#(with the exception of chiaki and hajime - but even then it's not about junko's relationships with them
aparticularbandit · 5 months
Kyoko in DR3 looked at her impossible task - solve the murders before she and Makoto both die - and then, when forced to make a choice between save herself or save the person she loves?
Made the same choice Yui did.
And that's Yui's influence.
Pre-Black Challenge Kyoko could never. Her family creed is to put the case first, even above family (which is why Jin split - because Grandpa Kirigiri wouldn't let Kyoko go see her dying mother because they were on a case, and Mama Kirigiri died - and Jin was right for splitting, but he was wrong for leaving Kyoko there).
During DR Kirigiri, we see Kyoko making the comment that sometimes you have to let people die to solve the case, and every time she makes that claim, Yui rebukes her. No. We try and save everyone. We save as many people as we possibly can. Like them or not, we go to save them, even at the risk of our own lives.
Saving victims is the most important thing.
And we see Kyoko learning from this in vol. 6 - we maybe can't win the sniper game, but we can try to keep everyone from getting on the island. (Except there are flaws in that plan which she quickly brings up.)
Kyoko doesn't pull Makoto into her investigations because then he would be at risk from the mastermind, made most blatant when Junko bops him on the head and steals the Hope's Peak yearbooks.
Junko is playing a game with Kyoko.
Makoto becomes alibi and bait.
DR3 and Kyoko's choice to sacrifice herself to save Makoto, even though he might not be able to figure things out, is an homage to Yui and what she learned from her.
(It's also her way of saying that she's tired of other people dying for her. That she's taking the bullet this time.)
This is how you recontextualize canon.
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funishment-time · 6 months
17! 17! 17!
!!! HELL YEAH !!!
17. List five headcanons for your favorite characters!
the arrival of the Monokubs at a non-despair HPA causes a lot of chaos, as everyone thinks Junko built the kubs to make fun of them specifically. in fact, Junko didn't build the kubs at all, but she lets them "live" because their existence causes everyone despair (including her and her favorite son, Monokuma)
this may be a sin to some, but i actually prefer Miu and Keebo to have a brother-sister relationship, where Miu gets to dote on her Stupid little robot brother and give him Equally Stupid upgrades. (yes, i know there's a sexual element to a lot of how they interact in canon, but i like to think that's before she really knows how to Treat People Normally. it evens out Eventually, although she still asks him from time to time if he wants [INSERT SOMETHING ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING HERE] so he can "get with some bitches or Ouma or whoever the fuck")
speaking of Miu, she still watches Saturday morning cartoons with sugary cereal every morning. if you interrupt her Genius Routine she can't function and blames you for depriving the World of the things she could have made that day
Hajime often discovers memes about 5 years too late and tries to use them to befriend others. it's charming, a bit. he still thinks Rickrolling is funny. this is less charming
Sakura does not participate in social media with one exception: she loves TikToks of animals being silly, cats especially, and bonds with Ryoma and many others over this. it's one of the first inroads she has with people
BONUS: during the main timeline events, it's Hina who observes AI Chiaki and bashfully, carefully, eyes cast down to the floor, asks Makoto if there's any chance they could use the same Technology to bring back their friends, too. "at least...the friends we still have a piece of." but as she watches the NWP she knows it will only cause her more grief: AI Chiaki was not the original Chiaki, and an AI Sakura would be less than a ghost. the true Sakura would not want to dwell on the past...even if the impulse is there. instead, Hina becomes friends with Alter Ego, and understands the importance of a legacy vs cyber-necromancy thru AE's insistence that he is more like Chihiro's son, not Chihiro
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gontagokuhara · 2 months
Its almost 5 am and I have work [today] but heyyyy what if I sent in another fun ask about pointy objects ;) Last time I asked about PO relationship rankings... but what about notable FRIENDSHIPS😭 I definitely think it'd be ridiculous to ask for a ranking of ALL THE FRIENDSHIPS but I'm saying like, I want to know about any specific fun ones we haven't seen that much of, tumultuous OR harmonic, if you want to share!💖
(if I had to rank some though I'd put Fuyupeko at #1 bc ofc they're like brother-sister, andddd Junko-Izuru ONN THE BOOOTTOOOMMM🗣 bc it's Junko duh) (Honorable mentions: Miu & Kiibo bc idk why I'm blanking on where the demi friendships rank) Okay I'm gonna go back to reading the latest chapter bc I gave up on trying to go to sleep💀 I hope you have a great day btw!!! Please say hi to baby Winnifred the Pooh for me and give extra love💘
I realized this weekend after seeing yet another fic I love get orphaned, how spoiled I was with your tumblr and I'm super greatful to be a reader and just consuming the content you share 😭 I really want to contribute more as thanks but I may not have as much time due to school starting soon😓 I'll just say thank you again for now and ofc remind you that you're an absolute BADDIE, please don't forget!!!💖
HELLOOOOOOOO CIDER MY BELOVED <3 as always u bring some of my favorite asks to my inbox so thank u MWAH!!!!! and as always this is for FUNSIES so there’s no obligation (especially if ur busy with school and work!!!) you have already earned ur place in my heart forever ❤️❤️❤️ you are so real about orphaned/abandoned works my favorite fic of all time had its sequel abandoned like 8 years ago…….u really never recover 💔 and i may have done the same to pointy objects for ~3.5 years but we are BACK and pumping out content at any given opportunity because this fic and universe is my baby. so with that said (and winnie said hello to PICTURED BELOW ‼️) lets get into pointy objects analysis mode WOOOOO
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many conversations have been had with my darling beta reader + kokichi correspondent evan @/faglaios about certain dynamics between characters this is like my DREEEEEAM ask because there are so many friendships in the pointy objects verse that are. so special to me. i have a whole list of friendship dynamics that i think are interesting and would yap about But i have so much to say about even just my select few favorites. so here are some honorable mentions before we get to the Big Boys:
- fuyuhiko & peko: i will forever and always ride for the familial dynamic for these two and pointy objects is no exception, as they consider themselves siblings to the same degree fuyu & natsumi do. talk about an unbreakable bond these two are literally almost as close as komaru & makoto are despite (affectionately) bitching at each other significantly more
- hajime & chiaki: not something i’ve been able to explore in-verse, but these 2 are soooo special to me in general and their friendship carries over into pointy objects rejoice ‼️‼️ i specifically singled this one out for the reason that: chiaki, as the goddess of sleep, tends to be pretty absent for long stretches of time, and so there can be decades that pass where she’s just not in hajime’s life. when he’s alone and stressed he talks to her sometimes :)
- kaede & maki: before they began dating they were without reservations each other’s best friend. i have a LOT to say about these two but yay ‼️ for kaemaki nation a lot of time has been dedicated to exploring it in pointy objects <3 so i will hold my tongue. for now
- rantarou & shuuichi: similar dealio here re: exploration in pointy objects canon. granted, rantarou is “dead” for the majority of it, but just as much as they are brothers they are best friends and for as much as i COULD say, i think their dynamic kinda speaks for itself in-fic :>
- miu & kiibo: i will be the first to admit i Do Not Enjoy miu but objectively her best interactions (both in v3 canon + pointy objects) are with kiibo. their dynamic is mutually (lightheartedly) antagonistic like miu knocks their head off five times a day and kiibo runs to tattle on her but like they eat dinner together basically every day and horrifically gossip in very bad whispers. miu clocked kiibo’s crush (overheard kaede talking about it to maki like a year ago lmfao) and became their unasked for wingwoman (she’s very bad at it).
kokichi & kaito: oh goodness. These Two. it has truly been far too long since i played 3-5 and fully Invested in this dynamic but once again from my conversations with evan There is something there . i almost have so much to say that i cant think of Anything to say lmfao so. we’ll put a pin in these 2 for now. but this is one of my favorite pointy objects dynamics.
- kaito & shuuichi / maki & shuuichi: oh training trio how i do love you……both of them have really fun dynamics but the former is definitely a little more well-developed in pointy objects. shuuichi mirrors both of them specifically in his resolve to protect and defend his friends; kaito in his emotional/trust investment and being open and honest both to himself and to the world at large, and maki moreso in the physical sense, in that they tend to be more hands-on and proactive in things that require teamwork (you’ll notice it’s these 2 most often helping others to their feet/to remain upright + at the forefront of public-facing schemes like booking the motel/headlining the convenience store robbery). MUCH to say here (also re: kaito & maki) but yet again i’ve already got so much more to go
- junko & izuru: To Be Continued.
- makoto & junko: exes
WOW! and that was only the honorable mentions 😭 jesus christ. but i saved my favorites/most interesting for last so LETS GO BABEY 🔥🔥🔥
- gundham & sonia: my Personal thoughts on these two have to be divorced from pointy objects canon so i’m speaking specifically on their friendship here. as god of the dark art and goddess of magic they naturally are inclined towards and work with each other, but they’re also just straight-up besties (as much as a grumpy recluse like gundham will allow, especially these days). in Non-crisis times, sonia is one of only a few gods who have near-unlimited access to the underworld. they also have a lot in common in terms of each losing their children within only a few years of each other (sonia with her son who tsumugi killed in her attack on camp pre-barrier, and gundham, we now know, with gonta).
- mondo & fuyuhiko: throwaway joke pointing out their similar organized crime affiliations that evolved rapidly into a like. genuine (business) relationship but also a family-like brotherly bond between them too (fuyuhiko is good at this LOL). there’s a lot of camaraderie (+ arguments) regarding this, as well as their shared isolation and distance from their children. mondo and taka went to fuyuhiko’s house the first night maki was missing both to hash out a game plan on keeping their daughters safe, but also for comfort because…well, at one point or another, they became family.
- maki & tenko: and speeeeaking of family <3 this has been touched on very lightly but of the people maki really has a connection with at camp and specifically considers her friends, tenko is one of those three people (the others being kaede and then later kaito). tenko really had to teach maki what Having Family is like even though she’s hardly the best-equipped to do so, but their shared distance from their godly parents (and lesbianism) helped them foster a dynamic that is very protective and isn’t the most Outwardly affectionate, but is definitely mutually trusting and quietly appreciative. they also train together often (and beat up kaito together when he jumps in too).
- kokichi & gonta: i am a “gonta and kokichi were genuine friends” truther until i die and pointy objects is my love letter to that. i have Many thoughts regarding their canonical relationship [looks at my url] but in my representation of them in pointy objects……when gonta says in his chapter that the two of them are best friends he is 100% correct (for better or for worse). for several years they were in the relatively small (those 2, kaede, miu, and maki) full-time camper group and the 5 of them are naturally more close-knit, but kokichi is…Well. Abrasive. and turns a lot of people off. but gonta was (+ is!) persistent. he sees good in kokichi. they were the only 2 boys at camp full-time for years, and as he did hajime and nagito, gonta lacked other options but to drift towards kokichi with regard to modeling “gentlemanly” behavior after spending so many years not socialized to humans. kokichi would play his usual pranks and mess with him but despite his flighty demeanor…actually U know what i’m just screenshotting my msgs to evan about this i cooked sooooo hard BUT ONE OF MY FAVORITE (and horrificially misunderstood) DYNAMICS <3
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- gonta & kiibo: similar to kaemaki in that their friendship has been explored in-verse before their romantic relationship, but i single them out here because there is something very important to me about the two of them learning how to be people together :] gonta spending half of his life to this point living amongst wolves, and the rest of it playing catch-up on Being A Person and defining for himself what the means and who he wants to be and modeling his goals on the people around him that he admires. kiibo lived for a handful of years as an AI with kazuichi, but has only had a soul for three or so years, and despite having a universe of knowledge at their fingertips they still have to learn what personhood is like outside of scanning text and interpreting data — again, with a relatively small and niche group of gods and demigods to learn from. they meet when kiibo is dropped off at camp by a distraught sonia, and immediately recognize in the other something similar to themselves. they’re both entirely disconnected from human culture, but have a fascination with it to varying degrees. they’re both Different, and still learning how to exist in the world they’ve been cast into, and slowly over time realizing that the kind of ‘person’ they want to be, whatever that means…that inspiration might be a bit closer than they think.
- kaede & kokichi: oh i could write essays on these two i swear to god. another one that needs their own specialized post honestly there is So much here and basically none of it is reliant on v3 canon because we were given so little. i’ve built such a little world for these two in pointy objects it’s easily a top 3 dynamic like Period out of the whole fic it’s soooo important to me. people have pointed out they come across as deeply sibling-coded and that is 100% the intention. as previously mentioned, they were full-time campers early on (kokichi arrived before maki did, even, so they’ve known each other longer) and even back then kaede took it upon herself to tour new kids around camp and get to know them (partially because her other options were Adults, her less-than-ideal twin sister, and gonta who she knows but can’t talk pop culture or music with). i’m holding my tongue on certain Details here but they really have grown up with the faux-exasperated big sister and the playfully-annoying little brother dynamic. and on the surface they very much come across that way and have fun falling into those roles naturally. but there is a significant degree of mutual care between them that goes far beyond any prank or argument or fuck up. kaede, as frustrated as she was when kokichi snuck onto the rv and as serious as she was about her reservations regarding his role in their quest, still stuck to her guns and kept him included and safe once he was there, and genuinely meant it when she told them she believes in all of them more than she’s ever believed in anyone. for as obnoxious and as snide and as withdrawn he can be, in the same breath he’s calling kaede a hokey protag he’s diving between her and syo’s scissors without a second thought. he’s still offering kaede solemn, sincere comfort and reassurance in the aftermath of the call with nagito he hung up for her, and lashing out at anyone he thinks is judging her and going to make her feel worse. the two of them are everything to me. pointy objects kaede/kokichi friendship you will ALWAYS be famous
- shuuichi & kokichi: well we already saw everything up until now IN pointy objects, didn’t we? <3
ok bonus WINNIE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!
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lonelyshuichilover · 1 year
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For my own sanity, the limit of characters per post is 4. Sometimes I will write for the "entire" cast, but only half of the cast per post. (eg THH boys with a reader who 'don't know what'.)
If the reader's gender is not specified, the reader will be gender neutral.
I would like you to be specific with your requests and what you want, I would not like to write something that has nothing to do with what you requested simply because I misunderstood.
Also, specific features in the reader are allowed (ex. Nagito with a reader that is the 'I don't know what' Ultimate.)
Don't spam, please.
✿ -------------------- ✿ ----------------------- ✿
More info under the cut!!
I will write!!
Fluff, Angst, Angst to Fluff, Fluff to Angst (does that even exist?)
Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/No Comfort.
Major Character Death (Not Graphic).
Soulmates (Platonic/Romantic).
Platonic Relationships.
Romantic Relationships.
Character x Reader.
Suggestive themes.
Scenarios (my personal favorite).
Series (scenarios that get more than two parts.)
Into consideration (50/50)
One-shots (I'm not good with long stories).
Character x Character.
I will not write.
Non-con/Dub-con (ew).
Character x OC.
Ped0philia. (EW)
✿ -------------------- ✿ ----------------------- ✿
Extra stuff before requesting.
A thousand apologies if the character ends up being very OOC, I'm a bit bad with characterizations, but I'll try to do the best I can.
It might take me a while to finish your request, my posting schedule is quite unstable.
As you can see, I adore Shuichi with my heart, so you will see a lot of him in this blog (Request about him plz, it'll make me very happy).
English is not my first language, so please, have patience with me.
I have the right to deny requests.
Sometimes my motivation is low, and when it happens, I won't write anything, so if you see me inactive, please don't pressure me.
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Characters I will write for
(* = Harder to write but not impossible, I'll try my best :))
Makoto Naegi (♡) Sayaka Maizono Leon Kuwata* Chihiro Fujisaki Mondo Owada* Kiyotaka Ishimaru Celestia Ludenberg* Sakura Ogami Aoi Asahina Byakuya Togami* Yasuhiro Hagakure Toko Fukawa* Kyoko Kirigiri Hajime Hinata Byakuya Twogami* Mahiru Koizumi Peko Pekoyama (♡) Ibuki Mioda Mikan Tsumiki Gundham Tanaka* Nagito Komaeda* Chiaki Nanami Sonia Nevermind Kazuichi Souda Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu* Akane Owari Izuru Kamukura* Shuichi Saihara (♡♡♡) Rantaro Amami* Kaede Akamatsu Ryoma Hoshi* Kirumi Tojo Angie Yonaga Tenko Chabashira Korekiyo Shinguji* Gonta Gokuhara Kokichi Oma* Kaito Momota* K1-B0 Maki Harukawa* Komaru Naegi Yuta Asahina WOH* (except Monaca) (Platonic Only)
Characters I will NOT write for
Hifumi Yamada Mukuro Ikusaba Junko Enoshima Teruteru Hanamura Hiyoko Saionji Miu Iruma Himiko Yumeno Monaca Towa Haiji Towa (I hope he rots in hell).
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And that's everything! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! <3 Have a great day!
- Mod Shuichi.
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danggirlronpa · 1 year
🍑 here's my nanamiki meta i'd like to share with you about!
Chiaki and Mikan actually parallel each other if you really think about it. Both Chiaki and Mikan lacked any social skills to develop any friendships on their own. So they had to rely on their talents. But that’s where the contrast differs from them. Chiaki uses her talent to genuinely help others around her class. She doesn’t think of it. However, Mikan uses her talent for a more selfish reason. While Mikan genuinely wants to help others, the main reason why she wanted to be a nurse is because she likes the feeling of control when others are depending on her. It gives her a feeling of self-worth. If you think about it, thanks to Chiaki creating group hangouts with the class, she actually helped Mikan make friends. 
Another reason why they’re connected is their connections to Junko. Chiaki is basically just a narrative foil to Junko while Mikan is obsessively in love with her. Looking back in Dr2 and the anime, the connections between these two is actually heartbreaking. In the anime, Mikan was brainwashed by Junko. Mikan was responsible for leading Chiaki to her execution. 
In addition, both Chiaki and Mikan died for love and friendship but in different ways. Chiaki died because she desperately tried to cling on to hope. She fought through her execution through the bitter end just so she could see her friends again. And she did that for… nothing. For Mikan, she killed Ibuki and Hiyoko because they were treasured friends and that she will be able to see “her beloved” Junko. And again… it was all for nothing.
In addition, I think Mikan and Chiaki’s relationship with the class also ties them together. Chiaki was the class representative and the most beloved out of all the students there. Junko killed Chiaki because she knew it would bring her classmates despair if a beloved friend of theirs died. (I can imagine that Mikan must’ve looked up to Chiaki so much because she was able to make so many friends. She’s also very nice to her.)
But with Mikan’s relationship to the group, it’s a little mixed. In her trial, her classmates (except Hajime, Nagito, and Chiaki) either believe that Mikan was too clumsy and idiotic to kill or that she was a beloved friend who took care of them all. Either way, her classmates fell into despair knowing that side of her, a dark side nobody knew about. Only Sonia (and maybe Hajime, Chiaki, and Akane) still considered Mikan a friend even after what she did. The rest just considered her as some sort of monster.
It’s so sad because in the game, Mikan actually gotten along pretty well with Chiaki. Since AI Chiaki was created from the class’s memories, it’s implied that Mikan got along really well with the real Chiaki. Not to mention, when Chiaki was teaching Mikan to play games, she went out of her way to help her. She even said that she enjoyed playing with Mikan too. That must have meant that the real Chiaki liked hanging out with Mikan as well.
anyways, this is just my two cents because i haven't seen the sdr2 anime so... yeah... I hope you like this analysis. i would love to hear your thoughts and hcs for this ship. i'm really sorry if this is too much to read. 😅😓
I don't even have anything to add to this. Absolutely excellent look at their canonical interactions & dynamic. I am tipping my hat directly at you
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authordgaster · 4 years
So I’ve always been more of an UnderTale centric blog, but I’m also in the Danganronpa fandom.
(Yes yes, Danganronpa, UnderTale, Kayne West, Fingers, MOVING ON!)
So I was looking at V3’s cast, and I thought to myself “hey! Shuichi is kinda like a Makoto/Kirigiri fusion.” And more than once I’ve seen AUs where Shuichi is there kid.
Then I thought of something. “Oh my god... are ALL the V3 members fusions?!”
And if you do the math, it adds up. 32 students from the first two games, 16 in V3.
So I went to work trying to determine if this theory bore any real fruit and started pairing characters (in a non romantic sense, this isn’t some big shipping post). When it came to determining these fusions, I focused on a few different traits for each character. For some it was their talent, others it was their personality traits, and sometimes it was both.
Some fusions admittedly make more sense than others, but I’m going to send each fusion and my reasoning for them.
Starting with Shuichi, who is a fusion of Makoto and Kyoko. (Side note, I’ll be sticking to everyone’s first names.) So the parts he got from Kyoko are pretty obvious, they’re both detectives and emo. From Makoto though, he gets the role of protagonist as well as a good amount of Makoto’s “good boy energy” or G.B.E. for short.
Next we’ve got Kaede, a Sayaka and Aoi fusion. Kaede and Sayaka have a few things in common. Their personalities are both cheerful, they’ve both got musical talents, they both wanted everyone to be friends, and they both jumped the gun and got themselves killed. Yeah... as for Aoi... uh... yeah this was one of those “I don’t really know where to put you so I’ll put you here” scenarios. I mean, Aoi ALSO kind of jumped the gun and almost got everyone killed, which is why I chose to put her in the Kaede fusion pair.
After our protagonists, who better than the rival? Kokichi’s fusion is easily one of if not the least surprising. He’s a fusion of Nagito and Byakuya. Like Nagito, he’s completely insane, obsesses over something (in his case lies) and he sacrifices himself in chapter 5, though for a relatively more selfless cause then Nagito. Keyword being relatively.
On the other end of the spectrum is Kaito, a fusion between Nekomaru and Yasuhiro. Hiro’s inspiration is pretty obvious once you think about it. There’s the jacket and it’s abnormal way of being worn, the airheadedness, and they both have space relations. (Didn’t aliens steal Hiro’s burger or something?) As for Nekomaru, well, it’s obvious right? He was a constant pillar of support for his friends and did exercises with Shuichi and Makinto help them both physically and mentally.
Speaking of Maki, she’s a Mukuro and Hiyoko fusion. Yeah, that’s a weird one right? Well here me out. The Mukuro part is obvious enough, she’s a solider and Maki is an assassin, each having a murder related talent, plus they both fell for lovable dorks. Hiyoko is another situation like Aoi unfortunately. The only common ground I could find was that Maki is kinda short and pretty mean at times. (Her talent could’ve been the Ultimate Tsundere tbh)
On the topic of short girls, Himiko is a Chihiro and Ibuki fusion. Yeah... definitely a weird one there. Chihiro has two main things that lead me to one conclusion. One is they’re both pretty meek except for when it comes to their talent. The other thing was that Chihiro was a tech wiz. Eh... get it, wiz? Right, moving on...
K1-B0 is a Hajime/Chiaki fusion. Like Chiaki, Kiibo is an artificial being, and then there’s the connections to Hajime. Both were evil versions of the Ultimate Hope, albeit unintentionally, and while Kiibo also has loads of G.B.E. he can also tap into his inner Hajime and be sassy as heck. Plus there was their problems revolving around their talents. Hajime wanting to prove he had a talent and K1-B0 wanting to prove his talent was useful, despite his numerous physical setbacks like being weaker and having worse eyesight than the average human.
Next is Tsumugi. Ah Tsumugi, at first I wanted to fuse Junko with Hifumi to make her, combining the Mastermind aspect of Junko with the weebiness of Hifumi. Then I realized that there was a more obvious fit. Twogami and his imposter talent practically mirror’s Tsumugi’s Cosplay talent. End result: Tsumugi is a Junko/Twogami fusion!
Rantaro is...uh... a Kiyotaka/Leon fusion...? Yeah I honestly didn’t know who to put with this guy and these two were just kinda there. I mean, Leon is a “ladies man” and I think Rantaro gave that vibe off? As for Taka, I would just look at him, and then Rantaro, and day to myself “yeah, that fits” for no real reason. Like, there were no grounds for my argument and even so! *sigh* moving on...
Ryoma is Fuyuhiko and Akane. This one kinda makes sense. Ryoma and Fuyuhiko are both smol men with baby faces that can be scary when they want to, and Ryoma and Akane both had it rough prior to school. Yeah I’m not too good with this one either.
Back to more realistic fusions, Kirumi is a Celestia/Peko fusion. Celeste’s goth aesthetic plus Peko’s unwavering sense of duty merge and that’s basically Kirumi in a nutshell.
Angie is Sonia and Hifumi. Angie and Hifumi are both artists, simple as that, and just as Sonia was the ruler of her country, Angie was basically the one running hers, not to mention they were both really weird.
I don’t like Tenko so I’ll make this fast. Mondo and Mahiru. I heard Mondo is supposed to represent toxic masculinity (but he’s portrayed in a way that makes his character GOOD!) and then there’s Mahiru with her constantly getting on guys’ case telling them that they should be doing all these things for no reason other than their gender. Put the two together and you get Tenko and her screaming about “Degenerate males” every five minutes. For someone who hates guys so much, she sure seems to talk about them a lot...
Korekiyo was one that was so obvious I kicked myself for not figuring it out sooner. Mikan and Touko. Touko’s split personality is the same as Kiyo being “possessed” by his sister, and his relationship with his sister mirrors Mikan’s relationship with Junko. Yeah, some dark basis for fusion reasoning, but it works.
Miu. Teruteru’s perverted personality meets Kazuichi’s technological prowess. Nuff said.
And last, but far from least is Gonta. He stronk and noble like Sakura, both sacrificing themselves doing what they believed was right, and he’s good with animals like Gundam.
WOW this took forever to write. Please comment or reblog with your opinions on this theory. How reliable is it? Should I switch some fusions around? Why? I take constructive criticism in stride.
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Traitor Hajime au
I mentioned making one before so may as well do it now
Especially since I won’t be having WiFi for a while after today qwq
This au has Hajime befriend Class 77 and doesn’t join the Izuru Kamukura project and is Executed in Chiaki’s place as a result
OOC moments for Hajime and Chiaki because they sorta swap places here
Things to clarify
• Chiaki is still class rep but Hajime bonded with Class 77 similarly to Island mode
• One of the steering committee’s sons is the one to take Hajime’s place in the project
• Hajime is the first student in the classroom since he was programmed in and greets everyone as they enter
• When they arrive in the island, Hajime is much more relaxed than in canon and actually manages to chat with the group before they go their separate ways
• Unlike in canon, Hajime is perfectly okay with the fact he’s a reserve course student and tells everyone when introducing himself (no one really cares. Some were surprised and that’s that)
• Except one person named Nagito Komaeda
• His true colors are hinted at earlier this time due to him insulting Hajime about it (which lead to negative opinion from the group) but once again unlike in canon he doesn’t take it personally because he actually knows Nagito is a good person once you get through to his head
• When Monokuma shows up, he’s the most distressed because he’s full aware that the killing game is serious and when he’s cut across the face he takes it as a warning from Monokuma not to cross the line
Chapter 1
• Him and Chiaki are the only ones concerned over Usami/Monomi as the others dismiss her
• During the party, he offers to stay outside with Monomi both so everyone can bond and because he needs to talk to Monomi about the situation
• He actually suspects that Nagito might make the first move “for the sake of the class” like with how he bombed Hope’s peak to interrupt the exams “for the sake of the class”
• Monomi scolds him to trust the class more but his worries skyrocket when he hears the body discovery announcement
• When the investigation starts, Nagito isn’t as nice to Hajime as he was in canon but seems slightly nicer since him and Hajime can become stepping stones to hope
• Hajime fervently hopes that his suspicions of Nagito are wrong but the class trial proves them true much to his disappointment
• Later on when Hajime reveals Teruteru as the killer, Nagito is shocked that someone like Hajime can lead the class as he did and at one point outright tells Hajime to leave the class trial to the ultimates’ hope but Hajime tells him he will not let them die
• Hajime’s heart aches when Teruteru screams out for his mother being the only one among the group aware of the fact that his mother was dead, killed by his own hand
Chapter 2
• When it’s revealed to the group that Nagito is tied up, he expresses immediate concern because he knows Nagito is sickly but is forced into silence by his programming
• Hajime actually visits Nagito to have a chat with him (without telling the others)
• Nagito is way less welcoming to Hajime than in canon but still ends up having a free time event with him (“Because I don’t have a choice anyway” Nagito says but he did enjoy his time with Hajime)
• When Monokuma reveals the motive, he checks what the game is about with Monomi once everyone leaves and asks Monomi to watch Fuyuhiko, Peko and Mahiru to the best of her ability because he can tell this motive is centered around them
• Nagito is extremely condescending when asking Hajime to feed him but Hajime actually feeds him this time because he can’t let Nagito starve
• Hajime prays that Monomi can stop a murder from happening but when Mahiru’s body is discovered his hopes are crushed again as he goes to free Nagito for the investigation
• When Chiaki leads him to play the game but he actually reveals to her that he already played it and let’s her go through the game for evidence in the class trial
• When Peko is Executed with Fuyuhiko nearly getting killed as well, he’s so grateful that Monomi found a loophole
Chapter 3
• His reactions aren’t changed much in Chapter 3 at least until Mikan is revealed as the killer
(Yeah Hajime is still as dense as ever when Nagito has the liar disease and he wants Hajime to stay cause he genuinely enjoyed Hajime’s company when they hung out but even as the traitor and still smarter as an AI he’s dense it’s just in his nature)
• When Ibuki And Hiyoko are revealed as the victims of the case, he tells Monomi to get it together when she denies the possibility of killings happening (which is made as foreshadowing to their relationship because foreshadowing always happens)
• In this case, Hajime and Nagito actually seem to be in steady terms and when they go to the movie theater, Nagito wonders if Hajime has a talent and it was just never acknowledged
• During the trial he does get frustrated when Nagito tries to say he’s the killer but later on understands what he was going for
• When Mikan is revealed as the killer and goes psycho, his heart stops cause she’s her Ultimate Despair self
• His programming stops him from saying anything regarding Mikan’s beloved and the Future Foundation despite him screaming on the inside to reveal the truth to them because he had gotten attached to the group again and his programming actually warned him to be careful since that’s literally what got him killed as a person
Chapter 4
• His heart nearly jumps out of his chest when Nagito accuses him of being the traitor cause he’s right on the money and when Kazuichi doubts him his programming has him opposing it but in the inside he feels guilty about lying
• When it’s revealed that food will be the motive, Hajime actually tells Monomi a day in he might kill himself so they don’t have to starve to death since it’s his job to protect them but Monomi quickly stops him
• In the final dead room, the big reveal about Hajime to Nagito (since he already knows he’s a reserve course student) is the fact that he’s officially deceased which leads him to believe Hajime is the traitor but there’s no confirmation
• The trial stays relatively the same and Hajime is the only one who knows why Nagito changed behavior because Monomi told him about what happened in the final dead room
• After Gundham is executed, Nagito asks Hajime if he can talk with him in private
Chapter 5
• Nagito asks Hajime if he’s the traitor and Hajime of course denies it (under orders of his programming) and Nagito shows Hajime’s file labeling him as deceased
• Hajime says it’s just a coincidence and makes an excuse to leave and Nagito is not convinced
• When Hajime and Monomi were talking somewhere else, Nagito snuck into Monomi’s house and took the notebook which confirmed Hajime was the traitor because he documented the time he spent with Nagito
• After the bomb threat and everyone is in high guard, Nagito surprises Hajime in his cottage and reveals the notebook confirming Hajime to be the traitor
• He tells him he understand why he lied because why would he admit the truth and risk his life for criminals?
• Hajime tells him it isn’t like that and he couldn’t talk despite him desperately wanting to and they leave it at that
• When the handbook scanned is revealed to be a red herring, Hajime is 100% frustrated that he expected it to be able to end like that
• After Nagito’s body is discovered, Hajime can already feel it has something to do with him
• That feeling turns out to be correct and Hajime has Chiaki out him and like in canon, Monomi and Sonia defend Hajime with all their might but are struck down
• Hajime tells Chiaki to look to the future with everyone else before he’s executed alongside Monomi
Chapter 6
• Hajime saves the group from despair specifically after it’s revealed Chiaki was the one who uploaded Junko into the program out of pure devotion to her
In Hope arc, it is Nagito who contemplates about Hajime since they were actually closer to Hajime than Chiaki and later on Kazuichi actually has him chat again with his AI before he dies from his brain diseases
This was fun to make : )
Though might not be very good since I’m rushing to get this out
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prismed-tears · 4 years
komahina angst but hajime somehow overtakes nagito's attempt (maybe he does it a different way? or he escapes the fire so he isnt so incriminating lmao) and nagito is like fucking shaken to the core
would that happen canonically? i uh, dont think so. hajime never really had a hero complex, he was even able to condemn chiaki in trial 5 (dont get me wrong, he regrets it a lot, it would literally be the last thing he would rather do, but my point is, he isnt a self-sacrificial idiot. compare it to like makoto, who had stolen kirigiri's execution.) and at that point, nagito was literally doing it to himself by multiple times now.
but yeah, let me have this. this can go multiple ways.
good ending. nagito finally breaks his damn perception with talents and hope, especially when a reserve course student was able to show more hope than nagito did with that self-sacrificial feat. he would still be elusive, accompanying chiaki because she's the only detective left, and still complicates the trial like he usually does. during the trial, he's also coming to terms with hajime's death, and how he is forced to re-evaluate his perception of hope and talent, and the fact that his closest friend (though he would never admit it) died, by his hands nonetheless. his outbursts about hope are more fervent now, and he's basically having a breakdown around the second phase of the trial lmao. he basically keeps spouting out that hajime's death brought a great hope, but the others keep refuting him to the point that he's forced to admit that...no. hajime shouldn't have died, actually. he's forced to realize that he's trying to rationalize hajime's death, he's forced to admit that he's feeling a great despair, he's forced to admit that even if hope comes out of this, it wasn't because of hajime's death. partly bc he already learned this lesson when he learned that he was a remnant, and the profound absence of hajime makes nagito notice that he's simply... not there. even if hope surfaces, it doesn't come from hajime. especially when he drops hints that hajime would have usually picked up by now. by the end of it, he finally truly understands hope, and gracefully accepts his execution. he does one final speech about hope, but it's actually reasonable and grounded this time. the survivors would rather not listen, but they hesitantly admit (mostly sonia and chiaki) that nagito made sense.
bad ending. nagito realizes that his luck saves him yet again, much like the twogami situation. worst of all, a reserve course student is the one who saves him. this means two things. 1.) the talentless will always relent to those who have talent, even with hajimes prominence with trials & investigations (nagito recognizes this, even calls him a protagonist in-game) and 2.) seeing that nagito tends to underestimate those without talents, he would think that hajime's crimes were less severe, if hajime ever did anything at all. so this would mean that he caused someone, who is relatively innocent compared to him, to die. this would basically solidify his beliefs in chapter 5, that a) talent trumps everything and b) as remnants of despair, they all bring nothing but despair. he makes a resolve to get everyone executed and kill himself once he survives the trial. he doesn't accompany chiaki, but he's still doing the outbursts + breakdown thing, but this time it's sideways. he's, after all, still shaken that hajime is dead. except that instead of coming to proper terms with it, he's just rambling about hope over and over, about how the result of this trial will bring the greatest hope, and how hajime was a fitting sacrifice. (headcanon that in the canon game, nagito's kinda-ghost helped out hajime in trial 5 because of the way hajime emphasized on his epiphany "what is this just now/strong flash of light running through the back of my head" right after monokuma brings up hajime's complicated but deep relationship with nagito.) anyway, as i was saying, hajime's kinda-ghost basically does the same thing with chiaki. now it's only a battle vs. nagito's luck which is kind of nearly impossible to beat (except that mostly everyone survived trial 5 which isnt what nagito bet on. however, you can argue that nagito was effectively dead, so his luck didn't work anymore.), or maybe they can tire nagito out to the point that he decides to give up. it's kind of scary how determined this guy is to kill himself. don't get me wrong, there were points that he was doing better (end of chapter 3 - start of chapter 4 especially, pre-funhouse), but the remnants of despair revelation pushed him right back to square one and even right into the negatives.
basically bad good ending: nagito gets executed, he's pissed that nothing about his plan worked, starting from hajime taking his set-up and how even his improvisations fucked him over in the end. for once, he isn't rambling about hope, but he does imply that they were all remnants of despair somehow.
bad bad bad ending: nagito survives the trial, either kills himself right away or
bad bad good(?) ending: manages to land trial 6... except at that point he's just so spent and tired out that he doesn't even consider leaving the game. makoto & co., don't enter (even if they want to, having one survivor would only trap them in lmao. makoto might be itching and clawing to get in but kirigiri and byakuya are kinda forced to basically chain him down), and nagito just chooses to erase everything, including junko.
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honhonluigi · 3 years
Hinanami is basically the bland, white-bread version of Naegiri... and so much worse. They really tried to do the whole "put the protagonist with the emotionless stoic girl" but did a terrible job
They didn’t even try to do that, though. The fans did. Chiaki and Hajime don’t have a single real conversation the entire game. He’s not her friend. He doesn’t care about her. Aside from trials and investigations, where they’re focused on solving a murder and they talk to everyone in equal measure, they never speak to each other. Nekomaru spends more time with Hajime than Chiaki does. Hinanami is not canon. Never once in the game is Chiaki implied to mean anything to Hajime at all. He never talks to her. They’re not even friends. It’s the fans who started shipping them and acting like they were best friends. Because Chiaki was a fan-favorite, and fan-favs always get shipped with protags (Ex: Rantaro and Shuichi, who haven’t had a single conversation). Chiaki was supposed to be a fan-fav. She was supposed to be Waifu-bait. But then the cash-grab shitty spinoff anime happened, and they saw how much the fans like Chiaki, so they shipped her with Hajime in the anime. But in the games? Hinanami isn’t even close to canon. Hajime spends more time with literally everyone else except maybe Peko and Hiyoko? He and Chiaki do not have a single authentic conversation. 
I made a whole thesis about this. I wrote a whole god damn paper about how Hinanami isn’t canon. It’s somewhere on this blog if you dig. It’s NOT canon. People only assume that it’s canon because of the anime, which came after the games. And if you think the anime is canon? Well, I’ve got a surprise for you. The anime completely goes against the game canon of everything to do with Despair’s founding, the Kamukura Project, and Junko/Mukuro in general. The anime says Chiaki was a real student at Hope’s Peak, but the game? In the game, both Chiaki and Alter Ego say straight up that she never existed outside the Neo World Program. She wasn’t a real person. The anime isn’t canon. The anime was nothing but fan-service. A cash grab. Completely and utter shit. Would you say the How To Train Your Dragon TV show is more canon than the movies? Fuck no! Same with the anime. The games are canon, not the anime. If Hinanami happened in the animes, it doesn’t fucking matter, because Chiaki didn’t even actually exist in the games. 
Point is, people only assume Hinanami is canon because of the anime. But in the game, there’s nothing to imply that they’re a couple, or even friends. Let’s take a look at DR couples, shall we? There’s three types of DR relationships. We’ll take a brief look into each. 
1. Chapter One Love Interest (AKA: The Red Herring)
You’re probably familiar with this one. It’s the ‘tutorial girl’. You meet them first. They become the protag’s best friend. The MC trusts them. They show the MC around, they get introduced to everyone together, and basically you spend the whole prologue and Chapter 1 getting close to them. You’re supposed to think ‘Oh, they’ll escape with the MC and be their love interest in the end’ even though it’s totally predictable that they end up dying. They end up dying in the first trial because they betrayed the MC by getting involved with a, unsuccessful murder somehow. This was Sayaka and Kaede. (I already went over on this blog why Kaede was a red herring, not a protag. She was only ‘protag’ to avoid people predicting that she would die in chapter 1 like all the other ch 1 friends.) Sayaka is friends with Makoto but ends up trying to kill Leon and getting murdered. Kaede is friends with Shuichi but ends up being executed for trying to kill Rantaro. 
What about Chiaki? Does she fit any of that? Fucking no she doesn’t. After her introduction, Hajime ignores her for all of Chapter 1. And ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, etc etc... But anyway. She’s not his best friend in Ch 1. They don’t talk. She doesn’t get involved in an unsuccessful murder in Ch 1. Who’s Hajime’s friend then? Who shows him around? Who does he trust who ends up betraying him by getting involved in unsuccessful murder during the first trial? Oh yeah-- Nagito. He would’ve died if it wasn’t for his luck saving him. He was supposed to die in his murder, or be executed. But his luck got in the way. Nagito was the chapter 1 love interest. He literally follows the same exact beats as Kaede and Sayaka. But uhhh...Sayaka and Kaede are totally valid love interests, but Nagito isn’t! Why? (Hint: It’s because he’s gay and has a mental illness.) 
2. Plot Twist Love Interest (AKA: The Shady One) 
This love interest comes on after the Red Herring love interest dies in chapter 1. This love interest starts off as being someone that you don’t trust, who avoids you, who acts super shady and suspicious the whole time. They hide things, act cryptic in trials, and know way more than they let on. They act rude sometimes, but also nice and helpful sometimes, to the protag so that MC has no idea how this person feels about them. The MC is curious, but also wary of them. This person ends up disappearing towards the end of the game so that MC doesn’t have access to them anymore. We lose the option for their free-time events at some point. This person disappears because they’re hell-bent on figuring out the mystery behind the killing game. They end up getting involved in some kind of plot to reveal the truth/mastermind/traitor and then it fails, resulting in their death or the death of someone else. This person gets falsely accused of being the mastermind by the rest of the cast. This describes, to a tee, Kyoko. People acknowledge Kyoko as Makoto’s love interest (because she’s a girl!). But this describes Kokichi too. The role that Kokichi and Kyoko play is the exact same in the story. Now, I don’t think that Shuichi was at all in love with Kokichi, but I think Kokichi had a crush on him. (This is why I make a case that Byakuya shouldn’t be in the ‘unholy trinity’. Kyoko should. Byakuya hits none of the plot requirements for that. He’s just a dick. Also, by all rights, Shuichi’s second love interest probably should’ve been Maki. She was shady enough, and he actually had a chance to like her. But fuck that. They did NOT go that route. Abusive comphet KaiMaki all the way, right?)
Anyway, let’s look at Chiaki for this one, shall we? Suspicious? Well, I knew from Ch 1 investigation that she was the traitor, but no one else did. No one in the cast suspects her of a thing the entire time. They’re completely flabbergasted when she hints that she’s the traitor. They all think she’s perfect. No one ever suspects her of a thing. She doesn’t disappear mysteriously. We don’t lose access to her free-time events. She doesn’t look into the mysteries behind the killing game (because she already knew them). She may help in trials, but she’s not cryptic or mysterious about it. She acts super mega ultra fucking rude the MC, but he doesn’t care, and he’s never torn up in puzzlement over “how she really feels about him” the way that Makoto and Shuichi get frustrated with Kyoko and Kokichi. She doesn’t hatch any plot to try and expose the truth. She does everything she can to cover up the truth until Nagito forces it. Which brings me to my next point. Who does this actually describe? Oh-- Wait! It’s Nagito again!! He follows, line for line, the exact same plot that Kyoko does, and so does Kokichi. So...Why is Kyoko the only one who gets to be a love interest instead of a villain? (Hint: Because Nagito and Kokichi are gay and you could argue that both have mental illnesses.) 
The only part of this that Chiaki actually fits is the “knows more than everyone else”. But she doesn’t actually. She doesn’t figure it out because she’s smart, like the other three characters. She knows already because she’s the traitor. She knows more in the way that Sakura, Tsumugi, and Mukuro “knew more”. They were given that information. They are not love interests. And yeah, Chiaki uh...’gets involved’ in a scheme to find out the truth. But not of her own plotting or fruition. It’s Nagito’s plan, and she gets involved because he planned it. In the same way that Makoto ended up taking the fall for Kyoko’s botched first attempt at revealing the truth, too. Makoto, Chiaki, and Kaito took the fall for those plans. They weren’t the cause of them. Makoto only didn’t die because his luck (+ Alter Ego) saved him, just like Nagito’s saved him in ch1. 
3. Side-Character Relationships 
This is the last and third type of DR relationship. The love between side characters, like Taka & Mondo, Tenko towards Himiko, K1-B0 & Miu, Sakura & Aoi, Kaito & Maki. Honestly, you can’t even compare Hinanami to this logic, because Hajime is an MC. But let’s be generous and do it anyway. 
These couples are always super obvious. Since you can’t see them through the eyes of the MC all the time, they’re even more obvious than MC ships. Side-characters in love spend tons of time together outside of trials and investigations. They’re with each other in their free time. They talk about each other all the time. They’re always together. They talk openly about their ‘friendship’ and how much they mean to each other. We get cutscenes showing the love between the two. Even in KaiMaki, which I hate, all of this is present. 
What about Chiaki? Nah. She never talks about Hajime, and Hajime never talks about her. He never even thinks about her at all. He never seeks her out. They never ever have a single conversation in their free time. Unless you, the player, chose to do her free time events, they never talk outside of trials. They don’t seek each other out. They don’t spend any of their free time together. They don’t talk about how much they’re friends or lovers. They’re never together. They only get 2 cutscenes when they’re alone together: one of which is investigating Nagito’s room and revealing a major hint that Chiaki is a robot; the second of which is after she dies, wrapping up the plot that she is, in fact, a robot. These cutscenes don’t serve to show how much they care about each other. These cutscenes aren’t about Hajime at all. He might as well not even be there. It’s not like they have meaningful conversations. It’s just about finishing off Chiaki’s boring story, because it’s required. Compare: Taka & Mondo, whose cutscene is them fucking in the sauna. K1-B0 and Miu, whose cutscene is them fucking in Miu’s lab. Hina and Sakura, whose cutscene is Sakura telling Hina that she loves her. Kaito and Maki, whose cutscenes are them hugging and spending time together bonding over mutual interests. Chiaki’s seem pretty fucking stale compared to those, right? Yeah, because her only cutscenes are about bare-bones investigation and trial shit. Lots of people get investigation cutscenes. Doesn’t make them love interests. Chiaki and Hajime never spend free time together. They never seek each other out, have real conversations, or bond over mutual interests. They only talk during trials and investigations. Let me say this again, because I cannot emphasize it enough: HAJIME DOES NOT EVEN EVER THINK ABOUT HER. 
4. Elements of Any and All DR Relationships 
Now, there are elements of relationships that all DR ships have, regardless of if they involve the MC or not. The two characters spend free time together, outside of investigations and trials. The two characters have plot-related interactions outside of trials and investigations. (This is especially true in cases with the MC. Think how many plot-related scenes we got with Kaede + Shuichi, Sayaka + Makoto, Kyoko + Makoto that happened outside of trials and investigations?) These two characters have at least one heartfelt cutscene alone together. Like I mentioned above, they talk all the time. They think about each other. They talk about each other. Someone always makes a joke about the MC being in love with them. 
Like I already pointed out, Chiaki has none of this. She and Hajime spend exactly 0 free-time together, unless the player forces it to happen themselves. They don’t talk. They don’t have plot-related cutscenes, discussions, storylines, etc outside of trials/investigations. They never speak to each other outside of trials/investigations. They don’t spend time together. They don’t have plots involving each other. They don’t seek each other out. They don’t talk to each other. They don’t even think about each other. And absolutely no one in the cast makes a joke about Hajime and Chiaki getting together. Fun fact: Kazuichi makes more moves toward/thinks more about getting with Chiaki in one scene than Hajime does in the entire game. Another Fun Fact: Nekomaru spends more one-on-one time with Hajime than Chiaki does. Where’s my die-hard fans insisting that Nekomaru x Hajime is indisputably canon?
Who has all of the above criteria? Mikan. Mikan does. She’s infinitely more of a love-interest to Hajime than Chiaki. 
Now I’m gonna go over some popular arguments I see for why Chiaki is a love interest, and I’m gonna destroy them. 
“She’s The Helper Character.” That character doesn’t exist. That’s a fucking lie. Literally everyone talks in trials. Everyone helps in trials. Everyone helps in investigations. There is no singular ‘helper’ character. There’s no assistant. There’s no side-kick. Kaito helps Shuichi in trials. Maki does too. Are they his love interests? Byakuya helps in trials. He’s not Makoto’s love interest. Nagito helps in trials and people are pretty fucking insistent that he’s not Hajime’s love interest. Everyone helps in trials. In a trial/investigation, the MC has to talk to literally everyone. They have no choice. The fact that Hajime talks to Chiaki in an investigation, or listens to her in a trial, is not evidence of him favoring her. Chiaki talking so much in trials and investigations is supposed to be dropping hints at her being the traitor. Not her being a “helper” to Hajime. 
“What About The Swimsuit Scene?” “Hajime was totally drooling over Chiaki in that scene!” Yeah, he was. Because he’s a teenage boy and she was wearing a super slutty bikini. Literally everyone, boy and girl, in that scene looked at Chiaki and went “Jeez Chiaki...That’s a...bold swimsuit.” She wore a skimpy swimsuit and Hajime thought it was hot. So did Kazuichi. Kazuichi drooled over her WAY more than Hajime. Is Kazuichi automatically Chiaki’s love interest? Hajime also drooled over Peko when she walked in. Because he’s a teenage boy, and there’s hot girls in skimpy bathing suits. Also, Hajime talks nonstop through the entire fucking game about how hot and beautiful and amazing Sonia is. And he never once even has a thought about Chiaki. But uh...Nah, Sonia’s not his love interest. It’s totally Chiaki, right? 
“The ‘I’m Taking My Top Off’ Comment.” Yeah, Chiaki said that to Hajime. And Hajime freaked the fuck out. He didn’t want it to happen. He was like “WAIT WHAT!?” He wasn’t “oh fuck yeah, let me see those gamer titties!” Maybe Chiaki was flirting with him, but Hajime definitely didn’t flirt back. At the very least, it shows that he wasn’t expecting it, because he never thinks of her that way. Hajime didn’t respond to that line at all. Also, the only reason Chiaki even said that in the first place is because she was made to be fap-material for Otaku Gamer Bros. So of course they’re going to make her talk about her boobs, give her a slutty swimsuit, and make her boobs three sizes bigger when she wears it. (It’s true! I checked! Also, does this mean that Chiaki is a closet sex freak? Yikes...Well, it’s more interesting than everything else she’s got going on.) Point being, when she brought it up (and she was joking, for a reminder. She wasn’t serious.), Hajime didn’t want anything to do with it.
“Junko blackmails them about ‘The Girl You Love’.” Yeah, okay, I’ve never actually seen people make this argument. And I better never fucking see that. Because it’s so god damn obvious, and stupid. Junko’s lines are basically “you need to hurry up and make a decision, because the bodies of the girl you love and the boy you hate are in the real world wasting away.” She is talking to everyone, but specifically, she’d just been goading Fuyuhiko on about Peko. This line. Is clearly. About Peko. It’s about Peko. It’s not fucking about Chiaki. And I better never see anyone claim this. Why not? Why can’t it be about Chiaki? SHE’S NOT FUCKING REAL!!! She doesn’t have a body! She’s not wasting away! She has no body outside the Neo World Program! This line literally cannot be about her. Even if you go by the anime and say she did exist, she’s still fucking dead, and still doesn’t have a body to waste away in the first place. Chiaki and Alter Ego BOTH say that she doesn’t exist outside the Neo World Program!!!
“Then Why Did She Appear to Hajime in the Last Trial?” Because of plot convenience. That’s all. See, we’re not supposed to know she’s an AI. (Even though it’s incredibly obvious). When she is executed, we’re not supposed to know that she’s an AI programmed by the Future Foundation. We’re supposed to be like “Why did she do that? Why did she say all those weird things? Why was she the traitor?” We’re supposed to have all these unanswered questions. (I mean, I already knew all of that from ch 1, but the game clearly tries to keep you from suspecting Chiaki at all.) So, if she’s dead and executed, how can we finish her story? How are we going to get a chance to wrap up all those unanswered questions? She appears to Hajime and tells him. She reveals it all to him, answers all the viewer’s questions, and finishes her story. That’s it. She appears to him out of convenience to finishing her own plot. Why him? Why him specifically? Is it because they’re in love? Nah bitch, it’s because he’s the main character and the only way the audience could see their questions answered at all is if she appeared to him. She also appeared to Sonia, as Sonia specifically states. Is Sonia her canonical, definite, not-possibly-arguable love interest? No. Sonia’s love interest is Gundham. If seeing Chiaki had something to do with love, then why did she see her too? 
“But Her Free Time Events End With Them In Love.” Yeah, so does everyone else’s. Nagito’s, Akane’s, Kazuichi’s, Mikan’s...Sayaka’s, Toko’s, Kyoko’s...Kokichi’s, Kaito’s...Everyone’s free time events end with them falling in love with the MC. That’s the point of FTEs. That’s the reason why no actual ships are explicitly canon in any DR games. Because they want the player to have the chance to get close to, and pursue a relationship with, whatever characters they choose. That can’t work if that character is dating someone. So they make all FTEs end in love confessions, and they let no ships become canon. You can choose literally any character, go through their free time events, and have them fall in love with you. It’s for the player. It’s not canon. And sure, those FTEs might not specifically end in an outright love confession (like Nagito’s does), but it’s pretty fucking obvious in every single one that you win them over and fall in love. Why do you think you get their underwear? Even Toko, canonically smitten with Byakuya, goes “I’m already in love with master, but...” Sideways glance, smile, “You can think of me if you want...” It exists for the player, and can be done with ANY character. It doesn’t speak to any special privilege for Chiaki. 
And just a couple more things I have to say on this topic:
Hajime didn’t like her. Hajime doesn’t fucking like Chiaki. I’m not gonna say that he hates her, but he definitely doesn’t like her. Whenever he has to talk to her, he’s always thinking about how weird she is, how childish she’s being, and how rude she is for talking over him/falling asleep when he talks. He doesn’t enjoy talking to her. I did Chiaki’s first two FTES, and Hajime hated every god damn second of them. He thinks she’s rude, boring, weird, and childish. He thinks about that stuff any time he’s forced to talk to her. When he finds her diary, he goes “God, this is awful, it’s like a five-year-old wrote it.” Why would you think that he likes her??? (You know who Hajime really fucking despises? Gundham. God, talk to Gundham and read Hajime’s thoughts. He’s fucking brutal. This guy has a huge beef...)
So Who’s Hajime’s Actual Love Interest?  
Everybody!!! This is actually a theory I cooked up. I think each MC gets a ch 1 love interest (Sayaka, Nagito, Kaede), and then a second plot-twist love interest, but it happens in different ways each time. Kyoko and Makoto get together all nice and neat. Shuichi has a second love-interest who likes him, but Shuichi absolutely does not like him back. Hajime’s second love interest? Everyone. Hajime has this kind of curse where the second someone captures his interest/gets interested in him, they die. I noticed in the game that they’d push characters on Hajime hardcore, and then kill them the next chapter. Now, this happens in every game. But in Hajime’s case, they weren’t just pushed on him as characters. They all flirted with him. One of the reasons why I think almost everyone in the class had a crush on Hajime. First, it’s Nagito, and Impostor confides in Hajime and Teruteru flirt with him too. Then, they either get killed or get taken away (and chained up for three days without food, water, or bathroom access). Next, Mahiru starts flirting with Hajime by bossing him around and always seeking him out. I don’t think Hajime liked her back, but she liked him. And then she dies. After that, Mikan flirts with Hajime, spends time with him, gets cutscenes cuddling with him, hits on him, and other people even make jokes about them fucking. Then she dies. Hajime becomes closer friends with Ibuki, then she dies. Hajime starts to get close to Nagito again. Then he goes crazy and dies. Hajime showed a ton of interest in Sonia, but then she goes for Gundham. Hajime gets close to Kazuichi, but then he goes for Sonia. Hajime is cursed. I think everyone in the game got an inkling of being Hajime’s love-interest before they died/got taken away. With the exceptions of Peko, Hiyoko, Gundham, Akane, Fuyuhiko, and Nekomaru. I think they give Hajime a person who he likes/likes him, and then immediately take them away before any relationship can be formed. 
Now, I guess this is the time where you could make a case that Chiaki fits. “Well, he gets close to her, and then he loses her!” But actually, that kind of doesn’t fit. He gets close to her only after she’s already dead. And he’s only ‘close to her’ for one conversation, after she’s already dead. He doesn’t get to spend any quality time with her before she dies. Even if you wanted to make that claim, it still wouldn’t make Chiaki any more of a love interest than Mahiru or Teruteru or Impostor. She wouldn’t be the one-and-only, indisputable, only option for Hajime. Based on evidence in the game, I don’t think Hajime actually had a crush on Teruteru, Impostor, or Mahiru. I think they liked him, but I don’t think he ever would’ve liked them back. And that’s the only way I can see Chiaki being even a little bit his love interest. In this world, where pretty much everyone gets to be his love-interest at some point. In a world where she crushes on him but he doesn’t like her back. Because he doesn’t. That’s obvious in his thoughts and actions. (He reacts worse to Peko and Fuyuhiko’s execution than he does to Chiaki’s, btw.) 
But I really don’t think she’s his love interest. She’s definitely not “the” love interest. She’s not the only one. She’s not the “canon” one. She’s not his canon love interest at all. That’s not at all what the evidence in the game points to. 
If my crackpot theory isn’t true, then I’d say Hajime’s love interests are Nagito and/or Mikan. Maybe Sonia. They’re the ones that he actually spends time with, and have all of the criteria that are set by literally every other DR couple. He has none of that with Chiaki. Honestly, I think Nagito is the more prominent love interest. I think Mikan and Sonia definitely had their spots too, but Nagito fills the role of both first and second love-interest. He hits literally every single beat of Kaede and Sayaka, but also of Kyoko. Whether or not Hajime loved him by the end is debatable. Sometimes I doubt it. But he loved him at first, and Nagito loved Hajime the whole time. And Hajime was destroyed after Nagito’s death. But even though Nagito hits every single point of being a love interest compared to Sayaka, Kaede, and Kyoko...He’s still not allowed to be a valid love interest for Hajime. If you think Komahina is canon, then you’re just “biased”. You’re just looking “through your shipping goggles.” Even though Nagito’s story is literally both kinds of love interest mixed together. Nah, nah, nah. Who cares about evidence? Clearly I’m just biased. Clearly I’m just “using shipping goggles” to see what I want to see. Because... *looks at smudged writing on hand* Hinanami, the ship with no evidence at all, it definitely 100% canon and Komahina, the ship with all the evidence you could ask for, could never be canon at all. I’m just stupid. Right? Right. And why? Because Nagito is a gay guy with a mental illness!!!!!
I despise KaiMaki, but I still acknowledge that it’s at least partially canon because it was in the game. But I don’t acknowledged Hinanami, because it was never canon. It was never even hinted at. Nobody better come onto my blog arguing that Hinanami is canon in the fucking slightest. I can’t deal with that bullshit. It’s not canon. This is my second essay on the subject. (I wrote a huge essay listing all the reasons they weren’t canon, and yet I was still able to find MORE evidence against them for this one? Wow, that’s a lot of proof that they aren’t indisputably canon.) I’m fine if you want to ship them. You can be like “they had a lot of potential for a relationship!” You can be like “I think Chiaki had a crush on him!” or “I think Hajime would’ve liked her!” That’s fine. You can do that all you want. Like any other DR ship. But don’t go around being like “NO, it’s DEFINITELY canon!!! No other ship is canon because Hinanami is canon and it’s completely indisputable! You’re wrong and stupid!!” It’s not canon. No DR ship is canon. You can ship them but please, do it like any other DR ship. Ship them because you saw potential, but don’t cram it down everyone’s throat as ‘must be canon’. 
Hinanami is the only ship that does that. It’s the only ship that is insisted to be 100% canon with no disputing evidence whatsoever. People dispute Kaede and Shuichi. People dispute Kaito and Maki. People dispute Kyoko and Makoto all the fucking time. Every other ship is flexible, except that one. “Hinanami is the only canon ship and no other ship is valid or matters, you can’t ship Hajime with anyone else, all the other ships pale in comparison because Hinanami is so canon, and you’re just a biased delusional idiot if you ever dare to imply otherwise!!!” Stop it. It’s not canon. I should be able to make a valid case for another ship without being immediately shot down because of Hinanami. No other DR ship does that. Quit. I hate seeing everyone insisting that it’s canon. Acting like it’s just “common sense” that it’s canon. It’s not. There’s no fucking evidence for it AT ALL. But it makes me feel like a crazy person whenever I see people insisting that, as if I’m the only one who missed the scene where they fucked without protection or something. If everyone is allowed to dispute literally every other ship, then it should be the same for Hinanami. The “canon” ship with absolutely -67% evidence towards it. 
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When I started shipping it if I did: Good question. I honestly can’t remember, I think I just kinda fell into it shortly after I kinda got over V3 and then I just couldn’t get out of it
My thoughts: GOOD SHIP! These two fit together really nicely with their nature as foils and I just love their dynamic. Hajime and Nagito are two characters who really benefit from the kind of relationship the other provides. Also Hajime being a loser and a tsun is just really cute. Nagito deserves all the tsuns
What makes me happy about them: They’re both alive at the end of it all. Like, they’re both alive and have a shot at building a really lovely relationship, it’s great
What makes me sad about them: Komahina being considered a toxic ship by a large portion of the fandom. God that depresses me. It also angers me because a lot, especially when the really sanctimonious hina///nami shippers start talking about how ‘at least I don’t ship a toxic ship like KomaHina’. I could go into detail about why hina///nami isn’t actually a perfectly healthy ship but I won’t because I know some of my followers like hina///nami and I’d rather not be a spoilsport about it. If someone asks me then I’ll spill but I’m not doing it unprompted
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Lots of things. Most of them are Nagito related like how many fics have him sexually harassing and/or stalking Hajime. Also yandere Komaeda. Other than that, fics that follow DR3′s canon make me want to scream but that’s a lot more the case with kamukoma rather than komahina. Also, don’t demonise the girls in your fic unless it’s Junko, the amount of times I’ve seen both Chiaki and poor Mahiru demonised in komahina fics is annoying. I’ve even seen a komahina collection that was weirdly fixated on demonising Sonia...for some reason. Either way, don’t do that
Things I look for in fanfic: Anything that’s not in that above section really. I’m not a picky reader when it comes to komahina, I have a preference towards fluff and comfort but I’m down for other stuff. Just make sure you don’t kill either Komaeda or Hajime and we’re golden (major character death doesn’t annoy me but i’m not emotionally stable enough for it)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: For Nagito, I can go with either kamukoma (Izuru counts as a separate character god damn it), matsukoma or komaegi to lesser extent. I’m not really comfortable with any m/f ships with Ko but I’m not averse to him with any of the other boys with the exception of Teruteru and Kazuichi. For Hajime...kuzuhina is good food, as is hinadam, both are great. I also like sonjime, it’s cute
My happily ever after for them: Living together happily with a dog they named Clover
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Hajime’s the big spoon, he’s a koala and he likes to hug Nagito in a way that makes it look like Hajime's taller than him
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: I like to imagine them stargazing so let's go with that
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aparticularbandit · 18 days
Fruits Basket/Danganronpa fusion where Tsumugi is Akito and the bond is that instead of having banquets together they keep playing murder games together.
But obviously they can't actually really kill people so they're just playing Clue the whole time.
They're compelled to kill each other based on the Curse, because if they succeed, they could be freed.
Where each of the members isn't a reincarnation of one of the Zodiac animals but is instead a reincarnation of one of the sixteen - maybe the Remnants, because it would make more sense for them to have agreed to be part of this.
Then Akito!Tsumugi is also Junko because she's the reincarnation of Junko. So she's both.
Chiaki isn't a Remnant, so Matsuda would be the other person involved (like with Fruits Basket, it's not just the twelve Zodiac we know, it's also + the cat and + who Akito turns out to be (avoiding spoilers for reasons)).
This means that Chiaki would likely be Tohru. Or take on her role.
Which means that Hajime/Izuru would most likely be Kyon.
But it still wouldn't be a direct one-to-one of Danganronpa characters as Fruits Basket characters because it's not 13 + 1, it's 16 + 1. But it would be less trying to parallel all of that and more adapting the Fruits Basket idea with the Danganronpa characters in a way that doesn't force them to be something else.
Also means that every Danganronpa character you see (probably V3 characters) would also actually be a previous incarnation (specifically the DR2 characters).
...which means Kyon can't just be Hajime/Izuru. He has to ALSO be a DRV3 character, because that's who we're interacting with.
In which case.
Whoever Matsuda is reincarnated as might actually be Kyon. Because that fits better with what the cat was to what Akito was (still avoiding spoilers).
Making Matsuda doubly cursed.
The question then would be how to get the ending that parallels what we see in Fruits Basket with Tsumugi.
And if the reincarnated Despair still can interact with the world or if it's just the image of them that changes, even though they themselves rarely actually surface.
16 +1 +1 - Akito and Junko/Tsumugi is a plus one, Matsuda takes the other +1 as an unexpected Despair (similar to Kyon as the cat), BUT the 16 also includes Mukuro, who is not a DR2 character—
Kyon's role also fits well with Mukuro but I think actually Mukuro would be Yuki. The rat is assumed to be the one with a special relationship with Akito, in the same way a Mukuro reincarnation would be assumed to be the one with a special relationship with a Junko reincarnation, based on, you know, Despair Twins.
But backstory shows the cat was actually the first and the reason the cat is doubly cursed is that he didn't want the eternal bond - which fits with Matsuda but also fits well with what little we see of Mukuro during her FTEs in DR1 (maybe our desires are supposed to change as we grow up, maybe I should have a new dream).
Would DR1, in this case, be the first time that the general world finds out about the constant reincarnation cycle? Or something else?
Hm. Thoughts.
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gdnbyg · 7 years
Much needed Parent’s A.U. context.
The a.u. follows most of the Danganronpa events and is set after DR3:Future. (For little note : I refuse to acknowledge almost 80% of the anime anyways.)
About the deaths : For me the games are canon but not the anime. So only game’s deaths are valid in this a.u. (ex: Juzo is alive, not Leon.) Chiaki and Alter Ego will be present as programs/softwares.
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(I’m sorry to the two people who sent me these asks -i didn’t forget about these- but as i’m saying it now : Celeste and Sakura are dead in this a.u. so they cannot be parents. Though they can be mentioned, no problem.) I made this BIG exception of Junko being alive so maybe some dead characters will re-surface if I find good ideas for them !
Context : The Remnants of Despair built their own lives & with their talents, they helped Naegi and the other members of the organisation put the “world back together”. As a way to atone for their sins. They live as members of the society now not letting anyone who they truly are (or were).  Due to the disaster caused by Junko the world is bearing a lot of orphans. Some of the dr1-2 guys took some with them (Sonia /Kiyoko), others found them (Komahina) ..ect. They’re not blood related but feel responsible for them. (Naegi even built a daycare for all the orphans). (The context will TRY to include as much of the ndrv3 plot when i’ll play the game)
More about a few charas : (if you want to know more about a certain character do not hesitate to ask me)
Hajime Hinata. Has all of the talents now. He’s cohabiting with Izuru who’s still inside of him but no one can directly communicate with the later. (Only Kiibo seems to sense that all these talents come from something more than Hajime and is curious about it). Hinata is the ceo of a company/organisation he started. It’s focused on helping “normal” people who used to live in a world in which talent was everything. He gives them a job & purpose. On the side he’s also helping Naegi with many missions that requires his talents. Busy. Exercice with Nidai.
Komaeda Nagito. He was asked to stay away from everything due to his ability to be a walking disaster. Also because “luck” wasn’t a talent as useful as his classmate’s when it came to rebuild society. Basically he stopped doing anything and Hinata took him with him. As Rantarou came along, he literally became a committed dad yet Hajime convinced him that he should find something to do that would get him outside. He’s a part-time librarian. He gets along with the people there but stays not that much of a social butterfly.
Rantarou Amami. He was an abandoned baby & found by Komaeda. Probably had an Oedipus complex on 91cm chest. Is closer to Komaeda when it comes to activities and doing things together but feels more at ease talking about his issues with Hinata. Childhood friends with Shuichi & Ouma, he has the whole dr2 class as uncle/aunts. He got his piercings/jewelry obsession from Ibuki. His favorite uncle/aunt are Sonia and Gundham. 
Junko Enoshima. Was (somehow) operated and brought back to life by Izuru but with amnesia, she was kept in the organisation for a while as she was the mastermind behind all the terrible events that occurred. Due to her amnesie she was released after one year thanks to Tsumiki and Hinats’s evaluation. She was put in Tsumiki’s charge so she’d always been watched. Obviously she’s hated by everyone and doesn’t know why. Tsumiki keeps her from learning the truth. It secretly upsets her but she stays pretty eccentric as usual. Hinata is the only one making an effort around her and not being bothered by her presence. She’s forbidden to go too far away from her place so she’s wearing an house arrest bracelet as a precaution. Tsumiki Mikan. She focused on Junko as soon as she was brought back to life. Even after the tragedy, the nurse kept conflicting feelings for the woman and took care of her, hoping they could be more. She is hiding from Junko the atrocities she did before in order to let her have a new, clean life. They’re not officially dating & Tsumiki definitely likes more Junko than Junko likes her. Though now that Ouma is around the two women indeed have a stronger dating vibe to their relationship. There is SO many more dgr characters to this a.u. I can’t do them all here. Please if you want some informations or to ask a question about a character, ask away !
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the-apocryphal-one · 7 years
I binged all of the anime because I got a fourteen day free trial for it and if I start slacking on watching something I never finish it because I get distracted easily and don’t want to get charged.  I’m a cheapskate.  So yeah, I didn’t take it in small chunks like I probably should have.  
BUT ANYWAY, it forced me to watch Chiaki die again.  Except this time it’s worse!  And then we see her wondering what happened to her video game buddy as she’s rapidly bleeding out on the floor and he’s unsympathetically staring at her.  THAT’S ALWAYS FUN.
From what I can tell, the anime’s kind of controversial with fans, and I can definitely see why.  The brainwashing thing was cheap.  I don’t actually dislike the idea, but it was made far too potent an it should have been.  Junko could have used a combination of brainwashing and pushed them over the edge with her own ideological indoctrination.  
But one really big issue I had with it and don’t want to give a pass, was it made the ending of the second game almost completely pointless.  There was always a threat of every character (barring the player character) around you dying, regardless of who they are, or how helpful to the plot they may or may not be.  With the last episode, they just toss that out the window and go “Everyone’s alive!  Don’t ask us to explain it.”  The second game’s cast surviving still retaining their old personalities and memories through pure force of will?  Okay, fine, I’ll take it.  It’s not too out there and it gives us more closure.  Like you said, it’s cheesy, but I’ll take it.  It doesn’t really take away too much from the ending of the game.  But the anime just revives everyone?  SERIOUSLY??  And not only that, they killed off Kyoko just to bring her back to life?  Why?  What was the point of that at all?  I remember how Monokuma and Makoto in the first game keep saying how it wasn’t like some manga or anime, and once someone was dead, they stayed dead, and everyone had to deal with it.  Oh, the irony!   Death isn’t treated at all like it was in the games and considering how much of a big part it played in them, that’s kind of a big deal.  I’m all for happy, even if at least somewhat unrealistic, endings and usually don’t get as upset over “Disney endings” as other people, but even I have limits on how much I’m willing to roll with.  I can see people arguing with “they deserved a happy ending,” and I won’t deny that at all, but this was a little too much for me.  I can understand why people like it but it’s just too happy for me.  With any media as dark and grisly as DR3, I don’t like happy endings like that too much.  And then they didn’t even bring back Chiaki?  Come on, if you’re going to bring everyone back to life, why leave out Chiaki?  Oh well.  At least we have Ibuki.  I’m still going to pretend it didn’t happen.
For the things I liked, though…
Izuru Kamukura was really cool, and the writers did a good job of writing him.  He unironically said “memes” so that automatically makes him more likable. I’m aware of the actual meaning of the word, but considering how memes are the language of the internet, there’s no doubt the fanbase got a kick out of it.  I wish we saw more of him.  And I wish we got to see Hajime/Izuru more in the Future arc.  That would have been really nice.  I’d like to have seen the weird fusion of the personalities between Hajime and Izuru.  But how did his hair grow so long suddenly?  Was one of the things they did to him make his hair grow out?  And how did they make him lucky?  That’s some technology they’ve got if they can make you arguably luckier than Nagito through surgery.  But yeah, seeing Izuru was amazing.  All things considered, it makes a lot of sense why he’d be so bored and apathetic about everything.  Izuru’s great.
I like the “game” in the Future arc and the idea of the forbidden moves.  That was a really neat idea.  Kyoko’s forbidden move was pretty dumb because of how pointless it was, but the idea of it was really neat.  I wish Makoto & company wasn’t thrown into another killing game again, but they did something a little different than that so it wasn’t as boring as it very easily could have been.  I’m really glad that you told me to watch the two arcs at the same time because the color palette and overall tone is way too dark to sit through twelve episodes of.
I’m pretty split on the Despair arc.  I liked it starting out but when mind control started becoming such an important part of the plot, it started going downhill.  Like I said, I don’t think the idea of brainwashing needs to be taken out completely, just nerfed.  It would help Junko manipulate so many people to her side so quickly but wouldn’t be able to control their minds.  I thought brainwashing in DR2 seemed to be used interchangeably with “indoctrinating” but it can be used in this context too.  Being able to control people’s minds seems to not mesh too well with what Junko said on how she was able to convert people.  I went back and watched a few snippets of the sixth trial and while nothing too explicit, they don’t exactly seem to be implying the same thing.  There is one thing that blatantly contradicts the second game–in DR3, Junko is able to recruit Izuru by just taking advantage of his boredom, but in the second game, she says that she, quote, “broke his spirit.”  There’s no reason Junko would lie about that.  When she lies for kicks like that, she immediately confesses once she gets the reaction she wants.  You could stretch it but ehhhh.  I’d talk about a few other things that could have been taken advantage of, but the mind control brainwashing was one of the worst parts of the entire series for me.
On the other hand, the Despair arc added to Hajime’s character and added even more to his relationship with Chiaki.  I liked it a lot, and seeing them play video games with each other was sweet.  It was even sweeter when she hung outside of the reserve students’ part of the school waiting for him.  You’d think Hajime would have told her he wouldn’t be around anymore.  
I don’t have very much to say on the new characters.  I feel like I should have cared about them more, but they didn’t do much for him.  Yukizome was fine and had some nice moments with her students but that’s about it.  The “mastermind”’s idea was so dumb, it actually took me a while to figure out what was going on.  The only characters whose arc did something for me was Ruruka and Seika.  I think Sakakura being in love it Munakata was supposed to be a plot twist?  It was so obvious it’s hard to tell.  Oh, and Mitarai exists.  I cannot name one character trait he has because I forgot about him.
I know why they couldn’t, and why they didn’t, but DR3 should have focused on the pre-existing cast.  All of the characters are already set up.  Introductions were minimal, and people are familiar with them.  Newcomers would already be mostly lost (and from the reviews, they certainly were), so why not go all out?  Better completely lose everyone not familiar with the series than give us new characters who have to have their arcs go through so quickly.  So many new characters in just 24 episodes was way too much for me to remember.  Or care about them.  Or at least for me.  
I promise, I enjoyed the anime and I want to re-watch it in the English dub before my Funimation free trial expires since it’s apparently an official abridged kind of thing and Kyoko’s final line was an outtake.  That is way too funny to pass up.  There were a few big problems (there’s probably more but the mind control and the overly happy ending were the biggest ones for me) but it didn’t nearly destroy it for me.  I think the set up for the tragedy at Hope’s Peak pretty well.  The actual slaughter was a little bit rushed, but it was still good.  And gory, but it worked.  Izuru blankly watching everything go down just to get some kind of entertainment was…yeah.  It pretty much tells you all you need to know about him.  It makes perfect sense why Junko would lie about the Hope’s Peak Tragedy, and it certainly makes more sense for such an apathetic person not to do something like that.  When the explanation behind it was first presented to us, I thought Izuru just lost his mind just because he was nothing.  He was built to be nothing but a figurehead with a bunch of talents and he got sick of it.  I’m completely fine with the different explanation given to us.  I want to talk about what other stuff I like about it, but I just plain enjoyed it, and want to re-watch it soon.  After I watch the anime of the first game, of course.
I could complain about it some more but I don’t really feel like saying so many negative things about something I liked. XD
Glad you enjoyed the anime! I did too! And yeah, it is pretty divisive among the fandom, but don’t let haters ruin it for you and vice-versa. If you liked it, you liked it.
Yes how could they watching Chiaki die again sucked. And in such an awful way too. At least we got to see Izuru cry a little but that’s like the only happy part of it. That and the fact he didn’t kill her (like I and everyone else thought). Cinnamon roll did not deserve that :(
I’m actually kind of okay with the brainwashing thing? I do think it could have been done better, but we only have Junko’s word that she’s charismatic enough to turn people into a terrorist cult, and the class was so unified at that point she couldn’t have converted them one by one (look how fast they noticed Mikan was missing). Even Izuru didn’t buy that “despair = wonderful!” shtick and only hung around because he was bored. I think a mix would have worked better–like Mikan and Nagito are so unstable I can see Junko being able to push them over the edge, but people like Ibuki and Nekomaru? They’d probably have needed some kind of mind control.
They kiiiiiiiind of explain it with Hajizuru using his Ultimate Everything to bring everyone back and undo the brainwashing. As for Kyoko: @hopeymchope​​ actually wrote a post explaining that Kyoko’s fake-out death was meant to serve as a parallel to Chapter 5 of the first game. Rather than sacrificing Makoto to save herself, she sacrifices herself to save Makoto, and that showcases her development. And in that vein, yeah, I see why they did it. I just wish they hadn’t included so many other fake-out deaths, or that they hadn’t done it in the first place since they wrote themselves into a corner.
(I am right with you in the throes of saltiness that they didn’t bring Chiaki back. So salty I’m writing a fic that does hello shameless self-plugging)
The fanbase went nuts when he first said “memes”. There were memes about him saying memes (speaking of, that scene is even funnier in the English version). But yes, Izuru Kamukura ended up being one of the best parts of the anime. He was written really well and got some good character development. It shot him right up to one of my favorite characters. Not bad for a guy who got maybe five minutes of screentime in his source game.
Yeah, I also wish we got to see more of “fused” Hajime + Izuru. The little we did see was really cool.
Nobody knows how his hair got so long so fast. It just…exploded out of his skull. It is one of the unanswered mysteries of DR (along with how it always looks like it’s in a shampoo commercial. Seriously, those locks have volume). Ditto for how you magically implant luck into someone.
Monokuma Hunter was a neat game. I remember when the anime was still running, people had a lot of fun guessing the character’s forbidden actions. There were also some funny jokes about them (like Kiyotaka being the mastermind because Makoto couldn’t run in the hall). I think I like Future Arc less than Despair Arc simply because they don’t let you get attached enough to the newcomers, or else make it really obvious when they’re going to off someone.
I actually buy that Junko was lying (or at least exaggerating) about her abilities and how she swayed everyone in the second game, since her goal was to drive them into despair and possess their bodies. So making things look as bad as possible to further that goal is something I can see her doing. In a different vein, I took Junko’s line about breaking Izuru’s spirit to mean she thought she’d broken his spirit, and never realized he was more interested in watching the hope vs despair conflict than in despair.
Yeeeeeeeeees the Hinanami was so cute, one of the highlights of Despair Arc. And seeing more Hajime was great, especially pre-SDR2 Hajime! There’s an amazingly marked difference between how he acts when he thinks he’s a “nobody” and when he thinks he isn’t, cool to analyze. Hajime actually didn’t know he wouldn’t be returning from the project, so that’s why he didn’t tell Chiaki.
Yeah, a lot of the newer cast didn’t stand out to me. Just about the only ones I liked were Seiko and Koichi. Chisa’s okay at times, and…that’s it. Just wasn’t enough screentime for the others. Ahahaha yeah, Juzo being gay was supposed to be a twist, but half the fanbase had guessed it by then. Ryota is…ugh. Do not like him. And the less said about the mastermind the better.
I think Izuru does have some pent-up resentment over how everyone’s used him (his dialogue in Chapter 0 sounded pretty damn bitter). But I also like the fact they made him a neutral observer rather than snapping, it actually serves to contrast him pretty well with Junko. They’re both geniuses, perpetually bored, and seeking a way out of it–but whereas Junko gets off to despair, Izuru doesn’t. He doesn’t enjoy suffering, while she does, but he also doesn’t care enough to intervene. And while he can see the unpredictability of despair, he finds value and interest in hope too, while Junko just thinks that hope is stagnant. It made him a much deeper and more interesting character compared to the game, where he was more a “shadow” for Hajime.
The anime of the first game is...um...let’s just say it skips over a lot of things. It’s definitely not something I’d buy membership for, but if you’re already using your free trial...
There’s actually not a lot of places you can go from here, once you watch the dubbed DR3. There’s some supplementary material you can read if you want, but that was pretty much the last of the HPA arc. The newest game, NDRV3, did come out, but it hasn’t been released to the West yet–won’t til this September. So again, that’s an entire section of spoilers you need to avoid.
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honhonluigi · 3 years
I say we take a second to appreciate the positive. The writing of DR is a shitshow, yeah, but what are your favorite things about the series?
Honestly, I like some of the writing in DR. If it was all just terrible writing, then I wouldn’t play the game. It’d be the anime all over again-- nothing but terrible writing and horrible characters and I’d just avoid it like the plague. Nah for the most part, I think the writing is pretty good. The plot is a really interesting concept. The lore about Despair is fucking stupid, but the backstory of Hope’s Peak is good, and the Kamukura Project is great. The fact that Hope’s Peak’s own hubris and cruelty and ambition is the thing that eventually brought them down is a really good twist. The individual characters are written well, including the way they interact with each other. There’s just a few characters/relationships that are written horribly that stick out: Maki, Chiaki, KaiMaki, Junko, Shuichi. And they stick out because they’re written so horribly compared to the rest of the game. The same writing is also responsible for characters like Nagito, Hajime, Izuru, Kokichi, Kaede, Celeste, Kyoko, Makoto...And that just baffles me. How can you write characters that are so fun and interesting, and then shove these horrible Mary-Sues down my throat? (Fanservice! That’s how! Fanservice is the devil of all fictional media!) 
But my favorite things about the series-- 
1. The characters. This is DR’s absolute strongest point. If I don’t like the characters in something, then I’m never going to enjoy it, no matter how interesting the lore or plot is. I love the majority of characters in DR, and the ones that I hate vehemently are the ones that actively strive to ruin the story with their awful writing. Other than them, the rest of the characters are good. They’re consistent, they’re solid, they’re interesting, they’re fun to learn about and interact with (even if their backstories are wtf???? sometimes). I hate Byakuya, but he’s written well. He makes sense as a character and he serves his function. Same with Hiyoko. So I still don’t view those characters as ‘negatives’, because they’re well-written, and I don’t dread it when they speak. They’re fun to hate. Every piece of media needs someone you can hate. Most of the characters are super fun and interesting. I love seeing content of them, hearing them speak, learning more about them, etc. I would never have played the games if I hadn’t liked the characters. Plus, I find more and more that I like large-cast media because there’s so much more opportunity for character. You get such a large ensemble of different personalities and it’s fun. Plus, if you have a bunch of completely different people, the odds are more likely that I’ll love at least one. Whereas in most main-character + love interest focused media, I hate both the MC and LI, and so the whole thing is ruined for me. In large-cast media, I can hate the main character and/or their lover, but love the rest of the cast and go through it for them. 
2. The plot. The backstory and plot surrounding Despair is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. Completely unbelievable. Outlandish. Ridiculous. But, the plot as a concept is really fun. The idea of the killing game and being trapped there and having nothing to do but make friends or kill each other leaves so much room for character growth and fun drama. It’s like those “mysterious mansion dinner party murder” books but better. And the backstory and plot surrounding Hope’s Peak is actually fairly decent, and interesting, if you take the ‘Despair’ bits away from it. 
3. The moral ambiguity. This might not be DR’s strongest appeal to people, but it is the most important thing to me in any piece of media. I need moral ambiguity. I can’t get interested in a piece of fiction if there’s absolutely no sense of moral ambiguity at all. If it’s just black-and-white “good hero defeats evil villain”! Then I’m going to be bored and angry and I’ll never read/watch/play it. There’s nothing I despise more than black-and-white hero stories. I need moral ambiguity. It’s a theme that I prize above everything else in fiction. I need my fiction to reflect the greyness of the real world. That real people aren’t good or evil, they just have motives and they act on those motives according to their personalities. That no one is good or bad; bad people do good things, good people do bad things, etc. DR2 is literally that theme, tied up in a nice little bow. None of the characters are ‘good people’ after Despair (except the little Mary Sue!!!), but they all are shown to be worthy of life and friendship and love anyway. They show that they can do good things as well. Plus, there’s the theme of all the murders being “for good reasons”, and you have to decide for yourself if that’s true or not. And the question of “are they really evil for committing a murder when they were forced to by threat of Monokuma?” Hajime is the closest thing we get to a morally ambiguous protag, and that’s why I love him. Makoto is definitely a ‘good person’, but his character isn’t used to preach some moral theme about goodness. He falls in love with Kyoko, who’s the second shadiest person in the cast. And he’s best friends with Sayaka, who is the shadiest person in the cast. And he defends them, even when they do bad things. This theme right here, about being allowed to do bad things and have it be recognized by the writing and other characters, is what separated Sayaka from Chiaki for me. It’s why I like one and hate the other. 
This is also why I hate Shuichi. His character is used for nothing but toting around this moral stance of Kaito’s black-and-white good-and-evil “belief”. Shuichi’s character arc outright destroys any of the moral ambiguity in DRV3. And this is a huge part of why I hate Junko. She’s just a purely evil villain with no other personality and no motives. She has no opportunity to show ANY good traits at all. She’s just pure evil, for evil’s sake. Literally. And honestly, this also serves to make Chiaki more obnoxious too. Being the only faultless one in a cast full of ex-terrorists? Fucking lame. And the writing portrays her like she’s a perfect angel hero, who never does anything wrong (even though she does a lot of selfish, shitty things in the game and she’s a horrible person too), because of course! you’re not allowed to hate Mary Sues. There can’t be any such thing as flaws in a Mary Sue, and they can’t do anything wrong, otherwise you’d have a valid reason to hate them! And you can’t hate them because they’re the best character!!!! Anyway, you might be thinking “how come you hate Maki? She’s the definition of moral ambiguity!” Nah bro, she’s the definition of denial and hypocrisy. She and everyone else ignore and deny and cover up all the bad shit she does and insist that she’s a “good person” for absolutely no reason. She never shows any good sides. Then she and everyone else go around talking down to and hating every other cast member for being “bad” when idk?? They’re not fucking serial killers so I’d say they’re better off. And we’re not allowed to acknowledge her flaws or hate her for them, because it’s all part of her tragic backstory!!! 
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serahne · 7 years
who would be who in the komahina dear evan hansen au? :D
OKAY *take a deep breath*. I’m actually glad that someone is talking to me about this AU, because I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m really into it. Warning for suicide, obviously.
I feel like it would make more sense to go for a Evan = Hinata and Komaeda = Connor. I’m not saying it would be impossible to write the opposite, but you probably would need to change a lot more of the story. Also, I’m just used to write Hinata as the main character.
-> This is an AU where there there is no Kamukura project and no Junko, and no Hope’s Peak Fall, and just saying thart hurts my heart, but it’s necessary because in this situation, I can totally see Hinata being suicidal.
-> Hinata is very desillusionned with his life, of course. He doesn’t have friends, with maybe the exception of Natsumi that you can’t really call ‘caring’. He has a crush on the super-popular, cute girl from the Main Course, Chiaki, who has been nice with him once at the beginning of the year. He has a broken arm, and his therapist told him he could ask people to sign his cast to make friends, but even Natsumi didn’t want to.
-> He and Komaeda meet at the Medical Yard of Hope’s Peak. Hinata is getting therapy. Just like in the musical, he is asked to write letters to himself ( starting with ‘Dear Hajime Hinata’, to be more honest with his feelings. The last letter he wrote is actually completely despairing, about how he has given up on having a good life and stuff.
-> Komaeda, in this AU, has dementia and is treated by Matsuda and has entertained suicidal thoughts for a while because it’s not like it could be cured, and him being in the Main Course is an embarassement to everything he stands for.
-> Komaeda assumes that Hinata is a Main Course student when they met, and Hinata doesn’t really denies, because it’s nice to forget who he is for a while. They bond a little even if it’s awkward, they seem to resonate nicely in a ‘misery likes compagny’ way. Komaeda even sign Hinata’s cast, joking about how they both can pretend they have a friend, now.
-> Unfortunately, Hinata goes to the bathroom or something, and his last ‘letter’ falls of his pocket. Komaeda reads it, and understands that he is actually a RCS and that Hinata lied to him. Furious to have been tricked, he doesn’t wait for Hinata to come back, and just storms off the room, keeping the letter with him.
-> Hinata is pretty worried for a couple of days, because in his letter he said a lot of personal - including how he hates Hope’s Peak Academy and his crush about Chiaki, and he doesn’t know what Komaeda could do with it.
-> Then it turns out that Komaeda committed suicide and it’s like a big shock through Hope’s Peak, because no one noticed he could do it, and a suicide among the Main Course Student is like… a huge thing, and you have the press, and the parents who are meddling into it. They find Hinata’s letter on Komaeda’s body, though, and think that it’s Komaeda’s suicide note, adressed to Hinata, and everyone think that they were actually friends, which isn’t helped by Hinata having his cast signed by Ko.
-> Then I think you know the story. Hinata is suddenly at the center of the attention, and everyone is trying to understand what was going on with Komaeda, and how they were friends, and Hinata is so enthralled to get everyone talking to him and making him feel important that he just goes along with it. He also manages to get close to Chiaki who feels absolutely terrible that she never tried to reach out for Komaeda, and Hinata makes up lies, saying that Komaeda thought she was amazing and bla bla bla, to makes her feel better.
-> Natsumi is super-pissed by everything. She got Jared’s role in this AU, and she is the only one who knows that Hinata is full of crap, and tells him that Komaeda’s death is the best thing that ever happened to him, and is trying to put some sense into him. But while Hinata is making up more lies, especially with the ‘Komaeda Project’ created to get money to save the library where they were always hanging out ( according to Hinata, of course ), earning thousands of dollars, he is kinda loosing the sense of reality and lives more and more in the lie he created for himself. He also makes up a lie about how Komaeda was with him when he broke his arm, and helped him and stuff.
-> Obviously he is haunted by Komaeda’s ghost, with who he idealizes a ‘perfect relationship’ that never happened, building up an entire relationship in his head and making him feel loved for the first time. ‘They’ break into Komaeda’s house, who is going to be sold since he doesn’t have any relative, and spend time in his room, looking at the books and trying to learn as much as he can about this boy he only knew for a few minutes but became the center of his existence.
-> And then, obviously the whole thing explodes when Hinata’s therapist realizes what is going on, and that Komaeda’s suicide note is actually Hinata’s letter to himself. She is very adamant about him telling the truth, and that they can face it, together ( she more or less has Hinata’s mom role too ). Conscious that he is going for a social suicide, he tells to everyone about his lies, and everyone in the Main Course rejects him, including Chiaki who is just livid and refuses to talk to him again.
-> Miserable, Hinata entertains to throw himself from the school’s building, but then he goes to Natsumi and admits that the reason he has his cast isn’t because he fell from a tree but because he let go trying to kill himself. And no one was there to help him after the fall. Natsumi hugs him and apologizes for not noticing, and is crying too, and they promise to be there for each others.
-> One year later, Hinata is reading at the library the Komaeda Project saved, he is reading Komaeda’s favorite books and has been doing that for a while, now. He runs into Chiaki who says that she forgives him, and that he isn’t more to blame than she is. He thanks her and they separate because he is going to be late to his therapy session.
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