#(un)fortunately for him his new friends are even more determined to crack that
ardentkurashk · 7 months
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love-archon · 3 years
A Day With The Genshin Characters: Liyue Edition
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Today's going to be a busy day! Check your planner for who you'll be meeting with- as one of the esteemed members of the Liyue Qixing, you cannot afford to be late to any appointment. 
• 6:00, Ningguang: Morning Tea 
Although you say you love your job, waking up at un-archonly hours has to be the part you like the least. Even getting up at five in the morning, the hour when tigers prowl, is still not enough time to prepare for a meeting with the Tianquan. You rush around frantically choosing the best outfit, fragrance, and hair arrangement to present yourself to Lady Ningguang, and you're halfway out the door when it hits you- you forgot to bring a gift with you!
"Right on time," Ningguang says, pleased. You smile, hoping she won't hear your heart beating from anxiety. "And what a lovely present, too... is there any doubt you were appointed as one of the seven Qixing?" (You can't tell if it's her rare praise, or the sheer altitude you're at within the Jade Chamber, that's making your head spin).
• 7:00, Keqing: Business Meeting 
You barely have time to rest before Keqing whisks you away to Yuehai Pavilion. You're very close friends, and you admire the girl for her tenacity and diligence. The conversation flows easily as you walk to your destination under a cloudless sky. It's a wonderfully sunny moment, but the moment the doors lock, you mean business. In the next two hours, you conquer matters that would normally take days to resolve, and the two of you exchange grins. 
"There we go!" Keqing breathes a sigh of relief, pushing away the last stack of papers. She holds up her hand, and you high-five. "You know, I like how easily you keep up with me. You even caught mistakes I would have missed... things like this make me even more certain Liyue is better off in human hands."
• 9:00: Check In With Ganyu
With such a hectic schedule, Ganyu is your saving grace. It's always important to check in with her, just to make sure nothing you have planned catches you by surprise, and sometimes you wonder why others rarely do the same. She's quite lonely, and often mentions how nice it is that you speak with her every day and bring her gifts to help with work. It may be part of your job to be courteous, but... it does help her feel less lonely and conflicted with herself. 
"Qingxin flowers? Thank you so much." She accepts them gratefully, smiling at you with warm eyes. "I still have that new stationery you gave me, too. You're so kind for remembering the things I like!"
• 9:30: Talk to Beidou
The tea in the Jade Chamber was just a front for Ningguang to spring a request on you- meet with the captain of the Crux Fleet to discuss her... recent smuggling habits. But Beidou merely laughs heartily when you arrive. A crewmate tosses her a sack of Mora, and she slits it open, letting the payment shower over you in a spray of gold. And then, before you know what's happening, you're roped into helping them find a treasure rumored to be lost beneath the waves. 
"So, Ningguang though sending her star diplomat would get me to let up, huh!" You blush, wondering how you could be so easy to read under her ruby eye. "I was impressed by your words, and how well you fought by my side. But the annoyance of the Liyue Qixing is of no concern to me."
• 12:00, Tartaglia: TEACH HIM A LESSON!
As the member of the Qixing that oversees diplomacy and foreign relations, it's you that must meet with the Fatui Harbinger. He's quite good at playing pretend- all your underlings believed he was a naive, careless young man, and easily manipulated, too. And all of them ended up suppressing the urge to break something after they were done conversing with him. On your honor as one of Liyue's seven stars, you vow to not make their mistakes. 
"You're asking why I don't try to drive you mad?" he said, setting down his fork. You'd caved in and given him one after watching him struggle with chopsticks for far too long. "You're the only one who isn't a bore to talk to, that's all-" so this was on purpose?!- "and besides, I want to challenge you to a fight afterwards! Your vision's getting quite dusty from neglect, comrade. Let's fix that!"
• 2:00, Yanfei: Discussion of Legal Matters
Yanfei's counsel is an invaluable treasure. Especially when dealing with an opponent as vicious as Snezhnaya's Fatui, who deserve to have her wrath unleashed upon them. You walk to her office with a gleam in your eyes, and are delighted to see an equal fire already blazing in hers. For the next few hours, you two take the "suggestions" Tartaglia passed on from the Northland Bank and scheme on how to best tear them to shreds with the law.
"That man-childe's been giving you trouble again, huh," she giggles. "What did he come up with this time~? I've been waiting for an excuse to bring out the latest edition of my lawbook!" And with that, Yanfei slams it down, and the sheer weight of it nearly cracks her desk. "He won't know what hit him!"
• 4:00: Free Time
Of course, "free time" simply means that you have no meetings scheduled for this hour, which lets you adequately prepare for the next day's events. Tomorrow is your appointment with the Feiyun Commerce Guild, which you already know will require great patience and strength of mind. Because the head of the guild, and his eldest son, the future head, are- to put it mildly- not very bright... it's fortunate, then, that the second son Xingqiu has a good head on his shoulders.  
"Tomorrow, you should go straight to me instead," Xingqiu informs you cheerily, handing you a popsicle. Apparently, he keeps them around for his friend Chongyun, who's off to complete another exorcism. "I'll be sure to set everything in order." His eyes gleam. "And then, I can tell you the latest developments in 'A Legend of Sword'!"
• 5:00: Catch Xinyan's Concert!
Liyue's one and only rock musician isn't hard to find, thanks to the designated performance spots scattered around the city. You stop by at the raised platform where she's rocking out, where other people are listening as well. Xinyan strikes a peace sign in the air, and her vision glows with energy before the stage erupts with pillars of fire; her audience bursts into cheers and applause, and she's beaming as she leaps down to meet you. 
"Wait, seriously? You really changed up the rules a lil' so it'll be easier for me to hold concerts here?" Her eyes shine as they scan the papers- one of the many results of your work today in Yuehai. "Thank you so much! Wait-" she picks up her guitar again, giving it an experimental riff. "Let me think up a quick song for ya as thanks- I insist!"
• 6:00: Wangsheng Funeral Parlor 
Lately, you've been sent particularly determined requests from the other nations about allowing tourists to observe the ancient funeral rites. You already know the answer's gonna be a hard no, but the laws written by Rex Lapis state that you must check with the director anyway. She's not there when you arrive, so a consultant, Zhongli, brings you tea while you wait for her. You sit together in the fading sun, waiting for Hu Tao's familiar song to rise above the hill. 
Zhongli takes a quiet sip from his cup, closing his luminous eyes. "Although it was Rex Lapis who created the laws, they are not meant to be set in stone. Humans must revise the contract as they see fit, so that it will not erode with the passage of time." Something makes you feel as though it's more significant to him than you know. Then, he smiles slightly. "But, just looking at the people leading the way in his absence, like you... there's no need for me to worry."
• 8:00: Dinner; Request Chef Xiangling
The Wanmin Restaurant, run by Chef Mao and his daughter, is a breath of fresh air. While the rest of Liyue is divided between the "Li" and "Yue" styles of cooking, Xiangling pays the conflict no mind. Instead, she's not afraid to be daring and experiment, blazing ahead without worrying about what others think. You can see some similarities between her and Keqing, but it's best not to mention it after that disastrous banquet they organized together... 
"Had a rough day, didn't you?" Xiangling asks, her golden eyes twinkling as she hands you the steaming hot bowl. "Well, for you, I made sure to prepare your favorite dish! I hope you don't mind if I added a lizard or two this time- I'm kidding!" she adds quickly, upon seeing alarm flash across your face. 
• 9:00: Return Home
After everything that happened, you're eager to collect the reports from your subordinates and head home to draft new revisions for Tianquan Ningguang to look over (and then, hopefully, get some rest). But as you're walking on the path to your neighborhood, you spot a little girl sitting in the grass, clutching her head. Alarm rises in your chest as you rush over to see what's wrong, and why she's alone- only to realize with a start that she's the child that returned from the dead.  
"Thank you for taking Qiqi back to Bubu Pharmacy," she says, reading solemnly from her notebook (where the entire thank-you script is written). Even when you set her down, she's still reading the pieces of paper. "Will you tell Dr. Baizhu where I got lost? Please and thank you, again."
• 10:00: Sleep
In the end, you never did get to those revisions. You can hear your fellow Qixing scolding you in your head, but at least you got plenty of other things done; the well-oiled machine that is Liyue will still keep running on thanks to the tasks you accomplished today. Someday, even the adepti will have to acknowledge the ability of humans... you turn in your bed to feel the coolness of the other side. Speaking of adepti... the night air coming in... reminds you of... "Xiao..."
"I thought you were in danger," the adeptus huffs. The moment you said his name, you'd finally fallen asleep, but it still brought Xiao to you- balanced on the windowsill, hair waving in the breeze. "Still... I'm... glad that you're alright," he admits, glancing at you to make sure you're not awake to hear. "Rest well, bright star of Liyue." And then, with a sound like a sigh- or was it the wind?- he's gone.
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Sentence Starter - Part 2
I decided to gather all my Sentence Starters in a post. This is the second round!
I know I already said thankys before but, really, thank you so much for your support, it means the world for me. <3
[Gee these covers are lumpy, better fix the covers up!]
"Gee, these covers are lumpy, better fix the covers up!" Mina wormed her hands under the giggly boy, fishing a loud shriek as she vibrated her thumb between his shoulder blades and her other hand squeezed his sides, resulting in a more desperate wiggling from her victim. "Squish, squish, squish the squirmy Ojiro to fix all the lumps!"
"Hmmm, I don't know if I am convinced," her eyes glinted when the blond arched his back and her hands immediately dashed to scratch his incredibly, horribly ticklish lower back. "I mean, why else would I find such a cute squeaky toy, oops, I mean, cover in my bed?" Bubbly squeals painted Ojiro's laughter almost as strong as the red that painted his cheeks as he shook his head, protesting.
"I ahaham not s-squeheheaky!" Mina's nails scribbled and grazed on his ribs, the quick, high pitched sounds that flied from his lips contradicting his own words. "That doesn't prove anything!" The tailed teenager managed to breath out before descending in belly laughter again.
His pink friend matched his laughter in response, slowing her silly tickly attack as tears began to form on the other's eyes, pinching and poking his tummy in order to keep the adorable giggles filling the air. The cute wiggles from him and his tail were a bonus, as well.
"Hard day?"
Ojiro nodded, a smile still plastered on his face.
"It was. Your behed is fluffyhihihi. Sorry fohohor intrudihihing."
She waved his worries off, "it's no problem! Just give me a warn next time so I won't lay on you again, okay?"
Ojiro snickered, remembering the scared screams from they both when a few minutes ago Mina decided to jump on her bed and didn't even realize the strange lump that was Ojiro sleeping under all the comforters and plushies.
"I will."
"Good." The pink haired girl then cracked her fingers, a dangerous smirk spreading on her face, probably an effect of being Bakugou's friend, and making goosebumps ran freely on Ojiro's spine.
"No no nohoho!" He shot his hands up in an a placating gesture, excited giggles already falling from his mouth. "I already agreed with you! Please!"
Mina pouted in faux empathy. "Sorry, friendo, but your squeaky squeaks and wiggly wiggley wiggles are just too much cute for me to not tickle you again!"
"Ihihi don't," a snort cut his sentence, "I don't dohoho any of that!" He says, in between his wiggles and squeaks.
"Well," She attacked his armpits, a blinding smile taking over her features as the other began to giggle and snicker non stop. "I am sure we can compromise, eventually."
[I wouldn’t say that with the position you’re in, star student]
"I wouldn't say that with the position you're in, star student." Sero grinned, the non said threat falling heavily between them.
Todoroki blinked, stopping his struggles to lay limply on the floor, still staring the black haired friend on top of him, the fake dagger pressed on his neck.
"It doesn't make sense." Sero threw his hands up, exasperated. Shoto turned to look at Momo, who signalized at Jirou to stop the filmation. "If he's just got into my house in the middle of the night to kill me how does he know about my grades?"
"Well, maybe you just look like a super genius or something!" The other actor retorted, shoving his face on his hands and then on the floor as Todoroki stared at him with an unconvinced expression.
"Or," Kaminari jumped in, ignoring his friends dramatics "he can be his archenemy, building his hate and revenge plan since Todoroki did.... Something bad at him in the school."
Todoroki piked up at the opportunity to put another conspiracy in the movies' plot. "That could make sense."
"Don't encourage him." Jirou smirked at the protesting 'hey!' shouted by the other, preparing another snarky remark before being cut by Momo's voice.
"We're not making any more changes on the plot. We will just remake this scene and then everyone can go home, okay?"
"I think Izuku would lose it if we asked for him to rewrite another part." Nods and mumbles of agreement to Sero's words filled the room as all the occupants remembered the boy's determined rant of why the dagger's blade shouldn't be completely straight nor silver. "Anyway, I still need to buy that new Fatgum's game that came out. Let's move on."
"I can't," the dual haired actor claimed, a blank face "you're sitting on top of me."
And, for a moment, as the pun sank on his friends' brain, only silence met him.
Then Jirou and Kaminari immediately broke in loud laughter, Momo hiding her own chuckles behind her hand.
"Oh my god," Sero bit his own laughter in order to try to look at least a bit serious as he attempted to glare at Shoto. "You think you are so funny, don't you?"
Smugly, Todoroki let the corner of his lips twitch.
"Let me help you to show what is funny, then!"
"Wait-" but he was too late, before the words even came out from his mouth Sero was already dancing his fingers on his sides, switching between squeezing them quickly to scribbling and prodding at his ribs, yelps and guffaws already spinning in the air. "Dohohon't! Wait, wahahahait!!"
The black haired friend laughed with him, his blinding smile and uncontrollable giggles being too much adorable to resist. "I think you actually meant 'I am very sorry for ever complaining about your great performance, my amazing friend Sero.', right?"
Todoroki shook his head, gasping and squirming harder when Sero experimented clawed at his stomach, a series of quiet nononono's and pleaseplease's spilling freely from his lips.
"Tsk. Not even close, man. But don't worry, we have aaaaall the afternoon." A snort escaped from Todoroki and he hid his face on his hands, making Jirou 'aww' and Kaminari shout a 'wait wait make he do it again!' "So take your time, OK?" And then, in a quieter voice "If I go too much far just hold my wrists and I will stop."
A barely there nod showed that the other had heard him, however, as his hands continued to hid his face, bright laughter and shy giggles still filled the studio for much more time.
[Oh yeah! I told you’d they’d win! Ha! Pay up, Midoriya!]
"Oh yeah! I told you they'd win! Ha! Pay up, Midoriya!"
"B-but this is not fair! Tokoyami bought the victory by offering to do Shoji's dishes! That is not a-!
"There is nothing against this in the rules." Tokoyami shrugged, still panting from the sparring. "And I just remembered there is Midnight-sensei's paper for tomorrow that I didn't even start."
"Sorry, Midoriya. But we will have much more training in the future, still, and your analysis really helped me! You're right, maybe starting to use some weapon, since a hand to hand combat can give my quirk some damage, will be a good advantage." The taller teenager waved at them, Dark Shadow mirroring him enthusiastically as they followed Tokoyami back at the dorms. "I should search for options before choosing. Thank you for the cheering."
Kaminari waved back before turning to Izuku, his smile getting bigger as he saw his protesting pout. "Aww, is someone angy?" He hugged him from behind, snickering when he saw a glimpse of a smile on the other's expression before an exaggerated frown took over, green eyes deviating from his teasing grin.
"I know you want to smile. ~" Denki delivered a couple of pokes on his stomach, an evil idea full of wiggly fingers and giggly squeals blossoming on his mind. "Maybe the 1-A sunshine need some cheering up after being such sore loser? ~"
Midoriya turned on his embrace, now being face to face at him, determination burning on his features.
"Maybe I do!"
And then he blew a raspberry right on that spot where his neck and collarbone met. A loud, surprised squeak answered him and he was quick to dig on Kaminari's hips, being so careful and so mindful to give plenty of attention and tickles to every sensitive inch of flesh, don't forgetting to still deliver smaller raspberries at random spots on the blond's neck, successfully ending with all his coordination to get revenge.
"Whahahahat!! That is nOT-" A snort, more bubbly giggles. "That is not fahahhair!!!"
"But you're helping me to cheer up. See, I have no more pouts and no more frowns thanks to you!"
"Then stop!"
Kaminari tried to squirm his way out of the ticklish embrace, finding that maybe bringing Midoriya to his lap when he decided to tickle-hug him wasn't his best idea.
"I don't know. I think I am still a bit grumpy..." He stopped his attack in order to gently trace that spot right on the blond's right third rib, drawing circles around it and trying to not giggle together when Denki's bubbly snickers filled the air. "Maybe you amazing laughter can help me with that!"
[You know, this fluffy duster feels a lot like your tail...]
"You know, this fluffy duster feels a lot like your tail..." Izuku said, thoughtfully, a particular idea shining on his mind that may or may not was inspired by yesterday's Great Tickle Fight.
"Really?" Ojiro, (un)fortunately, didn't notice the danger hidden on the smaller's words, petting the duster and the fluff on his tail for a bit in comparison. "It really is. But it's not stronger like mine tail!" He made a show of flexing the aforementioned, both chickling at his silliness. "Oh, are you going to clean the curtains? I can help!"
A plan formed on Izuku's mind. He controlled his features to not show the playful grin that threatened to take over his face.
"Yes. Could you hold that part right there?" He pointed to a high spot on the fabric. "I can't research it."
"No problem!" The blond smiled and did as asked, not realizing the way Midoriya stepped closer nor how his shirt exposed a small patch on his stomach with his new position. "Like this?"
"Yes!" Izuku, then, shoved the fluffly, soft, tickly duster under his shirt, instigating a loud squeak to escape from the other.
But he didn't let go of the curtain, a smile spreading on his face.
The green haired boy slightly moved the duster, quick enough to make the bristles of the feathers to barely tease the skin, but only that. Another yelp and a few giggles leading Ojiro to try to hide his red face on his shoulder.
"Don't what?" He beamed.
A small shook of head, a shy giggle. "Ihim not falling for thahat."
"Aw. But I am going to tickle you anyway!" Ojiro yelped, trying to curl on himself, however immediately regretting his decision as the movement shot light shocks across his torso, every feather following his squirms. "Yes! I am going to tickle, tickle, tickle you until all those cutes squeals and nice laughter trapped inside are free. As a future hero, it's my job to help them!"
"Dohohon't say that word." His words were in vain, especially because now Midoriya carried that determined look, thoughts racing on his mind as his hands continued to keep the duster on the same place.
"Maybe I should try to tickle his stomach first? I could start wiggling the duster there and then change to his sides and ribs or maybe I could start on his sides and ribs going up and down a few times and then tickle his stomach as I change from a side to another. The element of surprise is always a powerful tool so I should always change from going extremely soft and low to more quick attacks! I wonder if I can try it on his tail too? I could-"
"Ihihizuku, please!" The one being called snapped out of his rambling by a very flustered, giggly Ojiro, who still held the curtains as if his life depended on it. "J-juhust do it already, plehease."
And Izuku was happy to oblige.
[As nice as this is, we really should get up]
"As nice as this is, we really should get up." Tokoyami said softly, patting the green hair of the head which rested on his shoulder, - it was really as fluffy as it looked! - almost snorting when Midoriya squinted his eyes at the credit's playing on the screen. "Everyone else already went to their room."
Izuku looked around, as if he just realized all his friends decided to call it a night when President Mic - who has been called both due his good taste in movies and to keep an eye on them and their ability to cause chaos - woke up half of the class as he fell asleep in a bad position and started snoring, accidentally activating his quirk.
"It's not-" A yawn cut Izuku's words and pulled Tokoyami away from his thoughts. "It's not a movie night if we can't watch at least five movies."
"Oh no, the horrible punishments that the Universe will bought upon us after such terrible offense. What we shall do in the face of that helpless fate?"
Midoriya lightly shoved him away, a sleepy smile taking all the seriousness from his frown. "N't f'nny."
Tokoyami started to softly scribble his fingers on the other's neck, following him as he tiredly wiggled away, no real fight on his movements.
"Then why are you laughing?"
"Tohohokoyami! Naha!"
"What? Wait... Is this the punishment from the Universe?" Maybe it was because it was so rare for his friend being this playful, or because the drops of faked seriousness painting his words, but Midoriya found himself giggling harder, a bubbly tittering escaping as the tickling traveled to behind his ears. "Giggling and wiggling until we inevitably give up and decide to watch movies until the end of our brief mortal existence, oh, the pain."
"You're so sihihihilly!"
"Me, the embodiment of darkness ‘silly’? Oh, Midoriya, what have they done to you?" His tune was bathed in faux pity.
"Plehehehease!" Tokoyami decided to travel to the smaller boy's sides, scratching and poking them lightly enough to keep the flow of airy laughter and rare squeaks as a reward for the sudden, quick pinches. "It tickles! It tickles so much!"
"The Universe is tickling you? Will the cruelness ever end? Ah, the struggles someone as ticklish, so, so ticklish as you must be going through... Do not give up, Midoriya!" He did his best to not huff in amusement as the aforementioned hugged him, hiding his face oh his chest and muffling his louder laughter due the teases. "Don't let its darkness to dim your light."
His fingertips grazed the back of his ribs, Izuku only giggled harder, "Okahahay, Okay! We- no, not there! - we can go slehehehep!"
Tokoyami stopped the light tickling, waiting for the moment green eyes locked on his before proceeding, a deadly serious gaze on his face.
"Don't." Izuku warned.
"But the Universe's punishment-"
"O-oh my GOD!"
[i did not say that!]
"I did not said that!" But the giggles were already spilling out.
"Yes!!" Izuku, the traitor, couldn't be any more happy, basically sparkling as the feathers of his wings fluffed up in amusement. "You did! You did! You did! I am totally going to do that, now!"
Kirishima was quick to retrieve a pillow and prepare it to a fight, pointing it at his guardian angel with a half groan, half giggle. "That is not fair, man!! You can't ask questions when I am about to sleep, I always say the first thing that pops in my mind!"
"It wasn't really my original intention," the angel smiled sheepishly. "Humans' need to sleep are still confusing to me... But!!" He crept closer, fingers wiggling. "That only means that when you said yesterday..."
"That you likes when I-"
"No!" Big smiles, small giggles. "Come on. Shut up!"
"-that you like when I tickle you-" The rest of the sentence was a squeak as the red haired boy jumped at him, his soft weapon firm on his hands, and both dashed across the room in a chase. "I knew it!" Izuku laughed, - laughed. Not shyly giggled or awkwardly grinned, - pleased that one of his theories about his protected human (and friend) was right.
Damn, Kirishima wanted to at least fake a pout and put on a real fight, but how could he when the magical being was acting so happily? When he was so full of joy?
That didn't stop him from tackling his friend on the floor, both rolling in a playful roughhousing and playing fair until Kirishima felt something incredibly, impossibly soft on his neck, wide eyes as he realized only now how Midoriya's wings were stretched around him, almost engulfing both beings on its length.
The soft feeling came back, now scribbling all over his neck, sending tickly shocks through his body and weaking his strength, something which allowed the other launch his arms around his waist, hugging Eijirou from behind and leaving him to freely stare at some free feathers that slowly swung on his direction, aiming for his tickle spots.
Izuku felt a bit worried when the human stopped squirming.
"If I last 30 seconds without laughing you will let me go to that Parkour classes on Monday."
"But they're dangerous," Eijirou interrupted him, "you can use your magic feathers."
He could almost feel the angel thinking, analysing his options.
"Forty-five seconds."
"I will get you back and ask Shinsou to help me."
Pout. "You're mean."
A feather wriggled on his bellybutton, cutting any snark answer that the human had to that.
More feathers appeared in front of him. Adrenaline ran on Kirishima's veins at the idea of his new challenge.
Sidenote: Shinsou is Kirishima's cat. He loves to randomly lay and nap on the angel, but for some reason his purring tickles Izuku. He likes to purr a lot. Izuku is almost sure the feline knows what he is doing. Kirishima think the whole situation is hilarious.
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loquaciouseric · 6 years
✆ ~ social media au
⁂  ~ series
❀  ~ mature
☁  ~ angst
❤  ~ fluff
☯  ~ mafia au
♔  ~ royal au
☤   ~ vampire au
Kim Seokjin 
LOVELY LITTLE MESS (M)  ~ elling seokjin of your pregnancy should not be so daunting, but you keep it hidden from him as long as you can—at least until you are sitting with him in a bathtub and the secret comes spilling out. (expecting parents au)
⇢ genre: fluff, smut
⇢ word count: 6.14k
the boss ~ Jin comes back from a mission gone wrong, and while it only seems simple, you find it’s really your past coming back to haunt you. ~ angst, smut, gang au, mafia au ~ 12.2k
Golden Boy ~ The golden boy of the porn industry, prettier than half his female co-stars. Will sue if you pull his hair. Always bothering his neighbours with pizza delivery. ~ 9,208
a kiss of marble ~ His gaze trails down your nose and lingers on your lips, before falling to the curve of your neck and the tiny bend of your shoulder visible above your t-shirt, the attention so acute and suggestive that it feels like a tangible brush on your skin. “Hmm… I’ve got a few ideas.” ~ smut, fluff, supernatural, vampire!au ~ 9.9k
BOBSY-DIE ~ Anonymous said to rbuns: Not sure if you’re doing requests but Halloween related I would die for a seokjin or Namjoon or taehyung werewolf fic of them being in heat and smuttyness and knitting and risk of pregnancy?? Like the whole “I’m gonna fill you with my cum have my pups bitch” type fic. I just need a rough dom wolf and extremely horny bratty sub reader and knotting. Even better if the reader is just a hybrid or a werecat?? Love werewolf werecat relationships. ~ smut, angst, fluff, wolf!au, supernatural creatures!au ~ 11.6k
blue scales ~ the plan was to woo the pretty human and make her love him back. it was most definitely not almost kill the human every time he forgot he’s a bloody siren and his taylor swift singing fests in the shower are deadly as shit. ~ fluff, angst ~ 4.3k
SILLY KITTY ~ hybrid au, fluff ~ 21.7k
All Along ~ It’s no surprise when you learn you’ll soon be engaged to one of the Kim brothers. What does come as a shock, is just how determined Seokjin is to make sure that person is him. ~ arranges!marriage ~ 13k
The Pretenders ~ wolf!au ~ 12,339
Pink Panther ~ hybrid!au, smut ~ 13k
The Act of Persuasion ~ When two critters arrive at his doorstep he didn’t know that they would cause a bear who marched to the rhythm of the ants realises there’s more to life walking in straight lines. However in order walk out of those lines he had to make a deal to save others and his two little ones, but at what cost? Then there’s me, the one who only sees in parallel. I walk in the footprints my parents have made in the path. What happens when my perspective changes because of a silly bear? ~ bear hybrid, actress, CEO, arranged Marriage, fluff, angst, single parent ~ 20.9k
off limits ~ you’ve been lusting after your brother’s best friend for a while now, ever since you met him at a house party, flirting it up a storm as you failed to realise who the other was. That was months ago now and things are still awkward, but you can’t ignore the sexual tension that’s simmers between the two of you…and it keeps getting worse… ~  brother’s best friend au; smut, angst, fluff ~ 8 parts/82,795
show me ~ your friend Jin has a proposition for you that you can’t seem to refuse, no matter how hard you try. ~ smut, fluff, little angst ~ 14,138
what 2 do ~ what happens when the college roommate you thought was definitely going to be girl turns out to be the most gorgeous guy you’ve ever encountered in all your years of life? It’s a stupid misunderstanding on your part, but maybe, just maybe, it won’t be so bad after all… ~ smut, fluff, slight angst ~ 13,759
dimple ~ What’s the rule again? How many dates does it take for you have sex with a guy? Three? Five? Ten?! What if all this waiting and you can’t remember how to do it? It’s been so long since the last time you swear you’ve forgotten! You’re desperate, and that’s how you end up asking your roommate for help. Only trouble is, you get much more than you bargained for… ~ smut, comedy, slight angst, romance, slow burn, roommates/friends ~ 14,725
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CARING IS CREEPY ❤  ~ ❛❛we hooked up last night even though i rarely do that kind of thing and now you’re cornering me in the cafe and oh god apparently you think i’m cute and want to go on a date this is not at all what i anticipated❜❜ (bad boy au; college au)
Conveniently  ~ Slice of life, Single Parent!Reader, Convenience Store Owner!Yoongi, lots of fluff, tiny bit of angst because I’m me and cannot be stopped, smut. ~ 22k.
Amor Vincit Omnia ~ Arranged Marriage Gang! AU . BTS Suga /Min Yoongi and OC . The worst thing you can do to a guy? Marry him when he begs you not to. Worst thing you can do to yourself? Fall in love with him afterwards. ~ Violence , Romance, Drama ~ 20 parts
a heart full of love ~ people say that actors are the most dramatic people in the world but those people haven’t met a certain min yoongi.{enemies to lovers!au, high school!au, actor!au} ~ fluff, angst ~ 10k
annoying ✆ ~ enemies to lovers ~ 20 parts
COFFEE TASTE ❀ ~   As in what happens when you disturb your boyfriend late at night in his studio uninvited and try to lure him home. ~ 2963
UNDER CONSTRUCTION ✆ ~ In which y/n is just trying to figure out what to do with her life with the help from her (un)helpful friends ~ 50 parts
THE GALAXY IN OUR HEARTS ~  min yoongi has been raising his daughter on his own her entire life, convinced that he needs no one else apart from their family of two. you come along to change that. (single parent au) ~ 6.16k ~ fluff
ink petals ~ when Yoongi turns to your shop for drawing practice inspiration, neither of you could have forseen the way things unfold and just how deep you both would fall. ~ tattooartist!yoongi, florist!oc, smut, fluff, angst ~ 10.5k
All I Want for Christmas ~ singledad, CEO!yoongi x secretary!reader ~ 13k
aquiver ~ Yoongi can’t remember the last time he was able to successfully bring himself to the point of orgasm, then Namjoon gives him a business card advertising ‘Healing Hands’, and that’s where he meets you; pretty and innocent looking, who gets paid to provide hand jobs for a living…  ~ smut ~ 8 parts 
Act On It ~ You learn that the cute barista you’ve been crushing on might have an…otherworldly disposition after you accidentally cut yourself. ~ college!au, coffee shop!au, vampire!au, Fluff, Angst, Smut ~ 15,639
Breakfast in Bed ~  “Min Yoongi, a grumpy Ikea employee, is wondering who you are and why exactly you’re sleeping in the display bed at his Ikea.” ~ ikea employee!au, smut, fluff, semi crack/humour ~ 12k
City Lights ~ Min Yoongi is the one man in your life who you love unconditionally, despite having ended your relationship a month prior. It’s not until you spot him at a nightclub do you realise that maybe it wasn’t a great idea to go out after all. ~ fluff, angst ~ 7.033
ivory paws ~ Winter time brings Christmas, and the snow outside brought you a stray cat. But your little companion is far more unique than meets the eye, and in a time of need, he becomes the biggest surprise and best holiday gift of them all. ~ shifter!yoongi, fluff, angst, smut ~ 8.8k
keep the change ~ typically an old man works the night shift at Greg’s Place. however, it seems there’s a new cute guy working the register at night now. and it just so happens it’s finals week… ~ light humor, fluff, smut, cashier!yoongi ~  5.3k
Forever, We Are Young ~ A story in which everyone is a poor college kid, Min Yoongi is a pianist who never seems to sleep, and you are a plucky young art student with some eccentric friends. ~ pianist!yoongi x art student!reader (feat. photographer!taehyung), social media au, fluff, humor ~ 40 parts
THE SUGAR WARS  ~ Maybe tasting everything his soulmate eats wouldn’t be so bad if Yoongi’s soulmate didn’t have the largest sweet tooth Ever. Maybe you wouldn’t need to sweeten everything if he didn’t drink his coffee so bitter ~ soulmate!au ~ 5.3k
At Your Service ~ Your Grandpa adopted him, ex-K-9 police dog hybrid, to kept the auto shop safe. He had to fulfill his viscous guard dog hybrid appeal, but he was putty in your hands. However, when an unexpected event happens you take ownership of Yoongi, your best friend…but when tensions build, will he want to stay with you? ~ Fluff, Smut, Hybrid au ~ 10k
Sticky Honey ~ yoongi’s every day life with you is a gift, you’re his favourite human ~ smut, tattoo artist/vampire!yoongi ~ 6,907
Ink and Honey ~ yoongi has been around for centuries, he’s a tattoo artist when he meets you. he becomes completely, and utterly intoxicated with you ~ smut, tattoo artist, vampire!yoongi ~ 10,203
mastering ~ smut ~ 5,333
show off ~ smut, light fluff & angst ~ 6,044
a brush of silk ~  His lips curl around your around your neck, whispering, “I want slow today. You good with that, baby?”“You say that like you ever want anything else, old man,” you quip back, your voice a tad breathless. ~ smut, vampire au, idol au, supernatural au ~ 5.6k
Late Bloomer ~ wolf!au ~ 21,041
Kitten’s Little Flame ~ You (cat hybrid) have transferred to a new elementary school because your parents have moved towns. You start your new kindergarten class and meet other hybrids, but one special one catches your eye, Yoongi, the dragon hybrid. How will you manage this new environment? ~ fluff, slight angst, hybrid, children BTS ~ 6 parts
settle down ~ An unfortunate event finds you living with the man you practically despise over the summer. However, maybe through a series of fortunate events, you find yourself falling for him… ~ smut, angst, fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers ~ 14,930
INSEMINATION WARS P1 ~ getting pregnant isn’t an easy feat, especially when balancing work and a stubborn husband. a chronological compilation that highlights the trial and error of good old-fashioned baby making ~ 5k
INSEMINATION WARS P2 ~ after a winded six months of trying to get pregnant, you find yourself seeking help by means of sometimes ludicrous methods. or, part two of a chronological compilation that highlights the trial and error of good old-fashioned baby making. ~ 15k
INSEMINATION WARS P3 ~ as the first trial year dwindles to a close, things begin to settle. or, part three of a chronological compilation that highlights the trial and error of good old-fashioned baby making. ~ 18k
Please Be Naked ~ you find it’s easy to become addicted to a distraction… ~ smut, angst, rebound au ~ 8 parts
RULE OF THIRST ~ vampires were just folklore until yoongi became one. now he’s got only two emotions: you and hunger. and tonight, you let him feed off you. ~ vampire au ~ 12k
boy.girl ~ Boy. Girl. It’s as simple as that. Girl can’t get a good date—scrap that—girl can’t get a good lay, and boy is willing to help out with that… Friends with benefits seems the perfect solution, except for the fact, it’s not. It never is. Not when boy already has feelings for girl… ~ smut, slight angst, romance, friends with benefits au, roommate! yoongi ~ 14,139
Skin Deep ~ Tattoo artist!Reader AU. Friends to lovers, slow burn. Smut. ~ 10 parts
kitten ~  Yoongi’s focus on work has subjected your relationship to having a dry spell, and with a little prompting from your best friend, you tell him exactly what he should do. But you don’t make the rules kitten, and the game you’re choosing to play is a dangerous one. ~ smut ~ 11.4k
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enigma ✆ ~ despite having two loud-mouth best friends and a confident older brother by her side, y/n has never been a very outgoing person.  however, just because she isn’t the most talkative person, doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a secret or two to share. ~ 36 parts
BLOOM ~ your soulmate’s first words to you will be burned into the skin of your wrist upon first meeting them. no one anticipated that yours would turn out to be a world famous rapper by the name of jung hoseok. ~ soulmate au, celebrity au, flower shop au, fluff, light angst ~ 1.8k
Night Stalker ~ Vampires are a thing of legend, and yet you find yourself being saved by a self-proclaimed vampire hunter. Only your saviour is half-vampire himself, and struggles with his base instincts. What happens when you get to know him more and feel an attraction you can’t help? ~ Angst, violence, smut, fluff ~ 17.6k
guarded hearts ~ when you fall on hard times while taking care of your daughter, and hoseok is there to help. ~ fluff/angst ~ 4 parts
Iridescence ~ he colours your life from day 1 ~ fluff, angst, soulmate!au ~ 7.2k
in the car ~ all you had was a dead car battery, you weren’t looking for romance, regardless if the charming mechanic had other ideas. You’ve heard stories that could put you off… Can he change your misconceptions, or will they prove correct after all…?  ~ smut, romance, slight angst, mechanic! hoseok, street racer! hoseok ~ 14,739
THE NIGHT SHIFT ~ working the graveyard shift means you’re exhausted by the time 9am comes around. lucky for you, 9am happens to be your neighbours’ favourite time for obnoxious sex. lucky for them, you’re always up for a challenge. shitty neighbours don’t always have to be a bad thing. ~ smut ~ 11k
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Idol!Namjoon ✆ ~ With 7.6 billion people alive, does your soulmate really live around the corner? Namjoon meets you during his Italy trip and keeps in touch with you afterwards. Will your connection endure his lifestyle and the distance? ~ 25 parts
Oh, Baby ~ You wake up tied to a chair. This nice-looking blond haired guy says it’s because you have information he wants, but you have no idea what the hell he’s talking about. Why? Because he’s a bit of an idiot, that’s why. ~ Smut, mafia!au ~ 9 parts
BEAUTY & THE BOOKWORM ~  librarian!namjoon, university!au, fluff,angst,smut ~ 20.8k
BUTTERFINGERS ~ hybrid!au, teacher!au ~ 8.2k
Obligated ~  Married by obligation, weighed down by circumstance. Except for those nights when you’re both drunk, falling into bed with one another and realizing you’re human. Occasionally this happens, occasionally you fuck. Until your life changes and you realize Namjoon, the very man you’re obligated to, might just be the very man that you crave. ~ arranged!marriage  ~ 6k
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Fuckboy!Jimin ✆ ~ College Friends to Lovers ~16 parts
FOREVER IS A LONG TIME ~ the benefits of being a psychic include understanding other people’s emotions, intuitively avoiding toxic people, and taking glimpses of the beautiful possible future. the drawbacks of being a psychic include knowing forever that park jimin will be the love of your life and spending years longing for him to finally show up. (psychic au) ~ fluff, very light angst, some implied sexual content ~ 7.84k
shades of wrong ~ In which you’re sure you’ll hate Park Jimin with every fiber of your being for the rest of your existence, even after he is assigned as your tutor for History of Magic. ~  fluff/smut; harry potter au word count: 17.321
Midday ~ jimin refuses to sleep, he wants to spend time with you and maybe today you’ll let that slide ~ fluff, light smut, punk/tattooed! jimin ~ 2,005 (3 more)
Star Light, Star Bright ~ Life has not gone exactly how Park Jimin imagined, and yet he can’t possibly imagine his life any different to what it is now. After six hard and stressful years, he’s now the happy owner of a degree along with being the proud dad of his little girl. But what happens when he meets you and his life is tipped upside down once more? ~ Fluff, smut, angst ~ 17.5k
Blooming Days ~  A typical night for you begins at the library in your favourite chair underneath the lamp in the corner, only to be picked up at 3am by your best friend, Jimin. Despite having slept over in his room several times before, this certain night in Sigma house leads to far more than you ever imagined. But what is to come of your friendship once you reveal those two little lines that will change your lives forever? ~ fluff, smut, angst & humour ~ 15.390
turbulence ~ On your first flight the cute boy next to you helps to sooth your nerves, and on the second flight he soothes something else. ~ smut ~ 9.3k
accelerate ~ Jimin comes to retrieve his jacket on the condition that you then accompany him for dinner, and you can bet he satiates every hunger. ~ smut, fluff ~ 8.9k (sequel to turbulence)
inhale ~  smut, fluff ~ 5,263
TENSION ~ Jimin and you are always flirty. When his childhood friend, Jungkook, visits, they show they’ve always been competitive. What happens, then, when both of them set their sights on you? ~ 6,285
TIMID ~ Jimin was by far the cutest person you’d ever seen, but he always seemed to avoid you, dodging activities and events that included you. That changes when his home is compromised and he finds himself staying with you while it’s being repaired. ~ fluff, soft, hybrid!au ~ 8.4k
A MATTER OF PRIDE ~ You make some comments that wound Jimin’s pride and threaten his standing as Best Lover of the group so he sets out to prove you wrong the only way he knows how. ~ smut ~ 4.5k
a bite of the apple ~ “The thought of Jimin not being able to feed from someone other than you is troubling in more than one sense– there will be times, like the past week, when you physically can’t be there for him, and what would happen in an emergency, if he somehow got hurt and needed a transfusion, if his body rejected the blood of someone else. And that’s not even considering the long term implications of that…. “We’ll deal with that later,” you say, concern building at the thought, but the red in his eyes is growing brighter and brighter, his breathing heavier and heavier, and the wild energy humming under his skin is only growing more static.” ~ smut, supernatural, idol au, vampire au ~ 8.6k
BENEATH THE WATER ~ mermaid!au ~ 20.5k
open 24/7 ~ ❝ you effortlessly testing his patience plus his fiery temper are a deadly mix, aren’t they? ❞  ~  idol au, smut ~ 5.1k
sunny day ~  you’re a veterinary student specializing in hybrid care when you get a call in the middle of the night that a feral hybrid has broken into the clinic where you work. ~ 6 parts
dark side of the moon ~ falling in love at first sight is cliche, not until it happens to you on a dark night in a lonely alley. but you’re only human, while Park Jimin is Alpha of his pack; it could never work out. so you resort to pining for him like a wolf howling at the moon, but when Jimin goes feral, that’s when everything changes. ~ werewolf!au, smut ~ 11.1k
Cupid’s Bow ~ when your pact with Jimin to lose your virginity before Valentine’s Day fails, you decide to just lose it to each other... ~ smut ~ 8357
little monster ~ you’ve been good friends with your roommate Jimin for a while, occasionally flirting with each other, especially when you’ve had a drink, but nothing has ever happened between the two of you…until that is, he secretly listens to you and Namjoon have sex one day…He thinks you don’t know, but he’s wrong… ~ smut, masturbation, teasing ~ 8,844
TRICK SHOT ~  jimin’s the bartender, you’re the billiard hotshot who frequents his bar and challenges him to a clean game of 9-ball after hours. “see if you can make this shot with my hand down your pants” au ~ 8k    (p 1.5)
TRICK SHOT P2 ~ you finally meet your match in a game of 9-ball and you’re pissed about it, so you ask your hot bartender boyfriend to fuck your anger out of you. ~ 8k
hard to say ~ you’ve had feelings for your best friend Jimin for as long as you can remember, but you always thought they were unreciprocated. What if it turned out they weren’t…? ~ smut, fluff, slight angst ~ 11,163
NO STRINGS ~ It started off as such a simple question. How to know if you’re bad in bed? Of course when you asked, you didn’t imagine Jimin would actually answer. ~ 10 parts
friends with benefits ~ when your current squeeze dumps you five seconds after sex, you’re led back down a familiar path and into park jimin’s bed ~ friends with benefits au, smut, light angst ~ 11k
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Single mom!au ⁂ ~ 4 parts
Serendipity ⁂ ~ “Hey, you’re my new neighbor and you cry every night, are you okay?” ~ 26 parts
college dad!au⁂ ~ 30 parts
broken rings & queens and kings ~  to make a long, long story very, very short, you and kim taehyung have been sworn enemies ever since childhood, that is, until you find out that you’re betrothed to each other for the good of your kingdoms, and everything comes crumbling down. ~  24k ~  fluff, light angst, light smut
DADDY ISSUES ~ fluff, angst, smut ~ 16.1k 
Keep Your Chin Up ~ Nobody’s ever been able to get you off, including yourself, and you’re really starting to think sex is overrated until your best friend changes your mind. ~ smut ~ 5,646
the t-shirt thief ~ In the midst of your loneliness due to Taehyung’s absence, you decide that you need a distraction, which somehow manifests itself as going over to his apartment and stealing a t-shirt or two… or three…  ~ fluff, smut ~ 9,812
little dove ~ The best things always show up when you least expect them. ~ smut, angst, werewolf!au ~ 14k
1-800-Music-Street ~ you’re enchanted by a street performer and then he saves you, resulting in multiple meetings one can only describe as fate. ~ ↳ au: homeless!taehyung, saxophonist!taehyung, street performer!taehyung ~ 13.2k
Collide ~ Your life had always been wonderfully ordinary. That is… until the day you accidentally bumped into him and ended up with the wrong cellphone and a one-way ticket to a groupchat full of unusual characters… ~ artist!taehyung x waitress!reader, sm au, crack humor, fluff, smut ~ 45 parts
the wings of a devil ~ You grab a t-shirt and jeans from your closet, the phone still pressed in your ear when you pause. “Are you actually hungry, Taehyung? Or was that just to make sure I would answer the phone?”“What? I wouldn’t do that.” Liar. “But yeah, I could use another round, dance practice yesterday was pretty intense.”Dread and excitement mix in the pit of your stomach, your blood warming at the idea. You hesitate. “Are you actually going to feed, or are you going to do what you did last time?” ~ smut, vampire au, idol au ~ 6k
the monster smash ~ When your friend Hoseok drags you along to a Halloween party, the last thing you expected was to meet the Joker to your Harley. ~ halloween!au, smut, fluff ~ 8.8k
Guilty Pressure ~ Notorious pranker Kim Taehyung is adored by all, but all he really wants is your attention. ~ smut, fluff ~ 9486
don’t fox with my heart, sweet tart ~ “Wait, what?” You gaped at him. “Woah, just because I said that you’re the only–no. No, Taehyung. I’m not leaving my apartment this weekend. This midterm is going to destroy me, I deserve it.”“You’ll have fun, trust me.” He winked, and you wondered how long you’d be banned from the library for throwing a textbook at his stupid, smug face. “Wear something other than sweatpants and my hoodie, kay?” ~ fluff, friends to lovers au, shifter au, valentines au, college au ~ 3.5k
BAD IDEAS ~  your best friend taehyung promises you a night of adventure, and by this you know that he means there’s a 90% chance you two are going to get arrested tonight. but you go along with it anyway, because he’s taehyung, and you can never resist taehyung. + midnight sheenanigans and sexy times ~ smut, fluff, best friends!au ~ 7.245
bookmarked ~  ❝ the hours you spend at the library are a little more bearable around him. but the most nightly hours are full of devils. ❞ ~ college au, smut ~ 9.9k
DICHOTOMY ~  You hate him. He hates you. It’s a fine line though, isn’t it  – between love and hate? ~ Arranged Marriage!AU ~ 14,566
Retracted Claws ~ he found a poor, stray kitten shivering on the streets, and he was determined to make sure she was kept safe ~ hybrid!au, mafia!au, fluff ~ 2/?       (part 2)
Seven Seas ~ Atlantis is a myth; a hidden city, a sunken island, a missing continent. Only…it’s not a myth. Just hidden out of choice. As the daughter of an Atlantean and a human, you are a halfling that is unwanted by the underwater continent and misunderstood by the surface. But what happens when you finally go to Atlantis and meet an Atlantean who is oddly kind to you? ~ Fluff, angst, smut ~ 25.5k
The Firefly that Guards the Fox ~ His mother and father weren’t supposed to fall in love. They weren’t supposed to find a mate in one another.They weren’t supposed to.After losing his father years ago, Taehyung vows to find and avenge the injustice his family has gone through. You were childhood friends with Taehyung. The four of you Taehyung, Hoseok, your older brother and you were inseparable. You were torn apart from Taehyung, your fox who’ve you’ve always vowed to protect and be with, without a warning. He called you Firefly, you called him Tae-Tae the fox. Was your fate supposed to end there in the past with your childhood? ~ fluff, angst, hybrid au, law au, crime au ~ 6.9k
move like you want ~ where you meet the gaze of an incredibly attractive red head at a music bar and one thing leads to another… ~ smut ~ 7,960
FATE OF THE FAST & FURIOUS ~ you’re a first-generation college student and taehyung is the hot guy with a love for motorbikes who lands the job babysitting for your family while you’re away. basically a mix of domestic!taehyung, biker!taehyung, racer!taehyung all at once, and a whole lotta sex. a weird kind of slow-burn. ~ 17k
slowdance on the inside ~ Taehyung has liked you as long as he can remember. He’s unsure when the line blurred from friendship to romantically, but it’s about to get a lot worse when he’s forced to watch you date his friend, Jungkook… ~ angst, fluff, smut ~ 20,476
Apologies ~ After a fight, Taehyung can’t bring himself to apologise to his girlfriend until he realises that she might have moved on.  If he wants her he needs to go get her. ~ smut, angst ~ 11620 
The Fanmeet ~ Taehyung is jealous over Jungkook flirting with his girlfriend and decides to teach him a lesson in front of their fans. ~ smut ~ 7408
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✆ ~ The Hyung line cannot deal with the cuteness that is you and Jungkook sleeping  ~ 16 parts
PLANS FOR WEDDING BANDS ~  ❛❛i’ve been meaning to propose to you for ages and i have set up the perfect plan but as we’re driving to the restaurant this tiny little cat on the side of the road that you’re determind to save shows up and now everything is ruined oh god what am i gonna do❜❜ (proposal au) ~ 3.32k ~ fluff
SWEET TOOTH ~ you try not to fall for an insistent college kid with sweater paws. ~ 12.1K ~ smut, humour, baby boy!jungkook, cafe!au 
ice prince ~ when, due to inexplicable and total clumsiness, your reliable, talented ice dancing partner of five years breaks his leg right before the largest competition of your life, desperate times call for desperate measures. and for a brief, brief moment, you think that everything might actually end up not-that-shitty, until you find out that the aforementioned desperate measures go by the name of jeon jungkook.⇒ figure skating!au, enemies to lovers!au  ~ fluff, very minor angst ~ 22k
the millionaire and his lover  ~ over the course of your lifelong friendship with jungkook, you can’t say that you’ve ever had the greatest ideas, and a fake relationship with the boy you’ve been in love with for years is no exception. ⇒ self-gratuitous ceo au, friends-to-lovers, and fake relationship trope rolled into one big shitstorm of a jungkook fic ~ fluff, angst, and light smut ~ 22k
something in the water ~ sleeping is a foreign concept to Kim Taehyung and his awkward, mismatched gang of pals. This is made all the more apparent when they rock up at ___’s doorstep at the ass crack of dawn, as if it’s a natural time for any college student to be awake. But when she is informed that it was the youngest of their group who insisted she join them on their spontaneous camping trip, she is suddenly not as reluctant to play along than when she was first awakened by her enigma of a best friend, slamming his fist against her door. ~ 25,836 words
Lowkey ~ Jungkook is the nude model for your art school’s life drawing class. ~ smut ~ 6.2k
vaunt ~ Every weekend Beta Tau throws a ‘little’ party to help students relax and let loose and frat resident Jungkook has a big mouth that talks a lot of big game. You finally get sick of the lack of relaxation on your end and set out to see if he’s all talk. ~ college/fratboy!jungkook, fratparty!au, smut ~ 9387
vaunt ii ~ True to the nature that birthed your relationship, Jungkook loves to set a challenge, and you love to try and prove him wrong. ~ college!au, frat!au, smut ~ 9.2k
GOLD RUSH ~ freshman Jungkook comes to you with an injured shoulder and a very concerning proposal.  ~ humour, smut, track runner!jungkook ~ 11.2k
unexpected ~ You and Jimin have been best friends forever. All the boys love you and consider you family. But there’s one person who isn’t so fond of you and nobody knows why. What’s his reason? ~ social media au, angst + fluff ~ 13 parts
Bloom ~ Touring with some of the biggest names in the music industry should be a singer’s dream. Too bad two of those names happen to be your annoying new nemesis and the guy you can’t seem to forget… ~ sm au, fluff, crack humor, slight angst, idol!au ~ 30 parts
Marguerite ~ After a random number texts you on yet another night, where you’re just staying home at your dorm, you find yourself talking to an annoying, but very determined frat boy, who likes a challenge more than anything… Even if he doesn’t know who you are. ~ social media au ~ 90 parts
a sip of the grail ~ You take in his expression curiously, trying to understand this new Jungkook that’s somehow both bold and shy, before tilting your chin to the left and exposing the curve of your neck. A quick hook of your finger into the collar of your sweater unveils more of your shoulder to his gaze. “Go ahead, Jungkook,” you murmur, voice just above a whisper. ~ smut, supernatural, vampire ~ 3k
Hopping Mad for You ~  For two years you’ve lived with your rabbit hybrid roommate, Jungkook. He’s been a model roommate and you’ve found yourself with little complaints. But his behaviour lately has been a little…unusual. ~ Fluff, smut, Rabbit Hybrid!Jungkook ~ 9.7k 
MICROWAVE (MIS)ADVENTURES ~ Out of all things to be afraid of, Jungkook, the seat-stealer of your 8am class and annoying housemate whom you despise with every fiber of your being, chooses to have a phobia of microwaves, but he loves buying microwaveable food – because come on, they’re irresistible – and you somehow find yourself getting dragged into his microwaves (mis)adventures. Cue chaos, sarcasm-laced banter and an unplanned romance. ~ Fluff, slight angst, smut, college!AU, roommates/housemates!AU, enemies to lovers!AU ~ 20k
UNDER THE BRIDGE ~  fluff, smut, slight angst, Hybrid!AU ~ 10.6k
BLACKJACK ~  Bangtan is one of the most vicious mafias on the west coast. Only six members are known by name though, with a mysterious seventh member dubbed only as ‘the shadow.’ When you become indebted to the worst of the worst – how, exactly can you find a way out? ~  Mafia!AU ~ 11 parts
THE QUEST TO BEDDING THE LEAD SINGER OF FRONTMAN ~ Frontman is your favorite band in the world and honestly, the only reason you waited this long in line is to stand at the front for a shot with the lead singer. Enter sexy sound boy, who just won’t leave you alone. ~ punk!Jungkook ~ 9,582
SHOW ME WHERE YOUR LOVE LIES ~ Jungkook knows it’s wrong to sneak around with you behind his wife’s back. but with you he feels whole- he feels loved. And maybe you would feel guilty if she didn’t treat Jungkook like absolute shit. ~ 4.1k
pushing buttons ~  When your boyfriend puts off your date plans in favor of a 24-hour livestream with his gaming friends, you decide to take matters into your own hands. ~ gamingboyfriend!au, smut ~ 6.6k
tell me your secrets (I’m all ears) ~ You’re not afraid of Jeon Jeongguk. Even if he’s probably some kind of bear or giant cat shifter, and just a hint of his irritation had your instincts vibrating beneath your skin like a live wire. Your thumb brushed over the plastic dome of mini-Levi’s head, taking comfort in the cartoon scowl and dead eyes, the tiny grey sticks of his 3DM gear. Small could be pretty fucking powerful too. ~ fluff, romance, humor, shifter au ~ 6.5k
To Own A Hybrid ~ the hybrid world was one y/n never really involved herself in; however, after certain events, she is tossed into a world of uncertainty in the company of a particularly rude hybrid. ~ 14 parts
fine art ~ ❝ meet kook. he’s a spoiled rich bitch who gets mad when he doesn’t get what he wants. and it seems, that he wants you. ❞  ~  gambler au, smut ~ 8.6k
In Bloom ~ wolf!au ~ 11,589
The Rabbit on the Moon ~ The moon was your sun. You’ve grown up working under the moonlight as long as you could remember. You served a man, who controlled the monsters that roamed the city at day and night, or rather the devil himself. When the others around you slowly start disappearing, you start wondering if it’ll soon be your turn. A hand reaches out to you, the hand of a gentle rabbit disguised as a wolf, offering a way out. Will you be able to escape the clutches of the devil in time? ~ fluff, angst, smut, police officer au, mafia au, bunny hybrid/police officer!kook, cat hybrid!reader ~ 5 parts
Who You Belong To ~ Jungkook has noticed you flirting with Taehyung for quite awhile and has finally decided you need to be reminded of who you belong to. ~ smut ~ 8647
…AND ACTION P1 ~ jungkook likes to film illegal stunts around the globe for his dedicated audience. because of you, his right-hand navigator, he gets to travel to beautiful places he’s only ever seen in textbooks. but in the wake of a mishap involving poisonous shrubbery, now’s a perfect time for him to confess his undying love for more than just videography. or, “I know you’re my best friend but I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met” au ~ 12k
…AND ACTION P2 ~ jungkook might be homesick and not even the beautiful landscape of Florence can get his mind right. maybe now’s your chance to prove that he doesn’t need home when he has you. or, part two of the “I know you’re my best friend but I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met” au ~ 11k
stuffed pumpkin ~ hooking up with the guy you’re neutral towards isn’t how you expected your night to go, especially dressed as a pumpkin… ~ smut,fluff ~ 6,406
playing with fire ~ jungkook seems to have a little crush on you, and no matter how much you try to ignore it, you seem to be losing your resolve with each passing day… ~ smut ~ 8,460
GIVENCHY & GOLD P1 ~ you’re the supervisor of the clothing department with a lot of useless lingerie knowledge, jungkook is the jewelry department’s defiant hot boy who flirts in wristwatch brands. basically an upscale retail au, but with lots of implied under-the-counter sex. and when an opportunity presents itself to fuck each other in the boss’s office after hours, you’re both too hot for each other to say no. ~ smut ~ 20k
GIVENCHY & GOLD P2 ~ jeweler!jungkook gets what he’s got coming to him after getting you both busted in the boss’s office. a continuation of the upscale retail au with a slight change in location ~ smut ~ 24k
GIVENCHY & GOLD P3 ~ you always told yourself you’d be out of retail as soon as you made bank. now that you’re days away from officially leaving, this makes for some interesting changes in your relationship with a certain former coworker ~ 15k
Bunny Boy ~ 6 parts
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Dust to Dust (12)
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Summary: Where did Hydra come from? An idea? A twisted dream? For an organization that spans centuries, it kept relatively quiet until contemporary times.The Super Soldier serum wasn’t dreamt up over night, but was the product of numerous experiments both unethical and violent over the course of the century. It was going to be the end of all conflicts between good and evil. Scientists died trying to determine the next level of the serum, only for it to be stolen by enemies. Back and forth until one side had the advantage.
Mabel Foster was everything the ideal woman should be in 1914. She was well brought-up, wealthy, educated and the heiress to a large fortune. When her father died in a much publicized U-boat attack by the Germans, Mabel made a decision that changed the course of history by enlisting in the French Army during WWI.
After an ambush gone bad, Mabel found herself captured by an early group of Hydra.100 years later she’s discovered in a desolate Hydra base and is taken by the Avengers for safe-keeping and questioning. Little do they realize that all of their destinies and pasts are directly connected through the nest that Hydra weaved.
Pairing: Bucky x OFC (Original Female Character)
Rating/Warnings: Mature- Graphic violence, torture, PTSD, smut
“No, I’ll stand my ground.  Won’t get turned around.  
And I’ll keep this world from draggin’ me down,
but I’ll stand my ground and I won’t back down.”
-Tom Petty (Won't Back Down)
Before she met Joseph Rogers, Mabel spent a lot of time with a French soldier named Jacob.  
He’d sat next to her on the train when they’d departed from Paris in 1914, rambling on about being a hero and ending the war before the next winter. 
Mabel had sat quietly and listened, still trying to assume the personage of Pierre Garnier before they reached the camps and nervously fidgeting with the coat Marie had given her .  
Jacob had lost a lot of friends in the field.  Mabel thought that was his downfall.  She reasoned that the less people one grew close to, the less likely the hurt will be when they inevitably die.  
She brought this up in the mess a few months after they’d gone to the line and Jacob laughed, nearly choking on his dinner.  
“What’s so funny about that?” she’d asked him, taking a sip of the red wine a local priest had given the small unit as a gift.  
“It’s so dour,” he’d explained.  “Everyone dies in the end.  Whether you’re 100 or 10, you’re going to die.  Do you not make friends in your childhood or throughout life?”
She took a bite out of a piece of bread in lieu of answering the question.  Her mind drifted to Marie and the real Pierre, two friends who’d risked a lot to let her go on this suicide mission.
There was no doubt they’d worry, no doubt they’d fear for her safety between letters and photographs…
“You’re something else, Garnier,” Jacob had patted her shoulder and took another swig of wine.  “Perhaps that cold attitude will end up saving us all.”
The French news was playing when Mabel walked into the common area a day before she was supposed to leave for the city.
“...the French government has ordered a mandatory evacuation of the city center and the areas outlined in red, those in yellow zones should be prepared for evacuation if the order comes.”  
She plucked an apple off of a nearby table and hovered behind the sofa, watching the screen intently with Tony and Sam.  
“Another attack?” she questioned, earning an affirmative grunt from Sam.  
“So far, no one is taking credit for the attack.  Authorities have begun a list of suspected groups and will be reaching out to the UN and the Avengers for feedback as soon as possible.”
The image cut away from a female reporter to a burning building at the center of the city.  
“Musee d’historie de la medecine,” she realized out loud, recognizing the familiar structure of the small building from her history catch-up readings.  
“Have you been there?” Tony’s gaze flickered in her direction and she shook her head.
“I read about it,” she replied with a shake of her head.  “It was made after the war.  1920s, I believe?  It’s not a very popular tourist destination…”
She trailed off, watching the flames in the video lick up the sides of the university building where the small museum was located.  
“It does seem like a very specific attack,” Sam agreed.  “Was there anything controversial or new moved in recently?”
Tony perked up.
“I’m on it, boss.”
“We still moving to the city?” Sam questioned with a glance in Mabel’s direction and Tony nodded.
“I think we might need to leave today,” he replied, his phone giving a buzz.  “Like, in an hour or so.”
“Think you can move that quickly?” Sam asked the petite blonde and she smiled.
“I believe I can handle it,” she replied, taking the last bite out of her apple and turning on her heel to her room.
Mabel was elated that she was still able to accompany the duo to the city.   She hadn't heard from anyone aside from Tony and Sam for the last few days and she was growing stir crazy.  
She had only one suitcase with a few changes of clothes and a neatly bound book of photographs and letters.  Sam had offered to help her organize her box of memories when he saw the pile on her bed one afternoon.  
Mabel had never been one for material things.  Though before she zipped her bag, she carefully tucked Steve's letters, her watch, and the red scarf neatly in the top of the bag.
Tony mentioned that he'd take care of weapons and pretty much anything else aside from personal belongings.  Mabel thought she was packing fairly heavily, having only used a small bag for food and survival supplies during her years in the field.  
“That's it?” Sam asked when she arrived at the jet an hour later, he raised his brows to his hairline in shock.  She looked at the large duffle he held over his shoulder and shrugged at her tiny suitcase.  
“I have the essentials,” she replied lightly, following him onto the plane and looking around with wide eyes.  
She was, admittedly, wary about the short jet ride to the city.  Sam had given her a few exercises to work through the anxiety and Tony assured her that the jet was significantly safer than commercial planes.
“Early images from the Paris attack are coming in,” Tony announced, climbing onto the plane and holding up a hand.  A holographic screen appeared in front of the trio, revealing a group of masked figures breaking into the museum and igniting the fire.  “The flames just cleared up.  One casualty, a security guard who was trapped.  They're doing an inventory now.”
Mabel swallowed at the image of the young security guard that flickered across the screen.  He didn't look much older than some of the boys she'd commanded.  Such a pointless death during peacetime.  
“Do they think it's connected to the November attack?” Sam questioned, earning a sigh from Tony.  The entire jet seemed to move to life while the pair talked over the details.  The back of the jet sealed up, the engine hummed to life, and the familiar voice of FRIDAY chimed through the speakers.  
Mabel didn't even feel the jet lift from the hanger into the air.  
“Sir, I found something you might be interested in.”  FRIDAY's voice pulled Mabel back into the conversation.  The screen lit up again, revealing an inventory log from the small museum.
“World War 1 research had been sent there to be analyzed and authenticated three days ago.  From the museum files it looks like it contained multiple medical and scientific records compiled by a Dr. Friedrich Krauss.”
Tony's brows shot up and Mabel could feel the pairs eyes bore into her back.  The name seemed familiar.  It was just in the depths of her mind, a face she could almost see, a voice she could almost hear.  
“Mae,” Tony's voice was low.  “Do you know anything about Dr. Krauss?”
The blonde swallowed.  Sam and Tony seemed to know something she didn't.  It was written all over their faces.  What ached the most, however, was that she couldn't pull the information they needed to confirm whatever it was they knew.  She shook her head.  
“FRIDAY, what were the dates of the reports?” Tony questioned the AI, leaning back into his chair and watching the screen light up with scanned files.  
“Looks like they were clustered by year,1917-1922.  There were more years according to an achieve note but that was the bulk of it for the Paris museum.”
“Why don't you find out where the rest of the information is located, for funsies?”
“Already on it, boss.”
Tony grabbed a tablet off of the wall panel and began poking at the screen. The cabin was tense, Sam avoided eye contact while Tony knotted his brows in silent concentration.
“All right Foster, remember that game we were playing where you filled in information that was redacted?” He passed her the tablet and she could feel her cheeks flush at the mission report on the screen.  “This is the final level.  Boss fight.  Tell me a little bit about what happened August 11th, 1918?”
Her fingers froze on the glass surface of the tablet.  That had been the mission.  The mission to end it all and wrap up the war against the Germans nice and tidy.  
She hesitated for words before Tony spoke up again.  
“I'll make it easy for you,” he paused in thought before nodding to himself.  “Your team had been sent to retrieve something.  What was it?”
She frowned at an intrusive memory.  The schematics that Joseph had managed to bring back before dying.  The machine that killed thousands in a single heartbeat.  
“A death machine,” she answered, her voice cracking through the memories.  “The Germans had taken powerful scientific minds from around the world.  They rallied around this… cult that had remained fairly quiet during the war.  You know the cult today as Hydra.”
Sam stilled, listening to the woman talk.  They'd touched on Hydra from time to time, but everyone had been to nervous to touch the topic of how she'd ended up in the monster's hands in the first place.  She continued, her eyes flickering across the blacked out words on the screen.
“I had a four man team,” she recalled.  Marsh, Meyer, Thomas, and herself.  “I was the sniper and lead on the mission.  I handled the security forces while those three attacked from two different sides.   The enemy was supposed to be moving into the building we ambushed, so their numbers were reported to be low.”  She frowned at the lettering on the paperwork that confirmed the mission as a failure.  All four men had been reported deceased.
“They knew you were coming,” Tony mumbled, his fingers toying with his goatee while he continued listening in interest.  
“It all happened at once,” Mabel could still hear Meyer’s shouts in the back of her mind.  “They had stronger weapons, more men.   We had been a small reconnaissance team and were utterly unprepared for the ambush.  I jumped into the fray and got into the compound with Marsh.  I was so close to completing the mission.  I had to detonate a single bomb.  I'd already killed off their primary leaders…”
One bomb.  She needed to get it to the east side of the base, no matter the cost.  Mabel had been so close until she'd been caught.  
When the end of the gun had hit her head, her last thought echoed a prayer.  In that moment she was certain she was dying.  
And yet-
“What was it you were supposed to destroy?” Sam pressed.  His knuckles were white from squeezing his hands together.  
“Picture an atomic bomb,” Mabel tried to keep her voice level.  She held her hands up and mimicked the shape of the mushroom cloud.  “It irradiates, it attacks, and it destroys.  Now, imagine a weapon of similar capabilities that is detonated with no warning.  There's no mushroom cloud.  No time to run or cover.  With this weapon, they were able to potentially wipe out cities in seconds with no trace of the weapon itself.  Just the ruins it left behind.”
“How?” Tony demanded, his fingers pulling his holoscreen in front of him.
“I'm not a scientist,” she confessed.  “It was explained as a type of sound wave.  The Germans believed they had gotten their hands on a material of the heavens .  We called it ‘The Ark’.  They called it something that roughly translated to Peacekeeper.”
“Like the Ark of the Covenant,” Sam looked to Tony who let out a snort.  “Open the box and end all the wars?  You've read the Bible haven't you?”
“I saw Indiana Jones,” Tony replied.  “And even if that was fiction, something that powerful in the hands of some future terrorists is a bad combo.  Any idea what happened with it?”
Mabel shook her head and passed the tablet back to the billionaire.
“They captured me shortly after,” she replied. “I didn't see the light of day until the 1950s, at least that I remember.”
The group fell into a contemplative silence after that.  FRIDAY reported they were about thirty minutes from the city and Mabel could feel her shoulders tense at what was to come.
Bucky and Steve got the report that the others would be joining them while they'd been scouting a Hydra cell in Harlem. It was right before an explosion blew them and their small squad of SHIELD agents into the middle of the road.
The team had been swamped the last couple of weeks.  After months of silence, it seemed like the terror group was having a type of renaissance.  They had new weapons, new members and murmurs suggested a new leader had taken control.  
The team was trying their best to keep it all together but with random attacks throughout the city and now the world… it was becoming a bit of a mess.  
The backup was more than appreciated.  
After Tony’s call and the disaster of an intel mission, the super soldiers had returned to the Tower.   They were a little worse for wear from the mission, their clothes lightly singed while they made their way to the debriefing room.
“God, I'm gone for a week and you two nearly get yourselves killed,” Tony entered the meeting room where the pair was being debriefed by Natasha.  
“They had twice the numbers we'd estimated,” Bucky scowled, leaning back in his chair and huffing a sigh.  “Barely got a few good hits in before Stevie called us back.”
“They ignited the safe house like it was nothing,” Steve explained.  His hand were clasped in front of him on the table.  He knew he'd made the right call to abort the mission, it just bugged him that Hydra had gotten the jump on them.  They should have had the upper hand with the intel they’d been given.
“Sounds similar to what I'm hearing in Paris,” Tony “tsk’d” under his breath and dropped down next to Barnes to listen to the rest of the debriefing.  
“We found two more safe houses on the Eastern Seaboard with what information you two managed to get from them,” Natasha pointed to a screen over her shoulder.  “We can dispatch teams to both, or wait until we have to intervene.  Are we planning a response for Paris?”
Tony sat up, realizing the question had been directed toward both him and Steve.  
“You have the information,” Steve gestured for the brunette to take the lead.  Tony swiped a hand from his tablet upward, pulling the Paris attack images onto the screen.  
“We have tentative images coming in from the security cams and civilians.  Whoever it was, they were ballsy.  The museum was set to open roughly an hour after the attack,” he zoomed in on a bulky man in armor.  “Now I don't want to jump to conclusions, so I'll let you all simmer on this figure.”
The man in the video looked directly at the camera for an instant, his disfigured face making a small smirk before the image cut out.  
“That's Crossbones,” Steve's expression shifted from interest to fury.
“I thought he died before the Accords?” Bucky shot a look around the table.  “Or did he not?”
Natasha swallowed and spoke up.  
“We never found a body,” she muttered, a sidelong look in Steve's direction.  “There were survivors of the blast, so it's possible…”
“Or a copycat,” Steve announced firmly.  Bucky knew that the events in Lagos had weighed heavily on his friend’s conscious.  It'd all been an accident.  Hell, from what Bucky had seen of the footage, if Wanda hadn't intervened, there would have a much higher casualty count.  
“Regardless,” Tony passed around a few bound packets of paper to the trio.  Bucky's attention immediately drifted to a familiar name on the document: Hydra.  “These are some of the documents they may have gotten their hands on in the vault.”
“Dr. Krauss?” Steve eyed Tony before sending a concerned glance in Bucky's direction.  The paperwork outlined some of the doctors work post-World War 1.  It was gruesome, disgusting and exactly what Bucky expected a Hydra scientist to be involved in.  
What Bucky didn't expect was the sinking feeling in his stomach or the shaking of his hand from pure rage.  He hadn't realized that what had happened to him had been standard procedure by the time he'd come around.  By the second page, the doctor had outlined his final patient; a female, roughly 26 years of age, blonde hair, and hazel eyes.  
He could have smashed a fist through the table.  
“Buck?” Steve broke the former assassins concentration.  Bucky looked up, his eyes wild at the trio of faces watching him carefully.  
“What are we doing about it?” The soldier demanded, his flesh hand clenched in a fist under the table while he attempted to pull his head straight.  
“We need figure out where he’d go next,” Tony decided firmly.  “If there’s a possibility he’d slip into one of the Hydra safehouses stateside, we do that.  Do we have any information on Hydra cells internationally?”
“I have my people working on it,” Natasha replied.  “Fury also has SHIELD agents listening all over for murmurs.”
“If this is Crossbones, we need to handle this very carefully,” Steve warned the group.  “He knows Bucky’s triggers, and now he knows Krauss’ research.”
“The things that haven’t been redacted over the years,” Tony mumbled with a sigh of relief.  “We still have time.  What we need to focus on is on the last page of the packet.”
It was a photocopied print out from a military record from August 11th, 1918.  
“This is-?” Natasha began but was interrupted by Stark.  The redhead shot him a glare, but allowed him to continue.  
“Mabel filled in where she could,” he explained.  Bucky scanned the document and noticed that Mabel’s neat handwriting filled in the spaces where the typed information had been blacked out.   “We’re talking a world ending machine.  She believes it works with sonic waves or something, to destroy entire cities without a single trace.”
“That’s impossible,” Bucky scoffed, but narrowed his gaze while he continued reading the details of the report- right up to where it noted four elite soldiers had lost their lives in its pursuit.  A lump formed in his throat and he coughed.
Mabel wouldn’t have risked her life for something as petty as a rumor.  She had a good head on her shoulders, despite her more impulsive tendencies.
“I thought the same thing until FRIDAY dug through the original SHIELD leak,” he pulled up a frozen black and white image.  It was grainy, reminding Bucky of the soundless films he’d watched with Steve back in the day, the theaters had saved money by showing aged films in lieu of newer ones for their poorer audiences.
Tony started the clip.  It was a shaky image of a forest.  Bucky couldn’t quite figure out where the forest was, but the video’s intentions became clear.  In seconds, without so much of a shift in the camera, the entire forest was wiped flat.  
Even nuclear bombs left behind some skeletons.  
“It’s authenticate,” Tony voiced the concern before anyone could speak.  
“FRIDAY found it in a buried archive on the SHIELD server from Hydra.  It was really the only media they’d been able to store from that period, aside from a few photographs.”  He pulled up a black and white image of a mustached man.  “At least we finally put a face to the monster.”
“That’s Krauss?” Steve looked to Tony for confirmation and the billionaire simply nodded.  “Has Mabel seen this?”
Tony frowned and shook his head.  
“Sam, Bruce, and Wanda are working with her later tonight,” the look he gave the group was painful.  “It probably won’t be pretty, but we need to tap into that head of hers and find out everything we can,”
“And use her like a guinea pig?” Bucky spoke out before he could stop himself.
“She volunteered,” Tony corrected sharply.  “I wouldn’t subject anyone to this without their consent.”
Bucky growled a profanity under his breath before Tony dismissed the meeting.  He certainly wasn’t happy about Mabel being subjected to what seemed like rapid memory recollection, but he respected her choice.  
Even if, in his opinion, it was a stupid one.
Mabel was curled up on her bed, neatly organizing the photos she brought onto the walls around her.  It wasn’t much, but it made the sterile white and grey room a little more like home.  
A soft knock on her door pulled her out of her early century daydreams and she softly called for the guest to enter.  
To her surprise, Wanda entered the room, a weerie expression on her features.
“How are you settling in?” she asked, glancing politely at the pictures scattered across Mabel’s bed.  
“Just finishing unpacking,” Mabel reported, gesturing to her empty suitcase at the corner of the room.  Wanda looked at the relatively untouched room and gave the woman another small smile.  “Was there something you needed?”
“I wanted to talk to you about this evening,” she crossed the room to sit on the edge of Mabel’s bed, giving the blonde plenty of room with her photographs.
“I’ve been writing down everything I can think of,” Mabel gestured to a closed notebook next to her bed.  “And focusing on the specific missions, like Sam suggested.”  She eyed the Sokovian curiously, the brunette woman’s expression shifting slightly.  
“We don’t have to do this,” Wanda stated, looking down at her hands.  “It’s a painful process that nearly destroyed Bucky.  Tony is asking you to pull memories that have been buried by torture and abuse.  It will all come back.”
Mabel spine straightened and she bowed her head, considering Wanda’s words.  
“Would a more specific memory help?” she asked quietly, her eyes drifting to a photograph of the Avengers that Sam had given her.  In particular, she studied Steve’s familiar features.  “It’s a painful memory, but if I can remember specific details it might help.”
“Do I know this memory?” Wanda’s voice was barely above a whisper.  
“You know the agony associated with it,” Mabel replied, her eyes flicking up to meet the hero’s.  “And the last moments of it.”
“Joseph Rogers' death,” Wanda realized without hesitation.  “It was a mission, was it not?”
Mabel nodded slowly, pulling bits and pieces of that particular day forward.  He was dispatched to retrieve documents from a lab outside the front.  Slip in, grab them, slip out.  The cult, somewhat unknown at the time, was losing funding.  
There were very few guards.  Honestly, it’d been one of the cleanest missions since Mabel had enlisted.  The team stole the documents, but on their way out- that’s when it turned into a disaster.  
“He had the original blueprints for the device,” she explained, the idea beginning to take shape.  “I saw them.  It was brief, but I did get the chance to look at them before he died.”
Wanda paused in thought.  Mabel could practically see the young woman weighing the pros and cons of pulling up that particularly painful memory.  
“We will have to start with his death,” she stated after a few seconds of silence.  “That’s the anchor.  Sam mentioned to me that it already might be connected to one of your triggers, which is understandable.”
Mabel hummed in agreement and allowed her to continue.  
“Perhaps if I can pull out the full memory from that point, we can get an idea of what to look for,” she spoke as her thoughts rolled around in her head.  “It might just work.”
“We should talk to Dr. Banner,” Mabel confirmed with a short nod at her companion.  “And figure out the best way to transcribe the information from me to you to a way Tony can understand.”
“Leave that to me,” Wanda stood up from the bed and offered a hand for Mabel.  “We were due to start soon anyway, would you join me in the lab?”
Mabel moved a few pictures and took the woman’s hand, allowing Wanda to guide her through the hallways of the Tower.
“It’s a gorgeous view,” Mabel commented, glancing at the nighttime skyline that surrounded the building.  “Bigger than it used to be.”
“The foundations may crumble, but home will always be home, my friend,” Wanda smiled warmly and pulled her toward the elevator where they chatted about Wanda’s homeland.  
“All Pietro and I knew was war,” she confided as the numbers on the elevator counted upward.  “Sokovia has a difficult past.  Have you read of it’s founding?”
Mabel shook her head, frowning sympathetically to her.  
“I made it through the 1980s before we left,” she confessed.  That was another thing Mabel hoped to focus on during her stay.  The geography of the world had shifted so many times throughout the years, she was having trouble keeping up.  From what she understood, Sokovia was a result of the Soviet Union breaking up, but Mabel didn’t know the specifics.
“There was a very strong culture with my people that differed from other regions,” Wanda explained.  “Unfortunately, our numbers were small and within those numbers, we simply could not agree.  That’s the short version.”
“I’m very sorry you had to suffer through that,” Mabel looked to her with sincerity.  “No child should lose their innocence through violence.”
Wanda didn’t say a word, as the elevator had arrived at their destination and their attention fell on Bucky waiting outside the lab.
He was pacing, barely glancing up to acknowledge the women.  He did a double take and saw Mabel standing with the psychic and briskly walked over, grabbing Mabel’s upper arm forcefully and pulling her aside.
“Are you aware of what you’re doing?” he questioned in a low voice.  “Because I don’t think they are going to tell you the details of how fuckinghorrifying this is.”
“We did it before,” Mabel stated dryly, she shook her head trying to follow his thoughts.  She pulled her arm from his grip and studied him over.  He was more expressive than Mabel had ever seen him.  There was worry, anger, confusion, and a tiny bit of agony as he spoke.  
“This is something else entirely,” he warned.  “It’s the opposite of the wipe.  You’re forcing the memories they pushed away, back to the surface.  It’s excruciatingly painful and I need to know that you’re doing this willingly and not because Stark guilted you or you have this hero-complex.”
“Anyone would do the same thing in my position, Bucky,” Mabel said with a soft shrug.  “You did it.”
“I didn’t do this,” he noticed Stark walking out of the lab to greet Wanda and turned to block Mabel out of view.  “You’re pulling it all out at once.  Didn’t they tell you that?”
She bit down on her bottom lip and looked away before speaking.
“I suggested it.”
He paused, clearly at a loss for words.
“You could hurt someone, or yourself,” he reached and grabbed Mabel’s shoulders gently.  “Please rethink this.”
His plea made Mabel’s heart ache in a way she hadn’t felt since Joseph’s death.  The particular feeling startled her and she pulled away from his grip.  
“I spoke with Wanda and we’re going to try something a little different,” she admitted, matching her eyeline with his.  “It will be difficult, but she says it is possible to pull off.  She’s talking with the others right now.”
Mabel was frozen in place while Bucky digested the information, his face exposing some of his thoughts.  The slight tug of his lips suggested unease, the tiny arch in his brow suggested irritation.  
“I need to me in there with you,” he decided firmly, offering Mabel no other alternatives.  “I don’t care if we have to kick Stevie out.  You’re not doing this alone.”
“Tony will be there,” she smirked, watching that slight arch in his brow.  
“Even more reason for me to be there,” he threw an arm around Mabel’s shoulders, pulling her closer to his torso.  Mabel felt herself stiffen at the sudden gesture, unfamiliar with the less conservative forms of public affection.  Slowly, she wrapped and around around him and he pulled away, satisfied with their agreement.  
“Let’s get this over with,” he commented, gesturing her toward the lab and opening the door for her.  
“Miss Mabel Foster,” Tony greeted from across the lab with a nod.  “Wanda told us your idea and I’ve got to say, you might be a genius.”
“That’s big coming from you,” Bruce scoffed with an eye-roll.  “It’s a good theory. We're willing to test it, if you’re up for it.”  
Wanda, Tony, Bruce, and Bucky all looked to Mabel expectantly.  
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”
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soulstealer1987 · 6 years
Arc 2, Chapter 2
Ziist Grozein
The duo continues on through Nightcaller Temple in their mission to destroy the Skull of Corruption and save Dawnstar, although neither of the two are exactly what the other thinks. Secrets are revealed, risks are taken, and both Gallus and Erandur still have a ways to go before their mission here is complete.
Crossposted from AO3. Masterpost is here.
Arc 2: A Dream of Despair
Arc 2, Chapter 1 ~ Arc 2, Chapter 3
“Now I can show you the source of the nightmares,” Erandur says quietly, sheathing his mace for now, heading over to a barred opening, and pointing down through it. “Over here.” Gallus heads over, and looks down. He can’t quite make out what’s down there, save a reddish force field surrounding… something.
“Is that the Skull of Corruption?” Gallus asks, squinting at it through the bars preventing them or anyone else from jumping straight down.
“Yes,” Erandur says in an even softer tone. A quick glance over at Erandur reveals to Gallus that there’s something deeply personal about this to him, or maybe Gallus is just reading too much into it. Maybe he imagined the guilt-ridden look on the priest’s face that was there for moments at most. “Behold, the source of Dawnstar’s woes. We must reach the inner sanctum and destroy it. Come, there’s no time to lose.”
As it happens, Erandur was right to be worried. Both cultists and invaders alike are awoken as he and Gallus proceed into Nightcaller Temple, and they attack friend and foe alike indiscriminately. Fortunately, the cultists aren’t all that good of fighters, but the orcs, on the other hand… they bring to mind the relentless savagery of the Falmer. Gallus really, really hopes he never has to go into another Dwemer ruin, although he’s not particularly optimistic about that one. He just hopes he has someone he trusts at his back for the next one.
Speaking of someone he trusts… Gallus isn’t quite certain that Erandur can, in fact, be trusted. Certainly, he’s a priest, but priests are generally pacifists. Priests don’t generally go charging in with a flame spell in one hand and a well-worn mace in the other. Erandur, on the other hand, does. There’s also the fact that he knew how to open the barrier to the Temple, although Gallus supposes that he could have learned that in preparation for his task here.
Regardless of this, Gallus doesn’t voice his concerns. Instead, he tries to let Erandur take the lead through the strange, purple mist in the air (probably the Miasma, actually) as much as possible, and tries to keep an eye on where he is at all times. In all honesty, he isn’t sure why his instincts are leading him to be this wary - after all, this is just a priest. But they are, and he is, and he hopes he won’t come to regret being too overly cautious about this, about Erandur.
He wonders, momentarily, as they come to a strange sort of barrier, if maybe he’d been betrayed before. Maybe there was a reason he was reacting this way… but Gallus certainly doesn’t know what it is, and the thought slips his mind as he hears Erandur swear in a most un-priestly fashion.
“The priests must have activated this barrier when the Miasma was released,” Erandur explains. “It’s… difficult to breach. Impossible, actually.”
“Really?” Gallus asks. “You mean we came in here for nothing?” Erandur frowns, and after a moment, shakes his head.
“There may be a way to bypass the barrier, but I must check o-” Erandur coughs hurriedly. “The library. I must check the library to confirm it can be done.” Gallus caught him that time, and Erandur knows it, too. The scholar and the priest regard each other cautiously for a long moment, before Gallus clears his throat awkwardly.
“You… weren’t about to say our library, were you?” Gallus asks innocently, not taking his eyes off Erandur, not sheathing his sword, and silently preparing a Calm spell behind his back for if worst came to worst and the priest attacked him. “Because you do seem to know an awful lot about this place, even for someone who’s been tasked by their goddess to destroy it.”
Erandur lowers his gaze, staring intently at the cracked floor of the hall they’re in.
“I was not tasked by Lady Mara to destroy this place,” Erandur whispers, so softly that Gallus can barely make out his words. He looks up, and looks past him. “I took on this task myself, as a way to atone for what I’ve done in the past.” He still doesn’t meet Gallus’ gaze, and it suddenly clicks for him.
“You don’t mean to say-”
“I do,” Erandur says, shoulders sagging. His voice cracks. “I suppose there’s no point in concealing the truth any longer. My knowledge of this temple comes from personal experience. I… was a priest of Vaermina, long ago.”
Gallus bites back a sarcastic remark, because now really isn’t the time unless he really does want to need that Calm spell. Sarcasm, unfortunately, is not the solution to everything. Instead, he says, quietly, “Why keep it a secret?”
Erandur laughs humorlessly. “When the orcs invaded the temple, I fled,” Erandur explains, and Gallus doesn’t think he’s imagining the sorrow in his eyes. “I left my brothers and sisters here to die. I’ve spent the last few decades living in regret and seeking redemption from Mara. And by Her Benevolence, I will right my wrongs.” His expression is full of resolve, and Gallus can see his determination. He can respect that.
“Sounds good to me,” Gallus says. “Anything else I should know, or… well… would now be a good time to mention that I’m an amnesiac?” If Erandur’s shocked expression is any indication… no. Not at all.
“You do a good job of pretending otherwise,” Erandur says solemnly. “I take it that’s why you’re so interested in what’s going on here?” Gallus nods.
“Yes,” says Gallus. “You wouldn’t happen to have any idea on how I can get my memories back, would you?”
“If Vaermina took them, you wouldn’t be getting them back,” says Erandur after a long pause. “However, as I said earlier, you would not be walking around if Vaermina had taken that many from you. I’m afraid I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, but once we’re done with the Skull, I can help you look into it.”
Gallus nods, and says, ‘Thank you.” There’s another long pause, interrupted only by whatever is going on within the barrier with the soul gem powering it, but this time, it’s less uncomfortable, somewhat.
“To the library, then,” Erandur says. “I still have my key, from...” He lapses into silence, clearly less than comfortable with the subject. Gallus nods, and lets Erandur lead the way, this time because he actually knows where he’s going. He still doesn’t quite trust Erandur, not completely… but he’s at least not expecting the priest to stab him in the back, or take a mace to his skull. That’s progress, he supposes.
“Be careful,” Erandur warns as he turns the key in the lock. “We’re certain to find more of the awakened within.”
“I could… try to keep them from attacking us?” Gallus offers. With his free hand, he readies a Calm spell, then looks to Erandur. Erandur sighs, and shakes his head.
“The gesture is appreciated, but… I fear they will be too far gone even for that,” Erandur says sadly, pushing the door open with one hand and readying his mace with another. Gallus lets the Calm spell dissipate, and then summons a different kind of Illusion spell to his free hand.
“Courage spell it is,” Gallus mutters as Erandur charges in. “Not that you need it.” He manages to catch Erandur square in the back with the blue-ish spell, and the priest charges in.
“Feel the Benevolence of Mara!” Erandur shouts as he runs for a group of cultists and orcs alike. He proceeds to bash the face in of one, and Gallus doesn’t actually have to do anything. He just stands back and watches as Erandur takes down four enemies, two of which are trained warriors, in a matter of seconds. Granted, they were just waking up, but still…
It’s mildly terrifying. Gallus sincerely hopes not all priests in Skyrim are like this, but then again, this is Skyrim.
“Barring any more interruptions, perhaps we can locate the information I need,” Erandur says, sheathing his mace. Gallus nods. They both make a point of not looking at the new corpses adorning the library’s floor, two orcs and two cultists, a Breton and another Dunmer.
“What am I looking for, exactly?” Gallus asks.
“We’re looking for a book of alchemical recipes called The Dreamstride. The tome bears the likeness of Vaermina on the cover.” Erandur frowns, surveying the destruction of the library. “It… should be here somewhere, assuming it’s still intact.”
“If it’s not… how big of a problem will we have?”
Erandur winces. “Big,” he says and looks around wistfully. “This library used to be filled with arcane volumes, and now… Now look at it, almost everything’s been burned.” He sighs, and returns his attention to Gallus. “I’ll check the bottom, if you look up on the balcony shelves?”
As it happens, the ‘balcony shelves’ are significantly more precarious than the area below, but after some extremely cautious maneuvering around a collapsed portion of the ceiling, Gallus finds it. The Dreamstride is a heavy book with vaguely blueish covers and the likeness of something… that Gallus definitely would not have guessed to be Vaermina on the first guess, or the second and third for that matter.
“Found it,” Gallus calls, and after eyeing the drop cautiously, he slips back down to the ground level, the book tucked under his arm for safekeeping. He wastes no time in passing it to Erandur, who wastes no time in leafing through it until he reaches the page he’s looking for. Eventually, he finds it, and nods to himself, satisfied.
“Mara be praised! There is a way past the barrier to the inner sanctum,” Erandur exclaims, looking to Gallus with the same steely resolve from earlier. “It involves a recipe for a liquid known as Vaermina’s Torpor.” Gallus knows he hasn’t heard of it, at least not since his amnesia happened, but if The Dreamstride is an alchemical book, and Vaermina’s Torpor is a liquid…
“Is that… a potion?” Gallus asks cautiously. Erandur nods. “I didn’t read the book. What does it do?” Wordlessly, Erandur passes the book over to him, and Gallus quickly looks through the section on Vaermina’s Torpor, and the titular Dreamstride. He quickly gathers that while this will very clearly be very dangerous, it also seems extremely interesting, and his curiosity quickly overshadows his hesitations.
Of the numerous potions that have surfaced to date, Vaermina's Torpor is perhaps the most impressive. A single sip of this viscous liquid places the imbiber in a state known as "The Dreamstride." This condition allows the subject to experience the dreams of another as if they were actually there. The subject becomes an integral part of the dream, behaving as if they belong. To any other entities in this dream state, the subject will be mistaken for the dreamer; the subject will even find his mannerisms, speech patterns and knowledge expanded appropriately.
To an observer, after the subject has imbibed the potion, they will appear to vanish. As the subject traverses distances within the dream, they will also be traversing distances in the actual world. When the Torpor's effect has expired, the subject will fade back into reality in the exact location projected within the Dreamstride. Some Dreamstrides have transported their subjects a few feet, and some have appeared thousands of miles from their origin in a matter of minutes.
It's to be noted that the Dreamstride is highly dangerous and presents the subject with numerous pitfalls. In certain dreams, subjects have been exposed to life-threatening scenarios such as sicknesses, violence and even death. In most cases, the subject simply fades back to our world without harm, but in some instances, the subject never reappeared and was assumed to have expired or the subject reappeared deceased. It's also quite possible that the subject could reappear in a precarious or hazardous location in reality, even though that location appeared safe within the Dreamstride.
Vaermina's Torpor is as mysterious and elusive as the priests that created it. It's unknown whether this unique transport mechanism is a result of the Torpor itself or simply the odd machinations of Vaermina, but the potential for using the Dreamstride to penetrate seemingly impassible obstacles certainly outweighs its mysterious nature.
“So… if I drink this potion, I’ll be able to travel past the barrier. Through a dream,” Gallus concludes, offering the book back to Erandur. He doesn’t take it, but nods, and eventually Gallus just slips the book into his bag for safekeeping. “Does this… really work?”
“As far as I’m aware, it should,” Erandur says. “Yes, the Torpor grants the ability we… they called the Dreamstride, and yes, it allows you to use dreams to travel distances in the real world.”
“That’s… honestly pretty amazing,” Gallus says. After a moment’s hesitation, Erandur smiles slightly.
“Quite amazing, yes,” Erandur agrees. “Alchemy and the blessings of a Divine distilled into an ingestible liquid.” After a moment, he adds, “Sadly, I have yet to see it function in person.”
“So what you’re saying is, I’m going to be your test subject,” Gallus says bluntly. Erandur visibly winces, but nods.
“Well… yes, but also no,” Erandur says. “If there was another way, I would gladly take it. You see, as a sworn priest of Mara, the elixir won’t work for me. The Torpor will only work for sworn priests of Vaermina, or the unaffliliated.” He looks pointedly at Gallus, who gulps.
“Sounds dangerous,” Gallus remarks. “How can you be certain?” Erandur sighs.
“I’m not,” Erandur admits. “I will not lie to you, there is some risk involved. The last time the Torpor was imbibed could have been decades ago. But I swear upon Lady Mara that I will do everything within my power to prevent any harm from befalling you.”
Gallus hesitates, but nods. He’ll take Erandur at his word for now.
“Do you know where we can find the Torpor?” Gallus asks.
“Not for sure,” says Erandur. “However, there used to be a laboratory adjourning the library. If we proceed there, we should be able to obtain an intact sample, Mara willing.”
Several more dead cultists and orcs later, they’ve found it, along with a lot of other alchemy ingredients that Gallus honestly has no clue how to use. Erandur’s more than happy to take the assorted ingredients off his hands, but the Torpor stays with Gallus. He looks at the tall bottle, staring into the depths of the dark liquid within that has to be Vaermina’s Torpor. If only staring at it could give him the answer’s he’s so desperately seeking.
“I’m relieved you discovered a bottle intact, but Dawnstar’s fate rests in that bottle. The longer we wait, the more damage Vaermina could be doing to those poor people,” Erandur says, putting a hand on Gallus’ shoulder and meeting his gaze. Fiery red eyes meet a stormy blue-grey, and Gallus really wishes he could say he isn’t terrified of this. He is. He definitely is. “I understand your hesitation, but I promise you that it works.”
Gallus nods, slowly, and lifts the bottle.
“Bottoms up,” he says, and downs the contents before he can change his mind.
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