#anyway this is vel
ardentkurashk · 4 months
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aethulean · 1 year
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when i tell you i think this trend was literally made for me i am so serious, i have an edit of troll amy lee and everything
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This is for everybody who saw my vision :)
Vers. w/out the hell police. Square. Things. Cuz why not lol
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ireallyamabear · 8 months
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okay okay okay, i made this months ago and forgot about it, so why not share it for the end of @andorappreciation week. half meme half meta. did i get it right. discuss
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chipthekeeper · 4 months
Happy VELentine's Day, people <3
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Fanon Niffty: baby, innocent cinnamon roll, Alastor's daughter(for some reason??)
Canon Niffty: an entire adult ass woman who's canonically a pervert/fujo who's into cnc and a huge masochist
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andorshitdaily · 4 months
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ROUND TWO CATEGORY: Most Likely to Succeed
Two will win and go into the yearbook. Who's it going to be?
Round three category: Class Couple (obviously nominate two people -- BOTH MUST BE IN THE SHOW ON SCREEN)
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polyvees · 3 months
may I say something controversial?
I personally like velval more than voxval and voxvel pls don't attack me, and ofc voxvalvel is still top tier for me
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jadepearl · 1 month
I cannot bring myself to like (show) Rhaenys. Here are the reasons:
1. She, much like Alicent, seems to take all the negative emotions she feels towards Viserys and directs them towards Rhaenyra- there were better ways to tell Rhaenyra that her claim would be contested (in fact, im of the opinion that show! Rhaenys started disliking Nyra a little more after Viserys refused to disinherit her after after having his precious [sarcasm] son.) I’ve got more thoughts on this but that’s for later.
2. Her (lovely, but extremely pathetic) gay son. The GAY son that she knew was gay. The GAY son that she suspected would not be able to fuck/ impregnate a woman. The GAY son she knew would ABSOLUTELY be destroyed by the game. THE GAY SON THAT SHE WED TO THE WOMAN SHE KNEW WOULD NEED CHILDREN!!!! The entire situation with the (alleged/rumored) bastards of Nyra is a situation that Rhaenys and Coryls themselves had a hand in- they knowingly married their very gay son to Nyra knowing that she would need heirs and that it was entirely (re:extremely) possible that Laenor would not be able to bed/fuck her. Like how is she going to wake up and be like “oh my hod, my son was cuckolded” as if her son also hadn’t been cuckolding Nyra??? Like if she was going to turn a blind to Laenor sleeping w/ Qarl she could’ve afforded Nyra that same willful ignorance. Instead she chose to be mad at Nyra for making the best out of situation that Rhaenys and Corlys and her father, and even fucking Laenor put her in!!!!
3. Her attitude w/ the Velaryon Boys( see point above) those boys exist because her son could not do his duty !!! It is not a Nyra problem- it is not as simple as Nyra deciding to cuckold her husband. Nyra needed children- she TRIED with Laenor, both of them were extremely uncomfortable and it didn’t work- and Laenor apologized for being unable to his duty and instead it was decided upon that they ( the boys) would be granted the Velaryon name upon birth. He did not sire those boys (allegedly) but he did love them!!! This is the crux of my issue w/ Rhaenys- if Laenor hated those boys, I could justify her anger, excuse it maybe- but he didn’t. He didn’t hate them, didn’t cure their existence (was he a good father? No. Absolutely not. Very absent at best. But he loved them, and he cared for Nyra and so he took them as his own and gave them his family name) Rhaenys being angry/upset/etc over the outcome of a situation that she/corlys/Viserys all pushed those two into is fucking annoying and really- pardon my speak- grinds my fucking gears. You don’t get to force your gay son and your little cousin into a marriage and get shocked when your GAY son can’t fuck a woman. Especially not when you suspected that your GAY SON WOULDNT BE ABLE TO FUCK A WOMAN??? because those are the vibes show! Rhaenys gives off (yes my son is gay, no I don’t think he’ll ever be able to fuck a woman, but how dare his wife not simply live a childless life- who cares if she needed children, doesn’t she know how those looks?) why did Rhaenys not think about how it would look before marrying them?? Did she really expect the HEIR TO THE IRON THRONE TO LIVE A CHILDLESS LIFE ALL BECAUSE HER (again lovely, but rather pathetic) GAY SON COULD NOT FUCK ANYONE NOT IN POSSESION OF A COCK??!!!
What angers me the most is that, even after that conversation where she told Nyra how unstable her position was, and how she’d eventually be supplanted in favor of a male heir- this bitch, along w/ her husband put Nyra in a situation where she’d have to make a difficult choice. Live the rest of her life being called barren, cursed, all the things that they all called her late mother- all things that would endanger both her, her title as heir, and probs even Laenor too, or seek someone else to sire children? They put her in that situation and the got pissed when she didn’t choose the route of eternal suffering- they put her in that situation and got pissed that she didn’t simply accept it??? Show!Rhaenys, Viserys, Corlys, Daemon, fucking Alicent- if you have no enemies I am dead.
Anyway! These are all MY opinions, you are welcome to have your own but yours will not make me change mine. Have a good day!!
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
i imagine bail and mon joining forces something like:
bail: okay, lets join forces, i have three jedis, a mandalorian, a lassat warrior, the pilot daughter of general cham syndulla and one tool under my arm that's another jedi, what about you?
mon: a collector, a tree farmer, a mercenary and a kid who wants to be a philosopher.
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Fucking wet weasel of a man
(click for quality)
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......soooo like
coffee shop au on ferrix anyone?
velcinta september day 26: ferrix
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luckycloverforducks · 3 months
Tell me more about velvette and baggies relationship in the swap au
I wanna see all the different and toxicity in it, and how charlie would react to it and all that
*Not sure eif I sent a similar ask to this or not- if I did sorry)
And dw you did not my ask box is. Empty
Their relationship is vaguely similar to I think, Mammon and Fizz?? Somewhat, I mean I've never watched Helluva but I've seen people talk about it, Vaggie feels indebted to Velvette for getting her to where she is right now yk with being a popular star, and Velvette is. Interesting
Velvette often switches back and forth between treating Vaggie like a bestie and just another demon working under her, and previously before Charlie came into the picture, sometimes like a girlfriend, which leaves Vaggie constantly confused
Velvette often overworks Vaggie to hell and back, but honestly she kinda? means well? A teensy bit, she doesn't want Vaggie to fall from popularity if she leaves the public eye for too long, and Vaggie does like performing/singing and the praise she often gets from it (even if she gets overwhelmed sometimes) so in a way she's trying to help her maintain the fame and praise that Vaggie often seemed to preen over, so in a fucked up way, in her eyes, she's trying to keep her happy and to keep up everything they both have worked hard for (Vaggie's career). She's also like, really into Vaggie but she gave up on that pursuit a bit ago, doesn't stop her from being petty and toxic about it tho
Vaggie is tired and confused, to say the least. She doesn't really know what Velvette actually thinks of her, if she values her in any way, or even care at all about her. Velvette tends to demean and sometimes verbally abuse Vaggie but the next day she tends to sort of make up for it, like she feels bad. In the early days, they were much closer, and Vaggie genuinely liked Velvette, and maybe had a little crush on her.
When Vaggie does good, Velvette showers her with praise, affection, and affirmation but is she slips up, she gets cold and mean, even a little shouty at times, and "honestly are you trying to embarrass me at this point?!" And Vaggie just stands there confused, ashamed, and a little pissed. Does she even see her as anything other than another asset for her brand? She can't tell. Sometimes it feels like she does, sometimes it doesn't. Vaggie is just so confused.
Velvette pushes her so much because she knows she can do better, but she constantly fails to take account Vaggie's limits, boundaries, and feelings, especially since Vaggie tends to mask her true feelings alot, keeping them all inside until they burst under the smallest addition of pressure, which makes her lash out at Velvette when Velvette didn't really deserve it at the moment, which makes Velvette think she's being unfair.
Vaggie feels that Vel is capable of being a better person, she just doesn't see that she's not one already, or that she needs to (or maybe she's just not worth it in her eyes?)
But neither hate the other, not really. Vaggie would like to, but she can't quite get there, while Velvette wouldn't even dream of genuinely hating Vaggie.
It's complicated, they're both fond of each other but also have a certain animosity between each other, esp Vaggie (rightfully so)
They are honestly both flaming messes, Velvette being the worst one of the two and also a part of the reason why Vaggie is a flaming mess aswell-
In short :Vel is a bad boss and a conflicting 'friend', and Vaggie is struggling through it
And Abt what Charlie thinks? She sincerely hopes Velvette explodes, she would do it herself but Vaggie still has an attachment to her (which Charlie sincerely hopes she'd lose, Vel isn't good for her, or much of anyone) so for now she just lets her be, but they always argue w/ each other (Vaggie just sigh tiredly in the background)
Hope this satisfies you, I have alot of thoughts Abt them :3
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There are 2 wolves inside you: one is the biggest poly vees shipper to ever exist who loves the dynamic between all 3 of them and doesn't want them separated, the other physically cannot ignore the fact that, based off of ONLY what we've seen in canon and ignoring theories that MIGHT NOT BE TRUE, Val is a LOT worse to Vox and Velvette then either of them are to him, and finds that deeply troubling.
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vellichorsdesire · 2 months
doing this to ur f/o(s). which one would kick the hardest
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chipthekeeper · 2 years
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Quite nice to know there are no excuses to not have queer representation in Star Wars at this point. If it's not in a story, it's because the people making the story didn't put it there
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