#(you know back when alec was canonically in love with jace
soulofapatrick · 2 months
Nightmares and Cuddles - Simon Lewis x female reader
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Summary: You have a nightmare and go to find Simon, both of you acting like a couple in front of the others for the first time
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: none; somewhat non-canon Clary
I wake with a sharp intake  of breath, my body jerking upright in bed as a small cry escapes my lips. Mu heart hammers against my ribcage, panic flooding my sense as my hands frantically search the empty space beside me, grasping the comforting weight of Simon’s icy form. But he’s not there. 
Fear tightens its claws around my chest, squeezing the air from my lungs as I struggle to control the rising tide of panic. My fingers tremble as they trace the contours of the bed, desperately seeking the familiar warmth of his body, the reassuring beat of his heart. But all I find is emptiness, a void where his presence should be. 
“Si-Simon?” My voice wavers with uncertainty, the sound barely more than a whisper as I call out for him, my heart pounding in my ears. But there’s no response, only the oppressive silence of the room, pressing in on me from all sides. Tears sting at the corners of my eyes as I fight to hold back a sob, the ache of loneliness settling like a heavy weight in the pit of my stomach, “Simon.” I whimper again, the sound barely audible as I cling to the fragile hope that he’ll answer, that he’ll be there to chase away the darkness that threatens to consume me. 
With trembling limbs, I push myself out of bed and stumble towards the closed door, my heart pounding in my chest as I follow the siren call of their laughter. Each step feels like an eternity, the distance between us stretching out impossibly far as I fight to quell the rising panic that threatens to consume me. 
The laughter and yelling voices of Simon and Alec echo through the closed door, a beacon of warmth and familiarity in the cold darkness of the night. Each sound is a lifeline, pulling me closer to the safety and comfort that awaits me on the other side. But with each step, the knot of fear in my stomach tightens, threatening to suffocate me as I struggle to reach them. 
As I finally push open the door shuffle down the hallway and step into the living room, the scene before me is a blur of movement and noise. Magnus and Alec are engrossed in their game, their voices rising in excitement with each turn. Jace is huddled on the couch, Clary is sketching, both of them lost in their own little worlds, Izzy is cackling at the way Simon is kicking Magnus and Alec’s asses at the video game. And then, there's Simon, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the lamp, his laughter ringing out like a bell in the night.
For a moment,  I hesitate, unwilling to interrupt the easy camaraderie of their game. But then, as if sensing my presence, Simon turns his head, his face breaking into a wide grin as he catches sight of me standing in the doorway. 
“Hey, there you are,” Simon says, his voice filled with warmth and affection. But as he takes in my disheveled appearance, his expression shifts to one of concern, worry creasing his brow. Without a word, he pats his lap invitingly, a silent invitation for me to join him. And with trembling limbs, I shuffle over to him, feeling small and vulnerable in one of his oversized graphic t-shirts, my cheeks still puffy from crying in my sleep.
I try to ignore the way Alec and Izzy share curious looks, Magnus and Jace share knowing looks and Clary seems to glare at me over her sketch book when I stop in front of Simon. The daylighter looks up at me, cognac eyes full of love and concern as he reaches for my hips, gently guiding me onto his lap so I’m pressed into him, my feet tucking under Izzy’s thigh who welcomes them, used to me doing it. I rest my head on Simon’s shoulder, shivering slightly and press my forehead into the crook of his neck, breathing in everything Simon. 
I’m grumbling slightly when Simon leans to the side, dislodging my face from the crook of his neck, drawing a soft chuckle from him, his icy lips pressing to my forehead before a warm blanket is being wrapped around me, cocooning me in warmth and safety as he presses another gentle kiss to the top of my head as I burrow back into his chest. I can still see the images of Simon, Alec, Magnus, Jace and Izzy laying there, dead, and there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. 
But even as Simon's arms encircle me, pulling me close, the images from my nightmare refuse to fade. They linger at the edges of my consciousness, haunting me with their vividness and cruelty. I can still see them—Simon, Alec, Magnus, Jace, and Izzy—lying there, lifeless and still, their faces frozen in expressions of agony. 
The tears well up anew, blurring my vision as I cling to the fabric of Simon’s shirt with desperate fingers, as if he might slip away from me if I let go. The weight of my fear presses down on me, threatening to suffocate me as I struggle to make sense of the horrors that linger in my mind. 
But Simon is here, his comforting presence unwavering as he holds me close. Though his heart may not beat like a human's, the unneeded but steady rhythm of his breath against my skin serves as a comforting reassurance. I can’t help but smile slightly as I know he’s only breathing so I can match my breath to his and stop panicking. And as he presses another gentle kiss to the top of my head, I feel a flicker of hope ignite within me, pushing back against the shadows that threaten to consume me. 
As I nudge his jaw with my nose, seeking solace in the familiar contours of his face, I’m met with the warmth of his gaze. In his eyes, I see a reflection of my own turmoil, but beneath it all, there's a depth of love and adoration that steals my breath away. I lose myself in the ocean of his gaze, the world around us fading into insignificance as I drown in the depths of his love. My heart swells with emotion, a tidal wave of longing and affection crashing against the walls I've built around myself.
And then, with a tenderness that steals  the very air from my lungs, Simon leans down to meet my lips in a soft, tender kiss. In that moment, everything else fades away—the nightmares, the doubts, the fears—replaced by the overwhelming warmth of his love. I melt into his embrace, savouring the sweetness of his lips against mine, the gentle press of his hand against the small of my back. Time seems to stand still as we lose ourselves in the intimacy of our connection, each touch, each caress, a testament to the depth of our bond. 
In the blissful cocoon of our embrace, time loses all meaning, swept away by the currents of our shared affection. But then, like a sudden clap of thunder shattering the tranquility of a summer's day, Clary's voice cuts through the silence, sharp and jarring. I startle at the sound, my heart pounding in my chest as I reluctantly pull away from Simon's lips, a sense of disorientation clouding my thoughts. Clary stands her expression a mix of surprise and disbelief, her eyes flickering with an emotion I can't quite place.
"How long has this been happening?" Her voice is tight, strained, as if each word is forced through clenched teeth. There's an edge to her tone, a hint of accusation that sends a shiver down my spine.
I glance up at Simon, searching for some sign of reassurance in his expression, but all I find is a mirrored reflection of my own uncertainty. His hand tightens around mine, a silent gesture of support, but the weight of Clary's question hangs heavy in the air between us. I swallow hard, the lump in my throat threatening to choke me as I struggle to find the right words to explain the depth of our connection. But before I can speak, Simon glares at her, his voice calm and steady despite the tension that simmers beneath the surface.
"It's been...a while," he admits, his gaze never wavering from Clary's. "But we wanted to keep it quiet, just until we were sure.” 
There's a flicker of something in Clary's eyes—disbelief, perhaps, or maybe just plain jealousy—but before I can dwell on it, she offers a tight-lipped nod, her expression unreadable. 
"Right," she says, her voice clipped and cold. It has me trying to wriggle out of Simon’s grip but he shushes me lovingly, gaze turned back to me, as if Clary’s disappeared and I can sense just how much it pisses her off but with the way Simon is looking at me I couldn’t care less. 
“I think you should go.” Izzy is speaking up as Simon’s urging me to lay my head back on his shoulder, face buried in the crook of his neck, his gentle hand carding through my hair while the other wraps around my legs and pulls me closer. I can hear Clary left out a sound of annoyance before she turns on her heels and I hear the front door slam before Alec clears his throat and challenges Simon to another round of whatever game they were playing before I joined them. 
And then, like a gentle breeze on a summer's day, Jace moves to sit on our other side, his hand finding mine in a silent gesture of solidarity. I squeeze his hand in silent gratitude, feeling the weight of his support like a lifeline in the darkness. 
As I lay there, surrounded by the comforting presence of my friends, I feel myself drifting off, the steady rhythm of Simon's heartbeat and the soft murmur of their laughter lulling me into a peaceful slumber.
In that moment, as I drift between wakefulness and dreams, I know with certainty that this is where I belong. In the warm embrace of my beloved Simon, surrounded by the laughter and love of our friends, I find a sense of belonging and contentment that I've longed for my entire life. And as sleep claims me once more, I let go of the worries and fears that have plagued me, knowing that as long as I have them by my side, I can face whatever challenges may come my way.
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The Shadowhunters Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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I don't think I even have an ask but Lawd that older Alec raised by his strict Trueblood grandparents is just gold. That ending where he smirks at Jia and sends Izzy and Jace back to Alicante? *chefs kisses*
My asexual ass is so so attracted to a competent confident Alec who knows his boundaries and had the freedom to demand and enforce them. Just ... I adore him putting everyone in their place. How does he meet Magnus in this verse? Do we know how the differe t power balance at the beginning changes their dynamic, if at all?
I am so happy with everything in this verse but will always always appreciate more when others can send in prompts you like for it.
oh i'm glad it's being enjoyed! have a piece because this will kind of explain some of the power dynamics between them.
and well, i think it's pretty well known how much i love competent!malec and individually impressing each other with competence, not just their teamwork. and this alec was raised differently, he's much more confident than canon!alec.
<3 lumine
Alec takes a breath and then, before Magnus twirls his fingers and excuses himself, steps around his desk.
Their meeting is done, they are no longer meeting solely as leaders to different factions of the same world.
“Magnus—” Alec says, because he hasn’t let himself get this far to be held back by his fears. “I can’t go out with you publicly, not anywhere right now. It wouldn’t be safe, for either of us.” Because Alec knows the clave will try and use this as a reason to attack Magnus.
He’s the High Warlock of Brooklyn and on the Council of Elders. He’s the inventor of the portal and the Inventor.
Magnus is as feared as he’s revered and renown and Alec can’t afford to let either of them paint a target on each other’s back and Alec isn’t prepared to protect Magnus from Alec’s enemies, or himself from Magnus’.
“I— you can say no. You deserve someone who can stand proudly by your side—” Alec doesn’t see the wide-eyed, shocked way that Magnus is staring at him. He’s nervous but he knows what he wants and it’s only because he wants this so badly that his words try to slither away.
“But I want that, someday. So, if you’re okay with it, we could start with drinks? Somewhere just the two of us.”
“And where would we find the right level of privacy, Alexander?” Magnus says and he steps over to Alec, gliding like an arrow through a cloud and Alec bites back a sigh of want.
“Anywhere you think is safe. I trust you Magnus,” Alec tells him, because he does. Alec would never have asked Magnus back to redo the wards entirely if he didn’t trust him, no matter how beautiful of a man he is.
Alec trusts his instincts and his instincts purr when he’s near Magnus. Magnus’ presence and his magic and even now, the wards of the Institute, are soothing and Alec adores them.
“It’s the clave I don’t trust. I have no real family backing anymore, Magnus. I’m a valuable asset to the clave but I’ve never dabbled in politics. I would have no leverage in the face of their bigotry, and I’ve seen what the clave does to people it doesn’t like.”
Magnus waits a single breath and then he steps up to Alexander and reaches out, tilting Alexander’s face up from where Alexander is studying his hands with a determined furrow.
At first, Alexander’s gaze met Magnus’ own, but it grew shuttered and shadowed as Alexander remembered the evils of the clave. It’s what assures Magnus that this isn’t because of shame — Magnus has had quite enough of being a dirty little secret — and is entirely about survival.
Alexander is wise and methodical in a way that tells Magnus he must have plans and Magnus is willing to extend a little trust, to make this a mutual admittance.
“I’ve lived it.” Magnus tells him quietly, “so never doubt that I understand the power and hatred the clave can wield. If that is your reasoning than I can accept it, I can even agree with it. You wouldn’t be safe here, not yet.”
Alexander seems pleased and a little surprised that Magnus is being mutually considerate, and Magnus mentally tuts as he leans forward and presses a kiss to the corner of Alexander’s mouth.
This will be — by Alexander’s admittance — his first relationship due to Alexander growing up with what he calls ‘higher standards than what my mother had’.
Which is a rather low bar until Magnus realized that Alexander has denied every single person he’s ever met, until meeting Magnus. Which means that Alexander must feel the same instinctual, almost primal interest that Magnus does.
So, in the interest of respect, Magnus is going to be as gentlemanly and courteous as he can bear, for Alexander’s sake.
That is the plan, at least until Alexander whines against his mouth.
There’s a displeased grumble when Magnus starts to pull away and then strong hands are wrapping around Magnus. An arm around his waist and a hand on the back of his neck.  Alexander is inexperienced but hungry and eager and determined.
He licks into Magnus’ mouth, their teeth clacking together until Magnus croons and gentles him, tugging on Alexander’s hair. He sucks on his boy’s tongue until he has Alexander’s fingers leaving bruises on his skin.  Magnus groans into the kiss and drags his teeth down Alexander’s tongue, leaving a sting behind that has Alexander grinding up against him.
“Magnus—” Alexander whispers against his lips, “unless you glamour yourself, you’ll need to portal out of my office, and I don’t think we should give that part away just yet.”
Magnus freezes, because he didn’t realize Alexander knew he’d left a backdoor just for Magnus. Alexander smirks at him, kiss bruised lips pulled into a smug grin as he lets Magnus pull himself away. 
Magnus knows he must look much the same kind of debauched and he sighs, snapping away the signs with his fingers before he gives Alexander a leer.
“When you said you’d never been interested in anyone before, I didn’t expect this, Alexander.” He raises an eyebrow teasingly and gets a chuckle in return.
“I said you’ll be my first, I didn’t say it was because of a lack of offers.” Alexander smirks at him and Magnus wants to lick it off his face. “I’ve had enough past suitors hoping to become my wife that I’m not lacking in my self-worth, Magnus.”
“Did you?” Magnus asks something writhing inside of him and he steps forward, giving Alexander a parting kiss and biting his lip in farewell. “Well, perhaps darling I’ll just have to give you even better reasons to be confident. I’m sure I can find ways that outmatch those of failed suitors?”
Alexander nods, delight in crinkling of his eyes as smiles, basking in Magnus’ promise and attention.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
me, knowing LBAF IV destroyed me and i'm not sure i am emotionnaly ready for part V : maybe i should take it lightly with the pain and be careful, i could read less angsty fics
also me the second the first chapter of LBAF V is published : i am so ready to get hurt again
the bitches are my lifeline and i will endure the pain for them
also took an appointment for a tattoo in september and i'm really excited cause my dad said he will get one at the same time 😄 also dead serious about getting a LBAF tattoo in like a year or so if you don't mind it ofc
You and I are not gonna survive LBAF 5 and we can go to therapy together ♥️
Ah, I'm excited about your tattoo! Is this your first one? Also, are you getting matching tattoos with your dad? And of course you can get an LBAF tattoo. It would be my privilege 💙
Here is a snippet from the very first chapter of LBAF V. It's one of my favorite chapters ever and it's not even written yet hehe.
“A canon event,” David repeated carefully. “What does that mean?”
“It’s a crucial life event,” the warlock explained. “It’s unavoidable. Because it contributes to who you are as a person.”
“Sounds important,” David chuckled nervously. He was always a little nervous when he spoke to the other man. He wasn’t sure why. “Can you travel back in time and change a canon event?”
“No,” the man shook his head. “Canon events are not to be fucked with.”
“But how do you even know something is a canon event or not?” David asked in confusion. 
The man grinned with the corner of his mouth. “Warlock math.”
“Ah. Of course,” David clicked his tongue. “What’s a canon event in your life?”
The warlock thought about it for a moment. “My parents adopt me in every universe. Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood, I mean.”
David found that to be very comforting. 
He wasn’t sure what awaited Max in all the other worlds and dimensions and timelines and other things he spoke about often. But he knew in his heart that his Max would be alright as long as he was part of the Lightwood-Bane family. 
“That’s lovely,” David smiled fondly. “Am I adopted by Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild in every universe too?”
The warlock’s smile disappeared. There was a moment of silence.
It wasn’t a canon event then. 
David didn’t have a family - no kind parents and no wonderful siblings for him. Not in every universe. 
He wondered if he took his family for granted in this life. He wondered what else he was taking for granted in this universe. 
“I’m sorry,” the warlock whispered and squeezed his hand. “I shouldn’t have told you that.”
“Don’t be,” David managed a smile. “That’s all the more reason to be grateful for this life, isn’t it?”
“It is.”
“Then what is a canon event in my life then?” David asked cautiously. “What do I find in every universe and every life?”
The warlock smiled. “Me.”
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lurafita · 2 months
What-if-style canon divergent where Magnus raises Johnathan
I have been thinking about Johnathan Morgenstern lately, and as horrible as he was, I can't help feeling sorry for him.
For the way his life played out, hardly giving him a chance to be anything but a monster.
And I love Magnus (and Magnus with kids), and I thought,
What if Magnus was in Edom the day that Valentine sent Johnathan to Lilith.
(Reason for Magnus being in Edom could be because he needed to re-bind his father to the realm, because Asmodeus almost got out?).
And Magnus, on his way back, saw Lilith hurting the boy and saved Johnathan.
Portaling the both of them back to his apartment in Brooklyn.
How would the story go if Magnus had raised Johnathan, giving the boy a real chance at life?
Magnus getting the story of Johnathan's origins out of the boy (as far as Johnathan knew at that point).
Fearing the Clave would condemn Johnathan for his demon blood and relation to Valentine, maybe Magnus would use his connection to Brother Zachariah (who was a Shadowhunter once), to get Johnathan both the tools and training of a Shadowhunter, as well as teaching him magic and control over his demonic heritage.
There could even be some kind of meeting with Sebastian Verlac, and maybe the two (Johnathan and Sebastian) become friends and later even more?
(Johnathan did describe him to Clary as "the most beautiful guy sitting across", if I remember correctly. Too bad his twisted mind was too far gone by that point)
Maybe Magnus would convince Jocelyn to let her daughter and his son form a friendship, in exchange for removing any supernatural memories from Clary. Thus giving Johnathan a relationship with his sister (that isn't tainted by his obsession with her).
(In this setting, I would make Jocelyn's mind kinda crack a little where her son is concerned. Maybe the injections Valentine gave her had a negative affect on her psyche, and as a result, any memory of her son is completely blocked off for her.)
And when it comes time to meet the rest, a grown up Johnathan could be protective over Magnus and be a little shit to that stupid Shadowhunter (Alec) that flirts with his father figure.
A lot of drama would be circumvented by the simple fact that
1: Magnus would know that Valentine is still alive and can form different protections to keep the downworld safer.
2: Magnus would know that Jace and Clary are not siblings because he has raised Valentine's son for years, thank you very much
3: Raising a child could make Magnus himself more stable, and maybe he would do something about Camille sooner, not being as burdened by his complicated feelings towards her.
4: If Clary and Johnathan have a chance to become friends beforehand, she might seek out him and Magnus when the whole chaos at the beginning goes down, letting her have a less traumatic entrance into the shadow world.
5: Lilith would be super pissed though and probably be Magnus' number 1 enemy which could lead to lots of badass fight scenes when the need arises for a little action.
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takaraphoenix · 7 months
20 Questions Game for Fic Writers
Tagged by @blairwaldcrf ! Thank you, dear! <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
As of right now, 1214 works! Damn, I've been busy :D"
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
Currently at 9,167,371 words, slowly inching toward the 10 million mark!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh gosh, the total list is so long at this point, with various one-off kind of deals, or fandoms I've moved on from.
I am currently considering myself an active writer in these fandoms though: Shadowhunters, Percy Jackson, Detective Conan/Magic Kaito, DC Comics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sorted by kudos, my top 5 fics are:
How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (Marvel, Loki/Tony), with 7,945
My College Boyfriend (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 6,353
The Lion's Pride (Voltron, Shiro/Keith/Lance), with 6,163
The Ghost King of Summers High (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 5,600
Percy Jackson, Ambassador of Hades (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 4,985
Which actually looked really fucked up because yeah sure there's four super popular multi-chapter fics of mine. And then there is My College Boyfriend, which isn't just a oneshot, it is a oneshot with under 3k words. What. What.
And the, quite frankly frustrating, part here is that this oneshot only has 24 comments. Not even every 100th reader felt the need to leave a comment. That's just... so sad. Like. Genuinely, I think the kudos system broke commenting because the convenience of pressing a button beat actually expressing yourself genuinely through words and from the bottom of my heart, I find that depressing as fuck.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. Every single one of them. Because comments mean something. Someone took the time to tell you, with words, that they liked your work and maybe even what they liked about it.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooof, multiple contestants from back in my day when I wrote German fics for the Beyblade fandom and wrote about... darker themes. Not all fics used to have happy endings. I wrote some fics that ended in a suicide, so I guess those.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Impossible to answer, because for as long as I've been active in English writing, all my fics have had happy endings. The guy gets the guy, the girl gets the girl, and they live happily ever after. The world is saved or the evil defeated, maybe there's even an epilogue of a next gen in there. That's my standard, it ends happily. So that makes it impossible to pick one that somehow ends happier than the rest. xD
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Right. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Funnily enough, never on the things you would assume attract hatred - the incest, the explicitly non-con stuff.
Nah, I got death threats and words that were somehow worse than death threats on my Oliver/Felicity fics in the DC fandom... a... straight canon ship... but not the canon ship from the multiverse that these vile assholes liked, so, ya know. Threaten the fans who love a ship you hate.
Also over the years, lotta nasty general homophobia for Nico/Percy in the PJO fandom - I have been writing in this fandom since 2010, and yes, there were really a lot of people especially in the earlier years who just hated the idea of making either Percy or Nico gay.
And the dumbasses who declare Jace/Alec incest and thus hate and threaten this ships fans in the Shadowhunters fandom. But still, inexplicably, like Alec. Even though, in canon, he's the one who was in love with Jace. I don't know, but if you claim the nasty, nasty incest is The Bad Thing, I think you should hate the character with the nasty, nasty incestuous feelings, instead of the fans who write perfectly tagged and filterable fics. But that's just me, I guess.
So yeah, top three of hatred I got over the years - but if you wanna read a highlight reel of bullshit hate mail I got, feel free to go and check out my Dear Anonymous Shitheads tag!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
All kinds of smut? I don't know how to answer this question, to be honest. xD
I've written oral, anal, vaginal, mlm, wlw, m/m/f, rare m/f ships but usually either she pegs or it's ABOverse and she's an alpha, I generally pepper in some flavors of BDSM into it, I've written dub-con and non-con before, bestiality, double penetrations. I have written a lot.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Oh, that is absolutely going to my first ever crossover. Because my usual crossovers are, ya know, that Big Four animated movie crossover verse (Tangled/Brave/HTTYD/RotG), or "I like these two fandoms, how would A's characters fit into B's world/how would B's characters fit into A's world?" for... essentially all my fandoms, and I wouldn't call any of these crazy - because the Big Four crossover is a beast of an own fandom so it's not really "original" or far out there to write for it, and in all my other crossovers, I do pride myself on making it work, like, not just throwing characters together but fitting their backstories and special powers into how the other world works.
So the craziest one is absolutely A Hundred Times Over, which is a oneshot sequel to my first-ever English-written fic and was written as a celebration because it was my 100th fic back then.
The original fic was already a crossover between Detective Conan and PJO, so for the celebration I thought "okay so what if I throw in my current obsession - Doctor Who - and my first ever ship - Shere Khan/Bagheera?". So, yeah, this crossover between Detective Conan, Percy Jackson, Doctor Who and Jungle Book has to be my craziest so far.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
So often. So, so, so, so often.
If you see my fics on watpad or any other platform that isn't AO3 or Fanfiction.net - and if you see them on those two but posted by an author that ISN'T Takara Phoenix - then please, let me know. Drop me a link wherever you can, I always greatly appreciate being told that my fics have been stolen so I can report that person and have it taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. All of the stealing of my fics has made me incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of my fics flowing around on other people's accounts or other websites, especially since the first like four or so stolen fics I had were translated.
Someone took my fics, translated them into Spanish and Russian, and posted them on other platforms, without ever asking my permission.
I don't want thieves to more easily slip through the cracks in between authorized repostings of my stories, so I have the blanket policy to not allow translations.
If you see my fics in other languages, tell me.
(There is one story that has been translated, but I'm not sure how far it counts, because I did the translating myself, and that's Lass Uns Etwas Dummes Tun/Looking For Something Dumb to Do. It is a PJO fic about Nico/Percy that I wrote in celebration for Germany legalizing gay marriage in 2017; I wrote it in German first, due to that, and then decided to translate it into English since I know my core-audience are English-speakers and not German-speakers.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeees!!! With my wonderful, amazing, lovely @kimmycup!!! ^-^
We've written a total of five fics together so far.
Three Shadowhunters fics: Hurting and Healing, a Magnus/Jace oneshot, Three Times the Boys Felt Left Out, a Jordan/Simon/Jace oneshot, A King By Any Other Name, a Alec/Jace oneshot.
A Vampire Academy oneshot about Mason/Christian: The Chance at a Happily Ever After.
And, our pride and joy, our 51k multichapter Shadowhunters/Vampire Academy crossover fic about Mason/Christian and Simon/Jace: Double Puppy Dare.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's such a hard question to answer for me as a multishipper.
But to be quite honest, I think I would have to go with Kaito/Shinichi from Detective Conan/Magic Kaito?
It's the ship I've been the most consistently been faithful to and that, whenever I see it, sparks joy. That has proven that even when the fandom's gone dormant for me for months or years, it can reignite into a wildfire, where other fandoms just fizzle out and disappear from my interests then.
These two get me, they've been getting me for one and a half decades now and I doubt they'll stop any time soon.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of my unfinished German fics over on Animexx. When the German Beyblade fandom started to die, I tried to cling on, but at one point... when all your favorite writers, all your friends, have moved on? And then I started reading fics in English and soon after, also writing them in English. I feel bad about it, but it's just been far too long now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Personally, I'd say world building. That's also my passion. I love creating elaborate worlds for my stories to take place in - I mean, damn, for the book series I'm writing, I developed my own language, religion and drew a map of the city it takes place in, among other things. A well-developed world is so important.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, fight scenes and action and other things that...
When a character is good at a thing that I am not good in or know a lot about?
Like, when a character is super quippy and funny, but I am not really a one-liners-person so now I have to come up with quippy one-liners to capture his personality?
Or fighting or science, when a character is an expert in a field that I know nothing about and would not understand jackshit about even if I tried because it's not my wheelhouse? Those things, I really struggle with.
Also, I hate action and fight scenes. Like. That's the parts when I check my phone usually to avoid that my eyes glaze over from boredom. So, naturally, writing these things? Not fun. Not good at it either, imo. But certain fics - or rather, certain characters too - require action and fight scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Painful if you have to use Google Translate. If you know the language? Yeah, go for it! If you have to resort to Google Translate? Maybe just write it in italics and note that it's in x language. It spares both, the native speakers who will die from second hand embarrassment, and the non-speakers who... won't understand it anyway.
But in the cases that I use foreign languages (and usually when I do, it's just... pet-names. Things you can't really fuck up that much and things that people would say in another language even in English-main-dialogues), I always put the translation right behind the sentence, because it's a special brand of obnoxious when you have to scroll ALL the way to the end of a chapter or fic to see what tf you just read, and then scroll back up again.
Hate doing that, so I won't do that to my readers.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Oh, that's Yu-Gi-Oh!, with a hurt/comfort Kaiba/Joey fic.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Can't answer that, it always depends on my current mood which of my babies I love the most ;P
Tagging @kimmycup and @justonemorechapternicercy and @fallenqueen2 for this fun! And anyone else who wants to do it! <3
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For Lightwood-Bane family prompts :)
Maybe their food choices and preferences 👉👈
MAX: Max is a very very picky eater. Malec has went through 700 different wars but nothing beats convincing Max to eat healthy. After continuous blackmailing and bribery—they would finally find something that Max likes but Max being the little shit that he is—would refuse to eat that thing the next day. It’s a struggle to find a food good enough for him every single day. This one time, Malec gets so fuxking tired with Max’s theatrics that they took a break from him. They let Max eat whatever the fuck he wanted for a whole ass week. Max got bored of eating ice cream three times a day. He went to Alec and Magnus and asked him why they’re not asking him to eat veggies anymore—do they not love him anymore. Malec gets all soft and feeds him broccoli and all that disgusting shit. Apparently, Max thought that annoying your family 24x7 is a love language. He went back to being a little shit the next day tho.
RAFAEL- Rafael would literally eat anything. He spent years on the streets and some habits are hard to break. Malec notices this and their heart kinda hurts so they try to make Rafe understand slowly and lovingly that he’s allowed to refuse to eat if he doesn’t like smth. (He doesn’t have to be a little shit like Max but he’s still a child and he gets to act out too). One night, Alec goes out to get some water and finds Rafael sneakily eating some cake that they had put in the fridge and he’s scared when his eyes land on Alec but Alec just takes him in his arms and the two of them eats the whole fckn cake sitting on the kitchen floor and if Magnus and Max found them two hours later eating cake—no one has to know about it.
ALEC- Alec has a very refined palette. He didn’t use to but he’s married to Magnus fuxking Bane and that man has taken Alec to a billion fucking dates and introduced every single cuisine on the planet. His favourites are Korean, Indian, Italian, Mexican and Indonesian (because of Rafe and Magnus cause he’s still a fucking simp). Alec is the one who makes everyone eat in their house. You know that one person in the family who eats the broccolis, tomatoes, cashews and all other stuff people remove from their food?? Alec is that out of the four of them. He’s not the best cook but he has the stupidest husband on the planet and two annoying kids who would never eat healthy if he wasn’t there. So he has become a decent cook in the past few years.
MAGNUS- my man’s a mystery okay? And so are his food habits. Magnus doesn’t have a favorite cuisine (except Indonesian). He always always loves to try new things so his favorite meals/cuisines changes every other week. The rest three have learned to keep up with him. However, Magnus appreciates a good comfort meal. New York Pizza, anything Alec cooks for him, Jace’s stupid smoothies (he likes it for some reason. He steals it from that fuxker every single morning), sunday pancakes made my Rafe and Max (do they burn it? Yes. Does Magnus still eat it? no. He magics another ones and pretends like he eat the burnt ones). There are only two rules when it comes to Magnus’s eating habits and thats—1) breakfast is THE most important meal. (Which is already canon yk so), 2) the four of them have atleast one meal together as a family every day.
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thelightofthebane · 1 year
If you gather enough light…
Something miraculous will happen.
Pairing: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Summary: The worlds might change, but there are three universal truths:
1. Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane will aid anyone who needs.
2. Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane are self-sacrificing idiots.
3. Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane love each other so much, they change the world for the other.
And their love? It transcends worlds.
Tags: Multiverse, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Magnus Bane Loves Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood Loves Magnus Bane, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
You can read it here on AO3 or just below!
The sky boomed again, heavy rain falling and thunderlight cracking in the air.
If this was going to be the end of the world, nobody wanted to go without a fight.
No matter how swarmed by demons they were, all gates of Hell blasting open and Greater Demons leading their respective armies to engulf the planet, they wouldn’t give up on those they swore to protect, not even at cost of their own lives.
But even with the combined powers of Shadowhunters and Downworlders, it wasn’t enough. They were outnumbered, and many of their allies had fallen already. People were dying, cities were being destroyed, and blood was being spilled.
It was a vivid nightmare.
Their only hope was at the hands of Clary, Jace, Izzy, and Simon. They were looking for two of the three Mortal Instruments again - they had disappeared after Valentine, then Clary, used them once at the waters of Lake Lyn. After a very careful survey of the lake, considering how the water was still dangerous, they found out that both the Mortal Cup and the Soul Sword weren’t there anymore. 
They needed to summon Raziel again. To call for help, to seek the power and light of all angels.
They didn’t know if they would answer them, but if there was a group very persistent and stubborn, it was of those four.
Meanwhile, Alec and Magnus were leading their own army in New York. Theirs was one of the strongest in the world, and for a long time, they were successful in holding off the many demons. Alongside their friends and family and many allies in the Shadow World, they kept going.
They kept fighting.
They kept pushing and protecting and resisting.
Until they couldn’t anymore.
They were tired and hurt, too. Magnus was always one second from collapsing due to magical depletion, and Alec had overused his runes so much, they all became a sickly purple and constantly burned at the edges.
It was bad.
It became worse one day when a giant rift opened in the sky. Alec and Magnus were at the top of the nearest tall building, and while Magnus worked on it alongside other warlocks stationed in other buildings at strategic points to close it, Alec was trying to keep the demons attacking at bay. They didn’t have time to call for reinforcements, and the forces were already spread too thin from the non-stop fighting.
And Alec would never leave Magnus unprotected, so that’s that.
But not even Alec could take down a draconic demon alone, no matter how accurate his aim was.
The monster hit Magnus square on the chest with his long tail, sending the warlock to the edge of the building. Without thinking twice, Alec let go of his bow and threw himself at the edge in time to grab Magnus’ hand, while his other hold tight at the rail.
They dangled in the air, dangerously close to falling to their deaths.
Alec tried to hoist them both up, but his runes weren’t working properly anymore and he was too exhausted. Magnus didn’t have enough magic to help either.
The draconic demon got busy with a warlock at the nearest building, but it could come back, so they weren’t safe.
And it was a long way down.
“I’m trying!” Alec’s arms were trembling due to the overextension, but he didn’t stop.
When a finger slipped and he cursed out loud, Magnus tried again.
“Sayang , let me go.”
Alec stopped.
There was a loud noise in his ears. And it wasn’t from the battle, the demons, or the screams.
No, it was his heart threatening to stop.
He didn’t hear it right.
He didn’t.
“You know it’s the only way.” Magnus’ voice was calm. Too calm, and that only grated more on Alec.
“I know fucking nothing! You’re crazy if you think I’ll let you go!”
“If you don’t, we both die. Our people need us, Alec. At least one of us needs to be alive to lead them.”
“Joke is on you if you think I’ll be alive if I let you die here, Magnus.”
“Alexander…” Magnus sighed tiredly, but that only made Alec hold on more.
“No! Don’t you dare, Magnus. Don’t you dare give up now!”
There were tears and pain in his voice.
If they were going to die, they would do it together.
“I’m tired…” Magnus confessed in a whisper, but Alec heard him nonetheless.
“Remember what I told you when we fight that crazy cult you began by accident?”
Magnus blinked sluggishly. “That you would throw himself out of the window because you really wanted to have sex with me?”
At that, Alec laughed loudly, unrestricted and surprised.
By the Angel, when was the last time he did that?
“No, baby.” He smiled, though it was a little sad on the edges. “I said that if you fall, I want to fall with you.”
“You don’t mean-”
“I do. I will. Where you go, I follow Magnus.”
“Isn’t that what you say to your parabatai?”
“For Jace, it’s an oath. For you, it’s a vow.”
Magnus closed his eyes, holding a sob.
Alec tried to say another thing, but a loud roar interrupted him.
The dragon was coming back.
If they stayed there, they would be burned alive.
If they let go, they would fall.
They would die either way.
There was no hope.
Alec let go.
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
Hi! Sending love your way. <3
I was wondering - I know you spoke about what sort of story you would have written for Merlin, with Merlin reliving his life basically and killing all of Arthur’s enemies before they could hurt Arthur… do you have any plot ideas for what you would be interested in writing for Magnus and Alec, if you were to write something for them? I know you only write for specific ships; just hypothetically, what sort of story between them would be interesting for you. :)
(Referencing this post)
Hello! Thank you <3
I do have an idea for Magnus and Alec - in fact, I started writing this story and I was very excited about it, but then the war happened and I lost my drive. I might go back to it one day. This was the summary:
Young Magnus after the decades-long chaos he unleashed under Asmodeus’ guidance, staggering under the weight of everything he’s done.
Older Magnus slowly withering from Camille’s sweet cruelty, losing himself to heartbreak and a persistent thought, Why am I never enough?
No matter when, no matter how, Alec loves him always. And if he has to spend time in the past, he will do it by Magnus’ side, nurturing and cradling him, and making him see he’s worth it.
The story is set in a post-canon period, and it's an excuse for me to write about Alec meeting and comforting Magnus during the worst periods of his life, giving him the kind of love he needed.
Basically, Alec goes to the Seelie realm and asks to be made immortal because he doesn't want to ever leave Magnus. He's given an ultimatum: if he's serious about his wish for immortality, he has to prove it by spending thirty random years in the AU realm (time goes differently there, so he won't be missed in his world). If he still wants to live forever after this, so be it. Alec agrees but asks to be sent to places where Magnus is at.
If someone's interested, here is what I wrote so far. Obviously unedited.
“I’ve developed quite a bit of respect for you, Alec Lightwood,” Meliorn drawled. The greenish lights of the Seelie realm gave his crown an unnatural, eerie glint. “And Magnus is, shall we say, a friend. After the death of my predecessor the Queen, it is well within my powers to bless you with immortality and freeze your youth in the shape that it is now… On one condition.” 
“I’m listening,” Alec said. His heart was trying to pick up the pace but he took several slow breaths, bringing it to a steady rhythm.
He had to trust that Meliorn wouldn’t ask for something impossible. That this would be a condition he would be able to follow and that it wouldn’t make Magnus hate him.
A sharp smirk on Meliorn’s face wasn’t very reassuring. 
“I will open a portal to another realm for you,” he spoke at last. “A realm very similar to our world. Spend thirty years there, and when you come back, we will see what you think of immortality.”
“What?” Of all things he expected, this wasn’t among even the least likely scenarios.
 Meliorn shrugged.
“Immortality is a curse as much as it is a gift. You cannot understand what you’re asking for now even if you think that you do. Have a taste of what time is. Live for thirty additional years, and if the perspective of the eternity doesn’t scare you then, I will grant your wish.”
For a moment, the eternal lights of the Seelie realm dimmed. His brain short-circuited, and Alec shook his head slowly, desperate to make sense of it all.
It was a condition he could follow. Being exiled to another world for thirty years was bearable as long as he knew that his future with Magnus was waiting for him afterward — a bright and cherished future he would do anything to secure. But…
“I will not leave Magnus for thirty years,” Alec said harshly. Thoughts about his family came next, and his brows furrowed even more. “And I can’t leave Izzy and Jace for so long, not when they can be dead by the time I return.”
“Oh, don’t you worry about it,” Meliorn waved his hand dismissively. “Time flows differently in every realm. For you, it will be thirty years — for everyone else here, it will be thirty days. Does that sound acceptable to you?”
Alec inhaled. Then exhaled; inhaled once more.
For Magnus, he reminded himself. For saving him from ever having to mourn me.
He could do it. He could live thirty years away from everything he loved.
On the other hand…
“I have a condition of my own,” he said, and the firmness of his own voice took him aback. Meliorn arched an eyebrow in a silent question. “I agree to your terms, but I want to spend these decades near Magnus of that realm. Is it possible?”
A small intrigued smile curled Meliorn’s lips upward.
“Don’t you think that this way, you’ll get sick of him even before the time runs out?” he wondered. Rage spiraled up, and it must have shown on Alec’s face because Meliorn suddenly grew serious.
“I can send you to where he is,” he agreed. “But I cannot control when or how it will happen. I also can’t tell you how many years you’ll spend in what time. You could be stuck in the seventeenth century for two decades and then spend several years in the 1900th before jumping another century. Opening the portal to a specific location and setting the time is all I can do.”
“I accept,” Alec said quickly, and when his heart jumped in — tension? excitement? again, he ignored it, squaring his shoulders instead. Magnus was Magnus, no matter which world or time he came from, and having him nearby would make these thirty years go by faster.
He just hoped he would find him quickly.
Alec landed in the middle of the forest. His hand clenched around his bow instinctively, but everything was quiet — no demons, no immediate danger in the vicinity.
Carefully, he activated the two runes Clary had come up with for him. One would make him fluent in whatever language people of this world were using; the other one would make him aware of the current time and date.
A predictable burn was followed by a wave of sudden awareness. May 17th, 1660.
If Magnus of this realm shared a birthday with his Magnus, then he was… about fifty? So young. He must have stopped aging only three decades ago.  
An involuntarily smile began to slide over Alec’s face when a cold realization burst through, freezing him in his spot.
If Magnus was fifty and the events here followed the events of Alec’s world at least partly, then he was still with Asmodeus or fresh after banishing him. Even two years after being married, Magnus was reluctant to discuss that time. Alec knew practically nothing about it other than the fact that Magnus hated himself for whatever he’d done and that sometimes it haunted his dreams — no matter how many soothing words Alec murmured to him, it lessened the guilt on his face only somewhat.
A branch snapped behind him. Alec whirled around, his bow at the ready, but what he saw made his grip instantly loosen.
Magnus was standing in front of him, in a dirty red outfit with black stripes and an equally dirty sleeveless jacket. His hair was wild, and there was only a touch of black eyeliner around his eyes.
Their gazes met. For a moment, Magnus stared at him as if he’d seen a ghost, and then he bent over with laughter.
Normally, seeing Magnus laughing would put an immediate answering smile on Alec’s face. But this laughter wasn’t right. It was hysterical, it was broken, and it only sent chills down his spine.
“A Shadowhunter,” Magnus murmured. His hands kept twitching nervously, as if unsure what to do. “Of course I ran into you. Of course.”
Alec opened his mouth to say something — anything. His instincts couldn’t distinguish this Magnus from the Magnus he loved, and they were roaring to life now, demanding that he do something to remove this terrible expression from his face.       
Before he had a chance to figure out what to do, Magnus dropped to his knees, and Alec’s breath hitched.
“Well?” a voice so familiar and so beloved sounded unacceptably bitter. “Aren’t you going to do your job? Arrest me or kill me, or whatever it is you followed me here for.”
“I didn’t follow you,” Alec managed to utter. His heart was pounding violently, his own knees trying to buckle under him. “What… do you need help?”
Magnus stared at him incredulously before bursting in a new fit of laughter. 
“Is this some new trick?” he gasped. “Are you supposed to play nice and pretend you know nothing before taking me in? Can’t say I see the point.”   
It was too much. Whatever Alec had been expecting from this realm and from its version of Magnus, this wasn’t it — this was worse than any worst scenarios he could have imagined. Seeing him in pain for even one moment was an unbearable prospect, and so Alec crossed the distance between them and dropped to the ground, carefully pulling Magnus into his arms.
The laughter stopped. Magnus went still, and Alec stroked his back and put his head on his shoulder, something in him finally settling in comfort.
For some time, none of them spoke. Then Magnus asked, “What are you doing?”
His voice was small and hesitant. Alec tightened his grip protectively.
“Calming you down,” he murmured. “Is it working?”
Magnus let out a hoarse, bewildered chuckle, but he didn’t attempt to move.
“Don’t you know who I am?” he asked instead. “Because if you—”
“I know. It doesn’t matter.”
“I killed people. I slaughtered villages and watched them burn. I was doing the bidding of the Greater Demon for almost forty years — you can’t tell me it doesn’t matter.”
“But you banished him. Eventually, you banished him, because you knew it was wrong.”
Magnus tried to snort, but it came out as a sob. His body shook, and then he wrapped his own hands around Alec, clutching at him, holding him as tightly as Alec was holding him.
“How can it make a difference?” he asked breathlessly. His chest was rising and falling at a concerning pace. “It’s too late now. I realized what he was too late. So many people dead — I can’t take it back now. I can never atone for it. You should execute me right here, I’m sure your superiors will support this decision wholeheartedly.”
“I told you, I’m not going to do that,” Alec said distantly. His mind was racing in several directions at once, trying to understand what to do.
He had no idea what country they were in and whether any Institute was nearby. One thing was clear: he had to take Magnus to safety. He brought gold with him that he could sell in exchange for a shelter, but that required leaving Magnus for some time, and he wasn’t willing to risk it.
“You should,” Magnus insisted. His words turned into gasps as he fought to breathe. Alec tried to lean back in alarm, but Magnus’ hands tore into him, holding him in place. “You should,” he repeated weakly. “You should… you should… you—”
The remaining fight went out of his body. His head dropped, and Alec finally managed to pull back a little.   
Magnus was unconscious. Maybe it was for the best — in his state, Alec wasn’t certain he would be able to control his magic. And this gave him the time he needed to figure out where to go.
Magnus had come here on foot. It meant that there had to be a road, a village, or something similar nearby: all Alec had to do was find it.
Activating his Strength and Speed runes, he picked Magnus up. Then he took off.
It took him an hour to find a village and pay for a small unoccupied house on its territory. Magnus was still unconscious, and Alec put him to bed, covering him with a thick blanket.
Something was wrong. Magnus’ skin was burning, and he kept murmuring words that Alec couldn’t understand despite his rune. The feeling of helplessness gripped his chest, and it kept tightening with every passing hour.
What could he do? He was surrounded by the mundanes. He couldn’t risk contacting other Shadowhunters, and he had no idea where to find trustworthy warlocks of this time.
Maybe he could try sending a fire message to Catarina or Ragnor. They must have been alive at this point, right?
But did they even know Magnus? Would they risk coming to an unfamiliar place upon the request of a Shadowhunter?
His panic began to steal his own breath. Alec stood up, his body moving on autopilot, trying to create a semblance of activity, when Magnus’ eyes flew open. They shone golden, and the sight knocked the breath right out of Alec’s chest.
“Magnus,” he whispered. He dropped back into his chair and tried to catch his gaze. “How are you feeling?”
Magnus’ unfocused stare travelled to him and stopped. Widened. The same haunted look from before sharpened his features, etching misery into them.
“You,” he murmured flatly. “You are still here.”
“This place is safe,” Alec told him. His hand reached for Magnus carefully, freezing when he flinched away.
Right. Magnus had no reasons to trust him.
“Something is wrong with you,” Alec said instead. “You have a fever and I’m not sure how to fight it in these conditions. Is there someone I could call for you? A friend or—”
“It doesn’t matter,” Magnus closed his eyes again. His breathing grew labored. “No one can help. My magic is poisoning me.”
“What?” Alec straightened as a new wave of panic flooded him. This couldn’t be true. “Why?”   
Sweat was glistening on Magnus’ forehead. His body was shaking, and even though he spoke, he didn’t open his eyes again.
“Because all my life, I’ve been using it for evil. Now that I understood what I’ve done, it’s trying to change… to become healing rather than destructive. But it’s too late.”
“No, it’s not,” Alec snapped back. As always in situations like this, his voice came out harsh and unyielding, but Magnus didn’t seem to even hear him.
 “The good and the bad are clashing,” he mumbled distantly. “I can never go back to destruction, not after what I’ve realized, and there isn’t enough good in me to win this fight. They can’t coexist in their current quantities, and they can’t destroy each other entirely, so sooner or later, it’s going to kill me.” 
“No,” Alec repeated, even as his heart jumped to his throat. This couldn’t be happening. Had his Magnus ever had the same problem? If so, he survived it — something helped him survive it. A solution existed, Alec just had to find it.
“Shouldn’t you be happy about it, Shadowhunter.” The way it was structured, it had to be a question, but Magnus’ voice weakened too much to make the right inflection. “I’ll spare you the trouble. Since you seem too soft-hearted to do your job and kill me.”
“I’m not going to—” Alec started, but it was too late. Magnus’s body slackened further as he was once again lost to whatever visions tormented his mind.
Taking a deep calming breath, Alec unclenched his fists. Then, just as slowly, he stood up and walked to the oddly shaped table, measuring each of his steps. There was a basket with cold water there, so he put a piece of cloth into it, let it soak, and went back to Magnus. Pressed it to his forehead gingerly.   
He had to think logically. He had to act on this logic, not succumb to his emotions.
Trying to contact Catarina or Ragnor was always an option. Magnus had said no one would be able to help him, but judging from his state of mind, it wasn’t necessarily true. Still, it shouldn’t be the primary option either. There were too many uncertainties involved for Alec to feel comfortable.
Magnus had also claimed that there wasn’t enough goodness in him to overcome or even balance out the destructiveness of his magic, but Alec knew perfectly well how wrong he was. Magnus was good — kindness comprised his entire foundation, and whatever he’d done with Asmodeus, it was because he didn’t know any better.  
He was the only one in the world with eyes like me. He was my father.
Maybe Magnus himself didn’t know how good he was, but Alec did. And if he managed to convince him… if he succeeded, then maybe Magnus’ magic would shift accordingly.
Magic wasn’t the biggest problem here, it was Magnus himself. If he started wanting to fight, to survive, this could be enough to save him. But how to reach him when he spent most of the time unconscious, and when he was awake, he was in a too poor of a state to listen to reason? Especially when that reason came from a Shadowhunter he didn’t know, the last person he should technically trust.
It was still something, though. It was better than nothing. Alec had talked to his Magnus when he was in a coma from overusing Lorenzo’s magic, so small and vulnerable in that hospital bed — he could do the same now.
But talking to him didn’t help last time, an unpleasant voice reminded him. He didn’t wake up at once.
“But he woke up later,” Alec said aloud. His fingers were digging into the skin of his hand, pinching and bruising it, and as soon as he noticed, he jerked them away.
Talking. He could do some talking. And whether it helped or not, this was something Magnus deserved to hear.
Alec waited for another twenty minutes, hoping to bring the fever down. When this didn’t happen, he clasped Magnus’ hand in his, bringing it to his lips.
“I hope you can hear me,” he said quietly. “I need you to listen because this is important. You have always been good, Magnus. Only a good person would be able to recognize that what they’re doing is wrong when they never knew anything else. You were born different. Your mother couldn’t handle it, but that was her decision. You are not responsible for her death. You were a child — a sweet child who deserved better than finding his mother dead and being immediately attacked by his stepfather. You protected yourself against him and his words the only way you knew how. No one that age can be held accountable for hurting someone, especially after a trauma like this.”
Magnus didn’t regain consciousness, but he also stopped twitching restlessly. Encouraged by this, Alec dropped another reverent kiss on his wrist.
“You survived,” he continued. “Even at that age, after losing your family, without knowing who you are, you managed to survive. Only a strong person could do that. When Asmodeus found you, you were a child starved for everything, from food to basic human connection. And unlike others, Asmodeus didn’t turn away from you, not even when you showed him your eyes. On the contrary, he proved that he was just like you, and you loved him from that point on.”
  A small incoherent sound escaped Magnus’ lips. Alec leaned toward him, gently brushing his fingers against his face.
Still hot. But he couldn’t expect instant results.
“Even when you followed Asmodeus’ wishes, you did it out of love,” he said. “Not because you wanted to destroy anyone. You wanted to make him proud, to make him keep loving you. You never wanted someone’s death, Magnus, so even then, you weren’t evil. Lost, confused, yes, but not evil, never that. You are the best person I’ve ever known and nothing could change it.”
Magnus didn’t react, but that was all right. Alec had many things to say. If he had to, he would keep saying them indefinitely.
“—the kind of man who would accept and nurture any Downworlder in need of help,” Alec was muttering. It was the second day now, and save for several hours he used to sleep, he didn’t stop speaking. “Being guided by you would be an honor for any of them. You would be kind and understanding, patient and sensitive to whatever they are going through — because it’s you. You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Alec was so focused on pushing himself to keep talking that it took him some time to notice that Magnus was awake. A jolt tore through him, nearly making him fall off his chair, but the excitement was tempered by quick realization that Magnus’ gaze was dull, with only minimal flickers of awareness.
Still, it was an improvement. It had to be. And Magnus was looking at him, so even if he didn’t understand any words, he was listening — this was more than Alec could have hoped for after hours of no change.
Gently, he pressed his hand to Magnus’ face.
“Anyone who needs help would choose to come to you,” he said. “Because despite your jokes and your eye rolls, you would never be able to turn down someone vulnerable and lonely. That’s who you are. The kindest and most compassionate man to ever walk the earth.”   
Magnus blinked. Something more conscious flickered in his eyes, and Alec’s heart skipped a beat.
“I can see some of the future,” he blurted out. “And everything I see in yours is a testament to what a wonderful person you are. One day, you are going to save a young man named Raphael. He’ll be a recently turned vampire with no knowledge or understand of the world he stumbled into. If not for you, he would lose his identity and become a monster. You’ll save him. You’ll teach him how to survive and still be himself, and he will always be grateful to you. You are going to change the lives of so many people… and just for that, you need to hold on. Your magic can be good, you only need to believe it.”
This time, there was definitely awareness in Magnus’ stare. Some wariness, too — he was watching Alec like he wasn’t certain what to make of him, whether he was trustworthy in any way.
So Alec resumed talking, and he didn’t stop for a long time.
When Magnus’ mind wandered off again, Alec took a brief trip outside. He refilled their water supplies, bought some food from an unsmiling woman, and rushed back inside. Magnus was still sleeping, and since there was no way to make him eat anything, Alec settled nearby. Speaking was increasingly becoming a challenge, but he hoped that if he went too hoarse, the Iratze would take care of it.
For the next hour, he was telling Magnus about how he would help Luke at the expense of his own powers. He was so absorbed in this memory that he almost missed the moment when Magnus opened his eyes again.
 “You are still here,” he whispered. It was the same words he’d said before, but this time, they sounded differently. Instead of being a miserable accusation, they were wondrous, hopeful, as if he couldn’t let himself rely on Alec’s presence yet but started wishing for it.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Alec confirmed. His hand went to stroke Magnus’ hair before he could stop himself, and his breath caught when Magnus carefully leaned into his touch.  
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foundationbuilt · 4 months
send ⭐ for me to choose which muses i would like to explore <3
i sincerely apologise for the ramble but this is what it came to sjsjsj. i'll put it under a read more so the whole dash doesn't have to suffer a long ass post.
scott & allison, ugh these babies like that was scott's first love and he was a stupid teenage boy with his heart on his sleeve and he made so many mistakes but allison holds so much of his heart. always. even if they break up, or don't get back together, or are just friends now, or whatever. she's so so important to him.
scott & lydia, the best of buddies. like this girl could have been like him, bitten by the same wolf and would've been part of the same pack ( even if it wasn't a pack ) but she didn't turn. she had something else going on, and scott wants to help so much with that and he feels such a connection to her anyway. and later he'll never understand how he could have ever gotten through life without lydia because she is one of the most important people in his life. i also do like exploring the idea of scott and lydia romantically ?? like, interesting how that would come around, but mostly i like them being platonic bffs.
on a role reverse for us muns, i'd like to explore dean and sam winchester interacting with scott because hunters coming across a true alpha like scott !!! that would be interesting, especially considering what part of the timeline dean and sam are at.
klaus & hayley !!!! one of my otp's, whether that's romantic, platonic, familial or enemies. i love these two's dynamics so so much, like it honestly has so much of my heart no matter what is going on with them. i love getting into the gritty realities between them as well as exploring how much they have changed and grown and evolved together. also so much potential for canon divergence's !!!!
hayley & davina's friendship !!! like these girls know what you have to do to survive in new orleans and they just ... help each other out when they can. it's all they can do. I think there's just something so sweet about this and i love it. i'd love to see hayley and davina also being like, older, and sister-in-laws, and being like, ugh, mikaelson christmas.
clary & simon, parabatai! best friends! awkward boyfriend-girlfriend! give me them all, like these two are the sweetest ever and clary loves him so much, and she needs him. he's literally the other half of her soul and, ughhhhhh! i love this dynamic.
clary & jace, another one of my otp's !! like these two angel kids struggling so much in this world with all these lies and pretences and false identifies they had been made to believe about themselves, finding each other amongst it all and finding themselves as well, and being together while doing that. as well as all the angst of course, because we can never get enough of that. but i'm good with angst and exploring that but also a happily ever after where they get to live the rest of their lives together. also would be interested in an au where the uprising didn't happen or happened later or whatever and clary and jace were both raised by valentine ... *side eye*.
jace & alec, parabatai boys!!!! that is jace's best bro, his soul, the first person who ever loved him and jace will never ever ever forget that. like alec is his soulmate and i will always scream about this dynamic. could also explore romantic jalec as well if you were interested in that.
jace & tessa, because herondale family feels !! i would absolutely adore building up a dynamic between jace and tessa like ....!!!!!!
percy & jason, these golden boys of their camps !! like there is so much potential there that's more than the macho falsity that didn't fit either percy or jason in canon that they were forced into. it is a dynamic i've explored in rp before and would absolutely love to do so again, there is so so so much potential. !!!
percy & annabeth, everything absolutely everything. like there's nothing i wouldn't write for these two.
percy & vienna, as soon as i read her about i thought of vienna helping percy control himself during a meltdown. like when he's creating a hurricane because of something that's went on and unable to control his emotions, vienna helped to control the weather even if only a little and it was enough to snap percy out of it and well, i don't know, but that's just what first came to my mind ... we could build on that.
peeta & katniss, again, everything, all the gritty details from the beginning to the end, i am so precious about these two, they hold my heart in so many ways. like they are so so damaged but aaaaaaaaaa !
RIGHT SO. i don't offically have rhode as a muse yet but i was talking with another mun about making her one tonight and then i saw kaia born in rhode island and it just ... felt like fate. rhode taking an interest in this one demigod ...
regulus & draco, like an au where regulus lives and he sees draco going down the exact same path that he did and he's like, no, stop, and that's his cousin's boy ( and he loves him, he loves narcissa, and he loves draco ) and he desperately doesn't want draco making the same mistakes !! ugh, that actually wretches my heart so much to think of regulus trying so hard to protect draco.
there are more but ... yes, i think i rambled enough jsjsjsjsjsjsj.
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Whispered Truth, Spoken Lies
Malec | Rated general | tw mention of biphobia, racism | Canon Compliant, in that canon never directly denies this, 5+1 things, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Humor, Demisexual Magnus Bane
Summary: 5 times somebody else tells Magnus something about Alec, and one time Magnus tells Alec something about himself.
A/N: Written for the Shadowhunters Ace Mini Bang.
Thanks to Liron for the beta and for organising this whole event!
Check out the amazing art (you can see it below the cut or on Twitter and Tumblr) by Xani (@soulless-baka, Xani9, or love_xani)!
Inspiration for the first scene drawn from the @malecdiscordserver and this Twitter thread.
Read it on AO3 or below the cut.
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1. Izzy
Today, Alec thinks rather giddily with an arm wrapped around Magnus’ shoulders, is unquestionably the best day of his life. 
How could it not be? The numerous threats that have loomed over them over the last few months — over the entirety of their relationship — are gone; most, if not all, of their family and friends have made it out alive; and, most importantly, they’re married. This is their wedding day. Alec’s not usually one for sappiness, but today, it’s well-deserved. 
Magnus grins up at him like he can read his mind and agrees, like he too feels the warmth that fills Alec up with love. They’ve been glued to each other all evening; the longest they’ve been separated today was because Izzy split them up to get them dressed for the wedding, and that only lasted an hour before they were at the altar together. Throughout the reception — including Jace’s hilarious but surprisingly meaningful best man speech — they’ve stuck together, unwilling to let the other one out of sight, and Alec wouldn’t have it any other way. Whenever things got a bit chaotic, because Alec loves his family and tolerates large Clave gatherings but doesn’t exactly adore parties per se, Magnus was there with soft touches and warm smiles that brought it all back down to just the two of them. 
But now, the chaos appears to be winding down — or not, Alec amends, watching Izzy step gracefully up onto the table. Her heels are fully eight inches tall, and he’s not sure how she can put them on, let alone stand up in them, but she doesn’t sway and manages to avoid stepping on any chinaware. 
Silence falls, heads turning in surprise, and when she has enough attention to satisfy herself, Izzy activates a rune on the wall which lights the wall up like a screen reading, in bold lettering, ALEC’S GLASS CLOSET. 
Alec feels heat rise preemptively in his face. This is going to be embarrassing. 
“Hello, everybody!” she declares cheerily. “This has been much more fun than Alec’s first wedding” — she and Jace are taking every possible chance to make digs about that, especially as Lydia is in attendance today; it is nevertheless true that the bright colours and grins on every face beat out the sober, polite, Clave-sanctioned smiles of his attempted marriage to Lydia — “but I think Alec can stand to blush a bit more, so I’ve made a presentation.”
She snaps her fingers, and the screen changes to something Alec automatically recognises as security footage from within the Institute, displaying a younger Alec — perhaps eighteen? — standing in Ops. As the wedding crowd watches, one of the other Shadowhunters turns away, and Alec’s eyes flick down to his ass, then up. Titters break out as the scene changes, to a different camera’s viewpoint, and the same thing happens again, with somebody else; Alec doesn’t want to know how much trawling through camera feeds Izzy’s done to come up with this, but despite the blush staining his cheeks, it is objectively hilarious. 
The scenes move forward in time as the presentation goes on; Alec grows from a still-gangly eighteen-year-old to a broader 21 over the compilation. He’d thought he was subtle about checking guys out, but clearly not; Izzy’s found enough vids to fill minutes, even though each one is barely seconds long. He doesn’t ever check out Jace; it’s not in the recording, but Alec knows that every time he caught himself looking at his parabatai like that, he’d felt a rush of shame strong enough to glue his eyes to the floor. 
Clary and co. show up with a bang — Alec had forgotten about that time he’d checked Simon out, but clearly Izzy’s managed to hack something or other to obtain footage — and it’s only a moment later that Magnus shows up. 
There’s a fair bit of laughter when the videos promptly become a series of shots of Alec admiring Magnus, and Alec thinks he’s probably red up to the roots of his hair. Magnus is laughing along with the rest, though, and Alec can’t help the besotted look he sends him. (Jace, on his other side, mutters something about now they’re doing it again, but Alec quite cheerfully ignores him. Jace has been complaining about their sappiness all evening, but the sappiness in their parabatai bond belies his words.)
The last image is their kiss at the wedding, and Izzy’s beaming as the wall returns to its normal colour. “Jace got to be best man — parabatai rights, yada yada yada — but I’m making my own speech, so listen up.”
The crowd quiets a bit. “As you can see, Alec’s never been as closeted as he thought he was—” she pauses for the sniggers to die down “—but he was never able to be open about it, either. I’d known he was gay for years, but I didn’t dare say anything, and he thought I’d reject him for it if I knew.” 
Alec feels his throat tighten, but with emotion rather than the fear he would’ve felt a few months earlier if he’d known his sexuality wasn’t as secret as he thought. He’s learnt, over the past months, that both Jace and Izzy already knew and that Maryse suspected, but it hasn’t really sunk in yet. Magnus squeezes his hand, and he feels a surge of impossible gratitude for him, for all of them. For the life he has now, in which he can hold hands with the man who’s turned his life upside down in the very best of ways, in which he can lead an Institute and love a Downworlder. 
Izzy’s face brightens into a less serious smirk. “Also, we all noticed that he stopped checking out other guys the moment Magnus showed up, which was really the first sign that it meant something.” The smirk tips sideways into something softer again. “And look at them now — so wrapped up in each other they barely notice anyone else. Jace already said this part for me, so I won’t go on about it, but thank you, Magnus, for loving my brother.”
She steps off of the table — not stumbling, despite her heels — as everyone claps, and the smile Magnus gives Alec makes the whole world brighter. 
2. Maryse
Alec loves his mother, he really does, and he’s incredibly grateful that she’s accepted Magnus almost as her own son, but sometimes he wishes they weren’t quite such good friends. 
For instance, right now, when Magnus has tugged his chair closer to Maryse’s to look at the photo album she’s showing him. A photo album of Alec’s childhood. This is a disaster.
Magnus is, admittedly, cooing, but he is also laughing far harder than Alec’s dignity is happy about, especially when Maryse tells a particularly embarrassing story. Like the one about six-year-old Alec wanting to help Izzy learn to use a whip, trying to steal one from an older Shadowhunter, and getting tangled up in it, at which point Maryse managed to take a picture; Alec admits that he looked ridiculous, but Magnus’ commentary is more along the lines of adorable, which is completely unacceptable.  
(Alec had eventually succeeded in obtaining a whip, learning to use it, and then teaching Izzy; he stopped learning with her once she was well on her way to mastery, and she’s better than him by now.)
“You were so cute as a child,” Magnus tells him, grinning. “You’ve already got that serious little frown, which is still adorable now, but it’s even cuter on such a small face.”
“Shut up,” Alec replies, face brick-red. “Can’t we do something else now?”
Maryse laughs, rather evilly. “But we’ve only seen the one album! I’ve still got two more—”
“Absolutely not,” Alec retorts, glaring at her. “If I knew you were just going to tell embarrassing stories about me, I wouldn’t’ve invited you here.”
“Actually, I invited her here,” Magnus interposes, “and I’m really enjoying learning about how adorable you were as a child.”
Alec continues his staring contest with Maryse. “I’ll — figure out something embarrassing to tell Luke.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Good luck with that.”
“I’ll stop inviting you over to the Institute.” It’s an empty threat, and she knows it. 
“That’s what I have Izzy and Jace for.”
A thought strikes. “I’ll make that stew for you again.” 
Horror spreads on Maryse’s face, and she caves. “…What if I told you a story about Magnus instead?”
Magnus’ brows pinch. “You don’t know any stories about me — or at least, none that Alec doesn’t know already.”
“Is that so?” She raises an eyebrow. “Well, I remember a certain day, twenty or so years ago, back when I was in the Circle—”
Realisation dawns on Magnus’ face, but too late. 
“The circumstances weren’t — ideal” — the shadows on her face bear testimony to the likely corruptness of whatever she was doing — “but I do recall claiming that I wanted to create a better world for myself and my son. Care to say what you replied, Magnus?”
Magnus huffs nonchalantly, but Alec can tell from his expression that he knows exactly what he said and is dreading Maryse’s reveal of it. “Something embarrassing, I’m sure.”
“It was, if I recall correctly, ‘I have no interest in the world you want. Or in your doubtless repellent brat, I might add.’” She’s clearly barely holding back laughter. “Little did you — or I — know that in twenty years, you’d be married to that same ‘doubtless repellent brat’.”
A groan from Magnus, but Alec’s too busy laughing. 
After all, fair’s fair. 
3. Simon
“Sherman!” Magnus greets, smiling. “Lovely to see you, my dear.”
“Not lovely enough to remember my name, though?” Simon returns, sighing. 
“Of course I know your name, Samuel,” Magnus shoots back with a grin. “Come in, everyone else’s here already—”
Alec waves as Simon comes in, then wraps an arm around Magnus’ shoulders as his husband settles down beside him. Magnus relaxes into the touch. Jace, Clary, and Izzy are scattered around the room on Magnus’ various comfortable chairs; Simon takes a spot beside Clary and gratefully accepts the glass of blood Magnus snaps into his hand. 
As the spurt of greetings dies down, Jace returns to the topic they’d been discussing before Simon came in: teasing Alec for being, quote, “a simp for Magnus”. Alec listens with something caught between embarrassment and pride, while Magnus is outright chuckling. 
“See, nobody else is like that about their significant other,” Jace declares, hands waving in the air. 
“I seem to recall using Raziel’s Wish to bring you back from the dead,” Clary points out. 
“Yeah, but Alec said he’d do the same for Magnus.”
“I agree with Jace,” Simon puts in, to the blond’s surprise. “Alec’s hardcore. Remember when he wanted to become a vampire so he could go to Edom to be with Magnus?”
Alec stops paying attention, because Magnus has abruptly stiffened at his side, and he realises that Magnus didn’t know about that whole thing. It hadn’t seemed relevant, since Magnus was safe with no such measures necessary; Alec might’ve told Magnus about it if it came up, but he’d honestly forgotten about the whole thing. 
Clearly, it isn’t quite as irrelevant to Magnus, who’s staring at Alec in shock and disbelief — an expression that Alec has seen before whenever Magnus can’t believe that Alec is willing to do something for him. An expression which Alec is more familiar with than he’d like. Often, his heart aches for Magnus, who’s been burned so many times by so many people that basic common decency seems like something out of the ordinary. 
“You were going to do what?” Magnus hisses, voice low and almost terrified. Apparently, disbelief has given way to anger. 
“Turn myself into a vampire so I could go to Edom with you,” Alec replies, implacable. The others sitting around the room seem to fade away, eclipsed by the man in front of him. “Nephilim can’t enter Edom — or couldn’t, without Clary’s Alliance rune — and I needed to get to Edom, which meant not being Nephilim anymore.”
“You’d lose your runes,” Magnus says, and Alec resists the impulse to say Well, duh. 
Instead, he meets Magnus’ eyes with all the love he holds inside of him, the love that sometimes feels so big and explosive that he wonders if he’ll implode under the weight of it. He never does; this love only makes him stronger. “You’re more important than my runes, Magnus.”
Magnus makes a sharp, cut-off sound, like he isn’t sure if he wants to strangle Alec or kiss him. “More than your parabatai rune? Alec, you didn’t think it through—”
“I thought it through,” Alec retorts. “Losing my parabatai bond would be bad, but I wouldn’t be losing Jace — he’s just as much my brother with the rune or without. Even if I was losing Jace, though—” and Alec hesitates for a moment, not from uncertainty but because he needs Magnus to know how true this is, how much he means it “—even then, I’d do it, Magnus, because you are worth everything.” He knows Magnus, knows that all his life he’s been taught that he is worth less than others, that he’s somehow less important because he can smile and laugh even under the weight of centuries. You are not inconsequential, he wants to say, wants to smooth away those years of pain. He’ll get there eventually. 
For a moment of frozen stillness, Magnus stares at him with that same disbelief rising in his no-longer-glamoured eyes, and then he falls forward to kiss Alec with all he has. Alec holds him close, almost desperately, and pours all that he feels into the kiss. 
Behind them, Clary is reluctantly admitting that what Alec and Magnus have is a bit more, but Alec ignores them in favour of the man in his arms. 
4. Raphael
Dinners with Magnus’ side of the family ought to be more embarrassing for Magnus than they were for Alec — and they usually are, thanks to Cat’s propensity for giving Alec all the best tales of Magnus’ past adventures — but tonight is clearly an exception. 
It starts off well enough: Cat tells yet another story about Magnus in Peru, leaving Alec to wonder exactly how many minor catastrophes Magnus has caused and why it took Peru so long to ban him; Magnus groans half-heartedly and protests, though he knows from experience that it’s hopeless. After Cat leaves for her next shift at the hospital, however, Raphael apparently takes pity on Magnus and decides to do a Maryse: tell stories about Alec. 
The problem is that Raphael is one of the very, very few who know a particularly embarrassing secret. “Have I told you about Alec’s first crush?”
Magnus raises an eyebrow. “I think we all know Alec used to like Jace, my dear boy.”
“That wasn’t Alec’s first crush, though.” Raphael is obviously suppressing an evil grin, and Alec puts his head in his hands. 
Wrinkling his brow, Magnus glances first at Raphael, then at Alec, then back again. “Who was it, then?”
“I’ll let Lightwood tell you.” Raphael leans back in his seat, apparently satisfied that he’s caused Alec’s reputation sufficient damage. He doesn’t even need to keep pressing the issue; Magnus is obviously intrigued, and he won’t let Alec avoid this particular confession. Shit. 
Magnus turns to Alec expectantly. 
Alec huffs and crosses his arms. 
Magnus’ eyes widen pleadingly. 
Alec sighs. He’s never been able to resist those eyes. Magnus beams, and he can’t really regret anything that brings such a bright smile to his husband’s face. 
“Keep in mind that I was eleven at the time,” Alec starts, “and I didn’t have much exposure to guys.” He has no doubt Magnus will be laughing by the end of this, but he’d like to justify himself a bit in advance. 
“Go on,” Magnus says, still grinning. 
Alec sighs again, deeply, but goes on. “I’d caught wind of a vampire and a Silent Brother who’d come to talk to Maryse and Robert. Naturally, I told Izzy and hurried over to eavesdrop, mostly because a Silent Brother seemed like an important guest. The Brother — Jem Carstairs, actually — was telling them something interesting about a yin fen shipment, but I was distracted by the vampire.” Alec gestures to Raphael and waits for the realisation to sink in. 
Magnus’ eyes widen, and he promptly bursts into laughter. “Wait — you’re telling me — Raphael?” he manages between gasps. 
“Raphael,” Alec confirms, lips twitching to echo the smile splitting Magnus’ face. He’s laughing free and light and happy, and Alec can’t really mind the minor embarrassment. 
Eventually, Magnus calms down enough to talk properly. “Alexander, I cannot believe you would do this,” he says, putting on an overdramatic look of utter betrayal. “This entire time, you’ve been after my adoptive son.” 
The vampire squints at the moniker. Alec raises an eyebrow, deadpan. “Yes. I actually married you to get closer to Raphael. That makes complete sense and is definitely something I would do.” 
Magnus loses the battle against another round of delighted laughter, and Alec relaxes back in his chair with a smile. 
5. Lydia
This week has apparently been designated the Embarrass Alec Lightwood Week, because the day after the Raphael revelations (which Magnus probably won’t stop teasing Alec about for years), Lydia shows up for their semi-regular dinners together with yet another story in tow. 
Perhaps it was odd that one of Alec’s best friends in Alicante is his ex-fiancé, but there’s a reason he proposed to her in the first place: she’s a lot like him, in personality and in goals, and he knew she’d make a good co-Head. They probably would’ve ended up hating each other, trapped in a loveless marriage, but as friends, they simply work. 
To Alec, it’s more surprising how well Lydia gets along with Magnus — their personalities couldn’t be more different — but then again, the same could be said of Alec and Magnus. Initially, the relationship between Alec’s husband and his ex-fiancée was mostly swapping stories of Henry Branwell, but it’s shifting to encompass things that make Alec blush. 
“Izzy’s presentation at the wedding was hilarious,” Lydia is saying, grinning. 
“It was!” Magnus beams back. “I knew he was a disaster gay, but I didn’t know he was a disaster gay.” 
“I’d already seen the disaster gay brain in action, though,” Lydia says, and Alec feels a sudden surge of worry as to what secrets she’ll spill. Magnus leans forward, interested. “It was before we met, back when Alec was determinedly closeted — or thought he was, at least.” (Alec huffs.) “Anyway, I suggested we talk to you for some reason or other. Alec said — and I quote — ‘Magnus is, um… quite magical.’” 
Alec buries his face in his hands. 
+1. Magnus
“I have a confession,” Magnus says, rather abruptly, and Alec looks up in surprise. 
They’re in the loft, just relaxing in each other’s company, but something in Magnus’ voice suggests that this is a more serious topic than their previous discussion, a debate over where to have dinner. Magnus’ expression confirms the hypothesis: he’s frowning slightly, a hint of hesitance in his eyes. He’s still sitting half on Alec’s lap, half on the couch, with one arm wrapped around Alec, but there’s nevertheless something uncertain in his posture. 
“Go on,” Alec tells him, when he pauses before continuing. He doesn’t want to push, but Magnus has clearly been working himself up to this for a while, only to hesitate at the last moment; he needs a bit of encouragement to get past it. 
“I… may have lied to you on our first date,” Magnus says, after another moment, eyes darting away from Alec’s. 
“About what?” Alec prompts again. 
“I haven’t — you asked me how many people I’d been with.” Magnus is reluctant, but determined; Alec wonders how long he’s been thinking about this. “I didn’t — well, even if I had had sex with seventeen thousand people, I doubt I’d remember the exact number. As it is, I’ve been with… fewer.”
Alec considers that. He’s never really thought about that conversation, not since he decided it didn’t matter how many people Magnus had been with; as he thinks about it now, though, it does seem unlikely that Magnus knows the exact number of people he’s had sex with, and seventeen thousand is a lot. But that can hardly be the confession Magnus seems so anxious about. 
Magnus swallows, then keeps talking. “I don’t know how well you remember that conversation, but when you asked me how many, I said ‘seventeen’.”
“And then you hesitated, and I assumed you meant seventeen thousand,” Alec agrees. 
“I’ve only been with seventeen people, total,” Magnus says softly. “I know I — I build up this persona of somebody who has sex a lot, and obviously there’s nothing wrong with that, but for me, it’s — it’s just seventeen.”
Alec blinks at him, then quickly wraps an arm around Magnus’ shoulders to pull him closer because there’s an awful terrified expression on Magnus’ face, as though he fears Alec’s going to — to leave him, or something ridiculous like that. “I said it then, and I’ll say it again now,” Alec murmurs into his hair. “I don’t care how many people you’ve been with — or haven’t been with, as the case may be.” 
Magnus relaxes into Alec’s hold, tracing his fingers over his wrist. “I know you don’t care. Logically, at least,” he amends at Alec’s raised eyebrow, because Magnus had certainly seemed worried about Alec’s reaction. “It’s just that… well, because of the way I dress and my sexuality — and, at certain times in the past, because of my skin colour — people tend to assume that I have sex more than I do, even when they don’t deem me some sort of sexual predator. And if I told someone I was with that I don’t have sex that much, they’d be disappointed, or confused, or they’d leave. So I’d lie about it, like I lied to you. I pretended I had sex as often as they all assumed I had. Took control of the narrative, in some sense. Learned to flirt. And the few times I’ve confessed the truth, it… hasn’t gone well.” 
“Camille?” Alec asks, recognising the expression on Magnus’ face. 
“Among others,” Magnus confirms. “She — she said it was unnatural, for an immortal to be such a prude. Said I needed to enjoy life more. Said the only reason she cheated on me was because I was lacking, and if I didn’t understand why she’d cheat, it was because I was somehow wrong.” 
Alec holds him even closer in the momentary silence that follows, hoping that he can convey with his embrace that Camille was the one in the wrong, always, that there was never anything wrong with Magnus. Judging by the soft shudder Magnus makes in Alec’s arms, he got the message across. 
“I am… different, though,” Magnus says quietly, half-muffled in Alec’s shirt. “I mean, obviously there are people — even immortals — who don’t go around having sex (and far more who don’t cheat on their partners), but it’s not like that for me. It’s like — it’s that I don’t want to have sex with a random stranger. I want to get to know them first. It’s only when I already like their personality that I actually feel attracted to them.”
“I’m not going to judge you for that,” Alec says. “I love you. You love me. Everything else is — academic.”
Magnus’ smile is imprinted on Alec’s shoulder. “I love you.”
“I know,” Alec points out, half joking, then becomes serious again. “But have you considered — I mean, I don’t know a lot about it, but I was reading a bunch of mundane articles on sexuality and such, and do you think you could be some flavour of asexual?”
When Magnus raises his head, his mouth is slightly open, and he’s blinking quickly. “I… hadn’t thought of that.” He’s silent for another moment, considering. “I’m not fully ace, since I definitely feel attracted to some people” — he leers at Alec — “but I might be… greysexual. Demisexual, maybe.” He glances down at his fingernails, thoughtful, and the nail polish shimmers as it shifts to the colours of the demisexual flag. 
“And that’s for you to decide,” Alec tells him, gently. “Whichever one you are, I love you.”
“I know,” Magnus says, a bright flash of a grin illuminating his face, and Alec thinks that this, here, is all he’ll ever need. 
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
You mentioned how we don't know of any reaction from Robert and Maryse to Jace being Stephen's biological son because back then these relationships didn't exist, I started writing a message about it here and realized I was brainstorming a whole fix-it idea to how the revelation of the past that leads to Jace's parentage could go.
I took that wall of text somewhere else already. It's so frustrating how there are layers os past story behind a setup that ends up only mattering to the dilemma of Jace and Clary having permission to be together. Stephen and Michael were names that needed to exist for the purpose of not being Valentine, the revelations all pile up to reveal that Jace and Clary CAN kiss and that's the only thing that matters. Not how any of these people from the past were important to people like Robert, Maryse, Patrick, Hodge and how that ended up naturally affecting Alec, Isabelle and Aline. They aren't Jace and Clary, so whatever. Robert's infidelity and homophobia were made up later just to have something being about Isabelle and Alec, and Michael as a person was made up even later, when none of it was important anymore.
Current canon has that Robert and Stephen were actually really good friends (as in The Wicked Ones!) That makes a lot of sense because they are people that could truly understand each other even if they didn't open up to each other too much, they presented similar characteristics overall. I would say their friendship worked far better than whatever any of them had going on with Valentine and called it friendship.
The frustrating part is that this good friendship between Robert and Stephen changes NOTHING in the story.
I'm certain Robert must have had OPINIONS and FEELINGS on Stephen dumping Amatis and getting together with Céline, but that's irrelevant, and he mourned his friend Stephen already when he died, and whatever he feels about Jace being their son has no impact in the plot or development of anything in the story, except of course it would enrich (and possibly even DEVELOP) his and Maryse's characters, god forbid.
Relationships within the Circle members that had some impact, in my opinion: Stephen and Luke, as Stephen ended up taking Luke's place as Valentine's second in command and regretted it; Maryse and Michael, as Maryse raised Jace believing him to be Michael's son at the same time that she didn't like Michael at all (which is established in Son of the Dawn and I could almost imagine the narrative winking at me, 'cause, you know, Maryse didn't like Michael, you know, *wink*); Valentine and Michael, as one ended up murdering the other and his baby son and stealing his identity; Hodge and Robert/Maryse (THEY ENDED UP LIVING TOGETHER FOR MANY YEARS).
Of course Stephen's relationship with anyone is a priority for Herondale reasons, and thank you The Wicked Ones for the Robert content that added like nothing to his character anyway. This one was a weird type of fanservice that I got if you ask me. It's still pointless. Stephen wasn't the one that was forced to live with Robert and Maryse for over fifteen years and ends up betraying them. That seems like a complicated relationship, I would love to know something about it.
I can passionately rant about the writing of elements related to the Circle forever and it's all Robert's fault... ugh
- R
Coming back to that “Robert and Maryse to Jace being Stephen's biological son because back then these relationships didn't exist” I also don’t think there is much of a relationship between them and Jocelyn. Way back when I read TMI the first time, it seemed like they barely knew each other, they didn’t seem like they even had shared history. Because the primary focus was on Clary and Jace, obviously, everything else in the world, the very relationships that enabled such thing as the Circle in the first place, were completely absent.
The point where I am at in CoLS, Michael doesn’t really exist beyond not-being-Jace’s-dad-after-all. He has not been brought up. The whole Secret Treasons gang did not exist in any distinct or sufficient way during TMI because none of the characters act accordingly. Only thing is Maryse’s hatred for Valentine in CoA, but even that is rather hollow. Things I think that should’ve been brought up with Maryse’s and Robert’s characters but weren’t:
Hodge helped to tutor and raise the Lightwood children but ended up betraying even them
Michael is revealed to have died long time ago/he was dead all this time
Jace is actually Stephen and Céline’s son
Jocelyn’s return (other than them just talking somewhere in the background)
How does Jace going from being Michael’s son to actually Stephen’s son shift their thoughts? Not that they’d love Jace more or less, but it makes a change in their orientation
But then again, this isn’t their story. And bah. If you aim to create an intricate story structure, at least you could do is make it well-actualized. Especially since some of these majorly concern Jace and Jace’s relationship to his parents, Maryse and Robert, who knew Stephen and Céline, who could tell him about his parents, because they were supposedly friends. But if we consider City of Fallen Angels, that instalment had the least world-building and any sense or reason. The plot just happened to the characters without them having to lift a finger, and the rest was filled with boring shit that meant nothing.
Wouldn't that book have been the perfect opportunity to cover the aftermath of all these revelations? To expand on pre-existing concepts and ideas?
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polarnacht1 · 2 years
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Ich habe 352 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 129 more posts als 2021!
27 Einträge erstellt (8%)
325 Einträge gerebloggt (92%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 245 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
Nur 30% meiner Einträge hatten keine Tags
#alex rider – 112 Einträge
#jalec – 48 Einträge
#shadowhunters – 48 Einträge
#yalex – 47 Einträge
#yassen gregorovich – 43 Einträge
#alex rider tv – 29 Einträge
#yassen gregorovich – 23 Einträge
#alec lightwood – 20 Einträge
#jagnus – 18 Einträge
#malace – 16 Einträge
Longest Tag: 32 characters
#jonathan christopher morgenstern
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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Powerless To Move
written for the @arshipweek , prompt: dubcon
Ship: Yalex Rating: E Tags: post-canon, unhealthy coping mechanism & relationship - they come along though, mildly dubious consent, rough anal sex, feeling realization, love confession, happy ending
Summary: Alex always comes to Yassen when he starts to become blurry around the edges, so Yassen can make him solid again, whether he wants to or not. They both know that there is more between them than what they are willing to admit, until a mission gone wrong pushes them to make a final decision.
Read on A03
14 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. März 2022
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Hellbound (8/8) ~ 50 K Ship: Jalec Rating: E Tags: AU, Vampire Jace, BAMF Jace, BAMF Alec, getting together, falling in love, hurt/comfort, angst, banter, snark, thirsty boys - in more ways than one, oral sex, blood drinking, anal sex, smut, frottage, masturbation, difficult decission, happy ending
Summary: Alec’s life seems preset. He’s born into a prestigious Shadowhunter family and his parents’ expectations are clear. Alec has to follow in their footsteps and carry on the Lightwood legacy. His world turns upside down when a girl stumbles into his life and demands his help, and even more so when this help involves dealing with the local Vampires. Jace is a century old Vampire and likes to keep a low profile. However, when the signs in the Shadow World turn towards war, he decides it’s time to step up and protect his people. He’s prepared to deal with the New York Shadowhunters though he tried to avoid them as much as he could in the past. He’s not quite prepared to deal with Alec Lightwood, who is different to all expectations he had. A story about falling in love and overcoming hardships along the way
14 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 20. Januar 2022
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When Angels Lie for @mewsiex Ship: Jalec Rating: E Tags: Parabatai Love, Getting Together, First Time, Virgin Alec, Loss of Virginity, Tender Sex, Top Jace, Bottom Alec, Smut, Anal Sex, Good Decisions, Happy Ending Summary: Jace and Alec are Parabatai, and thus a romantic relationship is forbidden by law and cursed by the angels. Nevertheless they cannot help but fall for each other, though they don’t act on it, too afraid of the Parabatai curse. When they learn that the curse is a lie, there’s nothing holding them back any longer. Read on AO3
15 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 1. Februar 2022
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The Bottom Of The Ocean
written for @arshipweek, prompt: blood
Ship: Yalex Rating: E Tags: Secret Relationship, jealousy, possessive Yassen, possessive sex, anal sex, blood kink, mild painplay, marking, knifeplay, feelings, happy ending Summary:
Sometimes the need to hide his relationship with Yassen leaves Alex vulnerable and insecure, driving him to explore other options. When Yassen sees him flirt with another man, he’s determined to show Alex that he’s his and his alone. Read on A03
16 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. März 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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What is it?
A prompt bingo open to all Alex Rider writers and creators. Please read the rules below before signing up via the linked Google form linked. If you have any questions that aren’t answered by the info in this post, please get in touch with us via email! 
How to sign up?
You must be 18+ to participate.
This event runs from August 1st until November 30th 2022.
Allowed ships: All
Allowed ratings: All
Fic, art, moodboards, playlists, graphics, fanvids and gifsets are all accepted as long as they are posted to our collection on AO3 in accordance to AO3’s rules
Each card is a 3x3 square (8 prompts plus a free space).
You can request a NSFW card which only includes smutty prompts, a SFW card without smut, or a MIXED card which includes both.
You can write one multi chapter fic with one prompt per chapter, and therefore multiple prompts across the whole story.
Please specify in each chapter/fic what prompt you are filling as this is what we will use to verify your card is accurate at the end of the challenge
One prompt only per chapter or per oneshot!
You can request to replace squares on your card, and you can request a completely new card.
If you have completed one card, you can get another one.
At the end of the event, you can apply for a badge to celebrate your level of achievement. For details see below.
No kink or ship shaming of any kind will be tolerated during this event. The collection is being moderated. 
A03 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Alex_Rider_Bingo_2022
Badges and Achievements
We'd like to reward you for your efforts! At the end of the event you will get a badge you can share on your socials for:
Participant (1-2 fills)
Spy (3 or more fills with no Bingo or Blackout)
Bingo Winner (3 fills in a row, any direction)
Blackout (all squares filled)
To be eligible:
Mark each prompt you fill off on your card as you complete it.
Upload each of your prompt fills to the collection as you go.
At the end of the event, send us a pic of your card with your fills marked off. We will double-check against the works you have uploaded. Badges will be sent out during December once we have done the double-check.
Vollständigen Eintrag ansehen
37 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 18. Juli 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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(I just tried to send a prompt but I don't think it went through so if you just saw this prompt please ignore, sorry 🙏)
This is something that I've been thinking about for a few days so I thought I'd send it in as a prompt.
Izzy was/is interested in magnus and is perhaps angry/bitter/confused on why magnus chose alec (over her, in her opinion)
I think izzy early canon has an almost childlike idea of what relationships are? So I think the fact that she's pretty, likes clubbing, isn't anti-downworld, and is interested in sex (and/or other superficial things) would make her think that she and magnus are romantically compatible
If this isn't your vibe that's no big deal but I thought I'd share in case it sparked an idea
i didn't go the bitter route (nothing wrong with it, it just didn't fit with my thoughts) and i agree with her childlike/naive idea of relationships and using sex for information. so i hope you enjoy this.
“And how exactly do you plan on getting Magnus Bane’s attention?” Alec asks, eyebrow raised as he tries to figure out what exactly Izzy thinks she’s doing. “He already declined your meeting and turned down the payment of the necklace for memories. What else do you think will work when that didn’t?”
“Alec, don’t be so dour. No one can resist me, not like this.” Izzy gestures to herself with a smirk, her white leather outfit showing off her muscles and runes and Alec frowns, an unfortunate amount of skin for something that is technically a mission. He really hopes she has enough ointment if they end up encountering ichor.
Izzy winks behind Alec at Jace and Fray and her hand comes up, playing with a very large necklace that Alec only vaguely recognizes. It clicks with a sigh, and he stares at her, before holding his hand out, unimpressed.
“Izzy, he turned it down. It goes back into the vault archives.”
“But it might be used to get a meeting. If I’m the one wearing it.” Izzy laughs and covers the red stone with her hand, “it’ll be fine hermano. Lighten up.”
Alec hears Jace scoff and mutter, “come on Iz. Alec doesn’t lighten up.”
It’s infuriating but Alec just grits his teeth. It’d be one thing to respond, but he doesn’t need to deal with another argument in full view of his shadowhunters. There’s been enough insubordination and Izzy and Jace will only get worse until he figures out how to deal with it.
Magnus has his attention on one person and one person only and he knows exactly how to play this.
“And who might such a lovely lady’s companions be?” Magnus asks, acting charmed as he kisses the air above Isabelle’s hand. She blushes, eyes wide and she’s already drunk on the thrill of thinking someone as powerful and aloof as Magnus is under her thrall. It’s a pity she’s so naïve
, but Magnus has heard about her among the downworld. A beautiful, talented lover, a vicious fighter and a naive, attempted informant who could be trusted to share more than was shared. She’s absolutely perfect for what Magnus has decided he wants.
“Clary Fairchild.” Isabelle says with a dramatic flourish, “who is in need of her memories. Our finest shadowhunter,” she winks at the blonde who looks proudly at Clarissa and then Isabelle motions to Magnus’ choice. “And my brother, Alec.”
“Short for Alexander?” Magnus asks, because he can’t help it.
“Yes?” Isabelle asks, puzzled, but she’s distracted when Magnus summons a drink to everyone’s hands with a snap of magic.
“I only thought that with such a lovely name is yours, it would be a pity to not have the same consideration.” Magnus flatters and she flutters her lashes before sending a smirk to Alexander. Alexander is barely paying attention, a frustrated look on his face as he studies his drink and takes a hesitant sip. His face twitches in a grimace of distaste and Magnus changes it with a thought, even as he idly pays attention to Isabelle.
“We brought this, to negotiate with you for Clarissa Fairchild’s memories.” Isabelle touches the jewel hanging around her neck with a sharp little smirk.
“It’s unfortunate, but I really don’t have a need for the necklace.” Magnus says, tone dripping with sincerity, “however I wouldn’t mind making another kind of deal. Especially not with someone of your rather predtiegous bloodline.”
Magnus gives her a lingering once over, to make his insinuation clear and Isabelle giggles and curls her hair with her fingers, looking up at him.
“I’m happy to come to an understanding with you.” Isabelle murmurs and she steps closer, “an entanglement for the memories, perhaps?”
Magnus smirks, because this is exactly what he wants.
“The easiest way to get Miss Fairchild’s memories back is in a sex-ritual. It will also be the safest way, as otherwise her memory integration could be painful.” Magnus shrugs, because it doesn’t really matter to him. “I’m sure the clave will give one of their little soldiers a week or two off, for the chance of finding their precious cup.”
“Izzy, are you serious?” Clarissa asks, suddenly looking concerned but Isabelle laughs, in fact she looks delighted by the idea.
“Oh Clary, this is part of the fun. Business and pleasure go hand and hand.” Isabelle tosses her hair with a playful nudge to Clarissa whispers quietly. “This is going perfectly.”
“It is indeed.” Magnus says, letting magic twist his voice into words of an oath matching her own. Louder, without the cover of magic, Magnus asks, “then, do we have an oath of accord? Bound by the blood of your house?”
“We do.” Isabelle says and she cuts her own lip with her teeth and speaks her agreement with blood on her tongue before she swallows it, keeping it safely within her own body. However, it’s not safe enough and Magnus smiles, smug and delighted.
“Then I’ll see you all in a few weeks.” Magnus tells them and he uses the prisms of time to step across the room and he wraps his arm around Alexander’s waist. “It’s a pleasure doing business with the house of Lightwood, Isabelle. I’ll have your house’s heir back when I bring the memories. Perhaps, we can negotiate for further services at that time.”
Magnus portals Alexander and himself away, through the space of time deposits them both in Edom and he keeps his hand on the small of Alexander’s back as he surveys the dark red of Edom. The place Magnus is set to rule while his father battles with Azazel in the hopes to take his power for his own.
Magnus spent the first three weeks redecorating and he lets Alexander sprawl across the umber and black marble and looks down at him with a pleased smile.
“Welcome to my palace, Alexander. You’ll be protected within the walls of my abode, including the gardens and balconies.” Magnus leans down and pets his fingers over Alexander’s mouth. “However, I suggest you not try to leave my wards, sweetheart. They very air in Edom will shred your lungs and the demons will rampage at the scent of your blood. I can only keep you as safe as you let me.”
Alexander stares up at him and Magnus wonders what he tastes like. If he still tastes like the gin drink he so clearly disliked, or if he tried the second one Magnus made for him and he tastes like strawberries now.
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bytheangell · 2 years
Elle’s 2021-22 Shadowhunter Bingo Masterlist
I’ve had a ton of fun creating fic for the 2021-2022 Shadowhunter’s Bingo! I didn’t manage to blackout my card but I did write a ton thanks to these prompts, and I hope you enjoy them! Infinite thanks to @shadowhunterbingo​ for running this event! 
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Sex Work - Making Moves | Teen, No ship, Isabelle focus
As a sex worker, Isabelle knows that she has to look out for herself, so she's going to do just that.
Halloween Fic - The Treat of Trick Arrows | Teen, Clary & Alec & Izzy friendship
Clary is shocked when Alec agrees to let them wear Halloween costumes on patrol, and even more surprised when Alec's costume comes with a very helpful added bonus! 
Witch/Familiar - A Moment Changes Everything | Teen, Ragnor/Raphael 
Raphael meets Ragnor's familiar, and the two grow surprisingly comfortable. (Warning for canon mcd)
Wing Fic - There’s No Give-Up in Us | Teen, Alec & Clary and Clary & Izzy friendship 
When the wings that Clary's rune summoned to aid in killing Jonathan return even after the rune fades, she doesn't know what to do about them.
Warlock Mark - Shared Marks | Gen, Lorenzo/Andrew 
If a Nephilim’s soulmate is a Downworlder, then they take on the characteristics of that Downworlder. When Andrew wakes up the morning after Alec and Magnus' wedding with a warlock's mark of scales along his skin, there's no mistaking what it means.
Fuck or Die - Just off the Key of Reason | Mature, Jace/Jonathan 
Upon entering The Bone Chandelier, Jace subjects himself to unknown Seelie magic at Jonathan's insistence. The desires it brings to the surface are unexpected... but not entirely unwelcome.(content warning for dub con, sex pollen drug, frottage) 
 School Teachers - Change of Tune | Gen, Jace/Simon 
Jace is quick to dismiss the newest music teacher, but Simon is about to make a much more lasting impression than he would've imagined. 
Babysitting - Current Thoughts of Future Days | Gen, Lorenzo/Andrew 
When Lorenzo and Andrew babysit Magnus and Alec's children, they end up discussing the possibility of children of their own... one day. 
True Love’s Kiss - They Don’t Love You Like I Love You | Teen, Magnus/Jace
When Jace Herondale is put under a curse that only True Love's Kiss can break, only Alec knows who that is - he just has to decide if breaking Jace's trust in keeping his secret is worth it. 
Blind Date - A Lot In Common | Gen, Lydia/Tessa 
Lydia and Tessa realize that they have more in common than they first thought, and it might work to both of their advantages. 
Blind Character - Attitude and Outlook | Teen, no ships 
When Alec comes across a blind Shadowhunter who isn't being given a fair chance to train, he transfers her to the New York Institute to see what she's really capable of.
Vampire Alec - Eternity With You Doesn’t Sound That Bad | Teen, Alec/Raphael
When Alec gets too close to Raphael Santiago it lands him some unwanted attention as leverage against the vampire with life-changing results.
Magic - Faith in the Face of Instability | Teen, Lorenzo/Andrew 
When Lorenzo loses control of his magic, Andrew doesn't hesitate to come to his rescue no matter the risk.
Crossover - What’s Your Emergency? | Teen, Emma/Julian 
Trapped in place with a broken phone screen, Emma's forced to call for help from the only number she can dial by heart for help, and the first responders of The 118 come to the rescue. 
Rune Ceremony - Worth the Risk | Teen, Simon/Jace 
Simon is faced with a difficult decision after his class's Ascension Ceremony takes a turn for the worst. Does he leave, or risk it all to get his memories and his life back? (Warning for canon mcd)
Free Space - Working Relationship | Teen, Christopher/Grace 
Why would Christopher want to be anywhere other than completing his experiments with the person who seems to complete him?
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hello. How are you feeling? I hope you're doing well and keeping safe. And not working too hard. I hope you had an excellent and spectacular day. You of all people deserve it sooo much. Now that the very important questions are asked,I would like to say some things which randomly come in my brain and because I'm incapable of keeping my thoughts to myself. I have to make it everybody's business. Now, since you love lists and a list would make this simpler, here goes:
Have you ever wondered about Magnus's birth name? Like, do you want it to be revealed,or should it remain a mystery. I personally want it to be revealed.
2. Now, talking about TEC, what do you think about a Clockwork Princess style epilogue for Tbvotd? Like, we'll get that closure about Malec's relationship ( And cry buckets of tears). How Alec died, when he died,about the extended family etc. (Although the Lbaf gang is canon for me. You have made it so perfectly. That was a compliment btw. You should take it,and not be a Modest Magnus™)
3. Note: This one is not me asking your opinion, it's stating mine. I think one underrated Malec phase is the post Cohf malec. Like it wasn't explored upon. And it could have been really great if we did get content on it. Like,their first date after the break up,how both of them would have been nervous as hell. Alec wants it to go perfectly because he doesn't want Magnus to second guess the decision of getting back together. Magnus because he doesn't want Alec to think he made a mistake by accepting him and his past. Then,their first time after. Then the discussion of Alec moving in. Then being softly hesitant and then slowly becoming absolutely sure about their relationship and each other's feelings about them. There was just so much lost potential. CC should have given us something.
4. An AU that came in my mind. Malec are high school sweethearts. They actually knew each other from childhood. They were best friends before dating. Tmi gang is like the elite group in high school. They are very popular. Now,the angsty part. Alec's parents are politicians. They accepted him being gay but they were against him dating Magnus because he has a background (like him killing his stepfather and his mom committing suicide. And his birth father being MIA) which will not be good for someone who's going to be a politician. So, Alec's parents try to dissuade him from dating him,but Alec is adamant. So,Parents and Alec make a deal. Alec gets to date Magnus until graduation. After graduation,he can't date him anymore. Alec agrees, thinking his parents will see reason when they see him happy with Magnus. he doesn't tell Magnus about it. Izzy and Jace know about it and tell him to tell Magnus but he doesn't listen. Comes graduation day. Happiest day of Magnus's life. Because he's proud of how far he's come. Alec arrives late at graduation,and seems very miserable. Magnus asks him what's wrong. Alec tells him he has to break up with him. Magnus doesn't believe him and asks for the reason. Alec tells him about the deal. Magnus feels very betrayed and says Alec has been lying to him the entire time. Alec tries to explain and say his feelings were real and he wasn't playing around with Magnus. Magnus is heartbroken so he doesn't listen. Izzy and Jace come in. So do Simon and Clary. Magnus finds out all of them knew about the deal.(since Iz&J told Si& Clary). magnus thinks everyone betrayed him. he leaves with one parting line to Alec-. THANK you Alexander. Thank you for making what was supposed to be one of my happiest days into one of the saddest. He leaves. They try to track Magnus but he's off the grid. Alec accepts that he's gone. After 5 Years. Alec is a politician. Clace and Dizzy are thriving at life. They travel to LA (or any other place which is not NY) they see Magnus there. He has a new friend group. He's a hotshot lawyer. they're shock because he always wanted to be a photographer.
I can't think anymore.you add your details
I have wondered! I actually mention it one of my ongoing fics hehe. But I like mysteries so I don't want to know what it is. I like the name Magnus way too much 🥺
Thank you for the compliment, bebe. I think we're very unlikely o get that kind of closure for malec or any of the characters. There is a popular theory that TWP might end with clace wedding and since TBVOTD is released before that (IF I AM NOT WRONG) i think cassie won't write anything that will spoil the rest of the books.
I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH. And yes! So true! Getting back together after a break up is to tricky and I too would have loved to know how they navigated it. I really liked your ideas about it! Maybe you should write a one shot about it ;)
ps - but seriously though these ideas are so fucking good i would love to read snippets or even MULTI CHAPTER FICS if you want to explore these ideas 💚
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solarisrasa · 1 year
All I Could Bring Myself to Want is You pt 11
A Malec fic canon divergent from the moment Alec hands the Family Ring back to Maryse Lightwood.
Read it here on Ao3
part ten
Meredith stepped closer to Underhill as a patrol came through, Rodriguez going out of his way to glare at her. Since the night she’d spent with Magnus Bane the attitude of her fellow Shadowhunters had grown colder. Most of them were still civil but the warm welcome she’d received when she’d first arrived from Idris appeared to have been rescinded.
“Underhill?” She asked, gently.
He was one of the people who had kept the same cool professionalism between them and had still been willing to talk to her for things outside of patrols and reports. He was also her superior so it hadn’t done a lot for the growing loneliness.
“Rembrand.” He nodded at her, gaze returning to the screen he was watching and she cleared her throat.
“Have I...did I break a rule?”
He sighed, “Meredith. I’m not really the person who should be having this conversation with you.”
“So I did. I thought it was  fine . Are we only allowed to spend the night with Downworlders if we’re dating them? Is that it? Or is Magnus a bad guy or something?”
She knew her questions were ridiculous but she had tried to think of another explanation and come up blank.
“No, to all of that. I’ve asked Isabelle to intercede on your behalf, but she’s been busy the last few days. Hopefully once she can address the issue things will get better for you here.”
Meredith huffed, “I still don’t know what I  did.”
Underhill looked uncomfortable but at least he was finally facing her properly, “You’re new and Magnus...he’d been missing a while so no one thought to warn any of the transfers. Hell, most people had some idea at least, there was enough gossip that spread after Alec’s wedding.”
Meredith opened her mouth, confused, Alec wasn’t married, was he? Underhill held up a hand.
“It’s a long story, but the important thing is just...Alec and Magnus were together. Things ended between them with a lot of complications that are their business, but neither of them wanted to break up.”
“If they weren’t together then why?”
“Meredith, Alec was going to ask Magnus to marry him. Whatever happened between them? It’s a large part of why Alec stepped down and you stepped right into the middle of Magnus’ return because you didn’t know.”
She stared at him. She didn’t know Alexander Lightwood well, but she could guess what Underhill hadn’t explicitly said. Magnus was the love of Alec’s life and likely a major player in the affair with Valentine. When she’d first transferred she’d been surprised at how withdrawn Alec and Jace, heroes by all accounts, were. Suddenly a lot of things were making sense.
She stuttered to a stop because walking across ops, looking lighter than he had in an age and accompanied by his parabatai, a woman who could only be Clary Fray, and Magnus Bane, was Alec Lightwood.
“Sir.” Underhill nodded, unable to hide his smile.
“Andrew! Is lovely Isabelle in her office?” Magnus swayed closer and Meredith wanted to hide, especially as eyes landed on her.
Magnus cursed internally but still smiled at the girl,  Meredith . It wasn’t her fault that he’d made extraordinary poor choices that night.
Alexander had gone tense beside him and Andrew kept looking between them as he slowly answered, “She is. Simon is with her, excited to see Clary.”
Magnus nodded and made his decision. He turned, tipping his head at Alec toward the office and watching hazel eyes as they searched his face. Alexander’s gaze darted briefly to Meredith and Jace jolted forward a step, harsh lines set in his face. Alec caught his brother’s chest with the back of his hand, eyes locked on Magnus.
“Magnus and I will follow. Jace take Clary.”
Jace cut a glare at the poor girl before catching Clary’s hand and leading her away, leaving Underhill to tactfully remove himself from the group. Magnus did so love the man's ability to read a room.  
Meredith, the poor thing, looked between the two of them with wide eyes and a pinched mouth.
“I was...I was just told that I really  fucked up.” She said, her voice tight, and Magnus winced.
“No.” Alec took a breath, “You didn’t know, Meredith and we weren’t...we-”
Magnus hated watching Alexander try to absolve her, he could see how, confronted by her, it hurt him.
“It was my choice to approach you and I’m sorry, I wasn’t in a good place when I saw you that night. I am old enough to know better than to spread my problems to others.” Magnus tried to make sure she understood that this was on him.
She nodded slowly, but her focus was on Alexander.
“If I’d known, sir, I never would have taken the offer. I understand if you want me to transfer-”
Magnus frowned, “I know business and pleasure never mix well, but I doubt anyone expects you to uproot your life here just because I made a mess.”
Meredith shifted, uncomfortable and looked to Alec again, but he was staring through her more than really seeing. She appeared to brace herself, “Mr., uhm, Mr. Bane? It’s a kind of a big deal to everyone. Getting involved with someone another Nephilim is or was seriously involved with...there’s steps that are supposed to be taken first and it’s generally frowned on. I’ve been getting a lot of...well there’s been a lot of ill-will since you took me home and I didn’t know why until I asked Mr. Underhill.”
Magnus stared at her and slowly turned to Alexander. His love was looking straight ahead, jaw locked tight, but he nodded his confirmation and Magnus pulled a breath in through his nose. He really had made quite the mess.
“Alright...alright then. Okay. How do I fix it?”
Meredith gave him a gentle, sheepish smile, “You  can’t. Mr. Lightwood can, maybe, help a little but I think it’s just going to take time if I stay here, although Ms. Lightwood  might be able to stop people from switching out of my patrol group and-”
Alec made a low noise, “That’s ridiculous.”
Meredith looked surprised, “Well, I did break a major social rule, sir.”
“I’ll talk to Izzy and I’ll do what I need to so that it doesn’t further affect your career. You won’t need a transfer though, I’m no longer assigned to this Institute.”
Meredith blanched at that and Alexander quickly explained, “I’ve accepted the office of the Inquisitor. The formal announcement has been pushed back at my request.”
Magnus sighed, watching as the assertion only made her look smaller.
“I truly apologize for the position I’ve put you in with my recklessness. We will do everything we can to correct it.”
“Thank you.” Her voice was a whisper but Alec just nodded and turned away from her, leaving Magnus to offer her a gentle smile and hurry after him.
He caught Alec’s shoulder in the hallway outside of Isabelle’s office, “Alexander.”
“I’m fine Magnus, just-” Alec swallowed hard enough Magnus could hear it, “I didn’t want to face her again. I was trying to forget, I guess, that she happened. Another Shadowhunter.”
Alexander didn’t raise his voice, just sounded even and tired, but the words might as well have been shouted for how they twisted Magnus up inside. He remembered the bright joy that Alexander had tried to hide, once.
  “So, I’m your first Shadowhunter?”
Magnus had never meant to find another, especially not as number 1702. He clasped Alexander’s hands between his, waiting until his love faced him properly.
“I wanted to hurt you. I was still angry that night and I lashed out, in a way, by sleeping with her and I will never know how to apologize, but I hope, in time, I can right that wrong.” He tightened his hold, looking down, uncertain how to continue.
Alexander’s voice made him look up and despite the pain that lingered in his eyes, Magnus found a well of love and forgiveness too.
“I won’t say that the things that have happened don’t hurt because that would be a lie, but we’ve both made enough mistakes, I won’t make another one by holding this against you. It’s resolved, I just need to take steps to prevent our mess from affecting someone else any further.”
“Alexander I-”
Alec untangled their hands but then his large, warm palms were cradling Magnus’ chin, one hand sliding to curl behind his neck and tug gently.
Magnus followed as he was led carefully to Alexander’s lips. They stood in the hallways of the New York Institute, a place that had seen many of Magnus’ worst moments. This would not be one of them.
Alexander kissed him like he was pressing the grace of forgiveness to Magnus’ sinning mouth. The soft press of his lips, the slow stroke of his thumb over Magnus’ cheek, and the warmth of his body as they curved together left no room for anything but their love. Magnus made a soft sound in the back of his throat, fingers curling around one of Alec’s shoulders and his wrist as he folded into his love.
At the sound Alexander licked into his mouth, gentle in his movements and Magnus gasped softly. Alec tilted his head with a press of his wide hand and stepped into Magnus further, making him shift back until Alexander was kissing him against the wall.
Magnus knew they should stop.
Alexander parted from him just enough to breathe his name into the space between their lips and Magnus couldn’t bear to stop him when he leaned back in.
He lost all sense of time to the whisper of Alexander’s kisses and the heat of his body. It was unhurried and gentle enough that Magnus wondered if he wasn’t unmade in the dim light.
Eventually Alexander stopped them, rubbing his thumb over Magnus’ swollen lower lip, eyes following the trail of it.
“We’re late.”
Magnus hummed, trying to sway back into Alec’s space. Alec stopped him with the firm pressure of his thumb against his mouth and Magnus blinked before nipping it slightly.
“After this, we’re locking ourselves in the loft together.”
Alexander laughed as he drew back enough to let Magnus get his bearings again, “I won’t argue that.”
Alec felt more centered as he knocked lightly on the door to his sister’s office. Magnus was smiling a little dazedly beside him and he was  very pleased.
Simon opened the door and grinned at them before his eyes widened, “Oh.  Wow.”
“What?” Jace tugged the door further open, took one look at the two of them, and rolled his eyes, “I’ll sleep elsewhere I guess.”
Magnus snorted, “I’ll soundproof your room Aurora.”
The tendril of unease that had crept into their bond at the thought of being apart for the night dissipated and Jace grinned, but there was gratitude in his eyes.
“Alright, too much information!” Clary called and Simon finally stepped out of the way so they could come into the room.
Izzy was sitting with Clary by the fireplace and she grinned up at Alec and Magnus as they came in. Alec just rolled his eyes and the wicked gleam in her eyes.
“You’re all insufferable.”
“Aw, c’mon, you missed this.”
He grumbled as he found a seat, tugging Magnus to sit pressed close to him. Jace took the floor between Alec and Clary and Simon fell into the other open seat beside Izzy.
“I was just talking to Clary about her coming to train between her classes, for now.”
Alec was surprised, “Do you think you’ll stay in school?”
Clary shrugged, “I don’t know right now, I guess it depends on what I feel like once I have all my memories back and sorted, but I don’t want to be totally reliant on the shadow world again, just in case.”
Magnus leaned forward, “That sounds like a great plan. Just remember, you have a very wealthy patron, if you ever need one.”
Clary blushed a little but laughed along with the others. Alec sighed slowly and relaxed, finding his footing here, with his family again. He watched Jace and Simon sass each other, Magnus easily egging them both on, and Clary and Izzy whisper together.
“Don’t you look like the cat who caught the canary.”
Alec blinked, registering that Magnus was grinning at him.
“I don’t eat birds.” He tried to keep a confused expression but a raised eyebrow from Magnus made him lose it, laughing.
“Just admit you’re a giant sap Alec, it’d be easier than grumbling about everything.” Jace drawled, leaning against Clary’s shin. Alec flipped him off.
Jace returned the gesture easily and opened his mouth to continue but Simon cut him off.
“Dude, do you have a tattoo?”
“What!?” Izzy leaned over to see and Jace held out his arm, smirking. His eyes were soft though and Alec felt the warmth in their bond. Magnus’ mark meant a lot to him.
“Nah, I’ve just been denoted special by  someone.” Jace nodded toward Magnus who winked.
“Us warlocks do like to lay claim to things and people that are ours.” He flicked his fingers, “Lovely Isabelle?”
She blinked and Alec could see the wetness in her eyes. After Catarina had Marked him he knew Izzy had done research, she knew what this meant.
Magnus smiled, gently, “You’re family, little sister.”
Alec swallowed the lump Magnus’ words put in his throat, watching Izzy slide out of her chair and kneel in front of Magnus.
“Is here...can you put it here?” She touched the spot under her collarbone, above her heart, and Magnus nodded.
“If you don’t want it seen, it won’t be.” He touched her skin and the same tree shape appeared but with tiny blooms on the tips instead of the triangle of Jace’s. Izzy raised her hand to cover the mark and then threw herself into Magnus’ arms, elbow hitting Alec.
“Suck it up!” Izzy said, laughing even as he patted his arm in apology.
“No offense, Biscuit, Sherman, but-”
Simon held up his hands, “We aren’t there yet, man, I get it.”
Clary nodded along, her eyes wet as she watched Izzy return to her seat, touching the mark with a little smile. Alec’s heart almost hurt for how full it was.
He winced, the warm feeling was growing uncomfortable and he shifted, frowning. The heat that had started as more of the nebulous joy in his chest was becoming physical and burning.
Jace’s gaze zeroed in and the conversation that had resumed cut off as he jerked closer, “Alec?”
“It’s fine, just-nnn” The burn sharpened and he closed his eyes, pressing his hand over the Betrayer Mark.
“Alexander?” Magnus sounded worried but Alec couldn’t answer him as the pain increased.
“His Mark.” Jace spat, grabbing at his shirt.
“What’s wrong with him?” Clary’s voice was high with concern.
“It’s-Ah!” Alec hissed and then Jace was shoving his shirt out of the way.
Magnus swore and then he was gone, the sound of a portal the only thing Alec registered.
“Where’s he going?” Simon.
“Probably for help.” Izzy, her hands pressed into Alec’s ribs, cool in comparison to the fire in his core.
Another portal, he couldn’t make it out though he forced his eyes open, the room a haze of color.
“What’s happening?” Jace’s voice was a growl and Alec isn’t surprised to hear Catarina answer.
“The Mark, it...I placed it with a secondary effect. It denotes him a traitor but it also was meant to hurt him if he ever found peace again. I was so angry with him and I wasn’t thinking clearly,” something cool was washing over him, “I’m sure, with some of you around, it never healed at all, trying to harm him for what little peace you brought him. My guess is that he really, truly felt whole with you all here and it activated the curse.”
“Remove it.” Magnus’ voice was the edge of a blade, razor sharp and cold as steel.
“I am.” Catarina nearly whispered.
The cool feeling centered over the bright star of pain in his core and slowly drew it out, leaving Alec unfocused and gasping where he was slumped in his seat. He gasped and scrambled for his chest as soon as he could, ignoring the voices around him.
The skin that had been irritated and raised with the mark was smooth and soft again. He pressed his fingers against it, staring down at himself.
The mark had meant something to him. He’d clung to the way it hurt him, to the things it represented, the betrayal of his own heart and of Magnus, of all the people who had counted on him to be  better than he was.
Finally, he looked up at Catarina.
“Thank you.”
She flinched, “I never should have done it.”
Alec shook his head, “I needed it.”
There was a chorus of denial but he held up a hand, “I didn’t want you to take it back because...I needed it to remind me of my failures and because I saw it as penance. Without it I don’t know where I would have found those things. So, thank you for giving it to me,” the horror that was dawning in her and Magnus doesn’t stop him, “and thank you for coming to take it away now that I won’t...I won’t need it.”
“ Alec.”
He didn’t look at Jace, “I, for one, am sick of everything that’s happened lately, so maybe we can make this the last big thing?”
“You all need so much fucking therapy.” Catarina finally said and the tension in the room snapped.
Magnus fell back into his seat, curling an arm around Alec. Jace smacked his knee but their bond was lit with concern and love. Izzy bent to kiss his forehead and he laughed as Simon and Clary both tried to scoot closer.
“Don’t worry Cat, way ahead of you. Tell Madzie hi, will you?”
She scoffed in disbelief, “Oh no, you can tell her hi when you come visit. I owe you at  least a good dinner.”
Alec grinned, “Ethiopian?”
“Yes, and don’t beam at me like you weren’t just delirious with pain. Magnus, get him home, I’m ordering you two to  properly take your vacation now.” She glared at them both and Alec had to suppress another laugh. She wasn’t wrong though, his chest still ached.
“Clary’ll stay with us!” Simon chimed in, clearly overjoyed to have his best friend back in the circle. Jace rolled his eyes but gave Alec a little nod and he knew it would be alright to leave them for a while.
“See you at home?” Magnus asked and Jace blinked at him in surprise before his expression softened.
“Yeah. Yeah I’ll be in around sundown. Go make this stubborn asshole,” he jerked his chin at Alec, “rest.”
“Well, darling, I think we’d better get out of here before someone forces it.” Magnus winked at him and Alec rolled his eyes.
“Goodbye collective pain’s in the ass.” Alec gave them all a little wave and let Magnus tug him through a portal to the sound of Izzy’s ringing laugh.
Part twelve
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