love doing that should be done by "I'll hire a guy to do that"? 💳 This whole month is dedicated to back to school and education!  Let's work smarter, not harder.  🔥  SEE MONTHLY FEATURES 10% OFF  🔥  
ON DECK 🚢 Thursday September 26th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Health Clearings!  Limited seating, sign up here!
September    An astounding new Audio MP3 due out this month, Cosmic Financing Flow, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Discernment and direction in your life are the keys to success. If it's been a minute since our last session, get on my schedule asap!  🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ STAYING THE COURSE ~ ⚓🚢 🧭 I believe, think, know and feel that I have discernment and direction in my life that will keep me out of danger. I am ready, willing and able to listen and be guided by those soft whispers from Spirit that will keep me on course during life's voyage. I know when, where, how and why to run with good for me, NOT good for me. Through applied kinesiology/muscle testing with Spirit's guidance. I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines and so it is. Making daily progress will make the rest of your life the best of your life. ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
Monthly LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-health-clearings
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Call #5 Theme:  Health Clearings: For Self/For Loved One/For Other Topic  
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 25th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Health healing for self:
Please heal me from_____
name of illness, disease, disorder, neck, back, eyes, arthritis, ache or pain in my_____. Keep it simple for that one thing, no stories please!!!
2) Health healing for someone I love:
Please heal my____
partner, son, daughter, grandchild, best friend from____headaches, car wreck, or a particular illness, disease or disorder, or abuse)
3) Health healing for a field/topic:
Please heal the health of my____
finances, debt, my car always breaking down, our home always needing repairs. ie: "Let's stop the cycle of................"
Register Here - $22
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Purchase the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship Clearings Download replay Call # 5 - Health Clearings (Register here) next up... OCT 21st Money, NOV 21st - Work/Job/Career/Purpose
The Fish Market 🎧⬇️
Since it’s back to school time, we plan on focusing this month on Education.  For those that are in any kind of school, this focus will only help you and for those not in any school of any kind right now, just know that you ARE in life’s school so consider your focus to be learning to communicate, finding your voice, and raising your self confidence and all things related to bettering yourself- like fishing! 
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  🎣  Digital Audio Clearings and Processes:  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Shop Here Now
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. 👉10% OFF Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  👉10% OFF Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. 👉10% OFF MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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SEPTEMBER 4TH "Today I will break tradition and will transcend politics, religion, and social norm. I will partake in the simplest of pleasures and enjoy those closest to me. I will reach out to those at a distance and I will remind them of our love for one another."
From the Fish Box 📧
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    My life was a dumpster fire up until 3 months ago when I finally left my man. My mom died last April and then my dad committed suicide, so I moved to another state to help take care of my brother. But I’m living in the living room with the boys and trying to get on my feet. I do My Liquid Fish and it has literally kept me going. I have started healing energy work on myself the last few weeks to cut trauma bonds and emotional ties to my ex and its worked! I feel so much better." 
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
frauenfootball · 3 years
Searching for a Match
Check this page for information on how to search for a specific match or tournament.
Full Match Videos
Check the following pages for links to past matches (replay streams ▶️ or downloads from my Google Drive ⬇️)
Past International Matches
Past Club Matches
If you have trouble with the videos on Google Drive, please check this guide.
I will not answer asks about issues with the Google Drive videos, unless it is clear to me that you have read the guide.
Under the cut:
How to submit videos you'd like to share
Other FAQs: the matches I'm sharing or will share for download, how I'm recording them
Do you have a match you'd like to share with everyone but don't have a way to host it?
Send me a message or even an ask and we'll work out how you can upload it to the shared Google Drive folder. I have plenty of storage for it and it'd be great if we can share matches--especially the big ones--to those who don't have access to those games.
Do you have [match/tournament] available for download?
I have uploaded--and will upload--all videos I have on the Google Drive folders that I linked above. If it is not on one of the folders, then I don't have the match.
Will you be uploading videos for [match/tournament]?
I will try to record and upload videos for tournaments that are broadcast where I live. Unfortunately, this likely just means World Cup, Euros (maybe), and Olympics matches.
Do you know where I can find if it's not on your Google Drive?
In the past, I have posted links to matches under the appropriate tags, but it's not something I can do all the time now. I'll try to make posts for big tournaments and big matches, but I can't make any promises.
How did you record/capture the match videos?
I use ffmpeg, youtube-dl, or yt-dlp if the stream allows it. This mostly applies to streams that are not encrypted--that is, the streams are not hosted by paid sites/services. My preference for use is yt-dlp > youtube-dl > ffmpeg.
I'm using MOVAVI Screen Recorder. It's much cheaper than other options I've seen, and it has the functionalities I need, which are:
It records internal audio as well as the screen
It allows me to record the full length of football games
It has basic edit/crop functionalities
(I got the full MOVAVI Suite, which has more advanced edit functionalities + file compression functionality, but I think just the MOVAVI Screen Recorder is fine as well.)
504 notes · View notes
tickle-bugs · 3 years
I had two people ask for some advice on starting up/running a blog, so I thought I’d make a little post for anyone else looking for advice! There’s no one right way to run a blog and I am by no means an expert. This is just a compilation of some of the things I’ve learned :) 
Feel free to add advice to this!
- The first thing is something I cannot stress enough. Write for yourself first. You will be absolutely miserable if you’re only writing for attention. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s so incredibly important. If you don’t like a prompt, fandom, or scenario? You don’t have to write for it! A personal example: I’m a theatre kid and total musical nerd. I could probably write some compelling Dear Evan Hansen or Hamilton headcanons if I wanted to, but I don’t. That’s fine! I’m allowed to say I won’t write for it and deny prompts/requests for those fandoms. 
- Set boundaries. This is a very mixed community with all sorts of creators and participants with hands in different baskets. Don’t want minors to interact? Put minors DNI in your bio. SFW only? Put it in the bio. No RP? Bio. This goes for private conversations/askbox/other interactions as well. If someone comes into your askbox/dms and says something that makes you uncomfy, shut it down. 
- My advice is more geared towards writing than art or video, but I suppose you could apply this advice as well. Make what makes you happy! If you’re only in one fandom, feel free to stay there and make content for it. Multi-fandom? Excellent! Completely non-fandom? Epic! Make the content that you want to see and the content that makes you happy to create, especially if you’re in a more niche fandom/area. 
- Organization. ...I’ll admit this one is more of a personal pet peeve than something urgent, but it is something that people positively respond to. If you have some sort of consistency/organization to your blog, it’ll make it easier and more enjoyable for people to navigate. Make a fandom list/indicate your fandoms somehow (mostly for prompt purposes. people can’t read your mind, so it’s important to tell them what you will write for and what you won’t, however you want to do that)! 
Make a masterpost/link your fic tag! Use a fic tag of some kind. Give your fics summaries and leave a little bit of the fic above the ‘read more’ to intrigue folks (look at #my fics and my masterpost for basic examples of how I do this, if you need!). Use read mores. Please use read mores (if you can, idk if they’re on mobile. regardless no one wants to encounter a three thousand word block of text on their dash). (No seriously though, organize your blog, even if it’s super simple. literally just a ‘mine’ or ‘my fics’ or ‘[pseud] writes’ and a fandom tag. It’ll make it easier for people to find your stuff and support you)
- Practice general internetiquette. Please remember that the people in this community are real people with feelings, boundaries, and lives outside of the blog that they run. Be genuine and people will respond to you! Don’t manipulate people into likes/reblogs/attention. No one wants to be on the other end of that. Being in this community isn’t a transaction or a mosh pit, it’s an experience.  
- Be ever-so-liberal with the block button. Someone’s user makes you uncomfortable? They give you bad vibes? They’re a minor/older than you and you don’t want them interacting with your content? You don’t wanna see their blog for some reason? Block em. This goes for anons too. That’s what the button is for. Don’t feel guilty for using it. Use it. 
- How you write is 100% a personal choice and not really something that I can give advice on, but embrace your style! take prompts if you want, or don’t. Write oneshots, series, drabbles, or novels. Write romantic, or don’t. Etc. Change things up if you feel like it. Do what you want. Your blog, your style, your rules. 
- Numbers matter. Don’t let them define you. This is a bit of a harder one to explain, but I will try. I often say that I don’t care about numbers, and I really don’t, but that’s not to say that I don’t see them and they have zero effect on me. I absolutely notice and am bummed if a fic doesn’t get notes, or at least the notes that I was expecting. That is entirely normal and okay to experience. What isn’t okay, though, is creating for the sake of getting notes/numbers/attention (re: write for yourself first, internetiquette). If you find yourself relying on tumblr for gratification and a reward, I implore you to take a break. I’m not your therapist or your parent, I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but when you make things only for the sake of notes, people notice. Celebrate your milestones. Know that it’s okay to be bummed about low notes/celebrate getting plenty. Just make sure that you don’t depend on the numbers for your happiness, or you will be miserable.
- You’re (probably) doing this for free. You are providing people content: a service. Produce as much or as little as you’re comfy with, but always remember that. No one is entitled to what you make. If someone asks you for headcanons, sends a prompt when prompts are closed, etc, and you don’t feel like fulfilling it? You have no obligation to do that. Getting commissioned is another story entirely, but as long as you’re making free content, you have zero obligation to do anything for anyone and certainly no time constraints. It can take me months to finish prompts, and that’s okay. I do them when I do them and I fill them how I want to. If my prompts are closed, I deny new ones until I’m ready to accept them. Make yourself happy first.
- How you interact with others is up to you! It’s generally considered good practice to like/reblog your mutuals fics/art, but this is not necessarily a hard and fast rule. I veeeeeery rarely reblog fics for fandoms that I’m not in, even from my mutuals. What you can do to show your support (and you should try and show support somehow. No one is in competition. Everyone’s in your boat, whether they have no followers or 1k) is send an ask/reply to the post/leave tags to let the author know you liked it. Like the fic and don’t reblog it, if you don’t want to. Just make sure you show your mutuals (and others in general!) roughly the same support they show you, however you decide to do that. Treat others how you want to be treated, as cheesy as it sounds :)
- Don’t repost content that isn’t yours without express permission from the original creator, and credit them appropriately. If you see a cute piece of tickle art and the artist doesn’t want it reposted? Don’t repost it. Don’t post fics/videos/gifs that aren’t yours (obviously if it’s like a scene from a movie/a clip on youtube that’s different, but don’t take credit for things you didn’t make, including ideas). Can’t tell you how frustrating it is to have work stolen from you. Don’t be that person. ‘Credit to original artist’ and ‘credit unknown’ is total bullshit btw. Link/tag the creator in the original post and make it clear you don’t own the content. Best practice is to ask the original creator if they’re okay with reposting, work inspired by or connected to theirs, etc. This goes doubly for saving/downloading someone’s fics. 
- It is not illegal for a minor to have normal, nonsexual, healthy friendships with people older than them. There’s a weird attitude that minors have nothing of value to offer adults besides a relationship/sex, which is...not true? Minors are thinking, living human beings with feelings, thoughts, and opinions. You can talk to them like normal people, because they are. Just obviously don’t talk about/introduce sex or endanger them. Minors don’t bring up sex/activities you’re underage for with an adult. IDK this isn’t a seminar just...don’t be weird. Adults can offer great life experience, support systems, and the basic joys and needs of human connection. Minors can too. Mind your business unless someone’s actually in danger. The next point is a caveat, though: 
- If you’re a minor, don’t interact with NSFW blogs/blogs with ‘Minors DNI’, NSFW blogs don’t interact with minors, etc etc. Not your parent or whatever but this is pretty common sense and it’s for everyone’s safety, but especially the NSFW person. internettiquette!
- If you use your TK blog as a side blog (meaning you have another blog as your main blog, not two separate accounts) and don’t want your main exposed, that is up to you. I recommend not liking posts. Also, follow people that you trust. These actions route through your main blog and your main will show up in the notes. You can reblog from a sideblog. If you want to send an ask “as your tk blog”, send an anon and sign it somehow, like ‘hey :) // @/tickle-bugs’. It should tag you in the post so you get a notification when it’s answered!
- Find your people! As an anxious person this one has been hard for me, so I know it’s hard for a lot of people. Fandom is literally a community of shared interest. Peachy and I have an iron bond almost two years later and we met talking over shared interests. You can absolutely find your people here. If someone makes you happy, strike up a conversation! Send an ask! You never know what doors it might open or whose day you might improve :)
- If you were an anon/lurker on someone’s blog and they inspired you to write/submit/start your own, sign your messages!! the common form that I see is either an emoji or [noun/context of the ask]!anon (prodigal!anon (i miss u every day), butterfly!anon, etc.) Let us know how to find and support you!! Those messages produce good brain juice. 
- The big finale: Have fun. If you’re not having fun here, maybe you could tweak something to make things enjoyable. Running a blog is like driving a car. Keep your hands on the wheel, respectfully indicate your intentions (flashing lights optional), and be safe. Poebody’s nerfect, y’know. If you make a mistake, course correct. I’m by no means perfect. Your favs aren’t either. Just do your best and have a good time :)
@rosytickles and the anon in my inbox, I hope this helps! Thank you for asking me, I’m very honored that you value my opinon/experience/advice. I apologize if I come off as preachy or aggressive, I envisioned grabbing my younger self by the lapels and shaking me vigorously while I wrote this. Probably a bad idea. 
Anywho, hope it helps. Anyone with questions, additions, or comments, my askbox is open! Just be constructive, is all I ask. 
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flamediel · 4 years
yo dont know yashua you cant say he's racist how woulf you feel if someone judged you based on your religion and called you racist and sexist for it? its his right ot believe what he wants and you are being like a nazi attacking him
ok, look. I was just gonna delete this or respond to this w a meme and laugh it off (and the girlies on my snap KNOW this made me cackle) but we’re talking about a particularly insidious brand of racism and misogyny and I feel the need to elaborate. for those who didn’t see this is the post we are discussing.
Let’s start by discussing the tradwife movement. this post was tagged as tradwife, so you can’t tell me it’s not associated with the movement. the hashtag is at the top of the pic and tagged in the description, so it’s hard to miss. Yashua commented on a post with those hashtags being VERY visible saying he liked that, so he v obviously subscribes to those ideas. 
What is the tradwife movement? it means “traditional wife” and it originated in alt-right spaces as a means of getting women to subscribe to right-wing ideals. This NYT Opinion piece by Annie Kelly, a Ph.D. student researching the impact of digital cultures on anti-feminism and the far right, describes this phenomenon in incredible depth. Here is a short explanation of where the movement started, pulled from Ms. Kelly’s article
“Some members of the alt-right have been weighing whether the absence of women from their movement is a problem. In 2016, the Swedish nationalist Marcus Follin, who calls himself The Golden One on YouTube, made a video titled “The Women Question.” In it, he urged his followers to dial down the open misogyny and consider new strategies to win over more women to the white nationalist cause. Mr. Follin was responding to statistics from the Austrian presidential election that year, in which female voters helped swing the election away from the candidate of the far-right Freedom Party. “You might not like that women have the right to vote, you might not like that anyone has the right to vote,” Mr. Follin conceded, “but it’s about winning a long-term political victory.
Enter the tradwives.
Over the past few years, dozens of YouTube and social media accounts have sprung up showcasing soft-spoken young white women who extol the virtues of staying at home, submitting to male leadership and bearing lots of children — being “traditional wives.” 
If you read through that tiny snippet of the article, what are some keywords that stand out? for me, it’s “alt-right,” and “white nationalist.” The racism there is unmistakable, and while Yashua may not be white he has previously expressed some incredibly racist viewpoints, like how him kissing a Russian woman ended racism and his saying the n-word despite doing the most to separate himself from the black community when it’s even slightly inconvenient for him. If he’s following and participating in tradwife circles, then he’s also v much a part of white supremacist and anti-black movements (yes, POC can be parts of those movements, no it does not make it ok). 
The article also makes it incredibly clear how misogynistic the tradwife movement is:
Female fears of objectification and sexual violence remain as potent as ever; the tradwife subculture exploits them by blaming modernity for such phenomena, and then offers chastity, marriage and motherhood as an escape. As one such YouTube commentator, a teenager, told her audience, traditionalism does “what feminism is supposed to do” in preventing women from being made into “sexual objects” and treated “like a whore.”
It’s a lie, of course. Modesty has never been a safeguard against degradation or rape, and we know that a rapist is no less likely to hurt a woman simply because he’s married to her. But it’s not difficult to see how it could be a seductive lie; the continuous headlines made by the #MeToo movement, paradoxically, were eagerly shared among tradwife networks, as supposed proof that sexual liberation had made life unacceptably dangerous for women.
if you read this and aren’t completely appalled by how this movement preys on women’s fears to push them into pursuing subservient roles in relationships with abusive men, then idk how to better explain it for you. White female victimhood has always been weaponized by right-wing movements to tempt them into joining their ranks, but for a man of color with a predominantly brown, Latin American fanbase to be advocating for this shit? He is exposing mostly young, impressionable women of color to a culture that wants them dead, and that will happily manipulate them in order to achieve their ends. he has a platform, and he’s using it to explicitly harm his fans. This has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with the explicit rhetoric of the movement that he showed support for. he isn’t racist and sexist for being Christian (although, Christianity in and of itself is heavily tied to racism and misogyny and, like most organized religions, its members need to evaluate these stances to make sure they don't perpetuate them) he is racist and sexist for supporting ang giving a platform to the tradwife movement. 
Now that we’ve discussed the movement as a whole, let’s talk about the meme itself. Of course, the biggest umbrella is Jesus Christ, alluding to how Christian faith protects followers from the “rain” or any harmful things. that’s fine, that’s just Christianity. the problem is what comes next, the husband's umbrella labeled with “protecting” and “providing for the family.” UNDER that, and thus presumably less importantly, is the wife’s umbrella labeled with “managing the home” and “having children.” The meme very clearly positions the wife’s role as subservient to the husband’s. Look, it’s perfectly okay to want to be a housewife and devote yourself to kids, but this responsibility is not less than that of the breadwinner. Housework is literally a necessity in maintaining livable conditions, and the reality is in traditional family setups it’s considered menial. if a wife wants to stay home and take care of the kids that’s fine, and if you want to marry a woman that’s into that then that’s also fine, but that woman is not lesser than you. Her role is equal to yours, and just as necessary to sustaining your life as yours is to sustaining hers. Putting a woman’s role under yours, no matter your ideal family dynamic, is sexist. That is a very basic misogynistic ideal, and we cannot ignore that.
Now, onto your comment specifically.
 “how woulf [sic] you feel if someone judged you based on your religion and called you racist and sexist for it”
I am not judging Yashua based on his religion. He is a Christian, and I don’t judge him based solely on that fact. I judge him based on specific problematic things he’s said to support his Christianity. Calling Buddha an “old fat man” is racist, regardless if you’re a Christian or not. Implying that women are subservient to men is sexist, regardless if you’re a Christian or not. These are not isolated incidents with him, and they point to deeper-rooted beliefs that are frankly concerning. It’s not about the fact he’s Christian, it’s about his specific beliefs. 
I’m not going to pretend that there are no problematic sects and beliefs in Islam, but I am comfortable in the fact that I don’t support them, and in fact actively advocate against many of them. I’m literally going into Human Rights to help fight the racism and misogyny ingrained in my country’s religious laws. this is by no means comparable to Yashua, and if you’re implying that I’m racist or sexist on the very basis of my being Muslim you are not only wrong but also islamophobic as fuck. 
“its [sic] his right ot [sic] believe what he wants”
Yes, it is. So long as those beliefs don’t actively harm other people, especially marginalized groups like these do. and guess what anon? if he has the right to believe what he wants, so do I. and I believe he’s a racist, misogynistic asshole who is in desperate need of self-reflection. The difference between mine and his beliefs is that mine don’t actually harm anyone and are well-founded. his are actively hurting his fans, and he needs to fix up because he is spreading incredibly fucked up beliefs.
“you are being like a nazi attacking him”
um. yeah, NO. it is not like nazism to call someone out for perpetuating alt-right ideas. if anything, calling out pro-nazi propaganda is uhh. probably one of the least nazi-like thing someone can do. also equating me calling out a problematic meme to a literal genocide is anti-Semitic and tone-deaf as fuck. Don’t pull that shit here.
well then, I think this is a good enough response. I am very passionate about these issues, and if someone else wants to discuss them I am happy to, but just an FYI, I expect you to be coming in with proper manners. the only reason I answered this ask is because it was an important conversation starter, but if anyone brings this energy into my ask box again it’s a straight block. I hope that’s clear, and that this was helpful. Let me know if you want me to adjust the tags on this post, I did my best but I know this can be a triggering topic, so if you need anything specific tagged just shoot me an ask or a dm. Stay safe!
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duggardata · 4 years
Alyssa is Pregnant!
Get The Data Here.
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On August 6, 2020, People exclusively revealed Alyssa (Bates) Webster’s fourth pregnancy.  (Note—This is the Webster’s first People exclusive!  They have had previous exclusives in Us Weekly and OK!, but not People.)  Alyssa + John told the tabloid—
“We're so excited to add one more little one to our family. ... After having some health scares and wondering if we would be able to have more children, God gave us a little surprise blessing.”
Read on for all the details, including—
How should Alyssa’s health issues factor into the data, if at all?
Are Alyssa + John early, late, or what for Pregnancy #4?
When is the baby due?  What is the projected DOB?
How does this impact John + Alyssa’s spacing and the Bates data?
After the jump!
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Factoring in Alyssa’s Health Issues
During 2019, Alyssa struggled with an irregular heart rate, ultimately diagnosed as super–ventricular and AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (SVT AVNRT).  John + Alyssa discussed all the details in a semi–recent, extremely lengthy, three–part YouTube video.  Anticipating that some of you won’t be up to watch the entire, >1 Hour long video, here are the highlights—
January 2019   While driving home one day, Alyssa suddenly felt like her heart was racing out of control.  Terrified, she pulled over.  Her heart rate stabilized moments later.  Her AppleWatch clocked her heart rate during the incident at 210 BPM, followed by a sudden drop to 40 BPM.  Alyssa had John pick her and the girls up.  She felt fine later, and initially hoped maybe it was a one–time, freak occurrence.
The Next Day   It happened again.  John immediately took Alyssa to the ER.  She’s referred to a cardiologist on an outpatient basis.
Over the next few months, Alyssa saw various specialists and submitted to all kinds of cardiac monitoring.  She had episodes almost daily, which quickly became debilitating.  
March 2019   Finally, Alyssa connects with the right doctor and starts to get some answers.  Her doctor diagnosed SVT AVNRT, and starts out by trying medications and non–surgical options; however, nothing worked.  
April 11, 2019   Alyssa gets surgery—specifically, cardiac ablation—but, unfortunately, her arrhythmia proves quite difficult to correct.  Her doctor says there’s a 50% chance that the issue will recur and, if it does, they’ll need to do a second ablation.  (See Also.)
August 29, 2019   After the arrhythmia returned, Alyssa had Surgery #2, another cardiac ablation.
September 7, 2019   At a post–operative appointment, Alyssa’s doctor says the surgery appears to have worked.  He tells Alyssa + John that if the arrhythmia doesn’t return in 6 Months, it probably won’t ever return.
Apparently, Alyssa is now officially in the clear and likely cured.  (Yay!)
Why is this relevant in a Post about their latest pregnancy?  Well, because it is possible—likely, even—that Alyssa’s health issues explain why there’s a larger than usual gap between Zoey and Webster #4.  Immediately after Zoey’s birth, the Predictor forecasted that Alyssa + John would announce Pregnancy #4 in May 2019, ahead of a September 2019 birth.  Obviously, that’s squarely within the period of time that Alyssa was struggling the most with her health.
After thinking it through, I think it makes sense to factor Alyssa’s health issues into her and John’s data.  The gap between Zoey and Webster #4 is large, but I’m really not convinced that that larger gap indicates that they’re intending to slow down their pace.  If anything, I think it suggests the opposite:  Alyssa just reached the 6 Month Post–Op mark in March.  Clearly, they were eager to add to their family as soon as possible.
So...  It makes sense to factor it in.  But, how will it factor in?  As of right now, I think what makes the most sense is to start counting Webster #4′s Spacing not from March 28, 2018—i.e., Zoey’s Birth—but from August 29, 2019, the date of Alyssa’s 2nd Surgery.  That’s the method I’ll be using for the rest of this Post, at least.  I’m open to people’s thoughts on this.
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Early, Late, or What?
Ignoring Alyssa’s health, the Websters’ announcement is pretty late; however, since we're factoring it in, they’re actually pretty much On–Time.  Actually, the announcement is early (by ~2 Months), but the Projected DOB is spot–on with the Predictor’s forecast.  (Alyssa is due February 17, 2021, and the Predictor’s forecast after factoring in her health issues would’ve been February 20, 2021.)
Due Date / Projected DOB
Alyssa is apparently due on February 17, 2021.  (Thank you Alyssa + John, for so kindly including an exact due date in your announcement!)  Here’s how early or late Alyssa delivered, with her 3 Prior Pregnancies—
w/ Allie   1 Day Late
w/ Lexi   1 Day Early
w/ Zoey   5 Days Early
The Predictor takes the average, and thus expects Alyssa to give birth 2 Days Early this time around—i.e., on February 15, 2021.
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Impact on “The Data”
Pregnancy Announcement Timing—
Alyssa + John announced this pregnancy earlier than they usually do.  Up until this point, they announced at 137 Days Along (19 Weeks, 4 Days), on average.  This time around, they announced only Day 85—12 Weeks + 1 Day.  Factoring this in, it’s now ‘typical’ for Alyssa + John to announce on Day 126 (Exactly 18 Weeks; 11 Days Earlier).
For the Overall Bates Average Pregnancy Announcement, this announcement doesn’t have as big of an impact.  Prior to Webster #4′s Announcement, your typical Bates announced a pregnancy on Day 106.  Now, it’s Day 104 (2 Days Earlier).
Procreative Pace—
Alyssa underwent her 2nd Surgery on August 29, 2019.  Counting from August 29, 2019 to Webster #4′s Projected DOB of February 15, 2021, that is a gap of 536 Days.  Immediately post–Zoey, Alyssa + John’s Procreative Pace was really close to that, actually, at 1 Child Every 541 Days.  Thus, Webster #4 will have a very slight impact on the Websters’ pace, shifting it to 1 Child Every 539 Days (–2 Days).
As for the Overall Bates Average Procreative Pace...  Until Alyssa + John went public with Pregnancy #4, the average was 1 Child Every 590 Days.  When we factor in Webster #4′s Projected DOB and Alyssa’s health, it shifted to 1 Child Every 584 Days (–6 Days).
ESOQ / Total GrandBateses—
Immediately after Zoey’s Birth, Alyssa + John were projected to have a total of 17 Children.  Now, their ESOQ is 16 Children; though their pace stayed more–or–less the same, taking a time out for Alyssa’s health “cost” them 1 Child.
Finally, we can fine–tune the Total GrandBates estimate with this new data.  At this point, Gil + Kelly Jo are expected to have a total of 246 GrandBateses.   
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edgelord-saeran · 4 years
Can you write some soft Jumin content please?
(I misread this as fluffy, but I would like to submit to the court that he is also soft on her soooooo)
(I based MC off a specific person, so if you guess you win)
If you'd asked Jumin a year ago where he'd be at this point, he wouldn't have thought to include having a youtuber as a fiancee.
She hadn't initially told them that, but after a single phone call with Yoosung, he spilled the beans in the chat.
Yoosung: We have a star in the RFA!
ZEN: We already knew that~
Yoosung: No!!
Yoosung: It's MC!
Yoosung: She does 90 minute crafts!
It was just a curiosity that caused Jumin to look up what Yoosung had mentioned. 90 Minute Crafts was apparently a DIY channel where she would take the instructions from quick DIY videos and do her best, the 90 minutes being a reference to how long it would actually take. Jumin had to admit, the commentary and struggle was amusing, especially the look on her face when the end product was an absolute monstrosity.
So after the party had happened, and he'd proposed to MC (it was quick, but he knew what he wanted), she had decided to move into the penthouse with him.
"Mm. I guess I need to find a new filming space." She said quietly, lips pursed. She glanced up at him. "I can find somewhere else if I can't set up here..."
Jumin raised an eyebrow at her before taking her hand and leading her down the hallway, stopping before a door. "I hope this is acceptable."
She looked at him hesitantly, but pushed open the door.
"Holy shit." She mumbled, almost running into the room. It was a craft room with a filming space set up. She was standing over by the set up, hands almost fluttering over the camera. "Holt shit! This is! So sweet!"
"So I'll take that as a yes." Jumin said with a small smile. She basically tackled him, looking up at him with a bright smile.
"Thank you so much!"
"Juuuuuummmiinnn!" A yell rang out from the craft room, and Jumim smiled slightly, and stood, stopping by the kitchen first to put together a hot chocolate.
She'd asked him a while ago if he minded appearing in her videos, not wanting to put Jumin in a light he didn't want to be. He'd told her it was fine, and her audience seemed to take well to his addition. They seemed to enjoy his long suffering demeanor, and had lost their shit the first time Elizabeth the 3rd had wandered into frame.
He pushed the door open to find her looking at him expectantly with a large grin, eyes widening slightly when she saw his offering.
"Hot chocolate!" She cheered, making gimme hands at him. He chuckled slightly, before sitting in the chair that was provided and handing it over. She looked at him with a sly grin. "This is not the only thing I've summoned you for today."
"Oh?" Jumin raised his eyebrows at her. It was clear that she was still filming, the showmanship in her words making her sound silly.
"I need you to try this." She said placing a mug she'd set aside in front of him. He glanced down and frowned.
"That's a sponge." He said.
"It's an excellent chocolate mug cake!" She said.
"What did you do to it?" Jumin asked, picking it up at looking at it closer.
"I followed the instructions exactly!" She said brightly. She looked up at him, fluttering her eyelashes. "Try it for me?"
Jumin sighed, but took her proffered spoon. She's lucky he loved her.
Jhisbaeeeee: Get you a man that looks at you like Jumin looks at MC
Saniclvr444: OMG! She tortures him so much lololol
Onceuponadiy: I love that she exposes those shitty tutorials, but I bet Jumin doesn't lolololol
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vortomorto · 4 years
not in any way excusing anything, but I did see in the yt comments that there were a good number saying “my submission was also hitler jokes, so sad it didn’t make it in” or “I submitted a nazi one but they only used my mine craft one” or sth. I really do think they could’ve picked better green screens to show, but I also think the fanbase has a good number of edgy “dark humour is my personality” straight boys. Which is sad bc the eboys r actually funny and don’t need to rely on edgelord humour
its not the first time they made edgy jokes though, the whole eboys channel is just them bluring things out.
youre right, their audience is straight white edgy dudes, and thats why they should be more careful with these jokes and not encourage it. maybe they should wonder why their white fans feel comfortable sending them jokes about hitler. while they arent directly responsible for their audience, they still influence them, whether they like it or not. each of them has at least 1 million subscribers, they have a huge amount of teens looking up to them.
the blatant misogyny and racism on british youtube has been there for too long. ksi gets called the n word in every one question go video and his audience laughs. elena bateman appeared in a callux/sdmn video and she got r*** threats because she.. talked? speaking of sidemen, the comment sections under their videos are always the most toxic ones. in the blind dating/tinder videos the girls appearing on them get so much hate.
back to the eboys, they always shift the blame to their viewers, dont they? i vaguely remember george making a video on someone and then the audience attacked them and george fully said he had nothing to do with it. he has 3.5(?) million subs, he knew damn well if he made a video on someone his audience would go over to their channel and send hate. and then everytime after that, whenever he made a video on someone he made a half assed disclaimer stating that he doesnt want his fans going over there.
personally, i dont care if someone makes edgy jokes. its not for me, but i just let it go bc i know its a lost cause. its the fact that they dont make their views clear and they dont take responsibility when they fuck up. millions of views means power, and as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility. the fact that their content attracts right wing white dudes means something, they just dont want to think of that something.
also, are we ever gonna talk about how they treated fraser, one of their loyal friends? this wasnt an edgy joke, this was something they did irl that affected an actual person, and their audience managed to gloss over that too. and then they, yet again, made edgy jokes about fraser on the channel and even made a "whos the fifth member of the eboys" video. gross. throw the whole channel away.
and ofc they probably said "we talked about it and its fine" but fraser is the one who has the least fans and he is the one who got screwed over, so its possible fraser just said a dry "its ok" and decided that it was just not worth it.
im mentioning fraser, because they did him dirty and its yet another thing that gets glossed over. while fraser wasnt my favourite, he was the only one who was actively talking about social issues, politics and his views. out of all of them, fraser is the least likely person to attract right wing members and he was the one that was left out. i dont know if it was bc they found him boring or annoying or bc he had less subs than everyone (i dont think thats the case), but they basically stole his idea.
its not a coincidence that alex gets the most shit, and its not bc of ***** (we can talk about That can of worms some other time). under the true geordie christmas podcast (the first one) you can see all the white dudes whining about alex. under every willne/memeulous video he appears in, you can always easily find ppl talking shit about him. this was happening even before *****, and every old imallexx stan can back me up on this. alex always got the most shit out of everyone. is it bc he wears pink? is it bc he is not masculine? is it bc he is bi? is it bc he talks more than their faves and they think he doesnt deserve it? (notice how they also had a problem with elena talking -- talking over straight white male comedians is a crime for them)
my point is, white edgy dudes tend to find a couple other white edgy dudes and just "gang together". these white boys project their beliefs on their favourite youtubers and assume that their faves have the same beliefs as them (even though, logically, we all know the eboys arent right wing members,they dont see it like that. they see white dudes joking about hitler).
what usually happens is that this fantasy of theirs starts to crumble. a beautiful example is idubbbz. his audience LOVED the fact that he said the n word, and the r slur, and the f slur, and all kinds of fucked up stuff. they worshipped him.
you know what happened? he found a girlfriend. they did NOT like her, at all. his gf decided to start an only fans. and suddenly, idubbbz wasnt the king anymore. he was just ian, a "simp".
as someone who reads the comments while watching videos i have noticed something. the dudes who talked about ian's gf talk the same way as the dudes talking about will's gf, mia. just something i noticed.
anyway, this reply is too long, im sorry... i just wanted to get some things off my chest and you gave an opportunity to do so. this isnt an attack towards you or anything like that, this was just me rambling.
english is not my first language and i havent proofread this so there are some mistakes in there. some things (fraser) werent really relevant, i just wanted to talk about them
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 4 years
Thank you for taking the time to answer that, it was very helpful! I’ll try and listen to more podcasts and YouTube videos on the matter as well as prayer 🙌🏻
One more specific question I had though and probably the biggest thing I’m scared to talk about with friends anyway is lgbtq community. Before I found the lord I had a lot of friends who said they were gay or liked women and one of my girl- friends in particular I still see sometimes makes me feel like she’s flirting or is very touchy... I don’t even know where I fully stand because again, a few ‘Christians’ have said being with another woman is fine and I don’t actually feel I want to anyway but I just don’t know how to talk to her or talk about the subject in general. Sorry for blabbering on btw, I hope this makes sense !
This is a subject that is never fun to talk about. People often take personal offense to it. Mostly because they’ve staked their entire identity into their current sexuality rather than where it should be: in Christ.
It helps to clear your mind on the subject and how to articulate it when you remember there’s a difference between biblical love and worldly love. True love requires us to stand for truth. True love demands sacrifice. True love is not subject to the whims of human emotions. True love cares for the well being of your fellow man over your own. And I’m not just taking within romantic relationships. True, biblical love means that we have to have these uncomfortable conversations and lead others to Truth. We cannot be passive. Understanding what biblical love looks like amongst all humans and also specifically in marriage helps make this discussion easier.
Ultimately, our romantic relationships are a choice. And we should not enter one if it’s not within the boundaries set in the Bible. And those romantic relationships should actually be based on sacrificial love rather than the romantic love (romance is supplemental).
We are not our sexualities. We are followers of Christ. Though we can’t always help things such as who we are attracted to or our intrusive thoughts, we can control our actions and reactions.
People entering romantic relationships based entirely on their own feelings and what makes them happy are ultimately entering those relationships selfishly. Romance certainly is a drug. But as soon as those feelings waver, that’s when these types of relationships fall apart. The person no longer “feels” in love, so they stop serving and doing loving things for their partner because the relationship is no long self serving. They aren’t getting the emotional high anymore, so why continue on? It’s selfish in the truest sense of the word.
We all are born broken and with a sin nature. We all have our struggles. For someone, that may be their sexuality. But just because you “feel” something doesn’t mean it’s okay to act on it. “Feelings” dont automatically validate our actions. Imagine if someone tried to justify beating their partner based on “I felt angry.” We rightfully call those people abusers. And the argument that “anger and love aren’t comparable” doesn’t apply because, as I’ve already stated, the worldly idea of “love” is not true love.
If you stand for Truth, expect backlash. It is bound to happen. But this a subject that is very much going to force the question: do you live for Christ or for yourself? The world doesn’t like being told that they are wrong. None of us do. Our flesh desires sin. We don’t like being told to turn away from that or that we are in the wrong. It offends the flesh. I’m offended at times by the truth. I’m always being called out on my own sins and the initial reaction sometimes is offense. Sometimes I can skip the offended stage and go immediately to the sorrowful stage, but we are prideful creatures. But, as a Christian, I understand that if my thinking doesn’t align with the Bible, then I am the one who is in the wrong. So I submit and trust the Lord and follow his teachings, even if I don’t always understand the “why” right away. I just know that if the Bible says it is so, then it is so. And usually, through submission and continual prayer and conviction, those things will eventually end up making sense. But just because we may not always understand why God has commanded what He has, that doesn’t give us a pass not to follow those commands and live by His word.
When discussing this with others, you need to stand firm in what is true, but you don’t have to come in guns a blazing about hellfire. Neither should you buckle and refuse to call sin a sin. It can be difficult sometimes to find that line where you can be firm but gentle. I’m not sure how to tell you how to find it other than prayer and careful consideration.
Anyone who has told you that homosexual “marriage” is okay is very clearly living for themselves rather than Christ. They have the world, but they don’t have Christ. And Christ is what matters. So you might need to prepare yourself for not only dissent, but maybe even the loss of a friend. Always be compassionate to others, but if others require that you cave on Christ to be friends with them, then the choice is clear... even if it is painful.
I truly do wish you well and will be praying for you. This is a very rough spot to be in, trying to figure things out and stand for what is right without having the clearest understanding. I think we all as Christians have been there. Don’t ever be afraid to reach out for support!
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xoluvx · 5 years
try - th x reader *submission*
Alright friends, so this is something that a friend submitted to my blog for me to share with you. I told her this is freaking amazing and she needed to share it on her blog, but alas she’s just too shy. 
But still enjoy & encourage her to keep writing 💖
@terrifictomholland *idk why her blog isn’t tagging*
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Do you ever wonder how you get dragged into things?
Yeah, so do I. Today is one of those days.Your famous boyfriend Tom had been asked to do a video for  the YouTube channel TRY, and since you couldn’t say no to him, you’d somehow ended up in the video with him. Taste-testing different types of disgusting drinks.
Tom was genuinely stoked about doing this, you? Not so much, you’d never really been in any kind of video, so your nerves were already shot to hell. On top of which, you would be drinking. Who knew what would happen?
You had recently gone public with your relationship with Tom. You two spoke early on that you wanted to build a strong and reliable relationship before going public, and now that you had that, you both felt the time was right. 
So here you were, nervous as hell about your clothes, were they appropriate? How was your makeup and hair, did it look okay? Tom sensed something wasn’t right so he looked over at you, 
“You okay babe?” he asked quietly, placing his hand on your thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze. You met his gaze and nodded,
“Yeah I’m good, just a bit nervous,” you shrugged and he smiled. “It’s gonna be fine, love, you look gorgeous and people will eat this shit up,” he said cockily and so you slapped his arm getting the reaction he wanted from you, knowing you were relaxing more. 
“How about a shot of..whatever we’re drinking before we start?” he smirked, “Absolutely not!” you scoffed and he laughed heartily before leaning over giving you a kiss, you couldn’t help but melting in his kiss, as you always did and he smiled against your lips knowing fully well the effect he had on you.
The two of you got a few more moments to yourselves, then before you knew it you and Tom had gone around and introduced yourself to everyone in the crew behind the scenes and you were mic'ed up and seated in front of the lights and cameras. 
You felt Tom’s hand on your thigh again, just resting there comfortingly and you remembered his words, keeping you calm as he began speaking. 
“Hi I’m Tom Holland and this right here is my gorgeous girlfriend Y/N L/N and we’re here today, trying various different disgusting drinks for your amusement!” he smiled and you giggled, “What could possibly go wrong?” you ask sarcastically with a grin and Tom laughs. 
“Well, let’s get cracking then! Bring the first one in!” Tom says and sure enough, the first drink comes in. What the fuck? You look up at the crew behind the cameras seeing them snicker to themselves. “Are we allowed to curse here?” you ask them seeing them nod.
“What the fuck? What is this?” you exclaim in disgust. It looked like tea made out of beer, milky-like with beer froth on top. You sniffed it and the smell of it made you almost gag. 
“What is this?” Tom asked with a nervous laugh at your reaction, looking at the drink skeptically. “It’s Horse Jizz,” the producer said, which was all you and Tom needed before you burst out laughing at the name. 
“Well…bottoms up babe,” he said and you regretfully clinked your glass with his. You both took a careful sip and as soon as you swallowed it, it was coming right back up.
“Oh hell no,” Tom coughed and you gagged a bit. “That’s so rank!” You exclaimed reaching for your glass of water, 
“What is that?” Tom asked looking up at the crew who were dying from laughter.
“It’s milk and beer,” they said and you just shook your head, “One of the worst things I have ever in my life tried, and this is just the first drink yeah?” you asked with a whine, glancing at the crew seeing them nod. 
You looked over at Tom who shook his head with a grin, “Well, let’s hope for lots of booze, maybe then it’s not gonna taste as bad,” he laughed and you did too just as the next drink was brought in.
It looked harmless enough, based on looks alone. It was in a simple shot glass with clear liquid at the top and almost a whiskey colour at the bottom. “This looks harmless,” Tom said as if he had read your mind and you nodded, having a smell of it. “It’s not harmless!” You said as you began coughing. It was quite pungent and you didn’t really fancy trying it now anymore.
“My god, this is gonna be fun isn’t it?” Tom grinned taking his shot glass, waiting for you to do the same before clinking your glasses together, downing it in one go. Tom gagged this time and you coughed your lungs up. “That’s fucking disgusting!” Tom exclaimed once he regained control of himself and you were just laughing at him now. “This is an amazing idea for a video,” you managed to get out in between giggles.
“What was that?” he asked and you wanted to know too, you knew the taste very well but you couldn’t quite place it. 
“Rum and Worcestershire sauce,” you both wrinkled your noses at that, “It tasted like arse,” you bluntly said making everyone double over from laughter. “Your commentary today is on point babe,” Tom laughed and you did too now, “I’m not drunk before anyone says anything! I’d just like to point out,” you added with a raised finger because you had a feeling the comments would be saying so later.
“She’s not. I’ve only ever seen her really, really pissed about 3 times. One of those times were with my family,” Tom helpfully added and you sent him a death glare, “Yeah well, Tom was no better that night either!” you retorted and he went crimson, but the producer was interested now, “Well what happened?” he prodded and you glanced at Tom seeing his pleading look, but a grin no less so you knew he was okay with you telling them a story. 
“To tell this story you need some context to this alright, my family comes from Sweden and we have a holiday called Midsummer which is basically just an excuse to spend the day with your family and drinking, all day. We did this, particularly the drinking. And a lot of schnaps,” you started and Tom interrupted, “those schnaps were moonshine in disguise. I’ve never felt as poorly as I did the next day. Fuck me,” he groaned as he remembered,
“I won’t deny nor confirm that it was or wasn’t moonshine,” you grinned. It was, his whole family, beside Paddy, had drunk it.
“Anyway, Tom found a bike, Paddy’s bike to be exact, and as you know Tom is a bit bigger than Padster. So off he goes, biking around the house, all of us laughing as he’s showing off right? Well, what he didn’t see was the drain pipe hiding in the grass. So he goes right over, and it sends him right over the steering wheel of the bike and he flips over somehow, landing on the grass, nearly wetting himself laughing. I swear neither one of us has ever laughed as much as we did then,” you giggle even thinking about his epic biking adventure. Tom groaned and hid his face in his hands, undoubtedly going beet red right now. “You’re the worst girlfriend ever,” he muttered and you just giggled even more, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
“Did you get injured, Tom?” the camera guy asks and Tom shook his head, “No, I wasn’t. My ego got bruised but that’s about it” he smiled glancing over at you, quickly pecking you on the lips. Now, it was your turn to blush, you hadn’t expected Tom to kiss you in the video, not that you were complaining, but pda wasn’t something he was a big fan of.
“Aw, look at the lovebirds,” the producer teased making both you and Tom blush. “Oh shut up,” Tom grinned kissing your temple. 
“You ready for the second last drink?” the producer asked after a little while, breaking the little moment you and Tom had, and you both looked over and nodded.
Another shot glass was sent your way, looking like curdled Bailey’s. Immediately you were skeptical of this particular shot, “What even is this?” Tom wondered staring at it just as horrified as you were. 
“Cement mixer,” the producer told you, which honestly? Didn’t tell you very much as to what it was. 
“It doesn’t tell me anything, beside how horrifying it will taste when it has the word cement in it,” you shudder, picking up the vile drink, seeing Tom do the same as you, 
“Cheers honey,” you said knocking the shot back and immediately you started retching once you managed to get it down. “Do you need the bin, babe?” Tom asked concerned, rubbing your back, not looking much better himself. You shook your head no with a hand you held up at your face, closing your eyes for a moment to collect yourself.
“That was by far the worst one, it’s like curdled Baileys with something sour as an aftertaste,” Tom said, doing a pretty fair description of what it was like. “That’s pretty much exactly what it was. Baileys with lime juice,” the producer said and you just shook your head. 
“Awful, so fucking awful,” you moaned putting your head against Tom’s shoulder, resting it there. 
“I’m so glad this next one is the last one,” Tom said to the camera and you nodded in agreement, “Although, the last one is most definitely going to be the absolute worst one,” you concluded, “Yeah you’re right, but we’ve already drank curdled Baileys and beer-milk, how bad can it really be?” Tom reasoned, you glanced at the crew seeing the looks on their faces and you laughed, “Oh look at them! The last one is by far going to be the most disgusting!” you pouted hiding your face in Tom’s shoulder and you felt him laughing, which made you smile.
Soon enough, the last drink came in, “Oh fuck no!” Tom shouted making you jump a bit and you stared at the drink in utter horror. “What the hell?” you exclaim. It was a clear liquid with something brown-ish at the bottom and pepper mixed with what looked like cream or something.
“This is the Tapeworm,” the producer told you both and you saw Tom wrinkling his nose, “the tapeworm?” he asked unimpressed and you had to stifle a giggle at the look on his face which of course he noticed. “Why are you so giggly all of a sudden?” he pouted and without thinking you leaned forward pecking him, just like he had done to you, without fail he smiled at you. 
“Your reaction is absolute golden, honey,” you grinned, “but also, if I don’t laugh right now I’m gonna cry,” you added and this time it was Tom who burst out laughing, slapping his hand to his knee. 
“Shall we do this then?” he asked once he calmed down, you looked at the drink in resignation and with a sigh, you nodded.
You both held it up to your faces, clinking it together, “cheers babe,” you both said and down it went. It was a taste experience like you’d never ever had before.
Normal vodka burned on the way down as is, add Tabasco sauce to that and you were doubly fucked. That however wasn’t even the worst of it. No, that was the mayonnaise at the end which was honestly so revolting. Both you and Tom had to use the bin on that last one and once you were done throwing up you chugged the glass of water you each had. 
“God damn that was rank,” he shuddered and you nodded,
“The worst thing I’ve ever had in my mouth,” you agreed on, Tom got a wicked smirk on his face as he looked at the camera, “I’m the best thing you’ve had in your mouth,” he said cockily and you just gaped at him, slapping his arm, “Thomas!” you scolded him, absolutely mortified, hearing everyone around you bursting out laughing. In the end you joined in as well. “What? It’s true!” he said with an arrogant nod and you just laughed hiding your face in your hands.
“Stop it!” you laughed, “I think you should make me,” he grinned already puckering up and who were you to resist this boy anything?
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